Ascendance of A Bookworm - 05 - Incarnation of The Goddess (MTL) (END) PDF

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It was during the spring that Hildebrandt was nervous, but finished the luncheon

meeting at the lord conference. The royal family who finished the baptismal ceremony
at the auditorium of the House of Lords, where all the Arubs and their aides closely
line up, is held. Sitting between my father and mother, I go up to the platform, stand
in front of everyone, after a long greeting I was remembered, I will dedicate music to
the gods.

"Hildebrandt, dedication of music"

"Yes, my father"

He gently breathed that Fespiel could successfully play, and unravels a little bit of
tension. I heard that anyone would be a son of a nobility, but it was unexpectedly
nervous to play in front of a lot of eyes that would be priced.

"Well, do make a serious presentation here"

At the same time he was relieved, an engagement with Retie Ziia, a lord of a candidate
for Arensbach who had never met or heard, was announced. Although I was talking to
mothers beforehand, I had to push my heart to nod to the Awbs who were amazed at
the surprises without stopping smiles.

...... As a spouse of Aub, I am no longer a royal family.

Hildebrand understood that he was brought up to be his minister. However, I greeted

my wife as a royal family in the center and I thought that it was useful as a royalty like
an anthropusus of a mother brother. I never thought that I would head as a spouse of
Aub to the land I had never seen.
It is impossible to imagine what it means when you become an adult you are
completely out of royalty and the circumstances surrounding yourself become
completely different things. Because I do not know, I feel more eerie and scary.

"Congratulations on your engagement."

"Ahrensbach is also safe now"

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Although the Aubs celebrated casually, Hildebrandt had no idea what was
congratulating. However, as it was said that smile should not be broken at this place,
dissatisfaction is pushed into the heart, only laughing and receiving a congratulation.

...... I also wanted to choose marriage partner myself.

Now, in the middle, Anastasezus and Egrandine 's ardent husband talk is talked with
a song devoted to the goddess of light. As I looked at the two friendships, as I listened
to the royal exclusive musicals singing the two love stories, it seemed to me that it
would be very good to be connected with those who think with each other.

While listening to numerous new songs made from the love story of Anastigiusus and
Egrantine, Hildebrandt's mother also taught me something funny how I got to get the
marriage I wanted. When listening to such a story, he could not help thinking that he
could not decide who would like to live a whole life with his father's orders, but if he
had room for even a little more choice .

...... If I can choose ... ....

When I thought so, what came to the back of Hildebrandt's mind was a long eyelashes
faced down to follow the letters to the hair of the night sky that fell off, a white
fingertip slowly moving to turn over the page. It was Rosemain, a lord of Schwarz and
Weiss, the magic tool of the library, a lord of lords of Ehrenfest who loves the book.
But she already has a fiance. It is Wilfriit who is the lord of the same Ehrenfest lord.

...... Rosemain who decided fiance to a parent is surely the same feeling.

Hildebrand also knows that it can not resist because it is a royalty. I have not received
education against it. Still, I just can not help it only because my feelings set.

If you change into a casual clothes from luxurious costumes to reach your room with
a smile, you will naturally be relieved of tension. Instead, the smiling smile floated
down the ring and a dissatisfied face came up.

"It's been quite depressed, Prince Hildebrand, but it's a royal title."

I did not want to hear such obscure words. Hildebrand glares at the side Arteur with
plenty of frustration. I have been told to behave like a royal family repeatedly and
answered with a smile to everyone's celebration, so I want you to leave me alone now.
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"Artur, I will be in a hidden room for a while"
"Certainly, I will call for dinner."

A couple of days later, a request from the central knight general manager Lao Burut
came to visit. It was content that there was a message from the king, so I can not refuse
Hildebrandt who was not feeling very much in meeting with someone.

"Congratulations on your engagement."

"Sorry, Rao Bluet"
"... It seems that it is not very pleasing with that face"

When Lao Burut makes a bitter smile, cheek wounds move a little. She seems to have
gotten into the face because of her own room because he was a young acquaintance.
Hildebrand stretched his spine and tightened his expression. While trying hard to
smile at him who seemed to be a royal family, Rao Bruit offered a small box.

"Then, please come here to the prince of the mood, I will feel a little nervous a little"

Toys brought by Rao Burut have many interesting things to do if you open the box and
come out somewhat, or open it unless you move according to the correct procedure.
Hildebrandt turned to smile and looked back on Arthur backing him. As a side job he
picks up the boxes laid out by Rao Burut, checks it is not a dangerous thing, then hands
it to Hildebrandt.

"Sorry, the chief of the knight"

"No, I do not want to see much of the face that the prince closed."

Arthur nodded small so as to agree with Lao Burut laughing while watching

"Well, Prince, would you mind going into the subject?"

Rao Burtto starts telling the words from the king.

It was wanted to get information on Gurtris Height from Rosemain at Ehrenfest. Even
though Ferdinand of Ehrenfest was in the Library of the House of Peers and thinking

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from the fact that they were exploring the materials of the old librarian, it seems that
there must be something in that library.

"Rosemain is a lord of a lord who took over the royal witchcraft, and Ferdinand says
it was moving around as a masterpiece."
"Rosemain happens to be a manager of magical tools by chance, and we are supplying
magical power to them in good faith, Rao Blueto"

Rosemain likes books, the time in the library is more happy than anything, and it is
also liked by Schwarzs. If the magician in the library did not move, Sorangju was in
trouble and it was said that the library used magical power because it became difficult
to use.

"... There is no one who supplies magical powers only with good intentions Even if
Rosemain says good intentions, it is not unusual that the speculation of those behind
it is different. It is wary of Ferdinand It is necessary. "

Hildebrand nodded in the words of Rao Burt. He can argue Rosemain 's good will, but
he does not know the one behind it. Children who are not thoughtful are often used.
That is why there is always an aides to royalty and lord of candidates.

"As there was a request from Ahrensbach, we succeeded in peeling Ferdinand from
Ehrenfest, and we can now determine if Rosemain's magical supply really is good
"That's right, that's good."

Hildebrand knows that things other than books do not appear in her eyes. Kim's pupil
when he was in the library reflected only the book, he always kept track of the letters.
I do not raise my face, and I can not even see the royal family Hildebrand. She will not
be suspected if there are no people behind the scenes.

"This year we will send a librarian of a senior aristocrat. If Rosemain's suspicion will
be fine if you give off the right as a manager admirably to that person. If you are a
good-fellow collaborator, It will not stick to your position. "
"I wish that senior nobility is a woman,"

In the circumstances that he became a cooperator, there is a thing that I did not like
being called "Hime". It is a bit sad that the royal title confirms the call of "Hime-sama".
I curled my eyes as if Lao Burut was surprised at his misunderstanding.
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"Women are supposed to be dispatched by Prince Anastigius' strong request, but
would Prince Hildebrand want a woman?"
"I thought that it is poor for a man to call Blackheads for Black Foot ... ...."

The librarian taught to Lilo Burt to tell a secret story to Hildebrand who does not
know the reason why Anastigius wants a woman in the librarian of the lords.

"I only want to harden the Egrantine's surroundings with women as much as possible.
Actually, I will dispatch Egranthine as a lecturer of the Lord's Candidate Course to the
House of Lords and cooperate in collecting information from Mr. Rosemain. Will the
Prince also have friendship with Rosemain, please gather information about the
relationship between the royalty and the library and the archive without opening it?
"Because Rosemain knows more than that, I asked myself, and I can move inside the
aristocratic hall until about the time students socialize, so I do not think there is
enough time to touch them."

Rosemain is a third grader from this year and a special lecture begins. It was not so
long ago that Artur told him that he would not go the same way as last year.

"Even if I do not know last year, there may be things I knew this year and Prince
Hildebrand's activities and periods have increased, as my engagement has been

It seems that there is no problem even if it moves somewhat in the House of Lords
because the future has been decided. When asked why, Hildebrandt was not pleased
at the time when the freedom of movement and the range expanded.

...... It is not only empty even if it is said that time to get along with Rosemain is
increasing now.

Rao Bruet, who had been staring at him for putting up with wanting to sigh the
disappointment, offered a magical tool.

"Prince Hildebrandt, please listen by yourself after entering the hidden room, it seems
confidential of the royal family, it seems that it is confidential of the royal family, it
seems that you can not hear it again once you close the lid with a magic tool that can
only be played once. Please be careful not to miss it. "
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"Is this also from your father?"

Lao Burut laughs with Nicolle, leaves the magician and leaves.
Hildebrand compares wizards and toys laid by Rao Burt and wants to reach out to the
toes. While holding down the mind, he picked up the magician.

"So, Arthur, I will ask the secret of royalty"

"Certainly, please be careful not to let it pass out"

Hildebrandt entered a hidden room and sat on a chaise longue, opening the lid of the
magic tool and touching the part of the yellow manastole. Magical power is sucked
and the voice begins to flow.

"This is an advice to the prince who is discouraged from engagement."

The voice heard from magical tools was not from the king's father, but for Rao Burrito.
I was surprised by it and withdrew my hand once. My voice stops.
Hildebrandt reached for a magic stone once more, thinking for a moment whether to
listen as it is.

"If you are going down the road without going to Ahrensbach, please listen as it is,
close the lid if you accept the royalty quietly"

Hildebrandt once again withdrew his hand from the magic stone and searched for the
appearance of the consultation partner unintentionally. Naturally, there is no figure
of counselor in the hidden room where there is only one person. More than anything,
it can not be consulted whether or not it is against the royalty.
My heart began to make a noise.
He listens to me as I listen to a voice somewhere in my heart that it is better to close
the lid as it is.

... ... Do you accept the royalty and go to Ahrensbach or explore the way to go without
listening to the advice of Rao Burt of the future?

"I ... I do not want to go"

As I told myself, Hildebrandt touched the magic stone again.

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"The only thing that can exclude the royalty is the royalty, and if you become a king
you can not become an auberd, do you know it? So if you do not want to head to
Ahrensbach, Prince Hildebrand himself is the king There is no choice but to do. "
"I am to the king ...?"

Regardless of him being stunned, Rao Burut's low voice continues to talk. Continually
whisper, "Become a king."

"Looking for Gurtris Height, a testimony of the king of truth that the king of today does
not have, those who have it will become legitimate kings that can not be condemned
by anyone, because of the absence of Gurtris Height, It also helps save the constant
king. "

The father's mother-in-law brother, the second prince who was recognized as the next
king and was given the Gurtris Height died suspiciously and was lost by the time the
first Prince and the Third Prince were fighting, My father said that if there was a height
there would have been no such battle.
With a Gurritosheit, he did not receive education to become a king and he said with a
terribly tired face that he had never become a king without being able to satisfy his
duty as a king. Hildebrand knows that.

"... ... If you acquire the Gurtris Height and become a real king, is your father saved and
I do not have to go to Ahrensbach?"
"If Prince Hildebrandt becomes the king, we can eliminate the current royalty and
connect with the woman she wants."

It was a very sweet temptation.

You can help a father who does not have a Gurritosheight, and can exclude the order
that my father has issued, so I can save not only myself, but an engagement that does
not follow Rosemain.

At the same time I wonder if everyone is happy, I also have a voice to keep myself in
my mind. Is not it that it was too much for myself raised as a vet to want the throne?
Hildebrand talks about voice that warns himself that he should not want it, and he will
give up to have the opportunity to get what he / she desires.

"... Is it okay for the third prince like me to want the throne?"

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The magician who finished the role in that question did not answer anything.

"A little pale complexion, is not it, Hildebrandt. Is there something to worry about?"

She seems to have had a sunken face in the seat of dinner after a long absence with
her mother who had not gotten to face much because she was given a biblical
ceremony with a baptismal ceremony. Hildebrand tightened a little a little, whether it
would be reprimanded as a nonsocial attitude.

But, as always, a tough mother relaxed a little. When the baptism ceremony is over,
the mother who said that it should not be spoiled, gazes at himself and slowly strokes
his head and cheeks.

"If you have something to worry about, consult this mother, so the place to live has
gone away and the time to face your face has decreased, but I am worried about you
the most."

Just being told so, I felt Hildebrand was spoiled just like I used to be. He looked up at
his mother. The bangs of the same color as yourself shake a little, the red eyes are
quietly waiting for their words.

...... Even if I can not talk about everything, it may be good to consult only a little.

I felt that my mother would push my back. Because she is the one who abandoned her
family's bosses using various hands to wear a royal family and won the hopes he

... ... You will understand the feeling you want to decide your marriage partner

Hildebrand opened his mouth looking up at his mother.

"...... Mother, I have something I want now I do not know if I can get it or not, so I know
myself the most, I will say that the surrounding people do not want Still, is it okay for
me to want what I want? "

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She listened to his words and rounded her red eyes and she smiled gladly with

"Oh, I thought that Hildebrandt is dark in his blood, but you are also a man of Dunkel

She sits Hildebrandt on her own knee and slowly and gently talks with her hair.

"It's the man of Dunkel Ferger that accumulates efforts with the effort to get what you
want and challenges as many times as you can."
"Prince Hildebrand is not a man of Dunkelverger but a royal family."

She scratches the objection of Arthur's sighs with a smile and she continues to tell her
son with a gentle voice like a lullaby.

"Hildebrandt, it is not easy to pass on your own wishes"

"First of all, you must give great grace to the surroundings, if you get the things you
want is beneficial to the surroundings, you will be willing to help you through me I
guess. "

My mother says that it is necessary to have a situation that is beneficial to both you
and the surroundings in order to close the opposite of the surroundings. It tells us that
we have to use every kind of hand to do so.

"Think carefully about how you can put your surroundings on your side. Learn well,
put in the power you need to win, do not give up, change your hands, change items,
challenge If you are a man of Dunkel Ferger, you should be able to do it. "

My mother tapped his cheeks lightly with bread as if to spirit. He was also strongly
nodded, as a mother with a fearless smile like boosting his back.

"I will try my best"

...... I get a Gurritris Height. And I resolve my engagement and get married to Rosemain.

And with a big determination resolute Hildebrand came to the House of Lords.
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It is a reunion at the social gathering for the first time in about a year. Rosemain grows
a little tall to Hildebrand sitting in the back of the small hall and comes in greetings
between Villefriet and Charlotte.

What is that glitter?

The things that are not in memory are shaking in the beautiful night sky 's hair as it is
memorized. Every time Rosemain walks, it reflects the light and insists on its
existence and it is a hair decoration with five rainbow-colored stones. The hair
ornament of the flower which began to become popular from Ehrenfest is
accompanied by a swinging rainbow-colored stone hair ornament. I did not get it last
year, so it should not have been given to parents.

... ... Maybe, was Wilfried the one you gave him?

As soon as I thought I felt badly burning in the back of my chest. Then, if you are going
to seek a marriage to Rosemain, you must give more than that manastone. Otherwise,
Rosemain will not even look for himself.

Naturally, taking the hand of Rosemain, Wilfried who finished greeting is gone.
Someday, I will stand at that position.

...... Guritisuheito rainbow-colored stone ... ....

With a high goal in mind, Hildebrandt clutched the fist tightly under the table.

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As soon as I arrived at the House of Lords, Mattias' surprising advertisement heard in
detail he wrote a letter in that day and sent it to his adoptive father.

The next day, Charlotte who came to the House of Peers late one day behind us made
a round of eyes, "Have you had such a thing?" It seems that the adoptive father saw
me off as usual without breaking the face as usual.

"I just kept it here to read it with my older brother and sister."

After eating, only the candidate lords and their aides gathered and read the letter from
the adopted father who Charlotte kept in the meeting room. It seems that it took a
hurry, including a review of the plans of purification, as a result of the informal
consultation from the former Veronica school children.

"Leave this to here, it is not the purge of Ehrenfest, it is the monitoring and persuasion
of the former Veronica children who are in the dormitory of the aristocrat, leaving it
to the candidate lords.
"Then it would be better to call Matthias and Laurentz and talk with each other"
"Older brother, that is ... ...."

Wilfried shook his head and shielded Charlotte 's words saying it was too dangerous.

"No, Charlotte. They said that they wanted to arrive at us and want to do something
for Ehrenfest, even though we truncate the family, taking in the former Veronica
children, a little But I think their cooperation is essential to save lives. "

I agree with Wilfried's opinion. I promised Charlotte that he had enough escort
knights, not to be close to the two, and Matthias and Laurentz were invited. In order
to make the dormitory of the House of Peers even at least comfortable, consult with
the old Veronica children how to do.

"First of all, why do we sacrifice to what extent, who is guilty of sin, how long can you
think of a joint seat, when you are supposed to be disposed of in a joint seat escape by
giving a name or receiving a punishment with your family I will try to talk a lot etc. "

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Depending on the weight of sin and punishment, some may not need to give a name,
but Matias says he wants to decide the direction to proceed even a little so as not to
be confused when the report comes when the purge is over.

"After having talked, those who decided to receive punishment with their families will
be caught and sent to Ehrenfest, because everyone's safety will be threatened when
they are in the lords."

It seemed that they had already talked to some extent between the two, and after
Laurentz got a glimpse of Matthias, he added words.

"There is no way for other people to escape from the joint disposal if there is a
desperate desperate candidate living being attacked, so I just want to avoid it

So they said that when they assumed the role of persuasion they were responsible for
the center of the former Veronica school, the two said.

"My candidate Candidate Candidate is also entrusted to persuade everyone from Aub
Ehrenfest, but ...."

Charlotte who was appointed to persuade from the adoptive father to children of the
former Veronica school slightly clouds his face.

"Princess Charlotte, leave it to Matthias and Laurentz"

"Even if I do not plan to do that, I do not know what will happen if I feel disturbed,
taking distances from them until I settle down will help not only the princess, but also
protect them."

Richard that quietly stopped behind me until that time admonished Charlotte.
Parents and relatives will be purged. There are also people who do not know what to
think and think, or who raise their hands. Originally, it is saving exceptionally by name
dedication to receive the joint disposal. Still, if there are those who disagree, it may be
that the voice that all of them should be disposal of all of them is still big.

"There are several nobles who do not look good in breaking conventional practice, it
is imperative that everyone should not create a gap"

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Matthias and Laurentz nodded greatly in the words of Richarda, and our escort
knights corrected their attitude as if they regrouped.

"Do not try separate meals until you decide how to deal with them, it is not the only
way to persuade them to save them."

So Richarda told me that for some time the candidate lords took another meal
together with the other students.

The next day, after I finished all the movements of the first year students, I talked to
everyone in the dormitory again. What was done by former Veronica people and that
purging will be done during this winter.

"Abo thinks that we want to put as many lives as possible and we are the same."
"It is said that it is essential to give a name as it will break customs so far, but I will
prepare for treatment that is appropriate for it. Please think carefully how I live."

The words of Charlotte and Wilfried are quietly heard by older Veronica children.
Matthias and Laurentz are in front of them and are in a position to hold back when
they hear the story and go upside down or rampage.

"...... There are also many old Veronica factions and there may be occasions when you
want to turn away anger with us as family and relatives are disposed of, but that action
could have survived It may lead to the loss of life. "
"What do you mean, Rosemain?"

The gaze of the former Veronica children turned all at once.

"In the case of purge, children in the children's room where they finished the baptism
ceremony will be the corner of the castle, and young children who have not baptized
ceremonies will be protected at the orphanage by my aides I am. "

Several people raised their faces and saw me as if they could not believe it. I guess
they have children with younger siblings of that age.

"Children before baptism ... until then?"

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"Rosemain, can my brother in an orphanage receive a baptismal ceremony as a

Laurentz gave a surprised voice. Apparently Laurentz seems to have a brother before
the baptismal ceremony. While watching Laurentz, I fell down on my eyes.

"To be educated at an orphanage and to be recognized as excellent in grades, if there

is no idea of thought such as revenge, if you are willing to serve Aub Ehrenfest, as a
guardian of the temple and Aub There are plans to let you take baptismal ceremonies
and live in the castle's dorm, but since we are in a state of completely ignoring customs
so far, there is still a great deal of voice as to whether to make the criminal's child alive
as a nobleman. "

Especially, I heard that aristocrats who have been drunk boiled by Veronica and their
factions are thoroughly crushed on this occasion, and they are survived. Still, as much
as possible we want to secure children.

"Children before baptism are the lives that have never been saved, in light of customs
so far, it can be said that your choice will depend on your choice, as they are living as
elders I want you to show me the way of you. "

I told you that purification will be done in this way, but obviously old children of
Veronica can not send letters to their families either. While watching Matthias and
Laurenz guide the conference room to talk more to the children who are in fear,
anxiety and despair in a state completely isolated at the House of Lords, I am my aide
I ordered Rhodeshi to call.

"The story of Rodrigh who gave a name from the former Veronica group and became
the aides of the lord's family may be useful for persuasion, please cooperate with
Rodderich, Matthias and Laurentz to persuade and let us know the content decided
over there"

If we do not have persuasion together with Rodderich like this, our candidates will
not be contacted until their way of shaking is decided, so we do not know the

"If possible, please also ask about the composition of your family. If you know earlier
how many children are before baptism, it may be easier to rescue them."
"Certainly yes"
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After I saw Rohudrig going out of the multipurpose hall, I looked to Yudit and Theodor
who refrained behind.

"In this situation I will have my escort knight done. It is hard to just enter the lords,
but thank you, Theodore"

Yudit 's younger brother, Theodore, is a part - time escort knight only at the aristocrat.
After graduation he says he wants to serve Gibe · Kirunberga. The story of Purge who
was heard right after the arrival at the House of Peers had pulled a little face of the
youthfulness which was similar to Yudit.
When Yudit introduces my aides to Theodore, Leonore shakes work to Theodore
immediately with words of welcome.

"The role of Theodore is to finish the lecture as soon as possible and accompany
Rosemain's library and laboratory.As it will take time to finish the lecture by all means
as the grade goes up, doing"

Because there is Ferdinand-san's preparations, Rosemain may pass all once this year,
and Leonore sighed. Three people, Leonore, Yudit and Theodor, have to escort me, so
it seems that the escorts are difficult to sort.
As Theodor who was given a job from Léonore was troubled, he turned Violet 's eyes
towards Yudit.

"I heard from older sisters that there are a lot of training like escort knights, and like
demons, but suddenly responsibility is serious suddenly."

While Teodor's word Yudit murmured "Theodore, you ... ...", he pulls his cheeks all the
time, Leonore looks upwards to remember a bit.

"... It is because Rosemain was at the time of returning at the dedication ceremony by
the time Yudit finished his lecture, and it took less time for the escort mission
"Oh, I see. Is it that it was late for only one sister to finish the lecture?"
"Leonore! Theodore! Please stop already! I will do my best as an escort knight like
Rosemain this year!"

Leonore laughs with couscous while watching Yudit which is a tearful eyes.

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"Theodore, not separately Yudit is not a child, who is superior to Yudit in remote
attacks is not in the dormitory, Bonifatius also has praise from us, and even among
the lords, he enters the high rank I guess. "
"Huh? My sister?"

Theodor probably does not know exactly the activity and ability of Yudit in the knight
dormitory. I made my eyes round the words of Leonore.

"Up until now, Rosemain-sama's escort knights were just like those of Angelica and
Cornelius who were good at practical skills, they just seemed to have gone wrong.
Let's do our best this year to show good points, yudit "

I can see that Yudit is being inspired that he can not lose as my sister. I understand
Yudit 's feelings for me who strives to become a good older sister for Charlotte and

... Yeah yeah. You can not defeat so easily for your brother, do not you? Go for it, older

"Then, during the mission I will not call Yudit as my sister, but please call me by name,
because I do not feel like I do not know who you are calling when you give a command
or voice It is enough for me to be Leonore as well. "
"Okay, Leonore"

Theodor seemed to be unfamiliar several times and muttered as "Yudit", and Yudit
also said "I feel strange that the name is called to Theodor." I saw a couple looking
pretty similarly tilting my head together, and I laughed a bit.

"I understand that it was hard to get used to when the position changed and the way
of calling changed."
"Who called Rosemain's way of calling?"

When Yudit who turned round and round caught my eyes, he shook me and saw me.

"I changed a lot when I became a lady of a lord. Even when it was told that at the castle
I must forsake my brothers, I also found confusion when I decided to call Jill Vestar
like a father-in-law. Yudit and Theodore will be puzzled for a while, but as soon as you
think that it is the only workplace, you will get used to it. "

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I say that to Yudit, I add in my mind.

...... It's been a long time ago now. I was calling Damuel "Damuel-sama" in the era of
blue forerunner apprenticeship.

I remembered a bit of my eyes, remembering the old days that I might not believe
even if I told anyone.

"Rosemain, I have decided on rough approximation"

It seems that when old children of the Veronica school decided to undergo the joint
disposition, it seems that it was roughly decided who to give a name. Rodrich came to
the report. We rent a meeting room and receive a report. Three of the sixteen people
are going to give a name to me.

"Matias, Laurentz, Muriela are already decided as parents gave their name to
Georgine, and Matthias and Laurentz are going to make stone of earnestness as early
as children of former Veronica continue to follow I wanted to do it. "
"Is that so"

I noticed that the desired destination was biased well while looking at the name
destination that the children wrote by Rodrig.

"There are many Wilfriit's older brothers who are apprenticeship and side
apprenticeships, and many girls who apprentice the knights and apprenticeships
want Charlotte, and civil apprentices prefer Aubu."
"Are you the three of Mattias, Laurentz, Muriela who wish to give a name to me?"

Muriela is the apprentice of a girl civilian, Matthias and Laurentz are apprenticeships
of knights.

"If possible, I wanted to replenish girls who apprentic side by side ...."

Rijseler graduated this year, and Brünhildt will graduate next year. Although Bertilde
enters the university, one or two people need a side apprentice if possible, but it
seems that I am not very popular.

26 | 2523
"In the absence of parents, it is difficult for a woman to marry, so it seems that hope
gathers for Charlotte, who is more likely to marry to another territory."

If you are dedicating to Charlotte who is married to another territory, there is a high
possibility of being accompanied by the bank. I mean, I can not leave it in Ehrenfest.
When accompanying to other territory, Charlotte who is married to both becomes a
back shield, so there is a high possibility of finding a good bargaining place rather than
looking for a bargaining party inside the Ehrenfest as a citizen of a criminal. For that
reason, it seems that there are many people who wish to appreciate Charlotte as a
side apprentice and an apprentice as a knight.

"So why are there many civilian apprentices who are less likely to be allowed to
accompany the war against the Aarphs or Vilfried?

If so, those who would like me appeared to be many apprenticeship apprentices, but
there was a big reason to avoid this too.

"As Rosemain's approach comes to the temple, there are still a lot of people who have
a sense of obligation in the temple, and Hartmut is famous for being harsh ..."
"Is Hartmut tough, it's kind of gentle compared to Ferdinand, I will tell you very

When Philline tilted his head talking about it, Rhodderich smiled a bitter smile.

"Although it may be certainly more gentle than Ferdinand, those who are felt that
usability is bad are far away, there is no family, dedicated his name to Rosemain and
there is no escape place It is very scary to be stared at Haltmut who is the most senior
citizen in the club. "

However, I do not want to not enter the temple, and I leave things concerning printing
for Hartmut. For those who can not do well with Hartmut, my civil service is certainly

"There are many people who think that they want to devote their name to Mr.
Rosemain as a matter of fact, but there seems to be some hesitancy when thinking
about actually offering, because Rosemain is also weak."

27 | 2523
Lauder laughed like he was in trouble. It is frail that I do not know when I will die, so
it seems scary to give the name and give life to the Lord. If the Lord dies without
returning their names, they will die together.

"Besides, Rosemain does not go out to socializing place at the votive ceremony, and it
is likely that he will lose sickness and meddle, so it is a score for the side apprentice

I thought that Rodrigh was suddenly wrapped in a mass of water, why was the
Rizerzer grasping the staple. While everyone is blinking their eyes without knowing
what happened, the Rizera has a smile as usual.

"Because it seems that the oil is dirty a little around my mouth, I used Vasheng."
"Oh, but it seems I have not fallen yet, Rhoderich is better if you washed your face

While Burunhilde blames his anger with candy colored eyes, he laughs with Nicola
and takes Rodderich and leaves.
Rodrigh, who should report, was forced to leave. It seems that they are
communicating with each other, but why the situation was suddenly Vaschen, I can
not grasp the situation at all and I look up to the riser.

"Eh, um ... ... Lisaerer"

"I will exchange tea, Rosemain, please wait a moment"

With a smile, the rhythm shed and the rizer slowed down. I looked around. You can
see Phyllene and Yudit gathered together to sigh.

"Well, could you figure out what happened to Philene or Yudit?"

Léonore came all the way before Philene and Yudit gave up looking at each other.

"There is nothing, as the Rizerator and Burunhild are saying, the mouth of Rhodderich
was just a little dirty."

...... I think that it was not dirty separately, I guess it would be better not to listen any

28 | 2523
When I gave up asking, when I was asked Vaschen I returned with Brünhild with a
somewhat depressed Rodrig as it seemed a bit depressed.

"It will be OK with this, so please continue to report to Rosemain"

Roudrich, standing in front of me with a light push against Brühnhild, stretched out
his back and laughed as if I had taken care of him.

"I am very sorry, I will keep on reporting.Rosemain is handling me as an aide without

distinguishing it from others.When looking at where Matthias and Laurentz are
treated the same way, Veronika children will also be more likely to step out as a
famous girlfriend, and it seems that they will make a name dedication at the
beginning, thinking that other lord families will not change correspondence

By using handling of my aides as a standard, it seems that I wanted to avoid being

treated terribly despite my name.

"Muriela seems to respect Mr. Elvira very much, so far I could not quite talk about
factions and family members, but even if I give a name to Rosemain, I will not be
scolded and Elvira It seems to be happy to be able to read the book at the earliest. "

I immediately understood who Muriela was in the words of Rodrig. It is a girl with
pink hair who is looking forward to the book of mother who put it in the dormitory
book section. Waiting with a new book coming in a stabbed manner, I must be the one
who got the new book of mother the most by shining green eyes when I put a new
book. Because of the former Veronica school, I feel that my parents said they would
not buy their mother's book.

"Muriela seemed to have been the best if I could give her a name to Elvira, but since
the range of name devotion is a lord family, I said that I would like to give a name to
Rosemain, who is closest to Elvira."
"... Let's ask if mothers can be included in the subject of dedication."

As a result of sending a questionnaire to the adoptive father, I got my aides while

staying at the House of Lords and got the answer that I do not mind if Muriela
graduates from the House of Lords and returns the name once and if I give it to my
mother again . Since it is urgent to increase the number of civil servants engaged in

29 | 2523
the printing industry, it seems that there is a desire to want to be a mother's
subordinate after dumping about the printing industry as my aides.

"And then, I would like to consult Rosemain-san, is Gray Tier."

"Did you do something?"
"Gradeia as a side-by-side apprentice fourth grader seems to want to give a name to
Rosemain when considering the life at the lords and the guardian, but I am very

Gray tears are shy and shy, and they tend to be subject to teasing by boys in many
cases. It seems that the asylum seems to get more out of his throat, and he seems to
think that he may give a name to me if he sees the treatment of Rodderich.

"I am very good at arranging the room and living of the Lord because I notice well of
small things, but because of their character, I do not seem to be very proactive in social
ties, doing as a side-party of Rosemain-sama who involves the upper ranks and
royalty I hesitate to be confident. "
"... ... is it troubling?"

I turned my eyes towards Rieselaer and Brunhild. Put your hands on your cheeks as
Brühn Hilde thinks a bit.

"Gretia has excellent results as a side apprentice. It leaves the grader, and since
Bertilde enters school next year, will not it be okay if I can complement Bertilde?"

Burunhilde and his sister Bertilde are expected to be a senior aristocrat and to
interact with the upper ranks and the center. It seems that the mother is now striking
Bertilde concerning socializing with the higher rank. It seems that as with the
Riserator it is necessary to have a side which is good at inward work.

"Because I am also an intermediate aristocrat, gray tier is saying that it is the current
situation that we negotiate with the upper ranks and the central to Burun Hilde, but
if you are not confident, I do not think there is no opponent of a lower aristocrat so I
think it's okay. "
"Well, as Rieselter says, we are able to respond well even if we look at the tea
ceremony and the hands in opposition to the territory, so since we have two years this
year and next year, gray tear enters our aides There is no problem, please leave it to
me. "

30 | 2523
Brunhild's powerful candy's eyes are seeing me straight.
There is no doubt that side work is necessary. I decided to treat Gray tear as a side job
to do inward work as much as possible, and let him tell Rhodderichi.

When the purge at Ehrenfest begins, it is a promotion ceremony and a social gathering
tomorrow, without knowing when it will end. I can not let you know that Ehrenfest's
dormitory is rattling in other territory.
We had Lincian and hair ornaments handed out to the aides as well as last year, to
prepare for tomorrow.

31 | 2523
"Everyone who is a candidate for lords, we have a promotion ceremony and a social
gathering tomorrow, we have not received a message that we have continued the
movement of students of Ehrenfest following last year."

Hill saur came when we had dinner only with the lord of the lord and his aides.
Looking at Hill Sur that seems to be angry, Wilfriit and Ignato look at each other and
become a face called "I got it!" I, as I said, was forgotten to contact Hirschle as a result
of purification and the response of the former Veronica school children.

"I am very sorry, but there are some circumstances here ..."

Wilfried who stood up and began apologizing made words muddy and spoken without
saying words about purging. I saw that Hill Sur moved Picci and eyebrows, and I also
got up.

"I am sorry for the late reply, I would like to ask about this year's contact matter and
I would like to speak from here, how about with meals?"

When inviting to the meal, Hill Sur laughed at a dish lined up on the table, then smiled
with Nicolle. For the moment, it seems that succeeding in avoiding anger once with
delicious rice.

"Please prepare Richarda, Mr. Hill Sur's seat."

"Certainly, Princess"

While Hill Sur's meal is being prepared, this year's Ehrenfest's ranking and advocacy
ceremonies and contact information on a social gathering will be communicated. One
of the people of Wilfried's aides went to tell the students of the multipurpose hall.

"Did you receive contact from Dr. Hill Sur, Raimund and Ferdinand?"
"... From Ferdinand I arrived only once at the end of the fall, soon we will head to
Ahrensbach, and then I was asked about Rosemain, Raimund has not come to the lab
yet So there is no contact from there. "

32 | 2523
It seems that the teacher of the House of Lords also told the result of the lord
conference, and it seems that he knew that Ferdinand became a fellow of Dietlinde.
However, it seems that he did not believe that he would head for Ahrensbach with
little preparation time. When surprised when we received contact, Hill Sur said.

"It is ironic that Veronica will be headed to Aelen's Bach, who wanted to have a
connection even a little, the most disadvantaged Ferdinand."

I loosened my mouth slightly to the words of Hirsch 's sighs. At Ehrenfest there are
many nobles who are pleased that the connection with Ahrensbach was strengthened,
except for those who were very close to Ferdinand, in a celebration mood. Hill sur
leeds knowing that Ferdinand who had responded to aristocrats by smirk was
reluctant to go to Ahrensbach is somewhat pleased.

"I got permission from Dr. Hill Sur, my father of Ferdinand and I got permission to do
it for a library so I would like to make a magician to put it in my lab together with
Raimund this year I think"
"Well, Rosemain is a wardens of Ferdinand ... ... did the materials of the study
inherited, did not he or she was brought to Ahrensbach?"

Hirschur's primary concern seems to be the destination of research materials. I

remember the baggage that Ferdinand had prepared. Basically I had prepared only
necessities for daily life and I should have told you there is no time to do research.

"I think that most of them are still left.The foster mother told me that I will stay in the
guest room until the end of the starring ceremony.Therefore it is officially becoming
a couple and Ferdinand at Ahrensbach I think that you will send the baggage that you
left after you gave the room. "
"Ferdinand's material, do not you bring it here?"
"... ... I did not come up with it at all"

I remembered that we had not prepared the necessary materials for Hill Shur, as we
had to think about what we had to think about, including Ferdinand's rookie and
preparation for accepting children after purification. Last year I just wanted to take
things prepared, but this year I had to prepare myself this year when my parents
ceased to exist.

... ... I was made aware of Ferdinand's preparation.

33 | 2523
I had forgotten even the arrival contact to the dormitory manager I was not able to
get to such a point so much. What should I do if something I would like to ask Hill Sur
for this year's House of Lords?

"Even so, why are candidate lords and other students separating meals?"

Hill suru looked around the dining room and asked. It becomes a troubled face as to
what Vilfriit and Charlotte answered. Currently I do not know the current status of
Ehrenfest, I can not disclose information on purification. I do not know from where to
transfer and how to escape the opponent.

"Because we have decided that it is good to put a distance, we will be able to take
meals together again a little more."
"... Did something happen at Ehrenfest?"
"I will tell you when it's all over"

While smiling nicely, I gaze at the purple eyes of Hill Sur. It seems that the intention
to convey that there is no mind to answer even if asked any further is transmitted.

"Okay, so I'm looking forward to seeing Rosemain's visit to the laboratory when
everything is over. I guess it will be serious until then, but please do not mind
Rosemain a bit."

I have come to be able to feel that I've become durable little by little as I was immersed
in Jureve. Physical condition is not bad enough to say "rest". While looking at me with
a blink of an eye, Hill sur was sighing as though he was amazed.

"The atmosphere inside the dormitory is sharp like the old days, I can not feel the
sense of unity with the hardships in recent years and the vitality trying to advance
ahead with everyone.This is because the saint of Ehrenfest is such a difficult face
Because it is being done? "

I pressed my cheek against Hill Sur's point. I can not have a difficult face. I should be
smiling now. Hill sur leans his hands on my cheek that tilts his head. The warmth that
comes directly to the skin seems to gently soak.

"It is fine to take a stretch, but you must not lose your lyrical likelihood"

34 | 2523
Quietly saying that, Hill Sur returned to his laboratory. My head is full of question
marks. I do not know the meaning.

...... What is it like me?

And it was the day of promotion ceremony and social gathering. Because you have to
head to the auditorium by the 3 bells, arrange your grooming, make cloves and
brooches properly, and make them look out of the dormitory. I am departing with a
rainbow-colored stone stone in my hair ornament.
When I got off on the second floor with a lesser bus, the waiting Rodelichi and Theodor
joined. Brunhild looks around all around in a place where all the aides are complete.

"Mr. Rosemain, an escort knight accompanying the social gathering is planning to

escort the Leonore, Yudit, Theodore, I will serve, civil servant to Rodderich, is there a
"Yeah, Brühnhild. That's fine."

When I headed down to the first floor by a lesser bus, I heard Charlotte calling out to
the first year students.

"If you do not have a cloak and a brooch you will not be able to return to the dormitory,
so you have to be careful. Are you OK? Are you still the old Veronica's children still?
Marianne, Rudolf. Please look. "
"Certainly yes"

I passed by Maryanne and Ruudolph who received Charlotte's life, and I will arrive on
the first floor. As I get out of the dormitory, I get off the Lesser bus, clean up the
cuddling, and look for Wilfried.

Everyone gathered at the entrance hall is wearing cloaks and brooches in black-based
costumes, and all the girls are wearing hair ornaments. I also sent hair decorations to
this year's first-grader, but senior students often insert their own hair ornaments, so
not all of us all like last year.
Actually, I did not put hair ornaments of last year. I can not put three hair decorations
and I can not remove the amulet given to Ferdinand, so I decorate it with two
luxurious hair ornaments made by Turi and a rainbow-colored stone.

35 | 2523
"Villefried's older brother"
"What's wrong, Rosemain?"

I moved the head a bit and touch Sharari and the rainbow-colored stone.

"It is this amulet given to Mr. Ferdinand, but I think that it is better to decide to be
given to Mr. Wilfriit's older brother, Please tell me the story."
"It was said to Brighon Hilde that the magic stone that I received is better quality than
the manastone I gave to Dietlinde."

Both of them are rainbow-colored stones and I thought that Ferdinand should attach
it, so I thought that there was no particular problem, but it seems that it was not so
for the surroundings.
As a result of various explanations from Brunhild and Richarda, I realized that it was
like a diamond with five superior diamonds arranged than a diamond of an
engagement ring that I gave to my fiancé.

"Is not it a pleasant thing for a fiancé Dietrinde?"

"I am not a woman so I do not know well, but it may be so"
"Wilfried-sama, please understand that!"

Wilfried's side holds his head. Whether it was good or not good for those who do not
understand me and Wilfried.

"If you do not have this hair accessory, you will not stimulate Dietlinde, but
considering the circumstances in the dormitory and the anticipation of other
territories, we will not be able to remove Ferdinand's amulet."
"Yes, because my uncle judged that there was a danger, it was a talisman who gave it
to us, and sometimes I was actually attacked by an Immelding senior aristocrat"

It is true that I attacked even at Hartmut's aim, and it is better to have as much
protection as possible, even though I think about the assault after that.

"So, the rainbow-colored stone is supposed to be declared by Feldinand like the

guardians Ausbu Ehrenfest and his wife, Karstedd, Ferdinand and fiancee Vilfried,

36 | 2523
Brühnhild said "If you do so, you can refute when Ferdinand-san's sense is suspected
by Dietlinde's hair ornament?"

"It is enough if Ferdinand's sense is not diminished, and I do not want to stimulate
Dietlinde much, so if you feel that it's treated as being lighter than my hometown but
you are a fiancée, Ferdinand in Ahrensbach It seems that the correspondence to you
will change greatly. "
"My uncle is all worried about my surroundings and I do not care much about

Wilfried breathed a light breath and rolled his sleeve a little. There are two amulets
swinging there. It prevents physical attacks and things that prevent magical attacks.
Ferdinand seems to leave amulets to Charlotte, the adoptive father and foster mother.

"Okay, as I say, I will prepare the manastone of that hair ornament and let the design
do what my uncle did"

When Wilfried nodded, there was a noise in the upper one that fell down. It feels like
something stupid and stupid.


Escort Knights called by their name rushed up the stairs soon and the other knights
apprentices set their defenses all at once. The whimpy noise stopped quickly. Raeren
immediately turns the boy of the first grade round and rounds with the band of light
of the staple and comes down the stairs.

"Laurentz, what happened?"

"As expected, it is as expected, but some people tried to notify their families via other
territories using a social gathering"

Laurentz pulled out a piece of paper with a hatred. There is "There is nothing wrong
with Mr. Georginene that the person who gave a name and the person who did a bad
thing are caught and disposed of, but neither father nor mother is doing anything bad,
I can meet everyone yet There was a sentence that heard a painful question as "Is not

37 | 2523
My feelings about my family are coming down, I feel like chesting and I want to cry. I
want to return and I want to meet my family. But there is nothing I can say for me,
which is the position of the purgee. I kept biting my back teeth.

"Laurentz, what are you going to do with that girl?"

Laurentz smiles at my question.

"Rosemain, former Veronica factions will be absent from today's promotion ceremony
and social gatherings.In Ehrenfest there are many people who have been raging in
vogue illness and have to stay at rest for a few days so so Hill Please tell Mr. Sur,
Martias' message. "
"Laurentz, that is ... ...."

Wilfriit pulled her arm to shield me that I was not answering.

"It should have said that persuasion is left to two people, Rosemain. Despite showing
a way to escape the joint, despite the fact that some people tried to leak information
to other territory and suspects, Ehrenfest It can not be known to me. "
"Villefried older brother ......"
"Had not been expected that some people would be like this, do you know what to do
at that time?"

Wilfried's deep green eyes alternately watch me and my child being rolled around.
Even if the children try to run away to save their families, they do not make exceptions
and either decide to disassociate everyone as usual, or decide not to watch them.

"...... I can continue to be a candidate for a lord by being mistaken by Rosemain's mercy,
so I will forgive my family once, but I forgive my failure a second time but for the
second time."
"I will make a decision not to see as much as I want to save as much as possible,
Laurentz, please ask everyone."

"Well, let's go over with facial expressions and postures, so it can not be known to
other territories"

38 | 2523
The door opens with the command of Villefried, and everyone comes out from the
dormitory in a row. Because there are no older Veronica children, they are very few
people. Three bells also did not ring, I was exhausting tired before I left the dormitory.

"Are you OK, are you my sister?"

"It is painful to see them now because we understand the heart to think of family as
badly as possible."
"It will not be easy to convince so easily, but I would like you not to give up my life."

Then I left hands with Charlotte who gave me a hand and left the dorm. Hands held
tightly are warm.

The number on the door certainly has changed to 8, and the auditorium is near. The
lined-up positions in the auditorium have also changed, it was quite a while ago. I can
hear voices from the surroundings while walking apart, but I can hardly hear it when
thinking about things before the departure and when I was unable to persuade the
old Veronica 's children during the stay at the lords.

I kept sticking only the nobilising smile, I was waiting for the time to pass by listening
to the story of a great man who is almost the same as last year.

The promotion ceremony is ended while being drowsed, and divided into lower aide,
intermediate nobleman, senior nobility, and accompanying lord candidate for the
social gathering. Leaving the auditorium, we headed to the small hall along with the

"From the 8th place Ehrenfest, Wilfried, Rosemain and Charlotte came."

Inside, Hildebrand sits in front. Apparently this year it seems to have to be a lord as a
royal family. When I smiled with Nikoli, they gave me a smile. It is said that not much
involvement with the royal family is said, but this will not be a problem.

After all the people gathered, we have to say hello as usual. Greeting Hildebrand
sitting in front, greeting the upper territory above himself, the lower part comes to
greetings the same as last year. Following Klassenburg, followed by Dunkel Verger
and Dorevanker, the seventh place ends. Next is our turn.

"This year's goddess Drejung Goa's thread also got together, so that the thing to see is
39 | 2523
Wilfried was the representative and greeted. I am sandwiched between Villefriet and
Charlotte. Because it is told that the royal family should not be involved as much as
possible, both of us were tense on the face.
Conversely, Hildebrand 's bright purple eyes are narrowed pleasantly with Nico Nico.
When I was seeing a happy smile, I became envious of Hildebrand very much. I do not
think I should be happy. Last year I had never envied when I saw someone's smile, so
I do not know why I felt like that.
While turning his head in the center, I will smile Hildebrandt.

"Rosemain, I look forward to seeing you again in the library this year"
"I am sorry"

As expected, "I was scolded variously by various people so I'm planning to keep a
distance" or "I am sorry because I draw into the laboratory". When I laugh and return
a safe answer, I take hands with Vilfriit and Charlotte and walk out. Next is

There seems to be no candidate for lords this year in Klassenburg. Wilfried and
Wilfried greet the delegates who do not recognize the senior nobility. I apologize to
one mercantile for Klausenburg, "I have received reports from merchants that there
are lots of new things only in Ehrenfest, I would like you to make friends from now
on" It was.

...... Even if I say such a thing, I think that I will not be able to increase the trading frame
any more.

There is plenty of downtown of Ehrenfest and there is nothing I can do. Rather, it is
estimated that Arends Bach wants a trading frame with the marriage of Ferdinand.

...... However, since the magical power within the territory will definitely diminish
with this purge, I can not go back to Greschel with Entwickeln, so what will I do?

"Mr. Lesty Lout, Hannalee, this year the goddess of time Drefan Goa's fellowship has
come true, so that we can see it"

On the table of Dunkel Ferger there is Resiluto and Hannaore. My mood slightly rose
to the smile of Hannaore.

40 | 2523
"I am glad that you are fine, Hannaore's sama"
"I also felt relieved of Rosemain-sama's healthy appearance, because Mr. Ruffen told
me that at Ehrenfest there was a lot of people absent because disease was in fashion"

It seems that I was frightened that I was certainly asleep. Charlotte has stepped
forward one step, smiling with Nikoli.

"My sister's after going to bed once, it will be OK for a while.What time will you deliver
the hair decorations than it is? Because this year it became better for your sister not
to return to the dedication ceremony, socializing I can pass it to the season. "

The topic shifts from popular illness, Charlotte smiles and advances the story. While
applauding with amazing skill, I turned my eyes towards the orderer, Restistau.

"That hair decoration was designed by plants of Dunkel Ferger.The craftmans of hair
decorations were surprised by the goodness of sense. It was very nice finished."
"Huh, is not it? There are those who have eyes to see in the countryside like Ehrenfest"

As if he was being praised, Restylau lifted his lip. No doubt, I asked whom I designed.

"My older brother was designed, and my brother has an emotion, I am good at such
things from long ago."
"That's surprising, is not it?"

I could hardly imagine from the memories that I got over the rights of Black Forest
and Weiss and led by other territories.

"The rainbow-colored stone's hair ornament is also not bad, what's wrong?"
"All of the guardians prepared the stones, Ferdinand designed it, and the brother
Wilfried received me, is the design of Ferdinand nice too?"
"Looking a bit behind and want to see it carefully"

When I tried to turn his back against the word of Restistau, Hannorore pulled the rest
of her cloak in a panic.

"Older brother! It is rude to see such a wonderful hair ornament like that"

I stopped the movement of my body as I was going behind as I was told. It is dangerous
and dangerous. I was about to take action not like ladies.
41 | 2523
"Sorry, Rosemain-sama. Let's deliver hair ornaments when socializing season,
exchange books, etc. There will be new books this year as well, the book by Ehrenfest
is a lot of fun "
"Ay, I heard that history book of Dunkel Ferger will become a book, is it completed?"

Regardless of my favorite Hannaore, I did not think that it was expected to be a

restylau. The red eyes are interested and are watching here. I got very happy and
nodded at the restraint that the book seemed fun.

"Since the history of Dunkel Ferger is long, it will not fit in one volume in the book of
Ehrenfest so many books will be issued.The history of Dunkel Ferger that we printed
in this year's House of Lords, a sample of Volume 1 If this sample is not a problem, it
will be sold after the next lord conference. "
"Okay, let's look forward to the tea ceremony."

……Huh? Does Restz Lout also attend the tea ceremony?

Until now it was an attitude that I do not want to attend with Ehrenfest, what kind of
wind blowing? In a mood felt like a fox or a raccoon dog, I will advance my feet
towards Durevanhel.

Leave greetings with Drevenhel to the good Vilfriet with Ortwinne.

"Unfortunately, there are many students who are absent for a while due to illness, and
it will be difficult to pass all of them on the first day."
"That's a shame, but it's OK for the two games to win."
"Oh, of course."

Two people get along with their rival's promises. I was questioned about the rainbow-
colored man's hair ornament, but I replied in the same way as I answered Dunkel

"Dear Linde, this year the goddess of time goddess Drefan Goa's fellowship has come,
so that the thing to see is realized"

Arends Bach's Dietrinde was very happy and taught me how Ferdinand is doing.

42 | 2523
"Ferdinand always smiles gracefully for me going to the lords, and I am doing my best
in the office."

...... It's made, because it's a smile.

So when I put Tsukkomi in my heart, I became extremely worried. I feel like sleeping
and eating too much and I'm taking medicine. Once the lecture begins, let's send a
letter of confirmation via Raimund.

"We played Fespiel in the party to tell the beginning of winter social circle.I said that
it is a new song and made a very enthusiastic love song for me.My teacher at a tea
party We are planning to play it. "

...... It seems that I practiced "how to make a friend" a bit, but what's more, love songs?
That Ferdinand is a love song.

To tell the truth, I did not think that such a fellow could be used for that Ferdinand. If
so, did not he have to bother to teach "thinking about how to make friends"?
Vilfried gently struck my shoulder, wondering how far Ferdinand was gentle,
endlessly staring at Dietlinde.

"... Rosemain, is this a mistake on my uncle?"

"I hear it only in the story of a totally different person, but I do not think it's wrong.

Dietlinde declared that he would do his annual cousin sister each year, and this year I
was invited. Then deliver the hair ornaments and have them listen to Ferdinand's new
songs. I'm looking forward to what kind of song it was finished.

Then he gave a few greetings and apologized to Immelding 's Lord Candidate for the
senior aristocracy in last year' s game against the territory. It was also used as one of
the reasons for refusing the request from the center, and it is also used as a reason to
use the rainbow-colored stone charm. Perhaps Immelding was serious. I guess that is
the cause of the drop in ranking. I do not want to be harassed any more, so I received
an apology with a smile.

43 | 2523
After the social gathering party is over, I will return to the dormitory. It was about the
former Veronica children who walked out of the small hall and thought while walking.
I want to meet with my family, but I can not do such a thing, and this purification is a
matter to do. I can not stop it, what should I do? What can I do?


From the special building of the civil service course with Hill Sur's laboratory,
Raimund came shaking wisteria cloak. In the appearance of aristocracy of
Ahrensbach, the surrounding knight apprentices are wary and stand in a position to
protect the lord of the lord by roughly making a note.
As Raimund surprised his eyes, he took a short distance and called me.

"Rosemain, like a message from Ferdinand, are you going to ask?"

"Did you do something !?"
"No, as I got a message when I went to show this magic tool ..."

While saying so, Raimund took out the magician. It seems that the magician for
recording was miniaturized slightly. It seems that I got a message to us at that time
though it was repelled that it should be made smaller.

"Listen, I want to ask"

When I came out, Raimund nodded and touched the part of the Evil Stone.

"Rosemain, it's me."

It was no doubt that Ferdinand's voice flowed from the magic tool. Although I have
only a little left since I headed to Ahrensbach, I felt very nostalgic. However, the
nostalgia that soaked in with that drown was overwhelmed by the following words.

"There is no such thing that I am not studying as soon as I am gone."

... ... Ya ya! I have not even studied studying!

44 | 2523
"You promised to take the best, of course, please drop down the score of Ehrenfest
overall than last year. I will not forgive you."

Uh っ っ! When I was holding down my cheeks, the sounds heard from the magician
got slightly gentle.

"I am not saying to raise grades separately, they say that they should not drop, it is as
good as last year, is not there anything difficult?"
"Like last year .... Well ... I heard that I can do something if I say so."

Charlotte muttered murmuring behind me, being quietly holding a fist.

"I think that the best sister can not do better any further ... ...."
"Shiit! Keep it silent as the principal is motivated, Charlotte"

...... Ha! Certainly I could not raise any more! I was deceived! Is it?

Even though I glanced at magical tools, the magician continues to talk with
Ferdinand's voice.

"Vilfried, Charlotte, etc. are the same, I expect the work that is suitable for the defense
magic tool that I gave, let me listen to the good news that all of Ehrenfest passed the
first day in the game against the territory"
"Something like that ..."

Hurdles are rising for Charlotte who did not pass all the first day last year. Charlotte
trembled with pulp on a momentary pressure. Without comforting Charlotte, as soon
as I reached out my hand, the voice of Ferdinand called "Oh, yes, Rosemain".

... ... Did you feel gentle with a bad feeling?

I will move my eyes from Charlotte to the magician in the hand of Raimundto to the
echo peculiar before the first time.

"If grades are lost, talk to Gilvester and pick up the library you gave to you, because
you can not manage the library for those who can not manage themselves."
"I'm sorry, I do not want that, Ferdinand!"
45 | 2523
I unexpectedly clung to the magician, but there is no way that magic tools that are just
recording can compromise.
Now that there is no one who issues a task and a melancholy thing like purity happens
and the mood is sinking, I have not read even a book, not even a study, though thinking
about my library is the only support of my heart It will be dead without joking when
picked up.

"Ah, this is the only message from Mr. Ferdinand ... ... I have also been challenged to
be able to improve it, but the tasks from Ferdinand are tough with each other, please
do your best at Rosemain. "

Raimund tries to compare me with the magic tool in my hand with a naught
expression and goes away so as to escape with the awkwardness.

"What, what, what you do, Rosemain? If you think carefully you have not studied at all
since you came to the lords."
"I am also, my sister"

Three people were consciously taken to purge, and even the performance
improvement committee was completely missing. Although it was told to the adoptive
father to leave purification to here, there is nothing to do at the lords. This is bad. It
must be thunderstormed as soon as I met Ferdinand in opposition to the territory.

...... So with that, my father and Mr. Ferdinand consult with us on the fight against the
territory and my library will be picked up!

"I have no time to suffer in this way, I have to do my best to protect my library!"

When I held my fist and settled my determination, Vilfriit saw me with a blood-drawn

"... Wait a moment, Rosemain. I feel something very bad feeling."

"Okay, Vilfried's older brother, I will shake off a bad feeling."
"No, it's not!"

I smiled so that I could relieve even a little bit, hitting the shoulder of Wilfried with a
headache, the future of a nightmare.

46 | 2523
"There is no difference, the exam has not begun yet, There is time before the beginning
of tomorrow's lecture and everyone should have been studying over a year."
"...... Mum, so is the library hanging in the same way, is the situation different from that

Vilfried hits his pong and it nods several times to convince himself that "it is an
instruction on my uncle who knows how to use a powerful drug." What on earth is a
drastic drug? What I do not understand is postponement. First of all, we must win
everyone's first day passing.

"We will review the review by perfection and we will confirm whether there is any
place we have forgotten by tomorrow, it will not be difficult if it passes only."

Rieselator and Brunhildde smiled happily with Nico Nico, and they pushed me.

"Oh, Rosemain, what I'm studying firmly for a year, if you do your best from now on,
it's okay."
"If the ranking of Ehrenfest drops, it will be ridiculed by other territories as if it was
temporary, and Ferdinand who is in Ahrensbach will also have a narrow willingness,
so we must do our best "

Even barely go from the middle territory to the large territory. If the ranking of his
hometown falls before the star knotting ceremony, Brünhnde tells us that his
shoulders will be narrower than before.

"Keeping your grades is important regardless of what you put in. Let's do it. We can
still make it in time."
"Okay, I will come back in a hurry and I will study all of them."

Candidate candidates and their aides walked in the corridor of the central building
while becoming a hurry and opened the door of 8 wide.
Wilfried rushes into the multipurpose hall and I get on the Lesser Bus while watching
"Try everything tomorrow's exams, you must pass all the students with their study

"Léonore, Rodelichi, please tell the old Veronica children also to have studying tools
and gather in the multipurpose hall"
"... ... I got it to you"
47 | 2523
Watching Léonore nods with a hard expression, I run up the stairs with a lesser bus.
And he jumped into the room where Yudit and Filine opened.

"Please prepare Richarda, study tools, from now on study in a multipurpose hall"
"Yes, I am preparing now .... Even so, it is sudden, has anything happened, sir?"
"I was threatened by Mr. Ferdinand, if I drop the results of Ehrenfest, I will pick up my

I talk about Raimund bringing a recording magician to Ricarda I am preparing.

"Do you think that Richarda is also terrible to take up things you gave once?"
"I thought that it is a Ferdinand-sanlike kind of thing to build up the task for the
princess, even if I go out."
"I do not need such thought!"

Rihyarda gave me a study tool while laughing with couscous, "Princess is laughing,
despite being angry with his mouth, Princess."

"It is about Ferdinand, if there is a punishment when dropped, there will be rewards
when you achieve the task, please do not study firmly, princess"
"Well, let Feldinand strike a surprising result and let my library make the magic tools
I need."

... ... Defend the library and absolutely raise your reward!

I took a study tool and got into a lesser bus again. Upon reaching the multipurpose
hall, immediately pick up the cud beast and ask the associate to make a study place of
the lord's candidate course. Charlotte is in the second grade table, so this year there
are only Vilfried and two people.

"Wilfried older brother, let's study here, because there are only two candidates for
lords candidates"
"... .... Well ... I will read this first, so Rosemain can start studying first."

Villefried gave his eyes to the wooden bullies held with a face that would not get much
popular. While tilting my head, I call out to everyone who gathers at the multipurpose

48 | 2523
"Please do not take a seat with reference to last year's grouping, please use the table
there for the first grade"

As everyone gathered, old Veronica school children came in with embarrassed face
holding study tools. Standing still in front of the door, I look around the multipurpose

"You guys are late, please arrive at your seat soon"

"Yes, it will not go down to the results of Ehrenfest, and tomorrow we will win the
first day pass tomorrow"

When I and Wilfried cried out, one child glared at us with a strong eyes.

"I can not get studies when my family may be killed."

In that word the air in the room froze. I'm going to concentrate, and the face of me and
Wilfriit who faces upwards go down. At the next moment, a band shining out of the
Leopnard 's staple that came a step forward came out and caught the child. It turns
around in a circle, and it falls to the spot with Bothe.

"Leonore, what are you doing suddenly !?"
"Do not you know their position at all, what kind of persuasion did Matthias and
Laurentz have done?"

The blue eyes of Leonore have become a complex color which I have never seen
before. And Matthias who showed a surprising expression turned his eyes toward me,
the Lord of Leonore.

"Rosemain says that he will save the innocent, but ...."

"Well, Rosemain says that if you ask Ave to save the lives of those who have not
committed crime, and children before baptismal are said to be out of the question, to
accept them I have arranged an orphanage. "

Léonore smiled, but it seemed to have such passion as to change the color of his eyes,
and it was increasingly terrible.

"Attempting to abduct kidnapping for Rosemain, putting a poison into a long sleep,
this time also trying to assassinate .... I handed over to the lord's family.Of clans all of
49 | 2523
them are obviously in a joint disposition? In other words, despite the fact that there
is no need to worry about it, I am struggling to help a child who is not guilty somehow,
suffering my head and getting injured in my heart. "

...... I usually forgot because I am quiet and not self-asserting, but Leonore was a
complete Reesegang aristocracy!

There are old Veronica children. Naturally, there are children of Reisegang system in
this place. Children of Reisegang system are senior aristocrats, basically trying to
rescue together because they are close to the lord's family, but it seems that they were
also dissatisfied with changing their customs in their inner centers.
I am just thinking about the feelings of old Veronica children, I notice how I was not
thinking what kind of thoughts my aides are on the side.

...... Oh, I, the main disqualification!

"A person who is dissatisfied with avoiding the joint disposition will send to Ehrenfest
as this is the original treatment"

That's why Léonore laid out the paper he wrote as "incompetence" on top of that child.
While feeling the anger of Leonore and everyone was breathtaking and breathtaking,
Brünhild advanced with elegant footsteps as if sliding. Behind it is also a Riesela.

"That's no good, Leonore"

"Do not stop, please do not stop, because all the lords of the lords have worried about
it for those who are being disposed of and are complaining about aristocrats in
various positions by breaking practices, and dissatisfaction from those who are trying
to save further I can not stand it for more than this! "
"I do not intend to stop it, so I will transfer it at the transition team, so there is no point
in binding magical powers, you have to use the strings for capturing here"

Brunhild and Rieserator pulled out a slightly thick string. The riser grips and pulls the
pin and cord and looks down at the usual captured face as usual.

"Rosemain's feelings are positive and it is not necessary for those who disturb you
when they are inspired to bring together the dormitories, so to protect the spiritual
health of the Lord, I exclude you as a side "

50 | 2523
...... I did not want the excellence of such a Rizerator! I, health! My body and mind are

"Yeah, it's as Rieselae truly is saying, let's eliminate it quickly.The merciful lords of the
family are doing severe territoriality in many ways, even though they are kids, but
dozens of relatives of criminals If you grow a noble who lives for Ehrenfest, there is
not food such as food to make use of the criminal life without even appreciating the
lord's family, such as Raisegang. "

...... Ah, Brunhild was also Raisegang system! dangerous! The aides of our aides got a
big runaway! Somebody, stop it!

I look around, and I look around, but there are neither Hartmut's appearance nor
older brother Cornelius appearing so well at this time. Lord, as I tried to stand up
thinking that I had to stop, the aides of Wilfriit and Charlotte came forward.
I looked up with expectations, but they also hold the staple.

"Wilfried was taken to the white tower by old Veronica children and was given a
blotchy stain, snow I am trying hard day and night. "

Apprentice of Wilfried Knight When Alexis looked around the children of the former
Veronika school, several children who seemed to be involved in the matter fell down.

"Charlotte was baptized on that day by the nobility of the former Veronika school, and
Rosemain, who came to help, had a long sleep, so my fault caught my heart, and
Ehrenfest We've been making excessive efforts to allow Rosemain-sama's alternative
called the Saint of Saint. "

Charlotte gathers gaze like a frustrating natalie's words. Both of the lord candidate
here have suffered a disadvantage from the former Veronica faction.

"If you are dissatisfied with the correspondence of the lord's family and you do not
intend to show even the effort to pass the first day after looking back on what the
former Veronica school did for the lord's family, I do not care at the joint disposal at
all, how much do you think they are receiving special treatment? "

51 | 2523
Ignatuz glanced at the children of the old veronica group, while many of the nobles
who do not think to break the practice are many, who are wanting to save are the

"... No, I am thankful for that, but if you think about us, please give mercy to my father
and mother."

It is painful to leave your family. It is almost like I do not think I want to give it to the
voice of a freshman who is tied to Leonore if it is given, and Charlotte stands up and
opens his mouth It was simultaneous.

"I am in trouble even if I direct such wishes of wishes to here.Is not your family that
made a crime, I can not do not have the crimes I have already committed, I will be
responsible for the crime Nothing will be dispelled unless it is done. The only thing
we can do is to reach out to those who are not guilty. "

The criminal is out of the scope, and Charlotte said clearly with looking around at the
blue eyes.

"My lord lord family showed the way to survive innocent you and guiltless innocent
people, it is not you who choose us from here, you guys."

... ... Huh, Charlotte is cool. I feel something is being protected.

I am an older sister, it is not being protected by Charlotte, but I have to reverse and
have to defend Charlotte before going against it.
It is no use as it is. When I got up, Leonore was reaching out anxiously. I hold down
Leonore's hand and make me smile and say "I'm all right."

"It is not your family to save you, but to yours in the future that will save you.If you
lose your family in this purge, you have to live with your own power. In that case,
grades will be an important weapon to find the next guardian.I have been told so from
the time they are raised in the temple and I have received education from Ferdinand.

Thanks to Ferdinand taking care of all the time to learn culture and study to get a
better environment, I was not killed by Earl of Vindebart as a commoner but could be
adopted by a lord .

52 | 2523
"Also, think carefully about the case where your family has done light disposal, can
you face the family by dropping the overall score of Ehrenfest as a result of your
grades? If your family can not commit a crime Even with minor dispositions, as a
family member of a criminal you will be seen with severe eyes, but in that case too, if
you think that you want to work just to support your family, It is essential. "

Matthias became a tough looking face while looking forward as if former Veronica
children were puzzled.

"Rosemain, I am worried about information leakage, but because of Ehrenfest's

achievement, I can not agree to get them out of the dormitory"
"Do not be afraid, Matthias. The first report came from Ehrenfest a while ago, it seems
that the rough ended, the details of the disposal etc will be at a later date, but when
we sent information somewhere during the examination of tomorrow, There is no
point anymore. "

Wilfried shook his wooden shit lightly. Astonishment eyes are directed to the wood
It was faster than I expected. The adoptive father seems to be in speed match.

"The purge seems to be over, so please do not choose.Will you study from now and
you will win the exam in the exam for tomorrow or will you return to Ehrenfest in a
tied state like this? I will respect it. "

As a matter of fact, I will quickly disappear from the old Veronica's children and return
to the table. I really do not have time to not lose my grades.

"Both Brunhild and Lisellete are starting to study, so will this year be aiming for a
"Well, this year is a great opportunity."

When the aides turned away and started studying, Matthias and Laurentz
immediately followed it. Old Veronica school children go into the circle of one
studying with one person, while exploring each other's situation.

"Please unravel my bondage! I will study as well!"

53 | 2523
Only one person left in front of the door is a boy who was bound by Leonore. As
everyone starts studying, they are struggling like bitch and bouncing fish on the
cutting board.

"You do not want to return to the family of Ehrenfest?"

"My family does not sin! I believe it."

When Leonore unbinds, he runs to the first grade table with his own study tools.

"I will not allow a single rejection to protect my library"

Ehrenfest attended all the lectures on the first day that took place the next day, all of
whom won the passing of the lecture.

"All first graders passed!"

Theodor, excited by the first pass, will report pleasure. With delight, we had lunch
with all of our dorms. According to Brühnhild, the fifth grade also seems to be
affordable and rip off passing.

"But, Theodore.Third graders are not all accepted, they are all perfect score."

The third grader was also a common lecture exam, but it was contents to write out all
the names of the gods. It was too easy test for us who played in Karuta and grew up
reading scripture picture books, it felt boring.

"If that is the case, I am a perfect score even now, I would like to be a third grader as
soon as possible"
"Yudit, fourth grader is a class in the afternoon, is not it?"
"Yes, I'm studying for a year, all of today's commons will pass."

Theodoru teaches that Yudit 's reliable smile makes it better to be careful not to make
a careless mistake. Aldonants came in there.

"Rosemain, Soranju, a new librarian was dispatched from the center, I would like to
register Schwarz and Vice, are you sure?"
54 | 2523
The soft voice of Soranje full of joy resonated three times. It is what Sorenju had long
hoped to have a new librarian from the center. With loneliness, you will not lose your
seasons from spring to autumn at the library nor will you owe all of your work alone.
Richarda nodded with a smile when I looked up to Richarda who was serving us.

"If you are just registering, you may head for after meals because if you can not
register for Schwarz and Weiss, the librarian will be at your disposal, but there is no
time for the princess to read. Is it OK?"
"... Well, just a bit, but?"

Even though I think about registering Hildebrand or Hannaore, it can not take so much
time. There should be time to read books in a while. As I asked for it, Richarda sighed.

"When I get a signal to leave, I will close the book without asking questions"

……Wow. Library, library!

55 | 2523
I will reply to Soranju that I will go to the library after eating in Ordonants and tell my
aides to prepare. The first-year teodor felt happy.

"I am looking forward to the librarian at the House of Lords so I am new."

"... .... Um, Theodor has not finished library registration yet so I can not go with you

The feeling of looking forward to the first library is painfully understood, but Theodor
can not accompany. It will be after registration is over. In the explanation Myodor
dropped his shoulders with a slightly disappointing look.

"In other words, is there only me being an answering machine ...?"

"Today, I will go to the library and make a reservation for new students so please be

He is comforting like Lord, though he is comforting as a senior student, but

desperately I'm desperate to laugh now.

...... Because it's like a little saddened face that the dodging face of Theodor is "I am
also an escort knight ... ..."! I can understand my brother at first sight!

Although it looks just like it, but when pointing out there, Theodor seems to be falling
further, so Yudit has been chasing after saying that he is enduring not to laugh.

"It's embarrassing to face such a ruined face in front of the Lord, Theodore"

Even though Yudit always made such a reckless face, I could not put up with her sister
face and carefully watching theodor with his index finger standing. I laughed in spite
of myself, and other aides started laughing like I was hooked by it.

"Well, what are you doing all of sudden?"

The appearance of the two people who are surprised looking around are similar alike,
and laughing does not fit. When holding the mouth and laughing to look as elegant as
possible, Leonore also pointed out with giggle and laughing in the same way.

56 | 2523
"The face of that little bit of theodore is exactly like Yudit, lamenting that I am also an
escort knight."
"It's not exactly the same, Leonore!"

Their voices were superimposed nicely, and laughter stopped stopping even more.

I put a Theodor that everyone laughed and became a bulging surface and headed to
the library. Legerator asked me while I was walking around with my aides.

"As a new librarian was dispatched, is that Rosemain is not the Lord of Schwarz and
"Is not it so? Originally Schwarzs and Weiss was a senior librarian with library magic
tools, so if you have a senior librarian dispatched from the center, is it natural that you
should replace the Lord?"

I have supplied magical power for a better library to spend comfortably and I did not
want to be the Lord of Schwarz and Weiss. It is best for Sorangju who has been lonely
alone with librarians to send official librarians officially.

"It is too bad even if we know it is the original form"

The Rizerator breathed his breath gently with his hand on his cheek. Usually I do not
put out my emotions much before I do not know the reasons why the Risaizer will

"What is regrettable for the Risera?"

"The fact that Rosemain is not the Lord of Schwarzs and Weiss means that new clothes
will be prepared by the new Lord, I made new clothes at the cost, but I can not change

Schwarz and Weiss costumes made with Ehrenfest embroidered the defense magic
team with the best and apron, so you can change other clothes. It seems that the
Rizerator has created one piece and trousers to dress new clothes to Black Forest and

"Rieselator really loves Sumiru, is not it?"

57 | 2523
When Yudit and Phyline exhilarate the breath, Riesereser said, "I love Schmir, but to
spread out the new way of dyeing Ehrenfest," he shyly cheeked.

"It takes time to make new clothes from administrator changes even if you do not get
too disappointing, it took a year to help the Ferdinand. If you refuse a word, this year's
lords will have no problem even if you dress new clothes made by Risera. "

It might be able to be prepared faster if it is in the middle, but I think that new
costumes will not be completed during this year's House of Lords, when the Rizerator

...... It's tough to dyed threads and cloth for embroidery with magical power while
supplying magical power to Schwarz and Weiss every day at work.

"Rosemain, thank you to the library for having your busy schedule on the first day of
the lecture, thank you."

When I entered the library building, Sorange, Schwarz and Weiss welcomed you. After
exchanging long noble-kind greetings, start walking towards Sorangu's office.

"It is a pleasure to hear that a new senior librarian has been dispatched from the
center but if you can not touch Schwarz and Vice to work in the library you will not
be able to work and a senior librarian has been dispatched So I thought it would be
better to change the Lord of Schwarz and Weiss as soon as possible. "

It seems that Sorenju was very struggling for the situation that students who use
magical powers in lectures rely on magical aspect. Even though I did not want it, it
seems that he was frustrated that he was going to play Ditter against Dunkel Ferger
over the Lord of Schwarzz and Weiss.

"Well, Rosemain will be taking two of the lords candidate course and the civil service
course from this year - since the magical power will definitely become strict, the
dispatch of the librarian was in time for this year and it was truly satisfying."

I understand that Sorangju who delightfully narrows his blue eyes is truly worried
about me and my heart gets warm.
58 | 2523
"I think that I'm glad that I was able to work with Mr. Sorangju who was alone in the
"Yeah, I feel a lot different just because I have a chat with someone." The new senior
librarian is a woman, so Rosemain will definitely get along because the book is your
favorite. "
"I'm looking forward to it, if it's a woman, it's okay to call him Blackhead for Schwarz
and Weiss,"

As I was excited to go to the office of Sorangi, I was surprised to find out what kind of
new senior librarian I really liked.

"... Sorangju, did not you have a new librarian alone?"

"There is only one senior librarian dispatched, but as royalty's magician's registration
changes, the royal family will be present, Rosemain, who changed registration
without even touching with blessings, is an exception "

Sorenju was pointing out with a nostalgic laugh and I gently broke his line of sight. I
feel insane to the extent that I prayed to God for joy of library registration and
released blessings if I became the Lord. When I look back on what I've done before, I
will also tilt my head.

...... Even so, royalty is too hard to be driven to such a thing.

Nevertheless, when convinced that it is necessary for the royal family for such a time,
as the door opens, they seem to have noticed my arrival that the aides are nearing the
wall to leave the way for the Lord To come.

"Rosemain, it's been a long time"

There were not only Hildebrand but another Eglantine as the royal family buried in a
large number of aides. I was surprised that the surprising person was in the office of
the librarian, and I kept a big eye.

"Mr. Egrantine, why are you at the aristocratic house?"

"Wow, you were surprised? Actually I was asked to do a lecturer on the Lord
Candidate Course, so I will face a few times in the lecture now."

59 | 2523
It seems that he appealed to the king that he wanted to retire soon after being a
sideburner of a royal family who had been a long time since the teacher who had
taught the lord candidate course so far. There seems to be a white arrow in Egrantine.

...... The princess who married Prince became a school teacher, the reality of the love
story is strange outside.

I have never thought that Eglantine became a teacher and would meet again at the
lords. I am surprised, but it is a little troublesome if only teachers like Frauerelm
increase surroundings, so it is nice that a familiar person is a teacher.

"Mr. Rosemain, I'm Introducing This is New Orthanesia who was sent to the House of
Lords as a senior librarian"

Egrantine introduced a woman standing next to me. It is a person who made it an

ambient mood that looked like an awesome Egrantine with a light blue-colored hair
in his 40's. I think that child rearing has fallen like a mother like a mother, so I think
that I returned to civil service work. I feel relieved with feeling that I feel comfortable
with Sorange.

"Rosemain, if it is true, only I am present, so it is enough, but Egrantine asked for a


Hildebrand says, "I was able to work for even one person." Although I do not think
that Hildebrandt is a child who can not work, I was told by the adoptive father, "There
is a place where the consciousness as a royalty is thin", so perhaps Egrantine is also
serving as a basis for Hildebrand Maybe.

"I was born and I moved from the same town to Altansia and I decided to join
Rosemain sama for today because I am a little familiar with it because of my
introduction. "

Eglantine smiled to show a sense of awkwardness and Ortansia who smiles

conscientiously looked different, but I felt that the dressing atmosphere was very
similar. It is called Egrantine, it is called Primvale, is called Ortansia, is the woman in
Klassenburg is basically a traitorous system?

...... Even then, Egrantine got married and became more and more beautiful in a happy
60 | 2523
"Please forgive me for praying for a blessing to a rare encounter that received the
severe sorting of the life god AVivive"

When I was fascinated by Egranthine, Altansia came out earlier and kneeling before I
greeted her for the first time. I will stretch out my back as a quick and respond to it.

"I will forgive you."

"My name is Ortansia, I would like to thank you very much."

When the light of blessing flew and flew and the greeting was over, Ortansia got up
and looked back on Soranju.

"If you do not hurry, you may interfere with Rosemain's afternoon lecture." Sorangju,
how do you change the manager? "
"I will be the Lord by nominating my predecessor, giving permission to touch Schwarz
and Vice, touching the manastone of the forehead and registering magical power"

It is the same way as when registering Hildebrandt or Hannaore as a cooperator.

"Rosemain, could you register?"

The surrounding eyes faced me at the same time to the words of Olytansia smiling and
smiling. I did not know that the registration of the royal magical tool is such a great
deal of attention.

By the way, did someone say that it is honorable to become the Lord of the royal
magical tool?

To each of the royal family who meet each other their aides. While feeling the
uncomfortable feeling of receiving a lot of gaze at once, I will bring in Black Forest and
Weiss. Of course, do not forget to warn others not to touch.

"Give permission to touch Schwartz, Weiss. Altansia and register."

"Ortansia, I was in business"

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Ortansia stretches out his hands and touches the Black Mana and Black Weather
stone. Registration is complete. Hildebrandt who was watching the state of
registration skewed a strange way.

"Sorangju, the same way I was registering as a collaborator, but is this the change of
the administrator is over?"
"No. No, if the Ortansia-sama exceeds the amount of Rosemain-sama's magical power
that is being supplied to Schwarz and Vice, the manager will change, it may take a bit
of time to supply magical power with the magic stone the other day Right? "

Saying that, Sorangju returns as "greatly saved" the great magic stone that I handed
out for use during the spring and autumn. I handed it over to Richarda and tidied up.

"What about that magic stone?"

"Rosemain says that we are in trouble if the Black Foot and Weiss can not move
between spring and fall," Rosemain says.

Everyone in the surroundings in the words of Soranju has a big eyes wide look to be
a startle face.

"Have you been supplying magical powers by renting such a large manastone to
Sorangee? I think that it is not a problem even if it does not move during the spring
and autumn ..."

I tilted a little to the word of Hildebrandt. Certainly, the busiest thing is the winter
where students are, but there is no job between spring and autumn, and Schwarz and
Weiss are necessary to distort Sorangju's loneliness.

"The operation of the library is very troublesome unless Schwarzz and Weiss move, I
like reading, so it is not natural to use magical power for a cozy library"
"Of course, is that?"
"I think that using magical powers for my precious things is not surprising to that
extent, but ..."
"Because Rosemain says she likes a special outside book,"

Sorangju, who knows me best at the library, smiled and said, "Thanks a lot for being

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"Oh yes, Rosemain, please be careful not to supply magical power to Schwarz and Vice
until the administrator changes and stabilizes.When Rosemain says it will not be able
to change the administrator forever Maybe it is. "

Soranju said to him that the library members' activities should be suspended.
Certainly, it will not be easy for administrators to change. I nodded and acknowledged

"Okay ... It will be touched by habit when you come here, and let's refrain from
approaching the library for a while"

While the surroundings were blinking, only Sorange was nicely smiling and nodding.

"Well, Rosemain takes two courses, so please concentrate on your study as a student."
"Oh, well prepared for a while."

When I stretch out my heart, Sorangju "praises Rosemain sama, it is reliable" and
praises me. Hildebrand misleads as "Rosemain can endure without reading a book"
with a stunning face.

"I can not hold it, I will not, but I, in fact, I got my library of my own wishes."
"So, we are going to study magical tools useful for libraries with reference to the
librarian of the House of Lords, because we read various materials, we will not spend
without reading books.In order to enrich my library I will do my best this year. "

Upon departing, Laugh, Sorangju was delighted with herself as saying, "That is very

"Do you research a magical tool that you can think of as a little bit of magical power
that you have been thinking since last year, please do not show it to me if you can,
even here you can incorporate it."

Soranju taught me about the old library, as the senior librarian increased the number
of ortansia, but I could not understand Sorangue 's words that he wanted magical
magician, he was tilting his head.

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"There used to be three senior librarians and two intermediate librarians, there were
more times, there are limitations on the magic tools that can be moved by two people,
so to all the cooperators It will be appreciated if you can supply magical power to an
extent that it will not be a burden even from now.Rosemain is the authority of the
administrator moved. "

It seems that it is not necessarily that the library members are completely dissolved.
I was a little relieved.

"Since I will help you again, please do not call me when the administrator's change is
over. Oh, then, please make a reservation for new students' registration."

Remembering the appearance of Theodore alone who is doing an answer alone,

Sooruju picks out the wooden tag and starts writing.

"Rosemain is the first one this year, I got it, I got it.When I got it, I will send you a letter
when the date and time are decided .... If that is the case, will this year's favorite tea
party be held?"
"Is this a favorite tea party?"

It was Altansia who responded to the words of Sorange.

"Each one brings a book to the tea ceremony and exchanges it.I'm looking forward to
having a long time in the library by myself.Rosemain will take two courses and there
will be administrator changes as well, It may be difficult this year, though. "

It was an encouraging tea party but it seems that Soranju was looking forward to it. I
would definitely like to hold it if I can say such a thing.

"There is a new book this year as well, since it will certainly take two courses, the time
that can be held from last year may be delayed, but I would like to hold it if we can
finish the lecture before the students get more."
"Mr. Rosemain, let me join you at that time, too, I recommend you books"

I got my eyes shining with Kiran in the words of Altansia. It is a book recommended
by Central Nobles from Klasseburg. The possibility of a book I do not know is high.

"I will do my utmost to finish the lecture as soon as possible"

"Rosemain, I would like to participate in a tea ceremony"
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Hildebrand also raised a news with a smile. Since I participated last year, I understand
the feeling of being together this year. However, I was in trouble.

……Unpalatable. What are you going to do with the royalty and the center as much as

I see that Arthur is bitterly behind Hildebrandt, Egrantine smiles as if he is in trouble,

"As royalty does not behave that way, it is not a good behavior," Hildebrand tries.

"Rosemain sama who held a tea ceremony collapsed last year invited the royal family
and lost consciousness after losing consciousness, so this is a big goal, Rosemain is
scolded by Ehrenfest I suppose. "
"Is that so, Rosemain?"

I saw me as if Hildebrand had soldered. It is easy to soothe Hildebrandt, but everyone

has an inquiry, and I do not want to refrain from touching as much as possible unless
I can not fully understand what fails.
However, it is the same as saying "I was scolded because Prince Hildebrandt was
present" when I nodded here. How should I reply?

"Therefore, it is better for you to invite this place so that Rosemain does not receive
too much scolding, let's have a tea party when you feel well, Rosemain, is not it?"
"Yes, Egrandine"

It seems that the position of the asylum who had protected at the tea ceremony before
graduation did not change, so I was relieved at ease with all my help to Egrantine's
assistant boat.

...... Mr. Egrandine!

After that, since Alturs taught stories that can not be opened unless Ortansia and
Sorangju are senior librarians, and Arthur taught about books in the royal library, I
do not have time to read and go to a lecture in the afternoon Became.

Why will you send me off? Black Forest and Weiss are coming with us. When I tried to
head to the door from the library, I was shown the door of the reading room.
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"Princess, I will deliciate"
"Mr. じ じ, I'm waiting"

By the way, the same thing was said last year and I remembered that I prayed to
Mestionora on the second floor. Is it only once a year to supply magical power to Mr.
Jiji? I have completely forgotten since I have not been told from that.

...... But magical power supply has been stopped.

Once the administrator's change is made, it will be supplied by the new community,

"Schwarz, Weiss. Since magical power supply has become a job of Mr. Ortansia, it
would be better for him to ask Dr. Ortansia, if the manager changes, we will be helping
supply again."

While talking about it, I stroked the forehead of Schwarz and Vice with a usual habit,
and supplied a little magical power.

... ... It is useless. The administrator seems to be changing forever. This year it will be
a good idea to get back to the laboratory of Professor Hirschle.

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Practical afternoon practice is to gain God's protection. In addition to the aptitude you
have in nature, you can receive the protection of the gods, which makes it easier to
use the magic of that attribute, so it's an important practice for third graders who are
divided into specialized courses.

This practice is done one by one in front of the altar of the gods deep in the auditorium
of the aristocrat. Therefore, students who passed the theology of theology learning all
the names of the gods are collected in the auditorium regardless of the class. Ehrenfest
all passed, so today all members gather in the auditorium.

"It is my first time to join Rosemain and practical skills,"

Philline laughs a little delightfully as he walks from the library to the auditorium. Since
the practical skills so far were divided according to classes, there was nothing with
Phyllin and practical skills. When thinking that Phyline is cute to be willing to do with
such a thing, Philline took out the writing board as it was.

"It is told to write down what kind of gods Rosemain gets from Hartmut."
"I decided to share with Phyline so that even if I receive protection from a lot of
fellows, I am fine."

Rodrich was also good at picking out the writing board and said so.

...... Haltmut's stupid! What on earth are you asking! Is it?

"I do not need to do such things, I will scold Hartmut who asked for extra things."

I do not know what Haltmut is expecting, but basically you know what God's
protection you got.

When I entered the auditorium, people who got together with this practical skill had
gathered. In Duvankel 's pale green cloak and Ehrenfest' s bright ocher - colored cloak
mostly, it is only a degree that can be counted with one hand even if all other colors

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are combined. Is it less than 20 people? It seems that it is not easy to memorize all the
names of the gods as expected.

As I approached where the cloak of green and loess gathered, I saw that Wilfried was
talking to Ortwinne. I heard that it is said that "What was it that it was difficult to pass
on the first day in a popular disease?"

"I'm sorry ... It has become like cheating, but there was something I could not do
without it, so I will let Ehrenfest go with my all in the future"

While excusing, I support Wilfried who is doing clever tasks of provocation in my

heart, but I do not want to be caught up in friendship between men. I stopped the foot
I was approaching and looked around the auditorium. The blue cloaker Hannaore is
standing alone by himself. Apparently it seems that only Hannorore passed the first
day at Dunkel Ferger's third grader.

...... Mr. Hannaore! It is my favorite friend.

"Mr. Hannallole, thank you"

When approaching with a smile and calling out, Hannero looked back and smiled at

"Mr. Rosemain, Hurry up, Ehrenfest is all in this place, I think it is very wonderful,
because I had a lot of trouble remembering all the names of the gods"
"I also had a hard time"
"Well, are you also Rosemain?"

Hannorre saw me while blinking with a cracklechair as if surprising.

"I was appointed the chief of the temple almost at the same time as the baptismal
ceremony, but every ritual required the name of the gods, the scriptures were filled
with the names of the gods and it was hard to memorize. Minute, lecture at the House
of Lords is a bit easier, though. "
"From the time of baptismal ceremony it was the temple of the temple ..."

The expression of Hannaore was cloudy. The status of the temple is also low in Dunkel
Ferger. It is a sad face that says Rosemain can be put in such a place.

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...... Oh, I have to correct it here I will also be told that my adopted father is terrible

First of all, it would be better to solve misunderstandings from familiar places. I add
words in a hurry.

"I do not know what the temple of the other territory is like, but the temple of
Ehrenfest is comfortable.Aub is coming in and out, and Brother Wilfried and Charlotte
do not have a job title Ferdinand who also decided to be engaged with the large
territory also thought that he was unable to leave the temple unexpectedly. "
"Is Aub also entering and leaving the temple, and Ferdinand is not going to leave the
temple? ... Is that so?"

As I can not believe Hannaore, I see me with a surprised face. It is Ferdinand that I
love to study in Arub who disguised as a blue priest who entered the temple and
accompanied the prayer ceremony at the workshop of the temple. I do not say a word
for a lie.
Hannorore keeps his eyes on surprise, turning his eyes on Phyline and Rodderich.
Philene nodded with a smile.

"Both of me and Rodderich also came in and out of the temple after becoming an aides
of Rosemain, but the temple is beautifully purified to every corner and the meals are
delicious and the sideworks of the temple are as good as nobles It is well educated in
the world. "
"Now that Ferdinand has headed to Ahrensbach, the new president of the bishop is
Hartmut, but he also happily goes to the temple."

As Rohdrich issued the name of Hartmut, I remembered that I had to send a letter to
Brühn Hilde to Clarissa, set up a place for explanation, and talk from me, my boss. It
seems that he was releasing what he had to do with truly purification.

"Clarissa of Dunkel Ferger is a fiancée of Hartmut, as there seems to be a big difference

between the temple for us and the other from the other, we will revisit the detailed
story to Clarissa again."
"Oh, yeah, let's tell Clarissa."

It is Hannorore who keeps smiling, but it seems that it has been very confused
somehow because of many blinks, so I greet loudly and leave Hannorore.

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...... With this, even Dunkel Ferger alone should weaken a bad rumor of adoptive father
a little.

Apart from Hannaore, I told Phyline and Rodelich to review the names of the gods
once more.

"It is important to remember the names of the gods because it is impossible to receive
practical skills to gain protection unless you pass the exam of theology because Philine
or Rohdrich is your own thing You must concentrate on it. "

The nobility's fitness is inherently determined. Born As it is said that the aptitude of
the season is basically owned, and since the second one is said to be affected by the
suitability of parents, there are many cases where brothers have similar attributes.

It seems that the amount of magical power depends on the size of an instrument that
can accept magical power, and it is not unusual for there to be a difference between
brothers, as the size of the instrument depends on the amount of magical power
pouring by pregnant mothers. This vessel grows with the growth of the body, and
there is a difference in growth rate depending on how much magical power can be
compressed during the growth period.

"Since there is a big change in the range that magic can be used and the amount of
required magical power depending on whether or not you can get God's protection, if
you mourn that there is little suitability, Please pray often for yourself, are not you?

When I talked to them, Wilfried, who finished talking with Ortwinne, came here.
Listen to my words and tilt my head.

"It is said that you can gain God's protection with your own actions and increase
attributes, but I will not ask you to get anything other than aptitude protection in the

I did not know it because it is rather unclear to the information in the aristocratic

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"But even if there is a description that you can increase the attributes in the reference
book, I think that you can increase it ... ... well, even though there is aptitude, God's
protection of attributes is obtained There is something I do not have. "
"Well, there is adequacy but you can not get protection from it! Do you have such a
thing !?

Villefried turned into a startle face. Since it is not necessary to bother to disseminate
it, Angelica who had never said that, although it did not obtain adequate protection,
seems to be a rare existence at the ear level.

"...... Actually Angelica is, I heard that gods' protection was not obtained despite the
aptitude of the wind.The protection of the wisdom goddess Messestio Nola and the
goddess Quantozir of arts I know that it can not be obtained, but it is strange to think
that it could have been obtained if the goddess Ordo Schnee of the flying god and the
goddess Stefé Résés of the shooting gods got it. "

The goddess of the wind is a symbol of the speed with which Schalza defends and
communicates, and of course the family has a goddess specialized in speed. I can not
imagine that Angelica, who is fighting fast and specialized in speed, can not obtain
protection from all the wind attributes gods, but the reality was not so.

Because there were some people who were not able to obtain protection in their
immediate surroundings, Philiane is becoming pale blue.

"What do you do if you do not give us protection from Rosemain, my gods with a
suitable attribute?"
"There is no need to worry about such a thing."

It was Hill Sur, who came into the auditorium for lecture, to laugh away the words of
Filrie as uneasy although there was only one suitability.

"Hirschle teacher, how can you say with that certainty?"

"Because Angelica is familiar with why we were unable to get wind protection, it is
my dorm official that was dedicated to that child's supplementation."

It seems that the dormitory supervisor must take responsibility for taking care of the
students who are not able to pass during the winter and remain in the supplementary
course during the spring. Hirsur waved his head saying "It was really hard" while

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sighing. Even if I tell you it seems I had to look after Angelica who is hardly carved
into the brains.

"Dr. Hill suru, please tell me why Angelica did not get your protection"
"I could not recite because I did not remember the names of the gods."

...... I do not understand the meaning. Doing the practical skill only after passing the
exam of theology learning all the names of the gods is not it? What on earth are Miss
Hirschur teachers saying?

"As with everyone Angelica also got a practical skill to receive this protection
immediately after passing the examination, but I remembered only whether I
remembered from the beginning, since the exam is over, it is already good Did you
think, did you devote yourself to those who remember the words of prayer, Angelica
could not recite the name of the gods on the magic team and was tilting his neck. "

...... Wow, Angelica who is in a pose of "troubled" on the magic team comes into my

At the same time, I also saw the appearance of Hill Sur enclosing his head around the
magic team. Even though it was hard to teach with several people about forming
"Angelica's scorers", Angelica's opponent alone was a tough one.

"As a conclusion guided by Angelica's failure, you can not gain protection unless you
can accurately recite the names of the gods?"
"For those who do not remember the name even satisfied, it is probably that the gods
will not give protection, as Angelica graduates safely, as Rosemain, the Lord, came to
the House of Lords, how relieved I am Have you done it? "

As I say so, Hill Sur goes ahead to explain everyone. The teacher of this practical skill
seems to be Hill Sur and Gundorf. I wonder if there are a lot of successful applicants
of Ehrenfest and Dorevankel.

"Oh, we have few people today, so that we can sit down in front of you."

Everyone gathered in the direction of Gurandorufu who is Hill Sur's research

colleague and rival. Still, it will always be a habit. It will be sitting side by side in the

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order of nature and territory. In this way, Ehrenfest where everyone has passed is

"Please do carry it to me"

A dressed person who seems to be injured brings Hirschle's magician. It is a magic

tool of the projection used in last lecture. Hill surfer who finished installation looks

"Well, I will explain the ceremonies for giving protection from the gods"

To summarize the explanation of Hill Sur, we must first learn words of prayer.
Ceremonially in order from those who remember. Since there is only one person
entering the innermost part with the altar so that you can focus on the ceremony, if
you have more time to wait, you may study tomorrow's lecture. It was good to leave
from those who finished.

"Here is the word of prayer"

Hill surrepresents prayer words with a projective magic tool. I was wondering what
kind of words I had to memorize, I saw the words reflected on a white cloth and pulled
out the power of my shoulders.

...... It is not much different from usual prayer.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods Highly
superior god is responsible for the expansive sky, the supreme god is the goddess of
the goddess of five pillars of the goddess of the Ogodami of the five pillars that governs
the widely honorable earth of the dark and the light Fire God Leiden Shaft style
goddess Schaler goddess of soil Gedulic harvest god of life Evilive Be grateful to all
lives breathing and respecting the gods and rewarding the benefits of their precious
gods. "

In this prayer of votive ceremony and foundation's magical supply supply, since the
name of the fellow has been omitted, add the name of all the fellows here and, at the
end, "give us your protection if you pray with my prayer sublime I only need to pray
that it is Ran.

"It's unexpectedly simple, is not it?"

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"It is similar to words when supplying magical power, but you can not say that it is
simple as expected, you must say this without mistakes"

According to the word of Wilfried, when I looked around, I understood that everyone
was trying to remember while talking. Unexpectedly Hannorre and Ortwinne of the
large territories who are supposed to supply magical power as a lord families also
look at the magician of projection with difficult face.

"Mr. Hill suru, I remembered"

When I stood up, my surroundings turned their eyes all the way. I breathe out like Hill
Sur as amazed.

"Rosemain, is not it too fast anything?"

"But since I am the chief of the temple, there are only a few additions, which is almost
the same as the prayer words I always dedicate in the temple."
"Is that so?"

I thought that it would be good if the image of the temple was changed a little, and I
smiled nods around my eyes twinkling.

"Besides, it is similar to a prayer when magical power is supplied to foundation magic,

so it is not that strange that the lord of a lord is early, is not it?"
"A prayer for supplying magical powers? There is no such thing, I have never heard of

Vilfried in spite of me apparently found out that Hannero learned to orange nationally
as he agreed.

"At Ehrenfest, Ave started, myself and my sister likewise supply magical power while
advocating prayer words, are they different in Dunkel Verger and Dreve Hanc?"
"Because there are so many lords of adult lords it is less likely to supply magical
powers, but only by putting their hands on the magician of supply and flowing magical
power, I have never spoken of words of prayer"
"Please do it so far"

Hill surle hits his hands with a bangpang and ends the conversation between Ortwinn
and Wilfried who was likely to glow.

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"Perhaps it may have been lost in a long history, let us discuss whether the research
value is available after this practice, please remember the words of prayer first."

...... No one was talking about research value, right?

While tilting his head, Hill Sur and Gnondor laughed. Hill surge beckon me when I
think that I feel somewhat disgusting.

"Well, Rosemain says to the back"

Hill sur leaves the supervisor of the auditorium to Gundorf headed for the entrance
leading to the back of the auditorium. I will enter Hilsur between the innermost part
with the altar.

It is an altar larger than the altar of the worship room of the temple, but it is the same
that is set up. In addition to the statue of God red carpet like the one used at dedication
ceremony is laid. Supplies for gods such as flowers and incense are also prepared,
which is almost the same as votive ceremonies except that the small sacred cups are
not lining up.
One big difference is that a large carpet embroidered with all attribute magic teams is
spreading in front of the altar of the gods. Perhaps if you pray in the middle, the
magical power will flow through the red rug.

"You should kneel in the center of the magic team and devote your prayers, are not
"Oh, I will save saving time to explain"

I stood against the altar in the center of the magic line just like doing a votive
ceremony, kneeling after seeing the huge altar once. And, touching the magic team,
slowly devote magical power.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

Then, if you cast the name of the highest god and five gods of Ogami with all your
heart, light comes up to the magic team in turn, and the pillars of the noble light come
in the place where the mark of each attribute was written To stand upright.

"All the attributes have light ...... No way ..."

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It is a quiet room where you can hear even Hugsleur 's surprised misunderstandings.
While sending magical power to the magic team, if you concentrate and chant the
name of the gods carefully one by one, there was a reaction in about half of the name
of the family. Every time it gets small little light increases, each pillar of attributes goes
increasing in height.
I finished chanting the names of all the gods, I spoke the closed words.

"If you pray with my prayer, I will grant you the protection of you."

The pillar of the light of the seven colors went up and went round and round and
swinging while swinging, becoming a whirlpool of light, and it came down to me
forever. As it was a stream of light, he traveled through a red cloth and went up to the
altar, and was sucked in by the image of the god of each altar. When I was watching
the beautiful mysterious sight beyond expectation, the statue of God that was
suddenly set on the altar began to move.

"Wow! ... Wow!"

The image of God begins to move making a noise. As I was dancing in a dedication
dance, I slowly rotated and began to separate on the left and right on the platform.

"Hirschle teacher, is this it?"

Looking back at Hill Sur of the director, Hill suru is looking up at the altar with a face
that he does not know whether he is surprised or not.

"It is the same as the time of the round Ferdinand, I thought I was probably, but what
really gets this ..."
"Were you like this when Ferdinand?"
"Yeah, I looked up interestingly that one of the wonder stories told by the House of
Lords is this, and then Ferdinand started to study about wondrous stories."

...... Ferdinand and Mr. Hirschle have plenty of time to spare!

I am jealous enough to think about research by becoming such an abnormal situation.

"It will be over soon"

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Hill suru points to the altar. It seemed as if the statue of God made way as he could
pass through the middle. After the couple of the supreme gods decorated at the top is
divided into the right and left, you can see the hole like a gateway opens in the wall of
the mosaic pattern.

"Rosemain, do not go"

"Where is it?"
"Is not it decided on the far higher height that the supreme god invites?"

In that way it is totally a world after death. Please do not say sinister things.

"If you do not go quickly, that hole will not close and the next one will be in trouble.
You can use a beast, so please hurry and go."

I made a cow beast to be driven to Hill suru and headed for the highest god of the
highest stage. I have no physical strength to raise this long staircase with my own feet.

I ran away from the coward as I ran up to the top with the highest God with a beast.
When it was ordinarily displayed on the altar it looked as if Supreme got in touch with
his hands, but if the supreme god is divided into right and left and opposed, the hands
of two people will be shown to go ahead It seems to be.

The holes opened in the square were as if they were heading for supply. As the oil film
is stretched like it is staggering, I do not know what is in the way.
I was tense as I entered the supply for the first time, and I stepped on my feet.

"... Well then, I will excuse you."

The moment I passed through the entrance like an oil film, the scenery changed at
once. I stood on a pure white cobblestone.
The white floor has a circular shape and there is a big tree like white engraving of the
same material in the middle. The trunk stretched to the ceiling, spreading the
branches greatly, I remembered the sight that the sunbeams through the leaves were
plugged in.

"Here and ... ..."

77 | 2523
It was a white square where I got "the will of God". I already have a staple, so there's
nothing special about novelty items. However, the white tree is unchanging and just
spreads its branches.

"... ... Maybe it was time to graduate to take Stap in the past, so was getting the
protection was just before graduation?"

I wonder if I was getting stardard by getting protection and studying and praying to
reach God's will until adults who stop growing.

"Well, I do not matter because I already have it, maybe Ferdinand also took Stap

While leaning the neck I leave the white garden and leave the altar from the doorway
of the oil film. Even when I took the "intention of God", I could not help feeling
frustrated that if I could return to the altar like this, I could not go down.

...... I was walking awfully, at that time.

I look down from the top of the altar. I saw Hill Sur and the magic team.

...... Once you write down that magic team, can you do another Angelica ritual at

You may be able to get wind protection from angelica if you remember only the name
of the goddess that governs speed or just recite the name of the god of protection you
want, or if you invent it.
I thought so, after I took out my writing board, I painted the magic team and then
descended down with a beast.

As I came out of the magic line, the hole closed up, and the position of the statue of
God began to return to its original position. It moves slowly and returns to its original

"Even so, it is a mysterious sight, is not it to happen to everyone who did the
"We only know Ferdinand and Rosemain, both of us are truly out of specification"

I do not want to be told by Hirschle who seems not to be surprised at all.

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"Well, Rosemain, Ferdinand did not teach me, but please tell me what happened in
that place"

Only the one who gave prayer seemed to be unable to rise to the altar, and Hirschur
could not go up to the altar at the time of Ferdinand and he felt regretful. Moreover,
he seems to have completely told the silence and not to say anything at all.
I glared at the eyes of the violet looking into with the eyes of curiosity.

"Do you think that I will speak fluently that Ferdinand has decided not to talk to Mr.
Hill Sur, too?"

...... In the meantime, it is the turn of ink that disappears. Even though it is still the first
day of lecture, maybe it's a bit too early?

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"Rosemain, who god got protection?"

Roderich is getting excited and takes me out of the writing board and sees me, but I
do not know if I can write it on the letter board. Also it is troublesome to be noticed
around the surroundings. I waved my head as I saw Phyline concentrating heavily
lifting my face and taking out the writing board.

"If you learned the words of prayers by Rhodderhi and Philiane, please go
"Well, not yet"
"Did you say to concentrate on yourself? I will study lectures after tomorrow."

I can not return unless Richarda and the escort knights come to pick up, so I will study
and wait for everyone else's ceremony to end.
It is said that there is a difference in consumption magical power when using magic
when obtaining protection, so I'd like to use it for a moment but I can not use it where
everyone is trying hard to memorize prayer words. It becomes a class interruption.

"I remembered. I'm coming."

"Wilfried brother, do you have recovery medicine?"

It was Wilfried who stood up and went to the ceremony next to me. It seems that it
was early to memorize, as I was still casting a prayer phrase when supplying magical
power. I will wait with Hirschle to go into the interior with a tense face.

I felt that the seriousness of the students in other territory increased a little as the
second person headed from Ehrenfest.

"You did it, Rosemain!"

After a while, Vilfried came out from the depths full of happiness. It seems that I take
care as much as possible so as not to rush out, it is quite fast.

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"You got protection from the twelve gods in all, Professor Hill Sur was also surprised."
"Is it the twelve gods?"
"Have not you got protection from quite a lot of people, Wilfried"

My surroundings began to irritate. Wilfried is a six attribute, and unlike angelica, I do

not do anything wrong with the names of the gods, so I thought that we could gain
some degree of protection but the surroundings of the eleven gods are amazingly
large It seems to be.

"Rosemain, how was the other party, did you get protection from a lot of people?"

...... I got protection from about forty gods, it is hard to say. Keep silent.

You do not need to get down with Willfleet in a good mood, and you do not have to
drop a bomb while it is awkward by twelve. Embark on an angelica and devote herself
with a smile, I will tilt her head.

"I certainly gave you protection from multiple fellows, but it is not so rare, it was
written in textbooks and reference books, and I have to remember all the names of all
my family. , Both of me and my brother Wilfried are getting protection from several
relatives. Is it not normal to get protection from more than one family member? "

Starting the ceremony to obtain protection, I think that it is quite unusual if two
people are over and they are both. A smile like Hannaore was troubled in my words.

"In general, you can get protection that matches the number of aptitudes, Rosemain-
sama. In order to gain protection exceeding the aptitude number, the past actions will
be greatly involved.The knight apprentice and Dunkel Ferger's It is not uncommon for
students to obtain multiple protections from fire, but it is unusual for candidates who
are not specialized in warfare like Wilfried to obtain protection of more than one
family member, very much I think it's wonderful"

...... Dunkel Ferger has many students who can obtain protection from the fighting
family. I am somewhat convinced.

I heard that Clarissa, a civilian, also has high combat skills. It is truly Dunkel Ferger.
Perhaps, Hanenerol may also gain protection from the fighting family.

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"Who will challenge next?"
"……to go"
"Hill sur, substitution, in orthovian, I will enter in the back."

Ortwinne and Gundorf will now enter the far end. Although I and Wilfriit got
protection from multiple fellows, I got my eyes shining and my eyes came in the back,
but I got as much protection as my own aptitude It seems I could not. I came back with
an irritable face.

"We could not obtain protection from multiple fellows"

It finishes the ceremony not only with orthovin but also everyone else can not obtain
protection beyond the aptitude number. While it was demonstrated that protection
from multiple fellows was unusual, only Hannaore came out with a very delicate

"Did not Hannorore get the protection of the family?"

"No, whats the time goddess Drejung Goa and divine angry fiele of mercy"
"Is not it wonderful, why are you having such a face?"

I do not look like a very happy face. It is a very confused face. As I pointed out, Hannero
looked around as if in a panic. Both pale pink and dark purple hair sway beside the

"Of course I am happy, but I'm glad, but I do not know why I got the protection ... ....
There should not be anything that will remain in the eyes of Dredgan Goa or Angleev
However, "

It was truly magical, saying, Hannorore left the room and went.

"Vilfried, Rosemain, I will excuse you in the future."

When a senior aristocrat of Fleebel Tur who wore a light blue cloak gave us a greeting
and left, we only had students in Ehrenfest in the auditorium. Intermediate aristocrats
and lower aristocrats inevitably refrain from concerning class differences and
inevitably Eolenfest students will remain until the end.

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Of the students of Ehrenfest as well, they perform ceremonies in the order of the class,
and they return with the same protection as the number of aptitudes like any other

"In addition, it is only Rodrig and Philiane, Rodrig, come on foot"

"I want to know the results of Phyllie, so afterwards"
"Well, I will go first."

Phyline stood up in the words of Rodrig. The face grasping the healing medicine that
has come down to the waist is tense.

"If you pray with all your heart, it will be fine, Phyllin"

I nodded with Kokuri to see the Phylline entering the far end.

After a while, Philene came out after finishing the ceremony. With a face where
pleasure can not be held, I will head to this place while running lightly. Philene opened
his mouth with excitement, making her cheek upright and shining like a young leave

"Rosemain, my attribute, the wind has increased, I gave you the protection of the
wisdom goddess Mestionola! Pray to God!"

As it is getting to be able to dedicate prayers of joy to flowing, Phyllin almost

sunburning to the temple seems to be pretty stained with the habit of the temple.
Unlike me who smiled unintentionally, everyone in the surroundings opened my eyes
open mindedly.

"Huh ?, did the attribute increase?"

"How was it, Phyline?"

Rodderich stood up in the seat reporting that the attribute increased, asking Philyne
to embark oneself.

"I do not know why you got protection, but just as I was told by Rosemain, I just filled
the magic team with magical power completely and devoted my prayers even if I use
recovery drugs."

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It was not only those of Ehrenfest that excited about Phileyin 's rare report that the
attribute increased. Director Gundorf comes closer with his eyes shining.

"Let me hear it in detail." Did you say Fillyne? If it is a low-class nobleman, what was
the original suitability and what was the attribute?

Philline makes his eyes black and white in an aggressive question, and the face of
Rodderich looks like he needs something to ask for reference in the ritual of the future.
It was Gundorf who seemed to notice the surroundings, but it looks like a type that
does not dare read the air in front of the object of interest. I pointed at the far end.

"Oh, this is the boys student there, go to the place back in the earliest"

As I told you in Gundorf, Roudderich told the story back to the back while looking back
and back many times. Although we were seeing Rodelhich, Gundorf resumed the
question quickly with a smile of good luck.

"So, what is fitness?"

"One, it's earth"
"In addition to the attribute of the earth, it means that we got new attributes of the
wind this time." Hmm ... If you got the protection of the wisdom goddess Mestio Nola
it means that intellectual activity is suitable for your eyeglasses It seems to be, I would
like you to tell me what kind of activity you were doing. "

Although intellectual activity is thriving in Drevechel, there seems to be few people

who obtain protection of wisdom goddess Mestionola. It seems that like Dunkel
Ferger who is likely to gain protection from the conscience of fire, he wants to increase
the person who gets protection of the wind's dependents in Dreve Hanchel.

"Dr. Gundorf, I understand your feelings, but please do ask the question until the end
of the Rhodderhic ceremony.When Roderich comes back, I will return to the

When I stabbed a nail in Gundorf, Phyllie, the target of the question attack, breathed
out just as a little relieved.

Speaking of the intellectual activities that I was doing, were you gathering for the sake
of Mr. Rosemain, or have you done a manuscript? Do your best to make modern

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Japanese translations Perhaps he was studying, perhaps it might have been helping
Ferdinand's office work. "

I will continue to state what Philene thinks one after another. Thinking this way,
Philene seemed to have worked quite well.

I heard that Gundorf nodded as a mistake. I'd like to know what kind of action triggers
protection, but it seems that such intellectual behavior is taking place commonly in

"It was Durevanhelu who gathered and written stories to buy Rosemain, and there
should be some people more enthusiastic about research ..."

It seems that there is nothing to be said in the behavior of Phyline by saying this. When
Gundorf tried to ask further questions, Rhodderich came back.

"Rosemain, it's over"

Rouderich, who said so, smiled but his eyes were swimming and behaving
suspiciously behaving. Before the departure I was talking about the attributes of
Phyllin I was concerned, but I did not want to come in, it looks like I want to leave
even a bit.

"Was there something in Rhodhrig, ceremony? It certainly did not fail, did it?"

When asking Rodrig as if it seems to be thinking and assuming the worst situation, the
gaze of everyone concentrates all at once. Rodderich said, "It is wrong! The ceremony
succeeded," shook his head in a panic. Then look around the face of everyone who is
left with a confused face.

"I succeeded.I was too busy ... ... Why did you gain protection for all attributes?"
"Everything is not amazing, Rodrig, you did it well"

I was also surprised, but more surprised was Gundorf who knows common sense of

"Have you become all attributes with your parents' protection?! I have such a thing ..."
"... Mr. Gundorf, is this rare, is not it?"
"I have never heard that you get all the attributes with your protection"
85 | 2523
Philline also has an increased attribute, so I do not think it would be surprising if
Rodelig increased, but it seems impossible to be all attributes.

"Why? How do you do something like that ...?"

Gundorf 's eyes caught Rhodderhi. Rodderich is fighting back, desperately returning
the answer.

"I myself do not understand why, as the magical team passes magical power, the
symbols of all attributes glow, as if I were originally all attributes ..."

It seems that it was less than half the height of the wind compared to the earth and
soil that was said to be suitable for baptismal ceremonies, but it certainly says that all
the attributes were shining. Although it is all attributes, it seems that it is not so high

"Was it different in the baptismal ceremony?"

"Yes, I was told that there is aptitude for the wind and the earth."
"What has changed so far from the baptismal expression?"
"……I do not know"
"There must be something, otherwise it will not be a full attribute of those with only
two aptitudes."
"It is strange that I can get all the attributes, but I do not know why you got

Ruderrich faced a problem in his pursuit of Gondorf who stepped on and on and on
and stepped down.

"Rhodrich, I will not say such a word of humiliating myself.I am rude to the gods who
gave me protection.While you know that Professor Gundolf is excited about the rare
situation, Because Rhodderhi only contracts, please refrain from today. "

I confronted Gundorf mainly to protect Rodrig.

"Dr. Gundorf, being able to get all-attributes protection is inherently delightful, is not
a bad thing another, is not the word of celebration ahead of asking?"
"... Rosemain says you are right."

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When Gundorf slowly breathes out and unleashes the power of the shoulder, it
celebrates the fact that the attributes increased to Rodderich and Filine.

"It may be rare, but just because magical powers become easy to handle, there is not
much difference in life itself? If you are lazy and lazy, your protection may be canceled.
Both Rodderich and Filine Let's switch from one feeling to the recognition that the
previous effort was recognized, and return to the dormitory and study tomorrow's
lecture. "
"Yes, Rosemain sama"

Rodrigg nods with a slightly brighter face. As soon as he got together cleanly he
stroked his chest and finished tidying up the back, Hill Sur came to the auditorium and
glanced at me with the purple eyes shining.

"Rosemain, I will be troubled if things like this are so easily thrown away"
"Oh, Mr. Hill Sur"
"It is certainly a pleasant thing, it is also a terrible thing, since it is only confusing the
surroundings that only two people with no aptitude got all the attributes by caution,
please do not talk about surroundings."

If you are watching the excitement of students and Gundorf who could not obtain
protection beyond aptitude, it is certainly confusing that Rodderich got all the
attributes. All that remains here is Ehrenfest's students. We swear not to speak.

"I'll investigate further about increasing attributes here as well, so I'd like to tell you
a detailed story so please dinner together tomorrow."

...... It was good that the number of attributes increased, it's bothersome to not do. Ha.

Even returning to the dormitory, it is a secret that the attributes of Rhodderich have
increased. Dinner time was very exciting as Wilfried got protection from multiple
factions and the attribute of Filine was increased. Rodderich is eating with a
frustrating face that he can not participate in the conversation. In fact I thought that
it would be unavoidable to brag.

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Common lectures held on the following day were all passed and music is in the
afternoon. I will be told new music from the music teacher this year as well, so I
prepared with Rosina. I will preserve it if nothing is told.

"Well, this is the theme for this year's work"

This season seems to be playing the problem song and free music, the assignment
song was announced. Looking at it, I breathe out lightly.

...... It's a song that I did nearly two years ago. Nostalgic. ... How much did Mr. Ferdinand
raise? Rosina also does not say "just enough level" just by practicing more and more.
Both of my music teachers are demons.

While reviewing the assignment song, the senior nobility of Ahrensbach began
playing the songs that were used to earlier. It is arranged a little and it is hard to
understand, but I think that it is a song given to Ferdinand.

...... Are you sure "a love song devoted to Gedulurich"?

It would have been popular in Ahrensbach that Ferdinand showed off in winter social
circles. You must have been asked a lot to probably play new songs in social occasions.
Unlike Ehrenfest, at Aalenbach who just arrived, I think that Ferdinand could not
refuse it without refusing to play many times.

I was listening to knowing how to arrange it, and the senior aristocrat of Ahrensbach
laughed a bit like a triumph.

"This is a new song by Ferdinand's Arensbach, neither new songs by Ehrenfest nor
Rosemain songs"

...... Well, I was the one who gave the main melody, well, okay?

You will not need to disturb Ferdinand, who struggles to make a friend, making a face
that will crush the insult and put it under a smile.

"I like the songs made by Ferdinand very much, if it's a new song, please do not
hesitate to join us, you can not play without Arends Bach?"
"I am still practicing, but if it is okay with that ... ...."

88 | 2523
In affirming that I am Arenzbach 's song, she breathed a deep breath as she felt
relieved and kept Fespiel. And it played with a song.

...... This is not a love song, it's a nostalgic song.

It is a song that thinks about Gedourculhi, a honeysucking winter is gone, far away. If
you sing it in Ahrensbach, you will think that it is a song that thinks of a fiancee who
goes to the House of Peers and leaves. If you know the terms and promises of
Ferdinand's parting, you will know that it is a song of nostalgia, but it is not amusing
to misunderstand that it is usually a love song.

...... Do you misunderstand me?

I think of Ferdinand, which responds with a cool face, "It was there that I accidentally
misunderstood" to Diet Linde who shouted "You cheated" in the brain. If that happens,
Ferdinand's treatment will definitely get worse. I would like Dietlinde to be as happy
as possible to improve the treatment of Ferdinand.

...... At least, until the position of the spouse has been finalized after the ceremony of
the star knot!

It is a goddess from the lower middle territory. Being married is treated as an

outsider, so treatment of Ferdinand is decided by Dietlinde and Georgine. I would like
to assist you with full power from here to make it even more comfortable.

I could see Wilfried tilt his head curiously soon after I decided to do so. It seems that
there was a familiarity in the part of the rust.

"Whether it's a song on my uncle, this is Law ..."

Hit the shoulder of Wilfried who spoke unnecessarily and silently smile and silence.
It seems that the voice of the heart saying "Please do not say unnecessary things"
seemed to have passed. Vokkuroku and Wilfried nodded several times.
I thank her who finished playing.

"I was really happy to hear it. Please tell Ferdinand who composes it was a very nice
song, and then please let me know when Ferdinand is making another song "
"Certainly yes"

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For the time being, I'd like to make a continuous call so that everyone remembers
Ferdinand that I composed. My mood is Miss Ugisu in the election car.

...... Feldinand, thank you very much Ferdinand. Mr. Ferdinand has a relieved life! I
sincerely hope for better treatment.

I really want to say it to the nobility of Ahrensbach. Perhaps, you will be able to see it
with such disgusting eyes.
When I was thinking about such things, when she finished playing, she saw me and
put a little nasty smile on her mouth.

"Rosemain, do not you show off a new song this year? If there is no educator
Ferdinand you can not create a new song, do you? I am looking forward to Rosemain's
new song It is. "

I will only have to accept it if provoked in such a way. Even if there is no Ferdinand, it
is said that you must show that Ehrenfest is no problem.

... ... You must also pass the first day. Mr. Ferdinand, Maji demon!

"I'm honored to be looking forward to it like that, so I'm puzzling, so I will play with a
free song."

I laughed back with Nicolle and had my own fespiel, I went to the teacher and asked
me to score. Then I sat in a chair and set up Fespiel.

Breathe in slowly, play the pin and string. This year's problem song is a song that is
classified as a love song for the time being. It seems necessary song for us when we
begin to move for the escort partner. It is a song I have nothing to do with me already
having a fiance. It was a song I was practicing about two years ago, so I finished
playing without problems.

And the free song is a song dedicated to the Statue of the Wind Goddess. He wishes to
protect his precious person. Ferdinand headed for Ahrensbach, as well as songs for
children who will lose their families with purge.

When I was singing while playing, I found that the magical power was being sucked
out on the ring. Magical power becomes blessing and light starts to overflow. It is a

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yellow light that is a noble color of Schulea. While surprised by the same situation as
the time of the show, I tried to stop the flow of magical power.

……that? Stop it?

Although it should be stopped if it is usual, the flow of magical power does not stop.
In spite of what I am screaming with inner spirit, I can not let go of my first day pass,
so I continued to play.

Blessing keeps flowing all the time. Until you finish playing.
What is different from the past is that magical power does not stop, and consumption
magical power is hardly felt.

...... Maybe this is the result of yesterday 's ceremony! Is it?

I knew that the face that everyone was stunned lined up in sight, I wanted to run away.
A music teacher blinked and looked at me.

"Rosemain, this is one ... ..."

"... That, it is the blessing of the goddess of the wind, It seems that blessings are getting
overflowing a little bit because of the ritual of yesterday.

I do not know if it's possible to laugh and make a mistake, but I tried laughing.
I got the passing of music, but it is bad as it is. If you do not practice mastering magical
powers again, blessings are likely to overflow anywhere anywhere.

... ... I'm sorry to say that the demon king. How can I do this kind of time, Mr. Ferdinand!
Is it?

I lost my parents I was at a loss while holding Fespiel.

91 | 2523
The efficiency of consumption magical power got too good, I could not stop magical
power with my own will, blessings began to overflow arbitrarily. When I passed the
test, I got lost in the practical skills of music and returned to the dormitory to call
Richarda in Aldanants and escape.

"What shall I do, Ricarda? I will not stop even if I try to stop magical powers as I did
before, I think it is because of the ceremony to obtain protection of the gods ..."
"Princess, I'm very sorry, I can not understand the situation well, as I was acquiring
the staple after the ceremony to gain protection of the gods at my aristocratic times

Richarda said that with an embarrassing face. It seems that the old curriculum which
had obtained Stapp just before graduation had a meaning properly. I could not think
of holding a blessing or controlling the flow of magical power well I caught my head.

...... Because it is such a thing, in the past, after having grown up and getting the
protection of the gods you got the staple! Is it? Ahhhhhhh! Who is responsible for
changing curriculum freely! Is it?

"I guess Ferdinand also got a staple after the ceremonial ceremony that took place, so
it would not have happened that the protection of the gods increased and the
efficiency of the magical power changed significantly after getting the staple Mr.
Hirschle is here tonight, so why do not you consult me?
"... ... I will."

It was time for dinner, Hill suru came. My head seems to be painful, but my head to
greety hurts.

"Dr. Hill Sur, the control of magical powers became very difficult due to the ritual of
yesterday.The consumption magical power is not felt so much and the blessing has
stopped stopping in the practical skill of music.

92 | 2523
"There is no way for me to know, if there is no one in great trouble where blessings
are overflowing, I hope you can drain as much as you want. Please ask Ferdinand for

I could not solve my troubles due to too much magical power, and I was immediately
thrown out.

"Wilfried, could you talk after the meal?"

"Well, I'm getting my room prepared for my side so that I can talk with only the
parties, avoiding confusion. Let's go there after meals."

It is a scene which is completely unusual at other dormitory, namely meal with dorm
guard, but a very unusual mealtime began for Ehrenfest. Everyone is watching Hill Sur
for what happened.

Hill suru praises the students who successfully passed the first day for two
consecutive days without touching anything that Ehrenfest took in the ritual of

"The lecture of Ehrenfest is wonderful, all of us still have passed the first day? For
Ehrenfest, who is doing a good job every year, the teachers have made a lot of positive

Not only the classroom but also the Rosemain type magical compression is known,
and those who are increasingly executing and increasing the magical power are
certainly increasing, so it seems that the performance scores are getting up every year
as we look at the whole.

"When Angelica, Cornelius, Hartmut graduated, I thought that my grades would fall as
a result, especially for practical skills, but the successors such as Léonore, Matthias,
Laurenz are also excellent as successors, and the candidate lords are Both are
excellent grades, I hope this year as well. "

Recently I was getting less surprised if the circumference got used to Earnen Fest 's
first day passing. Even if everyone passes on the first day, it is a reaction like "I thought
that would be the case".
That is why, I am obediently honored that there are evaluations from the teachers,
evaluation that the overall results are growing every year, or evaluation from a third
93 | 2523
"Ferdinand says it is unreasonable. I am taking all the tests for my first day passing

Besides, there are too many children who become mentally unstable unless
concentrating by concentrating targets now. Since the first report of the purge
arrived, the following report has not yet arrived. However, I have no intention of
exposing information about purge to Hill Sur.

For the students of Ehrenfest, Hirschur eats while tasting the meal that has become a
taste accustomed to eating. Although it is a recipe of Ehrenfest which sells little by
little at the lord's conference, it seems that it is hard to reproduce while watching only
the recipe.
In other territory it seems that we have managed to go back to the point where we
can somehow recreate the recipe and create new taste.

"I think it's a matter of time, but it took several years before my chefs came to produce
new dishes, not just foods that can be taught."

First of all, it is important how much faithfully you can do different cooking methods
and underprints from conventional common sense. After that, you can make use of
the special products of each of the territories, and according to the tongue of the
person who lives there, the remodeling which would want to twist the neck with
"where did it become like this" should start.

...... In the meantime, this time I have to create a new taste.

"Rosemain, what is this dessert?"

"Sweets that I call" Moose "at Ehrenfest"

It is an elaborate dessert with honey's yoghurt mousse sandwiched between sponges.

By the way, this mousse recipe is this mousse. As gelatine making began at the Otomar
Shokai, it is a recipe that can be made public.

...... For Frida who works hard at an Italian restaurant, I will cooperate with spreading

94 | 2523
Separately, "I want a gelatine dish to be popular among aristocrats" and not gotten
much because I got a lot of gelatine. I merely think that delicious items should be

Since it has been experienced that the pulp and texture such as jelly and the like was
not accepted so much, when revealing the recipe recipe it shows that it can be
combined with last year's reward as a Corus de mouth tart.

Today's cake was specially prepared to see the reaction towards the center. Sponge
cakes still fail sometimes, so it is difficult to prepare in large quantities at a large tea
party. It is planned to bring it to a small tea party of the royal partner.

"Since the texture is not used to eating, I tried making the taste familiar to eat with
honey and yoghurt."

Honey mousse softens the taste of yoghurt with a strong acidity. I sandwiched the
mousse between thinly cut sponges, so I do not think much about the texture.

"It is certainly the first time to eat a meal, it seems to melt in the mouth and it's
"... Is it okay to withdraw to the royal family?"
"I think that it would be nice if we could make it look more ornate, but the taste would
not be a problem."

I got a passing from Hill Sur, so I would like to think about it a bit more. If you decorate
with a red shade jam from Cordé and Le Trave, I think that it will be winter-like sweets
with white and red.

And after finishing the dessert that also served as a taste of the tea ceremony, we
moved the room. It is said that only the candidate lords who basically have a duty to
report to the party and Aubu are talking about this time. Phyllene and Rodrig, whose
attributes are increased, me, Wilfriit, Charlotte, and Hill Sur, the dormitorial
supervisor, are the parties to this discussion.

When the seats were prepared so that six people could sit and tea was prepared by
the side staff, Hill Sur ordered the side and escort knights to go down slightly.

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"I will not pay cash but I will use witchcraft to prevent eavesdropping. Please start
here, Rosemain sama"
"Wow ... ... do I do?"

I was given an eavesdropping magician of the type that specifies the range, and I stare
at Hill surre unexpectedly. These magical tools usually activate with the magical
power of the person who brought it.

"For Rosemain, there is enough magical power to continue to split one blessing with
the practical skill of music. In a situation where there is little magical power to become
a crisis of life, there is no such thing as blessing overflowing without permission. It is
because it is so. "

As I told Hirschle, I put magical powers into magic tools that we designate ranges and
place them as instructed. It seems that consumption magical power is considerably
small again, I do not feel like using magical power much.

... It seems like it was when you could not finely control after using Jureve. Perhaps it
was better to have released magical power to cooperation to defeat the votive
ceremony or the winter lord this year?

I set aside everything while sighing, I get back. I looked around everyone Hill Sur was

"There are also Charlotte who did not participate in the ceremony to gain protection
and even though I heard a talk from Gundorf, since I was supervising the ritual, I heard
a conversation at the auditorium Shall we start with disclosure of information? "

Hill suru mainly explains the ritual of yesterday of Vilfriit, Philiane and Rodrich
against Charlotte. But I did not mention my ritual at all. If the three rituals were
unusual, my ritual would have been a further abnormal situation. I saw a glimpse of
Hill Sur, but Hirschle seemed to treat it as if it had not been my ritual.

"What kind of story did you talk with Gundorf after Phyllene returned to the
auditorium with increasing attributes?"

We talk and supplement while remembering the conversation in the auditorium. Hill
sur was nodding listening.
After a long story, Charlotte tilts her head strangely.
96 | 2523
"Because it is a ceremony to obtain protection of the gods, I can not imagine that it is
not surprising to get the protection of the family ..."

Charlotte's opinion is also our opinion. It does not mean that it suddenly became all
attributes like Rodderichi, it would not be much surprising. In our opinion, Hirschle
said, "I will explain about the case of a very ordinary aristocrat except for
apprenticeship of the knight who gets protection of the fighting family and Dunkel
Ferger," in a sigh of breath.

"We usually only get protection from the Ogre of attributes that have aptitude.If I
looked into it, unless there was a deliberate hiding dorm, there have been more than
a decade of fighting from fighting family members It seems that you have not obtained
protection. "

It was said that it is unusual, but I did not think that it was such a rare thing. Hill sur
momentarily continued to us, blinking his eyes and meeting each other's face.

"In the past as well, royalty and lordlist candidates got protection from multiple
relatives, very little that intermediate aristocrats and lower aristocrats got casualty
from their relatives and could not be found until about a hundred years back. It is
about. "
"Both Philiane and Rodelig are amazing,"
"...... I want to understand the abnormality of Ehrenfest this time"

Stared at Hill Sur, I nodded. Should be fine. I do not know the cause but I understand
that it is slightly strange.

"Although Dunkel Ferger and the knight apprentice get protection of the fighting
family battles, I do not know why it is, and it is rare for anyone else to gain protection
from the other However, as there is no precedent at all, it is amazingly praised that
Wilfriit got protection from many fellows, but that 's it.

Hirschle said, "Because Dan Kel Ferger's Hannallole also got a couple from several

"However, in the case of Phyllie, Phyllene is a lower aristocrat, without the aptitude
of winds and the protection of Schlöria, we increased the attributes only with the
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protection of Mestionola, which is a part of the family, which will soon be discovered
It is a rare example that I can not do it, not to mention Rodelichi who got all the
attributes. "

The expressions of Philiane and Rodrich were cloudy. I was pleased that the attribute
increased, but I did not think that it would be important so far.

"How is Professor Hill Sur, how do I?"

I also got protection from many relatives, and the statues of the gods moved, but to
what extent is it rare? To my question Hill Sur waved his hands lightly.

"Rosemain says that it is out of the standard is not a thing that began now, and I do
not care as it already knows."
"No, it will not be good!"

It is Wilfried that immediately came in. In the House of Lords, Wilfried, who will be
swayed most by the problems caused by me, argues that "Do not leave it to lead to the
biggest problem."
However, Hill Sur was lightly heard, smiling with a smile with a face threw Saji

"It is best to ask Ferdinand about what you are talking about Rosemain, and it is best
to handle it outside of standards because there are people who can understand similar
situations, so Rosemain's sanctuary is outside my jurisdiction "
"It is terrible that it is outside the jurisdiction though Ehrenfest's campaign manager!"

When I appealed, Hill Sur further deeply smiled and shook his head.

"We refuse. As much as we deal with seriously, this is what I have experienced when
I see Ferdinand, because I am asked by Ferdinand, so I will cooperate in hiding
troubles and as much as possible in terms of lecture We will do our utmost, but we
will ask for cleanups on our own. "

...... Ferdinand owed me to be abandoned by Professor Hill Sur!

I do not care whether I'm mourning, Hill Sur continues.

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"The problem for me is not Rosemain-sama who knows it is out of specification from
the beginning, it is that Rosemain-sama's influence is starting around it"

While saying so, Hill Sur looks alternately between Phyllene and Rodderich.

"Yesterday, there were eight students of Ehrenfest who carried out the ceremony of
citizenship, of which half of us ordinarily ended the ceremony without ceremony,
gaining the aptitude of the suitability, abnormal situation occurred Mr. Rosemain, Mr.
Villefriit, Philiane, Roderich, are you not aware of common ground? "

I told Hirschur, I desperately try to find common points. Gender is half and race is also
different. Is there something wrong?

"... ... I do not understand at all ... do they have something in common other than those
of Ehrenfest?"
"Rosemain-sama, Rosemain-sama's aides, and Rosemain-sama's fiancé and
Rosemain-sama are the only stakeholders."
"Well, that's true!"

Wilfried is hitting his hands with his pon with a refreshing face, but I want to deny

"Please do not judge me suddenly because of me!"

However, no one agrees with my opinion. Charlotte and Phyllie are convinced why
Hill Sur's disturbing assumption.

"When there is an unexpected change in Ehrenfest, rosemain is mainly there, so I'm

"Ugo ..."

I could not refute and silent, Hirsch saw me with a serious expression.

"I think that we are doing something that other nobles do not do in order to obtain
protection of the gods.
"Is it necessary to gain the protection of the gods, other nobles do not do?
"Is there something!?"

When I answered, my surroundings started out all at once and stared my eyes.
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"Well ... I guess everything except Charlotte, did not you tell us in the auditorium?
Rather, I do not know why Professor Hirschle or Professor Gundorf could not have
thought of it. Is not it? "
"What is Rosemain doing to get the protection of the gods?"

I pulled a little behind the body to Hirschle at a momentum of repulsion, answering "I

"O, are you praying?"

"Well, since I am the temple of the temple, I dedicate my prayers to the gods on a daily
basis and also dedicate magical power."

After saying so, I looked around the face of everyone there.

"Since Phyllene and Roderich are my aides, who is the temple of the temple, I pray on
a daily basis by going in and out of the temple.I like to watch and / or touch them,
because I can make men a jewel, , My attendants have touched the men and worshiped
themselves as dedications "

However, by looking at the imperial imperialism and passing magical power,

dexterous Hartmut and Elder Cornelius can create swords of AveLive. Although I was
told that it is not suitable for battle because too much magical power is needed.
Damuel was quite depressed because he could hardly maintain the shape of the sword
without magic power.

"... ... the Temple of Ehrenfest has changed a great deal, it is quite different from the
temple that I know."
"We are doing our best in various ways"

After striking my heart with huhn, I turned my eyes to Vilfried and Charlotte.

"Besides, both Wilfriit's older brothers and Charlotte go around the jurisdiction with
the help of my myths, do praying ceremonies and harvest festival rituals, praying and
when we supply it to the magical power of Ehrenfest's foundation I am also dedicating
prayers, are not you in other territory? "
"By the way, you said such a thing,"

Hill suru nods while blinking eyes several times.

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"To obtain protection by giving prayers to the gods is written both in the reference
book and in the scriptures.When aristocrats in other areas have challenged the temple
and did not devote prayers seriously, they could gain protection I think that there is
no reason for not having it. "

As Angelica who does not remember the names of the gods could not obtain
protection, I think that protection that is given to those who have not seriously prayed
is minimal.

"Our way of understanding was different, the word written in the reference book, the
word of praying to the gods is not the way of rituals to obtain protection but the way
of life that is taken into our lives "

Hill sur was sigh and sigh.

"Yeah, yes, there are gods that have been prayed to the gods of the family members
who gave me protection yesterday, and gods who have never prayed have not
received protection from us."

While so saying, I softly put my hands on my cheeks.

"Hannero does not daily pray to Dredgan Goua or Angleev, or if the knight apprentice
or Dunkel Ferguer is asking prayers before the battle, a little confidence can be gained
"... ... that may be helpful"

Let's listen to the story with Dunkel Ferger, who has the protection of more than one
family member most often, and after Hirschle said, he tightened his expression a little.

"I understand the protection of Wilfriit-sama's family and the increase of Philiane's
attributes, which Filly is a place to pray to the gods, intellectual activities, pray for
Mestionora's protection But, I can not explain all the attributes of Rodderichi by that,
do you have any idea about this too? "

Rhodderh got a good fist at Hirsur's words and got down.

"I do not mean there is nothing I can imagine, but I can not tell if it's good to go out
and I will answer after consulting Aru."
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"... Is it that Aub is busy not to consult within yesterday?"

Hill sur lees as he sees the lord candidate in turn. Yes, I think that adoptive father is
busy so dead with the decision of purging and disposal of former Veronica in the
territory now. Even so, as the main force Ferdinand has gone out.

"Since Aub is busy everywhere in winter social circles"

"I want to talk once, if I can afford a little"

Somewhat, I did not expect to say "I want to talk" Hirschle who seemed to avoid Aab,
I blinked my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

Without replying to my question, Hirschle shifts his eyes to Wilfried.

"What will happen if the protection of the gods increases, please answer, Wilfried-
"The consumption magical power decreases, it becomes easier to perform magic of
that attribute"
"Correct, is it, Phyline, what happens when the magical power increases?"
"You can use big magic, or you can use it for a while if you use it little by little."

Hill suru gazes at me after saying "It is correct".

"Rosemain says that he devised a compression method, indeed half of Ehrenfest's

students are increasing magical power more efficiently than other students, and this
year, a way to increase your protection If it is true that Rosemain-sama said, from now
on, only students of Ehrenfest will be able to obtain protection of more than one family
member. "

Magical power itself increases with magical compression, and it increases efficiency
by increasing protection. It will be able to do several witchcraft so far.

"It is tough for the whole Jurgen Schmidt to be able to increase the protection of your
family, so I recommend you to announce how Rosemain-san's research this year will
show you how to increase your protection in opposition to the territory I will do it. "
"... ... Is it not a secret thing how to increase magical power and protection?"
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Hill sur was affirmed as "if it is supposed to be normal", and it gleamed the glittering
purple eyes.

"... ... Do you know what the impression Ehrenfest is doing now?"

When we talk about the report we heard after the Lord Conference, Hirschle said, "I
am not an Abe to hide things that are not convenient for me," he said.

"To be honest, Ehrenfest who gradually raises his achievement with almost no
damage caused by political change finish, sends out fashion one after another, and
digs into the upper territory is well thought out from other territories not"

Besides, there are many rumors in Aub Ehrenfest. Hill suru said that it increased at a
stretch in recent years to be proportional to the rise in grades.

"Not only the magical power but also Ehrenfest increase in monopoly until protection,
it is not a good impression for the center. It is obvious that it is why, by announcing
the way to get the protection, the surrounding emotions Why do not you try to soften
it? It also contributes to the center. "
"If you do not talk to Aubu, you can not decide by me alone,"
"Well ... Please discuss well and think over"

As Hill Sur relaxed a bit like a little relief, I called for me.

"Rosemain, you are a Ferdinand-san's disciple, and I'm attracting much attention."

There seems to be someone who thinks that Ferdinand is drawing strings behind
most of the legendary saint in the center, and as Ferdinand headed to Ahrensbach it
seems that there are so many people trying to find me . He seems to suspect that he is
getting something important information from Ferdinand.

"However, since Rosemain almost can not go out to socializing place, the information
seems to be very small.I have been called several times and asked various
questions.Feldinand and Rosemain-sama ...... "

Everyone in the room suffocated and breathed.

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"Egrantine who came as a new lecturer is also chosen because it is the closest royal
family with Rosemain."
"Do you like Egrandine?"
"She is not a person of Klassenburg anymore, it is a central royalty who married with
Prince Anastigius, and if we are ordered by the king, we must do the work, please be
careful as much as possible.I am concealed I will cooperate, but I will not clean up my
troubles. "

Hirschle's absolutely unchanged attitude understood why Ferdinand trusted Hill Sur.

"... It is better to refrain from the library, too, the new senior librarian, Ortansia, is the
first wife of the central knights'

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After finishing the discussion with Hill Sur, we asked everyone to leave and I stayed
in the room to talk to Rodderich.

"Richarda, have magical tools to prevent eavesdropping?"

"Yes, Princess. Here it is."

Receive a magic tool to prevent eavesdropping from Ricarda and hand it to Rodderich.
I saw Mr. Rhodelich grasping in my hand, and I opened my mouth.

"Does Rohdrich have all the attributes in mind?"

"Yes, I knew when Mr. Hill Sur was a Rosemain-san official, I am given a name."

Rodrig was holding far away to restrain the neighborhood of his heart and to
remember the time of his name dedication.

"At that time, I was bound by Rosemain-sama's magical power, I felt that this magical
power alive or killed himself.So, Rosemain-sama's magic influence on getting
protection I am wondering if ... Rosemain is all attributes? "

If you look at the eyes of Rodrigh who is confident, it is not something you can hide. I
nodded, "It is totally my influence."

"Are those who are giving names to Ferdinand and Georgine like being increasingly
affected by the Lord in the same way?"
"... There is a possibility ... There is now the possibility There is a possibility that it
became a little easier to prepare if I thought back now but it was really a little so I
thought that I was feeling well today, If you are fighting as a knight like Mr. Eckhart,
you may feel the effect of the magical power of the Lord more sensitively than I am. "

And since the protection was obtained also from the Ogami of the attribute which
increased with the ceremonial ritual now, apparently the consumption magical power
seems to be decreasing. Since Justochs and Ekhardt brothers should be giving a name
after finishing the ceremony of protection, Rodderich hid himself for the first time
after saying that the influence would not be significant.

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"But I think that it is better not to announce the increase in the number of attributes
due to name dedication."
"Please tell me the reason"
"The sacrifice is not fundamentally public, it is a ceremony that shows your loyalty to
your own Lord who decided to be this person, and devotes all of yourself including
your life. It's not like I do it. "

Rodrig, who decided to trust his family even if he truncated his family, forced to
increase the attribute and muttered that he disliked his feeling that his loyalty could
be defeated if his popularity became popular. I nod slowly.

"I can not keep the life etc of those who give a name to increase the attribute, I do not
want to have responsibility."
"But now Ehrenfest is in a state where former Veronica children are forced to give a
name to live, which is not normal."
"……I agree"
"If you have to give a name anyway, you think that more people will choose Rosemain
who has all the attributes, but that is not what Rosemain says is not it?"

Although I decided to take the name of the four people who chose me in various
comparisons, I want to have attributes, but I am in trouble even if I will be swapped
in large quantities from now on.

"I am worried about nothing more than announcing the increase in attribute by name
dedication is that there are more aristocrats saying that former Veronica school
children should buy antipathy from other nobles, If you get a life by name dedication
and you can acquire the same attributes as the lord's family, the meaning of
punishment to escape the sacrifice will be diminished. "

Old Veronica school has many intermediate to lower aristocracy. There is a middle
class aristocrat who can take in Ahrensbach 's blood well and is close to an upper
aristocracy, but suitability is between one and three. It will have the same attributes
as the lord families. And it is also a position to teach me how to compress magic by
dedicating my name. It should not be fun for senior nobility of Reisegang system.

"But I think that it is not something that can not be hidden beyond letting a number
of children give a name, so it is necessary to consult with your foster parent.While
teachers know that Rodderich received all attributes Please be careful not to talk too
much. "
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Then until the weekend all common lecture and practical skills continued to pass the
first day. Every time I go to the auditorium or the small hall, "I was doing a large-scale
blessing while playing Fespiel," he said, "It was a blessing on a scale that I never saw,"
he was bitten with a finger, Although I was told, there are many witnesses I actually
saw, so I can not deny it and I have to leave until the rumors disappear.

Then, he wrote a letter of appointment to Clarissa of Dunkel Ferger, sent a report to

Ehrenfest to set up a forum for talks with Hill Sur, or a letter written to Ferdinand, but
Raimundo is busy studying I was caught in the dormitory and could not hand it over.

On the first day of soil, first grade students got a staple and they gathered in their own
rooms, while the other grade gathered necessary lectures for lectures, for preparation
for preparation. I went at the same time as I arrived in the dormitory in the usual year,
but this year I talked about the purge and because I could not collect the second and
third graders, I cut the medicinal herbs at once. As her medicinal herbs were reduced
visibly, in order to prevent the blessing from overflowing for the time being, we have
released surplus magical powers.

... OK with this.

Thus, without anything in particular, time passed and the week ended. It is the first
professional course. I head for the dining room for breakfast. On the second floor,
Rodrig is just waiting, there is no figure of Theodor.

"You have not taken it yet"

"It will surely come out in the afternoon"

There are individual differences in freshman students to capture "the will of God". I
saw a corridor on the second floor with a little men's room. I remembered the
appearance of Theodore, who wanted to get a staple and become a weapon quickly,
and kept saying "I'm doing my best" for small support.

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After breakfast, everyone studies at the multipurpose hall. This will continue until the
end of the school exam. Since the first and second year students had few subjects and
finished all over the weekend, the earliest team of this year is already decided for first
and second graders. Charlotte who fulfilled the harasser of last year and won all the
first day pass in all lecture studies was stroking his chest.

Specialty teams over the third grade are struggling to score high scores respectively.
The motivation of the side team is particularly amazing this year.

...... I will do my best!

"Even so, there is no special building in the candidate lords."

Civil servants, side workers, knights, and so on, each has a special building, not a
candidate for a lord. Somewhat sad. So Riyalda laughed with giggle when I was
sharpening his lips.

"This central building is a special building of the royal family and candidate lords.The
corner of the central building is a specialty room and there are many rooms where
only the royal family and the candidate lords can enter, It is supposed to be good. "

Certainly it is hard for me to travel if I get into a lecture at a very far place. I headed to
the room where the explanation was given at the advancement ceremony.

"Well, please do not forget to study hard"

"I am preparing with Ferdinand, so it's okay."
"... I am a bit uneasy because I could not follow the speed of my uncle and Rosemain"

Wilfried told me to be blurry. Indeed it was impossible to go to the temple everyday,

and there is also a difference in the amount of magical power, so it would be
unavoidable as it took time to dye the manastone.

"I'm doing a bit of preparation and I got a lot of protection from the family, so I think
the lecture will be very easy"
"If it is so, it is good, but ..."

Unlike other auditoriums and small halls that we used as classrooms, a lot of lower
desks were lined up when we entered inside with Vilfried, a blurry visitor. If you do

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what you did in Ferdinand's preparations, you should practice by making a miniature
garden, so it seems that it is a low desk so that you can easily peek inside.

...... It's a bit too expensive for me though.

I think that it is impossible to look into the inside by putting a box here. I wonder if a
stepping stone is necessary. Looking around the interior, there was a prepared desk
of a stepping stone in the place closest to the podium. It's definitely me.

... Mr. Egrandine as expected. You notice well. I'm happy, but I can be happy that my
class goes smoothly, but I feel a slight subtle feeling with a stepping stone alone.

Looking around the room while lightly sighing. As a matter of course, here are only
candidate lords. Even though it divided by status so far, there were many people
because there were senior nobles in most of lecture, but feeling very lonely when
thinking that this condition will last for a long time.

"Mr. Hannallole, thank you"

"Mr. Rosemain, Mr. Villefried." Good morning "

I headed straight to Hannore. On the weekend Hirschle told about the increase in
protection. I would like to ask you a little about what you talked about.

"I heard that Professor Hirschle went to ask questions to Dunkel Ferger, but was Mr.
Hannallole OK? That was a little worried because it was a teacher who could not see
the surroundings when it comes to research."
"I heard that you want to verify that Rosemain's hypothesis is correct.I was wondering
why you could have protected from multiple fellows, but it was unavoidable, but I was
consented to Rosemain's hypothesis is"

Hannaore says "I feel very refreshing thanks to you," he said.

"In other words, did Mr. Hannero have devoted prayers on a daily basis?"
"... .... That, I, I thought from Dr. Fang Guo's protection, always, and I had prayed with
the cuddled amulets made by Cordura.

There was a bracelet type talisman on the wrist of Hannorore who lifted the sleeve a
little like the one I was wearing. A slightly larger manastone is engraved with a sign
of the goddess Dr. van Gogh of the hour.
109 | 2523
"Well, are you also dedicating prayers to the angry father of bravery on a daily basis?"
"There was not much consciousness that there was that praying, but Dunkel Ferguer
sang songs of old war songs before the game of Ditta in the land pattern that respects
the martial arts, and if you win it will fight There are rituals dedicating magical power
to the gods of the system.When I win in opposition to the territory, I and my older
brothers also dedicated magical power.The elder brother also got protection from
Angleev It will be the influence of the ritual after all. "

...... Singing and dancing before the game is like ragby's haka? But I am convinced

It became clear why Dunkel Ferger alone got protection of the fighting family. If you
are praying before and after the game with a doctor who puts so much emphasis on
it, you will be seriously willing to gain protection.

"Since it seems that Mr. Ruffen has taken some of the course of apprenticeships for
knights, it was speculated that the apprenticeship of the knight who prayed seriously
was accompanied by the fighting of fighting family members."

Even if you are saying prayer words only with your mouth or singing war songs in
accordance with Ruven 's instructions, you do not seem to get protection.

"It is because Wilfried got protection from many fellows because he devotes prayers
on a daily basis, is not it?"
"It seems that it was good as a result that the territory was tormented magically and
the lord of the baptismal ceremony who finished the ceremonial ceremony was riding
and traveling the province."

After Hannorore nodded with a smile on Wilfried's words, I saw me as I noticed

something. And, with a look like awesome, he tends to hesitate to speak.

"... Then, how much gods did Rosemain who is praying from praying as the temple of
the temple always pray? Indeed, at the time of music certainly blessings are becoming
overflowing due to rituals saying Have you done it? "
"Well, that, that ... ...."

110 | 2523
The line of sight of other lord candidate students who seemed to have heard in the
surroundings gathered to myself. I was quite sure that only serious things would be
tough if I said a number stupid here.

"The exact number is a secret ... ... that is not something to be said to be a pitiful thing"

Egrantine came in with a few assistants as a teacher of candidate lords, as Hannaore

looked round the round and looked around, "It is so much that I can not quite get out",
as I was convinced. The assistant has a big box.


Everyone gets a seat in a hurry while raising such a voice. I headed to the front row
where there is a proper rafter. Several seats are away from Villefried, but next to
Hannorore. I am a little happy.

"It's next door, Mr. Rosemain"

"Well, thank you."

Egrantine who stood at the teacher in front of her eyes is a teacher, but it is dressing
that emphasizes the position as a royal family and hair is also complicated. I felt that
the black cloak which I had not been worried so far tightly showed the position of
Egrantine now.

...... Egrantine became a teacher to get information from me?

The word of Hill Sur revives to the mind, somewhat feeling sinks. It is the reason why
it is suspected and the fact that it is sinking that planning to obtain information also
sinks, but the feeling sinks most is as it is suspected from royalty.

I have powerful information for royalty. Procedure to become a king that emerged in
the scriptures. It is information that brings danger to me and also to the surroundings,
so I never plan to quit.

"Everyone, it has been a long time .This form is like this, I am delighted to spend time
with you"

Egrandin was beautiful today, contrary to the feeling of sinking a bit. Standing in front
of everyone with an elegant gait like a dancing, she smiled with nice smile. I will
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present a lengthy greeting like aristocracy and describe the change with the
grandmother of the royal family who called me a new year.
Egrantine seems to be the best of the candidate lords, and the king seems to have
decided that the king is suitable for guiding the growing students.

"I would like to lead the way forward as much as possible so that everyone can be
suitable as a candidate for a lord"

Egrantine who finishes greeting turns his eyes to the assistants. Then, the assistants
started to hand out and distribute boxes. After distributing it to everyone, the
assistants will leave the room quickly. It will be because it does not teach the content
of lecture. I remembered the appearance of Ferdinand, who said he was banned from
entry except the candidate for lords.

"Please think this is a simple thing of the foundation magic"

Everyone gazes at the voice of Egrantine at once all the boxes dealt before him.
Looking from the top, it was about 60 centimeters square, inside which was sandy and
dry sand like desert. In the middle there is a magic tool about 10 cm in diameter with
many magic stones of marble size aligned in colorful.

... It's quite big.

It is about twice the size of the teaching materials I used in Ferdinand's preparation.
When I looked round about as to what kind of differences existed, the explanation of
the lecture began.

"In the lecture of the third-grade lord's candidate student, I will practice mainly on
the treatment of the magic of the foundation"

It seems to practice with a simplified version of the foundation magic that the given
garden court is set as its own territory and it actually moves. It is exactly the same as
I did in Ferdinand's preparation.

...... I am in trouble if the contents are different.

"This garden is the territory given to you, the magic tool in the center imitates the
magic of the foundation"

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This smooth sand seems to be in the state of magical power being depleted, becoming
soil where grass grows if it fills with magical power.

"First of all, please put out the staple, let's dyed the territory of this garden with your
own magical powers."

Egrantine smiled with Nicolle and said so. We will give Stap as it is told. There is no
magic tool more than Stap to adjust magical power. I will put magical powers into
touch with the magic stone at the tip of Stap.
There are several magic stones in the magic tool, but all the magic stones are
connected. It is possible to dye at a stroke if you cast magical power on one.

...... Well, hey! Is it?

As usual I was pouring magical power with the feeling of manastling stone, I noticed
that the state of the garden court changed rather than the magician, and in a panic, I
stopped the magical power. However, the magical power which started flowing does
not stop soon. Magical power flows steadily as if the pots and water drops fall forever
from a broken faucet.

……What should I do. Stap does not work at all. I can not adjust the magical power.

"Oh, I've been told the story, but Rosemain really is excellent, is not it?"
"Egrandine ... ...."
"Rosemain, Mr. Eglantine ... Fuh ... .... Even so, no doubt it will dye the entire box garden
in this short time ..."

The inside of the boxy garden where dry sand like desert was spread was in a state
where the green sprouts out in black soil and some places in a blink of an eye in a
blink of an eye. Moreover, as the flow of magical power has not stopped completely
yet, the greenery is gradually increasing.
Egrantine says, "This is really surprising when you see it," he smiled and grinned
orange's eyes pleasantly smiling, but I want to cry anymore.

...... Please do not look with such admiring face! I am a bad child who can not control
magical power!

Egrantine looking at the progress of the garden court tilted his head and neck.

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"What shall I do?" Today I was planning to dye the foundation and fill the territory
with magical power and finish it, but it seems that Rosemain will be over soon.Would
you like to progress one after the other? Shall we make the next lecture together? "
"... I want to end it soon.I have to practice magical power control after the lecture. It
will not pick you up until the lecture time is over so I can not leave this room"

I was given the task ahead of that and I decided to draw the design drawing necessary
for the barrier and the boundary gate and prepare the gold powder necessary for

"In the next lecture we will teach the names of the gods of darkness and the goddess
of light, let's do it in various ways"

In Ferdinand's preparations I could not tell the name yet, because I was finishing the
spell with "god of darkness" or "goddess of light", even if I made a shape at Entwickeln,
it was collapsed in about five minutes. I tried to make an ideal library model so it
would convey my sorrow that collapsed in five minutes.
By the way, when you mourn, Ferdinand is scolded as "time is unnecessary", and in
the next task the library will be prohibited and you will be making your own room,
and if you arrange a lot of bookshelves, you will not say "It's the same as the library"
It got scolded.

While remembering such a thing, I will do the task.

... ... It is easy and easy to pour the magical power into a magic stone and make it into
gold powder.

When I grabbed a given kudzu magic stone and changed it to gold dust, the next
Hannaore was watching here with a face made as a pokan holding a magician in the
center with Stap.

"Rosemain is quite easy to make gold dust, is not it?"

"It is easier for me to indiscriminately include magical powers, but now I'm talking
about it, but now I can not stop in a saturated state.When I do not do it I am blessed
and magical power is overflowing It's gone. "

Suddenly lurking out his voice, Hannorore smiled happily with couscous after having
rounded eyes.
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"Well, then, when blessed with the momentum like music, everyone's garden may be
stained with Rosemain-sama's magical power"
"... I am paying attention so that it does not become so, in fact, Schwarz and Weiss have
become the Lord with blessings"

If you bless in this room now, there is also the possibility of taking over everyone's
box garden. I can not do such a dangerous thing. After Hannero leaped the red eyes in
my answer, he smiled a little with a troubled face after swimming.

"I was going to be a joke, but Rosemain really can do it."

...... I got it!

"Ho, Ho, Ho, I'm also joking."

I tried smiling for the time while turning manastones into golden powder one after
another. I wonder if it will be deceived by this.

...... Mum, I guess it will not be possible. Mr. Hannare is completely pulled.

When I felt like I was about to ask someone to help, I heard a cheerful voice from
Wilfriit from behind.

"Mr. Egrantine, I was able to dye magical tools, again, it seems that consumption of
magical power is reduced due to the protection and it is easy to handle"

Looking back in the mood for wanting to cry, Wilfried can show himself that he is
proud of his own garden court and is praised by Egranthine. That is quite a honor
student without any difficulties.

...... It is easy for us to get a lot of protection, Wilfried brother alone is sly!

After having hit eight in my mind I decided to pray from the bottom of my heart to the
gods who gave us protection.

... .... God, please do not tell me that Hannaore will stop my friends!

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... .... Oh, it was handed down to Mr. Hannaore.

While dropping my shoulder with a shock attracted to my favorite favorite friends, I

was walking down the dormitory stairs with my wife and a lesser bus. He was told me
that he would like me to wait in the multipurpose hall until I was ready for lunch.
Wilfried and Charlotte had already read books in the multipurpose hall waiting.

"Your sister, from the afternoon we will practice dedication, so you can join us."

Charlotte I noticed raised his face and said so. After I nodded with a smile, I noticed
the ridiculous feeling and I felt the blood pulling in a moment. It is clear that blessings
will stop stopping if you practice dedication in this state where magical power control
does not work. Although I was drawn in the lecture in the morning, if I do it in the
afternoon, I may be surely putting a distance to Hannellore.

... ... It's disgusting! It's not only God-duty but I have to do something!

"Wilfried's older brother, Charlotte. I can not control magical power, so I will be
unable to stop blessing with practice, but is there any better way to stop me?"

Not to mention Wilfriit and Charlotte in my words, everyone in the multipurpose hall
began to suffer seriously. Because it seems that the children who received the blessing
that I had blown off in the lecture of music were tough with strange eyes from around.
It is no longer anything else for students at Ehrenfest dormitories.

"... Did not Mr. Hirsch suggested using magical powers?"

I shook my head to the proposal of Villefried. I did not work out any measures at all.

"I used magical powers at the collection place on the soil day of yesterday, but it did
not make much sense."
"I see, I was surprised at the sudden blessing, was that to reduce magical power?"

When Wilfried lightly sighs, Charlotte blinks the indigo pupils and sees me.

116 | 2523
"Has your sister made no sense even if you bless that much thing !?"
"Well, in the lecture in the morning, there was no meaning that only one person of
Rosemain was almost proceeding to the point close to the end in the morning
lecture.In addition, it seems that Mr. Hannaore, who was next door seat, was surprised
and injured, I got eight hit, that it is cunning that I do not struggle to get it. "

Charlotte says to Wilfried's words "I must use more magical power, do not you?"

"If you send a letter to Ehrenfest now that you want to put extra magical power in the
sky's magic stones and magical tools by the lecture in the afternoon, is not it that the
magic stones of the sky will arrive after the meal? ... ... Because the plagiarism of the
winter is so close, the people of the Order will be saved. "

Only for a moment, only the gaze pointed to the children of the former Veronica
school. Because it also purged, so with missing magical power? It turned out that
Charlotte swallowed the word.

"If you cooperate in the suppression of the Lord of Winter, the quality of the medicinal
herbs collected at the collection place raised by the magical power of Rosemain will
be raised, picking herbs for preparation of recovery medicine and sending it to
Ehrenfest and collecting again How about restoring the place? "
"As it is not possible during lunch break, it will not be possible today, but I think it's a
good idea, Ehrenfest will be saved, and I will be saved"

I instructed Phyllie on the spot and wrote an urgent letter toward Ehrenfest. "There
is too much protection and you can not control magic, so a mass blessing is going to
jump out in the afternoon practice of dedication and dance. It will accept anything for
votive ceremony, for the winter's torment, for whatever you want.When you take an
empty manastone or witchcraft Please send it as soon as possible. "

"Please convey this as a urgent and send it to Ehrenfest"

"Certainly yes"

Looking at the back where Rhodderich leaves with a quick pace, Yudit came in a small

"Well, Rosemain, so if the magical power is rising, could you please have magical
power on my magic stone?"

117 | 2523
"It's okay, Yudit ... ... Not only Yudit but those who need magical power please offer
me! Until I head towards dedication Mai, my magical power will be offered free of
charge, it's fake!"

Multipurpose hall was blurred. However, there is a feeling that it is afraid that you will
receive magical power from candidate lords. Meanwhile, Leonore took out the jalali,
the manastone and the magician from the leather bag being lowered to the waist.

"Well, thank you for your consideration, since I used it in training, I thought I had to
put on magical powers."

When I began to put on magical power, Alexis, the escort knight of Vilfriit, shrieked
and asked, "Is it possible to use my magic stones?"

"Of course, of course, Alexis, Natalie, Matthias, Laurentz is OK."

As I looked around the multipurpose hall and nodded, leaving a minimum escort, the
apprentices of the knights all went out to their room with magic stones and magic
tools taken. The civil apprentice and side apprentices continue one step behind.

"Princess, it is not something you can admire much to offer your magical powers free
of charge"
"I know, but I am dead."

I sharpen my lips while filling magical powers with my escort knight's magic stone. I
do not mean that I love magical power. It is to suppress blessing terror that does not
know when and where it occurs.

"Thank you very much!"

There are somewhat big ones and small ones for a magic stone that is lined up. I
pointed to some of the ordered manastones.

"Please do not be afraid, because there is a danger that giant powder will be made by
small manastones like this"

Those who wanted to use it as a magic stone in my words fluttered and withdrew the
manastone. However, there is also a civil apprentice coming out with small eyelashes
118 | 2523
shining eyes on the word gold powder. There are many manastones on the table in
front of me. I reached out to it, and I will send magical power one after another.

"Thank you, Rosemain sama"

"I am saved."

When everyone was looking at his magic stone with a smile of everything and cleaning
up gold dust, the sound of a bell echoed as the meal was ready.

"The remaining magic stones can be put in after meals"

I finished my meal and I will devote magical power to the manastone steadily. There
are really few consuming spells that you will experience as a result of lots of

"To what extent can you control blessings?"

"Other people do not understand"

The first magical rock of the sky also arrived from Ehrenfest. It seems that the second
bullet arrives in the evening. I am charged with magical power and send it back
quickly. Many of the magic stones that my adopted father delivered had large ones,
and they absorbed magical power quite well.

"... ... Is this OK?"

"If you think that this is useless and that blessings are going to stop, if you got a pass,
how about if you fall short as usual and do it?"

Charlotte nods in the proposal of Villefried.

"It seems that my older sister wanted to bless everyone even using magical powers so
that they would collapse, if we say, to say a little, you can wipe the impression that
magical power is too much and worrying about it?"
"Charlotte-sama, if you say that you blessed until you collapse, the amount of magical
power may be misleading, but Rosemain's saint's legend will accelerate."

When I told Brünhild's word of accelerating the legend of the saint, "I am in trouble",
Charlotte put his hand on his cheek and tilted his head.
119 | 2523
"But you can not deny your sister's saint's legend anymore? Because you gave the
gods enough protection that can not be said to be exact, it's too much magical to be
overflowing with blessings on something's rhythm."
"Wow ...."
"It has already become known to the extent that it is important to point out how
deceptive it is to deceive to what extent it gives the impression to the surroundings
as a saint and it is a saint who often spends prayers and blessings with a lot of magical
power and denial There is no material. "

I am not a separate saint, but I can not really deny my behavior.

"It is better to think about the impression operation of Rosemain later and think about
the lesson in the afternoon. There is no time anymore There is no time You can wear
all the amulets given to your uncle so that you can keep blessing until the end of the
year , Should not it be better to take measures to prevent magical power from getting
out even a little? "
"I will."

I returned to my room once, put all the amulets received by Ferdinand for the time
being, and attached a necklace with a series of magic stones. There are not many
numbers of amulets visible in the table, but the inside of sleeves and under the clothes
are filled with magic stone.

"About this, it will be OK." Mr. Villefriit's older brother Charlotte, please come out with
me from the small hall when it comes to the end "

The dedication dance is only the candidate of lords. Only Wilfriit and Charlotte can
depend on this time. When they got big nods, I also undertook Richarda "I will wait
outside the door today too."

Then, I joined the small hall with three people after spirit. It is the first time I feel
nervous about this practice of dedication. Wilfried heads to Ortwinne quickly and
Charlotte is greeting his friend, Rootsind.
After I greeted Rootsind, I looked round the inside of the small hall.

...... There was. Hannalee-sama.

120 | 2523
I just got pulled just now. Whether it is okay to say hello it is a very troubling place. If
I can avoid it here, I think that I will fall as long as I want to stay in a hidden room for
a while. When I thought about it, Hannalee who suffered an eye smiled nicely and
waved her hands lightly.

...... It is inevitable! Was good! Thank God!

Because I was impatient, when I tried to go to greetings to Hannaore, I was arrested

by Charlotte and stopped.

"Your sister seems to be feeling a little better, but is it okay?"

"Well, that's okay."

……I see. It is no use excited. Suppress it, hold it down.

When I hold my chest and take a deep breath, Rootsin looks down on me anxiously.

"Is Rosemain sama today not very well with you?"

"Although it is not bad, the dedicated dance is a little burdensome to your sister, which
is also a momentum, but since the daughter of the temple will definitely put power
into it as it is dance to God "

Charlotte looked worriedly and gently sighed. Even if blessings are popped out by this,
a little is an excuse and it will not be a problem even if we pretend to collapse. It is a
wonderful preparation.

...... Truly Charlotte! My sister!

When I was acclaiming Charlotte in my heart, Hannaore san came close to me. It is
Restzruut who comes to us together as Hannaore looks at the glittering appearance.

"Good evening, Rosemain sama"

Charlotte and Ruizinte who noticed by Hannellore's greetings when I have a talk start
to move all the way. I stared at Hannaore and Restylau and smiled nicely.

"Greetings, Mr. Hannallole, Mr. Lesty Lout. Would you like something?"

121 | 2523
"Oh, when do you want the tea ceremony of Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger? Depending
on the quality of the hair decorations you asked to Ehrenfest, you might need another
thing, I would like you to go as soon as possible."

If I could not be satisfied with the hair decorations made by Turi, I came to Kochi with
a bit of restraint to prepare another thing, Hannorore shook my head with my hands
on my cheeks.

"How about you, honestly, your older brother, what kind of hair decoration in
Ehrenfest can do, how can it be fun?"
"I am only interested in how much things can be done to hidden people like Ehrenfest,
so I'm not looking forward to it."
"Because Rosemain passed all the lectures on the first day, did not you say that I
wanted to make a promise on the occasion to face yourselves so that you would come
with me?"

It is easy to trust either Reststrat 's word that faces away while ringing Hun and a
nose, or Hannaore who is turning around. I am a friend of Hannaore.

"I'm glad that you are looking forward to the restylart, but I am going to take courses
for apprenticeship of civilian officers this year, so I need time for socializing for a
while ... Well, once in ten days I confirm each other's schedule Would you like to do it?
I think that we will have a bit planned around that time. "
"Ten days later, it will be good."

When Restzurut nodded, it seems that Hanenerol has stroked the story that the story
was gathered together. I smiled a soft smile.
A voice came sliding in between there.

"Oh, Did you also order a hair ornament for Eleenfest?" My fiancee was from
Ehrenfest, so I ordered it, too. "

Distorted the mouth as if Restzruut appeared to Dietlinde who laughed with Hoho.

"I just wanted to confirm how much things can be done to hidden people like
"Oh, nevertheless Rests Lout will be awarded to the escort partner, just as I will be

122 | 2523
Ah, that's right. I have to emphasize that Ferdinand is not involved in the design of
Dietlinde's hair ornaments!

I remember my mission, I make a smile.

"Die Linde took the trouble to visit Ehrenfest in order to have exchanges, so that the
decorations I liked were good, at that time I was chosen by myself."
"... ... Is not it a thing that I regarded as a fiance?"

Dietlinde makes a smile deep in the words of Restistau.

"Of course the fiancé gives for me."

"Hmm ... ... I think his sense of fiancé is not too bad ... ...."

As Lestyraut said that, I turned my eyes toward My hair ornaments and Dietlinde.

"What kind of thing did my fiancé order?"

"Because I have not received it yet, I do not know what the real thing can do"

Diet Linde caught me a glimpse that insisted that he was not ordered to the end but
was given to his fiancee. In response to my eyes to explain, I began to explain Dietlinde
's hair ornament to Restistau.

"There are five Shentis flower hair ornaments, although the size is a bit small, is not it
easy to imagine Adolfine's hair ornament? Five flowers are gradually changing from
red to white The difference is the best feature. "

As I was surprised by Hannaore as my explanation, my eyes blinked, and the restraint

looked like a shaky face.

"... ... did that order five for the graduation ceremony?"
"My fiancés are giving us the most wonderful hair ornaments for me, what kind of hair
ornaments they will not be enjoyed from now."

Dietlinde smiles with his red lips lifted. The trouble is that Dietlinde can not take the
word that he is his design. I have no choice, so I decided to change direction a bit. The
flower design itself is not bad, as it resembles the one given to Adolfie. The point is
that when saying how to decorate Dietlinde was bad it would be better to say, "The
sense of the other side is bad."
123 | 2523
"It seems that they are surprised by five flowers, but it will never be in vain.Because
all the flowers are different in color, it will be finished neatly and luxuriously by
combination, and it is gorgeous from everyday use by adjusting the number You can
use it even in places. "
"I see"

Restraint thinks it is interesting to change the combination accordingly at that time.

Dietlinde smacked with a chest tight.

"Although I suggested that hair decorations that can be used variously are good, I am,"
"I believe that Ehrenfest could meet the request of Dietlinde, it was a truly wonderful

When I lift, Dietlinde nods several times with a satisfying smile.

"It will not be enough to leave it only to the craftworkers of Ehrenfest, because I know
the best thing for me is because I am the best."

...... I proposed, Brunhilde, but well, well. In the meantime, it seems that the word "I
designed it" got word.

"What kind of thing is the hair ornament that he invented, I am looking forward to the
graduation ceremony"
"Well, I'm surprised at how Lestylart likes my hair decoration ... Ho ho ho ..."

Teachers came in while talking about such a thing. There are also figures of Egrantine
in that group.

"It seems that Egrandine will show us a model today, so please do not forget the top
class students, as well as the lower class students"

When the teacher of the dedicated dance said so, Egrantine smiled and smiled and
handed over the black cloak to the woman who was thought to be the side who had
been brought.
And when I moved to the center of the room with elegant and flowing movement that
I thought that Mai had already begun, I kneeled suddenly.
124 | 2523
The face that was quietly depressed is raised quickly, and the body begins to move.
The supple arms were stretched towards the high sky which is high.

...... How pretty!

I only get sighs. While I am enthralled, I stare at the elegance and do not miss any
dancing of Egrantine. Finger movement, long sleeve tipping, gaze movement,
everything is perfect. Just watching it seems to make me happy.

I was intrigued by Egranthine's dedication dance, I realized that Diet Linde, who acted
as the goddess of the light of this year, exhilaratedly breathed out, unexpectedly
coming near.

"There is no bad intention of Egranthine, I guess there is quite a lot of confidence.I do

not think that it seems like a goddess of chaos that boosts the god of winter as if a
person who graduated already danced ? "

...... If you have time to complain about taking care of Egrantine unnecessarily and
carelessly, you should look closely and apply it to practice. Compared to the god of
Destiny's Darkness, Dietrinde's goddess of light is inferior.

When refusing in the mind without releasing their eyes from the dance of Egrantine,
Charlotte, spoken to by Dietlinde, said with a moody voice.

"When I entered the school, Professor Egranthine was already graduated, so I am glad
that I could see such a wonderful dance like this"

After seeing the example of Egrantine, it is time of their practice. Although I will
observe the lower grade, other things will be divided every grade to practice.
Egrantine smiled nicely when I was heading to a place of third grade.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how much Rosemain, who showed me a wonderful
dance in the first grade, improved.
"Expectation is too heavy, Professor Egrantine"

125 | 2523
I guess it's true that I am looking forward to it. Egrantine really loves dancing.
However, it is true that trying to get information from me even a little. Otherwise, I do
not think I will visit the training area.

...... I will not give out blessings.

My eyes met with Charlotte who is looking at the wall. Charlotte seems to be nervous,
so I'm watching me stitched together with my fingers.

...... I get nervous.

You must finish the dedication without blessing overflowing. I slowly breathed in and
I kneeled on the spot.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

Hannorore told the first sentence because he was a candidate for a lord of the highest
rank. I will chant with it, but I can not afford to bless I will not speak out just by moving
my mouth.

... ... From here pray pose.

Votive dance is a dance full of blessing. I let the nerve reach the fingertips, and danced
while paying close attention so that magical power does not leak a single drop. It is
serious enough to tell her heart that you have never danced so seriously.

In the part where movement is not so fast already the body got hotter and sweat came
up. Breathing is a bit painful. If it blesses with a piece it will be easier, but I can not
stand out at the lords. If you reach out to reach the hand, long sleeves will shake with
your hair.

……A little longer.

The breathing becomes rough as the movement speeds up. I focused on dancing so as
not to disturb my breath as much as possible, and completely confined the magical
power trying to rage as a hot heat.
The fingertips cut off the air, while the air hitting the cheek feeling cold, last kneel
again. That's it. The sweat fell to the edge from the forehead, but the blessing did not
126 | 2523
...... I did it! I tried hard. Someone praise!

The moment I relieved breathlessly, I noticed for the first time.

……what is this! Is it? I shine brightly!

All magical stones that had been worn seemed to be full of magical powers, including
an amulet of a necklace or a bracelet, a charm of a magic stone worn on the whole
body was shining intensely self-asserting.
Unintentionally collapsing and sitting down, hold the magic tool by hand. Still, the
light does not go away.

... ... Is this safe? Out?

I could not judge the condition of myself immediately, so I turned my eyes to Charlotte.
Charlotte changes his complexion as if I'm relieved and rushes over to me.

"Your older sister, how much did you want to bless you with magical power !?? You
will lose consciousness and collapse again as it is."
"Huh, you did not come to blessing?"

Is not it overflowing? As you confirmed, Charlotte nodded and nodded.

"Although I did not reach the blessing, still enough for my sister to pray to God was
sufficiently transmitted, enough already.The older brother, brought the elder sister to
the dormitory as soon as possible Please do. "
"No, Charlotte ... the success or failure of the lesson ... yet ..."

Even though I tried hard enough, I can not return to the dormitory without winning
the passing. When I looked up at my teacher, my teacher opened my mouth as I
thought he was relieved.

"Mr. Rosemain looked at Mai who filled the whole body, so of course I passed, so
please take good care of yourself soon, please do not mind yourself,"
"I am sorry"

As I lowered my head I noticed that I was looking at me with a pokan face. It is no

wonder if attention is paid out as long as this glows.
127 | 2523
"Everyone, I am sorry for disturbing this place"

...... I prepared this carefully, but I was out!

In support of Charlotte and Wilfried, I felt like crying and feverish body and I came
out of a small hall.

"Princess ... .... I will bring the princess back, so Vilfried Baby and Princess Charlotte
will continue practicing"

Richarda said so saying and will take you back to the dormitory as if you realized
everything in the state of a magic stone.
The empty magic stone and the second magician 2nd bullet arrived in the dormitory,
so if you pour more magical power steadily it got a little fresh and refreshing.

"... Richarda, what about this?"

"It is a letter from Aub Ehrenfest"

A letter from your adoptive father has arrived with the manastone.
It was a letter designating the meeting date with Hill Sur.

128 | 2523
467 story Everyone's ritual and music, the 470 th consecutive dedication (three years)
Movement of the restistau around Hannaroe point of view.

I am Hannaore. I am enrolled as a candidate for a lord of Dunkel Ferger in the third

grade of the House of Peers.

"Schwarz, Weiss ... Long time no see ... Please, listen, how I got the protection of the
goddess Drejung Goa of the time in the practical skill that got the protection of the
gods just before, so I'm sure I will The badness between it must be improved a bit. "

Immediately after finishing the lecture, I went to the library, confirmed that there
were no other students around me, stroking the Black Foot and Vice, supplying
magical power and gaining protection from Drefan Goua I was biting joy.

"Hannaore, I'm so glad"

"Hannaore, it got totally packed"

I meant to pay a much different amount so far but Schwarz and Weiss said that a lot
of magical power was supplied. There will be a change in magical power by getting
the protection of the gods. I am glad that you can be happy with Schwarz and Vice to
the extent that it will not be a burden to you. I patted Blackweather and Weiss until I
felt relieved and left the library with Cordura.

"There is a lecture tomorrow, I have to go back to the dormitory and review it."
"Well, I gave you a blessing of Drefan Goua, please continue your hard work from now
on, Princess"

Regarding the classroom, Ehrenfest has gradually improved its results yearly, and the
number of successful applicants on the first day is increasing sharply. Actually, "In
Ehrenfest, even a lower aristocrat can pass on the first day, what would you do
without a Dunkel Ferger's lord's candidate being able to pass on the first day?" While
being smiled at her mother, I was forced to study all year round It was. It was worth
it and I was able to pass the theology of theology, but the position of a candidate for
the lord of the large territory is not easy at all.

129 | 2523
"Did you receive protection from Angryfu and Dreddy Goa? Angry fish is not
uncommon, is not it really amazing how Drefan Goa is?"

When I reported to my older brother at the dinner table, I started my brother and
blessed everyone with surprised eyes.

"But, it is no wonder why I was able to give back the protection of Angleev and Drefan
Goa, I think that I can not do things like staying in the eyes of the gods ... ... "
"However, it is a great achievement, not only the protection of the Ogami, but also the
protection of more than one family member is obtained, etc. Hannaore is loved by the

My older brother complained so satisfactorily. Those who are appropriate for the
word that they are loved by the gods are not me.

"... .... Uh, brother-sama, it seems that Wilfriit-sama is loved by the gods"
"It is said that 12 pillars of gods including Ogami gave us protection."

My older brother, as well as others, also opened a big eyes on my words.

"12!? ...... Others of Ehrenfest?"

"I do not know, because I exited when my ceremony was over ... ..."
"Mothers have told us to keep an eye on the trends of Hannerola and Ehrenfest, it
should have been to the end that we should have seen the rest of the temple growing
up Is it ... ?. "

As my older brother told me, in a panic I thought of Rosemain sama. I came out with
an ordinary face and I could not see how surprised he was if I heard the number of
Vilfried sanctuary.

"Wilfried's report was surprisingly small, so I guess it was the same as it?"
"... That's right, your mother's words may be correct."

My older brother told me so much that I got a difficult face to think about.

130 | 2523
The mother who came back to the territory after finishing the lord conference
managed somehow that he could not take Dr. Rosemain into Dunkel Ferger. That's
because Rosemain-sama's work in the contract with Ehrenfest on publishing and
printing, decided at the Spring Lord's Conference, was astonishingly wonderful.

New technologies of publishing and printing are wonderful, but seems to have
decided the framework of the part that can be given up and part that can not be given
up in contract negotiations with Dunkel Ferger, negotiations with Abu-Ehrenfest was
the beginning of Dunkel Ferger It seems that he made a difficult flight unlike his

"From the early age, I knew Rouzemain's value as brought up to be hidden in the
shrine early, and I could not even miss Aub Ehrenfest who adopted himself with the
baptismal ceremony, sorry before another territory noticed Rosemain's value I will
install until the engagement approval with "

My mother was sighing after saying, "I wish I could have Rosemain attend the first
Lady of Lesty Lout."

Normally the engagement of a lord of a dominant territory is never officially decided

so early. As regards engagement, talks are repeatedly held at the territory competition
and lordsmen meeting, promises are exchanged between Ave and we will get
approval of the king after the last grade approaches. It is because I do not know
whether the magical power of one person is suitable unless it has finished growing to
a certain extent.

However, the engagement of Rosemain and Wilfried was decided upon approval from
the king at the time the two of them finished the first year student. When the lord
conference began and another territory brought a story about engagement
consultation it was after the formal engagement was already decided.

My brother called Rosemain "a fake saint" and it was a very poor atmosphere and
since my engagement with Virfriit was established, even if my mother wants
Rosemain something I will not.

"...... Your older brother does not want Rosemain sama to be the first wife, is it?"
"Mothers seem to want it but I do not want it separately, I understand that the high
value of existence is unpleasantly understood, but I do not necessarily need it for the
current Dunkel Ferger"
131 | 2523
"Please do not do things like looking at your hair decorations close at hand, thinking
that you would like to make things like Rosemain's hair ornaments"
"...... I was only interested in that hair decoration.It was adding 5 rainbow-colored
stones and it seemed that each magic team was engraved. Only on that fine decoration
...... Want to see often and what is wrong? "

It is pleasing that my older brother who had taken a rather dangerous attitude caught
up in Rosemain 's translated history book, praised the sense of hair ornament and
softened his attitude.

However, it may be seen from the surroundings as if it is difficult to see the hair
ornament presented to the fiancé at the latest. It is an act that can be said to be a
declaration of declaration of war in love, giving difficulties to the decoration of magic
stones presented by fiancées and giving better ones. As your older brother has a place
to add difficulties about anything, you need to be careful around you.

Especially my older brother like to draw pictures from a long time and to make a little
workmanship. There is a place to try making things of yourself once you like. I think
the danger of being misunderstood in the neighborhood is great. I was pretty
interested in Rosemain's hair ornament at the time of a social gathering, so I am not

"Is not there any possibility that surrounding people would think that your older
brother would like Rosemain?"
"There is no such worry"

When I returned to my room after dinner, I slowly exhaled. I remember talking about
the temple of Ehrenfest.

While asking Rosemain who was brought up in the temple at the same time as the
baptismal ceremony at the same time, Aub Ehrenfest heard that Mr. Rosemain was
put in the temple again as the temple. Even the anger of Aub Ehrenfest was embraced
by the outrageous things from the story the parents heard at the lord's conference.
However, Rosemain was smiled and denied.

"I do not know what the temple in other territory is like, but the temple of Ehrenfest
is comfortable.Aub is also coming and going in, and Brother Wilfried and Charlotte do
not have a job title Ferdinand who also decided to be engaged with the great lands
also thought that he was unable to get away from the temple. "
132 | 2523
"Is Aub also entering and leaving the temple, and Ferdinand is not going to leave the
temple? ... Is that so?"

It was an unbelievable story. It is comfortable for the temple, and the lord families
frequented in and out with their aides. It is astounding that the aides are glad to the
If this is only men, it may have caught that, because of that somewhat naive reason,
but a girl of lower aristocracy named Fillyne is happily saying that. The temple of
Ehrenfest is a place where Rosemain and Charlotte can truly come in and go out.

"There seems to be a big difference between the temple for us and the temple seen
from others, so I will revisit the detailed story to Clarissa again."
"Oh, yeah, let's tell Clarissa."

It was a smile while nodding, but I felt the cold sweat took her back to the word
"Ferdinand was hard to leave the temple".

...... Maybe Dunkel Ferger may have done a terrible thing.

At the spring lord conference, Ferdinand of Ehrenfest and Arends Bach 's engagement
of Dietlinde were decided. It was backed by Dunkel Ferger.

There is a word that we are looking for a spouse who can support him at once by
supporting Dietrinde who will be relayed from Ahrensbach at the Lord's Conference,
whereas the temple is pushed into the temple to keep the precious talent killed He
said that he wanted to help Feldinand, the head of the Central Knight.
Dunkel Ferger, who really hopes for a ditters match with Ferdinand, was driven by
righteousness and spoke to some of the territories, he said he was in direct contact
with the king with the head of the Central Knight. Hye Suzse said so proudly.

This is what my mother taught, but Dunkel Ferger once said he had solved it
unilaterally while engaging Ferdinand to marry him.
My aunt who became the third wife of the king seems to have been looking at the
translation of the history book of Dankel Ferger very interestingly and seems to want
to improve the relationship even a little.

My mother told me, "It would be better if the relationship could be improved by a little
sacrifice by engaging in an engagement with Ahrensbach this time, but relations are
improved", but "Ferdinand is unlikely to leave the temple It may be that it was forced
133 | 2523
by a royal shogun from the temple to say "It was." Far from improving relations, there
is also the possibility that it has deteriorated.

"... Maybe the badness between me has shifted to the whole of Dunkel Fergus?"
"Such a special temple occasion will only be Ehrenfest, it is not understood from other
territory, so it is not a problem of the princess."
"Cordura, but ... ...."

Cordura shook his head and pointed to the desk.

"Princess Hannareol, it's still the first day after the lecture has begun, there is a
classroom tomorrow, so please study earlier than worry about unnecessary things"

……I agree. If you do not study embarrassingly as a lord candidate student, your
mother will be scolded heavily.

The next day's lecture was able to pass successfully without difficulty. In the afternoon
music practice, I saw a wonderful saintly blessing.
I will report it at dinner party. A story that Rosemain gave a grand blessing while
playing Fespiel in practical music. And other students will talk about Rosemain 's
blessing arriving at Ehrenfest students. Even though I heard that, my brother just
frowned at me.

"That is not a real saint, is not Hannaore fooled?"

"Rosemain was godly beautiful, while truly playing Fespiel, there are those who saw
besides me, because the senior aristocrat is the practical skill of music."

When the senior aristocrats of the same grade agreed with my words and nods,
Clarissa 's voice lamenting' Why did not I have the same grade as Hannarore 's echoes
in the dining room. Every time Rosemain says something, it is normal to mourn as "I
wanted to be there on the fly!", So everyone gets back to the conversation just by
glancing at the glance.

"The blessing of the wind was overflowing from the ring that pierces the
fespiel.Talking to God with a young and expensive clear voice, it was such a beautiful
sight that God responded to Rosemain."

134 | 2523
"In the middle of the lecture suddenly the light of blessing has fallen to the middle
class aristocrat of Ehrenfest, I was really surprised and I was just making a riding type
cowardly beast"

My brother has a bitter face on the spectacle of blessings caused by Rosemain says
one after another.

"That is a fake saint."

To my older brother who is not trying to believe everyone's words stubbornly, I am a

little disappointed. Although the light of blessing spreading with the fascinating
Fespiel tone of Rosemain's sun was very beautiful, even though he was even
comforted to wash his heart, his brother's sight is defiled that sight I felt like it.

"Your older brothers say yes, but if you saw Rosemain's blessing on your brother, you
probably already made that scene a picture."
"It's enough that I will leave it in my paintings, it's interesting, I definitely want to see
it with this eyes."

……what should we do? I got interest of my older brother. ...... Because my brother said
too bad Rosemain-sama, so ... ....

It is serious if your older brother is interested in Rosemain sama like this. However, I
can not deny the beauty of that blessing myself.

And since my brother denied Rosemain 's blessing stubbornly, I decided to gather
information on blessings. It is said that I can be in contact with Rosemain as a library
committee is suitable for information gathering.

"On Round Day, Rosemain is basically coming to the library, so it is easy to find, is not
"Because it is only the day of the earth that turns to supply Magical Power of Schwarz
and Weiss until we finish the lecture."

I will head to the library with Cordura and several people 's aides so that it will not
cause much annoyance to the surroundings. Then I could see that Schwarz and Vice
came out to pick up me before the reading room.

"Does Black Forest, Weiss, Rosemain come?"

135 | 2523
When I ask you, Schwarz and Vice will shake their heads as he listens a little. Even
though my facial expressions did not change, I seemed very sad and very sad.

"Dear, there is no work today"

"Hime-sama, do not miss it"
"Well, is not Rosemain sama?"

I stroked and stroked Schwarzs and Weiss' s Evil Stones to supply magical power, I
left the library without entering the reading room.

...... No way I can not meet Rosemain in the library. Did I truly gave Drapan Goa a
blessing? I do not feel that the badness between them has been improved.

When I returned to the dormitory while dropping my shoulder to the badness

between, it seemed that Professor Hill Sur was visiting. I was called to the room for
tea ceremony soon, and I heard stories about protection. Under the preface that
Rosemain's hypothesis is, the relation between prayer and protection is shown.

"Hannero is dedicating prayers to Dredgan Goa on a daily basis?"

I occasionally held down my wrist. There is a talisman made by Cordura there.

"I'm dedicating, but I dedicate my prayers to Angry Fee ...."

"Do you perform a ceremony after the doctor? It seems that it is included in prayers,
Mr. Hannallore"

Mr. Ruffen said so. Rosemain's music is blessed, so praying and devoting magical
power to God is equivalent to prayer, so participating in the ritual of reporting victory
and thanking him to Angryfe led to the protection It is said that.

"I understand why Reststrat, who is not enthusiastic about Ditter, got Angolife's

...... In Dunkel Ferger it is a ceremony that allows lords to participate semi-


136 | 2523
Mr. Ruffin, who seems to have prayed to knights apprentices without knowing, said,
"I will continue teaching songs and dances before the knights apprenticeship at the
aristocrats to go to the battle of Dunkel Ferger!" He came.
I felt a little tired of thinking that every knight of Jürgen Schmidt would sing and

And the week is over and it is a water day. In the morning it was my first lecture on
candidate course. About Rosemain in lecture, I have to report to my brother. First of
all, I talked about Rosemain before the lecture started.

"It seems that Rosemain sacrificing prayer on a daily basis as the temple of the temple
seems to have obtained as much protection as it can judge that it can not quit so
much.The reason why Ehrenfest got a lot of protection is that you prayed at the temple
It seems to be reason to be doing, participating in a shrine, "
"If you assume that you will increase your protection by praying, it is natural for a
person raised by a temple to get a lot of protection."

After that, I dyed the cornerstone in a blink of an eye, and I will report on the lecture
contents that I have been doing the task one after another.

"Rosemain says it will turn into a gold powder one after another when grabbing the
little magic stone given in the assignment.If you also put magical powers in full power,
it will not be hard to make gold powder, but at once I can not make as much as
that.And above all, Rosemain was not drinking recovery medicine. "
"What did you say!?"

Only one person has finished most of the process. For older brother who has finished
the course you will know how much it requires magical power.

"I am going for a joke, and then blessed like the time of music, I mentioned that
everyone's garden garden might be stained with Rosemain-sama's magic, so if you do,
Rosemain, He is serious .... I am careful not to be like that, in fact, I told you that
Schwartz and Weiss became the Lord by blessing. "
"The amount of magical power is not extraordinary at anything"
"As I was in a hurry, I was laughing and being laughed, but I quickly realized that
Rosemain's words were not a joke."

137 | 2523
To a number of new trends, the new technology of printing and publishing, the
financial strength to easily pour 18 large gold coins into hobby, enormous magical
power to negotiation technique ...... I also understand that mothers think that they
want Dunkel Ferger.

"Rosemain is rumored to be treated terribly differently from the real child as the
temple of the temple in Ehrenfest, despite being excellent, in fact it is rumored that
Wilfriit and Charlotte are also going around the area under direct control It seems that
they are performing ceremonies and Arub himself seems to be entering and leaving
the temple, and we have gods of the gods, but from the present position after being
driven by righteousness without knowing the details It is not amusing for those who
run away to save it .... Please report this to your mother. "
"Report will be done after seeing the afternoon dedication"

I finished lunch and I went to practice dedicated to dancing with my older brother.
Rosemain talking to Charlotte and Ruizinte was doing a necklace with a large magic
stone attached at the tea party in addition to the rainbow-colored stone hair

...... Would not it be an obstacle to Mai's lesson?

My wife was waving at that thought, and my older brother also noticed Rosemain.
Your brother seems to be interested in Rosemain-sama's hair ornament as well. You
can see that you are considering some design with the movement of the fingertip.

"Are you wearing the decoration of that magical stone today?"

"Always put on it, things that were given to Virfriit who is a fiancé"

...... Rosemain who enjoys a wonderful fiancee who gives such a wonderful manastone
ornament is enviable.

"When was the tea party with Hanenerol, Ehrenfest?"

"I have not decided yet, I do not know when my lecture will end"
"I will go to decide the schedule for the tea party, I also care about the hair decorations
I made by Ehrenfest"

138 | 2523
My brother 's escort partner is an apprentice of senior civil service of Dunkel Ferger,
decided between mothers. It is decided that the next wife of Aub always appoints a
person of the territory and inherits Dunkel Ferger's tradition without breaking it. She
is determined to become the second wife if her brother gets a wife from another
territory and has taken over the important role of teaching Dunkel Ferger's tradition
to the first wife.

My brother started walking towards Rosemain, so I walk like I will not be late for my

...... Although I am only interested in hair ornaments, my older brother has a high
likelihood that Rosemain will feel unwell.

Sure enough, my older brother struck a hatred. However, when I arrange the true
intentions of my older brothers, Rosemain smiles with couscous and says, "I'm glad
that you are looking forward to the restylart," said the rude brother's speech. I think
Rosemain is a really sweet saint at such a time.

...... Although it was suddenly involved in the ditters' fight that my father brought up
even in the game against the territory, I persuaded Mr. Ferdinand, and after giving a
healing he gave he hesitz.

Mr. Rosemain, who is infatuated with the atmosphere of Dunkel Ferger, is a precious
friend for me.

"I will take a course of civil apprenticeship this year, so I need time for socializing for
a while ... ... Well, will not you check the schedule of each other once in ten days? At
that time a little schedule will come think"
"Ten days later, it will be good."

I heard that your brother's voice was overwhelming. That would be it. Mr. Rosemain
is going to finish the lord's course candidate course and civil service course in about
ten days. It is not considered ordinary.

...... Rather, I feel I will not finish my lord's course for 10 days.

While I and Rosemain promised, my older brother looked at his height to look into
Rosemain-sama's hair ornament a little from the top.

139 | 2523
... ... Please stop, brother!

I could not make a big voice, Rosemain gave me a smile while lightly pulling my
brother's cloak, one voice broke in and came in.

"Oh, Did you also order a hair ornament for Eleenfest?" Because my fiancé is
Ehrenfest, I ordered it, too. "

I thanked Dietrinde who laughed with Hoho Ho from the bottom of my heart. Because
I stopped before my brother's beggin 'started. As my brother felt as if they were
distracted, "I just wanted to confirm what kind of things can be done to a hidden girl
like Ehrenfest", but I'm distorting my mouth, but my older brothers' It is that.

"Oh, nevertheless Rests Lout will be awarded to the escort partner, just as I will be

By the way, at last year 's tea party, Dietlinde wanted Ehrenfest' s hair ornaments. I
guess it was decided to present me with my engagement with Ferdinand. The desire
of Dietlinde is come true.

...... I am worried about my brother's behavior than I expected from Dietlinde, but I
can not help it.

My older brother seems to be concerned about the design of rainbow-colored stone

so much, with the topic of Dietlinde's hair ornament being mouthed, the line of sight
is suitable for Rosemain-like hair ornament.

...... I'm sure that you are also interested in Dietlinde's hair ornament that Ms.
Ferdinand was awarded.

"Hmmm ... ... I think the sense of fiancées is not too bad ... but what kind of thing did
my fiance order?
"There are five Shentis flower hair ornaments, although the size is a little small, is not
it easy to imagine Adolfine's hair ornament? Five flowers gradually change from red
to white The difference is the best feature. "

...... Do you have any hair ornaments?

140 | 2523
I kept an eye on the explanation that Rosemain did, not Dietlinde.Heck how put, It can
not be all imagination, I think not so good for a luxury rather than Egurantinu like and
Adol Fine like that the ARK Newsletter decided marriage to the royal family.
Did you feel the same way, now face as amazed even your brother. But, Rozemain like
you please explain how to use the five of hair ornaments with a smile and Nikoli.

Although it seems Irassharu surprised by the "five flowers, it will never be wasted.
Hana is because all is the color difference, to finish even in luxury also neat and clean
by the combination, glamorous from everyday use by adjusting the number we'll use
also in place. "
"I see"

At that time interesting to change the combination in accordance with the, with the
murmur while brother recommendation has Kangaekomi. It is unexpected to such
use. If indeed so it can be used, while guise conservative than the royal family, will be
able to use long to fit in a variety of costumes.

"Such is given but's the Watakushi suggested that variously use hair ornaments is
good for"

In the past Dietlinde like that has been saying that to leave it to Ferdinand like a fiance
has told us so with a laugh and Fufu' year. Rozemain like has praised the Dietlinde-
like design with a laugh and a smile.
Watakushi was postponed your brother and face involuntarily.

"Do hair ornament其方devised that such heck What, graduation ceremony Do I'm
looking forward to,"
"Yeah, the Resutirauto like also Watakushi of hair ornaments I have now to be
surprised and up. Hohoho ......"

why Watakushi the graduation ceremony is now feel like scary. Will surely because of
the gas.

And I Welcome also Egurantinu like the lesson of dedication Mai. Then you please
show me a role model. It was still a great dance. This as beautifully fluttering person
to had been ten years have not been and also your father and mother which is to look

141 | 2523
at the annual dedication dance rave reviews, even you know that your brother was
drawing sneak a picture .

I ask how the glance next to your brother. The Egurantinu like dance you can see that
are peering eyes and Mai miss just even a little.
Actually Watakushi the first love of your brother-like are you wondering whether it is
not Egurantinu like, and. The thing is a large number that have drawn the most except
for the family. Although Will thought was only hide for Egurantinu like that it has been
desired to prince of two people.

And, Watakushi now turn to your practice. Since the dance in which underclassman
is seen from this year, we will tension a little bit. In particular, Watakushi is not should
most rank high that the territory lord candidates of, if not the first of the wording in
the mouth.

"We can supply stone God created the world people to Nari who devote gratitude
prayer and"

other lords candidates Following the Watakushi also aloud, dance will begin. In as
much as possible polite, you dance so that it looks better even a little. As can be seen
from the fact that success in the first degree, Rozemain like is the very dance is your
good. Watakushi also wanted to dance to the extent not ashamed as lord cadet of a
large territory.


I felt like something was shining at the end of the field of view. But, because we can
not stop the dance, we will continue to dance as it is.
We understand that the line of sight, which was around the stunned is oriented at an
angle behind the Watakushi. What hit the Rozemain sama Irassharu dancing.

Now that around slowly big, it has wide open involuntarily eye. We all around are
looking at one point to stop the dance. Watakushi of only a visible To flickering that
depicts the trajectory glowing something from the place, just finished dancing while
pulled the care normally.

Whew, when you loosen the mind and, it sounds like an oblique behind Tosa' and
someone broke the posture was heard. Beating Singh and the silence, Charlotte like
will come running up to Rozemain like to change the complexion.
142 | 2523
"Like your sister, do you how did yourself trying to bless with all your magic!? At this
rate also aware of the losing cause you'll fall down."

Looking back Watakushi is surprised, rough and so Rozemain like the breath also
Taedae while repeating a breath, we sat down on the spot.

"Zhu, but it did not lead to blessing?"

...... Rozemain like would had make yourself what on earth! Is it?But of the magic stone
that decorate the hair ornaments and chest of rainbow seducer stone necklace is it
shining and sparkling!

While Rozemain like to obtain a pass from the teacher is supported in Charlotte like
and Wilfried like, have been leaving and dizzy. Soon like valet was waiting outside,
Charlotte like and Wilfried like is coming back soon, your practice will be resumed.

But, no one did not seem to contain himself to him lessons. It is the same thing the
teacher. Even while not issued to the face, you can see that everyone's eyes are
excited. Completely from the surrounding atmosphere Watakushi was as go put.

...... Did you mean, the Rozemain like in this do not know what you have to, either
would not only Watakushi.

Charlotte-like and Wilfried like finishing the lesson of dedication Mai was go back to
the quick pace and "because according to the mind state of Rozemain-like". Everyone
will go back, respectively. Watakushi has looked in a small hall, but I can not see the
appearance of your brother.

"Korudura, you either did not see my brother like?"

"Such as has been returned to the dormitory in a very hurry appearance of.
Resutirauto like to return to earlier put the princess, will what has happened?"
" maybe, Watakushi we just have not seen in that small hall "

even if there is a bless of goddess Dore' fan goo a at the time ... has not been improved
at all evil of between Watakushi! What is it?Maybe, the evil of between Watakushi is
do you, such things can not be improved to the goddess.

143 | 2523
Watakushi went back to the dormitory while decline. The pen and ink to have to aides
your brother like that came down the stairs was referred to as "Han'nerore, or paper
is not left over?".

"...... Brother-like but does not seem to like you very much, er Len if there you'll if Fest

in the commodity merchants came brought back there was a lot of Ehrenfest paper.
Since than the parchment inexpensive, Watakushi has brought a lot to the House of

"So you bring me immediately because good"

much say if your brother is opposite to the multipurpose hall. Watakushi returns to
his room while tilted her neck, asked with a Ehrenfest paper Korudura, it will head to
the multi-purpose hall.
In the multi-purpose hall is your brother drew a picture on a few sheets of paper. None
of this even in Rozemain like the picture, it looks like if I were really Rozemain like
the dancing moving little by little it turned up and flip.

"this is……?"
"Rozemain is dedication Mai sketch of like! Han'nerore like also will became a look?
Oh, What a jealous. I Watakushi also want to look a number of miracles that happened
on the close of Rozemain like"
"Shut up, Clarissa. break the saint in the head. "

Girori and with a scary eye eye to Clarissa, your brother will continue to draw a one
after another Rozemain like the paper received from the Watakushi. Several if that fits
with somewhere south in the well yourself in to draw a sketch, it will become a thing
toward the canvas.

...... Broken for the Not the person who brother! That of Rozemain like Nante say that

And, that it failed to look at the dedication Mai about breaking that stubborn brother-
like values I Watakushi really thought frustrated.

...... At the time of the goddess Dore' fan goo A like, please bless you more. Watakushi,
I at least want the same experience with everyone!
144 | 2523
It is an anesthesius viewpoint received from Egrantine about Rosemain from the
beginning of the 3rd grade student to the 470 th consecration donation (3 years).

"Well, please click here."

Osvin who handed the wiretap preventing magic tool to me then lights the light with
a magic tool and gently puts on the table next to the bed. I quietly did my job as I
wanted, closed the tent carefully and went out.

The top of a dimly lying bed with only a slight light will be the place for me and the
report of Egranthine. You can talk about Ehrenfest and Rosemain at last using
spellbreaking magic on a couch just for two people. There are too many things that
should not leak to others.

The fragrance of Lincian came a little from Egrantine who had already prepared for
sleeping. I pull the drooping ribbon from blonde gathered so easily as to sleep, I will
give the Egrantine a wiretap that prevents eavesdropping while holding down the
urge I want to solve quickly.
And I told my father's decision, which is the king. "I would like you to go to the House
of Lords as a teacher of the Candidate Candidate Course to explore the trends of

"Egrantine, who can not afford to take such a role"

"If you think that you are clearing the suspicion that Rosemain says, it is not a bad job,

My loveful wife smiled and smiled at my words. It has been beautiful from a long time
ago, but now more beautiful is refined.

"I do not watch the trends of Rosemain sama, but watch over.Rosemain is raised in a
temple and there is a slightly different point from the idea of a noble family.It is
reflected in charm there too, but it seems to be dangerous It is a fact. "

145 | 2523
Ehrenfest's Ferdinand claimed that Rosemain was a saint and he was a dangerous
figure aiming at the throne, the head of the knight Rao Burut claimed. He must be
looking for Gurtris Height with Rosemain, a student who is natural to enter and exit
the House of Peers.

"Rao Burut seems to be quite confident, but I do not have a way of thinking it seems
strange to me"
"I also think that it is stupid, to be honest, Guritisuheit which lost with the second
prince who passed away is starting with the father, the center has been looking for all
the time, although even though it can not be found it is still in the royal palace What
can we do in the middle territory like Ehrenfest that we can not get in and out? "

Egranthine nodded in my words.

I told Rao Bruet in the same way for both my father and my older brother, but Rao
Bruet answered that the breakthrough of Ehrenfest in recent years is because
Ferdinand is the fruit of Adal Gisa.

"We call those who were born in a given departed place as Adal Gisa's fruit."

For the first time in Rao Burut 's story I learned the existence of Adal Gisa. The
princess of the royal family who was executed in political change was the inhabitant
of Adal Gisa, and before the entrance to the House of Lords the Imperial Palace was
closed, so there was no opportunity to know.

It is about time for Princess Ranzenae to be offered once in a few generations, but my
father said, "We will not open Adarjisa's residence never again, and I will not put on a
pathetic personal princess." To be honest I am relieved of it.

There was such a residence in the center, I did not think there was such a princess of
my kind, and if Ferdinand was originally, I did not think that it was the fruit of Adal
Gisa that should have been disposed of before baptism.

However, I do not plan to tell such circumstances to Egranthine. It is horrible just to

have such a history. Egranthine does not need to know about Adal Gisa.

Now that the predecessor's king and its surroundings have gone up far above the
height, there seems to be few people who know that Ferdinand is the fruit of Adal
Gisa. It seems that Rao Burut knew about Ferdinand in relation to guarding the
Imperial Palace.
146 | 2523
In the head of Rao Burut it became that Ferdinand must be planning to get back to the
royal family with the Gurtris Height, being the only fruit taken over by the former Aub
Ehrenfest and escaped from disposal. It seems to be.

"...... It is really stupid, Ferdinand uses Rosemain to find Gurtris Height, not to take
away the seat of Aub from her elder brother, to accept the situation to be pushed into
the temple, and to obey the royal title quietly, I can not believe that it is a man who
thinks to get to the throne. "
"Oh, really."
"If Ferdinand really is not aiming for Gurtris Height no matter what you suspect Rao
Burut, there should not be any problems anymore - already as a fiancée of Dietlinde
who will become the next lord, You seem to have headed for it. "

I just talked lightly in the game against the territory, but I think there is no problem
with Ferdinand. If there is a problem, it is Rosemain who can not predict how it will
work. Despite being a royal family member I visited the library and cried out to the
library, I was intensely remembered that I looked up with a very disgusting and
troublesome face.

"My biggest concern is Rosemain, if I think that it will bring out extra allegations from
Rao Bruet when attaching to libraries and books ... ...."
"I will go to the House of Lords so that it will not be such a thing, Anastigusus"

Because the lords are connected with the door by one door, you can meet Egrantine
everyday, but I can not help being worried because I can not keep myself always.

"I want you to be careful, even though you think about the events of last year, the
House of Lords is not safe"

"Anastigusus, Rosemain savedly gave way to the owner of the lord of the library"

On the first night of the lecture beginning, I received a report from Egranthine on the
bed as well.
As he gave up the seat of the Lord of the magician of the library, suddenly he told me
that he would take a rebellious attitude even before the royalty and his aides, but he
seemed to have been worried a bit. I stroked my chest.
147 | 2523
"There is something I am interested in. Rosemain is like lending it to Mr. Sorangju
with magical power in a large manastone that is as big as an adult fist. To move a
magician in a library, that's all Is it necessary that magical power is necessary, Is it
possible to use the magical power of one person of Ortansia? "

Originally, it seems that three or more senior librarians were devoting magical power
to the magician of the library. Students who started with Rosemain to move magic
tools seemed to be cooperating as a library committee member, but that was also
three people. Despite being a child, the royal family Hildebrandt and the excellent
lords are two people.

"However, no more people can get people from the center, there are lots of magical
tools more important than magical tools in the library.If you miss the power of the
ortansia, Rao Burt will still think something."

Even if I serve my wife as a senior librarian, it is Rao Burut who was surfing to stop
Ehrenfest's ambitions. If it is not enough with the power of the ortansia, he may give
three senior librarians from his acquaintance. I may give up thinking that Ehrenfest
has no problem at all. Either way it will be good for the lords.

"Well, then ... It was about Prince Hildebrandt that I felt uneasy about."

For my mother 's brother, I've only seen her a few times with Hildebrand. I remember
what he thought was a quiet and relieved prince, which he thought would not seem to
be drawing blood of Dunkel Ferger, but the impression is very thin.

"What's wrong with Hildebrand?"

"It seemed to be familiar to Mr. Rosemain, and it seemed quite amazing that if
Rosemain says unreasonableness to Mr. Rosemain, Prince Hildebrandt is the alleged
motion of Ehrenfest in Rao Burut It feels like I am contributing to being broken. "

Egrantine gently sighs and tells us Hildebrand's behavior in the library. As an innocent
wish, it will be hard to accept for frail Rosemain, which can not be socialized at all.

"Prince Hildebrandt seemed to have not learned as a royalty yet, Rosemain must
accept the request if he is the royal family, and originally Rosemain's sama
Considering your position, it seems that consciousness as a royalty is so thin as to say
148 | 2523
"It was decided from the very beginning to become a vassal and it was decided to go
to Ahrensbach at the showcase, not on royalty education, but on emphasis on
lordslide education, and as a royalty It may be difficult to raise awareness of the
situation. "

For the foreseeable future, I have decided to report to father about Hildebrandt's
education that the transfer of magical tool administrator was done without problems.

"... ... again Rosemain seems to be the one who correctly gave us blessings at our adult

The next day Egrantine put his hands on his cheeks, smiling like a troublesome report
that I had been concerned that the interactions with the magical tools of the library
had ended smoothly.
I withdrew from my hand I pulled a stretched hand to unravel the ribbon of hair of

"What did you do, Rosemain?"

"Today, teachers of music taught me, but Rosemain played Fespiel in the afternoon
practice and seemed to have done a blessing for one song"
"What, what?"

... ... blessing while playing Fespiel? I can not imagine it at all.

"The appearance that the light of the yellow blessing that is the precious color of the
wind overflowed from the ring each time I felt Fespiel was enough to feel the
protection of the goddess Quantziel of art and it seems that it was a beautiful sight."

And just as around the same time, the light of blessing went down to the students of
Ehrenfest, it seems to have been making a big noise on the lecture schedule here and
there. I recalled the riot when suddenly blessing at the adult ceremony and I wanted
to hold my head.

"Why did Rosemain make such conspicuous imitation !? What does he do when he has
strange allegations even from the center ?? Who orders?"

149 | 2523
"It seems that you heard that your blessing has become easy to overflow from the
ceremony that gave the gods of the afternoon yesterday afternoon, Is it not difficult to
control magical power?"
"Is it difficult to control with Stap?"

I thought a little. Stap is his own magical tool to make it easier to control magical
power. You get "your will of God" according to yourself. I have never heard that
control becomes difficult.

"... ... It may have exceeded the capacity in the Stap obtained in the first grade because
of too much protection of the gods."
"Is there such a thing?"
"When I was talking to Dr. Hirschle about the blessing of music, I was saying such
things, and then Professor Gundorf taught me, but only students of Ehrenfest were
strangely gods It seems that there are a lot of people who got protection. "

It seems that it is still under investigation that only Ehrenfest students got a lot of god

"What do you mean, Ehrenfest?"

Ehrenfest, who is steadily increasing its ranking, is jealous of surroundings. That is

why there are not many territories that they think will lower their impression even a
little. Bad rumors about Aub Ehrenfest are also widespread, and around the Rao Bluet,
Freddinand-related head of the Central Knight, it is wary of being stared out.

In such circumstances, if only Ehrenfest got a lot of protection from the gods, and if
Rosemain makes imitation remarkable one after another, I do not want to imagine
what the impression from the surroundings will be. Again I am thankful for Rosemain
who gave me advice to shoot Egranthine. However, Rosemain easily jumps over the
range I can cover.

"If you know how to get the protection of the gods, tell Elllintine, to Hill Sur so that it
will be released to a certain extent in the game against the territory.If you do not care
if Ehrenfest is well-connected with the surroundings, In the current situation the
relationship with the surroundings will be worse further and advise advise to use it
well as diplomatic weapons. "

150 | 2523
Ehrenfest, who had been wandering down a lower rank lower than the political
change, is the only territory where the rank has emerged as it was less neutral than
the surrounding areas due to neutral throughout the political change. In the last few
years I have improved my grades and outbreaks and have raised my rank at once, but
the manner of diplomacy remains in the lower rank and is not in line with the current

I never thought that Egrantine would cause such problems as early as the lecturer of
candidates who can contact Rosemain will begin.

"Do I report to Father and Rao Burt the actions of Rosemain who blessed while playing
Fespiel, getting enough protection that can not be controlled with Stap?"
"Rosemain has not done anything bad, please do not report so as not to be in an
unfavorable position"

If you pretend to be a cute wife "are counting on you", I will do something. There is
nothing but to do something, but it will be unavoidable if you want to complain a bit.

...... Keep Rosemain's reins properly, Ehrenfest!

So it was the day of the lecture that Egrantine taught Rosemain for the first time in the
week when she screamed in her heart. In the afternoon there was a lesson of
dedication and dance, Egrantine said that it was invited by teachers to show example.

...... I was with Rosemain all day, and nothing could have happened!

Egrantine came back from the aristocrat with a fascinating expression. It is awfully
beautiful and seemingly that the sigh is breathing while gazing at the soft cheeks and
looking a little far away to remember something with a lavish eyes. However, it seems
a bit frustrating to think that what other than myself is letting Egrandine look like this.

The first thing I asked Eglantine on the bed was not the trend of Rosemain, but about
what caused Egranthine to have such a face.

"It seems that there has been a lot of enthusiasm, but what happened?"
"Rosemain's dedicated dance was wonderful."

151 | 2523
...... Even then again, Rosemain!

It is frustrating that Rosemain often robbed Egranthine's heart in front of me. If it was
not a looking woman just like a baptismal ceremony it would have been eliminating
right away. Rosemain accurately shoots the heart of Egrantine.

"What kind of dance was it?"

Egrantine who likes Mai and dances in the dance which everyone is admired is rarely
praising other people 's dancing. As I showed interest, Egrantine gladly started talking
about Rosemain's dance.

"It was a dance that understands how Rosemain faces dedicated dance, so it seems
that gold eyes are so serious that they are concentrating to the extent that they do not
have anything to do with the surroundings at all, The tension was overflowing. "

It seems that it was a dance like Claisel which seems to be static at first sight because
it keeps the axis of one point firmly and rotates at high speed.

"I saw the essence of a beautiful dance with this eyes, and Mai itself was beautiful, but
Rosemain started lighting on the way."
"Sorry, Egranthine, I do not quite understand the meaning ... ...."

"It was probably planning to bless in the same way as music.The charm of a magical
charm that Rosemain wears began to take on light gradually and began to shine like
being shaken by the noble color of each attribute."

The ring glows blue and the locus of soft blue light is drawn each time Rosemain
moves his finger. The amulet that was lowered on the wrist was multicolored, and it
seems that if you raised and lowered your arms, you turned off the light from the cuffs
of black-based costumes.

"A necklace with large devil stones is at the chest and a complex color shone with the
hair of the night sky where the rainbow-colored tuna's hair ornament shakes,
showing a sparkle like a star Whenever Rosemain says, Several bands of light decorate
the surroundings as if they were wearing blessings from the gods as if they were
dressed in. If you could see it in the dark as in the bed, it would have been even more
beautiful "

152 | 2523
Egrantine praises Rosemain.
Rosemae who showed such dance seems to have taken over from the small hall by the
candidate of lords of Ehrenfest, after losing the position just after finishing, whether
he was too absorbed in Mai.

"According to Charlotte's words, Mr. Rosemain seemed to be blessing even in

dedication dance"

...... Stupid things, such as trying to give blessings to the point just before collapse.

No matter how much the temple is raised and the gods are close to you, you should
think carefully about your physical condition to bless and how blessings can be seen
from the surroundings.

...... It may be better to be careful once. Do not do anything noticeable as a saint any

When I slowly shake my head, I rework and face my Egranthine.

"It is already better to understand that the dedication of Rosemain's wonderful was
good, so how was the lecture better than that?"

Egrantine blinked his eyes as if I was relieved and tightened his expression.

"Rosemain has been progressing lecture content surprisingly fast.It is impossible to

prepare for the lecturer of candidate lords as it is because there is no model, but I feel
like I am accustomed to it It was about the same a year for the second year in a row,
but Rosemain surely will be the best this year. "

Egrantine smiled and said that he gave me a detailed report on Rosemain's lecture. I
quickly dyed the foundation of the model, filled the territory with magical powers as
she was seeing it, and it seems that she was steadily producing the gold powder
necessary for the lecture earlier.

"Although the third grade lecture can do it easily if there is magical power, no matter
how much anything is too fast"
"I could not see how he was reaching for recovery drugs, it is the amount of magical
power that I think I want the royalty to have."

153 | 2523
I spontaneously watched over the words of Egranthine.

"Would you like to be a royal?" Even though Father has already approved the
engagement, is it to cancel it and make it a third lady on the older brother who is
raised in the temple and the lords of the middle territory where common sense is not
enough? Anything is too crowded. "
"I am conscious of the unreasonableness and I do not think that I can do it, but I just
felt it was a necessary person for the royal family who was overwhelmingly deficient
in magical power "

Consider the present situation that now is the magical power shortage of the royal
family in the words of Egranthine, think of putting rosemain in the royal family.

……It is useless. It is dangerous.

"Here, if it comes out to the next king's wife, the eyes to Ehrenfest will be more severe"

Although it may be easier to be magical, the position of Rosemain will be very

dangerous and the impact on Ehrenfest will be serious. When I gently shaken his head
and dismissed, Egrantine gently put his fingers on his mouth and thought a little.

"... How about a Princess Sigiswald, not the Princess Sigiswald, but how about the
second Lady of Anastigius? Because it is a royal family away from the throne, a little
Rosemain ... ...."

While calling on Egrantine, I stretched my right hand, pulled the ribbon holding the
hair comprehensively while interrupting the words. Easy to dissolve and luxurious
blonde falls down slowly. I rounded the eyes and picked up the magician that prevents
eavesdropping from Egranthine who hands the falling hair.

"Well, Anastigusus ... ...."

While grasping the wrist of Egranthine, put a magician to prevent eavesdropping on

the table beside the bed and erase the light of the magician, the inside of the canopy
became dark. You can see that the wrist of Egrantine as it grasps moves a bit to resist
as if to resist. I pulled the wrist and hugged it while pushing Egranthine over the

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"Do not say that someone is kidding other girls even if you are joking."

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I managed to win a pass without having blessed with practice of votive dance
somehow, but I am afraid of everyone's reaction after that. I immediately showed
Wilfried and Charlotte, who came back from the lesson, to the conference room and
asked while doing biking. The two people gently breathed out with an indescribable

"... ... Although blessings were suppressed, since the whole manastone was lighted,
that sort of view that would be convincing if it could be said to be a saint, is not it,
"Well ... I was about to notice it, it was so conspicuous."

It seems that Wilfried stopped dancing in the middle because he was distracted by the
magic stone that shone along the way. I know that everyone was surprised by the
glowing manast, and I knew it was a poke, but I did not even notice that the
surroundings stopped dancing.

...... I was desperately desperately blessed!

"Well, how was the reaction of the other people?"

"Because everyone was stupid in the small hall, I can not understand the reactions of
each one well because after Rosemain left, I reworked and practiced"
"Because only the candidate lords, everyone is good at hiding the complexion and
inside, as to how they are reported to the surroundings and AUB after returning to
their dorms, a little more I do not know. "

Wilfried swung his head and Charlotte said as he was sighing. Because practice of
votive dance is done only by candidate lords, few people saw the senior nobility unlike
the practice of music together. However, since everyone in the small hall is located in
the highest rank of the territory, it seems that it is not known at this time what kind
of influence will come out.

"Is that so .... And then this was arriving from Ehrenfest, Aru said that for dinner two
days later, Aru is there to meet with Mr. Hirschle, contact Dr. Hirsur with Ordnants I
woke up"

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As I put out the wooden braid so saying, Vilfried and Charlotte look at each other with
anxious expression.

"... Is that so, is your father coming?"

"If you are announcing the protection of the gods in opposition to the territory,
something that will require some assumptions and results"

It seems probable that the complexion of their two people was slightly cloudy as to
the result of purging.

And by the time the adoptive father came, everyone including the former Veronica
school children went to the collection place, took a lot of medicinal herbs and
ingredients, restored with blessings. Give it to your adoptive father to appeal that the
inside of the dormitory is going well. And I want you to prepare for the suppression
of the winter lord with manastone and medicinal herbs.

"There was a call from the princess, the knight of the transition team, it seems that the
movement will start from now."

Two of us who finished the afternoon practice earlier in the words of Richarda and
Charlotte who has already finished the seat have raised their faces. It is quite earlier
than dinner.

"First, it is essential to talk about the story, Ricarda, preparation of the meeting room
... ..."
"I am already in place."

It seems that Richarda has prepared the conference room while teaching the side
apprentice of the lower grades who are already in the dormitory after finishing the
school place. I did not notice because I was reading a book at a multipurpose hall.

As we headed for the transition team, three escort knights came out. Then take the
position to wait for the Lord who appears in the transition team.

"Has your mother also been together?"

157 | 2523
Charlotte raised a surprise voice. Aub was not the only one who came to the dormitory
with the transition team. I did not think that he was also a foster mother, and I was
also surprised. The foster mother saw us with a blue-colored eye with shades similar
to Charlotte, then after sitting at my cheek, I sighed.

"The story with Dr. Hirschle is important to Ehrenfest, and I have to accompany him."
"Because I was busy with a separate incident, it was Florentia that I saw a report
arriving from the dorm this year."

My adoptive father told me that I shrugged my shoulders. While Matthias advocated

pursuing earlier in the process of purging, it seems that he was a foster mother, not a
foster parent, who had been reading reports from the House of Peers.

We head for the conference room that Richarda had prepared, and we will talk about
the story before meeting with Hill Sur. Wilfried, who finished the practical skills after
having bought a breath, joined the preparations of tea preparation by the side staffs.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

"The story is about to come, Wilfried. I seem to be doing my best and my mother is
"I did not think that mothers are with us"

In the words of Villefried, the foster mother laughed with couscous, "Because
everyone really says the same thing."

"Did you have a serious report on the day you moved, so the Order of Knights was
busy not to mention Jill Vesters, so I decided to read the report of everyone, but one
after another I was really surprised at the report that I received ... "

In the third grade, all the stakeholders from the first day of lecture got a great deal of
protection from God. And, because of that, the adjustment of my magical power ceased
to work, and on the next day I scattered blessings with Fespiel in the practical skill of

As soon as Hill Sur receives the visit request. There is even a consultation about
announcing a method to increase the protection of the gods, at the request of visiting
from the dormitory supervisor who can do with "nothing to be noted" in the usual

158 | 2523
It seems that the foster mother consulted with his father and father, who is the head
of the knight, and also to his mother, judging that it was over by his hand at this point.

When a report came and blessed the place of collection on the soil day and a report
came and stroked the chest, the emergency request that the blessing may be
overflowing at the afternoon of the week at the afternoon of the week " A large amount
of empty magic stones will be requested. Foster mother seemed to have been in

"In addition, the magic stone was filled with magical powers and it came back soon.
In the afternoon of that day, I contacted the Knights and gathered the magic stones of
the sky, while leaving the schedule open, I made a schedule Hill I had made a meeting
time with Mr. Sur and I had the civil service write a wooden bill. "

If I was worried about the donation dance while making various arrangements, it
seems that a report saying "I was able to prevent the blessing from overflowing, but
gathered attention by shining a lot of magic stones."

... ... When listening objectively, I do not know what is going on.

"So, it's about publishing a way to get the protection of the gods, but how do you think
"I think that it is a good idea to publish a part, basically because Mr. Hill sur Mr.
Hirschle advocates all the time, the circumstances surrounding Ehrenfest are not very
good, the numbers that raised the ranking abruptly I heard that bad reviews increased
all at once in the year. "

The Arubs and their wives attending the Lord 's Council, civil servants who pick up
surrounding rumors and side work harden their expression a little.

"The upper territory needs something to apply to the lower territory? Now, since the
magical power is basically insufficient in any territory, it is quite efficient to conserve
magical power by getting protection, and you can turn it into the territory If so, will a
little change the relationship with the surroundings? "

Of course, in order to use magical power for the territory improvement of relations
with the temple becomes important. If the aristocrats enter and leave the temple even
though they are reluctant for the ceremony, I think that the way the temple is changed
will change a little.
159 | 2523
"I heard that the harvest has increased since Froebel Tak imitated Ehrenfest and the
lord of the lord came to go to the direct jurisdictions, but in an atmosphere that can
not be said to have entered and leave the temple very much, That story does not
spread, right? "

The story that Rudiger, who was a candidate for the lord of Fröbel Tak, participated
in the ceremony of the temple and filled the land with magical power was reported at
the social gathering, but he told me that he had never been taken up as a topic such as
a tea party think. At least, I have not heard such a topic at a tea ceremony.

"Yes, even in socializing with just men, Ruduiger remembers that he ceremonially
entered and entered the temple and did not say the word that she is grateful for
"I also did a tea party with subordinate territories and middle territory, but I have not
heard of the story that candidate lords ceremonialized from the noble families of
Fröbel Tak. I do not hear the cousin sisters held by Dietlinde Was it a little talked
about? "

In the words of Wilfried and Charlotte, the adoptive father and foster mother also
looked up on their faces.

"It is the same thing at the Lord's Conference. Although I was thankfully ordered by
Constansee's sister at the dinner party gathered at the inner ring, I did not say that
Fröbel Tak is in and out of the temple in the place where all the lords gather. "
"Froebel Tak who is falling on the bottom of the middle territory in a standing order
would probably want to avoid doubtful eyes on the territory, but if the elder brothers
speak there, it is directed to Ehrenfest The bad rumors could be dispelled
considerably. "

Alem and his wife at Ehrenfest and Aru and Mrs. Fröbel Tak are brothers and sisters.
As the relationship is deep, the influence on each other will be greater both when it is
bad and when it is good. As Ehrenfest has done so far, it is natural that if you are a
subordinate territory you should think about yourself as the first to take care of it as
not to be dragged by bad rumors around you.

"So, I think that it would be good to send information on how to get the protection of
the gods as a basis for negating the bad reputation of the adoptive father.Of course, I

160 | 2523
do not mean to publish everything, I think that it is enough that only the unbroken
part is enough Although it is "
"Well, see you then."

"Arub-Ehrenfest, Professor Hill Sur was coming"

By the time the rough meeting was over, Hill suru came. I feel that both the fostering
foster parents and Hirschur atmosphere are hard.

"I have not been to a long time, Aub Ehrenfest"

"Because I do not match the face very much in opposition against the territory"

As the foster mother smiled so as to ease the hard expression of the two, they entered
between the two.

"It was really helpful to have an invitation from Dr. Hill Sur, as a principle of the House
of Lords, we can not get out of here."
"Yes, I was saved ... ... And then, I wanted to apologize properly once I looked at her,
my mother did not do something that was not done, I feel merciful myself I did not
know until taught by Ferdinand"

Hill suru lightly breathed and waved his head.

"We have already received an apology in the letter, it is not something Albu is easy to
lower his head in front of others, Jill Vestar."
"Ferdinand has headed to Ahrensbach and I am planning to pay the grant properly
from now on, but I heard that the assistance from Ehrenfest was not answered,"

Is not it because I do not feel forgiven? Hill suru shook his head with a smile with

"I can not receive assistance even though I can accept it, but since I do not do post-
treatment even if I keep silent, my money will be fine in future. It is likely that there
will be many problems that will not be rewarded with a little money That is why I am
surprised to think that it will be convenient for them to support them only when
needed, even though I have not had any assistance so far. "

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As I said that, Hill suru saw me. My adoptive father also looked at me and said, Well,

"What if after Rosemain graduated?"

"Well, let's think about that matter at that time."

...... It returned in a palm of hands! Is it?

"It is cool to decide that there is no change in my belief, Mr. Hill Sur !?"
"Oh, my beliefs are all for research, Rosemain-sama"

I drop the strength of the shoulder where Hirschle that shines the eyes of Kirari and
purple does not change at all. While laughing with a cook, the adoptive father tapped
me on the shoulder lightly.

"Every year, as the problem grows every year, will you be able to understand Dr.
Hirschle as a Rosemain?"
"Wow, is everything so hard every year?"

Although I do not miss the contents to be reported every year, I did not think that the
difficulty is increasing so much. My surroundings became stunned face by my words,
Wilfried shook my shoulders, "Are you saying seriously?"

"Rosemain, when the first grader seems to be full of problems, there is no caller's call,
there is a call in the middle when the second grader, third grader is a visiting meeting
in a week.The magnitude of the problem is accelerated Do not you think that it is
increasing? "

I complained to Wilfried's complaint that I might be so if I told you so. But there are
things I want you to refute.

"I do not want you to raise a problem separately and I think that it is completely force
majeure for this year.That I gave a lot of protection in rituals because I was working
as a temple of temple It is the result that blessings jumped out in the practical skill of
music because it was impossible to control magical power with Stap and it was not
the result of striving to suppress blessings because it was conspicuous in practice of
votive dance ... Then, I think that the person who changed the curriculum program
without permission is bad! "

162 | 2523
When I hold the fists and insist on all their strength, Hill Sur keeps the temple just like

"There are only girls here, but it's not a dignified criticism of the king, Rosemain."
"Well, I mean the king is the fault that I am having troubled!"

When I looked back on Hill Sur, Wilfried shook his head to sigh.

"Rosemain, I was told to shut my mouth"

"Oh, yes, I am sorry"

...... The King's criticism is only in mind. King's stupid!

If the apology to Hill Sur dies, it is dinner. And a detailed story is done again after
meals. Since there are foster parents and foster mothers, meal times are divided
between the lord families and other students today.

"This is not a critic but a request, but ..."

I watched Hirschle after giving a firm introspection.

"Since there is a big change in the flow of magical power and consumption magical
power since getting a staple like me, control of magical power becomes very difficult,
so the practical skills to get stap and the gods of gods are like the old days I think that
it is better to return it before graduation. "
"Because students like Rosemain rarely come out ..."

As I say so, Hill Sur raises the merit of earning Stap as soon as possible. Without Stap,
I have to prepare a lot of magical tools to turn to Stap, and also consume much magical
If you have Stap, the efficiency of magical power consumption increases and the scope
of what you can do widens widely, so you can make minor a role of the territory. It
seems that there is a big advantage in getting the staple ahead of schedule when the
aristocrat declines with the cuckoo.
Especially, it seems that it was important for the time when blue priests and shaman
raised students from various places entered the aristocrat in special cases.

163 | 2523
"But in the future it will not be the case.The compression method of magical power
has changed in Ehrenfest and the number that can get protection can be changed by
action and prayer.If you get a Stap before you end the growth period I think that the
number of students will increase. "

The most dangerous thing is Rohdrich. It became all attributes due to the influence I
gave to my name, and it is still at the height of growth period. Depending on the
extension of magical power, there is a possibility that it can not be controlled with the
current stap.

"If you increase magical powers by the end of the growth period and increase the
number of people who can obtain protection, you may be able to obtain better quality
Stap.The best way to obtain Stap is only once for each person, It is hard for us to live
with Stap which does not suit me for a long time. "

There is still the content of the lecture that I had done without a stop if it is now, and
some teachers who know the way of teaching will be information that will be easily
lost if generation alternation progresses. In that case, I will be unable to return next if
I want to return.

"I can prepare even without tapping as I was taught by Ferdinand before getting Stap
but even with Wilfriit's older brothers and Charlotte, even the civil servants Hartmuts
have no staple I do not know how to prepare, naturally how to make magic tools
necessary for formulation will gradually be forgotten.I think this is quite a big
problem. "
"...... Let's tell the royalty that there was such a word for once."

After having dinner with criticism of the name of request, we are talking in the
conference room again. The main agenda is about confirming the situation where
Ehrenfest is situated and publicizing the way to get protection.

There is a talk about Hirschle from the lords at the House of Peers and Ehrenfest in
the center, and it is said that it is quite tough.

"It was a long and fierce competition, the wounds were great both in the winning team
and in the losing group, because Ehrenfest is almost equal to the damage and so on,
the surrounding eyes will certainly be tough."
164 | 2523
In the view of the Ehrenfest side, I managed to do what I was told in the center and
this is also a serious problem, although I'd like to complain about it, the neighboring
territory seems to be more serious.

"I would like to make top priority on improving relations with the surroundings, but
I also have concerns."
"It seemed that the Central Knight's Headmaster made Ferdinand a lot like an enemy."

Hirsur was breathlessly breathing anxiously. Ehrenfest, not Ferdinand individual's

name comes out, not everyone becomes a bad face.

"Has there been any contact between Ferdinand and the head of the central knight?"

I frowned at my adopted words. The adoptive father does not know that Ferdinand is
the fruit of Adal Gisa and that the Central Knights Grandmaster knows that. Perhaps
he does not even know Hill Sur. I shook my head slowly.

"I do not know the reason.Other people who are searching for Ehrenfest will ask about
expanding trends and trading frame, secret of improving grades, whether rumors are
true or not, but only the knight leader I will only ask questions about Ferdinand and
Rosemain by name and I think that it is better to take care. "

I remember the chief of the knight we met at the library. It would be the person who
told Ferdinand to be Adal Gisa's fruit and to go to Ahrensbach. And now I send my first
wife as a senior librarian to the librarian of the House of Lords to obtain my

"Since the enemy is full of surroundings, please disclose the way to get the protection
of the gods so that you can help a little even socialize, this is also an instruction from
Prince Anastigius"

Ehrenfest's socialization is of subordinate territory, it seems that it does not match

the current ranking which became high rank. It seems to be asking for behavior that
seems to be a high-ranking territory.

"The prayer words when putting magical power into the magical tool of the temple is
what Ehrenfest does on its own, it is suitable for the research content of Rosemain,
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the temple ruler, and if successfully announced, Ehrenfest It is possible to raise the
appraisal of the thing that it is good.When it is announced solely by Ehrenfest, it is
possible that credibility can not be obtained.There are many people who can obtain
protection of Angleev by Dunkel Ferger As we are talking to Ruffen earlier on, we
should consider it a joint research with Dunkel Ferger. "

If partly as a collaboration study with Dunkel Ferger, Hirschle said that credibility of
the research itself will rise.

"Dr. Hill Sur, thank a lot of advice"

"... If you do something wrong, there is a possibility that Dunkel Verger will be
deprived of the research itself, a little doubt, you are not a student, you are an awb,
take a word of my central nobleman words It is not something to do. "

His adoptive way of saying Hirschle gave a bitter smile to his adoptive father.

"Continue to embrace Ferdinand, what is it that I and two families who trust Rosemain
now do not trust me?"

Hill sur leesed over the strength of his shoulders and laughed a little, listening to his
adoptive words with a face that looked stunned.

"Although I am sweet as to say so ... ... It was nothing more than I knew that your
essence had not changed since I graduated. Like Florentiaia, Jilvezer, thank you very
much for a long time ago I was the one who did something that was not done. "

His father stopped with a desperate form of "Hold Stop!" Hirschle who begins to talk
about the adoptive father's school days. Wilfriver from anywhere, Wilfriit and
Charlotte keep watching their mouths and trying to make you laugh with the two who
became atmosphere of teacher and student.

"Dr. Hill Sur, Dr. Jill Vestar is struggling with the children who are doing more and
more beyond the end, for a while it will be hard for the teachers to suffer."
"Florentia ... ...."

After laughing happily with Hill Sur as "as usual we are weak for Florentia," he
squeezed his expression.

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"The value of Rosemain's sama, like the witness of ceremonial rituals of Wilfriet-sama,
who got protection from Mr. Wilfleit or more, the amount of magical power to bless
easily, was shown in a visible form of candidate lords of another territory. The
possibility that Virfriit is aimed at is also increasing, because if you do not have an
opponent it will be resolved even if you dislike your engagement. "

A story flies to where I did not expect, everyone takes a breath and watches Villefried.
Wilfried who received a gaze swung his head with a smile.

"I do not have any problems. It was warned by my uncle that I could happen. It was
possible that I could not be here as a candidate for a lord without Rosemain than
anything else You can do things like protecting yourself. "

Rosemain also had a lot of amulets from his uncle, so Hill Sur and the foster mother
held himself in the villfleet who had said with a smile that it would be okay.

"Villefried, it is only for a moment that we can protect fiance Rosemain with our own

He nodded, Hirschur looked towards his adoptive father.

"It is the role of the lords to protect treasure of your own territory, expect it for your
skill, Jill Vestar"

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After Hill suru left, the adoptive father slowly looked around the room and breathed

"It seems there was advice from the royal family, so I think it would be better for him
to carry out research in collaboration with Dunkel Ferger, but it is the one who is
actually studying at the House of Lords to conduct research in the future. Rosemain,
who is also a candidate for lords and also the temple, will be the center of the process,
and how will Rosemain think about collaborative research? "
"Well .... If Dunkel Verger is the best we have to combine with some of the territory to
raise the credit and favorability of Ehrenfest, I am the best."

My adoptive father looked at me with a dark green eye.

"What is the reason for choosing Dunkel Ferger? In the case of research, is Durevan
Hell more reliable surroundings?"
"Because I am friends with Lady Candidate Hanna Rolle, it is easier to tell stories than
those that do not have friends, because the lord of the cadet and the knight apprentice
doing the old ceremony got protection from multiple relatives It is a big reason to be
suitable for research. "

If studies on magic tools and magic teams, streets may be better in the neighborhood
with Drevenhel. However, the research content of this time concerns protection of the
gods. It will not be a sample in Drevenhel.

"In addition to that, in Dunkel Ferger there is Clarissa who is a fiancée of Hartmut and
wishes for my aides, so it is easy to progress collaborative research, and if
collaborative research results are to be achieved, Elienfest It will be easier to call you.

Because Hartmut entered the temple as the chief priest, clarissa relatives would be
willing to cancel the engagement. However, through joint research, the way the view
towards the temple changes somewhat, at least if you can see that the temple of
Ehrenfest is different from the temple of other territory, it may not be solved.

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"Besides, Clarissa is an apprentice for senior citizens of Dunkel Ferger, and if you
marry Hartmut and you come to Ehrenfest you can learn how to socialize the upper
ranks and you are being asked to behave as a higher rank Is not it necessary personnel
for Ehrenfest? "
"I see. I'm urgently needed person, I want to avoid getting my engagement resolved."

It is enough to be pointed out by royalty. Ehrenfest has to acquire behavior as a high-

ranking territory as soon as possible. Only those in the upper rank are those who
know it.
When the adoptive father convincedly consulted with Dunkel Ferger and nodded, this
time the foster mother saw me after telling his civilian to prepare paper and ink.

"Rosemain says to make research content that is not bland, but please tell me about
the bland content and obstacles that you think."
"Yes, first of all, the probability of getting protection can be increased by offering
prayers, then that you can not gain protection unless you pray seriously, then you
need to dedicate magical power to the gods. These are the unimpeachable parts, I
would like to demonstrate the hypothesis in collaboration with Dunkel Ferger. "

I think that we can demonstrate to some extent with the comparison of the knight
apprentice obtained with Dunkel Ferger and those who could not get it.

"However, as Hirschle's sense of concern, I think that it is also necessary for

Ehrenfest's own content to be deprived as a research by Dunkel Ferger, so during the
ceremony, middle and lower levels of magical power The nobles add that they must
fill the magic team with magical power while using recovery drugs. "
"Is it a healing medicine?"

My foster momented to wonder. Since the foster mother is a candidate for a lord, it
should not have been magical team could not meet because magical power is

"The magic team to gain protection is big and complicated, according to Professor
Gundorf when Philline got protection, it is difficult for all aristocrats below middle
level to spread magical powers to all the magic teams, It seems that we will satisfy the
most suitable part with top priority.If you do not make a mistake in prayer to obtain
protection of Ogami that you can get without fail, if you do not completely fill the
magic team while using recovery drug, I do not think we can get protection. "
"I heard it for the first time"
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Foster mother blushed and said so. The curriculum is also divided by the difference
in magical power. Even when performing rituals, it seems that various places are
omitted in magical sense.

"And then, when you supply magical power to the foundation magic, Ewenfest plays
words of prayer, is not it chanting in other territories, I believe this will also be the
reason why Wilfried's older brothers were many How was it with Fravel Turk? "
"I did not cast it in Fleebel Tur, I was a little surprised when I first supplied magical
power with Ehrenfest."

It is said that at Ehrenfest, it is said that fairy mothers have begun to supply magical
power while advocating prayer words as they are told.
As I thought that it was only Ehrenfest, the adoptive blinking blinked eyes saying
"Ehrenfest did not supply magical power with words of prayers from long ago."

"Wow!? Is not it from long ago! Since when is it?"

"From the time when my sister Constantsee got married, my father started to chant. I
think that I was a second-year student or a third grader at the House of Peers .... I think
that was around here."

Unlike anticipation, it was an incredibly new habit. I was quite surprised.

"Did your acquaintance who supplied magical power while praying got protection
from a fellow?"
"... I do not know if that is the cause, but I am getting it."
"What kind of gods do my father have blessed?"

The adoptive father diverts his line of sight while got stuck in words. The foster
mother smiled as she made fun of seeing his adopted father.

"Jill Vestar, this is a question for children, please let me know."

"... ... Ribeski Hill and Glück Rite"

Ribesuk Hillfe is a goddess of marriage who likes mischief and steals threads from
Drefan Goa and is a married goddess that connects men and women, and Gruk Rite is
a god of trials that will give you luck if you overcome the trial.

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...... When thinking that it was a gift that I gained in the era, I only see it as a romance
straight line. I'm sure he was praying as seriously as Philline prays to Mestionora.

"So, Rosemain. What kind of research do you have disrupted?"

"I would like to investigate whether the protection will increase even if I become an
adult after prayer and dedication because my aides frequently go in and out of the
temple, so will the protection increase I would like to investigate. "

Whether Angelica 's relief or Damuel failing to obtain protection at the House of Lords
is a matter of great concern. If Fileline's protection is increasing, there is a possibility
that other people are also increasing.

"I would also like to experiment with the temple of the territory to see if we can obtain
protection in the same way, not at the House of Lords, and if the verification of that
area goes well, I think that we can have a bigger advantage over the surrounding area
as regards protection "

If adults in the territory can get protection, I think that it will be saved considerably
magically. If you say that you are not planning to announce everything completely, the
adoptive father slowly strokes the jaw with a mysterious look.

"But even if we experiment with Ehrenfest, there is no magic team ...... Well, do you
have it?"
"I do not have it yet, but since I drew it on the writing board at the time of the
ceremony, I am going to make it from now."

The magic team drawn on the writing board has already been copied on paper. If you
do make it exactly it will make the magic team itself. If I make it secretly in the
territory, I do not need a pattern to make it misleading so I think I can do it relatively

"There are lots of patterns to misappropriate where you stood in the center of the
magic team and you will not be able to grasp the magic team, it will be even more if
your height is the same." How did you copy it?

I saw it from the top of the stairs and it seemed as if the magic crowd glowed and
emerged with my magical power, so I could easily copy it. It seems that it is not usually
like copying on the spot. Hirschle's mouth knew that it was unusual for a gods statue

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to move with a ceremonial ritual and a way to open. I think that it was better to have
publicly announced it after consulting Ferdinand.

"Rosemain, how did you draw it?"

My adoptive father came out a little. I desperately rotate my head. For the time that
Ferdinand said it could be announced, it misrepresents the truth with a little mixing,
not a lie.

"... ... or the guidance of the gods!"

"Hey? Is it guidance of the gods?"
"Yes, it whispered that God should show it to me"

I laughed with nice. I do not say a lie. Because God opened the way for you to come
over. Not only my adoptive father, but all members in the room including the
aidesides saw a very stinky appearance, so I quickly change the topic.

"By the way, how was the result of purging?"

As soon as everyone was relieved, he turned his eyes towards his adoptive father.
Father adopts his expression. It is also an important project for students at the House
of Lords. I would like an explanation about this.

"As already mentioned, the one-time purge has ended, one who swears loyalty by
dedicating his name to the first wife of another territory, then excluding those who
did wrong and disadvantaged Ehrenfest Besides those who were dedicating
themselves, they are caught and they are under investigation. "

Gokuri and spitting sounds echoed.

According to the explanation of the adoptive father, it seems that it is now being
pursued after-treatment such as interrogation and decision of disposition. Therefore,
it is said that the father, the head of the knight, can not leave Ehrenfest.

"Those who were executed because they were giving a name, first, Giebel Gerlach and
his family ... Then ..."

The name of the person who was executed in what he was dedicating to Georgine from
his adopted mouth is announced. Most of the names I heard from Matthias and
Laurentz are less than ten. I breathed a relief of relief that there were not so many
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who were actually executed. If this is the case, there should not be so many children
who can not survive without giving a name.

"So, if you do not give a name by a student at the House of Peers, those who lose their
lives in a concession are five people, Matthias, Laurentz, Muriela, Bartold and
Cassandra. Others can not be called immediately, but to the family I can go back. "

Bartoldt is scheduled to give a name to Wilfriit and Cassandra to Charlotte, but when
the parents' disposition was decided in this way, I noticed that there were many
children who give a name to me unexpectedly.

"Unfortunately, Giebel Gerlach is suicidal, Bonifatius tried to get in front and thrust in
a stap, but suicide bombs are faster than capture, and listening to the fact that only
those that are likely to prove are left with arms It seems that he judged it to be the
thing of himself from the ring and family crest and the remaining magical power. "

I know that it is Matthias' family. Nevertheless, I was baptized with relief as Gerrach,
who was the chairman of Georgine and who was aiming for me, ceased to exist. The
danger of me and its surroundings has decreased drastically.

"We will make an interrogation and decision of those who are caught during the
winter when they are in the lords, and as for those who cantip with money such as
fines, they will be able to return to their homes when the lords are over The
disposition is heavy and the child who is subject to labor for a while will spend in the
dormitory of the castle until the family's work is finished.This also applies to children
protected at orphanages. "

Pursuing was accelerated ahead of Matthias' advice, but it seems that things are
progressing as the first meeting. Most of the children who were worried that they
could not see their parents will be able to return to their families even if it takes time.

"How many children were gathered at the orphanage, did you bring in food and
"Oh, it looks like Rosemain carefully sees the state of an orphanage, and we have
received a report from Hartmut as regards children in orphanages"

When the adoptive father moved the gaze, one of the civil servants gave me a bunch
of documents. I shall sweep through the bunch of documents. There were 17 children
who entered the orphanage newly, and the name and age, the name of the parent, and
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the feeling of Vilma were written. It seems that there are also many mentally unstable
children. However, due to being brought up as a nobleman, it seems that a child of
about 5 years old has endured the teeth by clenching so that it does not show emotion,
or desperately struggling to cry.

The appearance of the children crying in love with their families came up thinking and
the chest was tightened. I know the sorrow that is separated from my family. When I
was away from my family and remembering myself crying, I was biting my back teeth,
Charlotte asked my foster mother how the child's room was.

"How about children in the children's room?"

"Since serious things happened, once all the children's rooms were gathered in one
place and each family came to pick me up after the purge was over.The purge of this
time is really big, civil servants and side workers Part of it was also participating, so
it was convenient to protect those who collect the children in one place. "

And it seems that the family who was supposed to pick me up was caught and I talked
about purging and talking to the children left in the room. There are really few
children who can not live unless they give a name to their children's room, they seem
to be talking over and over how they want to do from now on.

"...... Foster mother, what happened to Nikolaus?"

My father 's second lady Trudelie' s son Nicolaus hits my brother. I have never seen a
face well, but I occasionally had something to say and I was curious as I turned my

"I am in a prepared children's room, and it was said that Karstead would talk about
how to handle after Trudelíde's disposition was clearly determined"

However, your father ran intensely at the end of the purge and, as a result, it stopped
the suppression of the Lord in the winter after that, it was that it would be after a
while to face Nicolaus.

...... I'm surely willing.

When I think of Nicolaus that I can withstand alone, Villefriit gives a quick look up.

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"I understood that the children are going as scheduled as planned ... ... Have you been
able to look into the memory of those who gave the name to his father, Georgine?"
"... ... several people were able to do, there was no strange memory"

As the Knights headed for them to catch, as soon as they noticed the figure of the
Order, it seems there were many people who bombed themselves. It was easy to kill
as a subjugation, but in order to get a connection and evidence with Georgine it must
be caught alive. It seems that it was very difficult.

"Those who are giving a name to their mothers and former Veronica who only
engaged in injustice were able to catch quickly although there was some resistance,
but the nobles who were giving their name to their sister Some who suicide as soon
as I saw the figure of the Order, some of Bonifatius overdoed it a bit, there was no one
to be caught in the crown, so I could not secure much of a head to look into memory.

When it dies it seems that various restrictions will be applied to peering in memory.
Although Ferdinand was giving instructions and seeing what I would like to see my
memories, I can not give instructions and to see my memory rapidly deteriorate with
the passage of time.

"Besides, there was nothing left to remember, as I remembered that my sister stopped
by Gerrach, they were enthusiastic about the big words about my older sister, but
what my older sister was I heard that he did not understand whether he said that he
was in trouble.A troublingly it seems that the view and the sound were distorted as if
everything was distorted in memory. "
"What is it, can it be done intentionally?"

Is there a law that makes it impossible to see the memories of those who give away
names? My dad gave me a bitter face with my doubts.

"In Matthias's report, remember that there was a word that there was a fire in the
fireplace but the sweet smell was full even though it was the end of the summer?"
"One citadel familiar with the medicine said that it was Toluk, a strong plant with an
action that makes the memory opaque and shows hallucinations, not in Ehrenfest, but
what was taught as a dangerous plant in the aristocracy There seems to be "

After saying that it seems to be used, the adoptive father breathed a tired exhaust.
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"My elder sister is pretty carefully prepared, I felt that I was sticking my hands to
avoid reaching my own, so I am afraid of knowledge to achieve that much obsession
and purpose"

I knew how his deputy-mercyed ministers were treated when they were caught, and
I also tasted the glut of Georgine, who is devising countermeasures so as not to leave
evidence or memory. I can not think of anything like that in so many ways, I can not
think of it.

If I have such a good head, I can not help thinking that I should use more constructive
things without having a head to do something that is not like getting another territory.
There should be many more wonderful things in the world.

Yes ... for example, making libraries, gather stories from all over the world, making

As I was sighing at the obsession of Georgine, Charlotte laughed and smiled Nicoli and
began to comfort his adopted father.

"Your father could not peer into memory and probably did not have any connection
or firm evidence with Georginine, but since we were able to exclude those who gave
a name to Georginene this time Is not it a sufficient result, without pursuing Matias'
advice, purification may have failed? "

As Charlotte looks like a surprised father adopts. Charlotte smiling and looking back
on his adoptive father was very similar to a foster mother.

"Georgine can not do anything with Ehrenfest any more? Because Giebel Gerlach was
also executed, there is no guidance even if you think to get the foundation's magic, so
it falls Let's turn our attention to those who unify Ehrenfest, are not you? "
"... It's as Charlotte said, there are no more people who can do whatever they want,
Rosemain's safety at Ehrenfest will be safe"
"Yeah, I was able to eliminate those who afflicted my sister many times, I am enough."

Charlotte's words not only the adoptive father but also the expressions of the knights
accompanying the Aus and his wife as an escort a little relaxed.

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"Three ghibbes have been executed, so it seems that magical power will run short in
various parts of Ehrenfest for a while, but those who have luckily enough magical
power enter Ehrenfest, praying and thanking God of God of trials You may need it. "

As the adopting father saw me, he laughed a bit and laughed, and when he moved his
hands quickly, he brought a bag containing a lot of magic stones as if a knight was

"It will be okay for a while, let's release the magical power that we have accumulated
so far and lower the compression rate as much as possible, so that the amount of
magical power in the body will be reduced and you will be able to handle magical
power so much without problems "

When I was blinking my eyes without thinking that I could receive such advice from
my adopting father, my adoptive father had a nostalgic face reminiscing old days.

"When Ferdinand, who was a year of the lords, for the first time remembered the
magical compression and compressed like an idiot, magical power increased too
much and it was too lame to handle it, once it used a lot of magical power to compress
I think that the rate has been lowered. "

If my memory is sure, I got very uneasy about being attached, but valuable advice I
held a bag containing a lot of magic stones with a smile.

"Thank you for telling me, I will do it."

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While there are so many people, it is impossible to talk about Rodrigh's name
dedication and increase of attributes by making a payment with his adoptive father.
This time, students who can not live without giving a name must have consulted in
haste as all the ceremonies have already completed the ceremony of obtaining
protection. It does not matter even after I return to Ehrenfest.

When Arub returned to Ehrenfest, I went back to my room and lowered the
compression rate inside the body while putting more and more magical power on the
manastone. Until now I was compressing unconsciously, but from now on it seems
that I have to be careful not to compress it as much as possible.

... ... It is difficult to compress and push the magical power, but it is difficult to spread
thinly unless you are conscious.

Unlike the commoner era which had to connect the life by making a gap in the
instrument that pushes even a little even though it has gaps in it, control seems to be
possible if it reduces the magical power which spreads thinly and leaves it in the


When the magical powers were being released to the manastone steadily, the moment
when the feeling of calm and touch felt like a fur and body got lighter on the way. I
instinctively believe that this is the limit value of Stap, I will sink a little more magical
power into the magic stone.

"Yeah ... ... this will be fine."

...... I'm OK, I wish I could.

The next day, after finishing breakfast, all the students were gathered in the
multipurpose hall. It is to talk about details of purging. The students gathered at the
multipurpose hall knew that Aub and his wife were visiting the dormitory, so

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everyone was in a state of nervousness. Especially the former Veronica children have
strong faces and people with blood draws.

"As you all know, Aubu came last night, the reason for meeting with Mr. Hirschle was
that reason, at the same time, we talked about purging, I would like to tell everyone
about that."

Villefried begins to explain with a dignified attitude looking around everyone.

As originally planned, those who are dedicating to Georginne, the first wife of another
territory, are executed. Then, it is told that other persons will be inquired and that the
disposition will be decided during the winter.

"Those who can not live without name dedication are five people, Matias, Laurentz,
Muriela, Bartold and Cassandra, others can not be called immediately, but they can
return to their families."
"... ... Even if it takes time, I can see my family again."

It was nice that the breath of relief was a freshman who had been rolling around
Léonore. With his words the air that was relieved in the multipurpose hall fills.
I know that it will be relaxed if most people hear that there is no need to give a name,
and I am glad that his family was not a person dedicated to Georgeene.

But Bartoldt and Cassandra, who will lose their families and be bound by their names,
had white faces with blood clutching. When worrying and turning his eyes, they make
a smile making it understand that they are forciving. When I worried, I noticed that
they had to repair their facial expressions and softly gazed away their eyes.

"As for the way we swing ahead this time, including children in orphanages, as I said
before, as for the person who can be stuck with fine, it should be able to return to
home when the lords are over but the disposal is heavy , Children who are subject to
labor for a while will spend in the dormitory of the castle until the family's work is
finished.When there are parts that are not yet clearly defined as what kind of sin, do
not forget it To

When the talk finished, I realized that a smart natural smile fell out of the children
who were nervous and nervous for a long time as if I could never see my family again.
While relieving that the atmosphere became soft, I see the state of my aides. It seems
that he does not look so dissatisfied.

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"Rosemain Mr."

When Matthias and Laurentz approached and approached, Léonore came forward
with a tough look. Brunhild and Rieselter are also expressions of warning, and the
multipurpose hall is surrounded by tension in a moment.
While escorted by escort knights, they kneeled on the spot.

"Our stone is ready, please call us whenever you are ready to receive your name."
"Let's get it early, so please do not worry too much for Leonore, so please prepare the
room for the riser, so that they are both at my aides to see them ? "

As I have already received the name of Rhodelich once, I could receive my name
without much care. My escort knights keep watching in tandem, calling Matthias and
Laurentz one by one, and get their names in turn. The moment of binding with my
magical power seemed quite painful for both of us.

"With this, Matthias and Laurentz are my aides. I would like to thank you as an escort
"Nice to meet you, too"

After receiving the names of the two people and returning to the multipurpose hall,
Muriela came to see Matias and Laurentz looking to envy. I disappointedly sigh in a
state with distance from me.

"I would like to give a name as soon as possible, but I do not have good materials at
"If you have Rosemain's permission, I'd like to accompany you to hunt Muriela's
material on the next Saturday."

I gave permission soon to the words of Matthias and Laurentz. It will be hard to act
with the children who rejoice that their family was saved. I would like to put it in my
aides as soon as possible.

"Well ... Please ... Brunhild, Léonore. Can I call you a gray tier?"
"For Gratia, we need to discuss this before, Princess. What are you going to say?"

Richarda saw me with a tough look.

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"Well ... that ... I do not need to give a name, but are you willing to serve me still ...?"

Akira waved his head immediately in my words.

"Rosemain, Graytier has a family of former Veronica, so we can not serve without a
"That's right, Rosemain, because we are dedicating ourselves, we regard the
surroundings as safe even if they are on Rosemain's side."
"With no guarantee, if you approach the old Veronica 's gray tier, the slander from the
surroundings will get bad and it will be gray tear to make you harsh."

I told you so, and I can be caught a little.

"... At the very least, can not you just take the same way as Theodore to serve the
aristocracy? Is not it difficult for students to have side jobs?"

The castle is still seriously lacking in the hands of the aristocrats. In my words
Brünhild and Riesereser thought with a difficult face. It is probable that the successors
need the education at least as quickly as the two of them are most aware of it.
However, they swung their heads with their difficult face.

"Serving at the House of Lords will be the closest ties to the future in the future.When
thinking ahead, it is the opposite to putting Graytia close to the aides without giving a

In contrast to everyone else I can only step down.

Regardless of the life-threatening Matthias, Gray tier has options. There is no reason
to be able to compel a name devotion. Rhodderich said that he showed his loyalty to
his Lord who declared his name as this person and that he ordered all of himself
including his life. I can not imagine Grethier has enough preparedness and loyalty.

"Do not give up unless there is an offer to serve even if you give a name from the
direction of Gretier"

Today 's morning is a lecture on candidate lords. Heading to the room of the lecture
with the aides who carried the baggage such as the gold powder and the city's design
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drawing made in the last lecture. Although I will break up with my aides in front of
the room, Richard hands the necessary luggage for the lecture one by one, making me
feel uneasy.

"Princess, are you OK? I still have gold powder ... ...."
"It's okay, it's my baggage, I will hold it myself."

The result of advancing the course only by one person is this big baggage. There are
painful amounts of luggage to hold alone, such as design drawings, gold dust, and
future demonic stones. Originally, it should be able to bring in little by little. It is not a
course that will result in situations where candidates for lords are crushed by luggage.

"Rosemain, let's move here, it's obviously impossible for me to have it alone."

Vilfriit picks up a bag containing a magic stone from me and holds the bag of gold
powder that Richarda had.

"Thank you, Mr. Villefriit, my brother."

Inside the desk where the small boxy garden was lined up, headed to the desk with
the platform, I put only the design drawing next to the box. Wilfried's older brother
puts the bag with gold powder and manastone.

"Greetings, Rosemain, Wilfried-sama"

"Good evening, Mr. Hannaore"

Greeting to Hannaore in the next seat, Wilfried leaves the place to talk with his friends.
When I was waiting for Vilfried to leave as I thanked, Hannero looked at me giggly and

"Wilfried-sama is gentle to help carry baggage like this, it is a wonderful fiancé envy."

I was unexpectedly waving my head as I was watching with my eyed eyes. I and
Wilfried are not in a relationship to see with such eyes.

"Because my luggage seems to be crushed in my physique, will you help me if

Hannorore is in trouble with Restz Lout?"

Hannorore who smiled a little far smiled with a smile.

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"Well, yes, I think my brother will call for my side for me"

...... Does that mean you do not carry on your own?

"Beyond that, I have something I would like to ask Rosemain, have you not been taken
to the library recently? I gave myself to Schwarzs at the library yesterday afternoon, I
was surprised to hear that it was called "Hime-sama."
"Huh? Hannaore's sama!"

It seems that Hannorore has become an administrator before Altansia became an


"Because the new librarian was included in the library, it was said that I should not
supply magical power in order to change the administrator of Schwarzs."
"Well ... in ... ... I am ... ...."
"Mr. Sorangju said that we would like to continue to cooperate with our cooperators,
but did you not hear stories when you supply magical power?"

Both of them have a librarian. I think that either is certainly in the reading room. If he
goes to supply magical power as many times as the manager changes, he will have
seen the appearance of Altansia and Sorangju should have warned about a word.

"Because I was in a hurry because I do not have time to read, just for the supply of
magical power of Schwarzs, there is no entry into the reading room. A new librarian
comes and changes the administrator It was a place ...... "
"Is not Dunkel Verger still finished registering freshmen?"
"I heard that today's lunch break"

...... Oh, I feel something really bad!

"Did not you think to talk to Mr. Sorangju at the time called Yume yesterday?"
"Because I thought that Rosemain would return soon if it supplies magical powers, I
did not think that it would be so serious."

I felt a strange feeling while holding a head with two people saying, "What shall I do."
Although Hannaore is a candidate for a lords of the upper rank and will have a lot of
magical power, Ortansia is also a senior librarian in the center. If Altansia is devoting
magical powers everyday, it is unlikely that the administrator will become Hanna Lore
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very easily. That is why I think that Soranju did not say that it would stop stopping the
magical power supply of collaborators.

"It is necessary for us to contact the library to discuss how to deal with it, because
Hannorore did not feel bad, and the library side said that they wanted help from the
collaborators, It will not be so serious. "
"Well, I will send Aldanants and consult it."

Egrantine came in when the story with Hanna More came down. It is the start of a
lecture. Where everyone else dyed Okabane area with his own magical power and
fertilized the land, I submitted a design drawing of the ideal library for Egranthine.

"Oh, Rosemain, where do you see from this design map, that is to make the whole town
a library?"
"Yes, this is my ideal city."

When I answered with my heart breaking up, Egrantine smiled with bitter smile while
muttering, "I can not say that it is not very practical."

...... The face of Eglantine says "It's bad for a child to break his dreams" is becoming a
face! Is it?

I rush and add explanations to my city's design drawing.

"It is practical, it is properly organized, the right side from the highway and the
docking station on the right side is the commercial area and the left is the industrial
area.Create commercial areas and books to sell by selling books from various places
There is an industrial area, and this is a sightseeing area where lodging facilities and
restaurants are lined up for people visiting libraries from various places ... "
"Let's make it at once"

... ... I was shed! Is it?

"Mr. Rosemain is here"

I was taken to the Egranthine and brought to the back room further. There was a small
room with only one magic team.
184 | 2523
"Please fill this magic team with magical power, filling enough magical power will give
you the name of the god of darkness and the goddess of light"
Apparently it seems that the name of the highest god is not one, so the researchers
who listened to the candidate who got the name of the supreme god to try to verify in
the past got disappeared by being wrapped in gold and dark flames Candidate
candidate who leaked the name of God can not give blessing or protection even if he
advocates the name of the supreme god, there remains an anecdote that the lord of a
lord has been dropped. "

...... What, that's scary!

"Please also be careful not to inadvertently raise Rosemain-sama, so that others will
not listen.No I will stay in that room, so please remember when you remember"

In the words of Egranthine I nod and knock. Regarding the name of the supreme god,
Ferdinand was also considerably handled carefully. I did not mention it even in an
intensive course. I thought why, did there have such a scary reason?

I confirmed that Egrantine left the room, I kneel on the magic team. I put my hands on
the magic team and took the position of the usual prayer.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

Pouring magical power into the magic team while praying. I do not feel filled even if I
pour into magic team that is not so big.

...... It was good after this lecture to reduce magical power. The timing is bad.

I explored my waist with one hand and picked up recovery medicine. I will drink at
once by entering the gentleness, pouring magical power steadily and steadily.
Among them, there was a voice that sounded directly in my head. The name of the
supreme god comes floating so that it can be written with light in the mind.

...... God of darkness is Sick Zantrahat and the goddess of light is fairy spirit.

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It is long and hard to remember, it is the name of the gods that always struggle, but as
for the supreme god it seems to be written directly in the brain, I do not feel like

"The supreme god who controls the high air which is high tea is the god of darkness
Sick Zantrahat, the goddess of light of Fair Sprade"

As soon as I misunderstood the name of the supreme god who floats clearly in my
mind, Stap appeared without permission on my right hand.


The golden light rising from the magic line and the black of the darkness are sucked
in to my staple floating in the air. I have a feeling that magical power will flow into my
body whether it is connected with me although it is a staple that floats in the air and
is leaving my hand. It is my magical power that was pouring into the magic team, I do
not feel so uncomfortable, but feeling refluxed is a little disgusting I do not get used to

...... Please let me know if this is such a surprising experience, Egrandine!

It seems that while shouting to Egrantine in my heart I breathed in all the light. The
light coming up from the magic team has gone.

"What was it?"

Immediately after so muttering, the golden light and the black of the darkness jumped
out of the staple, going up as drawing a helix to twist, disappearing as if sucked into
the ceiling.


Of course, most of the magical power left in the body, as well as the magical power
that came in, was robbed in a moment. I could not maintain my kneeling position due
to sudden change of magical power, I got into the spot. If you reach out to the medicine
holder in the waist promptly like a sense that it looks like a white anterior look like
anemia, drink a recovery medicine with tenderness at a stroke.

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While sitting for a while and waiting for recovery, I heard the voice of an awful
Egrantine from the other side of the door.

"Rosemain, it seems that it takes a long while, is it okay?"

"I used recovery medicine as if I used too much magical power.I am waiting for
recovery now, please wait a little more until I can move"
"Is it OK to move? May I open the door?"

The voice of Egrantine became a panic, and the other side of the door began to make
it awkward. It is troubling that everyone can sit down on the floor and can not move.
It is a very unspoiled position as a candidate for a lord.

"No, it's fine, so please wait."

"Rosemain, it's me, have you fell?"
"It's just a decrease in magical power, because I drank Ferdinand-san's recovery drug,
I will be able to move right away."
"... .... That's it.

I learned that Vilfried will leave the spot with a voice as convincing. It tells Eglantine
that you do not need to worry and it seems to be soothing.

"... ... Is it OK for now?"

Shake my limbs and move it, and I stand up slowly. It is likely to move without
problems. Lightly hit the skirt, putting out a slightly disturbed hair by hand combing
and left the small room.

"Rosemain, body is ... ...."

"It's okay, because I used magical powers at once, I only took time to recover, I
remembered the name of Supreme God, what should I do after this?"

I appeal that I can receive a lecture without problems, and smile at an anxious
Egrantine breathed lightly as I gave up and brought my garden into a small room. It
seems to be done in this room so that other people will not hear the name of Highest

"... ... let's do Entwickeln.This is the magic team used for Entwickeln. Entwickeln need
all attributes."
187 | 2523
Egranthine will explain, but I know it all. It was that he was beaten up by Ferdinand's
intensive lecture. Change Stap with "Stillo", draw a magic cheer with magical power
in the air, and put the gold powder there. When the magic team is completed, put the
design drawing there while casting the spell. Paper for writing this design drawing is
a magic tool prepared with magical powers.

"Please do not draw this magic team big so that there is no mistake and then make it
smaller according to the size of the building"

Elegantine leaves the cabin after explaining the procedure and giving the paper on
which the procedure is written.
I performed Entwickeln according to the procedure and created my ideal city in the
box yard. Looking like this, the scale is small, but it is exactly the same as when
Ferdinand made a small temple.

"Mr. Egrantine, I made it!"

"Oh, I succeeded at once, so will I make a boundary gate here?"

Practice practicing making boundary gates by attaching to the garden court made by
Egrantine as an example. The boundary gate is a stuff that can only be made by Alba
of neighboring territories after giving permission, and it is a feeling that they work
together. It is a feeling to fix and fix a hole in the barrier at the same time with a magic
team from both.

"Although the border gate is always open to allow entry and exit, the border gate is
basically closed because it does not open without permission of both king and aub.
Ehrenfest certainly has a border gate on the east? Have you seen it? "
"No, there is not yet, but Kirunberga is going to visit next spring, so I'd like to see it
well once."

I was able to make the boundary gate safely and I finished the lecture of the candidate
lords the fastest.

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"Rosemain says quite quickly the lecture of candidate lords is finished. I am really

After saying that, Eglantine said "After finishing the lecture, I asked if you would invite
me to a tea ceremony?" I asked.

"I am very sorry, but from now on I will have to take a civil service course, it will soon
be difficult."
"Well, let's have a tea ceremony around the end of the civil service course."

While nodding with a smile, thinking in the mind that the tea party with Dunkel Ferger
takes priority over the tea party with Egrantine. I have to talk about collaborative
research with Dunkel Ferger and there is discussion with Clarissa. It is also necessary
to talk about the fact that the Lord of the Black Footstock has changed to Hannaore. I
noticed it when I thought about it.

"Well, Mr. Egrantine, the change of the manager of the magician of the library was a
royal project, was not it? It seems that it was necessary to get in touch with Mr.
Ortansia ... ...."

Hannorre next door to my words shook my shoulders shivering. It is said that "I have
not heard that it is a royalty project." In addition to being a royal project, Ortansia is
the first wife of the central knights. Before talking to the library, it is better to talk to
the royal family Egranthine once.

"Actually, I am an administrator of Schwarz in the library ... ...."

I mentioned that Hannorore had been supplying magical powers before entering the
reading room, that Sorangju said that they wanted cooperators to cooperate, that
there was no explanation from the library side, Hannero delivered in good faith I just
cooperated, but I report that I became an administrator.

"Mr. Hanenero to the manager ... ...?"

"I am sorry, Mr. Egrantine, I do not know that it will be such a thing ..."

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Next to a pale Hannaore, I will help Hannellore.

"Hannalee did not feel bad."

"Well, I understand that not only Mr. Rosemain, but Hanna Rolle had a great deal of
cooperation, you can understand why Sorangju was very happy about the presence of

Egrantine apologized for Hannaore 's smile, "Thank you for supplying a lot of magical
powers." I found out that the power came out of the shoulder of Hannaore, who was
biking about what rogue comes from the royal family.

"Dr. Eglantine, I was a little worried about the story of Mr. Hannaore, but is not it
enough for Mr. Ortansia's magical power? If you supply magical power to Schwarzs
everyday, how much is Mr. Hannero I do not think that even excellent candidate lords
will become administrators. "
"There are lots of magical tools in the library, so it may be that there was a magical
tool that gives priority to Schwarzs"

I tilted my head to Hannaore 's words. Schwarzz and Weiss are quite important in
library work. I think it strange to postpone it. Especially, it is time to change
administrator with words from royalty.

"Thank you for your concern, Rosemain, Mr. Hannallole. In the past I heard that more
than three librarians were necessary for senior librarians.Although there is a limit to
magical power alone, what kind of state is it now, Let 's listen to the library librarian
from here as well. "
"My best regards, Mr. Egrantine ... ... Maybe this should have talked to Prince

Hildebrandt, as a royalty, studied at the House of Lords and when he changed the
manager, he should have said that "you can fulfill his duties".

"I will talk to Prince Hildebrand from here, so it's okay."

I also asked Eglintine for Hildebrand's correspondence. As a result of the parents'

guidelines, contact with the royal family should have been kept to a minimum.

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"Rosemain-san, thank you for talking to Professor Egranthine, it's something I did not
think it was a royal project ..."

Reporting to the library and calls coming from the royal family, Hanna Rolle muttered
that it might have made a big noise including including Aub, I felt very sorry.

"I remembered that the royal family came in when I changed the manager, since I have
the most face-to-face relationship in the lecture, I should have told Hannorore about
the events in the library from me .I am terribly sorry"
"No, there is not such thing as I should have entered the reading room and greeted the
"Both of you both do not have the biggest negligence on the side of the library
neglected, so it's okay not to worry too much"

Egrantine watching the two of us apologize and smiles with couscous.

"Well, Mr. Egrantine, I think it will be a story ahead but ..."

So pretending, I will tell you to study about rituals that will gain protection for
Egranthine. And I also told that Hannerol wants cooperation of Dunkel Ferger.

"Is it a collaboration with Dunkel Ferger?"

The two of us gathered their eyes together.

"Yes, I heard that there are many knights apprentices getting multiple protections in
Dunkel Ferger, I'd like to cooperate in order to know the situation other than
Ehrenfest, from all of the many gods The royalty seems to think that it is important
for nobility to obtain protection ... "

While looking at Egrantine, smiling a bit with the words from Anastasisus smiling with
a smile on Hannaore.

"Since I heard stories about what has been done in Dunkerfelger for many years and
summarize it as a research, I thought that it would be better for me to make it into a
form of collaboration.Of course there will be consultation with Aub The answer is fine
at the time of the tea ceremony. "
"Okay. Let's consult with Aubu."

191 | 2523
With that kind of touch, I am assaulting the civil service course while keeping the
research root. After finishing the Lord Candidate Course I went to the teacher of the
civil service course one after another after returning to my room.
Because we had to prioritize the Candidate Candidate Course, I could not participate
on the first day of the Civil Service course and I could not take the exam on the first
day. Therefore, we have to make an individual examination reservation.

... ... If you can not finish early, you will not make it in time for a tea party with Dunkel

Although it was the purpose of enriching the magician of the library, it was supposed
to do unexpected research, so it seems that the living in the aristocracy will be pretty
busy. You'd better finish the lecture as soon as possible.

The Civil Course consists of a common lecture for studying magic tools, studying the
magic team in detail, reading lectures on old documents, lectures on gathering
information and organizing materials, lectures on herbal medicine and medicine, and
doing something close to medicine There is a lecture on choosing to take lectures that
fit your taste.

As none of this has already been prepared with Ferdinand, I think that I can win a
passing unless I have a good deal.

...... Hopefully the teachers' schedule is free.

If the teacher can not afford, we will not conduct individual exams, so this time is a
divine dependence. It seemed there was worth asking, soon reply from Gundorf came.
Gundorf is responsible for three lectures on the civil service course, so I'd like to end
it all at once.

"Thank you for taking the time, Mr. Gundorf"

"Oh, Rosemain, please go here"

I had Philline and Rodderich take the ingredients for preparation necessary for
practical clothes in a basketball clothes and stepped into Gundorf's laboratory in the
192 | 2523
special building of the civilian. Although Hill Sur's laboratory was also clumsy, quite a
variety of things are scattered here as well. Writing desks are tough, but where is the
same laboratory that only the table for formulation is beautiful?

"Let's start with the blend immediately"

There was one that divides magical powers by common practice, but the civil courses
become somewhat more advanced, there are some practical skills to separate magical
power for each attribute and to start from material making further by matching it. I
have reduced magical power with magic stones that my adopted father had given me,
so I can prepare it without difficulty with my Stap.

...... Thank you, thank you, adopted!

Gundorf gazes at the beard while watching the appearance of making medicine for the
task by putting ingredients in the mixing pot one after another. Even though I am
accustomed to preparation, one-on-one exams are pretty nervous.

"Is Rosemain used to spell time shortening magic team?"

"Because I'm weak, as a body is weak, recovery medicine is essential. Even though I
have to make lots of things, Ferdinand has taught me for a long time because of the
long formulation in this physique."

Now I want to finish as many lectures as possible, so I can not spend much time
preparing one more preparation. The time reduction magic team is a big success.

"Did Rosemain make your own medicine?"

"Yes, because Ferdinand taught me that I can make my own medicine by myself ....
Thanks to that, even if Ferdinand goes to Ahrensbach, I have no trouble "

Gundorf shook himself, saying, "It does not mean that," smiling when you can not
leave it to parents forever.

"It is something normally left to civilian aides such as medicine formulation etc. There
is a lot of things that must be done before creation of a medicine for lord candidate

...... How! Is it? Making medicine is a civil service 's job! Is it? It's a first tear!

193 | 2523
Feldinand was doing all the medicine making. As I was being told "You can not make
your own medicine as much as you?", I thought that medicine is my basic work by
myself, but I will leave ordinary lord candidate students to civilian civil servants It
seems to be the original figure.

I swung my head as soon as I thought about making Phyline and Rodelich to make
medicine. With Hartmut it is impossible for both of them.

"Because the medicine Ferdinand has prepared for me is special made, it requires
things like magical power and valuable materials, senior civil service may be able to
make it somehow"
"What kind of medicine is it?"
"... ... The recipe is, of course, a secret, I can do it, is this OK?"

I shed a Gundorf question lightly and I showed the finished medicine. Just looking
lightly gnuddoru nodded.

"There is no element that fails, stable magical power which is completely

uninterrupted even if we use the magic team of the familiar movement and shortening
time, Please prepare others with that condition."

I chat with Gundorf while preparing. The most interesting thing seemed to be a
ceremony of protection, and various questions were asked.

"As for the questions around us there are instructions from the royal family and it is
supposed to be announced in the game against the territory, so please do not forget
to give it in. If you can get permission from Dunkel Ferger, make a joint research and
make a presentation It is becoming.

I can not answer with my own being, and wearing the authority of the upper ranks on
the shade, I shut out Gundorf's question.

"In the case of research, it is more efficient to do with Drevenhel ... ...."
"If it is a study of magic tools and magic teams, Durevanhel will be better, but for the
sake of protection it seems that there is no one who got more protection from
Dreveinhel ... ...."
"Mumu ... ... Then, let's study magical tools"

194 | 2523
It seems that he has not given up at all if he thinks he gave up. I was invited to Gundorf
to enter and exit this laboratory, and I shook my head as I wobbled.

"I have decided to enter Professor Hirschle's laboratory."

Hill sur will be concealed in various ways and since there is nothing more to steal the
research content in other territory as it is the dormitory supervisor of Ehrenfest than
anything else. More than anything, since there are Raimunds who are disciples of
Ferdinand, it is easy to get in touch, and research on protection and creation of magic
tools in the library can proceed at the same time. I have not yet given up plans to make
a magical tool for recording and to send little sayings to Ferdinand.

"But Hill Sur's laboratory ... ... No, the laboratory here is more abundant in research
expenses, and the quality of the material is also better."
"Is that so? But I, for now, I am not in trouble with research expenses"

From the words of Gundorf, Hill Sur is probably in a very low research funding
because there is no help from Ehrenfest. I told him that Ferdinand is helping, but I do
not think Hill Sur is totally amenable. Would it be better to assist me from my
laboratory instead of staying in the laboratory?

...... I think it would be better to improve the lives of meals and sleeping hours than

"Rosemain's idea is a lot of strange outings, and it is very disappointing, but it is


Gundorf will give up solicitation while sighing. Like I heard from Ferdinand, I felt a
little favorably in the way I was defeating the cut-off.

"I am interested in magical paper, and I'd love to research with Dorevankel when I
can afford to reach that research."
"Ho ho, is it a magician's paper ... What kind of monster's skin is facing?"
"No, it is a study of whether it is possible to make magician paper from materials other
than monsters skin"

Gundorf gleamed and gleamed. "I am curious about that research," he smiled.

195 | 2523
"Well, there's certainly a better study for Drevänchel than Dunkel Ferger. Let's study
"But, I am busy this year ... ..."

When thinking that it is difficult for a while this year, Gundolf tilted his neck with a
strange face.

"Is not there a civilian other than Rosemain at Ehrenfest? Do not you just give
directions to that? Rosemain, a candidate lord, will not be able to do all the research."

Anyway, I was told that there was no research on protection that was instructed by
the royal family, and I was staring at Gundorf with scolding from my eyes. I thought
that research is something to do for myself, but is it good for research to round it out?

"What is important to the candidate for lords is how to develop the province.When
taking the civil service course, there is also a necessity to research by yourself, but
research that can be done only by oneself and others that can be done by others can
be divided If you do not think about anything, no research will proceed.There are
many interesting points of Rosemain's attention.The research themselves are divided
into many civil servants, the instructions are issued while reviewing the arrival course
and how to make use of the result I try to think. "

It seems to be doing at least in Dreveinchel. It was pointed out that no other civilian
officials would grow up if all the lords were carried over, and I realized that I was
doing the same thing as Ferdinand.

"For paper research, let's do it with Drevenhel, I am confident in the abundance of

materials for research."
"That is nice, because Ehrenfest is still too much at that point."
"Since I am a teacher at the aristocrat for many years, there are also numerous tools
for formulation."

I was told that I can do research of a long time ago without problems, I lost my love.

"I'd like to see it once, I am interested in the old curriculum, what kind of lecture did
you do if you did not acquire Stap in first grader?"
"Hmm, because students who have received education of that age are not in the
current lordship now"

196 | 2523
"Even though there are student reference books, there is no teacher's side material in
the library, what kind of learning and how was taught in which grade. From a teacher's
perspective I also want the content of the learning guidance that was born. "
"It is possible to speak during paper research"
"Really? Well, I am looking forward to it"

Somehow swept away and persuaded, I decided to study magician paper in Ehrenfest
and Dreveinhel.
In this way I got one pass from school and two preparations, I left the laboratory of

"... That's why I decided to collaborate with Dreve Hancier as well."

"I do not understand!"

After returning to the dormitory, I was shouted at Wilfried when I reported today's
test results at multipurpose hall. Even if you make your eyes triangle like that you will
get angry. I do not know well how I got this way.
I was planning to conduct a joint research if I had talked with the public that I would
like to do paper research, and want the teaching content summarized by the teacher.

"Wilfried's older brother and Charlotte are also helping in the printing and paper
industry? I'd like you to do research on paper with that extension. To what extent is
the paper made of demon in Ehrenfest as a magic tool How can I use it, how can I use
it as a magic tool ... I think that it is research content that is likely to be Ehrenfest "

I wonder? And I turned my eyes to Wilfriit and Charlotte's civilian apprentices. Ignats
and Marianne face each other.

"... Rosemain, is he going to let the clubs of Charlotte study me?"

"Well, Rodderich and Filine are busy collecting stories and writing, they are
indispensable for research on protection because they are intermediate and lower
aristocrats who got a couple of guardians, and they can not be removed from the
paper industry or printing industry I think that it is a good opportunity to inform the
surroundings not only that I, but also Virfriit's older brother and Charlotte are deeply
involved. "

197 | 2523
It is not good if I am monopolizing. In order to wipe out the bad reputation of implying
a job against only his brothers or adolescents, it is better to announce in what it is
visible about what kind of work the child is doing and what kind of work it is doing.

"Of course, it does not mean that we do not do another research on civilian officers
who have been studying elsewhere, but since the paper industry and printing
industry are core projects of Ehrenfest, those who prioritized the aide of candidate
lords I thought that was good. "
"What if you refuse apprenticeship of me or Charlotte?"

To Villefried's question I turned my eyes toward Muriela, who was not yet given a
name. You can see Muriela reading a mother's book with a crowded look.

"Muriela is set as the center of paper research, from there to work on apprenticeship
of former Veronica factions.They are no longer required to give a name, so they can
not enter the aides, but the core business I think that if we can become an essential
person for Ehrenfest through involvement in the research, the future will change
quite a lot. "

Even if execution is escaped, there are families of criminals. Regardless of the inside
of the House of Lords, in Ehrenfest where joints were commonplace so far, there is a
high possibility that surrounding gaze will become tough. If you know how much they
contribute to the territory in a visible form, the correspondence of adults will change
somewhat later.

"If the apprenticeship of Wilfriit's older brother and Charlotte's civilian leader is the
center, it would be better for him to receive the names of Bartold and Cassandra as
soon as possible. By leaving the work as an aide of the lord's family the other aides
Ideally it should be able to help students apprentice of the former Veronica factions
by using the connection between the two former Veronika factions while giving their
companions a sense of fellowship with them. "

In his words, Wilfried points his eyes towards Ignatz standing by.

"What do you think? Do you have anything to research?"

"No, I am worried about my graduation research, I still have not decided on a good
research theme and it will be for Wilfried Masters and I would like to invite you to
research on paper."
198 | 2523
Wilfried nodded in the answer of Ignats.

"I understand. Let me study paper mainly on Ignatz and Bartold apprenticeship of my
civil servants."
"Older brother, please do not forget to apprentice my civil servant, Marianne, is it okay
if I ask you?"
"Of course, Mr. Charlotte"

Marianne smiled and nodded. It seems that we can proceed with collaborative
research with Dorevanker.

"In order to advance the research, it is necessary to give a name."

"I will go hunting the material for Muriela's name dedication on the soil day with the
aides, so how about letting two escort knights accompany Bartold and Cassandra? It
is hard to get materials suitable for sacrificing by two people.

Especially since we are far from children of other former Veronica escaped from
sacrifice, advise that the followers are needed from the Lord who will receive the

"My older sister still keeps watching as usual ... ... Please listen to Natalie, Kasandra for
the schedule of the day of the day, invite me to go to collect materials for the purpose
of dedication"

As Charlotte's escort knight Natalie headed to Cassandra, Vilfried also heads Alexis to
Greater said to Yudit that he was relieved that it would be possible to prevent students
who are out of potty from this. Two people and Yudit headed to a place a little away,
and they are talking about something.

"Oh, Rosemain-sama"

Yudit who seems to have received a message without staring Gray tier stood in front
of me with a slightly confused face.

"What, Yudith?"
"Grétire wants to give a name, so he wants to accompany her on the soil's day"
"...... Eh ?, but the family of Gratia ... ...."
199 | 2523
I should have escaped the execution and no longer need to give a name.

"I'd like to talk to Richarda, Leonore, Brunhilde. Graya, is it okay?"

"There are multiple escort knights, so long as it's just a story,"

200 | 2523
I had my room prepared and faced with Gray tear. It is the same fourth grader as Yudit,
one above me. The grade of Yudit was gathered in the grade as a second grade team
when the Grades Improvement Committee was launched, so they are closer to each
other within the grade compared to the senior students who were divided into special
courses from the beginning. Because of that, it is subtle behind Yudit. Its unusual
atmosphere is unusual for aristocrats.

Gray ties braid gray hair all the time with one's back all the time. It seems like a
reiserator, but it is a plain clothes whether it is exacting so that it is not disturbed by
the hair, so that it is not so conspicuous. But, because of its growth, Gray Tier is
probably better for his age, his gaze somewhat heads towards his breasts.

"Gray tear"

Although I came out before being called by name, but as I heard that it is shy retreat
by shyness, even if you are standing with a normal face, the fingertips that are aligned
in front are shaking wiggly.

"I heard from Yudit, I want to give a name to me"

"Yes, please accept my name"
"Please do not tell me the reason why does not Gratia need to give a name?"

Gretier shook his eyes after seeing Matthias and Laurentz with a shaking eyes. And
said with a trembling voice.

"... ... I want an asylum."

"Asylum, is it? ..."

Although I did not bother sacrificing a name, I declared that I was forbidden to bring
old Veronica children who did not give a name to their aides, and then I speak out.

"There is only now,"

201 | 2523
Graya raised his head quickly. I look at me with a crimson face. Thanks to that, I could
see gray teen blue-green eyes well.

"It is only now for me"

"Gratia, I am sorry, I do not quite understand"

When I say so, Gray Tie pulls her lips and came out witchcraft to prevent

"The circumstances of my family do not want to be known to others very much."

I turn my eyes to Richarda. Can I use it? It seems that the silent question of myself was
passed. Richardda issued an instruction that "Please check with Bruhn Hilde, there is
no problem with the magician and give it to the princess".
The aides that are nervous to the things I touch are checking for the presence of
poison and the strange magic team and hand it over to me. I was impressed that
various confirmations are smooth, everyone has become quite accustomed to
confirmation such as poison etc.

When seeing I grasp the wiretap preventing magic tool, Gray tear opens its mouth. It
certainly was a shocking confession that I can not say without magical tools to prevent

"I am ... a child of the temple"

"It is said that it is a child of a temple born between a blue shrine maiden and a blue
priest who grew up saying that."

On my unexpected person I was listening to the story of Graytire stunned. It seems to

be about an era when there were still many blue priests and shrine maidens before
purification occurred and the temple became magical deficiency. Although I have only
the impression that there is little magical power to eat the age as a blue priestess, it
seems there was a time when it was not so.
Meanwhile, the blue priest and the blue shrine maiden from intermediate aristocracy
hid and nurtured love. Even if they are hiding, things will come to light if they get

"I can not get married because I am in the temple, my mother told me that I wanted to
get married after returning to their parents' house, but I was rejected as to what the
202 | 2523
blue maiden who is not aristocrat is saying, The baby was brought back to her parents
house and isolated to her parents' house to hide the scandal, after that I have heard
that I have never met the father, the blue priestess. "

It seems that Gray Tier was born away and grew up in a baptismal ceremony. While
listening to the complaints of the raw mother that he was free and happy in the temple
without pregnancy.

