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warid KEEPUNLOCKING LeU SMa ay SHINE TO NMA Introduction: Few words of aprecation go along way, ful way toour employees whose passion and bout when your manager shares your sue- commitment is the reason why we stand cesswith team members your happiness strong. knows no bounds. “To get the full value ofjoy you must have With thisidea, 00 brings to you yet another someone to divide it with” - Mark Twain exciting initative, the Employee Recogni- tion E-Newsletter, “Shine to Inspire” Happy Reading! Where you get to share your sucess and achievements with your, ‘Warid Family’. Regards, E Newsletter narrates and appreciates 00 & Leaming Team your hard work, your achievements and Your contributions across the organization, inal cities and regions. shine to Inspire” isa collection of sucess stories showcasing employee achieve- ments. Because “we value our employees” the purpose of this newsletter is to soy "Thank You" and “Well Done” ina wonder SUCCESS COMMERCIAL = att—t™S Warid Facebook Project success: In June'T3, Salman Seedat took over the Warid Facebook Project joined with ML. Shoaib Niaz, having worked together before they immediatly connected with one another The tam took contol ofthe Oficial Warid and Glow by Warid pages and Started weking on them. The main focus ofthe project wast atate Ward sabres proving them with Fist Conta Resolution’ ove Socal Media, Initly tough but with the pasage of time postive results emerged. Fist of al customer pase started coming in The real break through came when the Oda Ward page was ranked as the mast devoted Soil Brand on Facebookin the monthof une and July. ‘An impressive Average response rate of 85% and 939% was noted respectively for both the months. In August 13 the tam wasimted to EFU house where Mr. Nauman Faktar (Oiector, Customer Services) appreciated the team’s hard workin te presence of Mr. Younas Sheikh (Chief Commercial Officer, Ward Telecom) during a spec reagntion event. Onavnga re qupshup with Salman, he wasecstatic overtisachieverment and recorition ceremony which {olowed,InwordsofSsiman, “Our work was appreciated ores the sucess was celebrated. twasamoment of jy anda great source of inspiration for ws to wrk ven harder to maintain our Top slot in future. Nauman Siddique alvays skilfully supported and helped us whenever we needed itand Lam deeply indebted to Mr. Anjum Aziz(HOD Support Cente) for theirhelp and kind support. Without bot of yout wouldnt have been posible. 02 A. [wane KEEPUNLOCKING SUCCESS Online Qui Projet: Recent, Custer Series started Online Quiz designed toenabl produc and process knowlege for font end teas based at our vats Business Cents, Cal Centres and Ward Franchises. Mr. Tair Subhani part ofthe Cat Assurance team Customer Senices took ld of ‘hs pect ad taken fr implemestaton tin the aged tenes cating to ested mechani, Te oine quizes ar lowing us toutimatly improve Wari cs ‘omer expeinc, intemal operations and Fist Contact Resolution, Tahirwas awarded the ‘eadeship Shield for bis invaluable canton a5 project ead onthe online «uizes. Well done, we are proud tohaveTaias pat of the Ward Fai! Revamping Internal QA audit sheet: ‘Abig round of applause fr Saman Shahzad, part of WORDS OF APPRECIATION COMMERCIAL Customer Service Quality Assurance team, Saman revamped the intemal QAautshet and putin ong hours and lot of hard work to succesfully launch the new evaluation sheet. The Internal QA Audit Sheet assesses and gauges customer experience The new and improved sheets nat only helpingus inourinternaoperationsbutalsoallowingusto pro actively gauge custome’ interaction over hepine. Inview ofher dedication, Saman was awarded with ‘Leadership’ certificate Responding to maximum customers : Komal was awarded with Operational Excellence certificate for responding to maximum customers Without effecting customer experience at all. Well done, Komal Making customers satisfied: ‘eeshan Haider, menber of Subsiber Management Team Suppot Cente, tock lad and worked and in hand a lal \ with the Custer Senice Resource Development Centre and substantially decreased daily complaints which axe logged in TABS by 40%, This was achieved by provid ing dat to front-end representatives on tools fr effec: tively handling customer query through Fist Contact Res- luton Zesan was anarded Operational Excelence! ce- tices tisuedering atstovadspcesimgroerest. ward WORDS OF APPRECIATION evurecess COMMERCIAL EMPLOYEES CARRYING