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1. To determine the heat capacity of calorimeter.

2. To determine the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide, ∆H˚f.


1. Thermometer (2).
2. Styrofoam cup with cardboard cover lid (2).
3. 100cm3 beaker.
4. 100cm3 graduated cylinder.


1. 2.0M hydrochloric acid.

2. Magnesium oxide powder.
3. Magnesium powder.


A. Heat capacity of calorimeter.

1. 50cm3 of tap was placed into the calorimeter by using burette. The cover and
thermometer was replaced into the calorimeter. The water temperature was recorded
using thermometer for four minutes at one minute interval.
2. 50cm3 of hot water was measured using graduated cylinder and was placed into a
beaker. By using another thermometer, the temperature was quickly recorded and the
hot water was completely poured into the calorimeter (containing the cold water) at the
fifth minute. The lid was replace and water was carefully stirred using the thermometer.
The temperature was recorded for every 15 seconds for the next three minutes.

B. Reaction 2: Magnesium with Hydrochloric Acid.

1. 1.0-1.1g of magnesium powder was weighed and the exact weight used was recorded.
2. 50cm3 of 2M HCl was placed into the calorimeter using burette. The cover and
thermometer was replaced into the calorimeter and the temperature of HCl was
recorded for every minute for four minute. At the fifth minute, the magnesium powder
was quickly poured into the HCl. The lid was replace and the solution was carefully
stirred with the thermometer. The temperature was recorded for the next three
minutes at 15 seconds intervals.

C. Reaction 3 : Magnesium oxide with Hydrochloric Acid.

1. 1.6-1.8g of magnesium oxide was weighed and the exact weight was recorded.
2. 50cm3 of 2M HCl was placed into the calorimeter using burette. The cover and
thermometer was replaced into the calorimeter and the temperature of HCl was
recorded for every minute for four minute. At the fifth minute, the magnesium powder
was quickly poured into the HCl. The lid was replace and the solution was carefully
stirred with the thermometer. The temperature was recorded for the next three
minutes at 15 seconds intervals.
D. Reaction 4: Hydrogen gas with Oxygen gas (not conducted in the laboratory for safety

Result and Calculations:

A. Heat capacity of calorimeter

Temperature vs Time


Temperature (T)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Time (min)

B. Magnesium with hydrochloric acid.

Temperature vs Time

Temperature (T)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (min)

C. Magnesium oxide with hydrochloric acid.

Temperature vs Time


Temperature (T)


20 Ti


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (min)

1. The result is tabulated in the data sheet.

2. The temperature vs time graph is plotted.
3. Heat capacity of calorimeter, C = m×c
=50g(4.18 J)
= 209J
4. Reaction 2: Magnesium with HCl
Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2 (g)
Q= 50g(4.18J)(66-30)
Q= 6897J≈ 6.897KJ

N= mass/molar mass
N= 1.0842/24g/mol
= 0.045 mol

∆H= Q/n
= 6.897KJ/0.045mol
= 153.11KJ/mol

Reaction 3: Magnesium Oxide with HCl

MgO(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2O (g)
Q= 50g(4.18J)(50-30)
Q= 4180J≈ 4.180KJ
N= mass /molar mass
N= 1.6156/40g/mol
= 0.040 mol

∆H= Q/n
= 418.0KJ/0.040mol
= 104.5KJ/mol

Reaction 4: Hydrogen gas with oxygen gas (not conducted in the laboratory for safety
H2 (g) + ½ O2 (g) H 2O

5. The formation of magnesium oxide

Mg (s) + ½ O2 (g) MgO (s)

Known equation:
Reaction 2: Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl 2 (aq) + H2 (g) ∆Hf˚=153.11KJ/mol
Reaction 3:MgO(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2O (l) ∆Hf˚=104.50KJ/mol
(Reversed )
Reaction 4:H2(g) + ½ O2(g) H 2O(l) ∆H f˚=-285.80KJ/mol


Reaction 2: Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl 2 (aq) + H2 (g) ∆Hf˚=153.11KJ/mol

Reaction 3: MgCl2(aq) + H2O (l) MgO(s) + 2HCl (aq) ∆H f˚ =-104.50KJ/mol
Reaction 4: H2 (g)+ ½ O2(g) H2O(l) ∆H f˚=-285.80KJ/mol
Mg (s) + ½ O2 (g) MgO (s)

