Rahimaafrooz Company

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Rahimaafrooz battery limited

Prepared For:
Head of the department

Professor Mohammed TarequeAzis, PhD

Prepared by:
Pali Rani Majumder (16102095)
MashiatNailaJahanPromi (16102106)
Kazi HasibShuvo (16102112)
ShuvroPallabSaha (15202050)
ParthoSaha (16102122)
Md. Limon Hossain (16102115)

B.B.A Program
Department of Business Administration
University of Asia Pacific

Date: 10th July 2019

Date: 10th July 2019

Head of the department

Professor Mohammed TarequeAzis, PhD

Department of Business Administration,

University of Asia Pacific,

Subject: Submission of report on Rahimafrooz battery ltd.

Dear Sir,

Here is the report that we assigned on the topic as per your request. The report has been completed by the
knowledge that we have gathered from the Rahimafrooz battery Ltd activity in Bangladesh.

We are thankful to all those persons who provided us important information and gave us valuable advice.
We would be happy if you read the report carefully and we will be trying to answer all the questions that
you have about the report.

We have tried our best to complete this report meaningfully and correctly, as much as possible. We do
believe that our tiresome effort will help you to get ahead with this sort of venture. In this case, it will be
meaningful to us. However, if you need any assistance to clarifying this report please contact us without
any kind of hesitation.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently

Pali Rani Majumder (16102095) ___________

MashiatNailaJahanPromi (16102106) ___________

Kazi HasibShuvo (16102112) ___________

ShuvroPallabSaha (15202050) __________

ParthoSaha (16102122) ___________


It was a great pleasure to prepare a report on the various aspect of Rahimafrooz battery
Bangladesh Limited. We would like to thank our honorable teacher, Department of the
Business Administration University of Asia Pacific for giving to a good guideline this
report. Make this report we learning more important work and knowing more
information. This information and work help our future life.

Executive Summary

Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited is the developer of the battery business in Bangladesh for
more than sixty years. They are selling battery in Bangladesh from 1954. Though we don't buy it
every day, it still helps in our everyday life. This Battery is an electrical and high-tech product.
Majority of the countries started using a battery from early 2000 which is highly maintained but
still, there is no company in Bangladesh which is manufacturing or selling maintenance-free
battery in Bangladesh. They import raw material assembles hare then sell it by using distribution
channel, they use ‘Think Global and Act Global' strategy to standard their product in the foreign
market because they don't compromise their quality that's why their price is so high and global
standard. Their main Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) is quality. though their price of
the product is high then the competitors, so they sustained in this market by providing and
ensuring the best quality of the product than the competitor.
Maintenance of employees is the final factor of overall staffing. While some loss of employees is
both unavoidable and desirable, Maintenance management seeks to keep enough numbers and
types of employees so that organizational effectiveness is not exposed. In these reports, the
author suggested a pricing strategy for the battery of Rahimafrooz and gave the reasons for the
suggested pricing strategy. To introduce a new product, selecting the best distribution channel is
very important and thus the author gave some recommendation about the best distribution
channel and tells us the logic for supporting the recommended distribution channel. Promotional
activities are the most important aspect of marketing while a company is going to introduce a
new product in the market. In this study, the author tried to find out the best possible promotional
activities for introducing Rahimafrooz battery in Bangladesh.
Rahimafrooz is the first and only company who take the inspiration to produce and sell this high-
tech battery in Bangladesh. Their business success has been complemented by its commitment to
the environment, society, and community

Table of Content
Item Particulars Page No.
Letter of Transmittal 3

Acknowledgment 4

Executive Summary 5

Chapter One: Introduction

1.0 Introduction to the Rahimafrooz company 7
1.1 Historical background of Rahimafrooz company 8
1.2 The objective of the study 8
1.3 The methodology of the study 8
1.4 Limitation of the study 9-10
Chapter Two: Company overview
2.0 Elevator pitch 11
2.1 Vision 11
2.2 Mission 12
2.3 Core values 12
2.4 Company Goal 12
2.5 Swot analysis 12
2.6 Key Performance Indicators 12-14
2.7 Target Customers 14-20
2.8 Industry Analysis 20-24
2.9 Competitive Analysis & Advantage 24- 26
2.1.0 Marketing Plan 26-29
2.1.1 Team 30-31
2.1.2 Operation Plan 32-33
2.1.3 Financial Analysis 34-35
Chapter Three: Finding &Appendix
3.0 Finding 35
3.1 Conclusion 35
3.2 Recommendation 36
3.3 Reference 36
3.4 Appendix 36-40

Chapter One: Introduction

1.0. Introduction

Rahimafrooz is one of the fastest-growing business houses in Bangladesh. Rahimafrooz

successfully growing their business 69 years and expanding day by day from to a large
company.. Introducing a completely new product in a market is always a massive challenge for
any company. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh limited is doing battery business from 1954 and still
they are the market leader of the battery market of Bangladesh. Before 2007 Rahimafrooz was
enjoying a sort of monopoly market in Bangladesh as there was no such big competitor in this
sector ob Bangladesh but the scenario has been changed. There are more or less 5-7 big
companies are now running their operation in Bangladesh and their market share is increasing
day by day as a result Rahmiafrooz is facing a huge competition in Bangladesh. Though there are
several companies are selling battery in Bangladesh still Rahimafrooz is the market leader of the
battery market but the scenario might change any time. To be the market leader in battery sector
of Bangladesh Rahimafrooz need to do something which will give them some sort of competitive
advantages in the market. To ensure the leadership position in Bangladeshi battery market
Rahimafrooz has introduced a hightrech sealed maintenance free battery which is completely
new in the context of Bangladesh and no other company is selling SMF battery in Bangladesh.
Today Rahimafrooz own the highest percentage of the battery market share

1.2. History

In the fifties when Bangladesh was the one of poorest country in the world. At that time Bangladesh had
to follow Pakistan’s roles, which created various progressive economies in the country. Abdur Rahim
was the founder of a progressive business, which manufacture automobile battery in 1954.