RECOGNITION AWARDS WORDS OF APPRECIATION COMMERCIAL KEEPUNLOCKING A. ward SUCCESS FINANCE Implementing new Reporting structure: Zahid Hussain from Finance Planning and Budget- ing team played a pivotal ol inthe implementation of new reporting structure enabling management & Board Executive Committee to monitor performance on monthly basis. nadtin to financial results, the new structure also covers changesinthe regulatory & economic environment and its impact on the busi- nes, provides industry comparison & information on Competition. For his invaluable contributions, Zahid wasawarded Innovation and Creativity’ shield. ‘Adding value, efficiency and automation: ‘Adee! Sattar added value tothe existing reporting process by making itmore comprehensive Further, efficiency in current processes through automation has helped in achieving the reporting requirements and timelines of management and Board Executive Committee. Adee! was awarded an ‘Operational Excellence’ shield fori hard workand devotion towards improvement Building valuable relationships: Imran Farooq from Finance Treasury enjoying 2 light moment with Taig Gulzar, Chie Finance Officer while receiving an ‘Operational Excellence’ shield Imran performed remarkably well while working on developing efficent new processes catering to cash ‘management and funds placement. Further he has worked on creating valuable and sustainable relatirships vith the bankers ensuring smooth operational actives, UNLOCKING SUCCESS STORIES , o. Abra Siyed forthe Teas team in ance payed a Sita ln completion of string exec Further he digeny monits cpl gant esto ‘wedlarsageemensandmeetsalthereportingdeaines effectively. bar Sajed being ava eattyandn novation shied for hisreentess efitsand dedication. Meeting the timelines: KEEPUNLOCKING A. ward SUCCESS FINANCE Reducing the cost: Ashar Riaz from Procurement team was assigned responsibilities of end to end Customs clearance for allofshore shipments of the Company. Azhar'sbig- gest task was to get shipments cleared from custom authorities in a timely manner thus reducing storage charges and availing maximum duty/tax benefits Through various innovative and pre-emptive mea- sures, Azhar not only managed to aval the dutytax benefits but reduced the storage charges by 30% as compared with last year ‘As aresult of his efforts, Mr. Azhar Riaz was recog- nized inthe recent eld Employee Engagement & Recognition Event of ance Division with an ‘rno- ‘ation and Creativ shield for his outstanding pe- formanceinimpets related actives UNLOCKING SUCCESS STORIES , Enhancing the effiiency of order processiong: Logistics team faced challenges ofa new operational model in parallel with wsual customer ex oftimely and un-nterruped service delivery fol ing outsourcing of warehouse operations to a 3d party operatorin December2012, Though hssound Knowledge of business operations, hard work and total commitment, Sagi not only managed the ‘workload exceptionally well but enhanced the eff- dency of order processing thus contributing signif cantly towards the success fnew operations Asaresult on his efforts, Sagi kram was recognized during the Employee Engagement & Recognition EventofFinance Division with ashield on ‘Operation. al Excellence’ wo ‘ s KEEPUNLOCKING A. ward SUCCESS FINANCE Managing Frauds and Grey traffic: Muhammad Awais Naseer, ftom Fraud ik Moni- toring, was recenilyavarded an novation & Cre- atv shield, Aas has played a remarkable olen the investigation of various frauds and his out ofbox thinking has helped the Financial Rsk Management team to automate procedures foridentiyng andes lating ge taf Timerequited fridentifyng, an- alin ad escalating gre trafic to Commercial has ben reduced by approximately 50% Optimizing system functionality Mudassar Javaid has aays come forward as a sold performer in his domain He has helped other «oss funcional departments by consistent improving Credit Risk Monitoring (CRM) Reporting Systems (CORDS). Mudassar worked on optimizing functionality whereby Cedi isk Management reports are now avallable to functional & cross-functional end users in 2 hours after the daly CRM data is pushed by IT into CORDS. This has helped reduce processing time by 60% and eliminated depen dencies on CRM staff as now the report are ex- tracted by stakeholders themselves. in view of Mudassars invaluable contributions he was recently awarded an ‘Operational Excellence’ shield. Weare proud tohave Mudassaras part ofthe Warid Family Successful implementation