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My friends are planning a trip to Ecuador.

They want to learn Spanish.

They're going to call a hotel near the airport. They want to make a reservation for one night.

They have to go to the bank. They need to change some money.

They bought a guidebook. They wanted to learn more about the country.

They need to do some research. They want to find cheap flights.

They're going to the drugstore. They want to buy some travel-size toiletries.

My friends are planning a trip to Ecuador. to learn Spanish.

They're going to call a hotel near the airport to make a reservation for one night.

They have to go to the bank to change some money.

They bought a guidebook to learn more about the country.

They need to do some research to find cheap flights.

They're going to the drugstore to buy some travel-size toiletries.

We want  to go to the Barrier Reef to learn to dive

I'd like to get tickets to the Sydney Opera House to see a concert.

We're going to fly to the outback to go walking.

I'd like to visit Tasmania to see some friends.

I need to go online to find some cheap hotels.

We want to go shopping to buy some opal jewelry. 

Is it important to bring a guidebook?

Is it safe to carry cash?

Is it expensive to rent a car?

Is it easy to find cheap restaurants?

Is it hard to get around?

Is it necessary to make hotel reservations?

Is it important to bring a guidebook?

Yes, it is. It's important to have information on tourist sites.

Is it safe to carry cash?

No, it's not. It's better to use credit cards.

Is it expensive to rent a car?

Yes, it is. It's cheaper and easier to use public transportation.

Is it easy to find cheap restaurants?

Yes, it is. It's best to ask the concierge at the hotel for advice on cheap restaurants.

Is it hard to get around?

No, it's not. The subway's really easy to use.

Is it necessary to make hotel reservations?

Yes, it is. It's hard to get a room without a reservation.


Is it important to bring a guidebook?

Yes, it is. But it's also important to bring a phrase book. It's nice to
learn a few phrases, like "please" and "thank you".
No, it’s not. It’s easy to walk around and there are a lot of signs for
Is it safe to carry cash?
Yes, it is. But it's good to bring a credit card, too.
No, it's not. It's better to use credit and debit cards.
Is it expensive to rent a car?
Yes, it is. But it's better to use public transportation.
No, it’s not. It’s also easy to find free parking.
Is it easy to find cheap restaurants?
Yes, it is. It's best to ask the concierge at the hotel for advice on
cheap restaurants.
No, it's not. It's hard to find cheap places.
Is it hard to get around?
Yes, it is. It's best to rent a car.
No, it's not. The subway's really easy to use.
Is it necessary to make hotel reservations?
Yes, it is. It's hard to get a room without a reservation.
No, it's not. There are a lot of hotels, so it's easy to get a room.

a flashlight

a toothbrush

a hair dryer

a pair of scissors

a razor

 When you go on a trip, you need to take a toothbrush and__________  to clean your

Use sunscreen at the beach to protect your skin.

Don't forget to take pajamas to wear in bed.

Most hotels have shampoo if you need to wash your hair.

When you go camping, you need a sleeping bag so you can keep warm at night.

Many hotels don't have a razor in the bathroom, so if you want to shave, you need to take one
with you.

Always take a first-aid kit on trips because you can get hurt or get sick.

It's important to take batteries for your flashlight and your camera.

Wear sandals to keep your feet cool when it's hot.

Always wear insect repellent if there are insects and mosquitoes.

We're going hiking in the mountains this weekend. What should we take?
Well, you should Take insect repellent and a first-aid kit.

We're going skiing for the first time next month.

You know, it's easy to get a sunburn. Don't forget to use sunscreen.

I want to go backpacking in Asia on my next vacation.

Then you need to pack a lot of light clothes.

My mother and I are planning a shopping trip in Hong Kong.

Then you really should take an empty suitcase with you.

It's my friend's birthday Friday. She's planning an all-night party.

BIn that case, take your pajamas with you.

I'm going on a camping trip, but I'm scared of the dark.

Why don't you take a flashlight?

I'm really excited about my trip to Paris. We're going to do a lot of walking.
You shouldn't forget to take some comfortable shoes then.
I'm starting a dance class next week, but I don't have the right shoes.
You could borrow your sister's shoes.

We're going hiking in the mountains this weekend. You need to wear good hiking boots.

We’re going skiing for the first time next month.   Pack warm gloves and a hat.

I want to go backpacking in Asia on my next vacation. Check what visas you need before
you leave.

My mother and I are planning a shopping trip in Hong Kong. Don't spend too much money!

It's my friend's birthday Friday. She's planning an all-night party.  Don't forget to take her a

I'm going on a camping trip, but I'm scared of the dark.  You should go with lots of friends
so you're not alone at night.

I'm really excited about my trip to Paris. We're going to do a lot of walking.  It's a good idea to
go on a boat trip too.

I'm starting a dance class next week, but I don't have the right shoes.  Why don't you ask
your teacher where you can buy cheap shoes?

