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> MBS TRAL. PROJECTION and ' m Se) | HOW TO ACCOMPLISH IT . Bee: Bieta: Br. Doréal « i Ne In: this article |; wantto explain what is meant -sby the laws of the Astral plane and the pathway that We myst follow to get there, Many peaple say, the spiritual is-my final soa!, why should | attempt to go into the-astrai plane?" The answer ie simple, (We might liken the-universe tora 'seried of concen= ! trie circles. the inner cirele: of whieh is the spi— ‘ eituet olane, theacxt ciscle the olane of thé Divine I, the next Cincte the astral, and the outer— Tost .circie -que me teria! mond! pin eeheneamee the spiritual we have ic pass the astral plane - it is on ur path. Remerber, to become absolutely’ iene with the Universa! or Divine Gonsci®usness we must be one with all phases of planes of its exist vences 6 , There are certain ‘imitations’ of human words, g 10 oxpressions in the material world, and we cal only..e-press relatively, things of highér pla we-are limited: to words, of the three dimensi sword because of which ‘we -often’ do hot a} convey, 2 clear picture bf what-we ate trying, ay. Therefore: we must 'go tc the higher planes to become, cogriz.ant’ of them through durin ex perience. itis of, the-astral nlane that. reat Adapts begin theip teaching — they seldom instruct Taithe physical body:-= first, because they areg Nsophytey sand those thet they*are, working iyi 7 mW : . ey > -3 ‘may be widely scattered aver ihe earth ane so nat gi “come to 2 certain place and stay there with all of Liheir- attention self-centered. At the same time they aré learning they are also doing, and for that aes beable to call his Chelas te VWlerever they may be — Miami, New York or od Hf they acenot able te liberate the Ege. fffom the physical bondage ihen they cannot ‘alied together as oF ecessary, and by sa, doing, the work of the Adept is, multiplied, so tat. “pot only does the Neophyte receive instruct while at the same timazhe is giving-instruction, or 2. specified workin the wor |di Because every— “one, Adept, and Chelay-imust work:and express at jothe same time of receiving week and experience. After all, i is-not Just enough to take anything in- to our own-inner.seif and retala Itewe have to be- omachanrels.for the expression of the thing. “Un~ engianding- the necessity and reason oF the:ne cessity, then it becomes saore of 8 goal for us 26 bring absut the liberation of the Ego or Souls - ee have been frightened about the Sasinal plane~ because many in the. western world not being, conversant >with the laws. of that plane often make mistakes which act as barriers to them, and prevent them from perfect attunement with the harmony and-beautlful things-of the Fourth Dimen- They think they have to pass. the "\-whom some betleve and who may, by accident, have approached ne.and because of their own fearsome exe “have transmitted that same fear to-stu- ‘theyiceame into contact with, Or there are eachers who have gone te that-plene Without iancing anything fearful but they try to hide a ee 2th e physical’ em would coHepse in a) ihe chysteel body d have co ‘Sustaining! iradictory’ to’ any ‘teachtrig: iar the: “Those whe See's hogy i> the ‘asira fully. clothed, Are we to assume: cloth -wnires tal toe ap astral be Because we : wales: A jeuah - ately. We know, 106, Hist man ‘Composed ot escnala hate or ohilanets are spiritual and midtéfal centers in that body, Mastof those Whohave studied the astral realm and ‘astral’ body have assumed that the astral body. leaves the physica! Body and passes into i.e Fourth Dimensional piane. We must realize that the astral body is already“in the astral plane - It does not have to go there. "Why is It necessary to pass into he astra: plane wher the asiral body js already et a piece at - sew up with a needie has fer owhy §s. that body clothed? “8 abcusiomer ic seeing the phy hod: clothed'#7d the clothes vill Abpear in 8 sir there?. The astral is 4 Féurth Dimensional boc Huse of ihe? we are accustomed 19 seving 'n the The mistake arises trom this fact. [adlvidaale are physica! Test 2 ee Becustemed to Having a vehicle to move about in,” ** Wf they want to pick anything up they are accus. fomed to having hands; Hf they want to walk, they aPe -accusiomed to having feet, and if they want to be Iransported from place to