HISTO LEC Answer Key MUSCLE 5 5 v2

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TRUE — Smooth muscle fibers contain thin, thick, and intermediate filaments.

FALSE — As long as there is continuous propagation of action potentials along the T tubules,
the calcium release channels will remain closed.
Constriction of organs — Which of the following is NOT a function of skeletal muscle?
I bands contain regions in which actin filaments predominates — Which of the following
statements is true?
Contractility — Which term describes the ability of a muscle cell to shorten with force?
ADP — What is released from the myosin head after the power stroke occurs?
Only thick myofilaments attach to Z-lines — Which of the following statements about
sarcomeres is false?
TRUE — Sodium ions make the inside of the muscle fiber more positively charged.
Structural proteins — Which of the following contribute to the stability, elasticity, alignment,
and extensibility of myofibrils?
TRUE — Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart.
Myomesin — Which of the following holds the thick filaments in alignment at the M line.
Low anaerobic activity — Which of the following is NOT true of fast glycolytic fibers?
FALSE — Only large-diameter blood vessels and nerves can penetrate the endomysium.
TRUE — During the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, the Z disks are moved closer
FALSE — ATPase is an enzyme that hydrolysis ATP for muscle contraction and is present in
head of actin.
Are attachment sites for intermediate filaments — Dense bodies.
FALSE — During relaxation, the sodium concentration is higher in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
than in the sarcoplasm.
TRUE — Smooth muscle tissue is present in the walls of hollow organs, eyes, and skin.
Longitudinal section of a cardiac muscle — Intercalated discs are more prominently seen in
TRUE — The transverse tubular system is composed of numerous tubular invaginations and
each one is located in between adjacent terminal cisternae.
FALSE — Thin filament regulatory proteins include troponin, tropomyosin, and actin.
Actin — Which of the following is attached to the Z-disk?
Allow molecules to pass from one cell to another cell — The gap junctions in the cardiac muscle
tissue function to
TRUE — The overlapping of thick and thin filaments produces striations in the muscle.
It is composed of centrally located nucleus and with large mitochondria adjacent to the myofibril
— Which of the following is true about cardiac muscle tissue?
Acetylcholine — Which of the following statements about sarcomeres is false?
TRUE — The calcium release channel is blocked when a skeletal muscle is relaxed, .
FALSE — Myoblasts undergo further differentiation to become mature skeletal muscle fibers.
TRUE — Troponin and tropomyosin are regulatory proteins of the thin filament.
Both of the choices — A neuromuscular junction is composed of
TRUE — The ability of muscle to contract when stretched beyond its normal resting length is
FALSE — During the sliding filament model of muscle contraction the A band shortens.
All the statements are true — Which of the following is true regarding sarcoplasmic reticulum?
TRUE — Satellite cells can become activated after an injury and can lead to skeletal muscle
TRUE — The calcium release channels when open, numerous calcium ions will flow out from
the sER going to the sarcoplasm.
FALSE — The calcium release channels when open, numerous calcium ions will flow out from
the sarcoplasm going to the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Troponin — Which molecule has a binding site for calcium?
All the statements are true regarding sarcomere — Which of the following is false regarding
Have high glycogen stores- which of the following is not true about slow oxidative fibers?
Posture and Prolonged Exercise- which type of activity are slow oxidative fibers adapted to?
FALSE- the zone of overlap in the sarcomere is located at each end of the I band.
TRUE- Dystrophin attaches the thin filaments to the sarcolemma which is link to the ECM of the
connective tissue
Sarcomere- myofibrils are formed from ____ that are joined end to end
FALSE- intercalated disks with hemidesmosomes allow cardiac muscle cells to pass action
potentials from one cell to another
TRUE- in excitation-contraction coupling, the high amount of Ca ions will start the muscle
FALSE- The ACh molecules stimulate the synaptic vesicles to undergo exocytosis during release
of an action potential
Titin molecules are compressed- Which of the following happens during a muscle contraction?
Calcium ions bind to troponin – Which of the following happens during a muscle contraction?
It prevents excessive stretching of the sarcomere- which of the following is true regarding titin?
FALSE — Red muscle fibers appear darker because of a high hemoglobin content,
TRUE — Smooth muscle fibers lack T tubules but contain few sarcoplasmic reticulum.
FALSE — projecting actin heads containing myosin-binding and ATP-binding sites are the
motor proteins that contribute to muscle contraction
FALSE — M line is named after its location which is at the middle of the Z disc.
TRUE — During relaxation, the calcium concentration is higher in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
than in the sarcoplasm.
Have high glycogen stores — Which of the following is NOT true of slow oxidative fibers? 
There are many T tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum — Which of the following is NOT true of
smooth muscle structure?
FALSE — During the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, the H zone gets larger.
Endomysium consists of fine reticular fibers surrounding the muscle fiber — Which of the
following is true regarding the connective tissue of a skeletal muscle?
Calcium — What ion is necessary for the release of acetylcholine from the synaptic vesicles?
TRUE — Smooth muscle in walls of hollow organs can maintain constant pressure even if there
are changes in the content volume of the organ.
FALSE — When the Ach is broken down by an enzyme into acetyl and choline, these
productions can still activate the Ach receptor.
Its tail is pointing towards the M line — Which of the following is true regarding a myosin
FALSE — The action potential traveling into T tubules is the direct cause of the release of
calcium ions from the mitochondria.
TRUE — The intercalated disc is composed of three different cellular junctions which is found
in between the cardiac muscle cells.
TnI — Which of the following inhibits actin-myosin interaction?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum — Calcium ions in the striated muscle are stored in the ______.
Acetylcholine — A stimulated muscle cell signals the release of what chemical from the synaptic
FALSE — Contractility is the ability of muscle to respond to a stimulus.
Sarcomere, H zone, and I band — What shortens during the sliding filament model of muscle
The release of the myosin head from the actin — What is ATP directly used for in cross-bridge
movement of myosin?
TRUE — The myosin filaments are restricted only to the middle portion of the sarcomere.
Elasticity — Which term describes the ability of a muscle cell to be stretched and return to its
original shape?
TRUE — The subcutaneous layer separating the skin from the muscle also provides a pathway
for blood supply and innervation to enter and exit muscles.
Anchors the thick filaments to the Z discs – Which of the following is false about nebulin?
FALSE — The ACh molecules stimulate the synaptic vesicles to undergo exocytosis during the
release of an action potential.
TRUE — A skeletal fiber can be classified as either fast or slow based on how rapidly the
ATPase hydrolyzes ATP.
Can function as independent cells — Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of visceral
Posture and prolonged exercise — What type of activity are SO fibers adapted to?
FALSE — during muscle contraction, the calcium release channel is always blocked.
TRUE — Mature skeletal fibers are formed from the fusion of myotubes
TRUE — Myosin filaments are restricted only to the middle portion of the sarcomere
Stretching of smooth muscle reduces its ability to contract effectively — Which of the following
is NOT a functional property of smooth muscle?
FALSE — Myofilaments in a myofibril extend the entire length of a muscle fiber.
FALSE — During muscle contraction, the calcium release channel is always blocked.
TRUE — The subcutaneous layer separating the skin from the muscle also provides a pathway
for blood supply and innervation to enter and exit muscles.

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