Lesson Plan

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School : SMP Negeri 5 Kendari

Subject : English

Class/ semester : VIII/ II

Time : 90 minutes

A. Standard of competence

Express the meaning of functional text and short essay formed in recount
and narrative for interaction in daily life

B. Basic Competence

To express the meaning and rhetoric step in short essay by using variety
of written language accurately, fluently, and acceptance for interaction in
daily life formed in recount and narrative

C. Indicators

Writing the short essay in narrative formed in a right rhetoric step.

D. Learning Objectives

At the end of this meeting, students are able to:

1. Write short essay in narrative form in a right rhetoric step

2. Write short story which relate to the theme.

E. Learning Materials

Kind of text : Narration

Theme : Tell to tell

Aspec/ Skill : Writing

F. Learning Method

Cooperative Learning (Numbered Heads Together Technique)

G. Teaching and learning activities

Activities Steps Tim

Pre- • Greetings 15’
activity • Call the students
• Apperception
• Giving common features about the material
Main- • Teacher plans for type of responses relate to
activity narrative text
• Team members numbered off
• Teacher poses a questions about narrative text
• Team puts heads together and decide on their
answer 60’

• Teacher calls time

• Teacher randomly select a number
• Those students whose numberes were selected
• Repeat until all questions are answered
• Teacher asks students to write narrative text
Post- • asking students problems 15’
activity • conclude the material
• check students writing
• giving assignment
• giving reinforcement

H. Learning Instrument and sources

1. Students hand out

2. Releven books about narrative text

I. Assesment
1. Assesment technique

Written test

2. Assesment form

Objective explanation

J. Marking Scheme

Score Level Criteria

Content 27-30 Excellent to very good : Knowledge

• Substantive
• Through development of thesis
• Relevant to assigned topic
- Good to average : Some
knowledge of subject
• Adequate range
• Mostly relevant to the topic :
17-21 but lacks detail
• Limited development of thesis
- Fair to poor : Limited
13-16 knowledge of subject
• Little substance
• Inadequate development of
- Very poor : Does not show
knowledge of subject
• Not substance
• Not pertinent
• Not enough to evaluate
Organizatio 18-20 Excellent to very good : Fluent expression
n • Ideas clearly stated /supposed
• Succinct
• Well organized
• Logical sequencing
14-17 • Cohesive
Good to average : Some choppy

• Loosely organized but main ideas stand out

• Limited support
• Logical, but incomplete sequencing

Fair to poor : Non fluent

• Ideas confused or disconnected

• Lacks logical sequencing and development

Very poor : Does not communicate

• Not organization

• Not enough to evaluate

Vocabulary 18-20 Excellent to very good : Sophisticated range

• Effective word / idioms chose and usage

• Word form mastery

• Appropriate register

14-17 Good to average : Adequate range

• Occasional errors of word /

10-13 idioms from choice, usage, but meaning not

Fair to poor : United range

• Frequent errors of word / idioms from, choice,

• Meaning confused or obscured

Very poor : Essentially translation

• Little knowledge of English vocabulary

• Or not to evaluate

Language 22-25 Effective complex construction

• few errors of agreement, tense, numbers,
word order, function, articles, pronouns,
Effective but simple construction

• Minors problem in complex construction

• Several errors of agreement, tense, number,

word order/function, articles, pronouns,

11-17 preposition but meaning seldom obscured

Major problem in simple/construction number, word

order/function, articles, pronouns preposition, and
or fragment, runs ones details.

• Meaning confused or obscured

Virtually not mastery of sentences construction


• Dominated by errors.
• Or not enough to evaluate

Mechanic 5 Excellent to very good : Demonetized mastery of


• Few errors of spelling, punctuation,

Good to average : Occasional

• Punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, but

meaning not obscured.

3 Fair to poor : Frequent errors of spilling,

punctuation, capitalization

• Poor hand writing

2 • Meaning confused or obscured

Very poor : mastery of conventions dominated by

errors of spilling punctuation, capitalization,


• Hand writing illegible

• Or not enough to evaluate

( Jacobs, et.al. in Sitti rahma

2005:28 )

Score = Students correct answer x 100

total score (100)

This table will be use to give score the result of the students writing test

N Qualification Score

1. Very Good 86-100

2. Good 71-85

3. Fair 56-70

4. Poor 41-55

5. Very Poor ≤ 40

Kendari, Desember

The headmaster of SMP Negeri 5 kendari English Teacher

Drs. La Suala, M.Pd Wd. Nur Syamsi R

The lion and the Mouse

Orientation contain (who, when,where)

One day a mouse went out to find something to eat. He ran carelessly
through some tall grass. He ran into a fierce lion. The lion caught the mouse. He
held him tightly and would not let him go.

Complication (the problem rises)

“Please let me go, Mr. Lion,” said the mouse. “One day I will help you.” The
lion laughed. “How could a little mouse help a big lion?” he thought. “Very well,”
he said. “I let you go but you must walk carefully.”

Evaluation (reacton to the complication) and resolution (solution to the


The mouse was very grateful. “Thank you,” he said. “You are very kind.” The
next week the mouse was again looking for something to eat. He saw the lion under
a tree. He was tied tightly in a net of strong ropes. He could not move. “I will help
you,” said the mouse. He bit through one of the ropes. His teeth were sharp. Then
he bit through another rope, and then another. Soon the lion was free. He was
grateful. “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you very much.

• Besides these four parts of narratives text there are also coda but coda only
optional. Sometimes it is not explain directly on the text but the reader can
conclude it. From the text we can take lesson that we have to help each other
and don’t be arrogant.

Language featuters of narratives

• Time words (one day, the next week)

• In narrative often there are some direct conversation
• Verbs indicating actions
Topic of the Story

The Magic Box

Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who dug up a big box in his field.
He took it home and showed it to his wife. His wife cleaned it and kept it in their
house. One day, she dropped an apples into it. Immediately the box began to fill up
with apples. No matter how many were taken out, other took their place. So the
farmer and his wife sold the apples and were able to live quite comfortably.

Then the farmer dropped a coin into the box and the apples disappear to
become full on coins. Everyday, the farmer and his wife collected hundreds of
dollars from the box. They become very rich.

Now the farmer’s grandfather lived with them. He was now very strong and
could not go out to work, but his son asked him to take the money out of the box.
When his father become tired and wanted to rest, his son shouted at him, “Why are
you so lazy? Why can’t you work harder?”
The old man did not say anything but he continued working until he fell inside
the box and died. At once, the money disappeared and the box began to fill up with
dead grandfathers.

Discuss the answer!

1. Find out the orientationof the text and give explanation!

2. Find out the complication of the text and give explanation!
3. Find out the evaluationof the text and give explanation!
4. Find out the resolutionof the text and give explanation!
5. Find out the coda of the text and give explanation!
6. Point out the tenses marker on the text!
7. Find out the time words of the text!!

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