Mr. Ishwaar Singh: Unit 9: The Solar System 9.1: The Solar System

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Ishwaar Singh 2019


9.1: The Solar System

-The Solar System is elliptical in shape and it consists of:

 The Sun
 Eight planets
 Natural satellites
 Asteroids
 Meteoroids
 Comets

The Sun

- Centre of Solar System. Largest object in solar system

- Is a star. Closest star to Earth.
- Gives us heat, light and energy.
- Creates gravity that holds Earth and other planets together.
- All members move around the Sun in same direction but at different speed.

Mr. Ishwaar Singh 2019


- There are eight planets.

- In sequence: Mercury. Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
- All are located at different distance from Sun
- Can be divided into two groups:
(i) Inner group: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
-Made of rocks and metals.
-The atmosphere of Mercury, Venus and Mars is very thin and
poisonous for living things.


-Nearest planet to Earth.

-Extremely hot planet (400 C)

-Too hot to support life.


-Second planet from Sun.

- Has a thick layer of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid which form the

-Carbon dioxide absorbs and traps heat, preventing it from escaping. Therefore it
is very hot.


-Third planet from Sun.

-Fifth largest planet.

-Has air, water and atmosphere.

-Only planet where life exists.

Mr. Ishwaar Singh 2019


-Fourth planet from Sun

-Also known as the RED PLANET (covered in red dust)

-Cold and lifeless planet.

-Have craters on its surface and snow at its pole.

(ii) Outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

-They are mainly made from gases. Hence, there is no surface to
stand on these planets.
-The temperature is too cold to support life.


-Fifth planet from Sun.

-The biggest planet.

-Made of hydrogen and helium. Very light.


-Sixth planet from Sun.

-Second largest planet.

-Most beautiful planet (has thousands of coloured rings surrounding it)

-Rings are made from dust and ice particles. Therefore they shine because ice
reflects light.

Mr. Ishwaar Singh 2019


-Seventh planet from Sun

-Third largest planet.

-Blue color and made mainly of hydrogen, helium and methane (Methane gives
Uranus the blue colour)

-Has a ring around it.


-Eighth planet from Sun

-Composed of hydrogen, helium and methane.

-Methane gives Neptune the blue colour.

-It has storm and wind

-Furthest and coldest planet in the Solar System.

Natural satellites

- Smaller objects that move around planets are called natural satellites.
- The Moon is the natural satellite for Earth.
- Moon orbits (turns) around Earth in an anti-clockwise direction.
- Moon takes 27 1/3 days to go around Earth.

Mr. Ishwaar Singh 2019


-Are rocky and metallic objects that orbits the Sun.

-Are smaller than planets but bigger than meteoroids.

- Most of the known asteroids are found within the main asteroid belt, between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

-The first asteroid discovered was known as Ceres.


-A piece of stone-like or metal-like debris in the Solar System.

-Most of them are small.

-If meteoroid falls into the Earth atmosphere, it begins to heat up and glow. This
is called a meteor.

A meteor that hits a surface is called a meteorite.

-When a big meteor hits the Earth’s surface, it will form a crater.
Mr. Ishwaar Singh 2019


-Are icy lumps that are formed from frozen gas and dust.

-Have long glowing tails and revolve around the Sun.

An example of a comet is the Halley Comet, which returns to the center of the
Solar System every 76 years.

-Halley Comet was last seen in 1986.

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