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1. medium
2. An ideal medium shall be Noncorrosive and Nontoxic
3. A Heat Stream is often the best way to present a heat balance
4. Low Efficiency is common to all heat power cycles
5. A closed cycle plant contains Auxiliary Equipment added for economic reasons
6. A Binary Vapor Cycle is two power cycles working together
7. An Engine Cycle considers only the changes occurring within the engine
8. A Condenser turns a fluid from its gaseous state to a liquid state
9. Working Medium is a fluid substance capable of absorbing and discharging heat energy.
10. Friction destroys perfect reversibility
11. In a closed rankine vapor cycle, the prime mover obtains the working expansion
12. A no-load input is required to satisfy friction and radiation losses
13. A regenerative heater resembles a small surface condenser
14. Deaerators dissolve oxygen gas in water to prevent corrosion in boiler
15. Engine cycle considers only the changes occurring within the engine
16. High density is a desirable property in securing separation of vapor form liquid in the
17. Heaters are located near the turbine to have little pressure drop to the heater
18. The prime mover of the regenerative cycle plant is a Steam Turbine
19. Surge Tank absorbs the irregularities of cycle flow
20. Regenerative Heater resembles a small surface condenser
21. Pressure Loss is due to pipe friction and throttling at the extraction nozzle
22. Distilled Water is used for feed water make-up
23. Mercury as a vapor cycle has low specific enthalpy
24. Evaporators use extracted steam for vaporizing raw water
25. A closed cycle plant ordinarily contains auxiliary equipment added for economic reasons
26. A balanced heat and power supply are generally economical
27. A vapor cycle involves, in addition, all changes in the vapor state
28. Cogeneration is the production of more than one useful form of energy from the same
energy source.
29. In a turbine, moisture in expanding steam is undesirable
30. It is assumed that reheating begins at the saturation line.
31. Live steam reheater was once used in earlier reheat cycles
32. Mercury as a vapor cycle has moderate vapor pressure at higher temperature
33. Modernizing existing equipment increases capacity of an existing plant
34. Mercury can seep through joints or cracks that would be impervious to water of steam
35. In a closed rankine vapor cycle, the condenser reduce the exhaust steam to liquid
36. Enthalpy is the sum of internal energy and flow work
37. Economizer is using the extracted steam to preheat the feed water

38. Feed Water Heater designed to preheat boiler feed water of condensing steam extracted
from steam turbine
39. Isobaric Process is a process in which the pressure stays constant
40. Entropy is a measure of molecular disorder or molecular randomness

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