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WAR DEPARTMENT BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL 30 MAY 1944 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 ae e an Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force the training dab you have received in the past months and years has hardened your resolve, given you few> insights in how to fight and provided you the strength to not only gain victory by yourself but to grasp it from the enemy with the help of your brothers in arms. oe This training manual has been produced with the express purpose of providing all tants With the tools to succeed in the battles that lie ahead. To this end this manual ive details on the weapons and vehicles you may encounter along with how best fo use each of them. Furthermore it will provide tactical guidances for battlefield situations so that commanders may refresh their minds during Tulls in the fighting. Remember that this great endeavor is one of many nations often with their own uniforms, ranks and combat customs. To help each soldier identify friend from foe in the chaos of battle this book will show examples of each nation fighting along with regimental and. unit variations. Your individual efforts will ensure that you are a formidable foe in combat, but only united can we ensure total victory in Europe, God Bless You All, ALLIED STRATEGIC COMMAND ETO BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 2.0 Contents Index 1.0 Index 2.0 21 Index 3.0 31 oo Index 4.0 4.1 42 Index 5.0 3.1 52 Index 6.0 61 62 Index 7.0 1 12 13 14 a5) 1.6 Gee 18 19 Index 8.0 8.1 82 83 84 85 Index 9.0 9.1 Index 10.0 Vehicle Information - American Vehicles - M3 Halftrack Introduction letter to the Darkest Hour List of Contents List of Contents . Darkest Hour General Install Guide Darkest Hour Server Install Guide Darkest Hour SDK Install Guide Unit Information - American Units - U.S Airborne Unit Information - American Units - U.S Tank Division Unit Information - American Units - U.S Infantry Unit Information - German Units - German Infantry Unit Information - German Uni - Fallschirmjager Unit Information - German Units - German Panzer Divisions Unit Information - British Commonwealth Units - British Infantry Unit Information - British Commonwealth Units - Parachute Regiment Unit Information - British Commonwealth Units - Armoured Corps Weapon Information - American Weapons - M1 Garand Weapon Information - American Weapons - M1 Carbine Weapon Information - American Weapons - Thompson Sub Machine Gun Weapon Information - American Weapons - Browning Automatic Rifle Weapon Information - American Weapons - M3 Grease Gun Weapon Information - American Weapons - .30cal Machine Gun Weapon Information - American Weapons - Springfield Sniper Rifle Weapon Information - American Weapons - Colt.45 Pistol Weapon Information - American Weapons - MI Bazooka Weapon Information - American Weapons - Mk Il Grenade Weapon Information - British Weapons - No.4 Lee Enfield Rifle Weapon Information - British Weapons - No.2 Enfield Pistol Weapon Information - British Weapons - PIAT Anti Tank Weapon Weapon Information - British Weapons - Sten Sub Machine Gun Weapon Information - British Weapons - Bren Light Machine Gun Weapon Information - British Weapons - Mills Bomb Weapon Information --German Weapons - Fallschirmjagergewehr 42 Weapon Information - German Weapons - PanzerSchrek 10.1 Vehicle Information - American Vehicles - M4 Sherman. 10.2 Vehicle Information - American Vehicles - M5 Stuart 10.3 Vehicle Information - American Vehicles - M10 Wolverine r Index of Contents i$ Continued on the next page. ALLLWORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES 4ND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THF ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 208 Page | Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 \ Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page II Page 12 Page [3 “Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 18 Page 18 Page 19 Page 19 Page 20 Page 20 Page 21 Page 21 Page 22 Page 22 Page 23 Page 23 Page 24 Page 24 Page 25 Page 25 Page 26 Page 26 Page 2 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 2.1 Contents Continued 10.4 Vehicle Information - American Vehicles - C53 SkyTrooper 10.5 Vehicle Information - American Vehicles - Higgins Boat 10.6 Vehicle Information - American Vehicles - 57mm Anti Tank Gun Index 11.0 Vehicle Information - British Vehicles - M10 Achilles 11.1 Vehicle information - British Vehicles - M5 Stuart 11.2 Vehicle Information - British Vehicles ~ M3 Halftrack 11.3 Vehicle Information - British Vehicles - Sherman VC Firefly 11.4 Vehicle Information - British Vehicles - M4 Sherman 11.5 Vehicle Information - British Vehicles - Horsa Glider 11.6 Vehicle Information - British Vehicles - Bren/Universal Carrier Index 12.0 Vehicle Information - German Vehicles - Opel Blitz 12.1 Vehicle Information - German Vehicles - Pak 43, 12.2 Vehicle Information - German Vehicles - 88mm Anti Tank Artillery Index 13.0 Map Information - Cagny 13.1 Map Information - Carentan Causeway 13.2 Map Information - Brecourt 13.3 Map Information - Hedgerow Hell 13.4 Map Information - Le Ville Ruinee 13.5 Map Information - Benouville Bridge 13.6 Map Information - Wacht Am Rhein 13.7 Map Information - Merville Battery 13.8 Map Information - Port En Bessin 13.9 Map Information - Omaha Beach: Dog Green Sector 13.10Map Information - City of St Lo Index 14.0 Darkest Hour Credits 14.1 Darkest Hour Thanks io > ALLWORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION. ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THF ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 208 Page 27 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 29 Page 30 Page 30 Page 31 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 33 Page 34 ~ Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45, Page 46 Page 47 Page 3 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 DARKEST HOUR INSTALL GUIDES How Do 1 Install the Darkest Hour Modification? Firstly make sure you have both Steam program and the Red Orchestra: Ostfront game installed on your computer. Both Steam and Red Orchestra are required to be fully up to date in order for the Darkest Hour Modification to work. This game will not work with the original Red Orchestra Modification for Unreal Tournament 2004, Half-Life 2 or any other source based games. Next you will need to download the Darkest Hour client file from a trusted source. Once you liave downloaded the file extract the installer from the .rar. To extract the installer double click on the .rar file and drag the installer from the .rar window that appears onto your desktop or other location on your computer. (please note you will need a program like winrar to do this. The winrar program can be lownloaded for free at www.rarsoft.com ) From here double click on the Darkest Hour installer, which should be a .exe file. This Will start the Darkest Hour install and will bring up a series of options, make sure when you choose to install Darkest Hour you select the install location as your Red Orchestra Tolder which is located in your Steam folder. C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\commonired orchestra (Please note your original install directory for Steam and Red Orchestra might be different than the example provided.) | By following these simple instructions you should be able to browse to your Red. Orchestra folder and see.a new folder contained within it called Darkest Hour. If you can not see this folder, Darkest Hour does not appear in your steam games list, you can ot connect to servers or you have miss match errors please check in your Red Orchestra folder for Darkest Hour files that may have gone astray during your install. If this fails, to work you may have installed Darkest Hour to the wrong directory entirely so please try to install again Full support for intallatjon issues can be found by postin a support ticketat the Darkest Hour forums which cab be found on our website www.darkesthourgame.com | How Do | Play Darkest Hour? ‘Once you have suecessfuly installed the Darkest Hour Mod start or restart your Steam application, Navigate to your games list within Steam and double click on the Darkest Hour icon ihat appears. Once the game has launched feel free to change your options (including player name) in the config menu. You can play Darkest Hour either in practice mode against bots or against other players online. To join a Darkest Hour server navigate to the multiplayer menu located on the main menu screen. Along the top of the multiplayer menu screen you will see a list of options, on internet, Please wait a moment while your Steami server browser updates your list. ‘Also note if you have custom filters on for your Red Orchestra server browser please turn these off or io Darkest Hour servers will sliow on your list, Once the servers are showing select one from the list and double left click to jot. For abelter playing experience and to prevent lag choose a server that is located nearest you. * ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES I COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS. THIS DOC. LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITIQUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES COPYRIGHT 2005 Paget BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 DARKEST HOUR INSTALL GUIDES Darkest Hour Server Installation Instructions Download the Darkest Hour server files and extract them. Add the Darkest Hour folder to your server's Red Orchestra Folder. Next edit the darkesthour. ini server file, with your custom settings server name, admin name, server password if needed, and the section for setting up the web admin and then save Ifyou have access to your command line to start your server change it to resemble this, adding your server ip where appropriate, (Please note if you do not have access 10 your server command line ask your server provider to change it for you.) Example Commandline: uce server DH-Brecourt.rom?game=Darkest our. DarkestHourGame?MaxPlayers=32 - i~DarkestHour.ini multihome=(XXXXXX Your IPXXXX) port=7757 log=Xxxxx.log, -nohomedir -mod=darkesthour © + Sill ALLWORK DISPLAY \GES 1 COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION, ALL ASSES ON THESE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS. THIS DOC [UMENT SHOULD NOT BEREPRODLICED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM HOT OF THESE PARTIES. COPYRIGHT 2008 a Page $ BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 DARKEST HOUR SDK INSTALL GUIDE, How Do I Install the Darkest Hour SDK? To install the Darkest Hour SDK, follow these instructions below. Ifyou have the Red Orchestra Editor already Installed please follow Instruction 1. Ifyou have not installed the Red Orchestra Editor please follow Instruction 2 Instruction One Ifyou do not have a desktop Icon for Red Orchestra create one. Next right click on the icon and open it's Properties. In the Target Line you will need to add the following to the end of the Target Line making sure you add a Space after the (-applaunch 1220): -mod="darkesthour” So for example you should end up with the following: "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 1200 -mod="darkesthour" ‘Your Darkest Hour SDK should now be setup and you should be able to run the Darkest Hour Editor. If you have any problems please open a support ticket detailing. your problem in our forums that be can found oh our wesbite www.darkesthourgame.com, Instruction Two pen Steam and navigate o the tools meny. Next choose and install the Red Orchestra K from the list. The installation of the Red Orchestra may take some time as it has to create extra files inside your Red Orchestra folder. Qnee this is complete navigate to the Red Orchestra Folder and go to the system folder find the icon called ROed and right click and create a shortcut on your desktop. Next right olick on the icon and open it's Properties, In the Target Line you will need to add the following to the end of the Target Line making sure you add a space alter the ‘Capplaunch 1240); -mod="darkesthour" So for example you should end up with the following: "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 1200 -mod="darkesthour" Your SDK should now be setup and you should be able to run the Darkest Hour Editor, f you have any problems please open a support ticket detailing your