"In addition to help from homebuilders in the temple, there is a subsidy from the lord.
If you go around the region with a priest, money and goods are enveloped as a blue
shrine maiden.It's from the parents who are sent away Unlike surveillance, the side is
a gray priest who is faithful to his command and a gray shrine maiden, and it seems
that he was very happy because there was a god of love until I took it. "

And pursuit and migration to the center occurred, and children who had been
deposited in the temple due to lack of nobility came back to the aristocratic society.
As a result of investigating the amount of magical powers, Gray Tier seems to have
been brought out and got baptized as parents of her brother and her first wife for a
marriage in a political situation.

"Although my parents are decided in the baptismal ceremony, I have never been loved
by my parents even after the baptismal ceremony so as not to be embarrassed as a
piece of political marriage, It was said that from the brother it was always a child of
the temple, was laughed at the hair color like an old lady, began to grow, was made
fun of the precocious body, has been bullied by the shade It is. "

Grutier told me that he grabbed a skirt. I did not know the existence of birthday
ceremonial laundering except for myself, but the difference in handling with real child
seems to be quite different.

...... Mothers who care about not being different from their real child are really

They prepared the room, made a number of baptismal costumes and carefully
educated me not to be embarrassed as a daughter of a senior aristocrat. I never
thought I was not loved, and I have never been bullied by my older brothers. Even if I
subtract that from the lord, I think that I am pretty.

203 | 2523
"My house is an intermediate aristocrat and in the faction it is not a plan to make a
plan, it is a position to be forced to execute, and the marriage partner will be
overlooked to stabilize the position of the house even a little. As the second and third
wife of the house, but I never thought that I do not like it. "

There is nothing to be told externally as "child of the temple". Even if it is a marriage

of politics, if you go outside it will be treated as a daughter of an ordinary aristocrat.
It seems that Gretia thought that it does not matter if there is a difference of year as
much as parent and child.

"The extortion of name devotion was a salvation hand of the gods for me, it was a
valuable opportunity for my own choosing my own choice because I was outraged
with that family.That is the temple and the mercy for my orphans Rosemain, the saint
of Ehrenfest, who thought that I was told to be a child of the temple would know that
I would accept it without having any special emotions even if I knew the identity of
myself. "

Although I was worried that there was a shortage in my side's ability, I heard that
Greentier was very relieved as I approved to make inward work the main.

"But my parents have escaped execution, I thought that if I was executed in purge, I
was able to give a name while showing a sad face."

While she showed a smile with her former Veronica school children who are pleased
that the family escaped the purge, Gretier was feeling despair by one person alone.

"... .... I am confident that even though my father will escape from executions, I am
convinced that I am committing a felony plan. It is another person to plan and order,
but I'm worried that I can not refuse to be executed I have seen a figure that is "

Graytier said so, I breathed a single breath.

"Is there some people who are fighting the daughters of those who committed a
felony? What kind of treatment do you think will be treated as a result of a political
marriage to make even a little better treatment of family members? The possibility of
marrying to a family will be remarkably low, because I have been despised in my
family for a long time, I am good at reading the complexion of others and the worst.

204 | 2523
And it seems that there is a high probability that things will roll to the worst situation
for me, even though I assumed. When I was delighted to make a determination to give
a name, I thought that "if my family escaped the execution ...?", I can be said that it
actually became it.

"Gratia, if you devote a name, life and death will be held to the Lord and will fall
together when the Lord falls, Of course, I will be careful not to have such a thing, but
as Verónica has lost control There is no guarantee that I will not walk on the same
road.I have sometimes missing it as an asylum. Did you think about that
neighborhood? "

I felt that I did not pay attention to the disadvantage by considering what I felt like
being overestimated and escaping from my family by name dedication, I noted
attention to Gretier.

"I am listening to talks from Rodderich and Yudit, is not Rosemain paying attention to
the treatments of exclusive musical practitioners who are commoners or exclusive
chefs, and turning hands so that Rhodelich does not come into contact with their
families I am sure that there is no error in my choice. "

After grinning her little smile, "It's an apprentice serving as a side job, I collect
information that I need," Graytier changed my expression to a serious one.

"There is only now a family with eyes full of eyes ... ... I heard that there are few
sidebars to Mr. Rosemain and I will accept even if ordered to serve my life not to
marry anyone, I hope, please accept my name. "

Grétia 's blue - green eyes were serious. There is no trace, urgent emotions are coming.

"I am prepared to receive a name once, If I am prepared for that much by GRATIER, I
will accept your name."
"Thank you very much"

Fluffy gray tier smiled. I thought that it would be useless if we had to strive mainly so
that Gratia could laugh like this without falling down.

I return the magician to prevent eavesdropping to Graytire, and tell the aides that are
in place to receive the name of GRATIER.

205 | 2523
"Let's go pick up the materials of Muriela and Gratia on the soil day"
"Certainly yes"

After everyone said that, Matthias smiled nicely.

"Let's go back to the multipurpose hall and explain how to get high quality material
so that we can use it as a stone of a good name, I know how to do it efficiently."

Then we return to the multipurpose hall. I smile with Virfriit and Charlotte, who have
seen us with an anxious face, and I will tell you what I want to explain to get the
material for the stone of my name.

"There is a way to get high quality material"

"There are not many monsters that can obtain strong and high quality materials like
Tanisubefalen, and such monsters are basically very strong, so it is not suitable for
collecting material for civil servants or side work. Although it takes, I think that it is
better to use a method that can be surely taken. "

Certainly it is not scary if a devil like Tanysbalephal wanderers around here. I nodded
in the words of Matthias.
In terms of how to take high quality materials, not only children who give their name,
but other children come to listen to the story.

"How do you do?"

It was urged by Villefried, and Matthias began to explain.

"First go to the collection place and collect the fruits of the tigane fruit with your own
magical powers and collect them.If you eat it by a demon animal, it will become strong
with the magical power that the demonic bears in the fruit of the taigeome. Defeat it
to get a manastone.The first year student Rosemain says how to know when the devil
with Dunkel Ferger made the monster enormous. "

There seems to be a magazine having a similar effect to Ruel's fruit at the collection

206 | 2523
"However, it is troublesome that Taganeme's fruit accepts magical powers only by one
attribute, and it is necessary to dye the fruit of the number of his attributes"

Since it is necessary to dye the fruit by separating the attribute of magical power, it
seems that this method can be used only if it is not less than a third grade who learns
separation of attributes. Fortunately everyone who needs to give a name is over 3rd
grade, so this time there is no problem.

"Let the devil that the knight apprentice weakened eat fruit of the tigane nemesis with
magical powers and strike a stop to obtain a magic stone aiming at the moment when
the magical power immediately after giganticization is not familiar"
"...... I see ... it certainly will take a lot of work. I thought that I wanted high-quality
manastones, but it may be better for me to wait this time."

Leonore looking at Vilfriit and Charlotte, who was watching Villefried deeply nods.

"The defense during dyeing the fruit of the tigane fruit is also indispensable and it is
necessary to weaken the monsters until it is good to pull the stop, so the number of
people is needed.While Virfriit-sama and Charlotte like Would you lend me an escort
knight? "
"How many siblings do you keep escort knights in the dormitory?"

Charlotte has seen me. I do not know the schedule of the Saturday. I questioned
Léonore with a gaze on what I'm planning to do. Léonore smiled as she smiled.

"Rosemain's escort knights are going to accompany them all, because the main
Rosemain is with you"
"... ... It's a first tear, Leonore"
"Since I decided to ask Matias's explanation, I also said that for the first time"

Léonore talked so swiftly and began to state the reasons to accompany me.

"There are a number of reasons why you would like to accompany Rosemain, first of
all, I do not want to disperse the number of escort knights.Then, it takes time to dye
the fruit of the tiger naeme with magical power.In order to protect Rosemain, I would
like you to use the shield of Schuheria, no matter how much you are an apprentice of
the knight, it is hard to hunt demons while always keeping the four guys. "

207 | 2523
Certainly if I surround the tree with the shield of Schulea, the knights apprentices can
hunt the devils without worrying about them and everyone can concentrate and dye
the fruit. It was serious as I could not use the shield of Schuherria because it really did
not reach the light of the moon when dyeing Ruel's fruit.

...... The first year has failed.

"And then, if this number of people gathers, it may be necessary to bless you Finally,
there is also a purpose to reduce the magical power of Rosemain sama.If you use a
long time Schröger's shield and recover the collection place The magical power will
also decrease a little. "

... Well, the last reason is very important.

I remembered that the number of magic stones arrived from Ehrenfest was quite
reduced, and I nodded big.

"If you can collect in your sister's shield, would you like me to accompany you?"
"Dear Mr. Charlotte?"
"Is it enough enough valuable material just for the fruit of the Taiga Neme dyed with
my magical power?"
"Well, I will go, even if I can not eat a demonic to eat manastones, I want to get even
the fruit of the tigane nome"

It is possible to collect in the safety zone where my shurri shield exists and collecting
place will be gathered by all members in the dormitory except for the first grader
whose lecture of formulation does not begin yet because the collection place will be
restored by blessing even if you collect as much as you want Became.
Although I am practicing in practical skill yet I can not make a beast and the first year
student who has not begun practicing of compounding is watching here.

"As long as you do not have a beast, you can not go to the place of collection, so first
graders are an answering machine, please keep them for next year's pleasure."
"Rosemain, I can now make a beast, it is an escort knight and please take me there!"

Theodor saw me as solemn as saying that he will go and go. It is exactly like Udit.

208 | 2523
"Since you can not say that you are used to handling beasts yet, there is a possibility
that they will be daunted by footsteps, I think Theodore should have been an
answering machine better."

When you heard that Yudit says so with your elder sister face, a little laughter comes
in. If Yudit is in a position to go with it, give permission with laughing to appeal "take
me along with teary eyes".

"The number of knight apprentices is necessary, so let's accompany Theodor."

"I am sorry"

After having said thankfully to me like Theodor was relieved, he smiled a little
Since the number of apprenticeship accompanying the knight has been confirmed,
how to use the shield of Schoelia, centering on Leonore, Alexis and Natalie, how to
collect it, excluding any demons and weakening any demons Concrete discussions
began, including whether to make it a magic stone.

Basically it is a meeting of a knight apprentice. Philly, who was watching the situation,
hit the hand with Pon.

"Let's prepare a box lunch, Rosemain, you can eat lunch slowly if you have Rosemain-
sama like shields because the place to collect is warm without snow."

Mana beasts frequently come out, so I could not afford to eat lunch etc at the collection
place, but Filizne suggested that a delicious smile, if there is a shield of Schulea could
pick up a box lunch at the collection place . Charlotte raised a voice of joy as "Well,

"I would like to have a quiche"

"You must also prepare hot tea, Charlotte,"

As soon as it is decided to spread the lunch between me and Charlotte 's aides, the
collection of the soil day will take on the appearance of a picnic in a stroke.

"Meat pie is also nice, is not it?"

"Oh, is not it easier for sandwiches to eat?"
"Well, I will prepare your box lunch!"

209 | 2523
When Wilfried, who was watching me and the aides of Charlotte, who started planning
happily, participated in the picnic, the number of participants increased steadily. It's
not like gathering but it seems to be an excursion to go with everyone in the

The face of the first year student seems to be very much a grudge. It seems necessary
to have Fugo and Era prepare delicious rice.

"What does your sister prepare for the chef?"

...... It's onigiri to say your lunch.

While hiding the voice of my heart, I answered, "All the plans I have come up look
delicious and I get lost."

And the soil 's day.

A couple of knight apprentices threw in beforehand to drive us out to some extent
before came to call us. Everyone goes to the place where it got safe while making noise
while hanging around. All my lunches are packed in my Lesser bus where you can
freely change the size.

It is the start of collecting the shield of Schuheria around the Tiganeme tree. Outside
of the shield apprentices of the knights are weakening monsters for demonic stones.
The escort ahead of me is Theodor.

"Grasping the fruit of this Taigomee, pouring magical powers, you must pour the
magical power of one attribute while consciously, please pour the magic power until
it turns into the color of the attribute completely"

Everyone grabs the fruits of Tiganeme and sends them a magical power. I also tried
holding it together. It is the same as at the time of Ruel, and his magical power hardly
flows into the fruit of Tiganeme. Still, I pour in all at once and dyed three fruits of
Tiganeme. As expected it would be impossible to make fruits for all attributes here.

"Rosemain, magical power does not flow at all, but ......"

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While watching me who collected three fruits, Muriela said that as he was in trouble.
I remember nostalgically that there was a similar exchange, I laughed a small smile
with my own fruit.

"Because the Magic tree is also alive, it's hard to resist, you only need to dye it to
yourself while using a healing medicine."

I got tired a bit when I gathered three fruits, so I had a break in the Lesser Bath. Just
because you got a bit sturdy with Jureve you can not do it, you will definitely feel sick.
However, I feel that I feel a little better since I decided to reduce the compression of
magical power and spread it thinly.

Speaking of which, I had something told you quite a while ago that it is not good for
your body if you accumulate magical power too much.

I thought that it would be nice if I could finish the life of the aristocratic family while I
was in good shape, and I started reading with a Lesser bus. In the bright sunshine,
read a little lesser chair of a busy lesser bus. It is a way to spend a pretty elegant

Although I kept the shield while reading a book, the manastones of those who wanted
a name duty were managed somehow and the lunch that I ate with a lot of noise was
also tasty.
It was a pleasant soil day.

211 | 2523
The civil engineering lecture will not go unless the teacher informs the exam schedule.
When I sent Aldonants of the examination request to teachers of the civil service
course, reply came one after another when the weekend began. I was adjusting the
time with my side, but I have not heard from Fraulem yet.

As a teacher who acted variously with Erienfest every year so far, he is a harassing
guy who can do with the authority of the teacher, "It is a shame, but I could not take
the exam time without time "Or" I have not received letters as well as Ordnants, but I
think that there may be times when I might say.

"What will Mr. Fraulem of this year do?"

When consulting Phyllie who picked up my misunderstanding about harassment that

Fraulem of this year is going to do, Philline put his hands on his cheeks as if he was in

"It seems that Rosemain passed on somewhat out of scope at last, and it was
understood last year, and the blessing with the amount of magical power, the amount
of protection, music and dedication dance etc. Eleenfest's saint Because you will only
be able to see yourself with white eyes where you put your mouth in the title of saying,
Mr. Fraulem also would have tough to think about harassment. "

Brilli Hilde smiles with a bitter smile at the opinion of Phyline.

"As Rosemain thought, even if Mr. Fraulem does not have the motivation for individual
exams, should we pass on the final examination date? Do not just leave Professor
Fraulem's postpone and socialize I think we can start research and research "
"If you think about passing only, that's fine, is not it?"

However, as the evaluation passed down because I could not pass the lecture till the
final exam date, I am in trouble not reaching the best promised with Ferdinand. In the
meantime, "I can not go to the laboratory of Professor Hirsch's school unless the exam
is over and I can not start collaborating with the great lands." Is there any good way
to do it? "Sending Ordonants to Hill Sur Oita. I would like to expect the teacher

212 | 2523
When I finish breakfast and head towards the multipurpose hall, I will begin talking
with Villefriit and Charlotte's aides until the morning lecture begins, about the outline
of the collaboration with Dorevankel.

"I am in trouble when asked something in Professor Gundorf 's lecture, so I'd like to
decide to a certain extent on collaborative research."
"I think it is important to talk with Rosemain, civilian apprentices about joint
research, but do not you have to consult with your father before?"
"I have told you that we will start collaborating with Dr. Villefried elder brothers and
Charlotte's aides, once in a daily report .... But Alva's permission is not necessary for
students at the House of Lords Is not it? "

About the research theme of the student No one in the House of Lords had done such
a report or got permission. "I think that it is not enough to consult," but when I topple,
Wilfriit and Charlotte looked away.

"No, I do not need it usually, but it's just a story that we've put together, and whatever
you think, it makes me feel like it's different from regular student research."
"If you are researching paper it's a research deeply related to the core industry of
Ehrenfest, you'd better consult with your father and mother, sister."

When I told you so, I answered "I am reporting for the moment, so I will wait for the
reply from Ehrenfest".

"But doing with Drevechno is a study of how to use paper made from demonic trees,
so I do not teach you how to make paper over there, so I can not imagine that it's so
much involved in key industries ..."
"Is it so?"
"Well, I'd like you to research how to use magical paper made from Irkner's Magic and
how to improve the quality as a magical tool.The way to make paper itself is a key to
socializing It is a lord conference proposal, it will not go out in the study of the lords.

I talk to Ignatz and Marianne.

213 | 2523
"It was impossible to imitate perfectly in the place where scrub is put even with
Lincian who is easy to make, I think that the process is complicated and paper which
will require a lot of tools can not be done any more.What above, it has effect like magic
tool I do not believe that the people are making paper. "
"I certainly will not think about it, because magic tools are something that only nobles
can make"

For Ignats and Marianne, it seems unbelievable that ordinary paper and magi paper
can be made in the same way in the studio. It seems that magical magical tools are
made by blending.

"I would like to extend the way to make paper to each area so that I do not overuse
the Ehrenfest trees, as I sold the way of making Lincian at the Lord's Council to balance
the supply and demand of vegetable oil.But, Do not you think it should be sold as high
as possible? "

I glanced at her eyes and saw Vilfried and Charlotte.

"This collaborative research is a study to raise the value of Ehrenfest paper by using
Dorevanker.What degree of magical tool can be used for paper made by common
people, how to use it effectively, witchcraft I would like you to research how to
improve quality as a product, depending on the research results, the value of the
paper making method will go up greatly and it will be possible to raise the price
accordingly accordingly. "
"Rosemain, that one, it's a bit bad face"

……Unpalatable. You seem to have taken out a business soul too much?

As I pointed out to Villefried who was somewhat retracted, I smiled and smiled nicely.
It seems that you have to change the head that was in merchant mode.

"It is also important to increase the value of Ehrenfest"

"But if you are thinking about it, is not it better for you to focus on your sister's
"The research itself may be so ... ... I do not want to contact Mr. Gundorf too much"
"Why are you harassing your sister anything?"

Looking at Charlotte's facial expression, I shake my head in a panic.

214 | 2523
"No. No, I will not be able to answer Ignatz or Marianne even if asked how to make
paper, that's why it's safe."

If you read something of the report, you may be mindful about how to make it as a
sentence. However, it is difficult to explain to the extent that others can understand
unless there is anything actually made.

"What does safety mean?"

"Although I can not disclose what I do not know, if I study with Mr. Gundorf, there is
a possibility that I will leak out, it is absolutely necessary to avoid that."

I am familiar with my own stupidity and slippery mouth. Also, I also know that I can
be hung up in a bit of things without thinking. I can still think calmly now, but when
confronted with an old Gundorf, I'm sure I'm inadvertently shed and talk of extra
Then, you do not have to approach from the beginning.

...... Kimiko, do not approach us in danger! This is a danger avoidance. I grew a bit.
Good morning.

"What should I do if Mr. Gundorf asked me for information on how to make paper?"
"Since this collaborative research is a study on how to use magical tools, there is no
need to teach Professor Gundorf how to make paper, since it is a lord conference
proceeding, please do it yourself if you want to study how to make it"

I also asked Ellenfest to report on the extent of the joint research and to send me a
paper made from Irkner's Demonic Wood, to the extent of research and scope to be
shared as knowledge.

And I took the exam of the civil service course and passed one after another. To my
surprise, no matter what test I went to, the teachers asked me about collaborative
research with the highland. Apparently the rumor seems to spread well.

I replied "I am not yet determined because I have not received consent from Aubu",
but I was seen with skeptical eyes. Because both teachers' sources were dormitories.

215 | 2523
It seems that both Ruffen and Gundorf are spreading rumors in order to fill the outer
moat considerably.

Meanwhile, Frauerelm arrived in Ordonants, "If it is tomorrow morning it will be

convenient". It was a bit late as a reply, but I was surprised to think that it would be
ignored or a reply of not being convenient would come.

...... It seems that Mr. Fraulem has took too much of what he said. I'm sorry.

Even though there are some harassment, seems to do the least amount as a teacher.
While apologizing in my mind, I got an acknowledgment reply. Immediately after that,
Hirsch reached the Ordonants.

"Despite rumors of the collaborative research between the Highland and Ehrenfest,
there is no talk of collaborative research with Ahrensbach, Rosemain's teacher
Ferdinand headed for the great territory, I said to Mr. Fraulem, I wonder if the
dormitory supervisor will do it, so your reply will arrive soon. "

It seems that it was thanks to Mr. Hirschle that the reply came from Fraulem. I
reported thanks in Ordonants, reporting that the test schedule was decided by reply
from Fraulem and I thanked him.
Then, Aldonants came flying again.

"In the test of Fraulem, please win the lecture by collaborating with Ahrensbach as a
bait and publish the research with Raimund as a collaborative research so that
Rosemain prototype the object designed by Raimund We will meet the requirements
of collaborative research. "

It seems that it takes time for making limewond with less magical power to make a
designed one. If I am in charge of this prototype part, I can study magic tools of
libraries in various ways.
At the same time, "Since we are conducting joint research in my laboratory, please call
on the appropriate place saying that permission from the dormitory supervisor is
necessary for the research related to the collaborative research, I will monitor you by
scoring" gave.

...... I did not think Professor Hirschur would be so reliable!

216 | 2523
With the exchange of Aldonants with Hill suru, a vision to win a pass from Fraulem
has come to light. And breathe in relief, I will turn my eyes towards my aides.

"Is it rumored to collaborate with the Ohren and Ehrenfest? Not only between
teachers ... ...."

Landlord candidate course has also ended, and the civil service course is also only
going to take an exam personally, so I am not very familiar with the rumors of the

"Well, I did not think the dormitory supervisor is proactively disseminating, but there
are many people who know to do joint research and I feel that I am completely

When the Reiselator said so, Phyllene, who came to enter and exit the special building
as a civil apprentice greatly nodded.

"There is no mistake that it will be evaluated as a wonderful research if the results are
announced. There seems to be a proposal from Dr. Hirschle from some territory to
participate in collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger ''

However, it seems like she only wants to ride on the connection with the great
territory and royalty and research results, so it seems that she is being dismissed
unless it becomes a sample of research.

...... I did not understand because it did not move so far, but Professor Hirschle is truly

"There seems to be a lot of territories that are interested in research with Dorevanhel
through Professor Gundorf.This is not so worried because Mr. Gundorf seems to have
been out of touch with some research results and abilities "
"Rather, I'm worried whether Ignatz and Marianne have reached the level required
by Professor Gundorf, so I know as if anything I wanted to pull Rosemain out,

Gundorf derived from the evaluation of Akari guys has a pretty dangerous smell.

...... After all I do not want to get close to Mr. Gundorf.

217 | 2523
While gathering information about the situation of the House of Peers, I head for the
test of Fraulem. Enter the laboratory of Fraulem in the special building of the civilian.

……Wow! It is neat and tidy. As expected it is only responsible for lectures on

gathering information and organizing documents.

I thought that it was the laboratory that the material was overflowing with materials
and tools, like laboratories of Hill Sur and Gundorf, but there seems to be a laboratory
that is not so. A sigh of admiration leaks into a laboratory that is in order.
I felt that my laboratory seemed to be very Frauerelm, because my rules were exactly
tight, and a slightly overhanging laboratory was not allowed.

"I'd like to ask Rosemain very soon."

"What is it?"
"There seems to be a rumor that Dunkel Ferger, Drevenanger and Ehrenfest
collaborate, but is this true?"

As Hill sur was saying, it seems that it is the most interesting point. I will laugh and
show it with surplus.

"I think that I would like to do so, neither of which is as soon as I got permission from
Aubu, so I can not really tell you, both of which I feel like I am a matter of time because
the dormitory supervisor is motivated."

I ask you to do a test more than that, and Frauerelm lifted his eyes as "Sure!"

"Does Rosemain need to think a little more about the relationship with Ahrensbach?
Does not your mentor marry Dietlinde and the relationship between Ahrensbach and
Ehrenfest should deepen, yet, Arlen It is insane to despise Bach. "
"I also want to think a lot about the relationship with Ahrensbach is in the mountains,
but if Freddinand does not accept blessings from the Grücke Retort, we will not accept
Ordin Schneeli.

When shed lightly that you can not have consultation unless you can pass the lecture,
Fraulem shows you a bad face for a moment and has given us the exam questions.
I did not have any problems twisted like last year, so I write the answer as smoothly
as possible and submit it.

218 | 2523
"Well, I will call Mr. Hirschleur"

Against Fraulem which opened my eyes like I do not know the meaning, I also opened
my eyes openly and put my hands on my cheeks

"Huh? This will end the lecture on civil apprenticeship, will you talk about
collaborative research with Ahrensbach? Did I get something wrong?"
"No, no, I am not wrong because I talk about collaborative research with Ahrensbach,
but how do you call Hill Sur?"

I suppose I did not think she would talk about collaborative research as easily,
Frauerelm makes his eyes black and white. This teacher seems not to be really good
at deviating from my expectations.

"Since Mr. Hirschle is a dormitory supervisor of Ehrenfest, if you do not sit in these
stories, is not it difficult to report to Arub?"

I did not mention that I was not present at the discussion of collaborative research so
far, I smiled and smiled Aldonants immediately.

"I would like to talk to Mr. Fraulem about my collaboration with Professor Hill Sur,
Ahrensbach, is your time?"
"Thank you"

Were you waiting, Hill Sur immediately came after Aldonants' reply came. Looking at
me and Fraulem, Hirschle gently breathes.

"By the way, have you finished all lectures to be able to talk about collaborative
research with Ahrensbach, Mr. Rosemain, you said you can not enter the laboratory
until you finish the lecture? "
"Today's lecture by Mr. Fraulean is over Ah, the grading has not been done yet until
the end of scoring is a lecture. Would you mind asking for a grade?"

Hill suru came and ask Fraulem to score. Under the surveillance of a third party, it will
be impossible to misread the score. Frauerellu becomes a disgusting face and starts
scoring with his desk while watching Hill Sur.
Hill sur learned to see whether there was injustice turned into an embarrassed face.

219 | 2523
"Fraulem, you ... ..."
"Oh, I do not like it. It seems that I made a mistake in the examination question .... Ho
ho ..."
"... Rosemain-sama seems to be solved, so it seems that there is not much problem."
"Oh well, what is it !?"

Fraulem is lifting his eyes and looking into the paper.

"Did you do something?"

"... ... The exam content was of a fifth grade, why is Rosemain solving?"
"No matter why I was told, I was beaten by Ferdinand about the content of the lecture
until the last grade, so I can solve any grade problem."

Since I was devastated the contents until graduation at a stroke, honestly, I was not
able to grasp where the range is from the third grader. I just solved it because the
exam questions I ordered were normal.

"Because Ferdinand really is being unhappy .... Rosemain who can follow is not

In the back where Hill surprises saying so while holding the forehead, Fraulem is
repeating "I am insane". I think that I'm insane is Fraulem, who gives the exam
questions of other grade, and Ferdinand who struck the content of the lecture enough
to counter it, I think that I am not.

"Is the lecture acceptable? Is it OK, or will you redo the third grade exam?"
"Were not you talking about Fraulem, a joint research? Would you like to do the exam

When I and Hirsur repeatedly asked, Frauerelm turned his face red and shouted so
hysterically that "The exam is fine now!" And in order to reach the point of discussion,
Fraulem sits on a chair with a slightly rough gesture. I think that how to sit is only
painful for my butt, anger and bad mood has come through.

...... But I will not read the air intentionally.

I do not care about Flairerum 's bad mood and will talk about collaborative research
with a combination who will not read the air of me and Hill sur.

220 | 2523
"I think that collaborative research with Ahrensbach is not too difficult as there is a
Raimund in my laboratory Hirschur's laboratory."
"Yes, Raimund is a disciple of Mr. Ferdinand and should now be an aides. It will be a
joint research if he and I will research and research magical tools and publish it"

Fleurreum gave a loud voice to my words "Oh!

"Well then, are not you going to study Hill sur! It's not a collaboration with
"No, since it is a research that is primarily Raimundo, it will be at Ahrensbach to
announce in competition against the territory, but Mr. Hirschle is Feldinand and
Raimund's teacher, I am Ferdinand As a disciple, Hirschle's laboratory is the best
place to research. "

As I said so, I laughed nicely towards Fraulem.

"But, in trouble, Hirschle and Raimund are very likely to neglect to report to
Ahrensbach, and Hirschle who is immersed in research is familiar with Mr. Fraulem ?
"Well, yes, I do not think that Hill Sur will be getting an accurate report when he gets
into research."

Did you ever burn Hirsur attracted, Fraulelm shook his head frown. Hill Sur is doing a
strange look with a smile.

"So, if you are collaborating, I'm hoping that the goddess Ordo Schnee of the fair
stands up with Ferdinand, who is in Ahrensbach."

If you take the appearance of consulting with your teacher in collaboration with
Ahrensbach it will make it easier to contact with Ferdinand. Also, if you contact
Alembach from Frauerelum in a way that raises the face of Frauerelum, you can
increase one contact route to Ferdinand. It is natural that monitoring and censorship
will be entered, and it will only be possible to send information considering this, but
it will be different if there are no routes other than Raimund.

"Can Fredrelm, a dormitory manager of Ahrensbach, become Ordin Schneeli, in order

to make a joint research deepening the relationship between Ferdinand's comeback
Ahrensbach and Ehrenfest successful?"
221 | 2523
It seems that he liked the position as a leading player to deepen the relationship
between the territories by censuring all the reports. In my invitation Frauerel lifted
his lips with a knee and laughed.

"Well, I will report as a duty as a duty officer, but like Rosemain, if you do not refrain
from insane behavior, cracks will emerge in the relationship between Ahrensbach and
Ehrenfest, causing inconvenience to Ferdinand It will be a result to be multiplied.

Hill Sur raised "You seemed to have completed the story successfully," urging me to
leave. When I tried to leave the room together, I was asked by Fraulem.

"Rosemain, recently how are your health? Is there any change?"

When I suddenly told my head a headache, Fraulem stuck a worried face as I had taken

"Rosemain is very frail, so I just wondered if I could collaborate or socialize."

"... ... There is a little change, that direction is not so good ... ...."

I do not know what to confirm. I murmured and smiled at words. Never tell a lie. It's
blessing music with music, shining in dedication dance, changing in a bad direction.

"Is that so"

The smiling smile of Fraulem 's eyes glows bluntly. I did not feel very good.

222 | 2523
I finished the exam of the civil service course, so I immediately sent out Brunhild to
Dunkel Ferger. "I would like to schedule a tea party, how about you?"
Since I have various elements such as the progress of Claressa who I would like to
have with, as well as the response from Aub Dunkel Ferger on collaborative research,
as well as the progress of the lectures of Lesty Lout and Hanna Lore, I will not reply
so quickly, tell Burunhirde received.

"We do not seem to be able to reply soon, so it seems that the reply from AUB / Dunkel
Ferger has not arrived yet so it seems to let us know the day we are vacant as soon as
the reply arrives."

After dinner of that day, Brünhild returned home with a reply from Dunkel Ferger. I
realize that it will not be a tea party soon, I will turn my eyes to the Rizera.

"From the Risellerator, tomorrow I will go to the laboratory of Dr. Hirschle, could we
ask for preparation?"
"Please leave it to us. Especially preparing the cleaning tool carefully, because
Rosemain must be in the laboratory of Dr. Hirschle."

The arms rings, Riesela began to screen cleaning tools. Soon Leonore left the room to
listen to the escort knight's schedule. They are truly reliable aides.
While feeling the movements of the aides to prepare for tomorrow, I decide to write
a letter to Ferdinand so that Raimund will hand me over.

"I will write a letter so I will stay in a hidden room"

There is too much content to write with ink that disappears, so it can not be written
where there are side-jobs. After entering the concealed room of my room, I filled in
with several inks filled with ink kept from Ferdinand.
I wrote what I did and consultation contents in chronological order, but if I read it
again, it makes me feel a little unnoticed.

"In the ceremony to gain protection, the highest god came up to the highest level.The
protection exceeded the allowable range of Stap, too many blessings overflowed
blessing terrorism is serious.As a solution method there is a magical compression

223 | 2523
Although we try to use moderate magical power as much as possible by using
discreetness as much as possible, is there any other good way to do it ... .... It will be
transmitted, if it is Ferdinand, you surely understand! "

While I tell myself that it is all right, I will spread the letters on the desk and start
And I tried a small amount of ink which disappears even in letter via Frauerell in order
to experiment how much difference will be made between arrival by letter via
Raimund and Frauerelme, until reaching Ferdinand in the first place. "This is a letter
via Mr. Fraulem, did you arrive properly?"

If you dry it overnight the letters of ink should have disappeared. I have to write
content that does not bland from above.

... ... Is it content that is not bland? What is the bland content? It's hard, is not it.

"Well, Charlotte, I will go to the laboratory."

The next day, Wilfried had not already gone to the lecture so I called Charlotte in the
multipurpose hall. Charlotte has not finished all the practical skills yet, but he seems
to have no lecture today, and he talks to Marianne about the study of Magi paper.

"... ... I do not think it is preparing to go to the laboratory very much, my sister"

Charlotte blinked his eyes, looking at the baggage prepared by the riser. Various
things are stacked in the wagon as when doing business trips at a library. I smile a lot
with baggage to go to the laboratory.

"It's a cleaning tool and an insertion from me"

Those who are in that laboratory have not lived quietly. When I told Charlotte the
devastation of Hill Sur's laboratory, he was sighened by Rhychita, "It is not what the
princess who is going to live life as immersed in reading is saying".

Laugh and devilish, I leave the dormitory. Since the lecture has already begun, the
hallway has few signs of people, and it was as Singh. Today's accompanying guests are

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side riser and Richarda, Rodrigue apprentice in civil service, Matthias and Theodore
are escort knights.

"It is the first time to enter a civilian specialty building"

Two of the escort knights look up at the special building of the civilian while saying
so. As I entered, Matthew muttered that Matthias "many private rooms are different
from the special building of the knight." There are many rooms like warehouses
where materials are managed, and there are many doors because each laboratory is
located in the special building of the civilian. The special building of the knight, which
is a gathering of training facilities, is the largest and widest of all the special buildings,
and it is in a remote place. Most of the facilities are big, and there are not many private
rooms other than teachers' rooms.

"... ... Huh, why do not you have a strange smell?"

Theodor said so while looking around. I refrain from pinching my nose as an escort
knight, but I have a face that seems to hold my nose down.

"There is no familiarity with the first grade Theodor who is not preparing in the
lecture yet, but this is the fragrance of medicinal herbs and ingredients. It is mixed a
lot and it is a bit offensive but I will get used to it a while."

While laughing with couscous smile, theodor looked around in a suspicious way as
"Do you really get used to?"

"It's okay to become self-made a recovery medicine, you will get used to drinking
recovery medicine as a matter of course during training and you will be able to drink
more smelly medications if you need it. It smells cute as compared to Ferdinand-like
medicine. "

Theodor's face caught. What kind of things are you drinking! Is it? And the facial
expressions. Even if kindness enters, Charlotte is a drug that seemed to be harassed.
The stock solution is ridiculous.

When arriving in front of Hill Sur's laboratory, the Rizerator pushes the wagon
containing the magic tool for cleaning ahead ahead and goes inside.

225 | 2523
"Please wait for Rosemain somewhat to enter the room. I will check to see if it is in a
state of insertion."

When I came to Hill Sur's laboratory for the first time, I recalled that Hill Sur and
Raimund were going right and left trying to operate a magical tool that forcibly sucks
things on the floor.

'... only if there is nothing that needs to be removed,'

"Because Mr. Hirsch suggests cleaning with Ordonants, we will have cleaned up
important things."

From the door behind Richarda said so, "Hell surge 's hurry voice saying" Please wait
a while, Risera. " Even though it was advised, it seems that Hill Sur had priority on
research. Richarda sighed and shook her head.

"Thank you for waiting, Rosemain Mr."

A smiley Rizera opened the door, and finally I was able to enter the laboratory. I can
see that a large amount of materials are stacked on the desk for preparation. It is
probably the material that Hill Sur rescued from the floor in a panic.

"Hirschle teacher, Raimund is absent?"

"Since the lecture has not ended yet, let's have a detailed story of collaborative
research since Raimund came."

Since Raimund also passed the lecture with a little chance, it seems that vacant time
seems to be gradually made little by little, and seems to be occasionally putting out a

"How about if you go through the material around here before Raimund comes? It's a
piece of collaborative research, if Rosemain knows, it will make it easier to progress
the story."

It is a design map and a memorandum but it seems to be a document on things to

make from now. I compare the data that I quickly stacked on the desk and the orderly
documents stored in the laboratory's bookshelf, and turned my face to Hill Sur.

226 | 2523
"Dr. Hill Sur, I would like to organize it before I look through the materials, is it OK
like that bookshelf?"
"It is only the materials that have already been studied over there and it is the thing
that Ferdinand had cleaned up.That is the first thing that looks like tidying up is
clearly resembling. It is on this desk You can clean up the material as you like. "

"... Well ... Does that mean that Freddino put away has been neglected for about ten
years !?"
"What did you say, Mr. Ferdinand was around this time last year and take over the
magical tool he made?"

At that time it was not only the magic tool but also the materials such as the design
drawing and the research result which it judged that it could not be put away quietly,
returning, and it seems that they did clearing the material with Jusutkus and Ekhardt

...... It is hard for Ferdinand to be looking after such a teacher.

I came out with some documents from the bookshelf so that they could be classified
as Ferdinand did and cleaned up. The wooden bull is summarized for each research,
the contents are chronological order. It is like Ferdinand's study that the parchment
is gathered in some places. I can understand immediately since the letters have not

...... This is a study of twenty wonders. But, there is no second half?

The strange stories that Yusutukus had gathered were first lined up side by side,
followed by a simple map.

...... This is probably a map of the House of Lords, right? Oh, it's roughly circular.

I have few opportunities to fly around in cold weather with a beast, so I do not know
how the premises grounds are going. When I was doing a treasure thief ditters, I heard
that everyone was grasping the topography, Richarda and the grandfather.

...... This is probably the place where there were twenty wonders.

There were not twenty places, but there were many more points and what was
verified, with ○ and × attached. Because it is a map of handwriting more than ten years
227 | 2523
ago, it seems like a map of treasure as it has a good old-fashioned taste. However, the
research of twenty wonders was interrupted on its way too unnaturally.

"Hirschleur, this is Ferdinand-san's study, is not it? There is no result ..."

"There are a lot of Ferdinand-san's studies, unless it is to announce, as long as you
understand the result and you are satisfied, leave it as a document, judge that it is
better not to leave it "
"Is that so ...?"

Although it is necessary to report the amount that got money from the territory, it is
always necessary to report, but it seems that there are also many who do not leave
materials on my research because of my hobbies.

...... This research seems interesting and I wanted to see it to the end.

While sharpening my lips, I confirmed the method of classification and how to bind
and closed the materials.

"Well, I also grasped how to tidy up Ferdinand and I'd like to clean up these materials
as soon as possible."

It would be best to clean up in the same way. It should be easy for Hill Sur and
Raimund to find the material without confusion. I solved a decorative cord tied to my
waist and was standing upright.

"Princess, what are you going to do?"

"......" Tasukakake "It cleanses from the obstructive sleeve."
"Is it Tasukigake?"

I was quickly crocking and tidying up the obstructing sleeve while Richard knew it.
Ricarda solved the tusping as soon as she sighed, "Princess, it's a bad thing to expose
her arms like this" when it gets pleasant.

"The princess can sit down here and give instructions, because I and Risaizer will
clean up as instructed."

228 | 2523
A chair was prepared, and I decided to classify the paper and wooden cards stacked
on the compounding desk. Through the eyes, I will divide by what kind of study.
Richarda and Rieselaer organized it, packed it in a box, and spelled it and began to
clean up on the bookshelf.

"Is this material not the current research content of Professor Hirsch?"
"Yeah, I did not find it for a while and I was searching for it."
"Is it okay to put the Raimund's material in this bookshelf? Will not you take it back
to the dormitory of Ahrensbach?"
"The principal will judge what to do when graduating"

Hill suru said, there are also many materials that will not be necessary after a long
If we clean up one after another, the materials begin to line up neatly for each
research, and the top of the desk for compounding becomes beautiful.

"Mr. Rosemain, there were also materials left here, please also clean up this together"
"Please choose for me"

Receive materials from Hill Sur and put it where it should fit.

...... I feel like an exclusive librarian at Hill Sur Laboratory?

Even if it is not recognized by anyone, only the mood is a librarian belonging to the
laboratory. Because the library members could only supply magical power, in a sense,
I feel that I am doing the most librarian work since I came to the lords. I can not stop

……What should I do. I am having a lot of fun now!

I was feeling excited and I was sticking to tidying up the material, the fourth bell
echoed. Then, a little later Raimund enters in a state of being flat, saying "Hirschle
teacher, serious things ...".
Immediately after that, I rounded my eyes and said "I'm sorry, I left the room in a
hurry!" I made a mistake in my room!

"... ... You did not make a mistake, right?"

When the Risaizer and me faced each other, Hill sur laugh with couscous.
229 | 2523
"I thought that I made a mistake because the room was too beautiful, so I will come
back soon, I will prepare the meal, is there a placement in there?"

Hill suru pleasedly raised the end of the lip and pointed to the wagon. It is time to get
hungry. Cleaning up the desk for the preparation that was cleanly finished, Riesela
and Richarda began preparing meals.

When he was ready, Raimund knocked and opened the door terribly and looked down
at the face. As ever, I do not care about my dress and my black hair is dumb. Just after
the Riesserer brought in the smell of the inserted insertion, the stomach is diverted

"Raimund, please prepare your dress so well with Vashen before entering. Please do
not stand in front of Rosemain sama like that"

Raimund who was driven away by a smile to the Reiserator closed the door again.
Come back after using Washen out of the room.

"I must sincerely apologize"

It was lunch because Raimund finally got in. While taking lunch, Hill Sur started
talking about collaborative research. Raimund drops his shoulders while taking a
meal down from Hill Sur.

"It was not a mistake, is it?"

Last night, I was called to Dietrinde and it was told that "I am in good contact with Mr.
Ferdinand to study as a representative of Ahrensbach and not ashamed," he said.

"I was quite surprised because there was no contact at the old lords, but I thought that
it was interesting because it was a disciple of my fiancee."

I thought that Raimund was about research announcement in opposition to the

territory, and replied "I will do my best in sincerity and good faith". If so, today it is
said that if you tried going to the lecture after finishing breakfast, it was told by
Furrellum, the dormitorial supervisor, to "report when the outline of the collaborative
research was declared" .

230 | 2523
I do not know, but Raimundt seems to come to this lab at the end of the lecture in the

"Ehrenfest has decided to collaborate with Dunkel Ferger and Drevenhel, both of
which are notable studies, Fleurermu thought that they would like to collaborate on
Ferdinand as well as deeply related Ahrensbach I guess we want credit for central. "

...... Hirschle teacher had not burned it?

I thought so, but because he turned hands to finish the exam of the civil service course,
I did not say anything unnecessary. Raimund is also more likely to be accepted if you
think that the dormitory monitor of yourselves has said that rather than being
pressed from here.

"Both are Ferdinand-san's disciples, and if Raimmint is in charge of the design part, if
Rosemain-sama is in charge of the prototype making part, it will be enough joint
research as it is now."
"... Does Rosemain do the prototyping?"

Raimund opened the blue eyes wide and saw Hill Sur, "It is too awful to have a
protagonist prove to prototype." Unlike trembling trembling Raimund, Hill Sur says
silently as "the right material is right."

"Rosemain says that the practical skills of compounding also have excellent results
and because we are taught to Ferdinand, we can be formulated to use the magic club
of time shortening which is accustomed to practical formulation. Because it has a lot
of magical power, no problem no matter how much it can be formulated, you will be
able to drastically reduce the time spent on research. "

I was told that the designers are not very sensitive. Even though I can do enough in a
lecture, I heard that there is no design sense like Raimund or Ferdinand whether the
application is not so good.

"If you make this collaborative research successful and they are well-known that they
are Ferdinand's disciples, it will be for Ferdinand as well"

If Foundation is successful as a result of Ferdinand's achievement, the importance of

Ferdinand in Ahrensbach seems to increase. If you are told, "It's for improving
Feldinand-san's treatment," you only have to stretch out.
231 | 2523
"It will be to establish the position of Ferdinand, and it is also to be an intermediate
nobleman Raimund as an aide of Ferdinand and also to make magician of my library,
work hard together Let's go "
"The circumference is completely motivated and I can not refuse now ... ..."

Raimund acknowledged the collaborative research after saying with a tired face, if he
refuses, Frauerelm will raise an outrageous hysteria.

"Then, we will make prototypes as soon as we finish lunch. Please give me a design
drawing and explanation."
"I understood. Thank you."

After I was pleased to be praised for librarian work from Raimund who was impressed
with the exactly gathered materials, after having sent off the Raimund towards the
lecture in the afternoon, I spent time in the Hill Sur lab. While watching the blueprints
placed by Raimund, one creates magical tools one after another and pushes the
magical power into the magic tool if called to Hill Sur. Supplemented muscle strength
is compensated by body strengthening, and missing physical strength is
supplemented with medicine that restores only physical strength.

... Yeah, this lab is useless. Even if I am planning to spend regularly, I am being pickled.

And I showed prototypes to Raimund who came back from the lecture.

"How are you doing as you ordered? I tried quite hard."

I wanted to praise you for a moment and I will arrange the prototypes before
Raimund. I was excited to see Raimund 's reaction, but Raimund dropped his
shoulders and was able to join.

"... Is that so bad it makes you so disappointed?"

"No, I am doing well, just witnessing the difference in usable magical powers, I am a
little distant."

232 | 2523
Raimund with little magical power seems to need recovery drugs to prepare
prototypes. Still, it seems that it is possible to make one piece per day. It seems that
he felt a sense of inequality in the world as four magical tools.

"This will cause Ferdinand to judge the pass / fail"

"Well, please do not send to me tomorrow, I'd like you to send my letter as well, there
are letters that let Ferdinand deliver via Dr. Fraulem."

Reports from these laboratories are disappointing, so when I told that I had an
obligation to report, Raimundo relaxed my expression as I was relieved.

"That is a lot of help, as already said to me to report from Mr. Fraulem, so ..."

The next day, I entrusted both letters to Ferdinand and letters to be delivered via
Frauerelm to Raimund with submission of magical tools.

...... Please be sure to receive an answer from Ferdinand.

When praying to the goddess Ordo Schnee of the flying, Brünhild brought a letter.

"Mr. Rosemain, an invitation from Professor Egrantine, it is said that a royal family
sponsors a book tea party like this"

……that? I have not communicated to Professor Eglantine yet that the civil service
course has ended?

233 | 2523
"Did Brühn Hilde contact you?"

I do not know why tea ceremony invitation will come even though I have not informed
you that I have finished the exam of the civil service course yet. Blinking at me, Brühn
Hilde lightly breathed my breath.

"There seems to be rumors that Rosemain's teacher finished the lecture early among
"... ... the teachers are sharing information beyond expectations,"
"Rosemain, who is the inventor of several important collaborative research, is the
focus of attention among teachers"

It seems that he is keenly interested in when collaborative research can start, how to
start, who is involved and how it is involved. And it seems natural that these
information flow from the central dormitory supervisor to the royal Egranthine.

"I think that it is because Egrandine hosts a favorite tea ceremony hosted by the
Egranthine because it gathers all those involved in the library. It calls both librarians
unless the users of the library increase before it increases, I would like to hold it as
soon as possible. "

To collect library stakeholders, you would like to talk about the fact that the manager
changed to Hannaore. Although it is in the style of tea ceremony, it is practically a call
from the royal family.

"Where is it held?"
"It seems to be the Rikyu of Mr. Egrantine, I think that the royalty does not use the
office of the library to organize, I think that it will not fit into the office of the library
considering the number of participants."

Bruhn Hilde tells us who is going to participate, "I am about Rosemain about thinking
about having a tea party in the library's office."

234 | 2523
"First of all, the librarians Sorangju, Professor Oltantia, then Rooksman, Mr.
Ronzemyin, Mr. Hannallole, Prince Hildebrand, and the organizers Egranthine and
Prince Anastigius"

Considering that there are three royalty and each of them comes with their aides, it is
certainly impossible to think that tea can be made in the library's office.

... ... There were lots of stories to change the administrators of Schwarz.

"Well, is there a Prince Anastigius, you were busy and could not be at the aristocracy,
you were supposed to be Prince Hildebrandt even though it was before you entered?"

I think that it seems as if it is like an avilibe that encloses an Egranthine, is it because

of the impression that the teachers of the music teachers broke into the impression

...... I married so much even if I do not cling to Egrandine, so what's wrong! I wish I
could stand there.

However, according to Dr. Hirschle's teacher, it seems that he received advice from
the anastisteus about collaboration with Dunkel Ferger, so it would be better to say a
thank you. I think it would be better to tell him that I should thank you, but I can not
hold down my mind to think troublesome.

"It seems that Haneneroli is also invited, and if it is a tea party hosted by the royal
family, we will not be absent."

Even when I was explaining circumstances to Egrantine I was making you feel uneasy.
It is impossible to make Hannorore alone who did not make an unexpected change
due to insufficient contact. Even though I think so, it will be depressed for calls from
the royal family who I thought was as close as possible. When dropping a shoulder
and sighing out, Bruhn Hilde laughed a little.

"Please do not make such a depressed face Rosemain, Prince Anastigius says it will
lend you a book from the Royal Palace Library for a book tea party you like"

... ... The book of the royal palace library! Is it? Oh my goodness, I was thrilled!

235 | 2523
I braced my fingers and I looked up at Brunhild. I have confidence that I am doing the
best smile today.

"Prince Anastigius is truly an Egrandine's husband, I think it is a wonderful person!"

"Rosemain is more than anything positive to participate.What books are prepared for
Rosemain, do you promise to rent out from here as well?"
"Well, is it your mother's love story? Because Egrandine was interested in you."

Whether it is a call from a royalty, if you think that you borrow books, tension will
rise. Next to Brunhild, who will be too excited at the royal tea ceremony so that he will
not fall, I began his selections and the escort knights began discussing who will
accompany them.

I reported the invitation of the tea ceremony to the Ehrenfest from the royal family,
decided to bring sweets and books to go, and immediately went to the Hill Sur
laboratory and became a favorite tea party day. Tea from the afternoon is often done
to the 5 bells, but it is designated to come to the 4 and half bells.

It was time when the lecture began, passed through a quiet corridor, and I headed for
the Egrantine's departed shrine.

"I was waiting, Mr. Rosemain"

Even though I should have been to the Egrandine's residence, the first side of
Anastasiusus Osvin welcomed me and I realized that they are really married.

In the room passed through, there are Anastasiusus and Egranthine and its aides, and
there are no other participants. Apparently it does not seem to have arrived yet.
I have a long greeting, and I turn my eyes to the doorway. Even if the greeting is over,
I can not see the appearance of other people. While looking at sweets and books
brought by the students, I looked around the room with an uncomfortable feeling.

"...... I seem to have come early, are not you?"

"No, since we had a story, we just called early."

236 | 2523
Sit down telling me to get from the anastasis. Just saying from the royal story makes
me feel bad. I wish I could have done without asking, but I wonder why I can not do
that. I took a deep breath and I laughed nicely.

"What is the story about me?"

"It's quite flashy moving"

...... Have you ever happened to be loud? Recently I managed to control magical power
thanks to less magical compression ... ....

I glanced at himself and remembered the behavior that I applied when I desperately
moved fancy. The source of Anastasisus is Egranthine. Then, it must be a story when
I was involved with Egrantine.

"... .... Ah! It is a story when you made a manastone shine with practice of votive

That certainly is a bit of a flashy behavior. I finally hit the event I was thinking of, but
unexpectedly hitting the hands, Anastigius pulls her cheeks all the way.

"No, it is to conduct a joint research with three territories of Dunkel Ferger,

Drevenanger and Ahrensbach, let us see the view of Ellenfest that is flashy"
"Well? I am in trouble even if a collaborative research is said to be a flashy move. It
was unbelievable as Ehrenfest."

In my words Egrantine smiled amazingly.

"Rosemain, may I ask your reason why I could not refuse?"

"Yes, Dunkel Ferger is an instruction from Prince Anastigius, and the invitation from
the Democratic Republic of Drevescher was difficult to declare in terms of the ranking
of the territory, so I received it because the benefits here were also great."
"What about Ahrensbach?"

I was questioned by Anastasius and I was stuck in words for a moment.

"My collaborative research with Ahrensbach had passed the passing of my civil
service course"
"What do you mean?"

237 | 2523
"Do you know that I am an enemy of Mr. Frauerelm? Because the civil service course
takes individual exams, there are obstacles"

Well, and Egrantine lightly opened his eyes, Anastasezu resentfully said "I have not
received such reports."

"But there's nothing wrong with it, since I finished in exchange for collaborative
research, I will consult you when I think I will be doing something next year.I was
originally planning to do research on magical tools in the library I do not mind ... ...
And have not you promised to Prince Anastigius? "

Turning her head to Egrantine in my words, "What kind of promise did you promise?"
Anastagezus narrowed his eyes to explore the memory as saying, "Have you promised
anyone?" .

"Have I promised to do research that surprises the next competition against the
territory before ...? ... It certainly did not think that it would be such a development, so
I am surprised by myself, Have you been surprised by Prince Anastigius? "

Explaining the content of the promise, Anastasiusus felt like a bitter face like
Ferdinand's medicine and restrained his head.

"... .... Ah, I was surprised that my head hurts just by thinking."
"That was good, not to break our promise with the royal family"

When I laugh, when I smile, Egrantine also said, "No way Rosemain and Anastigius
have made such promises, they are good friends," he laughed.

"I am not a good friend, I just said that he could deliver valuable research results from
other than Hill Sur."

While Annasutususu sounding Hun and a nose, he glanced at me glaringly. From the
mouth of Egranthine you can see that the word "You are good friends" comes out and
it is overwhelming, but you can not help staring at me.

"So, Ehrenfest seems to collaborate with the three major territories, is there no plan
to collaborate with Klassenburg?"

238 | 2523
To the question of Anastasius, I looked at Eglantine from Krasenburg. Given the
balance, it may be better to collaborate with Klassenburg. But, to be honest it's my

"There is no invitation from Klassenburg as opposed to Dlevanskel, and there is no

content that we have to collaborate like Dunkel Ferger, and we have been studying
together like Ahrensbach originally I have no content, so I do not have any particular
plans, which is not to say to the royal family, but there are also reasons why there are
no apprenticeships to criticize the civil service more than anything else. "

Although it is not that there is no civil apprentice apprentice, there are not so many
who have the achievements and magical powers of practical skills that can collaborate
with the Great Heritage.

"I see……"

Anastigus was nodding small. It is a request that please give consideration so that
there is no offer from Klasseburg by saying why he broke up saying "It is not to say to
the royal family."

"In terms of collaborative research, I fully understand the idea of Ehrenfest. If you
conduct three studies at the same time, you should be careful that you do not have a
failure, because highly valuable research is easily robbed. I think that it is "

I tried nodding with a fancy face because it is a great advice, but I do not think anyone
would like to rob the research.
First of all, even if studies on sacrificing prayers to the gods and depriving studies on
the relationship of protection are deprived, there is no point unless accompanied by
actions of praying to the gods. What matters is your own deed.
Next, even if research on how to add added value to Ehrenfest's specialty products is
deprived, this is not painful at all. If studying even if you turn Dorevankhel to the
enemy, it is rather a level that will make the presentation of research results fun.

And the research which reproduces the magician of the library with the mysterious
power of Raimund's is definitely lower contribution to the center than other, so I do
not think that there are people who want to do together. If you are a person full of
enthusiasm to become a disciple through the severe screening of Ferdinand and study
together to make a better library, I will spread both hands and welcome you.

239 | 2523
...... It's just a disappointing thing to take away with the effort.

As I thought, Anastigius cleared his throat and stared at me as "Are you listening?" I
have already learned to be angry if I answered "not listening" honestly here. I laughed
nicely without saying anything.

"It is about the blessing of all of them ... ... Is it the one who gave us blessings at our
graduation ceremony?"
"... ... what are you talking about ......"

A sudden change in topic, moreover, my heart jumped on a topic that is not very good
for me. Anastaseuus looks at me, opens her mouth with a vainly beautiful smile.

"Thanks to the blessings that came despite coming in at the same time as admission,
it was my opinion that it was me or Egranthine suitable for the next term, but do you
know that?"
"Wow ..."

It is a word that is fully convinced. While worrying whether or not I will cut through
the straw as it is, Anastasiususu explained how much ripple spread out to the center
by my blessing.

"Once it was me that the aides that ought to have given up to the throne when I was
given to the king were exciting for me to be suitable for the next king, and my aunt's
aides, since Egrantine should also become the king of the next king, The declaration
of winding, I got drawn out became in a state not to be used.The father, the older
brother, and I broke down also to put that in. "

When I tell you how a terrible uproar has occurred in the royal family, I do not have a
place for me as a former culprit, and I want to escape from this place. Of course, such
a thing can not be done.
While looking at me staring at my inner heart, Anastasis suddenly became a serious
face suddenly.

"Therefore, I want you to do the temple of the temple with the brothers and adorfine
starring rituals to be held at the next lord conference"
"Mr. Rosemain, please do also from me, I would like the next king and his wife to give
real blessings"
240 | 2523
Is it good at giving blessing enough to shed a blessing for a song in music practical
skills? And Anastasezus said to me, I am in doubt the answer. It is said that the royal
family should not be as close as possible, and I do not want to act like a crushing face
of the temple of the central temple. However, at the same time it is said that "Do not
go against the royal family". It is very difficult how to do it.

"... ... is it a royalty?"

"No, it is a personal request from me, I want to ask blessings for my brother not to
complain about being a next king, Even if my decision is decided as the next king, my
older brother is a difficult position ... ... Do you know why? "

...... Because there is no Gurritris Height.

The answer came immediately. But I do not know if it is okay to say this. I knew that
Anastasiusus' gray eyes were exploring my situation and my throat became tingling.

"I got an assault in the last game against the territory, could you have heard what they
were saying at that time?"
"I heard that it is a false king without Gurtris Height"

Anastaseuz slowly nods in my answer.

"Oh, yes, the political change began as the second prince who succeeded Gurtris
Height was killed and at the same time lost Gurtris Height, as well as the place where
the second prince's residence and murdered, plus the royal palace and the second
prince I searched for various things up to the main aristocratic pavilion where I
interacted with him, but I could not find Gurtris Height, I have not found anything at
the moment, so my father is a king without a Gurtris height. "

I nodded slowly to show what I was listening to. But I do not know why this story
began. I feel that I am told that it is quite deep. You must feel like I am being taken into
the depth slowly.

"Without Gurtris Height, even if it is a king, magic can not be used for the importance
of the country, just keep pouring magical power all the time, but only maintaining the
previous state can be done, but if someone is king Juergen Schmidt will not hold unless
Magical Power is poured in. As his father becomes king, he continues to pour magical
powers like a human suffering .... Both his brother and I are the same. "
241 | 2523
I heard that it is like Aub who must govern the territory without magic of foundation.
I received a lecture from a candidate lord, I can tell how hard it is.

"Do you know how many people were enthusiastic about the blessing that fell in such
a situation?"

I pull the lips cautiously.

"When fighting again about Egranthine, my older brother told me that he had already
Is there
decided to marry Egranthine and set his own aides 諌 Tell me, it celebrated. So, I
want to reduce even the noise around my elder brother at least. I would like you to
give blessings from the saints of Ehrenfest, who got a lot of gods' protection, with a
star knotting ritual. "

Feelings of thinking of Anastagisus' family are approaching my heart. If my troubles

are due to my blessing, I think it is necessary to take responsibility. And one more
thing. There is also a mind that Ferdinand and Dietlinde can see the rite of star

"Please do not ask permission from Aub Ehrenfest and the king.If you allow me to
place my escort knight on the platform as a special exception for my safety, Prince
Anastigius who thinks brother, I'd like to undertake it as a request. "
"... ... Thank you"

Anastaseuz was relieved. Egrantine is also smiling so gladly next to that.

There, Osvin came to inform of visitors. It seems that Hannaore has arrived.

"Although something I did not know, I truly feel sorry ..."

"No apologies are necessary, Hannaore"

Ananstasius shielded Hannellore's words which began speaking words of apology as

soon as the greeting was over.

"Egrantine said, it is the responsibility of the library side not contacting, I am the
recognition as well"

242 | 2523
Stroke your chest like Hannalee has relaxed.

"Rather, we had the opportunity to cooperate with the library members, so we

decided to host this tea ceremony."
"Cooperation, is it?"

Hannaore has rounded eyes. If you think that you will be scolded, you will be asked
for cooperation. It will be surprising.

...... I understand, I understand. Requests from royalty are bad for your heart.

Even though I think, the place where my eyes are heading is the book that Hannorore
carries to civilian apprentices. A large and thick book of Dunkel Ferger is being

...... What kind of book is this time? Fun.

"Rosemain, I have a face like someone else's, but I will have others cooperate"
"Well ... but ... I am told by Mr. Sorangju that I will not approach the library until the
administrator of the Schwarzs is stabilized with Dr. Ortansia."
"It is a matter different from Schwarz and others"

After Anastasezu said that, I looked down at me and laughed with h.

"I am bringing books from the royal palace library to help those booking favorite book
members happily cooperate. I would like you to cooperate pleasantly."
"Please leave it! We will cooperate as much as possible!"

I was told not to refuse the request from the royal family, but I got a prompt consent
with a smile. Hannero also nods "If it is a request from the royal family."

"What should I do?"

"It's about an archive that Hildebrand brought back and it does not open up, you know
how important information is for royalty?"

I have just talked about evils that have no Gurtris Hight before. I understand how
royalty wants Gurtris Height. I could understand that I feel like grabbing straw, even
in the kind of gossip that was spreading at the aristocrat.
243 | 2523
... ... I told you to cooperate as much as possible. I, I was hastened! Is it?

Even if it does not go soon, it will not escape if it is an order from the royal family, but
I occasionally held my head.

244 | 2523
"Since I left the dormitory early to apologize to the royal family, I did not think that
Rosemain is already there already."

I told you like Hannaore, I have a smile that I pulled. I do not intend to arrive early any
more, and it can not be said that it was just a call from the royal family at the
designated time.

"I also had a story with the royal family"

"Oh, maybe I did get in the way ... ...."

As Hannaore began to slow down, it may have been a mistake again, so I shook my
head with a smile with a smile to make me feel secure.

"I just wanted to give a hair ornament to give to Dr. Egrantine from Prince Anastigius."
"Well, I'm puzzling, so I'd like to see Mr. Hannero again"

Egrantine nods with a smile with my excuse. I watched over to Brünhild soon.
Brunhild immediately hands the box with hair ornament to the side of Anastasiusus.
After having troublesome steps such as checking the boxes and contents done
between the side parties, Anastasius laughed satisfactorily and put a box in front of
Egranthine, "I will give this to my beloved wife."
Looking at how the exchange of hair ornaments is done in a row, Hannorore smiled at
ease as though he was relieved.

"Prince Anastigius also ordered a new hair ornament? My order was also ordered by
my older brother and I am very much looking forward to receiving it."
"By taking the form of giving from Ferdinand, we also received orders from
Arendsbach's Dietrinde, the flowers themselves are the same as Adolfine, we
prepared five that are small in color and different in color "

As expected, "Well, five?" Surprised Egranthine, so I will explain about Dietlinde's hair
ornaments just as far as here. At the very least, we must have the royal family know
what it is not a sense of Ferdinand and how to decorate it depending on how it is

245 | 2523
"We can combine freely according to the time and place, costumes, it is designed by
Dietlinde, that Ehrenfest's sense is not trusted ... ...."
"Well, I am satisfied with the design of Ehrenfest and I think that today's hair
decoration is also very nice."
"Sorry, I will tell my exclusive that you are satisfied."

Others came along while showing off hair decorations. Sorangi and Altansia came
from the library. Greetings exchange.

...... This man is the first wife of the central knights.

"Ehrenfest would be somewhere to think about us, but please be patient."

"Mr. Ortansia?"

When I suddenly blinked out, Oltansia smiled with a sad smile.

"When the current state of the royal family is tough, Prince Hildebrandt takes home
stories about the hidden archives heard from the lords of Ehrenfest, and if the head of
the knight goes for confirmation, the lord of the Ewenfest will write the diary of the
old librarian The journal had a description of the royal family who visits the library
even after graduation? My husband, the honorable chief, thought that Ehrenfest was
aiming for the royalty in the lords. It is. "

... ... And the chief of the knight knew that Mr. Ferdinand was the fruit of Adal Gisa,
drawing blood of the royal family? It is suspected.

I think that it was too bad. If we did not even have to stand up at the library, we could
not have funny suspicions and Ferdinand never headed to Ahrensbach.

"My husband takes doubt on any occupation, but if I do not watch out for anything I
will be disqualified as the Knight Headmaster, I know that my husband is in a position
to buy a lot of resentment, but as much as possible We have adjusted things so that
there is benefit for each other, please understand. "

I told Altansia, I managed to smile.

As I told you, Ferdinand is catching suspicious behavior with the blood of the royal
family and he was not captured without question. What was ordered is a proclamation
that leaves the temple depricted by the surroundings and is a goddess to the great
territory, envied in the surroundings.
246 | 2523
...... I wish I had never been Ahrensbach.

Because it is told that it is being pleased, "There is no advantage here, but it can not
be said that it is not profitable here." I smile and smile.

"There are various circumstances between each other, and there are many things that
the impressions that we personally have and the surrounding opinions are not the

In this way, when Hildebrandt finished the conversation with Altansia, Hildebrand
came straight away. Greet a greeting with Hildebrand who was softly extruded by
Arthur of the leader side. It seems that I got accustomed to greeting than last year, and
I am fond of being "growing up".

"From the third grader it was said that opportunities to meet will be reduced much as
Rosemain can not finish the lecture right away, so I am glad to see you so"
"I am delightful to meet you, because I was not looking forward to what books Prince
Hildebrand promises,"

Hannero received an apology from two of the librarians next to Hildebrandt with a
greeting and a light conversation.

"I feel sorry for the lack of contact, I do not think that Hannero was at the library so
frequently that the manager replaces ... ...."
"Since the manager has already been replaced by Mr. Ortansia, please feel easy, Mr.

Hannero showed a smiling face as if he was relieved at ease in Sorangue's word that
the manager is changing. It seems that he was sickened.
I was relieved breathlessly that Hannorore was relieved and turned my question to

"I thought that if the senior librarian was supplying martial power to Schwarzs
everyday, the manager would not replace Mr. Hannorore, why did you replace
"Because we needed magical powers to do other things, we were still putting up with
the marginal spirituality of the Black Footsteps."

247 | 2523
In the words of Alturcia, I inclined my head saying, "Was there a magical tool more
important than Schwarzs in the library?" I do not think that there is a necessary
magical tool than Schwartz in daily work such as lending work and registering
without permission.
In my doubt, Ortansia turned to Anastasiusus and Egranthine, looking troubled,
looking for help.

"If you think of it as a day-to-day task, Schwarzs are important, but there are other
things we have to do in the ortansia who has received the life from the royal family."
"Since you also have a description in the book you borrowed from Mr. Sorangju, you
know Rosemain, do not you have a library that does not open without the key to a
senior librarian?"

It seems that it was one of the work of Altansia to find out whether there is a clue to
Gurtris Height and its connection by opening a library which does not open.

"To re-register the room of a senior librarian and become a manager of the key,
magical power is necessary, and I could not afford to supply magical power to

It seems that it was planned to supply magical power when the key is acquired.

"According to the story of the diary and Soranju, there are three keys, you can not
open the library without everything, so I tried to get three keys, but with only one
person It ended with no result. "

I thought that if you pour spells, you thought you could get the key, but it seems you
had three keys, not three keys. It seems that I got lost the first administrator's
qualification when registered as the administrator of the second key.

"So, I would like the library committee to be the key manager."

"Is not he calling a librarian from the center?"
"It is mountains that I want to do, but it is difficult to gather up to three senior civil
servants at the House of Lords just to open a library that does not know if there are
really important ones."

If it is a daily work of a student partner, we can turn it with Schnalt and Sorange. We
dispatched three senior civil servants there, there seems to be no affordable human

248 | 2523
resources that can be convinced when we ended up having nothing. From the royal
family also "It is said that it is only for ortansia unless there is much discovery."

"Even if we do not open normally, there is no problem at all, I think that the burden
on candidates for lords is fewer than supplying magical power to Schwarz, but how
about you?"

As Sorangj says so while looking at Hannaore, Anastasiusu nods.

"Schwarzs' magical powers are scheduled to be done in the center with Ortansia and
Hildebrand because they manage in the middle.When Henner and Rosemain are
studying at the university, I would like to be a key manager and help me to open the
library as well as Ortansia."

The key is kept in the library, so it seems to be called only when you want to open the

"Even if the grade is raised and the lecture becomes busy, it will not be a heavy burden
if it only opens the key because it is hard to have Schwarzs supply a large amount of
magical power depending on the lecture content"

It seems that consideration is given so that the burden here is reduced. I and Hannero
leave my face in the words of Anastasius, then they nod and they nods.

"Okay, I will take care of you."

When two librarians and Anastigius nodded what we accepted, Hildebrand opened
his mouth as if it was scolded.

"Oh, are you only Rosemain and Hannaore, are not you a manager of the key even
though I am a library committee member?"
"Is not it the one who said that they wanted to supply magical power to the Black

Hildebrandt sadly told Anastasius' words, saying, "That is it ... ...." I fell down.

"... ... I did not expect to be outraged"

"Even if you are not enrolled in the House of Lords, you can not even decide what
books are in the place where you entered the library."
249 | 2523
Hildebrandt was briefly pulled apart.

"Prince Anastigius, could I read books in the library?"

"The library committee members only open the key, it is the job of the librarian to
change the interior, it is troubled to enter the place where you do not know what is

...... though it is a new library of pains.

Is not it equal to torture that one who is unlocking herself can not read it with a book
that has never been read there? However, in the case of Gurtris Height, I know that it
is better for me not to approach me as I'm suspected by various Ehrenfest.

"Well, I will stand up as soon as I can, so please read me if there are books and
materials that do not matter even if I read it"
"As long as you confirm it"

The serious story ended with that, and the tea ceremony began in a peaceful
atmosphere. The candy that each brought was ordered, each one eating a mouth at
the same time as a poison vision, to introduce.

"This is the recipe of Katrkar that I bought from Ehrenfest plus the lowered of
Dunkerfelger special product.Since I got Rosemain sama in the fight against last year's
territory, I made it to a chef even in Dunkel Ferger That's it. "

Liquor immersed in Loule is also like Dunkel Ferger's, and its flavor is totally different.

"Would it be different in alcohol? It is delicious with a taste different from that of

Rowe's made with Ehrenfest, so it's nice to be able to enjoy the taste tailored to each
"I am looking forward to a new cake that Rosemain brings every year"

While Sorange was laughing with couscous, I put hands on the tart of the yoghurt
mousse brought by me. Because it treats Ruttlebe's jam on the white yoghurt mousse
like a pattern, it looks like a luxurious and winter-like sweet.

"Since the basic taste of this white part is yoghurt, please add the sweetness as you
250 | 2523
The sweets brought from the center look cute, but they are too sweet. I tried hard and
ate, but none of these retired in three mouths.
After enjoying tea and sweets all the time, I will discuss the impression of the book.

... ... this is a tea party like this! It's too fun!

"The knight story that Rosemain lent me was a very easy-to-read book for me before
I entered the House of Lords, and I enjoyed reading it very much."

For Hildebrandt the knight story seems to be just good reading as a progress of study.
Although it is a bit difficult, I am excited and thrilled and I heard that the continuation
is anxious, I read it crazy.

"I would like to do my utmost to devote a beautiful magic stone for the princess who
thinks like that story."

A somewhat excited face and talking about which knight's story was good The purple
eyes of Hildebrandt are sparkling shining and the impression that it is a boy who says
that he wishes to become strong so that he can beat a strong devil is springs I came. I
can see that everyone is looking forward to seeing it.

"Because Reti Zia is very cute, it would be a pleasure if you give a manastone from a
wonderful person like Prince Hildebrandt."
"... .... Retetzia, do you?"

Hildebrandt blushed with a blank eye as he did not know what he was told. I should
have been announced at the Lord's Conference, but I thought I was inclined.

"Prince Hildebrand is a retiree of Ahrensbach, is not he?" Ferdinand came to pick me

up at the border gate as I headed to Ahrensbach, although I have talked a bit, He was
pretty cute. "
"Well, but, I ... ...."

It seems to me that Hildebrandt's little tone has fallen, perhaps because they were
only announced at the lord conference, they are not yet facing each other and may not
feel real. I remembered shortly afterwards.

...... Prince Hildebrand did like Charlotte!

251 | 2523
It may be that the topic of a fiancée who does not know the face decided as parents is
talked about, and it has stepped over a faint first love. I feel upsetting inside.

...... But, it is strange to give Charlotte's topic suddenly here, and Prince Hildebrandt is
in trouble if you know your first love around you? Oh, ah, what shall I do! Is it? sorry
Sorry. I did not mean to trample my first love! I do not think that my mother will be
pleased if I know it!

"Oh, Rosemain. I ... ...."

"Prince Hildebrandt has also decided to get engaged, congratulations."

The words of Hildebrand 's call and Hannero' s words suffered. Everyone began to
celebrate the words of Hannaore, and Hildebrandt smiled a little as "afraid". It seems
that it is not disagreeable just because there is no consciousness in engagement.
As I thought, Hannellore looked around everyone in the room and smiled as if it could
be breathtaking.

"Everyone has a wonderful opponent. It seems that somehow I am out of the office."

There are certainly married people and fiancées except Hannaore. Ortansia laughs
with couscous.

"Oh, Mr. Hannaore is a third grader, it is the most fun time of the coming year, is there
no opponent who is in agreement?"
"No, but that's true ... ... I'd like to be courted up by a gentleman who offers a nice
amulet like Rosemain says, as in the love story of Ehrenfest"

Hannorore waving his head shyly smiling and gazing at the rainbows of my rainbow-
colored stone. I shake my head a bit and touch Rainbow Colors.

"This is an amulet offered by Wilfried's older brother, who Ferdinand designed for
me, preparing manastones by worrying about my guardian."

Again it appealed that Ferdinand's sense is not bad and emphasize what he received
from Wilfried.

"... ... Rosemain is cherished with Ehrenfest to prepare such a great manastone, is not
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I nodded with a smile on the words of Egrantine who are looking at the rainbow-
colored manuscript while blinking their eyes.

"I think that I am treating you very much.I listened to my wisdom and allowed me to
make books that I like like this inside the territory and I got a library as well"

As I said so, I showed a book I brought to everyone to lend.

"Is there a new book this year as well? Although I read the love story of Ehrenfest, I
had a story that I know occasionally and it was amusing.When I think that this story
is that person , My memories of the nobuni era revived and it became a very nostalgic
feeling. "
"I am pleased that Mr. Sorangju is pleased that the love story of this year's aristocratic
family is made up of stories that other countries' civilian apprentices gathered, so
unlike any of the stories of the past anyone's story It is much harder to be specific. "

The story collected at the tea party of Ehrenfest was focused on Ehrenfest because the
story of the generation that mothers and their friends knew was central, so if familiar
stories such as those handed down at the aristocratic center It was relatively easy to
However, the story that civil apprentices gathered for the sake of money sake has
many minor talks so as not to wear it with other people so that it can be given a high
value even a little, the territory is also various and difficult to identify It is becoming.

"We are preparing not only love stories but also books for Hikata, a story of nurturing
friendship through treasure stealer and prince Anastigiusus, if you are interested, I
will lend you."
"I am curious, is not it poor to make Hildebrand wait?"

Anastigius has pointing his fingers to Hildebrand. It is a feeling that Hildebrandt is

wilting like a dog who gave you money. Usually, since there is only one book, if you
lend it to Anastasisus by identity, Hildebrand will have to wait for it to come around.

...... But do not worry!

"We can lend you both at the same time, so please do not distribute Brunhild,
Richarda, the love story of the House of Peers and the story of the ditters"
"Certainly yes"
253 | 2523
Brünhirde distributes Rodrigh's ditters stories and Richardard hands out the love
story of the novelist's novelist. The story of the ditters was scheduled to be shown at
the tea party with Dunkel Ferger for the first time, but since this is the only work for
boys that seems to be enjoying Anastasiusus and Hildebrand, it was announced to the
royal family.

...... It's amazing how the royal family can read it suddenly!

When gazing gently, Rhodderich stands in the corner of the room with a very
unbelievable face. I want to know the reaction but I do not want to know it.

Egrantine who picked up the handed book blinked orange's eyes.

"... Rosemain, are these the exact same books?"

"Well, I'm planning to make the same book making technology a printing industry,
and I am planning to make Ehrenfest's new core industry.This is the history book of
Dunkel Ferger that is decided to sell like this I will not be able to put it out soon after
I get it. "

When I gave an explanation of printing, Sorange and Altansia compare the books they
had and said, "I'm sure it's time to paint," he said with a surprised voice.

"Regardless of the contents that letters are beautifully aligned, why does the cover
manage somehow?"

Parapara and Anastigius who turned around the book frown. It seems that the
reputation is not good for the aristocrat who is still used to the decorative cover.

"The paper that confined this flower is a cover page at once, and it is because the book
of Ehrenfest is attaching the cover of the paper like this in order to attach the cover of
your favorite leather. Prince Stargis and Princess Hannella likes a different cover, is
not it, since it is bound only with threads, it can be easily solved, bringing it to the
workshop and making the cover does not take time and effort. "
"Fufumu ..."

Anastage is still looking at the book unsatisfactorily. Perhaps I have never seen a book
without a cover.

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"Please think that the book of Ehrenfest is only sales of contents. It can process
cheaply because it does not process the cover. It is devised to make it easier for lower
aristocrats and middle class aristocrats to buy is"

Intermediate aristocrat Sorangju is pleased that "I'm very grateful." Hannale also
laughed as Nicola with the book of Ehrenfest.

"The book of Ehrenfest is light and easy to carry and I like it because it is easy to turn
around, so it's much more friendly than a book that you can not read unless you have
helped by a civilian or side work."

Hildebrand also agreed with Hannorre 's words of a thick Dan Kel Ferger' s book with
his line of sight once.

"I understand, it's much easier to handle, compared to a book that is big enough and
big enough to read in front of the bookstore and read."

...... I'd like to read it, what a big book I have to stand and read!

I was restrained gently by Brünhildde who refrained from putting herself behind. I
confirm that there is no change in the manastone of the necklace and I will sit back

"Is Ehrenfest the only thin book like this?"

"Because it's only bound with threads, you can not be as thick as it is, so it's a game of

I said so and looked back on Brünhild. Brinkhilde nodded with Kokuri began
distributing another book with Richarda.
It is the mother's latest work "Fellesnine Story". In a story that struck a rough feeling
when Ferdinand 's marriage was decided, it is written that the main character' s sex
is changed in that way as it is not.

Fell nessine who lost his mother when he was young and was living a small piece with
his father's side. Before the baptismal ceremony, the place where the father took us
to be taken over is the lord's castle. Fel nessine was a candidate for a lord.

Then relentless torment of mother-in-law starting from. When entering the House of
Lords, Fellenetine became prominent with good looks and excellent results.
255 | 2523
Sometimes I was harassed by being jealous of other lords, but it is trivial compared to
what I was made to be a mother-in-law.
I experienced my first freedom at a nobleman house without a mother-in-law, and
Fellenetine fell in love with the prince. But Fellenetine is a lordless candidate who has
no mother. It is against the surroundings that it is not balanced with the prince.

Felnessetine has decided to marry to the great lands with royalty to separate it from
the prince. That large territory was the place of mother - in - law and the marriage
partner was a bullfighting bull that resembled mother - in - law.
The prince did not give up Feruessesin who tried to marry as he could not disobey the
royalty. I will try to rescue Feruestine by that hand. Fel nessine who had refused at
the beginning because it is annoying is a story that persuaded the king many times
and took the hands of the prince who got permission of marriage and is a happy end.

...... No matter how expensive it is, the heroine seems to be useless unless it can be

When I read this, he realized that Ferdinand was a model, he was laughing that "Elvira
is not afraid", but he seems to be unaware if he is not very close, and Ferdinand is a
model even at Ehrenfest There are few people who noticed.

Incidentally, this Fellesnine story and Rodderich 's ditters stories are long films,
which, unlike traditional short stories, is a continuum. Because it took too long to print
because it physically did not fit in one volume, it is supposed to be released every time
it was done.
I saw how everyone has a book to look forward to, and I laughed. This is the first step
of a magnificent plan that extends the people who want books to the whole Jurgen
Schmidt in search of continuation.

...... Everyone, like me, it's good to take "a sickness I want to read more!" My favorite
virus, spread to everyone!

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In Ehrenfest you can lend a book to everyone because printing is possible, but not
everyone else can bring out books from the territory indeed truly. I decided the order
how to turn it and decided to borrow books. It came to my hand that Soranju brought
it from a closed archive.

"Rosemain has a lot of magical powers? It's an old book and it was a book that I moved
to a closed book archive for preservation, but there are several unusual magic teams.
Long ago I studied the Schwarzs It seems to be a book with a teacher who was doing
it, so will not you study? "
"I am sorry"

If you study this by manuscripting with Ferdinand or Hill Sur, you might be able to
create Black Farts to put in my library. I want to start reading even now, but I can not
open a book suddenly here. A book is exchanged between an apprenticeship aide and
civil apprenticeship because it is not a thing to come to hand with me.

"That, Rosemain"
"What, Prince Hildebrand?"

Hildebrandt who cried out with a screaming appearance shifted his eyes to the book
in the hand of Artur.

"Rosemain also likes reading a difficult book, is not it?"

"Yes, I love you."
"It is very time consuming for me to read such a difficult book before entering the
House of Lords and it is good to read Rosemain first."

Hildebrand tells me that he will lend me the book he is going to borrow. I desperately
kept the feelings I wanted to jump and looked up at Artur.

"Is that okay? ... ... I borrowed the prince's book ... ...."
"Prince Hildebrandt likes Ehrenfest's books and reads it over and over again, so it
would be better for you to hand over this to Rosemain, where you can enjoy reading

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Also, as I was told that I wanted to lend a new book of Ehrenfest, I nodded none.

"Thank you very much, Prince Hildebrand"

"I am delighted that Rosemain is pleased."

...... Prince Hildebrand, how bad!

In this way I was able to borrow the Book of the Royal Palace Library borrowed from
Prince Anastigius as remuneration to become a key manager, and the book of the
Oltinsia which Sorange 's book and Hildebrandt was supposed to borrow. It is a
wonderful achievement.
The favorite tea ceremony held by the royalty being hosted by the royal family ended
more than expected.

"It was not a pleasant experience, it is very wonderful to be able to finish the tea party
without losing consciousness, but the princess should report to Aub Ehrenfest before
reading the book he borrowed Is not there a lot? "
"……I agree"

Richarda was scolded by returning to the dormitory and trying to reach out to the
book at once. If anything, I would like to remember only happy things, but I do not
think so.

"I write in a hidden room"

When I got up with sighs, I headed to the hidden room. Write a letter to Ferdinand
along with the report. What matters is that the request was made for the first prince
and Adolfine 's starring tennis ceremony to serve as the temple and the content of the
library committee activities was changed to the key manager.

I wrote the content that I think is important with the ink which disappears in the letter
for Ferdinand. Finally, "I am supposed to read a book in a locked library that is locked
up after a librarian has confirmed whether it is a good book to read.

And while I dried the ink, I also wrote a report to Ehrenfest. The contents are the same.
I answer "Please give me permission from Aubu, so please sell my favor to the royal
family well", so I added only the last difference.
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At that time, since the ink of the letter I wrote earlier is dry, I write content that is
rambling, such as snacks arranged at the tea ceremony from the top or topics of
borrowed books, with ordinary ink. As a result of thinking for a while, I avoided the
topic of the book I lent.

"... ... There is no such thing as to get angry?

When I reviewed the letter again and sealed, I left a hidden room with a letter and a

The next day when the favorite tea party ended, the schedule of tea ceremony arrived
from Dunkel Ferger. Apparently Aru seems to have given permission for collaborative
research. Brunhild returned home with an invitation card.

"I heard he wants to do it in the morning two days later and then since Mr. Lestilut is
going to participate, I was thankful that Vilfried would be able to join us."

For the purpose of delivering hair ornaments and talking about collaborative
research, Lesty Lout is determined to be present, but it seems that one man is
uncomfortable. We turn our eyes to Villefried who was listening to the story together
at the multipurpose hall.

"Wilfried brother does not have a lecture, is it? How can you do?"
"It is easy to understand how uncomfortable the state that only a man is at a tea party
with only females, and I also have to cooperate in collaborative research." Let's
accompany it. "

In the first grade there was no Charlotte, and Vilfriit was present alone at a tea party
that was women alone instead of me who returned to the dedication ceremony. Given
the uncomfortable feeling at that time, it seems to be sympathetic to Restistau.

"And then, when Ms. Hannero talked about the situation at a tea party like this book,
it seems that the knight of Dunkel Ferger was very interested in the Ditters stories, if
you do not mind, I would like to ask you if you can lend me "

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Originally I planned to show it to Dunkel Ferger first so there is no problem. I nod and
acknowledge it.

Until the tea party with Dunkel Ferger, the two of Brunhild and Rieselter talked about
Wilfriit's sidebar and the steps at the cake and tea ceremony brought in, and a small
cue, and I will collaborate with Dorevankel I took the civilian apprentices who took us
to the Gundorf laboratory and introduced them at the Hill sur school laboratory to
give Rimondo the next letter and urged you to reply.

"Thank you for inviting me."

Me and Wilfried took their aides and headed to the tea ceremony room in
Dunkelfelger. Because we talk about collaborative research, there are a lot of civil
servants. There is also Muriela that has not been given a name yet.

"Wilfried, Rosemain, I was waiting.

Hannaore and Lestilauc greet us and we have a long greeting and we sit at the seat we
are advised. I could see Clarissa just from my seat. When I gazed at Rodderichi gently
and nodded, Rohdrich hands Hartmut's letter.

...... It takes a lot of days even at the House of Peers. I guess Ferdinand's reply will come
back even more.

"Well, will you show me the hair ornaments you ordered immediately?"

Restraint lightly cleared his throat. Why do you seem to be frustrated? Hannorore
lightly breathes out when he is inclining his head in his inner heart.

"Older brother, I know I can not wait, but is it not good even after the tea ceremony

Knowing that Hannorore's words seemed to make you laugh a little, knowing that the
attitude that looked like Restzurut's greatness and irritation was just a stupid feeling.
I can not laugh, so put my strength on my stomach and I will speak to Brunhild.

"Please hold your hair ornament"

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As soon as Burunhilde hands the box with hair ornaments to the restraint's side, the
side checks the box and contents and hands it to Restistau. No matter how frustrating
it seems to be troublesome, that procedure is necessary. I already know that there is
a risk of poisoning.

Since I am free until the confirmation is over, I was looking at the restraint that seems
to be fidgeting. I can not tell if it is not my life that the face that is irritated and looks
bad is merely hurting. At the time of greetings, Lesty Lout can make funny smiles like
aristocrats. That's why the fidget looks so bad.

Finally the restylau began looking at the severe face which wrinkled in the interglory
between the hair ornaments reached at hand.
Flowers ordered according to autumn noble color, the center is red, flowers like dahlia
becoming yellow as heading to the edge are in the middle, small flowers and leaves
like silver osmanthus around, and , Colorful round fruit which seems to be the fruit of
autumn is decorated.

I think that it is made according to the instructed illustration, is it suitable for the
glasses of Restyrauut who seems to have a profound knowledge in art? When I was
watching slowly, Restzurau who was examining with a rugged face smiled with red
eyes narrowing satisfyingly for only a moment with Hu.

"Huh. That's okay."

"Your older brother's sort of thing is that there are no complaints, Rosemain-sama."

Even without asking Hannaore 's words, I found out that I could be satisfied if I looked
at the face of Restillaut.

"I heard from a craftsman that Lestilut was instructed flowers and in fact it is not in
Ehrenfest, I learned very rarely.The sense of Restistau is wonderful."
"Wow, you can reproduce the flowers and fruits you have never seen before you have
craftsmen better than you expected"

From the red eyes I see this staretely, it is told that "I like the craftsman, so do not
send it here." I laughed with nice.

"Sorry, I am a proud craftman and I trust all of my hair ornaments to that person."

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...... No matter how much I want, Turi is my exclusive, so I will not give it.

As I was gladly stared at the usual eyes, I understood that I thought "cheeky", but I can
not give up what I can not yield. With a smile I tried to let the topic flow.

"It seems you were satisfied with your hair ornaments, so book of history of Dunkel
Ferger ... ...."
"Wait a moment, Rosemain. It will be long when the other begins talking about the
book, better to talk about important collaborations before."

I was thinking of shifting to the topic of the book, it took a stop. When I looked at
Villefried, I was about to place a cup. Apparently it seems to have been recommended
by Hanna Rolle while I was interacting with Lestirauut. Both Wilfried and Hannaore
are already enjoying tea with them.

"Wilfried's older brother, it is the story of the book of history of Dunkel Ferger, so this
is also an important story."
"I know that but the story of the book is easy to derail.

I can not turn back to Wilfried who is speaking in words based on my experience so I
will start talking about collaborative research. I want tea and sweets before that. I was
advised by Hannaore and I gave Dankel Ferger's sweets. It is a garret that wraps a low
and a cream soaked in sake. I can not stand rusty taste.

"Was Rosemain says at a tea party before, I want to eat loure like this?"

It seems that Hanna Rolle was using the information that he had been trying to make
such a sweet if there was a loose.

"Because I could not prepare Gablettes without buckwheat quickly, I stayed as

Garrett, but it is my favorite now."
"... was it true that he likes such candy?"

It seems that Lestilout opposed that it would not be a sweet for a tea ceremony at the
House of Peers. It seems that Hannellore has just pushed "It's just preparing
Rosemain's favorite sweets".

"I like the tea ceremony of Dunkel Ferger who was filled with thoughtfulness of
Hannaore 's wishes."
262 | 2523
"Well, I also like the sweets of Dunkel Ferger than the central sweets made with
"I am happy to hear that, Rosemain, Wilfried-sama"

When Hannorore smiled nicely with happiness, Restzurau rang Hung and his nose
while saying "the material of Dunkel Ferger is good".

"So, how are you going to do collaborative research? The apprenticeship of the knight
of Dunkel Ferger is surely able to obtain protection from Angleev, but not all of them
have gained protection yet."
"Since I already have a hypothesis, I'd like to talk with you from Dunkel Ferger and
the apprentices from the apprenticeship to prove it. Well, for example, after praying
to God many times in practical skills Is there any difference between those who
ceremony to obtain protection with citizens and those who did ceremonies to obtain
protection right away? The senior aristocracy and magical power that pours magical
powers to fill the magic teams as a whole at the time of ceremonies Is there a
difference in lower level aristocracy who does not satisfy, I want to question what
kind of ritual is done in Dunkel Ferger and how often it is doing "

Restraint called my civilian officer to my words and received something.

"There is permission from father to show rituals before and after Ditters, but there
are two conditions, one is to seriously do a doctor"

I blinked my eyes as I could not understand what I was told.

"You will not need ceremonies, even if you do not do anything, as there is a prayer to
God to wish for Victory of Ditter, there is no choice not to do a dittorish match."
"Since the ceremony done by Candidate Candidate of Dunkel Ferger is after the game,
you can not dedicate magical power without doing anything."

Although I am watching as if I care about this, Hannero also seems to think that it is
essential for rituals.

...... It's unexpected! It is essential for cooperative research that Ditter is necessary!

263 | 2523
I might not be able to predict at the time of collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger,
but I may not be able to predict, but I did not think that research was necessarily a
necessity for a doctor.

"... .... It is a collaborative research offered from here, there is no choice but to receive

I knew that the face of the apprentices of the knights of Dunkel Ferger in the tea
ceremony room was brightened by Wilfried's words, I wanted to slide down with

"As long as lectures by knight apprentices as well as lectures on civilian

apprenticeships involved in collaborative research have not ended to a certain extent,
it is not possible for Dittor to compete, so it is a good idea to ask questions for a while
and proceed with research."
"In this collaborative research, Mr. Ruffen is very tight, so if you contact us with
Aldonants you will be able to respond to the entry into the knight wing and questions."

I nodded to the words of two people and asked, "What is another condition?" I do not
think there is a more troublesome condition than Dittar. It is a mind that everything
will come.
After Restzurau had cleared his throat once, he said, "It is to show off the ritual of the
other person."

"Is it my ceremony?"
"Oh, if you were in the temple and you got protection from doing rituals, are they also
doing ceremonies? What is the saint of Ehrenfest who gained the protection of many
gods? Please put into the research whether you are doing the ceremony and actually
show me the ritual in front of Hannaore. "

It seems to be said that you show the ritual of Ehrenfest as well as exposing the ritual
of Dunkel Ferger's history.

"There are many rituals to be done in the temple, such as baptismal ceremonies, adult
ceremonies, ceremonial ceremonies, etc. What kind of ceremony is good? If you
become a milestone ritual you will need a partner, It will be a ceremony to pray for a
good harvest towards rural areas, not for doing at the lords. "
"...... Rural? No, it does not matter if you do not need to be exaggerated, so long as you
know how that one prays to God."
264 | 2523
... ... Is it a ceremony that you can do at the House of Lords? Well doing it, there is only
playback of the collection place that I can think of as a patch, but it is not like it 's truly
visible. Well, that's pretty difficult.

"I will think about what kind of ritual to show off."

"Ay, I want you to show me somewhat like a saint."
"Older brother"

Stared at Hanna Rolle, Restzurut faces away "Do not say unnecessary things".

"By the way, in this collaborative research I would like to cooperate with the
apprenticeship of the civil servants on the side of Dunkel Ferger, but may I appoint
Clarissa to one of them?"

I can see Clarissa nodding, but when I caught a glimpse of it Cliressa asked "Why?"

"It is the biggest reason why Hartmut's fiancée, my aide, is deeply connected with
Ehrenfest, and I am sure that I will work diligently on my research to improve the
impression of the temple. ...... Hartmut is now the chief priesthood '
"Did you enter the temple? What did the man do?"

To enter the temple after all it seems to be a dirty spot for the nobility. I did not think
that I was told the most, "what did I do !?"

"It is not because Hartmut did not come but Ferdinand is gone," he says.

In my words Restzlut distorts his face as saying that he does not know the meaning. I
breathed a light lightly.

"Until now, Mr. Ferdinand of the guardian has supported me who is the chief of the
temple on the practical side as the chief priest, but as you know, Ferdinand is
supposed to be a founder to Ahrensbach. Because it is gone, Haltmut, a faithful aide,
was to enter the temple as a new priest chief. "

In my explanation, both Lesty Lout and the surrounding students murmured "Are you
sure you can enter the temple as the chief priest without any fault at Ehrenfest?"

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"I do not know what the temple of the large territory like Dunkel Ferger is like, but to
be embarrassed the temple of Ehrenfest has very few blue priests."

Wilfried said that while watching Restylau.

"Because there are not enough people to fill the small sacred cup, Rosemae with a lot
of magical powers or candidates like lords like uncle get inaugurated as the chief of
the temple and the chief priest, and they are doing ceremonies.The praying
ceremonies and harvest festival Then I and Charlotte are helping. "

Temple murmured, "If it says that the Lord of the Lords enters and goes out, Restzlaut
muttered" Is it so? "

"If we succeed in the research that it will be easier to obtain protection from the gods
due to the frequency, content, seriousness etc. seriously praying, we expect that the
view on the temple will change a bit, so If you do not resolve your engagement with
Hartmut who entered the temple, I would like Clarissa to help. "
"What to do, Clarissa? If you say that it is a man who enters the temple with other
fiancés, you can easily resolve your engagement,"

Clarissa instantly shook his head to the words of Restistau. The three braids on the
back shake together.

"Even if I pride himself for the Lord without hesitating Hartmut who entered the
temple, I will not disdain. If I are in Ehrenfest, I will try to do the same by challenging
the position of Hartmut and the chief priest You must have done it. "

I felt my eyes blinked several times, feeling that the smile of Clarissa who smiled with
Nicoli was somewhat similar to Hartmut.

"Rosemain, please do not let me collaborate with you"

Clarissa gathered the fist with the blue eyes shining. In his hands a letter from
Hartmut is held and it is crushing.

"I do not need words of apology like this, no matter what my relatives tell you, I will
push through my path and marry to Ehrenfest ... ... And this is the sight of Ehrenfest's
saint who does the divinity Fit it! "
266 | 2523
... ... I heard that Clarissa is saying that it is very Hartmut, but is he making mistakes?

Looking at Pocan and Clarissa, I will move my eyes to everyone in Dunkelfelger. I do

not see how surprised everyone whether this is the ordinary figure of Clarissa.
Restylau was watching Clarissa with the eyes looking at things that are extremely

"Grasp the clasp reins tightly with Ehrenfest, because we can not look after you here."
"Please wait, Clarissa is a child of Dunkel Ferger!"

Clarissa smiled embarrassedly as if she could be embarrassed, as I said, please do not

say such an abandoning remark.

"My belonging is still Dunkel Ferger, but my heart is completely Rosemain-sama's


The expression of Clarissa who wrapped his cheeks with both hands looks like a girl
who confessed love, but I do not know how to react.
I turn my eyes to seek help from Brunhild and Leonore. "Is not it like Haltmut would
be two people," Brünnhirde muttered with a smile.

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Restraint watching with clarissa 's warm spirit wielding lightly waving his hand as if
it was "stop quickly."

……Huh? That's my role! Is it?

Stop stopping the runaway of the apprenticeship of the civil servants of Dunkel
Ferger, and I am confused and look around the surroundings.

"Since the mind already seems to be his other minister, is not it just to stop as the
"Wilfried's older brother ... ... May I only have a little time with Clarissa?"

To talk with Clarissa in the middle of a tea ceremony is rude to Hannorre and Restylau
who are inviting me, but it can not be helped if it is told by the Dunkel Ferger side to

"I am very sorry, but I will leave it to Rosemain, so it seems that our voice does not
reach much to Clarissa in this state ... ...."

I saw Clarissa as he was troubled by Hannaore. I wonder if Clarissa always warms his
spirit in Dunkel Ferger's dormitory. I am a bit scared.
I turned around and said to Brynhild.

"Brunhild, give gifts to Clarissa"

"Certainly yes"

There are hair ornaments that Clarissa wanted me to give him if he did not give up on
marriage with Hartmut. Because I got advice from the female team that it was easier
to prepare those who arrived at hand ahead of the day in order to decide the hairstyle
and match it with costumes.

In fact I was going to give it secretly when the tea ceremony ended, but it seems that
the spirit of Clarissa will not stop, so how about letting it go down and let it "go down
in the room" once on this occasion? I quietly stood in the room so far, I think that once
it goes down it will calm down. I hope you calm down.

268 | 2523
I asked Brühnhild to draw a chair and stand up, and slowly walked towards Clarissa.
Clarissa 's mouth stopped watching the blue eyes gazing at my movements. I can
understand that all the gaze is concentrating on myself in the room quiet with the

When I reached out for a call called "Clarissa", Clarissa kneeled on the spot as if it had

"Clarissa, your feelings have been well communicated.I am proud that I am proud that
Hartmut is in the temple and I am very happy."
"Rosemain-sama ..."
"So, if you are considering Hartmut who became the president of the priest as the
opponent, please do not accept this, it is a hair ornament for the graduation ceremony
came from Hartmut"

I handed out the wooden box that I gave to Brunhild, I offered to Clarissa. Clarissa
receives a wooden box by letting the blue eyes moisten as if he had been touched.

"I'd like you to open the box in my room"

So I turned my eyes to Hannale and Restylau. It was the restyrauut who immediately
understood the meaning of the gaze.

"Clarissa, you can go down"

"... No, I will stay here till the end, I want to burn Rosemain-sama's figure in this eye."
"Then, keep silent and stand there, it's in your way."
"Certainly yes"

Restraint successfully pushed Clarissa to the edge of the room, and exhaled a breath.
It seems that I was able to return Clarissa to a calm state safely. I exhaleed a breath of
relief and returned to my seat.

"It was quite a splendid rework."

"... .... Sorry ... Unless you talk to us elsewhere in a collaborative study, could you tell
me about the book on history of Dunkel Ferger?"
"Well, thank you.The book of history is what both older brother and father are looking
forward very much."

269 | 2523
Hannale urged us with a smile with Nicoli. Villefried points his eyes to the place where
the civilian is lined up and speaks to "Ignatz" and his apprenticeship.
Ignats began to move and handed out a sample of Dunkel Ferger 's history book to the
apprenticeship of the civil war in Lestirauut. After some confirmation, it will go to the
hands of Lestirauut.

Restylut began to flip books and books. I'm beginning to check with a pretty serious
face, but what I need for Ehrenfest is the passing of Aub Dunkel Ferger.
Wilfried concentrates on the book and changes his gaze from Hannorore to the mouth,
from the restraint that he does not seem to have heard.

"If this does not have a problem, it will be sold in the same form as a sample.Aub -
Dunkel Ferger 's reply is OK at the Lord' s conference"
"Sorry, I will tell Abu to that."

Hannale was laughing with Nikoli and he contracted us. And after glancing at the
restylut who is checking the book, we give instructions for tea instead and
recommend it to us. While listening slowly to tea, I was listening to stories about
history books from Hannaore.

"The translation of Rosemain's history book gave a great impact to Dunkel Ferguer"
"Well, what is it?"
"As you know, you learn Jurgen Schmidt's history at the House of Lords, but you will
not learn only the history of yourself in detail, it is normal that you do not know the
history of your own dominance unless you are a lord family. As a result of this easy-
to-understand history book like this, not only adults but also children got the
opportunity to know the history of self-domains deeply "

……I did not know. An ordinary aristocrat does not know the history of its own domain
in detail.

It is absolutely necessary for the candidate for lords, so you can teach the history of
your territory. It seems that there are opportunities to know that if it is a senior
aristocrat of a lord family, it is a senior aristocrat who hears from the grandfather and
parents or a child of the same age who is deeply connected with the lord family like a
milky brother. I was knocked down from Ferdinand, so I thought that everyone knew
it as common sense of nobility.

270 | 2523
"Because the history of Dunkel Ferger is old, it was too difficult for a spouse of a lord
of the lord to crawl to learn what the words of the history book were too difficult for
children to learn."
"... ... Has anyone done a translation?"

I think that it is no wonder that even if the civil servants of the local territory will be
repaired as modern sentences if it is so hard. In my question Hannaore answered "All
the lord families will translate."

"But I do not leave sentences that I have translated so much, as I remember the old
words as they are, it is said that it is also the duty of the lords of the lords to tell them."
"I think that is an important point of mind.If you do not remember consciously, old
words will easily be forgotten and obsolete, so it will be obsolete, that's why the ritual
of prayer has also been passed over and over and over again"
"I am sorry"

In my words Hannaore has a smile with a slightly ambiguous feeling. And I stroke as
if I remembered something.

"Do you know that the third wife of the King is from Dunkel Ferger? She praised
Rosemain-sama's translation as amazing, so if you can sell it because it's very easy to
read, you'd definitely want to buy it is"
"I am honored."

...... What is the king's third wife is Mother of Prince Hildebrandt? As expected it is a
large territory. There is a connection with the royalty properly.

While admiring and admiring, I considered the translation book also to the royal
family, "If there is any inconvenience to put out on the table, please do not hesitate to
contact us, we will deal with it." to call out.
As soon as that, Restingut, who had been casting his eyes on the book for a long time,
lifted his face.

"What are you saying? I do not know what Ehrenfest is like, but there is no such thing
as Dunkel Ferguer in history that I have to hide or ashamed."

That's a long history. There will be one or two parts that I want to hide. I do not think
there is no reason. However, I think that the place not to conceal it is amazing, and the
appearance that candidate lords are clearly distinctive is more refreshing.
271 | 2523
...... Although the artistic skin was surprising, I still feel like Destroyer is also Dunkel

As I was admired, Wilfried told me, "How was the sample?"

"Well it's okay, unlike translations that were passed on to you, it is good to have
pictures in some places.When it was rich in color and glamorous, it was good to
express with only white and black Because it is drawn on the premise, it is not so bad

From there it was just an assessment of the picture. Apparently it seemed that I was
closely watching Vilma's illustration rather than the text.

"It is my exclusive dedication, I am honored to be praised"

"Is that exclusive ... ... Do you also draw one's picture?"

The artist's restraint seems to be considerably interested in Villema's paintings. As I

was questioned, I inclined my head. I entered Vilma's room only once. At that time I
was overflowing with the picture of Ferdinand, and I feel that there was also a few
pictures of me.

"I've seen pictures that have drawn the figure that I am singing for years, but it seems
like there was something I was painting for Fespiel to play ... .... I will not be able to
afford to draw my picture as I will be busy drawing books these days. "

Somewhat disappointingly, Restzurut aimed his line of sight at the picture of the book.
It seems that he liked the picture of Vilma. It is truly my side.

"Do you want to see the story of Ditt?"

At that moment, it seems that no-minded knights apprentices began to fidget. Perhaps
it is also the same reason why the face of Restistau became steep.

"This Ditters story deals with treasure steal Ditters, so I'd like to hear from Dunkel
Ferger's people.

272 | 2523
Please leave it to me, the students of Dunkel Ferger in the room got the voice. Not only
the knight but also the civil servant and the side workers. How much ditters are
penetrating in Dunkel Ferger? I do not want to think.

"The author seems to have written Ferdinand-san Ditch's memorandum of

understanding at first, but since it is a generation that does not know the treasure
stealer how many minutes, he may have something somewhat strange."

I also saw the manuscript of Rodrig and pointed out the strange part of the sentences
and obvious contradictions and corrected them. However, I do not know the treasure
thief ditters that I do with the whole house of the aristocracy, so it is not perfect.

...... If I was not busy with Ferdinand's goddamn, my father took a look and check it.

"Which ... ... there is no illustration in this?"

It was the presence or absence of an illustration that Restesutau mostly pointed out
who saw the ditters story handed down from civil apprentice appeared. Vilma is
responsible for the illustration of the book being made at Rosemain's Studio, but no
illustrations are attached to only the Ditters story. At first glance it may be strange,
but this is unavoidable.

"Because my exclusive painter is a commoner, the stage is a nobleman and I can not
illustrate the state of the ditters that only aristocrats can do."
"Indeed, I can not draw it unless you are a nobleman and neither a state nor a diver of
the aristocrat"

Restzurut nods as convinced, but for here it is a fairly urgent matter. Although stories
are easy to gather, collecting painters is hard. I do not know how to call out and how
to collect it.

"I think that if you are a member of the nobility who is good at drawing, I'd like to ask
for illustrations, but there is not a good talent for Ehrenfest ..."

Fuu, and I was sighing and talking about human resources development of painters,
Restesuto was looking at me cranklessly.

"... What is it?"

"Oh, Rosemain, your older brother is good at drawing."
273 | 2523
As Hannorore shudderly said so, I realized somehow that Restesuto is running for a

"As long as you see the hairdress design drawing, I think that the skill of the artist is
wonderful, and I think that if you draw it, I can draw even more of everyone's

I think that it will be a graphic and wonderful illustration, and the advertising effect
will be outstanding if it is with an illustration by Dan Kel Ferger's lord. I want my
hands to come out of my throat, but Lestyraut is a candidate for a lord.

"But I will not be able to ask Lestilut as much as I can because I will graduate so I can
neither hand it over to the aristocrat nor be able to come to Ehrenfest after graduation
because I am a candidate for a lord."

I thought that I wanted to recruit after a graduation if there was a child who can draw
a good feeling with a lower or intermediate aristocracy, but I think that the Lord of
the Lord candidate can not move other than marriage and is the next AUB. It

When I was caught as "miserable", Restzurau once returned to a sociable face after
becoming a very bad face. It's amazingly frustrating or angry.

"If you can receive pictures through Rosemain, Hannaoree, we can ask you not to
graduate until we graduate, but if you ask only for illustration of the Ditters story, it
will not take long, It may be easier to excavate painters, inspired by inspiration. "

In the words of Wilfried Lestylau lifted his face with a bag. With a face with wrinkles
carved between the eyebrows, "the proposal is not bad," red eyes are shining.

……What should I do! Is it? I am passionate! Wrinkles are gathered between the
eyebrows, but it is a worrisome face, absolutely.

"At least, Albu's permission ......"

"It does not change much from that that the story is bought at the aristocrat, the thing
to buy is only a picture."
"Wilfried brother!"

274 | 2523
Without saying unnecessary things, I stopped thinking, but it was late. Restraint lifted
the edge of his lip nips.

"What ... If it is already Ehrenfest's doing, what would be the problem?"

It is hard to say that story collection is a part-time job for lower-class aristocrats who
do not have money. It was because I planned to buy the picture in the same way.

"Oh, Rosemain, I do not know if I do not see if it is a picture that fits the story, whether
or not I will consider buying it after seeing my brother's picture ..."

After exhaling one breath, Hannaore was small and I muttered "I will not stop", and I
glanced glance to Lestilout and Villefried.
As early as they are watching Ditters stories, they are starting to talk about which
scenes to put illustrations. I saw the side standing behind the restillouut and the
escort knight were lightly stretching out and looking into it. I can see the illusion of
his adoptive father who screams "Why did you !?", but it seems to only be hungry
when it comes to such anymore.

...... You did it, Rodrich! The first reader outside the territory is the royal family, the
first illustrations are the ones of the lords of the mainland lord! It was nice to use a
pen name!

"Illustrations for each book is up to five, I will not buy any more."
"Fives five .... It's difficult."

With a serious face, Restesuto began to page over and Vilfried, who has already read,
will tell us the scene he recommends.
To the fact that two men began to be excited with a ditters story, Hannore and I
shrugged my head with a gaze.

"Thinking from the fact that you are interested in Dunkel Ferger's history book and
this time the Ditters stories, Dunkel Verger's Candidate Candidate likes reading as
well as his brothers and sisters"
"Well, yeah, I am reading the love story of the aristocracy very much."

I started talking about what kind of scene of which story was good by Hohnhorore
who smiled, and laughed. When listening to talking about the crush in the moment of

275 | 2523
falling in love, I could understand a little bit what the mother's writing God's depiction

...... When the Buddhist goddess Blue Anfa comes out, the beginning of love. Alright, I

It was a frequent goddess in my mother's love story, so I did not know exactly what it
was expressing, but it seems that it was the beginning of love.

...... But Blue Anfa may come out more than five times in a single story, but it is really
the beginning of love, is not it right?

While holding a few doubts, Wilfried was watching here with a strange looking face
when I was struggling with Hannero's story.

"Wilfried brother, did you do?"

"No, Mr. Hannale is reading deeply deeply,"

When me and Hannaore are gathered and blinked, Wilfried smiles small.

"Rosemain will read new books one after another, but I feel so fresh, because I never
speak so deeply about one story like that"

...... I want to talk about the love story I can not read the description so deeply I can
speak! In addition, I can not sympathize!

If this flower blooms, it is correct answer, it is bliss if autumn wind blows, since it is
broken heart is broken heart so if it is sad feeling it is correct answer, if it is only
expressions it can be understood because it was learned by literature once, but
whether it can sympathize with it is another matter I think.

Think about it. When the goddesses of autumn begin dancing, the hair shakes
suddenly and the main character starts crying. In my case, I made it a pokan ahead of
being sympathetic and sad, and in a few seconds I said "Oh, I see, it is autumn breeze,
I've been broken heart.What is suddenly? Where are the signs?" Soon what happened
I can not understand, I will read back around the environment several times.

276 | 2523
I wonder if this is the case or is it true that this interpretation is correct, reading the
love story with reading comprehension problem or feeling of a deductive thing, and
confirming whether it is a correct answer while listening to everyone's impression at
the tea ceremony . I can not get to the place where I can sympathize with the main

"It is fun to listen to everyone's impressions and the difference in feeling is interesting
and it also makes me study .... I want to read the next story before telling one story
deeply "

I will never be able to read it, so keep a preventive line. Hannerol combined with
"Rosemain-sama really likes books".

...... It will become possible for you to sympathize with suddenly as it has become
possible to pray for nature, right? surely.

"Oh yeah, I've read a little story of Fellenetinen ...."

"Have you read it yet?"

I just lent you the other day. I can hardly read books that I borrowed because I entered
the laboratory.

"It's only the first time ... ... Is not Fel Nessine the main character based on Rosemain?"
"Well, it is wrong ... Felnessi is a different person ..."

As expected, "I am like Ferdinand," I can not call it muddy the words. I do not know
why the model of Fellenesne is me.
In my answer Hannaore flashed with eyes a couple of times with crackling.

"There is a similar thing about the depiction of bright blue hair swaying in the wind
with orange eyes and beautiful and wise places since childhood, being taken over by
Aub and becoming a lord of professionals."

...... While I was reading, I did not think anything, but certainly when I pull out the
elements, it looks like me!

In a hurrying language I shake my head and deny it. It would be tough if you think that
such a mother's ideal model of a girl.

277 | 2523
"I was not adopted by Aub, I was an adopted female, I am doing baptism under my
parents, I am getting better to my foster parents and foster mothers, and I became the
main character of that hero As I saw, my father's first wife refused to stand as a mother
in the baptismal ceremony, I never lived a life that is devastating even with meals
targeted to life in my daily life "

It is troubled if you think of the mother-in-law and the foster mother in the Fellenesne
story in the same way. I hardly denied it.

"... No, it is a true story, is there a person who has such a tragic life in Ehrenfest?"

Villefried, who was doubtfully aware of the restraint, said, "I do not know, but who
are those?" Apparently Wilfried seems to be unaware that the model of the Fellenetine
story is Ferdinand.

"There is no real story, Ms. Lesty Lout, this story is a fictional fiction, and as it is stated
that all the groups and people that appear are fictional, even if they feel similar, they
are different people And it is a fiction. "
"...... Still, Rosemain knows who was the hero's base, is not it?"

Moreover, it seems that the eyes of suspicion have become stronger. Following the
gaze of Dunkel Ferger's lord lord candidate, I nodded nods.

"Well, yeah, well ... well, as the author said that they made a mix of several people,
there is no such thing as this one clearly.This story about this area is probably this
person? That's it. "
"Is not it true Rosemain's story?"

I understand that Hannaore is worried. I nodded a lot.

"I have not been treated like this Fellenetine ... Hey, Wilfried brother?"
"Well, Rosemain's escort knight has a real elder brother, it's not an environment that
allows such treatment"
"Is that so"

Hannale, who stroked hot and chest, smiled. While relieving what I could understand,
I realized that I had to do the same kind of explanation at the lords in the future and I
felt the blood drawn.

278 | 2523
...... I did not notice that there is something in common with Fellenessine! Make 2
volumes, 2 volumes immediately, send it, mother! Because there will be no one who
misunderstands indeed when entering the romance part with the prince!

It was a tea party with Dunkel Ferger where the report to Ehrenfest increased.

279 | 2523
I got tired, or after a tea party with Dunkel Ferger I caught a fever and fell asleep a
little. It seems that I got stronger enough to learn nostalgia as a result of the feverish
heat in a while. If he was pleased in the bed, "How about rejoicing when he got tough
while he fell asleep," he was amazed by Richarda.

Leave the report of the tea ceremony to the civilian, I read books while rubbing in the
bed. A book borrowed from three people, Anastasiusus, Sorangju, Oltansia is in this
room. I am happy that there are many books I have not read yet.

"This area is like a description about Schwarzs' research, is not it Ferdinand's book
that I've read?"

Because it seems that it was an old book in a closed library, it may not have been read,
and may seem to have been on good terms with an old librarian, so it may have been
taken out by taking it out.

"... ... I never read this, Feldinand-san's material had no part of life's attributes"

Although the argument that the magic team with the life attribute is needed to create
the Schwarzs was exchanged in opposition to the territory, it turns out what type of
magic team will be incorporated after all You should have never done it. The magic
team concerning the life is incorporated and the magic team of the other part is drawn
with a book entitled "Make it to the future, although I have found out so far, but I do
not know the future." Because there are places where you can suffer from Ferdinand's
research results in some places, research may proceed considerably when combined
with this material. I have to inform Ferdinand in a hurry.

"Lieserator, let's write a letter in a hidden room in the future ..."

"Mr. Rosemain, your letter has been feverish."
"But, in a hurry .... Maybe you can understand how to make Schwarzs."

I explained to my library that he would place a schmir like Schwarz in his library as if
he could introduce Schlemmer's favorite reiserator. The Rizera muttered as "creation
of a schmir" and stops for a moment. At the next moment when I was convinced of
victory, the Rizerator exhaled a breath and smiled.

280 | 2523
"Please prepare yourself first, if you do not write it, you can not give it to Raimund
and I can not do research to make a big schmir"

Please return to bed, and was pushed into the bed again to the Rizerator.
Since there is no choice, writing a letter is postponement. When I was reading a book
while rubbing it, I heard a humming song of a reaserator that looks good from the
other side of the tent. It is unusual for a reisserator that does not put emotions on the
table during work. It seems that it seems that it seems that Schmille's research is likely
to progress.

...... Rieselator, I'm looking forward to it.

Although the heat fell once, it is still forbidden to go out as it is a wait - and - see, but
a good place I can head is just in front of the dining room and the multipurpose hall 's
fireplace. Now that there is a book in my room, it is OK even if I stay in the room all
the time, but it is difficult to contact with the aides of men, so it is said that I want you
to face face to multipurpose hall once a day. Take a look after dinner and listen to the
report of the day.

"This is an answer from Ehrenfest, already Wilfried and Charlotte are looking over."

I go through the reply from Ehrenfest who was handed to Rodderich.

"All permission for collaborative research came out"

Since the study of the House of Peers is the student's territory, it seems that it will not
not be permitted unless there is so much. It is written that it is OK to collaborate with
the three major territories.
Collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger was instructed by the royal family, so I can
not turn it down, and my research with Dorevankel is worthy of Ehrenfest. And since
I was originally planning to collaborate with Ahrensbach, it seems that it is not
something to stop.

And it was praised to shake the collaborative research with Drevenhel on the side of
Wilfriit and Charlotte. Because it is difficult to proceed with three studies at the same

281 | 2523
time, it seems likely that it will be suspected that all of his achievements are taken up
by the Lord.

"And this is the paper that I received from Ehrenfest"

Paper which is made from the magazine which Ikuna purchased as the material
necessary for research arrived. However, since each box contains only names like
Aiphone paper, Nansave paper, it does not seem to know what kind of paper it is.

"This Nonsave paper is called an interlocking paper and it is the same as the thing that
Ehrenfest distributes to the area that allowed the deal. It is actually dyed with the
same color as the cloak of the respective territory when distributing it.In big
fragments There is a habit of gathering.This is made from a demon called Eiphon, so I
think it probably is suitable for giving out sound. "

I will hand it over to the research group while explaining the characteristics of the
demonic tree. Ignats and Marianne were taking notes with a serious face.

"If you have something you do not know, please listen to it so that I will not come close
to Mr. Gundorf's laboratory to prevent information leakage to Dorevankel."
"Certainly yes"

I already have a greeting and a meeting. If you bring research materials, Gundorf will
be crazy over there.

"Rosemain, this is an answer about star knots, it is better for you to bless away from
the distance as you did before considering the relationship with the central temple
and the safety of yourself as the temple leader It is written that "

It was written that reply from Ehrenfest passed to Philyne was better not to expose
himself to public as much as possible in the ceremony of Sigismwald and Adolfine's
star tying.

"Surely it may be best to be blessed without going to public, but honestly I think it is
"Is that so?"
"Because, I have never done a remote blessing intentionally until now"

282 | 2523
Although I have done remote blessings several times, it is the part that my emotions
overflowed and blessed and I did it on my own. I have never consciously blessed
distantly. If you practice at the House of Lords and bless yourselves there and there,
it is not uncommon for the lords to be blessed at the aristocrats and there will be no
gratitude nor to fail without practice.

Mostly, not even the face is definite, and we have to pay more blessings than Sigiswald
with no intention, than Anastasisus or Egranthine. If it is biased to the same adolfie, it
is still better, but if you go bad it will pass straight through Sigiswald. Although the
presence or absence of blessing and bias are problems, I do not know whether it will
succeed or not, I am afraid that I can not measure the timing. I do not think that this
time will also be successful.

"Remote blessing has never been done intentionally just by flying freely so far so if
you want to avoid failure, please answer that you must be on the spot."

If you give blessings from where you can recognize Sigismwald, it would be best to
stand in the position of the temple. Even though the temple of the central temple is in
front, it seems that those giving blessings from a different direction seem to be selling
quarrels altogether. Rather than crushing the face of the temple of the central temple
in front of a lot of aristocrats, I think that it is still more peaceful to announce the
blessing at the request of the royal family.

I wrote about the concerns of the Ehrenfest side, "The adjustment of the relationship
with the central temple depends on Prince Anastigius, the proposer, so please make
sure that there is no disadvantage in Ehrenfest any more" I will pass the letter to

"Please give this to Professor Egranthine"

What was written besides the star knotting project was that the content of the library
committee activities was changed to the key manager, but it was written only as "to
obey the royal request in a graceful manner" . Because I do not understand the work
content well, it is a reply that you know well that you can obey it for the time being.

"It seems that there is no problem with the policy that it is not involved until there is
a call."
"Then, according to Rosemain's request, it seems to print two volumes of the
Fellenesine story in a hurry"
283 | 2523
Since it is necessary to carry a magic stone to the temple for the dedication ceremony,
the manuscript is also brought to the temple together with the manastone. If this
arrives, a misunderstanding that Fellenetinen is me a little can be solved. I stroked my
relieved chest.

And the next day Muriela and Graytier brought a stone of his name. I will accept it in
a separate room. This time it is a girls' name dedication, so both escorts and witnesses
are girls.

"Leonore, are you OK with this? If you do not have a problem, please call Muliera,

I receive a name from Muriela where Philene brought us. I pushed magical power at a
stretch so as not to be painful as much as possible and bound the stone with magical
power, but it seemed quite painful.

"Are you OK, Muriela?"

"I am fine, still a little bit painful but I am very happy.I thank you for deciding to give
a name to Rosemain, I was able to accompany Dunkel Ferger's tea ceremony.Hearn to
hear from Mr. Hannaore's impression I was able to do it. "
"Hannaore's impression, is it?"

It seems that the impression of the love story that Hannaore was talking about at the
tea party of Dunkel Ferger was such that he wanted to agree with full power and want
to talk over the night.
Muriela who speaks with the eyes of the green shining, reminiscent of her mother
than Hannaore, whether he was breathing that he might suffer because of his magical
tied up and which part he was moved.

...... just because he himself wants to give a name, Muriela seems to be very compatible
with his mother.

"Therefore, I would like to collect my love story as much as I can at the Aristocrat for
dedication to Rosemain and Elvira."
284 | 2523
Like a mother, I put a stop on Muriela that seemed to runaway if I had a love story in

"Because we are talking about Filledge, Muriela will first acquire the knowledge of the
paper industry and printing industry, because if you can not work soon after you
become a mother's subordinate you will be in trouble."
"I agree"

...... Yeah, from anywhere you look well suited to your mother's subordinate.

"Please tell Muriela about the paper industry, the paper industry and the printing
industry, and also about the report to write for Ehrenfest, if there is room, tell the
policies and ways of talk collection, collect together by two people Please do it. "

Civil candidate apprentice civil apprentice must be able to write a report at the level
which can be passed on Ferdinand standards. Since Phyllin has been instructed from
both Ferdinand and Hartmut for over two years, he is accustomed to civil service work
more than Ridelich still has a long way.

"Muriela, my aides are not up and down depending on the rank. It is centered on the
Leonore of the advanced aristocrat in the aristocracy, but as the lower ranking knight
Darmel returns to the castle and distributes the work to the castle Although Hartmut
is the main apprentice of the civil service, we decided to attach it to you at the House
of Lords, judging from the familiarity and precision of work that Phyllin is more
suitable for leaders than Rodelich. It is quite different from the way it is, but this is my
way of doing it.
"Certainly yes"

After asking Phyllie for Muriela 's guidance, I asked the Rizerator and Gray Tier, this
time I will receive the name of Gratia.
It should have been as painful as it was, but Graytier finished his family name offering
without sacrificing voice only by slightly frown.

"You were painful, are you OK?"

"Thank you for your concern, I am fine if this is the case." Because I accepted my name,
I would like to do my utmost to maintain a comfortable room for Rosemain. "

285 | 2523
Guretier rocked the bangs of his eyes to hide his eyes a little, narrowed the blue green
eyes beyond that gladly.

"The teaching of Gratia is done by the Rizerator"

As Brühnhild is busy coordinating the interaction with the upper ranks, the Rizerzer
is supposed to be the guidance of Graytier in full. It seems to tell me the details such
as how to put in your favorite tea and how to arrange the room. And, even if you do
not go out with negotiations with the upper ranks, you will be asked to go behind the
tea party at the tea party, so it seems to explain about that. The Risaizer advanced and
smiled nicely.

"Rosemain's sidepiece also goes into the scope of work to clean up the laboratory of
Dr. Hirschle. I will teach you how to do, so please remember it well"
"Is it Dr. Hill Sur's laboratory?"

Were not you expecting, Gratia rounded your eyes?

"Most of those who enter and exit that laboratory are middle-level aristocrats,
because strangers rarely go in and out, so it's an inward job, and Rosemain will be
busy with the research of Schwartz from now on, so the frequency of getting in and
out It is a job of side work to cleanse the destination of the Lord, so I have to get used
to Greater. "

After Graytier pulled a little on his chin, he nodded and nodded.

……that? I have collaborative research that I have to do before Schwarzs' research.

Apparently, the Risera seems to back up Hill Sur's laboratory with full power for the
research of Schwarzs. Speaking strongly, I feel encouraged.

And finally I finally recovered to Hill Sur's laboratory. In Raimundt I handed the third
bulletin to the letter of Dunkel Ferger's tea ceremony and the letter that wrote about
the magic team that Schwarzs' studies will advance, and instead received a reply from
A letter passed from Raimundt to the Risizer and variously checked letters arrive in
my hands.
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"There is quite a thickness, is not it?"
"It seems to be an answer in batches collectively"

While I was talking to Raimund, Gretier got an explanation from the recruiter about
the letter delivery procedure, and the escort knight Laurenz also learned the
procedure of poison checking.
It is Yudith that is attached as my escort.

"I finally passed the magic of recordings passed, thanks to Rosemain cooperating with
the prototype"
"Please do not let me buy the design drawing of the magician of recording.I want to
make it myself.I do not have a hand at hand now, but I will bring it to Richard next
time and so I will sell it to other people It is useless, because I made a reservation. "

When I say so, Raimund says "I do not want anyone." There can not be such a thing.
Other people are not yet aware of the value of Raimund.

"I want to return to your room and read Ferdinand's reply, so I will excuse myself. I
will keep meals for Mr. Hirschle and Dr. Raimund, so be sure to eat and start research.
Please, do not forget your letter to Mr. Ferdinand. "
"Certainly yes"

When I put a meal set in front of Raimund, I accompanied the aides and returned to
the dormitory.
He wrote a letter using ink that he shines. There is a high possibility that reply from
Ferdinand is written with gleaming ink. It would be better to stop opening it where it
is visible. When I returned to my room, I jumped into a hidden room with a letter.

"Wait, reply, reply"

If you illuminate your hands with magical tools, you can hardly see the glowing
characters, you can read ordinary letters. I quickly tilted my head through the eyes.

"... ... There are lots of little sayings on the table.

I knew that little sayings would be written with glowing ink, but there are lots of small
sayings in ordinary sentences. I think that I have not done so much to get angry, what
does that mean?
287 | 2523
It was not convincing that it was written that "cleaning the Hill Sur's laboratory and
worrying about Ferdinand's physical condition" but not to do too much extra ". It is
not unnecessary to clean that room or care about Ferdinand's physical condition.

"Wait a moment ... I'm changing the problem with a small saying, is not it, this is not a
problem, so do not worry too much, is not it unhealthy living?"

When I was closely watching to read the back of the little writings lined with tears,
there was a compliment that "very good" regarding what I passed the first day.

"You did it! That's fine, fine!"

I turned off the light with Mr. Fufu, and Hanazaki. Then the glowing letters come up.

"Here is also a small note ... how often? It is something that can cause problems one
after another so far in this short time .... I did not want to wake it up separately, but I
am sorry."

Stop expressing to go up to high in the ceremony of getting protection. It was written

that you were in trouble because you could really be there. [M] And since Ferdinand
himself got a staple after the ceremony to obtain protection, it seems that there was
never any trouble that magical power can not be handled. Rather, I got a Stap and it
seems that magical power has become very easy to handle. There was written how to
cope with the handling of magical powers before getting Stap, which was the same as
I asked to the adoptive father.

"It is said that growth will be delayed if you accumulate magical power too much in
your body.While your magical power is enough within the range that can be handled
by Stap, those who prioritize growth of body by diluting magical compression until
other countermeasures are found Is not it good? "
"Oh, well, the body has become a bit more durable with Jureve and it will become
easier to grow if you dilute magical powers."

I was plagued by the difference in physique with the surroundings, I would like to give
priority to the growth of height rather than the growth of magical power. In the
situation of insufficient magical power, there was atmosphere that it is done at the
lords in the desire to compress magical powers as much as possible and extend
magical power as much as possible, so I was slightly impatient that I had to dilute
magical powers, The word "enough magical power now is enough" made me feel easy.
288 | 2523
I also wrote about collaborating with Dunkel Ferger on rituals to obtain protection
and writing about going to adults with Ehrenfest, but as for "it increases with adults,
I will go to the temple It has been written that it has already been experimented, "he
added. In addition, points to be noted in the experiment are also written.

...... How much did you experiment in the temple, Mr. Ferdinand! Is it?

However, since the subject was only himself, it seems that it was not possible to get
results like Rodderichi who got all attributes by name deduction from Justoks or
Ekhardt brother. "I also want to experiment with Ehrenfest," unusual and honest
words were written. Written as barely, this must be the cry of the soul of the mad

And as Hirschur and the adoptive fellows talked and had a little relief about being
compromised, it was written around the time, and as a result of purging it should be
noted that even if it is over, you should not be distracted by Ehrenfest Be careful after
returning "attention was written.

Regarding the collaboration with Dorevankel, it was written that "I am looking
forward to the result released in the game against the territory", and in collaboration
with Ahrensbach, "I learned with a letter from Raimund, yet I have not received a
letter from Fraulem. "

...... After all it takes a lot of time or something, or something?

Although it says to write more about collaborative research, "Ferdinand seems to

have done something like Mr. Hirschle at the House of Lords to make everything pass
away, but what I was doing The answer to the question 'There is only one sentence' I
have not done as much as you ''.

"Well, perhaps Ferdinand has done a lot of different things ... ... Wait a moment ... If
two people collaborate as my disciples, we need to raise the level a bit more ... ..., What
does Ferdinand like rivalry? Dunkel Verger, or Dreve Hanc? "

In addition to collaborating with the three major territories, it seems that Ferdinand's
defeat lost its temper as me and Raimund were carrying a research sign with
"Ferdinand's disciple" on the back. Future research will be Sparta much more than
289 | 2523
"...... I am used to it, is Raimund OK? Well, it's a Ferdinand-san's disciple, it's okay."

And at the end of the reply at the end of the reply, "Smallly reminiscent, remember
that Gedurulich's song is a love song, which is less troublesome."

...... Wow, it sounds pretty bad.

Chasing the glowing characters with eyes, the first reply finally came when the front
of the eyes started to shake.

290 | 2523
I turned on the light of the magic tool and held down my eyes once. I feel that the still
glowing characters are burning on the back of the eyelids.

... ... Have you read my letter while feeling that Ferdinand's eyes flicker like this?

I felt something of Ferdinand who was reading while frowning and I grabbed a small
reply while taking the second bullet.

"There is quite a thickness here as well."

First, I read the part written in ordinary ink. Those who have sore eyes a bit are
I wrote, "I am doing a prototyping clerk that shapes Raimund's design in the
laboratory of Professor Hill Sur, as I wrote in the report via Dr. Fraulean." I wrote it
on the surface so that the letter from Fleurreum did not reach the censors as well.

Ferdinand's reply to it is "Since a report from Dr. Fraulem has not arrived, I do not
know the details at all here, but I hope you can have fun studying, but you are going
to bring a number of people to your aides So be careful not to bother troublesome
laboratories too much. " When you hand the next report to Fleurreum, you should be
able to complain "Ferdinand does not seem to have received the report".

"It's written not to disturb you, but I will bring rice to two people and the laboratory
is also very beautiful, so I think it is useful."

Hillsur 's lab is very beautiful because the side - work has cleaned up that it is
impossible for us to turn the Lord to the unclean place. Once you go to see it at the
time of fight against the territory, you should know the difference from the past.

"I do not know if I can afford that much"

Regarding the tea ceremony organized by the royal family who likes this book, I talked
about books I borrowed from sweets as a story not to be taken. Regarding sweets, "In
Dunkel Ferger it seems that sweets that made specialty lo oulets have been made in
katol curl.I am glad that a cott curl incorporating local specialties will be made.I will

291 | 2523
increase while I am at the aristocratic home I can enjoy it at a tea ceremony if you give
me it. "

On the contrary it was written that "You seem to have bought a recipe at the Lord's
Conference, so you can not enter the fruit of the special product of Ahrensbach, ask
the chef here." If the chefs do their best, Ferdinand may be able to eat some nostalgic
taste in Ahrensbach.

I wrote the topic of the book before reading, "I was able to borrow the books of the
central book and the royal palace library, there are descriptions about Schwarz's
research in the book of a closed book lent by Sorangju sensei I will inform you again
if there is a new discovery. "It's thick and it is worth reading," he says only truly
superficial things.
Still, for Ferdinand it seems that it was a somewhat interesting topic. "I'd like to have
fun without going to the library and I'd like to know more than anything, please let
me know if there is any new discovery, even if I read the letter, I will be able to feel a
little researching." .

...... How much workmanship is it? It seems to be hungry for research a lot.

I think it would be nice if I had enough time to spend my hobbies, but when Dietlinde
was in the House of Lords he would not have time to try hardening the ground even a
The topic on the superficially favorite tea ceremony was "I fell down this time and I
could finish the tea party without losing consciousness, I think I grew very much,
thanks to Ferdinand who made the medicine It was closed. Ferdinand also said, "It
seems that you are enjoying the living in the lords most of all, nothing more than
anything else, the life here is also good," he gave us a bland response.

After that, in Ferdinand 's reply there was a strange thing about retie - zia' s education.
It is written in very detailed what kind of curriculum and how it is progressing. She
seems to teach Wilfriit and Charlotte as if to teach it, but is not it quite Sparta
However, as there are words "well done" or "it is more than expected", I think that
retizia is very good.

"...... something has been praised very much by Reti Zia. Well, well I got it quite well

292 | 2523
For example, what was most pleased with the sweets of rewards given to Retizia, such
as Ferdinand, was written up. I thought that I had made friends with retizia a long
time, I turned off the lights and saw the glowing characters.

……Wow. When I thought it was extremely detailed, there seemed to be only a topic
of retreatia, a story that can not be stored in the table.

Looking at the gleaming letter that was written with a closely-sized letter, a little
laughter leaked to Ferdinand's efforts, which I tried to fill the surface somehow. It is
likely to complain that if you match your face in opposition to the territory, "Do not
make any unnecessary hardships".

...... Because I can not tell other people, will I also suppress the complaint?

With a glowing ink I said "I am going to serve as the temple chief by royal star ties and
it seems to me that I flew to the Prince Anastigius and Egrandine blessed me. A dispute
arises as to whom the next king will be made due to that blessing, and it was told that
Prince Sigiswald wanted a blessing in order to suppress it.We asked for the approval
of the king and Abe, but probably I will bless you, "explained the situation.

From Ferdinand it was written that "If officially asked by the king, it will not be
refused." It is not abrupt as it had been offered the day before, like the last time, so it
is difficult to refuse as there are various speculations. It seems that Ferdinand should
accept it, so I was relieved that there was no problem with reply.

"As escort knights told us to do, and as to the relationship with the central temple we
asked the royal family to take responsibility, is there anything else I would like you to
To the question,
"Because you are doing a shrine in an unfamiliar place, make sure to accompany
Hartmut as an assistant, then pass the opinions of the royal family such as the temple's
rooting and escort knight's attendance, so you do not lose physical condition Like to
be careful "
And has been returned.

Certainly, I am most concerned about my physical condition. You must be careful not
to cancel on the day. In the worst case, blessing will have to be done even in medicinal
pickling. It seems better to leave out the preparations for the ruthless drug.

293 | 2523
Lastly a bit added, "It is true that there was a desire to see Ferdinand-sama and
Dietrinde-sama's rite of star knot with this eyes, but it is true," but "The ceremony of
my star knot is not blessed There is a big difference in blessings depending on your
emotions.I want to avoid only the situation where the blessing is biased more than
this prince, because I do not know what I left from Ehrenfest for what I am. " It was.

It is serious if my blessing is unbalanced despite accepting the position to be unable

to get to the throne, suspected to be targeting the throne as Adal Gisa's fruit.

... But, it is difficult not to bless Ferdinand.

I punctuate my lips, I will read the rest. The topic of a star knot has ended, it has turned
into a topic of a library.

"The administrator of the Schwarzs has changed to a senior librarian in the center.The
library committee will now manage the key of the library.The key of the archive which
can not be opened without three people will be, The librarian seems to read books
that have already been confirmed. "

Ferdinand's response to what he wrote was unexpected.

"It is written after the librarian has confirmed it, but those who put in that archive are
those who are registered as royalty, lord candidate registered as supplier of
foundation magic, then the magician of the library It is supposed to be only the
collection of the library, not the librarian, the magician is carrying it, the librarian only
memorizes that it only controls keys. "

When Ferdinand frequently got in and out of the library to find Hill Sur's research
materials, Schwarz told us about the existence of the archive if he murmured about
the material he wanted casually.

"Even so, it seems that the information that is lost from the royalty is too unnaturally
too much, does not someone restrict the information or there are some documents
that are secret? Three keys The archive which is necessary is a preservation library
with magic to preserve old materials and information and there are a lot of
information that the king and the next term king should know.The library for the royal
family and lords enters "

294 | 2523
It seems that reference books of old lecturer's lectures and materials of old rituals
seem to be preserved, there are also materials of rituals of Hald zheel. If possible, I
wanted to enter at the time of the lord's conference last year, but since I did not have
a librarian, it seems that my adoptive father and Ferdinand were refused by Schwarzs.

"Well, I am a candidate lord who supplies magical powers, because I am appointed as

an administrator and put all three keys together, I did it! I did it!"

The next moment when he was pleased, "I think that it is better to tell the royalty if
this information is lost, but you do not get close to the library, it is going to be
troublesome again" I found out that I was headed "Ooooooo!"
At the same time, I can not hold back my jealous feelings.

...... Ferdinand had read the materials of the archive in his school days, it is awful to
prohibit me! I wish to read a new book as well!

And besides replying to my letter there was a story about the current situation of
The influence of Georginn is unexpectedly large, there are many people who are
conspiring against the fact that the small Holy Grail, which the former temple brought
in the donation ceremony, apparently was from the former Berkestock and that there
was no support from Ehrenfest , That it is not well received around Georginé and
Dietrinde that royalty and deciding that retizia is the next Arub, that Dietlinde may
not know that he is a relay Aub Etc. are written as irregularities.

It is easy to write about this neighborhood information, it is easy to write, but if this
is the fact, Ferdinand's position towards Ahrensbach as a teaching staff of retizia is
very dangerous.

"Then it seems that an emissary came from Ranzenave in the summer, it seems to
have been consulted about the princess's offering. It must be played to the king from
Auburn Arensbach at the next lord's meeting.As approved, We will send Princess from
Ahrensbach to Adulgisa's Rikyu. "

While knowing that a person who is in the same position as myself will be born, he
must send the princess with his own hands. For Ferdinand, is not it a heavy job?

"Ahrensbach is a contact with Lanzenae ... ... I wish Ferdinand was going to be a place
other than Ahrensbach"
295 | 2523
When I finished reading the reply while sighing, I wrote the current report of
Ahrensbach and left the hidden room.

"Muriela, please send this to Aub Ehrenfest, then Richarda, I would like to announce
such a royalty ...."

I kept explaining the story of the library's library and asked if I should contact
Hildebrandt or Egranthine. The representative of the royal family in the House of
Lords is Hildebrand, but it seems that Egrantine will be in touch with Anastasiusus
and Sigismwald.

"Well, I guess you are preparing a place if you tell the library, Hildebrand Prince and
Mr. Eglantine to train Ordonants to the three sides, and want to explain the detailed
explanation at once."

As I taught the stakeholders how to set up a place to explain, I quickly flew Aldonants,
"I can only open a key to a senior librarian, part of the royal family and lords and
Schwarzs There seems to be some material that the royal family should read, "he said.

"I would like to hear a detailed story, so that three bells in three days will come to my

Even though it was Ordonants who should have sent to Egrantine, Answers came from
Anastasius. It is uninteresting.

"Why did the reply come from Prince Anastigius?"

"Mr. Rosemain, how to call me from a royal family, how do I do?"

While GRATIER shook trembling voice of surprise, "Three days later, I still have a little
room," Brünhirde started preparing right away. The difference between newcomers
and familiar aides is intense.

"Mr. Rosemain, when heading for Imperial Palace, are there any things we need other
than the paper and pen to write down?"
"This time it is not necessary, I guess you are getting busy somewhat, so let's advance
the manuscript as soon as possible"

296 | 2523
When I answered Phyllin 's question which had been making a copy on the
manuscript, Muriela who manuscripted another book spit exhausted sigh.

"Rosemain-sama's civilian work has more work than I expected, I was a little

Apparently Muriela seemed to think there was time to read more books. It seems that
he did not believe that there was little time to enjoy a mother's love story, with a
manuscript of a difficult book at work.
Phyline tilts his head in the face of Muriela 's words.

"When the aristocrat is over and you head towards the temple with Rosemain, more
work will increase."
"We will help not only in the stories and information gathering and classification at
the House of Lords but also on the accompanying to the manuscripts and tea
ceremonies, the services of the temple, printing and paper industry will increase"

I showed a smile Muriela attracted to Philene who smiled, that she had a challenge.
After thinking carefully, it seems that the burden is much greater than that of Wilfriit
and Charlotte.

"Muriela gives a name to his mother, so it can be fine if you can satisfy your work at
the House of Lords"
"... It's okay, I'm also an aideside of Rosemain"

After Muriela shook his head, he put a pen tip into the ink vase with a spirited face.

I worked energetically until the day I was called to the royal family.
Since there was an invitation from Ruffen to the knight wing, I reply to it and make a
questionnaire to the knights apprentices and let them copy it to my civilian. And
prepared paper that wrote the answer column and let me practice how to take the

Then, in the Hill sur le's laboratory, I bought the design drawing of the magician of
recording that he got passed from Ferdinand. Now make a magical tool for recording.

297 | 2523
"Rosemain, just as many numbers of words as you want to record a good quality
manastone to some extent"
"It is okay"

The quality of the collection place is good now, it seems that the devil coming by seems
to be a little stronger, and it seems that manastones can also get good quality items.
In order to strengthen cooperation, knights apprentices work hard hunting each day,
as we have decided to do a doctor to collaborate with Dunkel Ferger. You can purchase
the necessary magic stone.

"Cuddly, enriching the situation where you can easily obtain manastones"
"If you want the other magician drawn on this design drawing, I will give 10% of the
information fee to Raimund."

I talked about sequentially paying on the design drawing as well as the copyright,
Raimund blinked at ease that I do not understand the meaning well.

"Wow? Rosemain was bought and it's a design drawing? What is the added amount?"
"... If it's a worthwhile worthwhile design diagram, you will need to add that amount?
I think that a motivated good researcher will not grow if you are buying a design

In my words Raimund and Hirschle gleamed "I think Rosemain's thought is

wonderful". Apparently it seems to have been bought before.

While receiving the explanation of Raimund, I threw a manastone into my arm and
completed the magician of recording.

"I want to put this in a stuffed doll, so that you can strum the stomach and forehead
and hear your voice ..."
"I think that it is okay if you can touch this manastone part, but is there any meaning
to put it in a stuffed doll?"

Next to Raimund 's mysteriously inclined head, Riesemer agreed to shine the green
eyes, saying, "It would not be very cute to hear a voice when I stroked a stuffed

"That's right, is not it? So, it looks like a lesser ... ...."
"I guess it's Sumiru, I think that's the most cute."
298 | 2523
Looking at me as if the Reiselator is getting excited, "If you make a stuffed animal,
please let me help you." Rather than being good at needlework, I swallowed the word
"Lesser panda is cute!" And decided to make a schmyl.

...... Lesser panda is cute, but it can not be helped because it is difficult to make it three-

I spent three days and headed for Imperial Palace for a call from the royal family. This
time it is not a tea ceremony but a call, so I just prepared sweets like a souvenir. The
luggage is light, but the mind is heavy.

"I did not think that it would be a long way to go to Imperial Palace again in such a
short period of time."

Brunhild was bitter smile in my words.

"I guess you could have kept silent, Rosemain says you decided to let us know."
"There was a report that Aub Ehrenfest also has a head, but if information that would
be of use to a royal family even a little helped, it should not be missed." Princess's
judgment is wonderful I think. "

My aides who had been told by the Anastasiusus to suffer the hardship of the royal
family before the favorite tea ceremony, will not be educated as a king but will take
the position of king and shave off his body I am very sympathetic to the current king
who is supplying magical powers. It seems because it is because I grew up in the
position of supplying magical power to shield my body like a daughter or temple of
the temple who was raised in the temple and was not educated as a nobleman.

...... I think that I am not as hard as the kings.

"Although it is a call from the royal family, since it is Prince Anastigius, somewhat
comfortable, is not it?"

Together with Egranthine, I talked about my true intention, I fell down in front of my
eyes, I had already done something bad, but Anastasezu has forgiven me. Even if we

299 | 2523
talk about important things, it seems that there will be no such thing as conspiracy or
doubt from the head, so it is easier to mind than other royalty.

"It's not something to distract like that, Princess"

When Richarda was reprimanded, he was standing in front of the door leading to the
Imperial Palace.

"I was waiting, Mr. Rosemain of Ehrenfest"

Osvin welcomes us and we are passed through. Three people were waiting in the
room. Hildebrand welcomes me with a smile, and I murmured that Anastasiusu
"came" little. There was a stranger among them.
It is a gentle smiley man who has dark green eyes on blond hair with similar shades
as Anastasis, soon finds out who is sitting and who is wearing costume.

...... Ooh! First Prince! Please let me know ahead, Prince Anastigius!

I did not think that Sigiswald was coming. I tried hard at heart but this is a call and not
a tea party so participants can not be told.
I endured the urge to sit in with her head and greeted a smile with Nicolle, greeted
Anastasiusus and Hildebrand, then kneeled in front of Sigiswald and hung the neck.

"Please forgive me for praying for a blessing to a rare encounter that received the
severe sorting of the life god AVivive"
"I will forgive you."
"We will meet you at the beginning, Prince Sigiswald, it is Rosemain, a lord of lordship
of Ehrenfest.

I gave him a blessing carefully so as not to overdo it, I gave a greeting for the first time
I get up with forgiveness. Sigiswald who sat on a chair is still a little bit more sighted.
Unlike Anastasiusus, it is a calm person. I feel that it seems to be serious, or that it
feels painful, I feel that the air of the eldest son who grew up is oozing. It is invisible
to a person who fights the throne with Anastasiusus with very much Egranthine in
between. Perhaps they just had excitement among their aides?
The eye-fitted Sigiswald smiled smiled and saw me.

300 | 2523
"Who is Rosemain? Although it is the best for the second consecutive year, the weaker
Elyen festival sacred to absence the awards ceremony for the second consecutive
year, I hear only the gossip, so I'd like to see you once It was. "
"... .... I was looking forward to going to the awards ceremony but I am sorry not to be
disappointed because I heard that it is a honorable place where you can give your
words directly from the king."

I did not avoid it altogether, I tried hard with reference to Angelica who was
disappointed so that the atmosphere that I was looking forward was given. In the first
year, it is impossible to know that you were lucky with Ferdinand and staying in a
dormitory by reading time.

"Then, sit down there and ask the story of the library's library for details, now just a
bit of information is necessary for the royal family."

I looked at Anastigiusus and Hildebrand sitting next to Sigismwald.

They are also looking at interestingly so that they are interesting. I breathed lightly
and opened my mouth.

301 | 2523
The 482 th to 483 th story It is a retizia perspective from before a reply a little before
the second part.
SS Reiserator Perspective It also relates to stuffed animals by Sumir.

"To Rosemain

By the time Rosezima is reading this letter it will be around the time the aristocrat
was over.
At the time of study the other day, I heard that Ferdinand seemed to have finished
lecture as soon as possible. I guess Ferdinand was worried that it will be time for him
to lose physical condition, is he doing well?
Rosemain seems to be very good. I am given a challenge to Mr. Ferdinand and I am
spending my days studying. "

"Oh, Princess Retetzia, are you sending a letter to Rosenmain of Ehrenfest?"

When I wrote a letter, I asked him to look a bit into the top-sided Ross Vita. I put the
pen once and look up at Ross Vita.

"... .... Yeah, I told you that Rosemain can also be sent and it is also one of the challenges
from Ferdinand."

It is said that to send from the boundary gate to Ehrenfest rather than sent to the lords.
It seems to be a good opportunity to hone skills to tell others about their claims after
assuming that censorship of a number of campaigns, such as Georgian School of
Ahrensbach, Border Gate and Ehrenfest.

For me to send to my parents of Dorevanker I would like to write a letter that is not
embarrassing even if I put it in an excellent lords proposal for another territory for
me who has never written a letter.

"Ferdinand is really tough, it is not a task to be imposed on children before entering

the lords."

302 | 2523
As you say that knowledge becomes a weapon and a shield to protect yourself,
Ferdinand says it will be a bit more depressed in appearance. However, it is necessary
for me to go around not to give words to Georgine and Dietrinde.

"... ... I know what I need for myself, but I do"

Even if I know it is necessary, there is almost no free time and most of the words that
Ferdinand says when I saw the task is "Well, as I expected," it is very stuffy at the

I gave up giving sweet words about the sweets that I will have at the time I
accomplished the task. That sweet seems to have been prepared by Rosemain,
"Ferdinand is not enough for compliments, so please give the reward about visible
shape". Zergius said that JuSTus taught us.

...... Without a reward sweets, I would have wanted to escape from my study long ago.

"Because there are few compliments from Ferdinand, I will praise it instead. The
princess is doing my best really well."

Ross Vita is my nursing mother who came together from Dreve Hanchel. I have heard
that my mother has been serving her for a long time since she was in Ahrensbach
before her mother got married to Drevenhel, and I heard that he was an aide in the
aide asked for my return to Ahrensbach. The family of Los Vita accompanied her
husband and children as an aides for me and came to Ahrensbach. And it protects me.
If Rosemain is as close as family to Mr. Ferdinand, for me the Ross Vita will be like a

"Besides, it's only during winter that this time of study increases."
"Ross Vita?"
"If Dietlinde is returned, there is also the possibility that the Princess and Ferdinand
will be disinclined."

If Dietrinde graduates and gets to work, it will take some time to confirm, and
Ferdinand is expected to certainly reduce the amount of time it will take to study for
me It seems.

"The civil servants are pleased, it seems that their work has progressed quite a bit."

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I heard that from the aides and their families work has been steadily progressing,
many of whom have been stalled since my father died. It seems that the project I
would like to advance while Ferdinand is at the aristocratic house.

"It seems there was neither an exaggeration nor a lie in the word that he kept his duty
to serve as a substitute for Aval in Ehrenfest"

I nodded in the words of Ross Vita. The nobles who were skeptical of Ferdinand saying
that it is a lord of lords of Ehrenfest who was pushed into the temple seems to change
their eyes.

"... ... It is slightly creepy that Georgine says to retreat into the imperial palace"

It was thought that Mr. Georgine positively contacted with Ferdinand with the
connection of Ehrenfest, but was Georgine moved from the main building to the abode
department, is he busy preparing for it or winter social circle It seems that it does not
put much faces on.

"It seems that you invited aristocrats to Rikyu, which makes it harder to get more
information than when Georginine came to the main building.

There was a rumor that we could hear leaks from the aides squeezing aides and
Georgeine 's aides if you were in the main building, but it would be hard for the people
of this faction to enter Rikyu to leave and it will be heard leaks The story also

"According to the information Feldinand got, it seems that Georginne has newly hurt
himself or that he is welcoming the nobility of the former Berkestock as a result of
moving to the Imperial Palace, saying that he does not know the details well But I was
surprised that Mr. Ferdinand got more information than expected. "
"I was just arriving at Ahrensbach, where did you get the information from? Well, you
said that Zergius is supposed to always have it, but it was said that you do not know."

...... I understand very well that Feldinand is excellent, but it is very troublesome if I
ask for the same thing only.

Looking at the letter being a challenge from Ferdinand, I remembered the language of
Zergius. It seems that a letter from Rosemain was also enclosed with a letter from
Raimund who is a disciple at Akira Ferdinand's aide. It will be very easy as it lets me
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check all the letters you receive. And it seems that we will leave the answering
machine to Zergius and Justkus.

"Rosemain was the fastest and the best in the lords, and it seems that Ferdinand gave
us a very good word for praise. Is there a day that I can quite praise you very well?"
"Because I told you that there is something we do not like Rosemain, the princess also
has excellent parts"

I felt sunken in the comfort of Ros Vita.

"But the evaluation that it is quite firm as a nobleman princess, unlike Rosemain
brought up in a temple, is not a compliment, no matter how you think, maybe you
think so, Ros Vita?"

I picked up the pen again with a bit of complaints at Ross Vita. And I will write the
continuation of the letter to Mr. Rosemain.

Asking for the teachings, "How is Ferdinand like a rough attitude to Rosemain, who
wrote it around like a nobleman?" And "How did you survive everyday that seems to
be troubling a lot of challenges and severe gaze? I am glad if I can, "I think that it would
be nice to convey Rosemain well.

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Sigiswald who told the royalty that even a little information is needed was quietly
staring at me with a dark green eye. While smiling with a gentle smile, I can still see
that I am staring at this place.

"Please answer honestly, Rosemain"

"I heard that royalty and some of the lords and some of the candidate lords and
Schwarzs are included in the library where three keys are needed, and that there are
materials to be read by the royalty among them ? "
"I am not sure if there is any mistake."

In my honest answer, Sigiswald blinked out, Anastigius stopped the forehead.

"Rosemain, what does that mean?"

"When I informed Ehrenfest that he was the manager of the key from the
administrator of the Schwarzs, I reported the pleasure that a librarian could read a
book I confirmed that it was funny then I did not know the information that I knew
himself, so I do not know if there is any mistake until I enter the library. "

Next to Sigiswald nods as "I see," Anastigius sighed "I'm still as honest as ever". It
seems that it was necessary to wrap it in more oblate.

...... But, it was a royalty to tell you to answer honestly, were not you?

"Even so, it is strange, is not it?"

"What is it?"
"Why is there nobody who knows the information of the archive that needs three keys
other than Ehrenfest? There is no one in the center or large territory who knows about
that archive"

I inclined my head to the words of Sigiswald. I wonder if there are things that are not
at all. I think that you know if royalty who survived the purge.

"You do not know the teacher that you were taught the Lords Candidate Course until
last year?"

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"Her husband seems to have gone to the library when I was young, but she seems to
be unaware of the existence of such a library.I also contacted Klostenburg and Aunt
of Dunkel Ferger , I heard that he has never entered the library of the House of Lords.

I know the reason why the lord of the main lord does not enter the library. Going to
the library with a lot of aides to go to the library and occupy Carrel is because you are
studying even in situations where you can not buy a book, you will be disrespected by
the lower aristocrat who needs to earn money with a manuscript, and it is annoying.

I have been told by my aides. However, I like to read books in the library, so I will not
stop going. This year there are lots of research and I am busy, as the administrators of
the Schwarzs are losing their way by replacing them, I am just trying not to get as close
as possible.

"As ordinary lord campus candidates go to take books and materials they want from
apprenticeship civil apprentices, I heard that candidate lords themselves have few
opportunities to go to the library, is that because of that?"
"... In Ehrenfest, are you being told to go on your own?"

In the voice of Sigismwalt that bitches laughter, I realized that I had changed the lord
of Ehrenfest's lord and gently turned my eyes off.

"Because I like the library and books, I prefer to go and I like it, but not all of Ehrenfest
has changed since Vilfried's older brothers and Charlotte are going to take it to their
aides. That's it. "
"Yes, Rosemain just like books, and because he was also supplying magical power to
Schwarz, he was the only opportunity to carry his feet."

Although Hildebrandt seems to have followed it, it seems that the evaluation of a
strange lord candidate in Sigiswald does not change. I am thankful for the feelings, so
I smiled and nodded Hildebrand.

"In Ehrenfest there is a hobby to immerse in research, because there are rough
disciples of teachers belonging to our laboratory, there were candidates for lords who
frequently visited the library, there are few trusted aides, There seems to be a reason
that it was impossible for me to deposit an important book .... "

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After describing the situation easily, the three prince became a very delicate face. This
may have been information that is not necessary.

"It seems that it was by chance that that person knew the existence of the
archive.When it mutilated about the material wanted in the library, Schwarzs told us
to guide it to the library, at that time ordinary senior librarian would open the key It
seems that it was not a secret back then, was not it? "

A librarian candidate who carries his own is unusual, and there is no senior librarian
at the time, so if it is a library that can not bear the backside, but an archive forbidden
to pass through royalty, a senior librarian should be able to open the key There is no.

"I have been visiting the library of the House of Peers many times, and since it was an
administrator of the Schwarzs, there should have been a lot of contacts, but still I did
not know the existence of the archive.So so, I think I was looking for material. "

I ask Schwarzs, "I want to read books I have never read," but I have never asked for "I
want such materials." Therefore, books in the reading room are enough.

"If you have read all the books in the reading room and have read all the books in a
closed library that anyone can borrow, Schwarz might have guided me to that library,
Given the period until graduation, I think it is difficult. "

I do not say who you dare to do. However, it seems to be transmitted to Sigiswald and
Anastasius. While Sigiswald smiled, he made a dark green eye.

"Why was that person silent so much important information?"

"Did not the royalty think that it was information that you do not know? Because there
was a word saying that it would be better to teach if you do not know, I sent
Ordonants, as if someone concealed the information It seems that it seems that the
royal family is deficient in information unnaturally enough to think that there is
something there. "

Ferdinand himself will of course be aware that Ferdinand is suspected if I tell him.
Still, it is supposed to be packed with important information enough to judge that it is
better to tell. It is much more constructive to read one of the materials in the library
than to talk about anything in such a place.

"I also have something I want to ask the royal family from me, is it OK?"
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Anastaseuz stopped me as "a little wait", but Sigiswald urged you to do "please." I
smiled with Sigiswald with a smile.

"Who needs the little more for the royalty to call this way to call out more like this, is
it the information brought by anyone, or is the material that the royal family knows
better Is it the content of? I have never entered the archive, so I can not help you at all
in terms of content. "

Sigiswald rounded his eyes as a surrounding aides, and Anastigius said "Mouth

"In my old librarian's diary I borrowed to Mr. Sorangju there was a statement that an
adult royal family visited the library at the time of the lord's conference and a senior
librarian was greeted by the total, I can imagine that it was important for the royal
family to visit the library, since the central knight captain brought it in, the royal
family also saw the importance of the archive already known I think, "

It is obvious that it is important to go to the library, so it seems that my feelings that I

wanted to say was that I could go to the library if I had time to ask where it was from.
After Sigismwald and Anastigius "once looked like" like that ", they gently nodded.

"It is highly possible that a senior librarian will pick you up in a grocery store, because
there is a high possibility that we went to the library that needed the key, you can tell
if it's really important information."
"I understand I will call the lord of lords of Dunkel Ferger to the library"

Anastaseuus calls Osvin and orders Dunkel Ferger to fly Ordonants. I hurriedly asked.

"If you call Mr. Osvin, Mr. Hannaore, please tell me to bring recovery drugs"
"Is it a recovery medicine?"

I nodded with a cock.

"I heard that magical power is quite necessary for key registration, should you
"Come to think of it, Oltinsia said such a thing, as Osvin, Rosemain says"
"Certainly yes"

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When I flew Aldanants, Hannaore 's reply came "I got it, I will head to the library from
now on".
Tell the library also that Prince heads three people in Ordnant, everyone heads for the
library. I wanted to escape because it stands out very much, but there is no way I can
escape the key manager.

However, it was a while that it was solidified. Given the speed with which I walk, I can
not walk with the adult prince by all means. Hildebrandt who walked at the same
speed caught a voice when I was breathed out of relief secretly to the two prince
gradually moving away.

"Does Rosemain know what's in the library?"

"I heard that it is written about the materials of the lecturer's lecturers and old rituals.
It seems that there are also documents on the old rituals I was looking up at Ehrenfest
in their library.Alb Ehrenfest And Ferdinand visited the library, but it is said that
Schwarzsez told us that there was no librarian and there was no key "

Recognizing the importance of the library, I would like to have even more advanced
librarians. When I appealed so plainly and plainly, Hildebrandt smiled with a hand as
thought of a good thing.

"Well, at this opportunity you should not search for materials together with
"And it is a very attentive phrase, but it is forbidden to enter the archive from parents
because it does not cause further troubles."

In order to prevent Ehrenfest from being suspected any further, then it is better not
to enter for the first time I entered the archive so as not to cause a blessing runaway.

...... Even if I know it in the head I want to enter, but it can not be helped!

Actually I really want to enter and read, but Richarda is unlikely to forgive me, and
Ferdinand will definitely get angry.

Schwarz and Weiss greeted us when we arrived at the library.

"Rosemain, came"
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"Hildebrand, I came"

It is the first time for us to call it "rosemain" by Schwarzs, it is somewhat strange

feeling. This is commonplace, but it is somewhat lonely that I am no longer "Hime-

"I was waiting, already already paid out"

The prince contacted that three people headed. Naturally, Altansia and Soranju were
also waiting. The students who were studying are sorry, but it would be better for you
to quickly diverge rather than cause problems with royalty.

Hannaore is coming from behind us while exchanging greetings with the librarian.
When seeing that the prince was full, Hannero slightly watched the red eyes.

...... Even though I was called with the name of Prince Anastigius, I am bad for my heart,
I have three prince. It is surprising, is not it? I understand, I understand. I was also

Hannorre had a first-ever face-to-face greeting with Sigiswald while he had a sense of
affinity without permission.

"Sorry for sudden calls, I would like you to help me as a library committee member"
"I will be happy to assist you"

It is truly a candidate for a lord of the large territory. The request from sudden royalty
does not get frustrated, Hannaore smiles and takes over.

...... I also have to practice it.

"The key is in our office ... ... but as this number of people can not be accepted as
expected, please limit two escort knights and one civilian to accompany you to the
office No, "

Even when entering the office by being guided by Altansia, it is difficult for all of the
aides who are attached to the three prince and two candidates of the lord to enter. I
am Leonore who is a senior knight and a large figure among my escort knights who
are strongest in close combat, and then entered the office with Filigne who is the most
civil service.
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On the office desk, Kotori, Kotori made a note and Ortansia placed the key. Although I
searched from the room of a senior librarian and issued it, it is the key which seems
to have been able to register only one person.

"I will register an administrator for this key.Rosemain and Mr. Hannaore squeeze the
key and pour the magical power into it"

Me and Hannero retract the key as it is to register magical power. It is not much
different from registering the owner in the key of the scripture. It quickly ended.

"You are early, is not it?"

Returning a smile to the stunning Altansia as "afraid". Hannaore also finishes

registration without taking so much time.

"Lord candidate students and senior nobles are still different from each other"
"Ortansia, both of you are excellent candidates for lords, it is not to compare
themselves like that"

While Sorangue said so as comforting, we took out two other keys from the key
storage box and closed the storage box.

"I did not think that I would use this key"

According to Sorangju, when a royal family arrives at the library in this way, the senior
librarian will deal with everything so that Sorangju will not appear in the table,
directing the place for the side to make tea and prepare meals It seems that it was just
being to the back.

Leaving the office and heading to the reading room, it is a join with those who did not
enter the office. As the number of people swelled up at once, I crossed the first floor
of the reading room.

"The book that I lent to Rosemain at my favorite tea party is what I saw in this archive"

While couscous and Soranju laughed, I opened the key of the closed archive at the
back of the reading room. I feel that my heart stands up in a closed-lit archive that is

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entering for the first time. It is comfortable that the smell of parchment is mixed in
slightly dusty air.
When everyone enters an archive that is not so wide, Sorangee can open the key of
the door behind. As soon as the lights flashed in the back of the door, I saw there was
a staircase leading to the basement. It is fairly bright with the whole surroundings
being white.

"Schwarz, Vice, I'd like to guide everyone."

"Do it like that"
"A big deal"

Schwartz and Weiss, said to Soranju, began to climb the stairs.

"Please do not follow Ortansia, Schwarzz and Weiss, Intermediate aristocrat I can not
move forward, please ask Schwarz and Weiss before going on."

The senior librarian, Ortansia, goes down the stairs and the prince follows there. Not
only Sorange but also the aides were the same. Several of the prince's aides stopped
their feet so as to be obstructed by a transparent membrane.

When the three prince and Akito headed for the stairs, Hannaore followed it. Even if I
think from the rank order of the territory, I am the last.
On my aides Phyllene and Rodelich stopped moving. Only three people, Richarda,
Leonore and Brünnhild, are coming to the stairs at my aides.
Considering that other royalty and Hanenerol are taking many more aides, my aides
are very few.

"There are many middle-class aristocrats about Rosemain's aides,"

While going down the stairs, Hannaore looked back and said so.

"Ehrenfest has older brothers Wilfried and Charlotte, and then another one, brother
Melchior is on hand, so it is in a state of competition for candidates to compete with
their aides."
"If there are four lords who are lords at the same time, the aides in the lords will
certainly be deficient."
"Well, until now there was no problem at all, but there are situations where you can
only accompany senior nobility like this,"

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When I showed trouble "I am new for the first time", Hannero smiled, "I am the first

As I went down the stairs, it came as if there were many tables and chairs prepared
like a tea ceremony room. I am surprised by the size that all the aides are likely to be
able to look around and I look around in my arms.
In a pure white staircase, a pure white floor, though it should be a pure white wall,
only one wall is shaded like a metal, three parts decorated with a guttegote to insist
on its existence on the wall, at equal intervals It was in line.

"Let's go ahead"

While Schwarzz and Weiss hit the walls of Tesithe and Metal, they show the part
decorated. Apparently the thing that looks like this metal wall looks like the door of a
library, and this decorative part seems to be a keyhole. If you look closely and look
closely, you are supposed to fit in instead of inserting the key.

I gently stuck the key after turning his eyes on Hannaore and Altansia. If the magical
stone registered magical power is sucked and the magical stone glows, the red line
starts running across the wall.
After painting a complicated pattern on the whole, the wall began to rotate after
splitting the sound into three parts. I will back so that it will not get caught up in that
movement. I saw it on the wall, but when I move in three different ways, it looks like
a door properly.

The door slowly moved, turned 180 degrees, the moment when all the doors looked
like they were connected, the door went out.

There was certainly a place that seems to be a library in the back. There were lots of
bookshelves, desks for writing, and bookshelves. Though it looks like a wooden note
on the bookshelf, things like white boards that are not wooden bills are lined up side
by side, and the things that made the shape of the book I knew are lined up on the
desk on which the tabletop is tilted There is only as much as a book.

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While everyone was amazed at the surprise, Schwartz said "Aita" and headed there.
Ortansia tried to follow Schwarz, but it was blocked by a transparent membrane just
like the stairs.

"... ... I can not really put in it,"

Ortansia stops by pressing a transparent wall. While looking up at Altansia, Vice said
"Hime is the best."

"I'd like to confirm whether the lord of the lords will be put in. Rosemain, please go."
"Very unfortunately, I am prohibited by parents from entering the library, please put
it out if you have good document to read"

When I was looking up at Anastasisus with the feeling of crying, I shook my head as
Vice flew.

"Clay, Morita shrine"

"Well ... that, ... such a thing ..."

...... I thought about seeing thoroughly outside but it was terrible!

I was not the only one who was shocked. Ortansia also holds his mouth while
trembling small words with Vice's words.

...... I am now in complete alignment with the Ortansia.

Anasutasuusu who was watching me and Ortansia getting shoulder drops sigh as
though it was amazed, turned his eyes toward Hannellore.

"There's no choice, Hannaore, please go."

"... ... I got it to you"

As determined, Hannorore breathes a lot and blows slowly while stretching his fearful
hands. However, unlike Altansia stopped, she quickly entered. She seemed to have
said something to Hannorore, who was in front of him, and it seems that Hannero
leaning his head. Perhaps the voice may not be heard here.

"If it is a candidate for a lord, it seems to really get in. ... ... then my older brother, I will
go ahead."
315 | 2523
Firstly, Anastasiusus enters in order to ascertain the danger, and when you look back
and nod, Sigiswald enters. Two prince put in, but the aides who tried to follow the
prince could not enter.

"Well, I will also go."

With a bright smile Hildebrand tried to enter after the two prince, but did not enter.
It is blocked by a transparent wall.
Hildebrandt breathes and hits the transparent wall.

"Why is not it? Why can not I enter !? Because I was engaged to Princess Ahrensbach
and decided not to be a royalty !?"

Vice shook his head as if the voice of Hildebrandt was about to cry.

"Different, Hildebrand, I have no circumference"

316 | 2523
It is not only Hildebrandt who stared at Vice 's eyes. To Hildebrandt who was stated
to Weiss that "magical power is insufficient although it is a royal family," How about
the aides in the place to speak also how to call out, as baffling to prohibit bringing out
the documents which are looking down on the face It is not a case of depression, I will
head to Hildebrand.

"Prince Hildebrandt, this archive should have been described as a place where an
adult royal family visits.The prince of Hildebrand not yet enrolled in the lords has no
choice but to have magical power compression I have not obtained Stap, and I do not
have the gods' protection. "
"Rosemain ..."
"Prince Hildebrand is still growing, so wait for everyone with me until you grow."

As I say so, I will show you some chairs by hand. Hildebrand raised his face and looked

"... Does Rosemain wait here?"

Hildebrand asked while looking at the chair and table in front of the transparent wall.
Here you can see the state of the library. Waiting while waiting while checking that
there is no danger, is probably a place for the aides to prepare variously for the Lord
who reads the materials in.

"I think that I would like to enter inside of it, but it is forbidden to get inadvertently,
so I'm going to wait for drinking some tea here and see if I can find really useful
"Well, I will wait for you as well"

Hildebrand heads for a chair with a smile. I pulled out my shoulder as Arthur relaxed.

"Did Mr. Sorangju say that he also helped with preparations for tea, Brmithild, please
ask me how to do it"
"Certainly yes"

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Brunhildde flies and heads to the stairs. At the same time, I thought what the aides
should prepare and started moving for each Lord.

"I also would like to prepare tea for the Lord. Would you please give me permission?"
"I will ask, Arthur"

"I went back to the dormitory with the riser, but I can not carry all this far by myself"

Laugh like Brunhild with a part of the tea preparation as troubled. "If you went to the
dormitory, you have to take a short rest," Richard went on to pick up the remaining

"If you brew tea, Brühn Hilde should sit a bit and rest there."
"No, I can not possibly take my eyes off Rosemain, I do not know when to rush into
the archive"

Léonore also agreed with Brühn Hilde who said so with giggle. It seems that I have a
pretty credible look that is fidgeting when I look at the library.
But there are libraries with books and books that have never been read right there. I
can not open it unless all three keys are available, so I think that it will be tough to
endure if you think that you can not open it next time, I'm sure you will approve of

"How can I increase magical powers?"

"As we learn at the House of Peers, it is not a time to be unreasonable now.If you find
a method that suits you well, you will grow a lot, and royalty will surely increase the
effective way you have studied by the successive kings Is not there a thing? "

It seems that the method of compressing magical power is a secret of a family, or it is

a thing that is kept privately. There is certainly a way to increase royalty for the royal
family. I did not say anything concrete to Hildebrand that might start compressing too
quickly to say extra things, and I was looking at how Hannellore reading the material
while giving ambiguous reply.

I'm planning to look roughly what is being written. Three people got hands and put
out materials like white boards from here and there, they looked back to their original
place by looking through them. Hannale waved his head, and the two prince became
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a difficult face. Then, after that, Anastasiususus opened a big book being stood up, and
I saw him calling Sigismwald.

... ... nice. I also want to mix with them.

When I was watching the state of the library while eating sweets that Richard had
brought me as well, Hannaore and two prince who were talking about came out.

"Oh, please do not even enter Rosemain, too old material is too much to distinguish
the content, because you can read the history book of Dunkel Ferger, you are familiar
with old letters too, are not you?"
"Rosemain, it makes me very hard to break my promise with a guardian, can you help

When asked by Hannaore and Sigiswald, the heart shakes with the roaring. I want to
enter. I want to read books. But I do not want to get angry.

"Eh, um, but ... ... I, ... I am ..."

I looked back to Richarda and Leonore in search of permission. Both of us were in a

very troubled face, but even as I said "I'm useless," I gently turned down my eyes.
Hildebrand also has a face that appeals as "I do not want to go".
The voice of Anastigius sounded there.

"Rosemain, come on"

"Anastigusus, do not command such a tone of voice, she is a goodwill collaborator."

Anastigiusus tortured by Sigiswald shook his head saying "I am different, older

"If Rosemain, which is ordered by a guardian of Ehrenfest, does not have the cause
name of a higher-ranking royal order, it can not move with just a request ... ... Please
help to read the material here, Rosemain This is an order from the royal family. "

...... It is an order from the royal family? This is something you can not refuse! Oh no!

"Richarda, Brunhilde, Leonore, it can not be helped if it is a royal order?"

When I looked back at the aides, the three men gathered together and sighed.
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"Princess, I can not help it"
"There is no choice but to have no choice ... ...."
"Rosemain, do not be too excited."

If it is said that the order of the royal family, it can not be opposed. I get up from the
chair with a smile.

"Well, I'm off."

As soon as I entered beyond the transparent wall in a fancy mood, Black Foot moved
a little and looked up at me.

"Rosemain, it does not go on"


I could not understand what was said suddenly, I tilted my head. Hannero, who came
in from behind me, asked, "Was Rosemain something in Schwarz?"

"Yeah, I told you something like praying is not enough ..."

"I do not really understand, but as I also entered here I was told at the same time that
the attributes are insufficient, prayer is missing"

Hanna Lore tilts his head, "What is it, is not it?" It seems that the two Princes were
told in the same way. When thinking about what it is meaningful, Anastigius shrugged
his shoulders.

"There is nothing to do if prayer is missing even at Rosemain, who is the temple of the
"That's right, soon, quickly book ..."

I want to stop thinking, now I want to read a book. When I tried to reach out to a book
that was stood against the tabletop, it was stopped by Anastasiusus and taken to the
bookshelf which is clogged with a white plate.

"Because our books are written in relatively new words, we can read it, it is here that
they read"
"I told you that if Hannaore is Rosemain you can read it, is it really readable?"

320 | 2523
Anastasiusus who took out one white board lined with bookshelves was delivering to
me. An old word is engraved on a white board similar to a building. If this is done
there will not be a decay if there is magical power to support the aristocrats and

... Is it a stone board? It is suitable for preservation. Although it is a bit heavy and the
amount that can be written on one sheet is small.

I follow the finger and read the engraved letters.

"This is a way of a ceremony quite a long time ago ... ... Huh, is that part of the scripture
like this ceremony?"

It is a ceremony that comes from the story that the goddess of the sea goddess Fair
Furet Mae cools his heads when fellowship of Leiden Shaft fights and burns up and it
is a summer burning. If the ceremony of Halden Zell is called the spring ceremony,
this seems to be a ceremony to suppress the hot summer.

In the scriptures only stories, songs and pictures are written, but this stoneboard
details how rituals are done. If there is a plate on how to do the ritual of Hald zell, it
will be able to reproduce reliably.

"It is very interesting to me and I want to investigate the relation between the
scripture and the ceremony as it is, but it is not a role of the royal family right now, so
I will see it in turn, so bring Schwarz, in turn from the edge Please give me"
"all right"

I will pass through the board that Schwarz will bring.

Meanwhile, Sigiswald and Anastasius read things in this state with relatively new
information, Hannerol was slowly reading the white board.

After reading some ceremonial ways, there was a thing written on things other than
ceremonies for the first time on the board that Schwartz brought.

"Prince Sigiswald, Prince Anastigius, is not this a reference to the royal family? It is a
memoir of a long time ago, it is written about the method of magical compression and
the protection obtained. The description of protection seems to be useful for
collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger. "

321 | 2523
It is a material that talks about my hardships as memoirs or how-to materials, "I
became king in this way".
However, since it has to be engraved on a board which is not so large, it seems that
the common recognition at that time is omitted, and even if it reads it does not make
sense a little.

"...... But I do not understand well ... The part here can read that I prayed to all the gods
while turning again and again, but where and how do I turn around? No way dedicated
Do you dance and pray while dancing? Do you have a place to go somewhere in the
center? "

Anastasis was also troubled with a problem which I was thinking about turning round
and round and praying for me.

"Those who are familiar with prayers beyond the temple of the temple will not be in
the lords. Is there anything in the temple, that something that devotes praying around
"Does not mean to rotate, to devote prayers to various gods?"

I am relieved that the spinning rotating image disappears in the calm Sigiswald's
words. Seriously I was wondering what the old man was doing, but it is normal to just
give a prayer to various gods.

... But, to devote prayer, basically whether to go to the worship room or to bring the
imperial furniture to your room, is not it? There is no image in the temple to devote
prayers to various gods.

"... .... Oh, by the way, I heard that Gods are sculptured and scattered around the temple
from the side of the temple.When any temple is the same, the old people are gods in
and around the temple Perhaps he was turning around praying for him. "
"It might be it"

When I remember the story that I heard to Monica, Sigiswald began to think that
Anastasiusus became a difficult face,

"Since this king's memoirs seems important, if you can do it, I want you to translate it
in modern languages and write it, can you please? If you copy it as it is, the civilian
may be able to translate, but in the temple or pray It seems that there are many things
you do not know unless you know more about rosemein. "
322 | 2523
"Okay, now, I will go out and pick up paper and ink from Fillyne, because my civilian
officer could not get down."

When I say so, Hannerol said "I will go".

"Rosemain who can read the old letter will advance earlier if you confirm the material
here, so I will go talk to Rosemain-sama sidemen."
"Well, I can not ask Hannaoree to do something like that!"

There is no way to let the candidate lords of the upper ranks be made to do things like
runs. Even though I shook his head and declined, Sigiswald smiled with Nicoli and said
"Please, Hannaore".

"If you say to the side of Rosemain, it's good to take a break for a while." Hannorore
has always worked hard from the beginning "

……Really. There is a break.

When I was reading books and materials, I had forgotten about time and had no time
to eat or break, unlike me, I completely forgot that other people needed a break.
I saw Hannorore going out of the library and I gaze again on the white board.

"Rosemain, I heard that you will do research to increase the protection of the gods by
prayer, but do you really increase as you pray?"
"Seems to need some elements such as serious praying, frequency and frequency,
dedication of magical power, but in order to know how much it is, get the protection
of Leiden Shaft and Angleev It is supposed to cooperate with Dunkel Felger and knight
apprentices who have many people. "

But I answered Sigismwald that there is no doubt that protection would increase with
prayer. Sigiswald gently breathes while overlooking the memoir of the king.

"I got protection from a suitable Ogami, but I did not feel any change, especially
because I became easy to use magical powers a little bit.What does something change
if I gain protection from my husband? I am worried whether I should give priority to
prayers over the current royalty's duties. "

Although I have to support Jurgen Schmidt with more and more magical powers, it
probably means that I can not afford to read materials in the archives for a long time.
323 | 2523
"Prince Sigiswald, from a dangerous shortcut as quickly as you can see it in a circle, it
will be much quicker to go through a safe path so it would be better to pick a safe and
steady way."
"What do you mean?"

I smiled with Nikoli to Sigiswald tilting his neck.

"It may seem that it is a long way to read the material to Prince Sigiswald, getting
protection from the method of magical compression and prayer by circulation, but if
you gain magical power and those who gained protection finally It will be easier to
gain protection from a lot of fellows, because magical energy efficiency or
consumption will change. "
"Such a change?"

The dark green eyes are surprised at surprises.

"I think there are individual differences as it is a feeling, but he said that Vilfried's
older brother, who gained protection from the twelve gods in all, was able to
formulate with about seventy percent of the magical powers up to now "
"About seventy percent ... ... How much pray do you get by giving it?"

If you look at the strength of your gaze at eyes, you can see how impressive the royalty
is and how much magical power you need.

"... How about the other party who seems to have had more protection than that

I glanced at the anastasis and I pulled my lips. I wonder if I can say that. I wonder if it
is better to keep silent. However, I think that it is better for royalty to know more the
effect of prayer.

"I will announce it as a result of prayer in the temple? It will not change much even if
I say it here"
"I am planning to moderate at the time of research presentation because there is too
much difference with other people, but I want you to know the importance of prayer
to the royal family, so to be honest I will say exactly even Ehrenfest I have not reported
a number, please do not speak to others. "
324 | 2523
"... ... Let's promise"

I slowly opened my mouth when I saw Anastase Usus and Sigismwald nodded.

"I have been granted protection from the gods of forty-three gods in all, and the
amount of magical power consumption has been about 40% so far, even if it is mixed,
even if it is supplied with magical power it will end with less than a half magical
power, It is the current situation that I am struggling to adjust. "
"What did you say!?"
"Is it less than half !? How do you pray for it?"

Because they are so surprised and out loud voice, "I definitely do not speak out of the
mouth" pushing in, I will write prayer words on my writing board.

"At Ehrenfest, we will give prayers to the gods when we supply magical power to the
foundation's magic, so we have given Arub Ehrenfest an opportunity to protect us
from multiple relatives, since we just call on prayer words when we supply magical
power Do not you think that it is a prayer that you can easily do with busy royalists?
"Is it all right?"

Anastigius looked at me in a suspicious manner.

"Of course, if you want a lot of protection, I think that you should actively pass through
the temple and do the divine, but the royal family can not afford that kind of thing, and
suddenly pick up the shrine, I think that collisions will be serious, so I think that you
can start from where you can easily do so, of course, you will be able to devote prayers
to the gods as naturally as blessings pop out freely. "

What is important is getting used. And when you get accustomed you can be seen with
strange eyes and get angry. I have experienced it.

"I have not studied exactly, but since it seems that protection will increase even after
adulthood, I think that it will be very easy to do a few years later when we supply
magical power while praying constantly."
"Even after being an adult, how much information is hiding Ehrenfest?"
"I do not mean to hide it separately, because I thought it was normal to pray when
supplying it to the foundation magic until comparing with other places"

325 | 2523
And most of the information hidden is information via Ferdinand. It is Ferdinand, not
Ehrenfest, that is concealed. But I will not say such extraordinary things.

"Paper and ink arrived"

"Sorry, Mr. Hannallole"

Hannaore came keeping paper and ink from Filine. I will receive it and start writing
while translating the king's memoirs.

"Well, next time we will take a break ... Hannerola, I'm sorry but I want you to copy
the contents of this board"
"Certainly, Prince Sigiswald"

I breathed a deep breath, waiting for the two prince to leave the library. Hannale also
breathes out and smiles like small.

"No way, I never thought that three Princes came to the library by Prince Anastigius
Ozzy, Rosemain."
"Wow, I was really surprised when I saw Prince Sigismwald."

...... It was not the library that I was surprised, but the prince's prince.

"I did not think that it would only be possible to open the key, but I did not think that
it would be meant to make a manuscript like this, because I am not good at Old
Language, so Rosemain is reassuring together."
"Since royalty is also business-oriented and seems not to be very familiar with old
language, I think that Hannaore is amazing as I can read it little by little."

While doing such a little chat like that, I will do a modern translation.

"... Oh, is this a ceremony for the succession of the king?"

While Hannaore looked into the plate of his hand, he said so. It is a ceremony
absolutely not done in the temple of Ehrenfest. I am interested and I look into the
white board.

326 | 2523
"Here it is written that the new king shows his own Guritisuhaito, so I do not think it's
wrong ...."
"Well, I think that it is an inheritance ceremony."

...... How did the king who does not have Gurtris Height do the inheritance ceremony?

With such a doubt I will read white boards. Hanna Rolle does not need ceremonial
procedures as information, "If you want to see if you see me" please give me a white
board and bring a new board to Schwarz.
I read the white board given to Hannore.

In the king 's inheritance ceremony it seems that the temple may be covered with a
crown which is a sacred tool of the goddess of light. Is it because it is a goddess who
controls contracts and promises?

...... Is this a spell?

On the white plate on which the ritual 's method was written there is written a
spelllike word that changes Stap. I wrote a word that seemed to be spells on my
writing board.

...... Absolutely Ferdinand was stuffed here.

On a board written about another ritual, there are spells that create the cloak of the
Dark God and spells that make up the Holy Grail of the goddess of the earth. I was
wondering why Ferdinand alone has a lot of strange knowledge, but it must have been
due to learning in this library.

...... I will read a lot too!

In this way, I read spells written on various rituals, and he knew the spells to make all
the sacred tools in Stap.
Because the manuscript other than the memoir of the King did not progress as he was
absorbed in reading, the two prince was angry, but it was a fulfilling time.

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After reading the materials until closing, I returned the key of the library to the
storage box of the office. I read a lot of materials, and my head who knew a lot of new
things is somewhat fluffy with satisfaction.

"Even if there is no royalty there is a key manager in the library, and if there is no
royal family there is no need to exclude other students, so I am instead of a busy royal
family ..."

I tried to suggest that you read more and more, but it was immediately rejected by
Richarda and Anastasius.

"There will be a lot of priorities for the princess, such as collaborative research with
the large territory, and let's head to the archive that can not reach such books when
there is no one who can pull the princess if forcibly I will not give it to you. "
"As the other party says, once you start reading it will not let Rosemain never listen
to this story at all"

All other people agree with the words of the two. Even if I look around all around, no
one will stand by me.

... What is that! Is it? There are no one ally!

I look at Sigismwald who will have the most power among them. Sigiswald saw
Ortansia and Hannellore with a gentle smile.

"At a later date, the library is prohibited until we have a call, neither Ortansia nor
Hannellore must open the key even if requested by Rosemain."
"Certainly yes"

I found out an interesting library, and I was banned from entering the dormitory.
After returning to the dormitory, I took the eyes off the materials and got a reply to
Sigiswald, I was trying to keep it till the end, picked up the material by Anastasis and
picked it out of the library and ended from Richarda Scolded and wondered at
Wilfried "What was it that he said that he was not involved with royalty as much as
he could, Rosemain, the other side?"

328 | 2523
...... Wilfried older brother, I think that is not my fault.

Several days after entering the library's library, Ordonants arrived from Ruffen. I will
accept "I will accept it if you collaborate research" to Ordonants, who repeated three
times "Do not do a knight at the knight wing building". As soon as I received from
Hannorore "I am sorry, the word misunderstood of collaborative research" has
arrived, I accepted Hannorere pleasantly.

"Rosemain may do something again in a joint research, I will accompany you to the
knight wing"
"Your older brother is not only interested in Ditter?"

Charlotte pointed out that Wilfried was full of words. Among the boys who read the
Rodderich 's Ditters storyline, the fever of Ditch is suddenly rising. I wonder about the
rituals before and after, but I guess the most is still Ditta.
Charlotte breathed a light breath, looking at Wilfried which was full of words.
"... ... It seems that my brother's mind is getting ridiculous and I am interested in
research that will increase the protection from the gods so will I accompany you, is it
OK, is your sister?"

Charlotte said so and saw me. I can not do it like dismissing the request from
Charlotte, a hard worker who wants to gather information at least by the ceremony
that will obtain next year's protection. My sister's duty is to give her a pretty sister's

"Of course I am good, Shallotte, I will be accompanying Charlotte with my brother

Wilfried, so let's help the apprentices of the two of us."

I collect Wilfriit's and Charlotte's civilian apprenticeships in a multipurpose hall,

distribute the paper and start teaching how to take the questionnaire.

As expected there is no printing machine in the dormitory, so it is difficult to prepare

the same questionnaire. Therefore, I prepare a question sheet at the top and tried to
take a shape like a street corner questionnaire where civil servants question and write
answers. In this way, the question paper is only one piece copied by the civilian

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apprentices, and it is easier to compile and compile the form if the method of writing
answers is thorough.

"Villefriet-sama ..."
"Let's give up, Ignatz, you only have to remember if it's a new way that Rosemain
invented, so whatever you want to do, I will use it again and again"

Teaching civil apprentices to tell them how to take a questionnaire, just preparing for
the interview was completed perfectly and we headed for the knight wing. It seems
that Ruffen attracts knights apprentices, so it is supposed to head to a larger lecture
room. The knight ward where large and small training grounds are settled is very
wide, so it is essential to move with a cowgirl.

A group of Ehrenfest heads towards the knight wing, beginning with Leonore. For the
sake of Ditch, the apprenticeship of the knights over the third grade is a group and all
three of them are candidates and three lord of merit candidates are going, so if they
accompany the aides, it will be quite a large number of adults.

"Is this a knight building?"

"It's first time,"

When Richarda looked around at the descending place with Charlotte, he laughed
couscous, "Is not there anything that Hime also visited in a game against territory?" It
is true, but it is the first time for a part where there is a room to lecture by going
directly to the training ground.

Knight who spends time to train Because it is a special building where apprentices go
in and out, as in the Lifeline era, a deodorant spray just after physical education
flutters and felt sick and girls like girls' changing rooms and club activities women
smelly like sweat I was prepared for such a smelly smell, but there is no such smell.

"I thought that I feel more sweaty"

"Basically we do Vaschen, so there is no peculiar smell like the civil building."

When Matthias said so, Theodor laughed a little, which seems to have remembered
the herbal smell of the civil building.

330 | 2523
...... Vachen is great.

As I thought it, I was welcomed by L'Estillaut and Hannale, who are candidates of the
lords of Ruffen and Dunkel Ferger.
Greeting, Leuven says "Ditta immediately ......", and from Hannerolle "Mr. Ruffen" can
be called a little.

"I would like to explain and demonstrate the rituals to be done before and after ......"

Even if it is cleaned up, I feel that I write only "Ditta" on that face. I can not let it flow
to Ruffen which can not be helped by doing it.

...... Research priority over Ditter.

Me and Hannero exchanged their eyes and nodded little.

"I'd like to talk to knights apprentices in front of Ditta, did they collect the knights
apprentices of other territory?"
"As Rosemain says, we have to listen to everyone's story beforehand, we have already
promised Ehrenfest, so we can do it."
"Well, let's finish listening to the story first and let's do the ditters without heart."

Ruffen walks fast, whether he is feeling excited because he wants to do much.

In a large lecture room where a lot of knights apprentices are gathered, I made 10
people apprenticeship of Ehrenfest's civilian apprentices sitting side by side on the
back desk, prepared questions and answer sheets, then ink.

"We appreciate your cooperation and we will answer each question individually to
questions of the civilian apprentices of Ehrenfest.The result of the aggregation will be
made at the research announcement of the competition against the territory, so today
I left the person who finished the question You can do it. "

Because the order of the aristocrats is decided by rank order of anything about
anything, it is very easy to do. You can answer the questions side by side from the top
rank to the civilian apprentices who are lined up behind the scenes.

"If you are in Krussenburg, please line up here from here, and those who completed
the answer should leave from here"

331 | 2523
Also in the dormitory I am finely divided between the upper intermediate level and
the lower grade, and then when I speak, I decide the order with nature and line up
with the suk.
Ten people start asking questions at once and write answers more and more. Since I
let him practice a few times, there is not much confusion and hearing survey is

"I'm done. Next person, please go to this place"

I saw that Phyline raised my hand, and I induced the knights apprentice that was lined
up in that direction. If the apprenticeship of Knights of Klassenburg diminishes to a
certain extent, ask them to line up to the next territory.
My most important work in this interview is guidance, but it seems that it is quite
smooth. When I was satisfied with my work, Brünhild was bringing several people 's
side jobs.

"Rosemain, I remembered how to do." Instead, Mr. Ruffen wants to talk about this
afterwards "

...... I'd like to organize traffic more than Ditter's story.

I can not escape from the story, which is the person responsible for this collaborative
research. Together with Ricarda I headed for a corner where the lord of a lord came.

"It's how you ask unusual questions"

"It's convenient for you to ask the same question while talking on a one-to-one basis,
which seems to have gathered apprenticeships for knights over third graders, but
when can you tell us about prayers? Ehrenfest It seems I already knew it even in my
first grader ... "

I said so while watching Theodore. Since I decided to collaborate this year, I heard
from Theodor that Ruffen, who was delighted, taught me.

"I am going in and out of the knight building from the beginning to use the training
ground even for the first year students, so I think that I know singing and dancing
even in the first grade, but I guess they are not familiar except Dunkel Ferger's knights
apprentice, I did not take it seriously, so this year we have more people seriously
332 | 2523
doing apprenticeships in other territory knights, saying that this may result in
protection from the gods. "

It seems that he did not make the apprentice of Knight of Ehrenfest too serious. When
listening to the Knight apprentices at the dormitory, "I did not know what to make it
for. I would be more serious if I realized that this was necessary to gain protection
from the gods I wonder, "Leonore said.
The knights apprentices in other territories would have been similar.

"So, Rosemain, what rule should we make today's Ditter?"

I tilted my head and neck to the words of Ruffen who excitedly shined their eyes.

"The rule is for ordinary training and it is fine."

"Everyday training is a Ditters competing for speed ... ...."
"Well, so if you compete with that, you do not need rules settings etc?"

Ruffen opened my eyes and solidified for about three seconds.

"Why?" While wrote a wonderful story that tries to steal passion as much as that
treasure, but not doing a treasure steal ditter ...!
"I do not write the story of the ditters, and it is not time consuming for treasure
stealing Ditta, I just want to see the ceremony for research, I think that this time
competition in speed is appropriate."

Such, and around the shocked Ruffen, Dunkel Ferger's knights apprentices open their
mouth and eyes and staring at me. Apparently it seems that Dunkel Ferger was
planning to do a complete treasure robbery.

"But Rosemain-sama ..."

"It's not that we can not do rituals unless it's a treasure stealer, or is there no way for
Dunkel Ferger to be serious about a speedy competitor?"

Even though Ditter was essential for research, it was not specified up to that type. In
my words, Hannero smiled and smiled.

"As Rosemain says, whether you compete for speed or treasure steal, Ditter is a
doctor, you can do rituals and Dunkel Ferger will not do not seriously do it, as it is for
research to gain protection I think that Ditters competing for good is good. "
333 | 2523
"Hannero, it is the same ... ...."

It is the word of the lord of the lord of Dunkel Ferger who is not otherwise. Ruffen and
knight apprentices are hard to overthrow. It was decided to be a ditters competing for
speed with Hinna Lore's smile.

"But I am glad that Mr. Ruffen enjoyed the story of the Dittin so much that he thought
"Now, it's prevalent in Dunkelfelger's dormitory, so there was not Ferdinand's advice
in that strategy?"

I breathed lightly to Ruffen who began to talk about the time when there was a tragedy

"...... I lent the writer the work of Dittor who I received from Ferdinand, even though
Ferdinand thought about the story, I am not cooperating."
"It's fun to continue, so when will the continuation come out?"

Ruffen seems to have taken on "a continuation I want to read continuously". It is as


"The rest ... ... That's right, since Restzlaut seems to draw an illustration, it will be
afterwards, I will also put a stroke in one volume and I will fix it again."

Because it is only binding with threads, it takes time and effort, but inserting pictures
is not too difficult. I think that two volumes will give one illustration as a sample and
insert illustrations later.
After I graduated, I planned to bring an artist to Ehrenfest, so I do not know what to
do about buying an illustration from another territory and I can not decide.

...... It is unexpected to make a graduate lords candidate a painter!

"I drew illustrations, I will not show you today, but I will show you again ... ... That's
right, even when you show off their rituals."
"I am looking forward to it"

...... You will have to decide the purchase price and the way to deliver before you show
the illustration.

334 | 2523
While I was thinking about that, while listening to the impressions of the story of
Ditter from the aides of Dunkel Ferger, the questionnaire seems to have ended.

"We will compile the survey results after returning to the dormitory.With respect to
the results we will inform Dunkel Ferger before competing against the territory."
"Mr. Rosemain, let me help you at least for a moment, collaborative research is
nameless, I do not do anything."

In Clarissa's words, Dunkel Felger's apprenticeship of civil servants who are supposed
to collaborate greatly also nodded. It was planned to have a comparison of my ritual
and the ritual of Dunkel Ferger etc, but indeed, in today's interview survey, the Dunkel
Felger side has not done anything. It would be better to allocate something more than
just saying collaborative research.

"... ... let's compile in the tea ceremony room of Ehrenfest, I will start counting from
the time the lecture begins tomorrow morning because I would like to hurry to give
results.The lecture is over and the hands are vacant Please come here. "
"Certainly, absolutely, no matter what happens, I will go on."

Clarissa grabbed his fist and laughed happily, "Are you sure you want to be Rosemain,
did you accompany me?" Hannaore asked while watching Clarissa uneasy.

... ... that, is it that you look so uneasy?

Suddenly I became uneasy, and I decided to have Hannellore come as Dunkel Ferger
as a baseballer. When I asked Hannorere, Lestilaud gave a quick look up.

"Well, I am also responsible ... ...."

"Does your older brother have a lecture? I am passionate about painting the Ditters
story and I will report to my mother that I dismissed the lecture."

...... Mr. Hanna More, reliable!

Charlotte smiled small when I made my chest cunning.

"It seems like Richard to stop with Elder sister Lestylart and Hannalee as if they were
searching for a book reading a book."
"Surely, as I do not want to be scolded by Ricarda, if you scold us pretty like
Hannallole, I will be fine."
335 | 2523
"Wilfriedt baby, what does that mean?"

While watching Vilfried, who is pulling her face to Laughard who laughs, he nodded
me once.

...... I understand the feelings of Mr. Villefried's little brother.

After finishing interview survey, it is a doctor who moves to the training ground and
competes for speed. My purpose is to dedicate magical power to the old war songs
and battle gods before the game of Ditter. I am very looking forward because I have
never seen rituals done by others.

Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger all go to the training ground. Because it is a collaborative
research, people in other territories are banned from seeing.
From where we can see, we look down at the bottom like a fight against territory.
Unlike competition against the territory, there is no chair, so it is standing, but the
shape of the training ground is the same.

Somewhat divided into Erienfest and Dunkel Ferger on the left and right, is it a land
pattern that is easy for Ditter to enthusiasm, just whether there are many people who
apprentice knights, Dunkel Ferger has a tremendous number of people.

"Rosemain, can you call the lower grade who wanted to see Ditter? I am defeated even
by the number of support"

In the words of Wilfried, I nodded at the sight of Dunkel Ferger who has many knight

"Because it's a big deal, let's support everyone."

Charlotte quickly flew Aldanants and nearly all of Ehrenfest gathered at the training
ground, but even though Dunkel Ferger's number and enthusiasm are not enemies

"Let's get started, the apprentice of the knight who appears in the game is down to
show songs to Ehrenfest!"

336 | 2523
When the voice of Ruffen echoes, the knights apprentices of Dunkel Ferger come down
to the lower stadium with a cowgirl. The students raised a voice saying "Wow Ayah!"
It seems that there was no need to turn it into a treasure steal ditters, because it can
be enthusiastic as much as this, even in Ditters competing for speed.

"What do you want, Hannaore?"

"I will leave it to your older brother"

When the nodding restylut wore a simple armor with a magic stone, he descended to
the stadium with a coward and turned off the beast.
The restraint, which appeared at the center where the knights apprentices of Dunkel
Ferger depicted the circle, gave out Stap and raised a voice to "We are at the battle!"


With it as a signal, every knight apprentice changes Stap to a spear.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

With speech of earlier prayer, once a spear is hit by Don and the earth.

"Gain strength to get my victory in my hands, get strong strength of Angry Fie who
will not lose to anyone.Please get the speed to get my victory in my hands. It is quicker
than anyone Speed "

Sing a song that seems to have clauses in the scripture prayer words as well as the
Haldzend rituals and pray for the gods involved in the battle.
While singing, the surrounding knight apprentices began to move the spear with a
movement similar to sword dance. Hit the handle on the ground if you think that you
have rotated gently. If you replace the spear, the metallic sound that hit the armor
made of the magic stone sounded like a beat.
In the same way, Restzurut at the center also wears a spear and is dancing like a knight
apprentice. With a long spear, you can dance with this sense of stability. Votive dance
is good.

"Can Hanenero also dance like this with a spear?"

Asking while watching the restylau, Hannero laughed a little shyly.

337 | 2523
"Of course, I have been practiced, but I am not very good at it, it is not something you
can show to everyone."

... ... Of course, what. It is amazing that Dan Kell Ferger is able to do this kind of girl
Hannaore says.

When the spear made of Stap was raised high with the voice of the restraint named
"Fight!", The surrounding knight apprentices were lifted all at once as if the
surrounding knight apprentices raised a roaring voice and struck the heavens.
The cheers are rising from the students of Dunkel Ferger who were in the bleachers
seat, and the mood is rising here as well. It seemed that it was visible that the feelings
of the knights apprentices who were in the spot and danced together became one for
the fight.

".... It's amazing, it's completely different from when I was taught in training."

As Mr. Yudit became disappointed, I muttered, and the surrounding knight

apprentices nodded as cocks.

"Are you going to fight with them now?"

Mattias' voice which muttered so seemed to be completely drunk by their

atmosphere. My heart is losing before I fight as it is. It is no use as it is.

"Because Laurentz, Professor Ruffen taught us, can you sing and dance the knights of
Ehrenfest apprenticeship?"
"Yes, I can do it once, Rosemain ... No way ..."

I answered Nicori with a reply by Laurentz.

"Well, let's do it against you as well"

"However, even if Ehrenfest goes after that, it is to make everyone inspire that much
"If you only pray, it is my field of expertise"

Uh, laughing, Lauren laughed as if he realized the meaning.

"Well, for Rosemain-sama, listen to the morale of Ehrenfest, please sing at the center"

338 | 2523
As I stand up with knights apprentices who participate in speedy competition, Vilfried
caught my hand with a difficult face.

"I do not know what I am going to do but stop it, Rosemain. Even though I think about
it from the past, I feel that something ridiculous happens when one goes out."
"Im looking like Dunkel Ferger, my brother Wilfried, so it's fine if you empathize with
this knight apprentice even a little."

Shallotte put his hands on his cheeks, thinking a bit, when I said that while showing
the enthusiasm of Dunkel Ferger and the knights of apprentices of Ehrenfest, who are
already keen on it.

"Oh, sister, do not you like this as it is because you can not do the subsequent
ceremonies unless Dunkel Ferger wins this ditters game? Your sister needs to imitate
Dunkel Ferger's ritual I do not think so. "
"...... That's what I was supposed to say so."

The ritual of Dunkel Ferger took place before and after the ditters and the later
ceremony was a ritual celebrating victory and thanking God.
As I convinced Charlotte's words and I tried to sit back, the restraint who came back
from the stadium waved hands "I should try it because it's awful."

"Is it not necessary to study to see whether there is a difference between Dunkel
Ferger and Ehrenfest even if you do the same ritual?"
"Well, that is ... ... as you said," ...

Vilfried and Charlotte look away from each other like they are in trouble.

"It is a matter of concern whether the result will change if there are different
performers in the same place at the same time in the same place, for the purpose of
"Certainly, it is for research."

I nodded at the restyraude, and I descended to the stadium with cavalry beasts along
with the knights apprentices. When I got off, Yudit quietly asked me standing position.

339 | 2523
"Is Rosemain sister and dance with this song?"

Looking around the ambiguous voice, the knights apprentices who were said to be
able to perform rituals like Dunkel Ferger looked uneasy. Only Leonore who sees what
I said to do this ceremony secretly to give blessings is moving steadily and shows the
standing position of knight apprentices.

"No, I can not do it today because I saw it for the first time, just to imitate Restistau
and have a spear together, but I thought it would be convenient to give Angletie's
blessing secretly"

In my words Yudith lightly watched the eyes of Violet and laughed a little.

"Will not it be the same result as Dunkel Ferger? It's a collapse for collaborative
"It's all right, I will do the same as Dunkel Ferger, so I just wanted to bless secretly for
everyone, is this a little useful for research?"

While Yudit nods, he returns to his standing position. Instead, Leonore came and all
the people got in position and then explained the points I absolutely need to hold
down. Simply put, it seems that you should hold down the beginning and the end

I looked around the knights apprentices around the circumference. I should not have
begun unless I call out and put a spear at Stap.

"Power to us who fight the battle!"

...... Um, so you can spear it out, are not you?


When I put out Steap, I changed it to a spear of Leiden shaft. With it as a signal, all
knights apprentices could change Stap to a spear, but the line of sight of the knights
apprentices is directed to the spear of the Leiden shaft as it was surprised.

By the way, there was something that I caught a glimpse at last year's lecture, but have
I never showed them to the knights apprentices?
340 | 2523
As the Spear of Leiden shaft does not bother to show it, he may have never seen a
spear of Leiden Shaft even for those of Ehrenfest other than my aides entering and
leaving the temple. Still, it should not be the case when I am watching overlooking the
surprise now.

……Hey. Do not face this, you must sing.

While lightly staring at the knights apprentices staring at me, I uttered as loud voice
as possible as I stroked the spear as much as possible, "I am a person who creates the
world and prays and appreciahes to the gods."
Because of words and prick words that I have gotten familiar with, as the spears
moved, the apprenticeship of the knights also starts to move as if they were relieved.

"Gain strength to get my victory in my hands, get strong strength of Angry Fie who
will not lose to anyone.Please get the speed to get my victory in my hands. It is quicker
than anyone Speed "

In the middle where everyone is swinging a spear while singing, I'm just grabbing a
spear and standing. In addition, I can not sing because I do not remember the clause.
However, I can say it only if you complain about prayer. He was chanting in a loud
voice so as to hide in the singing voice of everyone.

...... It is okay for you to raise your spear at the end with "Fight!"

Take care of the timing, lift the spear, shout out as loud as possible with "fight!"
The next moment, there was a loud noise.


The stupid voice that I originally originated was not recognized by the fact that
everyone's eyes got nailed to the magical power which flew away from the Spear of
Leiden shaft and flew.
I looked up and slowly lowered the high lifted spear. What I was holding in my hand
is the Spear of Leiden Shaft who lost the blue light and lost its magical power. The part
of the manastone has become transparent.

341 | 2523
I dismissed the spear that was in the way of vision, and I was watching what happened
to the magical power that was struck out. If I can, I would like to say I'd like to go back
to my place, but I do not know if I can do that.

The magical power which was spinning around in the sky undoubtedly wore some
shades. There are many blues, but you can see yellow, red and green. The light came
down all at once, and I closed my eyes without being dazzled.
Even though I closed my eyes, my surroundings were dazzling, but it disappears soon.
When I opened my eyes terribely, I saw the apprentices of the Knights of Ehrenfest
who were stunned by the expression that I did not know exactly what happened to
me like I did. Even if I look up at the top there is nothing.

After a silence of a few seconds, "What, what are you !?", the auditorium began to blur.
Mainly Dunkel Ferger is making a noise, and in the audience seats at Ehrenfest, you
can see Vilfried and Charlotte holding their heads. When I returned to the audience
seat, "well, I knew it was said to stop," I understood well from here.

"Rosemain, the competition will start from now, so please come back up"
"Léonore, do you know what happened?"
"I knew that Rosemain made a very massive blessing, but I do not know anything more
than that.Please do not talk with everyone on the top.The people who were watching
from a little far away saw better Maybe it is. "

When I told Léonore, I returned to the audience seats. As soon as we returned,

everyone asked them all at once. Dan Kellfelger comes to bear much more than the
lord of the lord of Ehrenfest who holds his head.

"Rosemain, what was that?"

"I saw that such a thing happened in that ceremony, what the hell did you do !?"

I was questioned simultaneously from Hannaore and Restylau, others were also
curiously waiting for my answer. However, there is no answer that can be returned

"I think it is a blessing, but since I was the first ritual to go, I do not really understand
what happened, as far as I saw it seemed like there were various color blessings, from
here How did it look? "

342 | 2523
Hannale and Restyrauch look at their faces and tell us how the rituals looked like at
the outset.

"Did Rosemain spear Leiden Shaft's spear? I have seen you, but I was very surprised
because everyone else did not see it."
"Although there are memorable memories like those who received such reports quite
a while ago, do not you think that you really want to put out such things at this place?"

Surrounding people nodded in the words of Restillaut, "Hanne Torre looks a little
relieved," when I reported it, my brother was not convinced that his brother was
determined to be misunderstood ".

"It was already a beautiful figure.I for the first time I knew the same ritual with Dunkel
Ferger many times so far but this was a sacred ceremony for the first time.At the same
time, Mr. Rosemain, famous for the saint, "
"Oh, Clarissa ..."

I made the blue eyes shine excited, and finally began to talk about how Clearissa
looked beautiful.

"The spear of Leiden Shaft that releases a sound like a blowing sound and a blue light
is suitable for calling it a magical instrument, Rosemain's appearance quietly standing
and singing a prayer song is permitted to borrow a magical instrument from the gods
It was a pure and beautiful thing like Mestionola. "
"Shut this down"

As Lestyraut looked at Clarissa and said so. Certainly when Clarissa is talking
excitedly, this story does not progress at all.

"I am thinking from the bottom of my heart that I was really glad that I was alive, truly,
when I saw it with this eye, I would like to burn more Rosemae-sama like this, so why
do I have different territory and grade Shou! "
"Clarissa has a request"
"What, Rosemain? Please tell me anything."

I pulled out a few sheets of paper that Philene had in Clarissa that turned this way.

"I'd like you to write a letter to Hartmut without forgetting it, because Hartmut is
studying the difference between my blessing and the nobles' blessing, so let's see what
343 | 2523
the ritual was like in detail as much as possible It is helpful to write it. It is also
important to assist your fiancee's research? "
"As much as possible ... ... I got it to you, please leave it to me!"

Clarissa who received the paper started writing frantically. It will be quiet for a while
with this. I judged so that I pointed out to Lesty Lout and Hannero, "Let's continue the

"I imitated Lestiraux, ceremonied and lifted the spear, but suddenly the magical
power contained in the Spear of Leiden Shaft suddenly spurted out at that time was

Mr. Wilfried muttered, "I was surprised at everyone, I could not see it very much."
Magical power jumps out of the spear which I lifted, it starts to be colored while
rotating in the sky, it seems to fall.

"It looked like a part of the blessing light flew away somewhere"

Everyone affirms Charlotte's words. Although I could not see it from me beneath, it
seems that I could see it well from the auditorium.

"Where is somewhere?"
"I do not know that indeed, but while turning round and round above, some of the
light is like this ..."
"By the way, there is something magical power flew away when we performed
another ceremony before, maybe it is a phenomenon that happens when you do
rituals at the lords."

The ceremony to obtain the name of the god of darkness and the goddess of light was
also carefully handled within the classroom of the lords. I make words worse so as not
to speak unnecessary things.

"All the blessings of the gods who prayed appeared to have fallen, but what is the
difference with Dunkel Ferger? Is it originally necessary to use the Spear of Leiden

Since Restesuto began thinking with a serious face, I also think about various

344 | 2523
"There may be differences in spears and it may be a dedication to magical powers
because the magical powers sprang from the spear flying away flying away, did not
dedicate magical power in the ritual of Dunkel Ferger? "
"Dedicating magical powers is a ceremony after victory"
"The dedication of magical power is essential to get the blessings and gods of the gods,
which is the biggest difference."

While we were talking about the difference in rituals, Ditter competing for speed
started unexpectedly. Summon the devil that Ruffen knocks down from the magic
team and the knights apprentices who caught a beast began to fight. I started fighting
from Dunkel Ferger before, but it is still a splendid partnership.

And it is the turn of the attention Ehrenfest. I was looking at how everything came
when I received such blessings, everyone else started.


The monsters are called and they start fighting, but everyone's movement is strange.
When thinking whether it began to thrust at a tremendous speed, it suddenly pierced
by applying a braking braking, Yudit who is good at remote attacks flew backward as
if it was played by something the next moment of attacking from afar . It is somewhat
strange with some awkward movements.

"Did something happen?"

"Everyone's movement is strange."

When Vilfried and Charlotte cried out anxious voice, Restesuto rang off Hun and a

"Whether the previous one was not a blessing, was not it a strange curse?"
"Older brother!"

Although Hannaore stopped in a hurry, if I looked at the situation of everyone, I felt

that the words of Restistau are more correct.

"Hey ah ah oh!"

345 | 2523
While everyone was jerking, it was a tragogot that caught himself into a monster with
a loud voice. A mass of magical power gathers on the griping sword and it shines in
rainbow color.

"Wait, traogg! The magical power that can not be handled is dangerous!"
"If you do not do it quickly you will not lose!"
"You are already losing while this is overwhelming! Do not make dangerous copies!"

After opening his eyes on Matthias' voice, he turned down and turned down his sword.

"At the very least, keep it down to about 70 percent, otherwise there is a possibility
that the attack will fly to the spectators' seat."
"It can not be that, with my magical power ... ...."
"Now that's dangerous, please suppress the power and attack it."

It seems that the traumigot according to Matthias's instructions suppressed a little

magical power. The light of the magical power that was put in the sword has
decreased a little, and the traumigot lightly shook it towards the devil. But the attack
was comparable to the father who is the head of the knight. The traumigot blew off
the monster with a single blow.
Ruffen's voice sounds like "End! Winner, Dunkel Ferger!" As I blink your eyes as if
there is enough magical power in the tragogot.

"Let's listen to the details about what happened to the knights apprentices who
received the blessing of Rosemain"

Wilfried says so and puts out a beast and goes down. Me and Charlotte continued, and
two of Dunkel Ferger also came.

"Do you know what happened?"

"It is very difficult to adjust magical powers, although it is my body, I can not handle
it ... ...."

There is no particular problem as long as you ride a cowgirl, but if you put magical
power to put out speed, it will be an unexpected speed, and if you think about stopping
you will suddenly brake. If you attack, the reaction that has never happened so far has
increased so you can not stand on the spot.

"Is it too much to bless?"

346 | 2523
After finishing the ceremony of protection, it might have been in the same state as
myself struggling to handle magical powers. In my words, the knights apprentices
nodded and took off.

"I think probably that the body could not keep up with disproportionate protection."

Too much blessing and defeat without being able to move properly. This is pretty
miserable. It may have been a better game for not doing anything.

"Rosemain's blessing seems to be really close to a curse"

"When your sister bless you, you have to be careful in adjusting magical powers."

I will apologize to everyone in Dunkelferger, following the wisdom of Wilfried and


"I am sorry, I do not think that it will be such a thing .... I did not intend to make rituals
that Dunkel Ferger protected from long ago as such a curse condition "
"Just a little bad, Mr. Rosemain. Since there was a new discovery here as well, we do
not have to be distracted like that"

...... Uo, Mr. Hannaore is very kind. My friend of mind!

When I was touched by the kindness of Hannaore, Restesuto turned his cloak and
cloak and pointed to the center of the stadium.

"The last ceremony, Hannaore, let's go."

"Certainly, brother,"

Hannerol takes the cowgirl and heads to the center of the stadium. Restzruut who saw
her off a bit saw him.

"Only knights can stay here, we are going back up."

As we are told we will return to the audience.

347 | 2523
I do not know what Hannorore said because of being far away. But, I changed Stap to
an unfamiliar shaped cane and began to swing slowly to draw a circle overhead. It is
a wand with decorations like big fish fins and bat feathers, centered around large and
round crystal balls.

"Dear Lusty Lout, what about that staff?"

"It is said that it is the thing of the goddess of the sea Goddess of Fair Furemiah, I do
not know whether it is true or not"

The word of Restistau must be right. Every time Hannorore turned the staff he began
to hear the sound of the noise. Zazza, Zazan and the sound of the waves, the magical
powers wobbly like fluttering from the body of the knights of the Ehrenfest

...... If I are the Elephant Festival, Hannero is a Dunkel Ferger's saint.

When I was watching while watching the magical power gathering while swaying like
a wave, Restesuto stared at me and muttered, "What, that is ... ...."

"Even if it says what .... In Dunkel Ferger it is a ceremony that is always followed by a
doctor, is not it?"
"But I will see this kind of phenomenon for the first time"
"Wow! It seems that magical power comes out of the knights of Ehrenfest apprentices,
but is it okay?"
"I do not know"
"Well, that ... ...."

While becoming uneasy, I overlook the stadium.

The magical power coming out of the knight apprentices gathers in a whirlpool and
gathers gradually at the center in accordance with the movement of the cane of

As Hannaore says something and lifts the buck and the staff up, the gathering of
magical powers rushed up to the sky like a dragon.

So the ritual seems to be over.

Beginning Hannaore, apprenticeship of the aides of the aides come back to the

348 | 2523
"Hannero, what was that?"
"I saw that kind of thing happening in that ceremony for the first time"

I smiled at the question of I and Restileau, with Hannorore faced with a problem.

"I understand the feeling that Rosemain-sama was embarrassed earlier, I do not quite
understand what happened, but I thought that it is not good to stop the ceremony on
the way, until the end I just gone. "

It was Leonore and Matthias who answered questions to Hannaore.

"I think the last ritual of Dunkel Ferger is a ceremony that returns the blessings given
by the gods"
"I agree with Léonore, the blessing given to Rosemain has disappeared and I feel that
magical power has returned to its original state."
"Then, there may be the effect of sedation which submerges excitement, it seems that
my heart is calming so hard that I can not believe that various things have happened"
"Is there a sedative effect?"

As Hannaore blinks his eyes on the words of Leonore, he changes his eyes to Dunkel
Ferger's knight apprentices.

"Although it is after the game of ditters, it is not so excited, is not it?"

Hannorore grabbed a fist and he heard a muttering saying "This must be used well ...
...." Even though it is a ceremony in which a totally different effect has come out,
Hannaore is quite positive. It seems to be a candidate for a lord of a large territory
indeed around where it does not move at all.
I'm stupid myself who had frustrated me with unexpected effects. It would be better
to imitate Hannaore and think about how to use more effective rituals.

...... If you can adjust the magical power that you can put in, it will surely be useful for
the suppression of the Lord in winter, and you have to research a lot.

"There were too many unexpected things happening, but there were many new
discoveries, I can say that it was meaningful."
"Thank you for saying so."
349 | 2523
I was looking down at the end of the day when the restylut and Wilfried greeted us.

"So when are the Ehrenfest rituals done?"

"Is not your brother, Rosemain's ritual showed you a while ago?"

Although Hannaore pulled lightly as he pulled Lestilout 's cloak, he said so, Restzlaut
swung his head.

"It is a mockery of Dunkel Ferger, not a shrine of Ehrenfest, it must have been a
condition to show the ritual of Ehrenfest, as I show this ceremony."

As I told you, I certainly have not shown the ritual of Ehrenfest.


Curiosity is overflowing in the red eyes of the restillouault looking down at here. It
seems that there is no way to worry about what kind of things are in Ehrenfest's
ceremony because it was an unexpected result in this ritual.

"I agree……"

When I looked around the students of Restless, Clarissa and other Dunkel Ferger who
are waiting for answers, I am sorry Hannorore and smiled with Nicoli.

"Please do not hesitate to contact us after all the lectures at Lesty Lout.If you think
that Arub / Dunkel Ferguer has failed because of Ehrenfest's books or rituals, it will
be a matter of the relationship between the future territories"

In my words Hannero delivered a happy voice saying, "That is a very wonderful

proposal, Rosemain," and the surrounding people turned their eyes "to be OK?" To
Restzlaut all together.

"Hun! ... ... If I become serious, lectures will end soon"

When Restzurau frown as if he muted, he went out of the training ground with his
large cloak turned over.

350 | 2523
"Rosemain, what does it mean to leave the report to everyone?"
"Today almost all of the dormitory came to the training ground and interview survey
was also apprenticeship of Vilfriit's brothers and Charlotte's civil servants, so what
content would you like to report? I am preparing for tomorrow I want to do it. "

There are many people who make today's report, but tomorrow's counting is done by
my aides. Since I was supposed to do it in the tea ceremony room suddenly, I have to
prepare the table and the chair, and although it is not a tea party, even though Hanna
Lore, who is a candidate for the lord, comes, I think that some hospitality is also

"As a report on the collaboration with Dunkel Ferger, please notify the adoptive father
if I send the report at a later date, we will leave everyone with a report of the hurry."

I will leave the settings of the tea ceremony room to the students and reconfirm the
counting method with civilian apprentices and Leonore and Yudit.

"... .... Oh, my sister is doing civil servants ... ...!"

"Theodore, I'm too upset, because I went to the temple for the escort because I was
not as good as Filine, but I can do a bit."

Yudit who was rude and swollen asked Philene or Rodderich "Do not take it with me"
to submit the document, saying "Ferdinand is too scary," but Yudit's sister's pride as
her sister We have stopped exposing it to the theodore this side.

...... Theodor is watching Yudit with respectful respects.

"Rosemain's escort knight will be engaged in paper work at the temple and Matthias
and Laurentz will also do disgusting from spring, so please keep looking at the flow
while escorting this time "

Laurentz praised Léonore's words, "I was not good at civil service work and I became
a knight apprentice." In a sense, Laurentz seems to be very friendly with Angelica.
Matthias seems not to be that bad, and he nods gracefully.

351 | 2523
"Please do not talk much about today's method of counting, because the princess
needs to deal with Mr. Hannaore from here."
"But is it a collaborative research that I will do mainly?"

I was supposed to be a civil apprentice so I was going to be involved in counting, but

it was dismissed by Richarda. I can not let Hanna Rolle, a candidate for lordship
candidate, do the administrative work, and it seems that I can not even leave the side
to talk to the side, even though I am a candidate for a lord.

"Would not Rosemain ask Mr. Hannero to talk about the last ritual of the day today?
Unlike songs that can be taught even by apprentices of knights, the last ceremony
seems to be unique to Dunkel Ferger "

It seems that Leonore could not be heard well because it was an old word that
Hannorore, who was turning the cane at the center of the stadium, was chanting the
kind of a celebration.

"Unlike Rosemain, Temple Haine Rolle is raised in a shrine and the scripture is not
familiar, so it is wonderful that a celebration of a slasla and an old word can be cast
that much."

When I got deeply nodded in Leonore's compliment, the Rizera laughed couscous and
gave me a piece of paper about the topic of tomorrow.

"There are a lot of old books in Dunkel Ferger, surely there is an old history book that
is thick enough, so how about asking about it? Friends like this book, surely speechless
I think. "
"It's nice, Rieserator"

I learned the aggregate work to civil servants and got information that I could not do
without being a lord of a lord, I was nodded with a chestnut.

Preparation for the tea ceremony was finished by the time the second and half bells
We have secured space for civil servants to do work and prepared a separate table for
me to talk with Hannero. As you can easily pinch, sweets have cookies prepared, and
the side holders are also ready to make tea.
352 | 2523
When the bell sounded and guests were told me, I headed for the door to meet him.
Students from Dunkel Ferger come in from the door where Gretier opened. Of course,
the beginning is Hannaore.

"Good day, Mr. Rosemain. Thank you for preparing the place for the trouble today."
"Greetings, Ms. Hannaore, this is the one that will be saved if you can help the people
of Dunkel Ferger Thank you for your work."

At the guide of Brunhild, Hannerolle and his aides head towards the table where the
tea was prepared, and the apprenticeships involved in the collaboration on the
guidance of Gretier headed to the desk where civil servants gathered.

"Rosemain, I left this from Clarissa, it seems to be a letter to Mr. Hartmut written about
yesterday's ritual"

Greetia, who was showing the civilian to his seat, gave me a thick letter.

"Please check inside and send it to Ehrenfest"

"Certainly yes"

Separately it is not necessary to be right now, but it would be good enough to just
breathe a little bit of gray tear, which is nervous to the students of the upper rank
Dunkel Ferger. To tell me to go down, Graytier showed a slight smile at his mouth.

"Well, I will explain how to compile it."

The voice explained by Philiane echoes, I can see how everyone is listening seriously.
I drink a cup of tea that Brunhild has brewed, and while watching a bite of cookie, I
look at the workmanship of civilian apprentices.

Phyllie trained in Ferdinand at the temple goes around quickly than Dunkel Ferger's
civilian apprenticeship. It is interesting that Clarissa is surprised by the speed of

"The Philiane is quite fast, is not it?"

"Haltmut has absolutely no tooth, but because the period trained by Ferdinand was
long, the paperwork became quite good at it."

353 | 2523
When he smiled and Philline laughed, Clarissa started to work on the aggregation with
a serious expression saying "I will not be able to lose as it becomes a cosmopolitor of
Rosemain" after having a slightly disappointing face. It may have been inspired by
pride as a senior civilian of the upper ranks.

"If Clarissa could concentrate on work in this way, I may not have needed to come

Hannorore said so and a bitter smile. When I have new information on me or have
opportunities to face face to face like a collaborative research, I am excited and can
not afford very much.

"... .... Because the excitement is so bad this year, there are things I think maybe it might
be acting."
"You might emphasize that you are a Rosemain-san's vassal, so that you can be
separated from your fiancee entered into the temple, and that others are creating
conditions that you can not afford with others."

The side standing behind Hannaore, who seemed to be a bit entranced to think that
this was definitely a strong love of Clarissa, gave a light sigh.

"Princess Hannareol, I think Clarissa does not think so far"

... Well, I think so too. Clarissa is based on Hartmut. Because I have not chosen a
marriage partner because of a relationship.

"How is Cordura always like this, but what do you think of Rosemain? I do not think I
can not have a love of writing a letter to my fiancé while losing sleep."

From there it became a story about the love story of the aristocrat. It seems there was
a story of a civilian who wrote while losing sleep so as not to miss the opportunity to
pass the letter directly to the fiancée's lord, as the letter certainly crosses the fiance's

"I truly hope for Clarissa's love to be fulfilled"

...... Hannaore who cheerfully supports two people is cute.

354 | 2523
When I first met Clarissa, I decided candidates for my aides and knew the marriage I
had pushed down and pushed down weapons, so I think that Hartmut and Clarissa are
a very good combination, but there is a pure love there I do not think there is.

The side called the Cordura picked up the sweets in the dish and when he made the
tea replacement, Hannellore slowly took a tea and changed the topic.

"Even so, the apprenticeship of civil servants in Ehrenfest is very good, I can not get
over the apprenticeship of the civil servants of Dunkel Ferger"
"Thank you for your compliments"

Phyllene is not the only one. Rodrig and Léonore are also defeated. Muriela and Yudit
who are not accustomed to document work seem to be a little stuck, but it is a good
match with the civilian apprentices of Dunkel Ferger who are puzzled by unfamiliar
counting methods.

"Oh, it seems that Rosemain's escort knight is intertwined among civil servants, but

I smiled and smiled at a word I was embarrassed by Hannorre who seemed to

remember the face of Leonore and Yudit who often accompanies tea ceremonies with
female knights.

"Well, since the escort knight is also doing papers work in the temple, we will be of
assistance when we need the number of people like this, because Clarissa seems to be
an apprentice apprentice able to work escort, so with similar things Would you mind
thinking? "
"Something like a civilian rather than Mushi ... Is it a knight from a sentence?"

Inexplicably Hannero is mutating. Clarissa said that there were many requests for
knights, and even though there were civil servants more than Takeshi at Dunkel
Ferger, there might not be more knights than sentences. My aides are in an
environment where knights from sentences are mass produced, mainly by Damuel.

"There is something I would like to ask Hannorore about the ritual of yesterday in
"What kind of thing?"

355 | 2523
"Mr. Hannallole was a ceremonial wand used for rituals" Although Lesty Lout says
things of the goddess Fair Furemère of the sea, I do not know the details about the
fairytale of Fair Furet Meair, something not in the temple "
"It is said only among us that we do not know anything certain, as we observe that
Aubu will show at every ceremony, you will be taught and remember the lord's
candidate. Because the spells that change also belong to the cane, I really do not know
if it is a fairytale of Fair Furemère. "

As Hannorore said smiling as he was smiling. It does not seem to know as Lestilut said
as well.

"Dunkel Ferger did not know that it was a jewel without knowing? Because the sound
of the waves was played when Mr. Hannaore was waving, I think that it is no doubt
that it is a sacred tool of the goddess Fair Furemare of the sea But "
"I heard the sound of the waves and Rosemain sama, but I do not know exactly what
it is like, because Dunkel Ferguer has no sea, it is not necessarily the ritual of the
goddess of the sea."

The sound that I heard as the sound of the waves also seems to have been surprised
to Hannorore because I suddenly began to hear strange and strange sounds in the
middle of the ceremony.

"Mr. Hannallole, could you tell me the celebrity you say when ceremonial? If you
understand the words of prayer, you will know which ritual you are praying for the

I was convinced by Hinnorore's mouthful speech.

"It seems like a ceremony dedicating magical power to the goddess of the sea again,
there was a way of doing rituals familiar with the archive that needs three keys"
"Is that so?"
"Wow, it was written that the material of the white stone plate is a ceremony to pay
the heat, but considering the situation of yesterday, there is an effect to quiet the place
by dedicating magical power, is not it? Is it a ceremony to cool down? "

If you can do that ceremony, even if you steal Leeds Falke's eggs at the mountain of
Loenberg, you may be able to leave the volcano erupting. Next to me thinking such a
thing, Hannero also "I want to go into the archive again and want to check the
356 | 2523
materials," he said. It seems to be very important for Hannorore whether it is just to
cancel the blessing or to dedicate even magical power to cool the surrounding

"Even so, there are some sacred tools that Rosemain does not know, because I can
discriminate rituals with a celebration, I thought why everything about the gods is
"The only thing I find in the scriptures is that I am familiar with the Supreme Gods
that are enshrined in the temple and the Ogami of the five pillars .... And the rest is a
gesture that has personal thoughts as Mestionora in the library Even so, I only know
that I gave the first king Gurtris Height. "

There are many gods in my family, but I do not have any particular tools or shapes in
particular. The center of the scripture is the highest god and the five gods of Ogami.

"Then, if you read the books you brought from Dunkel Ferger for the tea party you
like this time, you may find something new."

Hannorore smiled happily and said so.

"This time it is an old book in Dunkel Ferger, but it is a book that gathers the gods that
were not listed in the scriptures, although it may be a story added arbitrarily in
posterity, I also have a story of Mestionola, I think that you can enjoy it if you know
Rosemain something familiar to the gods. "
"It's a lot of fun."

In order to borrow a new book, I have to read a book I am borrowing now. I got
motivated a lot.

"Rosemain, aggregation is over"

I quickly look through the aggregate results presented by Philiane. The knight
apprentice who got the protection is predominantly Dunkel Ferger, and it seems that
most knights are obtaining protection of fighting system.

"Every year, few people are not available, you can be convinced that the treatment of
Dunkel Ferger is another part of the teacher in the ceremony of obtaining protection."

357 | 2523
Even if a person who gained protection of more than one family member or a person
who gained protection of unappealing attributes were in Dunkel Ferger, it was not
talked much. That is why I was noticed when someone who gained multiple
protection from Ehrenfest came out, but I think that other territories should examine
Dunkel Ferger more.

...... It may be that only Ditter comes out even if I examine it.

Ditters are also indispensable for collaborative research. Other regions may not dare
to approach to avoid getting dittorish from being blown.

"There are quite a lot of people who apprentices of knights are getting protection from
their fellows, but how about civil servants and side jobs?"

When I murmured with a feeling of soliloquy, reply came from Hannaore.

"... ... Because we gain protection from civil servants and side workers rather than
Mushi, we know that it is more than other territories."

This also wants to know the situation inside Dunkel Verger. How much of civil servant
and side work got protection of the fight system?

"I would like to interrogate Dunkel Ferger's civil servants and side workers in the
same way, would you interrogate similarly from people other than Clarissa, Knight
apprenticeship and submit it to here?"
"Certainly yes"

As Clarissa is willing to do the job, ask Rohdrich to hear the paper for investigation
and hand it to Clarissa.

"When you look at the summation results in this way, the knight apprentices in other
territories really do not get the protection, the seventh way is Dunkel Ferger"

Even if the number of knight apprentices in the mainland is large, since there are
about three people no matter how much from other territory there are quite a few
By the way, there is no one in Ehrenfest who gets protection of the fighting system.
This did not understand what it means to remember singing and dancing As a result

358 | 2523
that the knights apprentices were not so serious and that I did not do praying to the
gods for themselves to give a blessing is there.

... ... It will be easy to give blessings, it seems that it gave a spoiled result. Reflection,

I strongly felt that seeing the result of counting by Dunkel Ferger that we should make
more prayers for knights apprentices so that we can obtain protection from ourselves.
I would like you to follow Phyllene who gained protection from the other members
than your own attributes.

"Oh, Rosemain, I do not seem to dedicate magical powers in my previous rituals, but
... will they get protection even if I do not offer magical power?"

A blessing came lots in blessings due to the dedication of a large amount of magical
power at the spear of my Leiden Shaft, but in Dunkel Ferger there was never a blessing
celebrated in the previous ceremony and no magical dedication I was saying.

"Because that ceremony itself is a large-scale prayer, I use a spear that transformed
Stap, so I may be dedicated for a while, because all the gods I am gaining are gods lined
up in a celebration."

Even though there is no visible blessing, some magical power may be dedicated.

"Besides, since we conduct ceremonies before and after the game, perhaps it is easier
for people with more times to go to the game of Ditter than to gain protection from
them, so it is easy to gain protection from them.Knight apprentices who got protection
from multiple fighting family members It seems that there are many games. "

Because it is difficult to understand with only the result of counting only numbers
alone, will it become easy to understand a little if it is graphized at the time of research
presentation? While looking at the result of the aggregation, when thinking what kind
of graph it makes it easy to understand, Hannorore came out with a feeling that it was

"Oh, like Rosemain, if you make a spear that changes with Stapp to Leiden Shaft's
spear, even if you are a Dunkel Ferger, blessings can be obtained as if Rosemain went
off last night, It was. "

359 | 2523
I nodded lightly in the words of Hannaore. It was a clear difference with the previous
ritual. Discussions will be made as to how to do it.
The discussion at the Ehrenfest dorm was focused solely on "where to stop my
runaway" and "to effectively avoid it when told to do from the great territory", but
Dunkelfel In Gar, it seems that discussion "to return the ceremony to its original form"
was done.

"As you have thought, you can actually make a magical power to the sacred tool, make
it clearly imagined what kind of thing it is possible to make a shape of a sacred tool, I
can do it to my aides who go to the temple However, I use quite a bit of magical power,
so I think that it can not be sustained throughout the ceremony unless it is advanced.

In my words not only Hannaore, nodded nearby aides. Will Dunkel Ferger 's
aristocrats also head for the shrine if it is blessed with a doctor? Dunkel Ferger who
lives in Ditter seems to be different from standards in other parts of the country and
it gets confused a bit.

...... But even though I have to go all the way to the temple and do not turn into a spear
of Leiden Shaft, dedicating only magical power would be a problem as a ceremony.

I thought so in my mind, but I will not dare say it. If you are willing to go to the temple
for the sake of Ditter, I would like the aristocrat to visit the temple for reform of the
temple. I would like you to help change the view towards the temple.

"Since blessing changes according to the amount of magical power to dedicate, if you
need a lot of blessings, you need a lot of magical power, but instead of trying to burden
it alone, a little magical power I think that it is better for you to dedicate to the temple,
because the temple ritual is not for myself, but for other people's prayers, so there is
no blessing for myself how much they have burdened the magical power. "

Hannaore and his aides gazed at my words.

"Well, Rosemain who dedicated that magical power ... ...."

"We have not received blessings in the ritual of yesterday because the knights
apprentices were in trouble moving, but it did not have any effect on me,"

360 | 2523
I think that there is a ceremony to do with a large number of people in order to ensure
that only one person does not bear magical powers but to multiply each other.
Hannero showed a convincing expression to my words.

"Just be careful when lower class aristocrats do rituals together, because there is a
possibility that lower aristocrats fall down because magical power is robbed too."
"When everyone performs the same ceremony, magical powers will flow more easily,
so it is dangerous for people who have little magical power if there is a difference in
magical power.Persons of Dunkel Ferger take the initiative to practice anything It
seems like a land pattern, please be careful "

If it is for a sake of ditters, let's do it for the moment, it is Dunkel Ferger. If you do not
pay attention to what I know about the divine, it is highly likely that you will be far
from the ditters.

"Perhaps there is a reason why there is always something to do rituals on the day
before the game, to spend time recovering magical power or to get used to the
blessings given to you. Distortion also becomes large.To carefully investigate so as not
to destroy the tradition that protected so far, please try to ceremony. "
"Thank you for your advice, I will prompt attention like that"

Hannorore nodded with a smile.

After the Dunkel Ferguses returned, I taught Filignes at the multipurpose hall while
gathering the results of the aggregation and encouraged me to create easy-to-
understand materials. I feel like studying if I have not moved my hands than I am
If you were satisfied that you made a number of materials with various graphs to
make it very easy to think, "What is that?" And other civilian apprentices have been
devoted to it. Apparently, it seems that the graphic material has not been created yet
at the House of Peers.

"Rosemain, does not it make a fuss about opposing the territory?"

"Is not it okay as the collaborative research with the three major regions itself is the
origin of the fuss?"

361 | 2523
Somewhat becoming uneasy, I decided to write a letter of consultation with
Ferdinand, "I'd like to present my research with materials that use graphs like this ...".

362 | 2523
I wrote a letter to Ferdinand and gave it to Raimund in the Hillsur research laboratory
and spent a day trying out a new magical tool. What Raymond is studying now is a
magical tool that light of various colors falls down at a fixed time.

If you use this magic tool suddenly colors on the paper, even if you concentrate on
books you will be surprised to raise your line of sight. It is very popular among the
side work that if you pick up the book in that gap it makes it very easy to stop reading.
I wanted a magician that returned books without permission as a book that I finished
reading, but the side workers insisted strongly that "It is necessary for Rosemain's

"Is not it good to study a magic tool that light falls first, then a magical tool that you
think Rosemain would like?"
"Does Mr. Hirschle think so, is not it?"

Hirschur and Raimund haughtily adopted the opinion of the servants because of the
Hill Sur and the Raimund secret operation by the preparations for meals.

...... I can understand the weak mind in delicious rice, but somewhat disappointing! I
am preparing you!

"I'm going to the library to study magical tools that light falls down."
"Raimund, I also go with you and ask if there are materials in Schwarz ... ..."
"If you just ask questions to Schwarz, you can do it even at Raimund, and the princess
is banned from the library by royalty. If you want to read a book, let's return to your

... ... Wow, I want to go too.

I told Richarda, I dropped my shoulders and shoulders. I want to go if it is forbidden.

I can endure having a book I have not read yet in my room, but after reading it seems
to be bothering us with withdrawal symptoms.

"Mr. Rosemain, did not you hand out the manuscript copied to Professor Hill Sur?"

363 | 2523
The Reiselator said that and handed me a bunch of paper. The content is a copy of the
book of the man who was studying by Schwartz.

"Those who studied the Schwarzs in the past have written down.This is just for
lending, so please copy the part that you think is necessary for Mr. Hirsch Mr.
Ferdinand to give it to me so It's not going to happen. "
"Where was such a material, which was it? It should not have been where the research
result of the second floor was placed."
"It is said that it was in a closed library, Mr. Soranju lent me."

Hirschle blinked at my word and compare the material with me.

"...... I ask for disciples but I may not be doing much to ask Soranju how much material
is there in the closed library?"
"It seems to be a place where valuable materials are placed so that a closed library is
preserved as a magic tool, so it is good to ask Professor Sorangju once."

It seems that the closed archive packed with valuable materials is a part that had not
been fully grasped by Soranju so far. It seems that parts of Schwarzs have become able
to move, the number of collaborators increased, and the magical power of the
Schwarzs got no longer worried, it finally became possible to attach hands.

It was said that it seems that degradation has progressed somewhat because the
magical power was missing in the period when the library was protected only by
Soranju and the necessary magical power was not supplied to the archives. It seems
that it is serious as Ortansia supplies magical power in preference to such parts.

...... I need more magical power in the library.

"Thank you Rosemain, I will tell this to Ferdinand, is not it an environment where you
can do research?"
"We do not have a room yet, there is no hidden room, so it seems to be far from
research, but it was said that I would like to do research on Ferdinand's reply"

I would like to secure only materials. And, when you can create a hidden room and
you can create an environment where you can research it, I will pack the tools,
materials and materials into the Lesser Bus and I want to get on the castle of

364 | 2523
...... I do not think that permission will come out from AUB Ahrensbach, so it will only
end with thinking.

"I will spend it in the room until the person who moved to other territory gets
married, but in the case of Ferdinand, the move was early. It will be stupid that the
state without the hidden room lasts long. Although it is "

It should have been worried about Ahrensbach's Ferdinand in such way, "Because I
will do the research firmly instead of Ferdinand," Hill Sur quickly switched his head.

"How about Rosemain going back to your room and reading books? Also, if you have
any useful material, do not forget to report the report to Flaurelm soon. ''

……that? Let's talk a little more to Ferdinand.

There is no reason to be hurt by Hill Sur, which began to concentrate on

photographing materials. There is little that I can do for the prototype clerk until the
design of Raimund's design is completed, so I decided to go back to my room and read.
I'd like to finish reading early and borrow the next book.

When reading, teaspoons and tea ceremony invitations came to come. It seems that
social occasion season of the aristocrat is beginning to start. While the side work
coordinates the schedule with the Shallotte side staffs, they will reply to attend

In parallel with that, I had Fraulemu attend an interview appointment. As Hill Shuul
told me, I have to give a report on my second research course and I must point out
that for the moment the first report has not arrived.
Fraulem also seemed to be interested in the course of collaborative research, so the
designation of the date came soon unlike when applying for the exam.

When I bring a report, Fraulem offers his hands. I firmly wear gloves in his hands and
I will not read it right away. While thinking Ferdinand was alarming with poison, I
handed in the report.

"That remembered, Mr. Fraulem, I have not received the first report to Ferdinand yet,
but are you sending the report to Ahrensbach?"
365 | 2523
"Well, the ceremony of Ahrensbach is somewhat negligent, I surely sent it to

Fraulem did not match eyes with me, he said so. I put my hands on my cheeks and I

"Well, maybe we need to ask Dietrinde, it's a big problem for civil servants in the large
territory to be lazy.I also have problems with Mr. Fraulem, who specializes in
collecting and organizing information, right? "
"Oh, that's right."

The eye of Frauerelm who said so with a smiling face stuck to it asks us to look like
this thrillingly.

"... How does Rosemain interact with Mr. Ferdinand?"

"Because Mr. Ferdinand is my guardian, there are some ways to get in touch with me,
but it is sort of like shielding Shallea's shield to the Leiden shaft to answer Mr.

I have no meaning in answering and what are you going to use? And when returning,
Frauerelm turned away with saying "Sure!

"Besides that, Dr. Fraulem does not know when Dietlinde's lecture will end?"
"It's like passing a shield of Schulea to Leiden Shaft."
"There is also a necessity to hand over the schedule and hair decorations of tea
ceremonies between cousin and younger brother, but Mr. Fraulem also is busy with
collaborative research as you know and the schedule of the tea ceremony has packed
up I just wanted to know about it. If you do not match the schedule, please let
Dietrinde know that you will bring your hair ornament to your side. "

In addition to having three collaborative research and answering somehow while

reading books to those who are trying to socialize because they can only do this year,
the schedule is buried without permission.

I would like to read books more than a tea ceremony as my true intention, but this
year we have a work that has a lot of exchanges with the territory, making a bad
reputation of adoptive father and Ehrenfest a little better. The tea party with
Ahrensbach who seems to actively shed bad rumors is about the feeling I want to
366 | 2523
...... Because I care about Ferdinand's appearance going to Ahrensbach, I am going to
attend my cousin's brother's party, but I do not care much.

"My older sister, the invitation letter of the tea ceremony has arrived one after
another, but which one will you participate in?"
"Have you arrived again?"

When I returned from the laboratory of Fraulem, I received several invitations again.
We have already decided to participate in some tea ceremonies. When I was staring
at the invitation cards with a little boredom feeling that I could cut the reading time
any more, Charlotte smiled as if to calm.

"It is the beginning of full-fledged socializing season, and it is because the elder sister
is busy with the joint research as he knows most of the territory by noting the
dormitories, so I'd like to set a promise as soon as possible."

It is because the possibility that it will become somewhat somewhere else will be
higher by driving the research if closer to the territory competition approaches.
Brunhild also smiles at the words of Charlotte.

"Besides, it is the first time that Rosemain does not return for a dedication ceremony."
"I, socializing is impossible every day, perhaps, I feel sick."

Although it is somewhat healthy, it is dangerous to stuff too much. If I make a tea

ceremony day, I think that I can not respond when I suddenly lose my condition unless
I schedule a schedule to read two days.

"Well, I do not know when there's a joint research with Dunkel Ferger or a call from a
royal family, so I can not schedule it much."

We will discuss with the students and plan a tea ceremony. Ordonants came flying

"Arends Bach's Dietrinde, I am also too busy to take the time quite, so let's have a cafe
with my cousin's tea party in the afternoon after four days"

367 | 2523
I understand that Frauerelm gave a message to Dietlinde, but I do not think there is
any consultation or meeting with each other, I think how to tell it as a decision item.

"... .... I can not refuse?"

"Your elder sister was prompted and I will tell the schedule to your brother."

While sighing in the words of Charlotte, he rebuilt the schedule with the aides and
sent an acknowledged alternative.

It was the day to participate in the tea ceremony while I was doing it. Today it is an
act different from Charlotte. It was because I had no choice but to adjust it because
the schedule with Ahrensbach was in. It is a tea party with subordinate territory.
Because Ehrenfest was neutral, there seems to be a territory where I think that it is
more likely to be accepted than rubbing against the winning group.

As Charlotte says, he seems to have to move as far as possible to get in affiliation with
its subordinate territory, but I do not know such a method. It seems that Ehrenfest
itself is trying to change the relationship. I heard that Charlotte does not have enough
know-how to teach me. It is an evil suddenly stretched rank.

"I wanted to talk to Rosemain, who is famous for the saint of Ehrenfest,"

At the tea party it was basically just lifted. The sweets of Ehrenfest were praised,
praised the music of the rosina, petited for wanting to listen more, and somehow
noticed the other musical performers to remember.
And books were borrowed and borrowed.

"Since last year was urgent, I did not get permission to bring out from the territory,
but this year I also got permission to Ave ... ...."

I would like to make friends with the territory where I will lend books comfortably. I
received it with a smile and lent me the book of Ehrenfest instead. It seems that I
wanted to read it because it is popular in the upper territory.

...... After all it is correct to shed a fashion from above. I hope your reading will spread
even more.

368 | 2523
It was until I borrowed books that I was laughing normally.
The lower territory seems to be very concerned about how Ehrenfest raised the rank,
and as soon as you are asked to be persistent, you only have to respond with a smile.

"What was too sudden, there is something secret that there is no way to raise such a
rank in just a few years?"
"Rosemain is really outstanding to be able to do three joint projects with the highland.
It is a kind of trend, collaborative research, and a kindness that serves as a templeor
even after becoming an adore.Rosemain's excellent Aub who found her and adopted
her, was an eyewitness. "
"Everybody is told that Aub Ehrenfest is a terrible person who pushes the lord of merit
other than the real child into the temple and robs the magical power.

Every time I deny the bad rumors of the adoptive father and candidate lords are
talking about the story which is going around rural areas for praying ceremony and
harvest festival and emphasis on education, but do not believe too much Absent. It is
strange to say that "Rosemain is kindly gentle to be eavesdropped that way" is

...... So, it is different. Hey, hey. I heard this story! Is it?

Many times I was told a bad mouth of the adoptive father, and it was told by the
aristocratic language that only Wilfriit and Charlotte are comforting, I was lifted when
it was a merciful little saint alone, even if I deny it I was irritated by the condition of
being given up and finished the tea party.

...... It was good that the tea ceremony was over before all directions indiscriminate
pressure was given out. I endured it seriously.

Before returning to your room and reporting to other people in Ehrenfest, it is a

reflection group. I looked around the aides who accompanied the tea ceremony.

"Is it only me that I heard malicious words like that? Is Charlotte heading towards the
"It would not be expected to make such a rumor to the Arub's true child as expected,
as it is said that Rosemain is an adopted daughter, and he is saying like a friend
because he thinks he is being rumored as oppressed I think. "
369 | 2523
It seems that both Brunhild and Richardan were annoyed at the tea party today. My
face is a smile, but it sounds like the two voices are a bit rough.

"...... There are not only Aub and Charlotte who were aimed at malice .. Although they
seemed to be lifting at first sight, there was also the malice that they wanted to defeat
Rosemain sama called the saint "
"Even though it was raised with the saint of Ehrenfest, he grew up in a temple and he
stated that he was treated differently from Arub than his childhood, and he said that
it is lucky to devote magical power to the territory I think"

I thought that it was indeed too bad, but it seems that it is better to consider the
possibility that such gray tiers speak out of words, with few words.

"It is highly likely that you are thought to be a quiet and weak saint who is always
under the guardian's guard. Please consider the risk of Rosemain get thrown away or

I did not reply to you, it was Leonore.

After the reflection meeting we shared information on how the tea ceremony where
Arub's real child does not have, and in order to clarify which part is thinking about, I
and Charlotte are separated separately I got an instruction to head towards the

Even in order to break up the territory that talks of malicious rumor, "It's kind of you,
you are kind, but Aub Ehrenfest is not like that" It will be a pity to keep returning .
When divergence in the reading frustration of the tea ceremony, we must participate
in an irritated tea party. It would be much easier if you returned to Ehrenfest for the
votive ceremony.

... Wow, this year I wanted to return to the temple of Ehrenfest.

Meanwhile, a cousin sister held by Dietlinde will be held. I have to go even if I do not
want to go, I feel regrettable now, will I be able to celebrate the engagement of
Ferdinand and Dietlinde? You have to be careful not to say "Please return my
important Brain of ours."
370 | 2523
"Matthias, Laurentz, Muriela, and Greater are an answering machine, because it is not
a good idea to be aware that old children of old Veronica are all close to me"
"I do not know how much it is getting information about purging, so it would be better
for you to hide this information"

Wilfriit and Charlotte will meet with each other to inform what kind of information
will be issued. However frustrating I do not put it on the face. Handling of Ferdinand
may change, so please take it easy.

So carved into my heart, I went to the tea ceremony room of Ahrensbach with
Villefried and Charlotte.

"Greetings, everyone"
"Greetings, Dear Linde, I am delighted to invite you."

Wilfried greets on behalf of us and we can recommend seats. Dietlinde seems to be in

a very good mood. Looking at the way the handpicks are handing the items brought
in, they are smiling, "Is that a hairdresser?"

"Today I will let Arensbach play a new song for my musical practice, a love song
written by Ferdinand for me and it is a song dedicated to Gedulruhi."

Hohoho, with laughter, Dietlinde scratched the blonde blond hair lightly and turned
his eyes towards the musical practitioner. Musical doctor nods and begins playing
music. It is a nostalgic song that I heard even in the practical skill of music.

"I listened to it when I was practicing music."

"Well ... because we made practicing music practiced by students who are good at
music in order to make them known as a new song by Ahrensbach, because Feldinand
gave us a banquet at the beginning of winter society, I did not have much time and it
was serious. "

Dietlinde likes to say so, drink a cup of tea, eat candy and show it. If you eat a snack
brought from here, recommend it and show it, "I wonder if Ferdinand's exclusive
arrive to Ahrensbach since the end of the spring star concludes?" Laughing happily.

371 | 2523
... ... When you finish a star tie, will you bring an exclusive chef? I feel I did not have
such a story, though.

Feldinand's exclusive chef is using Hartmut as it is in the temple, but I can not let out
other people's exclusions. When thinking that it might be better to note with a letter,
Dietlinde slowly and satisfactorily breathed out and placed the cup.

"When my engagement with Ferdinand was decided, I was depressed, but recently I
have been thinking a bit more positively."
"... ... was you depressed?"
"Well, is not it obvious, I am Arends Bach's next aw, but it was a lot older that my
father had been a spouse, and I was put in the lower Temple of Ehrenfest I'm a
candidate lord who does not have a mother, so will you be disappointed? "

I was surprised ahead of being impatient. For me, Ferdinand is an excellent lord
candidate who has kept the best, is a mad scientist who can do anything with civil
servants, knights and lord deputies, but I did not know how much work I did at
Ehrenfest, It seems that if you look at the nobility that the students did not overlap,
you seem to be too bad.

...... If you look from the side, you can see Ferdinand like that.

"I saw it a bit and I was a little relieved to have a gentle personality and excellence,
because Mr. Ferdinand said that he would do it for me"

...... Gentle personality is probably a misunderstanding that comes from making

smiles? No, I guess it is good to misunderstand, but I would like to say you are being

I seemed to be positive for marriage knowing the excellence of Ferdinand, so I will

suppress the voice of mind and appeal Ferdinand's excellence.

"Feldinand is very good, since there are still many legends in the lords, for example ...
"Well, I know, I was surprised to see what kind of information I gathered information,
so that would not be a problem if I were next to you as my spouse"

I caught on a little with that story.

372 | 2523
...... Ferdinand is amazing! You stand next to me as a spouse, is not there a problem
with Dietrinde?

I swallowed sweetly that I wanted to say so. It is essential to have patience today.
It seems Charlotte understood that I swallowed up the words and made fun of it. Let
Charlotte embark himself a little, change the topic.

"Did you think that Dietlinde had a feeling of depression after the engagement was
decided? There was such a story in the love story of a new aristocrat Like that,
Ditolinde I would like to ask if there is memories of love in love. "

After Charlotte's words Dietlinde blinked several times, she sadly fell dark green eyes.

"Well, of course there are also some of the officials who have offered my feelings, but
since I am the next Aub, I was decided to marry my opponent who my father had
decided, no matter how lovely you are No matter how much you can be devoted, you
can not get married to an unbalanced party.Who you know, it is very painful to say
goodbye from me.The marriage that we decided to part with, It is a grudge against the
goddess Libesque Hill Festival. "

Dietlinde speaks in the eyes of a little distant whether you are thinking about the
thought. It is like a nobleman of Ahrensbach, not a student at the House of Lords
because he said that it was summer that told goodbye words.

...... Even for Dietlinde, her engagement with Ferdinand was painful.

There was no rumor in the Diet Linde in the House of Lords, and there seemed to be
no escorting opponent, so I thought that the engagement with Ferdinand was a ship
in transit, but it was not so.
Regardless of the surroundings, I knew that it was an engagement that we could not
welcome to each other, and in my reluctant reality I gently breathed out.

373 | 2523
"Therefore, I must become a good Arub for the love that I've lost."

While staring a bit about Dietlinde's words that ended with such a determination, I
suddenly became worried. The fact that the next term AUBU comes out so often
frequently means that Awbs and Arens Bach's condition is not good.

"Well, how are you going to adjust for Auburn Ahrensbach?" Ferdinand was hurrying
to go to Ahrensbach, so he was worried. "

With Ferdinand's medicine it may be possible to get a little longer. However, I think
that it will not let Ferdinand in other territories create the medicine. Even with the
letter of Ferdinand, since Abe's condition is not told, it is a worry as to whether we
could successfully succeed.
In my question Dietlinde sighs and sorrowfully.

"...... I can not say that it is good, but I think that the work has been relieved for some
stability as the Ferdinand staff came."
"Is that so?"

It is quite bad as it says that it can not be said good at such a tea ceremony place.
Ehrenfest knows that Aleve's condition is not good as Ferdinand heads, but he should
not know other territory. At least it is not rumored at the House of Lords.

"I would like to return to Ahrensbach at once as long as I can, but my mother told me
to emphasize socializing as the next Awb."

Even though it is lully, if you have a serious family you would want to rush to the side.
Restrained that feeling, received a lecture at the House of Peers, and reviewed a little
Diet Linde who is socializing. I would have finished lecturing at the fastest and return
to Ehrenfest and think that I will not leave my father's bedside even if told that it is in
the way.

"Therefore, I must show a place that is suitable for the next AUB by the graduation
"Please do your best"

374 | 2523
"Do you think that cooperation by Ehrenfest is necessary to attract everyone's
"... ... cooperation, is it?"

I do not understand the meaning and I will tilt my head. As Dietlinde seems to have
stated straight for a while, I do not understand anything at all. I looked at Wilfried and
Charlotte, but they do not seem to know well either.
Dito Linde said "Do not tell me how to make manastones shine," with a voice
frustrated by the bad guesses of three people who do not understand.

"I thought that it was a remarkable standpoint but it is a good way to gather public
attention because it was attracting attention by shining manastone in the practice of
votive dance.The goddess of light is made with dedication dance Is it necessary for me
to do? "

……Huh? Is not the light a goddess of electric decoration doing? It's shiny? Whatever
you think is strange? You gather attention in a bad way?

While I was Pocarn, I saw Dietlinde. Wilfried and Charlotte are also surprised to see

"If you are watching Rosemain at the time of practice, I think that Dietrinde also seems
to be evil as you understand, not at the graduation ceremony where there are plenty
of other Arubs and royalties."
"Well, Wilfried does not cooperate?"

I am surprised at the surprise, but it is here that I am surprised. Are they seriously
planning to dress for electricity?

"It is not a question of not cooperating, not doing ...."

"Oh, you do not want to tell me Rosemain, just to make yourself stand out"

Stared at the dark green eyes, I add words in a hurry.

"No, it is not ... ... If you want to make manastones shine, you only have to turn on
magical powers?"
"In such words, it will not be made misunderstood, there must be some way to make
that magic stone shine at the same time, is there a magic tool or anything to shine a
magic stone?"
375 | 2523
……Huh? It's not like that.

As an example that the rainbow-colored stone of the rainbow was all shining, Diet
Linde wields spirit that it is impossible to do such a thing just by including magical
power. Somehow it is necessary to devote the topic or make it mislead.

As I am suffering, Charlotte lurked "Dear Linde, please just talk about this place".
"After all, there was a secret," Deit Linde embarks on his eyes shining.

"Actually, my older sister was in such a state that his condition was very bad and that
she could not stop flowing magical power without permission.Therefore, take a
magical power with a magic stone It gave us a witchcraft to make it shine. "
"Well, what collapsed after practicing ... ..."
"Magical power has flowed too much"

...... I do not say a lie, but it is a lie. If this is true, I'm pretty dangerous and sick.

Still it can not be trusted, Dietlinde looks suspiciously with Charlotte. Wilfried also
had to do something and thought it was like opening up his mouth while nodding in
the words of Charlotte.

"So, now that Rosemain has recovered a little bit of physical condition, I can not shine
a magic stone even if I do practicing dedication mai.What would it be if dropping the
quality of magic stone, if you really want to shine? "

...... Hey, Wilfried brother! What do you do with pushing the goddess of electricity! Is

Although I and Charlotte unintentionally look away at face, Wilfried thinks seriously
whether there is any way to shine within the range that I can understand.

"If you put too much magical powers badly, you may become gold powder, but I think
that it is easy to shine somewhat ... ...."
"It's a wonderful plan, Villefried"

...... Oh, deathlinde will do it seriously!

376 | 2523
"Although it somewhat dropped the quality, it is necessary to have a lot of magical
powers to shine a number of magic stones, I do not think it is necessary to use such
magical powers for dedication mai ... ...."

Charlotte gives a word to let it give up but Dietlinde shook his head with a smile.

"I will practice a couple of times to figure out the quality that will not result in gold
powder, so it's okay ... Oh, will you show me the hair ornament that you attach to that
graduation ceremony?"

Wilfried's side began to move quickly to the voice of bouncing Dietlinde. After
confirming variously, Dietrinde's side apprentice Martina received.

"I'm going to show off my hair decorations at a tea ceremony where only the next
higher ranks will gather."
"Well, you have to teach how to decorate to Dietlinde's side, Brunhild."

When I called her name, Brünhild gradually nodded and began teaching Martina.
Brünhildde, who taught to many people such as Egrantine and Adolfine, is accustomed
and explained.

"At any rate, Rosemain's rainbow-colored stone is wonderful, maybe I should try
missing a fiancé?"
"It may be heard if the star-knotting ritual is over,"
"Oh, why?"

Because Dietlinde blinks, I appeal that Ferdinand does not have a workshop.

"Since I stay in the guest room until the star knotting ceremony, I think that I can not
do anything in the absence of a workshop, there is no material or tool, so prepare a
workshop for studying to Ferdinand ... ... "
"Well then there is no choice"

If I want decoration of rainbow-colored stone, I tried somewhat to prepare the

workshop soon, but I could not get a good reply. It is a shame.

"Talking about research, what about collaborative research with Ahrensbach? I will
be in trouble if I do not do the report."

377 | 2523
"I recently submitted a second report to Mr. Fraulem, who said that Mr. Fraulem has
already sent to Ahrensbach, but have not been reported to Dietrinde, the lord's

When I looked towards Charlotte and Villefried, they testified that they nodded and
met with Frauerelum to submit the report twice.

"I will send you to Ahrensbach before showing it to me ..."

"It seems that Ferdinand did not receive the first report because it does not seem that
there is a negligent celadon in Arensbach which is a large territory, but if possible, it
is good for Dietlinde who is in the next Awbab I would like you to investigate. "

Perhaps it might be just a mistake, but with words added, Dietlinde nodded greatly.

"Let's investigate.This collaborative research will be announced as Ferdinand's

disciple.The reputation of the fiancée also relates to my reputation.In a collaborative
research do not do it like lowering Ferdinand's reputation Please do. "
"In order to reflect Ferdinand's opinion, Raimund will frequently issue letters and
reports and we will announce only those that passed from Ferdinand."
"Well, please help me."

...... Dietlinde's story is frustrating, but the matter of the report may be somehow
undertaken, and we got an excuse to write letters frequently, so it's okay, well ... OK?

When I got satisfied with the unexpected speech and I am a bit satisfied, Wilfried
opened his mouth looking at Dietlinde and his aides.

"Like Dietlinde, my uncle seems to head to Ahrensbach as an educator in Reti Zia, is

he doing well with Reti Zia? That uncle has a bit of a place to worry about education
so worry It is. "

Wilfried's word is a question to find out if Dietlinde knows the relationship between
reti zia and royalty. Although I found a slight tension running between the aides,
Dietlinde only tipped his head with his hands on his cheeks.

"I do not know the state of Retizia, because I do not have much contact with Reti Zia,
as soon as winter socialization began, I moved to the House of Peers, according to the
letter, Mr. Ferdinand is striving for office It seems that there is no room to afford
education officers of retizia? "
378 | 2523
It does not seem to know the meaning that Ferdinand went to Ahrensbach as an
educator because there was no exchange with retizia. There is no doubt that Dietlinde
knows that he is a relay Aub. Wilfried who seemed to realize it saw Carlito deiterlinde.

"Please do not look at it but it was a thing given to Lan Zenerve who visited
Ahrensbach in summer ..."

Even then the pride of Ahrensbach and the pride of Ferdinand and someone's pride
continued all the while and the time continued to be shut down with the words of "like
the next Aubu who stood above them".
What we were asked for was praising Dietlinde, which is advice and cooperation on
how we can strengthen the influence of Ahrensbach.

For the time being, there was no topic or exploration about purification of Ehrenfest
from the mouth of Dietlinde. In the atmosphere where information is not shared
between Georgine and Dietrinde, Dietlinde talks about only himself who will be the
next aw, the tea ceremony ended.

"... ... I got tired."

That's the word I got from my mouth the most when I return to the dormitory. It is a
tea ceremony where all you have to do is raise your opponent with entertainment.
Because it is a tea ceremony of the inner ring with no other territory, Ehrenfest was
treated completely under the guard, and it was a tea party which Dietlinde went on as
desired. I am seriously tired.

When it was boasted with Ferdinand legend that seems to have been gathered from
neighborhood classmates of the lords and the self-neighborhood, when it was boasted
with the face of mine it was hard to endure saying "Ferdinand is still a person of

"I knew about the situation of Ehrenfest a little more and I was alerted to seeing some
sort of exploration, but I did not have that kind of thing."
"Charlotte, Dietlinde did not seem to know anything, but occasionally, tension was
running among the aides, there seems to be some people who know a lot about them."

379 | 2523
In my words Vilfried fogged his face and sigh.

"I understand that it is someone else's problem, but Dietlinde is a little worried, so
why is it safe to become the upcoming awb with information restricted like that?"
"Because Reti Zia is a relay until adulthood, it may be that we do not give too much

When I look at the figure of the aides, I can only think that it limits the information on
purpose. Although I do not know whether it is the intention of Aub Ahrensbach or the
gift of Georgine.

"I think I am afraid when I learn later ... ...."

"The neighborhood is not what we should speak out as there are no disadvantages to
Mr. Ferdinand, as a result of those of Ahrensbach."

To say something with a sigh, Wilfried glared at me with a dark green eye that looked
like Dietlinde.

"...... Rosemain, a little speechless cold, is not that worried about Dietlinde?"

Wilfried appeals that the information is restricted, manipulated around and appears
to overlap with himself who was to leave bad points, but my heart that was exhausted
by today 's entertainment was not moved at all. I think that it is those who often
tolerated just because they did not return "not".

"Although Arends Bach wants it because Dietlinde is restricted in information despite

declaring it to be the next Arub just before the adult and despite the number of people
there are aides, He is more concerned about Ferdinand, who may be disqualified due
to what Dietlinde says, rather than Dietlinde. "
"I will do something if it's on my uncle, I have that much power."

I worry about Dietlinde, but I do not care about Ferdinand. I caught on with Wilfried's

"... ... There are few trustworthy people, there is no environment to create new magical
tools, and Ferdinand, who must protect Rethi Zia, is not the same as when he is in
Ehrenfest.If you are Virfried's older brother I feel so cold. "

380 | 2523
If you do not have anything about Ferdinand, I would like you to worry about my uncle
who has been indebted carefully than a troublesome partner who does not have any
contact points or brings a profit.
Charlotte sighed deeply when I was staring at Wilfried.

"Both my brother and my sister are not only worried about whether they are different,
both of you are not as cold as it is because you are tired of having such trivial
"Yes, I am sorry."

After being admonished by my little sister, Wilfried and I will apologize and have tea
brought to our side, and I will settle down for today's tea ceremony while calming my

"It seems that Geelygene's speculations and actions are hidden by extraordinary back
circumstances because of the information-restricted Dietlinde's appearing on the
surface spectacularly, which is a pain for Ehrenfest "

Just attending Dietrinde's boasting tale, I realized again that there was no harvest in
the sense of Ahrensbach's information, and I felt more tired.

And, it is supposed to attend the tea ceremony where lower ranks are gathered before
being able to get tired of the cousin 's younger sister, I will hide and depress the
melancholy mood and attend.

As I was lifted by exchange of sweets and I was desperately wanted to know the
recipe, I taught at the tea party of Dunkel Ferger that a cuttle curl containing a special
product lo o has been developed.

"Using local products of the province ... .... That is nice, let's make the cooker make it
at once"
"Rosemain is quite well with Dunkel Ferger, it seems that joint research will also be
done ... ...."
"Immelding sought to participate in collaborative research, but it was declined, I
wanted to be useful ... ...."

381 | 2523
Collaborative research that will deepen relationships with the highlands seems to be
interested in any territory. Unlike tea ceremonies, which are only subordinate
territories, it is still better than listening to bad rumors of foster parents but it is a
problem to be told that it was irrational not to participate in collaborative research.

"I hope next research can be done together"

When I finished talking about collaborative research with a smile I tried Eolenfest's
book. Some have already borrowed from Charlotte to read new works in this place.

"I heard that you lent a book from Charlotte to Ryurudadi of Joseph Brenner, have you
read it already?"
"Well, I borrowed it, so I enjoyed the love story of the aristocrat who I read last year,
so I was looking forward to this year."

Ryurudadi of a senior aristocrat who is attending tea ceremony on behalf of the lord
candidate from ten place Yosu Brenner this year talks about the love story of the
aristocrat. When I was relieved that everyone's consciousness went to the love story,
I saw me with the eyes that Ryurudadi was excited about.

"What kind of love does Rosemain do with my fiancée Villefried? Is it like a narrative
love that is lovely?"

I am stuck in words, being stared at the look of expectation from the surroundings.

"...... There is family feeling between me and Vilfried's older brother, not love that I can
tell a story, but since I become married and become a family, is my calm feeling
important too? My mother needs both a mountain and a valley in the story, but I told
you that my life is the most peaceful. "

If you think that it will draw your interest in this, Ryurudadi further bite.

"Well, do you say that such a hair ornament is received, is not it a love that you can
tell a story?"
"It's a wonderful hair ornament, is there a rainbow-colored man stone that makes it
so much, is not the size of affection visible?"

382 | 2523
It seems that hair ornaments are beginning to become popular in royalty and higher
ranking to give hair ornaments to graduation ceremonies, so hair ornaments are
becoming a longing thing given by lovers to those in the middle and lower ranks.

...... I knew of that for the first time. It is to measure love with the luxury of the hair
ornament given ... .... I can not say absolutely that Ferdinand, our guardian, was not
fiancee Villefriet.

As I thought, I talked about getting rainbow-colored stones from everyone's parents

so that they did not confuse with others. It is an act of crushing the fantasy of the girl,
but if you do not spread the fact that it is Ferdinand that you designed, it will be hard
when Dietlinde fails with hair accessories.

"This hair accessory is what the guardian prepared rainbow-colored stone, designed
by the guardian Ferdinand, and given to him by Vilfried's elder brother, Never Vilfried
brother is not one person's thing That's it. "
"I can not believe to put Rosemain into the temple, although I take care of such things
as much as I can give it. You do not have to keep Ave from that way"

Perfectly adoptive adoption is treated as a bad man. I am a bit tired of keeping


"I do not know what the temple in other territory is like, but I care for the priestess at
Ehrenfest. Not only me, Elder Wilfried and Charlotte are in and out of the temple, and
Aubu I will also visit the temple. "
"I can not believe that the lords of Ehrenfest's lords are going to the temple. Such a
messy thing ..."

... ... I feel I understood in a different direction from what I thought.

"We do a votive ceremony at the temple because crops distributed to Gieb and the
Holy Grail to fill the direct jurisdiction are not filled with magical power because the
yield does not increase.Blue priests and shrine maidens moved to the central temple
Ehrenfest Because the magical power is insufficient in the shrine of the temple, the
lords are supplemented.

Wilfried 's older brothers and Charlotte are also going around rural areas for praying
ceremonies and harvest festivals, adding.

383 | 2523
"If the harvest volume is low and it is painful, you should try moving from the
candidate lords."
"To go to a temple or rural village, such things ..."

It became increasingly daunting to repeat the same things with a smile on the
expression that got aversion. It is troublesome to be told only complaints without
knowing the difficulty or importance of the shrine.
I am angry about not being able to listen to the hardships of Wilfriit and Charlotte who
have been trying hard to substitute for me from desperate handling of magical power.

"Hey, Mr. Rosemain, I would like to talk about collaboration rather than the temple's
story. How are you studying with the great lands?"

I was told by a candidate lord of inmelding, I gently shrugged my shoulders.

"Studies with Dunkel Ferger will also do verification of the shrines that you dislike,
but do you really want to listen?"
"If you are not a temple, but a shrine done at the lords, there is not much evil feeling,
we will do the ceremony to obtain protection with practical skill ..."

……Oh so. I hope it is not a temple?

One flash of light fell on my head which spilled the curse in my heart to Immelding 's
Lord Candidate.

……That's it. A good thing, I came up with.

"In the process of doing collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger, there is something
to show the priests of Ehrenfest, if you can get permission from Dunkel Ferger, is it
OK if we do not participate?"
"Well, could you let me with you?"

Immelding's lord candidate who had always appealed to want to participate in

collaborative research became a smart smiling face. "Rosemain is really gentle," and
complains to Charlotte that it was in vain even if you appealed.

"If inmindining is allowed, I would like to participate as well"

"If you can join the teacher, I will speak to the candidate lords."

384 | 2523
"Well, because there is no candidate for a lord in Joseph Brenner, please let me
participate on behalf of you"

I smiled nicely as everyone was seeking permission. It seems that they are willing to
participate in the shrine if they can name a joint research.

"If you can get permission from Dunkel Ferger, I will talk about it. I will propose it
from myself, but please do not hesitate to ask Dunkel Ferger, if you get enthusiasm,
you may get permission."

Dunkel Ferger who took the king's permission with enthusiasm and human tactic
tactics and sent Ferdinand to Ahrensbach would surely accept their enthusiasm. I am
more certain than I ask. You should have everyone participate in a shrine.

Ah, I have to take permission from royalty too.

385 | 2523
"Princess, I'd like to tell you a little bit about what you are thinking. What does it mean
to bring a candidate for another lord into a divine? We do not listen to anything ! "

As I returned to the dormitory, Richarda became a gangster. I understand that

preaching begins from the appearance of hitting the hips to the waist and raising the
eyebrows. But I have not done anything yet.

"... ... If there is permission of Dunkel Ferger, is that the story?"

"If there is permission of Dunkel Ferger, there is no such thing, I am thinking about
doing such serious things without consultation."
"Is not Aub not saying that consultation is unnecessary as it is the student's territory
for studies conducted at the House of Peers?"

I tilted my head and neck to the words of Richarda. I feel that recognition has shifted
somewhat. Richard slowly waved his head to my words.

"In the case of the princess, it is better to report it, but it is not only that but it is a
story of counseling to the aides moving with the assistance of the princess. At the very
least, what the princess is thinking and what Please tell me in advance whether you
plan on doing it "
"Have you ever talked about doing a shrine in a joint research with Dunkel Ferger so
I suggested just because you seem to want to participate in collaborative research so
what are you doing the same? "

Whatever you are supposed to do, it is a decision to do a divine task. Richard slowly
waved his head to my words.

"Thinking that you would make me mislead with such words? Up until now you could
have thought about the shrine that can be done by the princess alone, and suddenly
you decided to participate in other territory candidate students Why was it? "

The expression of the aides surrounding me is severe, nobody wants to stop the
pursuit of Richarda. I made a smile with a special nicori after I sharpened my lips a
little more once I got dissatisfaction on my face.

386 | 2523
"Every time we have a tea party, we heard only malicious rumors about the adoptive
father, and despite having no ear to listen even if the divine is being despised too
much, even if we say so much, we only want profit It's not that troublesome
correspondence to small and medium-sized territories has become a hassle. "
"... ... you are quite belittle."

Rihyarda breathed a small breath and said after saying "Princess has become better
at hiding emotions", as troubled, "Please remember to emanate your emotions well
this time" He shook his head.

"So, princess, what do you intend to do as a divine person?"

"When Dunkel Ferger gives permission to participate by other people, we will present
a votive ceremony at the lords."
"Dedicated ceremony, is it always a shrine that is going on in this temple in the

Philline puts his hand on his cheeks to remind Hartmut 's preparations.

"Well, if you show Dunkel Ferger always the things that I always do at Ehrenfest, do
not you have anything more appropriate than votive ceremonies? Because it is
difficult to fill the Holy Grail with one magical power, Dunkel Fell I was wondering
what kind of ritual to show to Gar, but with so many collaborators, I can easily fill the
Holy Grail. "
"...... Well, Rosemain-sama, is not it that it takes away magical power from the lords of
other territories?"

Graytier asked me with a scary appearance. Other aides changes quickly. I stared at
the gray tier and laughed quickly.

"Oh no, I do not want to say things like bad things when it's gray tears. I do not do
anything like compulsion, etc. Everyone, a dedicated well-intentioned cooperator as
much as asking Dunkel Ferger to join you You voluntarily dedicate magical power to
you.Is such a way of saying rude, is not it rude, and royals will surely be pleased that
many cooperating lords are candidates? "

Only people who want to do participate. I have not enforced, and if you do not want
to do it, you do not have to ask me from the beginning.

"Oh, Rosemain, why are royalties involved?"

387 | 2523
Laurentz asks questions with a face that heard a very sinister word. Looking at the
place where Theodor nods with a runaway fever, it seems that Theodor is also not
good at royalty.

"If you want to use the altar of the lords, you need permission from the royal family,
and even though you voluntarily participated, even though I have participated
voluntarily, I will give you the power of everyone who was dedicated to this magical
power shortage Personally I will have a corner, so I will use it effectively for royalty. "

If a lot of candidate lords will dedicate magical power, I think the royal family of
magical power will surely be pleased. And if it is a word of thanks from the royal
family, they will not say anything.
Mattias, who had a difficult face to examine my words, quietly turned the eyes of the
blue while saying "Hmm".

"Do you think that it is possible to obtain permission from Dunkel Verger who refused
to participate in other fields for joint research so far?"

I will raise the edge of the lip gracefully against Matthias point that it should be
difficult for the upper rank to easily change posture.

"If you suggest that Dunkel Ferger and theirs do a doctor as a condition to accept
applicants, I'm sure you will be pleased with it, I would like to verify the ritual and I
am eager to do a doctor From now "
"Are you going to give the good faith participant to the sacrifice of Dunkel Ferger ...?"

Matias said that with a stunning face.

"Matias also has bad things ... ... Is not it just a story of dying people who want to
participate to show their enthusiasm for Dunkel Ferger? I do not want Ehrenfest to
do ritual verification or doctor I do not believe that burden will be reduced and it will
be saved as it will not have to go out with you. "
"Is not it a very enthusiastic and wonderful collaborator to help you validate Dunkel
Ferger's rituals, and I will support Rosemain's ideas."

Léonore smiled and said so. Matiasu also breathes lightly, "I certainly do not want to
get involved in the verification of Dunkel Ferger many times," I murmured.

388 | 2523
If you think to do with Dunkel Ferger who has many people in the large territory,
Ehrenfest must respond with all the knights apprenticeship. Once at a time, it will be
difficult to keep up with the verification that will change over and over again. We will
also mobilize the escort knights of Villefried and Charlotte.

"Dunkel Ferger can also validate and dictate rituals, collect the number of people
needed for my divine, the royal family can use the gathered magical power, and the
small and medium territory can participate in collaborative research ... .... just a little
Dunkel Ferguer has been busy with everyone's response and the royal family also has
difficulty in responding, participants will use a lot of magical power outside the
lecture, but everyone has advantages Do not you think it is a plan? "

As I laughed and smiled, Nicolas got to say nothing at all. It is a delicate face that can
not be said to be opposite or opposite.

"Is there a benefit of Rosemain like that proposal? It was only about the benefits of
everyone around you, but I can not see Rosemain's advantage."
"I just want to say that Ehrenfest does not need to go to a dispute ... enough to say ...
but there are things I want but I am still a secret now but if my royalty forgive me my
benefit will be answered Let's do it. "

And I wrote a letter to Dunkel Verger and Hildebrandt. I made it to Hildebrand

because I thought it was about using the facility inside the aristocratic hospital and I
thought that it seemed easier to obtain permission than Anastasis.

There are lots of people wanting to participate in collaborative research with Dunkel
Ferger, that it is better for people to have a number of people to show the dedication
ceremony which is the ceremony of Ehrenfest, for Dunkel Ferger to say that if you do
a doctor It has advantages, written magical power gained by the dedication ceremony
to give it to the royal family, I wrote what I want you to use in the ritual in the
innermost part with the altar, and let me deliver it quickly.

"I have to listen to a detailed story, come to my residence in the afternoon tomorrow"

... ... I sent a letter to Prince Hildebrandt, but somehow my reply came from Prince
Anastigius. I can not understand.

389 | 2523
I was to be invoked again to the anastastic rice palace. Because it is only a story that I
want to borrow an altar, it will not be a big deal, so I headed for Imperial Palace, and
in addition to Hannorore and his aides in the Anastasiusus' shrine, two people of the
dormitory supervisor are also called. It seems that something is becoming important
though it is a story of a student's collaborative research.

"Well, Rosemain. What on earth are you going to do, say it without covering up?"

I was stared at Anastasisus who seemed to be alarmed a lot, I answered about the
outline of the collaborative research and the ritual of the future Ehrenfest. Just as I
told the aides, I firmly emphasized the benefits for royalty.
Anastagiusus who finished listening closes the forehead and alternates with me and

"... ... Why do you want to take care of them?"

"What do you mean with those people?"

When I tilted my head, Hannellore shooked ashamed.

"Dunkel Ferger caused that little trouble and caused inconvenience."

Dunkel Ferger's pilgrimage of light rose as the ritual examination was performed, and
it seems that quite a lot of inquiries turned to the royal family. But the ceremony in
which the pillar of light came up is nothing like a dunkel ferger I went to the other day.

"... is not it because of me?"

"No, as I imitated Rosemain, tried ceremonies with magical dedication and tried to
change the shape of the spear, as a result of the pillars of light standing up even in the
dunkel ferger dormitory, it was completely Dunkel It's because of Felger. "

It seems that when we ceremonially held at the training grounds adjacent to the
dormitory, we were divided into two teams to do the ditters. It is a story that makes
you feel the margin of the large territory.

...... Truly Dunkel Ferger. I will not spare time and magical power to become strong.

"I was surprised at the sudden increase in the area that appealed to participate in
collaborative research yesterday, but I was being challenged ... ...."

390 | 2523
After saying that, Ruffen, the dorm guard, got a very good smile.

"Rosemain seems to be Rossemain's creator of creating a counterpart of Ditta where

everyone's ditta fever is rising with rituals that will give us a blessing of the
ditters.The reputation is rising at a dash in the dormitory. It was exciting. "

...... I did not need such a reputation.

I thought that Dunkel Ferger would be busy for a moment, but as soon as I read the
letter from me, I got acceptance from the participants at the welcoming party, so there
was no damage to Dunkel Ferger It looks like it was. Rather, it seems that he decided
to call "Ditta in different areas and join the ceremony?"

"If you are fighting with the ceremonial blessings of the gods, you might as well as a
joint team of several territories against Dunkel Ferger, and if you show me where you
can get the blessings of the gods, he We will seriously do divisions in the future as well
"If enemies are not too strong, will not Dunkel Ferger burn?"
"That's right!"

Ruffen is clinging and I think that the knights apprentices will serve rituals seriously
if you see where you actually gain blessings. Just like when I told the Knight
apprentices of Ehrenfest, "Please learn Dunkel Ferger from now on and get your
blessing on your own."
When the story with Ruffen got through, the mouth opened with Hannorore as if he
was screaming.

"Because Dunkel Ferger has its advantages, it is OK to allow permission to participate,

but is it not too much to put a name in collaborative research? It seems that it is not
that much contribution, Brother Sir, you said "

I think that it is a sufficient contribution as I am going to participate in the ditch and

dedication ceremony with Dunkel Ferger, but for Dunkel Ferger the contribution is

...... Ritual is done, because Ditta is obligatory because it is a land pattern.

391 | 2523
It is necessary to make suggestions to take between Dunkel Ferger who says that it is
insufficient for the contribution of collaborative research and another territory
wanting to leave his name in collaborative research. But, if I think about it, I did not
promise to "Join a name for collaborative research" simply by inviting "Do not join the
ceremony?" I just assume that the other way over.
Think for a moment, when you put your forefinger poppingly, you smile nicely.

"So, what if you are arranging names as collaborators at the end of the research?
Apprentice of the knight who cooperated in the interview survey, and the name of the
lord of the principal and the senior aristocrat who cooperated in the ritual Just by
making a joint research with Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest, will Dunkel Ferger also be
convinced of everyone participating in the future? "
"... ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0

After Hannaore stared gazing at me for a while, he nodded slowly.

"Then, please celebrate that the ceremony will be after Lesty Lout's finished lecturing,
so please do your best"
"It seems to end directly, I was keen to surprise Rosemain."

Hannorre told how he was finishing lecture with a terrible smile with a bitter smile.
Although it is the final grade, I seem to be able to finish all lectures at the same time
as last year. I was surprised honestly in the rebound of more than expected.

"... I was surprised, so please let me know when the participants are finalized after the
party with the participants is over"

It is Ruffen who answered "Please leave it to me!" To my words. Me and Hannero

looked at Rufen at a glance and gently shrugged his shoulders.


Kohon, and Anastigius cleared his throat.

"What is it?"
"It is a matter of using the altar between the back of the request from the other side
"That altar will become the jurisdiction of the central temple"
392 | 2523
Speaking of which, the ceremonial ceremony and the adult ceremony of the
aristocracy at the time of the lord conference should have been done by the central

"You need permission and command of the central temple to use the sacred treasure
here, but they are busy now."
"It is a time of dedication ceremony"

It is not as serious as Ehrenfest, as it is collecting the blue priestess and the shrine
maiden with a lot of magical power from various territories, but the number of small
Holy Grail may differ in the first place.

"So, because we will get the necessary items from the Ehrenfest, can you lend me only
the room with the altar? I would like to teach everyone to pray to God."
"... I wish I could not touch the altar"
"I am sorry"

While thanking Anastasez's permission, I realized that.

"Oh, you can not take down the Holy Grail to dedicate magical powers unless you
touch the altar. What can I do? Can I get permission only to lower the Holy Grail?"

You can have a rug to send magical power from Ehrenfest, but there is no place to
devote magical power unless you take down the Holy Grail.

"No, I can not help it if I can not do it at all"

"Because I only need to make it with Stap, I can prepare the Holy Grail ... but ..."
"Can you do it !?"

I nodded lightly in Anastasiusus with a big eyes. The other day, I have spells I found
in the library that needs three keys, so I can make the Holy Grail.

"But it is impossible to take my Holy Grail to the center so it is impossible for the royal
family to make the Holy Grail at Stap or to prepare a lot of sky magic stones to take
away the magical power of everyone, Either one. "

If the royal family can make the Holy Grail at Stap, the first thing to do is to talk fast,
but you can not make it unless you touch sacred treasures frequently and run magical
393 | 2523
powers. If you can not touch the altar, it would be impossible to make the Holy Grail,
and very much magical power would be needed to keep it. There is no room for
royalty to use extra magical powers.
Prepare an empty magic stone and think that it is the quickest for magical power to
carry a magic stone in the Holy Grail as if Ehrenfest had gained magical power from
my Yuleve.

In my proposal Anastasis was sighing like I was exhausted. It seems that the royal
family had been talking about it that it would have to abandon the situation where a
large amount of magical power would be available as cooperation of the central
temple could not be obtained.

