Earth Dynamo 1958 PDF

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SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC reeised 1865 AMEBRICAN 1058 vote 195. Sumter 5 u 7” or 6 Py m2 0 1a TORNADOES, by Mortis Tepper ‘New methods of meter Hep orccasting where thse storms may stile A-*FLYING-SPOT” MICKOSCOPE, by P. Montgomery and W Houner Anew tol pisos living cal by scanning them with arable radiation “TIE EAWTHE AS 4 DYNAMO, by Walter M. Eleanor ‘Themagpetion ofthe eth nay be ed by le erent the ars coe "THE TPAGHING OF ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS, by 1 Several group of espe are at work on new highchol mathomties programs Berens | STUDY OF SELF-DISCLOSUIRE, by Sidney ML Journ How much peopl ell other bout themselves i ivestgeted by qustonnie AN INSECT AND A PLANE. by Staley D. Beck The adaplation ofthe cor borer othe com plant ces in ase! Behatox "THE ACTION OF INSULIN, by Machol Levine and M.S. Gotten 14s known that this hormone speeds agar metal, but how does it dos? KING NESTOR'S PALACE, by CAF W. legen ‘he le of one of Homer's hres has ben dog up fa souvestem Gree DEPARTMENTS SCIENCE AND THE CITIZEN {TE AMATEUR SCIENTIST nooks pd en, Ds Fam Sy Mg En, ees Cr nad Mile, F The Earth as a Dynamo Why s the earth a magnet? The best answer at present is that the slow flow of matter in its fluid core generates which in turn set up a magnetic field electri currents, be probe of expining the I arts magneton his been Wah twever since Willa Gibert, the beta sceatiie genni Slowed thi dhe cath as whole ats fe gato magnet. may contin Beith oe for Tong time Yo cone, SAPE OF THE EARTHS MAGNET FIELD (aro) analy oa by Walter M. Hhaster cane the main soumee of the mag ‘eis eld undated es deep Ue interbrof the earth, forever beyond teach of our diet investigation, Bat ot relearn soe abouts, nd about the proptin af er planet, we are cm Ing lve aod close to\a resonable tte {Teed by slr slat corrals) ein a hanes eines fre, theory which res ge etal pls ‘3 principles sod Bt he own foes Fst tele sme reat work the prible hat aes wr eonBdent we St how on the rg tac Gert thawght What the fe ihe te pce by Tage by of pena rely magnetic material inside ‘eth, This en Ia to bo even up Ting tine ag when 1 became pai ‘hat the temperate of the ear tel ast be mich oo igh to lo ty material osetia eupretin, Phy ‘Gee wore let smpleay at ou to ‘xpi he ears eld I became fs ‘bial to look for sme ew cone ‘roves foe producing magnet which del datectin in the brary Dt frpliod tery lrge rotating bios seth as plies tod sie The tala po ment this eo hog madre Fines ha en the aman Bhp P.M, Blacket, Bot Blackett a ib scoal have now sbcdoned ul Her becuse atrophy. evidence Shows voy leary ha the magnet tf tar doe no efor to any reason ‘hl scheme awolving ne finden tall Wosccmstast the othe and Fare process by which we ge rate magnet el everyday by the eo elect cures A eet tec caret Bowing rou bora on indaces gmt othe met But the Imugrtied mater need mat be a aid tbr We Know tha ety can pro- doce magoctie Heke In agi or other fd: such phenome have Intel been rich died under the mane of mag takydymaice, Let ee whether ‘magnetlydedyamis can explain te frttence of the earths mages ld. ‘We ms nme fit of al at there ane cle cen he core of the faith, Poly they were started ge nally hy chee rogulrer ach bate action that genre ak ment But how the caren cog ‘ated ines import tha the gute {thw such caren col he bik wp fn perpetuated to manta the eat. outing fed. We donot Inve Tek far for eect nl ccomplish his iis te fare pk plea hednainn, : “dynamo converts the energy af e hana! motion tte ee eure ‘The smotion muy’ e relative motion be tween a ot and feromagite uate ‘lor betwen tw eas (ar flr Aicte a sleet). The splot Juseton of su a machine he dik Asnamo vented by Michael Faratay He put «dak a copper spindle nd spam the dak over bar matsp tear the ater edge of the sk [act diagram athe ght Te eso the ‘cutlactr deg the magne lot the magnet indeed «seul eure {he dae a awn in the digram, ow sve em replce the bar magnet ch ‘cia this wil inde ncuret ae Akin exactly the sme Way. prove ‘ee ta rah «core f the Cal Ae EH woteed the caret induced inthe Mk ack into the ea, we fave ello tana system he Yenerating. creat simply by sping the dk, Thi ee stl the prep on whch pers lon generatrs operat "Pie Foray te cnt ot Imai a arent for very bog ‘onset cuert ned Be Seek tat tld same dated ty the etn fhe ator i ne Nala mater nt oil cont de ets nan ine beter tha te, the yon wld ells ‘e¥utained cunt. We ral sho Seale Hor by oping the ce ery ism ore the ton thereto he acer sped itor beyond fbi hate Tice fowever a thtd wey we il make sch aya sll ating, ad i fs ct Iorng on ow Palen of coling te sar nape Ale fed ode cea ei of he Stes they ys tat