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© National Strength & Conditioning Association

Volume 23, Number 2, pages 61–68

Science and Practice of Coaching a

Strength Training Program for
Novice and Intermediate-Level Athletes
Daniel Baker
School of Sport & Exercise Science
University of Sunshine Coast
Paddington, Queensland, Australia

Keywords: learning; behavior modification; motivation;

goal setting; skills.

A CURSORY GLANCE AT THE to improved technique, strength, strength exercises the same way
pages of past issues of Strength and motivation. Aside from de- as they would be taught other
and Conditioning Journal reveals signing the appropriate program, sports skills (2, 5). According to
many articles concerned with the the coach must teach and then re- motor learning theory, there are 3
design or effect of various strength inforce good technique. Perfect stages of learning a sport skill: the
and conditioning programs, but a technique in every repetition of novice stage (cognitive phase), the
relative paucity of articles con- every set of every exercise is im- intermediate-level-1 stage (asso-
cerned with the teaching and on- possible, but it should be the goal ciative phase), and the intermedi-
going coaching of the skill of of the strength coach to aspire to ate-level-2 stage (autonomous
strength training exercises. This is develop this behavior. Conse- phase) (2, 5). These stages relate
surprising considering that teach- quently, the strength coach of to how the skill is being formed in
ing and coaching of new exercise novice and intermediate-level ath- the neural system (gradually be-
skills can constitute the vast ma- letes must be concerned with coming a motor schema). There-
jority of a strength coaches time technique teaching and analysis, fore, these stages require 3 slight-
when dealing with high school and behavior (technique) modification, ly different approaches of teaching
younger college-aged athletes. motivation, goal setting, and rein- and coaching.
This article will address some of forcement. This effort ensures per- The length of these stages of
these aspects of the coaching sistently good technique, strength, learning is individual and can
process, including teaching and and motivation in the athlete. range from a few sessions (or even
coaching exercises to novice and sets) to a number of weeks. For ex-
intermediate-level athletes (typical ■ Coaching the Skills of ample, an athlete may be an over-
of high school and younger col- Strength Training Exercises all novice strength training athlete
lege-aged athletes), technical Strength training exercises are with only 3 sessions of weight
analysis and modification, motiva- skills much the same as any sport training experience but may have
tion, goal setting, reinforcement, skill. However, different stages of already progressed to be in inter-
and the overall interaction be- learning have been identified (2, mediate-level-1 stage of learning.
tween these concepts. 5). This means that the methods of By the end of 6 to 8 weeks of train-
Strength training coaches con- teaching to novice and intermedi- ing, an athlete should be in inter-
cern themselves with methods ate-level athletes are somewhat mediate-level-2 stage of learning of
that ensure persistent and consis- different. People learn skills in a the basic exercises. However, if a
tent behaviors in athletes that lead certain way and should be taught new exercise is introduced, then