problem in our forums that be can found on our wesbite www.darkesthourgame.com - = ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION. ALL. ASSPTS ON THESE PAGES ARF THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 2008 Page 6 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANU FRANCE 1944 Index 4.0 Unit In During World War II the S0th Parachute Infantry Regiment (506th PIR) was a regiment of the 101st Airborne Division of the united States Army. The regiment was initially formed at Camp Toccoa, georgia in 1942 where it eared it’s nickname ‘Currahees’, afier the Currahee Mountain located inside the boundaries of the camp. The Cherokee word, which translates fo 'Stands Alone’ also became the unit's motto. The 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment originated in July 1941 as the 502nd Parachute battalion an experimental unit formed to test the doctrine and tacties of parachute assault. on 2nd March 1942 the unit was re-designated as the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. the Ist battalion 502nd Infantry Regiment was activated on Ist july 1941 at Fort Benning, Georgia and joined the 10st Airborne Di August 1942. ‘The 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army is an elite airborne infantry division and was constituted in the National Army as the 82nd Division on March Sth 1917. Since members of the division came from all 48 States the unit was given the nickname ‘All American’. This is the basis for it's famed 'AA’ shoulder patch Information he maps in which you are able to select the U.S [Airborne are: Brecourt (see page 37 for further information) Carentan Causeway (sce pase 36 for further information St Mere Eglise notin stem one) The equipment that can be used by the US Airborne are; MI Garand (se page 16 for fhe information) MI Carbine (see pe 16 fr fuer information) Thompson Sub Machine Gun (se page 17 fr furs information) Browning Automatic Rifle (ce pase 17 for futher information) .30cal Machine Gun (se page 18 for fuer information) Colt.45 Pistol (se pags 19 for ter iformaton) MB Grease Gun (se pase 18 foe further nfornation) MI Bazooka (xe page 20 for futher infonstion) Springfield Sniper Rifle («e pase 19 fr furs information) MI Grenade (se pags 20 for turer infotction) Smoke Grenade The vehicles that can be driven or used by the U.S Airborne are; M3 Halftrack «se pve 2 fr fre intormation C53 SkyTrooper (seepage 27 fr Sather infomation) 57mm Anti Tank Gun (ee pgs 28 for fre nfrmation) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 4.1 Unit Information - U.S Tank Division Description and History By June 1944 the US Army had created and equipped a number of tank divisions. While a few had cut their teeth fighting in North Africa and Italy the majority were untested in battle. Having to rely on tanks often significantly weaker than those of the enemy the US tank divisions in Normandy served with courage and distinction, The backbone of the US tank divisions was the medium M4 Sherman tank. This was combined with light tanks like the MS Stuart and tank destroyers like the M10 Wolverine to form a cohesive and efficient fighting unit.US tankers were usually equipped with boots and zip up high collar jackets unlike their infantry counterparts. This along with the fact that many wore the dome like tanker helmet meant that even when not in or faround tanks they were easy to tell from other units. The tank isions in Normandy were also the only US unit to adopt the ETO during the Second World War. This Iwas issued and then quickly withdrawn after several friendly Hire incidents in which US troops wearing the camouflage Iwere mistaken for SS formations. Gameplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the U.S Tank Division are: Hedgerow Hell (xe pase 3 fr futher inforaion) Wacht Am Rhein (sc page 4 for further information) Omaha Beach: Dog Green (sc page 4 for frie information The equipment that can be used by the U.S Tank Di ares Colt.45 Pistol (se pgs 19 fr futher information) MG Grease Gun (se page 18 fr frthsrinforion) The vehicles that can be driven or used by the U.S Tank Division are; M3 Halftrack (se pa 25 or Suber infomation) M4 Sherman (se pae25 tor futher information’) MS Stuart (ae page 26 for further intermation) M10 Wolverine (os page 25 foe futher infomation) Higgins Boat (we page27 fo fut intonation) 57mm Anti Tank Gun (ee page 28 for fuer infomation) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 8 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 4.2 Unit Information - U.S Infantry Description and History The US G.l, infantryman is clothed in what is perhaps the most recognised and iconic uniform of the fighting men of World War 2. Upon entering the war in 1941 the United States began to build up a large conscript army. The uniform worn during the Normandy campaign was a combination of pre-war and newly designed uniform pieces. The most notable of these is the MI helmet which more than anything else made the U.S Gil. distinct from any other fighting nation. During the Normandy campaign many U.S army units proved instrumental in taking key points and foreing the Axis powers into retreat and in-doing so the G.I. became the soldier most associated with the liberation of France, Gameplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the U.S Infantry are; Omaha Beach: Dog Green (se page 4 or fuser infomation) Hedgerow Hell (se page City OF St Lo (ae page 45 for fiat information) 8 for further information) ‘The equipment that can be used by the U.S Infantry are; MI Garand (sc poe 16 fr turer information) MI Carbine (oe page 16 fr fut ntrmaion) Thompson Sub Machine Gun (se page 17 fr further information) Browning Automatic Rifle ce page 17 fr Sater information) 30cal Machine Gun (sc pa 18 or father information) Colt.45 Pistol (se pate 19 for futher information) MB Grease Gun (sce page 18 for further information M1 Bazooka (see page 20 for further information) Springfield Sniper Rifle (ce pase 19 for fhe infrnaiom) M1 Grenade (see pase 20 for further information) Smoke Grenade The vehicles that can be driven or used by the U.S Infantry are; MB Halftrack (sce page 25 tor further information) Higgins boat (se page 2 or further infamaton) 57mm Anti Tank Gun (sce page 28 for further information) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 9 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 5.0 Unit information - German infant?) SOME ae cee ee een Description and History : The Heer was the land forces component of the German larmed forces a total of about 15 million soldiers served in the German Army, of which about three million perished. The half-dozen infantry divisions with which Friedrich Dollmann Iwas to defend Normandy consisted mostly of second-rate, poorly equipped troops. The best German divisions in Fran had been allotted to defend the Pas de Calais sector, which seemed a more likely site for the Allies to invade. German tank commander Leo Geyr yon Schweppenburg had been fable to rush three panzer divisions northward to defend Caen against British and Canadian forces. These over stretched lunits were unable to stop the Allied landings on D-Day, While stronger Heer units were bought in after June 6th their initial weakness on D-Day was exploited by the Allies for maximum gain. This is not to say however that all infantry in Normandy was of inferior quality many SS units and some lexperienced and well trained Heer units were active early in the campaign and caused the Allies significant problems. Despite these weaknesses it has often been said that the Germany Army (Wehrmacht Heer) was man for man the best land most professional army of the Second World War, their tenacity and fighting spirit even against insurmountable odds lends significant weight to this argument and whenever engaged in combat they always proved to be a formidable foe. Gameplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the German Infantry are; Port En Bessin (Kriegsmarine) (ec page 43 for further information) Merville Battery (se pose 42 for father inrmation) City of St Lo ie pae 4 fo futar information) Benouville Bridge (se page 40 for futher information) Brecourt (Artillery Crew) sc pve 37 fr fhe information) Hedgerow Hell (SS) (xe pase 8 fo utr infomation) Le Ville Ruinee (SS) (ce page 39 fr further information) The equipment that can be used by the German Infantry are: k98 Rifle G43 Semi-Automatic Rifle k98 Sniper Rifle G43 Sniper Rifle MP40 SMG Luger Pistol Walther Pistol STG44 MG42 Panzerschreck (se page 24 for further information) Panzerfaust Model 24 Grenade MG34 The vehicles that can be driven or used by the Britis Infantry are; Half Track (Schiitzenpanzerwagen 2511/1) Pak 40 Pak 43 (ace page 9 for futher information) 88mm Anti Tank Artillery (xe page 34 for further information) Opel Blitz (x page 33 fr futher information) ALL.WORK DISP.AVED ON THESE PAGES I COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIEICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 10 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 5.1 Unit Information - German Fallschirmjager Description and History During World War Il, the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) raised a variety of airborne light infantry (Fallschirmjager) units, Unlike the United Kingdom, the British Commonwealth, and the USA, the German paratroopers were part of the German Air Force rather than the German Army. (Wehrmacht Heer). Starting from a small collection of Fallschirmjager battalions at the beginning of the war, the Luftwaffe built up a division-sized unit of three Fallschirmjaiger regiments plus supporting arms and air assets, known as the 7th Flieger Division (7th Air Division), After mid-1944, Fallschirmjager were no longer trained as paratroops duc to the realities of the strategic situation, but retained the Fallschirmjiiger honorific. Near the end of the the series of new Fallschirmjiger divisions extended to over a dozen, with a concomitant reduction in quality in the higher-numbered units of the series, Among these divisions the 9th Fallschirmjéiger Division, which was the final parachute division to he raised by Germany during World War Il. The division was destroyed during the Battle of Berlin in April 1945. Along with the SS the Fallschirmjiiger were considered to be the top units in the German armed forces. In Normandy they caused heavy casualties and were both feared and respected eaming the nickname Devils.” Gameplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the German Fallschirmjiger are: Brecourt (ace page 3 for further information) Carentan Causeway (sce page 36 for fuer information) The equipment that can be used by the German Fallschirmjtiger are: k98 Rifle G43 Semi-Automatic Rifle k98 Sniper Rifle G43 Sniper Rifle MP40 SMG Luger Pistol Walther Pistol STG44 MG42 Panzerschreck (sc pag 4 for further infomation) Panzerfaust Model 24 Grenade MG34 Fallschirmjtigergewehr 42 (se page 24 fr fuser information) The vehicles that can be driven or used by the German Fallschirmjager are: Half Track (Schiitzenpanzerwagen Opel Blitz (ace pag 3 for further infomation) Pak 40 Pak 43 (oe pays 39 for farther information) Flak 88 cae pape 3 for further information) A) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page It BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 5.2 Unit Information - German Panzer Divisions Description and History ‘The German panzer divisions were the main building blocks of the German successes in the Blitzkrieg operations in the early years of the war. They were organized in a way, that they could operate relatively independent from other units. As opposed to most other armies in the era, that had usually organized their tanks in "tank brigades" which always needed infantry and artillery support, the panzer divisions had their support units organic in themselves, which led to an automatic change in military doctrine: rather than seeing tanks as a unit to support operations by other units, the tanks became the main focus of attention, with other units supporting them.The amount of tanks’ was comparatively small, but all other units in the panzer division had motorization (trucks. halfiracks. specialized combat ve- hicles) to match the speed of the tanks. These divisions usually consisted of one tank regiment, two motorized infantry regiments (including one mechanized battalion), an artillery regiment with self-propelled howitzers, and several