The 9 Age Fantasy Battles - Homebrew

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The 9th Age

Fantasy Battles – Homebrew

Nemed Dhuraz
This is a Homebrew Army Book, designed to be played with The 9th Age rules,
as an Auxiliary Book to the Dwarven Holds army Book.
It is not official, and it is not balanced for tournament play.

2nd Edition, v2.04 – November 12th, 2019

Authors: badman341980, Calisson, Ghiznuk, johedl, infamousme, Karak Norn Clansman, Mercenary Armies and

Background ......................................................................... 3 CORE (at least 25%)....................................................... 13

Army Model Rules............................................................. 4 SPECIAL (no limit) .......................................................... 17
Special Equipment ............................................................ 5 ENGINES OF WAR (max 25%)..................................... 23
Army Organization ........................................................... 7 Background....................................................................... 26
CHARACTERS (max 40%)............................................... 7 Concept ............................................................................... 33
CHARACTER MOUNTS .................................................... 12 Change Log ........................................................................ 34

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found and given at

Copyright Creative Commons license:

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 2
Beyond the popular saying that Dwarves have only two gods, gold and
beer, there appears to be some faint religious spirituality in some of
them. The true philosopher cannot exclude Dwarves to have a soul,
after all. This is debatable especially for Seekers, who routinely excuse
their totally irrational behaviour on the pretext of vague old gods. Of
course, it is not up to debate in their presence.
The other opportunity to meet Dwarves who could pass to be religious
exists in Taphria. There is a Hold south of river Napaat, named Kegiz
Gavem. Consistent rumours mention it to be kind of a religious place,
for all Dwarves to worship if they happen to have nothing else to do –
which they rarely do.
There is a fascinating hypothesis, which is whether there would be a
place for Taphrian Seeker Dwarves, where the concentration of their
faint religious feelings, if any, would be maximized. Apparently, it
exists, in some kind of isolated peak, seceded from Kegiz Gavem, where
a sect would worship some Holy Scriptures year-round.
The name given to that place is Nemed Dhuraz, which could mean the
sanctuary of Dhuraz, whoever that name would be.

In the hellish silver mines in Taphria, slave Dwarves worked

endlessly, digging deep beyond the reach of the sun. Many died,
yet more were bred for the mines. The dangers were legion: lead
poisoning, and earthquakes, and rock falls, and monstrous
tunnel denizens, and magma flooding, and freak deluges of
onrushing water from surface rainstorms escaping into mining
networks. Dwarves died, Dwarves suffered, Dwarves survived by
hardihood, and some survived by sheer faith.

This was the fate of Dhuraz, who remained standing on his

knees, praying to the light while being flayed, whiplash by
whiplash. Heaven itself was moved by so much faith resisting so
much inequity, and heaven light struck the mine he worked in,
collapsing the whole tunnel network. All around Dhuraz, the
ground caved in and fell hundreds of fathoms in upon itself,
crushing sinful slaves and slave-drivers alike. Yet when the dust
settled, faithful Dhuraz found himself still praying on the same
rock, now exposed to brilliant daylight. The tonnes of crushing
rocks had miraculously cracked, tumbled and fallen to the sides
of Dhuraz, swallowed by collapsing mine shafts below.
The Life of Dhuraz-The-Holiest
Icon of Dhuraz the Preserved.

The first chronicler was Khezab the Old and he wrote Ancestors. By activating the runes inscribed on the Arc,
the first chronicle of the suffering of Dhuraz and his a chronicler can access the Dwarven history and gain
brethren under tyranny. He inscribed the chronicle on insight into the future and give guidance to those who
five large stone tablet and when he passed away, he seek it. Throughout history have many kings come in
was encased in a chest made of these tablets and that person or through envoys to Nemed Dhuraz, to receive
chest was brought to Nemed Dhuraz. It is said to rest in counsel before mustering their forces against great
the most sacred crypt and known as the Arc of external treats.

Nemed Dhuraz Holy Chronicles, Tome 8, Chapter 19, Verse 1491.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 3

Army-wide Rules
Holiest Here, Sinful There
During the deployment, when you deploy your first Character, you must place a single Wall Terrain Feature entirely
within your half of the Battlefield, not in contact with any other Terrain Feature and more than 6″ away from any
Objective. If you have five Characters or more, you may place two Walls instead of one.
Your Faith is as strong as stone. Do not compromise with the Sinners.

Army Model Rules

Universal Rules
Holdstone (same as DH)
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Effects last until the unit is no longer Engaged in
Combat. Apply the following effects:
● Enemy units cannot claim Combat Score bonuses for being in the Flank or the Rear of the unit.
● The unit cannot be Disrupted.
● Shield Wall and Parry can be used in any Facing.
● For the purpose of Supporting Attacks, all Facings are considered to be the Front Facing (i.e. a model can perform
Supporting Attacks also to the Flanks and Rear).
● The unit cannot Pursue (nor Overrun).

Chosen of Dhuraz
The model gets Magic Resistance (1) and automatically passes all Fear Tests (but still suffers -1 Discipline from
Fear). The model increases its Rally Around the Flag and Commanding Presence ranges by 6″.
Your Faith repels the Sinners.

Prester Jonaz
The model gains Ambush, along with one unit in which it will be deployed,
Prester Jonaz developed the tactics to attack the rear of the enemy by surprise. Many sought his alliance.

Personal Protections
Shield Wall (same as DH)
When using a Shield, the model gains Aegis (6+, against Close Combat Attacks). This is improved to Aegis (5+, against
Close Combat Attacks) if the attacker is Charging. This rule can only be used against attacks from enemies Engaged in
the model's unit’s Front Facing.

Attack Attributes
Sturdy: Close Combat. (same as DH)
The model gains Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) and it does not suffer from negative to-hit modifiers from a
Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction.

