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Herpetologica, 69(4), 2013, 411–435

Ó 2013 by The Herpetologists’ League, Inc.


Departamento de Ecologı́a y Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Ciudad Universitaria 04510, Distrito Federal, México
Departamento de Ecologı́a Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Ciudad Universitaria 04510, Distrito Federal, México
Departamento de Biologı́a Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Ciudad Universitaria 04510, Distrito Federal, México

ABSTRACT: Survival, growth, and fecundity are considered as the three main components of the life cycle
of any living organism. The relative contribution of these three components to average fitness may vary
drastically among populations of single species. Examining this interpopulation variation and understanding
its causes can provide insight on the particular selection pressures that drive phenotypic divergence among
populations. We conducted a demographic study of eight distinct populations of the viviparous lizard
Sceloporus grammicus in central Mexico. We estimated variation among populations in stage-specific
survival, growth, and fecundity. Using these data we constructed site-specific population projection matrices
to estimate population growth rates, which we interpreted as measures of the average fitness of each
population. Elasticity analysis was used to calculate the relative contribution of the three life-cycle
components to population growth rates. The three life-cycle components had relatively high elasticity values,
which meant that survival, growth, and fecundity contributed similarly to fitness. However, some variation
was found among populations. We searched for potential associations between the observed interpopulation
variation in these measures of relative importance for average fitness and interpopulation variation in
temperature, rainfall, population density, microhabitat availability, degree of human-induced disturbance,
and overall mortality. None of these environmental factors or their interactions could explain the observed
interpopulation variation in the relative importance of the life-cycle components. Our results provide insight
about how these viviparous lizards allocate resources to survival, growth, and fecundity in different
Key words: Elasticity analysis; Fast–slow continuum; Life-history evolution; Mark–recapture experiment;
Projection matrices

DIFFERENT populations of a species may contribution of the three main components of

experience drastically different demographic the life cycle (fecundity, growth, and survival)
processes. For example, individuals inhabiting to the intrinsic rate of population growth (k;
different localities usually experience different Franco and Silvertown, 1996). Population
vital rates (age-specific survival and fecundity growth rates have been interpreted as mea-
schedules, age at first reproduction, body sures of the average fitness of populations
growth rates, etc.), resulting in population (Benton and Grant, 1999; Metcalf and Pavard,
growth rates that can differ in magnitude or 2007). Previous studies have shown that
direction (Oliveira and Rinaldi, 2003). This populations may vary widely in the relative
spatial variation results from different selec- importance of fecundity, growth, and survival
tive regimes that promote interpopulation rates for their persistence probabilities (Gail-
lard et al., 2000). Exploring these intraspecific
variation in demographic and life-history
differences can reveal selection pressures that
strategies (Forsman and Shine, 1995). The
drive phenotypic divergence among popula-
ecological and evolutionary impact of such tions including variation in morphological,
interpopulation differences in the vital rates physiological, behavioral, demographic, and
can be analyzed by estimating the relative life-history traits.
Several biotic and abiotic factors can
CORRESPONDENCE: e-mail, hibraimperez@ciencias. promote differences among populations in the age- or stage-specific vital rates and, in

412 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

turn, in the relative importance of fecundity, low mortality rates appear to evolve slow body
growth, and survival for average fitness growth, decreased fecundity, and a large
(Boutin and Harper, 1991; Stearns, 1992; contribution of the survival of individuals to
Caswell, 2001; Angilleta et al., 2004). With their average fitness. In contrast, species and
respect to the biotic environment, population populations experiencing high mortality rates
density has proven to be a strong selective appear to evolve fast body growth, increased
factor affecting vital rates with relatively slow fecundity, and a large contribution of these
body growth, low survival, and decreased two processes to their average fitness (Gadgil
fecundity under dense conditions (Reznick and Bossert, 1970; Promislow and Harvey,
et al., 2002, and literature therein). With 1990; Johnson and Zúñiga-Vega, 2009). In
respect to the abiotic environment, tempera- fact, these relationships between extrinsic
ture and rainfall can also affect vital rates with mortality and the relative importance of
relatively slow body growth, low survival, and fecundity, growth, and survival for average
decreased fecundity under arid conditions fitness have been considered as evidence
(dry and extremely warm; Niewiarowski, supporting the fast–slow continuum hypothe-
2001; Sinervo et al., 2010). In addition, sis of life-history evolution (Promislow and
microhabitat availability and the degree of Harvey, 1990; Franco and Silvertown, 1996;
human-induced disturbance may also affect Oli, 2004). Under this theoretical model,
the vital rates. Low microhabitat availability or extrinsic mortality is a strong selective factor
a high degree of disturbance may promote shaping the relative speed of the life cycle and
reduced growth, survival, or fecundity (Ruh- the amount of reproductive investment. Fast
len et al., 2003; Rittenhouse, 2008); however, life cycles with a high contribution of fecun-
some species actually increase their fitness in dity and growth to average fitness should
disturbed environments (e.g., Smart et al., occur in high-mortality environments whereas
2005). When the rates of body growth are slow slow life cycles with a high contribution of
and fecundity is limited, the contribution of survival to average fitness should occur in low-
these vital rates to the rate of population mortality environments. Most studies provid-
growth is small and, therefore, the survival of ing evidence for this hypothesis have focused
individuals is the life-cycle component that on interspecific comparisons (Gaillard et al.,
makes the greatest contribution to the persis- 1989; Promislow and Harvey, 1990; Black-
tence of populations. Therefore, this demo- burn, 1991; Franco and Silvertown, 1996;
graphic pattern is the expected outcome in Bauwens and Dı́az-Uriarte, 1997; Clobert et
extremely arid environments, in sites with al., 1998; Heppell et al., 2000; Sæther and
high population density, with low microhabitat Bakke, 2000; Oli and Dobson, 2003). Studies
availability, or with a high degree of distur- testing this theoretical model with different
bance. In contrast, when individuals exhibit populations of single species inhabiting con-
fast rates of body growth and increased trasting environments are, by far, less com-
fecundity, the contribution of these life-cycle mon (Miller et al., 2011).
components to the rate of population growth In this study we tested these predictions
is high because maturity can be reached early with the viviparous lizard Sceloporus grammi-
in life and many offspring are produced cus. This species is widely distributed
(Silvertown et al., 1992; Heppell et al., 2000; throughout central Mexico and is abundant
van Tienderen, 2000; Franco and Silvertown, in most of the sites which it inhabits (Sites et
2004). This latter demographic pattern is al., 1992). However, little is known about the
expected in mesic environments, in sites with different demographic processes (i.e., differ-
low population density, with high microhabitat ent mortality, birth, and body growth rates)
availability, or with moderate or null human- that occur in different populations (Zúñiga-
induced disturbance. Vega et al., 2008a). For these reasons, this
In addition, extrinsic mortality, independent species is an ideal model to understand the
of its cause, has also been related to the ecological and evolutionary impacts of the
relative importance of the life-cycle compo- demographic processes occurring in different
nents. Species and populations experiencing populations. We were particularly interested
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 413

in the causes and consequences of differences environmental conditions such as vegetation