April 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 61

■ Coaching and the Beginning
Table 1 Stage of Learning
Stages of Learning and Teaching for Novices in The coaching of most sport skills
Strength Training is similar. For teaching a new exer-
cise or skill, the Australian Coach-
Teaching a New Strength Training Exercise to a Beginner ing Council (2) recommends there
1. Name the exercise. should be 5 distinct parts to the
2. Demonstrate the exercise. coaching process (Table 1). First,
3. Identify 2 to 3 key aspects of technique that largely account for success name the exercise, and second,
in the lift. demonstrate it 2 or 3 times. Third,
4. Demonstrate the exercise again, concentrating on those 2 to 3 key identify 2 or 3 key aspects of per-
aspects of technique.
formance for the athlete to focus
5. Athlete practices the exercise, concentrating on those 2 to 3 key
aspects with only limited feedback from the coach. on. Follow this by demonstrating
the exercise again, illustrating the
Ongoing Coaching of a Strength Training Exercise With a Beginner key points that were previously
1. Coach prepares athlete by getting them to focus on 2 or 3 key aspects.
mentioned. The athlete will be at-
2. Athlete performs the set. tempting to imprint the coach’s
3. After the set, the coach provides simple, positive praise related to the performance of these key points
basic outcome and the outcome of the key aspects. into their own neural network. Fi-
nally, allow the athlete to practice
the skill by performing a set or a
number of sets at a very slow
they would be in the novice stage squats are basic motor skills that speed with either no weight, an
of learning for that new exercise. are related and adaptable to the empty barbell, or a dowel rod.
Therefore, coaches should start power clean from the hang). The Gradually increase the speed of
with teaching the basic skills and power clean from the hang is far the performance to that which you
progress from those basic skills easier to teach if two 8-week train- feel is appropriate (still slow for
based on the stages of learning ing cycles containing the basic novices). In this initial stage of
and acquisition. skill exercises of upright rows, learning, the novice athlete at-
Novice athletes should per- power shrugs, and front squats tempts to learn by imprinting the
form very basic exercises that are have been completed. performance of the coach on their
easy to learn and easy to coach (2). Thus, the transition from the own neural network and then by
The basic exercises may also be basic skills to the complex skills attempting to reproduce it physi-
the most appropriate for develop- need not be that difficult if the cally. Thus, it has been suggested
ing strength, hypertrophy, and basic tenements of skill acquisi- that the novice learner must form
neural control in beginners (1). tion are followed. First learn basic an idea of the skill, and therefore,
Complex skill exercises are un- skills and then build on the basic the task is more cognitive than
warranted for beginners (1, 2, 5). skills by chaining and shaping as- motor at this stage (5)
For example, for an athlete to pects of basic skills into a complex At this stage, the athlete mere-
perform the power clean from the exercise (2, 5). Chaining refers to ly needs to know if they are actu-
hang (a complex skill), they should breaking down more complex ally completing the exercise any-
most likely have completed at skills into more manageable com- where near technically acceptable.
least 2 cycles of strength training ponents and then linking these Not much information is provided
consisting of basic exercises (e.g., various parts together, shaping so as not to overload the athlete (2,
two 8-week cycles). Some of these them back into the complex move- 5). The numerous, smaller aspects
basic exercises would entail skills ment (2, 5). Teaching strength ex- of technique are of little concern at
that transfer to the more complex ercises to novice resistance train- this stage. The coach should focus
skill exercise. Thus the complex ers should focus on the basic on the big picture. After the set (or
skills are reserved until the athlete skills. These basic skills will un- sometimes after a rep), feedback is
has related motor skills ingrained derlie the success of teaching provided concerning the outcome.
in the neural system (e.g., power more complex skills to the athlete This is more important than the
shrug, upright rows, and front at a latter stage. performance to athletes at this low

62 Strength and Conditioning Journal April 2001

the intermediate-level athlete (5),
Table 2 the athlete should be able to
Stages of Learning and the Use of Verbal Reinforcers With process cues while performing the
Intermediate-Level Athletes skill. He or she has cemented the
skill into a neural pattern (motor
Ongoing Coaching of a Strength Training Exercise With a Stage 1
schema) that can be easily and
Intermediate fluently modified during the repe-
tition. This reflexive based modifi-
1. Coach prepares the athlete by getting him or her to focus on key
cation of technique during the ac-
aspects of technique.
2. After each repetition, the coach can provide simple praise, a positive tual repetition should be invoked
reinforcer, and a corrective reinforcer. by the simple use of 1 or 2 key
3. After the set, the coach provides simple praise, positive reinforcers, words by the coach. Examples for
and more detailed corrective information. the squat might be “Head up,”
“Knees out,” “Onto heels,” “Back
Ongoing Coaching of a Strength Training Exercise With a Stage 2 In- flat,” and so on. Even more con-
termediate cise cues could be “Head,”
1. Coach prepares the athlete by getting him or her to focus on key “Knees,” “Heels, and “Back.” Thus,
aspects of technique. feedback is based on knowledge of
2. Coach can provide corrective reinforcer during rep, if necessary. performance for intermediate ath-
3. After each repetition, the coach may provide simple praise, positive letes, as compared to knowledge of
reinforcer, and a corrective reinforcer.
outcome for novices (2, 5).
4. After the set, the coach provides simple praise, positive reinforcers,
and more detailed corrective information. For the final learning stage for
intermediates, it must be noted
that the lifting speed is also much
faster, allowing less time for cor-
rective refinements during a repe-
level of experience. Thus, a simple athlete practices the exercise over tition—unless they have become
demonstration, identifying only 2 a number of sessions or weeks, reflexive-based refinements. Con-
to 3 key aspects of technique, fol- concentrating on the key aspects versely, it is of little use providing
lowed by plenty of practice and concerning technical perfor- novices feedback during repeti-
simple feedback concerning the mance. After a number of sessions tions; they will have difficulty pro-
basic result, is the key to teaching or weeks, the coach can start to cessing that information and will
strength exercises, or any sport provide feedback after a repetition most likely have finished the repe-
skill, to novices (2, 5). because the athlete will not be as tition before they could actually
overloaded with new verbal and make modifications to technique
■ Intermediate Stages of kinesthetic information as is the (2, 5).
Learning novice. Gradually, more informa- Consequently, the use of
There are 2 distinct stages of in- tion is provided after a set con- coaching cues is related to the
termediate-level learning (2, 5) cerning flaws in technique and stages of skill acquisition (5). Be-
(Table 2). The first intermediate their consequences. The athlete cause the basic outcome of a
stage is where the athlete has should concentrate on the key as- strength exercise is more impor-
some limited mastery of the exer- pects of technique rather than the tant for novices, very little work is
cise (5). At this stage, the athlete outcome of the exercise. Over the done with coaching cues during
can be provided with feedback duration of a training cycle, the the set (2, 5). The information
after a repetition, thereby rectify- cues become more concise (i.e., about technique is mainly provid-
ing any mistakes during the ensu- fewer words are necessary to ed after the set. For intermediates
ing repetition(s). The second stage imply what the coach wants to do in stage 2 of learning, coaching
is where the athlete has gained to correct technique). Martinuik cues can be provided after a repe-
enough motor control to respond states, “the judicious inclusion of tition so that the corrective behav-
to feedback provided during a rep- these cues by an instructor be- ior can be quickly considered and
etition (5). comes an important factor during responded to during the following
With gradual progress from this stage of learning” (5, p. 210). repetition. Intermediates in the
the novice stage of learning, the In the final refinement stage of third stage of skill learning can be