Composite Horn Bow: Shooting Weapon.
Range 36”, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 4

Special Equipment
Weapon Enchantments Artefacts
Onyx Core (120 pts) (same as ID) Dreadlocks of the Ras Taphria (120 pts)
Hand Weapon enchantment. General only.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 The model gains Terror, and increases its Commanding
Armour Penetration, Magical Attacks, and Multiple Presence ranges by 6″.
Wounds (D3, against Flammable). Not only they claim to rule Kegiz Gavem. Additionally,
they say they are the legitimate rulers of whole Taphria.
Rune of Light (50 pts)
Hand Weapon enchantment. Pot of Coffee (35 pts)
Reroll failed To Hit against opponent with One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round
Supernal, Undead or Ethereal of Combat. Until the end of the phase, the bearer gains
The Holy Light repels the Sinful. Divine Attacks and must reroll failed to-wound rolls
with its Close Combat Attacks. At the end of the phase,
Stymphale’s Bane (40 pts) the bearer loses 1 Attack permanently.
Shooting Weapon enchantment Well roasted coffee seeds do marvels. But do not abuse!
Reroll failed To Hit against opponent with Fly.
Dwarves created tools against Cranes, their worst foes. Leaves of Khat (20 pts)
May be activated at the start of the Player’s Turn. The
Armour Enchantments model gains Hatred, Mar(+2), Dis(-2), Res(+2), Agi(-2),
Steel Skin (85 pts) - Cannot be taken by models with Str(-1), until the end of the game.
Towering Presence. (same as ID) Bitter leaves, when chewed, give a feeling of invincibility.
Suits of Armour enchantment. Only a feeling.
The wearer gains +3 Armour. Attacks against the
wearer with Lethal Strike and/or Poison Attacks lose Frankincense Thurible (20 pts)
these Attack Attributes. The bearer gains Terror versus all Orc or Goblin units
(any unit with either Orc or Goblin in its name or
Secrets of Mithril (65 pts) (same as ID) description).
Shield enchantment. The incense’s strange smell disturbs most Greenskins.
The bearer gains Aegis (4+, against Armour Penetration
3 or more). Banner Enchantments
Icon of Dhuraz the Preserved (120 pts)
The bearer’s unit gains Aegis(+1, max 4+), but can only
declare “Hold” as a charge reaction, given the choice.
Faith in Dhuraz leads to amazing feats by believers.

Banner of the Roaring Lion (20 pts)

The unit causes Fear.
The Lion is the emblem of the Nemed Ras dynasty.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 5

Light Against Darkness

Swathed in heavenly radiance and girt for war did And roaring an oath with tusked maw did Azerak tread
faithful Negusaz, son of Eraphram, son of Danak, son of forth from the hellfire in fury, for he brandished a twin-
Alemakyu, stand his ground against Azerak of the headed axe with murder in his eyes.
And axe of dark steel clashed with bright-lit sickle
For horned Azerak rose from out of a pit of flames sword, locked in mortal combat.
beneath the shadow of his heathen idol, and he
threatened Negusaz with a baleful end if he did not For under the higher gaze of heaven and under the eyes
stand aside, and yet the son of Eraphram would not of infernal idol did the warriors trade blows, where
yield to let him pass. light and darkness met.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 6

Army Organization

Characters Core Special Engines of War

Max 40% At least 25% No limit Max 25%

Army List
CHARACTERS (max 40%)

Size: Standard
Ras 225 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

4 7 4 1 4 Sturdy
Their Kings are called “Ras”. Options: pts
But you never call them. You bow. May take Special Equipment up to 200
It is very impolite to look at them from above. May take a Holdstone 35
May take a Shield 15
May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Composite horn bow (3+) 10
Crossbow (3+) 10
May take a Great Weapon 20
May take a mount (one choice only):
Shield Bearers 115
Lion Chariot 115
Great Griffon 200
May become Prester Jonaz (0-1 per Army) 60

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 7

Size: Standard
Thane 120 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 5 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

3 6 4 1 3 Sturdy
Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
May take Special Equipment up to 100
May take a Holdstone 30
May take a Shield 10
May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Glabrous races enslaved your kin. Composite horn bow (3+) 5
Only trust the shaggy ones. Crossbow (3+) 10
Nemed wisdom. May take a Great Weapon 10
May take Shield Bearers 95

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 8

Size: Standard
Paladin 210 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10 Chosen of Dhuraz
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0 Plate Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

5 7 5 2 5 Sturdy, Divine Attacks

Options: pts
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
May take Special Equipment up to 100
May take a Holdstone 30
May take (one choice):
Shield Wall 15
Great Weapon 20
Paired Weapons 10
The Barefoot Warrior inspires faith to all May become Prester Jonaz (0-1 per Army) 60

Fear no Daemon,
fear no Undead,
raise your head,
show you palm,
For you are Holy
and they are not.

Fear no Orc,
fear no Crane,
shove them down,
step them barefoot,
For you bear
the Light with you
and they do not.

Paladin’s Jingle

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 9

Size: Standard
Cleric 100 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Chosen of Dhuraz
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

2 5 4 1 3 Sturdy, Divine Attacks

The Gem of Light Options: pts
The Bearer and his unit become Fearless. May take Special Equipment up to 100
The Gem of Light can cast Fate’s Judgement If Wizard Master up to 200
from Divination as a Bound Spell with Power May take (one choice only):
Level (4/8) Light Armour 10
Barefoot Clerics are famous for their self- Plate Armour 50
abnegation, but also for their Holier-than-thou May take a Great Weapon 10
preaches. May take Shield Bearers 95
If mounted, may take The Gem of Light 100

On the Holy Mountain

shall you build
your Holy Shrine,
Towards the Holy Heavens
shall you light
your Holy Pyre,
So as to connect them
together with
your Holy Light.

On the solid stone

shall your feet walk bare.
Under the bright Heavens
shall your head stay bare.
So as to connect them
together with
your Holy Soul.

