01.dos-0001 Welding Dossier

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ti CRASH —_ crs Project _ 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT & CONTRACT NUMBER on = — 00 DOS - 0001 EWPICWP Nos (8) MODULE N16 ALL. REVIEW RESPONSE BY CONTRACTOR: ‘CONTRACTOR review and comments do nt indicate ctor esponsibility obi fo accuracy and completenss ofthis Document orale ay TECTED ocean TREVIRED WHTTOU COMMENTS =i o o o DOR IDENTIFICATION: @ ‘oasTeeL ‘ZAMMIL STEEL BUILDINGS VIETNAM CO, LTD. 3 ‘VENDOR INDENTIFICATION: DOCUMENT THLE WELDING DOSSIER ‘VENDOR DOCUMENT Ne ‘ZR-O110-WPS, VENDOR BOC. Rex 00 ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS | P°cument Number: ——__ VIETNAM CO., LTD Dos-0001 ZAMIL STEEL —S— QUALIFICATION & CV Rev:A |Date: 27/5/2020 OF QC INSPECTOR WELDING DOSSIER CRISP PROJECT VENDOR CODE : ZSV-CRISP-01 Reviewed & Approved Date PREPARED H.H.NGHIA. 27-May-2020 cleeKED =: TANGA 27-May-2020 APPROVED B.C.TAM. (27-May-2020 Revision Record Revision Description Date By Checked Approved A ISSUE FOR REVIEW | 27-May-2020 HHN HHN BCT WPS & PQR LIST FOR CRISP PROJECT (ZR0110) Page 1 of 1 Qaac Department Dat 18-May-20 Qualified | Test Range No.| Process} WPSNo. | PQRNo. | Code Appl Base material | Filler metal Position apply| Remarks Ply! by _| Position qualitied oo : we pe raron AwSDI.1 AWSGroup | ao.20 err Icroove: 16 [cORNER.OINT/ ee Paros 2015 988 Combinations 20 Pivuntiotet lritet:1F FILLET JOINT AwSDI.1 AWSGroup |, lor Icroove:36—_[CORNER.OINT/ 2 | row |zeracss — |ze-ra-ronoss aa 865 aioe asacents —|stountimted [Bove ar erean AwsD1.1 AWSGroup |, lor Icroove: 16 auTT.OINT’ 3 | roaw |zeracoa — fzsra-ranos ae 68 Pe as20erts —stountimited |poeve:' eee AwsD1.1 AWSGroup | Groove: NA 4 | Fcaw [zeeact0a |zmFApoa10A oo 868 orm asaoerts —|stountimted [revere |tter.onwr Prepare by: by QAQC Superviso TAMINH THONG CSWIP 3.1 Cort. No. 9352772 ‘NOT Level il (UT, MT, PT) QC Inspector th Be =— ‘ZAMILSTEEL ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. bt a =o ——— WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Pages tot Wre ne moo Tancaeioy NGNENWNDEN Das Og Remon 6 Wing Pree feaw Twn CTiteent CJeemtine: [Altenitvec [tome Supping PORNo(s) __7BFAPORE ote Aopleaton_ AWS D1. - 2018 D1.1: 2018 Tone Type: SINGLE BEVEL GROOVE (BUTT, T & C) — ‘Single Weis] ne we amine ve) we [et - aking Maca —_ NA ft Opting: 0-3 ——— fect ace Deion 03m WY Groove angle: 45+ TOOTS) Races LUNA Boek Gauging Yee anos: __ "ARE GOUGE OR GRNONG BASE METALS Spectcations: ASTMASTAM ‘Type Grade: GR#0(G48)_ GRO (365) ASTM ASTON. pin — se vit i rood aces! a fm _# cama le Ba ARTA oe 8 a svsspes _ 820 Tr AW on ae ote | Lae (Clesstcieinina: [fener (Cloner SHELONS comme [Jac [yfoces Ci eee — ‘nga Er STW om ose he aes —m be Sos ie _—— noon Dee Wem Bed a ttre Sige Powe cnosee Nor oan = coe toon id = ar i = a ie = Scie, (an awcter (hraec.. | ceruceyecin: ee reales ey rane aerate ese cence“ teenaraone Se Ss aonanrenrremtiort = oe air a oe | Stores _| nema [eee et es ee | | een | coe hee alee eee ——— hee pete el a = a ee er ep neee_[ ear eee aera fer] ar : = m2 cao ae ‘S SGS owipesses 4S) ; 0 ven | i inspector: LEER Fe ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Specieatons: ASTMAST2M ASTM ASTM Type or Grade: _ Ge 50 (345) Gr. 59 (365) Thiiness: POSTION Groowe: 250m 250m Fiat: : Groove: __16 Fee Disrmer = erica! Progression my FILLER METALS "ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS “Transee Mace (GUAM ‘AWS Spee: AWS Class: rT nT ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS VIET NAM CO. LTD. PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD HFENGUE TESTS (Repo Re 17046023 wan 200 Result SATSFACTORY ‘SATISFACTORY, ‘SATISFACTORY, 'SATSFACTORY VISUAL INSPECTION RADIOGRAPHIC - ULTRASONIC EXAM Appearance Undercut Piping Porosity Convexty Tost Date Titers [SATISFACTORY — =e RT- Report No. NA NA 20-hig 17 Result: NA UT- Report No, 3261 Result: ACCEPTED Witnessed By TZSV Welding Inspector FILLET WELD TEST RESULTS OTHER TESTS ‘Min, Size Multiple Pass Macroetch 1 NA 2 NA 3 __NA Max Size Single Pass Microetch NA 2 NANA ‘ALL WELD METAL TENSION TEST Tensile Strength (Mpa) ‘Yield PoinwStrength (Mpa) Pet. Elongation in 50 mm. Laboratory Test