April 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 63

provided with cues during a repe- will not be too difficult. The tran- comes most suitable. It ensures
tition. They have developed the sition will merely entail chaining the most equitable muscle involve-
motor schema to respond to cues together the previously learned ex- ment and best develops strength
in a reflex-based manner (2, 5). ercises. across a number of grip varia-
If a coach knows that certain tions. After this training experi-
■ Coaching a Complex Skill complex exercises need to be done ence, individuals can work to their
Strength Exercise in the future, they should ensure strengths and work upon their
When athletes have successfully that the basic skills for those com- weaknesses. For example, my ex-
completed 2 or more cycles of plex exercises are performed in perience dictates those with long
training, it may be prudent to in- earlier training cycles. This espe- arms and strong chests tend to
troduce some more complex power cially applies to the Olympic-style take a wider grip to lift the heavi-
exercises if they are deemed nec- lifts. est weights. Those with shorter
essary. Some examples are power arms take a narrower grip to lift
■ Analyzing and Modifying the heaviest weights. However,
clean from hang, push press, and
jump squats. However, this Technical Behavior Past the neither grip needs to be used ex-
process should not be too difficult Beginner Stages clusively.
if the proper processes of skill ac- In the quest to ensure athletes be- From a practical coaching
quisition, as discussed previously, come strong and lift with good viewpoint, the coaches should at-
have been followed. A complex ex- technique, the strength coach is tempt to position themselves at a
ercise is merely a collection of less always analyzing, reinforcing, or point that allows for the best analy-
complicated parts that have been modifying technique. Good tech- sis of technique while the athlete
learned previously and then nique can be defined as the tech- performs the set. If possible, they
chained together and shaped into nique most suitable to an athlete should not spot the lift, leaving this
the final complex skill. The part- in which they can lift the heaviest task to another competent athlete,
whole method (5) of teaching, loads in the most biomechanically so that the coach’s entire focus can
whereby the parts of a complex ex- sound positions. An athlete can- be on technique analysis. For ana-
ercise are learned separately and not attain their strength or power lyzing most multi-joint exercises,
then chained back together to potential without good technique. coaches should position them-
form the whole complex skill, is The coach should have a selves at the side of the lifter. This
best suited to complex skill exer- sound knowledge of the biome- allows coaches to recognize when
cises (5). chanics of the exercises they the joint alignments become less ef-
As discussed previously, the coach. This includes the multiple ficient during a lift. Recognizing the
power clean from the hang could variations in technique between correct alignment of various joints
be considered a combination of novices, intermediates, and elite during the various stages of a lift is
the power shrug, upright row, and performers. Coaches may also one of the most important skills of
front squat. If these 3 basic exer- need to know some basic premises a strength coach. The correct align-
cises have been taught and mas- that influence decisions on how to ments need to be positively rein-
tered over 2 or more cycles of perform strength training exercis- forced. Once an incorrect align-
training, then the adaptation to es. Once these basic premises are ment is recognized (an error in
the complex skill of power clean known for a number of exercises, technical behavior), the coach must
from hang is not very difficult. The the coach can attempt to modify put into practice corrective proce-
athlete merely has to chain these the technical behavior of the ath- dures. This may include the use of
3 basic skills together and shape lete to develop the most biome- corrective cues or key words.
them into the final appropriate chanically sound lifting behavior. Thus, the ongoing coaching
skill. Thus, the athlete learns by In my experience, novices, es- process past the final learning
chaining together easier skills pecially women, take a narrower- stage is inextricably linked to tech-
such that they flow together and than-perpendicular grip when nical analysis and modification.
become the complex skill. learning the bench press. General- Technical analysis is based on a
If slow clean pulls from the ly, this is because their shoulder sound knowledge of lifting biome-
floor or from midshin (bar elevated strength lags behind the strength chanics. Modification of technical
on boxes) have also been per- of their arms at the novice stage. behavior is based on positive rein-
formed, then the final progression With increased training experi- forcement of the correct aspects of
to the power clean from the floor ence, a perpendicular grip be- technical behavior and the use of