Nemed Dhuraz
Central Temple
Holy Ceremonial.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 10

0-2 Units per Size: Standard
Engineer 150 pts Army Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm
This unit counts both towards Characters and Engines of War.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Engineer (3+), Entrench

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 5 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

3 6 4 1 3 Sturdy
Entrench: Universal Rule. Options: pts
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the May take Special Equipment up to 100
Deployment Phase Sequence), a model with May take a Shield 5
this rule may Entrench a single War Machine. May take a Great Weapon 5
The War Machine counts as being in Hard May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Cover. The War Machine loses this rule Composite horn bow (3+) 5
permanently if it moves. Crossbow (3+) 10

During an Orc & Goblin invasion, Zokalem the mason GoblinsYet was still alive. Left as good as dead, soon
was repairing a wall when a brutish Orc climbed it. enough he rose and resumed his labour, proceeding to
Unarmed, the brave craftsman plunged his fist into the drag stones, rubble and corpses with one hand. He died
brute's mouth and put all his weight behind the punch hours later, in full sight of the heavenly light, straining
by throwing himself off the wall. The Orc died, the his harrowed body with immense one-handed labour,
mason lost his arm and was horribly beaten by the only taking his final rest after he could see with his own
eyes that the breach had been repaired.

Zokalem Five Fingers is known as an

ancestral saint, forever associated with
stonework and fortifications.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 11

Shield Bearers Standard, Infantry Large,
40x20mm Cavalry
(same as DH) 50x100mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” C Tall
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Bearers (2) 2 5 4 1 2 Harnessed, Sturdy

Great Griffon
Lion Chariot Large, Construct 0-1 Mount per Army
50x100mm This mount and its rider count
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
towards Characters. Additionally,
8” 8” C Swiftstride
this mount counts towards Engines Of War.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Ground 7” 14” C Fear, Fly (8”, 16”),
4 C 4 C+2 Towering Presence
Fly 8” 16”
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Crew 1 5 4 1 2 Sturdy
Harnessed 4 C 5 C
Lions (2) 2 5 5 2 4
Chassis 5 2 Grinding Attacks Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
(D3), Inanimate 4 5 6 3 5 Harnessed

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 12

CORE (at least 25%)
Size: Standard
Clan Warriors 120 pts (same as DH) Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 30 models for 13 pts / model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 3 0 2 Sturdy
Options: pts
A single Clan Warriors or Greybeards unit
may take Vanguard (max 30 models) 2 / model
May take a Shield 2 / model
May take Throwing Weapons (5+) 2 / model
May take (one choice only):
Paired Weapons free
Spear & Shield 3 / model
Great Weapon 4 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 13

Size: Standard
Greybeards 175 pts (same as DH) Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 models for 20 pts / model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Fearless, Scoring, Seen It All

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 5 4 1 2 Sturdy
Seen It All: Universal Rule. Options: pts
Friendly units within 6" of a Greybeards unit A single Clan Warriors or Greybeards unit
may reroll failed Panic Tests. may take Vanguard (max 20 models) 2 / model
May take a Shield 2 / model
May take Throwing Weapons (5+) 4 / model
May take a Great Weapon 4 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 14

Clan Marksmen 120 pts (same as Size: Standard
DH) 0-4 Units per Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 15 models for 19 pts / Army Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 3 0 2 Sturdy, Crossbow (4+)

Options: pts
May (one choice only)
take a Great Weapon 4 / model
replace Crossbow (4+) with
Composite horn bow (4+) 4 / model
May take a Shield 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment *
*units without Composite horn bow only

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 15

Size: Standard
Pilgrims 200 pts 0-3 Units per
Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 models for 20 pts / model Army
Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10 Followers of Dhuraz
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Aegis (6+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 4 1 2 Sturdy, Great Weapon

Followers of Dhuraz: Universal Rule. Options: pts
Only Characters with Chosen of Dhuraz may May take Vanguard 3 / model
join the unit; all models in such a combined May take Skirmisher (0-1 Choice, max 15 models) 2 / model
unit become Unbreakable as long as one May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Character or more remain in the Pilgrims unit. Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Barefoot Pilgrims roam the mountains, to pay respect permanence. They whip their back to remember of the
to ancient shrines. They may appear in the most ancestral struggle and, as labour and sacrifice clears
unexpected places, their hair often shaved or coloured their minds, they find their way back to the righteous
white as snow as reminder of the Holy Light, their skin path.
painted like precious stone in a symbol of humility and

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 16

SPECIAL (no limit)

Size: Standard
Holy Watch 300 pts (~same as DH) Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 models for 30 pts / model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring, Fearless
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Plate Armour, Shield Wall, Wall of Iron

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 5 4 1 2 Sturdy, Divine Attacks

Wall of Iron: Personal Protection. Options: pts
Aegis (6+, against Close Combat Attacks) from May take Great Weapons 3 / model
Shield Wall is increased to Aegis (5+, against May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Close Combat Attacks) and Aegis (4+, against Champion 20
Flaming Attacks). Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment
Nobody expects the Holy Watch!
They can’t hear them coming barefoot.
Nemed saying.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 17

Size: Standard
Ras’ Guard 320 pts (same as DH King’s Guard) 0-5 Units per Type: Infantry
15 models, may add up to 15 models for 27 pts / model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Bodyguard (General, King), Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Plate Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

2 5 4 1 2 Great Weapon, Sturdy

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 18

Size: Standard
Miners 185 pts (~same as DH) 0-2 Units per Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 15 models for 27 pts / model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Ambush, Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 4 1 2 Sturdy
Options: pts
Must take at least one of the following:
Throwing Weapons (5+) 4 / model
Great Weapon 3 / model
Paired Weapons 2 / model
Shield 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 19

Size: Standard
Rangers 145 pts (same as DH) Type: Infantry
8 models, may add up to 12 models for 17 pts / model 0-2 Units per
Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 9 Scoring, Scout, Strider (Forest)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Heavy Armour, Shield Wall

