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Government Structure
The government structure differs as one goes through the history of the Philippines,
which may be categorized as follows: a) Pre-Spanish; b). Spanish period; c). American
period; d). Japanese period; e). Republic; and f). Martial Law Period

a) Pre-Spanish (before 1521)

The Barangays or independent communities were the unit of government structures

before Spain colonized the Philippines. The head of each barangay was the Datu. He
governs the barangays using native rules which are customary and unwritten. There
were two codes during this period: the Maragtas Code issued by Datu Sumakwel of
Panay Island and the Code of Kalantiao issued by Datu Kalantiano in 1433. The
existence of these codes is questioned by some historians.

Just like many ancient societies, trial by ordeal was practiced.

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