of laws: Muhammad Hladeem was avarded with ‘Creatity and Innovation’ shield fo succesful implementation of Provincial Sales Tax laws. Nadeem also fled Sales Tax and Federal Excise Returns inal provinces, Federation UNLOCKING SUCCESS STORIES , and AK separately whilemanagingto comply withthe respective aw requirements Strong Follow ups and Commitment: ‘Abdul Rehan recived an peratoal Excelence shield for isstrong follow upsand commitmentoleadthingstothe end. Reta san outstanding employe who lock after all Fandal Operation Recondition ata nationwide eve SUCCESS STORIES “SUCCESS HUMAN RESOURCE & ADMINISTRATION Serving the humanity, “Donate Blood, Savea Life” program: InPakstan, evry yar a shortage of 14 milion blod unis lead to thousands of deaths. very month, onan average, more than Bblod dnaton requests were being fated by HR Serves within the company asking for el fom Ward ends and family. In spictofwerkng towards serving the humanity, HR Services crafted wel sought pln forlaunching an SMS-based serviethat wouldalaaysbeattheingertpsof employees Using the SNS-basedservieempoyeescanreachouttoteirex ed fay fst oft din any oganizationinthe county. Ths services operates re om timeresrtons and caters ‘not onlytoWardemployeesbutaoto ther loved and dea ones. Thesericealsoindudespool of voluntary registered blood onorsandinks the donorwith the requester basedon their locations ‘Usman Ahmed, Macia Kazmiand Sara Trig from the HR Services team worked gently on thisprojecputingin their ‘ceatity and hard work upto the challenge. They launched the “Donate Blood, Save Life” program ationvtideon Tues- ay Ath une 2073 under the Item Blood Bank Services, Within fist 24 hous ofthe launch 7456ofthetoal target blood donors was already accomplished, HR Senices ove-achieved set target of registered voluntary donors within 3 daysby 1196 ith a numberof employees registering daly for becoming voluntary donors. HR Sevices id nat jus stop here, butt went ‘ane step ead by organizing @ Donor Awareness Session in collaboration with Sundas Foundation on the World Blood ‘Donors Day on T4th une 2013. The Senvce wentinfullutlization fiom there on. To se the service al you need to do is type “Find” in an SMS and send to 50502. The team (Usman Ahmed, Maal Kazi and Sar Tag received immense appreciation from the management and employeesalike recognizing thelr Innovative approach and charity of thought. Anyone willing to become a donor may register themselves by sending “Blood to 50501 andjoin hands with HR Senicesina cause that extends beyond oneself, the cause of saving someone's fe “DONATEBLOOD SIWEA URE” SUCCESS STORIES SUCCESS HUMAN RESOURCE & ADMINISTRATION Team Projects: Sehish Ghafoor from HR & Admin, Business Process Re- engioeing team and Ama Faisal fo Aiisaton oper ‘ins have ward alongs each other on varios heavy weight projets. These induce Admin Request Manage- ment System, Fleet Management System, Courier Man agement System and many others ARIMS, short fr Admin Request Management Sytem, an automated web based application designed to control and organize worflows for administration task. Selish has been awarded 2 “Team Star for he exceptional Taide temic tuscan le va acritladealeanaeer team management sls folawing her role as projet team Raa epee ea eee see tec ee mec ee a lea. Amna Fal hasbeen avarded Operational Exclencs’ CAR eT Cetifateanda Poudtohaeyeuinnyten’ cinco. (AL caherhta li ect Ser nition ther contbution towards team proj. There is no’ in team work: Bengal prof ener ofbxaen rte HR Ain Di stafing and Compensation tam vere tee oar heaving arid sucesflly positioned iselfas a "Recognized employer brand” through participation in arousjob fir andthe successful launch ofthe revamped career poral Weachieved talent brand reach through Linkedin based actives pushing ou Talent Brand Index to 23% on Linkedin, thehighestin the Indus. Improved Talent Acquisition approach by efectve utilization ofall sourcing channels and creation fa talent pipeline catering to diversified business neds. Effective and enabled Staffing of ll postions with reduced and improved time tohire ais, effective visibility of tafing budgets tal stakeholders sulting in enabled decision making with all relevant information in context Compensation based interventions were succesfull implemented including the fllowing: + Flsttimein the history of Wari, launch of Variable Incentive Scheme for aleligile employees. 