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P.C. RIZZO, D.E. SHAW and S.J. J A R E C K I

E. D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers, Inc., httsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235, USA.

Received 10 September 1973

In modern nuclear plant design there is a definite trend toward time history type analysis of equipment and structural
components to determine the peak seismic response and loads. However, the site response spectra remain as the only
acceptable description of expected ground motion during a seismic event. Thus, it has become necessary to develop
time history accelerograms compatible with smoothed response design spectra established for a site. This paper de-
scribes a new computerized technique for generating time history accelerogram traces from existing seismic records
to match the smoothed site response spectra. Our method of analysis is particularly attractive in that it minimizes
man-machine interaction inherent in previous attempts to generate time histories. The program utilizes existing
seismic traces represented in the frequency ~domain as opposed to the time domahl through the use of Fourier
transform techniques. By manipulation of both the amplitude and phase of the Fourier transform representation
in accordance with criteria formulated from the comparison of a computed response spectra to the smoothed design
response spectra, successive new time histories are generated having response spectra converging to the smooth design
response spectra. In addition to matching the smooth design response spectra, an additional constraint is imposed
on generated time histories in that the peak acceleration of a time history is also established for the site in the form
of the zero period ground response. This constraint is also accounted for automatically in the program by revising the
time history at each iteration to eliminate peaks greater than the peak site ground response. The authors have utilized
the program successfully to match smoothed design response spectra of various damping ratios to generate seismic
time history site accelerograms used in the development of floor response spectra and equipment analysis for several
nuclear faciliti,'s.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n The latter part o f the second criterion, admittedly, is not

a necessary condition for the generation o f an artificial
In the d e v e l o p m e n t o f an artificial earthquake time time history since, from a mathematical point of view,
history compatible with a site design ground response any time history which gives rise to a T H R S satisfying
spectrum, two criteria should be considered: the first criterion could be used to determine peak
( l ) The time history generated response spectrum structural response. However, it has been the experi-
(THRS) must m a t c h as closely as possible and remain ence of the authors that artificially generated time
higher than the s m o o t h e d design response spectrum histories having characteristics comparable to recorded
(SDRS). seismic accelerograms are more readily acceptable to
(2) The artificial time history must have a peak designers of nuclear facilities.
ground acceleration equal to that defined for the site
and must have frequency and duration characteristics
comparable to time histories recorded at sites with 2. Analysis
similar foundation conditions.
By definition, a response spectrum is the envelope o f
* Invited paper K1/5* presented at the Second International
Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, the peak response o f a single-degree-of-freedom oscil-
Berlin, Germany, 10-14 September, 1973. lator of varying natural frequency over the frequency

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P.C. Rizzo et al., Development of real/synthetic time histories 149

range of interest. Thus, for a seismic accelerogram given Given the displacement response spectrum defined
by a(t), the response is given by the solution of the by eq. (4), the corresponding acceleration and velocity
single-degree-of- freedom equation spectra can be obtained from
-~+ 2~'6On)(+ 6on2X= -a(t), (1) Sv(~On, ~) = max {~'(t)} (5)
O< t< T
where X is the displacement of the oscillator relative
to the ground displacement, ~"is the damping coeffi-
cient as a percentage of critical damping, and Wn is S a ( c O n , ~') = max {~"(t)}. (6)
the natural frequency of the oscillator.
The solution of eq. (1) is given by Duhamel's However, seismic response spectra are typically defined
integral in terms of the pseudo velocity and absolute accelera-
t tion spectra

X(t)=--~nfa(z)sincon(t-r)d7, (2) PSv(wn,~) = max {fa(r) sin{cOn(t-r)}dr} (7)

0 0
and the absolute response is given by t
ASa(~n, ~)= max {~onfa(r)sin {a~n(t- r)} dr}
Y(t) = X(t) + Ug(t), (3) 0< t< T
o (8)
where Ug(t) is the ground displacement found by inte-
grating the ground acceleration O(t) twice with respect whici~ are consistent with the displacement spectrum
to time. Since stresses induced in a structure resulting in the sense that the peak pseudo velocity and absolute
from dynamic response during a seismic event are de- acceleration occur at the same point in time as the
pendent upon the relative deformation of the structure peak of the displacement, which is not necessarily the
to the ground, the relative displacement given by eq. (2) case for the true velocity and relative acceleration.
is the response of interest. Thus, the displacement re- Given an SDRS and an acceleration time history
sponse spectrum is given by a(t), we may define the difference between the design
spectrum and THRS corresponding to a(t) as

o,max( lS. sin , E(co, ~') = THRS(cJ, ~) SDRS(o3, ~). (9)