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 3 0 2 Sturdy
Options: pts
May take a Shield 2 / model
May take any of the following Shooting Weapons:
Throwing Weapons (4+)** 1 / model
Crossbow (3+)** 4 / model
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 2 / model
Great Weapon 3 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
*Max 15 models per unit.
**Units with Throwing Weapons or Crossbows additionally
count towards Engines Of War.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 20

Size: Large
Temple Guardians 280 pts (same as DH) Type: Infantry
0-2 Units per
3 models, may add up to 5 models for 102 pts / model Base: 40x40mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 10 Scoring, Fearless, Runic Blessings

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 5 1 Plate Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

3 4 5 2 2 Magical Attacks
Runic Blessings: Universal Rule. Options: pts
At step 8 of the Pre- Game Sequence (after May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Spell Selection), each Temple Guardian unit Champion 20
must choose one of the following effects, which May become Chronicler Statue 100
is applied for the duration of the game: Musician 20
● +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. Standard Bearer 20
● Vanguard. - may take a Banner Enchantment
● +2 Agility.
Chronicler Statue: Universal Rule.
Wizard Conclave (Know Thy Enemy, Scrying -
Divination, Faith of Dhuraz - Hereditary Spell)

A specialized Rune Smith gild is called chroniclers as it much their creatures that they end up by transforming
is their duty to document the chronicle of their themselves into one of them, and live happily ever after
brethren so that they may be remembered for future with them.
generations to study and learn from. The magic they The sturdy Hold Guardians of living rock have been a
bind is a bit different from what is usually seen as it is staple sight in Dhurazite settlements since ancient
more reminiscent of the effects that can be seen from times. And for many ages of ravages, loss and bitter
magicians that follow the path of divination than the reconquest have these statuary protectors of Nemed
effect of common Dwarven battle runes. They craft the Dhuraz been seen among the ranks of her armies,
many Temple Guardians that watch over Nemed striding heavily into battles beyond counting, ever
Dhuraz. As keepers of the chronicles they are as close to unchanging of expression, and ever serving their
a priesthood in Dwarven society as any Dwarven creators unquestioningly by crushing their foes.
profession could be. The most gifted Chroniclers love so

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 21

Size: Standard
Mountain Sailors 70 pts 0-3 Units per Type: Infantry
5 models, may add up to 20 models for 13 pts / model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 9” 10 Scoring
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 4 1 2 Sturdy, Shotel Sickle Sword

Shotel Sickle Sword: Close Combat Weapon. Options: pts
Great Weapon. Enemy models in base contact May take Vanguard 3 / model
cannot use their Shield, so that they cannot May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Parry either. Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Incredible as it may seem, there are sailors

trained in Nemed Dhuraz – the highest altitude
in the world for a Naval Academy.
Some serve on ships. Others serve on flying units.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 22

ENGINES OF WAR (max 25%)
A fleet of airships, wind driven by sails, gives a strategic edge during sieges and helps resupply the colonies.

Size: Standard
Gliders 240 pts 0-20 Models per
Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 10 models for 24 pts / model Army
Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 3” 9” 9 Fly (8”, 16”) , Slope Masters, Pylon

Fly 8” 16”
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 4 1 2 Sturdy, Forge Gun

Slope Masters: Universal Rule. Options:
The unit may start a Fly move only from an elevated position, which can
be anything like a Hill, a Forest, a Building… or a Pylon or a Balloon (see May upgrade one model to each of
Pylon rule). The unit must end its Fly move on a lower position, i.e. not an the following:
elevated position. Champion 20
Musician 20
Pylon: Universal Rule. Standard Bearer 20
The unit is assumed to be deployed on top of a Pylon, i.e. a frail, tall
wooden construct which needs not to be represented and has no other
impact on the game.
Alternatively, instead of a pylon, a unit of 10 maximum may be deployed
inside a Balloon (leave a model next to the Balloon to represent this).
Until it flies away from the Balloon, the unit can’t do anything – not even
Additionally, once per game, the unit may select not to move that turn,
and to build a Pylon instead. At the end of the Movement Phase, each
model is assumed to be on top of a Pylon.
Forge Gun: Shooting Weapon.
Range 18”, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks, always hit on 2+.

Balloon 230 pts 0-3 Units per

Size: Large
single model Type: Construct
Base: 50x100mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 1” 2” 9 Fly (7”, 7”), Tall, Lighter Than Air

Fly 7” 7”
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 5 3 Flammable , Cannot be Stomped

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 2 4 4 1 2 2 Forge Guns (see Gliders), Shrapnel Bombs

Lighter Than Air: Universal Rule.
The Balloon considers Impassable Terrain as Dangerous Terrain (2), and may stop its move on it. In that case, it
has to take a Dangerous Terrain Test each turn even if it does not move.
Shrapnel Bombs: Special Attack.
Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers D6*2 hits with Strength 3 and Armour Penetration 1. If a natural '6' is
rolled for the number of hits, after the attack has been resolved, the Shrapnel Bombs cannot be used anymore
during this battle.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 23

Size: Standard
Field Artillery Type: Construct
single model Base: 60mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3” 3” 9 Stubborn, War Machine, Engineering Rune

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 1 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 3 4 3 0 2
Options: pts
Catapults may take a Shooting Attack upgrade (one
choice only):
Flaming Shot 10
Divine Shot 50

Engineering Rune: Universal Rule.

Field Artillery adds +4 to any roll on the Misfire Table.

Flaming Shot: Attack Attribute - Shooting.

All hits caused by Field Artillery’s Shooting Attacks
gain Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.

Divine Shot: Attack Attribute - Shooting.

All hits caused by Field Artillery’s Shooting Attacks
gain Divine Attacks and Magical Attacks.

Must take one of the following Artillery Weapons

Name Profile Optional Attack Attribute Shooting

Dwarf Ballista (4+) (105 pts) Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon: Blessed (40 pts)
0-4 Choice per Army Range 48", Shots 1, Str 3[6], AP 10, The model gains Scout with the following
(same as DH) Multiple Wounds (D3)]. exception: It must be deployed within the
owning player’s Deployment Zone.