"... If you can not borrow a magician, you can make the Holy Grail by yourself, or
transfer the magical power from the Holy Grail to the magical stones of the sky, you
know a lot of strange tricks a lot "
"Teacher's teachings were good"

When I smiled funny, Anastasius stopped the forehead.

"It is very helpful to be honest that the royal family can use the dedication ceremony
at the House of Lords and the collected magical powers."
"If I say so, I am also happy, if possible, I would like the royal family to participate in
the donation ceremony, is it possible?"
"Is it that we also participate?"

I nodded with a serious face at Anastasiusus who opened my eyes as though I was
frustrated. If the royalty takes the initiative to participate, participants will not be able
to say "I stopped after all". Besides, the royal family who needs the protection of the
gods think that it would be better to have a chance to pray seriously.

"Does royal family have never experienced a real shrine if there is a distance from the
central temple? If you pray together, magical power will become easier to flow and
prayers will be easier to reach, so how about together? Of course, it is not compulsory.
"... ... let's think"

394 | 2523
After completing the foundation for the ceremony in this way, I was scolded by Hill
Sur, "Please do not interrupt my research", then returned to the dorm and contacted
Reporting the progress that took place at the House of Lords at the dedication
ceremony involving the royal family in a joint research, and when the dedication
ceremony of the temple is over, rugs for sending magical power, offerings to the gods,
for the ceremony of my templeor I would like you to send things necessary for
dedication ceremonies, such as costumes, villfleet and ritual costumes of Charlotte.

"Should I and Charlotte participate in the dedication ceremony of the lords?"

"Yeah, it is not the earliest time for everyone to show rituals that they are doing
rituals, the dedication ceremony is the same as putting magical power into the
foundation magic. Wilfried brothers and Charlotte can do it for the first time. "

To counter the rumor, please do not look like you usually do, both of you nodded with
a fancy face.

"Rosemain, I received your reply from Ehrenfest"

It was written in the letter of the adoptive father that the adoptive mother caught eyes
on the ceremony which became too important in the reply, and let him make it
absolutely successful over involving the royal family. I heard that the necessary set of
votive ceremonies will be sent properly.

In addition, it seems that he read the report of Clarissa from Hartmut. "Why did I
graduate?" There was also a letter that seemed to be shed even in tears of blood. I am
afraid that the grudge is getting on, writing pressure, how to break the character.

"... This is scary when I return to Ehrenfest, I feel that Hartmut is becoming very

Since Leonore reached such a misunderstood face with a serious face, I would like to
redo the ceremony to obtain protection in adult female adults remaining in Ehrenfest,
so that as much as we can get as much protection as everyday He wrote what Haltmut
should do, to keep praying and reviewing the names of the gods. If I have something
to do, I will be a little distracted.
With that in mind, Yudit tilted himself "Umm".

395 | 2523
"That alone will accomplish Hartmut quickly, how about putting an order to let
Angelica remember the names of the gods? I think that it will be enough for it during
"... ... Yudit, then I feel like it will only increase the burden on Damuel,"

Yudit gave a little voice as "A" to the phillynish word which pale a little, and smiled

"Damuel is all right, surely"

"Dada, it's useless!"

While looking at the communication between Phyllie and Yudit, I felt relaxed after a
long absence, as my aides in our stu- dents were friends.
If you think that Rosemain is good, you are generally more important.
We decided to hold dedication ceremonies involving royalty.
Everyone has advantages for once. Although it is only Dunkel Ferger that there is no

Next is a votive ceremony at the House of Lords.

396 | 2523
Although it was decided to perform a dedication ceremony in front of the altar of the
House of Peers, it can not be done immediately. First of all, Lesty Lout 's lecture and
Ehrenfest' s dedication ceremony must be over. Meanwhile, Dunkel Ferger, who
spoke to other territory, will do a doctor and screen participants.

"Muriela, if you have too much magical power when doing the same ritual, the burden
on the lesser one will be heavy, so please limit participants to senior nobility or lord
candidate.Although even freshmen who just studied magical compression can not
participate, Please tell Dunkel Ferger in Ordonants "

It was hard to get used to Wilfriit and Charlotte who ceremoniously held with the
magical stone that my magical power caught, and in other territories I often supply
magical power of the foundation after learning magical compression in the lords. It
seems to be. It is dangerous for those who have never served anything because they
can not afford adult assistance to all beginners.

"Rosemain, Ordonants has come back, we accepted the participation criteria. It seems
that Dittler is ready at Dunkel Ferger.I seems to be waiting for the small and medium
size to form a joint team "

...... Everyone in the small and medium-sized territory, I am distressed.

While holding my hands gently in my mind, I reach for the book I am borrowing.

"This preparation is from the end of the temple's dedication ceremony. Should I wait
while reading slowly in books?"

I was spending relaxing time reading books borrowed from other territory and going
to Hill Sur's laboratory. Although I came to the tea party, basically complaints about
the participation requirement Ditter are topics.

Apparently it seems he was told to do a treasure steal ditter whether he was so

frustrated that I ran away to a speedy competitor. Even though I learned at the lecture,
it was a treasure stealer Ditta who did not practice in practical skills, so it seems that
even if we formed a joint team it was beaten up to the point where it was not complete.

397 | 2523
I complained to a small complaint that there are not many recovery medicines but I
laughed a little.

"Ditters are essential to collaborating with Dunkel Ferger and I also did Ehrenfest

...... It was time of first grade to do the treasure steal butter. I did not say a lie. Yup.

It is not a bad rumor to the adoptive father, but the tea ceremony, which is talked
about in collaborative research and the topic of Dan Kel Ferger's Ditter, has less
mental burden and I am thankful for Dan Kel Ferger's first disinter lover.

Besides, there was also a progress report from civil apprentices who are collaborating
with Dorevanker. Gunndorf is studying quite eagerly, and seems to be preparing
variously using paper as a material in order to bring out the characteristics of each of
the Magi more strongly.

Apparently, the nonsave paper that I use as an interlocking paper seems to be

changing slightly, such as moving faster or becoming able to show movement even if
there is a distance longer than before.

"Although it is said that the performance has increased, I'd like to use it to move books
in the library, so please increase the performance to the extent that it can withstand
the weight of the book.We are thinking about incorporating the magic team in the end
I'd like you to raise the quality of the material as much as possible. "

Ai Phone paper seems to be able to play music like a music box if you write a score
and slide a magic stone, but it seems there is still room for research.

"If you can slide a magic stone and play sound, you only need to be able to perform
automatic performance with the instrument."

I imagined the tone of the pipe organ that set the roll paper for automatic performance
that I have heard in the Lifemole era. That was awesome.
I misunderstood somehow, but Marianne seems to have heard it firmly.

"Please let me suggest to Mr. Gundorf. Ehrenfest is where I received scolding as I have
few interesting points of focus."
"... If it is not Marianne himself but my point of view"
398 | 2523
In order to study with the apprentices of the civil servants of Drevenfel, who is
focusing on research, it seems that the Erienfest civilian apprentices still lack the
ability. The civilian apprentices who are doing joint research seem to lose a little

"After graduating from the House of Peers and returning to Ehrenfest, there are not
many opportunities to participate in a high level of research as much as collaborative
research with Dorevanker, although there are places to worry about, such as
surrounding levels and rebuke, Please continue your research without dropping it. "
"I am sorry"

While doing so, reports from Clarissa that the lecture of Restyrauff had ended and the
results of the questionnaire were delivered. In Dunkel Ferger, there seem to be a lot
of civil servants and side staff than Mushi.

"What it is, it seems to be the territory for the sake of Ditter and prospering with

I nodded deeply in Philline's impression.

"According to the story at the tea ceremony, it seems that the knights apprentices are
united in the game of Dittorishi, it seems that only Dunkel Ferguer is alive and the
other territory ends silly."
"It appears to the eyes, and this is the list of ritual participants.

Receive the wood basket from the filine and look through it. It describes the territory
to which participation in the priest has been decided and the name of the participant.
The majority of the territories are supposed to participate, and there are differences
in the number of participants in the large and small regions, but the names of eight
from three are written. Students' participants seem to have more than 60 people.

"Do you also participate in the highlands?"

"It is a great opportunity to participate in collaborative research and research that
will increase the protection of the gods will be the most interesting of everyone in
opposition to the territory."

399 | 2523
It seems to take advantage of opportunities to join in a blatant way. There are names
of Klassenburg, Drevenanger and Ahrensbach. From Drevänchel it seems that all the
candidate lords will join, but Arendsbach is supposed to participate in a civil
apprentice rather than a diplomat candidate Dietlinde.

"... ... Oh, at the tea ceremony I said that I wanted to participate, but I do not have the
name of Immelding."
"In small and medium-sized territories, there are few territories where we can afford
to do a doctor, especially when we listen to how much material such as the story that
other areas were beaten up and recovery medicine was necessary and burdens, It

...... Well, I do not understand the feeling of falling down. Because I am troublesome, I
turned it to other areas.

If you are consuming a large amount of restorative medicine at the time of the doctor,
will not it be hard to do a votive ceremony? The place of collection of Ehrenfest can
have abundant high quality material, but the place of collection in other territory
should not be so.

...... Healing drugs, maybe you should give out?

"Because Rosemain, the participants have decided, we must explain the precautions
of the priest,"

Philene was asked, I thought about the ingredients of the restorative medicine that I
had to prepare with the number of participants and I will raise my face.

"Well ... Well ... in the morning of the day, to cleanse ourselves, to prepare for recovery
drugs, to remember the words of prayer ... Is it about?"

While remembering what I was made at the temple, I will count the notes carefully.
There is nothing I can do about having no ritual clothes.

"Please send notes in Ordonants and tell the apprentice apprentices about the
territory that needs prayer words in detail.This is written in this wood basket, please
have them copy each one"
"Certainly yes"

400 | 2523
When my civil engineering apprentices gathered together and nodded, Villefriit cried

"Rosemain, I do not know words of prayers of dedication, I participated because it is

a prayer ceremony and harvest festival"
"Votive ceremony prayer words are the same as when supplying magical power to
foundation magic.

When I handed the wooden card that wrote the words of prayer, I took over the power
of my shoulders like Vilfried was quickly relieved. Charlotte who was watching the
situation also looked through the wooden bill and smiled, "This is fine if this is okay."

"That said, a report came from Ehrenfest, it seems that the dedication ceremony of
the temple has ended, it seems that he is preparing the necessary tools, he seems to
be having trouble carrying it from the temple to the castle in the snow"

If you have my Lesser Bus it is easy to carry the baggage, but carrying it with a coward
is difficult. Especially now we have not been able to defeat the winter lord yet, the
snowstorm is the worst time. It seems that Hartmut and Elder Cornelius are struggling
to do many round trips to carry it with a cuddling little by little.

"Then it was written that the adult Hartmut talks to the royal family to take
permission to participate in the ceremony"

It seems that Hartmut insists that an administrator is necessary to carry the tools
necessary for the shrine, which is the same as Ferdinand bringing in the scriptures
last year.

"But I merely want to see Rosemain's ritual, though,"

Rodrigo and Filine looked down at the face and smiled unlikely, as Leonore nodded
"to be no mistake" in the voice of Yudit.

"There is no doubt that the word of Yudit is true, but gray priests who can prepare the
ceremony are also not in the lords, so I think that Hartmut who knows about the
divine is necessary Rosemain You can not prepare everything? "

Two people who have seen the various things that Hartmut had taught at the temple
to be the chief priest chief, know that there are many fine rules in preparing the divine.
401 | 2523
I do not remember just by knowing and I have not seen it since it is not off limits
except for priests in places where ceremonies actually do. It is hard to prepare a
dedication ceremony alone by those in the dormitory of Ehrenfest. We need someone
who can take command of the whole.

"... It is likely to call Hartmut."

I wrote a letter soon and got it delivered to Egranthine. Even if you ask or ask for
anyone, there is a reply from Anastasis, so if you send a letter to it from the beginning
you can save time and effort.

And it seems that letters have arrived safely to Anastasius via Egranthine. An answer
came in Ordnants. A white bird will allow Hartmut to enter in the voice of Anastasis
and will continue with the words.

"Since fathers also participate in rituals, they send detailed lists of ritual procedures,
then send participants' rosters, because they get a lot of magical power from a large
number of people, they seem to be thanking each other directly"

The royal family thought that it was better to have the ceremony experienced, but
apparently the king decided to participate.

...... I truly need the protection of the gods deeply.

If you join this and learn how to pray, the royalty who is pointing a large amount of
magical power for Jürgen Schmidt will surely be able to get a lot of protection. So,
unlike me who thought that it would be a little easier for the royalty to become
comfortable, those around us, including Vilfriit and Charlotte, had lost their

"Wait a moment! If the King joins!" Is not it too serious !? "

"...... I was in an unexpected situation, but I can not stop it now, brother."

Charlotte said that with a little far eyes.

"...... It is only by having everyone cooperate and dedicating magical powers."

402 | 2523
In my words Charlotte saw me with a terrible smile.

"My sister is abundant in magical power and since I was wondering how to use it after
giving gods protection, it may be that I do not emphasize magical power so much, but
my current magical power In the missing world it is important enough to think that
the king must express her thankfully "
"It is only those who got the best word from the king directly, I'm telling you to go to
all the participants. The ceremony that we are going to do is such a serious situation."

I did not emphasize much because I am in a state of dripping, but my plan of squeezing
magical power from a lot of territories seems to be very difficult.
It seems that a little plan has become more important than I expected. I immediately
write the ceremonial procedure and the participant list on a wood basket and bring it
to the anatomy of the Anastasius.

"... If the importance of gaining magical power is so important, you may need a
recovery medicine for participation awards."
"Participation prize, is it?"

Blinking eyes Sharlottte I nodded and cried.

"It seems that a lot of recovery medicine was needed just by doing a Ditcherfelger and
a doctor to participate in the ceremony, and not only magical power but also recovery
medicine will be necessary even in this ritual?"

I will mention a little thought that the burden on the small and medium sized
provinces is too large if both magical power and recovery drug are necessary. If you
can recover your magical powers at once, you may defeat the dissatisfaction deprived
of magical power.

"Because we receive a lot of magical power from everyone, how about distributing
recovery medicine with Feldinand-sanlike kindness to recover magical power?"
"My older sister may be an exit, but there is also worry that you will be taken to be
harassed even if you take that medicine. Is there no medicine that makes it easier to
drink and restore magical power?"

If you have Brenlee's fruit, it will be a remedy which is quite easy to drink, but that
can only be collected at Hald Zell. It is not in the House of Lords.

403 | 2523
"... ... There is a medicine that will greatly restore magical power but I can not get rid
of tiredness?"

Those who are unfamiliar with rituals probably will be extremely tense. Just by
recovering magical power, you can not get out of tiredness.

"It will be enough if magical power recovers, how about the taste better?"
"I think that it is not too bad"
"I can not trust the badness of Rosemain's drinking medicine on that uncle without
being too bad, is not it better for us to taste beforehand?"

Charlotte nodded many times in the proposal of Vilfried, so I tried making a medicine
to restore magical power only in the dormitory 's compartment.
Take it to the multipurpose hall and have it tasted. The experiment bases were Wilder
apprentices who gathered materials and Vilfried and Charlotte of Mamiya.

"...... The taste is not too bad, not much different from ordinary recovery drugs"
"The resilience and the rate of recovery are quite different, again it is better to have a
restorative medicine with tenderness"

If we are going to distribute it to other territory, I think that it is better to distribute

high-effect items. However, it seems that it was only my opinion that I am taking
restorative medicine with tenderness from my everyday use. Knight apprentices
regularly using regular recovery medicine learned in lectures shook their heads.

"The speed of recovery is felt fast enough for us who are using ordinary restorative
medicine and we will recover very much with just one."
"Is not it better to hand out ordinary drinkable items than being shy away from taste
and smell?"

I decided to distribute medicines that would restore magical power to the

apprenticeship of the knights and Charlotte's claims. With this recovery medicine, it
can be easily made from materials that can be easily collected at the collection site, so
it is not a problem to collect materials.

"Well, I will create this for the participants."

404 | 2523
I can not confirm with Ferdinand whether I can leave out the recipe, so I asked
Rodderich and Muriela who gave my name to help me after I ordered "extraterrestrial

"Rosemain, I think that there is not much difference even if you go alone."

Ruederich which took time to cut raw materials and preparation took off and was told
"It was not very useful", Muriela said "Because it is not possible for Rosemain alone
to stay in the preparation room I started smiling a box carrying medicine from the
brewing room.

And the morning of the ceremony day. When the candidate lord of ours finished
breakfast and we are doing final confirmation at multipurpose hall, Hartmut came.

"Rosemain, I brought a shrine's tool, there is a ceremonial costume here as well"

"Ricarda, gray tear, please bring the ceremonial costume to the room and prepare to
change the clothes"

As Richarda and Graytier begin to move, Vilfriit and Charlotte's sidebars also begin to

"Wilfried and Charlotte do not have noble decorative strings of winter, etc. They have
their aides preparing strings and cloths that are likely to be replaced."

It seems that the castle 's servants searched for items that seemed to be just right from
the hand.

"The ceremony is from the afternoon, you have to contact the royal family and have
the opening in the back and prepare in the morning.With the apprenticeship of civil
lords candidates and some of escort knights Is it okay to ask for preparation? "
"Please leave it to me, Rosemain saint of Ehrenfest, I must do it perfectly, I pray to God
and give thanks to God that I was allowed to participate in rituals held at the House of
Lords ! "

Hartmut began praying for the ceremonial costume of the blue priest who
concentrates his surrounding eyes. Although I am a little worried about the place

405 | 2523
where the tension is very high, it is very helpful to aim for perfection as royalty

While seeing Hartmut praying to the gods by the side, I flew Aldonants to the royal
family, for which I wanted to open the backwards to prepare for the shrine. It seems
that only royalty or lords are open to the interior with the altar. For that purpose it
seems necessary to have a royalty resident at the House of Lords.

"Please prepare for change of clothes to Richarda and Gray tier.Other aides are going
in the back, so it is rude to say that arrival is slower than the royalty as expected."

Vilfried and Charlotte will also place only the necessary parties to prepare ceremonial
clothes and head towards the far end together. When the aides got the tools necessary
for the shrine, waiting at the auditorium, Hildebrand came immediately.

"Prince Hildebrand, thank you very much for your participation today."

After having a long greeting, Hildebrandt holds up Arutur, touches the manastone on
the wall, and opens the door that connects in the back. I was able to enter and leave
like ceremonial occasions for obtaining protection.

"I usually lend a magical stone that the royal magical power caught my teacher to the
teachers and open it, but today I offered that I wanted to do it by mistake."

Hildebrandt before entering the House of Lords has no qualification to participate in

today's ceremonies. I was told that I would like to participate, but it is very bad to let
the royal family knock down, so I declined it from Anastasiusus.
I feel like being outraged, so I wanted to do just the role of opening the door, she asked
me for permission.

As the door opened, Hartmut brought everything to his baggage and began preparing
for work while waving everyone. I tried to go with him, Brühn Hilde was lightly pulled
on my sleeve, and I was smiled with Nicoli. Apparently my job seems to be against

"It was ordered by my father not to put anyone other than those of Ehrenfest, which I
will prepare here until the ceremony begins."
"Prince Hildebrandt is always trying hard to find the job he can do,"
406 | 2523
The figure that boasts a given job is very pleasant, I smile and nod and I will tell you
what to do with today's ceremony while asking Hildebrandt.

"Rosemain, there are many participants today, how far is the escort knight stand?"
"You can not enter an escort knight in a shrine, only ritual participants put in this

Even though Hildebrandt blinked, I also blinked my eyes.

"When doing a shrine, there is only a priest in that room. It is also a ceremony of a star
tie performed by the central temple? If I offer to give an escort knight if I will serve as
the temple of the temple, it will be very busy The same thing this time, the escort
knight waits at the auditorium "
"What are you going to do to protect the royal family such as escorting the escort

I smiled nicely in the voice of Artur.

"We will screen by using the shield of Schoeria, those who have malice or harm to the
royal family can not enter from the beginning"

407 | 2523
I am Anastigius. Because the beloved wife Egrantine is taking office as a teacher of the
aristocracy, the problems caused by Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest are too big to leave
it to Hildebrand, a very young brother, so many times I am supposed to be involved in
the House of Peers.

Besides supplying magical powers to the royal palace musical instruments, I have
been called from Osvin in the imperial court many times, and when I notice it, I am
becoming in charge of Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger's problem children.
Of course, I think that I can not afford to bother my father and brother who is busier
than me with the murmur of the House of Lords, but I want you to make Hildebrand
a little more solid. I understand that it is impossible for my mother and baby who is
not even entering the aristocratic family.

Today I was calling Hannaore and Rosemain. It is a story about the pillar of light
standing up near Dunkel Ferger's dormitory and the request from Ehrenfest that he
wants to lend the altar between the back for collaborative research.

Because there was Ehrenfest's word to give off magical power, father seems to be very
concerned about the result of the discussion today, he was invited to dinner. Together
with Egrantine who finished the lecture, he passed through a door leading from the
Imperial Palace to the Royal Palace.

"... Because of Rosemain and Hannaore, recently we are eating more with fathers and
older brothers"
"Every day is quite rare, and without a lecture, I also wanted to attend today's

When the royal family finishes the baptismal ceremony, he comes to live in the
residence, and at dinner without dinner etc, he comes to be invited from father. If you
do not report or talk when you get married as an adult, I will rarely have a chance to
have a meal with my father, who is the second prince. Indeed, since the end of the star
knot, the number of times that I was invited to a private meal was within the fingers
of both hands. And yet this winter alone already exceeds both hands. I have cooked
dinner last night.
408 | 2523
"I miss eating with only Egrantine and it is because it is a symbol of peace for me"

...... Rosemain related meal invitation etc.

"So, what happened to today's talks?"

When my meal started, my father asked me so quickly. Today 's meal was in addition
to my brother' s couple and Hildebrand, the second and third lady fathers who are not
usually present were present, and the royal family was in a state of arms. That's why
everyone of the royalty is paying attention to the votive ceremony of Ehrenfest that
collects magical powers from many territories.

"When I told the Ehrenfest that I could not permit the use of the altar, I was told that
I would like you to lend me only before the altar in the back, and if I can not borrow
anything from the central temple, I will make the Holy Grail myself So it does not
matter. "

In my report, after my father blinked a few words silently, I murmured "... is it a thing
that I can make with the Holy Grail? I also thought of the same thing, but Rosemain
had a natural look.

"However, it is said that it can not be brought back to the center because it is a product
of Rosemain's Stap. Instead, he said that if you prepare an empty manastone, you can
take it home by transferring magical power to it."
"Can you transfer magical powers collected in the Holy Grail to Manastone?"

Everyone has rounded eyes, but to be honest I also do not know what state it is to
collect magical power in the Holy Grail.

"I do not know about the sacred tool well, but it was proposed by Rosemain, the
temple of the temple.
"Well, can you truly give up magical power ...?"

Once it gave up I felt that my father could not believe in the situation that it would
come true. I do not yet know how many students are going to participate, but I should
be saved a lot by magical.
409 | 2523
"Then, although this is an invitation from Rosemain, I mentioned that royalties would
also participate in the ceremony. If there is a distance from the central temple, the
royal family has never experienced a real shrine I seemed to be worried about
whether there was any. "
"A true god ... ...?"

Rosemain said that if you pray together, it will make it easier for magical power to
flow and prayers will be easier to reach, but those who have experienced it are not
here. Hildebrandt raised with his bag as everyone looked away.

"Father, I want to experience!"

"... No, as it is a ceremony to collect magical powers, it is impossible for one who does
not learn to compress magical powers."
"Is it no good again?"

I heard that Hildebrandt who did not enter the library 's underground library of the
other day was quite depressed.

"Father, it may be better for Hildebrandt to have experience of supplying magical

powers to Hildebrand if gathers father.When Ehrenfest finishes the baptismal
ceremony, it will supply magical power with manastone, I'm asking you to help out. "
"After finishing the baptismal ceremony, is it?"

Egrantine smiled nicely and nodded to surprised mothers.

"Rosemain was the temple of the temple from before the entrance into the lords."

"Rosemain is too special for not comparing it, but it is not a bad thing to get used to
handling magical powers."

Hildebrand shows motivation to my proposal. Hildebrandt who is staying at the

House of Peers from before the entrance to the House of Lords is seeing Hannellé and
Rosemain, who may act together with the library members. Those two are problem
kids, but because they have a lot of magical power and are excellent, it seems that they
may be impatient as compared with their own who should be royalty.

410 | 2523
"Well ... .... If Hildebrand would definitely want to cooperate with this ceremony, I
would like you to do the work that opens and closes the end of the day so that
Ehrenfest can prepare on that day. Is it? "
"I'll do it!"

Hiradebrand became a bright smile at his father 's proposal. As soon as Hildebrand's
side Arthur retreats, he will meet with his father's aides about opening and closing
the door in the back.

"Let me participate on behalf of the royal family"

It would be me who wipes Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest. I thought so, but my father
said, "No, I will join in as many royals as possible, I am, too."


We were also surprised, but my father's aides and escort knights revealed surprises.
The fact that the father moves is that they both head to the House of Lords.

"It is not only Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest, if you get a lot of magical powers from
such a large number of adults, you must thank you straightforwardly, otherwise you
can give magical power here , Malice from many territories will be directed to
Ehrenfest who is giving various knowledge "

"Because Ehrenfest has started, is not it good for malice to pay Ehrenfest?"

The voice opposing from among the aides also rises. It is understandable to my father
who is exhausted from supply of magical power that Akimono thinks that he wishes
to take a rest even a little more than to participate in the ceremony and protect

...... I feel that my complexion has been bad recently.

"We know the worry of them, but the information brought from Ehrenfest was a very
useful thing.It seems that we can not protect from malice, not only information but
also magical power can be secured, next There will be no good intentions "

411 | 2523
"But, is Ehrenfest neutral at the time of political change, is not the territory that did
not cooperate with Tsento, yet it is the fact that Tenzento participates in the ceremony
sponsored by Ehrenfest directly ..."

He is cheating on the fact that he is said to be a fake king without a Gurttrisheit, being
politically converted to Klassenburg as much as the old avenger who has served her
since his father was nurtured as a vassal. And when Jurgen Schmidt was the hardest,
the attitude towards the territory that he did not stand was also severe.

"Ehrenfest is neutral and not hostile, so it would be better for people to move in to be
able to take it to their side from now.That is really painful is not so far.

Ruling without the Gurritosheit is impossible quickly. A vengeful of the former

Berkeke Stock arrived at the House of Lords from evils which can not redraw the
boundary line. At least, if it can discover the magic of the foundation of Berkeke Stock,
it may change a bit, but it has not been found yet, and the territory is slowly
devastating. It is impossible to open or close the border gate, and all transactions with
outside are in a state where Ahrensbach is undertaking, and confusion continues from
here on and off. And this confusion will continue as it grows until you find a

"Sigiswald, Anastasiusus, are not malignant or harmless in Ehrenfest and Rosemain?"

"Yes, there is no malice or harm"

My elder brother affirmed that, and smiled a little with his medicine.

"However, it seems that respect is not enough, too, love for books is overflowing.I for
the first time in my life I have experienced that I will get back to life without leaving
my eyes off the book."
"Wow, it's all together, I will not turn my eyes on Rosemain during reading, but I do
not want to disturb you because I'm reading it very happily because Rosemain loves

Add Hildebrand with an undaunted smile. The facial expression of everyone on the
spot became subtle and incomprehensible.
It seems to be because Hildebrandt is bright and straightforward because it has been
decided to get off to his victims and it grew to be elongated. Although it does not seem
to be a royalty, it seems that the influence of Mr. Magdalena who is Father's third wife
is strong.
412 | 2523
At the time I was young and there was little point of contact so I am not too detailed,
but Mr. Magdalena said "What can I do with my feelings to end a prolonged political
fight, what will I do? Trax Okvar once took on Klasseburg I can not turn back because
I'm out of it. Please do not hesitate to use Dankel Ferger's help from me. "I heard that
he approached Father in a half-intimidating manner.

During the long political change, Dunkel Ferger who did not participate in political
change until the very end can not become his first lady, as opposed to the mother and
the second lady who supported his father. Then it seems that the third wife said that
the territory which came close at the difficult times would not be convinced.

... ... Hildebrandt's temper was similar to his father, or not?

When I compare Hildebrandt and Magdalena, the topic was the story of Rosemain this
year that happened this year.

Although being the best in the second consecutive year, he did not attend the awards
ceremony for the second consecutive year. According to Egranthine, it is said that
probably the best this year is also Rosemain.
In the first grade, in addition to numerous trends, I took a relationship between me
and Egranthine. In the second grader he drew Hildebrandt who was supposed to
move so as not to match the face with the student to the library committee member.
And, this year we will disseminate blessings while playing Fespiel, dance while
shining the manastone with practice of dedication dance, brought the information of
the underground library of the library, gather a large number of aristocrats at the
library and dedicate the dedication ceremony They said that they would do.

"...... Really, I'm looking forward to what kind of girl Rosemain is."

Father slowly strokes his chin while saying that. I do not understand well even if I only
hear the story. If there is a chance, it would not be surprising if you wanted to match
your face once.

"It is better not to expect too much, father, there is no malice, but rosemain can not be
measured with common sense"

In my words my father says, "That's why I am curious," and starts talking to

participate in the donation ceremony.
413 | 2523
"Because I say that you can experience a real shrine, I would like you to join as many
royals as possible, but I can not let the castle open ..."
"You should give priority to the next generation that must support Zent and the future
Jurgen Schmidt. We will take overtime."

When Mothers said so, both the second wife and the third wife accepted with a smile.
Now I am the first wife of my older brother, but when he finishes the star tie with
Adolfine, Naeracher who has decided to become the second wife gently speaks over
to his elder brother.

"Please pray to Prince Sigiswald, Dr. Adolfine of Drevescher, please invite us to the
"Well, I do not have a rite of star knot yet, but she has to take on Jurgen Schmidt in the
future with you."

My older brother, advised to invite Adolfine to her mouth, beginning with her mother,
acknowledges with a bitter smile "I will do so."
With this my father, older brother, Naelachache and Adolfine decided to participate. I
turn my eyes on Eglantine sitting next to myself.

"Egrantine, what do you do with it? Is not there a lecture?"

"I ask the teachers, I will participate by changing the schedule of the lecture.I am also
a royal family and I am interested in the ceremony done by Rosemain"

Once the participants have decided, the instructions begin immediately. In winter
social season in other territories, those who have children have many who go home
to put their children in the House of Lords, and it is the time when the number of
people is the smallest from the center. However, it will be necessary as it will take
home the information of each of its territories on their way back home.

...... I want the information of Ehrenfest now, but there are really few aristocrats from

I want information on the rapidly growing Ehrenfest, but there are very few central
aristocrats from Ehrenfest. Besides, although there are talent, there are many single
people who go on my way and do not want to go home. I wonder if that is the
characteristic of Ehrenfest.

414 | 2523
Anyway, Tento will empty the royal palace at a time when there are few people. Many
escort knights are necessary, but we can not reduce the knight from the castle too
much. It is a difficult place.

"If you are going to participate in the Ehrenfest ritual, you should watch out and let's
bring as many knights as possible"

Royaltytte, deputy head coach, denies the words of Rao Brut, the head of the knight,
by shaking his head.

"I say that the prince has all together and no malice or harm is done.It requires
vigilance, but I do not feel the need to divide the royal palace as much as
possible.Would each escort knight is not enough?"

It is the aristocrat who goes, the other party is only students. Moreover, only Ehrenfest
and Dunkel Ferger know that there is the possibility that the royalty will participate
in the donation ceremony.

"Both plans are not wrong, let's leave the number of escort knights to rub their
opinions ... ... but Lao Burt. The other vigilance is against the territory fight than this
ritual I want you to turn it over. "

It seemed that the opinion of royalito seems to be given priority in this time, according
to what my father said to not cause an assault like last year.

"And then, civil servants gather the magic stones of the sky, so if there are a lot of
participants, quite a lot of magical powers will gather, so do not waste the magical
power that you can give away so much"

The father's civilian officer starts moving to say "I got it."

"Anastistiusus, tell Ehrenfest as to send the participants' names, things that wrote the
ritual steps in detail, then I would like to know about the name of the person to thank
in advance"
"Certainly yes"

And that day.

415 | 2523
We were informed from Hildebrand that we were ready and headed for the innermost
of the House of Lords. The red carpet is widely spread before the altar, and before the
altar, things such as flowers and incense burners, which are not usually seen are
ordinarily ordered.

While Ehrenfest and Duncel Ferger's students are busily moving around, there are
three of them wearing costumes of blue priests. I knew that Hartmut, a senior
aristocrat who is the new priest chief, would participate, but I did not think that he
was wearing the costume of a blue priest. I was also surprised, but when I realized
that the remaining two people wearing blue costumes were candidates for the lord of
Ehrenfest, I was stunned by surprises. Ehrenfest is truly making the temple's
candidate make a temple shrine.

"Hehua, Rosemain is surprised, is not it?"

I turn my eyes on Rosemain into the small whispering voice of Egrantine. I guess there
were more royalty than I anticipated. Rosemain clad in white costume of the temple
saw a big eyes wide open. I hurriedly repaired my expression, but I do understand.

All the members of Dunkel Ferger line up to give a greeting, and as a representative
Restes Laut opens his mouth.

"Please forgive me for praying for a blessing to a rare encounter that received the
severe sorting of the life god AVivive"

The lights of fluffy and blessings come all from us. And in the same way Ehrenfest also
greets all in line. It was Rosemain clothed in the costume of the temple that opened
the mouth as a representative.

"Please forgive me for praying for a blessing to a rare encounter that received the
severe sorting of the life god AVivive"
"Today, many people of this royal family have tried their hardships and they are
extremely frightened."

...... It is not bad to occasionally surprise this.

416 | 2523
While thinking so, I was watching Rosemain greeting the father, but shortly
afterwards, I did not put an escort knight in the back of doing the ceremony and sorted
out those who were hostile with Shieldia's shield I was told to do it, I was surprised
enough to make a strange sound.

The royalty has to stare at themselves staringly that the knights will launch a violent
attack to measure the strength of the shield. An attack that is rolled out one after the
other is repelled by a translucent yellow shield. It is the same as the thing which was
in the place of Ehrenfest in the game against the territory last year.

"That was also Rosemain-sama,"

Although I did not know who issued it at a distance, in this way it can be said that it is
definitely a thing of Rosemain.
Although he is under severe attacks, Rosemain in the shield seems to be able to afford
to worry about the knights, as he looked at the knights blown away in a translucent
shield and kept it wide.
From the side it seems as if the Central Knights wearing black cloaks are attacking all
the time for young children not much different from Hildebrandt. Besides, I can not
hit a blow. My father called me as he said something.

"Anastistiusus ... .... Is that the saint of Ehrenfest?"

"You should have said, father, you can not measure it with common sense,"

417 | 2523
I am Ryurudadi. It is a senior civilian of the third grader of Joseph Brenner who is
enrolled in the House of Lords.
Today we are supposed to participate in a ceremony which is collaborating with
Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest. I was once again told from Muriela, an apprentice
civilian of Ehrenfest, who reviewed the notes of the ceremony I copied by myself.

"Cleaning is over and preparing recovery drugs, and I managed to learn some words
of prayer"
"Is not Ryurudadi still under the ceremony of getting protection, is not it almost the
same as the word to say in that ceremony? Is Ehrenfest passing even once at a lower

My older sister became frightened, but it is very hard to memorize all the names of
the gods. Please do not compare with Ehrenfest students who have passed everyone
by one shot. All third graders of Ehrenfest's third grader have passed the first day on
lecture since the entrance. Rosemain who is the lord of the lord who leads them is the
fastest pass even in practical skills, so it will be troubled if compared.

"Really, I can not get any informative information ..."

"Is not your sister the same thing that you can not get Rosemain's information?"

In the year when Rosemain entered school, it was only possible to obtain information
that can be summarized in one word "Because it is the saint of Ehrenfest" that
Rosemain says as Hartmut, and at the time of the second grade, he gave Clarissa of
Dunkel Ferger "Hartmut It is my sister that she was driven away by an escorting
opponent of the same age.

"Unlike your sister, I learned about the story that Rosemain likes from Hirutomuto
and Philiane and the plan to return to Ehrenfest, and with the lending and borrowing
of the book from the conversation between Vilfriit and Hannaore, I also learned that I
am making a connection, now I am making friends with Mr. Muriela "

Ehrenfest has bought stories from various places at high prices, "I want to ask what
kind of story Rosemain likes to buy at a high price, even though it is a little expensive,

418 | 2523
but I am a senior aristocrat who is in charge, I asked the lower aristocracy of Brenner
and I went to the library. So we could get information from Ms. Hartmut and Philiane.

...... Rosemain seems to like a love story. I did not quite understand the word "to

I thought that I'm sure I will get along with Rosemain. I also love the love story.
Mr. Muriela who newly entered Rosemain - sama 's aides was also introduced by
Phyllene. Muriela likes love stories, and when they start talking with each other, it
becomes a story of a love story rather than collection of information in various places.

...... I want to read a lot of love stories of Ehrenfest, getting along well with Rosemain's

It is fun to ask what kind of story from Mr. Muriela, but I still want to read it myself.

...... In the love story of a new aristocratic family there is a wonderful scene where the
goddess of time mischiefs in the east where the god of darkness widens the sleeve and
hides the goddess of light. Oh, when will it be possible to read?

"I do not say things that are fluffy to want to marry to Ehrenfest in order to read a new
book and I see a little more reality.There have been more outstanding grades and
attracted attention from the surroundings I do not marry easily even if I want to marry
at Ehrenfest, because the situation is different from several years ago. "
"If you marry to the intermediate nobility of Ehrenfest ... ...."
"Since your father and mother only knew when Ehrenfest was wandering low, there
is no reason to forgive marrying to an intermediate aristocrat of Ehrenfest, do not say
what was floating and head for the auditorium"

My elder sister speaks to another senior civilian apprentice Rustrone. I participate in

collaborative research from Joseph Brenner, I, the elder sister and the three people

Ehrenfest was the middle territory which had been wandering through the bottom for
a long time, and it made the rank up quickly by surviving the political change with
neutrality. Therefore, the magical power seems to be preserved quite a lot. As the

419 | 2523
production volume of the territory rises and it is stable, you can see that the magical
power to fill the land is plentiful.

Besides, the results of the lords have risen steadily in this past five or six years. At first
it was ridiculous that it was desperate for maintaining the ranking because only the
low school year's schooling got up much. That seems to be a story about when Joseph
Brenner was ranked higher before I entered.

However, students who graded in practical skills began to glimpse around, and
students who finished the practical skills with a magical power amount that is unlikely
to be a middle territory began to appear. This continues even now.
It is rumored that it is now that more than half of the students in the territory are up,
it came up with a good way to compress magical powers.

Since Rosemain entered the school, all the members of the school passed the
examination, attracting the attention of the surroundings, and showing off a lot of new
things. However, novelty items originating from small and medium-sized territories
are not necessarily popular. If it does not stay in the eyes of the large territory and
spread it, it ends only with a rare appearance.

In the tea ceremony of the small and medium-sized estate, saying Rosemain who
returned to Ehrenfest after losing physical condition during socializing season, while
saying that, in regard to trends, "It would be nice if you could pick it up in the large
territory" with a sarcastic smile Many were there.

At the tea ceremony held in Ehrenfest hosted by Ehrenfest at the end of the first year
student, Elegantine was awarded Ewrenfest's hair ornament from Prince Anastigius,
and Egrantine and Rosemain personalized tea ceremonies It turned out that I had
exchanged things that glossy on my hair, so how surprising the small and medium-
sized territory surprised, I guess it was in a panic.

...... Because my sister attended as a representative, I do not know, it seems that it was
a terrible tea party, including that Rosemain collapsed and ended on the way.

Then, even if you tried to get information in a panic, even if you are trying to get the
information against the territory soon, students of Ehrenfest will not be caught as
well, and if you are comfortably thinking about collecting in the game against the
territory, Rosemain will be absent, The location of Ehrenfest where it is supposed to

420 | 2523
be said that Aubu of the large territory entered frequently frequently and the small
and medium-sized land did not come close to.

Even in the second grader Rosemain fulfilled the first day pass, disappeared from the
lecture hastily in a blink of an eye, and Charlotte responded fully to the social season,
and Rosemain did not show up at all.

Wilfried - sama and Charlotte, who corresponded to the small and medium - sized
territory in the game against the territory, Rosemain was busy with correspondence
of Guardian and Dunkel Ferger who is like Ferdinand. And the awards ceremony was
absent and the graduation ceremony was meddered. Despite being very prominent in
looks like just having finished the baptismal ceremony, I do not see anything at all.

Rosemain finally ended up being in the society at the aristocratic society. The
opportunity to talk with Rosemain for the first time has come around.

Rheismymey who smiled happily on the topic of the book and about his own love story
was shamefully murmuring, but when Aub's bad rumor turned, he turned to a sad

According to the rumor obtained at the lord's conference, it is quite different from the
real child by Aubu, it is being pushed into the temple, so that you can not stay in the
House of Lords. It will be very painful.

Although Rosemain is denied, it is a well-known fact that Virfriit and Charlotte who
are the real children of Aub have not returned to Ehrenfest during socializing season.
If they are truly treated the same, are not they all supposed to be back?

"Hey, Mr. Rosemain, I would like to talk about collaboration rather than the temple's
story. How are you studying with the great lands?"

Mr. Rumemayin, who started talking about the ritual in the temple, obstructs Mr.
Rumemayin, Mr. Murrenoyier of Immeldink wishes to participate in collaborative
research with Dunkel Ferger.
In Meldingu 's senior aristocrat attacked Rosemain sacrificingly in the game against
the territory last year, and received a fault. Mr. Murennoyei said in the former tea
ceremony, "No one agrees with anything about the damage that Immelding took from
Rosemain", but how impudent it is.

421 | 2523
It is not that Rosemain is responsible for the fact that the damage from Tani
suvephalen was great and that the senior aristocrat reduced the ranking as a result of
being touched. When the surroundings tried to stop Mr. Murenloye-sama, Rosemain
who was thought in raised his face and smiled with Nicoli.

"In the process of doing collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger, there is something
to show the priests of Ehrenfest, if you can get permission from Dunkel Ferger, is it
OK if we do not participate?"
"Well, could you let me with you?"

...... It's too sweet, Mr. Rosemain.

I am amazed, but I will flock to the surroundings. If Inmeldink was allowed to

participate, I understood the silent argument that their own territory was better, and
I also fought in a panic.

"Your sister may be able to participate in joint research with Dunkel Ferger and
"You did it well, Ruurudadi"

As Rosemain says with a smile, Joseph Brenner made a suggestion to join Dunkel
Ferger in a joint research.

"Then, Ditter!"

I do not know how it relates to collaborative research and ditters, but I can not decide
to do with Dunkel Ferger and Ditta at my own discretion. As a result of seeing Aub 's
judgment, there was a word saying to do a doctor to participate in collaborative
research, and asked the knights apprentices to do a doctor.

"Rühr Lady, what Dunkel Ferger wanted was a treasure stealer Ditta"
"...... Treasure stealing is the old doctor, is not it?"

Now we are going to compete with a ditta who does not even practice in practical skill
just to learn a bit in lecture, and despite the small and medium size fought jointly, we
are defeated by battle. It took a lot of recovery medicine. It was a terrible
miscalculation for Joseph Brenner, as it was not necessary for recovery and drugs as
much as Ditters competing for speed.

422 | 2523
"Now the collection area has gotten much thinner and I can not get very good

The material is also not good, and a lot of magical power is necessary to make recovery
medicine. The civil apprentices made it in total, but we can not let the apprentices of
the knights pay the cost of recovery medicine. It is damages outside the lecture made
by Aab's order.
I got a ruling by Aub and got the necessary expenses for recovery medicine from the
expense of the lords, but for that reason the amount we could use for the fight against
the territory was reduced at once.

Thanks to the efforts of the knight apprentices, Thursday I received three women 's
cards as they applied for it from Dunkel Ferger. It seems to be a permit to bring. I told
them that if I took it to the civilian apprentice of Ehrenfest, I could get notice of
participation and I contacted Mr. Muriela.

"Do you need recovery medicine to participate in collaborative research?"

"Well, since magical power is necessary for the ritual performed by Rosemain, I think
that it will be a problem if you do not have it."

I was very troubled by Muriela's words. It was hard to say that Abe tells us and orders
from the knight apprentices have tried hard, but they do not participate in the
ceremony. But I do not want to use magical powers any more to avoid the situation
that you need a recovery medicine.

...... It might have been wiser to decline when you applied for a dister like Immelding.

In Immelding who had the greatest damage by Turni suvephalen last year 's assault, I
heard that he did not participate in Ditter and declined because he had few
apprenticeships of knights suitable for the Territory.

"There is no reserve like Yohren Brenner in Ehrenfest, until joining a ceremony that
uses more magical powers, is it worth having a name in collaboration?"

Muriela tilted his head a bit in my words.

"I do not know about the remaining capacity of other territories, but ... I think that
Rosemain's ritual is worth seeing.When you know what it means to pray to the gods
and what is loved by the gods think"
423 | 2523
I was breathless that Muriela's green eyes, which usually shine in love stories, were
unexpectedly serious, and I decided to participate in collaborative research.

More than 200 people gathered in the auditorium. I was surprised by the large
number of adults and I became very uneasy that there were only three cream colored
cloaks as myself, and I pulled the sister's cloak lightly lightly.

"Your older sister, do you have so many people to participate in the research?"
"Since most of them seem to be candidates for lords, there will be many aides with
them, I think that there are not so many actual participants."

Unlike my sister who is a close friend of a lord of a lord who graduated when I entered
the university because the candidate of the lord of Joseph Brenner did not graduate, I
think that the consciousness that the candidate lords always act with the aides will
always be It is thin.

...... When I work in a castle, I rarely get involved with candidate lords.

"Well, Mr. Fairzire, is not that the Central Order?"

Rustrione displayed the front of the auditorium in the back of the auditorium, the door
leading to the innermost when he got the staple. As Ruthrone plays, somehow the
Central Order is dazzlingly wearing a black cloak. Several of them were as if they were
fighting until the end. I heal the wound with restorative medicine etc., but it seems
that the clothes bruise could not be hidden.

"What happened?"
"I do not know that Ryurudadi who brought the story of this collaborative study does
not know?"

I could see the tension also in my elder sister's face. I can not predict what will happen
in collaboration between Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest. If you think carefully, it is
strange to collect people in the auditorium to conduct joint research.

424 | 2523
"The ceremony will be held beyond this door, in the depths of the door.Participants
must show permission without permission.If you do not have permission, you can not
go there one by one.

Students of Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger call it out loudly. I found Phyline and Muriela
sama in it.

It was Klassenburg who first came in. Since Klostenburg does not have a candidate for
lords now, it seems that apprentices of upper classes are arranged. I saw five people
lined up. It was strange that he stopped his feet just before everyone got into the back.

The second place Dunkel Ferger is a joint research person, so it seems that it is already
inside. The third place Durevanhel continues after Klassenburg.

"Why can not I put in?" I am an Orth Veen-san escort knight! "
"You can not enter who does not have permission, it is no exception to escort knights"
"When such things are allowed ... ...."

As soon as the escort knights revealed their anger, the Central Order Group moved

"Do not put in those who do not have permission.

It is stared with sharp eyes with sharp eyes, said in a low voice with a sullen voice, the
escort knight slowly goes down slowly clenching his teeth. I did not think there would
be no aides unless there was no permission.

"What do Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest think of escorting escort knights?"

While I feel uneasy I will hold on to my license.

In such a case, one student who should have gone beyond the door came back.
Because it is Fujiro 's cloak, it will be a student of Ahrensbach. Eleven Fest and Dunkel
Ferger's Knight apprentices have been kicked out as "Escort Knights can not enter,
people with dangerous possibilities can not join the ritual".

"No, I'm harmful ... ... Rosemain-sama! Rosemain's conspiracy!"

"Listen to the detailed stories"

425 | 2523
The girls who handed over to the Central Order from the knights apprentices of
Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger and leave the auditorium.

"What, what's going on inside?"

Rustrione waved his head quietly in my words.

"I do not know, but what I can guess from what she said is something that has
something to distinguish dangerous people who are harmful."
"There must be something to secure safety even if there is no escort knight ... ... If there
is no hostility or harmlessness there should be no problem, because Klassenburg and
Dorevanker have not come out "

My older sister said so with a low voice and caught a glimpse of the people in the small
area nearby. There were people who jealous of Ehrenfest at the tea party and had
many bad rumors to speak.

...... I dissatisfied that we needed a large amount of recovery medicine, but this is not
hostility! Is it?

While throbbing, I will wait for my turn. Besides the fact that two of the five
apprentices of the civil servants of Ahrensbach who had five had been driven out, they
came in one by one. After all, just stop moving once before entering.

"What is there beyond that surely everyone stops moving?"

The door is open, but in the deepest part, a film of magical power of complicated color
is applied, so that the back can not be seen. My sister who came in front of me also
stopped moving in the same way.

"Next person"

I am sending a voice to Phyllene and I will grasp the wooden card in front of my chest
and proceed. The central knight team standing on the left and right sides of the door
is very scary, but I will be careful not to go down as much as possible.
As soon as I tried to pass through the membrane, I could see the back view, I stopped
my foot like everyone else.

……what do you mean! Is it? I have not heard that the royal family has all this!
426 | 2523
As soon as I entered into the eyes, it was a royal family lined all around in a yellow,
transparent hemisphere. Rosemain - sama is dressed in the costume of the temple of
the temple on the front.
As soon as I thought that my heart would stop, I was stopped by the shock that I
thought would stop, and I heard a voice from the side as soon as "Please give me a
permit." I will give a permission to Clarissa of Dunkel Ferger while I am stunned.

"This is a shield of Schoelia, a shrine to keep people with hostility and harmlessness
from entering inside, because we do ceremonies while not including an escort knight,
we are sorting like this Please come inside and say hello. "

Mr. Rosemain says so with a smile, and it fell aside one step. From the left side, there
are Egrantine, Prince Anastigius, and King Traquequar, Adolfine, Prince Sigismwald,

I never really dreamed that I, a senior nobleman in the middle rank of the country,
would have a direct visit to the royal family. Because Tora Okharu does not have a
Gurtris Height, if it is not suitable for Tento, it is often in a loser in the losing group
territory, but there is a dignity as a royal family. I endured trembling with my legs
trembling, I slowly kneeling in front of you.

"Please forgive me for praying for a blessing to a rare encounter that received the
severe sorting of the life god AVivive"

The voice of the King sounded more gently than expected, and I gave a blessing and
greeted while becoming a little comfortable feeling.

"I am Ryurudadi of Joseph Brenner and I am honored to be able to meet Zento

"Thank you for your cooperation today, Ryurudadi"

I never thought that the king would be thankful for being called her name. It was too
honorable for a senior aristocrat like me, and I could not have a word, perhaps I was
sending tears of excitement on the spot unless Rosemain asked me to do so.

"Lulu Lady, Hultmort will show you"

427 | 2523
When prompted and stood up, Mr. Hartmut who wore the blue priest's clothes came.
Why do aristocrats who graduated from the aristocrat are wearing blue priest's
clothes? As soon as I got in, I thought that the royal family had lined up a lot of the
shocks I managed to overcome, and I feel dizzying with new shocks.

"Mr. Hartmut, that costume ... ...."

"Because I am the chief priest who supports Temple Rosemain, I am not alone,
Wilfried and Charlotte as well.Today is special, but the original votive ceremony done
by Rosemain will be blue It's a ceremony that puts only priests and shrine maidens. "

While looking proudly at the costumes of the temple being despised by everyone, Mr.
Hartmut had a smiling face that was completely unchanged from last year. It is the
same smile as when talking about the wonder of Rosemain. I came up with the idea of
being happy towards the temple, but I can not be as a nobleman. I shake my head and
shake off that idea.

"Please wait here"

Mr. Hartmut was guided next to his sister with a red rug laid down. It is arranged to
spread out in a circular shape widely in the center, the one closer to the center is the
upper rank, the more outward it is the lower territory. Considering from a place that
is not a perfect circle, but partly straight, the royal family who has finished greeting
will move to the center.

"Everyone's candidate for Ehrenfest's lords was all in and out of the temple."

When Mr. Hartmut went off to guide Rustralone who came in next, her older sister
said so in a small voice.
I looked around the inside of the room again and found that Vilfried and Charlotte
were wearing blue costumes as the words of Mr. Hartmut. If you look at the costume
you are wearing, you can quickly tell if it is a thing that you borrowed in hurry for
today. The two costumes on the way of growth were things that were tailored
properly, and were not completely new, and it was a thing that it understood that it
passed several sleeves several times.

Regardless of the rumor that there is a disparity in handling with the real child, it
seems that there is no doubt that the candidate lords are doing a shrine at Ehrenfest

428 | 2523
At the moment I muttered, wind and suddenly the wind blew. It seems there was
someone who was shot by Shalia 's shield that protects the royal family as he raised
his face, and he saw that he was taken out by Ehren Fest and Knight apprentices of
Dunkel Ferger.

"I do not have hostility etc.!"

"Is not it a royal family but hostility against me, but please refrain from this ritual, and
those with hostility and harm in places of ceremonies without escort knights are in

Mr. Rosemain watched the student who is brought out while saying that and so on.
People being brought out are said to be hostile to either Rosemain or the royal family.
It seems that there is no way to check whether it is true, but why can you be confident?

"Is it okay, is not it hard if it is not true? Because it is watching the royalty that there
may be hostility"
"However, it was clearly played.In the upper rank, only two of Ahrensbach were, but
they himself said that Rosemain clearly had hostility, but he himself said that he He is
a person of the territory lost to political change, and there is a possibility that anyone
will be played back from now on. "

As the word of Rustrione, a number of those who came in afterwards were played. I
think that there was enmity against the royal family because it was biased toward the
territory which was dissatisfied with the fact that the ranking declined due to the
political change at the tea party and the territory was ruined.

...... Mr. Rosemain says, "I think it is hostility to me, though," but the royal familiar you
well know.

Several people have been kicked out, and the entry of all the members who took a long
time has ended. Leaving the two candidates of the lord of Dunkel Ferger who was
standing at the wall, Eleenfest and Knight apprentices of Dunkel Ferger will leave. And
the civilian apprentices closed perfectly and the door closed, just as we did.

"Well, please proceed to the center"

429 | 2523
The royal family walks in order of Rosemain's words and walks to the vacant part in
the middle. Mr. Rosemain waited for the royal family to move and extinguished Shield
of Shurria.

"Well, I will do a votive ceremony from now on."

Dr. Villefried explained the dedication ceremony, and I learned for the first time that
the ritual to do from now is a ceremony for collecting magical powers from everyone
and giving it to the royal family.

...... Where is the collaboration of such a ceremony! Is it? Even though every territory
is magical deficiency, is not I being deceived! Is it?

It seems that the voice of my heart was the same as everyone around me. Charlotte
opens his mouth while looking around everyone who raised his face and his face.

"This collaboration began with students of Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest who gave
more than one gods protection, and from a common point that they regularly perform
ceremonies to pray prayers to the gods, prayers and rituals It was hypothesized that
it might be important. "

Everybody complaining about it closed their mouths. I knew that there were people
who got multiple protections at the third grader of Ehrenfest, but I did not know the
relationship with the ceremony.In fact one of the junior nobility to obtain the
blessings from the attributes that are not aptitude, some Intermediate aristocracy is
because now all of the attributes.

"Ehrenfest your brother like you are doing a ritual in the temple and your sister was
bestowed twelve and twenty-first bless each"
"It is my experience, formulated in a magical power of about 70 percent so far now it
is like. I think to be the important research in Jisei of lack magic "

is actually of twelve basket obtained Wilfried like words there was a force. If the need
is to reduce the consumption of magic is also a preparation, or it is not the same as
the magical power has increased.
Resutirauto like Danke Rufe Ruger while standing against a wall was also open the

430 | 2523
"Danke Rufe Ruger was performed ritual of Ditta order to participate intends person
who has Okaro that the sight got the blessing of the gods. That the force or speed is
greatly changed has been confirmed by the ritual. This is this study of it is the result "

is as it was also a blessing of the gods by the ritual of Ditta was strong Danke Rufe
Ruger is fearfully.
If that twinkles the eyes, Hartmut like began to proceed slowly in the center with the
things like bell in hand. Voice was sonorous together will sound in the room to walk.

"First king was the temple length. Tsuento is, and, Aubu that I was a time that pray to
the gods as temple length was of course. The power of the gods close to it by
participating in this ritual feel, or review the plight of the temple, the gods of those
who get your car Rozemain like that or increase even a little is you want, "

Watakushi looked for your figure of involuntarily Rozemain like. Rozemain like that
off the shield of Shutsueria has quietly standing in front of the door. Instead of a
monopoly on their own, everyone is so as to obtain the blessings of the gods, mind
shines that it seemed very beautiful. Hartmut like is you feel you will see a little
bragging that it is "saint of Ehrenfest".

"You do the dedication formula. Kneels on the spot, please put your hands in the red
rug. And, please recite the prayer Rozemain like a temple length"

according to Hartmut like the instructions, everyone was sitting in their own way take
the kneeling posture, I put a hand on the floor. Royal family also took the same
posture. Wilfried like and Charlotte like is that kneel to move from the center towards
the end seemed.

Standing lords candidates two people Danke Rufe Ruger of the wall that has a central
Hartmut like, and, in the place that was only to Rozemain like in front of the door,
Shan! And the big sound of the bell rang.

"Temple length, admission!"

431 | 2523
In accordance with Mr. Hartmut 's voice, Rosemain started walking with a relaxed
elegant feet. In order to walk to the altar, you can see Rosemain from the front from
my position.

Rosemain wearing white only one person in the cloak of a multicolored territory is
very conspicuous. In the atmosphere where the word quiet is very well matched, I will
slowly advance among the kneeling people. The line of sight stared at the altar, and it
seemed that there was nothing else in eyes.
Further complementing the white of the costume is hair of the night sky which
swaying further. And there, the rainbow-colored stone's hair ornament which can be
said as a proof of love from fiancés shines like stars and is shaking. I have never seen
a hair ornament that made such a wonderful manastone.

...... I would like to meet the gentleman who will someday give such a wonderful
manastone someday.

It is said to my sister that you do not have a fluffy dream and see the reality, but I know
that I will eventually get married to a partner due to my parents intention. It is now
only to be able to dream, so now it is not good to be immersed in a dream.

...... It is about Muriela who is in sync with my words.

While thinking about a happy time to talk about the love story between themselves,
Rosemain arrived in front of a slightly empty place in the center. And while looking
up at the altar behind me, I will raise both hands towards heaven as if to pray for the

To raise both hands to raise your prayers to God and raise your left foot is closer to
Supreme God who controls the high sky which is higher even more than anything, so
it is widely advised to put hands on the ground when giving thanksgiving I heard that
it is because it approaches Ogami of five pillars. Although it was a form of prayer
which I could not understand well even if I heard it, I felt that I could understand only
a little when I saw Rosemain's figure.

"Ale de Graal"

432 | 2523
Rosemain who staffed up high on the rising high chanted with the golden eyes while
staring at the altar silently in a very high voice changed the Stap into a big Holy Grail.
It is the same Holy Grail as the Godfullich hails at the altar.

Rosemain sama, you can see that a large devil is buried in the large golden holy grail,
which seems to be unable to have. The color of the manastone was transparent, and
everyone breathfully breathed into the holy grail as it was to the intricate sculpture
as it was.

"Holy Grail of Gedourculhe ... ...."

Because the room was full of quietness, someone's small muttering sounds a lot
outside in particular.
Because I was practicing with Rosemain and the same grade, I heard that Rosemain
was raised as a temple because we grew up a temple, we told you weapons and armor
can not be made apart from the tools but it is not just a weapon but a holy grail I did
not even think that it could make up to.

...... The Holy Grail is neither a weapon nor armor? Where did you know the spell to
change it anywhere? Can you find out in the temple?

I can tell that my sister is breathtaking, next to me who strangely tilts his head. I also
saw Rosemain sending a round shield or blessed while drawing Fespiel in practical
skills of music so it may be a bit familiar.

...... My sister always says that my report is "exaggerated", but he seems to understand
that he is exaggerated and nothing.

Mr. Hartmut picked up a big Holy Grail that Rosemain could not possibly have, and
put it down carefully.
And Mr. Hartmut and Rosemain kneel. Rosemain sama disappeared from my sight.
Instead, the voice of a singing prayer began to echo.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

I remembered what I was told to repeat following Rosemain, I opened my mouth in a


433 | 2523
"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

Because the speed of repetition and the beginning were disjointed, it seems to me that
it is a bit irritating because the voices of everyone to repeat are irregular. The voice of
everyone disappears, Rosemain says the continuation after the silence that made it
thin returns.

"The supreme god who controls the expensive sky is the couple of dark and light
"The five pillars of the great god who overhaul Hiroshi Hiroku"

The voice of everyone who gradually repeats in a form adapted to Rosemain - sama 's
voice resonating at the same speed and the same speed began to match. Just as the
echoing voice in the room gathers up, I feel that my feelings are coming together. My
heart began to glow a bit with the time and the shared sense of sharedness that
everyone is doing the same thing.

"Water goddess Fleet Lane"

"Lead Shaft of Fire"
"Statue of the Wind Goddess"
"Goddess of the earth" Gedourculhe
"God of life" AVILIVE "

By the time we finish chanting the name of a pillar, a pillar of gods, the voices will mix
cleanly and echo to the altar. When I remembered a sense of unrepentable feeling,
something came out from everyone's body and began to appear to be fluttering.


Immediately after, the magical power inside of me was drawn out. The feeling that
magical power is sucked out without permission is the first time, but I do not know
what to do. Since magical powers are sucked out from the hand, it is easy to release
your hands, but if this is a ceremony, you will not be able to interrupt it arbitrarily.

Magical power is flowing from his hand fitting perfectly on a red rug. I could not move
to move, and when I gazed at it gently, I began to release a small light that the red rug
turned sparkling.
And, towards the holy grail that is set in the center of everyone, the magical power
which became the wave of light flows. It is felt that the magical power that has flowed
434 | 2523
from behind passes by himself and flows forward, and his magical power is pulled out
according to that flow. It seems that the speed of light flow is steadily increasing and
the magical power pulled out from inside of me has increased.

"Give benefit to all the living beings, respect themselves to the gods, reward the
benefits of their precious gods"

As soon as I finished praying words, the surroundings suddenly became bright. I was
surprised that another light was entering the field of sight that was looking at the flow
of light, and raised my face, I saw the Holy Grail in the center of everyone shining.

"It is shining now!?"

The next moment when a surprised voice rises from the surroundings, the red light
rises like a pillar from the Holy Grail, and it stretches straight to the ceiling. It was a
noble color of Gedurulich, reminiscent of the color of the warm furnace.

"What is it?"

I heard the voice of the roaring king. Rosemain responds in a quiet voice to the voice
that seemed to represent the feelings of everyone.

"Perhaps a part of the magical power will fly somewhere in the aristocrat, it is always
when you do rituals at the aristocrat, because it will not be Ehrenfest, it will be a
phenomenon peculiar to the House of Lords"

A positive voice sounded from Mr. Restistauke who was standing at the wall by the
voice that Dunkel Ferger's ceremony was the same.

"There are many blue lights in our rituals, but this time it is red ..."
"Because it is a votive ceremony to put magical power into the Holy Grail, this red light
is the magical power of everyone dedicated to the gods ... ... Do not you think it is

I nod to Rosemain's words many times. It is really beautiful. The red light stood up
purely by magical power alone.

...... This is the real noble color.

435 | 2523
For me, the noble color of the season was something I could imagine only when
thinking about clothes and room attire. Even the color of costumes wearing in an adult
ceremony was born, decided by the season, I was dissatisfied with being unable to
choose by myself. This is the first time I saw a beautiful noble color. I never thought
that manastones with red attributes are as beautiful as this.

"Here you are, your sister!"

Suddenly a scream like Charlotte's scream sounded. When everyone turned his eyes
towards himself, I saw Charlotte standing up. Rosemain sama rises in the same way.

"The ceremony is over. Ladies and gentlemen, please do not take your hands off the
floor, there will be people with severe magical powers soon"

In the voice of Rosemain - sama, I let go of the hand attached to the floor. I feel like a
sense of unity I felt at the time of the ceremony is gone, I woke up from a dream and
came back to reality at once.
At the same time, I felt extreme fatigue and depletion of magical power. My body
suddenly became heavy, I could not move because I was dizzy. It is only finally able to
maintain the kneeling position. On the other side, some people broke their body and
fell down.

"Votive ceremony, cheers for good work, I think that the royal people and the lord
candidates who are accustomed to supplying the magical power to the foundation
magic were still a very ritual to the senior aristocrat, who offered valuable magical
powers We are preparing magical recovery drugs as a participation prize to the
dedication ceremony for everyone. "

Mr. Hartmut who lightly nodded Rosemain 's words started to move. Wilfried - sama
and Charlotte were also slow movements, but they began to move in the same way.
Apparently I do not feel too tired.

Although royalty and candidate lords are not losing their positions, there are many
people who can not be kneeled even by senior nobles.

436 | 2523
...... Both the royal family and the candidate lords are doing such hard work on a daily
basis, do not they? I knew for the first time.

I know knowledge that the lords of the family must devote magical power to the magic
of the foundation. But I did not know what it is and how serious it is to use magical

"Magical powers should be easier to recover than medicine you learn at the
aristocracy. Of course if you suspect poison etc we will not distribute it from the
beginning.Please use your recovery medicine prepared by yourself "

Mr. Villefried and Charlotte each took the small bottle from the box, and drunk like a
poisonous guy. After that, Mr. Hartmutt gave Rosemain a restorative medicine, and
after drinking a small bottle from the box in the same way as himself, put the emptied
bottle in another box.

"I do not know if this recipe for recovery medicine is taught by others and it is not
clear whether it can be drained without permission.So, please just drink in this place.If
you want to take medicine I may be scolded by giving out a small bottle, I'll collect the
small bottle later. "

I will give you a small bottle with Rosemain empty to Mr. Hartmut while smiling
mischievously. My elder sister looked at her sister because she was attracted by the
word that the magical power was easier to recover than the recovery medicine taught
at the lords.

"Oh, my sister?"
"You can not talk about things you do not know what is mixed?"

It may be a trap of something, my sister who is an aide of a lord candidate has a

pointed nerve. I was pointing out my sweetness that I was not thinking about the
possibility of contamination and I was a little pierced. Unlike my sister, I do not live
carefully as an aides, so I will be told that it is fluffy.

Mr. Hartmut holds the box containing the small bottle and asks whether the recovery
drug of Ehrenfest is necessary from the center. In other words, the king is the first.
In the absence of side strikes and escort knights, the royal family can not afford to
restore the recovery medicine of other people. It is a formal question on the premise
of being refused. You can not afford to give it to others without asking the king.
437 | 2523
However, the king said surprisingly, "Let's get it ..." and reached out to the box
containing the small bottle. A nutcracker happened in the surroundings.

In addition to being vigilant about raids and poisons at all times, unlike the small and
medium-sized provinces that are panting with magical deficits like Joseph Brenner,
there should be plenty of room in the center. There is no need to drink a recovery
medicine for Ehrenfest. But to dare to reach it is nothing less than what the king
expresses in action, that he trusts Ehrenfest.

...... Ehrenfest has so far earned the trust of Zentotrauchkevar.

We were surprised, but the people of Ehrenfest also seemed surprised. Wilfried-sama
and Charlotte say "What?", I am staring at the king with my eyes wide open.
Mr. Rosemain did not show the appearance of movement in particular, "Zento Tra
Okvaar." Although medicine recovers drastically but its physical condition does not
recover, I think that feeling of tiredness will remain I told you. Hartmut is nodding
with a serious face as saying "Rosemain is a recovery medicine made by himself, I will
blow off fatigue and other things." As usual it is not just Rosemain and Hartmut.

Because the king takes the initiative to pick it up, the royal family will keep the bottle
one after another. After showing a little hesitating form, I saw Prince Sigismwald
drinking it.
Were you thinking that royalty did not refuse things you drank, the apprenticeship of
the civil servants of Klassenburg is looking into the box filled with small bottles and
thinking about it. If you suspect contamination, it would be a good solution not to
extend your hands to protect yourself.

"Is there a territory where a lot of recovery medicines were needed due to doing a
doctor to participate in this ritual? Well, even in rituals we will have plenty of magical
power, let me prepare in the form of making up for it If you are vigilant about poison
etc. If you only drink things prepared by yourself, please choose early.Is for senior
aristocrats in the small and medium-sized provinces that have collapsed their body,
this recovery medicine I want to deliver it. "

Rosemain is not a senior aristocrat of Klassenburg, but he is worriedly worried about

a senior aristocrat who is trying to take a position that is somehow kneeled on the
outside of the circle.

438 | 2523
...... It is not the upper territory, I worry about the lower territory ... ....

Senior aristocrats in Klassenburg hurried to Rosemain 's worried face hurriedly

picked a small bottle. Then medicine will be dealt out very early. Dunkel Ferger 's
civilian apprenticeships got in his hands and at the same time drank it without

"I will help you, Rosemain sama"

Clarissa stretched out a box to collect the small vial of the sky with a face just to say
that it was finally allowed to move. And we start collecting bottles of those who
finished drinking.
Mr. Hartmut is handed out to Drevechel, will move to Gillessenmeier, Hauwletzse.

"... ... Ehrenfest, is not it faster for this recovery medicine to quite recover magical

Those who did not drink restorative medicine to Prince Anastasezu 's question also
turned their eyes toward Rosemain.

"Knight apprentices of Ehrenfest also said so."

"Is not he the one you prepared?"

I heard the voice of Prince Anastigius somewhat sharp, I trembled with other people
but Rosemain san just smiled as I was in trouble.

"I do not know the effectiveness because it is different from the recovery medicine
that I use on a daily basis.As a result of discussions with my brothers and the aides,
materials were collected at the dormitory collection place, and among the recovery
drugs that I can make I just made a recovery drug that was said to be the most
appropriate for the ceremony. "

...... That is Rosemain is a candidate for a lord, but is not that you can make many kinds
of recovery medicine! Is it?

I knew in the lecture that I was used to preparation, but I did not think that I was
acquainted with pharmacology so much that I could create as many kinds as possible.

"Mr. Orthwinne"
439 | 2523
Suddenly Vilfried - sama 's voice echoed, I could see the lord of candidates of
Dorevanker was blurred.

"This is to restore the magical power used for this ritual, it is not research material"

Apparently it seems that Dr. Drevenhel's Candidate candidate sneakily brought back.
Stopped while laughing like Wilfried like funking, after showing a bad look on his face,
Orthwinne drank recovery drugs at once.

Looking at the exchanges between the royal family and the upper ranks, even if my
sister stopped it, I decided to get a recovery medicine. Joseph Brenner's healing
medicine has been used quite a bit in Ditter. I think that I would like to receive
recovery medicine that I get.

...... I used magical power for Ehrenfest. Is not it?

When asked to your sister just with your eyes, my sister gently nodded with a face
you gave up. And when Joseph Brenner came in turn, my sister also received medicine
from Mr. Hartmut. Rustrione is also receiving recovery drugs.

I took a breath by looking at the box that Hartmut had. There are many boxes of
medicine, and it is already in the third box, but dizziness has appeared in the recovery
medicine which is contained a lot.
If you try to prepare so many recovery medicines, the amount of materials, the
amount of magical power needed to create, and the time to create will be enormous.

"... Is not there any possibility that Ehrenfest will collapse in Rosemain's mercy to
prepare so many recovery drugs?"

In my misunderstanding, Mr. Hartmut raised one eyebrow a little, then turned his
eyes to Rosemain once and laughed delicately.

"Ehrenfest is satisfied with the mercy of the saint and prosper, so it can not be

While being a female admirer, but as a temple of the temple in this way, filling the
territory with magical power to teach about the ritual so that others can gain

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protection, so worry about the magical power which others have decreased and
prepare recovery medicine It is not something that a very normal person can do.

...... Really Rosemain is a saint.

Mr. Hartmut 's previous information is certainly not exaggerated, it should have been
packed with real things. I should have put myself in and listen more carefully.
While thinking about such a good thing, I drunk Rosemain-san's recovery medicine.

...... Really is not the recovery is fast? What is this?

You can see that magical power recovers from the moment you drink. It does not
compare with the recovery medicine taught in the lecture.

"Is this ... ... can you make of materials that can be taken at the collection place?"
"The secret that Ehrenfest is not troubled with magical power is no different from this
restoration medicine.If you can recover so much, you will be able to fill the territory
with magical power"

I nodded deeply in my sister's words. If you can recover so much, it will be much easier
to make a recovery medicine or to fill your territory with magical powers.

"But this restorative medicine, magical powers recover but I can not get rid of

I tried to move my hands a bit to Rustrone's muttering. I took refreshing medicine but
I did not get any tiredness.

"Even if you recover only magical power but you can not move tired, normal recovery
medicine might be better for usability"
"It will be useful for the knight in the middle of fighting and it is perfect for drinking
while preparing it because there is not enough magical power."

I felt that something important to those who developed this medicine somewhat
appeared in my sister 's words. It is surely a researcher doing unusual research that
needs magical powers ridiculously.

The royal family and candidate lords who took recovery medicine started to move
quickly. However, senior aristocrats in small and medium-sized provinces can not
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move satisfactorily yet. Rosemain, who was watching it, grasped and opened his hand,
touched the area around his neck, confirmed something, slowly raised his hand.

"Although magical powers recover, fatigue can not escape, is not it hard to move, I
wonder because magical power has recovered"

Rosemain got Steap while saying that. Then, this time I will call "Strait Corben" and I
will take the staff of Fleet Lane. Unlike the previous Holy Grail, this time the magic
stone shines green from the beginning.

"Next time is the cane of Fleet Lane?"

Rosemain looked embarrassed when everyone was stunned by the appearance of a

sacred tool coming out one after another.

"It's immature and embarrassing, but if you do not use the wand of Fleet Lane to give
healing to the majority, it is difficult with the ring alone."

...... I feel shy is different.

Rosemain says he is trying to give healing to the crowd as commonplace disappears

with nothing to say. Usually I do not use magical powers for others with this level of
fatigue and I do not think about trying to heal many at once. Even if you are looking
for Jurgen Schmidt for those who bring out the magical jewels for that purpose, you
will not be outside Rosemain.

"The healing of Rungschmere"

Green light emanated from a wand stone with Rosemain - sama 's prayer. Like the
previous rituals, some of the light becomes pillars and stands up, and everything else
in the room gets down. When I was exposed to the light feeling warmth, I felt that my
feeling of fatigue faded away.

When I closed my eyes lightly and was quietly bathed in Rosemain-sama's magical
power, I heard somewhere where the mistress "Mestionola ... ..." came from. It was not
that big voice, but it is quite often in the room where Rosemain-sama blessed.

... ... Mestionola? ... ... Was it a reliable wind association?

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On the way to remember the names of all the gods I remembered that Mestiónola is
an obsession of the wind for the foreseeable future. I think that if it remembered it
was a wisdom goddess.
When I thought about what Mestionola did, a cheerful voice like "I understand, Mr.
Hannaore!" Has been echoed.

...... I do not know.

Unexpectedly opening my eyes, Clarissa of Dunkel Ferger grabbed the fist and began
the emphasis. Because it was surprised too much, Rosemain's blessing has also

"Previously, I thought the same thing! Rosemain who freely treats all kinds of magical
equipment is not Mestionora who was allowed to use the men from the gods"

I only know about the gods within the lecture of theology, but is there such a story in
Mestionora? There are many people who felt the same way in the same way. Mr.
Hartmut watched Clarissa like a brash.

"I think that there was no such story in the scriptures of the temple, but ..."
"There is an old book by Dunkel Ferger"

I agree with Clarissa 's words was not Dunkel Ferger but Egrandine.

"It is a story that Mestionola is the daughter of the god of life and the goddess of the
earth? There is a description also in the old book of Klassenburg.To hide it from the
God of life, to the hair of the night sky you got from the god of darkness I changed my
appearance to the eyes of gold from the goddess of light, and went to the wind fielder
with the strongest defense ... Mr. Rosemain is perfect.

It certainly may be so. In addition to the cleverness to master all kinds of men with
abundant magical powers, in addition to the smartness which can take successive
wisdom, if you believe in Wilfried's words all the epidemics of Ehrenfest have been
As I thought, a small laughter crisscrossed.

"Just kidding, Rosemain, please do not have such a troubled face"

"...... I think that no one does not trouble being compared to the goddess, Egranthine"

443 | 2523
Rosemain says that it is a troubled face. Rosemain's feelings are understood to the
greatest extent. What kind of reaction should you do with the royal family being told
"as if you are a goddess"?
Gently Haltmut went forward in front of Roster Martine who was in trouble.

"Did you have such a story .... I first heard that, thank you for a wonderful story, it is
an interesting story that I'd like to read once"

Mr. Hartmut who went forward to save the Lord will thank Egranthine for smiling and
expressing gratitude.
I exhilarated the exhilaration to Mr. Hartmut's skillfully fitting place. Is not it the ideal
figure that there must be someone close to the candidate lords?

...... A wonderful aide gathers to the wonderful Lord.

It was a shocking ceremony in which my common sense was broken one by one, but
magical power and fatigue were recovered, but I was able to return to the dormitory
very satisfied.

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...... The ceremony itself ended without any problems, but otherwise it was serious.

In the depths he suffered a fierce rebellion saying that he would escort the escort
knight. However, even if many candidates for lords are brought in with their aides, it
will not fit. Besides, because they are in the same place where everyone runs magical
powers all at once, they will not be useful as an escort if they are absorbed in the same
way. Especially when you supply magical power to foundation magic within the
territory, the escort knight merely defends the room with the door and can not enter
between supplies. It is similar.

It was as expected that the shield of Schuheria could not be trusted, but only the
Central Knight Grandmaster said "No attack on the shield would work." Apparently,
the knight president seems to have seen Shield of Shurria before.

No matter how much the knight's head is saying, such a single word can not convince
the whole royal family or the entire knight. I took out Shield of Shurria in front of the
royal family and prove the strength by various attacks using the physics, magical
powers, magical tools which the Order will feed one after another.

So if the escort knight stands in front of the door, he was supposed to be attacked by
the Central Order, but the knights blew away and the attack bounced back with battle
and it got scarred all over To go. To be honest, I was intact in the shield I was worried
about the knights and it was useless.

...... Apart from anxiety, it was the first time that the knight who tried to attack me after
entering into the shield without harm was shot out of the shield was a bit interesting.

However, it is trembling with the emotion shaken by the knights of Dunkel Ferger who
are seeing the strength confirmation of the shield as if watching the ditters with
curious eyes, "The shield of Rosemain-sama's Schoerer is the best!" Hartmut and
Clarissa were a bit nervous.

Even after driving or driving, the knights gradually lost their warfare and the
verification continued by the Knights until the king stopped saying 'better'.

445 | 2523
Because the knight team became too bad, I asked the king permission and use the staff
of Fleet Lane to heal Lucerne Sumer to the knights. If you heal with a ring, you can not
get close to touch until you can touch it, but if you use a cane you can put it together
in multiplayer without touching it.
At the same time, he said, "I'm planning to distribute it to participants in other
territories from now on," and distributed magical recovery drugs to distribute to the
ritual participation prize. In that case, I was suspected of foreign body contamination
from the Central Knights Headquarters and it was confirmed in various ways, saying
"You should distribute such things that you do not know what is in it widely to other
territories!" is there.

Well, it seems that doubting the head of the knight, because the strength confirmation
of the shield and the toxic view of the recovery medicine were done by the central
knights in front of the royal family and the Dunkel Ferger, both of which are the seal
of the Central Order You can say that?

In this way, the use of the shield and restorative medicine of Schulzria was approved,
and the central knights were placed in front of the door, so that the royal family and I
could enter between the back.

The king and the chief of the knight issued a GO sign and it was relieved that the
ceremony would proceed without problems. However, it seemed that the Central
Order was trained indeed, and my magical power which received a considerably
strong attack many times by checking the strength of the shield was well cut off.

...... Well, if it was a votive ceremony once it was enough to do without problems.

However, there was acceptance of participants while keeping the shield of Schoeria
afterwards, which took a long time unexpectedly. Yet, it takes a lot of magical power
to put out a sacred tool. I became a bit uneasy, after the royal family moved and
extinguished Shield of Shurria, I secretly drunk myself for recovery medicine, waiting
for recovery in front of the door.

...... This was a miscalculation!

Even though I made my magical power recover with a great deal, unlike other sacred
tools, was it created because I looked at the Holy Grail of the sky on the altar? There
was little need of magical power to put out the holy grail of Gedulurich. At that time I

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just thought that it was a bit out of calculations, but the first difference in calculations
became more difficult to follow.

It was well until the dedication ceremony ended. It is a little lonely that when
Charlotte sends a signal to finish the ceremony because it has a lot of people and
magical power is easy to flow and everyone sings a celebration, it is a sense of unity,
or a festive feeling. That's it.

It was just after that that the rituals that were in good form were not going well. The
senior aristocrats in the clatter and the small and medium-sized territory began to
collapse and collapsed. And while maintaining a kneeling position, candidate lords
have a bad feeling complexion, and the royal family has a slightly tired face.

...... I got signaled by Charlotte, I did too much! Is it?

"Hartmut, recovery drugs"

I decided to hurry to distribute recovery drugs to Hartmut, but I was supposed to

drink a recovery medicine as a poison to look at everyone. It can not be said that "I
can not drink because there is too much magical power" here. It is the same as not
going to not be a poisonous man "because you are full of stomach" for sweets brought
to the tea ceremony. I have decided to drink medicine whose magical power is greatly


The taste, but not the situation.

Because the recovery speed was slow compared with usual recovery medicine,
though I thought that it would manage something if it were compressed, magical
power overflows as it is. While watching Anastigiusus and Sigismwald put a net
containing manastones in the Holy Grail, I was compressing desperately increasing
magical powers.

...... What to do, recovery of magical power can not stop!

"Your older sister, your amulet on your wrist does not shine?"

447 | 2523
It was pointed out by Charlotte who appeared casually as if approaching, and I
pressed down the bags and wrists. Even then it will become illuminated state at the
time of dedication.

"It is better to use magical powers too much as quickly as possible, but how do I do,
what do I do? Where amulets shine more and more as they are, they will be blessed

When asking Charlotte in a loud voice, Charlotte looked around the royal family
looking into the magic stone in the Holy Grail and the surroundings, and looked at my

"... How about giving a heal to everyone? I think that it is not that unnatural, it can
consume magical powers."

I immediately got on to Charlotte's wonderful proposal. If magical power overflows

without permission and it becomes blessed terrorism and it is hard to excuse excuses,
it should be better to give healing while explaining earlier.

...... But what should I do?

If you put out a cane of Fleet Lane and heal it, the story will be early, but now I am
having a holy grail. Besides, there are still a lot of magical powers in it. As much as
anything, the magic stone is not yet dyed.

... ... The Holy Grail can not be erased. But it is too time consuming to heal with the
ring, and in order to consume a large amount of magical power, I want to use the
magical power at a stroke by creating a staff of Fleet Lane.

"I want a cane of Fleet Lane as a matter of fact apart from the Holy Grail"
"Can you do something like that?"

There was a statement that it was made to be able to master the shields and spears of
the imperial at the same time in the old memoir of the king and I have seen Ferdinand
previously issuing several shields of the wind , It might be possible if magical power
remainder now.

Or ... or, if you can not do it, you do not do anything in front of the royal family and
other territorial candidates, but the magic stones will shine one after another and
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blessings will overflow. I somehow consume magical power with a natural feeling. Go
for it, I.

While gripping and opening my hands, I collect magical powers more and more. The
medicine whose magical power is greatly recovered is finally showing its effect, and
the magical power is steadily recovering. It is dangerous if you do not use it soon.
Another amulet shone.

...... Ahh! Another one, the amulet shone! Dangerous! Yaba! Stap, come! Another thing,
come right now! Even a knight apprentice uses shields and weapons at the same time.
I do not know how to do it, but I should be able to do it!

It seems that my wish came to God because my magical power was about to overflow.
Another stap comes out on the right hand. At the same time, the light of the manastone
of the wrist disappeared. I can see that Charlotte was breathed.

"I am going, so I can go,"

In this way, I will not be able to shine the magic stone outstandingly from everyone,
never suddenly overflow like magical power like blessing, I can get a story by giving
everyone the healing of Luz Sumer with a cane of Fleet Lane It was.

"It's immature and embarrassing, but if you do not use the wand of Fleet Lane to give
healing to the majority, it is difficult with the ring alone."

Consumption of magical power was not said, I smiled with Nicolle and made it
mislead. It is a very embarrassing story that I could not measure the amount of
magical power needed for the ceremony, so I never lie.

...... I was really impatient, but if it's OK to finish it's all OK, are you going to use it at
such times?

Fuu, and I wipe the sweat that was floating too much in impatience.

...... Mr. Ferdinand, I and I can now do two swords of Stap! Someday I will be able to do
many things like Ferdinand.

While watching the senior aristocrats in the small and medium-sized provinces that
have become able to take a kneeled posture, I am immersed in a sense of
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accomplishment that is a bit close to my teacher. Is not this a matter to write a letter
and get praised?

If I thought that it would be quite possible to do so, Clarissa said that it was the
incarnation of Mestionora, and I told Oloro that it would take off to Egranthine, but
Haltmut caught the place well It was.
I thought about what to do if Hartmut made a fuss with Clarissa, I must reflect. I
thanked the excellent Hartmut from the bottom of my heart.

"Alright, why not"

The magic stone which entered the reticulated bag by raising the sacrifice is raised.
Before being put in, all the large and small mana stones which were transparent are
dyed red which is the color of the Holy Grail. Anastasis showed everyone that many
devils sucked magical power and were discolored.

"The magical power gathered in this ceremony will be used to rejuvenate Jurgen
Schmidt in this way"
"Thank you for your cooperation"

I understood that everyone would smile proudly on the words of gratitude from the
Because someone robbed the magical power at the dedication ceremony, some people
have collapsed in front of the royal family, so I will disclose the information as an
apology and thank you.

"We will announce it in the game against the territory, but let's notify everyone who
participated in advance.In order to gain the protection of the gods from the research
results so far we need to supply magical power to the foundation's magic When doing,
it seems good to pray to the gods before and after yourself acts with full power, such
as formulation and training.Priming while putting magical power in the charm of a
charm that carved God's symbol that wants protection is effective It seems to be like
it. "

When I gazed to Hannellore, Hannero showed me an amulet on my wrist with a smile.

It is a talisman of Drefan Goa which the side seems to have made. Eyes of civilian

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apprentices shine without the opportunity to pray for foundation magic like lord of
candidate lords.

"If that is the case, you can pray without going to the temple."

In fact I would like you to reform the temple, but first it is important to get used to
praying. If children can gain protection, adults' eyes may become more interesting to
the temple that worshipes the gods a little.

"You say you can get protection from prayers, but I have already finished the
ceremony to get your protection, and I can not increase the protection of you by

Most of the participants have already completed the ceremony of protection.

Therefore, the line of sight of everyone who was supposed to be looking forward is
It was the king who responded to the voices of such participants. Just by raising your
hands slowly, attract everyone's attention and let the voice of relaxation rise.

"Then, after the graduation ceremony, how about giving graduates the right to
conduct ceremonies to obtain protection once again? It is necessary to confirm
whether Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest's research is effective or not Wax "

The expression of the king came bright with everyone's expression. Ort Vienna is also
motivated eyes.
There are several years to graduate. If I pray seriously, I think that someone who can
gain protection will come out.

"It will be tough for this year's graduates because truly few days are expected, but Aub
Ehrenfest is a goddess Ribesquehilf with a one-year prayer and god protection from
God's gratitude of trials I got a first lady who loves herself from the upper ranks better
than I. Please devote all prayers and magical powers to the gods and try my best to
the goal. "

Exposing about the protection obtained by the adoptive father, a little smile leaks.
Were we able to give a friendly impression a little?

...... It was full of miscalculations, but I'm glad it ended safely.

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As I was satisfied to see the participants leaving from the back, I grasped and opened
a little bit and confirmed that magical power in my body was calm, I stroked my chest.

"Rosemain, how did you put out two pieces of sacred treasures?"

When all the participants leave, the students of Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger come in
inside to clean up the ritual next time. As I was watching the situation, Anastasius
asked me. Although other royalty nods also, I can not believe that they will be trusted
by honestly answering "I am fired".

"...... No matter how you say, you can use shields and weapons at the same time as the
apprentices of the knights, so I think that it is not uncommon."
"Is it necessary to receive the practice of the knight course?"

……Is that so.

"Well, it was probably good for the pioneer, there was a statement that you could use
the shield and spear of the sacred tea at the same time in the old memoir of the King,
and I have already issued several shields of the wind before I have seen the direction

I smiled with Nicoli and answered, but it seems that it was not Answers' favorite
answer. I was frown. Sigiswald is gently smiling with a saying "for us the weapons of
the knights and the shields and the treasures are equivalent."

"Because it comes out with the same spell, I think it is the same and not wrong, but ..."
"Rosemain sama ... ... it is quite different from ourselves a lot,"

It seems that Adolfine and Egranthine are completely drawn, and I close my mouth in
a hurry. You had better not say any more extra things.

"But I thought he needed it, I could not have left the higher aristocrats as it was ... ...."

It is a clear blunder that a knockout can not be done in front of a royal family and falls
down. Shamefully, it was necessary to prevent other senior aristocrats from thinking
of it. Besides, by healing it obviously the candidate lords and the royal family have
improved their complexion. I think that it was not in vain.
452 | 2523
"Besides, I wanted to give healing to Tsento"
"To your father?"
"Because it seemed like your body was overworked too much from the first meeting
... ..."

The first king was facing like the original Ferdinand when I entered the temple.
Although the face is similar to Anastasiusus, the smell of the king's exhausted
restoration medicine that does not erase it will inevitably remind Ferdinand.

...... Although the face is different, it is a bluish silver hair similar to Prince Hildebrand
and the length of the hair is about the same as Ferdinand, so when the Tento goes
down it looks like Ferdinand very much!

Though it is seriously conscious that it is unnecessary, I think that it is natural that

you will be worried if you find an overwork that is not hidden even by aristocratic
poker face is oozing.

"... ... It got easier, to say thank you"

"It is an honor to serve you for Tento"

I took nutrition, I had to get to sleep properly, without saying I grew with a smile and
word that seemed like a candidate lord.

"So, what are you going to do with the magical power in this holy grail?"

Anastasium caught a glimpse of the magical power remaining in the Holy Grail.
Apparently it was not enough for the royalty brought by the royalty. It is natural.
Because I used magical power, I was additively adding magical power.

"I declared that I will not give the Holy Grail forever and I will offer it to the royal
family, so I think it would be nice to use it for everyone in the lords."
"For everyone at the aristocracy? Are there any nice plans for Rosemain?"

Adolfine seems to be interested and stares at me in the eyes of Amber. Egrandine also
saw me with orange eyes.

"Let's use it in the library. Even though three senior civilian officials and several
middle class citizens were supposed to operate with magical powers by themselves,
453 | 2523
it was one of Professor Soranju of middle-class aristocracy for many years, even the
magic of preservation from the archive It seems to have been lost, it is hard for
precious materials to decay. "

It seems that the first lady of the Central Knight's Ortansia is doing his best now, but
it is not enough for two people yet. I will not approach the library, in order to avoid
changing the administrator of Schwarzs and because there is an order from Sigiswald.

"To save valuable materials, use magical power in the library, then I will get
permission to enter the library"

It seems to have been due to knowing the existence of an archive with important
material for royalty. After thinking for a while, the king gave permission.

Even though you have to make sure of the use of magical power as expected, the
royalty can not move to the library. It was Anastigiusus and Egranthine that were
attached to me as the basis for me.

"Anastigususu, let's leave the rest, we will return one foot ahead"

Leave behind the two, the royalty and the Central Order will leave the room. I could
not clean up if the royal family remained, so I think that he read the air.

We kneel down to the king and send off the king and discuss future plans.

"Well, Anastigius, I will send you a harbinger's advice from Oldonanz to the library"

Ana Sturgis to the voice of Egrantine showed a sweet smile "Oh, I beg you." Of course,
the sweet smile is exclusive to Egranthine, and when it turns to this, it is a normal face.

"From Dunkel Ferger to come to Hannellore, would you need a fake-out role as well?"
"Well, do you want to join us? In such a case your older brother ... ..."

Hannalle who was nominated for Anastasis witty, but Restzurau gently waved his

"The one who is entrusted with the key management of the library is qualified, I will
see the cleanup here as Dunkel Ferger's responsible person"
454 | 2523
Since Hannorore, who nodded in the words of Restillaut, began screening the aides to
take him to the library, I also looked around his aide.

"Mattias and Laurentz have a Holy Grail, because they will have a Holy Grail, the escort
knights will accompany all the rest, the side will take Richarda and
Brünhirde.Reiselator and Gratia, Then, please help Hartmut here, civilian apprentices.
"Certainly yes"

The aides of the lords instantly nodded, but Hartmut was the only shocked face.

"Rosemain, I would like to accompany you ..."

"Oh, Hartmut is the chief of the priest for managing the martial arts. It will not be able
to leave from here? ... Also, since the time I can spend with Clarissa is short, tell me
just a little bit."

Although I carefully paid attention, why Hartmut and Clarissa became very
disappointing face. I do not do ceremonies just by going to pour the magical power
into the library, so please concentrate on clearing up.

"As Villefried's brother is responsible for Ehrenfest, please look at all the tidbits and
please contact Prince Hildebrandt and close the door after everything is over"
"all right"

I leave Wilfriit and Charlotte after and leave for the library. As usual I was slow to
walk, but I tried hard not to get too far from Hannaore.

"Because the magical power of the dedication ceremony was left, I thought to use it
for the library, and I got permission from Tzento."

When we took the Holy Grail, Altansia and Soranju were very welcomed. Lack of
magical power in the library seems to be quite serious.

"Please do not devote magical power here, apparently like the magical tool most
needed for the operation of the library, but it seems I am missing with one's magical
455 | 2523
Due to various questions from Raimund about the magician of the library, Ortansia
was leaving most of his daily work to Soranju and he searched for the structure and
magical tools of the library with Raimund.
Ortansia who was investigating the magical tool that pours magical power while
watching the old librarian's diary seems to have found that the magician which had
been abandoned for many years since the luxury librarian has gone away is the most
important for the operation of the library . And today, the remaining amount of the
magical power of that magic tool was calculated, it seems that it turned pale blue if it
might be exhausted without having it as a year.

"Since we were about to conclude earlier, we planned to talk to the royal family
"Then, let's spell magical powers immediately"

In the words of Ortansia, I will bring the Holy Grail to the place I was instructed and
have the devil sprung slowly into the great devil. A red liquid flows out of the Holy
Grail where Matthias and Laurentz are tilted, and it is poured. The liquid dripping on
the large manastole was not absorbed, but it was sucked into the manastole.

The manastone, which had become close to transparent, slowly changes to rainbow
color. Why is it that the pouring liquid should have been red? While thinking I was
staring at the magic stone, I am not sure.
Unlike me who twists his head to doubt, the breath felt as if Altansia was relieved.

"Color will recover! I did not see any change at all by myself. Thank you."

It seems that he was afraid that the library might stop working during his term.
Sorangju is also pleased that "This is safe."

"Today's dedication ceremony began with the royal family, many lordsmen
candidates and senior nobles participated, so there is plenty of magical power."

Anastigius and Egranthine lightly nodded, confirming that all the magical powers
were poured out from the Holy Grail, and I erased the empty holy grail with "Ryuken".
Unexpectedly I am satisfied with having served the library.

Not only for Oltansia and Sorangju, but also for Schwarzs on their way home jumping
while jumping.
456 | 2523
"Hime-sama, plenty of plants"
"Hijisama, Ooh!"

457 | 2523
The current human being of the Schwarzs is supposed to be an Ortansia. So, when I
heard the words of the Black Footsteps, I frankly admired by understanding that the
Ortansia worked hard and devoted magical power for the library.

"Did Mr. Ortansia pour a lot of magical energy, both Schwarz and Vice were good,"
"There are very few people thinking about the amount needed for libraries, such as
magical power of myself."

Altansia who has come out to see off the royal family humbly said so, but I think that
the man who works hard for the library must be a good person.

"What's more, Mr. Isaji?"

When smiling with Altansia, Anastigius uttered words as if to cut off the air. Asked by
the eyes of Gray, Ortansia and Soranju will face each other. You probably do not have
a reply to answer royalty. It was Schwartz who responded instead.

"Mr. Atsushi for you"

"Sift off"

It is exactly the same answer that I heard before. It was pretty that the ear moved.
However, as usual it is unknown.
In the royal family, I looked up at the state of Anastigius and Eglantine, do you have
something to believe in "Jiji-sama", but they both have a face that they can not

"... .... What is that?"

Anastigius seemed to give up early to get information from Schwarzs, and again
looked at Ortansia and Soranju. I am at a loss what to answer

"You mentioned earlier that Mr. Sorangju might be an older magic tool than Schwarz
and Vice, did not he?"

458 | 2523
Sorangi nodded in my words.

"Yeah, but I do not know what was clear, Rosemain, I thought that might be because
there were magical tools that were called by name like Schwarzs, When describing it
in the material, it is difficult to find out whether there is a magic tool called Mr. じ じ
to describe by myself what it is not such a nickname, but what it is a magic tool for
what. "

It seems that the material is not nicknamed in order to prevent you from being
unaware of what magic tools are described when the nickname is obsolete.

"Oh, but in the diary of the librarian I borrowed before, Schwarz was written with the
same name ... ...."
"That's not a material for public preservation, it's a private diary"

There seems to be little private diaries left.

"I have also examined magical tools, but the name of Mr. Jiji is not appearing."

Altansia said that he was looking into witchcraft along with Raimund recently and so
said to explore the memory.

"But if the man was delighted with supplying magical power of today, is not that
magical tool the same as you?"
"Oh, what sort of magic tool?"
"Because it is a magical tool that can be said to be the cornerstone of the library, it is
considered that there is no doubt that it is made in times older than Schwarzs."

It seems that he was convinced by the word of the Ortansia, and Anastasezu gently
lightly nods, "If it were foundation, it would certainly be an old and great magic tool."
I tried to return as it was when I was satisfied, so I panickily asked Anastasiusus.

"When will Prince Anastasegeus go to the library? If you do not notice the date you
come in, there is preparation on the library side"

Put in the library with permission of the king. I am excited to ask the next schedule.
However, Anastasiusus moved the eyebrow a little bit and said that it was "no

459 | 2523
"Why?" If you recognized the importance with this ceremony, is not there to be the
highest priority to look for a library with many valuable materials? "

What on earth did you involve royalty in this ritual? It was also to suppress the
complaints of the surroundings, but my true purpose was to get to know the
importance of the ceremony and ask them to say "I would definitely investigate
valuable materials in underground archives!" Should

... ... Although the ceremony ended wisely, why! Is it?

Where did I miscalculate?

"I am busy for a while, I have to rejuvenate Jurgen Schmidt with the magical power I

It was natural that royalty became busy when we kept a lot of magical powers from
everyone. It is clear from the complexion of the king that we must supply magical
powers before reading materials. I would think that I want to supply magical power
rather than data and breathe out.

...... Oh no! Calculating mischief!

A plan to enter the library frequently as the royal family asked for cooperation
collapses with rattling noise.

"I heard that Tent would give you permission to go to the library ..."
"Is not it coming now, my father did not promise to go to that library today even if we
decide on the deadline?"

... ... I missed the word! Stuffing is sweet! My stupid thing!

Egrantine gently smile when I saw me depressed.

"As Rosemain says, it is also important to review old documents, but supplying
magical powers to magical tools and sacred tools at this time will have a major impact
on next year's harvest, so before spring I have to do the supply of magical power in a
hurry. Please bear with me for a while. "

460 | 2523
This is the temple of the temple. I know how important the winter dedication
ceremony is. I want to enter the library but I want to be very very, but it seems I have
no choice but to endure it.

"Is not it quite different from what you have for Rosemain, the other, Egrantine?"
"If there are royal people leaving the divine in the central temple, I would like you to
give priority to checking the materials in the library, but if the royal family supplies
magical powers, as the temple of the temple We can not afford to disturb you. "

I do it frown, but I can endure it. Since there is no permission, it can not be helped.

"The time will come when you must enter the library, so let's prepare for the research
announcement without thinking anything unnecessary, etc. Eleenfest is good, then
Dunkel Ferger "

The eyes of Anastigius turned not only to me, but also to Haneneroli. Hannorore
suddenly spoken to it makes a momentary momentum.

"There were a lot of people who witnessed the pillars of light today in the ceremony
today and we will no longer accept complaints or inquiries about the pillars of light
here in Dunkel Ferger"

Is there room to afford to do a doctor? I am replying that Hannaore, who was told to
be shrunk, will shrink and say, "I gave you a secret". It is too poor that it is Hannorore
that we are cautioned though it is a knight apprentice who is doing the doctor.

"Let's go back to the auditorium and check if the tidying is over"

Anastaseuis will say so and walk. Me and Hannaore follow the royal family in turn.
Even if it's a bit slow to walk, there is no one behind me, so it's a pleasant thing to not

"You seem to have finished already?"

When I went to the auditorium, it was about my aides and Clarissa that remained. I
understand that Hartmut and Clarissa are talking hotly, and my aides are watching
the two while keeping them a little far.
461 | 2523
Hartmut is the president of the crown priest who came with a special permission for
today's ceremony and is an adult who is not involved in the lodging inherently.
Although it is a fiancée, it will not be able to put together Hartmut and Clarissa as

...... If you can do it you can see the feelings of everyone who wants to leave it alone.

The riser who noticed our arrival a little soon came walking a little quickly and
reported the current situation.

"After completing all tidying up, I contacted Prince Hildebrandt and closed the door,
Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest broke up, now it interferes with the two talks that
Rosemain was allowed to do It is only Rosemain 's aides left here to watch without it.
"I'm sorry I left a hard job, Lisaerer"

Hartmut is a senior aristocrat and the remaining aides are intermediate and lower
aristocracy. No one could stop Hartmut and Clarissa.

...... I wish I had left Richarda.

While looking down on me which is a little depressed, Anastasiusus says, "If so, our
work is over," and I will reach out to Egrantine with a soft smile.

"Let's go back, Egrandine"

"Yes, Anastasezus,"

When two of the royal family check the situation of the auditorium, they will quickly
go back to their residence. I am in a good mood for Anastasisus who is escorting
After seeing a friend and a newlywed couple, I turned my eyes to the lovers who are
fighting the two worlds.

"Hartmut, Clarissa. It is hard to talk about something like tearing love each other in
love together, but six bells will ring, so let's go back to the dormitory."

When I called out, Hartmut and Clarissa, who were completely immersed in the two
worlds, turned to me.

462 | 2523
"Rosemain, ... there is no choice, it looks like it is here today."
"I want to talk with each other"

Clarissa 's blue eyes that grabbed Hartmut' s cloak were hot and humid, and he was
missing parting with his girlfriend. Hartmut also looked at Clarissa with an extremely
disappointing face and smiled, "I feel the same."

"It was the first time I enjoyed talking about Rosemain sama like this for the first

You can see well that they are only reflected in the two staring worlds. There is no
more face I was disappointed to refuse to accompany to the library.

When I thought of what to do, Hannorore looked back on my side by looking back a
little like "Cordura". The nominated Cordura emerges quietly as "as it is overdoing ...

"Clarissa, you will be an avilibe who lost Air Vermember as it is"

At the moment when Cordura cried out, Clarissa took his hand from Purple Hartmut's
cloak and was lined up at the end of Hannorre's aides. Blinking at me, Hannaore smiles
with Nicolle.

"Clarissa was very rude, Mr. Rosemain"

"No, I am sorry for troubling you."

I talked about the research announcement of the game against the territory, talked to
me, and I and Hannero separated and returned to their dormitories.

"Hartmut, six bells will ring unless we return to Ehrenfest in a hurry."

Basically the six bells rings, the work is over. Although the knight is stuffing during
the transition due to the emergency situation, outside the hours it will not move
unless there is a good reason or Arub's contact.
And, staying at the aristocratic home of Hartmut, who is an adult and the crown
president, is only allowed to do ceremonies today. If you do not make it in time you
will be punished.
463 | 2523
Together with the wagon a number of boxes filled with sacred treasures, throw the
priest clothing Hartmut during the transition.

"Please notify our adopting father that we will send the costume for our rite ceremony
at a later date.I then send you, but please also submit a report on today's ritual from
"Certainly yes"

Although he was really busy, Haltmut was able to successfully transit within time.
When I returned to my room after seeing me, the six bells began to ring.

"It's time for dinner, Mr. Rosemain. Let's change it."

Have the riser and the gratier take off the ceremonial clothes of the temple and change
to casual clothes to move in the dorm.
And I headed to the dining room. Wilfried and Charlotte were already eating.

"I was late, Rosemain"

"I gave everyone's magical power to the magical tool of the foundation of the library,
but the place was a little far because ordinary students are not in, but it was fun, there
are plenty of magical tools."

It seems that Altansia and Raimund are investigating the use of magical tools that are
not moving. If there is a useful magic tool, I will introduce it to my library.

"How was your clean up?"

"What I have to say about this is ... ... Oh, I received a request from tea ceremony from
Dan Kel Ferger's Lestilout, including summarizing collaborative research including
this ritual, We have to decide how to announce in the war. "

I also promised Hannaore, but it seems that men were talking about similar things.
When I looked around the servants while saying "When is it good?" Charlotte smiled
with couscous.

"Your elder sister, your brother is Lestylau ... ...."


464 | 2523
Vilfried 's slightly panicked voice overlapped with Charlotte' s voice. It was like a
childhood friend who was trying to conceal herself despisedly whether it was known
to mother or not, knowing the secret place of a fishy book for me in the Reigno era.

"Where is Virfriit's older brother hiding? The bottom of the bed is common."
"What are you talking about, Rosemain?"

Have you been told that you can not understand it at all? Tilt your head. Although I
thought that it came with a pin, it seems that it was completely out of place. When I
looked towards Charlotte, Charlotte nodded small.

"There is no need to hide, older brother ... Rather, it is not something we have to report
properly, and at the next tea ceremony, Lesty Lout says that he will bring a number of
painted drawings. It was that I want you to buy a picture that you think is appropriate
for the illustration of the book.I want to read the story of the ditters with the
illustrations as soon as possible. "

In the words of Charlotte Villefried becomes a slightly unsatisfying face.

"It was a pleasure to say that Lestylart was finished in a cool picture, but Rosemain
does not understand man's heart.It's a little hesitating to report.When a tea ceremony
story comes out, from the side Is not it transmitted? "

In the words of Villefried, I wanted to sigh.

"The purchase of paintings is to be done at the House of Lords, but not from the cost
of the dormitory, but from my budget or the budget of the printing industry, Wilfried's
older brother"
"It is necessary to talk with Ehrenfest about where to put out the budget, so it will take
time to communicate with the letter to exchange money, so we need time."

Although I exchange letters with my mother to some extent when I decided to buy an
illustration from Restylau, it is not clear. First of all, it changes depending on whether
the illustration of the restillaut is at a level that can be purchased and used as an
illustration. If it is a level that can not be used as an illustration, it was decided to buy
it at my private expense and print out a small number for Dunkel Ferger and sell it.
If the level is high and it can be sold widely, it will be bought by the budget of the
printing industry, and mothers' settlement is necessary to get money.
465 | 2523
"Was that so? Because all of the expenses related to the book were published, I did
not know that it was like that"

My private expense is managed by Hartmut now as Ferdinand is gone. Even if there is

a freely feasible amount, there is no cash at hand.

"So, please report properly"

"To say that word to the other .... Well that report will do neatly, even today's thing,
have not you planned to do such a massive healing? Why is it such a thing, do not you
need a report, do not skip it properly and report it to your father properly "

The sermon to Vilfried came back to me, I dropped my shoulders.

After I sent a report to Ehrenfest, I fell asleep with tiredness. While I am asleep, the
schedule of the tea party with Dunkel Ferger is determined steadily. When asking
from inside the futon what kind of thing was decided, what to do about the budget, it
is overlooked with Richarda 's ecstatic eyes.

"Princess please prepare yourself to a tea party with Dunkel Ferger"

"It was a correct answer without having scheduled a tea ceremony after the

When Richarda and Brünhild looked at my planning with Dunkel Ferger while
observing my physical condition, Philene and Muriela came to report.

"Mr. Elvira received money, it seems to be a private expense of Rosemain, so you can
purchase a painting by Lestylart like this"

If it is a good picture, it seems that the printing industry will buy it.

"So, Rosemain says, please get well soon."

It was two days later that I became able to move. I feel that the time I go to bed is a bit
shorter. While I was impressed that I was durable, I took a meal in the dining room
and heard a report while I was in bed at the multipurpose hall.

466 | 2523
"While my sister was asleep, I and my older brother were invited to the laboratory of
Professor Gundorf and everyone was truly serious in Dreveinchel for the protection."
"Well ... Is not there no other territory such as the one in which everyone prepares
amulets so early?"

Wilfried also nodded with a serious eye. I think that it is amazing to be able to
distribute amulets to everyone without two days, at least given the material for that.

"I understand why Dorevanker can reign as a large territory well"

"Ah ... Ehrenfest has no amulet that carved the signs of the gods despite the fact that
there was information in advance, and even though there is an apprentice apprentice
who experienced ceremonies in the same way, it spreads out to everyone Will not you
see the move to make amulets? I think that this difference is very big. "

The civilian apprentices of Ehrenfest, who were able to participate in the donation
ceremony, are basically the aides of Vilfried and Charlotte. My civilian apprentices are
intermediate and lower, so I can not participate.

"Now I'm letting Ignatu and Marianne make amulets in the blending room, even if
there is prior information, I honestly fell down that I can not use it well, I am"

Unlike Ortwinne of the same year, Charlotte said to Wilfried, who mutters that he
could not lead everyone well, said "Come to me with your brother," he said.

"I have a schedule for the middle ranks and tea ceremonies tomorrow.We will see the
reactions of the people in other territories.The older brother and sister please do their
best at the tea party with Dunkel Ferger"

In the words of Charlotte I nodded naked.

And the day of tea party with Dunkel Ferger. I will head to Dunkel Ferger's tea
ceremony room with Villefriit at the appointed time. It was the usual flow that greeted
me with Lesty Lout and Hannalee, and I was able to recommend seats.

"Well, let's see here"

467 | 2523
When enjoying tea and sweets, Lestilout said that and turned his eyes towards his

"Brother, painting after the story of the research ... ..."

"Can not you concentrate on those who completed this before?"

When restrainut shook the word of Hannellore shaking hands, civil apprentice
appeared ten pieces of illustration from inside the baggage and began to line up with
me before Vilfried.

"I do not know how black and white will change, so I decided that it would be better
for me to pick it up rather than pick it up." Choose good ones to book. "

The figure of a knight who holds a weapon is drawn largely, straddling a coward, and
the powerful picture that the mantle can hear is the most visible.

"... It's amazing, is not it?"

It probably made reference to Vilma's picture. There are black and white pictures in
which the lines have been somewhat organized. And unlike the painting of Vilma with
a gentle and soft impression, the state of Ditter fighting over the treasure is drawn

...... To be honest, I was licking the talent of the artist of Lestirauut.

I should have perceived it when Hannero says "good" rather than "taste". The level is
Wilfried looking into the illustration I'm seeing makes her dark green eyes shine and
looks at the restylau with respect to her respect.

"Wonderful, Lestirau-sama! If you have such an illustration, the Ditters story will be
even more interesting, Rosemain, do not you agree?"
"Yeah, I think it's wonderful, but there is a process called gully cutting to print a
picture, but I think that the atmosphere will change somewhat if you leave it to the
hands of others. ? "

In my words Reste Lout slightly carved wrinkles between the eyebrows.

468 | 2523
"... What does it mean that the atmosphere changes?"
"Although it can not be explained in detail to prevent the leakage of technology, it
means that the hands of others will enter in the process of printing."

In my explanation Restesuto frown with a clear face. Restirut of the artist's skin does
not seem to like the others' hands.

"If so, I should do that process."

"No, I will not accept it to prevent the leakage of technology." So far, at Ehrenfest I will
buy a picture and print it out.If you refuse to accept others' hands, I can not buy
something like "

Whoever buys the illustrations, I plan to cut it off at the workshops of Ehrenfest. I do
not intend to make gully cuts in other territories, except in cases where I move to
Ehrenfest with my aides or married. Especially the list of candidate lords is still more.
It was Villefried, not Restistau, that panicked with the word of not buying.

"However, Rosemain. No other wonderful paintings will be available elsewhere!

Should I buy this to make the Ditters stories even better? I ask them to subscribe to
Reststrat to not leak technology, I wish you would do that process. "

It seems that there is a lot of thought in the picture of the Ditter story and the restraint.
I am thankful that Wilfriit will get over into the book and I am glad, but now it's a little

"Wilfried's older brother, a wonderful picture and a picture that is easy to print are
different things. It is necessary for Ehrenfest to print easily, it is better if it is nice, but
a picture that can not be printed no matter how nice it is There is no point in buying
it - even if the sale of formal books has not even begun, at the present moment,
researching in large territory like Dunkel Ferger and depriving printing technology is
troubling. "
"That's what"

469 | 2523
Although he seems to be convinced, Wilfried seems to be unable to completely give
up the painting of the restylau, and he sees the picture and me alternately.

"There are so many paintings ..."

"Wow, this is such a wonderful picture, after books are sold at Ehrenfest, putting a
fine leather cover and bound books, I think that finishing in a wonderful book if you
put a painting by Lestirauut."
"Well then, why can not you see others?"

When I saw Wilfried that swallowed me saying,, I lightly shrug it.

"There is no choice, the outflow of technology is the most worryful thing. If I was
robbed of the technology at the second place in Dunkel Ferger at the second place, can
not we compete with Ehrenfest very?"

Gully cutting is a key to gully printing. People with eyes may see the principle of stencil
printing. Besides, raw raw paper, brush strokes for gully cutting, filing all together,
Gutenberg gathered their heads together, polished up the technology, it took time to
produce and improve. It can not be easily robbed.
Either way we will expand the printing industry to other territory, but that is not the
case now even the book has not been sold. It is a story after the position of Ehrenfest
has stabilized a little more.

In addition, if you are a Candidate Candidate for Dunkel Ferger, you will be able to do
it yourself to Garris Cut, but claims will come from other territories as to whether we
will not allow it here. It is hard to bind everyone with contract magic, and it costs too
much. The beginning is the essence of everything. I want a good-looking artist who
can withdraw to Ehrenfest and I do not want the illustration of candidate lords.

"Besides, drawing with a pen and printing is absolutely not absolutely the same, so if
you can not allow other people's hands to enter, print complaints also when you see
the finished things I think that will become "

Even the copying machines of the Llean period were not exactly the same. It was not
too thin lines, and on the contrary the shadows of small dust turned into strange lines
and reflected. Although it is drawn so as to shine even in black and white, it is
inevitable to change the impression if a Guri version of the painting of the restraint
with many lines is printed.

470 | 2523
"Evaluation of paintings purchased from other territory for the first time will also
decide the impression of Ehrenfest's printing industry from complaints from
Lestirauut, so if you do not buy from the beginning, Restellaut will not be unpleasant,
Ehren I do not have trouble festing, are not they for each other? "
"That's right ..."

Vilfried is extremely disappointingly disappointing. And a little relieved, I looked

straight in the red eyes of Restesut who is watching me interestingly and asked.

"Based on the above, will Lestilut sell these paintings to Ehrenfest?"

Lestyraut looked like trying to figure out here Red eyes made a little smile a little.

"I understood the opinion of Ehrenfest, let's reply after thinking carefully as to
whether it can be left to others or not"
"I am expecting a good reply because the artist of Lestiraude is really nice."

I finished talking about illustration with a smile for business. When Restzurau gently
waved his hands, civilian apprentices began to clean up illustrations.
While watching it, Restellau drank a cup of tea and alternately saw me and Vilfried.

"If I have finished talking about the illustration, I would like to decide on the
announcement of the collaborative research, which way would you do for the
announcement in opposition to the territory?"

According to the restraint, in the case of collaborative research it seems that visitors
will only visit the large territory even if they are exhibited at the same place in the
same place. Therefore, it is said that it may be made to announce in the subordinate

"Common things are only the interview survey conducted by the knights apprentices
and the students of Dunkel Ferger and there is a big difference in the description of
the ritual actually being done in their territory so if you display them both I think that
is good, hey, Wilfried brother? "
"Yeah ... I heard that Dunkel Ferger has also succeeded in setting up a pillar of light to
raise blessings in rituals, so I will also write that. Ehrenfest is a ceremony of Ehrenfest
If you decide to make a presentation about it, you will not be biased by either side. "

471 | 2523
I smiled like Van Fleet's words Hannorore relaxed. How to announce in collaborative
research seems to be the most troublesome part because there is a big difference in
the impression of the adult coming to the fight against the territory.

"Well, can we do the same thing with a ceremonial meeting and free otherwise in each
"Yes, there is no problem"

I agree with Villefried. Those who are involved in collaborative research nodded, as I
knew, if I looked to the civilian apprentices on the spot.

...... As Raimund's research is supposed to be done by Ahrensbach, what will you do

with negotiations with Dorevanker later.

Since Ehrenfest only provides materials, it seems that they do not contribute much to
research, so it may be better to leave the basics to Dorevankel. As I understand the
research results of Drevechel, it is good if the demand for paper made from demon

"The discussion came to an end sooner than expected ... ... Hmm, how about sweet
candy and talking about this and how about Gevinen?"

The women's tea ceremony lasts forever with tea and talks, but for men it seems to
be classified as a boring thing. When Restistau decided what to decide, invited
Wilfried to Gevinenen.
Villefried seems to be pretty good at Gevinenen and he is often told that he is
competing with Ortwinne of Dorevankel. Vilfried nodded with a face of joy.

"I will accept you. Since I lost last year, I'd like to win once Lesty Lout graduates."
"Sorry, but it's impossible for me to lose to orthovians but win over me yet."

Wilfried burned his fighting spirit into the words of Restzurut who rang Hung and a
The aides of Dunkel Ferger began to move in a sudden, and immediately Gevinen
began to be prepared in another table. It probably was planning to play the game if
time is left. There are no signs of panic in the movements of the servants.

If you are looking for something to prepare while eating sweets, Gevinnen 's blue
pieces that are arranged on the table will be visible. So for the first time I noticed that
472 | 2523
a clear sculpture imitating Gevinen 's piece like a blue crystal decorated in the tea
ceremony room of Dunkel Ferger.

"Dunkel Verger is also loved by Gevinenen, is there a piece of Gevinnen over there?"
"Wow, yeah, at Dunkel Ferger, we use Gevinen when we do a reflection council of

Hannoore looked a little shy and said so.

What, Dancer Ferger who loves Ditter is going to perform ceremonies before and after
the game, and even up until the reunion. How much time will it spend for doctor in a

"Even if I do not know what kind of sacred spirit it is, the staff of Fair Furemare is
being transmitted.If you do not take care of ceremonies and doctors, you do not have
much left."
"Speaking of jewelry ... In the tea ceremony where the upper ranks that I participated
yesterday, all of you crowded with the topic of the ritual the other day, those who did
not participate directly It seems that he only listened to the story ... "

According to Hannaore's story, it seems that he was very shocked by participating in

the Shinto shrine for the first time. It seems that it was a shocking event that can not
be tasted in everyday life, such as a sense of unity with everyone, pillars of light rising
from the Holy Grail. It seems that those who could not participate will want to
participate if there is next opportunity.

"It will be difficult as long as you do not win even the best, such as giving a word
directly from Zento Traquerque, everyone, I was deeply impressed, then I was struck
by Rosemain's sacred appearance It seems that there were also many people. "

……divine? What that?

Hannaore is somewhat enchanted and shows us the state of the ceremony she saw
from the side. It seems that it was a holy woman who put out a magical tool one after
another, did a shrine that everyone had never experienced, and restored magical
power and healed. It seems that he was behaving like a nobleman and acting like

...... For the moment, it seems that magical power seems to leak and what I was trying
to avoid somehow is not balanced? I am growing seriously!
473 | 2523
"It seems that making amulets for prayers is beginning to become prevalent, and there
are also people who are thinking about whether they can handle men like Joe

One who wants to be able to deal with the cane of Fleet Lane who heal many people
at a stretch, There seems to be some struggling to get a spear of Leyden shaft at Dunkel

"In Dunkel Ferger, there is no one who has succeeded in creating a spear of Leiden
Shaft yet, as it is with the spear that has been produced with Stap, it is the most
consistently stable blessing to strike magical power at the time of ceremony is"

However, there seems to be someone who wants to hold a spear of the Leiden shaft
that shines blue. It seems to be Aub Dunkel Ferger who heard reports from the House
of Peers.

"So, if that is not the secret that can not be taught by any means, would you please tell
me how Rosemain could come up with more than one sacred tool?"

I guess it is said that you want me to hear it. Hannale is facing a very sorry appearance.

"How do you remember the staff of Fair Furemare used for rituals at Dunkel Ferger?"
"You can make a cane by looking at parents' making, touching it, flowing your own
magical power ... ... like this"

It was a small question, but my word seems to have been taken to mean "tell me how
to make that way ahead". Hannerol stands up and puts out Stap and starts collecting
magical power.

"Stolite Corben"

Hannellore advocates a spell to give out a cane. The stap was deformed, and in the
hand the fist of Fair Furemare was held.

"Can I touch it?"

"Well, please do a little magical power."

474 | 2523
I touch the staff of Hannaore and give a bit of magical power. It was almost
simultaneous that the magic team emerged, and a small scream came up from
Hannaore, "casually!" And the magical power repelled.

"Well, I am sorry ... That surprised a little, it is a phenomenon that the magical power
of others flows in"

My family did not mind so much because their magical powers were similar, but it
seems that my magical power, being another person, was alien and surprised. I know
the discomfort that others' magical power flows in. I apologized in a hurry.

"I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable"

"No, it is bad that I did not understand well ... ... I understood the reason why this wand
was made inherited only by the lord of the lord's family."

Hannaore says, "I thought it would be more convenient for everyone to use it, but I
will drop my shoulders." I wonder why everyone wants to use it. Perhaps Dunkel
Ferger is a very hot area and may wish to do ceremonies in large numbers to relieve
summer heat.

"If you only know the magic team, you can look it up in that library in the library
because the magic teams like the magic team that came up to the ground were drawn
in the manner of how rituals do it"
"There is no other choice but to wait for a royal request."

As Hannaore laughs with a little laugh, "How did Rosemain know how to make a
sacred tool?" I answered with a smile saying, "It is almost the same as the staff of Fair

"When dedicating magical power to the sacred temple in the temple, magical power
flows and the magic team emerges.When dedicating beyond a certain amount, it can
be said that the flow of that magical power becomes a feeling engraved in the head, It
comes to think of nature when changing. "

In the case of myself, the magic team who came up with the first dedication is the basis
for making Shsora's shield. Is not the temple's temple like an aid to be able to make
his own tool in Stap?

475 | 2523
"Since I heard that the first king was a temple of the temple, I think that his children
and others also began to be able to create their own sacred tools by dedicating magical
power to the temple in the temple."
"After the political change ended, there were a number of people who entered the
aristocrat from the temple, but it seems that there was no one who dealt with a
magical instrument like Rosemain's?"

Hannaore says it strangely, but I do not think there is any wonder.

"I think that there is a person who made it only if it makes it. But there is no one who
treats the temple in such a state that the temple is being despised and there is no one
to treat the magical tool as Mr. Hannallore also knows, It is quite necessary to enter
the House of Lords with special exception, it seems that it is also difficult for the
former blue priest and blue shrine maiden who began to perform magical
compression for the first time maintaining the shape of the martial arts. "

Damuel, who managed to compress magical powers and managed to increase the
amount of magical power to intermediate level somehow can not maintain its shape.
I think that it is impossible to handle it with blue-colored students.

"While in the temple, seriously and sincerely, if you are doing ceremonies, I think that
there are students who gained protection, but I hated the temple to return to
aristocratic society, and gods with my own circumstances It may be difficult for those
who are hatred for it. "

If the life of the Blue Priest who was the former Shinto priest was ordinary temple, I
think that it is impossible to obtain protection from being too self-sacrificing. In
addition, there is a high possibility that the magical power did not reach the magic
team in rituals.
I smiled at Hannaore and muttered in my mind so as not to say unnecessary things.

"In Dunkel Ferger there is a mystery and a story of the gods that are not enshrined in
the temple.The history is overwhelming.On the other day there was a word
Hannaore's sidepiece spoke to crush Clarissa I wonder if Aerie Libe has lost ... What is
that? It is not in the story that I know. "

I think that it was a word to hear for the first time. In my question Hannero learned,
"I'm on the book I will lend to you, but ... ...." with a preface.

476 | 2523
"The god of marriage Evelymen is a husband of the life god AVivive and a friend, it
was Air Vermoon who cooperated to obtain the forgiveness of the Dark God by
proclaiming to the Goddess of God of the earth."

I was able to get married with the cooperation of Air Vermoon, but the life after Avivy
's marriage is according to the scripture. Evelyme and Avery lyrics who got angry with
the treatment of Gedululhi and its affiliates broke up and took part in the fellowship
of the goddess of the soil, went to the goddess of water, helped to help Gedourculich.

"To become an avilibe who lost Air Vermeen means that you will lose your beloved by
meaning losing collaborators on marriage and discounting what you should cherish "

……I see. If you think to marry Hartmut who is the chief priest of Ehrenfest,
cooperators are indispensable to Clarissa.

"But the marriage is the jurisdiction of Ribeski Hill, is not it?"

"It is believed that Eva Vermeen gave the power of God as a marriage to Ribeskirchfe
and lost the power as a god, as Gedululhi caught up with the edge as he joined the
"Is not it so, maybe that there is no Evelyn as a god in the scripture.If you think that
you can read a book that contains a lot of such obsession, it will not be fun."

While I was excited, when I gazed at the books that the citizens of Dunkel Ferger had
prepared for the moment, Hannorore got a little bit blushed.

"I think that I'm so terrible, Rosemain, I do not think the Fellesnine story that I lent
has ended in such a place .... That continuation is anxious and there is no choice."

Apparently Hannorore seems to have taken on "a disease I want to read". It is a good
trend. She shook her spine to various harassments that her first wife had done, shed
tears in the situation of Fellenetinen, and seemed to thrill up to her elder brother who
wasching him.

...... God is also coming out to the impressed words, but I think the direction is wrong.

"It was really good that this was not a story based on Rosemain."
"If you are based on me, would not you think that Aub Ehrenfest would not allow you
to book?"
477 | 2523
"It is an act that spreads when treating yourself terrible, but since there are many
similarities such as the situation that the baptismal ceremony was taken over before,
the color of the hair, the place with outstanding achievement, etc. There are many
common points. There may be other places. "

Hannaore worries carefully and gives advice. I thanked you for being worried.

"Thank you for your concern, but there is no problem because you will understand it
as a different person if two volumes come out.
"Please do not lend me! I finally escaped from the mean Mrs. First Lady, I entered the
House of Lords and ended in a place where there was a nice encounter.What will
happen after this ... I."

It is nice that the two of you who have just met a younger older brother trying to
protect Fellestine are wonderful, and it seems that they are in trouble as to which love
they support.

In two volumes, my mother willingly finds other parties, I do not want to spoil it, but
of course there are readers who are angry about the first lady and looking forward to
the way of love, so my mother will also be pleased I guess.

...... Muriela is pleased in front of her mother. It is tremendously nodding.

"One thing to worry about is the story of occasional tragic love in the story where that
person is written, it is very beautiful, but if the story is that Fellenessine ends
unhappy, I am ... ...."

Since Hannaore is anxiously frightened, I will only tell you that "I will be happy in the
end." With this you will be relieved and will be able to wait for continuation.

"I would like to cheer for Fel Nessine to be happy"

When Hannero smiled so, Wilfried who was doing Gevinenen changed his / her face
and stood up.

"Different, Mr. Lesty Lout!"

...... What! Is it?

478 | 2523
Suddenly loudly with me and Hannerolle, the line of sight of the person in the room is
directed to Villefried and Restylaut. Wilfried tightened the back teeth and found that
he was staring at the restylau.
Restraint lightly shakes the staple and moves Gevinenen 's piece suddenly and slowly
turns red eyes to Vilfried.

"... What is different?"

"The next era of Ehrenfest is me, it is not rosemain."

479 | 2523
Hannorée refused a word to stand seating on me, and he stood up. Proceed slowly to
the restistau.

"What did you say to your brother, Virfriit?"

In a quiet question asking Hannorore's words, Restzurau lifted one eyebrow and saw
Wilfried, muttering that "there is nothing wrong". Hanna Rolle fogs his face in that
attitude that it came.

"There is no reason that Vilfriit-sama will roar your voice in anything nothing. Does
your brother say that you are so rude? I am very sorry, Virfriit-sama"

To Hannorore 's apology, Wilfried smiled again as he looked at.

"It's not like I apologize to Mr. Hannallole, I was superficial, who was riding the
provocation during the game of Gwivinen, I am very sorry."

After apologizing to Hannaore and Lestilauut, Vilfried slowly sits back in the chair,
turns to the restraint sitting in front and moves one piece.

"My father ...... Aub Ehrenfest is not considering making Rosemain an awesome.I do
not do such an outrageous thing"
"Is it a stupid thing to get to Aub?"

The red eyes are aimed at Villefriit so that the restraint which moved the piece pushes
over. Wilfried moved one piece while nodding one.

"As you know, Rosemain is a weak younger sister who has fallen many times at tea
ceremonies, not a father who imitates her terrible imperfection by making her a
worried girl herb out of health. I would like to understand. "

...... Is this an image-up campaign for Mr. Villefried's adoptive father? Certainly it does
not make Aub a daughter who is anxious about health even if it is a child.

480 | 2523
In the words of Wilfried, I found that it was provoked in relation to the adoptive rumor
and the next Arub. Regarding the bad rumors of my adoptive father repeatedly, I was
irritated at the tea party, so I can understand the feelings well.

...... I do not think you should get on the provocation, but the result of trying to squeeze
out magical powers in rituals on provocation has become a dedication ceremony for
the arrival of Zent.

It is difficult for me to scold Vilfried.

As Hannorore entered in a while, Wilfried seemed to regain a little calm, but the
provocation of Restistau never stops.

"I thought that those who would benefit from the more territory had more magical
power, but I thought that would be Aubu ... ... Well ... I have anxiety about my health,
so why is the next aw, regardless of ability?"

Vilfried understands that the power is putting on the fist that holds the staple to move
When I stood up, I stood between Restistaut and Wilfried, next to the table where
Givinnen's pieces floated.

"If there is enough magical power to support the foundation, is not it natural to make
a healthy gentleman auburn?

Wilfried who has excellent results in the aristocratic society than Arub rather than a
woman who has a somewhat healthier but frail and has a time when she can not take
office in pregnancy or childbirth, I think that it is natural to take office.

In my opinion Restinguto turned red eyes that seemed a little fun to me. It seems that
someone is afraid of eyes that seems to be amused, trying to figure out something, I
am frightened for a moment.

"In other words, whilst the other has a superiority that prominent, is it still acceptable
for the first wife?"
"The word spoil is not right, because I have not asked for the status of Aubu etc."
"If so, what would that one want?"

I was smiling with a question of Restistau. I have decided what I want.

481 | 2523
"Become the first lady of Aub to be a librarian librarian, I will gradually increase books
to my library"

For that, I started printing business. Various stories are gathered at the House of
Lords, and new books are made every year, and readers are gradually increasing from
the House of Peers. If you dye the aristocracy to reading with this condition, the next
is a commoner. From the rich literacy rich man, finally let anyone read a book. I have
a grand ambition. I want a position to achieve, but I do not want to do much work
other than book making, so I am not planning on becoming aub. The temple is filled
with plenty.

"If you wish a librarian with the first lady of Aub, there is nothing wrong with you, be
my first wife, Rosemain"


After a momentary silence, a rough voice rises in the room.

"Older brother! What are you suddenly saying !?"

"Shut up, Hannaore"

Rest wrapped his hand and silenced Hannellore. Cuttingly tied the lips, Hannaore was
a step back. A close friend who raised a surprise voice also closes his mouth to the
power of Lestilout. But everyone was showing amazement.

To be honest, I do not understand the meaning when I go abruptly. Although I'd like
to think that it is a mistake in listening, I think that it is not a mistake to listen, perhaps
even from the fact that the surroundings are stunned.

"I am very sorry, I heard that Lestilut asked me first wife ...."
"I am not wrong, I certainly said so."

I took a hand on my cheek, being told in a straight condition. Is not it a marriage that
he wants the first wife? However, it is strange. There must have been someone to send
hair ornaments to Restzlaut, and if you are a nobleman's proposal, there should be a
discussion between parents. No, parents may have nothing if students are in love with
each other at the House of Lords.

482 | 2523
...... But, if you asked for a prostitution you did not have long legal complaints that gods
names were listed with devils devoted? I think that it was not to be said in a straight
ball like a story like this, but remember me wrong?

I do not know common sense in aristocracy and I do not know how to accept the
words of Restistau. I and Wilfried's engagement are known and may be a laughing
pattern if received seriously.
When I was tilting my head, I did not know how to respond, and the restyrats
alternately saw me and Wilfriit.

"That person showed his worth: magical powers that can handle both imperial tools
at the same time, the number of protections, a new trend, the industry that benefits
the territory, the connection with the royal family and the upper rank, fame as a saint
... ... Wandering around the bottom, it is disproportionate to Ehrenfest who has
emerged as a middle after the political change. "

Wilfried who is not familiar with the printing which should be the main industry of
the future is to name the next AUBU. Although my grades are getting higher, I will
state that only me and his aides are prominent and others are still.

"If you collaborate, you can understand the difference between the lords of
Ehrenfest's lords, which is an evil suddenly raised its ranking only by its own
achievement, the surroundings are not catching up at all"

There is not so much difference in knights apprentices trained as an old man to

protect the lord's clan. Although there are some differences depending on when to
start compressing magical powers, it is about the difference between the original
quality and effort.

But the level of the civil servants who attended the Ferdinand through the temple and
the workers who are able to move for preparation no matter what I started, compared
to the aides of Wilfried and Charlotte Very high.

"In the old way of subordinate territory, it will be too tight for one who creates new
things one after another. Although it raises the ranking only by the power of the other,
since the surroundings do not catch up, the lower rank is lower in Ehrenfest Aub
Ehrenfest that I picked up him from the temple was an eyewitness, but those who are
calling for the next AUBU are not aware of the value that one has. It is not enough for
Ehrenfest. "
483 | 2523
I guess it is provoking. With an invincible smile, the restillou looked around the
villagers of Wilfriit and Ehrenfest in the room.

"If you decide that you do not want Ehrenfest's Aub, and you decide to live as the first
wife of Aubu, come to Dunkel Ferger and the books and materials that have been
accumulated along with the long history are among the best in Jurgen Schmidt "

...... The books and materials that have been accumulated along with the long history
are the best among Jurgen Schmidt? What a nice sound.

I was relieved unexpectedly and I understood that my heart swayed. However, I

desperately stopped the body shaking all the time. Let's think twice. What is inviting
is Dunkel Ferger. It is not an invitation to go to read a book. It is better for you to think
that Ditter is involved in any invitation from Dunkel Verger from experience so far.

"... I will not go."

"You shook"
"Yu, shaking ... ... and also, my engagement with Virfriit's brother got the permission
of the king."

No matter what you say Dunkel Ferger is useless. As I stroked and said so, Resthuraut
waved his hand as saying it was stupid.

"It's not just a permission, it's nothing to be a royalty, it's easy to accept if Aub
Ehrenfest wishes for cancellation, because it is not involved in the territory other than
Ehrenfest, it's easy to resolve"

It seems that it is not absolutely safe if the king's permission is given. I can seem to
cancel my engagement with Wilfriit if my adopted father asked.

"And Dunkel Ferger is as easy as to press Aub Ehrenfest, because I had not figured out
much worth it to do so because I had not done it before. The first wife of Dunkel Ferger
will serve well enough if we can make an inquiry that can not be drunk.Dunkel Ferger
is better than Ehrenfest to broaden our knowledge and make a book.Ruzemain "

Financial capability, human resources, lightness of footwork against incorporating

new things, recognition of importance to new technology ... .... Next to next you can

484 | 2523
line up where Dunkel Ferger is superior. All that is what I want. Yurari fluctuates my

"There will be much better talent than a countryside like Ehrenfest"

……Yes? There is no better talent than my gutenberg!

At the moment reflexively refuted in my mind, my excitement went cold. Once I go to

Dunkel Ferger, I can not even see my family. It will announce the important work of
bridging aristocrats with merchants and craftsmen. I am not planning to truncate the
minor connection in Ehrenfest from my own. More than anything, it is Ehrenfest that
has my precious library.

"... ... It is a very attractive story, but I will refuse it."

It is better to refuse it at once this time as soon as possible. While hesitating to reply,
he is made to be good for the large territory. First of all, it is important to express
intention. I have no intention of going to Dunkelverger.
After Restistau moved the piece, he slowly stroked his chin.

"I'm going to show a good condition as here, but refuse ......"

I can see that my movements of my heart were being read quite a bit from the
misunderstanding of where I was supposed to be quite shaking but where I failed.

When I was relieved that I could refuse without fail, the restylut changed the
atmosphere with the lily. The relaxing air of nobility seems to be fierce like the knights
who came before Ditter.

"... ... If you are refused, you have to take power to take away it"
"Dear Mr. Rests!?"
"Older brother, please wait"

Shake off the restraint of Hannaore, the restraint's eyes aimed at the prey.

"Get what you want, add the power you need to win, change your hand as many times
as you need without giving up, change the item, continue to challenge, that's Dunkel

485 | 2523
I also know from Clarissa's proposal that there is a place for not choosing the means
for what Dunkel Ferger wants. I did not think that such an eye would be directed from
the restillaut which was meant to be a fake saint or a cowardly coward.
I got drawn one step slowly into the speech and the atmosphere that made me feel
like a domineering like the time when I confronted Schwarz first.


I look back to the call from Vilfried behind.

"... ... As pointed out by Lestileau, there are only a few things missing, but would that
wish for Ehrenfest?"

Wilfried inquires of a bad face.

"I was not able to fully appreciate the value of that person until I listened to the words
of Lesty Lout somewhat, thinking only about suppressing that one, like Dunkel Ferger
and Drevechnl, I did not think about using and spreading the knowledge of the
people.When I became the next Aub, I had to think about utilizing instead of
suppressing ... "

Villefried dropped his shoulders and said so.

"I became a good successor for two years in the House of Peers, competed with
Orthinne and was planning to line up with the aristocrat in the upper rank by getting
along with friends, but there are differences between civil apprentices in collaborative
research He was giving up that there is no choice because the opponent is a high-
ranking territory. "

Although I thought that I always had a comparison with myself in Ehrenfest, when I
came to be in contact with other candidates in the lords I heard that I became
confident that I am excellent. I mutter that the confidence was linked to the pride that
"if only this effort would be sufficient."

"I could not think of it because the large territory could incorporate the good part of
the other soon.The industry in the local area also started with that hobby so leave it
to others I thought it was the best. "

486 | 2523
Although it is said that the consciousness of the whole surroundings remains as a
subordinate territory, only Wilfried can not grow up to the sense of the upper rank. I
have to get used to each other as I go out with my friends in the upper ranks.

"If you realize that you are not using it, you should do it in the future, all my precious
things are in Ehrenfest, there is no intention to leave Ehrenfest, my gedourculh is
"If so, I will protect that one as the next Aub, and I will be disqualified as a family if I
can not keep the person who wants to stay in Ehrenfest here."

When Villefried stretched his chest and saw Lesty Lout, the restyraut showed a grin
and fierce smile.

"If you name the next Aubu, show me the gut and protect Rosemain from Dunkel
Ferger and apply for a game of Ditter"

...... After all Ditter.

"Rosemain, I am not the only one who wants to be the first wife of Dunkel Ferger, I
have the agreement from Mr. and Mr. Aub, who are engaged to Aub Ehrenfest using
all means if this is win I urge you to resolve "

He seems to intend to apply pressure as the second largest territory. It surely does
not have a foster's stomach.

"What happens if you do not win the game?"

In response to Wilfried 's question, Restistau rang off with Hun and his nose.

"Rosemain is unnecessary in the stomach that discards the game from the beginning,
until we take the same measures as when we won."
"In other words, if Ehrenfest wins, will Dunkel Verger get out of Rosemain?"
"The game of Ditta is a sacred thing, I swear to God, I will not go out in the future"

Dunkel Ferger who is tyranny and ditty idiot with trouble, but I can trust such a place.
However, it is very fun to carry things to the way the Lestilut is as it is, keeping being
done before getting a match.

...... What is Restraint's weakness?

487 | 2523
In addition to the bad rumors of the adoptive father, in addition to the painful part of
Villefried, my book lovers, weak points are attacked rapidly, and now it is urgent to
win the game of Ditter. I will feel awkward unless I have to fight back a bit and blow a

I look around the room. I wonder if there is any weakness that Restesuto is likely to
stop dittering. I stayed in my eyes, regretting that I could not stop restraint, was
Hannaore, watching me carefully.

"Let's get Hannellore to the second wife of Villefried's older brother when Ehrenfest
"What are you saying, Rosemain !?"

Wilfried and Hannalee changed their facial expressions. Make contact with your aides.
Amazing condition is a bit bigger than when Restzlaut gave me to the first wife. won.

"I am concerned about the health condition in this way, and the second wife is
essential to Vilfried's elder brother. If that second lady is a candidate for a lord of
Dunkel Ferger, it is necessary to foil Ehrenfest Is not it the best? "
"Are you playing the princess of Dunkel Ferger as a second lady like Ehrenfest?"

The restraint that opened the gold stood up to protect Hannaore, and stood in front
of Hannaore. Apparently it seems that it was successful to counterattack with aiming
at weak points.

"Please do not judge whether or not you are joking around. I feel the same with Dunkel
Ferger saying that you want to cancel the engagement that the king has given

If that seriously, I also seriously get Hannaore here. If Dunkel Ferger can finish the
offer of Ditter itself as a crap of a tea party, this is also a joke only.

"... ... Do you really make a reservation for Ditter after considering the above?"

I am glad if I draw you here.

It is impossible to let Mr. Hannaore as a second wife to Ehrenfest. Unlike us to have
no choice but to win a game in order to stop Dunkel Ferger, the condition to put
488 | 2523
Hannerol to the second lady of the middle territory is not to be decided without
consulting with Aub.

...... Sorry, Mr. Hannaore. But, I'd like to avoid as much ditters as possible.

I wonder what I am thinking. Vilfried will soon recover from surprise and smile a
fearless smile against the restistau.

"Mr. Lesty Lout, I'd like you to decide what the important sister is going to do with
such a diver, etc. We recommend you to consult with Aubu. If you accept it as it is,
Hannaore says too It is poor. "
"Wilfried-sama .... Yes, my older brother ... Please do not decide Rosemain-sama or my
future in a cheat at such a tea party Rosemain is already engaged."

It seems that Hannorore 's complaint did not reach Restistau.

"... ... It is not a chef of the tea ceremony, I decided to look for Dunkel Ferger's future
profits and get Rosemain as the first wife."
"Older brother, please do not decide such a serious thing arbitrarily! If you lose, I ...
"Hannaore, it is my father and I who decide who I'm going to get married to"

Hannaore is a little sharp in Resistraut 's decision and then goes down one step.

"What are you going to do, Ehrenfest?"

A glance Wilfried saw me. It is a face that seems to be wondering if I can make a

"Rosemain, can anyone please leave it to me?"

"I will not lose if it's a dituter who treasures me."

Your future is at stake. I will do my best with all my strength. As I pushed forward,
Wilfried looked around the aides in the room.

"We will protect Rosemain, treasure of Ehrenfest, with all our power, lend us your

489 | 2523
Knight apprentices gathered voices and said "Ha!!" Vilfried looked up at the restylau
as it gained power.

"I am going to stand! I am the next Arub, I will not pass the treasure of Ehrenfest easily
to other territory"
"I said well."

490 | 2523
"By the way, when do you do now, whatever it is impossible right now, we must also
match the number of knights."
"I know, I need to arrange for the place, I will contact the referee's schedule of Rufen
and hold down the training ground"

When Wilfried and Restistau begin a detailed meeting of Ditter, the knights
apprentices also come together. In the first year students who can not participate in
the ditters When I attach the theodore to my escort, Leonore also headed for that

"Rosemain, how about some tea?"

Hannero shows a table with a face that is about to cry. There were so many things in
just a few hours. I certainly want to moisten a little throat.
As I headed to the table, the workmen started moving quickly to refresh the tea. When
Bruenhild looked at tea making, Mr. Hannoore muttered with a small voice saying "I
want to talk with Cordura, Rosemain" while worrying about the Lestirauut.

"Please click here"

What was offered to Cordura was a magical tool to prevent eavesdropping. It is a story
I do not want to hear at the restillaou. I will soon hold it in my hand.

"I am sorry that the tea ceremony has resulted like this, my power is insufficient ..."

Although it was a pleasant tea party, I provoked rude things to Villefried and
provoked. When Vilfriedt put it in, I declined Ehrenfest this time and I married to me
in front of my fiancé. And when I declined, I put pressure as a large territory into

"Although I suggested that you did not have Rosemain, I'm really sorry I got a result
like trampling it."
"I am sorry for me because I was involved with Mr. Hannaore just by speculation that
I want to stop Ditter from Mr. Lesty Lout."

491 | 2523
"No, because it is my older brother who crushed the excuse for stopping the ditters
that Rosemain had sincerity"

To the sad smile of Hannaore, I glare at the restistau once.

"I will cancel the conditions concerning Mr. Hanenero if Ehrenfest wins, I just wanted
to stop L'Estireau, and it is too rude to have Ms. Hannerore as my second wife."
"... .... Thank you very much for your feelings, but I will not cover what we have decided
by Ditter, at least with Dunkel Ferger"
"How troublesome ...... No, stubborn ... um ... ...."

I was adamant to me saying that Hannero is "he is right" to me who did not come up
with an appropriate aristocratic language.

"... How is Hannorore-sama wanting to be?"

"How is that?"
"If we have hope for future partners, we will negotiate with Dunkel Ferger so that we
can tie with them when we win."

Rather than becoming the second lady of Ehrenfest, Dunkel Ferger will also be easy
to accept. Hannaore blinked at my suggestion.

"... Because it is decided by my parents and elder brother, I have never hoped such a
hope, but I do not get frightened by the pressure of my brother, I will show Rosemain's
way of going through my will I saw you, I thought that I wanted to choose for myself
for the first time today. "
"Then, when Ehrenfest wins, let's hope for it to Dunkel Ferger."
"We can not afford to put a strain on Ehrenfest any more, I will appreciate it only for
your feelings."

Hannorore said so and smiled. However, the smile is a bit cloudy, as compared to the
usual smile.

"If it is inevitable for Hannorore to come to Ehrenfest, I will be glad and I will do my
utmost to make Hanna More happy, so please do not worry."

When I come to Ehrenfest, I can read the new book first, because I make it a favorite
paradise, and desperately appeal, Hannaore laugh with giggle.

492 | 2523
"It is very pleasing to me that Rosemain did not say you would stop your friends on
this occasion."

Certainly Dunkel Verger is rather troublesome, but Hannaore is an important friend.

At least I will not stop my friends.

"Because Hannero is my friend of mind!"

"Well, it is only one from me to the friend of the heart, Rosemain may think that if
there is a shield of that wind you may think that there is no way to capture it at all, but
the older brother is already doing it I know ... ... so that you will not be disappointed. "

The tea ceremony ended with such a misunderstanding of Hannaore.

"My older brother, sister, I do not understand the meaning, why are you supposed to
go to a tea party and do a doctor betting to cancel the engagement between you two?"

After returning to the dormitory, I gathered everyone in the multipurpose hall to

explain what was going to be a doctor's match and Charlotte turned pale and said so.
It is a wish of Lestirauut, but even if I explain it, I do not understand why it was such
a flow.

"...... Rosemain, when I woke up, I now realized the feeling of being in answer"
"What is more, thanks for understanding, so let's leave the answer that Charlotte can
understand to your elder brother."

When I laughed nicely, Wilfried also smiled with nice.

"No, I want to leave this to the one I'm used to"

"Oh, is not it that I received an indication from Lestylart that it is not good to be left to

I say so and leave it to Wilfried. I did not impose it separately. I wish for the growth of
Wilfried, who explained to Charlotte for a while, cried out, "It is meaningless to explain
anything more than this! It would be the first choice to make a countermeasure!",
Charlotte seems to have given up asking for explanation.

493 | 2523
As I told Hanenerol, I will mention that the shield of Schuheria will be a battle that
may not be used.

"... .... That's why Dunkel Ferger knows how to break the shield of Schulea, Leonore,
do you have a winning number?"
"When you can not use the shield it will be very low, but since you do not know how
much you can not use the shield, the way you do not use it from the beginning is bad,
and even if you can not use the shield, you like Rosemain There are also beasts. "

While nodding in the words of Leonore, Laurentz gives an opinion.

"I think that it is the biggest weakness that Rosemain says to take time to make a wind
shield, I would aim for Rosemain sama like the opening first, if there is a way to break
it, It is awkward when you get inside a shield. "

If you do not keep it at first, you can not shield the shield of Schulea. To cast a shield,
it takes time to cast.

"How is it better to protect? If there is magic that uses the flashy in a wide area to
frighten the other party ... .... like this, using Vachen like a waterfall towards the Dawn
and the enemy ..."

Matiasu calmly dismisses my proposal.

"It is about Rosemain who can use such magic, and if the knights run out of magical
power there, I will not be able to fight after that.Is time to earn a shield more than
anything. It is not done by Rosemain, but a knight If it is not what we can do ... .... "

As Matthias pointed out my lips more sharply, Richard opened up "Are you OK a

"...... Baby, Princess ... It would be more effective if you had a treasure-theft deterter,
two people with less magical powers and higher-ranking high-ranking masters would
replace them."
"It is a matter of adults to talk about what happened in the House of Peers, but it will
not be enough for us to take away the princess by Dunkel Ferger."

As Richards says so, we propose to incorporate the way of old treasure stealing Ditter.
494 | 2523
"What kind of role does the side work with Ditter?"
"Magical power is put in the magician and manages the recovery medicine.Yuidit is
good at long range attack? So, with the magical powerful side to the Yudit, use the
magical tool which the magical power caught The number of magic tools that can be
used will be several times greater than leaving it to Yudit only. "

And the knights who are going to fight are limited in the amount of recovery medicine
that can be held alone, but if they manage the recovery medicine, you can distribute
new recovery medicine to the missing knights.

"There was also a case of letting the side which can use the magic of healing wait.The
side did not fight directly unlike the knight, but it was mainly to assist you to supply
magical power.The civilian battle in the preparation of the magical tool and the
recovery medicine I did not get used to the day. "

I thought that Villefried was going to rush, I looked around the on-the-spot sides.

"Who is the most magical side embarrassment? Let two people put in place of a

It seems that the advanced side who knows how to compress the magical power is
overwhelmingly magical. Ebrdhirde and Wilfried's side apprentice Easi Doll was

"Can I make a Vashen like three people suggested by Rosemain, including me? That
way, the knights can earn time without using magical power, and they can restore
magical power while the knights are fighting However ... .... "

I turned around as Wilfried's word broke as if Brünhild was relieved.

"Rosemain, apparently did not he say that Clarissa is studying witchcraft to support
wizards that have widespread impact in last year's territory competition?"
"Brunhn Hilde, it may be useful, you can not question Clarissa himself, but let's ask if
you do not remember details by Hartmut or Raimund."
"Do not you remember the one who was supposed to be there?"

495 | 2523
I gently stared at the word of Wilfried. At that time I was not very interested and I was
thinking something like Angelica "Everyone is doing a professional and difficult
story." There is no face.

"I will leave the basic strategy to Leonore, but I would like you to make a strategy that
takes advantage of my magical powers"

Ehrenfest also trains with the knights and can do a strong attack because the magical
power is abundant in the candidate lords, but since he is not a knight, he does not do
much collaborative training. Leo Nore laughed at Wilfried's word with Nicolle.

"Let me defend against Wilfried, like Rosemain, Yudit who specializes in remote
attacks, side apprentices, Mr. Villefried who has abundant magical power keeps
defending, the number of knights to attack will increase."

While Wilfried said "I knew", I saw me.

"Rosemain, are there any such treasuries that I could handle? Even at the time of Tani
Suvephalen, did the other party make a mantle of a magical tool and made a gap that
everyone could attack? While protecting it, if Dunkel Ferger can make an unfamiliar
attack, would not he be able to make a surprise? "

Certainly if it can be done, Wilfried who can not join the knight's cooperation but also
has a lot of magical power will be able to wield power. I imagine a sacred tool in the

"If the magic came floating each time I dedicate, it will not function as a sacred tool
unless it can be thoughtful of the magic team and the shape of the martial arts, so I
know the number of days before I can use it Rather than that, I would like to ask the
adoptive father to borrow the temple of the temple, which I think is the easiest, just
use magical power to use it. "

If you try to make a sacred tool with Stap, you will need the magical power to make,
the magical power to keep, the magical power to use and the magical power to use,
but as with the first time when I used the Spear of Leiden Shaft for the first time, , Only
what you need is magical power to use.

496 | 2523
"But I can not use Spears from Leiden Shaft, it's a good weapon to beat a treasure at
once, but I can not attack such opponent like opponent because I am scared when a
spear penetrated a shield."

Wilfried agrees and nods. I think that it is easier to use accustomed weapons if you
add up and down and attack.

"I will use the shield of Schoelia and there is no meaning to be made by Wilfried's
older brother if there is a way to break it.In addition, because the wand of Fleet Lane
heals all the people in the area, the enemy ally I will heal it. "
"Do not worry about it"
"The more you do not use the cloak of the god of darkness, it is better not to use it,
there is a possibility that you can be troubled by being mistaken for black weapons.
The crown of light is a thing to use at the time of contract, things that can be used
during the battle It seems that it is not, the spirit of which I have never used before is
the sword of AVILIVE ... "

"What kind of things can you do with the sword of Avilibe? Is that something special
as a shield of wind all playing harm?"
"I do not have much use and it can only be used in winter, but it's not easy to use, but
it may be just right for this fight, I will borrow an urgent contact with Ehrenfest to
borrow it."

We will summarize the conditions that we can not avoid winning the ditters by
pressure from Dunkel Ferger, the conditions of when we lose, etc, and ask the temple
to send the sword of AVILIVE from the temple. In addition, he added that he wants
Hartmut to ask if he does not remember details about Clarissa's research.

"Send this to Ehrenfest in a hurry!"

"Certainly yes"

When Wilfried's side door came running out, Roderich lifted his face.

"Here I wrote out a magic tool that can be used from Ferdinand's Dittin's Guide, please
help Leonore make a strategy."
"Thank you, Rodrich. For civilian apprentices, please create magical tools and
recovery drugs one by one." Knight apprentice is collecting materials for training as
well "
497 | 2523
Matthias, "Mr. Rosemain, can not bless us?" Among the students who move on to
instructions of Leonore.

"If we can adjust our body to Rosemain's blessing, the winning percentage may be a
bit higher, and the success rate we can gain blessing on our own is low."
"It is not for everyone that I will give blessings ... but ..."

Even if I say that, I can not replace my belly if I think about my future, I can not afford
to choose a means because I can not participate. To be honest, I do not know how
much blessings Dunkel Ferger is getting. I send angelic blessings to the knights
apprentices and send them.

Villefried also went out with the knights apprentices. The only remaining escort
knight, Charlotte, and side workers.

"... ... If possible, I want to deprive Dunkel Ferger's blessing."

Although almost no blessings can be used here, blessing already already familiar with
the body Dunkel Ferger's knights apprentices are a great threat. Today, I had Fan
Furemere 's wand touch Hanknorore, but I can not remember it at all once indeed.

"Wow, I want to enter that archive, although I need permission from the royal family
... ... Royals are busy supplying magical power right now, do not you give permission
to Prince Hildebrandt at the lords?"

Richarda said, "I do not think it is obligatory", but I will ask you for a while. Just give
up if you do not do it. While thinking so, when I sent a letter, Aldonants came flying.

"It's okay if it's only for tomorrow morning, I will also speak to Hanknorore of Dunkel

Hildebrandt's fun pleasing voice is repeated three times.

"...... Ricarda, it's been a while but authorization came out."

"I thought that it would not come out until the royalty had enough room ... ...."

Although it is bad for Richarda which seems to be mysterious, permission has been
given from the royalty at all costs. I made a plan to go to the library.
498 | 2523
The next morning, I am afraid I headed to the library. Beginning in the basement
Advanced Knight Leonore and Theodore, a freshman who can not attend to Ditta, then
I have Richarda and Brynhild.

"Dear, you came"

"Hime-sama, long time no see"

Schwarzs who welcome are very cute, but I do not know why I am called "Hime-sama".
I looked up at Altansia and Sorange.

"Dr. Ortansia, how are the calls of Schwarzs are not amazing?"
"It seems that the way calling has changed since you recently poured everyone's
magical power.When I consulted Prince Anastigius, it was that I would change again
in the future ..."

It seems that it has not changed yet. He was surprised to hear from sudden
Hildebrandt, he was guided to the office. There was already Hildebrand there.

"I'm sorry we are busy, you are going to have to work for my wish ... ...."
"I was surprised quite suddenly, but what does Rosemain look for?"
"I'll tell you after the library is open"

Having sent greetings with Hildebrand, Hannerol arrived. It seems that Hinna Lore's
few aides seem to be few because it is still in special training of Dittar. After giving a
greeting, two librarians told us that "Since the final exam is approaching, we will not
close the reading room", and we are brought to the attention of the students in the
reading room I entered a closed book archive.

From there we will enter the basement by the guide of Altansia. If you open the key
like the last time, the servants begin to move for the preparation of tea.

"Rosemain, the key to the library has opened, please tell me what you are going to find
"I decided to do a game against Dunkel Ferger and Dittor, so I'd like to investigate a
little about rituals and jewels."

499 | 2523
I laugh like Hannaore is a little interesting in my words.

"Is Rosemain something to tell me of Dunkel Ferger?"

"It is not something you are in trouble with."

"Why did you decide to do a Ditter with Dunkel Ferger? Was the other day that Dunkel
Fergus was fighting to have many territories to participate in the ceremony?"

I gave a little shrug.

"I was supposed to be Mr. Lesty Lout, I decided to win a game with Ditta, hey, are you,
"Well, yeah, we do not have much time, so let's investigate quickly, Rosemain."

I told Hannellore, who seemed a little impatient, I took a light hand to Hildebrand and
headed to the architecture behind the transparent wall.

"Hannaore, please tell me a detailed story, do you have no idea to investigate?"

I went to the library while watching Hannorore stop his feet at the call of Hildebrandt.
Schwartz looked up at me and said the same words as before.

"Princess, do not deserve"

"I understand, I will pray next time because I do not have time.Please give me more
information on the ceremony of Fair Furemare and the ceremony that calls spring to
relieve summer heat."

I asked him to do so and I wrote and documented how to make the staff of Fair
Furemare's staff and how to make a carved foundation of the magic team necessary
for the ceremony calling Spring of Hartendzell.

"Didter is known to Prince Hildebrandt, is not it?"

When raising your face to Hannaore 's voice, there is the appearance of Hannaore' s
looking down at me copying the material.

"Is it something you need to be aware of by Prince Hildebrandt?"

When I tilted my head, Hannaore laughed a bitter smile.

500 | 2523
"Have you not been scolded not to do extra things from Prince Anastigius, I will be
called again."
"...... This time it is due to Lesty Lout sama, let Prince Anastigius scold Lestylot."

When asking for agreement that we are not bad, Hannaore said "It is true" with an
ambiguous smile.

"I think that you will be scolded together even if you insist that it is not bad.I have
never been scolded when my brother did something."

Hanna Lore urges you to leave the library while saying so in a taste. There is no figure
of Hildebrand behind a transparent wall in the face.
After closing the key of the library with Hannaore and Altancia, I asked Richarda
"What happened to Hildebrandt?"

"It seems that I remembered an important purpose ... ... For a while I was talking about
books by Bulnhild and Ehrenfest"

Even though the side keeps track of the schedule, it can not be forgotten the important
purpose. It is one excuse for removing the seat. Perhaps it was hard to wait for a long
time to young Hildebrandt yet. I was convinced of Richarda's words.

When returning to the dormitory, the sword of AVILIVE arrived by Hartmut. It seems
that both foster parents and foster mothers who read the report are in trouble at a
level that they can not move with their heads.

"No way Hartmut will come again ..."

"Because it is the task of the chief priest to carry the magician, and you need a detailed
explanation of Clarissa's research, do not you?"
"Do you remember?"

In my words Hartmut nodded "of course it is" of course with a normal face.

"I also took over the consultation of Clarissa, I remember the design drawing because
I helped somewhat."
"Hartmut, it's wonderful!"
501 | 2523
Praising that it is a reliable aide, Hartmut smiled delightfully, "I am honored to be
delighted by Rosemain." After that, tighten facial expression.

"I will be given a room to the castle till the date of the winner of the Dittor and will be
a gift to deliver Avenilebe's sword, so I can also help you create a magic tool.To do my
best to protect Rosemain, Let's do it. "
"... Is not it Zulu to have Hartmut make magical tools?"

When I tilt his head, Villefriit who received the sword of Aveilibe said "What are you

"Brought the men from the temple and asking Prince Hildebrandt to copy the material
and say what it says, if you win it anyway you can not do anything, you can use it."

Magical tools for battle are steadily being made by civil servants around Hartmut.
Knight apprentices repeat battle training and material collection, thinking about
several strategies.
Burunhilde and Eidoru who are supposed to participate in the ditters desperately do
magical compression so that magical power can be increased even a little while
remember the handling of magical tools made one after another.

I taught a special lesson so that I could give out the staff of Fair Furemere, and at the
same time, he taught a wishful story to use the sword of AVILIVE for VIRFRIET.
Join the knights apprenticeship and go out, and make a sword of Avei Liebe in the
same way with Stap, cast a celebration, show a model.


A pillar of white light stood and magical power flew away somewhere again. I thought
that the pillars of light seem to be standing in Dancer Ferger and Ehrenfest at this

502 | 2523
"This day has finally come,"

On the day of Dittter, when heading to the stadium designated by Dunkel Ferger,
Ruffen said that with a hot smile that seems refreshing at first sight. It seems that it is
not fun to be able to do treasure steal ditters at the lords.

"No, I did not think it would be a ditching done at the aristocrat"

By the way, this married ditters seems to be occasionally done in Dunkel Ferger. When
the man married and was opposed to the woman's parent, it seems that Ditters done
by relatives among each other to get a bride are married ditters.

The son-in-law seemed surprised that he got the conditions when Ehrenfest won,
because there is nothing to bet especially just by giving up on losing. Such a custom is
not in Ehrenfest, so there is nothing to gain but I can not keep doing it.

...... persistent Dunkel Ferger It is certainly important for a male to give up.

Ruffen says with "smile" for Rosemine, please come to Dankel Ferger. As I pushed it
away, I overlooked me with a face that I could see at a glance that Hill sur was so bad.
Hirschle is supposed to be a referee from the top of the auditorium as a judge on the
side of Ehrenfest. It is said that Ruffen jumps in the stadium with a cowgirl and makes
a referee. Hill sur was in a bad mood that was to be dragged out of the laboratory as
research fever was excited ahead of the opposition against the territory without
refusing as a dorm president.

"Rosemain, you should have asked me not to disturb my research, but what is it?"
"I was settled by being applied to Dunkel Ferger and I will ask Dunkel Ferger for
"I have already made a complaint."

Even though I knew the circumstances it seems I felt disappointing without saying a
word. I and Villefried are all apologized and apologize as "I am sorry".

503 | 2523
"Finally my research environment has been in place. Now I will be in trouble if I lose
to Ehrenfest"

I guess this is probably Hill Sur's cheer. "... I will try my best" all I had to do was answer.

Looking around the audience seats, students from Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest are
cheering for their support. Several of Dunkel Ferguer in the audience seating saw a
big magical tool. Although I have not covered a helmet, I ask Hannorore who hardened
with whole body armor just like knight apprentices.

"Well, Mr. Hannallole, why do people in the audience have magical equipment? Is not
the participation from the audience seats prohibited?"
"It is a magic tool that Aub has given me to see the state of the battle, and it is a magic
tool for putting in the state of the ditters, since there is no hindrance to battle, I am
glad if you do not mind doing it is"

It seems that he bothered Ruffen, saying he wanted to enter the House of Lords to
watch the married Ditters. It seems that somehow it has been tolerated by using this

"To have such magical tools, Is Aub Dunkel Ferger motivated by this match that Mr.
Hannallore's marriage took place?"

Although I was holding a hope that Aleb stopped at the restraint 's own run, Hannero
looked sadly at his eyes.

"I can not do anything unusual like withdrawing a fixed game once, it seems that
everything wins!"
"Thank you very much for this withdrawing though ...."

Those who are betting as treasure are unbearable though both do not want such a

"Well, let's go ahead."

504 | 2523
Ruffen is the beginning, and the knights apprentices get down to the stadium on a
cowgirl. Shake hands with Hannaore and divorce, I also get into the beast. My cud
beast carries a box containing a lot of magical tools and restorative medicines.

"Older brother, sister, please do your best"

Following the support of Charlotte, I looked around the lower grade knight
apprentices around Charlotte. Today all senior high school escort knights will
participate in the ditters, so I am worried about Charlotte's surroundings. I will speak
to Theodor who is waiting around Charlotte.

"Please protect Theodor, Charlotte, I asked."

"Please leave it to me.I will pray for Rosemain and my sister's fortune from here."

While receiving the support of Charlotte, I got off to the position of Ehrenfest in the
stadium. All the players erase the beast once and line up in the position. After
confirming that Easi Dhour and Brunhildde carried out the box from my cud beast, I
once again arrange the beasts and erase them.

On the front row is an apprentice from a senior to intermediate knight rich in magical
power. Both Matthias, Laurentz and Trauggt are lined up in the front row. In the next
row there is Leonore who gives the overall instructions with an intermediate knight

Behind the two rows of knights apprentices is not the whole body armor but the two
people who put simple armor to protect a part. By the way, I am also a simple armor.
Since it is an armor made with manastones, it is not heavy, but overall armor is
difficult to move unless it is accustomed. Even if the armor made with cardboard is
light, it is the same feeling that there are restrictions on movement in various places.
Even sooner or later I will have to avoid that I will be late.

Between Easdoll and Brunhild, there is Wilfried firmly solidified with whole body
armor. And the most behind is Yudit who conducts a long range attack while escorting
to me with me this treasure.

...... The first opening The key to winning is whether I can set a shield of Schulea.

I think back to the tactics I had while throbbing.

505 | 2523
Léonore tells us to put a shield at Gettelt together with the start signal, to hide in that
shield and cast a celebration to complete the shield of Schugheria.

It seems that it is certain that Dunkel Ferger 's disturbance exists so that wind shields
will not be stretched from the predictions of knight apprentices. However, at the
beginning, both are in their respective positions and the position is far away, so long
distance attack must come.

As a result, all the knights of the Ehrenfest apprenticeship are gettilt and prevent the
attack of Dunkel Ferger, earn casting time, three people of Wilfriit, Easdor, and
Brünhirde striking a wide range of Vashen to the position of Dunkel Ferger It has
Easy doll, who uses magical tools to aid extensive magic at first, touched the waist belt
with a nervous look. Until there is a first signal, you should not have Stap or Magic.

"Both, advance!"

Vilfried holds his helmet under his arm in the voice of Ruffen and moves forward.
From the position of Dunkel Ferger, Restzurau came along with a helmet in his arm
like the same way.

So for the first time I looked at Dunkel Ferger's position. If you strengthen your
eyesight, you can see the state of the opponent's position well. I noticed that there was
a large box at the foot of Dunkel Ferger's position as well. It seems to bring lots of
magical tools and recovery medicine. Because only those who consolidated with
whole-body armor, Dunkel Ferger thought that everyone was a knight, but perhaps
there is a sideburst of martial arts.

...... What do you think is the same? Or maybe this is normal ditching for the other side?

The likelihood of having advice and cooperation from the people of the territory is
high like here.

……Is it alright?

Tension is small and the body trembles. There are several Feldinand tactics spilling
out as the story of the ditters crosses to Dunkel Ferger. If there are advice from the
knights who fought in the past, there is a possibility that several aims of this are leaked
506 | 2523
As well as full backup from the adoptive father who sent out Hartmut as everyday and
borrowed the priestly priest, there were advice concerning various tactics from the
grandfather and the father as well. I can not lose.

Two people, Willefried and Restistau, face each other, mainly in Ruffen.
Ruffen put out Stap before Lille Tierut and Wilfried gathered each other. Wilfried and
restrainut also put out the staple and presented it before and raise it upward
according to the movement of the roofen.

"Let's fight fair and square"

"It is said that we can protect Rosemain from anything more than Aubu.

Together with each other, turning their backs on each other will return to the position.
Ruffen keeps Steap up.

Two people who returned to the position wore a helmet. Ruffen who confirmed it
shimmered the staple in blue, and shook it down greatly with Bun.


Eleenfest's knights apprentices put out Stap and set up a shield all at once. I also put
out a round shield with Gettielto and begin to cast a celebration in the shadow.

"The Statue of the Wind Goddess who will govern the defense"

I grasped the magic tool that Easdor had lowered to the waist strongly once before
me who started to cast a speech and throw it up high in the sky. Several magic teams
are drawn in the air. It is an extensive magic aid made by Hartmut. Originally it was a
magical tool which was a study of Clarissa.

"The twelve goddesses in charge of serving the side"

At the moment when three Vilfriet people who saw the magic team deployed in the
air raised Stap high, "Mr. Matthias said that" Dunkel Ferger threw something! Set all
up! "

"Listen to my prayers and give holy power"

507 | 2523
The next moment, tremendous light shone on the position of Ehrenfest. I was behind
many knighty apprentices, and more than anything, I was able to keep chanting
chanting with little light, thanks to the low spirit that I flew by myself most of the time.
However, the first-line knights apprentices seemed to be completely dazzling, and
there are voices shouting that "eyes are blind!"


Wilfrieds also spelled a spell while trying to cover the face with one arm. Anyway, it
would be good if the water flows to the position of Dunkel Ferger. Even if your eyes
are dazzling and you can hardly see the front, you can do it.
If only magical power, Virfriit, Eidor and Brünnhild entering the upper ranks at
Ehrenfest dormitory are Vashens who almost beat all the power. A large amount of
water like a waterfall flowed into Dunkel Ferguer.

"Wow Aaaa!"
"what is this!?"

Dunkel Ferger's knight apprentice who tried to attack on Ehrenfest 's eyes while he
was dazzling, apprenticeship and knight apprentice who raised a big sword and tried
to attack with full power Knight apprentice like a water dragon It is swept away by
the large amount of water that attacks while swelling and goes rolling and goes.
Although the game was decided when Hannorore was swept away from the position,
it seems that it was unfortunately stopped in the position by knight apprentices who
kept the shield to protect treasure.

Although the power of Vashen who three people included a lot of magical power is
strong, the effect is only about ten seconds. Washen just clean the spot cleanly, there
is no trace, so the cloak wet in the water is not heavy.
It is not more than ten seconds before the knight apprentices of Dunkel Ferger, who
was taken aback by the momentum of the water, being ordered to be ordered "to go
back in a hurry!" And get ready. I earn about twenty seconds in total, but it is enough
time for me to complete the shield of Schugheria.

"Shield of the wind that does not bring harmful things close to my hand!"

A hard sound is made with Kin, hemispherical shield of Shurria is completed. At the
same time, a pillar of yellow light stood up from Schallea's shield.
508 | 2523

The pillar of light is a common phenomenon when performing ceremonies at the

aristocrats, but it was quite surprising as it was not when we made shields so far.
Surprisingly, I look up at the pillar of light. By the way, I usually make a shield of
Schulea with magical power on the ring. It was my first time to pray words of prayer
after making a shield with Stapt changed with Gettelte.

"...... Even though I think from Dunkerfelger's blessing, is it important to ritualize with
Stap and to cast a celebration?"

As I looked up at the pillar of light and murmured, I looked back at me and Yudit as
instructing Leonore to enter the shields of the dazzling knights apprentices.

"Rosemain, rush the sea ceremony in a hurry! Eudit, earn time! The knights will not
be usable"

I instantly put out another staple and produced the staff of the sea goddess Fair
Furemare, who studied at the library and got special training. Spark the staple and
write the symbol of the goddess of the sea Goddess Fair Furemère in the air while
casting "Strait Corben". One procedure is necessary in order not to be confused with
Fleet Lane's wand.

"The goddess of the sea Fair Furemare"

I will start swinging the cane slowly while casting the fairy goddess Fair Furemere's
remembrance of the sea I remembered. Dunkel Ferger returns the blessings given for
this game to the gods.

While I was putting out a stick, Yudit cried out "I'm going!" And jumped on the beast.
Yudit 's beast came running out so that it will replace three Vilfriedes who go down to
drink recovery medicine.


Yudit uses a sling and flies magic tools of the size of softball towards the position of
Dunkel Ferger where he is setting up his position.

509 | 2523
"Something will come flying!"
"Beat back!"
"Get it on the net!"

A knight apprentice suggesting that there is a possibility of explosion captured a

magician that flew over the net that transformed Stap. At the moment the magical tool
touches the net, it explodes and scatters smoke and fine dust like a faint smoke curtain
slightly to the surroundings.

"Oh my, my eyes!"

"Hurray! Hurray! Throat ... ...."
"Do not breathe! Your legs and feet get numb."

Knight apprentices fought at the camp of Dunkel Ferger who was preparing for the
situation, and suffered from the struggle. It is not in such a state as to be very attacked.

"Truly Hartmut, there is no mercy for Rosemain's enemy,"

As I admired Brlynhild was recovering magical power by taking recovery medicine

and said so. It is a magic tool for Huart Mort to explode the powder which was grinding
the fruits of white and red spots called nega - sion which Hartmut collected in knights
apprentices at the harvest place.

The tears do not stop as you enter the eyes, when you inhale from the nose it suffers
from the back of the nose, runny nose comes out, sucking in from the mouth, pain in
the back of the throat, pain in the throat, people getting fever, limbs get numb It seems
to be. If washed away in Vashen, Hartmut said that painful eyes should be taken and
pain should not be prolonged so much. However, I think that the magic of Ehrenfest
is nothing more virulent than Dunkel Ferger who only blinded herself with light.

"Cuddly, it is something I knew two years ago, such as using cowardly hands like
rough seems not to be considered a very saint, so do not be afraid to wash such dust
with Vashen"

...... It was not me, Hartmut thought.

While thinking so, I will turn magical power on the magical tool of body strengthening,
and turn round the cane of Fair Furemare greatly. Along with the movement of the
cane, Zazan, Zazzan and the sound of the sea noise began to be heard. In line with that,
510 | 2523
blessings began being sucked from the body of the knights apprentices of Dunkel

Blessing is forcibly terminated. You can see the knights apprentices who got used to
blessing tinkling. In addition, it deprives Dunkel Ferger's warfare which was burning
with fighting spirit and calms the mind. It will take some more time before the mood
of the battle is excavated.

"What are you going to do, but the game is not over !?"

I hear the voice crying for the restraint at the position of Dunkel Ferger. However, this
is not a ritual that it is a ritual to relieve the heat from the beginning, it must not go
unless it is after Ditter.

... Well, it's not done in the midwinter, though.

"We will devote magical power together with a thankful prayer to the gods who
blessed us."

Put a story of fair Fureméea towards the sky by casting a celebration. A pillar of light
stood up with the sound, and the magical power of the blessing robbed of everything
from everyone came running up to the sky. The knight apprentices of Dunkel Ferger,
who was deprived of blessings from the time before fighting briskly, are stunned, but
this should get a little closer to each other.

By the time Dunkel Ferger's knights apprentices entered battle, the dazzling eyes of
the Knight apprentices of Ehrenfest also seemed to have returned, and everyone is in
battle with a coward beat.

"Although Rosemain eliminated blessings, please do not overdo it.Launchaq is in

Dunkel Ferger, so be sure to compete against Laartark with Traugot and Laurentz."

The voice of Léonore "Ha!" And the voice of Laurentz and Trauggut did. In Ehrenfest's
short range battle, the two who contend for one or two, seem to enter Dunkel Ferger,
who must stop by two people.

Compared to the two years ago when it was scattered in a moment, the Knight
apprentices of Ehrenfest are able to take partnerships, and the magical powers are
also increasing and becoming stronger. Still, Dunkel Ferger seems to be different.
511 | 2523
"Recently, Ditters are more active than before to win blessings in ceremonies,"
Matthias said.

In terms of war potential, if you can compare it to Shogi, Denkel Felger, who has many
people, has plenty of time to screen only pieces other than infantry, although Ewenfest
with few people regularly arranges pieces with infantry blending. Besides, because
we have to stop with Traugot and Laurentz two people, it can be said that there are
differences in personal skill as long as the flight is turned inside out from the

"The blessing of the divine angry fie of valiant to everyone of Ehrenfest"

I will put magical power on the ring and give Angrif F's blessing. I thought to be able
to fight even at least in a match, but since I ceremonially followed the ceremony, I
came to be in a bad state unless magical power is restored.

...... Since my brother Wilfried will use the sword of Aveyriebe, I also need a lot of
magical power to keep my shield.

As a result of trying out variously, the use of the sword of AVILIVE in the vicinity
weakened the strength of the shield of the shurria. Mythically it seems that the sword
of AVILIVE is stronger than the shield of Schoeria. I am staring that Dunkel Ferger 's
shield countermeasures are around here as well.

"Please get Rosemain sitting on a cowgirl and concentrate on recovery inside." Mr.
Villefried will prepare to use the sword of AVILIVE if you signal, Brühn Hilde, Easi
Doll. Please pay attention to the quantity and substitute the magical tool that had
magical power to Yudit. "

According to Leonore and Matthias, it is important for Yudit to attack long distances
and to reduce the number of attackers who can attack by making the number of
people defend for the other side in order to bring even a slight match to a match.

"Natalie and Alexis move, so that Laurentz and a traogot can concentrate on Lahrtard,
Matthias, top ask."

Knight apprentices jump out of the team with instructions from Leonore. As Ehrenfest
moves, Dunkel Ferger also moves.
512 | 2523
"When you are deprived of blessings, Dunkel Verger will not lose to the knights of
Ehrenfest apprenticeship! Go, go Lartalk! Kill Ehrenfest!"

Dunkel Ferger 's knights apprentices rushed out with a coward together with the
voice of Restistau.
The other side is the battle between the knights. I stare at the battle situation while
drinking a restorative medicine with a kindness in a Lesser Bath.

As expected by Leonore, we succeeded in reducing the number of people fighting by

driving a coward by increasing the number of people that Yudit intends to defend by
throwing magician than Ehrenfest. Nevertheless, it seems that it is just as bad if one
thinks of opposing Dunkel Ferger which is as strong as the senior knight of Ehrenfest.

...... Wow, it's fast.

Even though he ought to have taken the blessing, the movement of the knights
apprentices of Dunkel Ferger appears to be a little faster than the knights of
apprentices of Ehrenfest.

"When the blessing is gone, the sword skill itself can not so weaken!"

I saw Laurentz desperately stopping Ral Taqk holding a sword and slashing it.

"Do not take parentheses while receiving a Yudit's magical tool from the front and
hanging down on your nose"
"Shut up! Is not it such a thing that the eyes were dazzled and could not move to this
magical tool!"

The battle in the sky began with a contested battle of abusive.

513 | 2523
"Whether or not you can hold Lartalk will be a split of the game, so do not hold back."

Now that my shurria's shield has been completed and I succeeded in robbing Dunkel
Ferger's blessing, it will be the second mountain to see whether two people, Drukel
Ferger 's strongest Lartalk, can hold back. Matthias said that Ellenfest's victory or
defeat would be decided by how much the opponent's strength could be eliminated
within the first time Dunkel Verger was taking the number of people in defense of the

"Ha ha!"

While Trauggot is raising a voice with a spirit, it is going to slash into Lahrtard. The
sound of swordsmer sounded at short intervals and it turned out to be performing
intense driving. Laurentz is struggling with the feeling that he is assisting the
traumigot rather.

"Only good momentum, but how long will it have?"

For the time being, I realized that Laartark was handling the traagot and Laurenz
desperately attacking. It seems that Lahrtard still has room.

"... ... From the beginning it looks like full power, but is the traagot OK?"

Anyway, it seems that the trauma that was a way of fighting not attacking, just
attacking, looking at the surroundings seems not growing, I will get stupid. However,
Leonore laughed so as to feel relieved.

"Laartark is not an opponent who can be held down without giving full effort and the
recent traumigot is able to listen to the surrounding words and it is okay for Matthias
to change as the momentum of the traogot falls you know"

Militant Mathias is now coaching with a bow and arrow, instructing them to fight over
and over. However, he always pays attention to Lahtaruku, he seems to be able to
replace with Toraugot and Laurentz at any time.

514 | 2523
"I am also going to aid while giving instructions, Yudit, I asked for an attack on enemy

After finishing giving instructions, Leonore who had been staring at the battle
situation jumped over to the coward and jumped out of the shield of Schulea.

Although I look up looking out of the lesser bus, the cow animals in the sky are fast
moving and can not see well.

...... Who are they?

As the position goes round it changes and weapons are exchanged, but everyone is
wearing a helmet, so you do not know who it is. It is Matthias who always looks around
the surroundings and gives directions, and it is only Laurentz and traumat that it is
challenging with two people.

Due to the fact that the Central Knights confirmed the strength in front of the royal
family, there is no apprentice of Knight of Dunkel Ferger attacking towards Shield of
Shurria. It is totally abandoned. Apparently it is probably going to come to this place
after reducing the knights apprentices to a certain extent.

"Yudit, next is this"

Magical power is put in the magic tool Easdor made by Hartmut, and hand it to Yudit.
When Yudit who caught a beast comes out of the shield of Schulzeria, he throws it to
the enemy line with a sling.


When the throwing Yudit came back into the shield, explosion sounds rose and
screams were rising in the position of Dunkel Ferger's position. The Hartmut's
magician seems to be quite powerful.

"Even so, I often made these magical tools, Hartmut."

When I looked into the box filled with magical tools out of the Lesser bus for one
person, Bruhn Hilde who is recovering magical laughs small.

"The civilian apprentices have become immovable in the blending room"

515 | 2523
There are various things in the magic tool which Hartmut made, and the level is
divided by the degree of damage.

The low level is a thing that only Dunkel Ferger's eyes that emit dazzling flashes or
big burst sounds. Then, it is a thing like a bad smell or a slightly bad insect, falling
down, relatively little physical damage. People who are close together will not be able
to use visuals and hearing for a while for a while or take time to kill insects.

Medium levels are those in which tears and runny nose that stopped at Dunkel Ferger
stopped, products with numbness and sleeping medicine mixed in powder form.
Although it is physically damaged, this is basically a powder, so as soon as you get
used to it you will be able to rinse with Vashen. I hope to get to Vashen soon, but if you
inhale completely or swallow it will cause damage a little longer.

And the high level is a reference book of Ferdinand which seems to have been heavily
used at the time of an unprecedented strategy It is a somewhat higher killing power
explosive. Some explosions stone gravels may explode and some explode like
fireworks in multiple stages. It is a magical tool that will be hard if you do not have a

Because Easdoll hands low and medium levels pretty much randomly, I do not know
what I threw unless it exploded. However, I do not know what the flying Dunkel
Ferger's position will fly, well understood only that everyone is struggling with
shields as they are struggling.

...... Attacks against the position seem to be no problem at the moment.

Immediately after judging it, Alexis, an escort knight of Wilfriit, came crawling in the
shield of Scholer with a coward beast.

"Please heal!"

Alexis who got off as if it rolls off the cud beast looks backwards while holding his
arms. When we saw that, when the apprenticeship of the knight of Dunkel Ferger who
had been sweeping up the sword right behind, the apprenticeship of the Knight was
about to be swept away by the wind blowing from the shield.

516 | 2523
It was an apprenticehip of Dunkel Ferger 's knight who was struck by the shield and
lost his posture, but he seemed to know not to put in this, so he quickly regained his
body and flew to the battlefield.
Because the follower turned his back and confirmed that the inside of the shield was
safe, Alexis took off his helmet while exhaling breath of relief.

"Dunkel Ferguer is much stronger than when we handed it around when the House of
Lords started, as individual skills are up, I think that the battle line will collapse more
quickly than expected."

It seems that Alexis was struck by the opponent who thought that he could be
suppressed by himself. Now somehow it keeps the battle line by helping Leonore and
Matthias, but Alexis seems to have felt it had not been long. Villefriit, the Lord of the
Alexis' report, raised her face and looked up to the place of battle.
I also look up at the top in the same way. It certainly seems that the movement of
Ehrenfest can not afford.

"I heard that Dunkel Ferger is doing many times in a dormitory to be able to obtain
blessings in rituals, and training time and seriousness may not be comparable with
the normal year."

The difference in the number of times of training and the degree of seriousness is that
in Ehrenfest there is still no blessing by knights apprentices alone, whereas Dunkel
Ferger is getting stable and blessed in rituals .

"... ... I also train Ehrenfest considerably"

"The other person is training more than that, although Dunkel Ferger has many senior
knights, but there are many intermediate knights in Ehrenfest, even though they are
trying hard to compress magic, The competence will definitely make a difference. "

Magical compression is basically yourself desperate to do. Where I taught a multistage

compression method, it is up to him. Dunkel Ferger is always doing a doctor in the
territory and it is not understood whether it can go out against the territory
competition by the work skill.
Ehrenfest's war potential is raised by strengthening training by his grandfather, but
despite individual desperation compared to Dunkel Ferger it is different.

"Alexis gives healing, so that we can get back soon"

517 | 2523
I put Ling Sumer's healing as I took out the ringed hand of the ring out of the window
and asked him to come closer to Alexis. Alexis healed the wound with green light
drinks recovery medicine at a stroke and hooks a new recovery medicine on the waist

"I got hurt!"

Now Natalie has jumped in. When Alexis makes the look strict, he hands the bottle
that I finished to Brühn Hilde, wears a helmet, rides on a coward so as to replace

"Natalie, to here. Learn to heal Sumerl"

"Sorry, Rosemain-sama"

I healed Natalie, the apprentices of the two knights jumped into the shield this time.
The number of people seeking recovery is increasing, although Dunkel Ferger's
defense is supposed to be counted and this one should be fighting in a favorable
number of people. As the number of people returning to recovery increases, the
number of people on the battlefield will compete and Ehrenfest will soon be

"How is the battle situation?"

"There is no better, Matthias in my place, Leonore is fighting for him."

It seems that the two people looking around the battlefield and issuing instructions
are in a situation where they have to go to attack.

...... Matthias was not a substitute for tra aggut and Laurentz! Is it?

I rush to find Ewenfest's cloak that is fighting with two people on one blue cloak. The
movement of the traumigot who was fighting with full power from the beginning was
dull, now Laurentz has gone out front and the traumgot is making an assistant

"Traumegg, come back once!"

The traumigot is already in a state where recovery is necessary. The voice of Laurentz
echoes. However, the traumigot cried, "It's useless!"
518 | 2523
"I am ordered to hold the Laltaruk with him and I. I will not be able to leave here until
a replacement person comes or I have another order and I will endure it!"

Laurentz responds "Oh!" To the words of Trauggot who seemed to have judged that
he was judged to be able to move by looking at the war situation rather than just
wanting to fight.

Collaboration between Traugot and Laurenz seems to be working well at the moment,
but with Matthias filling in injured people, you can not replace it with a traogot. If two
people accumulate fatigue, there will be no one who can suppress Lahrtaruk.

... ... The way of fighting initially thought has collapsed.

In addition to the battle line being disturbed, I also continue healing in the midst of
recovery of magical power, so magical power does not recover.


However, it is important to make the knight apprentice fight now.

When I healed the knight apprentices that I come back one after another while feeling
being pressed tightly by Dunkel Ferger, the voice of the restiraux echoed.

"The battle line there is disturbed! The defense here is good! Strike Ehrenfest at once
in the present!"

I guess he saw it as a winner. Dunkel Ferger reduces defense of the position and turns
to attack. There is no way it can endure the apprenticeship of the Knight of Ehrenfest
who is becoming the number of people.

"Rosemain, do you think you can go?"

Wilfried points his deep green eyes to the box containing the sword of Avilibe.

"It will be necessary to recover everyone and to rearrange the battle line, earn time."
"I think it's good, because I will assist you with all my strength, please never interrupt
the ceremony"

519 | 2523
I looked around those who were in the shields while Wilfried reflected the sword of
Avilibe at the edge of sight.

"Please attach to Brunhild, Yudit and use high-level magical tools two or three times
in a row.If you are currently receiving low and middle level magic tools, now you have
a big Dunkel Ferger You will be able to do damage, you may be able to increase the
number of people who are going to defend and recover. "
"Certainly yes"

When Brünhild took a high level magic tool, he went to Yudit. With Yudit 's tense face,
he drives a coward with his magical tool in his hand.


Yudit throws the magician towards the enemy team that has become thinner just after
the knights apprentices have defeated the team so far.

Until now, it seems that sound, light, powder, etc. had taken care of where there was
not so much damage. Don! And as the smoke and flame rose along with a big explosion
sound, Hannale 's scream rose. Not only the apprentices who just flew the teams but
also the apprenticeships of the knights who were pushing Ehrenfest in a turbulent
turning back.

"Damage is different from now and it will return! Please come again!"

The voice of the knight apprentice who saw that Yudit throws off the second bullet is
raised, and those who were in the team take a shield and take a position of defense.
Immediately after the explosion the stone's gravel jumped out.
Wilfriit who saw an apprenticeship of the knight of Dunkel Ferger who was struggling
to explode with a different scale from the screaming enemy team, left the shield of
Schuheria with the sword of Aveilibe.

"All the recovered knights should follow the guards of Elder Villefried's guards, please
do everything to keep the ritual from being interrupted"

You can not use the sword of AVILIVE in the shield of Schuheria. When it is activated
inside, the shield of Schuheria disappears.

520 | 2523
The sword of Aveilibe is already full of magical powers, but as the spear of Leiden
Shaft wears a blue lightning, magical power more than full tan was needed, in order
for the sword of AVILIVE to exert its power as a sacred tool More magical power is

"Easier Doll prepares for recovery"

"I understand."

Using Avenilebe's sword, you will use almost all of the magical power and then you
will not be able to move. A collector is required to use it. This is the side of Wilfried,
the role of Ejir Doll, a man. It can not be left to Brünhild.

"I will do something! Stop it!"

"I will not let it!"

Putting magical power on the sword of AVILIVE Knights who defend Wilfried throw a
throwing net and throw a magician of Hartmut while checking the knight apprentice
approaching Wilfried.

Changes will begin to appear in the sword of the Avilibe held by Villefriit. The blade
made of white manastones began to glow white and began to warm cool. As more and
more magical powers are put in, the cold air which was fluctuating gradually becomes
darker and changes to ice and snow.

"The God of twelve beings who serve the side of the god of eviliebe, the god of life that
controls regeneration and death"

Vilfried who grasped the sword straight so that the cutting edge faced upwards in
front of his own chest gently closed his eyes and began to cast words of prayer.
Vilfried's voice echoes in the stadium, and the knight apprentices of Dunkel Ferger
who heard the name of God change their complexion and rush towards Villefried.

"Do not pray until the end!"

"Stop it!"

While surprisingly surprised that the knight apprentice that had entered so far
suddenly changed direction, the Knight apprentices of Ehrenfest desperately followed
the other.

521 | 2523
"Do not approach!"

An arrow comes down from the knight apprentice of Dunkel Ferger to interrupt
Wilfriit's prayers. The surrounding knight apprentices desperately knocked down,
but one and two reached Wilfried. However, it is repelled by Ferdinand's amulet, and
magical attacks return to those who shoot arrows.

"Listen to my prayers and give holy power and give me the power to defend Gedululhi
from those who are trying to rob Gedululich."

The wind mixed with ice and snow mainly starts with Villefriit. Feeling the power of
Averieve and the apprenticeship of the knights of Dunkel Ferger who warned what
happens, will try to get a little distance.

"Praise to Hims praises the passionate thought best feeling Inflexibility Give us the
protection of the enemies, give us power. "

Kappevilfried opens his eyes and sets the sword.

"Ehrenfest, come back!"


The knights of the Ehrenfest apprentices who know what will happen will return
instantly to the shield of Schulea. I poured magical power steadily and spread the
shield a little, but it got more precise as I keep it.
You can not use the shield of Shurria and the sword of Avei Liebe at the same time.
When you use the sword of AVILIVE nearby, it is very exhausting magical power to
maintain the shield.


Villefried puts in a spirit and pays the sword of Avilibe to the sideways. At the same
time, the lord of winter lord made of snow and ice took about twenty shapes. At the
same time, Wilfried sat down so that it collapsed on the spot.

"Wow! Why, is this !?"

"Defeat! Do not fear! This is a monster!"

522 | 2523
In the apprenticehip of the knight of Dunkel Ferger, the winter affair strikes the team.
It is a kind of strength that changes according to the magical power of the surgeon. It
is a great giant that takes away most of the magical power in one swing.

Easier Doll, waiting at the end of the shield, jumped out and recovered Wilfried and
came back to the shield soon. And let Vilfried drink a gentle refreshing medicine.

"Slightly ... ... I think time will make it?"

"Yeah, it seems that everyone can recover thanks to Vilfried's older brother, Yudit, if
you recover, please prepare and we will convince the attack."

If you defeat the winter kin, Dunkel Ferger will return to the team once for recovery.
That's the target.

"I will put the most powerful things in successive places where they are recovering, if
possible, something that can destroy your recovery medicine is good,"

It seems that Dunkel Ferger 's recovery medicine is packed in the box that the knight
of the whole body armor firmly protects, but as soon as the number of people using
recovery medicine increases, it is necessary to open it. Throw magician in there and,
if possible, want to destroy recovery medicine.

"Will you aim for recovery medicine, surely it is necessary also to cut off recovery and
supply, it was also listed in the uncle's article"

While clearing the sword of the Avilibe wrapped in a box with a box, Wilfried says, "I
understand, it's a necessary strategy, but even if it is said to be bad, it is natural".

"Wow ... Ehrenfest is clearly inferior in attack power compared to Dunkel

Ferger.When that treasure is a monster, I will put a piece in one stroke, but since it is
Hannalee, It is best to go and the recovery medicine is in the way to do it. "

In the fight between Ferdinand and Hisuzzse last year, treasure Hannaore did not
leave the position from himself. I will not leave the team by themselves unless you get
close to the place where the band of light of Stap reaches and pull it out.

"A little more! Defeat it quickly"

"Start the recovery in order!"
523 | 2523
Wilfriet is a devil created by the magical power of one person. If the knight apprentice
of Dunkel Ferger is knocked down, it will take time, but it is not too hard. It is
beginning to recover while defeating the winter's dependents.


Two people, Leonore and Yudit who received the magician from Brunhild, jumped out
and throw a high level magician in succession. Exploding on the team of Dunkel
Ferger, those who are recovering screamed.

"Wow Aa! Recovery drugs!"

"Which one is safe?"
"Next will come! Shield! Prevent!"
"Close the box first!"

I can see that the position of Dunkel Ferger is tough. Restistau raised anger 's voice.

"Rosemain, how much is anything hypnotic, mean scornfulness and evil! Well, are you
a saint !?"

I do not remember saying the saint and I heard that it is worse for Guardian of
Ferdinand to break off. Ferdinand who wrote such a spiritual writing is bad, whether
it is a damned Dunkel Ferger. In other words, I am not bad.

"Aim at shooters that fly magical tools, aim intensely aim not to throw anything

Until now it was basically in the shield and prioritizing those who aim at other knights
apprentices rather than aiming at Yudit who had thrown a magical tool without much
physical damage when coming out a little from the shield It seems. However, if the
damage caused by magic tools becomes enormous, the story will be different.

"That archer always comes out of the shield when throwing, it must be an attack
judgment against the shield of Schuheria. It will always come out of the shield when
attacking here, do not miss that moment!"

524 | 2523
Yudit trembled with Bercri in the voice of Restistau. Is not Restzlaut really going to
fight, because the team was watching the war situation? I think I'm looking closely.
That's right.

Lestilout adds, "Then, also aim for Rosemain."

"Rhythmain's magical power that has kept rituals from the beginning in succession,
keeping shields all the while, and keeping healing magic while the knight apprentices
are taking a rest is not so much recovering. Nevertheless, everyone will attack and
destroy that shield. I will use it. "

Even in the dedication ceremony, after receiving massive attacks from the Central
Order, Restzruaut said so that I was recovering from taking medicine before the

"Rosemain, is that so?"

I nodded at Leonore's question. He performed the ceremony in succession first,

healed continuously before recovering, and used a lot of magical power to keep the
shield so as not to defeat the sword of Aveyriebe. And he kept healing while
postponing his recovery that everyone should recover after turning into an attack.

"Since the magical power to maintain shields and beasts still remains, you will be able
to bear if the number of attackers is small, but I do not mind that it will be the total
attack by Dunkel Ferger"

When the strength of the shield was examined by the Central Order, the magical
power was cut considerably. If you are watching the fight of Dunkel Ferger of today,
you can not get ahead of the knight apprenticeship.

"I do not care for Rosemain's magical power ... ...."

Knight apprentices in Schallea 's shields all look uneasy at once. I know that I am
worried that the absolute safety sphere is lost, but Dunkel Ferger has no shield of
Schulea and is only protected by individual shields.

"Even if we do not have such a face, we should reduce the number of apprenticeships
of Knight of Dunkel Ferger as much as possible"

525 | 2523
Wilfried stood up and said so.

"Neither me nor others have already recovered by receiving the healing of Rosemain
Everyone at Ehrenfest will protect Rosemain. You can earn time to recover the
magical power of Rosemain. Is not that different? "

I was pushed too quickly and the battle line was just broken. It seems to me that it is
not easy to reduce the number of knight apprenticeship of Dunkel Ferger.
Nevertheless, the knight apprentices stir up like it is not as difficult as it is.

"Defend the saints of Ehrenfest! Do not bring Dunkel Ferger close to the shield of

526 | 2523
Apparently there is a secret strategy to capture the shield of Scholeria If you approach
Dunkel Ferger, the apprentices of the knights of Ehrenfest will jump out the shield
while holding the magical tool in their hands.

There are only four people remaining in the shield: me, yudit, ejdor and brunhild.
Vilfried also went out with a magician while saying, "At this time the candidate lords
will move first." In that way, I think that it is inferior to your adoptive father that I try
to stand at the beginning of everyone.

"I will protect you without fail"

As I said so, I looked around on the back of everyone going out of the shield of
Schulzriely reliably, I touched the cylinder containing the refreshing drug, one of the
medicines I put on my back.

……What should I do?

It is better to recover magical power if it is possible. There is more to be done if there

is magical power, so at least it can be relieved. However, I am already taking a
restorative medicine with kindness. It is not yet in effect. It is dangerous to drink a
vigorous masu recovery drug on this. It becomes overdose. As you can see from the
fact that Richarda and Hartmut are strictly managing the amount to drink, it can not
afford to drink as quickly as it requires magical powers.

...... If you exceed your dose without permission, you will be mad at Mr. Ferdinand.

Considering from the situation where you constantly use magical power to keep a
cuddling beast and a shield, you do not know at the current recovery speed that you
can accept all the attacks of Dunkel Ferger. Given the remaining amount of magical
power and the speed of recovery, I want a remedy for refusing to recover, but if you
do not do it you may have trouble like dedication as magical power increases too

...... Let's be the last resort.

527 | 2523
I do not know whether it really has any effect on the secret to break the shield. Let's
see how Dunkel Ferger is appearing. I gently released my finger from the barrel and
turned his eyes to the other side of the shield. A fierce battle was about to begin there.

"Go ahead yeah! Scare me!"

"Never become closer!"

Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger, cowards who jumped out of their respective teams
rushed to the place close to the center. It is contrasting with the blue cloak that runs
as a big clump and a bright ocher colored spreading to wrap around it.

"Rosemain, I will do everyone's support"

Yudit hands the magician with the magical tool received from Brünhild in hand, from
where he left the shield a little towards the group of Dunkel Fergus. It is a high level
magical tool that I threw to Dunkel Ferger that is still away so that there is no damage
to Ehrenfest.

"Avoid it!"

It seems as though they have noticed the magician that the blue cloaking flying in the
sky fly towards here, all together, scattering up and down and side to side all at once.
There seemed to be few people who suffered from the magical tool which fell to the
ground and burst, and the knights of Dunkel Ferger gathered again and gathered

"Attack at once!"

According to Wilfried's voice, Knight apprentices of Ehrenfest who had been running
with cow beasts spread widely throw magician from there.

An explosion sound is generated from this place in the stadium, and the dust comes
up. Dunkel Ferger 's Knight apprentice has been falling down from a coward and one
person, and it has been bounced off by a shock, but even then, the momentum of
Dunkel Ferger' s coming over does not stop. He wanders around Lahrtaruk while
avoiding magic tools and goes towards the position of Ehrenfest while repeating the
scattering and scattering.

528 | 2523
The voice of Restistau sounded. At the same time, the nominated Lahrtardk sword
begins to shine in a complicated color like rainbow color. Ferdinand is a great giant
that uses a lot of magical power which he often uses when he is defeating a mighty
monster. It is a technique that will be enough attack power just by the shock wound
around the circumference.
That is directed towards you. I felt bloody in a blink of an eye.

"are you serious!?"

I heard Vilfried's shouting voice, but I want to agree with my full power. I began to
strengthen Schriel's shield in a hurry to desperately scrape up the magical powers
that are recovering. I've never received such an attack on my own.

... ... Because I will die! If you receive such a thing in front of you absolutely die!

It was a light that was a few steps smaller than the light that Cornellius brother
showed to save the monster with a ditch with Dunkel Ferger two years ago. Because
it should be able to produce a bigger light from the perspective of Lahtaruku 's
fighting, it probably is somewhat arrested. Even so, it's not something that you can
feel at ease.

"If you do not want to die you can retreat!"

Raartark swings the sword swayed greatly. The light got struck. A torrent of light of a
complicated color hits me at the position of Ehrenfest.
Although it seems that each is defending at Gettelt, the knights apprentices of
Ehrenfest were caught up in the shock of the attack, and it seemed that they could not
tolerate and were blown away.

In the torrent of the light coming straight here towards this while kicking everyone,
the serious side of Brünhildde who has never been to such a battlefield collapses on
the spot losing its attention "Eh!", Easier dolls waist Embrace your head to sneak and
sit down and protect yourself.

Only Yudit who remained inside the shield as my escort, spreading the cloak large in
front of my cud beast, turning his back against the light, stood to protect me from the
light with my back.

529 | 2523
"I can only do this, though,"

The shield of Bali Bali Bali and Schuler is ringing so as to scrape out the voice of Yudit.
Even if protected by the cloak of Yudit, the field of vision became pure white in the
gigantic light that had been hit to defeat the shield. With the roaring sound that makes
the ear kink, the magical power necessary to maintain the shield is drawn out at once.

I just concentrated myself on putting magical power on the shields. Brunhild, who is
losing consciousness, falls, Easier doll holding a head to crown, Yudith standing
spreading the mantle. The only thing that can protect three people is the shield of

I do not know how long it took before I endured that light. Was it a very long time, just
a few seconds?

The light disappeared and the color and shape came back to vision where it was pure
white. Although the ear has picked up only the vaguely sound as though the
membrane was still applied, the sound which is fighting in the distant direction is

Yudit was still standing spreading out the cloak before me who returned to me. Yudit
is in the same posture, but the angle looking up is different.


Did he concentrate too much on maintaining the shield, or was he trying to pour all
the magical power into keeping the shield? The coward that was supposed to have
gone on disappeared, and I was sitting on the ground. A corali and a manastone for a
cuddling that rolls hit the fingertip.

"... ... Was it over?"

As Yudit sees a stupid appearance with the mantle spreading, he asks. I stood up and
looked up and nodded by confirming that the shield of Schomeria was still there.

"There is still a shield, you must have done."

At the moment when you relax and breathe out with Hot and Yudit, a dark shadow
falls between them.
530 | 2523

I was surprised that something came up and looked up again. Foot and cowards
disappeared when I thought that the cow animals had big wings widely in close
proximity. Instead, the restraint with a black big shield on the left arm jumps off
towards the shield of Schulea.


It was supposed to be played. There is no way for an enemy while Ditters to compete
to come in. Still, Restzurau crossed the shield of Schaler, as if he pressed his body
against a black shield.

"Why, why?"

Compare the shields of the restraint and the shurria. There is still a shield of Schulea.
It was not destroyed. Just a little magical sucking, the shield itself has not changed

Restraint who came in from the top gently takes passive standing up. Yudit instantly
stood in front of me with the sharp gashagasha and the armor rising.

"Mr. Rosemain, behind me"

Udit quickly deforms the staple and slashes the restraint. However, before Yudit 's
sword arrived at Restistau, Yudith was brought out of the shield.

"Do not put anyone who has harm or hostility to those who are in this shield, even if
you go inside without harm, if you turn into an attack inside it will be launched ..."

Restyraut looked back on laughing carefully and saw Yudit who had not re-entered
the shield of Schulea. Right now, I am in Shield of Shurria, I, Restylau, Brunhild, Easi
Dore. Yudit who has hostility to the restillaou can not come in.

"Why was Lestylart entering?"

As I stepped down one step, I got up one eyebrow.

531 | 2523
"I have no harm to others."

It is a lie. It is hostile with a ditta. Even without harm, I recognize that I am an enemy,
and anyone who is hostile can not enter. A black big shield shining brightly. That
sucked up the magical power of the shield and must have opened a hole only for that

"... It is because of that black shield, is not it?"

While saying "My answer is correct" to my words, Restzurau slowly strokes the black

"There is no more shield to prevent magical attacks with a shield made of the highest
quality dark manastone and you can also escape the wall made from magical
power.One shield of this time It is the treasure of Dunkel Ferger that Ave sent to
overcome it "

Resistraut smiled hard at me and said, 'I can not let it pass Ehrenfest to Hannerol so
easily.' It seems that Dunkel Verger also borrowed this black shield from Aub, as we
brought out jewels from Aub.


Yudit's scream sounded. It is surrounded by Dunkel Verger Knight apprentices, and is

tied up with a shining band of Stap.

"How about blowing out the shield? Then you will not be playing anyone, you will
come in."

I bit my lips in the words of Restillaut. You can understand immediately as you look
around. There are no friends like friends who can come to help. Only the blue cloakers
are near the shield of Schomeria. Even though each one thinks of having a staple, it
will be pulled out by a band of light when the shield is erased. If you put a shield, at
least I will not be attacked.

But ....

532 | 2523
I can not expect to cheer from outside, because I am in a shield like this. You will have
to drive yourself to destroy the restylau, and to defeat it yourself.

……Dangerous. There is no magical power.

I know a lot how incompetent myself is without magical power. Although there are no
fighting skills, and although it is somewhat healthy, there is also the possibility of
falling down on the spot if you move badly.

Jimmy another step I went down.

Measure the distance to the box packed with magical tools while descending. I and the
restillou and the box that I face draw nearly an isosceles triangle, but if the distances
are nearly the same, I think that the resilut is faster than going for it. Considering that
it will be destroyed, pushed out of the shield, or doing extra things, it would be better
not to target magical tools in the box.

As I was desperately searching for a winning means and attacking means, Lesty Lout
came a step further, one step further.

"More than half knights have been blown away in Lahrtarduk and the remaining
knights have also struggled against the opponent Dunkel Ferger, whose shields are no
longer functioning, we have decided on winning or losing."

A big hand of Restfulud who is mostly adult growing towards me. The palm is spread
out in front of my own eyes.

"Take my hand, Rosemain"

I can not attack me from the restraint in the shield of Schuheria. It can not be forcibly
dragged out. Winning and losing will not be decided until I take my hand and leave
the team.
I compare the expression of the extended hands and the restistau that is convinced of
the victory and I glare at a glance.

"I do not want it."

Do not throw or drop yourself. Well then it seems like I chose Dunkel Ferger. Even
though I feel angry at Dunkel Ferger who has set aside a selfish game, I do not intend
to choose Dunkel Ferger from me.
533 | 2523
In the answer I gave you, Restzlaut blinked just like a little surprised, changed the
position of the body slightly, turned the bites and cloak.

"It is not bad to be strong, but as long as you make it more obvious, the injuries of the
Knight apprenticeship at Ehrenfest will increase,"

With the cloaking cloak, the knight apprentices who fought outside the shield of
Schoeria could be seen well. Beyond the shield the apprentices of the Knights of
Ehrenfest are desperately striking. To protect me, I can see that he is fighting against
the defeat.


Villefried sends out a sword and hears a crying voice crouched out as an apprentice
of the knight of Dunkel Ferger. No one has given up yet. I missed going further to
surrender. Only feelings that I do not want to lose will be recruited.

"... ... I did not want to do just this means."

I hold hands on my waist, take the tube containing the medicine, push the upper
manastone and open the lid. I could not say anything and I got an intense smell, I
breathlessly breathed "ugh". I will hesitate unintentionally for drinking after a long

"What, are you going to drink?"

After seeing the upset of restraint 's eyes that was plentiful enough, I drunk a lot of
hard medicine at a stroke.

"Hugo Wow!"

I can not tolerate the intense bitter tears of the tongue and the stinky smell coming up
from the back of my throat, I crumble down on the spot while holding my mouth,
twisting my body torturing my body.

...... It may die before winning!

"Rosemain, that person ... ...."

534 | 2523
A restraint with a different complexion came over and took a knee in front of me.

"If it is poisoning!"

……Wrong! It is not poison. It's medicine! ...... for one time.

I want to argue, but I can not do it very well. I hold back my mouth with watery eyes
and endure for a while for a bad taste. I knew that magical power recovered and pulled
out the power of my body. Because I was agonized, I feel that my physical strength
has decreased considerably, but my physical strength also recovers.

As I was waiting for recovery while falling heavily, I touched my cheek lightly like the
restraint turned around. A small sound is heard and the restraint's hands are played.
Although the restraint with a black shield was never played by the shield of
Schugheria, the charm that Ferdinand had to have responded.

"... ... I hate that much, Rosemain"

I can slowly open my eyes while saying "Is not it a reason for you" to a muttering like
the restraint's power came out?

"Hey, Mr. Lesty Lout, I have not lost yet"

I stood up in front of a big eye-catching restraint, and I paid the grass and soil on my
hair and clothes. Magical power is recovering.

"My wife Villefried, like Lestilut, I will opponent. Please take Hannalee away!"

In order to catch me at the moment the shield disappeared, the apprenticeship of the
Knight of Dunkel Ferger, which I can afford, is near the shield of Schulea. The closest
thing to Hannaore is Wilfried who just knocked down the knight apprentice of Dunkel

"I will commit the victory of Ehrenfest to my brother Wilfried ... ... Lanze!"

I picked up a spear of Leiden shaft wearing a blue lightning, and I turned to Restylau.
Hannaore's opponent does not have any feeling of using it at all, but if it is Restzurut
it will not need to be held back.

535 | 2523
Restistau holds a black shield while wary of Leyden shaft's spear. Dunkel Ferger's
knight apprentices rushed out with a coward to defend Hannellore, while others are
looking at Spears of Leiden Shaft.

I made it with my own staple, so I held the spear of Leiden Shaft which I do not feel
the weight with my hands. The aim is a black shield of Restillaut. Otherwise, you can
drive the restraint out of the shield.
I can not do anything about martial arts but I can just wiggle my spear.


Restraint lightly avoided the spear that I protruded. As I was avoided, I turned the
spear sideways. It can be a mess. If you hit it for the time being, it will be some kind of

"Although not badly bad, the spear is dangerous."

Regardless of my skill, spears are definitely dangerous goods. I will not be able to
touch Restes Lout too. After a brief momentary battle, Reistirau received a spear of
Leiden shaft I properly swaying with a black shield.
Gachin! And a hard sound made, a spear and a shield hit. At the next moment, an
intense sound like magical power and magical power will repel, and light can be
played on the surface of the black shield.

Unexpectedly, Restzurau shakes the shield and plays my spear. In my hand was a
spear that lost the blue light.


Look at the spear that lost the light with the eyes that Restesauut saw incredible
things. On the contrary, I was staring at the shield of Restistau.

... ... The shield is gold powder from the middle.

The black shield was not dark now but dyed in a light yellow color and started to
scatter as gold dust from around the center where the spear was hit.
Restirut that seems to have noticed ahead of my eyes raises a voice saying "Wow!?",
Overlooking the shield.
536 | 2523
"Rosemain, that person ... ... What is that !?"

Immediately after noticing the shield which turned gold powder, after shouting at me
shouting at me, Restzlaut was flicked out of the shield.

"Rosemain, that shield is the treasure of Dunkel Ferger!"

While seeing the shield gradually disintegrating, Restzurau is barking at the other side
of the shield of Schulzria, but what you have begun to gold dust by magical saturation
will no longer go away.

"Even if such a thing is said, it is not surprising that Fleet Lane can take away Gedululhi
outside, it is an accident that caused the violence of Avalieve."

Leave it to my anger to attack the Shield of Shurria, look at the restraint being bounced
back, I stroke my chest.

"With this, the loss of Ehrenfest has ceased, afterwards if Vilfriit's elder broke away
Hannaore's ... ..."
"Something will come from the sky! Please be careful!"

Hill sur ruled loudly while refereeing at the spectator's seat higher than the stadium.
Looking up at the top of the bass with a sharp warning voice, a lot of shadows appear
in the sky above the stadium, and they rush in with the voice.

"The saint of Ehrenfest is the winner! Do not give it to Dunkelfluger!"

It was not one territory that jumped into the stadium. Knight apprentices of colorful
cloaks firm themselves in armor and have weapons in their hands.

"Do not disturb me!"

"Did you forget that even small and medium-sized territories were not able to win
against us !?"

Dunkel Ferger's knights apprentices turned the beast upwards to respond to the
restraint's anger, which was shaped to disturb Ditter. While holding up weapons, they
rushed up towards the sky while revealing their anger.

537 | 2523
The one left in the enemy's battle was one man who could not move from the place as
a treasure.

"Hannaore sama!"

As Magic Attacks from various territories fell from the sky, Wilfried invoked
Hannorore sitting in the shade of the shield with a shield at Gettielt. That Vilfried also
puts out a shield to prepare for attacks from above.

"There is no defense Now, it is dangerous to come here Please come to Ehrenfest, at

least because there is a shield of Rosemain, I think it is safer than here"
"But, I can not leave here ..."

An attack from the sky hit the shield of Villefriit in front of Hannorore who shook his
head. "Cash!" And Hannalee gave a little scream, and from the mouth of Wilfriit "Uwa"
a small groan leaked.
After enduring the attack, Wilfried handed out Hannorore.

"If you win only with Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest, I will not say such a thing, but now
there are dangerous outright people.With such an intrusion it will be difficult to
continue the ditters. Please think about your safety first. "

If you look at the blue cloak trying to hold down the colorful cloak trying to go down,
you are mad at getting in the way of getting in the way, so you can see that the game
is still not winning.

Looking at the magic of attacks coming down one by one, you can see that the
opponent is trying to get in the way of Dunkel Ferguer trying to get the Eleenfest's
saint instead of trying to get the same number of people.

And, if you look at the dark green eyes of Wilfried, who hands you out, you can see
that he is considering the safety of Hannaore than the game is going to.

Hannaore stood up.

Turn off the shield with your own will and leave the team, take the hand of Wilfried.
Hannaore laughed at Wilfried who showed a relief expression that Hannalee had
538 | 2523
"I will come to Ehrenfest"

Quietly, as attacks from various territories began to fall, we decided the win and loss
of the Ditters match.

539 | 2523
"Ehrenfest, please go back to the shield! Bring injured people and come back!"

I do not know what the other party thinks and how much preparation it is. And the
Knight apprentices of Ehrenfest are drenched in the fight with Dunkel Ferger. There
are also knight apprentices falling in the stadium. Healing is necessary to do anything.

Those who can move by themselves even if they are slightly injured recover the
injured person and come back to the shield of Schugheria.
Eudit who had been wound round and round in the band of light by the apprentice of
the knight of Dunkel Ferger was also collected. You can not cut it unless you are
magical powerier than those who used light bands. I cut a band of light that bound
Yudit with a mesa.

"Would you like to protect Rosemain, Haneneroli here too? It was left alone in the
team there."
"Please do not come in at once, Mr. Hannallole. What is the escort knight doing !?
There will be something to do before excluding the inrush"

As I stare at the top when attack magic comes down one by one I say so, I open the
place where Wilfriit and Hannellore enter.

"I will heal you"

I called "Strait Corben" and changed Stap to the staff of Fleet Lane, healed everyone
gathering on the spot. A pillar of green light stands and a roar goes up in the sky. It is
a pillar of light that has become familiar to Dunkel Fergus and Ehrenfest who
participated in this disaster, but those who are gathering in the sky are apparently
those who do not see the pillar of light.

While thinking such a thing in a calm part of my head, I look around the knights
apprentices in the shield. It seems that Brynhildde who was lost has regained
consciousness. Brian Hilde who got up and frown a little on his hair with soil and grass
washing in Vachen.

...... Nobility does not pay dirty pampan with hands Do you want to vassen?

540 | 2523
The difference in girls' power was revealed. As soon as he became beautiful, he felt as
if his vision flashed for a moment when he was relieved of Brühnhild who could show
his usual appearance.


It was only a moment, but the body must have begun to complain. I realize that I do
not have much time left.
While thinking that we should finish this battlefield early, I looked around the
surrounding knight apprentices. Although the injury should have healed by healing of
Luang Sumer, recovery of magical power should not have been over yet.

"Recovery of magical power use each healing medicine, then check the rest of the
recovery drugs and magical tools ... ...."

When giving instructions to do, a big scream rises from the crowd's seat to
"dangerous!" Or "Kaaaa!" Looking around in a hurry, an apprentice of Knight of
Dunkel Ferger lost a beast and crashed.
The knight apprentice struck on the ground with a dull sound is not moving with Pikri.

"I will heal quickly! Escort"

Udit who saw me touching the manast of the beast, instantly puts out a shield and
Leonore gives a beast. Leonore looked round the shield while jumping onto the beast.

"Matias, Laurentz! Do not be absent!"

When I ride my cock, I will head to the knight apprentice of Dunkel Ferger. It would
be best if you could bring him into the shield if it was true, although it was protected
by full-body armor of shock resistant manastone, it crashed from that height. The
possibility of striking the head is high, it is dangerous to move easily.

"Does Rosemain hurt you and save the knight apprentice of Dunkel Ferger !?"
"Because there are injured people in front of me, I have power to heal, so is not it
natural to act?"

541 | 2523
As I descend from the cowgirl and protected by the shields of the escort knights, they
give Luang Sumer's healing with the ring. When poured lightly and a little green light,
Laurentz suddenly muttered, "Please tell me that someone is a lie."

Looking up at Laurentz, the escort knights are looking at the sky together. As soon as
I looked at what happened, the knights apprentices moved one after another from the
audience seats of Dunkelfelger towards the sky, and I saw that they began to compete
in the sky battle over the sky.

"How much will it matter if you race from the audience seat even though Dunkel
Ferger has strength?"

Prior to the end of Matthias' words including fear, attack magic, which had been falling
from the sky towards the stadium, began to head towards the audience.


Unlike Dunkel Ferguer, who already has military civil servants and side jobs, all the
people remaining in the audience seats already have defensive shields, those who are
in the audience seats of Ehrenfest have very low combat skills.
Magical tools For menstrual preparation, magical powers are squeezed out from
Hartmut and apprentices of civil servants of Heroroi, even if they know how to put
out shields, because they do not receive battle training, they are side apprentices who
can not be used immediately. Even though there is some knowledge of battle,
apprenticeship of the lower grade knights who can not participate in Ditter. And
Charlotte of the lord's candidate student.

Immediately after my scream, the voice of Wilfried echoed in the shield of Schalzria.

"Remedy Knight apprentices go to defend the audience seats of Ehrenfest! Bring them
here, those who are recovering stay here and escort here!"

Knight apprentices who seemed to have recovered started flying towards the
audience seat all at once. It would be easier to protect a little by stretching a shield
and joining the shield of Schulzeri while protecting it.
I told myself, I concentrated on the injured person in front of me.

"... .... Ah, I ..."

542 | 2523
Jump right after the knight apprentice of Dunkel Ferger regains consciousness. As a
wish for unexpected movements, I pulled the cloak of the knight apprentice.

"I had lost consciousness until now.Some rest ... ...."

"No, the wound healed with the healing of the saint, there is no problem. I would like
to thank you from the bottom of my heart."

The knight apprentice once kneeling on the spot and then thanking him goes up to the
sky shortly after giving thanks.
When I looked up at it, my eyes flickered again. Just a few seconds, the field of view
blinks white and black, and the surroundings seem to have lost color. It is probably
because of the recovery of magical power by using two types of recovery drugs in
succession and using magical powers one after another.
At the same time I thought that the knight apprentice was good, I felt somewhat
disinterested that it was not necessary to jump out of the safe shield and heal.

"Rosemain, your face color is not very good, I will return to the shield Please ride in."

Léonore said with a slightly stiff expression and lifting me up and starting to return to
the shield of Schulea.

"Rosemain, how about a recovery medicine ...?"

"You are already drinking too much."

Leonore put a little strength on the arm holding me. I can not leave this place and
return to the dormitory now. Charlotte began moving to the shield. Safety of
noncombatants depends on the shield of Schoeria.

When I returned, Wilfried desperately struggled to stop the battle over the sky in the
shield of Schulzeria.

"Mr. Hannallole, in this way Ditters will be ineffective and would you please quell their
excitement with the rituals of the goddess of the sea?"
"Well, since the ditching has already ended, that's good."

Hannorre, who was looking upward with a sad face, agrees with Villefried.
543 | 2523
"Then, we will do wide area Vasheng so that attacks will not come down while
Hannaore says ritual.Easdaul, Brunhild, Is magical power okay?

Tell Easier Doll "Take extensive magical aid" and tell him who you are going to escort
Hannaore in the knights apprenticeship here, Wilfried remnants left in the shield
apprentice Look around.

Suddenly Kwan! And a loud metal sound began to ring, "Listen!" Ruffen's voice
sounded loud.


Unlike me and Wilfried who were witty, the apprentices of the surrounding knight
ordered their attitudes all at once and turned their eyes towards the roofs in the sky.
Knight apprentices who were in a state of warfare in the air stopped the attack
immediately and corrected their attitude.

"This is not requested and it is not a situation where there is no order from the royalty
as confirmed by Aldonant! Why is the Central Order in the House of Lords !? and why
is it disturbed by Ditters !? "

Ruffen 's angry voice rings. In the colorful cloak of the sky, there are several black
cloaks if you look closely. I thought that there were many dignified territories to break
into Dunkel Ferger's ditters, but it seems there was a boost by the Central Order.

"The royal family is sorry for the saint of Ehrenfest to move to Dunkel Ferger, and it
is the role of the Order to pay for the royal sorrow"

When the knights wearing black cloaks raise a powerful voice, those in the small and
medium-sized provinces also add up and raise them alike in the same way.

"This is the desire of the royal family"

"If you win it you will get the Elephant's saint."

544 | 2523
Leuven became a shuddering face to the knights of the Central Order, who called
themselves as justice, and apprenticeships of the knights of small and medium-sized
territories who seemed to have acted by being fucked up.

"For such reasons there was no royalty, did you sortie!? What do you think is wrong?"
"The Central Order is the Tento Knight! The one who pays the sorrow of TSENT! The
one who will destroy those who oppose Tzent! The enemy is destroyed!"

One of the knights attacks Ruffen. He was moved to the center, and the surroundings
were stunned by the attack against Ruffen who also wears a black cloak. Only Rufen
dodge immediately the attack coming towards him and looks around his students.

"There is no royalty! I have confirmed! If we further to the knight team, we can not
overcome it!

Ruffen ordered the students wearing colorful cloaks against the Central Order. The
Knight apprentices in the small and medium-sized provinces, which were suggested
that they could be punished for the royal family, fly away like scattering the spider's

The shadows that buried the sky at once were reduced, and the remainder are the
apprenticeship of the knights of Dunkel Ferger who knights the black knight and the
knights of the central knights are three people and Ruffen, and the blue mantle.

"There is no royalty, and it comes down to Ditter and rumbling down! Tie it up and
drag it out before Tsent!"

Dunkel Ferger's knights apprentices respond to the voice of the restistau and begin
fighting to capture the central knights. However, the Central Order is a gathering of
knights who gained superiority and transferred to the center. Even though it is Dunkel
Ferger, they are students, they do not host the Central Order. To capture you need
more magical power than your opponent.
It is about Restz Lout, which is a candidate for a lord near adults who can catch a
Ruffen and the knights apprentices you left to a few chase down one knight, and you
can see the restraint catches.

"In the case of Rosemain, can not you be caught?"

545 | 2523
"Unfortunately we have to get closer and it will not reach, and now I will be doing my
best as we maintain the shield of Schuheria."

There are things that can and can not be done even if it is expected. Rather, I'd like
someone to replace the maintenance of the shield of Shurria. Odd nausea began to. To
be honest, I do not want to use magical powers any more.

While thinking so, when I was staring at the sky, a lot of black cloaks came. I think
without thinking whether it is a reinforce to the Order.

"What kind of fuss is this if you hurriedly receive Ordonants from Ruffen?"

It was the voice of Anastigius that heard from the increased black cloak. It seems that
no order from the royal family really came out. Anastasiusus ties up the knights of the
central knights, which are being pursued by two people, with a band of light. Truly
royalty. It seems that there is much magical power.

"I would like to hear the story: Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest's lords and their aides,
and the two of them are left here!

If you can do it, you want to change the day, Anastasez who seems to have received
an urgent call by Ruven's Aldanants seems to have decided to listen to everyone at
this place.

I was relieved that the struggle over the sky was over by the appearance of Anastasis,
I realize that I feel sick with it because I am relaxed. Even though the things consuming
magical power are gone without erasing Shield of Shurria, the bad feelings are getting
worse and do not improve.

... ... It is not easy for people to fall in front of royalty, are not they? What should I do?


Richard, who moved from the audience seat with Charlotte, caught up to me as soon
as he saw me and took off his eyes.

"Let's go back to the dormitory at once. Please leave it to Vilfried Baby and Princess

546 | 2523
"However, I was told by the parties to remain in Prince Anastigius, which will be
against the royal order."

In my words Richard shook his head with a stern face.

"If the princess loses consciousness, you will not be able to listen to the story, is not it
the same thing? Let me tell you the reasons and return to the dormitory.If there is no
more consciousness in front of the royal family It is more difficult to put on a goal. "

I told Richarda, I offer to Anastaseus to return to the dormitory. As Anastasiusus who

saw me saw something as he remembered something, he looked horribly disgusting
and waved his hand to drive me away.

"I can see that something is wrong with that face.

"Sorry to be a generous heart of Prince Anastigius ... ...."

While restraining nausea and kneeling and talking about thanking, Anastasezu
uttered a voice that was frustrating and ordered "Ehrenfest, take away Rosemain
soon!" I will be picked up by Richarda immediately.

"Leonore, Matthias, who was grasping the ditters, Burun Hilde who stayed together
in the shield all the time, Rodrigh who had been watching from the audience seats
remained and talked to Prince Anastigius instead of me ..."

I will command you while being taken from the stadium. I saw a relieved face of
Anastasiusus over Richarda 's shoulder.

When I got back to the dormitory, I was scolded at once by Richarda "I could see it
from above, I was taken more than the regulation for recovery medicine."

"Although it is a game that can not be defeated by any means, the amount of medicine
is strictly determined by Ferdinand, and he can not heal himself than the knight
apprentices who can receive healing of the princess or take recovery medicine The
princess must be more important to himself. "

Knight apprentices who can recover sufficiently with weak recovery medicine can use
recovery medicine in any number, but if it is not a Ferdinand recovery medicine it will
547 | 2523
have little effect, but I will lose physical condition if I drink too much, so the dosage
will be decided Has been done.

"It is highly probable that this condition was due to overdrink of recovery medicine,
so it is impossible for me to drink this medicine anymore, I have to sleep until
symptoms relieve."

Richarda and Rieselator are quickly put on clothes and thrown into the bed. I close
my eyes in a situation where I can lie down slowly.

It seems that three days passed when I was able to move. In order to show how it
cheered, we took a meal with everyone in the dining room and moved to a small
conference room to hear reports on the results of talks with Anastasius.
Wilfriit and Charlotte and me and their aides are in this place.

"I was judging it as an ineffective match as Ehrenfest as a result of small and medium-
sized territories and central knights, but since Dunkel Verger did not have
instructions of a referee, the game is ongoing and Ms. Hannero is dangerous I was told
that a match went on as soon as I left the team to enter the shields to escape. "

Although such victory is very unwilling, Wilfried says, but I think that if that admits
defeat, that is fine.

"Ehrenfest does not have the physical strength to redouble such large-scale ditters
twice or three, if it feels defeated, is not that good, but just as Mr. Wilfried said, , Since
the way of winning is too subtle, I would like to stop with respect to Mr. Hannaore's
marriage and do not have to give up all of our engagement elimination tightly? "

Wilfried relieved his expression as I was relieved in my proposal.

"Well, that's a suitable place, although Dan Kellfelger said that Ditch's game is sacred
or what you decide to do, but it's not a matter of negotiating with Aub in opposition
to the territory "

The negotiations with Dunkel Ferger who sanctifies Ditter are very troublesome, but
as this is supposed to have won, negotiations will manage somehow.

548 | 2523
"However, from now on, I was tightly ordered from Prince Anastigius to avoid raising
problems concerning the elimination of engagement.When I make things next, that
one will be married to the prince by the royal title"
"... ... I felt helpless to defend the other"

Villefried said so, and dropped the shoulders.

"Actually, I heard from Prince Hildebrand there was a story about Ditta this time"

It seems that there was an appeal from Hildebrandt that Dunkel Ferger is trying to
deprive the saint of Ehrenfest whose fiancee is decided by the royalty. It is said that
Anastasiusus is not a royalty, it teaches that cancellation is possible by Aub
Ehrenfest's decision, not being a royalty, and that the royalty is not to speak out.

"If Ehrenfest decides to put your sister to another territory, it seems to be wanted by
the royal family ... ...."

Because it was difficult for the royalty to pick up what was won by Ditcherfelger from
the side, and then the French leader Ferdinand was headed to Ahrensbach by the royal
title, so if you reduce the lord's candidate further, Ehrenfest's It seems that the royalty
abandoned me to call on me, concerned about the influence on the foundation magic.

"However, it seems that it will not be the second time, in the same way that when we
were in a situation where we could make noise inside the aristocratic center, we
protected it with the royal family."

Wilfried is not alone in depression if it could not keep it. My aides are the same.

"As we seem to have overlooked this time, let's think positively that we should not
cause it to happen again." What more happened to the knights and territory that went

In my words Vilfried reveals his expression and extends his spine.

"Because it used the name of Zento, it seems that it is regarded as unnecessary for the
small and medium-sized territory. Professor Ruffen seems to have worked quite a lot,
instigating the small and medium-sized provinces, and the Central Order Group that
has been penetrating into Ditter The knights were to be subjected to severe
549 | 2523
punishment by Tzent, who fooled the students by deceiving the name of the royal
family.Test anger and disappointment of the people who believed to be faithful until
now are very deep. "
"I think that it is strange that the knights, who are ...... Children move without
permission and without permission."

In my words Matias raised for the permission of saying. When I give permission,
Matias opens her mouth after giving a preliminary statement "There is no sure

"There is a possibility that Toluk was used"

"Talk is ... .... No way!"

Truk is a drug thought to have been used at the meeting of the Georgine school, it
should have been a strong plant with the action to make the memory cloudy and show

"When I approached Prince Anastigius for a greeting, the smells sweet from the
knights I was bound, I did not know what was the smell at that time, but came back to
the dormitory, I remembered watching the fireplace, I have not smelled so well, so
there is a possibility of mistake. "
"But I thought that Matthias was almost certain, so did you speak?"

Cautious Matthias is not the one to say whatever he thinks. Rather, if you do not have
a certain degree of contemplation and a certain degree of confidence, you should not
put it out.

"If you look into their memories they may be clear."

If Toluk distorting memory is used, there is a possibility that the three knights were
also being manipulated. Do royals already have information on Trukk? Is it better
information to shed?

"... ... Do you think that Tauruk is common in the aristocrats and in the center?"
"If it is commonplace, I think that it is widely known to everyone as a plant with
dangerous effects, perhaps it is probably a plant unique to somewhere"

550 | 2523
Charlotte 's civilian apprentice taking a lecture on pharmacy rejected waving. Royalty
and the center do not necessarily know absolutely if it is something peculiar to the

"Let's say the possibility that Toruke is used by royal family after seeking permission
from father-in-law."

While standing up and standing up, my anxiety overturned my heart.

Is it a coincidence that the incident that seems to have used Truk in such a period is a
matter of coincidence?
Is there any possibility that Georginet is connected with the standing person who can
manipulate the knights of the Central Order? If so, is not it much easier for Georgyne
to return to Ehrenfest than we think?

I raise my hand and touch the rainbow-colored stone. My heart is shaky with the
feeling of mana stone shaking.

551 | 2523
Leonore smiles with Nicol for me who became uneasy as the possibility that georgine
and somewhere in the center are connected has emerged.

"Rosemain, I understand that it becomes uneasy, but the correspondence is that Abo
thinks. Is Rosemain who is a candidate lord of law a thing to think about the
opposition against the territory is not it in bed? I've come a long way between. "

In the words of Leonore I nodded that Brühnhild was also supposed.

"Yeah, I was able to connect with Tsento at the dedication ceremony and there are
also joint research projects with the three major territories, so it will be hard to
prepare as customers will increase more than last year."
"Rosemain, as the two say, leave decision to my father and we will prepare for the
fight against the territory. How is collaboration with Ahrensbach?"

I switch a little bit to Wilfried's question. As everyone says, we must clear up the tasks
in front of us.

"Collaborative research with Ahrensbach will read letters that arrive and will work
after Richarda's permission to go out.As basically it is supposed to exhibit and present
in Ahrensbach, so I There are few places to hand out. "

While I was asleep I received a letter via Ehrenfest's border gate. The main was a letter
from Reti Zia, but a letter of Ferdinand is also enclosed inside. Because the fever rises
with the tension, letters from Ferdinand are being kept as they are getting better.

"How is the collaboration with Dorevankel?"

Wilfried and Charlotte explained the progress on collaboration with Dorevankel. It is

said that Wilfried, who had a meeting with Dunkel Ferger for a collaborative research,
made the meeting and presented with Dresden.

"The nature of Erienfest's magazine, how to improve the quality, how to use so far will
be announced as common research content"

552 | 2523
"And it was decided to announce the parts that were used as magical tools and became
new inventions in their respective territories."

It is the same way of collaboration with Dunkel Ferger. It is good to be able to

announce on each territory without losing all of the research results in the large

"I was fortunate that it was not decided to announce just by Dorevanker.What kind of
new invention is in Ehrenfest? I have not received a report so I do not quite

I turned my eyes to Marianne, who gave me ideas as to whether I could play

instruments playing music automatically. Marianne looks down on his eyes faintly.

"...... Drevankl is undertaking research on the instrument playing music.We also

studied the research, but that one is better."

It seems that it was the result of depriving the idea. Marianne and Ignatz explainably
apologically. It seems that only the degraded version of Dorevanker can be announced
as a research by Ehrenfest. I understand that he is losing his shoulder that he gave up
the big stage of collaborative research with the large territory so much that he could
not have done so well.

"Your sister, do not blame them too much, the collaborative research with the Great
Heritage is the first time, and Dreve Hanc is better than the outcome that they worked

He shook his head to Charlotte, who protects them, "I do not mean to blame another."
I wanted to know how to raise the quality of magazines and wanted to raise the value
of paper made of Ehrenfest, so I meet the minimum necessary at the basic part that
can be shared jointly.

"But I'm lonely that there are no inventions that can draw attention, so let's make a
book that will automatically return to the box as much as you can.Please give the
quality of the nonsave paper as good as you can.Raise the book If you can make a
moveable quality Nonsave paper, the magic team itself is already there. "

Combined with the magic team taught by Raimund, I think that you can move a thin
and light book of Ehrenfest, even if you can not move a heavy book of another
553 | 2523
territory. If a book placed in a place that is a little far away goes into the box
automatically, will not it draw attention even if demonstration is done?

"Well ... afterwards ... Well, if Durevanhel is making instruments that raise quality and
play sounds, how about trying to make a magical instrument that plays music that
conserves magical power so that it can be used even by commoners? ? "

I heard that there is a stone shop in the downtown as well as a common man even if
it is a kudzu magic stone. If you can play the sound like a musk of a kudzu like a music
box, you will be able to play music in a luxury-oriented Italian restaurant that is hard
to use a bard slaughtered for a journey.

If customers like money boxes can buy manastones by buying them on the spot to
listen to their favorite songs so that customers can enjoy music without hurting the
bosom of the Italian restaurant side It should be.

...... Well, I can make it without a magic tool separately, like a music box, but now when
I order it, Johan is dead.

It may be good for Johann, who spends more than half of a year on a long business trip
while teaching how to make metal prints and printing presses on a separate land.
More than anything, I want to prioritize the spread of printing over music.

"Even if you are a civilian even if you install score and magic stone, you can use it, if
possible, I would like to be able to play one song and two songs with one small kudzu
mago stone"

When I consulted with Raimund or Zach, I felt like I was consciously thinking of things
that come to mind, Wilfriit lightly shielded her hand.

"Rosemain, even if suddenly said that, they are in trouble"

If you look closely, Marianne and Ignatz are changing a little. But, as I am thinking
about some ways of third graders, I do not intend to say such difficult things to the
two senior civilian apprentices. In spite of myself I looked back on my civilian

554 | 2523
"You can save magical power by using simple magic teams as much as possible, or by
adding auxiliary magic teams, and you know that if you write a score and slide the
manastone, you will hear the sound, so much It is not difficult, is not it? "

Rodderich and Phyllie, who took my eyes and had taken notes on the writing board,
thought a bit.

"Rosemain says what Raimund taught me to apply is the application of the magic
team, does it combine with the Aifon paper? Though it may be difficult to think that
common people can use it, as a making I think it's simple. "
"Can I save the magical power of magic stone if I increase the quality of ink for writing

Maryanne and Ignatz changed their complexion completely as I talked about what
Rhodrich and Filinet could come up with at the Hill Sur Laboratory looking closely at
my research with Raimundt.

"……I'll try"

Once this is done, it will not be a study that has no original invention or discovery. I'm
looking forward to seeing what the result will be.

"What is going on with the collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger? It seems that
we are progressing while my sister is asleep, but ..."

Charlotte asked questions Phyllie and Muriela. It was Phyllie that began to explain

"The common part with Dunkel Ferger has already been put together and it is about
the ceremony of Ehrenfest afterwards.I am planning to add the impression of the
ritual participant who Mr. Charlotte gathered at the tea ceremony.I then yesterday
There was a report, but since there are apprentices of senior citizens who celebrated
the new ceremonial participants more than their parents, we will add them to the
research presentation in a hurry. "
"Is there some who gave us protection from the votive ceremony to the present?"

Muriela smiled nicely with the surprise voice of Charlotte.

555 | 2523
"It's Ryurudadi of Joseph Brenner, it seems that only Ryurudadi was a third grader
who has not finished the ceremony to obtain protection yet at the time of attending
the donation ceremony. I heard that he prayed. "

Senior aristocrats finish lectures relatively quickly. For that reason, it seems that the
ceremony was already finished except for Ryurudadi, a senior civilian apprentice at a
level that can participate in the donation ceremony. She did not have a ceremony yet
and she said that she decided to pray until the end of the day as she recommended

"It was said that Ryurudadi made a charm and prayed earnestly, as was done in
Dorevanker ... ... to the goddess Blue Anfa of the seedlings"
"... ... I was praying for a very rare goddess"

Buddhist goddess Blue Anfa which is very active in mother's love story, I think that it
is very minor as a subject to devote prayer to get protection. As Drevecher gathered
and prepared an amulet, if it is a civilian wisdom goddess Mestionola would be the
most major.
Muriela taught me with a bitter smile.

"It seems that he was eagerly praying to see a lovely love story."

...... I was praying for my love's sprout.

To someone Ryurudadi seeking a love story than my love, I somehow got a fellow
consciousness. Perhaps Ryurudadi must be a regrettable child who lives in a book
better than I do in love.

"Is it because it was faithful to your desire, did it pray for one point concentrating, or
was it because of the high magical power that can be included in prayer when it is a
senior aristocrat, because it had originally water aptitude, Rule Lady gave Blue Anfa's
protection in this short period, I think this is a wonderful achievement. "

It was proved that senior aristocracy in other territories can obtain protection from
dedicating magical power and devoting prayers seriously. It is certainly a great
achievement for the study of Ehrenfest. I would like to listen to Rühl Lady in detail
and add it to the results of the study.

556 | 2523
"It seems that people in the surroundings wanted protection from other gods, but the
person himself was very satisfied. It was pleased that I would like to thank Rosemain
by all means."

I feel a bit strange, but I do not have bad girls like books. Perhaps Ryurudadi surely is
a good girl. I just spoke a bit at the tea party, so I do not remember the face well, but I
remember the book that I lent.
It was a love story written in old words. The gods came out more than my mother's
story, the god 's paradise was used also in the male' s compliments for women,
whether it shows behavior or how it is used in the description, it was very difficult to
decipher It is.

... ... It's a hard-core love story lover. I think I'll get along with Muriela.

I think about it when I think so. It must be a good friend already. That's why Muriela
is acquiring newly-crafted information.

"Mr. Rosemain, may you lend me a love story of a new aristocrat to Ryurudadi as a
way to cooperate in this research?"

The miserly and muriela cut out. To be sure, I lent her to a tea ceremony was a knight
story from a love story, it should not have been a love story of a lords. As new books
will inevitably prevail over the top lords of higher ranks, new work will not go to the
ruled ladies, a senior noble of the middle ranking. I am sure he was looking forward
to the new work of the love story of the aristocrat.

I can understand the feeling of looking forward to new works.

I also read the book, I also know the pleasures of being friends with each other in
discussions with friends.
It was a common scene in the Liano era.

The fluffy mind warmed up.

The sight that Muriela and Ryurudadi look into the book together and laugh together
comes to mind at the head.
It was a truly happy sight for me who made books.

"Yoos Brenner also cooperates in preparing for the game against the territory. Of
course, I'm sure you will feel Blue Anfa's protection."

557 | 2523
After finishing talking about collaborative research, it was decided to write Wilfried
to write a letter of questions for Ehrenfest. I finished talking and I returned to the

"Please give me a letter from Phyllie, Ahrensbach"

The letter that arrived from Retiazia of Ahrensbach seems to be a problem from
Ferdinand. It is said that she is practicing to write a letter of a roaring aristocratic
phrase. And, at the same time, a challenge has been given to me. You must reply to
become a model for Retizia.

...... I am busy preparing for the territory competition, but troublesome tasks of
replying nobility words.

Although showing a little swollen, the tension rises since it is a reply for a while. Since
I can not even get in a hidden room while I am asleep, the part written with ordinary
ink was read by Philene.
The table was written about the handling of the graph in the research announcement
and the instructions given to the lime, and then about the schedule of the graduation
ceremony from the competition against the territory. Ferdinand is planning to stay in
the tea ceremony room of Ehrenfest at night against the territory.

"Is Richarda and Ferdinand giving permission to use the tea ceremony room from the
adoptive father?"

While Philline is going to pick up the letter, I talk to Richarda. Four people, Ferdinand,
Justkus, Elder Eckhard, Arendsbach's aides, are planning to stay in the tea ceremony

"Since it is censored once at Ehrenfest, Albu's permission is also issued at the same
time.I thought that he would like to prepare the room in the dormitory, but because
Arends Bach's aides can not do anything together It is hard to prepare a chaise longue.

Ferdinand is living in Ahrensbach, but he has not gotten married yet, so it is a

confusing state that he is strictly affiliated with Ehrenfest. Therefore, it seems that
there was an instruction from Dietlinde to spend in the dormitory of Ehrenfest.
558 | 2523
...... The reason is that Mr. Dietlinde who heard a story about the love story of the
mother's aristocrat was longing for the situation where the escorting opponent will
come to pick me up on the morning of the graduation ceremony.

Although the aristocrats of Ahrensbach who had been afraid of leakage of information
from Ferdinand which has already been involved in office work seems to have
opposed, Dietrinde said "Ferdinand said that he would fulfill my wish?" It seems that
he gave the dedicated manastlar a flicker and did not give over stubbornly.

"... ... It is greatly appreciated that Mr. Ferdinand is here, but do not you think you can
not get tired if you stay in a tea ceremony room with a chaise longue?"
"Because there is no doubt that it is because it is in order to avoid a situation where
the situation in Ahrensbach worsens as information leakage is suspected."

It is only the tea ceremony room that can enter and leave Arendsbach's aides. By the
way, unless permission is given by Ehrenfest, it seems that we will stay overnight at
Hill Sur Laboratory. If it comes to staying in the laboratory, it definitely took overnight
with Hill Sur and research talks, so it was written that he would like to avoid it if

... ... If the research talk gets excited and I started researching after a while, my
graduation ceremony escort seems to be blowing off my head.

"What is necessary other than a chaise longue? If you plan to spend the night in a tea
ceremony chaise longue, I would like to make Ferdinand a little more comfortable and

Ricarda bitter smile when I thought.

"I think that preparation of a wooden box for putting up a dish and luggage is also
necessary, but please leave the preparations for the neighborhood to the
side.Therefore, in order to add a dish when writing a reply Please do not forget to
append a storage box to it, so let's make it to a castle chef and let it go. "

Richarda will be looking forward to one of the few opportunities to meet his son
Justoc. It seems to be very tense. Since the students are busy preparing for opposition
to the territory, preparations to welcome Ferdinand will mobilize the side which
starts with Richarda and accompanies the students.
559 | 2523
"Rosemain, this is a letter from Ahrensbach"
"Thank you, Philline, please prepare for our research presentation by Filines."
"Yes, I will do my best and I will remember the graph"

For reply from Ferdinand, I could use the graph, but it was written that only the things
that my civilian apprentices could comprehend completely. As a lord candidate
student I must prioritize socialization, so the announcement will be done by civilian
apprentices. Even if we receive questions about graphs we have to be able to respond.
In addition, it seems that the graphical presentation seems to be an epoch - making
thing, and there seems to be a risk that the graph gathers attention rather than the
original research.

...... I think that there is nothing to draw attention from the ceremonies where royalty

With that thought, I will hold a letter and head towards the hidden room.

"I will stay in a hidden room for a while,"

I had Phyline read it once, but read back the answers written on the table. Also written
about various collaborations with Ahrensbach. It took quite a while but it seems that
a report via Fraulem also arrived at Ferdinand.

... But, there are more questions about the research of Schwarzs than the contents of
collaborative research.

It seems that he is hungry for research. As Schwarzs' research is rounded to Hill Sur,
I do not know the details. If Richarda's permission goes out, it may be better to reply
by confirming the progress of research.

By the way, with the glowing ink, "Were you guiding the royal family to the library?
Were not you going in?" Then, what about collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger
and Drevenhel? The letter from you broke away There is not it that it is doing
something that can not be reported ". In the brain, the appearance of Ferdinand who
is doing a temple in already is emerging.


560 | 2523
Thinking carefully, I feel I did not write a letter from around the time I showed the
royalty to the library. A little thing grows bigger and bigger so I did not know how to
write it.

... ... I certainly felt a little because I do not want to be angry.

"Well, Well, if you write now to be honest and get angry with the territory competition
or explain it when you meet in the opposition against the territory ... you will get angry
at any rate ... Whichever you are, I will give priority to what I can praise Let's write it.

When I meet again, I first get praised. Then I will explain the contents that can be
angry. If you do not do it, you must be told by everything from reunion to farewell.

I did not use the glowing ink, I wrote what I could praise in the content everyone
knows. It is a place without disruption, such as donating ceremony at the aristocrat
and donating magical power to royalty, using two straps, working hard at the Ditter
with Dunkel Ferger.

"Okay with this, you never get angry with your encounter, right?"

I have to go to the Hill Sur Laboratory tomorrow, make final arrangements with
Raimundt at the research presentation, and get a copy of Schwarz's study's
manuscript back.

"There is not much date coming soon, I do not have to work hard"

561 | 2523
Reply to Truk arrived from Ehrenfest the next morning. The letter reply from the
evening arrived first in the morning. I understand that I place much emphasis on it.

"Will Villefried's older brother, what was it written?"

"Do not do anything unnecessary because Aubu talks to the royal family. Even if you
send a letter etc., there is also the possibility that the information will be missed to
those who used Toluk as censorship. Eleven Fest It is written that it can not be trusted
to someone who does not know how much to disclose the inner circumstances ... ... "

That is why I have no choice but to convince. There was also a citizen of Ehrenfest
who thought of Toluk, so if there is a civilian civil servant, there is a possibility that
some people know better in the middle.

"If Tork is truly used against the central knight above all, it means that there is a
dangerous person inside the Central Order Group or in the central central figure that
is approaching there. It seems that there is no need for it, because it is necessary to
talk with the royal family about Rosemain performing a star tying ceremony as it
fights against the territory, he seems to talk directly at that time. "

I nodded at the contents of the letter that Villefried read, and I decided to leave the
matter of Troke to my adoptive father. It will certainly have to talk about Georgine if
asked where you knew and how. However, I do not know the details about purging
this winter, and I do not know what is happening to what kind of things happened so
far or how bad it is. I feel like talking to extra things and getting scolded from there.

"It is written many times that you do not do anything extra anyway. Please be careful,
"I know, today I will go to the laboratory of Professor Hirschle and make a final
confirmation of collaborative research with Ahrensbach."
"Well ... I am going to help with collaborative research with Drevechnol, because it
seems better to have more magical powers to raise the quality of the paper"

I went to Hill Sur Laboratory with a letter to be delivered to Ferdinand. Today, we are
headed to Rieselator and Gray Tier, escort knights Theodor and Laurenz.

562 | 2523
All the others are busy preparing for the fight against the territory. Brunhild is the
central figure of a side apprentice and the apprenticeship of civil servants is a
collaborative research between Dunkel Ferger and Drevechnol. And Richard is busy
preparing for Feldinand 's pickup while contacting Ehrenfest.

"Today, Leonore and Matthias are going to study the monsters to the library, because
last year it was like winning with Leonore's knowledge.Yudit is practicing long range
shooting.So much with her hit rate The situation will change. "

Theodor a word of Laurentz smiled a bit and proudly smiled and nodded. Everyone is
doing their best. I also have to work hard.

"Do you have a teacher Hill Sur?"

When the Rizera notifies of the visit and speaks to him, will he be able to fill in the
laboratory for the announcement of opposing territorial warfare, welcomes
Raimund's brush stroking in a hurry.

"I am very sorry, but please wait a little longer, it's in the process of preparing it so
that it is not ugly now"

Raimund's gaze says so that it nails to the wagon behind me. It seems to be completely
fed. When Raimund closed the door, the laiser laughed hard.

"When I headed to the laboratory, Rosemain sent you Aldonants last night and this
morning, but I have not arrived yet."

I'm surely giving priority to my research and I began picking up in Ardonants this
morning in a panic.
When the door was opened again, both of them were beautiful. When I entered, I
immediately asked Raimundt about progress.

"I received your letter from Ferdinand, are you doing well with Raimund's research?"
"I am allowed to make presentations about the magic of recording and the magic of
the library, if possible, I would like you to create a Rosemain like this."

Besides the magical tool that shines if it reaches the set time, it seems that a magic
tool that searches for books and materials was made as part of research by Schwarzs.

563 | 2523
It seems that if you do not move or talk like Schwarzs, it will save a lot of magical

"This neighborhood is also my research, but this year Ehrenfest's research is


Hirschur is doing research announcements at Ehrenfest in the year but this year it
seems that we decided to piggyback on Raimund as it is full of collaborative research.

"These are valuable studies, but they are a bit plain - there is no power to attract
people, compared with the research to gain the protection of the gods or the new
magical tools using paper of Ehrenfest. I made magical tools useful for libraries, so
there are not so many libraries. "

Hill sur lees that magic tools for searching books and materials are only interested in
researchers, as the materials themselves are small and management is not so difficult.
Although I am very happy, it seems that it is not an eye-catching one as an eye-
catching study.

"That means that you only have to increase the number of libraries, from now on ......"
"You can leave the increase in the library to the flow of the times, please make
prototypes faster than that."

... It is awful than that.

My library increase plan is obstructed by Hirschle before I say it, and I turn my eyes
to Raimund while dropping my shoulders.

"At Raimund, Ehrenfest I'd like to create a book that will automatically return to a box
in collaboration with Drevechnl. Previously, I created a magic team that I created and
edited by Raimund I'd like to use it, is it OK? "
"I use Rhein's Magic magic team with Ehrenfest's paper, so I do not think there is any
need to obtain my permission ..."

Raimund seems to think so seriously is blinking the blue eyes. I explain that Raimund
simplified it, that not everyone has such technology.

"Magic team refinement specifies what Raimund did, so if you do not sell your name
in this way, you will not have a good patron and will not grow as a researcher."
564 | 2523
Rimundto is indifferent to his own skill and talent, even though intermediate
nobleman is saying that the sleigh does not match with the family home and there is
no money. In Beno, you should have thuntered "Do not freely shake it free!"

"I heard that Ferdinand has sold a considerable amount of money by selling out the
techniques and magical tools studied at the House of Peers, and it is better to be
careful not to sell Raimundo at a low price."
"……I will be careful"
"Rosemain, you can talk about money no more because you can sell your research
results such as research funds like Ferdinand and I do not have sun until the game
against the territory, Do not concentrate. "

Hill sur leaves the research results that only necessary money can be gathered when
I want it I think that it is amazing enough. It feels very cheap to sell, but I am very
worried, but I do not mean to speak out any more.

"How do you report to Mr. Fraulem?"

"Since we already show prototypes, we will not report anything in the future ... ... the
other day when I reported to Mr. Flaurelm in the sense of final confirmation was

It seems that it is not necessary to be a collaborative research with Ehrenfest, as

Raimund thinks that the teacher Ferdinand has confirmed the research. Since I have
not cooperated so much with research, Raimund said that it would be a collaborator
rather than a collaborative research.
It appealed that I could not make a prototype without my cooperation and seemed to
have gotten a threat by lightly threatening to consult with Dietlinde and Ferdinand.

"It's saved because Dietlinde sits with me, it's a research presentation done under the
name of my fiancee."

After his cousin's brother, Dietlinde said he was angry with Frauerelum, "Because the
report has not arrived properly, I was not ashamed of the next Awbus." Perhaps, it
may have been reported to Ferdinand in a hurry.

"Hey, Raimund, what is your position in Professor Fraulelm's dormitory, are you
convinced that Arends Bach is saying such domineering things?"

565 | 2523
"If Ehrenfest and Rosemain are not involved, there is not much to say, it seems that
Erienfest and Rosemain get caught up by sister and your sister seems to have had a
lot of trouble, I heard that he was punished in the Sequo of Count Vindebart "

And it seems that Georgine from Ehrenfest is trying to make various things to
Frauerelm, for the first time for sin.

...... I thought who was the count of Vindebaard, but that. A noctiluent like a raccoon
rampant in the shrine. That official is useless. I can never make friends.

If I know the reason for being an enemy, it will be better to know that it is better not
to approach, and it will be easier to avoid from here.

"For that reason seems to be very well-connected with students hostile to Ehrenfest,
a student who was blocked by Rosemain-sama's shield and could not participate in
the ceremony ..."

Even though all the apprenticeships of Arendsbach's civil apprenticeship were not
played, they should have been played. Raimund taught me as he gazed away his line
of sight to make it hard to say.

"The girls who were played quite a while saying Rosemain sama, they are aristocrats
of former Berkeke Stock and have anger in Ehrenfest and Rosemain who refused
magical aid"

On top of that, he seems to be angry that he was shamed in front of the royalty this
time. It seems that Fraulem has consoled it, including my bad mouth, and is solidifying
an unusual bond.

"Of course, I reported on what kind of things happened in ceremonial apprenticeships

that I put in, and the usefulness of gods for getting protection, so the whole Arensbach
is thinking like that There is no reason, Ferdinand, the former president of Ehrenfest,
who knows the divine value, has risen sharply. "
"Is that so, I am a little helpful to Mr. Ferdinand"

I got a little happy, I turned my eyes to the Risera. The Risaizer moved swiftly and
offered a letter to Raimund.

566 | 2523
"Please deliver this to Ferdinand, as it is written about what Ferdinand, who is in the
fight against territory, brings you, so I'm happy to deliver it as soon as possible"

Raimund says "I understand, I will return once to the dormitory while Rosemain is
preparing." Unlike me who was relieved, Hirsch surprised his eyes wondering.

"Oh, is not Ferdinand fighting against the territory? Is not not only the graduation
ceremony to escort the fiancée? There is no candidate for a lord who can remain in
Ahrensbach? Is it possible? "

Candidate lords of Ahrensbach are Dietlinde and Retizia, and although Ferdinand is
entrusted with office, he is still a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest. If Aub of the bed
and the first lady's Georgine participate, Ferdinand can not participate in the fight
against the territory.

... Or maybe Aub's badness is worse than I expected, and Georgina and Ferdinand are

In that case too, I will go out with Awb who is not feeling well so that I can not get out
to social place leaving absence.

"Because Arensbach has several former lords who became senior nobles, they will
keep their absence."

Even though I can not put magical power on the foundation's magic, Raimund said
that he can keep hands in the office and stay away.

"Even if you need a title of a candidate for a lord to do a political activity outside, it is
not particularly necessary for an answering machine in the territory.The foundation's
magic also suddenly changes where it was not supplied one day or two I heard that it
is not meaningful, is not it? "
"It seems that those who can supply magical power to the magic of the foundation are
sure to be keeping an answering machine for the time of something at Ehrenfest. Even
in such a place Arends Bach and Ehrenfest are different."

I saw Raimund going out, I started preparing. This time is to create a magical tool of
Hill Sur to piggyback on Raimund's research.

567 | 2523
Although I thought that I should make it myself, I will give it to you after the
presentation at the competition against the territory is completed, because it is not
necessary for the witchcraft of the library, etc., I do not have to wrap it up .

... ... Please put the search system of materials in my library!

Putting ingredients prepared by Hill Sur and putting it in a blender and stirring, I talk
with Hill Sur as a chaotic. The only common topic is Ferdinand.

"...... That's why Dietlinde says she would like me to pick you up in the morning of the
graduation, Ferdinand, who ceased to be at the Ahrensbach dormitory to stay at the
tea ceremony room in Ehrenfest became"
"Oh no, that Ferdinand is going to be with such a house ..."

Hill suru gave a bitter smile. It was simultaneous with Hirschle that I said "Why do
you want to return to Ehrenfest so much" to mutter, "It is hard to take Dietrinde's
mood, is not it?"

"Otherwise, if you roll up Dietlinde with a single spirit and stay in the dormitory of
Ahrensbach, you will spend it slowly in research as well. Even if you decide to take a
rest at a tea ceremony chaise longue , You want to return to Ehrenfest? "

I got a strange feeling that I am happy and sad about the words of Hirschur who knows
more about Ferdinand than I am. I wonder if the letter "I want to do research" written
on each of the letters was a word "want to return" for the twisted Ferdinand.

"I will welcome Feldinand with full power"

"Then, please hand this over to me, a manuscript about the research of the Schwarzs
who I borrowed and additional material I have studied"

Would not it be cruel to give research materials to Ferdinand, who wrote in the letter
that he was going to stay up all night when he stayed at the Hill Sur Laboratory?

"Dr. Hirschle intends to cut down on Ferdinand's sleeping time?"

"Is not it Rosemain, is not it just that Ferdinand seems to have a head? Dittor with
Dunkel Ferger betting Rosemain's engagement in the ceremony inviting the royal
family ...... Very overnight Do not you think it is missing? "

568 | 2523
Being told that it would be better if you could immerse yourself in research rather
than sleeping on your preaching, I feel bleak.

"There will be no topic of rituals involved in royalties participating in territorial

opposition and graduation ceremonies, and detailed presentations will be awaited
even among the teachers who just listened to the story from the participating
students.This year 's territorial opposition Feldinand would like to know the details
because it is the research which attracts the most attention in the research
presentation of the war. "
"Ugo ..."

I came to think of myself being scolded endlessly since I met again and it became
depressed. I have to get compliments even somehow.

"Well, Mr. Hill Sur, what is the evaluation and reputation of the surrounding area?"

The Risaizer asked while making tea for Hill Sur.

"After the dedication ceremony, the tea ceremony where Charlotte participated was
praised and the territory which pushed away with a smile increased, and after the
ditters match, bad rumors ceased to be heard at all is"

It seems that not only tea ceremony but also apprenticeship apprenticeships and side
apprentices trying to gather information will be the same. Although it was predictable
that the territory that comes close to rushing by participating in the ceremony could
be expected, but the suddenly bad rumor ceased to be heard as unpleasantly, Rieselter
Gratia also nods in the word of such a Relyelator.

"The small and medium-sized territory that could not participate in the ceremony
certainly said a grudge, yet it changed to the boundary of the ditters match. Inside the
small and medium-sized district that comes close you can feel bad faith behind the
smile There is also something I would like to teach if Dr. Hirschle who is in the position
of a dormitory supervisor knows something. "

His surge hid his eyes to make a few thoughts.

"We got a word from Tsent directly and got a piece of information for getting
protection. It will be few words to be badly told from the area where we were able to
569 | 2523
participate. It is natural to try to gain even a little from Ehrenfest where it is, so it
would be nice to be able to make friends with other territories on this occasion. "

While saying Hill Sur as like other people, he said, "I am afraid of the grudge behind
the smile, though."

"There are a lot of things to be said badly in the range reaching to my ear, and not just
those who come closer with a smile like that, in addition to the original rumors of Aub,
Ehrenfest is like a cheating Have you done that? "

Ditters were essential if I thought they could participate in collaborative research. I

thought that I finally got the participation right after finishing the ditters while a
heavy burden is being pressed down, I played someone who is hostile with a sacred
In response to the request of the Central Order to try to make it even better even a
little bit what was played in front of the royal family, there was no royalty and only

"Everything is related to Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest, I'm buying a resentment as

well, and I feel that resentment is directed to a weaker Ehrenfest."
"Is that so……"

When Graytier murmured, it needed vigilance in various ways, Hirsur nodded deeply.

"It will not be realized for the ladies who only knows the recent lords, but until a
couple of years ago Ehrenfest was a subordinate territory that only raised the ranking
by political change. It unexpectedly got out of the lower rank, and with the royal family
I have a connection, the possessing territory probably more than you think. "

In the words of Hill Sur, I remembered that Elder Cornellius was saying "It is totally
different from the lower grade." I do not know how it was treated when Ehrenfest was
the subordinate territory.

"There was a big voice that Until last year was a transient epidemic such as the
epidemic of Ehrenfest, but this year the voice that Rosemain's power has increased
the ranking of the territory is getting bigger one after another. It is likely that the
surroundings recognized that the epidemics issued, collaborative research with the
large territory, the connection with the royal family, all were due to Rosemain's
behavior. "
570 | 2523
"...... none of this can be done by me alone"

I can not do anything with just one person to raise my grade or start printing. Because
there are people cooperating, it is possible to do. Hirschur got a slightly harsh look on
my argument.

"Yeah, you are not due to the power of one person, but it was something you could not
do without your presence. Please recognize yourself exactly from other territory"

A woman trying to get power with Dunkel Ferger, despite being married, having
knowledge of various trends and techniques, having the connection with the royal
family who is obtaining protection from many gods, being engaged, Lord candidate

"I like watching Ellen Fest, which is centered around Rosemain, so do not be heavily
careful about the surroundings. Do not lose eye to see the surroundings."

I will reply so while continuing to stir it around.

"I got a letter sent"

Raimund came back. As soon as I saw the table tidied up and Hill Sur was eating the
dishes, I raised a heartbreaking voice saying "Oh!"

"We have separate minutes to lower down to Raimund."

Raimund who reassessed Hirsch's words arrives at the table and starts eating.
Rieselter who was serving asked Raimund while making tea.

"Raimund, I have something to worry very much about, but may I speak?"
"What is it?"
"Is there a magical tool of that recording being displayed as it is? I think that it is lovely
who displayed it as a stuffed toy of Sumil."

571 | 2523
I remember Shmir's stuffed animal made by the Risera. Certainly it is cute than the
magical tool itself and I think that it draws eye-catching even if it is exhibited. There
is a white schmir who is not yet speaking, planned to give to Retizia.

"I think that the idea of putting magical tools in a stuffed animal is like Rosemain and
you can see at a glance that you are participating in collaborative research"

In the initiative of Frauerelm, even though the name of Ferdinand corrected as well
as the proposed Raimund, if there was a magical tool that became a stuffed toy by
Sumil, my recruitment was claimed by Rieselter.
I'm saying to promote my involvement as the Lord, but is it my imagination that it
sounds like just wanting to display a cute Shumir?

"There is no idea of decorating magic tools for me, neither Raimund nor Ferdinand,
so it will be effective for measures against Fraulem, but will it be completed before
the territory competition?"
"Since I can almost do it, I bring it to you on the day with a voice and I think that you
can enjoy both women and women by placing ordinary magic tools and stuffed
animals of Sumiru."

The renegade contracted with a very lively smile.

And when I returned to my room, Rieselter immediately brought me a white schmir.

Recording magic tools register magical powers of the owner and can only record
sounds while the registrant is pointing magical power. My voice is already registered
in the magic tool because I give voice to the schmir given to Retizia. I thought with a
white schmir.

"What is to be blown? It is truly an exhibition in opposition to the territory, I think

that we can not pour attention to Ferdinand."

If you do such a thing, it will result in cheeks as soon as we meet again. Even I can
understand that much.

"Mr. Rosemain, Rosemain, do not you think that it is nice to be given a word of love
from a gentleman with such a lovely magical tool?"

572 | 2523
Muriela has been proposing solemnly moistening green eyes. Although I can not
sympathize even if I receive the word of love here, I may come and go to a woman who
can sympathize. It will definitely emphasize that it is not the idea of Raimund.

"Choose from the love story of the aristocrat and let someone blow into the Honkan, I
will carefully select words of lovely love."

I do not know well how lovely it is, so I will leave it to Muriela. Together heading for
the multipurpose hall, Muriela will start carefully selecting the words of love from the
love story of the aristocrat with a quicker movement than other work.

"Matthias, Laurentz, which is good of either of them, will you please blow me the word
of love chosen by Muriela into this schmir?"

I will go to the multipurpose hall and ask for it. Theodor and Rodderich still have little
voice, so I would like to ask Matthias or Laurenz if possible. I wonder if it was good to
have Hartmut at such times. He would have blown up with no shame or shyness.

In my request Matthias settled down "What?" And it was easy for Laurentz to say "I
do not care".

"Well, to Laurentz ..."

"Wait a second, Laurentz. Well, Oh, Oh, Oh, can you blow me in such a place like the
word of love?"

Matthias shows everyone who is in the multipurpose hall while being agitated about
to feel sorry. Laurentz shrugged his shoulders mysteriously.

"It is not to say to a woman in the intention, it is the same as to read a book, I guess it
is not such a panic ... ...."
"No, those words are not something that you do not feel comfortable with without
having an opponent."

Even in such a place Matthias was serious. Although the exchange of the two people
is interesting, Muriela is waiting with a hopeful smile with the love story of the

"Would you mind asking Laurentz for the time being?"

"... I am sorry for being an unfriendly aide who can not fulfill the Lord's request."
573 | 2523
As Matias regretted saying so, he fell a step. I think that I do not regret so much, but
Matias is depressed.

"I It would be good if vote at Matthias are good. Good place respectively, weak place
is because the difference is"
"...... excuse me,"

I will record the voice of the Raurentsu while touching the magic tool. Words of love
Myuriera has been carefully selected to come out a lot of God, did not know still well.

Because it does not know the words of love, I was blown at the end to this propaganda.
Is a good chance to appeal the book of Ehrenfest to a lot of customers.

"For women who want to be enchanted by the words of various love like this, the love
story of the aristocratic family will respond to the gentleman who is looking for a
wonderful love word that shoots a woman of intention. Is selling from summer in
Ehrenfest, we will also release the history of the Ditters stories, the Knights stories
and Dunkel Ferger who hold sweat in hands at the same time.

574 | 2523
The 505th story About the stuffed animal of Sumiru started to be made after Raimund's
study and Hill Sur's attention.

I am Riesela. I am enrolled in the final grade of the nobleman as a side of Rosemain's


"Rosemain, how are you doing here? I think it was lovely finished."
"It's wonderful, Rieseleter!"

When I saw Sumir stuffed toy I made, Rosemain looked happy smile while lying on
the bed. My smile, which has been getting less visible recently, is also blessed with a

...... Rosemain sama must still smile.

Rustmain says that Rumemain has a stuffed animal with gold 's eyes in a dark blue
coat and it is very cute to myself that it was good to make it.
What I made this time is Sumiru's stuffed toy containing a magician that can be
recorded by Hill Sur Laboratory. Rosemain seemed to want to make it a grunge, but is
not it so pretty that he can hear it from Schmir rather than Rosemain's voice from
Grün? I absolutely can not give it there.

...... Huh, how lovely you are. I would like to arrange Rosemain with a stuffed animal
like this with Schwarzs. ...... Oh, but was this schmir given to Mr. Ferdinand?

Considering how Ferdinand inscribes wrinkles on the eyebrows while looking at the
dark blue Schmir, a little laughter will come in. Of course, I am patient so I will not
laugh at it.

Rosemaine can not leave the bed because the heat has not yet drawn. I reach out to
the manastone in the belly of Sumiru.

"Mr. Ferdinand, are you taking a good rest? Please do your work moderately"

575 | 2523
"Even though I am busy, I will not have the power if I do not eat rice, please do not
depend on medicine too much, please eat properly"

Mr. Rosemain confirmed that the word was properly emitted from Sumir and nodded

"Even if you give it to Ferdinand, you will be thrown into the box, so would it be better
for you to give it to Justoix and use it when you need it?"

Brunehilde, who was watching Rosemain seriously thinking of having a plush toy of
Sumiru, next to me murmured with a small voice.

"Hey, Risellera. Do you not think that such a precaution is necessary for Mr. Ferdinand
to Rosemain?"
"Shall I ask you to make another one and record it?"

Mr. Ferdinand who headed to Ahrensbach, but to the opposition fight and the
graduation ceremony, you should come to the lords to escort Dietlinde. Let me briefly
tell you a little about it at that time.
Even soon after the beginning of the House of Peers, I was able to switch my mood
with words from Mr. Ferdinand. If you can hear the voice of Ferdinand, surely
Rosemain's heart will be comforted.

... ... It seems peaceful for Rosemain, and there is still only Ferdinand like to be spoiled.

I think that it would be nice if I could get married to Vilfriit who is my fiancee sooner
but whenever something happens at this year's House of Lords it is said that "I have
to write a letter to Mr. Ferdinand" When seeing Rosemain hiding in a hidden room, I
can not but think that it is still ahead.

...... By organizing your letter, I arrange my head and seem to have emanated ... ....

Since Mr. Ferdinand headed to Ahrensbach, Mr. Rosemain was very good at hiding
emotions. And the number of times to hide in the hidden room has increased.
Although the repair worked well, it is difficult to understand where the recognition
differs from where the common temple is raised and where the common sense is
slightly deviated.

...... I also remembered the falsehood of my sister's smile.

576 | 2523
My mother said, "Since a young child remembers as soon as the bad place around him,
in the presence of Rosemain-sama, I remember to be particularly careful about what
to say" and I will shoulder down.

...... Sorry, mother. Because of my lack of power, Rosemain mimics the sister 's bad

"Rosemain Mr."

Philene came into the room with a few letters.

"A letter from Ahrensbach's Reti Zia was transferred along with a letter from
Ehrenfest, it is said that according to Aub, it would be better for him to read through
the game against the territory"

I and Burunhilde descend a little, and Philline opens the place so that it approaches
the couch. Prior to handing to Rosemain Mr. Philline, who examined the letter as a
civil apprentice first and laughed a small smile.

"This letter seems to be one of the tasks from Ferdinand to Rethymia, and at the same
time it seems to be a challenge to Mr. Rosemain. In an aristocratic word, reply that
will be a model for Retiesia It is written as if to warm up. "
"It is serious, Phyline, I feel like it has gone up"

Rosemain 's face looks very happy though it is suddenly headed by Ferdinand' s
challenge. After all, it seems that the feeling that Ferdinand is not coming to Ehrenfest
greatly affects my feelings.

"In order to answer Ferdinand's challenges, I will read a letter from reti zia first."

Rosemain, who began to read the letter happily, quickly got a difficult face.

"... What does this mean? Rethi Zia is glad that Ferdinand gives us the challenge ... Is
not this bragging round about? No, I can read as if you are suffering "

Rightmain says that she was looking through Letherzia's letter and left the gray tier
to clean up the costume she had in Richarda, so she approached the couch
577 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, let's decipher it together, if you misread it, reply will be tough."

Because of the raising of the temple, Rosemain is not accustomed to the phrase unique
to the aristocrat. I can not do it when I tell you what I want to say but the ability to
read what the other person wants to say is somewhat low.

...... It is the nobles' phrase that some interpretations can be made, but because
Rosemain sometimes does a ridiculous reading method.

If you read a letter with Richarda or Muriela, there would be no problem. While
looking at the aides who started seeing the letters in front of Rosemain 's bed, I fell a

"Bruhn Hilde, I will go down a little to make the next schmir,"

"Well, please."

I descended from the front of Rosemain, heading to the costume room. When I took
out the sewing box and was looking for a cloth to make a new schmir, Graya who
finished putting on costume came close to interesting.

"Do you plan to make something again, Rizerator?"

Graytier was often fascinated by the faction of the same faction from the time he was
in the former Veronica school, so it is a bit weak for Matthias and Laurentz, even
though he is giving a name in the same way as the same old Veronica faction It seems
to be. I am acting with someone who is basically the same sex.

Greater said that we are not good at associating with the people in the upper ranks,
but Rosemain's aides are involved with royalty from one to the next. I try to distribute
inward jobs as much as possible, but since I need to be involved with outside even
when I do not like it, I have surely gained the experience of the upper-ranking
opponent compared to Charlotte-sama's side.

The other day, "An irregular doctor with a ritual involving royalty, the future of the
Lord is greatly involved with the future of the Lord .... As much as I can do with the
familiar procedure, the higher rank is better for the partner's tea party It was said.

578 | 2523
...... I fully agree. Even though the upper rank is the opponent, the royal family is the
partner, it is relieved if it is a tea party.

I want Gratia to become strong so that I can support Rosemain sama after my

"I'm thinking of making a new schmir with magical tools for recording and letting
Ferdinand know the words of Rosemain."
"What is Ferdinand's saying, what on earth is it?"

Gray Tyr wonders and asked. Gratia who began serving Rosemain from this year's
House of Lords does not know the relationship between Rosemain and Ferdinand.

"For Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand was the only partner who was quite amenable to his
family, so I think that it is safe to just listen to the voice."
"... How about you, Ferdinand?"

I will explain it to Gratia, who does not know the relationship between Rosemain and
Ferdinand, while selecting cloth. It would be nice if there was a light blue felt that
looked like Ferdinand, but if it does not, I have to dye it.

...... Is it best to dye this white fur?

As Rosemain grows little by little during this winter, so many cloths are prepared in
the costume room this year for easy rework. I fixed it so that I could see the length a
little longer by attaching the lace to the hem of the skirt the other day.

"Rosemain is baptized as a daughter of Karstedd and Elvira, but it is not a child of

Elvira-sama's fruit.If only one season before the baptismal ceremony is held as a
brother-sister Cornelius I have heard from you. "
"I am on good terms with you, are you a mother brethren ...?"

Rosemain and Gratia were the same as their brothers in baptismal ceremonies, but
they seem to have been bullied by older brothers. I am surprised at the fact that even
a heterosexual brother and sister who became a mother in a baptismal ceremony can
make friends.

579 | 2523
"Gratia knows only the relation inside the dormitory of the aristocrat? The two of the
dorms interacted somewhat like brother-sister, but usually we have a distance
because we are committed to the role of the Lord and the escort knight ''

Take the white fur in hand and check if I am big enough to make a stuffed toy of Sumil.

"Rosemain and Elvira's relationships are also good, but from my point of view, I have
the impression of superiors and subordinates, teachers and students teaching
socializing and standing in aristocratic society, teachers and students.Rosemain is
also a good child I understand that it is stretched.The relationship between Florentia
and Charlotte is also different. "

Relations with the Aub family who became adoptive parents are also good, but it
probably is not a real child. It feels like Rosemain's person is drawing a step. Perhaps
you do not know how to spoil it in front of a real child.

"Rosemain's attitude of going to be a good girl disappears with Hu is not a room, it is

a temple, and it was a time when Ferdinand, who was a guardian for many years,
"... ... It was a very big loss for Mr. Rosemain that Mr. Ferdinand headed for
Ahrensbach, I knew for the first time."

It was glad that Ferdinand was going to a large territory for Greentier who was
unfamiliar with the circumstances of this situation, and it seemed that Rosemain
seemed to be pleased.

"Rosemain says the schedule as if he feels relaxed time at this year's House of Lords,
even though it seems to be fun still, but I think the reading seems to escape behind
somehow unlike before is"

It may be easier to understand if you say that your older sister is similar to the one
you were planning for special training when it comes to the final examination. I devote
myself to what I like to divert my eyes from what I do not want to think, but I feel like
I'm getting worried missing.

"... What is Rosemain scoring from what on earth?"

"I do not know exactly for that though, but it is clear that the instability came from Mr.
Ferdinand towards Ahrensbach Rosemain was a family member It seems that she
adores the Ferdinand than at present and there is no doubt that it is more important
580 | 2523
than Willfried who is a fiancé at this time and it is only now that Wilfried will be
replaced by Ferdinand Although ...... "

I hope that we will gradually step up for fiancés Virfriit and Rosemain. The current
two people are looking at different directions and they do not reflect each other's

"Is there a word from the royal family?"

"... ... yeah"

Although he did not descend, I did not inform Rosemain who wants to know about the
circumstances, I'm not going to move around yet, but I heard from Wilfried sama that
there was a tougher word than the royal family.

"Rosemain is indispensable for the development of Ehrenfest, unless we must protect

it ..."

I have never lost consciousness at this year's tea party and have collapsed or I have
not stopped attending the tea party because I lost physical condition just before. It is
highly appreciated that the donation ceremony was organized at the tea ceremony,
and the royal family and the small and medium territory were taken care of.
In my words, Graytia became anxious face, I lowered my eyes a little.

"... .... But I am buying a grudge from the territory where I could not enter Shield of
Shurria. Those who think that raising a problem and raising Rosemain from Ehrenfest,
if you have a grudge against Ehrenfest You should have more vigilance than ever
before, like Virfriit, Rosemain. "

"Rieselaer, Rosemain is calling"

When I headed to Brunhild and headed towards you, Rosemain says, "I want another
plush toy of a schmir". It seems to be awarded to Reti Zia.

"According to this letter, you seem to be worried about how Ferdinand is severe and
how to endure.I think that I need words to stop Ferdinand, also for Reti Zia, "

581 | 2523
I'm thinking about the words that Rosemain is lively and blown into the magician of
recording. "I would like to have a word saying that I did not work hard today" or "I
would like to have a word that is not very strict" or "Please praise me for being well
done occasionally" or "I would like to have a word well today," or a word coming out
of Rosemain's mouth My heart ached somewhat.

...... It is not for reti zia, but rather for Rosemain, is not it a necessary word?

Swallowing what I want to say, I made a promise to make a stuffed toy of Shimir for
Reti Zia, got permission to go down to the costume room.

"Mr. Rosemain, I will help you with the Risera, if you deliver it to Ferdinand who came
in the competition against the territory or at the graduation ceremony, I do not have
"Please, Muriela"

Muriela who has dexterous hands will say so and get permission from Mr. Rosemain,
will come about behind me.

...... Shall use the white fur as it is for the retismia shemir?

While looking at the cut fur while thinking so, Muriela brought a sewing box with a
terrible fun smile.

"Rosemain is quite passionate about what he really wants to take over with Ferdinand
... This is surely a love ... it is very transient and beautiful ..."
"Ferdinand and Rosemain have no such consciousness"

Muriela will thread the needle while saying that it is free to imagine even if there is no
I rather swallowed words that emerged in my mind, like the owner and pet animals. I
thought that it was mainly rude words.
However, like Ferdinand and Rosemain, the owner who frequently takes care of a pet
who does not know what to do though he is frail, and the owner who frequently takes
care of himself, saying "It is troublesome and troublesome", and develops into a
trouble despite his owner who is supposed to be praised for praise but wanted to be
praised by the owner There are times when it seems only to be pet scolded pet
582 | 2523
...... I have thought that I want to love Rosemain, but I keep it.

"By the way, who is the escort partner of the Risera?"

Muriela who loves stories of romantic relationship started out shining his eyes. By the
way, I already talked to Léonore and Filines, but I feel I did not talk to Muriela who
joined the aides from this year's lords.

"I was offered not to have many cloakers to embroider on my cloaks, did some
applications from other territories exist?"

It is true that Rosemain won the donation ceremony and attention from other
territory increased. However, I am a Rosemain-sama's side. I do not intend to go to
another territory, I do not intend to choose the other party as a husband who is likely
to be shed information in other territory. I would like to be a couple like my father
and mother to be able to support the lord's family.

"My parents have talked and my opponent has already been decided, did you know
Wilfriit-sama's civil servant Torsten-sama, a senior nobility close to intermediate
level, and I finished the color matching?"
"Is that so !?"
"Since there was no particular problem, the story is progressing among parents.When
assistance to become Vilfried-sama and Rosemain like a good couple by sharing
information of each other if Mr. Torsten is your opponent I am thinking that I can do
it. "

Mr. Torsten is a calm and calm atmosphere. I was already an adult, and I joined the
lords at the lower house when I was in the lower grade. Because my sister 's marriage
talk is tough, I thought that I wanted to finish my marriage talk as a trailer in the hands
of my parents. My parents are very pleased that there is no other opponent.

"Is there no love that makes me excited like this?" Lisaerator who met again for the
first time in a few years and Mr. Torsten whispered the budding goddess Blue Anfa ...

Muriela says that he wants a story of love like breaking the relationship his parent

583 | 2523
Pursuit died by purge and the possibility of marrying Muriela which could not live
unless it devoted her name is low. Because I will give my name to Elvira, I may be able
to get married if Elvira-sama is sponsored. However, the gaze of the criminal daughter
who was supposed to be disposed of in a joint seat would not disappear. I think that
it may be an enthusiasm for the love story because it is Muriela who is giving up her

"...... In a relationship like love, I hope we can build a calm relationship.The wildest
story like a story has experienced enough in these three years I served Rosemain."

In the first year, Rosemain, who received a call from Prince Anastigius, lost
consciousness and just turned down and thrown down. In the second year Rosemain
lost consciousness in front of Prince Hildebrand though it was a tea ceremony of the
library hosted by Ehrenfest, and we ran through the end. In the third year, we decided
to hold a dedication ceremony ceremony celebrated, and finished the ceremony
without incident.

"Do not you think that it is unnecessary to have a stimulating life any more for a
middle-class aristocrat?"

After raising her face as Muriela made a relief, look around as if he was in trouble.

"... ... Next year there is neither Rieselator nor Leonore?"

"Even if Muriela gave her a name to Elvira, she is an aides of Mr. Rosemain in the
House of Lords, and there is no Ferdinand who has always given instructions, and
Rosemain has expanded its influence in various ways I will graduate, but please
handle well. "

When I smiled, Muriela got settled with a shocked face as "what's that".

584 | 2523
"How about this, Rosemain?"

Immediately before the lunch ahead of the competition against the territory the Ignats
and Marianne brought out magician from the blending room. Many civilian
apprentices come out behind the two of us.

"Please see"

Marianne set the paper on which the score was written, turned the handle and played
the sound like a music box. Ignats combines Nansave paper with an improved small
transition team and sends books to the box.

"There are a number of things we want to improve in the future, but would it be a
point if it were to be exhibited as a prototype?"

As expected it will take some more time to improve further, it seems that magical
power and material are not enough. Wilfried and Charlotte, who seems to have
cooperated primarily with civilian apprentices, are also a bit tired, but everyone has
a face full of accomplishment.

"I think that it is wonderful, I used to make it in this short period well"
"Well, really, senior aristocrats are amazing, even if we can give some advice and
suggestions from Rosemain and Raimund's research, we can not prepare it."

Philene, who was staying in the blending room together, sees Ignatz with respect to
respect. Because there is a difference in formulation that can be made depending on
the amount of magical power, it seems that there are many formulations that can not
be done by the lower aristocratic phyllene.

"While I'm in the House of Lords, I use a lot of magical power in the lecture, so I'd like
to compress as much as possible during the spring and autumn ..."
"In the meantime we will add more magical powers."

585 | 2523
Ignats laughed challengingly that the Filines could not be defeated. I think that it is
good if everyone improves magical powers while working hard in this condition.

"Is practice of presentation okay?"

"... ... I will do it now, but unlike what I have done so far, I think that it is okay because
it is a thing that I made by thinking on their own."

I do not want to worry about the contents of the presentation as it is an explanation

of the magic tool I made from scratch by themselves, not trying to announce the
advanced formulations and magical tools that are jointly made up by anyone of
Drevankl without understanding .

"I would like Rosemain to tell me a bit about Ehrenfest's paper, even within a good
range to announce it."

We accepted Marianne's request with gratitude and from the afternoon we finished a
collaborative research with Dorevanker together.
As I stayed at the dormitory all day, the knight apprentices seemed to be able to train
all day.

"Qatar curl began to arrive from Ehrenfest, we will bring it to the meeting room,"

The apprentices side by side with the voice of Brünhirde begin to move all at once. It
seems that katar curls and cookies that had been asked to Otomar Shokai began to
arrive during the transition. It is decided to focus on baked goods that can be cooked
in order to compete against the territory. As expected there are too many visitors, so
we can not deal with dormitory kitchen alone.

"I guess the castle kitchen is also busy right now,"

Food for cooking to Ferdinand is asking the chef in the castle. The busy atmosphere
here and there too is full of excitement in front of the festival and the mind emerges.

"Mr. Rosemain, along with Katrkar, we received two volumes of the Felness Trin
narrative, have you promised to be Hannalee? Shall I tell you in Ordonants?"