Rahimafrooz has introduced the idea of welfare business in Bangladesh which changed millions of
people’s standard of livings

In 1954 the company was started as a limited company called Rahimafrooz limited. In 1959 it entered
into a joint venture with Lucas, the U.K. to set up a modern automotive battery factory.


i. To describe the Battery Market in Bangladesh.

ii. To know the marketing strategy & marketing practice of Rahimafrooz batteries Ltd.
iii. To explain the promotional activities of Rahimafrooz batteries Ltd.
iv. To describe various types of Batteries of Rahimafrooz batteries Ltd.
v. To identify the target market of Rahimafrooz batteries Ltd.
vi. To an analysis of battery market of RBL


To prepare the report primary and secondary data and information were needed which are
explain below.

Sources of Data collection

For preparing the report we have collected data both from primary and secondary sources of
data. And every data source’s equally important for research purpose and preparation of the

Primary sources:

 Company officers
 Employee

Secondary Sources:

 Annual Repo
 Previous research document.

 Different battery related website.
 Company website
 Sales and Marketing Report.

Research instrument:

 The questionnaire is a research instrument

Scope of the Study

That study covers three years of sales data. The tendency of business of Rahimafrooz Batteries
Limited, Historical & future global Industrial battery market and finally the analysis of major

1.4. Limitation
The organization was reluctant to provide some information
They usually do not provide sensitive and important information to outside people. So I could
not get some important information from them as they were reluctant to provide. For example,
they were reluctant to provide details information about their dealers which they consider as
sensitive information. Like these, I could not get any more information from Rahimafrooz
Limited because of their reluctance.

Lack of projects visit

If I could visit head office then I could manage some information about their Consumer as the
ultimate customers deal with their dealers, not with Rahimafrooz Battery Limited. As
Rahimafrooz was reluctant to provide information about their dealers I could not visits their
offices. Due to this reason, I could not get much information about the ultimate Consumer of
Rahimafrooz Battery Limited.
Lack of secondary data
Secondary data are not available for this report. As battery business is not a common business in
Bangladesh so there are only a few companies is doing business in this sector in Bangladesh. So,
there are very few research work has been done for the battery industry of Bangladesh. Due to
this reason, I could not get sufficient help from the secondary data resource.

Time Limitations
To writethis report I did not get enough time. If I could get more time, I could make this report
more elaborate and informative

Chapter Two: Company overview

2.0. Elevator pitch

This pitch is a shortexplanation of an idea, product or company that explains the concept in a
way such that any listener can realize it in a short period of time. this explanation naturally
explains who the things are for, what it does, why it is desired, and how it will get. it also
explains the skills and goals, work, the ability of a person or employees of the organization.
Rahimafrooz Battery LTD. Is one sub of Rahimafroozgroup. As of 2018, the group presently
employs more than three thousand five hundred people directly. a large portion of this
employment work at Rahimafrooz Battery LTD. the work depends on their own functional area.
the goal of the function area should support the goal of the company. for that reason, the
company makes a rule. the company put the 5 goals in every employee’s computer (Home page),
which help the company to achieve its goal. when they get the training then the company provide
a clear concept of the mission, vision, strategy, goals, etc.
Most of the employees are satisfied with the promotional and other rules of the company. the
employee has an emotional attachment with the company so they want the company can achieve
their every goal. the employees can also solve their psychological issues by share with the
consultant of the company.
So, each of the employees of the Rahimafrooz knows the all rule and regulation and their
strength and weakness.

Vision, Mission, and Values of Rahimafrooz

Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Limited has a specific mission and vision. Company high-level
management mission discussing with lower-level managers and employees.
The core mission, vision, values of the company is presented below.
2.1.Company Vision
Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) limited already pass their 64 years with the people of this country as
well as with many other foreign countries.
It is the long-term vision is to establish Rahimafrooz as a worldwide well-known brand. One of
its announced visions is becoming an enterprising group of takas 2000 crore by the year 2010
with a diversified business portfolio focused on dynamic growth, excellence, innovation,
customer delight in enriching our world.

2.2. Company Mission

 Pursue a market-oriented company

 Endeavor for constant enhancement of technical and professional skills of our people
 Maintain high ethical standard in all spheres of operation
 Respects the social norms and custom and contribute to the welfare of society

2.3. Core Values

Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) limited has many values by which help them to satisfy their
customers and achieve their organizational goals. There is four specific value which are:

 Integrity in all dealings

 Excellence in everything I do
 Total commitment to customer satisfaction
 Valuing and inspiring people
 Thinking ahead and taking new initiatives

2.4. Company Goal

Become the most successful and faithful organization through excelling in everything they
do, following legal business practice and adding value to stakeholders.

2.5. SWOT analysis of Rahimafrooz battery Limited:

 SWOT analysis is an important and management tool used to determine

the action to be taken for achieving customer goal. SWOT is an acronym
that stands for strength, weakness, opportunities, and threat.
 Strength:
 Strength describes the positive attributes, tangible and intangible internal
environment of an organization. The success and profit of a product and
organization are fully depending on the target customer. The main
strengths of Rahimafrooz battery limited are given bellow.

 Goodwill: Rahimafrooz battery limited, goodwill in the market is their

main strength. We can see that whatever sector they have entered they
become one of the best in those sectors. For example, they entered to the
battery sector they have become the best battery producer in Bangladesh,

they entered to the IPS, UPS sector they become one of the best IPS, UPS
 customer loyalty: customer loyalty is positively related to customer
satisfaction as customers consistently favor the brand. loyal customers are
purchasing a firm’s products and service.
 Quality Product: Rahimafrooz never compromises with the quality of the
product. When they produce any kind of product, they make sure that the
product has the best quality. The high-quality product is another source of
strength for Rahimafrooz.
 Experience: Rahimafrooz is doing business in the battery market of
Bangladesh from 1954. They are present in this market for more than 60
years. So, we can say that Rahimafrooz is the most experienced player in
the battery market of Bangladesh.
 Weakness:
 Rahimafrooz Bangladesh also has some weaknesses. The main weaknesses that
Rahimafrooz should focus to overcome are given bellow.
 Location: One of the biggest factories of Rahimafrooz is located in Ishwardi
EPZ. SMF battery most of the customers of Rahimafrooz lives in Dhaka,
Chittagong or Sylhet which are far from their factory. So, they are spending a big
amount on the transportation cost due to their location of the factory.
 Country: Rahimafrooz is a Bangladeshi company so they have to use the name of
Bangladesh in their product. Bangladesh is not well known for its technological
product. So, it is very difficult for RahimafroozGlobate battery Limited to
compete with companies which are from developed countries. Even in
Bangladesh, people do not prefer a local brand for the technological product. So,
the country of origin is a big problem for Rahimafrooz Global battery Limited.

