He Missed His Stop. They Walked Into A Glass Door. A Server Spilled Tomato Sauce On Her. She Tripped and Fell Into The Pool

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A friend deleted files on her computer.

He missed his stop.

They walked into a glass door.

A server spilled tomato sauce on her.

She tripped and fell into the pool.

I was so embarrassed.
I was worried people would laugh at me or think I was silly.

Something went wrong,…. There was a problem

I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t focus on the important thing.
I did it accidentally. It was a mistake.

She deleted the files on my computer.

She erased the files.

I missed my stop on the train.

I didn’t get off at the right stop.

We wanted to look cool.

We wanted to look good and impress someone.

A problem on the way to work I missed my stop.

A problem with a computer She accidentally deleted my files.

An embarrassing moment I walked right into a glass door.

Sean missed his stop.

Julia’s friend deleted her music files.
Roberto walked into a glass door.

Sean took the bus to

work on Monday.

2 Sean got to his meeting on time.

3 Julia’s friend made a mistake.

4 Julia’s friend wanted to help


5 Roberto met a group of friends at

the mall.

6 Roberto felt embarrassed.

Are you having a bad week?

Sean Davis 
Actually, yes. I was going to work on the train Monday morning, and I was talking to this
woman. I guess I wasn't paying attention, and I missed my stop. I was half an hour late for a
meeting with my new boss.
Julia Chen 
Definitely! My friend accidentally deleted all my music files when she was using my computer.
Actually, she was trying to help me – she was downloading stuff from my phone, and
something went wrong. I spent hours on the phone with tech support.
Roberto Moreno 
Yeah, kind of. A couple of days ago, a friend and I were trying to look cool in front of some girls
at the mall. We weren't looking, and we walked right into a glass door. I was so embarrassed.

Sean was going to work.
He said, "I wasn’t paying attention."
Julia’s friend was using her computer.
Roberto and his friend were trying to look cool.
He said, "We weren't looking."

Sean missed his stop because he was talking to a woman on the train.

Julia’s friend deleted all Julia’s music files when she was using her computer.
Roberto and his friend were trying to look cool when they walked into a glass door.

Yesterday my friends and I were walking to class, and we found a wallet.

Last week I wasn’t paying attention on the bus, and I missed my stop.
This morning I was having breakfast in the cafeteria, and I spilled my coffee
Last night I was deleting old emails at my office, and I deleted all my photo files.
My brother was washing the dishes this evening, and he broke two glasses.
Last night we weren’t watching TV, and so we didn’t see the news.

We were waiting  (wait) for a bus for a long time, and we got to work late.
My dad was making dinner last night, and he burned it!
My sister was watching her favorite TV show, and her friend called.

I was trying to look cool in front of my friend's sister, and I fell over.

My cousins were going to class yesterday, and they ran into an old friend.

Sean wasn’t paying attention when he missed his stop.

Julia’s friend deleted all her music files when she was using her computer.
Roberto and his friend were trying to look cool when they walked into a glass door.

My dad deleted my photos when he was using my camera.

When my friend was using my cell phone, she dropped it.
When I was talking to a friend, I missed my stop.
When we were shopping at the mall, we saw some cool guys.
My mom and I fell asleep when we were watching an old movie.
I found some cheap shoes when I was looking on the Internet.

I was having lunch in a café yesterday when the server accidentally spilledtomato sauce on

my shirt. I guess he wasn't paying attention. I was upset, but I got my lunch for free.
My friend and I were at a barbecue last week. When we were walking around the yard,
she tripped and fell into the pond.

I damaged my parents’ car last week. I was trying to park, and my friend was talking to me,
and I hit a wall. Now I have to pay for the repairs.

I was in a chemistry class recently, and a classmate and I were doing an experiment when
something went wrong. I burned my hand.

Last week I was on the bus, and I was talking to my girlfriend on my cell phone. Well, actually,
we were having a long argument. We weren't getting along at the time. When I ended the
call, I realized that everyone on the bus was listening. How embarrassing!

A Where were you when you lost something?

B I was walking to class

A What did you lose?

A I lost my wallet.

A How did you feel?

B I was really annoyed!

A Did you find it again?

B Luckily, one of my classmates found my wallet and gave it back to me.

I was reading a book on the train, and I missed my stop.

Last night when I was washing the dishes, I broke a glass.
I was texting a friend of mine, and I tripped and fell on the street.
Yesterday when I was using my computer, it suddenly crashed.

Give your own answers. Here are some examples. 

Blog entry: 
I was doing my homework after class on Tuesday. I spilled water all over my work. I had to do
my homework again. I was so mad! But I got a good grade for my homework. That made me
Blog entry: 
When I was shopping yesterday, I realized my wallet was at home. I was in the supermarket
and I was waiting to pay. But I didn’t have any money! I had to put everything back. Everybody
in the store was looking at me. I was so embarrassed!{{

What went wrong for me this week

What went wrong this week? What didn’t work out?
What happened?
What were you doing when something went wrong?
What did you do next?
How did you feel?
I broke my arm.

I got a black eye.

I sprained my ankle.

I cut my finger.

I hurt my back.

head upper body lower body injuries

eye neck hip break an arm
face shoulder leg get a black eye
nose arm knee sprain your ankle
wrist ankle cut your finger
hand foot hurt your back
finger toe

I can’t lift anything heavy. I hurt my back

I can’t walk. I broke my leg.

These shoes hurt. I broke my toe.

It’s difficult to write. I sprained my wrist.

I cut my hand. I can’t wash the dishes.

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