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GRAMMAR (Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition, necessity and advice)

Exercise 1
1. When we were at school we “had to” wear a uniform.
2. You “don´t have to” be an expert to use the basic functions of program.
3. You “have got” to tell her that you are sorry.
4. We “had to” go to the meeting. Why didn't you go?
5. I “don´t have” wear glasses, I still can see perfectly well.
6. We went to bed right after dinner because we “had to” get up early the following day.
7. We “must” go for a drink one day.
8. You “didn´t have to” take any money. It wasn't necessary.
9. What are you doing? You “must not” be here!
10. We “weren´t allowed to” talk to each other because it was an exam.

Exercise 2
1. You should visit them. (Ought to).
2. You mustn't use the swimming pool before 10. ( Aren´t allowed to and can´t).
3. We have to clean our room every day. (Have got to).
4. You must come and see this. (Have got to and have to).
5. You mustn't arrive late. ( Aren´t allowed to and can´t).
6. You shouldn't go so fast. It's a bit dangerous. (Ought not to).
7. Do I have to go to the meeting with them? (Must I)
8. I have to get up early. (Have got to).
9. You mustn't take that elevator. It's only for staff. (Can´t and aren´t allowed to).
10. We aren't allowed to play outside under any circumstances. (Mustn´t)

Exercise 3
1. The advice from the health committee is that all people with symptoms “ought to” go to
the doctor.
2. This is a non-smoking area, you “mustn´t” smoke here.
3. I hate big multinational companies. I think they “should” pay more taxes.
4. When she was 4 years old, she “could” read perfectly well.
5. I “must” get up early tomorrow; I want to go running very early.
6. You “shouldn't” eat so many sweats. They are bad for you.
7. We “have to” wear a tie at work. I hate it!
8. The board agreed that employers “ought not to” have access to an employee's medical
9. There was a lot of traffic, but fortunately we “were able to” arrive on time.
10. I'm not working tomorrow, so I “don't have to” get up early.

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