in the relative importance of fecundity, type, total annual rainfall, mean temperature,
growth, and survival for average fitness. types of microhabitats in which lizards can be
The main objective of our study was to found, microhabitat availability, and degree of
analyze the population dynamics of different human-induced disturbance (Table 1). In this
populations of S. grammicus, focusing on way we maximized the probability of observ-
intraspecific variation in stage-specific vital ing distinct vital rates among populations, and
rates, in the rates of population growth, and in we were able to search for associations
the relative contribution of the life-cycle between environmental conditions and vital
components (survival, growth, and fecundity) rates in our attempt to understand the factors
to average fitness. We also explored potential that drive intraspecific differences in fecundi-
associations of rainfall, environmental temper- ty, growth, and survival of these lizards.
ature, aridity, population density, microhabitat Second, we needed sites where S. grammicus
availability, degree of human-induced distur- was abundant enough to secure samples sizes
bance, and overall mortality with the vital that were large enough to yield robust and
rates and with the relative contribution of the precise estimates of demographic parameters.
life-cycle components to average fitness. We recognize that some sites are geograph-
ically close to each other (Fig. 1). However, in
MATERIALS AND METHODS all cases at least some of the factors that we
Study Species examined, such as lizard population density,
vegetation assemblages, microhabitat avail-
Sceloporus grammicus is a viviparous lizard
ability, or degree of disturbance, differed
widely distributed in Mexico; it ranges from
between such close populations. This means
southern Texas through most of mainland
Mexico (Arévalo et al., 1991). Mean size is that selective pressures differed between all
approximately 64 mm snout–vent length pairs of populations, regardless of geographic
(SVL; Canseco-Márquez and Gutiérrez-May- proximity. For example, populations 4 and 5
en, 2010). In some populations males reach separated by only 10.6 km but population
sexual maturity at 6 or 7 mo of age whereas density of these lizards and microhabitat
females do so at 8 or 9 mo (Jiménez-Cruz et availability were markedly different between
al., 2005). Females of S. grammicus only these two sites (Table 1).
produce one litter per year (Guillette and At each study site we delimited a single
Bearce, 1986). According to the literature, study plot in which lizards were relatively
births occur during April in central Mexico, abundant; by abundant we mean that we
although we have recorded births as early as could capture at least 20 lizards per sampling
mid-February. Litter sizes have been docu- occasion. Hence, we determined the size of
mented to vary among populations between the study plots as the minimum area required
2–10 offspring per female (Ramirez-Bautista to capture at least 20 lizards during a working
et al., 2005). There is a positive correlation day. Given that each study site constitutes a
between female size and number of offspring different set of conditions, which result in
(Jiménez-Cruz et al., 2005). Because of its distinct population densities of S. grammicus
wide geographic distribution, there is large or in different chances of capturing a lizard,
variation in ecological, morphological, and some study plots were larger than others (Site
genetic (there are eight known chromosomal 1 was the largest and Site 5 was the smallest;
races) traits of this species (Sites and Green- Table 1). We conducted mark–recapture
baum, 1983; Arévalo et al., 1993, 1994). experiments at these sites from July of 2009–
November of 2011. During this period we
Study Sites and Field Methods visited the populations approximately once
We studied eight populations of S. grammi- every 2 mo. However, due to logistic reasons,
cus in the states of Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, and the total number of visits varied among
Queretaro in central Mexico (Fig. 1). We populations (between 11 and 13; Table 1).
followed two main criteria to select our study On each visit we searched for lizards from
sites. First, the study sites had to differ in 0900 to 1800 h. During this time we
414 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

FIG. 1.—Geographic location of the study populations of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus grammicus. Numbers were
assigned to sites according to the Reichel’s aridity index: from the most-arid site (1) to the least-arid site (8). The datum
for geographic coordinates was WGS84, with Lambert conformal conic projection.

attempted to capture as many lizards as race for each study site according to the
possible. Individuals were captured by hand proximity to other populations for which the
or noose. Upon first capture, individuals were chromosomal race has already been accurately
marked individually by clipping toes following described (Arévalo et al., 1994; Table 1).
the Waichman (1992) code. On each capture Given the potential genetic differences among
the following information was recorded for our studied populations, we recognized that
each individual: sex, body mass, and snout– part of the differences or similarities among
vent length (SVL). Sex was ascertained by sites that we report here regarding vital rates
examination of the postanal scales (enlarged in might be explained by historical gene flow or
males). Individuals were released immediately
shared evolutionary (phylogeographic) history.
after these measurements were taken. Re-
Therefore, we interpreted our results with the
peated visits to the study sites allowed us to
record individualized encounter (recapture) appropriate level of caution. However, several
histories which consisted of data on when studies have demonstrated that demographic
lizards were seen or not seen over the course traits (survival, growth and recruitment rates)
of the study. are shaped predominantly by the local envi-
We recognized that our studied populations ronment rather than by genetic similarities
might exhibit genetic differences. Previous among populations (Via, 1999; Svensson and
evidence indicated distinct chromosomal rac- Sinervo, 2000; McKay et al., 2001). This is the
es within S. grammicus (Arévalo et al., 1993). main assumption that underlies the present
We identified the most-likely chromosomal study.
TABLE 1.—Description of the eight study populations of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus grammicus. We report mean annual rainfall, mean annual temperature, and the
December 2013]

Reichel’s aridity index (IR). We classified these sites according to the relative availability of microhabitats (low versus high) as well as according to the degree of human-induced
disturbance (wild areas, agriculture lands, and urban areas). The putative chromosomal race of each population, the area of each study plot, and the total number of visits to
each study site are also shown.

Site Geographic location, Degree of human- Microhabitat Temperature chromosomal Study plot Total number
numbera elevation (MAMSL) Vegetation type induced disturbance availability Rainfall (mm) (8C) IR raceb area (ha) of visits

1 20847 0 0.42 0 0 N Shrubland Wild area Low 511 16.04 1398.12 F5þ6 9.97 12
99843 0 10.25 0 0 W
2 20816 0 6.74 0 0 N Shrubland Wild area High 549 15.13 1438.86 F5þ6 or 0.84 12
99838 0 26.23 0 0 W FM1
3 19847 0 56.10 0 0 N Nopalera (Opuntia spp. Agriculture land High 435 13.89 1636.16 FM2 0.32 13
98832 0 57.00 0 0 W forest)
4 208 2 0 36.32 0 0 N Agriculture land Agriculture land Low 519 15.12 1713.77 FM2 0.24 12
98837 0 10.40 0 0 W
5 208 1 0 47.59 0 0 N Agriculture land Agriculture land High 540 15.03 1818.82 FM2 0.11 12

98831 0 35.31 0 0 W
6 19833 0 30.83 0 0 N Urban area with Junipers Urban area Low 673 14.16 2704.15 S 0.60 12
98813 0 22.00 0 0 W and shrubland elements
7 19838 0 19.68 0 0 N Urban area with junipers Urban area Low 693 14.03 2802.53 S 0.06 11
988 6 0 55.15 0 0 W
8 19811 0 20.56 0 0 N Agriculture land Urban area High 822 14.26 3251.24 S 0.09 13
97855 0 23.56 0 0 W
Numbers were assigned to sites according to the aridity index: from low to high IR values (from more to less arid). These numbers identify sites throughout the text.
F ¼ Fission. The following numbers are the number of chromosomes which probably were divided. F5þ6 has a 2n¼36; M ¼ Multiple. This indicates that this chromosomal race has probably suffered multiple fissions. FM1 has a
2n¼40-42, whereas FM2 has a 2n¼44-46; S ¼ Standard. This is the standard chromosomal race and has a 2n¼36.
416 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

TABLE 2.—Minimum size at maturity, threshold size that separates small adults from large adults, total sample sizes per
stage class, and estimates of population density for the study populations of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus grammicus.

Size at maturity Threshold size for Sample sizesb

(mm snout– adult stage classes Population density
Sitea vent length) (mm snout–vent length) J SA LA (lizards/m2)

1 46.02 61.33 19 (4) 74 (20) 5 (2) 0.001

2 44.69 59.21 97 (10) 182 (41) 16 (2) 0.03
3 46.00 59.12 83 (14) 161 (45) 4 (2) 0.04
4 48.03 55.17 84 (15) 74 (34) 14 (7) 0.05
5 44.02 50.03 147 (33) 130 (36) 65 (33) 0.18
6 54.24 67.09 100 (21) 122 (34) 11 (1) 0.03
7 55.00 65.28 72 (9) 20 (6) 3 (1) 0.11
8 49.23 70.04 45 (7) 87 (33) 16 (4) 0.13
Numbers were assigned to sites according to the aridity index: from low to high IR values (from more to less arid). These numbers identify sites throughout
the text.
J ¼ juveniles; SA ¼ small adults; LA ¼ large adults. The number of lizards that were recaptured at least once during the study period is shown within

