MBA+Project Quality+of+Work+Life (1) .

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The project was undergone in CLASSIC MOULDS & DIES LIMITED for a

period of two months. Theoretical knowledge is insufficient to cope up with the modern

functioning of the companies. So in order to gain practical knowledge, the project was



Quality is generally defined as “Conformance to requirements”. Quality is “as

fitness for purpose”. The concept of quality is not apply to all goods and services created

by human beings, but also for workplace where the employees were employed.

Quality in the workplace comes from understanding and then fully meeting, the

needs of all your internal and external customers, now and into the future and doing so

with continual improvement in efficiency and effectiveness.

QWL refers to the favorableness or un – favorableness of a total job environment

of the people. The basic purpose is to develop jobs and working conditions that are

excellent for people as well as for the economic health of the organization. QWL

provides a more humanized work environment. It attempts to serve the higher – order

needs of workers as well as their more basic needs. It seeks to employ the higher skills of

workers and to provide an environment that encourages improving their skills.

Q - Quest for excellence

U - Understanding
A - Action
L - Leadership
I - Involvement of the people
T - Team spirit
Y - Yardstick to measure progress

The above said are very essential things to improve the work life of employees in

the organization.


Quality of work life covers various aspects under the general umbrella of

supportive organizational behavior. Thus, the QWL should be broad in its scope. It must

be evaluate the attitude of the employees towards the personnel policies. The research

will be helpful in understanding the current position of the respective company. And

provide some strategies to extent the employees satisfaction with little modification

which is based on the internal facilities of the company.

This research can be further used to evaluate the facilities provided by the

management towards the employees. This study also helps in manipulating the basic

exception of the employees.


• To study the quality of work life of (QWL) employees in CLASSIC MOULDS &


• To find out how quality of work life leads to high satisfaction

• To know the existing working conditions, Industrial Health and safety help to

improve the quality of work life.

• To study the workers participation in CLASSIC MOULDS & DIES Ltd

• To examine how the training and development programmes helps to improve the

quality of work life.

• To know how the various welfare activities and other benefits helps to bring a

better quality of work life.


 Converting qualitative data into quantitative data may often lead to

inaccurate results.

 The respondents may not have expressed them strong negative feelings

about the policies, which results in the error of central tendency.

 Few respondents were reluctant while answering the questions.




Quality of work life means “the degree top which members of a work

organization are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experience in the


QWL could be defined as “the Quality of the relationship between the man and



Quality of work life has gained deserved prominence in the Organizational

Behavior as an indicator of the overall of human experience in the work place. It

expresses a special way of thinking about people their work, and the organizational in

which careers are fulfilled.

QWL refers to the relationship between a worker and his environment, adding the

human dimension to the technical and economic dimensions within which the work is

normally viewed and designed. QWL focus on the problem of creating a human working

environment where employees work co – operatively and achieve results collectively. It

also includes.

• The programme seeks to promote human dignity and growth

• Employees work collaboratively They determine work change participate

• The programmes assume compatibility of people and organization

QWL refers to the level of satisfaction, motivation, involvement and commitment

individuals experience with respect to their line at work. QWL is the degree of excellence

brought about work and working conditions which contribute to the overall satisfaction

and performance primarily at the individual level but finally at the organizational level.


QWL is a prescriptive concept, it attempts to design work environments so as to

maximize concern for human welfare. QWL acts in two dimensions.
• Goal

• Process

QWL acts as goal by

• Creation of more involving

• satisfying and effective jobs

• Work environment for people at all levels of the organization

QWL acts as process by

• Make efforts to realize this goal through active participation

The whole essence of QWL may be stated thus, the QWL is co – operative rather

than authoritarian; evolutionary and open rather static and rigid; informal rather than

mechanistic; mutual respect and trust than hatred against each other.

Objectives of QWL

The major three main objectives for the QWL are

• Improve employees satisfaction strengthen workplace learning, and

• Better manage on – going chance and transition


QWL means having good supervision, good working conditions, good pay and

benefits an interesting and challenging, and a rewarding job. The major factors that effect

the QWL may be stated thus.


QWL is basically built around the concept of equitable pay. In the days ahead,

employees may want to participate in the profits of the firm as will. Employees must be

paid their due share in the progress and prosperity of the firm.


Workers throughout the globe have raises their expectations over the years and

now feel entitled to benefits that were once considered a part of the bargaining process.

Job Security

Employees want stability of employment. They do not like to be the victims of

whimsical personal policies and stay at the mercy of employers.

Alternative Work Schedules

Employees demand more freedom at the workplace, especially in scheduling their

work. Among the alternative work schedules capable of enhancing the quality of work

life for some employees are:

i. Flexi time: A system of flexible working hours,

ii. Staggered hours: Here groups of employees begin and end work at different


iii. Compressed workweek: It involves more hours of work per day for fever days,

per week.

iv. Job enrichment: It attempts to increase a person's level of output by providing that

persons with exciting, interesting, stimulating or challenging work.

v. Autonomous work groups (AWGs): Here a group of workers will be given some

control of decision-making and have responsibility for a task area without day-to-

day supervision, and with authority to influence and control both group members

and their behavior.