upport baitalions (reconnaissance, anti-tank, anti-aircraft, engineers, etc).Both the Wehrmacht Heer and the Waffen-SS. cluded panzer divisions in their structure. By the Normandy invasion the Panzer divisions were armed with several formidable tanks including the Panther and Tiger. While not enough to tum the tide of the war these tanks and the men who crewed them exacted a heavy toll on the Allied armies during the liberation of France. Gameplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the German Panzer Divisions are; Le Ville Ruimee (sce pase 39 fr futher information) Wacht Am Rhein (seepage 41 for fut Cagny (se page 3 fr further infomation) Hedgerow Hell cee pas 3 fr further nfm} J information) ‘The equipment that can be used by the German Panzer Di ions are; MP40 SMG. Luger Pistol Walther Pistol he vehi Pa s that can be driven or used by the German nzer Divisions are; Half Track (Schiitzenpanzerwagen 25 1/1) Panzer IIT Panzer IV Panther Tiger Opel Blitz cee page 39 fr Fre inrmin) Flak 88 (see page 34 for further information) Pak 43 (oe page 39 for futher information Pak 40 * Stug (Variants) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 12 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Qe we Rar Sack be we A f Description and History iN Pi In 1939, the Second World War broke out with the German invasion of Poland. British assurances to the Polish led the British Empire to declare war on Germany, An Expeditionary Force was sent to France, only to be hastily evacuated as the German forces swept through the Low Countries and across France in 1940. Only the Dunkirk evacuations saved the entire Expeditionary Force from capture. Later, however the British would have success defeating the Italians and Germans at the Battle of El Alamein in North Africa, and in the D-Day invasions of Normandy with the help of the American, Canadian and Australian fi s. In the Far East, the British Army battled the Japanese in Burma, World War Il saw the British Army develop it's Commando units including the Parachute Regiment and Special Air Service. The British 1937 and 1940 pattern uniforms along with the Mk II helmet gave the British Commonwealth forces their distinctive look. The 'Tommy' uniform was widely regarded as one of the ugliest by the other nations who fought in the Second World War. The uniform however was cheap, adaptable and easy to manufacture. The Mk Ill helmet continued the cheap. efficient but unattractive designs of the proceeding British uniforms offering the soldier increased protection. Both types of helmet remained in service until the end of the war. As there were huge numbers and locations in which the British uniform were produced the colour often varied from mid brown to green. meplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the British Infantry are; Le Ville Ruinee (sce page 39 for further formation) Port En Bessin (1 page 43 fr fut information) The equipment that can be used by the British Infantry are; No.4 Lee Enfield Rifle (see paze21 for futher information) No.2 Enfield Pistol (sce pave 21 for further information) Piat Anti-Tank Weapon (see page 22 for further information) Sten Sub-Machine Gun (see page 22 for further information) Bren Light Machine Gun (see page 23 for further infomation) The vehicles that can be driven or used by the British Infantry are; M3 Halftrack (see pags 30 for further information) Bren) versal Carrier (sxe page 32 for furshee information) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page if BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 6.1 Unit Information - British Parachute Regiment Description and History The British Parachute Regiment has it's origins in the elite force set up by the British Army at the reguest of Winston Churchill. Britain was inspired in the creation of airborne forces including the Parachute Regiment. Air Landing Regiments and the Glider Pilot Regiment) by the example of the German Luftwaffe's Fallschirmjager. There were many seperate airborne operations during Operation Overlord on D-Day (June 6th 1944) but broadly the task of the airborne forces was to secure the flanks of the landing beaches in Normandy. The British secured the Eastern flank in Operation ‘Tonga. There were other operations designed to take the specific hardened targets notably the guns of the Merville gun battery. Buried under 12ft-thick concrete, the four 105 mm guns, just miles from the beaches of Sword, Juno and Gold, had the capability to engage warships out at sea and sink landing craft heading for the beaches. The task of putting them out of action fell to the 9th Parachute Regiment Brigade which they suecessded in doing for 36 hours by killing all but a handful of the German gunners. Gameplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the British Parachute Regiment are; Benouville Bridge (oe ge 40 for futher information) Merville Battery (se pao 2 for turer nfxmaton) The equipment that can be used by the British Parachute Regiment are; No Lee Enfield Rifle (oe ago to futher information) No.2 Enfield Pistol (x pw: Piat Anti-Tank Weapon ss pas Sten Sub-Machine Gun (ss po Bren Light Machine Gun (xe paie2 for fuser infurnaton) foe farther infoeration) for further information) 22 for further information) The vehicles that can be driven or used by the British Parachute Regiment are: M3 Halftrack (see page Horsa Glider (see page 3tfor further information) Bren/Universal Carrier (sve page 32 for further information) 30 for further information) [DUESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHTGAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL {RE THE PROPERTY OF DARKIIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS, THIS DOC- (OT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 2008 Page 14 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 6.2 Unit Information - British Armoured Corps Description and History The British and Commonwealth tank regiments in Normandy pvere a mix of newly formed and heavily eyperienced units. [Some units, such as the famous 7th Armoured Division, had been fighting for almost the entire war learning the fine details of tank combat in the deserts of North Africa. Although in most cases the Allied tanks were inferior to their German counterparts they were often present in. superior numbers. The British tank regiments could however rely on a series of excellent tanks raning from the British built Cromwells and Churchills to the lendlease Mds and M10s (Often up gunned to the outstanding | 7pdr creating Sherman Fireflys and M10 Achilles). Although other armoured units existed outside the Royal Armoured Corps this unit provided the main body of British armour throughout the war. The RAC was created on 4 April 1939, just before World War II started, by combining the cavalry wing (cavalry units that had mechanised), and the Royal Tank Corps (which was thereupon renamed the Royal Tank Regiment within the new corps). As the war went on, many other units became mechanised and joined this corps, In 1944, the RAC absorbed the Reconnaissance Corps. The British tank units ‘were known for their ferocity in battle and for continuing the traditions of the calvary formations that they had risen from. Gameplay Information The maps in which you are able to select the British Armoured Corps are: Le Ville Ruinee ce pase 9 fr fuer invormaton) Port En Bessin (see page 43 for further information) Cagny (se page 35 for firtirinfomation) The equipment that can be used by the British Armoured Corps are: No.2 Enfield Pistol (see pase 21 for further information) ‘Sten Sub-Machine Gun (see pase 22 for further information) The vehicles that can be driven or used by the British Armoured Corps are: M3 Halftrack (sce pose 30 for furier information) M4 Sherman (ss pags 31 for further information) Sherman VC Firefly (oe poge 50 for er information) MS Stuart (sce page 29 for further information) M10 Achilles (ce pase Bren/Universal Carrier (oe inex 3 for friar information _ 29 foe further information) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 15 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 7.0 Weapon Information - MI Garand The M1 Garand (formally the United States Rifle, Caliber .30, M1) w to be generally issued to the infantry in any nation, In 1936, it officially replaced the bolt-action Springfield M1903 rifle as the standard service rifle of the United States military (the M1903 retaining a valuable role as a sniper rifle). The MI's itomatic operation gave United States. forces a jgnificant advantage in firepower and shot-to-shot response time over individual enemy’ infantrymen. the first semi-automatic rifle in battle (German and Japanese soldiers were usually armed with bolt-action rifles).The impact of fasterfring infantry small arms in general soon stimulated both Allied and Axis forces to greatly emi- and fully-auiomatic weapons then in production, as well as to develop new type of infuntry firearms, Contrary to widespread misconception, partially expended or full clips ean be ejected from the rifle by means of the clip latch button. It is also possible to load single cartridges into partially loaded clip while the clip is still in the magazine, but this requires both hands and a bit of practice. In reality, this procedure was rarely performed in combat, as the danger of loading dirt along with the cartridges increased the chances of malfunetion, not to mention the added delay in returning fire (M1 Garand iron Sighted) Index 7.1 Weapon Information - M1 Carbine Army's MI Garand rifle was originally developed to chamber a lighter .276 round, but this design feature was canceled in the early 1930s. The MI rifle would eventually be chambered for the same powerful .30-06 Springfield standard round used in other service weapons of the time, such as the Srringfiekd M1903, the BAR, and the MISI7/MLO19 machine guns. This left the Army without the ighter, handier rifle it had wanted. This, along with lessons leamed during earlier wars, observations of conflicts during the 1930s, and dissatisfaction with existing submachine guns and rifles contributed to the development of the MI Carbine. The MJ carbine was designed primarily to offer non-combat and Tine-of-communications troops a better defensive weapon than a. pistol or submachine gun, with freater accuracy and range, but without the recoil, cost, or weight of a full-power infantry rifle. The carbine was also easier for less experienced soldiers and smaller-framed people to fire than the .30 ber infantry rifles of the day. The carbine was more convenient to carry for olficers, NCOs, or specialists encumbered with weapons, field glasses, radios, or other gear. Tankers, drivers, artillery crews, mortar crews, and other personnel were also issued the MI carbi of the larger, heavier a folding-stock version of the MI carbine was developed, after a request was made for a compact and light infantry arm for airborne troops. (MI Carbine Action) (MI Carbine (ron Sighted) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 16 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 7.2 Weapon Information - Thompson Sub Machine Gun The Thompson was a family of American submachine guns that became infamous during the Prohibition era. It was a common sight of the time, being used overwhelmingly by both law enforcement officers and criminals alike. The Thompson was also known as the "Tommy Gun’, ‘Chicago ‘Typewriter’ and the 'Chicago Piano’. The Thompson was favoured by soldiers and civilians alike for its compactness, large .45 ACP bullet and high volume of automatic fire. In 1938 the Thompson submachine gun was adopted by the U.S military, serving during World War 2 and later during the Korean War, as well as the early staged of the Vietnam War. Other Allied countries purchased the Thompson as weil, notably the United Kingdom and France, Modifications to simplily production and reduce cost were made in 1942, resulting in the M1 and MIA models, which were commonly carried by both non-commissioned and commissioned officers. There were two military types of Thompson SMG. The M1928 used a 20-round box magazine or $0 and 100-round drums. It had cooling fins on the barrel and it’s cocking handle was on the top of the receiver. The MLAI had 4 plain barrel without cooling fins, implified rear sight, a 30-round box magazine and the cocking handle was on the side of the receiver. The M1928A1 along with the regular M1928 was the choice of the Marines. The MAI was the choice of the Army. (Thompson Sub Machine Gun Iron Sighted) Index 7.3 Weapon Information - Browning Automatic Rifle The Browning Autmoatic Rifle (more formally the Browning Automatic Rifle, Caliber 30, ML918 and commonly known as the BAR) is a family of autmoatic rifles (or machine rifles) and fight machine guns used by the United States. It was designed in 1917 by the weapons designer John Browning, primarily as a prelacement for (and improvement on) the French-made Chauchat and Hatchkiss M1909, The BAR was originally intended as a light automatic rifle but spent much of it's career in various guises used in the Tight machine gun role with a bipod. The original M1918 version was and remains the lightest service machine gun to fire the . 