No. Laboriony: “est date ‘5G Construction Materia ‘Ses Construction Matra Labortony ‘BoA 2017 wo 1 Sep 007 Wieder D: _2382 We, the undersigned cerita he statements inthis ecard are corec an thal he est wes were prepared, welded, and iste con 4 Pat B ot ANSI ANS Di. - Structural Welding Code - Stee ‘SAMPLE [rest DATED ETT PARTE WPS TEST COUPON [DESCRIPTION AWS A520 EFTTA SITE OF TEST ZS VIETNAM [MATERIAL SPEC. “ASTM AST2M Gr.345 2382 ISURFACE CONDITION As Cleaned WELDING PROGESS FCAW, “AWS D1.4 EXAMINATION PROCEDURE REF. QCP-10.10 EQUIPMENT EPOCH XT (081088802), EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION ICALIBRATION STANDARD LWA |REFERENCE SENSITIVITY 1.5 mm hole V1 Block, set 80% FSH |COUPLANT Glycerintcellulose gum CABLE moe | reca | woe | sxe | freer | rece | seamey | LENGTH 70.0° 4Mnz MWS: ost Coaxial a. 125 11.5 mm hole V1 block 69.9 WELD MAP ZB-FAG-0 (EREE HAND SKETCH) WIDTH 400mm marist DECIBELS DISCONTINUITY EVALUATION amon ne a b c a kL. 8 H A R PLATE : 69.9 : : : = - v -| ~ Accepted; R - Rejected o- Indication Level; b - Reference Level; ¢ =(B-25.4)°2/25.4 - Attenuation factor; d Indication ra L- Detect length; B - Path length from probe index to defect; H - Defect depth. Aitach copy Of NCR report any. PASS/NO DEFECT UT TECHNICIAN (LEVELIII) ‘QC SUPERVISOR ‘THIRD PARTY INSPECTOR: (if Applicable) ot 0?- 04 e Fase cantieat Wo, cosri0.o4stor avarn an ‘ZAM STEEL BUILDINGS VIETNAM Band Name rit Bayer ‘ouPANT LMT KISWEL TASKS: EMTPCIATOST specieaton ANS AS -OBENTIC Invoice No corr 7.0.63 Jalan Ka ao ‘81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia. a EDO ‘Approved by ‘ABS, BKI,BV,DNV.GL,KR,LR.NK,TUV. ‘Chemical Compoation of alma) Mechanical Prope of Doosted Metal” § Te | YS oa Lot No Dimension Gag: jfk] OS SO ee Fe Le (imme | (aire) | EC | RT | ore El wax | max | max] MAX | MAX | MAX | MAX | MAX ‘MAX, 430 MIN ‘IN| |ASTMEa32] MIN | osz | 090 | 1.75 | 003 | 003 | 020 | 050 | 0.30 0.35 670 330, 22__|parvever| 27 orrees | Fawn TEXGSPOOL | —asv000 KG] oon [ass | san | wore | aons | ots2 | cows | oon [ aoat | onze saz [ane | 257 | coon | ons orirtss | sanmex Ka sPoot | 1636000 x6] 00s | asst | 1482 | eae | aon | ocr | cozo | oar” | aoze | ovzs sera | asus | m9 | coon | rm ovsra6s | sanmx sxe sro. | so4om0 Ks] oso | asss | ta¥7 | ae | oons | cose | aozs | oars | coat | ooze sour | as | 257 | coon | ses wu (of, Wh, Pe andes Abb WELD fe, rnvi009 = T ANSE il 13 | Conmtoncae | Cones | wadabiy | ne eS ENS tees iishereby cried, on the bas ofthe tic contl care ut in acordane — wi the specoaon, hate produc supped has uly mete ems requ inte specicaon, and than sinfcant change has been made when estes KISWELSON.BHD.(cons sory CE 000 = er 5 Assured by KH. Lee ® No. YEJIN OND, XINYU CITY, JANG! PROVINCE, P:R, CHINA INSPECTION CERTIFICATE XINYU IRON & STEEL o9., LT root oon 38001 aa TEL: +86 790-6204611 FAK: +86 790-0204179 custoen [PETER CREME WBN cavrmor no ROEO-14 7021760 rincuser [PETER CREWER GBH eSToNER OER wo Taina [eaxo0700 onoct igh strength Low-Alloy Golunbium-Vanadiom Structural Steet | CERTIFICATE wo. fiBT-o47e6-2-1| _ONTE oF issie_[zorT-a-27 14:20 PED FEATION [ATH AS7/ASTAN-2007 AST AB/AGN- 2070 ro onTe oF vein _feor7-2-27 z WATERIAL DESCRIPTION | CHEMICAL COMPOSITION § ILE TEST tweact Test 0 |. Pe ee | ew [ea] VT ee J “ ky x10" «107 s * Cpr] 2] 3 fave 1] 2] 3 fave 1 |ur-s0017 11] s70-o12sea] as2ee 80] 20 | 2000] ooo | + | rao |e] 8) 9/821 2] 221 18] 14] [1]s00 [580 foo 0 foe a 2 anus + sien) co os [oom] ome + fo wnfcp A] PS PAL ATE Y Taba [aw fe fe 7 a fs ao e-oaen eraar co] = [rooo| emo |v fom] e] “PPTs [Ley ALL [efam few fae fme ri 4 |in-soor6 1 1]o77-orgeea| asracr. 50] 20 | 2000] coo | + | rnea] ef P2771 1 PAT IY S14] [rats [ote foo 0 fone me sfursons 2 efron waar a] fool woo | foam] PTT STEEL ELL [eon [ow [aed 5 [n-ne 2 ofira-rze] rae sof 2 [20] wom | « fe omfel fe]? [27 ULL [a fom fos foe [me tt a 7 fats fo-oan zo sof m fool om | fam] PP TS PEPE ZT ED [ela be [aoe Ie D e a fn-srsferravnl sar vol m [wo] eno] + fave] [TST SL LST | [elma leo boo fme zi 5 ORES | ass | warns vison wo ons [ross] v1 e : = ay 16 [TIN wr | 86.207 =a wines et ES, NR ane RE TARTAR ma SRT Ta NMA a PATE RE TS picaer wax temo cosaotct tS tm) MEAG kas MRIONOW-IHO) OR MSAOND HOR NOD Ne ENE SUIFMA COMLID OLD MAL HS OT RAED a NoTES We HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE MATERIALS DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN MANUFACTURED AND TESTED WITH SATISFACTORY RESULTS, (THE CERTIFICATE 1S IN CONFORMITY WITH EN 10204 3. 