Rieselter brought a wooden box with Fellenetine story. Muriela gave a voice saying
"Well!" And made the green eyes shine, but civil apprentices are in trouble unless they
give priority to preparations for tomorrow.
586 | 2523
"I will send it from Muriela since the end of the fight against the territory because I
have not read it yet"
"The princess will deposit it until the game against the territory is over"

Ricarda is stabbed with a big nail, and I reply that I am "honest." "I want to read it
quickly," and Muriela, who is ready to prepare, made considerable communication
with me.
When I informed Hannellore of the arrival of the Fellenetine story, Hannellore
received a reply of a frantic voice saying "I am looking forward to".

The morning of the competition against the territory of Ehrenfest starts with a sweet
smell. In the kitchen, you can start making sweets immediately after making a
breakfast that can be cooked like a sandwich and soup.

Students who finished breakfast earlier than usual began to move to prepare for the
opposition fight. Apprentice apprentices give instructions to the workers who are
working downroads, and carry the sweets that were placed in the meeting room one
after another. Knight apprentices who participate in Ditter are doing the last exercise
and the apprenticeship of the knight of the lower grade who does not participate is
attached to the escort of the lord candidate student.

"Well, let us also depart"

Vilfriit and Charlotte who started to move to civil apprentices begin to move. I also
wanted to help in setting up the venue, but he said "When Rosemain moves, I am
worried about the knight apprentice in the lower grade."

"I can not predict how people in small and medium-sized territories that have broke
into the ditters with Dunkel Ferger will move, because they are asking me to bring a
knight a lot from the Order as the Ave and his wife's escort knight Please stay in the
dorm until arrival. "

I can not say that I want to go, being told so far. "I understand, please prepare,"
Wilfried and Charlotte will wait to take out apprenticeships of civilian officials. I can
not help it to avoid danger, but I feel somewhat disagreeable.

587 | 2523
Some people are entering and leaving the dormitory as they are not busy preparing,
but no one is in the multipurpose hall. When I was staring at the catchy multipurpose
hall, I gently placed my hand on my shoulder as Richarda cared.

"Princess, could you please check the tea room? Because Ferdinand and Justkus are
ready to rest"
"to go"

I headed to the tea ceremony room with Richarda. You can enter the tea ceremony
room from the door closest to the stairs to the kitchen. Gachari and the key were
opened, Richarda opened the door. The tea ceremony room is quite large, as you can
see from the fact that tea ceremonies were held by inviting representatives from all
territories in the first grade. It was divided into about three by the screen, and it
looked like an individual room.

"We prepared a chaise longue for Ferdinand to sleep, at the far most far from the
entrance, as the princess sent you from Ehrenfest"

It is a chaise lounge for the mattress I ordered from Zach. Although it took a long time
to deliver it from Ehrenfest, it was not easy to be comfortable than to sleep with lining
up a cushion on a chair with only a cloth stretched over it. I confirmed by pushing the
mattress properly by hand, I nodded with satisfaction.

"I prepare a futon in this wooden box.I will prepare to explain to Yusukusu, I will
confirm a variety of things before Arendsbach's aide"

Besides the wooden box containing the futon, beside the chaise lounge there is a chest
to put the luggage and a magic tool to light the lights, and the area around the chaise
long is surrounded by a screen.

"I can not affix a canopy, but if there is a disaster like this, Ferdinand seems to be more
likely to take a break"

There is also a chair to prepare for sleeping side jobs, and the back is the space to
completely rest. There is a table and a chair in the middle. I suppose it is supposed to
eat together. There are a lot of chairs.

588 | 2523
"The meal after the competition against the territory is supposed to be taken with Aub
and the students together, so it seems that Wilfriit Baby and Princess eat dinner here.
After that, it is said that Jirvestar will be joined here. "

I noticed the possibility that I will be sermoned all the time through the meal the next
moment when my heart felt to eat dinner together. I need some means to avoid
preaching. As I heard from Eckhart's older brother, I brought up the topic of research
and want to avoid preaching this time as well.

"I'd like to hand out the material I gave from Dr. Richarda, Mr. Hirschur to Feldinand,
please prepare paper and ink at the same time"
"I can do it."

As expected it is Richarda. There seems to be no breakdown. Let's study topics of

meals. Ferdinand seems to be hungry for research, and that must be the best.

"Then, here is the place closest to the door, a place to rest for your aides"

A wooden box and a futon to put the luggage are prepared, but it is quite simple
compared with the space for Ferdinand to take a rest. Is it good for other people to
take a rest?

"Ekhart, who is a knight and Yusutoku who wanders around here and there, will be
able to sleep outside, and the aides who accompany him from Ahrensbach will be
sharp and will not be able to sleep very well."

In the tea ceremony room where people of Ehrenfest can easily come and go from the
dormitory, Richarda says that there is no aide of Ahrensbach who can sleep at night.
For Ferdinand, even at home where there are trustworthy, it is not so for Arendsbach.

"So, we do not need much preparation for the aides, so rather after breakfast there
are others from other countries to welcome the graduates, so we try not to make life
as easy as possible for mobility We prioritized. "

As Ferdinand picks up Dietlinde, there are others in Ehrenfest who will pick you up.
When Ferdinande finishes breakfast, he seems to have to arrange for customers to be
welcomed immediately.

589 | 2523
"Thank you for thinking a lot. Thank you, Richarda. Please tell us that you were also
thanking other side-people."
"Certainly yes"

I confirmed that I was ready for a while and I returned to the multipurpose hall.

"Rosemain, Mr. Greetings"

The graduates' guardians became time to come from the transition team one after
another. It is also a spectacle as usual that parents head to the stadium where
opposing battles are going, as if passing through the dormitory with gorgeous
costumes. As I thought, I saw Cornelius elder brothers, Angelica and Hartmut in the
shadows emerging from the transition team. Both of us are costumes similar to other

"Rosemain, good morning"

"Why are you going to the lords?"
"I came to see the fiancée's success, and I must report to the Clarissa family again that
the situation has changed and I must redeem the forgiveness."

It is highly likely that you will be called to resolve your engagement by becoming a
priest chief. I thought that it is because of me, Hartmut laughed saying, "Rosemain
says nothing is to be done."

"Given that Tsento participated in the dedication ceremony carried out by Mr.
Rosemain, considering that the divine was reconsidered, I think that there is no tough
opposition, and Clarissa will come to Ehrenfest at the place where it was opposed
From now, we need to discuss the situation including the correspondence around
that. "
"... ... It certainly needs to discuss it, is not it?"

I remembered the momentum of Clarissa, I laughed cuz. It seems like I'm going to
thrust into Ehrenfest with a fierce battle, so it is necessary to take measures before

"Is Broder Cornelius also support of fiancées?"

590 | 2523
I turn my eyes while laughing like I tease. If you came to support the fiancée, today is
not an attitude towards the escort knight, but it could be a family oriented response.

"Did Cornelius elder brother come to see Léonore's success?"

"It is said to increase the kind of guards that can be lost in the surroundings with such
a construction."

I was glad for a moment when Brother Cornelius told me that he would see Léonore's
success with Rosemain. I have to tell you a lot about how Leonore of this year had
been working hard.

"... ... I understood that they came to the House of Lords, but Angelica has no fiance in
the House of Lords?"
"It was decided to confirm that Trauggot had acquired the strength suitable for his

Angelica, who is determined to engage with his grandfather unless he gets strong, told
me a bit sadly. If you think about it from a third party perspective, the older grandpa
is already equal to the age, rather than the Angelica. But what is important in Angelica
's eyes is its strength. The traumigot does not look like an old man at all.

"I escaped studying to remember the names of the gods in the prime of ... .... Angelica

Cornelius brother shrugged his shoulders with a shabby face and said so. It seems that
the interests of Angelica who wants to escape from studying even a little and the
interests of grandchildren and grandchildren wanting to avoid the bride of the same
age brilliantly match.

"Angelica, for yourself to become strong with the protection of the gods ... at least, the
highest God and the five gods of the Ogami, then let's let you remember exactly the
name of God who wants protection."
"I will do my best if it's the only one."

It seems motivated a little. Yeos Brenner's Ryurudadi had been praying for the
budding goddess for gaining protection. For the moment, we must start from where
we pray with memorizing the name of God that wishes to obtain protection.

"By the way, is Darmel an answering machine?"

591 | 2523
I can not see only the appearance of Damuel in my aides. Since there are only three
people who can move at the transition team, I asked if I will come later, Brother
Cornelius shook my head.

"Because there is good sense of magical power, there is a reason that it is just right to
monitor the movement of the former Veronica, but because Damuel did not have a
fortune to come to the House of Lords"
"I advised that you could make even a lover who is studying at the House of Lords, but
I was mourning that such a thing was forced to be decided"

To Hultmut's words, I hit! I breathed away. If such a thing is said, the glass heart of
Damuel will be shattered.

"Haltmut, do not stop teasing Damuel with such a refreshing smile! If you do not want
to be lover and you can not get married, boast that you go to see the fiancée's success,
and you want a lover Make it, you will be too bad! "

I can not complain to Hartmut who is a senior aristocrat, and I see eyes that Damuel
is mourning. When I complained instead of Damuel, Hartmut did not seem to reflect
at all, and I saw me with a small laugh.

"I advised because I thought that if Damuel cared about it, I advised you, is not
Rosemine who is deciding from the head that he can not be a lover so much awful?"

...... It certainly is. Sorry, Damiel. As I say, Hartmut, I've decided. You should have
believed that Damuel could do it if you wanted it. The Lord, I am disqualified.

From now on I believe in Damuel and leave marriage to Damiel himself. If that comes
to mind, surely lovers can also marry.
As I thought, I got a head crushed lightly with a cotton from behind.

"Problem girl, were you keeping quiet today?"

In retrospect, the adoptive father overlooked me. I have a bear under my eyes and my
cheeks are sprinkling a little. My complexion is not very good. The purification of
purging will be so hard.

592 | 2523
"Mr. adoptive father, it has been a long time ... ... It is quite tiring as hell."
"Who do you think it is? It's a Gatsugli sermon when you return to Ehrenfest"

As I was being told that while being choked with a cheek, I was breathlessly
breathless. It seems that the thunder which is considerably large is likely to fall.

"Well, shall we give Ferdinand-san's recovery drug to restore fatigue?"

"On the other hand, do you think you want me to stop you?"

Although I thought carefully as being here, I was stared with swordy eyes.

"I'm not planning to give out a taste like stinging separately.I am a person who enters
kindness to drink easily, because I still have prepared to distribute it at the dedication
ceremony ..."
"Now, if you take recovery medicine you will be attacked by drowsiness, so I will go if
you are ready"

I was lightly hit by a shoulder, I looked around the whole mind. Knights' knights have
arrived from among the transition team, but there is no adoptive female figure.
Besides, the knight attached to the father's escort was not your father.

"What did your adoptive foster, foster mother or father do? I can not find your figure
"When the number of people decreases towards opposition to the territory, because
there may be some movements in the former Veronica group, it is leaving Karstedd
and Bonifatius absent ... ... Florentia is like a defender As I was having a complexion
that was going to collapse in the middle of the war, I asked him to stay asleep. "
"Wow!! Is that OK?"

I have never seen a foster mother who smiles gently all the time. When I unexpectedly
raised my voice, "I have no choice but to rest", and his adoptive finger shook his head.

"There are many interactions with other territories, we will be absent because of the
heavy burden of the territory competition ... ... tomorrow morning, go back to see the
situation, if it is okay I am going to sit and have a seat in the graduation ceremony I
may be able to do it only if I am a graduation ceremony. "

593 | 2523
I have had visitors all along and have been experienced last year to be chased out for
the day. It is predicted that visits to the area that experienced votive ceremonies will
also increase this year. It can not be done in a very bad condition.

"This year we and society together, we made Wilfriit and Charlotte together, causing
problems one after another." It just hurts just thinking what kind of visitor there is "
"……I'm sorry"

I rushed to prepare and headed to the venue where competition against the territory
will be held with the aides of my aides, father-in-law, and the Knights who protect the
adoptive father. On the way, I talked about collaborative research and everyone's
efforts in the ditters, and made arrangements on socializing today.

"Confirmation of mantle and brooch"

At the entrance to the venue against the territory, there were several central knights
of black mantle, confirmed the cloaks and brooches of those entering and leaving. It
seems that the terrorists who attacked last year seemed to have invaded the aristocrat
at the brok of Bernke Stock 's manastone.

I was with Aub so I put it in immediately as soon as I checked.

The Central Order Group is also placed in various places in the venue, and it has
become a much more rustic atmosphere than last year. Many also have a look that
looks uncomfortable in the security posture where the black cloakers knock their eyes
on. This unstable state will continue until someone discovers the magic of the
foundation of Börkenstock, or until Tento finds Gurtris Height.

"Where is Rosemain, the location of Ehrenfest?"

"The location of Ehrenfest is where plenty of bright ocher-colored cloaks are
gathered, as I was told to stay in the dormitory until the knights of Ehrenfest arrived,
I have not gone to the venue."

In addition, the height is also low, so if you are surrounded by knights you can not see
the surroundings at all. The adoptive father walks while talking a little satisfyingly, "I
see, I have taken safety measures anyway."

594 | 2523
"Please do not praise Wilfriit's older brother, not me, so I was going to be involved in
the setup."
"... ... be more concerned about your own safety"

I walked through the cliffs of various shades and arrived at the location of Ehrenfest,
it was already ready.

"This way, please"

Brünnhilde will guide you to the seat. Then, from the adoptive father, the absence of
foster mothers and how to respond today were reported.

"Is it possible for my mother to have socialization?"

"We may be able to get out tomorrow, so not to worry much, but if today's socializing
is unsuccessful, Florentia will be concerned.

Vilfriet and Charlotte sit together, I am with my adopted father. The adoptive father
set up a chair in a position to hit my feet, and said "When you are hit, you shut your
The knights of Ehrenfest lined behind us. Hartmut and Cornelius elder brother and
Angelica are close by me like a parents.

"Apparently Dunkel Ferger is going to be at the top of this table, it looks like it is going
to rush out as I see it."

Brother Cornelius who was looking around was saying with a watchful face. Easy to
observe because there is a place of Dunkel Ferger on the other side across the stadium,
somewhere diagonally. If you concentrate and look, there are certainly Ave and
Knights on the line with other territory, you can see Hannale is grasping the blue cloak
of Aub and trying to stop.

...... Hannaore says it looks hard. I am glad that it is not a child of Dunkel Ferger.

A slender woman approached Aubu like that to Hannorore and Aub, and thought
whether he said something, Awb returned to the table awfully. I think that a slim
woman is probably the first wife. A restraint was sitting on the table, and next to it
was a woman with a familiar hair ornament. I wonder if she is a fiance.

595 | 2523
"Is that Ferdinand sama? Can you see the color of Ehrenfest in the cloak of

In the voice of Hartmut, I look to the place of Ahrensbach next to Dunkel Ferger. There
was a bright ocher colored cloak in Fujiro 's cloak. Ferdinand, Justkus, Elder brother
Eckhardt. Keep abreast of wanting to embrace yourself, while watching the
movements of the three.

At the exhibition of the research, Raimund with Sumir 's stuffed animals was
explaining so hard that I realized that Ferdinand was holding temple. I have put my
hands on my mouth so that Justkus will bear a laugh. Apparently Sumir 's stuffed toy
seems to be quite acceptable.
I also wanted to explain to Ferdinand with Raimund, but the place of Ahrensbach on
the other side across the stadium is far away.

"Even if you put on the cloak of Ehrenfest, is not Mr. Ferdinand here?"
"I am already engaged in office over there and I need to promote my engagement this
year, so I will come to greet him."

The reply came from my adoptive father to my muttering. If you come to greetings,
there seems to be a chance to hand over the cloak of Hysiczse. I looked at the wooden
box prepared by Richarda, I loosened my cheek.

"Then, do a doctor from this! Go down from the called area!"

Battle against the territory begins at the same time as the declaration of the start of
Dutter by Ruffen. There is the first place Klassenburg's declaration, and the area
where we do the most is called.
At the same time I saw a group of Dunkel Fergus started walking. I can not come here
if I do not turn around a lot unless it goes a lot, but the first wife who is walking
gracefully at the beginning is accompanied by Hannaore, who is walking a little

……that? Aub Dunkel Ferger Is your company?

It seems that Aub who seemed to pop out at the moment seemed to remain with Restz
Lout. I will be seated in the seats.

...... Because I'm in trouble if I say Ditta again?

596 | 2523
While I was tilting my head, the apprentices started preparing for the visit of Dunkel
Ferger and my adoptive attitude was corrected.

"Do not be absent, Rosemain ... I will come .... This request is no doubt that Dunkel
Ferger will give up on the proposal for that one, and refuse Hannaore's wedding."

As the Ehrenfest side has no further troubles, it is made up of reports and letter
interactions, as the opinion that Dunkel Ferguer is good in that it does not press for
dissolution of engagement is good.

"Wilfried, Charlotte, here we start with Dunkel Ferger, we will opponent the upper
ranks, we will ask other customers"

Vilfriit and Charlotte nodded greatly in the voice of his adoptive father.
Hilt mouth confirms paper and ink with civilian officials, brother Cornelius and
Angelica get in a position to escort.

"Good evening, Aub Ehrenfest"

The first wife of Dunkel Ferger smiled and stood before. The same red eyes as
Hannaore are narrowed down to the shape of a smile, but their eyes are observing
this staring still.
There was a totally different fear from Ave · Dunkel Ferguer, which is called Ditter
and Ditter. While feeling nervous and feeling dry in my throat, my father and me adopt
a greeting once and then recommend a seat. The first lady and Hanna Lore arrived.

"About printing, books, rituals .... There are things I'd like to talk a lot about, but first
let's talk about Ditters the other day."

The first wife smiled, it is a thing involving greatly the future of each other's territory.
Collaborative research with Dorevanker was successfully finished, it is the beginning
of the fight against the territory.
Three adults' aides arrived to collect information and escort from Ehrenfest to his
Damuel has an important role in Ehrenfest.
And from the discussion with Dunkel Ferger the competition against the territory
597 | 2523
Next is socializing Dunkel Verger's edition.

598 | 2523
"In the other day's we had a side spear from the Central Order and the small and small
territory, even though there was no referee's voice, Ditters continued.The game that
we decided was that Hannorore himself came out It is due to it. "

In a quiet tone the first wife said so. Although the expression was calm, there was a
reverberation to blame the actions of Hannaore, I instantly turned my eyes to
Hannore. Shrinking the body so that there is no place to put yourself down, watching
the face lie down, I explain the situation when Hannorore evacuated.

"It was because Hannorore himself was able to join himself because there was no
escort knight and it was dangerous."

While the escort knight did not exist, Hannaore was frightened by himself to attack
from the sky and endured. Although he appealed that he was sorry too much, the smile
of the first wife does not collapse.

"Yeah ... The knight headed to the sky to protect treasure from the enemy who shoot
attack magic.Nevertheless Hannorore himself left the club, this is against the knight
who was fighting to defend Do not you think it is betrayal? "

I think that it is terrible to say that only one person can endure while that attack magic
falls on. I can not sympathize with the assertion that going out of the team and asking
for safety is an act being accused of treachery.

"... .... I grew up being taught that it is work of a candidate for a lord to be guarded by
an escort knight, so it seems that absence of an escort knight is an abandonment of
"Oh ... ... Do you say that Hannorore's actions are reasonable at Ehrenfest?"

As an action in Ditter and as a candidate for a lord of Dunkel Ferger it may be an

accused behavior. But Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger are separate.
I thought I would argue, but the father of the next adoptive father was earlier.

"The escort knights are in order to protect the lord's family, the most important thing
in Ditters is to protect the treasure, it is the knight's fault that could not be defended."

599 | 2523
... ... That's right, that's right! It is bad that there is no escort knight.

I nodded greatly in my adopted words. In the remark of adoptive father, the first lady
drops his eyes to make a slight idea.

"... Is it the case at Ehrenfest, there is no fault in Hannallre who left himself?"

Unlike Aub Dunkel Ferguer, the first wife did not tell us to turn black and white with
a dittor, but he gave me a convincing voice. Apparently it seemed that I could
understand it with words. When I was stroking my chest against what I could talk to
Dunkel Ferger in the usual way, the first wife distorted my lips into a smile.

"Well, even if Talcus was born and raised with the power of Fleet Lane, it might be like
heading towards Fair Furemere with the guidance of Drefan Goa."

Regrettably, the first wife said so, exhaling with unreliable breath.

……Hmm? What do you mean?

I can not understand the meaning at once. First of all, I do not know Talcus. Is it a living
thing peculiar to Dunkel Ferger or is it a minor story in myths of the myths?

...... Whatever Talcus is raised in freshwater and growing up in freshwater, when it

comes time goes to the sea, as a meaning inferred from here ... ... If you grow up
heading to a place that suits you, is it such a feeling?

While thinking desperately about meaning while having an ambiguous smile, the first
wife stared at me and the adoptive father alternately. Breathtaking and breathing in
the illusion that caught in that red eye.

"Hannellore gets married to Ehrenfest as it is decided by Ditter, so Hannerol's Fair

Furemare is like Ehrenfest, so let's be fine."

……Wait a minute. I have decided to marry before saying that Hannaore is not
required to marry to Ehrenfest! Is it?

600 | 2523
Before saying hope or opinion, it became like the shape which was completely
wrapped in by marriage of Hannaore. Hold your mouth in a panic.

"Well, you said that you want it, does Mr. Hannero really want to marry her into
Ehrenfest? Is she the second woman?"

For the second-ranked candidate for Dunkel Ferger's lord, it is impossible for the
second wife of Ehrenfest to exist. Unlike Aub who seems to think only about Ditter, I
think that it is a person who understands by speaking. I want you to think carefully
about what your daughter should do.

"I am out of the team with my own will, I can not do such things without hope. It is
unexpected that the candidate of lord of Dunkel Ferger wants to marry as the second
wife of Ehrenfest It is also troubling here. "

It seems as though Hannero is telling me, but he probably never said that he would
like to marry a word to Ehrenfest. I tried looking at the situation of Hanunero with
baldy, but Hannorore kept his eyes down. I close my mouth with a position that I
swallow without saying what I want to say.

...... Hannalee-sama.

It is the same as when Restzlut got a doctor's match and was refuted objections. The
figure of Hannorore who is shaking a little and trembling is not a figure of a girl who
wants to marry to Ehrenfest anyway.
Just like me, the adoptive father who saw Hannellore directed his dark green eyes to
the first lady.

"Fearfully, Ehrenfest has finally gotten up to eighth place finally, and I have not
acquired the appropriate response to that position, it is not a territory that can
welcome Dan Kel Ferger's lord candidate"

In the words of his adoptive father, the first wife nodded with a smile.

"Of course I know that if the value of Ehrenfest is worth it, it will produce trends and
industries and be proficient in both old rituals and words as well, while Rosemain Just
like that, I can not say that it is a territory suitable for marriage of a lord of the Dunkel
Felger to be married. "

601 | 2523
When it is affirmed with a smile, it is angry with it. Just to propose, Wilfriit is better at
putting things in practice, making craftsmans actually, to put together inside the
dormitory, to encourage everyone's feelings and head towards the goal. Charlotte will
appear at the tea ceremony instead of me who is out of society, so the inside of the
dormitory is gathered up.

As soon as I tried to counter it, my adopted father was lightly hit. It is a signal of
"silence color". While holding complaints in my heart, I close my mouth without any
The first woman turned his head slightly while looking at his adoptive father.

"I can understand that the rising Ehrenfest wants to obtain a historic Candidate of
Dunkel Ferger but why would you say you want to get it as the second lady?"

It is necessary to explain the feud with Ahrensbach. I can not do it because I do not
know where to boil it. I turned my eyes on support to my adopted father.

"We can only answer the circumstances of Ehrenfest,"

"Oh, but the first wife, who is in charge of diplomacy, is welcoming to help the wife's
parents' home who greeted from other territories and to use the relationships that
accompany it, and the wife of the self-government as a second wife in the territory Is
not there a greeting to bring together the aristocrats, how much do you know about
Ehrenfest? "

...... That is not Dunkel Verger's own culture, is it so on the whole?

I feel like being fit for reason, but I have never heard of such a story before. Next to
me who is stupid, the adoptive quietly watches the first lady.

"What kind of thought would be to disconnect the relationship with Dunkel Ferger
without putting out Hannaore, who has no neighborhood at all, as a second wife and
socializing outside the territory? Or, Aub Ehrenfest? "
"Although it may be different from the way of the high-ranking territory, there is
circumstance of Ehrenfest in Ehrenfest"

Now, pursuing purification of the former Veronica school, I can not make a wave of
waves with Raisegang.

602 | 2523
"Well, maybe. However, Ehrenfest does not know about that extent of diplomacy, does
not try to adopt it, and does not try to measure the stability or improvement of the
position, there is no point in fighting the wife of the higher rank. Even so, my daughter
is pretty, I want to avoid falling down on my daughter like the Princess of Ahrensbach
who wore a petition for his former candidate.

I dropped the lords candidate as a senior aristocrat while accepting the Princess of
the Mainland and did not raise the rank or deepen the relationship with Ahrensbach
and at that time I could not suppress the aristocracy within the territory The first lady
accused the incompetence of his wife.

"To be able to acquire the behavior as a high-ranking territory by the whole

aristocracy of the province, it is necessary to have enough years to change the age.
Decades since welcoming the princess from Ahrensbach. How did it change? "

Without turning his attention to the hardships of Ehrenfest scratched by the Princess
of Ahrensbach, the first wife is looking at things from the perspective of the large
territory to the last. I got a little understanding of the views and expectations of the
highland, but irritation increased.

"I got Rosemain sama again, the rankings have changed a lot in a few years, but I do
not think Ehrenfest has changed."

Then I was taught to refuse the same content as what was pointed out by Restistau.
With a look similar to Wilfried, the adoptive father has been listening to the first wife
's condemnation. Because the aristocratic words can not be understood at once, I
heard about half, but the tender and bad moods accumulate.

...... Is socializing of aristocrats listening to this strange?

"Aub Ehrenfest, what do you intend to do in the future? Do you already understand,
Rosemain is excessive to Ehrenfest?"

I've been listening to my father since I was walking on my feet, but I do not want
others to judge whether I am excessive for Ehrenfest.

"Gedululhi released his hand to protect Mestionora and was entrusted to Schoelia.
Whether it is for himself or for the surroundings that he is transferred to the land
where he can be active without heart I think. "
603 | 2523
The first wife said kindly with a kind face, but the content is "let me go". My heart was
filled with bitterness. I misled the adoptive father as "stupid" and glanced at me.

"Do you mean that Dunkel Ferger buys Schuheria?"

"Well, let's be a shield to protect Mestionora and Ehrenfest, so I will also marry

I wonder if I got a doctor's match in order to avoid such pressure from getting to the
adoptive father. Why do we have to accept criticisms unrelated to the game of ditters?
Besides, why is it that I am protected by Dunkel Ferger before I knew it?
You can not help iting against the first wife who takes a story in the direction that he
wishes while condemning the opponent's actions with an elegant smile and phrase as
if the neck is stretched with cotton.

"Do not you think that those who cut off at once with scissors do not feel refreshed
like a father-in-law, a cotton clinging to his neck?

When he looks at his adoptive father while laughing, he seems to have given up his
hand as if his light-eyed adoptive father closed his eyes for the first time, "I'm sure it
will be easier to clean up than let it endure any more" I shook.

"Love it, let's take it afterwards"

With my permission from the adoptive father, I gazed straight at the first wife's red
eyes. Do not forget the noble elegant appearance and smile.

"Do not you know what kind of arrangements Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger have
decided to play against?"
"Yeah, I heard it."

The first wife's eyes become sharp so as to try to find my objections.

"So why is Ehrenfest pressurized even though the sacred goddess is fought? If you
believe in Elienfest's belief in the words of Restistau that you do not put pressure on
dissolving your engagement if you win, I did it, the losers should keep silent. "

604 | 2523
I broke away the past way of speech of aristocratic words as span and I smiled with
Nicolle. The first lady is watching me with a face like I do not know what was said
directly too direct.

"Rosemain-sama ..."

Hannorore who had been depressed all the while woke up with surprised eyes.
Compare me with the first wife with a stunning look.

"There is a difference in the environment that can be satisfied for the parties and the
environment that is good from a third party so that the healing of Fleet Lane and the
healing of Luceru Sumer are different. It is unnecessary to protect the gluck retreat to
those who desire unchanging peace, My teacher has also been killed. "

The first wife changed his expression color for the first time when he told me that he
did not need the extra care as in the case of Ferdinand.

"... ... for what purpose did Ehrenfest seek Hannoore?"

"I just wanted to avoid a troublesome ditters match, so I thought that if you said that
Mr. Hannallole would be the second wife, I thought that I could not decide with a
restraint like I was truly a consultant with Aubu I thought that I could earn a little time
and avoid the ditters, as a result I was accepted by the restraints' dogmatism. "

Do you know? When I asked, the first wife turned off his smile and compare me with

"Well then, does that mean that Hannellore is necessary and not targeted by Ditt?"
"Yeah, it's not so rude to have Hannorere come to Ehrenfest, if we win it will scrap the
conditions from the beginning." Mr. Hannero wishes to be in the place where you
wanted I was going to help you with a little power. "
"... From the beginning, is it?"

I was talking about when Hannalee and Ehrenfest won when Restistau and Wilfried
were deciding the fine rule of Ditter, but perhaps he had not heard it?

Next to me who tilts his head, his adoptive father laughed. It is a smile of a warrior
who finds weaknesses of enemies and tries to attack there.

605 | 2523
"As I mentioned earlier in Ahrensbach earlier, at Ehrenfest there is still no system to
accept the princess in the large territory If you wish for the happiness of a cute
daughter, please accept this offer very much."

The adoptive proposal proposed that there was not a story that Hannaore was
married. He had accused Erlenfest's organization for that much. It would be nice that
my daughter would no longer need to marry her.
However, the first wife thought a little. I do not know the reason why I do not agree
to say that I do not have to marry another.

"So what would you do if you wanted Hannero to be married to Ehrenfest? Do you
accept Hannall as a first ladder following common sense or do you take a casual
correspondence to the last? ? "
"I am very sorry, Ehrenfest is still not familiar with the way of the upper rank ... ...."

My adoptive father laughed nicely. Whether it is insane or not, the priority should be
the flatness of Ehrenfest, which is confused by purging. It is unnecessary for the
nobility to be in trouble.

"Is that the second lady to the last? ..."

"Mother, the winner is Ehrenfest"

Grasp the sleeve of the first wife who is about to speak further with Hane Torre's
trembling hand. It's not just hands. It seemed that the whole body was shaking wiggly.
But, in the eyes there is a strong light full of resolve, I am looking up at my mother.

"Please stop bothering Ehrenfest no more."


Hanna Rolle turns his eyes slowly to Villefriet, which corresponds to another
aristocracy in another table. It was a soft expression. Is it a misunderstanding of the
eye that a pale feeling seems to be lodged in the lips in the shape of a smile like a
burden on a soft narrowed eyes?

"It was the first time for me to say that I would protect someone in the battlefield, not
to be compelled, it was also my first time to prepare options, so I would definitely be
married to Ehrenfest I thought. "

606 | 2523
As I said so, Hannorore hid himself a second time and looked straight at the first lady.
I can not see the soft look earlier than a strong gaze that I found a counterpart to face.

"However, at Ehrenfest I said there is no soil to accept candidates for the lords of the
highland.If there is no well-organized system ...... Do not you just get annoyed, just
forcibly make a game Are losers further troubling the winners? At the very least,
should we not win the hope of the winner? "

The expression of Hannorore's face looked like the first wife was in trouble. She has a
face that seems to be embarrassed by unexpected events, such as a difference in

"Hannaore, you ... ..."

"Mother, it is not beautiful to force other people not wanting, it is Dunkel Ferger 's
woman who hands out the benefits to the surroundings and helps make his / her wish
come true? Mothers in Ehrenfest in this negotiation I could not distribute anything.
Let's start by pulling and knowing the benefits of Ehrenfest. "

Hannorre smiling with saying so was definitely a woman of Dunkel Ferger.

607 | 2523
"I generally agree with your opinion, but it seems that there are quite a few
discrepancies in various places. I would like to confirm that first."

The first wife kept his forehead and lightly scratched Hannelor and then saw me and
my adoptive father.

"In a report on Ditter that is coming up to me, in the event that Dunkel Ferger wins,
we consult with Aub Ehrenfest and welcome Rosemain to Dunkel Ferger's first wife
as soon as the engagement is resolved. In the event that Felger was defeated it was to
have Hannellore as a second wife of Ehrenfest.
"I agree"

When I nodded, the first woman turned looking behind behind as soon as she looked
stupid. A man who seems to be a civil servant who was ahead of him, advances a step
and spreads a piece of paper on the table, then it goes down again. It seems to be a
report sent to Dunkel Ferger, and it has been stated the condition of Ditter.

"Rosemain says that when Ehrenfest won, he told me that he was going to stop the
condition of hannaore's wedding from the beginning, but when was it fixed, did not
have a statement in this condition"
"When the story of Ditta is decided, did you propose from me when you are talking to

When I asked Hannaore to agree, I nodded that Hannaore was pretty.

"When I apologized for my brother's apology, Rosemain suggested us."

When Lestilauut and Wilfried were making fine arrangements about the game of
ditters, Hannerolle and I were talking drinking tea using witchcraft to prevent
eavesdropping. As far as I remember the flow when the Ditters match was decided,
the first Mrs. Lin became a face that realized everything.

"It seems to have been done in the same room on the same day, but if you used a
magical tool to prevent eavesdropping, it seems that the story has not leaked to
others. Have you been declared about the content you discussed? "

608 | 2523
I was suspected that we could tell the secret story of only two people publicly without
permission, and in a panic, I gazed at the adoptive father.

"I reported to Dr. Wilfried at my dinner that day, and I also contacted Ehrenfest.
"Oh, I received a report with detailed details"

I proved innocence of myself, I stroked my chest, and Hannorore also said, "I told my
older brother at the table for dinner."

"Hannaore, I will not make it in time for dinner, why did not you declare it to Restzlaut
on the spot? Even if you say such things after a fine arrangement, you already do not
have the conditions that have already been signed Is not there any reason to be
rewritten? "
"What? Signature?"

I told Wilfried that "I will not get married to Hannorore if I win," and I thought that
the story is familiar because Hannero delighted with nodding. But it was not a
discussion on the occasion to decide the conditions.
Hannallre reported my words to Restillaut, but after finishing a fine arrangement, it
seems that it was judged that after the contract that Restylut and Wilfried signed the
agreement it is not official.

"Make sure you make such a contract with a married Ditter so that you will not be
defeated by the first condition after Ditta."
"Is this a contract, not a report to Dunkel Ferger?"

Surprisingly and looking closely often, Willefried's signature is certainly done. It

seems to be necessary also to allocate the budget.
My adoptive father looked into the contract and became a difficult face.

"I know that I have decided on a fine condition, but I have not received a report saying
that I had such a contract."
"I have not heard from Wilfried's older brother,"

When we gazed at the glance glance towards Villefried, Hannerol said, "Maybe
Wilfried is not aware that it is a contract," she muttered.

609 | 2523
"It is obvious for Dunkel Ferger and it is necessary to use the budget of the House of
Lords, but neither Aub Ehrenfest nor Rosemain thought that this was a contract?"

I and the adoptive father nodded after seeing their face once. If you do not receive any
explanation from Lesty Lout, there is a high possibility that you do not think that it is
a contract document that is necessary for the budget.

"It seems that the explanation here is also not enough"

After the first lady frown a little, he pointed to the condition of the ditters match.

"There is a condition that Hannaore is to be the second wife here, but there is no
description that it will be dissolved."
"... ... I thought it would be better to propose in the story of Aubu after winning."
"Does that mean that if Ehrenfest wins, do you change the terms arbitrarily? There is
no point in deciding the conditions first."

...... It certainly is.

I did not know that I was strictly making contracts and deciding the conditions, but I
was going to ask Dunkel Ferger to do something that was mad when I overwhelmed
the story that I would not put pressure on winning It is. My first lady is going to catch
up further to me who shoulder on reflection.

"And then, Rosemain says she did a doctor believing that Elenfest does not put
pressure on resolving the engagement if he wins, but there is no such condition."
"Wow? My daughter-in-law Dittler gave up her marriage once at the point where the
victory or defeat was decided, I heard from Lestylart, that ... ...."

Asking while blinking, the first wife strangled himself curiously.

"I heard that Ehrenfest prioritized Hannorore as the second wife over that
condition.There is also a matter of Hannaore in the contract, but there is no item to
give up giving up on marriage."

It is a condition that it is a condition to give up at the original marriage ditters once,

but I complained that condition and I wanted to hunger Hannaore as my second wife.
For that reason, it is recognized by the restraint that it is no longer necessary to give
up, it seems to have been reported to Dunkel Ferger.
610 | 2523
"... It is a first visit that the condition to abandonment was removed without

When I murmured, my adoptively breathed deeply fatigued breath and felt my head
caught my head.

"It is not amusing even if the original condition is erased because the other party has
set another condition.When from now on, when you are making detailed
arrangements, you can act differently to advance selfish stories and check conditions
Be careful not to neglect yourself. "

While paying attention to me, the adoptive father gazes at the first wife.

"With this agreement, various approaches have been made to bring benefits to
Ehrenfest, moving with the recognition that Dunkel Ferger gives priority to taking
Hanna Lore as second wife as opposed to the marriage cancellation "

It is natural not only in the aristocratic world but also in the merchant's world that it
is perceived that there is a contract rather than just a mouthful deed is a formal
decision. It is completely this fault that the proposals that should benefit Ehrenfest
according to the contract did not make any sense.

...... Ahhhhhhh! What!

I remembered my own actions before and held my head. I told the first wife that I was
rude. To the extent that I can, I want to erase the memory of the first wife.

"I argued completely differently from the contract, I did something rude and I am truly

My adoptive followers also follow my apology.

"There seems to be a lot of discrepancies in the premise of doing the doctor. I am sorry
for neglecting confirmation."
"No, I do not apologize. Even though Ehrenfest was not familiar with the arrangement
of the married Dittor, the explanation was skeptical, the surveillance was insufficient,
and the deficiencies here were also great. "

611 | 2523
Hannorore did not properly monitor the man of Dunkel Ferger who tends to runaway
in the discontinuities that Restzlut took the game against the engagement with the
king's permission, and in Dunkel Verger talks on a natural assumption The first lady
apologizes that there was a deficiency in explanation such as confirmation of
conditions and remembrance.

"It is good that I did not forget the apology even though I was despised of being talking
about the wedding ceremony without permission, but never miss the men from where
the story of Ditter comes out It was your duty to keep restraints on wishes to advance
to themselves and knights raised in excitement and give detailed explanation to
Ehrenfest. If you want to take care of your friends, beware of it. "

You became conscious as a woman of Dunkel Ferger, did not she? When the first wife
smiled with Nicolle, Hannale 's smile solidified. While Hanne Rore gets nodded as if
he could hear the voice saying "such is impossible".

"I will be careful"

"Please tell me exactly what Ehrenfest wanted for this time for the ditters If you do
not want Hannorore to be the second wife, Ditter tells us before the arrival of Abu
inspects absolutely Let's finish. "

The adoptive father corrects his posture to the proposal of the first wife who glanced
at the place of Dunkel Ferger's eyes.

"I would like you to give up on the proposal to Rosemain, which is my best wishes,
and here I would like to ask you not to bring Ditter's fight to Ehrenfest again,
regardless of marriage, is"

Every year Dunkel Ferger is challenged for a butterfly, but the burden of Ehrenfest is
great and annoying, says the adoptive father in a nobility.

"Because I did not go to lose this time in particular, I also used magical tools and
recovery drugs gently, so I can not do opponent with Dunkel Fergus many times
because Ehrenfest is a shameful middle territory."

The first lady promised to my adoptive saying "Every year we do a doctor, if it is

within my range of eyes, stop it."

612 | 2523
"But please do not let Ehrenfest get a challenge soon, once you get it you will not be
able to interfere."

According to the first wife, it seems that Dunkel Ferguer recognizes that Ehrenfest,
who receives a treasure steal ditch every year, is a territory where he likes ditters
very much. From Ruffen, it seems that a report saying "Rosemain seems frail and can
not take the Knight course, but likes treasure stealer as Ferdinand."

...... It's not exact at all!

"Is not Rosemain complaining about the condition that Aub Ehrenfest said?"
"What is important to me is Ehrenfest, so even if my heart is shaken by being given
good conditions, I can not make a decision to leave Ehrenfest"

To be clear, the first woman relaxed a little.

"Hannero, what kind of things are there in Erienfest's advantage in your knowing?"
"Do you annoy trouble every year to the territory that does not like Ditters? In order
to improve the relationship of the future territory, we must prepare the goods of
apology for a while.Rosemain not individuals, Ehrenfest It will be an apology for you.

After thinking a little about Hannero in the first wife 's words, he hit the hand with

"How about bringing your older brother's picture to you, Rosemain and Wilfried like
that, drawing illustrations of the Ditters story, although they wanted other people in
the process of printing I told you I do not want hands in, the story of the picture is put
on hold.So I think that I can contribute to the printing of Ehrenfest if I give it in the
form that I am willing to use anyway "

Hannalee explained while watching the reaction of the first lady. Hannorore's red
eyes, who were told their opinion and said that it never passed, proudly shine brightly.

"Hannalloire is saying like this, is the painting of the restillaou really a benefit of

613 | 2523
I compare the first lady who seemed to be suspicious with Hannaore full of hope, and
I nodded a lot as "I will!"

"I think that it is a wonderful proposal for the sales of the Ditters story.
"... ... there will be more useful things elsewhere"

Anyway I wish for the protection of Dunkel Ferger, and my adoptive father restrained
my head and blurred. The first wife said, "By the way, Dunkel Ferger's shield was
broken down like Rosemain," with a smile and begins to progress with a talk in the
direction to apologize for the paintings of Lestirauut.

"Thankful for Ehrenfest, is it okay to put away the paintings of Lestirauut like you?"
"It will be a good opportunity for Lestileau to know what you can decide from yourself
about what you are involved in. You are still too sweet compared to what you decided
to decorate your shrimp ... ... Well, that painting is also Ehrenfest Shall I give it to you?

The first wife laughed at him as he plans to do something "I have a restoration work
of the dormitory."

...... Oh, I feel the same anger as Ferdinand to the first wife's smile. Mr. Lesty Lout, go
for it.

After a certain settlement arrived in the story of a game of ditters, it became a talk of
printing from a contract of picture exchange afterwards. I was asked about how to
prepare a history book and a ditta story, how to sell it, and I will answer one after

"In order to print Dunkel Ferger's book, I would like to place a printing machine on
Dunkel Ferger if possible, so I'm thinking of buying magical tools for printing either
"Unfortunately we can not sell printed magical tools."

The first wife nodded slowly as he murmured in his heart that the printing machine
was not a magic tool.

614 | 2523
"I know, according to the report of Restistau, there are no plans to put out the printing
technology outside to prevent the outflow of technology, how do you intend to expand
the printing in that state?"

It usually sells to the center and large territory, and it will flow new technology from
above. I'd like to know the reason to surround it with Ehrenfest. It is said that
Ehrenfest 's way of thinking can not be measured by common sense. Perhaps it is my

"We have decided to keep the manuscripts from various territories for a while and
print with Ehrenfest, and we plan to spread it after the penetration of printing system
to some extent in the interaction."

Although nobody of Ehrenfest is yet known, I want to permeate the right of printing
and the flow of money inside the territory and let it flow to other territory.
My adoptive nods nodded and smiled the first wife.

"If it's okay, we can promise to talk to Dunkel Ferger first when we decide to put it in
another territory."
"Well, then it is about the Fellenessine tale that I care about ...."

The father-in-law who knows who the model is, holds the mouth casually so as not to
laugh at the first wife of a serious face in front.
As long as I read a volume, the first wife said that I can read it as being fought by
Ehrenfest in a model of Fellenetine.

"It is known that Rosemain has gathered stories at the House of Peers and started to
lend and borrow books. It seems to call for relief from Rosemain sneaking into the
story.Eheren Fest There are few good things rumors about. "

The first wife says that Dunkel Ferger, who was runaway to rescue Ferdinand, must
hold the reins so that he will not commit the same mistake to rescue me.
As expected it is not saying "The model is not me, Ferdinand-sama" on this occasion.
"It is the result of a mother who grieved for going to Ahrensbach by the royal title and
beating the passion on the manuscript", it can not say even more.

"Since I think that such impressions will disappear if you read the second volume, let's
lend out two volumes at the same time when you lend to another territory. Thank you
very much for your kind advice."
615 | 2523
"Because there was regrettable that one volume ended in the middle, many people
would be pleased if they do so, and it really makes me worry about the continuation
and it will be gone."

It praises Ehrenfest's book while telling you how much Hannaore was enjoyable.
However, when I think carefully, I feel I did not tell you that the story of Fellenetini is
the completion of the three volumes. I quietly told Hannorere who is looking forward
to the second volume.

"Oh, Mr. Hannallole, in fact there are three volumes of Fellenesine story"
"Something like that ..."

Hannorore holding down his cheeks became the expression of despair. I want to read
the continuation earlier, but the first wife, who is seriously worried about waiting
until completion of the three volumes, who is next to Hannaore is talking to the
adoptive father about the selling method of the book.

...... There was something I had heard before the fight against the territory before
fighting against the lord of the lord conference, but may the lord conference also talk
like this?

While watching the situation of surrounding civilian officials thinking about such a
thing, a light voice broke in and came in.

"It is rude to have a lot of fun, but please just let me greet"

Ferdinand and Dietrinde came. The mouth of the adoptive father moves with the
advent of the model of Fellenesne who is just talking about now. As usual, it does not
say anything to the expression of the adoptive father who is going to say "what are
you planning?" Ferdinand is making a smile and being behind Dietlinde half a step.

...... Comic, bad!

The face color of Ferdinand is obviously bad, and it is a face of lack of sleep. I made a
smile, but I am not hiding. It seems that calm looks like a smile is angry, did Dietlinde
do something that bad mood?

"I have to go around all the territory with greetings with my fiancé.I am busy, busy ......
It is convenient for Dunkel Ferger's first wife here too"
616 | 2523
...... Oh, Ferdinand's smile deepened.

Dietlinde started talking with two of Dunkel Ferger, not me and my adopted father. It
is about a collaborative research.

"The collaborative research between Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest is also very
interesting and it seems that a lot of people gathered, but research by Ahrensbach by
Ferdinand's disciple is wonderful, please do not miss it."

After a glance at Dietlinde appealing on collaborative research, Ferdinand will come

to me and the adoptive father. I refused a word to my adoptive father and got on my
seat, I approached with elegance as fast as I could.

"Mr. Ferdinand, it's been a long time .... I do not feel well!"

I do not know the reason why he chews up at the same time as he reunions. I should
not have made a report that is yet to get angry.
As I caught my eyes for a while after seeing it as a tearful eye, I looked up at the cheeks
and the smiling face of Ferdinand had disappeared. Crispy wrinkles are carved on the
eyebrows looking down with a look like a cold.

"There are plenty of things I want to say to you, but I will keep it here"
"Well, please refrain from pinching your cheeks."
"Hmm, I will consider it afterwards"
"...... It's not just considering it, please do it too."

When I glared at him, Ferdinand rang off Hun and a nose. I feel that it will be tweaked
from the next.

"When I saw Dunker Ferger is here, I came, Rosemain, have you brought that mantle?"
"of course"

When I turned around and looked at Ricarda, the blue mantle was taken out soon.
Ferdinand picks it and walks towards the knights who are waiting behind the first

"Can you call me High Spitzse?"

617 | 2523
As soon as one of the knights flew Aldanants, Hezitze came. Although I'm not doing a
doctor, I am excited and look very happy.

"Mr. Ferdinand, congratulations on your engagement this time, I'm happy to be here
because I heard from the temple that I was out."

Ferdinand had a very soft smile on a high hesitz celebrating his engagement.

"Oh, I've heard that many people cooperated with Dunkel Verger so that I could get a
better environment, thanks to Dunkel Ferger's struggle, I thank Veronica's
granddaughter Dietlinde I got the edge between it and I have plenty of thoughts that
I can not do with words. "
"Well, in the case of Ferdinand, I will praise you for that kind of thing"

It takes a celebratory word from the surroundings to Dietlinde which becomes a shy
Meanwhile, Haisuzze changed his expression to just a pale blue.

618 | 2523
...... Hehythice knows. That Ferdinand was harassed by Veronica.

Only one person noticed that the reaction was different, I gazed at Hyscitz. Even
thinking from the character of Ferdinand, I do not think that I am being harassed from
myself. It may have been heard from the surrounding people like Justoks or Eckhardt
brother, or Hill Sur. At least, Hizuzze is probably a person near Ehrenfest so that some
people know only someone who does not know it.

"For me who must support Dietlinde in Ahrensbach, it is no longer a situation where

you can do a dispute with the other side, you can not have it forever.

Ferdinand smiled in Hyszigtze, holding the blue cloaks in the hands of Hizuzze.

"Ferdinand, this is ... ...."

His only hesitz who compares the blue cloak and Ferdinand who returned to their
hands with a stunning face may have noticed the meaning of returning the cloak that
was not returned when entering the temple.

"Good, something important cloak returns."

"Mr. Okamoto will be pleased as well"

The knights of Dunkel Ferger laughed while striking the shoulder of Hezitze. Surely
the knights that are striking the shoulder from the back of Hyscitz surely can not see
the face with bloodshed. Ferdinand turns a smile with Hu to Hizuzze which is said to
be "good" around him.

"An important cloak that had been deprived for many years came back, how about a
little more, Hyhyitse?"

To the contrary to the smiling face, the terribly humorous voice was heard as a
command saying "Please show me as if celebrating your engagement". Haisuzze who
saw the Lord of a cold voice once got down and grasped the cloak strongly, then an
awkward smile floats.

619 | 2523
"I did not think that this mantle will come back from Ferdinand, my wife will be happy,

There was a man who broke up between Haisuzze who realized that he had helped
himself to catch up with the worst situation, and Ferdinand who forced to show off
without forgiving to apologize.

"Oh, why did Ferdinand have his important cloak?"

Dietlinde who does not want to read the tense air at all tries to look interestingly while
shining his eyes like he sees Haisuzzse and the surrounding knights began to talk
about the beginning of things as they contend with each other.

"...... That's why Hysitz was trying to regain the cloak much more than in the nobleman
"Well, it is terrible to take up the cloak of the deep side! I do not think that Ferdinand
is such a ruthless person"

The knights breathlessly take a deep breath at Dietlinde who has begun to get stuck
in the truth of the knights of a gentle tone of mouth and surprises.

"Oh, no, Mr. Ferdinand said that he would return, but it was Haisuzze who said that
until he won the win with Ditter."
"Even so, I will steal my embroidered mantle with all my heart ......"
"It's okay, because the man of Dunkel Ferger will challenge as many times as possible"

Ferdinand turned casually downwards and turned his back on so that Deitlinde's
opponent could be left to the knights. And when I return to the table, after murmuring
my adopted father as "sorry for disturbing," I greet Hannoore with Dunkel Ferger 's
first lady.

"Ferdinand, please come here"

With instructions from British Hilde who saw how Dietlinde was talking, Ferdinand's
seat was prepared and tea and sweets were served. The adoptive tea and sweets are
changed at the same time, and the adoptive father puts tea and sweets one by one in
the mouth.

"Oh, it is the taste of Ehrenfest"

620 | 2523
Ferdinand who had drunk a cup of tea said in a tense voice. In Ahrensbach, the kind
of tea drunk on a daily basis seems to be different. Ferdinand's favorite cattle curl with
tea leaves is prepared, but after eating a little it was dropped by Justochs and Eckhardt

"Justoks, Eckhardt. It is the taste of my hometown after a long absence.

"I am sorry"

While in Ehrenfest's space where Ferdinand still can be relieved, there may be
meaning imparting a brief rest to the two of them. Justoks and Eckhardt brother
descended slightly backward with the dish being lowered.
Ferdinand who stood behind the escort knight accompanying him from Ahrensbach
gazed slowly to the first wife with tea.

"I saw a collaboration with Ehrenfest a while ago, I was surprised that such an old
ceremony still remains in Dunkel Ferger.To be successful in getting blessed in this
study I think that's really wonderful. "

Even though I know the old ritual, I tilt to the words of Ferdinand that they do not
know what is being taught by Ruffen at the lords.

"Does not Ferdinand know about the ritual of Dunkel Ferger, did Mr. Ruffen came?"

Hannorore taught me if Ferdinand shook his head as "unknown" to my question.

"I knew it for the first time in the process of this research, but it seems that one teacher
of the knight course has been retired and teaching has become available after Mr.
Ruffen has been commanded."
"It seems that the young generation knows which territory it knows, so the tourists
talked to the adult knights and wanted to make the monster hunt a little easier, so we
talked about Dunkel Ferger's Is not it that the influence will strengthen again? "

As Ferdinand added, the adoptive nod nodded deeply.

"Even at the Ehrenfest, I'd like to manage somehow before the suppression of the
winter of next year's winter."

621 | 2523
According to the adoptive father, we tried it because information comes from us, but
this year it seems that we did not succeed in getting blessed. Since most of the main
knights have to start from where they learn dance, it seems that they can not get
blessed immediately.

"The success rate of rituals seems to be about 80% even in the dormitory of Dunkel
Ferger, adults in the provinces have almost succeeded, the success rate of rituals may
be due to the amount of magical power dedicated It is thought. "

According to the first wife, there seems to be a ceremony to get blessing in the
territory with information from the House of Lords. It is said that it became a doctor
each time, and it seems that it was very difficult to have the knights who started the
awes to push the shrine in the temple, as it may be better to obtain a magical gear to
efficiently dedicate .

"It also means that the temptation of the temple side is not to be thoughtful, does not
it seem, Rosemain? At that time it is time of dedication just now?"

In the words of Ferdinand, I think that if he is the temple of Dunkel Ferger. A temple
that had not been seen at all by aristocrats, a knight who started with Aubu and other
"temple transcending" during the votive ceremony, is also pushing a lot. It is not
amusing to go up far higher by heart attacks.

"It was a mind that I really wanted to resent Rosemain about what tough thing did at
that time."

……I'm sorry. I'm sorry it was serious. I did not plan to do that.

While apologizing in the mind to the first wife who is looking a little far and the
templeor of Dunkel Ferger in mind, it was stared at Ferdinand as "Do you hate
Instead of me being hardened Hannorore intercepted that "Dan Kel Ferger is running
away and Rosemain says nothing bad, Mr. Ferdinand."

...... Mr. Hannaore!

It was a moment that I was touched.

622 | 2523
"It was Rosemain's achievement that celebrations were able to be obtained with that
ceremony, as Rosemain imitated the ceremony which had become only a form, as
soon as he devoted magical power with a spear of Leiden Shaft, blessing The pillar of
light stood, and as a result of a strong blessing, Dunkel Verger was rushing to revive
the ceremony. "

...... Oh no! Hanna More, stop it! I am scared of Ferdinand's eyes!

"Wow, the letter was not written in detail so far, but Rosemain was a big success."
"Yes, the dedication ceremony by Rosemain went to Ehrenfest was wonderful, too -
the Tento was delighted."

……Please. Stop it already.

Regarding votive ceremonies, it is very troubling for the number of elements that are
likely to get angry before dinner to increase, even though it has written only the
unimpaired part so as not to get angry.

"Fa, Ferdinand-sama! You have to head to greetings to all the territories, so you are
very busy, are not you!? It is not good to detain any more ... ...."
"Do not be afraid, Rosemain. I will not be able to do anything while Dietlinde is not
working, I would like to know what you were doing, because there were many things
I could not understand well in a letter."

Eyes are saying things to the mouth, that there seems to be many hiding things. Blood
fits up to Ferdinand trying to hear stories from fathers and hannaore. I have submitted
a detailed report to the adoptive father, and Hannaore is accompanied most of the

……Unpalatable. somebody help!

"What are you talking about here?"

Did Linde came towards the table whether the story with the knights finished. When
Hannaore smiled with Nicolle and answered "It is a story of a collaborative research",
it made the dark green eyes shine brilliantly.

"The study of Ahrensbach was made by Ferdinand's disciple and it began with the
focus on how much we can move the magician of the library with less magical
623 | 2523
power.After a political change, one of Soranju, one of the intermediate nobility
teachers, In research to maintain magical tools that were possible, the royal family
has also received a lot of attention from the viewpoint of preserving materials. "

...... That's the report I wrote. Moreover, the most important part of research that has
to be extremely useful for having a library as an individual is missing.

"Excuse me, Dear Linde, what we were talking about is the collaboration between
Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest"

Dietlinde who pointed out to the first wife that he did not listen separately to the study
of Ahrensbach and did not go up to the topic rounded his eyes to "well!"

"It will be a problem if you do not properly explain the study of Ahrensbach, Mr.


Dietlinde, who is supposed to be very busy with greetings around, gathered the eyes
of everyone's eyes and started preparing his study of Ahrensbach when preparing his
seats for the side apprentices of Ehrenfest.

"That's why there are magic tools to record voices, I am told hot love in the study of
Ahrensbach ... Ho ho ho ..."

Unlike me that puts Tsukkom in my heart, she is talking about hot love is a stuffed toy
of Sumil, the first woman clearly gave a voice.

"Should not you mention collaborative research with Ehrenfest rather than
Arendsbach's research? It is not something that sounds very good"
"Oh, because it is a study by Ferdinand's father, my fiancé, it is equal to the study of

The smiling face of the first lady got mixed up with an indescribable puzzle. A glimpse
of an eye that sees me is "Is the research outcome stolen?" I wonder what he is
thinking of doing exactly in negotiations with Dunkel Ferger.
It can not be accepted as if Arensbach was being appointed here. I smiled at Nicoli and
the first wife.

624 | 2523
"Please do not hesitate to check what kind of collaborative research between
Ahrensbach and Ehrenfest, so my apprenticeship and knight apprentice tried hard."
"... ... not a civil apprentice, is it collaborative research?"

My first Mrs. became more embarrassed and became an incomprehensible face. It is

natural for research to be exhibited in opposition to the territory is a thing of civil
apprenticeship, but it is a reisserator that made magical tools cute stuffed animals,
and since it is Laurentz who inspired the word of love, no lies are vomiting at all.

"Pretty Sumir's stuffed animal is a landmark of Ehrenfest"

"Oh yes, I remembered with Rosemain's words, I thought of asking Ferdinand,"

Diet Linde who hit the hand with Pong calls out "Ferdinand-sama". Ferdinand, who
was invited to speak to me and the first lady with the opponent who talked about
Dietlinde and began to hear variously from his adoptive father and Hannaore, tilted
his head as "something?" With a smile.

"As I asked for you, I would like to have that stuffed stuffed toys, so it was said that
Raimund and Ferdinand are like Rosemain's, so please do not hesitate to hand me
over. Wish of you, will you grant? "

It seems to have been wanted for whom to whisper love Sumiru, after being asked
once by Raimund and Ferdinand and refused. Not only Ferdinand, everyone who was
on the spot attracted eye-catching attention to Dietlinde.

"Is it the exhibit prepared by Ehrenfest?"

I was confidently confirmed by the first lady, and I nodded with a cock. It is troubled
even if it is told that I want it. That is a schmir for giving to retizia.

"Dear Linde-sama, I am very sorry, but it is already decided who to hand it over"
"Well, I negotiate with that person, who will I give you back?"

Hannaore shuddly told Dietlinde who showed a posture that never gives up.

"Well, Dear Linde, if it is a stuffed toy of Sumil, is it not enough to let her own hands
make it?"
"There is no one who can make a stuffed animal on the side of Ahrensbach ... ...." Is not
625 | 2523
Dietrinde diverted his eyes and lifted his jaws to catch up with the first lady.

"If it is an ordinary stuffed animal it will do so, but as you can see from that it is an
exhibit, it is a magical tool.Rosemain picked up the design drawing and the right from
Raimund before the next awesome au bass Just because collaborative research did
not consult with the next AUBU, things really frustrating "
"We do buy from the researcher with the principal and do not need the permission of
the next Aub, as well as the permission of AUB. Of course, I purchased it by paying
Raimundly properly, I have not taken it up"

I immediately objected to it. Diathlinde's assertion will pass if not denied. The
expression of the first wife became delicate. Ferdinand who slowly looked around the
surrounding reaction smiled at first glance.

"Mr. Dietlinde, if you can entice such a thing that you have given way to give away, the
surroundings will be confused"

It seems that the word that reads the air a little and refrains from me, did not lead to
Dietlinde only. Becoming a discontented face, I glare at Ferdinand.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I'm saying that I want it, if a fiancée, please give me a wish a little."
"... OK, I understand ... If you say you have enough magical tools to buy, let's promise
that I will make after the workshop with Ahrensbach. Roughly, if you get a workshop,
Please send me. "

... ... Do you mean to get a studio from making magical tools?

While pretending to respond to me, noticing the intention of Ferdinand trying to get
his hidden room and studio, I will also boost with a smile.

"Please contact me if Ferdinand gets a studio. I will send you a design drawing with a
letter soon."
"Well, it is wonderful that a fiancée bothers to make it, it was nice, dear Linde."

Although Hannaore smiled and kept the place rounded, Dietlinde did not become a
happy smile, and shook his head.

626 | 2523
"What Ferdinand can get the workshop is after the star tie, is not it a long time ago, I
want you right now, before someone else gets it, Rosemain designs Because I have a
diagram, should I create it again? "

The air which seemed to fit in a circle was completely cut off, Ferdinand breathed
while tapping the temple lightly, and the first wife and Hannero leisedly looked away
at the face.

"Is Dietlinde always being asked by Ehrenfest like this?"

"Is not it obvious, I am the next Arubu of Ahrensbach"

The first wife kept her forehead. Ferdinand looking at the situation gently raised one
eyebrow, smiled, and adoptively lightly shoulder the adoptive father.

Meanwhile, the Rizera caught behind me and heard a voice that I heard only me.

"How about Rosemain, how about letting Schmir during the exhibition to Dietlinde? I
will make it again."
"Rizerator ......"
"Is not it hard for Ferdinand to see the trouble of you?"

I nodded with a cock. I can not make it easily by myself, but if a leiselator makes it, it
would be better to pass Sumiru than to make Ferdinand a troubled face.

"I will deliver it when the territory opposition game ends. As you said, we will rebuild
the parts we will give over."
"Well, nice thing"

Dite Linde is glad with a loud voice, Ferdinand apologizes to me for 'Sorry, Rosemain'.

"Please do not take care of Ferdinand, my handling is very dexterous, so I will make a
new one again."
"But ... ...."

I do not want Ferdinand to have that kind of face, but I can not get it right. When I
thought of what to do, Hannaore smiled with Nicolle.

"I have not seen him yet, but that Sumil may become a new epidemic of Ehrenfest
627 | 2523
"Yeah ... Although it is hair ornaments for Ehrenfest, is not you going to use Dietlinde?
I saw the hair ornaments I was ordering for this morning, but it was awesome."

The first wife smiled and nods in the words of Hanna Rolle for rewarding the spot,
changing topics from Sumiru to hair ornaments.

"Of course Freddinand gave it to us, but what we show to everyone is tomorrow's
graduation ceremony.When surrendering it today, will surprises decrease? Please
look forward to tomorrow"

... No, I do not think you should be surprised.

"Because I will go to the graduation ceremony with a shirtless attire as the next Aub,"

Aldonants came flying away where Dietlinde was excitingly proud. Because there are
so many people, I do not know who Ordonants they flew towards, and everyone on
the seat lightly hands out. White birds came down to my hand.

"Rosemain, this is what the heck is!? I have not received a report because such words
are in there! Ehrenfest is planning to deceive Ahrensbach!"

A loud voice of Fleurreum with a quinch sounded plenty three times. It's just a good
voice volume as I listen while listening to my ears. I can hear my voice but I can not
understand what I am saying.

"Have you neglected to report anything?"

"I should have reported all to Mr. Fraulem, but ... what happened?"
"Oh, Rosemain, could you please forgive me, that one, maybe ... but ..."

When giving permission to the Rizerator, he said, "Is not it the last word of that

"Muriela brought it this morning to exhibit, but I heard the first word, two words, Mr.
Fraulem may have not confirmed until the end"
"Is there something at the end? I received a description from Raimondo this morning
and had a headache that it was quite a fool ... ... a strange word ..."

It was explained that it was a stuffed smell that talks about the words of love and love,
and Ferdinand seems to have given up in the first word. I heard that there are ten
628 | 2523
kinds in all, it seems that I did not mind bothering magical power to hear the words
of love spoken in a man's voice until the end.

"The word of that love is excerpted from the love story of the aristocrat, so in the end
I put in the advertisement of Ehrenfest's books, including the love story of the

Describing the propaganda phrase brought in by himself, "Such advertisement flows

from the Ahrensbach exhibit ... ..." Dietlinde lifted his eyes and stood up the seat.

"I will excuse you! I will have to head to greetings to other areas! Let's go, Ferdinand-

Why did not you check until the end? While thinking, he saw the appearance of
Dietrinde who began to walk indignantly, and Ferdinand stood up while giving a little
bit of laughter.

"Did you understand that Arends Bach's research was being made up for the
promotion of the book by Ehrenfest flowed in. Indeed you are ... I can not predict what
I truly do."

As Ferdinand began walking, he put his hands lightly on my head as "very fine."

629 | 2523
I am Ryurudadi. It is an apprentice for senior civil senior citizen of Joseph Brenner
who is enrolled in the House of Peers.

As a result of continuing to pray for the goddess Ribesukhillfe with the goddess Blue
Anfa of the sprout until the final exam, I was able to obtain protection from Blue Anfa.
Since it means that you can redo the ceremony even after graduation, next time I
would like to obtain protection from Ribeski Hill.

Fortunately I reported these to Mr. Muriela and cooperated with Ehrenfest and
Dunkel Ferger's collaborative research and I was able to lend a love story of a new

...... This is exactly the guidance of Blue Anfa!

While excusing my elder sister "to cooperate with Ehrenfest's collaborative research",
I quickly read the love story of the new lords I borrowed. The evaluation of Ehrenfest
who can ask the royal family to cooperate in studies of the students is getting better
and it is better to have a cooperation system in the midst of now, under the direction
of Aab, I am full I am supposed to cooperate in collaborative research.

The scene where the god of darkness spreads the sleeve and hides the goddess of light
greatly in the east shop where the goddess of time pranks like the Muriela was
listening to the love story of a new aristocrat was truly lovely. If it is done like this, I
may be ashamed to be very embarrassed if it is me.

"Muriela, I was wondering what kind of exhibition it is, I first came to see it."

It was the place of the research presentation by Ehrenfest where I first headed in the
fight against territory. Originally, we had to ask Greeting to Arub-Ehrenfest along with
Aub and Joseph Brenner who also served as a face-to-face connection between Arubs
and thanks for the opportunity to increase the protection.

630 | 2523
But you can see at a glance that at Blue Jersey you will not be totally opposed by Joseph
Brenner if you see the group of blue cloaks moving quickly with the start of the fight
against the territory aiming straight ahead of Ehrenfest.

My older sister also confirmed the guests' cloak heading for Ehrenfest and dropped a
little shoulder, "Maybe it might be better to see the situation again in the morning's
end." And, as an apprentice of a senior civilian, I told to look around the research of
each place.

"Ryurudadi, please do not hesitate. Please take a look.The same content as Dunkel
Ferger is around here and the part related to this dedication ceremony is original
research by Ehrenfest.The territory that cooperated with the donation ceremony and
participation People are sticking out here. "

...... I have my name along with the royalty! Is it?

I was also surprised that I am using a new method called graph, but my greatest
surprise was about the name with the royal family. I do not think that the names stand
side by side with the royal family. It is thought that such a honor is not accepted even
as a candidate of lords of Joseph Brenner.

"Even if you do not be surprised too much ... Rosemain says the people who
cooperated together will have their own name?"

Mr. Muriela who smiled blown suddenly gave a small voice as "A". Since that gaze is
stopped at a single point, I also look back in mind unintentionally. There was a
gentleman wearing Arends Bach's Dietlinde and Ehrenfest's cloak. I feel like
resembling those who have defeated Tanysubbephalen who suddenly appeared in
last year's award ceremony with a well-organized face.

"Who is Ehrenfest who is with Dietlinde? I have seen you but I do not know your
"Mr. Ferdinand, a guardian of a guardian who was teaching and guiding various things
to Rosemain brought up in the temple at Aub Ehrenfest's siblings, has been engaged
with Dietrinde, and at the end of the fall Aaren I headed to Subach. "

Although I am not in a position to be able to participate in the meeting meeting of the

lord conference, I do not know much, but when I think of that, it seems like I heard
from my sister the story that Aleinsbach 's engagement of Arends Bach was decided
631 | 2523
on a royal title I will do. While remembering such a thing, I was watching Ferdinand

Dietrinde began greeting the people of Dunkelfelger and Ferdinand says to greet the
people of Ehrenfest. Mr. Rosemain got up with his eyes shining.


Mr. Ferdinand touched it like wrapping Rosemain - sama 's cheek, and Rosemain
made her cheek red. And holding down the red cheeks with both hands holding down
my cheeks I'm looking up at Ferdinand with my eyed eyes.

...... I, I certainly felt Blue Anfa's visit.

Despite the fact that both of us are fiancely nearby, there must be a hidden romance
surely to make such contacts.

"Muriela, that is ... ...."

"Rosemain says something, I'm sure he guessed Ferdinand's cheek."

It was not Mr. Muriela - sama, but Philline, who responded. While watching Rosemain
sama like seeing a smileful thing, I laugh a little, "Because it was a scene sometimes
seen in the temple."

"After this it is surely Ferdinand's sermon .... Is it difficult in this place?"

While nodding to Phyllene 's words "Are you so?", I interviewed Mr. Muriela. Muriela's
green eyes also shine.

"Oh yeah, Ruhr Lady, please do look at collaborative research with Ahrensbach and I
am sure you will be pleased."

While saying that, Mr. Muriela watched and started walking towards Ahrensbach. I
will walk next door while talking "What is there?"

"I will exhibit the magician of recording at Ahrensbach, but I tried wrapping the magic
tool with a stuffed toy of Sumir to make it clear that Rosemain was involved, and I
632 | 2523
wrote that magical tool The words of love carefully selected from the love story of the
aristocratic society are recorded. "

...... It is the word of love carefully selected from the love story of the aristocrat! Is it?

I understood that my heart beats fast. It is truly Ehrenfest that such words can be put
in a magician to announce in opposition to the territory. I will not think very much in
other territories.

"We recorded with cooperating with Rosemain's gentleman, since we have recorded
a number of things, please listen to everything by all means"

...... What kind of love words are there?

While making a fun imagination, I lightly looked at the location of the subordinate
territory and headed to the place of destination Arendsbach.

...... That stuffed animal is Sumiru.

Schmir's stuffed animal sitting in a lot of magical tools lined in rows was a different
color and was remarkably conspicuous. You can understand at a glance.

"This is a study of Ferdinand and his disciple Raimundt who came to Ahrensbach,
please take a look."

Mr. Fraulem is calling out to our guests who are coming to visit so. Although it is
supposed to be a joint research with Ehrenfest, it is just like the achievement of
Ahrensbach, but it is not uncommon.

Battle against territory is done in elliptical training grounds. And since the location of
the territory is decided in order from the most visible position of the stadium, the first
place Klassenburg and the second place Dunkel Ferger are facing each other across
the stadium. Approximately odd even numbered ranking is seen from the entrance, it
is divided into right and left, but consideration may be taken to keep the position
opposite, for the good territory not to put too much next to each other.

Speaking of this year's place, the seventh place Gauss-Butter is the third place
Durevanhel, then there was a fight between the ninth place Kirschnerrite and the fifth

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place Howlletze stolen or stealing research It seems that he avoided making it, and it
seems that Joseph Brenner is next to Hau Fresse.

...... When doing collaborative research with the highland, it is likely that results will
be stolen.

"Mr. Fraulem, this study is Ehren ..."

"Raimund, I hear you want us to explain how much you save on this customer"

Whether it is an intermediate aristocrat or a lower aristocrat, it seems that the civil

apprentice apprentice called Raimundo gets an opinion to Mr. Fraulem and is being
swept away.

"...... I think that it is important research to suppress the consumption of magical

power as much as possible in the world where magical power is insufficient"

While looking at the research seriously by customers gathered while asking questions
of civil apprentices, I picked up a plush toy of Sumil. And, as Muriela taught you to
touch the part of the magic stone to power the magical power.

"Oh, my honor, cover with everything with snow and ice, enclose Gedululhi as far as
our power extends, keep Fleet Lane away even a bit."

...... How wonderful!

It seems to me that the lover who is not able to meet is only in the aristocratic winter
during the winter is going to meet regretfully just a little time but it falls into the
illusion as if I were being told .

"what is that?"
"It seems to be a word of love carefully selected from the love story of the aristocracy,
so when listening with the voice of the Hideo, it has a different feeling from being
completely different from reading a book."

While holding cheeks unintentionally laughing, I will listen to the words of love one
after another by sending magical power. It makes me feel a bit painful to stand on the
spot with carefully selected words of love and a gentle voice as a sort of calm.

...... Oh, I want to talk to Mr. Muriela right now!

634 | 2523
Many women were interested in the word of love that heard from pretty plush stuffed
toys, and as I continued to listen to the words of love endlessly, women started to
gather around.

"For women who want to be enchanted by the words of various love like this, the love
story of the aristocratic family will respond to the gentleman who is looking for a
wonderful love word that shoots a woman of intention. Is selling from summer at
Ehrenfest, we will also release the history of the Ditters stories, the knight stories and
Dunkel Ferger who hold sweat in hands at the same time.

The voice of Ehrenfest's book flowed with the remaining high voice of Rosemain-
sama's youngster, not the voice of the Hokkaido echoed so far, everyone around me
has rounded eyes.

"Advertising of love words and books, I devise an interesting way to use, Ehrenfest"
"I wanted to read Ehrenfest's book that contains such words"

I sincerely agree with the words of neighboring customers who agree with the giggle
and laughing woman. I also do not want to read Ehrenfest's books. It will be a long
time before Yoos Brenner will be able to trade.

...... It may be better to look for a way to marry a senior aristocrat in Ehrenfest as well.

The face and name are now known as being able to increase the protection by
Ehrenfest's collaborative research now. If you miss it now, those who gain protection
elsewhere will soon increase.

...... Let's ask Muriela.

There seems to be an increase in the number of people who are interested and the
number of people who eagerly look at the stuffed animals of Sumiru and the magical
tools before becoming a stuffed animal has increased.


Mr. Fraulem hoisted his eyes and went somewhere. I was worried that the research
results of Ehrenfest could have been stolen because it is only exhibited in Ahrensbach,
but it seems that it was not so.
635 | 2523
I was satisfied by listening to all the words of love, so I started walking towards the
neighboring Dunkel Ferger. I was wondering what kind of exhibition Dunkel Ferger is
doing in collaboration with Ehrenfest.

I saw the suddenly swollen white oldonants flying away. Somehow chasing with eyes
seems to have arrived where the representatives of Dunkel Ferger and Ahrensbach
and Ehrenfest are talking.

Suddenly, Mr. Fraulem 's crying voice sounded. Because I had a distance, I could not
hear what kind of content is being said, but I can understand only the high-pitched
voice. People who are in that place would have had a voice that wanted to frown.

...... What happened?

When I was closely watching, a group of mantle of madder began to move. Perhaps it
was an urgent need for Dietrinde. Mr. Ferdinand, the fiancée, got up. And softly with
a smile we gently touched Rosemain-sama's hair.

...... Oh, the budding goddess Blue Anfa!

I surely got the protection of Blue Anfa, I was confident. Just now, Blue Anfa is dancing
in front of my eyes and it must be dancing.

"Mr. Muriela, I have an important story, is this a little okay?"

When I headed to where the civilian apprentices of Ehrenfest gathered, I called

Muriela a little bit of people. I wanted someone to share this excitement. Only Muriela
can come and talk about this hot feeling right now.

"Have you seen it?"

"Well, it is right after Mr. Fraulem's attention was gathered by Ordonants. There is no
reason to miss it."

Muriela did understand without saying anything. And when I looked at the
surroundings with the eyes of the gleam and the green shining, I hid down and taught
me secretly.
636 | 2523
"It is only Ferdinand who has been a guardian who has grown up in the temple for
Rosemain. Rosemain surely will not be aware of the arrival of Blue Anfa, go to the
spear of the guiding Air Vacarenlen You guessed it. "
"Well ... .... And waiting for the flower goddess Efrorelme to visit, Raffell is getting
bigger, and it is time when the harvest goddess Fols Elternte and farewell goddess
Eugenize started dance."

Rosemain - sama 's hair like the one who received the blessing of the god of darkness
surely shook the Scepher Ast of Ice - snow and swayed in the wind, it will be cold wet.
It seems that tears are about to overflow as soon as I imagine, is not it such a tricky
scene that my breasts seem to be tightened.

"Other aides are saying that the emotions between Rosemain and Ferdinand are
different from love but still feel the thread of the married goddess Ribesque Hilfe and
Ordonants widens its wings widely Do not you think that my heart trembles without
a doubt, Ryurudadi? "
"I understand very well, Muriela-sama! I surely felt the visit of Blue Anfa"

I fully agreed with Muriela who smiles, as long as it is just a delusion. I would like to
read the story of Rosemain 's tricky first love if I can do it.

"If you are writing a love story of a lords, do not you tell a story about Rosemain's
"He seems not to talk about students studying at the House of Lords"

It is a pity. If you do not make it a book while Muriela and Philiane are studying, it will
take many years before I can read.

"Since it's a big deal, how does Ryurudadi write it? I think that you can imagine
Ryurudaddi who surely does not know the truth in the dormitory, the territory
variously, and there are many parts to imagine There is a possibility that you will
become a book during your studies because you will not know who you are talking
about, so you can give a book instead of money if you become a book. "

It was a very exciting teaser. In lieu of the manuscript fee, new books are
preferentially available. Is not it not necessary to wait for Joseph Brenner to trade?

637 | 2523
"And it is a very attentive story, but since I am a senior aristocrat, my father and
mother will scold me if I do something like an intermediate aristocrat or a lower
aristocrat who is in need of money."
"Oh, the love story of the aristocratic family who is enjoying Lule Lady has gathered
stories from other territories, but originally it was written centered on the ladies of
the senior nobility of Ehrenfest It's a thing. "

My heart shook as much as possible. In Ehrenfest, senior nobles take the initiative to
write books to spread new industries.

"It might be better for me to seriously search for my marriage to Ehrenfest"

"... Well .... If the living calms down in the spring, would you like to ask the Lord from
me? It might be a little difficult if it comes to senior aristocracy that suits Ryurudadi."

It seems that Muriela can not present marriage partner, but he seems to ask the Lord.
My future opened wide for Ehrenfest.

"If you do not get money, you may want to write it."
"In principle it is a rule to pay reasonable compensation for manuscripts.It seems that
Ryurudadi is worried about getting money, but if the manuscript fee is over books,
the money earned will be dormitory expenses and money If you use it in a form to
rent out to a marginal lower class aristocrat, there is no such thing as being scolded?

I have not thought about how to use such money. When I had my eyes rounded, Mr.
Muriela saw the neighborhood where the Aleves of Ehrenfest came.

"Rosemain loses parents and lends tuition to students who are in need. I told you that
they should return it after graduation."

You can see the undisputed respect there. How long have Rosemain sitting in the same
year as myself? I do not think I am the same human being as myself.

Speaking of which, it seems that Egrantine, like Rosemain is like Mestionola, ...

I remembered the words Egrantine said at the dedication ceremony, and I thought of
writing Rosemain 's truly love as the goddess' s love story. If it is a goddess' s love
story, it will not be noticed that someone else is a real story.

638 | 2523
"...... Muriela-sama, I will write, Mes Tiona Nola's painful love story"
"I'm looking forward to it, Ryurudadi, please do let us buy it at Ehrenfest"

I did not expect it at that time. By the time my manuscripts written by me became a
book, "Rosemain-sama = Mestionola" came out like a playful dedication ceremony has
come to be established.

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From the shelves that just put in the advertisement of the book with my thought it is
quite like a peony cake, but it has not changed what I was praised.

...... Very well. Good morning.

When I was immersed in joy while remembering the expression of Ferdinand which
was laughing at the end and the feeling of the hand lightly put on my head, Hannaore
looked at me and hit his cheeks with a strange face.

"Rosemain seems to be quite happy."

"Yeah ... What did you do well?" Ferdinand praised very well if it did not achieve
results such as achieving the first day of classroom lecture for all members of the
dormitory, or finishing the lecture fastest without dropping grades There is nothing
to be done, I went to Ahrensbach and I thought that I could only compliment it with a
letter, so I am really happy. "

As for me I was hoping for a smileing reaction of "It was nice," but the expression of
Hannoore with the first wife attracted.

"What's the matter with you?"

"... ... No, I was surprised at the very severe guidance."

Laughing like the first wife suffered, I managed to squeeze out words and said so. It is
not something that began at the moment, so my sense was paralyzed any longer, but
Ferdinand's guidance was not "pretty" and seemed to be "very tough".

Oh, maybe I think I was being oppressed too! Is it?

"Oh, I guess it might sound strict, but I'm fine as I get used to it. Before I headed to
Ahrensbach, did you regret your separation, let me read a new book that I have never
read before doing my assignment Ferdinand is really very gentle. "

It is a bit tough but I'm not afraid, as I was trying hard to appeal Ferdinand's
gentleness, my adoptive fellow laughed and shaken handily.

640 | 2523
"It is next task to read a book that I have not read, so it will not be easy to follow
Ferdinand's guidance unless it is a rosemain that can be regarded as a reward."

...... How! Is it? When I got a practical task, I was told that "If I do not read it by
tomorrow, the next task will be started" and it was passed on, so I thought it was a
reward from Ferdinand, but it was an issue! Is it?

As I opened my eyes to the facts of the impact I first learned, I saw a group of black
cloakers coming toward me. What is at the top is Anastasiusus. Is it because there is
work as a teacher that last year I could not see Eglantine together? It is a bit lonely.

"Oh, it seems that royalties came, so let me rude here if you have finished your

Her first wife and Hannalee stood up and tried to give way to the royal family. As soon
as that, Anastasiususu moves his hands.

"Wait, there's something I want to talk to the first wife of Dunkel Ferger"

Even if you say a greeting, you will not be allowed to leave, and the two of Dunkel
Ferger will have to sit again. On a circular table, the adoptive father is on the right of
Anastasisus and the first lady on the left is the one. I am on the left with the adoptive
father, on the right it is Hannaore, it is the seat order.

"Rosemain, I'm sorry, can you put up that shield, then use magic tools to prevent
wiretapping on that range?

While Anastasiusus has prepared magical tools for his side, I stretch the shield of
Schuheria. Especially there is no harm or hostility. No one was in the vicinity by a
shield. Nevertheless, Anastigius says that not only those who have finished preparing
tea and sweets, but also escort knights come out from the wiretap preventing magic

"Do escort knights also lower?"

"... .... Ay, why do not you guess the reasons?"

It probably indicates the Central Order Group that has penetrated the other day 's ditt.
The report seems to be done properly, the first lady and the adoptive soul

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immediately acknowledge, and make ahead of the aides. The first wife opened the
mouth, looking at all the aides.

"It is quite strict, but what is this story?"

"First of all it is a bitter complaint to someone else, I am going to pay attention to them
many times but I can not see any improvement at all, while I was worried about
whether to call or not, I was waiting for the defense against the territory where the
guardian comes That's it. "

And when I finished talking with Krussenburg today, I saw Dunkel Ferger and
Ehrenfest just together, so it seems that I have come to think that there is no more

Wow, that is, calling parents of problem children? Oh, by the way, last year there was
a call due to the turbulence of Tanysbepharren, not Mr. Father, but Mr. Ferdinand was
coming. It is a nostalgic feeling.

It seems like last year's thing a long time ago. When I looked around around while
being immersed in nostalgia, the foster parents, the first lady and Hanna Rolle both
strengthened their faces before the complaints of the royal family who started now,
and was straining the body. Even though I hate it because of the sense of urgency in
the surroundings, I also noticed my own place of misunderstanding, I also hastily
make a subtle faces.

"Even though Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest are surely causing problems even if they
are truly obvious, even though the aristocratic house refrains parental interference to
encourage children's growth, Is not it somehow managed? Especially as Rosemain
and Hanna More, the problem arises like every year since two lords entrance
enrollment, and the scale is expanding year by year "

There was no conflict between Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest before entering our
school and there was no famine involving multiple territories. In addition, because
Ehrenfest never raised the rank at a stroke, it seems that the atmosphere was not as
bad as the present situation in small and medium-sized territories.

"Prince Anastigius, can I ask a question?"


I saw it with gray eyes saying not to break down the story, but I got permission.
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"Is it a matter of dispute between Dunkel Ferger and Ehrenfest about Ditter?"
"What else is there?"
"It can not be convinced that we are scolded for that reason"

In my words, my adopted father rushes me "Rosemain, do not refute the royal family"
in a hurry. I shook my head looking with my adopted father who is changing his

"Mr. Adoption, whether the opponent is a royal family or a high rank area, if you do
not insist on this matter for the moment, you will not be able to tell the opponent, as
anything you say is silent, it is misunderstood in vain and bad rumors It spreads and
is told also like the truth, I think that it is important to insist before being interpreted
arbitrarily, and even now this one will also have chosen the other party. "

While looking around the members that I was seating, saying so, "Choosing the
opponent, royalty and Dunkel Ferger?" Said the adoptive father as screaming.

"Yes, there is the experience that Prince Anastigius did not have the heart to be able
to communicate with Egrantine because he was through people without commenting
directly, and with the first wife of Dunkel Ferger, Is not it where you understood the
importance of sharing information and preconditions? "

As expected, not everyone can hang out like this. Standards may be different from
your adoptive father, but I am planning to pick someone who seems to be okay if I talk
to me. Although I do not deny that there is a possibility that the criterion is wrong.

"Rosemain, there may be something for the other party, but please defeat the position
of Ehrenfest a little more"
"It is because Prince Anastigius bothers to take the trouble to go out because you want
a frank opinion? If you wanted to keep silent as a standpoint, you do not need to
prepare such a place thing"

I point to the space partitioned by witchcraft to prevent eavesdropping and the shield
of Schugheria. While Anastasiusus looked extremely painful, he directed his
compassionate gaze to his adoptive father.

643 | 2523
"Aub Ehrenfest, I understand the feelings of that person painfully, but as Rosemain
says, it is a frank opinion what I want, so that it can not be convinced of being scolded
by Rosemain ? "
"I and I do not want to say that I'd like to do a doctor, I never thought of that, is not it,
is not it, Hannaore?"

When I asked for agreement, Hannellore made a bit of joy and then nodded several
times, "I never wanted a doctor."

"You are familiar with Prince Anastigius when you are in your first grade? As for the
administrator of Schwarzs, Mr. Restzlut suddenly hit you, did not Mr. Ruffen put it in
a disputer?"

In the second year, if Aub Dunkel Ferger wanted printing rights, he came close to
doing a doctor and became a fight between Ferdinand and Hyszigt. I wanted the right
to print, but I wanted you to manage it if possible, if possible. In the third year, this is
what Lesti Lout has approached for a match, to get rid of the engagement getting the
king's permission.

"I and Mr. Hannaore are all basically involved, and if you scold, please wear a position
of the upper rank as a shade and scold the director of Dunkel Ferger who will set up a
disinter in Ehrenfest who can not refuse "

While Anastasius looked at the first wife of Dunkel Ferger with an incomprehensible
face, he said without saying "I will refuse from the next moment".

"Yes, I was told that we have not been going against the upper ranks all the time, but
since I got permission from the first lady even if I can refuse to discard Ditters earlier,
Ehrenfest will never do a doctor again .Do not worry"

I raised my chest and said, "Here, you got permission from the royal family, so it's
okay, I'm OK, I'm OK, my adoptive father" When I turn my face with a smile, my
adoptive father was held firmly with my head. I think that it is a pleasure to hear from
the royal family and the first wife "acceptance of refusal", so why are you holding a

"Well, then, this is not just Ehrenfest, but a request for the lower territory, but please
do not let the royal family easily grant permission to lend the training grounds of the
House of Lords for Ditter other than lecture. Before giving out, I can not refuse the
644 | 2523
lower territory unless you show careful consideration to listen to the circumstances
in the subordinate territory. It is very much helpful to confirm intention beforehand
rather than mediating with scolding afterwards "

Dankel Ferger, who can not help it, is preparing the place, and Ruffen, authorized in
the most knight course, will happily go to the royal family for permission. There is no
such thing as the opinions of the subordinate territories that you do not really want
to win against will rise there.

"Aub Ehrenfest, Rosemain says, but is it really something for those who confirmed
prior intention to subordinate territory?"
"... It is certainly saved, even if you listen to the opinion, it may be a result that you will
get a match without being able to say honestly due to the relationship with the upper
rank, but at least it is protected by the royal family I will get a sense of realization and
thank you for the attitude of listening to opinions. "

In the opinion of his adoptive father, Anastasisusu nodded, "Hmm, let's refer." This
should reduce the number of victims of Ditter a little.

"And then I apologize for the fact that the central knight rushed into Dittor, who knew
that the royalty should obtain a saintly prize for Tsento, but he acted selfishly, but
Dunkel Verger was in trouble There is also a view that Hildebrandt said that he
wanted to save Rosemain, so it was a fact that Hildebrandt's wish was interpreted as
an extension of the royal family, which is not a command of Zento, It is subject to
punishment because it involved the territory and I will put it on severe punishment. "

But suddenly the Anastigius sighed out that the knights did not know the reasons for
the three violent violence. It seems that he was the king who was also the center chief
at the center and was the one who the king trusted most, and the one who was most
shocked by their runaway was the king.

I caught up with the adoptive father in the topic of the knights who came in. It's a great
opportunity to talk about Talk.

"Do you know Prince Anastigiusus, a plant called Truk?"

"Rosemain! Good later"

Having adopted the father, they saw that Dunkel Ferger was present and said so. But,
I shook my head.
645 | 2523
"I think that it is only now.When the Tento can not be trusted by the Central Order
and there has been a big change in Jürgen Schmidt there is no one who can depend on
more than the knights of Dunkelfelger All are connected to Ditters The place is in
trouble, but that strength is genuine and I will not allow another country to follow. "

Even though I think that it is possible to receive quick response and dance blessing at
the time of receiving an assault last year, it would be better for Dunkel Ferger to know
the circumstances. What I am here is not the Auve which connects to everything to
the ditters, it is the first wife who has to struggle to clean up the men and prepare
them beforehand.

"Because I am not very familiar with Talk, I will leave the explanation to the adoptive

Since I do not know how much I can talk about the situation in Ehrenfest, give up the
place of remarks to the adoptive father while talking about the reason without

"Tork and I have not heard of it, but do you know Dunkel Ferger?"
"No, I do not know, what kind of plants?"

Following the gaze of the first wife and Prince Anastigius, raising his face as the
adoptive father, who was holding down around the stomach, decided.

"Tork is a dangerous plant with a strong action that remembers memory turbidity,
hallucination symptoms, euphoria, together with a sweet smell, when using dried
things in the fire ... ... After the intrusion of Ditter, A knight apprentice who greeted
Prince Anastigius received a report that Trukk smelled from the captured knight, as it
was used in the Central Order, who used Toluk at the center of the center I think that
there is a high possibility of it. "

Anastasisus and First Lady had a big eyes wide open.

"Please describe Turke in detail, Aub Ehrenfest!"

I was asked to explain vigorously, but my adoptive fellow loosely shook his head.

646 | 2523
"I do not know the details of Ehrenfest. It is that the rebels who passed through with
the other territory in Ehrenfest are using it at the meeting place and I could not
remember the memories that are evidence of rebellion.The knight who I noticed this
time The apprentice was a person who called out to the secret meeting with his
parents and was a person who left the spot immediately because of being a minor.
Although he was wearing a fireplace in the summer but he was charged with a sweet
odor in the room And I realized that one of the civil servants was Tork, from the
turbulence of the memory of the traitors. "

The civil servant I noticed was over fifty years old and he seemed to be taught by
herbalist teacher who retired during the period he was in the lords.

"It will not be used because it is not in the vicinity but it seems to me to be
remembered, I did not know the place of origin and said that it does not exist in
Ehrenfest. Please listen to the detailed story from those who were taking lectures on
special herbs in the civil servants who are civil servants and to investigate from the
huge amount of materials in the center There is no further information in Ehrenfest.

While Anastase Usu nodded "so", I saw my adoptive father with a strong eye.

"Aub Ehrenfest said that the rebels were in communication with other territories, but
where is the other territory, that is the most important information?"

Tension runs in the field. After a few seconds of silence, the adoptive father opened
his mouth.

"...... My older sister Georgeene is Arends Bach who reigns as her first lady."

With this answer it would have been through who Arensbach was able to attempt
rebellion with Ehrenfest. A heavy silence spread.

"Prince Anastigius, I have more information to tell you"

"... Thank you for your cooperation, Ehrenfest's contribution is no longer measurable"

Hydro and Anastigius breathed out. And, it tells me that it has become possible to
move several important magic tools thanks to the magical power gained by the
previous dedication ceremony. Pouring magical power on various places, it seems
that it was possible to rest a little of Tsento in the last few days.
647 | 2523
"I appreciate Ehrenfest who my father has carefully kept on Rosemain and the
ceremony, which will be a good place for next year ... hopefully .... Aub Ehrenfest, how
do you think about that?"

Anastasisus gazes staring at the adoptive father with a gray eyes. It is a quiet and
harsh eye that asks whether you can return the appropriate answer as Aub Ehrenfest.
The adoptive father opened the mouth while looking back at the prince with a dark
green eyes straight.

"...... Please keep the ranking of the area as it is. It was pointed out by the royal family
and Dunkel Ferger that there are few noble people still able to move as upper ranks
within the Ehrenfest. While staying a little distance from Ehrenfest Ferdinand who
has been associated with the upper ranks, and Rosemain educated by him and his
aides. "

As the rank goes up, we are asked to behave as a higher territory, but now we are
having difficulties putting together in Ehrenfest, so we can not afford to devote
ourselves to diplomacy very much, adoptive father says.

"I would like Ehrenfest's contribution to be in the form of supplementing the part that
I could not help with TSENT in the former political change."
"... ... It's not a bad idea. Take it home and consult with Tsento."

Instead of raising the ranking at the next lord conference, Anastaseui gently lightly
nods and acknowledged to the adoptive father's wish that he would like to treat
Ehrenfest the future as the winning group of political change.

"And then, although this is a request from the royal family, I would like you to
sunshine Hinnaore and Rosemain to the Library of the House of Lords during the
period of the Lord's Conference"

Since it is necessary for royalty to visit the library at that time, it seems that we want
cooperation with key management.

"I do not mind, are not we going to change the key manager to the central senior

648 | 2523
"I was going to do so, I came to the conclusion that it is best not to doubt my
rebelliousness and harm, but to leave it to someone who will not join the Lord's
Conference. "

The Central Order was manipulated in Truk. Next time it can not be said that civilian
officials will not be in the same state. I strongly undertook "Please leave it to me",
Hannaore, who had thought for a while, also nodded.

"There is a ceremony that I want to investigate further and I am not proficient in

Rosemain's old words, but I am willing to cooperate if I can serve the royal family."

Listening to our reply, Anastaseuz aims the guardian. My foster parent and first lady
acknowledged and nodded.

"Prince Anastigius, I can go into the library, are not you?"

That is the most important thing. As I was excited and asked, Anastasius nodded,
"Obviously" while looking at the adoptive father.

"In the period of the Lord's Council, the guardian will be able to take over the role
even if I do not pick it out on my own."

I caught my breath on the two houses by putting it in an archive that the aides could
not enter, I breathed a bit and my adoptive father became pale and began to apologize.

"I heard that idiot daughters who only see books have caused troubles and
inconvenience to the two prince. I regret to say that I am sorry but even here I will
care about Ehrenfest The influence of one pillar lacking from the highest God that
supports and the five pillar of Ogami is too large It is my great hope that you want the
wisdom to appease the violent Avevilie lacking Gedululich.

Anastaseuus misled me as "a reins of this is Ferdinand" while seeing me with a

tremendously bitter face in the adopted father-in-law words.

……Hmm? What do you mean?

Unlike me who tilts my neck, meaning seems to communicate, Anastigiusus and his
adoptive finger hold me down while watching me.

649 | 2523
"To be sure, if you do that, you will understand the other side, but it is no longer
possible to do anything any more, according to Arendsbach civilian who headed
ahead, it seems that Alle is doing a lot of work alone I was pleased that the day the
situation of Ahrensbach got better was close. "

It is troubled that Ahrensbach is crushed, Anastaseu shook his head. It seems that it is
the only open border gate in the ocean of Ahrensbach so far. Now that Gurtris Height
is lost, we can not open other border gates, and Arends Bach takes over with other
countries. Conversely, even if something happens, we can not close the border gate.

"Is there any problem with other countries?"

"... I think that it might happen that a derision with Ranzener is happening."

In the state of Anastasius choosing words, I remembered that there was information
that adulgoza's princess will come by letter from Ferdinand.

"They may not have much to do with that ... ...."

Certainly the princess will arrive at Adorjisa's residence will not be related to me or
to Ehrenfest. However, Ferdinand, the fruit of Adal Gisa, is in Ahrensbach, which
serves as a window. It is not completely irrelevant.

"There is Ferdinand in Ahrensbach. Ehrenfest is not irrelevant either, please let me

know if there is something.I will definitely come to help Ferdinand."
"When the other one is going, we can see only the situation that the situation

Somehow Anastasejius and the adopted father's words overlapped.

650 | 2523
"It's over to talk to them."

When Anastasisus who finished talks stands up, orders me to erase the shield of
Schuheria, goes out of the range of magical tool to prevent eavesdropping, and calls
out to collect a magical tool to the aides.
An aidesutyuusu stops watching Aegonfest 's side servants trying to change tea, and
stops them as "Animals" and turns their eyes towards their adoptive father.

"It was a harvest more than I had expected, I would like to thank you ... I have to go
back in a hurry .... Oh, yeah ... Ahab-Ehrenfest. According to the Central Temple, I will
raise a knight at the altar during a shrine It is said that it is really disgraceful to God
to say that they should accompany blue priests and shrine maidens, Ehrenfest who
even puts out blue costumes even for candidate lords, there is no problem "

The word of Anastasius must be taken as an escort knight and if you wear a priest 's
clothes you can take it as you like. It is saying that an adult escort knight is asked to
wear a blue priest and a shrine maiden's clothes and escort them.

...... If it's my escort knight, would you wear it if you ask?

While thinking about such a thing I descended from the chair and unlock Shielda's
shield. After completing collection of the magical tool, Anastasisus who finished
greeting with his adopting father turned off the mantle and took off quickly.

"I already have enough tea and I will excuse us, so I bother you for a long time"

The first woman said so and greeted, she left with Hannaore. When a group of blue
cloaks went off, the next to come was Klassenburg, a red cloak.

"Aub Ehrenfest, is it OK?"

"Of course, Aub Klassenburg"

My adoptive father gave a greeting, and I also greeted me for the first time.

651 | 2523
"Please forgive me for praying for a blessing to a rare encounter that received the
severe sorting of the life god AVivive"
"I will forgive ... ... While I was talking with Dunkel Ferguer and Prince Anastigius, I got
interested in collaborative research." Although it was a collaborative research, I was
surprised that there was a lot difference in research content. "

During the time seats were suggested and tea and confectionery were being prepared,
Aub Klassenburg also taught us reports from civilian participants in the joint research.

"They experienced genuine priests, they talked with their mouths, saying that
everyone's prayers are united, magical powers are drawn out, and the spectacle
where the noble colored pillar stands up is hot in the eyes Indeed it was impressive
and brilliant, "

It seems that it was a shocking ceremony in which the thankfulness to the royal family
supporting Jurgen Schmidt was drawn out naturally by the lord of the lord who
supports the cornerstone. Clarissa 's report, which summarized the opinion of the
apprenticeship of the civil servants of Dunkel Ferger who participated, had similar
impressions, but I was always asking the conversation half because it was

...... The senior civil officers of Ehrenfest had magical powers flowing too much and it
was tough and they did not know because they only said "This is a shrine".

Is it due to the fact that Villefried and Charlotte are listening to stories that are
traveling around the country with praying ceremonies and votive ceremonies? Or,
thinking how to do blessing while playing Fespiel and not blessing in the dedication
dance, thinking about how to do it, regenerating the collection place, the pillars of light
stand up with Banban in the Ditterer's ceremony I wonder if it is witnessing. Most of
the impressions of senior civilian officials who participated in Ehrenfest empathize
and sympathize with their own stories of the past.

...... Ehrenfest students are getting accustomed to blessing in a strange sense. ...... It's
my fault.

"Are you going to perform ceremonies next year at the House of Lords? There are
many opinions that you would like to experience even outside the civilian ..."

652 | 2523
"Because this ritual was done because it was necessary for collaborative research
with Dunkel Ferger, there is no plan for next year, so we can not afford valuable
magical power from everyone every year"
"I've heard that you got a huge benefit of a highly effective recovery medicine.If you
have that, I hope that you can cooperate and it will help to support the royal family."

This year I brought a doctor and prepared for magical recovery drug because it was
to cooperate with their research, but I will not make that an annual event. How much
time did you spend on reading in preparation for the ceremony? It is not for research
but why do I have to do such a thing? It is said that royalty, not only parents, do not
give up unnecessary things.

"If there is magical power gathered in the temples in various places, the royal family
will be delighted, there was also a desire for me to reconsider the existence of the
temple in various places for the purpose that I performed rituals. I am pleased to
understand it in Krussenburg. "

My temple seems to have passed through, because if you want to do rituals there is a
temple so please do whatever you want. Aub Klassenburg lightly raised his eyebrows
and turned his eyes towards his adoptive father. Perhaps it is appealing that
"persuade a little daughter a little". My adoptive father cleared his cough with a smile
with a dragging attitude.

"Since this ritual is collaborative research, that is, because it is a student's behavior, I
basically do not talk about my parents.In addition, since I am under the jurisdiction of
the central temple during the innermost period, one time only for research If you do
rituals at the aristocracy many times, there is a high possibility that the groove of the
royal family and the central temple will deepen.When Egrantine is married to the
royal family, it is not so much welcome for Klassenburg Do not you think it is not? "

The adoptive father dismisses the request of Aub Klassenburg with a shield of the
relationship between the central temple and the royal family, which the parents
basically do not speak to the behavior of the lords. It seems that Aub Klassenburg
realized that he did not feel like accepting it at all, changed his subject with a strange

"According to a report from a merchant who made a deal this year, I heard that there
are many rare items in Ehrenfest.The new books that are prevalent in the aristocrats

653 | 2523
are made with the distant land of Gieve That's right, there seems to be quite a few new
things in town. "

A story about a pump and a comfortable carriage that the merchants found in the hotel
came out. Since the first year was hardly widespread, it may not have been noticed,
but in the second year the pumps have spread quite extensively, so the merchants are
surprised that the major change in one year I guess.

"Especially, pumps pumping water from wells are said to be epoch-making, there is a
request to take in Klassenburg as well"

Look back on the civil servants behind which the requested adoptive father is behind.
It was Hartmut who went out step by step and responded to his adoptive father.
Because Hurtmuth always makes contact with me and the merchants of the
downtown, I am also familiar with the situation of the downtown.

"Unfortunately, we are not in a position to be able to mass-produce pumps, but we are

not planning to sell for a while, although we are sorry to have trouble, pumps need
very fine parts, but craftsmen who can make it There is little. "

Johan needs to produce small parts for pumps, mass production is still difficult. More
than anything, I would rather disseminate it to the downtown of Ehrenfest than to
spread it to other territories. If you want to spread to the south side of the city, you
can not sell it to other areas yet.

When the adoptive nodo lightly nods in the word of Hartmut, and answers are
returned to Aub Klassenburg, "Fumuu" issued a voice that Aub Klassenburg roared.

"Although it is difficult for Ehrenfest craftmen, it may be possible for Klassenburg


The civil servants behind Aub Klassenburg say so to Aub.

"If you sell pump designs as if you sold a corktail recipe, would you accept it?"

Hatemiri is turning to me while saying that Hurdmut is "It may be difficult" behind
having his arms folded into consideration by his adopting father.

654 | 2523
"At Ehrenfest, design drawings are managed by the blacksmithing association so that
designers' rosemain and blacksmiths are paid a fee for using a certain design drawing
every time they are made. Designed for Klassenburg's Blacksmithing Association It
will be possible to sell the figure, but if you can not manage it like Ehrenfest's
Blacksmithing Association you can not yield it. "

Hartmut smiled with Nicolle while watching Klostenburg's Aub and civilian.

"Whether it can be managed by Klassenburg's Blacksmithing Association .... It will be

a difficult place.

...... Hartmut! Already the merchant is doing pretty selfish things so it is the same to
say that Klassenburg can not be trusted! I do not mistake it.

"In any case, we will have to talk about whether or not we can compile a summary,
let's discuss the detailed story at the Lord's Conference again"

My adoptive father finished the story with Aub Klassenburg saying so.
After talking with Klostenburg, the next is Dreve Hanc. The next is Haufrezze, then
Gillessen Meyer 's Aub. Aubs who come from one to the next say they want me to
increase the trading frame. While returning the answer which pushed the stamp
saying "This year may be difficult yet", the fourth bell rang and it was lunch time.

I have enough time to go back to the dormitory for lunch. I asked my foster parents
that they wanted to go back to the dormitory for lunch with a cowgirl, and I returned
to the dormitory with a beast.

"I'm tired……"
"The high rank will come from one to the next, but with Hartmut there and I have been

Information about the printing industry and newly-to-be-books is held by both foster
parents and civil servants, but not much for pumps and carriages as merchants looked
downtown. I thank Hartmut for good support.

"What is more useful than Rosemain's, but what is necessary knowledge of Ave's civil
655 | 2523
"Well, I can not leave it to that one alone, do not you think that I also have to go
downtown to find out the situation of the current downtown? If Ferdinand is gone,
information on downtown will be handed I will not enter "

There are no more Ferdinand, who had flowed out reports from me and the
information collected by Justice. The adoptive father has to make a clip for himself to
know the situation of the downtown.

"It's better not to let the fathers observe the downtown but to let the citizens do with
the aides of my parents.If the civilian who headed for the inspection to do extra things
in the downtown, I can not forgive them From there, why is not there a better way to
prepare Grechers and arrange for merchants to enter? "
"There will be no magical powers this year, so it will not be possible, so even if you
increase the trading frame ..."
"I do not know if Grechel can keep the downtown beautiful unless I look at the
situation for about a year and I have to arrange accommodation and teach how to
hospitality, The preparation period is absolutely necessary. "

In the downtown of Ehrenfest, Gutenbergs and soldiers and others worked actively to
keep the city. However, there is no such connection in Greschel. I have to leave it to
Giebe, but Gibe did not have the attitude to listen to the other party's merely ordering
downtown. I'd like to think that it has been improved a bit, but the common people
are having a hard time with Giebe for the first time.

"Let's leave it to the merchants of Grescher, as I leave it to commercial guilds and the
Printemps business."
"The adoptive father, it is the same as receiving all the aubs at the castle of Ehrenfest
soon to be held in perfect harness, to command that you immediately welcome
another merchant in Greschel Is not it troublesome? "

Question as to whether or not perfect hospitality with the many Entrepreneurs in the
Ehrenfest can be done, the adoptive father, as well as the aides, were silent.

"It is a fact that Ehrenfest has to change, Grecher will give it a preparing period and
let's accept it."

In the meantime I decided to arrange the downtown of Greschel early and talk with
Giebe · Grechele to arrange for merchants to be accepted.

656 | 2523
And while taking lunch, the adoptive father started talking to Wilfriit the contract.
When signing, advising that you can be deceived if you are not careful, be sure to check
the civil service for problems before signing.

"I thought that I will give up on canceling my engagement unconditionally, as Mr.

Restzlut said that he would swear to God if he would win with a married Ditter,
"I am the same, Wilfried brother-in-law"

However, with the agreement between children in the House of Lords and a firm
contract, which one is trusted is immediately understood.

"I will be careful about next time I did not confirm the condition again, but since that
is not a contract, I have no problems."
"At first glance it did not look like a contract, but it seems to be an essential contract
for married ditters, is not it?"

It was a paper that only looked at reports with conditions of Ditter and the number of
participants, but it becomes a contract as long as there is a signature. It was made to
be good for Restillaut. Wilfriit and his aides shook their heads in the words of my
adoptive father and my wife.

"It should not be that, it is a document required to use the dormitory budget at Dunkel
Ferger, and the effect will be at best only within Dunkel Verger"

I wonder if he told you like that. Vilfried insists stubbornly that it only works within
Dunkel Ferger.

"Wilfried, but a contract will be established at the time the signature of one of them is
"Such a thing is impossible, a contract with Ehrenfest which is the other territory
should not be established, it will not be an official contract ... .... Yes, he said to me,

Vilfried stared at me with a face like a muffle saying "Who taught me a lie?" I could not
understand the meaning and tilted my head.

"Did I tell you?"

657 | 2523
"That's right, we must use the parchment paper of the formal contract surely that the
cheap Ehrenfest paper can be used like scribbles and reports ... The contract at
Ehrenfest is an official contract Have you told you to be careful not to be seen? "

The voice of me and my adopting father overlap and we look around the face.

...... So, although I have a signature, I did not think that I and the adoptive father were

The only thing that looked like a report at first glance was because it used Ehrenfest
instead of parchment.

"I told you that Lesty Lout was a necessary document for the budget in the dormitory,
and I also confirmed it for a while ... Are you an Ignatz?"
"Yes, I have confirmed whether I can really get my budget with this document"

It seems that Lestyraut answered, no problem. I planned to sign a contract advantage

over Ehrenfest, so it probably only said that to get a budget. On the other hand, Vilfried
says he got signed while worried about whether he really budgeted on vegetable

"When I was in a year, only Ehrenfest used it and I was seen with the eyes that it uses
paper that has changed in the library, now I was glad that he is also being used
regularly by Dunkel Ferger but……"

Ignats said so, a bit depressed by the lack of self-waryness that is the aide of Wilfriit.
While watching him, Wilfried is a worrisome face.

"The apprenticeship of the civil servants of Dunkel Ferger seemed to have only
Ehrenfest paper, but perhaps I do not know that it could not be used for official

We have both of them in my civil service. It is because you do not know when you will
need parchments. But it seems that Dunkel Ferger had only vegetable paper.

"... .... In order to avoid conflict with the adoptive father, parchment association, you
should have noticed that the inexpensive Ehrenfest paper can not be used as an

658 | 2523
official contract, that the lordsmen would pay attention to the sales contract at the
luncheon meeting?"
"Oh, of course, it's also important for the parchment association of the opponent, but
if it comes out as a contract it is highly likely that Dunkel Ferger does not understand."

I will nod in the words of my adoptive father. Perhaps it may be necessary to pay
attention again to all the territories with transactions.

"Let Dunkel Ferger send Aldonants during lunch"

It is unlikely that the word pointed out that the use of paper is indeed wrong is felt at
the site opposing the territory.

"I was the one who signed you, I will send it from you"

Villefried orders Ignatz and sends Aldonants.

"I do not think so far, I trust a little."

"Sorry, Virfriit older brother"

After a while Ordonants came back. On the other side of Hannero 's voice saying,
"Thank you Virfriit. Thank you for letting me know, I will be careful later." On the other
side of the voice of Hannaore, "What is it like to use all the pictures? I heard a voice.

When the discussion about the difference of various common sense and the mismatch
of behavior in the contract one settled down, I asked the state of the joint research.
Lord families can not see the situation of collaborative research very much by just
having opponent of a visiting client.

It was Marianne who answered me best with the eyes shining. It seems that Gundorf
came to see what kind of research presentation by Ehrenfest in collaboration with
Dorevanker. And he seems to have been surprised that there are exhibits different
from what I was studying.

"I was surprised to explain that it was something that Rosemain made, which we
made, and I did not expect to produce magical tools that would not use magical power
so far, although the original idea is the same ,When"
659 | 2523
The direction of making a magic tool playing music is the same, because sound comes
out from musical scores of Effone paper with a magic stone, but in Durevangel and
Ehrenfest the finish was totally in the opposite direction.

"And hiding from the eyes of the teacher, I applauded that Ehrenfest grew a little, that
I could do something like this"

It is natural for researchers to conceal research contents and important information

without hanging down, it seems that it was nice for researchers to be able to do it, and
that they succeeded in surprising themselves by doing it was great.
It seems that he said that he wants to take magical tools that the book clears up to a
designated place also in his laboratory. Ignatos also report the addition of the reaction
of the visitor who came to see.

"Mr. Gundorf was quite asking about the graph at us."

While Philline said that, I remember how Gundorf looked and smiled wryly. The graph
I used in this collaborative research does not use such a difficult thing. It is an
elementary school level so I think I can understand it. However, it seems that there
was nothing to visualize the numerical value so far, the contents of the research were
on its way, and Gundorf got scrapped on the graph.

"Philene collaborated, I was supposed to explain the graph"

He seems to have been explaining the graph for a long time since Rhodderich was
delegated the opponent of Gundorf. Then, it seems that the teachers came from one
to the next, and became a lecture with the teachers and the civil servants of other
territory, it seemed very uncomfortable.

"It seems that next year's research content of Dreve Hancier will use graphs, I said
that I would like to study together with Rosemain."
"It was nice to explain Rhodderichi properly"

There are various things in the graph yet, so let's go out quietly here as well. While
Philene and Roderich are explaining the collaborative research, Muriela seems to
have been looking around other areas of research.

660 | 2523
"In a research presentation by Dunkel Ferger, a ritual demonstration will be done at
the end of Ditter, because adults in most of the territory do not know the ritual of
Ditter, so they actually showed up to everyone, I heard from Clarissa. "

After the students' ditters ended, adult knights of Dunkel Ferger actually do rituals,
do a speedy competition and show off to the last dedication of magical power. It seems
that Aub Dunkel Ferger is very tense.

"It looks like it looks good"

Mai of the students of Dunkel Ferger was also wonderful. The dance of adult knights
will be superb.

"Oh yeah, I told you a little about Jules Brenner's Ryurudadi, I heard that you wanted
Rosemain to get a gift back, but I am sorry that socializing is busy."

Joses Brenner of the tenth is not an exaggeration to say that it is the lowest when
thinking in the territory that moves in the first half. It seems that he could not put it
in a place where only the royal family and the upper ranks are flocking.

"I have taught you, but it seems that Alerens Bach played the magic of Sumir to the
end and enjoyed the word of love.I want the book after listening to the last
advertisement He said that he had no choice. "

Perhaps Ryurudadi echoed the advertisement of the book in Ahrensbach. Recalling

that Ferdinand told you very well, I also try to mutter "Ryurudadi, very well".

"But since Johnson Brenner is not trading, I can not buy a book because Ryurudadi
was too sorry, so why not write a story and make a book by yourself? Saw"

I tried, it seems that Ryurudadi got on feeling excited. I was praised Muriela with a
smile, being told that this may increase the number of new books.

"Well done, Muriela"

It is important to increase the number of writers. Ryurudadi seems to be a senior

civilian, so it may become a writer like a mother. While feeling the birth of a new
writer, I finished lunch.

661 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, can not you bless this year again? Professor Mr. Fraulem may have a
disturbance this year"

On behalf of the Knight apprentices who do the doctors from the afternoon, Leonore
advanced one step and said so. The appearance of everyone who was struggling with
Hundertiren last year reminds me of, and at the same time, I can see the knights
apprentices seeing myself as I wish with anxious eyes. But I will not give it any more
blessings. I shook my head.

"It was the sixth place even in simulated bouts during training without blessings? It is
not a problem with your ability, and relying too much on me will not be for growing

Certainly, Leonore fainted backwards. Unlike Leonore, which is just like I said,
Cornelius elder brother is inclined to say, "Why do not you bless this year?"

"If Dankel Ferger gets blessing, it is better to bless this one too, it is quite different if
there is no blessing like Rosemain's,"
"In Dunkel Ferger everyone can cooperate and get blessed on their own, it will be
troubled if only Ehrenfest does not depend on my blessing forever '

... and, it seems that it became a policy not to raise the ranking of Ehrenfest.

I was told in the magical tool to prevent eavesdropping and it is related to the morale
of everyone, so I will not put it out in the mouth, I add it only in my mind.

"At the end of today's Ditter will be a demonstration by Dunkel Ferger's adult knights?
If you look at it you will imitate other territories as we will move towards making
efforts to get everyone on our own, I also want the Fest to do the same in the same
way, otherwise it may be the result that the Knight apprentice of Ehrenfest, who
studied to gain protection, can not get the most protection. "

After the graduation ceremony, the king said that he would redecorate the ceremonial
aid for those who wanted, and if you return to Ehrenfest, you can redo the ceremony.

662 | 2523
However, no matter how much we redo it is meaningless unless prayers and
dedication are enough.

"We have also got information that the dedication of magical power is the key to
success, so please allow us to get blessed"

Angelica who was watching strong knights apprentices nod, said, "Rosemain, do you
think that I can become stronger if I do that ceremony?" It seems that everyone was
interested in getting blessed and becoming stronger by oneself.

"If you can get blessed then you will be strong, because in the ritual of Dunkel Ferger
you will get a blessing from several gods, and seriously taking the ceremony seriously
will make it easier for the gods to gain protection. But in order to gain protection you
have to remember the names of the gods, Angelica "
"Remember ... ... I want you to replace Stuart Luke."

I wish I did not like studying at the temple so much. Angelica breathes exhilaratingly
and caresses Stan Luke's manastone, who has been lowered to the waist. As usual it
is a short sheath like a dagger. It is impossible to understand that this is a long sword
at first glance.

"If you gain a lot of protection, the amount of magical power consumption will
decrease and Stinruke will grow even more."

Angelica dealing with Stin Luke is supposed to be able to fight favorably if there were
as many gods as possible as much as possible.

"Wow! Do you consume less magical power to consume?"

Angelica saw me with a face that I heard for the first time. Apparently, remembering
the name of the gods is part of the research and it seems that he did not fully
understand what kind of benefit it is for himself.

"Damiel explained that Angelica!"

"Perhaps it may have been heard, I would like to learn the names of the gods with full
power from now on,"
"It was nice that Angelica got motivated."

663 | 2523
"... .... If I was motivated a bit more quickly, I think that the hardship of Damuel was
reduced by half, Angelica"

Brother Cornelius leaks sympathy to Damuel "poorly". It seems that Damuel who
taught Angelica without motivation was very difficult.
While listening to the hard work of Damuel from Cornelius elder brothers and
Hartmut, I headed to the venue opposing the territory.

In the morning, the upper territory basically moves and greets friendly territories and
territories where they want to deepen relations, but Ehrenfest has not been able to
move at all in the morning. If we wait in the afternoon, we will not be able to look
around other territories.

"Does Ehrenfest do not have to go to greetings?"

While looking around preparing from the afternoon in each territory, asking the
adoptive father, the adoptive father glanced at me glaringly.

"When Ehrenfest is asked for a behavior as a high-ranking territory, do you greet from
the afternoon in the same way as the subordinate territory and want to do business
negotiations again in the afternoon with the high-ranking territory?

If you hurriedly tremble, you shake your head and deny it. I do not want to negotiate
separately. However, I just wanted to look into the other areas of research and social

"Please take a break while watching Dittor, who already has an acquaintance with the
King can not be absent from the award ceremony this year"
"But, does the lower territory come to greetings, do they have a break?"

Is not it the same thing as morning? There seems to be no room for rest at a social
gathering place.

"... ... From the viewpoint of last year I'd like to think that we can afford a little bit but
I think it depends on how the rituals of collaborative research are influenced"
"Ugo ..."

664 | 2523
The collaborative research has listed the names of the ritual participants as
collaborators, but there seems to have been quite a lot of large-scale studies with
names like the royalty and so far seemed to be rare. Especially it seems that it is
treated as an honor which could not be obtained even by the candidate lords in the
territory where the senior civilian apprentice participated on behalf of the candidate
without the candidate lords.

"On the contrary, there is a high possibility of buying anger and resentment a lot in
the territory blocked by the Shield of Shurria, and it is unlikely that something will
happen in truly watchful places ...."

My father adopts muttering while watching the central knight alarming in various
places. If you bother to make a fuss in front of the knights who are wary of the assault,
you will be given much less severe punishment than last year's inmelding.

... ... If a fussy happens for the second consecutive year, the king seems incompetent
and the Central Order is desperate too.

"Then, we will restart the second half of the game from this, we tried a little taste in
the second half of the match.

The beginning of the afternoon department was declared by the voice of Ruffen.
In the latter half of the game, based on the fact that Ehrenfest took over from
Hundertotaleen last year, it seems that the taste has been felt for the enemy. It is
important to deal with how to deal with rare monsters when they encounter it.

"This is quite advantageous for Ehrenfest, since all of us were studying quite a bit,
assuming that Mr. Fraulem's harassment continued from last year's Hundertiren."
"Is there a territory in which you may volunteerly learn about monsters, maybe you
can also come to their place?"

I tilt my head a bit to Cornelius' s words. It is not surprising that Dunkel Ferger could
do it, but they should have been desperate to raise the success rate of rituals that set
up pillars of light.


665 | 2523
It was Ahrensbach who decided to fight at the beginning of the second half of the
game, Hirschle said to be summoning monsters. There is no point in being worried
about what kind of demons Mr. Hill Sur will bring out.

"Parenting father, can I see you in front?"

"... I do not mind ... since important customers come back, I will bring them back with
the knights apprentices."

I got permission and I moved with my escort knights to a position where Ditter can
read easily. Richarda prepares the table the same way as last year. As I got on that, I
understood well that visibility is higher than last year.

...... Ooooo, I'm getting bigger!

When I looked down at the stadium where I could see better than last year, I saw
Fujiro 's cloak wait at the starting position, and Hill sur leaved the Staple and saw the
magical power flowing into the magic team. The magic shines glittering and Talclo
Roche like Oyama appeared there.

"Do you know Rosemain?"

I nodded ambiguously with "Angelica's question" "Well, well ... ...." It is a huge frog that
I've encountered in recovering the material of Jureve. It is secret that I was collecting
materials, so I can not tell you in detail, but I remember well because I fought with
Talcroche. Even that attack will split. I recall the scene that I was swallowed with
Brigitte, a botoboto and a small frog came down, and the goose bumps stood all over
with a thump.

"It has characteristics similar to last year's Hund del Taylen."

I knew that the apprentices of the knights of Ahrensbach were puzzled by the enemies
I had never seen. But this is a doctor who competes for speed. The muddled time runs
As Knights decided to declare the attack of the waitress, it seems that it is bounced off
with Boyoun unless it is more than a certain attack, and it seems that attacks are not
very effective.

"let's go!"
666 | 2523

I understood that it was not clear. The apprentices of the two knights begin to gather
magical power a lot and start to shine the sword in rainbow color. I guess it will strike
the great magical power. The two knights apprentices put magical powers, others
begin preparing shields for shocks. If the two sway through the sword, an attack of a
complex color like rainbow popped out.

Two magical powers shining in the rainbow color, twisting and bumping into
Talcrochi, dawn! It sounds amazing and explodes while scattering the impact around

"... ... still not! The magic team is shining!"

The light of the magic team that should disappear if you completely defeat the enemy
has not yet disappeared. At the moment when one knight apprentice took notice that
it was not over with that, the smaller Talclo Roche got into the stadium.

"Wow, that's it!"

"Beat down every single animal!"

Knight apprentices begin to knock down to the small Talcro Roche that goes down
and forth. I can beat quickly because it is getting smaller, but it's tough to find out
where I am because it is small and spread out extensively.

"It is quite the same situation as last year's Ehrenfest ... ... Is it a return of Professor
Hill Sur?
"Unlike Hundertiren, it does not combine again just by touching it, I think that it's
pretty easy because it can be defeated without minifying it to the minimum"

Yodit also nods in the word of Leonore.

"If you do get it back, I think you should have ordered Hundertiren to be returned as
it was because that was really troublesome."
"Because Hundertiren lives in Ahrensbach, they must have similar characteristics but
have released demons that they do not know."

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Matthias's word "I see" is overlooking the stadium while everyone is convinced. It will
take a long time to beat all Talcrosso. As I thought, the Risaizer came.

"Mr. Rosemain, Aub Ehrenfest is calling, Froebel Turk 's Ausbs and Wives are coming,
please come back to the social gathering"

I tried to bring my escort knights back to my seat. I noticed that there was no image
of Hartmut as I looked around the whole circumference.

"Oh, you can not see Hartmut's appearance"

"I went to greet a place of Clarissa's parents"

It seems that I went to Dunkelfelger while I was watching Ditter. Can I persuade
Clarissa's parents safely?

"Do not worry - in the morning Ditter was banned from Prince Anastigius and the first
wife of Dunkel Ferger, and the point of discussion is when Clarissa pushed for
Ehrenfest arbitrarily It seems to be a coping method. "

Keep in mind that Clarissa will push you if you are not allowed to marry, such as how
to contact you, how to send back, what kind of treatment you need even if you will
come to pick up It seems to be deciding.

"I think that parents are in trouble to deal with Ruthemain, not at Haltmut, as we are
getting into it,"

As I went to the table saying what it would be like, Aru and Mrs. Froebel Turk were
waiting with the adoptive father.

"Rosemain, Above-Fröhber Turk and Constanze's older sister"

...... Is this man Constance?

Constanze, the second adoptive sister of the adopted father, is an unusual person who
is first-to-face but knows personality because he is active in taking care of his adopted
love in the love story of the aristocrat. Face is similar to Georginet and Dietlinde which
is similar to adoptive father. Perhaps it resembles the predecessor of Aub. Since the
color of the hair is blond and the eyes are like light blue color, the atmosphere looks
completely different with the adoptive father. However, I remembered my first
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meeting with my adoptive father in a place where my eyes looking interesting seemed
a little fun.

And when Ave · Frövel · Tak was lined up with Charlotte it was a face that looked like
a parent and child surely. I have a gentle look as I see it. I kneel in front of the two and
greet me for the first time.

"Please forgive me for praying for a blessing to a rare encounter that received the
severe sorting of the life god AVivive"
"I will forgive you."

After finishing the greeting and arriving, the two laugh at me when they see me.

"Every year, I come to compete against the territory, but this is the first time to
exchange words."
"I was sorry that Ryudiger had little contact, it seems that I wanted to talk a lot about
the temple and myths."

I feel that Ryudiger 's impression seems to have been calling me to join my cousin' s
society, going to the temple and increasing the harvest. If I had to return to Ehrenfest
at the dedication ceremony, my cousin's brother's party would probably have talked
to Ryudiger rather than Dietlinde.

"I do not seem to see Florentia's appearance, but are not you feeling well?"

Asking with a small voice while Konstanze gives attention to the surroundings.
Because Aubu-Fröbel Tak is a foster-mother's brother, you will be worried if you can
not see the sister in socializing place.

"It is not something that can be announced yet ... but it may be better for you to notify
your brother-in-law and your older sister, since in fact there was a sign of pregnancy,
we are taking important care. , I am planning to participate tomorrow, but ... "

When I opened my eyes to the new information that I did not expect, my adoptive
fellow gently stared as "quietly." The nobility rarely tells the birth of a child until it
finishes the baptismal ceremony. There is no way to say it at such social occasions. I
am glad that I can have a new brother or sister, but I can not raise the voice of joy in

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this place. While holding the butt a little a bit, I hold down my mouth so that I do not
say anything unnecessary.

...... Brother or sister! I have to make black and white picture books for babies again! I
have to!

Unlike me who started baby fever in the brain, Constanze saw the adoptive father as

"It's pregnancy at this time .... Are you really going to do something other than
Florentia, is not it a year or a rank that you can say such a thing already? It's fine for
Florentia. But look at the surroundings for a while. "

No matter how long you are, the word of Constanze will be the one of your older sister
who will remind your younger brother. The adoptive father who gave a small saying
in a loud voice objected as if he was crowded.

"Although it was not intended separately, in the end it did so, perhaps this is probably
the gift of Libeski Hill, which the second wife does not have to worry about."
"Also good things like that ..."

When Constanze pushed the forehead, Aub Froevel Tur smiled wryly.

"I was relieved to find that even if the ranking of Ehrenfest went up, I was treating

As the difference between Ehrenfest and Fröbel Tak gradually increases, it seems that
it will be a serious thing if the adoption of foster mothers is getting worse, or if the
second or third wife will be greeted , He seems to have been worried.

"How about Frével-Turca? I heard that Mr. Ryuderigar has come to participate in the

It seems that this year's Frével Tak took over the ditters with Dunkel Ferger, not
participating in the donation ceremony. However, it seems that aristocrats participate
little by little in the local priest.

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"Since Ryudiger made visits to the temple, the amount of harvest increased visibly, so
other gods and other aide candidates and accompanying aides were accompanied,
and Gieve actively sent a small holy grail It is satisfying. "
"It is wonderful, is not there a lot of opposition to the candidate lords entrance into
the temple and participate in the divine? By doing the ritual this time, the fact that the
temple is being totally repelled knew"

In my words Constanze smiled, "It was the same with Freber Turk."

"It was a situation that you have to try whatever worth worth trying even a bit."

Aub Froebel Turk smiled, "It was Constonstance that first accepted Ludiger's words."

"Let the candidate lords be the chief of the temple or the chief priest, or let the child
participate in the temple shrine or the blood of Ehrenfest sometimes make amazing
decisions. Rosemain who does a new thing seems to be like a lord of lords of Ehrenfest.

Froebel Tak seems to be reforming the temple rapidly so that the nobility can enter
and exit, and everyone in the province will be comfortable at all.

"Since this year, since the royal family held a ceremony that the royal family attended,
a sense of evasion against the doctrine would have been diminished, and at this
opportunity we taught that it would be better for you to participate in a prayer
ceremony or harvest festival on the territory that was defeated by political change I
thought that it might be better to have it. "

Until now, no matter what Fleebel Tur said, he never heard of it, but if everyone were
interested in a priesthood now, Constantse says there will be some territories that

"Next year we will collaborate with Froebel Tur on changes in crop yields that
campaign candidates have turned around directly under the jurisdiction and
participate in praying ceremonies and harvest festivals has increased for the second
consecutive year So, I think that it is a research that is well worth notifying, how is it,
Jilvester? "

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Now there is no data that only candidates of lords have traveled directly to Froebel
Turk and Ehrenfest. In the word of Constanze, the adoptive father bitterly smiles
"studying is a student, older sister".

"How about you, Rosemain?"

The light blue eyes are full of expectations. If there is an example where the crown
candidate has gone through the direct jurisdiction and conducts a divine process,
there may be more cases where the amount of harvesting increased, as the number of
territories on the reform of the temple may increase, so it is OK to collaborate with
Fleeveld Tak. However, I would rather take time to magic tools in the library.

"It is only for this year that I will stay in the aristocrats forever, so it would be better
for me to go led by Wilfriit's older brothers and Charlotte's civilian leader than the
temple's wife. I will cooperate as much as possible. "
"Well, I'm going to talk to Virfriit and Charlotte, Rosemain, thank you very much."

Froebel Tahuk 's Aub and his wife head to the table of Vilfried and Charlotte. While
looking at his back, I muttered to my adoptive father.

"Although we did not disclose the fact that Ryu Diguel entered and exits the temple to
other territories, as the royalty reconsidering the ordinances of the temple, at the
same time, we are dropping rankings as we are offering research that we can only do
Even though it is a former upper territory. "
"Even if we lose rank by political change, Auve · Fröbel Tak was excellent, as the
harvest volume stabilizes and the number of aristocrats increases, we will soon be

I murmured the adoptive father, that this is the necessity of the nobility's
consciousness reform so as not to drop rank.

"Aub, next is Ehrenfest!"

We had to prepare for watching early, and the knights apprentices came to call. We
stand up and head forward to see the fights of the knights apprentices. As I got up on
the platform, I could see the dolphin cloak wrapped around. Gillessenmeier is fighting.

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"What, what is that?"

My adoptive father looked down at the stadium and said so. There are five yellow and
sharp rounded bounces in the stadium.

"Towner Dell ...... is it?"

It is a fish-type demon such as a yellow sea urchin or turtle with a tail, which seems
useless in a stadium though what you think.

"Would that be a casual victory?"

"That's not it, it's a dangerous thing if you do not know how to deal with it because it
will attack a long, thin poison needle in the whole world."

The surrounding knight apprentices who were watching Ditters in my words greatly

"Knight apprentices falling in that area probably was struck by the first attack because
they inhabit the sea so that they can spend far away and wait until they die or wind
up shielded poison needles completely I can, but it takes time for both. "

While watching Gillessen Meyer struggling with Taunderle, the face of the knights
apprentices goes tense.

"What do you think will come out at the time of ours? I did not think that I'm getting
nervous so much in the defense against the territory competition."

It is very troubling if a demon that they do not know comes out. Lionore who is in
charge of the knowledge part looks at the stadium with a stiff face.

"Gillessen Meyer, finish! Next is Ehrenfest!"

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Called by Ruffen, the Knight apprentices of Ehrenfest ride on the beast and come down
to the stadium. After going round the inside of the stadium, a bright ocher-colored
cloak came in position, Gundorf came forward. Apparently this year it seems not to be

"This year it is not Mr. Fraulem, I feel a little relieved."

As I was bothering the Aldonant earlier and shouting with the voice that resonated
with the kinkin, it must have been the troublesome demonic surely when the
Frauerelm was in charge.

"No, I do not think Mr. Gundorf can be relieved, it should be familiar with various
"Wilfried-sama, you know, after knowing that magazines are made from the devil in
collaborative research, we gathered even more information about the magazine."

It seems that Ignats asked a lot of questions from Gundorf as to what kind of demon
tree is in Ehrenfest. It seems that he was shocked as if he could not answer much and
was "willing to study" seriously.

"Even so, there are many people watching this year quite a lot"

I looked around at the watching seat in the words of Wilfried. Many people are
watching Dittor as they embark on their own though they are not even of their own
territory. Dunkel Ferger has a large number of people and is becoming a bellworm. It
seems that the audience is quite excited compared to last year whether it will not
know what kind of devil will come out or because the upsets will be continued due to
minor monsters.

"There are no opportunities for adult knights to see the less famous monsters in other
territories, so it's probably exciting how to defeat the monsters you see for the first

674 | 2523
While doing so, Gundorf launches the magic team with Stap. Once the light gave off a
strong light, and the light settled down, a big tree grew lucidly and many leaves on the
magic team appeared.

"Is that a Magi?"

"It's a demon tree, if you give out an ordinary tree here, Professor Gundorf will be

However, it does not move from the place like a nonsave. I do not even scream like
Aiphon. It does not seem to be the type that sucks up the magical power of the
neighbor like Trombe. It looks like an ordinary tree, not as fantasy as to look like a
tree of Ruel.

... Well, this tree, what kind of tree would you want to sing?

Because there is absolutely no movement, it doubts whether it is really a magi tree.

"It's a demon you see for the first time.

For the devil in Ehrenfest I asked the ghibees to see if I could make paper, but I am not
familiar with the other woods. As I became worried, I stared my eyes and looked at
Leonore in the center of knight apprentices. I wonder if Lionore knows something.

"Please change everything except Yudit to a weapon for paying branches just as you
treat it when you hunt Trombe! Senior Knights keep their magical power in order!
Alexis prepares."

From Leonore's voice that changes his staple and gives instructions while starting to
accumulate magical power, I can feel certain confidence. Apparently it seems that it
was a demon you know.

"Yudit put the most powerful magic tool in the gimmoka according to the signal.As as
everyone knows, a lot of thin branches hidden in the leaves should come out
simultaneously with attacks of a certain amount of power Pin and stretch for only a
few seconds, during that time please pay as much branch as possible, but be careful
not to touch the branches, there are thorns at the tip of the branch and it seems to get
too numb. "

...... Gummy moka? Is not that a rubber tree?

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I feel like Ferdinand taught me when it was not nearby, like a tornbu like a demon

"Ignats, Marianne: Does Gündorf inherit that gimmoka inhabit Durevanhel or does it
just happen to inhabit in another place? Were you getting the material? I'd like to ask
if there is not anything ... "

I asked questions with Ignatz and Marianne who had exchange with Gundorf. But, they
do not seem to know either.

"I will ask Mr. Gundorf again"

...... Where this was not a magazine for the game produced by the teacher's magical
power, I was just screaming "Prioritize material collection!" Oh, I want rubber!

I thought what I could do with rubber and gazing at gummy moka, I gently stopped
my shoulders.

"Mr. Rosemain, my body is slightly anteroposterior. Please take care to avoid gummy
moka's information and not go to Dr. Gundorf."

It was noted that there was a risk that information would be stolen steadily in that
situation. It certainly may be dangerous. However, I am attracted to Gumimoka I saw
for the first time.

"Mr. Rosemain, please ask Leonore first before asking Mr. Gundorf, I know about
"Well, that's right."

I only knew about asking Gundorf who appeared, but if Leonore knows how to deal
with it, he knows about the habitat.

"Even if you know the habitat, if you are a special magic tree that lives only in other
territory, give up giving up, it is impossible for anyone to take a knight for collection."

I want trouble for Ehrenfest's material and it will be a problem if knights of another
territory arrive? I was admonished by Cornelius elder brother. I am conscious of the

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scene where the knights of Dunkerfelger come to pick up the material in a group. I will
be in great trouble if I do such a thing.

"So, what about trading materials?"

"In the case of Rosemain, if you are for what you want, I can not agree because there
is a danger that you will be drinking whatever you are asked for."

My proposal has been truncated to Cornelius's older brother. Akimono nods in the
words of Brother Cornelius, "Because it will be dealings with other territories if it fits
within Ehrenfest".

...... I think that I can not choose the means for the things I want.

I will be admired by the surroundings, and I will look at gummy moka with a slight
At the stadium apprenticeships that changed Stap to a weapon like Halberd that I also
saw at the time of Trombe extermination had already spread around the gimmoka. I
do not know how long the branch will stretch, so it seems that I am getting a little

The senior knight apprentices kept magical powers exactly as instructed, each one
shining weapons like a rainbow color.

"Can anyone make such an attack?"

"Yes, just collecting and hitting the magical powers that you have with weapons,
anyone can do it if you train a bit, but since the power will change at all depending on
the amount of magical power and the number of attributes, there is not much sense
in the lower and intermediate levels There is a person who can do even an
intermediate knight if it is close to advanced level. "

And because it becomes an attack which gathers magical power of whole body, it is an
estimate that it can completely be defeated, it seems to be a technique which can not
be used unless there is a recovery drug and someone who follows during recovery.
This time I will also be giving away the restoration medicines that I gave in the
donation ceremony, so it probably will be OK.

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"Where do Yudit grow leaves and upper classes in turn in the top of the trunk, there
are places where the color has changed a bit? If I call your name attack on that part!"

Seeing that everyone has set up, Leonore shakes his hands high raised.


It was the rest of the magical tool that Yudit used to throw away with a sling, which
was used by Ditter with Dunkel Ferger. When I struck a part of the leaf that is thick
and thick, a big explosion sounded.
As if surprised, gummy mocha swayed, thin branches stretched out quickly with
shadows of shaded leaves. Is the number about thirty to forty? As Leonore said, sharp
thorns were attached to the tip of the branch that jumped out of between the shaking

"Ha ha!"

The knights apprentices who caught a beast swing around Halberd, cutting the
narrow branches stretching out with pins one after another. However, it was only a
few seconds that thin branches were stretched out with pins. It immediately retreats
into the leaves, and this time it moves like a tentacle wobbly, trying to capture the
surrounding knight apprentices. It seemed like a jellyfish looking like a tentacle
stroking from a portion with thick leaves and leaves.

...... It means that you get numb when you touch a branch, that is, wood jellyfish!
Gumimoka is a tree jellyfish. Pretty dangerous. Alright, I remembered.

"When the branch is not stretched it can not be cut! Once down, I will drive it!"

Leonore who lowered knight apprentices once knocks down the magical power that
he is accumulating on the trunk of gummy moka. A rainbow-colored light is emitted
from Halberd which was greatly shaken with a spirited cheek, and it flew to places
where the color on the upper side of the trunk looks a little thin.
Gumimoka rocked the leaves greatly with landing. As if the full power of magical
power attack did not work, the usual impact does not come around. When I was
watching for the unexpected thing, a thin branch grew shunned shortly afterwards.
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"Do it!"

Do not miss an extended moment, wiggle Halberd and cut off dangerous branches.
Leonore ordered "Natalie, accumulate magical energy!" And was gazing at the
movements of the knights while drinking recovery medicine.

I wonder if I will continue to attack magical power full force as it is. Is it really
working? While worrying, I will look at Leonore, but there is absolutely no hesity as
to how Leonore instructs.

"Ha ha ha!"

Alexis will instantly strike the magical power to instructions of Leonore. Although
quite a big light was shot, there is no shock to the surroundings as well. Cutting the
small branches that jumped out and seeing the branches retracting again, the knights
apprentices quickly get away from the gummy moka. Then it's the next attack.

"Tragogt, get ready! Natalie!"

Traegot begins to accumulate magical power in weapons, Natalie drives devil. The
Cornelius brother 's words that there is a difference in power depending on the
accumulated amount of magical power and attributes was well understood. Even if
complicated rainbow colors in which various magical powers intermixed each other,
the color shades are different and the power is totally different.

"Is not a thin dangerous branch nearly reaped? It almost disappeared."

Angelica muttered that the branches that grew in Natalie's attack almost disappeared.
It seems that it seems to be a bit nervous, maybe I also want to participate.

"Yudit, I will pay the leaves with my back! Everyone, take the distance! Matthias, save
the magical power!"

The next Leonor's instructions were directed to Yudit, not the traumatic gathering
magical power. Yudit takes out the magic tool of the size of the fist out of the waist
pouch which puts magician quickly and throws it out with a sling.
679 | 2523
Flying as if the magical tool thrown by Yudit is sucked into the leaf which was thick
and thick. At the next moment, an explosive sound appeared at a loud volume that did
not sound even if I applied a rainbow-colored magical power, and a lot of leaves
burned up at a stretch.

"What, is that !?"

"Do you use such magical tools with a speeding competitor?"

Brother Cornelius and Angelica raised a surprise voice. A roar is also occurring inside
the stadium. Speaking of which, it seems that Matthias said that there are almost no
territories to use magical tools since becoming a speedy competitor.

"It is a magic tool that Hartmut made for Ditter with Dunkel Ferger. It used to be used
in opposition against the territory because it is unworthy, but it is more power than
"I was surprised to think that I was going to use that for Dunkel Verger opponent.
"...... It's the truth behind when I was about to lose."

The leaf which grew thick grew completely burned but the gummy moka was not
collapsed. The top of the trunk seems not to be burned at all even if it is enveloped in
flames, the part which was only a little thin as it is.

...... How strong is Gumimoka! Is it?

With that thought, the top of the branching branch began to faint light slightly above
the thin part of the color. At the same time, a part of the branch begins to move slowly,
and a branch like a tentacle is about to be produced.

"We will finish before it grows.Traggot! Mattias! Attack from above! Everyone, get
ready for the shield!"

Traugot and Matthias are driving high and high cow animals while watching each
other's movements according to Leonore's instructions. The trajectory drawn by a
weapon shining in rainbow color was very beautiful.

"Hey Ah!"
"Ha ha ha!"
680 | 2523
They are thrusting so that they fall down while swaying Halberd. Traegot and
Matthias, the rainbow-colored light for the two people stuck straight into the gummy
moka like a lightning strike.

The landing sound that neither Dodon nor Suzun can be scratched off by the sound of
Merimeri, in which the living tree of gummy moka is split.

Immediately after, the lights of gummy moka and magic team went out. However, the
impact that devoted all power magical power has not disappeared. Rooken's voice
called "Ehrenfest, finish!" Sounded while the knights apprentices holding the shield
were desperately deserving the shock.

"You did it, it was a wonderful ditter."

When the knights apprentices come back from the stadium, the adoptive praise
praises everyone with excitement. Only the minor monsters came out, the knight
apprentices were puzzled, the Elevenfes knights apprentices who could withdraw one
after another without any hesitation in time took a long time to stand out.

"I did not think that there are people who are familiar with demons in other
territories, Leonore"
"I am afraid, but I am not the only one who knew about Gumimoka, so that anyone can
fight, and I learned by all the knights apprentices to inherit important information."

Léonore looks around the knights apprentices as saying proudly.

"This year I was in the position to be commanded, so my success would have been
prominent, but even if anyone took command, the apprenticeship of the knights of
Ehrenfest could beat Gumimoka. Knowledge about demons will not weaken even
ahead, even next year or the year after I graduate. "

There is a document on the bookshelf that summarizes the monsters learned of by

Leonore so that everyone can share knowledge. You better learn by reading it.
Lionolle smiled, knowledge will be inherited throughout the years.

"I am proud of their efforts as AUB"

681 | 2523
One step ahead while nodding in the compliments of the adoptive father was one of
the upper part of the knight group who is about the adoptive foster escort instead of
the father.

"Their efforts are not only knowledge, but in accordance with the instructions, middle
and lower class knights who reap out thin branches that jumped out by the attacks of
senior knights were also very quick and the cooperation was also brilliant I think that
it was the first fight that I could participate from now on to trimbow after
adulthood.Only they are really getting stronger.

Knights also receive compliments, and the apprentices of the knights look happy and
laugh each other. I joined forces. I got results. It is a smile filled with such a sense of

"Knight apprentices keep watching the other areas' watchers while protecting
Charlotte and Rosemain after this, Wilfried is here."

When the adoptive father attracts Wilfried, we go back to the social girls saying that
we are watching Ditter. Charlotte smiled when she saw that father-in-law and Wilfriit
would go back to their social gatherings with their aides, if I could not stay with them.

"It's okay even if you do not look so worried like that, sister sister, so that you get used
to socializing, and then, perhaps, to deal with requests for my weddings."

As Charlotte said so, take my hand and guide him to the platform. Surrounded by the
aides and knights apprentices around the circumference, it really came in a state
where nobody got close.
Charlotte standing next to me smiles while looking down at the stadium.

"As we had a lot of indications from the upper territory, we are only raising the rank
by now on the achievement of our elder sister like this, and it can not be said that the
ranking has been finalized until the internal affairs of Ehrenfest stabilize If we can not
change the consciousness of the nobility of the Ehrenfest, I can not decide my

682 | 2523
Whether it is okay to treat Ehrenfest as a top territory or whether it is better to
consider lowering the ranking immediately, other territory has not been determined
yet. That is why it seems that the proposal received by Charlotte is quite extensive.

"... I think that a substantial awareness reform is necessary, but I want you to be
recognized as being a high-ranking territory from around us by the time I graduate."

Then Charlotte said that it would be much easier to decide the other party. Ehrenfest
and someone who balances to some extent are good for each other, but it seems that
the criteria for balancing is now undetermined.

"Hey, Charlotte, I did not feel that the old Ehrenfest was too deep, because unlike the
land that was defeated and overwhelmed because I survived the political change with
neutrality, no major change was necessary, but purification It should inevitably
undergo a major change. "

The former Veronica school was purged and it seems that the domestic affairs are in
a great disorder as the people who are punished continue. It is necessary to multiply
that big confusion, make it more efficient and change consciousness.

"However, such a story may be good even after returning to the territory, now let's
enjoy the fight against the territory, Charlotte"
"Yes, sister"

In Ditter, monsters that have never been seen appeared one after another. Ditters in
the upper territory watching while listening to the correct strategy by explanation of
the knights who studied were very pleasant.
As Cornelius elder admired, "Everyone is studying hard, who is Leonore taught?"
Praise, Leonore is delightfully curious. The situation seems to be that the lovers who
met in a long time were known to each other, so I thought that Damuel was nice.

"By the way, how did angelica came to see the growth of the traumgot?"

There are people who are watching the surroundings swallowing their bosom,
whether they are likely to develop into a love story here, and somehow developed.
How did the traumigg appear in the eyes of Angelica saying "At least, I should be
stronger than Cornelius."

683 | 2523
While collecting the attention of everyone, Angelica gently putting his hands on his
cheeks smiled and said, "... I reconfirmed Bonifatius' strength. Apparently it does not
seem to proceed as expected.

"Now all the ditters have ended, I'd like to show off the ceremonies by the knights of
Dunkel Ferger here."

Dunkel Ferger's blue cloak rides a cowgirl and descends to the stadium all together
while raising a bullshit "Ooooooo ... ..." according to the voice of Ruffen. After all
around the stadium in the same way as the students go round the stadium before
starting the doctor, the knights of Dunkel Ferger extinguished the beast and jumped
into the arena.

The knights are arranged in a circle centered on Aub Dunkel Ferger. I can see that the
standing position is completely decided by a really familiar movement. Even though
no one else has yet put out the staple, only Aub Dunkel Ferguer was holding the spear
of Leiden Shaft firmly on his right hand. I took it from the temple of Dunkel Ferger, no,
I guess. Even though it is a period right after the dedication ceremony, the blue eyed
stone is blue because it is already filled with magical powers.

He struck Don and his spear on the ground, and Aub opened his mouth.

"There are a lot of adult knights who have not learned from Leuven at the House of
Lords and there are a lot of people who do not know the dance of rituals.I think that
it is unknown what effect it is when you hear the research presentation So we decided
the demonstration of the ceremony by the Order of Dunkel Ferger, let us show real
authentic priests and magical things that were deteriorated little by little in time and
were to be forgotten! "

Oh, as a wish for the marvelous voice to sound more than expected, I looked around
the stadium. Every territory seems to be interested and most audiences close to the
front and try to see the ritual of Dunkel Ferger.

"Originally, it is necessary to ritualize the day before to get blessed, to break the body
into multiple blessings, and recover magical powers."

684 | 2523
If there are many blessings, it falls into such a situation that the knights apprentices
of Ehrenfest could not handle their bodies well, and even if you use ordinary recovery
medicine, they will not recover soon.

"But it is no longer necessary for the knights of Dunkel Ferger to do the ceremonies
many times in advance, roughly calculate the amount of magical power needed to gain
blessings, increase the number of ceremonies, thereby burdening per capita I was able
to reduce it. "

It seems that he has bothered to make it possible to demonstrate even without

recovery drugs. It is a surprising inclusion condition. I got a little bit of a feeling that
the first wife would want to hate me.

"And this is the real spirit borrowed from the temple, the spear of Leiden Shaft"

While saying so, Aub Dunkel Ferger grasped the spear of Leiden Shaft with both
hands. I will put on magical power as it is. The spear of the Leiden shaft not only the
tip but also the whole stained blue, and began to gather the light which would
discharge with the ticks.

"What, what is that!?"

"Is the temple of the temple like that !?"

The nobles who never go to the temple nor see the sacred things directly can hear
surprised voices at the spear of Leiden Shaft wearing blue light.

"Power to us who fight the battle!"

I shouted as Aub Dunkel Ferger barks with a blue sparkle in my hand. At the same
time, the knights who had been putting out the staple will simultaneously change to
"Lanze!" And a spear.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

For me, a spear was struck by Don and Earth once with words of earlier prayer.

"Gain strength to get my victory in my hands, get strong strength of Angry Fie who
will not lose to anyone.Please get the speed to get my victory in my hands. It is quicker
than anyone Speed "
685 | 2523
Rotate the spear while singing and hit the handle to the ground. If you replace the
spear, it is the same as you saw earlier that the metallic sound that hit the armor made
of the manastone echoed like a beat.
However, it seems that the ceremonies of adults are more familiar than those of
apprentices, and it looked quite different though it was the same ritual. Not only is the
movement in order, it also has elegance that flows like a violent movement.


Aub Dunkel Ferger raises the spear of Leiden Shaft high, and the surrounding knights
also raise all at high as they raise the sky with a roaring voice like "Oh!"
At the same time, the pillar of blue light stood up with Don. Blessing light falls, and
some fly away somewhere.
It is a natural scene that happens if you do rituals at the House of Lords, but it is a
phenomenon that will not occur in the territory. A surprised voice came up also from
Dunkel Ferger on the pillar of light for the first time. And the adults of Ehrenfest also
saw the unbelievable things on the pillars of light that we see for the first time.

"Is this the pillar of light ...?"

Even if you read it in a report, it will be a phenomenon that you do not know unless
you actually see it. Me and Charlotte nodded in the adoptive father's words that stood
behind me unnoticed.

"It always happens when you do rituals at the aristocrat, it is strange, is not it?"

Even students are few who have seen pillars of light. Apart from students of Dunkel
Verger and Ehrenfest, they are about lords and senior citizens who participated in the
donation ceremony. Then, is it about dormitories relatively close to Dunkel Ferger?

"Well, if you are going to cause such a phenomenon with the common face, you are
told that it is a saint, an incarnation of the goddess"

And the knights of Dunkel Ferger destroy the monsters produced by Ruffen. The
speediness, the strength of attack, the ability to move instantly even if it receives
multiple blessings was the difference between the students and the clouds.

686 | 2523
In the end Hannorore came out, performed a ceremony to give victories to the gods
and return the blessings that were given. Change Stap to a stick of Fair Furemier and
turn it slowly to draw a circle overhead. Zaza, Zazan and the sound of the waves, the
magical powers swaying like the scorching fire from the body of the knights, gathered
high, went up high in the sky.

"This is a divine transmitted to Dunkel Ferger"

The voice of admiration and excitement rises from the auditorium to the voice of Aub
Dunkel Ferger. Thus, the fight against the territory ended.

687 | 2523
"After this, since the awards ceremony will be held, students should go down to the
stadium as the fifth bell rings."

Ruffen used the magic tool to amplify the voice so as to reach the bustling audience
seat excitedly by the ritual of Dunkel Ferger, and Ruffen issued the previous

"You have to start tidying up,"

As in last year, a simple cleaning up is done in a short time until the fifth bell ring. Civil
apprentices train the important magical tools, etc that were put out for research
presentations, side by side apprentices will clean up teaware and sweets that were
served to the guests one by one. While everyone is busy, I sat on a chair and have a
break for a while. I have been standing all the way to watching Dittor, so my feet are
getting sore.

But ... I did not feel sick, I got really strong.

If Coloron collar and the fifth bell rings, everyone will cut off the tidying up and begin
to descend to the arena for the awards ceremony. It seems quite spectacular that the
cloaks of various colors come back and get off with a cowardom one after another.

"Wilfriit's older brother, Charlotte, please give us guidance"

Because all the students in the whole area get down to the stadium at the same time,
it seems that there may be a small quarrel and skirmishes due to confusion if we do
something wrong. If we asked them to guide everyone in the same way as last year,
Wilfried accepted us well.

"Well, let's sit there with your father, after which my uncle's sermon is waiting for you
to rest."
"Please do not tell me the word of praise! .... Before you preach you will be praised, I

688 | 2523
Although I am doing only firm determination, I have new memories that chewed my
cheeks as soon as I reunited. If it seems to be preaching surely from Villefried, some
measures may be necessary.

... .... How about sacrificing consommé soup in Ferdinand's mouth at the moment of
opening your mouth trying to preach, or doing preaching with me as well as Koi
Shimir against the opposition?

When I thought about it, my adoptive finger gently poked my cheek. When raising
your face and looking at your adoptive father, it looks a bit nostalgic as you remember

"You do not have to make a difficult face, Rosemain"

"Do you like your adopted father?"
"If you go up to the stage and give the words of compliment from the king, that is all
you need to do, if it boasts it will not be scolded, because it is the first prize given by
the circumstances here, although it is best for three consecutive years."

I remembered the story of Mr. Ferdinand, who used to take the best to get his father
praised by his adopted words. I think that valuable opportunity to be praised by his
father was to take the best.

"There are a lot of overdoing, but the other is still doing the best. It may be praised
from Ferdinand today, but Ferdinand who has not read the report does not know the
details of that person "

The adoptive father says that preaching to that one may be good even after returning
to Ehrenfest, but my concern is a bit painful to me.

"Oh, my adoptive father, I wrote various things with a letter, is it okay?"

"Is not it okay for censorship to be okay? Is not it not a problem if the other person
does not speak unnecessary things from myself?"

I did not say that I felt I had written extraordinary things on the back side with glowing
ink, but it seems that my adoptive father took something as I felt his mouth.

"If so, that is your responsibility, be scolded tight."

"Auu ... ..."

689 | 2523
"Let's go ahead, so let's accept that the words from the king are very honored, do not
say unnecessary things again.

While being remembered several times, I was sent out to my adoptive father.
Descended to the stadium with a beast while being surrounded by the aides. It is glad
that you can see where you should head yourself from the top with the color of the

Get off at the stadium and line up where Ehrenfest is lining. While I was talking with
Wilfried and Charlotte who had gotten off earlier, I wonder if all of the students got
complete with talking, "It is good to have a lot of excellent scores from Ehrenfest this
year. A royal family came in.
Surrounded by the Knights who turned the black cloak that warns the surroundings,
the royal cud beasts who widened their wings greatly descended and went up to the
stage. King and first lady. Then, Sigiswald, Adolfine, Naeracher, Anastasiusus,
Egranthine continue.

...... Looking like this, most royalty came to the donation ceremony.

Just because there was no king's wife, everyone in the next generation would have
participated in the donation ceremony. If I think now, I may have done a ridiculous

"In the winter, under the severe sorting of the god of life Lord Evilive, they also got
rigorous screening and gathered here."

The awards ceremony began from the same greeting as the last year. A magical tool
that amplifies sound echovically sounds in the stadium. Is it the feeling that it feels
like the voices are energetic than when they are dedicated?

"Well, we will award this year's Ditter, so that the representatives will come forward
to the third place"

It will be a nobleman in the center. There is such an explanation from a man wearing
a black cloak, and the top three places are called.

"Top ranked first place, Dunkel Ferger"

690 | 2523
In addition to being able to gain blessings by themselves, Dunkel Ferguer who did not
neglect research of monsters was the most prized place. It was a speed that I could
not complain about, and the surrounding atmosphere is a satisfying atmosphere
called Dunkel Ferger.

"Second place, Klostenburg"

Klassenburg also seemed to have abundant knowledge of monsters, and was shifting
to attack without any hesitation. I guess there will be plenty of years of knowledge
accumulation. Besides that, it was a lot of fun to beat that it was not a devil that was
shabby and difficult to defeat like gummy moka fortunately. I think that Klassenburg
has a good luck.

"Third place, Ehrenfest ... ... That's over!"

At the moment when Ehrenfest was called, it was scurpy inside the stadium. In the
simulated battle, the sixth place Ehrenfest finished third. And even though I thought
about in the history of Ehrenfest, I never got third place in opposition to the territory.

"Because it was a known demon, in the study of Ehrenfest and Dorevanker the
magazine was very important"
"You surely asked Mr. Gundorf to ask for such demons"

I heard such a voice from the former person. Couscous and malicious laughter spread
into the breezy air. The expressions of Leonore and Matthias have settled in a
heartless voice.
I would like to dispute that "If Erienfest is good enough to do such a thing, it will not
be said that diplomacy is poor, but Dittor is a masterpiece." However, to hear from the
front, It is a high ranking territory. I wondered if I should swallow it, I should hear it,
I heard another voice from another territory.

"Which teacher will be responsible for the monsters of which territory will not be able
to be done even though it will be decided in the future, just because the apprenticeship
of the knight in his territory was unworthy, how about defeating other territories? I
"It is up to you which Evil Fest is the most difficult monster before last year as to which
monsters are hitting.The ability of Ehrenfest can be understood by the viewer."

……so! I also wanted to say so.

691 | 2523
It seems that we knew that it was hard for Knight apprentices who took lectures
together and watched Ditters over time, to defeat Gumimoka. Knight apprentices from
several territories helped, and the voice of criticism quickly became smaller.

"... There are also people who understand"

When Leonore loses his mouth, the knights apprentices of Ehrenfest delightfully nods.
Leonore and Alexis went out as a representative of the knights of Ehrenfest.

...... When I was in a year, cooperation was full of holes, it was a terrible fight against
Dunkel Verger opponent. Everyone did a lot of work really.

Of course the apprentices of the knights did their best. I studied, studied shortage,
cooperated with overcoming factional barriers, and endured tough training. However,
do not forget the struggle of the old man and the father who practiced by prioritizing
the escort knight of the lord's family. It became stronger because there was a teacher
who trained the danger of lowering the ability of the knights due to changes in

"It was a wonderful fight and I want you to go ahead and continue thinking of entering
the Central Order Group."

It was the central knight headmaster Rao Buruto who praised the knights apprentices.
And I get souvenirs like medals and come back. It looks like a clear blue clear man.

"It is my first time to have such a souvenir"

"Let's show it to the old man who trained everyone, I'm sure you will be glad."

When the buzz comes down, the next is a commendation for the research presentation
by the civilian. This also has the most influence, it seems that the research which the
central aristocracy seems to be wonderful is awarded.

"First place, relationship between rituals and protection by Dunkel Ferger and
"Second place, magical instrument of magical power amplification by Gillessenmeier"
"Third place, magic team to reduce magical power by Ahrensbach and Ehrenfest"

692 | 2523
I was in trouble because the representative told me to go back. Both representatives
are me.

"Well, Wilfried brother, may I let you out as a representative of Dunkel Ferger's
research? I have to go out with a collaboration with Ahrensbach."
"Well, wait a moment, is not the collaborative research of Dunkel Ferger the one who
made it to the Lord, if it ranks first and third place, whether to go there or give it a
priority Was it? "

I was told Vilfried to dislike my younger sister's accomplishment and I told him to
head forward with the escort knight Leonore.

"Is it okay for the representative of Ehrenfest to be not Vilfried's older brother?"
"Because Rosemain has been doing this research,"

The representative of Dunkel Ferger's side was Restesut. Perhaps it may have been
scolded by the first wife for lunch. Although I am missing expressionlessness, the
atmosphere is slightly dull and I will not see my eyes. As expected it would not go
down to say silent without saying anything.

"I never thought that it would be the first place, Mr. Restz Lout."
"... ... I thought it would be good"

After seeing me glancingly, Restzurau told me a sigh and mixed up a little straight. As
soon as it is dark, the dull atmosphere will not feel any dust, it will look like a lord of
lords of Dunkel Ferger.

"Rosemain, that person is ... ...."

"I never thought that our research would be in the third place ... Hey, Rosemain?"
"... ... Eh? Dear Linde?"

It was Dietrinde that interrupted the words of Restistau. I do not know why Diet Linde
is appearing as a representative with a sunny face. In spite of this, I looked for the
figure of Raimund behind Dietlinde. However, there is no figure of Raimund.

"Oh, the representative of Ahrensbach is not a limelight - it seems that there was not
anything other than him involved in the research at all ... ..."

Dietrinde laughs and blows away with my ho ho with my doubt.

693 | 2523
"I hated Raimund's appearing in the front, there was no choice but also because of my
fiancé's research, so it would not be a problem for me to represent it."

Was not it just because he was forced out by this momentum of Dietlinde and could
not be broken down into Raimund.

……Already! Even though I have to sell my face firmly at such times.

I resented Dietlinde, who pretended Raimund's hand, and stood next to the restylut.

"Dear Lusty Lout, you said something soon, did not you?"
"No, good"

A man who has never seen it from groups that are holding by the royal family has
come forward. As he was the head of the knight who spoke to the knights apprentices
earlier, he probably will be the central civilian representative.

"The first place, Dunkel Ferger, Ehrenfest. In the research carried out by them, the
review of the obsolete shrine was done and the conditions for obtaining protection
were revealed.The magical power consumption The place where the quantity changes
is very interesting.Because the royal family participated, it can be said that it is a very
important research in Jurgen Schmidt in the future "

What points of the research were you impressed? It seems that the most evaluated
seems to be the change in consumption of magical power seen by the number of gods'
protection. I was told that I would like to continue my research so that future students
will get a lot of protection.

... ... But there are so many kinds of research to keep going?

"Today's memorial, so as to continue to encourage Jurgen Schmidt"

Unlike Dittar 's medal received by Leonore, this medal is a pale yellow manastone.
There is a light weight in hand. I had Leonore hold the medal, and while the central
civilian representative was talking to Gillessenmeier the second place, I rearranged
next to Dietlinde.

694 | 2523
"Third place, Ahrensbach, Ehrenfest. In the research done by them, we have been able
to move magic tools requiring a large amount of magical power with less magical
power.The reduction of magical powers Besides the method, there are a lot of much
better parts, not only the magic tools that were exhibited but also very useful
applications, I hope to continue working on further improvements from now on. "

Central civilian officials are not magical tools here, it seems to pay attention to the
conservation of magical power which is the basis of Raimund's research greatly. If you
think carefully, any research awarded is something that saves or increases magical
power as well. It was a criterion for understanding how much magical power is
lacking and important to the present Jurgen Schmidt.

Returning with the two medals, the award commences for the number of visitors and
the next. Unfortunately, there was no Ehrenfest and it was in the order of the territory.
Klassenburg is first place, Dunkel Ferger is second place, Dreve Hancier is third place.

"I thought this year's Ehrenfest is a very good feeling, but ...."

When I heard the result and sharpened my lips, Brünhn Hilde shook his head like an
inevitable thing.

"In the case of Ehrenfest, there are few side staffs and candidates who can respond,
because the customer will wait inevitably, the satisfaction level will go down, so it is
difficult to aim at the top here."

There are lots of factors to attract customers, such as sweets and fashionable items,
battle for commerce, etc. There are not enough people to respond. It seems that it can
not deal very well unless it is a large territory with many original people. I could only
convince Brung Hilde's words "suddenly I can not increase the number of side

...... The number of people is small compared to the middle territory, Ehrenfest.

You will have to think about increasing the number of aristocrats even a bit.

Once the awards for defense against the territory have ended, this time it is finally
awarded by excellence graduates of the lords. If the prize so far is given to the
territory, this is given to the individual.

695 | 2523
"Present presenters of outstanding achievements of the year from now on, so that
those who were called will go ahead"

Together with such voices, excellent grades will be announced from the final grade.
The best of the last grade was Senior Civilian of Dlevanhelle. When I was surprised
that it was not a candidate for lords, I was called the name of Restistau who was
supposed to have been absorbed in painting the Ditters story as the best of the
candidate lords.

...... Lesty Lout was good enough to be the best candidate for a lord. I knew it for the
first time.

I wonder if the best of the grade was not a dream if it did not get crazy about drawing
and was more serious. While thinking about such things, Leonore and Alexis were
called as excellent.

"Alexis, well done"

"Leonore, congratulations"
"Thanks to Rosemain-sama"

Leonore and Alexis head forward while receiving the words of everyone's celebration.
When I saw it off, the fifth grader began to be called next. The best is called, after that
the name is called for each rank order.

"From Ehrenfest ... .... Brunhild, Natalie, Mathias"

"Brunhild, Matias, congratulations for both of us"

Matthias was also chosen as an excellent person last year, but Brünhild is the first
excellent. In astonishment, Brunhild was lightly spreading her candy eyes and smiles
with eyes full of eyes.

"... .... I, the first excellence"

"Yeah, Brühnhild was striving very hard against the upper ranks, which is
appreciated, I am also happy."
"Sorry, Rosemain-sama"

She gladly cheeked her cheek, and Brunhild was smiling. The gorgeousness grew, it
was a very beautiful smile.

696 | 2523
"Excellent, is it?"

I heard such a misunderstanding, I looked up at Matthias. Unlike Brunhild, Matthias

does not seem happy even if he becomes an excellent. Perhaps I was aiming at a higher
level, but intermediate-class nobility rarely gets chosen as a superior. I think I am
more pleased and good.

"It's more delightful to be proud of, Matthias, I am proud because it is the Lord"

After Matthias blinked several times in my words, I kneeled on the spot. And while
looking at me straight with a blue eyes, I take my hand and hit my forehead.

"Eh? Matthias, what ... ...."

"If Rosemain did not think about relieving us, there was not this honor, I will dedicate
my honor and gratitude to our Lord."

...... Please, stop it! This gratitude, I am very bad for my heart! Because it stands out!
It's so conspicuous!

"Well, I understand, Matthias earlier, we are waiting for everyone."

I hurriedly withdraw my hand and told Matthias to head earlier. Fourth graders were
announced when Brunhild, Matthias and Natalie went forward. Laurentz and Ignatz
are called outstanding.

"I also want to thank Rosemain for kneeling, is it OK?"

Lightly glaring at Laurentz, which he said so with a sound like it teases a bit, I tell him
to head earlier.

"We will have meat of the evening meal for celebration, so thank you in a place with
few more people"
"Certainly yes"

Laurentz holds her mouth like he can laugh and goes forward with Ignatz, who had
festive words from Wilfried.

"Third grader, best ... Rosemain of the lord of lords of Ehrenfest"

697 | 2523
Afterwards, even the best of the lords candidate, even the best of civil servants I was
called my name. With the same name called repeatedly, the voice of "Oh" begins to be
mixed with the voice of the admiration "Oh" from the surroundings. Excellent people
were called as it was, and the voice called "Villefriit than Ehrenfest" sounded.

"Congratulations, you are the first awards ceremony, sir, Rosemain.

Phyllene and Rieselaer seem to be very happy than me.

"Rosemain, hands"

I was sent out with a smile to my aides and escorted to Villefried, and I left. I found
myself tremendously focused on surrounding whisper.

"That is Ehrenfest .... Lord candidate who invited royalty at the dedication ceremony?"
"You are a candidate for a lord who was absent from the awards ceremony for the
second consecutive year?"

...... I am drawing attention in something weird! Is it?

Is not it a part that is not a grade that is going up to the surrounding voice? In this way,
when being told by a third person that it was awkward, it became a feeling that it was
better for people who were absent this year.

"Stretch your spine and I'll be the one from here."

Wilfried stops his feet where superior people are lined up.
I took my hand to Villefried, I carefully watched it as elegant as possible, and slowly
went up to the stage. If you go up to the stage, you can see well that it is drawing
attention from the bottom and from above. While feeling the gaze heavy, only the back
muscles are stretched out with pins so that the head does not come down.

...... Oooh. get nervous. It might have been better if I had not been absent.

Egrantine smiled with Nicoli when the royal family was walking in front of a row.
While being a little encouraged by that smile, I kneel before the king. I felt that the
face color of the king overlooking me kneeling was much better than when it was
dedicated. The eyes that look down on here are gentle, the voice that speaks is calm
and gentle.
698 | 2523
"Rollemanine, a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest, who had excellent results for the
third year in a row, especially this year in collaboration with Dunkel Verger, Dorevan
Herre and Ahrensbach, and in the results Jurgen Schmidt He made a great
contribution to his efforts and contribution deserves praise. "

Is it because there were a lot of people being scolded for causing trouble? I was
praised by the king that I contributed and helped, and I felt joy started to spring. It is
not a social expression, but it really comes to think that you are thinking so.

...... I should have been really helpful.

"I am honored to be of service to Zento."

A big applause sounded, and I stand up with the king's forgiveness. In retrospect, I
noticed that not only the underlying students, but also adults in the audience clapping
hands. In the audience seats at Ehrenfest, the adoptive father began, knights and
guardians applauded.

As I went through the wrapping and looking towards the other side, I saw a bright
ocher colored cloak in the wisteria color of Ahrensbach. You can see that Ferdinand
and Eckhardt brothers and Justoz applauded themselves with eyes.

...... Oh, my adoptive father and Ferdinand are also pleased.

There are many people who are willing to praise the accomplishments of their lords.
That was something I did not really realize so far. The joy became bigger than the
tension, the back of my chest got warmer, I became very happy and somewhat happy.

... Well, I will do my best next year.

It was an awarding ceremony that seemed to be natural.

699 | 2523
"Is it okay if you could leave a magician for preserving meals here? If so, the wagon
can pass without problems."
"There is no change in the number of people near you from there?"

The aides who came back from the territory competition carefully prepare the tea
ceremony room. I looked around the tea ceremony room and nodded one. Preparation
is perfect. There are also adoptive father and wilfried, and it is waiting for the arrival
of Ferdinand.

"Each of you students will be prepared for dinner, so please come back to your room

Richard, who was wielding the mastery of the tea ceremony preparation here, said so,
the students who were there were going down for their own meals. What I remained
were adults' handbills like Richarda and their adoptive aides, and those of the Order
who will escort us during dinner.

There was a small ringing sound of the chirin and the small bell over the door.

"Ferdinand is here"

The adoptive father 's side who had refrained in front of the door said that and opened
the door. Justoks, Ferdinand, Elder Eckhard, another person, a stranger came in while
pushing a wagon on which a great preservation magic tool was placed. He will be an
aide by Ahrensbach.

"Welcome back, Ferdinand-sama"

When I said so, Ferdinand answered as "awful ..." after blinking as if surprised a little.

"Mr. Ferdinand, do not say, I'm back, not now, ah, but my greetings are important, are
not you?"
"... ... Now, I returned."

700 | 2523
As I hesitate with a face like reluctantly saying so saying, I will remove my eyes from
me and start greetings with my adoptive father and Villefried.

"I am sorry to say that I will take care of you all night tonight.Will Juffleit know
Justochs and Eckhart as well? This is his side serving me with Zelgius Ahrensbach, He
is the son of Retethias' s first-hand side. "

Although it is Arendsbach's aide, it is probably not a Georgian school. I looked up at

Zergius. It is a person with a gentle smile who seems to have a yellow green eye on
blue-green hair.

"Nice to meet you"

When the introduction and greetings of the aides coming from Ahrensbach ended, the
adoptive father recommended the seat to Ferdinand. While telling me and Wilfried to
take the seat, the adoptive father himself starts preparing to leave.

"I have to go down once because I take dinner with students, but today I do not scold
rosemay much, Ferdinand"

The adoptive father left the tea ceremony room immediately after saying "I will come
back here after finishing the meal." Ferdinand murmurs while looking at the back of
his adoptive father who is busy leaving.

"If you come here later, you did not bother to bother waiting for me ... but ..."
"I thought that I wanted to see you even in the absence of time ... ... That was it,
Feldinand, I took the best as I told you, and I was also honored in collaborative
research. Please, praise it "

First of all I would like to have compliments before sermons. If it is there, I will listen
to the sermons afterwards. I was taught by the adoptive father that I could be praised
if I boasted that I got the best, so I made my heart and boasted the best. Then I was
beat up my forehead with a click. I can not understand.

"Why are you beaten up?"

"Do you think there are lots of things to scold and scold before praise?"

701 | 2523
As I said so, my cheeks seemed to be twisted in the hands that stretched out quickly,
so I hurriedly hit my cheeks and guarded them not to be twisted.

"Please do not scold about today," said the adoptive father, please do not scold me
first, please praise first, I am prepared to listen to plenty of sermons. "
"Be prepared for not doing what you think will be scolded from the beginning rather
than being prepared for preaching"

Well, as I told you while swinging my neck sideways, I sharpen my lips a little more.
Funny. Even though we boasted the best, there is not a word of compliment coming
out of Ferdinand's mouth.

"So, do not you say that you should praise at first after the sermon, how do you
compliment if you can not be praised even by the best?"

When I exploded dissatisfaction, Ferdinand praised me with "great ... well done"
wonderful stick reading.

...... It is different! This is not a compliment I wanted!

"There is no heart at all! If so, about the stuffed animal of Sumir in the fight against
the territory ..."
"I am sorry about that, Rosemain"

The word that came out to obstruct the word that should be appealed, like the time
like that, was an apology for some reason. "The bitter face of Ferdinand that mutilates
as" It was my fault that I could not stop her who took away the magical tool that I
planned to hand over to someone "is a common expression when talking about
Veronica, and Dietlinde picks up my stuffed animal He showed clearly what he was
wearing in Veronica.

... ... Wow, it seems that it stimulated a strange trauma.

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, I do not want you to apologize, I want you to compliment, and
that is not what Ferdinand says to apologize?"
"But ... ...."
"What happened?"

702 | 2523
To Wilfried who was socializing with another table, I briefly explain circumstances
while pretending to be "not a big deal".

"It certainly will not be the responsibility of my uncle"

"Wilfried's older brother likes this and praise and apologies are all right. Let's guide
the room."

I blocked the words of Ferdinand, which is likely to apologize forever, I will stand up
and start walking towards the backside of the back saying "Ricarda made a good

"Oh, because the Princess has been clinging to Mr. Ferdinand to relax a bit."

I tried to brighten up the atmosphere. Richarda began to explain with giggle with a
laugh. To show it to Ferdinand, and to explain to the servants.

"Here we prepare a place for Ferdinand to take a rest, but the canopy is impossible
indeed, but if there is a disaster you can rest a little more?"

In addition to the place to put the luggage and the futon, the placement of the magician
used in everyday life etc will be explained. If anything is a story between the two sides,
I pulled the sleeve of Ferdinand lightly and pointed at the chaise longay.

"Mr. Ferdinand, we sent it from Ehrenfest for today,"

"Did you do it?"
"Yes, I think that I feel very comfortable compared to other chaise longues"

Try sitting and saying, Ferdinand seemed interesting and began to verify by pushing
the seat several times by hand. If you see Ferdinand sitting in front, you can see how
bad its complexion is.

...... Hot drugs, swallowing?

Satisfyly saying "Oh, this is good," but it seems that it is not fatigue that can be hidden
by a change in a little facial expression.

"Rosemain: What is this chaisea?"

703 | 2523
While staring at the complexion of Ferdinand, Wilfried, who first saw a chaise lounge
with mattresses, cried in a loud voice.

"It is something I made Gutenberg new, because Ferdinand was ordered, but I decided
to head for Ahrensbach before I got a chaise longue."

When I explain to Wilfried that it is only possible to do it, Ferdinand stroked the
mattress to boast that "If you care, you can touch it." Wilfried approaches a chaise
with curious eyes. Ozwald, the aide of Wilfried, is the same.

"If you take a good rest here, this fatigued face will be sunny, is not it quite a while
since Ferdinand has been tired ever so far? Like a king you saw in a dedication
ceremony What kind of life did you live in Ahrensbach? "

In my words Vilfried became a monstrous face and saw Ferdinand. Then, I will head

"I think that it will not be much different from usual ... but you, you know well the
complexion on your uncle often"
"Wilfried brother and Ferdinand do not have much time to look closely, so there is no

Even though the aristocracy hides the emotions so as not to be read, Verdonica does
not understand Ferdinand has a year. I do not know unless I am very close.
Were Feldinand looking at Villefried uncomfortable, Ferdinand frown a little and
extended his hand to me.

"Rosemain, the face is never pale, I guess you have not rested at all during the awards
ceremony from opposition to the territory?" Is not it impossible?

After being caught lightly, do not say unnecessary things, it was my usual physical
examination. Body temperature and pulse are confirmed by touching forehead and
wrist. I feel nostalgic feeling of hands, and I close my eyes lightly.

"Thanks to Ferdinand, I got a lot tough, because today I did not fall down on the way,
I have fallen asleep recently and I came to cure in two days even though I fell asleep."
"But it seems like a little fever rising, I guess I have a medicine since I came back from
the territory competition?

704 | 2523
It may be a little feverish that it feels a bit comfortable that the hands hit by the neck
are a bit lazy.

"I thought it's okay, because I drank gentleness ... ...."

"If so, good, try to do regular exercise and get physical strength, you still depend on
magical tools?"

Ferdinand who finished the confirmation in one place releases his hand. While
answering "I will try hard as much as possible", I opened my eyes and watched him
with a face like Virfriit was surprised.

"Did you ask, Wilfried brother?"

"No, I was just a little surprised."

I wondered what she was surprised by, and watching Villefried, his hands pushing the
mattress. It must have been surprised by the coiled mattress.

"Such a chaise can not be mass-produced yet, there seems to be many improvements,
but is it quite comfortable?"
"Oh, yeah ... I see ..."

I and Feldinand are alternately seen while pushing the mattress many times with the
smile that Villefried has repaired.

"What is it?"
"No, nothing, nothing ... ... Will not you start preparing meals soon, Osvaldo"

Ozwald also began to move while worrying about Vilfried's instructions. Magicians
for great preservation are also brought in from the dormitory of Ehrenfest by side
workers. Among them are the dinner of today and a number of dishes to be taken
home by Ferdinand.

By the way, this saved magic tool was asked by my mother and lent. My wish "I want
to deliver delicious food to Ferdinand" was accepted pleasantly, it seems that he
carried me to the temple with a horse-drawn carriage.

"Justo, it will take time to confirm the dishes to preserve, so it is good to do while we
are having meals."

705 | 2523
"Sorry, Princess Ehrenfest's cuisine was handy when Ferdinand-san's food did not
progress much, so it was a great help because I did not think we can replenish here."

It seems that there was no doubt that it was a business pickup, as to be interpreted
from the words of Justoks. If you glanced at Ferdinand, she got frustrated as "There
would be no choice".

"Zelgius, ask servants to serve"

"Certainly, Feldinand-sama"

And the meal started. Ferdinand is basically a favorite menu today. Even though the
chefs in the dormitory who are too busy fighting against the territory are willing to
say that they want to make a double consomme that takes time and effort for the cooks
of the busy castle to get prepared food for Ferdinand There was not. For that reason,
Today's food was made by a cook of the temple, and put in a magician of mother's
preservation and brought to the castle.

"Mum? Are you using Tao-fen's meat today?"

Vilfried has rounded eyes to Taochien who does not go up to the meal of the dorm
because too many numbers are not caught.
I whisper to Villefried, "Because it is secret to everyone else." Because our meal was
made in the temple, it is a different menu from everyone else eating in the dining
room. A little rare and expensive material is abundantly used.

"Because Ferdinand likes Tao-fen stewed with consommé and pome, the cook of the
temple has decided on today's menu"

The chefs who devised menus and seasoning according to Ferdinand's taste
responded brilliantly to requests made through Hartmut and prepared Ferdinand's
favorite dish.

"Do you miss a chef who prepares your favorite taste?"

"... ... That's right, tell them that I am very happy."

The expression of Ferdinand that taohen taste of bamboo pork is very calm, you can
see that he enjoys meals purely. The topic between meals was mainly about fights
against the territory, mainly the story of customers in other territories where Wilfriit
was responding.
706 | 2523
"A lot of the collaborative research with Dunkel Ferger has been drawing a lot of
attention.There are many territories offering joint research next year.All of the offer
that seems to be no problem even if it is not Ehrenfest must be denied It was like "
"When you listen to such stories, do not realize that Ehrenfest ranks higher."

Vielfried nodded in the words of Ferdinand.

"Father not to increase the ranking next time, because Ehrenfest can not follow even
if we raise the order any further,"
"... ... have you done too much?"

I was stared at Ferdinand naturally and I affirmed as "Well, it is true." Certainly there
is a part that I did overdone.

"But since this year's achievement seems to have Erienfest put in the direction to
make it possible to receive the same treatment as the winning group area, the ranking
itself does not go up and besides, originally adoptive father speaks too badly Although
it can be seen, as a mistake, in mind ... "
"I do not know the feeling that I want to retaliate a bit, but you are overly enlarged
with reassurance, you should have told you not to forget reports, contacts,
consultation, but you can not do it at all. ? "

I listen to Ferdinand's words with a little clenched. As preaching seems to help stress
dissipation, I do not intend to stop it, but at least I want you to have it after the meal
is finished.

"On my uncle, despite being told that Rosemain is not involved with the royal family,
I have a relationship one after another. Please scold me more carefully."

Ferdinand glanced at Vilfried.

"Keep your rosemain down more firmly, you scold me when I'm doing something that
is going down, I will not remember Rosemain unless I lead you, and I was not told
Jilvester that I should not scold too much "

... What is it?

I was seriously surprised by Ferdinand who said so with a disgusting face.

707 | 2523
"You did not give me a compliment, but was Faedinand like you were listening to your
adopted words, but what was it like in the past?"
"It's just a matter of attention, if you do not scold me, if you scold me seriously, you
can not do with such a lascivious word."

It seems that Ferdinand did not fall into the category of "scolding" so far.

"You, Wilfried ... ... If you wish, you can scold as much as you can and it is still kept to
a minimum"

With Ferdinand saying with a very beautiful smile, Wilfried and I and wilfully shook
his head all together. With this minimum, I do not want to think what the maximum
will be.

By the time we had finished the meal accompanied by a few secretions and drunk tea,
Justoks seems to have finished filling up the dishes with preserved magic tools, and
we will replace Sergius with the servant. Me and Wilfriit's aides also came back after
finishing meals, instead the Riccardians, Ozwald, the Order of the Knights who had
escorted went to the dorm to take the meal.

"That is what kind of situation this winter hunting is, did it end well?"
"Hunting seems to have ended, we do not know in detail because we were at the lords,
so I would like to ask the adoptive father later."

As I answered questions about purging, Wilfried turned his arm a little steep face.

"Rosemain, my uncle has already gone to other territories, I do not speak easily about
Ehrenfest's internal circumstances"

They are trying to protect Ehrenfest from there, to go to Ahrensbach to gain

information on Georgine. Ferdinand will be troubled if information is not exchanged
to a certain extent.

"Wilfried brother, Mr. Ferdinand ... ...."

"Rosemain, stop it"

708 | 2523
But before I got such an explanation, Ferdinand turned his eyes towards the aisle for
the aides with Zergius and shook his head.

"It is what Wilfried says, I have to examine the information I tell you well and it is not
the same as before."
"That would be it, but the information you share is also important."

Feeling the fear of Ferdinand being isolated in Ahrensbach, when I became

dissatisfied, Ferdinand shrugged his shoulder unlikely.

"I will talk to Jill Vestar about the internal circumstances of Ehrenfest ... you ... it seems
.... It's a story of a stuffed animal of Sumil, who was going to hand it over to whom is it
necessary to make amends?"
"So, Ferdinand's apology is not necessary, ... ...."
"Rosemain Mr."

It was Riesaeta that stopped me. After seeking permission for remarks, she smiled and
smiled and gently whispered to me with a loud voice.

"How would you like to accept an apology? If those who paid for it would make life
easier for Mr. Ferdinand, I think that you should make amends."

I thought that it was Dietlinde, so I was not willing to accept Ferdinand's apology, so I
do not mind being willing to accept an apology if I feel relieved.

"But even if it is said to be atonement ... ..."

"How would you like to make a new magician for recording by Ferdinand? It will be
an atonement for Ferdinand as well, if you could blow in the words to Rosemain, is
Rosemain something happy too?"

Liselaer said so, spreading the cloth with Bassari and the members of the transition.
Then, begin to take out the mixing pots and materials one by one. A blending space
will be created in a corner of the tea ceremony room.

"I opened the other team in the preparation room.The table can not be prepared
indefinitely so please use this table.Please do not make a recording magician for
Rosemain like this, Ferdinand Mr"

709 | 2523
Ferdinand who was watching to be able to prepare a blend space as stunned raises
his lip's happily.

"Well, certainly if you make new ones, I will make amends, I do not have much time.
Can I ask for an assistant, Rosemain?"
"Things I made many times, please leave it to me"

Ferdinand begins to blend with raw materials. It seems that it can be inevitable to
have fun even if it is a reimbursement. I saw that the eyes of Ferdinand, who had a
dark exhausted face started to vibrate, I turned a jealous smile to the Risera.

710 | 2523
"Help each other not being vaguely, if you are an apprentice cabin, you will be able to
prepare as a preparation."

In addition to me and Wilfried, Ferdinand also assigns work to apprenticeship of civil

servants, writing design drawings at the table. As reported by Raimund, it seems to
remember completely how to make it.

"Well, I was told that it could be made for Rosemain, but how many magic tools do I
need? Is not it necessary for my original gifts?"

While Fischer's equipment was washed by Vaschen due to multiple civilian

apprentices, Ferdinand asked me, I thought.

"Actually I was planning to give it to Letezia, because Ferdinand is harsh, so I was

going to put in words of encouragement and not to scold any more."
"Ah, it certainly may be necessary."

Two years that I was asleep, Wilfried who seems to have been having tasks will be a
little far away while doing Vasshen with civilian apprentices.

"I also thought when I took a lecture on my uncle along with Rosemain, but I have a
lot of tasks and the standards I request are strict."
"Wilfried's older brother thinks that? I think that compliments are essential."

I will arrange candidate words that I was planning to record on a magical tool for
retizia. Ferdinand who was listening to it felt a bad face, and Yuukusukusu leaked a
little laughing, "It is a letter of Lether Zia." I seem to be grasping the contents of the
letter Justkus' words I nod.

"If Zergius is deeply related to Retie Zia's lead side, it may be better to register the
newly created magic tool with Maggius's magical power.Retie Zia is away from her
family to become an adopted daughter Would you like me to record the words of my
parents if possible? Because the voice of my family will be more encouraging than
anything else. "

711 | 2523
"... .... I see. Well then, will you spend your voice and the voice of your family, I will give
you from you, if there are four more in the reserve, are you satisfied?"

You can measure the material in this way, and the apprentices of the citizens who
passed the paper begin to measure. Me and Ferdinand will engrave the material so as
to make it easier to formulate, separate the attributes, and prepare the preparation
one by one.

"Wow, the speed of preparation is not right."

"I have never prepared such details in my formulation so far, and the place to match
the quality of the material is too high"

Haltmut was doing quite commonly when teaching how to make recovery medicine,
but with Phyllene and Rohdrich he does not really help. It is the same with the Ignatz
senior civilian, because it is the first time to see the preparation of Ferdinand, it is

"What? Are you doing this at once?"

"Yes, I have learned that it is convenient for time reduction, so that the quality of the
material will be at the same time ... ... It was possible, Ferdinand-sama"

I will give Ferdinand the quality of the material that I am entrusted with myself.
Justkus did the same work and smiled the Ignatos.

"It is familiar to me that the key is not overwhelmingly enough for the number of
recipes and ingenuity."
"Because I make my own recovery medicine, it is inevitable that the number of
formulations just increased"

I think that there are many formulation experiences more than apprentices of civil
servants of the same age, including making Yuree. Besides, it was Ferdinand that
taught me the first preparation, so there are a lot of reasonable and efficient reasons.

"Unlike the formulation taught in a lecture, Ferdinand-san's formula is variously

devised to efficiently formulate, so I think that studying will be done only by looking
at it."

While Ignatans are staring at serious eyes, Ferdinand transforms Stap and progresses
formulation using the magic club of time shortening from the beginning.
712 | 2523
...... Well, I still can not use the time saving magic team from the beginning.

In preparation, we will add the next material while watching the state of the material
changing little by little, but if you use the magic campaign of time reduction, that
change will end in a moment. Is it almost time? As time comes to pass, the possibility
of failure will be very high. I can use the magic squad for shortening time only when I
finish putting in all the materials and just kneading with magical powers.

...... If I do not keep going, I can not keep up with Ferdinand.

Ferdinand mistook "Justoks, it is a stack of magic of time reduction" when it comes to

just finishing putting all the materials and kneading with magical powers. While a roar
is coming up from the civil apprentices, Justkus who reserved in the immediate
vicinity of Ferdinand said "I gave you a secret" and begins to draw a magic club of time
shortening on top of the mixing pot.

Using a magical team with reduced time makes it a little difficult to control because it
takes the form of using the magical power spending a long time at a stroke. I see it for
the first time to double it. Ferdinand caught a glimpse of me when I saw how drawn
the magic club drawn with the feeling that Yusutsus was getting used to while
wondering how preparation changed.

"Rosemain, when you finish drawing Justoks, you can draw another one"
"Are you going to triple, are you OK?"
"Did you say that you do not have time? Do you think I can not?"
"I do not think so"

Ferdinand can only deal with having a winning count. I know that much. I know, but I
will be surprised. Indeed, the civil apprentices who are watching the preparation are
becoming a stunned face that they do not know what they are. Only Wilfried who was
showing nonstandard formulation several times during preparatory training for the
Lord Candidate course was looking at what is common while saying "I still do not
know the reason".

"Well, princess, please."

While receiving the gaze of dismayed civilian apprentices, I replaced with Jusutx and
drew a magic campaign to shorten the time with Stap. In order to pour the magical
713 | 2523
power according to the reduction of the time taken twice, it is understood that the
whole nerve of Ferdinand concentrates at the moment of the preparation pot and the
magic team completion.

At the moment of completion, Ferdinand gave a lot of energy to the hand holding the
mixing rod. It is probably because magical power is required at a stroke by tripleing
the time reduction magic team, but I am enjoying the degree of difficulty rising from
the mouth that has a challenging smile, staring at the state of the mixing pot Looks

"... ... It's completed"

Ferdinand who finished the blending of one bell per impression in one short time in a
short time if done ordinarily took out a magician of recording with a fulfilling feeling
face. It seems satisfying and what's more.

"Tidying up ... As expected it is impossible to leave the blender as it is"

The batch set taken out using the transfer team must be returned to the preparation
room at the transfer team. That is something that Ferdinand can not withdraw from
this tea ceremony room.

"I am preparing the transition team in the preparation room.Who do you want
someone to take out there?"

The Rizerzer spreads out the transfer team to send out and starts placing Vaschen 's
preparation equipment on the transfer team. Part of the civil apprenticeship went to
the preparation room for receipt as if I was relieved by the appearance of the side-
workers who started tidying up and cleaning up.

"Apparatus apprenticeship will be appointed for cleanup of preparatory equipment"

"I understood. Thank you."

The remaining civilian apprentices receive the compounding equipment from the
hands of the Rizerator, Vasshen and place it on the transition team. It is a bit
interesting that the instruments and materials placed on top disappear each time the
magic team glows.

714 | 2523
Ferdinand who had been watching the celestial apprentices getting tangled off for a
while went to the table where they were tidy up and got out of their breath and slowly
exhaled. She seems to have finished eating during the preparation Zelgius starts to
make tea at once. Me and Wilfriit sit in the same way and had my tea cup of tea.

"I did not think that four magical tools could be produced in this short time"

After seeing the recording magic tool arranged on the table, I turned around
Ferdinand and smiled.

"So, Mr. Ferdinand, I made a magical tool for recording, so please pay the fee for using
four design drawings."
"Because I remembered my design drawing by yourself, I did not use your design
"But it is a design drawing that I bought and it is necessary for securing the profits of
future researchers because of Raimundo."

As I am strongly conscious of having made it, I do not need any additional money.
However, it is necessary money to get Raimund to understand it, "It is wonderful that
my research is money," it is also important for notifying intellectual property rights.

When I talk about the intellectual property right that I would like to expand like
royalties, Ferdinand told Jusutks to pay the money saying "You think as everyday."

"It is quite right at the printing association and the blacksmithing association, but
regarding patents fee of magical tools it may be necessary to set up an institution that
has arbitrary power even for aristocrats."
"In regard to that, think about researchers after buying manuscripts from aristocrats
and paying royalties by the sale of books. Also think about researchers. It is acceptable
for everyone to adopt a direction to adopt the method that once succeeded I will not
try to do everything at once, your bad habit. "

It is crucial to inform researchers that there is such a way to pay the patent fee of the
design drawing I personally bought, and to have a track record that the royalties of
books sold are surely paid , Ferdinand told me, I nod.

...... It is certainly a steady effort is necessary.

715 | 2523
The civilian apprentices who finished tidying up came back to the tea ceremony room.
Ferdinand is responding with it with a smile, saying "I saw awesome formulation"
"What should I do?" Ferdinand seems to be very tired somewhat. It seems like I feel
like I've been feeling a sense of accomplishment, passing through comfortable fatigue,
and exhausting fatigue accumulated so far.

"There is also discussion with the adoptive father after this, do not you need healing?"
"... ... there is something to help"

As I told you, I looked around the tea ceremony room. Besides Ferdinand, both Justozk
and Eckhardt brothers have become tired faces. Zelgius is also a bit tired face, and the
aides that have been swayed by sudden bowing will be a bit tired.

When I stood up, I got Stept and chanted "Strait Corben". Changing it to the staff of
Fleet Lane, we heal all at once in the tea ceremony room.

"what is this……"

Ferdinand restrained the temple with a face whose head hurt for some reason though
healed himself a lot.

"... ... that was, did not it work?"

"Outside the standards are polished, only a season one minute so far ... why ..."

Was it such a thing as having a head so much? I felt as always doing what I was doing
I do not know what Ferdinand holds the temple against. From the appearance of
tapping the table with tappington and finger tips and saying "sit down" you can see
the beginning of the sermon.
I turned off the staff of Fleet Lane, and swinging away from Ferdinand for a moment
while swinging in a chair.

"Well, Rosemain. Why did you take all the trouble to put out the cane of Fleet Lane?
"Because it's handy to put it on several people at once, in the case of a ring you will
have to spend each person, but with a cane of Fleet Lane you can apply it at once in a
large number of people."

716 | 2523
Feldinand also breathed a deep sigh, saying that it was useful during the dedication
ceremony held at the House of Peers. Wilfried said "Rosemain, extra things ... ...", so I
smile with nice.

"This is nothing in the inner state of the territory, Wilfried's older brother, is not it
anyone who knows if they participate in the donation ceremony?"
"That is the case ... ... The other one is going to talk about anything and it will be

While being told by Wilfried, I will tell you anything that I know, yet I will be able to
avoid Ferdinand's sermons.

"I'm growing while Ferdinand does not come in. It has become possible to create two
kinds of sacred tools in Stap."
"... Was not it the wrong mistake or interpretation difference?"

It seems that it is okay to receive censorship, but the content of the letter that wrote
with full use of aristocratic phrases was not clearly conveyed to Ferdinand.

"It's just like the knights make swords and shields, the royal people were convinced
that so I can also make multiple shields like Ferdinand, of course Please expect from
me "

When I smiled talking about my ambitions, Mr. Ferdinand who closely closed my eyes
muttered that it would be "distinctly different".

"What's different?"
"No, no, it's no use trying to say anything now, I will become a human being in another
territory, after all I have to do something with Ehrenfest"

When Ferdinand shook hands with a clatter, Wilfried became a surprised face.

"That reminds me, the magical power that Ferdinand taught in the dedication
ceremony handed out recovery drugs that greatly restored, but it seems to be pretty
worthwhile, the royal people were also surprised."
"... What is that?"

Ferdinand saw me in the face like not having the power to tell me anything anymore.

717 | 2523
"Because I thought that it was likely to sell as high as Ferdinand's contribution, such
as the avoidance of collision when Dietlinde did something and suffer incompetence,
it is a report and it is good to keep it as a rear hand."

As I said, Ferdinand put his strength in the eyes to see me.

"Rosemain, do you think that Dietlinde will do something? Tell me if you can be
stopped in advance"
"Wilfried's older brother, hair ornaments and shiny dancer dance does not go into the
inner circle, is it?"
"... .... Well, that's right."

I asked Wilfried for consent beforehand that Dietlinde has a high possibility of making
hair accessories more gorgeous than royalty at the graduation ceremony tomorrow
and then the possibility to perform a gala dressing dance that makes manastones to
shine I explained that there is.

"I can not overlook dishonor for royalty, I can forcibly take hair ornaments, but what
is that, shiny dedication dance?"
"It is the beginning of the thing that Rosemain glowed manastones in the practice of
votive dance when it was impossible to control the magical power immediately after
finishing the ceremony to obtain protection."

I rushed to the explanation of Villefried in a hurry.

"But the blessings did not come out, it was possible to finish with a magic stone
shining, which is a praise project, is not it?"

Wilfried is flushed to Ferdinand with a glance, Wilfried continues talking with waking
out saying "I do not know why I think he can be praised."

"Rosemain was so conspicuous in the practice of votive dance and it was said at the
tea ceremony that Dietrinde would like to imitate adult ceremony dedication"
"Rosemain, you are really ... ...."
"It's not just my fault! It was a force majeure when you practiced, but I advised
Wilfried's older brother that if you drop the quality of the magic stone it would be
easy to shine."

718 | 2523
Wilfried is more responsible than I am if I prepare magic stone to suit him according
to advice and practice it. In my talks, Ferdinand glanced at Vilfried.

"Villefried. It seems that he did extraordinary things quite a bit."

When Ferdinand began to scold Vilfried, Brünhild gradually hit me on the shoulder.

"Mr. Rosemain, the bells of the seven bells will ring at once, so if you are committed
to Mr. Zerggies to the magician to be given to Mr. Reti Zia, we must ask you ahead of

Brun hilde mutters, not to worry that consciousness is completely separated from the
completed magic tool of recording. It is also good to help Wilfried out of your sermons.
I pulled the Ferdinand sleeve lightly.

"Mr. Ferdinand, if you entrust one of these magical tools to Zergius, would you please
give me an encouragement word from a family of retizia?"

I can not ask Feldinand's aides, Zergius directly. Ferdinand stopped preaching to
Wilfried and moved his eyes to Zergius.

"How can I get in touch with my parents like Zergius?"

"I can get it because I was raised in Dreveinchel."

Zergius was brought up in Dreveinchel, and he said he was accompanied by a parent

when Retetzia headed to Ahrensbach as an adopted daughter. Therefore, it seems that
Dorevanker has many acquaintances of himself.

"Let's register with the magical power of Zergius, and may you also record the words
of encouragement from me?"
"Well, of course, I will deliver to Rosemary Princess, Rosemain's worry."

Zergius narrowed her yellow eyes a little with a gentle smile. I had Feldinand pass the
magic tool that is lined up on the table to Zergius and teach us how to use Zergius.
And I asked me to register the words I give to Retizia. "Reti Zia is doing very well well,"
Ferdinand-sama, too strict words are useless "and" Sometimes better praise it "is

"What are you putting in, are you?"

719 | 2523
"When Reteteia comes out this magic tool, please do not praise it properly, because it
is useless with a stick reading like I said to you"

Even if I was stared at Ferdinand, I said so without fear, I entrusted Zergius


"I do not have time to make a stuffed toy, so please try asking Retethias-sama's side"
"Zergius, how about trying to send Ordonants to Durevanhel in the future?" If
possible, I think that it is best to record tomorrow, but ... "
"Sorry, but I will excuse you a bit."

When Zergius disappeared to the side of the aid given to his aides, Ferdinand saw the
three remaining magic tools with a disgusting face a little.

"So what kind of words do you put in the magical tool you give to?"
"Praise your course, of course!"

And, if possible, make Lesser your stuffed animal. My ambition is crushed by the

"Well, one thing I would like a word of compliment, but it is a word to ask you to stop
reading or a word to ask you to take a rest, Rosemain is the same as the word given to
Mr. Ferdinand We need something like that. "

Next to the Risera, Burunn Hilde also nods greatly. Not only my aides to the proposals
of the proposals but also Vilfried agreed that "words of scolding are necessary".

"Although it is OK to put words to scold, but ..."

"Do I want praise?"
"I do not care about that, so what is the word I give to myself?"
"Rosemain was prepared to give this to Ferdinand."

The Rizera quickly takes out the stuffed dolls of the dark blue shamir and puts it gently
in front of me. I guess it was probably going to take it to my room. The pain in the side

"It is wrong, Rieselaire.This is going to hand over to Justozk, even if you hand it over
to Ferdinand, you will not be used for sure as it is packed in the box."

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I picked up the dark blue schmir on the table and handed it out to Justochs.

"Please use Justoz, Ferdinand if you do not listen to what he says just too much work."
"What kind of words are included?"
"Yusutoku, see you later! Please check later!"

Feeling that blood felt, I looked at the situation of Ferdinand, Ferdinand smiled and

"You have to check until the end, because it's tough to become like a game against
"Mr. Ferdinand, there are research materials of Schwarzs in that wooden box, let's
confirm there!"
"Let's do it later, Justoz, play it."

According to Ferdinand's instructions, Justoks will play magical tools.

"Mr. Ferdinand, are you taking a good rest? Please do your work in moderation"
"Even though I am busy, I will not be able to gain power unless I eat rice. Please do
not rely too much on medicine, please eat properly."
"Please contact me if Ehrenfest's food disappears."

I played a couple of cheeks at Ferdinand with some regeneration.

"It hurts!"
"Sumo is there. Justo, it's better to play, I will keep it."

Feldinand was very beautiful making smile and handed him out towards Justoks. It is
absolutely sealed as it is.

"You are useless.Justoks, please return it if you give it to Ferdinand!"

"What are you troubling?"

While saying that with a shaky tone, the adoptive father came in. The number of
knights for the aides and escorts has increased, and it seems that the tea ceremony
room has narrowed at a stretch.

"Father-in-law, Ferdinand trying to pick up the magical tool that he tried to give to
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"... .... This is an example magic tool and what kind of words are included?"

The adoptive father took the stuffed animal of the navy color Sumir that was in the
hand of Justok at a time and touches the part of the manastone. The adoptive father
who smiled at the hearing of my delinquent flowers threw on Justoks.

"Ferdinand will stop handling the job just by threatening to throw Rosemain's
declaration in Ahrensbach, take it."
"Sorry, Aub Ehrenfest"

While having fun laughing, Yusutukku brings a dark blue Schmyl to the place where
he places his baggage.

"That is the time for adults in the future, so that we can return to our room anymore"

The table where the teaware was lined by the adopted father's preparations who
prepared the sake was quickly tidied up and the liquorware began to line up. I was
swayed by the adoptive patrier and waving a hand and I was urged to leave and Vilfriit
leaves the tea ceremony room after saying good night.

...... After all, it was impossible for Ferdinand to be praised.

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And it is the morning of the graduation ceremony. Greater came to wake a little while
before the second bell rings.

"Rosemain, please get up."

"Is not it too early?"

While saying that, I also turned over in the futon and looked up at the gray tear.

"It is unusual for Graytiers to come to wake, did you have anything in Richarda?"
"Although it is a little early, there was a call from Aub to have breakfast with
Ferdinand from the second bell, Richarda is preparing breakfast in the tea ceremony

I told Grayaa that, I jumped up. As we were busy cleaning up tea ceremony room after
breakfast, we were forbidden to take breakfast together at first.

"Ferdinand said that he drank alcohol with Aubu and talked about various things and
he was still reaching out for research materials.You seem to want Rosemaine to
definitely wake it by asking breakfast."

It seems that the adoptive father ordered that she could wake up early and send out
Ferdinand by the time. There seems to be an estimate that the tea ceremony room will
be cleaned up quickly if three aides are accompanied.

……yay! Dear Father, thank you!

I ask Gray Tier and Brünnhild to help me and I start changing clothes. This morning, I
can not see the appearance of Liseraita and Leonore in the room because I go to take
breakfast to match the second bell. After breakfast, I have to finish the water bath
lightly until my parents arrive.

"The graduates are hard to prepare,"

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I recalled two years ago that Angelica had not prepared much and was preparing it
with three people of the reiserator and my parents and laughed couscous and
laughing Aldonants.

"Good morning, Ms. Ferdinand. I am ready so I will head for breakfast to the tea
ceremony room from now."

As I left the room, Charlotte had finished preparations. As you go down the stairs there
is also Villefried. If everyone goes to the tea ceremony room, the side-workers who
are preparing welcome you. There was no space for the aides of the aides created in
the tea ceremony room, and the arrangement of the chaise longues was changed so
that graduates could wait for the future. It seems that the wooden box for putting the
luggage is carrying in the space of Ferdinand and I can not find it.

"It has already quite a long time ago"

"Oh, here we are ready for breakfast.Well, please go to the princess, please come and
have breakfast at the cafeteria."

Minors of minors accompanying you to the tea ceremony room head towards the
cafeteria and our candidate lord guidance is guided to Richarda for the table. I heard
the voice of arrival. Ferdinand came out from behind the scene. Although the clothes
are in place, I still have a face that is not enough for sleeping.

"Good morning, Mr. Ferdinand"

"Oh, good morning"
"It is a voice that somehow is not awake, is it too much to read the research

I look like a face when I was talking about research with Hill Sur two hours ago.
Frodinand who is dying is very unusual.

"... ... but that also, that chaise was more comfortable than expected."
"If Ferdinand slept well, it was worth bringing in. Why do not you bring it along when
you carry your luggage in spring?"

Because of the sudden announcement I headed to Ahrensbach, so Ferdinand really

got only necessary necessities of life and minimum wedding celebration. Lifestyle
items to use after the season has changed and the gifts sent from the nobles in various
places in this winter are still in Ehrenfest.
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"We do not need it because we are in the room now"
"It is a story from the end of the ceremony of star knotting in spring."
"... When I get my room, let's think about that time."

For Ferdinand who thinks about the other things, it is an incongruous reply, but it
certainly will not be troubled if it is brought in before getting the room. If I answered
"Please tell me if you need it," Ferdinand nods and gets a seat. And I beckoned me.

"Rosemain, to here, have you gone down?"

"I think that I am feeling well this morning, but ...."

I stand quietly in front of Ferdinand. Charlotte raised the voice of surprise to

appearance of Ferdinand which measures heat and pulse, "Is your sister being sick?"

"I was exhausted because I was tired from competing against the territory, I had a bit
of a feverish spirit, I took my medicine properly, and the fever has also fallen this
"Noisy, rosemain. Close your mouth, it's hard to measure your pulse"
"I'm sorry"

After the usual examination, I received a word saying "Although the fever is going
down, not too much impossible" I will also get a seat.

"Recently my sister did not fall asleep, so I did not think he was getting sick."
"It might be because I was deeply impressed by the first awards ceremony. How was
the dinner last night, Charlotte? As soon as we arrived in our room, at the same time
we leave us as adults' time Because I could not listen to the situation. "

As we take breakfast, we ask Charlotte about the dinner at the cafeteria where we
could not participate. The students were also excited by producing a lot of excellent
people, which seems to have been a pleasant dinner.

By the way, what kind of story did the Ferdinand talked with the adoptive father after
we slept, since we had a drink after a long absence, did you talk?

When I talked to Ferdinand, Ferdinand turned down his eyes to think a little, then
waved his head and did not tell me the details as "I can ask you later from Jilvester".

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After finishing breakfast, when the top of the table was cleaned up, Justoks started
sorting variously. There are two magical tools for recording, then a leather bag.
Ferdinand pushed out a magic tool one by one for me.

"This is the magic tool of the recording I was asked to follow, according to your
request for the sideways, I put words to note carefully"
"Mr. Ferdinand, how have my requests been?"
"It's awful"

While suddenly inflating his cheeks, I will try to reproduce the magician that I passed.
According to Ferdinand's words, from the outset "It's time for meals, I do not know
what you are doing, but please stop your hand promptly" is included.

...... What else is it?

"Rosemain, not this place, listen at least in your room, it makes me feel strange to hear
my voice in the same room"

I was stopped by Ferdinand who frown. I wanted to hear everything on this occasion,
but if I do not listen to what I say, I will take it up so I will take it back to my room.
And I was given a bag of leather that does not pass magical powers. As I opened it,
another magician and paper are in it.

"As you brought a voice to the magical tool that registered the magical power of
Zergius last night, this will be left, I would like to further advance this research as this
magic tool is written here Please use the street as you are and tell me the result, the
result is a letter. "

Originally it was a collaborative research, and it can not be said unless it is told that
we will continue the research. I received a leather bag.

"And then I can get the remaining part as a spare? I'd like to think about various ways
to use it by the next winter."
"It is Feldinand-san who made it, and I am of course paying for it, so I do not mind."

When raising Ferdinand and having breakfast together, our work is over. After that
Ferdinand will change to regular wear and go to pick up Dietlinde. We will have to
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move to the multipurpose hall as we will get in the way of changing clothes and tidying

"Rosemain, Richarda, I heard from Jilvestre that two people ordered this room, I was
able to spend the whole night very much, thank you."

I understand well that Ferdinand was so kind as to thank you. I am glad that it was
because I was admitted having thought about how to comfortably with Ricarda last
night because I was not praised last night. Although I'm happy, I realized that it is a
goodbye to say goodbye, I am very lonely.

"At such times, please do not tell me thoroughly thanks."

I want to shake off a lonely feeling even a little, and I hit a light mouth. Feldinand saw
a smiling smile that he had never seen before, though he thought that he would shed
the usual irony smile or a word.

"... .... Thank you, Rosemain, Ricarda"

To say only that, it seems that there really is not time and Ferdinand quickly
disappears behind the screen. It seems that I was not the only one who was blinded
by the very rare Ferdinand's honest gratitude words. Richards also calls us while
moistening our eyes.

"Now, please head to the multipurpose hall and Ferdinand must change her."

In the entrance hall, I saw students going to prepare the auditorium gathered. When
I try to head there, it will be stopped by Vilfried.

"Wait at the multipurpose hall as he told the Richarda, even though we lost physical
condition in the game against the territory of yesterday, if we are out from now, we
will leave on the way this year too. Even on my uncle who will serve as a partner, I
will worry if one's figure disappears from the hall. "

There is no room for a refutation. I will leave preparation to this year as well, and I
will have to wait with the escort knight Yudit at the multipurpose hall. When you are

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in a multipurpose hall, guardians of graduates come along. When Leonore, the parents
of the Rizerator came and greeted, they headed to the children's room.

It is the escorting partner who comes when the parent's wave passes away. Brother
Cornelius and Hartmut, who dressed in exactly the way, took a look at "Multipurpose
Hall, Mr. Good Morning, Rosemain".

"Since Leonore's parents came earlier, I think it will take a little more to prepare, older
brother Cornelius.Haltmort will be going to pick up Clarisser early.The waiting time
seems to be very uneasy."

Considering from the momentum so far, Clarissa seems to come if you do not pick up,
but it does not make the girls much uneasy.

"You got permission to get married?"

"As a result of considering various circumstances, I received the answer that it is the
most safe"

... How about as a permission of marriage?

It would be fine if the surroundings were convinced, but worried only a little whether
it was really okay. When talking to Hartmut, the aide of Wilfried who has seen the face
in the castle has approached.

"Rosemain, let me greet you a little"

That's what I have to say is Torrsten, the opponent of the Risera. I heard that Wilfriit's
civil servant and name, but I did not feel it at all because the face and name did not
match. People with a calm and calm atmosphere. Perhaps, the wavelength will match
the Risaizer.

"Thank you for your consideration"

"Certainly yes"

By the end of the greetings with Torsten, the adoptive father and foster mother, who
seemed to have returned to Ehrenfest once came. The adoptive father seemed
somewhat frightened and let the foster sit on the chair.

"Thank you, I'm Jill Vester,"

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"Father-mother, how is your condition?"

In my question my foster smiled with a slightly pale face. I can not see how it feels
better as I see it.

"It seems that I got drunk a bit on the transition team"

"So, did not you say you should rest on Ehrenfest?"
"For students it is a graduation ceremony once in a lifetime, I know that it is my
wisdom, but do not want to celebrate"

We are interacting to understand that adoptive foster and foster mother are repeated
many times. Looking at such a place, the adoptive father can understand that he really
likes foster mothers.

"Princess, let 's go to the auditorium soon, because parents are noticeable if they are
not in before they enter."
"How can you adopt your adoptive father and foster mother?"
"We will rest here from Florentia until the last minute, so please go ahead."

I was told that it was too late to walk, and I took Richarda and Yudit and went to the

Like the last year, the walls were removed, and in the auditorium a staircase-like
bleacher like a colosseum was built. At the center of the auditorium is a white
columnar setting for dedication and sword dance, and an altar is visible beyond that.

"This is the seat of the lord's clan"

"Your sister, please come here"

Unlike last year's parent's seat, it is a very close place to the stage. From here we can
see the state of dedication dance well. I was picked up by Charlotte and I got a seat.

"Did father and mother come?"

"Yeah, but the foster mother seemed to be drunk by the transition team, and it seems
like I'm off at the dorm until the last minute."
"Are not you in a bad condition, are you worried?"

729 | 2523
It is said to the adoptive father that it is not yet to be leaked to the surroundings that
the likelihood of pregnancy is high. It seems to let you know after returning to
Ehrenfest because there are lots of other Arubs and other troubles such as the
problem of the second lady.

Father and foster mothers have come to Gurigiri when graduation entrance begins.
Were you taking some medicine, was it good to be absent, or the habit of a nobleman
who does not put emotions or physical condition on the table, foster mothers arrive
at the seat with the usual smile.

"Foster mother, please do not do too much"

"That is also true for you, Rosemain?"

When a foster mother smiled with couscous, a door opened for graduates to enter.
The graduates came in and they were lined up on the stage, but they got drunk and
had a presence that made the surroundings squalid.

...... Ahhhhhh! Mr. Ferdinand, I have failed to persuade you! Is it?

The hair of Dietlinde who was entering with a smile that looked good was still being
packed to that extent. First of all, it seems that it thought that a lot of decorations
should be filled. Like Marie Antoinette the hair itself is quite expensive. Even with just
the coloring, it makes it more luxurious by raising the height of the gorgeous blonde
enough enough.

There are three kinds of hair ornaments of Ehrenfest, which is a color close to red, and
the surroundings are decorated with races and ribbons to such extent as possible. It
is supposed to be amazing enough to make the surroundings stunned, and it is
unlikely that Ferdinand's funny smile of walking next will look blank.

...... No, that's awesome. I did not expect to see such a hairstyle at Jurgen Schmidt.

If you look closely well, Ehrenfest's hair decorations were not all used. Perhaps it was
convinced of the surroundings that it would be unfaithful to the royal family unless
you decorate flower decor. And it must have decided to refrain from flowers and use
another decoration.

...... The flower of Ehrenfest's hair ornament has been reduced to fit the royal
decorations? But, if you decorate it with ribbons and races up there, I think that there
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is absolutely nothing to do with the number of flowers. More than anything, can you
dance for dedication?

I unexpectedly saw the seat where the lords of Ahrensbach lived. Georgine is sitting
with a cool face. I wonder if she did not stop her daughter's curiosity.

...... Once stopped, there is no reason to enter in this state. What does Georgyne think
about Dietrinde?

Although I felt very uneasy, Dietrinde himself, who has received tremendous
attention, seems very satisfied. When you finish the escort on the stage, the opponent
who is not a graduate moves to a fixed seat, but Ferdinand seemed already very tired.

And an adult ceremony by the temple of the central temple takes place and dedication
of music is done. In the dormitory I leave before Leonore comes out, so today I have
not seen the sunshine of Leonore and the Rieseleter. Even so, Dietlinde was robbed of
all of his gaze, and I had not found them yet. This time when Dietlinde gets off the
stage for the dedication of music is the only chance.

"What's the Riseraita? I have gone to Dietlinde and I can not find it."
"I understand your sister's feelings well, because I can not find my aides"

Looking around where there are a lot, the head that is served is the first to be seen.
There is no reason to know where the reseller is modestly dressed. It should be inside
singing, so desperately stare at eyes. Just as Dietlinde ceased to exist, it looks very easy
to see.

'I was there, it is a riser. '

I wore a pale cream-colored costume, and it was in my eyes that the hair of the same
color was adorned with the raised hair. It is a feeling that the riser is always down, so
being beautiful is not noticeable, but today it looks very beautiful.

...... According to Muriela's story, it seems that it was motemote to other students.

After somehow finishing the dedication of the music that could discover the Risera,
the next is the sword dance of Leonore. The people of the music descended from the
stage and moved to the shape surrounding the stage this time. Instead of going up to
the stage, they perform sword dancing wearing blue costumes. Twenty people rise
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above the stage. Due to the small number of women, Leonore was immediately
recognized. You can see white and red flowers on grape hair like reddish purple. I
wonder if I was born in the winter.

If you set up the sword from Stap, the music starts to flow, and the sword reflects the
light and flashes accordingly. There is a feminine movement in the movement of a
powerful sharp sword. The sword dance of Leonore is elegant as it is flowing, and it
feels somewhat soft despite holding a sharp sword.

"Leonore is really beautiful, is not it?"

"Well, it's brilliant, but Alexis has not lost."

Wilfried boasts her aides and laughs.

While I was talking which one was amazing, the sword dance was over.

"Next is a dedicated dance ... ... can you dance in that?"

I think that the misunderstanding of the adoptive father was expressing the voice of
everyone's mind. All the attention of the venue had gathered at Diet Linde who wore
costume for flirting dedicated dance.

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While taking a look at the gaze in the venue, Dietlinde wearing the costume of the
goddess of light comes close to a restraint wearing the costume of the god of darkness.
Restlyut, who will escort Dietlinde to go up to the stage of votive dance, looked at the
head of Dietlinde with a very disgusting face.

"On the other hand, can you dance so much?"

I applaud in my heart to the restistau which inquired about the concern and anxiety
of everyone. Would not it be a brave who was able to ask it straight on this occasion?
However, it seems that the brave question did not reach Dietlinde.

"Yes, of course I can dance, I did a lot of lessons"

Dietlinde was not his own heavy head, but he looked down at both hands and said so.

...... I think that Ms. Lestyraut said about hair ornaments. Where are you watching? ......
Is something stuck on my arm? Oh, maybe manastones?

It seems that not only flashy ornaments of head but also magic stone to shine well. I
was unable to hide surprises at ready Dietlinde. How could I escape from that

While I'm thinking about such a thing, candidate lords are going up to the stage while
swinging a long sleeve. It is the god of darkness to escort the goddess of light, but
whether it was trying not to put Dietlinde in view as much as possible, it seemed that
the face was not facing forward and looking slightly sideways.

...... Somehow it looks like Ferdinand just like before, but please hold on, Lestylut!

Candidate candidates lined in their respective positions towards the altar just like
music and sword dance, kneeling and touching the stage. Diet Linde's head rocked
heavily to that extent. Will not collapse, this one will be strange.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

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At the moment the voices of the candidate lords rose, the magic team emerged this
year also on the stage of the dedication dance that was still white. It seems that
everyone can not see, so I stare at the stage with my mouth standing.
Music began to flow, and the dancers slowly stood up. Raise your hand with a fluffy
movement, the hilarious sleeve shakes. It is the beginning of dedication.

...... Oh, I intended to shine it seriously.

As soon as the dedication dance began, the manastone worn by Dietlinde glowed
small. It seems to have a magical stone lurking throughout the whole body and a small
light is shining with a wrist, hair, and a poppy. Since only one person is shining, the
eye catches indeed. However, Mai itself is not that good. After all, I am concerned that
the head is heavy or that the axis is blurred every time it turns round.

"Oh, the goddess of light is shining.Were you feeling like this when you were
practicing Rosemain?"

My adoptive father asked so loudly. Charlotte shook his head, with an ambiguous

"The quality of the manastone worn by the elder sister is different.In addition to a lot
of amulets it was more spectacular than such a small light as the hair ornament of the
rainbow-colored stone was shining, Rather than thinking it is beautiful, I was not
mindful about when blessings would leak. "

In the words of Charlotte, I felt cold sweat blowing out. At that time I was desperate
to not blame out, so I did not know at all what condition I was, but maybe it was more
prominent than Dietlinde now.

"... Well, was I conspicuous from Dietlinde, now?"

"Even if we are dancing together, it was like lighting my eyes unintentionally, so it
probably was more conspicuous."

...... No, it's okay! It seemed to me that it was conspicuous to the surrounding people
that it was conspicuous from Dietlinde! Is it?

But the light was on for only a few seconds. The light fades away. It appeared that it
disappeared Dietlinde shone a few seconds after a few seconds of frown. And it
disappears in a few seconds. Its iteration.
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The line of sight looks somewhat towards the blinking light with flickering. Even
though I thought that it was blinking to stand out, if you look closely, Dietlinde gets a
little frown and shines again each time a manastone disappears. It does not seem to
be flashing out prominently.

...... Why does it blink? ……Hmm? Is that magical?

I felt like I could see the magical power fluctuating swaying around Dietlinde. It seems
that the magic team is sucking up the shading of light colors that comes out when
massaging magical power. But I can not see if this is the only person who can see the
magic team. I aimed at Ferdinand in spite of myself. There was no smile on that face,
and there was wrinkles between the eyebrows.

"Although it seems that magical power leaks out from Dietlinde in my eyes ... ...."

Charlotte also nodded in the misunderstanding of the foster mother, who was mind.

"I can see it, though I thought it was the illusion of the eye at first, but do not you feel
like you are gradually getting stronger?"

Apparently it seems I was not the only one who saw the magical fluctuation. It seems
that everyone began noticing by the time I thought so, "The magical power has not
been released so much?" And the audience season begins to roar.

"Hey, Rosemain. Is it okay to release such magical powers ...?"

"Temporary Rosemain was well like that, how about you?"

I was asked by my father and Villefried, but I do not know. Even though it is
desperately suppressed to be overflowing, it leaks as a result, even if there is a case
where magical power overflows in an intimidating state because it becomes
excessively emotional, it spreads magical powers to let the manastone shine I have
never done it.

"I have never released magical powers to shine a manastone attached to the whole
body, so I can not know exactly how Dietlinde is like, but it is my intention to release
magical power from the whole body, It takes a burden on the body about taking some
medicine and sleeping for several days. "

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I intended to answer quite seriously, but my adoptive father saw me with a shabby

"The frustration of one who sleeps for a couple of days just wandering outside will not
be a reference for the burden"
"... Well, that's right, you do not even know how much I'm paying for when ordinary
people release magical powers."

Everyone who was suffering magical power at the dedication ceremony seemed to be
alluring and women who forcibly sucked off magical power when they performed a
ceremony calling spring at Halden Zell had lost consciousness. From then on I think
that it is not without any burden.

"But I think that it will not be a heavy burden since you will be accustomed to
supplying magical powers if you are a candidate lord's next au boy."

At the moment when I said, "Oh!" "Dangerous!" Voices rose from the surroundings.
Dietlinde shakes heavily and the whole body is leaning toward the god of the darkness
who was dancing next to him.

...... It was not alright!

I was breathed heavily on the appearance of wandering Dietlinde, and I watched over
the stage. In a sense that everything seems to be slow motion, one of the red flower
hair ornaments falls out of the hair raised up high.


Did not try to keep Dietlinde in sight especially. I wondered why I was concentrating
on Mai. Or was it because it was when I was growing my arms wide? I noticed
Dietlinde who is leaning towards me a bit behind for the restylut being trained as a
candidate for a lord of Dunkel Ferger.


At the moment when I struck a restraint in the middle of my eyes wide open, Dietlinde
who was walking around was blown off swiftly. It falls down involving the lord of the
wind goddess as it is. Dietrinde 's hair ornament dropped, and the hairstyle that had
been raised high started to collapse.
736 | 2523
"Avoid it!"
"Well then!"

As the voice rises from the auditorium seat, the role of the goddess of suddenly
involved wind screams and widens the sleeve of the costume greatly so that he can be
pushed down by Dietlinde and draws a rice cake.
The magic of the stage shone the moment when the battle and fell down hands of
Deitlinde touched the stage. Just a few seconds in time.

"Now you can see the magic team on the stage"

It seems that everyone was able to see the magic team just for a moment of shining. It
was only a few seconds that the magic team came up, but it seems that it was enough
time to get stuck in everyone's eyes. The strange magic team emerged on the stage,
and the surroundings start to be noisy.

"Why are the magic team in such a place ...?"

"What on earth is that?"

I found Ferdinand holding temple on the surrounding voice. The moment the eyes
meet, while making a face to think into, Ferdinand hits the index finger against his

... ... Do not talk anything, right?

"Quietly! The dedication dance has not ended yet!"

"You can not interrupt a priestly thing"

The temple and the chief priest of the central temple raise for alumni who are looking
up at the stage so that they do not know what is happening and the audience seats
that are becoming turbulent. However, Dietlinde seems to have completely lost
consciousness and it will not move with Piccoli while fell down with the role of the
goddess of the wind falling down. It was not supposed to continue dedication at the
stage as it was.

"I can not leave DATE LINDE as it is, I will go."

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Ferdinand stands up and goes up to the stage while speaking to the nobility of
Ahrensbach. As I was relieved, the people of Ahrensbach started moving.

"Say that you take down Dietlinde from the theater and take off the costume of
dedication to the side and they hurry to collect hair ornaments"

One of the aides of the aides holds Dietlinde lying down on the stage and carries it,
collecting hair ornaments scattered by others. Ferdinand glanced at Dietlinde which
is being carried, and then kneeled and apologized politely before the role of the
goddess of the wind with the butt - cake on.

"I'm very sorry that Dietlinde suddenly caught up in the situation of losing
consciousness and there are many places where I still feel pain even if I fell like that I
will give you a healing impression from me Can you forgive me? "
"... I forgive you."

Ferdinand gave healing of Rungschmere to the role of the goddess of the wind that
was caught up and handed out his hand to get up. The role of the goddess of the wind
rises up with his hands, and if you confirm that there is no pain, you go down the stage.

Under the theater costume of the goddess of light was taken off by side-workers from
Dietrinde. When giving instructions to pass that costume to those in the central
temple, Georginni will go out of the auditorium as Ferdinand will accompany
Dietlinde unconscious.

"Perform dedication for dedication again"

The goddess of the goddess of Dietlinde crossed the hands of the people of the central
temple and was handed over to the lord of prosperity frame. Lord candidate who was
a substitute frame rushes to the stage when preparing quickly. Under the direction of
the temple of the Central Temple under the direction of dedication dance.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

The dedication dance was held once again, while the audience seating did not fit. Next
time someone shone and the magic crown did not shine, it ended innocence and the
four bells showing lunch rings in the auditorium.

738 | 2523
"I was amazed by Dietlinde from admission to exit"

To the hairstyle that I got high, he was blinking with a blinking manastone, becoming
fluffy, falling gaudy and involving the surroundings, letting the magic team shine. I
definitely think that it is the most prominent topic in this year's graduation ceremony.
The topic of lunch at Ehrenfest is also taken with Dietlinde and the story of the magic
team who came up to the stage for a moment.

"I knew for the first time that there is a magic team in such a place"
"We, we could not see it from alumni ...."

Léonore and Rieselator say so and look away. It seems that the graduates who were
holding down below the stage could not see the shining magic team. I will start talking
to such graduates about what kind of donation dance the students were looking at
from the auditorium seated in a staircase pattern.

"Hey, Rosemain, Charlotte, is not it similar to the magic team of Halden Zell? That
magic team has disappeared without activating, but suddenly emerged from the white
stage, It seems like the place where it seems to be similar is similar. "

In the word of Wilfried, I and Charlotte nodded and nodded. If you look at the magic
team hidden in the white stage, you can say that they are quite similar.

"Does Rosemain, do you recognize that magic team? Do not you know something
because donkei is also a divine thing?"

Looking like to explore here I shook my head as if I were one who was living in a foster

"I do not know, because there is no consecration dance in the priest doing at
Ehrenfest, it is a shrine only for the central temple"
"I see……"

While the adoptive father still seemed suspicious looking at us, Aldonants came flying.
Although it is nearly over, it is unusual for Aldonants to fly at such lunch. As I thought,
Aldonants descended in front of me and opened his beak.

739 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, Egrantine, I am sorry for lunch time, I will head to the tea ceremony
room from now on. Would you mind receiving the letter?"

Although it is a relaxed voice of Egrantine, it is not usual to fly Ordonants during lunch
or to use tea ceremony room on the day of graduation ceremony. Something so much
must have happened.

"Father adoptive"
"I will reply and wait in the tea ceremony room, I will go."

I reply that "I got it to you" with Aldanants, and finish lunch quickly. All the lords of
the lord head to the tea ceremony room. While drinking tea after dinner in the tea
room, wait for messenger's visit.

"The aides of the aides are going down, it is an urgent request of the royal family, it
would be better for people to pay them"

Leaving a few escort knights in their adopted words, Akari goes down. While looking
at it, my adoptive father saw her foster carefully.

"It would not be a very good request to be brought by the messenger, is not it better
for Florentia to be absent in the room?"
"Even if you are told about it now, the shock you will receive even after being told
later is the same.I am here as the first wife of Ehrenfest"

In adoptive words, adoptive nods seem to be unavoidable.

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"It is decided to inquire about that magic team. It is urgent, but there are only those
that can not be notified by Aldonant"

I quietly got breathed into my adopted words. Then, if you do not ask Ferdinand to
ask you, I can not answer.

Small chirine and bell sounds resound in the tea ceremony room full of tense air.
Osvin, the leader of Anastasiusus, came as a messenger. Buddhist thankfully for the
740 | 2523
circumstances in which the aides are already being paid and seek permission to use
the magic tool to prevent eavesdropping by range.

"I do not care, escort knights should come out of scope"

When Osvin operated range designation magic tool, I offered a letter.

"Rosemain, this is from Prince Anastigius, I am told that it is very troublesome, but I
have been ordered to return after receiving your reply here."

Open with a crap and read the letters. I knew that it was a serious thing, because the
leading side of Anastasiusus stood as a messenger, but even though I had a headache
on unexpected content.

Anything, the magic team which the chief temple of the central temple and the crown
president came up with at the donation during lunch is a magic team to screen out the
next generation, and now it is said that the person closest to the next Tent is Dietlinde
It seems to have said.

...... Wow, Dietlinde is not the next Aub, is it the next TSENT?

Because no one of the royal family knew that such a magic team existed on the stage
of votive dance, Sigismwald, Anastasiusus, Egrantines' donkey dance did not have a
glutris height because the magic crown did not shine He seems to argue that it may
not be the current royal family but the day when the official Tent will be elected.

Before a strange rumor goes on, I would like to gather information as much as possible
whether that magic team will pick up the next Tent, and whether Deitlinde is the one
most closest to the next TSENT. It is written that the throne is going to yield if the
deathlinde really becomes a zent with a glutissh height.

...... Dietlinde is Tsento! Is it? What its future! Is it? I'm scared!

If I am familiar with the divine and magic team, I can tell if the central shrine 's
argument is correct or not, so in the afternoon the graduation ceremony to the
graduation ceremony to the temple officials are present at the residence of
Anastasiusus It was a request to listen to the story. Although I am taking the form of
a request, it is a request of a royal family whose date and time are designated. Real, it
is a summoning order.
741 | 2523
"Although I am very tired, the royal family has only Rosemain who can ask about the

Osvin 's face so saying looks like a calm smile as usual, but a subtle impatience is
floating in the voice. Certainly, you know that if you are told that Arends Bach's next
Awbab that appeared as a surprising way of heading up in an adult ceremony is
closest to the next TSENT.

...... But, this is too much for me! Mr. Ferdinand!

"Dedication Mai is a Shinto priest of the Central Temple, so the other one would not
know anything, Rosemain?"

I nodded many times to my adopted father who looked at me as I said earlier. I am not
supposed to know anything. His adoptive father looked at Osvin.

"With the call from the royal family, I am planning to direct Rosemain, but now those
who have asked Ferdinand in Ahrensbach may still be able to get information."

As things are a matter, we can not refuse to summon the royal family here. My
adoptive father told me to call Ferdinand, not just me.

"To call Ferdinand, there is a reason to ask Dietrinde's condition that has collapsed in
donation dance now."

Osvin soon nods, "It seems that there is a possibility that Ferdinand-sama is familiar
with the priest well, I received a proposal from Ehrenfest about how to call Dietlinde
to ask the condition of him," Fly to Aldonants towards Egranthine. I can see that
irresponsible irresponsibility is emerging in that profile.

"Sorry, Aub Ehrenfest"

When Osvin recovered the magic tool of the range designation, I returned quickly with
my reply acknowledgment.

Only the lord of Ehrenfest lingers remained in the tea ceremony room. Every face has
become a very troubled face.

742 | 2523
"That magic team was such a magic team ... ...."
"I do not think it is clear yet, I think that it is impossible to think anyhow, but hears
the answer of Ferdinand, Rosemain"

Next to Ahrensbach, how Deitolinde treats affects Ehrenfest as well. The same thing
is needed for Ehrenfest, even if we need a little information.

"If you think that royalty want to know the circumstances during the graduation
ceremony, it would be better for others to be as normal as possible.Rosemain decided
not to be in good condition as usual, accompanied by Richarda with a hurry Let's call
Karstead. "

The students go to the graduation ceremony with a casual eyes and I will head to
Anatisteus' s residence shrine with my father coming from Ehrenfest since the
graduation ceremony began.

"By calling Ferdinand for the time being, we were able to attach an optimum guardian
to everyone, basically throwing round to Ferdinand, so that they will strive to listen
to the story"

That's what the adoptive father said, I nodded and nodded.

743 | 2523
"I apologize for calling you suddenly,"

I am advised to sit down in a chaise longue after I greet. As soon as Osvin began
preparing magic tools to prevent wiretapping, the escort knight 's father carefully
watched me and took a distance with Richarda.
Egrantine sits on a chaise lounge in front of me, with his aides close, and stares
straight at me. Now Anastasegeus is also attending the graduation ceremony and he
seems to be the one who talks to Egranthine.

"Mr. Rosemain, I do not have the time. Can I ask you frankly?"

It is a great help to speak frankly because it is hard for a person to solve or

misunderstand using a strange lazy story. I nodded, "Of course."

At lunch time, the temple of the central shrine and the chief priest's official said that
the magic team was to select Tsento, it seems that the place became turbulent. There
seems to be a pair of old aides that King Traquequar who had been struggling all the
time should obtain Gurttrisheight and someone who is concerned that Dietlinde is
going to be a Tento by seeing that state today. Besides that, it seems that some people
claim that if Ferdinand's conspiracy is unable to manipulate Ehrenfest's Rosemain,
then he is trying to control Dietlinde.

"A lot of opinions came out, but Tora Okhar says that Gurtris Height is essential to
govern Jurgen Schmidt, indeed if Dietlinde got Gurtris Height, he will not take up the
throne I said that I intend to surrender. "
"Why did you surrender the throne to Dietlinde and Mr. Ferdinand who was
suspected to be headed for Ahrensbach?"

If you plan to yield a throne to a person with a Gurtris Height, you do not know the
reason why you were putting a strange doubt on Ferdinand.

"It can only explain as a difference in the territory.Ehrenfest will be treated as equal
to the territory that we granted to political change after the next lord conference, but
it was a neutral territory at that time The correspondence will change when the lord
of the Major Arensbach that was given to political change got Gurtris Height. "

744 | 2523
Where Ferdinand got a Gurtris Height and became a Tent, I do not know how many
territories are on my side. And it seems that Ehrenfest was ineligible for supporting
the tent, considering the rank, the number of aristocrats in the center, and the
correspondence and attitude of the territory. Also, there is a high possibility that
someone who tries to deprive Gurtris' Height obtained by Ferdinand is high, and
Jurgen Schmidt will be disordered again, Egranthine said.

"The political change also started from the place where the first prince who was
dissatisfied with the fact that the second prince inherited Gurtris Height started
attacking Gurtris Height,

However, when I killed the second prince, I did not get the Gurtris Height in the hands
of the first Prince, I was doubting that the third Prince, my brother of my mother, got
a dispute It seems.

"I have lost a lot of family members and close relatives in the fight over Gurtris Height,
so the royalty would like to avoid conflict as much as possible, even if Dietlinde got
Gurtris Height, that anxiety factor There are many, but if Ferdinand, who possesses
various knowledge, supports her as a husband, Traquécard seems to be thinking that
he can do the work as a zent. "

... ... stop it. Ferdinand's eyes will remain empty and will not return.

"But I do not know if the central shrine's part is true or not, we need to gather
information on that magic team as soon as possible ...... Rosemain, is the central
shrine's part correct?

The orange eyes of Egranthine gazes at me. While looking at the eyes trying to see a
lie or a fake devil, I smiled a bit with a noble smile.

"Sorry, Mr. Egrantine, dedication in an adult ceremony is a shrine performed only at

the aristocrat, not at Ehrenfest"

In my answer, Egrantine breathes out "I do not know Rosemain sama," regretfully.
My chest hurts a little while keeping secret, but lies are not vomiting. The dedication
dance is not done at the adult ceremony of Ehrenfest. Considering from the wording
of the scripture "who wants to be king", I think that it is a magic team of such

745 | 2523
relationship, but I do not know the exact thing. I can not say anything appropriate
because I do not investigate.

"But there were various ritual materials in the underground library of the House of
Lords, and if you read it, perhaps you know something."

As I said, "Mr. Ferdinand is arriving from Ahrensbach," Osvin's voice came. Eternity
stopped talking, and Egrantine who came out from the range of witchcraft to prevent
eavesdropping exchanged greetings with Ferdinand.

And in the same way excluding the aides, only Ferdinand came into the scope of the
magic tool. Justkus and Ekhardt brother accompanying Ferdinand stand by the father
who is escorting me. My father and my brother Eckhardt, Richarda and Justochs have
two pairs.

...... I bet he will exchanging information securely. The adoptive father kept my father
a small folded paper and Richarda was also preparing something.

While thinking about such a thing while watching the movement of the surroundings,
Ferdinand looked down at me with a face that said "Why are you here?" He told me to
sit next to me in the Egranthine and sitting while saying "I will excuse you."

"How is Ferdinand-san, Dietrinde-sama's moderation?"

"It seems I lost consciousness due to depletion of magical powers, I will gradually
recover because I let you take recovery medicine.Allensbach's Lord Candidate was
disturbed the important place of dedication in an adult ceremony, I sincerely
apologize. "

A strange hairstyle, shiny dedication dance, falling down, unconsciousness, activation

of strange magic team ... .... Ferdinand apologizes for too much circumstances that
made her surroundings stunned.

"I attempted to stop as much as I could, but I could not listen to it, my power is short."

While saying that, Ferdinand took out the recording magician he had just brought this
morning and began playing. He pointed out that there are five ornaments of hair
ornaments, and the voice of Ferdinand who admonishes to establish royalty is the
voice of Dietlinde who returns in a bad mood "I wish I could reduce hair ornaments".

746 | 2523
"I did not expect to reduce hair ornaments and add other decorations."
"Ferdinand was hard from the morning"

Egrantine smiled wryly when I thought so unintentionally.

"There has been more tougher than Dietrinde's various actions, so I do not think there
is much to blame about there."

In that word Ferdinand took a little bit of the shoulder, instead putting emphasis on
the glabella.

"I thought that there was a serious blunder, such as a messenger from the royal family
who came out of such a blunder, ... I was thinking about the condition is a matter about
Rosemain by excuse?"
"There is no mistake in the matter concerning Dietlinde. It was in a state of confusion
from the central shrine's point of time at lunch and it became necessary even a little
information.Feldinand sama like a guardian from Rosemain sama Because I heard
that you are familiar with the temple shrine's priesthood "

When Egrantine smiled a little apologically, somehow I was stared at by Ferdinand.

He wrote in the face that he said that he was involved with saying extra things.

"I just said that Ferdinand-sama is familiar, is not it true?"

"... ... let's ask what happened."

To Ferdinand's resignation sigh, me and Egranthine conveyed stories so far including

the remarks of the central temple.

"Does Ferdinand know the magic team that emerged on the stage of dedication?

Ferdinand slowly nods to Egrantine's question and closes his mouth when answering
only one word "... know. Egrantine further repeatedly asked how he would not say
anything more.

"The central temple says that that magic team is to select Tsento ...."
"Honestly I can not hide surprises, despite having not read the scriptures
satisfactorily, that such knowledge was in the people of the central shrine."
747 | 2523
You can not see the magic crown emerging at the beginning of the scriptures to the
people of the central temple that could not read the scriptures of the temple by half.
Still, I was able to determine what kind of application the magic team just floated for
a few seconds was used for. I think that I know well unexpectedly.

"There is also a document of the wooden bill like a procedure manual for gray priests
preparing rituals and a copy of an old scripture in the temple of Ehrenfest. There is a
temple library in the central temple, There may be materials on it. "
"As you say, there is probably a material that you can read even if there is no magical
power, there is no objection about it, but keep it silent."

When I was thinking of the library in the central temple that I had never entered, I
was told to stay silent in Ferdinand.
When I closed my mouth, Egrantine shook a little and then the eyebrows after a little

"Then, the words of the people in the central temple are correct, and that magic team
is a thing for electing the next TSENT, is not it?"
"It can not be said to be a complete mistake, but why will you ask us such things?"

In the words of Ferdinand, Egrantine said "While being embarrassed, there is nobody
familiar with the divine in the royal family," hitting one hand to his cheeks. With the
distance to the central temple, the royalty does not have enough ingredients to deny
what the central temple says.

"Because Rosemain wrote a dedication ceremony at the aristocrat, he gained the trust
of the royal family as the temple of the shrine performing a real shrine"
"Instead, I should have told it through Rosemain, there are materials that the royalty
and lord of conspiracy should know about in the underground library of the library of
the lords. Why the royal family has knowledge You do not get it? "

In spite of being told that you did not tell me, I shook my head when I was trembling.

"I told you properly, I went to the underground library with the three Prince and also
helped with the modern translation"
"... ... I told you to never enter the library?"

748 | 2523
He should have insisted on his innocence, but he was scolded for himself and revealed
the matter. In a hurry I repeated words saying "Oh, it was a royal order! I can not
refuse!" That should have been force majeure.

"I helped Rosemain who is fluent in old words, Please do not scold me."
"Rosemain can not be seen in books except books.It's only royalty and some lords for
candidates to put in that archive.If you go inside it can not predict who will work
disgracefully, It's good. "

After replying to Sigiswald, I was pinched out by Anastasius, I could not refute the
words of Ferdinand and kept silent.

"But, Prince Sigismwald and Prince Anastigius can hardly read old words, you can not
help it, I'm supposed to help you read the material even during the Spring Lord's
Conference It is. "

Ferdinand frown when I explained that the prince could hardly read old words.

"Are you going to read ... If so, the end looks long."
"What does it mean to be long?"
"You will always read from the top left of the bookshelf in order, the temple library,
the library of the Karstead's house, the library of the castle, my bookshelf, all the same,
the materials on that magic team surely I think that it was for those of you, so it's going
to take quite some time for you to get there. "

...... I certainly read from the edge to look over all the materials, but I knew that such
habit was being grasped!

"In the meantime, there is a lot of knowledge necessary for the next TSENT in that
archive.If you can not get the ritual knowledge from the temple, you should start with
reading the materials in the library, which is really necessary If you think, you will be
able to memorize old words. "
"There is no such time for royalty ... ...."

Following the supply of magical power, I remember the appearance of the king who
had a similar complexion with Ferdinand. It certainly will be hard to take time to

749 | 2523
"Rosemain keeps trying to make use of the children of the orphanage, learns the
prayer words necessary for the ceremony written in the wooden shrine in the temple
and reads out the scriptures like everyday to make one word or two in the season I
remember it as a royalty, but when I am asleep I will be able to remember by touching
the old words like Rosemain bringing books to the bed. "

It was seen with eyes to see strange things in Egrantine. When I had to memorize the
words of prayer as an apprentice of the blue shrine maiden, I feel like I was staring at
a wooden bill every day. It seems that it was long before long ago that God's name was

"I really do not have time and information this time, so I will teach it, but I can not
understand how information is being bent unless I can read the necessary materials
myself, because I can read old words It seems to be an indispensable skill for
TSENT.The Gurtris Height, which is said to have been given from Mestionola, is
probably older than the scriptures. "

Ferdinand pointed out that Egranthine was relieved as he pointed out. It is true that
it is said. The Gurtris height is decided to be older than the scriptures in which the
method for becoming a king was written.

"That magic team is to select candidates for Zent, but with regard to what the people
of Central Temple says that Dietlinde, who was able to empower the magic team with
dedication dance, is the closest to the next Tento It's wrong"

Ferdinand started talking about the magic team. I also know that magic team is a thing
that appears in the scriptures, so listen to the explanation.

"It is a priest of that dedication dance that asks whether there is sufficient magical
power to become Tsento when an excellent royal family and a candidate lords studied
at the House of Peers are adults."

The magic team will emerge by devoting prayers to the gods, dedicating dedication
and dedicating magical powers. And those who possess all the attributes and who
have the amount of magical power suitable for operating the magic team are said to
be able to set up a pillar of light.

"A person who has been able to set up a pillar of light can proceed to the next stage
and she has no candidate qualification that she could not even operate."
750 | 2523
"Neither I nor Anastase Usus could operate the magic team, but ...."

Egrantine saw Feldinand uneasily while saying that. If Dietlinde did what could not be
done by anyone of the royal family, the central shrine's saying that "Diet Linde is
closer to the next generation than the current royal family" is correct.

"It is more important than dedication to dedicate God to dedication and dedication to
Magical Power.The Dietlinde is dancing to emit magical power to make the manastone
shine.As people who do such a thing Because it was not there, the magic team did not
come up. "

Ferdinand said, it happened that Dietlinde could light the magic team.

"Let's examine it with the royal family.Fortunately the method of increasing the
attribute was also announced through collaboration between Ehrenfest and Dunkel
Ferger.It's to rebuild rituals that do priests and dedication and obtain protection Why
do not you try activating magic team by themselves? "

In the words of Ferdinand, Egrantine looks at me while murmuring "Do you dedicate
magical power while dancing?"

"Is it possible to cooperate with Ferdinand and Rosemain familiar with rituals?
Rosemain was trying to bless even at the aristocratic practice, did not he?"

Ferdinand in the word of Egranthine refused, "There is no need for doubt any more."

"If you are accustomed to praying and Rosemain rich in magical power, you will be
able to make magic teams appear more easily than Dietlinde, but that does not mean
that the next TSENT is just determined. It is only after that .... "

In the words of Ferdinand Egrantine murmits as "ahead?" But I will not answer that
word, Ferdinand will continue talking about the case where I could light the magic

"Even if Rosemain is brought up as the next Tent, you know that Ehrenfest is ineligible
for supporting the Tento, and the candidate candidate will gradually verify the
donation dance and the candidate Czent will gradually come from candidates If it
comes out, it will only be a seed of a cancer, please verify the dedication for the royal
family. "
751 | 2523
Gaze at Ferdinand, who declined for a while, and make a line of sight a little like
Egranthine looks for words. And I opened my mouth to be a little hesitant.

"How do you think that Ferdinand is looking for Gurtris Height through Rosemain and
Dietlinde, and that some claim to be targeting Zento?"
"Because it is doubtful, if you move it to Ahrensbach, Dietrinde has emerged an
unknown magic team, and such a voice will come out from the knight's headmaster."

Ferdinand replied in a straight face. I will irritate himself to the proficient profile.
Although I endured various things and went to Ahrensbach, I can not be hungry
because I am suspected of loyalty now as well.

"I thought that there were some people saying stupid things around Tsent, despite
refusing the offer of Aub Ahrensbach once, Ferdinand headed for Ahrensbach Because
it is a royalty, is not it? "

When I made a frank opinion, it was truly frankly impossible, Egrantine made my eyes
round. I think it was a good thing to put up with one word that "I have forgotten for a
long time conveniently."

"Rosemain, you should have told me to keep silent"

Ferdinand stared his eyes and glanced at me glaringly. But I do not mean to keep

"If you are silent, you will not be able to communicate this circumstance or thought to
the royal family, rather than holding a grudge or hatred without permission while
holding up with a cool face, it is better to talk about everything in discussion Well, it
was not Ferdinand that I taught you! "

When I glance at the glance, Ferdinand tries to stop still saying "It is so, but it is not
profitable to the royal partner".

"Thinking that it might be going to break the last promise with your father, is it for
Ferdinand to accept the royal title to clear up such doubt? Nevertheless, loyalty to
royalty and its surroundings If in doubt, what did Ferdinand accept the royal title for?

752 | 2523
Ferdinand closes his mouth once as it seems to be full of answers and tries to stop me
as "Rosemain, stop me ... because I am good ... ...."

"Because it is not good, I am telling you that there is no reason to consider without
conveying the circumstances of this, it is important to communicate what you want
with each other without going through people, hey, Egrandine? "

In my words, Egrantine nods with a goggle and smiles with saying, "Well, it's very

"If you have circumstances of Ferdinand, please tell me, I may be able to help with
your strength."
"I do not know how the royal family and the chief of the knights have any doubts as
evidence, but research is interesting to Ferdinand, I am interested in research time
and my own workshop that I want to want. It is useless, because I said that he would
like to send himself a life of research by hanging in his own workshop, if possible. "

Egrantine smiled with couscous when I insisted that it is the happiest person when I
am in the workshop of the temple.

"Is it true that Mr. Ferdinand, Rosemain says?"

Stared gazing at the Egrantine, Ferdinand plucked my cheeks as "I was overdoing",
then I gave up a sigh of resignation.

"Believe, do not believe is the freedom of the royal family, but I have no intention of
aiming at Zento."

Even if Egrantine trusts you, I do not know if everyone else will trust. However,
depending on whether the royal family has someone to understand even a little, it
should change dramatically.

"Did Ferdinand knowing about various rituals not try trying to get Gurttrisheight?"

Ferdinand smiled a terrible bitter smile on the serious question of Egranthine.

"I never plan to have a Gurtris Height, I do not plan to live as a tent that will spend
everything for Jurgen Schmidt."

753 | 2523
"I understand." When I become a Tent, I am too busy with work and my research time
will decrease. "

It's like reading less time for me. When I fully agree with Ferdinand's opinion, "Why
do not you stay with me," somehow made me feel terribly bad.

"Well? Are there other reasons other than reducing research time?"
"There was, but it did not matter anything."

...... The thing that it does not matter anyhow, that is, it is not a big reason, is it?

754 | 2523
"And then I got a little consultation from Aub Klassenburg that he declined a joint
research to do a votive ceremony next year, but ..."
"Yeah, the burden of Ehrenfest is too big."

This year I finished the dedication ceremony in Ehrenfest in a hurry and brought the
tools, that the admission of the priest who is the administrator was permitted only on
that day and was extremely burdensome, that I was asked to prepare magical
recovery drugs , Next year I will state that I am likely to return for the dedication

"What does Krusselsburg do in this collaborative research?"

"It seems that Arub wanted to talk about it, would negotiations start from there?"

It seems he was puzzled by being cut off before negotiating.

"But you can not command that you lend out a magical instrument as you perform a
dedication ceremony at the aristocrat at the temple of another territory and it will
have an effect on the yield of the next year. As explained at the dedication ceremony,
Recovery medicine is not my recipe. "

In my words Egranthine looks to Ferdinand. It seems that anyone's recipe already has
an idea. However, Ferdinand has ignored the eyes of Egrantine.
In the next year, Ferdinand is a person of Ahrensbach after finishing the ceremony of
star knot. It means that there is absolutely no connection with the collaboration
between Klasseburg and Ehrenfest. There is no point in cooperating.

And it seemed better to leave it as a trump card for something more than to publish
the recipe in collaboration with Klassenburg. Even if there are any number of trump
cards for Dietlinde's wipe and avoiding a joint, it should not be enough.

"Of course, I agree with Klasseburg's feelings of wanting to provide even a little
magical power to the royal family, but if you plan to make it an annual rather than a
one-time shoot, at least you can borrow sacred treasures and priests from the central
temple, As Krasenenburg recipe is good so prepare magical recovery drugs for the
participants only, and from Ehrenfest it is difficult to make a dedication in the

755 | 2523
aristocracy if it is only necessary to participate in the ritual as a temple of the temple
I think. "

I think that I thought that I did not want to take important reading time for
preparations and cleaning up, well wrapped it in oblate. At the moment when I
thought that I was able to do well, Ferdinand tapped the temple lightly with Ton Ton
while watching me with the eyes to see a bad child.

……Hmm? Something 's wrong?

"I understand well what Rosemain says, once in a while it's still a lot of difficult things
to keep going on for a long time.Today's story will be telled to the royal family and to
Aubra Klassenburg."

The discussion with Egrantine was rounded up earlier than the time at which the
graduation ceremony ended. I told Anastasius to call me to talk to me, but to call
Ferdinand was because of Egrantine 's arbitrage. As an urgent and necessary thing,
Anastasis also shows understanding, but what seems to be a little troublesome at
Yakimochi came along for some reason.

...... As usual Prince Anastigius seems to be an avilibe.

When I finished my greeting, we left the Imperial Palace earlier. Even if walking side
by side there is no witchcraft to prevent eavesdropping, and as there are each aides,
it is not possible to talk with Ferdinand as a complicated story. The topic is not magical
team of dedication mai, it is limited to collaborative research.

"Is not that really a fool? Why did not you talk about Arub and talk about it?"
"Because it is the student's area for collaborative research, consultation is not
particularly necessary"

When I told what I was told to the adoptive father, Ferdinand inscribed a wrinkle
between the eyebrows "normally it is."

"In the case of you, it is not a joint research between students, it is a research on the
scale to involve royalty in addition to each other's arub, and it will be an annual event
under that degree condition. After your graduation What are you going to do? "
"Since it is decided that Melchior will take office as the temple, I think that it will be
okay if we educate now."
756 | 2523
After Mel heol there are some babies born from now, and I mutter in my mind. I
wonder if Vilfried's child will be born when the baby enters the House of Lords. As
Hartmut is planning to have the chief priest also at the aide of Melchior, I think it is
possible to continue even if it is an annual event.

...... Will I be born a child of Wilfried's older brother? Well, what does it look like?

Love and marriage, pregnancy and childbirth are unknown areas that have not been
experienced in the Lifan era. I can hardly imagine what it will be like.

There is not such a long distance from the door leading to the anatisticus' s reclaimed
Palace to the door of Ehrenfest. It is such a distance that you will arrive soon if you
talk a little.

"Well, Ferdinand says, please do not mind paying attention to your body"
"It's not something to say over and over like you will pay attention to your physical
condition. Do not take care of yourself because you got a little stronger."
"Yes ... ... Is it the spring star tie next to Mr. Ferdinand?"
"Well, what will happen ..."

I did not give the word to meet, Ferdinand made a mistake and muttered.

"There is a possibility that the central temple may say awkward things, I sincerely
hope that they will not be involved in my troubles, but I can not say anything to you"
"Wow ... .... I am trying hard to avoid this as much as possible,"

I do not want to thrust my neck in troubleshooting separately. Just being in a

whirlpool when I notice it. However, Ferdinand does not seem to understand, it is
overlooked with cold eyes and it is told that "It seems as if he is thrusting his head all
the time."

"There are many things that there is a difference in recognition between subjectivity
and objectivity"
"Yes, you should be able to see yourself objectively"

Richarda opened the door to the dormitory while talking about such a story. I step
down to enter the dormitory, Ferdinand goes directly in front of the door, heading to

757 | 2523
the door of Arensbach, the sixth place. Even though I wore a cloak of the same color,
it was somewhat weird that the door to enter was different.

"Huh, I managed to finish it, my guardian of the royal family was nervous because of
the tension and I am glad that Ferdinand was there."

Returning to the dormitory, my father said so and started turning his neck and
shoulders. It seems that it was quite tiring that he stood still without knowing what I
was saying and what he was doing while being separated by wiretapping magician.

"Thank you for your trouble to escort me, father, how are you feeling at Ehrenfest?"
"... ... It would be better to talk after returning to Ehrenfest, because it is decided not
to bring it to the lords."

My father showed me a bit of a troubling gesture and said so, I hesitated and caressed
my head.

"What's wrong?"
"No, I guess it was the best for my third consecutive year and I did a lot, because I can
not call out when I'm in an escort mission."

When it returns to Ehrenfest, it seems that there will be no opportunity to praise and
it will be praised within now.

"I feel like my father was praised like this for the first time."
"Was that so? ...... But my father was quite excited this year, so I have to be careful not
to be thrown away or hugged."

My grandfather 's feeling is pleasant, but vigilance is necessary as it is indeed a life -

threatening crisis if runaway occurs. I think that it is good if I can walk hand in hand
this year, will it work well?

I spent my time sitting in a chair close to the fireplace of the multipurpose hall and
reading the two volumes of the Fellesnine story, so that everyone could return from
the graduation ceremony, so that my father can escort. I realized that I could not
afford to read slowly recently because I could read comfortably. It seems that he was
758 | 2523
"Rosemain, are you back?"

As Villefried came back, he jumped into the multipurpose hall in a panic. Other
students are with us, but there are no graduates. It is because there is a dinner party
to celebrate graduation from now on.

"What is it, Villefried elder brother?"

"Hannerola had a request to come to the tea ceremony room with a book by Dunkel
Ferger and a painting by Lestirauut, I heard that he would like to pass it to the tea
ceremony room before they return home.We told me he would like me to lend a new
book But when is it okay? '

I also confirmed the two volumes of the Fellenetine story and there would be no
problem if I lent it. I can not look forward to myths of myths borrowed from Dunkel

"I think it is good as soon as possible, but it can not be expected to be tomorrow, is not
it? Let's do it the day after tomorrow, I will send Aldonants of acknowledgment from
"Well, let's leave it to others."

I ask Brunehilde to coordinate with Dunkel Ferger and give Muriela a permission to
read the second volume of Fellenes Tale. It seems that everyone has become relaxed
feeling after finishing the match against the territory and the graduation ceremony.
There is no busy atmosphere that was struggling to prepare, and it is becoming the
air "This year is over".

"There was a word from Aabi that the lord candidate wanted one person to take hands
and gather in the conference room"

Such a voice to the adoptive father's side, I headed to the meeting room with Richarda.
Escort of the conference room seems to be done by those of the Order and the escort
knights are prohibited from entering the room. Perhaps they will be asked questions
that they discussed with Egrantine.

The adoptive female seems to be resting in his room due to sickness and can not be
seen. Villefried, Charlotte, when I got it, my adoptive father opened her mouth.

759 | 2523
"First of all, let's report on the graduation ceremony to Rosemain who could not take
the graduation ceremony."
"The central shrine's temple became a terrible fuss because he said that the magic
team who came in the dedication dance is a thing to choose the next TSENT."

Even if I saw the materials of the magic team in the data room, there seemed to be no
information such as the place where the magic team actually exists and what kind of
rituals they emerge, so it really seems that the central temple They seem to be very

However, the nobles who were told that Dietlinde who showed various abominations
by dedication dance is said to be closest to the next Tento are all skeptical. Originally,
the word of the temple was not so much trusted or heavily used, so there might be no

"It will be time for Gestris Height to be given to the right Tento by Mestionola,
Rosemain, what did Ferdinand say about that magic team?"

The adoptive father also asked Ferdinand's words, saying, "That girl is unlikely to
have the next TSENT," in a tasteful tone.

"I heard that Mr. Ferdinand is a candidate for the next Tento and then Dietlinde who
could not even activate the magic team would not be a candidate,"
"Well, I was relieved a bit, but is it really what I want to select Tento ...?"

From then on I will explain the content I talked with Egrantine. I also told that
Ferdinand's loyalty was suspected again and why Ferdinand was scolded by solving
the misunderstanding.

"Were they able to understand royalty once ... ... it was saved"
"And then there was a story about collaborative research with Klassenburg that I just
replied that it would be all right to prepare for everything and participate as the
temple of the temple."

I also added that I was cautioned to negotiate properly. The adoptive father turned to
a very difficult face and nodded as "precious advice."

760 | 2523
The next day, I adopted a foster father who seemed not so well, and returned to
Ehrenfest. I will keep track of information and manuscripts categorized by students
from other territories with the Filines and about the money paid, and spend other
time reading.

"Well, I will go to the ceremony to obtain protection."

Graduates of the territory participating in the donation ceremony can redo the
ceremony to obtain protection, so the graduates took off to the auditorium.
It seems that there were many knights apprentices who repeatedly practiced
ceremonies to gain blessings, which gained new protection. Leonore and Alexis were
getting protection of the valiant divine angryf and gusty goddess Stei フ ェ リ ー ゼ.

"I also got new protection of Lucerne Sumerle"

It was the Liselaer who reported so. It seems that he caught on the knights apprentices
who train that he wants protection by seeing me who heals everyone. It may be
because of the popularity of the knights apprenticeship by the riser.

...... No, but that's not all. The face is in order and beautiful, attentive to noticing
frequently the details in the side work, I am good at embroidery and sewing. Girl
power, high!

I thought that it might be better to emulate the Rizerator a little more. But I do not
want to cut down reading time. Reading time is more important than girls' ability.

The next day is the day we will lend and borrow books with Hannaore. I prepared two
volumes of the Fellenesine story and I was waiting in the tea ceremony room. There
is a sound of a bell on the other side of Chirin and the door, Hannaore comes in.

"Thank you for taking the time to prepare for the return home so I really appreciate
the two volumes of the Fellenesine story."
"Because I was concerned about Dunkel Ferger's book, I'm glad that I could have time
to talk to Ms. Hannero like this"

761 | 2523
Hannaore arrives at the appointed time, and while the greeting is done, civilian
apprentices come in with a book or a picture one after another. There were two thick
books by Dunkel Ferger, and there were quite a lot of paintings of Restillaut.

"Oh, you two too ...?"

"I got lots of things for Rosemain, and thought that if I could apologize even a bit ... I
got permission from my mother, both mythic books."

...... First lady, what a good person!

I finished lending and borrowing books with civil apprentices and I advised
Hannorore to seat. If you eat a bite of yogurt mousse tart and drink tea, the tea
ceremony is beginning.

"This is a picture that my brother drew at the lords, please do as you like in Ehrenfest"

I flip through the illustration handed through celestial apprentices as flattering. There
are enough sheets to pick up an illustration of the Ditters story. I would like this to be
selected for Wilfriit, a fan of illustration of Restylauut, and Rodelich, the author.

"It's a really wonderful picture,"

As I said that, I was watching the illustration of the Ditters stories, why I became a
picture of my dedication dance. Many drawings were drawn on not only parchment
but also vegetable paper. It seems to turn around with flip flops and turn around.
Something is going to be an animation.

"This is painted"

When I spread the large roll rounded round, it was also a picture of dedication dance.
Sleeves that move with their raised arms and suddenly along with it, skirts that swell
with air by swirling around, hair like shimmer like a night sky, and many demonic
stones that shine light and complicate . I wonder who it is my picture, but who is this?
It is a different person to want to say. A close associate who saw the spread picture
spreads a big eyes and makes it a little squashed.

"... .... Hanna More, this is a painting at the practice of dedication and dance, did not he
look like this in the eyes of the restraint?"

762 | 2523
I fearfully asked Hannellore. It is rare that the manastone glows, and those who were
told that the model is different are coming up.

"It seems that Mai who had a light with a magic stone was beautiful enough to think
that his brother wanted to draw it soon.I was sorry that I missed it because I focused
on the lesson."

It seems that Hanna Rolle could not get on talking when the surroundings were talking
that we were colored with numerous lights and a wonderful and tense feeling after
we exited.
While striking Hannaore "Are you so?", I will roll round the picture as soon as possible.
I can not think of it as my own painting and it is somewhat embarrassing if I think that
it is the one that Restesuto painted.

...... It feels better to seal this. somehow.

"Maybe Donmai Mai is your favorite subject like Restyrat?"

"Well, my older brother has drawn a picture of Egranthine's dance, so dedication may
be your favorite subject"

I was relieved somewhat of the answer of Hannaore. If my picture is so beautiful, the

picture based on Egrantine must be more beautiful.

"I'd like to see a picture of Egrandine's dedication dance once again. Please tell
Lestylart that you are drawing thank you for drawing beautifully like this"

"Yes, surely" my reply to Hannero with a smile.

Speaking of dedication for dedication, this year's dedication dance was serious, the
goddess of light lost consciousness, is not the surprise of the god of the dark God of
"Yeah, I was surprised, it seems that Dietlinde did not think he was heading towards
him ..."

It seems that Restistrau was in great trouble about how to deal with adult women
whose hair has melted. An adult woman puts her hair down is about the bed. It is
about my husband and side work to see the state I put down. Yet Dietlinde fell down
with loss of consciousness in addition to being able to solve hair in the presence of the
763 | 2523
"Did Rosemain know the magic team that hit the stage at that time? It is what the
temple chief of the Central Temple had said when selecting the next Tento ...."
"There seems to be a detailed document in that underground library, if Hannaore is
like you can be searched at the time of the lord's conference, royalty would need the

I do not say that I asked Ferdinand or asked the royal family any questions, so I can
say that I can investigate. Hannorore nods, "It seems to be very busy at the time of the
lord's conference."

"That's right, Mr. Hannallole, how about Dunkel Ferger and Lesty Lout san? Because
it was heard as if he was thrown and dropped by the competition against the territory,
I was worried."
"I am okay, my older brother has been confiscated a lot of paintings and it is very
depressed and the knights who were watched by my mother are so quiet that it is
much easier to spend than usual."

As Hannorore bitterly smiled. I wonder if there is a place to exaggerate, but if it is not

hard for Hannaore, that's fine.

"I am looking forward to reading the second volumes of Fellesnine story now after
returning to the territory."

Can I see a happy ending this time? Hannore 's smile smiling at me hurts in my chest.

...... Sorry, Mr. Hannaore. The book, in fact, "It follows the next volume" where
Fellenetine is torn apart and is married with another man with a royalty!

But I will not spoil yourself. It's a big deal, so I want you to have fun.

"I am also looking forward to the continuation of the Fellenitine story, because the
love story of the aristocratic family was also fun.What kind of gentlemen are attracted
to Rosemain-sama, Charlotte is an indomitable spirit many times I have heard that the
challenging gentleman is wonderful, but I have never heard of Rosemain's favorite
gentleman. "

...... Such a topic, it may have been since the Lake Ono era. It is a bit nostalgic.

764 | 2523
I am not interested in men here, I answer foolishly honestly, even if I am played by
female society, I can not complain. Sympathy and confidential shared feeling are
important in such conversation.

"Did Rosemain say that Wilfried-sama was my fiancee who decided his parents? Does
anyone have an opponent or an ideal gentleman who has a heart?"

...... Hui, I was a woman who had been making a delusional unrequited opponent to
make friendships smooth also during the Lifan period. There are not any topics of this

I was disturbed as if I was going out with my neighbors, and it was the opportunity of
a delusional unrequited opponent who was a big success when she was seen in
strange eyes of her and was questioned.
For those who are in this place like this, it is better to model people you do not know.
If you model a person well known to you, there are many cases that strange rumors
will flow due to funny misunderstandings, and if you are a perfectly fantasy opponent,
"Who do you want to see?" I am in trouble when I am told. Finally it is perfect if you
add "It is not done to the partner at all".

... ... Well, who else?

People who do not know much, including those who are listening at this place, are
good. People involved at the aristocrat are not good.

... ... Well, excluding the acquaintance's acquaintance, should I suitably mix Lutz and

"There is someone valued by Wilfried as my fiancee but my valued person, it is only

secret from us, Mr. Hannallole"

When I lurked out, Hannaore gently spotted my eyes.

"Well, are you?"

"Yeah ... When I was young ... ... There was a person who supported me before the
baptismal ceremony, who has walked together, always helped when I felt depressed
or I was about to collapse. , I had a relationship that I could not meet easily, but my
promise with that person was still a source of my mind ... ... Is it just a secret here? "

765 | 2523
In my talking story Hannaore nods many times as cocky.

"What kind of fancy do you think Hannero is preferable?"

"Wow, I do? Well .... I think that it is preferable for you to oppose your brother, since
your older brother does not hear much of my opinion"

Hannaore looked around a little while saying that "I'm a secret to my brother?" And
hit his index finger on his lips. The surrounding aides are seeing a very pleasant thing,
but I can understand that feeling well.

In this way, I successfully performed women's socialization to share secrets by taking

advantage of the experience of the Lifega era, and I was able to borrow two books of
Dunkel Ferger.

...... I, is not it perfect today?

I ended socializing at the House of Lords and returned to Ehrenfest.

766 | 2523
My name is Martina. It is a fifth grader of the House of Lords, an apprentice behind
Deito Linde's side. My baptismal ceremony came to the baptismal ceremony, after the
second wife was executed, her son Bradius was dropped by a senior aristocrat,
Georgine, who was the third wife, absorbed the faction of the second wife and became
a power It was about time I started to stretch.

Mr. Georgine proposed to Braggius married his own daughter Alsteide as a senior
aristocrat, to suggest that a child born between the two was adopted as a lord,
adopting the faction of the second wife went. At this time the leading next Arub was
Wolfram 's son, the son of Georgyne - sama, who is the only candidate lord of the man

Georgyne started summarizing the forces that rebound against the first wife, mainly
for Wolfram. Because my mother was from Fröbel Tak, it is easier for factions like
Georginne to belong to factions of the first lady, and reasons that there was little
information from the Aurelia sister who had previously been given to the faction
Because there was also, it was told from my father to belong to the faction of
Georginine sama.

...... I am not good at contacting other people and getting information, because my
sister chooses a knight.

My elder sister has a stiff face with poor eye appearance and seemingly facing knights
at first glance, but the personality is a cowardly thing with a retrograde intention.
Often it takes a lot of time to look at the distance as if it seems to be staring from far
away, and my father always said that "I do not have prettiness".

Even though even mothers are born in Froebel Tak, even though they are senior
nobles, their sorrows are strong, their older sisters are further damaged by their
appearance and personality. I acted so brightly that I should not be like my sister.

Was there any worth the effort? Mr. Georgine said "I am obedient and efforty child is
cute, you say you should be sideways" and I took it for Dietlinde's sidepiece.

767 | 2523
I was really thinking that I would become a civilian to become the next candidate for
Aubu candidate Wolfram, but I am not a foolish child enough to put it in my mouth. I
received Georgine's offer with a smile, and became an apprentice behind Deito Linde.

However, as I became a close friend of Dietlinde, the information about Georgine was
minimally flowing to my father. Although I think Georgyne-sama's rule, which
prevents the leakage of information and goes around to avoid complaints, is
wonderful although it seems to be picked up in the vicinity of the candidate lord
candidate in the surroundings, but my father still seems to be sorry for sometimes She
is hitting behind the scenes with a face, "Ehrenfest's Kame Valley".

And Wolfram, who had been regarded as the next awesome and the only boy who
started thinking as Arendsbach will advance mainly as Georgine and Wolfram, will
pass away, died in an accident, and in Arensbach The remaining lord lord candidate
has become only Dietlinde.

Naturally, Ahrensbach became a big trouble. You can not return Alstede who is
married to a senior aristocrat to the lord's family. Rather than turning Dietlinde into
the next Aub, the first wife, who decided to adopt her granddaughter, greeted Reti Zia
from Dreveinhel.

Thus, it seemed that the power that Georgyne likewise returned to the first wife again.
However, the first wife died rapidly and debilitating from the time he came to Reti Zia.

Due to Georgeene's wish, who became the first wife, Aurelia's sister got married to
Ehrenfest. The marriage between your sister and Bettina is known in Ahrensbach as
Georgyne's savage that saved the two pairs of lovers that were trying to be separated
due to the circumstances between the territories.

Actually, I was sent to get information on Ehrenfest, but my sister never sent any
information, nor did I have a connection with the nobility told Georgeene, Ehrenfest
It seems to be caught in.
Even the visit was refused, but I can not make a decision as to whether it is due to
your sister's will, or the intentions of the knights or Aub. I was told that a letter may
be sent, but my sister sent me only a bland letter saying "everyone is getting better".

...... What on earth are your sisters thinking? Being useless anywhere as usual.

768 | 2523
I have long time with Dietrinde at the House of Lords, and I can not readily gather
information for other territories. That is why, my sister wanted to get information on
Ehrenfest, but my sister does not give us any information.

It is hard for us to make Diatolinde graduate so as not to cause problems as much as

possible at the aristocrat as it appears to be standing mainly so that it does not show
a hysterical abomination, so we are serious.

...... Although Dietrinde is supposed to be growing up seeing Georginine, why can not
we live without thinking so much?

It really does not make me wonder. However, I think that being insensitive until that
time is happy in a sense.

Either way, how much we care about Dietlinde does not stop. Every year, we do
something extra thing. Especially when my head hurts, is she going to fade away one
after another at social occasions such as a tea ceremony where the side job is not

This year it also did at the last minute. I showed an unprecedented abomination that
I lost consciousness and collapsed in the middle of dedication dance. To Dietlinde,
who committed a terrible blunder, no one was able to open his mouth at lunch, he was
quiet and came flying from the royal family at the time he had to prepare for the
afternoon's graduation ceremony The eyes of Aldinants have become dark. My fiancée
Ferdinand was called to ask Dietrinde's condition, but it is obvious to anyone that this
is reprimand.

However, the situation has changed again in the afternoon's graduation ceremony.
That is because the magician who came in the dedication dance is the thing to choose
the next TSENT, and the temple of the central temple said that Dietlinde is closest to
the next TSENT.

After that, the topic of the graduation ceremony in Ahrensbach was about the magic
team and the next TSENT who exclusively emerged in dedication dance. Candidate
candidate who is the next candidate who activated the magic team who was unable to
shine even the royal family than the condition that the lord of a candidate who can
become the next awesome at the votive ceremony committed an irreparable ugly
state It was easy to accept even for aristocrats in the territory.

769 | 2523
According to Ferdinand, who talked with the royal family, "It was hard to say that it
was a candidate for the next term because it could not be operated completely". But
is not it such a thing as anything? It is important that there was no rebuke from the
royal family, and that even Dietlinde's blunder is hidden even a little.

It was two days after the dedication dance that Mr. Dietlinde who was exhausted of
magical power woke up. As soon as I woke up, Mr. Dietlinde who was angry with me
saying, "I was shamelessly deceived by Rosemain and cherished with an important
donkey dance, but our side handed down the words of the central temple and said"
"It is the closest thing" "Mr. Dietlinde says it is just" I just said that I was in a good
mood. This easy-to-handle personality is very helpful because I did not want you to
cause problems at the lords who have finished the graduation ceremony any more.
We watched each other between Dietlinde's sidebars and stroked my chest.

...... The main thing concerning Dietlinde's involvement in the evaluation of the side
when causing problems.

It was my most important role to have Dietlinde graduate to my age around the year
I had to look for a marriage partner. Because Dietlinde gets angry with losing a sense
of speed so quickly it is hard to patt up so as not to show abomination around us.

After that, after returning to Ahrensbach, it will be able to frighten the problem in any
way, it is the role of Fian Dinand who is a fiancée to monitor and assist you I guess.

...... It really helps.

When returning from the House of Lords, Dietlinde who became a candidate for the
next term was called to Georgyne's Rikyu in order to discuss future actions. While we
were at the lords, Georgine seems to have finished moving to the abodeyard.

At the end of the fall, Aubu passed away, but Dietlinde who went to the House of Lords
has not dyed the foundation yet, and has not become Arub. Therefore, Dietlinde's
room has not moved to the main building yet, there is a room away from the lord's
candidate. It is a situation where no main lords are in the main building now.

"You guys should go down."

770 | 2523
From the venues of Georgine and Dietrinde 's talks, Akito ordered to go down. Leaving
the room leaving the room, we will head to the room for waiting. I passed several
nobles on the way.

"People who do not remember much, are they gallerginet's newly taken aides?"
"There was a gentleman who was doing a magician of the artificial hand on the left
hand, maybe I called a person of the former Bergischerk territory"
"I hid it in the cloak, I did not see it, but it was a rare thing to be a prosthetic hand.
Maybe he was badly injured and healing did not make it in time?"

Some knights who work as fighting also know some people using artificial limbs or
artificial legs of the prostheses, but it was like a civilian who passed in earlier. Some
of the former Berkestock people may have thrown their way into a fierce battle.

"I do not have to bother to deceive those who need artificial hands ... ...."
"Are you dissatisfied with Georgyne's conduct?"
"There is no such thing, but I do not want to think about it afterwards, I just want to
think about another thing a bit."

In such words, everyone looked at their face and made a bitter smile. Information has
been regulated variously by Dietlinde so as not to cause trouble behavior at the
aristocrat, but Georgeene says the circumstances that have been lying down.

Dietlinde, who knew that he was a relay Aube, and that after he had finished the ritual
of Ferdinand and the starship by the royal title, he greeted Rety Zia as an adopted
female, he would not be in a bad mood. It is a serious thing that is most likely to be
affected by eight, so it makes me feel depressed by all means.

"That said, I'm glad that it will be the next TSENT, but can Dietrinde really obediently
serve as a relay Aube?"
"Everyone is in trouble with Ahrensbach if there is no upcoming Aub, and there is no
thing that Gurtris Hight is at hand, so Dietlinde can never be the next tent."

Because it's easy to handle, no one thinks that Dietlinde really can be the next tent,
just by lifting it up. Rather, I am much worried about the future of Ahrensbach where
they live.

"It is inevitable that Arends Bach has Dietlinde and Reti Zia only for the lord's
771 | 2523
"If Dietlinde and Mr. Ferdinand get married, will Benedicta be made a daughter, and
what will the lord candidate increase?"

Mr. Benedicta is a daughter born between former lord candidate Bradius and
Georgine's eldest child Alsteide. Because it is a child of former lord candidate students,
the amount of magical power to be a candidate for lords will not be problem at all. I
heard that there are plans to do Benedicta's baptism as parents of Dietrinde and

"In order to stabilize this faction it is necessary for a candidate for a lords other than
Reti Zia and ...... Mr. Ferdinand from Mr. Ehrenfest and her Benedicta are more
relieved than that for Dietlinde You can do it. "

When laughing with couscous, the aides of adults who did not go to the House of Peers
stopped looking at us with their hands on the mouth.

"Ferdinand is unexpectedly competent, what civilian officials were talking about, that
the offending work has quite finished."
"Well, was that so?"
"Of course, the competence of clerical work and the amount of magical power are
different things."
"It would be nice if the number of people able to supply magical power increased as
soon as the star tie has ended, which neither Gibe seems to be tough."

There was no such love 's talking continued, but as soon as Rin and a bell rings, it
stands up and heads to the room of Georginene - sama.

As I was informed of the information that had been hidden so far, I looked at the scene
of terrible fear that there was Dietlinde who did not feel like being in a good mood,
but there was a satisfying Dietlinde there. Mr. Georgine smiled, so it would have been
a satisfactory talk between the two of you.

"Well, my mum, I will excuse myself."

"Oh, do it firmly"

772 | 2523
As soon as I got back to my room the tea was ready and aides were gathered. If you
do not know what kind of story with Georgine and how Dietlinde is going to behave,
the aides can not move either.

"What kind of story did you talk with Georgine, Ditolinde?"

"Were you also talking about the words of the temple of the central temple?"

Diet Linde who drank tea gently laughed. I am good at making the eyes of the dark
green shine and look around the Akishinbatsu.

"I will look for Gurtris Height and aim for the next Tent, so please cooperate with
"... ... Was Georgine san approved?"

I will say with enough confidence after being talked to Georgine, so it will not be
mistaken for permission. Still it can not be believed. Looking around puzzled me,
Dietlinde smiled and nodded.

"Of course, my mother supported me for my determination, I should do my best to get

what I want, Even if it looks like it does not reach me, He said that there is a possibility
of entering. "

No way I could not think Georginene would like to say such things, and we aroused
my face in spite of myself.

"But then who will be Auer Ahrensbach? Arensbach now has diplomatic candidates
who can only become Abe Lance ...."
"Well, it is only one year that I gave permission to become the next tent, and if I can
not find Gurtris Height in the meantime, I will be the next Aub."

As the death of Aub is reported at the lord's meeting, it is not unusual that depending
on the time of death the magic of the foundation is not completely dyed. For that
reason Dietlinde was told that at noble family the Aub's death should never be
abandoned. Because people in other territory do not know the time of death of Aub,
delaying Dietlinde's inauguration to Aub for one year can be not so unnatural.

Perhaps it is Georgyne's idea that we will give up on Dietlinde by putting a deadline

saying "It's only for a year." The royal family could not find the Gurtris Height, which
he could not find for many years, in just one year. If Dietlinde says to find Gurttrisheit
773 | 2523
for just one year, after thinking that he will take over to Aub without problems, I have
calmed down a bit.

... ... As expected, Georgine. Things familiar with Dietlinde 's way of maneuvering.

However, as Dietlinde seems to think a little bit, put your forefinger on your chin and
turn it slightly upwards. When thinking like this, in most cases, we make proposals
and orders that will annoy our surroundings. Tension ran to the surrounding aides.

"If possible, I'd like to seek out Gurtris Height in the grace period of one year and
choose a legitimate Tent, so that we can put public opinion on our side like .... Trax
Okvar is glutris Because I do not have a height, if I get a Gurtris Height, you will not
have to give up the seat of Zento? "

I do not think that Dietlinde will do such an idea. I guess Georgine's advice. In other
words, Mr. Georgine seems to make Dietlinde really the next term.

Rather than pushing Dietlinde like the current situation where Arensbach's magical
power is low and it is in need, I can not grasp the real intention of Georginene who is
pushing the next TSENT, and it has become an uneasy feeling.

"I understood that Dietlinde is going to be the next TSENDO, but what is the magical
power that pours on the foundation of Ahrensbach?"
"Once the mother has become an auvee, the deadline for one year has come, and if I
had not found a Gurtris Height, I made a proposal that I will dye the corner, but from
my mother Aubel's Bach I was refused that I do not want to become "

Unfortunately, Dietlinde is sighing, which is a matter of course. Although Dietlinde is

his mother, it may not have been realized, but Georgine from Ehrenfest will become
Aub Ahrensbach, there will be no aristocrats to agree.

"Since I can not help it, I decided to pour through the supply so that it would not
change dyeing perfectly, I'm going to help the retizier as well."

Everyone was surprised at Dietlinde's words, and kept a close eye on it.

"Reti Zia has not been enrolled in the House of Lords yet?"
"Oh? At Ehrenfest, the lord of the baptismal ceremony who has finished the baptismal
ceremony is practicing magical power supply, so it can not be impossible for that girl."
774 | 2523
Try looking at the direction where there is a room with Rety Zia with a terribly cold
face. The spine trembled because the face looks different from the time he did not go
to the tooth as "The next Aub is me."

"Retizia is about as much as is wanted by the king and father for the next Aub, and
that will be possible.It's that the King really wanted to put on Abu Aleansbach is Reti
Zia, the royalty in me It will be a relay of the relay.

...... Oh, it was informed that it was a relay Abe.

Dietlinde grew up with little concern from parents, it is hoped that the father will be
a retie - zia - sama, from the mother a benedicta - san. Regardless of whether Dietlinde
is right for that position, you can also see why you attach obsessed to Azu's top

"It is hard to support the magical power of Ahrensbach with just the supply of magical
powers of mine, so Ferdinand will do a temple shrine."
"Are you going to be the spouse of Aub to the temple !?"
"Well, because at Ehrenfest I was doing a shrine at the temple and Ehrenfest showed
the usefulness of that shrine, Ferdinand pours magical power into the foundation
magic until the star tie is over Because I can not do it, I will devote magical power to
other parts. "

Indeed the usefulness of the shrine was guaranteed by the royal family at the
dedication ceremony held at this year's House of Lords. There is no aristocracy such
as the aristocracy who wants to go to the temple, but there is no sense of repulsion
especially for Ferdinand who was in the temple until now.

"But you are OK, are you saying you do not want to get married to a filthy lordsome
like you were in the temple ...."

It was really rough when my engagement with Ferdinand was decided. Because it was
a candidate for a lord who was in the temple of the subordinate territory, I can
understand Deito Linde's refusal. However, I can not escape from the royalty.

When I actually saw Ferdinand-sama's appearance, I touched closely, and listened to

the surrounding story that I had the best and wonderful achievements, and finally I

775 | 2523
got a positive marriage a little . It would also have helped Ferdinand say "I will make
every effort for Dietlinde".

In any case, regardless of its contents, the citizen's ceremony will be cherished if the
position and appearance are good. I learned very much.

"Oh my, if I become the next Tent, I can eliminate the current royalty, you will not
need to marry Ferdinand? Ferdinand is not suitable for the spouse of Zento, does
everyone think so? It will be a problem if you do not get engagement when you get rid
of your engagement so it's just a matter of continuing your engagement for a while. "

He and Dito Linde smiled. Although it is selfish Dietlinde who uses only using it and
resolving his engagement if his wish fulfills, I always felt nothing because I could not
see the previous thing at all like this.

...... In the end I think that I will marry Ferdinand who asked me to go to the temple by
themselves without finding Gurtris Height, but how will it get rough then?

"To resolve my engagement, I still have to get a Gurtris Height anytime.Of course, I
want a Gurtris Height not only for resolving my engagement.Allen I do not mean I do
not think about SUBach. "

Dietlinde said so and smiled with Nicolle.

