Interline Power Flow Controller - Probabilistic Approach - Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2002. Pesc 02. 2002 IEEE 33rd Annual

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Interline Power Flow Controller - Probabilistic Approach

Ryszard Strzelecki, Grzegorz Benysek, Zbigniew Fedyczak

University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Electrical Engineering
Podgoma 50 street, 65-246 Zielona Gora, POLAND
Jacek Bojarski
University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Mathematics
Podg6ma 50 street, 65-246 Zielona Gora, POLAND

Abstract - To improve energy quality in distribution back-to-back inverter. Its major purpose is to supply to the
systems, many different solutions there are implemented, for DC element active power (meet demands on active power
example: i) Active Power Filters (APF); ii) Unified Power of the series inverter's). Up to now power rating of the
Flow Controllers (UPFC); iii) Unified Power Quality parallel inverter's was chosen as the maximum active power
Conditioners (UPQC); iv) Interline Power Flow Controllers
demand of the individual series inverters.
(IPFC). Interline Power Flow Controllers are the classical
series or series-parallel fdters applied to given number of
Taking into account that processes which are happening
independent lines with common, for all lines, DC element. in distribution systems are probabilistic (active and reactive
Their possible functions are enlarging and include power flow power quantities, voltages etc.) we will show that parallel
control between lines, reactive power compensation and active power filter's power rating, when it is a part of the
distribution system stability improvement. In the paper we IPFC system, can be considerably decreased in comparison
will show that using probabilistic approach to the distribution with its power in deterministic approach.
system we can considerably decrease power rating of the
Parallel Active Power Filter's when it is a component of the 11. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION OF THE IPFCSYSTEMS
Interline Power Flow Controller.
Lets imagine two Systems: 1 and 2. In this situation
This work was supported by the Polish Committee for IPFC consists from two back-to-back, series connected with
Scientific Research under Grant 8T10A 01820. lines, dc to ac inverters, as it is on Fig. 1.

Active Power Filters, Universal Power Line

Conditioners, mainly Unified Power Flow Controllers and
Unified Power Quality Conditioners are in stage of hard
researches and increasingly applied. Their possible
fimctions are enlarging and include power flow control,
current and voltage harmonic compensation, voltage
imbalance, reactive power, negative sequence current
compensation [2][8]. To one of the most powerful
arrangements we can add so called UPFC (Unified Power
Flow Controllers). Those systems are the classical series-
parallel filters, which can control active and reactive
powers transmitted through the line. The major purpose of
the parallel filter is to keep voltage on the source element I
on constant value. The series filter has to inject controllable
(with angle and magnitude) voltage and in this way control Fig. 1. Two System IPFC.
power flow. One of the disadvantages of this solution is Each of the series inverters controls power flow by
need to equip every transmission line with independent injecting fully controllable voltages V,, and Vc2. This is
UPFC system. This solution is not attractive fiom presented functionally on Fig. 1. System 1 is represented by
economical point of view. reactance XI, has a sending-end bus with voltage phasor Vll
This problem can be solved by using so called Interline and receiving-end bus with voltage V21. Respectively
Power Flow Controllers (IPFC)[1][6][7][9][10]. Those System 2 is represented by reactance X2 and voltage
systems are the classical series or series-parallel filters phasors V12and V22.
applied to given number of independent lines, with Lets determine equation on power which series inverter
common for all lines, DC element. If IPFC system consists (for example in System 1) can not generate internally. For
only from back-to-back dc to ac series inverter, there is this purpose we have to define voltage phasors:
danger that power flow control in one line will degradate
power quality in others. This is happening because series ?11= v ~ Icoscpll+ j v l l sincpll
connected inverters can not internally generate voltage in
phase with line current [I]. This problem can be overcomed
by adding one, common for all series inverters, parallel

Q 2002 IEEE.
0-7803-7262-X/02/$10.00 1037
- when PpFcl < 0, System 1 sends active power to
System 2;
- System 2 (or System 1) can keep PpFC= cons. even
controlling its own power flow, see Fig.2.
After simply transformations equations on active and
reactive powers transmitted to the receiving-end bus of the
System 1 are as follows:

p2, = -(cos ' p 2 ] sin ' p I I + cos ' p I Isin ' p 2 ])+

Except "classical" (well known elements) there are in

equations additional parts. Those parts are "telling" what is
the contribution of the active VcpI and reactive V,,I
components, of voltage Vc, on power delivered to the

\ /
receiving-end bus, of System 1. k 2 '
IPFC has to control both active and reactive powers
delivered to the receiving-end bus. Lets determine desired
powers in System 1 as follows: SYSTEM 2

P;] =const Fig.2. Phasor diagrams for: a) Systems 1; b) System 2.

