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We did everything to avoid COVID-19 but nothing worked.

Ever since the outbreak, my dad who is very careful always reminded us to exercise
extra caution. School has been through distance learning and my mom was working from home.
However, my dad who works in the logistics was required to work daily. One night, I overheard
him recounting to my mom that two of his co-workers have been experiencing fever and body
pains. The following day, he began to look ill and started to have fever. He immediately went to
the hospital and had his swab test and prescription for his ailment. Cautious as he is, he decided
to be isolated in another room. I just had the chance to see him through video call.

My mom started to worry when my dad had lose his good appetite and his fever was
still there. After five days of being isolated, my mom suggested to my dad that they need to go
back to the hospital for his results and for another consultation. His first test came out negative
but upon his second consultation, he was diagnosed of fever, pneumonia and shortness of
breath. The doctor saw him display COVID-19 symptoms so he needed to be confined to
undergo more tests and treatment. My mom and I were also advised to take the swab test and
be quarantined for 14 days. My dad’s condition deteriorated after two days and was
transferred to another hospital in Al Ain, a two-hour drive from Abu Dhabi City.

We cannot be with our dad in the hospital as we were also isolated and visitors were
not allowed. We learned that my dad was intubated and needed to stay in ICU as both of his
lungs have been severely infected with pneumonia. It was the toughest challenge we faced,
with no idea what was going to happen especially that we are in another country. My mom
pretended to be strong but I felt her vulnerability whenever she cries silently at night and
whenever she calls the hospital to ask for updates regarding my dad’s condition. I couldn’t
really comprehend what was happening during those times but I know something is really
serious about my dad. Two of my dad’s test results came out positive.

Through the days that he was in the hospital, I missed his strict aura in our home; I miss
him asking me to do errands for him; I miss how I annoy him; I miss his good cooking. I couldn’t
even make him coffee like I always do and I couldn’t comfort him through phone calls and
messages as he cannot use his phone. I couldn’t imagine how he was struggling, hanging in
there, unconscious with a tube and a machine helping him to breathe. How I wish I could sing
songs for him to lessen his agony. I know his illness cause him much pain.

And miracles happen. On day thirteen of his confinement, he was removed from the
ventilator and started to breathe on his own. It was April 26 when my received a text message
from him and we jumped and cried for joy and gratitude to God for hearing our prayers. He
needed to stay few more days to have more tests and to regain his strength and energy. He
finally went home from the hospital after sixteen days of confinement and needed to be
quarantined for fourteen days more. As of this writing, I haven’t hugged, kissed or touched him
yet as he was still isolated in the other room. But God is really amazing! He never abandoned
my family.

Jasryl Mignonette L. Salvador

Grade 7

The Philippine School – Abu Dhabi

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