"First of all, return Bradgeus who was dropped by a senior aristocrat by the royal title
to the lord's family and attach your sister or BRAGGUS to the seat of Aub."
"If that can be done, Ahrensbach is safe."

If Bradgeus like former lord candidate dropped by a noble aristocrat and Alstede 's
couple can become an Arensbach' s awesome feeling of anxiety like now that the
deathlinde must leave the future will disappear Let's see.

...... If possible, it is a story of.

Dietrinde, who cared about the words of his aides, will start talking about what kind
of command he is supposed to be a Tent.

776 | 2523
"I will give you the things my mother wants and I will find the son-in-law suitable for
the next Tent, and I will not purge like Trax Ok Var, even if I become a Tent. I am going
to respect the royal family accordingly. "

Dear Linde smiled that it would be very pleasant to prince Prince Sigismwald or
Prince Anastigius to be his son - in - law, from Adolfine and Eglantine. Basically it is a
grudge against me, but it seems that he still told me that he was reprimanded at the
tea ceremony at the House of Lords and was told to disgust.
Because Dietlinde will not have Gurtris Height, it would be best to let me like it like a

"Dietlinde tells you easy to put the prince on your son-in-law, but if you do such a
thing, the reputation of the public will fall."
"Yeah, especially Prince Anastigius and Egranthine got married after abandoning the
throne at the end of love affair ..."

Dietlinde was frowned upon in the words of his aides as if it was frustrating.
Understanding that a little mood will get worse, one person shifts the topic from the
royalty as "Does not Ferdinand refuse to cancel engagement more than that?"

"I think that engagement with Dietlinde who was made into Tent is resolved and I do
not want to return to the temple of the lower rank."
"There is no problem with that, I think that Ferdinand will be given a name so that it
will not go against what I say."

Everyone was surprised to hear that it was too easy to say "give me a name", but I
kept a keen eye on it, but Dietlinde continued to be good at not noticing it at all.

"It is a candidate for a lord who entered the temple in a subordinate territory like
Ehrenfest.If you love me, you can do as much as you can name it, and after you
canceled your engagement he returned to Ehrenfest I can not help talking about the
circumstances of Sububer with bellabella, so it is absolutely necessary to give a name,
so my mother said so. "

...... I do not think it would be acceptable for Ferdinand to accept it as much as I wanted.

"Martina, I would like a name of Mr. Ferdinand, please help me arrange the place."

777 | 2523
It is job of the aideside to attend Dietrinde's wisdom.Watakushi and another one of
the maid began to move in order to fulfill the desire.

"Ferdinand-like when it was? Will love Watakushi, Watakushi to not please devoted
the name"

Ferdinand like that was called in the middle of the office to the conference room
Watakushi who was appointed to the sudden offer of Dietlinde like It has been a
surprised face. This would be of course. There is no reason to have a person who can
understand that it is said to suddenly devote a name, and.

But will never devoted the name, Ferdinand like is how dismiss the needs of Dietlinde
like, Watakushi we had watched with interest. Dietlinde like the direction in which
anger is directed of Watakushi're you survive is a personal attendant is better, which
is also a number.

"What would be that each other to dedicate my name the name to Dietlinde like? Each

I Speaking truly love two people there was a story to such a thing, and Ferdinand
recommendation has murmured. Would have received even under the influence of
the love story, it seems Ferdinand like was interpreted as, but Dietlinde like was
frowning the unpleasant look at a place called "mutually dedicated the name to each
other." Not have been an influence on the love story. It selfish and more selfish.

"If No way. I dedicate the name to Watakushi Ferdinand like why? Real, grateful to
Watakushi that give saving from the temple of Ehrenfest, I think that's what offer from
there but"

so said with a straight face while Ferdinand like to Dietlinde recommendation has
smiled a smile soft, they shook their heads slowly.

"Although We would like to do so if it can be, my name unfortunately, now, my do not

have at hand"

already or would that have a dedicated to name someone. Situ was buzz greatly to the
unexpected reply.
778 | 2523
"Who I was devoted name!? Other than Watakushi a fiance"

while watching the Dietlinde like raising the hysterical voice, Ferdinand like laughed
and fluoride. But are laughing facial expression, a pupil of thin gold does not seem to
quite laughing, was a cold smile badly.

"In order to tie me, desirous woman the name will have two people so far. And the
lady, from it, Veronika like. But ...... you two is the relationship between the
grandmother and granddaughter, Irassharu similar really well "

779 | 2523
"Ooooo! Rosemain, have you come back?"

It was like an old man surprised me who came back from the transition team with a
loud voice. As soon as I caught on a rushing momentum that sounds like a doodo dodo,
"Angie please calm down!" Angelica and Cornelius elder brother grasped the arms of
the gash and grandfather, Damuel said "Rosemain Like I'm scared! "And grabbed the
cloak and prevented me from rushing.

"Here, I'm not afraid, are not you, Rosemain?"

"I was just surprised by the momentum, my grandfather, I'm back now."

While looking around, looking around. In the usual year there were welcoming
meetings of the AUB FAMILY family, fathers and mothers, but today there are a few of
the guards and the escort knights and the knights who are in the place to pick up. This
year the order of return has been slightly changed from the normal year, and
instructions were issued from the adoptive father, "Regardless of the grade, lord
candidate students should move together." Somewhat uneasy about the state
different from usual.

"Rosemain, Charlotte will not be able to come back, so you better get out of the magic
team as soon as possible"

Wilfried that is surrounded by his escort knight at a short distance said so. I nodded
and moved with Richard. Just like Wilfried, I was immediately surrounded by my
escort knights.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

"Damuel, Cornelius, Angelica. I'm back now .... I can not see Hartmut's appearance."
"Because Hartmut is a civilian, he is waiting in the room, Otiliier watches me, although
I wanted to come here."

It seems that they are ordered that only the knight is picked up today. While I was
feeling a strange atmosphere, while listening to the story that I was escorted by escort
knights "Otiliier who can easily hold Hartmut is a mother", Charlotte and his side

780 | 2523
The old man who confirmed that Charlotte was surrounded by escort knights lightly
raised his hand.

"Well ... I will return to the room, so I will securely protect them until they are away
from the north, so be relieved."

Candidate candidate surrounded by escort knight with grandfather's command starts

to move. I also tried to move in the same way, I noticed that my grandfather was wide
open hands. I was saying "I will keep the candidate lords firmly", but may I close my

"Do not worry - from the grandfather we protect, so please join hands with peace,

Even if he looked down at his grandfather, Brother Cornelius shrugged his shoulders
without fear.
As I murmured, "I am not worried about that kind of thing," I hold my grandfather's
fingers just like last year and start walking.

"I was awarded the first time this year for the first time, I went up to the platform and
gave me compliments from Tsento"

If you told the awarded story, my grandfather was pleased like myself, but unlike last
year I not only saw me, but I found that I was considerably wary of my surroundings

"... ... My grandfather, maybe it is quite dangerous?"

"Although recently it has calmed down, students come back at a stretch There is no
possibility that the nobility who wishes to commute suddenly appeals, or it is likely
to attack as a counterattack as if it is aimed at. We will be the ones who struggle to
avoid the situation, we need vigilance. "
"I thought that I wanted to go to the library from Ferdinand, but ...."

I thought about going to my library as soon as I returned to Ehrenfest, but my

grandfather waved his head with a severe face.

"Unfortunately, the only thing that we can hang around on is that it is only in the
distance of the north ... ... At the very least, after having finished the feast for spring,
781 | 2523
be patient until the nobility decreases.The melhoor is in winter I could not do without
my sister Rosemain. "

It seems that Melchior was told that Melchior should not leave arbitrarily from the
north, as the purge would inevitably increase the danger. It is forbidden to go to a
child's room, and it seems that it was in a state of embarrassment away from the

"Take care of Melchior, Rosemain. I am looking forward to dinner tonight."

The old man points to point towards the north away. Melchior was waiting for our
return with my aides at the far off of the northern end which is said not to come out.

"Welcome back, older brother, older sister!"

"It was very boring to be alone in the northern district alone, unlike when I was in the
main building, I rarely see the appearance of my father and mother, and I was looking
forward to the children's room , I could not have been told that my parents would not
touch because they were emotional and I do not know what they would do. "

While the side dishes prepared the baggage taken home from the House of Lords, we
were asked Melchior's winter stories while teaing.

Originally purification occurred in the middle of winter, but it was advanced ahead of
the beginning of winter by information of Matthias. As a result, Melchior seems to be
trapped in the north soon as the students go to the House of Peers.

I heard that Melchior who was told to stay alone alone in the winter of the first year
after finishing the baptismal ceremony was very sad. The adoptive mother seemed to
come to the meeting sometimes by sewing busy intervals, but it can not be the same
as before baptism where she looked like every day. Every day I am studying with my
aides, but it seems I was occupied.

"So, I am glad that my older brother has come back."

"You can not get out of the north until the feast for spring, but you should spend time
with your brothers."

782 | 2523
After that everyone played playing cards and playing cards until the hands come to
call for dinner preparation.

Dinner of the day will talk about the lord families getting together and being a lords.
Mel heol is delighted with the lively meal after a long absence, listening to the story
that the importance of Ehrenfest increased as the book of Ehrenfest spreads among
students and the protection obtained by prayer increases , His eyes were shining.

"There were many people who have excellent results this year compared to last year.
It is wonderful that they conducted a number of joint research at the same time and
evaluated them."
"As I was impressed with being able to put together the dormitory that was predicted
to divide well, you did well."

In the compliments of foster mother and grandfather, adoptive father nods.

"As a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest, they did more work than I expected, as a
father I am proud as a lord, I want you to use that skill to rule the interior that is
roaring in purgation this time"

The dinner was basically praised, but at last the adoptive father saw everyone 's face
in the face with severe dark green eyes.

"A dinner where everyone is ready for a long time.Today I chose a topic to enjoy meals
but I will hold a conference of lords of my lord to the three bells of the day after
tomorrow, We must overcome it. "

... ... The bell of the day after tomorrow.

I felt the same thing as my father's harsh expression in the castle and I felt breathless.

After breakfast the next day, I decided to introduce the new aides who came back from
the lords to the aides who had remained in Ehrenfest. Since I came back from the
House of Peers, there is no figure of Theodor but all the associates gather.

783 | 2523
"Four people of Matthias, Laurentz, Muriela, and Gray Tier gave a name to me and
became a close aides.While Muriela is going to redraft my name to my mother Elvira,"
"My son Mr. Gibe-Gelrach, my son Raurenz of Giebe Wirtle?"

The face of Cornelius's brother slightly distorted. Matthias and Laurentz are the
children of the aristocratic central character who gave a name to Georgine.

"Cornelius older brother has already done a name dedication so please do not stare
like that"

When I stood up, as if I stood out from Cornelius elder brother three people, Elder
Cornelius breathed lightly and beat my head lightly.

"As far as I saw in the lords, I know that they never directly harm Rosemain, but the
nobility's voices desiring a joint seat are still big, and if they can be saved, , There are
also a lot of voices he wants "
"Cornelius is worried that the Lord, Rosemain, will receive anger and dissatisfaction
that was supposed to be directed to them.I think they are doubting loyalty, I am not
worried about adding it. "

In the words of Damuel I whispered "Thank you Cornelius big brother,". When I
returned to Ehrenfest, I thought that it would not be the same as the aristocrat, but
apparently quite a while ago.

"Do you know Hartmut as a ceremony because you came to the House of Lords?
Damiel, Cornelius, Angelica here are escort knights and follow the instructions of
Damiel for Knight's work, including Damuel, Matthias and Laurentz Please decide the
duty of an escort knight towards the temple, civil servants asking for the distribution
of information just like last year, and the continuation of cleaning up to the side
workers. "

When I distributed my work to my aides, I took out the magician who got to Ferdinand
from my important baggage. It was a matter of mysterious letters and magical tools
that seemed to be secret mission entered in a magical skimpy leather bag.

"I will listen to this in a hidden room,"

"After listening, please give magician to me, I will make a plush toy of Sumiru"

784 | 2523
I nodded to the Rizerator with a smile, and I entered the hidden room with a bag
containing magician. Then leave the leather bag and play the magical tool that I got
from Ferdinand at the morning of the graduation ceremony.

"At that time I started with a little saying, but at the end I should have put a word of
praise at the end! I believe in Ferdinand!"

I believed in Ferdinand and played it, but it seems it was useless to believe. Sadly it
was a mini-magic tool for side-jobs that ended loudly from beginning to end.

"Ferdinand, like I could have had a word of praise. Even if it's not quite right, I could
have praised not bad ... ...."

While being saddened by the magical tool that repeats little words naturally, I opened
a leather bag that does not pass magical powers. Then, take out another magician of
recording and a letter.


Although the contents of the bag of leather should have been empty, there was still a
weight like something still in it. If you look inside and look inside, there are shapes
that are somewhere in there, but you can not remove them.

"Double bottom?"

Until now I did not notice it because of the weight and shape of the magic tool, but the
bag of leather is double bottom, and there seems to be something else in it. I opened
the letter. The familiar Ferdinand letters are lining up.

"This magic tool has put a compliment word according to your request, keep it in a
leather bag all the time so as not to be heard by others, then use it only in the hidden
room of the library In case you can not protect it, the praise word will automatically
be annihilated by the magic tool hidden in the bottom. "
"Wait a moment, wait a moment! Do not study such a study !?"

I have not heard that the recorded voice is making a magical tool that disappears
automatically. I read the letter over and over again and put the recording magician
back into the leather bag. Without reading the letters first, if you were operating
magical tools, valuable compliments had just disappeared.
785 | 2523
"Safe, it was nice not to touch magical tools first, I was glad you got a letter priority in
the case of voice and letters, I"

Ferdinand has taken the trouble to share the witchcraft so that other people will not
hear compliments, although compliments are so bothersome. I have to put up with it
until I can go to the library, the compliment disappears and I will become sad later.
I leave the hidden room with only the magician of little saying while leather bags are
kept, so that other people inadvertently touch the magician and disappear the word
of compliment.

"Rieserator, this was a magical tool that included only Ferdinand's sayings.If you
make a stuffed toy of Sumil, the words of Ferdinand's voice will flow slowly, but will
you really want to smile?"

Rieselter took a magical tool while grinningly laughingly saying "Of course." Even if
you say Ferdinand's voice from Schmir's stuffed anecdote, it seems that the Risera is

...... Letter's Schmir Love is amazing.

"Mr. Rosemain, what have you done with the leather bags in the past?"
"We are putting it in a hidden room, Ferdinand says she puts compliments in another
magic tool, but there was a dangerous trap that praised words would disappear if you
mistyped the place to listen It is. "

Richarda who heard my words said, "It's a shame to send compliments, like
Ferdinand-sama," he laughed couscous.

...... How much it is embarrassing, I think I did not have to trap an extinct trap!

After leaving the hidden room, we did sorting the information with the civilian, and
after the third bell rang he practiced Fespiel with other brothers and read the book he
borrowed. It is for Melchior that I was lonely to stay alone.

"Rosemain, I am very sorry, can you spare a little time in the afternoon? There are
several things I want to talk about"
786 | 2523
Unusually I was shouted by my brother Lamprecht. I can not even book a meeting
room now that I can not get out of the north. I looked back on Richarda as to what to

"Lamprecht says a loud voice, is not it? There is no particular plan this afternoon, so I
do not mind telling you. Please use the princess' s room, except Léonore and Angelica
Please let me have you there. "

In order to be a fiancee, I was told to bring him Leonor and Angelica counted in the
family, and I looked up to Lamprecht's older brother.

"Sorry, but in the afternoon."

When I finished lunch, brother Lamprecht came straight away. When tea is brewed,
side workers leave and go.

"I was surprised that it was unusual for a voice from Lamprecht's brother to hear it."
"...... I should report this in my mouth"

After scratching his cheek a little, brother Lamprecht smiled and laughed. I got a pin
to a gentle smile thinking of something important.

"Has your baby been born?"

"Oh, I was born at the beginning of winter, although it was told that at the end of
autumn I was supposed to be born, it seemed quite relaxed child, it was in the winter
that I was born "
"Congratulations. Celebrating immediately ......"
"Since Rosemain thought that it would go out of control, so it was silent until now."

She said that Brother Cornelius was shocked with a smart face, not to celebrate the

"Why is it possible for you to celebrate the same mother's connection, are not you?"

My foster mother is also pregnant, but her foster child is a heterka, so I can not visit
baptismal ceremonies as well. I was looking forward to seeing the baby of my brother
Lamprecht who is the connection of my mother.
787 | 2523
"I am happy to be celebrated, but I will not disclose that I was born for a while except
my family, so it's a little troubling to have a celebration."

When a child was born, it was a celebration of a commoner to state what was born in
the surroundings and leave it to everyone's memory. In the case of aristocrats, I tell
only to close friends until the baptismal ceremony, but there should not have been a
custom of not celebrating itself just by not spreading out.

"People who have been purged in this winter are those who are dedicating to Georgine
and nobles of the Veronica, who punished mainly for those who draw blood of
Ahrensbach and those who were favorable to them. As a result, Aurelia from
Ahrensbach and its baby are inevitably exposed to a stern gaze, so that's why they
have not really said that they were born only to their families. "

Brother Cornelius also sees me with a severe face like when he is in charge of escort.

"We are not in the front desk with purge and we do not know where we are buying
resentment because we are not accompanying to the House of Lords, that's why I do
not want to celebrate the celebration."
"Since Aurelia is also sensitive to the movements of the nobility of the Arendsbach
system, I want him to be as gentle as possible. I want him to keep secret for Rosemain
for a while in order to make safety of Aurelia and Ako the top priority "

Somehow I felt a little pleasant as I felt something that was familiar to my father who
was saying "Protecting my family" in the expression of my brother Lamprecht who
was a little unreliable.

"I understand, I will keep it secret, it is to protect my family, in fact I wanted to

celebrate with Baba when I go back home, but I am sorry for the sake of safety.I need
only listen to the situation here Is not it good, baby? "

When I asked, my brother Lamprecht broke away.

"Aurelia is vague for some reason due to breastfeeding even in the middle of the night,
but Akako is very energetic and recently the neck has also been set up. In order to
avoid danger, we are now not separated from each other at the main building I am
spending time. "
788 | 2523
It seems that she was scolded by her mother that if Lamprecht brothers were teasing
Aurelia, "It is hard for that mother to do so", she said. If you imagine your life with a
baby, it is life with Kamir who was short to revive in my mind.

"By the way, when will Cornelius elder brothers get married when they are Leonore?"

It seems that a hall of Ehrhart's older brother was also gotten, and will it perform a
starring ceremony also this summer? I stare at Leonore with Elder Brother Cornelius
sitting side by side. Older Cornelius says "... the face when I try to tease it is really like
my mother," taking eye contact with Leonore.

"I will prepare a period of one to two years normally, I am already engaged and the
ritual of star-knot is not a panic."
"Well, I think that it is better that the situation of Ehrenfest has settled a little more,
just like Cornelius."

It is quite good to be on good terms.

"In the rite of Cornelius elder brother and Leonore's star knot, I will bless you in
tension, please leave it to me."
"Normal and good! Normal! It is going to be a serious thing if Rosemain gets tight."
"No, it is a ceremony of your elder brother, so that as many blessings as much as not
to be defeated by the royal star's knot will give full power ..."
"Stop it!"

Brother Cornelius desperately waved his hand and tried to stop me. When I saw Elder
Cornelius in a panic, Leonore laughed happily.

"Both of us have a fun story so far, can we talk a bit serious?"

When Lamprecht brother stops holding hands between me and Cornelius elder
brother, everyone tightens facial expression.

"It's about Nicolaus, but ..."

He is the son of my father's second wife Truderide. He was said to be a mother-of-

brother, but he was told that Tordelde did not contact him because he had served
Veronica, because he had bad feelings for Ferdinand.
789 | 2523
"Tordelie de was also captured, you know that?"
"Yes, because I'm getting into Veronica a lot and it seems I was doing a lot."
"And now, Nicolaus is in the children's room"

In the words of Lamprecht's brother, I kept an eye out.

"Are you still in the children's room? If your father picked it up, could you go home?"

790 | 2523
"Lutz, my husband is calling, if you finish lunch you go to my husband's room"
"I will go immediately"

Since the snowstorm days ended and the snow began to melt, the life began to go back
and forth between the temple and the store. Until a while ago there is no longer Kamir
who has been studying for the Plantin business to be an apprentice for a merchant.
As I looked after Kamir during the winter, my determination to become an apprentice
of the Plantin Shoes seems to be quite solid. I am looking forward to visiting the
workshop in the spring. Husband who was watching the state of Kamil was stroking
his chest, "It seems that it will not be taken to the Gilberto trader or commercial guild
by this."

When I finish lunch quickly, I head for my husband's room soon. My husband does not
take a slow break after finishing lunch, he seems to start working in his room at once.
It will be busy to die in the spring, so it seems that we have to prepare carefully from

"My husband, Rutz .. I heard that you called me ... ...."

When I knocked on the door of the room, Mr. Marc opened the door. When entering,
the husband states the matter while writing the result of the calculation to the

"It's bad, in the afternoon we went to the Gilberto shop, Corinna and Otto got
consulted from Turi, I hope to go with you, but I am busy now, so I will go by your
"Okay, I will listen to the story."

As I said so, I got ready to go out and left the store. It is not so far from Printemps to
Gilberta. I quickly walk through the cityscape where snow still remains. I feel like I got
warmer today than yesterday, but it is still cold.

...... But, it will be spring soon.

791 | 2523
Spring will be the start of the spring movement which is the annual event of
Gutenberg. There were various changes also in Gutenberg this year. Hey who is in
charge of ink can not go to Kirunberga after pregnant with the second person and
Zach seems to appear as a groom to this year's festival festival, and he said that he
wants to take an alternative disciple. Whether there is skill as Gutenberg, Mine is full
of bothersome wondering whether other nobles will convince you to take the

That reminds me, is Mine coming back to the temple soon?

Gil said "I will come back when the feast for spring is over." Because Gill is not floating
yet, Main should not have returned to the temple. When Mine comes back, Gill's mood
gets better and meals down to the orphanage seems to rise in quality, so gray priests
are eagerly awaiting meals, so they can understand immediately.

...... Anyway, what about turri consultation?

Because Gilberta Shokai is also lunch break, there is only one store number in front of
the store. I approached to speak to the store number.

"Oh, was Leon today's lunchtime, I was told to ask the story from my husband ...."
"Long time no see, Ruth. I have heard the story, go up from the outside"

Leon who was in Gilberto Shokai since long ago and I was also instructed well was a
keeper of the day. I nod and go up the stairs to go up from the outside.

By the way, there were times when I borrowed a room from the attic here.

It is nostalgic, but I do not think I would like to go up again. Now I live as an apprentice
on the second floor of the Printant shopping mall, so honestly it is hard to go up and
down to the 6th floor when I return home to my parents and help me draw water.

I knocked on the door of the second floor where Colinna resides and tells a woman
who is working down. When I took off the thick coat and entered, the gaze of the Dipra
of the Gilberta Shokai gathered after relaxing after finishing lunch. I feel nostalgic
about the apprentice clothes I used to wear and I feel the flow of time to myself who
is an apprentice clothes of the Plantin Shokai.

"Hello, my husband has told me something to talk about ...."

792 | 2523
"What about Lutz, Beno?"
"Because I am busy with work, I was told to ask for a request."
"That's right ... I wanted to ask Beno's opinion, but there is no choice."

Tully says lightly and Otto-san and a sorry looking face.

"I think that I do not need to worry so much, but Tully is worried. Should we talk about
it in the room, not to speak carelessly?"

It is not to be able to speak carelessly. Only then it turned out that the matter
concerned Mine. It is not about Rosemain, it must be related when I was Mine of a
downtown. Even though I was consulting to my husband, I should have noticed that I
should head to the temple instead of the other daughters, and I should have noticed

When I moved to another room, Otto suggested a chair. When I'm a customer, Tulei
brings three tea and distributes it. The hand with the tea chest to be placed with Kotri
was of a gorgeous woman, I noticed that my hand was growing bigger.

Unlike me who will take orphans to go to the forest, Turi who works indoors is hardly
sunburned. It seems like me, but I do not seem to be getting too much trouble because
housekeeping begins with a downward job. If I move, it smelled sweetly and Lincian,
it did not look like a poor.

I often meet with Turi because I often return to my parents house but I have not
noticed so much but there are no strange things to live and I feel no sense of
incongruity when I work at Gilberto Shokai. I am told that I will be able to go up to the
castle once I grow up.

...... I want to adult too early.

It is regrettable that I can not overtake my age alone. While watching Turri thinking
that, Tully became a little troubled face.

"Hey, Rutz ... What's wrong? I'm curious if I can see it, but ..."
"No, I do not do anything, I thought that Tully 's work was beautiful."
"Oh, really?"
793 | 2523
Turi sits a bit shy and sits next to me. I saw Otto strangely grinning. I wonder if there
was something fun too.

"So, what's worrying about Turi? It's about Mine?"

"Well, yeah, in the winter, you went home, right? You made it with your mother, I
decided to make my hair decorations myself, but when I was making it I got a story
about an adult ceremony. Whether it is better to go out, it is better to leave from the
Gilberta trading company ... .... "

Turry adults at the end of summer. In this winter it seems that he was singing out with
Aunt Ahwah to make a fine clothes for an adult ceremony and he said that he thought
about the design of a hair ornament adapted to his costume. It seems that there was
so much room for this year because there was no request for Maine's royalty express.

...... Tauri was surprised when I heard that "This winter was a little unsatisfactory
without Rosemain's unreasonableness."

"I thought at the time. At the end of the spring there is Ralph's adult ceremony, is not
she noticed Ralf who saw the temple of the temple, I am worried somewhat ......"

Because Mine was a child who does not go out much, neighbors also have very few
who remember clearly. However, Ralf was on good terms with Turi, and considering
the recipe of the dish whose Mine has changed, my relationship is deep compared to
the other because my brothers made me make it with my place.

"I said that," I do not have to worry, "

Otto - san said that with a light tone, I saw Turi. After Turei squirts his mouth a little,
it refutes a little as "Even ... ...."

"Is not it troublesome to shoot?"

"It would be wonderful if it is not bad ... but ... I do not think it will happen ... Usually
you do not remember the face of a guy who just looked at the face several times a
month at around the baptismal ceremony, even you guys are not ? "

Otto gently shrugged his shoulders. Do you remember all the acquaintance's face
before and after the baptismal ceremony? I was asked, I thought.

794 | 2523
... ... Do not you remember?

Our range of action is too narrow. The association before baptism is only in the
neighbors, and grows together from a small child until it gets bigger. After finishing
the baptismal ceremony, if you start doing apprenticeships, the scope of interaction
will broaden, but there are many people who do not spread beyond the city no matter
how much they spread. It is more special to travel from town to town like Gutenberg.

...... That's why Johan still does not increase patrons.

I will be out of the long term from spring to autumn when customers arrive, so it is
hard to get patrons. It is now that the title of Gutenberg is recognized as "an exclusive
group of Rosemain". Mine is paying for money and it is exclusive to the owner of the
lord, so it has a high advertising effect for the workshop, but for craftsmen who must
cherish the rim with people, continuous business trips are not only good aspects.

"I remember, I remember the face of the workers who entered after the baptismal
ceremony and I will understand even if I meet them now."

As a hurdle in the words of Turi I will shake off the matter of Gutenberg from the head
and agree with the opinion of Turi. In the downtown, we get married in the range by
introducing relatives and introducing relatives, so the range of activities and
interactions will be similar. You will never forget because you grew up.

"Since Otto was a peddler, I think he just does not remember the face of a shallow
association when he was young, because we have a narrow range of action, we
remember a lot of the face of a person with whom we were associated."
"...... I see ... well, do you still remember the face of your neighbor who died in the
baptismal ceremony?

Otto says to me, I think of the face of a person who passed away in the neighborhood.
There are people who are somewhat dimpled, but no one comes to see it at all.

"A lot of elderly people have died, even children, but no one has a face at all"
"It is a figure or face when it died? Does anyone who is very similar to that person
grow up more than the figure of memory, do you think that it is the same person? You
become an adult figure If there is no growth in the opponent, you would not normally
think that he was alive? I think there are similar people, I think it will end in degree. "

795 | 2523
Mine was originally small and sleeping for two years, so it looks like he has not been
ten years old yet. It is different from the figure at the time of death and should be close
to an adult if you were alive. Unlike ours who knew alive and looking at us all the time,
it may be difficult for Ralf to think that Mine and the temple are the same person.

"Better, the costume and the way of living are completely different from those of Mine
and Rosemain at that time, you see the blessings you hear with the rumors of the city,
do not you think that it is the same person?"

I have seen the scene where Mine gives blessings at Haldnerzell and Grechell, but it
was certainly a different person. At the moment when he was good at laughing, the
fantastic and mysterious little temple of the temple would be just a main.

"If you make a fussle that a lady's admirer and the poor are the same person, it could
be a profane sin, but I guess I'm surprised because it looks like anything, but it's noisy
and better to say it from the beginning."
"Lutz, could you talk to Ralph?"

Turi really said so worriedly. It is not that I do not know the feelings of Turi who
becomes overwhelmed when it comes to Mine. However, considering Ralph's
involvement every time his engagement with Turi is realized between parents, every
time he returns to his parents house, he does not feel much.

"I absolutely dislikes that Rosemain will be in trouble"

I also think I am familiar with aristocrats and rich ladies, that Turli gazing at the
serious face gets really beautiful. When Turi was returning to his parents house in the
winter basket to make an adult costume, it may be natural that Ralph who happened
to meet his eyes opened his breath.

...... There are some girls who have dated together, even though we still have lovers,
Turi is special for Ralph.

Even if you change your position, you will not be able to even talk to them frequently
and feel easy. I think that Mine is special to me, after all, I am too somewhat like my
brothers. I should not have resorted to such a place. At the same time, Sieg comforted
seeing "I'm such a thing" Sieg is involved in Ralph, but maybe there was something
similar in Sieg.

796 | 2523
"When I go back, I will talk to Ralf, because Ralph's adult ceremony is in the process
of being on my way to Kilnberga, I do not want a problem when I am not there, I
manage to do something"
"Thank you, Ruth. Please ..."

...... It would be no help if I think that Main is not in trouble. Do you go out for
troublesome Ralph?

When I got up with sighs, Otto-san was watching us with an incomprehensible face.

"You two are really alike"

"Both of you like Rosemain, do not you like it too much?"

Certainly our topics certainly tend to be biased toward Mine. What kind of hair
ornaments were ordered, now such a book is printed, and such book seems to be
favorite ... .... But I do not want to say the word "I like too much" only for this person.

I pointed out that I gaze with Turi. Tule also has an objection, and you can see that the
two are considering the same thing. When I shrugged my shoulders, Tully nodded
deeply with Kokuri. We turn to Otto like two people.

"No matter how much Otto like Colinna-sama, I do not like it"

The voices of me and Turi overlapped perfectly.

797 | 2523
Brother Cornelius became a difficult face when I said that Nicolaas was poor about
leaving it in a child's room for one season although there are parents who can take
over if you think to take over.

"Because my father is in the position to take the command of purge, I went to talk with
Nikolaus several times, looking at the fold, but it is impossible to take over. It leaves a
child who has not entered the lordship alone by myself We can not afford it. "
"... There is a mother in the main building, right?"

Even if it is not separately, if I murmured, Brother Cornelius said with a blank face,
"Why are mothers taking over when they are not mothers of Nicolaus?"

"You can not take over?"

"Rosemain was raised in the temple and it became child of Elvira like baptismalism so
it may be a little understanding of her mother's brothers and other brothers.When the
mother's permission is given ...... In the case of Nicolaus, if Trudelie de wishes and
entrusts to Elvira-sama it can be taken over, it can not be confirmed, as it is caught. "

Brother Cornelius and Lamprecht's older brother nodded to Leonore as saying "It is
hard to understand for Rosemain". Angelica is also nodding together with a face that
I understood.

"There is no opinion of Tordelie dee, and it is necessary for adoption by mothers to

take over Nicolaus.Tourdeliede is coming back after receiving punishment, but it is
realistic to adopt only for taking over from the children's room Mothers also said that
Nicolaus was better in the children's room, it seems that Trudelie can not pick up
children without comment. "

Even though I live apart from the same premises, I saw the fact that my brothers were
treated as completely different families, and I was shocked. If there is a difference due
to mother's difference so far, is not it that there are more children left in the children's
room without being taken over than expected?

"I thought that if I took over by my father, I would look after my stupidity ... ...."

798 | 2523
"Since Rosemain was the first to be asked by Aub, Nikolaus and Matthias are avoiding
a joint, but there is no change that it is a child of a criminal, just because they are not
directly punished, everyone Because consciousness can not be changed easily so
easily, is not it that there are few people who like to like it at home? "

The severe eyes on the relatives of criminals are also in the Leone period though there
is some degree difference. I can only return to Léonore's words "Nicolaus is still a
nine-year-old child ... but ...."

"Rosemain, it is already nine years old, considering how Nikolaus has been brought
up from Tolde deride so far and how he thinks of his mother captured by his father, I
do not think I would like to enter the main building. "

Older brother Cornellius, brother Shaun Ramplecht shrugged his shoulders, "Nikolaus
is training for knight apprenticeship."

"Nicolaus has a good physical structure, according to my grandfather, the line seems
to be good.I do not know how to move when I become emotional, it is the opposite of
putting Nicolaus in the main building I want to give priority to safety of Aurelia and

Now that there is Aurelia and a newly born baby in the main building, it seems that I
do not want to put anxiety factor even further. If it is in a normal condition, Aurelia
can easily do so as to hold Nicolaus, but it seems to be difficult in the present condition
after birth.

...... I can not believe something if Aurelia who was wearing a veil and was moving and
said that Aurelia could easily hold an apprenticehip of knights.

"Truderelde adores Veronica and sometimes abuses Ferdinand, sometimes being

ridiculed of mothers in the case of the name given by Ekhart's older brother or who
picked up Rosemain in and out of the temple Although I did not visit the main building
only occasionally, I do not like Tordelide and I do not want to accept Nikolaus brought
up by her, Nicolaus is in the children's room until Tordelde's finishes punishment I
think that is the best. "
"Is that so……"

799 | 2523
I could understand the circumstances surrounding Nikolaus, but the back of my chest
is somewhat hazy. I still do not commit any sin, but I think that the public's wayning
is too strong.

"... How many children are left in the child's room even after finishing the feast for
spring, can not we move the remaining children to the orphanage?"

I thought to a place where the wind would not hit anything, and such words leaked
out. Until that, Brother Cornelius and Leonore are spectacular.

"Rosemain, what are you thinking !?"

"Rosemain, things are too big to embrace with thought"

Although it may be too large to embrace with my thought, it is poor to leave the
children left in the child's room as it is. As we live in the main building of the castle,
we are constantly exposed to the eyes of aristocratic adults.

"There must be someone who took care of the children's room at the aide of Charlotte,
brother Lamprecht, I would like to ask the person about the children's room in winter,
please call Cornelius elder brother, Hartmut Orphans I have a question about the
current situation of the hospital. "

When Lamprecht brother and Cornelius elder brother left the room with a look that
would be unavoidable, Hartmut came in with a smile at such a timing as to be
refrained immediately.

"Mr. Rosemain, are you called?"

I told Hartmut lightly about the status of Nikolaus and asked the current situation of
the orphanage and the number of children who will come to pick up when the spring

"There are five people who have been requested so far, it is likely that the second wife
or the third wife's child is more likely to be left behind, as for any child who does not
have magical tools anyone I do not have any contacts. "
"... Well ... Do you think children can be accepted at the orphanage in the children's

In my words Hartmut fell off his orange eye and thought a little.
800 | 2523
"You can do it only if you can accept it, because expenses for their living can be
brought in from a parent or a nobility who purged like a child's room, but unlike
children before baptism they are in a children's room Children who are already
treated as aristocrats, I do not know whether to obediently hear the words of gray
priests or gray shrine maiden, and it seems to be difficult to live with gray clothes. "

I am not looking at the condition of an orphanage after purification with my own eyes.
Children before baptism are not yet aristocrats on the verge, but children in the
children's room are clearly aristocrats.

"Rosemain, Mr. Wilfried wants permission to enter the room."

When I nodded in the voice of Gretier, "I heard that I am planning to start something
from Lamprecht, but what are you planning to do next?" Wilfried comes into the room
After shaking my head, "I realize it seems difficult to realize", I explained all the things
I was considering as if I could move children in the children's room to an orphanage.
Wilfried once breathes out with an amazed face.

"... Because you are poor so you want to hide it from the eyes of the people? But it does
not solve anything in the hidden place. Is not it true that their relatives committed
crimes and committed punishment? You should say not to hide it from your eyes, to
live heartily that you do not have any shame. "

Villefried turned straight forward and said so. My experiences, the gags of the nobles
continue forever. Just a moment, hiding it did not grow anything.

"There is a reason why I want to hide even a little from the perspective of the public,
but Melchior could not go to the children's room during the winter, surrounded by the
aides close to the north and studying alone ? "
"I was saying that."
"What was the state of the child's room where there was no teacher if there was a
teacher at Melchior? Will they be given a satisfying education as a nobility to those
left in the children's room from the spring?"
"It should be arranged by consulting with the mother in charge of the child's room
and not by anyone outside the jurisdiction"

801 | 2523
I took a little bit of my shoulder, being told that I should not take action on others'
work that I was not asked for. It certainly did not think of me but asked the foster
mother how to get up and asked them to do something.

"The other party should consider the individual Nikolaus rather than the entire child's
"Is it Nicolaus?"

If I did not understand the meaning and tilted my head, Wilfried nodded "Oh, that's

"Nicolaus wants to serve as a senior knight apprentice and the hope is to be the first
hope is Rosemain .. I want to join Cornellius and Angelica's companions who are loved
by Bonifaceius and the relationship between Cornelius and Rosemain It seems that
she enjoys goodness. "

I shook my eyes to unexpected words. I do not know such a thing.

"However, Nicolaus was avoided because his mother is different, he said that he could
not talk with Rosemain one time, and he was dismayed when he said he would like to
serve Rosemain for his parents."
"Mr. Villefried, I was not a father, not my father, but my mother Trudeliede, I told him
not to serve Rosemain, who came out of the temple."

Lamprecht brother put a correction together with a sigh, but it seems to be true that
Nicolaus wanted my aides. I have never talked a word with Nicolaus. I looked up to
Cornelius's brother who prohibited contact.

"Brother Cornelius, I did not know that Nicolaus wanted an aide.I have not heard it at
all ... ...."
"Nikolaus is determined to serve Wilfried-sama best, and if Trudeliede likes Virfriit,
who was cherished by Veronica, he will not complain, and Nicolaus will also be a close
friend of the lord's candidate Hope can be fulfilled that I want to become, and since I
have a brother Lamprecht, I can think that we should get along with our brothers. "

Brother Cornelius smiled and said so, Vilfried lightly shook his head, "but it is not
Nicolaus' hope to serve me," he glared at Cornelius.

802 | 2523
"It's a pity that my hope will not come true while I am living a living in a child's
room.But I think that children who have escaped the joints can decide their own lord"
"If you were not the son of Trudelie de, I may have agreed with Wilfried,"

When he said so with Cornellius' obvious smile, he smiled like a brother Lamprecht
was in trouble.

"Dear Vilfried, Tolederide, Rosemain's hands with Ferdinand, cheating Aub Ehrenfest
and becoming an adore, with a very vicious hand sacrificing the former templeor and
planning to guilt Verona 's sin He insisted that he did. "

...... It is correct that Ferdinand used a trap with me and a former temple and Veronica
suicide burned at his own discretion where the adoptive father thrusts his head.

"Because children do not have innocence or do not do anything yet, Rosemain is easy
to accept, but it is unacceptable as an escort knight to make a gap where dangerous
people get close, because even now it is dangerous at the moment "

I had told the older brother Cornelius to go ahead of what I could say. When you see
that the escort knights are nodded together, it seems tough to talk to Nikolaus.

...... I'd like to talk face to face properly.

The next day, one civil servant and one side to the three bells as promised, the escort
knight took them all and the candidate lord of ours continues to leave the north
together. Whether you are wary of various things or not, unlike the conventionally
used conference room, there is a spacious meeting room in the main building that is
close to the north and prepared as a meeting room.
Mr. Adachi, Foster mother, grandfather, Villefried, Charlotte, I, and unlike before,
Melchior and his aides entered instead of Ferdinand, the meeting began.

"There are a lot of reports this time.First of all, Florentia is pregnant. It will be born in
autumn from the end of summer.Since it seems that there are many things that is not
good for a while for now, keep it in mind, I'd like to sort through my work. "

With the words of his adopting father I felt inside the conference room. There are
people who are looking down on their face as if they are puzzled as to what they are
803 | 2523
going to do with the second wife and what to do with the future work, but I have no
confusion in me who was taught about pregnancy ahead of the other. First of all,
congratulations "Congratulations, you are looking forward to autumn."

"Thank you, Rosemain"

As a relief by a foster loose expression, Melchior also celebrated with a happy face.

"Congratulations, mother, can you make my brother or sister?"

"Yes, but keep this confidential for a while."

When I looked around all the members including the aides in the meeting room saying
so, adoptively raised my face as Charlotte had a hard expression on the pregnancy
report and opened his mouth.

"I do not intend to expose my mother to danger, of course I keep it confidential and I
will cooperate as much as I can"
"It will be saved ... ... The later report would like to focus on the purge that was held in
the winter.If you know that it is urgent to restore Ehrenfest?"

A report about the purge of winter is started. With information from Matthias, we
started purging ahead of schedule. I decided to preferentially capture those who know
that they are dedicating to Georgine. Many people suffered self-injury when they came
to the winter house of Gerrach, but that few were registered as Ehrenfest aristocrats.

"My father does not understand the meaning well, does that mean that there were
many people who are not aristocrats of Ehrenfest in the hall of Giebel Gerlach?"
"Yes, there were many people who did not match the magical power of the medals
registered here, there were many dead bodies exactly"

The spirit resembles to the word of a dead body of many people, but I am aware of
those who are not registered as medals.

"People who do not register medals may be eating bunnies." When I first received an
attack by Giebel Gerlach, there is a memory that the eateries were involved. "

The batting soldier was supposed to be used in the raid after visiting Gerrach with the
first raid of the blue priestess apprentice era. Even when Charlotte was being hid, a
couple eaters came.
804 | 2523
"Oh, the soldier who attacked himself at the time of Charlotte's baptismal ceremony
was a person whose location was unknown, it seems that he is definitely the same
"... .... Gibe-Gerlach is also a suicide bomb? Somehow I can not believe it ..."

I looked to the old man that I thrust into the pavilion of Giebel Gerlach. My grandfather
opened his mouth slowly with a difficult face with wrinkles deeply carved between
the eyebrows.

"I did not see the scene of suicide bombings, I just decided that it was a suicide
bombing .... I tried to get in front and thrust with Stap, but there are people who
oppose it if it is rough, but of course It was a room in which a butcher was reluctant
to enter, and when I thrust it was a room where burnt meat lumps scattered. "

It is spoken quietly, but the scourge of the room is so scary that I do not want to
imagine. By the way "I heard that the butler was suffering from the suicide bombing
at the moment when I thrust in" The story was heard while being driven by the urge
to close my ears. While desperately shaking off the bloody sight of a bloody slut in my
mind, while rubbing my arms where goose bumps stand, I hear the continuation of
the old man 's story.

"I checked out the magical power of the arms and legs scattered in the room with
medals registered here, and I examined who was in the room, but there were many
people without magical registration. · For Gerrach, I determined that the ring of the
left hand and the family crest, and the remaining magical power from the medals to
the principal are correct, but I feel that it seems to be misguided very much. "

My intuition as a grandfather's warrior seems to be ringing a warning bell, but he

seems to be unconvinced of "the survival of Giebel-Gerlach" from what I have left on
the site and what I saw with my own eyes.

"Is not there any possibility that Giebel Gerlach left the hand and ran away?"

The old man swung his head loosely to Vilfried 's question.

"Thinking from the smell of the blood of the room and the temperature of the meat
block, it is no doubt that I suddenly fell into the room after suicide bombing.Around
the hall the knight is surrounding and the appearance of the cowgirl is seen Nobility
805 | 2523
escape in the basement where the magical power is eating is a difficult task, and all
exits were watched by commoner soldiers. "

While adopting the words of his grandfather, the adoptive father adds further

"The barrier of the city has raised the alert level to the maximum and we have ordered
that the knight is also placed in the north gate and that the carriage will never pass
even to the soldiers of the commoners. Evil fest from either the beast or the horse-
drawn carriage It is reported that there are no nobles. "

Even if it is all it is, my grandfather seems to be unable to convince the death of Giebel
Gerlach anyhow.

"Because Bonifaceius is not convinced too much, as for those who have confirmed that
they are dedicating themselves to Georgine in response to hearing from Matthias,
execution with the medals has already ended."
"... .... God of the Dark, Are you?

I remembered the execution with medals I saw in Hasse, I asked fearfully. It was a
magician to remember in the Lord Candidate Course that was beaten one after
another by Ferdinand. I blurred ambiguously as I said there were other candidates in
this place, but it seemed to have passed through to my adopted father. I nodded with
a hard face.

"But your adoptive father, is not that magic you can not understand unless you are
under Ave's control?"
"Rosemain, do not use cavals, do not use a carriage, how do you go to other than
"... .... Eh, um ... ... The transition team, or something?"
"Is it not necessary for Abe to be created to create a transitional team that transfers
people? It can not be used for Giebel Gerlach"

The answer that I frantically drew out was rejected by my adopted fellow 's gaze.
Surely when I was taught by Ferdinand, it was said that it was only possible to create
in Aub.

The adoptive father says, "Anyway, Giebel Gerlach is dead, so is not it good?", We will
stop talking about Giebel Gerlach.
806 | 2523
"I am in trouble as to what the current situation is whether there are no aristocrats
who are giving other names.The name devotion is basically done secretly.The person
who caught it based on the information of Matthias seems no mistake Even their
memories will be ambiguous in Trukk, so the investigation of those who are
dedicating is really in trouble. "

There seems to be only guessing from various connections, it seems that we have to
be careful not to cause executions due to false charges.

"Oh, that's right, Rosemain, Wilfried, Charlotte. The Order will borrow someone who
has escaped the joining and who gave their name to them for a while for

It seems necessary for children to be necessary for the investigation of the land
governed by Giebel who was dedicating himself to Georgeene, such as Gerlach, Wirtle,

"After the purge, the Knights headed to the respective summer pavilions for the
investigation, but there were many places that could not be investigated because
there are many doors that can not be opened unless the kiba's husband is a
consanguineous family. If you switch to, you will not be able to use the hidden room
kind completely, so I'd like to investigate the hall before that. "

As I regain magical power in the hidden room of the orphanage headquarters room,
there are several doors that will never open again when Giebe replaces and registers
it, just as the hidden rooms of former orphanage directors will not open again It seems
to be.

"I understand well the circumstances that you must hurry to investigate the museum,
so I will tell Matthias, Laurentz, Muriela to accompany the Order of the Knights and
cooperate, so please never do rough copies Three people are already my aides. "

As I looked at the father who is the head of the knight, I pondered, my father nodded
with a reliable smile.

"Let's say to Rosemain's words, those of the Order Group, of course, we will not
imitate rough copies of Virfriit-sama and Charlotte's aides."

807 | 2523
Immediately after saying that, I will put a tough light in a pale blue eye.

"Instead, please mainly tell me like to cooperate with the investigation of the Order
and not to imitate the concealment of the sins of parents and relatives."

808 | 2523
"From then on, I think that it is very pitifully and miserable as an adult to have to say
such things to others ... ...."

While talking to me, my adoptive father tapped it, and tapped the bundle of wooden
tap with a fingertip.

"Ehrenfest is a subordinate terrain for a long time and there are few adults who know
how to associate the upper ranks.I do not know that, and now I am asked for a way of
getting into a higher rank because of too much ranking There is "

That is what I have been told at the lords. Everything just returned from the House of
Lords, we gathered together and nodded.

"But in Ehrenfest the number of aristocrats has been decreasing due to the effect of
purging and interest has focused on who will be in the vacant position because of the
absence of those captured and the nobility of the nobles It is a state that has begun.The
first thing to summarize domestic affairs is the first vote than the relationship with
other territories. "

Because Giebel · Gerrach and Gieve · Bessel were executed, who was in the next Giebe,
the remaining aristocrats were checking each other, they were dramatic in trying to
get a better position even a little, It seems that it is not in a state to be aimed at.

"I know the efforts of the children.We also understand that the dormitory that is
swaying in the purge was gathered together because it was united in order to raise
the grades in order to raise the rank, For that reason it is impossible for adults to
follow that momentum, so please keep ranking at the House of Lords for a while, or
lower to about ten, which is the consensus of the adults of Ehrenfest "

I could not believe my adopted words, I opened my mouth acutely. As adults strive to
be suitable as a high-ranking territory, I did not expect to be told that "I do not want
you to keep" during that time, but "I want you to lower the rank".

"... ... is the consensus of adults of Ehrenfest lowering the rank?"

809 | 2523
At the House of Lords, I tried hard to divide the team to improve my grades. The face
of everyone who was pleased to be praised by the teacher on the good results of the
lecture appeared. And the way the Ehren Fest enters a group of the upper rank and
how to go out with the surroundings, the appearance of the aides struggling while
fumbling trying by fumble across the mind. I wonder if we have to tell everyone to
lower their rankings.

"Rosemain, who is the intention of the Reisgang aristocracy who is the supporting
base of that one"

My father standing behind the adoptive father said that with a bitter face.

"Leisgang aristocratic ... ....?"

"Ah, the advance brought about by pursuance of the purification by the information
brought by the aristocracy, the Arenzbach nobleman that had been in a major position
was almost wiped out.To bury the enemy forces who had been a longtime dream and
hope I was satisfied with what I was able to do, and it seems that Gibe · Reisegang got
up the stairs that goes far higher. "

I kept an eye on the unexpected words.

"Is your great-grandfather far away?"

"It seems that Rosemain was grateful and satisfied, that God sent for Raisegang, if you
can, I would like Rosemain to become an aub."

I remember the figure of a great-grandfather who was stuck with hatred and hatred
against Ahrensbach and Veronica. It seems that he was relieved a bit because he
promised to talk with Villefried, but was it different? I am feeling somewhat disgusted
that I am told that I am satisfied with purging and that I am told that it is thanks to me,
that I want you to become Aub in my will.

"Oh, Father, what is the relationship between the former Gibe · Reisegang and
Ehrenfest's rank?"

When Villefried said that with a bad face, the adoptive mother fainted a little.

"The confrontation with the former Veronica faction has become easier to resolve,
because the former Gibe · Reisegang rose to a much higher level, there is no need to
raise the ranking to win Ahrensbach, from now on Ehrenfest We must concentrate on
810 | 2523
preparing the inside and as the whole Ehrenfest feels burdens, it seems that the
Lisegang system nobility is thinking that no one is pleased with raising the ranking. "

I have heard that adults can not follow, but I did not think that it was a problem to
raise the ranking to say "no one is pleased".

...... Thinking a lot to raise the ranking, was it all the extra thing that everyone worked
at the lords?

I raised the ranking of Ehrenfest was not for Raisegang separately. Sometimes it was
just right for the goal of putting together inside the dormitory and it was necessary to
keep Ferdinand heading to Ahrensbach undaunted. However, I do not know how to
respond by saying, "I would like you to lower it to about ten, if possible, from the
mouth of the adoptive father who said that" I would like to raise the ranking ".

...... Because Ferdinand is in Retiree as an educator, she told me that Ehrenfest does
not work hard?

"Although extreme, it is only Rosemain who is actively involved only in the upper
ranks and has links with the royal family. If he refrains from saying, it will be
suppressed that Ehrenfest will not raise any further It is told by aristocrats that they
are too conspicuous, they continue to win the best and deepen their friendship with
the royal family.When they stand out any further, there will be unnecessary conflicts
in Ehrenfest about the next Aub Please take good care of your actions. "

Apparently I guess that I had better not try. By the way, I feel that Ferdinand did not
praise me for letting go. Is that because I bothered with Ehrenfest? As soon as that
idea passed, the spectacle that I saw from the podium that I was pleased to be awarded
the best was fading in a blink of an eye.

"Givens who have talked directly tells us that they do not want Aub, but for the nobility
they do not seem to seem to want Aub for that one. You must not be trusted by saying
that there is no other way to show that Rosemain does not intend to aim at action. "

...... That is, in order not to cause strange confusion over Aub, I guess that you better
not see much before the nobles now? Does that mean that I should be better?

Responsibility for work, feelings to work hard, something important goes out a lot. I
would like to close the library so that I do not do anything extra any more.
811 | 2523
"...... That is just right, because the eyes of the nobility will change unless there are no
places where we bring in aristocrats to their factions while giving rewards and
punishment, they were desolated by purging We will arrange Ehrenfest and leave it
to the father-in-law who is Aubu and the older brother Vilfried who is the next Aubu
to take control of aristocrats. "

I am just right as I can not motivate nothing as I want to close at my newly-opened

library or a little near the downtown. I smiled and thought, Wilfried nodded with a
dazzling smile like a looking target.

"Well, I will concentrate on those who govern the confusion of the castle and
aristocracy and I want to be recognized as the next Aub."

... ... Wilfried's older brother told me that everyone at the aristocrats' efforts "there is
no one who will rejoice" Do not you think anything? You told me to lower the rank
you got on the hard work?

I should have heard the same words, why can we have a hopeful smile so far? It is
strange and it can not be helped. While thinking so, I will release what I have.

"As I copied the design of the stage used for spring rituals at the library of the lords,
please use it also for fostering fathers and brothers of Virfriit's brothers"

Wilfried's older brother was pleased that "It will be saved" although I would like to
clean up the projects that are likely to be called by the castle as soon as possible.

"Because I can also focus on the temple and the downtown, I am very saved."

I thought that both sides had benefits, I declared "I will draw you to the temple", but
my adoptive finger swung his head with a troubled face.

"No, I'd like someone to fill in the hole in Florentia."

While wielding Villefried as a fiancée, she wants to assist foster mothers in assisting
the foster mothers while gathering women aristocrats through women's socializing
such as tea ceremonies. To be honest, now that Ferdinand has disappeared, I do not
have anyone I can consult about the service of the temple, so I'm not sure if I can turn
the temple alone with my aides, but I'm in trouble even until my foster's office work
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is desired. Also, now that we do not have to work hard at the lords, we can not do
motivation for a troublesome tea party.

...... To lower the ranking, it might just be enough for me to fail with socializing?

"It is certainly the role that fellow who is a fiancée of Villefriit's brother is responsible,
but is not it better for Charlotte for such socializing and office work? I am the head of
the temple, the orphanage director, the merchants I think that it would be better for
them to emphasize the consolidation of them. "

It can not be said that it is unnecessary to prepare for accepting merchants in other
territories. If you show the state of Ehrenfest's roughness to another merchant, it
should have a big influence on the future territorial relations. As I asserted, the
adoptive father thought for a moment and showed my understanding "Well, that's

...... I can still work hard for everyone in the downtown.

While recalling my promises with my father, I was scratching the motivation to fly and
I glanced at the adoptive father with a face like Virfriit was distracting.

"Father, please do not make a sweet face to Rosemain, and there is no need to rush to
socialize for Rosemain for next year's House of Lords"

Why do you need to rush to socialize in a hurry, although you do not have to worry
about the order of the House of Peers? I concealed the real intention, I inclined my
head like a girl.

"Who will replace Wilfriit's older brother, then with the temple service and
commercial guilds? It's impossible to hold them all in."

I have just taken over the temple service, and the civilian relations still have not
brought up the civil servants who can draw down the intentions of the merchants of
the downtown. Even though there are no civil servants that can be entrusted to
thinking that Justkus is seriously disappointed, it is impossible to have a replacement

813 | 2523
"The temple operation is still a matter that the interaction with the commercial guild
has not been done by civilians before, it is good to leave it to the civil service, it is more
important for the temple to have social experience for the next year's lords. "

Although I managed to adjust the circumstances of aristocrats and the reality of

merchants by intervening and accept the merchants in other territory while
discerning the limit value, why can it be considered to be left to the previous civilian
Of It is obvious that it will be hard to do without thinking about the circumstances of
the commoner.

"Who is the civil servant Wilfried's brother is? It can not respond to the fact that the
ranking of the territory is rising, and the civilian who is doing the same work as before
as it is conscious of the subordinate territory Even even Hartmut who can talk with
the commoner of Shimomachi is still not enough knowledge and experience and it is
difficult to leave negotiations unless I am present but I can entrust the negotiations
on a commercial relationship It is my first impression that such civil servants were
growing up. "

Wilfried said, "If that is excellent, if you want to make it my aides, I could swim our
line of sight. It seems that excellent civilian officials I do not know are growing up.
When I was staring at Wilfried, Charlotte breathed out like a shocked breath "While I
can understand that your older brother wants siblings to have social experience, but
now my sister's opinion I think that is more correct. "

"If socializing with a nobleman woman, I will be substituted, but no one will be
substituted for the role in the temple and the merchant, so I will do for mothers

...... Charlotte is gentle and excellent too! I thought that I should seriously draw over
to the library and the temple.

Charlotte's remarks that he owns socializing of aristocratic women is too dazzling, I

thought that I do not want to work anymore, I can not look directly at Charlotte.

"It is a top priority to have social experience as a nobleman in Charlotte and Rosemain,
even if I look at the report from the House of Lords, it is the most lacking part of the
current Rosemain ..."

814 | 2523
I seemed to have been bothered by the report from the House of Peers My girlfriend's
words, I was struck by a painful spot I gently diverted my line of sight. However,
Charlotte, who was tilted, got a little bit of eyebrows, turned into an unpleasant face,
after watching me and Wilfriit, his adoptive father and foster mother in turn, he gazes
at once.

"I do not think that sister's social experience is the top priority.While your father and
mother are fine and you are as young as new children will be born from now.With
your brother becoming Aub, Have not you got time more than ten years before you
begin socializing your sister as a first wife completely? "

When Charlotte raised his face, he compares Wilfried with his foster parents with a
criminal indigo pupil.

"The work of the temple while my uncle went out, the operation of an orphanage
whose number was increased by purging, negotiations with merchants, advisers in
the printing industry and transportation of Gutenberg .... None of them can work only
by my sister Do not you take charge of work for more than a single adult already?
While denying your elder sister's efforts at the lords, asking for efforts to gain social
experience, burden to fill pregnant mother's hole I think that it is wrong to ask for it


I am very glad that he got angry for me, and the words of Charlotte filled the part that
passed away in various ways earlier and became empty. I felt as if I could bit me with
a gentle and positive feeling filled.

……Yup. I'm going to do a little hard.

Contrary to what makes me happy, on the contrary, everyone in the conference room
looked surprised at Charlotte, a tone of criticism against Arub and his wife as well as
Wilfried. However, Charlotte talks about his opinion with a quiet face.

"It is father who made the mother pregnant, not knowing the second wife who both
seems to support Ehrenfest, while knowing that the inside of Ehrenfest will be a
serious threat by purging? Mother's hole The burden of filling in is not your elder
sister, should not your father owed it? "

815 | 2523
In my case, rather than a consensual marriage of politics, it seems that somehow I can
not avoid being concerned about being a second wife in the circumstances of a
territory though it is a marriage of love, and whatever the circumstances may be Also
when you learn that your baby was able to come up, you hear the impression that "It
was good".
However, Charlotte, which is raised as a living family lord, seems to have
fundamentally different ways of thinking towards the second wife, so that anger and
contempt for the adoptive father who pregnant her foster mother without sacrificing
her second wife I turned the exposed blue eye.

"Hey, my father, what happens to Gresshr's Entwickeln if my mother has a baby?"

According to a close friend from Greschel, it was planned to do this spring, right? "

Entwickeln is a magic requiring a great deal of magical power so that the lords of the
lords are total and the restorative medicine is used and magical power needs to be
put in. Although the scale of the downtown of Greschel is smaller than the downtown
of Ehrenfest, there is no difference that a large amount of magical power is necessary.
I think that it is difficult to do Entwickeln in this spring when Feldinand is gone and a
foster mother gets pregnant and uses magical power for a baby.

"... It's difficult to do in the spring, but in autumn you can do it."
"Since it is not allowed to fail such as using Entwickeln, the nobility of Greschel seems
to be sharp nerve a lot, but I am going to change the schedule and finish preparation
for welcoming the merchant next summer Can you do that? "

I guess he is consulted from an aide from Greschel. Charlotte's eyes are serious about
adoptive words that change the schedule.

"I do not want to see a figure in which my aides are painful, there are people of
Greschel also in my aunt's aides, is it safe to change the schedule of Entwickeln?
Downtown and merchant What do your elder sisters know more about? "

I was stared at Charlotte anxiously, and desperately moved my head, so that I could
meet Charlotte's expectations. Because I have Brunhild at my aides, I often hear about
the situation of Grecher.

...... There is no preparation for welcoming merchants.

816 | 2523
Greschel trained craftworkers at Ehrenfest when incorporating the paper industry
and printing industry. At that time, Gutenberg and artisans are making connections,
and shops dealing with paper and books can be readily prepared by interacting with
the printing association. It seems that they are also negotiating to increase the number
of shops dealing with hair accessories through Gilberta trading with instructions from
However, the accommodation that welcomes the merchant is not definitely enough,
and the downtown remains dirty. To compensate for it, Entwickeln is necessary.

"It seems that the shop is preparing, but it is a problem to construct accommodation
facilities and maintain the town after making the town beautiful.In particular,
accommodation is decorated, securing of human resources and education ... ...
Schedule of Entwickeln It is quite tough if there are changes. "

Charlotte nodded greatly in my words.

"My sister seems to think so too, it took me about two years to prepare my room apart
from the north, picking a professional craftsman and asking for rugs, curtains,
furniture and just arranging But it takes time that much, I can not believe that
Entwickelnon will be in time for the next summer in autumn. "

As Charlotte says, Entwickeln can only do white buildings, there are no doors, window
frames and furniture. Even though I think about it from the experience of making an
Italian restaurant, it takes a lot of time before I make it from a woodworking studio to
make it.

...... I do not need it for as long as two years.

When I was thinking how I could shorten the time somehow, I opened my mouth while
Wilfriit compares Charlotte who is vigorous with a poor foster mother.

"But Charlotte: I have to change my schedule, I can not let mothers participate in
Entwickeln which requires a lot of magical power, it is dangerous."
"I know, my older brother, but I thought that it would not happen like to blame
Greschel because the lord's family changed the schedule, because it is uneasy about
internal circumstances, so it is rebellious against Greschel You should avoid such
things? "

817 | 2523
It is impossible to force unreasonable subjects to Grescher here, and it should not
induce repulsion of Reisegang system. What Charlotte says is justice. Failure to
become apt to fall when working with the way the adoptive father keeps pushing from
the top to the bottom as before keeps in mind.

"In order to not repel the nobility of Reisegang system such as Grechell, please do not
let your father contract with another territory at the lord's conference"

In the words of Charlotte, the adoptive father and his aides became a bitter face. It is
probably because they are asked about the transaction frame of this year at the Lord
Conference and they respond. Although the connection is sought, the condition that I
have to refuse is pretty tough. Especially, Ehrenfest, who is rapidly raising its rank,
wants to walk so as not to buy antipathy from other territory.

...... It is not good for us to keep waiting for acceptance of another territory forever.
Because I'm scared of opposition from other territories.

Now Ehrenfest has to satisfy both the other territory and the aristocracy in the
territory. If this is an adverse effect raising rank, it may be that I have to take

"It is also important to put together aristocrats in the territory, but it is also important
for relations with other territories, is not it?"
"So, I think that it is okay to stay in the direction to make Greschel available in the
summer of next year, so it is necessary for Abo to take the initiative, not to leave it to

It will be a hard thing to try to impose responsibility downwards. It is the lord who
decided to accept merchants in other territories, so the lord should move with
responsibility. Greccel should not be dissatisfied if it becomes a lord's responsibility
even if it fails. My adoptive father and foster mother stared at my remarks.

"What are you suddenly saying, Rosemain !?"

"Are you responsible for Gruchell to Aub Ehrenfest?"
"Yes, we are borrowing from Greschel because we are not enough in the downtown
of Ehrenfest to welcome other merchants.When Aub prepares responsibility for the
facility for Greschel, Charlotte Do not you worry about it? "

818 | 2523
Charlotte is worried about Greschel's failure and its responsibility due to planned
changes, and that the inside of Ehrenfest will shake as a result of repulsion from there.
Then, if Aub accepts full responsibility, I think that most worries disappear.

In my words Charlotte nods and nods, "I am worried that my sister's work will
increase too much" What kind of answer is given to your adoptive father by saying so
cute, Stare at it. The adoptive father who received Charlotte's quiet and strict gaze
became a smart face with "Rosemain ......"

"Because we are going to change the schedule to a large extent, we need Afro's
extraordinary help, so we can not make it in time for Grechel only, but on the premise
that Aub will provide most money and spells and be responsible I think that it is not
impossible. "
"What are you going to do?"

I abandoned the fragile face, and my adoptive father embarked on himself with
interest. I was interested so much, so I started to explain.

"The civilian will make a detailed design drawing for Entwickeln? It is fine just for the
accommodation. Of course, I will copy the design drawing so that I can know the exact
dimensions and then I will do Entwickeln We have ordered separate woodworking
stations for interior decorations such as doors and window frames of each room from
the front. "

...... The exclusive system is in the way to get rid of numbers quickly.

It would be an important system for downtown craftsmen to get work but it is very
troublesome when we want to do big project at a stroke.

"If you have one interior in one workshop, it will be finished if it is about half a year.
If you give a notice to give priority to doors and window frames, install doors and
window frames just after Entwickeln You can do it if you make rewards to the
workshop that made a wonderful interior and let the craftmen's skills compete. "

If you have doors and windows you can arrange the inside during the winter, but
without it there will be snow in and it will be serious.

819 | 2523
"However, since Grochel 's studio alone is not enough, we have to place an order also
for the downtown of Ehrenfest, as well as the workshops of the Giebes around
Grecher, which is why I want Aru to be the responsible person "
"Fufumu ..."

The adoptive dark green eyes shined glitterly. I laugh with my grin on the face I found
a winning number.

"And then, the problem is furniture, but if Aub is responsible, furniture preparation is
very easy"

We also need a woodworking studio, but if I try to arrange everything up to furniture

I will not make it in time for next summer. Because visitors are visiting a supermarket
even among the upper ranks, their eyes are also discerning, so there is a possibility
that they can be laughed at things that are half-baked.

"What are you going to do?"

"How about the owner responsible for the aristocratic owner who was crushed by
purge? Well, how about picking up furniture and turning it to accommodation?
Because the workshop in charge of each room is different, furniture is also per room
I think that there is no problem where the taste is different and we can greatly reduce
the purchase cost of furniture. "

If Aub is not responsible, it is all that you must purchase. If used in an accommodation
facility, it is possible to cut down all the troublesome procedures for lowering the
necessary administrative expenses and other people if leaving furniture.

"Furniture used for accommodation is not a problem after a while, unlike children's
personal items and educational necessities?"

Children who have not escaped from joining will live somewhere in the orphanage,
the children's room of the castle, the dormitory. There is furniture provided, so not
many large furniture will be needed.

"Although it is education of human resources afterwards, I think that I should talk

with the merchants of the downtown and educate those who are planning to work at
the accommodation facilities from Gresche at the accommodations in Ehrenfest."

820 | 2523
Adjustment and movement are serious, but for the downtown of Ehrenfest, the
number of people increases during busy times, and I think that it is not a bad thing for
Grecher to be able to conduct on-the-job training while actually dealing with actual
merchants for about half a year.

"Since coordination with a merchant is my work, you may leave it to me ... ... It is
premised that you will be the responsible person for your adoptive father"
"... OK, I will do it."

The adoptive father nods, the foster mother looks anxiously to compare me with his
adoptive father. Charlotte said, "In the end, your sister's work is not increasing,"
Wilfried pulled her lips and tore.

"Charlotte, thank you for me to worry. But I Watakushi are told to not come out to the
table, I just proposed.'m A father-like to perform"

When I laugh with Fufu', Shall Lotte after watching the little eyes, smiled a happy smile
and a giggle.

...... And, to this basket is drawn to the temple in, it's increase the number of times to
meet with all of downtown. As planned!

There, this until the Melchior had heard still is without remarks cited the back and

"On the sister, is there I can do? I'm also want to help the Ehrenfest"
"...... That's right. In, Melchior does or? Not done a Watakushi of help"
is "Of course. What should be is? "

I laugh and smile in the bright smile of reply.

Honestly, there is little that you can still to Melchior. Since the treatment of magic also
do not practice, to not even magical power supply, it is also difficult to drag someone
round to the ritual. But, It's best to its motivation'll stretch, be less able to be in
Melchior, is a lot that can always be in the entourage who are around.

...... ...... Based on pressing the work of the temple, people who work hard together, we

821 | 2523
"To Melchior have them your study of the temple business. Watakushi would trouble
if it can not serve as a temple length to Melchior until the adult?"

Even more blue priests under the influence of the purge has decreased to, if not have
a stretch from adults and I at the same time close aide temple, Ehrenfest of the temple
to collapse at that point. Successor of the training is a must.

...... I also in order to make time in and out of the library, I.

"Entourage also underwriting the education of Melchior, including"

"Rozemain, it's to feel to become a seed of the future of anxiety, but ......"

but was the father like the troubled face that I have to the education of Melchior,
takeover of the temple business is it that you have to either. Because the human
resources are lacking, it should be effectively utilized.

"Um, do you direct the Melchior like just finished Rozemain like. Baptisms to the

Melchior entourage, although not especially Toshikasa of those who are out in the
face, it does not appear to be reluctant. But, I am not willing to let go of the likely
valuable human resources can be used much trouble in the temple.

"Oh, although the Watakushi grew up in the temple, and the Aubu and adoption in
baptism, because the guardian of the things that was appointed to the temple length
without anything takeover period immediately after. Ferdinand sama who have
supported but, the takeover period I think it is better that there was. no matter how
long, because I do not during the period only about three years until Watakushi to
adult "

my words to Melchior's his and I as a hash I was comparing the entourage. And, I
muttered as small as "three years ......".

"Father, I would like to help on the Rozemain sister in the temple. But there is no thing
in this castle that can still, I also want your role because it is the lord cadet"

adoptive father-like to straight ask of Melchior eventually It broke in.

"It has been found .... Melchior and in his entourage order that towards the temple"
822 | 2523
Toshikasa entourage of Melchior is but was a bitter face, escort knight was found had
become an interesting look. Rozemain formula in addition to the magic compression
of, probably the story from the student aide who also came back from the House of
Lords for the increase of the car has come out.

"Let 's work hard together, Melchior"


823 | 2523
After the lord's clan meeting ended, Melchior only stood up with a bright face. Other
than that everyone stands up with a face that is swallowing something hard to put out.

"Rosemain, is not it a temple work, is not it a temple work, is not it a job of a lord
family clan in the castle? If you hope to leave the temple contrary to Awb's will, I will
help you."

Everyone in the meeting room was touched by the words of his grandfather. The
adoptive father, foster mother, and Wilfried's expression all at once. What is the
meaning of my grandfather 's words? I do not quite understand.

What I was thinking while I was calling my grandfather was whether I could cultivate
civil servants who could interact with merchants in the remaining three years when I
was in the temple, It was that we had to think about how to shave our sidebans, so it
was a real intention that I did not get out of the mouth at once.

"If you help us, please help me to stay in the temple forever, my grandfather"

My adoptive foster, foster mother, Wilfried became expressions that blew away a little
bit of relief in my words, this time the old man made a sturdy face with amazement.
But I do not know why my grandfather is surprised. When I tilted my head, my
grandfather exchanged a little disappointing face.

"What should I do in the shrine above Rosemain sister?"

As soon as I left the conference room, Melchior who understands excitingly the new
role is shining bright blue eyes and asked. I am going to talk about the temple until I
return to the north, while rejoicing to the tense Melchior.

"Let's work from three bells to five bells for a while, based on the life in the castle, it
is quick and convenient to travel with the aides of nearby cavalry. It is to memorize
words of prayers at the shrine's office in the temple and dedicate magical power.The
Melchior is not practicing handling magical powers, so we can not participate in the

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prayer ceremony, but from the autumn harvest festival Let's practice to be able to
participate in the shrine. "

Originally Melchior was practicing magical power supply during the Spring lord
conference and planning to have participation in the harvest festival in the fall, so
whether to do the task of remembering words of prayer in the castle, temple It only
changes whether it is done with.

"It is almost the same as the previous plans to do other than dedicating magical
powers, but it is important for Melchior to come to the temple."

I will teach that there are differences in the protection of the gods gained at the
aristocratic center, depending on the number of prayers and the amount of magical
power dedicated to have the annual aides pleasantly sent out to the temple. It is
known as a matter of course at the House of Peers, but I do not know how much the
aristocrats of the annual volume of the territory knows.

"It was revealed by collaborative research with Dunkel Ferguer that there is a
difference in protection depending on the amount of power to devote to prayer and
dedication Dreveinhel seems to have started research to gain protection efficiently, A
study of the shrine and the harvest amount is planned to be carried out jointly with
the Froebel Tak at the aristocrat of the ladies of the same year.The royal family
participated in the dedication ceremony held at the aristocratic house and attracted
attention to the priesthood.The temple and the divine It was a very worthwhile thing,
I would like to be able to put up my mind that Ehrenfest, a pioneer in research, is most
familiar with the temple and the divine thing "
"...... Ho"

The age-old aides attached to Melchior changed their expression a little. Apparently
it seems that there is not much information flowing to Melchior's aides who have been
away from the north due to the purge. It may be because the aide who is currently in
the House of Lords is currently concentrating on the lower grade so that he can serve
Melchior who entered the House of Lords.

To appeal to Melchior's aides that entering and leaving the temple is never negative,
I will appeal the interest of the temple as hard as possible. If we find that there is
benefit, we will be cooperative in the task of the temple, and the attitude towards the
gray priests in the temple will not be terrible. You should at least be more careful.
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"Does Melchior know that Wilfried's brother, who participated in a prayer ceremony
or a harvest festival, unlike other lord of a candidate lord, gave us protection from
twelve pillars of gods?"
"Yes, I came from a mother who read the report of the House of Peers at dinner, and
my father told me that Rosemain's older sister got a lot more protection.I am also
Rosemain's older sister He told me that he could do his utmost to get a lot of
protection as above. "

……that? Like me?

From the talk of Melchior, it seems that Aru and his wife are pleased that I got a lot of
protection. I felt a bit stuck in the opposite way to the words at the previous meeting.

"If I also participate in a shrine like my older brother or sister, will I get gods'
"Because I am working in a temple, I can get a lot of protection, and I will study
whether I can do rituals to reacquire protection in Ehrenfest's temple"

My aides are praying for reacquisition, but the escort knight of another lord candidate
who does not know about it looks back at the same time with the bat.

"Rosemain, can we re-acquire the gods?"

"I heard that only graduates who participated in collaborative research can perform
ceremonies once again ..."

It seems to have heard the story that there are graduates who were able to increase
protection like Léonore and Lisera.

"I have not tried it yet so I do not know the result, but at first it is planned to study at
my aides already adults.Even if I have gone through the growing season, when I gain
a lot of protection, the consumption of magical power Because it can be suppressed,
more can be done with the same amount of magical power.

The adulted aides closer than the Melchior who will remember the magical
compression from now on growing up will be much better at re-acquiring the
protection. They are generations above the Cornelius elder brother, and when the
Rosemain formula magical compression spreads out, it is a generation that is different
from younger people by magical compression because it has ended its growth period.
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In addition to the magical compression, the discovery of how to gain protection made
us feel the impression that we could make further differences. The eyes shine on the
re-acquisition ritual.

"It depends on prayers and dedication as to whether we can obtain protection.When

we ritual for many times we can not gain protection unless praying or offering
dedication so we are going in and out of the temple and praying My aides may not yet
be difficult to obtain protection for others. "
"Mel Heeol, please take me to the temple by all means"
"No, no I ... ...."

It is a good thing that Melchior's aides came in and out of the temple. I see that the
aides of Charlotte and Wilfried are listening intently as well. I was satisfied and
nodded to the surrounding change, and told Melchior's aides to form a rotation to
come to the temple. No matter how much you want to go to the temple, you must also
participate in the training of the Order. The escort knights should accompany in turn.

"How about Rosemain's aides?"

Hartmut laughed small when the way back came to be lively by the voice of the knight
asking Brother Cornelius how my aides formed a rotation.

"Rosemain, like Mr. Melchior-san's temple, unlike me who could lower down
Ferdinand's room, the preparation is necessary.The advantage of entering and leaving
the temple is also important, but I have not told you that there Mel Heeol-sama will
be in trouble. "
"What kind of preparation is necessary?"

The side of Melchior reacted most. Melchior also looks interesting. It certainly was not
even thought that I was handed over to the orphanage headquarters as it was, or
prepared while I was baptizing in the aristocratic city, but it was hard to come up with
one room.

"If you are a blue priest who is from an intermediate or lower aristocrat, you can
arrange the room so that you can live quickly with the downside of the furniture left
in the temple, but I'm the adopted one of the lords It is the same as I had to customize
my furniture from the Melchior of the lord's family, so it can not be used by someone's
depression "

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"When Mr. Melchior goes to the temple immediately after finishing the feast for
spring, do you?"

My side turned to Mercy's face in my words. There is hardly any day by feasting spring.

"Princess, you can use furniture that is not used now that is managed in the castle,
even if you do not customize everything from scratch.How do you arrange things you
need to prepare immediately?"

As Richard's advice nods as Melchior's side is relieved, she immediately asks for what
you need. I imagined the furniture in my room.

"It is imperative to arrange the kitchen and hire a chef because we will have lunch at
the temple.I need a table, a chair, tableware, etc. A wooden box for putting costumes
or a closet soon After that, I think that you should arrange the bathroom and the
washroom so that you can add the rest, after a while you study at the orphanage hall
or the priest's room room As we do it, office desks will be okay afterwards. "

The side of the face is serious. Even if it says easily in the mouth to help the work of
the temple, it is not easy to prepare the environment for that. We have to select things
that Melchior can use from the furniture in the castle.

"Can you eat lunch with Rosemain sister at the temple?"

"The meals you eat alone are not appetizing, let's eat together, but the chefs will hire
them by themselves."

Since the aides are subjects to be lowered, they can not be eaten together. It is
pleasantly nice to eat rice with Melchior that will be the same as a lord family.
However, in order to respond when there is a visitor, to clarify how to divide the
budget, and to increase the grace of God delivered to the orphanage, it will be a
problem if the chefs are not hired.

"Let's negotiate with the adoptive father and let one of the castle's chefs turn to the
temple.The assistant may call up a gray shrine maiden who is good at cooking and ask
me to introduce it from the meal restaurant I know Also it is important that you lower
your meal to the orphanage as a blue priest, so you will need a chef who will make
meals even when the Lord is away. "

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One thinks that it is easier to take familiar chefs, but in addition to that there is one
person who can stay in the temple, so it will be necessary to hire a cook of the temple,
not a court chef .

"Costumes for rituals are also required before the autumn harvest festival and it is
better to prepare a bed for winter as well. It is very difficult for the dedication
ceremony to return to the castle when the snowstorm is terrible. Therefore "

It is hard for cold weather to ride with the aid of the aides, and the carriage will not
move. To participate in the dedication ceremony, overnight is essential. The least
comfort is that it is easy to arrange the room of the aides if you use the furniture left
by the former priest chief priest and the blue priest.

"It will be quite expensive"

"Well, I have to contact the adoptive father so that I can organize a budget for the
temple, I should have talked to each other at the previous meeting."

When I thought it was a mistake, Hartmut smiled "I'm just fine".

"We need to consult with Aub again about the fact that the number of blue priests has
further decreased due to the effect of purging. It knows that it is unavoidable that blue
priests are taken by the circumstances of their parents' households Although there is
a blue priest who wants to return if possible if there is it "

I heard that the blue priests have decreased, but I did not think it was enough to
administer the operation of the temple. When the blue priesthood decreases, the
magical power dedicated decreases, the number of cooks decreases, and the meal of
the orphanage decreases. But the work per captained blue priest and the gray priest
and gray shrine maiden returned to the orphanage will increase.

"To be honest, the number of people is too low and the magical power to support
Ehrenfest is not enough at all. I rely on Rosemain-sama's magical power to think of
Ehrenfest in the future is not very good From

Hurtmut mutters that it depends on my magical power too much to be troublesome

when I retire from the temple. Hartmut who is looking at the temple with
consciousness as a relay until I become an adult is always thinking about when I quit
the temple.

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Even though I retreat and replace Temple Major for Melchior, the magical power of
the Lord's Clan is magical power to support the foundation's magic. It is also
important to dedicate to the temple, but it is totally overwhelmed if the lords of the
lord make it unclear to supply magical power to the magic of the foundation.

"We are expecting nobility to visit the temple for the purpose of re-acquiring
protection and dedicating magical power, but I do not know what will happen
depending on the research results ..."

While saying that, Hartmut caught a glimpse of the aides who are interested in visiting
the temple. If you think that the effect is not good, you can not count on those who
easily turn over the palm.

"... Hello, Hartmut. What if you treat the children in the children's room as an
apprenticeship for the blue priest? If you live in a nobleman area rather than an
orphanage, using money you received from your parents, a child of a nobleman Will
it be treated as? "

In my proposal, Hartmut shook hands on his chin while blinking orange eyes. As
Hartmut who dismissed about importing it into an orphanage before puts out the
word of disapproval, I will continue further.

"Since you are a child of age who is not in the House of Peers, considering that you can
accumulate the magical power for use at the House of Lords, you will not have much
magical power to offer so much, but it is better to have had more than nothing, I think
that it is great to hide even a little from the severe eyes of ours. "

Hartmut thought with a slightly serious look. The children's room of the castle is also
operated by the budget of Aub and the money collected from their parents' house. I
think that the amount of money does not change much.

"As Rosemain says, the position of the nobility and the blue priest is the same as mine,
so we will draw a line with the children before baptism in the orphanage. I think that
the place that enters and exits the temple and is likely to dedicate magical power to
you is wonderful. "

Hartmut seems to think only about supplementing the magical deficiency, but if it is
possible to call a chef or side to attach to them, it will be a big help as an orphanage

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and they will do their education at an orphanage If so, the children of the orphanage
will also be able to set a goal.

"If you are a blue apprentice, you think you can make a face-to-mouth with Melchior
who visits the temple, so if you are aware of it, you will overshadow them getting
unreasonable sorrow after entering the next child's room and lords. Will it be easy for
Melchior to do? "

While I am in the House of Lords, I can do my best to avoid discrimination as

unreasonable as possible, but I will be in trouble if I graduate.

"I think that it is good to make a path when children in an orphanage can not receive
a baptismal ceremony as a nobleman, and if possible, I would like the blue priests to
be able to self-support without assistance from my parents' home."

Given the way and tasks that blue priests can self-support, the way Dirk and Conrad
can live as blue priests may be opened, and children like konrad may be entrusted to
the temple as well.
When I talked as he came up, Hartmut felt amazingly orange in his eyes.

"Although it seems to have been thought variously, Rosemain who was told not to be
conspicuous as expected, how are you going to convince Aru and his wife?"
"Because it draws to the temple, is not it not noticeable in the aristocratic society of
Ehrenfest now? The acceptance of the children of the children's room at the temple is
to reduce the work of foster mothers by one I think that it will surely be accepted if
proposed by me .... "

Shallotte who was walking tendently until then raised his face when I took hold of the
fist, depending on how he said it would be easy to accept. The face seems to be
enduring somewhat that it seems to cry.

"My sister, as I said at the conference, I think that it is not necessary to increase the
number of jobs anymore."

I laugh a small while saying "Thank you for your concern, Charlotte".

"But it is my task to supplement the reduced blue priests, increase the magical power
that can be used in the temple, and show the goals and future to the children in

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orphanages, and the foster mother If I can reduce the work of one, Charlotte who will
assist me will be a little saved, is not it? "
"Rather, I would like to help my sister ...."

Charlotte says cute things "If you help me, please go to the temple and I will surely
increase the number of dignitaries at the aristocrat next year," advised secretly,
Charlotte smiled a little bit .

"I am going to draw in the temple with full power, but do you not think that it seems
to be the first wife of the future to say that it is raising future Ehrenfest aristocracy?"

When I laughed at the saying, Charlotte shook his eyebrows sadly and got down.

"How can you make me smile like that, how can you reduce my mother's work as you
said such a wonderful word?"

...... Because I am going to draw in the temples and the library with full power.

Although I decided so, Charlotte did not seem to be convinced at all about the content
of the meeting, glaring at the eyebrows and staring at the villefleet who had a difficult

"Your brother seems to have met with your father's opinion, but do not you think
anything about lowering the ranking of Ehrenfest?"

It seems that I was not the only one who was told by Wilfried that I had heard the
same words but he did not seem to feel anything uncomfortable, as he told me
something that would kick everyone's efforts at the aristocrat.
Vilfried, stared at Charlotte, glares at Charlotte with a strong eyes. At the same time, I
and Melchior were also glared.

"I do not think so! Both my father and I ..."

When saying something and swallowing hard, "I have something to give priority over
that," Wilfried quickly returns to his room. Charlotte staring at his back for a while
spat out a bad sigh and waved his head.

832 | 2523
"...... I do not know exactly what my father or elder brother is hiding, but I can not
convince even if it is said that the consensus of Reisegang is absolutely convincing. To
everyone who wants to work hard at the aristocratic society You should say, "

It may have been more or less calm by having decided to draw in temples and
libraries. I learned a little stuck in Charlotte's words.

……that? Leisgang's consensus?

"Is not it so different from your father's words when you came to the dormitory
encouraging students and were talking to royalty and Dunkel Ferger in opposition to
the territory.If you believe in your father I do not know if it is good. "

... Yes, it is completely different.

The feeling of incompatibility felt at the time of talking about acquiring protection
from Melchior comes back. My adoptive behavior is very chaotic. It may have been
something in a short period of time from returning from the House of Peers and

"Charlotte, it may be too early to be disappointed."

"Something ... seems to be missing important information"

Let's increase the ranking. Let's acquire a suitable attitude to the rank. Let's purge
Ehrenfest in one purge by excluding dangerous figures. Is not it like a different person
from the adopted father who said so and the adopted father of the previous meeting.
Besides, it was Wilfried that was most effective in inspiring students at the House of
Lords and putting them together. I can not imagine that the smile that was pleased
that everyone's efforts made an effort and that results were improved.

"Leisgang's consensus ... ... I think there is a key there"

Charlotte turned my eyes to my words. Their eyes of eyes speak eloquently that they
do not want to believe that their families have come up with irreverent words that
will kick their efforts.

"Let's listen carefully in your room. From Lisegang"

"I'm sorry, but I can not invite Gibe Reesegang to the North, my sister"
833 | 2523
"There is no need to invite Gibe Reesegang, is not there a Riesegang nobleman also

I look up to Hartmut and Elder Cornelius who were present as civil servants at the
lord's congregation. He was an adult and he did not go to the lords. I was stuffing it in
the temple at the dedication ceremony, but it should not have been socializing in
winter at all.

"We will gather the aides of the Lisegang system and listen to the story, I want to know
how they think the word that was said to be the consensus of Reisegang from Aubu.
Does the student at the House of Lords acknowledge? Did you know adult aides
beforehand? "

Hartmut who received my eyes gave a smile with Nicoli saying, "Let's go back to the
room soon." I was waiting, I am convinced that there was something behind in the
face of Hartmut that I could say.

"Raisegain is waiting for what Rosemain's choice will make."

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When I return to my room, I call the aides of Reisegang system who was waiting in the
room without attending the conference of the lord's clan, and it is the position to hear
the story. Then, I slowly looked over Richarda, Othelier, Angelica, Hartmut, Brother
Cornelius, Leonore, Brunhild. Ask the aides who had been doing an answering
machine to tell the contents of the lord's meeting and ask.

"Is the word of Aub true by Raisegang's conscience?"

It was Leonore and Brünhildde who were going to the House of Peers who changed
their complexion to the content of the meeting, not involved in socializing.

"Since I have not confirmed such intention, I do not want to mention the consensus of

Leonore expresses discomfort and said it with a distinct tone, but Brünhild looks for
words as if he was in trouble by clouding his complexion.

"As I do not agree with, as I do not agree with, I think it can not be said that he is
consensual, but the big people can not keep up with the rise of the rankings, the
differences in thinking and consciousness among generations are large I have heard
the voice saying that it is becoming worse.If it is said that the consensus of the
generation before the start of rising is not it can not be said that everything is a lie? "

And it seems that the voice that I am more suitable for the next Arub than Wilfried
remained without disappearing in the Raisegang nobleman. The frail body and the
part entering and leaving the temple were uneasy, but as the importance of the temple
and the shrine began to be recognized by the joint research of the aristocrat as being
gradually becoming stronger little by little, that There is no doubt that the voice is
getting bigger.

"Is that right, did you know Richard in advance?"

When I looked up to Richarda who was accompanying the meeting, Richarda grasped
quivering fist with a smiling smile.

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"If I knew in advance, you would not have been driven by the urge to scold Gilvester
in that place, what is it saying that is the consensus of Reisegang? Aub Ehrenfest is like
Ordonants of Gibe It made me feel comfortable to do mimicry. "

I am impressed with the work consciousness of Richard who seems to have mobilized
all reasons so that it will not be prying nevertheless, but I am afraid of the trembling
fist as it is being held.

But ... I did not know the people who went to the lords.

I will move my eyes slowly. As Angelica smiled with his hands on his cheeks as his line
of sight got in line, Angelica smiled as usual, so he slept and stopped his eyes on
Brother Cornelius.

"Did Cornelius know about you?"

"I do not know the details, but there is information that flowed a bit from Lamprecht's
older brother.While excluding major Veronica factions, Velfriet-sama, who was
brought up like Veronica, and the most Veronika school remains in his aides
Therefore, if you want me to infer you as the next AUB, ... it seems that things like
something like tasks were issued from aristocracy of Reisegang system. "

It seems that Wilfriit, who was told not to leak the content to others who started with
me, to rely on himself as a follow up to the next Arub, is secret command.

"My brother has told me something like that I would like to be helped implicitly so as
not to be known to Raisegang. As a result of seeing the conference, Ms. Villefried
wishes to be recognized as the next Aub from Raisegang, I wanted to watch over the
course of what I am dealing with now.What kind of assistance I can not do anything
at all, I do not have any useful aid that I can not do anything at all, and Rosemain is on
stage of the prayer ceremony It was supposed to be enough support by shedding
information. "

Brother Cornelius smiled with Nicolle and said so, but his eyes are not smiling. It
seems that I do not need any further assistance etc.

"Have you not heard anything about the Otiliier who was in the castle forever?"
"Rather, I was asked various questions from aristocrats of the Raisegang family.What
is Rosemain's favorite things, at what times is my emotions disturbed, what I cherish,

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what I protect , What I truncated, etc. I cherish that connection with familiar people,
but I mentioned that there is a capabilityist place "

Yet Otierle tilts his head saying why he declined the ranking as a consensus of
Raisinggang, or he did not know whether he was injecting things like Arub or Wilfried-

"However, Elvira was told variously from the surroundings, I was in trouble for a long
time and I was struggling to respond."

Otirie, who is on good terms with her mother, is also a Florenzia faction. It seems there
is something told at that tea party.

"Florentzia's pregnancy is not yet known to most aristocrats, and that's why, as the
inside of the territory is rough, now the voice that Florentia and Rosemain want to
socialize are for women It is very big between the two, and if you aim to be the first
wife of Ehrenfest, you would like you to emphasize women's socialization more. "
"that is……"

Before I say that there is no time to go there, Otily nods, "I and I know that Elvira is

"I am busy with Ferdinand's not being busy, Rosemain, who has a job related to the
temple operations and the printing industry, says he can not afford to socialize, Elvira
said, but instead of taking the work of the father, the woman It seems that the opinion
that it is better to concentrate on your work is very persistent. "

It seems to me that I am aiming for the upcoming AUBU, as he is releasing female

socialization, concentrating on the printing industry and the temple work, building up
achievements at the aristocrats and temple, which is much more conspicuous than
Wilfried. At least it seems that there is no mind to build Wilfriit as the first wife.

... Well, there is no room for an objection.

When thinking about printing business or dealing with traders with other territories,
moving Gutenberg and trying hard as a performance improvement committee at the
House of Peers, trying to establish Wilfried, as the first wife I have never thought of
trying to keep it from going any further. I feel that I have only margins and efficiencies.
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Both Lutz, Beno, Ferdinand and his adopted father did not tell me "I will give this
achievement to Wilfried" or "I am going to make a man right now, please call a fiancé
at once" in discussion. Even if it is told that "It is obligatory if you become the first
wife," or "The task of the first lady to socialize from the temple and the downtown by
leaving it to man to rebuild the devastated territory" I do not know.

...... In other words, is not that I will not turn to the first wife of Virfriit's older brother?
No, since suitability for romance and marriage was originally low, it may not be just
for Wilfried's older brother, but for anyone's first lady.

"Elvira was quite well told that Ferdinand did not come, Elwira says well that I think
it is a reality, now I give clear reasons and reasons for Aub's decision-making There is
not one who has made Rosemain-san's environment and is able to put a lot of energy
on socializing, has checked each intention and arranged a place to move easily "

Even if each is moving apart, it seems to be seen by the Otieres as Ferdinand, who had
been adjusting, no longer exists, as it is no longer meshing.

"In the past, was there a place where Aub and Rosemain confirmed their intentions,
did not it? ..."
"Unfortunately, Mother, there is no relationship with Ferdinand about that point, this
time Reyesgang's intention is the reason."

I turned towards Hartmut who came out from the middle. When the eyes meet, the
orange eyes laugh with a smile. While narrowing my eyes smiling freshly, I narrowed
my eyes a little.

"Does Hartmut know that Aub is going to say what this will say at this meeting, or is
it right that he knew what he was told?"
"Why do you think so?"

It is equal to the brightness that the happy eyes say "right answer".

"Eyes are wrong ...... Hartmut is a royal family, whether it is a high-ranking area or a
blue priest, when I made a remark that lightly told me, I have a very scary eyes There
is it. "

838 | 2523
Only the expression is a smile that seems fresh looking at first sight, so it is still scary.
But when I came out of the conference room, now and again, Richarda was a normal
face when holding a trembling fist. After such disappointment of my point, Hartmut
has become a serious face all the time and kneels before me.

"My Royal Mr. Rosemain, there is no need to remain lightly disturbed by Aubu who
told me such a terrible thing and Virfriit who follows it, like I raised the aristocrats
together, this swaying Ehrenfest is summarized I hope to raise and tell Raisegang.The
students who have kept themselves so far will also be waiting for Rosemain to stand
up. "

It is a gesture and a strange acting gesture. I do not think that I am serious.

"... When the meeting was over, did you tell Reesegang that he would propose me like
"That's right, the desire of the Lisegang system aristocrat is to eliminate the influence
of Veronica and to make Rosemain sister, who does not draw blood from Veronica, up
to the next auction, now that Aub has truncated his supporting mother, it is perfect It
is considered an opportunity. "

Based on information from the House of Peers, Aub made a forced purge ahead of
schedule. More than half of those who supported Aub were former Veronica schools.
Despite being an aide, there are many people punished. Hartmut says that he tried to
put out all the pus with the momentum to break his feet.

Those who were dedicating to Georgine were executed, those who were dedicating to
Veronica and who committed a crime for convenience are punished one after the
other. The former Veronica faction has been wiped out.
It is Aru and his children who are connected to the remaining veronica. It seems that
extreme people got out loud among the nobles of Reisegang system whether the
Reesegang aristocracy who had been oppressed so far supports them.

"If all the candidate lords are drawing blood of Veronica, we will have given up
Reisegang but there is Rosemain in the lord candidate who can be the next Awb."

It is the daughter of Karstedd and Elvira who drew the blood of the lord from
Bonifatius, taking the best for the third consecutive year, there are many sticks with
the upper rank, and there is also exchange with the royal family. Rosemain, renowned

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as a saint who brings new business to Ehrenfest and produces a new epidemic is right
for Aub.

I knew that the upper part of the Reyesgang system had no intention of becoming Aub,
but in addition to the great-grandfather's will, this time there was a boost like the old

"Why is Rosemain getting pushed into the temple, of course, is the work that must be
done by someone, but of course it's work for a lord of a lord In other words, Wilfried
remains a stainer than Rosemain, Charlotte should be okay. "

Saying that, my grandfather seems to rescue me from the temple. There are other jobs
that are appropriate for the candidate lord. You do not have to do a job that is told
badly in the House of Lords or in the center. As it will be the next AUBU, if you can not
get Wilfriit to serve as the president of the temple, you can set me up for the upcoming
AUB. Because most supporting factions are large and capable, too.

"That's why I want to make Rosemain saved from the temple next Bonifatius who
want to eliminate the blood of Veronica completely, if you can, I'm a mainstream
faction of Reisegang who wants to get an au bot from Lisezgang. Cooperation is a
passive proponent who wishes to cooperate.The competitive demands that the most
magical person should become AUB so make a legitimate choice.The nobility of
Reisegang is not monolithic like this, , Rosemain says to next Aubu. "

Although there are efforts to raise the rank if it is for the Aub who got out of their own
blood line, there seems to be a nobleman that it does not want to strive for Veronica's
blood line.

"What is the most obscure consensus, is not it likely to scatter if you stick a little?"
"Even if the unity seems weak, I do not know from outside, and now, after stopping
my supportive faction in purge, Aub Ehrenfest and Wilfried have few nobles to
support themselves If you are told the consensus of Reesegang, it seems that it seems
to be bigger than necessary. "

There are really few people adopting adoptive father and Wilfried, and in addition to
one's own aide, I want you to become AUBU and it is unlikely that this momentum will
continue, so what problems are you having with Ewenfest as it is? People who dislikes
change, and those who hurt up from the bottom, those who were formerly Veronica

840 | 2523
and who have not escaped the seizure are in a state that is pursuing Villefriit for the
next AUB by the Elimination Act.

"The nobles of Reesegang were suffering, how can I raise Rosemain to Aubu saying
that I do not feel like becoming aub? Eventually I made it between Arub and Rosemain
We cracked and confronted and isolated it.I was disappointed against Aub and I was
rooted in the scenario that Rosemain says to stand up to protect my factions. "

It seems to me that he wanted me to cooperate to save me who is being thrust into the
temple. It is good if you let it out from the temple. I think that I am better for Aub, but
the first lady has no problem. However, it should give education appropriate for it and
to do the work. It is appropriate that Florentia is teaching the first wife 's office, and
not to put it in the temple.

"It is rumored that Rosemain says he is being driven to a state where he can not state
his own intention, Bonifatius, who was asked to watch him overlooking secretly so as
not to oblige him, I acknowledged that I will confirm my intention. "

Because my grandfather is blushing, I heard that he could not make a secret meeting
at this time.

"Of course, it seems that he was also deeply rooted in Aub, I was not taught in detail
as Rosemain's aides, but to feed cracks between Aub and Rosemain like feeding
Raisegang's support It is easy to imagine that it is impossible to refuse the offer of
Raisegang if the support base does not exist in purification and the weakness of
Florentiaia 's pregnancy overlaps. "

It seems that Hartmut is a watcher like the old man. It seems that it was said that the
Arub and Mrs. Wilfried really wanted to take a request of Reesegang, watching
whether they would call me beforehand and do not make a bad coercion.

"On top of that, it was said that to confirm Rosemain's will as an aide.Of course
Rosemain wants Aubu, I can withdraw all the troubles without borrowing the hands
of Reesegang , I will push it up to Aub, do not you want it? "
"Yes, why did Hartmut keep silent?"

When I gazed lightly at Hartmut, Hartmut lift his eyebrows as if it did it.

841 | 2523
"How does Reisegang who has pursued the Veronica fellows do what they are doing
and how they go around and how Aub and their wives and Virfriit move against
Reisegang, how Rosemain says for each of his lords Because there were lots of things
I wanted to check, such as whether they are in a standing position or not. "

As a civilian, how did Hartmut who was observing the meeting quietly behind me
judge and what did he think? As I thought, Brunhild looked very disgustingly and
opened her mouth.

"When Ehrenfest unity has to stand up against another territory, we are trying to force
impossible on Abu, who eliminated the Veronica faction, and to make Rosemain like
Aub at our own convenience Or cracking a lord group that was cooked out, .... What
kind of misbehokings are you doing ... Are you asking Aub for Entwickeln in such
circumstances? "

I did not think there would be embarrassment to be told that he was a nobility of the
Reyesgaing group, and Brünhnhrde shakes her head. In such Burunn Hilde, Hartmut
laughed a little, "Burun Hilde is cleanliness."

"The Veronica faction and the Reisgang factions are the same Ehrenfest aristocracy,
just because we are in the process of exchanging power, no matter what we are doing
the same thing, it is important for them that their status and life By being protected,
we do not want the rise of the ranking of Ehrenfest that the lords of the lord wants
and the efforts that accompany it. "

Hartmut said, looking over at the top just like me and not seeing the surroundings in
Brünhild. In other words, is not that I can not see the surroundings?

"What on earth are you seeing in Hartmut and what are you thinking?"
"I am always thinking only of making Rosemain's wish come true, if it is permissible
to speak of private hope ..."

Haltmut therefore cuts the word. And a bad smile like Ferdinand that I plan a lot.

"I'd like to crush the elderly idioms that can only be considered as common things,
such as Rosemain who should be called the goddess, rather than a saint, to crush the
dolls on the dust."

842 | 2523
...... I said something extreme! Is it?

Before us who had become Pocahn, Hartmut began to talk diligently.

"What Rosemain wants is a book, the paper industry and the printing industry.This
now spreads on the land of Lisegang system Giebe, but because it is a relative, it is just
a result of prioritization.In fact, It was Irukuna that I made. "

Indeed it is not unlikely that the printing industry can be done unless it is a nobility of
Reisegang. As the surroundings said it is important to feed the factions who are
supporting me, I just carried Gutenberg preferentially.

"Aub Ehrenfest who cut back his support base again at purge needs the support and
cooperation of Lisegang, the biggest faction, to put together Ehrenfest, but Rosemain
has the support of Reesegang etc. We do not need it. "
"As expected, I do not think there is anything unnecessary ... ...."

Because Hartmut is so clear that it is too clear, I can not have confidence anyhow and
end up in a questionable form, asking everyone to agree. However, the aides that
should be aristocratic members of Reisegang system are gathered together, and they
have a face to think into. Angelica, probably not thinking anything, has a similar look.

"Even if there is no Reisegang now, there are as many aristocrats in other territories
as they want to hand in the printing industry, Rosemain, who wishes to expand the
printing industry as much as possible to increase the number of books, It is very
important to raise influence over other territory rather than going out with
Raisegang's farce at the festival. "
"To be sure, as Hartmut says, there is absolutely no need for Riesegang's support, as
long as Rosemain is alone."

Look at Hartmut as Léonore admired. I would not admire it, but I also admired that so
I can not say anything to Léonore. Hartmut is well grasped about as scary. That's right.
I just want to spread the printing industry and read more books and live a life.

"Lisegang is silly, blooded, blooded, and if you are the biggest supporter you think that
you can move Rosemain as you want, there is no way that you can move Rosemain as
you want, that degree The old people do not understand. "
"It was said that Ferdinand also had a challenge to move Rosemain like it,"

843 | 2523
I wanted to argue but I can not say anything if it told Brunhildte, "I am struggling at a
tea party." I turned my lips sharp and turned away.

……That's not true. It was easy for Ferdinand to operate.

"The essence of harmony in the place where power was transferred from Reisegang
to Veronica was not changed at all and it was the same as when Veronica returned
power to Raisegang.Aub and Villefried who grew up in such aristocratic society of
Ehrenfest, You can move it in the manner of aristocratic society. "

It will also fit into the tricks of Reisegang and do not question the things that move or
move as you think.

"But I can not understand the idea that such nobles come to the temple because I like
Rosemain very much, I am happy if I can keep drawing in my library forever."

...... So why can not Hartmut who grew up in the same aristocratic society understand
my hopes? I'm afraid that there is something.

"I thought that it was preferable that the lords of the lordship were warmly jumbled
together so as not to see other examples, I'd like to take care of the atmosphere that
Rosemain can smile and I want to take a crack I do not want to put it in isolation or
confrontation. "
"In reality it has become so ... but ..."

Looking at the state of the meeting and exchange between Charlotte and Wilfried, you
can see that the cohesion as before was gone.

"If so, you should set it again. Even if there are enemies in your body, you can settle
again by setting an enemy outside, is not it what Rosemain went to at the lords?"

In order to put together inside the dormitory including old Veronica children, I aimed
to win the other territory instead of factional faction within Ehrenfest. In the same
way, Hartmut says that it would be better to put together the lords.

"There is nothing to do with Raisegang, which is a food storehouse, such as interaction

with other territories or Jurgen Schmidt, so it can be said that it is easy to lower the
ranking. As the ranking has risen, the position and treatment from other territories I

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will not understand how young people strive to raise their rank because they are old
people who have never actually experienced what changes will be made in the future.

Young people are getting a change that is suitable for their efforts because the
rankings have changed, such as friendship, the territory to which marriage can be
connected, correspondence from the surroundings, ease of collection of information,
and so on. While aligning the changes that occurred over the years, "I am relieved, like
letting go of it for the sake of the elderly and returning to the bottom again," Hartmut

"There are many young people who want to kick off the consensus of Raisegang, etc.
even if you can not say it all in Ehrenfest, surrounded by the elderly. Take in them and
make the axis of Aubu who wants to change Ehrenfest Why do not you think?

It is not a faction to assume the enemy. Hartmut says strongly that it is a senior who
does not desire change of Ehrenfest.

I look around everyone on the spot. It is a Lisegang system aristocrat who is here, but
it seems to me that only because I'm curious about raising the ranking as my aides, I
want to kick the conscience of Raisegang.

"There are many people who are interested in raising their abilities, like re-acquiring
protection, even though Mr. Melchior's side looks at the former Veronica, who
Rosemain touched at the House of Lords. I do not think that collecting the young
generation is so difficult, and it will be possible to gather a number to become a single
faction. "

Léonore is a serious face and calculates the number of lower aristocrats who have the
interests and interests of those who benefited from Rosemain formula magical
compression, but are not able to participate.

I saw Cornelius elder brother in the word of Leonore which has no hesitation in
destroying the parent generation. My eyes met, Brother Cornelius smiled quite well.
And I will encourage you with funny eyes of jet black.

"Hey, Rosemain. Although this is an advice as an older brother, how about thinking?
If Raisegang boasts as a food storehouse of Ehrenfest, you can do it in a food cabinet.
A person who produces food in a way is necessary, so treat it as a food warehouse
with the utmost respect and I am surely satisfied. "
845 | 2523
Rather than Oiotosu's because there's also in their own support faction, while lifting
the Leisegang an important food warehouse, the old overlooking the stagnation and
reversal is an invitation that trying to eliminate in the country. Cornelius brother like
also seems to agree with Hartmut.

"Rozemain like, that you could not have you going to be in the next Aubu, after only
yourself to proposed'm can I leave it to Wilfried like. For temple work our busy, their
hands for work of such gentlemen it does not have the "issue

if you do not want to be in the next Aubu, to form a faction gathered the young may
be Makasere to Aubu and Wilfried, and Otirie says. Tatero the Wilfried, I would advise
that it is better not to ignore the voice of the female aristocracy that.

"It's as say the mother, such as summarized Rozemain like. Faction, is not in the need
not Rozemain like the work of the faction"
"I just proposed, it may if throwing to Wilfried like. Next because Aubu, will keep
doing revved up with "

this only if it can be orchestrated is real of incompetence, and muttered was the would
be better that had been ignored.

"I like this troublesome to end soon, let's go back to the early temple as possible.
Reacquisition of your car you not fun. The saint serving Rozemain like you do not have
is important many times is more of achievements related to the gods or "

...... at the last minute outrageous true intention has come!

Systemic forces escapes the real intention of Hartmut. It is considered difficult way is
the is unlikely. To summarize the lords clan, such as crack is on, trying to be proposed
in order to cooperate with the adoptive father like our feet compaction was forced to
liquidate even truncate their own faction.

"I collected the young with ambition and motivation, let's proceed with generational
change of Ehrenfest with full force."

846 | 2523
When asking Richarda to ask his foster visitation request, I exchanged information
with Charlotte, who is supposed to be talking to his aides in his room about
Raisegang's consensus. As there are many Raisegang noblemen in my aides,
Charlotte's aides seemed to have fewer noisens of Reisegang system, and there
seemed to be little information on Raisegang's consensus.

However, the information from the consanguineous family members brought by

foster mothers from Fröbel Tak was abundant and it seems that information entered
that "Vilfriet's life is being targeted by radical nobility". It seems that it will be easier
to set me up for the upcoming AUBU if it does not even wilfried.

When I give information that adoptive father and Wilfried are doing secret tasks from
Reisegang, Charlotte became a terribly worried face as "There is no possibility that
Raisegang is deceived?" .

...... There is information about being targeted, and it is clearly stinky right?

"Perhaps, I think that conditions and pressure that can not be refused are applied, so
I think that the words at the conference are not everyone's true."
"The current situation that we are not told of it feels itchy"

Charlotte who seems to be feeling out of comrade seems to mutter, "Is it because I do
not depend on?"

"Charlotte is very dependable, and it seems that information is hidden because he is

desperately trying to keep it in this unstable situation?"
"If there is no me who can become a flag to raise up with Raisegang, there is no need
to lower the rank by becoming Riesegang's compliance, I think that I am protected by
the adoptive father now."

Information about that Wilfriit is dangerous comes from the foster mothers' aides.
Your adoptive father must also be aware. It is easiest to kill me of former civilians, but
it does not do it and receives the task of Reisegang.

847 | 2523
"So, I will try to support the adoptive father with full power, please do not let Charlotte

I talked about plans to make new factions between foster parents and brothers
Virfriit, centering on young people motivated Charlotte.

"I only propose, but do not you think that you can consolidate your feet under your
adopted fellow if you can successfully capture it?"
"I think that alternation of generations is effective but ... it takes time before the young
generation who gathered to move as a faction of your father will take time and I think
that it is still not enough to suppress Raisegang "

Charlotte makes a judgment that it is a calm face and "It is a good measure to turn
around the current chaotic situation but it is still weak."

"Besides, it is not only for those who called the age to be puzzled by the sudden change
or to feel rebellion, whether they will be treated the same as the old Veronica children
in the dormitories of the lords, Does not your sister's proposal have been rebounded
as to whether the nobility earns by himself? "

My words saying that if you want to know how to compress the magical power, you
should do your best by earning themselves. My words were accepted by intermediate
and lower aristocrats, but senior aristocrats that never earned money had invited
them to repel It seems that Charlotte heard the story from his aides.

"Although senior aristocratic senior high priest senior aristocrats take the initiative
to show examples, the rebound has diminished, but a model for dealing with sudden
changes is necessary, and reaching out to the person who is puzzled as much as
possible I think that is important as well. "

I admired Charlotte's distinctive perspective, which is good at coordinating opinions,

and I asked the opinion on how to think that I think that this change can be accepted
by everyone.

"Perhaps it is best for your father to take the second wife from Reisegang."
"So far, Raisegang has so stabilized its power? So, if you have a second woman who
can flexibly respond to change among the Raiseggan nobility, you feel relieved if you

848 | 2523
are the same as before It will be possible to steadily advance the generation change
while earning time by letting it do. "Is not it the most calmly settled?

As Charlotte said that, he got a little gaze.

"My baby came in, so the easiest means could not be used"

When I think about the influence of magical power for babies for about a year after
giving birth to my parents, my adoptive father can not refrain from my second lady.
Although it is necessary for the second lady to improve the current situation, it is too
late in two years.

"Unlike your sister, I am bound by common sense of the nobility taught so far, flexible
thoughts do not come up, so I can only think of the way to turn up the current
Ehrenfest in the traditional way "

Charlotte said that while smiling with a self-propelled smile, raised his face. And
smiled with Nikoli.

"I will also cooperate so that your father and brother will be able to obtain their own
factions newly"

I talked with Melchior's aides, but I only had information that I already knew. It seems
that I have the information of Reisegang system the most. The most important
concern for Melchior's aides is that it is like a temple, asked variously and tell him to
meet with Aub and talk about budget and permission to use furniture.

It was hardly talked to Wilfried's aides. It is not an exchange of information, "Wilfried

is working hard alone now, so please cooperate as a fiancée" was a point. For the time
being, I told you to make a proposal for making a faction as a fiance, told me to adopt
a father, and said, "I will be in the temple, so please work hard with my adoptive

And the next day Matthias left with the Order to investigate Gibe 's summer pavilion.
There is really no sun if you think to come back by the feast that will last a spring.

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My father did not accompany him to attend his father's escort, but as I promised, when
I went to see my departure off, they said, "They are a close associate who gave a name
to the lord's family. He pushed me to the point.

Despite being busy despite being told to stay away from the north, the day for meeting
with the adoptive father will come. Because I can not come out of the north and the
knight team is decreasing, it is decided that the adoptive father will come to this
bounded place here.

"Bonifatius seems to be with him, is it okay?"

I intended to discuss secrets with my adoptive father, but my grandfather also came
along. Perhaps the monitoring of Raisegang is still continuing.

...... Because his grandfather is also a family of lords, it is best to have you join our

There is no need to oppose another grandfather separately. My grandfather seems to

have taken the proposal of Reisegang, but it came from the worry that she wanted to
rescue me from the temple and it was not a faction that made me absolutely next ave.

"I have to work for Ferdinand, so I will have it in the discussion with Rosemain."

There will not be secret things? As I was asked, I smiled and nodded and encouraged
me to sit down like my adoptive father.

"It is hard to have a grandfather's assistance assistance on behalf of Ferdinand, of

course I do not mind taking a seat at the same place, I will not talk about my
grandfather, I will use magical tools to prevent eavesdropping when I do not want to
be heard. "

I see the adoptive father and the old man sitting in front of myself. Your father is
standing behind the adoptive father as usual. It is strange that my grandfather is in
place instead of Ferdinand.

...... My grandfather has a shoulder width and muscles like Mr. Ferdinand, so I feel
pressure. Somehow the chair looks hard.

850 | 2523
When I recommend eating a bite for tea or sweets for poisoning, the grandfather
seems to be delightfully happy to begin eating sweets saying "It is not the first time to
have tea with Rosemain" It was. During the lodging counseling of the lord conference,
I helped with the office and remembered that I was enjoying the break tea with them.
It is easier for me because the tea ceremony has no physical danger than walking hand
in hand.

"As this year's Lord's Council helps royalty, I can not spend like last year .... If my
grandfather comes to the temple, I can have tea together."

When I invited him to tea together if they came to the temple, my grandfather
murmured as "...... the temple" and became a difficult face. It seems that there is a sense
of objection in the shrine so much.

"In addition to my aides, Melchior's aides will also come and go frequently, perhaps
because I think that it is different from the old temple that the old man knows, so I
will not say forcibly, Please do not miss it once, we welcome you with delicious sweets
and surely Angelica will be delighted. "

It is a difficult face, but my grandfather said "I'll think about". I hope to be able to
compromise conscious little by little.

"Mr. adoptive, it is about the entrance to the temple of Melchior first ...."

I will start talking about the reasons for visiting me first. I explained the preparations
necessary for Melchior to enter the temple and asked me to have a budget.

"Please give me permission to use the furniture in the castle for the furniture that will
be needed as soon as possible so that Melchior will not be bothered by the entrance
and exit of the temple.Please take out one of the cooks from the castle.The assistant
can also call a gray shrine maiden I do not mind having a cook education at an Italian
restaurant. "
"... ... Do you educate cooks in Melchior's kitchen?"

Educated chefs are obviously to use, and it seems that there is no concept of educating
from scratch, the old man rounded the blue eyes. However, the adoptive father
accepts it with a light nod and says "It is so in the kitchen of Rosemain" with the
normal face.

851 | 2523
"The Italian restaurant is a place I'd like to visit once for merchants visiting from other
territories, so if you open an Italian restaurant even in Greschel after Entwickeln,
education for chefs will not make it in time "

Of course I plan to take cook education in my kitchen. Since Ela was saying that he
wanted a child soon, I think that it is good for giving a break as well.

"And then I heard from Charlotte, but children in the children's room seemed to have
been left in the middle for the winter,"
"There was not such a thing, the meal was given properly, the side with the children's
room was done, and if the parents came, we could have met."

My adoptive objection immediately soon, but I shook my head.

"I heard that the teacher headed away from the north where Melchior is located, and
that children's rooms were almost left unused as usual, as there are no parents hiring
tutoring for each person, as it is after this Then education is very uneasy. "

Next to the grandfather who is making the eyes black and white, the adoptive father
urge you ahead as "so".

"I want to keep them in the temple as apprentices of the blue priest and
apprenticeship of the blue shrine maiden."
"What did you say?"
"I wanted to move them to the temple to give them education so that they can
replenish magical power and to keep even a little even from the malice of the noble
aristocrats, which, of course, I will get it from my parents. "

It is not free to take over as a blue priestess, but it should not be a completely bad way
for them either.

"Rosemain, why do the minds break down to the sinners' children so far?"

Asking with a face that my grandfather can not understand.

"My grandfather himself has not committed a crime, I think it is funny to punish
innocent people, and Ehrenfest is short of aristocracy, nothing more than precious
You do not have to bother destroying human resources? Save, nurture, and have them
work for Ehrenfest "
852 | 2523
It is easy to crush, but if I say that it is hard to raise, my grandfather has become a
strange face that can not be said anything.

"Do you calculate?"

"Well, it is a calculation as a lord family, no matter what my surroundings say, I am
nothing like a holy girl, so I do not think that I can save as much as I can without
charge, because I thought that it would benefit Ehrenfest, I have appealed the
abolition of school education and give education to children. "

"By accepting the blue priests apprentices, the number of foster mothers' jobs will be
reduced by one, so Charlotte will be a little saved, is not it?"
"I am fine but ... what does Reesegang say?"

My parents saw the old man with a very troublesome face. For the adoptive father the
grandfather seems to be the window of Reisegang. Although Reesegang does not take
care of everyone by taking over and doing it, I do not know what kind of inquiry is

"It seems that various irrational challenges are being struck to obtain the support and
cooperation of Reisegang.I thank you for taking care of all the troubles caused by me."
"Rosemain, why do you have it !?"

The old man reacted excessively than his adopted father. After watching the adoptive
father, I turn my eyes on my father. Even though I thought about the fact that my
father waved his hand like "It was wrong," probably I completely cut off my contact
with my foster parents, and they were also keeping an eye on the trends of my father
and mother.

"Since the adoption of the adoptive father at that meeting was unclear at that meeting,
I understood what was happening somewhat if I think calmly a bit, so I gathered
information from the aides of Raisegang system. But, do you think that your adoptive
father and villfried older brother have any problems? "

In my words, my adopted father changed his expression as "What?" I turned to a steep

face and glared at my grandfather.

"If I accept the condition, it should have been a promise not to touch the children,
853 | 2523
"... ... I do not even know"

My grandfather was also a bitter face. Apparently there seems to be a situation in

which information is not enough even with this one.

"It seems that Raisinggang had planned to crack the lords of his family, so it is part of
that, if Wilfried's brother really needs to be a task to become the next Aub, Raisegang
will be the next Aub for me Charlotte was worried that there was the possibility that
it was only used to do it. "
"What is that?"

My adoptive father's face turned pale. My grandfather's complexion is also bad. There
seems to be a discrepancy with the information of Reesegang that we have.

"Does Rosemain, Wilfriit not tell the dangers of the problem?"

"There may be something in my assignment that I behave as my first wife, I was told
only to cooperate as a fiancé, I am under the auspices of Reisegang I am probably a
potential enemy. "

I think that I can not help it, but my grandfather began to be angry with saying,
"Although being a fiancé, treating Rosemain like an enemy!" Looking at it, I raise my
eyebrow a little.

"Oh, but for us old man who is told to watch the trends of my adoptive father and my
father from Reisegang, are we like enemies? I have been scared of your old
grandfather since I returned from the lords. I am facing you. "
"Well, there is not such a thing! Are you scared? Are not you afraid?"

I hold down my face with my grandfather hurried. As I looked at it, my adoptive fool
laughed out as I could relieve the tension. The atmosphere got loose at once, I am also
hung up and laugh.

"I am not scared anymore. My grandfather was only worried about me, is he a friend?"
"No wonder"
"Then, since your adoptive father does not even bully me, please do not make a scary

854 | 2523
After smiling at my grandfather nodding with a subtle faces, I moved my eyes to my
adoptive father.

"Because I just heard from Hartmut, I do not know whether it is true or not, I was told
that it is better to not do things like getting stuck in meetings, though I thought it was
unnecessary ..."
"It's not unnecessary, it's saved, now that information is overwhelmingly lacking as
Ferdinand is gone,"

While adopting the smiling face, the adoptive finger swung his head. Until now,
Ferdinand has scrutinized the information of Justoks, delivered instructions to turn
around to some extent. It seems that I am out of trouble and I am seriously troubled.

"Hartmut was well acquainted with that information"

"Because I was studying with Justozk in the temple, I do not get information that
covers everything like Justkus yet, but I will accommodate it if it's Riesegang

When I talked to my adoptive father, I saw me with a serious face.

"Rosemain, why can not you trust Zilvester so far, do not you think there is a
possibility that Jill Vester may be deceived?"
"If you are really bad, you will kill me to avoid taking care of Raiségang, and if I resolve
adoption, I will become a senior aristocrat and will never be seen as the next Awb. To
him, his adoptive roaring groan with challenges to gain the support of Reisegang. "

I do not have Ferdinand Now, I do not think that I can not easily kill or resolve
adoption, because magical power is overwhelmingly shortage when I go out of the
lord family, I do not have a way to drop me from the lords It does not mean that.

"The adoptive father escapes with a variety of reasons, complains about trying to be
troublesome, and as it was pointed out by Charlotte, there are places of imbecility
such as causing a foster mother to become pregnant, I think that it is protected
properly in important places, so I will cooperate. "
"... Rosemain"
"Is not Raisegang who is spreading discord with Ehrenfest more disappointing than
saying that I am behind my back?"

855 | 2523
As I said so, I brought the main subject of today. It is a generation change plan to kill
Raisegang's consensus.

"It is natural that some people do not like sudden changes, but it is also an instruction
from Tsento that Ehrenfest acquires the appropriate behavior as a higher rank."

You are as good as a royal guy, are not you? Speaking of, the adoptive father laughed
and grinned as he said "Well, I see so".

"So, how about sharing roles within the territory?"

"Is it a role sharing?"
"Yes, my grandfather, there is not much change in Gibe's work which governs rural
areas, etc. So we will leave the work of Giebe, who was emptied in this purge, to the
conservative one Gibe Gerlach And Gibe Wirtle were those who got into the confusion
of Ehrenfest as they dedicated themselves to Georgine but there was no problem with
the army of governance and the amount of harvest was also good. "

I came back from the harvest festival and reported to Aub, I also know about the yield
of each place. There was no problem with their skill of managing the territory.

"So, newly dispatched Giebes will follow their way as they are, so that they can work
in the same environment so as not to confuse farmers and underworkers. I think that
it is best to go to those who know well that you can not cope with changes. "

My adoptive father laughed so that my proposal would be interesting.

"Well, it is a failure to make a new job.When it would be tough if Givet's job was not
fit, I will look at the situation for about three years as an examination period before
becoming an official Giebe. When the candidate listens at the prayer ceremony and
harvest festival, he talks to the farmer and the workers of the cheapest and he is well
governed, he will be appointed as an official giebe three years later. "

If I make a period of wait - and - see, I will work desperately whether I will be officially
adopted, and my muttering father mutters that he will not imitate the people of the
land unreasonably.

"And let us put those who are ecstatic, those who can flexibly adopt change flexibly,
regardless of the faction"
"Regardless of factions!"
856 | 2523
It is surprising that my proposal is surprised. I did not mean to say such strange
things, but it seems that the difference in the way of thinking with ordinary nobility
was highlighted. If you understand why you asked why, Ferdinand and your adoptive
father who had accepted it might have changed.

"Whoever punished and committed a crime has already been punished or kept away,
is not it like an old Veronica school, even though it is not equal to not being able to
work with a competent and motivated person There is no human resources to spare
on Ehrenfest. "

In addition to the proposal that I discussed with Akari near the room like that, I will
explain points pointed out by Charlotte.

"It's a good way to turn around the chaotic situation now but it's still weak, Charlotte
is watching closely."
"Well, I also said that it would be most peaceful and welcoming to pick up the second
wife from Reisengang, leaving the first wife to socialize with other territory, and the
second wife to have her There is something that overlaps with the words of Dunkel
Ferger who told you to put together the aristocracy. "

My adoptive face fell a little sunk into my words.

"Can you forgive me, Aub Ehrenfest?"

Brunehirde advanced one step forward among the aides that had quietly stopped.
There was a candy colored eyes that decided in tense face. I look at Burunhilde who
seems to be prepared for resolution and give permission that my adoptive father

"I am sorry"

Brunhild is slowly walking and moves to the front of his adoptive father. Then, I
kneeled, I crossed both arms.

"I am Brühn Hilde, the daughter of Gieb-Grechell, I am about to finish my fifth grader
at the House of Lords"
"The side who took the talented person"

857 | 2523
Brute Hilde nodded "I am honored to praise" when the adoptive father struck a match,
who was watching the situation of opposition to the territory and the awards
ceremony. And, I look straight at the adoptive father.

"Would you please attach me to the position of the second wife of Aub?"

858 | 2523
Shin and the place got quiet on the remark of Brunhild. Everyone on the spot looked
at surprises with astonishment and looked at the kneeling Brunhild. My thinking
circuit does not follow my remarks on the bed ear.

... .... The second wife of Aub? Who's who? Brunehild is your adoptive father! Is it?

At the moment when words and floating words were connected to the thought circuit
which turned white, a great confusion came down this time. Rises from the chair and
approaches one step Brunhild.

"Wait, wait, please wait! Brunhild, calm down and take a deep breath ... be sure ... ...."
"I must calm down, it is the one that needs a deep breath"

The adoptive father who became a shaky face stood up, stood next to me around the
table. And, "Hey, take a deep breath" and lightly shoulder the shoulder.

"Hee hee hee ... ... Hijiko ... ...."

"What is it?"
"I left my mouth without permission.What are you saying?"
"Unfortunately I do not understand at all. Calm down."

Look alternately with the adoptive father who seems to have nothing to do with
Burunhilde's bomb remarks and the grandfather who seems to be orchestrated while
watching me confused.

"Oh, oh, I do not know how to calm down, my grandfather"

"I understand that feeling well, Rosemain"

When two people were going to be prying, the Rizerator came quietly as "I am rude"
and took out Suzumur's stuffed animal.

"Do not disturb, fool, breathe in"

As a reflection on the voice of Ferdinand, I refreshed I breathed. I sucked a lot. I did

not say "breathe out", so I sucked further. No matter how hard I tried, the lung was

859 | 2523
filled with air to the extent that I could not suck any more. I got stuck with pain and I
got a breath.

"How far do you want to smoke, Ferdinand !?"

When I stared at the plush stuffed with Syamir with watery eyes, the Risaizer laughed

"Rosemain seems to have remembered how to take a deep breath, which is more than
anything, please remember the living behavior as a lady this time"

Rijseka activates the magical tool while holding a stuffed toy of Sumil. With a voice of
Ferdinand to the pretty Schmir, "It is still a candidate for a lord, it is deplorable," I was
thrown back to the chair and restarted.

"I am OK, I calmed down, let us continue the story"

"Hmm, it's an amazing effect, well done, go down."
"I am sorry"

As the adoptive father worked hard on the reformer's movements, he returned to his
seat and moved my eyes to Brünhild.

"From the perspective of Rosemain it is obvious that we have not consulted a single
word mainly."
"Yes, I have not consulted the Lord Rosemain and my father, and Florentia and other
lordlist candidates do not know it."

Brunehilde quietly said so. He adopted Pikri and eyebrows, but let him continue
talking to Brünhild.

"Even if the awareness is thin to himself, Rosemain is in a position to be able to

influence Reesegang.The father who is Gibe / Greschel has influence in the nobility of
Reisegang system.As a result of consultation, I To the second wife of the second wife,
if the story is brought officially, it will be difficult to refuse to the current Arub, so to
treat it as a ploy in this scene, in order for Aub to not listen, my It must be dogmatic. "

Brühn Hilde said that he wanted to take the form of a story that had nothing to do
with the will of the nobility of the Reisegang system.

860 | 2523
"Besides, I do not think that the second wife is pushed to the surroundings, but I think
that Aub needs to choose the people necessary for the future of Ehrenfest.Rosemain
and Villefriet's engagement are for the territory I heard that Aubu was decided, so if
it is necessary for the territory, I will also choose to challenge His own second wife. "

As the idea of a candy colored eyes that is looking straight, the adoptive father faces
down first. And slowly directed the dark green eyes to Brunhild.

"Let's listen"
"I am sorry"

Brunhild is kneeling and starts to explain with a calm appearance.

"Although I did not know until I got the opinion of Mr. Charlotte and got the
information of Raisegang aggressively I did not know but Raisegang is a lord of the
family who emphasizes the relationship with the upper rank of the territory rather
than connecting with the aristocratic family after purging It seems that I feel quite a
sense of crisis in the way of thinking that whether Rosemain is really the first wife in
marriage with Virfriit is questioned. "

From such a situation, the voice of "Rosemain is not next to Villefried, next Arub" is
rekindled or the feeling that "the first wife of the upper rank is unnecessary" becomes
stronger, "I have to take a break from the upper territory If it is, there is no need to
raise the ranking, "he said.

"Lisegang is a nobleman who has strengthened his association with Aub by

marriage.Alb gets his second wife from Reisegang and shows the attitude to respect
them and the majority of anxiety will disappear."

...... I gathered such information during the time since I exchanged information with
Charlotte. A close aide of Mr. Maji.

It seems that Hartmut is not the only one with high ability to collect information. Or
is it easy to take because it is the information of the Lisegang system nobleman?

"The second wife is a big concern for the future of the territory and I am aware that it
is essentially a necessary case to have sufficient care to speak to Aub this way.I will
also advice in this way Although I did not plan to do it, I did not see it indeed, as it is a
gimmicky after judging that it is a situation of conflict. "
861 | 2523
Brunhild looks at his adoptive attention to his adoptive father and his surroundings. I
could not understand the meaning of the expression and tilted my head.

"What does it mean to compete for a moment?"

"... .... Perhaps Aub punishes most of His own aide by purge, unless you share Florentia
and your aides, you can not even leave the north. In such a situation Aubu, of course
Does not it have an influence on Florentia's office, too? "

I do not remember all the faces of his adopted father, etc. I was amazed at the surprise
and saw the circumference of his adoptive father.

"At the conference of the lord of the lord, knowing the workload of each lord's
candidate student, it was necessary for Rosemain sama-sama to fill in with Rosemain-
sama's reason not to call on Charlotte, but for Rosemain-sama's help. I thought that it
was not, but how about you? "

If I assist the foster mother, it will make it easier for lisa gang aristocrats to enter.
Brühnhild pointed out that it might have been wanted to cooperate with Reesegang.
The adoptive father does not answer anything simply by lifting his lips. But, because
it was not denied, Brunhild's words are correct.

"Even though the current situation that Riesinggung's information is relying on Mr.
Bonifatius, it is right now that Aub is required to support Raisegang, but given the
circumstances of Florentia, for about two years the second Mrs. It is difficult to pick
you up. "

...... Wow, it's just like eight bars.

"But, as you can see, as I see it, if you establish a one-year engagement period after
graduating from the aristocracy, the ceremony of star-knotting will be two years at
any time, even though Florentia-sama's pregnancy The period of influence on birth is
over. "

Brunhild's candy's eyes are shining with intense light.

"By remarking that Aub welcomes the second wife from Reisegang, most of Lisegang
will be able to resolve the anxiety as time goes the same way as it has been before.This
862 | 2523
is Veronica's home family, the most conflicting Perhaps it is bigger for Raisegang than
Aub thinks about, as the meaning of the violent Gusheru's daughter. "

After saying that, "If there are fiancées, it will be easier to refuse applications for gifts
from other territories at the lord's conference," Burun Hilde smiled. It is only because
I know that the affair with other territories is not a passion for me as my aide and I
know that I was bothering my head.

"Even if Mr. Rosemain is left in the temple, it is possible to stand on the brunt of
negotiations with Raisegang because I am a side worker, because I spend most of the
time in the castle.What above, because it is originally the same faction as Florentia
and Mr. Florentia I will not conflict even if I assist you, and I can fill the hole of
Florentia, cooperating with Charlotte. "

Bruton Hilde stretches his heart, socializing while cooperating with Charlotte at the
House of Lords.

"I was primarily in the preparation and entertainment of tea ceremonies and
meetings with the royal family and the upper rank in the lords. There is a pride that it
is a lot of social experience with the upper rank in Ehrenfest.Ave 's engagement If I
am in the position of a person, I think that it will be possible to educate the students
while cooperating with Charlotte. "

It is difficult for the aides of the lords to adopt the adults, including the aides of the
awes and wives. However, if it becomes the second wife who will assist the first wife,
it will be possible. It will be easy to raise the side which communicates my experience
and can interact with the upper ranks.

"If you pursue generation alternation suggesting Rosemain like this as soon as filling
the hole like Florentia like this, it will not be difficult to appoint those of the former
Veronica, so appoint a former Veronica faction If things to do increase, it will be
possible to return the aides who had to choose to keep away from them. "

In the words of Brünhild the adoptor narrowed his eyes only a little. Open your mouth
while staring at Blynhilde.

"I know that I am surrounding more often than I expected and I know that I am
thinking about various things, but like to like my second wife ..."

863 | 2523
"That's right! Because Brunhild is talented, clever and competent, it is unusual to
become a second lady of a foster parents! Brühn Hilde is cooler than his foster

I hear a voice that is desperately smiling in the surroundings, "Oi, Rosemain" and the
adoptive father draws his mouth all the time. But it is a fact.

"Because even a foster parents have foster mothers, I like foster mothers the most, I
do not want to see other women, and I said that I do not want to worry about the
second wife, Whether you are married to such a gentleman, I can not see the future
where Brühnhild can be happy, I do not want it. "

As I got married very much, when I complained that I wanted to marry someone who
would be more affectionate with me, Brühnhild made my eyes round.

"So why did Rosemain accept the engagement with Virfriit-sama, because you thought
Wilfried would love me with love?"
"No. Because I wanted a position where I could freely make the library of Ehrenfest
and the temple library, I thought it was the best to advance the printing industry"
"In other words, affection has nothing to do with marriage,"

...... Ha! Certainly my affection is not suitable for anything other than books! Is it?

Rather than letting out the real intention, I need a better word as a friend already
engaged. In order to repair the failure I desperately seek words.

"Oh, oh, but unlike Brunehild and the adoptive father, there is a loose relationship
between me and my brother Wilfried as a gentle family love, that relationship can be
continued , I promised with Ferdinand and Giebe · Reisegang, so I do not think they
will be given a cold treatment.

Brunhild was a very subtle face in words I desperately strangled, and his adoptive
faces became frown.

"Rosemain, is that why do you feel stupid enough to take a cold shoulder to a second
lady with Gibe Greschel's daughter?"
"Well, uh, I think I will do my best as an aleb."
"What is it?"

864 | 2523
Push your cheeks up with your adoptive adoptive father. When my pain hurts to the
ground and I asked for help saying "My grandfather, please help me," my grandfather
"Fu!!" Immediately paid away my adoptive father's hand.

"Go ahead! Add up and subtract!"

"Father-in-law ...... I heard a terrible sound, but do you need healing?"
"No, it's better. Even so, their aides swallowed everything and they seemed to want
the second wife, but is it okay for them to stand in the opposite position?"

Asked if I would stand against Brunhild's determination, I will look to Brunhild.

Brunehilde gave a nice smile with a nice smile.

"Mr. Rosemain, I wanted to make a trendy outing, I hoped Rosemain's aides, I am

pleased that my hope has come true, from now on as a second lady through Florentia
and Rosemain I want to disseminate a fashion, and I also want to challenge creating
trends as a family lord. "

Brunhild 's hopeful face was not the face of those who would be the victims to hold
down the Raisegaen aristocrats. Rather, I have found a great opportunity, so it is the
face of ambitious people trying to make my wish to the utmost.

...... Brunhild is too cool.

"If I become the second wife, Rosemain will be able to undertake socialization in the
territory, there is no need for Rosemain to memorize traditional socializing.Will
arrange the territory, Virfriit-sama and Rosemain as Aleb and Ale I want to prevent
inconvenience when governing the fest. "
"It's a guidebook of the aides, I appreciate it, I appreciate the second wife of Gilvester"

...... He liked his grandfather, huh?

With a blink of an eye, my grandfather was sitting in a good mood in a good mood, and
began to drink tea gently. Bruhn Hilde stares at me still and waits for my remarks
whether to agree or disagree.

"I think that Brunhild's determination is best for Ehrenfest, but I do not want Brunhild
to quit his aides."

Brunehilde smiled a little to my remark.

865 | 2523
"Please do not be a Rosemain-sama's side until graduating from the House of Peers,
then it is supposed that you quit your job for marriage?"
"That's right, but ...."
"I will educate Bertilde and Gretier so that Rosemain will not be in trouble."

Since the woman got married and quit, I was told by the adoptive father to raise a new
person and to take in the generation who finished child rearing. Looking around the
age of old aides, I feel a little sad.
His father, who was watching such interaction, sprang slowly and opened his mouth.

"If Brunhild, who was going to greet his son-in-law, what is Gresshel going to do with
the debt?"
"There is a younger sister, rather than greeting the son-in-now, it is better for me to
have Bertilde's excellent son-in-law as a second lady and prepare Greschel as a
trading city for Greschel It will be ... ... Because it seems that a second boy has been
made to the second wife, we are also considering giving her a hand over there. "

It seems that Brünhild was planning to welcome an excellent man who originally had
support for Greschel. However, sacrifice is difficult if Entwickeln is not successful.
There are few excellent people who will come to places where you do not know
whether the change will succeed or not.

Especially, as the entrepreneur 's schedule has been changed due to foster mothers'
pregnancy and the plan has changed, Brunehilde thinks it is more important to focus
on the success of Entwickeln as a second wife than to son - in - law It seems to be.
If it is said that Aub is doing the maintenance of the city led, "Gibe Grechell may be
rebellious," he says, "Do you despise themselves?" But if Brunhild is in between, things
will move quite smoothly.

"I do have a reasoning and a reason for myself, I do not want to get the grace of Aubu,
I would like the position of the second wife to maximize my abilities as a member to
support Ehrenfest"

Presentation by Brunhild was over.

With confident face with confidence, "I do not mind even if you truncate my
girlfriend's speech, so it moved with my own duty for that," Brühn Hilde said.
The adoptive father laughs and starts rising. He stood in front of Brunhild and
extended his hand.
866 | 2523
"I've received my spirit, apply for an opportunity to Gieb and Greschel, so that you can
prepare costumes and magic stones that you can go up to the stage with a feast for
"I am sorry"

Bruhn Hilde took the hand with a smile with victory. Crimson hairstyle slips on his

... ... Huh, is Brune Hilde the second lady's father-in-law?

It is what Brunhild was wanting and I know what is best for Ehrenfest. However, it is
hard for me to bless a few for a moment. After all it seems that the second wife does
not adapt to my feeling. It seems like "Because it is such a culture" for the reason to
hear the story, and there is not much resistance, but when a familiar person becomes
the second wife, it becomes slightly subtle feelings.

...... Besides, there is a first wife who is beloved.

It is natural world that you can decide by your father, you can win marriage as you
wanted, so if you look only on that side it is a big victory of Brunhild.

"... Mum? Ordonants?"

The old man who was eating sweets muttered so as to glare outside the window.
Everyone turned to the window all at once, but I can not see Shadow and Shape of

"My wife, where are you?"

"... ... I should see you soon."

As my grandfather said, after 10 seconds I began to see the shape of Aldonants.

Aldonants came into this room while being amazed at the amazing sight. And I get
down to your father 's arms.

"Head of the knight, reported from Gerrach"

Everyone changes their complexion all at once to look at Ordnants. The Order with
Matthias should be headed for Gerrach for investigation. I wonder what happened.
867 | 2523
"While confirming the numbers of hidden rooms, the son of Gerrach told us the
possibility of surviving Gibe. Please come to the site as soon as possible."

It is the old man who first got up. I look eyes with my adoptive father and noddle.

"I will leave Karstead here and I will focus on incorporating Raisegang."
"Well ... I will not be disappointed this time, only take what I take"

My grandfather said so, jumped out of the room with his aides.

"Mr. Masato, Mr. Adoptive Parent, ... ...."

"We will have Bonifatius help you, Karstedd, return."

My father, who seems to have jumped out yet, grasps the fist and nods in his adopted
words. My adoptive father looked down at me and hit the forehead with a patch.

"Rosemain, my aides are doing it, I know that the mind is in a hurry, there is no longer
Ferdinand who has been looking after everyone else. Please act in mind that there is
not. "

With respect to each other, they left a room as quickly as they left behaving as if they
were acting in the same way as before.

868 | 2523
"Is Brühnhild, is it okay to prepare costumes and magic stones? Is not there almost no
time? Can you make it from now?"

I asked while looking at the door from which my adopting father came out. Even
among the students who come back from the House of Lords, I came back first, so
there are days to spending the spring before usual, but there should not be such a

"It is difficult to tailor a new costume to a sudden offer and it will also be disturbed as
to when we were preparing, so we revisit the costume a bit to make it gorgeous now
I think that the extent to which it is good is good.The manastone is managed by
Rosemain-sama's because good quality material is available, so it will manage
somehow. "

In fact it is better to start making magic stones even sooner but the adoptive father
told us about talking to Gieb-Grechell. We did not know from Brunhilde, but we do not
know until we have talked to Gieb-Grechell in order to make our adoptive movements
appear to be voluntary. Called from my parents' house, surprised by sudden talks,
Brünhild will prepare.

"I think that you will return to your parents house if called out by your father."
"I understand, because I can not get out of the north, I can not call the Plantin shop to
a castle that was deceived like a customer is being punished severely, so stay away
leisurely until spring feast It is getting ready, Brühn Hilde in peace. "

While nodding in my words Otirie and the Liselaer smiled so as to reassure Brunhild,
and when Gratia declared that "I will try hard", Richarda got a step ahead with a rigid
look that I thought a little.

"Princess, I have a hard time, please fold in and have a wish."

"If you can do it, I would like to return to Mr. Zilvester."

869 | 2523
Richarda is the leader's side that the adoptive father gave me to support me who
became a lady of the lord. He supported me who was not used to living as a nobleman,
and initially educated a small number of aides.

"The principals of the princess now are full of aides of Raisegang and there are many
aides of the former Veronica who are dedicating their names, and the number of
people is enough, I think that everyone served well, it is very well organized So, I'd
like to return under Gilvester who is in trouble so much that the couple must share
their aides. "
"I understand the feeling that Richarda is concerned about the adoptive father,
because it is really troubled that there is no trustworthy aide"

The living of the lord's family is the necessity to leave all the aides to the living, the
office and the escort. You do not want to live yourself if you want to do it yourself, you
can understand well that I am annoyed by embarrassing the aides who move without
permission. In other words, without a trustworthy aide, life will not go on. I think that
it will be very troublesome if more than half of my aides cease to exist.

"Also, if Burunn Hilde is the second wife, it is better to have someone who can stand
up with Florentia, and Brühn Hilde is more secure if someone who knows how to be
with Ave and his wife You can do it. "
"Richarda's thoughtfulness is appreciated, and I am saved, but if two people also get
out of hand at once, does not Rosemain get in trouble?"

Brunehilde said that while comparing me with Richarda. While looking around the
servants, I think only a little.

"Otili and Rieselter are enough for the side of the castle so the princess is now in the
temple.The gray tier is not enough education in the castle yet it will be learned soon
as it is excellent.In British hospital Brunhild is on the side It will be attached to you,
and Bertilde is going to come nearby, so it seems there is nothing less troubling than
the Arub and Mrs. "
"As Richarda says, my aides are raisegang aristocrats and there are also old Veronica
school kids who gave me a name, so it seems they will not be in trouble."

Wilfried did not completely replace the earlier side, so old Veronica schools would
have remained, but I do not know how they got it. Melheol was supposed to have
chosen an aide to stay at the lords at the same time in the winter 's room in this winter,

870 | 2523
but it was quarantined. There are only three adult aides chosen by parents and around
the age that can be taught as high school age when entering the House of Peers.

Do you think that it is me and Charlotte that have the most stable associates among
the lords? I think that it is less burdensome to return Richarda in any direction than
to change the aide of Charlotte who is most likely to spend at the castle and decide to
assist the foster mother.

"Then, we have to talk well with Elvira, we must educate Bertilde by winter,"

While nodding with convincing face, Brünhild started thinking about making future
plans. I move my eyes from Brunhild to Richarda.

"It is very lonely for Richarda to disappear because it was always attached at the castle
and the aristocrat, but now it is hard for the adoptive father to become powerful."
"Sorry, princess"

When I told you to change the leader's side to Otierie, I told the adoptive father "I will
use Richarda as an aide and please give it away" and Ordonants. An answer came "I
can take more than anyone else!", But I push the back of Richarda and send it out.

"As Richarda's Lord is the last command, Rihyarda will watch as if you are doing all
the work by hitting your adoptive ass, then father-in-law who is pregnant by Brühn
Hilde becoming the second wife Please adjust the main building so that it will not
become unstable and that Brune Hilde will be accepted pleasantly. "
"I certainly got it, Princess ... .... Everyone, I will leave the princess."
"Please leave it to me"

If you send it out by force, your adoptive father will accept it. Trustworthy aides
should have needed enough to get their hands off the throat. A little later, since
Richarda went out, Aldonants told thankfully from the adoptive father who seemed to
be rolled up in Richarda arrived.

I did not know whether Rihida was blasted or whether my grandfather departed to
Gerrach to make it easier for watchdogs to go out and whether Richarda has made it
easier to talk with Reesegang, It seems that the adoptive father began to work on the
nobility of Gieb · Grechell and Reesegang.
871 | 2523
On the evening of the next day Brunhild was called from his parents house, brother
Cornerius and brother Lamprecht were invited to the mother for reasonable
interviews, and my surroundings became hurried quickly.

Even if the circumstances are hurried, I can afford to spare a little time for me who
can not leave the north. So I began to read a book I borrowed from Hannellore of
Dunkel Verger. It is a book filled with myths that are not listed in the scriptures and it
is quite fun. Most of the stories in the scripture about the parts of the gods where the
girls played an active part are talked about, but there are many stories about God
relations that are not related to human beings in this book.

The story of a water goddess Fluit Renee making a water bath to overthrow the life
god AVivive, and talking about giving power to the ancestors was among the stories
gathered in the Grim project, so it was quite interesting. It seems that healing power
is also given to Leiden Shaft and Scholer.

Because there was a fellow of Leiden Shaft who looked into the bathing of Fleet Lane,
there was a barrier that absolutely could not enter the gentleman, and the mystery of
Ziroret in the goddess' s water bath is branched by the bathing of Fleet Lane It was a
story that the flower petals of white flowers will fall as green drops. The droplet
seemed to have a strong healing power, and I remembered the honey of Rileane
collected at the night of Fleet Lane.

By the way, did you say that Ferdinand did not enter? It seems that the fountain
seemed to be visible, so the barrier is not effective anymore?

Regardless of such thought, there is also a goddess water bath in Dunkel Ferger.
While reading a book while finding similarities among the stories that have been
gathered to various places I have collected so far, Matthias says "Survey is proceeding
with a clear intuition of Bonifatius' s intuition. Oddonants flying away. "My
grandfather is amazing, I will ask for your cooperation so that it ends soon," he sent a
reply with a light feeling.

In that case, somehow reports on activity of the old man like Ordonant have come to
fly frequently. It is Ordonants feeling that the air of "I want Bonifatius to send
compliments" is coming through. If Mr. Matthias' work is reported by Aldonnants, I
thought that I had to cooperate primarily and I tried hard and responded.

...... But when I fly many times a day it is an obstacle to reading, my grandfather.
872 | 2523
Such an old-fashioned activity information is also reported to Aub through Hartmut.
Similar information should be flying directly from the Knights, but the details are
different ... sometimes ...... It is reported that Risegang's information and the current
situation of the North away are reported at the front of the building.

The blue priest who did not have a problem by looking into memory asked to be
returned to the temple on condition that such various kinds of information flowed.
Especially I think that Fritak, who began to become familiar with the work of the
temple, wishes to return it.

Two days after Brune Hilde returned to her parents' house, a message called "I will
have dinner of the day at the main building as there is important news." It is definitely
about engagement with Brunhild. I arrange for preparation and head for the dining
It is somewhat strange that Richarda is working behind the adoptive father and
working without waiting, serving.

"We decided to welcome Brühn Hilde, the daughter of Gieb-Grechele, to the second
lady, already got a good reply from Giebe and is also getting approval from the
Lisegang system nobleman."

When I finished dinner, he said that he adopted his decision to greet the second wife
from Reisegang and announced that it will be announced at a feast for spring. This
stated the importance of working as a referee for Reisegang and Greschel from the
adoptive father, that he is judgment as Aub, and insisted that he will step up to

"Did you say that Brunhild was an apprentice behind Rosemain?"

Vilfried looks at me with his brow. I nodded with Kokuri and affirmed it.

"It seems there was a word from my father, Giebe, as soon as I returned, I came home
in a hurry, but there was such a story. But .... "

While making an assertion that I am not doing anything, I turn my eyes towards my
adoptive father. My adoptive father shrugged his shoulders in the wrong way.

873 | 2523
"Although it might have been easy with the assistance of the other person, it was
important to show the attitude of walking from here to Raisegang.The number of
daughters of the year round good Reesegang system is few, and the side of Rosemain
I'm sorry to have taken up the form. "

There are also reasons why daughters who are already adults have a problem with
foster mothers' pregnancy, but most of them are engaged like Leonore. I can not let
her get rid of her engagement to make it the second lady of Aub. In many ways
Brunhild is the best.

"I am pleased that Brünhild accepts this offer, and now it is rough after the purging, it
is also difficult to put in other strong territory of influence. It is the time before I give
birth He seemed to help socialize with the female aristocrat of Ehrenfest on behalf of
Rosemain, because they cooperated with Charlotte at the House of Lords, they said
they wanted to cooperate in the same way. "

The reaction by foster mother was the most concerned, but I am relieved that he
welcomed Brühnhild in smile. Charlotte smiled as if he was relieved, as he stroked his
chest with a calm expression of his foster mother.

"Since Brunhild is a juvenile, the actual star knot is a bit ahead, it is a daughter of Giebe
· Grechele, I think it is a very good opponent for Aub Ehrenfest Congratulations,

Melchior seems to be hung by Charlotte, and he says "Congratulations" as you do not

understand well. Only Wilfried was looking at everyone with a complex face, but
supper ended without saying anything in particular.

And the feast for spring will start. We were waiting for a while in a room closest to the
hall that we were told by our adoptive father "to enter the venue as closely as

"I feel I've met him for quite a while since about five days ... Welcome back, Matthias,
Laurentz, Muriela. Was it hard work? Because I will take a day off tomorrow, please
do your best for today's party."
"I am sorry"

874 | 2523
This party was basically done as the place where all the aristocrats are gathered,
waiting for the Knights headed for the survey to come back.
I think that it was serious as we investigated the ghibe's house that we were
dedicating to Georgine in a short period of time. I have not gotten much detailed
report except for my daughter's activity, but it seems there was harvest.

After the seven bells rang, they came back with the cavalry forcing army and had to
attend a party to spend spring almost without resting Muriela was facing a tired but
unseen hidden face, but Matthias And Laurentz looks fine. However, Matias'
expression was severe.

"If a story detailed to Aub is transmitted, you can report to me at a later date, please
withdraw the power of a little shoulder, Matthias, it has become a scary face."

It seems that it is certain that Giebel Gerlach is living from Matias' expression. If only
that is known, later reports may be slow. At least it is not something you have to listen
to just before this party.

Moved to the hall in the lead of Otieri who was watching the situation. After finishing
the purge of the former Veronica school, the information that Brunhild is going to
become the second wife is probably circling It is understood that Laisegangs have a
smiling face looking very glad.

What is in the center is Brünhildde who is dressed in a spring costume that often
complements the crimson hair. I stretch out my spine and talk smily with my
grandfathers grandparents with a dignified expression. Next to the assistant of
Brunhild, there was the appearance of mother and Berthilde staring at the state of
Brühnhild seriously.

...... Lisegang system nobility seems to be OK leaving it to Brünhild. But, I have to raise
that area, do not you think?

Contrary to Raisegang which is overflowing with joy, there are many nobles who have
fallen towards the end, such as those who had painful expressions and do not want to
join the talk much. They are probably those who received light disposal.

"Is there a small number of people executed at purge or is there a lot of aristocrats
who are returning after punishment? It is an impression that the number of
aristocrats is not decreasing than I imagined,"
875 | 2523
"I think so because there is not much change around me, so it does not mean I did not
receive complete disposition, even if I escaped the execution of the joints, several
people are kept away from me in a joint seat. Despite being innocent by himself, it will
be hard for him to keep away from those who have been walking together forever. "

Wilfried slightly moved his eyes while saying that, I could see Ozwald 's head side of
Wilfriit. Two days after returning from the House of Peers, he says he resigned
himself, "I will not make it to inconvenience Wilfried Mr. to make a gap to join the
nobility of Reisegang system."

...... It was not just for the adoptive father, but also for my brother Wilfried's brother.

"It is a good idea to bring them back to their aides as soon as possible by collecting
outstanding Veronica factions while aligning themselves with the Leisgang

It is the adoptive father and Wilfriit who think and execute what kind of personnel
work in the castle, and in what direction to direct the nobles. I would like you to
persevere in order to regain my aides.

"... ... It sounds like a strange thing"

"Because it is not the next Abe, I was told that it would be better to leave it to the
Wilfried brother and leave the women's socialization to Charlotte and Brunhild, so I
do not intend to participate in it is"

When I was escorted to Wilfried with a hard expression and moved to the front row,
the lords and ladies seemed to come in just behind. Spring feasts begin without
receiving greetings from aristocrats.

"God of water goddess Frito Rane's pure flow, the god of life's life was swept away,
the goddess of the earth goddullyhi was rescued and blessed in snow melting!"

The feast begins with the adoptive declaration, and annual results announcement of
the aristocracy is carried out. I was the best, but there were many excellent people.
All the candidate lords will come out beforehand and any number of their aides will
rise to the stage. And we received praise words and souvenirs as usual.

"It is a pleasing thing that there are many outstanding people in the future who are
responsible for Ehrenfest, so that everyone works hard and maintains this result"
876 | 2523
The adoptive father went to the nobles who gather in the hall, the third grader got
protection from amazing gods, the content of the collaborative research with Dunkel
Ferger that began there, the dedication ceremony held at the aristocrat And that some
of the graduates who had carried out ceremonial ceremonies again succeeded in
obtaining new protection. Although these parents who came to the fight against the
territory know, contents of the other aristocrats do not know much though it is

"That is why the flow of reviewing the shrine is starting from the center in order to
gain protection from as many gods as possible, and Ehrenfest, whose lord's candidate
is participating in the divine, is at the forefront of it Therefore, as a successor to
Rosemain who will retire the position of the temple at the same time as an adult, I will
appoint Melchior as a blue priest apprentice as the next temple temple and set up a
three - year handover period. "

A surprised voice rose as the royal family participated in the shrine and the shrine
was going to be reconstructed, but Aub 's judgment that not only me but also other
lords' candidate students would be put into the temple as apprenticeship priests was
to Riesegang It was accepted smoothly.

"When on Rosemain sister, when are you heading to the temple?"

"I plan to go to the children after talking to the children in the children's room.You
have to see the room of the temple once, check the size and necessary items, and
choose the side that will serve in the temple I will not. "

After that it was a story of personnel affairs. To Giebe who was vacated by purge, to
dispatch the nobility of Reisegang system as temporary Giebe. After seeing the work
for three years, I declared to officially appoint as Give. These are accepted with the
voice of joy.

"In addition, although the crime of those who committed crime by the former
Veronica regime was also carried out at once, those who have resigned themselves in
accordance with the custom, although innocent, those who have already punished
with minor crimes, We plan to collect as much as possible. I do not want to suffer from
disposition and do not corrode, I want you to make an effort. "

I can see that the atmosphere like a little relieved spread to the hall. To tighten up the
air, it turned out to be a purge. I excluded the dangerous aristocrats who are
877 | 2523
dedicating to the first wife of another territory but there seems to be some who
escaped to other territory and it is stated that the threat is not completely removed

"Liegegang aristocrats are to take a vacant gibbe to oppose the threat.Please contact
the knight team immediately if you notice any suspicious things or incidents."

The expression of the Raisegaen aristocracy was also tightened by saying it to be a

responsibility problem. It seems that it seems to have been transmitted a little, that it
is not the case where it is not floating by dismissing the former Veronica school.
He adopted Gouchelle 's Entwickeln led by Aubu in autumn and asked cooperation
with the surrounding Giebe.

"The concrete talk is done by gathering the gibe in the vicinity of Greschel, because
we want to make it not to be misled by other merchants, so we will ask for

If you say, "Do not be despised by aristocrats of the higher rank" here, the majority
will be "despised even if despised" in the heart of the low-ranking territory, but if it is
said that "commoners of other territories" are " It is not going to be despised by the
commoner. " It is totally different by a few wordings, Brühnhild said.

"...... In this way, I would like to go hand in hand with the Raiseggan nobles and
cooperate with each other to rule over Ehrenfest and positively appoint youngsters
who are accustomed to interacting with other territories in the castle As a testimony,
I decided to welcome Ribe Mine's second daughter, Gibe-Grechell's daughter who has
contributed most to interaction with the royal family and upper ranking as an
apprentice as a second wife. "

Welcome voice and applause are raised from the Nobility of Reisegang system to the
voice of Aub. Some nobles are surprised at surprises, but the voice that they should
take second wife was strong, so there was no voice to condemn Aub 's judgment.

"Brunhild, to the podium"

Brunn Hilde inspired by the adoptive father once looked at me and then went up to
the stage with his own side. Feeling better than everyday I raise my chin and go up
the stairs with a resolute expression. As a side woman has a small box, it seems that
manastones have been prepared properly.
878 | 2523
When Brunhild is kneeling slowly on the spot, her side knees in the same way and
hangs her neck. It was Richarda who had a father - in - law 's magical stone to refrain.
Richard who confirmed that Brunehild was ready gently opens the box gently and
hands over to the adoptive father. When I took out the magic stone from that small
box, my adoptively headed out to Brunhild.

"Will British Hilde, my daughter of Gieb-Grechele, chosen by Air Goddessen of the

guidance, become the water goddess Fluet-Rene who will heal and support this
stormy Ehrenfest?"

From the mouth of the adoptive father, it was the word that I want you to be a goddess
of water that supports the goddess of light to Brunhild and heals the goddess of the
earth. Unlike the first wife, the second wife does not seem to be compared to the
goddess of light in the public place. According to Otilie, it seems that there are many
cases compared to minor minorities, so that it can be compared to Furetorene seems
to have been highly appreciated by Brunhild.

"We will accept you for good"

Brunhild received the magic stone presented by his adopted father, and offered his
magic stone instead.

"By the guiding God Air Vacaren, I am here.If you want to be a goddess of water Fleet
Lane, I will be a goddess of water for Ehrenfest, all to Air Vaclaren It is guidance of "

Receive Nikoli and smile of Brunhn Hilde smiling, and the adoptive father will reach
out his hand. Brünhild was standing up with his hand.

"The engagement has been established here"

Blessings are applauded by two people lined up on the platform, and the staple glows.
I also let the stump shine just like everyone else.

...... May Happiness come to Brunhild.


A little more blessing light flew away.

879 | 2523
"It's okay, Virfriit's older brother, it's not so prominent"
"There would not be no noticeable"

I hurriedly picked up the staple and tried to make a strange face, but considering that
the gaze of the surrounding aristocrats turned to me, it seems that Wilfried's opinion
was right.
When excusing in the mind that it is difficult to control the Stap, as Philline comforted
me, he said "I'm all right" and smiled.

"It is predictable that Rosemain gives blessings as it is a keynote by Brunhild, which

is within acceptable limits."
"Yes, it is not like a pillar of light standing unlike the lords, there is nothing to be done
if this is about. Everyone quickly forget them."

Yudit also comforted us together, but I feel that I am not so comforted. The range of
tolerance and common sense of the two are somewhat strange.

"I think that it was also a blessing to wrap the whole of the whole hall, so I would be
glad if you clarify me when I have a star conclusion blessed grandly."

...... I am scared of star ties of Hartmut and Clarissa!

880 | 2523
Several cow animals are joined, flying from the castle to the temple. It is lively because
my children's cheers are heard from my Lesser bus.

Today is a tour of the temple. Show me a room in Melchior and have you choose the
side of the temple. At the same time, children of the children's room accompany him
and have them check out the life of the temple and have them choose whether to live
in the castle or the temple.

"Good work, this is a shrine, everyone please get off."

I stopped the lesser bus in front of the main entrance of the temple and looked back
at the back seat. Yudit and Leonore line up, behind which Melchior and Escort Knight
line up, and behind, children in the children 's room are riding behind Cornelius elder
brother and Damuel. It has been confirmed that there is no hostility by the shield of
Schugheria before departure, but still I have liked it because I did not give up "I must

Children in the children's room have a total of four people, two boys and two girls.
Children whose parents have already been executed are children except those who
have received pretty heavy sins from her but have not returned for several years.
Nicolaus is also included here. Parents who had been a light punishment seem to have
already picked up. It seems that there is quite a difference when considering the
collection rate of children in orphanages.

...... After all, children before baptism are lightly handled.

"Rodemein sister's cow beast is amazing.I was watching for the first time such a beast
that grows so big, I want to be such a cowgirl because I am cool."

When me and Melchior talk about it, I am glad when you come to an aggregate, I will
open my mouth to say that Melchior's aides will be difficult to say with a badly
troubled face.

"Melchior, that, Grün ... ...."

"Because it is a child of Aubu, let's make it a lion's beast instead of a grun"

881 | 2523
Civil servants and side workers who did not get on the Lesser bus around me have
removed their cuddles. Meanwhile everyone else comes out from the Lesser bus.
While looking at the appearance of the children looking up at the temple, I headed to
the Hartmut and the shrine servants who wore clothes of the blue priest who came
out to meet me.

"Hartmut, Thank you for giving instructions, I am saved."

When I got back to the temple and labored Hartmut who was preparing to welcome
everyone, Hartmut laughed happily.

"As a result of discussing with the aides of Rosemain and thinking about the safety
aspects of escorts etc., we decided to guide the priest 's room, not the temple room of
the temple. As Rosemain will undertake, please clean up the cud beast and change the
weather. "

I appreciate Hartmut who takes over the guidance and confirmed that everyone got
down and tidied up the beast. And, heading to the temple room together with Fran,
Zam, Monica who came to pick me up. Damuel and Leonore are accompanied to the
temple room as an escort, and the other aides work to guide the guides of Melchior
and the children. Because Yudit and Phyllie are brothers, they are good at handling
the children.

"I'm back, I'm back for a while but have not changed?"

Talking to the francs, they will give us a calm smile as usual. As a relief to the familiar
face, I found out that my body's power is out. In the castle muscles of the face that had
been hardened due to lots of smirk loose with nature.

"There is no change in the temple room of the temple." It seems that the orphanage
was quite different as many children increased. "

Listening while listening to the words of Fran, Monica tells the state of the orphanage
while smiling with Nicolle.

"Vilma is now preparing to welcome you at the orphanage, and Hurtmut's instructions
are given, Nicola was making sweets to welcome you"
"Today, at Fukuoka, Fugo and Ella were not returning, so it was hard work,"
882 | 2523
"It seems to be a pulucheque that can be done easily by a single person, it is Palu that
was offered from orphanage children and Günter. It was said that it is just good as it
gets hurt if you do not eat it quickly."

Because I am looking forward to it, it seems to have bothered me to take care. I am

looking forward to it. Puluchek would be pleased because Damuel was looking
forward to winter as well.

"Gil and Fritz have instructed us to clean up the workshop that was working in the
morning and cleanse everyone in the orphanage.Around when you arrive at the
orphanage, gray priests You will be at the orphanage too "
"Thank you, Zam"

I will quickly change clothes to Monica at the temple room. It has been a while since I
passed the sleeve through the temple's costume.

"Monica, after three days we will call a commercial guild and the Planetan shop and
the Gilberta shop? We have to talk to each other in a hurry."
"Certainly, it seems better to ask the Gilberto Shokai to revise the costume, the hem is
shorter than I expected."

Monika said so while dressing. When I looked closely, it surely had a slight hem
shortening. I was tailored to the length of the shin, is not it under the knee?

...... Oh, wow! I am quite big now!

I have been touched because there were few visible changes so far. Is this probably
due to completely unraveling the chunk of magical power with Jureve? Or is it an effect
of reducing magical compression? Anyway, I'm happy.

I changed clothes of the temple, I took the francs and headed for the priest's room. A
Merciol's escort knight stands in front of the door for some reason and put us in.

"Why is Melchior's escort knight protecting the door?"

"Because I said that I will protect the inside"

It is Angelica standing in front of the inner door to insist that you are working
properly. I am sure that Angelica will protect the inside of the door as usual, so the
Mercier's escort knight would have to stand in front of the door as well. Usually it is
883 | 2523
better for Angelica to stand outside and the Mercier's escort knight, who is bewildered
by the unfamiliar place, should stay inside, but let's be satisfied if you are convinced.

"Welcome back, Rosemain, today's cake is a parque cake"

It was during the preparation of tea at the priest's office room. Where Nicolas and
Rotre bring parchees, a sweet smell drifts in fluffy and it fascinates a nostalgic smell.
While being healed by smiling smile of Nico Nico and happy Nicola, I sat on a chair
prepared by the aides of Hartmut. Immediately Furan and Monica also begin to make
tea with Haltmut's servants.

Unlike children who turn their eyes towards expectations at the sweet smell of parque
cake set in front of me, the aides of Melchior had been watching the work of the
servants side by side. At first, I remembered that Burunn Hilde was watching as if to
price these things like this, I laughed a little.

"I am educated well, my sidewalk and Hartmut's sidework are educated by Ferdinand,
and my aides are also skeptical about how many things can be done to the gray priests
at the beginning It is what I was turning my eyes on. "

As Melchior's aides puffed up his face, he relaxed a little by saying "I was certainly
surprised". Apparently it seems that the francs got a passing score for their work.
Hartmut also smiled with Hu and looked around for his own side while saying "I was
also surprised at the beginning."

"Because Ferdinand is well educated, I was able to help the office with little
confusion.In order to remember the work of Melchior-like civil servants, one added
the side of the priest's room to Melchior I will do it, Rotaru, I beg you. "
"Certainly, I am Rotaru."

Rotaru nominated by Hartmut is moving forward one step. He is the most gentle
person in the side who served Ferdinand. I think that it is perfect for the opponent of

"We will be looking for a side other than Rotary at an orphanage.If you choose the
former side who served the blue priestess, some education is over."

884 | 2523
I heard the words of Hartmut like other people's affairs, and to the children whose
eyes are being pinned by the sweets, "I will choose your own side if you live in the
temple" .

"Is the sideway not a watcher in the temple? Can we choose for ourselves?"

As I was surprised I nodded at Nicolaus who twinkled my eyes.

"We will report what kind of life everyone is doing, whether we are not feeling sick,
but do not you choose a person who is on the other side by themselves?"

It is painful if the wavelength is not matched for the sideworks that are together for a
long time. It is surrounded by my aides and I live well. I raised my face like the children
were a little interested in the word that I could pick my own side by side.

When I first met in a children's room, everyone was apt to face down and I was
concerned about the lack of energy. I lost my parents and I lost my future as a
nobleman. My parents came to pick up other children but they did not come. Although
I was looking at such an abandoned child, I am relieved that a little face turned up.

"Rosemain, please do"

"Thank you, Fran. ... a good smell ...... This is a winter sweets that can not be eaten
except at the temple, like a parque cake.It's for the children of the orphanage and
those in the downtown that I am keen to take It's made out of Pulu. "

I drank the tea that the france brewed, and I recommend to everyone after having a
bite of parque cake. Even if we all go, most of the people in this room are waiting to
be handed down as they are close to me and Melchior. It is only me, Hartmut, Melchior,
and children in the children's room.

...... Huh, it's been a while since I started pulscheing.

Because I did not return to the dedication ceremony, it will be a taste once. Next will
be deposited until next year. For me it is a taste of downtown Nostalgia than anything

...... Are both your father and mother good?

"Rosemain sister, this is delicious, is not it?"

885 | 2523
"It is sweet that can only be eaten in the winter. As it gets warmer it will be damaged
soon so that the side store kept it in the ice room so that I can eat it when I came back

Looking at the guests who had the highest status Melheol smiled and picked up, other
children began to reach out slowly. If I eat a bite, I will stay gracefully after. Everyone
is elegant how to eat like a nobleman, but it gets pretty fast to eat.

"Nicolas, since I do not have time today, please tell everyone in the age to eat, because
Damuel likes Pulucheca a bit more."

As I talked to Nikola, Hartmut gently raised his eyebrows.

"Like Rosemain, Damuel and Cornelius at the time of votive ceremony, I do not need
special treatment"
"I enjoyed earlier than I. Well, you can do the same with everyone."

I thought that if you could only eat once, you thought it was poor but if you enjoyed
pulucheca ahead of me, no special consideration would be necessary. When I canceled
the instructions to Nikola, Damiel glared at Hartmut with a shocked face.

"Hartmut, was not he saying that it was a reward cooperating with the dedication
"You already have received a reward from me, do not you think that the place to have
special handling from Rosemain sama is overwhelming?"

Haltmut and Damuel leave alone and speak to the aides to eat alternately and I slowly
drink tea. Furin's brewed tea that Ferdinand liked best, and it has a high aroma.

...... When Feldinand was the chief priest, this room may have been so lively that it was
so lively.

"Rosemain is ... ...."

"What, Nicolaus?"

Nicolaus opened his mouth with a tight fist on his knees as if he was prepared to be

"... Rosemain is also my older sister, is not she?"

886 | 2523
"Because Nicolaus is a mother and baby, that will happen."

The moment I answered, "Rosemain" and Elder Cornelius called me with a low voice.
However, it is true that I am a Nikolaaus sister.

"Because I am an adopted female of Aubu, my brother Cornelius and my brother

Lamprecht are forbidden to be treated as brothers and sisters at public places so it is
impossible for Nicolaus to favor any other brothers My brother Cornelius gets angry.

Brother Cornelius and Nicolaus showed a relief expression in my words.

"It seems that you understand a little, and is the most important thing."
"Do you think you are a mother-baby brother?"

It seems that he thought that his mother Turdeliede and his mother were completely
refused because they did not get along well or even greetings of the first meeting could
not be done properly.

"I was wondering if I was disgusted, but I was relieved not to be disliked."

I said like that and laughed as Nikolaus stared. My younger brother is taller than me,
but it is a little nice to be kept like this. When he smiled and laughed, he collided with
the sharp gaze of Cornelius elder brother.

...... Ahhhhh! Eyes say "Do not make a sweet face even though you are younger".

Although it is confirmed before the departure that Scholzer shield is not hostile, it
seems to be a warning target for Brother Cornelius still.

"Rosemain, this is the plan, I think it would be better to check the room before heading
to the orphanage, probably because the Mel Hioor-sided side is the most interesting

In the voice of Hartmut, I diverted his eyes from Cornelius elder brother. In order to
put furniture there are many things that you do not know unless you actually look at
the room. The check of the room is probably the best for the sideways who have to
furnish furniture in a hurry.

887 | 2523
"Then, after seeing the room you are an orphanage."
"And since Fritac has a promise to come back, please secure his side job."
"Well done, Hartmut. I am wonderful."

It seems that he succeeded in recovering Fritac by negotiating with his adopted father.
This will make office a little easier. There are few blue priests who go around the
ceremonial ceremony and it is serious.

When I finished eating, I immediately started to guide the room. Walking through the
corridor, I headed to the place where the blue priest's rooms lined up.

"Around here is the room of the blue priest. If Nikolaus live in the temple, you will use
the room around here and the girl's room is the upper floor above that stairway. It is
male and female It is the same as the dormitory of the castle and the aristocratic family
where the floor to use is different. "

Actually, the temple is divided like the castle and the dormitory of the aristocratic
center by the sex according to the sex. I moved from the orphanage office room to the
temple room, so it was my first time to enter the blue shrine maiden's room, but I do
not say such a thing. I do not go out without sending me every time I do not have to
go up even if I go up the stairs without any use.

"There is a difference in the size of the room due to the donation from my parents'
house, because everyone is a child who is not yet in the House of Peers, I think that
the room around here is enough."

Zam opened it was the room where the blue priest left the furniture as it was. In this
room, if you are serving two or three people in an orphanage and hiring a cook, you
will be able to use it immediately.

The girl who was looking around the room asked "Can you put the furniture you used
at home?" Since the blue priests ceased to exist, furniture which has not been carefully
seems to be damaged a little because it was already quite a long time ago. I do not
mind much, but it seems to be anxious for children who have lived as advanced and
intermediate aristocrats for a long time since they were born.

888 | 2523
"If there are people who can carry in, you may put furniture that you used at home ...
... that, as for the house of those who have been brought to Abu by purge, you need
permission from Aubu I can ask you a question. "

It is probably because people do not know whether they can put furniture for

"When you come to live in the temple as blue, you get up to bed in this room, have a
meal, and then study at the orphanage.If there is a reference book if it is a school of
lower grade in the lords, , Gray priests can teach and Fespiel's practice is done by my
musical doctor. "

Children before baptism collected at the orphanage also taught themselves that they
are doing their best to obtain baptismal ceremonies as aristocrats, and the children's
face turned slightly upwards. Children who have not yet received baptism as
aristocrats are honestly more unstable than theirs treated as aristocrats.

"I will go to the orphanage later, maybe you have your brother sister"

That said, I headed to the room that was supposed to be Melchior's room.

"We are planning to make this room as Melchior. It is really better to leave the office
of the priestess office, but if you do not have a large room in order to do a large number
of people, Melchior will be in trouble To the temple room, you will be asked to use the
priest's room by the aide who is likely to be the priest's official manager. Please do so
in the room until then. "

This room was extensive following the temple room and the bureaucracy room, and
since there are several vacant rooms around, it was chosen because the aides were
easy to use for sleeping. The side staff convinced about the reason for choosing the
room will soon begin to measure the size of the room in detail. Next to adults who are
talking about arrangements such as beds and desks, children are looking around
unusually for rooms that have not been arranged yet.

"Let's go to the orphanage.If you look at the state of the children before baptism, you
know how you live in the temple, and Melchior must choose the side of the temple "

889 | 2523
Have the Zam look at the two people who want to think about arranging furniture, we
move to the orphanage.

"Mr. Rosemain, can I choose a side too? If you can study, I would like to live here more
than a castle.In my elder brother from the lords I studied with everyone, got excellent
grades, I heard that teachers are praised and receive recipes for new sweets.I was
looking forward to the lords.

When one girl cut out so as to be scolded, other children also said they wanted to live
in the temple. Nicolaus seems to want to live in the temple in the same way.

"I hope there is time for training if possible, but ... ...."
"While I'm staying, I can also train with an escort knight, but ...."

Since gray priests do not practice to become knights apprentice etc., it is difficult to
put training in daily menu as expected. Since I do not move my body basically, I
thought about how to put a menu of training, and Cornelius brother shrugged my

"Nicolaus, the one who lives in the temple will not like Tordelide, and he will complain
to his mother again."

I said so with a bottomlessly disgusting face. Nicolaus has a troubled face, "I am afraid
that he is troubling my mother, I will do the same kind of glances as asking for help."

"Brother Cornelius, it is Nicolaus who chooses to live in the castle or to live in the
shrine because your father is too busy to take over Nicolaos, is the suspicion of the
day clear with the shield of Schulea?"

It seems, but Cornelius elder brother will face with an unlikely looking face. Even if
Nicolaus himself is not hostile, he says that the surroundings are dangerous, but I
want you to respect Nicolaus' s will only now that I can not touch the surroundings.

"We do not say that we are going to bring Nicolaus aside from you separately, please
let me choose as much as I can live in. For a nobleman it may be difficult for my parents
to be involved, but even in the period of staying in the temple alone I think that it
would be nice if I could see them and see them. "

890 | 2523
If I complain about living in the temple, I say, "I should have silenced you that you
made a sin by having Nicolaus live like that," Nicolaus I relaxed my expression as
relieved. However, Elder Cornellius is quite good at keeping the temple.

"Thoughts are worthy, but in the case of Rosemain, if you allow contact within the
range of the temple, it is only during the period of staying at the House of Lords, and
it seems that it will likely be an aides for a limited time like Theodore."

...... I had such a hand.

"My brother Cornelius is smart, I did not come up with that at all"

Oshita, Cornelius elder brother was holding down his mouth, and Leonore beat like
the comrades of Cornelius's elder brother.

891 | 2523
"Welcome back, Rosemain, I'm waiting for you, Mel Heolu-sama"

When the francs open the door of the orphanage, that is the orphanage 's dining hall.
Three people, Vilma, Gil, and Fritz, my sideways lined up in front, and behind it all
gray priests and gray shrine maidens were in order. There are also apprentices and
children before baptism in the back.

In my memory there were only two small children, Dirk and Conrad, so it seemed
strange that there were many children of the same age as theirs. It would be children
who came to the orphanage by purification. In addition, it seems that the number of
gray priests and gray shrine maidens returned to the orphanage increased as blue
priests were returned to their parents' house in purification relationship. I feel that
the number of people has increased considerably. In this way, I realize that the scale
of purification once again was great.

"... There are so many people in the temple orphanage"

"In the past it was a little less, so the number of blue priests is decreasing, and as the
number of children has increased ..."

I picked up a small mutter of Melchior and I lightly nodded. Then advance forward
and call out to my side.

"Vilma, Gil, Fritz. Thank you for putting together everyone in the orphanage"

Then I will talk to everyone gathering Hartmut who has jurisdiction over the change
of priests to call on Melchior and the children of newly apprenticed children. Laughing
fresh laughing at Melchior.

"Since you already know about the flow of living and the facilities in aristocratic areas,
choose one who has experience of serving the blue priest without fail, anyone can
choose anything else. Because it is done, you will soon learn new jobs. "

If you are finished with the baptismal ceremony, you can say that you can choose an
apprentice, Melchior looks interestingly in the gray flock.

892 | 2523
"Mel Heeol is about five people, others are three people, it is good to put in the person
who can assist the cooker.First, please choose one from experienced person. Gill, Fritz.
Please collect the side jobs. "

When Gill and Fritz say a voice, those who have experience of serving the blue
priestess and the blue shrine maiden before stand up stand up before Mel heoles.
While looking at the gray priest and gray shrine maiden who gathered in the past,
Hartmut began to further screen useless people with aristocent eyes. Separate the
original side to the right and left, and say that the person on the left is going down.

"They worked seriously without doing an unsatisfying face even if the place of work
changed from the hand of the blue priest to the orphanage.The eye is effective and the
attentions can be done on it.The young lad also seriously I will serve you. "

Apparently he was unhappy when he got back to the orphanage, said he was not
supposed to do such a job, or he took the eight hits returned to the orphanage. I was
surprised that Hartmut got such information.

"Hartmut is familiar not only with the office as the chief priest, but also on the

Philene who picked up my misunder laughed a little.

"Haltmut was most frequently in and out of the orphanage and was closely in contact
with Rosemain's sidework, also drunk from Dirk and Conrad, collecting information
on the child's eyes, a frank opinion I was told that I can listen. "
"Although it tends to be deceived even if you oppose a gray priest or a gray shrine
maiden, it tends to be deceived, but Hartmut is watching everyone from the viewpoint
that Rosemain says to have a new side job. It's pretty painful. "

Damuel secretly tells me such a thing. Rouderrich also said, "It is the same for the
aideside that the score is painful." There seems to be a part where the person himself
is excellent, there are also parts that are scattered around.

Nikolaus also has a serious face listening to the words of Hartmut and waiting for
Melchior to pick up the job first. Those who had no hands-on experiences were
waiting for themselves to hear their voice while showing a surprise and fear
expression on the selection of Hartmut.

893 | 2523
"Vilma, please call the children before baptism"

Since the baptismal ceremony has not ended, children who are never chosen as side-
by-side are lined up. Besides Dirk, Conrad and Lily's children, they are new children
this winter. One day among the children raised a small voice saying, "My older
brother" when I heard that Konrad and Phyllie met the eye contact for a while. I follow
the line of sight of the child.

"Is he the brother of Laurentz?"

"Yes, Bertram is a baby brother, but my mother died, my mother took over and
planned to do a baptismal ceremony."

Laurentz looked at Bertram so gladly. By the way, when I explained the treatment of
children before baptism, Laurentz should have been very pleased that my brother was

"You better talk slowly later"

I ask the children whether there was any shortage in their lives during the winter and
how they were able to study. Children tell me how it is in winter with a little nervous
expression. Kiruta and playing cards were strong with Dirk and Conrad, but recently
it seems that the number of winning times has increased.

"I am doing my best practicing Fespiel, I have only a teacher, but if Rosemain comes
back to the temple, I will be able to receive guidance from Rosina."

Vilma tells us how Fespiel's good arms are and how he practiced. In the beginning,
children who had difficulty in making lifestyle completely different also said that they
got accustomed to the life of the temple.

"Dirk and Konrad were role models and I was saving the troubled places"
"Well, both of us, thank you."

I will promise to Dirk and Conrad, "I promise to lower Paul cake later." I would like to
have dilk and Konrad at the time of tea.

894 | 2523
"Please also to Delia and Lily, Rosemain. The two of us who saw the most care of the
children who increased were the two of them."

In the word of Vilma I will look to Delia and Lilly who are behind in the back. Delia not
getting out of the orphanage and Lily without the baptismal ceremony of the child are
not finished can not go out to pick out the side.

"I am saved, both of us, please eat Parque cake with Dirk and Conrad"
"I am sorry"

I heard the situation during the winter, I slowly looked around the children in line.

"Actually, there are requests for collection of five children among them, and parents
will be coming to pick up soon"

When I call the names of the five children, my face is full of joy. The complexion of the
children left opposite to the five people who are rejoicing became dark.

"Then it is a word from Aub to the children who remain in the orphanage.Abu will
decide whether to treat as a nobleman once in the autumn and those who have
decided to treat as aristocracy will be baptismal It will be done in winter, there will
be places to think about, but please do your best to be a nobleman. "

It was Bela Ram of Laurent's brother who answered with a powerful voice. Even
though I think from height and behavior, the baptismal ceremony will be close. I have
eyes full of ambition to live as a nobleman. The children raised their faces as if they
were attached to Bertram.

"My story is over, why do you show the results of your studies until Mel Hoaul finishes
choosing the side?" Philene and Laurentz may speak with their brother "

Talking to the children, I lead my own aides and move around where there are books
and toys. Laurentz and Philine seemed to have headed to his brother. The first time I
saw Fespiel, which Matthias who entered the temple and the orphanage to be usable
for everyone rounded their eyes.

"Is this Fespiel at the orphanage?"

895 | 2523
"Fespiel is a thing that we handed over from each parent's home so that children can
practice for the purpose of showcase.I saw this side for the first time that I also line
up like this."

It seems like a tiny feshpiel is lined up on a slightly higher shelf as if it were an

elementary school music room. Perhaps, I think that a small child is placed on top so
as not to mischief.

"Not only fespiel, it is not the same as a bookshelf in a lordship just because there is
no reference book"
"The reference book is important, but the bookshelf of the orphanage is also amazing?
There are stories of the commoners who printed in the trial operation of the printing

Gutenberg gathered and books packed with Lutz and Gill 's printed stories around
Grechell are interesting, unlike books sold among aristocrats. The nobles can not read
books because it is not for sale.

"Would you mind reading if you care? It might be interesting to see a glimpse of the
life of a downtown that is different from the aristocracy."
"I would like to read it unless I am involved in the printing industry from now on."

Muriela who looked out from the back of Matthias for a while shined green eyes and
approached the bookshelf in a steady manner. I wonder if Muriela who loves the love
story will enjoy the story of downtown too.

...... If the story of downtown is also accepted, the type of books that can be printed
will increase greatly.

While thinking so, I listen to Fespiel where children play, and see how they read books.
One girl who finished playing Fespiel said, "Why are not you going to the orphanage?"
Watching the children who picked the side. Unlike Nicolaus, another boy is my older

"They have already finished the baptismal ceremonies as aristocrats are not allowed
to enter the orphanage so we will be living as apprenticeship of the blue priest and
blue priestess.What later will your brother like you Please teach me how you are
studying in the temple or what kind of life you are living in the temple. "
"Is that so……"
896 | 2523
It may be that you want to spend time with your brother and sister, but there are
obvious differences between children before baptismy and children who have already
baptized as nobles. Even though there is time to study at an orphanage together, life
itself is separate. Children in orphanages are prohibited from entering aristocratic

It is easy if only to say, but as a result of discussions with merchants and rituals of
protection, the aristocrat's coming and going will increase from now. Yet, it is
dangerous to walk around like having children. I do not know what complaints are
punished. A child before baptism with a parent who committed a crime is a very weak
position just like me who was said to be an apprentice of a blue maiden who is rising
in common. I live with my family at the temple. That alone is difficult.

"You can meet with your older brother at the time you study at an orphanage, and if
you can receive baptism as a nobleman, you may be able to live the same way in
aristocratic areas. Please do it. "

Smiling a little bit while smiling at the girl who found the goal.

...... If I can work with my family if I make efforts, I will probably work hard.

When I thought that I could do it only after a long absence, I heard that "I have tried
in the temple, I think there is nothing useful in the lives of aristocrats". When raising
his face, Laurentz is stopping his brother.

"Hey, Bertram!"
"Well, is not it? Crawl on the floor, cleanse the temple, draw water from the well,
arrange your costume and bedding yourself, dig up the soil where snow remains in
the forest, look for something to eat And ... ... It is not what aristocrats do. "

In the eyes of Laurentz who muttered as if he was doing such a life, I can see the mercy
to his brother who has to spend at an orphanage. Although it may be heard poorly,
changing from a viewpoint is never few from the experience of living in an orphanage.
It is possible to apply it to magical power handling and magical compression. It is also
an opportunity to see what you can not see in the experience of moving your body or
living as a nobleman. The main point depends on how I perceive it.

897 | 2523
"I certainly think it would be tough if it comes to living in an orphanage where you
suddenly arrange your own personal circumstances yourself from the lives of the
nobles who have handed over to all of their lives.Indeed I am an orphanage I can not
live by. "

My aides who know my weakness lightly nod and agree. I can not boast of anything,
but I can not survive unless someone takes care of me. I am experienced that what I
experienced in the life of a downtown is useful in the nobility's life.

"But whether it can be useful to live as an aristocrat when you can live with an
orphanage's living or a person in a downtown department is up to that person."

I did not expect it to be arguable, I smile with Nicolle to Bertram who flashes my eyes
with surprise.

"The merchants that I am willing to go in and out of here will be in and out of here."
How the products are being made, how the goods flow to the world, connecting the
face with the merchants, connecting each other How to talk about the merchant in
such a way that it is beneficial for you, you should know if you look carefully, you will
tell the merchants if you ask them. "

Beno do know that it is better to have as many aristocrats as possible to interact with
merchants. If you try to improve the unstable condition that I am mediating, you
should teach me without making a bad face.

...... Maybe I may have a bad look like I did when taught to me, but I do not think there
is anything to be grinned by the fist. Yup.

"If you know how to go out with a merchant, it will be very useful as a civil servant in
the future Ehrenfest, a civilian who can interact with a merchant is not enough for the
current Ehrenfest"

A girl who decided to enter the temple as an apprentice for the blue shrine maiden
turned to a bag and this. I wonder if she wants a civil servant.

"And it's getting warmer, so will the number of times we will go to the forest in the
future, will not it? Summer is the season when merchants in other territories will
come to Ehrenfest, what dissatisfaction the merchants in other areas want If you are
898 | 2523
feeling, you may hear it on the way to the woods, there are times when people in the
downtown where you go together will tell you. If you try to make use of yourself in
your future after becoming a nobleman , I can make use of my current life as much as
possible "

It is rather the aides of the aristocrats who are facing that they did not expect them. If
we can successfully utilize our current position, children raised at orphanages can be
quite excellent civil servants.

"Later ... ... Well, maybe we can not do it to an ordinary aristocrat, but would you like
to show me the secret special skill that I can grow up in the temple? You might want
to experience more different experiences by looking at it."

When I got up, why Hartmut was standing next to me with an orange eyes shining
brightly with a face that caught me as saying "What are you showing?"

……that? I was helping to pick up the side of Melchior, but before we knew it?

The question comes to mind, but has Mr. Mel heol already been choosing the side? We
are headed to here, "What are you going to do?"

... Well, is it okay?

There is no point in thinking deeply about Hartmut. As I said "I'm dangerous, please
let me down a bit" to let the children go down, I took out the magic stone for the beast
while watching the clean white floor.

"This is a magic stone for my cud beast, you know the son of a nobleman is looking at
the family cavalry, so you know that this manastone can change its shape freely?"

I nodded with a look like I was wary of what Bertram would do for my question.

"This, like this ..."

I inflict a manastone like a balloon just like I did in front of Ferdinand. If you are
accustomed to handling magical power, you can split it so that it does not splash too
much. As if a piece of puzzle falls down, the manastone that has fallen apart collapses.

"Manastones for cuddling beasts !?"

899 | 2523
"How are you going to return to the castle !?"

While such a voice resonates, I gather pieces of manastones that have fallen apart by
hand. And, while sending magical power, I tried to cast a magic stone by saying
"rounded, rounded". And put your breast up, show the magical stones that are
rounded up high and show it to everyone.

"Oh, did you get back to where?"

"It is a such a fool……"

Just like Ferdinand who said me as insane, while the nobles raised amazing voices, he
smiled at Bertram who is doing Pokan.

"Even soil that is difficult to slide between rolling polo-polo and fingers, it is easy to
roll up once it becomes soft with water and it will be easier to roll it up? Even if the
magic stone that has fallen apart also contains magical powers and softens it, it can
round it You can do it. "
"There can not be such a thing ..."

The nobles look at the incurable things, and again look at my magical stone rounded.
Even if it is said that it is insane, is there any other choice because the range of
common knowledge you know is different?

"It is important to think carefully how to handle magical powers with your own
head.What is said to be insane, you can do what you can do: touching the earth,
arranging costumes, flooring I do not know what to clean, what I will be my own,
whether it can be used or not depends on myself. "

There seems to have been something in the aides that the aides who said that it was
easy to see the image by actually seeing how to compress the magical power. Start
looking around the orphanage with eyes that look for hints of something.

"It seems to be able to have more interesting experience than aristocrat who grew up
normally, Bertram, go for it."

Bareram, who was lightly shoulder-struck by Laurentz, nodded and nodded. Although
I have not been convinced yet, I try to make use of all my experiences to myself from
some intense eye of my will.

900 | 2523
"Rosemain sister, I also want to have various experiences, and I want to be able to do
various things like Rosemain's older sister."

I smiled a small smile to Melchior, which makes the blue eyes shine, that no one else
can do. If you go in and out of the temple, you can go around rural areas with a lot of
shrines. You can have as many experiences as you like.

"The experience of the temple may not be done by other aristocrats, so it is good to
make the best use of it."

Melchior, the lord's family, is motivated, and other children are also willing to work
on new lives and experiences the aristocrat does not do. When the atmosphere of the
children are satisfied with the brightening, the Damuel got together "I feel somewhat,
but I think that it is difficult to round out manastles easily if there is not much magical
power in the first place, Rosemain" I muttered.
"... ... Damuel, Shoot!"

The handling of all members was decided. Discussing that children will enter the blue
apprentice after the prayer ceremony, each side will talk about arranging the room
until then. It is after hiring Beno and Frida to hire chefs and to have meals made.

"The guests who have been eaten like this will prepare for the newly welcoming of the
children.While studying children will think again here and give instructions and after
the prayer ceremony they became blue with Mr. Melchior as the lead They will come
and go to the orphanage, but there will be no problem if I think about what I had been
in and out so far. "

...... Hartmut says something with a chest tight but the orphanage is really not where
blue priests get in and out quickly.

I thought that it would be good if the orphanage and the blue priest's way should
change little by little, but is not it unexpectedly changed suddenly? At the very least,
the temple when I came in and out for the first time was not where the candidate lords
entered and exit with such an exciting face.

901 | 2523
It seems that my eyes to see the temple by Melchior's aides are quite different at the
tour. I think that it is good to keep good change, Hartmut began his last greeting.

"So, everyone: superior god supervising the expansive sky, high priest God of goddess
of five pillars Okami water governed widely Hirohiro goddess Friday Renee fire god
riden shaft shaft goddess Schaler soil goddess Gedulic hive god of evil, and Let me pray
and thank you for Rosemain, the saint of Ehrenfest. "

The gray priest and the gray shrine maiden who are present are praying with a
movement aligned with the bag. Children who should have entered from winter seem
to be used to praying well. I do not hesitate to offer prayers.
Unlike my aides familiar with entering and praying in the temple, Matthias, Melchior's
aides, Mr. Ahn's children and children in the children's room got a little traction.

……that? Did not any strange things combine now?

Because I was so naturally misunderstood, I heard it for a moment but I feel that my
name was lined up in God who praying. Although I felt like wanting to ask Hartmut, I
was disturbed in this place and it was impossible for me to shake Hartmut to shake
and say "What is it !?" I left the orphanage with a smiling retrace.

902 | 2523
After leaving the orphanage, we decided each room, discussed what to do with
changing furniture, and we decided to prepare to accept in the temple to the side that
each called.
Return to the castle and report the flow of tours to the adoptive father at the dinner 's
seat and consult with the adoptive father about furniture delivery and budget.
Basically, permission came out, it ended without problem.

"Melchior and children's acceptance has ended, but there are still a lot of other
"There is a shortage of talent who can head to the prayer ceremony, it is great that
Melchior does not go to the prayer ceremony as Mr. Ferdinand is gone"

As Ferdinand disappears and there are no talented persons who can fill the hole, the
burden of each person is great because the blue priests are decreasing due to
purification. I have to think as quickly as to how to allocate a prayer ceremony.

"Melchior does not have practice to spell magical powers, so it can not be helped ..."

Originally it was supposed to be practicing over the course of a year from last year 's
lord' s conference, which was supposed to be able to participate this year, but
Ferdinand 's grandfather was decided at the lord' s meeting. After that I did not supply
much to the foundation magic by taking over at the temple, taking over handover at
the temple and my education as a top priority.

Then, the magical power poured into the magic of the foundation became
considerably few, and I and the lord of the family other than Ferdinand had to
desperately supply it, and I could not afford to support Melchior in foster mothers and
grandparents. Besides, in the winter, purification was ahead of schedule, everyone
was busy, foster mothers got pregnant and Melchior was taken away from the north
for safety.

"There was a lot of burden on Charlotte who was practicing exactly for a season, too
much? Mel Heol who is hardly practiced is dangerous"
"I want to participate next year too"

903 | 2523
Mel Heol said so disappointingly, but the fathers and foster mothers who were busy
this year and could not afford to attend Melchior's practice looked as if they were in

"Although it may be difficult to practice the supply to the foundation magic in the
castle, you can practice while dedicating in the temple. If you practice seriously you
will be able to participate next year."

Next year may be something, but I can not help it this year.

"If the prayer ceremony allows my attendants to fall apart, the problem of number of
people will be solved, but since most of the adults who are out of town can be escort
knights ..."
"You can not be as dangerous as reducing an escort knight as expected"

I nodded to my adoptive words "I am in trouble because I understand." When

consulting with the aides, Cornelius brother dismissed with the same words.

"Although you can solve a horse-drawn carriage, food, chefs, side dishes, costumes for
ceremonies etc. with money, you can not do anything about human resources."

Vilfried who had been listening silently for a while raised his face.

"As I and Charlotte and the remaining blue priests go around the distant Gibe, how
about that and Hartmut go around directly under the jurisdiction?"
"Eh? ... ... Wilfried's older brother and Charlotte are busy, I think that it is not very good
to increase the burden,"

Wilfried shrugged his shoulders when he thought that it would be okay for everyone
who was busy to help the temple but it was okay.

"It is better to increase the opportunity to face face with them even once to install
Lisezgang's support and to make it possible for the nobles to see that only Rosemain
is involved in the shrine."

In the past, in order to reduce the burden of movement, and to fill up the difference in
harvesting with Giebe, magical power abundant lord lord candidates were turning

904 | 2523
around directly under the jurisdiction. However, because of that, the nobles only seem
to be seeing me in the form of myths that do the divine after moving Gutenberg.

"One part that Raiségang feels that Rosemain is being deceived is that the story of
Rosemain and the miracle of Haldzür with Gutenberg are raised among the
aristocrats, other lordlist candidates do shrines There seems to be a lack of a noble
who saw the figure that I was in. Lamprecht who gathered information on Raisegang
system said so. "

...... I did not notice such a thing at all.

"It may be a good idea for us to go around Giebe, if you move with Ordonants and a
cowgirl you will not be too burdened in the distance"

Charlotte can use riding-type cowgirls, so you can move on a small sacred cup. You do
not do a prayer ceremony like rural just by distributing a small sacred cup to Giebe,
so there is no problem if you do not have a gray priest who will assist you. The
itinerary will be alleviated quite a bit. Wilfried nodded in the words of Charlotte.

"In that case it may be better to turn blue priests to direct jurisdictions and I want the
opportunity to meet as many ghibes as possible"
"A greeting is necessary for those who are newly appointed as temporary Giebe, so it
may be better for the older brothers to focus more on the South."

In the words of Charlotte, Wilfried thought for a moment, "I certainly would like to go
back to the south and Grecheel who would like to move a lot to newly appoint."
Apparently it seems that they are trying to positively tie up with the Raisegaen

"Then, since I plan to take Gutenbergs to Kilnberga, I will be in charge of Kilnberga

and the territories that are in direct jurisdiction."
"The praying ceremony that pours magical powers directly around the rural area will
be hard, but it is a shrine linked directly to the harvest, there is a joint research with
Fleevelt Taku, I will ask, Rosemain"

I was nodded after being asked by my foster parent. Wilfried glanced at me when he
was relieved to solve the problem he was bothering himself.

905 | 2523
"If you can demonstrate that even adults can get protection by participating in a divine
process," Rosemain, who would have said that you would get in the temple from now
on? It will make it easier for me to persuade my side who accompanies me. "

It seems that Wilfried's aides, who think that they want to not go out too much
because they are dangerous, even show participating in the prayer ceremony. It is said
that it is a duty of candidate lords, but if you go outside, the risk increases. As I was
raided with my first praying ceremony, I understood the concern of escort knights

"Would you like to make an amulet if Vilfried's older brother is dangerous, since
Charlotte's minutes are too much trouble"

It would be a little relieved if you make two kinds of things that can deal with physical
attacks and those that can respond to magical attacks. If the amulet can respond
suddenly, I think that the escort knight can respond afterwards. Charlotte smiled
small when I was thinking about what type to make in the many amulets I wear.

"We are the only ones going to the prayer ceremony, but if there is no lucky charm,
Melchior will sneak up, my sister"

When I looked towards Melchior in the words of Charlotte, Melchior got swollen a
little and said "I am not lying."
I just decided to make amulets for Mel Heol, our caretaker, and her adoptive finger
taps her hands lightly.

"Rosemain, a letter from Ferdinand of Ahrensbach this afternoon, there seems to be a

private baggage I would like you to send along with the items of wedding celebration,
delivering a letter to the other party holding the key of the museum I wanted you to
prepare it if you show a letter to the laboratory leftovers in the hall, please transfer
the civil official later. "
"Certainly, Mr. Ferdinand seems to be fine?"

The adopted father became a little difficult face to the words he thought while
thinking that it would have not changed especially because it was just met at the time
of the opposition against the territory or graduation ceremony.

"...... Genki is fine, but it seems to be a very troublesome thing, apparently it was
supposed to do a prayer ceremony at Ahrensbach."
906 | 2523

I can not understand why Ferdinand, who is a fiance and still officially of Ehrenfest,
prays in Ahrensbach.

"Although it is Ahrensbach of missing magic, it still seems that Ferdinand will not be
able to supply magical power of the foundation, which is my expectation, but after the
death of Aubu Ahrensbach, the next Aub started to redouble the foundation's magic I
think that '

It seems that he was told that it is possible to do a shrine because magical power can
not be supplied to the foundation. The foster mother who seems to have already read
the letter also puts his hand on his cheeks and spits a troubled sigh.

"And it seems that it came to accompany Reti Zia to the ceremony ceremony, and
Dietlinde who heard the story that the lord ceremony who finished the baptismal
ceremony is supplying magical powers in everything is done in Ehrenfest It seems
that Reti Zia did not practice, trying to supply magical power from the beginning ... "
"... ... it seems that somehow the shrine at Ehrenfest is twisted by strange feelings and
it is transmitted"

Charlotte became a worried face. As everyone is too busy to practice Melchior, it is

difficult for a child not accustomed to handling magical powers to deal with magical
powers, adult assistant is essential. If you learn how to handle magical powers at the
aristocratic center, you will not be able to understand the limit, or you will be caught
by an adult and a lot of magical powers will be pulled out.

In Ehrenfest, practice from where to carry the magical power of the magic stone to
prevent it. In that case, by adjusting the amount of magical power put in the
manastone, it is possible to prevent situations where magical powers are pulled out
too far. It is not hard work to say that it is hard work unless you get used to handling
magical power itself.

...... It will be a hard job if you give magical power supply without any practice.

It seems that he decided to accompany Reti Zia because he did not know what he was
forced to do when Ferdinand was absent. It is said that Ferdinand will teach treatment
of magical powers at the prayer ceremony.

907 | 2523
"... ... maybe it might as well be better to tell them that the restoration medicine with
Feldinand's gentleness was thought to be harassing to Virfriit's older brothers and
"Rosemain, worrying place is not there! Worry about how the Eleventh Festival is
transmitted to other territories"

I thought that I was poor if I was hated by retityia though I intended to be kind, but I
received a keen tsukkomi from Wilfried.

...... That's right, I usually know how much burden of magical power supply is borne
by myself, so I do not think that children before entrance to the aristocracy will not
let such a mischief.

"Regardless of Dietrinde who is misunderstanding, if Georgeene did not try to stop it,
I am worried about that." Did you pass the letter to Mr. Ferdinand about the result of
the adoptive father, purge? "

It is said that the information in the territory should only be thrown into other
territory by those permitted by the adoptive father. Did he tell you that there is a
possibility of survival in Giebel Gerlach? According to information from Matthias, it
seems that one of the hidden rooms managing magical tools was badly rough. Magical
tools seemed to have been impossible for Giebel · Gerlach who was thoroughly
managing to make it easy to use, and it did not rush out necessary magical tools before
the investigation hand extended to the hall He said that.

...... Well, my own studio seems to have no footsteps For Laurentz, it seems that the
degree of such roughness could not be said to be evidence of survival.

It seems that Matthias did not put in the hidden room of individual who can enter only
Giebe · Gerrache, and there seems to be no way to see inside. However, he seems to
find a strange cloth that is caught in the door. The cloth which was torn down by the
force has a silver luster and can not explain what is strange, but he seems to be

"I sent some information, as I looked into my sister's body, I found it in a letter."
"That was good, but I often overcame censorship."
"There are several ways to exchange confidential information, it is unknown if anyone
looks at the letter."

908 | 2523
My adoptive father saw me in a meaningful way and said so. Apparently Ferdinand
seems to have a means to exchange secrets not only with me but also with his adoptive

After dinner, while I had Haltmut taking a letter, I entered a hidden room with a letter
previously received from Ferdinand. As Ferdinand's ceremonial rituals verified in the
temple are written with gleaming inks, we must copy the necessary parts so that
everyone else can read it.
As I was verifying in the temple to the letter, it seems that there is a magic team of my
own in the magic tool carried into the pavilion from the shrine of the temple, so if you
send detailed verification results you can use it .

"Mum, you have to send the baggage anyway, so it's okay to write the verification
result in a letter and send it together, but even though I told you to give away all that
is in the hall, Is conditional permission a bit bad? "

In fact, the text which seems to be absolutely unlikely to give over makes me laugh
unexpectedly because he seems to be Ferdinand.

"Even so, as I entered the temple, I was soooo busy making my own big things."

Considering the size of the magic team that I used at the House of Lords, I think it is
too large to make for research purposes. I wonder if the mad scientist did not suffer.
When I left the hidden room thinking such a thing, Hartmut was bringing back a copy
of the letter.

"Thank you, Hartmut. I'm going to the library tomorrow and I'm looking for it, which
seems to be necessary for rituals of protection." Ferdinand says he may have tried it "
"As expected, it is Feldinand, is not it?"

You receive a copy of the letter from Hartmut and hand it to Hartmut instead.

"Philene, please send Brad Hilde a bad but please send me the date and time of the
meeting with the merchants, please tell me to sit with the merchants I would like to
talk about Grescier, would you rather have some? Tell him to accompany the civilian.
"Certainly yes"
909 | 2523
"Otiliier, Rizerator, Gray Tear. After I go to the library tomorrow, I will return to the
temple, so prepare to be in the temple for a while"

If you say this, not only will you prepare for costumes and accessories, but also contact
the chefs and the rosina and arrange the carriage for them to move.

"Then, we are supposed to call the Gilberto shokai to the temple to repair the temple's
ceremonial costume, so please come to the temple the same day to order summer
"Certainly yes"

While giving some instructions to the aides, I look over the letter being copied by the
adoptive father of the adoptive father. Most of the items that we want you to send to
Ahrensbach is mostly written a little bit. That's all I have heard from my adopted
father. Since it was copied by the civilian, I finished reading without having a
memorable handwriting. It is written in a circle with a noble lyrics, but I realized that
Dietlinde is very hard from the back. It seems that education of retizia also tends to
be stuck.

...... Because the heart is overworking to the severity of Ferdinand, retityia may be
relieved. Ah, but I will always be at a ceremony ceremony.

Although it would be necessary to add sweets, I thought that it seems that it would be
very poor if I never tell my only thing that recovery drugs with a gentleness are
disliked by children.

The next day, I headed for my aides and my library to prepare for ceremonies of

...... My library. What a nice sound.

Looking up at my library that I hurriedly caught with a beast, I laugh. I do not forget
to bring a leather bag containing magical tools that should have compliments. Listen
to the word of compliment today.

I stood in front of the entrance door, passed through the chain and took out the key of
the hall that had been lowered to the chest. When you insert it into the keyhole and
910 | 2523
keyhole, the line of red magical power runs through the door. And then he opened it
automatically while making a loud noise.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

Beyond the door the sidewalk of the hall where I had met many times at the time of
baggage transfer and visit by Dietlinde was waiting for me.

"It's been a long time since Rashafam. As you informed by Aldonanz, you may ask
Ferdinand to prepare luggage? If you send it to the castle it will be sent along with the
celebrations of marriage. I will search for items in the workshop, use hidden rooms,
read books in the library, read books and read books "

It is seen that Ferdinand pulls me out of the library of Ferdinand and Lazarfam which
is a lower aristocracy of the same age who has already stuck to the book in the library.
There is no need to repair this time.

...... Or rather, now, in the place where we cleaned up, the boro will come out soon.

Rather suffered a copy of the letter I handed over and said, "Rosemain, please do not
open the door before entering the library." There are several doors that can not be
opened unless it is the main owner 's house, and it seems that Ferdinand' s luggage
has been tidied up there.

After I opened the door I told Razapham, I went to the workshop with Hartmut. I have
to open and close the doors of the workshop. "Because I am in the library, I can not
afford to search without permission". Security is great, but it is a bit inconvenient.

"There seems to be a magic team used in the ritual of protection in the magician
carried in from the temple around here.Please note that because I have handed the
paper on the details to Hartmut, please find it with everyone.I have a hidden After I
made a room I will go to the library. "
"Rosemain, inside the pavilion, please take me with an escort for once, I am not very
helpful here"

Angelica said so and ran for escorts. Everyone seems to be interested in a magician
with a lot, so I took Angelica alone and went up the stairs to the room.

"Anyway, why is a female room always on the upper floor?"

911 | 2523
"Is not because it is wrong if you do not keep it the same anywhere?"

...... That does not mean that, well, is it okay?

While doing a conversation that does not intermingle with Angelica, I enter the room
of this house. And I looked around the room which is good but little furniture old.
It is said that this is the room used by a woman who came to Ehrenfest together when
Ferdinand was brought before baptism. Ferdinand despised her like a mother, but
after getting to the castle to prepare for the baptismal ceremony, it seems that he did
not appear when he came back. He was saying that it was excluded by Veronica.

I have no intention of furniture, so there is no plan to redeem the precious furniture

for Ferdinand and I will use it as it is.

...... What kind of person is Mr. Ferdinand like like his mother?

"Angelica, please take the chair there"

I stood in front of the door of the hidden room at the back of the bed and opened the
door when registering magical power. Have a chair put in a room that has nothing yet.
Leaving Angelica in the room, I closed the door of the hidden room.

And when you sit in a chair, I take the leather bag I had lowered to the waist and take
out the recording magician from inside. Ferdinand's voice came running as magical
power passed.

"Are you listening in the hidden room of the library you gave?"
"of course"

I reply by stretching my chest towards the magician. After a while there, Ferdinand
started talking about concerns.
There are rumors that Georgine moved to the imperial garrison, during the winter it
was not visible for a while, the rumor was that the aides had increased, even in
Yustoks it was wary of being moved downward To be.

"There is no doubt that something happened during the winter, there is a possibility
that the remnants of the purge came to Georginé, please tell Jirvestar not to be
alarmed, then we will hold down Raisegang There are several pieces of information
necessary for my luggage in the room where I put my baggage in. It is important to
912 | 2523
keep it on my own because I can not help it from now on, but if I judge that it is
impossible to make information flow I want you to do it. "

...... There are only notes to the adoptive father, but when will you be praised?

I understand it is quite important information, but I'm disappointed with the

expectation. While listening to the shoulder a little, I listen to the rest.

"And then, it's attention to you ... ...."

...... Not just caution, compliments, please!

"I heard from Jilvestor that it is not possible to expand the trade zone this year, there
is a possibility that the territories that disapprove of it may come out violently and I
was not seeing what Ehrenfest is like and I was exploring the situation It is about time
when merchants begin to make strange movements from familiarity. "

Karlin told us that he was having trouble trying to get married from Klostenburg and
said that the likelihood of similar things will happen in the future as well.

"If marriage is still convinced of both sides, it will not be a big problem, but it does not
necessarily result in a rough action.In both the printing industry and hair ornaments,
the few craftsmen you raised make up most of the profits It is the current situation
that it is born.

Gutenberg is moving to Kirunberga, but Turi who has the best arm as a hair ornament
craftsman is in a downtown and Beno and Marc are the same.

...... Rough rough, how do I ...?

I do not know how to protect everyone. I can not afford to keep it all the time and I do
not have everyone in the downtown possess such a charm that I have a lot of magical
power that I need a lot of magical power.
Although it can only be told that there is a danger, Benoz is probably well aware of
what dangers are involved in trading.

"Therefore, I will teach you how to make amulets that can be given to non-magical
civilians, so if you want to protect, let me have it."

913 | 2523
Saying that, Ferdinand's voice began to describe how to make amulets. I take memos
when I pick up the writing board in a panic. It seems that it is necessary to make a
slightly different way of making and materials than those for nobility who can refill
with magical power of myself.

"The material should be in the library's workshop ... ... In order to teach how to use a
charm, supplementing magical powers, and if you give a reason, will not they make it
easier to invite them to the temple? If I make it like a hair ornament I sent to you, I
think that it is easy to make gifts for celebrations. "

Tulli adults are in the late summer. Perhaps I am talking about such circumstances so
that I can give a grown-up gift to me gently.

"...... It is hard to understand, as usual"

I complained a little about my silent magical tool, I made my lips sharp.

"It was perfect if praise was included in this,"

It seems I was stupid to expect Ferdinand to compliment. Grasp the magician and sigh.

"... ... I think you are doing my best."


After a long, long silence, a voice came again. I ask magician to the ear to see if it is a
mistake hearing.

"Very well enough"

Even though it was a short word, I felt that I was rewarded with all that.
I was delighted and felt proud.
Perhaps because it is a praise word that can not be heard easily, it may be so glad.

I got down from the chair while holding naturally loose cheeks, put the recording
magician in a leather bag and put it in a chair. If you want praise, you better go to

...... He asked me to put a word of compliment, so I have to work hard as well.

914 | 2523
Also, as you can come to listen to compliments, we must make efforts just as good as

"YOU! I am fine and I will make amulets for everyone!

I became energized, opened the hidden door wide, and headed for the studio with a

915 | 2523
As everyone is looking for something in the workshop, I struggled to make amulets.
An amulet for ordinary people can not do without using the materials in the library's
studio. Considering the amount to distribute to the families of the downtown and
Gutenberg, it is quite necessary a lot. If you hand in the guild chief, the Gilberta trader,
when you are calling Plantin 's business, you can not make a guild' s length.

"I made extra amulets, and it's okay with this"

Then, after rarely struggling to make amulets for commoners rather than reading
books, we brought the necessary items to the temple for the ceremony. Tomorrow is
reacquisition of protection.

"Rosemain, I regained it after the graduation ceremony, so I will go to training without

participating in the ritual of tomorrow."
"Since I also re-acquired it, I would like to work in the castle"

I nodded in the words of Léonore and Rieselter, and I look back on Yudit.

"What would you do with Yudith?"

"I think we do not have prayers, so we will not make it for this time, so we can go for
training, and if we had a escort knight, we headed to the temple."
"There are a lot of escort knights, so please go to the training ... ... You have to try to
talk to Otiliier and Brünhild."

Although O'Donanz was flew to two people, Otiliier has not particularly prayed so far,
and Brühnhild is very busy with the interaction with Greschel and arrangements for
side work. Since Brunhild was doing a ceremony after his graduation ceremony, it was
that we will not wait this time.

"But please be sure to come to the temple as gray tier who gave a name to me is a
compulsory participant."
"Certainly yes"

916 | 2523
It is speculated that Rodrig had got all the attributes because of the name dedication,
but it has not been confirmed yet. This time I plan to have the renamed gods take over
for protection again after the adult group.

...... Will my mothers come?

If a mother can come to the temple, if you change the name of the Lord who gives his
name, you can investigate whether there is a difference in the protection obtained.
Muriela will have rituals repeatedly, but I would like to investigate if possible. When
I asked my mother about the schedule at Aldanants, there was a reply saying "I can
head for you from the afternoon."

"Let's have a new recipe for sweets because Cornelius graduated, so I can not get a
new recipe anymore"

For my mother who is sharp I decided to prepare a recipe for this year's reward

The next day, before the third bell rang, there were already all the aides to do the
ceremony. I will open the doors of the workshop in the temple room, hand over the
necessary magic stones to get in and out, and prepare them to carry magic teams and

"Mr. Rosemain, are you sure to bring it to the worship room?"

"Er, Fran. As I told Hurtmuth to direct the office to the worship room, please bring it
to the worship room, I would like to do as much as I can to the lords."

Because it is a heavy lifting, not only the franc but also Gill and Fritz are invited from
the workshop to help carry luggage. Immediately Hwartmut's aides gathered
together, and the baggage was carried out in a flash.

"Monica, have you been informed at the orphanage?"

"Yes, I tell you not to enter the prayer room today."

I have to watch the people entering and leaving the workshop, so I will leave the
preparation to Hartmut and Damuel. The civil servants Muriela, Rodrig and Philiane
are the assistants.
917 | 2523
When all the baggage is carried out, I collect the manastone brooch which I handed
over to the aides, close the door of the workshop and head towards the worship room.
In the worship room the Hartmuts were preparing exactly as ordered before.

Cloths and fruits are decorated on the altar, and the censer glows with fire and you
can see that it smells a little. A red cloth is spreading towards the altar, and the cloth
with the magic line drawn out is widely spread. The magic team was drawn with ink,
not embroidery, unlike the magic team seen at the lords. It seems that Ferdinand did
not feel like doing embroidered truly.

"Initially I will challenge Angelica at first to see if this magic team really works or if
you can do ceremonies with one attribute at a time to get protection."

Since it is ink, there may be a part that has been blurred and disappearing by a certain
period of time, there is also a possibility that some way of installation is bad and not

"I am going to attend Angelica's ceremony because I am trying, but after that I ask you
one by one, in order to do the ceremonies of protection at the aristocrats one by one?
Things that make the obtained protection a little extra It may not be, and it may be
due to concentrate on the ceremony. "

Watching is also necessary to confirm whether Angelica is really chanted, but others
should not have any problem. When I checked the ritual procedures, everyone looked
at Angelica anxiously. True there is no credit in Angelica at such a time. The person
nods strongly with a crisp face "I will try hard", but I am worried after all.

"After I tried Angelica, I will go to Hartmut."

"Is not me, is it?"

Brother Cornelius strangely said. It is natural that you try people trying to do the test,
but after confirming what you can do properly it is normal to do in the order of your

"Well, we have to finish the ceremony early and have her return to the office at

918 | 2523
There are many people instead of the escort knight Elder Cornellius, but there is no
substitute for Hartmut who can take over as the chief priest. Wilfried asked me, and
Hartmut is looking forward to it, so I decided to do rituals ahead of schedule, but in
reality it is a busy time to prepare for baptisms and a prayer ceremony a couple days

"Well, certainly Hurthmuth is better if you consider efficiency, but in aristocratic

society it is hated to disturb the order, so be sure to remember it."

He said that my way of doing things goes all the way, while stabbing a nail with only
the temple, I do not mind replacing the order.

"After accompanying the Angelica ceremony, I will be in the shrine of the temple
room, and ceremony will be held in the order of Hartmut, Cornelius, Matthias,
Laurentz, Muriela, Greater, Darmel, and please report the results. Muriela will be
asked to go again after her mother came. "
"Certainly yes"

I looked around everyone's nod and I pointed to the wooden box at my feet.

"This wooden box contains magical recovery drugs, be sure to never forget to fully fill
the magic team with your own magical power"

And, leaving me and Angelica, everyone else comes out from the worship room once.
It seems that escort knights are watching outside the door. I took out the magical
recovery drug from the wooden box and presented it to Angelica.

"Let's do Angelica ... Let's try to do rituals even if we call the names of certain gods so
that we can get the protection they want."

Angelica holds the magician 's center, holding a magical recovery drug offered by me.
Then he kneered towards the altar, and touched the magic team and started popping
magical powers.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

If angelica slowly advocates the name of the highest god and five pillar of Ogami,
Angelica's suitability of fire and wind attributes will light up and the pillar of light that
919 | 2523
is not so high stands. Looking at the ceremony of others in this way, all the attributes
glow from the beginning, and the height of the pillars is twice as high as Angelica, I
can see the reason why myself is said to be out of specification. Comparing with others
is important.

... ... If you gain protection from your family, the pillars of light will grow steadily. There
seems to be quite a difference from other people.

As I thought, Angelica began to cast the name of the father.

"Goddess of the Gale of Sty le realises, the divine angloph of the bravery. If my prayers
are subdued, I will grant you the protection of you."

...... Seriously, I pray only for the pinpoint God! Is it?

Angelica will quickly tell you the tightening words as soon as you have finished calling
the name of only two pillars of God. Even if you cast the name of your father, there
was no reaction at all, but the pillars of light above the magic team had disappeared.

"This is definitely a mistake, is not it?"

"Do you still have to remember the names of all the gods?

No matter how much you fill the magic team with magical power, it seems that you
should not undermine or omit the order of the ceremony by itself. That is why it is
probably a common task to remember the names of all the gods in the 3 rd grade at
the House of Lords. Otherwise it must have been gone long ago.

"Let's challenge whether you can do rituals by repeating the words of Stin Luke."

Angerity returns to Angelica 's face who was despairing in my words.

"I believe it will be done if you are Stein Luke."

"Lord, because this is an experiment, we go out together, but basically you have to do
it yourself."

Angelica drinks healing medicine while being scolded by Ferdinand voice Stutruk.
Whether you are going to attend an experiment, Stin Luke has been influenced quite
a bit by the original personality, is not it?

920 | 2523
...... I will send the experiment results properly.

"I'll do it"

Angelica whose magical power recovered reappears to the center of the magic team.
And, as before, I began to fill the magic team.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

The name of Ogami of Supreme God and Five Pillars has come to be able to say well in
Angelica. The problem is a sibling god afterwards.

"The god Kaosu free eh who is the hidden ancestry of darkness"

"God of concealment fairbernquen"

Angelica will repeat the voice of Stin Luke. Angelica is like a god who does not pray at
all, and there is no response to the magic team. By the way, I am receiving both
protection. Why is it that disaster strikes one after another though there is Car
Osfrey's protection?

"God Angelfe of the army of the army where the fire is a part"

There was a reaction for the first time there. The blue pillar which is the noble color
of the god of fire extended a little. Even the name of the guiding God Air Vaclaren has
a reaction, and the blue pillar extends a little. Angelica looked at the situation gladly
laughed. I feel motivated, I feel like I'm stretched in the voice to repeat.

"The goddess Drejan Goa when the wind is in the hospital"

"Goddess of Statue Steiele Reese"

This time the yellow pillar stretched a little. It seems that Steiffierze's protection was
obtained. I thought that we could obtain protection from Ordo Schnee of the goddess
of the flying, but unfortunately I could not get it.

After that I say the last word without any reaction.

"If you pray with my prayer, I will grant you the protection of you."

921 | 2523
Light rises up from the pillars of two colors of blue and yellow, turning around and
turning as Angelica blessing light. And the magical power which filled the magic team
became the light flow, passed the red cloth, went up the altar, and was sucked into the
statue of God.

"Successful, is not it?"

Even though I remembered my ritual at the time, I should have been able to obtain
protection without problems with this. However, I do not know if the goddess of the
wind gave protection.

"Did you get the protection of the Statue of the Wind Goddess?"
"When I went at the lords, the yellow pillar disappeared at the end so I think I'm fine
this time."

... ... When the Ogami's protection was not obtained, will the pillars of light disappear?
I knew it for the first time

Angelica seems to have had quite a rare experience at the House of Peers. I do not
think that I want to experience such a pillar of light disappears without obtaining
protection, but it is unusual to be rare.

"It is thanks to Stin Luke that Angelica was able to obtain protection, so give magical
power and please give it to praise."
"Yes, and thanks to Rosemain for giving me Stuchruk, I would like to go to the training
ground as soon as possible to see if I got a little stronger, and I would like to win the
master even once "

Angelica is tremendously excited, but I think that protection of the gods is not
something that will become stronger sooner merely by reducing consumption of
magical power and becoming easy.

Or ... would it be like when you gave Angry Fri's blessing?

There are no reports from the knights who got protection of Angleev, so I think that it
will not be a significant increase in the strength. But for Angelica it seems to be very
large that consumption magical power when using Stin Luke is reduced.

922 | 2523
"Since the escort knights are in the temple a lot today, it may be good for you to go to
training.Please boast that your protection has been obtained again.The old man also
came to the shrine I may be there. "

I will leave the worship room thinking that my grandfather should come also. Outside
the door my aides were waiting and escorting.

"Since angelica has succeeded, rituals can be done without problems.Hurtmut,

welcome, please come to the temple room to inform you of the result when you are
"Well, first of all"

When Hartmut says so to Cornelius elder brother, he enters the prayer room.

"Let's leave only Cornelius, the next ceremony here, so that everyone else will do their
jobs, Angelica is good for training."

Martias and Laurentz ask me for my escort, telling Rodrig, Phyllie, Muriela, Damuel to
do the office in the priesthood room. Gretia is on standby in the temple room. Angelica
jumped out like a wind.

Returning to the temple room, I head for the workshop quickly. Give a gracilian
brooch to Gray tears to enter and leave the workshop and tell them to guide those
who came back after the ceremony to the workshop. It is necessary for Gratia to stay
in the workshop to avoid the situation of men and women alone.

"We will also prepare magical tools to prevent eavesdroppers to prevent Gray tear
from seeing what other people got protection.Fran back to normal work. I will leave
the guide to Gratia. "

Fran was waiting at the temple room to greet me coming back from the ceremony, but
he should normally be working in the priest 's office if it is usual. However, "Indeed it
is impossible for the temple room of the temple to be in a state where there is no single
side of the temple," Fran was smiled and dismissed.

I will give Gray Tear a magic stone to enter and leave the workshop.

923 | 2523
"What does Rosemain make in the workshop?"
"It's an amulet"
"... .... Yesterday, you seem to have been making at the library's studio too?"

Graytier strangely said so. Certainly yesterday we made a lot, but that alone is useless.

"The one I made yesterday is for Gutenberg to distribute to Gutenberg, not only for
commoners but also for aristocrats"

Actually, when Ferdinand tidied up the shrine of the temple, I got a part of the
material, but put it in the workshop of the temple room, giving priority to good quality
objects. For that reason, it is better to produce good quality amulets for nobility who
made in the shrine of the temple.

"Then, when Hartmut comes back, please bring it."

"Certainly yes"

When I entered the workshop, I chose the same amulet by choosing a charm with less
magical power consumption among the amulets I wear. It is two kinds of things that
bounce back magical attacks and those that bounce back physical attacks.

...... If even preventing a surprise attack, I think that the escort knight will be able to
deal with it afterwards.

The escort knight attached to the lord family is trained by the old man. If amulet reacts
surprisingly, I think that I will do something later.

I created a talisman that I hand over to Villefried and Charlotte, and I breathlessly
breathed. Since the two also perform magical compression, they have a lot of magical
power, but Melchior does not realize even the handling of magical power yet, so you
must make more magical power consumption a modest amulet. "Do not think about
me as a standard," Ferdinand was saying as his mouth became sour.

...... I remember properly, is not it perfect?

"Dear Rosemain, is this the amulet you mentioned as giving to Virfriit and Charlotte
who go around the prayer ceremony?"
"Oh, Hartmut. Have you finished?"

924 | 2523
When I saw that Gretia and Hartmut entered the workshop, I stopped hand picking
materials to make Melchior's talismans. Then I got off the platform and headed to the
desk. After seeing the amulet we made for them, Hartmut laughed nicely.

"Rosemain, I am going to the ceremony, but ..."

Hartmut is asking for amulets with a smile. I do not mind to make it, but here is my
chance to push through my request. I look up at Hartmut and laugh with smiles.

"If Hartmut stops that strange prayer, you may give it up, because it is a disgrace to
the gods to teach children such prayers"

I scolded for putting my name on the words of prayers to the gods, but I do not listen
to it as much as to say, "It is important to tell the old Veronica's children what they
should appreciate." It is.

If you tell Hartmut, if you do not understand what life was aided in complaining about
the aristocratic society, and you do not understand what life has been saved with, and
you are feeling bad feelings poorly, you will become a nobleman no matter how much
your effort is repeated It will be picked up for the bud. It seems that it is kindness to
teach it.

"Still, there will be something to teach"

It is not like putting in prayer. In my words Hartmut declined to think something only
a little, raised his face and showed a fresh smile with a shadowy smile, saying "I gave
in to you, as Rosemain says.

"I do not know how the nobles will take the attitude of the children who did not
understand the object to appreciate to the lord of their parents 'brothers' enemies,
Compared to getting a talisman from Mr. Rosemain, the future of children is trivial,
let's stop it all. "

Ah, that one? Is it really bad to stop that prayer? Will the children be in trouble in the

Hartmut 's words caught in my heart, my head has come round and round. When I
thought, "Would it be better for children to continue?" Gray tapped lightly on my
925 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, please be firm, remembering the modified prayers is not good for the
children's future.To teach thanks to the lord families and modify the words of prayers
It's different. "
"That's right, right? Gratia, thank you. I woke up. You should stop Hartmut quickly."

When I commanded, Hartmut acknowledged with a slightly disappointing face

shrugging his shoulders.

"So, did you have the protection of your family?"

I attracted the paper I had prepared at the desk, handed out the wiretap preventing
magic tool to Hartmut and picked up the pen.

"Yes, I got the protection of the goddess Gebortornone of the order that is a family of
light from the suitability of myself, the god of breeding Evanwakus that is an obsession
of fire, Ordenshuneli of the flying goddess that is a honor of the wind"
"From the suitability, was it that you got protection from a family other than

I ask while asking notes. Hartmut smiled happily and nodded.

"I got the attribute of life with the protection of God Dao alleben of longevity and the
shratarium of my dreams"
"There seems to be few people with attributes of life, so it is rare, is not it?"

Hartmut who was participating in the harvest festival and votive ceremony had
obtained protection from unexpected families.

"Even though it has not been a year, I got protection from this kind of honor, it is
necessary to actively participate in the divine ... ... When praying in the temple for
several years now, You might overtake Fleet. "

There are not many shrines in the temple dedicating magical power. Wilfried who has
been supplying to the foundation magic for many years got a lot of protections
obtained. It seems a bit frustrating.

"Because Virfriit's older brothers are devoting magical power on a daily basis, I think
that it can not easily pass through so easily, though,"
926 | 2523
I'm looking forward to how much protection Charlotte can get.
Listen to the results of Hartmut and finish out of the workshop. Brother Cornelius and
Gray Tier came in before I started making amulets of Melchior. Ask for what kind of
protection was obtained in the same way, using magical tools for wiretapping

"As with Leonore, I gained the protection of the god Angyrief of the bravery and the
goddess Stei フ ェ リ ー ゼ ー of the gale, I was relieved by the face as Rosemain's
escort knight"

It seems that Lionore who is a fiancee got a little impatient to get protection of
Angleeff first. It would be a man pride.

...... I'd like to be cool with Leonore, Cornelius older brother.

When I looked up at Cornelius' s brother while making me smile, did you notice the
meaning of the gaze? Cornelius brother slightly diverted his line of sight.

"Then, I got protection from the fairytale of the darkness"

"Well, the attribute of the darkness has increased, congratulations."

Fair dray male is a god of demons. To be precise, God who drives away the chaos
goddess. Speaking of being a knight, it seems to be a knight.

"I did not expect that the attributes will increase, so I'm happy."
"Since your mother is lunchtime, is it not a good thing to report it, or do you want to
leave Ordonants to Leonore?"

When he looked up at Cornelius's older brother while laughing, Brother Cornelius

pinched my cheek once and went out of the workshop while saying "You do not have
to worry about only extra things" .

"Why do all of you pinch my cheek?"

While stroking a little bit of cheeks, I start preparing amulets of Melchior.

... ... Next is a name-dedicated pair? What will happen?

927 | 2523
"When you called the name of the highest god and the five gods of Ogami at the
beginning of the ceremony, all the attributes gleamed from the beginning"

Matthias who finished re-acquiring protection began talking holding a magician to

prevent eavesdropping. When starting the ceremony it seems that pillars of light of
all attributes were set up before calling the name of the family. It seems that the ritual
has proceeded in the same way as heard from Rohdrich.

"Originally it was the suitability of fire and wind and soil, I did not expect all attributes
to shine from the beginning"

Intermediate aristocrats mostly have two qualifications, but Mathias has three
aptitudes. When I received the name I was surprised that Matthias stone was three
colors. The senior side who came to Ehrenfest along with Gabriele from Ahrensbach
is Matias' s grandmother, so it seems that the influence of that is strong. Even though
he has the same level of power as the upper class, he was held down by Reesegang
and he says there were plenty of things to think about Giebel Gerlach.

"... ... as a private individual I thought that we should reacquire at the aristocrat at the
time of graduation, but letting all the name-dedicated teams reacquire means that the
name devotion to Rosemain is the cause of all attributes Is it? "
"Well, probably, because Rodderich was so, I wanted to get confirmation. After this I
think that it will be confirmed if you ask Muriela to change her name and perform
another ceremony again I am. "

Matthew muttered that "Changing the name dedication is hard work." I certainly think
that the burden on Muriela is great, but there is only she who was allowed to make
exceptional changes. Whether there is a change in attributes depending on the Lord
is that it greatly affects children in orphanages and children's rooms.

"It seems that Rodrig had felt a small extra change such as the success rate of
preparations such as preparation rose after I gave a name to me, but how was
"If I think back now, it seems that it is certainly in the preparation of the attribute that
did not fit ... ..."

928 | 2523
The influence of attributes gained by sacrificing seems not to be so large. Intermediate
aristocracy close to lower class like Rodderich seems to be able to feel the benefits
greatly but middle class aristocrat like intermediate like nobility like Matthias has
much fitness and a lot of magical power, so almost a little extra feeling There appears
not to be it.

"By the way, did Matthias gain protection from his father?"

Rhodrich only confirmed that it got all the attributes by the influence of the name
devotion, and did not obtain a new family. How was Matthias? Matthias was a little
pleased with my question and did not shy anyway.

"I got the protection of God Angy Foo of the Battle and the God of the Exorcist Fair
Drey Os"

While talking to Matthias, Graytier noticed the frank that was at the door. Gray tears
who heard the story of Fran was back and tells us that the fourth bell rang.

"We will prepare for lunch, so Fran is saying that please come out of the studio when
the story ends"

When I left the workshop after finishing talking with Matthias, Laurentz and Muriela
just came back from the worship room.

"As the fourth bell rang when I was finishing the ceremony and drinking recovery
medicine, Muriela made it from the afternoon."
"I understand, I will listen to the results of Laurentz in the afternoon at the workshop,
the ritual starts from Muriela, after that Graytier will perform the ceremony, so please
call the Fileline for the staff to guide the workshop"

While Furan and Monica are preparing meals, they are talking about setting up the
afternoon and Aldonants jumped in. A white bird descends in front of me and opens
her mouth.

"Leonore, you said that Bonifaceius headed to the temple with Elvira"

...... Oh my god! Is it?

929 | 2523
Léonore apologized to me for a sudden change of plan, "I feel sorry, I thought
Bonifatius was a good opportunity to head to the temple" in a slightly troubled voice.
It seems that it seemed to be a great opportunity to erase the prejudice to the temple,
as the profit for the nobility is clearly visible and understandable now, which is the
ceremony of reacquisition.

I told Angelica to be proud, but I did not think there would be a response so soon. As
my mother comes, preparation of sweets and tea is done without problem, but my
mind is not ready.

...... I have to persevere and appeal the good points of the temple.

You must make sure that the current temple is not such a bad place in the old wood
that the temple has a thought. If my grandfather's view changes, it should have
influence on the same generations of aristocrats.

...... Umu, it's a bit pressure.

"Then, please speak about the protection that Laurentz got from. If my grandfather
and mother came, I will not be able to speak slowly because I will be spending her

After lunch, I took Phyllie and Laurentz into the workshop. Laurentz grasps the
magical tool to prevent eavesdropping and laughs like teasing.

"Does that mean that you want to take time with me, Rosemain?"
"...... Huh, I think it was good in the afternoon to talk to Laurentz"

I saw the workshop where Phyline is not a gray tearer, and I said so. I do not know the
meaning, look up at Laurentz who raised my eyebrows.

"Gray tear is not good at being made teased by a boy, please do not approach Gray
tear with such a light tone"

From Rieserator it is reported that Gray Tear is not good at a man and wants to take
a distance from men's aides. Perhaps, the most difficult thing about Gray tear is not
Laurentz coming out with light tone.
930 | 2523
After Laurentz was filled with words in my attention, I breathed a sigh and became a
serious face.

"I will be careful"

Laurentz got what exactly the same as Matthias, in addition to all the attributes, was
the protection of the divine angry fief of divorce and the god of faithful God of devils.
Protection of Fairdrey Os is Cornelius elder brother, Matthias, Laurentz is the third

...... I have not got Leonore, but maybe it's a kind of protection that the knight is easy
to get even among the attributes of the darkness? No, but I also got it. I do not know
what they have in common.

While groaning while looking at the protection that everyone got, Laurentz muttered
as a pot.

"If the increase of protection increases with prayers, the younger brothers who
celebrate Aub to the guardian in the absence of parents may become more likely to
live a little."
"It will be difficult soon, but the view of the aristocrats will also change in the future,
please tell us that you got protection from your honor to Bertram, if you are brother's
words you can trust honestly I guess. "

When Laurentz was sent out to the orphanage, Muriela came over to Philline. Holding
a witchcraft that prevents eavesdropping from appearing as a little Orooro, opening
her mouth as "Rosemain sama, that, me, ...".

"You got all the attributes? It is the influence of name devotion"

"Was that so? ... Then, I also gave a blessing to the goddess Blue Anfa, a budding girl, I
am delighted because I prayed with Ryurudadi."

It was Yurus Brenner 's ruled Lady who got the only protection in the third grade of
another territory that began praying after being asked about prayers at the dedication
ceremony. It seems that he is really friendly with Muriela. It seems that he wants to
obtain protection from God who frequently appears in a love story, and he shows
some amulets that are lowered on the wrist.

931 | 2523
"Please do your best not to work hard enough to obtain a lot of protection.When you
have a mother in Muriela, you will change your name assignment and you will be
asked to do the ceremony once again. To do"

Muriela nodded with a little tense face.

Prior to Graytier 's coming back from the worship room, Leonore celebrated the same
with his mother. Because my grandfather's aides are together, I am embarrassed by
the fact that there are more people than I anticipated, and welcomed two people, "My
grandfather, mother, I was waiting."

Mothers giggle and laugh at the side of the france looking with a hard look like how to
have tea brought to Nicolas and bringing sweets to Nikola.

"I was really surprised when there was contact from Léonore, Mr. Bonifatius"
"I thought that I would accompany Elvira's escorts as it was a big deal, it would not be
a woman heading alone to the temple."
"Oh, I am fine, Rosemain and Cornelius are always in and out, and it was Karstedd-
sama who arranged this room."

Since I was informed by my father and brother Ekhardt who had gone in and out of
the temple in the beginning, my mother seems to have not hesitated particularly to
enter and leave the temple from the beginning.

"The gray priests have cleaned us well, and my side-work is excellent, so there is no
discomfort in particular, is it?"

When I asked, my drinking tea that Franc had brewed, my grandfather nodded a
cookie that Nicolas brought me. It seems that you understood that you are living a life
that is not different from being in the castle.

"From now on, we will start Melchior and increase the number of children in the
children's room to the temple, even if we can study lecture at the temple, we can not
train the body, so if you do not mind, we will train our children Please do it. "
"Do you have a child of a former Veronica?"
"Well, most of them can not survive unless you devote a family name to a lord family,
you are the one who will give you a name, become a close associate of the lord family
with life." Is education necessary?

932 | 2523
Living in the temple. I think that the rate of becoming an associate of me and Melchior
is high. It was because I was not in contact with the children that I had difficulty
securing my aides when I was sleeping at Jureve. Since the intention of the individual
is eventually important, the frequency of contact is important.

"You may be able to serve myself either ... .... Besides, Nikolaus who is grandson for his
grandfather also enters the temple as an apprentice for the blue priest. Please grant
the hope of becoming a knight."
"Let's consider ... ...."
"Thank you very much, my grandfather"

If you can train like an old man like the occasional occasion, children wishing to knight
will not give up their path. Besides, if you are watching the way that my grandfather
will train, it may be possible for me and Merciol's escort knights to take turns seeing

"Hey, my grandfather, did angelica gaining protection get stronger?"

"Yeah, it's a bit, but there was a difference in speed and Sutin Luke's blade, which is a
bit of a problem, but a bit of that is that it will be a lot of work as much as an engelica
skill, even though I won this time, I fought a little bit "

I made a slightly faster movement than I expected in myself, and it seems that it was
hard to have a partner because the timing has changed a bit. Although he said that he
will not lose yet, I heard that my cooperation boasted that I got new protection at the
temple and I was concerned that my aide has steadily been strengthened.

"Since you came at the time of validation with great pains, will not your grandfather
or mother re-acquire the protection? Especially since the grandfather is supplying
magical power to the foundation magic as a lord family, surely I think that I will give
you a lot of protection. "

When I invited, my grandfather said with a vicious face like crushing insults "No ... ...."
I was hesitant to come to the temple. I did not think that the ceremony was so much
disgusting, I bitterly smiled like my mother interceded.

"Rosemain, I would like to try it in the mountains, but I do not remember the words
of prayers that I just remembered in a lecture many decades ago completely, even in
my own story I write the names of the gods. I need time for review before ... Hey,
Bonifatius? "
933 | 2523
"Well, if you say that Rosemain can gain protection from magical powers, you are
interested. Let's challenge after remembering."

My mother does not forget the name of God who is necessary to write a love story, but
I do not remember all the names of minor gods, and the words and order of prayer
are ambiguous.

.... That's right.

It was said that Damuel also remembered for reacquisition. Remember it decades ago,
you will not remember all the names of the gods that you did not use after that.

"Rosemain, this is a letter from Aubu, I got permission to cooperate with the ceremony
for reacquisition and I have the word to leave Muliera treat."

My mother said so and gave the letter to Phyline. I look over the letter I received from
Phyline. To summarize, "As Muliera makes it flexible, let me know immediately the
result of the ceremony as soon as possible and let me re-acquire it" instead.

...... It will be saved if consumption magical power decreases, I guess it is better to do

it early.

It is urgent to increase the amount of magical power that the lords can use. If possible,
I hope that not only the adoptive father, but also the grandfathers will be ceremonious
and get protection.

"Does your adoptive occupation do the ceremony for reacquisition? You have to learn
the words of prayers and the names of the gods in a hurry, though ...."
"Well, let's do ... At any rate, Jilvester does not think of coming to the temple at all, it is
also a year difference ... ...."

When I saw the letter of the adoptive father who says that as soon as the result came
out, my grandfather looked confused. Wrong! I want to say big with my voice. I do not
say that.

...... I do not think there is anything to do with the difference in years. Because you are
a father-in-law who wears clothes of a blue priest and accompanies a prayer
ceremony. In addition, I was hunting lively in the woods of downtown.

934 | 2523
I can not tell you that my first meeting with my father was a prayer ceremony of the
temple, but I can not say it even if my mouth ripped, but I think that everyone is quite
amazed. There can not be lords who secretly participate in the prayer ceremony.
Knowing the common sense of aristocracy, I agree more.

"Let's change the Lord of Muriela so that we can report to your adoptive father as soon
as possible, mother ... ... Do you mind waiting for my grandfather?"

The sacrifice is not something to be done in a big way. I will do it at the workshop. In
my words the old man asked, "I would like to see the ceremony, but can I tour it?"
Asked with a severe face. There seems to be somewhat more in the temple and ritual,
but I am interested.

"Since Damuel is going to perform ceremonies from now on, we should say that
Damuel is good"

I knew that there was no way I could turn it back to Damuel, but I answered so. It is
better than being invaded by the gray teen rituals who are not good at men. In a word
ahead of time, Damuel will be ready for the mind.

"The ceremony is not something to show to other people so much, and how much
money do you think can not enter the worship room with only women and two? The
age of a man who has not reacquired yet is Damuel There is only one, so please ask
Darmel for it. "

I know that it is not very welcome to be only men and women in the temple. He nods
in my words "I understand".

"Please show me to Cornelius older brother, my grandfather to the worship room,

please only give me something to accompany Damuel's ceremony like an old man,
because if you have too many people, you can not concentrate Dahuel "
"I understand, I will keep my aides out of the worship room, I will go, Cornelius"

Taking off Cornelius elder brother, I saw my grandfather and my aides going off, and
I accompanied Mother and Muriela, escort and funeral Leonore, and entered the
workshop. I opened the key of the box on the shelf of the workshop and took out the
stone of Muriela from among the sorting stone stones.

"Muriela, I will return your name"

935 | 2523
Contrary to wrapping stones with magical powers at the time of sacrifice, I absorb it
to regain my magical power. The stone of a sacrificed name which had become like a
white cocoon returned to a state of being wrapped in a white box. When you open the
box, the name of Muriela is inscribed indeed.

"I am sorry"

Muriela gazed at the name that came back in her hand once, breathed deeply slowly,
kneeling in front of her mother.

"Mr. Elvira, please accept my name, I am spending my days feeling the visit of Blue
Anfa in your tale, spinning and expanding beautiful stories together, sharing with
many people I sincerely hope for it. "
"Muriela, my comrades, let's receive your name"

The mother picks up the white box that Muriela gives out and draws magical power
at once in the same manner as explained beforehand. I did not show a painful situation
as much as I received a name, and Muriela, who was in the midst of pain, looked up at
my mother as if it was a bit staggering.

"My name dedication is over with this, Muriela, can I have the ceremony once more?"

When I got out of the workshop, Graytier was waiting waiting for the ceremony. When
I got out of the worship room, my grandfathers were lined up side by side, it seems
that they were quite surprised.

"Damiel heard that Rosemain says permission gave me a very troubled face."
"I judged it better than being caught up in the ritual of Greater, Damiel is a precious

Gradeia who imagined that he was going to hurt himself in the middle of his own
ceremony restrained the rich breasts as he was relieved.

"I must thank Damuel later on,"

"If you run for Dahmuel's wife's candidate, you will cry and be delighted."

When I laughed cuzily and said so, Graytier shook his head with a straight face.
936 | 2523
"Because I'm not good at gendo, I do not want to marry anyone, I will refuse it unless
Rosemain's order."

.... Sorry. Damuel, I was refused with a serious look.

"Thanks to Muriela's cooperation, I was confident of the influence of the Lord by

devotion, and each gave me protection, many of whom increased their attributes.This
verification was a good result Is not it? "

I will give a report to Rodelich that summarizes the results and impressions of the
ceremony that hides the name alone, and when I return to the castle, I will tell him to
bring it to my adoptive father.

Hartmut who gained protection from several relatives and increased attributes of life.
Brother Cornelius who got protection with the god of the fighting system as its center
and increased the dependencies of the darkness. Matthias with thin attributes with
their name dedication. In addition to all attributes, Gray Tier gained protection of the
covering god Fairbern.
Muriela got a name dedication and was not affected by all attributes, but was
influenced by mother's attributes. In addition to that, it is the protection of the
Buddha's goddess Blue Anfa.

"Well, it was a pretty interesting ceremony and I am supposed to remember the words
of prayer and the names of the gods"
"Well, I was also interested in trying to pray for prayers because I want to get the
protection of Blue Anfa and Glamora Toa."

The grandfather who saw the ritual of Damuel also got a satisfying mother who got a
mystery called Muriela and heard a report with the attribute of darkness to Cornelius
elder brother. My mother seems to want the protection of the goddess Guramaratua
of language which governs the language.
It is nice that the two of us who repel the temple turned positive for the ceremony.
With this, the nobility's consciousness reform will advance.

"It is incredible to believe that attributes increase, even with this eye."

937 | 2523
Before my grandfather's eyes, there is a Damuel dropping his shoulders. As I attended
the ceremony, my grandfather knows what Damiel gained protection. I also know the
result because I summarized it.

...... It seems to be very Damiel. Yup.

Damuel got the protection of the married goddess Ribesque Hilfe and got a new light
attribute. And from the attributes of the wind I had before I got protection from the
goddess Draghwanga of time and the goddess Yugelise by parting.

It seems that he was desperately praying that he could marry Brigitte at Ribeski Hill.
Especially it seems that you have liked quite a bit that you got protection of the
Ugelaise which seems not to have prayed.

"... ... Marriage is hopeless, is not it?"

The muttering of Damuel who had a distant eyes was heavy.

938 | 2523
"Refuge, perfun ... ... Is not it perfect?"

Today is the day of meeting with the merchants in the downtown. In addition to the
memorandum that lists that we have to talk with the prepared amulets including the
reserve, we prepared a fugo recipe. It is supposed to exchange the recipe of Ilze and
recipe of Fugo at the offer from Otomar Shokai. The recipe of Ilze is a menu plan for
putting out at the Italian restaurant this summer, and it is the style that I confirm with
me who is the investor.

...... A new recipe, Chifuu!

When the third bell rings, Rodrig and Phyllie from the castle are supposed to bring the
civil servants of Brünhild and Grechell, and then the motivated young civil servants.
Merchants arrive earlier, so when the guide of the arm comes to the meeting, it moves
to the meeting room.

"Rosemain, the chief priest is seeking entry permission"

Grant permission to Fran, the door of the room is opened. Haltmut who always smiled
with a smile came in with a rare confused face.

"What's wrong?"
"I thought at a later date that I would like to report later that it is an important meeting
with the downtown, but I will report it earlier, because I feel bad about it because I
feel bad ... ... Clarissa departed from Dunkel Ferger That's right"

Clarissa, which makes marriage with Hartmut a means to become my aides, said, "It
is OK that marriage will be postponed, but it is hard to forbade my aides' entry to be
postponed", it seems that he was angry . A woman has a period of having to leave his
job from pregnancy, childbirth, child rearing even by simply. So, if marriage is
postponed, that period will definitely serve. It seems that he insisted that he wanted
to head Ehrenfest as soon as Hartmut's fiance.

939 | 2523
Originally when Hartmut was the chief priest, it was not amazing to cancel the
engagement but it was not resolved. It is because the mystery claim peculiar to Dunkel
Ferger passed to Aub Dunkel Ferger, "only the principal can get the task with martial
arts and cancels the winning engagement."

As a result of the discussion with Awamu Dunkel Ferger being added to relatives in
the territorial opposition against the territory, we heard from Hartmut that "When
Alva Ehrenfest permission is obtained Clarissa will move at the time of the lord's

"Is that permission from father-in-law, is not it?"

"Yes, because there is no Ferdinand and Rosemain is very tough, we would be
delighted if the aides of the upper ranks like Dunkel Ferger increased, it is said that
Aub Ehrenfest said that we welcome Clarissa"

I do not think it is strange in itself. It is also true that Clarissa, the citadel of the higher
rank, came and saved it, even though there was no Ferdinand.

"... But, why are you leaving now? Are you still in the Lord's Conference? Are you
coming through the House of Lords?"

The nobleman shrine who has no people is basically blocked only by replacing the
knights who protect the transition team. If you want to meet Clarissa, you have to
open everything and place people. A large schedule change is required.

"You have not heard anything from Dunkel Ferger?"

"It was last night that I also heard from Aub.Abu-Dunkel Ferguer seems to have been
very concerned with the current situation of Ferdinand that the self-action is heavily
involved, whatever it is If Clarissa headed soon would make Ehrenfest easier, it seems
that it was also a good thing. "

...... Aub Dunkel Ferger!

It seems that Clarissa who heard it firmly started deliberately departing for Ehrenfest
on the land instead of going through the House of Lords not to bear the burden of
Ehrenfest, accompanying her servants. It seems that it was also the departure early in
the morning the next day of the feasting spring.

940 | 2523
Clarissa parents who finished socializing in winter, finished their daughter's
graduation and celebrating adulthood, were informed that their daughter had already
left, in a refreshing morning that awakens slowly with a break and in a panic, Arub's
It seems he ran into the place. "The runaway of Dunkel Ferger again bothers Ehrenfest
... ..." and the Aus and hers turned pale, and it seems that an apology report came by
using a means of communication between emergency lords.

"It is said that a request from Aub Dunkel Ferger, who seems to be very sorry, to pick
you up at the Froebel-Turk boundary has arrived at Aub Ehrenfest, Clarissa's parents
are following her And my mother is preparing to prepare the room in a hurry and
preparing to pick it up, I have been home from last night. "

Clarissa's schedule change is annoying in a way, but it is true that there is no

manpower, so it is saved a certain meaning. It is a very delicate place. Either way, if
you already started departing from parents including you, there is no choice. Going to
the boundary gate is the courtesy of the bridegroom.

Although doing selfish things, it seems that they are all aware of themselves, not from
the boundary gate with Dunkel Ferger closest to Ahrensbach, but also from the city to
the border gate with the nearest Fröbel Turk She seems to come. Given the number of
days to come from Dunkel Ferger through the old Bergischerk territory and arrive at
Ehrenfest via Fröbel Turk, you will be ready to pick you up.

"When will Haltmut leave, when will it be coming back? Is it necessary to adjust the
prayer formula too?"

If the bride line of Dunkel Ferger departed, it will be around the time of departure to
the prayer ceremony to arrive at the Fröhbeltta boundary gate.

"Talking with parents for a while, it will be a story from the time we are ready."
"Is it obvious that Dunkel Ferger's kindness to do with others, you should complain to
Clarissa about the convenience of this, say a word "

Changing the schedule is troublesome. The more people involved like a prayer
ceremony, the greater the impact of change. Huh, and sighs came and Zeam came into
the room. Merchants seem to have arrived.

"It is not an immediate story that Clarissa will arrive, so I will contact you again if I
decide in more detail. Let's go to the conference room, if you want to distribute
941 | 2523
talismans for commoners, it might be better to give out before the civilian came I do
not. "

While nodding in the words of Hartmut, I took the Monika holding the box with the
amulet and the brother Cornerius of the escort knight headed to the meeting room.
As reported from Zeam, Guild length, Frida, Cosimo from Otomar Shokai. Otto, Turi,
Theo from Gilberta Shokai. Beno, Lutz and Marc are coming from Printemps.

...... It is safe to have a nostalgic face together.

I met him before when Ferdinand talked to Ahrensbach. Turies who refrained from
adults seemed to be mature again. I am growing, but have you noticed it?

"Rosemain Mr."

The representative 's guild length hit the left palm on the left palm in front of his chest.
I noticed that the merchant's Spring greetings, I also hit the right fist against the left
palm in front of my chest.

"Bless me for thawing, May the spring goddess bring great grace"

Frank and Zam have brewed tea and brought sweets while greeting. I gave an
instruction to Monica and got the amulet box out on the table. And I will explain to
you all the concerns conveyed from Ferdinand.

"Everyone knows better than myself than me, but since I am worried about
something, I have created an amulet for the commoners, I want to pass on to Ellenfest
merchants who bind themselves I think, please accept it. "
"Thank you very much, it is about time that inconvenience happens sooner or later, I
think that I would like to tighten again and welcome the summer"

That's what Beno said like a bit of valuable advice. Monica hands out amulets to
everyone. I went over to the hands of Turi and to the hands of Lutz.
While everyone else wants to protect the amulets, only the two of them will turn to
me for a moment that they said "Is it really okay?" Among the two people, I would not
have anything yet Can you see the color of Mine? It is nostalgic for me and my regret.

...... Both of them are terrible. Even I am growing a bit! Even this is the best at the House
of Lords! I thought about it properly and made it!
942 | 2523
I can not say such a thing indeed, so I take extra amulets and explain how to use
carefully. At the same time, I will not forget what Ferdinand says, but also remember
the claim of the part I thought "properly".

"In an amulet we have, it will work even with a degree of shock that the shoulder
struck a little stronger.When it will hinder our daily lives, it will work at the time of a
shock like a big injury I did it. "

Because nobility is a standard for Ferdinand, I thought about the standard of living in
the downtown properly. Surely it can not be done by other aristocrats. I saw that Tully
was impressed with a little bit, I stretched my heart.

... ... Is not it amazing? Good morning.

"I am very glad to take care of it"

"I am also making Gutenberg's part so I will hand it over before I leave for Kilnberga,
hide it before touching the eyes of many nobles, because some people think that it is
excessive for the commoner."

"People of the Plantin Shopping Association may know, but the number of orphanage
children has increased, so we will move in and out of the workshop from now on.If
you do that at that time, please tell us the interaction with the merchant. I want to
nurture it as a civil servant to make it possible for people in the downtown community
to communicate even if I leave the temple of the temple. "
"Huh, is not it a serious mission?"

Raise the eyebrow a little bit so that Beno is interesting and say "Please leave it to me."
It must have understood that the children of the orphanage are the children who draw
blood of the nobility and later become nobility.

"To bring up civil servants who can talk with merchants in lieu of me, today new lady
candidate candidates and a couple of citizens will be present, so basically it is the
purpose to show what kind of exchanges are done It's a tour. "

But I will explain that Brunhild and his civil servants will speak only when it comes to
Greschel's story.
943 | 2523
"Then, I am basically going to spend in the temple until the next winter, so can you
come to the shrine at the Gilberta trading costumes and costumes and hair
"Certainly, Rosemain seems to have grown in one season, you will need a new

I got pleasant to have admitted that Otto had grown up. After the baptismal ceremony,
Zaume came in as we asked you to come to the temple once before the ceremony
ceremony. It seems that civilian officials from the castle arrived.

The guild chief, Beno, Otto, who had been seated until then, will seat. And all the
merchants kneeled. When I confirm that I am ready to welcome nobility, I also stand
up and give permission to enter the room. The aristocrats arrived at the beginning
with Mel heol. There are some civilian officials who do not know the face.

"Please let me introduce first.This is Mel Heol, my son of Aub Ehrenfest, decided to
take office as a temple after I. We will also take over the work of the temple service
and the place of such discussion from now I am planning to go. "

Merchants greet greetings towards Mel heol at once.

"Blessed are the encounters with the guidance of the clean flow of the goddess of
water Fleet Lane"

It is the first time to say hello to the commoner and to give blessings. Melchior glowed
the ring green with a slightly nervous look.

"And then I will have met my face as my aide, but this spring I got engaged as the
second wife of Aub, Brühn Hilde, the daughter of Gibe Greschel."
"While Grecher's reform will cooperate in various ways, I'd like to thank you."

When I finished greeting with Brunhild, I suggested a seat. Only me, Burunhild and
Melchior sit on the seat at the aristocratic side, and other aides and civilians stand
behind. When the merchants also started up, the guild manager, Beno and Otto sat in
the same way as before, and the apprenticeship and side standings of Tuuli and Dupla
stood behind.

"Shall talk about reform of Greschel, which is the most important for merchants too?"
944 | 2523
I will talk about plans to make Greschel clean up and make the town of another
territory acceptable as well as I made a beautifully downtown of Ehrenfest, and I will
tell you what I suggested to the adoptive father.

"I hope to be able to accept the merchants in Greschel next year and basically do not
expand the trade frame this year"
"As the city is already saturated, it's as much as I'm thankful."

The guild chief said that he was a little relieved.

"So, the guild chief is looking for a merchant who will bring out the second shop to
Grechell, I would like the Otomar Shokai to issue the second shop of an Italian
restaurant, which is quite popular from other merchants I think that a similar shop is
also needed for Greschel, of course I will also invest. "

The guild's length glances back to Frida. Asked if Frida asked for permission to speak
and intend to educate chefs and servants.

"The blue priest apprentice and the blue priestess apprentice will increase in the
temple. How about hiring them as cooks and practicing it? Because I think that they
want to replenish the chefs, I intend to leave education to Fugo is"

Frida gets a little gaze. There is no doubt that the inside of the head must be filled with
various calculations.

"As Italian restaurants get quite a reputation, there are an increasing number of
people who wish for Italian restaurants to apprentice the chefs who belong to the
Association of Food and Drink Association, and if Fugo's education is accepted, there
will be people heading to the temple Let's look for cook apprenticeship. "

Questions are made about how many people will be accepted, how much salary will
be, work hours and environment. I will reply to each one while remembering the form
of duty of Fugo who was an apprentice when I was a blue shrine maiden.

"I think it is a very attractive story, but it may be a little difficult to make it available
for use in the summer of next year, so if reforms are to be done in the fall, furniture
orders will be in time Is not there not? "

945 | 2523
As Beno struggling to make a fine meal stroked his chin while saying that. It would
certainly not make it in time for Entwickeln to take place in the fall, checking how the
interior is, and placing an order for the interior as a specialized workshop.
Beno's words began explaining the use of furniture that Brünhild received.

"There is a thing that you can move furniture and cooking utensils from the
aristocracy's library with the authority of Aubu, if you use that there is no problem
preparing furniture?"
"I am building new accommodation facilities in Greschel, but I plan to put furniture in
the same way as well.The education of workers and servants in the accommodation
is recruiting people.So, Bruhn Hilde?"

In my words, Brünhild nodded "Yes, Rosemain sama."

"People gathered from around Greschel will be brought to Ehrenfest with a carriage
that Ghibe Grechele arranged, so we will train the work content in this spring and
educate what the busy time of the summer will be like I want you. "
"I think that it is difficult, but in addition to being able to educate people who move
their second store, this year's accommodation and service will increase, is not it

In my words Beno raises the end of his lip "It is a proposal that seems to be Rosemain-
like". When laughing with a burst of fun, Brunhildt told the merchants that "Are you
all right?"

"As a result of my talking to Aubu, as far as the end of this summer, I was able to design
the second store myself, so I think it will be easier to order the interior."
"There will be more people who decide to leave the second store"

The guild's length started a little oneself. Entwickeln who redesigns the city is not to
be done early. The merchants are refurbishing the shops that were made long ago and
are using it as it is. If you can make it with your own design, it will not cost

The civilian officer standing behind the signal of Brunhild stood out a piece of paper.
If possible, it is said to be a list of companies that want the second shop.

"I'd like you to encourage my business to give me a second shop from a commercial
guild.If you do not have the second shop out of a famous shop that the merchant is
946 | 2523
looking for, Grechel is at Entwickeln It will become a city with only accommodation
facilities, then we can not fulfill the original purpose of distributing merchants. "

...... Brunhild, I was a senior aristocrat who had never been to a downtown, so I'm
doing my best.

I am deeply impressed by the appearance that Brünhild is not talking civilians but
talking directly with commoner merchants. It is only about two years, is not it a
change of surprise?

Bruhn Hilde seemed to have talked a lot with Gieb and Grechell and his adoptive
father, and the topic shifted to the things I did not know even in the plan of Greschel.
I will lead the conversation to Brunhild and look around the conference room.
The ceremonies who are listening to the story side by side behind Burunhilde, those
who are keeping their eyes open to surprise, those looking to devour themselves to
be a future work style, those who are bitterly bitter, various It is.

I talked to Lutz where the story about Greschel is a little broken.

"Since it seems the story of Greschel is over, I would like to tell the printing industry,
I wonder if I can feel the same as last year for the Plantin Shokai's move to Lutz and
"There are a few things you would like us to change."

Lutz took out his writing board.

"It's the same for the departure time and the return time, but this year there is a desire
to let the disciple leave the principal because he is pregnant at Ink Studio" he is
pregnant. "

...... How! Heidi is pregnant! Is it?

Joseph will also remain here if you think about suppressing Heidi who wants to study.
New material, research, and Heidi seems to be very regretful, but it is not good for
pregnant women to go out for a long time. I will give birth at Kirnberga.

"Let me grant you to Giebe · Kilnberga and let us have a new souvenir as a souvenir"
"I am saved."

947 | 2523
It seems to me that Heidi's appearance rejoiced in the same way. Lutz smiled wryly.

"A request from Zaq of the smith craftworker to ask disciples to head this year has
come out, he is going to attend as a groom to the star festival this year"

...... Oh, it is such age.

Women in downtown often get married by the age of 20 just like nobles, but men get
married in the early twenties. It is a little late than the aristocracy. It seems that it is
the most appropriate when considering becoming able to feed the family. Johan and
Zach who were the first adults to have met were the age of just now.

"What about Johann?"

When asking in the meaning of whether to go to Kilnberga or whether there is a

bride's guard, Lutz gently lightly nodded.

"Johann 's Star Festival is early and two years later, I've heard that the granddaughter
of the master of the workshop will be married after waiting for adulthood."

...... Is your opponent doing well? Well, that's just that technology. My parents do not
want to let go.

"Johan had an offer to accompany his disciple Danilo for this year's move, because he
was having a hard time working at another workshop that is not selfish, he wants to
secure a transition period"
"I will allow both Zach and Johan, then tell him to give his disciples to Ingo, and I will
order the interior of Greschel's accommodation and the bookshelf of my library at

As the reforms undertaken by Abe, I must also have my participation in my dedicated


"Since we depart for Kilnberga after the prayer ceremony in the direct jurisdiction,
please tell all the disciples who will be heading off so that they will not be lost in
preparation, and this year we will also exchange Hassa's orphanage and personnel at
a prayer ceremony I will ask you to arrange a horse-drawn carriage and an escort
soldier as usual. "
"Certainly yes"
948 | 2523
Lutz nods and writes on the writing board. Melchior seemed strangely "I have another
orphanage?" I asked.

"Well, there is an orphanage in Hasse in the neighboring town, because there are a lot
of exchanges with the residents of Hasse, it will be a little different from the orphanage
here, so that each other has a positive impact Every year the gray priests are replaced
by four or five people. "

In the point of education, a new book arrives soon, although Ehrenfest with many
former side shinto priests and shrine maidens are superior, but since there are
cultivation of fields and interactions with residents in an environment where
aristocrats rarely visit Hasse may be better on the emotional side.

"I'd like to go once"

"If you get permission from your adoptive father, you may take him at the time of the
prayer ceremony."
"Is that okay?"

It would be fine if it was a trip-like schedule of visiting the prayer ceremony at Hasse,
staying overnight at the small temple, and returning to Ehrenfest with the aid of the

"It is not a bad thing to know what kind of praying ceremony is and what kind of shrine
is done. Merchants and craftsmen are also able to do what work in what kind of
workplace through parents and relatives Are you going to visit whether you do? "

When I looked toward Lutz and Turi, they nodded together.

"If you know the work content before actually doing work, you will be motivated and
willing to work, I think that it is very important."

When Turi laughed nicely, Lutz took out the wooden bill just as good.

"I'd like to have a child wishing an apprenticeship of the Planetan shop visit the
workshop, will I have permission?"
"The inside of the temple is supposed to be built and it is supposed not to put a child
before the baptismal expression ......"

949 | 2523
As I answered, I looked through the wooden bills. Kamir is written in the name of the

... ... Well! Is it? Kamil! Is it? Misjudgment! Is it? It is not a mistake seeing! Another
person of the same name! Is it?

Desperately restrained not to put out the upset and look up at Lutz. It seems that
Luth's jade eyes are good at it. no doubt. It is really Kamir.

... Wow! I have no year to look for apprentices! I do not know even if I understand!

What is left in my memory is the appearance that Kamir who is diapers with her
buttocks also walking in toddog. I did not even know that he is aiming for
apprenticeship of the Printemps business.

... ... I want to give you permission. I want to put it out terribly. I want to release it now.

But, this is not a good thing to decide easily. We have to talk to Fran and Gil and see if
we can accept if someone who wishes to visit the same way is accepted the same way
from now on.

"Nice to meet you"

...... Once Kamil became an apprentice of the Planetan Shokai, you might get a chance
to meet a little! Is it? Yay! Pray to God!

Ordonants came jumping into the place where the mind was becoming a blessing
storm. Merchants who are unfamiliar with Aldonants are wonderful, we are
accustomed to watching the movement as to whom we stop. Aldonants stops at
Hartmut's arms and opens his mouth.

"It's Clarissa"

……why! Is it?

Aldonants can not cross the boundary of the territory. That Clarissa can send
Aldonants is that we are in Ehrenfest now. I wonder why I am in Ehrenfest, though
this morning should have got information that I left Dunkel Ferger.
950 | 2523
"I arrived at the West Gate of Ehrenfest now. It is stopped by the gatekee that nobody
else in the other territory without Aval's permission can not be put in."

......, Ximen! Is it? You are coming to this city! Is it? Huh! Is it? how! Is it? scared!

I looked away with Hartmut. In the midst of astonishment, civil servants and
merchants are also pokan. The pleasure of meeting with Kamil was blown away in a

...... Ah, already!

I understood the mind that Ferdinand and my surroundings hold my head in my

runaway. This requires reins and you have to tell exactly.

... Yes, like Ferdinand!

When I looked up quickly, Hartmut was quickly offering a magic stone for Aldonant. I
strike lightly with a staple and shape it into a bird.

"According to Clarissa, the words of the soldier, I'm on standby at the West gate and
I'll send it back to Dunkel Ferger immediately if I can not do it"

Shake the staple and fly Ordonants, look back over Cornelius elder brother standing
in the escort behind him and ask him to call Darmel and Angelica. I command the
Damiel and Angelica who came in with a quick foot.

"It is the Clarissa of the other party to the soldiers is very. Please immediately towards
the West Gate. And please allowed to wait for Clarissa. I go When you have finished
the negotiations until Watakushi to arrive."

951 | 2523
I also skipped Aldanants and made Damuel and Angelica head to the West gate. I think
that Clarissa does not say unreasonable things against soldiers and commoners, or
rampage with this. After finishing correspondence to the emergency gate, the nobun
is next. You will have to contact your adoptive father.

"Please contact Arub Ehrenfest at Hartmut."

"Certainly yes"

Haltmut lightly nods and leaves the room. Hartmut is a fiancée of Clarissa, and
recently he went to shed information to his adopted father, so it is easy to get around.
If we can not do anything at Aldantz, we will head for the castle.

If you finish doing it, I will rethink and continue with discussions with merchants. I
have to finish this schedule. When I corrected my posture, I looked for the situation of
surrounding civilian officials and looked for words and the eyes met with the guild
chief who was in trouble.

"Mr. Rosemain, it seems to be in an emergency situation, shall we leave?"

Some civilians nodded to the question, but I shook my head as I thought.

"No, let's finish everything that we planned to discuss today, responding to merchants
coming up in the summer, and then thinking that next year will be the second shop to
Greschel, are you busy?"
"Thankful for your thoughtful though ... ...."

I heard that he was a nobleman of Dunkel Ferger, but I hear a tendency to hold back.
One of the civil servants agreed to the muttering of the guild manager.

"Is not it the way Gustav says, Rosemain, if a noblem of Dunkel Ferger is coming, that
will take precedence over the merchant, merchants should gather again."
"No. There is not enough preparation time for Grecher's reform.If you want to succeed
you can not take away valuable time of those who actually have to prepare.The
Greschel's reform fails The troubles are not merchants who are setting up shops in
downtown but Aru and Gieb-Grechell. "

952 | 2523
He raised his face as Brunhild was relieved. Still there are many civil servants who
have a face that they can not accept. It seems to be because he is strongly convinced
that aristocracy should be prioritized over commoners. I exhale a sigh and turn my
eyes towards Brunhild. Brun hilde opened his mouth by nodding with Kokuri.

"Rosemain has no flexibility for merchants.The reform of Grescher is a project led by

Aubu and we need a seat with Rosemain and me for discussion.I am in the present
situation of Ehrenfest He says that they can not match the schedule. "

Bruhn Hilde is going around in the form of mediation between Giebe and Aub by
Grecher's reform and preparing and supporting as a second lady while helping her
foster mother's work with Charlotte.

"As far as I know, there is a shrine in Rosemain and in the lord conference it is
supposed to do a ceremony of star tying with the royal family. By the time it is over,
when the merchants of another territory arrive It is not a discussion that can be
stopped for the senior aristocracy of another territory without prior contact. "

Brunghilde claimed that the priority should be prioritized not the aristocracy of other
territories, but the civil servants showed a convincing expression. I also have to study
the phrase that convinces the nobles, but if merchants do not move, I want you to
understand that it is Abe and Gieb-Grechele that fail.

"I will be okay because I let my aunt's opponent opponent of Dunkel Ferger's nobility,
and I am also contacting Aub Ehrenfest, I guess that there is some direction."

Although the soldiers of the gate which are made to respond to by Clarissa are poor,
they made two people who can interact with the commoners without becoming an
arrogant attitude, so it will be easier to respond if you arrive.

"As Rosemain says, it is just over there that the actions you did not do unscheduled
are over there so it's OK to wait. Rosemain, a candidate lord, is not required to change
the schedule for higher ranking aristocrats in other territories .Is it wrong?"

Nicoli and Brühn Hilde smile while winning the consent of the civilian. It is brilliant.
It is difficult for me to win the consent of a nobleman.

953 | 2523
"I do not intend to change the schedule, but I think I would like to finish it
earlier.Gustauf, please tell me the specific improvement plan for the reflection point
that was mentioned in the fall"

Points to be revealed in autumn and improvement points considered by merchants in

spring are cited. It is good to understand that it is surely improved every year. And I
also asked the merchants' expectations, last year's sales and goals for this year. It
seems that Frida is achieving the goal every year, and the enthusiasm for summer is

"Oh, then I have contact with the Plantin Shokai."

"What is it?"

Beno somewhat resembles "What is next time?" It is a bit of contact matter so I do not
have to worry so much separately.

"The other day, as a consensus of the nobility of Ehrenfest, I got a word from Aubu
and received it, so I bought an educational toy such as a scripture picture book for
kids, cards, cards and so on which had been limited to within Ehrenfest I will allow
you to sell it for merchants in the territory. "

I do not want to raise the rank any further. I thought that such adults' consensus and
the motivation of the students were compatible. If it wishes to be buried in other
territory by rank or rank, it is better not to raise another territory. If other average
points are 70 points, it will be conspicuous if it ranges from 95 to 100 points, but if
everyone gets 95 to 100 points it will be inconspicuous. Then the efforts of the
children of Ehrenfest will not be in vain.

...... Not lowering this place, just raise the others. Good morning.

"Huge profit can be expected depending on how to sell"

"It is more than when I bought the right from Rosemain sama."

I also smile with my grin with Beno with a smile like a carnivorous beast who looked
at the profits of earning, earning, earning money.

After making various arrangements and concluding discussions with the merchants,
Brunhild returned to the castle and I returned to the temple room.

954 | 2523
"Rosemain, there is a message from the priest chief"

According to Monika who was staying in the room, Hartmut seemed to head for the
castle. I also need to report to Aubu and I want to know the reason why the bride came
without waiting at the boundary gate and my parents had to talk about the treatment
of Clarissa and if I did not get the permission of Abu, It can not be put in.

"Well then shall we wait for Hartmut to come back, because I will not confuse Clarissa,
I will only confuse the soldiers where I headed for the gate"

I tell you that the talks to Hartmut have ended in Ordnants and tell them to drop in at
the temple before going to the gate to pick up Clarissa. Aldonants came back soon.

"I am going with my parents from now on."

"I'm sorry for you, Rosemain sama"

Hartmut 's parents apologized for Clarissa' s business as Hartmut 's fiance. Rather, as
I aim to come to my aides, I think that I am involved.

"Hartmut, what did you say to your adoptive father?"

"When I flew Aldonants, Aub did not know of the arrival of Clarissa yet, the Knights
who received the magician's fun from the West gate's soldiers went to see the
situation and came back to report , Then it seemed to be soon, and Aldonants flew in
rapid succession. "

Regarding the fact that Clarissa passed through the boundary gate, it started from
searching for civil servants who gave permission, and seems to have been tough with
inquiries to Dunkel Ferguer and Fröbel Tak.

"According to the knight of Fleebel Tur, Clarissa appears to have appeared at the
boundary gate between Froebel Turk and the old Berkestock, with an escort knight"

Although I have a wedding permit issued by Aub Dunkel Ferger, it is impossible for a
senior aristocrat to be married to appear at the boundary gate with only escort knight
and two people. Normally the bride's side has a large number of wedding tools and
comes with a carriage with his parents.
955 | 2523
It seems that the knight of Froebel Tak who thought suspicious inquired to Dunkel
Ferger. Whether a senior aristocrat who calls Clarissa really exists in Dunkel Ferger,
and whether permission to marry with the nobility of Ehrenfest has come out.

It may be that the way in which Froebel Tak's knights who had thought that it must
be an imposter was bad, perhaps the civil servants of Dunkel Ferger who had not been
told that Clarissa was going to leave was bad. The answer was "It is true that Clarissa
exists, and marriage permission with Haltmut of Ehrenfest's senior aristocrat

As I could confirm with Dunkel Ferger and I could verify my identity with medals to
bring with me when I was married, there is no reason to stop the bride just enough to
pass through to marry to another territory. It seems that Fröbel Tak issued
permission to pass through the boundary gate.

However, as it is too suspicious, it seems that Frébel Tur has attached a nominal
surveillance of escorts. However, Clarissa and his escort knight are cowards and leap
to the boundary gates of Fröbel Turk and Ehrenfest without even looking out. The
knight who carried out with full effort to avoid being shaken off seems to have
collapsed informing that Dunkel Ferger 's confirmation is taken at the boundary gate.

Even if it is said that confirmation is taken, it is still unreliable. Because there is no

bridegroom who is supposed to wait behind the border gate if it is originally. Both
Clarissa and Escort Knight who are drinking magical recovery drugs not only for
Fleebel Turk but also for Knights in Ehrenfest seemed to be seen as suspicious figures.

"There was also an inquiry to the castle of Ehrenfest, Clarissa of Dunkel Ferger really
asked if he got permission to marry Ehrenfest, did he pick me up?

The civilian who received the question got involved in the emergency contact
between Aub, and it was a name that was chased for correspondence many times, so
I immediately answered. I heard that I have departed from Au · Dankel Ferger.

As long as it is not so urgent, the items to be reported will be reported together. The
inquiry that Dunkel Ferger 's Clarissa is not getting greeted as to whether Marriage
permission is obtained was not urgent for the civilian. For the civilian who knew that
the departure of Clarissa was reported to Hartmut and his parents the night before, it
was natural that the pickup had not arrived.
956 | 2523
"If Knights of Aub are able to communicate, and the knights at the border gate have
allowed Clarissa to pass, but unless the bridegroom side picks up with a permit from
Aub and picks it up, The aristocrat can not enter the city, so it was stopped at the West
gate. "

...... I think that everyone is suspicious, Clarissa passed. In some ways it is amazing.

When he was impressed with strange things, Leberecht, the father of Hartmut,
breathed a bad face.

"There is nothing I can do about getting the permission of both Aubu and I can not do
anything ... It is equal to canceling engagement and it will be disgraceful to everyone.I
am concerned about Rosemain and Hartmut It is safe to put it in the form that it
accepts Ehrenfest as much as you desire.

Clarissa parents who have allowed both girls' knights as well as the knights at the
border gate and the civilian who received the inquiries who thought through
suspiciously both Abe who gave permission for marriage also picked up the parents
of Clarissa Hartmut's parents who could not do it also seems disgraceful.

"Of course, I will scold the actions of Clarissa all the time and I will say one thing about
complaints to Dunkel Ferguer, but it is rumored to be funny rumors about Clarissa's
eroticism and disinteresting in Fleebel Tur, However, rather than being told that it
was refused to jump in without gaining permission from Aub to gain the power of a
fiancée, it would be better for those who neglected for later. "

As Lebelecht's opinion seems to have resulted in various thoughts including foster

parents and foster mothers, I just kept it nodding with Kokuri. It is the Lord Levitt
who is the Lord of the family who decides whether to accept Clarissa or not.

"There is no choice but to decide to accept it. It is important how to deal with the
treatment of Clarissa in the future.As a result of discussing earlier in the castle,
Clarissa treats it as a fiancée, the place to live is in our house and Otiliier is responsible
everyday It was supposed to bring back with them. "

Hartmut who is a fiancé is more likely to head to the temple, so it seems that the otier
who definitely went to the castle accompanied him.

957 | 2523
"You can not let the lady came from another territory to the temple, please be aware
of Rosemain."
"I do not mean to put Clarissa in the temple and I intend to work as a civilian at the
castle. It is not enough for the Ausbets and Mrs. Lee Bellecht, Phyllene and Clarissa I
wonder if I can ask for education ? "

Because Leberecht is a foster-mother civil servant, I asked for their education. If all of
my civil servants were in the temple, Clarissa will stubbornly pretending to go to the

"In Filipino and Clarissa in a joint study of the House of Peers, I was comfortable with
one who had a familiar face with Clarissa.In addition, since Phyllin received education
from Mr. Ferdinand, magical power is a lower aristocrat The office work is competent
although it is still low. "

Since Philene is basically doing shrine work, it is not a bad experience to engage in the
work of a castle for a while. I want you to discover young people who are likely to be
motivated, while doing various work in the castle.

"Clarissa is going to rage unless we can meet Rosemain in the temple ... ..."

I think a little to the word of Hartmut. If you go to the castle for a while to see the state
of Clarissa, you will not be able to appeal that you will not be aiming for the next Awb
by pulling in the temple.

"Let's make a day to hear the report in my library about once every three days."

...... I can also secure my reading time.

When I finished rubbing about the future from now on, I made a harbinger in
Ordonants and went to the west gate with a beast. You can see that the guard on the
West gate, the rooftop, or the wider one starts Angelica, Damuel, Clarissa and its
guards, so many soldiers are waiting.

...... Father! Is it?

958 | 2523
I found a figure of my father in it and I got pleasant and pulled down a face that began
to loosen and lowered the beast. If you hold down Clarissa trying to rush up with one
hand, you hit your chest twice, and salute and see soldiers lined up in turn.

"We often stopped the aristocracy of another territory without permission, it is a

wonderful occupational awareness.I am very proud as a family lord."
"About this change of spring I got an emergency contact at the place where there was
a director-general meeting in the center, so it was only the result of the directors of
all the gathers gathering.If her arrival was a bit late, it was my responsibility question

While my father said that, I turned my eyes to the captain of another gate. It must be
that you want us to show you that there are no punishments or complaints from
nobility. Although it seems to be saluting at first glance, it is probably the head of the
current West Gate that holds down the stomach, not the chest.
When I received the Clarissa's permission from Hartmut, I handed it over to the west
gate of the west gate.

"This is Arub's license."

"There is no mistake, it is Clarissa's permission"

Clarissa was admitted to enter the town. I take two large silver coins from my leather
bag and hold them in the hands of the west gate of the west gate.

"There is nothing to ask the responsibilities of the soldiers who worked hard to
protect the town.Rather, you will need a reward There is not much, but please do not
work the soldiers who worked hard on this.Everyone's hard work It is transmitted to
Aub. "

If you troubles the soldiers with peace of mind, you will not need the nobility of the
aristocrat who will make you nervous just by being there. I severely looked at Clarissa
with tightening facial expressions. There are no braids that were splashing cheerfully
on their backs, and braids are gathered up at the back of the head with a crochet. It is
in the form of an adult, but its behavior is not an adult's one.

"I will go, Clarissa, we need to talk about what is going on now."

959 | 2523
I did not plan to put Clarissa in the temple, so I went to the library. Lazarfam welcomes
me and will make tea. Because it was a house of Ferdinand here, I thought that it was
just right for me to scold Clarissa like Ferdinand.

"Let's listen to the offer, why did you come?"

"Because I thought that I would serve Rosemaine"

Clarissa 's facial expression becomes hard in an atmosphere that is obviously not
welcomed. Because the escort knight who refrains behind Clarissa is saying "I said," I
could not stop Clarissa even if I stopped it many times, I guess I had to come along as
an escort.

"Were not the schedule of moving at the time of the Lord's Conference?"
"I could not wait that much, and it would be better for Aub Dunkel Ferger to head
earlier ..."
"So, did not you contact here, left the carriage and the side left, did not join with your
parents, did you just fly with a minimal luggage and flew with a beast?"

When it says, it is terrible. Clarissa who was runaway just by the momentum also lined
up what he did, dropped a shoulder and knew how severe he was.

"I am sorry that everyone always told me that I could not see the surroundings when
I thought of it, but this time it was not really visible yet."

... .... Ugh. There is too much to think.

I have been told similar things from the surroundings. I feel claustrophobic and scold.
Otirier who seemed to have sensed it opened his mouth.

"Clarissa, you can not change your own schedule, please be sure to contact me."

As clarissa jumped out of Dunkel Ferger, the bridegroom side had to go pick up to the
boundary gate. If a carriage arrives, it was a time when it was time to go around the
jurisdiction at a prayer ceremony just around that time.

"Haltmut was bothering herself how to adjust it.When Hartmut who is the priest's
chief could not go to the prayer ceremony, it took a burden on Mr. Rosemain, not to
help you, I was about to get in the way. "

960 | 2523
Clarissa changed his complexion to Otily's words. For ordinary aristocrats when
winter socialization ends, there is no big event like a star tie, but in the temple the
idea did not lead to the idea of the divine establishment.

"When we received a message saying today that we arrived at the Ximen, the lords of
the lords were in the process of talking about collecting the merchants.The discussion
continued by having Clarissa wait at the gate, We decided to take a seat on the way to
inquire about the situation and check the situation.I could not work as Rosemain's
civil servant.Do not understand its spiciness? "

As Hartmut told me, Clarissa nods repeatedly "I will tell by staining" with a blood-
drawn face. LeBerecht confronts Clarissa after pretending to be "I do not understand
what they understand."

"It is true that Clarissa inconvenienced many people, but do you realize that it is
surprising the knights at the boundary gate of Froebel Tur in the road and you have
to keep in touch and keep asking the truth There is no ordinary bride or anything else,
in addition to the knights' contact, it has bothered to the hands of Aub. "
"To Aub ... ...?"
"We know that Clarissa departed from Dunkel Ferger by AUB and Dunkel Ferger using
emergency contact between Ave and we need an apology for the people for a while."
"I am terribly sorry"

In the clarissa that was scolded by everyone, Leberecht did not pursue to Dunkel
Ferger and told us to accept with Ehrenfest. And, as discussed beforehand, living as a
fiancée at Hartmut's parents house, traveling back and forth with Otilie to the castle,
and working with Phyllin as a civilian under Leberecht is stated.

"I would like to enter the temple and I would like to serve you like Rosemain."
"I reject it. What I need is an excellent civil servant in the upper territory where I can
raise the work of ceremonies of Ehrenfest, not a blue shrine maiden."

Clarissa looks at Hartmut as he quickly dismissed me, saying, "I heard that the temple
does not have enough hands" with astounding eyes.

"Even though I do not have enough hands, I do not want to make Clarissa a blue shrine
maiden even though I consider the view of the temple of another territory."

961 | 2523
It is impossible to think that the daughter who should have given out as a fiancé
become a blue shrine maiden who is not allowed to marry but the hearts of Clarissa's
parents. Besides, bad rumors will come to Aub Ehrenfest to put in the temple the
daughter of the age who came as a fiance from other territory.

"What are the parents of Hartmut's from the world? There is no good thing for
everyone except Clarissa to enter the temple of Clarissa ...."

I cut down the word there at the moment. And we both alternate between Clarissa
and Escort Knight.

"Ferdinand, who is staying in Ahrensbach as a fiancée, has decided to do Ahrensbach's

praying ceremony at the order of Dietlinde, to make him to be a fellow who is staying
as a fiancée Is not it? "

It was the escort knight who changed his complexion to my words. Knowing that
Ferdinand is not being treated like a fiancé at Ahrensbach, it has become a face of
surprise as "Naka ka".

"I am angry with Ferdinand being driven into a shrine and Aub Ehrenfest is ready to
protest at the lord's council.I can not put Clarissa in the temple in such a case"
"I am not an order, I am applying from myself ... ...."

Clarissa still looks at me with a blue eyes so that he can not give up yet, but I will refuse
to disapprove.

"I can not make detailed circumstances, etc. in other territories, there is no difference
in coming and going in and out of the temple even for orders and volunteers.If it seems
that Clarissa is said to be so from Ehrenfest, I am useless where I did it, because I
experienced it at the tea ceremony at the House of Lords "

Even if I deny the bad rumors of my adoptive father, the memories that ended in labor
are new. Clarissa is familiar with nobleman 's tea ceremony and rumors flowing there.
I gently caressed my lip.

"I wanted to help you like Rosemain."