64 Strength and Conditioning Journal April 2001

coaching cues to modify the motor reevaluated and modified so that letes (3). For example, grading of
schema in situations where incor- they remain realistic. For example, strength performances with a
rect joint alignments have been the practice of testing for a 1RM or body-weight normalizing equation
detected. 3RM in the squat or front squat, (e.g., the Wilks formula from pow-
chin-up, and bench press and erlifting) can help to reinforce goal
■ Motivation then prescribing retest goals is a setting and attainment. This also
Motivation in strength training is sound method for developing moti- reinforces the coaching process
the athlete’s desire to possess vation. From test and retest re- and instills a sense of achievement
good technique, desire to train, sults, the coach can prescribe goal in all participants. Testing that in-
and punctuality. Motivation is also weights to be lifted for every set of cludes 4 different strength mea-
persistence in these characteris- every exercise for every workout sures (bench press, chin-up, back
tics (7). Wilks (7) states that moti- for the athlete. Immediate workout squat or front squat, and total
vation is a characteristic that can goals are an important part of the strength) means most athletes
be largely controlled by the coach. goal setting and achievement may at least make the top half in 1
He states that the 2 main ways for process. If the training weights measure when strength is normal-
motivating athletes in strength that are prescribed become too dif- ized according to body weight.
training are through goal setting ficult or easy, then they should be Grading can also be done against
and reinforcement. modified to ensure that the goals the norms of the top athletes in a
remain realistic. sport. Thus, achievement rein-
■ Motivation and Goal Setting forcers help cultivate motivation
Motivation depends heavily on as athletes strive to achieve goals
“Perhaps the single that have been set for them.
goal setting and goal attainment
(3, 7). Goals may be defined as most important method ■ Sensation Motivation
short, medium, and long term.
for reinforcing the The quest for perfect technique
Goals may also be defined as ob-
jective (a 1RM of 100 kg) and sub- behavior of good with heavy loads should be of
jective (good technique in the paramount importance. The coach
technique in strength and athlete should strive to
squat). A strength coach must ad-
dress both forms of goal setting training is the use of achieve perfect technique and
because strength and power devel- constantly reinforce this behavior
verbal reinforcement to the neuromuscular system as
opment are inextricably interwo-
ven with good technique. during the set or the appropriate behavior. If an
The coach provides the athlete athlete completes a perfect repeti-
immediately after its tion, it should be immediately
a written program in order to ini-
tially develop the concept of moti- completion (7).” pointed out to the athlete while the
vation and goal setting (7). A pro- sensation is still clear in the ath-
gram with all variables of strength lete’s mind and body. The feeling
training accounted for documents ■ Motivation and of a perfect repetition in lifting is
the athletes training goals for the similar to the feeling of any perfect
Reinforcement sport skill. The athlete will want to
next 8-week cycle (1, 7). Thus,
there are workout, weekly, meso- A reinforcer is “any event that in- experience that sensation again.
cycle, and macrocycle goals pre- creases the rate of occurrence of a
scribed. These goals are principal- particular behavior” (7, p. 56). Pos- ■ Verbal Reinforcement
ly in the form of the weight to be itive reinforcers are the most effec- Perhaps the single most important
lifted for a designated number of tive methods of reinforcing behav- method for reinforcing the behav-
repetitions. iors and may be classified as ior of good technique in strength
Wilks (7) has identified a num- achievement, sensation, and ver- training is the use of verbal rein-
ber of features of goal setting spe- bal reinforcers (7). forcement during the set or imme-
cific to the strength coaching diately after its completion (7).
■ Achievement Motivation
process. Goals should be realistic, This verbal reinforcement
specific, and publicly affirmed. Achievement is linked to the should contain simple, positive
Furthermore, there should be process of goal setting and is a praise; specific, positive informa-
multiple goals that need to be very powerful motivator for ath- tion concerning performance