Q;i =O Only in situation when voltages on busses are as follows
On the base of earlier detennined equations we do have: V11=V22 and Vzl=V12 and powers transmitted through both
Systems are the same (voltage proportions are different in
situation when powers transmitted through Systems are

Active power demand of the series inverter's in i~

System is as follows:

= (VZi- VIicos si)-pz:,

PPFCi= zpivqi
On the base of above equation we can tell that (for two
- when PpFCl > 0, System 1 absorbs active power
from System 2; Fig.3. IPFC equipped with parallel inverter.

different) there will be no power degradation in individual Rest variables: 6, and Pzi* are treated as probabilistic but
Systems. This situation is strictly theoretical and if we do only with uniform distributions [3][4]:
want to avoid problem of power degradation in one System
to improve in other, IPFC has to be equipped in parallel i' - (18)
inverter, as it is on Fig.3.
Power rating of the parallel inverter's has to be as
p2i* - U(p,,i#bi) (19)
maximum active power demand of the individual Systems:

where: Vli ,V2i , "" ,Pi."" - max or min deviations
- /


ftom nominal values.


Up to now power of the parallel inverter's was chosen as
the maximum possible active power flowing between
Systems, see equation (13). Because phenomenas
proceeded in distribution systems are random [5] (voltage
values etc.), let us see what value of the parallel inverter's
power rating there will be with probabilistic approach (we
will compare parallel inverter's power rating using
probabilistic and classical deterministic approach).
Lets make an assumption that variables: V l i , VZ, Si and
P2; are independent and with known limited random
distributions. On the base of some observations we can say
that variables Vli, V2i (for ifi System) have usually normal
&stributions on limited sets [5]. To characterize voltages
VIi we will use so called limited, on set [ali,bli], normal
distributions [3][4]:

Fig.4. a) normal distribution;b) uniform distribution;
respectively to characterize voltages V2iwe will use limited, Because integral ftom equation (12) is very difficult to
on set [ali,bzi],normal distributions [3][4]: solve (when all variables are treated as probabilistic) we
f f will not determine open equation on parallel inverter's
power rating distribution. To estimate this distribution we
will use numerical methods (using numerical methods we
can obtain very good approximation because distribution of
the parallel inverter's power rating is convolution of regular
where: functions).
- quantile of the normal distribution N(0,l); To assign relation between power rating of the parallel
inverter's in deterministic and probabilistic approach we
plor2,i- probability that limited normal distribution will be have to make some assumptions:
on set la1or2,ipblor2,il; 1. for given n Systems particular random variables have
the same types of distributions;
To have a certain information about parallel filter's
2. power in deterministic approach is determined on the
power rating we will also make investigations when both
base of equation (13);
voltages have uniform distributions (this represents the
3. power in probabilistic approach is determined on the
worst situation):
base of equation (20).
pParallel = (abs(pParallel ,a Pmb 9 pParallel,bPmb)) (20)
prob prob
where: Pparallel,a ,Pparallel,b - ranges determined for

maximum probability density with 0.999 level of
trust, as it is on Fig.5.

Density t

-0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Fig.5. Method for power range determinationin probabilistic approach.


To have better view about relation between parallel
filter's power rating in probabilistic and deterministic
approach presented on Fig.6. investigations have been made
for different types (normal, uniform) and parameters I
(symmetrical and asymmetrical in relation to nominal
value) voltages: V J , ~V, Z ,distributions.
~ For rest variables
distributions have been determined as follows.
Angle Sifor all n Systems has uniform distribution with
- u(O. 758n,i,l.258n,i) (21)
where: 6n,i- nominal angle of the i" System -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Reference active power delivered to receiving-end has
also uniform distribution with parameters:
'2; - u(O. 7P2n,,1.3P2n,) (22)

where: P2,,,=0.13 - nominal active power transmitted

through the i" System for nominal values: V1,,=l; n=2
V2n,i=1, &,i,,-4';


7 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.;