Occupational Stress

Occupational mental-health programmes dealing with stress are beginning to

emerge as a new and important aspect of QWL programmes. Obviously, and individual

suffering from an uncomfortable amount of job-related stress cannot enjoy a high quality

of work life. '

Worker Participation

Employees have a genuine hunger for participation in organizational issues

affecting their lives. Naturally they demand far more participation in the decision making

process at the workplace.

Social Integration

The work environment should provide opportunities for preserving an employee's

personal identify and self-esteem through freedom from prejudice, a sense of community,

interpersonal openness and the absence of stratification in the organization.

Work and total life space

A person's work should not overbalance his life. Ideally speaking, work

schedules, career demands and other job requirements should not take up too much of a

person's leisure time and family life.


QWL deals with the relationship between every employee and his or her work

organization. This relationship is formal in sometimes less formal. This contract is

psychological; contract. "Psychological contract is the set of expectations held be the

individual specifying what the individual and the organization expect to give and receive

from each other in the course of their working relationship". This contract represents the

expected exchange of values that encourages the individual to work for the organization

and motivates the organization to employ that person, (i.e) Contribution and


A healthy psychological contract means that inducements and contributions are balance.


(Organization to employees) = (employee to organization)

This is the way for organization to create healthy psychological contract and Jobs

satisfaction for their members is to provide them with High QWL environment.


QWL are highlighted by the following Benchmarks of managerial excellence.

Participation:- Involving people from all levels of responsibility in decision-


Trust:- Reside signing jobs systems and structures to give people more freedom at work.

Reinforcement:- Creating reward systems that are fair, relevant and contingent on

work performance

Responsiveness:- Making the work setting more pleasant and able to serve individual



QWL programmes concentrate on creating a working environment that is

Conductive to the satisfaction of worker needs. This program assumes that a job and the

work environment should be structured to meet as many of the workers needs as possible.

Richard Walton has organized into eight categories. These should be integrated,

coordinated and properly managed.

These programmes are helped to avoid some pitfalls like

• QWL program must be implemented with the co-operation of management and


• Action plans must be carried to completion.

• Care mist be taken to concentrate the focus on the joint objectives of improving

the QWL.


• High Productivity

• Increase organizational effectiveness

• High employee satisfaction

• High morale .

• Reduce the absenteeism and labour turn over

• Increase the quality of life of employees

• High employee involvement

• Peaceful industrial relation


Miller, 1978; Kirkman, 1981; Metz, 1982; Mirvis & Lawler, 1984; Cooper,

1988) define the qualities of work life are broadly similar to the study on Singaporean

Employees Development suggest four dimensions of Quality of work life labeled as, i)

Favorable work environment ii) Personal growth and autonomy iii) Nature of job and

iv)Stimulating opportunities and co-workers Good performance is recognized in addition

to rewards being based upon performance while employees are respected and treated like

mature people.

The Study on Singaporean Employees development, Cheng S says in a high

QWL there should be a positive impact on personal life, an opportunity to be involved in

decision as well as an acceptable level of physical comfort. Jobs seen to exist within high

QWL work situations are those in which there is minimal negative impact on one’s

personal life, and hopefully one which has a positive impact on one’s personal life.

We would expect that these dimensions comprising QWL that were found in the

present sample are consistent with the rapid economic growth and increasingly higher

levels of educational standards in Singapore. Research studies (Taylor, 1977; Taylor,

1978; Donald, 1997) have generally established that QWL is positively associated with

job satisfaction and can be a significant motivator. One implication of this finding for

management is the need to consider the type of intrinsic and extrinsic factors highlighted

by the four aspects of QWL that comprise the motivational reward-incentive system used

in organizations. Designing the job and the work environment so as to include the

characteristics of the QWL dimensions discussed above will contribute to the worker’s

sense of well-being, and provide a more positive start to other work motivation

programmes within the organization.. Kirkman (1989) suggests that in the future work

society; the drive for more humanitarian treatment both in and out of work will increase.

Cheng S in his paper QWL through employee participation in Singapore has

discussed the following four different approaches to QWL Employee share option

scheme, Joint management consultation, Quality circle and Industrial relations circle.

This is an interesting situation given the high degree of emphasis on achieving

high standards in performance and quality known in Singapore.

QWL has also been viewed in a variety of ways including a) as a movement b) as

a set of organizational interventions and c) as a type of working life felt by employees

QWL, Self-evaluation and life satisfaction among American Africans.

When for many people sex and relationships are troublesome--since they are often

hazardous to our health--work plays an even greater role in keeping us "out of trouble."

Regardless of how much we earn, most of us have some kind of agenda or work plan.

And with so many people opening a home and a cyber-office, with mounting levels of

technology-related stress (which Bruria Ginton, owner turned content-provider, calls

frustression), many of us end up involved in more than one job, which we feel compelled

to get done, spending the greatest portion of our lives in what we consider our workplace.

So Quality of Work Life (QWL) is not some notion of frivolous luxury. QWL is just as

real and useful as virtual reality itself.


The objective of study was to ascertain the quality of work life of the employees

in specific work environment relationship. For this best suited method was survey


Hence a questionnaire method is chosen which is free from bias of the interviewer

and large sample can be made use of and thus the result can be more dependable and



Sampling is a method of selecting a few items from a particular group to be

obtaining relevant data which help in drawing conclusions regarding the entire group i.e.

population or universe.