Flame Cannon (150 pts) Flamethrower Artillery Weapon: Blessed (20 pts)
0-1 Choice per Army Range 24" , Shots 1, Str 4{5}, AP 1{2}, The model’s Size is changed to Large.
(same as DH) {Multiple Wounds (D3)}, Flaming

Catapult (4+) (210 pts) Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon: Blessed (90 pts)
0-3 Choice per Army Range 12-60", Shots 1, Str 3[7], AP All hits caused by the Catapult gain +1
The Field Artillery changes its 0[4], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and
Size to Large. Wings)]. Magical Attacks.
(same as DH)
In Nemed Dhuraz, the role of rune smiths is a bit different than for other holds. They have rune masters that bind magic
with runes as any other rune smith but they craft their runes exclusively in stone, used as ammunition. As such they are
separated from the blacksmiths and do not make magical enchanted items in items apart from stone.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 24

Lion Reliquary 220 pts 0-1 Unit per
Size: Large
single model Type: Construct
Base: 50x100mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8” 8” 9 Swiftstride, Holy Shrine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 4 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew 1 5 4 1 2 Sturdy, Heavy Armour

Lions (2) 2 5 5 2 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Grinding Attacks (D3), Inanimate
Holy Shrine: Universal Rule.
May cast Fate’s Judgement from Divination as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

In rare occasions, the most sacred reliquaries are taken out of the temples, pulled by lions of the purest white, to
cast wrath on the unholy.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 25

Taphrian Dwarve sacred buildings are rumoured
to include stone arcs, displaying the chroniclers’
runes engraved so future generations may access
their memory and wisdom in troubled times.
Allegedly, in case of invasion, chroniclers would
active magical runes and aid their host with divine
magic to repel the assailants but nobody can boast
to have seen them in effect.
Some fringe scholars in Avras argue that it was in
studying this tradition and under the tutelage of
Dwarven chroniclers that the dynasties of the river
Napaat gained the knowledge to make their
legendary Arc of Ages. Others find this argument
utterly ridiculous as there is little proof of the
actual existence of neither. It is deemed more likely
that the magical arcs are a common Taphrian
superstition and as such has been accredited to
different mythical societies. The better-known
example of such a continental superstition is the
silly legend of gigantic reptiles in the south of
Taphria that carry magical arcs on their backs into

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 26

The Travails of Makada

In times of yore, in Iron bound, In ancient towns were only death,

an Age of Ruin, the Fourth undone. bloodied under snorting breath.
There rose a tide of savage tribes, Trampled under filthy feet,
of Orcs and Goblins slaying scribes. toppling every marble seat.
Felling stelae, burning home, Unspoken forefather's name,
their arms too mighty, free to roam. corpses lay astrewn to maim.

Her legs both broken after raid,

crawled forth a despoiled maid.
Hair burnt off and flesh a crisp,
no tongue even left to lisp.
Hiding 'mong the husks of kin,
finding infant starving thin.
Makada took him as her son,
giving milk while eating none.
Holding boy so hardly grip'd,
on single arm she crawled and slip'd.
Miles and miles through ash and dust,
over cliffs in windy gust.

Hiding deep mid bramble-thorn,

wounds afresh and tendons torn.
Makada hugged Grumaz up close,
bearing future Ras through lows.
Her pious form wild beasts would shun,
and Goblin scouts the Light did stun.
Sparing both for shouldering pain,
their suffering relieved by rain.
Caked in mud she reached strong walls,
open gate the watcher calls!
Dying sheltered carved she rune,
for fallen Mountains of the Moon.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 27

Icon of Garuvebiz the Scorched

Legends tell of a strong and warlike ancestor who was

the first to explore the rich and sacred coast overseas,
uncovering mysteries both occult and divine, and
learning of the Heavenly Light's will for Nemed Dhuraz
to grasp this dry land for her own and purify it from
Infernal clutches. The name of this man was Garuvebiz,
a strapping fellow who dyed his beard red with henna
and spilt red blood in the sands for the sacred cause of
the Light. First, he was to discover, and first he was to
set foot ashore among a mighty Dhurazite
expeditionary force led by Ras Avrakam II's oldest son,
Yugnaz the Stalwart.

In battle Garuvebiz was a force unto his own, for his

vision became filled by the Light on high as he slayed
its enemies and cleansed the promised shores from
both Infernal Dwarves and their slave soldiers. Yet the
sheer success of this famous champion planted
arrogance in his heart, and for this sin did the
Heavenly Light cast him aside into captivity and
punishment at the hands of Garuvebiz' hateful foes.
They stripped him of dignity and armour and chained
his wrists. A command beyond words struck into the
mind of him as he lay languishing in his cell, a higher
call making Garuvebiz understand that he was to lift
his head during his coming torment, and never once
have eyes for anything but the light above.

The shackled champion did maintain his gaze upward Appalled, the garrison of the fort took their burnt
into the bright sky while kicks and whiplashes rained kinsman inside, and eventually discovered a hidden
upon his gnarled hide, yet he finally faltered and looked miracle while they slowly nursed him. The hellish
down for but a moment as the jailors lowered him into flames had indeed seared and ravaged the skin of
a pit of fire. His skin was burnt to a crisp for this brief Garuvebiz, akin to the burning off of superficial pride.
loss of eye contact with the divine, yet the Light Yet their hot bite had not destroyed the flesh beneath
ultimately shielded him from the worst of the flames for the hide, for penitent Garuvebiz had proven his inner
the sake of his repentance, and for his resumed stare spirit to be pure and humble, and thus the Light saved
into the heavens above. And so, it was that the cruel him from death, though not from torture and
and jeering Infernal Dwarves dragged Garuvebiz' disfigurement. And so, his health and beard eventually
twitching body to a nearby Dhurazite fort, and dumped returned by the blessing of the Light, and Garuvebiz the
his burnt form outside its gates in order to sow terror Scorched was both able to father sons and daughters,
into the hearts of their pious foes. The Infernal and return to the wars against the Infernal Dwarves
Warriors left their still-smoking victim with a baleful overseas. And amid the Dhurazite hosts, he bore his
laughter at their lips. horrible burn scars steadily, and once more wreaked
higher judgement upon his foes in battle.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 28

