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In a tape-recorded talk, a scientist* (*Muhutani, scientist on Epicot translating

data from the memory banks for "Q" Base, August 29th, 1978.) - on Epicot tells the
story of how a fleet of Starships set forth a very long time ago from Grandor, the
mother planet, on a voyage of exploration. These spacecraft left their native
Universe and crossed the void that separates it from our Universe. It was a triumph
for the Grandorians who found the passage to another Universe. The passage �a vast
magnetic field--links two pear-shaped Universes (of opposite polarity) together
while they slowly rotate in opposite directions. The narrow pear-shaped ends point
at each other and both Universes are encompassed by a barrier -- an event horizon.
These barriers, he explained, do not allow anything to escape from within the
Universe. Even light rays are held back. The greatest contribution to this break-
through was made by the designers and builders of the remarkable Starships which
were the first time machines made. These craft could bypass the velocity of light
and the escape velocity of a Universe, blend with the fluid-flowing flux of a
magnetic field where time flows in reverse, and pass out of that dimension and into
another. Con�gealing out of the fluid state flux upon arrival in the new space-time
environment, the polarity of the atomic structure of men and craft is reversed.
This fleet of starships explored the newly found Universe. They char�ted and
measured the magnetic fields; a vast web that is now their highway and byway for
space explor�ation. Then came their first big discovery! These explorers in their
starships found our Universe to be a close copy of their own. As a mirror of the
opposite �matter Universe from whence they came, every solar system and planet had
its replica in the Universe they had come to explore. But at the heart of their
journey was the search for life. Human life!

When they discovered Earth, they found a primitive human race on the verge of
extinction. This unexpected discovery spread like wildfire to all the planets of
the Confederation. Few other planets inhabited by humans like us were encountered
by these visitors. In contrast - known parts of the other matter Universe had two
major civilizations; those of the Confederation with one race inhabiting an empire
of 12 planets, and the Outer Worlds - with 27 planets having several races and
other smaller civilizations. Back on Grandor, Superiors and scientists of the
Confederation deliberated the predicament of the primitive race on Earth. The
inviolate universal principle of non-intervention with the natural progress of
young planets was uppermost in their minds. Then, evolved Mas�ters from the Third
Universe recommended that the stru�ggling race on Earth be given assistance...
Willing settlers from Grandor came in Starships bringing their civilization with
them. This race made its first appearance on Earth 1,300,000 years ago. They built
an ideal community with the aid of the Confedera�tion on an island continent they
called Muriel or "Land of Enchantment". This civilization flourished for 500 years.
Then gradually the change came. The citizens of Muriel wanted to be independent
from the Confederation which was so distant. All Grandorian Superiors were
withdrawn and the name Muriel was changed to Atlantis. Then separate states were
formed. All was well at first while they still followed the way of life of the
Con�federation. But gradually quarrels arose among the sep�arate states and the
Confederation was called in to arbitrate. To add to the misfortunes of the
Grandorian colony in Atlantis, their colony was slowly sinking. The Confederation,
concerned with the turn of events, commenced an evacuation program. Many chose to
return to their home-planet in the anti-matter Universe. Others preferred to be
resettled in the newer colonies. One of the most prominent was Egypt, where
pyramids were strategic�ally placed in the geographic centre of the land surface of
the planet. Mars was an inhabited planet in those days and many ex-Atlanteans were
settled there by Starship. But the majority of them perished when their continent
sank with a suddenness which surprised even the Superiors of the Confederation. For
millenia, colonization of Earth and Mars continued with the blessing of the
Superiors of the Confederation and the Third Universe. But there were many
disappointments. There, in the mists of antiquity, orbited a jewel of a planet --
Earth, cradling a precious spark of evolving life -- frail and unique. A virile new
evolved race was brought to Earth. Yet ... somehow, mysteriously, it failed. Mars
was devastated by a nuclear conflict and Earth became a planet torn by war and
strife. The survivors of the Mars holocaust had to be evacuated, leaving a lifeless
hulk as a warning to mankind on Earth. And Earth too may be in jeopardy; a new
planet had to be found. This second earth is Epicot. A young virgin planet in
another solar system in our galaxy. Epicot now waits for the day when Earth too may
have to be evacuated.

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