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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI -Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Batan

First Quarter Examination MAPEH VIII

Name___________________________________ Date____________ Score____________

I. Circle the correct letter of your answer.
1. Cambodia is to pinepeat ensemble while Indonesia has
a. Gamelan b. Kertok c. Piphat d. Pinpeat
2. Which of the following is the characteristic of Javanese Gamelan?
a. Used for sacred music
b. Consist of metallophone and mostly gongs
c. Used for court music
d. Sounds are very bright and brilliant
3. Which of the following is the traditional music ensemble in Indonesia?
a. Gamelan b. Kertok c. Piphat d. Pinpeat
4. Which of the following is the Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble?
a. Pinpeat b. Hsaing Waing c. Piphat d. Mahori
5. The following are the Imperial court music of Vietnam EXCEPT?
a. Nha nhac b. Kinh c. Dai Nhac d. Tieu Nhac
6. The following are the musical instruments used in the Pinpeat ensemble EXCEPT
a. Samphor b. Oneat c. Saung Gauk d. Ching
7. This refers to a female soloist singer who sings with the Gamelan
a. Pesindhen b. Gerong c. Irama d. karawitan
8. What fabric will be the most comfortable in a place where the weather is always hot?
a. Silk b. cotton c. wool d. linen
9. The following are the origin of the natural dyes used in Cambodian textiles EXCEPT?
a. Mulberry tree b. insect nests c. indigo d. ebony bark
10. What is the most common to these countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore?
a. Batik b. arts c. sculpture d. Shadow puppetry
11. How was the history of Laos known accordingly to the Lao tradition?
a. Passed orally c. through written articles
b. Through dense pattern and motifs of their textiles d. through movies
12. Where is the center of the silk industry in Thailand?
a. Takeo b. Khorat c. Kampot d. Siem Reap
13. What type of Cambodian weaving which weavers tie and dye portions of welf yarn before weaving begins?
a. Ikat technique b. uneven twill c. hand painted d. blockprinted
14. Which of the following exercises is best for a mother who is 55 years old?
a. Ballroom b. soccerc. playing catchball d. drag racing
15. The following are strength exercises EXCEPT
a. Ab crunch b. alternate hammer curl c. dumbbell press d. shoulder stretch
16. The following are health-related fitness components EXCEPT
a. Body composition b. body flexibility c. speed d. muscular strength
17. What will you do to test the flexibility of the lower extremities particularly the hamstring?
a. Sit and reach b. zipper test c. push-up d. curl-ups
18. It is the biological basis of being a male or female.
a. Gender b. sexuality c. sex d. gender role
19. It permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights
a. Gender equality b. gender bias c. gender role d. gender
20. It is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act.
a. Gender b. sexuality c. sex d. gender role
21. It refers to the set of role, characteristic, and expectations of how a man or a woman should feel, think, and act as influenced
by parents, peers, and society.
a. Gender equality b. gender role c. sexuality d. gender
22. It is an integral part of what we do and who we are.
a. Gender b. sex c. sexuality d. gender role
23. It refers to your understanding of your feelings and your character.
a. Self-love b. self-confidencec. self-respect d. self-expression
24. It refers to your acceptance of yourself.
a. Self-love b. self-confidencec. self-respect d. self-expression
25. What is the status of a person having a BMI of 19?
a. Underweight b. normal c. overweight d. obese
26. What will you do if you have a BMI of 24?
a. Lose weight b. gain more weight c. stay the same d. undergo liposuction
28. Which of the following is NOT a healthy attitude that can influence sexual behavior?
a. communicates effectively with family
b. provides more food for the family

c. Performs duties and responsibilities at home

d. Able to express love to family members
29. Which of the following shows a healthy attitude towards self?
a. A student who admits his mistakes and apologize for his deeds.
b. A woman who undergoes a surgery to improve her nose.
c. A girl who keeps on hiding herself because she is ashamed of what she looks like.
d. A boy who is ashamed of his gay brother.
30. Why is understanding human sexuality important in creating a healthy attitude towards family?
a. To know when your parents need your help to do household chores so that you can escape.
b. To build a strong relationship with your parents and to understand their needs and wants.
c. To know the weakness of your parents so that you can use it against them.
d. Both a and c

II. Identify the following musical ensembles. Choose your answer from the box.
Hsaing Waing Kertok Silat Melayu Pinpeat

31. __________________________________ 33. ______________________________

32. __________________________________

III. Enumeration.
Sexuality refers to your total self.
Give its 5 dimensions.

Give the 6 Skill related fitness

IV. Essay. 10 points. Write your answer below the question.
How do you see yourself? Explain why.

Prepared by:

Nizzi P. Damian
Teacher 1

Parents Signature over Printed Name


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