Estimating Stage-specific Survival, Recapture, (Brownie et al., 1993; White and Burnham,
and Transition Rates 1999). MARK uses maximum-likelihood rou-
The eight studied populations were struc- tines to estimate two main parameters:
tured into three size–stage classes. Juveniles survival (u) and recapture (p) probabilities
were all those lizards smaller than the site- (Lebreton et al., 1992). Multi-state analyses
specific minimum size at maturity (Table 2). also calculate the transition (growth) rate from
Small adults were all those reproductive one state (in our case from any stage class) to
individuals still exhibiting measurable body another (w). MARK provides the values of
growth (we calculated body growth rates as these parameters that maximize the probabil-
per Zúñiga-Vega et al., 2008b). Large adults ity of obtaining the observed encounter
were all those reproductive individuals whose histories (White and Burnham, 1999).
rates of body growth were negligible. For each
Model Set
population, we estimated the minimum size at
maturity as the SVL of the smallest pregnant We used a multi-model inference frame-
female (determined by palpation; Table 2). work (Burnham and Anderson, 2002) to
The threshold size between small and large examine variation in survival, recapture, and
adults corresponded to the site-specific SVL at transition rates. For each population we
which we began to register rates of body defined a candidate model set where u, p,
growth that were close to zero (,0.0001 mm/ and w could either be constant (.) or vary
d; as per Zúñiga-Vega et al., 2008b; Table 2). among stage classes (sc) or sampling occasions
Hence, individuals considered as large adults (i.e., time-dependent ¼ t). Following our
were all those that apparently did not grow predictions, we also considered the possibility
between consecutive capture occasions. We that u, p, and w could depend on population
assumed that such large adults reached their density. Hence, we included an estimate of
asymptotic size and, therefore, did not allocate population density per sampling occasion (d)
resources or energy to body growth but only as another source of variation for these
to reproduction and maintenance. For these parameters. Occasion-specific population den-
three categories and for the eight studied sity (di) was estimated as ni/pi, where ni is the
sites, we estimated annual probabilities of number of captured lizards at each sampling
survival, recapture, and transition (i.e., occasion i and pi is the estimated capture
growth) between stage classes. probability at occasion i (Armstrong et al.,
The encounter histories were used as input 2005; Zúñiga-Vega et al., 2011). We did not
in the program MARK to calculate stage- consider the interactions among stage class,
specific survival, recapture, and transition sampling occasion, and population density as
rates through a multi-state framework sources of variation for u, p, and w because
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 417

Table 3.—Results of fitting competing models that represented different sources of variation for the survival (/),
recapture (p), and transition (w) rates to the mark–recapture data of eight populations of the viviparous lizard
Sceloporus grammicus.

Sitea Modelb AICc DAICc wi

1 u(.) p(.) w(sc) 283.40 0 0.57

u(sc) p(.) w(sc) 286.78 3.38 0.11
2 u(d) p(sc) w (t) 563.08 0 0.86
u(sc) p(.) w(.) 571.38 8.30 0.01
3 u(.) p(sc) w (sc) 824.24 0 0.29
u(d) p(t) w (sc) 824.40 0.15 0.27
u(.) p(t) w (sc) 824.55 0.31 0.24
u(d) p(sc) w (sc) 826.35 2.11 0.10
4 u(sc) p(t) w (sc) 633.05 0 0.73
u(.) p(t) w (sc) 636.24 3.20 0.15
5 u(.) p(.) w (sc) 1041.09 0 0.27
u(.) p(sc) w (sc) 1041.19 0.10 0.26
u(.) p(d) w (sc) 1042.84 1.75 0.11
u(d) p(.) w (sc) 1042.88 1.79 0.11
u (d) p(sc) w (sc) 1043.13 2.04 0.10
6 u (d) p(sc) w (d) 630.32 0 0.39
u (sc) p(sc) w (d) 630.82 0.50 0.30
u (.) p(sc) w (.) 633.16 2.84 0.09
7 u(.) p (sc) w(.) 188.09 0 0.14
u(d) p(sc) w(.) 188.57 0.49 0.11
u(.) p (d) w(.) 188.87 0.78 0.09
u(.) p(d) w(sc) 189.17 1.08 0.08
u(.) p (sc) w(sc) 189.34 1.25 0.08
u(d) p(sc) w(sc) 189.99 1.90 0.05
u (.) p (.)w (.) 190.50 2.42 0.042
8 u(d) p(sc) w (sc) 523.72 0 0.18
u(d) p(sc) w (.) 524.01 0.29 0.15
u (sc) p(d) w (sc) 524.75 1.03 0.11
u (sc) p(d) w (.) 524.89 1.17 0.10
u (sc) p(d) w (d) 525.26 1.54 0.08
u (d) p(sc) w (d) 525.82 2.10 0.06
Numbers were assigned to sites according to the aridity index: from low to high IR values (from more to less arid). These numbers identify sites throughout
the text.
Survival (/), recapture (p), and transition (w) rates may vary among stage classes (sc), among sampling occasions (t), as a function of population density (d),
or may be simply constant (.) among stages and sampling occasions. The fit of each model to the observed data was evaluated using a corrected version of the
Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc). The model with the lowest AICc score best fitted the data. For each population, models are listed according to the AICc
(from lowest to highest, from best to worst). DAICc represents the difference in AICc values between the corresponding model and the best-fitting model.
Models with DAICc ,2 are considered to have support comparable to the best model. Akaike weights (wi) measure the relative support in the data for each
fitted model. Only the models with the strongest support are shown for each study site.

calculating different parameters for all the ed version of the AIC (AIC c ) that is
possible combinations of these factors would appropriate for small sample sizes (Burnham
have required larger sample sizes than those and Anderson, 2004). The smallest value of
available to us. In total, we fitted 64 compet- the AICc indicates the model that best fits the
ing models to our mark–recapture data sets data (Table 3) with the lowest possible
using maximum likelihood routines in MARK. number of parameters. A difference between
Given that sampling dates and number of models in AICc values (DAICc) larger than 2
sampling occasions differed among sites, we indicates a real difference in their fit to the
analyzed separately the mark–recapture data mark–recapture data (Burnham and Ander-
of each population. son, 2002). We also calculated model-specific
The best-fitting model was selected using Akaike weights (wi), which measure the
the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), relative support or weight of evidence for
which is a measure of model likelihood and each model in the data (Amstrup et al., 2005).
parsimony (Akaike, 1973; Burnham and An- Based on these wi values it was possible to
derson, 2002). Specifically, we used a correct- calculate, for each population, weighted aver-
418 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

ages for the annual survival, recapture, and
TABLE 4.—Annual estimates of stage-specific survival (u), recapture (p), transition (w), and fecundity rates for eight populations of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus grammicus.
Annual estimates of u, p, and w correspond to model-weighted averages (see text for details). The number of pregnant (captive) females with which we estimated annual

transition rates of individuals in the different

Average number of
offspring produced

stage classes as per Burnham and Anderson
(2002). These model-weighted estimates of u,
p, and w incorporate the uncertainty in the
process of model selection by considering the

relative support for each competing model.
Therefore, these weighted-average estimates
are more robust than those derived from any
pregnant females


Number of

single model alone (Johnson and Omland,




We must emphasize that, for each popula-

tion and for each stage class, we used our

multi-occasion mark–recapture data to calcu-

Numbers were assigned to sites according to the aridity index: from low to high IR values (from more to less arid). These numbers identify sites throughout the text.

late weighted-average annual values of u and

fecundity is also shown. Standard errors are shown within parentheses.

w. However, we tested for different sources of

variation in u, p, and w, including time
0.03 (, 0.001)

(0.09) , 0.001 (, 0.001)

dependency (i.e., parameters varying among

0.04 (0.03)
0.002 (0.02)
0.007 (0.03)

0.06 (0.05)
0.04 (0.05)
0.03 (0.01)

sampling occasions), because we aimed to

w J–LA

obtain the best average estimates of these

rates while accounting for potential within-site
variation. In this way, data for several
sampling occasions during two complete years


allowed us to calculate robust, reliable, and

w J–SA

accurate site- and stage-specific annual pa-


rameters. Site- and stage-specific annual

mortality was calculated simply as 1  u.

Estimating Fecundity Rates

p LA


Annual fecundity was estimated by captur-

ing pregnant females from the study popula-

tions, but from outside of the study plots,

p SA

during February, March, and April of 2011.


