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Performance Task

NAME: /15
Everything you need to know about the Grasslands

What is it like to live in the grasslands region?

You all live in the grasslands region and have just finished learning about the landforms,
climate, natural resources, animals, vegetation, and unique things in the region. You
have also learned the importance of the land to meeting people’s needs and helping
them sustain a good quality of life.

You could be considered an expert about the grasslands region!!

For this reason, your job as experts is to create an informational travel guide for
someone who may want to move or come to the grasslands region. There are many
ways you can create your travel guide but here are a few ideas
- Article in the newspaper
- Brochure
- Mini book
- Jersey (with an informational write up)
- Post card
Template ides will be provided if you wish to use one of them or you can create your
own with approval from your teacher!

You will have 3 days of classes to work on this.

o Our Alberta (Blue) textbook – Chapter 4, page 56-77
o All your notes from the grasslands unit
o Pencil / pencil crayons
o Informational travel guide checklist (provided for you)

On the back are some steps to follow to ensure you are on the right path!!
STEP ONE: Planning
You will have one and a half a classes

o Decide what format you will use for your travel guide
o Using the provided travel guide organizer fill out what types of things you want to
put into your visual
o Use your notes and textbook to find information *DO NOT COPY DIRECTLY
o Hand in your planner so the teacher can make sure you are on the right
track (you will get it back the following class) – not for marks

STEP TWO: Make your visual

You will have one and a half classes

o Plan where everything will go on your chosen travel guide before starting (you
should have all your ideas on your travel guide organizer ready to go)
o Make sure you included everything from the part one checklist
Pay attention to spelling and grammar

This checklist belongs to: ____________________________________

Informational Travel Guide Checklist

In your informational travel guide you will have to think about how to incorporate the following

o What important aspects should someone know about the climate in the grasslands
throughout the year?

o What is our vegetation like today?

o How did it used to be different?

o What was the animal life like before settlers came to Alberta?
o What is animal life like today?

o What natural resources does the grasslands have?

o Why are these resources important to people who live in the grassland region?
o What is one unique aspect in the grasslands region?
o Why is it important for people?

o Give an example of an environmental topic.

o Explain why it is important to people who live in the grassland region.

o Explain to someone why they might or might not have a good quality of life in the
grassland region?

o Anything else that you can think of that you think should be added to this informational
travel guide?

o Pictures that you think help represent the grasslands region

o 2 at least!

o Is your informational travel guide understandable and presentable?


Rubric: Everything you need to know about the Grasslands

Student _______________________________________________________________________________

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited * Insufficient /

Blank *

Provides Provides Provides Provides trivial No score is
Illustrate important relevant appropriate information awarded because
different aspects information information information about the there is
of the landscape about the about the about the landforms, insufficient
evidence of
and landforms, landforms, landforms, climate, natural student
environment. climate, natural climate, climate, resources, performance
(,, resources, natural natural animals and based on the, animals and resources, resources, vegetation. requirements of vegetation. animals and animals and the assessment
vegetation. vegetation. task.
Provides Provides Provides basic Provides
Analyze the perceptive logical analysis of the superficial
relation between analysis of the analysis of the relationship analysis of the
people and the relationship relationship between relationship
landscape/ between people between people and the between people
environment and the people and the landscape/envi and the
(,, landscape/envir landscape/env ronment. landscape/envir onment. ironment. onment.
Provides an Provides a Provides a Provides a
Evaluate how insightful meaningful simplistic vague and/or
peoples needs examination of examination of examination of unrelated
are met by how people’s how people’s how people’s examination of
elements of the needs are met needs are met needs are met how people’s
land, by elements of by elements by elements needs are met the land. the land. the land. by elements the
Communicates Communicate Communicates Communicates
Communicate information in a s information information in information in an
information compelling in a a straight- ineffective
(4.S.8.1, 4.S.8.5) manner to purposeful forward manner that
engage the manner to manner that does little to
audience. interest the generally sustain
audience. holds the attention of the
attention of the audience.

Formative Assessment #1 – Writing in your own words

Name: _______________________________________

Textbook words In your own words

“Irrigation is a method of supplying land and Irrigation is used to water land and crops.
crops with water. “ Page 67

“Today, the herds of wild buffalo are gone. The In the grasslands region today there are no more
changes to the grasslands over 100 years ago wild buffalo herds. Due to the changes to the
have resulted in some animals becoming grasslands region over the last 100 years many
endangered. This is the case for the swift fox and animals are becoming endangered. For example,
the burrowing owl.” Page 69 the swift fox and the burrowing owl are both now
endangered animals in the grasslands region.
Formative Assessment #2
Name: ____________________________________________________

Travel Guide Organizer

I am making my travel guide in a __________________ format.

What I need in my travel What I am going to put in my travel guide


- What important aspects

should someone know about
the climate throughout the

- What is our vegetation like

- How did it used to be
- What was the animal life like
before settlers came to
- What is animal life like today?

- What natural resources does

the grasslands have?
- Why are these resources
important to people?

- What is one unique thing the

grasslands has to offer? Why
is it unique?

- Give an example as well as

explain an environmental
topic someone might hear
people talking about in the
grassland region?

- Anything else that you can

think of that you think should
be added to this informational

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