Owing to the definition of a response spectrum, it is
not possible to define a closed-form mathematical trans-
where the interval 0 - T is greater than or equal to the formation from the time history a(t) to the response
range of definition of the accelerogram. spectrum. Similarly, there is no one-to-one correspond-
When T in eq. (4) is greater than the range of defini- ence between response spectra and time histories in the
tion of the acceleration time history, residual vibration sense that more than one time history can theoretically
effects are included in the response spectrum. If one produce the same response spectrum. Thus, the process
sets T equal to the range of the acceleration time of fitting a time history to a response spectrum must
history, one includes only the forced vibration effects be a numerically iterative procedure.
in the transient spectrum. Mathematical rigor would
require that residual vibration effects be included by
extending the range T sufficiently far beyond the end 3. Program method
of the seismic time history to allow at least one period
of vibration at the lowest natural frequency of the To force the THRS to match the SDRS at discrete
structure. However, the decay inherent in seismic traces frequencies 6oi, an actual recorded seismic time history
is such that, in practical application, residual vibration is used as a first approximation for the first iteration.
effects are usually of little or no consequence to the The initial time history ao(t) is represented in frequency
response spectrum. space at discrete frequencies using the Fourier transform
150 P.C. Rizzo et al., Development of real~synthetic time histories
0.3 - -
A o ( ~ )= J ao(t)e it°t dt, (10)
_oo i
0.2 I

with the time history given by the inverse Fourier

transform [ 1 ] 0.1

a°(t) = 2-~ A 0(60) e-ia)t dco. (I 1) o 0.0

Having represented the time history by its Fourier
< 0.1
transform, a new time history al(t ) may be generated (3C
by adjusting the Fourier transform:
o< 0.2
Al(co ) = R(co)A o(co ) + Zx(co), (12)
in which case the new time history becomes

[ I I
al(t ) = ~ Al(co ) e - i w t dco. (13) 5 10 1~5 20 25 30

Fig. 2. Inverse Fourier transform representation of E1 Centro

In eq. (1 1), the revised time history Fourier trans- 1940 N-S (transform representation - 1000 terms)
form is obtained from the previous Fourier transform
using both a multiplicative function of co, R(co), and 3.1. Comparison of THRS and SDRS
an additive function A(co). Both functions are used
because experience cited in the literature [2, 3] has A good representation of the original seismic trace can
shown that the use of an additional function repre- be obtained with 1000 terms in the Fourier transform.
sented by A(co) in frequency space is better for the Fig. 1 illustrates the 1940 E1 Centro N - S accelerogram
case where E(co, f) < 0, in which case the computed as recorded; whereas fig. 2 shows the inverse Fourier
spectrum must be raised; whereas, a multiplicative transform representation.
function is more appropriate when E(co, r) > 0, or The design spectrum SDRS is input at N discrete
when it is necessary to lower the computed response frequencies, and the THRS is computed at each of the
spectrum. frequencies coj; j = 1,2, 3 . . . N. The design spectrum
0.4 is then compared to the pseudo acceleration spectrum
resulting from the initial time history and two error
functions generated as follows:

0.2 ~ E(coj, ~) = THRS(COI, ~) - SDRS(wI, ~). (9)

! i1
The first term is the difference between the computed
response spectrum and the design spectrum. The second
z error function R(wj) is defined by
R(coj, ~) = THRS(COj, f)/SDRS(wI, ~). (14)

o 0.2 Based on the assumption that the Fourier spectrum,

defined by

F(co) = (C(w) 2 + D(co) 2 ) 1/2, (15)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
TIME-SECONDS where C(o3) and D(co) are respectively the real and
Fig. 1. Original version of E1 Centro 1940 N - S (California imaginary parts of the Fourier transform of the time
Institute of Technology data). history, is similar in shape to the response spectrum
P.C. Rizzo et al., Development o f real/synthetic time histories 151

