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a) Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is

not sufficient to answer the question asked.

b) Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is
not sufficient to answer the question asked.
c) Both statements 1 and 2 together are sufficient to
answer the question but neither statement is sufficient
d) Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the
e) Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient to answer the
question asked and additional data is needed to answer
the statements.
Keep in mind
• Read only one statement at a time
• Always look for unique values
What is the area of the rectangle ABCD?

(i) Length of the rectangle = 5 cm

(ii) Breadth of the rectangle = 3 cm
Is ‘x’ an even integer?
i) 2x is even
ii) 7x is even

What is the value of y?

1.y - 3 = 2
2. y / 2 = 25

What was the percent increase of Company A's stock between June 1
and June 30, 2000?

1.The stock gained $5 in value during June 2000.

2. The stock rose 12% during the first half of the month.

How much was the total sale of the company?

I. The company sold 8000 units of product A, each costing Rs. 25.
II. The company has no other product line

Is the product of x and y greater than 60?

1.The sum of x and y is greater than 60.

2. Each of the variables is greater than 2.

In what proportion would Raj, Karan and Altaf distribute profit among
them .

I. Raj gets two-fifth of the profit.

II. Karan and Althaf have made 75% of the total investment.

Is the integer k divisible by 40?

1) 8 is a factor of k
2) k is a factor of 10

What is ( x2 / y2 ) + ( y2 / x2 ) ?

1) x/y + y/x = 6
2) x/y - y/x = 2

How many children does M have ?

I. H is the only daughter of X who is wife of M.

II. K and J are brothers of M.

What will be the total weight of 10 poles, each of the same weight ?

I. One-fourth of the weight of each pole is 5 kg.

II. The total weight of three poles is 20 kilograms more than the total
weight of two poles.

How many children are there between P and Q in a row of children ?

I. P is fifteenth from the left in the row.

II. Q is exactly in the middle and there are ten children towards his

A certain straight corridor has four doors, A, B, C and D (in that order)
leading off from the same side. How far apart are doors B and C?

1. The distance between doors B and D is 10 meters.

2. The distance between A and C is 12 meters

Given that x and y are real numbers, what is the value of x + y?

1. (x² – y²) / (x-y) = 7

2. (x + y) ² = 49

A bucket was placed under a dripping tap which was dripping at a

uniform rate. At what time was the bucket full?

1. The bucket was put in place at 2pm.

2. The bucket was half full at 6pm and three-quarters full at 8pm.
How old is Raja?
i) 20 years from now, he will be 2 years
older than triple his present age.
ii) He is 3 years older than his brother.

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