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India is a country which is having more youth man power.

If we want our country to be a developed one

we need to utilize both man and women resource also. In order to achieve this both men and women
should be treated equally without any gender discriminations. In order to achieve this we need to
provide security for women who is working in late nights and travelling alone for home in order to
prevent them from rapes and molestations. If any kind of molestations and rapes happen means it will
going to be international news. Because of this entire government and whole country will put into

As women’s are going out for work and there are coming to home lately, security for them from rapes
and molestation plays a vital role in this security . We have to design a device to prevent this for some
amount of time so that she can at least escape from that critical life threatening situation because
always no one can able to monitor or can stay with her.

In order to achieve this we are designing a device that will going to use electric shock device to generate
small amount of electric shock so that it can make any person to be unconscious for some amount of
time as well with the help of this device when she use the device it will going to trigger the aurdino so
that with the help of GSM and GPS module present in the device we can share the current location of
the women in danger an alert message to the predefined users so that we can help the women in no


Smart gadget for women safety using IOT, in this gadget they have provided with safety measures like
sharing location through GSM module and they have used camera for easy identification of the attacker,
also they have used some alarming mechanism which sounds loud when used the device.

FEMME- Women safety device and application: In this they have shown more interest in developing a
useful device which consists of GPS and GSM modules for location sharing for hardware device, in-case
of software they directly send location using mobile phone and they also came-up with voice recording
for easier investigation of the issue, they have also included a gloves which can be used to generate mild
current to divert the intruder.


Smart gadget for women safety using IOT: If an attack happens outside the city then there is no use of
the device because mostly late nights there will be no one outside the city to help.
FEMME- Women safety device and application: sometimes the phone might get switch off due to no
charge and she can’t call for any help, also the gloves which they can’t wear every now and then which
turns out to be difficult for a women to do her daily tasks efficiently.


Arduino UNO
Power On Power Supply GSM Module
Trigger On GPS Module

Electric Stun Predefined

Gun Users

In this system architecture we are using arduino UNO as a development board which is having ATMega
328 as a microcontroller. Arduino UNO will be connected to GPS module and GSM module in order to
get the exact location of women in danger and to send the messages to predefined users along with the
location which has been generated be GPS module.

The working of this system or device will start from activation of electric stun gun. If women feel she is
in danger then she will going to press the power and trigger button in the electric stun gun which will
going to trigger the arduino and it will going to generate mild electric current which is sufficient enough
to make a person unconscious. In addition to this the trigger which has been generated by the stun gun
makes the arduino to activate the GPS and GSM module which will going to send the exact location of
the women in danger with an warning message for the predefined user so that she can be rescued from
the life threatening situations and in turn we can save our country from getting ashamed in front of
other countries due to misbehavior of some different kinds of people.

Conventional stun guns have a fairly simple design. They are about the size of a flashlight,

and they work on ordinary 9-volt batteries.

The batteries supply electricity to a circuit consisting of various electrical components. The

circuitry includes multiple transformers, components that boost the voltage in the circuit,

typically to between 20,000 and 150,000 volts, and reduce the amperage. It also includes an

oscillator, a component that fluctuates current to produce a specific pulse pattern of

electricity. This current charges a capacitor. The capacitor builds up a charge, and releases it

to the electrodes, the business end of the circuit.

The electrodes are simply two plates of conducting metal positioned in the circuit with a gap

between them. Since the electrodes are positioned along the circuit, they have a high voltage

difference between them. If you fill this gap with a conductor (say, the attackers body), the

electrical pulses will try to move from one electrode the other, dumping electricity into the

attackers nervous system.

Stun Device Architecture:


Project Objectives

Identifying hardware components

Procurement of components

Development of hardware system

Programming the microcontroller to communicate between GPS and GSM modules

Integration of hardware components and its testing

Testing the device

The first step in this particular system is to collect the objectives regarding to the system what we have
developing and in the next step after collecting the project objectives we have to identify the hardware
components which we required to complete the project.

After finalizing the hardware components we need to develop the hardware system by integrating all
the hardware components with necessary connectors. Once we integrated the hardware components
we need to program the microcontroller so that it will act according to the objectives of the project.

Programming the microcontroller includes necessary communication between electric stun gun and
GSM modules as well as GPS module in order to send the necessary alert message with location of the
women who is in dangerous situation.

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