30-06 Springtcld cartridge, though the limited capacity of 's standard 20-round magazine tended to hamper it's utility as a light machine gun, ‘Thempson Su Machine Cn in Action) In 1940, the final BAR model-the M1918A2-was introduced. This model did away with the semi- ‘automatic fire option in favour of fally automatic fire only. The rate of fire was adjustable with a choice between ‘fast auto’ (500-600 round/min) and 'slow auto’ (300-450 round/min), Tjis was accomplished by the use of a highly complicated recoil bufler mechanism that was difficult to clean and often proved susceptible in service to damage from moisture and corrosion, often rendering the weapon inoperable, The (unspiked) bipod was now attached to the barrel. a flash hider was added, a rear monopod was hhinged to the butt and the weapon's role was changed to that of a squad light machine gun. It's success in this role was mixed at bext since the BAR's fixed non-replaceable barrel and small magazine capacity seatly limited it's utility in comparison to genuine light machine guns such as the Bren or the Japanese M1936 Nambu. The bipod and flash hider being easily removable were often discarded by troops to save weight and improve the portability of the BAR. In combat, particulary in the Pacific theatre of war, the BAR effectively reverted to it's original role as a portable shoulder-fired automatic rifle. In 1942 a fiberglass butstock replaced the wood version and late inthe war a barel-mounted carrying andle was added ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 17 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 7.4 Weapon Information - M3 Grease Gun The M3AL ‘Grease Gun! was an American .45 caliber submachine gun that uses the 45 ACP (II 43x23mm ACP) pistol cartridge. Itentered U.S Army service in December 12 1942 as the United States submachine gunm Cal. .45, M3 and began to replace the .45 caliber Thompson series submachine guns. (The M1928A1, MI and MIAI that were slowly being withdrawn from use). The weapon's designer ‘was G, Hyde, while F. Sampson - GMC's Inland Division chief engineer was responsible for preparing production. Even at the development stage, the weapon's design was focused on simplified production, ease of use und the ability to convert the weapon to the 9x19mm Parabellum pistol earridge. The ‘weapon is commonly nicknamed the ‘Grease Gum’ ANE Grevse Gun ron Sra) (5 Gresse Gu Action) Index 7.5 Weapon Information - .30cal Machine Gun The M1919 was an air-cooled development of the standard U.S machine gun of World War I, the Browning M1917, as designed by John M.Browning. The weapon originally fired the .30-96 MI or M2 rifle cartridge from woven or metalic link belts feeding from left to right. it was used as a light fantry machine gun by the U.S and many other countries, especially during World War Il, the Kon War and the Vi ing the Second World War the .30cal distinguished itself as a reliable, durable and efficient light machine gun becoming a firm favourite amongst U.S troops. Deployed 10 almost all theatres and tsed by almost all units the .30cal was to remain in service many years after the end of the Second World War ((30eal Machne Gun Teo Sighted) {CMa Machine Gu in Action) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 18 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 7.6 Weapon Information - Springfield Sniper Rifle With the outhreak of World War II there was a requirement for infantry rifles in vast numbers. the Springfield M1903, which had previously seen services in the First World War and other conflicts and the U.S military's main rifle was re-engineered to make it more suitable for mass production in the quantities now required. Sheet metal stamping were subsitituted for machined parts wherever feasible. The advent of the MI Garand as weapon of choice for the U.S infantryman rendered the M1903 an almost obsolete weapon, The remaining stock of the standard M1903s were shipped to U.S Allies, reistance forces or in rare cases Springfields were used on the front lines. Perhups the most famous variant of the Springfield however is the M1903A4. This weapon eonsisted of the MI903A3 action with a specially selected barrel with two groove rifling combined with a stock ‘with a special pistol grip. The scope was a 2.5x militarised version of the Weaver 33DC designated the M73B1 on a redfield mount. About 26,000 were produced in 1943-1944. ‘The rifle was oppular among snipers of the U.S military because of it's aecuracy and stopping power. As a testament to the weapon's durability many survive to this day (Speinalctd Sper Rlle lo Sighted) iSprngtield Seaper Rifle Acton) The M1911 is a single-action, semiautomatic handgun chambered for the 45 ACP cartridge, Tt was designed by John M. Browning, and was the standardissue side arm for the United States armed forces from 1911 to 1985, and is still carried by some U.S. forces, It was widely used in World War I, World War Il, the Korean War and the Vietam War, Its formal designation as of 1940 was Automatic Pistol, Caliber 45, MI911 for the original Model of 1911 or Automatic Pistol, Caliber 45, MI911A1 for the MI9ILAL, adopted in 1924. The designation changed to Pistol, Caliber 45, Automatic, MI911AI in the Vietnam er. In foto, dhe United States procured around 2.7 milion MITT and MI9IIAL pistols uring its servi The M1911 is the most well-known of John Browning's designs to use the short recoil principle in its basic design. Besides the pistol being widely copied itself, this operating system rose to become the pre-eminent type of the 20th century and of nearly all modern centerfire (Colt 45 loa Sighted) (Cole 45 Action) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 19 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 7.8 Weapon Information - M1 Bazooka The bazooka was a man portable anti tank rocket launcher, made famous during, World War II where it was one of the primary infantry anti tank weapons used by the United States Armed Forees, It was onee Of the first weapons based on the High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) shell to enter service, It was nicknamed "bazooka’ from a vague resemblance to the musical instrument of the same name invented and used by Bob Burns, It saw widespread use throughout World War TI, = The German armed forces copied the design inereasing the caliber to 88 mm as well as other changes and issued it as the Raketenpanzerbuchse 'Paznershereck’ In addition the the actual weapon, the word ‘bazooka’ is often incorrectly used to refer to any shoulder launched weapon. In order to use shouldered Anti Tank weapons you must first be crouched and iron-sighted. A member of your team must then reload you for you to fire, If you change your weapon or sprint during this time ‘your ammo is lost and you must restart the process, (MI Bazooka Action) (MT Bazooka ts Acton) Index 7.9 Weapon Information - Mk II jrenade The Mk.II hand grenade was born at the end of WWI, the child of the failed Mk.I design. More commonly known as the "Pineapple" the Mk II series (also written Mk 2) was the most common US fragmentation grenade of the Second World War. The Mk I body featured a serrated exterior designed to aid grip in poor condition. A common misconception is that the grooves aid fragn grenade; studies have disproved this. ‘The filling is either TNT (approx 2 ounces), or EC blank fire powder (approx % of an ounce smokeless small arms powder). The Mk TI was also available in Tittle- known HE-Blast (better known as "coneussion") variant and a combined effect HE-Frag variant. This was largely superseded by the Mk III series. The Mk IAI (also written Mk 2A1) used the MI0A2 or MIOA3 fuzes, upgrades to the previous MIOAI fuze used in the MK Il.Later reissued Mk II variants featured the modern M204 series fuze (METI Grenade ur Action) “(Mk I Grenade in Action) [ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENT CREATORS. THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 2008, Page 20 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 8.0 Weapon Information - No.4 Lee Enfield Rifle The Nod MKI rifle is the result of 17 years of trials by the Royal Small Arms Factory (RSAF) Enfield Beginning in 1922, the Nol MkV mostly resembling the SMLE, experimented with rear mounted aperture sights in an effort to improve accuracy. The Nol MkVI rifle followed in 1926 incorporating many changes to the basic design of the SMLE with efforts to improve accuracy, utilise new ‘manufacturing, methods and reduce the cost of produetion, Then in 1931 with a few more changes the MKVI was re-designated the No4 Trial rifle. It was this rifle that in 1939 would become the Nod MkI rifle of World War II fame. . Although approved in the late 1939, production didn't actually commence on the No4 MKI until 1941 The Nod rifle proved itself to be every bit as reliable as its predecessor did the Nol. The retention of the Lee action and generous chamber dimensions continued to allow it to cycle quickly with less ‘operator fatigue and to work in the most extreme conditions, Essential qualities for a battle rifle. When the rifle was modified to accept telescopic sight to provide British and Commonwealth snipers with ‘ suitable platform to ply their trade, the No4 MKI(T) was the answer. During it’s tenure as the United Kingdom's service rifle the Nod provided notable service throughout most of World War Il and Korea before being replaced by the sleEloading L1A1 and the 7.62mm NATO cartridge. yet despite being replace as a front line service rifle the Nod's over-all characteristies allowed it to be modified in a number of ways, keeping it in the spotlight for many years to come: (host Lee Enfield Rifle Iron Sighted) ‘(Not Lee Enfield Kile im Action) Index 8.1 Weapon Information - No.2 Enfield Pistol After the First World War, it was decided by the British Government that a .38 calibre (9.65 mm) pistol firing a 200 grain (13 g) bullet would be as effective as the .455 calibre (11.6 mm) round. There is some doubi as to how true this actually was, as the 38/200 round gives comparable performance to the modem .38 Special cartridge—which is not nearly as powerful as the .455 Webley round. Nonetheless, the British firm of Webley & Scott tendered their Webley Mk IV revolver in .38/200 calibre. Rather than adopting it, the British authorities took the design to the Government-run Royal Small, Arms Factory at Enfield, and the Enfield factory came up with a revolver that was very similar to the Weble MkIV .38, but internally slightly different. The Enfield-designed pistol was quickly accepted under the designation Revolver, No 2 Mk |, and was adopted in 1932, followed in 1938 by the Mk I* (spurless hammer, double action only),and finally the Mk I** (simplified for wartime production) in 1942, ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 21 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 8.2 Weapon Information - PIAT Anti Tank Weapon The Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT), was one of the earlier anti-tank weapons using 9 high expl le. It was developed by the British starting in 1941, reaching the field in time for the invasion of Sieily in 1943.The PIAT was an unusual infantry anti-tank weapon, It was comparatively quiet and smokeless, with no backblast. This meant that, unlike the American bazooka for German Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck, it could be fired from an enclosed space, and would not give away its position as soon as the weapon was fired. However, it was more cumbersome than its counterparts, and in. many circumstances it could be difficult to reload. On the moming of the D-Day landings, a single PLAT disrupted a German attempt to reach the invasion beaches. British troops had landed by glider and had seized and held the vital bridges over the Caen Canal and the Orne River. ‘Among the positions held was a T-junction on the main road from Benowville to Le Port witich led on to the south t0 Caen. A German foree of two half-iracks of which certainly the leading vehicle was armed with a gun and who were followed by infantry support, approached the junetion from the direction of Benowville around 01:30 at night, threatening to turn onto the D S14 road leading to the canal bridge and Ranville. Sergeant Charles "Wager" Thorton (B Coy attached to D Company. 