NTRODUCTION A Learning Module in English For Grade 8 Students Is An Interactivemodule Designed To Meet The Needs of The 21st Century Learners

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NTRODUCTION A Learning Module in English for Grade 8 Students is an interactivemodule

designed to meet the needs of the 21st century learners. It is anchored on aholistic approach in
developing the basic learning competencies in English of the K-12Basic Education Curriculum. The
lessons per quarter are presented in spiral progressionto achieve proficiency in the seven domains
of learning divided into five sub-strands:listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing. This
module focuses on Afro-Asian literatures which bring the students to thewonderful world of Africa
and Asia. The reading texts and activities are carefullychosen to tailor fit the interests of the students
and to instill in them sense of diversity,sensitivity and multiculturalism. With this module, the author
hopes that the learner would be a proficientlanguage learner ready to compete not only in the local
but also in the global arena.

Quarter 1 Module 1: The Search for Knowledge Welcome to Grade 8! With your learning
experiences in Grade7 last year, I ampretty sure that you completely understand your identity as a
Filipino. You also hadexciting and interesting activities that made you realize how unique you are as
a Filipinoand as an individual. However, you have to remember that as Filipinos,we are just oneof
the many groups of people belonging to a bigger global group we call as Afro-Asia. Through this
module, you would gain knowledge on Afro-Asian families and learntheir values, customs traditions
and practices. Specifically, after working on this module, you should be able to do thefollowing: 1.
identify prosodic features such as stress and intonation as carrier of messages that may aid or
interfere in the delivery of message in stories or informative texts; 2. recognize and associate
adjectives to illustrations correctly; 3. discover literature as a means of understanding others’ culture
and of developing sensitivity and diversity. Now, let us begin our journey…ACTIVITY 1:
SungramWhat comes to your mind when you hear the word “Africa”? Write the key word oridea
inside the box. AFRICA

ACTIVITY 2: Short Video Clip Viewing Now, you are going to watch a short video clip about an
African girl. As you viewthe clip, take down notes on the following aspects: a. Hobbies of the African
girl b. Education c. Home condition d. Food supply Okay, type the link to access the video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3H8DzN6Mo0 (Life of Children in Uganda) Are you done
watching the video? Now, complete the table below. You may useyour notes as reference.
ASPECTS Me and My Neighbor MEHobbies AFRICAN GIRLEducationHome ConditionFood
SupplyWith your answers above, answer the following questions? 1. In what aspect/s are you similar
to the African girl? ________________________________________________________ 2. In what
aspect/s are you different from the African girl?
________________________________________________________ 3. After watching the video,
how did you feel about her condition? Why?
________________________________________________________ 4. Did you realize
something? What is it? ________________________________________________________

The words below are taken from the video. Read them aloud.toilet water hobby kitchenUganda
condition return supply Did you read the words properly? Did you notice that certain parts of
wordsare pronounced louder than the rest? Many times the messages we want to conveyare not
properly understood because of the manner we say them. Knowing oneprosodic feature, stress, will
help us express our ideas clearly.What is stress? When we speak we do not pronounce the syllables
on the same level. We saysome syllables with greater force and more length than the others. This
variation inthe level of energy and strength is called stress or accent, an important feature in
oralcommunication.A. Words stressed in the first syllableAdmirable fashionable miserable
noticeableAmiable favorable Buddhism refugeBritain menu Siamese sarcasmGovern protein
secondary centimeterAllergy Arabic comparableArsenic eczemaAccuracy dictionaryAnecdotal
benefitedAristotle categoryB. Words stressed on the second syllableAbyss cashier shampoo
techniqueBamboo robust grenade fanaticismBrigade sardines idolatry recipientAccessory
certificateAdminister defeatismAluminum intimidate

SAQ 1Say the following words. Then, write them under the right column in the given table.1. difficulty
6. cartoon2. barometer 7. brigade3. honorable 8. ignorant4. favorable 9. Europe5. grenade 10.
bambooWords stressed on the FIRST Words stressed on the SECOND syllable syllableNow, check
your work. Refer to the Answer Key on the AppendixDid you get a good score?If you got…8-10 Very
Good You have gained much knowledge on the topic5-7 Good You have gained adequate learning
on the topic0-4 Fair You can study the topic again to improve.