The sample size selected for the study was 100 employees of “CLASSIC



To measure the effectiveness of QWL. Questionnaire method is used.

The questionnaire consists of two sections.

Section 1: collect the personal details about respondents.

Section 2: consists of 20 Questions which deal with QWL.

In this study, structured questionnaire means “a set of questions (statements) which is

administered to the respondents. To assess their attributes opinion, information which is

needed for the project.


The data collected are classified, analysed and calculated. The statistical tools

are applied for the analysis of the data. The tools used are Percentage analysis, weighted

average method and Chi – square test.

1. Percentage analysis:

Percentage refers is a special kind of ratio. Percentages are used in making

comparison between two or more series of data. They are used to describe

relationship. More over percentages can also be use to compare the relative terms of

the distribution of two or more series of data.


Percentage of Respondents = No. of respondents * 100

Total no. of respondents
2. Weighted Average Method:

Weighted Average Method was applied to find out the desirable policies &

practices that are adopted by the company by ranking certain criteria's in some of the

important functional areas of H.R.


Weighted average method = (X1W1 + X2W2 + X3W3 +……..)


3. Chi - square test:

Chi - Square is a non-parametric technique, most commonly used fay a research

to test the analysis. The main objective of chi-square is to determine whether significant

difference exist among group of data


Chi - Square test = Σ (Oi - Ei) 2/ Ei

Oi = Observed frequency

Ei = Expected frequency

Degree of freedom = n – 1.


Chapter – 1

Introduction of the topic with Significance, Objectives, Limitations, Review of

Literature, Appropriateness of the Survey Method, Sampling Procedure, Construction of

the tool, Analysis & Interpretation and Organisation of the Project.

Chapter – 2

A report of the industrial profile and detailed report of CLASSIC MOULDS & DIES

LIMITED and its achievements and Mile stones.

Chapter – 3

The Analysis is done by using tables and charts. The tools used are percentage

Analysis, Chi-square, Weighted Average Method.

Chapter – 4

Summary of findings and suggestions.



The Plastics Industry in India has made significant achievements ever

since it made a modest but promising beginning by commencing production of

Polystyrene in 1957. The chronology of manufacture of polymers in India is summarised







The potential Indian market has motivated Indian entrepreneurs to acquire

technical expertise, achieve high quality standards and build capacities in various facets

of the booming plastic industry. Phenomenal developments in the plastic machinery

sector coupled with matching developments in the petrochemical sector, both of which

support the plastic processing sector, have facilitated the plastic processors to build

capacities to service both the domestic market and the markets in the overseas.

The plastic processing sector comprises of over 30,000 units involved in

producing a variety of items through injection moulding, blow moulding, extrusion and

calendaring. The capacities built in most segments of this industry coupled with inherent

capabilities has made us capable of servicing the overseas markets.

The economic reforms launched in India since 1991, have added further fillip to the

Indian plastic industry. Joint ventures, foreign investments, easier access to technology

from developed countries etc have opened up new vistas to further facilitate the growth of

this industry.


The Indian Plastic Industry has taken great strides. The last few decades have

seen it rise to the position of a leading force in the country with a sizeable base. The

industry itself is growing at a fast pace and the per capita consumption of plastics in the

country has increased manifold as compared to the earlier decade. Plastics has

undoubtedly gained notable importance in every sphere of activity. It has substituted and

saved scarce natural resources. It is an inseparable part of our daily life. Constant

developments in polymer technology, processing machineries, know how and cost

effective production is fast replacing conventional materials in every segment with


India ranks 8th in the world with per capital consumption of 4.6 kgs. which is

likely to increase to 7.9 kgs. by March 2008, if availability of polymers is not a constraint

Polymers demand in India may reach a figure of 12 million tonnes by 2010-11. India is

expected to be the third largest consumer of polymers after US and China by that time.

20% compounded growth rate expected in next 5yrs.

The plastic processing sector comprises of over 30,000 units involved in

producing a variety of items. The plastic industry here includes finished plastic products

to raw materials and processing equipment.

Demand for plastics was ever growing. Mid 1990s came with a need to organize the

Indian plastics sector as much as to consolidate the global markets. The Indian plastics

industry faced intense competition from companies that were globally consolidated.

Indian plastic industry needed technological advancements to compete the existing

players in terms of product quality, cost and quantity

Joint ventures, foreign investments and easier access to technology from developed

countries have opened up new vistas to further facilitate the growth of this industry.

Phenomenal developments in the plastic machinery sector coupled with matching

developments in the petrochemical sector, have facilitated the plastic processors to build

capacities to service both the domestic market and the markets in the overseas.

We took this as an opportunity to present Indian Plastic Industry as an organized

sector. We created an industry vertical,, representing the

industry. Individual industries gradually came forward displaying their inventory to the

world and giving their global counterparts a tough competition. The small scale sector

also got a platform to present themselves through our customized solutions for them.


Classic Moulds & Dies is 14 years old company in Moulds & Dies

Manufacturing Business.Classic Moulds & Dies is a firm believer in adopting

advanced technologies to produce quality tools.