 Opportunities:
 Rahimafrooz batteries limited these opportunities can be a representation of
future success. Now we will see what opportunities of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh
limited currently have.

 The growing demand of the local market: The economic condition of Bangladesh
is improving. So the purchasing power of Bangladeshi people is also increased
when the purchasing power of a country increases the demand for the car also
increase. This increasing demand for the car can create some opportunities for

 The maintenance-free battery in the Local market: Rahimafrooz is the only
company who offer SMF in the battery market of Bangladesh. So, in this case,
they are not facing any competition which is a very big opportunity.
 Threat:
 Threats are external factors which can create huge damage for the organization.
Every organization has to be very careful about its potential threats. Like other
companies, Rahimafrooz also has a threat. The main threats of Rahimafrooz
Bangladesh limited are given bellow.
 Increasing Number of Competitors: The number of competitors in the battery
market of Bangladesh is gradually increasing and the small companies are
increasing their market share day by day which is a big threat for Rahimafrooz
Bangladesh limited. The competitors are taking different actions to attract battery
dealers which can increase their market share and if they can increase their market
share then Rahimafrooz Batteries limited have to lose their market share.
Moreover, there is still room for the new companies to enter this market and if
some other new companies enter this market then it would be a big problem for
Rahimafrooz Batteries limited.

 Decreasing Load shedding: Load shedding is decreasing in Bangladesh which is

decreasing the demand for battery in the local market. When the load shedding
was high then the demand for IPS and battery was very high but due to the
decreasing load shedding the demand of IPS.

2.6. Key Performance Indicators

Financial KPI

Operating Cash Flow (OCF): OCF shows the total amount of money promoted by a company’s
daily business operations. The financial measure hints whether a company can maintain a
positive cash flow needed for growth or requires external financing to cope with all the expenses.
Operating cash flow is calculated by adjusting net income for things like depreciation, changes in
inventory and change to accounts receivable. While analyzing your Operating Cash Flows,
compare it to the total capital employed to evaluate whether your business produces enough
capital to keep the accounts positive.

Current Ratio: Current ratio reflects on an organization’s ability to pay all the financial
obligation in one year. This financial KPI takes into account a company’s current assets such as
account receivable’s and current liabilities, such as account payables. A healthy current ratio is
between 1.5 and 3, but it’s not infrequent for businesses to have periods of Current Ratio under
1, especially if the company is investing in growth or accumulating debt.

Burn Rate: This financial KPI reflects the rate at which a company is spending money on a
weekly, monthly or annual basis. This basic metric can profit small firms that do not undertake
extensive financial analysis.

Net Profit Margin: This metric shows how productive is a company at generating profit
compared to its revenue. Frequently calculated as a percentage, this KPI indicates how much of
each dollar earned by the company interprets into profits. The Net Profit Margin revolves on the
profitability of a business and shows how fast the company can grow in the long-term prospect.

Resource Utilization: For some companies, the employee's time is the most valuable asset that
they also bill the customer for. This is true for creative agencies, law firms, and other service-
based business models.

Debt to Equity Ratio: Similarly, to the Return on Equity metric, this KPI shows how efficiently
a business is using their shareholder investments. A high Debt to Equity Ratio indicates that an
organization is losing investments and accumulating debt instead of generating new profits out of

Inventory Turnover: The Inventory Turnover KPI indicates how efficiently a company sells
and replaces its inventory during a particular period of time. So, it reflects an organizations
ability to originate sales and quickly re-stock.

Sales Growth: The financial metric displays the change in total sales generated over a certain
period. The Sales Growth shows the percentage of the current sales period compared to the
previous one, indicating growth or decrease in total sales.

Current Accounts Payable: To calculate the Current Accounts Payable, the organization need
to take into account all liabilities that need to be paid in a particular time frame.

Budget Creation Cycle Time: The Budget Creation rotation Time indicates the period used to
research, plan and agree on a company’s budget. A long budget creation cycle isn’t necessarily a
bad thing, but it might use up valuable resources like the leadership’s time.

Burn Rate: This financial KPI reflects the rate at which a company is spending money on a
weekly, monthly or yearly basis. This basic metric can benefit small firms that do not undertake
considerable financial analysis.
Compared with the net profit margin and revenue, the Burn Rate indicates the organizations
operating cost are sustainable in the long term.

Working Capital: The working capital KPI measures the organization's currently available
assets to meet short term financial obligation. Immediately available cash is known as Working
Capital. Working capital calculated by subtracting current liabilities, from current assets, on-
hand cash flow, short term investments and accounts receivable.

Human Resources KPI:

1: Average time to competence

2: Average training cost per employee
3: HR average years of service (incumbents)
4: HR to employee staff ratio
5: HR headcount
6: New hire quality
7: Cost per hire
8: Internal, external, and total headcount recruiting cost and ratio
9: Per time employees as a percentage of total employee
10: Workforce Stability
11: Return on investment of training
12: Percentage of new hire retention
13: Average salary for all employees reporting to the selected manager
14: Average retirement age
15: Average performance source of departing employees
16: Percentage of employees receiving regular performance
17: Employee satisfaction with train
18: Female to Male ratio
19: Average interviewing cost
20: Actual versus the budgeted cost of hire
21: Average number of unpaid leave per employee
22: Average number of vacation days per employee

The HR strategy follows the organizational strategy. HR KPIs mirror organizational performance
for hr. They defined three things

1: Relevant to achieve business goals

2: Balanced Scorecard
3: Cut cost everywhere

Accounting KPI:

Accounts payable KPIs : Accounts payable divisions create vendors accounts and pay their
invoices. Accounting KPIs example ,KPIs for this group include the time from invoice receipt
until payment, the number invoices with errors, the time taken to match an invoice to a purchase
order, the time taken to resolve an error, the total discounts taken for paying a vendor according
to terms and the total discounts lost because of late payments.