Captured females were maintained in the

laboratory in individual cages. Food and

water were provided ad libitum. Parturitions


occurred during February, March, April,


May, and June of this same year. For each

female we recorded number and size (SVL

J ¼ juveniles; SA ¼ small adults; LA ¼ large adults.

and body mass) of offspring. Females and

u LAb

their offspring were then released in their


corresponding populations. Using these data

we calculated an average annual number of
u SAb

offspring per female for both reproductive


stages (small and large adults). Recall that

females of this species have only one

reproductive event per year (Guillette and

u Jb

Bearce, 1986). Sample sizes for estimating


fecundity (i.e., number of pregnant females

that were kept in captivity) are shown in

Table 4.
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 419

Potential Associations between Vital Rates and populations (Pyper and Peterman, 1998). We
Environmental Factors searched for significant associations between
To examine potential effects of precipitation site-specific residual values of rainfall and
and temperature on the stage-specific vital temperature and the site- and stage-specific
rates (survival, growth, and fecundity) of S. vital rates of S. grammicus by means of
grammicus, we obtained climate data from pairwise Spearman Correlations. According
meteorological stations (Servicio Meteor- to our predictions, we expected positive
ológico Nacional – México) that were located correlations between residuals of rainfall and
close to our study sites. We used two different the stage-specific vital rates of S. grammicus
approaches to test for the effects of precipi- with relatively high growth, survival, and
tation and temperature on the vital rates. Our fecundity rates in sites with higher-than-usual
first approach attempted to account for short- rainfall. In contrast, we expected negative
term (year-to-year) variability in both rainfall correlations between residuals of temperature
and temperature. Specifically, we examined if and the vital rates with relatively low growth,
the years during which we conducted this survival, and fecundity rates in warmer-than-
study (2009–2011) were warmer, colder, usual sites.
rainier, or drier than usual. For this purpose Our second approach attempted to account
we calculated site-specific residual values of for spatial (interpopulation) variability in both
rainfall and temperature for the studied years rainfall and temperature. For this purpose we
with respect to the site-specific average values calculated an aridity index for each popula-
of rainfall and temperature for the last 20 yr. tion. Aridity indexes are quantitative indica-
These residuals were simply calculated as the tors of the degree of water deficiency present
difference between the observed values of at any given location and typically express the
rainfall and temperature during the studied combined effects of precipitation and tem-
years and the historical average of these perature (Ranjan et al., 2006). Our studied
environmental factors (for the last 20 yr). A sites were located in arid or semi-arid
positive residual indicated a warmer- or environments (Table 1), and lizards living
rainier-than-average year. A negative residual under these conditions are particularly sensi-
indicated a colder- or drier-than-average year. tive to water loss and extreme temperatures
In addition, we also accounted for potential (Munsey, 1972; Mautz, 1980; Zucker, 1980).
autocorrelation in rainfall and temperature In particular we used Reichel’s Index (IR,
(i.e., for trends across the years that may Reichel, 1928), which is a modification of the
obscure important year-to-year changes; De Martonne’s (1926) Aridity Index. We used
Pyper and Peterman, 1998). For this purpose this index because it accounts for the number
we fitted first-order autoregressive models (as of days with rainfall, thereby incorporating an
per Box et al., 2008) to the 20-yr data of indirect estimate of the amount of time that
rainfall and temperature. We found a signif- lizards can remain active (during rainy days
icant effect of past values on subsequent these lizards remain hidden; Pérez-Mendoza,
values (i.e., significant autoregressive models) personal observation). In ectotherms, activity
for mean annual temperature of Site 8 (F1,18 ¼ time is directly associated with survival
22.41, P ¼ 0.0002) and for total annual rainfall probability given that predation-driven mor-
of Sites 3 and 7 (F1,18 ¼ 6.47, P ¼ 0.02; F1,18 ¼ tality is minimal when individuals are inactive
9.28, P ¼ 0.007, respectively). Therefore, for (Rose, 1981; Adolph and Porter, 1993). Thus,
these particular sites and environmental survival rates might depend to some extent on
variables we obtained residuals from these the number of days with rainfall. Reichel’s
significant autoregressive models instead of index was calculated as:
residuals from the historical average. Residu- NP
als that are free of autocorrelation also IR ¼
indicated if our studied years had higher or T þ 10
lower values for rainfall or temperature but, in where N is the number of days with rainfall, P
this case, with respect to the interannual is mean annual precipitation, T is mean annual
trends that we detected in these particular temperature, and 10 is a correction factor (the
420 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

addition of 10 degrees to mean temperature number of potential refuges per 100 m2 for
corrects for negative 8C). We used the our sites with low microhabitat availability was
historical average of these environmental 0.62 6 0.19 (mean 6 SE), whereas that for
factors (for the last 20 yr) to calculate IR for our sites with high microhabitat availability
each population. As with the De Martonne’s was 2.17 6 0.69. We tested for differences in
Index, low IR values indicate more aridity (low the stage-specific vital rates between low and
water availability) whereas large values indi- high microhabitat availability by means of
cate less aridity (high water availability). Mann–Whitney U-tests. We expected signifi-
Notice that in Table 1 numbers were assigned cantly higher survival, growth, and fecundity
to sites according to the aridity index (i.e., rates in sites with relatively high microhabitat
from low to high IR values, from more to less availability.
aridity). We also searched for significant Similarly, to examine the potential influence
associations between site-specific IR values of the degree of human-induced disturbance
and the site- and stage-specific vital rates of S. on the stage-specific vital rates of S. grammi-
grammicus by means of pairwise Spearman cus, we classified our study sites into three
Correlations. We expected positive correla- categories: wild areas (where there are no
tions between vital rates and IR values, with flora or fauna associated with human activi-
increased survival, growth, and fecundity in ties), agriculture lands (where cultivated
mesic sites. plants dominate the landscape), and urban
In addition to testing the effects of rainfall areas (where the landscape has been modified
and temperature on the vital rates of S. by houses or buildings; Table 1). We tested for
grammicus, we also tested for the potential differences in the stage-specific vital rates
effect of different population densities among among wild areas, agriculture lands, and
study sites. For this purpose, we calculated urban areas by means of Kruskal–Wallis tests.
average density per population across all We expected significantly higher survival,
sampling occasions. Similarly to the effects growth, and fecundity rates in sites without
of rainfall and temperature, we searched for human-induced disturbance (wild areas) com-
significant associations between site-specific pared to agriculture lands or urban areas.
population density and the site- and stage- Given that all the environmental factors that
specific vital rates of S. grammicus by means we studied might interactively affect the vital
of pairwise Spearman Correlations. According rates of S. grammicus (e.g., the combination of
to our predictions, we expected negative the highest population density and the most
correlations between site-specific population arid conditions might promote the lowest
density and stage-specific survival, growth, survival, growth, and fecundity rates), we
and fecundity rates. tested for significant effects of two-way
To examine the potential influence of interactions between population density, rain-
microhabitat availability on the stage-specific fall residuals, temperature residuals, aridity,
vital rates of S. grammicus, we classified our and microhabitat availability on the site- and
study sites into two categories: low and high stage-specific vital rates of S. grammicus. For
microhabitat availability (Table 1). The crite- this purpose we constructed linear models
rion to distinguish between high and low characterized by different combinations of
microhabitat availability was the number of two of these factors affecting each of the
potential refuges or perch sites for these stage-specific vital rates. Given that our
lizards. Given that these refuges or perch sample size was limited (eight populations),
sites may be trees, cacti, or walls of houses, we we did not test for the effects of interactions
simply counted these in our study plots and among three or more environmental factors
arbitrarily determined whether they were (more degrees of freedom are needed to test
relatively abundant or scarce with respect to three-way interactions). Moreover, we did not
the size of the corresponding study plot. The test for the effects of interactions between
cutoff value between sites with low and high degree of human-induced disturbance and all
microhabitat availability was an average of one other factors because we had only two
refuge or perch site per 100 m2. The mean populations (two data points) in the category
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 421