1) reese nrpraeaeen 2, Name of sample 3. Description of sample 4, Quantity 5. Date of receiving 6. Date of testing 7. Test method 8. Test result Note : Construction Material Laboratory ‘Test Report No: INL17/0469-23 ‘Boss No: 503771 Date: 01-Sep-2017 Page 1 of 2 ZAMIL STEEL BUILDING VIETNAM LTD KCN NOI BAI, SOC SON, HA NOI WELDING STEEL PLATE WPS ZW-FAQ-08 Welding wire 1.6mm AWS AS.20 E71T-1 (FCAW) Dimension : 400 x 400 x 25 (mm) 01 sample 29-Aug-2017 From 29-Aug-2017 to 01-Sep-2017 ‘AWS D1. See next page(s) 22018 (C) The test was accredited 1SO 17025-2008 by VILAS. ILAC : Intemational Laboratory Accreditation. MRA : Mutual Recognition Arrangement. ILAC-MRA-VILAS : VILAS is the full member and signatory of Mutual Recognition Arrangement with Intemational Laboratory Accreditation, ‘Signed for and on behalf of, 286600 Steraon foyer) or nator lina covert eopearacs otha Samer! attend cedar May be Boeeeae To he settee few Uist ‘erwin sated tn eau shown hfs rar ree” on foe Eames sa oy €spso00 Construction Material Laboratory ‘Test Report No: INL17/0469-23, ‘Boss No: 603771 Date: 01-Sep-2017 Page 2 of 2 Characteristic” Test result ‘A. Transverse tension test | 1 2 | + Thickness of specimen mm | 248 248 | + Width of specimen mm | 200 199 | © Cross section mm? 496.0 493.5 t | + Tensile load ku 2769 2747 ‘+ Tensile strength MPa) 558 587 ‘+ Broken position | Base metal Base metal * Location bend Side bend | Side bend | Side bend | Side bend «Thickness of specimen mm 100 100 10.0 100 * Width of specimen mm | 248 248 248 268 * Bending angle "106 180 180 180 180 ‘+ Plunger diameter mm 50 50 50 50 «Test result Past | Pass Pass | Pass a END OF THE REPORT + # “Tis cocument 1s sued ty the Company under ts General Condtens of Sorice ponted overest avahati on request or accessbie at nsSecoms ere condions nth ore "or wectore mat Coeimant, tj! Tem ar Cartons fer Ewen Oocunents INEZ Somtorase-aScamert nin tendon ren to tne bmnanare of Saou inrmntzaton ang jradeton saves eed ren Ay ode ts ‘Sicurencn advaed tar nfo contneshe'eonrefectst Campanys tinge athe tne moreno any ané wa the has of Clon atc Sara'vom The Comeny's sow resoratry fo te Chas and ie doeumert doesnot exonerate pares fo 2 aneacton fom exer wer his ee Stugasoruraer re Pasacoon documents. 7s Socuran coe be proqsce ascot at ttt prot win appro! fhe Company Ay unawPersed ‘tetaton forgery tuitenon he contert cr appearance a camert i unatlwnd conde ay be ernest the ales exter thew Ulead ‘there sed the rents shown thts er reer oy foe Same) ted ony Page 1 of 3 ‘ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION WPS Ne, Zark “uhorssdy NGUYEN VANDEN One 30 M@y18 Reva ‘Welding Process(es) FoAW ‘Type: [__]mamuat. [—]atechine: [7] seman: [Automatic ‘Supporing POR No(s) __ZB-FA-POR-08B, Ce Aol: AWS DIA -2006/01.1M: 2018 SINGLE BEVEL GROOVE (BUTT, ©) Single Weld: Dewsiewes [¥] Bactrg yee || No Lv) ‘aching Matera NA. eet Opening a Rect Face Dimencan:_0- 3mm Grove Angle: _a5* [HO¥.5) Radius (ULNA Beck Govsing Yes Mains: TA Ar GoogingiGrnding ‘BASE METALS Speotictons __ Material Material? Co [AWS Greup | Hor comBnatons ‘Thickness Tonto: 25mm & 26mm Refer POR) Thickness Qualiied: Groove: 2m to Untiite Fite ‘a Pipe De Goomm and over FILLER METALS ‘ELECTRICAL GHARACTERISTICN AWS Spec A536 “Traneer Mode or GMAW ay ‘AWS Class: erirsc Jenonereuing |_Joeeuar [spray cure (Jac [7Jocer [CJocen Jens Desciton. TYUNDAL SFT oer NA “Tungion Eos for GTAW on) wa Sze __WA Type Na TTECHNIGUE unger Weave Bond eter Muto Single Pas (wer) Either as cup size Meteo eles Single a “ acrode Spacng-Lcngtinal WA PREREAT 7 a) Wa Preneat Temp. Ambient ten poale WA btewess Temp Win, ‘Beenote below _Max 241°C contac Tube oWor Disance 18 mm-25 mm Preveat Not Peonng —_ NOTALLOWED eat narpaes Temperature for Ts38 mmie 10°C, tripats Clean BRUSHING & GRINDING POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT: nT WELDING PARAMETERS. Waid Pass Filer Weta