6th Platoon) Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, armed with the only working PIAT and two rounds, shot and destroyed the leading vehicle at short range. (PLAT loa Sighted) (PLAT in Action) Index 8.3 Weapon Information - Sten Sub Machine Gun The Sten (or Sten gun) was a family of British 9 mm submachine guns used extensively by British and Commonwealth forees throughout World War Il, They were notable for simple design and comparatively low production cosSTEN is an acronym, cited as derived from the names of the ‘weapon's chief designers, Major Reginald Shepherd and Harold Turpin, and EN for Enficld.[1] Over 4 million Stens in various versions were made in the 1940s. The official designation "Carbine, Machine, Sten” should not be confused with the common understanding of carbine; the Sten was atypical, almost stereotypical submachine gun while the term carbine is used to refer to short, light rifles. The "Ca Machine” element of the designation was due to the British term for a submachine gun being a "Machine Carbine" in the earlier parts of the Second World War. The Sten Mark II was the most prolific, at two million units produced. It was a much rougher weapon than the Mk I. The flash eliminator and hhand guard (grip) of the Mk I were eliminated. Other changes included removable barrel whi projects 3 inches beyond the barrel sleeve and the magazine housing rotates to form cover for ejection ‘opening, The barrel sleeve was shorter and rather than have small holes on the top, it had three sets of three holes equally spaced on the shroud {Sten Iron Sighted) (Sten in Action) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 22 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 8.4 Weapon Information - Bren Light Machine Gun The Bren (from Bmo, the Czechoslovak city of design, and Enfield, the location of the British Royal Small Arms Factory), usually called the Bren Gun, was a series of light machine guns adopted by Britain in the 1930s and used in various roles until 1991. While it is best known for its role as the British and Commonwealth forces’ primary infantry light machine gun (LMG) in World War Il, it was also used in the Korean. War and saw’ service throughout the later half of the 20th century including the Falklands War and the 1991 Gulf War.The Bren was a modified version of a Czechoslovak-designed light machine gun, the ZB vz.26, which British Army officials had tested during a firearms service ‘competition in the 1930s. It was popular with British troops who resp : and combat effectiveness; few would have swapped it for anything els 1 light machine gun ever made. The quality of the materials used would often ensure minimal jamming. When the gun did jam or had some foreign object stuck init, the operator could adjust the four-position ¢gas regulator to feed more gas to the piston increasing the power to operate the mechanism. It was even said that all problems with the Bren could simply be cleared by hitting the gun, turning the gauge, or doing both (Been Light Machive Gun Iron Siahted) (Been Light Machine Gun in Action) Index 8.5 Weapon Information - Mills Bomb ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, 3 Page 2 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTIC FRANCE 1944 5 MANUAL Index 9.0 Weapon Information - Fall njaigergewehr 42 The Fallschirmjigerzewehr 42 (FG42) was an automatic rifle produced by the Germans in the second half of World War Il. The weapon was developed specifically for the use by paratroopers, who wanted a suitable gun after their experiences in the invasion of Crete. As a result, the FG42 was developed. It could fire single shots semi-automatically, but also serve as a light support weapon. Its development ‘was authorized by Hermann Goring. The FG42 was manufactured and deployed onfy in small numbers. Afier approximately 2000 FG42s had been produced by Krieghoff, supplies of the manganese steel from which the receivers were forged were diverted to other needs: this meant a redesign was required to use stamped sheet metal in its place. Field reports were also requesting minor improvements, such as: relocating the bipod from the front of the handguard to the muzzle to reduce shot dispersion; changing the pistol grip angle to near vertical: enlarging the handguard and changing the stock from stamped stee! to wood to minimize overheating. Although it enjoys a great reputation the FG42 was not a hugely successiul combat weapon, especially when fired automatically. It did however influ the design of many future weapons. HEG22 Iron Sighted) Index 9.1 Weapon Information - PanzerSchrek Panzerschreck (German: tank terror) was the popular name for the Raketenpanzerbiichse (‘rocket tank rifle’, abbreviated to RPB), an 88 mm calibre reusable anti-tank rocket launcher developed by the Germans in World War TI, Another popular nickname was Ofenrohr ("stove pipe"). It_was given to infantry to bolster their antitank capability. The weapon was shoulder-launched and fired a racket propelled, fin-stabilized grenade with a shaped charge warhead. The Panzerschreck was an effective ‘weapon. Allied bazookas had problems with new up-armored German armor present on German tanks, most notably the Tiger tank and the Panther tank. By comparison the Panzerschreck racket could penetrate over 200 mm of armor, which was not found on any Allied designs, but paid for this extra hitting power, with extra weight, The rocket projectile weighed 7.25Ib, 3.3Kg. Hoge notes the penetration at "about 100mm", One direct hit was usually enough to destroy any Allied armored vehicle, ‘When handled by well-trained crews, this weapon became the bane of Allied armored units, who frequently aitempted to add improvised protection to their tanks, ¢.2. sandbags, spare track units, logs and so on. Most of this make-shift protection had little actual effect. In order to use shouldered Anti Tank weapons you must first be crouched and iron-sighted, A member of your team must then reload you for you to fire, IF you change your weapon or sprint during this time ‘your ammo is last and you must restart the process. snzatSchrae in ACTION) (PanzerSchrek i “ton ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 4 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 10.0 Vehicle Information - M3 Halfirack The M3 was the larger counterpart to the M2 Half Track Car. The M2 was originally function as an artillery tractor. The M3 had a longer body than the M2 with a single access foor in the tear and seating for a 13-man rifle squad. Ten seats were arranged down either side of the vehicle, with three in the cab. Racks under the seats were used for ammunition and rations, additional racks behind the seat backs held the squad's rifles and other stowage. A small rack for mines was added on the ou of the hull just above the tracks. In combat most units found it necessary to stow additional food rucksacks and other crew stowage in the outside of the vehicle. Luggage racks were often added in the field and very late vehicles had rear mounted racks for this erew stowag Eraly vehicles had a pintle mount just behind the front seats mounting a .50 caliber (17.7 mm) M2 Browning machine gun. the later M31 adopted a raised armoured pulpit mount for the .50 caliber and .30 caliber (7.62 mm) machine guns could be used from mounts along the sides of the passenger ‘compartment. Many M3's were later modified to the M3A1 standard. The body was armoured all around with an adjustable aroured shutter for the engine's radiator and a bullet proof windscreen, (MS Hallock in Action) (ME Hallack an Acton) Index 10.1 Vehi information - M4 Sherman Tank The Sherman tank was comparatively fast and maneuverable, mechanically reliable, easy to manufacture, easy to service and produced in many special purpose Variants whose capabilities differed sreatly. it was effective in the infantry support role. The Sherman performed well against World War Il Japanese tanks and the German standard tank of World War Il, the Panzer [V medium series. However the typical Sherman was significantly inferior in both armour and armament to the German Tiger heavy tanks, Panther ‘medium’ (heavy by U.S standards) and some of the tank destroyers fielded by the Germans in 1944. When the U-S encountered German tank units containing large mumbers of Panther tanks in 1944 high U.S losses sometimes resulted. However, panther and Tiger equipped units frequently suffered svere defeats, Shermans opersied by the US 37th Armoured Regiment at Arracourt destroyed 57 Tigers and panthers while losing only 14 Shermans. Shermans defeated heavier tanks by use of superior tactics, or by using upgunned Shermans working with tank destroyers such as the M36 Jackson (with a 90 mm anti-tank gun) and the M18 Helleat (a mobile fast tracked Vehicle with the same 76 mm gun). To keep gameplay historically accurate all westem allied tanks must be aimed using the tank sight and are not adjustable as with stock RO tanks ive, the tank sight can not be adjusted for range with Q & E and must be adjusted by raising or lowering the sight for distance ee (MI Sherman in Action) (M4 Sherman in Acton) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 25 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 index 10.2 Vehicle Information - MS Stuart The Light Tank M3 and MS were American light tanks of World War TI in use with british and Commonwealth forces prior to the entry of the United States into the European theatre. The name General Stuart or Stuart given by the British comes from the American Civil War General J.E.B Stuart ‘and was used for both the M3 and MS Light Tank. in British service it also had the unoffical nicknam of Honey. To the U.S Army the tanks were offically known only as Light Tank M3 and Light Tank M in the European theatre, the light tanks had to be given secondary roles since they could not survive against most enemy AFVs. However the number of M3s/MSs produced was so’ great (over 25,000 including the 75 mm HMC M8) that the tank remained in service until the end of th war. To keep gameplay historically accurate all western allied tanks must be aimed using the tank sight and are not adjustable as with stock RO tanks i.e, the tank sight can not be adjusted for range with Q & E and must be adjusted by raising or lowering the sight for distance (ss Sturn Action) Index 10.3 Vehicle Information - M10 Wolverine The 3 inch Gun Motor Carriage M10 was a United States TD (Tank Destroyer) of the Second World War. U.S troops also called them TDs (a nickname for any tank destroyer) and Wolverine, a name adapted from the offical designation given by the British. American. doctrine planned for tank destroyers to engage enemy tanks while tanks were used prineially to support infantry. The 3" GMG MIO used 2 Medium Tank M4A2 chassis (MIOA Is used M4A3 chassis) with a special open topped turret that carried the 3" (76.2mm) Gun M7. ‘The gun fired the AP M79 Shot (armour piereing) shell that could penetrate 3 inches of armour at 1,000 yeards at 30 degress from vertical the MIO were numerically the most important U.S tank destroyer of the Second World War. The MLO0's combat debut was in the North African campaign, Later in the battle of Normandy the MIO's gun proved to be ineffective against the frontal armour of the numerous German Panther tanks encountered and by the fall of 1944 the improved 90 mm Gun Motor Carriage M36 was beginning to replace it, though it remained in service until the end of the war, The M10 had an open topped turret that left it vulnerable to artillery and moratr fire and infantry assault especially in urban combat and forest areas, where a simple hand grenade could be tossed inside. By the end of the war ifs armour was too thin to provide protection from the new