place, they are ac- GUStomed to trains, boais, automobiles, ete, Phiereiors, when onels Ego or consciousness: Passes to “the Fourth Dimension, the first ti they do is to look to see If their body is. and they'see = boy. Why? Because thelr created one, and ‘because that body is sep, fram the physical body and capable of loco they assume it is thelr astral body, uhen a: ter of fact, it is not; it is only a thought As P said Serre. Abe-astrel We mist do the reveneg.. We Asve ce, center our, altertién on the astral ceaim:, for: @ and objec— If we center en the objective we find it im- Bibfle 16 drawanything trom the Gubjacti¢c, Ren idase conscigueness from the objective, then we ip vee ae 4 ¥ can focalize on the subjective, Release canscicus- Fe of the material, then we ean focalize on the exist on thal plane — bus we can surround? our— selves with an illusionary world..Gur thought 7% perionces. My instructions to my @Nhen you first make s projection ai plane bé calm and pee erro res “astral. The_dominant Ass of The eatral nls ts ‘on The asiral plane Is. Bl of creative thought. What we ordinarily thinkof, and eal plane is only the borderland... Many people enience en that borderiand — bat very lates our ¢ they ere not able to matenigi world, If you wifvchange in ful'thing you can cor _ On'tthe astral plane Ee grayish-blue mist — a. Puy ogee cinote all Pound, like one of the early maening mists on the Seacost, “Everyitirig looks vague and-misty, and things around you wit! change in aécordance ‘with your thought. if something horrible begihs te form | ‘itis a little of your fears coming Into manifestation — just éhafge your. thought to ene of beauty and happiness end joy. Then will with all your gon soloustens to be where youl can cebel ve the wisdom Sf knowledge which is best for you to recei that rom Say or ake Maran 1a Ge tankers to itere'l coh gef @ certain thing — bacause you may: nol! be realy 16 Feceive It atthe mément! and fo the astral which it has ‘Accumurat ical body, and © frase result it remembers what it has.leurned about | the Dwelleron the Threshhold — the old bagey man. . The, first sign. of g false is ene who Ifies to inculcate fear into a student, If we have | that fear the first thought we have on-the astral plane will be the rushing in of these degative mem= (erikS, for we are in & strange realm of which we Know nothing, and one of mants greatest fears is othat-of the unknown, There is nothing on the astral Beeaneito be. ai raid. Gt. ct janes\s arn merory 200 you'vill be ifirown back. If we command toby Saceumulsted misinformation Ini.the material world Where we dan epceive tne wisdom. af kn) io wledgs for h he draws, and fear begins 49 rise and. a2 Sur figxt sled there Will be a path opened fon ug. ¢ forms around him which will take on-a/ similitude or illusion of a horrible entity or @ pearance, and when, that appears, before hit mentally‘screams:and flees shudder "4 wing to éfanity what the astral pleno'is. The Bidetrar plane is net down, not up; nor-out; nar si, Westy ‘North’ er south, “It is no dinéetion of thee dimensional world or material space from sPhe three dimensional world andastrat are se— ec Tom each other nat by distance or-dirée— “bul by curves ‘and angles of space as well as erence'in vibration: three things, curves, angles ste and'vibration. Inthe Thine dimensional a avell Wemust fédrn to: mowe_in cons Jong the curve whichis IS from thé Fat = Dimension... That cubwe, if theoccu|t. Feu “passes from the mai world [6 the Fourth mension and is called the second dimension and, Renetrates the fifth, seventh, eight, ninth ard f dimensions, You will what thase-other mensions, signify lator. : The_sédond dimension 1¢ consid pivisivats sit dimensions messiness the boundary of ihis cosmos. The Second Dimen- sion Is gonpidered as the actual pathway of high— -Way.