Corent Voie | meet aneed | Haatinpst romana} or tayers lasaiteation | Dia mm | Type [Amps 10%) 226%) — | (esi) 1 Pas [pce] 22322728) e5.2753 | 159-188 a - 18] vce | 2295-2005 3726-20002 | 157-126 Siocap eritsc | 18 | ce | 23222004 58.25286 7 niocap enTac 1s [vce | sszz2m0 | 2 ‘PREPARE BY ZAMIL GC. : > BY GC SUPERVISOR ‘CLIENT/ OWNER OF AP a TA ke Cs! Bs) yl wianey_ vind BR | NETNE Af He: Lait Page 2 of 3 ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Panne STATOR Fanaa RSTRNT EEN Doe Soma fee Ween Proce reaw Type: [J manu TZ semi: Reteence WPS No ZB FA08B [machine TT astemate vonrs Type ‘Single bevel but weld eee singe: owlewes [¥ > sacking: Yeo [J] no Lv) i Backing Matera NA we oat Opening 2mm oan > — Groove gi: as q ais NR Back Govsing J) soectcatons: __Materal Motori? BSimasr2 Gree “AST As72 Gr Thickness: POSTION Groove 25mm 25mm FILLER METALS ELECTRICAL GHARACTERTICN Tart ode OMA nes Case eae Clsetcresing (Clover Jenny Sesion RUN SFT aa cwet (ac CZocer Coc ruses ux na Teeraue ‘ecoda Fic an ‘SungrorWenve Son exter can co, tuto Single Poe ows Esher "7 ons Number of cde Single Few Rae Toss feorese Spore Lats aa Gmcwp Sie it nt wn a Angie NA — Prrenear Cee Tube Wot Diner Winn -28m PrceatTenp. Min. _ Ambient Tom rene Nia tense Tene, Min Te iret Cian RUIN & GRINDING Max ee POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT: WA WELDING: Filer Weta Travel Speed Glessincation | Oia (mm entice | 16. entice | 16 [~entac 18. EnTAC 16 EnTic 1 TEnTAC, 16 enric [a8 etac [a8 eorsc [18 Page Sof ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD | TEST REULTS [TENSILE TESTS (Repor No.e0asia300.8) wit These ea Danae iamate Une Chaar Seecerenes | tom) (om na) __| rottosa-n_| stess-Moa_| Faure & Locaten — 204 38s 28 ‘707 20 | Bases t 200 242 425.0 2 58 Bese mea [GUIDED BEND TESTS Report No 604914-2008) ‘Specimen No_| Bend Type esl Rens 2 ‘ise Bena eens oa aan 3 ‘Side Bend ~ “ ‘Sige Sen [MACRO ETCH (Report Nos0«3"6-50038 | "RADIOGRAPHIC - ULTRASONIC EXAM sun; Fulpeneaton and competeuslon weld Nodeect | RT-Report No, NA _ Result UT- Report No. 25-002 Result: _Acceptes_ FILLET WELD TEST RESULTS Min, Size Multiple Pass Macroetch IVsuAL INSPECTION 1 2 NA 8 ‘ial date Moy 18 Max Size Single Pass Microetch Rest ‘Aecepled 1 NA 2 MA 3 NA ‘eu by "ZV Walang inepecer “ALL WELD WETAL TENSION TEST “Tenebe Strong (ps) - Yield PoinStenath Mos) at Elangaton in $0 mm NA, Labortny Test No NA, Wades Name PHAM VAN PHAN, Wilger io: _TNP.154 Labor ‘SG Construction Material Laboratony ‘We, the undersigned, cory tat Pe statements inthis recrd are comect snd tat the test welds were prepared welded, and tees (8 of ANSI/AWS D1.1M- 2018 - Stet Wtsng Cate Sea ate ‘ Zama sTeec JReport: 2S-002 Date: 13/5/2018 ULTRASONIC INSPECTION REPORT ‘SAMPLE NO. ZB-FAPQR08B [TEST DATED 1318/2018 PARTS NIA DESCRIPTION POR TEST COUPON ‘SITE OF TEST ZS VIETNAM __|MATERIAL SPEC. ‘ASTM AS72M Gr50 WELDER # TNPIS1 [SURFACE CONDITION ‘As Cleaned WELDING PROCESS FOAW, [EXAMINATION CODE. ‘AWS D114 |EXAMINATION PROCEDURE REF. gcri7 [EQUIPMENT EPOCH XT (081088802) EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION [CALIBRATION STANDARD TW REFERENCE SENSITIVITY 715 mam hole V1 Block, sot 80% FSH [COUPLANT Giycerinecellulose gum CABLE PROBE ANGLE FREQ | TYPE | Size | TYPE/ | RANGE | SENSITIVITY 8 LENGTH 1 o 2Mrz | ScHFio[ 05" | Coaxial 60 at 2 70.0° 4Mnz | mws | 05" | Coaxial 125 [tSmmnolevibiock | 69.9 a WELD DESIGN LENGHTH: 500 mm DECIBELS DISCONTINUITY EVALUATION WELD #| JOINT DESIGN a b € d 5 8 H A R SINGLE BEVEL, - | 689. ~ : : 3 : v Ja Indication Level; b - Reference Level; c =(B-25.4)"2/25.4 - Attenuation factor, d- Indication rating, L - Defect length; 8 - Path length from probe index to defect; H - Defect depth. JA - Accepted; R - Rejected |REMARKS: PASS/NO DEFECT | ebabbel —— Te Oink Hei Ho Wieu Noha UT TECHNICIAN (LEVEL ac suPenvison THiRo PARTY INSPECTOR (if Applicable) * Atach copy of NOR repo, any, Construction Material Laboratory Test Report No: 504314-300-6 Date: 25-May-2018 Page 1 of 3 vies 297 Client's name + CONG TY TNHH NHA THEP TIEN CHE ZAMIL VIET NAM. ZAMIL STEEL BUILDING VIETNAM LTD KCN NOI BAI, SOC SON, HA NOL Name of sample : WELDING STEEL PLATE Description of sample 2 ZB-FAPOROSB