Fig.6. Resultant distributions of the parallel inverter's power ratingwhen:

a) VI,i - -
(1;0,00235) and V2,i N2,ia,b(1;0,00235)

b) V/,i " U ( ~ . . ~ ~ V ~ ~ , ~ , /and

~,i~ , ~ )

c ) VI,^ - N~,ia,b(I;0,00104)and V2,i - N2,ia,b(1,075;0,00163);

d) VI,i -U(~.~V,,,~J.IV~~,~)
and v2.i - U ( ~ . ~ ~ Y ~ , , ~ . I . ~ V ~ ~ , ~ ) ;
On the base of distributions presented on Fig.6. we have
-0.20.15 -0.1 - 0 . 0 5 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 determined proportions between parallel inverter's power
rating by probabilistic and deterministic approach (see voltages: sending-end and receiving-end do have normal
Table I). limited distributions. In both situations (see Fig.8.a and
Fig.8.b) power savings are biggest when set ranges are

1 0.084 21.25 0.061 0.105

2 0.169 42.51 0.081 0.210
3 0.254 63.77 0.094 0.315
4 0.339 85.03 0.1 11 0.421
0.425 106.29 0.120 0.526 22.9
1 -10.18 66.55 0.090
2 -20.37 133.08 0.133 0.210 63.22
3 -30.55 199.62 0.161 0.315 50.97
4 -40.74 266.16 0.185 0.421 43.96
5 -50.93 332,70 - 0.213 0.526
70.93 1005
1 95.75 19.12 0.062
2 191.50 38.24 0.091 0.176 51.55 bl
3 287.26 57.36 0.116 43.80
4 383.01 76.49 0.134 0.353 37.99
5 478.77 95.61 - 0.159 0.441
1 86.89 58.00 0.081
2 173.79 116.00 0.128 0.176 72.72
3 260.68 174.01 0.162 0.264 61.36
4 347.58 232.58 0.195 0.353 55.24
5 434.47 290.02 0.219 49.65

Using values fiom Table 1, on Fig.7. there are plotted

curves representing savings of the parallel inverter's power
rating for different parameters and types of voltages: VI,^
and V2,idistributions. 1.005
Fig.8. Parallel inverter's power rating savings for: a) normal; b) uniform;
distribution of the sending-end voltage V1.i.Rest variables are as follows:
i i
6,- u(30,50),Si' U(o,o9,0,17)~
V2.i - N2,ia,,(1;O.Oo235) ~
I 5 .
20 a)

75 :
78 2
80 $
81 2

I 1 1 I I I I I I I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Systems 100

Fig.7. Savings of the parallel inverter's power rating for given number of b)

Watching above curves we can tell that for different

parameters of the distributions (a, b- symmetry around
nominal value; c, d- asymmetry around nominal value) as
well as different types of voltages: and V , idistributions
(a, c- normal distributions; b, d- uniform distributions) 7

savings of the parallel filter's power rating are meaningful

even in the worst situation when all variables do have
uniform distributions.
Up to now we were making all investigations only for
selected events. To have full survey on next figures there
Fig.9. Parallel inverter's power rating savings for uniform distributions of
are presented 3-D plots of the power rating savings for
different set ranges of the distributions. As we could expect
p2; when: a) VI,^ N,,i0,(1:0.00235) ;b) V,,i - , I . I ~ v ~ ~Rest
, ~ ) .

(see Fig.8.) savings are biggest in situation when both -

variables are as follows: 6i U(30,53,V,, - N2,ia,,(I;0,00235),n=5.

On the base of earlier results we can claim that in every
investigated case, savings of the parallel inverter's power
rating in comparison with classical approach are close to
60-80 % (dependently on number of Systems).


In the paper there are presented IPFC Systems. Those

Systems can be utilized to control active and reactive power
flow in given number of Systems. To advantages of IPFC
Systems over classical UPFC we can add one (common for
all inverters) DC element. On the base of our investigations
we can tell that if we want to avoid problem of power flow
control in one System with synchronous deterioration of
power in other Systems we do need to equip IPFC System
in additional parallel inverter, to meet the needs on active
power. Taking into considerations that processes in
electrical systems are random power rating of the parallel
inverter's can be in prominent part reduced, with very high
level of trust (0.999), in comparison with power in
deterministic approach.


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6 When: a) - N1,i~b(1;0,00235);b) - U ( O . B S V ~ ~ , ~ Rest
vI,i vI,i ,I.ISY~~,~)~
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