-=the road that we travel to arrive at the Fourth Dithension, and we travel further to. arrive at _highen planes. When a person beuins to leave : (bbysical body in. projection they’ will often fine themséives. in ahis peculiar situation. ‘They may suddenly find themselves in along hall or cor Urider, or tunnel whieh may be throu cag mister it might be like looking through: ara ton ae or This ig your.mind translating | ‘a svt 8 of "The next time tt occurred, he is possible! and he attained pko- Taw" whlch. “abply ‘tn the wat "are limited to the material world. Or. Re & became pertsetly consclo i of the impossible, -12- We say thiss. Thet when one is Passi that Fourth Dimension they mayhawe theese (of PASsing.into a.tuninel at -ahigh hate of ape bassing thraugh a hale in avast, misty cloud Yow have. souch an experience, don't worry. J ving, and-as: you mae; f Peary: pee soc eet Eubve and into tne EBimension” ave projec asking “how you'e our-body:too Sonn. All yeu need 1 ut your body "you. she’ back Ty Your‘ego is never really sebarated from yaur pry- Sical body" that 1 one point of jinpartance. You have merely become conscious of yourself in? { gptcal nealin- Your consciousness fas onaraed (te rat cai bur A Point From the muierial to ue asirai world, © silver HU Semeins gueween ine spi otal plane of the Dy where It conneci and your physical boty, with the thindeys, There is a-certain uard there without any vor HiWien: of your part, and as soon 2¢ anything might’ @perosch to ciswinb your body you are urawn back immediately. [tis automatic, “rau nied hat be afrai Inat any entity Will tae possession of: your-bady » thers peer s cave an r-cord Where an ciomental Serson in a stare of pro'sciion, for the reason that the-elemanes! entity 1S the lowest form of inielli— gente, enc itis @ universes! jaw that tie lower. thing: isthe mare angular its movement, An mental could “only possess 4 person who has Bg mentally living if angles rather than curves. is why every exercise I give inal Sunve ayiome ch re Keen from going back to dg 1S t0. think fe vou are out of it, ror never yor has’ Inthe old medieval magic the circle was used \85 8 means of protection...George Arliss: in the "Richelieu" drew a cincke around himself. ‘Gincle:has always been considered as protec— agains! the lower or negativeforces, ‘That is y the Turkish Mosques have circular dor fully protected byithe cintd or curve Cree fake in leaving the bodys; 6” : # Patt es hae fwal laws. When! dova,thing A like to know the | being it. 1. try to.give-an explanation of what. are working With, cather thansay."do this and th and you Will have an expérience, 7) If.we know. lawi the Ianwill makeus free. A lol of people have “hot realized the significance of thase words. ~The @ first law ts this: No or c need fear possession or ebsession in a projection into the Fourth Dimen- sion, because the projection itself creates an’ autos matic barrier or circle which no negative force or entity can pass. Second, vou need.fear na distur bance because, though the focal peint of conscious, hess fas been removed, there remains the arche type of vour soul present to guard and watch the body, and. il regulates the "Rusch"! or astrat soul i@ anything happens. - ‘You have four aspects of souls (fi Spiritualae SCHIAH. (2) Soul of Divine-Mind — MESCrEMAH, (3) The Astral Sout - "KUACH," anc (4) Material Soul — INERFHESCH."! We arc ‘boynd in cum Ne csfhesch, " the lowest aspect of the manifestation of Ihe soul, When we pags inte the higher stater op ics we merely have to change our. realization ‘one plane of manifestation to anather, | > , MOAT “I would be afraid to qe ite the” Uhave te laugh —they are already @— their souls are always on the astral,-bur they are not Ggnscious of it, Because we are only ia sonscious of ‘our present state of being we'find it : Mpassible-to flnetitin’on that plane. Wermust Being fs . ale our consciousness # Cealization that we an AGW manifest on the astral plane — we’ must evoke” ina consciousness bet ere’ we can'pase ints het i Werhave' to pass throu: wp ion 50 We will Aoi be bo fat case? Simplys p t hers as if RUPSIHGr to evade or escape material realm of boldeue of our phys éal Bosye Ipann:to move ourGensiciousness in cer~ * 1 Gurved movements: Our ego is attached to the! t ‘sical body at the pineal. glind — therefore the. first centralization or focalization must be at that : i O° 40:itwe may lié or sit {and 1 night sai b You whould never. attempt conscions projection tine mediately aiter eating a heavy meal dr while lying? i fist of the stomach. These are te" only two. fete: Mdonits.