German tanks and anti tank guns. The other main disadvantage of the MIO was it's very slow turret traverse, the M10 did not have powered traverse and so the crew had to hand crank the turret to traverse it, taking approximately two minutes to traverse 360 degrees. To keep gameplay historically accurate all westem allied tanks must be aimed using the tank sight and are not adjustable as with stock RO tanks ive, the tank sight can not be adjusted for range with Q & E and must be adjusted by raising or lowering the sight for distance {USI Wolverine in Acton) {MIO Wolverine in Action) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGINAL. CONTENT CREATORS. THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 26 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 10.4 Vehicle Information - C53 SkyTrooper During World War II the armed forces of many countries used the C-47 and modified DC03s for the transport of troops, cargo and wounded. Over 10,000 airerait were produced in Long Beach and Santa Monica, California and Oklahoma City, Okluhom: The C~47 was vital to the success of many Allied campaigns, in particular those at’Guadaleanal and in the jungles of New Guinea and Burma where the C-47 (and it's naval version the R40) alone made it possible for Allied » counter the mobility of the light travelling Japanese Army. Additionally, ‘C-47s were used to airlift supplies to the embattled American forces during the Baitle of Bastogne. But possibly it's most influential role in military aviation was flying the Hump from india into China where the expertise gained would later be used in the Berlin Airlift in which the C-47 would also play it's part In Europe the C-47 and a specialised paratroop variant the C-53 Skytrooper were used in vast numbers in the later stages of the war, partiuclary to tow gliders and drop paratroops. (C53 Sky Trooper in Aston) {C53 Sky Trooper ts Action) Index 10.5 Vehicle Information - Higgins Boat The Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel (LCVP) or Higgins Boat was a landing eraft used extensively in World War Il. The craft was deisened by Andrew Higgins of Louisiana, based on boats made for operating in swamps and marshes, More than 20,000 were built by Higgins Industries and licensees. Constructed from plywood this shallow draft barge like boat could ferry a platoon sized complement of 36 men to shore at 9 knots (17 km/h). men generally entered the boat by climbing down the cargo net hung from the side of their troop transport, they exited by charging down the boat's bow ramp. (Winggins Bost con) (Higgins Boa i Acton) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 10.6 Vehicle Information - 57mm Anti Tank Gun The Ordnance QF 6-pounder 7 ewt, or just 6 pdr, was a British $7 mm gun, their primary anti-tank gun during the middle of World War II. as well as the main armament for a number of armoured fighting vehicles. It was first used in North Africa in April 1942, tank role, allowing the 25 pounder to revert to its intended arillery role, The United States Army also adopted the 6 pdr as their primary anti-tank gun under the designation STmm Gun MI. Although the 6 pounder was kept at least somewhat competitive through the war, the Army nevertheless started development of a more powerful weapon in 1942. Their aim was to produce a gun with the same ‘general dimensions and weight as the 6 pounder, but with improved performance. The first attempt was aan 8 pdr of 59 calibre length, but this version proved too heavy to be used in the same role as the 6 pdr. ‘A second attempt was made with a shorter 48 calibre barrel, but this proved to have only marginally better performance than the 6 pounder. The program was eventually cancelled in January 1943. Instead the 6 pounder was followed into production and service by the next generation British anti-tank gun, the 17 pounder which came into use from February 1943, As a smaller and more manoeuvrable gun. the 6 pounder continued to be used by the British Army not only for the rest of the World War II, but also for some 20 years after the war. (ST Aut Tank Gun in Aston) (Stun Ant Task Gus [ron Sighted) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 28 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Vehicle Information - M10 Achilles In 1942 it had been planned to ereate a British tank destroyer but with the availabil projects were put on hold. The M10 was light, relatively fast and had decent armament but the turret ‘was poorly balanced which lead to very slow turret rotation speeds, later versions had eounterweights added to help with sue. The armour on the M10 was very thin, thinner than that of the Sherman's and thus offered litte protection against the newer German guns but the open top, despite the additional vulnerability offered excellent visibility for the erew. The British made several modifications to the ‘M10, additional 17mm thick armour plates were welded to the front and sides of the M1O, also a 20mm thick shield was fitted to the top of the turret to give extra protection to the erew. The biggest change to the MIO was the removal of the American 3" gun and replacing it with a British I7pdr, the I7pdr had vastly superior anti-tank performance to the 3” gun and virtually all M10s received by the British mounted a I7pdr by the end of the war - these were known as the Achilles. ‘The first conversions to carry a 17pdr were carried out in April 1944, by June 124 M10s had been converted Index 1 To keep gameplay historically accurate all western allied tanks must bo aimed using the tank sight and are not adjustable as with stock RO tanks i.e, the tank sight can not be adjusted for range with Q & E and must be adjusted by raising or lowering the sight for distance (M10 Achilles in Action) (MII) Achilles Action) Index 11.1 Vehicle Information - MS Stuart The Light Tank M3 and MS were American light tanks of World War I in use with british and Commonwealth forces prior to the entry of the United States into the European theatre. The name General Stuart or Stuart given by the British comes from the American Civil War General I.E. and was used for both the M3 and MS Light Tank. in British service it also had the unoffical of Honey. To the U.S Army the tanks were offically known only as Light Tank M3 and Light Tank MS. in the European theatre, the light tanks had to be given secondary roles since they could not survive inst most enemy AFVs, However the number of M3s/M3s produced was so great (over 25,000 including the 75 mm HMC M8) that the tank remained in service until the end of thw war. To keep gameplay historically accurate all westem allied tanks must be aimed using the tank sight and are not adjustable as with stock RO tanks ive, the tank sight can not be adjusted for range with Q & E and must be adjusted by raising or lowering the sight for distance TUM Start in Action © (MS Stuart in Action) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 29 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 11.2 Vehicle Information - M3 Halftrack The M3 was the larger counterpart to the M2 Half Track Car. The M2 was originally function as an artillery tractor. The M3 had a longer body than the M2 with a single access foor in the tear and seating for a 13-man rifle squad. Ten seats were arranged down either side of the vehicle, with three in the cab. Racks under the seats were used for ammunition and rations, additional racks behind the seat backs held the squad's rifles and other stowage. A small rack for mines was added on the ou of the hull just above the tracks. In combat most units found it necessary to stow additional food rucksacks and other crew stowage in the outside of the vehicle. Luggage racks were often added in the field and very late vehicles had rear mounted racks for this erew stowag Eraly vehicles had a pintle mount just behind the front seats mounting a .50 caliber (17.7 mm) M2 Browning machine gun. the later M31 adopted a raised armoured pulpit mount for the .50 caliber and .30 caliber (7.62 mm) machine guns could be used from mounts along the sides of the passenger ‘compartment. Many M3's were later modified to the M3A1 standard. The body was armoured all around with an adjustable aroured shutter for the engine's radiator and a bullet proof windscreen, (MB Halfirock in Action) ANE Hallack tn Acton) Index 1 Vehicle Information - Sherman VC refly The Sherman Firefly was a World War II british variation of the American Sherman tank. Fitted with the powerful british 17 pounder (17-pdr) anti tank gun as its main weapon. The turret had to be altered to fit the larger gun hy moving the radio to a new bustle on the turret rear and by turing the long recoiling gun on it’s side, A distinctive overhang. at the back of the turret was added to give space for the recoiling weapon, The bow machine gun position was deleted to increase storage space for the longer shells, The nickname 'Firefly' quickly became synonymous with any Sherman fitted with this gun and while plans were devised to modify the Sherman IV only the Sherman | and V were used in the end. In British hhomenclature a'C’ at the end of the Roman numeral indicated a tank equipped with the 17-pdr and the resulting tanks were designated Sherman IC and VC Firefly To keep gameplay historically accurate all westem allied tanks must be aimed using the tank sight and are not adjustable as with stock RO tanks i.e, the tank sight can not be adjusted for range with Q & E and must be adjusted by raising or lowering he sight for distance (Sherman VC Firelly m Action) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 30 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FR ANCE 944 Index 11.4 Vehicle Information - M4 Sherman The United States provided tens of thousands of its Medium ‘Tank M4, nicknamed the Sherman, to many of its Allies during the Second World War, under the terms of Lend-Lease Act. The British received far more M4 medium tanks, approximately 17,000 (roughly 34% of all Ms produced). than any other Allied nation. The British practice of naming American tanks after American Civil War enerals was continued, giving it the name General Sherman after Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, usually shortened to Sherman. The US later adopted the name and the practice of naming tanks after generals. In British usage, Sherman I=M4, Sherman II-M4A\ and so oh. Additional letters denoted other features; A for 76 mm MI/MIA2 Li55 gun, B for the 105 mm M4 L/22.5 howitzer, for the OQF 17 Pounder gu iy ‘onversions and modifications of the M4 by their foreign users included the alth Firefly with potent British QF 17 pounder (76.2 mm) anti-tank gun; Adder. Salamander, Crocodile, and Badger flame~ throwing Shermans; Kangaroo armoured personnel carrier: Armored Recovery Vehicles (ARV); gun towers, and the specialist military engineering vehicles of "Hobart’s Funnies" designed specifically for Operation Overlord ("D-Day") and the Battle of Normandy. To keep gameplay historically accurate all western allied tanks must be aimed using the tank sight and are not adjustable as with stock RO tanks i.e. the tank sight can not be adjusted for range with Q & E and must be adjusted by raising or lowering the sight for distance (M Sherman in Action) (OH Sherman in Action) Index 11.5 Vehicle Information - Horsa Glider The Airspeed AS.S1 Horsa Mk I was a British World War II troop-carying glider built by Airspeed Limited and subcontractors and used for air assault by British and Allied armed forces. It was named after Horsa, the legendary 5th century conqueror of Southern Britain. Large numbers were subsequently us airborne landings in Normandy. The first units to land in France early on June 6th 1944 did so by Horsas, capturing Pegasus Bridge.On operations they were towed variously by Stirling, Halifax Albemarle, Whitley and Dakota tugs, using a harness that attached to both wings. The pilots wer usually from the Glider Pilot Regiment, part of the Army Air Corps, although Royal Air Force pilots ‘were ilsed on occasion. The Horsa was also used in service by the USAAF. The Horsa was considered sturdy and very manoeuvrable for a glider. Production was by Airspeed and subcontractors including Austin Motors and the furniture manufacturers Harris Lebus. A total of 36 built. The: tion for the gliders had demanded that they were built in a number of . and fo use not needed for more urgent production, and as a result production was