"I am really happy with that feeling.The Feldinand admiration also acknowledged
Clarissa's research content.I think that it is an excellent civilian, I do not mistake,
please work with Filine as a cicador in my castle"
962 | 2523
Clarissa gazed at me for a while, stood up and moved, kneeling before me.

"I will do as I said, because I went to Ehrenfest to help Rosemain's way."

"Thank you, I will ban you from entering the temple, but I will make an opportunity
to meet Clarissa, listen to the report here once every three days unless it is a long-
term absence such as a priest, etc. We also prepare delicious sweets Shin "

Clarissa who jumped into Ehrenfest in this way was to take care of Hartmut and its
family for the time being.

"... By the way, when will Clarissa's luggage arrive?"

No one could return the answer to Otierie's muttering.

963 | 2523
"Sorry, Rosemain, I have something I would like to ask you, could you please give us a
little time?"
"Well, what is it?"

After finishing the discussion with Clarissa, I was forced to return to the temple and
was stopped by Razapham and I turn around and look back.
Razzfam is a side of Ferdinand, who strokes the dark green hair nearly black with a
little habit, behind it and has a green eyes with a gentle smile. The appearance of
Rashapham serving Ferdinand, who had prepared himself with a bishit, looked like a
young mark to me. Just because my hips and atmosphere somehow resembles Maruk,
I have a sense of affinity without permission.

"I heard that Ferdinand is engaged in a priest in Ahrensbach, so I want to know more
about it."
"Why are you there? ... .... That is not because I do not want to teach, but as I am
worried about the original Lord, I thought myself that the expression of Razapham
seems to be very clumsy."

After Rajpham showed a brief trip, he took out the wiretap preventing magic tool.
When I grasp it in my hand, Razapham was concerned about the surroundings and
pressed his mouth while saying, "I am a lower class side who is giving a name to

It is said that it is impossible to take him to Ahrensbach unless there is no fighting

power that can protect himself by himself, he left it. It is as important as it is, but it
seems that Ahrensbach is entrusted with the management and storage of houses and
personal items that can not be taken.

... ... I'm worried about that.

"If Feldinand says that if the situation at Ahrensbach gets settled down, Mr. Ferdinand
said, almost no information about Mr. Ferdinand is entered under me under the
supervision of this pavilion If you know something I would like to tell you. "

964 | 2523
As we are going to hold a prayer ceremony at Ahrensbach and that the adoptive father
is preparing for the protest and because there are only rooms in Ahrensbach, we can
not conduct research and are dissatisfied, we are immersed in the work as usual It is
information I know about, such as eating disorders and sleeping, and taught me that
there is no problem even if I open it.

"Have Ferdinand not even finished the rite of the star knot yet to make a prayer
ceremony !?"
"Wow, that's terrible, you know that Ave protests at the Lord's Council ... .... But it's a
bit ironic that it may be easier to be relieved, as it is a little off the job during the prayer
ceremony "

Ferdinand is a person who was collecting materials at the time of Ehrenfest as well as
visiting the territory at the prayer ceremony and harvest festival. I am sure that even
Ahrensbach will be collecting materials with this, fortunately.

"There is Justoks, and I think that Ferdinand is definitely enjoying traveling around
the territory, but even if I think that this treatment is a matter of Ehrenfest, others are
in the same way You will not be troubled to get it? "

In my words Razapham gave a terrible and complex smile.

"It seems that Rosemain is taking a breath on Ferdinand ... ... But as far as I can tell, it
seems that Ferdinand's face that entered the temple got to feel a little relieved, It's
been since Rosemain entered the temple. "

Under the head of the former temple, Ferdinand's figure of the time when it was
medicated was resurrected, holding the work which it carries out by carrying it by
hand if it was originally originated in many positions.

"In those days I remember being very relieved that I would be dedicating Magical
Power together for the first time at the Votive ceremony, which was really difficult to
do, not magically and administratively enough."
"I do not know what the priestess of Ahrensbach is like, I do not think there are few
parts that I can selfish like Ehrenfest? I am worried because I do not put it on my face
or mouth."

It was true that Ferdinand was able to do whatever he wanted in the temple, since it
excluded the chief priest. You may not be able to act like you like in other temples or
965 | 2523
shrines. Unlike me, Ferdinand is a gentle aristocrat so it will not do something like
unlocking in front of Ahrensbach's aides.

"If you look at your face you can tell whether or not you are impossible, but in letters
that censored you will only be written as things that you've covered, so it's certainly

I thought that it would have been stretched wings for a while after being released from
office, but I got worried as soon as possible.

"You only have to send me a letter in the middle of a prayer ceremony, but ... I guess
you can not do it."

If I put out three, I am busy as long as the reply comes only as often as one reply comes.
In the prayer ceremony it was written in a letter that it also educated retizia. Even
though I think about when I was educated, I think I am quite busy.

"But as soon as the star tie is over it will be able to have hidden rooms and treats will
no longer be a guest so we will be able to relieve a little ... ... It is good to have a day
when Rhazapham can be called soon."
"Yes, I'm looking forward to that day."

Ruzaham smiled happily with Hood. The promise of calling is somewhat envious.

...... Well, even if called, I'm in trouble.

As my family is here, I am Ehrenfest, but I still envy Rutherfam for a moment.

"Hey, Razzfam. When I receive letters and letters, I will tell you the information of
Ferdinand that I know, so Rashapham will talk about Ferdinand I know of Rashapham
... ... How about a failure story in the lords? "

As I laughed and shouted "Please tell me secretly without Ferdinand," Razapham

remembered a long time ago, and it seemed to be a nostalgic face.

"There is no such thing as Ferdinand's failure talks because I always kept in mind that
I will not fail ... ... But that's right, as long as I talked about when I was enjoying free
actions when other students disappeared, I think I can do it a bit. "
"I am looking forward to it"
966 | 2523
I finished talking with Razapham and left the library.

967 | 2523
Clarissa and Philiane began to work in the castle. Matthias and Laurentz were asked
to cooperate again with the investigation of the Order and it seems that Brünhild is
carrying Bertilde back and forth between Greschel and the aristocracy. Aides are
likely to be busy.

Of course, I am also busy. Ferdinand was doing about half of the affairs of the temple
until now. I can not impose it on Hartmut as it is, so I try to do the task of the original
temple of the temple by myself, but it takes quite a while.

While talking about printing relationships with mothers and preparing for heading to
Kirunberga, I am sending every day I realize as much as I hate when I was hated by
Ferdinand as part of aristocratic coordination It is.

...... I know that it is impossible, but Feldinand, comeback!

And the next day we finished the spring baptismal ceremony, Gilberta Shokai will
come. We are placing an order for costumes and hair accessories, but there was a
desire to have my mother there. That is why it may be better to change slightly the
color and pattern that dyes the cloth as it grows.

I can not take an uneducated artisan to the castle in front of the aristocrat but to the
castle it is possible to enter and leave the commoner if there is a temple so I nodded
in a wish that one would accept it.

"Is not it better to use the Orphanage Office room so that civilian craftmen are easy to
enter? Noble families are less likely to enter and exit the commoners who are not
allowed to enter and leave the castle."

Hartmut's proposal was to place orders for the Gilberta business in the orphanage
headquarters room. I am reliable about the appearance of Hartmut who noticed the
details, and I am asking whether Frank or Zam can give Kamil's visit permission
denied "to put a child before baptism into the temple is prohibited", please .

"I'd like to accept requests from the Printemps business, but ...."

968 | 2523
In my words Hartmut thinks a little with his eyes on. Then, with a face that is hard to
say, he said, "It's difficult to accept." It looks as if furan and the Zam have relaxed.

"Is it because you can not put children before baptism in the temple?"

When I fell down, Hartmut shook himself, "No, it's not a bad thing."

"From now on, the blue priests apprentices will increase and Melchior and his aides
will come and go in. If the Plantin Shokai is important, it would be better if you avoided
things that seem likely to cause strange dangers. Rosemain says not blindly blind
people when blinded to unreasonable eyes, can you take action not to forget the
position as a nobility as a family lord? "

...... That is impossible!

If Kamir encounters unreasonable eyes, he is not confident that he will not get
distracted. It is impossible to adjust as a nobleman without overdoing Kamir, as
children of baptism can not be counted as a number or folklore is totally obeyed, while
logic of such aristocrat is kept.

"I understand well. Let's apologize to Plantin 'Shokai for my lack of power."

... ... Uu, Kamil, I'm sure you will be disappointed. I am going to be lazy too.

As I was going down and continuing to work, I heard a voice calling me "Rosemain
Mr." somewhat reservedly as Mr. Hartmut called me.

"If you are a prayer ceremony that increases aristocrats ... ... then it may still be
relatively safe"
"The chief priest!"

Fran and Zam stared their eyes, but Hartmut slowly shook his head, followed by a
strange refreshing smile.

"There is no choice, because it is my role to make Rosemain's wish come true."

...... Hartmut is cool! Is it? ... but, what is it? I feel a bit bad.

969 | 2523
In one word of Hartmut, franc and zamu reluctantly acknowledged, and Kamil's visit
permission was obtained. It's nice, but I feel a bit scared when I feel like I have been
backed strongly on the back of a line that Ferdinand had been forbidden to bruise. The
neck caught on the feeling that he had to step down on his own.

"... .... I will stop it, as it is better not to risk danger to the Plantin Shokai."
"It is disappointing, is not it?"
"Why is Haltmut sorry?"

I am sorry that I can not meet my brother Kamir, but I do not know that Hurtmut is
sorry. When I tilted my head, the orange eyes shone and turned into a very smiling

"There is no particular meaning in particular"

...... Hartmut's eyes are scary something! It seems to have a deep meaning! Kamir, run

As a result of such interaction, Kamir 's tour of the workshop ended at the baptismal
ceremony, and it turned out that it was good when the Printemps business took him
as an apprentice. I was expecting to see Kamil, so I felt a bit depressed but I felt a little
relieved if I thought that he protected Kamir from the aristocrat who started with

"Bless me for thawing, May the spring goddess bring great grace"

On the day of ordering costumes to the Gilberta business, all escort knights and
sideways all women moved to the orphanage headquarters' room. The first coming
meridian 's greetings was Corinna, behind which there are several hands, a Turi and
a mother. It is a while since I saw my mother close.

...... Hey, mother. A long time ago. look here. Oh, my eyes met.

Just a slight smile showed that my mother got a bit lower from everyone, but the back
of my chest became hot just by looking at her face after a long absence. I was watching
my mother while being scratched by the needle hands. Meanwhile, the Legerator,

970 | 2523
accustomed to interacting with the Gilberta Shokai, began talking about Corinna and
the necessary costumes, and Graytier gazed at the work for the first time.

"Is not it necessary for you to revise the spring costume a little? If you put a race on
the skirt's hem or if you do not replace the back part, I think that the length is a little
"Well, then, is not this part of the back part a button, can you adjust it with a string?"

When the measurements are over, I start talking about tuli and hair ornaments.
Léonore standing behind and Yudit seems to be interested too, and it is understood
with the gaze hitting the back which is paying attention to this conversation. Angelica
is waiting in front of the entrance door as usual, so it is not on the second floor.

"Rosemain seems to have changed a little a little.What shape do you like for the
summer decoration? What kind of flowers do you use?"
"Since preference has not changed in particular, please choose a flower that fits me
right now, if you can, I'd like you to match it with dyed cloth."

Since the summer cloth can be dyed, I wanted her mother who had been away from
the place a little, wanted to join in the conversation and turned the word. But my
mother did not come close to me, just being told through the turi.

I do not seem to be able to talk directly with my noblemen 's aides, mothers and
mothers who have not received education on wording or attitude to get in touch with
nobility. It can not be helped to avoid getting away from mother because of rude or
rude reasons, but it is frustrating to talk through Turi.

...... Even just being able to see a figure unlike Kamil is good.

When the hair decorations and summer costumes were over, Monica went forward
and asked Corinna to repair the temple's clothes.

"Costumes for rituals are asked until the ceremonial ceremony, I'd like you to fix the
everyday costumes during the prayer ceremony."
"I received it certainly"

Korinna will write the schedule on the writing board. It seems pretty busy because
summer costumes must be made at the end of spring.

971 | 2523
...... Ceremonial costumes are not just re-tailoring the length, so I think that it's not too

"This is a talisman handed to my exclusive, I will give it to my exclusive needle, Colinna

and the Renaissance, please put on as much as I can"
"I am sorry"

I handed the talisman to my mother and Corinna and finished the order for costumes.

As the prayer ceremony approached, the entry and exit of wagon cars loaded with a
lot of furniture in the temple began to increase. It is the furniture of the blue priest
apprentice and the blue priestess apprentices who will live in the temple after the
prayer ceremony. Of course, the furniture of Mel heol was also brought in, and the
appearance that side workers were preparing the room hastily became visible.

"Rosemain sister"
"Welcome to Melchior"

It was two days ago that we contacted you that we will go to the temple once we check
whether the room is defective. While the aristocratic side workers and the temple side
workers were talking about the room, I made Melchior dedicate the magical powers
of two magic stones to the magical tool. At first it is from a range that does not strain
the body.

After dedication, drinking tea together with a reason, "If your stomach is empty, there
is also the possibility of collapse." Everything is an enormous enemy.

"A chef has been dispatched from the Otomar Shokai and I am currently training in
my kitchen, but if I remember the basics I will make meals in Melchior's kitchen"
"Yes, then I asked my father whether I could accompany the Rosemain sister's praying
ceremony, but I was told that I should not stay."

We must prepare a horse-drawn carriage to move the temple's side and transport
food and cooks. Although it takes money and time to arrange the room of the temple,
it seems that the burden of side work becomes too big when preparation of a prayer
ceremony is necessary.

972 | 2523
...... There are few age minors.

If there are three people on the top, there are few aides to students who are Melchior.
There are only two in the grade below me.

"I was wondering if I will be allowed to go on a day trip, by riding in the cavalry of the
Aides, but I was also told that I would do what to do without ceremonial costumes,
Wilfried brother Rosemain As my elder sister has blue ritual clothes I told you to
borrow it .... "

Could you please lend me? And Mel heol asked.

"I do not mind lending it, but that costume has a flower pattern, so I do not like it so
that Mr. Wilfried brother was able to make his costume."
"Flower ......"

After Melchior got a delicate face, I raised my face as I resolved.

"Let me live, my older sister told me that there is no chance to see what kind of
ceremony they are doing, because everyone is going to break up when I participate in
the ceremony. The ritual above is very learning, so take a closer look. "

……Huh? I'm being praised by Charlotte! Is it? A model of Mel heol! Is it?

I wonder if this has to be a little upset. I asked Monica to have a costume for blue
rituals kept carefully and lent it to Mel heol.

"You can visit the shrine with this, is not it?"

"Well, please look carefully as the next temple of the temple"

Several days after Melchior's visit, it was decided to return Fritak. I went to take over
to the Order and brought back to the temple with a beast. I think that Kanfell who was
supposed to have a job filling the hole where Fritak had disappeared was more
pleased with the return than Fritac who had escaped punishment.

Fritac had no assistance from his parents' home, and became the first blue priest who
must earn money by himself. But, by doing subsidies given to Aub, harvest festival
income, helping office work, manuscripts of books borrowed at the House of Lords,

973 | 2523
etc., it seems likely that the prospect of life will likely be likely unless it is too luxurious
Understood, he made up his determination to work.

Because there was not enough preparation on the ceremony, Fritak did not
participate in this praying ceremony, he decided to stay in the temple and work.

"After my departure, I think that Wilfriit's older brothers and Charlotte will come to
pick up the Small Holy Grail, so please give me personal delivery"

Except for Kilnbergha who will take you with Gutenberg, Wilfriit and Charlotte will
turn around with Giebe. The role of entrusting the Small Holy Grail to each is also
Fritak. It is not difficult because it hands over to the Earl, three to the King, two to the
Baron and one to the Baron, but it seems to be very nervous to be in touch with the
Lord's clan.

If Haltmut was present, the story was early, but Hartmut was absent just around that
time. I am going to the boundary with Clarissa and my family and I must apologize to
the delivery of baggage and to Froebel Turk.

Since Clarissa and Leberecht no longer exist, Philline has contacted the adoptive
mother so that she can return to the temple duty with the reason that "The work of
the temple is tough during the prayer ceremony." Philline seems to be pleased that "It
is a manuscript after a long absence."

...... I understand. The manuscript is more fun than normal work, is not it?

I heard reports from the library from Clarissa and Filine, but both of us seem to be
working hard. Since Clarissa is an adult, he seems to accompany the Lord 's
Conference, and seems to be drowning the material to the head so that negotiations
with Dunkel Ferger can be done. "We will try our utmost to develop an advantageous
development for Rosemain-sama."

It seems that she is desperately preparing for the Lord 's Conference by being clapped
by Clarissa who asks the question as to what is going on against such a dull
momentum. "Clarissa seems to have a habit of investigating closely to fine details, and
it seems that the young civil servants are considerably affected," Philiane taught.

Philline who can not accompany the lord's conference seems to be mainly assisting
with daily work. It seems that it is not much painful because it is a clerical job like I
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had done at the temple. It seems that there are many opportunities to talk with
Richarda, and the other day, he taught me that Vir Fried had fairly intense discussions
with his adopted father. Richarda seems to be extremely worried, saying, "It's a
common thing about that year's age."

...... Wilfried brother is also a rebellious period?

I know somehow because the boy who was around that year became troublesome
because I've been watching Shuu in the Rei period. Although there will be individual
differences, I feel like a sharp knife, so I do not want to get too close.

The morning of the prayer ceremony begins as usual with the handover of my hands,
gray priests, chefs, carriages carrying luggage such as food and costume, and escort
soldiers including escorting father. Through the Plantin Shokai, we are telling the visit
of Melchior to the small temple, so we have prepared various things.

And, when I see the magic stone with my magical power and the cemetery holding the
Holy Grail, Melchior and the aides come along in the afternoon, so I depart for Hasse.
I was one of Melchior and his escort knight, then I went to Hasse with the frangised
drug box and Angelica, an escort knight.

The escort knight of the prayer ceremony is Damiel and Angelica as usual. When I
commanded Cornelius-san who wanted to accompany Leonore and prepare for the
new house, "It is not the situation that is doing such a thing" It was made a very
disgusting face. I had no choice, so I went to see Aurelia and the baby and asked me to
explore the situation of Villefriit through Lamrecht's older brother.

"It's unexpectedly close, is not it?"

As Mr. Melchior said so, when the town of Hasse came into sight. I feel quite close by
going with a cowgirl, but I think that this is a carriage but not so close.

Since the weather was good, I put down the coward directly towards the square
where everyone is gathering. When I got off the cuddling with urging Melchior who is
blinking at the many people, I went up to the stage.

"Rosemain, I have been waiting for you"

975 | 2523
"Richt, today is only my visit, but my brother Melchior who will participate in a future

I gave a greetings with Riche, the town mayor of Hasse, and introduced Mel heol. And
when you teach Miel Heol the standing position, one gets a nod while turning his eyes
on the franc.

"From now on I will start a prayer ceremony, each village mayor will ask you on the

Along with the call of Fran, five people with a lid-tipped 10-liter bucket came up to the
stage. Up to now, there is nothing on the big table where a large golden holy grail,
which is a sacred tool, is placed.

I stood on the table, and when I left Stepp, I called "Ele deglour" and gave the Holy
Grail. A surprising voice rises suddenly that the Holy Grail came out from nothing
space. It is the same not only for the people of Hasse but also for the noblemen 's aides
who have not participated in the dedication ceremony at the House of Peers. As the
startling voice rises, I pray to the goddess Fluit Lane of Water.

"The twelve goddesses who serve the side of the goddess of water that brings healing
and change, the twelve goddesses who serve the side of us, give us the power to foster
a new life to the goddess Gedourreeh of the younger daughter by the god of our life

My magical power flows into the Holy Grail and gives off a golden light. While gazing
at it, I steadily devoted magical powers.

"Sing to your body is a song of joy to be deeply appreciated Giving thanks for refusing
to offer praying and thanksgiving, filling all things in the earth broadly honorable with
the noble color"

When Franc gently tilted the Holy Grail, liquid that glows green grew as usual and was
poured into the cane of the village chief in order.

"Pray and thank you for the goddess God of the earth and the goddess of water Fluet

……Yup. Even in your own holy grail you have no problem.

976 | 2523
Yoshiyoshi, with satisfaction with the ceremony, Melchior's anxious eyes were seeing

"Rosemain sister: Will I be able to make the Holy Grail next year?"
"It's impossible, because you have to go to the House of Peers and get Stap. Both
Wilfriit's older brother and Charlotte use the sacred tool in the temple, so you do not
have to make it yourself."

While saying that, I take a lesser bus and get on. Mel heol also got on with his escort
knight. It is from the venue of the prayer ceremony to the small temple.

"Were you dedicating to the magical priest together the other day? If you dedicate
magical powers again and again and devote prayers to the gods, one day when the
magic team decides to use the magician Some come to be able to come up to my head,
some of my aides have become able to make jewels. "

Angelica says a little better in my words "I got to be able to make Spears of Leiden
Shaft". Although it does not last much longer, it seems that he wishes to do a ceremony
for blessing with a spear of Leiden shaft. And he seems to win the grandfather. It
seems there is a high goal, nothing more.

"If you do not do your best to compress magical powers, you will not be able to handle
it in a shrine, but first of all it is donation and prayer"
"I will do my best!"

Mel Heol said that with a tight face. It is a straightforward and good reply.

When we arrived at the small temple, everyone met me. Introducing Melchior on the
spot, go inside. As the servants did the work to arrange the room, I told Melchior
inside the small temple.

"Is there no children here?"

"Even those who are under the age are close to an adult"

977 | 2523
There are a large number of adults in the transfer of Ehrenfest and Hasse, and Malte
who was originally an orphan of Hasse is nearly an adult. There are few children who
understand immediately as they see it.

"It is probably because we have increased the harvest amount since the lord candidate
studied the direct jurisdiction, and there were no people who had to throw out the
children.When the orphanage at Ehrenfest also had no purge of this winter , There are
not so many children. "
"Is that so ...?"

Look at the male building where soldiers are preparing for sleeping, observe the state
of the workshop, watch the pride field where delicious vegetables are made and go

"It is also the first time to see a field? The vegetables that Melchior eats are made
here.The vegetables made in the fields of Hasse are very tasty and then you can collect
various things in the forest over there. It will be a good experience if you collect
Melchior in the aristocratic forest. "

After having visited the street all round, drink tea inside. Although the aristocratic
seats and the soldiers' seats are separated, it seems that Melchior's aides were
surprised to use the same dining hall. Compare the table where our fathers are sitting
with our table.

"In the winter building where rural areas gather and the summer house of Giebe,
where the priest's place is divided, Hasse is supposed to eat in the same place like
"At least, to divide the time ..."

Looking up at the Mercier's escort knight, I laugh with smile.

"It is also important to listen to the voice of Shimomachi here, it was here that asked
for cooperation so that Entwickeln of the downtown is successful"

I moved my eyes to Melchior. Greedy light that listens to everything and tries to make
it his own is shining in the blue eye.

"It is the adoptive father who made this small temple, and to the adoptive father, I
think that the opinion of everyone I heard here is whether it is possible to make use
978 | 2523
of the opinion of the commoner, the opinion of the commoner, in his reign There is a
wide point of beauty in Melchior, I would like to emulate the good things of your
adoptive father and aim for the temple of the temple that I can draw out the opinions
of the commoners even after I retire the temple. "

Melchior nodded with mythical face in my words.

979 | 2523
"I'm home. Mom, Kamir"
"Excuse me"

Tuli and Lutz came back in the evening before the spring baptismal ceremony. I
suddenly come back home when preparing dinner, I and Kamir also make my eyes

"I'd like to have dinner this evening with Lutz today, are you OK?"
"It's okay, but they both said they would not be able to appear on rare occasions
because they will be busy when the winter is over." Did something happen?

When winter is over, both the Gilberto business and the Plantin business are very
busy to cope with many coming merchants. From the end of spring to the middle of
autumn, it is impossible to return to the house unless there is enough for it. Something
must have happened that Turi, who said "I'll try my best again" will come back.

"Today I have a story about my work for my mother ... ... Is your father?"
"Because I am working in the daytime, I will be coming home soon"
"Well, I will do a detailed story after my father has gone, it is troublesome to talk about
the same story many times ... Hey, Lutz?"

Tulli looks back on Lutz and talks with a chuckle while saying that he quickly wears
an apron. It seems to help me prepare dinner.

"Because I hear the same things over and over again by my uncle Günter, it is better
to talk all together."

Lutz said so, nodding in the words of Turi, once I got home and told Carla to stay
tonight, I went out.

"When Turi comes back it's safe because fiance Lutz is with you, is not it?"

In this neighborhood, Turi who is the first to succeed is a boastful daughter. It is not
unlikely that somebody will be aimed at by being wandering alone.

980 | 2523
"...... That way of saying, you decided the engagement to Lutz, are not you?"

As Turi washes vegetables and asks. The voice was shaking uneasily.

"Yeah ... Rutz is one year lower than Turi, I said that marriage funds are problematic,
I also know the various circumstances of Uchi, so when Turi goes home she
accompanies me, my family Given our relationships with each other, you have no
other partner? "

Turi adults in the summer. It is about a year that I have to search for marriage partners
in full swing. However, Turri, a hard worker, is an apprentice of Da Pra by the Gilberto
Shokai which pulls off now. It is also difficult to marry a neighborhood who has many
poor people and to find a marriage partner according to the workplace of Turi.

Honestly, there is no other person than Lutz. Lutz who is apprenticehip at Planetan
Shokai is the same thing that it is difficult to find a partner, and most recently we
talked with parents of Rutz, and we have tied up their engagement for the moment.

"Even soon after Lutz adults, you can leave a preparatory period that the two can
convince, I will leave it to the work situation of the two people."

Lutz goes out to a distant town every spring through autumn, and busy when many
merchants come from Turi. Both of you think that it would be better to marry after
experiencing how work changes after adulthood.

"...... Even if you say you are married like an adult, you do not realize that much."
"If the hairstyle changes and the work content is different from an apprentice and you
are preparing for a new house for marriage, some real feeling will emerge around the
end of the star festival."

In my words, Turi gets a bad reply saying "... Yeah." To that profile, oh? I shook my

"Tulei, are you a favorite person too?"

"Oh, um ... ... exactly, have you been, Kana? I will not be your opponent"

I will tell you that I will not become a partner, but it seems difficult to divide. I felt
sorry for Try's sorrowful smile. There is no shortage in Turi himself who is exclusive
to the adopted daughter of the lord. What is missing is family.
981 | 2523
"There is nothing wrong with Turi? That's the girl you are proud of.If you have a
partner in the workplace, you are the one who is missing from our family members"
"There was a person who liked the other person, but not that kind of thing ... Yeah, but
it certainly is impossible to get married, I guess it can not be balanced at all, I can not
imagine marriage."

Tulli looked at me with a look like a blown out.

"Marriage is to be decided by our fathers, and there is no complaint as it is a person

who knows well about Rutz"

Turi, whose eyes only looked at the work of making Maine's hair decorations, seems
to have not thought much about marriage yet. Although it looked like a daughter
appearance around the age, I can only see embarrassment on adults and marriages on
that face.

...... How was I?

I recall my own adulthood. Günter passed a lot of legs and repeated her marriage and
remembered that his father had a bitter face and threw a response to me with a bitter

... ... There was only embarrassment.

Günter came back when I remembered the time when I was the age of Turi now and
smiled a little. Lutz seems to be with them. I could not imagine him who grew up with
Günter in those days, but now my daughter born with Günter is near adult.

"Hey, Turi. When I started getting married to Günter, I did not feel anything about
"... ... I will cry when I say it to my father"
"Keep it a secret"

"So what is it about talking about work to Efer?"

982 | 2523
While dinner was holding hands, Günther cut out. After Tulei gazed at Lutz, he

"In the meantime, there was discussion with the temple called for, but when the
spring baptism ceremony is over, the Gilberta trader is supposed to go to the temple
to receive orders for Rosemain's costumes and hair accessories"

Turi will tell me about the growing appearance of Mine when I saw the discussion. It
seems that the tension has suddenly increased and the atmosphere grew mature.

"In that case, I listened to the story from Gunther I saw when there was a bit of a riot
in the West gate the other day, you can see it as an age daughter from anywhere, do
not you?"
"Oh, I feel a bit tiny age, I do not feel like your age yet."
"Is not it feeling a sense of incompatibility with the skirt of the groin?"

It seems that Günther 's report was pretty exaggerated, according to the objections of
Turi and Lutz.

"It seemed like a child like a baptismal style for a long time, but finally I got a feeling
of strangeness in the skirt of the shin legs, I can see it enough in the age."

Although Günter desperately argues, it seems better to have adopted the opinion of
Turi about Mine's appearance. Günter's mine favor is over.

"It is already good for my father to see it at my age. For the time being, Rosemain is
grown so much, so there is a proposal from Colinna like that it would be better to
change the atmosphere of the cloth, Renaissance's She asked me to let her accompany
me, so I received permission from the temple and I want the day after tomorrow to go
to the temple together. "

I curled my eyes to unexpected words. Although it was given the title Renaissance, it
is not easy for civilian craftsmen to survey their owner. Just listening to stories from
Turri and Lutz who receive orders for Günther and hair ornaments twice a year in
Hassel, I have not seen Mine for quite a long time. I have not heard a voice.

... .... Can you meet Mine?

983 | 2523
"It's useless to put craftsmen into castles because they are concerned about living
behaviors and wording, but they will blossom as much as they go in and out of the
temple ... ... that person, the Gilberta trading company standing among them I will be
able to talk, so I can not talk directly. "

It seems that it will be seen from a place a little away so as not to give a strange finding
to the nobleman 's aides that protect Mine' s surroundings. Still, my heart feels
intrigued that I can see my growing appearance of mine with my own eyes for the first
time in a long time.

"Was not it good, Efer"

Günther was delighted with joyfully like herself. I know that I only had feelings to
overwhelm that I am talking to them twice a year closely.

"Can you thank Colinna?"

"Of course, come on a sunny day and then, this is Lincian."

I will go to the workshop tomorrow and contact the managing director to take a break.
Speaking of the Renaissance as heading to the temple, you will be able to take a break
quickly. Then, I have to reconsider the climax and wash my hair with Lincian. It is hard
to get to the temple.
When thinking about preparations to go to the temple, Lutz beckoned Kamir.

"I have something I have to tell Kamir"


The appearance of Kamir who rushed to Lutz to shine a light brown eyes resembled
the appearance of Mine. It is pleasant, at the same time, while looking at the figure of
the two while learning a feeling of loneliness.

"The story of the factory tour, it became useless, a notification from the temple was
"Such a thing! I was looking forward to it!"

Kamir's sharp voice rose.

984 | 2523
"It is useless to put children before baptism in the temple and since we have more
people entering and leaving from this spring, we were told that we wanted to keep
Plantin 'business away from danger as much as possible."

Lutz is shaking his head with a troubled face. I could see the figure of Kamir who is
feeling frustrated and my chest hurts, but if I put honest feelings, I was relieved.
If you hear that the aristocracy enters and goes to the temple, I remember the spring
that suddenly lost Mine by having a nobleman elsewhere in. I do not want to kill the
hope of Kamir who declared that he would like to make a book in the same way as
Mine, but I do not want him to approach as closely as possible to his nobility as a
parent's heart.

"I said that Dirk and Conrad also will be waiting ...."
"Kamir, to that extent.If you do not complain any more to Rutz, Lutz was eager to let
you see Kamir at the workshop.If you can not swallow the disbelief of the aristocrat
explained to the reason, You had better give in to get into the Printemps business. "

Kamil caught her lips and stopped tearing down of Turi. While Lutz stroked the head
of Kamir, apologize as "I am sorry".

"Because we are doing a lot of convenience at the orphanage, we thought that the
temple would accept the Kamil, but it was rejected by the temple of the temple, it may
be really dangerous, and the amulets I got it. "

Mine is in the position of the temple, but in the temple there are some priests who
know that they come from the commoner, and they should be the chief of the
decoration as foster of the lords. I can not do anything. Günther also nodded in the
words of Turi and Lutz.

"Rosemain breaks our hearts in protecting the commoners from the tyranny of the
aristocrats.On the other day, when another nobleman was making a noise at the West
gate we sent our knights away from danger It is better not to go if it is judged to be "

Günter started talking about when he met Mine in the West gate from there. I have
heard Kamir many times, but Turi and Rutz are the first time so I'm listening fun. They
seemed to be in the middle of discussions between merchants and aristocrats when
there was a fuss in the West gate, and it seems that they were watching the scene
where Knights are popping out at the command of Mine.

985 | 2523
"I thought that it was the face of a nobleman accustomed to order"
"I was startled, I was a little surprised, were not you?"
"Because Damiel is always flying to the gate whenever there is something among the
nobles, soldiers came to feel secure when looking at his face"

While Günter says such a thing and listens to themselves funny, Kamil began to make
his legs brush around with his lips sharpened back to his seat, seemingly boring. And,
I glare at me and inflate my cheek.

"It is not easy for my mother to go to the temple, I have been rejected ... I do not dislike
the temple of the temple."

It 's bad for Kamir who has been disappointed and left alone, but I was looking
forward to see Mine soon after a while.

"When you say that you dislike the temple, new books may not be delivered. The
books that arrive at us are the main things of the temple."

And that day. I headed to the temple with the people of the Gilberta trading company,
as I was told, I was watching Mine from a distance away.
As everyone was talking about, Mine's spine is growing quite a bit. Besides, I felt that
the gap changed. The number of innocent children seems to be diminishing, so that
we can show mature face. Since I was asleep only because I was unhealthy, my face
was thin and looked pale, but my cheeks looked plump and looking fine.

If you see the aristocratic behavior that is well-toneed glossy hair, luxurious costumes,
the finest hair ornaments made by Turi, the beautiful stone decorations that are
swaying next to them, nobody knows me I do not think that they are children of

... ... But there are some things that have not changed from that time.

"Rosemain seems to have changed a little a little.What shape do you like for the
summer decoration? What kind of flowers do you use?"
"Since preference has not changed in particular, please choose a flower that fits me
right now, if you can, I'd like you to join it with dyed cloth."

986 | 2523
The hair decoration made by Turi has become gorgeous all the time, but the face that
laughs happily after being decorated with hair ornaments is also reminiscent of those
days when they are talking about new hair ornaments. Mine's voice has not changed
so much, so it seems so to the contrary. Almost like the adult Turi, I see five, six and
so on down. I seemed to have been years away from that time, but I saw a close sister
to my own eyes.

While feeling tickle to Mine who is concerned about my trends, I gaze at the movement
of Mine and think about the patterns and colors that match the current Mine. It is the
only thing that I can do now to prepare the cloth which is most suitable for Mine.

... ... I think I will be busy if I try to make it in time for the summer costumes.

987 | 2523
I took Melchior to the table where my fathers are sitting, telling me that he is the son
of the lord and the next temple of the temple, and to exchange opinions with soldiers
as my successor.

"After Mr. Rosemain's adults, Mel Hior is taking over, it's encouraging.We are here to
talk to Rosemain like this, so it's easier to get in touch with the lord and the Order's
people It was so in winter as well, and the other day when the nobility of another
territory came to the west gate, it was helped. "

After saying that, my father moved my eyes to Damuel standing behind me from me.

"Because I have less opportunity to thank directly, can I say thank you to Damiel at
this place?"
"Of course I do not mind ... ...."

When I looked back and looked up at Damuel, Damiel got a little troubled face, and
there was no more word. Not only Dad is watching Damuel, but also among other
soldiers. The soldiers rose once and kneeled before me and Damuel.

"I told you that it is Rosemain's orders, but all the soldiers in Shimomachi are thankful
to Damiel, I thank you."

...... What the heck was that?

While puzzling about the unknown gratitude, I compare Damuel and Angelica. It is
useless to expect Angelica. The face smiling with a smile saying "I do not understand
well" is written.

"What did Günther, Damuel do?"

"I just did my job, Rosemaine"
"But did you help the soldiers in the downtown?"

Would not it be natural to want to know if there is a story in which Damuel played an
active part. I turned my eyes towards my father. Dad starts talking while watching the
appearance of Damuel who wants to stay silent.

988 | 2523
"In order to prevent the escape of the aristocrat in the north gate in winter, there was
an order, the Order gave me some magic tools that can be used by soldiers, and magic
tools for calling for relief are dealt to everyone However, when the gate is blocked, the
nobility uses a coward, and even if you send a rescue signal of a magician, relief will
not come soon to the north gate at the end of the aristocracy. "

The purge is in the state where the majority of the Order is moving. There are always
two knights in the north gate, but it is difficult to stop any aristocrat trying to escape
with only two people. Under such circumstances, it seems that Damiel came to the
fore of the event.

"Because I was in the shrine to prepare the dedication ceremony, I just got close to
the north gate."

Damuel said so to be humble, but it seems that Damuel, who attacked from behind the
aristocrats trying to escape when the two knights and the soldiers of the commoner
defend the desperate desperately, was a very encouraging existence .

"Thanks to the soldiers at the north gate, only a few people suffered minor injuries,
and Damuel-sama was the one who ran the race most for the purpose of collecting the
situation at the west gate, thanks to the soldiers I am doing it. "

I did not think that Damuel had gained appreciation and trust from the soldiers of the
downtown to that. While admiring, I told the soldiers to sit down and sit down.
And listening to the story of the recent downtown, this also tells us that Grecheel 's
reform will be done and that a great work will be danced to the craftsmen accordingly.
I heard Melchior interestingly.

It seems that the time has passed considerably while listening to the soldiers. Melheol,
whispered to his aides, stands up, "If we lose to dinner we will break our promise with
our father."

"Rosemain sister, I learned a lot today."

"I could see the attitude of Melchior trying to absorb various things.I am glad that I
am here to Melchior who works hard and is a magician of amulet"

Vilfried and Charlotte 's talisman kept them in the Philline so that they can be handed
over before departing for a prayer ceremony.
989 | 2523
"I will appreciate it, and I will also talk about my soldiers to my father from me.

Mercio leaves without coming to a cavalry at his aides and goes home, saying that we
want you to confirm whether you can properly report.

...... Hey, is not Meruhior being too firm? Am I able to do things that seemed to be
respected properly?

I wonder if your sister dignity has come out. While I was a bit uneasy, I saw Melchior.

And the next morning I will send out a carriage that carries my own hands and chefs
as usual, and I will see the carriage on which the gray priests who returned to
Ehrenfest had gone.

"I am grateful to all the soldiers who will escort me.This is a gratitude feeling."

While I was saying such words I let my father grasp a small bag with two money and
amulets in my hand. Dad seems to have noticed the feeling other than silver coins,
hide it in the bosom with a word of gratitude saying "I'm sorry." Mother and Turi
already have the same amulet. If you ask the two, you will know how to use it, and you
should know who the other amulet belongs to.

While keeping the move of my father at the edge of sight, I will hand over my business
trips as usual to the soldiers. My father took the escort of the horse-drawn carriage
while scolding the soldiers who loose their cheeks to business trips saying "Do not get
out of my way!

"I will surely deliver it to the temple"

"Thank you, Günter"

Even with short interactions, I'm happy to be able to talk face to face. I saw my father
going back while carrying a guard, and headed to the next winter cafe.

After finishing the prayer ceremony of the charge he was responsible for and
returning to the temple, I immediately contact the Plantin business. I had a little fever
and I was planning a rest day for recovering my physical strength for three days, but
990 | 2523
I recovered almost two days off. I think I got very strong. It is different from me which
had been hoarse just by moving.

... ... It was only three times I fell asleep in the way of the prayer ceremony. Good

"Mr. Rosemain, Gutenberg arrived.The carrying out of the studio is nearly finished,
please prepare."

I got a report from Gill and I headed from the conference room to the front entrance.
In the conference room were my aides accompanying Kirunberga and ceremonies of
printing relations gathered. Liezerer and Graytire for side, Hartmut and Rodelig for
civilian, Cornelius, Leonore and Yudit for escort knights. Because Yudit is from
Kilnberga, he is supposed to accompany him while he is going home.

Damuel and Angelica went off the direct jurisdiction at the prayer ceremony so this
time is off and Otiliier and Filine are in charge of suppressing Clarissa. To speak
honestly, I wanted Hartmut to stay in the temple, but when I noticed it was rounded

...... It is as Hartmut says that it is better for you to have senior civilian officials, but
somewhat disinterested.

And Muriela is supposed to accompany Mother 's civilian as well as lower - level civil
engineers Henrik, who have already become familiar with printing. The printing
related knowledge studied at the House of Peers seems to be useful, and it is more
than anything.

"Rosemain, I, I did my best this time,"

Yudit speaks to me while shaking the orange ponytail.

"Since Gutenberg decided to move to Kirunberga we had been collecting information

from Brunhild and Leonore and asking Gibe Kirunberga to set up the environment
through Theodor."

Yudit smiled seemed to be good at saying so. It is said that he was sending Kirunberga
information on hardships and lack of preparations at Reesegang and Greschel.

991 | 2523
"It seems that Giebe · Kirunberga also cooperated with Burung Hild, saying," If we do
not have an environment where civilian craftsmen can work well, failure will be the
responsibility of Gibe. "

As I have already succeeded in Irukner and Haldzell, the teaching method of

Gutenberg and the tools to bring in are not bad. It seems that Brühn - Hilde told how
much preparation is possible for the receiving side. It seems that experience of
struggling to bring printing industry to Grechell had a great influence on Brunhild.

"The environment for Gutenberg to work is in place."

"It's wonderful, Yudit, that's very encouraging."

I praised the delinquent Yudit. If the number of people who will bridge the
commoners and nobility increases in this way, Ehrenfest will be much better.

As I got out to the main entrance, a lot of baggage was in place, we saw that Gutenberg
was kneeling side by side with Beno in front. After Beno gave a greeting on behalf, I
turned my eyes towards the back.

"Mr. Rosemain, let me introduce the disciples of Gutenberg who accompany me for
the first time this time and please give me blessings for encountering with the
guidance of the clean flow of the water goddess Fleet Lane"

I look around the kneeling people. It is the disciples who are behind Gutenberg. It is a
feeling that boys around the age of adults are reminiscent of when I met Johan or Zach.


A woodworking craftsmen Ingo and his disciple stood up in the call of Beno.

"Rosemain, disciple's demo, I know well because I was involved in the creation of
printing press from the beginning"

When I often looked at the face of Dimo, I understood it soon, so I found out
immediately. One of the people in the studio who was with Ingo when introducing a
printing machine to the Rosemain Studio and the small temple of Hasse.

992 | 2523
"I am remembering that it is a demo, when I made the first printing press at the
shrine's workshop, I grinded the board very carefully so that I could not get injured
on my hands and fingers even if I touch it. I knew that his eyes were on, but I was
allowed to leave a business trip. "

It seems that I did not think that I remembered my face, both ingo and demo were
surprised. It will not be surprising so far. The thing that I first made my printing press
remembered with emotion.

"I gave the design drawing of the printing machine to Dimo and I think that it is okay
as I taught the procedure and how to go out with the studio of the new land.As
according to Rosemain's request, I will focus on this work "
"Well, leaving it to the Ingo will be the work that the craftworkers of the woodworking
studio in each area can do with full effort.I am exclusive to myself, I expect it for Ingo"

I have to make bookshelves of the library, but I also have to participate in the interior
competition of Grecher's luxury accommodation where several studio members
participate. This year the woodworking studio is busy because of Grechel 's
Entwickeln performed in autumn.

"Dimo, thank you."

"I'll do my best to be recognized as Gutenberg"

It seems to be full of motivation and is the most important. When I lightly nodded,
Beno called "Josef". Ingo and Demo kneel, Joseph and his disciples stand up.

"Rosemain, Horace. Hey and I will go on behalf of me."

Horace is totally for the first time to meet. It is a face I have never seen when I went
to Ink Studio in Heidi. He is a different person from the craftworker who was excited
with Heidi and studied.

"I chose Horace with a great emphasis on those who do not act so much in my research
at Kirunberga. There is no problem in teaching how to make inks, but as rooted in
Heidi, I have rooted it I am not a person who develops inks.When I have the material
of Kirunberga, I will do research with Ehrenfest. "

993 | 2523
It is dangerous to send researchers like Heidi alone, so this time it seems that even
though Joseph was not there, he chose a pair that would be in line with other
Gutenbergs. It seems that my hard work continues as ever.

"Joseph, congratulation for Heidi's pregnancy, Heidy is a bit too quiet?"

"Thank you"

Joseph who says that he is going to Kirunberga if he is a woman who is able to make
a child and Heidy is quiet makes her face tired considerably. Heidy seems to be doing
great even during pregnancy. It seems that he wanted to come to greet today, but it
seems that Joseph and Lutz stopped desperately, "Pregnant women are disliked in the

"For Horace and Joseph do not mind lying down and immerse yourself in ink research,
or do not run away like Heidy, please finish Kilnberga's job"

When I laughed a little small, Horace slightly loosened his tense face and nodded "I
understand". Joseph taught that Horace was informed that he was not recognized as
a companion of Gutenberg who did not achieve results with new ink development.

"Rosemain, Saado, my skill is one step down from Danilo, but I chose a person of
character who is likely to take between Johann and Kilnberga artisans."

When Joseph and Horace 's greetings are over, Zach and his disciple Saad stand up. It
is Johan's support to teach how to make metal type letters that are put on a friendly
atmosphere. When you become stubborn and reticent craftsmen, there are many
conflicts, and there are unexpected cracks due to differences in opinion. It seems that
the support role is essential in order to work smoothly even a little in a short period
of about half a year.

"To be honest, I think that I was here for Rosemain's help."

Zach, whose thought and design skills are far beyond, seems to focus more on new
designs and inventions than support for Johan's human relations. Because it is
Gutenberg, he was accompanied by Zach for the face-to-face connection with the
aristocracy, but if you think of the right material in the right place, it would be better
for Zack to focus on design with Ehrenfest.

994 | 2523
"... Well, maybe you had better ask Zack for something new? Ah, it is useless.This year
I am busy preparing for marriage and will remain in downtown.Let's make a new
invention next year. I bless you, please prepare for your new life firmly this year "

There is a person who gets married for the first time from Gutenberg. I must celebrate
with all my heart. In my words, Zach laughed, "I am proud of my friends that it is a
blessing from Mr. Rosemain."

"Sado, I usually have few opportunities to see craftsmen working in another

workshop. I think that it will be a very good opportunity. Please absorb a lot of things
you can not learn in downtown here."

The last standing ups were Johann and Danilo. Danilo is my first time to accompany a
business trip, but I know about names and their growth as they are on the subject.

"Rosemain, Danilo, I will take me as a disciple of mine for taking over."

"Danilo has also made it possible to make all metallic prints"

Although I was told that I can not pass easily, if I would like to accompany Kirunberga,
I think the passing point has come up in making metal type letters. Johnn nods in my

"I will try Danilo as much as possible this time, I will try to keep watching while
keeping education of Saad behind."

Johan, who was focused solely on raising his skills and enhancing his skills, knows
that he is thinking a lot to raise his disciples. While feeling the surrounding growth, I

"There are many smithmakers with high technology, education of Danilo and Cead, do
your best, because Johann is the oldest among blacksmiths."

Johan, who was left to Zak to negotiate with others, nodded naked after he got stuck
in words. I turn my eyes to Danilo.

"I heard from Danilo's growth from Johann and Zach, please brush my arm as my

995 | 2523
"Since Grescher's craftsmen came, I also wanted to go to another place, I will do my
best as I finally got to be an adult and take me around!"

Danilo who answered with sobering voice quite different from Johann who was a little
craftsman in Park.

However, this is the end of introducing a new look. I will give amulets to the aides and
gutenbergs, including the lower level civil servants who are on the spot. The charm of
a magical aristocrat and the amulet for a commoner are different things.

"I am a talism to everyone who is doing my best, so prepare for departure"

Take out an enlarged Lesser Bath and get loading load started. Following the
instruction of Gutenberg who is accustomed, the first disciples carry the baggage to
the lesser bus. I can see a momentary hesitation, but it is probably because I heard
various stories not to make much noise.

I did not make a big fuss about bringing in luggage, but it was a bit of a noise when I
jumped out. Danilo who seemed to notice that the high place was not good was
screaming not to be heard but it was rampant.

I was doing a seatbelt, and Johan was suppressed with a head saying "Do not look
outside," it was not really a big deal, though.

"It is Yudith, I will arrive soon"

The young man in the front passenger's seat skips Ordonants toward his brother
Theodor who is in Kilnberga. By the time the reply from Theodor arrived, "The
preparation is already done", the summer pavilion of Kirunberga has come into view.

"It's over there seems to be waiting for you away from the priests"

When arriving at Gibe · Kilnberga's summer palace, a lot of people were awaiting, with
Giebe · Kilnberga and two civil servants in charge of printing. Giebe · Kirunberga is a
man of the knight as you see it. It is solid and big and has a slightly severe face. Before
Gibe · Kirunberga heard that the old man should be an awesomeness to the end, he

996 | 2523
has heard that he respects his grandfather the most because he is influenced by his

...... That means that the brain muscle?

After the greeting, Giebe · Kilnberga instructs Fran, Monica, and chefs to guide away
for the priests and tells the civil servants by themselves to guide Gutenbergs to the

"I've heard that there are lots of luggage, so I'd like to go ahead and let Gutenberg go
downtown and then discuss the intergovernment of the Holy Grail and the printing
"It is a great help to see the environment Gutenberg spends with my own eyes, thank
you for your consideration."

If you are confirming that the francs carry their luggage away, the riser will come.
Rieselator and Gretia hoped to stay in the summer palace to arrange my room. As
Kirunberg's underworkers carry baggage, the Rizerator and Gray Tier are guided to
the people in the building.

"Well, let's go downtown"

When traveling on a lesser bus, the downtown of Kilnberga was very large and it
seemed to have a large population. However, it seems that there are quite few people
actually living. Since there are many vacant houses, Giebe · Kirunberga laughed, if you
wanted to change to another place anytime, you can do it.

Of course there is no complaint in the house being prepared. Gutenberg will bring
down the luggage to the workshop where it will become his residence or workplace.
The gray priests including Gill were carrying the load. Even taking off the priestess
clothes, the movement was polite and beautiful, so it floated a little downtown.

... ... I am familiar with the time I come to pick you up.

"Although it was such a big city, I did not think there are few residents, do you have
any reasons?"

997 | 2523
I asked Giebe Kirnberga about the time crash while Gutenberg was unloading my
baggage. Giebe · Kilnberga overlooked me with my eyes looking at my grandchild, and
answered, "The border gate was shut, Rosemain sama."

"It was a very big town until the border gate was closed, it was said that trade was
flourishing, there were many people coming and going and it was crowded, at that
time it was not Ehrenfest but a large territory named Eisenreich I heard that it was. "
"...... I was taught the history of Ehrenfest, but I never heard that the name Eisenreich
was just a glance asking me to be a large territory."

The fact that the name of the territory was wrong is that it was over 200 years ago
that the border gate of Kirunberga was closed. It is different from other border gates
that can not be opened due to the loss of Gurtris Height. I felt a magnificent story at
the sound of the border gate sealed by the old Tent, and I felt my chest bouncing.

……What should I do. I was excited a little.

"In the past, what kind of things did the border gate shut down?"

It was at the same time that Lutz came to report that I was excited and looked up and
"loading of luggage was finished." Giebe · Kirunberga shook his head with a smile with

"Rosemain asked from Yudit that he was interested in border gates, let's guide you to
the border gate after finishing talking about printing, so it would be more interesting
to talk there."

...... Notepad, I have to get ready!

While emotionally appealing to the atmosphere that an unknown story seems to come
out, I nodded with a smile.

998 | 2523
"Reti zia like to accompany the prayer ceremony,"
"What does the princess do for a shrine !? What does Ferdinand know about such a
thing !?"

Since it is a nobleman and a nobleman to enter the temple, it is the work of the temple
to do the divine task, so it is impossible for me to do the praying ceremony as a lord
candidate I do. Ferdinand, who was the chief of the priest at Ehrenfest, may be
accustomed to a priestess, but in Ahrensbach it is not what a lordslist candidate does.
When Ross Vita reveals his anger, it is unbelievable to say such a thing, Zergius who
brought a message from Ferdinand squeezed his lip and fell down.

"I guess Ferdinand would be more safe than staying in the castle, but Dietlinde says
she is going to make Magical Supply to Mr. Retie Zia."

Supplying magical power is done by a lord of professor who learned how to handle
magical powers at the lords, not what I do. Zergius taught to us who do not understand
what it is all about.
In Ehrenfest, Lord Candidate who finished the baptismal ceremony participated in the
shrine and magical supply supply and seemed to moisten the territory, so Dietrinde
who knew the story at the lords was also to supply magical powers to me I heard you
said that.

"According to Ferdinand, in Ehrenfest it seems that parents will start with exercises
to force magical powers from magical stones with magical powers while subsidizing
them, but how can Dietlinde and Georgine like to receive such assistance? It was
unknown whether I knew it. "

Returning from the House of Lords, he seems to have heard various circumstances
such as Relay Aub, and Dietrinde's gaze has become tougher than before. I can not
believe that I can expect very attentive guidance.

"More than anything, you can enter only the registered lord family in the place to
supply magical power to the foundation's magic.Its only three people, Georginene-
sama, Dietlinde-sama, Reti Zia-sama, etc., are put in, and they were forced to supply

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magical power unfamiliar and collapsed Ferdinand is worried that there is no one
sometimes able to save Rety Zia. "

I could not affix it, I thought that I had to face Dietlinde in a place where nobody could
enter, I felt frightening my back.

"It is impossible to predict what Rethi Zia would like for Dietlinde, who still does not
have an official star knotting ceremony and pushes the priest of Ahrensbach to
Ferdinand who is not Ahrensbach. is"
"... ... Did Linde impressed the Fadinand like the priest?"

Due Linde said that he wanted to cooperate with Mr. Ferdinand who was deeply
concerned about the current situation of Ahrensbach where Aub died and magical
power was not enough. However, it seems that it was not the case in fact.

"When first ordered, Ferdinand was very surprised that Mr. Ahrensbach's approach
to impressing the priestess to fiancées coming from other territory, the temple of
Ehrenfest where lord families enter and leave It seems that it is out of the question
that the temple of Ahrensbach, where the lord's clan challenges, is considered the
same. "

Due Linde says Ahrensbach is thought to be a terrible region without considerable

common sense, Zergius said regretfully. Since it is the fellow of Aubu next year, most
of the office left to Deathlinde is flowing to Ferdinand, but it seems that it is not
ordinary job to leave it to fiancé.

"Considering the future of Reti Zia, it was that it would be better for you to accompany
your praying ceremony no matter how uncomfortable it is, or to set a period to get
used to handling magical powers little by little. That judgment will be left to Mr.
Retetzia and Mother. "

Ferdinand is already preparing to head towards the ceremonial ceremony. Ross Vita
became a difficult face. I do not want to let me go to the divine, but I do not want to
refuse if I hear a detailed story.

I looked at the stuffed animal of white schmir which is the backing of my heart. As
Rosemain suggested and Ferdinand asked, that stuffed animal contains the voice of
Dearvangel's father and mother.

1000 | 2523
Rosemain's voice is also included and it is an epoch-making stuffed toy that Ferdinand
says "If you think I'm doing well" when it points to Shuiru's stuffed animal "Please do
not praise occasionally" . If you look at that stuffed animal, you can see that Rosemain
and Ferdinand are considering my things.

"Let me go to the prayer ceremony, at least because Ferdinand suggested to protect


Then, I decided to take my aides and headed for a prayer ceremony. It seems that
there was an instruction from Mr. Dietlinde, so that the blue priest 's clothes would
not arrive so that the lord of the temple is not blessed with mercy, so that we are
dressed as a clan of the lord It was decided to perform rituals.

According to Zergius, Los Vita stroked the chest of the temple without having to wear
a costume that can be seen at a glance, but Mr. Ferdinand says, "I did not put it in the
temple but treated as a family lord It seems that it would be due to an excuse to say
"You are an excuse." And, "Because we go to rural areas, let me put on clothes that
may be dirty," Ferdinand said.

However, it was said that Dietrinde would go as a lord of the lord, so it would not look
good with clothes that might be dirty indeed. I consulted with Ross Vita and headed
for the first day in a formal clothes suitable for the lord's clan.

... ... It is a big failure. Only when I went to a rural village I understood the meaning of
Ferdinand's words.

There are no white cobblestones in the rural areas and we have to walk on the soil. It
is the first time that I walked on the soil which is not lawn. In the extremely soft part,
the heel of the shoe sinks, and the hard part is sometimes buried with stones, so it is
very difficult to walk and the shoes get dirty.
And when the weather is bad, costumes will get wet and mud will fly to the hem. Ross
Vita was cleaning while wailing the dirty formality.

... ... From tomorrow let's make clothes that may be dirty.

In rural areas Ferdinand fills the large Holy Grail held by the temple from the temple
with magical power and hands it to farmers. The first shrine and the menace were
1001 | 2523
very beautiful, and the nobles accompanying them had sigh of admiration without
seeing a shrine.

I will go around 4 rural areas in a day and stay at the last winter 's house. It is a busy
process that directs cooks and sideways by carriages, and most people move with
cowgirls, but if you think that you want to go through Ahrensbach all the time you will
not make it in time.

"Even so, the wear of the commoner is quite different from the aristocrat, I was
surprised that many people are shabby and dirty, are not they bathing in?"

At dinner party, I asked Mr. Ferdinand a lot of questions. Everything was unusual for
me who left the castle for the first time.

"Even this should still be relatively clean for rituals, but it is definitely wonderful than
the farmers of Ehrenfest.The farmers of Ahrensbach seems really distressed."

Ferdinand who answered various questions said at the end of supper while looking
around everyone, "to have people other than the escort knight cooperate in order to
fill the jurisdiction of Ahrensbach from tomorrow" .

"Does that mean we also do shrines?"

Ferdinand looked around with a surprised face that raised the eyebrow a little, with
a surprised voice rising.

"No doubt, everyone is saying that not only Mr. Dietlinde, that I, a nobleman of
Ehrenfest, have to satisfy all of Ahrensbach alone?"

I can not say that "I do not want to participate in the ceremony" etc by the aides who
had condemned the domineering and insane behavior of Dietrinde who pushes the
priestess to Ferdinand like the aristocrat of another territory. From the following day
side and civil servants were forced to participate in the prayer ceremony semi-

Seven people, including Mr. Ferdinand, add hands to the edge of the large Holy Grail
placed on the table. It is Ferdinand singing words of prayer, but he seems to be able
to power magical power from everyone by doing this.
1002 | 2523
"Ross Vita, are you OK?"
"I used too much magical power, Princess"

While switching with other civil servants and side workers, Ross Vita, who
ceremonially held the ceremony twice a day, had become a terribly tired face. Even
so, Ferdinand has a normal face even if he goes four times. "Because dedication of
magical power is very tiring if it does not get used," I said with a cool face, but those
who become my adopted father seems to be wonderful than expected.

...... Although I am supposed to participate with magical stones that used magical
powers tomorrow, is it okay? Ferdinand said that he can do even the blue priests of
Ehrenfest, so it is anxiety.

It is the first shrine. I hit the Evil Ferdinand-sama's magical powers on the little magic
stone at the edge of the Holy Grail. Ferdinand's hands overlap on my hands with the
advice "To force magical power inside a magic stone into force." The huge big hand
seemed to be enclosing to prevent me from escaping.

"The twelve goddesses who serve the side of the goddess of water that brings healing
and change, the twelve goddesses who serve the side of us, give us the power to foster
a new life to the goddess Gedrulhi of the younger daughter by the god of life, Avilibe."

I felt that magical power comes back from the magic stone with Ferdinand-sama's
voice. Feeling the magical power which is not yours, I hold the powerful magic stone
to push the magical power like I will flow to the other side.

"Good enough"

It seems that the ceremony was already over when the manastone was picked up and
raised his face. As a headlord, I hold my head against the bad feeling that the eyes are
blinking like a blink of an eye. I can not move very quickly.

"Reti Zia, I will excuse you."

The escort knight lifted me and moved me to the beast. It seems that it is not so rare
to become immovable with the first supply of magical powers.
On that day most of the aides consumed a lot of magical power, so we stopped heading
for the ceremony the next day, taking medicine to recover magical power and taking
1003 | 2523
a day off. To be honest, I felt relieved because I thought that rituals for every day
would be compelled as well as Ferdinand.

...... It is impossible to do this everyday.

Zergius came to see the situation when I was taking resting medicine taken by Ross
Vita and was absent.

"How about your physical condition, Mr. Retetzia, are you tired of your first magical
power supply?"
"Yeah ... There is no power on your body"
"Dietlinde was trying to force this to do without manastes"

When you understand how much magical power supply is a burden on your body, I
realize how dangerous it is to act that I was forced to do. If Ferdinand did not stop ...
.... If you do not accompany the prayer ceremony ... .... I shuddered just by imagining.

"If your magical power does not seem to be recovering quite a bit, please come here,
it is a special recovery medicine made by Ferdinand, although the taste is terrible,
there is no effect."

Zergius taught me, but it seems that a lot of recovery medicine was contained in the
luggage from Ehrenfest which arrived before departure for the prayer ceremony.

"It was written that there was a letter from Mr. Rosemain and it was written that you
should distribute it for the first time in the mind that it is a terrible taste that you think
it is harassing.I also got last night, It was a really bad taste, but according to
Rosemain's letter this is an improved version, there are also more awful taste
recovery drugs. "

Rosemain seemed to have done a prayer ceremony of Ehrenfest while drinking such
a recovery medicine like everyday.

...... Rosemain's body is weak Is not it a fault?

I talked about recovery medicine brought by Zergius with interest. It is really terrible
taste. There is a stinky smell from the back of the nose, and there is a bitter taste that
makes the tongue tingling.

1004 | 2523
"Is there a recovery medicine for this awful taste ...?"

What kind of territory is the Ellen Fest where the lords of the lords perform a divine
while drinking such recovery drugs? I can not imagine.

"How is Ferdinand going today?"

"Three people of Ehrenfest seemed to be not tired at all, they took a few escort knights
not participating in the shrine, and headed for material collection. Basically, three of
Ehrenfest People can not go without Arendsbach nobleman, so this time the knights
accompany them. "
"Is material collected?"

A word that I had not imagined came out, and I stared at Zelgius in spite. Material
collection is to be good at knights who hunt demon animals and mow demon trees. I
heard that a civilian wanting rare materials goes there, but it is not what lord
candidate students do during a godship.

"It seems that we want to make effective use of the precious time, I was also invited,
but considering that the shrine will continue from tomorrow, I did not feel like going
out very much, the side Justkus was the most outrageous. I do not seem to be a side
job of Ehrenfest very much. "

Zergius said a distant eyes and said so. I can not believe that the side who is neither
knight nor civilian takes the initiative and heads for material collection. Does that
mean that if you go to such a shrine every year, will it become quite robust even in the
side work?

Every time Elemfest seems to go out to collect material every time I set a rest day. I
can hear the conversation of the knights who accompanied me at dinner seat or
breakfast seat.

"I did not think there was no way to make Veerinur flowers."
"It is a flower that blooms only at night of Fleet Lane, so I was surprised by accident."

Escort Knight who accompanied the three people who accidentally got rare material
that can only be harvested at night of Fleet Lane can be delighted.

"I have never heard of flowers of Velhinur, but what kind of flowers are they?"

1005 | 2523
It was Yuzukusu in a good mood that answered my question. In addition to Justochs'
explanation, Ferdinand will tell you what kind of magic tools and medicines you can
use. It seems that it is not the material that the knights wanted to collect, if you saw
that everyone around me was admiring and listening. Three of Ehrenfest know the
best things about the material of Ahrensbach, I felt a little strange.

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, were you going out to pick flowers from Veerinur?"

In my question Ferdinand smiled and smiled, slowly shook his head.

"It happened, it was Reti Zia, the purpose was to get Eyce's Evil Stones."
"Well, I could not collect them unless those that were headed by Veerinur were
garbage, so it would be the guidance of God."
"As long as the time is late, the flowers will have died, so it was the one that we met in
a truly wonderful moment."

Justkus and Eckhart will say so and smile. However, it was supposed to be Justoks that
Eyce said he likes the honey of Veerinur a while ago. Although it seems that it seems
that three people of Ehrenfest have guided Veerinur flowers, but is it due to mind?

...... There is nothing to say that you are setting up a place to rest perfectly and exactly?

I felt a bit scared, as I felt like being moved on a calculated Ferdinand-like board.

1006 | 2523
After getting Gutenberg down to the downtown, we disturb you at Ghibe's summer
palace. And Beno and the Planetan Shokai started talking about establishing an
association with the civil service official of Kirunberga, I handed down the small Holy
Grail to Gieb Kilnberga and finished the ceremony ceremony. It's already used as a
regular annual event in spring.

"Let's guide you to the border gate"

I boarded a coward and chased after Giebe · Kirunberga. Wooden buildings are on the
white building the same as the downtown of Ehrenfest, but in Kilnberga town the
ghibe summer palace and aristocracy are the closest to Ehrenfest and if you go to the
back The more it goes it looks like a downtown. There is a downtown, there is a
aristocratic street, and it is completely opposite from Ehrenfest where there is a castle
of Aub in the back.

"Since there were many people from other countries coming in from the border gate
in the past, we heard that a ghibe building was built behind the border gate, I see, ah,
I see, the white boundary made by Aub You can see the walls and gates of a little
strange color behind the gate and wall? That is the border gate. "

Yudit sitting in the passenger seat tells us while pointing at the point. I did not notice
it because I had only gone to the Gibe's palace at the ceremony ceremony, but as I
approached, I could see that two gates of the same height were certainly at the same

"Wow ... .... I thought that the white gate made by Abe was also beautiful, but the gate
and walls made by Zent are exceptional, are not it?"

The boundary gate and the outer wall of Kirunberga are as white as the Ehrenfest, but
the walls behind it and the gate were pale rainbow-colored with a sparkle like a
mother-of-pearl shell of shellfish used for threading work. The walls of the border that
seems to be slightly shining are long outside the Kilnberga and continue for a long
time. Somehow I remembered the Great Wall. It is a strange feeling that instead of
being winding according to the terrain, it has continued straight straight as if someone
pulled a line.

1007 | 2523
...... Who is going to draw the line is decided as the first generation.

It is Juregen Schmidt that the part where the boundary of the TSENT was put up is
known and it is the first time to see the border of the country, although it is learned
by geography, that it is a circle that cut out a part of the continent. Just like Aub 's
boundary line, I thought that the border line can not be seen with the naked eye, but
like a gate there is a faintly rainbow - colored wall.

"The border gate is very beautiful, but the building in the town is like a downtown in
Ehrenfest, there is wooden structure on a white building, so it will be hard to see
without approaching this way."

As Yudit says, the height of the gate is three, four stories high, so it is hard to see from
the ghibbe hall. I should have visited Kirunberga for my first praying ceremony, but I
did not enter into sight at all. At that time, it was Ferdinand's responsibility to greet
Gibe, whether he was taking a restorative medicine in a horse-drawn carriage, was
resting, or was being breathlessly being told "quietly hiding", that's why Maybe it is.

As I approached, I could see the white door at the border gate is fully open inside.
Before that you can see the appearance of a knight who seems to be wary. I saw a
tightly closed border gate behind it. A complicated pattern is engraved on the door of
the lightly shining rainbow colored gate. Perhaps, like Schwarz 's costumes, there
must be a lot of patterns carved to hide the magic team.

"Is the border gate of Kirunberg always open?"

"No, today is special, I heard from Theodor that Robay Mine asked Ave to ask Aub, so
that Rosemain can see the border gate, so that you can see the border gate from the
front I was deeply impressed because I did not think that I could do it. "

According to Yudit, it seems that boundary gates are also closed tightly and usually it
is impossible to see the border gate from the front.

"Even in the town of Kilnberga, you can only see the boundary gate and the outer wall
that were closed when you were very young, because the height of the border gate
and the border gate are nearly the same, so it is a little border gate I can see the upper
one ... "

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Young Yudit seems to have had no choice but to see the border gate. It seems that it
was because I wanted a civil servant that approached the border gate that I aimed for
a knight.

"I was able to see the border gate from the top for the first time by entering the lords
and getting a cowgirl, I was really moved by that time ... .... Oh, the reason why the
Knights of Kilnberga wish to apply is almost like that It's not just me, because Theodor
is so. "

Were you embarrassed that he aimed for the knight to approach the border gate, Yudit
repeatedly repeating that he was not alone, shaking the orange ponytail. That was fun,
so I laughed a little.

'I remember that Theodor said that he would like to serve Gibe Kirunberga just like
his father? '
"Uh, Theodor is just parenthesized, the reasons for your choice are the same."

Because Yudit is desperate too desperately, I decided that the Knight of Kilnbergha is
aiming for a knight to approach the border gate.

... ... Next time I will ask Theodore.

"Rosemain, please drop down the cow bean after Gibe"

As I was guided by Yudit I took down the cuddling beast on the roof of the border gate.
Several of the Knights of Kilnberg greeted us side by side, but there was the
appearance of Theodor in that. If you smile and laugh at one's line of sight, Theodor
also laughs back. It seems that he is working as an apprentice teacher cheerfully.

"Rosemain, please come here"

I escorted to Giebe who had cleaned up the cud beast first, and I slowly walk forward.
Is it because of the high place, it is a bit windy and chilly. In the sight there is a border
gate shining in a light rainbow color.

Compared to the boundary gate and the city gate where there are several waiting
rooms and office rooms in the gate, the border gate is hardly deep. It's about three or
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four meters. Unlike the boundary gate where there are flat and wide roofs so that a
number of knights can get off with cow animals, the border gate has become a sloping
triangular roof as it does not seem to be supposed to go in and out with cow animals.

"Only the Knight of Kirnbergha can see the scenery from here"

If I walked to the edge of the roof, I could see a sight behind the border gate. It spread
out across the faintly border gate was a sandy sea. It spreads out as far as the state of
sand with no smell of magical power is overlooked.

"I thought that there were other countries beyond the border gate, the country of the
other party to trade like I heard in the story .... What happened to that country? Shin:
Maybe the magical power runs out, is this situation like this? "

Considering the situation of Ahrensbach which began to be raging due to shortage of

magical power, maybe the neighboring country became sandy as a result of the
closing of the border gate. When I asked fearfully, Giebe · Kilnberga shook his head
with a smile saying "I have never heard such a story."

"The border gate is a huge transition team that connects the country and the country,
and those who do not have permission of TSEND can not pass regardless of the
presence or absence of magical power.I am only a story, but when the border gate is
opened It seems that a huge magic team emerges on the surface. "

And after transiting at the border gate, it seems that he entered Kirunberga through
the boundary gate. In other words, you must have permission for both TSENT and

"Even if Zent 's permission comes out, is there no auv' s permission coming out, is
there nobody who got caught between the border gate and the boundary gate and
could not move?"

Whether my question was unexpected, Gibe Kirunberga laughed a little whether the
reminded man was caught between the gates.

"Perhaps there were such stupid merchants, but since there is permission to go
through the border gate, it is only good to return home.Sorry, such an interesting story
seems to be unfortunate. not"
"Then, what kind of story is left?"
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When I took out the writing board, I looked up at Giebe · Kirunberga with excitement.

"There are a number of stories about spring and autumn festivals that welcomed the
visit of Zent, the border gate was opened between spring and autumn, it seems that it
was closed during the winter, It seems that he visited and opened and closed it. "

In the spring where trade begins, the story of the people in the town waiting for the
gate of Tzent to prepare for the acceptance of the merchants coming in from the
moment of opening the gate is many, and in the autumn, in the fall it is necessary to
return before the closing gate of winter It seems that there are many talks of
merchants returning in a hurry because it is necessary to spend a hard winter of
Ehrenfest without being able to do it.

"The forgotten items of merchants seem to have been a festival of the year"
"Even so, since the border gate is at the edge of Jürgen Schmidt, it is hard to move all
of the gates that need to open and close, so even if they go around in Ehrenfest with a
priest, they will fall asleep, I sympathize with Tsento that I have to move within Jurgen
Schmidt. "

It is unexpectedly a terrible job to have to open and close the border gates every year
every year. Even if you move with a cowgirl, you will have difficulties with escorts and
aides. Such a comment laughed at the impression that Gibe was empty.

"You do not have to worry about moving, as there are transitional teams in the border
gate that can only be used by Tents with Gurtris Height"

Speaking of which, a transition team that crosses the territories can be made if it is a
zent and the border gate is outside the boundary gate that Aub makes, so there is no
need for permission by Aab to lay the transition team.

...... Whether Guritisuheito is present or not is serious?

"At any rate, why was not Aenzenreich's border gate closed instead of Ahren? The
border gate is so important when considering trade?"

It is important that the border gate is important even though it thinks that Arensbach
with the border gate which remains only keeps ranking by trade now. Why was it
supposed to be shut down? In my question Giebe Kilnberga pointed to the border gate.
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"It seems there was a country named Bose Gates at the end of the border gate's
transition, and this was not Ehrenfest but a large estate called Eisenhreich and the
majority of the present Fröbel Tak is also Eisenreich, Halden Zell It seems that the
territory had spread to the north, there seemed to be a large mine there, which was a
special product of Eisenreich "

Ore and its processed goods seem to have been sold at the Bose Gates. It is said that
weapons made from high-quality ore were important weapons for Halendenzel's
commoners to defeat demons.

"And then, another thing that countries that trade with Jürgen Schmidt is a manastone
is the most obvious one is a manastone.In other countries it seems like an unusual
thing that no manastones exist so much, even the commoners around here are weak
like hunting It seems that even small devils of monsters were able to trade at high
cost. "

It is the first time to hear such stories from other countries. In the country where there
is not much magic stone, how many monstones are treated and whether it is the same
in Randzenav with connection with Ahrensbach, some question comes to mind. When
writing it down on a writing board, Giebe · Kirunberga began to speak quietly in a low

"It was the beginning of the downturn that Aub Eisenreich aimed at Tzent, which was
inspired by the Bose Gates."

When I raise my face to surprise, Giebe · Kirunberga keeps talking a little after
stroking my chin.

"At that time Aru Eisenreich seemed to have the power to target Zent, Aubu was
invited to invite people of the Booth Gates and tried to push in towards Gurritris
Height towards the center"

It is not the current king without Gurtris Height. It seems that he tried to dismiss real
Tzent with Gurritris Height. Supplies such as food were sent one by one from the Bose
Gates, and Aub Eisenreich started to move goods and knights little by little by using
the transition team heading for the House of Lords.

"Have you not been by Aubue who stopped the plan that made such a big deal?"
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"It seems that I could not listen to it, but it seems that Aub's daughter who realized
that he could not stop running barely headed for a cow and headed towards the
center, and told him about his inner life."

While my father moved supplies to the House of Peers, my daughter ran to the center
as he ran his own beast.

"Tento who was furious at the news of her daughter immediately closed the border
gate, returned to the center, surprised the dormitory with the Central Order and
destroyed Abu Eisenreich"

And naturally the Eisenreich lord family who thought of rebellion and the main
aristocrat who attacked the center together were executed, Gibe continues.

"What happened to Aub's daughter who conveyed the information, was she still in a
"I was barely executed in a joint seat, she was a new Ave and Eisenreich, with the
loyalty to Tzent and recognition of his achievement of stopping the rebellion

I gently stroked my chest in the words of Giebe Kirnberga. I was told that I was in a
seat here, it would have been a very bad aftertaste. But the story did not end here.

"However, it is not a honor at all, the large estuary Eisenreich was divided into French
territory by Tsent as a middle territory, and a number of abundant mines that were
north of the current Haldenszel were given to Klassenburg. It seems that there was a
royal fiancé at that time to the daughter at the time, but that engagement was
resolved, it seems that he got engaged again with a candidate for a lord suitable for
the middle territory. "

Although it was saved, although it was saved, it was divided into lands, and by losing
the border gate and the mine, it became an ave of the lost domains of the main
industry. Even though Eizenreich is in trouble, I do not believe that Tzent will reach
out, even though he was parted with a royal fiancé. I wonder if this was a fairly heavy

"From the surroundings it was seen with the eyes of the territory that caused the
rebellion and it seems that the former large territory had decayed while we were
seeing it, and as a result of losing the mine, Raisegang, who had dedicated himself to
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agriculture, It became to have power at a stretch.Of course, there was Eisenreich's
aristocrat who discontented it. "

Aub and the principal aristocrats were executed, but not all Aizenriich nobles were
executed. Most of the remaining aristocrats nostalgicized the former glory and seem
to have dissatisfied with the current situation.

"The nobles are not the only ones who were dissatisfied.They are the same as those
of the Boys Gates who were left behind by Aizen Reich as a result of sudden closure of
the border gate without any prior notice. It wants to return home We were gathering
at Kilnberga, which is closest to the border gate. "

If there is a big incident, bard poets gather together to hear stories from the parties
and make songs. It seems that the lamentation of the people of the Boys Gates and the
foolish choice of Auve Eisenhreich became popular songs and spread.

"The next generation of Eizenreich and the next generation candidate prosperity grew
up listening to the song poet 's song in addition to the elderly glory story, and at the
time of deciding the next Aub, It was divided into two. "
"Are you two, are you?"

When I tilt my head, Giebe Kirnberga slowly nodded.

"A person who wishes to ask Zent to open the border gate to return the people of the
Bose Gates who were involved in the battle to their home country, and those of the
Bose Gates who suggested former Awb also punished There are two of those who
think it natural to get it. "

And it seems that the aristocrat who wanted to regain the glory of the past to each
lord candidate student and the aristocrat who supposed that it is natural to receive
the punishment as it was, developed into a battle to divide the territory.

"The girl who became an awed lamented his lack of power because the father who
caused the treason to rebell also can not control the children and grandchildren who
make a dispute bisecting the decaying territory.A daughter I asked for the return of
the place and the appointment of a new Aab that will govern the land. "

And it is the first Aub Ehrenfest that I came with Tsento who brought me the Central
Order. I will kick Aizenreich nobility who wants the opening gate of the border gate,
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Tsento will again change the foundation's place with Gurritris Height, so that
Eisenheich will never again seek glory of the past, the name of Ehrenfest and the
territory It seems to have changed.

"It seems there was an Eisenreich castle around the present Gresslel, so if you think
about that, it may be said that it was just a good place to give the princess who came
from Arandens Bach of the Majorlands"

I will compare it with the history I learned while taking a note of Giebe's story.

"It is a little different from the history that I learned. I learned that the original
Ehrenfest attacked and took the foundation."
"Although we entered together with the Central Order and it took us that we took the
foundation from the then Ave, ... but it certainly has a slightly different impression."

Gibe · Kirunberga agrees with lightly nodding. I looked up at Gibe · Kirunberga while
closing the pattern and writing board.

"Besides, it seems I knew the story of Eisenreich, it was in a story we gathered, as a

story of a foolish Awve against the Tent .... I did not know because the name of the
territory was different It seems. "

There was a similar story in the story collected at the House of Lords. I thought it was
a lesson learning based on what was there long ago, but I did not think that it was a
story of Ehrenfest, an ancient one. I would like to compare it with the story which is
transmitted to other territory if possible.

"Does the document of this story remain in Kirunberga?"

"Basically it's a word of mouth to parents to children, to the nobles who serve from
Gieve, although the literature is still there, but the sentence is a bit old and difficult to

...... Oh!

I would like to read the literature at the time that it was kept in the place where things
actually happened.

"Giebe · Kilnberga, can you read, I can read the old words, and the difference between
what I can tell in colloquialism and what I have been left behind, the story left in
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Kilnberga and the story that has been conveyed to the lords , Then I would like to
investigate the differences in the stories left by the royal family. "

When I appealed enthusiasm, Giebe · Kirunberga pulled back one step behind "Well,
well, I will show you ... but ...." I do not mind being drawn. I took the word that I could
show it.

"Thank you, I will have you, Giebe · Kilnberga"

If you do not copy it during a short stay, Giebe · Kirnberga quietly asked, looking down
at me quietly.

"How do you think Rosemain says this story?"

"Well, I guess .... I thought it would be really hard to govern Jurgen Schmidt without
Gurtris Height, so opening and closing the border gate would not be able to modify
the grounds and cornerstone, no matter what Aub in each place Even if I try to do it I
can not even exercise my power, how hard the king is having trouble with Jurgen
Schmidt's rule? "

I realized that the power of TSENT was of Gurritosheit. It is probably that there is no
Gurtris Height because the current king gave a spoken remark or I could not strongly
give out to the big territory.
When I was thinking about the difficulty of the position of Trax Okvar in that way,
Giebe · Kirunberga had a look that was to say unexpected.

"In this story Rosemain says consciousness goes to the reign of King Traquarvar ... ...."
"Is something strange?"

When I inclined my head, Giebe slowly breathed out. And I will stare at me quietly.

"Then change the question: What kind of thing do you think is the qualities required
of Ahub, who has a border gate closed by punishment from TSENT?"
"... ... is the qualification required of Aub Ehrenfest?"

I desperately think while cheering Giebe's words. Is not this a question that can not
be fairly failed?

"Do you think that there is no trade by the border gate and must we do our best to
improve the territory?"
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Giebe · Kilnbergha who heard my answer turns his eyes to the town of Kirunberga
which is not outside the border gate but spreads inward.

"I am thinking of going over Kilnberga to serve Tento with a Gurtris Height without
being influenced by the opinion of others.That is why Wilfried, who is misled by the
opinion of Reisagang who is only a nobility in the Taichi area, It is uneasy to be an aub.

It seems that Giebe · Kirunberga is contemplating a feeling of uneasiness on Wilfried

who is moving to obtain the support of Reisegang. By the way, one of Gibe ·
Kirunberga's sons should have been an aide of Wilfried.

"Did you have any information from your son?"

"Although Rosemain-sama only knows about it, but ... ...."

Giebe · Kirunberga shut his mouth without saying any more. I will not be able to tell
you the details as the information provider is clear. You only have to scratch the
necessary information yourself.

...... I have to listen to Cornelius's brother later.

"My son served Virfriit, but that does not necessarily lead to parents' support."

I noticed that Gibe's voice was low and severe, and I stretch my spine a lot. It would
be the role of a fiancée to help Wilfried here.

"I asked Aub who tried to avoid the second lady stubbornly and stubbornly to urge
Gibe Greschel's daughter, to arrange his aides so that they could fill the hole of the
Ausb and his wife, then an extra battle I am hoping Rosemain would like to aim for
Aub, who can choose to stay in the temple with hopelessness. "

……Huh? No.

It was thanks to Bruhn Hilde's self-running and presentation skill that the adoptive
father felt the second wife, Richarda said that he wanted to return to his adoptive
father from himself, and Clarissa did not go into the temple It was just.

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"It seems that Giebe · Kilnberga seems a little misunderstood because the adoptive
father is the second wife because he thought of the current situation of Ehrenfest and
decided by himself.I did not say it was my opinion Rather, I've just detained Brunhild
's decision to marry to my adopted father who can only see his foster mother. "

Giebe · Kirunberga looked surprising. I will also explain why Richarda and Filine are
working at the side of the Ausb and the wife. I am telling the fact, but it looks like I can
not accept it.

"But, Rosemain is the most trusted royalty among lords candidates ..."
"Giebe · Kilnberga"

I shielded Gibe's words and deepened my smile. No matter what I say, as a former
commoner I am not willing to aim for Aub.

"Is not it natural that Wilfried's older brother, who is aiming for the next Awb, wish
to gain the support of Reisegang .... And if I nod to Giebe's request here, at that time, I
think that it will become a lord-elected candidate who will depend on the words, but
what kind of reply do you want Giebe to do? "

After a momentary momentary momentary silence, Gieve laughed at Hu.

"I understood well the idea of Mr. Rosemain, it seems better to go back to the building
soon because it is a little windy here.

It seems that I could understand that I would not change my opinion no matter how
much I asked for it here. While relieved, I got a coward and got on board.

1018 | 2523
Returning to Gibe 's house, I got the literature out at once. It is only old tender. Besides
looking lightly, Rodderich and Hartmut will also help with copying while helping.

Staying in Kilnberga is a short period of time until discussions and arrangements

between Beno and the civilian have been concluded, and Gutenberg's preparation of
the work environment. The civilian officials responsible for the printing industry also
get accustomed to work and the period of staying in Gibbe is getting shorter and
shorter, so we must take immediate steps.

The remaining literature is not a story that is described in the story, but something
that was written briefly as to when and what happened like chronology, those who
were left behind from the Booth Gates, nobility of the former Eisenhreich It was a
thing that summarizes what kind of lives they sent. Apparently it seems to be a copy
of the report sent to Tsento.

...... After all it is a different feeling in the material being written down and written.

The list of facts that do not contain any emotions seems much more complicated than
being told in words. But I could understand the movements of the people of the Boys
Gates who almost never came out even in the history that I was taught or in the history
Gibe told.

Merchants frequented in and out of Arub-Eisenreich for years before the rebellion
occurred, and the same merchants frequented in and out between spring and autumn,
and the food-related transactions are increasing a lot.

And because the merchants of the Bose Gates who were left behind could not get
citizenship unless they were rich, they seemed mostly scattered to various places as
tripmakers to get the living supplies.

...... Without citizenship, I can not borrow houses or shops, I can not get jobs or get

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I wonder how many years ago it was. The story about the life of a peddler heard from
Otto is revived. Maybe Otto is a descendant of the Boys Gates. While thinking about
such things, I wrote a copy of the literature.

I finished copying the literature safely during my stay, and I will return to the temple
of Ehrenfest with Beno as usual. I ask you to send souvenirs of materials that can not
be harvested around Kirunberga to the ink studio, talk about the training of the people
who came from Grechell, and I will see off Beno.
My memorial ceremony is over with this.

"Because it accepts blue apprentices, it may be busier after the ceremony ceremony,
"Oh, Zam and Fritz are the center, and they ordered the gray shrines that will be newly
serving, so it is ready to accept?"

In my words Zeam nodded with a bitter laugh. The training of the cooks dispatched
through Frida and the gray shrine maiden who serves as a culinary assistant has
already begun, and it seems that meals in orphanages are increasing. The purchase of
food is taking the form of a contract and a contract that the parents of the blue
apprentices are favored, so it seems that new merchants are coming in and going out
to the temple.

"Of course we have furniture and study tools as well. It is also planning for a day so
that everyone can act as much as possible until I get used to the temple.What is
necessary for education as a child of aristocracy, Phyllene We received your opinion.

According to Zam, while Philine was absent at the ceremony ceremony, it seems that
Philene taught various tasks of the temple variously.

"If you are ready, let the children move, the shrine will be lively from tomorrow,"

I wanted to welcome the blue apprentices when my eyes arrived, so they had them
wait in the children's room until the end of the prayer ceremony. I sent Ordonants to
the castle and asked him to let the carriage move the children.

...... Children are OK with this. later…….

1020 | 2523
"Well, Cornelius elder brother, how is Virfriit's older brother?"

I do not know where and who is listening When I asked about Wilfriit who could not
ask a question at Gibe's pavilion, the tension of the feeling that it felt as if I was tired
was running for a moment to the aides who were there. Even if I do not change my
expression, I feel more upsetting as the air changed.

"Maybe you are misleading by Reisegang as Gibe Kirunberga said?"

Brother Cornelius smiled a little to erase my anxiety, shook his head and gave an
answer with a light tone.

"It seems that I'm suffering from self-esteem and obligation pinch rather than being
deceived by Reesegang."

...... What is pinch of pride and duty? In other words, what kind of condition?

"I think that it is too abstract in that answer, but what can I do for you? Did Lamprecht
say that he wanted help?"

I do not mind assisting at a level that does not hinder the temple operation, but in this
answer I do not know exactly what Wilfried is going to help. Brother Cornelius gently
shrugged my shoulders in my words.

"Briefly, in short, I think that it is best to leave Rosemain alone as there is no choice
but to negotiate with himself."
"Are you going to leave? Is that really so good? ...... Does your brother Lamprecht say?"

I felt something hidden, I looked at Elder Cornellius with a somewhat suspicious eye,
and then turned his eyes to Léonore, who should have been with him. Leonore smiled

"There seems to be opinion from Aub about the issue of Reesegang, and it seems that
there were various dissatisfactions about Aub 's second wife."

I do not say directly to the adoptive father, but it seems that there is dissatisfaction
that it is leaked to the aides as polo polo.

1021 | 2523
"As expected from the beginning, it seems that Vilfriit was told variously at the prayer
ceremony when he went to Riesegang's Giebe, about making Rosemain like the next
awesome ..."

It is easy to imagine what he was told only to be disgusted by the aristocracy. The
principal nobles of former Veronica are being punished and kept away. I think that
Virfriit, which was raised only by Veronica among lords candidate students, was hit
hard on something.

"It was difficult on a schedule basis, perhaps I should have accompanied you when I
greet Gibe, maybe I could have protected a little?"

I might have managed to do something if I devised a recovery medicine and resting

place. When I said that, Brother Cornelius disgustedly disgusted and shook his head.

"If Wilfried wishes to be the next Aub, if you have to follow Raisinggang, it is
meaningless if Rosemain has a business trip and protecting Wilfried, so I do not think
Wilfried's appreciation will rise Is not it? "
"That would be the case, but I think that it is possible to reduce outright disgusting
just by being with them."

Even the role of Wilfried is to win trust, you may be able to reduce malice by
accompanying you. Brother Cornelius raised my eyebrows a bit in my words.

"Rosemain, a blue-colored priest who has decreased and has been short of hands,
physically and schedulely moving, is not worrying about Rosemain. At the prayer
ceremony, the lord's candidate will turn around the territory and then greet It was
able to go around, but it is Wilfried's sama who told me to turn around the Gibe
territory to increase the number of face-to-face with Giebe. "

It is comforting that he is comforting that I am not suffering from mind, but my brother
Cornelius seems tough to Villefried though it is justice.

"Well, is it better to advise that you do not need to raise your rating from Raisegang
right now? Unlike your foster parents who have to quickly summarize the territories
that are rattling in purge, Wilfried's older brother I think that is fine as long as you are
endorsed by the time you become Aubu .... "

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Would you feel comfortable a little if you give a word that you do not need to be
impatient? When I said that, Léonore became a troubled face.

"I do not think it is necessary to get support from now, but would not it be better for
Rosemain to be inadvertently brought into contact with Wilfried like Riyalda,
according to Richarda It seems that neither will be hurt, I am worried. "

Hartmut opened his mouth as if supplementing, as Leonore's worry can not be

understood well and his neck is tilted.

"Rosemain, who is hoping for the next Aub from Raisegang, advises Wilfried, who is
actively acting to gain the support of Reisegang and not being able to get wounded,
advising him that he does not need to be impatient, Léonore is worried that he does
not know whether he accepts it or not. "

...... Ah, if I say the necessary advice, it will be a word to touch the nerves.

Aides are worried about aligning their mouths. Perhaps Villefried is feeling throbbing
without getting backed by Reesegang. I consented to thinking so.

The next day the carriage arrived from the castle. Children are going up the stairs of
the main entrance without showing nervousness unlike visiting. Immediately
thereafter Melchior also joined the aides of the nearby cock and arrived at the temple.

"Let's do the vow ceremony at the temple room."

It is a ritual to swear to serve God as a blue apprentice I also went. While doing a little
nervous, I took a ceremony and gave me blue clothes. And announce the schedule of
life in the temple.

Eat breakfast with two bells. When I finish breakfast I go to the priest's room with the
side and receive the work and task of the temple from Hartmut or its side. At that time,
I will hear reports of the state of the previous day and the progress of the task. Then,
until the 3rd bell, I will work with my side in my room and study the temple service
and myths.

1023 | 2523
When the third bell rings, head towards the orphanage, and use Vilma and Rosina as
teachers and study practice of fespiel and lecture.

Lunch with the four bells. From the afternoon I will do training, workshops and
manuscripts, and I will study for the aristocrat who is necessary to be a knight or
civilian. Listening to the merchant's story at the workshop, studying the silk-making
industry and the printing industry is also an important study, and if necessary, you
can apply to the castle in advance and go to the castle. Basically it is free time.

"Dinner when the six bells rumble, probably it will be an earlier time than before, but
if you do not do so in the temple, the meal does not go to the orphanage quite often.The
time of meal is fixed, but the bedtime I will leave it to each one. Do you have any
questions? "

My boy raises his hand to my question.

"Are the children living in the orphanage living the same way?"
"Children in orphanages cleanse the temple or work in the forest and workshop if it
is fine, but the evening and the rainy day together work together I can practice sports
and study. "

As more things go out in the spring, less time for orphanage children can study. I will
cut work earlier and plan to take time to study in the evening, but all of the orphanages
are equal. Whether it is a criminal's child, a nobleman's child, or a child who was
abandoned, there is no difference in the amount of food or the amount of work.

"Can we also go to the forest?"

"Sorry, the blue apprentices can not go to the forest."

Nikolaus asked with a look of expectation, but I dismissed it. When something
happens to a nobleman's child, the surrounding people will suffer some trouble. If it
is thought that it is the elders of the orphanage where the surrounding general people
lead, Gil or Lutz, it is the best that not to put out the blue apprentice outside.

"Please change yourself in each room with your side, so today children are waiting at
the orphanage, so please go and have fun"

I did not set any particular issues on the first day so that I could have a little fun in the
temple. If you give it strongly, will you visit the facilities of the temple during lunch,
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until the orphanage's lunch ends? I also placed a book printed at the workshop in the
shrine library, so I thought I'd like to introduce it carefully, but it was rejected around

...... When I recommended with enthusiasm, I told the feeling that I would draw in the
opposite way, is not it awful?

"Is Rosemain sister also going to the orphanage?"

Melchior who took the blue clothes leans his head. I nodded. I was thinking of listening
to stories about how children in orphanages feel the spring life that they often leave
the orphanage.

"Well, then, why do not you join us? There are things I want to report to my older

I confirmed the progress of the work of Hartmut and the temple work in the priest's
room room until Melchior arrived. During the prayer ceremony, Fritak seems to have
worked hard, but it has accumulated quite a lot.

"The impact of the reduction in the number of blue priests is greater than imagined"
"There is a big influence that Ferdinand does not come, Rosemain, as the blue
apprenticeship has increased, we have to allocate more and more work to that side."

Hartmut says so with a smiley smile, as the number of hands has increased and it will
be a bit easier.

"Well, do you know the details of the lord ceremonial ritual at the lord conference?"
"Judges and offerings seem to be prepared in the central shrine, I just wear clothes for
rituals and just have my own scriptures"

Because the scriptures need to register the magical power of the owner, you can not
borrow the scriptures of others. It can be said that it is meaningless to borrow the
scripture of the central temple, which can not be seen much.

"Mr. Rosemain, I forgot the important assistant, I will participate as a priest chief to
assist Rosemain."

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It was not separately forgotten. Hartmut thought it would definitely say so. Rather, I
can not imagine the appearance of Hartmut who makes an answering machine. Say
"Please," in a word, I look around the escort knights.

"Well, OK, I offered to the royal that I wanted to attach an escort knight, I got a word
saying that it could be attached if it is a blue priest or a blue shrine maiden, we got the
adults' escort knights in blue clothes I'd like to escort you, but is it okay? '
"Of course I am an escort knight."

Angelica made an unresponsive reply to put on blue clothes for the escort mission.
Brother Cornelius and Damuel also answered, "I arrived at the dedication ceremony.
Leonore also nodded.

"Besides, at the request of the royal family during the Lord's Council it is planned to
be in the underground library of the library.I need an escort and side work also there,
but you can not put in underground unless it is a senior aristocrat. I ask Cornelius and
Leonore, but there is only Otierie as a sidebar.Is it okay if I leave it? Clarissa is
particularly concerned .... "

Clarissa is also scheduled to head to the Lord's Council as negotiator with Dunkel
Ferger. Will I be okay if I took Othelie?

"Mothers are Rosemain-san's aides, I do not need to worry about extra troubles,
because Clarissa also has a father, Clarissa will not do anything to annoy Rosemain ...
... perhaps"

...... The end is uneasy, Hartmut!

"Preparing tea on top, preparing the room in the dormitory, assistant of Othelier will
be able to do a rezelator? It is a pity that you can help you read the old words if you
enter Hua, Damuel"
"I am thinking from the bottom of my heart that it is good for me not to qualify to enter
a library that only royals and lord families can enter."

Damuel is trembling though it is dead by tension, is it ok if it comes up to the stage as

an escort knight with the royal star ties where the Arub and Schmidt gathers in Jurgen
Schmidt gather? If escort knights do not get fewer, do not put it out in your mouth and
ask in your mind.

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... ... Well, it will do something? Go for it, Damuel.

"I can not help you because the lodging ceremony and the ceremonial ceremony are
not adults, so I can not help you at all."

Damuel who heard the regretful voice of Phyline which seemed depressed was
comforting "There is not such a thing".

"A person who is looking at the temple where Rosemain and Hartmut are gone as in
the case of the ceremonial ceremony is also necessary, Phyllin is useful enough"
"I am glad if you say so."

Philene looks up at Damuel and dyes his cheeks as if he's embarrassed and laughs. It
looked like its expression was strangely gorgeous and shining.

Ah, that one? Is not Phyline 's eyes facing Damuel? Did not Filinet like Rhodderichu?

Well, when I was leaning my neck, Melchior who finished changing clothes came in. I
wanted Hartmut to be in office, but Hartmut seems to go to the orphanage together.
His argument is that "Rosemain does not know when to do strange things" by giving
a case of crushing mana stone at an orphanage and rolling it back. Why do not you
believe even if you say that you do not do anything?

I go to the orphanage with a relaxed walk with Melchior. Meanwhile, Melchior tells
the adoptive ceremony to the adopting father, and taught me various things that I was
surprised and what I was praised by communicating the words of the soldiers.

"Now I am remembering the words of prayers my sister taught me to go to the harvest


It seems that everyone seems to be busy in the castle, but he seems to have had a
narrow feeling towards the shoulder with little help, so he wanted to come to the
temple as soon as possible.

"By the way, have your sister received a report?"

"What kind of report is it?"
"It is a report about the silver cloth found at the front ghibbe · gerrach pavilion"

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Matthias and Laurentz were cooperating in the investigation of the Order, but I have
not received any reports yet. Since their escort duty is tomorrow, I intended to report

"Since Bonifatius says that it is absolutely funny with a strange cloth, it seems that it
was a strange cloth as it cried, as civil servants investigated ... .... It was a bit difficult
and I could not understand anything more, but on older sister I thought that he would
teach me more easily. "

...... I can not say anything with a strange cloth.

When I received a report from Matthias, I promise to talk and enter an orphanage. I
saw the kids in blue clothing and the orphanage children playing cards with them.

"Mel Heol is also playing with me, because I will hear from Vilma."

After seeing Melchior intersecting with the children, I ask Vilma about the state of the
recent orphanage. Vilma looked at the stairs with an anxious face and opened his

"There are children who have disappeared because children who left the orphanage
have appeared."

It seems that children who are growing without magic tools used magical powers to
move magic tools in their parents house. I thought that only traces had magical tools
and were treated as aristocrats. However, he seems to have been confronted with the
reality that some houses are given magical tools up to the brothers by being gathered
at an orphanage.

"Even so, I seemed to have endured something that I think is still needed from my
family, but it seems I lost the energy to work hard because I did not come back to pick
up it."

Although there are more magical powers than men of lower class aristocrat who have
been taken over but myself is higher in rank, there is no magic tool. And it is not
required from parents. Even if I return home, it will only be a baffle to move the
magician at home, and even if I do my best at an orphanage, I can never become a

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nobleman without magical tools. It seems that time that is vaguely increased, that I do
not feel like doing my best.

"Haltmut, even if there are only magical tools, you can not make it in time from now,
do you?"

Conrad also was deprived of the magic tool and should have broken off the way to the
aristocrat. Even if there are only magic tools from now, I can not become a nobleman.
When I asked Hartmut to think so, Hartmut said "I can not do it".

"It depends on the amount of magical power of the person and how much you can
prepare a recovery medicine for that person. Although it is not impossible, because
the place where flowing magical power which is originally full of is restored by
medicine to restore magical power and pour it into a magic tool, The burden is great,
and both the magical tool and the recovery drug are necessary, so the financial burden
is also great. "

Returning to the nobility society by purging political change, the blue apprentices who
headed for the aristocrat on special exception tells us that they used such means
under the guidance and burden of their families. If I do not make it at all, I will give up
but if it is not impossible I would not want to do something.

"But I can not agree that Rosemain-sama individuals will bear all of magical tools and
recovery drugs for children in orphanages, as Rosemain is the temple of the temple in
about three years, as more abandoned Even after that it will not continue and it will
go against the equality of an orphanage. "

While looking at me quietly, Hartmut repeatedly spoke words not to inadvertently

touch out.

"Besides, how about Rosemain going to save the old Veronica children? If you save the
old Veronica's children, the nobility who wants this child to give magical tools to the
orphanage I think there are more than children who have it. "

If you prioritize, I told Hartmut that the orphanage's child was to be postponed, I
struck my pong and hands.

"I do not rescue old Veronica children, they will save the children of their orphanage
who are in their jurisdiction, so if they are children in orphanage, they are constant
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even if they are elders of the nobles or even the nobles, Do not you think that you will
be equal if you decide to save with the above results and magical powers? "
"Rosemain-sama ..."

After Haltmuth had my eyes full of my words, it looked like a bad face.

"... How do you think about Rosemain's thought is consultation with Aubu, this is not
a thing to be decided by your arbitrary.What would you do if you ask for re-acquisition
of protection?"

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"Mr. Okono, my grandfather, I am waiting for you"

Since I came back from the prayer ceremony, I can do a ceremony for reacquisition.
In addition, there are things I'd like to consult with, but as I told my adopted father,
my grandfather came along. Since I came to the temple once, I wonder if the feeling of
repulsion faded a little.

Me and Melchior will guide two people and their aides to the temple room. Then I
brought out tea and sweets and asked about the current situation at the castle. We are
listening at the library from Phyllene and Clarissa, and there is some information
coming from the escort knight, but it is important to get more information.

The circumference of the adoptive father seems to be in line with the preparation of
the lord conference. Clarissa participating in the discussion with Dunkel Ferger is
quite a bit surprised and he told me to praise him.

"It is a civil servant who has just arrived and has not finished the ceremonial ritual
even yet, he only deals with discussions with Dunkel Ferger, and Leberrecht manages
the information he gives, but his enthusiasm and fineness for preparation You have
good influence on the surroundings "

It seems that Clarissa is working desperately to compensate for the troublesome

surroundings. Although it is certainly not a mistake, according to Hartmut, it seems
desperate because it can not see the star knot ritual performed at the time of the lord
conference if it is out of the selection towards the lord conference.

...... It is good if you do your best at work for whatever reason?

"The Order is working with the civilian to study silver cloth, the rough report has been
received from Matthias and Laurentz?"

My nephew nodded in my old words. A silver cloth is a strange cloth that Melchior had
been saying. I received a report from the two who came to escort to the temple that it
is a cloth that does not accept magical powers. However, it received only a brief report.
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It seems that my grandfather seems to report it directly to me, he seems to have

Before listening to the reports of Matthias and Laurentz, I asked to my adopted father,
so my grandfather was to piggyback and come to the temple. However, it seems that
he really wanted to invite him to the temple for sharing information on cloth. It seems
still necessary to have a big reason for my grandfather to come to the temple from

"The first thing I taught about cloth was Melchior, the next day I received a report
from Matthias and Laurentz, but I did not know exactly what kind of cloth I. I listen to
the story of my grandfather I was looking forward to it. "

I was given only incomplete information, and when I saw that, my grandfather smiled
happily once.

"There was a new discovery yesterday, as I finished reporting to Aub in yesterday, I

think that we will talk to Rosemain in detail as Jill Vestar is doing ritual ... ... That's why
Jill Vestor quickly Would not it be better to head to the ceremony? The bad one who
has time to forget the names of the gods that you memorized at a great price. "

My grandfather said something pretty rude and shook hands with a clatter as to drive
away his adoptive father. However, the adoptive father does not get angry separately
and stands up with a bitter smile, "I just want to talk with my granddaughter without
being disturbed by me".

"Well, well, Rodemain's counseling is fairly unexpected and the head is pure white,
Ferdinand said before, let's say the ritual is over before listening to that story, let's
"Well, I will show you, Father, I remember the place of the worship room with the
aides, and prepared the offerings for this role."

Melchior in the form of a blue priest stands up with a tight face and starts walking
with the aides. The adoptive father went out of the room along with Melchior, saying,
"Have you tell the story with other children, you said it was hard to talk at the castle?"

"Then, do you tell me about the silver cloth, Mattias and Larenz have reported that it
is a cloth with no magical power, but I will only reply to you asking the details, please
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When I embarked out a little bit towards the grandfather sitting in front, my
grandfather said "This is that cloth" and showed me a small silver cloth. I get
permission and take it in my hands.

It's about the size of the palm of my hand. I think that it is towards the end of the cloth
because there are jagged parts that seem to have been torn down and parts that have
been cut straight. However, at first glance it is an ordinary silver cloth. I have no idea
what is strange.

"Cloth that you can not feel magical is not uncommon, is it? There are many such
things on cloth woven by the commoner, even cloths aristocrat dyed with magical
power to make it high quality will not be felt if magical power is lost. What is
mysterious? "
"It is not that it is not low quality, it is not that magical power is removed, low quality,
it is possible to raise the quality by magical power, if it is merely pulled out, it will suck
it if you give magical power Does it include, or will it be stained with magical power?
This cloth will not accept magical power at all. "

It is said that the silver cloth judged by the civilian officials whether using a material
which does not contain magical power at all, it is a cloth made without using the
magical power at all.

"Material that does not contain magical powers at all, it is early that there are such

The material of Jürgen Schmidt, which is filled with land by the power of Azubu and
Aubu and Gibe in various places, contains more or less magical powers. There should
be no material that does not contain magical powers at all. At least I have not heard.

"I discovered that this cloth was torn down by the powerhouse at the summer house
of Gerlach, but do you think it strange to do something like tearing away when there
is no time thinking about running away?"
"You may be doing it if you are impatient?"

Because I do not have much time, I think that it is strange but nothing to pull himself
into force by hanging somewhere. While I said that, I looked around my escort knights
and asked for consent. But nobody agreed with the escort knight.

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"If you cloak a cloak or something, it is the fastest time to cut with a messer.If you are
a knight you are being trained to deform the staple as fast as possible and a civil
servant with little power Then I will use more tools. "

It is aristocratically overestimating to forcibly pull off, and it is impossible to waste

time by pulling over many times. That is why it seems that the place where it is being
torn is caught in the intuition like an old man.

...... I will definitely pull it if I do. If you do not care, behaving like a common-rupor
growing seems to jump out.

"Well, why was this cloth broken?"

"I heard that this cloth did not accept magical powers earlier, so it can not be cut with
a weapon that deformed Stap."

My wife sends a signal to his aides. My grandfather's side put a silver cloth on top of
several boards. My grandfather deforms the staple into a knife, Dan! He stabbed a
cloth with a loud noise. Although the underlying board broke, I could not penetrate
the fabric with my grandfather 's power. Even a small hole in the silver cloth was not

"Since I can not cut it with a staple, it was torn down. After I understood it, the most
problematic thing is that if you put together a cloth that does not combine this magical
power at all, you can escape the barrier of the boundary "
"Aubu does not perceive it if it is the magical power of the commoner, perhaps it
knows Rosemain? If there is a cloth that does not warrant magical power at all, it is
easy to go through the barrier."

According to my grandfather, I asked my foster cooperation and experimented with a

small simple barrier. As a result, it seems that the adoptive father could not perceive
that the old finger wrapped with this cloth passed through the barrier.

"In other words, it is said that it was not hard for the former Gieb and Gerrach to go
through the boundaries of the territory, right?"
"Oh, it is no doubt that this cloth was used to cross the boundary of the territory, but
there are still doubts as to how we moved from the aristocratic city to Gerrach, and
where we handed this cloth Did you put it in? "
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I can make thoughts over my grandfather 's words.

"Is not it possible to think that you can use the transition team as a thing, not a person
if wrapped in the cloth?"
"I could not say that it was a cloth with no magical power at all? Because there is no
magical power, the transition team will not move because the presence does not seem
to be able to move The thing wrapped with this cloth can transit any small object It
was not. "

Even among the civilian officials, it seems that the opinion that "Is it possible to transit
easily because boundaries can be crossed?" However, it seems that it could not be
transferred as a thing.

"There was a trace where something was burned in a hidden room where I found a
silver cloth, Matias said, that man seems to have a habit of burning the transition team
that he used for wrong.The transition team was used I think that the possibility is
high. "
"When my father burns a used transition team, I will use magical tools, perhaps I will
not accept magical powers, even if I intended to burn the silver cloth, I think that it
has left burned."

While nodding in the words of Matthias, my grandfather thought with arms.

"If it is usual it would have relentlessly erased the traces, but it may have been left
untreated because it was in a hiding room that only Giebe's blooded family members
were in. As Matthias was left without being disposed of, I must have thought that I
would cooperate. "
"...... If it is a survivor who is usually left, will you capture and help the investigation?

Since Matthias is safe to go to the House of Peers, it is not surprising that you should
accompany the investigations of the Order. When I said that, my grandfather waved
his head with a difficult face.

"In order to open the door of the hidden room you need the magical power of the
registered person, but you can not handle the magical power while keeping the shield
holding the magical power. However, what kind of dangerous magical tool is placed It
is dangerous to let criminals freely inside to open the door of a concealed room that
you do not know. "
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The knights who go to the investigation do not know where and where the magical
tools are placed. It seems that it is dangerous for the Knights to think that
counterattacks and resistance based on death is to bring cooperation with criminals
who are not magically bound by criminals and cooperate in the investigation.

"It is best to look for evidence in the part that can be investigated by the Order and it
is utterly to see it as evidence by inspecting the memory by the command of Aubu, but
the essential part of Turkey has been erased the memories that should be evidence, If
you forcibly stir memories of resisting people, if you forcibly scratch the memory of
those who resist you, you will not be alright unnoticed by memory ... .... Gibe-Gerlach
probably was going to erase the evidence perfectly, including Matthias "

Matthias and Laurentz betray information by betraying the old Veronica's children,
but they also thought that it must have thought that Aubu would not decide to save
lives by avoiding a join as long as a name is given, Ojiijii Said.

"Because they ordered the lords who received their name to cooperate with the
investigation without resistance, we were able to bring them to the Gibe's pavilion,
they were helpful I found powerful evidence and goods, that is no doubt. "

While watching Matthias and Laurentz, my grandfather says slowly in a laborious

tone. However, I feel that the air gradually becomes heavier and severe. I looked at
the old man while I was nervous and extended my spine.

"It seemed that one wanted to save their lives that were not involved in direct crime,
whatever means they used, so for those reasons it was necessary for the criminals to
live their lives Awb admitted that it was proposed as an act to do, and the name
devotion was carried out to extend life. "
"Bonifatius, that is ... ...."

Like Hartmut says something, keep on limiting with sharp eyesight and one hand.

"The one who would have suggested from the heart of kindness or mercy would have
been relieved to save their lives and may have thought that they did good."

So put a breath, my grandfather looked at me with a tough face.

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"But remember that there are also people who believe that their pride and vows and
their lives have been defeated behind them.The act of sacrificing a name is by nature
a very sacred thing, I still think that it is not something to use to escape and to live a
life long. "

That eyes know. Rodrig was saying something similar with similar eyes. The back of
the chest gets heavier. I regret not having saved Mathias' lives. I think that it was good
that those who were not involved in crime were able to make a way to live without
executing in a joint seat. Nevertheless, I did not think deeply about the feelings of
those who feel that I feel trampled of my pride.

"... .... There is probably a person who will perform a name devotion for avoiding a
joint from now on, which may be done not only in Ehrenfest but also in other
territories, so that aristocracy There is no such thing as the land where surplus exists,
and if it is expanded to devote a name for avoiding a join, then there is no one who
does the original name dedication to challenge the criminal 's being considered as a
crowd That will change the meaning of one's devotion. "

I felt basking in ice water. I was confronted with what I had not thought at all, and the
fist I grabbed tightly on my knees trembled with a minute wig. I did not intend to do
so much. I just wanted to save the life I can save. But, as a result, I did something
outrageous. It is not a simple delight to say that it was nice to have a way to save those
unrelated to crime.

"Since Jilvezter gave permission and it was myself that allowed execution, he told me
that he should do it when he / she gains bad reputation, since there are already a lot
of bad reputations, there is not much difference when I increased one ... ... Did you
know that? "

I shook my head to the words of my grandfather. I do not know such a thing. My

adoptive father did not say anything.

"I am sorry, I do not think deeply so far ..."

"Rosemain, wanting to save lives is a merit of one who wants them to take care, but
think more deeply about the power that you own, the influence on the surroundings,
the harm of changing customs Perhaps I think that the shrines and the temple may
have been decimated by such small things and accumulations of things not seemingly
big deal "

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Because the temple 's atmosphere changes so much just by changing the temple' s
head, the old man says, I took over the strength of the body.

"Ah, Rosemain. There is a stubborn sermon so far, it does not look like such a crying.
Originally, such things are not something I have to say. Because there are a lot of
fathers and mothers, and it is bad that you should not rely on the awesome
supporters. "

The old man looked around the aides while saying that such hatred are many.

"Make them firm so that they will not be enemies who are hated or grudged by the
Lord unless the Lord knows,"
"I'm sorry!"

When the aides gathered together and apologized, the bell sounded beyond the door.
It seems that the adoptive father came back after finishing the ceremony.

"Ha ha ha! I got protection of 21. Did not winning Rosemain if I added the protection
that I had gained so far?"

The heavy air in the room disappears at a stretch in the appearance of the adoptive
father who came in with Baburn with a smiling triangle. But I can not keep up with
that high tension soon.

"Well, yes, it may be important that we pray for years."

"Besides, the attribute of life has increased and it becomes all attributes. I do not know
how much prayer the attribute will increase, is not this quite important?"

From now on, if candidate lords continue to supply magical power to the foundation
with the words of prayer as mouth, it is highly possible that all attributes become all
attributes, said adoptive father.

"Have you got the protection of Aveilibe for all attributes?"

"No, I did not get the protection of Ogami, but from the family of life it is Dao alleben
and shratarium, and then ... ... Oh no, this is nice like I can say in front of a child"

...... What does the adoptive mouth bite? Is it by sharma heart?

1038 | 2523
Briefly, it is God who works most vigorously at night. I do not know whether it is a
correct answer, but since I also have Mel heol, smile with a face I do not know like I

"Well, anyway, even just the lives of the lives gave us protection from several gods ...
what happened? Anyhow, the apologies of the aides of Rosemain's aides were echoing
outwards. My uncle says something Is not it? "

Did you want to devote the topic from the protection that you got, the adoptive father
gazes at the grandfather and the aides.

"I was just scratching and scoffing poor aides, nothing, it would be troubling to think
that Rosemain could be preserved in this state."

I did not talk about the content that my grandfather was scolding, so do not say that I
heard what was being scolded and what he was caught up in the adoptive father, I
suggested a seat to his father and made tea for Fran While having them brew, I
laughed nicely

"Before you became a sermon, I was talking about where Gibe-Gelrach got such a
"Well, it will be very important, it may be a new magic tool that has not been
announced anywhere yet."

... ... Is it possible that you can call a cloth that has no magical power and can not accept
magical power as a magic tool?

At the same time as I was wondering, a story that I heard at Kilnberga emerged.

"Oh, my father, my grandfather, because other countries have very few magic stones,
so there may be materials that do not contain magical powers."

I talk about the Bose Gates I heard in Kilnberga. Even if there is no material that does
not contain magical powers at Jurgen Schmidt, it may be in other countries.

"I have never heard even at the Lord's Conference, although trading with other
countries has been done in various places until political change, such cloth never came
into Jürgen Schmidt"

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He also nodded in his adopted words.

"If another country imported magical power from Jurgen Schmidt with a magic stone,
I think that it is no wonder that various changes are occurring in other countries
where sudden magical power has ceased to enter."

When the Lino world also seemed to be running out of oil, I was desperately searching
for alternative energy. While conserving resources that are in existence, it is natural
to look for something that can be substituted. It has been over 200 years since the
Bose Gates cut off trade. I can not believe that I have not done anything. If the
information of the Bose Gates is flowing to other countries, there is a possibility that
other countries considering the danger of cutting off trade are preparing measures.

"If Giebel Gerlach is alive, we can not think of anything other than Ahrensbach, and
Arendsbach is the only one holding a border gate that is the only one that has
something to do with it There is also sex. "
"Muu ......"

After gruesome thought for a while, he shook his head slowly while muttering, saying,
"It is the role of Ferdinand to think about it."

"Let's talk to Ferdinand, we should see if there is a similar thing in Ranznervel's cloth,
and above all, existence of magical cloth and Gibe-Gerrach survive There must be
nothing to tell you that there is a high possibility of being in Ahrensbach and it will
not be a fight if this cloth prevents it from being attacked by magical power when
something happens ... Feldinand You are in the most dangerous place ... .... "

The Knights found only the silver cloth, but if Giebel · Gerlach and Georginé have
weapons and armor which do not pass through magical powers, unless you carefully
consider attack and defense methods, it is serious Become.

"It will not be said that Jilvestor is not good at sending information to Ferdinand, but
if you can find it by censorship of Ahrensbach, information will not reach below
Ferdinand, it will only be vigilant Is there a way to pass censorship on Rosemain? "

I blink in my quiet question of old man. Although I am laughing, it seemed that the
blue eyes are exploring something. My adoptive father also sees me peacefully. It felt
like I was being tested. The glowing ink is told to keep secret from Ferdinand. I made
a smile and put my hands on my cheeks and tilted my cott and head.
1040 | 2523
"Because you adopted a way to tell something with your letter, do you have a method
to tell you something like that in the dinner seats before?" The way of contact that I
can do is via the Rajnand, a disciple of Ferdinand at the House of Lords, I'd like to hand
out a letter or ask for a message.What is it about secretly speaking at the lord's
ceremony in the ceremony of a star tie, does not he know any good way? "

My grandfather softened his expression a little and shook his head as "not there." And
the adoptive father stares at me while stroking the chin.

"Rosemain. Unfortunately, Ferdinand will not attend the lord's conference"

"Just since the death of Aub Ahrensbach, Dietlinde, a fiancée of Ferdinand, had to dye
the foundation's magic, because it is better that there is no change in magical power
until the foundation is dyed, It seems that the rite of star knot will be postponed to
next year '

It is said that such a letter of contents came from Ferdinand. Another thing seems to
have been written when I participated in the prayer ceremony of Ahrensbach, so it
seems that I had to make a slight change in correspondence to Ahrensbach.

"The rite of star knot is postponed for one year ... ... How is Ferdinand going?"
"How is it?"
"Because I can not get married until I finish dyeing the foundation, will I be able to
come back to Ehrenfest? At least will they be given a hidden room?"

Although it seemed to be difficult that there would be no place to breathe even for a
single season, I did not think that it will last a year. When I ask in a hurry, my
grandfather looks like a little bit amazed, "What are you worrying about?"

"It would not be that there were no going back as a fiancée without getting resolved
with engagement, and it is normal to not have a hidden room until married.Although
it's a year long, it's a bit long, It is not something the other worried about so much. "

... ... Worried, is not it?

When I compare my father and father's face, my adoptive breathing slowly breathed.

1041 | 2523
"How about re-obtaining your protection on your uncle? Rosemain apparently does
not seem to know the aristocratic marriage, I will explain there."
"... .... Well, are you going to Melchior, show me around?"

My grandfather looks over a few times and leaves the room while watching me and
his adoptive father. When the door closed completely, the adoptive father sighed out

"What is the relationship with Rosemain, that person, Ferdinand?"


1042 | 2523
"I think that it is as it is known by the adoptive father, but .... For me, Ferdinand is a
guardian.I think that he is a guardian, but is there anything else?"

I could not understand what was asked, I tilted my head. It is no use asking Ferdinand
and my relationship this time. What should I answer?
As I got the answer I had hoped for by my father and his father as an escort knight
behind his adopted father, I relaxed my face and expression.

"For both of us it will be, and for Ferdinand it will be a protected one"
"Yeah ... Yes, what else are you saying?"

When I ask, my adoptive father will not say "Ummu" and then slowly looks around,
including the aides.

"Thinking on the standards of aristocrats, they are ... ... it seems like they are stepping
on each other"
"Huh, is that so?"

Although I try to nod somehow, I do not understand it at all. Noble standards. It

seemed like I knew that I could not understand it at all, and my father and his father
stayed away from their faces and opened their mouths to disappear.

"In fact, there is a rumor that the customer has a love affair with Ferdinand"
"That is the first time, and I do not remember it."

The circumference flirted for some reason. To be honest, I do not know why such a
reaction to the aides is done. I believe that Ferdinand is the most reliable among
nobles and I think that it is important to my family. It can be said that "I like as much
as Turi or Lutz", but if you are told as love, you can only deny it while tilting your head.

"Why did you start to say such things?"

"Oh, that is ... it is not so strange to inherit the pavilion in the relationship of the
guardian and the ward, but it is rare to use the servants and furniture without being
1043 | 2523
swapped.Morely, the room of Ferdinand I keep saving it as it is, manage the valuables,
send the luggage to Ahrensbach according to the desire ... ... I heard that you may have
to say that it is too stepped on I have done it. "

My father got a bitter bitter face and said so. It is the role of a woman 's family to
manage valuables, keep valuables and prepare according to demand, it is said that it
is not done by others.

"Eh ... .... But Yusutskus and Ekhardt's brothers are leaving valuables at Ehrenfest and
Richarda and their mothers are sending them according to their demands? Mr.
Ferdinand has a mother There is no such thing as it is being prepared to convey the
request to the side who is managing the hall, is that a problem? "

Separately I am not preparing Ferdinand baggage. It is Rutherfam who is in charge of

management, and I am the only Ordonants to message to Razalfam. I do not
understand why it suddenly comes to say such a thing. Two seasons are about to pass
since Ferdinand left, but until now I have not told such a thing.

"In the case of Ferdinand it was called urgently because it was called urgently so that
we could not make it in time so we decided to send it after the season changed but
those who head in marriage to other territory originally headed for baggage, That's it.

By the way, Clarissa 's luggage received at the border gate between Ehrenfest and
Fleevel - Tur should have said that all the necessary items are loaded. It does not
matter, but costumes are small because they are tailored to the trend, but it seems
that underwear without trends will prepare a lot.

"It is said that leaving luggage at your parent's house seems to want divorce, so it's
said to be bad"
"Is that so?" So, is Ferdinand's marriage okay? I sent the baggage in the spring, but I
still sent it in the required room so I still have it in the room, "

As expected, "I will be waiting for Razapham, who is going to call you if the
environment is ready, but ... ..." I did not say, but my father and foster's eyes also
opened up to the declaration that the baggage is still there.

"It may be better for me to manage Ferdinand's luggage .... You can not leave it to
anyone else.
1044 | 2523
"The most problematic thing to manage is that Ferdinand has gone away from the
guardian as a perception of the surroundings as Ferdinand headed to Ahrensbach.The
season has changed and the perception of the surroundings It is better to think that it
is considered that the other side is no longer the wardens of Ferdinand anymore. "

Although there is no problem until the guardian inherited the library left, there seems
to be a problem with the relationship not being changed after that. Our perception
was unchanged, but my father said that he noticed that perception of surroundings
has changed.

"We may think that it is too sudden for us as well as we were noticed by the
surrounding advice, but the appearance of that one is growing a little taller and the
appearance enters the lords Even if we can overlook it, the eyes around me are not
the eyes to see young children who care for their parents. "

I looked down at my limbs. As I awoke from Yuleve, the length of the hem changed
without consciousness, and I was told several times that "Because it was my year to
go to the House of Peers," but the surrounding treatment had hardly changed. It is
because I was immersed in Yurev for two years, because my appearance was around
before and after the baptismal ceremony.

Even now, there are still differences from Wilfried and Charlotte, they look more like
children than they are, but the surrounding eyes seems to be changing. I was simply
pleased with the growth, but I did not understand that such a change would come out.

"Oh, and there are also voices saying too too worried about Ferdinand heading to
Ahrensbach, that half of that worry is not directed to fiancées,"

It was a word of adoptive father who seemed to be difficult to say, but I nodded, "That
voice is not wrong."

"If Ferdinand and Mr. Villefried are asked if they are worried, Ferdinand is much

As I answered, my father saw me like a stuffy word. And the adoptive father holds the
head "Muu". Did you say something strange?
Keep your forehead Look at your adoptive father who plans to think into your father.
My adoptive father saw me with an indescribable expression.
1045 | 2523
"... ... a little worrying about my fiancé? It's a lone guy fighting against him like a
solitary struggle."
"I am worried somewhat of this, but I can not do anything for Mr. Villefried's low
priority from Ferdinand."

I was questioned by my adoptive father, I saw the adoptive father straight.

"Wilfried brother is a fiancée at first, but Ferdinand was a guardian who had taken
over most of his work, a master who gave us common sense to live in books,
knowledge and nobility society, and I He is a doctor who is worried about me. "

What has been given so far is different. The time we have touched is different. I do not
know why Villefried compares Ferdinand. It can not be the same line.

"There are also Charlotte and Mel heol, who ask parents who are worried about
warfarer elder brother like this, and ask for cooperation when there is something.If
there is no problem in the work of the temple, Is it not possible to help you, or do I
need to worry like Ferdinand? "

Ferdinand is Ahrensbach, there are neither hidden rooms nor studio, with only two
trustworthy aides being there, I am nervous about everything around and I am
spending time in the office. Besides, if you are busy, you dislike your meal, cut off
sleeping hours, or worry about poisoning, you do not want to get used to dish so much.
It is wary of surroundings and it is not good to get out with others, and fiancee is
Dietlinde which is exactly like Veronica. It is only worry.

"Wilfried's older brother abandons his bedding like Ferdinand, is doing the majority
of the work of Ehrenfest while drinking recovery drugs, and he is working without
asking even if he says to take a rest If you have one, I will be worried just like
Ferdinand, but my brother Wilfried is spending normal, right?

In my words, not only the adoptive father but also the akima exclaimed. While my
father holds his eyebrows between his eyes, he murmurs that "the concern of the
other is determined by such standards as the priority ... ...."

"... Is something strange, Dad?"

1046 | 2523
"No, usually it will be the priority that will change depending on our relationship with
ourselves or intimacy? Is not it about the year that they become intimate with fiancers
rather than parents?"
"In other words, do you mean that your father has become intimate with his mother?"
"Oh no, it's different, forget it."

Although I cleared my throat and turned away, apparently my father and mother got
intimate about my age. To be honest, I am in trouble asking for the same thing. It is
probably because of the memory of the Rei period that lived to the vicinity of
university graduation. Wilfried appears to be a younger man even in his brother's
position. Even if it does not seem to be conscious of the same age, it does not look like
a subject of romance.

...... At least, I want you to be around the reign of Reino.

"But still considering the relationship with Raisegang, is not it worried about
"So it's not that I am not worried at all, although I tried to share information with my
brother Wilfried's brother, or made an amulet, but the information sharing was
refused, but amulets Regarding Virfleit's older brother as well, I have no response. "

There was no flying of Ordonants that I received, nor reported that I was pleased
through the aides. I do not know whether it was pleased or not necessary unnecessary
care, so I do not feel like making next and even remembering Wilfried in busy
everyday life has been decreasing recently .

"It's bad for Vilfried,"

"After that, yes, I think that I do not need to hurry because I only have to get it by the
time I become Aubu, such as the support of Raisegang, but I also thought of advising
you with terrible words at a prayer ceremony It was stopped by Akari nears that it
strokes the nerve of Brother Wilfried's brother who seems to be born. "

As I looked at the associates and said so, the adoptive father and the father gathered

"It will stop the aides as well"

"Well, that judgment is wrong ... ...."

1047 | 2523
It seems that the judgment of the aides is not wrong. Somehow I do not want to let
people know about Wilfried. I feel the air that it is better not to come close, but is it
really true? I will communicate the ambiguous information I got from Cornelius
brothers and ask the adoptive father.

"How is your adoptive father, Virfriit's older brother now? Is it better for me to not
approach Virfriit's older brother, as Akinaga said?"

My adoptive father thought for a while. My father and her adoptive attendant are also
having a difficult face.

"... Now, right now, how unpleasant it is to Wilfried, there is a reality that must be
swallowed if you do not like it.At the same time, there is a reality that must be
swallowed also in Rosemain.The two people It would be better not to approach until
you can look at it. "
"The reality that I have to swallow, is it?"

Tilting his head, the adoptive father gazed at me with a dark green eye.

"Ferdinand is not the guardian of anyone else but the other territory.Aub
Ahrensbach's death and support of Dietlinde who began dyeing the foundation is no
longer the support of that one My fiancée is Vilfried, I do not say that worrying about
Ferdinand is a bad thing because I'm also worried, but do not worry about care and
care for me, not to be spoiled The time has come and that one has to be able to support
Wilfried who will share our lives with the future. "

I do not want to swallow it as the adoptive father first said, but it was a reality that I
had to swallow. I wanted to be in a relationship that does not change even if the
distance is apart. If something happened, I wrote a bitches in a letter, I wanted to teach
secretly what I wanted to know, I did not want to cut off the relationship that
Ferdinand would like.

"Was it easy to walk because we always showed where we were going to have been
comfortable during the period when Rosemain, protected from Ferdinand from
overprotection? Will not be engaged with the surroundings as soon as it's gone, Have
you noticed that the surrounding reactions changed even if you intended to do the
same? "
"There is ... .... In the place where I think Ferdinand would stop it, there was a case that
nobody stopped and I was perplexed"
1048 | 2523
In my words my adoptively relaxed expression.

"It is the same with myself, as it has disappeared all the time, I was forced to dislike
how I did not think about it, Ferdinand towards Ahrensbach by the royal marriage
never comes back to Ehrenfest It is a reality that can not be overturned. "

As a result of purging, I hear from Clarissa that my adoptive father is in a serious

condition and I know it. "Abe-Ehrenfest seems to have been too sweetest," Clarissa
said, but originally it was supposed to be Ferdinand when purging. Ferdinand, who
had a secret strategy to silence Raisegang, was supposed to head to Ahrensbach after
finishing some extra care.

The distortion which is occurring because there is no Ferdinand who had adjusted
various things must be fixed by oneself. It is a big task of me and my adopting father
who was reliable on Ferdinand.

"Rosemain, Wilfried is a chain that is necessary for the other to stay at Ehrenfest, we
have to face each other more, trying to deepen relationships with Villefriit, our
fiancee, to prevent interference from the rest It is important to keep it going. "

I was nodding slowly, being told that even though it was difficult to swallow reality
immediately, I had to digest it myself.

"... But, what will I do to deepen relationship with Virfriit's older brother?"
"For the time being, it's good to wield at first, start with worrying about Wilfried than
Ferdinand, from the improvement of the current situation that Wilfried thinks is more
important to her than her fiancee "

I answer smallly as "...... Ha!" To the task from the adoptive father. How can I worry
about worrying? Should it be time to eat the dinner time to skip the aldonants, to pull
out from the hidden room, and confirm the sleeping time to the side as if to finish the

...... It seems that I would like to say "Please do your best" if you answer "It does not
work at such time" at Aldonants.

1049 | 2523
"So what is that consultation?"

I will ask the adoptive father to talk about the children of the orphanage. I would like
to prepare magical tools and recovery medicine for children who lost motivation due
to lack of magic tools. Father adopted a little faces and said "No need".

"It is said that excessive care is taken only by saving the lives of children who have not
finished the baptisms of former Veronica and protecting them at an orphanage.As
long as they give children of an orphanage, I'm going to give it to you. "

I will say the same thing as the adopted father told me from Hartmut, and I will reply
in the same way.

"I want to save an orphanage's child who is in my jurisdiction. If I decide to save a

child who entered the orphanage, a child without magician was brought to the
orphanage and died in an unknown place I think that even a child who will be a little
will be reduced. "
"It can not be taken care of a child who does not have the money to become a noblem,
etc. The cost to an orphanage and the children of the children's room said that it would
be better to use the money that the parents had saved, and I But the child who does
not have the magician is what the parent did not save, who would give out the money
to give the child a magical tool? "

Children protected by educational funds that parents had saved are given the
necessary items as aristocrats. It is correct that it is necessary for parents to save. But
then it is impossible to give magical tools to children without magic tools.

"Well, I think you can also let me lend you back and get it back in the future, but ...."

I told the old Veronica school students who lost their parents that they lent funds until
they graduated from the House of Peers, when I told them, my adoptive father became
a disgusted face.

"There is a huge difference between working as an apprentice and borrowing

expenses for several years while earning pocket money at the House of Lords and
having a huge amount of debt before taking a baptismal ceremony as a nobleman.If
you are from an orphanage You ought to have neither parent nor relatives, but even
though it costs even more to live as a nobleman, how do you live as a nobleman with
a huge debt burden? "
1050 | 2523
"Well ..."

My adoptive father I clearly declared that "I do not want to give new children to
children who do not have magical tools".

"It is OK to save the life of the child, if you have magical power and you can maintain
the life as a blue priest with your earnings and your earnings, it would be better to
live as a blue priest in the temple However, there is no need to find an orphan who
has no magician as a nobleman. "
"But ..."
"Rosemain, the belongings of the former Veronica who had originally received it is
mine, it should be distributed to the ally of the ally in various ways, now children who
are saved and have orphanage have The magical tools that were handed out were
those to be dealt to the aristocrats of the same faction if they were disposed of, so do
not wish any more. I already have done more than enough for them. "

When I started something new from my grandfather, I was told to think about various
influences, so I immediately decided that I could not come up with an objection. Even
if you want to save it, it is not easy to save. I do not know where and how it is affected.

..... I'd like to save everyone at the orphanage, but I do not know how to do it.

"Before thinking about starting extra things, think about what you have to do, are you
ready to do a starring ceremony at the Lord's Conference?"
"The people who escort them as blue priests and shrine maidens have also been
decided, and the number of people heading to the library has also been decided."
"Well then, I hope that you will be back in the castle the other day."

While talking about the lord conference, my grandfather came back after finishing the
ceremony. A big shoulder is falling, and it seems that it is without a heart or it is

"How was your grandfather?"

When I asked, my grandfather seemed to be disappointed and looked at the adoptive

father and answered "I got the protection of ... 17." Apparently it seems I feel
frustrated that I was less than my adopted father.

1051 | 2523
"When I started praying, both me and my uncle at the same time, I am dedicating
considerable magical power when I dye the cornerstone as Aubu. There will be some
differences from what gods more than that You got protection from me? "

The foster father who got protection from an unusual family is exciting and looks at
the old man. My grandfather muttered as "Muu" while grasping and opening his hand.

"I became all attributes, I got protection from the fight of most fighting systems, so I
have to train and investigate how strong it is ... ..."
"Then, my master, let's make arrangements quickly!"

Angelica made a sparkling look at the same time, and at the same time raised a scream
like Brother Cornelius.

"What are you going to be stronger then that year, old man?"

1052 | 2523
"Fran, Monica, Zam, I will leave my absence during the Lord's Conference"

I said so to the temples' servants and then applied the same words to Phyline and
Rodelich. The two who can not go to the Lords Conference under the minor are
supposed to take care of the blue priests together with the francs and to see the state
of the orphanage.
It seems that he thinks that Hurdmurt's breath will go out a little, as Rhodrich was
being worked together with Melchior's aides and Hartmut. However, I think that
Hartmut is not so gentle.

"Matthias, Laurentz, if possible, come to the temple, help Rodrig and Filyne, and see
the training of Nikolaus"

Ask minors' knights to show their faces to the temple. Recently the grandpa who got
a lot of guardians has done further power up, it seems that there is enthusiasm for
It seems that training corresponding to a silver cloth that does not accept magical
power is also done, and all the knights were ordered to carry ordinary weapons other
than Stap which can cut the silver cloth. It seems that this is quite a troublesome
substitute for the armor made of manastls who do not always feel the weight at all
times and the knight who uses the stap weapons. Although it is troubled if it is not in
emergency, it is usually heavy and it can not be helped by disturbing.

"Yudit basically makes the castle the active place, I heard that Brunhild is
accompanied by Bertilde to enter and leave for education, but it is truly worried about
leaving alone to Gratia."

Yudit takes over with a bright smile. There seems to be some people saying from the
other aristocrat that people who extended the name of the former Veronica faction
extended their lives. Both Otilie and Liseraer will take them to the Lord 's Conference
so it is a worry to leave a single Gray Tier in the castle.

"Let's go to the castle, do not you forget to load the baggage?"

1053 | 2523
"All the things needed for the ceremony of the star knot, such as the temple's costume,
blue costumes, accessories, scriptures, etc., have all been loaded."

Hartmut who accompanied me as a priest leader confidently said so, so I returned to

the castle after a long absence.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

"I'm back"

When we face the side with the servants who have served in the castle, we
immediately start checking the costumes and accessories that we bring to the lord
conference. Because it is supposed to do translation work in the basement of the
library, plant paper and ink need to be prepared a lot.

"Haltmut will participate in the negotiation as a civil servant after the starring ritual
is over? Are you ready for that?"
"I am trying to match the number of heads or get information, but I am preparing it to
be ashamed not as embarrassing as Rosemain's aides."

Because many former Veronica faction civilians have been removed from the aides of
the awes and wives, they are educating newly, but they seem to be in need of a few
more for the eighth place. Hartmut is supposed to participate in the Lord's Council as
a civil servant after finishing his role as priest.

"Even so, while doing the job of the chief priest, we will be ready to prepare for the
lord's council well, and the excellence of Hartmut is always amazing."
"Sorry .... It is not merely efforts, but thanks to Clarissa and Father's cooperation."

Hartmut moved his line of sight next to the glance. Next to Hartmut, Clarissa is
standing with the face of "I have worked hard." I collectively praise two people. There
seems to be a need to labor the parents of Hartmut who later grasped Clarissa's reins.

The accompanying lord conference is Otiliier and Rieserret as a side, Hartmut and
Clarissa as civil servants, Cornelius, Leonore, Angelica, Damuel as escort knights.

"Although Gretia will remain here alone, is it okay? I heard that there are ardently
honorable nobles in the former Veronica fellowship group ..."
1054 | 2523
When I look towards the gray tier that I will remain alone in this room, Gray tears will
deviate my eyes a little more easily.

"There is no problem for parts that are away from the north."
"...... Yudit tells the castle to be an active place, because if it gets hot it is OK to go to
the temple with Yudith"
"Thank you for your thoughtfulness"

The next day is already the day of departure. Firstly workers and chefs move. Fugo
and rosina also metastasized. Ella gets pregnant, and since it is in the resting period,
he is not in the temple. Then, packages are sent one by one, and civil servants and
aides pass through. I am a lord of the lord, so it is supposed to transit Leonore as an
escort knight with Cornelius elder brother in front of the Ave cousins.

"My older sister, please take care."

"The shrine on Rosemain sister wanted to see me, too"

Following the death of Charlotte and Melchior, I will look to Wilfried who is coming
to see me off as well. As pointed out by the adoptive father, it seems that each other
still can not swallow the reality they do not want to swallow, and at the dinner party
yesterday, it finished without conversation besides a smile greeting.

...... I think that I can not make any conversation here indeed, do not you think?

"It is a pity that we can not worry about Mr. Villefried for a while. It is not that the
Aldonant does not arrive at the aristocrat. Shall I exchange the wooden bill?"

For the moment when I spoke to you with a smile, Vilfried saw me with a refreshing

"I am relieved that he goes to the Lord's Council, which will be released from Aldonant
for at least this period"
"Oh, are you asking me that way of worrying Ordnants?"
"It's Ordonants, which confirms the contents of meals and work everyday, which
makes me feel like being driven towards work!"

1055 | 2523
I was told to pretend to be worried about Villefried, so I sent Ordonants worrying
about their daily living attitude every day, but it seems a bit unpopular. As I was
inclined to tell him that he was unhappy with the same concern as Ferdinand as he
told me, he saw Wilfried being lightly hit by his side. Make dissatisfaction and turn
into a smile, Wilfried opens his mouth.

"It is only anxiety that one goes to the underground library with the assistance of the
royal family, but it is a good thing that you do your best firmly, so do not bother the
royalty and Ehrenfest"
"Vilfried's brother should also supply magical power firmly to the magic of the
foundation.As for the adoptive father and grandparents also gave us protection from
many gods with the re-acquisition of protection.If you are not careful, I will overtake
Charlotte and Melchior. "

Wilfried saw Charlotte and Melchior and said nothing but deepened the smile and
smile in an ironic form. Although I thought that words such as "I will not lose to my
siblings" or "I will not be defeated" will come out, it is an unexpected response. I got
on the transition team while feeling something that caught up with that smile.

"Mr. Rosemain, please relax here until the room is ready"

The situation during the transition is the same as when the students are there. It is
the same to wait at the multipurpose hall until the side work prepares the room.
However, it is the impression that there are many civil servants and side work who
have seen face only at the feast where all the aristocrats gather, with only adults in
the multipurpose hall. Although the Knights are still relatively familiar with the
exclusion of Trombe and the blessing at the time of defeating the Lord of Winter, the
civilian group is still relatively unknown, but the civilian does not know more than
half. It is natural, but really only adults.

...... I feel like I am outrageously out of sight with only one person who is short. It is out
of place and there is no doubt.

"Rosemain, Mr. Greetings"

1056 | 2523
A mother dressed in ceremonial arrival came. While talking about tea that Norbert
brewed, talk about printing relations dealing with other territory. Circumstances
related to printing gathered in the vicinity, Q & A response began.

"And then, there were the permits from Aubu are the items here, I think that there
was a report through Muriela, but have you heard from the downtown as well?"
"Well, we've got a report from the Plantin Shokai, and since we were educating people
coming from Greschel from the commercial guild, there was a report that we are ready
for the goods."

When I told the circumstances of the downtown, my mother nodded with a smile and
gleamed the glittering eye.

"What is become of the three volumes of the Fellenesine story?"

"As requested, we are printing so that we can make it in time for the summer at
Rosemain Kobo and Grescher's studio.While we do not know the progress of Greschel,
we have completed a small amount at Rosemain's Studio, so that we can make a
sample at this lord's conference I brought it to the room, so I will bring it to the room
later. "
"Oh well! Thank you"

When the mother became a smiling face of Hokuhoku, Mr. and Mrs. Ave came into the
multipurpose hall. My adoptive father is as usual. The foster mother seemed to be
getting embarrassed, and his complexion has been much better than when I saw it in
the fight against territory. A bit of stomach has become a feeling of being plump but it
is not a feeling that I can understand it at a glance.
While accompanying you, I saw the escort knight 's father' s figure and side view of
Richarda. I saw it even at dinner last night, but it seems to be fine and what's more.

"As Rosemain, who have rituals of a starring tie on the first day, so that they will not
be lazy to prepare, as we will have breakfast and preparations tomorrow, we will meet
with the people of the Central Temple in the auditorium which performs rituals. I
think that it is hard to request at the request but I want you to be firm. "

When I told them to prepare themselves for the Lord Conference, the Ausbets and
their wives entered their respective rooms. If Arub and his wife were present, it would
not be enough to prepare for preparation. As soon as the appearance of the Arubs
became invisible, civil servants began to prepare quickly. But the knight looks
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somewhat free. My escort knights are just standing in multipurpose halls so they seem
to be free.

"Is not the knight working today?"

"We will have a meeting in advance, so we will not be able to move unless the schedule
of the meal or tea ceremony is decided ahead."

Brother Cornelius looks around the knights who have not gone handy at the
multipurpose hall. Even if it is an escort of the awesome wife, it does not need such a
large number to be in the room.

"If you do not have the rule that adults should not use the collection place of the
aristocrat, why do not you go with the empty knights with your permission from your
adoptive father?"
"It's hunting, I heard that the monster is getting stronger in the place where Rosemain
blessed. I want to go very much."

When moving to the House of Lords, Angelica gleamed his face in my words which is
stained with schedule of collection first. There are actually more free time knights. I
noticed that there are knights that are paying attention to here.

"I will not accompany you because there is a ceremony of star knot, but I will be able
to recover by blessing by the last day of the lord conference, so please collect as much
as you want without worrying.To make an amulet of everyone I'd like to replenish the
material I used, so I'm glad if you collect a lot of materials. "

Not only Angelica, but also Damuel started to fidget a bit when I told you to buy it.
Brother Cornelius wants to move his body rather than stay still. It looks like the body
is sobering. Leonore who was watching the appearance of other escort knights
laughed smile.

"Because Angelica attaches to the escorts of the room, angelica may go."
"That will be attached alone, but is Leonore a good one?"
"Oh, I'm expecting Cornelius to bring a lovely magic stone as a souvenir and return

When Léonore smiled with a naturally loving love atmosphere unlike before, he
entered the multipurpose hall in order to inform the Rizerator that his room was

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ready. Together with Leonore I go down to my room. It was at the edge of sight that
my mother shined his eyes and started writing something.

...... Mother, please give priority to the preparation of the lord's conference!

"It was amazing, Rosemain-sama! There were a lot of strong demons, there are many
magic stones."
"I saw a collection area that is as busy as that, for the first time a lot of good materials,
I envy the students now."

At the dinner place, Angelica and Damuel who do not know the gathering place I gave
blesses tell me what it was like in excitement. Brother Cornelius also said that he was
even richer than he knew.

Speaking of which, when magical powers overflowed and was scattered on the
collection area, it was after Cornelius's older brother graduated.

"I would like to hunt everyday during the lord's conference"

"What Angelica does everyday during the Lord's Council is Rosemain's escort,
because I will be in the underground library, so I will leave the escort of the room to
"I know that, Leonore"

Angelica answers a bit with a cool Leonore's word. Because the escort in the room is
only entrusted to the female knight, it places a heavy burden on Leonore which can
go to underground archives.

"Leonore, I am sorry,"
"Compared with the continuation of training, the escort of the underground archive
is not so hard work, I do not care."

Next to Leonore laughing with Nicoli, Clariiss and Hartmut, the busiest civil servants
at the Lord's Council, have dinner with a tired face.

"I wanted to join the collection for Rosemain's blessed collection place"
"Since Clarissa is going to be able to go through the ceremony of Star Knot, I hope for
Clarissa to interact with Dunkel Ferger, so please do your best."
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"Please choose for me"

Beginning with Clarissa and Hartmut, Akari guys are doing their best very well, so I'm
planning to prepare about one of the rewards, but what is good?

...... The Italian restaurant will be busy from now and the number of people is
increasing so it will be tough to get everyone and what things will remain in some

It was strange feeling that liquor comes out as usual for dinner, unlike meals of only
student lords, and because Aru and Mrs. Abst are attending, the topic was relatively
serious. Meals and tea ceremony reservations have already been made from civil
servants and side workers, and there are stories about preparing dishes and sweets
as to which territory and what schedule to do.

Although I am familiar with it, the talk flows smoothly, but the content is the same as
the tea party held at the House of Peers and the meeting of the game against the
territory. If you look at adult interactions in this way, you know that the real
competition against the territory really is an outpost against the lord.
While finishing my first grade I finished dinner while seeing the former students who
were the final graduates as they suggested their best opinion.

Having Otie Rie help her with a water bath in the room, ask a mother to report the
three volumes of the Fellenesine story. It seems that he seemed to be very pleased.

"I think that Ms. Hannero of Dankel Ferger is very much looking forward to hearing
that it is terrible that it ends in the middle."

Now I finish reading the second volume of the Fellenesine story and think that I'm
trembling by saying "I have not had a continuation".

"It would be nice to lend you in an underground library but ...."

"Although it is directed to an underground archive by orders from the royal family, it
seems to be fun to Rosemain, nothing more than something."

Both the star knot rite and the underground archive work are orders. Originally, as an
underage I should not stay here. It seems that Otiliier was worried very much whether
he was not over tenacious.

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"Even so, it is somewhat strange that there are Otelliers in the House of Lords not
"Well, what shall we do in winter? Because I have a house, will you leave the
attendance to the Rizerator?"

Otier has both her husband and son, and now also has an important role to accompany
Clarissa to the castle. Since the whole lodging meeting is participating in this luncheon
conference, it is okay to leave the house, but in the current situation it will be difficult
for a long-term business trip.

"As with the upper sons, if Hartmut and Clarissa get married and start living in a new
house, a little hands are available ..."
"I think British Hilde is still in the final grade this year, so I think that adults' handling
is fine even for a rezelator.The problem is the next, as a senior aristocrat only becomes
Bertilde, it will not be a problem with the Rizerator."

It is poor to leave royalty and upper ranking to Bertilde of the lower grade, and there
is a part that can not be substituted by the repertoire of intermediate noble family.

"You must think about putting another adult advanced classroom aside ... ... It's very

Even solely by the purge, the number of people is decreasing and nobility of Reisegang
system is gathered as the aide of Brunhild which is the second wife of Aub. It is hard
to find an advanced adulting side.

...... Next time, I will consult foster mothers and mothers.

And the next day. After having finished breakfast, once bathing and changing to the
temple's costume. Leonore and Angelica wearing clothes for a blue priestess
ceremony came in while Otilie and Rieselaer decorate accessories. Both of them are
too beautiful. Is it better for you to think about protecting yourself than protecting
yourself? I think.

"Hua, I guess it is still inevitable, I regret not being able to join on the stage, but since
Rosemain-sama-like gods will burn this eye in the venue!"

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I get ready while receiving the passionate support of Clarissa and go down the stairs.
In the landing area, three people, Hartmut, Older Cornelius, and Damuel, who were
wearing ceremonial clothes of blue priests waited for us. Everyone, restorative
medicine and manastone are lowered in the waistband of the leather, Angelica has
also lowered Stin Luke. It is a scripture held by Hartmut.

"Well, I will come first."

"Well, do not be rude to the royal family"

I nodded in my adopted words, and we headed to the auditorium. Leave the door of
the dormitory and walk along the corridor of the central building of the House of
Peers. It is a strange feeling that the view from the window is not a snowy landscape.
In the lords I know, the building is white and the outside is snowy, so it has the
impression that it is white. However, now the sun is getting warmer and the green
shines. The flowers shone with soft colors, accompanied by coloring in various places.

"Spring lords are as vivid as this, I was surprised because the scenery you see is
basically white."
"I saw it for the first time, but it's beautiful,"

Continue saying Léonore and say so. The auditorium had been transformed into a
shape similar to the graduation ceremony in order to perform the star knot ritual. On
the altar at the far end, you can see that the priests coming from the central temple
are preparing for the ceremony.

"Rosemain Mr."

I recognized the face I came to noticed to us. It is the chief priest of the central shrine
who was present at the time of receiving a call to bring a scripture as a sophomore in
the House of Lords. There is a memory that I was afraid of my eyes when I made a
staff of Fleet Lane, but I can not remember her name.

...... Name, what is it?

"Today I, Immanuel will serve as the chief priest, I do not think you can see the priests
of the Elephant's saint in this eyes ..."

...... Oh, that's right. It was such a name.

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But as usual the gray eyes have strange light. I am scared of feverish eyes that I do not
know whether the focus is correct or not. I retired unintentionally and grabbed the
sleeve there.

"Do you like Rosemain?"

"……I made a mistake"

It is Hartmut who is standing there, not Ferdinand. I will take my hand off Haltmut's
sleeve and face Immanuel.

"The altar seems to be ready, is not it?"

"... .... Although preparation here is about to end, it seems that Rosemain's preparation
is not in place, there is no dark cloak and light crown."

On the altar is the image of the god of darkness and the statue of the goddess of light,
there is a dark cloak and a crown of light. I am not sure what Immanuel is saying. I
tilted my head.

"You seem to be ready for the altar?"

"No, not the altar, the temple of the temple is worth seeing."
"The temple may not cling to the temple with the ceremonial ceremony of Starbirds
at Ehrenfest, is not it?"

There is no such thing as the temple of the temple wearing the magic of any
priesthood. I will bring the Holy Grail at the prayer ceremony. In my words Immanuel
breathed deeply, "deplorable" and slowly shook his head.

"Egrantine said that the old shrine is the remaining land, but it was not prepared for
that degree ... Is not the state of the shrine listed in Rosemain's sacred books? "
"There is no description that at least the temple chief wears jewels, I have heard about
the ceremonial ritual of the aristocratic star from the father-in-law, but there is no
story that the temple of the central temple was dressed in a sacred tool I think that '

If the chief of the temple was doing such special appearance in the ritual of Prince
Anastigius and Egranthine, the adoptive father should have said something before

"Old literature was found in the summer and the appearance of the old priest was
listed there.And unlike us we thought that you knew that it was Rosemain who can
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read the scriptures of the temple chiefly.In the unreadable part of Rosemain It may be
on board. "

...... Oh, I decided not to read a part.

"Because the temple of the last year did not use it, is not it particularly necessary?"

Immanuel raised his eyebrow as "oya" to the voice of Hartmut.

"You know that Dietlinde started the magic team in the Adult Ceremony of the House
of Lords? No matter how much we insisted that there was a magic team in the
literature to select the next Tent, I could not accept it. But the magic team existed, the
old literature in the central temple is correct. "

Immanuel's gray eyes swayed swayingly and feverishly, and the central temple began
to talk about the passion of ceremony.

"We are conducting research in order to rejuvenate the old ceremony and to correctly
ritualize us to welcome the right Tent, so for this ritual I accepted the words of
Trancaaal. The powerful Ehrenfest's saint admitted to play the temple, if the old ritual
can not be done, is not the story different? "

... ... Well, there seems to be various between the royal family and the central temple.

A royal family who wants me to congratulate Prince Sigiswald for his recognition as
the next king. I want to revive the old ceremony in order to obtain a legitimate Tent,
but the central temple where the magical power for it is insufficient. Both speculations
seemed to be well engaged in that I do a priest as the temple.

"Please show me the document first"

"I can not do it, I can not do it at the place I showed you to Rosemain who does not
have a magician.The temple of the central temple is enough if you do the usual shrine
as usual."

Hartmut moved for a moment to Immanuel 's words meaning that "If you can not do
the divine you desire," Imanuel' s words did not try to show the essential literature.

"I understand the passion for Imanuel's priest well."

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As I go forward one step and say so, I mention one hand a little. While controlling
Hartmut, he smiled at Immanuel with Nikoli.

"If you say that you need a crown of dark cloak and light for the shrine of the central
temple, let's prepare."
"Oh, are you ready to get back to the Temple of Ehrenfest now?"

I shake my head to the mockery Immanuelu 's words and put Stapu on the right hand.

"Even if you do not go back to take it separately, you can make it yourself ... ... Finnsun

When turning the cloak of the darkness I made by himself and turning it on the
shoulder and stopping it with a clasp, the large cloak is adjusted to just right size for
me to wear.
Another staple was put out in front of Immanuel 's eyes strikingly amazing, and he
stated "Belloich Krone" and wore a crown of light.

"Can you do a shrine with this? Well, let me read that document, it is necessary to do
an old priest."

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In my argument Immanuel guided us to the place where the temple was waiting,
extended my chest and presented the old literature. The document engraved on a
white stone plate closely resembles the one in the library's underground library.

"This is that document ... Whether Rosemain can read like this ..."
"No problem"

When I received a white stone board, I erased the clad worn. If you get the document,
you do not need a magical instrument.

"The sacred tool has disappeared!"

"Because it is a waste of magical power to keep the magician out although it is not
necessary.When you really need it after confirming this, we will be at the necessary

For Immanuel who gave a surprise voice, I follow the engraved letters while
answering the white stone board without taking their eyes. While preparations of
rituals are progressing around me, one person will read books, but if I do rituals as
the temple of the temple I can not begin the ritual unless I understand the way of the
old ritual.

...... It is my duty as a shrine chief here to immerse myself in reading. Duty.

"Ufufen, hehe ... ...."

Old characters are also classified into several according to times. Since the letters
engraved on this stone are the same as those found in the underground archive, this
is probably a copy of the literature in the underground archive. It is like a stone board
written about another ceremony.

...... Anyway, someone who can read this letter enters the central shrine.

Although it was said that royalty can not read the old words, there seems to be some
people who can read old words in the central temple. Although I do not know whether
the royal family was light or that he was not even asking from the beginning whether

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the central temple struck unless there was anything to teach at the fake Tento, or
someone who can read the old character in the temple can not be found, The royal
family may have been more helpful if cooperating with him.

... ... Although I lose my life and support the country, I do not feel like compromising if
it says "Can you cooperate" or "fake king without glutrice height"?

Regardless of the relationship between the royal family and the temple, as Immanuel
insisted, there is no doubt that it was written about the star knotting ceremony. Just
putting the crown of light and the cloak of darkness, the flow of a brief written briefly
is basically the same as what he knows. The celebration does not change either.
Because there is no writing quantity for the part written on the stone board, it did not
take much time to look through.

...... But it is strange. In Ehrenfest the ceremony of star knotting is a night ritual.

I am learning that the god of the dark god who is the supreme god blessed the
marriage of the god of life and the goddess of the soil and is a ritual performed at night
that is easy to obtain protection of the god of the darkness , Even now it is done at
night at Ehrenfest.

However, as you can see from the fact that I went to the auditorium soon after
breakfast, the rite of star knotting done at the lord conference starts with three bells.
It is a royal ceremony but does not it have to be night? Such a question arises in my
mind, but nothing is written on white stone board with respect to time.

"Did you do something, Mr. Rosemain?"

Leonore looks into me. I shook his head and answered, "Temple of the temple wears
a magical instrument only, there seems to be no change in the order and celebrations
of the ceremony in particular" and returned a stone board to Immanuel.

... Well, somewhere. If you do as it is written here, the central temple will be satisfied
and if I give a blessing to Prince Sigiswald, the request from the royal family will be

Albans in all territory are already preparing to come to the ceremony. Whatever you
think you can not change the time of the ceremony from now on. It is useless to speak.

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"Let's tell you the current situation to the royal family for the time being"

I was satisfied with reading the literature I issued Aldonants. Then tell Anastadisus
that the central shrine is about to revive the old ceremonial using the dark cloak and
light crown and that cooperation is requested.

"Does the document itself seem real, do you want to revive the old ritual? Would you
like us to use the usual ceremony as the central temple?"

I will also tell you that I was told that if you do the usual ceremonies, I will not need
it. It is the royal family that I asked him to bless in rituals, so let me decide the royalty
and the central temple talking about what ceremony to do and who will serve as the
temple. I have finished reading the literature, so I do not have any surprises here

"Please wait as it is. Go immediately."

Unfortunately, Anastasiusus did not say "I do not want to return", so I was watching
Immanuel and Hartmut who were idly discussing the movements of the ritual. In
addition to confirming the flow of the ritual, Hartmut seriously thinks where my
assistant is.

"Is Rosemain here?"

"It's been a while, Prince Ana Sturgis"

I exchange greetings and I ask Immanuel and Anastigius to decide how to perform the

...... I'm offended because I'm upset, so I will not bother saying it, but I think that the
way to order the central temple is funny to involve the remaining part and make the
temple of the temple.

The temple of the central temple who has been doing a shinto shrine for a long time
can not be fun to be taken by the temple of the temple. Even though I have nothing to
discuss and notify in advance, I will add the fact that I am not wearing a magical gear.
I wanted Anastasiusus who told me that he wanted me to bless his eyes in this place
and wanted to take control.

...... That's why the words of the royal family are being lightened in the temple.
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"Well, are there old rituals?"
"... .... Ah, I can prepare my heart more than it happens unexpectedly when it comes to
Dietlinde, because nothing can happen in relation to that one"

It is rude way of speaking. If you do not want anything to happen, I would like you to
look back on your actions. I wonder if Anastasis learns that you are the one who called
me as the temple.

"So, what is going to happen when you do rituals wearing jewels?"

"I do not know."
"Did not you say you read the literature?"

Although Anastasisus stared her eyes, the literature was merely a brief description of
how the ceremony was done. As a result of the ceremony, nothing is written as to what
will happen. I can not afford to know.

"... However, there is no doubt that it is a literary ceremonial ritual, so we can not get

In my explanation Anastasis was groaning for a while, but I saw me with a face that I
gave up.

"If it is possible to make a star-knotting ceremony, that's fine, it's about time for the
Arubs to arrive ...... The royal family's admission is back, I will return once, but that's
where I stand by here carelessly Be careful not to get it. "

I went to see Anastasiusus leaving and went away, and I was watching the Aabs in
each place which grew little by little. You can see where the territory is entering by
the color of the cloak. Despite the differences between students and adults, they
closely resemble the sight of the graduation ceremony.

Karon, Karon ... ... and three bells resounded. However, it seems that admission has
not ended completely yet. People moved a bit faster than before the bell rang. I
confirmed that the colors of all the territories were in the auditorium, Immanuel, the
chief priest, stood in front of the altar and shook the magician with many bells.

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The door is opened according to the sound, the royal family enters. Traquequar and
the first lady, Anastigius and Egranthine come in and come to the seat. Immediately
after I wondered that the second and third wife could not be seen, he remembered
that the lord conference was a meeting where Aub and the first wife attended.

The second bell is a sound that shows my turn. I got up and started walking toward
the altar. I wonder why I was not informed of all the territory to do the temple. You
can see surprises and awkwardness of puzzle spreading in the auditorium. I carefully
ignored the voices in the hall and did not fall down, but I walked as fast as I could. Next
to me is Hartmut with a scripture, behind there are escort knights wearing blue ritual

As you can see in the priests of Ehrenfest, it is because the head of the temple, which
should be entered by itself if it is originally surrounded by the blue priests, is shaped
by Hartmut's saying "to do" is there.

Hartmut was watching the Central Temple very much and said to the Central Temple
that he admits that the temple is entrance by myself "If you want to do an old
ceremony as the Central Template wishes, please keep silent and do as you say "And
I escorted with a smile, and the escort knights told me," Please think that it is the most
important task not to bring them close to Rosemain, and if you touch Rosemain
without permission, you can cut off your arms "He said seriously.

...... I think truly cutting off my arm is overkill, but I'm scared of Immanuel's eyes so
it's kind of appreciated to stay by my side.

When you stand before the altar, Hartmut delivers the scriptures to me. And Leonore
corrected the hem of the costume. Immanuel confirms that my preparation is in place.
The thing that narrowed his eyes for a moment and moved his hands must be a sign
"to put together the martial arts".
However, Hartmut who knows how much to consume magical power to maintain the
magical appliances ignores Immanuel 's signal and sends a signal saying "Start
quickly". Immanuel broke up at the place where the "sum of men" and "beginning"
reply continued several times and the auditorium's nobles began to raise the voice

"Start a ceremony of star signing from this, the bride and groom to this!"

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Beginning with royal families Sigismwald and Adolfinne, five pairs of bride and groom
of other territory come in. Clapping hands and cheers from aristocrats flew in the
auditorium, celebratory voice was put on, and it was full of joy. If true, there were
Ferdinand and Dietlinde here, and I could have congratulated Ferdinand.

The royal family asked me to the temple of the temple because I want you to
congratulate Sigismwald. You will not do a shrine as a temple in this place ahead. I
wanted to give Ferdinand a blessing, but I could not give it. I have missed a great
opportunity and I will dissuade that dissatisfaction in my mind.

...... I wish Arub-Ahrensbach was alive at least to this day.

In that case, Ferdinand would have given a hidden room and could have given as much
blessings as possible. Worried should have decreased for a while.

... ... It's bad.

When I got a sigh, I noticed myself facing a sunny place called a wedding ceremony,
and I smiled. I saw eyes with Sigiswald and Adolfine, who came up to the stage, I
smiled with Nicoli with a feeling of celebration.

I put the scripture on the bookstore and opened the key and turned the page. I thought
that the sound of Frauerelm echoed somewhere, "Surely!" Then, since I could not hear
anything ahead, I decided to start the ceremony.
In that case, it turned out that Immanuel tried his eyes triangle and signaled "putting
up the martial arts". However, while talking about myths, use magical tools of
loudness. It is still ahead of me to wear jigs.

...... Although I told you to wear it when you need it, you are impatient.

Ignoring the signal of Immanuel, I start talking about myths using the magician of the
loud voice. It is the myth of the God of Darkness and the Goddess of Light in the
scriptures. The god of life came to the marriage, it is a story that approves marriage
with the goddess of the soil.
While I was talking, Hartmut and Elder Cornelius were preparing a contract for use in
a starring ritual and a magician's pen for drawing with his own magical powers.

"Let's make new couple births and blessings like myths from now on"

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Let me climb the dark cloak and the crown of light so that I can go down once and let
my escort knights hide in the widely spreading sleeves. It is easy to do it because it is
hidden completely when it is small at such times.

Of course, all the attention was gathered to me who re-emerged in dark cloak and light
crown. Imanuel who seems not to be bothered by ordinary ceremonies as it is will
show a satisfying smile and open your mouth.

"Sigismwald, Principality of the King of Traocquar, and Dorvonciel Counselor Adolf


As the two who called their name quickly moved forward in front of the altar.

"I heard the story from Anastasisus, but I am surprised to see the actual shape of the
magical wear."
"Is this magical thing a thing of Ehrenfest?"

...... It is made of my own Stap.

Without being able to say such an answer, I just smiled with Nicoli and avoided
replying, I confirmed the intention of marriage and presented a contract. When they
finished writing their names, they burn with gold flames. I asked others to write, and
the contract burned.

"Blessings from the temple for the birth of a new couple"

I raised my hand to Immanuel 's words and prayed to God.

"The superior god is the couple of dark and light couples, who supervise the expensive
sky high."

As soon as I started praying, the cloak of the cloak broke away. With no sound, there
is no sound, the cloak is off, and it fly towards the ceiling fluently. In my eyes I was
dedicating prayer while raising my hand slightly upwards, the cloak of the darkness
expanded widely, and I saw how it became the night sky.

"Listen to my prayers and give your blessing to the birth of new couple."

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The crown of light supposed to have been in my head emerges without permission
and emits light. It looks like the sun floating in the night sky. I feel like I can see the
god of darkness spreading like wrapping inside the auditorium and the goddess of
light that shines there.

...... Ah, the supreme god.

Without any doubts I thought so. Therefore, I pray to the supreme god as it is.

"Sacrifice to you gives their thoughts prayers and thanks and gives us sacred

The night sky began to concentrate on one point. As the circle of light spins, it begins
to turn. Immediately after, the pillars of darkness and the pillars of light stood and
some flew away somewhere. It is a familiar scene in the Shinto priest of the aristocrat,
so I have no particular feeling. Most of the remaining light is twisted, overlapped, able
to bounce. Then it became small grains of light, scattering and going down to the bride
and groom as a blessing. This is the same as a shrine done at Ehrenfest.
However, looking at this sight, in the aristocracy I felt that it would not bother to take
the trouble to do rituals at night, as a night sky would appear if you were to do a divine
task with the priestess.


I realized that the shrine finished in the feeling that Stap returned in me, I breathed a
relief that I had successfully completed the task I was asked by the royal family.

"As usual, rituals at the aristocrat are many times more flashy than Ehrenfest"

It was only Hartmut who stood next to picking up my misunderstanding. Hartmut

says, "It is many times shiny," and laughed a little and put out his hand holding a

"Let's leave while everyone is being astounded."

……No objection!

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According to Hartmut's guidance, I enter the temple's temple once. Hartmut handed
the scripture to Leonore, took me to Damuel and ordered me to return to the dorm as
soon as possible.

"Please lend Cornelius to correspond to this tidying up and inquiries, Rosemain Mr."
"It is OK, but ... ...."
"It would be better to go back before someone who is not responsive appears.
Although it will be a little bigger, please return from here."

Hartmut told me to push us out of the room. Did we already have a meeting? Angelica
held the handle of Stein Luke so that it could come off at any time and started walking
at the top. I can not go on about sudden expansion With embarrassing me, Damuel
continues with fast pace, smiling like Leonore said "I'm for sure" Walking the last tail.

"Hartmut is very wary of Immanuel in the central temple, he said it was a dangerous
fanatic man."

Imagine being able to ceremonially dwell in jewels, immediately reading the literature
which the royal family could not understand, Immanuel seems to be getting
dangerous as the eyes become steamier with time.

...... I will be told that Hultmut is a fanatic person. ... Well, well, I have different eyes, I
know that the type of fear is completely different.

"Apparently it seems that he wants to incorporate Rosemain into the central temple
and they seem to have enough magical powers to perform the ceremony even though
they can gain knowledge from the literature etc. Rosemain's magical power It seems
that he wants to get a real Tento using '

Since Jurgen Schmidt gains true peer, it is more important than anything, cooperate
with the temple of Ehrenfest in the central temple which is studying the old ritual.
Asked Aub Ehrenfest to head me to the central temple. It seems to have said to
Hartmut that everything was to obtain a real Tent and for Jurgen Schmidt.
Hartmut says he dismissed with a smile, "I only move for Rosemain sama, and
Rosemain is in Ehrenfest."

"Is not it possible to ignore the words of the central temple?"

"Well, it's easy to ignore if it is only a temple, but the royal family also want Gurtris
Height and a real Tento.What orders are given when the royalty and central temple's
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interests match I do not know if it will be done, Hartmut was most concerned about
it. "

There is no technique in Ehrenfest to turn down the king. It seems that Hartmut feels
that royalty has commanded Ehrenfest to know that, though.

"Because Rosemain has personal friendship, normally it is not asked by the royalty
for so many things like this"

It is the order from the royal family to read the literature of the underground archive
at this lord manger meeting. Originally it is not a time for minors to enter, and it is not
something to help students at the House of Lords. But the royal family commanded
me even if I break the custom.

"Because Rosemain is looking forward to going to the library, I will not say anything,
but Rosemain, who is busy with the work of temples and negotiations with merchants,
took a star binding tennis ceremony and a modern translation at the underground
library It seems that Haltmuth feels uneasy to the royal family who orders. "

Leonore said, "There is no choice because it is an order, but it is more important to

help fill the hole in Ehrenfest than to help the royal family," smiling a smile.

"……I agree"

It is said that I am looking forward to going to an underground archive makes me feel

lost a bit because I was told that it would be better for Elenfest to help those in the
castle than to help the royalty.

"Um, er ... ...."

After Damuel wandered the gaze from here and there, he said with a smile "Rosemain
became heavy," thought of paying the atmosphere which became slightly heavier. Far
from being a heavy atmosphere, the air freezes.
Once you know what you are using in the same meaning as "growing up" or "growing
up", there is somewhat something to stab your chest if you are told that you are
"heavy" in the face.

"Please, please drop me down."

"No, Rosemain-sama ... ... Is not Damuel hated to say to such a woman?"
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I compare me with Leonore as D'aum les orolo as pointed out by Leonore.

"Well? I am pleased that Rosemain grew up ... ...."

"I understand what I want to say, I also understand that I thought about relaxing the
atmosphere, but the fact that I became heavier for girls is a bad choice for words."
"……excuse me"

Thanks to a slight dent of Damuel, the atmosphere was relieved a little. Angelica
suddenly stopped his leg at the corner, laughing with couscous. Immanuel and several
other priests are occupying the corridor. I found out that Damiel enforced power in
the arm holding me.

"Oh, Rosemain, it seems like a hurry, I have not yet appreciated the fact that I have
done the old ceremony yet ..."
"Yeah ... It's just as embarrassing to see such a figure as I used too much magical power
to feel a little sick and go back to the dormitory."

Explain the current situation being carried to Dahuel without walking by myself,
thinking whether you can break through the encirclement network quietly.

"Rosemain, there are lots of other old documents in the central temple. I hope
Rosemain will come to the Central Temple and read it."

Damuel stopped with movement with moving pikeri and body.

"The royal family decides the literature of the central temple as a fake and will not
listen to this story.This means that you would like Rosemain to read and let the royal
family know that the words of the central temple are correct think"
"I am sorry, I feel so bad now that I can not think of such things, please go through
Aub Ehrenfest"

As I said, I will signal Angelica with my eyes as I go. Angelica nods and starts walking

"How about having a day off at this place?"

At the moment Immanuel reached out, Angelica passed Stein Luke.

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"If you touch Rosemain sama without permission, I will immediately truncate it."

Gokuri and Immanuel gave a spite to it. It seems that Angelica, who is in the shape of
a blue shrine maiden, is my escort knight and did not think that he had weapons.
Damuel passes by Imanuel who is eye-witting to surprise with the guidance of
Leonore holding me up.

Until we were far enough, Angelica kept Stin Luke and restrained him.

1077 | 2523
It is a story of Ryurudadi of Joseph Brenner during the lord conference after the 543

By the way I talked with Mr. Muriela and got excited, I decided to write a love story of
Rosemain and Ferdinand. To be flushed to the atmosphere of the place is very scary.

It is a trial for some time for the first time and I decided to write based on myths to
make it unknown if Rosemain's story. I am sending the days to read the books related
to myths in the library of the castle, since I returned to Joseph Brenner.

"Ryurudadi, are you related to myths today too?"

"Yes, my aunt, I'd like to know more about the gods so that we can increase the
protection once more at the time of graduation, so I would like to find out more from
Abe and tell others. Because it is "

I do not go out to work to the library separately. Because it is a request from Aubu, it
is a matter of prioritizing usual work.

"I still can not believe that there is protection of Blue Anfa in your pale green eyes, I
still can not believe it, I would not have expected that Ruhr Lady will be asked by Aub
if it is Fairzire"

My aunt, a civilian who is managing the key of the library, lent the key while smiling
withely compared to my sister. Unlike my sister who can become an aide of candidate
lords, I am wrong because it is very mediocre.

"Because now everyone is absent at the Lord's Conference, it will be about you to
enter the library, but please keep the keys properly"
"Yes, I'll treat it carefully"

I hold the key with both hands and head for the library. As for the castle library as for
the castle, it is made available for anyone if applying for the deposit, but because it is
necessary for the deposit amount and the application procedure, it is not used much.

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Is it about time to put the newly made materials after the tax collection is finished or
to do the research before the lord's conference?

... ... It is thanks to being able to participate in the research of Ehrenfest, because I
could easily borrow keys.

It was surprisingly surprising at Joseph Brenner that I got the protection of the
goddess Blue Anfa of the sprout, I participated in the study of Ehrenfest. And it became
widely known by the report from AUB in the feast of spring.

From then on, how to increase the protection and how much the question of being
asked by a nobleman with a young child has increased. I was told to explain the
research of Ehrenfest over and over again and feel like as an apprentice of the civil
servants of Ehrenfest.

"I have finished reading myths on this shelf, but are there other shelves too?"

There is not much in the library of Joseph Brenner, but there is a book of myths. My
deceased grandmother is a civilian who organizes old literature and taught me old

My grandmother taught me old letters because after sudden change, people who could
read the old letters abruptly decreased due to purification and serving to the center.
Because it is ostensible to have to succeed in succession, unlike my sister, I am vaguely
worried and it is not suitable for the aide of candidate lords, so I can do one thing
professional I heard that it is the real reason that it is better to have better. I can not
believe it is now that I have learned because it is not that inconvenient to read
mythological books in this way.

...... Because I was taught old words before ordinary letters, when I was laughed at the
baptismal ceremony, when I was laughed at as "a senior aristocrat who can not write
letters other than my own name" I gave a grudge to my grandmother.

"Oh, it's a book of myths also in such a place .... This is the first time for me."

Because there is no civilian who is firmly managing the books in the library in Joseph
Brenner, I can not find the book I want unless I search the bookshelf. According to
Muriela, the library of Ehrenfest seems to be managed exactly according to

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Rosemain's instructions, so it seems that it is very easy to find because books are
organized by field.

Since it is good at once, I would like to interfere with the library at Ehrenfest. Of
course, there is no other person in the other territory to put in. I know this much as

...... But, if I could get married to Ehrenfest, maybe I could get into the library one day.

While thinking about what everyone said to be fluffy, I took a book of myths. Lay down
on the desk for reading while paying attention so that the chain making the sound
with the jarry does not disturb the reading, remove the clasp that closes the book, and
open the cover.

If you look down at the book while standing, orange hair close to yellow will slide
down from the shoulder. It is an obstacle to reading, I would like to put it together in
the back, but if you find something like that in the library doing such things in the
library rather than arranging it in your room, saying loudly as a lady It will be hard

...... But it takes time to return to home, it is hard to put the keys back and borrow

I put my hands in the waist bag and grasped the hair string and gently looked around
the area, nobody was there.

"Ryurudadi, what are you doing looking around sneakily?"

"Why is your sister here!?"
"I am asked by the Lord to find a book on the divine during the Lord's Council meeting"

Your sister is under age and can not accompany the lord's meeting. So it was said that
they wanted to find a book in the meantime.

"What on earth are Ryurudadi doing?"

"It is the same thing as my sister, because I was told to investigate the gods from Aub."

While saying that with a little chest tearing up, I take my hand off the hair string and
slowly pull out my hand from the waist leather bag. When I was tying I was grateful

1080 | 2523
that my sister did not find it, gently stroked my chest. However, my sister 's light blue
eyes are still sharp and I'm staring at me in a suspicious way.
I devoted my sister's attention even a little, I turned my eyes to the bookshelf.

"If your elder sister is looking for a shrine you are looking for, there is only one book
on the right side of that bookshelf."
"Oh, is that so?"
"Because I also searched about myths, I am now looking for a book in mythology ....
But I think that the temple may have a book of a divine possibile."

My sister tilted her head in a wonderful word "Is there a book or material in the
temple?" In my words.

"I think that no one will read even if there are materials in such a place ...."
"It is the temple to do the shrine and I thought that Rosemain brought up by the
temple knew more about the divine and myths so much that it might be in the
temple.The temple of Ehrenfest and Joseph Brenner are different So, I do not know
the truth. "

Although I understand by listening to the story and participating in the donation

ceremony, I understand it, but the candidate of the lord acts as the temple of the
temple, and it is unbelievable such as the temple where the lord of the lord goes in
and out.

"Though Rule Lady may be right, I can not afford to go to the temple, as you come back
from the Lord's Conference, you are ordered to bring it to the temple people Learn
more "

I seemed to be convinced by my sister, so I started turning my back to my sister and

reading the continuation of myth. There are several myths that I read for the first time,
there is a story of Mestionola, who was talked about in Klassenburg and Dunkelfelger
at the lodging ceremony of the lords.

"Well, this story ... It was also in Joseph Brenner"

It seems there was not in Ehrenfest, so I thought it was not here, but there was a
similar story. Is not this really useful for the love story of Mestionora? I will only write
out important places in the wood basket.

1081 | 2523
I was reading and copying the books in the library until the fifth bell rang. As the bell
rang, I will return the key and return to work. My work as a civil servant is to sort
luggage and letters from Gibe in various places, transfer it to the department in
charge, and on the other hand send baggage and letters to Giebe.

Because it moves the transition team many times a day on days with lots of material,
magical power is required quite a lot. However, since senior aristocrats are often close
to the lord's clan, there are a lot of intermediate aristocrats in charge, and we have to
work alternately with recovery drugs. I, a senior aristocrat, is useful in this

...... Only magical power is relied upon, though.

Now that the upper level departing from Abu 'is absent at the Lord' s Conference,
things sent by the transition team are few, but not entirely not. As I was told by my
boss, I sent packages with the transfer team.

When I return to my house after finishing my work, I will change my clothes to a

sidewalk, and I will take a hidden room immediately. Because I have a habit of
muttering my solve, when I do not want to be asked by others, I decide to enter the
hidden room soon.

...... Rosemain's imagining a first love story and writing a story is something that can
not be seen by others.

As I entered the hidden room, I started thinking while watching the flow of myths I
wrote in the library at once.

"Rosemain is determined by the wisdom goddess Meztionola, but what kind of god
does Ferdinand like to do?"

The question is which god the opponent makes. God of concealment Fair Bergen, the
guiding god Air Vacaren, God of Growth God Earnacus is a man God deeply involved
in Mestionola during the period from the birth to the growth, so how about choosing
from this?
1082 | 2523
As Mestiónola is born, God fairberken that concealed the Goddess of the earth from
God of the life from the god of the life Gereururihi upon receiving a request of
cooperation from the god of the former tied god Evelymeen. Without the cooperation
of God, Mestionola was not born. And then I lend my strength to hide Mestionola from

"It is hidden by the sleeves of fairbernen in the place called Awa-ya, merely reminds
me of the fact that Mes Tionola, who escaped from Avilibe, notices Blue Anfa's visit,
and I will not be able to stay even if I stay, Fairberken I think it is a bad choice to make
love a partner. "

When you read only the story of Mestionola, you can easily think of scenes where Blue
Anfa visits with the help of Fairbernen, so it seems that there is no problem with
fairbernen even if you are a partner.

However, Fairberken in other stories is a godly love one, it is a god that hides various
actions. In the atmosphere of Fairberken that we are getting from the story so far,
rather than Mesutio Nola's first love story, would not it be a bad love story in which a
baby girl is tossed by a bad adult?

...... God of concealment In Fairberken, we can not express the confidence that was
between Ferdinand and Rosemain and the existence of Libesque Hill's thread which
is felt slightly.

"For Rosemain, who grew up in the shrine, I would like to cherish the place where
Ferdinand is the only one to be truly something, the guiding God Air Vacaren and the
evangelical God Earnacz may be better"

Ferdinand says this god is better if you write about the place raised by the god Eva
varelen who guided to compete against Avilibe and the god Earnacus of breeding.

"... ... But will it be a painful love story?"

As far as reading the myth, it is really just a teaching staff. Among the children born
from Gedourruhi, Mestionola was the only daughter with the power of God and was
brought up carefully from all the gods as there were many gods who lent the power
to give birth. I think that it can be understood from the fact that it is permitted to
borrow the magician to protect himself from Avilibe which is aiming for life every
1083 | 2523
time. In other words, the gods of the education clerk are not absolutely subject to "It
can only be spoiled by this one".

...... I am not a child-rearing diary by the gods, but a lovely love story is good.

Even if I want to make gods of education professionals a partner in love, I can not find
any element that seems to be a tiny love story without myths. It will require
considerable modification. I am troubled.

"If the god God who touched when I was young is not good, how about dealing with
Air Vermoon, who is in touch with me after birth and growing up?"

The god of life It is necessary to produce many lives expected by the god of darkness
at the time of getting the forgiveness of marriage, but the child of God who has to grow
slowly over time in the womb of Gedulruhi is unnecessary It was.

Evelybean who was a marriage god in the affair of life resented autonomy of
Aveilibeve and rescued the relatives of the goddess of soil so that the goddess Entnen
Doughe of the birth can fully exercise his power. And, in cooperation with the goddess
of light and the goddess of water, I brought the goddullyhi who got mestionola to the
baby goddess Entner Doogge.

Ari Vermean, who helped Gedululhi and was relieved that Mestiónola was born safely,
regretted that the power of his own association brought together the avilibe and
Gedoururhi, and this situation became this situation.

Air Vermeen thought that if she wields her strength and thought that she would make
the surroundings unhappy again, he handed over the power of God who connects the
edge to Ribesukhirfe and left the world of God.

Even if we succeeded in marriage ability, there is no disproportionate magical power

in the human world. Air Vermain descended into the world covered with white by the
power of the god of evilieve of life and filled the land with his magical power.

And continued to pray to the gods that Godululihi and Mestionola would be happy to
have the Atonement to protect the humans who are spared by Aveilibe and driven to
the white ground.

1084 | 2523
Growing Mestionola was staring at the airwormon who abandoned God 's status from
the world of the gods to save himself and his mother Gedourculhi. I would like to save
him if I can, I call from the world of the gods.

But Eva Mean begged herself to divide that blessing to those who are having more
difficulties than he was originally a god. It is not myself alone that devotes prayers to
godliness. I wish for something that they would like to receive prayers for the gods.

Mestionola, who did not hear the prayers and words of humans at all, fell down to the
land that Evelymen defends. It was a place where buildings made only of white lined
up to deceive the eyes of Averieve.

You can see the temple of the temple dedicated to prayer at the built temple. However,
that prayer still does not reach the ears of Mestionora. According to Air Vermoon, he
invited him to the temple plagued by excessive magical power and began praying
together, but unlike myself, the prayers of humans are not reaching the gods.

Mestionola consulted the gods. Air Vermember wants to bring salvation to those who
pray to godly.
The goddesses of the goddess of the former who were rescued from the god of life also
believe that the gods knowing that they worked hard for Mestionola would not fulfill
the wishes of Air Vermoon or not It was.
The temple people who had devout prayers were given a staple to deliver prayers to
the gods, the principal of the temple who was most devoted to prayers was allowed
to photograph Gurtris' height, becoming the first king It was.

"...... Rosemain and Ferdinand, if you are a first-generation king who dedicates prayers
earnestly, Mestionola may feel the visit of Blue Anfa at a glance, but the story of
dancing with the goddess Efrolemme of the flower is okay ..."

Given the situation of Rosemain and Ferdinand, I feel that Mestionola and Air
Vermeon are better.

Pure affection that Air Verme wished for the birth of Mestionola by betting God's
ability. And it is a farewell brought about by repenting your own actions and letting
go of God's power. In addition, the reunion since Mestionola grew beautifully.
As if Ordonants carries important notices, the scene appears and disappears with a

1085 | 2523
"Even though they are conscious of each other, they are raised by being listened to by
stories from the surrounding gods and the air vermaans who are suffering from the
differences in position already made by their own choice, looking at Air Vermeen from
the world of the gods Mestionola growing ruffle little by little while it is ... .... I am
trusting and helping within the range that I am able to do, but they never get tied
together "

I feel like I've stopped being beautiful. I write the story of the founding nation that
depicts the love of love between Mestionola and Air Vermeen.

"Air Vermeen is a former God. Do not think anyone is Ferdinand-sama if you look like
Jure Jens Schmidt and you can say that such a gentleman does not come, Learn more

Fortunately, I do not know much about Ferdinand. I will think about what kind of
Hitomi airbell meaning will be made with reference to the love story of the aristocracy
published from Ehrenfest and the love story of the knight.

"... ... will I be able to complete it by winter when the aristocrat's begins?"

While watching the mythic wooden tag, I made it small. Because it is my first time, I
do not know how long it will take. However, it is not a case of being bearish.
I spread the Ehrenfest paper I gave it cheaply from Muriela, and I took my pen in

……I'll do it. I write the story of Mesutio Nora's first love of love. Buddhist goddess
Blue Anfa, and the word goddess Glamora toa! Please give me a blessing. Pray to God!

1086 | 2523
"When we realized that we were not in the form of ours and we were not told
anything, it was a real hard work."

The adoptive fathers who had not received any contact seemed to be pale blue from
the aristocrats in other areas sitting in the surrounding area. "It is a request of the
royal family, so please ask the royal family for details", it seems that all members came
back to the dorm.

And as soon as my adoptive father got back to the dormitory, I was called and all the
people who came for the lord conference at the multipurpose hall now are
surrounded. Since it is only an adult, it is very intimidating when surrounded.
Compared to the students who are accustomed to royal-related calls and things that
have changed, the big people are not used to it at all and the face is stiff and there is
an extra intimidation feeling I think that.

"If it is true, we will explore for the meeting from the afternoon at that place, decide
on a tea ceremony and a dinner schedule, but it was not so much, we will ask for

My father adopted his warm head that this luncheon was over and that the meeting of
the afternoon was bloody.

"That ritual seems to be a ritual of the old way that was found in the old literature
found in the central temple. The temple of the central temple seemed to be unable to
reproduce with insufficient magical power, offering me to reproduce it had"

I will also explain with the annoying response I received before and emphasize that I
have confirmed to Anastasiusus. I did not mind leaving the ritual to the temple of the
central temple, but Anastasez decided.

"Since this time the request of the Central Temple was accepted by Prince Anastigius
and I was asked, I would like to ask Prince Anastigius to dissatisfy any further
complaints. Because I was not on it, I did not know what kind of ceremony will be
done until I do it. "
"Were you unaware of it?"

1087 | 2523
Both my adoptive foster and foster mother were surprised, but I nodded as if they
were cockroaches.

"That is what it was requested of the royal family, so from the afternoon I would like
to ask the royal family for details as to the questions from other territories. It's a
reproduction of rituals. "

Even if you are a royalty or a central temple, you can not answer anything anything,
so Ehrenfest does not have to work hard. It is only necessary to let people respond to
the request.

"In essence, it is the same ritual as Dunkel Ferguer set up a pillar of light in opposition
to the territory, as it is an old ritual that dedicates the magical power to the gods, it
was like that."

It reminds me of the ritual of Dunkel Ferger which was done like a demonstration in
opposition to the territory. The adoptive father became a slightly convincing

"...... I will rather be concerned with the central temple who said that he wanted to
obtain a real Tento by reviving the old ceremony."

It was Hartmut that I came forward to my words one step.

"Please bear in mind the Central Temple, Immanuel, the chief priest of the central
temple, is not a man who listens to the surroundings and will act without choosing
the means to do as you think. It is better to think that you do not pass. "

During the ceremony, Hartmut who had been alarmed for a long time said so with
serious eyes. By keeping the detouree, we are further raising the alertness level.

"Immanuel is aiming at Rosemain who has the magical power to revive the old rituals
remaining in the temple It may be necessary to obtain a valid tent, but it is the work
of the royal family and the central temple, a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest It is
not a job of life. "

1088 | 2523
It is not a job of Ehrenfest that Ferdinand headed to Ahrensbach, when pursuit of
purging had not ended and magical power and manpower were not enough at all in
the period when there was plenty of time.

"There is a possibility that the central temple and the royal family will be robbed of
Rosemain if there is a Constitution that can convince other territory, please also
consider refusing to assist the library with Rosemain's safety first."

Haltmut offers so to the adoptive father. While referring to the mouth as adults in the
village saying "Would you refuse royalty offerings?", "Such rudeness is ... ...", the
adoptive father closed his eyes for a while.

"I think that it is terrible to refuse to help the royal family from here, but in case it
comes out, it brings out what was deprived of Ferdinand and protests."
"I am sorry"

"It was wonderful, Rosemain-sama!"

Lunch began with a narrator that was cluttered by Clarissa. Clarissa who was in the
lecture hall as a member of Ehrenfest seems to be totally moved, looking at the star
knotting ceremony.

"It is elegant and elegant appearance that we are walking around relaxedly around
the surroundings and it is elegant and elegant, as there is only one person wearing
white costume, nature and gaze will concentrate there ..."
"Clarissa, calm down, was the surrounding blue, did not you see Rosemain-sama
almost when you entered?"

Otellie said so to calm Clarissa, but Clarissa will not stop.

"What are you talking about?" Did you not see Rosemain's divine appearance and
compassionate expression on the Othelier? ... I was surprised. "

...... I'm surprised at how Clarissa is looking at my own eyes with expressions.

"Haltmuth takes his hand like Rosemain, and the figure is raised, the eye fuzz nite is
greatly disturbed and I feel like coming up to spread the mantel widely.Of course, it is
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Kintsziel's It is until a high and clear lovely voice that seems only to have love affairs
speaks to Supreme God. "

...... Clarissa, sorry. I understand that it is praised, but I can not understand it well. Is it
important for Eye Fuzz Knight to disturb her hair? Or was there any meaning in the
cloak of Eye Fuzz Knight?

If written as a sentence, you can understand it by checking the flow and the meanings
one by one, but I can not understand it very much if it is spoken very swiftly. And,
when you think about the expression of another god while thinking, it gets confused.

...... Otie, help me.

Although I looked to Otilie, Otiliier seemed to have given up completely to calm

clarissa, and had meal resumed. Hartmut who is a fiancé is talking about the screech
while talking about the scene seen from the altar and there seems to be no reason to
stop Clarissa. Rather, it is accelerating the excitement of Clarissa.

"Oh, I understand very well, it seemed to me as if Supreme God returned an answer

to Rosemain-sama's call like Méthiónola's incarnation.The cloak of darkness flutters
furiously, the night sky appeared Do you not think that the divine merit of doing
anything wrong, is the beauty enough to annoy Gramara Toua? "
"I sincerely agree with the light of the goddess of the light in the night sky that the
stars that make me feel the deep bosom of the god of darkness sparkle ..."

...... I do not understand at all. Let's leave it because it is already two worlds.

As you can see from the fact that only two people are excited, they are really fiancey
fellows. I left the conversation between Clarissa and Hartmut, and I turned my eyes to
the Rizerator who seemed to have come to the auditorium to see the ritual.

"Were you seeing the Rizer, did not you think that you are still flashy when you do
rituals at the lords?"

When seeking agreement from the Rizerator who was acting together as a student at
the House of Peers, the Rizerator smiled with a troubled face.

"... Rosemain-sama, the expression of flashy a little .... At the very least, I'd like you to
use expressions such as being fantastic or mysterious, because it was really beautiful."
1090 | 2523
"I can understand that it is mysterious - what I felt as if the highest god is coming"

While explaining the feeling when I was praying, I saw me as if I was deeply impressed
by the blue eyes shining brilliantly.

"Truly Rosemain, can you talk with the gods?"

"I have not said such a thing ... ... Then, Clarissa, I would like to comment on the
ceremony later with Hartmut, so please eat it with a taste of food now.I am so excited
and talking I do not quite understand the taste of the special dish? "

Today's lunch is gorgeous as it combines the economy of the start of the lord
conference and the taste of the dinner. I have begun to hear the noise from Clarissa's
talking about from a smiley thing, ask me "Please be a little silent."

"It's okay, because any dish you enjoy while talking about Rosemain's taste will be
"Then, shall I change the menu for only one person?"
"I am sorry, I will eat it silently"

Clarissa stopped talking and it turned out that everyone in the surroundings was
relieved breathlessly. I was extremely curious about how Clarkis dealt with dealing
with Dunkel Ferger.

At the conference from the afternoon, the questions from other territories were asked
by the royal family to "reproduce the old rituals" "It is the same as Dunkel Ferguer
made the pillar of light in opposition to the territory." "More details I ask you to the
royal family. "It seems that he succeeded in passing through with three. Although
there are many applications for dinner more than the previous year, it seems to
manage it.

"Then, Hartmut, Clarissa, please work firm as a civilian,"

"Certainly yes"

I went to see the adults going out to match the three bells, and for some time I was
reading in the room. We move to the library after estimating the time that everyone's
move is completely complete.

1091 | 2523
"Since there is also Dan Kel Ferger's Hannaore, I will bring three volumes of the
Fellenesine story,"

While the Rizer and the Othelier are preparing, the escort knights are arrangements.

"Because only the senior knights put in the basement, Leonore and me go to the
basement, Damiel and Angelica want the eyes to see the outside of the library"
"If you have a suspicious person, please let me know immediately.At least you can not
escape or hide unless you go up to the archives library ... ... When you make the library
a fighting place, I do not know how Rosemain says it runaway Things "

Daniel and Angelica nodded by Cornelius elder brother and Leonore's direction.

"Outside people are more happy than having a day at the library"

When Angelica gladly said that, Ordunants flew from Sorange. It seems that Hannaore
has arrived.

"Let's go to the library,"

I took the escort knight and four of them to the library.

"Dear, you came"

"Dear Mr. Hime, I want you to eat"
"Schwarzs and Weiss seems to be fine, too,"

It is greeted by Schwarz and Weiss, and I supply magical power while stroking the
manast of the forehead. In the state of Schwarzs, the Rizerator collapsed his / her
favor and Otirier rounded his eyes. Even if I listen to the story, it seems strange that
the magician of the library calls me "Hime-sama".

"Welcome, Mr. Rosemain, everyone will be waiting in the office, so today there are so
many people that we need three people to accompany the office."

Soranju welcomed me and said so. If Hannaore has already arrived and there are also
royals, the office will certainly be full. Angelica and Damuel go out outside as they
meet and the Risellerter smiles and leaves to prepare for tea. I headed to the office
with the senior aristocratic aides.

1092 | 2523
In the office there were Anastasiusus, Egrantine, Hildebrandt, Hannale and another
unidentified woman. His eyes, which looks more red than Hannellaire, gave a hued
looking color similar to Hildebrand and represented a strong character and a strong
will of will. I think the year is about mid-twenties.

"Rosemain, yesterday's ritual was unexpected as expected, but better results than we
could imagine"

...... I do not understand the meaning.

I do not know, but I seemed satisfied with good results, so I heard it and appealed to
me to introduce the woman who we met for the first time.

"If it helped you would be more than anything."

"... .... Ah, is not that the first time? This is the third wife of my father, Mr. Hildebrand's
mother Mr. Magdalena, because I am from Dunkel Ferger and I am familiar with old
words, together with modern translation I am supposed to do it. "

In the introduction of Prince Anastigius I will kneel and greet in front of Magdalena.

"I am Rosemaan of the lord of Ehrenfest, please forgive me for praying blessings for
being a good encounter led by the clean flow of the water goddess Fleet Lane"
"I forgive ... ... I heard the story from the prince in various ways, I am glad to see you
so, I'm asking for my best regards during the lord conference"

The royal family speaks to the aides close to the waiting room in the reading room
and goes through the closed library with guidance of Altansia and Soranju to the
basement. Ortansia is at the forefront, followed by Pico Pico and Schwartz and Vice.

"I was listening to the story, but I did not think there was such a place in the library"

Brother Cornelius entering here for the first time goes down the stairs looking around
with a slightly steep look. "As Leonore said, it sounds like I murmured that there was
no escape place when attacked.

When three people lock in the key, a magical line runs on the wall that looks like a
metal, after painting a complicated pattern on the whole, the wall gets split into three
parts and starts to rotate. It is a wonderful sight that you can see the underground
architecture separated by transparent walls at any moment.
1093 | 2523
It is also a familiar scene that the Black Foot enters inside and waits in front of the
Vice. The lowest one I have to enter first. I pick up and hold paper and ink from Otilie,
and I pass through the transparent wall.

"Princess, do not deserve"

It is usual to say so to Black Forest. I reply that "I will do my best from now on," while
I put paper and ink on my desk.

"Hannaore, there are no people who do not care."

I guess he has already heard Hannaore a lot of times. I heard it and started preparing
writing instruments.

"Oh, Prince Hildebrand?"

Next time I saw who was coming, I saw Hildebrandt holding out my hand towards the
transparent wall with a nervous look. At the time of the aristocrat, the hands that had
been pushed back came straight, and Hildebrand came into the library.

"Hildebrand, I have no idea, I do not feel like praying"

"... I put it in."

There is no appearance of hearing the voice of Schwarz, Hildebrand stares at his hand
with a face full of surprise and joy, looking back on Mother 's Magdalena coming from

"I put it in, Mother!"

"I did a lot, Hildebrandt, thanks to their efforts."
"Magdalena, there is no cigarette, there is no fear"

Hildebrandt asked the king to increase the magical power so that it would be useful
even a little, learned how to compress the royal magical power, he taught Magdalena
how to compress the magical powers of Dunkel Ferger, and seems to have increased
magical powers.

"I also remembered old letters a bit ... ... at the very least, I wanted to be able to copy."

1094 | 2523
Some people can read old letters in the middle, but they can not enter here. Therefore,
it seems that they copy copies of the materials here and have them translated into
modern languages.

"In order to enter here, I was asked by Tora Okvaar and I have studied old letters after
a long absence."

Eggrantine and Anastigius come in when Kusu and Magdalena are saying with a smile.

"Egranthine, do not despair"

"Anastigiusus, do not despair"
"Hmm, the words have changed, it seems that attributes have been enough to
reacquire protection, in which case the words will change for my older brother"

The royal family seems to have re-acquired the protection, and Anastigusus and
Egrantine seem to be all attributes.

"Has Prince Anastasegeus got all attributes with reacquisition?"

"Oh, I guessed that it would be better if you could supply magical power by advocating
prayer words? Wherever you use magical powers such as dedication in winter, you
have always given prayers to the gods, He gave it. "

It seems that he will do rituals again after a year. Egrantine seems to have got two

"So Egrandine was made to be all attributes"

In Hannerol 's words, Egrantine gently put his hands on his cheeks and slowly shook
his head, "I was originally all attributes."

"Can I increase the attribute by reacquisition at the time of graduation?"

"It seems to be important to do so as to stay in the eyes of the gods"
"Although it is also important to increase attributes and protection, it is more
important to copy or translate the material here, because me and Egrantine have a tea
party in the afternoon only work in the morning. "

By the command of Anastigius, we started to translate and copy white slate.

Magdalena, Hannaore, while translating into modern languages. Since Anastasiususu,

1095 | 2523
Egrantine, Hildebrandt have just started studying old words, it takes too long to
translate, so I copy the old letters as they are.
Working silently until the 4 bells while taking a break at each timing.

"Well, we will return, I think it is hard work, but I will ask you well in the afternoon"

Anastase Usus and Egrantine are leaving with their aides. Me and Hannaore are
supposed to take lunch at a resting place in front of the library in order to avoid seeing
a minor wandering around the aristocrat. It seems that royalty is using a minor in
another territory is not a good thing of a foreign newspaper.
Magdalena and Hildebrandt who seemed to be going back in the original schedule
seemed to decide to take lunch together here, and the side-workers were preparing.

"There is also a good distance to the Imperial Palace and it is not a praise act that I can
watch the third wife's walking around the aristocrat in the period of the lord
conference so please have lunch with me No, "

Magdalena said that way and picked up the cutlery. There is a possibility that the third
wife may be taken as if it is sending information to Dunkel Ferger and the impression
that it is a dramatic progression, it seems that it will become unknown what kind of
rumor will develop.

"This season will be pleasant outside although it will be pleasant, but it will be quite
difficult, so the enemies that are shaped like trumpeties are really annoying. Please
also take care of Rosemain and Hannaore."
"Thank you for your advice"

Then, the story of the ritual of yesterday, I said three people, "I wanted to see myself",
too. The third wife Magdalena, underage Hildebrandt and Hannaore were not able to
go to the auditorium, they seem to have only heard stories from everyone.

"I also wanted to see it, my father told me that the scene where the pillars of light
floated in the room was very mysterious"

Hannero laughs laughingly with Hildebrand's words.

1096 | 2523
"I will look forward to the older brother to complete the painting. It seems that I can
not stop painting with a very beautiful sight.I was scolded that my lord's liaison
meeting ended. "
"In response to Rosemain's blessing, Prince Sigismwald and Adolfine are on the stage
where they are standing for only a few seconds, but it seems that the magic team came
up a bit, is not it? If Prince Sigiswald was recognized by the gods as the next TSENT,
The voice is rising. "

I was stunned and looked at Magdalena without even noticing that a bite-sized
chicken that was about to go to the mouth fell.

"Did the magic team appear on the stage?"

"Oh? Well, I heard from everyone of Dunkel Ferger who was watching the ceremony
like that, but did Rosemain take a look at the magic team? It was a ceremony on the
altar ? "

I told my eyewitness Hannorore how I remembered my behavior.

"I was looking up to give prayers to Supreme God, so I was not watching the stage at
"In the Ehrenfest, the magic team did not become a topic at all?"

I was told with Magdalena 's face that surprised me, I remember the situation of the
dormitory yesterday. At least I have not heard.

"It was just before the decision was made to do the old ceremony, and Ehrenfest had
not been told at all, so what did I do in the lunch seats, the nobles of the surrounding
area There were plenty of topics on how to answer questions on how to answer
questions, and Clarissa and Hartmut ... .... "
"Even if you do not say anything, you only understand Rosemain's thing, do not you?"

As Hannaore says, the two topics are centered on my work and similar praise refrains,
so before dinner, "How long are you talking about the same?" To Leberecht I was

"There were too many applications from the afternoon at dinner seats so we had to
talk about how to respond, and the ritual has not come up to a topic anymore. I knew
it for the first time. "

1097 | 2523
...... I was on the spot, but I did not know that he was a ceremonial volunteer.

If a magic team for sorting next generation candidate comes up, it is also convincing
that the central temple, who wants a legitimate Tent, will desperately try to revive the
old ritual, and Prince Anastigius will assume " It was outside but I got a better result
than I had imagined. "

"I will listen to the adoptive story even today at dinner, because I can not do it without
knowing it"

And after finishing lunch, I will work from the afternoon. I'm going to translate it
modernly. It is fun to read new literature in this way.

"... Rosemain-sama!"

My shoulder was strongly shaken by Magdalena, and I lifted her face.

"Your Ordonants have arrived at your aides.Let's get out of the library"

When I get out of the library, Elder Cornelius will thank Magdalena and will tell you
the contents of Aldonant delivered from Damuel.

"Arendsbach's Dietlinde seems to come to the library"

"Dietlinde was supposed to be a candidate for the next generation by shining the
magic team at the time of the adult ceremony, I might be here to get the necessary
knowledge to become a Tent"

Magdalena in the word of Leonore flashed his eyes, "There should be few people who
know this."

"No. Ferdinand is a place where anyone can be a royalty or a candidate for a lord. In
the past it was normal for royalties and lords to enter and leave here, It is not amusing
to have it. "

In my words Magdalena muttered with a look that would not be convincing with "... is
it so ...?" Then, as I thought of something, I will raise the end of my lips.

1098 | 2523
"I thought that I would like to talk with Dietlinde who is prospective candidate for the
next time.With Hildebrandt and Hannaore and Rosemain keep working in the library,
please leave the correspondence to me."

1099 | 2523
When leaving everything to a reliable Magdalena and returning to the archive, I called
out with Hannero looking like "terrible, Mr. Magdalena".

"Is something wrong, Hannaore?"

"Is not it better for you to hide or keep Dietlinde and ours to face each other than to
keep working in the library? That minor we are here to help you here Would not it be
better for you not to be known so much? "

A little Magdalena thinks into the word of Hannorore who cited the story at the time
of lunch as an example.

"It is safest to have it in the library because we do not know how much Dietlinde is
taking escorts and what kind of purpose you come here for, but the words of Ms.
Hannero are reasonable "

No matter how many knights you take, only one of Dietlinde can be in the library. The
inside of the archive is the safest, but that is the best if you can make sure that it is not
known from the beginning.

"I think that it is the most dangerous to battle in the stairs ... ...."

Everyone is packed into words in the words of Leonore. At that time, Aldonants flew.
A white bird descended on the wrist of Magdalena and opened her mouth. Ordonants
starts talking with Sorangju's voice which seemed to be a little hidden like being
concerned about the surroundings.

"I am Sorange, and now I am going to register Arends Bach's Dietrinde's entrance at
the office, so if it is better not to see a minor in a lordship, a closed-lock archive Please
do not hide in the back of you. I will help you out later from another entrance. "

Sorangju who informed us that we know that we are eating lunch with an
underground archive is all about it. If you earn time and put it out, there is nothing
better to do.

1100 | 2523
"It is better for Magdalena not to see them too much, are not they? Let's hide in a
closed closet together"

I said so, but Magdalena shook his head, "No, this is a libraries open, there is no one
nobody is unnatural".

"Besides, I have to find out when Dietlinde knew the existence of this archive from
when and from whom."

Dietlinde could not have known the existence of an archive that the royal family
remaining after political change did not know. If they knew, Magdalena said that there
was no need to register the library as a student.

...... I heard so being told so.

"It is about time that people who have finished lunch are not finished moving now.Do
not go near the central building even if you go out by the guidance of Mr. Sorangju. I
will fly Aldonants when I get out. "

While nodding in the words of Magdalena, I hand over the sentences I translated into
modern languages and hand them over to Magdalena, prepare to clear the writing
utensils and get out. I thought that I could get in the library all day today, so it is a bit
Then I skipped over Aldonants that informs my side who are going to pick up lunch
and tell them not to return to the library until I get in touch.

"Hildebrandt does not bother everyone, I will talk to Dietlinde here."

Magdalena smiled and smiled and entrusted the escort knights to Hildebrand, urgent
to hurry to go to a closed bookshelf. We hurry up the stairs. The key of the door
between the closed archive and the underground archive was opened so that the side
workers could get in and out, so it was safe to enter the closed storage.

I will issue instructions while confirming where Elder Cornelius who stood in front of
the door coming from the reading room hides if it hides.

"Prince Hildebrandt should hide behind the innermost bookshelf, ask Dunkel Ferger
before that, and please be careful not to get Rosemain out of this bookshelf."

1101 | 2523
We let Hannellore and Hildebrand with many aides close to go, and we settle behind
the book shelf in front. The bookshelf of a closed book library where valuable books
are placed has a back board so it will not be visible if it hides behind the bookshelf.

"... Are you still there?"

Dietlinde does not come although it hid completely. It may be that Sorangje earns
time, but it is very painful to stay still without moving at all.

"The key is open so that the side workers can get in and out, so do not know when will
come in, so please stay quiet."

...... I want to read a book here.

Even though there are books I have not read before my eyes, I do not read books in
front of a bookshelf, and I feel very painful to keep still.

... ... I am quiet, so may I read it? It is useless. I know. I know but I want to read.

While waiting for me to get angry, I wait for Dietlinde to come. The sound opened and
the door opened, and bright light came into the closed archive.

"Well, where is Dietlinde coming here, in that letter ...?"

Sorenju's soft voice echoed in the closed library. You see that Sorangje is asking the
reasons for visiting the library to tell us.

"Well, that's right, a wondrous letter that is not written by the sender arrived ... It was
written that I wanted to help with all my heart so that I could be the next TSENT. I
know that the necessary knowledge to become a Tent is sleeping, that surely gifts
were given to me by me. "

……Wait a minute. I came to the library with belief in such a suspicious letter whose
sender is unknown! Is it? Dating Linde 's behavior is not inexorably unlikely as a
candidate for a lord! Is it?

Dietlinde is often scolded in many ways but I do not want to be told, but I think it is
an act that would thunder from Ferdinand absolutely if I do the same. Most of all,

1102 | 2523
usually the side sorts letters, so it is not even certain whether such a suspicious letter
will reach you.

...... It is surprising to Dietlinde who is grasping the correct answer though it can not
be a candidate for a lord.

Ferdinand said "The magic team did not start because the magical power was not
enough," but if you seriously aim for the next Tent, you must read the literature in the
underground library.

"Since it was written that the library is open during the Lord's Council, we decided to
go and we will have plans for dinner and tea meetings more and more and if we miss
today, we can move on the next I do not understand what "

It is rare that the schedule is packed tightly from the first day when the Lords
Conference began. In the first few days, there are conferences where all of the Ausbs
and Wives are gathered, and in between the teasers and schedule of appointment are
done. So, as soon as I start I still have time but I'm getting busier.

Ehrenfest around the time when there was almost no teasers from other territories
seemed to have had no plans to round up early and wish to return home, but now I
heard from my adoptive father that the schedule is starting from the first day.

"Prince Sigiswald made a spell of magic at the ceremony of a star tie, and royalty will
enter and go out of the underground library at the time of the lord's conference? I will
not be able to take back the candidate who was a candidate ahead of time Do not you
think so?

With a bitter laugh at Altansia "... ... let me say that such a way of saying is disgraceful
to the royal family". However, Dietlinde smiled with a kiss.

"It is funny to call the royal family who does not have Gurritrisheit as a royal family,
it is funny? It is me who is chosen as a god and becomes a real tent"

Although I do not know how I can have confidence in that alone, Diet Linde's laughter
echoes in a closed library.

"Is not Dietrinde in next Auber ahrensbach?"

"That is true, I should be able to get a Gurritris Height before I become Aub."
1103 | 2523
What does not the Akimoni say anything, do you think that Dietlinde's words are
correct, or are they troublesome to defend? It is likely that Ferdinand will become a
joint seat without making a joke.

"Dear Linde, I have something to ask a little ... ...."

Ortansia cleared his cough and caught the laughter of Dietlinde. And cut out as much
as we want to ask us in this place, asking with a loud voice.

"Does the flower of Shuratarum bloom beautifully this year?"

"What kind of flower?"
"Do you know Date Linde, I heard that my husband likes flowers that I only get with
Ahrensbach, please do not hesitate to visit Georgyne"

As Altansia says so, he goes down the stairs with Dietlinde and his aides.

...... What is a flower of shratarium? Do not know Dietlinde, do you know if you ask
Georgine? The husband of Ortansia was Rao Brut of the Central Knight, did not he?

Perhaps, I think it is a hint of something. Whether you do not want to do anything

extraordinarily, or want to get through irrelevant, you should know only to those who
understand it, it must be a cryptic word used by aristocrats at that time.

...... Do you know if you consult Ferdinand with your letter? ... ... Wow. But can I talk to

Would you mind letting me out immediately after being told to refrain from touching?
However, it is too heavy for himself to be alone. The two names of Georginé aiming at
Ehrenfest and Lao Burut who doubted Ferdinand's deprivation and headed to
Ahrensbach are at the same time. I know that I am disturbing.

...... Because it is related to Georgina-sama, I'm going to consult with my father-in-law


I do not know if my adopted father knows Rao Buruto. I personally contacted Rao
Burut at the time when I showed the scriptures at the aristocracy and came to the
library and confirmed Ferdinand that Adal Gisa was fruit.

1104 | 2523
...... I hope I can explain it well while hiding the fruit of Adal Gisa.

My idea was cut off with a sound that Sorange was closing the door to the
underground. Once Soranju closes the door to the door, he turns round.

"Everyone, are you?"

"Yes, Mr. Sorangju"
"I can get out from here"

Sorangju said so and put us out of the place like an emergency exit. When suddenly
going out from the dark closing archive to the bright outside, the eyes are dazzling
and the sight is chic.

"This is the back of the library, it is just opposite to the central building so I think that
it's hard to see in the eye unless you ride a cowgirl ... ... Let's take a walk a little for
Dietlinde to come home How about trying it? Is not it good for you to be in the
basement all day? "

When saying that, Sorangju turns back in to open the key of the door of the
underground library. It was avoided to face face with Dietlinde. However, it is
impossible for me to take a walk forever until Dietlinde returns.

...... At least you ought to borrow a book.

Do not stand on regrets. I am stunned in the backyard of the library. As I was troubled
by Hannaore, I looked around the backyard.

"If the weather is so good this time, it is good for picnics, but the tools that make tea
and the sweets have been put in the underground library, how do you spend the
"Mr. Hannallole, certainly a picnic is also good, but it may be better to move a bit if
you think about anything by chance."

Hildebrandt's neighbor, Arthur, is looking around with a nervous look.

"Well, why do not you go out for a walk, do you think it's difficult to see in the forest
if you are in the forest?"

1105 | 2523
I pointed at the forest spreading to the south side of the garden. In the forest where
the sunny leaves are dazzling and complicated on the ground, it seems that it will be
easier to spend than the garden of the library where the sun and sun hit the head as if
it were cranky.

"Rosezimine-sama is better to have a coward for one person and go into the forest a
bit, so if you touch too much sunshine you will lose physical condition."
"It has become a bit stronger though, but ... ...."

In Otily's words I sharpen my lips. After immersing himself in the second time Yurie,
I became quite strong. I was also away at the aristocrats and I think that Otiliier has
not been able to grasp my physical condition that was mostly spent in the temple even
after I returned to Ehrenfest.

"I know that Rosemain is becoming stronger little by little, but I am not allowed to
take care of it.If I lose my physical condition, I will not be able to go to the library for
a while"

...... That's right, but do not talk to Mr. Hannallole in front of Prince Hildebrand!

In Otily's words, I glance at the glance of Hannellore and Hildebrandt. Sure enough,
the two people who had collapsed suddenly at the tea party and their aides closed
their face with a deep blue and pointing to the forest.

"Rosemain, let's go to the forest, so it's okay to use a beasted creature, so if it comes
to letting the royal family help you and collapse, I ..."
"Oh, you are right, Prince Hildebrandt, Mr. Rosemain. If you proceed straight to the
south, you should have a dunkel fergier dormitory, perhaps you can look a little in the

You can not say 'walk for health' in the state issued permission from Hildebrand.
When I get on a lender bus for one person and get on, I head for the forest with
everyone. Even though everyone is walking, I am a little bit curious about the current
situation that myself is riding a beast.

... ... If I was as fast as Prince Hildebrandt, I could still walk.

Brother Cornelius flew Aldonants, and when Dharmell and Angelica joined, he was in
the forest.
1106 | 2523
Although I was slightly dissatisfied, I was riding a beast, but in the forest where
sunshine was interrupted as much as the growing trees, plenty of minus ions are very
comfortable. It feels like my head that I thought was variously understood.

"It is a strange feeling because the lords are not snowy but it is a very comfortable
"Yeah, I did not think that this is a beautiful place, as green and colorful flowers shine
on white buildings and are very colorful."

It is the same as me who knows only the lords covered in white, Hannaore was also
surprised at the beauty of the spring lord. After praising the beauty of the
surroundings, Hannellore begins to describe the impression of the Fellesnine story
that Magdalena had because he was there.
The two volumes of Fellenesne's story appeared to be happy after receiving the
prince's proposal, the opposition to the king, a demon that it will continue to the next
volume in a place where he was depressed as despair of mother-in-law's conspiracy
It was spec.

"I was really curious about the continuation, I was not worried and I could not bear
it.If it was not possible for Fel Nessine to be happy with this, Dunkel Ferger ... .... No,
what should I do?"

Hanne Rolle shook trembling with me trembling and saying so, she seems to have read
the Fellenesine story the same way Hildebrand shook his head with a smile.

"Hannaore, it's okay if you do not mourn like that, the prince will definitely go to help
Fellenetine, I love you deeply and I can not give it up."
"Oh, are you Rosemain?"

I was stared at the eyes of two hopeful people, and I laughed in spite of myself.

"Please read the third volume for the rest, please check the end with your own eyes. I
have you today."
"Well, it's true, I'm looking forward to it ... ... this time it's done and it's definitely done,

I asked me, as Hannaore squeezed a bit. There is no doubt that the Fellestine Story
will be completed in three volumes. When I nodded with a smile, Hannero finally
laughed as if I had relieved.
1107 | 2523
"... What is that? I can see something white building."

Angelica 's voice was searching from the top of the tree looking forward. There seems
to be some buildings that we can not see from our position, but not so big.

"Maybe, is not it Dunkel Ferger's dormitory?"

"No, it's not, Dunkel Ferger's dormitory is far away and it's not as small as that, it's a
building that is buried in trees and can not be seen by flying over the sky with a
cowardly beast"

Others also tilt their heads as if there are no buildings that would be thought of by
Angelica's words. The dormitory of each area is basically higher than the trees of the
forest. The basement, basement with underwork, the first floor with dining room and
multipurpose hall, the second floor with boys room, the third floor with girls room,
and the fourth floor are used as a storehouse. It is not a height that can be hidden in
trees of the forest very much.

"Please see what kind of place, if you are opening the building's surroundings, I would
like to take a break there."

Angelica uses my body strengthening in my words, moves from branch to branch with
a light movement and goes ahead. Two of the escort knights of Dunkel Ferger also
took the words of Hannaore and chased Angelica.

"The door was locked and closed, it is quite dirty and it seems like there has not been
any evidence that it has been used for more than a decade."
"Since we do not know the building, I think that it will not be noticeable even if you
take a break."

Listening to the report from the Scout Squad, we head for the building. As reported,
there are quietly white buildings surrounded by forest trees. If you look at the
conditions of surrounding grass growing and the condition of not being carefully
managed, you can see that nobody has visited here.

"If there are those who manage and devote magical power, white buildings will not
deteriorate, and there really is no one to visit here."
"It's really a small building, is it a forest management hut?"

1108 | 2523
In the words of Hildebrandt, Arthur returns the word "The management hut is
smaller". It is smaller than the dormitory and the castle, but it is bigger than the
management shop in the eastern shop and the forest. Since I can not find a window, I
can not see the inside. Although it was a strange building, the atmosphere where the
stone statues lined up on the left and right across the door reminded me of the state
of the gate somehow entering the temple from the downtown.

"... It might be a shrine, maybe"

"In the past, my grandfather seemed to have destroyed the shrine in the remote place
of the aristocrat in the middle of a treasure robbery, and in the aristocrat, there is a
god-honored shrine Did Sorangju ask you twenty wonders that there were bad
students who mischievous at all? Is this the shrine?

I talk about a stone statue placed on the left and right of the door similar to the gates
of the temple, I get out of a lesser bus and approach that building. It is impossible to
leave that the shrine where the gods were enshrined is so dirty.

"Do you like Rosemain?"

"Let's clean it for the time being, because we can not sit here and rest, as it is"

Although I was riding a beast, both Hildebrand and Hannale are walking quite well. I
would like to sit down and take a break. I took out the magical paper on which magic
teams were drawn from the waist bags so that I could work for the break I had ever

"what is that?"
"It is a magic team to assist regional magic that Clarissa was studying, which makes it
very easy to use wide-area magic."

I will put out Stap and put magical power in that magic team. If you chant the fluffy
and paper floating and shining the light while watching "Vashen", the next moment
the water wrapped the whole building. After several seconds the lump of water
disappears. It got dirty and it was a white building that glows shinefully.

"It is beautiful with this,"

"It is my first time to wash the building in Vächen"

1109 | 2523
After Entwickeln, Ferdinand washing the whole downtown all over, I thought that it
was a relatively major way though a lot of magical power would be needed. However,
it seems that it seems to be different if we look at the reaction in the surroundings.

"Without the magic team that will assist you, I can not do it indeed, thanks to Clarissa."
Ho ho ho ... .... "

I tried laughing and making it misguided, but it is probably due to Ferdinand that I do
not have enough common sense of aristocracy.

"Since it got pretty beautiful, let's rest a little a bit and you should be tired of Prince
Hildebrandt and Hannaore."

Hildebrand rushes over with a smile when I invite you to sit down in the stage in front
of the door and take a break.

"I am willing to say the word of Rosemain, but it's fine if it's about this distance,
because I am also training."

Although Royalty, Hildebrandt is the man who draws blood of Dunkel Ferger.
Apparently it seems quite hard. It seems I am not tired with this distance travel.
Apparently, Hannaore seems not to be tired separately, thinking whether to return
the side to the dormitory and prepare for tea.

...... I might have been a correct answer by riding a beast.

"Since the dormitory of Dunkel Verger is relatively close from here, will you have
some tea ready?"
"Since it is better to be inconspicuous, do not mind, it will be hard for the side to
prepare tea with a beast."

Hanna Rore nods in the words of Hildebrand's aides, "I will also take a short rest," I
will walk here for a break.

"Please come to Mr. Hannero, please tell me the impression of Fellenesine tale until
Mr. Magdalena comes to Ordonants"

I thrust my hand to the door and call Hannellore. At the next moment, I was sucked
into the door that should have been closed.
1110 | 2523

As soon as I blinked, my sight changed from a forest landscape to a shrine where the
statues of the gods were enshrined. Although there is no window, it is never dark
because the crystal clear blue stone board held by the statue in the center of the shrine
is shining light and shining the interior of the shrine.
Inside of 12 to 13 tatami mattresses are 13 rows of gods in line. When seeing how
strange statues lined up with spears and beautiful stones with blue stone boards, it
turned out that this is a shrine dedicated to Leiden shaft of fire.

"I saw this shrine for the first time"

There is a stone statue of Supreme God and five pillars of Ogami on the altar of the
temple and the lords, but it is the first time I saw the shrine where only the attributes
of the fire where all the fellows were arranged was enshrined.

"Wow, there seems to be some benefit for growth"

I raised my hands and a hand and it was a prayer pose. And we will pray for the fellows

"Lead Shaft of Fire, Air Godren God of Guidance, God Earwax of Training ......"

...... Please continue to grow like us!

When I pray, Pahu and magical power are sucked into the blue stone board of Leiden
Shaft. As I looked at it, the blue stones gleamed gently and I saw characters engraved.

What is it?

I approached the blue stone board which I see for the first time and I read the letters.

"My prayers came to me, giving the words to acknowledge that and get the book of
Mestionola from the Leiden shaft ..."

There, the sentence was interrupted by being interrupted by the finger of Leiden
shaft. I do not know what the heck "words for getting the book of Mestionola" is what

1111 | 2523
it is. I complained to the stone statue "I can not read with this way, Leyden Shaft!" And
picked up a blue stone board.

"It is not enough for my words alone, the candidate for the next term gets words from
all the gods"

As soon as I finished reading the last word, a blue stone board was sucked into me. I
will assimilate with Stap in myself. I felt that this blue stone board was a mixture of
the magical power of prayer that I had devoted so far and "the will of God". At the
same time, the words given by Leiden Shaft comes to me as if when the names of the
gods of darkness and the goddess of light were engraved on their heads.


"Well, I will sit here."

Hannale was approaching with a smile, and sat down in front of the door. I strangely
look around the circumference in a strange sense that time has not passed. I was
standing outside the shrine the next moment the word given from the Leiden shaft
caught my mouth. It seems as if Leiden Shaft was calling me with the purpose of giving
that word.

"Rosemain, how are you doing?"

"No, it's nothing"

I smile to Hannaore and smile. The surrounding landscape does not change. No one
has noticed that I was inside the shrine. However, the words floating in my mind have
not disappeared.

...... Words to get the book of Mestionora?

The wisdom goddess Mes Tionola's book, it was a sweet temptation that was hard to
resist for me.

1112 | 2523
...... I want to read, the book of Mestionola.

While listening to the conversation between Hildebrandt and Hannaore, I idly think
about the book of Mestionola.

...... It is a goddess' s book. What on earth is it? I'm looking forward to. ......, that? When
I say Mestionola, it is usually Gurtris Height, is not it? Could it be a system I can not

The reality comes back to the head which was tempted to read. As soon as it was taken
into the shrine by himself, he should have contacted the escort knights before reading
the stone plate, or should not have approached the doubtful stone plate in the first
place, or his behavior from a realistic point of view I can see.

...... It looks like it was like when I wondered about the goddess' s water bath in the
evening of Fleet Lane.

There must have been some magical interference, such as forgetting to contact the
accompanying person unnaturally, Ferdinand and others not entering. Is that feeling
in that shrine too?

...... Let's calm down and think calmly.

I think that it is very bad for me to get Gurtris Height if the book of Mestionola is
Gurtris Height. I do not want to get a Gurtris Height, nor do I want to be a Tent. If you
do not want to get involved in extra things, it is best to stifle your mouth without
putting out your hands.

However, if I miss this opportunity I can not absolutely read the goddess's book. I
want to read. I would like to read it extremely. I can not lie that feeling.

...... Besides, the royalty is looking for Gurtris Height, right? You want clues a bit, do
not you?

1113 | 2523
It is desperately translating just under the information that there is knowledge
necessary for becoming a Tent to an underground archive. I think my experience is
pretty valuable and it will be great information.

...... Precious is valuable, is it possible to do in the same way?

Perhaps I think that some of the lights that flew when the pillars of light stood were
the source of the blue stone. In other words, you must bless that much, devote magical
power, and set up a pillar of light. I wonder if the royal family in a serious condition
with the supply of magical power in the center can bless like the pillars of light rise
steadily at the lords.

...... What if we can not be a royalty?

What I can not do is to lose to others and live The first thing that comes up to me is "I
do not want people to do it." You can get a Gurtris Height for those who are likely to
get it. It was perfect unless one who could be obtained was me.

...... So what will the royal family do if I get Gurritris Height?

It would be nice if I could easily transfer it to the royal family once I read it, but when
Ferdinand aimed for the throne it would have been difficult to become a back shield
at Ehrenfest. I am the same. And Ferdinand was headed to Ahrensbach as a son - in -
law as a king so that he could not be Tsento. It is highly likely that similar things will
fall to yourself so that you can not get to the throne, or the current royalty will get
Gurtris Height.

...... For the royal family, we should provide information, but for myself it is better to
have a good mouth. Really what to do?

I want to talk to someone, but I do not remember who I can talk to. Well, when I moved
my eyes on my head in trouble, the blue line was running in the sky. Several blue light
comes out from the roof of the shrine.

"... What is that blue light?"

"Which blue light?"

Hildebrandt and Hannero looked up to where I pointed, and it turned out a strange
face. It seems that there is no unnatural blue light visible so clearly. It seems that not
1114 | 2523
just the two of us but also the aides are visible, we are staring our eyes and tilting our
heads. No matter how much you insist on invisible people, you do not understand. I
blinked several times and shook my head.

"... It seems that it was my mistake in seeing it because it looked up and my eyes were
dazzling through the sunbeams through the trees."
"It's more dazzling than you thought"

Hannale was looking up at the same way and narrowed his eyes narrowly. There is a
blue line in that direction, but it does not seem to be visible at all.

...... What is there beyond the line of blue light?

When I looked up at the top and was staring, the Aldonants flew away. White birds
who stuck in Arthur 's arms and opened their mouths were Magdalena' s voice and
told it three times to return to the underground archive.

"Did I get a little outdoors and changed my mood?"

When returning to the underground archive, the servants prepared the tea quickly.
Tea is very tasty as I roamed around the outside and thirsty. Ask about how
Magdalena spent outside while drinking tea.

"Yes, my mother, Dr. Sorangju opened the key and was able to get out of the closed
library, which was the backyard of the library, but because the sun is strong on
Rosemain it will go into the forest I rested in front of the shrine there. "

I was locked in, but I could not get it, but Hildebrandt reports my behavior outside
mother. Magdalena urged us with a gentle smile that is kind to my son "did not get in,
why did you know that it was a shrine?"

"Rosemain says it resembles the entrance to the temple of Ehrenfest"

"Is that so ... ... There was only that meaning in the priestess of the aristocrat, that
shrine also has something meaningful?"

1115 | 2523
In the words of Magdalena being muted by thinking a little, I wanted to nod out that
"It already has a very significant meaning." Avoid telling it clearly, I will convey
unbroken information.

"It seems to have already been restored, but it seems there was a shrine where my old
man was destroyed, as I mentioned that it is a remote place of the aristocrat, I think
that it is different from the shrine in the previous year. Will not we express the place
where we arrive by walking from the library a little? "

The neighborhood where the central building, the civil building, the side building and
the library gather is the center of the aristocrat. I think that the expression of Midori
is better around dorms dotted. Was this information reported that there are other
shrines so far? When I looked at everyone's thing, it seems that it was steadily
transmitted to Hannaore.

"Well, there may be places that are dedicated to other similar shrines and gods, are
not there any maps of the nobleman managed by the royal family or key?
"In the past, each one independently created a map describing the dormitory of each
district for Ditters, but I have never heard of the map of the shrine managed by the
royal family.The Sorangu and the Royal Palace Library Let's ask the librarian. "

Magdalena said so. By the way, Ferdinand 's Dittin' s book should have a map of a
simple lords. It might be a good idea to look it up when you return to the dormitory.

"What kind of story did you talk with Magdalena, Dietlinde?"

"... .... The person who gave the candidate for the next term is distinctively unique, I
was really amazed.Well, let's do the work with this talking and I do not have much

Magdalena smiled with Nicolle and said to break up the break, which content you do
not want to talk so much.

...... The first wife of Dunkel Ferger was also surprised. I do not think it will be said to
Magdalena about what you said in a closed library, but because of Dietrinde ... ....

Dietlinde was saying rude things at the tea ceremony at the House of Lords, but
basically it was for the lower aristocrat, so it was something that could hurt your
eyebrows. Since Auburn Ahrensbach passed away, it is unlikely that anything rude to

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the royal family higher than himself would be done beyond being at the top in
Ahrensbach, and the aides could not forgive.

But, considering how Magdalena talked about it, it became extremely uneasy. It seems
that he announced the candidate for the next generation for the current royal family.
When Dietlinde is overwhelmed against the royal family, chances are that Ferdinand
becoming her husband will become a consolidated seat. I can not help thinking that
the star knot was postponed. Ferdinand, a fiancée who can not come to the lord's
conference, should not become a consortent yet, even if Dietlinde makes something

...... I suppose, you may as well as getting a Gurritris Height early?

If you get a Gurritrisheit, you will be able to confront the royalty with a royalty by
negotiating with the royal family, "I will give you a Gurtris Height, so please return
only Feldinand!", In case of negligence I can not even get to his seat. It will be
impossible only to see Ferdinand becoming a Dietlinde joint.

...... Is it also said that I am worried too much?

I hold my chest gently. If Dietlinde is a type that says to Magdalena as it is as it was

saying in a closed library, my worry should be reality a long time. I will not be angry
at my discretion worried without permission.

...... The book of Mestionola is not necessarily Gurritosheito. Perhaps it may be

necessary to get the Gurtris Height, and even if it is a Gurritosheit it can not be thought
that it is readily available. Let's search for it for the moment.

When I received paper and writing instrument from Otilie, I entered the underground
library. Schwartz looks up at me and says "Dear, nobody goes on." For me who just
got a blue stone board, prayer is certainly not enough.

...... You have to check from the position of the shrine where you do not know where
you are.

"Hey, Black Forest. Do you have documents like a map of the House of Lords that
wrote the location of the shrine to pray?"
"is there"

1117 | 2523
As I asked somehow, Black Footstone served a number of white stone plates. The
stone board which Schwarz takes out is dotted in the right from the center of the
bookshelf. It seems that it was in a part that I could hardly reach in my reading method
reading from the upper left.

"Thank you, Schwarz"

When I crouch on the forehead of Schwarz, I will check the map that was lined up. In
a very rough map and a detailed map the number of shrimp points is quite different,
so I do not know where to pray where prayers should be deduced. In addition, this
map does not have a dormitory or landmark on each area, so I do not really know
where it is. Make a copy of it and check it by checking with the map created for Ditter
after returning to the dormitory. It will take time to check the location.

"Rosemain, it's the end!"


Suddenly picked up a stone board and surprised him up and raised his face, the
adoptive father was passing white stone board to Schwarz.

"When you really concentrate on books, you do not seem to hear the surrounding
voice, do you think you asked how many times?"
"……I do not know"

I was hurried by the adopting father-in-law to "quickly dismissed" and handed the
paper finished in the modern translation to Magdalena, folding the map I copied in my
leather bag.

"Your father-in-law greeted me to pick you up."

"Naturally it would not be possible to put pregnant Florentia in such a huge magical

An underground archive that receives selection under strong magical power is said to
be a huge magic tool from the door of a closed library. I do not want to include a foster
mother because I do not know what effect the baby in the belly is affected.

1118 | 2523
"If you do not feel like putting a foster mother into the library, are your adopted father
come to pick us up every day?"
"I'm going for that, see, come."

I do not understand the meaning of hands handed out to the adoptive father, I am
confused and tilt my head. How is this done?

"What are you doing lazy? Are you dissatisfied with my escort?"
"No, that's not the case .... I just did not think that adoptive father escorted except
foster mother"
"When Florentia is in, Florentia is the top priority,"

I extended my hand to my adopted father and left the library while asking me to
escort. When going up the stairs, when you get down, you treated like a nobleman
princess carefully from your adoptive father, it makes me feel strange.

As I left the library, the sun had already been leaning. I walked by being escorted to
the adoptive father at the dusk corridor. Even though it is handed down in the
commoner era, there was hardly any way to hold on to someone's arms and walk like
this, and even when I became a nobleman I have never walked like this except during
the party.

...... I have walked with my grandfather's hand but I felt a more serious mission than
escorting, because in the first place in Ehrenfest's castle I'm riding a beast.

"Rosemain, do you have a strange face that far?"

"...... I am not used to such an escort, so I am a little confused."
"Are you familiar with Ferdinand and Villefriit?"

Although my adoptive father became a surprised face, it is here that I want to be

surprised. There is no such thing as such two escorts in everyday life.

"Ferdinand does not escort in everyday life ... Oh, but when I ran fast when walking
too fast and grasped my sleeves, I adjusted the speed with which I walked to the extent
that I would not collapse."
"Huh? Is that enough?"

I was told only that, so I recall what I desperately did for Ferdinand.

1119 | 2523
"Well, when you let me join the beast, I picked it up and let it down, because I was
unable to get on and off alone because of the height problem."
"... What about Wilfried?"
"When you are in the party, but please do it in everyday life .... Oh, when we headed
for a lecture at the House of Peers, we carried heavy luggage to the classroom of the
Lord Course where the aides could not enter"

Hannorore was also surprised at that, and it was said that it was a friendly fiance. In
my words my adoptive father will be frustrated and frightening.

"There are many things in the castle where you are riding a coward, but what do the
fiancées do in walking in the aristocrats?"
"Even if such a thing is told, I think that there are few students who are acting
everyday in the lords and acting everyday."
"I was doing it"

...... Escort was pretty exciting to Florentia.

It would be unavoidable to think that do not compare yourself who desperately

wanted to turn their foster mothers back. However, I think that it is better for
Feldinand and Villefried to follow these politeness.

"Compared with Ferdinand and Mr. Villefried, my adoptively carefully touched the
woman, honestly, I was surprised."
"Rather, I did not think that my younger brother was going to be so bad so far, it is not
fresh for everyday life to work without having to do it at the feast etc ..."
"Because Ferdinand's get treated, the treatment becomes more frustrating."

I think there are places where it is quite somewhat ridiculous not just for me, but for
my adoptive treatment. It gives me an extremely detailed anxiety and gentle things
are gentle, but handling is not polite. In my words the adoptive father looked over me
with a complex smile.

"What is it?"
"No, I just thought of it that there is something unknown unless time passes."
"...... I think that youthfulness is not enough for recently adopted fathers"
"Who do you think you are blaming?"

... .... Is it my fault? Excuse me.

1120 | 2523
When I felt nostalgic that Beno was well scolded like this, I remembered that I must
tell a story that I would take away from my adoptive father.

"It is a story that may be lost youth from the adoptive father, but ...."
"I do not want to hear it, but you have to ask questions?"

My adoptive father urged ahead while doing a disgusting face. While walking with me,
I open my mouth. There are aides in the vicinity, but it is not a story that you have to

"It seems that the magic team emerged when the rite of star knotting came"
"Oh, what did you do with it?"
"I did not notice because I was watching over to pray, but that seems to have been a
magic team that picked up the next Tent candidates just as Dietlinde shined at the
graduation ceremony."

It seems that Sigiswald is admitted to the surroundings as a candidate for the next
generation. It is a congratulation by itself, but that magic team only sorts. You can not
become a Tento just by shining that magic team.

"I was convinced that the central shrine wanting a legitimate Tent is desperate to
revive the old ritual, as the temple of the temple that can revive the ritual, from now
on, the strange You may be getting into a side-spear. "

When I muttered, my adoptive finger banging my hand gently on my left arm lightly
with my right hand.

"Do not be afraid. There is king's approval for Wilfried's engagement, and I have no
intention of resolving it."

...... What will happen if I get a Gurtris Height and gain qualification for Tento? I want
to prepare to help Ferdinand in the worst situation.

I am trying to protect me by all means, but I can not say to my adopted father, who
said that he would treat Ferdinand as a person of another territory. I have no intention
of saying it because I do not plan to become a Tent.
Instead, I will report on the fact that Dietlinde came to the underground library, and
the conversation that was exchanged at the closed library.
1121 | 2523
"I do not know something about the flowers of the shratarum, but it seems to be
available only in Ahrensbach, then there seems to be something involved between
Ortansia's husband, the chief of the knights of the Central Order and Georgine "
"As for the silver cloth, it would be better for you to think whether your father-in-law
will contact the royal family and whether you can let us know with the exception of
the knight's head."

My adoptive father became a difficult face in my words. For the adoptive father, the
head of the central knight is a stranger with little knowledge. I do not know that
Ferdinand is an enemy and it is the cause of letting go to Ahrensbach. I had said that
Ferdinand did not intend to say to his adopting father and I am confident that I can
not explain without speaking about Adal Gisa related story.

"It may be good to inform the royal family in the library as soon as we came to pick
you up,"

And, when I returned to the dormitory, I got a map that was used in the old ditters out
of the teaching materials for the knight course on the multipurpose hall bookshelf.
People seem to be busy preparing after tomorrow, so stop spreading at the
multipurpose hall and take it to your room.

"Rosemain, what are you doing?"

Léonore peeked into the map interestingly. It may be natural because I brought the
teaching materials of the knight course suddenly. I spread the paper that I covered in
the underground library and I will check the area around the shrine.

"There was a map showing the place where there is a shrine like today in the
underground archive. It is too concise so I do not know where it is, so I try to match
this map .... Oh, this circle is today It's a shrine. "
"I think that it is no doubt that it is a little south from the library.This is a little behind
the civil building and this is the back of the side building ...... Rosemain, centering
around the central building, Do not you think there is a shrine at? "

1122 | 2523
As Léonore stared at the map, he said so. I also gaze at the map. To be told, it is true.
Somewhat larger circle, which is the same as today's shrine, is nearly equidistant near
the center.

"The small circle is dotted in the aristocrats"

"Because it's different in size, it may be showing different things,"
"I will report it in the underground library tomorrow"

As I say so, clean up the map, I think desperately. I want to go around these shrines
during the lord's meeting. It is impossible to go to such a place in the winter

...... But how? I can not go where I want to go, I guess.

It is funny that minors who do not participate in the Lord 's Conference will go around
the aristocracy, there is no reason for the Akima to let us go. "I want to read Frédinand
to get the Gurtris Height and I want to read the most," and it is decided that I will get

The next day, when I went to underground archives, Anastasiusus and Egranthine
came. It seems that we will make a modern translation in the morning.

"I looked up the position of the shrine, it seems to be on the circumference at nearly
even intervals around the central building, do not you think there is any secret?"

When I report while expanding the map, overlooking the map I copied with my eyes
rounded while saying that Anastasiusus is "certainly doubtful".

"Let's find it at the Royal Palace Library for further information"

"Prince Anastigius, I contacted the Royal Palace Library yesterday"

Magdalena seems to move agilely to make use of the collected information. Anastigius
rinses to Magdalena and rises.

"I want to see the shrine once, because it is difficult to explain to my father if I do not
know what it is like,"
"... ... That's right, right?"
1123 | 2523
When Magdalena stood up, the royal family went out to confirm the shrine yesterday,
using Hildebrand as a guide.
Me and Hannaore remain in the underground archive and continue the modern
translation. It will be quite easy if you are just two people.

"I began to read the Fellenessine story I borrowed yesterday, I was scolded by
Cordura because I could not stop it, I am a little sleepy today."

It seems that he seemed to have slept with a relieved feeling though he was concerned
with continuation, as it seemed that he had read with guts to the place where the
prince jumped in in order to shake off the restraint of Cordura and help Fel nestine.

"I am looking forward to reading until the end"

Continuing a modern translation, Anastasius who went to see the shrine came back. I
look at me like an inferior Eglantine says something.

"What's the matter, Egrandine?"

"Rosemain, I have something I would like to talk to you, could you please give me some

I was asked to Egrantine, I was stared at Anastasiusu, I nodded and nodded.

"If I can serve you"

1124 | 2523
I was invited by the tea ceremony of the Rikyu that consultation from Egrantine is not
a talk that can be done in the library. Apparently it seems to be quite an emergency
situation, if possible, it seems to be good tomorrow morning. I have no plans other
than underground archives, and since it is an invitation of Egranthine, I do not mind
it at all times.

"What on earth are you talking to Rosemain?"

"That is ... ... When the story with Rosemain is over, I will talk to Anastigius."
"Egrantine, what do you mean, then it sounds as if he refused me?"

Anastasiusus asked with the low voice in which anger caught me, but Egrantine
looked at Anastasiusus as he does not feel like turning his opinion at all.

"I'd like to talk to Rosemain, please refrain from the tea ceremony of tomorrow,
"Rejecting it, in most cases when involving Rosemain it is inconceivable that it is
essential to keep track of the situation, so we will not yield it"

The battle between Egrantine and Anastigius is continuing from the past. I do not
mind being anastasis went to attend. Since it is troublesome to be stared at
Anastasisus, it is good if you decide so that they can be convinced.

...... I would rather be interested in seeing how healthy an Egranthine looks bad.

Because the important wife is having a blue face, Prince Anastigius also thinks that it
would be better to worry about his physical condition than such a discussion, but he
seems to be unable to give way to attending the tea party. Since I must prolong if I
poorly speak, I decide to face the literature in the library until the settlement arrives.

...... Prince Anastigius is jealous at the troublesome level.

"Rosemain, what will be the schedule for tomorrow? Because royal invitations are not
scheduled during the lord's conference, we need to report and prepare to Aub."

1125 | 2523
I quickly took a break with "I can not keep up with a fighting fight," Otiliy who was not
accustomed to royal correspondence seemed unlikely to be able to switch so easily,
so I asked anxiously.

If you visit the royal family, you need various preparations such as costumes and
souvenirs. Depending on the results of the battle between the two people, I can not do
a side job if I do not know what the schedule for tomorrow will be. Especially, it was
said that the lord must not be shown at this lord conference, so there was no schedule
to be invited by royalty. Otirye 's head is in a great confusion.

"What will happen? I just can not tell if this is not the case for the two of us."

When I saw them, I was in trouble, putting my hands on my cheeks, Magdalena, who
was drinking tea, set up a cup and got up. Then, proceeding in front of the two people,
I exhilarate exhale.

"Prince Anastigius, Egrandine, both of us are somewhat ugly."

"Magdalena ... ..."

I looked up to Magdalena to say BASARI to Anastasiusus and EGRANTINE in the

bottom of my heart. It is absolutely impossible to me even for Hannaore who is
watching the state while taking distance little by little from the two of us.

"Prince Anastasiusus does not know if Gedululhi has fallen into surrounding salvation
and thought about taking distance from Avilibe? Would it be better for you to return
to my studies and study myths again ? "

Anastigius became vigorous in reprimanding Magdalena of an amnesty voice. The god

of life that was surely rejected by the goddess of the earth must have had such a look.

"There are things I'd like to talk about among women among women, there are
reasons that we can only refuse tolerant Eglantine who accepts the opinion of Prince
Anastigius usually I understand such feelings, Do not you think that it is necessary as
a husband? "

Murderena turned his red eyes towards Egranthine, when I threatened Anastasiusus
with a threat to you if you tied too much like Aveilibe.

1126 | 2523
"If Egrantine also wants to talk about Prince Anastadiusus, it is not something that
you know is going to runaway. You should speak to Rosemain san after the discussion
is over. Otherwise, frustration of Prince Anastigius will be directed to Rosemain. "

An embarrassed expression of Egrantine makes me a troubled face and compares me

with Anastigiusus. Magdalena kept his eyes looking at Egrandine a little soft and

"The talks with the royal family suddenly go into the schedule for the next day is a
burden not only for those who received the invitation, but for those around them,
which is not a good condition, but a bit of attentiveness is enough I do not have it. "
"... .... I seem to have been disturbed too much, I am sorry I did not think"

Egrantine apologizes to Magdalena and me.

"I'd like to talk to Rosemain in an emergency, but it seems like I have to talk to
Anastadisus earlier.Ms Rosemain, I am sorry, please do not hesitate to contact me
again later"

Egrantine is serious as not having a tea ceremony unless you manage your husband's
emotions first. I told Egrantine "Do not worry," and thank Magdalena for holding this
place and enter the library. The schedule of the tea ceremony was postponed, and the
relief of Otieri was reflected at the edge of sight.

Until my father-in-law got picked up, I made a modern translation and returned to the
dormitory together. When I told that I was going to be invited from Egrantine on that
road, my adoptive father attracted a big deal of attention.

"Why the minor is invited to the royal residence? Is it useless to talk at the library?"
"It was said that there was something I wanted to consult from Mr. Egrantine ... ... I
have not heard anything yet, so I guess it is just an imagination, but I have a question
related to the divine, I received a question about the temple before I have done it. "

I looked down at my words with a look that my adoptive father could not convince.

1127 | 2523
"Whether to consult it ... Well, it is easy for the other person to ask questions about
the priest as it is not good between the central temple and the royal family, but ... It is
only anxiety"
"I heard that Prince Anastigius also wanted to attend for the same reason as the
adoptive father.The schedule has not been decided yet as Egranthine was refused but
I will let you know again when details are decided."

Eventually, it seems that Anastigius warned by Magdalena "broke up rather than

being hated by Egrantine ...", and consultation with Egrantine came two days later.
Until then, I made a modern translation and took lunch and on the way home I
returned to the dormitory with my adopted father. Since one day passes by this, it is
not in such a state that I can go out to search for a shrine very much.

...... It is important to make time to act, but we need to do a preliminary examination.

If you think to go around the shrine quickly, you will be in trouble if you do not know
the place.

"Angelica, Damuel. How are the two of you spending the day?"

After dinner I asked the two who are watching outside of the library, and Angelica
answered "I am watching the corridor leading to the library".

"Maybe Dietlinde may come again so we should be aware of it, Cornelius and Leonore
"Is that so .... Why do not either one find a shrine based on this map? I think that it is
not too hard as it is at approximately equal intervals around the central building. Even
substitution is good. "

While showing a map, they explain that there must be a shrine just as if they were in
the south of the library, they accepted us pleasantly. It seems I am tired of being in a
similar place, seeming to alternate lookouts and shrine searching in the morning and

"How is Rosemain going to find a shrine?"

1128 | 2523
Clarissa, who should be acting with civil servants preparing for the next day, suddenly
came into conversation. I smile with Nicol and answer "I will cleanse".

"You can not leave the place where God comes, I cleaned the shrine the other day, but
the magic team of wide area magic that Clarissa studied was very useful"
"I am happy to serve Rosemain's sister, but ... how did you use that magic team?"

I talk about Damuel washing the shrine in a mysterious Clarissa. I decided to hold back
to sad clarassa that I wanted to be there.

"Because Hannorore was with you, I think that the current story is also grasped by
Dunkel Ferger, but it is happening in the category of assistance of the royal family, so
please do not use it any more. Hartmut who is listening to it is useless.
"Certainly yes"

While we were talking about such things, Otilie and Rieselaer were busy preparing to
meet the royal family. There are a lot of parts that relied on Brünhild for interaction
with the upper rank and royalty. Ask Richard who is coming to the dormitory as a
sidewalk of the adoptive father as well to request support and prepare costumes and
handicrafts etc.

"When I go to Rosemain and the House of Lords, every day will be in this state, the
gray tear just entering the aide is being trained more than I expected."

Even if I listen to the story, Otieri who had never actually responded to royalty at the
House of Lords had a bitter smile saying so.

"Thank you for stopping by, Rosemain Mr."

After the greeting, Egrantine tastes tea and sweets one by one and recommends. It is
a strange feeling that there is really no Anasutasuususu and only Egrantine and two
people are.

"The eyes of Egrantine are getting a little better, it was palpable when I came back
from the shrine, so I was worried."
"I've worried about you, it's all right now because I used too much magical power."
"Did Egranthine also play Vashen to the shrine?"
1129 | 2523
When I ask questions without any other idea of using a large amount of magical power
at the shrine, Egrantine rounds the bright orange eyes and smiles with couscous.

"Because Rosemain was purifying, we did not have to clean the shrine,"

Because it is a couple, Egrantine's Rikyu is the same as Anastasiusus. Today,

Anastasisus seems to be going to the underground library alone. As a result of
Egrantine paying off, we became only two people. Nevertheless, Egranthine puts out
a witchcraft and presents a magical tool to prevent eavesdropping.

"I was surprised, because I did not think that Egranthine would tough to exclude
Prince Anastigius"

As I talk about it while drinking tea, Egrantine smiled, "If you consult Rosemain, I think
you can talk to Anastasiusus ... ...".

"What kind of consultation would you like to serve with me ... ...."
"On the day I offered to consult you, did you go to check the shrine?"

Egranthine started talking while gazing at me. As I went to the shrine with the guide
of Hildebrand, as soon as I touched the door, I felt like I was drawn into the magical
power and pulled in, I heard he was in the shrine when I noticed it.

...... It is almost same as my time.

I did not feel like being deprived of magical power separately, but according to
Egranthine, there is not much, but it seems that it seemed like a magical power was
drawn from Stap.

... ... Maybe I did not notice it because I was withdrawn less?

I always have a magic stone amulet on the whole body, I am always in a state where
magical power is sucked by some manastone. Therefore, even if it is pulled out for a
while, it does not feel uncomfortable as usual. It can be said that it is somewhat
insensitive to the outflow of my magical power.

1130 | 2523
"That shrine was the one where the god of fire and its ancestors were
worshiped.When I looked up the statue of Leiden Shaft, I felt I had to pray
unexpectedly ... ... I danced in the dedication dance is"

...... I prayed that I would like to grow like a crowd.

There seems to be a bit of individual difference in the actions that preceded God. In
my case, the dedication dance did not glimpse a glimpse of me. The act of sacrificing
prayers to God is dedicated to Egranthine.

"It was as if the magical powers were pulled out without permission as if we were
dancing with the manastone on the stage of the auditorium, but I was dancing without
doubt even wondering about it. Then when dedicating magical powers, gradually the
blue magic stone began to form in the hands of Leiden Shaft. "

... Well? From the time I entered, there was a blue stone board in the hand of the
Leiden shaft, did not I?

The Leiden shaft I saw had a blue stone board in her hands from the beginning. I was
gladly shining and I saw that the letters were engraved, so I thought that it was an
unexpected blue stone board with a blue manastone.

... ... Maybe, is it the difference of the magical powers dedicated so far?

The feeling when I got a blue stone board was that the magical power of the prayer I
had devoted so far was mixed with "the will of God", so I think that it is probably

"Since magical power has almost disappeared in dedication dance, I used a recovery
medicine that has been lowered to my waist from the usual. It has no effect of the
recovery drug that Rosemain gave out, but it is very good to recover the medicine
That's it. "

Egrantine seems to have recovered magical power with the recovery drug used in the
royal family. In that case, it seems that I feel like I have to pray again.

"Oh, did you pray again after he recovered?"

"Well, I felt like I had to do it."

1131 | 2523
After all, Egrantine seems to have carried out magical power until I completely
exhausted all the recovery medicine I had on my back.

"When the end was over, the blue magic stone had grown quite large, but I was still
inscribed that prayer was not enough."

...... How much you want to exploit the magical power, Leyden Shaft! Is it?

And it seems that Egrantine was out as if the magical power runs out as if it had been
driven out of the shrine.

"I spent a long time in the shrine, but it seems that the time did not change at all when
going out and the others did not enter the shrine."

While he pushed the door, Anastasiusus said that he was not inside because "the key
is really closed." It seems that Magdalena and Hildebrand did not change anything.

"Hey, Mr. Rosemain, that shrine is not a shrine that the candidate for the next
symposium prays for prayers. Some of the stone plates in the underground archive
were engraved with the wording that they would turn around and pray many times
What will happen when prayer is enough and the blue manastone is completed? "

In the words of Egranthine I am inclined to head "What will happen?" If the next
generation candidate comes out from the royal family, you should not tell me about
me. I will have to sell a quarrel to the royal family rather than Dietlinde, a self-
proclaimed next-generation candidate, like "I already have a blue stone board."

"... but, did Rosemain get inside, too?"

"Why do you think so?"
"If you are praying at the temple and Rosemain who has increased the protection, I
think that I will put it in that shrine and what I was not surprised by my story"

I was thinking about the difference between Egrantine and myself, so it certainly did
not surprise me. It is a failure. I should have been more surprised at the exaggeration.

"Oh, I was very surprised, I could not hear a voice .... The most surprised me was the
part that took a magic stone on the stage of the auditorium, so that the royal family
would light the magic team Did you try? "

1132 | 2523
I devote myself to a topic. Egrantine smiled and answered.

"Well, I guess Rosemain and Mr. Ferdinand have taught that it is a magic team to elect
candidate candidates for the next term? After the graduation ceremony, we perform
a ceremony to re-obtain protection, and the royal family makes a magic team I
challenged you whether you can shine it. "

Because Dietlinde was able to shine, it seems that the royal family also danced while
wearing manastones releasing magical powers. In that case, it seems that the four
people, Traquerel, Sigismwald, Anastasiusus and Egranthine, were able to shine the
selected magic team.

"Although Zento, Prince Sigismwald, Anastajusus, who became all attributes by doing
ceremonial rituals, was able to make the magic team shine, I was the only one who
put it in that shrine. What is the difference between me and Mr.?
"It's Stap."

I was inclined my head to the twinkling Egranthine, "Is not it reported by Magdalena?"

"At the end of yesterday, I was on a stone board that I was translating into a modern
language, how to use a small shrine ... ...."

A small shrine is a sacred god of worshipers, and if praying is devoted, it seems that
manastones will be made in the same way as the story of Egrantine earlier. It seems
that you can enhance the attributes by getting it. It seems that you can get the
protection of the Ogami by getting all the magical stones of the sacred god, there was
a royal word that desperately prayed during the student days.

"You can only get Stap once in a lifetime?" So it seemed that he was desperate trying
to get the protection of Ogami by the time to obtain Stap before his graduation.Stand
of the candidate of Zent is obtained in the beginning garden It seems you have to do,
did Egrandine get there? "
"... ... I knew the name of the beginning garden for the first time, but I got it in a place
that is not surprising even if called like that"

After saying that with a stunning face, Egrantine dropped his shoulders like it was

1133 | 2523
"Well then, is not Prince Sigismwald, who lacked attributes when getting Stapt, is not
included in the shrine of fire God and can not become a candidate for the next term
"Prince Sigiswald may be impossible, but if Prince Hildebrandt, there is a possibility
There is a possibility, I will return the time to obtain Stap before graduation, pray with
a small shrine and increase the attribute, all in a ceremonial ritual If I can get
protection from the Ogami of Okami, I think that I can be a candidate for the next Tent.

I think that Hildebrand will do something because there is guts to try hard to
compress magical powers in that year. If you do not want the Egrantine to stand on
the table, you can do better with Hildebrandt. I understand how to get the protection
of Ogami, so it will manage somehow. The problem is whether the current Tent has
its own right until Hildebrandt adulthood.

"... Rosemain, the next generation was announced as Prince Sigiswald, and if Prince
Hildebrandt became a candidate for the next term, Jurgen Schmidt will be ruined

Sigiswald was able to shine the magic team and was given a blessing which has never
before been given in the star knotting ceremony. From now on, it seems that the
center is gathering together in order to make the gigantic world the next king.
Egrandine and Hildebrandt can not afford discord in there.

"I understand the feelings of Egrantine who wants to avoid becoming a cannon, but it
is clear that the absence of Gurtris Height itself is the cause of Jurgen Schmidt's
roughness opening and closing the border gate, The problem will be solved if there is
a Gurritris Height, is not it necessary to have a Gurtris Height as soon as possible? "
"That's right, but ...."

Still, there seems to be a resistance to himself getting Gurtris' height in Egrantine. I

think there are traumas in which my parents brothers were killed.

...... Well, should I get a Gurtris Height as soon as possible and make it be possible to
give Prince Sigismwald in exchange for returning Ferdinand to Ehrenfest?

I thought so, when I saw the Egrantine looking as if I could not consult with
Anastasiusus who could not enter the shrine.
But, I do not speak.
1134 | 2523
Perhaps, I think I am the closest to Gurritris Height. As the blue stone board was
completed at the time of entering the shrine, other shrines could get the stone board
without much trouble.

But ... before, Ferdinand says that there is a Gurtris Height in "a library that only royals
can enter and not open".

There is a possibility that the condition can not be satisfied no matter how much you
gather stones. It would be better not to have such a strange expectation that it might
be able to give Gurtriswheat to Sigiswald.

"If you examine the stone board, there may be information necessary for Prince
Sigismwald to get Gurritris Height"

When I mentioned the good beauty of my ear, I got a noble smile, Egrantine gently
looked down after seeing me as if he said anything.

"Thank you for taking the time to consult, Rosemain sama"

I left the Egrandine shrine and I returned to the dormitory. I received a report from
the angelica and Damuel that I finished examining the location of the shrine.

1135 | 2523
I understood the location of the shrine, but I can only go back to the shrine with the
underground library and dormitory. Well, what should I do? If we can go for a walk
with Hannaore or Hildebrand as we did the other day, the story will be early, but we
can not do that which is told to not go out of the outside.

I will head for the underground archive without a good idea coming up. It seems that
there is Anastasium and Egranthine in the morning. I seemed to be the usual day, as I
nodded, I had writing instruments.

"Rosemain, please wait a while."

"What, Egrandine?"

Having been stopped, I turn around. Next to Egrantine who smiled gently, there was
Anastasiusus who had a bitter face.

"Let's go to the shrine and ours today"

"I'd like to see how to clean the shrine with wide-area magic .... I hope you try it."

Eglantine said to me with a pretty smile like a fluffy and flower opens. If you look at
saying that Anastasiusus seems to be unavailable, saying, "Because it is about that you
can clean the shrine with wide-area magic," it is only to understand that it is the will
of the royal family.

... ... Have you come in such a way?

It is probably because I am ambiguous about what I put in the shrine at the tea party.
It seems that I am going to make a situation where I surely enter the shrine under the
supervision of the royal family.

... ... I did not want to think that Egrandines and Prince Anastigius would take such a
brute force method.

I felt a heavy feeling as if I swallowed a stone, accompanied by a little as I drooped,

and left the library with them. It moves on a lesser bus so that speed can be adjusted

1136 | 2523
to royalty. The destination that Anastasezu aims for is like a shrine beyond the civil

"Rosemain, this"

I was given magical tool to prevent eavesdropping and I looked up at Anastasisus. I

was stared at a sullen Gray eyes.

"On the other hand, it seems that he conspired to Egrantine in consultation that went
out to me, Egrandin was depressed last night"
"... In my position Egrantine who asks what I can not answer is mean."

If I say "I can not enter the shrine", it will be said "Do you lie to the royal family?" And
if you answer "I entered the shrine, I already got a stone board" There is no point in
being told. It is disrespectful to Dietlinde more than just his mouth.

...... So, I told you to keep secret though I was silent.

After that, you are ordered to accompany the shrine in this way, and if you are told to
try putting it in a shrine, you can not escape to me. I have no choice but to obey the
order of the royalty, but the mood sinks because these two people are forced to do. It
is for me that I want to be depressed as it is forcibly revealed as I have responded as
aristocratic as possible.

"Sorry, Rosemain, but I can not give it back."

Even if you are cute apologized, the weight of your heart will not be clear. Egrantine
may want tricks for Sigismwald to enter the shrine to prevent fighting, but I can not
teach things I do not know. If you read stoneboards more and more, there would be
no other than to say that there might be something.

"If you are praying at the temple and praying for them, you should put it in that shrine
if you are going to increase the protection, you are going to manipulate that kind of
sacred tool and do a divine meaning there is no meaning to hide."
"...... Do not talk anything. It is not Prince Anastigius that you told me that you knew
the value of the information.Is it okay to compliment that I could do well?"

As I said a little brown, I was stared at as "Rosemain."

1137 | 2523
"Are you going to tell me all, will you order me?"
"Oh, when you hide it, you will feel that what is outrageous progresses behind the
scenes, things were going well by having everything in detail between me and you. Do
not do anything solemnly, and the one who treats the mockery can not be put into the
shrine. "

He said that he did not compliment that he grew up as a nobleman, and should not
hide it. My own actions so far have been invited, so I am self-income, but now I do not
have a convenient solution like Egrantine would like.

Prince Sigismwald did not put in the shrine because it was not all attributes when
taking the stape and the reason why the underwater archive did not know the
underlying architecture to become all attributes is due to the royalty where the
information discontinuation is terrible, I am not the one who decided to be able to
take a Stap only once, and there is no power to change it.

Stupid honestly "I want to give it to the royal family after obtaining the book of
Mestionola and using it for negotiations of Ferdinand sanction avoidance since I read
it" There is no way I can say it. When it was found to be in the shrine, it will be a story
to be incorporated into the royal family as it is a candidate for the next generation.
The royalty should not let the royalty leave those who are likely to get the Gurtris

"...... If you consider what the royalty is going to do after confirming that I will put it in
the shrine, I would like to be silent as well.When I leave Ehrenfest where my family is
located, the other day, I will perform a star celebration ceremony Because I do not
want at all, such as entering a couple just congratulated as a third wife "

As I was told not to hide, I took my mouth as it is. Anastasezu said, "Well, I missed a
little thoughtfully," Egrantine says, "Oh, today is not secret, giving us a word," she
laughs. Neither of us denies my words.

"I also understand what Rosemain says, but we must avoid avoiding conflicts at the
center where it's finally gotten together, and as Rosemain says, Gurtris Hite is urgently
needed Will Rosemain cooperate with us? "

Egrantine has a soft smile that does not change as usual, and I gently stray his eyes.
There is just separation that you can say without saying "I do not like it."
While receiving a silent reminder with a smile, we arrived at the shrine.
1138 | 2523
I will return the magician to prevent wiretapping to Anastasiusus, I will wash the
shrine in wide area magical Vashen. I looked at the situation like Egrantine admired
and smiled, "That's wonderful."

"Rosemain, please check that this shrine is also locked"

To the words of Anastasius, I reach for the door with a heavy feeling. I was in the
shrine the next moment when I felt like being taken into the door. The goddess is lined
up with the circle shield on the left and the goddess with the yellow stone plate on the
right, centering around the goddess.

"... ... It is the shrine of the goddess of the wind"

I prayed for the name of the gods and picked up the finished stone.

"My prayers have reached me, I will give him a word to acknowledge others and
obtain a book of Mestionola from Schoeria ..."

The engraved characters were the same as the regular sentences. The only difference
is the words given. I assimilate the stone board with my own staff and open my mouth
in the sense that the letters of the stone board are engraved on my head.

"Tiedi Hinda"

Immediately afterwards, I was outside the shrine. Whether or not I put it in a shrine,
I hit the line of sight of Anastigiusus and Eglantine looking down at my stare. I can not
do anything where I lied when I said "I could not put it in".

"... ... the number of yellow lines has increased"


A strange line running over the shrine was not only blue but also yellow. I see an
ambiguous smile when seeing two men who looked back over my eyes looking
inexplicably looking at their faces.

"Would you like to go to another shrine?"

1139 | 2523
When I ask you, Egrantine looks at me worriedly after blinking, saying it is

"What is your body?"

"Oh, I'll be fine."

After closing her eyes tightly, Anastasis walks out as "I will go on the next point."

"Ride on a beast, Rosemain, that one is too late"

I ride in the Lesser bus for one person, I move in the forest. It is because I said that
there are shrines nearly at equal intervals. It seems that Anastasisus had confirmed
the position of the shrine. I will walk without hesitation.
I was handed over to wiretapping prevention magic tool again and was grasped and
at the same time, Anastasiusus declared "to be married as the third wife of my older

"If so, everything will fit round"

"It is not round at all, it is a place I want to read the goddess's book, but I do not want
the third wife of Prince Sigismwald"

It is only royalty that it fits round. I can not convince at all.

"... Egrantine does not want conflicts around himself and is afraid of becoming the next
tent.When Egrantine gets Gurtris Height, the upper ranks such as Klassenburg move
at a stroke "

I felt relieved to Anastigius who only thought of Egrantine's hope.

"When I press the seeds of conflict on something, when I get something, turning my
dissatisfaction with the surrounding area to Ehrenfest will center and royal will fit
round, but do you think that Ehrenfest nods, but I am engaged There are also some
people, I hope to be in Ehrenfest. "
"Oh, I was saying such a thing also with Dunkel Ferger"

1140 | 2523
However, I will sharpen my lips against the attitude of Anastigius who seems to be
unwilling to do.

"... ... both Prince Anastigius and Egrandine have not thought about Ehrenfest
"I will not say anything, but it's not as important as it is to prevent central conflicts
beforehand.Alenfest should be considered by those of Ehrenfest"

Egrantine can not think of Ehrenfest as much as I do not know the circumstances in
the center so much and can not think about close.

"What I think is about the royal family, about the center, about Jurgen Schmidt, then
about Egranthine, it can not be helped to pay anxiety and sorrow of Egrantine"

Because of what I should prioritize, Anastasius says my feelings and the current state
of Ehrenfest are truncated. Although I am planning to cooperate with the royal family
so far, I felt a bitter bitter feeling that I did not consider my feelings at all.

"If you are seriously saying that Ehrenfest is a person of Ehrenfest, if you are seriously
saying that the central thing should be done somewhat in the middle, if Egrantine has
a Gurtris Hight, Klostenburg will It will be a back shield and the central temple will
not cast a deny.I have less influence than I get a Gurtris Height like a royal family. It
seems to take away Ehrenfest's lord candidate one after another Do not do it. "
"My mouth will pass, Rosemain"

I was stared at Anastasius, but I will glare at him.

"I'm just talking without hiding.If you were planning to make me the 3rd wife of Prince
Sigiswald with the royalty, please return Ferdinand to Ehrenfest at least Ehrenfest is
in trouble as Mr. Ferdinand is gone."
"It is impossible, Ahrensbach will collapse."

My wish was dismissed reluctantly. Ehrenfest is about to do something with

Ehrenfest, is not there a lot difference in correspondence?

"The treatment is quite different in Ehrenfest and Ahrensbach, what did you promise
to treat as a winning group territory from this lord conference? The contribution to
Ehrenfest and my royalty is so light Is it? "

1141 | 2523
It will not be long before it is told that it is royalty's way of doing it. However, I regret
enough to chew my back teeth. Egrantine smiled with eyes like seeing an
embarrassing child saying selfishness.

"Rosemain's contribution is never light, but with urgency and importance,

Ahrensbach will be higher than Ehrenfest"

Since Ahrensbach is a large territory of the winning group, he manages half of Berkeke
Stock. The size of the land, the population, the only border gate that is open, and so
on, importance is wrong with Ehrenfest. Yet, there are only two adult lords. Finally I
put Ferdinand and three people.

"It is Ferdinand that actually supports Ahrensbach, which I can not move unless there
is a Tent with a Gurtris Height"
"……What do you mean?"
"If Tento with Gurtris Height reworks the boundary of the territory and cuts out the
land of Ahrensbach, making small territories so that the lords of each territory
candidate can be made awab and be managed It is not possible to return Ferdinand to
Ehrenfest. "

Egrantine nodded in the words of Anastasius.

"In the middle, starting from the center, the large territory does not have Gurttrisheit,
we already manage the losing territory of the political change.When Ahrensbach is
collapsed now, we can not distribute the burden to others. Can I possess all of
Ahrensbach at the festival? "

Erienfest, whose number of aristocrats is decreasing in purification, is full of support

only for self-support. There is no room to manage other management.

"Unless you are in such a state of magical deflation, that behavior of Dietlinde is not

Egrantine tells us that Magdalena was quite angry at the other day's visit. It seems
that he was rude at a level not complaining even if executed on the spot.
In other words, is not it that Deathlinde is the first to be disposed of when the royal
family has enough magical room? I felt like cold water was put on my head.

1142 | 2523
"... ... at least ... promise not to put Ferdinand as a Dietlinde's sitting corner ... I will
marry an older brother or I will get married to a partner I do not want while working
while being medicated in Ahrensbach It is ordered by the royal title to choose
things.What do you think if Prince Anasigius chase away prince Sigiswald or forced
marriage with Dietrinde? If you become in a joint seat with a disrespectful behavior ...

Anastigius has a terrible disgusting face, and then turns my gray eyes toward me so
that it provokes.

"If Ferdinand is officially husband, you can not escape from the seamend.If you want
to save Ferdinand from a joint seat, get a Gurritris Height within a year after the
starring ceremony was postponed."

While trembling in the eyes of those who do not hesitate to use me, I looked back at
Prince Anastigius.

"... ... If I get Gurtris Height, will you return Ferdinand to Ehrenfest?"
"You only have to pick up Ferdinand from Ahrensbach and predict the various things
that happen by returning to Ehrenfest and do it while taking measures ... .... Here you

Anastigmus shows you the way to round up the story. It was a shrine of water that
was in front of Anastasiusus. I got a green slate.

...... If you want to help Mr. Ferdinand, I'll get it right away.

The shrine already has stone boards. I do not know what to do after grinding a stone
but I will do my best. Do not make Ferdinand a Dietlinde joint.

The shrine of life did not have a stone board, but praying in and dedicating magical
power was completed. In the shrine where the stone board is not made, dedication of
magical power is dedicated, one after another completes and incorporates the stone
board. When I got all the stone boards, since the magical power was considerably
decreased, I took a restorative medicine with kindness attached to my waist.

Otirier changed his complexion as I reached for a recovery drug.

1143 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, did not it take too much a burden on your body in Vasheng? Even if it
does not, it seems that the distance of travel is a bit longer today, but ...."
"Do not worry, this is the end.When Rosemain recovers it will return."

While listening to the voice of Anastasius, I waved to Otier as "If magical power
recovers, it will be fine." While returning a smile to Othelier's caring eyes, I waited for


I feel that the magical power is overflowing and I feel like I can not use it. I gradually
compress magical powers one by one. It is a feeling that there is no problem even if
you compress magical powers like before doing ceremonial rituals. I gazed at my hand
and tilted my head.

...... My staff, are you growing up?

"Did you do something, Rosemain?"

I'm calling out like an Egrantine care. I look around a little. Egrantine, who seems to
have noticed the gaze that watches the gaze, gave me the magical tool to prevent
eavesdropping, Anastageius who seems to have found it intentionally to intend to tell
a secret story came.

"I feel that my staple has grown up."

"What is it?"
"Because it is sensuous, I still do not really understand myself, but .... I heard the staff
I got when I was a freshman ceased to fit me, did you?

Seeing that Anastasezu nods "Oh, do not ask me", I keep going forward while grasping
and opening my hand.

"The magical stones that you get in the shrine are very similar to the will of God. Once
you have incorporated all the Evil Stones, the handling of magical powers has become
easier.When you get the magic stone of the shrine, If it can be improved, Prince
Sigiswald and Prince Anastigius may have something to do. "

1144 | 2523
Egrantine makes her face disappointing. Even if I am pleased like that, I do not know
if I can really do it. More than anything, I must repeat dedication endlessly with a small
shrine, and collect manastones. It will be a long journey.

"If you can pray with a small shrine and gain protection from Ogami by re-obtaining
protection, if you can go to the beginning garden and improve Stap ... ... it really is a
long and uncertain journey. I do not know whether I can do it. "
"Still, I'm happier than not having any way"

I felt relaxed by the shining smile of Egranthine, I shook my head when I was sick.

"Do you like Rosemain?"

"We visited the shrine, but I do not know what to do next."
"I will return to the underground archive for a while. There is not much time before
the 4 bells."

I returned a witchcraft to prevent wiretapping to Anastasiusus, and I entered a

coward. Anastasezus orders the aides to use the beast and everyone can run to the
library in a stroke.


When I climbed above the trees of the forest to run through the sky, the lines of light
of many colors connecting the shrine and the shrine painted a complex shape and I
saw that it was a huge magic line. Since it is not so high, I can not see the whole image
of the magic team and I do not know what magic team is. However, the huge magic
team seems to cover the edge of the House of Lords. The center of the magic team is
the central building. Probably it's in the back.

I do not know what is going on. But there are definitely ridiculous things going on.
Dokun and the chest made a bad sound.

1145 | 2523
I returned to the underground library. If you send me to an underground library,
Anastigius and Egranthine seem to return for lunch and afternoon meeting.

"I have to report that the shrine has ended and have to talk with my father."
"... ... In other words, is this possibly a prince of Prince Anastigius?"
"Although not totally arbitrary, there is a consciousness that it is a little ahead of us."

……a little? Is it really enough to be a little?

I could not believe it was a bit and I tipped my head. The face of Anastigius looks
neutral, but it seems that irritation is floating in the gray eyes. Even with
expressionless expression to hide similar emotions, it is easier to compare than

...... Did something happen to the royal family?

I return to the library and go down the stairs to the underground library. Beyond the
transparent wall, Hildebrand copied the letters, Magdalena translated it in modern
times, I saw that Schwarz was standing. Is it not during the break that you can not see
the figure of Hannaore?

I looked down to the rest space in front of the arch under the stairs, I saw Hannorore
drinking tea. Although the aides seemed to be preparing for lunch, they noticed us and
stopped their hands.

"I got back now, when I call out to Magdalena, I return to the Imperial Palace, soon I
was able to talk to my father and elder brother, please contact me."
"Certainly yes"

Before ending the stairs down, Anastasisus starts talking with the Aidesides without
getting busy. Aussie Usuas and Eglantine 's aides move around as skipping Ordonants
and preparing for withdrawal, and Magdalena' s aides signal a sign to call the Lord.

"Welcome back, Rosemain, have you finished all the purification of the shrine?"

1146 | 2523
I headed to Hannorore where I put a cup and smiled. While being healed by a smiling
face of a warm hearted atmosphere, he greeted me with a smile with Nicoli.

"I'm back home, Mr. Hannallole, it's all over,"

"Hime, I returned."

When Hannaore and me were talking, Vice came close to us. Until now I stood still in
front of a transparent wall whilst the library was open, but I could not hide the
surprise that it started suddenly. It seems that Hannaore was also surprised, and
watching the Vice while swallowing red eyes.

"Because Vice suddenly moved, I thought what had happened, is it because we are
going to welcome you?"

He did not respond to Hannero 's words, Vice walked straight to me and took my right

"Mr. Hime, do it like that"

"Well, Vice?"

I was relieved to ask where he went. There is only one where I will be guided after
having finished all prayers at the shrine. It is decided at the next place that we must
head to get the book of Mestionola.
When I caught a breath, I came out of the library with Hildebrandt being driven to

"I was told to leave Schwartz suddenly to go out, but what on earth ... ... Rosemain?"

Schwarz and Weiss who take actions different from everything else, everyone seems
strange, and I see hands drawn by Vice and heading to the archives.

...... Is it okay to go as it is?

When I looked back, Anastasiusus strengthened my face like I was nervous and
nodded once. I confirmed that anastasium was approved, and I will enter the library
with Vice. As I entered, Schwartz took my left hand.

"Hime-sama, do sharpen"

1147 | 2523
You do not have to ask me what you are asking. Before this is Gurtris Height.
Schwartz guided me to the wall of the archive and touched the wall that was pulling
the wall. My magical power flows on the white wall. The magic came up like the key
of the underground archive opened, and a hole opened in the wall.

...... A way came out.

As I looked back at everyone 's reactions behind the wall, the transparent walls were
whitening for some reason. I can not see the figures of the prince and the aides who
are supposed to be over there.

"Hime-sama, here"

As Blackbird and Weiss join hands, I am throbbing and entering a hole in the wall. It
is a pure white passage. If you think that there is a book of the goddess in the back, my
legs will tremble with tension, my heart will shake, my excitement will increase even
if I do not like it.

...... What kind of goddess's writing?

After a short walk I found a door where complex magic teams emerged. Tension is
increasing as you understand that you are strictly managed.

"Hime-sama, here"

I told the Blackbirds and touched my hands and touched the magic team. At that
moment, I heard a snap and played with a feeling like static electricity. It seems like it
was when a registrant or an unauthorized person touched Schwarzs.


Schwarz and Vice looked up at me when I hurriedly picked up with an unexpected


"Hime-sama, no doubt"
"This saki can not be called"

I do not want to understand the words of Schwarzs who repels me and my side, I
quarrel back as I am astonished halfway.
1148 | 2523
"... What is a crowd?"
"Ouzoku Crest"

Breath is pulling as a brief reply.

Guritisuheito is kept only in the writer of the king's blood line. Ferdinand should have
said such a thing. I have heard that I can not become a king because I can not enter me
from a commoner.

But I was optimistic that I could enter the shrine and I could get the slate of each
attribute, so I will put in it even after this. I did not expect it to be played. It was natural
that there was magic of sorting on the door that entered the place where important
items like Gurtris Height were kept.

……What should I do?

I am not a royal family. I can not do it to help Ferdinand by obtaining a Gurtris Height
within a year. The fact that the most reliable method has disappeared makes the front
of my eyes dark.

...... Three years after the royalty can be registered ......?

It is not permitted for lord candidates to move to the center except for marriage, so
that the center will not take an excellent lord candidate unilaterally. It was only after
I was an adult that I could become the third wife of Sigiswald. It will take three more
years at the earliest. Ferdinand's star knotting ritual is a year later, so it will not be
enough in three years.

"Open ... ...."

After hitting the door with the beat, it was resiliently bouncing back. The power to
reject stronger than before, the fingertip is numb and numb. I alternate between my
fingertips and the magic team in front of me and hit the door again.


The hand that was played became more painful.

1149 | 2523
The feeling of not being able to put in while being there immediately and the feeling
of hopeless that you can not help Ferdinand and the angeriness against the magic
team who plays yours are mixed in various emotions to blend in yourself.
Grasping the numb hand, I made a fist I left it to emotion and hit the door with full

"Put it in!"

I want to break the magic team My magical power and the magical power to protect
the door hit and scatter the spots and sparks. I could play one amulet on my wrist. I
can play another one at once. With a counterattack from the magician who guards the
door, I saw the talismans who gave me to protect myself breaking up in a row and I
quickly pulled my hand.

"Hime-sama, Ken"
"Dear Mr. Hime,"

The manastones of the forehead of Schwarzs who judged me as a dangerous person

who set off an attack on the magic team take on light.
I can not reduce faulty guards who did stupid things more than Ferdinand any more.
As I murmured, "I will return", when Black drops my shoulders and begins to turn
back to the way I came, Schwarz is walking behind so as to watch over my movements.

Even though I returned to the library, it was still white and I could not see the other
side. I stood in front of the entrance that became a white wall and I saw a hand holding
a ginseng. The part that hit the magic team with a fist was red and black and swollen
like a burn. It seems that Ferdinand's amulet could not protect him.


While I look down on my wounds, Black Forest and Weiss close the aisle, walk down
and stand in front of the wall. The moment the Weiss passed through, the wall became
transparent, and I saw the face of everyone who seemed to have been waiting
patiently breathing hard.


1150 | 2523
Anastigius dismisses that Hildebrand crawls over, "Others do not enter" and comes
into the library with only one person.

"Rosemain, that person ... ...."

"Without royalty registration, the door at the back will not open"

Anastigiusus mutating in disappointingly changed my face with a look at my hand.

"What, this hand ......"

"... ... It was played by the magic team"
"What it is supposed to be like .... Please leave the library soon and heal"

I grabbed the hand of Anastigius who tried to put me out of the library and I shook my

"From such a thing, what will happen to Mr. Ferdinand? I can not get a Gurtris Height
within a year ... how can I ..."
"Rosemain, calm down, magical power ... ...."

It can not be easy to calm down when being told calm down. I instantly glared at

"If you do not have a Gurtris Height within a year, will Ferdinand get dispossured in
Dietlinde's sitting together? Prince Sigismwald, King Traquequar or Egranthine will
be disposed of in Diedlinde's seat Is it said that Prince Anastigius can be calm? "

Anastigiusus who bitternessly toothed his back teeth with a spicy look looks
intimidatingly me.

"... .... The other side and Ferdinand are not families, neither couples nor fiancées"
"It is as good as a family, because Ferdinand is as good as a family to protect more
than anything, so it is not surprising to worry about it.When I declined, I declined to
go to the dear Linde's place with my mother to the son-in-law , If you support
Ahrensbach in an unhealthy life of medicinal pickup, what is ultimately executed in a
Dietlinde-sanctuary? Do you think that you can get angry with that treatment !? "

1151 | 2523
At the moment when he became emotional, the amulet that he was wearing got a light.
Magical power is filled with amulets that are attached to the whole body everywhere,
and it begins to shine.

……Unpalatable. It is intimidating to the royal family like this ...

My head got cold to a state where magical power seemed to leak. I take a deep breath
slowly, compressing and storing the bulging magical power. It seems that Stap is still
growing, it is easy to compress the magical power, and the light of the talisman calms
down without magic power leaking outside.

"Family as well as .... I was planning to just burn to get Gurtris Height as soon as
possible, but I seem to have told extraordinary things"

Anasutasuusu heals me while showing a face of regret at the same time as sighing.

"As a rule of thumb, if you get married, your seats will be fixed, but until Death Linde
gets something to do, it will be after Ahrensbach has stabilized.In concrete terms, the
royal family handles Gurtris Height After putting on, or until retreatia has been
adulted, it will be between Hildebrandt and the star tying, so that as far as Ferdinand
himself can go around for self defense, You can do whatever it takes to help you. "

I was not at the mercy of being executed in a joint, so I skewed my head. As

Anastasiusus self-begins, "I seem to have lost a lot of margin" I murmured.

"Although I moved with the common sense of the nobles, I was forgotten that there
are many things that I do not understand."
"I said pretty provocatively to burn the other, but I think that Ferdinand understands
the extent that I said now, unlike that one"

... ... Does Ferdinand understand that it will become a Dietrinde-san's seat?

Speaking of which, when Dietlinde fell down and was called out to Egrantine, I also
brought a recording magician and I feel I was asserting that I am not responsible. Still,
I can not accept convocation when I got married.

1152 | 2523
"Do not worry yourself more than Ferdinand that seems to take Ahrensbach over half
a year."
"Are you worried about me?"

Except for Ferdinand and Ehrenfest, was there anything to worry about something?

"... .... I will withdraw the third wife of my older brother.If the royal family is not a
roytale, if the gratis' height can not be obtained, the danger level of that one will be a
little bit lower, I can not find a reason for protecting the other side that can not get the
Gurtris Height with the royal family. "

While talking to me with a tired face, Anastigius looked down a little anxiously.

"Eh? Is protection to the degree of danger?"

"You should be talking to Aub Ehrenfest, have you not heard it?"
"I have not heard"
"... ... listen to Aub for a detailed story."

I never thought he was listening to anything, Anastigius shook his head. Apparently it
seems that there is not enough public relations between me and my adopting father.

"If Gurtris Height got in at once and it was possible to use the elder brother who gave
away it, whatever means you had to secure that one, but for the candidate Tento If it
is not qualified, it seems necessary to rethink once. "

Anastasisus escorts me and takes it out of the library and hands it over to the aides.

"I am sorry to have kept going around the shrine today ... ... And here is my advice, but
the one who is better to increase escort a little more"

As I said, Anastigiusus and Egranthine will leave for lunch. I was surrounded by the
aides as soon as they left.

"Rosemain, what the hell happened?"

"... .... え ー ー ...... How was it reflected in everyone's eyes?"

The moment when I and Vice entered the library, it seems that the wall became pure
white and I could not see anything. It seems that the aides of the aides, as well as the
royalty who had been in the library until then, could not be included.
1153 | 2523
"What did Rosemain do in the white wall?"

I do not know what to answer, I turn my eyes to Magdalena. Magdalena shook his head
a little while smiling. It would be better not to speak easily. I smiled nicely.

"I could not do anything because I was not qualified."

"What qualifications do you need for what qualifications?"

I recall the words of Egrantine who wanted to make Hildebrandt 's question with a
strange looking not to create an unrequited confrontation of the upper ranks. I
refused with a smile "I will ask Prince Anastigius in detail for details".

It is good to discuss how to answer Hildebrand's doubts among royalty. I do not want
to engage in any more royalty, saying extra things. Just in the morning of today, I
understand that I do not like the meaning that adoptive father and Ferdinand had sour
mouth and said "Do not involve royalty or higher rank. The position is different even
if they get along well. It is different from prioritizing. Even if you say it with your
friends, you are not equal, so you must swallow any unjustifiable things. If you do not
want to be impotted with unreasonableness, you only have the power to deny or not
to go into sight.

"I was out in the morning, so I got hungry because there were so many things, I want
to have lunch, Otieri"
"... ... Certainly, Mr. Rosemain, I was hungry because the fourth bell rang, Cornelius,
Rosemain sitting in the seat"

Cornelius elder brother who looked into the face with a little eyebrow as if I care for
me will reach out his hand. I piled up my hands and started walking towards the seat.

"Please wait, Rosemain. I ... ...."

"If you ask too much questions, you will annoy Rosemain, Hildebrand"

In the words of Magdalena, everyone starts moving while paying attention to my

situation. The servants began to make tea and the escort knights stand around the
seat of the Lord. Hildebrandt was called by his mother, worriedly looking back over
me and headed for Magdalena.

1154 | 2523
After finishing lunch with an atmosphere that I could not say anything, I am
encouraged to translate modern languages from the afternoon. While translating the
contents of the stone board into modern language, I remembered when I was
translating the history book of Dunkel Ferger suddenly.

