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2) How can a Christian find complete happiness? (ch.


Firstly we must know what happiness is. Happiness is a sense of well-being, it`s the
feeling that people have when they are successful or when they accomplish something that
they desire.

We can be happy everyday but that happiness is not persistent, it`s not there to stay for
long time. A Christian happiness is different from normal happiness because it can last for
eternity. This happiness is also different because it doesn`t need something from this world to
be accomplished and it`s much more fulfilling.

This special happiness can be achieved by getting closer and closer to the God and
living by His will. When you realize that this is a passing life and the Heaven is real you can
begin the journey to the complete happiness. This so called „journey to happiness” is not a
short journey but rather a long and challenging one.

The devil doesn`t want us to reach the complete happiness and he will try to stop us.
He will try to make us feel like the happiness from this world (that is material) is enough for
us and in this way he`s setting a trap. It`s very easy to fall in this trap and to remain in that
stage because, in some respects, we would belive that this is the complete happiness, but is

This is the first temptation that we must overcome in order to continue our jorney.
From now on everything is about perseverance. This perseverence consist in firstly reading
the Holly Bible (the word of God) and secondly in fulfilling God`s will (that can be found in
the Bible).

We must have a pure life, do what is right, pray often, and establish a relationship with
God. Often we forget about God in our daily life and only pray when we are in need. A good
relationship with God must be a permanent one, we must think of God without stopping and
we must pray with our heart, not only with our mouth.

After we get used to all the good and establish a sincere relationship with God we will
begin to feel something new, a special happiness. We will feel like we are free, free from the
most of the sins, like we have Someone that really loves us and Someone that we can really
trust. If we acquire this special happiness in which we are permanently in a state of peace and
love for our fellow men and especially for God then we can say that we taste a little of
Heaven and we can say that we have found the complete happiness as a Christian.

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