10 Telco benchmarking of Compensation & Benefits and relevant alignment of employee benefits while keeping the staffing budgetsin check Compensation philosophy was effectively incorporated whereby business was enabled to acquire new resources and align exiting resources between the 2nd and 3rd quartile of market andthe industry. Timely Conclusion of better improved and line empowered Salary Planning Cycle within the assigned timelines and relevant budgets. ‘Athi could’ tbe possible without a team effort, andthe Stating and Compensation team has proved that there isno''in team work, We ould like to express our gat- itude to those who arenoonger with the organization but worked with complete devotion, Mr. Noaman Minhas, Mr. Bagi Raza, Mr. Naveed Tahir and Mr. Rafey Majeed. We thank them for their outstanding contributions and value ations to the organization. Ms. Rabia Shafig, Ms. Sana Rauf and Ms. Anum Humayoun have worked and are working reletesltoimprove the Sourcing, Talent Acquistion an Staffing ex- perience at Waid we are indebted to them for their continued efor and extremely valuable contributions. Coordinating and reimbursement of expenses from outsourced vendor: Bila oiyaisa ey member of MS department and caret okng after HR & Admin able ro The Major taskahieved isthe first time introduction of automated payment authorization system for HR & Admin which s runing succesfully, Online payment tacking repos, Payment process improvement and managing of mate than 300 vendo invoices / payments in timely mane, His efor are ao ecgnized fr orcinating and reimbursement of expenses fom ousouced vendors TCS and TAG. Forth unting ef & commitment he hasbeen awarded with operational excellence cetfikate and shied " A. [wane SUCCESS STORIES HUMAN RESOURCE & ADMINISTRATION KEEPUNLOCKING SUCCESS Deployment of Genset on immediate basis: At Watid Lahore Call Center 630 KVA backup Genset become faulty. With ts engine decared as not repairable, the Call Center Operations suf- fered, Murad Khan came forard fom HR& Admin and coordinated with the vendor and worked against odds managing to deploy rental Genset 1000KVA set on immediate basis. Due to Murad efforts we managed to avoid any major business fs rom cll center, Murad hasals been instrumental innitatng & completing purchase and delivery process of new TOOKVA Genset wit similar zeal and enthusiasm. He fas been awarded with souvenir from tool kt for ging the extra il in saving company business and ongoing Customer Service operations, Costsaving and meeting timelines: Mobin Khan in HR & Admin team has bilan skis in meeting timelines of crtcal technical activites. Re cently hermanaged to avoid addtional ots while ar ranging crane and machinery for Genset installation ‘on roftop. Mobin was confonted by ste limitatons. and irumstances wer es thanideal and chances of geting lst in obtaining Government approvals were heary Fortunately, owing to Mobin's nature to strive for excellence Genset instalation was completed within required timeframe and without any lss to building structure, Data center and ongoing call center operations remained safe and smth during the instalation activity. Mobin’s efforts have been recognized by his management and he has been awarded ‘Operational Excellence’ cetfcate on suc cessful completion of ahigh-sk activity Achievments leading to success: Muara Burhan fom HR & Admin s plying excep- tonal role for technical nature matters in Wari A ministration Burhan met key milestones during the completion oft Lah Pat Nain Swthing Center by providing government approvals on tities supply He also worked closely wit government oficial to bain approval on build-out plans and building blueprints. sky acheverentsnce 630KVALESCO LU connection activation at ot Lakh Pat MSC required by the technical team. He also obtained Tower height approvals and a non- objon cetfcate rom the Punjab Environment protection agency Further he aso actively intoted & handled closure of hokar Niaz Balg MSC and handed over the premises fol- lowing management atic. He hasbeen avarded with ‘Operational Excelence’ shield. Burhan has been also rewarded with Team lead certificate in reogni- ton ois abies a tea playin Ain Equipe (8M, fetes and other technical nature ates 12 Work Accuracy: ‘Sana Khalid isa core team member of MIS; Budgeting {FP eam (HR Admin Dvision), Shehasbeen awarded ‘Operational Excellence’ ertfcate by maintaining more | li ‘fer igniting capabiity building culture at Ward, ‘Learning team shifted its fous to meeting each disons ‘unique and