}. (One should notattempr to make a Brom ye! 4 % igétion: except ler ine direction of gre Who has a raveled the path far there ore certain laws which ee bral be-oeseaved} Heuer eoosenved.) Relax ihe body as much aS Bogsible. The west way +5 16 bring it ina partial” tie of buspension of animation, "1 recuniniund ly ing down rather: than 1. Wniie tying’ dos Soncentrate the attention on the toes, then bh the ankles, then ‘he knees, thighs, abdomen, chest, , throat an, inen the head. “Ailow whe constipustiess st to siveset siowly up the body, do ft tor 10 or three” minutes. As you come un, be congeiaus'of ‘the bo- ay Belew, end will for it tego to sides — first the toes, and then.up until yeu draw your consciousne’ info the head where it centers automatically ai and belween. the eyes on the gituitary gland, sneve if towards the back of the head, Move it wards and fgrwards two or three shuttle, back and tn a’ sewing ms You will discover that one side seemsa little ar then. the other. ing it back, just prass s fewmore times, Until you “have a chythmic swing back dnd forthé. Then’ let it nest at te back cf the head-on the-third eye, Then Visualize a light of any color you-wish, spinning a— ereund: and’ around. Then will for thapifight t6 exe Bane) and “contract; expand ar conti pant! just a little more each. time until you fi your headis full of Jight and pulsing ¢ 3f expancion and contraction, in you: gett Fight, urn loose of will fiddsit.will go ntracting and expanding’ without your concentra=" Glingon it. 11 will keep up for a moment or tem tony. “fan minutes. | When it dee that just tet fro untill, Ut dies oul of its own accord The peazen is this! “There are iwelve spiritual senters-around that pi= heal gland at the points where the twelve great man Jor pairs. of nerves. in the brain terminate, “and reas vHlive 49 (hem, in the asinal anatomy-are the twelve. spifitual centers, which are the twelve ois through which the soul or ego.draws:its energies, Pees and powers for its manifestation inthe pyc MW body, That- expansion duickens: and lIwers ‘eiom, Then. When that dies down-the ego’ or fou! which {s centered, where the pineal gland is found &' ~ in the head has, drawn the strength and power ta. break its bondage to that, third eye or tothe phy’ cal Body. ¢ Gonsciousness on the pine — vie) a ght — swing jt back and forihtike the im va. clock and get into rhythm, © Fine the side which, seemste give the masi and swing a Intile farther each, time, then swing iz dewn and throug in is: that movement of consciousness” | suallize eI snes curve.dawn a little mare and al= Mblete arevolution—=-a sort af loop. Seme= ‘that spin there will bea click-and you wif ‘your, body. This: is the mechanics of Jihe. line of the-least resistanee setween “16 = vou and the material agd astral, Make the light get larger end. smaller, iést like your pulse, After It : gets spinning, ignone the spinning anc concentrate: i ‘on the expangion and conteaction, » That built ihe protect and Kelps bt up the vote wa wras you With the, Fourth Dimensian. The fon anal expansions fr. the purpose of Biractionand expansion that¥ou have just made. Th sua ization offight {s to dive your-consciousnes: neept of certain’ movement, In omer wort np thigk Of anything as, spinning... You have ts dian imageof something spinning fo get a reali~: [of thet correct motion. When you have be- ccustawed to & certain path eng make ita ‘then you:need just to retax your body and” your attention on the pineal gland end out ‘You. will emerge on a plane where every= “will seem tike a mist and you will feel lj Then think, of beauly and harmony and dee, d with all of your consciousness to. be where } a § jou. canbe given the thing which is necessary for 7 ee i your advancement, and you wilt be there in that 4 DR. DQREAL instant. Do not make the mistake of saying, Now i A T-wenl ts. what is going enrover here, or what Lo thy brather-insiaw is doing! or you will be pulled down into the berderlavd, Demanc to be taken to the place where you can gain the wisdom and know= slecie for the next step higher. Remembering your. aoe is creative. You may then find yourself in @ a place listening io instruction given perhap many others with you. nthe asteal plane, minute of the twenly-faur hours, Instruction | ing on and you will be taken to the plage your conaciousness will receive undénstandi ou are out of your body thirty minutesont Twill be perfectiy normal when-yau PetuRn. first thing te do is to relax your body = relax, "re: fax. : srs

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