The Infernal Dwarf Captain and the Stone Ship, by Karhemaq Telltongue

There was once an Infernal Dwarf captain serving orders to disengage and ram us instead. Paddle wheels
aboard an ironclad warship. He was a cruel soul backed water for him, and then steamed him onward at
hungering for the chance to domineer and crush others full speed. And he ordered his crew to brace for impact.
underhoof. He was also known for his tenacity, and
many believed that he would let nothing stop him once Yet the Infernal Dwarf had the worst of this ramming
he had put his mind to the task. action, and our rock hull worsted him so badly that his
metal hull creaked and ripped open as rivets popped.
One day, the lookout of this Infernal Dwarf's ironclad And the whole ironclad sank with all hands, except for
caught sight of one of our stone ships, flying the the Infernal Dwarf captain.
banners of Nemed Dhuraz in broad daylight. The
captain of the steel ship was gripped by a desire to And so he swam toward us, and our merciful warriors
board or sink this enemy vessel, and so he roared out produced a rope-ladder for him to climb and thus save
orders on deck and set to the task of sea warfare with his life if he swore to surrender to the victors of naval
vomiting smokestacks. Paddle wheels steamed him battle.
closer, swinging in for a broadside, and he ordered his
crew to open up with artillery fire. Yet the enraged Infernal Dwarf captain refused this
offer, and instead started to crash his horned head
Yet the Infernal Dwarf had the worst of this duel, and against our carved stone hull like a mad bull, throwing
our barrage worsted him. And so, he roared out orders himself against floating rock again and again until his
to board us. Paddle wheels steamed him closer, and horns broke, and his skull cracked, and his brains burst.
grappling hooks gripped our stout railing. And he And so, we left the Infernal Dwarf's corpse
ordered his crew to assault us. dishonourably for the sharks to devour.

Yet the Infernal Dwarf had the worst of this combat, For stubbornness is a virtue, but stupidity is a sin.
and our warriors worsted him. And so, he roared out

- The Infernal Dwarf Captain and the Stone Ship,

by Karhemaq Telltongue,
mutilated war veteran
and author of fables in Nemed Dhuraz

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 29

Icon of Sunken Souls

Mountainous Nemed Dhuraz have long fielded a slowly giving these infamous Dwarves a technological
considerable navy to safeguard its share of the edge of increasingly acute sharpness. And so, their
Southern Ocean's trade. Likewise, the ancient naval manufactories and shipyards glow and echo to the
traditions of the Dhurazites have allowed them to birth of ever deadlier weapons of war, and woe betide
strike unexpectedly by landing forces on the coast and whosoever will stand against that ravenous will to
overtaking their foes from the rear. Most famous of all power which drives Zalaman Tekash to rebound and
Nemed Dhuraz's naval affairs, however, is the ages-long reforge itself from disasters that would have toppled
tug of war fought against the despised Infernal lesser empires.
Dwarves over the Sacred Coast overseas.
As a hereditary archenemy to the south of the Infernal
Zalaman Tekash the Great and all her baleful holdings Dwarves, the warriors of Nemed Dhuraz and her
is undoubtedly the stronger power of the two rivals, yet colonial possessions has borne the brunt of this
the core realms of the Infernal Dwarves are much more renewed Infernal onslaught. Where once her fleets
distant from the Sacred Coast, compared to the ruled virtually supreme upon the waves, now the north-
Dhurazites. For where their benighted cousins face a western sections of the Southern Ocean has become a
primarily overland logistical nightmare to wage distant truly contested battleground, and the naval supremacy
wars, the Dhurazites with their easier access via the sea of the Dhurazites have vanished in the face of Infernal
can reinforce, supply and outflank their enemies with a technological advances. The trend is a dire one, yet the
speed that has frustrated Infernal Dwarf efforts outcome of this naval warfare is still in doubt and far
through a long succession of conflicts. Such have long from being predestined. As such the devout folk of
been the state of affairs of wars fought for the Sacred Nemed Dhuraz turn to the Heavenly Light on high for
Coast beyond the Southern Ocean, with Dhurazites guidance, call upon their saintly ancestors, and gird
having the upper hand in most clashes. themselves for war. For nothing alive can be more
stubborn than a Dwarf in the face of adversity, and the
Yet nothing lasts forever. sworn admirals and mariners will serve their Light-
touched Ras unto death, no matter come what may.
The Ninth Age has seen a great number of grudges
recorded by the dour Dhurazites against their hateful The legend of the Sunken Souls will serve as an
adversaries to the northeast, for Zalaman Tekash is illustration of the difficulties that beset the Dhurazite
once again on the rise, with an unrelenting hunger to navy. It tells of a recent grudge by Dwarven standards,
dominate and reshape the world in its image. For the and follow the exploits of a dogged crew upon the
demented minds of the Infernal ones' artificers are Southern Ocean.
putting out an endless stream of inventions, which is