‘‘wild areas’’ (Sites 1 and 2; Table 1). To meet present study the permanence and growth
the assumptions of these models, we applied entries of our projection matrices were
the arcsine transformation to all survival and calculated using data for both sexes.
transition rates and a logarithmic transforma- The stage-specific probability of survival
tion to fecundity rates (Zar, 2010). with growth to a larger stage class (Gij) was
calculated as:
Matrix Population Models
We used projection matrices (Caswell, Gij ¼ uj 3 wij ;
2001) to analyze population dynamics. Given
where uj is the annual survival rate of
that we structured our populations in 3 size–
individuals in stage j and wij represents the
stage classes, we constructed 3 3 3 stage-
probability of transition from stage j to stage i.
structured matrices. For each population we
The stage-specific probability of survival with
constructed only one average annual matrix
permanence in the same stage class (Pij, with
using the estimated annual survival, transition
i ¼ j) was calculated as:
(growth), and fecundity rates. Matrix entries
represent all the transitions and contributions Pij ¼ uj 3ð1  wij Þ:
that can be observed among stage classes from
one year to the next. When lizards survive Stage-specific fecundity entries (Fij) repre-
they can either remain in the same stage class sent the annual average number of juveniles
(permanence, P) or progress to a larger stage produced by an average reproductive female
class (growth, G). Both adult categories from the corresponding adult category (Cas-
contribute to juveniles by means of fecundity well, 2001). We used our estimates of annual
(F). Hence, matrix entries (aij) represent the fecundity per reproductive stage class ob-
probability of survival with permanence (in tained from captive females as fecundity
the main diagonal), the probability of survival entries in our matrix models.
with growth (in the sub-diagonals), and the
Estimating Population Growth Rates and the
contribution to juveniles through fecundity (in
Relative Importance of the Life-Cycle
the first row) of an average individual in stage
class j (columns) to stage class i (rows) from
one year to the next (Caswell, 2001). For each population we estimated the
Permanence and growth entries were de- annual rate of population increase (k) as the
rived from the annual survival (u) and dominant eigenvalue of each annual projec-
transition (w) rates estimated by program tion matrix (Caswell, 2001). We used elasticity
MARK (Lebreton et al., 1992; Nichols et al., analysis to estimate the relative change in k
1992). Usually projection matrices are con- that would result from relative changes in
structed using only female data (Caswell, each matrix entry (de Kroon et al., 1986,
2001). However, when we tested for differ- 2000). Annual elasticity matrices (entries
ences between sexes in both u and w by denoted as eij) were constructed as:
means of a preliminary analysis in MARK, the eij ¼ sij 3ðaij =kÞ;
models that indicated different u and w
between males and females had only weak where sij represents the absolute sensitivity of
support in the mark–recapture data compared k to absolute changes in the matrix entries
to models in which these parameters were set (sij ¼ ]k/]aij; Caswell, 1978). As elasticities are
as equal between sexes. These preliminary standardized sensitivities, they have been used
results indicated that in S. grammicus growth to compare the relative contribution of each
and survival rates do not differ between sexes, matrix entry to population growth rate (de
at least in our study sites. Therefore, we Kroon et al., 1986, 2000). In other words,
decided to use mark–recapture data for both elasticities measure the relative importance of
males and females to estimate stage- and site- the vital rates for average fitness (Benton and
specific u and w with an increased sample Grant, 1999; Metcalf and Pavard, 2007).
size. This pooled data set resulted in more- Given that all entries in an elasticity matrix
precise parameter estimates. Therefore, in the sum to unity (Mesterton-Gibbons, 1993), we
422 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

quantified the relative contribution of the life- entries (Gij, Pij and Fij) and, from these, 1000
cycle components (i.e., permanence, growth, new k values. To construct the 95% confi-
and fecundity) to k simply by adding elasticity dence intervals we used the 25th and 975th
values corresponding to each component (i.e., sorted values of the resulting distribution of k
Silvertown et al., 1993). Specifically, the sum as the lower and upper limits, respectively.
of the elements in the main diagonal of an
elasticity matrix corresponds to the relative Potential Associations between the Relative
importance of permanence for average fitness; Importance of the Life-cycle Components and
the sum of the elements in the subdiagonals Environmental Factors
corresponds to the relative importance of According to our predictions, we expected
growth; and the sum of the elements in the high elasticity values for fecundity and growth
first row of an elasticity matrix corresponds to in those populations with mesic conditions
the relative importance of fecundity. (i.e., with higher-than-average rainfall or
Following Silvertown et al. (1993) we relatively large IR values), low population
plotted the elasticities for the three main density, and high microhabitat availability or
life-cycle components into the demographic low degree of human disturbance (or a
triangle, which is a three-way proportional combination of two or more of these condi-
graph that provides a visual scheme to tions). In addition, according to the fast–slow
compare the relative importance of perma- continuum hypothesis, we expected increased
nence, growth, and fecundity for average elasticity values for fecundity and growth in
fitness. Each axis in the triangle represents populations with high mortality (i.e., low u).
the elasticity value of each life-cycle compo- In contrast, we expected high elasticity values
nent. To examine interpopulation variation in for permanence in those populations located
the relative importance of these components, in more-arid areas (i.e., with higher-than-
we plotted one point for each study site. average temperature or relatively low IR
Populations with a proportionately higher values), high population density, and low
elasticity value for one component (perma- microhabitat availability or high degree of
nence, growth, or fecundity) will be located human-induced disturbance (or a combina-
toward the corner of the triangle that corre- tion of two or more of these conditions).
sponds to the highest relative importance According to the fast–slow continuum hypoth-
(elasticity ¼ 1) of such component (Silvertown esis, increased relative importance of perma-
et al., 1993). nence is expected in low-mortality
Confidence intervals (95%) for k were environments (i.e., high u). We tested for
constructed using a resampling procedure. statistical relationships between the relative
MARK estimates survival (u) and growth (w) importance of the life-cycle components and
rates from the regression coefficients (bi) of the site-specific aridity indexes, residual val-
complex linear models (Lebreton et al., 1992; ues of rainfall and temperature, estimates of
White and Burnham, 1999). We resampled population density, and estimates of overall
1000 new random values of these bi param- mortality (calculated as an average mortality
eters based on normal distributions with the rate across stage classes). We also tested for
mean equal to the point estimate of the differences in the relative importance of the
corresponding b and the standard deviation life-cycle components between sites with low
equal to the standard error of the parameter and high microhabitat availability and among
(also estimated by MARK). From these 1000 wild areas, agriculture lands, and urban areas.
resampled estimates of bi we reconstituted However, given that elasticity values for
1000 new values of u and w for each permanence, growth, and fecundity are highly
population and for each stage class. We also dependent on each other (e.g., increasing the
resampled (bootstrapped) our reproductive elasticity for permanence necessarily implies
data to derive 1000 new average litter sizes decreasing elasticities for either growth or
per stage and population. From these resam- fecundity), we calculated a combined measure
pled values of u, w, and litter size we of the relative importance of these life-cycle
calculated 1000 new values for the matrix components. For this purpose we conducted a
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 423

principal components analysis (PCA) on these for u (i.e., in Sites 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 other
elasticity values. Only the first principal models had DAICc , 2). A density-dependent
component had an eigenvalue . 1. We used effect on u also had good fit and considerable
the site-specific scores in this main axis of support in the data of Sites 3, 5, and 7
variation as a combined estimate of the (DAICc , 2; Table 3). An effect of stage class
relative importance of permanence, growth, on u also had good fit and considerable
and fecundity. We used pairwise Spearman support in the data of Sites 6 and 8.
Correlation coefficients to test for potential Occasion-specific differences in u (i.e., time-
associations between this combined measure dependency) were not supported by our
and our site-specific IR values, residual values mark–recapture data on any study site.
of rainfall and temperature, estimates of Regarding sources of variation for p, in five
population density, and overall mortality rates. populations the best-fitting model indicated
We also compared site-specific scores in this that this parameter varied mainly among stage
first principal component between sites with classes (in Sites 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8). In two other
low and high microhabitat availability and populations (Sites 1 and 5) the best-fitting
among wild areas, agriculture lands, and model indicated p was constant across time
urban areas by means of a Mann–Whitney and stage classes and was not affected by
U-test and a Kruskal–Wallis test, respectively. population density. In the remaining popula-
All the environmental factors that we tion p varied among capture occasions (in Site
studied could have interacted to determine 4; Table 3). In four study sites we found
the relative importance of the life-cycle uncertainty with respect to the actual sources
components for the average fitness of S. of variation for p (in Sites 3, 5, 7, and 8 other
grammicus. Therefore, we constructed linear sources of variation for p had DAICc , 2;
models to test for statistical effects of two-way Table 3).
interactions between residual rainfall, residual Regarding sources of variation for w, an
temperature, aridity, population density, mi- effect of stage class had the strongest support
crohabitat availability, and extrinsic mortality in five out of our eight study sites (in Sites 1, 3,
on the site-specific scores in the first principal 4, 5, and 8). In four of these sites, there was no
component. We did not test for interactions uncertainty in the fact that w varied among
among three or more environmental factors stage classes (i.e., in Sites 1, 3, 4, and 5, only
because of our lack of degrees of freedom. models with a stage-class effect on w had good
Similarly, we did not test for interactions fit to the data; Table 3). In another site (Site 7)
between degree of human-induced distur- this stage-class effect also had support com-
bance and any other variable because we parable to that of the best-fitting model
had only two sites in the category ‘‘wild (DAICc , 2). Time-dependent w had the best
areas.’’ fit to our data in Site 2, density-dependent w
had the best fit in Site 6, and constant w had
RESULTS the best fit in Site 7. Uncertainty in the actual
sources of variation for w occurred in Sites 7
Model Selection and 8 only (Table 3).
In four out of the eight studied populations,
the best-fitting model indicated that u was Stage-specific Vital Rates
similar across time and stage classes and was Annual stage-specific survival rates (u)
not affected by population density (i.e., varied widely: between 0.14 (for juveniles of
constant u in Sites 1, 3, 5, and 7). In three Site 4) and 0.65 (for juveniles of Site 1; Table
other populations the best-fitting model indi- 4). Two study populations resulted in notably
cated a density-dependent u (in Sites 2, 6, and high u values for most stage classes (above 0.5
8). In the remaining population the best in Sites 1 and 6). One of these populations
model indicated that u varied among stage (Site 1) corresponded to the most-arid site
classes (in Site 4; Table 3). However, in five (IR ¼ 1398.12) whereas the other one (Site 6)
out of our eight sites there was uncertainty corresponded to a relatively humid site (IR ¼
with respect to the actual sources of variation 2704.15; Table 1). In five study sites annual u
424 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

