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Course Code & Title: PHR 317- Veterinary


Assignment On,
Two respiratory diseases of cattle

Submitted To,
Mahfuza Afroze Soma
Department of Pharmacy

Submitted By,
Md. Abir Hossain
ID: UG08-32-18-011
Batch: 32(A)

Date of Submission: 22/05/2020

1.Bovine Respiratory Disease(BRD)

Introduction: Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the

most common and costly disease affecting beef cattle
in the world. It is a complex , bacterial infection that
causes pneumonia in calves which can be fatal. The
infection is usually a sum of three codependent
factors: stress, an underlying viral infection, and a
new bacterial infection. The diagnosis of the disease is
complex since there are multiple possible causes.

1. Fever
2. Nasal discharge
3. Eye discharge
4. Decreases appetite
5. Depression/lethargy
6. Excessive salivation
7. Rapid/noisy breathing
8. Open mouth breathing
9. Droopy ears
10. Diarrhea
11. Coughing

Prevention: The key to preventing respiratory disease

is to reduce stress and to vaccinate against viruses
and bacteria that cause disease -
 Vaccination with biological products targeting
the viral and bacterial pathogens.
 Appropriate use of antibiotics labeled for control
of BRD.
 Good cattle handling and stress reduction.
 Minimize exposure to environmental conditions
that contribute to disease, such as dust,
crowding, fumes (proper ventilation is a key –
especially with dairy facilities).
 Provide adequate rest, feed and water (especially
after shipping).
 Make sure animals receive adequate levels of
essential nutrients such as vitamins and
 Make sure bedding is clean and dry.
 Keep animal as clean and dry as possible.
 Maintain good husting and ventilation.
 Minimize heat stress.

Treatment: Treatment should always be specifically

targeted to the disease and the symptoms in consultation
with attending veterinarian –
 Anti-infectious agents (Antibiotics and Sulfas –
 Antiparasitics ( Ivermectin)
 Non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( Aspirin)
 Bronchodilators ( Salbutamol)
 Mucolytics ( Carbocisteine)
 Oral rehydration fluids.
2.Necrotic Laryngitis

Introduction: Necrotic laryngitis is an acute or

chronic Fusobacterium necrophorum infection of the
laryngeal mucosa and cartilage of young cattle,
characterized by fever, cough, inspiratory dyspnea,
and stridor. Fusobacterium necrophorum is a gram-
negative nonsporeforming anaerobic bacteria. It
occurs primarily in feedlot cattle 3-18 months of age;
however, cases have been documented in calves as
young as 5 weeks and in cattle as old as 24 months.
Cases are seen worldwide and year round but appear
to be more prevalent in fall and winter.

1. Painful cough
2. Severe inspiratory dyspnea
3. Open mouth breathing
4. Frequent, painful swallowing motions
5. Bilateral, purulent nasal discharge
6. Fever (106 F)
7. Anorexia
8. Depression
9. Hypermia of mucous membrane
10. Upper airway obstruction
Prevention: The key to preventing respiratory disease
is to reduce stress and to vaccinate against bacteria
that cause disease –
 Vaccination with biological products targeting
the bacterial pathogen.
 Appropriate use of antibiotics labeled for control
of necrotic laryngitis.
 Good cattle handling and stress reduction.
 Minimize exposure to environmental conditions
that contribute to disease, such as dust,
crowding, fumes (proper ventilation is a key –
especially with dairy facilities).
 Provide adequate rest, feed and water (especially
after shipping).
 Make sure animals receive adequate levels of
essential nutrients such as vitamins and
 Make sure bedding is clean and dry.
 Keep animal as clean and dry as possible.
 Maintain good husting and ventilation.

Treatment: Treatment should always be specifically

targeted to the disease and the symptoms in consultation
with attending veterinarian –
 Antibiotics ( Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline,
Procaine penicillin)
 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
( Aspirin, Flunixin, Ketoprofen)
 Dexamethasone ( used to decrease laryngeal
edema with severe respiratory distress)

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