Dimension : 500 x 390 x 24.5 (mm) Quantity 2 01 sample Date of receiving 3 17-May-2018 Date of testing + From 17-May-2018 to 25-May-2018 Test method + AWS D1.4 : 2048 ; 180 148-1; 2009 @ Test result + See next page(s) ay \ Note VY (1 The test was accredited ISO 17025:2005 by VILAS. ILAC:: International Laboratory Acoredktation. if MRA : Mutual Recognition Arrangement. te ILAGMRA-VILAS = VILAS is the full member and signatky 6f Métual Recognition Arrangement with Intemational Laboratory Accreditation i (>) The sample was tested at CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL LABORATORY _SGS VIETNAM Co.,LTD on 25-May-2018 witnessed by the client: i -Mr Ho Hieu Nghia v Mr Nguyen Van Phu — Construction Lab Manager Industrial Services. ~— “Tis document is Issued by the Company under its Genera! Conditions of Service printed overtea, avaiable on request or accessible at aivis-ans eiendierms-andeonaitons and for electrons format cosuments.subiee #9 Terms ond Conditions far Electronic Documorts &t bite Jew sas vitenlermsand-candilonsicrms-ccsacument Arenson s wnt the imistons of fabty gemini jaeion sues Sled Peren Ary hoe fs documents aassed tal loon cones haven acts he Comparys ings a te time ots arvoon ony aed within Te linfs fClents nstuctons, any. Te Company’ sce responsi Iss Cent and tis documert doos ot exonerate partes foa ransactn fm exercng ‘i dig an asigatone under the warancioncosumevts Tis Socumert caret bs rpredueed excep mf wot pro wien spore! oe Comer. ‘ny snstrorizedaleraton, forge oration fhe conten of appeararce of hs document nla ana oftenders maybe prosecuted oe fale! een {rt am Unies ears stated he resus shown nls et report rele ony 0B samp sled ony" 429900 PiNtihi St Ditiet 3 Hoi Cy nnn 29 3588 120 (642898951801 msgs 160555 (4 2366 Construction Material Laboratory anion Page 2 of 3 Characteristic © Test result A. Transverse tension test 1 2 | + Thickness of specimen mm 265 243 + Width of specimen mm 201 oo | + Cross section mm? 492.5 486 + Tensile load KN 2707 2 | |__* Tensile strength mea | 550 558 | + Broken position Base metal Base metal B. Bend test =. 1 2 3 4 i‘. + Location bend —~ Side bend | Side bend | Side bend | Side bend i Thickness Liasvads mm 10.0 10.0 100 10.0 + Width of specimen mm 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 + Bending angle "109 180 180 180 180 + Plunger diameter mm 50 50 50 50 + Test result ; Pass Pass Pass Pass 44 TO BE CONTINUED ++ “This document is Issued by the Company under its Gsnerei Coneiions of Service printed overiet, avaible on request or eccessible at ‘laaew.so8 undentecms-gnd-sandiions and for electron formal documarin bart to forms ana Conaiiane fr Bostrane Documents ot 2 i Atentens rowo to tne tations of aby ndemnlieaton an juredton sues coi S ireoin. Any heer Os docunet sao tat Mforaten conned hereon raft no Companys fg sine tne oft tron oly an it he ‘Gp iis of Giants nstuctons, Fang. Tra Companys slerespensy ioe lent and he doumant Coes re excrete prtes toa vensecton frm erences ab ne rons and obigatons under te transaction documents. Ths documer crnot be repose” exert no, ntoct rr wren appro oe Comenh 3 Aryenasinrized ateraton forgery :tatscaton oft conten’ of eppearane ol hs conus uta and ofenders ay be peseccted to flea eat ‘Ft am Unless earns sod the ete sown nthe la reporter om) 10th sgl) fests oly” bo 198 RguyenThi Minh Khai St District 3 Ho Chi Minh Cry Vietnam t (24-28) 3935 1920 # (4-29)3035 1921 wrvwsgs.com t Construction Material Laboratory Test Report No: 504314-300-6 Date: 25-May-2018 Page 3 of 3 ae 1 Characteristic | Test result C. Impact test at 20°C {4 2 3 + Dimension of specimens wom | 100%1005 | 790x100 | 100x 1008 + Impact energy J 256.1 3031 | 2766 |D._Macro etch: (See the photos below) + Full penetration and complete fusion weld. No defect in weld metal ‘0% END OF THE REPORT ++ “Tis document is issued by the Company unde is General Conditions of Service printed overist, avaiable on request or accessible wt ton nas ntenarms-and!