April 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 65

Table 3
Verbal Reinforcement Cues Appropriate for Coaching or
Correcting Technique in Strength Training Exercises

Exercise Starting Position Eccentric Concentric

Squat “Butt in, chest up, deep breath.” “Butt back; onto heels.” “Hips through.”
Front squat “Butt in, elbows up, deep breath.” “Elbows up; onto heels.” “Hips through.”
Bench press “Tight, chest up, shoulders back.” “Control the weight.” “Blast, to eyes.”
Power shrug “Chest up, elbows out, back flat.” “Butt back.” “Explode up; hip drive.”
Push press “Butt in, torso tight, elbows up.” “Quick dip.” “Up and back.”

(technique); and corrective infor- has a habit of letting the chest some during the eccentric phase,
mation if warranted (7). The sim- drop—a mistake that results in and some during the concentric
ple praise is a reward for the ath- the hips not being pushed through phase. Thus, between or during
lete’s effort. The positive technique during the concentric portion of every repetition, the coach can
reinforcer encourages the athlete’s the lift—could be: “Good. Strong. provide a verbal reinforcer of what
correct use of good technique, and Chest up and hips through more.” the athlete is to do regarding tech-
the corrective reinforcer is used to The cues could even be shortened nique.
modify an incorrect aspect of per- to “Good. Strong. Chest up.” Table 4 contains an example
formance. After the completion of A certain understanding be- of the verbal reinforcers for an en-
the entire set, a more detailed tween the athlete and the coach tire set of squats for a latter-stage
analysis can be given to the ath- must exist that underlies the suc- intermediate-level athlete who is
lete while the sensation of the lift cess of the use of cues or key in a high state of arousal to lift a
in still clear in the athletes mind words. The coach must explain very heavy weight. Note that the
(7). that if the word chest is said as a coach provides less information
Extensive verbal reinforce- corrective reinforcer, it means the during the set as compared to
ment is most appropriate for athlete has made a slight mistake after the set for the latter-stage in-
novice resistance trainers follow- in technique related to the chest termediate athlete (7). This is be-
ing a set. Extensive information position. After hearing the word cause the athlete is better able to
cannot be effectively processed chest, the athlete should keep the modify the behavior of the rep with
when the higher cortical centers chest up. just 1 or 2 key words or cues. Be-
are in the high state of arousal The corrective behavior exhib- cause of their greater control over
needed to lift heavy weights (7). ited by the athlete in response to the motor skill, these technical
Detailed verbal reinforcement is this cue may be to automatically changes occur at the low-level
best given at the end of a set, lift the chest higher and take a controller (4) of the neural system,
when the athlete can fully concen- deeper breath before the ensuing leaving the higher cortical level to
trate on the information. repetition. Consequently, the in- think of invoking them (5). The
The verbal reinforcers for inter- correct behavior (technical flaw) cognitive centers of the higher
mediates must be concise. The will be corrected by invoking this level controller (i.e., brain and
coach uses cues or key words that response. supraspinal centers) are reserved
equate to certain behaviors. That Table 3 contains a number of for generating the high levels of
is, 1 key word means the athlete key words and technique cues arousal necessary to lift heavy
should invoke a certain behavior or that are useful for coaching the loads (4, 8).
technical refinement during lifting. novice to low intermediate stages Therefore, the use of verbal re-
Two or 3 cues also allow the ath- of technical development. These inforcement is critical to the ongo-
lete to focus his or her attention cues have been developed through ing process of perfecting and mod-
and not be distracted by irrelevant my experience with novice and in- ifying technique. The 3 parts
information or stimuli (3, 6, 7). termediate-level athletes. Some should be simple praise, positive
For example, coaching the cues are most appropriate during reinforcer, and corrective rein-
squat with an intermediate who the set-up phase of a repetition, forcer. For novices, they may be

66 Strength and Conditioning Journal April 2001

Table 4
Examples of Use of the 3-Part Verbal Reinforcers by the Coach During and After a Set of Heavy
Squats Performed in the Final Stage of Learning

While Setting Up
“Come on. Tight and strong, chest up, hips pushed through.”

