Answer Sheet: Endcourse Exam-B1

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EndCourse Exam-B1

Teacher:  Tatyana Plotnitskaya

Answer Sheet
Name and Surname: Alexander Score:
Date: 5.06.2020
Location: Minsk


Writing Tasks
Choose one of the tasks:

Write your covering letter, letter of advice, or story (180-200 words) on your answer sheet.

 My Topic: ________A letter of advice______________________

Dear Andrew,

I’m really sorry to read your news.

Unfortunately, I also encountered this problem. During COVID-19,

this becomes really relevant. However, I managed to solve it. Let
me give you some tips on how to organaize your working day.

Firstly, you should follow your normal work day schedule. You
should get up early and do morning exercises. Set time for breaks
and try to follow it. Additionally, create some ground rules with
the people in your home. Each person who leaves with you
should know when they can contact you. These things will help
you to maintain your work-life balance.

Secondly, try to build a work space in your house. It’s not a good
idea to choose the kitchen as a work space because you can find
yourself thicker, or your family members can distract you from
work. The best choice is an empty room or bedroom. If you don’t
have much space, you can ask your company for a desk.

Lastly, try to socialize with your colleagues. Create several chats

with them, discuss common interests in order to not feel alone.

Well, I have to go now, but please let me know if you overcome

this problem or not.

Take care,


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