-canions and for elacirons format document, asbect'9 Terme ond Conaiions far Electronie Docurans st ia. sas.vnvenanns-2nd-sonallonstarms-2 documen! Atonion Is Grown oe Wrtatons of lab cerca on json sues dale ‘erin. ry lca of is docinen i advised tat frmation corained hers reflects he Cereany = fang he tne noni an wi the Ils of Chants instuctons, any The Company’ sce reapansiany tots Chant and Oe document does out exonerate partes ta veneacton fom everlang Altieri and ebigatons under raneacton document. Tis Socument coe 8 reprodicedexcop inl without pwn approve the Company ‘any srauboized stration forge Tllcaton 0 tr corte! or appearance of ls Secures uawhl and offenders maybe rosea tthe ues ser ‘eta Unies ethers stated fe rout shown nse! apart rete eny te sample) ested ory 629900 | 198 NgyecT Rin Kt iti 3 Ho 3095 0 1.203 ® ) iNSDECTIONCERTiRicATE = XINYU IRON & STEEL C0,,.LTD post cove 36001 ta eu: +86 7o-seo4sin FRA: _=86_280-a04179 cosiover [PETER OREWER (9) BH anact @, —_(ROEC-1V707T96H Fanos PETER ORENER (8) oH STONER ROE WO Tian vo _‘[Ko1257 oovar [Nigh Strength Low-Alloy Golunbiue-Vonedian Structural Steel | GERTIFIATE W(NB7-22200-6-3| ATE oF rasie _[2017-0-26 14.94 SpciF caion [ASTW AS7A/ASTEN- 2007 AST A67AGU-7010 LE Wo one oF BeLveRY _[2017-8-19 wareRIAL vesoeieTion | GHEMICAL cowposiTiON TENSILE TEST TWPAGT TEST © sail, girl sereeisl eae laa ne (Ope Tsimeys Te Tele wa TENT ADOT] 7 - Od te) ao" x10" ysfrsfer] a] a] o yore" 2en vn | Gr[wi [oo] VTi foePO | Jo an 1 - 2 x10 | xo? [x10?]-o] | wa [ * eft] 2] sfavel [1] 2] 2 [mel hr-so40s 2. 7]07-004 ; aon | 1 we] we fiaal Ss Paz ea 7] 4] Ls ]s57 [oes [ous [mee m 1 fa-sons 2 afii-ovse) asa, so] 28 [200 aa [Petey ela Ll W17-50405 2. | J77-C i. aos} ul 18) 22) 132) 8 | 22024) 7) 4 1 |35 Joa 5 Jone. 2 fi-soos a ef r-rel areca] 26 [aco] coo | 8 sepespeys Teper eT, [foo foe M 3 : 5 ¢ i L x = T ao TREO] pass | AccePTABLE visual wo oinensions | pass] wT arr fe $ i rewnes . ; ey a a a a cae few: WX amazin soe 9-73 nt. amAND maine ION) oR aN ORD A MME GOIORR CONROE, TE, PAA TL vores: ri cvs swe nsenssns a ae x f We HERESY CERTIFY THAT THE MATERIALS DESCRIED HEREIN HAVE GEEN MANUFACTURE AND TESTED WITH SATISFACTORY RESULTS (THE CERTIFICATE 13 IN CONFORMITY WITH EN 10904 3.1) Se CMRNo, “HV -20t8 244 Date ose : 2018-03-24 Customer ZAMIL STEEL BUILDING - VIET NAM CO., LTD Trade Name SF-71 Size 4.6 mmx 15 kg Lot No. MFB746C1 Purchaser's Order No. | DN-D2327 ‘Spestication AWS A5.36 ETITI-C1A0-CS1 Welding Current | DCEP | Shielding Gas | CO2 | Post Weld Heat Treatment (Cxhr.)| As Welded Cc Tensile Test Impact Test (CVN - Joule) Mechanical | YS(MPa) | TS(MPa) | EL(%) |Temp.(C)| xt x | x3 | Avg Properties 536 598 28 4a | 45 | 45 46 AWS Spec. 2400 | 490~660 | 222 227 Chemical Composition (%) c,)] a |miyPp i]s | w ] @ 7 wm | & | ee (Weld Metal) | 0.05 | 061 | 137 | 0.020 | 0.004 | [cor | ove | oo: | oor | on AWS Spec. | 50.12 | $0.90 | 1.75 | 0.030 | <0.030/ <0.50 | <0.20 | s0.30 | 0.08 | <0.35 Others * Identical with AWS A5.20 E71T-16 * ty : 24,000 kg We hereby certify that the material covered by this report has been inspected in accordance with and been found to meet the applicable requirements of specification and customer's requirements. HYUNDAI WELDING VINA CO., LTD. Road No. 2, Nhon trach 5 IZ, Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam Zama STEEL ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. Mia, Saw note below ‘eters Temp. Mn “Sewratebolaw Max 300°C Panes Nota a Mo. Prteerowons Temperature or 38mg 10°C ‘Taam sTeaL ZAMiL. STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. rEPOR ‘PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD [tae Weitere ems _Dapyen vor _ ‘Test Conucied 8, 18ST. (IAB. TEST ONLY) Test Mater wore Kus Per We, ne undergarments ths rear are caret and Bul he est was we fear, woe Ane Ineczornce whe reqemens of Sac 4, Pat Bef ANSI/ ANS D1 1 Sutil Welding Cade Sau Indication Level; b - Reference Level :¢ - Atteouation factor: d- Indication rating; 1L~ Defect length; B - Path length from probe index o defect ;H - Defect depth; (Level 1) QC Supervisor ‘Third Party Inspector IF Applicabite) QERI Revd Go 10a) 012795 ‘™ WOW WK WE te Mi BE LIUZHOU IRON AND_STEEL COMPANY LIMITED = . 4 Fm hk @ iW 7 QUALITY CERTIFICATE OF PRODUCT ‘ee, CCONSIGNEE) , TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN WHat (CERTIFICATE No» . 