Current Learning and Assessment Practices

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Form No. 10: Learning and Assessment Strategies


This form aims to document the learning and assessment strategies employed by teachers. This is part of the University initiative to develop an online catalogue of learning management resources such as the learning outcomes, learning methods,
and assessment strategies. Your indulgence in reporting your learning and assessment strategies will truly help the University transition smoothly to flexible learning system.


Please accomplish this form by providing the needed information.

1. In Column 1, enumerate the top 5 learning and assessment strategies you have used in your classes. This pertains to the strategies you frequently use in all courses you have handled.
2. Enter in Column 2 the primary references of each strategy. This pertains to empirical or theoretical studies that support the use of such strategy in higher education. You may use your own action research, or any scholarly study you have
conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the strategy. You may also indicate your personal observation or experience on the effectiveness of the strategy.
3. In Column 3, enter a brief description of the strategy. Please indicate the rationale of its use, its salient features, and the resources needed in its implementation.
4. Enter in Column 4 the specific knowledge, skills, or values (KSVs) that the strategy develops or nurtures among the learners.

Learning Strategies
No 1.Title of Learning 2. Reference(s) 3. Brief Description of the Learning Strategy 4. Target KSVs

1 Learning spaces

a strategy for those students preferred the face to face discussions creative thinking, collaboration

2 Dual Coding presenting lectures in both visual and verbal form to help students have a better understanding attentive listening and visual skills

3 Interaction and Collaboration a strategy that will encourage students to participate,ask questions, interact amongst themselves cognitive, collaborative skills and
or learn from each other and motivates our learners to stay awake communication

4 Exercises / Problem Solving a strategy that will allow students to build their background knowledge and sharpen their problem critical thinking
solving skills

5 group learning a strategy that will provide learning activities that encourage cooperation among group members critical thinking, decision making skills, high
level reasoning
Assessment Strategies
No 1. Title of Assessment Strategy 2. Reference(s) 3. Brief Description of the Assessment Strategy 4. Target KSVs

1 Diagnostic Assessment creating instructions according to student's strengths, weaknesses, skills and knowlegde knowledge in engineering

2 Paper and Pencil giving a short quiz at the end of class comprehension

3 Peer Assessment allow students to coach, evaluate and feedback on their peers' work cognitive understanding

4 Self Assessment students assess their own progress and performance suc as having a student-corrected work reinforcing effort and recognition

5 Summative Test evaluating students learning at the end of an instructional unit mastery of learning

Prepared by (Name):

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