Transcripción Video Biomasa

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biomass is a biological material obtained from living or recently living plant matter such as

trees or crops that can be processed into fuel and heat biomass is a carbon neutral fuel it takes
carbon out of the atmosphere while it's growing and returns the same amount back as it is
burned managed on a sustainable basis biomass is replenished with new growth as it is
harvested this maintains a closed carbon cycle with no net increase in atmospheric carbon
dioxide levels that contribute to global warming and climate change using wood and wood
products to substitute for fossil fuels means that sustainably managed woodland can provide
an ongoing contribution to climate change mitigation biomass can be sourced locally from
within the UK on an indefinite basis and help support the rural economy it can satisfy heating
and hot water needs for both domestic and commercial properties used in a district heating
scheme it can enable many homes or properties to be heated from just one boiler for
commercial systems or those heating more than one domestic property biomass can generate
a significant income from phase one of the Renewable Heat Incentive wood is the most
common type of biomass fuel and three main types are used in biomass boilers logs wood
pellets and wood chip the main advantage to using logs in a biomass boiler is that they are
easily available a fully loaded burn chamber can burn for up to 18 hours when the system is in
low demand and keep the hot water and heat ticking over automatic controls manage the
ferocity of the burn and make the fuel last longer wood pellets are generally manufactured
from by products from sawmills and other wood processing industries they need less storage
than logs or chips as they have a higher calorific value for the same volume wood pellet boilers
are generally fully automated with the pellet sucked by vacuum straight into the boiler from
the store so are easier to run than log Willa's wood chip is timber that has been shredded in a
chipper like wood pellets it is an easy fuel for automation with a screw feet taking the chips
straight from the store into the boiler chip systems are inexpensive to run whether initial
capital outlay is greater than other technologies due to the additional parts required to make
the boiler fully automated biomass is a clean and sustainable fuel source it can supply 100
percent of your heating and hot water demand which makes it a viable and preferable
alternative to fossil fuel.

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