Classic Moulds & Dies (CMD) specialized in:

 Plastic Moulds for

-Automobile industries

-Hangers (Garment industry)

 Press Tools

 Jigs & Fixtures

 Paver Brick Moulds

About us - Company Profile

PROMOTERS - Mr. D. Ravi & Mr. Y. Sundarsanarao

FACTORY AREA - 25000 Sq.ft


MAIN FACILITIES - CNC Milling Mechine -3 Nos

EDM Mechine -3 Nos

Wire EDM -1 Nos

CAD/CAM Software -2 Nos












MAIN PRODUCTS - Plastic Injection Moulds

 Press Tools
 Jigs & Fixtures
 Paver Brick Moulds

- Precision Machine Parts
 Sheet Metal Parts
 Plastic Parts
 Assemblies & Sub Assemblies

People are the greatest assets of Classic Moulds & Dies. The company is committed to

investing in each employee, taking them through the technological evolution, training

and upgrading them to perform their best.

List of Machines:
1. Makino S56 - VMC
2. YCM TV146A – VMC
3. YCM MV66A – VMC
4. Ecowin MIC 542 – CNC EDM
5. Ecowin MIC452 – PNC EDM
6. CNC - Lathe -Colchester
CNC - Milling - Makino
7. Electronica – Eurocut 734 - Wirecut
8. Hauser – Jig Grinding Machine
9. Hauser – Jig Boring Machine
10. Okamato Surface Grinding Machine
11. Proth Surface Grinding machine
12. GMT Surface Grinding Machine
13. HMT Milling Machine And having other supporting machines like Lathe, drilling
machines etc.,
Having Well-equipped Metrology facility. Classic Moulds and Dies understands the
clients' business needs. We have 75 % Indian Market and 25 % Overseas Market.



Table No: 1

Age of respondents

Age No. of respondents Percentage

20 – 30 30 30.0
31 – 45 45 45.0
46 & above 25 25.0
Total 100 100.0


The above table shows that majority of 45% of the respondents belongs to the

age group of 31 to 45 and 30% of the respondents lies between 20 to 30 age group. 25%

of the respondents fall from the age group of 46 and above. The study reveals that all the

respondents all age group level are well capable of assessing the quality of their work


Table No. 2

Experience of the respondents

Experience No. of Respondents Percentage

Below 1 year - -
1 – 5 years 19 19
5 – 10 years 24 24
Above 10 years 57 57
Total 100 100


The above table shows that majority of 57% of the respondents are with an

experience of more than 10 years and 24% are 5 to 10 years of experience. 19% of the

respondents are with 1-5 years experience. No respondent is less experienced. The study

reveals that all the respondents are well experienced, so they are well capable of

assessing the quality of their work life.

Table No – 3

Income level of the respondents

Income Level No. of Respondents Percentage

Below Rs. 5,000 - -
Rs. 5,000 – Rs.10,000 38 38
Rs. 10,000 – Rs.20,000 59 59
Above Rs. 20,000 3 3
Total 100 100


The above the table shows that as much as 82 per cent of the respondents are in

the higher income group of more than Rs. 10,000 income per month. Hence it can be

inferred that monetary benefits are not a constraint to assess the quality of work life, in

the study unit.

Table No – 4

Using skills and abilities to perform the job

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 46 46
Agree 51 51
Disagree 2 2
Strongly Disagree 1 1
Total 100 100


The above the table states that as much as 97% of workers in the study unit were

of the opinion that their job enables them to use their skills and abilities in full. Only 3%

of them disagreed to this point. Hence it can be inferred that the work in the study unit is

such that which allows almost all the workers to use their skill and ability in full.

Table No – 5

Equal treatment at work place

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 43 43

Agree 57 57

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

Total 100 100


The above the table shows that no harm is done to the self-respect of the workers

in the study unit. 43% of the respondents strongly agreed to the statement and 57% of the

respondents also opinioned that the workers are treated equally with respect at their

work places. Thus it can be concluded that the organization provides equal treatment at

work place.

Table No – 6

Conditions on my job allows me to be productive

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 46 46
Agree 51 51
Disagree 2 2
Strongly Disagree 1 1
Total 100 100


From the above table it can be understood that almost 97% all the workers in the

study unit either agree or even strongly agree that the conditions on their job allow them

to be productive. Only 3% of them were of negative opinion. Thus, it is clear that the

conditions on job are congenial to raise the productivity of the workers which is very

essential for both the management and workers to achieve their objectives of higher


Table No – 7

Opportunity to develop special abilities

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 25

Agree 63 63

Disagree 12 12

Strongly Disagree - -

Total 100 100


The above table states that 25% of the workers strongly agree to the point that

there are adequate opportunities to develop their own special abilities in the work place.

63% of the respondents agree to it only to some extent. Only 12% of the workers find no

such opportunities in the study unit. Hence, it can be inferred that the opportunities

available in the workplaces to develop the special abilities of the workers is satisfactory.

No doubt in the improvement of special abilities would definitely improve the quality of

work life in the study unit.

Table No – 8

Organisations provides enough guidance to get the job done

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 24 24

Agree 58 58

Disagree 17 17

Strongly Disgree 1 1

Total 100 100


The above table shows that 82% of the workers in the study unit are satisfied

with the guidance provided to them by the superiors/managers to get the work done

easily. 18% of the respondents disagreed to accept it. Hence, it con be inferred that

guidance to work, which is essential for the quality work life which is provide at the

work place in the study unit.