...... Why did the King stand from Dunkel Ferger? Why?

Because it was an old description, details on how it became king was not written.
However, if you can not get a Gurtris Height unless it is registered as a royal family,
the King will not stand from Dunkel Ferger. Is there any other way? Or was it that
someone who wanted to prevent the king from standing out from another territory
produced a sorting magic team after a posterity?

...... I did not get the most reliable means.

Even if Ferdinand was to become a consecutive seat, Prince Anastigius was still
talking about before, although he said that he himself is taking countermeasures for
self-defense, he does not know how far he is.

...... I'd like to confirm that there is a danger and contact and safe.

Do not worry too much, you are stung with nails.

"Oh, Rosemain-sama"

After looking around the area so that Hannorore could not be said so terribly, he hid
his voice and muttered as "cuffs ......". It seems that not only burns but also cuts were
made somewhere when receiving the counterattack of the magic team. There is a
trace of blood flew in the cuff. As Anastasius healed, the wounds healed perfectly, but
I did not notice the bloodstains.

"Thank you very much, Thank you, Mr. Hannallole, because Prince Anastigius has
healed me, there is no scar."
"Huh? Was Rosemain received healing by Prince Ana Sturgis?"

I nod in the words of Hannaore. Because I was talking in the archive by limiting it not
to enter other people, there must be only Anastasisusu who can heal. As for me who

1155 | 2523
makes it vagueness what you are talking about, Hannorore told me that it was a little
oolo, "It is not normal to have healing to the royal family".

There seems to be no such thing as royal family who must use magical power for the
country to heal for individuals. Apparently it can not apologize easily, it seems to be
an apology of an anarchistus who is a royal family who should not do.

...... It is hard to understand, even if apologized, it is not allowable for Ferdinand to be

in a seat.

"I came to meet you, Rosemain"

The adoptive father who seems to have realized that it is useless to call out in a few
days has come to pick up the stone board from the beginning. I cleaned up the writing
utensils and handed out the results of today to Magdalena and left the library.

"Is your adoptive father, me, is it dangerous?" For details, Prince Ana Sturgis told me
to ask the adoptive father, "
"That story is back"

After adopting a bad face for a while for a while, he adopts a smile and looks at me.

"... ... In other words, something like talking such a conversation with the royal family
"That story is after."

We stared at each other and spewed a deep sigh at the same time. It seems that the
adoptive father is caught up in various troublesome things.

"I understood the reason why I was told not to be involved with royals, my adoptive
father, I realized that I do not like being with a day today."

In my words, the adoptive father looks over me with a terrible smiling face.

"It's too late now, it's too late."

...... What is it? Is it?

1156 | 2523
When I returned to the dormitory while planning with an aides, I will speak slowly
after dinner, the Rieselter came over.

"Oh, Reisatorator. What happened?"

"In the multipurpose hall, Mr. Hirschle waits for Aub and Rosemain"
"Hirschle teacher?"

After meeting with my foster parents, we entered the multipurpose hall. Hill sur
leaves the book of Ehrenfest in a book in front of a bookshelf very much while adults
who are likely to be busy preparing after tomorrow after the meeting of today ended.

"Hill suru! Why are you here ...?"

"At last it was returned, Aub Ehrenfest, Rosemain sama"

Closing the book with a pattem and putting it on a bookshelf, Hill Sur raised his face
and saw this.

"I kept your letter from Ferdinand."

"Eh? Although the star-knotting ceremony was postponed, did Mr. Ferdinand come to
the House of Lords?"
"Since I have not finished the ceremony of star knot yet, I will not attend the
conference as it is a registered Ehrenfest, but is not it coming to the dormitory?
Because it is the Ferdinand-san's side that delivered us "

By the way, even when I am in Ehrenfest, Feldinand, who is my career, was receiving
calls to the lords. I wonder what they are doing the same thing over there.

"Please open early, Aub Ehrenfest"

It was a box of magical tools that Hill surf pointed. It's a big box to put in a letter. This
is a box that can not be opened unless it is Aub Ehrenfest.

"It is said that I surely put research materials in this as I will deliver to the Ehrenfest
dorm, Ferdinand is really nasty"
"Because you know Dr. Hirschle, if you do not have the research materials you want
to read, you have postponed that it is okay in winter?"
1157 | 2523
"Is not it natural?"

...... Do not hold my heart up there!

1158 | 2523
Besides I'm saying Hill Sur, the adoptive father opens that magical tool with a bitter
smile. At the next moment, Hill sur was jumped and the material was taken out. And,
I look through the material with a cheerful appearance.

"What is the research material?"

"It is a research material of a magician of a library. It seems that it is possible to lower
the difficulty of making by separating magic tools depending on the use, such as for
organizing documents or searching etc. Still it is difficult enough and high quality
material It is necessary though ...... "

...... Magical tool for organizing documents and searching for libraries! Is it? In other
words, it does not mean that you can put Simplified Schwarzs in your library! Is it?

Schwarz and Weiss seem to have a role to guide royalty to Gurtris Height, but such a
function is unnecessary for my library use.

"Dr. Hill Sur, if you are a magical instrument in the library, please do also show me!
Do not you need library magic tools for Mr. Hill Sur, who does not organize the

I tried jumping to see the material of Ferdinand, but Hill Sur raised his hands and
showed no material.

"I am the destination, Rosemain. Are these magical tools unnecessary for me to leave
in the laboratory than Rosemain who can organize the materials by oneself?"

...... Huh, indeed.

I remembered Hirsch's laboratory's presence, I withdrew my hand. I think that it is

very meaningful for magical tools if Hill Sur's laboratory is cleaned up by making
magic tools.

"By the time the aristocrat begins, the research of the parts I need is over, so if you are
interested so much, you may come to the laboratory."
"Wait till winter .... I want to read faster"

1159 | 2523
"Rosemain is supposed to be at Ehrenfest if it is originally, and please wait till it comes
true here."

It is not a good time for me to hide the aristocrat in the midst of a lord conference.
Because he is staying for the help of the royal family, he must not enter the civil
building with his own hobby or stay in the Hill Sur laboratory.

... ... Ugo, the magical tool of the library.

It is a magical tool that I wanted for me who I thought that it would be nice if there
were also the Schwarzs in my library. Hill suru looked down at me and laughed a little
when I was moving my head if I could see the creation method at a glance.

"Write down the materials necessary for the creation and deliver it to this dorm by
the end of the lord's conference and in the winter it is not a good idea to prepare it so
that you can create it in the laboratory."

Alright! And holding a fist, the adoptive father taps my head with Pesi Pesi and a letter.
It seems that the addressing to my father and me was included in the envelope.

"Rosemain, this is addressed to you"

I received a part of the letter sent from Ferdinand from my adopting father and
stretched out my hand to receive it, I withdrew my hand for a moment. If I had written
with glowing ink, I thought of it. However, since there was not any change at the time
when the head was beaten, nothing was written in the shining ink.

..., it's okay, is not it? Ferdinand does not do anything too infrequent as putting letters
written with glowing ink in the same envelope, do not you?

While holding a little excited I held out my hand. My adoptive father hands me a letter
while looking at the situation like that.

"What's wrong, Rosemain?"

"...... Uh, uh, my father-in-law, can I write a reply, do not you worry about Ferdinand,
or write a letter?"

1160 | 2523
Asking while confirming that the letter does not shine, the adoptive father became a
little troubled face.

"... It is OK to reply ... We will postpone discussions with you to tomorrow.If you read
letters from Ferdinand first, I think there is something I have to think about reading
this "

When letters sent to himself were given to the civil servant, the adoptive father asked
Hill Sur for dinner, "Hill Sur, who had a hard time preparing dinner so please eat."
However, Hill Sur became frustrated with the material.

"Thanks for the invitation but I'd like to return to the lab as soon as possible."
"Okay, I do not say that."

His father releases Hill Sur and goes back to his room while waving his hands
fluttering. I also returned to my room with a letter from Ferdinand.

I enter the hidden room after I finish dinner and bath. Paper and ink are ready to reply.
However, I have not planned to write a letter to Ferdinand here, so I have not brought
in ink that disappears.

"You can only write things that are not bland. .... Your adoptive father will tell you that
you have to tell by all means"

There seems to be a secret interaction between father and father, so let's leave it to
you. There are various things that I want to write, such as silver cloth, worrying about
joining seats, but I can not write it when I consider censorship.
I sighed a sigh. First of all, there was a notice that "This letter was written in a time of
absence for the meeting and it was put in a box in Eckhart, thinking that censorship is
going to be included in reply." Ferdinand was an environment that I could write freely,
but it seems that it is not a freely-readable environment.

.... I know that censorship is about to enter.

Besides Ahrensbach, his adoptive father probably also confirms my letter. I can not
hide my sigh by being in troubled circumstances, read a greeting written with
nostalgic handwriting. The first sentence of the beginning text was a little word.
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"Well, what does it mean that your letter from you has been interrupted while I told
you to write a letter for confirmation of safety?"

... .... Ugo, sorry.

I have not written to Ferdinand since I was told not to worry about my adoptive father,
letter exchange, or anything. I think that it can not be helped even if complained.

"There are lots of things I want to write"

While sharply sharpening his lips, I will write about what I said to my adoptive father.
In a brief summary, it fits in one word of "It seems I'm afraid that I will be able to see
it at my age," but if you end it with that word it will not end my mind.
In addition, as I was told to worry about Wilfried more, write down what I was
disliked if I worried about it just like Ferdinand.

"It may have been a little refreshing when I wrote them all that I was doing poetry"

I could not complain to anyone, so it was pretty refreshing just by taking the action of
writing on paper.

"... Well, I'm rewriting the reply, but I can not show it to people in Ahrensbach this
back circumstance"

When I folded the paper that complained of complaints and complaints and retreat to
the side, I added "I grew very much" in a brief summary. This is OK.

And, as I read the rest, it was written at the prayer ceremony that the aristocrats of
Ahrensbach had also made themselves shrines, collecting materials. Retetzia seems
to have declined that medicine with gentleness that was passed through Zergius "I do
not need that quality so far".

Unlike myself who lack physical strength and can not move quickly, retizia seems to
be sufficient if there is only magical recovery medicine. Although it becomes
insufficient in magic, it seems that the retizia did not collapse during the prayer
ceremony, and it was written that I was surprised again by my weakness as compared
with ordinary healthy children.

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"Even me, it was very strong compared to when Ferdinand knew, it was only three
times I fell asleep in the road, this day of praying expression was only two days after
the end of the prayer ceremony I restored almost when I rested. "

Although I tried to write my situation badly as I was about how it hurts, it was a bit
depressed compared to retizia. I feel that it is still far from normal.

...... You can do it a little by little.

"Going around Ahrensbach at a prayer ceremony and sending the flowers of Veerinur
you got, it is a material that is suitable for making amulets, since you do not have a
studio, you can not make it, can you make it yourself yet? "

When I thought that it was a big box to put in letters and research materials, it seems
there was a trail of material from Ferdinand. It is just right because the amulet is

... ... The timing is perfect. As expected, Mr. Ferdinand.

I will read what the Veerinur flowers are written about for what kind of amulets.

"...... Instead, there is something you want us to prepare for next year's Lord Council ...
I want as many as possible the highest quality magazines as much as possible, at least
300. How to raise the quality with Dorevanker and the study of magazines As you can
ascertain the quality as much as possible, then Geste Ferto leather in the workshop,
Zonen Schluck's manastone, Reagish's magic stone ...... everything With top quality "

……Wait a minute. There are not too many requests for Veerinur flowers! Is it?

I do not know what material it is for collecting materials, but I think that there are too
many requests for materials for amulets. Out of the magazine paper comes out if you
search inside the workshop you got by Ferdinand, but it is still quite a lot.

...... The highest-quality demon paper?

If it is said to be at least 300 pieces, I think that it is not enough to use the Trombe
paper alone. This year there are aristocratic children in the orphanage, so it is a little
hesitant to mass-produce.

1163 | 2523
... ... When I return I will ask Irguner Brigitte.

By studying how to use the new devil paper made by Irkner, it led to a collaborative
research with Dorevanhel. There may be some new paper at Ilkner. If Irukner had
nothing, she would mow the orphanage's children and Trombe while concealing it
from the aides.

Although it is a troublesome request, I write a reply saying "I'll try my best to prepare"
for the moment. Immediately thereafter, "Since there is a funeral in Arub-Ahrensbach
in the summer, ask for the addition of luggage and cooking at the time," a necessary
list of items is written, and you are used extremely conveniently from Ferdinand I felt
like I was there.

...... Funuu! Even though I am busy.

"I am planning to prepare fish as souvenirs from here, so I will accept if there is hope"
"Hiko! I will be happy to prepare for the highest quality Demi paper, cooking! Pray to

I wrote that I would like my father to prepare my luggage and write a fish request I
want to eat while singing "fish, fish" ~.

"We do not need poisonous fish like Tauner Dell, but Sprech's dumpling soup was
delicious so I want a lot so if possible we can delight even the chefs of a citizen can fish
.... Yeah.

I'm going to eat fish a while ago, I will smile with a smile staring at my reply. The
summer is getting excited a lot.

However, while letting it float on fish, the content written after that was a bad
statement and current status report that made me feel awfully depressed.

"What did you think about, such as the reproduction of an old priest in the star
knotting ceremony?"

Because I am in an underground archive, the content of the lord conference has not
been notified. I have received only reports from Hartmut and Clarissa as "I am busy".
However, at the current lord's meeting, the central temple wants me as a temple chief,

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and the territory other than Ehrenfest agrees with the central temple and demands
Wilfriit and my engagement to be canceled by my royal family.

Anything, I'd like to introduce me as the temple of the central temple and teach me
how to do divine in all the territories, or to reproduce old rituals. Although you can
not dispatch to the territory at the temple of Ehrenfest, you can dispatch it to various
places for the shrine if it is the temple of the center.

And as it is announced as research results that praying leads to an increase in

protection, it is a raise in Jurgen Schmidt as a result of reviving the old priests and
disseminating the correct way of doing things.
It is said that the central shrine appeals that it will be possible to select the correct
next tent by reviving the old ritual than anything else. It is said that Arends Bach, who
has Dietlinde as a candidate for the next term, is boosting its central shrine.

It is said that Georginne is expanding that Ferdinand "goes on" the prayer ceremony
and makes the nobles participate in the shrine, which raises the possibility that
aristocratic aristocracy and harvest will increase. At the same time, "If Rosemain
becomes the chief of the central temple, the same thing will be possible in all
territories" or "I do not think that it is good knowledge to monopolize by Ehrenfest
alone" It seems that he is fussing Aub and his wife.

You can not attend the Lord 's Conference In Ferdinand you can not stop Georgin' s
remarks at a tea ceremony or dinner place. Although he complains to Georgine after
listening to a report from a civil servant or side worker, he seems to be finished after
being passed away as "Oh, it is a fact."

"Because the acceptance of the princess of Ranznerav was refused, negotiations with
Ranzenaev will be troublesome after returning to Ahrensbach, although it is more
comfortable than being accepted ..."

When the lord conference is over, Ferdinand with negotiations with Ranznerav seems
to have already accumulated mental fatigue already. Still, he seems to have left
Yusutokkusu in Ahrensbach, it seems that Ferdinand's job is not to direct Georgine's
eyes to Ahrensbach during the lord's conference.

By the way, Dietlinde, who was indignant that he met his rude woman at the library
and was indignant to be offended, said, "If the old rituals are reproduced, Dietrinde

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will be reunited by the people who want me to be in the central temple, We may be
able to be the next TSENT, "he said. Recently he is in a very bad mood.

Other nobles of Ahrensbach "seems to be in the atmosphere that as long as possible

until the end of dyeing the foundation should be held with the next TSENT because it
is troublesome because of disturbing work even if raised hysteria" I do not feel like
stopping Linde at all.

...... Ahrensbach, seriously.

Ehrenfest said "Do not say funny things like making Rosemain like the temple of the
center" or "Do not say things you joked about" such as "Do not say funny things like
others" in the central temple of other territories If we think about it, we are fighting
to put candidate lords of our own territory into the temple "or" I'm forbidden to
transfer the lords candidate to the center ", but the territory where the crop yield is
falling due to lack of magical power It seems that the flag color is rather bad.

It is visible from the example of Ehrenfest and Fröbel Tak that crop yields increase as
a magical aristocrat doing a shrine. Ferdinand seems to think that next year will be
difficult next year, even if managed somehow.

"If you can put you in the central temple, the royal family can hold down the central
temple, know the way of the correct divine things and spread it to various places, and
if you can get the tent in the right way, the Trax Oval The king is released from its
heavy responsibility. "

It seems that everyone is trying to find a way to put me in the central temple because
Ehrenfest and I are in trouble and others are not at all troubled.

"You are an adore.If you resolve adoption with Jilvezer and you return to the position
of a senior nobleman, you can move it to the center, However, in order to resolve this
affair, Jill Vester, Karstedd, you, all of you need consent Although it is possible to put
pressure on it to eliminate the affair, it is not possible to do anything with the royalty
alone. "

It seems that engagement can be resolved by a royalty. As we can cancel the

engagement permission, it seems possible to return to the condition that it is only
determined by the inner ring, no matter what the adoptive father insists.

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"The offer from the royalty is basically not to be denied, the feelings against Ehrenfest
in the other territory will be bad, as it is to be treated as a winning group, it is jealous
from the defeated group territory. You will be asked for further cooperation from the
winning group area, perhaps as I was invoked and heard the opinion of the individual,
you could be called if you do not know if you do not know the opinion of the individual
Do not refuse, earn time, at least a year, longer than that is possible. "

Although I am making a contribution by cooperating with the royal family, I have

appealed to the senior aristocrat from the candidate lords, why I can feel like
cooperating, I deeply love Wilfried, so I absolutely want to eliminate engagement It is
written that you should appeal to the love readers of Elvira's love story.

...... I'm thankful for the advice and correspondence, but, regardless of the first half, the
second half, hey. Can I act like I love Wilfried? Mum ... ....

I slept while thinking about such a thing, it seems probably because there were so
many things in one day today, I went to bed with the heat from the next morning.

"Because I stayed outside for the sake of the shrine yesterday morning. Because today
is a day off on Saturday, please rest slowly without worrying about the surroundings.
I got a word saying good. "

Otirier prepared me the medicine while saying that. I am worrying about me who is
lying and seeing that Clarissa is doing oolo that the Risellerator is saying, "It is usual

"Hey, Clarissa ... will I go to the central shrine?"

"I can not lose Rosemain from Ehrenfest, I will protect you as well as Hartmut, so do
not worry."

Claressa who taunts tons and breasts is reassuring, but Ferdinand said that the flag of
Ehrenfest was not good. Then, you already have considerable pressure on your
adoptive adoption. The adoptive father who wants to hide in parentheses in a funny
place probably does not intend to teach the pressure that he is receiving. I think that
this is probably what the Anastigius had told.

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"What would you think about Clarissa from the perspective of other areas? What
would you like to do with Ehrenfest? What would Clarissa do if the personnel required
for the central temple were not me?"

Clarissa tightens facial expression. And he looked at me with a serious face.

"...... I think that it is the biggest opportunity to sell the benefit to the royal family and
other territories, which is published as the winning group district and the appropriate
contribution to be treated is indicated in a visible form to other territories
Negotiations such as promising to treat as a candidate for lords, deciding the deadline,
reflecting the will of Ehrenfest about the order of teaching the priestess are necessary,
but it is only a single lord candidate student I do not have the opportunity to sell my
grace. "

After saying that, Clarissa smiled as if he was in trouble, "I will buy resentment and
jealousy of all territory by monopolizing Rosemain if I turn around the back."

"Since I know the inner circumstances of Ehrenfest, I know that I can not put
Rosemain sama right now, but if I'm in Dunkel Ferger, I will take care of Rosemain
himself and spare himself You should have thought that there are many people who
would like to see this shrine divine Rosemain sanctuary, the saint of Ehrenfest!

Although the atmosphere of a censor able to do something is messed up at the end, I

understood the idea of the surrounding area. While I was encouraged by a modern
Japanese translation in an underground library and being told to be a candidate for
the next term or not being qualified, it seems that my adoptive father was
considerably hard.

In the evening the fever fell, so I entered the dormitory meeting room to talk with my
adoptive father. Today the foster mother also welcomed me with a gentle smile "Heat
seems to be lowered, rosemain".

"I understand the current situation of the lord conference with Ferdinand's letter"

I showed Ferdinand's letter and replies sent from here to the adoptive father. When I
look over both, my adoptive father leaves the reply to civil servants and hands me a
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"... But, I will not try to cancel Wilfried's engagement with him, I will not do that to the
central temple."

Gil Vestor smiled with Nicolle and said so, and her foster carefully watched me and
his adoptive father.

"How does the royal family say?"

"We can suppress the central temple and can fulfill the demands of other territories,
because we can know deeply about the priesthood and it will raise the overall Jurgen
Schmidt, we have offered to accept it, but ing"

It seems that his adoptive objections to the royal family say, "What are you going to
say while the temple contemptions are still strong?" It was a one-time promise that I
gave permission to the star knotting ceremony, to give Prince Sigiswald a blessing and
put on a foil as a next-generation Tento, what does it mean to say put in the central
shrine? Because the magical power of Rosemain is powerful, it says easy to cooperate
with the royal family, but if that is it, you know how much Ehrenfest is supported.
Following Ferdinand that can support Ahrensbach, it can not be robbed until
Rosemain. It seems that he carefully said that he should not be able to move the lords
candidate to the center.

It seems that Tsento has withdrawn that "there are plausible factors there." It seems
that it was an atmosphere that only asked questions without being able to ignore it,
as there are requests from almost all the territories. Prince Sigiswald said, "It is only
now that you can sell your benefits to all the territories." "It is a matter of doing a
shrine, getting guardian, making it easier to handle magical powers even with even a
little Jurgen Schmidt must take the top priority It is said that he said that.

……that? Do not you know that both Tsent and Prince Sigiswald have become
candidates for the next Tent?

It is only about telling whether to make it the temple of the central temple. Unlike
Anastasiusus, there is no point of view of securing the next TSENT candidate. Because
the shrine tour is a story of yesterday, it may be that they do not know, but it should
be heard that there is a possibility of entering the shrine from Anastasisus or

... Or have you done that information yet?

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Anastasisus would not have been convinced that it would be a candidate for the next
generation until he accompanies the shrine visit. It was said that Anastasius was a
runaway, and if you did not talk about the use of the shrine so that Egrantine does not
confuse the surroundings, you should have never known Magdalena either.

... ... As expected it would have been noticed by an underground archive's strange but
since it was yesterday's story, it seems that the information finally went to Tsento?

When I was worrying about how much information sharing among royalty is being
done, my adoptive finger shrugged my shoulders lightly.

"This morning, as soon as the invitation arrives, I am called to the royal family two
days later, but as Zento is still listening to these questions and will likely draw it, I will
wait for the lord conference to end like this Even if I say that, candidate lords can not
move to the middle except by marriage. "

Although the adoptive father says that it aims at time out, if the royal family buys
information of the candidate for the next term and invites it, the situation will change
at all.

"Oh, my adoptive father, maybe it will be difficult to refuse in the future"


The adoptive father and foster mother blink their eyes. I asked Otilie to prepare a
magician to prevent eavesdropping. Give it to your father who is escorting to your
adoptive father and your adoptive father. A foster mother who was not handed looked
terribly uneasy about me.

"Since the impact is too strong and there is no hindrance to the foster mother's belly,
please decide whether or not to tell the contents from adoptive father to foster
"Is it such a ridiculous thing?"
"If you can, I'd like people to pay us too."

In my words, the adoptive finger gently waved his hand. The aides will come out
leaving me and my foster parents, fathers and foster mothers. Since the appearance
of the aides were disappeared, I grabbed a magician to prevent eavesdropping and
opened my mouth.
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"I am a candidate for the next term,"
"Ha !?"

The adoptive father and father who raised a cheeky voice open up his eyes as "I do
not know the reason". I do not know the reason. When I was praying, I became a
candidate, I was brought by Anastasisus and brought back all the shrines, and
eventually I was told that "Because there is no royalty registration, I am not qualified".

"I do not understand how to make a candidate here, so I will omit it, but I think that it
is probably closest to the next Tento for the moment, but because there is no royalty
registration, it can not be the next TSENTO. If something pressure comes from
something, I think it's going to come. "
"I have not heard!"
"Because it is a story of yesterday"

I planned to come back and talk, but I gave priority to Ferdinand's letter and fell down
with heat. Recovery, it is now.

"Either way, I will not get married until I am an adult, but I think that it will be
definitely declared to cancel the engagement.If someone of the royal family can get
the Gurtris Height within three years, I would like to reserve me for when I could not
do it. "

Although Ana Sturge mouse has revoked the because become the third wife of
Jigisuvaruto, it is I think to look for other alternatives in the royal family. Or desire to
the temple length of the central temple Tsuento which can be passed in the "can not
be helped if the hate Ehrenfest" also, to do in order to get the next Tsuento with a
"guru tris height at the fastest without as much as possible confusion around the story
that "will not Nagase.

In your letter of "Ferdinand-like, but because of the temple length of the central
temple, the royal family has been written about the means likely to take in order to
move the Watakushi in the center. Also written advice. Omei is down What happens
is Ehrenfest in time it was, must be considered "

father-like was chagrined to frown. Unlike central temple, the problem is too big. Get
the next Tsuento and guru Tris height is not a problem that can be dismissed at the
discretion of Aubu.
1171 | 2523
"Maybe those who called also Wilfried brother like a good. ... Because you involved in
a lifetime."

1172 | 2523
"... No, Wilfried is not called."

My adoptive father thought a little about my suggestion, shook his head.

"Why is not it a big problem for Brother Wilfried?"

"Yeah, it is true, but what will change when you call Wilfried? No matter what you feel,
how it fights you will not resist if you are ordered by the king. Wilfried is inadvertent
at the House of Lords It will only be a result of making noise to you. "

Whether Ehrenfest can let go of Rosemain is obvious if the lord's family. Arube and
herself enough to insist on Tent as "I can not get out of Ehrenfest". Besides, there is no
official talk from the royal family yet, but "Rosemain is a candidate for the next term"
is not something to be disseminated without permission. The adoptive father said that
complaints were dissatisfied with Villefried and it was troubling for information to be
conveyed to the aides.

"Wilfried is almost impossible to be the next Aub, if engagement with others is

dissolved, there is no time to oppose Wilfried in this imminent time, although it is
visible to desolate Whether it is more important to decide the policy of Ehrenfest
before devising a meeting with the royal family, to devise measures to negotiate and
to consider the conditions, Wilfried is not a minor and can not go to the lordsmen, I
have not been invited to. I do not feel the need to call here. "

Although it becomes a post consent, although it is parents to decide the marriage

partner, there is no particular problem because the parents decide that they are
married, says the adoptive father with carving a 皴 between the eyebrows with a very
unwilling face. When thinking while thinking that the words and appearance which
appear to be Aubu are not consistent, adoptive father turns unwilling face to me as it

"The same is true for you"

"Neither party has been invited to discuss with the royal family, and I am Aub
Ehrenfest, I will negotiate as much as I can, but Ehrenfest is by no means a strong man.
Perhaps it will be ... I want you to be prepared for it. "

1173 | 2523
Although Arub and his wife are invited, I have not been invited, so it seems that all
negotiations are left to adoptive father and foster mother.

"I have saved my precious family and my life as an adoptive father.There are many
things that result will be unexpected, but I am planning to carry out my
responsibilities as I was told as an adopted daughter.Therefore, my adoptive father
As long as you protect my family, the temple and everyone of Gutenberg, I will obey
you as an admirer for the decision I made as Aub Ehrenfest. "

I can see that the adoptive father bites the back teeth. I felt affection for that
frustrating face, I offered a foster mother a magician to prevent eavesdropping.

"If the Ausbs and Wives are invited, you can not keep it secret by foster mothers. Mr.
Ox, please give me explanation."
"Do I do?"
"Please give me the way to convey the least shock"

My father adopts a mouth while suffering. As foster mothers say, "As long as you see
your face, do not you have time to worry about?" Urge you while smiling. The foster
mother who heard that it is a candidate for the next termzent bathed for a while with
a smile, "I thought I was a little used to it in the winter report, but ..." I sighed.

"I would like to avoid unnecessary confusion as a royal family, so please put me in the
breasts of your foster parents and foster mothers and fathers that I came up as a
"I know, I do not know what circumstances the royal family wants."

I heard from the Egranthine that the royal family wanted to keep the status quo. It did
not become like a conflict between the highland and the large territory and it was a
great thing to consider that much so far as to prosper of Sigiswald as the next TSENT.
Because it was Egrantine 's desire, Anastigius had said that he wanted to pay the grief
of Egranthine, so it may be the hope of only two people. It is not what I heard from
Zento or Sigismwald 's mouth "to make me take Gurtris Height and make it the third
wife of Sigiswald". Even though thinking from the fact that there is a discontinuity of
information within the royal family, it may be dangerous to decide.

"I do not know what kind of circumstances the royal family wants, as I mentioned by
the adoptive father, so I will postpone thinking about the royal family. To squeeze out
1174 | 2523
the benefits for the Ehrenfest from the royal family Your adoptive parents should
think about what to do.

When I suggested that I should postpone thinking about the royal family, my adoptive
foster and foster missed my eyes.

"Prince Anastigius, who wanted Prince Sigiswald's Prince, told me that Ehrenfest
should do something about Ehrenfest, not Ehrenfest but Ehrenfest's greatest benefit
In reference to the publication negotiations with Dunkel Ferger last year, I think that
it is good to decide the lowest line that can never yield, the profit that can be obtained
about this, the big winning line of superiorness if you can get up to here. "

My father and his father interfere with each other and smile a bitter smile saying "It
looks like a merchant." Negotiation will not start suddenly with this call, but it is better
to just prepare.
I will give specific conditions on both cases of entering the central temple and talking
about the candidate for the next term. I do not want to be restricted by the aides I take,
or I want a book as a candidate for a lord, or a book beyond the library of Ehrenfest,
all of which are personal income.

"Here, Rosemain. Then there is no benefit of Ehrenfest"

It is probably just summarizing the opinions given by civil servants or just choosing
what I think is good. My adoptive father does not like the condition that comes out of
my mouth.

"If you think so, do not require conditions for foster parents or foster mothers, so we
can not talk to civil servants unlike usual because we do not know how far we can
expand our story. We have to gain the benefits of the fest. "

As felt, adoptive father and foster mother begin to express their opinion on the
interests of Ehrenfest. I listen to the story of the civil servants from time to time and
talk with other Awobs at the conference, so if one comes out, it will be early. I write
down the profits and conditions that come out one after another on a writing board.
If you arrange this in priority order, it will be a little help in talks with royalty.

"This time it will be a request of royalty, but the royalty is still a negotiating partner,
so if you have a profit you can cooperate, but if there is no benefit here Please do not
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disturb only the attitude that we can not cooperate with you, and since my consent is
also necessary to resolve adoption, please ask me to listen to my opinion, too. "

The next day, I was supposed to go to the underground library. Otilie was worried as
he felt relieved again as the fever went down as the fever went down, as Clarissa stiffly
opposed "Rosemain-sama's body is the most important".

"Rosemain has been watching all the documents in the underground library all day
long, I'm tired, so please take a good rest."

I pointed to the writing box while returning to the bed as I mentioned by my aides.

"Well, Clarissa. I want to take a break slowly, so please take the book there."
"Are you going to read a book with a bed !?"
"The job and hobby being asked are different things, and books are indispensable for

I was surprised by Clarissa, and I told the title of the book that I could read only
halfway, saying, "It was a while since I reacted like that." Clarissa opens the writing
box and takes out the book.

"I heard from Hartmut, but it is amazing to see it actually"

"Recent Rosemain was too busy and it was made tough, so we did not have time to
spend relaxing comfortably."

While laughing with couscous, the riserator prepared the bed to make the book easier
to read. I asked Otiliier to ask Hannellore or Magdalena to take a break from Aldonants
and turn the page of the book. By the time Clarissa's voice "I'm going to the Lord's
Conference" sounds far away, my consciousness was completely deprived of the book.

When I enjoyed reading lazily, Aldonants flew. Because of the white birds getting on
top of the book, I do not want to go into sight.

"It seems that Hildebrandt was in a bad shape, I wanted to deliver a sympathy, but my
mother was scolded that Rosemain, a minor, is not supposed to be here, so it is not
good ... …get well soon"

1176 | 2523
I came to a cute wednesday sympathy to Aldonants while I laughed a little and sent a
reply saying, "Although the fever went down, but the aides are worried, I am only
watching the situation, I will go to the underground library tomorrow."

The next day I went to the underground library as promised to Hildebrand. Parenting
foster and foster mother are going to call royalty. What kind of discussion will be
there? The result can not be known unless you return to the dormitory.

Underground archives were Hannaore, Hildebrand and Magdalena. Today there are
socialians with Anastigiusus and Egranthine.

"Good-bye, Rosemain, I feel relieved and reassured"

It seems that Hannellore was worried that I might be out of sight because I fell at the
tea party because it was around the shrine. Hildebrand approached as I smiled that it
was all right now.

"Rosemain, it was nice to get better"

"Thank you for your warm-hearted Ordonants, Prince Hildebrand"

To say thank you, Hildebrand laughed happily glittering the purple eyes. Hildebrand
is emotional expression honest and cute for royalty. I feel somewhat similar to
Melchior and I make a sweet look.
When I was talking to Hildebrandt what he was doing yesterday, I suddenly felt my
eyesight. In retrospect, I can see Magdalena gazing at this staring still. When the eyes
met, Magdalena smiled nicely and pointing to the archive.

"Let's get into the library soon, everyone"

And silently striking the manuscript, I was beaten shoulder lightly.

"Rosemain, is it a little better?"

"What is it, Prince Hildebrandt? Is it a character you do not understand?"

It is not the first time to receive a question. I will face Hildebrand. Hildebrand opened
his mouth, staring at me with a stuffed face.

1177 | 2523
"I wanted to talk to you while Hannaore and Mother were taking a break ... ... Does
Rosemain get Gurtris Height and become a Tento?"
"...... Because I am not a royal family, I do not have that qualification."

The fact that such words from Hildebrandt's mouth seems to have shared information
that among the royal family I am a candidate for the next generation. There seems to
be a discrimination that Hannaore is not able to hear it, but is it good to talk in such a
While I was wondering, Hildebrandt gently took my hand.

"Rosemain, I want to help you"

Magdalena came forward with a sharp sound and a quick footstep sound as he blinked
out what it means.

"Hildebrandt, what are you doing?"


If you look at the place where Hildebrandt is pale, you can guess that it was not to say.
Magdalena overlooked me.

"Rosemain, what did Hildebrand say?"

"You said you want to help me, I am already in good physical condition, but Prince
Hildebrand is very nice, is not it?"

I did not mention Gurtris Height, I smiled with Nicolle. Magdalena stopped talking to
me as a looking sight to me and Hildebrandt, with a face that seemed unlikely to be
"Hildebrandt, let's take a break".

I finished lunch and quietly translated the contemporary language as Mildarena

monitored so that Hildebrandt would not come in contact with me, Sigiswald came. It
is the first time I see Sigiswald in this underground library since the lord conference

Sigiswald labor for Hannaore with me who is supposed to attend the underground
library due to royalty's circumstances, urge Hannaore to return "Please take your
time off today."
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"Over consideration, excuse me."

Hannalee leaves the library while looking back at me a couple of times. I also wanted
to get up and told me to restart Sigiswald.

"If it is not here, I can not talk to you."

With a gentle smile, Sigismwald sits in front of me. And, I gradually opened my mouth.

"From anastasisus it is said that it is not transmitted frankly as it is too frankly when
talking to you, so I'd like to talk to you as much as possible, is it OK ? "

The anastisticus' s argument makes me feel a little bit, but it's not a mistake. It is
preferable that you speak frankly rather than making a mistake in discussions with

"If I do not subject it to disposal even if it is too frank ... ...."

"We can not dispose of important candidate candidates"

After smiling small and saying that, Sigiswald saw me straight.

"There was a report from Anastasisus, we learned that you are a candidate for the
next Tent, and then you can not get a Gurtris Height without a royalty registration ..."

It seems that the nobles began to trust a little bit of the words of the central temple,
with Dietlinde shining magic teams and rite of star knotting. It revives the old
ceremony and gets the right Tent. That's why I thought that I thought that I could get
a Gurtris Height. But that was incorrect.

"I am not a royal family, there is no qualification, so it is best for royalty to get Gurtris
Height because I can not get it without qualification, I think that it is better to ask
"Unfortunately, the royal family can not afford that kind of thing, which is a story I
want you to keep confidential ..."

Sigiswald tells us with a troubled face. Like the magical power of the magical tool that
is the cornerstone of the library was depleted, there seems to be some magical power
being depleted in the middle magic tool.
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"There are a lot of magical tools in the center that have stopped moving because there
are few people able to supply magical power in an emergency situation ... One of them
collapsed the other day."
"Collapse, is it?"
"If you lose your magical power completely, it seems there are some magical tools that

The magic tool we normally use does not collapse because it was not magical.
However, it seems that old magic tools will collapse without leaving even the shape,
once the magical power is exhausted.

"We can not let the valuable magical tools that we inherited from long ago be broken
down in our generation, and we will start recovering to the magical tool that we
judged as not particularly important, I am pouring magical powers one after another
while using medicine, so I can not pour a lot of magical power around the shrine very
much. "

Sigiswald complains that it is necessary to take me into the royal family as soon as
possible to obtain the Gurtris Height and to have magical power and power to obey
the aristocrats. Certainly, if you leave it alone, the country is likely to collapse easily.

"I know that you should wait for yourself to become an adult if you are supposed to
be the royal family by marriage, but we can not wait until adults. Even soon, we want
to welcome you to the royal family "

Eliminate the adoption of Ehrenfest and become a daughter of Tento. And, it seems
that you want Guritrishito to get married to Sigiswald after adulthood. It is said that
it is the best future for royalty.

If you consider marrying Dietlinde and rescuing Ferdinand that will become a joined
seat, the circumstances where you can get a Gurtris Height right now is not bad. Of
course, considering the current situation of Ehrenfest, I can not jump.

"Fathers thought that they should make a profit to Ehrenfest over the cooperation,
and made various proposals, but it was not accepted by Aub Ehrenfest"
"... What kind of suggestions were made?"

In my question, Sigiswald tells me "I'm pretty good, but ... ...."

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"We raised the rank by preferential treatment of Ehrenfest which is the native
territory of Rosemain, called the aristocrats as much as possible in the center, we
offered to strengthen the position of you who will become a cement, but we declined

The proposal from the royal family who should be pleased because it increases
influence if it is the other large territory was "dismissed to adopt adoption is not a
matter, but contract that does not benefit both sides is not established" and it was
reluctantly dismissed That's it.

... Well, it will be.

"I am at a loss for how hard Ehrenfest is greedy."

"Prince Sigiswald, Ehrenfest abruptly raised the ranking, the correspondence to other
territory and the manner of being a nobleman are not suitable for the upper territory.
For a while maintain the ranking or improve it slightly to enrich the internal affairs
We need to be able to raise the rank. "

When I felt the inner circle of Ehrenfest, Sigiswald was surprised at the surprise. It
seems that Sigiswald did not feel that seriously the difference between the behavior
of the lower territory and the upper territory since it is served from either side. He
seems to have thought about it to the extent that he can fix it if he notices it, he seems
to have not recognized that he would correct it over the years.
In addition, it seemed that Ehrenfest was thinking that Ehrenfest was a very ambitious
territory as it was a request that this year be treated as a winning group area rather
than raising the ranking.

"Well, are you pulling out nobles to strengthen your position?"

"Although there were not many people, even though I was not alone, there were
serious reasons in this winter, purification was done.The aristocracy is overly
reduced, so it is said that as many aristocrats as possible go to the center And
Ehrenfest will not go on. "

When Sigiswald held her head silently, he stared at me. It seems there was a
misunderstanding, there was a passing.

"That's why there is a situation of Ehrenfest in Ehrenfest, so we can not immediately

become a royal farmer"
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"What kind of circumstances is it more important than saving Jurgen Schmidt that
collapses are approaching?"

The words of Sigiswald have an impatient impatience. Still I can not give up.

"Is there a problem that ends with a word of insufficient magic? It is useless unless it
is me."
"Please let me know"

Sigiswald started out a little.

"I am responsible for the printing business, the temple chief, the orphanage director,
and the lords of the lords in Ehrenfest.The responsibility of the lords candidate can be
left to the brothers right away, but the other is so easy It is not. "

Even if I leave the handover of the temple to Melchior and the aides, if I try to show
all the priests, it is necessary for a year and I have to take over the orphanage as it is.
Regarding printing jobs as well, in addition to handover to mothers, there are many
problems that must be addressed, such as how to do business with Gutenberg and
what to do with experts if I go to the center.

"And then, I was officially announced for the next AUB by engagement with me, but if
it collapses, Ehrenfest will be ruined, and preparation to a certain extent is absolutely
necessary. If it is a royalty who wants to avoid the conflict of the large territory, I think
that you can understand the feelings of Aubu who wants to avoid the conflict of Giebe
in the territory because it became serious by purification. "

Egrantine and Sigiswald said that they wanted to avoid conflict like political change.
For that reason, he is offering to be a third wife of Sigiswald. I can not say that these
circumstances can not be understood at all.

"Besides, foster mothers are pregnant, we can not supply magical powers until a baby
is born, next time we will have a second lady by now, and in the winter my sister will
perform a ceremony of protection at the House of Lords Unless at least next year, I
can not move from Ehrenfest due to magical problems. "
"Jurgen Schmidt is much more urgent and harder than Ehrenfest, but ...."

I listened to Sigiswald saying, I smiled nicely.

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"Let's do something missing for the royal family, so please sell me a year's worth of
energy with magical power, and not considering the common sense of the large lands,
considering the circumstances of Ehrenfest, with Ehrenfest Please accept the
conditions that will benefit me. "

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Sigiswald smiled with Nicolle for a moment and said, "I am sorry, I did not hear well,"
he said. I offer to buy time again with magical powers.

"...... Magical power in one year, the grace of a year? Originally the magical power of
the royal family seven, no matter how much Rosemain's magical power is, it is not an
amount that can be sold alone."

I smile with Nikoli to Sigiswald saying something obvious with a gentle smile so that
I can tell a child who does not know the reason. As expected I do not think that I can
cover all that much magical power by myself.

"I do not say a single word, for example, I do it alone, so now is there not a lot of people
with magical powers?"

Sigiswald smiles again for a moment after becoming a true face. This time a little smile
is awkward, as if trying to figure it out somehow, "Oh ... a lot going on?" Repeated my
words. Apparently I smile after pausing, it seems to be the response when Sigismwald
was surprised.

...... It seems like Ferdinand-san's disappearance.

In order to show that Sigiswald is surprised under a smile, I will further smile while
deeply turning my head and thinking of my victory condition.
Impersonating that the best victory is not for me, but for me as a dedication ceremony
for the royal family, held by the royal family, tossing the preparation of the dedication
ceremony to the center, over a year or more Strike. At the same time, let Eolenfest, a
poor advertiser, help you sell the benefits to each territory. After becoming a
dominant position, I will swallow as much as possible the words of Ehrenfest as a
condition to become an adore.

First of all I want to attack from more than a year 's time earnings as an outpost fight.
Rather than talking with the nobles who listen to the story and order of the royal
family, they are dragged into my playing field, holding the flow of talk and the

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I switch to merchant mode completely and look at Sigismwald. Being in front is not a
royalty but a negotiating partner. As you can see from foster parents and foster
mothers, ordinary royalty leave the negotiations to civil servants, and they are in a
position to approve or reject them. If you are in this underground library where an
aides can not come in, you can win much more than go out.

...... The lowest line is to get rid of the royalty's commitment to take away more than a
year's time with any means and to improve Feldinand's treatment. I will do it! Mr.
Beno, lend me your strength!

"Let's make a donation ceremony at the Lord's Council"

"No way, are you going to get magical power from Aubu gathered for the meeting?
Such a thing is unheard of ... ...."

Sigismwald had a little smile on my suggestion. However, the royal family already has
a track record of collecting magical power from students at the House of Lords. There
will be no big difference between students and Aub. In addition, I do not intend to take
magical power from only Aub. I intend to participate in the rituals of the aides that I
have about the meeting.

...... When you can take, from what you can take, you can take as much as you can take.
... .... Mr. Beno?

"Oh, why is it surprised like that? Is the dedication ceremony necessary to make
Prince Sigiswald's wish come true?"

It seems that the donation ceremony and my wishes do not connect, and Sigiswald
became a little confused face. The bangs of a gorgeous gold swaying.

"In my hopes ... ...? Will you become a foster of the king, get a Gurttrisheit and marry
me after adult?"
"The difference is that the desire of Prince Sigismwald who I came from Aru and the
citizens who attended the conference is to make me the temple of the central temple
and dispatch them to various places and do divisions and increase the yield and
protection of each place Is not it necessary for the aristocrat to raise the highest
priority of Jurgen Schmidt? "

Where Sigiswald refuted "It is ... ...", Prince Sigiswald convinced himself that he wanted
to be like Aub Ehrenfest. It is a request which caused the nobility of Ehrenfest to be
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annoyed by what the principal said only a few days ago. I do not intend to make it
something to say again.

"So, I will perform a dedication ceremony as you wish, as the Aub and aristocrats in
each region understand the importance of the temple and the divine by participating
in the divine and increase the yield and protection We will be able to do so and the
central temple would have cooperated naturally because he wanted a shrine of
magical powerful people ... .... "

The aristocrats in each territory claiming that the saints of Ehrenfest should be the
temple of the central temple and dispatched to various places to expand the
knowledge about the divine also can not reproduce the priestess with no magical
power, so the chief of the temple rich in magical power There is no mind to refuse to
participate in the dedication ceremony also to the central temple which said that they
wanted. Do sacred shrines as you all wish, and squeeze magical powers.

"In addition to raising the territory that the royalty thinks to be top priority, a lot of
magical power comes into hand and I can delay grace for one year until I become a
adopted lady It is a wonderful plan with no loss for everyone Shou? "

I blinked as if Sigiswald was listening to my words with a serious smile and slowly

"...... I certainly think it's a wonderful plan, but when are you going to do?"

Lord's council may take more than two weeks. Since it is still over a week, the
preparation period is sufficient even though thinking about the time of the dedication
ceremony at the lords. We prepare in parallel with the lord conference, so it will be a
bit tight schedule, but the central nobles are much more people than Ehrenfest so
there is no problem.

"Is it okay at the last day of the Lord's Council, is not it? If you have enough time, I
think that preparation is possible"
"Too much too quick, Rosemain. Many people move, so we can not do things that are
not going on schedule."

It would be normal for a civil servant or side worker to make plans and live according
to it after taking enough time. There is no experience that the royal family Sigiswald

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is involved without being inadvertently involved in the circumstances of others and
forced to change the schedule. I showed a sense of refusal to put extra schedule.

Besides, as a nobleman against the royal family, I can understand that there is not
anyone to consult about how to return to the throwing balls alone. But, I'm not caught
trying to loosen hands that will hunt down Sigiswald.

...... I will have you go all out so that your adoptive father will be easy to negotiate with
the royal family in the future!

I made an expression of surprise and looked at Sigiswald while moistening my eyes

slightly while holding down my cheeks, "I did not think I was reluctant to dedicate the
dedication ceremony to Prince Sigiswald."

"Is it not the Prince Sigiswald who told you that it is the highest priority to teach the
shrine's way of doing other things and raise Jurgen Schmidt ... just to make Silence of
the other territory silent Despite being not so quickly, did you try to put the lords of
Ehrenfest's lord into the central temple? "

I asked from the royal family that I was in the center of the temple, saying that I was
in trouble with my father-in-law, but I did not have anything in hurry ... ..., imitating
Angelica, trembling the eyelashes as much as possible, Sigiswald shook his head like
panickedly as if he forgot to smile.

"Wait, Rosemain ... It is a misunderstanding that there is no mistake that it is necessary

to raise Jurgen Schmidt's aristocrats as soon as possible ... However, such large-scale
shrines will talk with the central temple and civilian officials and discuss the schedule
I was surprised because it was too abrupt at places like such plans and no time. "

.... Hmm. Oh so. Say something like that?

I will become a more serious face this time to Sigiswald making excuses. While staring
at Sigiswald who smiled and said, "Can you understand?" I smirked.

"Prince Sigiswald, I have doubts, is it ... OK?"

"What is it?"
"I understood that the royal family needed a Gurttrisheit as soon as possible, but there
was no adoption by the king in the schedule for my life, so that becoming a female
adopted by the kingdom was originally between Zent and Aub We do not need the
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time to talk over a sufficiently long period of time so that we can convince you, and
prepare a schedule for preparation. "

While gazing at Sigiswald staring at a silent state with a smile, I will repeat the words

"To order the king to adopt the lord candidate without having sufficient discussion
time and preparation period and to order preparation of a dedication ceremony that
still has time by the last day of the lord's council, which is difficult and troublesome
Right? ...... For royalty, is adoption with me easier than dedication ceremony?
Ehrenfest and I seem to be lightly seen. "

When I criticized the behavior of the royal family towards the face, Sigiswald stared
at me with blinks with a serious look. Perhaps he thought that he was a young lady
who hears saying anything about me as a thing. Or, until now, even if there are people
who speak variously with roundabout aristocratic words, have not they been
condemned frankly towards the face?

"Because your adoption is really urgent and imminent, it does not mean you are lightly
"It is urgent and imminent that the royalty's magical power is insufficient? Even if I
can not wait for my adults, even if I get into the confusion of Ehrenfest, if it is urgent
enough to require adoption, I will order my tea here It is good to order the central
shrine and Aub in various places as well as to prepare the dedication ceremony, it is
the royalty good skill to distract only the circumstances without asking the
opponent's schedule or opinion. "
"Is it thought that the royalty is keeping his own circumstances ...?"

I feel uncomfortable with Sigismwald who talks with unexpected faces, thought that
even this is going to adjust interests as much as possible.

"Since I am trying to hear my opinion in this way, I can only understand that there is
a feeling of coordination, but I have heard the circumstances just by insisting on the
circumstances of the royal family and will provide profit here In the first place it is
absolutely impossible to begin with, it is the hope of the royal family to need magical
powers, the necessity of Gurrisisheito, to become a royal farmer, to tell Aub in various
parts about the priesthood. There is no such thing as Ehrenfest or my wishes, so do
you understand that?

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In fact I think that I would like to read Guritisuheito, but I do not bother to say such a
thing in this place. I will drive the Sigiswald as much as possible so that the royal led
led donation ceremony.

"It is for the royal family that I proposed a troublesome dedication ceremony, so that
Arubs, such as Shinto priests, should examine the Temple of their own and deal with
themselves. Prince Anastigius said what he said "

Sigiswald who was listening to my words got a little headed.

"The dedication ceremony is for buying time of more than one year with magical
power, is not it royalty that needs time, is not Rosemain and Ehrenfest?"
"It is necessary also for Ehrenfest, but I think that it is the royal family that really
needs time."

I guess the royal family may not be able to see the surroundings with the glutissheight
hanging in front of me, which I could not find, even if it searches for anything. I will
confront reality to Sigismwald who has a face that I can not understand well.

"It is only a couple of days after I found out that I am closest to Gurtris Height, but are
you ready to accept the royal family who is easy to adopt as an adopted woman? Well,
for the royal family who finished the baptismal ceremony, You should be given, right?

If you just make a contract of adoption, it may be over easily, but if you live as a female
adopted by the king, you will need to prepare the Imperial Palace, bring in furniture
and lifestyle tools, elect a candidate from the central nobility candidate, Ehrenfest
Preparing the living environment of the accompanying aides, arranging central cloaks
and brooches, and soon enough to think of it will require considerable preparation.

"I think that I can not adopt an admission without preparing anything, but maybe the
royal family would adopt a female admirer I do not need a residence shrine etc. Do
you think that you should put it in the central temple as the temple of the temple until
it is adult Or maybe it has finished preparing everything until preparing for the
Imperial Palace in a few days? Oh, so it is not a day to prepare a dedication ceremony
etc. as long as an excellent central aristocrat is present. "

Sigiswald wandered the dark green eyes a little with a smile, and turned his eyes to
the space of the aides close to the underground library. Magdalena and Hildebrand
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are also there, but I am not going to enter while I am concerned about this situation,
whether it is told not to disturb the discussion.

"... .... Ah, no ... That's ... I'm going to prepare my room for my mother-of-foster mother
or factional prisoner ...."

I am awfully surprised to Sigiswald who brought out the answer in a distressing

manner, and smiled, "Oh, is it a custom of the royal family to give a return shrine to a
real child and give a guest room to an adopted lady?"

"I knew such a practice for the first time, when I adopted a adopted child who was
rumored to be rumored to discriminate between real child and adopted child, I got a
room that was arranged just like a real child But is it that the king's guests are in the
imperial residence of others, you say that treatment does not disregard me or
Ehrenfest? "

Sigiswald faced a sore point and turned into a face. I find desperately seeking words.
As the royal cliched smile has completely disappeared, I am sure that I have made an
advantage, I stare at Sigismwald.

"If you stick to the deficiencies of the royal family like this, I can not get the time of the
year without having to do a dedication ceremony."

It is a good way to point out incompatibility with the offer from the royal family and
insist on saying "I will not resolve adoption" without complaint from the royal family
or from now on considering the future. However, as long as it does not resolve the
adoption of Ehrenfest, it can not become the adopted child of the king, so if you try to
run away for a year there is absolutely no way.

"The sudden votive ceremony is not on schedule but because it is a troublesome and
troublesome thing, the royal family may not believe even if we say good intentions,
but I think that everyone gains profits, I'm planning to make a suggestion to get it.Is it
better for me to cooperate in the votive ceremony or would you like to spend a year
of time with methods other than dedication? "

I gaze at Sigiswald and ask. Sigiswald is staring at me still. It is an eye to explore where
the real intention is.
After a while 's staring, Sigiswald breathed a breath.

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"...... I appreciate your consideration, let me tell Tsento to do a votive ceremony ...
preparation is ... ...."

I seemed to be lining up the things that come to mind about preparation as I do not
get ready for a priest to Ehrenfest from Sigiswald which seems to be hungry.

"Since it is difficult for Ehrenfest to get permission to use the altar and the magical
instrument, we will ask you to prepare the dedication ceremony in the middle.If you
can widely use the auditorium without setting the stage, You will participate in the
ceremony. "

Once Sigiswald solidified with a serious look, he smiled with Nikoli.

"Rosemain, are you trying not only to join Aubu but also to your aides, how far are you
going to take magical powers?"
"When I was able to take, I grew up being taught and learned what I can remove from
where I can take it."

When I showed off my teaching with a good face and showed off my teachings from
Beno, Sigiswald said with a confused face, saying, "Anastishgeus said that raising the
temple and common sense is different" I murmured.

.... It is regrettable! He was not raised in the temple, he was brought up as a commoner!

"In addition to this, it seems to be better if you can take profits continuously, in this
case you will make venue ceremonies an annual event to feed the participation
territory with a ceremonial ritual at the Lords Delegation every year As the ceremony
of protection will take time, it is about two territories that can be done at a single
liaison meeting, but you can re-challenge the ceremony to earn protection at about
once in a decade Then, everyone seriously will deal with the divine. "

If you really want to raise it up, you must provide a place for ceremonies for adults.
And, if an adult prays seriously, the child will be disappointed.

"Besides, there was a consultation from Aub Klassenburg as a collaborative research

as to whether we can make the dedication ceremony of the aristocrat as an annual
event, so if we can do well, a lot of magical power gathers at the end of spring and
"Rosemain, magical power is not such an easy way to interact"
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"The royal family is in such an emergency that you can not pick up the means, is not
it better to think about various ways to collect magical power?"

In my remarks, Sigiswald remained fully open with his eyes open. Apparently the
royal family seems to have made unexpected suggestions too.

"I tried a few thoughts, but I do not have anything to do with what I am now, such as
how to draw magical powers from where and whether to annihilate the anniversary
every year, etc. Now dedicated May we proceed with talking about preparing the
ceremony? "
"……here you are"

For Sigiswald that seems not to move too much, I will explain the preparation
procedure of the dedication ceremony on the paper on hand.

"It is not too much trouble to tell the date and time and items to bring to each territory
if you use Ordonants or an invitation.The aristocracy remaining in the Imperial Palace
prepares the sky's magic stone and orders the central temple to prepare the Shinto
priest I think that it will not be too burdensome for the progress of the Lord
Conference, so there are Holy Grail in the two places of the House of Lords and the
Central Temple, and now when the prayer ceremony is over, the Small Holy Grail can
also be used to accumulate magical power So please prepare the central temple. "

So I stopped the pen and raised my face. The moment I saw my smile, Sigiswald pulls
her cheeks. I wonder if I had a bad feeling. That is correct.

"Also, please firmly advertise from the royalty that it is a dedication ceremony
realized through the cooperation of Ehrenfest, because Ehrenfest, who had been a
subordinate territory, only waits for a compromise, there are places where you can
not advertise anything."
"Wait, are royalties doing publicity on Ehrenfest?"

I nodded with the natural face in the Sigismwald that he told me why.

"It is a business trip cost of an escort knight who clothes the costume of the blue priest,
Hartmut who is the chief of the priest and the priest. It can not cooperate with
anything in return as Ehrenfest.I say that the royalty thinks of this profit You know,
right? "

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Sigiswald who drew his lips once smiled gently after exhaling with a difficult face. And
we promise cooperation to sell the benefits to various places. It will effectively sell the
benefit to other territory better than leaving it to the nobility of Ehrenfest who is not
good at turning around. Your adoptive father will be happy with this.

...... Mr. Adoption, Mr. Beno. I did it! Pre-fight is not a complete victory?

"Even so, are not you dissatisfied with each territory if you take that much magical

When I pass the paper I wrote to Sigiswald, Sigiswald talks about the problem of
votive ceremony while looking through the flow of preparation for the dedication

"The magical power collected by the dedication ceremony is the participation fee for
the shrine to obtain the protection of the gods, so if you tell it in advance that it is the
fee for this time, you will not get much complain later. I only have to do it. "
"Well then will fewer territories participate?"

The less magical power gather if there are few participants. I think that you are
worried about Sigiswald wondering if it balances with the preparation effort. I guess
this person is really a prince.

"If you do not participate in the dedication ceremony, you will see a visible difference
in future crop yields and gods' protection, but you can regret your enriching
surrounding areas and watch them with your fingers I think that if you push on it, you
will easily bite him. "

Klassenburg, who had been saying to give a votive ceremony together next year, will
attend if we feed on the dedication ceremony at the aristocracy and Dorevankel who
is united in getting protection will participate with interest I will. Besides, I definitely
would like to participate in the territory that I could not give out to the dedication
ceremony of the lords.

"After that, it will be a big reward if we can make the ceremonial re-ceremony
possible, and there will be many territories that will jump if we smell about the ritual
information available in the underground library. Because it is only good to do it, how
can you collect people? "

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In my suggestion, Sigiswald closed her eyes for about five seconds and slowly
breathed out, then smiled with Nicolle. It seems that it has made me upset pretty
much. Perhaps, the prince who grew up in a greenhouse might have been a bit scary.

...... Well, my teacher is Mr. Beno and Ferdinand, so it can not be helped even if it is a
bit scary!

"Ah, then, since this time is a votive ceremony for teaching to areas that have never
experienced a shrine, I think the royal family who experienced at the lords in the
winter need not participate."

It is not necessary to provide magical powers from the royal family, but when you say,
Sigiswald looked like a relieved eye.

"I understand. I will prepare the ceremony in the royal family and the center and
encourage participation in each area, but may I ask Ehrenfest to prepare for recovery
medicine? The central part is used by the royal family I would like to give priority to
the person. "
"Is it a thing to prepare for recovery medicine by yourself? Because it is lowered from
the usual to the waist, it is enough to just arouse attention so as not to forget"

In Sigiswald, "I thought that Ehrenfest was preparing at the dedication ceremony of
the aristocracy?" I rounded his eyes, but in this time the position of Ehrenfest is totally

"Since the dedication ceremony of the aristocrat was prepared to cooperate with this
research, we prepared it thinking that it would be necessary in return, but in this time
we cooperate with the royalty to work those who wish to know about the divine,
Temporarily teach you to take time.This does not feel like the need to prepare a
recovery medicine at all and it is much more important to read the document of the
underground archive rather than preparing recovery medicine?

...... Once you return to Ehrenfest, it will be a year when you can not afford to read
through handover.

It is only during the Lord Council that I can pass this underground library. Reading
time is more important than recovery medicine making.

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"Although you may consider about selling recovering medicine for a fee, but it is OK
...... If Durevan Hell is buying out what you put out at the aristocratic society, it is likely
to rush up on recipe analysis and even while you are learning in the lecture If it is a
highly effective restorative drug, you can sell it, but I think that it will not benefit
Ehrenfest as it is a medicine everyone has. "

Even though Ellen Fest has no burden on the burden, let the knights gather at the
collection site and mobilize busy civilians to deal with the Lord Council to make
recovery medicine.

"... I understood that Ehrenfest was abundant abundantly, and I feel that I could
understand well that aristocrats in the territory can not come up with a sharp rise in

I smiled nicely on a gigantic smile of Sigiswald who breathed fatigue.

"It seems that mutual understanding has deepened and what is more, thanks for
preparing the dedication ceremony, and then will I close up the conditions for my
worshiping of royalty a little more?"
"Are you still there?"

……Huh? Just because the battle has ended, the key discussion has not begun, is it?

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"Even still nothing ... ... The votive ceremony is basically done by the royal family
collecting magical powers and other territories to deepen their understanding of the
divine, only to earn time for Ehrenfest to handover and prepare. It is not the benefit
of Ehrenfest. "
"... ... Does Rosemain never get profit despite what he sought? Why did you ask that
you do not lead to profits?"

Sigiswald asked his eyes a little warning and asked. But why do you think that the
preparation period of a year will benefit you? I gently breathe.

"Prince Sigiswald is urgent, so you can move to other areas as soon as you move to
another territory, saying that you can live there? Royal work is as easy as not needing
anything to hand over I can not imagine, can you consider the preparation period to
be a profit? "
"I am an adult, you are an underage, no matter how much I am doing work, there is a
big difference in responsibility and the amount of work we owe"

I was smiled and realized that the recognition of the work I explained that it is
necessary to hand over is very different. The royal family seems to recognize my job
as an underage to help Aub.

……Ahh. So, as soon as the royal preparation is ready, take it with me.

"Prince Sigiswald, it takes time to take over from me, because I am the responsible
person.With regard to printing and the temple, I am not training for the adoptive
father and training for the future, but I am responsible for the project now I am
working as a "
"Rosemain, is not you a juvenile, you have any guardian of any age?"

While Sigiswald smiled with a smile gently said so. I stare back with a cold smile.

"Is not Ferdinand going to Ahrensbach, what are you going to say while picking up my
guardian in the royalty? There is no my guardian in the temple now, with the temple
of the temple I am the orphanage director, the chief priest is my aides, since the aides

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will come about my move, we must bring up the succeeding temple of the temple, the
president of the orphan and the chief priest in a year. "

Separately it was not passed on to adults. Moving with me is only a big problem.
Whatever you think, Hartmut will not remain in Ehrenfest. If I move to the center, he
will take over whatever it takes to surround him and will follow him. I can be sure of

...... I do not want to believe this separately, but Clarissa is absolutely together!

"In a year you must remember all the priest's celebrations and grasp about the
progression and preparation of the shrine, which is directly linked to the yield of the
province, and if the old letter can not be read, the temple's head I can not read the
scriptures, do not you know that handover is not so easy? "

Although there might be a large amount of work, there are probably a lot of work, but
if you look at the royal family who can not remember the old words yet and smile,
Sigiswald stares at me for a while while blinking as if to explore the meaning of the
words and muttered with a squeaking voice.

"What are you thinking of Aub Ehrenfest? It is impossible to make such a young child
the real responsible person"
"Because my adviser who took over the chief priest from Ferdinand was an adult, I
thought that the adoptive father and Ferdinand did not have any problems, so I should
have raised a successor until I become an adult. It is troubled if you think like the
center where excellent talent gathers. "

Ehrenfest said that we are short of talented people, right? Just as we pushed, Sigiswald
fell a little despair. It seems that I realize that there are major differences in
recognition from words.

"It will take about a year to two years to clean up things around us, prepare necessary
items for a new life, and finish parting with the surrounding people, even if you are
married to an ordinary, if you move the territory, one year I do not think that the
preparation period is given as a matter of course and it is never like a profit? "

While treating the royal family who tried not to give that natural time, I thought of my
future plan. Given the negotiations with the Gutenberg who do not come back from

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the printing industry or autumn unless they come back from Kilnberga, it is really
about two to three years that I want time.

"We can not fill the loss of Ehrenfest where I will be gone alone by the preparation
period of one year.I will take time to read and do the task of the temple, the orphanage
director, and the print job in the year As a matter of course, supplementing the loss of
Ehrenfest lost by becoming a female adopted by the king is impossible to respond very
much without placing a profit on it. "

I felt that the royalty was being scolded by the fact that when I saw Sigiswald and
thoughtfully handed over express charges were high, I felt the fullness of each region
and now I was scared.

"I understand the head of the temple and the orphanage director, but what is the
printing job? Is he responsible too?"
"Since the printing work in Ehrenfest has quite took off my hands, the task handover
itself is not that difficult, but I'd like to ask you whether you want to bring prints to
the center, how to move my exclusives, Whether you can bring a shop where you
brought it, you can make a workshop.The number of craftworkers to be moved, the
number of newly hired craftworkers, the educational period, the relationship of the
central merchants and how to interact with the store There are a lot of things you
have to adjust to center etc. "

When I asked for consent, when I asked for agreement, Sigiswald smiled after
becoming a serious face for a few seconds and smiled, "Rosemain, it is not a candidate
for a lord, it is a civil servant or a side job" Said.

"Of course I will let it finally but I will have to confirm with my own eyes? I can not do
everything in person, there are many things that are different from the written and
actual, and in the Ehrenfest and the central way There will be differences, civil
servants may not report everything exactly. "

Even in the state full of problems, I recall that the civilian who I do not want to be
considered incompetent was reporting properly. There are many things that you do
not know unless you go to the site.

"Indeed, it is really responsible, Rosemain"

"Well, so it's not enough for the preparation period of the year."

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When I smiled with the thought that it would extend the preparation period, Sigiswald
also smiled and shook his head.

"I understood the circumstances and it depends on the amount of magical power that
can be obtained from the donation ceremony, but this one can not wait for more than
a year, so please complete preparations in a year and how Ehrenfest loses loss I will
ask if I'd like to make up for it and it would be better for Magdalena to listen together.

Trying to call Magdalena while tense while understanding the deep green eyes clearly,
what negotiations are done.

"Oh, Prince Sigiswald, I will tell you about the conditions from Ehrenfest, but I will just
state my opinion so that no mistakes and misunderstandings occur, and the final
decision will be Tsento and Aub Ehrenfest I do not need to bother to call Mr.
Magdalena, but ...

An important decision of the territory is made by Aub. It is the adoptive father that
holds the ultimate decision right whether what I say and how it is done, and the
decision is made at the meeting with the Zento.

"Since you can understand that there are differences in common sense and profit,
Prince Sigiswald only needs to tell Candst a frank desire of me and Ehrenfest. Which
condition and how I finally accepted Whether to agree or not is not to be decided by
Prince Sigismwald "

I repeatedly emphasize that the words here will not be decided. It was last year that
Ferdinand decided to go to Ahrensbach as a royal family and it was impossible for a
father to pinch his mouth. It is important to keep the same thing this year as well.

As I decided to go through Aub 's head, I will not be scolded for doing selfish things,
and when I get something fried from the royal family, it is important prevention to say
"I have the right to decide in Aubu" It is a measure.
By the way, I did not do what I did arbitrarily because it was decided that Sigiswald
will do it in the end just by making a proposal about the donation ceremony.

... .... I proposed a little bit of a flurry. Safe and safe as sponsorship and responsibility
are royalty.

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"Oh, yes, we certainly do not have the right to decide."

Sigiswald smiled with Hu and urged "Please tell me the conditions for becoming an
adore". Apparently it seems that I became quite easy to recognize that I do not have
the right to decide.

...... Something like a bad conscious feeling? Well, somewhere.

"There is also a request from the adoptive father, but I will mention it earlier.When
you receive a preparation period of one year or more and you can drink these
conditions, let's obey the royalty. So, unless there is no intention of rebellion here, we
do not want to devote things to ourselves altogether. "

Neither I nor Ehrenfest is going to cause another rebellion, I do not think that Jurgen
Schmidt is willing to destroy. Telling us that, Sigismwald who dismissed their
proposal to their adopted fathers clearly relieved that "Is that so?" I stab a cocokon
and a nail there.

"But the circumstances of Jurgen Schmidt and the royalty are top priority and it is not
compatible with the royal family who says that Ehrenfest does not care what
happens.Our gesturerrich is Ehrenfest and I is a temple bred.I want you If you are
going to adopt her, please understand it. "

If you adopt or get married and move to another territory, it will be natural that you
put the other territory first. However, as soon as I finish adopting, there is no way for
me to take an attitude like "Ehrenfest is another territory". Although I am well-
informed that I will not be proud, I still can not believe that the relationship between
Shimomachi and Ferdinand has disappeared. I have confidence in myself and
confidence to be furious if exposed to danger.

"As Anastasezu said, I understood that it is better not to think that the nobility's
common sense will work as normal as Rosemain. So, what kind of compensation do
you want for Ehrenfest? ? "

Encouraged by the gentle smile of Sigiswald, I opened my mouth.

"I also asked Prince Anastigius, but please cancel the engagement of the royalty and
return Ferdinand to Ehrenfest.When Ferdinand is there, the majority of the problems
of Ehrenfest will be solved"
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If Ferdinand comes back for a year after returning, there will be no worries about the
problems of magic power shortage, Lisegegung's suppression, replacement breeding,
the future of the temple, Ferdinand's health. For the past two years when I was
immersed in Jureve, cooperation with the merchants of the downtown was also taken
through Jusutks.

"I think I responded similarly to Anastasis, but I can not return Ferdinand to
Ehrenfest, now I can not crush Ahrensbach."

The best proposal for Ehrenfest was dismissed by Sigiswald before being reported to

"It may be possible if we can bring single lady candidate who can rule Ahrensbach in
place of Ferdinand, but we have not received it, if we are aware of Ehrenfest, Please
persuade people and bring them within a year. "

An answer similar to Anastigius came back. The royal family seems to be unwilling to
give Ferdinand out of Ahrensbach. It makes me feel a little bit, but so far this is within
my expectation. I do not want to know that Ferdinand, which has gone deep into the
core of Ahrensbach, can not be released so easily, but I know.

...... If so, I will win safety and living environment alone.

Father of the adoptive father said that Ferdinand went to another territory. So, if you
cancel the engagement of the royalty and return it to Ehrenfest, you will be obediently
rejoiced, but there is no improvement in treatment of Ferdinand in my adoption
condition rising from adoptive father. If I want to do something, I have no choice but
to act.

...... I was saying that Prince Anastigius managed to manage it myself.

Once I fixed my facial expression, I smiled nicely. A smile of Sigiswald caught for a
moment but immediately returns to her original smile.

"It is difficult to eliminate Ferdinand's engagement as it is now from Prince Anastigius,

and at the same time, if there is a Gurtris Height, you can also take different measures

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When asked whether the words of Anastigius were common mistakes for the royal
family and asked whether there was no mistake, Sigiswald slowly nodded.

"Well, if we can get a Gurtris Height, it will be possible to get rid of it."
"Let me put off the marriage of Mr. Ferdinand until I find a Gurtris Height or I can not
get a Gurtris Height absolutely impossible ... I marry Dietlinde You have to stay even
if you do not have it? "

...... If you can not cancel your engagement until you get a Gurtris Height, you only have
to keep engaged for a while.

First I tried to postpone the marriage to win the commitment to avoid the joint,
Sigiswald thought a bit with my arms folded.

"You can not postpone the ceremony of star knot more than this.The way of wearing
Retetzia when entering the House of Lords, when Dietlinde becomes Arub, the
marriage of those two people is absolutely necessary I will be. "

When the foundation is dyed and Dietlinde is approved as Aub at the Lord's Council,
Retiazia is dropped by the rule of Arends Bach as a senior aristocrat. In order to
prevent it, it seems necessary to finish adoption between the rite of star knotting on
the first day of the lord conference and the approval of Aub. It certainly depends on
whether you are going to be a lords candidate to the House of Lords or entering as a
senior aristocrat.

"Well, if the next Awb decides, is not it okay if the royal family abolished the unusual
rule of Ahrensbach that would drop other lords to upper aristocracy?"
"...... It is only Aubu that can abolish the rule of the province.A proposal has been made,
but since Auve Ahrensbach who passed away was not abolished, we can not do

Unless contrary to the law, the royal family seems to be unable to unilaterally abolish
minor rules of their respective territories. In Dunkel Ferger, Dunkel Ferger 's,
Ahrensbach is a rule made with the circumstances of Ahrensbach, so it seems that
there are a lot of troubles if there are also rules that seem useless from the other
territory, if it is lost.

By the way, due to the long history, there are many strange rules on Dunkel Ferger as
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"If Fedinand's collaboration is aimed at avoiding, I think that we can respond if we
adopt the adoption with the king a little earlier."

A star ceremony is held on the first day of the Lord Conference. It seems that if I can
adopt the adoption with the king and get the Gurritris Height a little earlier then it will
be possible to eliminate Ferdinand's engagement. And if you decide that you can not
get a Gurtris Height, Ferdinand will marry Dietlinde as it is. Then it seems that there
is no influence on retizia.

"However, in that case, the preparation period presented by Rosemain will be

somewhat shorter than one year." Are you sure?

I wander a little bit. It was Ferdinand that instructed me to make a preparation period
of more than a year. I do not know if I can somewhat shorter than a year or definitely
have to go over a year or not, asking Ferdinand's aim.

"...... I can not answer soon ... I will think again about the timing of my adoption so that
my engagement can be resolved successfully, but Ferdinand is unable to cancel her
engagement or marriage, Because we will stay in Subha, we will seek improvement,
we will order Arends Bach from Tsento to give hidden rooms "

After Sigiswald, which had been out of the shoulder by the fact that I gave up on
Ferdinand's dissolution, smiled for a moment.

"It is customary for nobility that a guest is given a room until the fiancee is married
and no hidden room is given.I think that it is difficult to order such an impossible to

Because I was brought up in a temple, I thought that the common sense of aristocrats
was not understood. Sigiswald explains it carefully. But I know that. My grandfather
and foster mother said that they can not give hidden rooms in the position of a fiancée.

"After knowing that after marriage I knew that I could get a hidden room by moving
the room, so I've given up so far, but it has been postponed, do you know that there
are other conventions?"

At the time the starring ritual was postponed because Dietlinde had not been able to
dye the foundation at this time, the custom made by Sigiswald had a hole. I smiled
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nicely. If it is said that it is useless in light of customs, you can also request this as

"Since Marriage became impossible until Dietlinde finished dyeing the foundation, it
is possible for Ferdinand to raise to Ehrenfest once it is originally in a state where
marriage is impossible, engagement You should be able to offer cancellation as well.
It is forced to engage and continue with engagement by the royalties, so it is OK to
return to Ehrenfest and divorce it once you do not care. If you do not cancel your
engagement, you will resist the royalty Not necessarily, it is customary. "

If you fall into a state where you can not get married while inviting a fiancé from
another territory, you can not compel your fiancee. The fiancee can also offer a
resolution because there was a deficiency.

"In the case of Ferdinand, the engagement is a royalty and we have already begun to
work, so we can not return from the viewpoint of information leakage.
"Understanding that Aleans Bach and the royal family are themselves themselves
themselves being given office work not to be pulled in and out in the position of a
fiancée, I understand that temporary homecoming by convention is impossible"

Ferdinand himself accepted the royalty and said that he wanted to set a distance so as
not to disturb Ehrenfest, so he may not want to go home for a while.

...... But that does not matter. The important thing is securing a hidden room.

"If you say that customs are important to royalty, as usual, once you return Ferdinand
to Ehrenfest and finish dyeing the foundation and let Aubu confirmed again and head
to Ahrensbach for marriage again. If it can not be on the street, it will break the
practice, but give the Ferdinand a hidden room and the royalty and Aub confirm that
the order is being executed properly in the funeral of Ahrensbach that will be held in
the summer Since I can not cancel my engagement, I can not give treatment
improvements. "

When I approached the choice, Sigiswald deepened his smile and exhaled a little.

"...... Now I can not make a decision on this occasion, it will be my father to choose."
Are you sure?

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Feldinand is most glad to come back, but with Ferdinand grasping the work of
Ahrensbach, in the present situation, which is also the education officer of Retizia, I
think that even if it is said to be a custom, it can not be returned ing.

...... That's why you should not have a hidden room!

For the time being, I thought that Tento could choose which way, I realized that
Sigiswald was staring at me with a dark green eye with a smile on my face.

"... Rosemain pretends to Ferdinand quite a lot,"

"Yeah, while being raised in the temple, Mr. Ferdinand gives me education so that we
can make lots of medicine for weaknesses, try our best to live, and live in aristocratic
society It is what Feldinand 's guidance is that I can win the best in the lords I have
not been able to return at all because my parents are increasing.I' m my master and I
am the same as my family you know"

I smile with Nicoli and I stare at Sigiswald. In this way I would like a commitment to
avoid collision. I deepened my smile.

"That's why, my precious family who liked to study in the shrine at the temple was
sent to the son-in-law with the royal court to other territories where his relationship
with his own territories is not good, and before he got married As the same smell gets
older, I send everyday to do office work with medicinal soaking, and when the
circumstances that the star knotting ceremony was postponed but also temporary
homes are not permitted and no hidden rooms are given, how worried , I want to
imagine the royal family, what kind of emotions they hold to the parties I commanded.

Sigiswald solidified with a smile. I can see that blood draws from that face. I put my
hands on my cheeks and breathe out a little and I will lay down words further.

"Even if it is told that Ferdinand's spending in Ahrensbach is a connection of Dietlinde

with that much trouble and it is told that no one worried about whoever went to other
territory in common sense of aristocracy, I can not be quite calm, and I used to have a
lot of magical powers upset, in the past, I was not good at controlling emotions. "

What will happen if you make runaway now? While tilting his neck while staring at
Sigiswald and threatening, I seriously wonder.

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... Well, what really happens? I do not know where I can keep it and where I runaway.

Magical power is increasing more than before. Since Stap has grown, control is
possible, but if you runaway you can not imagine what you feel like.
It seems that Sigiswald was also thinking while I was thinking. After a while 's silence,
when the eyes met with me, Sigiswald smiled at Nicolle.

"As Rosemain does not have to worry so much, I will consult with my father well
whether Ferdinand can not avoid the jointing. Let me do my best to get it to work."
"Well, I'm glad, I count on you, Prince Sigiswald"

... ... Yoshi! Seizure avoidance will be managed somehow. You did it, Ferdinand! Is not
this quite enough?

I grab a fist on the knee and make a gut pose, I am in a good mood and move on to the
next condition. I felt like singing even songs by clearing the minimum conditions of
myself, but the discussion has not ended yet. Tightening facial expression, I turn to

"I want to capture the talent into Ehrenfest in order to compensate for the magical
power that is reduced by Mr. Ferdinand and I have missed.The marriage with the
Ehrenfest has been married and married for about five years, Please do not approve
Tsento that it is limited to those entering the festival.

This is the condition proposed by foster mother. Many of the territories want to have
a connection with Ehrenfest in the ranks of rapidly rising and new trends. In fact the
students at the House of Lords have heard that the number being insisted on by other
people is increasing.

There are more than ten pairs of starring rituals every year and about half are
marriages with other territories. If it is possible to do it all in the form of Ehrenfest,
you can quickly increase the number of adult nobles. The child born between the
couple will be naturally Ehrenfest, so it will be quite useful to increase the aristocracy.

Since the permission of the marriage which the lord family does not entangle is the
one Aubu gives out, Sigiswald gently nods "It will be approved".

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"And then, I'd like to have about 30 to 40 magical tools given when a child is born,
because there are no magical tools, because I have children who can not become
aristocrats, I want to raise their children as aristocrats I am. "
"Do you have thirty to forty magical tools to give to a child? Is not that a lot in

It seems that it is difficult and expensive to create, the smile of Sigiswald has become

"Oh? It is a result that I calculated quite a bit for the marriage for the next 5 years, but
the amount of magical power and the amount of Ferdinand's magical power is about
30 to 40 middle-class aristocrats worth enough Please be aware that the royalty has
given that loss to Ehrenfest. "

If put into this only hand in addition to the grace of the year, I be moved to the center
of the Ehrenfest magic of the problem should become somehow.

"After that, if you please told to once homecoming to Ehrenfest born of noble are out
in the middle?"

This is a request from the adoptive father-like. It does not come at all entered
information of the central and other territory in the current situation. But it seems
Yusutokusu from somewhere until now had been put in hand, now is really so
information is in the difficult situation in which to enter. In a state in which Clarissa
has been to rely on, I want you to guess its severity.

...... I also to want to is about meeting together once before to go to the center, I just

Although the stated otherwise been, it requests that the royal family has issued to the
adoptive father-like was that "I send the Ehrenfest of human resources as easy to
move in the middle." It will is usually collect in the entourage a person born in the
territory in order to make their own faction.

I thought "there?" When you think so. Veronika not known only to the heyday of
Ehrenfest, and Ehrenfest aristocracy that went to the center, I wonder if fit is
recognized at me was the baptism after Veronika downfall, and. I do not think the
same is also leading the story to think. If not kept and previously much match the face,
it is likely that can even choose the entourage.
1207 | 2523
This demand is Jigisuvaruto also me and willing, "it is that here also wanted", me
readily agreed. To them that do not want to go back to his hometown, the royal family
also seemed in trouble. Now that you have supposedly, winter's so me ordered to
return to his hometown.

The "last, rather than the Ehrenfest, Watakushi there are personal conditions are a
number from. There are a variety of circumstances, Watakushi, has received the name
from the minors of the entourage. Age, regardless of the class, take entourage are all
please accept. "
it must have a parent permission to the" it is what is to you? minors do not from to
adult, and it is good that was in the Ehrenfest if you the affiliation of the House of
Lords I think you but ...... "

Jigisuvaruto is curiously tilted his neck. I while answered, "I also have a parent there
is no child", be asked to get tell Tsuento.

Received a "name, or more that keep my life, Watakushi will have the right than their
parents. What are they to be the, you are required Watakushi permission, the name
to those of the other territory devoted was the now of Ehrenfest who it's also why you
do not put put "

Please ask your father like about why, and sink, once prepare the breathing. Thing
that you will request the thing that must be won absolutely. When I correct the
posture, Jigisuvaruto as hung was also correct posture. But in a gentle smile, but the
attitude has been somewhat defensive. I was eye to Jigisuvaruto put the fighting spirit.

"This is the most important and nonnegotiable condition also for Watakushi. And, if it
is desired to marry a Watakushi, I think that it also becomes important conditions for
Jigisuvaruto prince"
"What is it?"
It is free and out to all of the libraries and library in the center for collecting
information other than the "underground archive, and then request the right to read
all the literature. With it separately, to prepare the library to Watakushi residence
Please not "in

Jigisuvaruto to my request that contains the force is silence about three seconds, put
an awkward smile.

1208 | 2523
"Is it separately, the library do? Royal Palace Library in ...... residence?"
Conditions to become a "Actually the first wife of Watakushi is Ehrenfest is, to free the
library and the temple library of Ehrenfest was that. the Watakushi of marriage is the
library is required. If you could become a husband, Jigisuvaruto prince is not please
make a library in palace given to Watakushi. Watakushi, this much of the library and
the book for the lady you have prepared, is a dream that is wooing the "

Jigisuvaruto prince but it's the you want to marry Watakushi? When the smile and,
Jigisuvaruto said in pulling cramp smile and "I'm happy like us to think positively to
marry me."

...... Face, has twitched?

"By the way, the library is ...... heck what scale? In"
but I just want to say ...... on a scale that exceeds the "really Ehrenfest of the library, in
it if Kudasare beyond the Ferdinand-like library matter No "
" is Ferdinand of the library? "

to Jigisuvaruto I nodded big.

"Yeah. Guardian in which Ferdinand like was please to Watakushi on to inherit the
book I had been houses with your own mansion at the time of going to Ahrens Bach.
Pains you can royal husband thing. Guardian if much more than the personal
belongings of the hope I'm also not hit the punishment is? lord candidates of Ehrenfest
or more, would be easy to royal family? Ufufun "

I have to hear and for number of books that were lined to the size and the first to
bookshelf while that is the description, it will disappear gradually smile from

……that?Did it mean, difficult though it is the royal family?

"Oh, that, if absolutely to prepare the library to the palace is Muzukashikere, I do not
have to be us to the Royal Palace library to Watakushi residence. It was also a dream
to live in the library, you are welcome. Of Watakushi position the desire I am looking
forward what he will gave what library Jigisuvaruto prince "of her husband

and laugh smile meaning of scrounge even rice," I in Jigisuvaruto prince was stunned
the mid-face, become husband of lady What of? "and muttered.
1209 | 2523
……Hmm?Huh Jigisuvaruto prince I had said so? that?I had misheard something?

While tilted her neck, I will try to take the check to Jigisuvaruto. If misheard, or it is
not embarrassing.

"Because it as a royal family is best, I'm Jigisuvaruto prince told us earlier and want to
marry Watakushi? ... Did you mean, was Watakushi of mistake to hear?"
"It is not a mistake to hear. A little bit, or let's say that was different from the
assumption .... it should have been the best .... that's right. the best. but, Rozemain
really do you good at it? "

but too late, seems to have become willing to me to hear my opinion. If anyway at this
place, it will become difficult to tell their own candid feelings. I decided to leave to tell
the real intention.

"Although Watakushi is I do not at all believe that you want to marry a groom of the
couple that he gave the blessing, if the duty as the adopted daughter of the king, I'm
going to accept because there is no way. That's why, Watakushi of mind much protect
the peaceful library of ready to please not be "

the same as when you were engaged to Wilfried. There is only accept if the parents
wish. Much that I am selfish is not the environment that passes through is I know.

"Much ...... library, Is"

Jigisuvaruto prince has become somehow distant eyes. Does not appear to face his
hope was telling too hot there is are willing to come true. Why. I can not understand.
I do not know well, I was told my request.

"For now, Ehrenfest and Candid opinions and conditions from Watakushi is over.
What kind of a choice Let's leave it to Tsuento and adoptive father like. Forever
Watakushi is the royal family of everyone become the adopted daughter of a kindly
king in order to get along, please talk well. "

1210 | 2523
After finishing an individual meeting with Prince Sigismwald, I explained to the
adoptive father about the common sense of the royal family, and the royal family told
me that they are listening to this opinion with full surrender status. Although there
are many passing, it seems that you do not want to impose a burden only on here, so
you can manage negotiations somehow.

And, as a condition to resolve the lack of magic power and to have a votive ceremony
on the last day sponsored by the royal family in order to close the complaints of other
territories, as a condition for becoming a female adopted by the king, Ehrenfest and
my personal I informed my request.
Of course, I emphasized that I adhered to the prince exactly, "I will only state my
opinion, because the decision right is in Aub, so that it will not be a dinner last year."
Immediately after the talks of his adoptions did not go well, he got angry with the
royal family who was moving in order to obtain consent from me in an underground
archive and praised me who claimed that he did not have the right to decide.

After that, there was a call again from the royal family, and two days later, a meeting
place was held, but as a result, it came back with a very angry face for some reason.
Excluding the aide from the meeting room in the dormitory, this time I am in a state
of personal interview with my adoptive father. It was frightened while being pierced
cheekily against the adopted adopted father who set the eyes.

"Well, Rosemain. Would you let me explain again what kind of negotiations the royal
family had negotiated?"
"... ... Pupy?"
"No, this time the royal family made discussions with the exclusion of the aides so that
no mistakes happen, but he seems to have given Prince Sigismwald incredible
dishonor in the underground library?"

I will tilt my head and neck to your adopted words.

"I said that Prince Sigiswald wanted to talk frankly, I got permission beforehand
without punishment etc. We talked frankly, did you complain about adoptive father
to now? He is not masculine. "

1211 | 2523
"I tried not to negotiate like that at all, and then I was going to do the same thing in
the rest, so I told you to pay more attention, I thought that my stomach will be drawn."

...... After all it is not a manly guy.

If I was told that I should be like a nobleman, I would not say such a thing no matter
how much I am. I am told frankly that I do not know how to complain if I do so.

"I say that kind of negotiation, but the votive ceremony that the royal family had
ordered to host is not yet decisive about me, so I do not negotiate negotiating about
the condition of the adopted daughter. Sometimes I threatened a bit so that I could
definitely save Ferdinand. "
"Wait a moment! Since I was threatened towards the royal family just before, I felt
that it was due to mind." I felt like that with a mismatch of words, I did not intend to
do such a thing at Rosemain Oh, were they really threatening !? "

My adoptive father bubbled and said so. It seems that he seemed desperately asserted,
but it is bad for his adopted father, but the words of the royal family are not wrong. I
threatened with awareness.

"Even if I am worried, if you go to another territory, because you are in the other
territory, nobody will become your parents, and what you said that Prince Anastigius
managed to do it by yourself. Since it was useless, we only used the means that can
not be used unless we are in that place, so we will be disqualified with other
opportunities? "

I just passed my thoughts to the royal family on a great opportunity to not dispose of
what I said. If not, I will also consider other means.

"It is transmitted so that royalty becomes blue, so you do not have to think it over"
"... ... In other words, did the royalty accept Ferdinand's avoidance of coinage and

When I looked up to his adoptive father with my heart full of expectations, my

adoptive father nodded "Oh."

"It is said to command Ahrensbach to give Ferdinand a hidden room"

"What did you do with the other conditions?"
"I accepted most of the conditions ...... In a sense, thanks to that one"
1212 | 2523
And the adoptive father told me the state of the meeting. Last time it was done using
magician of prevention of eavesdropping by range, but this time it seems that it was
done with magical tool of wiretapping prevention after removing both aide and escort
Among the precautionary vigilance, it was the center of discussion between the royal
family and the Arubu who seemed to be exhausted, as to whether there is no mistake
in the conditions I issued, confirmation that such way of acceptance is OK , It seems to
be a companion of the recognition of royalty and the recognition of Ehrenfest.

"When listening to the story, opinions were roughly divided about the treatment of
rosemain in the royal family."

Because those who have Gurtris Height are the next TSENT, you should follow the
words of Zento in full. Prepared by Rikyu for example. Tsento is greeted in the main
building of the royal palace, and it is the King of Tranquois that claims that he should
move to Imperial House.

"That's why it is best to firm the surroundings with a trusted Ehrenfest aristocrat and
you have the opinion that you should make your own factions yourself.As a result, as
many aristocrats as possible go to the center, It seems that it was said that it was
surprised when Ehrenfest dismissed it. "

In addition, regarding my marriage, it is natural to use marriage as a means of making

my own faction, so this is not to say anything. I will adopt it in order to get the Gurtris
Height, so I will do it, but I will not give you mouth or hand afterwards. It seems that
it is only necessary to lead Jürgen Schmidt as Tento wants.

"The ear hits are good, but the latter thing is the same as being thrown out by yourself,
are not you?"
"Prince Sigiswald seems to have felt the same way"

It seems that Sigiswald in Tora Ocquar said that "Jurgen Schmidt can not be ruled out
just by obtaining Gurritris Height". If you are from Ehrenfest and have no authority,
there is no transducer of the large territory. What does not say that you can do politics
as you wish for minors with only Gurtris Height, so that not having mouths or hands
will not be a back shield? It is said that it was impossible to release.

1213 | 2523
Because I will become a royal farmer and acquire Gurtris Height, it is not the most
confusing that the royal family is behind the scenes with treatment as my wife and
using the current political base as it is It seems to have argued. King Tora Okhvar said
that he did not bend the claim that "it is unpredictable, but deciding whether to accept
or not is a Tento."

"It seems that it was Prince Anastigius who waved to the opinion of those two
people.When I got the Gurtris Height and gained the power of Tsent, it is impossible
that Rosemain can not have politics, it is impossible It seems he said that, as far as
that, I had the same opinion as Prince Sigiswald, but after that ... "

The adoptive father made a muddled word and caught a glimpse of me.

"What? What did Prince Ana Sturgis say?"

"Jurgen Schmidt can not be delegated to a mad Rosemain who is growing up in the
temple and deviates from the common sense of the nobility.I will not be able to
communicate with common sense until now and it will be in great confusion.When
you say that you should pick up Gurtris' height as soon as possible, It seems that King
Okvar got angry at a terrible pace. "
"... ... The way Prince Anastigius says is rude, but I am not wrong."

Besides, if it is possible to pick up the Gurtris Height, let the adult take the temple of
the temple at the central temple, divert the complaints of the circumference against
Ehrenfest, and make it to Ehrenfest after adulthood. If you can not concede
Guritisuheito it is best to hide that the person who became a Tent is me to be the third
wife of Sigismwald and to keep it in the library unless it is necessary is the most
peaceful for Jurgen Schmidt It seems that he insisted that it was.

Anastasezu's opinion is said to have been forbidden to contact me with the

underground archive when he was scolded by Tora Ocquar, "I am overwhelmed by
the next TSENT who will have the Gurtris Height."

"Because it is such a feeling, we told us that we intend to do our utmost to the extent
that Ehrenfest wanted, but as long as we are in the upcoming Tent, it would be
appreciated if the central budget and the state of the state treasurer were also taken
care of It seemed to be terribly sorry and it was cut out of King Traquarza. "
"Is Ehrenfest concerned about central budget and state treasury?"

1214 | 2523
As I was inclining my head, I did not know what to do, the adoptive father glared at
me as frustrating.

"Have you taken out the conditions on whether the library is a private library or a

It seems that my library was costing too much money, so it was supposed to annoy
the royalty messed up. Compared with the library requested as a marriage condition,
it seems that all other requests can be swallowed.

"As a result of this discussion, the two agree that they want me to give up setting up
the library as they drink everything else."
"It's terrible! Is not the most important condition absolutely impossible to give up
being crushed! My library!

I cried with full power unexpectedly and held a head that had fallen asleep with acid
abuse, I glared at my adoptive father with teary eyes. I talked with Sigismwald so hard,
I do not know the essence at all.

... ... Prince Sigiswald's stupid!

"Noisy, Rosemain, it's the decision of Tsent and Aubu, so follow me, why did not you
say that I will obey my decision as a adopted father?"
"Ahhhhh! I certainly said that!"

...... My stupid back then!

"Since access to the royal palace library and other materials rooms is free, it is not
impossible to read the book, and it is more important that all other conditions are
drawn than those in the library. Thanks to whom I bought a ridiculous thing, I passed
all the requests, but the royal family had become like an empty shell "

Sigiswald who was planning to meet with a nobleman in the underground library
faced me in the merchant mode and seemed to have lost a lot of confidence in the
appearance of the royal family seen from the other, the disagreement between
common sense and the story. And it seems that the royal family who received the
report from Sigiswald was supposed to have a headache on how to deal with it.

1215 | 2523
The dedication ceremony on the final day of the lord's meeting was clear and
reasonable, and there was a memorandum on the preparation procedure and the
setup on the day, so the schedule will be serious but I can deal with it. Because the
profit is also great, it is worth a moment. We can not abstain from the present situation
and demand of Ehrenfest, improvement of Ferdinand's treatment. However, it seems
that only the library has no choice but to go to the library alone.

"About what did you demand, such as a personal library?"

"Huh? Is not it natural to set up a library in the building where I live?"

There is a temple library in the temple of Ehrenfest, a library in the castle, and a library
section in the dormitory of the aristocrat. In addition to that, there is my inheritance
from Ferdinand. If it is the Rikkai that will live as a royal family, it is not surprising
that there are around the library.

"To get away from Ehrenfest means that you have to leave my library that Mr.
Ferdinand gave you, I would prefer a new library instead of letting go of what I had in
Ehrenfest so far I think that it is not ordinary thinking that living standards have to be
lowered to become a king 's adopted daughter from a lady' s adopted lad ... .... "

My adoptive voice came out saying "Oh" by the adoptive father.

"Although standards of living standards have a headache in the place of the library,
we decided to prepare the room only for the royal family, so take all the contents from
the library of Ferdinand"
"Please wait a bit, it's my library, not Ferdinand's libraries!

As I told my adoptive father, please do not make a mistake there, I gave a hand to the
extreme trouble.

"I do not care about such things, do not ask me for an amount of books that will eat
down the country's budget"
"...... I do not mean to request such a thing separately.I like Ferdinand, it was good not
to be a new book but a book owned by the prince.If you could get a book that I had
never read If it is good, or if you become a couple it was enough to treat the books
owned by the prince as shared property.If the missing parts are copied, you can fill
the bookshelf ... ... "

1216 | 2523
In my words, the adoptive father shook his head with an amnestious face while
murmuring that "Ferdinand is nothing without this common sense."

"Rosemain, let me tell you one thing, not rare as rich as a Ferdinand amount of books
to ancestors, but individuals owned individually by a generation etc. Books that Prince
Sigismwald reads are all housed in the Royal Palace Library It is said that there are no
books owned by Prince Sigiswald owned and owned, that is, if you want to create a
new library, books must be purchased from scratch, prepare the same amount as
Ferdinand If you try, Jürgen Schmidt will go bankrupted. "

In the words of my adopting father, I felt that my strength was coming out of my whole
body with shock. In other words, it means that there is no book of my own that I can
get by going to the center.

"It's the worst, it's a girl's dream, it's broken! I do not have a book of books, I owe it to
the Prince! I already have two wives, but I do not have a book of books, Where can I
get to the prince of a prince who can not make a room and can not get married !? "
"What are you saying, who is that?"

I am facing my adoptive father as unintelligible, but is not it important if I engage with


"Even Wilfried's brother told me that she could love my dorm book shelf !? No way
the genuine prince did not have a book ... ... with the royal palace as a library Even
though I asked for it, the conclusion is to give up the library ... "

Not only the standard of living, but also the quality of fiancés has fallen. What is that.
I did not think that what I lost to become a foster admirer of the king was so great.

"I'm disappointed with Prince Sigismwald. I am disappointed."

Feeling that I was planning to go to the center a little faintly sunk. If I succeeded in
handover for one year, I thought that a new library is waiting and I tried to do my best,
but I can see that the motivation is falling out as being incompetent.

"I am going to improve Ferdinand's treatment and avoid collision avoidance, so I will
not go ... I do not want to go to the center ... Ha, I will leave my library ..."

1217 | 2523
"I'm persistent. I only got to prepare the room, and there is a deposit system on the
other side, because I will send a book made with Ehrenfest and it will increase soon, I
will wait."

The adoptive father says, "It is the same as being in Ehrenfest," but a time lag can occur
before a new item arrives. The standard of living is still declining. Why can not you
understand such simple things?

"In the meantime, the story of the library is already good, it is over, tell others what
you have decided, so that it will be your way of waving, so please listen firmly."

I thought that I could not finish it without permission, but there was no way I could
overcome what was decided between the king and Aub when I fell down any further.
While listening to your shoulders and shoulder, I hear the words of your adoptive

"If you do a votive ceremony according to your proposal and gain magical power, it
will take a year to try if you can not get King Traquarhal and Prince Segiswald to get
Gurtris Height, I will adopt her as planned. "

In spite of my adopted father I inadvertently put out a smile. If either of you got
Gurritosheit by yourself, what will be the conditions you have ever issued?

"What happens to my condition if I do not adopt her?"

"Only Fedinand's collision avoidance and concealed rooms are to be obtained as a
translation fee for this underground archive, but otherwise it will be ridiculous ... ...
but I will challenge but it will be difficult It seems to be mostly anticipated, King King
Traquequar said, we can not let go of all that effort.

If Ferdinand's collision avoidance and environmental improvement are committed,

that's fine. I do not want to go to the center, so I hope for the best of both people.

...... I do not care if I suspect poisoning, but I'd like to cheer up by putting out a
remarkable Masu recovery drug.

"Since there are various foundations, we set about one year as the preparation period,
we will adopt the adoption of Ehrenfest and adopt it with the king at the next year's
lord's conference.In the meantime, maintaining the upright status as it is, Ehrenfest
and the royal family will move with plans to be adopted by the king in various places.
1218 | 2523
I nodded in my adopted words. I can understand well that it is impossible for the king
to become an adopted daughter at large. It is good for Ehrenfest where the
information network is broken as it keeps secret so as not to issue information as
much as possible. It will manage to do something.

"I will do the conference of the lord of the lord who returns after returning to
Ehrenfest, for the time being, and I will think about how far we should expand the
"But I will tell you the people of Melchior and the people of the temple because we
need to think about handover and how to sway. When will you tell Gutenberg? How
do you tell the technology to the center? Like today I do not want to live without a
printing studio whether to tell the technology on a business trip or to emigrate, but
only if they are not ready to accept it will be burdensome to them. "

I think of the matter of handover as I come up with. The exchange between the temple
and Gutenberg and experts seems to be the center of the year.

"If it can be expected that a burden will be incurred, is not it good to have been
adopted by the king after he prepared his position to accept his craftworkers? Do not
rush the job of downtown, I said You have been told by a lot of people "
"Well, let's decide with consultation with Mr. Beno, we have to talk to the central
civilian and send the materials as soon as possible.The adoptive father, the sharing of
the aides of Mr. Auli, who was previously dismissed, Can you forgive me? I am missing
a senior escort knight at the aristocracy. "

As long as you go back and forth between the lecture and the dormitory, you will be
fine as it is now, but if you head for the underground archive you need an advanced
knight and I want the education period to Melvisor 's aides for as long as possible.

"Depending on the response of Melchior, it is okay, well ... Well, on the other hand, on
the other hand, how do you think about Wilfried, which must be resolved for
engagement, although maintaining the status quo on the surface for one year?"

As the adoptive father told me about Wilfried that I tried not to think as much as
possible comes up.

"...... To be honest, I do not feel anything particularly in the dissolution of the

engagement itself, even though I was a brother or sister, I was not a sense of distance
1219 | 2523
as a fiancée, and recently I had less contact with them, and if I skipped Ordonants I
was disliked ...... I am not doing anything necessary for engagement.

The exchange of manastones also does not do anything with color matching that I was
planning to do once I have grown up. My engagement with Wilfried is only a mouth
that is only approved by the king. For me it is a mood that I only change the opponent
from Villefried to Sigismwald after this. It does not float or sink separately.

"But I do not know what to say about the future of Vilfriit's older brother and the
position where it is put in. It was raised by Veronica and brother Wilfried who entered
the white tower was seen as the next Aub , Because it was due to engagement .... I
think that it has been extremely difficult to suddenly become the next AUB when it is
now. It is impossible for me to do it by myself as the royal self and the future I was
grasping in the future Because it is overturned. "

My adoptive father muttered that he was "I see so." It is the father 's face worried
about the future of Wilfriit who is not here. While I feel that I do not see myself in that
eye, I slowly exhale.

"It is not just Wilfriit's older brother who overturned the appointment with the
royalty, as well as Ferdinand and I did not have any plans to leave Ehrenfest, so I
decided to buy the important things I was holding I have to let go, I have to part from
an important person, since my brother Vilfried can be in Ehrenfest, is not it okay if my
adoptive father watches over? "
"... ... That's right."

Then, the invitation letter arrived from the royal family also to the dormitory of
Ehrenfest, and it was told from the mouth of the adoptive father that the dedication
ceremony will be held by the royal family on the last day of the lord conference.
Although the nobles were pleased with the explanation of the adoptive parents that
they would not have to worry about thrusting up from other territory, there are many
nobles who have never participated in the divine, so participate in the divine and aim
for re-acquisition of protection I was surprised when I was ordered to take part with
my adoptive father.

"Rosemain's aides will once again wear costumes of the blue priestess and the blue
priestess, to assist and escort."
1220 | 2523
"Certainly yes"

I only need rituals on the day, so I do not need much preparation and I kept going to
the underground library until the last day of the lord conference.

"The dedication ceremony is held by the royal family, I heard that it was realized with
the cooperation of Ehrenfest to respond to the voices of other territories that I would
like to know about the priestess, Ehrenfest is also hard."

At lunch time Hannaore tells us that Dunker Felger is willing to participate in the
donation ceremony.

"The research results that we can obtain protection from the ceremonies before and
after Ditta were out, so I thought that Dunkel Ferger would not participate."
"It seems that you are also interested in divinities other than Ditta ... ... you can not get
the other gods alone with that shrine alone?"

Although it may be rude, I was a little surprised, because I did not think that Dunkel
Ferger would show interest in other than Ditter.

... No, you see. No one feels like Ditta. So I.

According to Hannaore, civil servant and side work seem to want a little more
different gods' protection.

"Besides, it is great that adults have opportunities to get protection once more ... ....
What do you usually do to reacquire middle-class aristocrats and lower aristocrats
who are not brought to the Lord's Conference, father and mother I was bothered by
it. "

Magdalena, who was listening to the story together, nodded "It is necessary to adjust
the neighborhood," Hildebrand is lamenting that he can not participate in the divine.
It's the same because minor Hannaore is also not able to participate.

"There is also a proposal to incorporate into the lecture at the House of Lords and
there is also an opinion that it will become a regular study as a collaborative research
between Klassenburg and Ehrenfest.Please wait until you go to the lords."

1221 | 2523
Hildebrandt, appointed to his mother, said, "... then, it is late," he sharpens his lips with
minor dissatisfaction.

"After all, does most of the territory participate?"

Magdalena nodded "Huh" to the question of Hannaore.

"As for only Ahrensbach, Ferdinand will tell you about the shrines, so we received a
refusal that we do not need to participate, but we have received a statement of
participation from other areas."

Apparently Arensbach seems to be out. I remember what was in the letter of

Ferdinand that he took the aristocracy and ceremonially ceremonially. There will be
experiences of a shrine, but if you want to increase protection, you need another
ceremony. I think that the aim of the territory participating in the priest 's priest is
reacquisition of protection, is not it good to participate?

"Do you intend to leave Ferdinand the re-acquisition of protection, you can not do
rituals only in the very end, do not you know?"

When I tilted his head and told the doubt, Magdalena gave a cold smile like suppressed
a poignant emotion.

"It seems that Dietrinde will be the next TSENTO, which means that you can do rituals
as many times as you want,"
"... Are you seriously saying such a thing !?"
"Well, it arrived in Ordonante, there were voices desperately stopping nearby aides,
but I heard it with everyone of the royal family so there is no doubt."

...... Hiiiii! Ferdinand - san 's avoidance of collision, I was glad that I could make a
promise even though I threatened the royal family!

1222 | 2523
"Rosemain, I will be able to participate this time, please give my thanks to Aubu"

While passing in a wooden card written about the materials necessary to make a
library magician that moves like Schwarzs, Hill Sur was in a good mood and said so.
Since the content of the wooden bid handed down and the topic in the mouth are
totally different, I wonder if I should thank you or whether I should get on the topic,
my head is confused a little.

"Thank you, Thank you. Then, it seems that participation of the dedication ceremony
was accepted and is the most important thing."

Because the dedication ceremony which I went to at the House of Lords was a
research, it was limited to the student 's lord and senior civilian. However, it seems
that it was interesting to the priest whose protection is increased even for teachers
who have a strong desire for research.
And this time it was decided that votive ceremonies will be held at the Lord's Council,
but the invitation letter was issued against Aubu and its aides in each area, there was
no invitation for the teacher. "Since the teacher can not be played again," Hill sur
leaked, so he asked the royal family to send Aldonants from his father and requested
that the desired teacher send an invitation letter.

...... It is better for the participants to have more people. Royalty is a delight.

"Even so, this time, the recovery medicine is self-right, Gundorf was regretting.The
student was saying that the recovery medicine that Ehrenfest distributed was quite
effective, so try out the effectiveness with your own body I heard she wanted to see it.

As I thought, I thought if Durevanchel was looking for medicine, I smiled and got
laughing. Hill suru shined his eyes and saw me.

"The royalty seems to aim for the customization of rituals at the lord's conference, but
it may be a bit frustrating just by re-acquiring protection."
"Oh, is that so?"

1223 | 2523
"It is good to be able to try again at about once in a decade, but it will change in the
sense of use of magical power since it has given me a lot of protection.If you have not
provided magical power for a long time and challenge the ceremony again Although
it can not be done, will most of the areas that hit the first and second years will not
increase the protection? "

It is as Hiru sur is saying. In order to gain protection there is a great deal of dedication
to the magical power and the usual practices that will remain in the eyes of the gods,
so it does not mean that there will be an increase in protection simply because you
are living somehow.

As everyday I came to the temple and asked, "Who can change Stap first to a magical
priest?" While seeing a seemingly stupid match, while my aides, who dedicated
magical power to the magical appliances, I think that by comparing Vilfried's number
of protection dedicated at the prayer ceremony and foundation for about five years
from the time when I was immersed in the Yuleva, it is clear that the frequency and
quantity are important.

"It is going to be a losing group territory that can be assigned a disadvantageous order
that is difficult to obtain protection, even though even magical power is scarce, even
with the first reacquisition it is almost impossible to obtain protection and the next is
more than a decade I can not feel the effect if I can not be squeezed out at the
dedication ceremony.When I consider the other side, I can not afford not to participate
because there is a difference with the surroundings.But I think that it will be very
difficult for ten years, I will embrace the territory, so Rosemain-sama, will you not
distribute recovery medicine to defeat you? "

I think a bit about Hill Sur's point out. Certainly the immediate interest may also be
important to defeat such dissatisfaction. But, I think that Hill Sur advises the royal
family, as the royalty thinks, not the work of me and Ehrenfest.

"... If you think that it is better to devote dissatisfaction, it is good to advice to the royal
family and cooperate with teachers from the central department to work hard to
make recovery medicine, one or two of the teachers Do you have a high recovery drug
recipe? "

Ehrenfest does not work hard, and I refuse with a smile with Nicoli, Hill Sur shrugs his
shoulders silly.

1224 | 2523
"Are you going to scrape my research time and make a recovery medicine from now?
...... There is no benefit in the place where I made a recovery medicine for losing group
"I agree with you from the bottom of my heart I can not do anything without profit by
scraping the important reading time"

Hill sur was laughing with Hu to laugh when declaring to Hill Sur that the organizer of
this time is a royalty and will not do arbitrary imitation.

"Even if you say such a thing, it is a prospect to think whether Rosemain can do
something to resolve dissatisfaction.When you do not have any benefit to you at first
glance ...... The House of Lords It is decided that a great change will be done quite a lot,
but it is Rosemain's opinion, do not be aware that your opinion is moving the royal
family, it will be inadvertently taken in. "

It was noted by Hill Sur, but it is already late. It is decided internally that it is
incorporated. But when you hear Hirschle 's way of saying, it seems that I will not
become an adopted child of the king.

"What kind of change will happen to the lecture of the House of Lords?"
"The opinion that it is better to acquire Stapp after acquiring compression and
protection of magical power came out from the royal family, but it was an opinion that
we wanted to return to acquire it in the graduation year, but how to handle Stap is
practiced in each territory There was overwhelmingly much opinion that it was better
to practice at the House of Peers rather than to teach in, and as a result of
consultations repeatedly, acquisition of Stap was decided to be returned to the third
grade. "

It seems that anyone who gets Stap as soon as the teacher makes the lecture easier,
so far no one has given any objection to Obama's acquisition of Stap in the first grade.
The lord's council also arrived in the second half, so desperately demanded, Hirschle
said he doubted my involvement.

...... Kuu, I regret but the correct answer!

"At the same time, the teacher was instructed to return the lectures of the first and
second grade students to the former way, Mr. Gundorf will be the center and
preparations will be made by this winter."

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The teachers appealed that the content of the lecture could not be changed easily so
easily, but it was taken as an example that Fraulem has a track record of easily
incorporating the scope of old education into lecture at the time of second grade, for
example, It seems there was not.

...... Well, Mr. Fraulem 's runaway is sometimes useful for the royal family.

"There was also a consultation saying that we can adopt a dedication ceremony for
the lecture of the House of Peers.While there are many territories that are still difficult
to head to the temple now, I have experienced the shrine as soon as possible, That's
why it's important to start praying while fighting. "

However, it seems that this was rejected because the teachers had no know-how at
all. For several years I carried out a votive ceremony as a joint study between
Ehrenfest and Klassenburg and eventually it was decided to incorporate it into the
lecture of the House of Lords.

"So, if this year's House of Peers begins, I think there is an offer for collaborative
research. If Klostenburg asked the royal family to obtain information on the way of
preparation and the flow of rituals by helping prepare this dedication ceremony I am.

... ... both royalty and Klassenburg work fast. I do not think there is any particular
request for Ehrenfest. I just received a report that I brought a trial set of scripture
picture books that will be sold this summer and have been advertising.

I was relieved as I thought so far. Speaking of which, if Krsenseburg were to bear all
the preparations, he should have said that he is willing to do ceremonies. When I
explained the story with Aub Klassenburg, Hill Sur showed a convincing face.

"Oh, I see. That was already said that, as long as you prepare yourself for recovery
medicine by becoming part of the lecture, the burden on Klasseburg was much less,"

...... Preparation of recovery medicine is pretty tough.

Of course it is hard to make, but the hardest thing is to collect materials. In the
collection place of the old Ehrenfest, that material could not be taken. Perhaps, I think
that the place of collection of other territories is not much material yet.

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"Ehrenfest was quite easy to prepare for healing medicine, Klostenburg was sick."

...... I only have to recover the collection site by themselves, but I also have to know the
words of prayer.

Mum, thinking, the Rizera brought a box with a hot meal. It is a reward for the wooden
tag that Hill Sur brought. Because it gives us various information, it may be better to
add more colors.

"Risera, here it is"

Hill suru beckoned with a smile of Hokuhoku and received a box with a reiserator
showing a posture waiting at the wall until the end of the story.

"Well, I handed the memo of the material I needed for Rosemain, so I will return to
the lab."
"Ah, that, Mr. Hill Sur, I still want to ask ... ...."
"Greetings, Rosemain, next time we will meet the lord's ceremony ceremony"

Although we had not finished talking yet, Hirschle returned with his heel as soon as
he got rice, quickly went back. Riserator drops his shoulder, looking at me stolen out
of sight.

"...... Sorry, Rosemain-sama, I did not think that Mr. Hirschle would return home
although I was talking in a minute, I should have prepared more slowly."
"Hirschle teacher is a teacher of the House of Lords, but it is furthest from the way the
nobles are taught at the aristocrats"

I can not help it if I can not read the action, I will comfort the Risera. I did not think
that suddenly the talk ended and I could turn my back. That person is too free.

"Thank you for comforting, Mr. Rosemain, but, despite being in contact with Dr.
Hirschle for many years, I could not predict the behavior, but I was immature as a side
job, It was an opportunity ... .... "

...... I understand the feeling, but it is difficult to read Mr. Hirschle's behavior far from
the norm of the aristocracy. The side is not Esper.

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Then, in the underground archive, we proceeded with a modern translation and at the
lunch we met the royal family through the Magdalena, a donor - style ceremony, and
the last day of the lord 's conference celebrated. Although it was a sudden schedule,
the preparation seems to have finished successfully.

When I finish breakfast and cleanse my body and get the costume of the temple
wearing, I will head to the designated room earlier than the start time of the
dedication ceremony with my aides in blue costume.

...... Wow, Immanuel.

As soon as I entered the waiting room, I recalled the fact that I was waiting for a
moment after seeing the face of Imanuel who greeted me as "I was waiting" after the
rite of star knotting. At some point I wanted to get away from Immanuel who was
creepy and at the same time I was moved slightly to hide behind Hartmut who was
pushed shoulder gently by Cornelius elder brother and led the way.

When I looked up to Cornelius elder brother, I laughed a bit to relieve me, then
tightened my facial expression, I went out long ago and lined up in Hartmut. Both of
us gave a glaring look and greeted me with Immanuel and I sat on the prepared chair.

"I am very pleased to be able to welcome Rosemain to the temple of the central temple
in the near future."
"As I said the other day, Rosemain is a candidate for a lord of Ehrenfest and there is
no plan to become the temple of the central temple, and this dedication ceremony also
responded to the needs of the royal family."

When Hartmut says so with a cold smile just saying "Please understand it in a bad
way," Immanuel also turned a sneer toward Hartmut.

"If the today's shrine is over, the request from the royal family will be directed to
Ehrenfest soon, as soon as Rosemain will be called as the temple of the central temple,
there is no way to shift the lord candidate to the center I have heard that it is not. "

In Ehrenfest there is no way to go against the life from the royal family, Hartmutht
smiled a little surprisedly at Immanuel, smiled provocatively with Hu.

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"Oh, do not you know the priest of the central temple? It is stipulated only by marriage
that the candidate lords can move to the center, and those who got married can not
become the temple of the temple, Even if it moves to the center, it is impossible for
Rosemain sama to enter the central temple ... .... Oh, maybe the royalty is not a central
temple, but I'm thinking of trying to incorporate Rosemain into the royal family It
might be, is not it? "

Immanuel who did not know that candidate lords can not move until pointed out by
Ferdinand seems to have really not known the circumstances of the neighboring
nobleman. "A royalty takes in ...?" It was a light eyepiece and turned into a shocked
face. Apparently he seemed to believe that if he seriously attacked from the royal
family, he could make me the temple of the central temple.

...... There is no way to eliminate the adoption of Ehrenfest, and since there was a story
from the royal family as to whether they could actually enter the central temple, the
central temple probably had a winning amount accordingly.

But in the middle of the Lord Conference I became the next candidate for the Gentris
Height nearest neighbor. The story goes in the direction of king and adoption, and the
thing of the central temple will not be completely at the head of the royal family.

... ... Because the position changed at a stretch during the Lord's Council.

"Immanuel, you are in the auditorium, do you have to explain the entrance and
alignment of the nobles?"

Immanuel who glares at Hartmut was gloomy, I ordered to leave by lightly shaking
hands. But Immanuel does not leave the house but starts to describe the discontent of
today's ritual.

"Mr. Rosemain, the dedication ceremony is a ceremony to be done towards the altar,
please advice to the royal family to think that you should arrange the nobles in a circle
as you think."

Immanuel shows a strong refusal in the dedication ceremony where the nobles will
surround the holy grail around the holy grail. However, it seems that he could not
listen to royalty even if he said how much.
This dedication ceremony is not to dedicate magical power to the gods but to gather
in the Holy Grail for use by them, so we can not head to the altar. When a dedication
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ceremony is held towards the altar, magical power flows into all the sacred trees
lining the altar.

"If magical powers flow into other sacred tools, the central temple will be saved
"I do not intend to help the central temple in a magical way, is not the harvest amount
of each region falling down year by year, is not because it brought a magical powerful
blue priest or a blue shrine maiden to the central temple? Rather, I think the central
temple wants us to help the temple of each area. "

After the political change, it was great that many apprentices of Magical Power
returned to the aristocratic society, but what the people gathered in the central
temple should have been a terrible pain to the temple of the Small Territory. You can
see the blue priests that remained in the temple of Ehrenfest.

"... .... Based on that, if you are saying that you want this magical power from each
province to be sent to the central temple, please talk with the royal family in the
auditorium.Today's organizer is a royal family and I am not me."

When waving again and seeking to leave, Hartmut and Angelica forced myself to force
Immanuel out of the waiting room. Léonore looks into me with a worried face.

"Is it okay, Mr. Rosemain? It looks like I am already tired."

I am not good at Immanuelu 's eyes filled with a feverishly fanatic person who is not
focused somewhat. Bad feeling. I feel like I'm robbing my physical strength just by
looking at each other.

"Thank you, Leonore ... Because there are so many things I have to think about, I do
not have enough sleep, I can not do a votive ceremony, but there is no room for
Immanuel's opponent."

I have not even talked about the story of becoming an adolescents of the king yet.
Thinking back to Ehrenfest, I was sighing. Talk with Villefried about resolving the
engagement and discuss what to do with the upcoming Arub, check the intentions of
the aides and succeed to Melchior in the temple. And we must talk about downtown
and move.

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...... I have to write a letter with ink that disappears to Ferdinand as well. Successfully
succeeded in avoiding the joint and acquiring the hidden room, and that Jurgen
Schmidt decided to protect Ehrenfest. Besides, there are plenty of dangerous silver
cloths and words I do not understand that Mr. Ortansia was telling Dietlinde .... Okay,
will you allow me to send you a letter?

"Rosemain, the nobility's entrance has ended, the explanation of the divine has
already been completed.Today is the shrine of the central temple, so let's accompany
me today as the president of the shrine today"

It seems that it was time for the ceremony while I was thinking about the first things.
I was handed out to Immanuel who came to the call. In the next moment, Halmut
pleads hands handed out by Immanuel with a smile.

"I think that whatever it is reckless, there is no reason to be able to dedicate magical
power to the blue priest who is not even a nobleman, at the center of the lords and
the Aubs, etc. It does not resist the flow, the magical power is depleted, in the worst
case it dies Is not it dangerous to be in the circumference part? "

After carefully wiping out his hand who had pushed Immanuel out, Hartmut gave me
a hand, "I do not think anything is dead, but Rosemain will like it." I compare Hartmut
and Immanuel and reach out to Hartmut.

"It is not easy to die in the ceremony as expected, Damuel, you should do ceremonies
on the circumference, and if magical power gets stricter, please signal."
"Certainly yes"
"Every other escort knight do not ritual, Please concentrate on escort service"

I was surrounded by my aides and headed to the auditorium. You can see that angelica
behind is tremendously wary of Immanuel's movements.

"The temple, entrance"

Turning in with the sound of the bell, aristocrats kneeling side by side in a donut shape
on a red cloth turned their faces all at once. As Immanuel was dissatisfied, he is

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heading for the Holy Grail to the center instead of going to the altar just like the
dedication ceremony of the lords.

...... It looks like a pie chart.

Since the aristocrats have attached the cloak of their territory, it looks like a pie chart
showing the proportion. After all, the large territory has many people, and the small
territory has few people. It seems that it was arranged so that the magical power
becomes weak enough that there are Arub and wife in the place close to the center
properly explanation was done properly.

When I began walking between donut shaped nobles, "Immanuel is here," heard a
small voice that Damuel stopped Immanuel on the circumference. Leave Immanuel to
Damuel, I will advance my feet.

When I looked towards Eolenfest's bright ocher color, I could see the adoptive father
in front. Originally a foster mother who should be next to it is not going because she
is pregnant. The father and the several knights, who are the head of the knight, are
standing outside the circle to be alert.

Ah, the central aristocrat also participates.

I saw an organization with a black cloak between red and blue cloaks. However, the
royalty does not participate in the ceremony, so it is not there. Perhaps, I think it is a
civil servant and a side job.
The royal family is a little away from the circles of the nobles, standing side by side
without red cloth. And in the vicinity there was a central knight as an escort and used
a glare.

Arriving in the center of the circular aristocracy, there are two big Holy Grail and a
number of small Holy Grail lines. There is no one in the center in the position of Giebe
and it is said that the royal family other than Zent was managing to distribute magical
power to the imperial palace and surroundings like Gibe, so it was not so difficult to
collect .
I also confirmed that an empty manastone was prepared in the Holy Grail, and I
nodded one. It will be okay if there is only this.

"Aub Ehrenfest, and Rosemain. Thank you for representing all the aristocrats who
have responded to our sudden request."
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While intersecting Tenzent's acknowledgment while kneeling and responding, I
placed my hand on the red cloth laid on the floor. Hartmuth also kneeled by my side,
but the escort knights in blue costumes stood on the spot.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"
"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

We wait for everyone else to repeat, offer prayers.

At first it is the same as the dedication ceremony held at the House of Peers in which
the irregular voices are gradually aligned. It is familiar to see a wave of light in a red
cloth poking hands and flowing into the Holy Grail.

……that? Does only the shrine of the aristocratic house shine?

If you do the divine with your own Stap, the pillars of light will stand but the pillars of
light will not stand even if you use the temple of the temple. I thought so far from my
experience, but only one of the Holy Grail started to shine red.

The Holy Grail, wearing red light for a while, seems to be claiming that this is the real
thing. And the red light is swaying like a flame, and fluffy fluffy and small red light
slowly rises up so that sparks soar in the sky. It is the first mysterious phenomenon
that is different from the pillar of light rising.

...... Does it resemble the mysterious light seen at the night of Fleet Lane?

When he was robbed of his eyes, he heard the voice of Damuel 's here ". I take my hand
off the floor and slowly rise.

"Let's finish the ceremony, everyone, please do not let go of the floor, it is about time
that severe magical power comes out"

Even for the lower knight Darmel who has the magical power of the intermediate level
nobility, even if it is a limit, if the nobility of a class participating in the lord conference
it is not that magical power is completely tough. Even restorative drugs that are less
effective will be able to recover without problems.

Aubu who actually supplies magical power to foundation magic had a face not to have
anything in particular and the nobles who participated in the divine for the first time

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also showed a tired appearance, but the dedication ceremony of the aristocrat There
are not many people showing a tight appearance like the one.

...... In anticipation of the customization in the future, I did not pour too much, I was
able to have it properly experienced, is not it perfect?

After thinking so, immediately after having smiled a satisfying smile, I could see that
the blue priest and the blue shrine maiden who seemed to participate in the ceremony
on the circumference fell down and lost consciousness, and "A" was suppressed a little

...... Later, I forgot. Or, you always do a divine task, you know what your limit is? Why
is he falling down! Is it?

I was surprised quite surprised, but with a face I would not be surprised at so much, I
looked around the nobles and encouraged people to drink recovery medicine. I was
in a bad mood and I talked about the donation ceremony while looking around
everyone's mouth with their recovery medicine.

"This is originally a ritual in winter, to fill the small grail of cups to give to Giebe at the
spring prayer ceremony and the holy grail that enjoys the direct jurisdiction, the
nobles offer prayers in the temple of your own territory and pray for magical power
By dedicating, the yield of the territory will rise, and by praying, nobility will be able
to gain protection from the gods. "

I mentioned with the number of protections Wilfried got as a reference. I will mention
that Tento, who was listening to my explanation, nodded slowly and that a dedication
ceremony will be held at the House of Lords also this winter so that students can
experience a shrine.

"In order to gain the protection of the gods we need more prayers from the time of
our children, and this year we also plan to hold a dedication ceremony as a
collaboration between Ehrenfest and Klassenburg at the House of Lords, and we got
consent from both."

... ... Have you ever touched Ehrenfest formally?

I was asked informally by an underground archive, but is he talking to his adopted

father? Or is it about the House of Peers, do not we need permission from the adoptive
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father? Either way, if you declare it to Tento in front of a lot of people, even if you think
about the face that you got in the winning group, you can not say "I can not do" or "Do
not do it."

The same thing can be said that each of the territories urged to participate is the same
as it can not say. It seems that there is a melancholy in the figure of the aristocrat who
is watching the container of recovery medicine that is empty so that he said "You still
get magical powered."

"As Zent suggests, it is necessary to do rituals to gain protection from the gods and to
support Jurgen Schmidt, but it will necessarily use recovery drugs, so it is a bit harsher
for the students I guess. "

There were many noblemen figures who raised their faces in response to my words.
Many are losing group legs.

"Is Ehrenfest preparing recovery medicine like last year in the dedication ceremony
of the lords?"
"No. Although we know that if you imagine a little, it is a burden for Klassenburg,
which is a large territory, and Ehrenfest, a large territory, to prepare all members of
the House of Lords."

I trimmed my eyes full of expectation as a bisari, and I shook my head as I smiled. Even
though I have a strong possibility that I will not be there after a year, I can not let such
a role in Ehrenfest.

"But I would like to teach prayer words to restore the collection so that everyone can
make recovery medicine even a little easier."
"... ... is the collection place?"

To the aristocrats of the face that I do not know what they were told, I nod widely. It
is only words of prayer that teach. If you want to improve the quality of the material,
you can restore it yourself. In anticipation of it, it was to discourage the magical power
to make it conservative.

Strange magic to the collection areas that are given to each territory of the "House of
Lords has been embedded. Thrust a hand on the ground, the nobility of the territory
in the same way as today pray while offering the magic in full force lever, able to

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restore harvested areas, will be able to obtain a good quality materials. it recovery
agent making it easier, is that it is also possible to carry out the rituals ourselves. "

toward the nobles that has become noisy and noisy, I will teach the word of prayer
dedicated to the flue tray value to use in prayer formula. At one time it is said to be
"once again thank you" to those who did not hear, I while in the mouth the words of
several prayer, complete to sneak into the Holy Grail, which has not been met will
pour their own magic.

"Now from the Holy Grail is a green light ... !?"

"I had been chanting the words of ... Oh? We rude. Choice, inadvertently did was
become place to another ritual"

release the hand from the Holy Grail in a hurry , it puts a smile that Toritsukuro'.
Although nearly he found little to fail, because I was able to meet all of the Holy Grail
that had been prepared, the grace of one year should be obtained without problems.
I thus was able to finish the dedication formula of恙without lord conference.

By the way, I got to the recovery of the large people to gathering places in the
gathering place of Ehrenfest before feedback. Do it in a large number of people, it
seems once recovery is allowed to. Just because I was gone, that can not be harvested
area of recovery was a little relieved to be sure that that is unlikely.

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"Finally it was over"

Dinner of the day that the lord conference was over was supposed to be taken with
mother Magdalena. It was because Hildebrandt who was unable to participate under
a minor asked us to tell her about the state of the donation ceremony.

In fact it would have been good if you could let him join your aide and ask about it, but
you can not escort the escort from Hildebrand who makes an answering machine. And
it was given priority to those who took the number of people in the central answering
machine where everyone participated in the votive ceremony and became impatient.

"Mother, what was the donation ceremony, did the pillar of light stand again?"

Instead of standing side by side with the king as a royal family, Hildebrand stares at
Magdalena who participated in the donation ceremony as a nobleman in the center,
and asks for excitement. The dedication ceremony of the House of Lords and the
ceremony of the first star tie of the Lord's Council are rituals that have never heard
before, as a shrine performed with Rosemain as the temple.

Magdalena moves the cutlery, eats a bite of young bird's fragrant grass, and slowly
looks around the circumference. Hildebrandt is looking forward too much, the side
serving the servants and the escort knights standing behind were also waiting for
Magdalena 's answer with an interesting face.

"The pillars of red light that I had heard from the royal family who participated in
winter did not stand"
"Oh, is that so?"

For Hildebrandt who thought that something strange would happen if Rosemain
performed a ceremony, that was a bewitching answer.

"Rosemain says," Because there is a change depending on whether you make a shrine
at Stap or you use a sacred tool in the temple, and the original dedication ceremony is
a winter ritual, so the season may be different "
"Although you said you wanted to look at the red pillar, your mother was sorry, too."

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Magdalena could not participate in the donation ceremony as he had to remain in the
royal palace in order to perform his office last time. I listened to the story of the
royalty that I participated and said that I wanted to see it with my own eyes.

"Unfortunately, I could not see the red pillar, which is a noble winter noble, but the
sacred spirit that the Holy Grail shines in the noble red, and the red light slowly rises
upwards so swiftly It was a fantastic and beautiful sight. "

Hildebrandt to Magdalena narrowing down the red eyes and making a mischievous
appearance made me feel felt as if "something strange happened again."

"Please tell me more, Motherhead"

Unlike the dedication ceremony held at the House of Lords in the winter, the
dedication ceremony did not stand the pillar of red light at this dedication ceremony,
but as the words of prayers that were scattered at first were gradually aligned,
participate in the divine There seems to be a sense of unity that everyone's feelings
become one and comfortable to leave to the flow of magical power flowing steadily
from behind.
When I was watching Magdalena talking happily, it was frustrating for Hildebrand
that I was not able to participate in a shrine by a juvenile.

"Because it was the first time for a shrine to do with that number of people, it made
me feel uncomfortable ecstatic, it was about a feeling of tiredness after coming to be
comfortable ... ...."

Although it seems that people who fall down at the dedication ceremony of the House
of Peers also continued, this time it seems that Rosemain had rounded up early, and
there were no aristocrats whose magical power fell down too much.

"The blue priestess of the central temple and the blue shrine maiden had collapsed, it
seems that the flow of magical power was too early and could not be rounded up to
just right time.When doing ceremonies together with great magical power difference
I taught to Immanuel in advance if I can not do it, Rosemain says with confused face.

It is natural that there is a big difference in amount of magical power between blue
priestesses and blue shrine maidens who have never compressed magical power and
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Aubu and their aides in various areas that support the territory, and even in the
temple of Ehrenfest, Rosemain and other blue priests It seems to be carrying out a
votive ceremony separately.

"Because the central temple would have never done a votive ceremony with nobility,
there would be no choice."

As I said that, Magdalena smiled cuz. There seemed to be plenty of thought in the
central shrine that revealed the new request to the royal family in large faces as it was
able to recreate the old priest and choose the candidate for the next term. It has
become a lowered face.

After finishing the dinner and transferring the room from the dining room to the
discourse room and asking Artur to prepare tea after dinner, Hildebrandt paid a
casualty. To the royal family was a turbulent lord conference, so there are too many
topics that should not be asked by others. No matter what you talk about, witches and
witchcraft to prevent eavesdropping are important.

Grabbing the magical tool that prevents wiretap that was handed, Hildebrand stares
at Magdalena. Even if I have a magician for a mother who is slowly enjoying the scent
of tea, I hide a little bit and ask.

"Have you succeeded to impress Rosemain as a saint in this dedication ceremony and
make it special as a talent suitable for becoming an adore for the king?
"Well, only votive ceremony would have seemed enough special but if everyone could
make restorative medicine a little easier afterwards, and repeatedly repeat the
celebration of Fleet Lane and speak with the Holy Grail I think that the appearance
that was shining green was special to everyone's eyes and I think that I succeeded in
embracing the feeling that it is not a good person to be monopolized by Ehrenfest. "

Although it was not on this schedule, Magdalena said, it was very convenient.
Rosemain seemed to be doing a shrine that causes a mysterious phenomenon by the
face like normal, he was crowded with a celebration to restore the collection place,
and seemed to have made the Holy Grail green in the process of teaching everyone. It
seems that the figure was suitable for being called a saint who got accustomed to
interacting with the gods.

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"Even if there is not a case of Gurtris Height, she is a talented person to be in the
center, although it will be a pain for Ehrenfest, there are few who oppose the king's
adoption as a female employee."

There is a wealth of experience and information on the shrine, and it has the amount
of magical power suitable for the next TSENT. If you look at the information on the
stone board that you have translated into modern language, you can also guess that
Rosemain, which was able to visit the shrine, is all attributes. Even though I can not
become a next tent, I would like to secure it for the next generation of the royal family.

"I was really ... ... It was hard to imagine the same person as a person who told me to
make a library for the conditions of the marriage very much."

Magdalena begins to drink tea slowly after sighing. Hildebrandt took the cup in the
same way as Magdalena and swallowed the word "Rosemain does not want to marry
her elder brother Sigiswald" with tea.

In the underground library, Rosemain talking only with Sigismwald and two people
was tearful on the way. He looked sadly at Sigiswald and was trembling. And because
it has given out such conditions that I can not prepare very much, it is decided to
emerge my heart that I do not want to marry Sigismwald.

"It was really helpful to me that Aub Ehrenfest agreed to dismiss the library"
"... .... Did your father say that it was okay? That Wilfriit and Rosemain's engagement
are resolved ... ...."

The order of Zent is absolute. The engagement of Vilfriet and Rosemain should have
been decided by the word of Tento. Why, then, can you let her engagement resolve
and allow her to engage in a new engagement? I wonder if I can solve my engagement
if that is possible.
As Hildebrand asked about various things, Magdalena put a cup and shrugged his
shoulders a little.

"Because it is the most safe and fits in a good shape, I did not disagree.If there was
more power in Ehrenfest, it might have been possible to make Wilfried like a royal,
Aub Ehrenfest said, not that instrument. "

Magdalene murmurs that it would be unavoidable that more powerful aristocrats will
flow out from Ehrenfest, who is short of human resources. It seems that Ehrenfest has
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been rapidly raising its ranking, basically being an achievement of Rosemain, and
excellent being analyzed in young people.

"Aub Ehrenfest shows an Aura-like response in a subordinate territory trying to

swallow as it is ordered, but a young civilian officer will show the attitude of giving
out conditions or arguingly arguing and negotiating Right? "

When the opinion that Rosemain was to the temple of the central temple was taken
out from many territories, and Tsento and Sigismwald went to make a request to
Ehrenfest, Aub Ehrenfest and his aides were a very troubled face, After closing his
mouth, "It is ... ...", it seems that the young civilian officer gave an alternative after
dismissing with a very refreshing smile "I can not accept it very much."

"The head of the temple of Ehrenfest is a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest.The
central temple which is the jurisdiction of the royal family is likely to have the royal
family.The first generation king was the temple of the temple In Prince Hildebrand,
put Prince Hildebrand in the central temple, it seems good to get to the temple of the
temple until adult.If you want to know what kind of study you should do, Let me tell
you that I am. "

It seems that he could not object to the royal family who suggested that he wanted to
be a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest in the central temple because he intends to
put royalty in the temple.

"...... I was not only headed for Ahrensbach, was it also included in the temple?"

It is not quite different from the response to the older brother who remains as a
royalty in whatever circumstances it is. Hildebrandt can not but think his worth for
his father is very low.

"Indeed I will not let such a situation happen"

Magdalena makes a smile while saying so, and gazes at Hildebrand with a gentle eyes.
Hildebrand asked a small question to the mother's eyes to protect himself.

"... ... Do I really have to go to Ahrensbach's son-in-law?"

Likewise, I expected the answer "I will not let you in such a situation", but Magdalena
smiled faintly, "Because it is a royalty."
1241 | 2523
"I think that Dietlinde is a mother-in-law in the future, I am very worried, can the
princess and me who can be raised by such a person get along well?"

Voice heard a little in the underground library and its contents. Listening to
Ordonants from Ahrensbach who announced the non-participation in the dedication
ceremony, you can quickly see what kind of person Dietrinde is going to become next
You can not show the attitude of rejecting the royalty. When I cried out uneasiness to
anyone else, Magdalena stood up with a look that looked like a frustrating. Then he
stood next to the sitting Hildebrand and gently hugged him.

"It's okay, Hildebrandt. Because you will surely exclude Dietlinde by the time you get
a raft ... .... In general, Ferdinand, the marriage partner of Dietlinde, often watches her
and is unfaithful You must be careful not to do anything such as behavior, but it's
unlikely that you can expect it. "

Magdalena said that with a slightly stronger tone.

"Since it is obvious that you will become a seated crew once you get married, you have
about six months to spare yourself a hard time if you do not train exactly from within
now Even in that state. "

While Magdalena raises Dietlinde's disrespectful attitude, it overruns Ferdinand that

forgives it. According to the mother, Ferdinand does not know the madam and there
is no thorough effort to do anything to anyone, it seems that someone who refuses not
only women, but even the face of most people from the beginning.

"Ferdinand is only good on the outer surface such as looks and grades and the
strength as a knight is also great.If you only look at it from afar, it will look like a
perfect person, but he is like a devilish demon Even if you can plan, threaten and
coordinate factions, it is all that, even though you can arrange people who have
excluded emotional aspects from long ago, interpersonal relationships that
individuals and individuals must face face to face is clear. "

Hildebrandt made his eyes round with too much bad figures. I feel quite different from
Ferdinand who heard from the mouth of Rosemain at the time of lunch of tea
ceremony and underground archives so far.

1242 | 2523
"...... Um, mother, was not Ferdinand the master of Rosemain, is it the story of another
"There is not the person who does not suit the word raising someone as much as
Ferdinand, I think that the aides probably saw Rosemain sama ... ...."

Magdalena says "It is impossible to raise a young child to his / her" with a mysterious
face in his heart. It seems that children must be crushed because it is too strict.

"But, there is a relief of Ferdinand in the condition that Rosemain will be adopted by
the king, is not Rosemain honoring Ferdinand?"

If conditions are not long enough, such conditions should not come out. In the words
of Hildebrand, Magdalena nodded as "unbelievable, is it so" as it is not understood.

"To be honest, I did not think there was anybody else who likes Ferdinand as a family
other than Aub Ehrenfest, so I was really surprised when Prince Sigismwald asked for
that condition."

Whether Rosemain hopes to avoid Fedinand's descendants and improve treatment as

a condition to be adopted by the king, is not that the treatment in Ahrensbach is bad
enough to have to sue to the royal family?

"...... Mother, I also want to be a Tento, so does not it have to go to Ahrensbach?

Ahrensbach is a terrible place for Rosemain to demand treatment improvement?"
"My mother will do our best so that you can arrange Ahrensbach to spend in
Ahrensbach, but I will not allow you to become a Tento."

Magdalena gently hugged Hildebrandt, dismissed his request clearly with a smiling

"One thing is that it takes too much time even if you challenge from now, you know
that you do not even have enough time to wait for an adoption for one year, but you
do not have enough attributes, I am not in it, how much time do you think you will
take to qualify? "

The collapse of Jürgen Schmidt will not wait for the growth of Hildebrand, says

1243 | 2523
"Besides, this is even more important - if one year later you greet Rosemain as an
adopted daughter and getting a Gurtris Height comes true, she is Tsento."

They can not be Tsento, Magdalena explains that if Hildebrandt who draws King Traka
Oval is later qualified as Tento, he can break Jurgen Schmidt.

"We never admit that both ourselves and I do not admit that the royal family will
shake the reign of the new Tento we got in the long-awaited, dismissed engagement
and we got it far from home."

It was strictly told by his mother that Hildebrandt, the royal family, should not do it,
Hildebrand tumbled. I can understand the opinion of Magdalena. But feelings are

"Mother, Rosemain has a weak body, I can not do the hard work like Tzent, I need
someone to support, I just want to help Rosemain"

Hildebrand also knows that if you think of the father who is tired of the office, it can
not be done to Rosemain. It is not something that makes the Tento etc. a princess who
collapses at a tea party or a weak princess.
Hildebrand tries to appeal that the marriage partner may also need qualification for
the marriage partner to support women's tents as the marriage partner is decided as
a lord candidate to support the women's aub.

"The worry of Hildebrand is right, so it is something that Prince Sigiswald should do

as a fiancée, as a fiance, as a husband, not what Hildebrand does."
"...... Sigiswald older brother was not hated by Rosemain?"

If I could be more gentle on Rosemain, if Hildebrand was dissatisfied with plenty of

lips, Magdalena strictened the red eyes.

"I know that you are longing for Rosemain, because you have a long contact time with
Rosemain, but do not act beyond your own position You are engaged to Retiesia,
There is a need to be able to digest emotions well. "

No matter how frustrating you are, the royalty can not help it. It is only TSENT who
can revoke her engagement with Reti Zia or her engagement of Sigiswald and

1244 | 2523
...... If I could become a Tento, weak Rosemain would not be in Tzent or headed to
Ahrensbach, forced to marry unwillingly.

Hildebrand gently sweeps away the arm of Magdalena.

"If in a hurry, should not you try challenging all the royal family?"
"Although I was able to collect magical powers at the dedication ceremony, the work
of the royalty is not limited to that, and there should not be enough room to challenge
for everyone ... ... and how much do you want to challenge you, It is after getting into
the third year student at the House of Lords. "
"There was a change in the content of the lecture at the House of Education. It is after
Rosemain sorts adults that Hildebrandt can obtain the necessary staple to enter the

...... Then is not it not at all in time? Why does not Father let me challenge you! Is it?

I do not know what to say but I can not hear it. Hildebrand swallowed a cup of tea with
a variety of complaints. Hildebrandt finished the dinner party with his mother while
feeling dissatisfaction in his stomach.

For the royal family, and also for Hildebrandt the turbulent lord conference was over
and everyday life came back.
A sword practice with Rao Buruto, the head of the knights of the Central Order, has
been a long time since. During the Lord 's Conference the Knights were busy escorting
missions so it was only a little practice with their escort knights in a short time from
breakfast to the underground archive.

Begin with a solid foundation training and fit the swords together. Just a few meetings
told Rao Burut to frown and to stop.

"A sword has been devastated for a long while, what on earth are you?"

As Rao Burut teaching practice was amazed, he said "I will not practice and I will take
a break" and walked to a resting place in the training ground. Hold a heavy sword,
followed by Hildebrand. As Hildebrandt I meant not to show you in my heart, but it
was awfully tough to have been transmitted to the other party.
1245 | 2523
Arthur waiting at the resting place makes a cup of tea while having a slight surprise
on the sudden break. While receiving tea from Arthur, Rao Burt urged Hildebrand to
consult with Hildebrandt "What's wrong with such a face?"

"... I can not say that"

I can not say that I do not want to go to Ahrensbach as a son-in-law. I feel depressed
when I think that when I grow up I think that Dietlinde is my mother-in-law, I can not
say that I am desperately thinking whether there is no way to eliminate engagement.
I will deny the royalty.

It is also not to say that Rosemain is closest to the next TSENT. You can not say what
the royalty decided to exclude the aides. In addition, it can not be said that it is not
Sigiswald, which is disliked by Rosemain, but that he thinks that he is the best to
marry Rosemain.

In fact I would like to compress magical powers as soon as possible, like Hirudbrandt
as my father and Sigismwald go around the shrine, I would like to get the qualification
of the next Tent as same as Rosemain. I thought that if Rosemain qualified before
adulthood, it would not be a case to join Ahrensbach, or Rosemain would not marry.

However, the acquisition of Stap which should be acquired in the first grade student
at the House of Lords was changed to the third grade. Rosemain is already grown
when he is a third grader. It is too late to move from being able to gain qualification
for the next term after getting Stap in the third grade.

None of this is something that can be said. I do not want to put out my troubles,
Hildebrand decided to show a little bit of bloating and change the topic. It is somewhat
frustrating to ask only things that I do not want to touch too much.

"I was wondering what kind of flower it is with the flowers of shratarium."

Rao Burut looked into Hildebrand with a stunning face whether it could not come
about sudden topic transformation. I just smile a little bit on Lao Blue's surprised face
and laugh a little.

1246 | 2523
"In the library's library Orturcia was asking Dietlinde, is it a flower you like Rao Burut?
It is said to be available only in Ahrensbach, what kind of flower is it?"

Asking while remembering that he was surprised that he liked the flower that he
knew not to have any contact with, and that he had a favorite flower in Rao Burut,
which is a knight captain and rugged, and that he does not bloom at all at all.

"... ... Ah, was there such a thing in the library?"

After a few seconds of silence, Lao Bluet smiles with a smile. It is a smile that the
nobles often show in order to hide the ups and downs of the inner centers. With that
smile, Rao Buru gazes slowly to look for words.

"The flowers of the shratarium ... are white flowers with a sweet smell.I like my
favorite flowers, but I can not get it easily.So I ask if this year is blooming or not"

Is it a rare flower blooming beautifully? Hildebrand tilted his neck thoughtfully.

"Did not you come from Lao Buruto Giessenmeier? How can you know the flowers
that will not bloom except Ahrensbach?"

To that question Rao Burut looked a little far away and traced his cheeks scratches,
already thin. Hildebrandt thinks somehow whether it is related to the wound. It is the
face of an adult who is missing something already lost with a bitter face.

"Do you have any memories?"

"...... In the past, it was a flower that the Lord of the Rikyu who liked when I was still
an adult when I was still adult, had a greenhouse, there was a greenhouse in the corner
of the Rikyu, it was blooming there It seems that it is not a flower whether it is mainly
understood, but it seems to have taken care of many generations over the years ... ...
My assignment has changed without being 5 years, now there is no main, closed It is
a story of Rikyu that is being done. "

Hildebrandt agreed that it is probably the flower that Princess Arends Bach who
married to the royal family brought to the Imperial Palace a long time ago. Following
the political change, I heard that there were a number of royals who were purged and
there were also many closed shrines. It is probably one of them.

1247 | 2523
"Well, when I talk about my memories, the prince also talks about my troubles, and in
such a situation forever, I will not only study the sword, I will not be able to study it"

Rao Burt points his attention to Arthur saying that Arthur is worried. Although I
thought that I was able to change the subject well, I did not expect to return to the
original topic.

Arthur also gazes anxiously, and Rao Burt urged the answer to make it turn back,
"Pray Hildebrandt does not answer while asking me" Oh, I asked.
When I say that to Rao Burut who takes care of me from a young age, I feel I have to
answer something.

I can not say that I do not want to go to Ahrensbach as a son-in-law. Do not say that
Rosemain is the nearest to the next Tent, nor the adoption of the king. I can not say
that I think that it is really best to myself with Rosemain, not Sigismwald.
As a result, only Hildebrand talked about complaints about the curriculum change of
the House of Lords.

"...... I thought that I want Stap right now, yet my father changed the content of the
lecture at the House of Lords and I am a little sad about it."
"Now, is that ... ...."

After curving his eyes, Rao Bruit slowly narrowed his eyes to think a little, smiled and
smiled and shook his head.

"Prince Hildebrand is a royal family, so I can open the door and there is nothing I can
not take if I want to take it."

The voices of Hildebrandt who stared at Lao Burut thoughtlessly, overlapped voice of

"What are you talking about as the head of the knight !?"

Raoburuto the Artur is win by taking a little hand.

"But, Tsuento is thinking of Prince Hildebrand, I was forced to change the lecture
content. Parental love of Tsuento, please give to understand."
1248 | 2523
For myself, and do not understand it is said. Become a Tsuento candidate to adulthood
of Rozemain, I want Shutapu even right now as their engagement also Jigisuvaruto
and Rozemain also resolved to would want Hildebrand engagement. And yet, that
lecture contents had been changed he did not seem only to have been disturbed.
Raoburuto is the reason why the lecture contents are changed at a slow tone.

"As much as possible to the magic compression prior to obtaining Shutapu, for those
who had to increase the attribute to obtain your blessings of the gods to pray to obtain
a good Shutapu, we were there is a change in the lectures. Tsuento is was the will
became a hurry, so as to be able to Hildebrand prince get even a little good Shutapu,
and there is no difference in because now you think, "

Artur to the description of the Raoburuto nodded in as relieved face.

"Hildebrand prince, is as you say of the Grand Master. Your mind please spend along
the of Toraokuvaru King"

is said as much as possible of good quality Shutapu and ..., Hildebrand think a little.
Speaking of which, when you talk only with the royal family, "around the small shrine,
if you give your blessings from all of Kin, it is so obtained for your blessings from
Okami" and should mother had reported. Some of the copy of the letter has been left
to copy myself not very good at literature was also map.

... Around a small shrine, by increasing the attribute ......?

And the choice and even a little, if it is possible to increase the attribute, Hildebrand
is the royal family might be able to also be the next Tsuento.

...... If you can get all of the attributes, father also is getting Shutapu will not Osshara is
that it is useless.

"Please endeavor us to increase the magical power compression and attributes along
with the now Tsuento. When a good degree will help you put your voice from me,"

If it is possible that he is making efforts to increase the attribute, probably me ask

together to father . In the past Hildebrand from socializing is not think so, nod in a
bright smile. Artur was also smiled a gentle smile and "Thank you for your help."

1249 | 2523
Raoburuto while laughing small to Artur as "not a big deal", waved a hand toward the
knight. One of the knights who received cues come carrying a wooden box, hand them
over to the Artur.

"This is seems to educational toys that have been conceded from Ehrenfest. Devised
book or toy so easy to remember the gods name of Contains. It seems one of the
secrets Ehrenfest was rapidly extended the results."

because out selling in the territory that is the deal now, seems to have me a sample to
the royal family. By aides, or not something suspicious is sandwiched between, or not
a hazardous material, and because the finished examining, it seemed to me carrying
on here.

"Magdalena-like Hildebrand prince should pass since the beginning of the House of
Lords, and although we were told us, you do not have is that it is bad to study early.
This, please contact study well in. The name of the gods bless you a mandatory choice
for the increase "

was handed over from Artur was a book of Ehrenfest be familiar for the Hildebrand.
Come to flip through, easy-to-understand explanation looks a beautiful picture. If
there is this, also it will close a little Rozemain.

...... God remember the name of the people, to increase the attribute to pray, I ask and
want to get Shutapu to father.

I feel that the light in the dark you accidentally wandered I saw was. I am pleased that
toward go direction is determined, Hildebrand looked up. Raoburuto laughing grin
rises to hand the sword.

"So, since Hildebrand prince. Is a little like hesitation has disappeared, practice the
let's resume"
"Yes! Thank you,"

returns the book to Artur, Hildebrand is chasing the back of Raoburuto taking the
sword It was.

1250 | 2523
"Welcome back, your sister"
"Went back, Rosemain!"

When I got out of between the transition team, Charlotte, his grandfather and his aides
companions welcomed me. Beyond that there are Mel heol and Villefriit. Since
returning from a high-ranking person on the way home, we saw that we were talking
with the Arubs and hers who were back.

"Rosemain, Charlotte, the conference of lord families will do in the afternoon

tomorrow, be careful not to be late"

The adoptive father who noticed my arrival said so to us with a normal face. Being a
conference reporting that I will become a kim's adopted daughter, I am a little
impressed with the expression that I do not feel at all, and I also reply "I got it."

"Take a good rest today so that you can come to the meeting tomorrow"

I will walk along with my brothers and grandfathers and aides with my brothers away
from the north when I see my foster parents and their adoptive heads towards the
main building's residence area.

"Rosemain, is not it possible to do an escort like this?"

My grandfather hurt his hands and said that.

"Very excuse me, Mr. Bonifatius, Escort was originally responsible for Wilfried-sama

Léonore talks to yourself with a little troubled face. My grandfather asked Wilfried to
agree while refuting, saying that Wilfried would give me the opportunity to contact
with a rare granddaughter.

"... It is difficult for Bonifatius to escort Rosemain at the feast etc, so it would be fine if
we leave from here north of here."
1251 | 2523
"It is dangerous to let an old man like an escort from Rosemain"
"What are you saying, Cornelius !? If you do not move your waist hands it will not
matter if you escort!"

My escort knights have been wary of it several times in connection with the
grandfathers, so my wife is alert, but my grandfather stroked my heart with my hands
on my back It was.

"Well, I'd like to see if my grandfather really can stay without moving his lower back

Serious face, Brother Cornelius and Angelica tried to move the waist hands, hanging
several times, and began checking the strength.

...... It is too strict! Brother Cornelius would be serious, but both Wilfried's older
brother and Charlotte have been laughing!

Melchior seems to be enviously envious, though, but Villefried and Charlotte are
obviously facing the desire to laugh.

"As you can see, it is not likely to collapse at all, I think that Rosemain's arms will not
get tired if you get around here."

As a result of a long time verification, Brother Cornelius admitted that I seemed to be

seemingly unlikely. I walk with walking with my hands around the wrist like the elder
brother Cornelius. My grandfather seemed to be careful about the speed so much that
I was somehow able to see it as an escort style.

...... The only thing that can only be said as an escort style is that it seems to be caught
rather than assembling an arm, because it looks like it seems to be caught in a strap
when viewed from the side.

In order to make it look like an ordinary escort, my height is not enough.

...... Come on, come on. Protection of the Leid Shaft of Fire God! I am looking forward
to growth!

1252 | 2523
"Her sister, how was your first lord society? I was surprised to hear from Bonifatius
that it was decided not only for the first day's starring ceremony but also the
dedication ceremony on the final day."
"I was also surprised, because the royal family asked me when I translated the
contemporary language in the underground library"

I asked Shallotte not to say such a thing, though it is correct. After that, in the story
when I was translating modern Japanese with Hannaore and Royal in an underground
archive, even if I told you to go out, I kept talking about the place I was okay and
Charlotte, who was doing an answering machine, from Ehrenfest I heard the story.

"We helped Mr. Bonifatius and supplied magical power, and then we remembered the
blessings with Melchior and Elder Wilfried."
"Ah, I remembered Melchior unless I remembered the baptismal celebration ... so I
remembered it together, will it be more efficient than memorizing alone?"

It seems that Melchior 's aides are approaching while tearing as much as the tasks
issued from Hartmut in the temple. So it seems that Wilfried and Charlotte were
helping Mercioall memorize.

"Have you met the results?"

"Yes, I remembered the baptismal celebrations, and then I became able to move after
supplying magical powers."

Since Melchior also dedicates at the temple, it seems that it was early to get used to
supplying magical power to the foundation magic. While listening to stories about
everyday at such Ehrenfest, I arrived at the north.

"My grandfather, thank you for having escorted me"

"Well ... well, at dinner ..."

The old man who seemed to concentrate all his nerves in his lower back seems to be
very satisfied by having escorted successfully. I returned my heel in a good mood.

When I return to my room, I will ask the adult aides of accompanying ladies to take a
break until tomorrow afternoon meeting and ask them to replace underage minors.
Escort Knight and civilian are easy because there are a number of people, but the side
1253 | 2523
goes alone to be a gray tier, so if you were thinking about what it was, the Risaizer
advanced one step.

"Rosemain, gratitude alone will be a tough one, so I will stay"

"Risera, but ..."
"Unlike the otieres we used for the underground archives everyday, I can stay in the

I prepared for tea and had lunch from the dormitory, so I know that the Rizerator is
not available in the dormitory. Still, it will be largely disqualified to put a burden on
the gray tier with the care of the side going down.

"So, we will give you two days off from the day after tomorrow, so please give my best
regards to today and tomorrow."
"Certainly yes"

Escort Knights return to their respective dormitories and home, and two of the civil
servants go home with Othelier. I started clearing up the baggage I brought back with
Rizera and Gretier, I received a report about the state of the temple from Phyllene and
Roderich, and I read and read the manuscripts.

...... It is OK right after the conference of the lord family to collect all the aides and talk?
Oh, I should also speak to Brühn Hilde.

The dinner seat was the time to listen to the reports from everyone who remained in
Ehrenfest, and this report was at the meeting.

And a liaison tribe report meeting is held. Although the lord group and its aides, the
knights, and the people in the upper part of the civil service gathered many times, this
year is a bit different compared to the year, Mel Heol who is not yet a year to enter the
House of Lords attended I was ordered to do.

"I do not know why I called."

"Is not there an important report for the lord's family regardless of age?"

I say with Wilfried's gaze saying that he knows something, I smile with Nikoli and
answer, "I will understand if you go to the meeting." Here I can not reveal it because
1254 | 2523
"Melchior must take over from the temple because I become a female adopted by the

As we surrounded the nervous melheeal, we took off to the meeting room and arrived
at the fixed seat. The aides that I brought were Otellie of the side, Hartmut of the
civilian, Elder Cornellius of the escort knight.

After civil servants and side work quickly prepare and everyone is ready, the lords
and wives come in as usual.

"Everyone seems to be complete, so we will report the Lords Conference from this"

The briefing society can be started by words of adoptive father.

"Because there were also major changes this year, there were lots of contact matter,
so many important decisions, so be careful not to miss it"

Beginning with the announcement of the rankings just as usual. It was stated that it
was successful to ask anastasisus in the game against the territory, the rankings were
deferred, and instead it was treated as a winning group territory.

"Oh, that is ... ...."

As the voice of relief rose to some extent that the rank did not rise, I could see the
current situation that adults are not really following.

"But if you win the game you will also be charged a burden."
"Do you know that Klassenburg co-manages the former zeusgers, Dunkel Ferger and
Ahrensbach jointly managing the old Bergke Stock? Drevanhelle, who is not managing
the land because of the losersky district, There are many senior aristocrats to support
the center, so there are many candidates who can not move to the center, but there
are few upper aristocrats in the territory "

Gillessenmeier and Hawfrezzet, who are relatives by royalty and marriage, are
obviously also burdened to support the current royal family. It seems to have been
told that Eolenfest, which is not neutral in the neutral territory except for the burden
imposed on all the territory, also bear the burden of supporting the royal family.

1255 | 2523
"... What is it like ...?"

After looking around the aristocrats who are all the more frightening and stopping my
eyes, my adoptive father said "Next year, it will be announced."

"However, it is not just a burden. In order to quickly increase the aristocracy of

Ehrenfest, for 5 years we married with Ehrenfest and admitted that we were married
only, and the magical tool given to the child born I will be able to increase the
aristocracy of Ehrenfest, if there is a burden. "

...... Oh, will I decide to be a burden for Ehrenfest when I become a royal family

With the aristocracy that the burden is also inconvenient if there is compensation of
that much, as the reaction divides into the aristocracy who worried about the burden
imposed on the burden impossible, Ferdinand's starring troupe ceremony was
postponed, at the Lord's Conference A report of the divine relationship will be made,
such as the dedication ceremony was held, and adults were able to re - challenge
ceremonial ceremonies.
It was also told that due to the royal family shining magic team with dedication dance,
next generation candidate is not just Dietlinde.

Then, it was decided that the acquisition grade of Stap was changed, that there was a
change in lecture content accompanying it, the dedication ceremony was held on the
last day of the lord conference, and at the House of Lords also in the form of a
collaboration with Klassenburg The change, etc. from the next year at the House of
Peers was announced.

"Is not getting Stapp back to the third grade? There are more aristocrats and there is
no room to afford, do you?
"It seems that the quality of Stap is different depending on the compression of magical
power and the obtained protection.The number of students getting protection from
multiple gods from now on will increase by collaboration between Dunkel Ferger and
Ehrenfest, Even adults will be able to re-acquire protection, it is important to increase
the quality of Stap. "

In the words of his adoptive father the nobles showed consent for a while.

1256 | 2523
"Since the curriculum will change from next year, children's study may become
"It is considered that there is not much change in the results of lecture because it was
a practical skill that I was doing in Stap.If you ask Professor Moritz about the
curriculum at the time when Steap was third grader, you do not understand "

Hmm, my adoptive father nodded. Basically I was taught in the children's room, so I
think that it is not necessary to change the curriculum so much.

"Is not it better to take into consideration that the average points of many territories
will rise after a few years, depending on the scripture picture book and educational
toy to sell?"
"Oh, yes, I have advertised the scriptures and educational toys that brought out the
release to the royal family on the occasion of their offering, and I think they were quite
interested, as I have prepared a number for the Plantin Shokai Please tell me. "
"Since it is made of handicrafts in winter, I can not increase it as I ordered from now.
It is better to order mass production this winter for the next year when Grechell is in
place and you can increase the number of business partners."

It has been reported that we are mass-producing to some extent, as we have told the
lifting of the scripture picture book, but it is impossible to increase it from now.

"Yeah, I said that next year we will be able to increase the number of transactions a
little, so that preparation is the priority."

How advanced is Grechel's preparation? You will have to ask when reporting the
results of this meeting.

"In the early summer there is a funeral of Aub Ahrensbach and I have to attend, I will
head by my left, leaving Florentia of my weight, and I will also prepare for that."

Regardless of feud with Georgine, he adopts that he can not fail to attend the funeral
of the neighboring territory. I also have to confirm whether the hidden room of
Ferdinand that the royalty promised is really being made, so I am at a loss for my
aboriginal absence.

...... Actually I'd like to check with my own eyes ... ....

1257 | 2523
In addition to filling up a lot with preparations for handover and new life, there are
no physical strength and it is not suitable for long journey, and two of my escort
knights can not be taken in front of Georgine. Under such conditions, there will be no
permission to go to Ahrensbach. If I accompany my adoptive father, I think that it is
Villefried or Charlotte.

And the princess of Ranznerav refused to come or the knights who used Toluk were
dismissed and they were expelled from the central knight, the magic crown shines
with the star binding tennis of Sigismwald and Adolfine It was reported that the next
generation of TSENT was almost decided and that the interest in the shrine was
increased due to everyone experiencing the Shinto shrine, and the details were small.

"It's over to tell everyone, pay attrition.The future is truly only the lord's family, so
please exit, including your aides."

After a brief report, the adoptive father orders the aides to come out of the meeting
room. There was never been a discussion that will be held until the exclusion of the
aides after the luncheon meeting's meeting.

"Au b?!"
"What the heck ...."

While everyone raises a surprise voice, the adoptive father quietly waits for everyone
to leave without opening the mouth.

"Rosemain-sama ..."
"It is the command of Aubu, please leave the Otiliier."

I ordered the aides that they seemed caringly to leave, I slowly exhaled. I will leave
the room while searching for each other, what is going on at the upper level and the
aides. The left lord family was a face that was very nervous except for me and the
awesome couple who knew all the circumstances.

"Everyone, this ... ...."

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What I was handed to my adopted father is a magical tool to prevent eavesdropping.
Mel Heol shook the small mind while picking up the magic tool in leaving the aide and
leaving enough to use the magical tool still.

"What on earth are you saying?"

With my old voice, my adoptive father finally opened her mouth.

"A year later, it was decided that Rosemain will become a kid 's adopted daughter, and
will be engaged to Prince Sigismwald'

Everyone who was told for the first time to his adopted words gazed lightly. It seems
I do not know what to say at once soon, I open and close my mouth slightly but no
words come out. To everyone who seems to be unintelligible, the adoptive father
keeps on in a quiet tone.

"One year's time was given as a preparatory period for moving to the center, during
that time we think about the safety of Rosemain and we will not notify about the
adoption of the adopted child in other territory. We have to maintain our status quo,
and we have to prepare for transportation internally. "

I will not talk about Gurtris height. It is not certain whether or not it is available, and
it is supposed to be lying down because it is not known how it will be handled. Only
those who need handover at Ehrenfest will be taught to "to adopt the king 's adoption
and go to the center one year later."

As a result of my adoption as a king, it may be Charlotte that I understood the most

about what happens. Look back at Bach and Villefleet. Wilfried keeps his eyes warm,
hardened and does not move. I was staring at one point to devour the adoptive father.
Mel Heol said, "Okay, the temple is ... ...?" A voice that is slightly murmuring, a
grandfather's voice is over.

"... what ... what are you saying, Jill Vestar!? Rosemain is the adopted child of the king!?
Candidate candidates can not move in the middle."

Although I tried to raise my voice, I took up to the adoptive father while disturbing,
but the adoptive father only swings his head slowly.

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"Rosemain is my adopted woman, if I resolve adoption, I will return to the position of
a senior aristocrat who is the daughter of Karstedd.When moving to the center there
will be no problems."
"Did you take that unreasonable request?"
"Because it is a royalty, I have given various conditions, but it is nothing but
swallowing as it is a royalty."

My adoptive father said that exactly. Saying that my grandfather is "a condition," I
glared at the adoptive father while making my eyes frustrating. But, like the adopted
father was the reaction as I imagined, I quietly returned the answer.

"Would you have said it before? It's to get marriage restricted for five years so that
you can increase aristocracy, get magical tools for children"
"Only for that !?"

In order to stand up and stand up to see if it sold Rosemain to the center alone, the
adoptive father tells what he did not say at the meeting.

"To issue a return ordinance of the nobility of Ehrenfest who went to the center, to
admit that to adopt Rosemain as a burden to Ehrenfest, and to avoid collision
avoidance and treatment of Ferdinand.Ferdinand freely royalty From last year I
negotiated with Ehrenfest and gave no profitable profit, I did a job that seems to be
Auburu "

The old man who was listening to his adopted words opened his eyes wide open blue

"What is it like to be such a collision avoidance and treatment of Ferdinand? What

kind of thing will such thing happen? It is totally unbalanced with Rosemain's
adoption such as avoidance of co-ordination and treatment improvement of those
who went to other territory as a son-in-law. Does not it lead to profits, did he get
bothered by his brotherhood? "

In the case of Aub Ehrenfest, like a grandfather who told me to put more unusual
conditions, the adoptive father looked poorly at me and pointing to me.

"Ferdinand's avoidance of circumstances and improvement in treatment is a

condition issued from Rosemain, not the conditions I issued"

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At that moment, everyone's eyes faced me. My grandfather seems to be surprised to
the extent that his chin is about to come off, causing her gaze to wander.

"Rosemain, that person, were you reminiscing about Ferdinand? Something in the
temple ... ..."
"My grandfather, I do not believe in Mr. Ferdinand separately, is it so strange to worry
about those who are as good as a family? ...... When my wife goes to the center, soon
Do you forget about me? Do not you call it granddaughter, you say you have nothing
to do with it? "

As I thought it was a little sad, when asking, my grandfather denied "I will not have
that" immediately.

"Even if we resolve adoption with Jilvezer, there will be no change whatsoever that he
is my granddaughter"
"Well, is that a feeling called a fancy?"
"... What is it?"

I smile with my dick like a blank face.

"I am concerned about Mr. Ferdinand, I think that I feel the same as worrying about
me who is about to leave. It was not accepted by the royal family, but I, Feldinand
actually I asked you to return to Ehrenfest. "

Then, most of the problems of Ehrenfest, such as magical powers, Reisegang, the
handover of the work of the temple and printing, have come up, but I add that. My
grandfather sat down a little shoulder saying "I had a strange distraction".

"Does Rosemain have no objection on going to the center?"

"There is something that goes to an environment where my precious printing studio
and the library are letting going down and from the environment where new books
were delivered soon, even to making a library in the building where I live is not easy
I'm full of dissatisfaction. "

The complaints about lowering the standard of living do not disappear so easily. I
think that I want to make the printing studio in the center as soon as possible, and I
think that I have to think whether I can improve the transition team connecting
Ehrenfest and the center and be able to smoothly deliver the new publication.

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"But Ferdinand did not resist the royalty and went to Ahrensbach ... Because I am a
royalty there is no choice but to be an adore of the king and only complement
Ehrenfest but I want to help a little I am here. "

The adoptive father shrugged his father to the same old man who opened his mouth
so he said something.

"My granddaughter is married to the royal family, so it is something I should be happy

about, it is not balanced with Wilfried, because Rosemain was saying that Wilfried is
too good," he said. "

As the adoptive father told me so, my grandfather suddenly changed my complexion

and I turned my eyes to Villefried. Vilfried looked at his grandfather with an ironic

"I know even now that I do not have such a surprised face, Bonifatius,"

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"Because it has been said for a long time ... ... Wherever you go, Rosemain is superior,
Rosemain is better for the next Aub."

Wilfried slowly breathed out and said that and moved his gaze from his grandfather
to his adoptive father. The hands on the table are grasped tightly in the fist and you
can see the trembling trembling.

I found Vilfried sitting on this occasion swallowing various emotions. However, unlike
the old grandfather, Wilfried does not disturb or raise a word, not a voice.

"There is only me who is a candidate for a lord who can keep Rosemain connected to
Ehrenfest, and although my engagement that you said that this engagement is
obligatory as a candidate for lords of Ehrenfest is canceled ... ... "

I thought Wilfried was obliged to engage with me, from a strange Wilfried way of
saying. Perhaps, it was probably that Aub and his surroundings had stopped wanting
to eliminate himself.

...... Then, Wilfried's older brother is this ship is the ship in transit?

That is the best if Wilfried ends without hurting so much with the elimination of
engagement by the royalty. I thought so easily and gently released the breath of relief.

"So, Father, what happens to the next era festival of Ehrenfest?"

"It is still ahead to decide the next Aab, so it will not be an immediate story."

His adoptive father who received Vilfried's gaze also gazes at Wilfried and talks
quietly. There is a feeling of tension tightened to such an extent that it is unlikely to
be able to be broken yet in the two wondrous speech. It is not a simple atmosphere
like it was good that it could be solved by the royalty because he wanted to cancel his
engagement. I felt painfully that Villefried was desperately trying to hold down my
emotions, I felt like I was going to get around the stomach.

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"Charlotte will be happy for the son-in-law of another territory candidate, and
Melchior will be able to aim, Maybe Florentia's belly child may be, and after resolving
her engagement with Rosemain I am willing to aim for it. "
"Oh, my father ... that ..."

As you can not believe Charlotte, open the eyes of indigo and look at Wilfriit and the
adoptive father alternately. The foster mother who kept silent smiled nicely and
slowly opened his mouth.

"Charlotte, you have been patient for a long time, the bud that a lady who is supposed
to be a lord candidate should aim for Arub is picked up by engagement decided to
make Rosemain's position stand to save Wilfried Nevertheless, you would have been
in a position to support two people and to assist you at all times without expressing
dissatisfaction with your mouth? How much effort are you making for Ehrenfest to
summarize? Of ...

Charlotte moistened the indigo eyes in the words of foster mother. I realize that
Charlotte's appreciation for Charlotte was insufficient for the face of Charlotte who
understands his efforts and hardships and rejoice that he has done it. I was nice to be
comforted and supported and supported me, but I feel I could not repay Charlotte.

...... I am a bad sister.

A man takes precedence over Aub, there is Wilfried on the top, and I am not interested
in becoming an aweself, so the possibility that Charlotte might want Aubu I did not

...... It is my adoptive father who decided my engagement, but for Charlotte I ......

If Charlotte was striving to become an aub, I rescued Wilfried and engaged Wilfried
and let me take the job of the upcoming AUBU, I was not very disturbing and
troublesome existence I wonder.

I looked at the state of Charlotte. Charlotte is staring at the foster peacefully and does
not turn to this place.

"If the engagement of Wilfriit and Rosemain was resolved by the royal title, I wanted
to give Charlotte choices too, and if Charlotte wants the next Aub, within five years
with marriage restrictions Compensate for your shortcomings and find a gentleman
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who is suitable for spouse of Aub Ehrenfest.When Rosemain goes to the center, the
environment surrounding Ehrenfest will also change drastically, looking closely at the
change, Make a choice that seems good. "

You may aim for Aub, you may marry a senior aristocrat in order to support the future
Ehrenfest and you do not mind if you think that it will be for Ehrenfest if you go out
to other territory, marry five years or more By doing so, you can also go out to other
territories, foster mothers spread a number of options to Charlotte. Charlotte smiles
joyfully and nods, hearing the words of a foster mother.

"When will your father decide the next Aub?"

In the question of Charlotte, the adoptive father closed the first time.

"As I said earlier, it will not be an immediate story, first of all, it will not be definite at
this time whether the adoption will really be resolved in a year or so, and that will be
quite probable It is said that it is deaf, but for one year it is keeping the status quo, we
will keep talking to the aides and leave it as it is, as we will refrain from inadvertent
behavior. "

There are various ideas already in my head even while nodding with Kokuri. Charlotte
is looking at his adopted father, but it seemed to be immersed in his idea.

"I think that it is good for me to decide the next Aub for me after Bonifatius dies.To
engage Rosenmain to Auben in order to incorporate Rosemain into Ehrenfest, I had
to hurry to decide the next Ave, but the next is slow, so Bonifaceius is educated to be
a relay Aube, so it will take a long time to choose it. "

Charlotte brightly shined his eyes and answered "I understand". While looking at such
Charlotte dazzlingly, foster mothers turn their eyes toward Melchior.

"Mel Heol is the same, if we aim for the next AUBU, we will make efforts to become

Mel Heol said so to her adoptive mother, thought for a while, then shook her head.

"The next Arub is .... After thinking about adulthood.When I become the chief of the
temple in the beginning I have a lot of things to remember now and I am very
busy.While Rosemain's older sister is in a year I can not think of Aubu next time. "
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The foster mother gently smiled at Melchior who wanted to prioritize the task of the
temple rather than the next Aub.

"Well, that's right, praying for the temple and increasing the protection will be
necessary for Aub in the future. While taking the role given to you firmly, take time to
adults You should think about your future. "
"Yes, mother ... ... Rosemain sister, one year's guidance, thank you."

I was relieved by Melchior, who decided to strive to become the temple of the temple,
and I felt relaxed facial expression.

"It's okay, Melchior. Because I can not bring my aides to the center, I will leave it in
the temple, so if you talk to them they will definitely become a power, and this Kanfell
and Fritak and Blue Priest who educated up to it should also support Mel heol because
I was able to serve as the temple of the temple somehow by being supported by
everyone. "
"... ... Maybe they can leave the office, but it is most difficult to give me a blessing like
Rosemain sister though I am the most important role as the temple."

When Melchior got swollen a bit, the adoptive father waved gently with a bitter smile.

"Rosemain has enough magical power from the royal family, it is good to set it as a
goal to aim, but it is impossible for Melchior to do the same thing, trying to keep it the
same as Rosemain Watch out. "

The adoptive father admonises Mel heol, that learning magical compression at the
aristocrat and increasing magical powers can be done gradually.

"In the past year, Rosemain has to take over the tasks that he had hitherto, such as
temple service, printing work, etc. In that situation, preparing for a new life is also
going to be pretty tough, as much as possible Rosemain Please help me. "

While Charlotte and Melchior make hopeful face, Wilfried's complexion is dark. I'm
sticking out a noblemanlike smile, but I sit still in a hard posture without saying a

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"Charlotte, Melchior, Bonifaceius. Rosemain's adoption as a king's adoption is
somewhat useless, and if you are known to other territories, the danger of rosemain
at the aristocrat will jump up."
"Well, they leave here, ... ... this story is not over yet."

His adoptive father told Villefried his eyes. After watching Wilfried like three people
carefully, I will leave the room by returning the magic tool to prevent eavesdropping.
Only the adoptive father, foster mother, Wilfriit and I were left in the meeting room.

"I endured it well, Wilfried"

In his adopted words Vilfried distorted his face with disappointment.

"I am the only lord who was brought up like a grandmother, moreover, it is a criminal
who entered the white tower, and if it is originally supposed to be disposed of in the
winter purge as well as the former Veronica faction, it should not be strange Since it
is a candidate for a lord who is not suitable for the next term Aub, if the engagement
with Rosemain is solved, it will not be able to be in the next AUBU, and if he did not
do it, he would say that he could not be a candidate for a lord, What will I do if my
engagement with Rosemain is resolved? "
"... I do not know, I should have said so at that time,"

Vilfried shouts and strikes the table strongly. I was unconsciously irritated by the
unexpected anger and loud noise.

"Well, what does it mean that you do not know what Wilfried's brother-in-law treats
after resolving the engagement? When is that time and what happened?"

Three of the adoptive father, foster mother, and wilfried seem to understand, but I can
not see a story at all. Being here is even getting out of place.

"As a result of this purge, Wilfriit lost the former Veronica school which was a back
shield.With the strong momentum of Reisegang, if the engagement with Rosemain is
resolved, Wilfried is a public opinion in order to pick up the bud to become the next
aw, It is not amusing to be caught in a white tower by the way. It is quite unknown
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what kind of circumstances it will be in how much we can suppress Laisegang during
the year of maintaining the status quo. "

It is the only candidate lords raised by Veronica, and criminals who entered the white
tower seem to have a stomachache that they will be the next Aub. It seems that there
are lordsgaing nobles saying loudly, to dispose of it.

"Yes, you say that you should dispose of Virfriit's older brother, who is a candidate for
the lords of excellence, when Mr. Ferdinand and I come out of Ehrenfest and may not
have enough magical power to support Ehrenfest What is stupid ...... Reesegang is the
real thing about Ehrenfest, is not it? "
"...... There is no body and no lid, but that's right."

He adopted his sigh and spewed, but Villefried turned his sworded eyes at me.

"Is not it supposed to be the role of the princess who is the princess of Reisegang to
suppress that Raisegangs originally, what is being said about the one who is
abandoning his work?"

The foster broke up and enters between Wilfriit who blinks and blinks with me.

"Wilfried, stop it, Raisemain grew up in a shrine, Lisegang is not conscious of being a
blood relative, rather it is the role of Bonifatius, Karstedd and Elvira, which will be the
role of Brünhild in the future."
"But, my father! When I was at the prayer ceremony, from Raisinggang, Rosemain and
the year are the same, I am a male and a real child so I'm just being favored by my
father, or if there is no mistake Rosemain is definitely the next Aub I was told that I
was going to be the next Aub or I was not able to have any insight into declining
himself or not because he was a fiancée whom Lisegang's blood draws, Rosemain is a
little less You should have been okay with me. "

Besides that, I will take the best of every year, so it was told that Rosemain was the
best among the lords candidates in terms of ability, and that the blood muscles also
did not become comparable because there was no scratch on my career at all That's

"Why do I have to be Aub after being told so far? Is it necessary for me to attach
cooperation of Reisegang system that is hated so far? Do I have to endure such a way
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of life like this? As I continue to be compared with the other, because I have one, I
want to keep telling the nobles that I will be in Aubu, do I have to think that I will miss
memories of my childhood even when I was young?

Veronica who did a lot of troubles to Ehrenfest and persecuted Ferdinand, but for
Wilfried it is a grandmother grandmother who has nurtured me when I was young.
There will be something to remember when it is put in the white tower.

I guess that is probably the same feeling that I admire Ferdinand who went to
Ahrensbach. Even if you say "Do not worry, do not think", it is not like being stopped.

"Rosemain, I do not want to worry about my uncle more than myself, I would like to
live as my husband who gives priority to helping my uncle more than helping me. By
standing next to that, the nobles From the same continues to be compared with the
other side, the life that is continuing to be compared with the uncle is totally
incompetent, even if it is said that it is possible to make a magic stone of engagement,
being told to give a gift like a fiance Even I can see it compared to my uncle, I could
not do it very much. "

I overlook the many amulets I got for Ferdinand. Apparently they seem to stimulate
the pride of a man.

... But, it's an amulet, so you can not remove it.

"When I thought that I do not want to continue engagement with the one who care
only for my uncle, I thought that it would be better for the other side who already
gained the support of Reisegang to become Aubu .... And, I talked to my father directly.

I saw the adoptive father in the word of Wilfried.

"I think I have not heard such a story though ...."

"If it tells the other person, will you try to resolve the engagement with Wilfried? But
because that does not aim for the next AUBU, if you resolve your engagement it will
be to the royal family and the upper territory It is visible that it is obvious that you
will not hear the story that you know that it is disadvantageous for just about anything
by confusing Ehrenfest.Of two others collide and engage Akidans should have stopped
at the total so as not to cancel it. "

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I was convinced when he told me so. It certainly feels like I was disturbed from contact
with Wilfriit from my aides.

... .... I sent an anxious ordnance at such a time? It is annoying if Ordonants comes flying
everyday when it is said that they are obliged because they are obliged to withdraw
their engagement but are tolerated.

"Although my father would just have to order next ave to Rosemain, I would not listen
no matter how much I said.You can not make Rosemain the next awesome.Is next awb
is me, and , In order to incorporate it in Ehrenfest, I can not cancel the engagement
with myself because I was the one I chose, so I was told to take responsibility. "

I do not know Wilfried, but neither the father nor the father nor Ferdinand is planning
to make me a priest from Akira. It will not be accepted.

"Even I, if Wilfried is rejected when he consulted an engagement, or if Ferdinand did

not receive a royalty a year ago, I could cancel my engagement, but when Wilfried
wanted me to cancel his engagement It was too bad a time. "

My adoptive father said that with a tired face. If I resolve my engagement, it is certain
that I will be taken by the royal family and upper territory, and Wielfried's body will
be dangerous in a state where Raisegang is increasing momentum after purging. I was
able to rescue him from my abysmal career, repeatedly making efforts, now he is an
excellent winner as a candidate for a lord, he said that he is not planning to put Wilfriit
in the white tower at this time. I do not want Villefried to be treated like that.

"My father did not choose to let go of Rosemain as Aub Ehrenfest, you said at that time
that your engagement is to be accepted as a duty? ...... Despite trying to endure it by
telling me that far, What does it mean that Rosemain becomes an adopted daughter
of the king and spending a year with a face that does nothing and rosemain with
royalty Is it no longer the next Aub, who is going to abandon Ehrenfest, and stand
again on the brunt of Leisgang left behind? "

Vilfried's sorrowful cry hurts in my chest.

Once Wilfried closed his mouth, once grizzly clenched his teeth, he hit the table again
with Don.

"... ... Do not be foolish! If Father had made a decision, Rosemain did not become a kid's
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Wilfried cries out that if the next AUBU, the request of the royal family should have
been repulsed. However, as this time involves acquisition of Gurtris Height, it would
have been difficult to dismiss the request of the royal family.

"I was free if Rosemain became the next Aub, and I was free, Raisegang was satisfied
with what my hopes went through, whether I was a living or a death or a candidate
for a lord Whatever it is, you should not have minded it, but if Rosemain is not adopted
as a king's admirer, Ehrenfest will be desolated, whatever you do !? "

It is terribly uneasy that there is a possibility that I can not see ahead and lose my
position or even my life. I know that. I will look at Wilfriit with a dark green eye where
my adopting father looks at me.

"...... You can live any way, Wilfried"

"If you do not get up to the next auction, restraining Lisegang is not a separate task of
Wilfried, you do not have to go to the brunt of me, I or Mr. Brunhild, and then just
leave it to those who aim for the next Arub. If we do not forget even the responsibility
as a family lord, we will not need to take extra responsibility as the next Aub. "

Such a baggage could be thrown and thrown by a person who had a role, and Villefriit
said that as the adoptive father said, the dove got a face like a bean gun.

"A year later, if Engagement with Rosemain is dissolved, Wilfried is free, you can
support Ehrenfest as a candidate for a lord as Bonifatius, if you are five years ahead,
go out to a son-in-law You can now be a gibbe lacking in Ehrenfest or you can create
a new industry in Ehrenfest like Rosemain.We take your favorite lecture in the knight
course, You can also become a knight leader like Ferdinand.Of course you can aim if
you want to aim for the next AUB in a state not being compared with Rosemain. "

Just as foster mother showed way to Charlotte, father adopts Wilfried to show her

"What does Wilfried's brother want to be?"

"...... I am ... ... to what?"
"It is supposed to keep the present condition for the past year, is not it good to spend
time thinking about how you want to live after the engagement with me has been

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resolved in the meantime? What do you need to prepare, how about using one year
effectively? "

In my proposal, Vilfried is skeptical as "I will not be able to engage with my fiancé".

"As Wilfried brother could not see me as a fiancée, I could not see Wilfried's brother
as a fiance. How to deal with my fiancé is the right answer I do not even know that
because it is a fiancé, to be told, to be honest, it was very painful. "

It was never a good mood to be forced to talk about love from the surroundings, even
though it was not the engagement I wanted but being told to behave like a fiancée
though I do not know how to do it.

"But I think I can spend it as a brother and sister for the coming year."

A fiancée is impossible, but if he is a good friend Brother sister, he could do it. I'm
giving out my hand, "Is Brother Wilfried like brother or sister?
Wilfried thinking while looking at my hand for a while, loosened his expression and
grasped my hand.

"...... That's right, it is painful for me to be with my fiance as a fiancée, but I do not think
anything especially if it's a younger sister. Let's explore the future while looking at
maintaining the status quo."

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I was told that something various and unreasonable, also wanted to argue, but I was
relieved that Vilfried had exploded for the time being and once swallowed on
maintaining the status quo of the year. Whether Villefried chooses any way after this,
adoptive father and foster mother will watch over.

"Well, I will return to my room, because the aides will have to think about how to
"Oh, yes, yes, minors other than name deductions have permission of the parent.If it
is a year to maintain the status quo, from the viewpoint of information leakage, it
would be better to think in the direction to basically put it If you really want to serve
others, you can get into the center after you've grown up. "

I nodded in the words of my adoptive father and remembered that I had to ask him
where he took the first step towards the door.

"... ... that, my adoptive father"

"I would like to write a letter to Mr. Ferdinand, is it OK? Do I still have to put up with

If you do not need to act as a fiancée with Villefriit even in maintaining the status quo,
I would like you to forgive me for letters. My adoptive father got a face that looked
amazed as "Ferdinand is still around even if told so far," but allowed him to check the
content before giving up to Ahrensbach.

"... ... that person really like my uncle."

Wilfried headed to the door with me saying solemnly.

"I like it, but I think Wilfried's older brother is kind of worried about thinking
Veronica, as a teacher from the family who looked after me from a young age before
the baptismal expression, I went to a place where I could not meet easily with a royal
title and went to the environment where I would like to work while regularly using
medicine to smell a healing medicine if I get close to it.

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Even when I stayed at the tea ceremony room at the time of fight against the territory,
did he smell of recovery medicine? As I said, Wilfried became a little troubled.

"On my uncle always smells of medicine, but I can not distinguish whether it is a smell
formulated or a smell used regularly"
"Is it not possible to distinguish? Does not Wilfried's older brother have too few
opportunities to prepare by himself? If you do not practice as much as you can
distinguish the smell of medicine you use regularly during preparation, We can not
prepare what we need when we need it. "

Wilfried became a very disgusting face when I said that it would be a problem if he
could not make recovery drugs and amulets.

"Rosemain, this is a warning as an older brother, but common sense is wrong with
that one, normal ordinary lord families do not do much for themselves, such as
"Well, Ferdinand always made her own medicine and amulets ... ...."
"My uncle is a hobby is research and preparation, it is not common sense of the lord's

Being told with too much of a common face, I take confirmation while feeling my own
common sense collapses.

"Such ... ... I will tell you to the aid at once, but should I be told that my medicine needs
to be made by myself within the range of common sense?"
"I think that it is better to be able to make and I should remember, but is it the role of
a civilian to make on a daily basis?"

Even though Ferdinand could be alone in the shrine of the temple, he did not put
Jusutx and there was not such a case that Justoks carried drugs on a daily basis. I
thought it would be natural to make my own medicine on a daily basis, apparently it
seemed different.

...... After all the Ferdinand standard was strange!

The common sense of the common world was added to the common sense of the
different world, and even though I was just out of my common sense, it was said that
the standard of Ferdinand, which was used as a criterion for aristocracy, was deviated
from the general one.
1274 | 2523
... Well, I thought it was a bit suspicious from a while ago. But, if you are told clearly
like this.

"For what purpose do you have an aide civilian?"

"The main work of my civil servant is to collect stories in the temple's office, the
manuscript and the aristocrat, and to write a new work, it's difficult to make medicine
and amulets, and easily make Ferdinand-like recipes outside I will not let it out and I
need quite a magical power. "

It is both technically and magically difficult to have Philline or Rodelich make my

recovery medicine, and I want the Hartmut to give priority to the temple work.

"It would be better for you to give the civilian opportunity for formulation, which
would result in scores in practicality being too low, even though they are close to the
lord's clan?"
"...... Because it is a lower aristocrat and an intermediate aristocracy, I thought that it
was such a thing, but maybe it's better to review a bit."

Documents Although jobs are excellent, they never thought of relying on Filine and
Rodelich in terms of using formulation and magical powers. Because I myself is a
civilian, I have basically used my formulation, but I may have to change my mind a bit.

"Rosemain Mr."

Although Charlotte came out, Brother Cornelius ran over as it appeared to have been
worried because I could not come out easily. With a little bit of vigilance aiming at
Wilfried together, I realize that I am confirming how I am, and it makes me feel a little

"I will return to the room. Since there is an important story, will you collect all the
aides? ... Please also talk to Otily and Brünhild."
"Certainly yes"

Returning to the room, I faced the gathered aides.

1275 | 2523
"We will teach you because we have to think about how to sway, but it is a confidential
matter, please never let other people leak"

After seeing everyone replies, I will open my mouth. Just one year later, I announced
that it would resolve adoption with the lord at the next lord maneuvering meeting,
headed to the center with adoption with the king.

"There is a possibility that it may be ruined by the circumstances of royalty, but I think
that it is highly likely that you will move to the center,"

All of a sudden, everyone gazed lightly. Only Hartmut asked as "Will Villefriit-sama
like" with a face that he had expected.

"When the adoption with Aubu is resolved, the engagement will be dissolved, which
has been maintained for the past year."
"Have you accepted it ...?"

Hartmut seemed to be a bit surprising, so it probably did not think Wilfried would
accept it. I turn my eyes towards Brunhild from Hartmut who is thinking something.
Brunehilde who made the choice of the second lady of Aub can not come to the center
even though he thought of anything.

"I am sorry to Brunehild, who decided to become a second lady of the adopted father,
saying that even to support me, protecting the trends of hair ornaments and meals,
etc., by downtown craftworkers, I also want you to develop further by adding new
trends you thought. "

Brunehilde, who had said that it would be better to press on all commoners, knew that
if he ordered anything could be done. You can go out to meet with the traders of
commoners and tailor each other 's circumstances.

"I do not care as I decided on my own, I will do my best for Ehrenfest, but what shall
Bertilde do?"
"In this winter I can treat it as an official side apprentice once and treat it the same
way as the aides that we will leave in Ehrenfest and from the spring we will have
experience under winter and brunhild in winter to serve Brunhild. Let your lucky girl
lead us in consideration of Bertilde's career etc. .... If you are not an aide, you can not
pass the information, so I think it's difficult. "
1276 | 2523
"Certainly yes"

Although he was entering and leaving for education, there is no form of Bertilde which
is not formally approved yet, and information can not be sent. I guess I have no choice
but to respond to Brunhild.
When I finished talking with Brunehilde I knew that I would absolutely remain, I
looked around the anxious aides.

"As for minors who are offering a name, it is such a time, so we can not keep it in
Ehrenfest and we have the royal family accepting acceptance.As for any other minor,
Because you need permission, you will remain in Ehrenfest and the applicant will be
served after adulthood. "

While watching that, I will look at each one of my name-dedicated pairs one by one.

"In other words, four people of Rodderich, Matthias, Laurentz, Gretia, who got a name
come together in the center, all but Muriela who had said that they wanted to give
their name to Elvira from the beginning, all of them had trouble for the rest of their
lives I got a name with the preparedness to see, I will not be released if I keep your
lives. "

Matthias relaxed a little expression in my words.

"I am sorry, I am also devoting my name to going for the rest of my life, so I think that
it would have been better if I returned it would not be easy to say."
"Even if my parents' hands do not stretch, I am thankful for the central way."

Both Rodrig and Gretia were relieved. Laurentz alone was not a face of relief.

"My younger brother in the orphanage is worried, but I will obey the word of the Lord
as I dedicated his name."
"... It is impossible to bring Bertram to the truth, it will be impossible to become a
nobleman when you take it before the baptismal ceremony, and you can enter the
House of Lords at the end of the baptismal ceremony and formal apprenticeship Nor
can we have a young child close to me. "

It is not easy to take responsibility for bringing a child right after a baptismal
ceremony without parents, although it is in the center where the risk increases more
than Ehrenfest in various ways.
1277 | 2523
"It is decided that Melchior will be the templeor as my successor.To the side of my
temple is also placed at Melchior so that the treatment of an orphanage will not
suddenly become worse."
"Thank you for your consideration"

Laurentz crosses his arms and kneels. He seemed to have a break on the story
Rodderich gently rapped his hand and asked, "When moving to the center, what kind
of treatment will be done at the aristocrats?" It may be anxious for underage aides.
Philene started to think a little.

"Do you know that the children of the central aristocrat go from the parental territory
to the aristocrat? So, for juveniles who went to the center as my aides, staying in the
dormitory of Ehrenfest during the period to go to the aristocrats I hope that it will
also be useful in information exchange. "

He nods as Rodrig and Gretier relaxed, and puts his hands on his cheeks as Philline
thinks. Haltmut came out one step ahead there all the time.

"Rosemain, please accept my name"

"Hartmut, if I do not want to say, did not you tell me before?"
"I changed my mind"

"In an important aspect that Mr. Rosemain moves to the center, it is a person who
gave a name to the first person as a person to take, so I thought that I would like to
enter there as well."

I was dissatisfied that my name was not included in the first mention, so I did not
expect to give a name dedication. Unexpectedly I will open my mouth to hurry and
discourage my name.

"Oh, well, Hartmut. There were no choices for them who gave their names, Hartmut
was just having options, so we did not specifically consider priority ... ... Well, Hartmut
Is not it unconditional trust, I am sure that ... ... that ... "

1278 | 2523
I can not tell him that he did not come up with the idea that Hartmut is not followed,
I muted the words a bit. Hartmut says that "unconditional trust is a songwriter" with
a fresh smile.

"Rosemain will not take good care of bringing so many people from the current
Ehrenfest as it is clear that Aub Ehrenfest and the other nobles are in trouble, and I
will not With the trust of the condition as a shield, there is a high possibility that it will
be left at Ehrenfest under the pretext of preserving the temple, library and merchants
that Rosemain is treating "
"I certainly feel encouraged if they remain indeed, but ...."

Hartmut kneeled in front of me and took my hand before I could not think that
Hartmut would remain.

"Since I want to accompany Rosemain without anyone's convenience at any time,

please accept my name, I swear I will certainly help you."
"Please do not tell Clarissa what you are saying in front of your fiancee."

When I pulled my hand and pointed to Clarissa, Clarissa kneeled next to Hartmut and
looked up at me with a sparkling blue eyes.

"If you receive the name of Hartmut, please do not accept my name, Rosemain!"

……Huh? Why reaction! Is it?

"Clarissa, dedicating a name is not so easy to decide.What they are couple, are not I
not a wish to devote their love by devoting their names to each other?"

No matter how you think to give a name to other people in front of your fiancéee, it
will be funny. When I pointed out, they kept kneeling and tilted their heads while
looking at their faces.

"Huh? Do you give your name to Hartmut? ... I can not think of such a thing very much."
"I agree with Clarissa from the bottom of my mind, there is no point in giving a name
to Clarissa, but would rather be a way for two of us to join Rosemain sama?
"Well, that is nice!"

...... Where! Is it? Hey, where is great! Is it? I thought from the front, but it's strange,
both of us.
1279 | 2523
Perhaps my common sense is incorrect as pointed out by Wilfried. Because the
opinions of the two people are too full, I am a little confident.

"Does Otily, Oh, do these two people's reactions fall within the common sense of the
nobles? They say that they will give a name to others in front of their fiancée, and if
they two give the same name to the same Lord, they will tie together Is it a thing that
makes you feel like being? "

I wanted to stop my son and his fiancée, and I looked to Otirier for help. Otirier who
was watching the two gently smiled for about three seconds silently and then slowly
shook his head.

"It is not a common sense of the nobility, because there is no reason that Rosemain is
wrong, so please be relieved. Only ... ... During the lord conference, the time it was
serving Rosemine's side was short, put it on Emotion seems to be exaggerated
because there is even a small possibility of going to. I am sorry very much, Rosemain-
sama, regardless of whether you receive a name or not, please join us, Rosemain. "

Otirier overlooked the two guy kneeling in front of me like a stranger. Even if I do not
take it, I feel like coming along. Perhaps, it may not be anything due to mind.

"Because I also have a husband, I can not accompany it to the center, but the two of
them will follow up to anywhere, so it may be a way to receive a name for when I'm
too out of control."

Since it is hard to keep these two at once, can you think of the smiling smile as the
standard of nobility? It became very uneasy whether or not there is a common sense
in the surroundings of me.

"Otieri, can my mother say such a thing? Is not it synonymous to devote a life to give
a name?"
"...... It is best to make Rosemain something easy to handle as it is possible to say with
confidence that there is no change in their behavior even if they are not dedicated or
dedicated. I am also an adult, and I will take responsibility for my remarks by myself.
Please say hello if you want a fake actor. "

……Threw! Otilie is in a mode I do not want to think anymore! Is it?

1280 | 2523
It is a big miscalculation that Otirie who seems to be able to grasp the reins of these
two people gave up. When I looked down to the bottom of the fearfully, Hartmut was
shining the orange eye very happy.

...... I want to say I do not need it, but it is hard to say if I can see with such eyes.

"Because you got permission from my mother, please accept your name, already
materials are already gathered, so I will make it even tomorrow"

...... Ahhhhh! My name dedication has been pounded! I do not have veto right anyway!
Is it?

I look around and try to find a helping hand that some of the aides will not stop.
Nobody will try to help.

"Cornelius, Damuel"
"Rosemain's danger is not imminent, but I can not speak out to personal things like
name dedication, but if I can not accept it, it is only good to truncate it as a bosari, I
think that it will suffice to accept it.The damage to the surroundings will decrease. "

Next to Brother Cornelius who shrugged his shoulders, Damuel does not help me, but
recommends Hartmut's name offering.

"As Cornelius says, if you can accept the name of Hartmut, if possible, all our aides will
be very helpful."
"Did you have any damage to the surroundings?"
"Haltmut is somewhat jealous of the aid who has received a name, it is not a big deal."

...... Hartmut, was doing such a thing! Is it?

"Cornelius, do not you think that there is no need to add extra things to Rosemain's
"Is not it true, and I'm going to boost Rosemain says my name will be accepted"

When Hartmut laughs with Nicolle, Brother Cornelius also laughs with Nicolle. The
two people with a smiling smile seem to be very friendly. It is true that Elder Brother
Cornelius said that it is true that no other word comes from anyone else.

1281 | 2523
"Okay, I will accept you, you should accept it."
"When will you have? As soon as it is, it is good"
"Rosemain, please give me your name!"
"Good, really ... ...."
"Is not this a little calm down?"

When I acknowledged, not only Hartmutt himself, but everyone around me was

...... Did saying a name, was to do with this kind of thing? It is different, is not it? I am
not wrong, are they?

In the place where I think that I can not believe it anymore, Philline advances "Mr.
Rosemain, please accept my name."

"I swore to give a story to Mr. Rosemain, and I gave MesTIionora a blessing.I decided
at that time the Lord I served at that time and it was left to Ehrenfest If so, I will return
to my parents house, if I can not follow without my name, I will dedicate, so please do
not take me to the center too! "

Fieline said so, directing the eyes of the young leaves towards me straight. I have seen
the face Philene has decided to prepare several times before. I understand that
Philline 's determination to cut his own way desperately is clear, but I can not accept
it right away.

"How do you work with Phyllie, Konrad? There is a choice for you, unlike Laurenz who
is dedicating himself."

Phyllene firms his expression and draws his lips once. And I stared at me.

"I am going to buy a concrete, if it is now before baptism it will be possible to buy it if
I sell a mother's memento"
"I understand the feeling that I do not want to leave with Phyline's motivation, but
what do you plan to do with the konrad to the center?"

Conrad is a man. It can not even be kept in the room of Phyline as an apprentice side
apprentice. I am too young to work in the middle as a badger. Even now Konrad is in
the orphanage, the costume has been received from the surroundings and Phyllene,

1282 | 2523
who struggles to arrange school supplies and magic stones required at the House of
Peers, can not afford to cover the food, clothing and shelter of Conrad .

"that is……"

Philene saw me to seek help. However, I have been scolded by Ferdinand that I am
already too deeply into it. I can not afford to take care of Konrad by favoring Phyline
any more. I do not think that bringing the Konrad who is an orphan's commoner to
the center will be happy.

"There is no hurry to conclude, it will not be too late to spend some time, listen to the
hope of Konrad, and then draw a conclusion.An one year, why do not you worry about

Philene drops his shoulders and withdraws.

"Mr. Rosemain, please give me some time to think about. Even if I go along, my
treatment will change depending on whether I will follow before marriage or follow
after marriage, so I think whether it is better for married in summer or not There are
lots of things to do. "

Brother Eckhardt broke the museum and said Cornelius elder brother, who began
preparing for marriage. Leonore smiled, "I will follow Cornelius." More than anything

...... Oh, but I also have to report to my father and mother.

When I first declared "a candidate for the next generation", my father did, and in order
to resolve the adoption of Ehrenfest, my condition is absolutely informed because my
father's consent is absolutely necessary. However, I do not know if my talk is up to my
mother or not.

...... There is also handover of printing work, so I'd like to tell you I will go to the center.

I will have to ask your adopted father again. While thinking such a thing, I pointed his
eyes to Damuel, which is keeping a distance away from Cornelius elder brother and

1283 | 2523
"What do you do with Damuel?"

I want you to come to Damuel who knows a variety of circumstances, but you can not
compel while you are struggling with Ehrenfest as a lower aristocrat. I think that it is
not bad to have the downtown here because the face is sold to soldiers in the

"...... I can not make a decision so soon, please let me think a bit."
"Okay ... Yudith is ... ....?"

I look to Yudit. Yudit smiled a little sadly.

"I think that I will remain in Ehrenfest, since a story about marriage came from my
father when I came back to Kilnberg, I will not get permission to go to the center by
adulthood and until my name is given I can not have the courage to keep up. "

Parental permission is mandatory for any minor to do anything. Parents decide to

marry. And there is no circumstance in the family, there is no reason for surviving,
there is no reason to be able to easily make a decision to leave life to others by Yudit.
Looking at the interaction between Yudit and Theodore at the House of Lords, you can
see that it is a good family. You will not be able to get out of the house.

"Yudit seems to feel something like guilt somehow, but it is normal that even minors
remain, parents' permission can not be obtained, or it is not possible to name
themselves. Hartmut and Clarissa are strange is"

When I said so, Yudit saw Hartmut and Clarissa, and became a convincing face.

"Bruhn Hilde and Otilie will remain, the remaining choices are not bad, Yudith will
remain in Ehrenfest and be a part of Brunhild."

I have a relaxed breath to the bright smile of Yudit who lost the power of my
shoulders. The Rizerator beat Pon and Yudit's shoulder and smiled, "Let's work hard

"I am a remnant daughter and I am also engaged with Wilfried-sama's aides already.
It can not come out easily from Ehrenfest.When Rosemain went to the center, I served
as a side of Brunhild, Rosemain, Let's take a role to send Ehrenfest's book for. "
1284 | 2523
As a result of the Rizerator saying, only Angelica has become an aide that has not
responded. Everyone's eyes go naturally to angelica.

"What do you do with Angelica?"

"How do you think Rosemain says?"

Angelica tilted his head and asked me for an answer.

...... No, I am asking a question, because I am. It's an Angelica's life's choice! Is it?

As usual I still wanted to hold my head in a pleasant Angelica that I thought myself,
the Rizerator laughed couscous.

"My sister thinks that it is better to go to the center and Mr. Rosemain"
"My sister will be more comfortable than my sister will really get married to Boniface,
and the central knights are much stronger than the Knights of Ehrenfest"
"to go"

Angelica immediately replied to the words of Rieselter. But I want you to think a little
more. Your father and mother would have held clan meetings in order to decide
Angelica's marriage partner. Marrying with a traogot, marrying my grandfather. What
on earth will that be?

"Angelica, but marriage is ... ...."

"Even if you can not do it, there is no particular problem, I do not feel like I can serve
the Lord except Rosemain."

...... But it might be so, not that you say in so much was Kiritsu face!

"Rozemain like, or more to eliminate the adoption, once you will want to talk at home?
That time to both Not the better to talk about parents? Angelica marriage involving
more than, decided at the discretion of angelica be it in also feel not "

ride to the brother-like timely help Cornelius, I will respect the bank's angelic decided
to listen to the opinion also to your father and mother.

1285 | 2523
As we finished listening to a single opinion, Akita took the form of dissolution for the
time being and had them return to their daily work.

"Thanks to Cornelius-older brother, even through your father, you may ask directly to
your acquaintance, let's ask your mother if you can talk about your adoption as a
king's adopted daughter?"

If it is poorly documented, there is a possibility that other civilian officers may look
through. It is probably best to ask Cornelius elder brother who knows the
circumstances, but also not just the adoptive father, but also that you can tell from
your father.

"If you get consent from your adoptive father, please set up a place for talking with
your father and mother. Please ask me to discuss Angelica's central relocation"
"Okay, leave this to me, it's better for Rosemain to be absent."

If you do not think that such a thing will be said and you blink your eyes, Brother
Cornelius says while pointing to Damuel.

"Did not it be quite a tiring discussion? Dermael was worried about it earlier that his
complexion was not good."

Since I came back from the Lord 's Conference, my brother Cornelius left the room,
leaving behind as if I could rest my body. I do not think that the physical condition is
bad separately because the side workers say nothing. I felt somehow strange, I
approached Damuel standing in front of the door of the room.

"Damuel, is my face palpitated?"

"... ... rather than facial color, posture, or movement? ... well, um, that ..."

Damiel whispered the body and whispered in a loud voice after making the words
turbid and unlikely to say it.

1286 | 2523
"I felt as if I saw the instability like when I was walking behind Ferdinand in the shrine,
I am sorry if it is extra care."
"... I did not think that Damuel would be noticed."

When I saw the family-like interactions of the AUB family, I felt like I wanted to give
it to someone. Because of that, it may be that it felt like it was the first time I had a
winter basket in the shrine.

"I will write a letter to Mr. Ferdinand in a hidden room"

"Please do it for tomorrow and have a break, your face color is not good, Ferdinand
will scold you."

The Rizerator brought a cheeky spirit from the top of the fireplace in place and
activates it. Somehow the power of the body got out of the voice saying "Listen
carefully to what the sideways say". When I tried to listen for other small words, I was
taken up by the Rizerator.

"Let's prepare for the holidays, Rosemain.

In the meantime I was prepared to go to bed, and I was thrown into a couch with a
cheek of Schmir by Rieselator. Lieserator has a lot of hope in handling stuffed animals,
"let's sleep in this way," let me hold it in my arms and fine-tune the angular position
and position, I nodded several times with a satisfied satisfied face After that, I draw
the awning and go.

That night I fell asleep with Kimitsu Schmir as I told by the Rizerator. It was a little
small till I went to bed, so I wanted to listen to "very well" in the hidden room of the
library asexually.

The next day the Rieserator is off. I was going to enter the hidden room while looking
at the transit and teaching by Otierie that it started as a side going to the center is Gray

"Good morning, Rosemain, please accept my name"

"Did you really prepare in one night ...?"

1287 | 2523
Haltmut gives a stone of famous dedication with a smile of just the boundary between
"refreshing" and "bad feeling". It turned out that the otier who served as a watcher
gently broke his line of sight.

...... Friendship officers do not look away! I'm watching from the front!

Hartmut who has an expression of ecstatic expression that "This is Rosemain-sama's

magical power" with a mind devoted to everyone's painful expression, is scared of me
too much, I beat up and ended my name offering as soon as possible.

...... Uh, I'm scared of Hartmut who is in a good mood despite being painful.

"Since Clarissa is not gathering materials, it seems to be ahead of me, I regret very
"Is that so……"

I'm afraid I'm going to go to bed with such a feeling twice a day. It was fortunate that
Clarissa's materials had not gathered.

"I am writing a letter in a hidden room,"

"Certainly, I will come out to get some information, is it OK?"

As I entered the hidden room away from Hultmut in a good mood, I wrote a letter to
Ferdinand using ink which disappeared.

During the Lord's Council, as a reward that worked hard in a modern-language

translation in an underground library, successfully succeeded in winning a joint seat
and acquiring a concealed room, and to be confirmed by the adoptive father and the
royal family at the funeral of the summer. The fact that silver cloth and Ehrenfest's
knight who seemed to have had before Gieve · Gerrach had to keep weapons other
than Stap. I also wrote a word I do not understand that Mr. Ortansia was telling

...... Were you able to write only the necessary information without writing the king's
adopted daughter or the next term candidate?

Check never to leave information to other territory several times and nod once. If this
is the case there will be no problem.
1288 | 2523
The table contains a message of concern for Abe Ahrensbach's death and a worry
about usual physical condition, getting the baggage to the adoptive father at the time
of the summer funeral, putting sweets for retizia together I wrote content that I do
not think so strange as anyone reads such as to do.

Leaving the hidden room leaving the letters to dry the ink, there was a Cornelius elder
brother, waiting for me to come out of the hidden room.

"Mr. Rosemain, it is a message from my mother.I think that I should tell you as soon
as possible as you think about handover, etc. I would like to invite you to dinner
tomorrow, but how about the circumstances? That's right"

I asked Otiere for arrangements with dinner and a plan to stay and to return to my
parents house after a long absence tomorrow.

I wrote a letter to these places before I got back home.

Irgner's Brigitte asked me to prepare as many pieces of magical paper as possible for
bringing to the castle as soon as possible.
To Lazarfam of the library, letters from Ferdinand arrived during the Lord's
Conference and management of Ferdinand's luggage moved to the adoptive father, so
we have to talk with the adoptive father about the baggage we bring at the funeral in
the summer Write that the requirement for avoiding joining and improving treatment
has passed.

Tell the temple for returning to the ceremony of spring and decide to let the busy
merchants write a letter of this year's lord conference. Unlike last year there has been
no increase in trading volume, so there is little to talk about. Rather, you have to work
hard to prepare for Grechel 's reform.

...... But I just want to tell Beno only to go to the center. Lutz is now Kirunberja.

Because it becomes a top secret matter, we call it quietly and decide to do it in the
hidden room of the orphanage head room. It is possible to forbid the outsider and let
him sit down, as the number of aides in sacrifice has increased.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

1289 | 2523
When returning to parents 'house together with Cornelius elder brother, Leonore,
Angelica, and Rizerator, the parents' side staff welcomed us.
Today, it is because the Raiserator is invited by mother. I can not ask the angelica
parents for an opinion because I can not abstain from detailed circumstances. And
even if you ask Angelica you know that unnecessary things for mothers. For that
reason, I was invited to a Lisela- tator who knew the circumstances with my side and
judged that he could say his opinion as a family because he was also the heir of
Angelica's house.

...... Angelica is also invited but my mother, I'm sure Angelica is not necessary if there
is a Risera.

There was an old man at the dinner party. In the meal place where the serving side
staff go and go, it was spoken that there were no disruption, and the story about the
printing relations talked at the lord conference and about the printing work in the
future was the center.

After eating, we moved to a separate room, and the side workers leave when
preparing for tea and alcohol. After checking it, I activated the wizard of prevention
of eavesdropping by range, the main subject began.

"When Gilvestor's permission comes out, we talk about everything to Elvira, no need
to explain again ... ... It was a story about what to do with Angelica"
"Yes, Angelica had an engagement with brother Eckhardt and elimination of
engagement, so we can not afford to scratch Angelica's evaluation, so it was supposed
to be married to a traumigot or an old man to make up for it? "

In my words I misunderstood that "I want you to grow up quickly for tragot so that
Angelica can be caught." As expected, it seems that I do not feel like going to marry my
grandchild generation, and my granddaughter's aide to herself.

...... My grandfather, if you think that you want to go beyond yourself, you had better
not reacquire protection?

"But on this occasion Angelica himself wishes to move to the center.In terms of
aristocratic relationships, what kind of treatment is made of the promise of the
mosquito, I will take Angelica as an escort knight without permission I thought that I
had to check with my father and mother whether or not I could go on. "

1290 | 2523
My mother praised that I did not judge without permission and turned his eyes to the

"What kind of opinion do you think your family's family will have?"
"I felt it too fearful to engage with Ekhart as well as to eliminate it, so if you are going
to make up for it with a complaint of a family from now on, as far as my sister's
marriage is concerned, We do not have ... ... It seems that your sister is already looking
forward to training with the Central Order. "

Rieselaer said that, saw Angelica. Angelica smiles nicely and nods. A mother who
knows the meaninglessness seeking a reaction as an ordinary nobleman's daughter
to Angelica gave permission to head towards the center easily.

"If Angelica wishes to go to the center, that would be a good idea, so let's think about
including your parents a year afterwards about supplementation ... Angelica will head
towards the center as an escort knight of Rosemain ... ... What are you planning to do
with Cornelius and Leonore? "

When my mother asked Leonore with Elder Cornellius, my grandfather put a cup of
sake in a table on the table.

"Go to the center! And protect Rosemain!"

"Oh, my grandfather, my mother is asking for their hopes ... ...."

When I called out to the grandfather who was loud as I was already drunk, my
grandfather grew his eyes open.

"Actually I'd like to go, Rosemain! But candidate lords can not become escort knights
and I can not go to the center. Who decided?"
"I decided not to be able to move to the center except marriage was the old Tento,
Gesettskett, my grandfather, I attended the examination at law of law"
"King Gezettskett, unnecessary things!"

My father, who was watching his grandfather 's wrath going to the longstanding Zent,
breathed a sigh of trouble.

"If Cornelius goes to the center, the circumference of Rosemain is safe, but my head
hurts a bit when I consider the hole of the Order."

1291 | 2523
It seems that Brother Cornelius was pretty active in the subjugation of the winter lord
who was lacking by Ferdinand and Eckhart's older brother. It seems that it will be
pretty tough if Brother Cornelius lacks.

"Well, then Cornelius elder brother and Leonore remain in Ehrenfest ..."
"No, Rosemain. Such kind of care is useless."

My grandfather swung his head as I took it.

"By reviving the old ritual of Dunkel Ferger, we got caught from multiple gods and
started challenging the battle.The magical powers of the knights also got little by the
magical compression that we invented The usefulness of prayer was shown at the
House of Lords and it became possible to re-acquire protection at the Lords
Council.The effort of himself makes individuals stronger and the knights to be adults
will improve their quality And, if there is material obtained at the collection place
during the time of this lodging meeting, is it easy to make recovery medicine and
magic warfare Ehren Fest's lack of warfare reasons to reduce the escort of Rosemain
I will not become "

Because it can be said to become strong, the old man said that the knight of Ehrenfest
should make further efforts.

"That's right, Mr. Karstedd, as Bonifatius says, and is not a petty story that there is no
senior knight at all for the girl's escort knight heading to the center as the adopted
child of the king. Until then, the real elder brother escorted It is also known at the
House of Peers that was in charge of the knight, so I want Cornelius to head towards
the center. "
"Elvira, but ... ...."

My mother dismissed the most detailed father's word perhaps most probably to the
circumstances of the knight of Ehrenfest as an escort knight of Aub.

"What is the escort knight, why can not I go on when Rosemain needs the most escort,
what is the escort knight, which Cornelius chose for himself, what should the knight
do not protect the Lord, how can you not move Rosemain even though he is an older
brother, Lamprecht who is receiving eight hits from Wilfried like defending the Lord
as an escort knight, I do not remember raising a half-hearted knight who abandoned
the Lord when he stood at a crossroad. "

1292 | 2523
In a word that seemed to be a mother who raised his son in the family line of the
knight, Elder Cornelius tightened his face and nodded.

"I also want to go to the center basically.We looked at the royal family and the Central
Knights at the time of the Lord's Conference and thought that it was not a place where
Rosemain could be directed without any defense Because "
"Yeah, it seems that the user of Tolk has been punished, but I think that vigilance is
necessary because the possessor seems to have not been found, it is encouraging for
Maury who is sensitive to the smell of Toluk to accompany it"

It seems that Older Cornelius and Leonore's opinion are suitable for accompanying.
However, it seems to be a question what to do with the timing of marriage. For
Cornelius elder brother there is a hall kept from Brother Eckhart.

"Since Leonore will stop working as he gets married, it will be good to set up a
preparatory period of two years as originally scheduled.Women who went to the
center and knew a woman knight who could be placed around Rosemain within a year
Try to find it.The hall of Eckhart is managed by me so that you and Eckhart can be
used anytime .... "

Brother Cornelius smiled small and said to mother 's word, "It might be good to give
Zekerecht since he was an adult," suggesting to give up to Lamprecht brothers and
children of Aurelia.

"That is a distant story, Jechrecht has just begun to crawl"

"My mother, I have never met Sieglecht yet ...."

I was hoping that we could actually meet for a while today, but at the dinner party
there was no appearance of Lamprecht brothers and Aurelia and I could not see the

"Because Bethina who came simultaneously from Ahrensbach was caught and
pursued a sense of tension in the surroundings at purge, Aurelia is also a bit nervous
to protect our child, so she gets a lot of unknown aides I guess you are a little difficult
to meet, but your gifts are pleased. Let's talk about that later.If you do not prioritize
preparations for you to head towards the center now. "

1293 | 2523
My mother said so and asked who he was taking me to. I answered it to those who
have already confirmed, those who are on hold, those who have decided to remain.
The mother heard while nodding saw the riser at the exhalation of his deep breath.

"There is too little handling with just one gratia who has just entered the aides, since
the side is the closest one that supports our lives, so if there are not familiar people,
Rosemain will not feel at ease at all in your room Are not Risaizer going? "
"Mother, Rieselter is a traceee, I am already engaged with Toru Ten's vice chairman
of Wilfried's brother, I can not get out of Ehrenfest ..."

When I explained earlier so that the Risaizer could not be blamed, my mother shook
his head as amazed face.

"In the state where you are forced to hide the information and you can not consult
with your parents or fiancés, the Lisela- tator has no choice but to answer so, because
you are about yours, just asking everyone's hope states your hope Is not it? "
"That is true, but .... If I mentioned hope, would not it be an order?"

If a person on the identity wishes, the lower one can not go against it. So, I just listen
to everyone's wishes, I do not say my own hope.

"It is also important to respect the other party, but it is also important for you to
communicate your wishes, although you can not be sure of being desired from the
Lord, for the lower person to move to the center It is a serious thing, if you need a re-
inventor, and if you are willing to respond to the Rizerae, I will be the basis for you. "

I saw the riser at my mother's word. I really want you to come with us. It is a side stick
that has been attached since I entered the House of Lords, and my usual work is
modest, but it is such a terrible job that the hand reaches the itching place. I think that
I am very relieved if you stay with me.

However, when he heard the hope, the Rizerator decided to stay without hesitation.
Even now I still have a smiling face as usual, but unlike angelica I do not know if I want
to go to the center. If I say hope, there are possibilities that sisters will be broken as
well as their engagement.

"Even I can not bring such talent so much from Ehrenfest, which is short of talented
people? All of my aides are excellent Excellent for all the members of your aides, to be
supported by the second lady Brunhild, for Ehrenfest ...... "
1294 | 2523
"Keep silent, no matter how expensive you are, basically there is no hindrance to the
routine work of the castle where the aide of Rosemain who is staying in the temple
has escaped, drastically drawing out to make factions in the middle Whatever is the
problem if you take him to the center, why do not you take your aide? "

It is said that it is not a matter of the whole territory, even if there is a problem
personally, that taking the aides is personally problematic, and furthermore, even if it
is not possible to arrange even the minimum aide to go to the center as the adopted
woman of the king, As well as fest, I was told that I would be despised from the

"Take the person who thinks it is necessary to protect yourself and yourself, please
bring your wishes in a sincere wisest to do so, and you ruth yourself if you want to
come to the Risaizer. If the hopes of the agreement match, I will do the foundation for
the surroundings.I am your mother.I can make one of my daughter's hope. "

Now, draw out the word that you can go from the Risellerator to the center, and I will
be pushed back by my mother and taken to the front of the Rizerator.
My grandfather and his father are looking at the face just saying "try hard", Brother
Cornelius has a happy face with grin. Léonore is also a face to see something very
pleasing. While leisurers are smiling and waiting for my words, angelica sitting next
to the riser is the usual smile.

...... What, this public confession! Is it? I, I want you to come to the center in the Risera!
Is it?

My face got hotter as I got a gaze from everyone. I want to escape with a dash soon, so
my eyes become selfish. If I can say "I do not wish" by saying "I want you to come" in
this state, I can never recover.

"Mother ah ... ...."

"It is your job to gain the other party's consent.

My mother is away from me and returns to the seat where I was sitting, with a face
that seems obviously funny. If I do not say anything in the meantime, I can not move
from this place.

"Wow, huh ... ... That! Lisa!"

"Yes, what is it?"
1295 | 2523
Somewhat, the Risera is also looking very fun. I feel that Nico Nico and narrowed
green eyes look like a little bullshit. But the expression that the Risaizer waits for my
words is also mixed with a bit of embarrassment, not a face that is troubled or
troubled. It is embarrassingly embarrassed because we are shy with each other, but
it takes a little bit of courage to recognize the atmosphere that the Rizerator will
Once I breathed in, I spit up the words at once.

"Wow, I, if the Rizerator comes to the center together ... I am really encouraged, I will
protect as much as possible so that the Rizera will not feel bad or do not work hard.
Besides, I will raise my salary and I can keep a schmir in my room .... So please, please
come along with that! "

I said everything that came into my mind for the time being. Somehow my head is
white but I got over it.
Huh, and I breathe out, the Rizerator smiles joyfully and gently wipes away the tears
of my eyes.

"If you are having problems with our house pleased"

When the laizer was happy to accept it and laughed, Brother Cornelius came closer
and took my hand. While laughing pleasantly with grinning, I look into my face that is
still not hot.

"Rosemain, I'd like you to apply the same words as Rieselaer"

"It's impossible!"

1296 | 2523
I was embarrassed. After finishing the public confession, it was time for Angelica,
Rieserator, Leonore to be home, so the discussion is over. I saw off at the front door
that the three of us were handed out and sent by Cornelius elder brother and sister.

"Mother, I will also return to my room,"

"Please wait, let's talk a bit in your room"

My mother said so and headed to my room. The period of using this room's own room
was really short, but I am happy to be honest that being prepared for use anytime.

"Is Rosemain not registering hidden rooms here? Welcome to here. If you become an
age of Rosemain, the hidden room is not a thing to use with your parents, but I will
use it once about you. If you register with your child you do not have to know how to
do it. "

...... It is better not to say that it's okay because you have registered hidden rooms in
the temple with Ferdinand. A memo pad seems to come out from somewhere.

As the mother immediately thought of his eyes shining, I said only "thank you" "I thank
you", registering the hidden room without saying any extra things. My mother
narrowed his eyes narrowly while nestling magical powers with the hands laying on
the door manastone in the back of the bed.

"Actually before the baptismal ceremony ...... I was thinking of preparing you as my
mother when you got mentally unstable when you brought me to a new house.But if
Ferdinand is two or three Thanks to you for coming to see the situation every other
day, you had come to an unknown house and you decided to call strangers as your
family, you did not show a particularly unstable appearance, will you become a
mother Rather than using the newest hidden room, it seemed easier for Ferdinand-
san to feel secure, so it's made me go down. "

The hands of mothers superimposed on their hands are warm. Somehow the magical
line runs with a feeling of emphasis and looks at how the hidden room is being made.
When I first came to this house, I thought again that my mother was kind enough to
accept her as a daughter.

1297 | 2523
Have a chair in a hidden room just created and have two chairs and a table on the side,
and prepare the tea. It is only a cup of tea in a hidden room.

"What shall we talk from ... ... Well, let's start with the story about Damiel and Phyllie
that we did not speak at last"
"Damiel and Phyline?"

My mother smiled when I did not understand why I did not dare to speak at that spot
and tilted my head.

"I thought that when I talked at that place, I thought it would be a decision, because it
is the job of the Lord to decide what the aides are about.I will only tell my request, so
judge yourself."

When I say so with a slightly broken tone, my mother said, "Will Damiel and Phyllie
put me in Ehrenfest and leave?"

"There are several reasons, but as a common reason for the two, there are few lower
aristocrats in the center, so the state without their place of presence will be over

According to mothers, there are lower aristocrats in the side to which senior
aristocrats and intermediate nobles take, but it seems that they will not listen to the
lower nobleman who went to the center as a knight or civilian. Indeed, it seems that
there is nothing if it becomes an aide of the royal family.
Since it is thought that moving Gutenbergs is also seen from the central situation, it
seems better to move the two lower class aristocrats after seeing the situation.

"And then, I would like you to leave as long as possible someone who can get in touch
with the downtown, those who have acquired your way of doing.If there is concern
that the nobility's consciousness will return to a long time due to lack of Rosemain It's
big. "

There are not many aristocrats who can communicate well with the downtown and
understand my way of doing things. I think that it will take over in the past year, but
it is difficult to immediately change the consciousness of the nobles, and it is difficult
1298 | 2523
for Mr. Brune Hilde who is the second wife of Aub to make frequent contact with the
downtown a mother It seems like the view of.

"The same is true for the inheritance of the temple. It will be quite different if there is
no remaining left behind by Ferdinand, Dermael and Phyllin, who are most close to
you and who helped Mr. Melchior The burden on that aide is too big. "

I will leave my sidebars to Melchior so that there is no burden, and Kanfell and Fritak
and the blue priestess are also able to leave a lot of work. I think that Melchior who
does a divine task is hard but I think that office will manage somehow. My mother
waved his head with a bitter smile on my argument.

"Because Rosemain is raised in the temple, it may not be a problem of much, but
considering the aristocracy of the nobility, it is a bit difficult for the aides of the lords
to ask the blue priest to teach them, although it is a lower aristocratic group , There is
not much resistance to asking for teaching from the same lord's aides, but .... "

For me who was originally a commoner there is no consciousness that blue priests
are so difficult to request teaching. It is pointed out that the consciousness as a
nobility is lacking, and if it wants to take over smoothly, it is admonished that
consideration to Melchior who is required to take over is indispensable.

"Hartmut asked Ferdinand how to teach? I also thought that he was the chief priest
officer and could not leave Hartmut who is a senior aristocrat and easy to use for the
aristocrats, but the senior civilian It is necessary for Rosemain and I finished my name
offering quickly this morning, so I can not ask for it any longer. "

...... No way that Hartmut was one better than her mother ... ....

"Even if there is a reason for that, if Rosemain wants to put the two on their own side,
how about going to the center with Dumuel and Phyllin with Gutenberg according to
your adults? "
"Because we can not move Gutenberg right away, during the meantime, in terms of
protecting your true family, it is quite different if there is no one who knows your
thoughts in Ehrenfest Is not it? "

The word of a true family came out and I breathed a lot. Looking at my reaction, my
mother smiles with his eyes rounded.
1299 | 2523
"What kind of face do you have? I knew that you are the daughter of a commoner since
you picked up you.What I was not taught in detail about who you are, If you
investigate the commoner you are particularly important to you, you can understand
somehow. "

I did not say anyone was explaining to my mother. I was desperate to behave like a
nobleman but I was surprised to know that he was a commoner.

"Are you going to move with Gutenberg?" So I think that it is better to keep it by
Damuel until then. "
"... Why are you up to adult?"

It is as the mother is supposed to have to check the situation in the center, but as soon
as I can, I want to transfer the printing industry to the center. It is three years until
adult. It is too long to wait for the remaining two years even though we consider the
year of handover.

"Why, you, you ... ... Ha, Rosemain. I tend to be forgotten because of your living style
and the generosity of Aub Ehrenfest, but usually I do not leave a big business to
underage.I like it at Ehrenfest It would be better not to think that you can do business
in the center as if you were doing it on your own. "

My adoptive father used to start like me because he was a business I originally started,
but he seems to be taken up as saying that it is not a job that is undertaken by a minor
as it is originally a project of a territory.

"Besides, Karstead has heard that you are the next candidate for Zento that is closest
to Gurtris Height so far, so if there are a lot of things you have to do before you move
the printing industry to the center?"

It was a blind spot. If I could get a Guritisuhaito and pass it to Sigiswald, if I could save
Ferdinand, I intended to do what I wanted to do but surely I would have to receive
education as a royalty.

"Is it really okay if Rosemain becomes an adopted child of the king?"

"Wow, ... ...."
1300 | 2523
I am aiming suspicious eyes from my mother, I drop my shoulders. I do not think it's
okay for me, but only the story is progressing. Nor helpless.

"There are other reasons to say that until adults, your adults are the same as Adults
of Filine, so if you move from adulthood, Phyllene will be able to move to the center
without giving a name The name devotion is not a means to go towards the center and
to be honest, I think how lucky you will carry the life of others. "

Looking at the correspondence to orphans in my orphanage 's orphans and the

associates who received the name, they seem to be worried about being too carefully

"But I've also told Phyllie to have a close relationship with my parents, or I took it
from my parents house, I can not say that I could go back to that parent's house."

You can not think of choosing to return Phyline to the father, the second wife, and the
house where the child lives.

"Since Phyllin's father was originally a married man, Filledge was originally traced, I
think that it may be possible to return it separately, but if you can not return it, I can
protect it just like Muriela. However, if you let go to the center, you need a fiancée to
protect Phyline .... What do you think about Rosemain's engagement of Dariel and
Phyllie? "

It was too unexpected and a strange voice came out. While watching me making the
eyes black and white, my mother said that as soon as he went to the center, there was
no lower noble in the surroundings, so each other had no opponent.

"There are as many aristocrats wanting to approach Rosemain's aides, so Fileline is

not worried yet, but I guess that Dharmell's bride candidate will disappear at this
"Er ... um ... ... Is it impossible for Dharma to join the intermediate aristocracy? Because
it is magically I heard that it is about middle to middle level noble, it is thought that it
will manage somehow ..."

If possible I could raise the class, if asked to my mother thinking, my mother looked
at me with blinking eyes.
1301 | 2523
"Evaluation and ability from you are high, but the external evaluation is low, I do not
have any strange intermediate aristocracy who wants to sneak a lower knight with
wounds that you do not know when to separate you. Brigitte is her own There was a
wound that the engagement was abandoned and that he was entering and leaving the
temple, that he had the opportunity to know Damuel's person as a colleague, that Gibe
· Irukner wanted a connection with you, Brigitte It was a miraculous chance that the
head of the household was a miracle from the fact that there was no other gentleman
approaching the age of his / her age, aspiring to increase the family, "

Based on the relationship with Brigitte, it is told that we should not consider the
marriage partner of Damuel, I think about the combination of Dahuel and Filine.
Phyllene is sure to remember familiarity with Damuel and may be in love with love,
but I also thought that she might have a slightly faint feeling.

But ... Damuel is not ... ....

"Since Dharmell was saying that he was Rodrigo in the past Philline said that .... It is a
bit difficult, apparently he treats Phyline as a child and I do not think he is looking for
a very fianceeful subject "
"I think it's wonderful to say that it is nice to be a knight who is engaged to defend a
lonely girl who wants to chase the Lord by breaking it from her parents house,
supporting her until her adult, and keeping the thought of the Lord together But ... ....
"Mother, is that the concept of the next work?"

When inflating my cheeks that my aides are too much, my mother shines the eyes of
black and white, saying, "It is important to write down what I came up with before I
forget it" Take it out and start writing. Mother said while writing.

"Rosemain, please tell Damuel that there was such a consultation from me.I just
introduce my bride candidate and I only mentioned personal hope about the
treatment of the two people.Finally It is not me who decides what to do, each have
responsibility. "

I think to my mother's words. Phyline seems to be taken over by mother. But there
was nothing to say about protecting Damuel.

1302 | 2523
"My mother, when my absence is gone, does not the position of Dahuel become
unstable? Does your mother protect as much as Phyline?"

When I ask, my mother raises my face saying "I will protect you if you are a fiancee's
fiance ... but ... ...."

"It is best to ask the official to ask the attendance of Rika, how about leaving it to Mr.
Bonifatius to keep the position of the aides of the lord's family? If you go to the center
you will need further training And if you do the training and the shrine round trip as
before, you will not be able to throw stunned words to the nobles. "
"Okay ... OK, depending on the answer of Damuel, I will ask your grandfather"

When I was a little relieved that I was thinking about Damuel for the time being, my
mother made her black eyes shinefully and I looked at me with a smiling face that
looked like my older brother Cornelius who was teasing me before.

"If you ask us pretty as we asked the Relyerator, Bonifatius will accept you soon"

I glare at my mother who smiled like me teasing. However, my mother smiled and
giggled with couscous and dropped my eyes on the writing board.

The mother who finished the note on the writing board quickly drank tea with a
satisfied smile, and slowly exhaled.

"...... I did not expect to be able to send restful days that I can immerse in my hobbies
like this.I am grateful to you, I really am glad."
"Before you came, I was the hardest hurray ... Rosemain, will you be a little old

My mother starts talking slowly. I have heard about Chokoko, but I have not heard
much about it mother's own story.

A marital relationship that starts with a political marriage to protect against

Veronica's harassment, a marital relationship that puts duties and roles at the top of
each other at the top, a conflict between the second wife and the third wife, a brother
1303 | 2523
Eckhardt's elder brother entered the temple of Ferdinand, Eckhardt older brother
Mrs. Eckhart's brother who had lost his wife and son, both married and pregnant, had
lost his wife, was half as dead as it was, brought about by the vicarious consultation
of Wilfried brought in such a time , Veronica trying to make Kalstead the birth of
Nicolaus and him ... ....

"Cornelius, who grew up watching the two elder brothers who were swayed by the
Lord, became a child who did not want to prescribe the Lord, and studied everything
and everything was done.While it can do it but you can not do it seriously As a mother,
I was feeling annoying. "

Speaking of which, older brother Cornelius was not another excellent person at the

There is a memory that it was a good stance that it would be fine if it was ashamed of
becoming a senior aristocrat as long as he got a score of "nothing to be embarrassed
as a senior aristocrat" until he formed 'Angelica's scorers'.

"While Veronica is increasingly exercising after the death of the predecessor, the
situation of Hartendzell, my parents' house, became severe, and Raiségang lost a lot
of influence.If I and my sons like this will be smashed by Veronica like this I was able
to only predict Deaf and was spending every day in a bad mood ... ... In the meantime,
Veronica suddenly ended up losing his feet, who almost took off with Verona 's puppet
Jill Vestar-sama moved. "

If you think that you announced an arrangement on aristocracy in another territory,

it often happens that you disguise your figure for days, and it seems that the
aristocratic city became turbulent as to what happened to Aub. If so, it came back
suddenly during the Lord 's Congress, that he reshuffled the temple of the temple that
had been everlasted by Veronica, condemned Veronica' s corruption, and seemed to
be infested with a white tower.

"Karstedd, who ought to have gone to the Lord's Council, suddenly returned in the
middle of the Lord's Council and began to struggle to handle criminals at Ehrenfest,
even if we heard the story, we could not understand immediately "

...... When asked this way, it is seriously impossible to say from a nobility side. What is
he doing in the middle of a lord conference? I think.

1304 | 2523
"In such a state of confusion, Mr. Karstedd said that if you leave the baptismal
ceremony as your daughter the apprenticeship of the blue maiden who was the cause
of Verónica squatting, I will soon adopt Adoption with Aub, so I He told me that he
thought that the burden was not so much. "
"Eh!! Even though you say it to an adopted daughter as soon as it is taken, as a real
parent, you take care of your mother is not it?
"Really, because of this, the rough godfather is in trouble"

However, it is said that the mother decided to accept, because it is a child that causes
Ferdinand to protect as it is a child who is protected by Ferdinand, himself was also
asked by the Ferdinand owner himself, which causes evil of Veronica and has the
necessary magical power for the current magical deficiency Ehrenfest.

"I was well determined, to make the commoner my daughter ..."

"I was also worried, but Karstedd said that Ferdinand would also be detained and I
was looking forward to Eckhart back to Ferdinand's aide.I saw Eckhart's smile a while
ago Because of Ferdinand and Eckhardt, I thought that it was sufficient for just that
reason to take you, but you gave me more than that. "

As expected, Brother Eckhart regained its vitality and began to serve Ferdinand while
entering and leaving the temple with joy. Evasive knight Lamprecht brother was also
saved by saving Wilfried from injustice. By creating fashion successively, female
factions were able to kill Veronica factions in just a moment. Brother Cornelius made
a breath at a stroke by seeing Angelica's study.

"I became able to be absorbed in my hobby by printing as well and brought great fruit
to my parent's Haldzell.When everything suddenly came to suddenly after you
became a adopted lady ... ... The marital relationship also began talking about the
treatment of Rosemain, finally being able to exchange minds that are not mandatory.

I thought that it was a couple who was somewhat skillful in marriage, until I heard
from my mother today, but it seems that it was not so.

Because Ferdinand will visit the hall every few days, Karstedt will be getting longer at
home. And even if your child can properly ignore it, you can not easily ignore the
words of a young child who has custody from Ferdinand and is decided to adopt the
lords. In order to answer questions about the common sense of aristocracy which is

1305 | 2523
too common for ourselves, it seems that my father has spent more time talking with
his mother.

"I am thankful to you and I was thinking of supporting you as my mother, but since
you seemed to have a temple and Ferdinand-like people settled down, I thought that
it was not necessary to forcibly squeeze There is also a foster mother, Florentia, in the
castle. "

Apparently the mother seemed to be watching with my final sense of safety net. I did
not need to worry if there was Ferdinand. Even so, Ferdinand was headed for
Ahrensbach as a king.

"I was worried about you after Ferdinand who is the support of the heart, and at the
same time it was difficult to distinguish how far you can hand out to your age.If
Ferdinand prepares for departure well If we could part with you, it was good, but ... "

As soon as Ferdinand left the House of Lords, is it better to be able to recover by

yourself alone while spending time alone with Children, Wilfried as a fiancée instead
of Ferdinand, or should you act as a mother It seems he had to figure out.

"But departure to Ahrensbach was ahead of schedule and I was left to the foundation
for Reisegang at the time of purging that Ferdinand had been rooting.When a social
occasion in winter began and a nobleman Pleasantly unexpectedly came forward as
information from the hospital arrived? Purification began in the state that the
foundation for suppressing Raisegang had not ended, and Reesegang flew up. "

Since it was decided that Brunhild was to become the second wife, it seems that it was
good until we decided to cooperate and suppress raisegang. Now that the purge was
still over, the old man of Reisegang was excited and excited and it was supposed to
settle to some extent in time.
But, during that time Wilfried declared that he would head to Reesegang to attach

"As soon as I heard the story, I took care to stop Wilfriit from heading to Raisegang,
where I could not find anything at all, but I wonder why I was forced to stop it."

It seems he came back by pouring oil on fire. I heard from Giebe · Raisegang that "The
old people are annoyingly excited," the mother got a pale blue.

1306 | 2523
I started talking with Burunn Hillde as to how to suppress Reesegang and the Lord's
Council began and when I was finished it was decided that I would be a king 's adopted

"Indeed, it really changes the situation rapidly while I do not know what it is.
Ferdinand was well dealt with well."

In peacetime, it seems that the hole in which Ferdinand, who had undertaken
coordination for one hand, was too large during the chaotic period that has to be done
after causing a big thing like purification.

"It was something I thought many times though that it was not Wilfried, but I was able
to avoid going to Ahrensbach if Fedinand and England were engaged."

Even if I say it now, my mother smiles sadly. I drink coffee and tea and smile small.

"I did not realize that myself engaged Ferdinand, I was just thinking about how to
rescue when Ferdinand something happened in Ahrensbach."
"The result is the avoidance of the joint, I think you did well."

My mother stretched her arms while talking about it and touched my cheek. I hold my
cheeks from myself to the fingertips touching gentle and gentle.

"I was praised for avoiding the joint ... ... for the first time."

I gently stooped my eyes on the warmth that is being transmitted in a minute way.
Tears fall down without permission.

"Because it will be given to people in other territory for face-to-face, no one will praise
the whole thing and I think that there are only a few things that I think is necessary,
so I also praise it here I guess ... ... But I am really pleased, because by avoiding
Ferdinand-san's seiza, you have three lives to help you. "

Mothers cite the names of Ferdinand, Justkus and Eckhart. While thinking in my mind
that there are lazarfams, I nod many times.

"I was able to help them because you acted, be proud."


1307 | 2523
"It is natural that you should be worried if you hear that you are far away and you are
in danger of life, it is natural that I will put it on the table or not, but I was worried
about Ekhard and Ferdinand, Ricarda You will be worried about it. "

At Ehrenfest I felt that no one was worried about the three who headed to Ahrensbach,
but there are people who are worried properly. I knew it and my body's strength went

"It is told that we should not worry about Ferdinand, and nobody was worried about
them.I am sorry to think that it is said that Ferdinand is not worth worrying as much
as they are, If no one worried, I would feel like I was becoming a conspicuous place if
I only worry about myself. "

My mother looked at me and grew his eyes and fell.

"Hey, Rosemain. When I leave this room, I become a mother who boasts a son who
was a royal girl, a son who was appointed as an aide of the royal family. Only at this
time in a hidden room my son and daughter are far away Please allow me to mourn. "

I saw a nobleman who only showed his emotions in the hidden room for the first time.
A mother who smiles like a nobility when he talks about his memory distorts himself
with grinding.

"But also they headed to Ahrens Bach worry, Watakushi is such a small shoulder to
the lady also by you worried about suffering future of Jurgen Schmidt"

Hotari and fell painfully from tears to straight worry of mother feeling that comes
Whether it can put a guru tris height in hand, the royal family had been discussing
whether to do after you got. After that I was missing, lord family had been discussing
whether we lead how to Ehrenfest. Guru tris height to get or would have had much
the person who told me to worry about my own.

"Mother ......"

I stretched a hand toward the mother. Since the aristocracy had been told that there
is no one fawn that way, the hand that until now had been thought that It is no stretch,
stretched as when the fawn in the mother.
1308 | 2523
My hand was neatly grip returned.
Here are those who receive the thought of the lady, as can be seen with, mother told
me to return grip tightly.

"Rozemain, you can not from now on, is Watakushi the burden applied to the shoulder
of the lady I'll carrying together. So, at least, is that of Ehrenfest will help to go without
care. Lady loses likeness lady without, proceed please. when you put the guru tris
height in hand, rather than being swayed by big power, please won his desire. you can
if the lady. I because it is our daughter. "

1309 | 2523
Afterwards I talked with my mother in a hidden room. I talked about how I was with
Cornelius elder brother at a lordship where my mother is not often seen, what the
Eckhart brother who comes to the temple was talking about, and the mother talked
about Aurelia and Sieglecht And how Brunhild is working hard.

I talked a lot until I got really sleepy and slept in a somewhat refreshing mood. I could
sleep as deeply as I was surprised, but I got overslept completely when I woke up. I
was sleeping as long as I shouted without thinking "Why did not you wake me up?"
When I was told by the house's side, "Three bells will ring soon."
Apparently I was too busy and it was later than the usual bedtime, so it seems there
was an instruction from my mother, after letting me go to bed without waking up, but
I was instructing the escort knights to come pick me up but I overslept How
embarrassing it is.

"... .... Good morning"

"This morning is quite slow, Rosemain. Everyone is already here."

My brother Cornellius was teased over late and apologized to the escort knights who
came to pick me up, and I also had a late breakfast.

"It seems like I got sleepy well and what's more, I would like to talk a bit before you
return to the castle, is not it?"

As my mother drank tea, I started talking about handover of the printing industry, as
I had breakfast. Muriela is behind his mother and you can see that he works as a civil
servant. I felt relieved to know that the master-slave relationship is working well in a
fun atmosphere.

"Even if discussion with the commoner is managed somehow, it seems that there is
no particular problem in others ... ... Rosemain. Although the side of the temple was to
leave it for Melchior, but what will your artist do? Is it? "
"I think that I want to call Vilma when I start printing in the center, so I will not give
it to my mother."

1310 | 2523
When insisting that Vilma is my painter, his mother said "Oh, I am sorry," he said so
unfortunately it seemed unfortunate and smiled crisply.

"But, if you leave the temple, there is a possibility that someone will be able to buy it?
Even if you take him to the center, it is over lower nobleman that you do not have a
place to put yourself up, you are buying it as a painter, What if you leave it at my
house? I am worried until you are an adult. "
"During that time your mother made Vilma paint the picture?"

My mother smiled funny when I saw my mother finely. I know that he is buying
Vierma's painting talent, so he is much more relieved than leaving it in his spare part.

"Because I am leaving the orphanage to Vilma, if there are people who can replace the
management of an orphanage, and if Vilma wants it, I will do so."
"No, Rosemain, if you are gone, I will get the gray shrine maid that I want, There are
no alternatives in the gray shrine maiden who are no longer served by the Lord.With
good understanding of it, my side stuff Please think about what to do. "

I was admonished about the treatment of gray shrine maidens and told Damuel who
had come to pick me up last night and I finish breakfast. I looked up at Damuel who is
in escort service with no face.

"I respect the hope of Damuel, so please let me know if you have a conclusion"
"I am sorry"

When I was talking about such things, Odonant arrived from my adoptive father. It
seems that royal family received twelve magic tools for children.

"A sudden and awfully incomplete number has arrived a lot, although it is possible
that you will be a dodger who will adopt her, you will not send me ahead ..."
"Perhaps it is not going to break it over there, I think that you are going to adopt you
anyway by sending a reward earlier."

The mother said that if you think that you want to increase aristocrats as soon as
possible, and considering that the loss of a year is large in order to receive a baptismal
ceremony as a nobleman, Ehrenfest can not be refused.

1311 | 2523
"Return to the castle now, Rosemain. If you have time, you can come any time. Let's
talk again."
"Yes, mother"

I returned to the castle with escort knights. And as a result of discussion as to whether
the lord clans gathered and received magical tools or sending back, we decided to
receive magical tools to increase the nobility of Ehrenfest as soon as possible. I would
like to adopt a farmer as he sends the reward earlier, so the will of the royalty should
not change as he sent back. If that is the case, I would like to give magical tools as soon
as possible, considering the possibility that a child who can not receive a baptismal
ceremony will be available, wasting a year.

"... .... Does your adopted father please turn the magician into an orphanage?"
"If there is no magical power of the average intermediate nobility at the time of
baptismal expression, it will be a waste of recovery medicine and the child's body will
be overloaded, and now it will be born a little later than to increase a lot of lower
noblemen I would like to leave magical tools for children with a high magical power,
so let's allow them to give children of orphanages on the condition that there is a
certain amount of magical power, ideas etc. are satisfactory However, the interview
shall be Hartmut, the chief priest '

It was not me who was the orphanage director, but Hartmut who is the chief priest's
officer was responsible for interviewing thoughts and the like. Basically it seems that
I can not trust my interview results which are sweet to those of orphanage. If it is said
that it can not be trusted, I feel a little bit, but I do not care what it is pointed out by
many people that I am sweet in me.

"It was good to be given magical tools not only to factional children but also to
orphanages, Rosemain sister"

I nodded in the word of Melchior and I decided to borrow the magician to measure
the magical power of the child and moved to the temple with Melchior and the aides.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

"I'm back"
1312 | 2523
Following the arrival of the temple's servants, I will enter the temple room. When you
change to the temple's costume, you receive reports from the lord conference from
each. Especially the blue apprentices of the temple and the children of the orphanage
seemed to have been daily without anything. And it seems that preparations for the
ceremony of spring are over, mainly by Kanfell and Fritak.

"It seemed that there was nothing wrong, I was relieved ... ... I have a pretty important
report from me."

As the servants corrected their posture, I told that I will leave Ehrenfest a year later,
the next temple will be Melchior. Do not mention extra information such as going to
the center or adopting the king. Gray priests and gray shrine maidens are the most
difficult thing to not know from the beginning because everyone who is questioned
by the aristocrat is difficult to answer.

"I knew that Rosemain says he will quit the temple at the same time as an adult,
because that was only hastened ..."

Fran is smiling a bit lonely and smiles. My heart aches when told that I am used to
going mainly to leave.

"I really thought of buying everyone and putting it in my library, but you said you said
that the aristocracy is not comfortable, have you said before? Who will manage the
library if I get out of Ehrenfest? I do not know, I think that there is no whereabouts
because I am not a temple where I will go. "

I think that I could return Ferdinand from Ahrensbach if I could dismantle Ahrensbach
with the Gurritris Height and I think that I could leave the francs. However, in the state
where a clear vision can not be seen, it is the most reliable to leave it to Melchior.

"As Rosemain says, the uncertainty of the future is not the ratio of the temple.I do not
know the way of living other than the temple and it seems that it is not a terrible lord
as I have seen the past behavior, I will serve so it is no problem. "
"If you moved to another temple, you definitely took everyone,"

In my words Franc laughed, "I would have accompanied you if I entered the small
temple of Hasse in that case."

1313 | 2523
"But just Virma has to make another choice."
"Is it another choice?"

Virma seemed to have planned to return to the orphanage just as before becoming a
servant of the side became a terribly confused face. Although he had overcome to a
certain extent, Villema never sees me because he never lost his male phobia.

"Will it become my exclusive painter, or become my exclusive painter after my

disappearance ... Please choose within one year"

Telling the contents of discussions with his mother, Vilma worried about an
orphanage, not myself, "What about an orphanage?"

"I will negotiate Monika or Lily as a side to manage the orphanage so that Melchior
will eat it, so as not to change the way we do now."

Vilma smiled, "I am worried, thank you" if I tell him that he is going to set up a person
who knows Vilma's way of doing it in the aftershot. But that was not a secure smile.
Looking around, it seems uneasy not only Vilma but also Monica and Fritz.

"... Rosemain, do not mind. Looking at your face, you can imagine that it is a sudden
and unpleasant move for Rosemain, and it pains your heart to an extent against us I
know that it is. "

I do not think that Melchior will treat such an awful treatment against the orphanage,
but in the current situation where the responsible person changes when he / she
turns around, Melchior will not know how long it will be in the temple head temple.
Zam told me that it was anxiety how long the boy who will consider the orphanage
and the treatment of gray priests will last.

"Since Melchior is a boy, I think that it will not be easy to move, so I will also focus on
handover so that everyone can relax with confidence in the least."
"Nice to meet you"

When telling everyone about the move, the next is a magical tool given to children in
orphanages. Vilma told the children that there was the possibility of being given a
magical tool given to a nobleman's child by inspection and interview of the amount of
magical power.

1314 | 2523
"In order to become a nobleman a certain amount of magical power must be stored in
the magic stone of the magic tool.If you give it as soon as possible, some children can
not become aristocrats, somehow you can interview Is that so?"
"Since children are out in the forest today, it will be OK if it is after tomorrow.If you
can tell me the date, I will keep magical children holding on orphanage"

I talked with Hartmut and told me to decide the date, I broke up the servants. The
work gets scattered for each job.

"Fran, I'd like to talk to Beno of the Printemps Company about my move, I would like
to use the orphanage office room ...."
"Certainly, I will contact you and decide on a convenient day."
"Please come to Zam, the priest's room room and decide the date and time to meet
with Hartmut and the orphanage"
"Certainly yes"
"Fritz, you will need lots of paper this year, please pick up as many Tau fruits as
"Certainly yes"

While passing through the letters and documents that Monica brought, I will give
instructions one after another. Philline gently cried out as she settled down.

"Rosemain, what about restoring drugs for children in orphanages given magical
"I am going to prepare ... ... Well, my apprentice civil application is pointed out that the
paper job is excellent only with few opportunities for formulation and would you let
me make it by Filine and Rodelichi?"

As expected, I do not believe that the adoptive father will be able to take advantage of
the orphanage's children's recovery medicine. I will have to bear the burden of being
an orphanage director.

"Because I'm unlikely to prepare a recovery drug for Conrad on my own, I gave up to
make Conrad a noble family even if I got a magician but I will give restorative drugs
to orphanage children If you have it, I would like you to give recover to Conrad as well,
please, Rosemain. "

If Conrad can live as a noble family ... ... I am strongly hoped that I will turn to Phyline.

1315 | 2523
"It is said that the burden on the body is too high with the magical power of the lower
aristocracy, but even if Konrad wishes, it can still give a recovery medicine."
"Are you sure? Thank you."

It was impossible for them to collect materials and prepare a lot of recovery medicines
to make Conrad a noble family, Philline makes his face collapse. Although the smile of
Phyllene who is delighted is cute, it seems that he only thinks of returning his younger
brother to a nobleman, and the reality is not visible.

"But Phyline ... Did you say that I wanted to give a name to me, buy a konrad, and
would like to accompany me to the center? What will you do after you make a concert
a nobleman? You can not bring the Konrad of the center to the center. "
"It will cost a lot of money to raise as a nobleman, can Filiale himself go to the House
of Lords and bring the cost of living in Conrad and bring him to the House of Lords?"

Philene closed his mouth and looked at his hand. With Philene's apprenticeship of a
subordinate civilian apprentice who jumped out of his parents house without having
anything, he could only do as much as bringing out his own living expenses and
tuition. I gave money little by little with translation fee and information volume, but
it cost really money to live as a nobleman with no ancestry left behind. I can not
customize the adult ceremony unless I save money now.

"If you make Conrad not a blue priest apprentice but a noble family as a younger
brother, I recommend that you return to your parent's home"
"I asked my mother, Phyline's father was a son-in-law, and the original tracing was

If Philline returns back to her parents house and regains the parents' house who is
taken over by his son-in-law's father and his wife, there must be magical tools and
teaching materials left behind by his ancestors, costumes that can be worn if you fix it
again. I would not be able to live a rich lifestyle, but I think that it is better than living
a life where Phyllines must arrange everything, while borrowing a room in the castle.

"Since my boy's concert entered the orphanage, it is indeed my heir's trace, but since
I am a minor, I will not succeed until I become an adult.I like my father and Jonasara
even though I return now It is only done, and I do not know how much the mother's
thing remains. "
1316 | 2523
There are various things sold for the living, Phyllene shook his head.

"You can also have a baptismal ceremony from an orphanage and be a blue priest
apprentice to live in the temple, but it will be a noble family without a parent who will
be a guardian of Aubu. If you make Conrad a noble family of Phyline We need to get
out of the orphanage. "

If you are in an orphanage, in noble society it is not recognized as a brother of Phyline.

"Having mothers behind like to allow them to stay at home, or getting adults and
Phylines engaged to protect themselves from parents ... I think that there is a need to
think about something. "

Philene sees me with a lost face. Even if it is seen with such a face, the parents are
decided by the baptismal ceremony, the child who goes out to the baptismal ceremony
from the orphanage is not the thing I decided and I can not overturn it.

"First of all, talk to Conrad at first, do you want to receive baptismal ceremonies as a
nobleman, even if you feel painful after drinking a lot of restorative medicine, whether
you are a nobleman, whether you are an orphanage or return home?"

There is a magical tool of the male's memento that Philene has, and if you give out
recovery medicine to the children of an orphanage, I think that it is okay to distribute
it to the concert. However, I am not a parent of two people and I will not be an
orphanage director in a year I can not take responsibility for the future of Konrad.
Damiel who was listening to our interaction became a difficult face.

"Today I will have an interview with the Planetan Shokai tomorrow at an orphanage
"Spring adult ceremony is near, and the baptismal ceremony in the summer is soon,
as soon as it is over, Aub is heading to Ahrensbach, so it's not busy right, Rosemain."

I will walk to the orphanage while confirming the schedule with Hartmut who has a
magical tool to measure the amount of magical power. Some Phyllines have magician
of the mother's memento behind. It seems that they want to be able to offer it when
they say that they want to be nobles in the same way as everyone else.
1317 | 2523
The orphanage 's doors were opened wide by the furans and the zamers who were
walking ahead, and I saw the appearance of five children lining in a row there. There
are Dirk and Konrad in a row from the young boy of about three years old to the child
who is approaching the baptismal ceremony.
It seemed that there was already explanation of what will be done from Vilma or
Hartmut, looking at the magical tool that Hartmut had in his hand, becoming a tense

"Well, let me quickly measure the amount of magical power, please tell me your name
and age"

Hartmut quickly measures the amount of magical power sequentially from a big child.
Since the amount of magical power increases with age, the prescribed amount also
changes. Hartmut judged from the age whether the amount of magical power reached
the prescribed amount which the adoptive father said, and divided the child to the left
and right. On the left there is Dirk and another boy and on the right there are two
concerts and two boys.

"The two men who are lined up are beyond the specified amount of magical power
told Aub, if you want, you can give a magician from Aub."

Hartmut said so, the boy standing by Virma next to Dirk is quite small at about 3 years
old and has a face that does not know well what is being said.

"Vilma, he has the magical power of an intermediate aristocrat, there is still time until
the baptismal ceremony, it would be better to give a magic tool, there is not any age
yet thought ... ...."

Hartmut decided to abandon listening to thought about children from about 3 years
old early and decide to secure a nobleman. Then turn to Dirk which is straining her

"Well, Dirk, your magical power is beyond the prescribed. If you want a magical tool
you can get it, what do you do?"
"Dilk is just an orphan, it is not a child of a nobleman, I think it is strange that you can
get magical tools!"

1318 | 2523
One boy who is ordered on the right shouts. Dilk frown with a face and heard the
child's words. Hartmut tilted his neck with a strange face.

"Is everything here an orphan, neither Dirk nor anyone else, what are you talking
"I am different, I am a nobleman's parents ..."
"A child who has not received a baptismal ceremony as a nobleman is not a nobleman
and is an orphan as it is in an orphanage.If you measure it by the value of aristocracy,
Dirk with more magical power is more valuable. It's a story. "

Hartmut who reluctantly refused the refutation of the child and the child turns to Dirk.

"Do you want dirk, magical tools?"

Haltmut's orange eyes are not gentle to show to orphans until now. It is the face of an
interviewer quietly looking at the determination of Dirk who wishes to become a

Dirk looked back once.

I will follow the direction of Dirk's line of sight. There was Delia, who swallowed hard
at the back of the cafeteria and was waiting for Dirk's answer. Combine your fingers
gently, trembling smallly biting your lips.
The pale face of Delia was very similar to that of the former temple when he was
robbed of Dirk. Please do not wish magical tools, please. Please do not leave me from
my side. Do not take away your family. It seems like you heard yelling in such a mind.

Dirk removed his eyes from Delia and turned towards Hartmut. Then slowly breathe
in and raise your face.

"... ... I want a magic tool"

At that moment, Delia opened his eyes wide and shouted "disgusting!" Everyone's
eyes concentrate on Delia in a screaming voice. However, only Dirk is not looking
back. I stared straight at Hartmut and wanted a magician again.

"Mr. Hartmut, I want a magical tool"

"For Dirk, what is it? It is hard work to dye manastones from now, and it seems that
Dirk's big sister does not want to be a nobleman, yet Why do you want to be a
nobleman and what will you do as a nobleman? "
1319 | 2523
Dilk held a fist at Hartmut quietly asking.

"I want to be a nobility, I want to be the temple of the temple, the chief priest or the
orphanage director."

Look at Dirk so that Hartmut is a little interesting. But his eyes are still sharp.

"The orphanage was in a terrible state until Rosemain came, but since Rosemain made
it better, we could get a meal and spend it without freezing in the winter."
"It seems to be well understood and what is more,"

Hartmut urges us while nodding with a face like seeing a good student.

"Besides, Rosemain is the only aristocrat who will help us when gray priests are at
risk, because the president of the shrine strongly supports minor Rosemain sama in
the temple."

Hirutomuto seems very satisfied with Dirk's words. There is a consciousness that you
are being supported, so I will not argue, but there are parts that are only slightly slight,
just a bit. I do not feel like Dirk is brainwashed by Hartmut.

"In the spring of the last year, when I heard the story that the priest chief would
change, gray priests and gray shrine maidens were in great trouble.If they change the
priest chief, I do not know how the temple or the orphanage will change."

It was because of permission of Feldinand, the president of the bishop, that I reformed
variously as the orphanage director. If you look at how the orphanage director visits
the chief priest to do anything, you will naturally know which position is up. If the new
priest chief is a person who disqualifies my plan, the orphanage may return. It seems
that the adulted gray priests who knew the former orphanage were very uneasy.

"Rosemain has made Mr. Hartmut the chief executive officer and everyone was
pleased because it was a god chief who was kind and not mean to Rosemain, but since

1320 | 2523
I knew only the orphanage where Rosemain was, I did not quite understand why
adults would be pleased with that. "

There was no case of leaving the orphanage in front of baptism and the nobility who
came to the orphanage was only my aides and I felt naive aristocrats who
remembered that Dirk could not sympathize with anxiety and relief of adults.
It was the same also when Konrad came to an orphanage, because adults were
nervous because adults were nervous, but Dirk seems to have been just glad the
children of the same age.

"Conrad was the same as ours, until then only I was using black stone that Franc
brought brings me, but I just started using Conrad."

Dilk of eating and Konrad of aristocratic family sometimes magically dismounted with
black manastone so that magical power does not overflow. It seems that Dirk did not
feel the difference between a nobleman's child and an orphan though the mind
consciousness with Conrad was strengthened because it came to do two masters
without magical power which only myself was doing.

"But when a lot of aristocratic children came in winter, every child seemed to be great,
did not listen to what the adult said quite often, why the aristocrat's child should do
such a thing, It is a patience to return to the aristocracy. "

It seems that I also realized that I was conscious of not being an orphanage even
though I was living in an orphanage just as well, but I dislike themselves being seen
below, including the big people. It seems that it was a disagreeable identity difference
that Dirk first met at an orphanage presupposing equality.

"When I saw this kind of aristocrat to the orphanage chief and the priest chief, what
do you think we would think?" I finally got it done.

Witnessing that one day of the seasons and the parents' consciousness of the children
left without being taken over by parents does not change, Dirk notes that ordinary
nobleman children have no consciousness as an orphan It seems that I felt it.

And the other day. Vilma returned to the orphanage while disturbing, in another year
I told that I and Hartmut were not from the temple, that Melchior would succeed,
Vilma will be bought. The temple, the chief priest, the orphanage director, and the

1321 | 2523
orphanage administrator all change. The orphanage is said to have panicked. It seems
that the confusion of adults who usually do not disturb is very scared of Dirk.

"I thought what to do in an orphanage so as not to be troubled, but I did not

understand. I hope there are good nobles who can properly think about the
orphanage, but there are few good nobles, but to an old orphanage I am in trouble
getting back ... ... Because Delia can not leave the orphanage "

Dirk looks back at Delia while saying that. How Delia, who can not leave the orphanage
for a lifetime, will live will depend greatly on the way the orphanage is located. The
temple and the chief priest must be good nobles in order for Delia who cares for Dirk
and commits a crime and loses from an orphanage without losing anxiety.

"Besides, the temple and the chief priest need not be aristocrats, Dirk"

Originally the position was chosen from the blue priest. There is no need to become a
nobleman. Hartmut quietly pointed out, Dirk swung his head.

"It was so before but now I heard that the lords of the lords are the chief of the temple
and that many aristocrats are coming in and out of the temple so they are different.Is
there are only nobles who can hold down nobility. ? "
"No no, noble can not be stopped by a blue priest who is not a nobleman."

It seems that he heard from the former side who returned to the orphanage after
purging, there is a wall which can not be crossed between us as a blue priest and a
nobleman. Because parents sinned, there are noble children who live in the temple as
a blue apprentice. Just a blue priest who can not compare anything.

"I want to keep the way Rosemain taught and I want everyone in the orphanage and
Delia to be able to go without sad feeling so I would like to be the chief of the
aristocratic temple and the chief priest"

No matter how much I want it, it is not something that you can get, such as the status
of aristocracy. Dirk was giving up. However, opportunities came for the magical
orphans to be sorted by magical power and given magical tools. If you do not receive
a baptismal ceremony as a nobleman, you will not be recognized as a nobleman.

"... ... If you miss it now, you do not have it anymore."

1322 | 2523
"There will be a lot of opportunities for orphanages to have magical tools delivered as
relief measures because a lot of aristocratic children will enter."

The fact that purification occurred, children were able to avoid collision, that the
number of aristocrats decreased markedly, that they needed to increase rapidly, that
they could get magical tools from the royal family, that Dirk was before baptism. There
is only now in every sense.

"But it seems that Dirk's important family is in opposition?"

Hartmut pointed to Delia waving his head crying. Dirk saw Delia with a terribly
troubling face.

"Dilk, please, think again. If you receive a baptismal ceremony as a nobleman, I can
not see Dirk anymore, you can not call me family, I will have to change words and
attitudes, no matter how bad the situation is So do not go away. "

One of Delia's words sticks to my heart. It seems that I am watching the past myself
shouting that I do not want to leave my family. I have to leave my family and I know
how hard it is not to call my family in the future.

... ... Dirk, do not go away. Put it on your side. Deria truly cherished you. In living, it is
the support of the most important mind!

I cried out in my mind, but I was stupid. If I speak of an orphanage director, that will
be an order. Besides, Haltmut is now in an interview. I should respect each choice Do
not imitate me like pinching beaks.

Dirk refuses a word to Hartmut and heads to Delia. I caress the deep red hair as
comforting Delia hugging Dirk as if I do not want to let go.

"Deria taught me, what did Rosemain bring to us, how the orphanage changed, and
how did the nobles and high aristocrats out there say me You protected us? "

When Delia was handed over, he was wary of being a spy of the temple and he was
not very close. Although it was such a relationship, Delia seems to have talked to Dirk
so that I am very good about me. The dark brown eyes close to Dirk 's black are
burning with the heat that tells the hero of himself.

1323 | 2523
"Like Delia, Mr. Hartmut will always teach you when you come to the orphanage, how
great Rosemain is doing, are you doing your best?"

...... Hey, Hartmut! Is it? What are you doing at an orphanage! Is it?

When I see Hartmut in a shy mood, Hartmut nods with the word "full of joy" with a
perfect expression.

"Mr. Ruthemain says Mr. Hartmut as to adopt the lord to protect his precious things
and I also like the nobility to protect my friends who grew up with this orphanage like
Rosemain-sama I want to be ... Please understand, older sister "

Deria broke down. I do not want to leave my family. But I can not hold back the dirk
any more. Due to the tremor swaying, Delia 's hands clung to Dirk loose.
Dirk leaves a little loose Delia's arm and comes back to Hartmut without looking back
at Delia's hand stretched again towards himself.

"I want to prevent the orphanage who made Rosemain's way better from returning,
please, please Mr. Hartmut, please make me a nobleman"

Hartmut quietly looks at Dirk's straight eyes.

"It is painful to raise magical power by heavy use of recovery medicine, but now if you
receive a baptismal ceremony from an orphanage, you can see it from the
surroundings as a child of a criminal, the eyes of the world will be strong against the

When Dirk receives a baptismal ceremony, he will be taken as a guardian of his

adoptive father together with the children of the former Veronica. It is highly possible
that other nobles will be told by the children who are brought together together with
the criminal 's children and who are baptized together in fact.

"Nevertheless, there is no Rosemain who has protected you, I can not become a
nobleman at half-hearted resolution."
"... ... I can not say that an orphan wants to be a nobleman with a half-hearted

The eyes of dark brown and the pupil of orange intersect.

After a couple of seconds, Hartmut relaxed the expression with Hu.
1324 | 2523
"Let's ask Ave, let's have your magical tool"
"I am sorry"

Dirk took over the strength of the body as I was relieved. After kneeling once with the
arms crossed, I stand up and head for Delia.

"That, Delia"

Even if Dirk calls out, Delia does not reply just by glancing at the tear-filled eyes of
light blue. Just being glared at the beginning, Dirk, which had been good for the past,
started to be a little oolo.

"Delia, are you angry?"

"I will not reply unless you call me ... .... Delia, not my sister."

When Dirk raises a surprise voice to an unexpected word, Delia diverts her face while
raising his jaw and jaw.

"I decided not to reply unless you call it my sister until I leave from here until Dirk
became an aristocrat, I was a punishment that decided this big thing for a family
member, secretly. Because Dirk imitates Rosemain-sama just like being in trouble! "
"It's not a troubling place, cool place!"
"Since it is about to do serious things with thought, it is not wrong in troubled places!
Mr. Rosemain is like that from long ago!"

... ... Wow! Is it? It's my fault! Is it?

I understand that Delia is a blatant reaction, but it is really a solitary thing. An escort
knight standing behind me laughs a small fight with Dirk's smart sister's brother
fighting with Delia, who orders my old business, "But that was such a profit."

"Is it from long ago to do various things with different thoughts?"

"You have not changed, are you?"
"No, Rosemain was changed."

Hartmut 's heart is good.

1325 | 2523
"Since the influence has been widespread and growing bigger than the past, it is

...... It's nothing to follow up as well!

Phyline gently cried out where I was being humiliated as a part of my brother fight.

"Rosemain, may we talk to Conrad?"

When I give permission, Phyllene walks to the Konrad with magical tool.

"Conrad, may I talk a little bit?"

"Yes, older sister"

Nodding in the answer of Konrad, Philene presented his magical tool.

"You have a magician that the mother left behind.You say that Rosemain will give you
also a recovery drug that I could not prepare.You can return to a nobleman. Will you
not receive a baptismal ceremony as my brother? "

Conrad broke his head with a frustrating face in the words of Philiane.

"How can I become a nobleman, even if there is a recovery drug even if there is no
money, Vilma said that the owner will get guarded by those who got the magician from
the lord? Will not it have any problems with me? "

Children who receive baptismal ceremonies from an orphanage are supposed to be a

guardian of Aubu and their education is supposed to use money and tools taken from
aristocratic purists. If it is less than the amount of magical power designated by the
lord, if you receive a baptismal ceremony as a brother of Phyline, you can not attract
the guardian of the lord to the concert.

"When my sister came to an orphanage, do not you say that it is hard for you to
arrange things you need for the lords, I think that it is impossible to prepare until my
part. It costs money as much as we need hundreds of paper and hundreds of paper. "

It is difficult for minor Phyllene to keep coming up, leaving home and supporting his
own life on his own. It seems that Conrad is better understood.

1326 | 2523
"... If the Conrad returns to the aristocracy, I am going to return home.If there are still
things left by my mother, I will manage to go to the House of Lords."

There are some teaching materials that I bought so far, if there are items left in the
house, you can go to the lords with two people, put out what I am an aide to the front
and put out money to my father Phyllie says that he can get it.

"My older sister, I got a magical tool taken up by Jonasara and I can not live as a
nobleman, because my father does not feel like helping me, I came here to live, only
to that house I do not want it. "

Although it was Phyllin who proposed to return to the parents' home to return Conrad
to the aristocrat, Konrad rejected as "absolutely disgusting."

"Hey, Konrad. It is only now that you can return to aristocracy, as magical tools are
given to orphans, Rosemain says to give a recovery medicine ... only to live as a gray
priest, become a nobility Is not it completely different? "

In Phryne's words again, Konradi shook his head, "Please leave that magical tool for
the older sister's child." Refused Fileline looks sadly and closes her eyes for a while
and gently breathes to calm herself.

"If Conrad chooses a route that will not become a nobleman, there is no way to live as
a brother anymore, and you only have to buy you in order to spend with Conrad."
"... ... will you buy me? It will not do anything useful"
"It is my wish to spend time with my brother."

Philene smiled and put up four fingers.

"...... There are four avenues for me.Please put the konrad at orphanage and dedicate
a name to follow Rosemain Mr. spend up to adults at Ehrenfest and place a concert at
an orphanage and meet Rosemain sama The way to follow. The way to return to your
parents' home to make Conrad a noble family, a way to stay in Ehrenfest to spend time
with you who are not aristocrats "

Konrad looks quietly that Phyline states his way with a slow tone.

"Please tell me how Conrad thinks about my future so that I can choose my future"
1327 | 2523
Conrad stopped there. While worrying about whether or not you can tell Phyline, look
at the state as you open or close your mouth. While looking at the situation, Philene
laughed in a troubled way.

"If Conrad does not tell me, will I pass through my wishes?"
"...... I want to live for an orphanage.I want to live with everyone in the orphanage who
helped me when I was the hardest, not with my sister."
"Is that so……"

As Philline drops his shoulders like it is discouraged, he murmurs "Thank you for
telling me."

"How do you plan on living at an orphanage?"

"I would like to be a blue priest like Fritac"

The temple of the temple and the confidence of the priest chief, who can be brought
back by purge and regain it, are thick blue priests. A blue priest who will be entrusted
with a temple at the time of the temple and the priest chief when he is out. A blue
priest who can earn myself and cover his life. That is the idea of Konrad.

...... I knew for the first time that Fritak was a hero of Conrad.

"I wanted a blue priest who is familiar with the workshop, I want to be a blue priest
who enters the workshop, promised to Dirk, Druk got a magician If I could become a
nobleman, I will support Dirk as a blue priest who can live by myself. "

The yellow-green eyes of Conrad, which closely resembled Philiane, shined glaringly
that they both protected the orphanage.

"As long as my sister said to me, adults should stay in Ehrenfest if adults can tell me,
and that as soon as I celebrate the baptismal ceremony I can become a blue priest, I
will help a bit I'm happy"

Even if it is not enough to become a nobleman, it is expensive to become a blue priest

Since Konrad is a lower aristocrat and magical power is small, it is almost useless to
supply magical power almost immediately after baptism. As there is a difference in
subsidies given by the territory according to the supply amount of magical power,
1328 | 2523
Konrad said that he would like to provide support to increase magical power and gain
self-support by growing a little.

"Magical power is low enough to be abandoned by the father It would be much better
to help Dirk and Melchior as a blue priest than I become a nobleman."

Konrad seems to have found a way of living other than a nobleman in an orphanage.
It is not a gray which is easily bought but it wishes to become a blue priest who can
be self-supporting.

"Okay, I will protect the orphanage together while watching Konrad at Ehrenfest until
I am an adult."

Philline smiled with Nicolle and said so. I seemed to be able to choose the way I agreed
with myself, so I am relieved too. And, if Philene could choose the way, I will support
it as the Lord.

In order to support the life of Phyline, as well as keeping to the mother, as long as the
church is not destroyed even if the chance of aristocracy going up, unless you request
cooperation from the lord who is the highest authority of Ehrenfest It will not.

...... Where do I pick up my hand?

While looking at the previous things in a somewhat lighter feel, I look at the
interaction between Phyllene and Konrad. Konrad told his wishes to Philiane and it
seems that he was very happy that it was accepted. It seems that she has a long way
to Filulene.

"I mentioned earlier that my sister also appeared at a meeting of merchants and
aristocrats, did not he tell me how the nobility and merchants talked, how Rosemain
actively worked?"
"That is OK, but ... Do you want Conrad to go to a merchant's meeting?"

I thought the merchant's meeting was not a blue priest's job ... but I can not say it to a
fun collath. Besides, if Konradi really becomes a blue priest who enters and leaves the
workshop, it is not necessarily the case that the Plantin shoppers are not asking to
attend the meeting to seek opinions.

1329 | 2523
"Recently I've been taught little by little from the people of the Printemps business
coming to the workshop.I like to Rosemain I want to become a skillful blue priest of
negotiation like a Rosemain."

...... Hey, Konrad. Something is not shifted ahead! Is it?

"Is it a blue priest who can negotiate like Rosemain, ... the road is steep and far away"
"I will do my best"

Philline glanced glancingly at me looking down at the concert that surprised me and
laughed couscous.

"The Phyllie settled quite a bit and was facing Conrad,"

When consulting with me it was quite confusing and emotional, but the interactions
in today's orphanage seemed to be calm. Of course, inner feeling was that various
feelings were going around, but I did not show it outside. When I praised it, Phyllene
dyed his cheeks as if she was shy.

"Damiel scolded me."

"With Rosemain missing in a year, I was forced to choose the way and suddenly I was
pleased that the possibility that Konrad could return to aristocracy came out, without
thinking about anything I jumped over. "

Phyline talks shyly is his own failure.

"There is no guardian who can rely on other than Rosemain, and until now Richards
have taken a variety of consultations, but I have gone away and I can not consult with
the castle about everyone in the castle From ...

Phyllin mutters that children before baptism are not included in the number, but they
can not consult with Konrad. It seems that the fundamental aristocratic view is that
there is no need to worry because it is not Phyllin 's younger brother or more since he
entered the orphanage.

"There was not anyone who would be more proud than Rosemain."
1330 | 2523
It seems he thought that there was already only as a filine, but it seems that he was
accused of Damuel.

"I was told by Damuel that Rosemain's responsibility should not be bothering when
the Conrad was put into the orphanage,"

It seems to have been pointed out that I desperately wanted many things to me who
was being scolded even if I got into Fillyn's house and saved the Konrad. It seems to
me that it is not what I think about how to make Conrad a noble, in what way to take
him to the center.

"Rosemain is my lord, my choice and my future will be kind and I will bother your
head even if you consult with Conrad, but do not give it up to it. My Lord and the
Parents But since he is not a guardian of Konrad, he should not seek more help from
orphans. "

And he told me about the way he can choose Philline and the extent of his aid, and he
told me to listen to the hope of Konrad first.

...... What it is, Damuel is cool!

"If you really wanted Conrad to be a nobleman and I wanted to help you, he said that
even if you could be a fiancee,
"Huh? Damiel got a marriage?"
"I merely gave me the option of being able to be helped if necessary, rather than
marriage, but I thought that it is a useless thing to do with the word of Damuel than
Rosemain says to the Lord."

Philene laughs as she touched it.

"I always had Darmel pulling out his hands, I wanted to graduate a girl who is
unreliable like a younger sister who has to protect and stretch my chest and walk next
to me, so I thought that Damuel I chose a path that I am not supposed to take. "

Indeed Dharmell never came out as a choice that Philene cited against Conrad.

... But, is this supposed to have been shaken if you think from the Damuel side?

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I will turn my eyes to Damiel while supporting Phyllie saying, "As I heard Clarissa as
an independent woman, I will get married from myself." Damuel did not go beyond

...... Would you rather tell me that Phyline will someday get married?

1332 | 2523
After having finished breakfast and practicing Fespiel, the aides come from the castle.
There is a change of the escort knight, and the schedule of today is confirmed.

"I'd like to use a hidden room because I want to keep out the discussion with Beno
that is scheduled for this afternoon so that I can not escape to the outside.Please ask
me for an escort to Damuel."
"How about Rosemain, accompanied by a civilian?"

I was caught for a moment while being questioned by Hartmut with a smile. In order
to protect my secret, I can only choose from a named group that can absolutely protect
orders. And when I looked at everyone else who was devoting his head to saying
Hartmut and "Please choose Hartmut," I had only one choice.

"Oh, please ask Hartmut."

"Certainly yes"

In the morning we ask for the preparation of a hidden room in Monica and Fran, and
we do the work and handover at the priest 's office. As we also had Melchior and his
aides, we talked about the future orphanage. As I was concurrently serving as an
orphanage chief, Melchior told me that he wanted to appoint an orphanage director
from Melchior's aides, Melchior became a terribly troubled face.

"Is it an orphanage director .... Since the title of the president is similar to the work of
a civilian officer, it is easy to appoint from my aide, but the orphanage director takes
care of the commoner's child, is not it? Although it may be closer to the side of work
as the content of work, the side workers may not be able to hand over in one year
because it is too different from the work up to now.I am still a little close to the aisle
... ... for women I think that is appropriate. "

Melchior's aides are by far the most male, so it seems that those who think that the
management of an orphanage where there are young children is outside the
jurisdiction. Considering the eyes of surrounding nobility, there seems to be
resistance to the aides of putting women in the side of the temple. I understand that
foreign affairs are important, but I was in trouble. My side was supposed to be with
Mel heol, but Monica would not be accepted even if they thought.

1333 | 2523
...... Immediately it is difficult to change the impression. What should I do?

"Most of the orphanage has no magical power, but now there are old veronica children
and there are my studio, so I think that it is necessary to manage the lords of the lords
unlike before ... ... "

Considering how old old Veronica children grow up and how they deal with those who
wish to buy those who are deeply conscious of the printing industry, I will report them
to Aub It would be better for you to leave the orphanage director to those who are

"Would you please ask Charlotte's older sister or Blynn Hilde's aide? But Charlotte's
sister is busy until her mother's birth is over, and Brunhild is not finished married, so
it is difficult to hand over Ne ... ... Is there no other aides on Rosemain's older sister
other than Brünhild? "

With my proposal to Melchior's proposal, I turned my eyes to Phyline, who is working

in the same room. It is perfect as a person with easy handover at my aides.

"... ... Phyline, will you become an orphanage director?"

"Is it me?"
"I think that the orphanage director is a perfect job if it is watching the concert for
three years until adulthood.The orphanage director has seen the work content on my
side and the orphanage director also has a position allowance Will I need a steady
income before I lose it? "

Besides the apprenticeship salary, I have provided financial assistance to Phyllene for
the assistance fee at the temple and for the manuscript of the book, but as I lose, my
income will decline sharply. Food and living are okay as my mother lives in the house,
but otherwise it will be a problem if there is no income to cover the necessary

"Take over to the person who thinks Philene will be entrusted with an orphanage as
inauguration as taking over as an orphanage director for three years in the form of a
relay and I will keep talks with the adoptive fathers."

1334 | 2523
If you are going to an orphanage many times and Phyllene Konrad is in an orphanage,
you should not be intimidating to an orphanage. The next orphanage director will also
carefully choose.

"But I can not do anything for preparing the room."

"I will lower the orphanage head room with furniture, and let's put Monica and Nicola
as they are, and then either Fran or Zam, because I will increase the work of Phyline
by my wisdom, so I will have three years of orphanage director Maintenance fee for
the room is owned by me. "

It is difficult to adapt money only to Philiane without any reason. It is easy to help if
there is a reason to leave the orphanage director.

"Okay, I will accept."

"It is safe if the aideside of Rosemain's sister is an orphanage director.Fullin ', I'm
happy if you help me when I come to the temple .... As expected it is uneasy to hand
over all over the year"

According to Melchior's reliance on Phyline, Philline smiles joyfully and nods. I also
smiled with Nicoli.

"Mel Heol, Philiane's assistance is charged, I will make a table as to how much I pay
for work details and restraint time, so please pay properly. Because I am doing more
work than my original work You should pay also to your aides. "

When I chested my heart that I paid close to my aides, Melchior's aides gave me a
glance at Melchior with a little expectation.

After lunch, he moved to the Orphanage Office room with Hartmut, Damuel, Angelica
and the temples of the temple, which are floating for the first time to accompany the
hiding room of the orphanage head room. As Beno and Marc came when I was
drinking tea prepared by Nicolas prepared by sweets and Francs, I gave a greeting
and entered the hidden room. Up to this point is as usual.

It is not as usual that Hartmut entered the hidden room where only Franc, Gil and
Damuel could enter until now. Beno sitting in front showed a slightly surprised face
and turned his eyes to Hartmut who stood behind me and asked me "Are you OK?" I
1335 | 2523
was breathlessly quiet while watching Beno who could not tell me where I could

"... It is okay because I received his name, so I can not violate the command of the Lord,
so if you order me to leave the contents here, I will never leave you outside."
"I am pleased that Mr. Rosemain has received his name, and since I heard that the
important story is a hidden room, I always thought that I wanted to be here."

I am watching the appearance of Hartmut as being deeply impressed by Beno's

smiling smile. I must think that I wanted to go home right away, and received the name
of such a person often.

... ... If I was not forgotten my name, I did not plan on receiving it.

"Please do not hesitate to tell me anything, Rosemain-sama, I know that you are from
the commoners and also the daughter of Günter, since I have friends with Beno since
that time."

I spontaneously stopped moving to words that I had not envisioned at all. I can not
move with my eyes wide open, staring at Hartmut.

"It is possible to reach a certain correct answer by listening to talks at an orphanage

or at a studio and crashing contradictions little by little .The final correct answer was
given to Ferdinand, so please do not hesitate to tell me "
"What is it, what is it?!? I have not been told a word until now! Did Damuel know !?"

Looking back to the Damuel standing next to Hartmut, whether Hartmut knew what
he was investigating, Damuel was also shaking his head in a panicking expression with
a surprising expression.

"I do not know, I knew for the first time"

"Since I thought that Rosemain sick mindly when I told this information with no name
dedication indeed."

Hartmut said with a refreshing smile. It seems that he kept his mouth shut until his
name was dedicated so as not to bother me, as to what the impact on the downtown
would be, how it would spread to the aristocrats.

1336 | 2523
"Haltmut, is that it leaked to someone else ...?"
"I will not imitate such a misunderstanding, going back and forth many times to
orphanages and workshops, solving everyone's tension and vigilance, gathering
information quite carefully from the gray priests who only say things without blunder,
polite small contradictions It is a correct answer you got in the eyes of Ferdinand like
you think it will be disposed of on the spot after crushing down to why, why do you
have to teach to those who do not have any hardships ? "

Hartmut told me that he did not know the reason and I felt like I could not understand
why. I can not understand Hartmut's criteria that can be done just because "I wanted
to know why Damuel was heavily used". You get the correct answer so far, you can
not understand the psychological structure that you can have in your own chest.

"... ... ... Uh, I feel tired somewhat already"

Because of Hartmut, I got tired a lot before I entered the subject. When I lowered my
shoulder, I saw that Benno in the front corrected my posture as if I had taken care of

"So, what is this story this time? Because we call all the time to call out when a
merchant in another territory comes any time, I understand only the serious things
happen, something hard at the lord's meeting Was it something like that? "

I am busy, so I quickly put it in the main subject, staring at the red-brown eyes I told
you to say, once again I correct my attitude.

"To tell the guild length is written in this letter, I want to talk about confidential talks
to Beno that will not leak to others."
"I understand."

Beno who received the letter handed over to Maruk and turned to me.

"I can not tell you any detailed circumstances, but I will leave Ehrenfest in a year."
"... One year later? In autumn, there is Gresschel's reform, and although the second
store of the Printemps store opens, does that mean that you come for another
territory in the spring?"