Accounts Receivable KPIs : A company's accounts receivable division manages that money
that keeps the business running. The company can estimate its cash flow by tracking time-bound

Example: A business may track the number of accounts backed by personal guarantees, the
number of receivables turned over to a collection agency, a case that goes to litigation and
collection costs as a percentage of receivables.

Internal Accounting Indicators: Internal KPIs for the accounting department measure the
department's performance in its relationship with its internal stakeholders. Measuring the time, it
takes individual employees to respond to inquiries, resolve the problem and provide reports.
Managers may repeat the surveys periodically to measure the effectiveness of any remedial
measures they implement.

Reporting Systems to Monitor KPIs: A flexible, robust reporting systems is essential for
monitoring KPIs. Many accounting software systems give reports that measure compliance with
generally accepted accounting principles and other industry regulations. These reports also
originate information about frequently used KPIs. Some systems offer the ability to customize
reports to meet an organization-specific need.

Goals: Business goals are part of a broad process that starts with the vision and mission of your
company and ends with specific goals, objectives and action plans that help your business
forward. Business goals must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-
bound). Goals are general statements of the achievements.

Marketing KPI

Sales Growth: At the end of the day the best way to judge your marketing success is by
measuring its growth in sales revenue. Once you start measuring your marketing's effect on sales
growth, it will take some adjusting to weed out the marketing that does drive sales. Measuring
your sales growth is, however, vital to the long term of your company. Not only does it serve as
an upright indicator when it comes to strategic planning, but it also allows for the identification
of growth trends.

Leads: Its simple math. The more leads you get the more sales opportunities you have and the
more sales opportunities you have and the more sales opportunities you have the better are your
chances of sales growth. The importance of leads to a marketing and sales department is
equivalent to the importance of something like gasoline to an automobile. Not all leads are
created equal, however. Be sure you're familiar with the difference among Marketing Qualified
Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). These are simply different life cycle stages of
the same lead. A marketing qualified lead (MQLs) is a lead judged more likely to become a
customer compared to other leads based on lead direct sales follows up.

Lifetime Value of a Customer (LTV): The idea of determining just how much your customer is
worth to you seems a bit daunting. This KPI is a great way to extend your company's ROI and
it's a wonderful figure to help strategize future business goals. While not exact, figuring out the
lifetime value of a customer involves figuring out all sales your average customer has initiated
over the course of your relationship.

Revenue: Revenue is the money a company receives during a specific financial period. Revenue
is measured by multiplying the price at which goods or services are sold by the number of units
or amount sold. Total revenue or sales is not the same as the benefit.

Gross Margin: Gross margin represents the percentage of total sales revenue that a company
keeps as gross profit after deducting the cost directly related to producing the goods or services
2.7. Target customer:
A target customer is a person who is more likely to purchase a product by analyzing its qualities
and uses. He is always concern about the quality of a product which is bearable for him. Target
customers may be identified for a business, brand, product, and sale or marketing strategy.
Rahimafroozs batteries Ltd following are common types of target customer’s rich customer, a
government organization. Target customer’s better Rahimafroozs marketing provide the best
Market Positioning:

Market positioning is the arranging for a product to occupy a clear distinctive and desirable
place relative to competing for products the mind of target consumers. Rahimafroozs usually
determine their distributional channel based on geographically, economically and also based on
sales forecast. In the urban or metropolitan areas used high price product and solar power in the
remote rural areas of Bangladesh. It has successfully installed the more than 10000 home solar
systems in the remote rural areas of Bangladesh.


 The lifespan of the product: Rahimafrooz gives the longest replacement

offer in the market because it lasts longer.
 Low price better quality: Rahimafrooz never compromises with the quality
of the product. The product low-price better-quality service.
 The customer perspective for hold product is to be launched

 A process of dividing the market through variables such as age, gender,
education, income occupation and more.
 Age: customer needs and wants change with their age. The basic
functionality of the product same the wants are different.
 Life cycle stage: Consumer groups define what will be the need for that
particular customer.

 The educational background of the customer and the Income category.

 Psychographic target the customer's knowledge attitude, use or response to
a product.
 Lifestyle
 Social class: Different customers fall in different social classes. Depend on
mainly buying power. The buying power is influenced by the background
of the customer.

Competitive Analysis:

 Market share and brand value of the competing product.

 Pricing and other benefits to the customers.
 Productive and nonproductive features of the competing product.


 Degree of loyalty: there are two ways to grow a business. First is to acquire
new customers and second is to retain existing customers. Band loyal
customers are very different from those used for acquiring new customers.
 Benefits sought: several products are targeted towards the benefit sought by
the customer.

2.8. Industry Analysis

Prospect of the battery industry in Bangladesh

The battery industry is known as one of the oldest industries in Bangladesh. In early 1950s
battery industry was started. The main industry was a passenger and commercial vehicles. After
mid 80s local manufacturer started to produce industrial batteries. In the beginning, all batteries
were made of a flat plate. Then later the manufacturer started to use a tubular plate. The Tubular
had a longer life. There was not much innovation or advancement after that in a long period of
time. Later in 2008 manufacturer introduced maintenance-free battery in the local market. Which
is known as a big change for this industry? At first, it was served only in telecom operators. This
type of batteries was required for heavy-duty backup. Maintenance-free batteries are used
widely. Maintenance ‘free batteries are basically AGM technology. GEL technology is widely
used for long battery life.

