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1 RabbitMQ - Test

1. AMQP is not JMS. True or False

2. RabbitMQ is a NoSQL database. True or False

3. What is RabbitMQ ?
a. RabbitMQ is an open source message broker software

4. What is routing key in RabbitMQ?

a. A message attribute.
b. Is a Binding Key

a) What is required for RabbitMQ ?

a) Java
b) Erlang

5. What are the types of exchanges (4) available in


6. How to verify RabbitMQ version?

a) rabbitmqctl status
b) rabbitmqctl status_rabbit

7. Does RabbitMQ have any concept of message priority?

True or False

8. When Do We Use Dead Letter Exchange In Rabbitmq?

a. messages that are not deliverable.
b. messages that are deliverable.
c. messages that are not ack.

9. What Are Headers Exchange In Rabbitmq?

a. uses message header to route message.
b. uses message id to route message.
2 RabbitMQ - Test

10. What Is Routing Key In Rabbitmq?

a. key that exchange looks to find the Exchange.
b. key that exchange looks to find the binding queue.
c. key that exchange looks to find the message.

11. Types of Queue:

a. Durable
b. Stable
c. Transient
d. Non Persistent
12. Amqp.thetopic Is a predeclared Exchange? True or
13. Ways to acknowledge the message?
a. Basic.ack
b. Basic.acks
c. Basic.confirm
14. Messages in the AMQP model have following
a. Queue Name
b. Routing key
c. Delivery mode (persistent or not)
d. Message priority
16. Command to list the exchange in rabbitmq:
a. rabbitmqctl list_exchanges
b. rabbitmqctl list
c. rabbitmqctl exchanges
17. All nodes in the cluster must have the same
a. URL cookie
3 RabbitMQ - Test

b. Erlang Cookie
c. Cookie
18. Federation Types:
a. Exchanges
b. Queue
c. vHost
d. Bindings

19. The shovel is good for WAN or LAN ?

20. Types of Cluster Node:

a. Disk
b. RAM
c. HDD
d. SAN

21. RabbitMQclient needs to specifies a virtual host while

connecting to a server. True or False
a. '^$', i.e. matching ___ in RabbitMQ permission
b. All
c. Nothing

22. err = ch.ExchangeDeclare(

"logs_topic", // name
"topic", // type
true, // durable
false, // auto-deleted
false, // internal
false, // no-wait
nil, // arguments
) - Which exchange type is declare in this Go API –
snippets? _______________

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