Table No – 9

Organization provides high quality tools and techniques to do the job

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 65 65

Agree 32 32

Disagree 3 3

Strongly Disagree - -

Total 100 100


As shown in the table, the opinion of the respondents as regard to the positive

factors of the high quality tools and techniques required to perform the job. 65% of the

respondents very strongly agree & with the provisions made to utilize quality tools and

techniques to perform the job, and 32% of the respondents also agree with then

statements, are hand only 3 per cent of the respondents are refused to accept it. Hence it

can be concluded that there is positive attitude towards the provisions of tools techniques.

Table No – 10

Opportunities for promotion are good

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 20 20

Agree 52 52

Disagree 27 27

Strongly Disagree 1 1

Total 100 100


As shown in the table, the opinion of the respondents as regard to the chances

for promotion is not appreciable compared to other determinants of quality of work life.

Only 72% of the respondents has agreed that the chances for promotion are good in the

study unit where as, as much as 28% of the workers refused it. Hence, it can be

concluded that the chances for promotion are not attractive among the workers even

though majority of them agree to it.

Table No – 11

The safety of workers is at high priority

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 59 59

No 41 41

Total 100 100


As pointed out in the table, 59% of the respondents opinioned that high priority

was assumed to safety at work place and other side of the coin reflects 41% of the

respondents disagreed . Hence, it can be concluded that the safety towards the employees

need to be concentrated highly to ensure safe and secured work life.

Table No – 12

Infrastructure facilities are Good

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 90 90

No 10 10

Total 100 100

If “Yes” which of the following do you like

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

First aid 7 7

Canteen 27 27

Lightening and ventilation 56 56

Others 10 10

Total 100 100


Above table shows that 56% of the respondents are satisfied with lightening

and ventilation facilities provided in the work place, followed by 27% satisfied with

canteen facilities and 7% of the respondents opinioned on first aid facilities, 10% of the

respondents opinioned on others includes drinking water, rest rooms etc.

Table No – 13

Fringe benefits are good in the organization

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 28 28

Agree 56 56

Disagree 15 15

Strongly Disagree 1 1

Total 100 100


As shown in above table 34% of the workers accept that the fringe benefits

offered to them are good and enough to their expectations. As much as 56% were of the

opinion that the fringe benefits are somewhat good, though not up to their expectations.

The remaining 16% were of the opinion that the fringe benefits offered in the study unit

are not at all up to their expectations. Hence it can be concluded that the fringe benefits

offered in the study unit, in general, are not up to the expectation of the workers.

Table No - 14

The supervisor is concerned about the welfare of the workers

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 25

Agree 45 45

Disagree 25 25

Strongly Disagree 5 5

Total 100 100


As the above table states that the attitude of the supervisor towards the welfare

of the workers is positive for 70% of the workers only. The remaining 30% were of the

opinion that the attitude of their supervisor was not in favor of their welfare. Thus the

attitude of the supervisors are not satisfactory and it is a hurdle in the assessment of the

quality of work life in the study unit.

Table No – 15

Job security

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 53 53

Agree 46 46

Disagree 1 1

Strongly Disagree - -

Total 100 100


The above table shows that 53% of the workers strongly feel that there is

security for their job and only one worker feel that there is no security for the job. Job

security is the vital factor to access the quality of the work life in any organization. Since

the job security in the study unit ensures that there are majority chances for good

performance and as a result the quality of work life are up to the expectation.

Table No – 16

Helping tendencies of supervisor

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 33 33.0

Agree 54 54

Disagree 11 11

Strongly Disagree 2 2

Total 100 100


From the above table, it can be understood that the helping tendency of the

supervisor is not up to the expectations of the respondents as only 33% of them strongly

accept that the supervisors are lending their helping hands always. 54% of the workers

are the view that the supervisor are helping at times are not always. The remaining 13%

are of the opinion that they are not at all helped by their supervisor. The helping

tendencies of the supervisors determine the quality of work life in any organization, it is

up to the required expectations level of the workers in the study unit.

Table No – 17

Training opportunities helped in terms of improving the quality of work

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 30 30

Agree 54 54

Disagree 15 15

Strongly Disagree 1 1

Total 100 100


The above the table states that only 30% of the workers strongly accept that

there are training opportunities in the study unit, which helps them to perform their job

safely and competently. 54% of the workers accept to some extent that the training

opportunities are available and helpful. The remaining 17% were of the opinion that they

had no such opportunities. Training is very essential for quality of work life in any

organization. The training opportunities offered in the study unit are up to the

expectations of the workers at present.

Table No – 18

Employees opinion about work stress

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Always 29 29

Often 64 64

Sometimes 6 6

Never 1 1

Total 100 100


The above table shows that except only one worker of all the 99 workers are of

the opinion that their work is stressful one. Among them, 29% of the workers opinioned

that the stress is always there in the work and a vast majority of 64% feels that they often

find their work stressful. Only 6% of the workers have stated that their work is stressful

sometimes and not always. Hence it can be inferred that the work is stressful one, which

if allowed uncontrolled will spoil the quality of work in the study unit.

