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Self-talk is a technique which is generally used to improve concentration. Self-talk is essentially based
on the theory that what a person says to themself can and generally will affect the way in which they
act and behave. The four main types of self-talk are positive, negative, instructional or technical and
neutral. Self-talk best works psychologically for feedback and positive reinforcement.

Self-talk in netball
Concentration is the ability of the athlete to maintain attentional focus to the relevant environment.
Concentration is a useful mental skill so long as they know what skill’s they should be concentrating
upon. There are two dimensions of concentration, the width, and the direction. The width of the
concentration of an athlete extends from narrow focus to having a broad focus of the playing
environment. The direction of an athlete’s attention deals with the internal factors, such as thoughts
and feelings, and external factors, such as opponents and the ball.
Self-talk within netball most commonly occurs in positive and technical feedback. Positive feed which
works for self-reinforcement would commonly be placed after, for example, goal shooting, this
promotes a mentally healthy positive attitude which improves the performance and action of the
shooter. Technical self-talk is also used so that athletes can help themselves improve and identify
where they need to improve.

Conecentration in netball
Sport Psychology
Concentration can be applied to many aspects of netball. Concentration can improve shooting
techniques due to the increase in focus of the task. Concentration can also lead to better decision
making on court specifically in movements and special awareness relative to opposing team players.
The environmental and special awareness that concentration can create leads to clearer tactical
options to be presented and made to players.
This video displays displays drills used to improve concenttration
The study of the psychological or mental factors that contribute to the participation and performance
of athletes in sports and physical activity.
This presentation will explore the use of sports psychology within netball and investigate some of the
mental skills that sports psychology implements to improve performance
In relation to my own physical activities, the psychological skills of imagery, concentration and self-talk
have all contributed, and continue to contribute to my ability and performance. 
The use of imagery has helped me in the past to improve in many skills, from swimming strokes,
through to bowling techniques. Imagery allowed picturing clearly how the action is to be carried out.
Similarly, concentration has allowed me a greater sense of focus within sports and physical activity.
The use of concentration has allowed me to be more aware of the environment in which I’m in and be
more controlled of my actions, movements and allows me to focus on my breathing patterns which is
psychologically proven to increase focus and reduce and anxiety. 
Self-talk has also had great impact to allow me to improve in my sports. Self-talk allows me to give
myself feedback on the action in which I had carried out. It allows me to identify good points and
where I need improvement. 
psychological training helps with 
 Anxiety
 relaxation
 concentration
 mental preparation 
 arousal
 leadership
 rehab
 performance

various skills used

 imagery
 concentration
 self-talk

Other skills include

 performance routine
 simulation training
 arousal training
 feedback
 self-determination
 motivation
 goal setting

In relation to netball, my use of the psychological skills of imagery, concentration and self-talk, is
relatively limited. Whilst playing netball, I do not actively try to use the psychological techniques. This
is most likely due to the fact I haven’t had to use any for a number of years, and have not had any
mental training for netball. This inhibits my performance within netball as I tend to make rash
decisions on the court, and need to improve on my placement and movement on the court. I could
also use theme techniques to improve my goal shooting which, like the rest of my netball skills, needs
The skills of imagery, concentration and self-talk are active mental skills which can improve the
mental state and physical performance of athletes. In relation to netball and myself these skills can be
applied to improve in many areas of the sport and improve overall performance.
Through the use of the skills identified, imagery, concentration and self-talk, I would be able to
improve my overall skill in netball. The use of imagery and concentration would allow me to improve
my ability in shooting, mainly by imaging how to perform the action and concentrating on the
surrounding environment factors and focus on the action im performing. Self-talk would also allow me
to use self-reinforcement to gain confidence in the skill.
Through the use of concentration, I would be able to improve my general court decisions, positioning
and passing. Concentration would allow me to to see opportunities to tactically position myself and
continue the flow of the game. Through also using imagery I can image how a play would turn out and
these skills would allow me to try and predict movements so I could counter them and try to think
ahead of what im doing. Instructional self-talk would also assist me in feedback on areas to improve
and to improve my mental attitude to improve.
Imagery is the psychological term that refers to the creation or re-creation of an experience in the
mind. Imagery is essentially a visualisation of the skill that is to be performed. Visualising this image
creates muscles memory within the nervous system of how to perform the skill. An athlete has two
main ways they can view the image, internally or externally. Viewing the image internally, the athlete
see’s the performance from their own perspective, allowing them to try and feel how the action is
performed. Viewing the image externally allows the player to see how the action should be carried
and allows them to try and mirror this image.

Imagery in netball
Within netball, imagery, as a mental skill, is commonly used for players when training for hoop
shooting. Imagery allows the player to practice and see, or ‘image’, the shot. This helps the player’s
psychological mind set and train visually on how to perform the action correctly. 

Sports Psychology - Netball

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