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Name: ___________________________

Date: ____________________________

What area should be preserved in the Grassland Region?

Since Alberta’s Grasslands are the most developed areas in Alberta we need to think about why we
should try to preserve these natural areas!

Your task is to pick an area in the grassland region that you think should be preserved.
You can only choose one, so choose wisely.
The one you choose to defend will be the one you think is the most important to the natural
environment of the Grassland region.

Here are the areas you can choose from:

- Hand Hills
- Majorville
- Milkriver Ridge
- Kirckpatrick Prairie
- Middle Sand Hills
- Milkriver – Sage Creek

All the information on each park is on this website.

Look through the different areas and decide which one you think should be preserved.
Think about the types of animals and vegetation the area has.
After learning more about the area you chose, answer the questions on the back.
1. How is this park important to the natural environment? (Animals and Vegetation)





2. Explain why you chose this area to protect over others.





3. Does this park help people feel connected to the land?





4. Are Indigenous peoples represented in this area? If so why is that important in preserving the





Name: _______________________________
Topic: Save an area in the Grassland

Question 1: _______ Question 2: _______ Question 3: _______ Question 4: _______

Scor Description
4 Provides insightful recommendations on the importance of sustaining natural areas in the grassland
region. (Questions 1 & 2)

Provides perceptive analysis of the relationship between people and the natural environment. (Questions 3 & 4)
3 Provides meaningful recommendations on the importance of sustaining natural areas in the
grassland region. (Questions 1 & 2)

Provides logical analysis of the relationship between people and the natural environment.
(Questions 3 & 4)
2 Provides simplistic recommendations on the importance of sustaining natural areas in the
grassland region. (Questions 1 & 2)

Provides basic analysis of the relationship between people and the natural environment.
(Questions 3 & 4)
1 Provides vague recommendations on the importance of sustaining natural areas in the grassland
region. (Questions 1 & 2)

Provides superficial analysis of the relationship between people and the natural environment. (Questions 3 & 4)

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