Some battery manufacturers in Bangladesh

Energy system company, Ingen technology ltd, Panna battery limited, Rahimafrooz renewable
energy ltd, general battery company ltd, and company dry cell ltd, power tank, and Rolex battery

Market, Market size & Growth rate

Battery industry of Bangladesh itself worth of $328 Million. Different sector of battery industry
are Automotive 15%, Motorcycle 2%, solar 1%, EV 67%, IPS 4% and Telecom 11%. Battery
market size reached Tk 6,000 in the previous year. The rate of growing demand is high as the
popularity of battery-run rickshaws, electric bike, electric cars have gone high. In every year the

market size of the battery is increasing. The average growth rate is around 26-28 percent. The
demand for other industrial batteries such as telecom and the solar sector has also risen in recent
years. Chinese made locally manufactured batteries are also available in the market and generally
accounting for half of the demand. In the last five years, local demand has become almost
doubled. Now our country exports battery worth around USD $45-55 million. Bangladesh
exports batteries to around 60 countries in the world. The hottest market in the battery industry is
easy to bike vehicles. There are 4-5 batteries which each vehicle consists of. These batteries
expired within 6-8 month. More than 1.0 million easy bikes are available throughout the country.
As the market size is very big so the local manufacturer is trying to reach the market. They failed
to meet the demand. The result of their failure a big number of butteries are coming from China.
Total EV battery market exists in the battery industry od Bangladesh worth of $220 Million. The
market size of telecom battery industry is worth $40 Million. Only successful supplier in this
industry is Rahimafrooz. Government is encouraging and taking some important step to export
battery from Bangladesh. To grab against the global market waving duty and VAT for exporting
battery is also promising. Comparing to European and US market local labor and logistics are
generally cheaper and highly skilled. To promote the battery industry rules and regulations are
also bit flexible. In coming days when mass manufacturers will produce at International standard
for export our batteries, it will be interesting to see in coming days.

Growth opportunities

Bangladesh battery manufacturers have fixed a target to increase yearly export to about $251
Million over the next five years where the current amount is around $60 million. Accumulator
battery manufacturers and Exporters of Bangladesh communicated to the government to archive
the target. They are now exporting the batteries to about 70 Countries across the world. After
meeting the internal demand regular exports are made to 50 countries. The revenue board is
keeping the existing tax ratio on battery import unchanged. According to them, this industry has
been a rare essential sector for export. This industry avails of the support of government's policy.
There are 25% import duty, supplementary duty is 20% and 3% regulatory duty for importing
battery in the current situation. There are about 100,000 people involved directly and indirectly
in this sector across the country. The ABMEAB has introduced a new technology. The sealed

maintenance free (SMF) in battery manufacturing. It is said that this now enjoys the status of the
light engineering sector. Generally, SMF is being used by hybrid vehicles. About 21 battery
industries are now producing these types of products. Current value addition of battery industry
is 50%. The local battery industry is capable to expand the job market with creating more job
opportunities. The current structure of taxation should remain unchanged to secure job
opportunities in the market. The local battery industry's position is strong in the current market.
The introduction of hybrid cars has created a new opportunity for the local battery industry to
grow. According to the battery industry, insiders' local manufacturers have become a key for
some sectors. They have been supplying all kinds of accumulator batteries. The industries such
as railway, electric vehicles, motor vehicles, telecommunication operators, ships, generators,
submarine, UPS, solar power, etc.

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:

In 1979 Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School identified five key forces that determined
the fundamental attractiveness of a market sector in the long term. This is known as Porter's Five
Forces Analysis. It provides a model that enables organizations to analyze their industry in a way
that takes the competitors activities into account. This is an important part of creating a strategy.
It is important that managers understand how it works. This is essential because it helps to
understand both the strength of a current competitive position and the strength of a position an
organization is considering to move into. It will help to take fair advantage of a situation of
strength, improve a situation of weakness, and avoid taking wrong steps. This makes it an
important part of a Company's planning tools.

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis for Rahimafrooz Global limited:

Rahimafrooz Batteries Limited introduced SMF battery in the local market which is a completely
new product in the context of Bangladesh. So, it is very important and crucial for RBL to do an
analysis of the five forces of competition to understand consumer behavior and take the
advantages of the market.

Power of supplier:

In this phase, we analyze how easy it is for suppliers to increase the prices for the product. This
is driven by the number of suppliers and their key input. The uniqueness of their product or

service.Their strength and control over the Company and the cost of switching from one to
another in the existing market. We know that if the number of suppliers is low then they enjoy a
very high power. In the case of Rahimafrooz Batteries Limited, their main raw material to
produce SMF battery is virgin Lade. They have to import this from either China or South Korea.
The other sources are the South American countries which are not financially and logistically
viable. So, we can say that Rahimafrooz has to import virgin lade from either China or South
Korea. Where the number of suppliers is very few. So, the powers of the suppliers are not high or

Power of buyers:

Now in this phase, we generally analyze how easy it is for buyers to increase the prices down in
the market. Again, this is driven by the number of buyers. The importance of each individual
buyer to business.The cost to them of switching from the company's products and services to
someone else. As we know that if the number of buyers is high then the actual power of buyers
decreases. In terms of Rahimafrooz Batteries LTD, the number of buyers is sufficient in
comparison to the number of companies provide the same product in the market. Rahimafrooz
Batteries Limited is the only company which sale SMF in the Bangladeshi market. So, if anyone
wants to purchase an SMF battery they are bound to purchase it from RGL. So, the powers of
buyers are very low which an advantage is for the company.

The threat of substitute:

Here we generally analyze the ability of the customers to find a different way of doing what they
are currently doing – for example, if company supply a unique software product that automate an
important process, people may substitute by doing the process manually or by outsourcing it. In
terms of Rahimafrooz Batteries LTD, the threat of substitute product is low. As RBL is selling
SMF battery which cannot be replaced by any other product so we can say that there is no direct
substitute for SMF battery. A traditional battery can indirectly substitute the SMF battery but it
cannot satisfy the exact need of the SMF battery. So, we can say that the threat of substitute is
low for RGL or for SMF battery.

The threat of New Entry:

Here we generally analyze the ability of people to enter into the market. As Rahimafrooz
Batteries LTD is doing a business of battery which is a very expensive business so we think it is
not easy for everyone to entre in the market.

As they need a big amount of initial investment and technological expertise to start the battery
business so I think the threat of new entrant is low to moderate for Rahimafrooz Batteries

Competitive Rivalry:

Here we do an analysis of the number and capability of your competitors. If the company have
many competitors, and they offer equally attractive products and services, then you will most
likely have little power in the situation, because suppliers and buyers will go elsewhere if they do
not get a good deal from you. In terms of Rahimafrooz Batteries Limited, the number of current
competitors is Zero because there is no other company in Bangladesh which is offering SMF
battery in the Bangladeshi market. So RBL is currently free from Competitive rivalry.