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 30

The fleets of Nemed Dhuraz are led by finely carved Vrek did not sink but proved herself well carved to
stone vessels that are the marvel of the seas, and the handle waves and winds, as well as to withstand ship-
subject of fanciful sailor's tales the world over. to-ship battles and sea monsters. The Crown was in
Dhurazite lore holds that it is only by the blessing of the possession of a resilient weapon of war, bedecked with
Light that these ships of rock may float. Their ornate a roaring lion's head of grey stone at both bow and
hulls and interiors are evidence of a mastery of stern.
stonecarving far beyond the ken of Human hands, and
their surfaces are bedecked with sacral runes and For four centuries and three decades did the Radiance
iconographic fresques. Each stone ship is a massive Upon Akurem serve the Ras of Nemed Dhuraz, and for
monument wrought by the hands of Nemed Dhuraz's four centuries and three decades did she protect
Runecarvers, and each vessel hewn out of the mountain Dhurazite interests and thwart Goblin raiders, Human
is an incredibly costly crafts object, and an pirates and Infernal Dwarf battlegroups. The Radiance
overbearingly powerful instrument of naval war. The Upon Akurem was usually deployed in a squadron with
loss of a single stone ship is a disaster, for it is the four or eight wooden vessels of war attendant, or in
equivalent of seeing a giant obelisk or fortress sink to convoy duty to escort merchant vessels and pilgrim
the bottom of the ocean. ships, and at a few occasions did the Vrek earn her
honours in large naval battlegroups facing full enemy

Her many captains served with distinction, and the

stone ship was well cared-for, and proved herself well
able to sail for extended periods between drydock
refits. Runecarvers would occasionally board her with
their apprentices, as part of instructive inspections,
where the novices of the secret craft would observe
first-hand the handiwork and test of time in the field
of the fruits of their Guild's labours. Master
Runecarvers always brought up the Radiance Upon
Akurem as a fine example of naval stone carving done
right, as opposed to other stone ships where cracks
and repairs were regularly required from the wear
and tear of mere sailing service.

But all tales of success and fortune must come to an

end, for the career of the Radiance Upon Akurem
ended in fatal disaster by the hands of the hated
Infernal Dwarves. Yet another war for the Sacred
Coast erupted during her 437th year of service, and the
The vessel known as the Radiance Upon Akurem was stone ship left the grand royal harbour of Nemed
carved out of the naval quarries of Kallugiz Marak, Dhuraz as part of one of two relief fleets that would
south of Nemed Dhuraz. Naval stone carving is a most reinforce and supply the realm overseas, intercept
demanding craft, and the Runecarvers and quarrymen enemy vessels and seize any opportunity to land forces
of this fortified stone shipyard toiled for years to and strike from the rear. The voyage began under ill
fashion her into a smaller class of warship known as a omens, for dark clouds blocked out the sun at the very
Vrek within the Dhurazite navy, to serve as a squadron moment the masked Crown Admiral blew out the signal
leader for one of the many small patrol units who are for departure. Heavy rains drenched the sailors on deck,
the day-to-day workhorses of the fleets of the Ras and fierce winds began tugging at sails to rock ships in
Taphria. The timbermen of the Mastmaker Guild the water. Then, lightning struck. First once, then
equipped her stony hull with stout wooden masts. The thrice, then a hundred-fold. Thunder rolled ominously
seamstresses and tailors of the Clothier Guild made for while the Dhurazites prayed beneath deck and toiled
her durable sails, both of leather and of linen. The sourly without complaint on deck and in masts, and
Ropemaker Guild crafted her rigging, and the over fifty sailors were struck by lightning in that hell-
Blacksmith Guild made all her details, implements and spawned storm, of which three Dwarves died.
ornaments that were forged out of metal. And the
Armsmith Guild provided the ship's mariners with an Nevertheless, the Light shielded its devotees from the
armoury of spears, sickle-swords, axes and many other worst of the storm, and both fleets emerged quite intact
weapons. out of the harsh weather. Half a week of repairs was
called for by one of the admirals, yet the leader of the
When the Radiance Upon Akurem was launched, she Radiance Upon Akurem's relief fleet had to stop for a
rocked heavily seven times to the chanting of clerics whole week out at sea. During this time, the admiral in
and assembled works folk alike, as well as by a masked charge held his fleet together, anchors down, sails
member of the royal clan. And they all rejoiced and rolled up and vessels moored to each other in
sang hymns of praise, for the Divine Light had approved squadrons, while sailors and timbermen toiled night
of their arduous efforts and found it to be good. The and day to restore the damaged ships' rigging and sails
and replace broken masts. At last, this second relief feast upon the doomed in the brilliant waters. The
fleet set sail anew, yet soon hit dead in the failing wind Infernal fleet had struck without a single sail unfurled
and found itself stranded on an eerily calm sea without but had waited behind rock formations and pounced
a single gust of wind blowing. with their hot engines from a spot by the coast where
sailing ships could not have hoped to do so and catch
Three weeks passed in this manner, and ships' clerics their prey. It was a slaughter, and Dhurazite ships sank
organized penitent masses to appease the Heavenly into the salty depths.
Light. The mariners asked each other what they had
done to so anger the Light, and they repented of sins This battle was to be the last of the Radiance Upon
and prayed earnestly. At last, after a time of fruitless Akurem, for its captain, Avrakam Palebeard son of
waiting that was torture to the soul, did the winds pick Rezilak, managed to steer it around to come back upon
up again, and the second relief fleet sailed straight for the Infernal Dwarf fleet, bearing down upon a three-
their destination with great speed from strong winds. chimneyed warship with full ramming force from the
side and buckling her plate hull so badly the Infernal
vessel sank within half an hour. This loud impact of
stone upon twisting metal gained the attention of
Bazerak One-Eye, the commanding Lord of Fire in the
Infernal fleet, who commanded a handful of his
steamships to deal with this flanking threat. The
Radiance Upon Akurem managed to catch and crush a
slave galley filled with shrieking thralls while this
response force was incoming, yet the Infernal Dwarf
steamships were too quick, and they bore down upon
the Dhurazite Vrek from all sides, putting their paddle
wheels in reverse gear and striking the Light
worshippers again and again with their rams.