Table No – 19

Employees opinion on work schedule

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

First Shift 65 65
Second Shift 4 4
Third Shift 0 0
General Shift 31 31
Total 100 100


From the table 69% of workers are satisfied with first shift, 31% of workers are

satisfied with general shift and 4% of the workers opinioned on second shift. Hence the

majority of the respondents accepts with their first shifts.

Table No – 21

Accepting suggestions by the supervisors

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 35 35

Agree 51 51

Disagree 12 12

Strongly Disagree 2 2

Total 100 100


Above the table 35% of the workers opinioned that their supervisors are

always accept their suggestions and get positive motivations from them. 58% state that

their supervisors accept their suggestions sometimes and not always. The remaining 14%

reveals that their supervisors never lend their ears to their suggestions. So, these workers

were motivated negatively by their supervisors. Though there is no need for the

supervisors to accept all the suggestions offered by the workers yet they shall not be

motivational exists in the study unit in the form of discarding the suggestions made by

the workers.

Table No – 22

Proud to be a part of CLASSIC MOULDS & DIES Ltd.

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 81 81

Agree 18 18

Disagree 1 1

Strongly Disagree - -

Total 100 100


The above table shows that except only one worker, all the 99% of the workers

are of the opinion that they are very proud to work in the study unit. Thus the image of

the study unit in the minds of the workers is very high, which is very essential for

improving the quality of work life in it.

Chi - Square –Test – I
Table – 23
Opinion about promotions and the experience of the workers.

Experience Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree Total
Level Agree Disagree
5 9 5 0 19
1 -5 years
(3.8) (9.9) (5.1) (0.2)
3 11 10 0
5 – 10 years 24
(4.8) (12.5) (6.5) (0.2)
12 32 12 1
>10 years 57
(11.4) (29.6) (15.4) (0.6)
Total 20 52 27 1 100


There is no significant relationship between the experience level of workers and their opinion

about promotions.

Degree of Freedom [d.f] = (r-1) (c-1)

= (4 -1) (3 – 1)

= 3*2 = 6

Significance level of 6 at 5%

Calculated value [C.V] = 4.944

Table value [T.V] = 12.592


Since the calculated value is less than the table value, the null hypothesis is

accepted. So it is proved that there is no significant relationship between the experience

level of workers and their opinion about promotions

Chi - Square –Test – II
Table – 24
Opinion about fringe benefits and income level of the workers.

Strongly Strongly
Income Level Agree Disagree Total
Agree Disagree
8 22 8 0
5000-10000 38
(10.6) (21.3) (5.7) (0.4)
20 32 6 1
10000-20000 59
(16.5) (33.0) (8.9) (0.6)
0 2 1 0
>20000 3
(0.8) (1.7) (0.5) (0.0)
Total 28 56 15 1 100


There is no significant relationship between the opinion of respondents with different

income level and their opinion on fringe benefits.

Degrees of Freedom[d.f] = (r-1) (c-1)

= (4 -1) (3 – 1)

= 3*2 = 6

Significance level of 6 at 5%

Calculated value [C.V] = 5.559

Table value [T.V] = 12.592


Since the calculated value is less than the table value, the null hypothesis is

accepted. So it is proved that there is no significant relationship between the opinion of

respondents with different income levels and their opinion on fringe benefits.

Chi – Square Test – III
Table – 25

Opinion about the opportunities provided in the organization to

develop the employees abilities and their equal treatment at work place.

Equal Treatment Strongly

Agree Disagree Total
at work place. Agree
25 14 4
Strongly Agree 43
(10.8) (27.1) (5.2)
0 49 8
Agree 57
(14.2) (35.9) (6.8)
Total 25 63 12 100


There is no significant relationship between the equal treatment of workers and their

opportunities to develop their own abilities in the organization.

Degrees of Freedom[d.f] = (r-1) (c-1)

= (3 -1) (2 – 1)

= 2*1 = 2

Significance level of 2 at 5%

Calculated value [C.V] = 44.694

Table value [T.V] = 5.991


Since the calculated value is higher than the table value, the null hypothesis is

rejected. So it is proved that there is significant relationship between the equal treatment

of workers and their opportunities to develop their own abilities in the organization.

Chi – Square Test –IV
Table – 26

Opinion about the Employees Priority to Safety and Their

Acceptance of Suggestions by their Superiors.

Employees opinion Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree Total
prior to safety Agree Disagree
16 33 8 2
Yes 59
(20.7) (30.1) (8) (2)
19 18 4 0
No 41
(14.4) (20.9) (4.9) (0.8)
Total 35 51 12 2 100


There is no significant relationship between the employee’s opinion on priority to safety and

their acceptance of suggestion by their superior.

Degrees of Freedom[d.f] = (r-1) (c-1)

= (4 -1) (2 – 1)

= 3*1 = 3

Significance level of 3 at 5%

Calculated value [C.V] = 4.922

Table value [T.V] = 7.815


Since the calculated value is lesser than the table value, the null hypothesis is

accepted. So it is proved that there is no significant relationship between the employee’s

opinion on priority to safety and their acceptance of suggestion by their superior.