spread across separate factories which limited the likely loss in ease of German attack (Horsa Glider i Action) (Hors Glider in Action) * ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 31 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 11.6 Vehicle Information - Bren/Universal Carrier The Universal Carrier, usually known as a Bren Gun Carrier (even when it was not carrying a Bren), ‘was a small, tracked British-designed military vehicle, used widely by Allied forces during the Second World War. Universal Carriers were usually used for transporting personnel and equipment, mostly ‘support weapons, or as machine gun platforms. With some 113,000 built in Great Britain and abroad, it Was the most numerous armoured fighting vehicle in history. As with the éarlier Carriers, the Universal had the driver and commander at the front sitting side-by-side, the driver to the right with a vertical steering wheel. The hull in front of the commander's position jutted forward to give room for ) to fire through 3 The engine was in the centre of the ne were two areas in which passengers could ride or stores be carried. Universal Carriers were only lighily armoured on their fronts and sides, jent to protect to some degree from small arms, shrapnel and explosive blasts; but were open at the top leaving the occupants completely unprotected from about shoulder height upwards ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 32 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 12.0 Vehicle Information - Opel Blitz Opel "Blitz" (Kfz.305) (4 x 2) During World War Two the German Ammy adopted and intensively used many types of cargo truck, but without doubt the three-tone Opel "Blitz" was the most famous of all Wehrmacht vehicles. With more than 100,000 built, these trucks with the Bit’s characteristic lightning emblem on the radiator front pane! became symbolic of Germany's conquests. Tis tire tracks eould be seen in the great city squares of Europe: in the ficlds of France and also in the cndless sands of the African desert; and it even overeame the infamous Russian mud. These trucks had a reputation of hardiness and being easy to repair which made them a legend, When the Second World War, gathered pace with many fronts opening up, huge numbers of trucks were needed. Many thousands of eivil Opel Blitz” S produced before the war was drafted into army units. These eivil trucks were brought up to army standard Kfz.305 - the official military designation for the Opel "Blitz", In all about 140 different army modifications were installed on the Opel "Blitz® chassis during the war years - they became radio ‘cars, repair stations, fuel trucks, and even some exotic types like mobile laundries or printing-hou Many other vehicles like staff buses or fire trucks were also based on the Blitz chassis. (Ope Bliz in Action) (Opet Blitz Actiog) Index 12.1 Vehicle Information - Pak 43 The PaK 43 (Panzerabwehrkanone 43) was a German 88 mm anti-tank gun developed from the famous 88 mm anti-aircraft gun and used during the Second World War. it was the most powerful anti-tank gun of the Wehrmacht to see service in significant numbers. A number of armoured vehicles also earried yersions of this gun, under different designations, including Heavy Tank Tiger It (Kwk 43 L/71) self= propelled gun Nashom (PaK 43/1) as well as tank destroyers Ferdinand/Flefant (PaK 43/2) and Jagdpanther (Pak 43/3 and 43/4), The main yersion of the PaK 43 used a highly efficient cruciform mount, this made it an excellent weapon, with a full 360 degree traverse and with a much lower profile than the anti-aireraft version of the 8&8 mm, making it much easier to conceal. However the manufacture of this version was slow initially and to speed up production some guns were mounted on a two wheel split tral carriage from a conventional Howitzer, resulting in ayersion known as PaK 43/41, This version while retaining the full power of the gun was much more difficult to handle and camouflage (Pak Leon Sighted) (Pak 3m Action) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 12.2 Vehicle Information - 88mm Anti Tank Artillery The German eighty-cight is an anti-aircraft and antitank artillery gun ftom World War Il. They were ‘widely used throughout the war, and could be found on almost every battlefield. Developments of the original models fed to a wide variety of guns that could be identified as "an 88". ‘The name applies 10 a craft guns officially called the 8,8 cm FlaK 18, 36 or 37, Success as an improvised -tank gun led to a separate line of guns for antistank use, the Panzerabweht-Kanone (Pak) 88 (Gorman: "anti-tank gun") and as the main armament for tanks Such as the Tiger I, the 8.8 em KwK 36. The iniroduetion of the FluK 41/43 led to a similar series oF anti-tank conversions with even higher performance, under the name 8.8 cm KwK 43, These Inter models were capable of penetrating the frontal armor of any tank of the period at ranges over 1000 m. The forees of the Third Reich employed the 88 extensively in World War Il, not only in its original role as an anti-aircraft gun, where it performed well, but also as an anti-tank gun. Throughout the war the gun had few rivals (88m fron (88mm in Acton) ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 34 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.0 Map Information - Cagny Map Description This is a large and relatively open tank map with the four objectives being the only built up areas in an otherwise rural surrounding. Although well equipped AlJied commanders should be careful not to try and engage superior German tanks at long ranges or leave their armour exposed in open fields. The Allied objective is to capture and hold all four points while defending against a German counter attack. Staying behind hedgerows or in the narrow streets of the towns themselves is a viable option for good defense but will limit the attack players offensive capabilities. Faster tanks should be used to scout ahead and report enemy positions to the more powerful tanks who can pick off higher threat targets while the remaining armour moves in. Map History Cagny is an unusually flat and open area of Normandy. During Operation Goodwood the Allies attempted to push through this area with a major armoured spearhead. The main force would be the three British armoured divisions of the British VIII Corps. Early advances by the Allied armour were made under a creeping barrage but were slow, despite encountering little resistance. However a heavy German armoured counter-attack brought the attack to a halt. It is estimated that about 400 tanks were lost. including about half the tanks in the Allied 29th Armoured Brigade. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 35 BATTLEFIFED OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.1 Map Information - Carentan Causeway Map Description This long narrow map can spell almost certain doom for all but the most dedicated Allied team, The objective of this map is for the US Airborne forces to move down the four bridges of the causeway capturing each one and moving on towards Carentan, Opposing them are Fallschirmjagers of FIR6. The bridges on this map form natural choke points so try passing under them to seize the objective. If this does not work make sure you have a solid base of support fire before moving across the bridges. As a final resort use your radio man and officers to call down arty on dug in enemy positions. Map History The road to Carentan was an arduous one for the men of the US Airborne who undertook the task The Fallschirmjager opposing them were dedi- cated and resolute and names like “Dead Man's Corner”, “Purple Heart Lane” & “Cole's Charge” all refer to specific actions along this narrow roa In an effort to counter Allied movement the German forces had flooded the fields surrounding Carentan making the causeway one of the few viable routes in. Although a bloody engagement for both sides the road the Carentan and the ensuing battle for the town solidified the already fearsome reputation of the 101st Airbome in the German military's eyes, ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.2 Map Information - Brecourt Map Description A small battle that relies on speed and co-ordination for either side to win. The main Allied objective is to destroy the four 10mm guns firing onto Utah Beach and then retreat back to their original starting location. Defending the guns are artillery crew and a reserve forces of well equipped Fallschirmjagers. Each gun must first be captured and held before explosives can be planted and the Allied forces can move on to the next gun. Be aware that although the field between the guns and the Fallschirmjager camp looks like it ishas plenty of cover neither side is safe from accurate and well directed fire. Stick to the trenches and work as a team! Map History The Brécourt Manor Assault (June 6, 1944) during the US. parachute assault of the Normandy Invasion of World War II is often cited as a classic example of small-unit tactics and leadership in overcoming a larger enemy force. Ist Lt Richard Winters led a small assault forces to destroy 4 105mm Guns that were firing onto Utah beach and putting the invasion in jeopardy. By deploying a solid base of fire with two .30cal machine guns and using rapid and successful fire and mave tacties Winters was able to move down the trench system, destroy the guns and retreat with only minimal casualties. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.3 Map Information - Hedgerow Hell Map Description This medium sized combined arms map is designed to portray the tight and chaotic fighting for vehicles in the thick Normandy bocage countryside. The Allied objective is to capture the two crossroads, One is nestled in the shallow valley at the center of the map and the other is on high ground heavily defended by German forces. While the Allies can advance down the main road to the objectives it is advisable to move through the gaps in the bocage surrounding the central road. Use infantry to help take out enemy tanks but also be aware that both sides come equipped with portable AT weapons capable of causing serious damage to even the toughest tanks, Map History Although not based around a specific battle Hedgerow Hell iries to give the player a sense of the sheer terror felt by tank crews on both sides and they tried to navigate the narrow and impenetrable bocage. Unlike hedgerows in other areas of the world the Normandy bocages can be well over 6 feet tall and hard as concrete meaning that many are impassible even to heavy tanks. The allies on this map should watch out for the superior German tanks, particu- larly the Panther as well as German infantry armed with the Panzerschrek. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 38 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.4 Map Information - Le Ville Ruinee Map Description This destroyed city map was originally created for Red Orchestra by Joeminator. However having talked to the DH developers frequently Joeminator kindly donated the map for use and release in Darkest Hour. The map focusses on the capture of four strategic points in a heavily destroyed town. It also differs slightly from the Red Orchestra version in that a lot of the environmental art has been changed in order for it to fit in with our Normandy theme. This is a classic combined arms map as both sides have access to light transport and heavy armour, The allies should make an effort to capture the train station early on thus giving them a vantage point to stop enemy movements. Likewise the Germans should try and establish a solid defensive line as soon as possible to repulse the Allied advance. Map History La Ville Ruinee is typical of a heavily bombarded town seen in the Second World War. The plethora of destroyed buildings and mounds of detritus littering the streets make this map ideal for close combat combined arms. Heavy allied bombing and artillery during Normandy often helped to flush out German forces from particularly hard to capture towns and objectives. However when this failed the ruins provided ideal cover for German units to lie in wait of the impending allied advance. Le Ville Ruinee represents one of these situations in which a British division is moving in after an intense barrage. