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Tic. [_ pare REVISION a shen | apru #270, PIPING | iano | a.eo AS OE 1) [Bosal ews = Frits af eer : LEME) COPY Ne md 2 “TT! CoHEDK er SeRance . Sita INS i / CHECK ELEVATION sowece uterus ie > Kwek pcjond 9 604 THD foe sus Tptwovae _ "CHECK ¢. EARANCE N Ss 1. 05 NG" MROMIDE CRAIN OW PEO. REN LARCER END OF-RED. IS 55 HAW 4 2. TH DRAM IS REQUIRED WHEA COMIROL VALE IS "c* OR "17 (cine OR cK ON’aR FALUREL GR WHEN REOLIPSD BY Pa. Be THIS DESIGN GUIDE REPLACES 8-44-5009, REV.1 - GUIDE REV ® cncwccne wom uwwteo | TYPICAL CONTROL VALVE -_ ee en MANIFOLDS 8-1643-5003 | 0 not be reproduced, jon 1, A&=-210x297 F z : ended use. Ei-1641~1255 Res in consent given by the lender to the Dor led woy permitted by © The orowing, design ond dela copied, exhitited or used except in the NO. | _ Dare REVISION ey cHKo | APPD | APD PIPING 0 | 31.03.00 | issueo as cue (LBA) Ke Ns sor a 3 i 3 i ioe t | Z q § 4 2 i oft oe vores 1. IN PIPING STUDIES OR ARRANGEMENT DRAWINGS, ONLY PLAN VIEW WILL BE SHOWN EXCEPT WHEN. 0) SEPARATE ISOMETRIC FOR LINE IS NOT DRAWN FOR FABRICATION OR ERECTION. b) ALL DETAILS OF MANIFOLD ARE NOT CLEAR IN PLAN VIEW, IN SUCH CASES ISOMETRIC DETAIL WILL ALSO BE GIVEN IN THE ARRANGEMENT DRAWINGS. 2. CALL OUT CONTROL VALVE SIZE & RATING WHEN IT DIFFERS FROM THE LINE RATING. THIS DESIGN GUIDE REPLACES 8-44-5003, REV.1 ENGINEERS INDIA LiMTeD | TYPICAL CONTROL VALVE _ ai Cy NEW DELHI MANIFOLDS eo vess 500s) Page 2 of 4 No. | _ Dare PIPING REVISION cHKo | _APPD 0 31.03.00, ISSUED AS GUE ee PE Bn) oe Reel 9 vs save sze (1) pe | RADE OR PLATFORM lel zg ‘hd CRDE OR PLATFORM aut Low tcf Bho Gest oe PLATFORM J ye ma eave o@ pusrrory RADE om PLATFORM THIS DESIGN GUIDE REPLACES 8-44-5003, REV.1 NGINEERS INDIA LIMITED C2 NEW DEL TYPICAL CONTROL VALVE MANIFOLDS: GUIDE 8-1643-5003 Page 3 of 4 REV oO 1d woy permitled by 0 willen consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. ElL-1641-1255 Revision 1. A&~210x297, i Tormat ore the properly of ENGNEERS INDIA LNTED. They are merely loaned on the bovowers express ogreement thot they wil nol be vepreduced, NO. | _ DATE REVISION BY cao | APPD | APD PIPING [> [sios00 ISSUED AS GUIDE (LBA) Wyse OE OF PUNTTORY exarroew GENERAL NOTES 1 WS STANDARD 1S TO BE USED AS A GUIDE FOR SELECTING CONTROL VALVE MANFOLOS 2. LOCATE SUPPORTS SO TAAT ASSEMBLY (S SELF SUPPORTING WHEN CONTROL VALVES REMOVED FROM ITS POSITION FOR 5. CONTROL VALE SHALL BE INSTALED IN HORIZONTAL LINES Te THE DIAPHRAGM DIRECTLY ABOVE THE VALVE 80OY. ANY DeVATON SHOULD BE CHECKED WIM THE WSTRUMENT ENONER, THIS DESIGN GUIDE REPLACES 8-44-5003, REV.1 ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED Cp (NEW DEL TYPICAL CONTROL VALVE = lah MANIFOLDS 8-1643-5003 ° Page 4 of 4

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