spectfc Functional Training Needs. The tuning team comprising of 2 team members, Syed Rizwan and Khurram Shehzad,isafoce to reckon With, Our min-sized team has factated more than 230 sessions in one year, 21 sessions of which have been conducted in September 2013 alone, This too has been achieved wile maintaining the lowest per head cost fin house sessions actos theindusty. The traning team has arranged trainings on various topic including ADVANCE EXCEL, ISCO and iPECO- ELL GSM Radio Network Optimization, Client Opera ‘ion and Maintenance, Manager BS R100 along with several other programs. Recently, the team went one step ahead and shared individualized traning records ith ull ime employees keeping their line manage in loop to provide visibility to employee taining needs and development trend. Hats of to Rizwan and Khurram for diving the leaming culture at Wari APRIL, 2013 SUCCESS TECHNOLOGY Technology Recapitulation & Recognition Event: ‘Asim Pasha “Lead HRGP Technology’ aranged recap sesion to recogni achievements from Technology and HR & Admin di sions. An in-depth and an exceedingly engaging presentation was shared inthe sesion highlighting achievements of both div sions. Asim shed ight on challenges faced by both the divisions concerning human capital optimization along with the solutions ‘managed by various teamseffecvelyandefcientl Te events provided aplatfm wth an opty fr othe d \sonstoming ith oneanoe strengthening the collaboration be- tween both divisions, Also Che Technology Oicerrecognized the cffotsof team towards the contain made to Tchnalgy Si, At the end of ceremony Ci eu Ofc addresed and spread the steam of postive energy inboth the teams. folowing the reap, eam members fm bth the von wererecog: rized for the vinous ots wth a selectn of uophis, tfiates, ‘bik andbadges the emoyeinstantrecgiton tol it Technology Division HR & Admin Division Sagib Aslam Rafey Majeed ‘Abdul Moneeb Rabia Shafiq Muhammad Aabid Talha Rao ‘Umar Farooque Aalza Ansari ‘Akram Salemi Adee! Anwar RanaZeeshan Salman Haider Imran Nasim Zain Mehmood A. ward “evviecess TECHNOLOGY TNB Dismantled Asset Disposal : ln June 2013, Ward Main Switching Center was sited from Thokar Naz Bag to Kot Lakh Pat which eto the challenge of dating wth the dismantled materi fom TNB.Apiojectteam asformed to creat tistedious ‘as Italy, the ttl cos ofthe dsmantled material as estimated at PRR millon based onan estimation received bya thd party vendor. The projctteam wsed Various approaches and sucessful closed the pojact recelving 2 high bid for PKR 19.2 milion, Te project teambeatalloddsand managedto succesfull nego ate with the top 10 bier and fal sealed the deal, raving inPAR 22.3 milin fom the dismantled mate- Fas We appreciate the remariabl eos offlloning team members who went the eta mile to make this achievement possible Ayman fad Malik Ast fjazAcharLodhi ‘Atique Khan Rirwan Asif Sajjad AliGohar ‘ifNazir Khawaja Irfan ‘Muhammad Shoaib re Canada, and Europe. DECODING YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS , Making WARID proud globally: Saadia Ahmed fom the tem saregula pat of TADG wing cpoups of GSMA, Sofa has accumulated valuable knowledge and experience of orring and bing, which she hasbeen constantly plying ther work ete at Wari Telecom, She as writen afew papers and bas cen presentations on many ferent biting reat ed topics induding TADIG Testing Handbook, ROBE Deputy Cha Cnductng Onine TA traning on CAMEL at GSMA forum, Two tering sessions ereheldsuccestulynsecondquarterofthisyear acossthelobeinUSASwitzsand,Kuvat UAE Taland, usta, KEEPUIIL A. [wane CKING SUCCESS DECODING YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS , TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY DIVISION RECOGNITION OF THE INCOMPARABLE CONTRIBUTIONS BY HR TEAM MEMBERS: ‘Completing ong pending R&M ofNOS Fleet: Infan is part of Watid HR & Admin Team, Hehas joined NHS-NOS Ofcefew rmonthsago.Ina ery short span of ime he has completed ong pening R&M of HOS Fleet. Hehasasomadesome eal changesin Admin Operations which hasfaitted NOS alot Providing extensive support: Bagir possesses a great personality though one soften deceived by his looks. His experience spanning several years has increased his accuracy and his focus on his goals is unsurpassabe. He has provided etensive support to smoothly run Admin Operations ats. Customers always come first: Salman sport of Admin Services team and hehas shown great hennessand deication tothe ass assigned