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TITTLE : "The Influence of Communicative Gesture of Students Speaking Class At First Year of
State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar”

Research Background

Indonesia is a developing country in Southeast Asia, being a developed country is a strong

determination from all levels of Indonesian society, especially for new generations. Therefore, hard
work is needed and the perseverance and tenacity of all Indonesian people . Education is the key to
realizing the best generations that have potential, creativity, innovation, skills, abilities, and talents
that grow and develop in all fields of science, mental and physical strength. Indeed, to achieve quality
national education standards is not easy, it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, a policy that
is able to realize national education is needed. Education is also a milestone in the progress of the
nation. A developed nation is an ideal that every citizen in the world wants to achieve. The factor
which greatly influences the progress of a country is its education. Indonesia is one of the developing
countries in the world that has major problems in terms of education. The low quality of education in
the country causes the provision of human resources who have the skills and skills in meeting the
development needs in various fields is reduced.

Speaking of education, Indonesia has a declining quality of education. Based on the 2016
United Nations Educational , Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) survey in the 2016
Global Education Monitoring (GEM) report, the quality of education in Indonesia ranks only 10th out
of 14 developing countries. While the quality of teachers as an important component in education is
classified as apprehensive, ranks 14th out of 14 developing countries in the world. An educator needs
to explore the problems and potential of students, often educators always force their will and ignore
the needs of their students. Though what needs to be considered is the student's need not to force
something he doesn't like and make students less comfortable in studying. A good educational
process is by allowing children to think creatively because basically thinking styles cannot be
directed. The educational process is like an experiment that is never finished, will change at any time
in accordance with the competencies needed by human civilization, likewise with Indonesian
education which is part of culture and civilization that continues to change to realize a complete
Indonesian citizen. The importance of education is also explained in the Koran requires its people to
always study. Even God makes a difference for people who are knowledgeable, and will elevate its
rank. As the word of Allah is written in the QS. Al-Mujadilah / 58: 11

‫ح هَّللا ُ لَ ُك ْم ۖ َوإِ َذا قِي\ َل‬

ِ \‫س فَا ْف َس\حُوا يَ ْف َس‬ ِ ِ‫يل لَ ُك ْم تَفَ َّس\حُوا فِي ْال َم َج\\ال‬ َ ِ‫ين آ َمنُوا إِ َذا ق‬ َ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذ‬
ۚ‫ت‬ٍ ‫ين أُوتُوا َوهَّللا ُ بِ َما تَ ْع َملُو ْال ِع ْل َم َد َر َج\\ا‬
َ ‫ين آ َمنُ\\وا ِم ْن ُك ْم َوالَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫\ع هَّللا ُ الَّ ِذ‬
ِ \َ‫ا ْن ُش ُزوا فَا ْن ُش ُزوا يَرْ ف‬
‫َن َخبِير‬


" O you who believe, if you are told:" Be roomy in the majis", then surely Allah
will give you space. And if it is said to you: "Stand ye up", then stand up, surely Allah will
elevate knowledge among you and those who are given knowledge to some degree. And
Allah is All-Knowing what you are doing . "

The above verse explains the virtues of those who believe and are knowledgeable. Allah
Almighty elevates the degrees of those who have glorified and elevated their degrees. Allah will
appoint those who carry out all His commands and the commands of His Apostles by giving them
a special position, both in terms of reward and personality.

In das a paint a mixed picture of learners figure is likely to require exemplary figure and
role model capable of steering in the right way and at the same time be a dynamic parable that
explains how to practice syriat Allah. Therefore, Allah Almighty sent His Messengers to explain
various Shari'ah through exemplary. Rasulullah Muhammad PBUH is a figure of great educators
and good educators. He is very concerned about humans and all the needs, characteristics and
abilities of his wits, especially when he talks with children. This type of talent and to anyone is
his consideration in educating humans. To women, he understands his nature as a woman, to men
he understands his nature as a man, to adults and his identity as an adult human , and to children,
he understands his character as children. He fully understood the instinctive condition of
everyone so he was able to make them happy. The life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a
teacher, his kindness in interacting with young children, friends, and his neighbors, is also an
example. He always tried to meet the various needs of the Muslims. He is the man who most
fulfills his promise, the man who is the most wara ' and is careful in preserving the treasures of
Allah Almighty and trusting in food and consuming food so that he never eats treasure that is
unclear after his proposal and law. In any condition, he always appears steadfast and does not
lose enthusiasm because he believes that Allah Almighty is always a source of strength so that he
still gets patience.

Allah Almighty, says in the Qur'an:


" Surely there is nothing in the Prophet (s) who is the best role model for you (that
is) for those who expect (mercy) Allah and (the coming) of the Day of Resurrection and he
often chants Allah ". (Surat al-Ahzab 21)

Mohamad Surya (2004) revealed that learning is a process of change that is a change in
behavior as a result of interaction between himself and his environment in meeting his needs. In
full, the notion of learning can be formulated as follows: "Learning is a process carried out by
individuals to obtain new behavioral changes as a whole, as a result of the individual's own
experience in interaction with his environment". Learning is done by involving students to think
creatively and be able to explore the potential of the students. By involving students in learning
activities, it is hoped that one of the 2013 curriculum objectives will be achieved for the
implementation of the process. The teacher-centered learning process is still inherent in the
implementation of learning today. Teaching and learning processes that were still passive that
made students as learning objects.

Speaking of learning, there are many things we learn in school, college, or at work, one
of which is using body language when talking or communicating . Verbal communication used in
daily life will be easier for others to understand if accompanied by nonverbal language.
Nonverbal communication as a way to facilitate us in providing understanding to others and can
control our thought patterns. The communication process if it can be described as the delivery of
messages ( message ) from a certain party to another person or party, then in this context,
communication includes also "transmission" of knowledge about a matter, but the process of
further communication is not just the delivery of information, but the process of interaction of
knowledge and truth between the first party and the second or third party. Communication can be
interpreted as a process that involves a person to use universal natural signs or symbols from the
results of human conventions. These symbols in the form of verbal and or nonverbal which are
consciously or unconsciously used for the purpose of explaining certain meanings to others, can
also influence others to change. Communication without language is impossible by supposing
that the language is not always verbal language, but rather includes body language, imagery
language, euphoric language, and various other nonverbal languages. On the next few pages, it
will discuss about how verbal and nonverbal communication are carried out simultaneously, how
the influence of gestures when communicating or speaking to students in the classroom.

Research Questions

To clarify the focus of the study in this study, this research will formulate the main issues

How is the influence of communicative gesture of students speaking class.

The causes of communicative gesture of students speaking class.

Research purposes

In order to provide a concrete picture and clear direction in this implementation, the
objectives of this study are:

Knowing the influence of communicative gesture of students speaking classes.

Knowing the factors what the affecting communicative gesture of students speaking classes .

Scope of the Research

The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of gestures in communicating or speaking.

The influence of communicative gesture of students speaking class at first year.

Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, 1st semester students (initial) .

Benefits of research

Theoretical Benefits

Theoretically this research is expected to be able to contribute to communication science.

As a development of studies on the influence of gestures in communicating or speaking beforehand.

Practical benefits

This research can be useful for enthusiasts and observers about verbal and body
communication which contains the message process.

Definition of Terms

Communication is a process carried out by someone to process and obtain information,

both directly and indirectly. In communicating directly, often someone consciously or
unconsciously uses gestures to provide understanding or affirmation of what they want to
convey . Communicative gesture is very influential in speaking, especially in carrying out
communication to provide confirmation and clarify the information provided.

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