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a) F b) F c) T d) F e) T f) T g) F h) T



1. journey h. trip
2 convert d. transform
3. landed b. touched down
4. solo g. unaccompanied
5. previous j. earlier
6. attempting a. trying
7. set off f. left
8. heading i. going
9. show e. demonstrate
10. produce c. create


1. A solar-powered plane has f. made history

2 Convert the sun's rays h. into power
3. Just landed b. in Hawaii
4. The flight broke j. the record
5. The previous record c. was 76 hours
6. Attempting d. to fly around the world
7. Raise awareness a. about climate change
8. Renewable i. energy
9. Show what we can do with clean g. technologies
10. The CO2 from all sources e. of transportation


1. Journey 7. Attempting
2. Convert 8. Awareness
3. Future 9. Renowable
4. Feelings 10. Important
5. Longest 11. Technologies
6. Previous 12. Sources

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