toh. He tives to satis customer neds and with Salman, customers lays come fist. His natu- ral talent towards customer centri has made im popularamongNHS-NOS staff Hehas been achieving reat milestones & rasing the bar for his flow cl- leagues Champ in routine 08M activities: Zain hasbeen champin routine O&M activites. Hehasbeen managing Lahore luster very efficent. Zain abwayswelcomes aditonal FEB x tasksand inspite of tight deadlines, Zan has always managed to excel in his performance. Recently, Salman was asigned to manage Auitar's Vist where he received complete satisfaction fom our valued quests, Dealing with Nature: (ne cannot contol weather ‘conditions andi yourjob = involves dealing with ‘weather conditions then you aeinforatough time, special, fyouare based in Lahore where one cannot predic anything, only expect the worst. We owe M. Musab a big one, fr this gentle man has controle the T-Prime count in monsoon ike never before, ‘Managing customer relations: Tayyab isanew addition tounit. Ina very short span of time he has managed to frge trong ties with both intemal and enteral customers. Tayyab's cefforts on haneling Rental Payments during Ed Holidays have contributed sig nificantly towards network vali 16 A. [wane KEEPUNLOCKING SUCCESS Managing Warid Network Database: lmran Qureshi hasbeen managing the Ward Network Database saul. His efforts to transform DBMS are commendable and have opened several gateways of varying significance in reporting and analysis. The evolution of WIND and WIND Android Module has been a great achievement Resolution of DHA Access. + the installation of CP: Naeem’s consistency in is Solutions inolvng goverment departments creditworthy. Naeemis recognized forthe resolution of DHA Access along with new microlnk instalation at NHS as wel as the instalation of CP on ital Hub Site during Eid Holidays, Participating in Fue! Bench Marking, VIDC and audit of MSCs: Shehtbaz has been offering great strengthto Lahore O&M Team. Heis ays therefor TSOsandto take on any adkitiona tasks assigned by the Management. nrecent months, Shehbaz has participated in Fuel Bench Marking, VIDC and aut of MSCs actvites. Dedication deserves salutes: (Operational Excellence Team oF NOS can never achieve Excellence without one person and thatis Fareed. One cannot note dovna single ‘moment when Fareed without his laptop. Dedication deserves sluts, DECODING YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS , TECHNOLOGY Fuel saving through innovative ideas Jahanzeb has abvays ent geatsrenghto Cental (OGM Team. Hehas contributed towards fue saving through innovative ideasalong wth improving ‘arous reports and performing aé-hoc analysis. Hs presentation kil are abo remarkable [wane DECODING YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS , “ecess ‘TECHNOLOGY Aymen Enfadl was awarded with ‘Leadership’ certificate for his ove parr ‘mance on KL Project Management-Inrastucure. Farasat Al as presented with ‘Operational Excellence’ cetfcateon GSMA tal for MEO Benchmarking Muhammad SaeedUllah ws presented with a am proud to have youn my tea mug or veting KL? design and supparing the projec. (Operational Excellence shield was given to Muhammad Iqbal for success ‘uly implementing VSM Projects within NOSS-Engineering Leads’ ettcte was presented to Imran Bhatt for his remarkable achieve ‘mentonPOCand Talo GEDurthonBatery for GSMA Benchmarking project, (amar Khan was awarded with ‘Leadership shld for his deiate/protessonl DE suppor on MSC Operations and sues at adi Sites 2M Salman Tahir was awarded with ‘Operational Excellence” certificate fr his Suppor on various OPEX saving itiatives, performance analyss and groom- ingoflntems de eam Rect’ opty sanded o Wagas Ahmed Shahi fi bisinte-team collaboration on Business Process Development & Review Sahibzada Shaheryar lias vn a‘Leadeshp' shied fer efletiveengagement oftrategc Solutions and Network Excellence Teams Interdepartmental supporton MWBs/ processes achievement 18 A warid KEEPUNLOCKING “Shine to Inspire” is filled with success stories to motivate employees to strive towards excellence while inculcating a culture of appreciation within the organization, We encourage you to join hands with us and come on board this journey and start appreciating your employees. The OD team hopes that you enjoyed reading Recognition newsletter; we will be back with more success stories during February. Warm Regards, 0D & Learning team

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