ACTIVITY 3: POETRY READINGAfter watching the video, we discovered about the lifestyle of our
African brothers and sistersliving in Uganda. This time around, we will learn further about them.
Below is an African poemtitled, “ I am An African Child” by Eku McGred. Read the poem properly.
Observe correctstress. I am an African child Born of a skin the color of the chocolate Bright brilliant
and articulate Strong and bold I’m gifted Talented enough to be the best I am an African childOften
the target of pityMy future is not confined to charityGive me the gift of a lifetimeGive me a dream, a
door of opportunityI will thriveI am an African childDo not hide my faultShow me my wrongI am like
any otherTeach me to dreamAnd I will becomeI am an African childI am the son, daughter of the
soilRich in texture and contentFull of potential for a better tomorrowTeach me to discipline, teach me
character, teach me hardwork-Teach me to think like the star within meI am an African childI can be
extra-ordinaryCall me William Kamkwamba the InventorGive me a library with booksGive me a scrap
yard and discarded electronicsGive me a broken bicyclePlus the freedom to be meAnd I will build a
windmillI am an African childWe are the new generation Yes I am an African child!Not afraid to be
usUniquely gifted black and talentedShining like the stars we areWe are the children of AfricaMaking
the best of us

Did you understand the poem? Do you already realize the importance of stress tounderstand what
we are reading?Let’s move on!Every African and Asian belongs to a family. And speaking of family,
we will explore thedifferent families of our African and Asian brother and sisters. Let’s do the
activitybelow.SAQ 2Under Column B are pictures of different families. Identify the groups of families;
then,match the festivals under Column B to their corresponding groups that celebrate them.Write the
letter corresponding to the given family on the blank provided under thefestival. ABFamily:
___________________ Family: ___________________ C DFamily: ___________________ Family:

Answer: ______________ Answer: ______________Answer: ______________ Answer:


Now, check your work. Refer to the Answer Key on the AppendixDid you get a good score?If you
got…4 Very Good You have gained complete knowledge on the topic2-3 Good You have gained
adequate learning on the topic0-1 Fair You can study the topic again to improve.Processing
Questions: 1. What word/s can you give to describe the following groups of people? a. Chinese b.
Japanese c. African d. Filipino In describing things correctly, it is very important to learn about
adjectives. So,what is an adjective? An adjective is defined as a word used to modify a noun or a
pronoun. It limits orqualifies nouns or pronouns by telling what kind, which one, how many, or how
much.Adjectives allow writers to describe color, tastes, shapes, sizes, and a multitude of
otherqualities; they can add important details to a sentence.What kind: rainy day; sunny day
Wooden tray; pink ribbonWhich one: first door; this pen Either boy; third rowHow many: all bags; one
child Several examples; third rowHow much: less evil; more seasoning Sufficient attention; ample

Let us start by doing this activity. Encircle the correct picture that matches thegiven descriptive word
in each item below.SAQ 3 1 2 31. warm2. strong3. slow4. sleepy5. scary6. rich7. poor

8. painful9. old10. noisyNow, check your work. Refer to the Answer Key on page .Did you get a good
score?If you got…8-10 Very Good You have gained complete knowledge on the topic5-7 Good You
have gained adequate learning on the topic0-4 Fair You can study the topic again to improve.SAQ 4
the adjective in each sentence. Encircle1. Rene asked his mom to buy him the newly released
manga book.2. The used papers were put inside the green container.3. My aunt gave me three
puppies as a birthday gift.4. These chairs belong to our classroom.5. The student’s plant grew
healthy because it gets enough sunlight and water.6. I live in that house near the mango tree.

7. My daughter showed me her first class card.8. Are all the food supplies for the flood victims inside
the van?9. Corrine is very pretty in her pink gown.10. Are those balloons for your brother’s birthday
party?Now, check your work. Refer to the Answer Key on the Appendix.Did you get a good score?If
you got…8-10 Very Good You have gained complete knowledge on the topic5-7 Good You have
gained adequate learning on the topic0-4 Fair You can study the topic again to improve.