2.9. Competitive analysis and advantage:

Competitive analysis is an assessment of strength and weakness of current and potential

competitors this study provides an offensive and defensive strategy to identify changes and
threats it also helps the marketing plan of a firm.
As we know that Rahimafroooz I the part of the battery industry, so they have to face strong
competition in the market. Rahimafrooz holding the maximum number of market share in the
battery industry of Bangladesh. Because Rahimafrooz provides the best quality battery in the
market.thought it had steady growth from 1999 to 2010. currently, the market growth rate is
10%. which is higher than its competitors. The closest competitors of Rahimafrooz are below:

 Novena battery LTD

 Hamko battery LTD
 Panna battery LTD
 General battery LTD
 Haque and Company Dry cell LTD etc.

1. Navana battery LTD: it is a part Navana group of Bangladesh, it has been operating since
2002 Navana batteries creating specialized, longer-life batteries. They tried to create the
demand of customers by Constance value of innovations the price of Navana battery is
12000Tk (130Amp.) but Rahimafrooz provide it at 14350.so Navana provides their
battery at a lower cost than Rahimafrooz. butRahimafrooz battery quality is better than
Navana battery which helps Rahimafrooz to compete with Navana company.

2. Hamko corporate limited: HCL was established to serve as marketing wings of a battery
manufacturing concern; they create an independent platform to ack the marketing and selling
wings of Hamko brand batteries. The price of Hamko battery is 11800(130Amp.), they have 17
official branches in Bangladesh and has a strong retailer and dealer network with more than 1200
entities and they serve the product to different market segments where Rahimafrooz only offer
few market segments because of their high price. And Rahimafrooz has 14 official branches in
Bangladesh.so Hamko batteries ltd has availability then Rahimafrooz. But the product design of
Hamko is worse than Rahimafrooz.
3.Panna batteries ltd: Panna battery ltd is one of the largest lead-acid battery manufacturers in
Bangladesh since 1978. They have two types of product lead-acid batteries and Soler batteries.
This company is popular in more than 17 countries of the world (Asia, Africa, Latin America,
etc.).Panna groups very much aware for the environmental issues from the very beginning of the
products have the “air treatment plan" and "effluent treatment plan" which are the best means of
prevention of air and water pollution for keeping the environment clean and safe. They sell this
eco-friendly product at 13426 BDT. But they only provide 18 months warranty to the customers,
where the Rahimafrooz provide warranty for 3 years. Rahimafrooz gives free service at those 3
years and after the 3 years when the warranty agreement has finish Rahimafrooz provide the
same service after receiving some money from the customers so that the customers are not
switching this brand and Rahimafrooz get loyal customers.
4. appollobatterie Company LTD: Apollo Batterie Company is one of the renownedcompanies in
Bangladesh.it is also a strong rival in the battery industry. They also did an agreement with
Daraz BD Click BD (online retail stores in Bangladesh). so, people/customers can easily find
their product. Apollo can also use the goodwill of Daraz BD and Click BD. they sell their
product at 10500 BDT (120 AMP). but they face difficulty in after-sale service. Customers some
time suffer from Apollo product after purchasing. they did not get the maintenance service
enough, where Rahimafrooz take the update information about the product after 3 months (up to
warranty time) by all the customers after selling the product.
5. Haque Battery LDT: this company is one of the largest selling battery companies in
Bangladesh. They not only focused on business, but they are also the part of many social
activities (provided Eid dress to the poor and destitute children in July 2016). They provide the

price at 10000 BDT. Thought they sell the product at a low cost, but the quality is not good as
From those competitive analyses, we can know about the position, opportunities, and threats for
Rahimafrooz. This company imports the best quality and best service than other competitors. for
this reason, Rahimafrooz becomes one of the biggest trust full battery company in Bangladesh.
But for higher price and Rahimafrooz lost some market share. Because the competitive rivalry is
high (porters five factors) Rahimafrooz has the plan to selling their product to some other market
segment and reduce the operational expense to beat their competitors.
2.1.0. Marketing plan:
A marketing plan is an operational document that summaries an advertising strategy that an
organization with an instrument to produce leads and reach its target market. it based on overall
marketing strategy .it also considers the value proposition of a business. the value proposition is
the overall promise of value to be delivered to the customer .so to serve the product to target
customer Rahimafrooz has its marketing plan.
Market description: Bangladesh is overpopulated country and the number of its population is
increasing. as a result, demand is also increasing. Rahimafrooz provides the battery to operate
the vehicles and other things. Around 63 cars are sold in Bangladesh every day now, so
Rahimafrooz has a great opportunity to sever many demands. so, the battery market is
Product description: Rahimafrooz markets three major brands of automotive batteries:
LUCAS, VOLTA, and SPARK. all batteries are produced under the strict quality-controlled
plant of Rahimafrooz batteries ltd. They try to provide the best quality to the customer. the
products are below:

 LUCAS Automotive Dry Charge Battery: This battery use for automobiles. Rahimafrooz
provides this battery in a different range. Such 12-volt battery, German drive range,
Heavy-duty range, 6 Volt batteries, Lucas PCM.

 Industrial battery: Rahimafrooz manufactures specialized industrial batteries. this plant is

equipped with modern technology and testing facilities including those for tubular plates.
the batteries are used for application in telecommunication, power station, railway
system, electric vehicle, etc. the batteries are electric car battery, IPB battery, Stand by
stationery, traction.

 SPARK: Rahimafrooz has introduced SPARK battery recently in the market. This battery
use for taxicab this specially designed to take the load and frequency of the taxicab.