THRS(CO, ~'), the Fourier transform of the input his- In other words, this scaling technique for modifying
tory is modified to produce the next iterative time the input transform applies discrete step suppressing
history representation. filters to the input time history in bands around the
The procedure used in modifying the time history frequencies at which the THRS exceeds the SDRS.
varies, depending upon whether the THRS is greater Since both the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier
or less than the SDRS at a frequency point coj. transform are modified according to eq. (14), there
is no phase modification to the input time history.
3. 2. THRS greater than SDRS E(co, ~') > 0
3. 3. THRS less than SDRS E(w, ~) < 0
From the authors' experience, as well as experience
cited in the literature [2], it has been found that when At frequencies corn at which the THRS falls below
the THRS exceeds the SDRS, it is necessary to pass the SDRS, such that E(corn, ~) ( 0, it is necessary to
the time history through a local suppressing filter in raise the THRS. For low values of ~', the response of a
the range of corn, where the THRS exceeds the SDRS. single-degree-of-freedom system of natural frequency
Thus, when E(corn) > 0 and R(corn) > 1, the time corn to harmonic excitation of frequency corn is peaked
history is filtered locally by scaling both the real and in the neighborhood of the resonance at corn, so that
imaginary parts of the Fourier transform according to the effect on the response spectrum of the addition
of a harmonic signal of frequency corn is local to the
1 region near com. Thus, for the case of the THRS below
A l(cok) - R(COm)Ao(COk), (16)
the SDRS, a signal of the form
for k = m - p to m + p where the region corn-p to g(t) = -E(corn ) e- at sin cornt (17)
corn +p defines the band of frequencies surrounding
the point corn at which the SDRS is given and the is added to the original time history. The e - a t decay
THRS evaluated, between corn_ 1 and corn +1, as shown factor is added so that the Fourier transform ofg(t)
in fig. 3. exists and is given by

[ PSo(O')m'~) I THRS(COm,/~} I
R (°m'~;) = OSo (°~m,~) R = SDRS (corn,~}

¢Orn-= )

T DSJtO m ÷, )

ABOUT (.,01

J i I :__,~
(om-t tom_ p com (t~m+ p (ore4
Fig. 3. Bandwidth of local suppressing filter about comparison point tom, where tOm_l, to m and tOm+l are comparison points at
which design spectra is given, and t o m - p to tom+p are points in Fourier transform in bandwidth about to m.
152 P.C. Rizzo et al., Development of real/synthetic time histories

CO + COrn COrn -- CO 6o
G(co) = X 2 + ( c o r n + 0.)) 2 + ~k2 + (COrn -- (.0)2

' ' /1 E(COrn). 40
+ •2 + ((..Orn -- O.9)2 -- ~k2 + (COrn

Therefore, the Fourier transform of the original time

+ O'9) 2 g
< 30
history is modified to produce a new time history
g 20
/ L
according to <
Al(COi) = A o(CO/) -
E a(coi, COrn), (19)
1.0 10.0

where there were a total of Nrn points, COrn, at which Fig. 5. Response spectra for artificial time history no. 1
the THRS was below the SDRS. Combining eqs (16) SSE, 2% damping.
and (17), a new Fourier transform A l(CO) is obtained,
which, when inverted, yields a new time history with
4. Results
both amplitude and phase modified.

Figures 4 - 7 show artificial time histories generated

al(t)=l-~r; f A l ( c o ) e-k°tdco. (20) using the computer program developed based on the
above methods and the associated response spectra
compared to the original design response spectra. In
Prior to computing a new response spectrum
both cases, a 1000 term Fourier transform representa-
corresponding to a I (t), the time history is modified
tion of the 1940 E1 Centro N - S seismic time history
such that there is no peak greater than the peak
was used as the initial time history. The design spectrum
ground acceleration defined as part of the design
and, hence, the comparison points between the com-
criteria along with the SDRS. This modified time
puted and design spectra, was given at 161 points in
history a'(t) then is used to compute a THRS and
the frequency range from 0.4 to 25 Hz. Table 1 shows
the modification process again applied to yield the
the points used to match the design spectrum.
next iteration.

