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This paper aims to discuss about the hospitality industry scenario in India. The hospitality
industry can probably be termed as one of pioneering commercial undertakings of this world. It
is a piece of the bigger business activity the travel industry. The hospitality business is an
assistance industry. This industry is one of the biggest and most quickly developing businesses
on the planet, and is impacted by high points and low points in the economy. Present
investigation is an endeavor to take a diagram of Hospitality Industry in India. It tries to inspect
the present patterns in the friendliness and the travel industry, expose the difficulties looked by
the accommodation and the travel industry and the future prospects of the hospitality business in
India. This paper employed data from the Indian Tourism Corporation to ascertain its findings
and conclusions.

Keywords: Hospitality, Tourism, Economy,

In India, hospitality depends on the standard Atithi Devo Bhava, signifying "the visitor is
God."In India the idea of haven for explorers isn't new. Truth be told, it is as old as its written
history. The accommodation and the travel industry has risen as one of the real drivers in the
development of the administrations area in India. The expanding acquiring intensity of clients in
nations like India, is one of the major new patterns driving interest for movement encounters.
The Hospitality Industry is contributing significantly to the economy of India. As per the
Planning Commission, this segment makes a larger number of occupations per million rupees of
venture than some other division of the economy. It is fit for giving work to a wide range of
employment searchers, from the untalented to the particular, even in the remote pieces of the


 To state about the challenges, trends and strategies in Indian hospitality industry
 To detail the hospitality sector’s contribution for the development of Indian Economy


Leela Shelley (1991) in her study titled “Tourism Development in India –A Study of the
Hospitality Industry” made an attempt to present a broad profile of the hospitality industry. She
considered various aspects involved in hospitality industry and try to explain it effectively. Here
the importance of hospitality industry in the development of tourism was studied with Indian
Travel and Tourism directly creates employment opportunities in hotels, restaurants, airlines,
travel agencies, passenger ships, and as a result of the spread effect creates jobs in industries like
construction, telecommunication, manufacturing and the retail trade. Most important from India's
point of view is the fact that these employment opportunities will be created in the small and
medium segments of the economy and dispersed throughout the country. Even though in India,
travel and tourism is still considered an elite 'five star' activity (WTO, 1998)
India is continuously improving the environment for promoting Hospitality and Tourism sector
through economic reforms. This has resulted in International Hotel Chains lining up in India
because of ample opportunities available in this sector for foreign investors. (, 2014).
The Hospitality industry, geographically dispersed in easily identifiable different sectors is one
of the larger employers in most countries. The globalisation of the industry has accelerated under
the pressures of the “advances in technology, communication and transportation, deregulation,
elimination of political barriers as well as growing competition in the global economy (Clarke
and Chen, 2007)


The hospitality industry in India offers a comprehensive approach to those individuals who
intend to make a career in this field; an individual is able to acquire knowledge of all the areas
and fields that are part of the hospitality industry. There are numerous fields in this industry,
such as introduction to the lodging industry, human resources management, organizational
behavior, facilities management, hospitality law, employment law, food sanitation, food services
operation, cost control, career development, organizational administration, financial and
managerial accounting, financial management and operations and strategic management are the
vital areas that come under hospitality industry.
In India, there has been development in the fields of education, technology and industrialization;
with these developments, there has been progress in the hospitality industry. The main objective
of hospitality industry is to make available all the adequate facilities to pilgrims, scholars,
adventurers and merchants.


5.1 Promote F&B Revenue

During the changed situation has implied that numerous Hotels have begun changing the
working technique. One of the systems received is pushing up incomes from F&B (Food and
Beverage) just as Banqueting capacities. This has begun paying profits with a portion of the
Hotels revealing increment in F& B income by 20 to 25% year on year. Going ahead F&B
incomes are probably going to assume a key job in the income stream of the Hotel.
5.2 Pervasive Wellness
Unavoidable health backing to ascend to the improvement of new inn designs and different tasks
spend significant time in weight reduction and all out wellbeing intended to change you during
and after your remain.
5.3 Assisted Living
Inns will turn into an undeniably alluring alternative for electronically helped long-remain living
as a support between the post-retirement and pre-nursing home life stages. Individuals matured
more than 60 at present hold over half of the riches in created social orders might want to helped
living created as a private option in contrast to nursing home consideration alternative for seniors
due to its accentuation on occupant decision, respect, autonomy and protection.
5.4. The Rise of E-Tourism
The web has modernized the essence of movement industry, with its huge effect among the
visitors. Voyagers affecting their basic leadership and is the key power behind personalization
and customization. Presently a day they additionally incline toward online appointments and
reservations these days. These tremendous changes brought by innovation to purchase a standard
traveler bundle proposed by a visit administrator.
5.5 Temporary Migrants
Worldwide and intra-national movement the same number of trust in better financial prospects.
Regular specialists, fundamentally in agribusiness, keep on being the absolute most significant
gathering of transitory laborer transients. The capacity to move internationally proceeds,
relocation will build exponentially determined mostly by 'pull' factors (for example requirement
for laborers) and 'push' factors (for example common distress, destitution). The transients will
require transitory medium-term settlement in unsurprising areas. The Hotels will give extra
offices to move to procuring additional income.
5.6 Reactive Environments
The multiplication of sensors, information and computerization are making responsive
conditions that can detect anything from climate examples to client conduct, and naturally adjust
the space and accommodation administration experience. By 2020 the quantity of associated cell
phones is set to increment from 9 billion today to 24 billion. Shrewd home advances, for
example, remote checking, light and warming control, movement locators and cameras are for
the most part fit for being worked by PDA..