was similar among stage classes (in Sites 1, 2, among populations and stage classes was 3.94
3, 5, and 7). In the remaining three popula- offspring per female.
tions annual u varied markedly among stage
classes (in Sites 4, 6, and 8; Table 4). Potential Associations between Vital Rates and
Environmental Factors
Annual transition between stage classes (w)
also exhibited great variation among popula- Site-specific values of residual rainfall,
tions and stage classes (Table 4). Differences residual temperature, and aridity (IR) were
among stage classes in the magnitude of this not significantly related to stage-specific esti-
parameter represented a clear pattern of mates of u, w, or fecundity (P . 0.05 in all
variation because in most sites w was highest cases). Similarly, we found no statistical
for the transition from juveniles to small differences between low and high microhab-
adults (Table 4). This result indicates that, itat availability or among wild areas, agricul-
within populations, the largest rates of body ture lands, and urban areas in stage-specific u,
growth occurred in juveniles. Nevertheless, w, or fecundity (P . 0.05 in all cases). With
we found wide variation among populations in respect to population density (site-specific
this transition rate between juveniles and estimates of population density are shown in
small adults. In four sites this parameter was Table 1), only fecundity of small adults
markedly low (between 0.04 and 0.09 in Sites exhibited a significant relationship with den-
2, 6, 7, and 8) whereas in one site this annual sity (rS ¼ 0.74, P ¼ 0.03). This relationship was
parameter was markedly high (0.78 in Site 1). positive, meaning that sites with a greater
This highest w value occurred in the most-arid density of lizards were related to a greater
site (IR ¼ 1398.12; Table 1). In contrast, number of offspring produced by small adult
females. No other significant relationships
transition from small to large adults varied
between stage-specific u, w, or fecundity and
between 0.04 and 0.11 among populations.
site-specific population density were found
The lowest w values corresponded to the
(P . 0.05 in all other cases).
transition from juveniles to large adults. These
We found a significant interaction between
low w values resulted from the few fast-
IR and microhabitat availability affecting the
growing juveniles that reached a large adult
survival of small adults (F3,4 ¼ 19.47, P ¼
size within a single year. This transition rate
0.008). In sites with low microhabitat avail-
between juveniles and large adults also varied ability, u of small adults decreased as IR
widely among populations: between less than increased (i.e., under less-arid conditions; Fig.
0.001 (in Site 5) to 0.06 (in Site 6; Table 4). 2A). In contrast, in sites with high microhab-
Annual fecundity rates exhibited less varia- itat availability, u of small adults appeared to
tion among populations and stage classes increase as IR increased (Fig. 2A). We also
(Table 4). In six out of our eight study sites found a significant interaction between pop-
the average number of offspring produced per ulation density and microhabitat availability
female was equal between small and large affecting the survival of large adults (F3,4 ¼
adults. Only in Sites 2 and 4 did fecundity 8.03, P ¼ 0.04). In sites with low microhabitat
differ between stage classes, with large adults availability, u of large adults decreased as
having higher fecundity than small adults population density increased (Fig. 2B). In
(Table 4). However, the number of pregnant contrast, in sites with high microhabitat
females that we had with which to estimate availability there was no effect of population
fecundity was low in most populations (Table density on u of large adults (Fig. 2B). No
4). Therefore, we lacked statistical power to other interaction between environmental fac-
detect differences among populations or tors affecting stage-specific u, w, or fecundity
between stage classes. The lowest fecundity was statistically significant.
value observed among populations was 2.57
newborns in small females of Site 2. The Population Growth Rates and the Relative
highest fecundity value observed among Importance of the Life-cycle Components
populations was 6.67 newborns in large Five out of our eight populations had a
females of Site 4 (Table 4). Average litter size finite rate of increase (k) that was not
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 425

FIG. 2.—(A) Relationship between site-specific aridity (measured by means of the Reichel’s aridity index) and the
survival of small adults for sites with low (continuous line) and high (dashed line) microhabitat availability. (B)
Relationship between site-specific population density and the survival of large adults for sites with low (continuous line)
and high (dashed line) microhabitat availability. Survival estimates were arcsine transformed. Numbers indicate sites as
per Table 1.
426 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

TABLE 5.—Population projection matrices, finite rates of population growth (k), and elasticity matrices for eight
populations of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus grammicus. The k values in bold type indicate population growth rates
significantly different from unity. Elasticity values in bold type correspond to the largest elasticities for each population.

Population projection matrix Elasticity matrix

a b c
Site J SA LA k J SA LA

1 J 0.2 3.33 3.33 1.69 (1.09–1.89) 0.03 .369 0.03

SA 0.51 0.51 0 0.37 0.16 0
LA 0.02 0.5 59 0.01 0.02 0.02
2 J 0.22 2.57 4.14 0.49 (0.08–1.75) 0.21 0.11 0.15
SA 0.01 0.25 0 0.11 0.12 0
LA 0.01 0.01 .25 0.14 7.0E-03 0.16
3 J 0.13 3.5 3.5 0.63 (0.43–1.08) 0.10 0.36 0.01
SA 0.06 0.18 0 0.37 0.15 0
LA 4.2 E-04 0.01 0.19 2.5 E-03 6.5 E-03 3.9 E-03
4 J 0.09 4 6.67 0.78 (0.61–1.05) 0.04 0.23 0.05
SA 0.05 .44 0 0.27 0.34 0
LA 9.1 E-04 0.05 0.29 4.9 E-03 0.04 0.03
5 J 0.12 4.34 4.34 0.83 (0.73–1.01) 0.07 0.38 0.01
SA 0.10 0.20 0 0.39 0.12 0
LA 2.8 E-07 0.02 0.22 1.1 E-06 0.01 5.4 E-03
6 J 0.44 3.94 3.94 0.97 (0.43–1.76) 0.22 0.11 0.15
SA 0.04 0.25 0 0.12 0.04 0
LA 0.03 0.02 0.54 0.15 4.6 E-03 0.20
7 J 0.14 3.5 3.5 0.42 (0.41–0.81) 0.15 0.20 0.11
SA 0.01 0.17 0 0.21 0.14 0
LA 6.7 E-03 0.01 0.17 0.10 0.01 0.08
8 J 0.22 4.2 4.2 0.63 (0.50–0.92) 0.13 0.18 0.06
SA 0.02 0.38 0 0.19 0.31 0
LA 6.8 E-03 0.02 0.30 0.05 0.01 0.06
Numbers were assigned to sites according to the aridity index: from low to high IR values (from more to less arid). These numbers identify sites throughout
the text.
J ¼ juveniles; SA ¼ small adults; LA ¼ large adults.
Confidence intervals (95%) for k are shown within parentheses.

significantly different than unity, indicating Among populations, the relative importance
population stability (Sites 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; of permanence varied between 0.20 (in Site 5)
Table 5). In contrast, one population had a k and 0.50 (in Site 8). The relative importance
value that was significantly above unity, of growth varied between 0.26 (in Site 8) and
indicating potential for population growth 0.41 (in Site 5). The relative importance of
(k ¼ 1.69 in Site 1). This highest k value fecundity varied between 0.25 (in Site 8) and
corresponded to the most-arid site (IR ¼ 0.39 (in Site 5; Table 6). In general, all
1398.12). The remaining two populations populations were located in the central
resulted in k values that were significantly
below unity, indicating potential for popula- TABLE 6.—Elasticity values for the three components of
tion decrease (k ¼ 0.42 in Site 7 and k ¼ 0.63 the life cycle for eight populations of the viviparous lizard
Sceloporus grammicus.
in Site 8; Table 5). These lowest k values
corresponded to the least-arid sites (IR ¼ Sitea Permanence Growth Fecundity
2802.53 in Site 7 and IR ¼ 3251.24 in Site 8). 1 0.21 0.40 0.39
Populations varied widely in terms of the 2 0.48 0.26 0.26
vital rates with highest elasticities (Table 5). In 3 0.25 0.38 0.37
4 0.41 0.32 0.28
general, the highest elasticity values corre- 5 0.20 0.41 0.39
sponded to growth and permanence of 6 0.46 0.27 0.27
juveniles as well as to fecundity and perma- 7 0.37 0.32 0.31
nence of small adults. Fecundity and perma- 8 0.50 0.26 0.25
nence of large adults had relatively low Numbers were assigned to sites according to the aridity index: from low
to high IR values (from more to less arid). These numbers identify sites
elasticities in all sites (Table 5). throughout the text.
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 427