the gerne ‘ake roth ymin, bot vl Fencom We ould bul scold Ak part of ts Kind on ss tna, we won ave ey in'malng th cents lating nite ige we made thee oprel alreeton we wo ee hk had the se dame th et SIMPLE DYNAMO genet ede earent (clare arms! when copper dab ‘weve teoghte mantis fr of har magnet upwaay 0 al at 5 . & ye i) JN \\ iy x } y hy Yf There are many eddies, as were in the ld. They are edn eral tne, Iecase they change ae tine ocr em Sexmen and Mee who vst sagt ‘hats for navigation kaw al to wel thatthe map mut be Brought up to Gate every fw sears. Not oy dct the Feld ficuate but the ste of change sal vanes rm He te Moreover, even the overall strogth cof the ert ld ea whole i ote ant Tn the century since. aecurste ‘metsarnents of the Bel egan to ‘mide. fs svength hs decked abot 3 fer cent Werneed ot be alarmed to {nk tht by the yea 000s, po le will no longer Be able oe eg ti compas for navigation Thee edece that the lt few eas he elie in sent bs beg tale Alown, andthe tend sy tor pad {nthe near tre Final we kn that the noth magnetic pes bon an Sksing about the Aelia the corse of solo te, i sn jst oth of anda nea the 0th att, "Al his precy what we shuld ‘expect onthe dynamo eos” I rpe= Sens overwhelming evidence tt te ‘are ofthe ath a moti the vara ine and chang he Bld tn fet thse rion So the pice ofthe rae Bt together Seisecigy tl ht the earths cove asthe tay ofthe magnetic eld cons that hee ‘re motion in hs sme co. Inded ftom he messed changes ithe fl ‘een compat the spe ofthese ‘ns ta at tat ater he sxe {moving t the sate of boat «ha eed of an in per soc, vehi mens that in he cose of Few en Sie puis may uavel through age fof the coe. dna very te sae he Saviatons the magic Bld that we tinerre on the mira of the arth ll tes something sbont whet ging en fn "he deep its. The joeston ares at once: What the sure of energy fr te motion? We do ne, as ye, fave 2 conclave ter. Some scent ele tat heat ‘Swing outward fromthe eee of he ‘eth ge ot commotion cet thecoe at happens when aft af water is heated at fhe otter Sal die fees ih the cherie contention of prt of he core alo woul prodaee Sow movements of the hid a dif: ‘owes in st content do inthe ores (Or it maybe. as Hard Urey of the Uuiverit ‘of Cheago har stgzete, thatthe et Slate of elias In ary event CIRCULAR ELECTRIC CURRENT (any rows which sso the ats mantic 1d ay be ve by alr sa of eran Ilo rae. Tha ema ara Ine secon thang he Equa te pe oe perpen the Hae he pot on ther nd there one mor hing we an aya Caleta howe hut the ery segue to malt me om in the earths cove i srpisngly sal. "Piesanane hear othe cartis nag ‘tt ld tle of othe te aso ct ta ee well tbl aes Stn ntl se he prance of mo dos in thi core. 1 ees no a0 {ona anne, From hese act we Gan dae th gues Bld ner Serra ofl pple eek Se tle En sel nace ow wall ve 109 years But the song {Sot alogeter spl ad stage Be ecoee eee ‘Sapo we tbe a fsbo sy fot a cer, Beth era ad seat it rst bow. We wl con {et ermal conection in hese Setanta i frgintin coo sreczpctt det any secte covets ‘ringette bow Now cu SF etry ery inde th ear ind co, and we fen we el me ste satay to nvsigat Bl tons: eg ship model na taka node of a akplae in «wind tunel ‘What, then, ong with ot model of the ears te? Mathematoal ealpis answer this question. The model Fl Ircane elect process ad ane aria soto do wat ene down (or ‘p) Inthe ae way. fe suddenly ht of cnet is 4 elim the Laboratory and ean ao wp the colt an csilecope whieh alsplns what happens ished Aherefer, we nd thatthe rent de> ot top a oc fakes sal en asthe decay tine, eal erent the mercury ef oar Sb! would have ou tineof sot deed of cond, Bot now are ineens thes ‘ofthe vse we discover the sking ee Surpeisng fact that tho decey time res oat ofall proportion in fat, pes up asthe agar of theirs Ee vewste diameter. Io a vencl 10 tis Farge than our ist th eartent vk 100 times longer to deen. Cal Saltions show tat an coca case ‘reulating inthe evr cove woul would ean tn eves : md comely the Bad few as rated. Thereafter Overall the net Ha eral deve peating inthe slats, The so has ee have Let Iy strong magi fils i tes in Sort order mutha the carlsretation, sump and Bs ehcp speeds, pulls laterally on tome Ines of for the general fil aligned prostate formed by: magne Fore which ace staeht tobe with ration force [we peiogph bell. 5 The Lover part of thee ton, ct ile nal stems some &0 other sony mame st Tn the proces of srching they soln of Th be po leila ag to exp the earth's magnetic el ieatfed no dube ar m the problem of inteducng the proportion ofthe wile star poplin iring fot that prodacer the gvoerl if mt al of tsp symmetry ofthe tral ell We have fi of the Belch forthe cove ofthe earth, Alt fshtos! ize. Ie wer eat crew

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