The crew of the Radiance Upon Akurem fought off their

attackers as best they could with bolt throwers,
crossbows and composite horn bows, yet their stone
ship's hull cracked in places from the repeated
ramming blows, and its deck was awash in the vomit of
Infernal fire weaponry and guns. Finally, the Might of
Azhebarak landed a titanic hit upon the weakened rock
hull, and the Dhurazite stern broke apart as the jagged
metal ram ground into the Radiance Upon Akurem.
Most of its crew abandoned ship and leapt overboard as
their marvellous stone vessel sank, yet their chances of
survival by escaping upon flotsam or their own rotund
Dwarf guts were grim indeed. Infernal Warriors
scoured the surface of the sea with blunderbusses and
gouts of flame that even burnt underwater, and many
sharks gathered to the shipwreck, throwing themselves
Yet even this stroke of luck turned out a curse, for it led at Dhurazites in a frenzied blood feast. Captain
the sail borne Dhurazite fleet straight into the clutches Avrakam Palebeard is said to have been finished off by
of an Infernal Dwarf trap close to rocky Cape Myrrh. a shoulder-launched red rocket that blew his head
Out from a cove did the steel behemoths churn through clean off while he led a desperate boarding party who
the turquoise waters, unfettered by wind and spewing tried in vain to conquer a nearby steamship with
black smoke from their spiked chimneys. Steam engines grappling hooks and sickle-swords, and thus secure
gasped and clanked and creaked, and harsh voices rang their escape upon captive enemy hull.
out upon rivetted decks, to the cracking of whips and
screams of slave flesh. The brisk winds had taken the Yet the sacrifice of the Radiance Upon Akurem and her
Dhurazite fleet into the worst possible position, and dutiful crew were not in vain, for the diverting action of
every squadron was out of position to respond to the Avrakam's manoeuvre saved half the Dhurazite relief
lumbering metal monsters of the Infernal ones, for the fleet from destruction, and allowed them to limp into
enemy was close by and quickly upon them. harbour on the Sacred Coast. The survivors of the
ambushed fleet repaired their crafts and spent the rest
The Infernal Dwarf ships fired mortars and rockets as of the war making Infernal Dwarf naval squadrons pay
their armoured hulls cut through the waves despite the dearly for their cheap victory early-on, for these sailors
wind direction, and Volcano Cannons unleashed their of fabled Nemed Dhuraz struck with holy vengeance to
searing flames at close range while steel rams crashed avenge the Grudge of Sunken Souls.
into the sides of wood and stone. Sharks gathered to

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 32

Nemed Dhuraz Dwarves are the most religious Dwarves.
They have limited access to black powder compared to the other Dwarves.
They have limited use for flame-based weapons, and focus on counters to Deamons or Undead.
With low technology neighbours, they have no urge to spend costly resources on gyrocopter and steam engines,
despite having the technology to do so. Instead, their airborne technology is cheap and robust.

Visual inspiration
Artwork authors: Karak Norn Clansman p. 3-2, 7-2, 15, 23, 27-1, 27-2,
Artigas p. 2 (see his comment below), 7-1 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Calisson p. 3-1, 4-1, 26-1, 34 Little Joe p. 4-2, 5-1, 5-2, 11-2
DracarysDrekkar7 p. 1 Matthew Klaas de Witte p. 18, 21
Igor Levchenko p. 9, 10, 11-1, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, Mitchell Nolte p. 6, 8
20, 22, 24, 25 Phaeoron p. 26-2

Other pictures and some models can be found on the Internet. As we have no permission to reproduce them here, we
don’t. Sone interesting links can be found here:

On « Kingdom of Prester John »:

On Pygmies fighting Cranes:
Pictures of Pygmies fighting Cranes:

Nemed runes inspiration:

Artist’s note
Master Artigas over on Deviantart has kindly illustrated an Ethiopian Dwarf for the Ninth Age:.

He says:
I was invited by [Karak Norn Clansman] to collaborate with the wargame The 9th Age with an illustration depicting a
Dwarf culture that would come from an area equivalent to Ethiopia.
The region was always a very interesting area, with so many ancient cultures interacting and influencing each other.
There is so much to work with, but at the same time, no specific strong identity per se. I didn't want to go the somewhat
popular way of simply "dressing up" a Dwarf in the local attire of the native peoples, maybe even giving him black racial
traits. I do not subscribe to that kind of approach, preferring instead to always mix and combine certain aspects of many
cultures in order to have something recognisable yet unique. I wanted this design to be primarily Dwarven looking, as I
imagine the Dwarven culture to be a very uniform looking one, given their rigid traditions and slow pace towards
innovation and change. I also wanted it to look more advanced than the local cultures, showcasing the traditional
excellence and wealth of their race. As for the racial diversity in fantasy races, even though I subscribe to a range of
variation within the Dwarven or Elven races, I definitely do not fancy having it to be an exact mirror of human
phenotypes, especially if corresponding to the exact geographical areas that you expect them to be found in. In other
words, not every being that sets foot in Africa should be Black, the contrast between human locals and the Dwarven
tribes in the area serving as a tool to further enhance the effect of having two completely different sapient beings
coexisting and interacting.
My design choices that hint to the African cultures are evident on my use of colours, patterns and tattoos. The axe is also
reminiscent of some of the throwing axes found all over Africa. The short sword's scabbard is decorated in a pattern that
resembles a viper and the shield is fashioned in such a way that it resembles a cut gem.
I situated my design between the Christian and Muslim cultures that were present in that area for so long as much as the
more tribal cultures of the Ethiopian men.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 33

Change Log
Artwork and most stories incorporated up to kegiz-gavem-nemed-dhuraz-the-ethiopian-dwarves-of-light/post-309

In order to make this Homebrew closer to the expected T9A canon,

- Renamed Nemed Dhuraz, so that it may remain when DH AB arrives,
- Removed allusions to Saurians, so that we don’t trace to the Gold Age,
- we are dropping the "we have wizards" bit, to keep it DH-compatible,
- Cleric dropped to 100 pts in the process.

Homebrew – Nemed Dhuraz – 34

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