Weighted Average Method:
Table – 27

Employee’s perception on motivational insights

Rank (1-5)
Insights Total
5 4 3 2 1
Interest in work 28 26 26 14 6 100
Recognition 34 24 1 16 16 100
Award and Rewards 9 22 23 24 22 100
Compensation 10 12 20 17 41 100
Friendly Co-workers 19 16 21 29 15 100

Weighted average method = (X1W1 + X2W2 + X3W3 + --------)/N

a. Interest work = (28*5 + 26*4 + 26*3 + 14*2 + 6*1)/N

= (140 + 104 + 78 + 28 + 6)/100

= 356/100 = 3.56

b. Recognition = (34*5 + 24*4 + 10*3 + 16*2 + 16*1)/N

= (170 + 96 + 30 + 32 + 16)/100

= 344/100 = 3.44
c. Awards &
Rewards = (9*5 + 22*4 + 23*3 + 24*2 + 22*1)/N

= (45 + 88 + 69 + 48 + 22)/100

= 272/100 = 2.72

d. Compensation = (10*5 + 12*4 + 20*3 + 17*2 + 14*1)/100

= (50 + 48 + 60 + 34 + 41)/100

= 233/100 = 2.33
e. Friendly
Co-workers = (19*5 + 16*4 + 21*3 + 39*2 + 15*1)/100

= (95 + 64 + 63 + 58 + 15)/100

= 295/100 = 2.95

Rank Weighted Average Score

Rank Weighted Average Attributes

I 3.56 Interest in work

II 3.44 Recognition

III 2.95 Friendly Co-workers

VI 2.72 Awards and Rewards

V 2.33 Compensation


From the table it is clear that among the motivational insights factors interest in

work ranks the top with 356 points resulting an average of 3.56 followed by recognition

with 344 points weighing an average of 3.44. It reveals that both the management and

the workers are in mutual understanding as the interest in the work ranks high and the

recognition of the workers ability and skill by the management is also at high level.

The motivational factors like awards and rewards, compensation and

friendliness with co-workers rank less than the general average of 3. It envisages that the

management needs concentration on awarding rewards and in paying compensation

where as the workers shall develop friendliness with their co-workers to make the work

life a quality one.



The following findings were observed:

 From the table 1, it is inferred that majority of 45% of the respondents belongs

to the age group of 31 to 45 and 30% of the respondents lies between 20 to 30

age group. 25% of the respondents fall from the age group of 46 and above.

 From the table 2, it is inferred that majority of 57% of the respondents are with an

experience of more than 10 years and 24% are 5 to 10 years of experience. 19%

of the respondents are with 1-5 years experience. No respondent is less


 From the table 3, it is inferred that as much as 82 per cent of the respondents are

in the higher income group of more than Rs. 10,000 income per month.

 From the table 4, it is inferred that as much as 97% of workers in the study unit

were of the opinion that their job enables them to use their skills and abilities in

full. Only 3% of them disagreed to this point.

 From the table 5, shows that no harm is done to the self-respect of the workers in

the study unit. 43% of the respondents strongly agreed to the statement and 57%

of the respondents also opinioned that the workers are treated equally with respect

at their work places.

 From the table 6, it is inferred that almost 97% all the workers in the study unit

either agree or even strongly agree that the conditions on their job allow them to

be productive. Only 3% of them were of negative opinion.

 From the table 7, it is inferred that 25% of the workers strongly agree to the point

that there are adequate opportunities to develop their own special abilities in the

work place. 63% of the respondents agree to it only to some extent. Only 12%

of the workers find no such opportunities in the study unit.

 From the table 8, it is inferred that 82% of the workers in the study unit are

satisfied with the guidance provided to them by the superiors/managers to get the

work done easily. 18% of the respondents disagreed to accept it.

 From the table 9, it is inferred that the opinion of the respondents as regard to the

positive factors of the high quality tools and techniques required performing to do

the job. 65% of the respondents very strongly agree & with the provisions made

to utilize quality tools and techniques to perform the job, and 32% of the

respondents also agree with the statements, and only 3% of the respondents are

refused to accept it.

 From the table 10, it is inferred that the opinion of the respondents as regard to

the chances for promotion is not appreciable compared to other determinants of

quality of work life. Only 72% of the respondents have agreed that the chances

for promotion are good in the study unit where as, as much as 28% of the workers

refused it.

 From the table 11, it is inferred that 59% of the respondents opinioned that high

priority was assumed to safety at work place and other side of the coin reflects

41% of the respondents disagreed.

 From table 12, it is inferred that 56% of the respondents are satisfied with

lightening and ventilation facilities provided in the work place, followed by 27%

satisfied with canteen facilities and 7% of the respondents opinioned on first aid

facilities, 10% of the respondents opinioned on others includes drinking water,

rest rooms etc.

 From the table 13, it is inferred that 34% of the workers accept that the fringe

benefits offered to them are good and enough to their expectations. As much as

56% were of the opinion that the fringe benefits are somewhat good, though not

up to their expectations. The remaining 16% were of the opinion that the fringe

benefits offered in the study unit are up to their expectations.

 From the table 14, it is inferred that the attitude of the supervisor towards the

welfare of the workers is positive for 70% of the workers only. The remaining

30% were of the opinion that the attitude of their supervisor was not in favor of

their welfare.

 From the table 15, it is inferred that 53% of the workers strongly feel that there is

security for their job and only one worker feel that there is no security for the job.

