A) What Kind of Things or People Would You Describe As Beautiful?

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a) What kind of things or people would you describe as beautiful?

I would describe as beautiful, people who is happy. Beautiful is not only based in what we see
outside, it is Health, self-love, a goal, also I’d describe beaches and sunsets as beautiful. This
meaning will always change if you ask different people.

b) What do you think the expression ¨Beauty is only skin deep¨means?

Beauty is only skin deep means that beauty is not only based on the outside, it’s not only ‘‘how
the look’’ but also what they think, how they feel, their personality. It tells us that beauty can
be always found on the inside, not only outside.

c) What is beauty to you?

Beauty is self love. For me beauty is what you can give, a great personality, someone’s
thoughts. For me beauty is definitely not what we see with a naked eye, it is everything from
inside, they way you act.

d) Would you get a tattoo? Why? Why not?

No, I wouldn’t get a tattoo. A tattoo is something that will be in your skin forever and if you are
thinking of getting one, it should be something meanigful for you, and that’s a reason for me to
don’t get one. Another reason is that in this country people associate tattoos with crime, so it
would be difficult for me to get a job without being judged.

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