6. ∆Hf˚= 153.11KJ/mol + (-104.50KJ/mol) + (-285.80KJ/mol)

=-237.19 KJ/mol

7. Percent error = (theoretical-experimental)/theoretical ×100

= (-285.38-(-237.19))/-285.38×100
= 16.88%


From the experiment heat capacity of calorimeter the heat capacity of double Styrofoam had
been determine which are 209J. For the experiment reaction 2 and reaction 3 which are magnesium
with hydrochloric acid, Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2 (g) and magnesium oxide with
hydrochloric acid ,MgO(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2O (g) has been carried out. The
purpose of this experiment which is to determine the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium
oxide. The temperature of the solution was taken for 8 minutes. From this experiment we can
determined the value of heat(Q) for the reaction 2 and reaction 3. Also the number moles had been
determined from this experiment. The formula that had been use in this calculation which is
Q=MC∆T and mol= mass/molar mass. So the value of heat (Q) and the number moles for both
reaction is Q=6.897KJ and 0.045 mol for reaction 2. Meanwhile for reaction 3 the value of heat is Q=
4.180KJ and the number of moles is 0.040 mol. By using both value we can calculated the enthalpy
of formation, ∆Hf˚ for both reaction and ∆H f˚= Q/n had been use to calculated the value. So the
enthalpy of formation for the both reaction which are 153.11KJ/mol for reaction 2 and for reaction 3
is 104.5KJ/mol. For reaction 4 which is hydrogen gas with oxygen H 2 (g) + ½ O2 (g) H 2O
(l) the experimental cannot been done on the laboratory for some safety reason. The value of the
enthalpy formation for reaction 4 has been professionally determined and verified and the value is
listed in standard reference sources. The value of enthalpy formation for reaction 4 is -285.80KJ/mol.

From this all value that we have, we have calculated the enthalpy formation ∆H f˚ for magnesium
oxide, Mg (s) + ½ CO2 (g) MgO (s) by using Hess’s law :

The formation of magnesium oxide

Mg (s) + ½ CO2 (g) MgO (s)

Known equation:
Reaction 2: Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2 (g) ∆Hf˚=153.11KJ/mol
Reaction 3: MgO(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2O (g) ∆Hf˚=104.50KJ/mol
Reaction 4: H2 (g) + ½ O2 (g) H 2O (l) ∆H f˚=-


Reaction 2: Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl (aq) + H 2 (g) ∆Hf˚=153.11KJ/mol

Reaction 3: MgCl(aq) + H2O (g) MgO(s) + 2HCl (aq) ∆H f˚ =-104.50KJ/mol
Reaction 4: H2 (g) + ½ O2 (g) H 2O ∆H f˚=-285.80KJ/mol
Mg (s) + ½ CO2 (g) MgO (s)

So, the value of enthalpy formation for magnesium oxide is -237.20 KJ/mol. From the value that
we got we have compared the value of enthalpy formation of magnesium oxide theoretically and
experimentally and the theoretically value for enthalpy formation for magnesium oxide is
-285.8KJ/mol. The percent error between the both values is 16.88%. From this value, there have
some error encounter during the experiment that had conducted that had caused to the difference
in values.

The factor is, the way the temperature reading was taken, this may be one of the factor that
effect the value. Another factor that may effected the value is the lid of the Styrofoam cup
colorimeter may not properly closed the cup this may cause the heat transfer to the surrounding and
will effected the temperature reading.


1. a) Which of the following calorimeters: coffee cup calorimeter or copper calorimeter has
higher heat capacity?

b) What conclusion can you make regarding the relationship of the heat capacity of

calorimeter with temperature change of the reaction?

2. a)

3. A student carelessly inserts the thermometer while assembling the coffee cup calorimeter
and a large hole is torn in the plastic lid. How will this effect his experimental result?
- This may cause error with the theoretical value and the experimental value because the
heat of the solution may transferred into the surrounding that may cause heat lost and
it will effect the temperature reading.


From the this experiment the heat capacity of a coffee cup colorimeter had been determined
which are 209J and the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide, ∆H f˚ is -237.20 KJ/mol.


1) Lab report ( 2017 , December 23 ). Retrieved ( September 30, 2018) from

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