FIG. 3.—Ordination of the eight study populations of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus grammicus within the
demographic triangle according to the relative contribution of the life-cycle components to the finite rate of population
growth. Numbers indicate sites as per Table 1. Colors indicate degree of human-induced disturbance: white ¼ wild
areas, grey ¼ agriculture lands, black ¼ urban areas.

portion of the demographic triangle, indicat- lations with low scores in this axis had
ing that all three life-cycle components had relatively higher elasticities for growth and
relatively similar elasticity values. However, a fecundity and relatively lower elasticity for
continuum of variation in the relative impor- permanence. The site-specific scores in this
tance of these life-cycle components was first principal component were not statistically
evident, from populations with higher impor- associated with site-specific population densi-
tance of growth and fecundity (i.e., Sites 1, 3, ty, residual temperature, residual rainfall,
and 5; Fig. 3) to populations with higher aridity, or overall mortality (P . 0.05 in all
importance of permanence (i.e., Sites 2, 6, and cases). Interpopulation differences in micro-
8; Fig. 3). habitat availability and degree of human-
induced disturbance could not explain the
Potential Associations between the Relative observed interpopulation variation in the
Importance of the Life-cycle Components and relative importance of the life-cycle compo-
Environmental Factors nents (U ¼ 7.0, P ¼ 0.77 and H ¼ 2.25, P ¼
The first principal component that summa- 0.32, respectively). The two-way interactions
rized the site-specific relative importance of between these environmental factors did not
the life-cycle components for population significantly affect the site-specific scores in
growth rate resulted in the following loadings: this principal component either (P . 0.05 in
permanence ¼ 1.00, growth ¼ 0.99, and all cases). In other words, the relative position
fecundity 0.99. The signs of these loadings of the study populations within the demo-
indicate that populations with high scores in graphic triangle could not be explained by
this axis had relatively higher elasticity for interpopulation differences in the environ-
permanence and relatively lower elasticities mental characteristics that we studied or by
for growth and fecundity. In contrast, popu- their interactions (Fig. 3).
428 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

DISCUSSION Fecundity rates were less variable com-

Intraspecific Variation in Stage-specific pared to survival or transition rates. The
Vital Rates observed range of variation among popula-
tions was between 2.57 and 6.67 young per
Stage-specific survival and transition rates female (a 2.6-fold difference). Moreover, in six
were highly variable among sites, suggesting out of our eight study sites the average
that different ecological and evolutionary number of offspring produced per female
processes are currently taking place in our was similar between small and large adults.
eight studied populations (Oriazola and Laur- This finding contrasts with previous studies on
ila, 2009; Miller et al., 2011). High interpop- S. grammicus that have demonstrated that
ulation variation in survival has been female size exhibits a significant positive
documented in several species of quite diverse relationship with litter size (Guillette and
taxa (e.g., Miller et al., 2011; Papadatou et al., Casas-Andreu, 1980; Ortega-Rubio and Bar-
2011; Welch et al., 2011; Wilson and Martin, bault, 1984; Guillette and Bearce, 1986;
2011), including lizards (Jessop et al., 2007; Lemos-Espinal et al., 1998; Ramı́rez-Bautista
Iraeta et al., 2008; Rojas-González et al., et al., 2004). The lack of a size effect on
2008). Annual survival in S. grammicus can fecundity, which we observed in six popula-
be as low as 14% and as high as 65% tions, might be simply the result of our small
depending on the source population (Table sample sizes (Table 4).
4). The highest survival rates were observed in
Site 1 (between 56% and 65%), which Potential Effects of Environmental Factors on
corresponds to the most-arid conditions (Ta- Stage-specific Vital Rates
ble 1). This result is opposite to what we No statistical relationships were observed
expected: highest survival rates in sites with between vital rates and aridity, residual
higher water availability and milder tempera- rainfall, or residual temperature. Several
tures. authors have demonstrated that rainfall and
Transition rates between stage classes were temperature are key determinant factors of
highest for juveniles growing to small adults. the life-history traits of ectotherms (Sinervo et
This pattern occurred in most populations and al., 2010; Arendt, 2011). Hence, we expected
was well supported by our mark–recapture relatively slow body growth, low survival, or
data (Table 4). In vertebrates, young and small decreased fecundity (or any combination) in
individuals usually exhibit the fastest rates of populations inhabiting the warmest and driest
body growth (Dunham, 1978; Andrews, 1982; environments or during years with higher-
Arendt, 1997; Zúñiga-Vega et al., 2005, 2008b; than-average temperature, lower-than-aver-
Dibattista et al., 2007). Besides this clear age rainfall, or both. Our results do not
difference among stage classes in transition support these predictions. In contrast, we
rates, significant variation also occurred found some evidence for the opposite pattern
among populations. The percentage of surviv- in S. grammicus: the highest survival and
ing juveniles that progressed to small adults transition rates (between juveniles and small
varied from 4% in Site 2 to 78% in Site 1 (an adults) occurred in the most-arid site (Site 1;
almost 20-fold difference). Moreover, the IR ¼ 1398.12). However, in the second-most
percentage of surviving juveniles that grew arid site (Site 2; IR ¼ 1438.86), relatively low
even faster, progressing to large adults within survival and transition rates were observed
a single year, varied from less than 0.1% in (Table 4). Therefore, neither aridity condi-
Site 5 to 6% in Site 6 (a 60-fold difference). tions nor the particular levels of temperature
Annual transition between small and large or rainfall that these lizards experienced
adults was less variable, ranging only from 4% during our study period could explain the
in Sites 2 and 3 to 11% in Sites 4 and 5. observed interpopulation variation in stage-
Similar to our findings in survival rates, the specific survival, growth, and fecundity.
highest transition rate (78% of surviving Fecundity of small adults increased in sites
juveniles progressing to small adults within a with a high density of lizards. This finding is
year) occurred at the most-arid site (Site 1). opposite to what we expected based on the
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 429

widely observed negative effects of density on habitat availability. Therefore, the potential
the vital rates of vertebrates: decreased negative effects of adverse environmental
survival, growth, and fecundity in high-density conditions are stronger (i.e., detectable) only
conditions (Calsbeek and Smith, 2007; Einum in populations that experience constraints in
et al., 2008; Mappes et al., 2008; Manteuffel perch sites or refuges. This finding indicates
and Eiblmaier, 2010). In contrast, this positive that environmental factors act in conjunction
relationship between small adult fecundity to shape the demographic traits of S. gram-
and density suggests positive density-depen- micus.
dence (e.g., Ferrer and Penteriani, 2008;
Ashbrook et al., 2010; Belk and Tuckfield, Population Growth Rates and the Relative
2011). At this point the causes of this apparent Contribution of the Life-cycle Components to
positive effect of density remain unknown. Average Fitness
One possibility is that sites with a high density Finite rates of population growth (k)
of lizards (i.e., Sites 5, 7, and 8; Table 1) might indicated demographic stability in five out of
correspond to markedly favorable conditions our eight studied sites. Two other populations
(for instance in terms of food availability), (Sites 7 and 8) resulted in k values that
which might also allow for increased fecundi- suggested population declines. These two
ty. Alternatively, this statistical relationship populations corresponded to the sites with
between the number of young produced by the least-arid conditions (highest water avail-
small adults and population density might be ability; Table 1), which is contrary to what we
spurious. expected. However, these two sites are urban
We also predicted effects of both micro- areas with a high degree of human-induced
habitat availability and degree of human- disturbance and, in addition, population
induced disturbance on the vital rates of S. density of these lizards is relatively high in
grammicus. Specifically, we expected low both sites (Tables 1 and 2). These two
survival, growth, or fecundity (or all) in sites negative factors combined might explain the
with a low number of potential refuges or sites observed low population growth rates in Sites
for perching, or in sites with high disturbance 7 and 8. Alternatively, low population growth
such as urban areas. Human-induced distur- rates could be expected in years with higher-
bance was not related to interpopulation than-average temperature or lower-than-aver-
variation in vital rates. In contrast, microhab- age rainfall (or both). This was not the case for
itat availability had an effect on the survival of Sites 7 and 8 in our studied years. In fact,
small and large adults. However, microhabitat 2009, 2010, and 2011 in Site 8 were slightly
availability could not explain, by itself, some of colder years than the historical interannual
the variation that we observed in survival trend. With respect to rainfall, in Site 7 the
rates. Microhabitat availability had an inter- total amount of rainfall during our studied
active effect with site-specific aridity and years was similar to that expected based on
population density on the survival of small the past interannual trend. In Site 8, the
and large adults, respectively (Fig. 2). In less- amount of rainfall during our studied years
arid conditions, survival of small adults was quite similar to the historical average. The
decreased in sites with low microhabitat remaining population (Site 1) resulted in a k
availability but not in sites with high micro- value that indicates significant potential for
habitat availability. This result indicates that population increase. The highest survival rates
mesic sites, which usually have more cloudy observed among populations occurred in this
days as a result of increased rainfall, might site as well as a strikingly high progression rate
entail thermal restrictions with severe effects between juveniles and small adults (0.78;
for small adults. However, these negative Table 4). This population is located in the
effects are evident only in sites with low most-arid site (Table 1), which again is
microhabitat availability. In turn, under high- contrary to what we expected. However, it is
density conditions survival of large adults an undisturbed area with the lowest popula-
decreased in sites with low microhabitat tion density (Tables 1 and 2). Additionally, the
availability but not in sites with high micro- highest historical average temperature oc-
430 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 69, No. 4