6.1 Escalating Operating Cost

There are worries that working costs are on the ascent because of the advanced turn that the
business is taking. Vitality cost, work cost, protection cost, development and redesign cost
among others were distinguished as significant costs that are brought about for the smooth
running of the business. Numerous brands are changing brand models, and "increasing present
expectations" through expanded administrations and additionally comforts trying to increase a
focused edge in the commercial center which has brought about increments in working expenses
for some inns and other vacation spot locales..
6.2 Human Resource Development: 
A portion of the administrations required in the travel industry and lodging ventures are
exceptionally customized, and no measure of mechanization can substitute for individual
specialist organizations. India is concentrating more on cushy occupations than hands on
employments. The lack of hands on representatives will present different dangers to the business.
6.3 Retaining Quality Workforce 
Maintenance of the workforce through preparing and improvement in the inn business is an issue
and maintenance levels are excessively low. One reason for this is ugly compensation bundles. In
spite of the fact that there is blast in the administration segment, the greater part of the lodging
the executives graduates are joining different areas like retail and aeronautics.
6.4 Intense Competition and Image of India
The business is seeing elevated challenge with the appearance of new players, new items and
new frameworks. The challenge from neighboring nations and negative recognitions about
Indian the travel industry item obliges the development of the travel industry. The picture of
India as a nation invaded by neediness, political precariousness, security concerns and sicknesses
likewise hurts the travel industry.
6.5 Natural Disasters
Voyagers are progressively picking goals in parts on the apparent degree of hazard. Cataclysmic
events appear to be a noteworthy test standing up to the business since research demonstrates
that a large portion of the debacle inclined territories are real places for vacation spot. Regardless
of whether a long haul pattern from an unnatural weather change or part of a long haul cycle,
catastrophic events seem to have turned out to be progressively visit as of late. Post debacle
outcomes additionally put numerous goals in a troublesome return circumstance.Assets that go
into revamping neighborhood foundation channel supports that may somehow or another go
toward monetary development.
6.6 Customer Expectations
s India is developing as a goal on the worldwide travel map, desires for clients are rising. The
organizations need to concentrate on client dedication and repeat purchases.
6.7 Manual Back-End
In spite of the fact that most presumed chains have IT empowered frameworks for property the
board, reservations, and so forth., practically every one of the information which really make the
organization work are filled in manual log books or are just not followed.


The development of the web from that point forward has assumed a key job in really globalizing
the business endeavors just as the promoting open doors for the lodging and neighborliness
industry. The coming of outsider travel sites, for example,, and just as a couple of home developed sites like and
has likewise been seen lately. These channels of disseminations immediately picked up quality
and their commitment to the general pie of reservations has been developing as time passes.
Moreover, autonomous neighborliness survey and feeling sites like Trip counselor are likewise
famous with the voyaging populace of today. While these sites offer the well informed explorer
the chance to see pictures and read genuine visitor remarks about pretty much every inn in each
major and minor city of India, they likewise offer the inns a chance to grandstand their items and
administrations to a mass crowd.



8.1 Swadesh Darshan

In light of explicit topics, government has distinguished 15 circuits which incorporates Krishna
Circuit, Buddhist Circuit, Himalayan Circuit, North East Circuit, Coastal Circuit, natural life
circuit and ancestral circuit.