972009 12704 EBS CPRODUCT) = RSE te a-t-BLASIO i CONTRACTING 25GLBEE ‘alk (STANDARD) + ASTMAS72/AS72N-07 BiBtaaa SUR (DELIVERY STATE) : #h iL AR 48) CTRAIN No.) e_ (SHIPING MARKS) :STEEL GRADE/SIZE 2592132 ‘26% 130] (DEPARTURE DATE) « wy [ae [ews [aw | an] mm Th 4. % Chemica composition 11 i Physical Propeny GaP a ar Vata | © fhe Pos. Theoratical | C ] si Mn} P| s | nb} at! v | cov} sn| aie | 4 | 4% V-notch impact. | Colour Grade | Bacnio | Heatno | SM | wet] Pace | wane ve| fm | et] Bend a ing : t xo? a0 me (oie wel wae foros some Pomme | settoncow [aan |e [oe Te Ta Ta] we [ep [os [ee [7 poe a fee} ee freee soe eatmna| aecrooow [pars [9 rae oe Pt Paes ef | oe pep cs ferter aoe tates | seateonoe [aes |u| ee a fae re Pe Do Lert 7 ost oe tet reer | seoesenes | sasee | eras [aes [3 {rae Da pa bat De po Leper] + tet tee TZ TOTAL sm | _setona Sih ha OisimaeROM TAMER TR ‘Noles Th pris hn re unfair oe andor const 2RRCWRAUIER. i NBS. BS) ISS) 2 Flese inom he Cerfent No, Satcien!) No, Gree ard Specteaon We. R@URN Gea. ithe pret ae varaeo wt ry em fhe Coa ait sespncn SURE MNM. eran maMEMAR OAR 3. The caps as aes of is Create wt become va saped wih ed say sles acon BHA FN a ncen KA t D2], He se TMH. ne ’ hte HS HALIM 2oose2.7 ‘NBBED BY MANAGER ttn ster AUOrTING f Date Pane 4h 08 -55 O4b924 HYUNDAI WELDING VINA CO.,LTD. } CERTIFIED MATERIAL REPORT CMR No. : HV-2010-180 Customer ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO.,LTD. ‘Trade Name SF-71 Purchaser's Order No, | DPO016421 Size 1.6 mm x 15 kg Applicable Specification | AWS A5.20 E71T-1C Lot No. MF1746H1 Date of Issue 2010-08-26 Welding Current | DCEP | Shielding Gas! CO; | Post Weld Heat Treatment ‘Cxhr) | As Welded Tensile Test Impact Test (CVN - Joule) Mechanical | YS (Nim) } TS¢Nim!) | EL(%) | Tempco) | Xi % | % | Ave. Properties 501 565 270 20 ss | 6 | s3 | 58 Spee. 2400 482-655 | 222 227 Chemical c [ si | mm [ Pp s [mn [af[ml[vi[a@ Composition %) ey 0.06 | 051 | 4.08 | 0.021 | 0.005 | 0.02 | 0.03 | 001 | 002 | 002 soe | <0.z | soso | 175 | s00s | soos | 080 | 2020 | 2030 | 008 | «035 | Others "Qty: 1,500 kg ‘We hereby certify that the material covered by this report has been inspected in accordance with and been found to ‘meet the applicable requirements of specification and Customer's requirements. QA Manger Pham Dinh Anh Vu VINA Plant Road No, 2, Nhon trach § 12, Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam No.: HD100/09 KNIBS 4. Client’ ZAMIL STEEL BUILDING VIETNAM LTD. RESULT OF ULTRASONIC & MECHANICAL TESTS for butt weld WPS No.: ZB-FAQ-09 VIET NAM INSTITUTE FOR BUILDING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IBST) Institute of Building Structures (IBS) ‘Add. 81 Tran Cung-Nghia Tan-Cau Giay-Hanoi-Vietnam, Tot 044.38 264 162; Fax: 84.4.62 692 708 Ref.No.: ZS-10.389 2.ttem: WPS QUALIFICATION 3. Type of sample: Welded Sample 25.0mm thickness, 348) (poe. wore gvon by Zam Ste! Buidng Vietnam Lid) 4, Standard used: ‘ANSUAWS D1.1/D1.1M:2008. Subsection No. 4.8 Acceptance criteria: ANSVAWS D4.1/D1.1M:2008, Subsection No.: 4.8 5. Specific requirements: Ultrasonic & Mechanical tests 6. Date of test: ‘September 09. 2010 Result B H : = : A Breaking Result mm nt N 450 Location, FAQ-09/Tensile 1 25.0 18.9 4725 269000 $69.3 BM A FAQ-09/Tensile 2 25.0 192 480.0 272000 566.7 BM A Specimen name | Tckness Resut FAQ-09/Side bend 1 25.0 A FAQ-09/Side bend 2 (25.0 A FAQ-09/Side bend 3 (25.0 A FAG0WSiebendé | 250° | A ‘Single Wels: Backing: Yes Root Face Dimon Groove Angle: Bock Gouging: Pret Tomo FILLET WELD JOINT Dovtle Wort x Nox Backing Matenal_NA Root Openiey: __0- 2mm A Radius (4-0) Tet, 0-20 str Fob toga proces FAW, cua teas ner 59m one wet #20 Mumps ny be sa met ok ae ran ot ceed cre herp pes Sin ats marred eens ete bse ‘POSTION Grows __ NA ets. ‘Vertical Progression Soe rote below Inverpass Tome. Min. “See note bolow Max 300°C Preheat Nolo As mention Sabie SAWS DI.1 2008 T(miewnwss) | _7.C0) iotepaas Clean NA. 361320 © POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT NA 20 a [tec | sone | aastinna | abszvooremo [zero | wa | wee a | [ar Ps Pit perfor tet rei ele aco | noez-uns | aezetanra | ase2t00.ci00 | 2ant_| 3 ZOE ~ A PTOTAL aa | _19s080m fits | Aina unRMAPReneAR AR. Noes The vod tre we afin cdg toe landed aac TAM MRA. Wasi