Don't forget to pack a bathing suit, so you can use the hotel pool.
It's a good idea to bring a phrase book so that you can ask for things.
You could change money at the airport, so you don't need to find a bank.
You shouldn't use the subway late at night. Taxis are much safer.
Why don't you take different shoes? High heels aren't good for hiking!
You should always take a first-aid kit when you go abroad in case you hurt yourself.

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

Don't forget to pack a bathing suit. The beaches are wonderful.

It's a good idea to buy a phrase book so you can ask for things.

You could change money at the airport, so you don't need to find a

You shouldn't use the subway late at night. Taxis are much safer.
Why don't you buy a really big hat to protect your face from the sun?
You should wear sunscreen all the time. The sun is really strong.

That's a great idea
I don't know. I don't really like fish.
I'd love to! When?
Maybe someday.
I don't know. Theater tickets are pretty expensive.
That sounds like fun. What do you want to see?
That sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go?
Yeah, maybe we should do that sometime.
I'd like to, but I need to get a part-time job.
That's an interesting idea. Let's do it.

Let's drive up to the mountains next weekend.

That sounds great.When should we leave?

I don't know.It's pretty cold this time of year.

We could take a semester off from school and go backpacking.

AI'd love to. Where do you want to go?
BMaybe. I want to finish studying l before I go traveling.
Why don't we go snorkelling sometime?
AThat sounds like fun. I love snorkeling.
BI don't know. I'm afraid of the water.

We should go camping next spring.

AThat's a great idea. I loved camping when I was younger.
BI'd like to, but I don't have a tent or a sleeping bag.

Why don't we just stay home, watch TV, and relax over the winter break?
AI'd love to. It sounds great!
BI guess we could, but I'd prefer to do something fun over the break.

Would you like to go dancing tomorrow night?

Nick  I guess I have to work, but I guess I could go Sunday night.

Why don't you come to the beach with me this weekend? It would be fun.
I guess I should get away. But I should study for my exams.

  Let's eat out tonight. I'd like to try that new Mexican restaurant downtown.
 We could try it, I guess, but I really feel like Italian tonight.

 I went to India last summer, and the food was amazing! I loved it!
Yeah, it's good. I guess I could make some Indian food tonight.

  Mandy and I have four tickets to a Broadway show on Friday. You and Mari should come with
 We could, I guess, but we don't have a babysitter

Why don't we drive to the beach?

Let's visit my grandmother this weekend.

Why don't we go camping in the mountains?

We could go to Europe for a couple of weeks.

Do you want to meet my parents?

Let's see a movie after class tonight

I guess we could. I don't have plans. What movie do you want to see?
Sorry, I can't. I'm busy tonight.

Why don't we drive to the beach?
I'd like to, but it's kind of cold to go swimming.
That's a great idea. I'll pick you up at three o'clock this afternoon.

 Let's visit my grandmother this weekend

I can't this weekend. I'm working.
Hmmm, I guess we could. But she sometimes goes away on weekends.

Why don't we go camping in the mountains?

I'd like to, but it's pretty cold up there now. Maybe we should wait until the spring.
That's a great idea! I love camping.

 We could go to Europe for a couple of weeks.

I'd love to. I really want to go to Italy.
I don't know. I don't have much money.

 Do you want to meet my parents?

Sure. I'd love to meet them.
Yeah. I guess it's time to meet them.

 Unit 7 Lesson C That’s a great idea.

 4 Let’s see a movie. Activity C
 Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.
 Let's see a movie after class tonight.
 Great idea. What time? I guess we could have dinner later?
 or
 I guess we could. I don't have any plans. Let me think about it.
 Why don't we drive to the beach?
 That's a good idea. I guess I could borrow my parents' car.
 or
 I'd like to, but I guess it's kind of cold to go swimming.
 Let's visit my grandmother this weekend.
 Yeah. I'd love to see her. I guess I'm free on Saturday.
 or
 Hmmm, I guess we could. But she sometimes goes away on weekends.
 Why don't we go camping in the mountains?
 That sounds good. I guess we could go in the summer. How long do you want to go
 or
 We could do that, I guess. But maybe we should wait until the spring. It's pretty
cold up there at this time of year.
 We could go to Europe for a couple of weeks.
 I'd love to go to Europe. I guess we should start saving for it now.
 or
 I'd love to go, but it sounds a little expensive. I guess I need to save money for
school and things.
 Do you want to meet my parents?
 Sure. I'd love to meet them. I guess I really should, too.
 or
 Well, I'd like to, but I guess I feel nervous about meeting them.

Dive into the lobby



Most divers go underwater to see fish and coral reefs. But in Florida, in the U.S., you can also

stay at the world's only underwater hotel. It takes about an hour to dive down to the Jules

Undersea Lodge. Then you swim up into the pool in the lobby to check in. The rooms are

small, so you should only take a few things. Fortunately, the hotel packs them in a waterproof

container and takes them there for you.

