Over The Past Few Years, A Bunch of Similar Books - To Fill The Yawning Gaps Left in Recorded History Regarding Women's Contributions Recently

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3º ano questões

01-Observe the paragraph below.

Over the past few years, a bunch of similar books ______ to fill the yawning gaps left in
recorded history regarding women's contributions recently.

Identify the best alternative that completes the context.

A Has attempted.

B Had attempted.

C Have attempted.

D Are attempted.

02- Concerning the verb tense in “They have called on scientific journals” (line 11), it is correct
to state that:

A the present perfect is used because the action is happening at this moment.

B the present perfect is used because the action happened at some unknown point in the past.

C the past perfect could also be used because the action happened at some unknown point in
the past.

D the simple past could also be used because the action took place in the past.


03- Assinale a alternativa que equivale ao seguinte:

Suddenly Peter said to me, "Are you hungry?"

A - Suddenly Peter said that I was hungry.

B - Suddenly Peter told me that I was hungry.

C - Suddenly Peter asked if he were hungry.

D - Suddenly Peter asked me whether I was hungry.

E - Peter informed me that he was hungry.

04-(UFPB) We _____________ go to school on Sundays.

 a) aren’t

b) weren’t

c) wasn’t

d) didn’t

e) don’t

 05- (UFPB) ____________ Beatty usually ____________ what she wants?

 a) Do / get

b) Does / gets

c) Does / get

d) was / got

e) is / got

06- (UFRR) - Billy: “After you _____work, will you please drop by the grocery store and pick up some milk
and bread.” Sally: "No problem, I ____up the groceries and be home by 6 o'clock."

a) left – will not pick

b) leaves – will pick

c) left – won't pick

d) leave – will pick

e) leaves – will not

07-(UFRR 2010) – Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!"

                       Clare: "I______you some coffee."

a) 'll go

b) am going to get

c) will get

d) am going to get to

e) will go to get
08- In the fragment of the text ‘“It should fly again,” Musk said Friday’ (line 68) the modal verb “should” implies an
idea of:

A) advice.
B) necessity.
C) permission.
D) possibility.
E) request.

(FIEB SP 2016)

09- Na frase do terceiro parágrafo – A network must be connected with appropriate hardware. – a
palavra em destaque expressa a ideia de

a) condição.
b) necessidade.
c) possibilidade.
d) opção.
e) capacidade.


10- Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III das frases a seguir:

He __________(I) me a favor 2 months ago.

They __________(II) an attempt to escape.

I __________(III) an important decision last night.

a) did –made – made

b) made – did – made

c) did – made – did

d) made – made – made

e) made – did – did

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