BES. MES OHS 2 Pease caus he Create No, Blea No, Cia on Specicaton wi. migialiA, Duet ite data wet variance wth any ae es Cette crn secon SAAT HACE RAEN FH The cps ara fee of Crate wl bacome vai i stomped wh ed scaly alos agency. wen amaGe Me ee BRA : ate aera 200s-12-7 Tabb BY MANAGER ster AUETING Date Page ot ASR FA ASCHER Ope ed < (FM tay tt lic Reni et Ie ome ik WY FS Tihs “Si-O sidered Fe sR 25-S707 289 BRAN Lew suo” weamer MILL TEST CERTIFICATE wen IONS ALTE REE A SA ABLES Br ys00n7 cine Pes oa. FERER To thom 11 tay Concern FRACS vrs0v 153 GENGAE _is0rz200ea7 inet Aileen AS aR LES awsir0ar i aA, fanwnns MLE aorararrze son Ca unten AR Fee et nero ea pine i create ais ters cree’ * emt wim tH (an) ae |* ” mmc | ‘samvin wrt Ym c's [ame 5 me ante co rst we cg BR! ide ' é ‘ X10" x10! x10" x10" x10" 330 x0" x10! xao% x10? Kuo? x10" x10] He a raRSaToy TERR * tos | ssemresonr orion | cist ie wom nom ff * aot | sszecrosmoe |iszsiosinoin | iz omzioowene | its] om nom of gL = oot | asooueoinn: J iszesimaio: | s2amsioomen | isd fy a we 8 Rk . fo | semecrnies | sasiooioi! | iz anecteocom | tis] wo meg 1S SLM Hi mm asensiowmiaie | eavecinooom | Lief moat in sf 4 8 he “ ss | sszonosmnios | szosioeiie: | 12 ooo | iis] is noe | SG * oes | ixmiccornes | isosinecroios | iacwoesiooeno | rie] wom 3 | f Bg tM “ vor | aszosesroes | isaxsioarial | ievecieneoo | Kis] mone e | Se BOM « oer J rszoieszn0) | srsioeraini | iz eocioneoo | its] mo ty ff 2 8 GE “ oo | rszoioeznee | restos | ie amaiomee | tif wom 3 ff Bf 8 « oo | rsestocrois | szsieeg0i01 | iz maine | tie! eM 2 ff Bo tM « oat tnt trois | inf me aim 9 tos koe te * oat | tezonnssoms own | cia wo i x 1 te Gt m 04 | tenon: wero | iin] im aii s to, ft o or | rseorosisons Jaszsiecranns | iz onion | tis] wo sf 2 RG van ae o ACBL TOTAL: 1s wo REBT, rolled E ertine: Honing ange 5 sstitbending dianeses=s ECM 4Crs¥ $= CCU NL /15 tite Gage Length bya FL-2 Nore fi s-¥ietd Strength Senate Steet . fe eew saxon. 200 Pius Percentage Flontation Wer Fracture end Tent EE. MADCON 10 FN YGzONe 2004 2.16 Fully Audie Steed ASL a atts of moder nies hen mer YER BSHAR FISIAL NMECTYRSIAENSY AH HURESHA CERO same BUNA, HRA RE. NASR AT ORR EATS eR sss AG TET E ti p 2S UATE = 9°59 16924 HYUNDAI WELDING VINA CO., LTD. s HY-Q-33 Rev.0 Ad (CMR No. : HV-2010-180 Customer ZAMIL STEEL BUILDINGS - VIET NAM CO. LTD. ‘Trade Name SFT Purchaser's Order No. | DPO016421 Size 1.8 mmx 15kg Applicable Specification | AWS A520 E71T-1C Lot No. MFt746H1 Date of Issue 2010-08-26 Welding Curent | DCEP | Shielding Gas! CO; | Post Weld Heat Treatment "Cxhr.) | As Welded Tensile Test Impact Test (CVN - Joule) Mechanical YS (Nim?) | TS (N/mm?) | EL(%) | Temp. (°C) | Xi % Ave, Properties sot 565 270 20 ss | o | ss | 58 Spee. 2400 482-655 | 222 227 Chem c [ si [mm] P s [wi [co [mo | v | a ‘Composition %) 0.05 | 051 | 1.08 1 | 002 | 002 aay °. 8 | oozt | 0.005 | 002 | 003 | 001 | o. Spee 0.12 | s0.90 | 1.75 | <0.03 | <0.03 | <0.50 | <0.20 | 0.30 | soos | 0.35 Others * Qty: 1,500 kg ‘We hereby certify that the material covered by this report has been inspected in accordance with and been found to ‘meet the applicable requirements of specification and Customer's requirements. QA Mai fer Pham Dinh Anh Vu VINA Plant Road No, 2, Nhon trach 5 IZ, Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam =t? VIET NAM INSTITUTE FOR BUILDING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IBST) Institute of Building Structures (IBS) Add: 81 Tran Cung-Nghia Tan-Cau Glay-HanoiVietnam. Tel 84.438 368 162; Faxc 84.4. 62.692 708 No. HD: 100/09 KNIBS ‘Type: Fillet weld T Joint; Process: FCAW; Position: 2F WPS No.: ZB-FAQ-10A (Materials: ASTM AS72M, Gr. 345) {(Spoc. were given by Zamil Steet Building Vietnam Ltd) 5. Specific requirements Macroetch test RefNo. 78-10.401 RESULT OF MACROETCH TESTS for fillet weld WPS No.: ZB-FAQ-10A | 1. Client. ZAMIL STEEL BUILDING VIETNAM LTD. 2. Item: WPS QUALIFICATION 3. Type of sample: Welded ‘Sample 10.0mm to 25.0mm, 4. Standard ' used: ANSUVAWS D1.1/D1.1M:2008. Subsection No. 4.8 criteria: ANSUAWS D1.1/D1.1M:2008. Subsection No.: 4.8 6. Date of test: September 16, 2010 WPS: Z8-FAQ-10A MIOA1

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