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A Report Proposal Submitted to the Department of

Communication for the Internal Assessment

Submitted to: Megha Raj Adhikari

Submitted by: Saroj Neupane
MBA Ist Semester
Date: 20th January 2020
Statement of Problem
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of
them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who
falls when there is not another to raise him up?" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, KJV). This implies that
teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do on his or her own. Teamwork is defined as
"a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose,
performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and
Smith, 1993)
In today's society, there have been so much emphasis on pride and personal achievement at work
place; where by the concept of teamwork seems to be overlooked by managers and employees, due
to this management sees less essence of teamwork as a major tool of performance which has lead
them to poor performance and productivity in the industry market. Therefore the study seeks to
identify the impact teamwork has on organizational performance.

Purpose and Scope of Work

The scopes of this research are employees and managers of Enravel Nepal Pvt Ltd, the
research looks at teamwork and organizational performance in relation to productivity. Financial
difficulties limited the scope and content of the study. Due to the oath of secrecy taken by people
who were concerned; it was difficult for them to divulge information which would have been
required on the topic. The target groups were having little interest in providing data. In some cases
they were reluctant to supply the required information. Despite these limitations, a thorough
observation was done during the study, to reduce the limitations so that conclusions that were drawn
would be acceptable.

Source and Method of Data Collection

Primary data type was collected by the researcher. It was obtained from respondents through
the administration of questionnaires. This was sourced from the staff and management of Enravel
Nepal Pvt Ltd. The researcher used the primary data because it helps to know what is actually
happening on the ground and also come out with findings and recommendations. Questionnaire was
the main instrument used to collect data for the study. This was to enhance the truthfulness of the
data regarding the study.

Preliminary Outline
The preliminary Outline for the study is as follows:
1. What can be done in order to improve the team work?
2. Is Communication between the staffs efficient?
3. Is the ideas of work being shared between the staffs and management?
4. Are everyone clear of the task?
5. Is the team work currently efficient for accomplishing the task?
6. Is the organizational policy for work environment being implemented?
7. What are the measures being taken by management for effective team work?
8. Is training and development work being efficient?

Task Assignment & Schedule

Each phase of this study will be completed by the following dates:
Secondary research- 25th January 2020
Employee and management survey- 28th January 2020
Analysis and synthesis of research- 31st January 2020
Comparison of implementation strategies- 2nd February 2020
Final report- 5th February 2020

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