During or After the Repetition

Athlete’s Performance Positive Praise Corrective Reinforcer
Good technique. “Great.”
Good, but chest low. “Good. Strong.” “Chest up.”
Good technique. “Great rep,blasting it.”
Wobbly at bottom. “That’s it.Good recovery.” “Stay tight, tight, tight.”
Good technique. “Excellent. Tight and controlled.”

After the Set

“Great stuff. Very strong out of the bottom. Focus on staying tight and getting your chest up every rep to make it
perfect. If the torso gets slack and you let the chest drop, you will get bent over and use too much back, rather than
legs, to lift the weight. Next set, stay tight and keep your chest up.”
Note: The coach provides few bits of information during the set and more after the set. This is because the intermediate level ath-
lete is better able to modify the behavior of the repetition with just 1 or 2 key words or cues. After the set, once the athlete no longer
has to focus on lifting and staying motivated, more detail can be given.

delivered by a coach after a set. individual, and learn when and ified to keep pace with the ath-
For athletes in the second stage of how to deliver them (7). lete’s progress. Achieving goals
learning, the cues can be given motivates athletes and reinforces
after each repetition and after the ■ Conclusion the benefits of the entire training
set. More advanced athletes who process.
display good control over tech- A primary role of the strength Reinforcement methods may
nique can be provided with correc- coach is to teach strength exercise also be used to solidify good as-
tive reinforcers during a repetition skills to novice and intermediate- pects of technique and to modify
so that they may immediately level athletes and to ensure those technical flaws. The 3-part positive
modify that repetition. As athletes athletes consistently display good verbal reinforcement system, pro-
become more advanced, they re- technique in those exercises. This vided during or after a set, has
quire less information to correct a is initially accomplished by follow- proven to be a most effective
flaw in technique. It is important ing the basic tenants of motor skill means of reinforcing correct tech-
not to overload an athlete with in- learning and motor control. In the nical behavior and modifying in-
formation when they are attempt- 3-stage process, teaching methods correct technical behaviors. ▲
ing to concentrate on lifting heavy are slightly modified for each stage
loads (7, 8). For this reason, when of learning through which the ath-
lete progresses. The basic strength ■ References
coaching advanced athletes that
are lifting heavy loads, use only 1 exercises generally entail basic 1. Baker, D. Designing, imple-
to 3 simple words. These words skills and are most appropriate ex- menting, and coaching
should imply much more to the ercises for novices. Complex strength training programs
advanced athlete (7, 8). Do not dis- strength skills are not warranted for beginner and intermediate
tract the more advanced athlete’s for novice athletes. level athletes. Part 1: Design-
focus with a steady stream of friv- Motivation is based on goal ing the program. Strength
olous words; they need to center setting and reinforcement. Goals Conditioning Coach. 5(3):11–
their attention (3, 6–8). Learn for the athlete need to be specific, 20. 1998.
what key words work best for each challenging, and continually mod- 2. Beginning coaching. In: Level

April 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 67

1 Coaching Manual. L. Wood-
man, D. Cameron, and G.
Schembri, eds. Belconnen,
Australian Capital Territory,
Australia: Australian Coach-
ing Council, 1990. pp. 59–66.
3. Cox, R.H. Sport Psychology.
Concepts and Applications.
Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown,
1985. pp. 111–170.
4. Hasan, Z., R.M. Enoka, and
D.G. Stuart. The interface be-
tween biomechanics and neu-
rophysiology in the study of
movement: Some recent ap-
proaches. In: Exercise and
Sport Science Reviews Macmil-
lan. R.L. Terjung, ed. New
York: 1985. pp. 169–234.
5. Martinuik, R.G. Information
Processing in Motor Skills.
New York: Holt, Reinhardt,
and Winston, 1976. pp. 189–
6. Nideffer, R.M. The Ethics and
Practice of Applied Sport Psy-
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7. Wilks, R. Motivation in novice
powerlifters. In: Level 1 Pow-
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Wilks, ed. South Yarra, Victo-
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8. Wilks, R.L., and J.J. Sum-
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Daniel Baker is affiliated with the

department of Sport and Exercise
Science, University of Sunshine
Coast, Maroochydore, Australia.

68 Strength and Conditioning Journal April 2001

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