8.2 Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD)

National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation was actualized by the
Ministry for upgrading the offices gave and foundation at journey focuses all things considered

8.3 Statue of Unity

Statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, otherwise called 'Province of Unity', was initiated in October
2018. It is the most elevated standing statue on the planet at a tallness of 182 meters. It is relied
upon to help the travel industry division in the nation and put India on the world the travel
industry map.
8.4 Niche Tourism
The Ministry of Tourism has stepped up of recognizing, enhancing, creating and advancing
specialty results of the nation. This is done so as to beat the part of 'regularity' and to advance
India as a 365 days goal, pull in travelers with explicit intrigue, and to guarantee rehash visits for
the one of a kind items in which India has a near bit of leeway. The Ministry of Tourism has
taken activities for the advancement of Golf Tourism and Medical &Wellness Tourism. The
following tourism are identified to promote the tourism throughout the year
a) Cruise Tourism
b) Adventure Tourism
c) Medical Tourism
d) Wellness Tourism
e) Golf Tourism
f) Polo Tourism
g) Meetings Incentives Conferences & Exhibitions (MICE) Tourism
h) Eco-tourism
i) Film Tourism


The tourism and hospitality industry is one of the largest divisions under the services sector of
the Indian economy. In India, the travel industry is a key development driver and a significant
wellspring of remote trade profit. The segment's immediate commitment to total national output
(GDP) is required to develop at 7.8 percent per annum during the period 2013-2023. The
absolute market size of the travel industry and cordiality industry in India was at US$ 117.7
billion of every 2011 and is required to contact US$ 418.9 billion by 2022.

The travel industry part in India is prosperous because of an expansion in remote traveler
appearances (FTA) and a bigger number of Indians making a trip to residential goals. The Indian
friendliness segment has been developing at a combined yearly development pace of 15 percent
consistently, including required measure of remote trade to the economy. The travel industry
strategy of the Indian government goal is to quicken the execution of the travel industry ventures,
advancement of coordinated the travel industry circuits, one of a kind limit working in the
friendliness segment.

Contribution of Tourism in GDP of Contribution of Tourism in

Year the Country (%) Employment of the Country (%)
Direct Indirect Total Direct Indirect Total
2009-10 3.68 3.09 6.77 4.37 5.80 10.17
2010-11 3.67 3.09 6.76 4.63 6.15 10.78
2011-12 3.67 3.09 6.76 4.94 6.55 11.49
2012-13 3.74 3.14 6.88 5.31 7.05 12.36

Table 1 .Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment of the country

9.1 Foreign Tourist & NRI Arrivals
FTAs during 2017 were 10.18 million with a development of 15.6% over same time of the earlier
year. During 2016, FTAs were 8.8 million with a development pace of 9.7% more than 2015.
During 2017, an aggregate of 1.7 million remote travelers landed on e-Tourist Visa enrolling a
development of 57.2%. During 2016, FTAs on e-Tourist Visa in India were 1.08 million when
contrasted with 0.445 million out of 2015, enlisting a development of 142.5%.In the year 2016,
there were 5.77 million appearances of NRIs in India, with a development pace of 9.7% more
than 2015.
9.2 International Tourist Arrivals
In concordance with UNWTO, ITAs incorporate both FTAs and Arrivals of NRIs. In the year
2016, there were 14.57 million ITAs in India, with a development pace of 9.7% more than 2015.
9.3 Foreign Exchange Earnings
Charges during the period 2017 were Rs.1,80,379 crore with a development of 17% over same
time of earlier year. The FEEs from the travel industry in rupee terms during 2016 were
Rs.1,54,146 crore with a development pace of 14.0% when contrasted with FEE of Rs.1,35,193
crore during 2015 with a development of 9.6% more than 2014. Expenses during the period 2017
were US$ 27.693 billion with a development of 20.8% over same time of earlier year. The FEEs
from the travel industry in US $ terms during 2016 were US $ 22.92 billion with a development
pace of 8.8% when contrasted with FEE of US$ 21.07 billion during2015 with a development of
4.1% more than 2014.
9.4 Domestic Tourism
Residential the travel industry keeps on being a significant supporter of the segment. According
to the information outfitted by State/UT Governments and other data accessible with the
Ministry of Tourism, the residential traveler visits during the year 2016 were 1613.6 million
when contrasted with 1432 million out of 2015 enrolling a development of 12.68% more than


The segment's business age potential has likewise been featured by the World Travel and
Tourism Council (WTTC), which says India's movement and the travel industry division and
cordiality industry is required to be the second-biggest boss on the planet, utilizing roughly 52
lac individuals, legitimately or in a roundabout way by 2019.

Indian tourism and hospitality sector has arrived at new statures today. The accommodation
business in India is expanding by jumps and limits thus a proportionate increment in
consumption both for voyagers and specialist co-ops. This can profit the nearby network
financially and socially, and empower association among vacationers and local people for a
commonly enhancing knowledge. Wild challenge and battle to rank on the main position is
driving the pioneers of this industry to consider on thoughts and design effective cordiality items
and administrations consistently. Along these lines, with circumstances in abundance the future
'Situation of Indian Hospitality Industry' looks blushing.

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