Price: Rahimafrooz batteries price is higher than the competitor’s price because of this high
quality. the product price is listed below:

SL Batteries type Retail price

1 NS40Z HB CNG 5707.35
2 NS40ZL HB CNG 5707.35
3 NS60 HB CNG 6782.23
4 NS60L HB CNG 6782.23
5 NS60S HB CNG 6782.23
6 N50Z HB CNG 8420.45
7 AP50 4398.53
8 AP70 6026.06
9 AP100 8826.44
10 AP120 10287.06
11 PCM25 11855.20
12 S29 12435.76

Distribution Review: The Company has a huge relation with the market to distribute its products
through the network of dealers. It has almost near about 200 dealers, 280 Retailers and 95
Lubricant Dealers across the country for distributing Dunlop tire, Lucas batteries, Volta batteries,
RZ tire, BP lubricant, and Rahimafrooz instant power system.
RBL’s portfolio includes international tire brands Dunlop and Kenda while it also carries its own
brand RZ Tire and battery brands Lucas and Spark. Rahimafrooz battery is the formal franchisee
of the world’s leading lubricant brand Castrol. Through IPS, UPS and Voltage Stabilizer, of the
company enjoys clear control of the backup power products market. In addition, it also runs eight
automobile service centers in Dhaka and Chittagong. Newly Rahimafrooz has entered the
electrical goods market. Rahimafrooz distributes to markets several household appliances and
electronic goods through RBL’s newly inaugurated electronics retail chain, Eureka and its
numerous sales outlets.

Market segmentation and target: Rahimafrooz is one of the leading battery companies among
all the competitor. For holding their position, they segmented their market. This company
targeted all the higher-class people in the society because of their product price, quality and their
Their customer age will be 25+ and it can be both male & female
Customer’s occupation can be both job holder and businessman
They segmented broad group of number with a specific product such as automobiles they also
segmented their markets and develop a product like a locus.
A target market is a group of customers to whom the company aims its marketing effort. The
target market of the RBL is automobile users and industries telecommunication, power station,
railway system, electric vehicle, forklift, ship buoy lighting, and solar power system and
household for IPS and UPS battery. They are targeting board groups of buyers with a specific
product/market, such as automobiles. Consider, for example, the global market for automobiles.
In 2003 the sales of the Chevrolet Impala model where 1.5 million units, in 2005 the sale corolla
best-selling model has sales of about 300,000 unit. By seeing automobile market RBL segmented
their markets like locus. Such as differentiation provides an opportunity for business to design
product offerings to meet the needs of the customer in a different market segment. Targeting all

people and organization in a market is not a typical strategy for RBL. Instead, many targets one
or more segment within the total market. Deciding what people to target is a critically important
strategic decision.
Positioning: It is a marketing strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a separate position,
relative to competing brands in the mind of the customer. Rahimafrooz creates its position in the
market by providing higher quality and best sale service (after the sale). they focus on customer
trust. Their slogan is “enriching lives with your (customer) trust “
Promotional strategy: Rahimafrooz use a different strategy for their promotion. the promotional
strategy is:

 Billboard: at the beginning of the promotion 4 or 5 billboards at major points of the

industrial area for 2 to 4 weeks. The billboards will be made in the shape of the batteries
with the logo Rahimafrooz.
 Press ad: teaser ads can be put on three-nation (24 column inch) for two consecutive
days. the final ad will communicate the Volta brand (major features and utilities of that
 Banners: the battery picture put up at different dealers and suppliers of battery-operated,
workshop, service centers.
 T-shirt and caps: Rahimafrooz promoted they're providing the t-shirt and caps with
company logo to their employees and traction battery using companies etc.
Sales strategy: Rahimafrooz has a strong distribution to sell their product. they have 14
official benches. They also have online facilities for their customer by which the customer
can easily find them. They also train their sale man for giving better information and show
batter behavior to the customers.
Marketing strategy: Marketing strategy is a plan of action designed to promote and sell product
or service. Rahimafrooz main marketing strategy is better the quality. Rahimafrooz researches
the market and produces that product which met the customer expectation

2.1.1. Team: A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a
task job or project. The group of board organ gram is below:


Gantt chart: Gant chart is a graphical chart of the activities and the schedule of our group
activities. Our Gantt chart is present below:

task category week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 Week5 week6 week 7 week 8 week 9 Date of Start work
Date Of End work

Meeting for company selection 21th April 21th April

meeting for part distrubition 25th April 25th April

Questioner development 14th May 16th May

Mid exam with eid vacation 17th May 9th June

Data collection 10th June 11th June

Pali rani (Financial Analysis, Concluation, Team, Recommendation, appendix,Letter of transmittal,Acknowledgement, Table of content ) 12th june 30th june

Mashiat(Elevator pitch, Marketing plan,Competitive analysis, Executive summery) 12th june 3th july

Kazi hasib(KPI) 14th june 4th july

Limon(Target customer) 14th june 4th july

Shuvro pollab(Industry Analysis) 14th June 7th july

Partho Saha(Operation plan , company statement) 19th June 7th july

2.1.2. Operation plan

Rahimafrooz Battery Ltd is the largest lead-acid battery manufacturer in Bangladesh and offers
an extensive range of automobile and customized industrial battery. It is one of the respected and
reputed business houses in Bangladesh. It produces all kind of automotive and industrial
batteries. It manufactures over 300 different types of automotive and industrial batteries. Its plant
ISO 9001 and 14001certified.

Rahimafrooz has state of the art manufacturing plant. It is equipped with all latest technologies
with completed air treatment and lead-recycling management. Its capacity in the automotive
battery is 660000 (N50) units per annum and Industrial battery is 41 million annum.

Rahimafrooz Battery Ltd produces and markets a range of battery products – automotive,
motorcycle, appliance battery, industrial battery, IPS and UPS battery

Battery production

Rahimafrooz produce the 4 types of batteries production

Automotive Battery

Rahimafrooz markets there major brands of automotive batteries: Lucas, Volta, and Spark. All
the batteries are produced under the strict quality controlled plant of the specially designed to
take the load frequency of the taxi cab.

Industrial Battery

Rahimafrooz manufactures specialized industrial batteries. The plant equipped with modern
production machinery is testing facilities including those for tubular plates. The batteries are
used for applications in telecommunication, power station, railway system, electric vehicle, ship,
and solar power system.

Now this all activities are controlled by the operation manager of Rahimafrooz battery limited

Stage of supply chain

Stages of the supply chain in Rahimafrooz battery limited are as following:

Customers:Rahimafrooz battery limited target customers are automotive after-market for battery

Distributions:Rahimafrooz battery limited has more than 450 dealers all over the country who
are controlling the dealers, obtaining information related to supply and demand and battery

Manufacturers: The main manufacturing plant of Rahimafrooz battery limited is situated in

Nakalpara, Dhaka.

