Who Is A Virtual Assistant?

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Virtual Assistant

Who is a virtual assistant?

 VA is someone who works for entrepreneurs or business owners to complete
administrative tasks and other behind-the-scenes work to keep the business
running smoothly.You can work for as few or as many clients as you want and
set your own schedule.

What are responsibilities of VA?

Actually, working remotely as a VA you can do literary almost anything from
the sphere of Internet technologies and services you’re good at. So, according to
the aforementioned information work of VA can be divided into following
spheres: general VA, marketing VA, technical VA, research VA, social media
VA, bookkeeping VA, ecommerce VA, data entry VA, wordpress VA, product
launch VA. Is there any sphere from the list that suits each of you the most?

To become a good virtual assistant you should posses these features: reliability;
good communication skills; integrity; time management skills; problem solving
and resourcefulness; ability to add value; following up.

How much can you bring in as a remote VA?

Approximately 15 $ per hour at the beginning. You can earn way more
money working for yourself as a freelancer than working in many traditional jobs
or run it as part time job.

Advantages of working as VA for additional income

Your own schedule. As long as you meet your deadlines, most clients don’t care
when and where you actually do your work. You also don’t have to ask for time
off for vacations, appointments, etc.

Virtual assistants also get paid to learn, which is awesome. It means that you
can get paid to take training courses and learn new skills and tools. Then, you
can use these things to get new clients at higher rates too! It’s a win-win!

The ability to choose who you work with is also a great benefit. You can get to
work with business owners you admire and whose missions are so inspiring.
Where can you find a job as a VA?

Start with your existing network of friends, family, business owners, and
bloggers. This will help you land a client with less competition, which means
more pay. You can also use websites.

How can you make a passive income working as a virtual

 Templates – Create templates that people can buy and use within their
business. The ideas are limitless and can vary, based on your specialty. For
example, if you generally work with a lot of coaches, you could create client
intake form templates. If you work with web designers, you could create
contract forms that they can use with their clients.

 Private Label Rights (PLR) Content – Every business owner needs

content, but many do not have time to create it. Create packs of pre-written
blog posts, or even whole ebooks or workshops that people can buy and use
as their own blog post or info product.

 Royalty Free Stock Images – If you are handy with a camera, start taking
some photos! People need high quality photos that they can use on their
blogs and social media, and they willingly pay for them!

 Royalty Free Stock Graphics – If you are good at creating graphics, you
can create packs of graphics that people can buy.

 Royalty Free Stock Videos – Many people are trying to add videos to their
business, but not everyone knows how. Let’s say you work with a lot of
marketing coaches. If you could create some videos that explain marketing
concepts, your clients may purchase them to use on their own sites. Or, if
you work with a lot of web designers, you could do some screen recordings
of how to buy a domain or web hosting. They could easily use these as how-
to videos on their site, to help explain the process to their clients.

 Kits – Take the above idea of creating templates, PLR, images, and graphics
a little further – try putting them all together into a kit. Using the coach
example again, you could create a kit that contained 5 blog posts, 5 graphics,
10 ready to use tweets or Facebook updates, a checklist that they can
advertise at the end of the posts to give out as an incentive for someone
signing up for their email list, and a 10 page workbook that they can sell as a
smaller priced paid product.
 Plugin – Do your clients all seem to struggle with similar issue when it
comes to their blog? Could you create a plugin (or hire someone to help you
create one) that would make blogging easier for them?

 WordPress Themes – Are you skilled at coding? Or could you hire (or
barter time) with someone who is? Create your own WordPress theme! If
you’ve been helping to manage or customize your clients’ sites, you know
what their needs are. What better way to generate sales, than to create a
WordPress theme suited to your ideal client!

 App – There is a big market for apps that can help make managing a
business easier. If you have a good idea for an app, consider learning how to
create one, or hiring someone to do it for you.

 Memberships – You can also take some of the above ideas and turn them
into a membership program, where people pay a recurring monthly fee, and
receive access to new content on the 1st or 15th of each month.

 Ebook – One of the easiest ways to start creating passive income in your
business is to create and sell ebooks. You could create new content, or even
take some of your previous blog posts and group them together to form an

 Kindle book – Creating a Kindle book is a lot like creating a regular ebook,
except you sell it through Amazon, instead of on your own site. I
recommend making your Kindle book a little shorter, and pricing it lower.
Then, you can use that as a “preview” to your larger ebook. At the end of the
Kindle book, you can invite people to purchase your larger, more in depth
ebook (and point them to your site).

 Online Class – There are some people out there who will never purchase
your services. They would rather do things themselves. The only problem is,
they don’t always have the skills. This is where your online class comes in
very handy! People can learn the skills they need, and you can make a sale
you might not have made otherwise.

 Coaching – Offering group coaching along with your online class for an
additional fee is another great way to leverage your time and increase your
income. You can gather all of your clients on a conference line or in a
webinar room for one hour and make significantly more than you would if
you working for an hourly fee, one-on-one with them.

 Affiliate Marketing – With affiliate marketing, you earn a commission

when someone purchases a product or service you recommend. As a virtual
assistant, you could earn commission on a variety of things your clients
need. A few examples are web hosting, domains, WordPress themes and
plugins, software, and more. You’re not limited to just business items. There
are affiliate programs for just about everything now!

 Ads – Selling ad space on your site, blog, or in your email newsletters is an

easy way to create passive income.

 Sponsorships – Selling sponsorships is another form of advertising, but it’s

done in a less obvious way. For example, you could create a free workshop,
and sell sponsorships. On the download page, you could create a special
thank you session, and give out the links to the sponsors. Your clients are
getting great, free content, and you generated passive income with the

 Podcast – Creating a podcast can help you grow your business in many
ways. You can use it as another avenue for affiliate marketing and selling

 Hosting Reseller – Your clients have online businesses, so you know they
need web hosting! Many web hosting companies offer reseller programs.
You pay a monthly fee to be a reseller, then you can sell web hosting to your
clients’ with your own brand. It varies on the individual web hosting
company, but in many cases they will take care of the customer service. You
just have to market your web hosting to your clients!

 Outsourcing – Last but not least, you can create passive income by hiring
virtual assistants and outsourcing some of your clients’ tasks to them. For
example, if you charge your client a free of $30 per hour, and you hire
someone to do the task for $20 an hour, you have a profit of $10 per hour for
work that you didn’t have to do.

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