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NameDuvan Jair Palacios Hernandez

1. Arizona in 1956
2. She was working around the house
3. Because its wings had been clipped
4. The parakeet flew off

1. - was walking (past continuous)

- had been clipped (past perfect continuous)
2. A. past perfect continuous
B. past continuous
1. I was walking along the beach
2. I saw a man in the water
3. Who was waving frantically
4. I did not hesitate for a moment
5. But ran straight into the water
6. I had done a special course
7. I was keened on using my new skills
1. we were sitting 8. I swam as fast as I could
2. had had 9. Where I had seen the man waving
3. announced 10. I got there
4. explained 11. He had disappeared completely
5. was standing 12. I looked around desperately
6. Flow 13. But he was nowhere to be seen
7. Landed 14. I was feeling very upset when
8. Examined 15. I got out of the water
9. Matched up 16. The I saw the man again
17. He was standing with my friend
10. Had been linked
18. And they were laughing
11. phoned
19. It turned out that
20. He was an old family friend
21. They had lost contact
22. And had not seen each other

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