COMSATS University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus: Department of Civil Engineering

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COMSATS University Islamabad

Abbottabad Campus
Department of Civil Engineering
Quiz 2- Fall 2019
Water Supply Engineering (CEE307)

Name & Reg No: Date: 13th November, 2019

Class: BCV- 7A & 7B Time allowed: 15 min
Instructor: Engr. Kashif Nazir Max Marks: 10

Note: Draw neat and clean sketches wherever required. Be Specific with your answers.

Section A {CLO: 1 - PLO: 1 (C2)}

1 Explain the recuperating method of yield for open wells. (5)

2 During a recuperating test, the water in an open well was depressed by pumping by
2.5m and is recuperated by an amount of 1.6m in 70 minutes.
Predict the yield from a well of 3m dia. under a depression head of 3.5m. (5)

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