Suppliers:Rahimafrooz battery limited has many suppliers for lead-acid, packing accessories,

2.1.3. Financial Analysis

 Return on Equity (ROE): 

Return on Equity measures the amount of Net Income earned by utilizing each dollar of Total
common equity. It is the most important of the “Bottom line” ratio. By this, we can find out how
much the shareholders are going to get for their shares. The equation is:

Return on Equity (ROE) = Net income / Total common equity

Following shows the Return on equity of Rahimafrooz in different years:

Year 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16

Return on Equity 3.34% 3.02% 0.26%

Therefore, the Return on Equity 2015-2018 result increased. But we can see much lower ROE
2015-16. And higher ROE 2017-18.

2015-16 ROE lowers because of lower stockholders’ equity.

Return on Investment (ROI):

Return on investment measures the amount of Net Income earned by utilizing each dollar of
Total investment. It is the most important of the “Bottom line” ratio. By this, we can find out
how much the return based on the investment. The equation is:

Return on investment (ROI)= Net income / Total Investment

Following shows the Return on investment of Rahimafrooz in different years:

Year 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16

Return on Investment 10.39% 6.95% 0.40%

Therefore, the Return on Investment 2015-2018 result increased. But we can see much lower
ROI 2015-16.And higher ROI 2017-18.

2015-16 ROI lower because sales of revenue low and cost of sales are higher than the other two
years (2017-18, 2016-2017).That’s result 2017-18 return on investment is increased.

Chapter Three: Finding &Appendix

3.0. Finding

The findings of the study mean the present status and condition of Battery market of
Rahimaafrooz battery limited.

 Better after-sales service.

 Strong distribution channel.
 Efficient workforce
 Competitive pricing
 Wastage is high.
 Limitation of production capacity
 Produce superior product among their competitors
 Less control over raw materials.
 No lead reclamation facility.

3.1. Conclusion

Rahimafrooz Ltd is the market head of battery industry in Bangladesh. It holds an overall 75%
market share in the local market. Rahimafrooz Ltd. has two battery plants operating one in
Nakhalpara and another one in Savar. The company now is setting up their plan up to 2019.
Company has to deliver the best value for money with on-time delivery of a superior product and
to support with quality service based on best technical knowledge. The vision should be a global
supplier of industrial battery and recognized as an enterprise that offers reliable and best value
products with environmentally and socially responsible practices in order to exceed stakeholder
returns and expectations, and to lead as market leader through our professionalism, innovation,
integrity, and commitment to quality & service to our partners and customers. Globally
companies are now going to set up their production plant by environmentally friendly

3.2. Recommendations

The RBL is a renowned Battery company of Bangladesh. So far, they are successful in the
battery market in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh battery market is growing rapidly. As a result,
customer demand is increasing. To sustain this market Rahimafrooz can adopt some following

1. New product
2. Reduce per-unit cost
3. First move advantage
4. Increases the number of distributionsRBL should increase their production plant.
5. RBL should use raw materials properly in order to reduce wastage.
6. RBL should create more suppliers to procure available raw materials.
3.3. Reference
Md. Bazlur Rahman Howlader (Sr. officer, Accounts & Finance)
Phone number: 01753465383
3.4. Appendix:
Target Customer

1. Who is your target customer?

2. What does your target customer want?
3. What are your biggest challenges?
4. Did you choose the right target customer?
5. What are their basic demographics?
6. How does your competitor effectively attract?
7. What is your target customer most common problem in your product?
8. What do they need and how can you offer to them?
9. What is your brand doing compared to other competitors?
10. How will you offer the best solution on the market on the target customer?

Operation Plan

1. What is the basic procedure Rahimafrooz follow effective production?

11. What is the basic step of production?
12. What kind of raw materials are used for production?
13. What is the primary source of raw materials?
14. What type of machinery is used for production?
15. What is the amount of total production per day?
16. How much time needed for completing the full process of production?
17. What is the number of total labor?
18. The number of total labor hour?

Industry Analysis

1. What type of growth opportunities battery industry is presenting for market players?
19. Which type of growing demands is creating growth opportunity for the battery industry?
20. What policies are expected to the demand for the batteries and provide growth in revenues to
the battery industry?
21. Is the availability attentive like fuels, generators etc with uncertain regulation may higher the
growth of the market
22. Which sector of the battery industry has vast growth potential? potential?
23. Market growth of the battery industry is fulled by which factors?
24. Tell us about the market size of the battery industry, Is it increasing or decreasing?
25. What was the market size from 2016 to 2018?
26. What will be market growth till 2029 and what will be the result and market forecast in the
27. What segment will lead to market growth and why?
28. What are the key sustainability strategies adopted by market players?


1. What are the largest opportunities you get and implement recently?
29. Which external internal factors affect SWOT?
30. Which factors become weakness and threats for your organization?
31. What are the goals and what is the mission for your company?
32. How they can expand their business?
33. What are channels are they selling through?
34. Do they regularly discount their product or service? Is this offer affecting your sell?
35. Which factor of competitors makes your business so hard?
36. What are the characteristics and needs of their ideal customers?

Marketing Plan

1. What are the methods/advertising way you use to attract/inform your customer?
37. Why would your prospective customer want to have it?
38. Will this market growing or shrinking? Why?
39. How does your target audience find product/information now?
40. By using which method your company get those customers who are by the product before
but now they switch
41. Have you ever any facilities for your loyal or potential customer?
42. By considering which factor you target and segment the total market?

43. Which marketing mix you apply and you?
44. What are the KSF by which you satisfy the customer?
45. How well your product meets customer expectation?


1. How is the service performance of Rahimafrooz?

46. How is their customer care service?
47. Do you think the company worth the price they set?
48. In comparison to other battery company. What the position of Rahimafrooz rating scale?
49. Rate the Battery service based on their overall performance?
50. What is the best department of Rahimafrooz in providing the battery service?
51. Will you switch the brand after a certain period of time?
52. Should they modify or change or reset any segment?
53. Do you have any opinion on Rahimafrooz battery service?


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