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 39 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.5 Map Information - Benouville Bridge Map Description The British Paras must assault the bridge before the German forces can muster and counter their attack. Once the Bridge is captured they must make every effort to hold it fora short period of time against a heavy German counter attack. The Germans can bring, light vehicles for rapid deployment and Panzers to their aid. With this in mind a successful commander should weigh up the pro's and con’s of taking the T-Junction objective. Taking this point may mean heading off German counter attacks early but you also run the risk of stretching your lines too thin. Use cover and the night to your advantage. Like with most assault maps speed is the key Map History The Ox and Bucks regiment's assault on Benouville (Pegasus) bridge is important because it was the first action of the Normandy Invasion On the night of 5/6 June 1944, a force of 181 men, led by Major John Howard, landed in six Horsa gliders to capture Pegasus Bridge, and also "Horsa Bridge”, a few hundred yards to the east, over the Ome River. The object of this action was to prevent German armour from crossing the bridges and attacking the eastern flank of the landings at Sword Beach. Five of the Ox and Bucks's gliders landed 40. yards fiom their objectives at 16 minutes past midnight. The attackers poured out of their battered gliders, completely surprising the German defenders, and took the bridges within 10 minutes. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Pana BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.6 Map Information - Wacht Am Rhein Map Description A large Tank only map that represents the area surrounding the heavily forested Ardennes region. The German forces are assaulting the Allied forces in the area and must capture four areas of high ground to ensure the advance can continue unopposed, Both sides must be aware that the countryside is open but the day is also darkened by a heavily overcast sky. This means that while it is possible to shoot enemies from a distance spotting them may be easier said than done. Allied tanks should work as a team to overpower the superior German armour and where possible use fast moving tanks to flank around approaching threats ap History The Ardennes Offensive (16 December 1944 — 25 January 1945) was a major German offensive on the Western Front and was launched towards the end of World War IL. It was also Adolf Hitler's last offensive in the war. This offensive was called Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein (Operation The Guard on the Rhine) by the German armed forces. The beginning and end of this conflict (also known as the “Battle of the Bulge” by Allied forces) included large scale tank engagements as German amour poured into the area. The are surrounding the densely forested Ardennes, who's terrain is famous for its impenetrability, is in fact open and dotted with small forests. This allowed tanks from both sides to spot and destroy their enemies at long range ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Poa BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.7 Map Information - Merville Battery Map Description This map starts with the Allied forces assembling prior to assault while the last of the Battalion arrives via glider. Once the Allies have captured the outlying areas of Merville Battery they must assault the main objective. There are two routes into the Battery. The first via the main gate is the most direct but involves crossing a heavily mined area and very open terrain, The second way in is a side gate. Both of these gates can be blown to allow access to the Battery. Once inside the Allies must proceed to destroy all the German Artillery and then move towards the “Bug Out” objective to end the map. The Battery is ideal for defense so expect resistance to be fierce. Smoke screens and covering fire are a must for the Allies to carry the day. Map History The Merville Gun Battery was a coastal fortifica- tion in Normandy, France in use as part of the German Atlantic wall built to defend continental Europe from Allied invasion, It was one of the first places to be attacked by Allied forces on D-Day The plan was for a multi-phase para drop and glider-borne assault mission. Due to. various Circumstances however the 9th Battalion, The Parachute Regiment which was to make the assault was scattered and only a fraction of the men and equipment available for the assault had assembled by the start of the attack. With a significant amount of improvisation by the commanding officer Lieutenant-Colonel Terence Otway the battery was sucessfully assaulted in a fearsome and bloody encounter. Although Pegasus bridge has received much of the acclaim as the Parachute Regiment's greatest success on D- Day the role of the assault on Merville Battery can not be underplayed. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Pane BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.8 Map Information - Port En Bessin Map Description Based around the Royal Marine Commando attack on June 6th this is a combined arms map in which the Allied forces must attack the German defenders and.capture both the entrance to and the buildings surrounding the port. The Allied infantry are supported by Light and Medium tanks and must use these to help them defeat German defenders with significant AT capabilities. Moving from the outskirts of town the Allies must first capture the area surrounding the town's church before moving onto the port itself. Be aware of German defenders on the opposite side of the port as these will have access to the best AT equipment. Map History Port-in-Bessin was a small fishing harbor west of Arromanches in Normandy, it was situated be- tween two landing zones, Omaha Beach the Vth American Corps sector, and Gold Beach the XXXth British Corps sector. The 47th Royal Marine Commando came ashore east of Arromanches and progressed toward Port-en- Bessin; at night the Commando stopped a few kilometers from the objective. On 7 June the British launched the attack with fighter bombers support: about forty men were killed to conquest the harbor western side. In the same day, the Americans of the 16th Rs iental Combat Team landed on Omaha beach, they entered Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes and reached Huppain. On 8 June in the morning, the British commandos liberated Port-en-Bessin and made junction with Americans troops of the 29th Infantry division. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Page 43 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.9 Map Information - Omaha Beach: Dog Green Sector Descripti Dog Green is a large scale combined arms map representing Omaha beach on June 6th 1944, The Allies must first board the Higgins boats and drive them to shore. At this point the Allied players can expect to encounter severe German resistance. Try to establish a beachhead and move combat engineers up to the seawall with the aid of covering fire. ‘Once the Seawall has been blown the Allies are free to move inland to capture the remaining objectives. It should be noted that in order to keep some semblance of realism the Allies will not have access to armoured support until they have captured and destroyed the seawall (see history for further information). The Germans must first defend the beach and then fall back to their bluff defenses before finally attempting to keep control of the town of Vierville. Map History ‘Omaha Beach was the code name for one of the principal landing points of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy land- ings on June 6, 1944. during World War Il. The beach was located on the northern coast of France. facing the English Channel. and was S miles (& km) long. On D-Day, the untested 29th Infantry Division, joined by eight companies of U.S Rangers redirected from Pointe du Hoc, were to assault the western half of the beach (inclu Dog Green Sector). The initial assaults met with heavy resistance as murderous fire from the German defenses laid waste to waves of attack: Despite being promised tank support early on in the battle Sherman DD tanks dispatched failed to make it to the beach. It was not until after the Infantry had successfully captured the seawall and were assaulting the bluff defenses, later that day, that tanks finally arrived on Dog Green. ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Pane BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 13.10 Map Information - City of St Lo Map Description ‘A medium sized infantry map, St Lo focuses on the Allied assault of the Notre-Dame of St-L6, a church at the City's center. The city lies in ruins which is beneficial for the Allies asit aids them in theiradvance but it also gives the German defenders a great many places which to hide, The first task for the Allies is to capture a stricken Halftrack which contains resupply equipment before they can make the main assault. Although attacking from the front is an option always look for other ways to achieve and objective. Flanking, can provide the answer but the City also has a usefull sewer system that could be utlized. Remember when entering the sewers sometimes you have to get on your stomach before you can move forwards and dead ends are not always as “dead” as they seem, The battle for St-L6 began on July 18th and 19th after a heavy allied bombardment which left the city in ruins. The barrage had served one of the Allies’ main purposes in that it had driven a large number of the German units from the city itself into the surrounding countryside. However the ruins had created ideal defensive positions within the city for the remaining Germans particularly in the area around Notre-Dame of St-L6. The Germans secured a tough defensive line that incorporated the church as one of its main strongholds. Heavily armed and well equipped these German forces presented a formidable road block on the Allies’ path to victory ALL WORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHTOF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGIN I. CONTENTCREATORS THIS DOC- LUMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIFTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES, COPYRIGHT 008, Pana BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FR ANCE 1944 Index 14.0 Darkest Hour Credits — Darkest Hour Project Leads TMan Aeneas2020 Darkest Hour Lead Developers TMan Aeneas2020 ExoCet Fennich Ghost Darkest Hour Level Designers Exocet (Team Leader) ennich Stalker TumbleWeed Reservoir Dog SchutzeSe Killer999 Darkest Hour 3D Artists TMan (Team Leader) Garrison Maharzan Oli Desyrgator Apskop ‘oyoteninja Isa. Nights2006 Darkest Hour 2D Texture Artists ‘Aeneas2020 (Team Leader) rotector ennich Coyote Ninja andser Diablo Darkest Hour Environmental Artists. ‘Acneas2020 (Team leader) Nights2006 xocet Fennich Darkest Hour Animation Exocet (Team Leader) attori 1133 Darkest Hour Sound Design Fennich (Team Leader) iseq Mr Sheen, Exocet ions Darkest Hour Public Rel ‘Aeneas2020 (Team Leader) Harvey Darkest Hour Website Team Harve Psycho Chicken ¥ Darkest Hour Research Del (Team Leader) Celtic Werewolf” Riga Wilsonam Frost Darkest Hour Coding Fennich (Team Leader) 3 a Darkest Hour Testing Ghost (Teatn Leader) Bob the Builder € adit: ALLWORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGINS. CONTENT CREATORS. THIS DOC- ‘UMENT SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BOTH OF THESE PARTIES. COPYRIGHT 2008 Page 46 BATTLEFIELD OPERATIONS AND TACTICS MANUAL FRANCE 1944 Index 14.1 Darkest Hour Thanks With many thanks fo everyone at Tripwite Interactive, Raiders Gaming Network, the Clans, Beta Testers, the Red Orchestra and Darkest Hour communities and ev etyone else who has given us support throught this long process. Special thanks to the guys at the Sth Rangers Battalion Test Team. Mike Ellis Joseph Andronaco rad Harris Joel Cabrera Jeff Nicoll Taylor Boone Mike Groom Brad Rice Michael Douglas Dantel Odell Phillip Cannon From everyone here at Darklight Games we hope you enjoy the experience that is “The Darkest Hour as much as we enjoyed making it. See you in the future < Darkest Hour Manual Aeneas2020 (Author Harvey (Creator) ALLWORK DISPLAYED ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHT OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND DARKEST HOUR MODIFICATION ALL ASSETS ON THESE PAGES ARE THE PROPERTY OF DARKLIGHT GAMES AND THE ORIGINS. CONTENT CREATORS. 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