Answer Key:Other answers are possible. ASPECTS Me and My Neighbor MEHobbies AFRICAN
GIRLEducation Singing and dancingHome Condition School is very farFood Supply No toilet, small
bedroom Not enough food

SAQ 1-A Words stressed on the SECOND syllableWords stressed on the FIRST syllableDifficulty
BarometerHonorable Grenadefavorable Cartoonignorant BrigadeEurope bamboo

SAQ 2-A A. Filipino B. Chinese C. African D. Japanese E. 1. Sinulog Festival- Filipino 2. Tabanata
Festival- Japanese 3. National Arts Festival- African 4. Lantern Festival- Chinese

SAQ 3-A 1. 2 2. 1 3. 2 4. 1 5. 2 6. 1 7. 2 8. 3 9. 2 10. 1

SAQ 4-A1. Manga2. Green3. Three, birthday4. These, our5. Healthy, enough6. That, magic7. Her,
first8. Food, flood9. Pretty, pink10.Those, birthday

ReferencesBermejo, Leonor B. 1995.Let’s Speak English.Philippines: Oriental PressDalisay, Anna

May and Santos, Jonelie.2012.Grammar and Composition in our Changing World. Philippines: Anvil
Publishing, Inc.________ Grade 8 English CompetenciesInternet Sources

Students will learn about adjectives and how they are used to describe nouns. Students will also learn
how including adjectives into their sentences can improve their writing skills.

Outcome(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use adjectives to enhance their
sentences and improve their writing skills.


Anticipatory Set:  Teacher will present the following scenario to the class: Your parents will be coming
to meet with me to discuss (about) your performance in class. Think about what words you would you
like me to use as I speak about you with your parents. On a half sheet of paper I would like you to
create two lists. One list will be of adjectives that you would like me to use when describing you and/or
your work to your parents. The other list will be of adjectives you are desperately hoping I will not use
when I talk with your parents. For example, if my teachers were to talk to my parents, I would want
them to say I am a respectful. I would not want my teachers to tell my parents that I am a rude student.

Vocabulary Focus: Before conducting a read aloud of the book Many Luscious Lollipops: A Book About
Adjectives, teacher will have a discussion of this week's vocabulary words. Knowledge of these words
are needed to understand the story to be read. Teacher will incorporate the use of visuals/pictures into
the discussion of the following vocabulary words.

gigantic                                                                     stern

adorable                                                                    aged

gorgeous                                                                    luscious

Direct Instruction: With the help of a PowerPoint from the Azar grammar website
(http://www.azargrammar.com/materials/beg/BEG04_PowerPoint.html) chapter 1 (1-7), teacher will
conduct a mini-lesson on adjectives. Teacher will explain that adjectives are words that are used to
describe or modify nouns and pronouns.

Modeling: Teacher will write the following sentence on the board: My cat jumped from the chair.
Teacher will demonstrate how adjectives can be used to provide additional information and expand a
simple sentence. Teacher will use the word  smelly as an example of an adjective that can be used to
describe a cat. Teacher will add the word to the sentence- My smelly cat jumped from the
chair. Teacher will continue by asking a volunteer to provide another word to describe cat. (For
example: furry). Teacher will then add this word to the sentence- My furry, smelly cat jumped from the
couch. Next, the teacher will ask for another volunteer to name a word that can be used to describe
couch. (For example: old)

Read Aloud: Teacher will read aloud Many Luscious Lollipops: A Book About Adjectives  by Ruth Heller
Guided Practice: For this activity, students will work in pairs. Each pair will be given a list of 10 simple
sentences to which they will add adjectives.

Check for understanding: Students will be given a worksheet consisting of 20 sentences. They will circle
the noun and underline the adjective describing it in each sentence. This activity will help the teacher
determine students' comprehension of not only adjectives but also of nouns.

Independent Practice: Each student will write a short story about their favorite toy or book using as
many adjectives as possible. The more they use, the funnier the story. 

Closure: Five mystery bags will be distributed around the room. Students will be asked to place
their hands in each bag and feel the object inside. They can touch the object, shake the bag,
etc., but they cannot look at the object. Students will then write down as many adjectives as
possible to describe each unknown object. After students have written down adjectives to
describe all five objects, they will be asked to share their lists with the class. Students will be
asked to guess or identify the mystery objects before contents of all 5 bags are revealed.

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