15.0 5. Discussion
As shown in the figures, the computed response spectra

5.0 1 11 ' ' for both time histories shown match the design response
spectra reasonably well with the maximum deviations
in the neighborhood of 4 0 - 5 0 % , on the conservative
side. As expected, the 5% damped spectrum is smoother
and provides a closer match to the design spectrum
~ -5.0 - -
than for the 2% spectrum. For both cases, the process
was convergent, but became much slower with a
-10.0 1 t'
tendency to oscillate around the SDRS as the THRS
converged to the SDRS. When this occurred, com-
-15.o t [ [
5,0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 puter time became excessive. It was found that con-
Fig. 4. Artificial time history no. 1, where peak horizontal vergence was improved by using a maximum number
acceleration is equal to 0.10 g. of points to represent the SDRS. However, the increased
P.C, Rizzo et aL, Development of real/synthetic time histories 153

Table 1.
List of frequency points where the time history response spectrum has been computed.
Point no. Frequency Point no. Frequency Point no. Frequency
(Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
1 0.400 55 3.800 109 14.600
2 0.420 56 4.000 110 14.800
3 0.440 57 4.200 111 15.000
4 0.460 58 4.400 112 15.200
5 0.480 59 4.600 113 15.400
6 0.500 60 4.800 114 15.600
7 0.520 61 5.000 115 15.800
8 0.540 62 5.200 116 16.000
9 0.560 63 5.400 117 16.200
10 0.580 64 5.600 118 16.400
11 0.600 65 5.800 119 16.600
12 0.620 66 6.000 120 16.800
13 0,640 67 6.200 121 17.000
14 0.660 68 6.400 122 17.200
15 0.680 69 6.600 123 17.400
16 0.700 70 6.800 124 17.600
17 0.720 71 7.000 125 17.800
18 0,740 72 7.200 126 18.000
19 0,760 73 7.400 127 18.200
20 0,780 74 7.600 128 18.400
21 0,800 75 7.800 129 18.600
22 0,820 76 8.000 130 18.800
23 0,840 77 8.200 131 19.000
24 0,860 78 8.400 132 19.200
25 0.880 79 8.600 133 19.400
26 0.900 80 8.800 134 19.600
27 0.920 81 9.000 135 t9.800
28 0.940 82 9.200 136 20.000
29 0.960 83 9.400 137 20.200
30 0.980 84 9.600 138 20.400
31 1.000 85 9.800 139 20.600
32 1.100 86 10.000 140 20.800
33 1.200 87 10.200 141 21.000
34 1.300 88 10.400 142 21.200
35 1.400 89 10.600 143 21.400
36 1.500 90 10.800 144 21.600
37 1.600 91 11.000 145 21.800
38 1.700 92 11.200 146 22.000
39 1.800 93 11.400 147 22.200
40 1.900 94 11.600 148 22.400
41 2.000 95 11.800 149 22.600
42 2.100 96 12.000 150 22.800
43 2.200 97 12.200 151 23.000
44 2.300 98 12.400 152 23.200
45 2.400 99 12.600 153 23.400
46 2.500 100 12.800 154 23.600
47 2.600 101 13.000 155 23.800
48 2.700 102 13.200 156 24.000
49 2.800 103 13.400 157 24.200
50 2.900 104 13.600 158 24.400
51 3.000 105 13.800 159 24.600
52 3.200 106 14.000 160 24.800
53 3.400 107 14.200 161 25.000
54 3.600 108 14.400
154 P.C. Rizzo et al., Development of real~synthetic time histories

+5 I

"- 0.0 .~,~t,t,ath IIL~,., , , , , I LA
uJ ,f, -- "VV --


j, tL

10 1__
0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
Fig. 6. Artificial time history no. 2, where peak horizontal acceleration is equal to 0.10 g.

z 20
w 15



0.1 1.0

Fig. 7. Response spectra for artificial time history no. 2, SSE, 2% damping.

convergence rate is somewhat offset by the increased match the SDRS for another damping ratio. It was
run time in the spectral computatons and Fourier trans- observed that the THRS increasingly exceeds the
form modifications. SDRS for damping ratios greater than that for which
Also, it was found that where several ground re- the time history was generated and falls below the
sponse spectra are defined for different damping ratios design spectrum for damping ratios less than the one
it is unrealistic for a THRS for one damping ratio to at which the match was made.
P.C. Rizzo et al., Development o f real/synthetic time histories 155

References [ 2] Nien-Chien Tsai, Spectrum-compatible motions for design

purposes, ASCE, J. Eng. Mech. Div. 98 (EM2), Apr. (1972).
[ 1 ] I.N. Sneddon, Fourier Transforms, McGraw-Hill, New York [3] R.C. Yang, Safeguard BMD system development of a wave-
(1951). form synthesis technique, SAF-64, Aug. (1970).

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