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Write a note on character of 'Langar' (From Raag Darbari by Shrilal Shukla)

Langar from Raag Darbari by Shrilal Shukla, as the name indicates was a limp as one of his leg
was amputated. He was the representation of a poor common man who suffers in the corrupt
system of rich and powerful people.

He was a very religious man and a follower of kabir with a tilak on his forehead and a necklace
of holy tulsi. He used to sing the verses and bhajans of kabir untill his wife died and he had
fought and left his sons.

Langar was an innocent man. He was fooled easily by the corrupt Vaidyaji and Tehsildar who
are the bigger players of the village politics. They had behaved their best to show support
Langar but actually did nothing to help him.

He was a man of principles. He was reluctant to give 5 rupees to the copy clerk as a bribe and
decided to go by the rules. Due to which he waited for more than 7 years to get an insignificant
copy of a document. Though he was initially ready to give him 2 rupees which was the
supposed fixed rate of bribe for the task. So, it can't be said that he himself had not given up to
the corrupt system he lived in. But later, he got furious at the clerk. He gave up his house, his
village and abandoned his land, cattles and crops. He was obstinate to get his document
without any hush money and left no shortfall to achieve the goal.

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