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2070 to large d i a m ~ b~rel piles. ~ followi~ methods are

ZHDANOV, AP MOSCOW STATE CONS~R.INSTALL.TRUST, SU given: Inspection, test loafing, shaft o o m ~ s s i o n ,
GOLDIN, EM MOSCOW ST~A~ CONS~.INSTALE.TRUST, SU d r i l l ~ . ~ (a borehole ~own the l e ~ of the IxLle),
GO~I,LV MOSCOW STATE CONSTR.INSTALL.TRUST, SU ~crehole I m s ] ~ o n (~y closed circuit television esme-
Results of experimental ard theoretical investigations ra) I calliper l o ~ i z ~ acoustic scsmmi~, sidle hole
on the behavlour of beam slabs on elastic fomrl~- somic testimg~ radlo~mtric loggir~, and vibration ~esting.
ion bed~.~F, ~R.
SOIL MECH.FOUND.E~.VlO, NS, ~PA-OCT. 1973, P351-355 • 20"/5
For the tests the writers used a series of slabs 14cm ASTILL, AW UNIV. ASTO~ BIRMINGHAM, GB
thick, 6m long ~ 1.5, 1.75~ and 2m wide wi%~ differ- Foundation design and CP ll0.2F.
ent %~Vpes of r e i m f ~ e ~ : i. With heavier reinforca- CIV .ENGI~.JUNE, 1974, P26- 27 •
~ n t at the lower face; 2. With symmetrical disposition The new code of practice for the structural use of concr-
of the reinforcement at the upper and lower faces; 3. ete (CP-110) is based on the principles of limit state
With the reinforcement placed in one layer at the middle design. The design is based on ultimate loads and stren-
of the slab. Electric strain gauges were used for measur- gths rather than working loads as in the pest. Limit
ing the linear strains to an accuracy of IXO.00001 and state design means that the designer is intended to
deflectometers having an accuracy of 0.Olmm. The teats check on all aspects of the design which might cause the
revealed %hat the r e i ~ f o r c ~ at the ~pper face of structure to become unfit for use. The principal limit
slabs is insufficient. Symmetrically reinforced slabs ex- states are: I. The ultimate state, is.collapse; 2. The
hibited an adequate strem6~h under the applied loads. service states, as local damnge and deflection.
The bendlr~ m~ments were found using finite difference
20771 Slopes
Laboratory method for dsteanmiming the shearing stre- 2076
mgth of soil frozen together with its foumdation. FELLS, PJ
~F, 2T, 5R. MAURE~,PM
SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG.VI0, NS, ~PT-0CT.1973,1~6~-367. Cuttlr~ failures near Wsterval Boven.4F.
The method, is based on S.S Vyalov's ~wocedures for TRANS. S.AFR. INSTN. CIV.ENGS.VI6, N5,MAY, 1974, P180-181.
determining the creep, long term strength and compres~ D u r i ~ the comstruction of a mew road in South Africa,
ibility characteristics of frozen soils. In Russian. through rugged terrain necessitating deep cuts amd high
Nat~ka, 1966) procedure for testing frozen soils in o r d ~ e~ankments, three isrge failures in cutting have occur-
to find their c r e e p and lor~-te~m shearing s ' b r ~ by red. These failures are briefly described and suggested
means of a d y m a m c ~ i c device and on a procedure for modes of failure are proposed.
determining the cor~aciation forces under field condlt-
ions. Freezing is controlled by a the~mocot~ple. Tests 2~
were carried out on heavy loam. The foundation models M I ~ S K I I , SN SOYUZDORPRO~, SU
were made of steel and reinforced concrete and saturated GRITSYUK, LV SOYUZDORPROEE~, SU
with w ~ . ~ The values obtained on t h e ~ o m e t r i c device Use of bored piles in slide-control structures.2F,
and by applying f~he usual procedure agree sufficiently IT.
close ly. SOIL ~ C H . FOUND.EI~NG, VI0, NS, SEPT-OCT. 1973, P325-328.
Bored piles for slide control have been used in
2072 the southern coast of Crimea since 1968. Before that time
DESAI, CS they were used only in road construction. During %he
Numerical design-analysis for piles in sands.13F, period 1968-1972 the So~olc~proek~ Inst. d e s i g ~ stab-
~T, 25R. ilizing elemem~s made of bored piles for 17 road s~retches
J.GEOTECH. E~DNG. DIV.VI00, GT6,197~, P613"635. in active lamdslide ranging in %2Lickness from 10-20 m.
A ~er of field load tests for piles in cohesionless The helical drill rigs could be used in the mountain
soils are ar~lyse~ u s l ~ 5he finite e l ~ me~.-~od; Com- zones of Crimea only for initial driving. At places where
pute~ bearing capacities using various failure criteria rock inclusions occurred, rope-blow rigs were used for
show good a~reement with those evaluated from a formula drillimg holes. Aloes with this stabilization work, the
based on limit equilibrium and from field data. Distribu- safety factor of the slope was determined.
tions of normal anl shear stresses along the pile wall,
and coefficient of lateral earth pressure, and signifi- 2078
camce of stress-paths in the stress-strain law are exami- YEE,WS
ned. A modification to the limit equilibrit~n formula is Lateral resistamce and deflection of vertical piles.
given which accounts for the reduction in bearing capac- Report.Figs,Ref s.
ity wi%h lemgth of embedment. CALIFORNIA ST~E, DIV.OF HIGHWAYS, SACRAMEI~O, HRIDGE
DEll. REPORT-PB- 220889-0, JAN. 1973 ,lllP.
HE~4ANN, HG 2O79
Investigation of the seafloor preconsolidation KOI~, IG
founiatlon concept. Report. Refs. Stability of dumps uni~cut at the base.4F,2R.
1973, 28P. The sequence overburden rocks in the worked out area in
the Chereulkhovo coalfield can be divided into two gro-
2074 ups : I) Rocks piled in a pre-d~np durirg working: 2 )
WHITAKER,T The overburden rocks which are laid on the upper part of
Structural I r ~ i t y of piles.3F,4R. the dump. The possibility of unlercuttir~ a dump to a ~
CIVIL EN~NS, JUNE, 197~, P2 O- 23 • particular height is determined by %he seco--4ary c~hes-
Methods of i n t ~ t y testing fall into two types: those ion ( as result of ccmpsction) and the a ~ l e of intermal
which may be applied to an existing pile that is susp- friction of the rocks of the first group. The calcul-
ect~ aml those which require s o ~ n g to be inserted ations of dump stability with a safety factor N=I.I-
into "the pile during constr~'tl~u: to enabL~ a t e ~ %0 1.15 show that with constant angle of slope of the dumps
be made on completion. The author outlir~zs the available and ar~le of slope of the umd~cut part of the dump, the
methods of cast-in-place piles ~ith particla- refec~nce maximt1~ attainable height of the undercut part depends
on the mechanical properties of the rock and t ~ total
height of the dump.
g.M.M.$. I I I O ~ o .

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