Salt, salt everywhere
The Hotel de Sal Playa in Bolivia is certainly different. It's almost completely made of salt –
the walls, tables, chairs, and even the beds. Everything except the toilets! While we were there,
we visited Fisherman's Island with its fabulous 12-foot cacti. It's fun to rent mountain bikes to
go and see the salt hills, lakes, and hot springs. Just be sure to take sunglasses – the sun gets
extremely bright

A place to chill out

It's a pretty long way to go to stay at the Ishotellet (Ice Hotel) - 100 miles north of the Arctic
Circle in Sweden. But it's definitely worth the effort. It's hard to imagine sleeping on an ice bed,
but with a reindeer skin and a good sleeping bag I was warm. And my wake-up call came with
a hot drink. Make sure you check out of the hotel before it melts in the spring! But don't worry –
they rebuild it every winter.

How do you get to the Jules Undersea Lodge?

by diving underwater

How long does it take to get to the Jules Undersea Lodge?

about an hour

What are three interesting things to see near the Hotel de la Playa?
salt hills, lakes and hot springs

Why do you need sunglasses at the Hotel de la Playa?

because the sun is extremely bright

 Where do you sleep at the Ice Hotel?

on an ice bed

 Why do they have to rebuild the Ice Hotel every year?

because it melts every spring
Dear Beth, 
I'm having a fabulous time here in Ireland. 
We're staying in Baltimore, a beautiful fishing village. I'm attaching a photo so you can see all
the fishermen's cottages. 
Today we went kayaking and saw birds and seals.Tomorrow our guide is taking us to an old
castle. It's going to be a lot of fun. 
See you next week! 

Dear Beth,, Start the email.

I'm having a fabulous time here in Ireland. – Say if you're enjoying your stay.

We're staying in Baltimore, a beautiful fishing village. –  Describe the place, food, or

I'm attaching a photo so you can see all the fishermen's cottages. – Attach a photo and
describe it.

Today we went kayaking and saw birds and seals. –  Say something you did.

Tomorrow our guide is taking us to an old castle. It's going to be a lot of fun. – Say something
you are going to do.

See you next week! Annie – End the email.

 Dear Sam,
 I’m writing you from the Hotel de Sal Playa, which is made of salt!
 I’m having a wonderful time here in Bolivia.
 The food is good, and not salty at all!
 Yesterday we visited Sucre, one of the two capitals of Bolivia.
 I’m attaching a picture of at the House of Freedom in Sucre.
 Tomorrow we’re going to La Paz. We’re staying there for a few days and then
we’re coming home.
 See you next week! Maria
 Dear Sam,
 I'm having a fabulous time here in Bolivia. I'm staying in Uyuni. It's
an amazing place. There's so much to see. Today we visited the
Hotel de Sal Playa - it's made of salt! We had lunch there. The food
was great, and not salty at all!
 Tomorrow we're going to Sucre, one of the two capitals of Bolivia.
We're staying there for a few days and then we finish our trip in La
 See you next week! 

ChrisYou know, we should take a few days off sometime.

AdamYeah, we should. Definitely.
ChrisWe could go to Mexico or something.
AdamThat's a great idea. 
ChrisWe could even go for a couple of weeks.
AdamWell, maybe. I guess we could, but . . . 
ChrisYou know, we could just quit our jobs and maybe go backpacking for a few months. . . .
AdamWell, I don't know. I'd like to, but . . . I guess I need to keep this job, you know, to pay
for school and stuff.
ChrisYeah, me too, I guess.

ChrisWell, maybe we should do something next weekend.

AdamYeah, that sounds OK. I'm not working next weekend.
ChrisOh, good. We could go camping or something.
AdamYeah. We could take our mountain bikes.
ChrisGreat idea. We could go Friday and come back Sunday.
AdamCool! Well, I have a tent and a couple of sleeping bags. . . .
ChrisAnd I guess we should take some cooking things and flashlights and stuff. . . .
AdamAnd some warm clothes. It's going to be cold at night.
ChrisYeah, right. And we need food.
AdamUh-huh. And . . . oh, no. There's the boss. . . .
BossHey, guys! You're not on vacation, you know.
AdamUm, sorry. . . . OK, well, let's talk later.
ChrisOK. Back to work, I guess.
BossYeah! And by the way, I need you both to work next weekend. . . .
Chris / AdamOh, no!
True False

Chris and Adam

are planning to go
1 on a long trip.

They are both

excited about the
2 trip.

Their boss is
helping them to
3 plan their trip.

Chris and Adam

are happy at the
4 end of the

Chris and Adam want to do something next weekend.

They plan to go camping.
They plan to go on Friday night.
Adam says he has a tent and sleeping bags.
The boss wants them to go back to work.

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