 From the table 16, it is inferred that the helping tendency of the supervisor is not

up to the expectations of the respondents as only 33% of them strongly accept that

the supervisors are lending their helping hands always. 54% of the workers are the

view that the supervisor are helping at times are not always. The remaining 13%

are of the opinion that they are not at all helped by their supervisor.

 From the table 17, it is inferred that only 30% of the workers strongly accept that

there are training opportunities in the study unit, which helps them to perform

their job safely and competently. 54% of the workers accept to some extent that

the training opportunities are available and helpful. The remaining 17% were of

the opinion that they had no such opportunities.

 From the table 18, it is inferred that except only one worker of all the 99 workers

are of the opinion that their work is stressful one. Among them, 29% of the

workers opinioned that the stress is always there in the work and a vast majority

of 64% feel that they often find their work stressful. Only 6% of the workers have

stated that their work is stressful sometimes and not always.

 From the table 19, it is inferred that 69% of workers are satisfied with first shift,

31% of workers are satisfied with general shift and 4% of the workers opinioned

on second shift.

 From the table 20, it is inferred that 35% of the workers opinioned that their

supervisors are always accept their suggestions and get positive motivations from

them. 58% state that their supervisors accept their suggestions sometimes and not

always. The remaining 14% reveals that their supervisors never lend their ears to

their suggestions. So, these workers were motivated negatively by their


 From the table 21, it is inferred that shows that except only one worker, all the

99% of the workers are of the opinion that they are very proud to work in the

study unit. Thus the image of the study unit in the minds of the workers is very

high, which is very essential for improving the quality of work life in it.


 The employees of CLASSIC MOULDS & DIES Ltd.,

expecting the following from the company.

i. Improvement in rewarding and awarding policies.

ii. Introduction of Promotion policy at operation level

 Employees need high motivation from the top management of

the company.

 Employees needs more compensation from the company

 Employees expects mutual relationship between co-workers

 Employee’s needs special training from the company related to

their job during working period.

 Employees expects the quality of work to be measured

periodically be the company


From the study, it is clear that quality of work life of employees in CLASSIC

MOULDS & DIES Ltd., is good. This research highlights some of the small gaps in

employee’s satisfaction towards the company.

Compared to other companies believe in employee’s satisfaction and brilliant

productivity hours. Quality mission includes not only the quality of the products but

also the Quality of Work Life.

CLASSIC MOULDS & DIES Ltd aims to promote the peaceful industrial

relations and good organization which is highlighted by management and the


Since employees are the backbone of the company. So company should satisfy

them in order to improve the business in the higher competitive market of the

liberalized economy.



1. K. Aswathappa (1997), “Human Resources and

Personal Management” Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,

New Delhi – 110 001.

2. John M. Ivancevich (2003), “Human Resources and

Personal Management” Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,

New Delhi – 110 001.

3. C. R. Kothari (2001) “Research Methodology” of

Wishwa Prakashan Publishing, Chennai – 17, Edition

4. C. B. Mamoria and S. V. Gankar (2001), “Personnel

Management Text & Cases”, Himalaya Publishing house Mumbai, XXI


5. R.S.N. Pillai and V. Bhagavathi (1998), “Statistics”

of Sultan Chand and sons, New Delhi, pp. 132-141, II Edition.

6. Biswaject pattanayak (2001), “Human Resources and

Personal Management” Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd. New Delhi.



Respected Sir/Madam,

I Rakesh K.N doing my M.B.A. (H.R.M), Pondicherry University, have

undertaken a project study on “Quality of Work Life” on your esteemed organizational.
I would be grateful if you would kindly make it convenient to spare our valuable
time for filling up the below furnished questionnaire for me. I promise that the data
collected through this questionnaire shall be kept confidential and will be used for
academic purpose only.

1. Personal Details


AGE : 20 TO 30

: 31 TO 45





<1 year 1-5 years

5-10 years 10 years
<5000 5000-10000
10000-20000 >20000
2. The Job allows me to use my skills and abilities to the maximum level

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

3. I am treated with respect in the work place

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

4. Conditions tin the job allows me to be productive

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

5. The organization provides an opportunity to develop my own abilities

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

6. The organization provides enough instruction to get the job done

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

7. The organization is providing a high quality tools and techniques to do the job

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

8. The opportunity for promotions are good

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

9. The safety of workers is at high priority

Yes No

10. Does the infrastructure facilities is good

Yes No

If, yes which of the following do you like

First aid Canteen

Lightening arid Ventilation Others

11. Fringe benefits are good in the organization

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

12. The supervisor is concerned about the welfare activities of the employees

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

13. The job is secured

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

14. The supervisor is helpful to me in getting the job done

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

15. The training opportunities has really helped in improving the quality of work.

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

16. How often do you find work stressful?

 Always

 Often

 Sometimes

 Never

17. Which of the following best describes your usual work schedule?

 First Shift

 Second Shift

 Third Shift

 General Shift

18. Rank the following motivational insights:

Insights Rank (1-5)

1 Interesting work
2 Recognition
3 Awards & Rewards
4 Compensation
5 Friendly co - workers

19. The suggestions give by me are always accepted and motivated by the superior

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

20. I am proud to be a part of CLASSIC MOULDS & DIES LTD

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

21. Your valuable suggestion to improve QWL _____________________________


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