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Sunday, September 6, 2009


Most problems people are facing today are foundational. They are due to fualty foundations.
This is because, rather than laying solid foundation for their desired futures when they had the
opportunity, many in their youthful days paid less attention to this
Ps 11:3 "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"KJV

So as a youth you need to lay a solid foundation for your future, by directing your energy and
resources at productive activities that will increase your value in life and enable you to reach your
desired goals. Unproductive and destructive activities like Alcholism, prostitution, gangsterism and
other anti-social devices that are found among misled youths today must be avoided. These are
major distractions that disallow many youth to be focus and lay a solid foundation for their life.

Everything in this life has to do with foundation;

• Starting a new business
• Getting married to build a new family
• Building a house
• Starting a new project
• Embarking on all new things
No wonder many businesses failed due to lack of solid foundation. Many businesses were set out on
wrong motives and assumptions, therefore failed along the way without reaching its planned

No wonder many marriages failed due to lack of solid foundations. Wrong assumptions, deceits, lies
and pretences were the materials used to build such relationships and they failed.

No wonder many youths are ending their life in serious disaster, becuase they used wrong,
dangerous, riotous lifestyles to lay the foundation of their life. If the foundation is destroyed........


Every successful endeavour is a product of careful, well -planned, well-thought out process; SOLID
FOUNDATION! In the holy scripture, it took Solomon Seven(7) years to build the temple of the Lord
and thirteen years to build his palace. The foundations of these edifices of his time were carefully
and patiently laid. Many special materials were carved, sought(even from abroad), to lay a very solid
1 Kings 6:37-38
37 The foundation of the temple of the LORD was laid in the fourth year, in the month of Ziv.
38 In the eleventh year in the month of Bul, the eighth month, the temple was finished in all
its details according to its specifications. He had spent seven years building it.

1 Kings 7:1 It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his

Therefore, as someone who desires a solid future, you must take time to spend your endowed
qualities and resources to build a solid foundation for your future, for your business, for your home
and for all your desired projects in life so that you may have a great future.


1 Cor 3:10-15

10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is
building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds.

11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

12 If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw,
13 his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with
fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.
14 If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.
15 If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through
the flames. NIV

Many people today lay the foundation of their lives on occults, some on immoralities, some on
prostitution, robbery, opperessions, fraudulent activities, falsehood, cheating and other wicked,
unproductive, sinful, immoral (by any standard) and ungodly activities. What is their reward?
Emptiness, vanity!

Therefore, Jesus is the strong foundation.

• Build your life on Him
• Build your business on Him
• Build your home on Him
• Build your family on Him
• Build your future on Him
• Build your church on Him
• Your lifetime ambition, build it on Him
He is the only sure foundation that cannot fail. Every other land is a sinking sand.
Therefore, another invitation is coming to you today from the strong foundation; JESUS. Honour His
invitation. He will rebuild your life, your business, your home, your future, your totality and you'll
never remain the same again.

Your Reactions are welcome

If you have any question, personal enquiries OR
If you want to support this project, by donations, prayers or words of advice, feel free to write through
this e-mail : God bless you as you do so.

Posted by Pastor Olarotimi Ajani

Wisdom Series

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