curred at this site (Table 1), and 2009 and values (i.e., elasticity for permanence . 0.9;
2011 were years with higher than average Heppell, 1998; Franco and Silvertown, 2004;
environmental temperature. Contrary to what Macip-Rı́os et al., 2011). Ruderal plants or
we expected for S. grammicus, relatively high short-lived mammals usually show an opposite
temperatures might improve physiological trend: fecundity is the process making a
performance, body growth, and survival remarkably high contribution to fitness com-
chances if thermoregulating activities are pared to growth or permanence (Heppell et
effective enough to offset the costs of low al., 2000, Franco and Silvertown, 2004). In S.
water availability (Grant, 1990; Sinervo and grammicus all three processes had elasticity
Adolph, 1994; Angilleta, 2009). In contrast, values . 0.19, and this can be graphically
less-arid sites with lower temperatures and observed in the central position of the studied
more rainy days could entail thermal restric- populations within the demographic triangle
tions that would result in reduced physiolog- (Fig. 3). However, some variation was ob-
ical performance and lower rates of body served and we expected that the relative
growth. A line of evidence that supports this importance of the three life-cycle components
hypothesis is the fact that in the least-arid sites was related to residual temperature, residual
(Sites 6, 7, and 8; Table 1) stage-specific rainfall, aridity, population density, microhab-
transition rates were notably low (Table 4). itat availability, degree of human-induced
Therefore, the interactive effects of thermal disturbance, or extrinsic mortality.
restrictions, high population densities, and
human-induced disturbance likely caused the Potential Effects of Environmental Factors on
lowest rates of population growth that we the Relative Importance of the Life-cycle
detected in Sites 7 and 8. Components for Average Fitness
We recognize that natural populations None of the environmental factors that we
experience periods of population growth and studied was statistically associated with inter-
periods of population decline. In the long population variation in the elasticities for
term, the combination of these contrasting permanence, growth, or fecundity. Interac-
trends results in demographic stability (e.g., tions between such factors did not affect the
Webb et al., 2002; Iverson et al., 2006; relative importance of the life-cycle compo-
Zúñiga-Vega et al., 2007). For those popula- nents either. Contrary to our predictions, this
tions in which we observed finite rates of lack of associations indicates that these factors
population growth significantly lower (Sites 7 are not determinants for how these organisms
and 8) or higher (Site 1) than unity, our allocate resources to each of these processes.
studied years might have coincided with short- We detected some effects of population
term unfavorable or favorable conditions, density on fecundity as well as some effects
respectively. Based on our data set, which of the interactions of microhabitat availability
spans a little over 2 yr (July 2009–November with aridity and with density on survival, but
2011), we cannot extrapolate that the ob- these effects did not translate into relation-
served declines (in the case of Sites 7 and 8) ships between these factors and the observed
will lead to extirpation or that the observed elasticity patterns. In addition, our elasticity
population growth (in the case of Site 1) will analysis revealed that the small stage classes
lead to a considerable increase in the density (juveniles and small adults) made the greatest
of these lizards. contribution to fitness in all populations,
The relative importance of the three life- regardless of the large differences among sites
cycle components (permanence, growth, and in environmental conditions and in the stage-
fecundity) for average fitness was relatively specific vital rates. An alternative explanation
similar. In other words, no single component to the observed interpopulation variation in
had a strikingly high elasticity value such as the relative importance of the life-cycle
has been observed in other organisms. For components for average fitness focuses on
example, long-lived species such as turtles or historical processes rather than on environ-
trees are usually associated with permanence, mentally driven factors. As we recognized
explaining more than 90% of the observed k before, our populations might belong to
December 2013] HERPETOLOGICA 431

distinct chromosomal races (Arévalo et al., rates may be as high as that observed among
1994). Therefore, similar chromosomal races populations. Thus, a complete picture of the
might share similar survival, growth, or long-term effects of extrinsic mortality on
fecundity rates (or all) and, in turn, similar intraspecific variation in life-history traits will
elasticity patterns just because of shared be achieved only by studying several popula-
ancestry. Accurate descriptions of the chro- tions during long periods of time (more than
mosomal races at our study sites and the 10 yr; Crone et al., 2011).
phylogeographic history of these populations Finally, within-year variation in the relative
are needed to test this hypothesis. importance of the life-cycle components for
The fast–slow continuum of life-history average fitness likely occurs in our studied
evolution suggests that species or populations populations. In species inhabiting arid or
experiencing high extrinsic mortality will semi-arid environments, such as S. grammi-
evolve ‘‘fast’’ life cycles with increased body cus, the time periods that are benign for
growth and fecundity. This, in turn, would growth and reproduction are short and
result in fecundity and growth making the sometimes unpredictable. In these cases,
largest contributions to average fitness. In natural selection promotes the evolution of
turn, populations experiencing low extrinsic plastic responses such as increased reproduc-
mortality will evolve ‘‘slow’’ life cycles with tive effort or body growth during such periods
delayed body growth and reduced fecundity. (Venable, 2007). Therefore, drastic changes in
This, in turn, would result in a significantly the relative importance of the life-cycle
larger contribution of permanence to average components for average fitness can be expect-
fitness compared to modest contributions of ed within single years, such as higher elastic-
growth and fecundity (Promislow and Harvey, ities for growth and fecundity during favorable
1990; Franco and Silvertown, 1996; Oli, 2004). periods and higher elasticity for permanence
This hypothesis was not supported by our during the rest of the year. Such expected
results. More important, this lack of associa- short-term changes in the relative importance
tion between mortality and the relative of the life-cycle components for average
importance of the life-cycle components is fitness and their underlying environmental
not consistent with what has been observed in causes deserve future research.
other systems. In several species of plants
Acknowledgments.—This paper is a requisite to obtain
(Franco and Silvertown, 1996), birds (Sæther the Ph.D. degree in the Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas
and Bakke, 2000), and mammals (Heppell et of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. We would
al., 2000; Oli and Dobson, 2003), extrinsic like to thank the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y
mortality explains a large proportion of the Tecnologı́a 210458 and the Programa de Apoyo a
interspecific variation in the relative contribu- Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica
(project PAPIIT-IN206309-3) from Universidad Nacional
tion of permanence, growth, and fecundity to Autónoma de México for the financial support provided
fitness. However, these patterns of variation for this research. Also we would like to thank C. Martorell
and association have been examined among for his comments, which improved this study. Finally, we
species. The present study is one of the few thank P. Mendoza-Hernández, J. Maceda-Cruz, L.
Moyers-Arévalo, M. Romano-Garcı́a, C. Molina-Zuluaga,
examining the demographic predictions of the
C. Olivera-Tlahuel, and F. Rodrı́guez-Reyes for field
fast–slow continuum hypothesis within a assistance. Fieldwork was conducted under permit
single species (Horvitz and Schemske, 1995; FAUT-0240 issued by the Dirección General de Vida
Silvertown et al., 1996; Floyd and Ranker, Silvestre – México.
1998; Heppell, 1998) and certainly the first
focused on a lizard species. Perhaps differ- LITERATURE CITED
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