Despised desperately, "Would you like to kill me !?" Beno's face is solidly written on
the face. I shook my head in a panic.
1337 | 2523
"No. In Ehrenfest, my father allowed us, so I can relate to my business as well, but in
other territories I will not leave the business to underage, so I will be an adult There
are no movements to printing personnel until three years later, you need to check the
situation and prepare shops and workshops ... "

Beno talked about what I explain with a little hand, and smiled a smile like a shocked

"In other words, is it better to leave it to be movable in one year?"

"Well, it is wrong, three years later ..."
"Rosemain's business plans are always ahead of schedule, and it will never be in time
for you if you are preparing for three years in the future"
"Ha ha! Beno, it's terrible!"

You said you can not move to adults! When I stared at Beno, Huh and Beno laughed.

"Because it is based on experience and fact, it is not terrible, are all Gutenberg moving,
if the lord's family moves to other territory, will the exclusive take it?"
"If you can, I would like you to come, but I will not say to Gutenberg forcibly. I am far
away and there will be conflict with the local people, and if I can conveniently at a
short distance like now There is no way to go, and if you bring everyone, Ehrenfest's
printing industry will retreat. "

It is not possible to pull out all of Gutenbergs at the time when the successor has finally

"...... But I just want a printing studio, so I'm going to ask Gutenberg to make business
trips like usual when I am ready, then some people will take me without waiting for
three years.Turi from Gilberto Shokai And a few others, I will definitely take the
dyeing exclusive Renaissance, so I will accept family members with experts if they
want it, please tell me this intention. "
"Certainly yes"
"And then we will take Fugo and Ella as exclusive chefs too, so we are going to accept
them in the same way as family members, so may I ask you to keep it under
confidential circumstances? Ella is taking a break for birth is"

1338 | 2523
Regarding the cooks' apprentices who are coming to the temple from the downtown,
Phyllie uses the orphanage director's office and tells you that you will be practicing

"I think that it is okay because there is Nicola in the kitchen of the orphanage office
room, so I think that I can do the same as before, since I will give budget to the
orphanage headquarters room for three years until Philene adults."
"Well ... What will happen to the director of the Rosemain Studio? Unlike before,
because the printing industry is the lord-led business, can not you buy it here?"

It is a lord-led business, it is difficult for Planetan Shokai to purchase and operate it

on the location of the temple orphanage.

"Originally it is not a place where I can not handle much, but I think that if you leave
it to Phyline with a gill for three years, I can manage it as before."
"... After three years?"
"I think that the mother who binds the printing industry will become the responsible
person, from the aide of the lord who takes office as an orphanage director, expecting
that the civil service is growing to some extent in three years.When Dirk and Conrad
have It seems that you are aiming to be a nobleman or a blue priest who can protect
the orphanage and the workshop, so we recommend that you teach various things
from now. "

Beno will raise the edge of the lips fun when telling that Konrad seems to aim for a
merchant priest.

"If you think about moving to other territory as Gutenberg, what will you do with Gill
and several other gray priests?"
"I will buy it as a craftworker of a new printing studio with the goal of three years'
movement and will move it with Phyline, I will buy Nicola together at that time"

Those who are leaving, those who take along with them, those who chase after three
years. I would like to talk with each of the adoptive fathers about each and ensure that
they are not bought. If you negotiate a person who leaves so that the business
suddenly does not collapse and its profits into your hand, it will do something.

"Hmm, I knew about exclusive movements and handover, it will be after the
Gutenbergs come back, but let's talk about it ... Let's take a step closer to Rosemain
and have an exclusive planetan shop Is there?"
1339 | 2523
Beno said that and saw me. I recalled my mother's words "Please tell me what I
wanted" and I calculate what I can not see from Hartmut and Damuel who stand
behind, and smile like a long time challenging.

"Of course, I'd be happy if you come with me, acceptance of Gutenbergs after three
years will be quite easy and it will be encouraging just to be with me, but I think that
I am busy to die ... ... Beno Is not it due to your skill? "
"Hoooo ... ... My skill?"

I offer Bronno to laugh as much as to say that it will accept and I will order the Trombe
paper. You need something ahead of anything to prepare.

"Because it will be a lot of troublesome, we will cooperate with the interests of the
shop.Large order, please sell any incombustible paper at any cost"
"Incombustible paper? ...... with all that ..."
"At the request of Ferdinand, I want at least 300 cards."

If you want to make the highest quality magazines, quality is not enough for the
Trombe newspaper. Research and preparation to improve quality will be necessary.
If you do not get it as soon as possible, there is a possibility that it will not be in time
for the deadline being told.

"I'm planning to make it at workshops in the future, but please let me know if you
have inventory. I would be happy if you give me as soon as possible"
"All inventory ... .... Is payment also possible on the spot?"
"There is money that Ferdinand left for us, so there is no problem at all."

It is the money I gave you, but I also earn by myself, so I have not had any problems
where I used it for Ferdinand.

"As soon as we return to the store, we will check the inventory and let them deliver to

Because the amount is an amount, Marc said it will deliver it. Looking up at Marc
standing behind Beno, saying "Thank you", Marc returned with a familiar gentle smile.

1340 | 2523
When I finish talking with Beno, "I am relying on Hartmut who lamented that they are
jealous of Rosemain-sama like they are envious," pushing to Melchior's Chief, "I ask
you to take over to Melchior," and I He will return to the temple room.

I leave the education of Melchior and his aides to Hartmut and I told everyone clearly
that the successor Orphanage Director will become a Filipino and told them to turn
Monica into a side with a Filly as it is. The shrine's servants show a relief expression
that the new orphanage director is a familiar aristocrat.

"Since Monika is handed over by Phyline, let's leave the management of the orphanage
to Lily after Virma disappears.Well, there is only one year of Phyline.Taking a period
to go to the House of Peers, It is not an exaggeration to say that the rest is half a year.
Let's start taking over quickly. "

Ask Monica to publish the material of the orphanage and pile up in front of Phyline.

"This is a flow of money for one year at an orphanage in this article, please grasp how
much money is needed in which season, now the number of former Veronica children
increases, and from the adoptive father Since aid is increasing, it has become an
irregular flow of money, please be careful there and explain to Phyline, Monica. "
"Certainly, Rosemain-sama"

Philene showed the face that took a moment to the material of the stacked wooden
cards and picked up the wooden bill in his hand. While watching the wooden card
with Monica and two people, start talking.

"Fran, since the mark will come after this, tea as well as preparing for money, of
course, please"
"Certainly yes"

When Marc opened the hidden room to allow you to enter the Trombe paper to bring
in, Oldonants flew. A white bird gently comes down to my arm and opens the beak.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Rosemain, Irkner's Brigitte, ready for the magazine, I will
send it to the castle at the transition team so please let me know the best days for you"

It is said that you want me to send a mana stone filled with money and magical power
used for the transfer in a wooden box and send it back, I shine my eyes to the good
1341 | 2523
"Rosemain, if you are making the highest quality demon paper, is not it better to use
the castle's studio?"

I told him to Rauderrich, and I tilted his head.

"I think that it will make a big noise because Clarissa does not enter in this workshop.If
it is better to prepare the highest quality magazine paper, it would be better for you
to assist me and two higher class officials than Philyne think"

Because it is the civilian's job to formulate instead of me or to assist the formulation,

it seems that Clarissa will be serious if you compost in the temple and get out of the
way. Marianne and Ignatz who know the results of last year's joint research are also
in the castle, so it is recommended that those who were there ... ....

"But the castle is very busy, I think that there are many noisy people who are
preparing for Ferdinand, I do not feel like preparing in the castle."
"... Is not there another studio in Rosemain, how about preparing at the library's

I hit the pun with the proposal of Damuel. Certainly, if it's a library studio, we will also
include Clarissa and no noisy people. It is also good for finding materials other than

To Brigitte, "Please send it to the three bells of tomorrow", to the castle's reezerator
"Since the paper arrives from Irukner tomorrow, please prepare the man to carry the
paper to the fee, the magic stone and the beast" I sent Aldonants to tell Lazarfam of
the library the schedule after tomorrow.

It seems that he gathered the inventory of Trombe paper remaining in the store in a
truly hurry, Marc came carrying a wooden box at such a time as the six bells were
near. Fran also checks the number for a mistake and pays money. Although the aides
are surprised that five large gold coins will be paid, I do not mind.

1342 | 2523
Having Franc and Zam carry the paper to the hidden room, we decide to confirm that
there is no stock of magazines in the workshop and also to purchase it. Now we need
as many magical papers as possible.

"If you return to the castle, please ask Rodrig, whether Charlotte and Wilfried's
brother-in-law, do not have the magazine used in the collaboration with Dorevankel,
I will buy it tomorrow."

The next day I gathered the magical paper in the temple and put it on the beast, I went
to the castle as planned. Since the Reiserator had received Irkner 's paper, I asked him
to put it on the beast. And along with Clarissa, Hartmut and Escort Knights assisting
formulation, I went to the library.

"Good morning, Lazarfam"

"Mr. Rosemain, I'm waiting for your return. The tea is ready here."

While being caught by the smiling Razzfarm, we were to have tea while we were going
to carry the magazines from the beast to the workshop. I was presented with
witchcraft to prevent eavesdropping and I was asked for detailed explanation about
Ferdinand's situation and avoidance of jointing.

Leaving coffee preparations to Clarissa and Hartmut, I talked about Ferdinand to

Razapham while making tea. I will talk about not only the explanation of the avoidance
of joints but also the magazines and materials that I am currently collecting.

"Because we have a Ferdinand hidden room in Ahrensbach, we are going to send the
necessary tools and materials from here for summer funerals."
"It will be a pleasure, because it is the factory that Ferdinand had the longest time in
this house"

Rutherfarm also taught me old stories till Hartmut and Clarissa came.
It seems that a part of Ferdinand's book collection in this library was what belonged
to Hyde Marie. In the same circumstances as Phyllie, Heidemary who was hijacked by
Veronica 's second wife took away all the books from his library and said he was in
Feldinand' s house.

1343 | 2523
...... I gave it to my host Lord Ferdinand that I do not hand valuable knowledge that is
conveyed to this house.

As Ekhart brother remembered Heidemary, it seems that he did not want to get close
to the library of this building.

"Eckhart also got healed a little for the wounds, last year I entered the library and
looked at nostalgic collections in the library"
"Is that so……"

Clarissa cried out where the talk broke off. It seems that preparation for preparation
has been completed.

"I am delighted to be able to do a work that seems to be a cousin of Rosemain, last

night, I reviewed the research results that will raise the quality of magazines."

Razzfarm looks at somewhat nostalgic face that I am standing up inspired by

ambitious clarice.

"How long can you get Rosemain in the workshop?"

"... ... Well, I will make a sample of the highest quality demon paper by the funeral, so
I will confirm that there is no problem with Ferdinand, so I think that we will be in the
workshop for several days"

I added in a hurry to Razapham which turned out to be a worrisome face for several

"But, unlike Ferdinand, I will leave the workshop at the time of meal, so please do not

While Ruthfam gave a bitter smile, he nodded "I got it sir."

1344 | 2523
"Well, let's get started."

I looked around the magazines and utensils that are lined up in the studio table. It is
a tool that measures the attributes and quality of the material that Ferdinand had, and
examines the nature of each magazine. I would like to experiment with rare Trombe
paper after experimenting to what extent the quality can be raised with a large
number of Aphon paper, Nansave paper as material because it is inconvenient to
experiment with paper with a small number.

"Do you want to make this the highest quality?"

Clarissa picked up the magazine made from a small piece of apron to check the quality
and made a difficult face. The magical paper made without using magical power by
the hands of the commoner, the quality as a magic tool is low. Although the Trombe
paper is high quality in the magpipe, if it is a demonic paper like a parchment made
from the skin of a demonic beast which has been used as a magical paper for some
time ago, there are many more high quality items.

"If there is no designation for the material of the magazines, is not it easier to raise
the quality after collecting the skin of the demonic animal as usual?"

Recipes of magazine dispensing recipes using monster skin are taught at the House of
Lords. That is the paper that is used as an aid in drawing magic teams and performing
formulation and magic. In order to use it for sophisticated magic, high quality material
is necessary as it is, and in order to obtain high quality material, you must catch strong
monsters and obtain leather. Therefore, it is not easy to make such as the highest
quality magazine paper.

"It would be easier to use the monster's skin if it just raises the quality, but since
Ferdinand's request is at least 300, we do not know how much demon skin is needed.
I can not compromise the quality of the material, do you think you need to capture
quite a strong monsters? "

Many materials are placed in Feldinand's workshops, but there is not enough space to
make three hundred sheets of demon paper for each. Haltmut nodded in my words.

1345 | 2523
"Since it is impossible to obtain skin by completely defeating the monster, it seems to
be very difficult to collect in large quantities. Even if all Rosemain-san escort knights
are thrown in, the necessary material within the deadline I do not think we will gather.
"I think there is nothing I can not do."

Although the blue eyes of Clarissa are motivated, are they going to devil hunt in the
case of Dunkel Ferger? If the deadline is about three years later, you may go hunting
and arrange the materials little by little, but there is no time to go hunting when the
handover is busy. I only have to raise the quality of magp wood, so I think that
Ferdinand asked me.

"Even so, it's more than three hundred highest quality ... ... What on earth will
Ferdinand-sama be used for?"
"Clarissa, Ferdinand is a person who sparely uses high-quality magazines to ease
formulation, which is different from ordinary people."

It is not easy to imagine what kind of case it is to be the highest quality magical paper.
However, Ferdinand is using high-quality magazines regularly during compounding.
Do not trust Ferdinand's common sense about compounding. I learned.

"Tentatively, with reference to collaboration with Dorevankel, shall we raise the

quality of the magpie paper now as much as possible?"

While pulling impure magical power or trying to introduce high quality material of
the same attribute in order to improve the quality, I try to raise the quality of each
magazine by stirring the mixing pot. Both Aiphone and Nonsave paper came from low
quality to ordinary quality.

"...... Quality is too low"

Quality does not rise gradually like a turtle's step. I do not like being like the same
formulation over and over again. I have not made improvements until I can convince
myself recipe by myself because I used a recipe that Ferdinand finished with repeated
experiments as it is or asked for improvement to Raimundo so far.

"How can Ferdinand like to easily create and improve magic tools so easily? I feel that
my heart will break anymore."
1346 | 2523
"Rosemain, do not drop that shoulder like that, it's still the first day and there is no
progress at all ... The sound of the magazine has become pretty smooth, and the
magical paper gathering freely moves It got faster. "

Hartmut encouraged me and I looked at the improved Aiphone and Nansave papers.
The Aiphone paper only sounded interrupted, but as the quality was raised, the sound
became smooth. It has become about the sound quality that I can use for a music box.
The Nansave paper only showed a steep movement towards the big debris, but the
movement got faster.

"But is not it far from the best quality that Ferdinand want ... ...."
"Although it seems to be long, we are looking forward to seeing what kind of change
will come up in the magazine as we further improve the quality from here.

Hartmut and Clarissa drunk a remedy that greatly restores magical power and have
suggested an interruption in formulation, "Do you not have lunch to switch moods?"
I was tired of the preparation, so I took the suggestion and got out of the workshop.
Talk about how to improve the quality while taking lunch.

"Mr. Rosemain, let's increase the attributes, it is difficult to find materials that are
compatible with magpi paper, but if it goes well, the quality will rise as the attribute
gets better, so we will add the material aiming at all attributes Why do not you? "
"Failure seems to increase more than ever, but I feel depressed, but I do not have to
do it."

From the afternoon I try to select a high quality item appropriately from the material
that was in my workshop and put it in a little. If there is a good change increase the
amount and see the situation. With that iteration, I tried increasing the attribute little
by little. However, it does not become high quality at medium quality.

... ... It's getting more and more troublesome.

If you make a recipe knows what to do according to the procedure, it does not mean
that you like compounding so much that you can do such kind of experiment for a long
time. Unlike reading books, they can not immerse for hours or days.

In the afternoon break, while drinking recovery medicine instead of tea, I sharpen my
lips without much progress. In Hartmut and Clarissa, it seems that considerable
improvement is progressing in just one day.
1347 | 2523
"Usually, unlike Rosemain, because magical powers do not continue, we can not
formulate this many times, because my three-day experiment with a senior aristocrat
is a day."

I leave it to the power of magical power and repeat the experiment over and over
again, so I think it is quite advantageous compared with other civilian officials, and
the result seems to have come out properly.

"Muu ...... If it is my strength to pour a lot of magical power into the experiment, then
how about trying to put gold powder as a mass of pure magical power?
"Rosemain-sama's gold powder .... It certainly may be able to raise the quality at once,
you may be familiar with your own magical power."

While I am recovering drugs and restoring magical power, I first extract

miscellaneous magical powers from magic stones and raise the quality of manastones
themselves. After that, I injected magical power of myself and made manastones one
after another into gold powder. Hartmut and Clarissa round their eyes to see how gold
powder for experiments can be made one after another.

Speaking of which, I was amazed by Ms. Hannero when I made gold powder in the
lecturer of the lord.

Unlike Hannorore who was on the verge of grinding, Hartmut and Clarissa gaze at the
eyes shining like grazing, but they are still surprised.

"How wonderful ... ...."

"Truly, like Rosemain, ordinary civil servants can not imitate magic stones and
magical powers so much," he said.

Raise the quality using gold powder made during the break. While mixing smoothly
with gold powder in a blender, I continue to mix with spirit. I cut off the completed
Aiphone paper and put it on a magician that examines quality and attributes.

"Oh, it got high quality of all attributes for the time being"

I used magical power like an idiot, but thanks to it, I was able to raise the quality at
once. But it is not the highest quality.

1348 | 2523
"I do not know how to do any more, I would like Ferdinand to tell me."

It was only me that I could not see the end and Haltmut and Clarissa seemed to be
unable to hide the emotions on the high-quality magp wood paper, and two people
have tried variously with magp wood paper from the past.

"Rosemain, if you can make good use of the character that returns to the original of
this magical paper, it may become possible to use a single piece of magazine
repeatedly! It is a major discovery!"

It was Clarissa who shone the blue eyes. Not only did the nonsave paper which became
high quality gather at the original place, it seems that it came to come back to the state
of the original paper arbitrarily. It is an interesting change, but what I want is the
highest quality demon paper.

"Rosemain, this sounds like a singing smooth sound, it's not a score, but if you draw a
magic team you may be able to cast."

As Hartmut was excited about, she said that she wanted to shine the orange eyes, draw
a magic camp and experiment with it.

"Let's experiment to see how much assistance would be easier if you draw magic
camps on these magazines."
"If you want to try it you can try it, because I do not think I will experiment to use"

My role is not to search for properties or to examine properties, by raising the quality.
Even with gold flour, it could only be raised to high quality. It seems better today to
think about finishing the preparation today and thinking how to improve the quality
like that.


Hartmut and Clarissa turned the stap into a pen shape and headed for the magazine.
If the mage is not of low quality, it can not be written with ordinary ink. If it becomes
high quality, it becomes either using a magician's pen which makes magical power
into ink, or writing with Stapl using Styro.

"...... Rosemain, it's hard work"

"What is it, Hartmut?"
1349 | 2523
"I can not write even this magician, Stillo."

In haste with the words of Hartmut, I looked into the high quality Aiphone paper. Even
if Hartmut traces on paper with Stap's pen, I can not draw anything. Clarissa is the
same, magical ink does not adhere.

"I feel that Rosemain's magical power is too strong, can you draw Rosemain?"

Clarissa told me, I also write it in Styro. The line was closed normally. Hartmut is
looking at the face of conviction that "Rosemain of the creator can also draw as well".
But I felt hurtful by my body.

"Is not it a completely failed work with a magazine that can only be used for me? There
is no point in going to the highest quality of magical paper that can not be used by
"Magical tools that can not be used unless it is a mage creator or a man with more
magical powers are not so rare. Let me and Clarissa also make high quality magical
paper so if you can use it for Rosemain sama , It may be possible for Ferdinand to use
Rosemain-sama's magazine ... ... Ferdinand-sama has more magical power, is not it? "

I am worried a bit for being worried about Hartmut. In the House of Lords the density
had been reduced so that magical power would not overflow, so the body grew but
the amount of magical power did not grow much. However, now Stap has grown, and
now there are many cases of using magical powers within the territory, preparation
of preparation, Shinto shrine, Entwickeln, and so on, so now we are returning magical
compression to around the old standard. The amount of magical energy to be
accumulated should be increased by the amount of body growth.

...... Still, I do not think that it is beyond Ferdinand.

I did not change so much even when using ink which disappeared, I think that I have
not exceeded it yet.

"I do not think that I can win against Ferdinand."

"How about Rosemain sama, I think I will win anything."
"Because I'm not going to grow to areas outside common sense like Ferdinand."

1350 | 2523
Hartmut and Clarissa declared that they did not intend to be like a mad scientist who
had such a magical compression while laying down such a magical sickness, but he
said "It is a pleasure to see Rosemain adulthood" I was wrong.

"Unlike Rosemain, I and Mr. Clarissa take a lot of magical power and time to make gold
powder, so let 's continue tomorrow, I will prepare gold meal tonight."

Whether it becomes a magazine that can be used in Ferdinand depends on the

experiments of two people tomorrow. For the two of them I handed out a recovery
drug that only magical power recovers drastically and a magic stone that passed
through miscellaneous magical powers and prayed for a good fight.

The next day, it seems to be quite hard, but they both made gold powder and brought
it and started preparing high quality magazines. I drew a magic team on the high
quality magical paper I created yesterday, waiting for the two people to finish mixing
while doing experiments they wanted to try instead.

As expected by Hartmut, Ai Pon became a magazine which casts automatically by

casting magical power to the drawn magic team. It is a bit of magical power
consumption, but it may be useful if you want to activate it where it can not be cast or
if the cast is too long.

...... But it is inevitable that you can not draw with the power of other people.

Clarissa seems to have thought that Nansave paper could be used as a magazine that
can be used many times, but could not be reused even at high quality. It's over with a
golden flame. But it was a bit interesting that the burning residue remained and it

"Rosemain, I could do it."

I wrote the line with Stillo on the high quality magazine made by two people, but as a
result I could draw on the devil paper created by Hartmut, but could not draw on the
magazine created by Clarissa.

"Is Clarissa more magical than I?"

1351 | 2523
"No way"

The two were immediately denied. Even though I think about the speed of making
gold powder, the difference in the amount of magical power with Clarissa is obvious,
so I do not mean to say so seriously. It's a little tea.

"Then, why does such a difference come out?"

I tilted my head, but Clarissa seemed to think so soon

"There is no doubt that it is a name dedication! The difference between me and

Hartmut is about that"

I do not want to think that the difference between Hartmut and Clarissa is that much,
but Clarissa's opinion is highly likely.

"Because there is a possibility that influence may have been done, since the name
devotion is bound with the magical power of the Lord"

After Rodrig had been given a name, I got all the attributes gently by being bound by
my magical powers. Because Hartmut is also bound by my magical power, the
possibility that only I can draw on Hartmut's demon paper is high.

"Ferdinand will not help you like if the creator himself or the creator can only write
to those who gave his name"
"... Because it feels like magical paper plays magical power, how about looking at
materials that absorb magical power?"

I blink in my proposal by Hartmut.

"Is it to be said that absorbing magical powers is black manastone?"

"If you can add only the nature that absorbs magical powers without changing the
nature of the magical paper with the material taken from black monsters, I think that
you can attach magical ink."

...... What is a black monster is Tanisubefalen or Trombe?

I thought of a black monster I had fought and turned my eyes to the Trombe paper.

1352 | 2523
"I see. Let's do it."

I will synthesize it by adding Trombe paper to high quality Aiphone paper made by
Hartmut. Give the finished paper to Clarissa, cut the corner in small size and have the
trial writing done.

"A line can be drawn, Rosemain-sama!"

As expected by Hartmut, the resulting magazine came to be able to draw Clarissa and
the quality rose to the point that it was only a little to the highest quality. Perhaps I
think that the Trombe paper absorbed my magical power while mixing it.

As a result of painting the magic club of time shortening and using it when raising the
quality of the Aiphone paper, it turned out that the nature of the Trombe paper which
is difficult to burn is added to the nature of the Aiphone paper which is invoked
without permission.

"... Rosemain, this incombustible paper has not been raised to high quality, right?"

Only when the clarissa pulled the ink line gazed at the burning scattered burned and
asked while blinking his eyes.

"Yeah, I used it as it is, as it will improve quality, it may be left perfectly, as the
magazines do not seem to have much rebound, so let's make all the magazines high
quality all the time, Let's synthesize it. "

Make everything high quality and synthesize. Although it is easy in terms of words, it
is a formulation that requires an amount of magical power like an idiot. It is necessary
to make gold powder to make each one high quality, and magical power is necessary
to synthesize high quality material.
However, it was worth the effort, the highest quality magazine was completed. Give
them two small pieces of broken pieces for trial writing. I could write the line safely.
Then, the fragments return to the big piece of paper, fluffily, and stick to themselves
and return to their original size.

As a result of drawing experiments with magic drawing, it turned out that magic acted
just by magical power, and it remained without burning perfectly, and it was found
that a magazine which gathers freely and reproduces was born.

1353 | 2523
"I do not know what to use, but would that be convinced of Ferdinand?"

When asking while showing the reproduced magazine to Hartmut, Hartmut

contracted us with a smile "I do not think there is any civilian who can complain about

"... But, is not it not possible to make this mage other than Rosemain?"
"Well, it will take a little time, is not it?"

From low quality to raised to high quality using gold dust, ultimately synthesize three
high quality magazines made. It is an ultra-luxury magical book that has amazing
magical power and time.
By the way, it becomes three pieces of magazine paper of the size of the original two
sheets. Even if it cuts, it returns to its original size, so places where size can not be
changed are annoying.

"Rosemain, I made gold dust overnight with a recovery drug to formulate high-quality
paper, something that required one recovery medicine for formulation. It is not a
thing. "

Clarissa began to mourn as "What is it?" Although it is the role of a civilian to formulate
instead of a candidate for a lord, it seems that there is no way it can not be satisfied
that the role can not be fulfilled satisfactorily.

"There is no other choice but to increase magical power and pray to the gods to
increase protection."

Clarissa's determination to "serve you absolutely" Beside being burned up newly,

Haltmut takes the Trombe paper and thinks something.

"Rosemain, what is made of this incombustible paper as a material? Because it was

purchased from Printan Shanghai, not from Irkner, it is made from the Rosemain
Factory or around the paper making studio, right? ? "

I smiled with Nicolle and said, "It's made from crawlers". The answer came quickly,
but Hartmut thought in as though there was no magic tree to think.

"I have heard from the children of the orphanage, but it was a material of
incombustible paper ... ... But I do not remember such a magazine."
1354 | 2523
I do not mind teaching only Hurtmut who received the name, but I do not mind talking
in this place where there is Clarissa.

"There is a sufficient amount of magazines purchased from Irkuna, but there are not
enough noncombustible papers, so I have to make a lot of incombustible paper this

While calculating in the head, how much tau fruit is needed, I will make another sheet
of highest quality magazine. This is the end of making a sample for my adopted father
to bring it to Ahrensbach. If you receive "very well" from Ferdinand, I would like to
mass produce.

"Since Ferdinand-san's workshop should be made in Ahrensbach, should we not let

the adopted father carry not only the sample but also the preparation tools and

Go to Ahrensbach Fishing in the workshop, what do you bring with your foster
parents for funeral? I want to send materials for recovery drugs and antidote drugs.
Hartmut and Clarissa also helped fun the workshop material happily.

The adult ceremony at the end of spring was right there, summer was close at hand.

1355 | 2523
After finishing sample making, I return to life in the temple. The spring ceremony
ahead of tomorrow, discussion occurred between me and the servants in the temple
room. I told them that they wanted to join the blue apprentices such as Melchior in
the spring ceremony, but they were dismissed.

"Why is it impossible?" Other blue apprentices still think that it would be better for
them to participate in an adult ceremony absolutely Melchior, which takes over the
temple of the temple. "

When Furuuu and I told Fran, after Franz and Zam got a glance, Zeam shook his head
with a severe face.

"Like Rosemain, Melchior, the blue apprentice is a minor, I can not participate in the

I would like to have them take a tour of the ritual if they are to make the blue
apprentices turn around at the harvest festival in autumn for the handover of the
temple to Melchior. But the minors insist that minors can not participate from
customs so far, and that customs need not be changed.

"I am a minor, is not he doing ceremonies as the temple?"

"Because Rosemain is the chief of the temple, blue ...... No, I could not participate
before becoming the temple manager since I took part in Melchior's ceremony as
president of the temple."

The frank who said the blue shrine maiden apprentice was concerned about the
nobility's aides and said that he became the temple of the temple. Because we are
fighting age spoofing on family register rundating, we can not carelessly talk about
old days.

"Certainly we could not participate in baptismal ceremonies or adult ceremonies, but

we had a ceremony of healing after Trombee's subjection by the former priestess
leader Ferdinand, which should never be bad."

1356 | 2523
By giving a command of Ferdinand of the blue priestess apprentice as a precedent,
francs and zams who were former members of Ferdinand are packed into words a

"Is not it because the shrine was short of a magical blue priest in the temple, so it could
not be helped?"
"Now that the blue priests have decreased more than that time, you can understand if
you are in the temple that you are in a state of no further help? If I have an adult,
something that puts an underage to a divine I will not do it. "

No matter how much I am opposed, I'd like to accept this. The current temple has only
seven adult blue priests. The underage lord candidate runs through the territory and
is finally doing a divine task.
Wilfried who was harassed by the Reisgang nobleman at the spring prayer ceremony
and Charlotte who is getting busy before and after the foster's mother's birth do not
want to go to the harvest festival, the trouble will be hindered at the moment. I think
that two people will help because there is an increase of ritual protection, but it is not
preferable to leave the wider range to consider the burden of everyone, and in the
worst case, you can not do the shrine with the temple people I do not know what to

"The blue apprentices do not have enough hands unless you go to the harvest festival,
and it is necessary for themselves to go to the harvest festival from anything - the blue
apprentices they accepted this spring Unlike ordinary blue priests, there is no subsidy
from parents, we need to prepare for winter by subsidy of the province and income
obtained at the harvest festival. "

Even though there is money that I received from my former Veronica fellow parents,
I do not know how long it will be and how much money I will pass to my orphanage
or the temple by the adoptive father. It is basically considered as a budget to be used
as an educational expense at orphanages and lords. If so, the money for their winter
preparation must go around the rural areas and the land of Giebe, participate in the
harvest festival and earn by themselves.

"If you go to a rural village at the autumn harvest festival, you will have to do all of the
baptismal ceremony, the starbuilding, the adult ceremony at the same time at that
time, it is hard to suddenly perform the ceremony without having seen anything I
would like you to visit the ceremony so that everyone else can do without panic on
my experience. "
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I suddenly made a shrine as a temple of the temple, I know how confident the actual
performance is. Besides, although I was able to know what kind of ordinary
ceremonial ritual was in the first baptismal period of the Mine era, they have never
seen a ceremonial ritual.

"If I leave the temple one year later, will some people need blue priests to fill one hole?
They still have no beast and have not enrolled in the House of Lords Because there is
little magical power, everyone will have to head to the divine, I want to have as much
experience as possible before my eyes reach before it gets it. "

As soon as Melchior is appointed as the chief of the temple and becomes a responsible
person, if you are sending apprenticeship of minors to various places of the territory,
Mel heol is also hard. I suggested to accept children before baptism and before
entering the House of Peers at the orphanage and the temple is me, so I will make a
way to live as a blue apprentice so that they will not be bothered by life I think that it
is important.

"At least you should take a tour of the blue apprentices from the summer ceremony,
you need a preparatory period to start a new thing, and to the blue priests as well As
a matter of fact, preparations for ceremonial costumes are necessary for tours. "

If we can afford one season, we say that we can arrange ceremonial costumes and also
educate in cooperation with the side staffs of blue apprentices. I was nodding when I
told the summer ceremony ceremony and the autumn baptismal ceremony that it
would tell me the flow and atmosphere of the ceremony.

"Then, I will leave the foundation and preparations to the blue priests to the francs,
the ritual costumes may be renewed if there is money, or the former blue priestess
and the blue shrine maiden placed Please advise me to change things with things. "

In my time there was not a thing of an appropriate size, or the former shrine chief said
that there was no thing to give to the commoner, or for just a few reasons, it was kept
new, but now it is kept in purification etc. The blue costumes are on the rise. Even if
you keep it for a long time it will hurt the fabric, so you can use what you can use.

"Certainly, let 's tell the participants of the blue apprentices to participate in the
harvest festival and order the start of education and preparations.If Mr. Melchior
began for the autumn harvest festival, the summer adult ceremony for the blue
1358 | 2523
apprentices In order to make a tour of the autumn baptismal ceremony, I will
summarize the opinions of other blue priests. "

Although the foundation begins, although the official announcement is over after the
spring ceremony ceremony, the discussion with the side-girls is over.

And the ceremony ceremony day. I was pretty nervous in me. Because Turi is an adult
in the summer ceremony ceremony, there must be Ralph, Lutz's older brother, in the
adult ceremony of today's spring. The acquaintance of the Mine era, my acquaintance
who seemed to remember me was about Lutz 's older brother, but Zasha and Sieg
ended fine without participation.

...... Ralph does not fall out?

I pinch a ceremonial costume a bit while watching the mirror. It is similar to Mine who
was wearing clothes in Boro but it is not so similar. Besides, I do not remember about
my neighbors who died many years ago. Tuli and Lutz did not say anything when I
was rumored as a small templeor in a downtown.

...... Because I do not know whether Ralph's face can be understood ... Yeah. That's fine.

As I tell myself, I move in front of the francs and escort knights and the prayer room.

"The temple, entrance"

I was nervous with a lot of gaze and a door to be opened, and I entered the worship
room with a scripture. While listening to the conversation being exchanged with the
whiskers, go up to the stage.

...... Which one is Ralf?

Look down on the bottom while staring a little. Ralph is supposed to be here, but
everyone has grown too far from the stage, and no one knows well because he is
wearing the noble green of spring.

...... Ralph was redheaded, so is that it or is it ...? Well, I feel like there is a rhythm, is
not it? Well, I do not really understand.
1359 | 2523
While sticking a nobility-like smile, I thought about anything, Ralf tilted his head
slightly like a staring eye, and slightly tilted his head.

……that? Did you notice anything? Did you get a little distrust?

I hurried to look at the scriptures and diverted my eyes. And make rituals as usual
with a smile that was cultivated in aristocratic life.

"The goddess of water Fluit Rene, listen to my prayers Give blessings to your birth to
the birth of new adults and to devote themselves to you for giving their thoughts
prayers and thanks and giving you sacred protection."

God bless you if the shrine is over. Ralph looked back once she saw new adults leaving
the prayer room.

...... Oh, oh, I'd like to find out if I ran into Ralph. But, if you poke well A snake Is not
it going to be? What should I do?

If there is something there will be contact from Turi or Beno. It seems that we have to
look silly for a while and see how it seems.

The spring ceremony ceremony ended and a meeting was held in the temple,
including blue apprentices. According to Zam who did the foundation, the adult blue
priests seemed to feel that the shortage of manpower was too bad, and it seems that
there was no particular dissatisfaction. Rather, it seems to feel like I can work because
I am in the position to receive guardianship of the lords.

Because of the shortage of manpower, I also order blue apprentices to prepare and
prepare for reasons that they have to participate in autumn harvest festival for their
own winter preparation. There are many things you need to do, such as memorizing
a celebration, costumes for ceremonies, arranging a horse-drawn carriage, procuring
chefs and food items.
However, it is difficult to leave all the priests to the minor for the first time, so only
this year's harvest festival was newly decided to pair with an adult blue priest.

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"Oh, older sister. Is it okay for a while?"

Nikolaus asked a bit uneasy. I think that today's escorts are Matthias and Yudit and I
do not have Cornelius elder brother. Because Elva Cornelius is driven away by the evil,
Nicolaus seems not good at Brother Cornelius.

"I do not mind, do you have any questions?"

"Yes, will my father help me in my winter preparation?"

Some children are purged by their parents, others are disposable only by one parent
like Nicolaus. It seems that Nicolaus seems to be abandoned also by his father, but the
cost of living by Nicolaus comes from his father. I think that I will help you if I also ask
for winter preparation.

"How about letting a letter to your father?"

"... ... If you think that you can not accept it, I am a bit scared, because I am disheartened
by Elvira."

If my mother Trudelie de saw what he had done, it would not be unreasonable for his
mother to disagree with Nikolaus. However, it is my mother that can think fairness or
balance at the time when the inside of the house was messed up.

"I think that you can be granted as long as it is not a very unreasonable request, but if
you prepare for the winter, you do not have to participate in the harvest festival, so
we pray seriously to get the protection of the gods Please do it. "
"Yes, little by little, I remember the pamphlets with the students, I recently said that
we could pray seriously and increase the protection of the old man who came to
practice at the temple."

I did not match my face as I was preparing in the library, but it seems that the old man
once looked at the temple in the training of the apprentices. It seems that Nikolaus
was praised as being good.

"Please send me a thank you older man thanking my older sister, because my sister
was disappointed in not being in the temple"

... ... Something like Mattias asked me something like that ... ....?

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Remembering the time of Gerrach's investigation, Matthias seems to remember the
same thing. Somehow it seems that sympathy caught in the eyes that see Nikolaus.
Yudit also got a little far away, "I told you yesterday ... ...."

... ... Have you had a relationship with something old like Yudit?

When I returned to my room while tilting his head, Matthias recommended that "I
would like Bonifatius to be an Ordnance before forgetting." Yudit also gives out yellow
manastles "I think that it would be better to send it at once."
As I escorted the escort knights, I sent thanks to my grandfather, Ordonants, with a
question mark on my head.

It seemed that there was a sense of objection in the temple, but it is amazing that you
will practice at the apprentices without forgetting the promise with me. Thank you. It
is the contents supervised by Matthias and Yudit such as love.

The reply from my grandfather was "It is not surprising as a grandfather to keep
promise with Rosemain", but Matthias nods satisfactorily with "this is good" and
shakes hands with Yudit It was.

Philline taught me secretly later, but it seems that the knights' training will be lost
when the old man's bad mood is bad. It seems to be for Damiel and Cornelius elder
brother who is going to training now.

I saw the appearance that the blue apprentices who decided to participate in the
autumn harvest festival are saying something in the shrine to remember the
ceremonial speech used in the shrine and saw the figure of a noble family seriously
facing the divine Blue priests will also face work seriously.

Talk about the Shinto while teaing with the blue apprentices who wonder what is
going on for the first long-term business trip, what to do, talk about arranging
costumes for their rituals so that they can be used even after growing While doing it,
I will tell you the points of caution.

"The new ceremonial costumes can be tailored to Nikolaus, which has support from
your father, and I have no choice but to fix the costume of the previous shrine maiden
1362 | 2523
The blue maiden apprentice, which seems to be the first time to repair costumes worn
by people other than the family, got a small voice when the circumstances changed a
bit. It is the first time to live a life that has been trimmed financially, it seems I can not
hide embarrassment.

"... It is more comfortable than losing our life or spending it in a nursery in the
castle.You are grateful for Rosemain and Aub Ehrenfest, but sometimes it is very sad."

Life in the temple seems to be a lonely and harsh life that is not comparable to when
I was with my family and not inconvenient. It certainly is painful and I think I will be

"I thought that if I grew, I thought that it would be customized for clothes etc. I never
thought about using a single costume long, but here we need it."
"As your growth is early, it is hard to customize with your own money accordingly."

Since minors did not participate in the shrine in the past, it was possible to use it for
a long time if you tailored it since it was an adult, but it does not go in the same way
as a minor in the growing season.

"Rosemain, please tell me how you can customize it so that you can wear it even if you

Origin is applied to how to tailor the kimono I knew. Although it was not knowledge
sold to Corinna, it was okay to spread it arbitrarily, but it is better to shed the benefit
to the Gilberto trading company in order to have Turi go out to the center even a little
cooperatively. I wrote a letter to Corinna and instructed me to sell my costumes for
ceremonial dressing to their exclusive.

And, in the end of the summer baptismal ceremony, the day the adoptor headed to
Ahrensbach was coming. I ask Lazarfam to bring a magician packed with plenty of
compounding sets and cuisine that I gathered at the library's studio to be delivered to
Ferdinand and bring it to the castle.

I got a sample of the highest quality Demi paper and wrote a letter. In the letter table,
in addition to the greeting for the seasons and funerals, I wrote a list of materials that
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the adoptive father takes us to, and "I will mass produce if this is not a problem." I
wrote the recipe of the highest quality magical paper that added the process of how it
was made with the ink which disappears and what kind of paper was made on the

I definitely think that I want to make Mad Scientist's Ferdinand by myself, so I put a
few pieces of magazine paper that do not process anything at all. If the laboratory is
given as ordered by the royal family, we will study it arbitrarily if we find the time,
and if there are any improvements it will tell us a while.

"It is a promise of the royalty and Aub to give Ferdinand a workshop, so be sure to
check with your own eyes and if you do not seem to have given it, because it is against
the royalty, Please ask Georgine to give something punishment. "

...... It will not be awesome as you go down!

When I spoke my mouth at the dinner seat the day before the departure, my adoptive
father looked like an extremely troubling face and became a disgusting face with "I
understand Wilfried's disliking". No matter how bad your face is, it is a condition for
I to become a kid 's adopted daughter, so it' s wonderful for the royalty to keep
promises exactly.

"Even if you dislike Ferdinand, please make sure that the hidden rooms are given in a
truly correct way"
"Hm, that looks a little interesting"

The adoptive father who seemed to be troubled showed a little motivation, so I

breathed a relief of relief. The foster mother who was watching the exchange with me
and his adoptive father smiles while stroking his stomach which has become bigger.

"Even if you do not worry so much, Jill Vestar will do the job properly, Rosemain. It's
a few opportunities to see the situation of Ferdinand with your own eyes."

...... If you really do not mind, though.

"Will Rosemain and Mel heol stay in the castle for a while?"
"Yes, I'm going to stay for three days and plan to supply magical power to the
foundation, because I am prepared for a starring ceremony, I can not stay for too long"

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We must also "hunt for sea cucumbers" with orphans' children in front of and behind
the star knotting ceremony. I do not have time to relax at the castle.

"We promised tea with your sister, mother."

"Oh, are you just children, are not you inviting me?"
"Yeah, it is a tea ceremony of only children that I organized"

Me and Wilfried nod in the word of Charlotte. While staying in the castle, we plan to
exchange information by excluding the aides at the tea ceremony with no brothers
and sisters.

"My tea ceremony with my older brother and older sister has been a while and I am
also looking forward to it.I remember so, I made a tea party with the blue apprentices
of the temple the other day, and the tea ceremony of the orphanage workers I also
saw it, I saw a place where the book can be, but it was amazing. "

Mel heol also begins to talk about the temple living happily and everyone listens
interestingly. Even looking at the reactions of the servants serving the servants, I
found that the feeling of repulsion to the temple faded little by little.

"Do not mention it, my adoptive father, then please take care of your father"

I will see the father of Ave and its escort knight, the chief of the knight. As a funeral of
Aub in other territory, it becomes a move with a fairly large number of adults. Foster
mothers are hungry and long trips are dangerous, so it's an answering machine. He
seems to be doing office as long as the physical condition permits it.

I will return to my room after I see him off. All the aides who had been going to see me
off to see him came in. Looking at the aides that are lined up a lot, I feel somewhat

"A long time ago there was a close associate, and when I gathered before, I announced
that I would become a father of the king, when I heard the opinion of those moving to
the center"

When I laughed crisply, Yudit looked at me in a scorching manner.

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"When I heard that the riser is going along, I seemed to cry."
"Oh, you did not seem to cry, did not you cry about the meaning of the riser, did not
you cry with the traitor? It was a pain to calm Yiddit who lamented that I was the one
who was the only one to remain, although I still have Burunn Hilde."

When Otirie laughs at giggles, Yudit blushes shyly. It seems that it was settled that it
was decided that Phyllene will remain until adult, "I do not necessarily bring minors
even if I am hoping for a name dedication".

"I am sorry to have made you feel sad, but it is greatly appreciated if Yudit is adulting
and will come to the center .... It is a pleasant even for a short period until marriage
decided by your parents of Yudit and I am reassuring "

As I was told by my mother, when I invited with honest feelings as possible, Yudith
smiled and smiled nicely and nodded.

"Besides, since Phyllene is to serve as an orphanage chief at the temple until

adulthood, please also have a wait and seek training for blue apprentices"

I think that only Damuel is not decided yet, I look at the line of sight. Why he came in
sight for a long time was Clarissa with a full smile. I will step forward with a humming
smile that I will sing even with a humming song.

"... ... Clarissa, somehow?"

"Finally I was ready for my sacrifice, so please, Rosemain, please accept all of me!"

I hate it. I'd like to say ....... Hua ....

A gift-giving gift, the second person. Unlike Hartmut, Clarissa did not ecstasy when
bound by my magical power, so I was relieved a bit for an ordinary reaction.

... Well, wait. Because Clarissa is not normal. Do not be fooled, I am!

1366 | 2523
The story behind the 567 story. A conversation between Ralf and Carla after the
ceremony ceremony.

Today was my 3rd son Ralph's adult ceremony. The family of Zasha and Sieg gathered
and celebrated Ralf. Only the youngest child Rutz was not as usual, but my family
gathered and had a busy time. It was like a noise as when my son was at home.

...... Oh, I got quiet at a stretch.

It's time for the child to sleep, and Zasha came home early after the dinner was over
and Sieg was a star knot this summer, so he is already preparing for a new life with
his fiancé. I wanted to return to my cute fiancee rather than sleeping with my brother
here and went back to that house. Husband Deed has drunk a lot and is snoring loudly
on the bed anymore. Ralf who is the main character of today is the one that remains
in the kitchen.

"How about Ralph when you sleep, have you drunk a lot?"

While holding a cup containing sake, Ralph is still complaining as "to want, why Rutz
... ...." It is about the engagement of Turi and Lutz. Ralph has been complaining forever
since it was decided in winter. It is too much trouble to make another person each
other. Because sake is contained today, troublesomeness is further raised and sighs
came out.

"I will never lose consciousness forever"

"I did not say anything if other men are opponents, but I did not say anything, but the
other party is Lutz. The main thing dead long ago is the most important thing, as the
temple and Mine looked alike It's Lutz saying that where the temple of the temple
resembles Mine! My eyes are rotten! Turi is a waste for such a Lutz! "

When I heard the word that Temple of the Temple and Mine are similar, I remembered
the sight of Lutz when I was away from home when I was called out to the temple, I
came as if they were the same person. I do not know exactly why and why Maine is a
lady's girl, but I do not think it's a mistake. It is a female intuition.

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...... Even if you tell anyone you will not believe me, I'm sorry.

Even though Lutz has something to do with the merchant, it is troublesome, but it is
totally unreportable to be associated with the noblemen.

"It is still engagement of Lutz, the one with Maine, and that Turi, not only I am not the
only one I can not understand!"
"It is really persistent.Turi did not hate engagement with Lutz and it was already
decided, and you had no complaints about your brother's engagement forever even
though you had your lover. "

I picked up Ralph's cup as I said that. I will drink the liquor remaining in the cup at

"Hey, mother ... that, my sake ...."

I saw with the eyes that seemed to be a grudge but I looked down at Ralph who was
not able to raise his body in a state where I almost stumbled on the table, and I waved
my hands with a clap.

"Mostly, a man who does not work to accommodate Turi is not going to complain
about a mistake"
"Mother, Hie!"

Ralf made a screaming voice. Even if I grow up as a grownup, my son is my son. Blow
away the rebellion with Hun and Nose.

"I'm telling you to look at the reality.Turi is an apprentice at Dauphra of a large shop
and it is an exclusive hairstyle craftman of a lady's lady.It is somehow Guten like Lutz
and marriage funds are always okay so married If I had the kindness of being able to
say that I could do it, I told Turi to engage with you instead of Lutz, because from my
point of view, I will not change either son. "

I know that Ralf liked Turi when I was young, but I can not help it in my current Ralf
because I can not see it from anywhere.

There are a lot of craftworkers for making hair ornaments in the current Ehrenfest,
but Turli, which had been making from the beginning, has not yet been deprived of
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the exclusive seat to other craftsmen. It is a precious hair ornament craftsman who
can receive orders from the royal family and lords of other territories.

Many girls aiming for hair ornaments craftsmen want to be like Turi. Ruts first entered
the Gilberta Shokai and there are times when she is asked to introduce it. Lutz opened
the way to apprenticeship of merchants by themselves, so we have no choice but to

"Besides, if it takes a year or two, the exclusive Turi will go far away with the lady"
"Well then, how are you going to engage with Lutz !?"
"Lutz is going with you, because that girl is someone's favorite Guten somehow."

In the meantime, Günter who was invited to the Gilberta trader taught me. It seems
that the order is issued to move Turi to other territory according to the movement of
the lady. E fa of the exclusive dyeing craftsman also moves and because family
movement is allowed, Günter quits the soldier and moves in the family. When I start
a new job in a new town, I will definitely have a friction with my surroundings. Günter
said that he was going to work again to escort the Gilberta business to protect Tuori
and his family from danger.

And it seems that Plantin Shokai is also invited to that movement, Lutz seems to be a
member for movement. Now that Lutz has gone to a distant town, Gutther said that if
Rutz came back in autumn we, parents, would also be invited to the Planetan Shokai
to hear the story. If anything goes together as a family of Lutz, it seems that you can
find a job place.

...... Even if I say such a thing, I do not feel like going to go.

The foundation that I have lived up to now is in this town, and Dade and I each have a
job. Even though my children and grandchildren are here, I can not put them all like
Günter and follow Rutz's move.

"You can not go to Tarry with Ralph with Turi, are not you?"

Ralph warped my face in my words.

"It may be impossible now, but I've put it in the workshop of Ingo, Gutenberg, and I
can be Gutenberg for a few more years."

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Ralf also moved to workshop with adults. It is the studio of the most popular ingo in
the woodworking studio. It's amazing thing to do and it is noisy for the girls around
here, but it's not enough for marriage with Turi.

"Even if I put it in the workshop, is not it Darua, at last it seems that Dapla instead of
the boss got to work the same as Rutz, right? Ralph could become Guten when it is

Working as a Darua, becoming a Dapla, introduced to the Lady of the Patron from the
boss, unless it is accepted by the Lady, a title can not be obtained.

"About the time the woman's prime is short, Turi can not wait for years until you
become Guten? Because you do not see yourself in the eyes of your eyes"
"Wooging ... ..."
"If you can do it, Ralf will be gotten quickly, so if your son can become such a big deal,
I have a high nose."

I got it soon! And Ralf who jumps into the bedroom seems to have not changed at all
even though it is an adult. He bitterly smiled at that figure and at the same time "... you
can not have to be such a great figure," he said.

I entered the Gilberta trading company, became an apprenticehip by Dupla of the

Planetan Shokai, I am proud of Lutz who got the title and I am proud of his son. People
around me are amazing and they praise me, and my nose is high.
But more than half of the year is in a different town somewhere in the territory and
thinking of Lutz who came back home only as many times as counted with both hands
in a year, I think that it is good. It is nice as a mother that you can come and go
frequently, like Zasha, and have a face of cute grandchildren.

"How long will Ralf stay in this house ...?"

Today Ralph was an adult. I do not know if I am going to marry a lover I am, but like
Sasha or Sieg, either will leave this house and have a home. I am lucky to have such a
child's growth.
I put a little sake in the cup that I had in my hand and drank it all together with a
sentimental mood, I washed and washed the cup with Zapazapa.

1370 | 2523
It is an event that Rosemain is returning to Ehrenfest when it is a first year student at
the lords.
Please skip Hartmut's Rosemain Hymns appropriately.

It is a golden eyes that received the blessing of the goddess of the light of the night sky
and goddess of light that glittered with the love of the god of darkness. That is the
color that expresses Rosemain sama most easily. Because of the sleep for two years,
the figure looks painfully young. But that is full of mercy like Rung Sumer and there is
no room to doubt that Rosemain Mr. Rosemain is loved by wisdom goddess
Mestionola, one after another discovery and invention.

Rosemain - sama 's magical power which received the blessings of all gods is many,
and the power of that blessing will be the strongest and most precious among Jurgen
Schmidt. As he could meet with me, I sent Rosemain to Ehrenfest and to the age I could
go to the House of Peers. This encounter is truly a miracle!

"Haltmut, now I am eating, so please pray in the room to pray for the gods"

I was disturbed by thought by Brunhild. Now is the social season of the lords.
Rouzema-sama of the first grade has gone home by return order from Aub Ehrenfest.
Because I was not an escort knight, I could not accompany saying that I finished
lecture. How esfuge the knight is envious, it is a grudge against me who is an
apprentice of a civilian. To be honest, I did not think there will be any difference in the
landscape that is visible to me by the existence of Rosemain-sama.

...... Mr. Rosemain, a saint who gives a color to my world.

"Do not you think that everyday life is really vanishing when the Lord is away,
"Well, I am somewhat lonesome."

After Philline said that, he laughed with nikoli.

1371 | 2523
"But I do not mind collecting stories and manuscripting for Rosemain's sake, so it's
okay because there are so many things I have to wake up from my sleep for the second
year and that was enough Even though I had it to my aides, I would like to be more
useful than loneliness. "

The view of Phyllene who is acting straight in anticipation of the purpose is really
funny. I was surprised by Rosemain who got her apprentice as an apprentice to the
lower level citizen, but I felt like I could understand what part of Phyline I liked.

...... Mr. Rosemain.

However, it is also true that Phyllene is a lower level civilian and lacking in various
ways as a candidate for a candidate for a lord. It would be my job to be a senior civilian
apprentice to teach Phyllene so that Rosemain would not be in trouble.

... ... Tell me about gathering and buying information, connecting around the crowds
of civil servants and connecting their faces ... ....

When I was planning the education of Philiane in my brain, Brunhildt who finished
the meal brewed a meal after dinner and started drinking with Kokuri.

"Besides that, it is a tea party tomorrow, can not you accompany Hartmut with you?"

Although it is a great opportunity to spread the fashion that Rosemain created,

Brünhild is very tense, but I do not feel much. If Rosemain spreads out, we will
cooperate as much as we can, but what will we spread out at the aristocracy where
Rosemain does not come?

...... Rosemain sama is back, or is not it good next year?

Mr. Rosemain has already taken orders for hair ornaments from royalty, and is also
receiving consultation that he wants Lincian from the lord of the Klostenburg lord.
Even if Virfriit says no socializing, interests of female students are gathered, so there
is no problem in sparing information a little. Is not it more important for you to spread
it centered on the Rosemain creation you created? That is not the epidemic of
Ehrenfest, but Rosemain created by individuals.

1372 | 2523
...... I do not want to allow even Wilfried like lying next to Rosemain-sama as a
candidate for a lord. I do not feel like cooperating with Wilfried Mr. who spreads like
Rosemain's cooperation and also the fashion that they created.

It was rumored among the nobles of Wilfried like Raisegang that it was spoiled by
Veronica, selfish and selfish, not educated at all.

Then, pointed out the lack of Wilfriit like Mr. Charlotte, who was educated like
Florentia, performance in the lords, etc., accusing Veronica and dropping it from the
position of power There was a plan to make it. It was said that Virfriit would be a great
prey to blathe Veronica.

However, Veronica was sacrificed in a place completely unrelated to Mr. Villefried,

and the shortage of education was supplemented by Mr. Rosemain, saved by
Rosemain, who was supposed to be used in the white tower, and Vilfried He is still a
candidate for a lord and still stands on everyone with the common face. I am touched
by Rosemain 's mercy who did not abandon Wilfried, and at the same time Wilfried is
not very disgusted.

...... Rosemain says that he decides to save, I will not positively take action from me,
but to be honest, I want to eliminate it now. Given the danger of getting Rosemain get
angry like the trauma, it is best not to get close.

"There is Brühnhild, who is most familiar with the fashion that Rosemain created, and
there is Wilfriit's aide in Wilfried, who agrees that it is better for you to accompany
Rosemain's civilian apprenticeship for information gathering. However, since it is a
women's tea ceremony centering on Dunkel Ferger, I think that it would be better for
you to join the Filynes from me and gain experience. "

It seems unforgivable for Phyllie to fail in Rosemain's tea party, but if it is a little
failure at Wilfriit's tea ceremony it would be necessary for experience to divide it.

"Wilfried-sama is going to participate in the tea ceremony of a woman, is not it better

to accompany a person who can advise female viewpoint than to increase more men?"

My feeling that I definitely do not want to join the tea ceremony seems to have passed
through to Brunhild. After having disappeared once in a bad way, Brünhild looked to

1373 | 2523
"... It is as Hartmut says, so please ask Philiane."

Philline, who was asked for accompanying the tea party with the upper rank, replied
with an uprising voice that made me feel tense. I will speak as gently as possible as a
leader of Philiane.

"Philline, basically leave it to Wilfriit-sama's aide.I think that it is unreliefable in the

position of Philiane which is an apprentice of a lower level civilization too much too
much too much.The atmosphere inside the hall, You should be careful as to whether
such conversations have been exchanged, so that you can report to Rosemain. "
"Thank you very much for your specific advice, I am willing to work hard"

... ... Phyline should grow up straightforward. Because such a presence is also
necessary for Rosemain.

To be honest, information about Dunkel Verger is easy to gather without

accompanying the tea ceremony. After the ditters who bet on library magic tools, they
were invited to apprenticeships of the civil servants of Dunkel Ferger and
opportunities to gather the top information increased abruptly, and we got a seal from
the royalty about the magical tools of the library There are also civil apprentices in
the upper ranks who came to come closer to get information on it.

...... Making a topic so far in a short period until socializing begins, just like Rosemain.

Actually, there are places where ceremonial gatherings can easily obtain information
and rank which can not be obtained depending on rank order. Earren Fest so far may
be invited to a moderate age but mostly it was information exchange with lower
ranking territory.

It is divided into many pieces of information such as information exchanged only in

the upper rank, information that goes out in the mixture of the upper and middle, the
information shared in the middle, the information sent from the middle to the lower,
and the civil service The competence of you is questioned. While grasping the
relationship of vertical power, in the lecture of the same grade personal Goodwill It is
important to connect and gain as much information as possible.

1374 | 2523
Rosemain created a place to interact with the civilian apprentices of the upper ranks
with a momentum that laughs away that it is trivial, such as the kindness I've had over
years. It is very different from last year such as getting information without labor. Will
this be without getting embarrassed?

It is the first time that I was invited to a place where civil servants of the upper rank
gathered. It was the ceremonial office of Drevechnol that first opened the mouth.

"When will Mr. Hartmut and Rosemain go back to the House of Lords? When my Lord
wants to join a tea party ..."
"It is supposed to be the case at the end of the aristocracy because it is mainly frail as
it was thought that we will not accept the entrance into the nobuna if it is originally
supposed to be, so what kind of information do you want Dreve Hanc to have in a
"It seems to be interested in magic tools in the library, so I do not know how to
register, even if I ask Professor Sorangee ..."

A meeting is essential to boost the topic at the tea party. I laughed as Nikoli while
writing in the head that Drevechel was interested in the magician in the library.

"Because of the blessing of the wisdom goddess Mestionola, Rosemain was the Lord
of the magician of the library"
"No, do not be joking around ..."
"Oh no, do not be joking, Rosemain gave prayers to Mestionola and blessed, it is true
that Black Footsteps and Weiss started to move, even with this eye it's a mysterious
scene No words came to me.The godlike appearance delighting the library
registration and releasing the yellow blessing which is the precious color of the wind
is exactly the name of the saint .... "
"I understand well, Mr. Hartmut, I will report to the Lord like that"

I was interrupted on the way, but it is common. When celebrating Rosemain sama at
the time of the ditches, since the apprenticeship of the civil service of Dunkel Ferger
nods together, I feel a bit disappointing, but there is no choice.

"Mr. Hartmut and Rosemain were tea ceremonies of teachers of music, I heard that
the composition was improvised, but ..."
"Oh, Rosemain has already made a number of songs, not surprisingly, but Rosemain's
true value is not composition."
1375 | 2523
"... and say what?"

I will obtain information I wanted from civil apprentices who asked me to embark
oneself. Impression of Ehrenfest, Rosemain and Mr. Wilfried's ways of seeing, and
impressions of the epidemic that began to appeal.

"So what is the true price of Rosemain's sama? Is there something else besides
"Rosemain's real value is in the performance.Will you feel the blessing that is full of
both, according to Fespiel's music?"
"Er ... That ... is it a performance?"
"Yes, it is a praise to the gods that can still be sung with a young, clear voice, to the
music that is played with skill that can not be heeded in. And as it is like receiving
Rosemain-sama's pray, it is full of colorful Blessing ...... If you see that beautiful sight,
you can see at a glance how Rosemain is loved by the gods at a glance. "

Talk about the wonderfulness of Rosemain 's blessing to the civilian apprentices who
face each other. I still have a face that I can not understand at all, but I will know which
one. How wonderful is my Lord.

"Well, I'd like to see it once, Oh, Mr. Hartmut. Unfortunately, I still have lectures left. I
will be sorry about it soon."
"Oh, yes, Rosemain is also interested in stories in other territories and is planning to
buy manuscripts expensive.Well-known in the library, please also tell the lower class
club apprentices by all means"
"Certainly yes"

Practice and civil apprentices leave as they escape. I talked as much as I wanted, so I
refreshed a bit. I want one who can honor Rosemain's splendor together.

...... Even at Rosemain's aide, it is not Filiren that hear the story properly. deplorable.

It seemed to be intrigued by my invisible appearance, and there were many people

who wanted to know about Rosemain, and I was living life to get information from
them approaching. While Phyllie is struggling with a manuscript for Rosemain says,
he advertises plant paper at the library, notes students who approach Schwarzs, and
buys stories of other territory at high prices to students working for reference books
I was talking and sending busy days.

1376 | 2523
"Well, Mr. Hartmut, I was asked about Hartmut and Cornelius from the apprenticeship
of the civil servants of Dunkel Ferger, but ...."

As soon as I heard from the apprenticeship of the third year student civilian who was
not anyone's aide, I decided to gather information on other civilian apprentices in the
dorm while trying to arm. Rosemain says not a story, but I realized that there is a civil
apprentice collecting information about Rosemain - sama 's surroundings, but I do not
know the purpose. Apparently I skillfully avoided me and seems to be collecting
information from other civilian apprentices.

"Did you ask anything about Ignatsu?"

"It was about Rosemain's aides, especially the senior nobility, which is the second
largest territory over there, so perhaps I want to stick to the class to have a connection
with someone."

I thought a little about the answer of Ignats. Dunkel Ferger seems to be thinking only
about Ditter, the moment Rosemain won, he wanted to lift up and pull the palm back,
and heard the admiration for Rosemain. Strength is not yet a land pattern that sticks
to the class.

Regardless of class or faction, it is not even a knight, civilian, even a side-viewing

perspective, Dunkel Verger who is trying to obtain information on Rosemain-sama
and Ferdinand-san like Ditter sticks to the class.

There seems to be no way how it seems to be suspicious. As a result of examining the

apprenticeship that showed suspicious movement, I learned that her name is Clarissa.
Although I am an apprentice for senior civilianes of one grade lower than me, it was
not an aide of candidate lords, it seemed to me a woman not to mention.

... ... It may be better to grasp just the purpose before Rosemain is returned.

Well, as I was thinking how to contact Clarissa, I heard calls from Clarissa. Called to
Toya which is a great place to talk secretly so as not to be seen by others, I face
Clarissa. Braided tea with three braids, the blue eyes shining in pleasure are the same

1377 | 2523
color as Dunkel Ferger's cloak, and the same atmosphere as Dunkel Felgar, who wants
to listen to Rosemain's story is drifting.

"Hello, Mr. Hartmut, I have a story with you"

"It seems that we were exploring the surroundings of us, is this Rosemain sama?"
"No, I have an important story to you"

Clarissa who smiled with Nicoli disappeared from Hood and sight. The body was
floating in the air at the next moment when I thought that I hit something on my feet,
and I was grasping the chest with one hand. A short spell called "Messer" that echoed
to my ears when I thought that the eyes met with the blue eyes that captured the prey.

Although I fell to the ground from the back, I could not bang my head because I was
drawn for a moment. But Clarissa is on top of him and knives are grasped in his hands.
I felt that the blood in the body would flow backwards to the cold feeling that was just
being applied to the neck.

I did not understand at all what was happening. I have never encountered such a
storm as an apprentice of a senior civilian, nor have I considered thinking that he
could strike a weapon against a woman from the same civilian apprentice if it were
an apprentice.

"What, what ...?"

Suddenly Clariess closed my lips, I was blown with magical power, I went
uncontrollably unintentionally, but I just put a thin scratch on my neck. Clarissa
straddling me does not bother.
The lips are released quickly, and Clarissa lightly licks his lips to check my magical

"There seems to be no problem with magical power, Mr. Hartmut, please give me the
challenge of marriage to me"

... ... Marriage? Task?

I do not know exactly what I am asked for, I will look up Clarissa. Clarissa explained
about Dunkel Ferger's proposal.

1378 | 2523
...... No way that such unique sort of marriage comes to me!

"I want to serve Rosemain by all means, but unfortunately I am an apprentice of the
civil servants of Dunkel Ferger."

In order to serve Rosemain sama, you need to become a nobleman of Ehrenfest, the
marriage is the quickest way. Rosemain's senior aristocracy senior aristocrat thinking
of the age balance is only with me and Cornelius, I decided to aim for Cornelius,
because he refused Cornelius, I thought it was difficult to push down the knight
apprentice, etc. It tells us that.

"There is no time to make formal applications and colors, and since other people who
are targeting Rosemain's aides will be out in the future, we will not be able to miss
this opportunity. I'm married to myself Please do. "
"Although I think imminent, I think whether to suddenly bring her lips ...."

While thinking to yourself that you can be calm, I will consider measures to escape
this situation. However, I can not even escape from Clarissa, who holds himself in

"Oh, are you saying to other people? You are pushed down by the next woman, you
have been pressured passionately and your lips were robbed."

You will be involved in a man's ticket? And the giggle laugh Clarissa 's hand does not
feel weakened for a moment. And I started talking about Rosemain 's splendor with
all my life.
In Dunkel Ferger there are many who wish to apprentice knights, so there was a
screening test, and Clarissa who was small was forced to give up on becoming a knight
apprentice. However, Rosemain, a lone candidate, much smaller than me at the time
of the screening trial, won with Ditter.

Regardless of physique etc, how impressed did you grasp the victory? And how much
do you feel depressed with the Rosemain-sama information you gathered? He speaks
eloquently that he is a favorite person he was looking for while talking about
Rosemain and shaking hotly.

...... Oh, not bad.

1379 | 2523
While feeling the magical power of Clarissa remaining in the mouth, I have heard
praise for Rosemain sama for a while.

"I understand the feelings of Clarissa, but I can say anything if it's just for mouth."
"I am not the only mouth, please give me the challenge to measure it"

Looking at Clarissa that I do not want to give up if I do not issue a problem, I think a
little. What is the condition necessary for my marriage partner? The answer came

... ... It is a person who is honored with Rosemain like me, who can be honored?

"I do not mind marrying those who can not please Rosemain, prepare things that
please Rosemain says by next year's aristocracy.I want to become an aide of
information gathering, Rosemain sama Let me have you serious. "

Clarissa gave the blue eyes a challenging flare and smiled, "I am hoping for you", finally
erasing the knife.

1380 | 2523
"This will require Dietrinde's approval"

Dieter Linde signs with a pen of a magician that makes magical power ink, while
gazing at the mountain of documents that the civilian brought in the office. Dietlinde
thought seriously that he got the Gurtris Height earlier and that he should become a
next Tent to be bothered by such miscellaneous chores.

As I went to the Lords Conference of the House of Lords who can not go to the center
quite easily, even though there was more harvest, all the studies of Dietlinde were
disturbed by the royal family. regretful.

... ... If I could find out that underground library, I should have understood a little.

Recalling that the rude rude third wife, "What if I first do from an old-school study?"
Reminded me of being ridiculed, Dietlinde became unpleasant. It reminds me of Tora
Ocquar who ordered a potato-style "to give a room hidden by Ferdinand", and it
becomes further unpleasant.

...... "Will you check if the royalty is running when you visit at the funeral?"

It seems that Tora Okhvar, who gives an insane command to give Ferdinand staying
as a fiancée, a hidden room, is crazy about being uneasy about putting it on the throne.
Just as soon as Dietlinde got a Gurtris Height and it does not become a proper Tent,
Jürgen Schmidt must surely be destroyed by the incompetent king who became a
Tento without having a Gurtris Height .

...... What anymore is it really? The future of Jürgen Schmidt is hanging over my

Dietlinde who remembered the words of the people of the central shrine escapes
"something troubled". The hand that signs the document is stopped because he is
thinking, and the civilian who waits for the end of the sign by his side does not notice
that he thinks "It is troubling here".

1381 | 2523

Suddenly a squirrel and goosefles stood on the arm of Dietlinde, and the back muscle
trailed. The cold is the most similar when you are out of shape due to a cold, but
Dietlinde is not getting sick or it is not cold as summer is approaching.

However, as soon as the chills came, the word "boundary gate" flashed my mind, and
I understood what happened to Dietlinde. Some are trying to push into the boundary
gate without obtaining permission from Aub. It was felt only by the lord families who
are supplying magical power to the foundation magic.

After the death of Auben Alex Bach, you can not close the boundary gate from the
Ahrensbach side. And there is only one place in Ahrensbach that can invade without
any contact from the knight who defends the gate. It is a boundary gate connected to
the border gate above the sea.

"I will return to my room right away.Please prepare for Martina, cavalry clothes and
veil, it seems like I have to see the state of the boundary gate, please collect the aides."

With Kotori and a pen, Dietlinde stood up. I am staring at a civilian who is surprised
at abandoning the sign suddenly as "you, you are in the way."

"I could not hear my words? We have to see the state of the boundary gate, probably
the messenger of Ranzenae."

The civilian who responded to the word of messenger of Ranznerav will leave the
room with a document that was quickly handled and untreated. Perhaps I will report
to Ferdinand. In regards to office, civil servants are giving full consultation to
Ferdinand. Because I do such things, no one can refute the royal family even if he gives
a strange order.

While raising what she is not familiar with in the office on shelves and revealing
incompetence of civilian minds in the mind, Dietlinde returns to her room, changes to
the cavalry clothes brought by Martina's people in a hurry, I got a veil to avoid and
immediately went out to the balcony.

The blue lighting sea surface is spreading in sight. Dietlinde runs a coward beyond a
black object that is going to enter the boundary gate visible to the naked eye only
1382 | 2523
There were already Ferdinand and the Order who took the beast on the sea already.
Ferdinand has not yet supplied magical power to the foundation magic, so it should
not be able to perceive the intruder. That is why I arrived before Dietlinde because it
took me a long time to change clothes.

"Dear Linde, is there a mistake in the ship that enters from that gate by Ranzenerav,
it is a thing that I have not seen much, but ..."
"Well, since the shape of the ship of Ranzenae has changed from that last year, I am in
an unfamiliar shape, but it seems I got to go a long way."

Dietlinde looks down on an oddly shaped boat under the eye, answering Ferdinand.
It looks like a long thin slender fish, though its size is totally different. Last year 's
messenger said in a welcome party that it was the result of considering the length to
allow baggage as much as possible to pass through the boundary gate.

"Look, see, when you go through the gate it makes a strange change"

Almost at the same time as Dietlinde points, the ship which passed through the gate
completely and stopped the sea towards the port stopped once at sea. And the ship
begins to change to silver color, showing a movement like a little tile rotating.

"What on earth is that thing like?"

"I do not know what effect it is, but it seems to be a necessary action for Ranznerav's
messenger to stay, I want you to remain black as it reflects the sun's light and becomes
dazzling Right? "

Dietlinde taught him what he knows for Ferdinand, who would never have seen a ship
of Runzner. It was somewhat pleasant that there was something I did not know about
Ferdinand who gathered support from civilian officials who are working as if
Aleandsbach 's attitude like Aab.

"When the ship arrives at the harbor, then we come to the castle and have an offer of
audition and a welcome banquet is held with permission. It still takes days.The
intruder of the gate is runzener I will return to the castle because I understood it. "
"Let's go back to Dietlinde, I did not think there was a knight at the boundary and I
did not think that the circumstances would allow the invasion of other people easily,
and ordered the Order to knight a knight at that boundary gate I will arrange for it. "

1383 | 2523
Dietlinde blinked at Ferdinand's words. I do not know what he is saying. It is only Ran
Zenerav who comes through this gate. And the messenger of Ranznerav has already
arrived. And yet, is it necessary to arrange a knight on the sea with nothing?

"There is nothing to watch out for the run Zenerve who has nothing on the ocean and
the messenger has already arrived and does not have much magical powers."
"Since the ship transfers one by one for trade in the future, is not it necessary to
monitor ... ... Please give the knight immediately to the boundary gate?"
"Ha! How much do we need?"

Ferdinand ignores the words of Dietlinde and speaks to the head of the knight, and
the head of the knight begins to decide by themselves to execute the order
immediately. Dietlinde seemed frustrating for the two who ignored himself.

"I will return again!"

"Dear Linde, if you can predict when a welcome party will come from the progression
of the year, please arrange for that."

With Ferdinand facing Dietlinde so saying, I will start to run the beast to the boundary
gate with the head of the knight and my aides.
When Dietlinde got angry with the attitude of misbehaving himself and returned to
his room with the aides, he began to arrange a welcome party according to
Ferdinand's words to the aides.

"Who are you listening to? Who are the lords of you?"
"Dear Linde, we are not moving with the order of Mr. Ferdinand, we are moving for
Dietlinde, unless we are ready for the feast of Ranzenae, the next term Abe 's Dietlinde
says that there was a miscarriage that would be taken by others. "

Dietlinde got a rework on the side who said that even if there was no command of
Ferdinand, it was working for Dietlinde. That's true. The side workers can not afford
to stick Dietlinde.

"Okay, go ahead and go."

As Dietlinde gently waved his hands to prepare for the messenger of Ranzenae, each
of the aides got started to move. Meanwhile, Martina brought a letter.

"Dear Linde, there seems to be a talk from Georgine."

1384 | 2523
"From your mother ... .... That story again, I do not want it."

Even if others are told that it will be the next AUB or the next TSENT, Dietlinde, which
has not yet been fixed to either position, can not go above the mother Georgine. I can
not deny the visit of Georgine though it does not matter.

When it gave permission without any help, it seemed that preparation was already in
place, and Georginé came without putting much time. Then, as soon as you say a
greeting, we will give out the wiretapping prevention magic tool.
The moment that Dietlinde took the magical tool, the expected content jumped out of
the red lips of Georgine.

"Is not it yet to give Dietlinde, Mr. Ferdinand a hidden room? If you do not arrange it
until the funeral, you and Arends Bach will be rebuked."
"But to give a hidden room during the engagement period ... .... Do not you think that
mother is too bad?"

As I can not make a hidden room in the room, I will put it in my husband's room if I
try to give Ferdinand a hidden room. It can not be given a husband 's room to a man
who has not officially married. At any time Dietlinde's beds will be filled with a man
not even a husband. It is like inviting a man to a shrine before putting down the

Ferdinand is a fiancee who intends to dissolve his engagement if he gets a Gurtris

Height for Dietlinde and becomes a Tent. Moreover, he is a man who sometimes
entered the temple. I can not trust him very much. When things that are common in
the temple occurred to Dietlinde, it is Dietlinde who gave the room what to say about
it from the surroundings. It is not a king who never ordered.

"But, if you do not give a hidden room, you will have to return Ferdinand to Ehrenfest
and I can not do it in the situation of Ahrensbach."

Even though a real lady candidate like a real daughter entered in the temple of the
subordinate territory was destined by the royalty and made an awful relay, the
feelings of Georgeene's dark green are not reflected in the eyes. Somehow I was
worried about Deathlinde's chastity or I was angry with an insane kingdom that is too
unreasonable, but my hope was only crushed again. Dietlinde diverts his line of sight
from Georgine a little while thinking of ourselves that we expect, even if we know that
it is in vain as expected.
1385 | 2523
...... But even if it comes to Tento ... ....

That way, your appearance may be reflected in the eyes of a mother for a while. When
Dietlinde became a candidate for the next symptom, "Because you are aiming for
Tzento, do it as much as you can see" as he was forced the first time by Georgine.

"Give it as soon as possible, because the messenger of Ranznerav came, so we do not

have much time until the funeral in summer."
"I wish Traquarvar would not silence Ahrensbach with an insane kingdom, but I
should silence the lower Ehrenfest with a royal guard ...."

Why should Arensbach, who is the upper ranker, receive an insane kingdoms? If you
endure it should be Ehrenfest.

"Ehrenfest took some measure to push through insane kingdoms.On how much
expertise the royalty is a royalty.If you do not give a hidden room, in the gathering of
the other arms of Aarb, Sbach will be rebuked. "

Dietlinde is silent in the words of Georgine. If you only get rebuked and you can finish
without giving a room, is not it better there? At the very least, our safety is guaranteed.
Just as I thought of Dietlinde's idea, Georgine became a disgusted face.

"The only thing that Dietlinde ordered the king is to give a hidden room, is not it good
to give Ferdinand a room away from the West?"

The west apart is where there are rooms given to the second and third wives.
Dietlinde did not think of anything, such as giving Ferdinand, who came as a spouse
of a woman 's aub, a room away from the west. If you are away from the west you are
treated as one of your spouses, you can listen to the royalty, you can also keep
Diathlinde chastity. Dietlinde was pleased that he thought of himself for a while.

"I wish I could tell you sooner if there is a nice plan to give a room away from the West

When Dietrinde grew sweet and swollen, Georginn slowly lifted the red lips and
smiled, "It was the best time for me now." After all, the figure of Dietlinde was not
reflected in the dark green eyes.

1386 | 2523
While giving up as usual, Dietlinde told Ferdinand at dinner that he would give a room
in the west. "In addition to preparing for the funeral, when you are busy refraining
from meeting with the messenger of Ranznerav, will you move the room from the
main building to the west?", As his aides looked at their own as troubled However, it
was Ehrenfest who wanted a hidden room, and it was the king who commanded it.
Dietlinde himself does not want to give a hidden room to Ferdinand.

"If you do not need, please do not hesitate to King Traquequar yourself, I just obey the
royal title."
"We will move by the funeral in summer, thank you for your special consideration."

Ferdinand says so as usual as a gentle smile. Diet Linde finished the meal thoughtfully
that it was still good if there was no blemish that he was born and raised in the temple
a little more this time.

Then, the news arrives that the messenger of the run Zenav enters the house where
he is staying, the letter of the meeting request arrives, the inside of the castle becomes
the atmosphere not being busy preparing for the welcome party and audience.

On the day the welcome party is held, we must start preparing from the afternoon. It
takes time to take snacks, boil and change clothes. Dietlinde wears a thin white
costume to hide the whole body except the face, high collar to get out to official place,
wear a blue jacket on which luxurious embroidery was done. The white costumes are
embroidered with magic teams to keep down the heat and can relieve the heat a bit.
Without it, I can not wear thick blue jacket etc.

"It is a shame that adults have to raise their hair, but Dietlinde's blonde is very
luxurious and beautiful."

As the side work saying that, I will tie up my hair. Furthermore, attach a veil of a thin
lace so as to conceal the face. Veil's fabrics can be chosen by individual likes, but Veil
can not be removed as the women of Ahrensbach will be on official occasions.

When preparations are made, Dietlinde goes to the small hall with a feeling that it can
be said as a sense of tension and uplifting feeling with Atsushige. Since I was an
underage until last year, I was sent off only by greeting. It is the first time to participate
in the welcome party to the end.
1387 | 2523
Every year, the welcome party is held on a relatively small scale. And when the ghibes
in the territory gathered for the ceremony of star knotting done in the summer, it is
supposed to be a big party for a new exchange between the messenger of Ranzenerav
and Gieve .

"Dear Linde came,"

There were already heavyweights of Ahrensbach and Ferdinand and their aides.
Besides Ferdinand there is a young retizia and its aides. Last year I was let out as
retizia, but this year I can stay to the end. With a little superiority, Dietlinde saw Reti

Those who are in the small hall are all women wearing a veil and men try to wrap a
thin and large piece of cloth on the body above and below the high white collar. While
Arends Bach's summer clothes, everyone was wearing summer noble colors, only
Ferdinand was wearing the color of the Ehrenfest's territory. That color, which is
supposed to be a person of another territory, shows Ferdinand as if it were a local

"Oh, Mr. Ferdinand is not noble in summer, is not it?"

"Although I could have worn the summer's noble color, it would be better for me to
understand at a glance that I do not have the right to declare even if he is expressing
various opinions, by putting up the colors of Ehrenfest that's what I thought"

It is said that with a gentle smile, Dietlinde nods while remembering somewhere.
Ordinarily you would like to have the same color as everyone of Ahrensbach, not the
lower Ehrenfest. I decided to dare to wear the color of Ehrenfest as a manifestation of
Feldinand's humble attitude.

"Run Zenerve, admission"

The side standing at the door raised a voice. The messengers of Ranznerav side by
side entered from a door which was opened wide. The messenger of Ranznerav is also
dressed in the costume of Ahrensbach. Since Ranznerav has a different climate than
Ahrensbach, I heard that it is hard to spend here in that costume.

1388 | 2523
However, they were not even dressed in summer noble blue. I am wearing a rare
silvery cloth for indicating that I am a messenger of Ranznerav.

Twelve messengers came into the small hall. About half of them are in the same
atmosphere as ourselves, but the other half has different facial features and different
skin colors. I see it every year, but it is strange for Dietlinde to see how it looks so

It was a man two to three years older than Dietrinde who advanced forward from the
messenger one step and kneeling while crossing the arms. Dietlinde got a big eyes on
the appearance of a young and beautiful messenger. Because I am not in memory, I
should have never been there last year.

The intermediate hair between gold and maroon is gathered behind and is stopped
with a hair clasp. It's a male hairstyle that was prevalent in Ahrensbach around the
generation of Dietlinde's grandmother. Even now, there are also people familiar with
Dietlinde because some of them are tying their backs with a backdrop for men.

"We are seeing you in the beginning, Arends Bach people, my name is Leonzio, the
grandchild of King Chihufredo of Ranzenae Before introducing others, I was led by the
clean flow of the water goddess Fleet Lene, a good encounter Please allow me to pray
for blessings. "
"... I forgive you."

I never thought that I could greet the messenger of Ranzenae as a nobleman. Dietlinde
gives forgiveness with surprise.
Leonzio has attached a ring with a magic stone to the middle finger of the left like
Jurgen Schmidt's aristocrat. The agile ring of all the attributes manastone was
showing his position as royalty.
Leozio will raise your face, saying "After all, you know an apology", giving you fluffy
and blessings.


The moment Leonzio lifted his face, he stared at Ferdinand and showed a surprising
expression for a moment. I quickly hid under the smile, but it looked like I saw
someone who can not believe it. Let's look at the glimpse of Ferdinand. Ferdinand
people seem to have nothing in particular.

1389 | 2523
Leonzio introduced a messenger with a smile like a momentary surprise, as if nothing
had happened. More than half are those who came last year. It seems that only Leonzio
and his aides visited Ahrensbach for the first time.

After the introduction of the messenger of Ranznerav, the family of Ahrensbach is

introduced next. After death of the former Aubu was announced, Dietlinde in the
position of the next awbu and Ferdinand which came from Ehrenfest as its fiance were
introduced, and Georgine and retizia are introduced.

Once the introduction is over, it will be time to talk. An underage is time to leave.
Retetzia left with the aides, and it was an adult 's time. Citizens who are in charge of
trade and those who want to purchase political information will approach the
messenger of Ranzenae with a cup containing alcohol and will be talking about
replacement. It is an outpost fight of the meeting of the later.

"Does not Ferdinand talk to you?"

"There are not many opportunities next to Dietlinde, so I am busy with office and I can
not afford it, so now ...."

Dietrinde nods and nods in Ferdinand who smiled and smiled and said he wanted to
stay by herself. Recently I did not see anything quite a bit, and I felt that something
was being lightened, but it seems that it was due to busyness.
Not to know that Ferdinand was next to watch over the messengers of Ranzenae to
avoid unnecessary things, Dietlinde mouthfully drinks Martina brought.

"There is something I'd like to ask Dietrinde next year's ave."

Leonzio came and asked when the acceptance of Ranzenerav's princess came.

"You should ask at the time of the meeting, but you have to inform Ranzenerve as soon
as possible"

It seems to have a letter on a ship that is coming and going for trade. Certainly, you
better let me know as soon as possible. Although Jurgen Schmidt is unwilling to accept
it, it will be serious if Ranzenerav is preparing. Looking up at Leonzio's amber eyes,
Dietlinde smiled with Nicoli.

"The princess of Ranzenerav can not be accepted, please let me know Ran Zener early,
it is hard if the preparation is in vain"
1390 | 2523
"... Well, please wait ... why is it impossible to accept the princess?"
"Why, why do you say that ... ... That is the decision of King Traquarcal?"

Dietlinde tells the flow at the lord conference in memory. By supplementing

Ferdinand standing next to him, he seems to have been told that the refusal to accept
Princess is neither a lie nor a joke.
Leonzio, who was staggering, shook his head lightly and reached for Dietlinde.
Ferdinand beat down with it.

"Leonzio, please calm down, if you get too excited, you have to leave it to the escort

It seems that an intimidating atmosphere in a quiet voice has also been transmitted
to Leonzio, Leonzio holds down emotions at once. With a gentle smile Leonzio
confronted Ferdinand.

"The king of Jürgen Schmidt is going to destroy Ranzenav? If you do not plan to do
that, I'd like to accept the princess."

Dietlinde tilted his head, because not accepting the princess will lead to the
destruction of Ranzenae. Ferdinand will stop talking with a cold smile earlier than
asking what it means.

"Unfortunately, as Tent is decided, we can not help you."

Ledzio was poor in Dietlinde's attitude to Ferdinand's attitude that she does not listen
to the circumstances of Ranzenerav and cuts it too much.

"Mr. Ferdinand, you do not have to say such a thing, after asking about the
circumstances of Ranzenae, if you ask again to King Traquar, another answer may
come back."

In the words of Dietlinde Leonzio pulled out the power of his shoulders as if he was a
little relieved. But Ferdinand does not seem to like it, he looks at Leonzio with a cold

"Tent will not withdraw the previous say ... ... Is not it reasonable to visit the new Tent
after TSent replaces?"

1391 | 2523
Never show a glimpse of the attitude of becoming parental to Ranzenerav, Dietlinde
feels irritated at the saying of Ferdinand like to truncate. Since it is an important
trading partner, should we be more friendly and bridge the Tento and Ranzenae?
Since only the border gate in Ahrensbach is open, Ranzenave is the only trading
partner for Jurgen Schmidt.

Dietlinde diverted face to face with Ferdinand and smiled as gently as possible
towards Leonzio. Although it may not be possible to change the opinion of TSENTO
from Ahrensbach, it may be acceptable if he / she talks about circumstances and asks
seriously. Because Traquar is the king of common sense.

"Léonzio, fortunately, this summer the royalty visits Ahrensbach for the funeral of
Aub, why do not you try again at that time?"
"Mr. Dietlinde"

Ferdinand said "What are you saying?" It was surprising face.Why so surprised either,
I do not know the Dietlinde.

"For security reasons, do not Mairi is to not close such a person to the royal family. To
the folding of the funeral of Aubu, can not be allowed do like closer a person of orchid
Zener ve to the royal family,"
"to decide it it royal family is not a Ferdinand like, Watakushi is not in the position
must obtain permission to you. even Ahrens Bach, we must be avoided that it is
important trade partner run Zener Gothenburg, is perish thing. Watakushi, and I
would like to ask to talk to Reontsuio-like "
" there is no need to hear "

Dietlinde are dismissed one after another his opinion, was angry completely what
now to Ferdinand that at all not willing to accept here of opinion . It must be people
to realize the difference between closely position to Ferdinand.

"I Watakushi says that listen to the story. Ferdinand like is not please do not disturb.
Since aide put, you do not need, such as worry. No matter how I thought Watakushi
the like Gedururihi, jealousy such as Eviribe ugly I "does

and glares is Dietlinde, Ferdinand was to stop the movement with open thin golden
eyes as surprised. Apparently because "jealousy like Eviribe" is seems to have been
with a lucky guess.

1392 | 2523
...... Jealousy in to forget us, that was troubled even Ferdinand like.

Dietlinde refused the presence of Ferdinand and "I do not go sit in the Eviribe",
directed to the private room with someone in tow in droves the aides in order to talk
with Reontsuio. One Ferdinand of entourage, because hope presence as "in order to
report that there was no any mistake", Dietlinde gave authorization at the generous

1393 | 2523
Diet Linde decides to have a conference room near Martina by saying a calm place
where we can talk. Including the aides, they move with about fifteen people and
Dietrinde recommends a chair to Leonzio.

"What does it mean, Leonzio, that Ranzener is destroyed?"

When Dietlinde urged, Leonzio thought a little and asked "How much Dietrinde knows
the occurrence of Ranzenae?"

"I was taught about major imported goods as a trading partner of Ahrensbach, but I
have not learned about history in lectures at the aristocrats"

Dietlinde has never been interested in the history of Ranzenae and I never thought of
learning. I should have not learned it especially at the lecture of the House of Lords.

"Is not it known at Jurgen Schmidt ...?"

Then Leonzio started talking about the history of Ranzenae. It is almost 400 years ago
that it was about the days of King Oisavar. The name of the king that I learned in
history came up, but I do not remember Dietlinde well. I listen to it with a face I

"When Oisavar was old, when he had to choose the next generation of tents, there
were three candidates for the next Tent that had a Gurtris Height."
"Well, they three got a Gurtris Height ...?"

Dietlinde flashed his eyes. I thought that Gurtris Height was like a magical tool to
decide Tsento. In order to rule over Jürgen Schmidt it was natural that there was only
one thing, who thought that those who acquired Gurtris Height were the Tento. I
never thought that it was something more than one could get.

"Since Gurtris Height is a thing to copy to Stap, it is not surprising so much even if
more than one person has it?"

1394 | 2523
Naturally as Leonzio told me, Dietlinde hit "Okay." It can not be said that Dietlinde, a
nobleman of Jurgen Schmidt, knows more than anyone else in the world.

"And, King Oisavar chose, as Dietrinde also knows, was Hail Alder King."

Speaking of which, there was a client of such a name, did not he? What was the king
who did it?

Because there is no noteworthy achievement, Dietlinde nods with a smile on the name
of the king who is rarely mentioned in the lecture. I just thought of nothing at all.

"Toru Kuhn Hait, who was not convinced that he was not selected as Tento in the end,
held out his own magical tools and magic stones and jumped out Jurgen Schmidt in
search of a new place."

With his wife and son, then, along with the aides, Tolkhan Hait took a ship and crossed
the border gate and jumped out of Jürgen Schmidt. Beyond the transition team is a
land called runznerv, there were only people who can not use magic.
Toru Kuang Haid who confirmed that the land is thin, but has confirmed that people
are somehow able to live, created the magic of the foundation by using the Gurritris
Height which he was holding, and at the entrance körn themselves I built up a town
for living.

"Suddenly suddenly appeared from a place where there was nothing, people were
astonished at a momentary white town and began to worship Toluchen Hight as a
person who came from the kingdom of God Truchen Hite told Ranzenav as king It was
decided to reign. "

It is the same for Jurgen Schmidt that those who acquired Gurtris Height are
worshiped like God. He is allowed to copy the mystery of Mestionora. Receive respect
as a person recognized by God.

Dietlinde gets a Gurtris Height and imagines himself who imagines himself receiving
praise and respect for all at once. I must get a Gurtris Height soon.

"But there was a big problem with Tolkhan Height, which became to be worshiped
like a god.I can not do children between Toru Khan Hight one from Jurgen Schmidt
and one without magical run Zenav, , Gurtris Height is copied to Stap. As a matter of
course, Gurtris Height will be lost with the death of Torucian Height. "
1395 | 2523
Well ... So, Jurgen Schmidt's Gurtris Height has been lost.

Dietlinde knew how the political change occurred.

The second elder brother, King of Tranquad, who was supposed to inherit Tsento,
passed away, and Gurtris Height had disappeared. He did not know that the first
prince who brought the battle and the third prince who was sued by copying with
Stap, so he was fighting without knowing it was a thing to disappear with the death of
the second prince. And I still do not know the location of Gurtris Height.

...... Where should I go in order to copy it?

If the story of Leonzio is right, there is a Gurtris Height somewhere and you have to
copy it. Dietlinde thinks that it should be able to photograph the magic team and if it
is me who became a candidate for the next term, he can photograph it.

"Since those who are registered in the foundation magic can supply magical power, it
is possible to maintain the city even after the death of Tolqain Hait, but it is the story
that there is a person with Stap. The city will collapse in any case because we can not
keep the corner alone, so you know that Dietlinde is the next Aub. "
"Well, of course."

What we need Stap to gain foundation magic is also learning Dietlinde in the lecturer
of candidate lords. However, as the candidates of lords of the House of Lords had
obtained Stap at the time of the first grade, I thought that it was not content that I had
to bother writing. However, for those who went abroad and made towns with magic,
it was a matter of life and death. If there is no one with Stap and no one can succeed
the magic of the foundation, the country will collapse.

"Because I was a royal family and his aides, I went to Ranzenave, a child with high
magical power was born, and I receive education similar to Jurgen Schmidt's nobles
from my parents who received education at the lords. However, we can not get Stap
except at Jurgen Schmidt, Tolkhan Hait returned to Jürgen Schmidt and asked to give
Strup to Jürgen Schmidt's Tent to make his son succeed the magic of the foundation. "

But it was not allowed. Because only Juergen Schmidt's aristocrat can obtain Stap.
Those who are not meaningful or nothing at that time, those who are not registered
as noblemen of Jurgen Schmidt are unable to obtain Stap.

1396 | 2523
"Therefore, we sent the princess from Jr. Zhennerve to Jürgen Schmidt, and after the
baby got adults and got the Stap, it was decided to be returned as the King of
Ranzenaev. At the time of caution, Tsento imposed constraints that only one person
could be returned per generation, so he decided to return a man or return a woman.

Toru Kuan Height seems to have been troubled. Since the magical power of the child
born is dependent on the magical power of the mother, it is better to have the girls
return for the royal family of Ranzenerav to maintain high magical power.
However, although only one can return in one generation, it is a life-and-death
problem for Ranzenere that the Queen with Stap continues to be pregnant and can not
use magic. There are many women with high magical power in Ranzenae, such as
families of the aides and their own daughters, and children are more likely to increase
the number of men returned. Toru Kuan Height decided to have a boy returned.

"It was supposed to be a promise between the two countries that the princess was
accepted at Jürgen Schmidt and the boy who was born by the princess got adult and
got Stap and returned to Ranzenav as king, yet he refused to accept the princess Do
you ... .... "

Leonzio distorts facial expression so hard. Although I am offering a princess to protect

the country, I will have no choice but to be at a loss if I refuse it. Dietlinde is getting
hurt in my breasts. At the same time, the heart of Tora Okhvar who broke the promise
came to heart. I want to drag him down from the seat of Zent, right now, just to do
insane things from one to the next.

"Since several decades ago, many relationships other than trade came down dully
since then, and if we refuse to accept the princess, what should we do?"

Grasping the fist tightly on the table and seeing Leonzio getting caught up, Dietlinde

"I will tell you the circumstances to Ferdinand from Myself and let me ask you a
question, please do not worry. I am a candidate for the next Tent,"

Leonzio dyes amber eyes with surprise and looks at Dietrinde while muttering as
"Next candidate Tento .....?" Praise and expectation in that eyes is comfortable.
Dietlinde smiled nicely toward Leonzio.

1397 | 2523
Dietlinde heard the situation of Lanczee from Leonzio, immediately called Ferdinand
the next day, sitting face to face and explained at the table. It is said that princesses
are sent from the royal family so that Ranzener is not destroyed from the promise of
the past. And appeal how terrible king the tora okubar break the promise.

"So, I would like to explain the situation to King Traquarvar and think twice."

It is Ferdinand's responsibility to face the royal family and negotiate. Diet Linde
smiles, as he wants him to take corrective measures by summer funeral.
Once I knew the circumstances, I thought that Ferdinand would be cooperative with
Ranzenav. However, it seems that Ferdinand did not move at all. He poked his cheeks
on the table and gazed staring at the state of Dietlinde "... is it just that?"

"What do you mean by that much?"

"As it is, Ranzenave has mentioned only a very good thing, and there is no particularly
novelty information, so it seems that there are no circumstances like Tzent's
"What is it

It was an incredible remark. I heard that this person was listening to his story though
it is said that Ranznerav will collapse. Perhaps there is no head to understand.
Dietlinde glared at Ferdinand.

"It is exaggerating to say that Ranzenerav is destroyed, since people were able to live
even before Tolucun Hait shifted, circumstances are quite different from Jurgen
Schmidt which made white sand filled with magical powers. However, the city that
Toru Kuan Height made precisely will collapse. "

Even though I was stared at Dietlinde, Ferdinand quietly said that with a smile as if
nothing had happened.

"If there are no boys who got Stap, it is not a problem for Jurgen Schmidt, even for
lifezenav for a life or death problem.There are very few benefits to accepting the
princess, even if Gurtris Height is destroyed If you have one, you can close the border
gate and open it for another place, the trading partner need not be a runner. "
1398 | 2523
Dietlinde glanced at Ferdinand.

"Now there is no Gurtris Height?"

"... ... but it seems that someone will come to the future that is not far"
"Of course, I am also trying my best to do my best, but do not you know when to get

Freddinand blinked a few times into the words of Dietlinde, then agreed to "well, well,
that's right" without power. This place is said to cooperate with myself, but Ferdinand
has a slow response. I wonder if it is too close to madness.

"I heard that Ferdinand has few advantages, but since the current royal family has few
people, is it impossible for the princess to bring a great advantage?"

Although Dietlinde showed the advantage of accepting the princess with his breast
enlarged, Ferdinand said, "You should not have another person who is likely to get a
Gurtris Height in the current Jurgen Schmidt" next to his head Shook.

"Although it is an advantage to increase royalty by accepting princess, now accepting

princess with abundant magical power leads to confusion in succeeding to the
throne.Royalty refuses acceptance of princess because it is not good You must have
done it. "

At the very least, Ferdinand seems to be worried that Jürgen Schmidt will be taken
over as it is, as long as it is reasonable to postpone the acceptance of the princess until
a legitimate Tent is obtained with the Gurtris Height.
Dietlinde unwillingly frown at Ferdinand's weak posture never trying to move while
talking about the circumstances of the rough side and the royal side only by his own

"Even if you mention such plausible reasons, is not it just that Ferdinand is not afraid
to comment on Tzent?"
"Because the clan who was worshiped with God in Ranzenerav loses its power, I do
not think it would be possible to find a meaning to dispute the decision of Tzent."

Ferdinand said that it is really for Arends Bach to oppose the decision of Tzent and to
have other countries' shoulders.

1399 | 2523
"Although you can imagine some kind of end paths that they have reigned as royalty,
it is not necessarily the destruction of Ranzenaeu. The city that had been the center
collapsed makes a mistake Although civilization will retreat, it seems that technology
different from Jurgen Schmidt is progressing just by looking at a strange shaped ship,
other than royalty may not suffer much damage. "

In other words, Jurgen Schmidt is unstable Currently, it is an opportunity to cut off the
power of Ranzenerav, if there is something, should the foundation be dyed as soon as
possible to close the boundary gate, Ferdinand is Dietlinde I just mention what I do
not want.

...... I told you that it is cold so far that I talked to Leonzio.

There would be no one who suits this type of aveuribe just to say that it is OK if the
royal family of Ranzenerav is destroyed just by being taken out of discussion.

"Mr. Ferdinand, please listen to my wishes, I do not want Leonzio senior citizens to
see it, please please understand"
"Do you not say that you do not want to get badly told you to accept the princess of
Ranzenerav? You probably did not talk deeply to the lady who is a messenger of
Ranznerab, but Lanzener When Princesses of Ve are put in the Imperial House ... .... "

Dietlinde shields that Ferdinand tries to talk about the princess of Ranzenaev, "Is not
it the treatment Ranzenave wanted?" How a princess is dealt is good for Dietlinde. As
Diet Linde is not thinking about it, as it is prepared to what kind of treatment it is.

"Well, should Dietlinde have accepted whatever treatment the princess has prepared

Ferdinand stares straight at Dietlinde with a thin gold eyes. From the painful eye gaze,
I found that Ferdinand is desperately suppressing the emotion that is rising. It would
not be so easy for him to have the shoulder of Leonzio, not a princess, but a male. But
Dietlinde can not draw here. I looked at Ferdinand and got big nods.

"Yeah, that's right, as I am going to apply for treatment from home here, I will try to
improve the treatment by talking with Zent, and the princess will deal with it.
Compared to the collapse of Ran Zener There is nothing wrong. "

1400 | 2523
In the words of Dietlinde Ferdinand smiled smiling with Nicoli. It seems that
Diathlinde's claim finally passed.

"It seems like you understood it, than anything else, please firmly ask Tento for the
summer funeral"
"Compared to Jürgen Schmidt's disarray accompanying the acceptance of the
princess, there is nothing like collapse of Ranzenae, I will support the judgment of

I could not understand the meaning of Ferdinand's words for a moment. It took
several seconds before I realized that my request was rejected, and at the same time
Dietlinde exploded anger.

"What is that, Ferdinand !?"

"It was not such a circumstance that I thought that I should prioritize Ranzenerav, not
the king, who came to Ahrensbach by the royalty, and I think it's better to wait until
the next generation of Zent is over."

No matter how much Dietlinde got angry, Ferdinand did not change his expression or
opinion, he declared that he would not challenge him unless he also handed over to
King Traquarvar.

"I do not know cold people like you like! My fiancee was this .... I do not want to see a
face for a while. Please go out now."
"Certainly yes"

While Ferdinand smiled a little, he left the seat immediately following the word and
left to leave. Even though Dietlinde is offended so much, I will not overlook it.

...... That person is my fiancé!

Dietlinde lined up the idea as long as he could think of, spending the day all day while
insulting Ferdinand. What should I talk to Leonzio? While saddening the
disappointment of Leonzio, who relied on Dietlinde, Dietlinde contacted the house
where the runner of the Ranzenae spent.

"Ferdinand is a very cold person, I did not think that he was such a thing until now."
1401 | 2523
At the house where the messenger called the house of Runzener is staying, Dietlinde
apologizes for not being able to convince Ferdinand, at least tells Tento that he will
work hard to make an opportunity to come true.

"Dietlinde is not only beautiful, it is a gentle person, I wanted to meet sooner"

Looking at Leonzio's amber eyes, Dietlinde dyes his cheeks. Because Jurgen Schmidt
uses polite phrases in many cases, it is rarely praised directly like that. Besides,
Leonzio is a beauty form that is well-organized. The heart began to bear feverishly
though. Feeling the visit of Blue Anfa, Dietlinde is relieved.

...... Do not be tossed around by the goddesses here.

Dietlinde is a candidate for the next term, even if it can not become a Tent, it will be
Aub Ahrensbach next. Although there is Ferdinand as a fiancée, you can not be in love
with Leon Zeven 's Leonzio.

"I'm happy with Leonzio's feelings .... I am a candidate for the next generation, so I can
not follow your heart."
"Does Dietrinde already have a Gurtris Height?"

In Leonzio's words Dietlinde hid himself a little, shook his head, "I am still looking for
it." And we offer Leonzio 's story only "here and offer witchcraft to prevent
eavesdropping. It is not a good idea to advertise much about Negritosheit or a bad
mouth against royalty. By giving out witchcraft to prevent eavesdropping in this way,
it is a place for private discussion that should not be declared.

"In fact, at the present Jurgen Schmidt the royalty who does not have Gurtris Height
restricts information so that it can not be searched by others.I have qualification, too,
but Gurtris Height We will not approach it. "
"What is that ... ... Such things are permitted ... ..."

Leonzio showed indignation to the royal family who restricts information and
prevents rightful tents. I take it as a word of concern for myself, and Dietrinde further
dyes his cheeks. I felt that I could see the goddess of flower goddess Ephroleurme on
hot feelings and kindness just after my fiancee had a cold attitude.

1402 | 2523
"Leonzio is gentle to be so angry like that, Ferdinand is just jealous and will not worry
like that"

As he smiled and smiled, Leonzio asked, "Dear Linde, do you love your current fiancé?"
While showing a kind of swaying little annoyance.

"Ferdinand is a fiancée determined by the royalty, I did not have a right to veto, I guess
being loved, but when I show such a cold figure, I am ... ...."

In the action of cold Ferdinand Dietlinde lost confidence to love him. The feelings of
Gedrulghi who wants to escape from the avilibe who is just jealous are well
understood by Dietlinde.

"It is a fiancee who can not escape, so Leonzio, please keep this secret"
"... If you say that you can escape from a bad fiance, will you take my hand?"

Diet Linde blinks over and over after being confused by the incredible Leonzio word.

"What are you talking about, Leonzio?"

"I can not become a Tento since I do not have a Stupp that I suppose I will have if I am
a candidate for Jürgen Schmidt's Zent, ... but I know the place where Gurtris Height is
located ... You will be Tsento I can help you. "
"What's that……?"

In Leonzio's offer, Dietlinde drank spit and spit. There is a person who knows the
location of Gurtris Height that he wanted to know. And he is offered assistance to
Dietlinde, not now the royal family. Is not this the guidance of Drefan Goa exactly?

"If Dietlinde accepts me as your companion, I will tell you the place."

Dokili and his chest rang. To be Leonzio's companion was a sweet temptation to the
extent that Dietlinde was hard to resist. Unlike Ferdinand, Leonzio is close to the year,
there is no problem in the blood line and there is no blemish like in the temple.
Although growing up in other countries is a difficult point, Jurgen Schmidt seems to
be an aristocratic education, and the royal blood is dark.

The royal family of Ranzenerav is a family that continues taking in the men's blood
coming back from Jurgen Schmidt because he can not be a child with local people. In

1403 | 2523
the current Jurgen Schmidt it can be said that the blood of the royal family is the

"However, my fiancé is decided by the royalty ... ..."

"Dear Linde, if you become a Tent, no meaning will be lost, such as a false king
command that does not have Gurtris Height"

From Leonzio 's side, a sweet smell came. I want to feel closer, it is a sweet smell. Not
a little Dietlinde will lean towards Leonzio.

"Mr. Ferdinand is a man who takes attitude towards an important fiancee with no
attractive island even if explaining circumstances, is not it a cold man who will not
listen to the trivial wish of a cute fiance? "

Leonzio slowly clogs Ferdinand with a gentle smile and words.

Although the complaint that Deathlinde said earlier is repeated as it is, Ferdinand
seems to be smooth as why it is a man who seems to be a terrible fiancee from other
people. There is no meaning to oblige the terrible fiancé. By the way, I remembered
that if I became a Tent from the beginning, I planned to cancel my engagement.

"Ferdinand is very similar to my uncle, probably the one who draws blood of
Ranzenaeu, if I make a fellow of Ranzenae a fiance, I stand next to you Is not it
considered good? "
"……I agree"
"It's okay when you are in the next Tent, please make me your companion"

That said, Leonzio will reach out to Dietlinde with a gentle smile.

"Dear Linde, please take my hand and I'd like to make you as the next Tent"

A close associate who does not know what he is talking about because he holds a
wiretap preventing magician, but he knew that Leonzio extended his hand to
Dietlinde. Martina changed his complexion and said "Do not go, Dietrinde!"

"Do not disturb"

Until the restraint of Martina, Dietlinde stands up and approaches Leonzio with fluffy
dreams. I desperately thought with a head that did not go well. If you miss this
opportunity, it will be hard for Dietlinde to get Gurtris Height.
1404 | 2523
...... This is a guidance your goddess Dore' fan goo A of the time, there is no other party
difference in the fate of what Reontsuio like is about to be bound goddess Ribe disk
Hill Fe marriage.

Dietlinde was superimposed his hands into the hands of the Reontsuio with such a

1405 | 2523
"I'm studying like this ... How about Rosemain?"

While saying that, Clarissa showed me what I did for a while. It is Clarissa who worked
with the cousins of the Aub and his wife as a negotiator with Dunkel Ferger at the
Lord's Council, but now he is working for me in my room as the lord conference is

I will start full-scale since I was an adult, but I have decided to start printing business
even after I go to the center. Perhaps, you may visit the central shrine, and depending
on the orphanage and the gray priests there may be a charity project. Therefore,
Clarissa has compiled the nobleman's materials on the project I have been doing so
that the project can be started as smoothly as possible in the center.

Specifically, in addition to the records of the Ferdinand of the then Fellowships he had
with the nobility, the contracts that were tied, the number of shops moved and the
number of people moved, in addition to the records of Dunkel Verger and the central
exchange It is planning whether to start the printing industry in the center so that you
can talk to the civil servants of which department.

"Clarissa looked far enough in a short time, I did not know how Ferdinand was moving
when I made a workshop at an orphanage"

I reconfirmed the narrowness of my field of vision, well knowing that Ferdinand was
moving again behind the Benno. It was troublesome that we had to make an
appointment appointment taking only days to be requested but it was necessary and

"You can not be defeated by Rilemain's useful Phyllene becoming an orphanage


Phyllene is also taking over the task of Monika and the orphanage director in the
temple today. In the meantime, he made rituals of oaths and gave blue clothes like
Hartmut was appointed as the chief priest. It is a wonderful blue shrine maiden
apprentice now.

1406 | 2523
By the way, Rohdrich was asked by my instructions, how much shop in the center
would be needed from the hope of the central store that arrived from the Printemps
and Gilberto Shokai, the work tools that must be newly arranged, the employee
accompanying I write out the number and the size of the room etc. It is supposed to
work here also during the tea ceremony.

I confirm that Riesela and Gratia are ready for tea ceremony and ask Otilie to absence
my room. As Wilfried and Melvisol leave the room, Damuel, who is protecting the
outside of the door, will tell you, so I will stay waiting.

"Rosemain, it's from Darmel, it seems Virfriit-sama and Melchior exited the room"

Angelica who left the room returns and reports it. I took the sidewalk and the escort
knight and left the room to go to the tea ceremony of Charlotte.

"Everyone, please go down"

After the greeting, when the guidance was guided, after finishing the poisoning of tea
and sweets, Charlotte ordered to lower to the aides. At the same time, we order you
to go down to your aides. With this, this room has gone beyond our Lord Candidate.

"I will use this today,"

While saying so, Charlotte tries to activate a magician to prevent wiretapping. I

stopped it in a hurry.

"Charlotte, if you use objects of scope, will you bear a burden on lady? Is not it better
to use people who have individuals?"
"No, sister, today's range designation is better, Mel Heol may get tired for a long time
use.I have heard that he is dedicating magical power frequently in the temple"

...... How! Is it?

I had been handed over to Mr. Ferdinand from the wiretapping prevention magic tool
from the beginning and I did not know it because I never thought it was a burden, but
long time use of magical tools to prevent eavesdropping by individuals, It seems that
there may be a burden on children before entering the House of Lords.
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...... Such a thought, I did not have been made to Ferdinand! Is it?

I think that the time of Lutz 's family conference was the first time to use it, but in a
place where it will definitely be a long time discussion, it should have been used only
to silence me. I think that Ferdinand had grasped my magical power to a certain
extent, but perhaps it seems that it would be OK if it makes me sick for a long time and
I can leave me .

...... Ferdinand style!

While reminding himself that he was an angel, I offer Charlotte "I will operate the
magician of the range designation".

"You can not let Charlotte put a burden on magical power by one person?"
"... ... and so always your sister is going to have a burden alone"

Charlotte glares at me with indigo's eyes and cute. Sometimes, I want to do something
like my sister, I slipped down the chair and operated the magician "Charlotte" before
Charlotte was working. It is the victory of my agility.

"Because it is not much bitter if it is just a burden of magical power, Charlotte is an

older sister, so I may occasionally adore it. I am leaving all the assistance of socializing
and foster mothers as they are now And what does Charlotte get ready so far will tell
you about my going to the center? "

While stretching my heart and saying that, I will sit down in the seat. Charlotte smiled
small and said, "My sister is always spoiled."

"I do not think there is such a thing, but ..."

"I have heard that my elder sister told my father that my marriage partner would
leave the choice when my engagement with his brother was decided.This time also I
will become a father of the king Even though it was not your choice to engage Prince
Sigismwald, I got a variety of choices ... ... what can I return to my older sister? "

... ... a heavy story came from the beginning! Is it? Shall I say it's okay if Charlotte tells
me prettily that "sister, lovely, respect?" Is not it right?

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Suddenly being questioned with serious eyes, I am in trouble answering whether I
should answer mild answers or seriously worry about them together.

"Thanks to my older sisters, we can not understand how the subordinate territory will
be treated in the true sense.When we talk with thirties or more, we will realize it well."

Charlotte assisted the foster mother, attended the first wife's office, watched the
aristocrats working in the castle, as a result of being treated as adults who only know
the way of old-fashioned subordinate territory and treated as subordinate territory It
seems that I realized that my consciousness is completely divided with young people
who are few.

"... ... Well, it seemed like there was a change in consciousness from my uncle and the
lord who shared the studies at the lords."

Ferdinand, which was spared out by Veronica, basically did not achieve excellent
results only in individuals, and it did not contribute greatly to the change in rank
order. However, the members of the Knight Course have won Dunkel Ferger with a
treasure stealer, under a bad command. It seems that nature and consciousness were
getting higher as long as the civil service course got the best from self-territory.

When Ferdinand graduated and it was around the time of Damuel, the end of the
political change and the purge would make Ehrenfest a ranked rank without any
trouble. At the same time as being the last generation who knew the era when
Ehrenfest was the bottom, a special case for making the blue priests of various places
aristocracy was carried out, the teacher's face changed greatly due to the purification,
the lords of the lords It is a turbulent generation where the curriculum was changed.

And even when only the rank got up, there was a time when handling from the
surroundings was handled as a subordinate territory, a scripture picture book and an
educational toy were launched, education of the children's room was prepared and
the surrounding consciousness changed a little It will be the first generation. Brother
Cornelius is this generation. I am experiencing both handling of subordinate territory
and rapidly growing Ehrenfest.

At the same time as I and Wilfried entered the school, outgoing episodes began, and
the grading committee was inaugurated and there was a significant improvement in
the results of the lecture. Ehrenfest quickly made a leap forward and began to draw
attention to the surroundings. It is natural for the cuisine in the dormitory to be
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delicious and it is not uncommon for the tea ceremony to have a lot of invitations so
that it must be sorted out and that the voice from the upper rank is taken. It is a
generation that has never been treated as a subordinate territory to raise its rankings
steadily every year. Charlotte is naturally a generation without consciousness of
subordinate territory.

"It is said that there is no consciousness as a high-ranking territory or a behavior that

seems to be a high-ranking territory in the House of Peers, but when you look inside
Ehrenfest, consciousness has certainly changed, If I came, I would think that it was
natural without thinking anything. "

It would have been just criticizing that old thinking people would be in trouble.
However, there are a lot of old ideas overwhelmingly, it can not be said that
consciousness has been switched even by the lord families and their aides. It is quickly
to drop the rank if I lose my common sense at the beginning and I have broken my
common sense. It is those who remain in Ehrenfest who must do something. Charlotte
said so, one sigh.

"We must carefully obey the things your sister gave you while avoiding adult
interference well or passing away, keeping it ashamed as your parents' homebuilder
who will be the adopted child of the king I thought that it would be a return for my
sister to do. "

Lord of the lord enters and exits the temple, diluting the sense of repentance of the
nobles, increasing the protection by doing a shrine. By demonstrating its effect, I will
boast that I am raised in the temple. Develop the printing industry and send me books.
Carefully growing the chefs of the Italian restaurant, make Ehrenfest a territory full of
delicious items. Continue to educate the children's room and the grading committee
will not continue the classroom. I will change my consciousness while keeping what I
have done.
Charlotte laughed, "That's what I can do." It is told that I want to protect the things I
have done carefully, and my heart gets warmer and gentle, smiling and smiling.

"My sister's ability is for the assistant, unfortunately it's not well suited for making
bold decisions or incorporating new things for the development of the territory. , It is
better for you to penetrate while keeping the frame that someone has set. "

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Charlotte's self-judgment thinks that he is looking at himself very objectively.
Charlotte feels like supporting from the shade, it exerts great power in adjusting with
the surroundings.

"But if we aim to maintain and maintain the structure that our sister has changed so
far, I thought that I am the best aleb for Ehrenfest, Melchior and I will be born from
now The baby may become an awb that is good at development and I would like to be
in a position to do a relay function and to assist him after that until they grow up.The
older sister supports me Could you please? "

I nodded with Charlotte, wishing to keep my changed Ehrenfest, looking at my weak


"I did not feel confident about what I had done for myself because the voices of
Ehrenfest's adults were a big taste for change, but I am glad that Charlotte said that
he wanted to keep it. I will support Charlotte's choice ... .... But if Charlotte seems to be
the first wife of the upper rank, is it okay to remain in Ehrenfest? "

It is not as easy as it is to say that it aims at relaying until Aub, which is likely to
develop next, grows up. It is supposed to take care that you will want to throw away,
such as son-in and Lisegang nobleman's blowjob. If Virfriit could be removed from the
next Aub, it may be sticky until a child of Brunhild is born this time.

"Because we can not marry other than entering from other territory for the next 5
years, we will increase the number of people in other territories. By incorporating the
way of thinking and thinking of several other territories, it is possible for your nobility
members of Reisegang system I would like to make soil that can be argued that the
assertion is funny. "

Now that the former Veronica school has just gone, the Reisgang system voice is big,
but it seems that it seems that it seems to seal it little by little and change the way of
thinking of Ehrenfest. To that end, it is said that Charlotte, a candidate lord, will take
a son-in-law from another territory for the next generation.

"Besides, I can not compete against my sister with a contract to teach magical
compression, so I think that it is best to take a son-in-law and stay in Ehrenfest, if your
sister is a king's daughter Since Ehrenfest will be a back shield, it will not be hostile,
but if you marry into another territory you do not know where you will be in that
position. Even no political change has been under 20 years. "
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I did not think that the magical compression contract was involved in such a place. To
be wary of it. I did not plan to tie Charlotte to Ehrenfest. Having a head in the
sweetness of the previous prospect, Charlotte gently looks at me with a smiling smile.

"It is my choice that I wanted to compress magical powers and increase magical
powers even if I signed a contract, which is my choice, not something my sister is sick
to mind, even though my adoption with my father Even if we resolve it, whatever the
situation is, if you think that I am your sister's side, that is fine. "

I am glad that Charlotte's words want to cry. Wilfried also silently listened to
Charlotte's story nodded.

"Ehrenfest got a lot of things to the other side, yet there are not many Ehrenfests to
give to the other side to go to the center, it will be very poor as a back shield of the
royal family ... .... So, take a peace of mind as an absolute ally.
"Is not it not only Charlotte, are you on my side with Wilfried's older brother?"

When I asked with my head tilted with the meaning I would confirm, Wilfried laughed
with Hu.

"If you look at the attitude towards your uncle who went to the other territory, the
one who went to the center would not do anything terrible to Ehrenfest ... ... it is likely
that you will be bothered by trouble."
"Oh, Wilfried brother ... Please do not say rude things. There is a consciousness that I
am burning care of Ferdinand who I went to Ahrensbach, but I have never troubled
you "

Even though I try my best to be useful, it is what the saying is. I firmly protest. In my
words Vilfried's brother shrugged his shoulders as "boyfriend" and pointed me bishit.

"Only that one thinks so, there is no mistake"

"Wrong is Vilfriit's older brother, I'm doing my best not to take care of Ferdinand."
"Are you in the wrong direction, are not you?"

Charlotte and Melchior laughed, but no one would deny Wilfried's words.

... .... Ughu. It's okay.

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Speaking of misplaced efforts, do we need to hide that we have to go to the center? "
"what do you mean?"
"There is rumors that the central ward of the other is there and there"

During the Lord 's Council, I heard that I had been pushing up from the other territory,
from the other territory to the temple of the central temple, I refused that the awes
and married couple were invited from the royal family and received a call, but again
with my aides unattached The fact that the discussion was done, that the place of
discussion left only the lord family after returning to Ehrenfest, the fact that he began
hastening the takeover of the temple.
From these circumstances, it seems to be speculated that the royal prince had come
down to make me the temple of the central temple.

"It's a story I did not hear in the report of the Lord's Council, so I was surprised when
I first heard it. At the same time, one concern emerged and I wanted to confirm to him
... .... On the other hand, Will not it be made to be the temple of the central temple after
becoming an admirer of the king? I heard the story of the temple of another territory
at a tea ceremony etc. It seems that it is quite different from the temple of Ehrenfest "

With Vilfried being told with anxious face, I shook his head.

"I may do more than visit, but I think that there is no way to enter the temple as the
temple of the temple, if I let the temple of the temple, if other royal family do the same,
please ask Prince Sigismwald first I have done it. "

Vilfried and Charlotte once looked at me face by face and saw me as if he was terribly

"Well, that person ... .... You still did not formally adopt the king 's adopted daughter,
did you place such an order on Prince Sigismwald?"

When I nodded as a cochlece, Wilfried cried, "Because it's this, I do not like being with
Rosemain," and Charlotte looked for words and wandered the line of sight, "After
seeing your sister as soon as the king I'm relieved as I will not be disrespected by
those who were adopted by my father, "he smiled.

"Is not that so distrustful? Since I started Ave in Ehrenfest, I was thinking that it is
natural to seek the same thing for the royal family because the lords of the lords
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entered and gone in, so it is not frail I , I suggested that it would be better for a healthy
royalty to become a temple and do a divine task, but is this okay?
"No ordinary aristocrat likes saying such things!"
"To be sure, Prince Sigiswald was surprised, since I did not seem to understand this
idea at all unless I said, I do not regret it at all."

Vilfried said, "I feel sympathy from my heart to prince Sigiswald who will be his
fiance", but what does it mean? When I glanced at Wilfried, Wilfried started telling me
towards Melchior, "I should never model rosemain as a nobleman socialization."

"Although it may be an example for shrines and study, only socialization and common
sense should not be based on Rosemain, because that was holding his head even on
the uncle, so there is no way we can deal with it There is a weak hand for a person,
trying to imitate the good points of others is good.

Melchior is listening to Wilfried's words nodding with a serious face.

"Everything on Rosemain sister is amazing, but there are things we are not good at. I
was feeling depressed just because I could not do it the same way." I was a little
relieved. "
"Mel Heol, Rosemain is good enough to set the goal. If you think you have to do exactly
the same, you will feel stuffy and you will lose confidence."
"I can not do the same thing with my older sister, once I lost my confidence as a
candidate for a lord.We are brothers sister going through at once"

I have heard with Mr. Melchior, who advised Vilfried's advice and Charlotte's
experience, with a relieved face saying "I was not alone." It is a bit frustrating that
three people alone understand each other.

"Please do not part with me"

"There is no companion ... Anything you do not understand such as hardships and
setbacks with nonstandard brothers outside common sense?"
"A mentor out of the standard and out of common sense comes along! It was a hard
time for me"

So, if you put it in a friend, Wilfriit and Charlotte looked at each other.

"I think both my uncle and others are similar outside the standards out of common
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"Did you have any frustration with your uncle's strict lecture with a normal face?"
"Because my uncle and Rosemain sister are nonstandard companions, they are not

... ... Do not make me a friend there! I want to join my brother's companion!

When I was mourning, Olddonants came flying. Everyone puts out his arm outside the
table so that Aldonants does not get down on tea or sweets. Oldnanz descends to my

"Haltmut.The old men of Reisegang crowned into the castle as to what it is like to put
Rosemain sailing to the center ... Maybe I was aiming for absence from Arub .. From
now on Mr. Florentia will be alone It seems to be compatible ... ... was it okay? It seems
not very good "

Then, repeating the words of Hartmut for three times, so as to glare at the Ordonants
who returned to the yellow manastone, Willfried groans "to aim for the absence of the
father, to protest to his mother ... ...." Since the adoptive father took a break at
Lisezgang and headed for Ahrensbach, the old people came to know that they did not
have adoptive fathers.
I will put out Steap, challenge Concord and a lightly yellow manastone to "Ordonants".

"Hultort, examine who the Lordsgang nobleman informed the state of the Lords
conference, surely there are those who are fueling Lisegang's behavior"

When you shake Bun and Stap, the white birds fly to Hartmut. Wilfried who glared at
Aldanants who disappeared suddenly on the wall stood up indignantly.

"I will go to my mother's place"

"Yes, Wilfried older brother. Let's respond instead, Lisegang's aristocracy is not good
for my belly baby, no matter what you think."

I also slide down from the chair. As Vilfried nods with a cock, he turns his eyes to
Charlotte and Melchior who are upsetting about what to do.

"Charlotte and Melchior take their mothers to a separate room, separate themselves
from Raisegang and will drive them back with me and Rosemain"
"... Are you okay, are you OK with your older brother, have you had a lot of bad
thoughts, and considering the future response with the Raisegaen nobleman ..."
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Anxiously, Vilfried gently tapped Shallotte's shoulder to make words worry.

"Charlotte, I am not the next Abe, there is no need to install their cooperation, there is
no meaning to accept a verbal abuse, because I stand on the brunt, that is an
opportunity, Think about how to protest Gibe Reesegang and install cooperation, is
that better? "
"Older brother ... ...."

I stopped the wiretap preventing magic tool while I was wearing Charlotte and
Melchior as Wilfried talks about the role sharing, and called Aokido. Somehow, let the
aides who came in telling the visitors of the Lisegang system old guys.

"Please let me know Léonore, Mother and Giebe · Raisegang and your grandfather,
then collect all escort knights from Angelica Lady Candidate"

The escort knights who had been waiting in the separate room in Akimono and in
their own room began gathering hurriedly. Vilfried handed me out towards me, saying
to follow a melancholic atmosphere Melchior and Charlotte.

"Let's go, Rosemain, I will not act on my father's absence."

"Well, my brother Wilfriit. Although political opponents disappeared in the purge, it
is a bit overflowing and the growth has passed, right? Let's hit it on this occasion for
the future"

I smile with Nicolle and hold the hand of Wilfried.

"It is good to think that the princess of Reisegang who they are carrying is the most
"What do you mean!?"

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Although I quickly jumped out of Charlotte's room, I could not follow the speed of
Wilfried. Take the cowgirl and aim for the main building.

"Slow, Rosemain"

While saying that, I look at Wilfried walking fast at the top. that? I inclined my head
without thinking. I noticed that there was a change in the position of the aides
surrounding the villfleet. The position of the older brother Lamprecht who was
always the nearest is far. The position of Bartholt who gave a name is much closer. Do
you feel that trust differs if you are given a name?

While thinking about such a thing, I went to the reception room which was obtained
from the information of Hartmut. Please check to see if a nobility of Reisegang system
is coming to a foston mother escort knight who protects the door and ask him to put
it inside. Escort Knight asked the middle person with a very troubled face in the
situation where the lords candidate wanted "to have it inside" in a group.

"Everyone, what are you doing?"

It was Hartmut 's father Leberecht who came out from the room. She seems to have
accompanied her as a foster-mother civilian. Wilfried went a step forward.

"Would you like to have a Lisegang nobleman? Please let us inside, we can not let one
mother negotiate with me"
"Please, Leberecht. Are you talking about me?"

Leberecht showed us the face of reluctantly and then retracted to the room once. After
taking a confirmation by the foster mother, we will put us inside. Inside there was a
foster mother and his aides and I saw a face with a banquet on the face, but the elderly
of Reisegang, who did not have an exchange in particular, was sitting.

"Oh, Rosemain-sama!"
"What on earth are you guys doing?"

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"It is an important story concerning the future of Ehrenfest.Rosemain is a desire of
Reisegang. It is not surprising such as making it the temple chief of the central
temple.What is Arub Ehrenfest thinking? "

The old guys said so in a dignified attitude that I could not believe that I prompted
without promises. Foster mother breathes small.

"As I mentioned earlier, it is an important story concerning the future of Ehrenfest, so

please do not hesitate to contact us after Aub Ehrenfest returned home."

In the words of a foster mother, old friends of Reesegang swung their heads.

"This is also necessary for Florentia to understand well and to persuade Ave. It is only
for the first lady to rescue Awu who was blindfolded by Fairbernen .... No way ... There
is no possibility that Florentia is caught by fairbernquat because of my baby cuteness.

The old guys argue that my eyes are overly cute, "I feel like Aleb looks like a Veronica
like that to a place like that," he sighs. The elder 's argument that misdemeanoring the
future of the territory would not be made to be the temple of the central shrine, unless
Abe' s attitudes are overshadowed.
When a foster mother smiled, "There seems to be no fairbernen around me", the old
people nodded with a smile.

"If so, Florentian can understand that Rosemain can not be taken out from Ehrenfest,
if a royal cadet could be found in the central shrine by the royal courage ...... Ehrenfest
has a temple There are not any other candidates for lords who are just right to get
into. There will be somehow determined depending on negotiation. "

The old guys glancing at Villefried and saying so and laughing each other. Villefried
who was brought up by a criminal Veronica and who also committed a crime is
suitable for entering the temple. Wilfried told me in regretful words that aristocratic,
that he should be able to go to Central Temple because he went to Lisegang with a
blue priest 's costume in a prayer ceremony and drew a losing lip.

...... I heard that such disgust was being told even when I went to Reesegang.

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Looking at these kinds of things, it makes me feel depressed when I realize that the
mistake when I was young is forever lost, and I can not hide the sigh if I can strike the
impression of the elderly people in the temple.

"Foster mother, please leave the room. It is not good for your stomach baby to hear
such words and to hurt your heart"
"Mother, let's go"

Charlotte tried to pick up his foster mother, but her foster mother refused to be clear
with a gentle smile.

"No. Only you will receive that mind, Rosemain, Charlotte, so I can not leave the
children in this place and I will leave."

Like protecting smiling foster mothers, I stand in front of foster mothers with
Villefried, turning to the old men of Reesegang.

"I am confused as to what you are saying, There is no plan to go to the central temple.
Who on earth say such a thing?"
"Everyone who was present at the Lord's Conference said that way, we have our own
information network, Rosemain sama"

There are limited aristocrats attending the lord. As the fact that it will become the
adopted lady of the king has not leaked out, the number of people is narrowed further.
However, I was concerned that entering the central shrine is totally spoken like

"No matter how much of Zento's order, we do not worry that Alef who does not know
what is important to Ehrenfest and Wilfried-sama, who can not do it just by his
promises, will lead Ehrenfest. I would like Rosemain to lead Ehrenfest. "

When I was gazing at the old men saying to go to the central shrine, and if necessary
to go to Villefriit, my grandfather came in.

"Rosemain, is it safe?"
"Oh, Bonifatius! Just right ... ...."

The old kids of Reisegang found their grandfather and made their face shine. I look
down on them with a very troubled face like they want me to be able to keep me in
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Ehrenfest. I want to detain as a feeling but it is probably because I can not do it for the
old man who knows to become an adopted daughter of the king.

...... It sounds like they did not burn them.

Because I am better than Vilfried for the upcoming AUBU, my grandfather tilts himself
wonderfully to the old men saying that they should not let the Central Temple go.

"I have never heard that Rosemain goes to the central shrine, but who on earth did
you say that?"
"All the nobles who went to the Lord's Council say like that, do not you know?"
"I do not know"

When the grandfather is clearly distinctive, old people begin to look at their faces as
if they were a little upset. Wilfried standing next to me looked round the old on a
slightly disgusted face.

"There is no plan to go to Rosemain to the central shrine, etc. Does not someone else
have been deceived?"

Whether they caught on the things pointed out to them that they do not want to be
most pointed out, their faces will be a little steep. And he began to say sarcasm to
Villefriit with a novelistic phrase.

...... Oh, like this, at the time of the prayer ceremony, Mr. Wilfried brother wastefully
irritates others and makes me angry or excited.

Apart from Wilfried there is no badness, but I have not read the air at all. If you pointed
out that it is me or something to point out, the olders of Reisegang would not have
been excited so far. I looked at the old friends who blame Wilfried while listing the
wrongdoings that Veronica had done in the past, and Wilfried appearing to bear
disgust, and it seemed to be sighing.

... ... Wilfried older brother, I feel that I am not better for socializing than me.

"I understand everybody's complaints.Laisegang has been losing hot acid for a long
time and it is also true that Virfriit's brother did something infidelity."

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The old guys say, "Do you understand, Rosemain sama?" And Vilfried looks at me with
a scratched face.

"... but, you also told Wilfried's brother who visited Reisegang at the prayer ceremony
that he would promise fertility with Ehrenfest and raise gang?
"Rosemain-sama ...?"
"I mentioned earlier that Vilfried's older brother had not made any prospects before,
but you guys think that the outlook is too sweet"

As I smiled with Nicoli, I said that as old as they were surprised by the elderly and

"In all of you, I am supposed to go to the central temple, so if you go, after I go, who
will be doing the priest of Ehrenfest, can not imagine absolutely Is not it? "

While I was watching the villefleit glancingly so, Wilfried laughed and she looked
around the elderly.

"Now that I take over the temple of the temple to Melchior after adulthood of
Rosemain, but if Rosemain goes to the center as they say, I will lose the back shield
with the elimination of engagement, It is becoming the furthest lord candidate from
Aubu who was the one who said they said that it is most suitable for entering a temple
among lords candidates ... "
"Oh, I wonder if you visit for a praying ceremony for a bad thing, do you mean that
future priests are not necessary for Reesegang? To serve as a food storehouse by
Raisegang, a prayer ceremony It is an important shrine than anything but .... "

I will threaten with a smile that the priest may not be done in Reisegang in the future.

"However, Eleenfest will not go without Reisegang's harvest, and it is Ehrenfest who
is in trouble if the yield of Lisezung goes down."

The Reisegang can be turned upside down because Raisegang occupies an

unwavering position in the Ehrenfest as a food storehouse. If a priestess is not done,
its position falls at once. I smiled nicely.

"To be sure, until now there was no harvest of Raisegang if Eleenfest was not in.
However, Ellenfest is a thriving trade with other territory. Unlike before, food other
than It is not hard to put in from the territory. "
1421 | 2523
Until now Ehrenfest had not exchanged much with other territories, but from now on
it is possible to import foods instead of paper and hair ornaments. I will teach you that
it is easy to remove the influence of Reisegang relatively by incorporating food from
other territory. That is what is determined by Aub's voice. Early females knew only in
the era when they were not able to see from any part of the countryside, pale in a blink
of an eye.

"Mr. Rosemain, who is the princess who draws blood of Reisegang, what are you
saying !? Are you planning to betray Reesegang which is the back shield !?"
"Oh, betraying nothing ...... I am the temple chief of Ehrenfest and it is the adopted
woman of the lord? Degrading the shrine, despising my brothers, and behind the
nobility of Reisegang who has no respect for Aub Even if you are told, I'm in trouble. "

I breathed a sigh of relief on this cheek, putting my hand on my cheeks, that I had
troubled repeatedly that I did not intend to become Aub Ehrenfest. The meaning of
"frustrated as a back shield" seemed to have passed. The old people look at me with
an incredible face.

While I compare me with the old men of Reisegang, my grandfather tells me to say
"Rosemain, that is a bit overstatement ...".

"But my grandfather, I asked my father-in-law to lower his rank as a consensus of

Reisegang? I was trying hard to raise the ranks of Ehrenfest with everyone at the
lords, I was very sad about being denied it. "

When I mourn as angelica's grievous face "I thought that I was betrayed by my back
shield", the old man who was more than Raisegang's consensus at the time of the
meeting was packed with the word "ugh".

"That does not mean that you do not do priests with Reesegang ... ..."
"Do not worry, Bonifatius-sama"

Wilfried cut the air and opened her mouth with a smile. Then, look around the old
men of Reesegang.

"You only have to put the others in the temple.If you do yourself with a divine affair
you will be able to earn the harvest you have ever been - the important princess of
Reisengang is going for Ehrenfest. Hope to help Rosemain "
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Even if you retire from practice Wilfried will tell you with a smile, because there is
magical power so it will not be a problem.

...... As usual I can not read the air, but it is not wrong.

"Wilfried's older brothers and Charlotte started a shrine to fill the hole when I was
absent, and still helped even now even if you asked me to fill in a shrine if I was a
shield behind of me It might be good. "

If you think that it is poor to have only one person to return for the dedication
ceremony, old men who retire and make socializing discreet will help. In my words,
old fellows who have a sense of obligation to the temple and the divine attracted their
faces, but "If so, I am relieved even after I entered the lords," Mel heal raised a voice
of joy It was.

"Raisinggang people who took the rumor seriously inconvenienced."

At the same time it arrives, Gibe · Reesegang says so and apologizes. As I explained
how I am not going to be the next Aub, and as a result of the disgusting feelings from
Reesegang, as a result of Giebe · Reisegang arriving, the old friends of Reisegang
dropped their shoulders and was totally quiet.

"I've done very unsuccessful imitation, but their words all come out of the heart of
thinking Rosemain, please forgive me with generous heart."

Gibe · Reisegang tranquilly talks about Verona 's work so far and Improvement of the
position of the Leisgang nobleman since I became adopted. It was told that I did that
I also improved the yield, the reproduction of the ceremony calling spring, the
printing studio in the paper making studio, the increase in protection on the magical
compression method, I did not recognize it.

"If you hear that the princess of the family who brought this profit to Raisegang will
be pushed into the central temple like a hindrance without becoming the next arub
only by adoptive adoption, the elderly who sent a life of difficulty We can not bear
very much. "

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It is the same thing that the princess of Raisinggang receives tremendous treatment
for the elderly.

"Because Rosemain is able to bring hearts to Mr. Wilfried who got a bad thing and was
badly hit by the word, he was being oppressed by Veronica and the same thing will be
repeated on Rosemain's body , I am pleased if you feel a little closer to the feelings of
Raisinggang you worry about "

The way to do it is extreme and it is only a troubled mood, but it is true that the old
men of Reesegang were worried about me. I nodded to Gibe · Reisegang explaining it
carefully, "That's right."

"Since Rosemain is a gentle child, if you do not have an appointment and suddenly
come when Abu's absence, I think I was able to snuggle closer to the feelings of
Reisegang.I just had to worry about me, I was doing it. "

The adoptive mother says so and smiles with Giebe · Reisegang while smugging me.

"Rosemain does not seriously think that it does not do shrines only by Reesegang ..
Hey, Rosemain?"

It is said that despite being asked to lower the ranking as a consensus of Raisegang,
or after being purged of the former Veronica, pursuing a father-in-law has been

"If you trimmed your adoptive faction and getting along with the adopted father who
tried to pierce Ehrenfest, I do not think the evidence against Reesegang was different."

For the time being, we talked with Giebe · Reisegang, promising to do a shrine as usual,
and Leisegang asked the adoptive father more cooperation instead.

"If you listen to Rosemain's request and Gibe Reesegang cuddles up with Jilvezer, let's
not question this case.Fortunately, since Jilvestor did not come, we knew that there
was no appointment It is only people who are here who is here. "
"Sorry, Florentia, Mr."

As a foster mother made a question of sudden visits, old people seems to have gone
well. I was relieved because there was not severe punishment for the old friends
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because I was told what I had worried about myself endlessly. Have you finished
talking? I thought that Giebe · Reisegang gazed at Wilfried in peace.

"Have you thought about Wilfriit-sama, Veronika's what they have done, why are you
grudging with Reisegang including you, too?"

Wilfried who was questioned quietly rather than being told in disgust from the front
a little narrows his eye and gazes at Giebe · Reisegang.

"It seems that you do not understand even though you know by listening to stories
from Aubu and the aides, you grew up with the benefits of Verona 's faction created
by Veronica. Look closely and think carefully of the eyes of third parties against you "

As Wilfried inadvertently stimulates Raisegang, it points out that understanding is

insufficient, and Giebe · Reisegang returns with the elderly. Wilfried gazed at his feet
as thought of something.

And a few days later I returned to the temple. It is said that he wants to talk secretly
from Hartmut and I will talk about using a magical tool to prevent eavesdropping.

"I understood the one who fueled the old men of Reisegang, apparently there seemed
to be more than one, so I had a hard time to keep track of it."

Hartmut has a slightly tired face.

"First of all, Bartoldt gave a name to Virfriit,"

"By devoting a name to Virfriit, I can not use it because I can not violate orders, to
introduce sweet words, to devote fellowship to Wilfriit-sama's aides implicitly, to
impose unreasonable challenges as a problem of Reesegang, It seems that they were
trying to get rid of information exchange between live. "

I got a face on the report of Hartmut. Is it that there is a case that it is betrayed by a
person who has given a name.

"You can not go against instructions, but what you are doing for the Lord may result
in treachery, which is a difficult part."
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Hartmut says so and shrugs his shoulders. It seems that it is up to the main to handle
a person who has given a name.

"It seems that Bartoldt had strong opposition to Arub and Virfriit who betrayed the
faction while being raised by Veronica."
"So ...?."
"I noticed the sudden change of Wilfriit-sama and its surroundings, it was Florentia
that I noticed that Bartoldt was acting suspiciously.When Obey was absent, I was
forced to check in against Bartold and the power of Reisegang It is said that it was
planned to collect scraping together. "
"Foster mothers!"

Unexpected names came out, and I opened my eyes wide open.

"He suggested that Bartoldt suggested that there was a consultation for the central
temple and used some of the routes to fuel Lisegegung's old guys and let them go to
the absent castle, It seems that it was planned to catch by the Order by some, etc., and
plan to reduce the influence of Reisegang now. "

It seems that we aimed at a day when we are having a tea party and not leaving the
north. It seems that Hartmut found out what was noticed.

"It seems my father's planned, there was a sense of dereliction in the manner of
disgusting ... ...."

Ha, and Hartmut made a tired voice saying, "It was like having fun with parents and
children." It seems that it took quite a hard time to collect evidence and testimony, to
interrogate Leberecht, to bring out the truth.

"Originally it seemed that it was planned to contain Lisezang more tightly, my father
said that it fairly fitted quietly thanks to Rosemain."
"... It was nice, but foster mothers are planning such a plan, I was surprised there."

Because I only knew how to smile and smile, too much shock was too big.

"It was easy to move old people with the excitement that became the greatest faction
after purging, and I wanted to have cut down the power of Reisegang to some extent

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before Burunn Hilde became the second lady. In this regard, borrowing the power of
Elvira-sama I can not do it either. "

To the exchanges of aristocrats I feel unexpectedly distant eyes. I am stupid of myself

who felt a tea party worrying about a foster mother who is holding a large stomach
absent by his adoptive father and who alone greets old friends of Reisegang.

"... What happened to Bartold?"

Hartmut says "Wilfried is up to you," if you are concerned about his destination you
are trying to get Vilfried while giving her name.

"We are planning to judge Vilfried like his name, Florentia is watching Bartold and
seems to give Wilfriit a little clues as he notices himself a little."

As part of education as a noblemist, Hartmut seems to have been told by Leberecht.

"And this time I also received scolding from my father that I would not inadvertently
put the Lord in danger."

When strange movements are visible, it is often that someone draws a thread behind
the other. It seems that he was scolded that he would only put the Lord in danger if he
did not look well.

"I still do not seem to have enough study."

Hartmut decided to interrupt the tea ceremony at his own Orndants, I had to face the
old men of Reesegang, and that was the result that there was nothing here that Mr.
and Mr. Aru were profitable It seems to care about that. I invite Haltmut, which is
depressed as "awkward as an aide" to tea.

"Without Hartmut, I did not understand the relationship behind at all and it ended,
Hartmut made a lot of effort, let's drink tea and eat delicious sweets"

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While taking over from the temple and the printing industry, I spent all my days trying
to reveal the studies of the lords and studying the children of the orphanage. A young
child who has magical tools and is given a baptismal ceremony in this winter has an
interview with the adoptive father in fall. It is to be confirmed whether Aub is to look
after it and make it a noble family. Therefore, children seem to desperately try various
studies, they seem to be careful not to say that there is a problem in their daily
attitude. I try hard for blue apprentices who have to head to Melchior and Harvest
Festival so that they can not lose the hard work of everyone in the orphanage.

And Dilk who got his magical tool seems to desperately save magical power while
using the recovery medicine that I made by Rodderhi and Filine. It is still over three
years before going to the House of Peers, but you must accumulate magical powers as
soon as possible.

When I was sending such days, Ordonants arrived from the castle Othelier. It seems
that the adoptive father who went to Ahrensbach for the funeral is returning.

"It seems there are plenty of souvenirs from Ferdinand, then it was to come back to
the castle to have dinner together."

I am afraid I will return to the castle with Melchior and my aides. I am looking forward
to souvenirs and it can not be helped. Is there a lot of delicious fish filled in the
magician that stops time?

"welcome back"

My adoptive father came down from the carriage. Your father, an escort knight, is with
you. When the adoptive father gets off, this time the underworker starts lowering the
luggage that was loaded on the carriage. Behind the carriage on which the adoptive
father was riding, there was a carriage of the aides, and behind it was a chain of
carriages carrying lots of luggage. Even when I went there I had lots of luggage but
there are lots of way back.

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... ... I have more baggage than I go. There are a lot of carriages.

"There are quite a lot of luggage, is not it like the amount of luggage that Ferdinand
did when he went to his son-in-law?"

Greeting to the adoptive father who came home and watching the carriage that is
going around like a long line, the adoptive father looked down over me with a terrible
disgusting face.

"Who do you think it is because of you? Are not both of them misunderstanding me as
a jackpot of sacking or something?"

I never thought that I was carrying bags with my father, and I had only Fedinand to
carry the things asked. In other words, there is only one culprit.

"Oh, I see, it is said that Ferdinand's fault, if you have a brother-in-law brother, your
adoptive father is too hard."

I suppose I should have taken care of my adopted father but I was casually concealed
by long sleeves and I got chops. I can not understand.

"On the other hand, it seems that they sent out terrible things, it was not enough for
the prepared materials,"
"What is that about?"
"What I know, for the time being, the baggage for three carriages is the one from the
back, I will tell the story in Ahrensbach at dinner, check what is in it and let it clear up

As the adoptive father says so, he waves his hand like "go away". I was surprised by
the word "three carriages" and compare the carriage with his adoptive father. With
the exception of the father-in-law, a carriage on which a person was aboard, five
carriages loaded with luggage are lining up. Three of them are my belongings.

"Rosemain, let's check in a hurry, I will not make it to dinner."

Oteller calls the riser and gratier and heads for the carriage. I was supposed to check
and sort the luggage, but I was disliked merely by looking at the baggage of the first
carriage. Too many.

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"This is the dishes and pots we finished eating, because they were washed in Washen,
so we went to the kitchen of the shrine ... .... Oh, there were also things prepared by
our mother at the time of the fight against the territory. Was it dishes? "

Since I do not usually cook myself by myself, I do not know where it is unless I ask the
exclusive chef. There are several empty pots, so it's easy to see that you are eating a
meal, but cleaning up is unexpected.

"What should I do?"

"Having brought it to the shrine's kitchen for a while, letting Fugo or Nicola sort out
it, how about packing new cuisine and sweets when returning to Elvira?"
"I will adopt the opinion of Phyline"

I decided to have the tableware in the kitchen of the temple, as Phyline said. Ask him
to place it on a carriage to make it head to the temple.

"What is this place? ...... Ahrensbach cloth?"

Ahrensbach was hot, there was a box with lots of thin fabrics. The gray tear who took
out the cloth spreads a little and tilts his head.

"It is quite thin, is not it not possible to use it other than midsummer at Ehrenfest?"
"If you overlap thinly from the top you can make a breadth of design, and if you give
one to Aurelia you may be pleased because it is home cloth."

It seems that his taste seems to resemble the choice when he was choosing a dyed
fabric, Brühnhild said. It could be used to tailor the summer clothing of Siegerekt 's

"As this cloth is distributed to women we know, let's bring it all to Rosemain's room,
because other cloths are rare, I will be pleased."

Instead of thinking which cloth Otiliier hands to who it is, he orders to be carried to
the junkie while saying happily. I decided to deposit all the wooden boxes of the cloth
in Otier and open other boxes. There is still a box of magical tools to stop time.

"Does Ferdinand have a magical tool that stops the moment?"

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"Well, Rosemain, did not you have delivered your dishes several times, such as when
Ferdinand goes to Ahrensbach or when you bring out costumes, Ferdinand has just
returned the part that was staying over there "

The Reiseler smiled with couscous and said so.

……Really. I was sending so much, I.

"Since I have just sent it from here, since there have been no cases of returning so far,
there will be many boxes this time, but Ferdinand would have been in trouble stuffing
the return."

In the words of Rieselter, I felt something wrong with the appearance that Ferdinand
was worried about what to return in return of cooking. Immediately afterwards, I
think to abandon thinking and leave it to Justozuku.

... ... Yusutsu, fight!

While thinking about such a thing, opening a magical tool that stops the time, there
were a lot of strange things that I had not seen before being packed in pieces. Hartmut
and Clarissa who were watching together raise the admiration voice.

"Well! It is a material of Ahrensbach, it is probably a very rare item, is not this a return
for Materials Rosemain sent as Mr. Rosemain says?
"I also have notes on what is in, so I think that it is best to have them carried into the
library's studio as is"

The material boxes will be brought into the library's library at the instruction of the
I will open the next box. Puu and the nose reached the odor of the ocean with a little
fishy smell. Instantly I opened the lid largely. A small amount of spresh is clogged in
one corner, and you can see REGISH. There are also a lot of other fish that I do not
know, and although there are things already being filleted, there are notes written
with names and methods of handling.

"Well, it's a fish! It's packed a lot."

"Rosemain, as the fish moves, close it soon!"

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As I was closed with a van in Damuel, the appearance of the fish disappeared from my
sight for a moment, but my breasts filled with joy thanks to the fish filled in the boxes

... ... Mr. Ferdinand, thank you! I am seriously happy now!

Let's get cooked, and the recipe of the fish dish starts circling around in the head. It is
a pity that you can not boil it, but let 's make sure to cook Spreish.

"Rosemain, where are you going to bring this fish?"

"Let's make it half a temple at the castle and half to a temple, everyone is a happy

Other luggage contains rare seasonings and spices that are likely to be used for
accessories and dishes of Arends Bach which was fine as a thank you for sweets from
retizia. I also had several letters.

"Let's do this together when doing sorting of materials in the library" for detailed
sorting around here.
"Certainly yes"

Broadly speaking, we decide to let the carriage head to the library and the temple. I
got told Rutherfam that Aldanants, and letters flying to Franan let me know that a
great deal of luggage will arrive.

"It is already tired, but after this, there are fine sortings left in the room, Rosemain

I told the Rizerator, I nodded and took it. It is important to whom and how to
distribute cloths and accessories in whatever order. While I am not good at this kind
of socializing, I am heading to a room away from the north.

Wilfriit, Charlotte and Mel heol are going to head north. Both of us have souvenirs
from our adopted father.

"The baggage from my uncle was really only for that one"

Wilfried told me with a shocking face. I sharpen my lip and my mouth.

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"Does your brother have souvenirs from your adoptive father?" Ferdinand did not
prepare a large amount for my part "
"Even if there is only that, is it still not enough?"
"Ferdinand's luggage and souvenirs from father-in-law are separate."

As Ferdinand prepared only for my part, I told my father-in-law to complain that he

had to prepare for children in a hurry, but I think that's not my fault.

"Only my older sister sent me cooking and ingredients to my uncle, is not it natural
that only my sister will receive a return from my uncle?"

As Charlotte says, the souvenir from Ferdinand is a return for the things I sent, so it is
not amusing not only for my amount, but really it is just for me that there are not any
gifts for other brothers. There is nothing like a fresh one. Ferdinand does not
disrespect on socializing but it does only the minimum necessary.

When Ferdinand went to Ahrensbach as a son-in-law, I had prepared gifts for not only
Dietlinde but also Reti Zia, but I was told that "Is that something necessary?" .
Ferdinand said, if you hand it to Dietlinde, there will be a downturn from the
deathlinde to the retizia.

"Because we know that there are brother and sisters, is not it normal to consider a bit
"I feel lonely a little"

When I saw Wilfried and Melchior saying so, I opened my mouth after briefly
wondering whether I should keep it secret in my chest without saying whether I
should say it.

"Wilfried older brother, Mr. Ferdinand has never ordered such a normal attention to
Mr. Verdonica, so there is no consciousness that it would be better to send it to other
brothers when giving it to someone.Feldinand For souvenirs and gifts, perhaps it is a
thing that is passed down from the adoptive father. "

I just guessed from the edge of Ferdinand's words, but adding that, as I said, Wilfried
lightly blinked like she was surprised. But Charlotte nods with convincing expression.

"I understand that I never got something from my grandmother.The things from my
grandmother were dropped by my older brother."
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"Is it so?"
"Well, I have never got something in my grandmother.The older brother before
baptism is cherished by the grandmother in the east, and if you come and visit the
main building, my father and My mum is lovely, so old times my brother was envious.

In the words of Charlotte Vilfried became a shocked face. However, Charlotte does not
mention the topic of Veronica any more, and sympathizes with Ferdinand's birth.

"I have a gift from my mother, but my uncle does not have a mother, so you may not
have a choice if you do not understand that."
"Well, Ferdinand would think that it would be fine for me to distribute it to everyone,
since we divide cloth and fish without dividing it, we can not endure that there is no
souvenir from Ferdinand Please do it. "

When I say so, Melchior was honestly delighted that he is "looking forward to it."

As we sort of souvenirs in the room it will be time for dinner right away. I went to the
dining room looking forward to the souvenir story of Ahrensbach.

"How was Ahrensbach? Has Ferdinand giving a hidden room? Did you eat properly?"
"Although I was away from the West, I was getting a hidden room, so I confirmed it
with Prince Sigiswald, so it's no doubt"
"I am relieved by this,"

The concern material is reduced by one, and I breathe a relief of relief. However, I was
stared at the adoptive father as Gyori.

"Complaints from Ferdinand's aide told that it was serious that the messenger of
Ranznerav came and was told to move to a room away from the west when he was
busy preparing for the funeral of Ahrensbach. I said "

Akari nearly seemed to have had trouble checking and washing the room, but
Ferdinand seemed to be pleased.

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"Besides, when I handed the material I got from him, I will not come out of the hidden
room till the morning, I was sleeping in the day, probably because I was staying up all
night during the funeral. You did better in the evening than in the morning. "
"How much is everything floating !?"
"Did not that predict it gave hidden rooms, materials and restorative medicine?"

...... I asked for a hidden room for such a life! Mr. Ferdinand's stupid!

"Well, in that sense Ferdinand seems to be fine, so it will not be a problem, the ones
that I was concerned about at the funeral are Ranzenae and the Central Order."

The adoptive father finished the topic of Ferdinand. A foster mother who had been
listening quietly until then asked "Do something ...?" Asked anxiously.

"Is it a raid, a rebellion, a confusion ... part of the central knight suddenly ramped up
in the funeral home?"

According to adoptive father, it seems that it was a sudden thing. It seems that a part
of the Central Order Group began to rampage during the funeral. Early bird escort
knights and head of the Central Knights moved so quickly that they knocked out the
rampaged knights.

"The five people were rampant, two of them died, three were tied up and immediately
sent back to the center, nobody was hurt and soon suppressed."

There were those who began to rampage, what they were, what they said was that
everyone 's attention turned around, the surrounding knights were moving into the
holdouts. Some people could not understand well what was happening. It is said that
it was such a fuss. In fact, the funeral seems to have continued as if nothing had
However, on the following day the central knights who received the royalty 's life had
been in the event that they had switched to Ahrensbach' s next Aub. Everything seems
to have been impressed as if a major incident occurred to those who were not there
because Dietlinde had a big noises at dinner that "the weapons were pointed from the
royal family from the Central Order."

"I do not know exactly who was aimed at what I thought, but I think that the distrust
of the Central Order was planted in the attendant's chest"
1435 | 2523
"How is Ferdinand ...?"
"I was accused of not knowing that it was not making such a noise, that why I did not
protest the royalty why I care about myself, on the contrary,"

The adoptive father sighed after saying that Ferdinand was hard to discuss with the
royal family and the Central Order. It seems that there was a grandson of the king of
Ranzenae on the side of Dietlinde and he was worried very much. He seemed to be
more engaged than Ferdinand.

"Dietlinde is also a mistress ... ...."

"Mr. Zilvester"

The foster mother shields her adoptive words by smiling and smiling. Adopted by a
silent smile with intimidating feeling that it is not a story to tell the children, the
adoptive father caught his mouth.

By the way, did you talk that you had fallen in love with a tea ceremony at the House
of Lords? I felt like I heard something that broke up, but I was continuing.

If there was a lover who cherishes, Ferdinand's opponent would be tight. Ferdinand
looks smart at first glance and looks tender, but treats become frustrating if you
become close.

"Ranzenerav is a country other than Jurgen Schmidt, did he also go to the funeral of
Auburn Ahrensbach?"

Charlotte who read the air suddenly changes the topic. The adoptive father, who was
stared at by a foster mother, immediately took up the topic.

"Since there is a border gate, Ranzenerav and Ahrensbach have exchange.The end of
spring, from the end of the lord conference to the end of autumn the representative
of Ranzener stayed in Ahrensbach and the ship for trade I saw a ship coming out of
the border for the first time but it was quite interesting that it was fun to have a border
gate on the blue wide ocean. "

Because of such exchange, it seems that the representative of Ranznerav also

participated in the funeral. At that time it seems that silver cloth was used for the
costume worn by Ranzenerav.

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"I just saw it from afar and I did not know if it was the same material because it was a
small piece in Ehrenfest, but it just makes me worry simply by saying it is silver, if it
is a runner version, It is not surprising that there are materials that they do not have.

The old man who discovered the silver cloth at the gerlach summer palace gets a
difficult face and listens to his adopted father.

"Although you need vigilance, even if you can prevent magical attacks, other shocks
and other things can not be prevented.The effect will be great if you only prevent the
first hand that assassinations and first-person seek out, but as an armor Cloth will not
be very useful "

I can not cut with Stap's sword, but if it is a blunt weapon the shock will be transmitted
as it is and magical power passes normally in the part not covered with cloth. Said the
old man as useless as armor.

"Dear Father, are you talking to Ferdinand in detail?"

"Oh, I talked when I went to check the hidden room, I told you I wanted to get it and
research if possible."

According to the adoptive father, the people of Ranzenae seem to be completely

different from the royal family who is drawing blood of Jurgen Schmidt and the locals.
When I heard various stories, it seems that it looks slightly different from the facial
features with brown skin.

"I was a little surprised because I saw it for the first time, since the majority of
Ranzneravs are local people, they said that when they come to Jurgen Schmidt it
makes me feel strange."
"What kind of place is Ranzenerav? It feels like I'd like to go once. Ah, but I want to go
to another territory before. Also at the House of Lords, I hear the story of my older
brother and sister I am looking forward to going. "

I also nodded greatly in the words of Melchior.

"I am the same thought, Melchior. What kind of books are there in Ranzenerav? I want
to go to the library of Ranznerav, of course, I'm also interested in other libraries of
history. Long Dunkel Ferger and Klassenburg libraries have lots of nice books. "

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...... I was enchanted just by imagining it.

Charlotte smiled with a troubled face when I was enchanted to think of the many
books lined up.

"... ... The thought that turns to the sister's library has been fully transmitted, I think
that it is not the same as Melchior."

I am laughing and devoting to Tsukkomi of Charlotte who is shocked.

Dinner was over when I heard stories of Ahrensbach from my adopting father. Even
if you tried listening to Ferdinand's story, it was terminated with "read the letter for

"Is there a letter from Rosemain, Ferdinand in the baggage? It seems that there is a
letter by Reti Zia somewhere in it, so that we will respond as early as possible"

1438 | 2523
"I was told by the adoptive father, I have to write a letter early and write a reply, but
since I sent the letter containing the letter to the library, I will go to the library
tomorrow I will go. "

When I return to my room after dinner, I will tell my aides about the schedule of
tomorrow. Otilie gazed at the box packed with plenty of cloths worriedly as "How can
you sort out this sort?"

"After choosing the noble colors of each season that is suitable for me by the side
workers, will you choose a foster mother, Charlotte, mother, Aurelia cloth?"
"You have to hold a tea party in order to hand me the cloth, but what do you do?"
"Huh? A tea party?"

It seems that it is said that it is said that it is better to give each individual as much as
possible, not to compare it with other people or to give impressions like things like
being good.

... .... Ooo, it's awkward. I can not do tea party many times just to distribute souvenirs!

"Otily, I have chosen a tea ceremony for each and I invite them and I have not enough
time to hand it to that person. Please think about any other methods."

Aikari guys know best that I am busy taking over and can not take time for tea
ceremonies many times. The servants thought of what to do.

"It is not easy to ask a big foster mother who is hungry, but after choosing my part,
why do not you give all your foster mothers, and then distribute it to everyone?"
"It's not very good, it's not a gift from Rosemain, but a gift from Florentia."

Considering factions and power relations, Otirier said better not to break the form of
a gift from me.

"... However, since I will leave in a year, I think that it is better for you to deposit with
a foster mother for the formation of a later faction, as now the most unstable position
is foster mother."

1439 | 2523
I did not notice at all until I heard it at the tea party with Hartmut, but in fact, the foster
mother is the biggest problem in our dissolution of engagement.

Vilfried wanted to cancel his engagement. He said that he did not want to be in the
next Aub. I am convinced that my hope has come true as the position becomes
unstable after dissolving the engagement. Charlotte and Mel heol were also pleased
that their options increased in the future, so there is no problem.

However, since the foster mother had had a back shield of Reisegang so far I was going
to be the first wife of Villefried, I was standing firm. I knew that the real child became
aub and I could affix a noble family of Reisegang system through the adopted lady, so
there was no problem even if I accepted Brünhild to the second wife.

Even though the year of Brunehilde is close to me, even if I can have a child in
Brunhild, if I have a child with Wilfried, it is clear that Lisegang will give priority to
which one. I was able to welcome him to welcome him as his second wife.

However, when Wilfried's engagement is dissolved with me, all premises will
overturn. The nobles of the Reisegang system will all go to Brünhild, and if a child is
born there, the possibility that a child who adopts a foster mother will become Aubu
will fall considerably.

"...... Rosemain is a nobility of Reisegang and does not give priority to his own aide
Brunhild. If we resolve her engagement with Virfriit and resolve adoption with Aub,
then Ehrenfest Relationship that remains in your home only ... ... That is, it will be a
connection with Reisegang. "

Otirier quietly gazes at me while asking me. I got a sight from the aides as they waited
my answer. I understand that my answer greatly affects the movements of those who
remain in Ehrenfest.

"I want to strengthen the position of my foster mothers and Charlotte,"

While looking around his aides many raisegang aristocrats were rather clear, he said
clearly. I do not want the adoptive position of the foster mother to become unstable
nor the fact that Charlotte who chose to remain in Ehrenfest as a coordinator becomes
unfavorable position.

1440 | 2523
"Bruhn Hilde wished the second wife to put Raisegang together and stabilize
Ehrenfest, I did not want to threaten the position of a foster mother.I am not a
Brunehirde but a foster mother who is the first wife I will support you. "

My mother also became unstable in the position due to the second wife Mrs. Tordelide
who is backed by great power and was bothering me with generations. I will not
blame my choice.

"... Certainly, let's leave these cloths for Rosemain-sama half and leave the other half
to Florentia."
"Do you leave half as well?"

I would be good if I picked up the noble color of each season. When he said that he
was half and blinked, Otirie laughed mockily with cusp.

"Oh, are not we down to the aides?"

It was not entirely in the head. Certainly, I should probably work on the aides that I
always try harder than my foster mother. After having my own choice, I ask the aides
to take their favorite cloth. And I decided to give the rest of the cloth to the foster
mother all with a letter of your wish asking "Please share this person."

The next day, the side took a single Gray tear, the civilian and the escort knight went
to the library with everyone. There are also sorting of condiments and spices, and
Hugo 's exclusive chefs are with me for preparing lunch and dinner. Lazarfama
greeted me, as I got contact with Aldonan in advance.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

"I'm home now, Razzfam. I will sort out the packages that are arriving here. Are the
materials transported to the workshop? Then read a letter in a hidden room and write
an answer as requested by Ordonants I want to put a desk or stationery so that I can
do it ... "
"Everything is ready, if Rosemain opens the hidden room, we will be ready right

1441 | 2523
I confirmed that the chefs headed to the kitchen with the guidance of the underwear,
and I went to the workshop with Razapham at the top. As instructed, baggage is being
carried into the workshop.

"Please clear the material of this box with the civilian officers and follow them
according to Hartmut's instructions.Men's escort knight as well please help here. It
may be impossible to carry with Clarissa or Fileline "

When all the civil servants are mobilized, Damuel counts as a civil servant. Honestly
speaking it, Damuel is poor, so all male escort knights are collectively helping. Because
it is stored in a high place or there are heavy materials, it is convenient to have a men's

"I will read your letter in a hidden room and write back an answer so please classify
and clean up the materials, do you know the classification of the material and how to
store it?"
"Of course it is. Please leave it to me."

Both the temple and the library, the Ferdinand of my workshop was in place, so the
arrangement is the same. Haltmut and Clarissa are clinging to the fact that the
placement of the workshop is perfectly understood, so leaving it to two people would
be fine.

I asked Gray Tier to have a letter picked up from the box containing things sent from
Retityia, and told Razapham to go to my room on the third floor speaking.

"Because it's a sharp thing, I'm planning to include this table and stationery for the
moment, is it okay?"
"Yeah, there's no need to prepare new furniture."

I nodded in Rashapham and opened a hidden room. The hidden room here has a
magician with a chair and Ferdinand "very well" entered. I disliked being touched by
other people, I took a leather bag containing magic tools in my hand, once I left the
hidden room. Then wait to have tables and stationery prepared in hidden room.

When the table entered, they asked Gratier to have inks and paper brought from the
castle and let me write a letter on the table. Disappearing ink is also prepared.

...... I am perfect.
1442 | 2523
"Well, you can read it, it's enough if you only leave Angelica as an escort knight.If you
need it, please help each other later on sorting your luggage."

When I entered into a hidden room by myself, I immediately started reading from
letter of Lettiaia. It was because he was told that his father would write a quick reply.
Separately, Ferdinand's letters are not going to be postponed because they seem to be
lined up.

The cute Shimiru magic tool with parents' voices was very happy, initially I did not
know how to use it for Ferdinand at what timing, but what Juistocus demonstrated
and taught me is It is.

"Thanks to Justoc, you can now use Sumil's magician well ... well, imagining it is
surreal, is not it?"

When you think of a scene that blows out white stubble of white shmir while saying
Justok in Education Ferdinand "I am right now" or "Let's use it at this time", carved
laughter comes up .

My voice from Sumiru "Please do not praise me occasionally", Ferdinand surely will
talk about praise with a bitter face that is disgusting. It seems that Ferdinand will get
a strange hit with Ferdinand when you are looking at it, so you want to see it from a

"Even so, Reti Zia is hard to have sweets .... Ferdinand, I will give you a bit more

When I finished the Spring Lord Conference, it is written that suddenly education has
become tough. I do not know because the reason is not written, but it seems necessary
for Ahrensbach. Even if I understand it was always said that Ehrenfest 's sweets and
Semir' s magical tool that Ferdinand always give me a reward are supportive of the
mind and it is essential for overcoming a difficult education.

"... Well, this may need new sweets"

To make it easy for Ferdinand to pass, I put cookies and small cut carcass in small
pieces and put them in a bag, but I prepared items that I can not carry unless it is a
magic tool that stops time like ice cream or tiramisu You may be better.
1443 | 2523
For the time being, Retitzia wrote that I am grateful to me very much, and it seems
that Ferdinand wanted to deliver a thank you together this time when I send back the
item of thanks.
And, as I was worried about what I should send to thank you, it seems that Jusutzkku
suggested something such as seasonings and spices, which is likely to spread in
cooking. Somehow it seems to be on good terms with Justoks.

...... No, there are no doubt that they are easier to hear than Ferdinand and Eckhardt.

"Because things that are not in Ehrenfest may not know how to use it, we also enclose
the recipe of the dish of Ahrensbach who heard from the chef, as advised by Justkus
.... Like Reti Zia, Majiko!"

I sweep through the enclosed recipe. Because it is only materials that I do not know, I
do not know what kind of taste is possible unless I make it for the moment. Let's hope
for Hugo's efforts.

...... Is it okay to send something with seasonings and spices you got from it?

I would like to try tasting as I send new sweets so that I can learn a little bit of fun for
Reti Zia, that I am delighted with the magic of Schmir and I will make new dishes with
new seasonings I got sent Write.

There seems to be a reason for Ferdinand's education to be tight, and Retízia seems
to be convinced. I can not say irresponsibly that I will make it more gentle to retizia.
At the very least, I will ask Ferdinand to lower the hurdles of compliments, so it would
be best to advise me to have a lot of compliments.

...... Rethi Zia may need a recording magic tool with "very well" entered.

When you finish reading all letters of Retizia, it is time to read the letter of Ferdinand.
There are many items, so I'm sure there is a little word on some of them, I think that
there is a compliment to any one.

"... ... From which one should you read?"

1444 | 2523
My heart is exciting and I cut the seal. When spreading out with a crap, it was lined up
with words.
First of all, there were words of scolding that negotiating with the royal family as to
give hidden rooms to fiancées was very insane, or that they were worried too much,
such as winning by negotiating direct collision avoidance.

It tells why a fiancé is not given a room, and how it is seen from the surroundings if
given. Apparently I was supposed to put a man in the bedroom before marriage to
Dietlinde and imitate it like to compel with the royalty to have a marriage in
Ferdinand yet to stay with Dietlinde It seems to be.
Ferdinand said he felt his head when he heard that he wanted to give a hidden room
with royalty, whatever he wanted to do with Dietlinde even a bit.

...... Ooooooo! I did not mean such a thing!

It is said that Dietlinde was relieved to each other by having prepared the room away
from the West for his safety. However, it seems that the room was hardly given until
the funeral was near, so it seems that moving work was really hard as it was to move
the room during the busiest time.

Because the room where Ferdinand was given was the room that Georginé was using
when it was the third wife, if Juistoku and two elder brother Eckhardt do not detect
the poison, it will shake several kinds of detection drugs It seems that Aleansbach 's
aides were made to don.

... But, I also understand the concern of Justochs and Ekhardt's brother. I have to check
everything carefully.

I confirmed that there was no evidence of poison, I told that I moved to the whole
room after Vasshen. Meanwhile, Ferdinand seems to have remodeled the hidden
room into a workshop.

"Because I moved the room, the distance to the office became farther away, and from
the reunion of Georgine it got even farther, Justkus got harder to get information and
I could live without a hidden room, but as soon as I could work the studio It is a fact
that I wanted to get, so I will not question this time .... I wonder if you've been writing
quiet scolons until now! Where is the question?

1445 | 2523
Fun! In the meantime get angry with your letter. It is necessary to match the meaning
of Ferdinand and the meaning of "underestimated".

"Besides, because sleeping in a hidden room is better than sleeping in bed, this time I
want a chaise ... It was very comfortable to use when fighting against the territories ...
... that meander, I It is a guy who asked me to leave instead of myself, but if you have
a place to place it, let's move it, or can you just order a new one?

For the time being, I realized that Ferdinand wanted to enrich the concealed room life.
However, it seems that it will not come out of the hidden room seriously, so after
listening to the opinion of Yusutokkusu and Ekhardt 's brother regarding the
installation of the chaise longue. Let's do so.

In addition to the letter written about the hidden room, there was a letter written
about the situation of Ahrensbach, centering on Ranzenerav's visit. It was content that
seemed to be about just before the funeral began.

When telling the king's decision to refuse to accept the princess of Ranzenerav, the
circumstances where the messenger of Ranznerav was tampered conveniently, and
Dietlinde sympathizes with Ranzenave and it is very troublesome It seems to be

I tried to establish a meeting place for the royal family and Ranzenae during the
funeral and trying to conquer the magic stones exporting to Runzener in the time of
this magical deficiency as well as trade, It seems that it became a mess. Because it was
too bad, if Ferdinand thunderstroke, Dietlinde did not repent but "I do not really love
me!" And obviously argued that there is a meaningless argument, there is a messenger
of Ranznerav It seems he jumped out to the building.

"I am in trouble because I can not understand why such words came out of what kind
of psyche, I do not understand to anyone who was in the room.One people who have
changed, do not you have anything to communicate with ...? Well, I do not understand
it, either. "

With everything happening everything, thanks to the fact that Dietlinde liked the
grandchild of the king of Ranzenerav, I could concentrate on my work and I could
afford a little feeling, but the amount of work is still comparable It seems that it has
increased to an extent that it does not become.

1446 | 2523
"Mr. Dietlinde, how bad it is, is not it ...?"

It seems that Georgine is struggling to Isa, and to take back Deit Linde which goes in
and out frequently from the messenger 's house of Runznerab. It seems that the
appearance of Dietlinde coming back to the castle has been witnessed many times by
being taken to Georgine.

Dietlinde's behavior is so bad that although Retazia's education must be tougher,

inside the castle seems to be gathering together to make retizia the next awful as early
as possible.

... Well, can this be said thanks to Dietlinde?

And, as the adoptive father arrived, letters from the arrival of formulation tools and
materials were only written about magazines.

The highest quality magazine of the sample I sent is of unexpected quality. It is a recipe
that uses magical power too much in the preparation process and makes your head
hurt. With magical tools that have used magical powers so far, it will be difficult to
make a reasonable reply. As a result of looking through the recipe, there are written
that it was strange that it was too much waste and it was frustrating.

"For the reasons above, I made a rapidly improving recipe, as if to send me a blended
paper prepared in this way ...... I thought what I was doing in the workshop last night
and what I was doing, It is good to do after such ??? Ferdinand's stupidity! "

Because it makes a huge request of 300 sheets of the highest quality magazine, it is
written that reasonable plausible reasons should be secured for as long as possible to
prepare, but during the funeral period the body It should not be reason to have to live
a life that is likely to destroy.

He also sent the necessary materials for the new recipe. Most of the material that was
packed in the box seems to be a material for making new demon paper. There was no
turning back for me, souvenirs or anything.

"Wow, Ferdinand Mr. The request to the royal family is insane, but the hidden room
was delightful, and I should honestly say that it has been a while since I could not stop
stopping for a long time!"

1447 | 2523
Things that seem to have been very enjoyable when you are absorbed in the research
after a long absence can be read from letters written as irregularities of blending of
ingredients and materials irrelevant to the recipe. Tension is high evidence.

The recipe of the new devil written on the back is written with disappearing ink. It
shines with what I touch, so I copy it on another paper.


The last word was not a recipe. I put a pen and stare at the word.

"I would like you to tell me about your Gedourculh ......"

I did not know what it was written with.

Is Gedululhi used in the sense of hometown or is it being used with another meaning?
How should I answer? What response will come back to which answer? The more I
think about it, the less I realize it is.

Perhaps you know that you will leave Ehrenfest a year later? Or perhaps it is predicted
that it will become the temple of the central temple from the movements of other
territories' cones. When thinking about such a thing, Frédé and Ferdinand's face came
to mind in my mind.

It was terribly quiet and expressionless completely excluding emotions. A thin gold
eyes that are directed straight ahead and a voice that is cold as if cold air drifts from
the feet say to me "Do you want to become a king?"

"I do not want that, because what I want is to read books."

That time I replied. But now I can not answer easily.

"If you want to help Ferdinand, you can get a Gurtris Height and be king."

Right now my feelings are getting stronger. And I had no consultation with Ferdinand
and moved to action. Already I am a candidate for the next Tent and I plan to acquire
Gurtris Height as a kid 's adopted daughter before the next lord conference.

...... Mr. Ferdinand, what do you think?

1448 | 2523
I was afraid to think what Ferdinand thinks of my choice and I can not answer about
my Gedoururich. Avoid answers and write answers in letters and leave the hidden

"Three hundred sheets of magic, according to Ferdinand's recipe, I have to make it"

I can not prepare for Ferdinand instead of Ferdinand if I become the next Tent, and it
is certain that I will not be able to exchange letters if engaged with Sigiswald. Perhaps
the creation of this magazine will be the last interaction with Ferdinand. The time I
can move freely is decreasing by moment. Rather than thinking now, I would like to
spend time in fulfilling Ferdinand's request.

... ... I will give you the answer, after the magazine paper is made.

I put off the problem.

1449 | 2523
"This is wonderful, I will learn a lot, I do not use expensive materials as much as
possible, the skill to increase the quality by suppressing the consumption of magical
power seems to have a big difference in experience as well"

When I looked at the improved recipe of Ferdinand I copied from the letter, Hartmut
spewed with an admiration sigh. It seems that by using materials and procedures not
noticed by Hartmut and Clarissa, we are greatly lowering the magical power and
expenses necessary for blending the highest quality magazines.

"To that extent, the procedure of compounding has increased, and the kinds of
necessary materials are not increasing, either?"

The Ferdinand improved version recipe takes a bit of effort. When appealing that my
recipe could be done faster, Hartmut gave a bitter smile.

"Unlike Mr. Rosemain, which is rich in magical power, if me and Clarissa make it,
Ferdinand-san recipe can be made faster faster."

It takes too much time to mass-produce gold powder that is absolutely necessary for
my recipe, and without the recovery medicine, I can not move on to the next process.
It is said that my recipe can not be made by other people because not only gold
powder but also materials and formulation of recovery medicine are needed.

"Although Rosemain's recipe can not afford a lot, we can also help a little if we are a
Ferdinand-like recipe that carefully combines materials to compensate for quality."

It seems that it will be a formulation of the amount of magical power at the level where
senior civilian author can finally reach out with improved version of Ferdinand. I
understood how my recipe is consuming magical powers and how badly Ferdinand

"According to this recipe, Ferdinand seems to be doing the last synthesis, is not it?"

1450 | 2523
Clarissa who looked into the recipe said that. If you look closely well, what Ferdinand
is seeing seems to be one step before the last synthesis. It seems that you want us to
prepare the magazines to make it, not three hundred of the highest quality magazines.

"It would have been better for those who did the last synthesis with their own hands
to be efficient in terms of both magical and material aspects, since they got a studio
with Rosemain's care, so did not change it?"

In the words of Hartmut I nod. By doing the last synthesis on your own, the amount
of noncombustible paper required changes. Because my workshop was obtained with
Ahrensbach, Ferdinand was able to do the important process with my own hand.
Therefore it seems that there has been a change in the instructions.

"Because incombustible paper is expensive and rare, I would like to reduce the
amount used as much as possible in order to reduce costs."

Clarissa said so, turning his eyes on the incombustible paper kept in the workshop. If
you think that Ferdinand will make the amount you specify, it is not enough for a
minute now.

"Rosemain purchased all non-burnable paper at the Printant Shokai, what do you do
for missing parts?"

Clarissa mutters as to how to get all the things that can only be purchased at the
Plantin Shokai, but I wonder how to get it. I saw clothes and clarissa.

"What if I do not have anything to do ... if nothing can be done"

"The material seems to be scarce, but what do you do?"

Clarissa asked me with a surprised face, but I smiled nicely and shook my head. I will
not answer all of them here.

"We are still a secret now and we are only planning to teach people who can keep a
secret, so let's clear up sooner and we can not prepare it unless we have the

I sort things given from Reti Zia with Gretier and gradually taste the taste of
seasonings and spices while watching recipes of letters and dishes. Hartmuts tidied

1451 | 2523
up thinking about the arrangement of the materials so that they can be easily
understood when preparing the next time.

"Rosemain, this material has finished tidying up. What can we do after this?"
"I will return to the temple - preparation of the starring rituals is also necessary and I
have to hurry to hand over, so will I be in trouble if I and Hartmut have not returned
to the temple forever?"

It can not afford to leave the temple for too long. I will let Yudit deliver the letter reply
written in the hidden room to the castle and let the seasonings and spices and recipes
of Ahrensbach be carried to the shrine's kitchen.

"Can you think of new dishes again with this seasoning?"

"Well, I just tasted it little by little, but I think I can have a new taste."

If you mix spices, I think that you can make some curryy items. I'm going to be
bothered by why to compensate for missing peculiarity, but it is also a little fun.

...... I wish I had time to worry carefully.

When I returned to the temple, I called Fritz and asked me to pick up the fruit of Tau
before being picked up at the Star Festival. After the star festival, it becomes difficult
to pick up tau fruit in the forest.

"We need 50 more sheets, please pick up the tau's fruit with plenty of time and then
remove the children with magical tools when heading for the collection of tau fruit
Something happened in the forest I will be in trouble. "

If you go to the forest for the purpose of picking up tau fruit, if you get hurt and flow
in the blood, there is a possibility that it will be serious. As long as something happens
in the forest, it will be serious, no matter what within the reaching temple.

"Let's separate the person who makes paper from the studio and who goes to the
"Well, thank you.Please do not put out the noble's child when hunting a Japanese
cedar, I do not intend to widely notify about sea cucumber."
"Certainly yes"
1452 | 2523
...... I am accompanied by me a famous associate.

Since Fritz was excellent, three days after asking, the fruit of tau was prepared. I got
Mattias and Laurenz, escort knights who have been devoted to their name, and then
brought along with Hartmut who insisted on accompanying, I went to the backside of
the orphanage after a long absence. When I come to the back side where there is a
gate leading to the downtown, I want to go out to the downtown as it is. After gazing
at the gate for a while, I headed for the gray priests preparing for thrombus hunting.

The center of the fruit of Tau packed in a basket and gray priest Hatchet The scenery
with the knife like it is not a rare thing to me, but for Matthias and Laurentz it seems
that the gray priest possesses weapons unusually.

"Rosemain, what is this, what will you do?"

"This is a nutshell, it is a material of incombustible paper ... From now on, I hunt the
material ...... The sight seeing from now, please never tell me the information I got here,
this is an order."

When I ordered hidden gems to keep confidential, everyone moved for a moment.
Perhaps, I think there was something magical. After confirming that the three people
nodded with a delicate face, I approached the gray priests.

"Fritz, are you ready?"

"Yes, Rosemain, as the children are working at the orphanage, we will not come here."

In the words of Fritz, I nodded "I am saved" and looked up at Matthias and Laurentz,
who are wary of the surroundings with only knives.

"Then, with Matthias and Laurentz, when I throw this fruit please hold me back and
go back, because Haltmut is waiting on the back, at least on white stone pavement."

I asked two of the escort knights to take over with me and retreat and I stood with
Laurentz at the boundary where white cobblestone and soil were exposed. If thrown
from here, the fruit of tau absolutely falls on the earth. It will not fail unless you throw
it behind.

1453 | 2523
Because there are gray priests who are serious lookers who have knives in their
surroundings, Laurentz has become quite nervous as an escort while watching the
surroundings. But their eyes are only pointing to the trees as they emerge from now.

I reached out to the prepared basket and grabbed the fruit of tau one by one in both
hands. You can see that magical power is being sucked. Is it because my magical power
has increased since I feel like I do not have much flowing quantity than I used to do.
It was awfully fruity and seeds started to grow stiff and it became tougher. At the
moment when I felt a slight heat of germination, I throw a fruit of "taught!"

"Anyway, Nyutyutsuki!"
"Wow !? Trombe!?"

Trombe hunting that surprised the three who accompanied was over with a close.
Both physical strength and magical power are increasing, but it is not too burdensome
for me to germinate, and the necessary branches have been obtained.

"It is impossible for Trombe to hunt so easily"

"Although it is said that a knight is not a black weapon, he can not hunt ......"

Matthias and Laurentz were shocked by the commoners' defeat of Trombe, but they
just cut branches that began to grow. It is not like getting into such a shock.

"Knights hunt only Trombe who became out of hand of the commoners, and when
growing up it is not a black weapon, it's not like holding your head because you can
not beat it."
"By the way, why does Rosemain keep this thing a secret?"

Laurentz tilts his head, I do not know well the reasons why she must keep it
confidential. I propose to notify the Order that Tau's fruit becomes Trombone and
better to crush Tau's fruit before danger.

"There is not a big disadvantage as it is as it is today because there are festivals where
the citrus of the downtown picks up the fruit of the taught and it throws in. As the
knights ruined the forest of the downtown to crush all the fruits of tau, It is inevitable
for people who are looking forward to the festival everyone in downtown is losing. "
1454 | 2523
If it is possible for the knight to collapse and the knights can not be picked up after the
disappearance of the star festival, there is also the possibility that the forest will be
full of trombe. Because it is doing well as it is now, you do not have to do extra things.
The fact of the tau of the downtown forest will be collected by the people of the
downtown, so let's leave it.

"I do not think that there is no problem because the Knights will disappear only those
things that the commoners have failed to pick up and remain without being crushed
by the wild forest beasts."
"But, if there is a lot of magical abilities, is there no fear of becoming a big mess?"

I waved my concern about Hartmut and denied it.

"It will require a lot of magical power to germinate the fruit of tau. Well, if you are an
adult of a lower aristocrat who studied magical compression in the aristocrat, you will
be able to germinate it, but it's a body that has that magical power There is not much
to eat and we do not germinate on this white cobble. "

It is dead before such an age as to be able to go out to the festival so much with magical
power, and there is no danger separately for throwing in the city.

"Since there are many nobility children in the present orphanage, there is the
possibility of causing germination to some extravaganza.Because it is dangerous, I am
not planning to hunt for grass at an orphanage after myself is gone.The soldier And I
will keep merely asking soldiers to let them know that the young branches I got from
the forest in the forest are sold at the Plantin shopping mall. "

It is good to hunt at an orphanage as it is an expensive item, but it is safe first. I intend

to exclude danger as much as possible. Besides, a child who has magical tools and aims
at a noble family has to collect magical powers in magical tools even by using recovery
drugs. It is not the case when using magical power for hunting Trombone.

Besides, it is impossible to germinate with the magical power of a child who can not
aim the aristocracy. It is also evident from the fact that Dirk was playing with
everyone on the day of the Star Knot ceremony until last year and did not germinate.
Children in orphanages who can not tell the method of magical compression can not
germinate Trombe. If it becomes an adult, it is about that one may become
1455 | 2523
If you learn at the aristocrat and get back to the temple as a nobleman it might be
possible for Dirk, but you should not be able to use magical power for hunting

Long ago, everything that Beno told when he tried to replace Trombe as a magic tool
to live for eating lives on his mind. But, without mentioning it, I turned around Fritz.

"So, Fritz, hunting for orchards at the orphanage is over today, from the next one
happens to be hunted when you encounter in the forest, or you happen to buy from
people who hunt, because it will be a big income source I want a lot but safety is the
best ... ... When I use the paper with this, I will buy it through the Plantin shoes so
please deliver it to my room. "
"Certainly, Rosemain-sama"

It will not be long before the Trombe hunting in the temple is over, it is a rite of star
knotting. It is a busy day as it is done in the temple in the morning and we have to go
to the castle this afternoon.
From the morning of the day I will change into the ceremonial clothes of the temple
and do rituals. After entering the prayer room and going up to the platform, I could
see the appearance of Zach. It seems to be born in autumn, to assume from the place
that is wearing ocher seeming clothes. A child brimming with the noble color of the
spring next door will be a bride. The hair ornament has become a thing incorporating
your noble color and Zak's noble color.

According to the information he had heard from Rutz, she seems to be a childhood
friend under the age of three from Zach. It is said that he was a child who kept it for a
long time while conscientating Zak's idea of being immersed in discreet but solid
people who are absorbed in new things and interests. When going to another town, it
seems that Zak was looking forward to thinking what she would bring home.

She said that she was worried about Zach who would go to another town during the
spring to autumn, that her parents would get married to a foolishly or choose to marry
another person to another. Zak who is not open mindedly to part from her decided to
get married soon, it seems he came to today's ritual.

I hope happiness will fall over to Zacks.

1456 | 2523
To be conservative, discreetly, I was paying attention, but a little more blessing flew
than usual. If it is about this you can do it with love. While looking up at the black and
golden lights that could be played near the ceiling, I was dripping cold sweats,
considering the next ritual.

...... It is the next ceremony, Tuli's adult ceremony. Is it alright?

From the afternoon it is a rare ceremony that moves to the aristocracy and a star tie.
There are also feasts for unmarried adults to search for marriage parties after the star
knotting ceremony. Brother Cornelius and Hartmut have already fiancés, so they are
present together with their fiancé. And it seems to introduce heterosexual friends to
friends without opponents or irresponsibly support those who have intention.

Damuel getting on as an escort for a lesser bus when moving to the castle is dropping
in the passenger seat. Because only Damuel has no opponent in my adult aides. Every
year, I was caught "It is this year ... ....", but it seems that spirit does not enter this year
as well.

"It is impossible for me to get married, Rosemain sama"

Damiel muttered that marriage is hopeless because it seems that there are few lower
aristocrats as it seems that there are few lower noble people if it leaves to the center
for many years until now.

"Is not it good to be single, I can live if I have a book?"

"Although Rosemain may be satisfied if there is a book, I would like to get a regular
marriage, I am envious just to have people who are happy married."

The closest aides to a familiar are love love, friends of the same age are all married. It
seems that a friend of mine friends will have a baptismal ceremony in a few years. By
the way, when I leak such a thing among the aides, it seems to be said that Damuel is
single even if my child has a baptismal ceremony with a smiling face that seems to be
not at all evil.

...... Hartmut!

"Besides, I can not go to the center unless I get married."

1457 | 2523
"... If you want to marry so much, you have to wait for Phyline to become an adult."
"Mr. Rosemain, I have been told facing from Phyllin that I am not going to marry me,
please stop poorly imitating orders."

Although it is a crisp face, Damuel said so with a heartless or depressed voice. I tell
myself to tell myself that it is a different thing to consider as a companion in the future
who is going to be a senior in the same position.

"Is it about when you married as one of the means to take Conrad?"
"……That's right"

It seems that Damuel interpreted it after all being swayed. When I heard a talk from
Phyline, I thought that Dahuel which can be adjusted variously on the back is cool, but
when I look at the present figure, I worry a little whether Phyline 's eyes are okay.

"Filine is not a position like a little sister who is caught up in Damuel, he wants to be
a single woman who can walk next to me, so if he wants to seek Darryl from himself,
Philline said "
"Would you marry me from Fillyne ?? ... ... No, I will not be deceived."

Damuel becomes a look of expectation for a moment and starts warning immediately
afterwards. I wonder if there was something so deceived related to marriage.

"I do not throw up a lie separately, but Philline said that she would refer to Clarissa
who had been married to Hartmut, in the future Dharmel could receive a marriage
that would be threatened with Messer in the future There is sex. "
"Please say that it is a lie!"
"I'm not lying,"

Such is, Damuel groaning with a head, but I think that I became much better than when
I was littering as desperate.

"If you look at the time, I think you may marry from Damuel before you get married,
though, I think."

Threatening If you are afraid of marriage, you only have to move from Damuel first.
As I laughed with a small laugh, Damiel opened his mouth looking at me.

"Rosemain's ... ... what do you want me to do?"

1458 | 2523
"What do you mean, you can accept a filigree's proposal, or you can marry Phyline?"
"No, it's about my move, you asked the Risaizer to come to the center, right?"

While asking for the Rizerator, Dermael asks.

"I am in trouble with judgment as to whether I will be useful as a lower knight when I
go to the center or not to disadvantage Rosemain, how is Rosemain asking me?"

Even the escort knight of the owner of the lord, Damuel has been shattered repeatedly
at the back door. I was told that from a young age that a long-term relationship is hard
to let go, but around the time I go to the center my appearance is that of a young girl.
It is said that I brought a single lower knight from his hometown and heavily used it
can cause strange rumors.

"It was different if I was married, but now I think that it will lead to bad results for
Rosemain, may I help you by going to the center?"

Damuel said so and dropped his shoulders.

"My aides are better aligned with those with Damuel, I am also buying skills to explore
weak magical powers and I think that being a knight but also good at writing jobs is
also a beauty point ... and, It is the longest association in my aides, so it is encouraging
to stay with me. "
"Well, that's right ... I'm sorry."

Damuel scratches his cheeks as if he was shy. I will keep going forward, thinking that
I want you to stop as this will be too shy.

"But Filigne will remain in Ehrenfest until adulthood and the shrine relationship with
a short transition period will not worry.The printing relationship also makes me
worried if I can do well with the people in the downtown even after I was absent I am
thinking so, and I also feel that I want you to stay in Damuel. "

Being able to receive Ferdinand's education for the longest in the temple, to be able
to advise him to put printing relations on track while helping Henrik, to protect
Phyllines becoming an orphanage chief from danger, and until acceptance in the
center is decided, Gutenberg Damiel is a qualified person when considering such as

1459 | 2523
"I intend to keep as much as possible, but even if I go to the center or remain in
Ehrenfest, Damuel will never be easy, so I left the choice to Damuel, whichever Damuel
chooses me, I I am happy. "

Damuel who had been thinking for a while raised his face just before he got to the
castle. You can see the color of a clear decision on the gray eyes.

"Rosemain, I will remain in Ehrenfest"

If Philline really comes up with a proposal, she moves to the center with the adult
Phyllene. If I can not get married, it seems that my honor will prevail and remain in
Ehrenfest as it is.

"I am pleased that you made a decision ... ... But, Damuel, it's cool to say that it is more
masculinary to marry himself from me and deprive him of the heart of Phyline than
to wait for a husband?"

Damuel who was striving to catch up with Magical Compression without pretending
to be for Brigitte and to catch up was cool. Ultimately, although it was a tragic love, it
was cool enough to become a book.

"I think that he will surely be delighted by Phyllene and his mother"
"It is enough for Elvira-sama's book to be one time!"

1460 | 2523
As a mother advised before, as I advised my mother earlier, I handed over the
wiretapping magician to my grandfather and asked me to keep Damuel secretly
saying "It's a secret wish to everyone" did. My grandfather accepted it pleasantly,
which is greatly appreciated. When I reported it to Damuel, I was delighted with a
shaky face "very helpful".

And a few days after the end of the star knotting ceremony, I returned to the temple,
I took Darmel to Melchior, suggested to teach me to remain in Ehrenfest, and to make
it a counselor. I will be under the grandfather but I will assist with Phyline and I can
also help Melchior.

"If you would like to help the temple, it was not Bonifatius, I could have accepted ... ...."
"If Melchior likes Damuel and it does not return it will not be a problem. Is Charlotte
and Melchior aiming for my aides to get an excellent aide?"

After I moved, I was asked secretly by Charlotte whether they could take in my aides
leaving in Ehrenfest. Especially civil servants are excellent because they are also
recognized in the upper ranks, so they seem to want to capture them. However, it is
troubled that Phyline scheduled to move after adults and Damuel scheduled to move
by marrying Filledge and move (not decided) are taken.

"Sorry, but I will try to train my aides while my aides on Rosemain sister are in the

Melchior seemed to give up as an approach as an aides, so I stroked my chest and

returned to the temple room. And after the move I told my aides that a strange fighting
underwater was taking place to capture my aides.

"Because I helped Mr. and Mrs. Arub's work, I have expanded excellence, I know that
the lords of the family want to take in."

Since the adoptive father orders so as not to inform others, there is no negotiation on
the front. However, when I move, there is a high possibility that a solicitation battle
will start.

1461 | 2523
"Even though Filrisines do not have Rosemain, something might be necessary to show
that they are supposed to serve Rosemain if they grow up."
"If there are accessories with Rosemain-like crests and magic stones, it may be easier
for Filines to claim who their own lord is, it is hard for a lower aristocrat to continue
refusing solicitation from a lord's family"

It can be said that it is cheeky to refuse the request from above. That's exactly the
same for exclusives who will be taking out of Ehrenfest, Leonore said.

"I do not know who sprinkles impossible hardships who need to distribute it to let
him know about him while Rosemain is coming."

Apart from the amulets we handed out to the commoners, it seems better to have
someone with my crest embedded in it. It seems to be useful for arguing that it is my
exclusive in the center.

"Since adoption with Aubu is resolved, it is not the crest of Ehrenfest, but Rosemain's
emblem is necessary, is not it?"
"I already have it if it is my coat of arms"

You can just use the emblem of Rosemain Studio. That is my coat of arms that will not
change even if we resolve adoption. My coat of arms that I thought with Beno and Fran
from hair and ornaments of trees and flowers which are the materials of the book, ink
and plant paper.

"What should we shredder the emblem?"

"I think that things you can wear from the usual are the best, is not it good that things
that are hard to be robbed by others like rings and necklaces are good?"

...... It's hard to get robbed ... Well, it's important.

"I, the easiest to machine, is a magic stone, is it okay if you mark a crest with the way
you magic champion when you made amulets?"
"Well, I guess it's good, you should be careful, it's the size of a magical stone, Rosemain
is going to make the same thing together in both the aides and exclusives, but
commoners and nobles The difference between the exclusive principal and his / her
family needs a difference.If you head towards the center, there will be some people
looking with severe eyes. "
1462 | 2523
I pointed out to Leonore that I nodded. I thought that it was honest and troublesome
... but such a difference is important for the nobles.

"If Rosemain, distribute it to the aide who remains in Ehrenfest, please do not forget
about me too"

Because Yudit has self-asserted, I accept it with a bitter smile.

"If you just inscribe a crest on a magic stone, it will not take long, so let's finish it
quickly, please contact Franc, Gilberta Shokai, I would like to order hair ornaments
and costumes for fall."

...... Turi gives it before the ceremony ceremony.

Upon entering the concealed room with Mr. Fufu, and Hanazaki, I chose a magic stone
of each side, exclusive, and exclusive family. Is it good for Philene, Damuel, and Yudit
as far as the aides remaining in Ehrenfest? Since Otilie and Brünhild are not planning
to come after them, it will be a problem if you get things indicating that they are my

Gutenberg is still behind because I still do not know who will come with me. Turi and
mother, then choose rosina, fugo, Ella manastones. Families are Dad and Kamil, then
Ella's mother's part is needed.
Fugo 's family will remain in Ehrenfest, but Ela' s mother said he chose to go with him.
Everything seems to take care of the child so that Ella can return to work as soon as
possible after the child was born. I wanted to quit my job of female salary, so I heard
that this time the ship was a ship in transit.

...... Is the size and number good this way?

I put out my own writing board, gazed at the complex emblem with a flower, changed
the Stap with Styro and drew it with magical power on the magical paper made from
the devil. At the completion of the first piece, I breathed a sigh while watching the
number of magic stones prepared by myself. Drawing the same emblem a couple
times is hard. There are letters and symbols in the magic team, and there is no
problem because there is no difference in effect even if it is slightly distorted, but the
emblem is only a picture. A slight distortion is very conspicuous.

1463 | 2523
"This crest, if it can be copied if it is easy, it is easy ... ... like this when you were using
a tablet with a finger you can specify a range at the start and end points ......"

I do not have anything, I hit tongton with my fingertips on the magical paper in the
sense of the Rei period to designate the start and end points. My magical powers
spread thinly, and the range as I imagined was specified by magical power.

"Wow! I made it!"

Light yellow magical power is on the magazine paper. This may possibly make copies
as they are. While trembling with excitement, I stare at the part specified in the range.

"Maybe you can copy it as it is, do it? ... OK." Copy and Petan! "

I put in a spirit and move your finger while looking at the area you specified. The
emblem was split. It divided into two parts, one in the original place and one moving
in accordance with the movement of my fingers. Then, when moving to the blank part
and specifying the ton and the moving destination with the finger, the second one of
the emblem was formed there.

"Great, amazing! Is this serious convenient, is not it?"

Taking a career, I will copy and paste as many people as I need. It is complete if you
inscribe the emblem co-ordinated with a magic stone with magical powers. At the
same time, turn another magic stone into magical power and deform it, and make the
Vatican section to pass strings and chains. With this you can easily acquire even

"I made it in no time"

I stared at the man - made stone with an emblem that rolls in front of my eyes. Using
this Copy will make the manuscript very easy. If you copy and paste, you can increase
the number of books one after another. With this, I am not afraid to marry Prince
Sigismwald who does not have a book. You should be able to fill the library in Rikyu
with books.

"Everyone is a manuscript plan! I, genius! Wow!"

1464 | 2523
Exciting from the workshop in a sudden, I teach everyone the great discoveries of the
century. But, for some reason ordinary paper could not copy. It was not possible to
designate the range of magical power unless it was magical ink written on demon

...... Oh no! You can not use it as a manuscript! The manuscript plan went momentarily
by everyone!

At the same time, when I tried to teach everyone, I noticed that the spells that were
registered for the first use were wrong. Nobody other than me knew it, so it can not
be helped. In Jurgen Schmidt, the official spell of Copipe became "Copy Cetepetan".

...... Ahhhhhh! failed. Even I know exactly! Properly "copy and paste"!

Anyway, it was done. Give it to Yudit, Damiel and Phyllie who was able to do it and
was on the spot with a manor stone containing a crest of the hoonyophile.

"It is my coat of arms, it seems to be effective if you show it when you are told to serve
someone after I am gone."
"I am afraid ... ... It is thought that it is better to distribute this man-stone with this
crest to Haltmuts, because it is necessary for the remaining person and the exclusive
person of the commoner, but I certainly have one Please think. "

In the words of Damuel I promised to carve a crest when the Hartmuts prepared their
own magic stones themselves.

It was three days after the completion of the manastone with a coat of arms, finished
by Kirinna and Turi from the Gilberta trading company.

"It's an emblem that I accompany to my excursion and accompanying my family, so I

made it so that it is necessary to clarify who is exclusively at the destination to prevent
pulling out at Ehrenfest. It is part of the exclusive Turi and Efera, and this is Günter
and Kamil's companions'
"Rosemain, this is ... ...."

I shifted my eyes to Corinna from Tauri saying that a little favor would pass, I smiled
with Nicoli.
1465 | 2523
"Please tell me when Korrinna, other handwriting accompanying hands are decided,
I will prepare for that person.I already handed it to my exclusive chef and his family,
exclusive musical performer"
"Certainly yes"

Tauri who knew Corinna smiled nods and not only themselves stroked the chest like
a relief. I gazed at such a braid of Turi. Tuli who is hanging her hair is looking at this.
After the adult ceremony at the end of summer it will raise your hair as an adult

...... I also have plenty of chest. I am still petty.

My body, which is tightly packed with magical compression for Entwickeln performed
in the blending of devil paper and autumn, has stopped growing again. After making
a magazine and Entwickeln, I will dilute magical powers again.

...... What is close to an adult ceremony, is it about time for marriage partners to
decide? Turi gets married ... .... I am married ... .... I do not know who the other party is,
but I do not want something! My tuli got married!

Imagine without permission, punch in imagination to a man who becomes Turli's

marriage partner without permission. If you take my turi you should beat about one
shot! My mindful feeling came to my mind.

"... Rosemain, have you been treated?"

"No, I just thought of a bit. I will leave the design of my hair decorations to Turi as
before, so make them with the finest threads I'd like to use Tuli's hair ornaments for
a long time"

From now on, I would like you to make something of quality that will be attached even
if I become a adopted child of the king. It is sad that you will have to go down and be

"Tuli's adult ceremony is over now, did you prepare costumes and hair accessories?"
"Yes, I made my hair decorations with my mother in winter, so it's supposed to go to
an adult ceremony not from my parents house but from Gilberto Shokai."

1466 | 2523
Costumes and hair accessories are too luxurious to get out of home in a poor city. It
seems that it is supposed to be met with parents in front of the temple. I can see the
faces of my father and mother in the door for a while.

...... The tension has risen!

"I will give you an oversized blessing for Turi,"

"It's not as good as everyone, it's not a good idea to do too much, as it is rumored in
town that there was bias in the blessing of the temple by Gutenberg's marriage, the
other star festival the other day."

... .... Ughu. Even though it was just a little.

Anyway, the same as everyone, I got stabbed. If I leave it to my mood and bless you
will definitely get biased. It seems that we have to seriously study measures.

While gradually advancing the preparation of magazines in the library's library, I

asked my aides about blessing measures.

"How do you adjust the amount of magical power to use for blessing, for what?"

I should put Hartmut and Clarissa saying that they should do with the Baburn at full
throttle like the saint. It seems that the temple of the temple giving blessings to
everyone does not favor well in the downtown, and if I do too much, replacing
Melchior will struggle. Besides, from Turi there is an order "everyone is the same". I
must do the same with everyone so that Turli will not be hated.

"It is difficult to suppress blessings to me who bless you arbitrarily when you leave it
to the mood, but it is also important that you be a blessing enough to become a model,
as the blue apprentices will visit them."

My brother Cornelius who thought a little about my words raised his face.

"How about doing blessings with magic stones? There is a memory that Ferdinand
was using a magic stone that was taken out at the star knotting ritual at the boundary
gate with Ahrensbach ...."

1467 | 2523
By Cornelius' brother 's point of view, I remembered that at the wedding of my
brother Lamprecht' s wedding, I used a magic stone to "prevent too much". That
method certainly can be used. Leonore who accompanied me as an escort knight also
smiled, "It is a good plan."

"If you show a state of blessing with a magic stone, I think that Melchior will be able
to bless in the same way because Rosemain restricts magical power and Melchior
gives the same degree of blessing as Rosemain, and the purpose is different Is not it
possible to adjust the amount of blessings by using manastones? "

In the words of Cornelius elder brother and Leonore I made my eyes shining. If you
use a magic stone, you can settle a solution to Melchior who fulfills the wishes of Turi
and worry that you can not do similar blessings, and can become a model for blue
apprentices without making any mistakes. Perfect.

"It is wonderful! Let's use manastones"

And the day of summer ceremony. I handed the manastone to Hartmut who enters
the worship room ahead of myself. It is a manastone who has adjusted the magical
power by practicing blessings several times. With this, the amount of blessing will be

"You can pass this manastone at the time of blessing"

After reaffirming the flow of Hartmut and the ceremony, I will wait for Hartmut to
enter the worship room. Melheol, who was watching the ceremonial blue priests
entering the worship room, muttered, "I am a little nervous because it is the first time
for us to participate in the ceremony."

"Oh, today it's a tour so it's okay if you do not feel so tense"

Today is also the day the blue apprentices conduct a ceremonial tour. Today is only a
tour, so the apprentices who wear costumes for blue rituals are standing side by side
next to the wall. It is good if there is no noise.

"If you think that you do rituals at the harvest festival, you will be nervous by all
1468 | 2523
Melheol 's words nodded blue apprentices together. I can not understand that I can
not afford to fail at the autumn harvest festival. Even just being able to turn a cold
view as a child of a criminal, it seems that we can not fail to fail.

"I feel tense is important, but I do not have a body if I am nervous from now, I hope I
do not even have to make a big fuss about today. Please pull out my shoulders."

It seems I was not able to understand tension in a place I called. I am trying to smile
as usual, but blue apprentices entered the prayer room with a somewhat stiff face
with Melchior as a leader.

After a while after seeing everyone, the "door of the temple, entrance" opened the
I will enter the worship room with a scripture. The first thing I saw on the stage was
Turi. To be exact, others were not visible. Turi with eyes meet with me a little bit
turning his face as he laughs.

... .... Well then! Tully, beauty!

Blue-green hair that has been braided in three braids and has been swinging on his
back has been brought up. And red is drawn on the lips. Turi had become an adult
female all at once. I wonder whether it is knitting the hair of the side. It seemed to me
that the hairstyle was stiffer than the surrounding ladies.

It is my hair decoration that decorates Tuli 's hair. It is made with hands of improving
Turi, so it seems to be the most beautiful of the women who are going for adult
ceremonies. And since two are inserted from the left and right, it is very conspicuous.
However, hair ornament itself is not a flashy one. There are several small flowers, and
there is a neat atmosphere.

The color used for that flower was the same as the first hair decoration I prepared for
Tuli's baptismal ceremony. The shape of the flower, the quality of the thread, the skill
of the person who made it are completely different, so it does not look like the same
thing. However, hair ornaments with the same shade as hair style with knitted sides
are obviously aware of the time of baptism. It reminds me that the hair ornament I
made together with my family was origin.

1469 | 2523
Blue sky is not to float in the downtown, and it is a simple one piece of blue so that
you can wear it in the future. However, unlike wearing clothes with surroundings
embroidered in a single color, I use a cloth dyed by my mother. Since it is fitting to
Turi, I used a similar gradation, although the flower pattern and color are different
from the costumes I have. I'm glad that it is a bit like a match.

The finger of Turi moved to the chest. There is a manastone with a coat of arms that I
just raised shining. Birth of Turi I gave a manastone of blue according to the season,
so it seems that it was difficult to see it overlapping with costumes.

...... Oh, I'm already glad that something makes me cry.

To awake my tears, I also turn my eyes on my surroundings. I could see the pink head.
Perhaps it is a face. You surely did a baptism at the same time as Turi. There are blue
apprentices lined up in that corner. I can not show you the way I fail.

While unconsciously isolating from Turi like that, I do an adult ceremony. I received
it from Hartmut and gave him blessings.

"Heart of God Leiden Shaft Listen to my prayers, give your blessing to the birth of new
adults, give them blessings for you, give their thoughts Prayers and thanks and give
you sacred protection."

Blue light comes out of the magic stone, blessing and falls on new adults. It is an adult
ceremony of blessing as much as everyone as ordered by Turi. Turi looked up at the
light of blessing as it was relieved and then smiled at me like "I made it well".

...... You did it, me.

When the ceremony is over, the door of the worship room is opened. Beyond that
door, as expected, there were fathers and mothers. Kamir who has not finished the
baptismal ceremony still seems to be an answering machine.

I thought it was a pity, both my father and mother showed me with a smile with a
crested monster struck down with a leather string from my neck. I can see that my
dad smiled saying 'I will follow you properly'.

1470 | 2523
It is my wish to move the whole family. There were no people who knew the
relationship between me and my family and Hartmut was examined. There is a
possibility that someone else can pin down. If you leave it in Ehrenfest, you do not
know how it will be used. I do not know how to runaway if my family is used, so I
decided to move to the extent that I can reach out. It is my witness, but my family
accepted it with a normal face.

When I am happy I love swirls in my chest, magical power swells up. It was late when
I thought it was bad. The blessings of Pahu and the blue light rain in amounts that are
not comparable with those of the ritual.

"What, is that !?"

The new adults who exited from the door looked back as a bit and the priests who
were about to start picking up let out a surprise voice as "Wow! The blue apprentices
who were standing side by side along the walls opened their mouths with their pokan
and gazed at the light of blessing.

The torture of Tauri who looked back at bass and vigorously hurts. Blue eyes are
angry with eloquence "What are you doing, Main!"

……I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I did not mean such a thing!

While scrubbing, I desperately think of excuses. But, with a head that turned white,
no excuse for embarrassment arises.

"...... Oh, with a bonus blessing .... Oh, no, it's different ... I thought about showing the
example of blessing that does not use manastones to the blue apprentices I am
watching ... .... Ho ho ho ... .... "
"A wonderful role model, Rosemain Mr."

I wonder if the words of Hartmut who is in touch with the emotions have been
followed up by everyone on the spot. I think that it is not getting. My father and mother
look like they can laugh, but Tully 's face is scary.

Failure at the end of the last, the Turi 's ceremony ceremony ended.

1471 | 2523
The autumn baptismal ceremony finished without fail, after which he brought the
magical power to the castle several times to accumulate the magical power for
Entwickeln. Because there is no tasty restorative medicine with Brenuuce, it is
everyday that is accumulating magical power while using gentleness regularly.

And inside the temple began to flutter in preparing the harvest festival. There are
figures of blue apprentices preparing careful preparations for the first harvest
festival, such as arranging a carriage and luggage, selecting the side to take along, and
checking rituals done in rural areas.

As autumn harvest festival accompanies civil servants for tax collection, I think that
old Veronica children do not want to feel so bad. Although I am planning to pierce a
nail into a civil servant for the time being, there are things I can not do anywhere in
my eyes out. A meeting will be held to decide who goes to where and where a blue
priest and a blue apprentice combination will be decided.

"As Philline succeeded the orphanage director, he became an apprentice for the blue
shrine maiden, are not you going to the harvest festival?"

I was asked if Melchior would bring Phyline to the Harvest Festival and I replied "I
will not let go".

"Yeah, I got a replacement for Phyllene to lower my room and side, because now I am
in a shared state, there are no sideways or exclusive chefs for Philene to go to Harvest
Festival. , It is an underage, unlike other blue apprentices it is not unless winter can
not pass unless you participate in Harvest Festival "

It is absolutely necessary for their winter preparation to dispatch the minors' blue
apprentices to the harvest festival, although there are also a shortage of people.
Otherwise, we will not send minors to the priests. By the way, since Melchior is a
candidate for a lord, it is a separate frame because it will be traveling to a direct
jurisdiction even if it is not a blue apprentice.

"In order to avoid situations where there are no people at all in the temple, I will leave
Phili Line to the harvest festival and I will leave an answering machine."

1472 | 2523
When talking about such a thing, Aldonants came into the meeting room. A white bird
gets off in front of me. And he started talking with his adoptive voice.

"Since I got a little time, I will do an interview three days later and submit a report on
my child who will have a baptismal ceremony as a nobleman in winter"

The blue apprentices gaze at Ordonants where they repeat the same words three
times. Because there are children with brothers in the orphanage, you will be
wondering what kind of treatment will be treated by the orphanage as a nobleman.

"There are two children of the age who receive baptismal ceremonies as aristocrats
from this year's winter from the orphanage.The report will be given to Rodelichi
returning to the castle, thank you."

I said so and returned my adopted oldonants. Bertram and Dirk are the only children
who can receive baptismal ceremonies as a nobleman this winter. There was a child
of the same year, but one was returning to her parents and the other was dropped by
Hartmut's interview and could not get a magician. It is not qualified to be a baptismal
ceremony as a nobleman.

After finishing the discussion on the harvest festival, I returned to the temple room.
Then, please use Monika for use and contact Vilma for the date and time of the
interview, asking to receive a report on the two people. Then I called Laurentz under
training at Aldonants. An important interview will be held that determines whether
the younger brother Bertram will be able to receive the baptismal ceremony. I thought
that I would like to put a word as my older brother.

When I was reading the report from Vilma, Laurentz came.

"Rosemain, the date and time of the meeting was decided and Aldonant ... ...."
"Well, go to the orphanage and give a voice to Bertram, because we will receive
Alexander's baptismal ceremony as a girl without parents, after the baptismal
ceremony, we will be with the brothers and sisters There is nothing to be admired,
but still I want you to care as much as possible. "

1473 | 2523
In terms of aristocratic society customs where parents are determined by baptismal
ceremonies, Bertram becomes a child without parents. It is not a brother of Laurentz
worldwide. At the time of entering the orphanage it is a natural society to be told that
it is not my younger brother.

"To be recognized as excellent in grades, you can not receive baptismal ceremonies as
nobles unless there is no idea of revenge and other willingness to serve in Aub
Ehrenfest. Vilma's report According to Bertram, there is nothing wrong with the
performance and the attitude towards life. "
"Is that so"

"Although I do not know about thought" to Laurentz who strokes my chest like a relief.
In an orphanage I seem to be doing my best trying to be a good girl, but I do not know
if I will show obligation to Aub.

"I think it is difficult to catch my parents and serve Aub who put himself in an
orphanage without any obscurity, but if you think to live as a nobility from now on,
you will be forced to give a name. Please tell Bertram well, let me swallow it. "

Tell me how Laurenz who gave a name in association with the execution of my parents
is living now, how they feel about their adoptive fathers, and how they handle
emotions I ask you to give it. I believe that Bertram, who thinks returning to
aristocratic society, can fill up his own imagination and reality groove.

"I thank you for crushing my heart to the children before baptism, so it is not amusing
to be abandoned at all

I wish I could help more, but my reach is not wide. And I have been told not to extend
my hand too often.

...... I hope to save even a little.

"Rosemain, do not you have to talk to Dirk?"

"Well, Phyllie. Dirk need a little more practice of Fespiel, but there is no problem other
than that."

It is recent story that I started to practice seriously since I got a magician. According
to a report by Rosina, who sometimes went to see an orphanage practice exercises, it

1474 | 2523
seems likely that if you do it seriously you will be able to perform a baptismal
presentation. I am not too worried.

"Haltmut is interviewing about ideas once, I think that there is no problem if you can
say your opinion dignifiedly to Hartmut and set goals, unlike other nobility children,
I understand that I am benefiting from the lords of my family to live in an orphanage,
so I do not particularly doubt my loyalty. "

Rather, worrying about Dirk is what to do to live as a nobility and to acquire common
sense as a nobleman.

"It is common sense and no mental attitude as a nobility that is not enough for the
orphanage-raised dirk. Please tell me as much as possible. I will not become a modelor
at the lord candidate, I'm a candidate."

Dirk is a child of someone of the former Veronica and is said to be from an orphanage
while living as a nobleman. A lower nobleman's way of living would be more useful
than the common sense of the aristocrat who I knew as a candidate for a lord. Philene
nodded "I will do my best."

"Please also ask Damuel for guidance, then please deliver the report of Rhodrich.
Virma to the adoptive father"
"Certainly yes"

And the interview day. The adoptive father took the escort knight, the side worker,
the civilian two people to the temple. My adoptive father saw me with a severe face.

"It is most important whether it is useful or not for me, I do not want to take the
trouble for the unprotected people, since my life has been saved, so that no one will
speak out about further treatment"

I know that I think they are poor and that the lines and standards I want to save are
out of aristocratic society. It is enough to save you from the joint. It is also clear from
the fact that it is very difficult to save Ferdinand from a joint seat.

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"I know that how to incorporate old Veronica children is important to the lord
families, as I have saved their lives, whatever judgment my father adopts I do not say
complaints. "
"... ... That's right, if only you understand."

The adoptive father took a little bit of his shoulder and said so.
Then the interview begins. Dirk, Bertram and Vilma were brought in, Vilma first
reports on the two. The adoptive father who received the report listens lightly while
nodding. While having a serious light in green eyes and comparing Dirk and Bertram.

"It seems that they both tried hard enough, the grades are very good ... ... It seems
better for Dirk to practice Fespiel a little more until the baptismal ceremony, but
Bertram has no problems with respect to his grades."

I will cut off the words once and then look at Dirk.

"Dirk, who will be living in aristocratic society by being recognized as a child of

someone of former Veronica who is a criminal, I think that it will be quite painful life,
but will you still want to become a nobleman?"

Dirk nodded greatly with the dark brown eyes shining close to black.

"I hope, as I did Rosemain, I want power to protect the orphanage, which can not be
obtained with orphans.I want to be a noble person whatever painful thoughts do."

As I was talking about in Hartmut's interview, Dirk tells her hopes so hard and states
the words of gratitude to the adopted father who gave the magical tool. Dirk's eyes
have pure hope. Since my parents are not killed, there is no fragments such as dark
emotions against Aub.

"Even if you use recovery medicine you received for Rosemain, half of Bertram has
not been stored magical power yet, but it will definitely accumulate until you enter
the House of Lords."

Dirk 's straight feeling was that his adoptive loosened his cheeks a little, and at the
same time, he looked at Dirk to feel a little sympathy.

1476 | 2523
"...... The other side is considered a former Veronica school kid, so by the time of
adulthood it will be necessary to give a family name to a family lord, what do you think
about that?"

Old Veronica children are doing a name dedication in order to avoid joining, so blue
apprentices and those from orphanages are treated the same. Dirk is not a child of a
former Veronica group, but will be treated the same as it becomes a nobleman from
an orphanage. Dilk who got an explanation tilted his head with a blank face.

"If I can choose my own lord, I would like to make the main guy who will protect the

It is the orphan's life that you do not know what kind of aristocrat you will be brought
up, whether you will be bought, what kind of treatment is waiting for it later. In
comparison, Dirk says it is fortunate that even he can choose his own lord by himself.
Because the idea was fundamentally different from the nobility, the adoptive father
nodded while showing a bitter smile "so ......".

"Dirk, let's admit that he will be baptized as a nobleman of Ehrenfest"

"I am sorry"

I learned that Dirk said in a small voice saying "I did it." From adopting Dirk to
Bertram, the adoptive father moves his line of sight and gazes at Bertram.

"There seems to be something to say?"

Father adopts pressure with a quiet tone of voice to Beltram with his mouth stuck.
Bertram slowly opened his mouth.

"... Are really orphans like Dirk become aristocrats?"

"I said that you are an orphan like Dirk, but that person is also an orphan, they are in
the same position?"

As Bertram took up his adoptive eyes as if he gave it, he said "I am wrong."

"It is not the same as Dirk, I am Giebe Wirtle ..."

"There is no longer Gibe Wirtle who knows that another person is Gibe Wirtle, and
the one who is in the orphanage is an orphan.I am a guardian and a nobleman as a

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parentless child So it is the same as Dirk, and in the aristocratic society where parents
are decided in the baptismal ceremony, there will be no parents of any of them. "

Bauram, who was told that he was said to be the same position as Dirk from an
orphanage, was not regarded as a brother, either, he lowered his eyes a little bit. I
quietly breathe in an attitude that I understand even if I say it in terms of refusing to

"According to a report from an orphanage, it seems that you want to get out of the
orphanage as soon as possible, or trying to return to the aristocratic society where
you lived, but as a nobility I can not go back to my past life even if I get baptized. "

Bertram fist was gripped tight and began trembling. It seems desperate to be
passionate. But this reality must be swallowed.

"Even after the baptismal ceremony, my parents will not come back and the place I
live is still in the temple, I will live as a blue apprentice just like a little old-age
children.When I know that reality Are you ready to receive a baptismal ceremony as
a nobleman under my guardianship? Can you choose the Lord like Dirk? I will treat a
child of a criminal who does not show guilt to himself as a nobleman of Ehrenfest
There will not be "

With a stark look, he adopts Bertram. Bertram closed her eyes tightly.

"Is it possible to serve the lords of the lords who executed the parents, or not, which
is the most important. It is exposed to various rumors and malice at the castle and the
aristocratic center, knows the meaning of the association, Young people who can
appreciate the circumstances are also ready to choose their own Lord, but suddenly
they lost their families and the infants ashamed by Rosemain at the orphanage
without knowing the surrounding eyes thank for the current situation Will not it be
possible? "

After being silent for a while for a while, he said, "... I am grateful."

"It was said that parents who committed crimes from their older brothers are parents
and those who are bad are parents.I do not want to understand that living in this way
is miraculous, but I understand. We are alive with mercy on us. "
"Okay? I was told by my older brother ......"
"...... Yes, my older brother named Rosemain, but I would like to dedicate to Melchior."
1478 | 2523
She seemed to have thought that he could serve many times at the orphanage,
watching the situation of his studies, playing cards and cards along with blue
apprentices, or if you were in Melchior who cared for me.

"... It would be nice if you were considering sacrificing yourself, be a guardian of one
of them."

Bertram took over the strength of his shoulders in his adopted words.
Since it was decided that the two people will be baptized as a nobleman, we will decide
what to do with winter baptismal costumes and attendance, and roughly decide. The
costume is a crowd and attendance comes out from my aides, the temple of the temple.
From next year it will come out of Melchior's aides.

When I finished talking about the baptismal ceremony, the Dirks left the room and
talked about Entwickeln.

"Gletchel's Entwickeln will do after the birth of Florentia."

"Is it after childbirth?"
"Oh, I heard that Florentia is a recovery medicine and will rejoin and take part in

As a adoptive father, I do not seem to want foster mothers to participate in

Entwickeln, but foster mothers seem to intend to participate even after using recovery
medicine after childbirth.

"I am worried about the condition of my foster mother, are you ready for Entwickeln?"
"A design drawing of what kind of store you would like to make from merchants
arrived, the town was designed by civilian citizens and Gibe Greschel.The magical
power is accumulated to a certain extent.Thanks for re-acquiring magical
compression and protection Probably, to be honest, I was really saved. "
"It was good"

As the adoptive father got the re-acquisition of protection, it seems that it is able to
store magical power comfortably more than the initial expectation. Because I'm doing
my best to compress magical powers, magical power will manage somehow.

"Well, what do you do with the wide area Vasheng? There is no Ferdinand as well this
time, and I am unable to go to Greschel immediately after Entwickeln '
1479 | 2523
Even if you clean only the building at Entwickeln, you must clean the entire town with
Vasheng. While preparing to accept merchants in other territories, it is impossible for
the commoners to remove dirt sticking to them in a long time at the same time. Vashen
in the whole town is mandatory.

"... That's it, could you lend us Clarissa?"

In the words of my adoptive father, I sharpen my lips with "Clarissa?" Clarissa is a

fiancée of Hartmut and is still a Dunkel Ferger registered. Because I am giving my
name to me, it is good for me to work personally, but it is not meant to drive into the
business of the territory.

"I know that it is not very good, but I heard from Brunhild that I have a fairly effective
magic team of broad magic, and if there is assistance from Clarissa, the nobles of
Greschel, including Giebel · Greschel and Brunhild, It seems to manage somehow, will
you command us to go to Greschel on the day when Entwickeln is done? "

Since our lord families will be amongst our supplies, we only have to leave Waschen
at Grecher to another. And since Brunhild is not magical like me and Ferdinand, he
seems to be trying to do something with ancillary magic team and number of people.

"I told you to ask someone from the aides brunel Hilde, but I told Brünnhild that I
should ask for it from my aubu."
"Well, since Entwickeln is a business in the province and adopted by the adoptive
father, I think that it is correct to ask you from your adoptive father"

As I say so, I look at the adoptive father.

"I do not mind orders Clarissa to go to Grechell, but there are conditions."
"Let all of the senior aristocrats go to Greschel at the aide of the lord's family, probably
not only by the nobles of Grescher, and the lord's clan actively supports Greschel in
order to capture the Lisegang nobleman It is also necessary. "

I show an example of using Washen of wide area magic at the aristocratic Ditter and
can be a side job, a civil servant, a knight, so put out conditions to make many magical
people head to Grechell.

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"If you can not see the support of the lord's family, only Grechell seems to be doing its
best, it is for Ehrenfest to arrange Greschel.I am not convinced to send only my aides,
Not only Clarissa who is a registered cleric but also the aides of all the lord families
want to work hard.The one that has more people is easier for Entwickeln and the wide
area Vashen. "
"... OK. ... I will notify the senior aristocracy of the lord's family as to go to Grechell."

Since my adoptive nod nods, I will present Ordonants to Clarissa and talk with
Brunhild to order a plan for regional Vashen. Ordonants who came immediately from
Brunhild were blown.

"Rosemain, I received a call from Clarissa, so I did not think that the aides of the lords
would lend me their power, so it seems quite easy to wash the town."

The Ordonants from Brunhild were quite bright and they understood how Brunhild
was struggling for Entwickeln.

"In order to succeed I will also spare no help."

I will return the answer. Aldonants came flying again soon. I thought it was Ordonantz
from Brunhild, but Ordonants flew away to the adoptive father, not in front of me.

"It's Leberecht, Entrance du Gou visited under the ale Ehrenfest, Florentia."

The visit of the goddess of birth must have been felt. My adoptive father got upright.

"Please contact Melchior and you will be back to the castle immediately"

The adviser's aides begin to move to inform Melchior.

"Father-in-law, I am ... ...."

"Because he is not his brother, I will not be in the main building after returning to the
castle, if possible, please pray to Enteng Dugen here."

It seems that it may also give magical power to Florentia at birth. The magical power
at that time seems to have a big rebound if it is not a blood group such as a husband
or my son. It seems that I will not serve anything that I went.

1481 | 2523
I returned to the temple room after I took off my father and Melchior to return to the
castle in a hurry. Pray to the goddess Goddess Entner Doege in front of a small altar
in your room.
A few days later Melchior came back to the temple. It seems that it was a girl who was

Then a week later I was called to the castle. Entwickeln is done. Lord lords send senior
aristocrats of their aides to Greschel. From my aides Clarissa, Hartmut, older brother
Cornelius, Leonore, Otirie decided to do Wassen in Greschel.
In this way, Greschel was born into a pure white town with no stain.

1482 | 2523
Greschel 's Entwickeln finished successfully. While I could spend magical powers
during the supply of the castle, the aides of those who went Vuchen at Grecher tells
me the situation of Greschel.

"I went to Vasheng with a large group, but Greschel became beautiful instantly, it
seemed quite spectacular that water pours down all at once from the magic team
floating in the sky."
"From now on it is said that merchants ordered by Gibe to keep the beautiful cityscape
and merchants starting to carry the luggage to the second shop will be able to witness
the eye.The first team carrying the luggage of the woodworking studio It was said that
the carriage departed from Ehrenfest, Brühnhild. "
"Because the senior aristocrats of the families of the lords crowd gathered, Gibe ·
Grechele seemed to be very pleased, it seemed to be likable to the Aub who issued the

Brother Cornelius tells of the wide area Vashen, Leonore reports Brünhild, Otiere tells
us the reactions of Giebe Greschel and surrounding nobles.

"I tried descending to Greschel.The merchants who returned to their respective

territories after the transaction closed their expectations for next year's commerce
transactions in the state of Greschel, which is quite different from the way forward,
and the returning merchants reported If raised, it may rise to the topic even at the
lords. "

It seems that Hartmut and Clarissa went around looking around in a beautiful town.
It seems that a corner where shops with no door and no window frame stands was

"Thank you, Clarissa, I know that cleaning in the whole town is not quite different
without an assistant magic team. It was impossible for you to be a Dunkel Ferger
citizen, but it was very helpful."
"No, thankfully for your help, I am delighted that it seems that in this case, I was
counted as a Rosemain's sort of neighbors neatly"

1483 | 2523
Because Hartmut is in charge of the priesthood officer, he can not escape from Dunkel
Ferger. For this reason, work that is deeply involved in the territory is never normally
passed. I am helping but I did not put it in the temple, the lord conference ended, I
heard that I was worried that I really served.

"I am sorry enough because Clarissa just helped me prepare the magazine paper ... ...."

Still, it seems to be different from being recognized as my aide from others. Because
it was decided to go out, I think that it was good that Clarissa himself was obtained.

The season when merchants return to their respective territories is also the time of
harvest festival. In this harvest festival Charlotte travels around Gibbe who came at a
prayer ceremony, and it is supposed to operate in Wilfriit and me and Melchior in the
direct jurisdiction, the blue priests are turning circles with Giebe .

"Hurtmut is supposed to leave the nobles of Reisegang system that Brother Wilfriit
headed in the spring, but please do it."
"In addition to the direct jurisdiction, Rosemain is in charge of the takeover of the
small temple and the gibe in the vicinity of Kirunberga, so please do not be too hard."

I am quite busy because I have to take over the defense and hidden rooms of the small
temple of Hasse to Melchior and have to collect Gutenberg at Kilnberga.

Harvest Festival will bring Darmel and Angelica as escort knights as usual. Afterwards
the sideworks of the temple and exclusives. While looking at preparing for the harvest
festival as a work familiar to them, I allocate the work to the aides of my housekeepers.
Some take a leisurely vacation so that they can replace Angelica and Damuel who
came back from the harvest festival, and others are enthusiastically entrusted with
the temple's answering machine like the figine. For this age where the Lord is not
present, it is the optimum period for the preacher's lesson for the minor's aides, so I
encouraged him to study firmly now.

Ask us to arrange for a carriage and an escort soldier who will take the replacement
of the orphanage. The orphanage instructs to prepare for preparations for winter,
bamboo paper made at the workshop is bought through Plantin Shokai and is brought
to the library. While preparing for the harvest festival in that way, frequently to the

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library, I was spending time trying to make the Ferdinand's magazine as much as

... ... If possible, I would like to take it when I go to the lords. As before, if Ferdinand
can stay at the tea ceremony room at Ehrenfest in a game against the territory, I can
give it directly.

The day of departure comes closer while creating the magazines. The first departures
are the blue priests heading for the land of the distant Giebe at the carriage. Of course,
there are those who head with a young apprentice. Until now I have never let a
juvenile apprentice participate, so I can see that the blue priests are also confused.

"Campfel, Fritach. I will accompany a young apprenticeship of the first participation,

which will be tough with each other, but sincerely you are receiving baptismal
ceremonies as aristocrats, But there are no differences among the blue priests in the
temple, so you should listen to their seniors their words often. "

Let's say that children who do not know either the right or left by the first
participation are luggage so do not inconvenience. It is troublesome to go out and
bring out the powers of aristocracy in the absence of stoppers.

"I have stabbed nails so that civil servants of taxation do not handle it so much, but
now, there are many nobles of Reisgang system who are engaged in work related to
tax collection.The words to provoke or old There may be sarcasm and sarcasm for the
Veronika school, but please be careful as much as possible so as not to let the emotions
runaway on the spot and report it to me and Melchior. "

The apprentices who nodded with Kokuri because of the tension are getting into a
carriage with "I will go". A carriage carrying lots of luggage started to slowly depart.

When the priests heading to Giebe departed by a horse-drawn carriage, the next
person will move with a cowgirl, and Hartmut and Shallotte will be in turn in order to
send baggage and side jobs with a horse-drawn carriage. Send luggage first.
Charlotte came to the shrine at the departure, sent a little story about his newly born
sister, and sent out a carriage carrying luggage and gray priests. Charlotte himself
seems to depart tomorrow with the aides.

1485 | 2523
The last will be the departure of the lord of the lord who goes to the direct jurisdiction.
Send out Villefleet and send out Melchior's baggage. Mel Heol himself seems to be
riding in the cavalry of an escort knight.
I will send out the gray priests of shift workers heading for Hasse and greet the escort
soldiers. A father 's neck had a leather string and I found that a man - stone with a
crest was hanging on it.

"Thank you again this time"

"Please choose for me"

Even with such brief interaction it is nice to have words with my father.
After sending out the horse-drawn carriage heading for Hasse, I will send out a lesser
bus and have the side staff start loading loads.

"Rodemail sister's beast is useful, I want to be able to use it as soon as possible"

"According to Charlotte, it seems to use a lot of magical power to change the size, since
I entered the House of Lords, I have to start from where I work hard on magical

In my words Melchior shook my lip a bit unhappily.

"Because Rosemain's older sister moves to the center, I told my father that it would
be a generation not told how to compress the magical powers on Rosemain's older
"Well, that will be the case, since the conditions are not met because Ferdinand is
gone, this year we have not already taught myself to other people this year.Because I
can not stay in Ehrenfest, I think that it is better not to expand that contract further. "

As I heard from Matthias, Georgine seems to have done two-stage compression on its
own. Originally it is to think well and to do it on its own, and if I become a royal family,
I will also spread the underground library of the library. You should be able to try out
the compression methods there.

"To listen to stories to various people, to think carefully on your own, then to keep
your old words study solid, is this about my advice now?"
"I'm studying to read the scriptures, but it looks long before."

Melchior breathed out and shoulder dropped.

1486 | 2523
I head to the small temple on a lesser bus, open a hidden room and have Monica
prepare the room and get the exclusive chef to start working. After that, I took the
franc and the escort knight and headed to Hase's winter building.

"Richt, the temple of the temple will be replaced from next year, and today I brought
Mel heol to introduce it."

After informing the town mayor Richt that the temple chief will take turns, he will
perform ceremonies and observe the heated Borfe. Mel Heol goes to bed is Hasse 's
winter' s house. I checked tax collector and tax collection the next morning and then
moved to Mel heol and small temple. It is the start of handover.

"Melchior, this is a magic stone of the protection of the small temple, we will supply
magical powers twice, at the prayer ceremony and at the harvest festival, if you put
magical powers on until the color changes ... ... If the amount of magical power is
worried It might be a good idea to prepare the magical power for the magic stone, and
afterwards I would like to ask Charlotte and Wilfried's brother to register and
cooperate. "
"Rosemain's older sister was all alone going there."

Melchior made a slightly depressed voice, but do not compare the amount of magical
power with me who had been compressing magical powers of life every day. If you
are compressing with such momentum, it will become poor growth like me.

"Mel hear does not have to do everything all by himself suddenly"

After registering magical power to the defense manastone, we turn our eyes to those
who are handed down and the gray priests of Hasse carry all the furniture from my
hidden room.

"Which furniture do Melchior use? I will give up furniture as well as this hidden room
as much as possible. It is also worthwhile to spend money on items that are used twice
a year? Instead of putting new furniture here, I think that it is better to use it
elsewhere. "

Mel Heol was surprised for a moment because the lord's clan did not receive a going
down so much, but the side seems to be holding Meruiol's treasure show the
1487 | 2523
expression of relief. It has a budget for the temple, but it does not attach separately at
the temple of Hasse and Ehrenfest. It is not supposed to arrange a new room.

"It would be better to replace cloth products such as futon, but let's use wooden
furniture such as a table and a bed as it is, Mel Heol-sama, as Rosemain says, busy in
taking over, in a year We do not have time to pick and order suitable furniture in the
castle for things that only use times. "

Melchior said, "Well, thank you, I will appreciate it," said Melchior to the side that time
is not regrettable.

"Please carry things that Toll, Rick Melchior does not use to the carriage and take it
back to the temple of Ehrenfest"
"Certainly yes"

I will instruct you to bring things you do not use into the temple of Ehrenfest. Once
the hidden room was completely empty, Melchior re-registered. And we will also
bring in furniture.

"The interaction of the nobility's room is surprisingly much troublesome, is not it?"

The doors of the worship room were opened wide, and the soldiers who saw the sight
of the baggage coming and going said so. It seems interesting that circumstances are
different from delivery of commoners who just finishes passing keys.

"Because there is magical registration, safety is high, but it is awkward when giving
"Does your room go to succeed, do you really go to the rest of the place? Because
Günter moves with the family to be pulled out, I was surprised to start taking over ..."

It seems that my father also takes over at the gate to move with my family.

"Oh, it is still a secret to other people that I will move, so please be careful not to miss
it elsewhere"

Talking about Chirori and Father while talking about it, I talked with loaders of
luggage while exchanging nonconductive conversations with soldiers, talking about
Nora and Marte who are managing the small temple and replenishing of missing
things .
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"You do not have to worry so much, Marte. Even if I move, there is nothing to come
and go in the temple of Hasse and Ehrenfest, and the small temple of Hasse will not
"Besides, we also handed over the gratitude to the soldiers who will accompany you,
so please continue to do it."

The money to hand to soldiers is advised to Melchior so that they can sell it to the
adoptive father as information from the downtown. There is no budget. I just have to
pull out the money. I explained that something like that selling information gained at
the House of Lords to every part of the concerned place, I heard it with a subtle face,
so I will do my best and get out of my adopted father.

After finishing the handover at the small temple in Hasse, Melchior will go south and
I will depart to the east. We go around one after another with a coward and finish the
harvest festival in the direct jurisdiction, go around the summer pavilion of Huber,
Bron, Graz, Hirsch's Giebe, head towards Kilnberga.
Greet a letter to Giebe · Kirunberga, perform rituals and collect taxes the following
morning. After confirming everything and withdrawing Gutenberg, it is withdrawal.

"This time for a long business trip, thanks to everyone who participated for the first
time, how was it, Kirunberga?"

According to Lutz and Gill 's report, it seems that Yudit was handling much more
carefully. The first people were also puzzled by the difference in the land, and
sometimes lost physical condition, but the familiar people were able to work
comfortably and seem to be comfortable.

...... It may be better to have advice from Yudit to prepare in the center.

I return to the temple of Ehrenfest while listening to the work of Gutenberg 's work at
Kilnberga. And I handed the invitation cards I had prepared by Zam towards each

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"Because there is an important story, three people, Master, Gutenberg himself, and
those who are recognized as disciples from Gutenberg, come to the temple, the time
is the third bell five days later"

For those who can not read the letters read the text for the time being. This time, it is
easy to understand that the invitation from the aristocracy is exciting because the
disciples participate a lot. Now what? It is very different from Lutz and Johann who
are facing that.

"... ... that, Rosemain, are you going to join Heidi?"

It is Horace at Ink Studio, who asked me how frightful it was. I remembered that
Heidi's words were not accepted by francs and that Joseph was struggling to stop
Heidi, I thought for a few seconds and then I smiled nicely.

"Since ink studio is married couple and is Gutenberg, let's say that it is only necessary
to have either participation.If Heidi can be answering, I will hand over the material of
other territories that can be used for ink research as a souvenir to Josef , Please tell it.

As I say, Heidi definitely wants to keep an answering machine, Horace made her eyes
shine as if he was impressed.

"Sorry! Rosemain is really a saint."

……Huh? Is it to be touched so much to hold down Heidi?

It will be a convocation day while welcoming the blue priests who come back from the
harvest festival. Since this time we invite craftworkers from downtown, we decided
to use the orphanage office room. Because there are so many people to invite, let the
Nicolas prepare a cup of tea by increasing the number of chairs so that they can talk
at the entrance hall.

Beno and Marc and Lutz, the most familiar Plantin 'shoppers, are headed by
Gutenberg and the workshop staff who hold them with a stiff face. I know what it
means to the common people to step in the place of the aristocrat, so even if they just

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leave a greeting a bit, even if the left and right limbs are moving together, I will not
see it I swung.

Before we start talking, "Since it is a craftworker of a downtown that never touches a

nobleman, I do not care about some disorder of words and I will never punish." This
is also to solve the tension of the mothers' side, but the main purpose is to let my aides.
It is troubling to be stared at the middle of the way and to be blocked from talking.

"I have not invited anything else yet, so I have invited you elsewhere. Please do not
tell me what I'm talking about until the end of next spring."

I will tell you that you should come out of Ehrenfest at the end of the next spring and,
if you become an adult, want to come to Gutenberg to start printing there.

"I think that I am thankful that Gutenberg himself, if you come to the disciple, I would
appreciate it.Although ordinarily orders my exclusive, I would like to listen to hope as
much as possible. It will be restricted by marriage or engagement Because there will
also be immigration, I will not mandate migration, but as long as I can not immigrate,
long-term business trip will be forced because I am going to let you know the
technology on a long business trip as I have been. "

The parents showed a face of relief in the word that immigration is not compulsory.
It will be troubled if we are deprived of the trace that has grown up carefully. Beno,
who knows the story of immigration, is drinking tea in a shrewd appearance, but he
seems to have been heard for the first time Lutz opened the eyes of the green and
looked at me.

"Is it decided to leave Ehrenfest?"

"Well, I think it will not be possible to cover it."
"Is Gutenberg's move really three years later, is not she?"

...... Rutz said the same thing as Mr. Beno! Do not look at me with such doubtful eyes!

"I think that Gilberta Shokai and Renaissance, which is dedicated to clothing move,
will move with my move, so I think we will move at the end of spring.Plantan Shokai
also prepares the studio, prepares the shop, Beno told me to go ahead to make a
printing association.

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As I said that, when I turned my eyes to Beno, Beno gently nodded. Then, while looking
at other masters, I will describe the movement of the Planetan Shokai from now.

"I move forward and prepare to accept Gutenberg.I am planning three people, I, Marc,
Lutz, to emigrate from the Printemps business. Lutz needs to acknowledge my parents
as it is a minor So, I will officially decide after calling my parents and talking. "

Lutz laughed challengingly with the words of Beno.

"Parents will go with them even by persuading ...... I can not afford to lag behind Tøl."
"It is reassuring for familiar people to come with me .... But, unless I am an adult, I can
not move freely in other territories, so Gutenberg's move is three years later."

As I said, I was told that Ehrenfest, which I can take as I like before adulthood, was
special, I heard a voice that was unspeakable.

"It is not common for minors to become patrons even at Ehrenfest, although Ehrenfest
accepted may be special, but I think that the most special one is Rosemain."

In the words of Johann Gutenberg gathered together and nodded. As an escort knight
I have nodded until Dermel standing in front of the door. What is that. I am correcting
that Hartmut who is standing behind me is "special, not special," but that does not

"When I emigrate, my family may also immigrate. I have already received reports that
Gilberta Shokai's hair ornaments craftsmen, family couple, couple dedicated to
couples, and mothers to look after the children accompany them "
"Though consideration is appreciated, I can not go, I've always worked hard to have
my own studio in this city ..."

In the thought of Gutenberg, Ino said in a groovy voice. Ingo, who was struggling to
get a job with a young parent, was also struggling, but as it became Gutenberg it seems
that it is becoming a very popular workshop in town. Dapra has also increased, and
there seems to be many hopes for entering new.

There are patrons and orders besides me, and because the edges are made, I can not
go to the new land. I am able to move my family, but I also have an edifice, I think that
I do not want to leave my library where I have a library, so I can understand the
feelings of Ingo well.
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"Okay, please stay here, ingos"
"Thank you ...... Dimo, what do you do?" If you want to go, you can cancel the DaPra
contract, was it interesting in the other town?

As he looked at his disciples' simo sitting next to him, he said so. Dimo raises his face
to the voice of an ingo.

"Oh, Rosemain, if I go instead of the master, will the workshop be given?"

"Since the workplace is necessary, I will give the workshop, I will not be given a
qualification to be a master indeed, but I think that it will be easier to obtain
qualifications by bringing in printing that is a new technology to that place."

Dimo shined my eyes gladly in my words. Dimo has been involved in the making of
printing press since the beginning, so if you come instead of ingo it is reliable.
When Dimo declared that he would "go", Zach moved a bit like a fidget.

"Mr. Rosemain, would you order if you wish?" Dapla can not move easily without a
command.If it is said to the boss, it is not until then. "

Hey! Although the master of Zak's studio hangs his eyes, Zach seems to be full of
intentions to go. The gray eyes are shining brightly. It has not changed from the first
impression that we arrived at the workshop, like Johann want the title of Gutenberg.

"There are many interesting things when going to an unknown town, there are many
opportunities for thinking, and I want to put something my name on another city."

You can see my name with Zach everywhere in Ehrenfest, such as a pump of a well or
a remodel of a horse carriage. He wants to do it in other territories as well. She is quite
ambitious. Well, if you think you want to come with me, I will take you. Zach's idea
and design power are hard to replace.

"I understand. Even if there is hope of the principal, I will order it if the mother's
opposition, but please do decide after consulting with the newlyweds wife"
"He's okay, because he said he wanted to go with Gutenberg's move as well"
"The word okay is not to say easily until you hear it from himself.Sack always listens
to his wife's opinion.It's after that I will order."

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Even if we go about the movement of Gutenberg, we return to Ehrenfest once in six
months. Long-term business trips and migration to other territories are different.
Discussion is indispensable so as not to get into a divorce riot suddenly.

"I think Heidi definitely goes, but what do you do with the boss?"
"... .... Heidy is still Joseph, you are the trailer of Bellef's holding?"

Joseph and Bias began groaning with a head and head. It seems that it is more
problematic for Bias that Joseph will disappear than his daughter's Heidi. I thought
that Josef was "hmm", scratching his head as a gashagashi.

"Horace, you qualify for Bellef, can you get it?"

"Am I?"

Horace gave a blatant voice. But I think that it is impossible. Bellef is a qualification
given by the chairman of the association by requiring him to become a marriage and
leaving a track record that is recognized by several Bellefs belonging to each
association. If you prepare only the workshop it will be given to a professional in the
professional, which is also different from the chief director who is nominated.

By the way, the printing association and the Plant Paper Association are supposed to
be given to those who Beno approved for the moment, but the number of studio itself
is still small, and there is no Bellef as it is hard to do what was taught. As the minimum
period of tenure is necessary, I believe that the people inventing new paper at Ilkner
will qualify for Bellef.

"I think that it is easier for Horace to qualify than to hold down Heidi, so if you marry
Tana, the workshop will do something ......"

I do not know who Tana is, but it is somebody of the family of Bis who is the master.
In Joseph's voice there is no choice but to say anything. Stopping Heidi seems quite a
challenge. He nodded with a face of giving up.

"That's more realistic than stopping Heidi, I already know how to make inks, so it
would be better to keep an idiot with golden insects along with a patron."

For a terrible reason it was decided that the traceee girl could leave Ehrenfest. Horace,
who decided to take the place of the alternative, has a shaky look, but I want him to
keep up.
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"Because I am engaged to my granddaughter granddaughter .... Immigration to ... ...."

She looks a bit shy and Johan shakes her head. While looking at Johann with a slightly
subtle face, Master told me "Who are going to come out from my workshop, let me
think a bit."

"Let me answer through Beno later, because I am not in a hurry."

"I am saved."

An answer came through Beno at a later date. Apparently her granddaughter seems
to marry Danilo, not Johan.Than Johann craftsmen skin to the taciturn and silently
work, but so chat he is like better good at Danilo bright. And, also as a workshop, only
me and Danilo obtained also the patron what people in the Johann that there are no
major patron, if either the thought or put out to the outside, seems to want to leave
the Danilo.

"Miss Chan, ask earnestly Meet Johann, and seems to message from the master. Johan
seems depressed I want to emigrate with Rozemain like"

Gil told me to report so. While I think the Johann to pity, try side by side Danilo and
Johan in the head. Danilo's definitely to receive girl.

I because girls ...... minors. I've got a good point of Johan to Johan.

Huh, and if wears sigh, I opened the mouth while Gil is difficulty likely to say look at

"Rozemain like, I ......"

probably because just back from Kirunberuga who had been living surrounded by the
downtown area of the craftsman, the words are a little disturbed. It is or not than
being allowed to quit my personal attendant, and reminded the old Gil wanted
anxiety. I while will feel a little nostalgic, it took out a magic stone of heraldic from the

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"Gil is I will have to come after three years. If it is not unpleasant, please receive this.
Watakushi is the mark of those who take three years later,"

I hold out a magic stone of heraldic to Gil say so . Gill gave us received laughing happily.

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I handed down the manastone with her crest to Gil, so I decided to hand it over to
Nicolas and Vilma. Nicola is going to be moved with the adult of Philiane, because
Vilma will deposit it with mother and take it after adulthood.

Calling two people to the temple room, Nicola gladly said "I will do my best for
Rosemain sama no matter where I go" while looking at the emblem in transparent
manner to the magic stone gave.

"Will Vilma become my exclusive painter or is it better for my mother's exclusive

"I would like to be Rosemain's exclusive painter, Elvira is a good customer, but my
Lord is Rosemain."

Vilma smiled with Nicolle and took the manastone in his hand. Was good. When
laughing with Vilma, a bell ringing Hartmut's visit beeps behind the door.

"Rosemain, Charlotte seems to be coming back soon."

"Oh, it was earlier than planned, I will pick you up at the entrance, so please prepare
tea and sweets."

Charlotte is the last thing that came back to the harvest festival. I will head to
Haarutomo to meet me at the front door. Halft mouth of Hartmut who says "You
handed up a coat of arms to Nicolas and Vilma, too?" The manastone with a coat of
arms is also shining. I go with him, but I brought Clarissa and two manasts for two,
absolutely I want. In fact it is a thing to pass as a guarantee to those who will take
them later, so I think that it is different to pass it to Hartmut and Clarissa, but as
Damuel was worried when things that got the coat of arms were torn down, I carved
it. Hartmut is in a good mood.

"I am back now, my sister"

"Welcome back, Charlotte. What a long trip, was not it hard, how about some tea?"
"I will be pleased with you"

Invite Charlotte to the temple room and listen to the story of the harvest festival while
eating tea and sweets. Since the ceremony calling for the spring began to be held in

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the northern part of the country, the crop yield has risen steadily, and it seems that
the residents' lives have become quite easy.

"Since Gregchel's Entwickeln is over, next year we have told you that we may be able
to recreate the stage of the ceremony as soon as magical power gathers up.As long as
it takes a little time the nobility of the lords will be It seems to be able to incorporate
it into a friend "

...... Socializing of aristocratic relations is awesome for Charlotte.

While listening to Charlotte's report, Nicola brought us a substitute for tea. To the
chest is a magic stone of a coat of arms that got hurried by a string. Charlotte rounded
his eyes when seeing a gray shrine maiden attaching manastones that basically never
have accessories.

"Well, it's a coat of arms of the Rosemain Factory, right? It was also attached to
Hartmut earlier, but is there any meaning?"

To the question of Charlotte, I talk about giving it to the Lord as thought not to be
thrown away, so that those who take him when he is an adult will not be bought. At
the same time, Hartmut and Clarissa will go with them, but they also said they wanted
themselves and told themselves they brought a magic stone.

"My sister, I also want it."

"Eh? Charlotte? But that is what I have given to my aides and those who take me ..."

Charlotte nodded a bit shyly when I thought that Charlotte would not say things like
Hurthmuts and blinked out.

"Yes, I can not go along with my older sister and I am going to stay in Ehrenfest for a
long time, but that is something like a sign that my sister gave asylum, even if I am
away I am the Lord I thought that I want something to show that it is a sister even if I
separate from my sister. "

The word that I want something like a sister relationship rather than a master-slave
relationship hit my sister. Is not this a matter that I have to work hard in any way?

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...... Because it's a pretty sister's favorite! Is it? You say you want something to show
you that you are a sister even if you are away? There is no choice but to make! As an
older sister!

"What do you want, Charlotte? I will respond to your request as much as possible!"
"I can not afford to take away my older sister's time more than now. The decoration
of the metal left to the craftmen in the downtown is enough."
"To a craftworker in a downtown ...?"
"Oh, I do not need to be a magic stone, because it will be confusing to objects that show
master-slave relationship, so it is OK if the connection between me and my sister can
be seen from other people"

Charlotte says that the thing carving the coat of arms of Rosemain studio is enough
for coins of the size. Because the meaning is different between the master and the
sister, it seems better to change the material.
I discuss with Charlotte and decide the size and material, and draw the design
drawing. Then I asked Johan to call Gill. It will surely make you in the winter.

"Johan has good arms so I think it will make a nice finish."

"I am looking forward, your sister"

Once the harvest festival is over, it is preparation for winter. Since it is an accustomed
work, it is no problem if you leave orphanage and the temple room to francs. The
temples 'leaders led the Melchior and blue apprentices' winter arrangements as well.
Because the Lord basically stayed in the castle except during the period of dedication,
it will be their winter preparation.

Leave the preparation for winter to everyone in the temple, I will prepare myself. We
have to prepare the magazines asked by Ferdinand, prepare the necessary materials
for the library's schmir at the lords, and prepare cookies and sweets to send to
Ahrensbach. It will be around the time you sent it along with the reply from the letter
you got at the time of the funeral.

...... This time I will make use of the fish's soup and I will send you the Ahrensbach dish
which I made to my liking.

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For those who are accustomed to the dishes of Ahrensbach, it was a remodeling
condition that "I feel tasty, this is different, it's a fake!" But I do not mind.

"Even so, Ferdinand's workshop has quite a variety of materials, so why not bother
doing it all out without having to go collectively?"

While I was preparing magazines, Clarissa, who watches Hill Sur memoirs and puts
out the material, said that with a voice of admiration. It seems to be a mountain of
treasure for the citizen who wants to formulate it.

"There are many parts collected by Ferdinand, but it seems that there are many parts
that Justkus gathered in various places and brought them to souvenirs.I have not
given priority to preserving physical strength, but I can not do a god Ferdinand, It
seems I was collecting at the time of a prayer ceremony or harvest festival. "

While talking about such a thing, I use magic of shortening time and I am preparing
while staring at the recipe. Feldinand's recipe is troublesome as there are many
materials using procedures and procedures.

... ... It is fast if you cast gold powder in one stroke with bubbles and magical powers.

When I was preparing to head to the House of Lords like that, Ordonants flew from
Greater. It seems that we were able to secure costumes for Dirk and Bertram 's
baptismal style and clothes that can be turned to blue apprentices. I asked if there
were no children's costumes among the things they received from the former
Veronica school, they asked me to look for costumes that I could turn on.

"It is necessary to match once, when should I bring it to the temple?"

"Let's do it in three days, then we should finish the preparation at that time."
"I will do it five days after considering the day off."

As a result of the exchange of the Ordonants, after five days the side of Graytier and
Melchior would bring clothes to the temple. Because it was thrown from Aub, the blue
apprentices will choose the costume they need for Melchior's room. Costumes to wear
in the winter baptismal ceremony, costumes to wear when in the children's room,

1500 | 2523
those who go to the aristocracy have lots of necessary items such as black-based
costumes, coward clothes, blended clothes.

"I am going to dress with Dirk and Bertram at an orphanage"

I went to an orphanage with gray tears and servants and started dressing up Dirk and
Bertram at the children's room on the first floor. Both people also need costumes for
baptismal ceremonies and children's rooms. Together with the taste and costumes,
Gray tier separates costumes into two baskets.

"It is amazing that you can receive such beautiful clothes."

"Although you are wearing a baptismal ceremony, is not it quite cheap and old?"
"Oh, it is too disproportionate to the offender of the criminal, if only you do not like it
I would be better to tailor it myself.If you do, I have less time and effort to gather."

When Bertram turns around with a badge in unexpected words, Graytier gazes at
Bertram and laughs coldly. There was a clearly contempted light in the blue-green
eyes that usually tend to hide with bangs.

"I do not understand my position at all, Aub is not saving us from mercy and kindness
separately, in order to secure the number of nobility in the future, the offender of the
criminal is still quite a molecule If judged it will be immediately disposed of as
children who just escaped the joint. "

Bertram 's expression froze in Gradier' s cold eyes and harsh words. At least it was
probably because the orphanage had never done such a word. Gertier added more
words to Bertram of the injured face.

"It is not easy to avoid a jointing seat that has been continuing so far, but it is only an
uneasy factor for how lucky the current situation is, so excluding it before going out
Is not it better to do it, Laurentz? "
"Gray tear, it's too much to say"

When I unintentionally stopped the gray tear, Gray Tier smiled and smiled and turned
a hard eye for me.

"It is also true that more than 10 lives are spoken in the behavior of a fool, and
education of Laurentz, my older brother, is not enough, even if it is anxious element, I
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say that it is sweet that innocent children can not be excluded If so, you should beat
about the position of yourself, it is not kindness to spoil yourself, Rosemain-sama. In
this way the lives saved sacrificingly from the family members who committed a crime
are lost due to a foolish child this time It will be"

Is not that true? And Gretia stares at me still. Once I saved it, I was admonished that it
would not be permanent, and I nodded as a cochlete.

"The rings are said to be prepared by Aubu of the guardian, and Dirk's attendance is
me, but Bertum's attendance is to be handed over by Melchior."
"...... Even if we want to eliminate it, we will accompany you. Thank you, Gratia"

Gratia smiled a little and said, "I will put only the clothes that I will wear on the day of
baptismal ceremony and I will take it to the same child's room as last year," and when
I get up, I will return to the castle with a basket. Pon and Laurentz struck the head of
Bertram who became a lost face.

"Bertum is stupid, but her words are facts.If living in a castle, I think that reality can
be seen but I am not a gentle world like an orphanage"

After that, Dirk and Bertram chose rooms and furniture to use from the spring.
Choosing a side job comes after returning to spring. Konrad has been spending an
orphanage for a while as an apprentice for the gray priest, and he wants to obtain a
room as a blue apprentice if the magical power increases enough that the body grows
and can perform ceremonies.

Dirk and Bertram practiced giving blessings with the ring I lent, practicing Fespiel for
the show, remembering the order of the ceremonies done in the baptismal ceremony
and the upper and lower part of the aristocracy, preparing with clattering While it
was winter.

On the day of the baptism ceremony, I had clothes for rituals dressed in Rizerator and
Othelier in the room of the castle. Gretia went to the temple for Dirk's attendance. It
is supposed to change clothes and bring Fespiel for children in an orphanage.

"After finishing the ritual today, are you going to bring this costume to the lords?"

1502 | 2523
"Yeah, there was a call from Abou Klassenburg to the adoptive father, and it was
decided to present a dedication ceremony at the time immediately after the beginning
of the House of Peers"

In order to receive the rent of a sacred tool from the central temple it is necessary to
avoid the time of dedication ceremony and in order for a third grader performing a
ceremony to obtain protection to gain as much protection as possible, experience as
a priest as early as possible You had better do it. As a result of discussions at the
Central Temple, the teachers of the House of Lords, etc., it was said that the dedication
ceremony of the students was decided to be divided into three levels, lower,
intermediate, and advanced, immediately after the beginning of the House of Lords.

"My circumstances are ignorant, what do you think, Riesetor?"

"It is usual that the decision by the central and upper territories is imposed, but in
order to reduce the burden of Mr. Rosemain, the lower votive ceremony is Mr.
Charlotte, the intermediate votive ceremony is what Wilfried will do Mr. Wilfried
brought up over Aub, she said. "
"That is saved."

Since it is certain that time will be taken to prepare rituals and meetings, if you do not
finish lectures more and more, you will not be in time for the dedication ceremony of

"The blue priests accompanying at the time of the lord's negotiations at the Aub were
able to accompany the aristocrat as well, so it's encouraging to have a lot of escorts
until the end of the dedication ceremony."
"Suddenly the bank was decided suddenly, it seems that preparations for going to the
lords are going to be tough because the schedule of socializing in winter is messed

Hartmut of the crown captain, brother Cornelius who was a blue escort knight,
Damiel, Léonore, Angelica were allowed to enter and exit the lords until the
dedication ceremony ended. I will saved it, but it is hard work.

When the change of clothes was over, Ordonants flew from Greater. It seems that not
only Dirk and Bertram, but blue apprentices also arrived at the castle.

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"Greet the new child of Ehrenfest"

Along with the words of Hartmut who stands beside me on the platform a large door
opens, and children entering the nobility enter. Among the twelve children, Dirk and
Bertram were walking the last tail.

Six people do baptismal ceremonies at this place. Hartmut talks about myths, and
magical power is registered from those of low rank.


Dilk whose name was called comes up in front with a nervous look. I offered magician
of magical power inspection to Dirk. Dirk takes the stick of the magician in his hand
and makes it light. Applause applauded. I smiled nervously to Dirk which I am
relieved, and when I took out the medals, I registered the magic tool as a seal, like a

……what is this?

Although I registered magical power, almost all colors do not change. It's a strange
feeling that seems to have nothing attached, as if the colors are all attached with an
extremely faint coloration. Strongly speaking, I feel that the wind has a strong

...... What should I do at such times?

I looked back looking for Ferdinand and looked back to Hartmut. Somehow, it 's a bit
It seems that I did not notice that, Hartmut approached and looked into the medals.
And I murmured with a mysterious face just like me, "It is likely that the wind will be
protecting." I understand that it seems likely that the protection of the wind is likely.

...... Hartmut does not seem to understand.

I can not have an answer, no matter how much I thought, I turned my eyes to Dirk and

"There is a wind protection, you will be able to receive more blessings by keeping in
mind the actions that are appropriate for the protection of the gods"
1504 | 2523
A slight strange thing happened, but registration of the magical power to the medal is
over. Put in a box for Hartmut to manage. When registration was over, the adoptive
father with the ring of the magician went up to the stage.

As soon as the inside of the hall will start to blur. His whispering voice began to rise,
"That is a child of a former Veronica group" "It is a child who has escaped the joining
seat." I can understand the reality of the castle that Graytier was saying, how old
children of the Veronica school who escaped the joint seems to be.

Ignoring such surrounding voices completely, the adoptive father gives rings to Dirk.

"Let's give a ring to Dirk recognized by God and everyone, from now on I will become
a guardian.That is not the class by the parent, but by the amount of the magical power
of that one, we decide the class, the birth of a new intermediate
nobleman.Congratulations , Dirk "
"I thank you from the bottom, Aub Ehrenfest"

Dilk talked graciously with a smile that does not seem to be nervous, and I gazed at
the ring of red manastone stuck in the middle finger of the left hand.

"The goddess Gedourcleh's blessing of the earth on Dirk"

When I give a blessing, Dirk returns blessings as I practice. A glowing light emerged,
and it came to me.
You can hear flattering applause and clap. I was worried that the atmosphere was
different from the baptismal expression I experienced and spread to my heart.
However, Dirk's baptism ceremony is over with this.


In the line of sight of aristocrats who look for harrows and roughness, Bertram also
goes out in the same way as Dirk and enlists magical power. Bertram changed its color
as usual. What was Dirk? Even compared with one another, it is clearly different from
my time.

...... I was all attributes, so I might be strange as a comparison object.

1505 | 2523
"There is a blessing of water and fire, and by taking into account the actions that are
appropriate for the protection of the gods, more blessings will be accepted"

After Bertram's magical registration ended, the adoptive father brought the ring
again. This time there is a blue magic stone. Apparently Bertram seems to be born in
the summer.

"Let's give a ring to Bertram, recognized by God and everyone, from now on I will
become a guardian.Therefore, not by the parent's class but by the amount of magical
power of the other I will establish the class, the birth of a new intermediate
aristocracy Congratulations , Bertram "
"I thank you from the bottom, Aub Ehrenfest"

Bertram said so and kneeling on the spot, reaching out to the adoptive father. I was
short of stature to take a hand and put a forehead, but my adoptive father seemed to
understand what I wanted to do. Cure a little and give out a hand toward Bertram.
Bertram took his adopted hand and hit his forehead on the instep.

The silly voice of aristocrats ceased for a moment on the appearance of Bertram,
which dedicated the greatest gratitude to Aab on the stage.

After that, after finishing the baptism ceremonies of other children, Fespiel 's
exhibition was held. An opening concert from lower aristocracy, intermediate tribe,
Dirk, Beltalam in order. I think that Dirk could play well, even though practice time
was small. Bertram was a good performance to understand well that he was a child of
aristocrat who was properly educated.

Once the show is over, it will be broken up for lunch in the words of Hartmut's
tightening. I changed my clothes, took lunch and headed to the hall. Next time there
was a ceremony ceremony for new students entering the House of Peers, presenting
the date of movement to the House of Lords. You can see Nikolaus receiving a mantle
and brooch.

In social occasion, there are many cases that are questioned "Are you going to the
central temple?" Wilfried who had escorted, "There is not such a thing" many people
were driving away the nobles.

1506 | 2523
When I ended my greetings with all kinds of aristocrats, I spoke to the old Veronica
school children saying, "Let's do our best at the aristocrat this year." Several
aristocrats who have cooked quite a lot of foods have come to their attention. A few
years ago, it is not uncommon for us to be immersed in such a large group of
gatherings for dishes that are not uncommon.

... ... Funny people.

"Rosemain Mr."

I looked back to the voice of Dirk. Dirk was accompanied with gray tear and Beltram.
Apparently it seems that they are expanding their exchanges mainly on blue

"Dirk, do not be so familiar to Rosemain very much, you must wait for Rosemain-sama
to speak to you originally."

Bertram pulls Dirk's arm and teaches how to do in aristocratic society. When Dirk
heard the words of Bertram, I apologized to Me as "Sorry, Rosemain." I smiled at Dirk
and smiled, I turned my eyes to Bertram.

"Bertram, it was lovely, by showing the thanks to Ave in a visible form, the nobility's
voice ceased for a moment"

As Bertram became a stuffy face in words, slightly diverted his line of sight. I'm
probably blushing. Laurentz seems to be quite different even for brothers although it
has such a character that "I should thank you for being kneeling" with a bit of tears.

"Bertram, after this, please do not look like Dirk to make a big mistake with Gretia"
"Do not push too much hard work, Rosemain sama"

Monitoring Dirk who does not know the nobility's common sense will be hard. But,
while having a slightly disgusting face, the appearance of Bertram taught to Dirk in
detail is somewhat somewhat lively and it seems to be lively.

"Bertram seems okay, gray tier"

"It is too early to be relieved, Rosemain sama"

1507 | 2523
Winter society began while feeling with the skin that the nobility of the former
Veronica school had a narrow feeling of the shoulder from the gaze and words to the

1508 | 2523
It is a state of Ahrensbach who received the dish that Rosemain sent in Dilk and
Bertram's baptismal ceremony.

"Reti Zia, my friend from Ferdinand"

At the end of the autumn that winter social circles start in a couple of days, Zergius
brought a wood basket. After Roth Vita has confirmed all of Zelgius' s wooden bill, I
hand it over to me. That wood was an invitation letter for lunch. As society in winter
starts, I will be busy, so before I see it is written that I will have lunch together.

"...... There is something rare that Ferdinand's invitation to dinner is not an issue, did
anything happen, Zergius?"

Zelgius, my son of Los Vita, the leader of my side, is serving to Mr. Ferdinand. So when
you contact Ferdinand like this you will show your face and tell me more information.

"The baggage arrived from Ehrenfest to Mr. Ferdinand, as there is a cuisine using the
seasonings and recipes that Retetzia gave in the summer, like to invite Reti Zia to
dinner, Rosemain sama It was written in your letter. "

Zelgius taught me with a smile with a happy smile, that he already seems to be
poisonous and delicious. It seems that there was a reply of sweets and letters
addressed to me by Mr. Rosemain. I became happy and decided to accept that

...... Which recipe did Rosemain know about from the recipe I sent? I'm looking
forward to it.

I was invited to Ferdinand's room and I first entered the west away. Until now there
was no requirement to take the trouble to turn his feet to the west where there are
rooms of the second wife and third wife. It is not much different from the north, but
there are only one room on each floor. Therefore, the building itself seems to be small

1509 | 2523
compared to the separation of the northerners where lord cadets from baptisms to
adults live.

"Thank you for inviting me today."

As soon as the summer funeral, Mr. Ferdinand gave the room away from the West by
the royalty. It is my first time to be invited to Ferdinand's room, but in the room
Ferdinand seems to be relaxed a lot.

...... Unlike when seeing in the main building, does it make you feel a little tired out on
your face?

According to Zergius, Mr. Ferdinand is making a hidden room as a studio and he seems
to spend most of his time in his hidden room. I heard that Ferdinand wants to have a
chair for sleeping in the workshop, saying that both Justoc and Eckhardt oppose it
because they seem to stop reacting even if they call.

When Ferdinand suggested a seat to me, Justkus began to serve pots and dishes one
after another from inside the magician's box. It is my first time getting served like this
rather than being brought from the kitchen and it will be very fun. Actually I'd like to
look into that witchcraft, but since it is rude, I will put up with just looking at what is
taken out.

"Reti Zia, this is a dish delivered from Rosemain, so we have a lot of varieties so we
will send out little by little, so let me hear that you would like to hear from Rethymia."

There are many different kinds of dishes arranged by the table by Justoks, but none
of this knows what kind of dish this is at a glance. Which recipe do you serve?

"It is said that it was made based on the stewed beef tarde of Garneshell"

Justkus explains the dishes on the table one by one while watching Rosemain's letter.
I also eat after Ferdinand's poison, but I got settled with a cutlery in hand. I can not
find Garnet shell anywhere on my plate. Is this really a stewed potato shell? Or did not
Juistokus invade Garneszel in my plate?

While confused while watching the dishes, Mr. Ferdinand, who had been eating
before, put the cutlery once. And with a fluffy soft bread in hand, a bitter smile floats.

1510 | 2523
"Retethiia, this would be better not to simmer Garnetese pome, but think that you
should eat it as a pig pork braised. As you are using the seasonings of Ahrensbach, the
taste is relatively retetic I think that it is becoming a familiar atmosphere ... .... It is
completely different thing from Garnetese pome braised. "

To Ferdinand's words, I thought that I thought it was a new cuisine, not Garneszer's
pome braised, and I decided to eat it. When you softly hit the meat with a knife, you
can see that it is very soft and boiled. When I bit it in my mouth I got a rich taste with
a toothy meat that I could solve.
Even though the taste of the seasoning you know is the taste that I eat for the first
time, it makes me feel strange. A lot of taste is hidden in a lot of pigs, it fits well with
the seasoning.

……it's delicious!

It is delicious, but as you said, Ferdinand is totally different thing. This is not stewed
with Garnish shell. Not only is Garnele shell and pig pigment different, the seasoning
has also been changed in various ways. I do not think it was made from the recipe that
I sent very much. It is a different thing, but because it tastes good, the food advances.

"How about you, Rethymia? Rosemain will do an unusual remodeling? Even though
Garneshell is not in it, you write it in the letter as you dare make it based on the Garnet
shell pome stew."

It seemed like the Ferdinand-like atmosphere to eat with a flowing elegant movement
was so soft that I never saw it. Although I am using the seasoning of Ahrensbach, it is
not the taste of my hometown, but it is glad that Rosemain will like to send me a meal
like this too.

"I got such a dish for the first time, it is delicious, but it is really different thing, I was
surprised - Is this meal always like in Ehrenfest?"
"It's not that Ehrenfest has changed, but Rosemain always makes cooks that have
changed, the taste is good, but I often think that I do not know why such stuff could be
made "

I realized that Ferdinand also changed Rosemain's remodeling, I stroked a little in my

chest. Apparently this seems not to be the usual of Ehrenfest.

While watching Rosemain's letter, Yusutukusu explains.

1511 | 2523
"This time it seems that he wanted to make Aalen's Bach flavored dishes using pigs
often eaten by Ehrenfest instead of Garneshell which is unusual for Rosemain's sister
Garneschel sent here sent as fry It has become a dish of this place.

While watching the dishes indicated by Justochs, I taught that Ferdinand was similar
to the dish called "donkatsu that Rosemain's father liked." Rosemain seems to have
sent the seasoning of Ahrensbach to the food of Ehrenfest and the dish which
seasoned Ehrenfest to the food of Ahrensbach. It is a dish to eat for the first time, but
I felt easy to get attached because I had a familiar taste somewhere.

"Rosemain's invented dish may not be familiar to Reti Zia, but for those in other
territories of Jurgen Schmidt who are not so familiar with the spices and seasonings
that come in from Ranzenerav, this taste of It seems that people will feel delicious. "

The food of Ahrensbach is influenced by seasonings and spices coming in from

Ranzenerav, there are many things with strong acidity and strong spicyness. It may
not be accepted by other territories.

"It might be better to consider buying rosemain-like recipes using this seasoning and
consider using it as a new dish of Ahrensbach, so let's negotiate in opposition against
the territory because it's a big deal."

New dishes and unusual tastes play a big part in socializing dinner. It is not only rare
but it is very important that it is a taste acceptable to other people. However, those of
Ahrensbach are too familiar with the dishes of this land, and there are some
uncertainties in the taste that is easy to accept in other territories. Therefore, spouses
from other territories will play the role.

...... Because I am spending time in Ahrensbach since I was young, so I am not clear
about the taste of other territories.

"By the way, there are only Feldynand's exclusive chefs of Ahrensbach, why did not
you take them from Ehrenfest?"
"My exclusive chef was in the shrine, so I wanted to accept it, so they thought that they
were also hard to work so I did not bring them, so if there is a recipe, this chef can also
be gradually made I guess.

1512 | 2523
...... Ehrenfest and the temple of another territory seem to be different, so there is no

Those who were in the temple tend to be despised by all means. Initially, Ferdinand-
san and Dietlinde's engagement was decided, I know that there was such a voice. Now
that Feldinand's excellence has been known, the back door has not been heard so
much, but it has not disappeared at all.

"Did you not attend today, Dietlinde?"

"It seems that he is busy doing a banquet with the runner of Runznerve.Indeed, me
and my aides were forbidden to attend because they take a cold attitude towards
Ranzenerav. Civil servants are infiltrating instead to gather. "

Speaking of which, the civilian who went to complain about trade relations took back
the answer, "Please tell Ferdinand that attitude like Avilibe was good," and civil
servants gathered heads together There was something I had holding.

The negotiations with Ranznerav kept Dietlinde from engaging Ferdinand very much.
The runner of Ranznerav was not Ferdinand, but those who offered to Dietlinde
proceeded to their advantage, so it seems that Ferdinand asked Dietlinde to attend
the meeting as requested.

"That is the case, I heard that Reti Zia was at the house of Ranzenae ... ...."

You want information even a bit. I nod one and remember what happened when I was
invited to the house of Ranzenerav.

"I was ordered to accompany Dietlinde and refused a few times and I bothered several
times and it seems that Ranzener is wanting to make friends with Ahrensbach and
Leonzio is also a friendly person It was. "

When I interfered with the house of Ranzenerav, Leonzio was friendly, but the
attitude of Dietlinde was very anxious. It did not look like the attitude of a woman who
had a fiancee who was decided by a royalty.

"...... Ferdinand does not condemn Dietlinde's attitude, maybe a little is like a fiancée,
maybe show off the attitude of asking for Dietlinde?"

1513 | 2523
Georgine seems to be doing his best to keep Dietlinde and Leonzio away as much as
possible, but I have never seen a fiancée Ferdinand like that. Far from the attitude like
Aveyrieu, even seems to be left unattended.
In my words Ferdinand had a smile like poison.

"Thanks for Retiazia's words, I'm just going to cut her faction slowly as I am, just
because it's changing a lot, the breakthrough is proceeding smoothly."

I heard that the Atsushi who condemn Dietlinde to enter and exit the house of
Ranzenae are being let down by Dietrinde. As a result, from around the middle of the
summer, monitoring of the aides is likely to be loose, so it seems that it has become
difficult to watch the Dietrinde who is about to get out quickly. I heard that Alstede
who is a sister of real fertilizer who got dragged in and out of the hands of Georgine
like going in and out of Dietlinde's room.

...... That's why Dietlinde came to invite me as an excuse to go to the house of Ranzenae,
did not he?

"Dear Rethi Zia, what kind of place was Ranzenerav? Because Dietlinde is wary, I can
not get close."
"... .... That reminds me, as I approached Leozio and Mr. Ferdinand, I feel like heard
from Dietrinde that the battle over Dietlinde started."

I do not think that Ferdinand, who is thinking to cut factions on this occasion, will
make a duel, but Dietlinde was seriously trying to protect Leonzio from danger.
Ferdinand closed my eyes to my words and smiled, "Is there anything else?"

... ... You abandoned your thought? I also understood the same thing.

"Leonzio is the one who draws blood of the royal family of Jürgen Schmidt and from
this summer he has had personal friendship with the head of the Central Knight ... ...
Because of the funeral, the turmoil that happened many times I seem to have had it,
so I'm not sure how close it is to the real place. "

During the funeral of the former Aub, the central knight ramped, and the central
knight immediately fought back by the Central Knight Grandmaster, and the Central
Order, Ahrensbach and Ranzenave held discussions many times .
Because the knight who suddenly rages out in the funeral of another territory is too
dangerous, so that Deitlinde did not give up and defeated the Pride of the Central
1514 | 2523
Order, eliminating future dangers, sincerity against Ahrensbach I heard that it was
disposed of by the hands of the knight as a result of showing it.

I did not exclude Ferdinand, I told you to give priority to pursue the background so
that the same thing will not happen in the future, but it seems that it was not accepted.
According to the head of the knight, it seems that the rampaged knight was from
Ehrenfest, it is said that Ehrenfest is the place to think of the king and Ahrensbach.

"Are you tied up with Leon ZeaVe's Leonzio and Rao Bruet .... You certainly do not
know how trustworthy the words of Dietlinde are, but you need vigilance."
"Is there a reason to be wary of Rao Bruto, the head of the Central Knight? Although
the funeral disturbance has brought a lot of trouble to me a lot."

Because Rao Burt stopped the knights who were rampant at once, the riot did not
become so big. I do not understand the meaning to watch even if I appreciate it. When
I say so, Ferdinand smiled nicely and shook his head.

"Where to be vigilant is Mr. Dietlinde ... Where and how do you listen to ... ...."

I was convinced. Certainly the most precautionable thing is Dietlinde's behavior.

"That said, I heard from Dietlinde, but there seems to be a door that can only be
opened in Auburn Arensbach in the house of Ranzenaev, the princess of Runznerve
heading to the center will be used It looks like a room, but it was a serious thing if the
princess came in the period when the foundation was not stained. "

It is supposed that the princess who came from Ranzenerav could not enter the room
to stay. In my words Ferdinand gave a small laugh.

"It seems that Dietlinde finally finished dyeing the foundation the other day.I received
a report from the civil servant that creation of a brooch handed over to a student in
the aristocrat began from yesterday.If I will also have magical power to the foundation
magic It is likely to supply it. "
"Is not Ferdinand's magical supply after the end of the starring ritual?"
"A little troublesome contract is needed, but it is not because we can not register to
get in between supply if there is Aub, we will also begin practicing retirement like
magical powers at the same time"

...... Ah, the training also increases.

1515 | 2523
Even though I am still studying hard now, I was told to participate in the shrine during
the spring and autumn, and this time I heard that magical power is supplied to the
foundation magic. Education is being carried out by cramming so that Dietrinde and
Aub can be replaced at the same time as adults, but I am likely to be frustrated

"...... Mr. Ferdinand, Rosemain's sweets are delivered a lot?"

"It was more than usual as a reward for Reti Zia, I heard you asked me with a letter.
There seems to be a reason for Ahrensbach in the reply from Rosemain to me, It was
written that Reti Zia, who had not admitted, would not overdo it. "

...... Rosemain, how delicious you are.

If you use a stuffed animal like Rosemain - sama 's stuffed animal, Ferdinand is a
disgusting face but I started to compliment and I will deliver sweets by caring for me
like this.
Without Rosemain-sama's existence, I may have been giving up on keeping up with
Ferdinand's challenge long time ago. Those who care about the progress of
Ferdinand's education other than my aide are really rare.

"Oh, by the way, not only by Rosemain, but also by Leonzio, I got sweets from
Ranzenae, a gorgeous sweet like a manchu stuffed in bottles and sweetness in my
mouth It was a long-lasting happy taste. "
"Wow ... ...."

Ferdinand showed a little interest. This is very rare.

"I got a nice toy, would you mind seeing it?"

"Oh, I'm curious, what kind of toys are there over there ...?"
"Unlike Ehrenfest's educational toys, it is a strange toy that can only be used once, but
it is rare and fun, Leonzio showed us, Ross Vita, bring me from the room after meals
Is not it? "

When pull the string strongly, petals of various colors jump out and flutter in the
room. Although it can be used only once, it is a wonderful toy that can be very beautiful
and glad.

1516 | 2523
For Ferdinand who showed interest, after having a meal, I brought Ross Vita from my
room and I gave Sweetness of Ferdinand a candle of Ran Zener. Mr. Ferdinand who
put it in his mouth is "too sweet" and after frown, he gave a crackle with noise.

...... I am happy to eat slowly, how do you eat a disgusting way? I will not give it to Mr.
Ferdinand anymore.

"What kind of toy are there?"

I showed it to Ferdinand's word that I drank tea to rinse the sweetness of the sweets
that remained in my mouth, using one of Ranzenae's toys. When you grip the tube and
pull the string strongly, the petals of various colors scattering in the room fluttering
in the room will make the inside of the room spring in spite of winter.

"Do not you think it is very beautiful?"

"Reti Zia, do you have one, I am very interested in how it is made"

There are 8 toys in total for Leonzio. There are fifteen candies like crystal clear ware
and not much. Because I got something rare, I was thinking of sending it a little to
Rosemain. I did not plan to give it to Ferdinand.

……what should we do?

That was a word that was written several times in Rosemain 's letter that I suddenly
crossed my head when I was worried. "It is good to ask you to reduce the assignment
when it is really painful." "If you have anything that Ferdinand wanted, take care of it
for negotiation," says Rosemain He advises me.

...... It may be that opportunity now.

I looked up at Ferdinand, taking the glass jar and the tube with three pieces of sweets
in hand.

"Oh, that Ferdinand, I was planning to give this to Rosemain ... ... or if I reduce the
assignment, I will give you one!"

1517 | 2523
At the end I heard the voice turned inside out a bit, but I could say. As I glance glance
at Ferdinand, it is a very easy-to-understand face.

"Dear Retetzia, what was blown into Rosemain?"

"Rosemain sama is not bad, I am ... ... that ..."

While looking at toys and sweets, I look for words. Ferdinand 's aide seems to make
you laugh and Ferdinand sighs deeply. I thought if I had failed, Ferdinand gave me a
hand in the wrong way.

"It will be nice, we will reduce the task a bit by exchanging with that toy, but be careful
not to get too bad influence of Rosemain."

...... But can you say that succeeding in reducing Ferdinand's challenges is a bad

As Ferdinand said, I will send a letter to Rosemain to the aisle where I am going to the
House of Lords, so I will write a letter and send it. Of course, I also enclose sweets and
toys of Ranzenerav.

...... I hope you enjoy Rosemain.

There was a Ferdinand aide in the House of Lords, and there seems to be some
research with Rosemain in the laboratory, so I thought if the reply will arrive soon.
However, Rosemain seems to have been lying after playing a big role in the dedication

The reply did not arrive during the winter.

1518 | 2523
When winter socialization begins, children are transferred to the children's room. I
was greeted by the children of the first meeting and I was studying and playing games
while paying attention so that the old veronica school children would not get out of
the way or be harassed.

Is it because children of ages going to the House of Lords are spending a period of
purging together at the lords, or do they want to maintain an unchanged atmosphere
in the House of Lords even if the circumstances change? It is touched by you.
I can not see the gigantic air even for children before entering the House of Lords.
Everyone is passionate about the game, desperately trying to get sweets by giving
excellent results at study time.

"I thought that the atmosphere would be a little worse, but the atmosphere is better
than I expected."
"Well ... I was worried that Charlotte might be like a child's room when Rosemain was
gone, but it was not that."

As the Aub and his wife are busy with socializing, children only have dinner together.
Therefore, after dinner it becomes a place to speak slowly about the children's room
reflection group and the plan at the House of Peers. I use witchcraft that prevents
eavesdropping by specifying the range so that I can speak frank opinions.
Charlotte and Wilfried were relieved that the atmosphere of the children's room did
not get bad. Melchior seems to be pleased with a fun children's room.

"It is only Ehrenfest that is caught up in fight against adult factions, it may be that the
sense of cooperating with each other to win the other territory in the aristocrats is
familiar to a certain extent.I want you to keep this atmosphere "
"You must grow up with that feeling and raise aristocrats whose relationships with
other territories can be seen from the fight of forces within Ehrenfest"

Wilfried also nods in the words of Charlotte and turns his eyes toward Melchior.

1519 | 2523
"What surprised me is that Melchior is guiding children well unexpectedly.Although I
was worried because it was isolated to the North because of purification last year, I
have been worried about this year without problems I'm going to be led "
"I think that it is because he was playing games and talking with everyone at the
orphanage in the shrine, although he is a little big, but it does not change very much."

Melchior laughed smiled and said so. As the principal says, the experience in an
orphanage seems to be useful, so it seems that I am able to see the surroundings from
time to time rather than being immersed in games.

"I am worried about my learning progress of this year's first year students because I
had few opportunities to study in the children's room last year ... Is it OK?"

Since the school students have been doing about 2 years in the children's room, there
is not much problem. Whether everyone can score high is a delicate place, but you can
pass on the first day. However, I can understand that Fespiel's practice is not enough.
The difference between the lower aristocrat and the intermediate aristocrat is fierce
compared to last year.

"My sister, there is no use to worry about here, let's practice even a little while we
have a musical practitioner, or check each individual learning progress and respond."

In the words of Charlotte, Wilfried says, "Confirm progress progress individually

individually .... Do not revive the nightmare at the first grade", be careful not to run
away from me.

...... Although it is not that the library is hanging, there is no reason for it to runaway,
it is disrespectful.

"I was worried that Dirk and Bertram could get along well, but I was relieved that they
both seemed OK."

Both Dirk and Bertram were playing cards and playing card games at an orphanage,
so I was delighted to have snacks when winning the game. I think that it is because of
our eyes, but it is obviously not treated as evil, and it seems familiar.

However, Dirk is about six months after I decided to become a nobleman. Even if you
win the game it is quite weak against history and geography, and you also have to

1520 | 2523
practice Fespiel's practice. The most important thing is to remember common sense
as a nobleman.

Bertram is a challenge to have to review his position in every situation. It was an

intermediate aristocracy close to the upper class unless pursued, but now it is an
intermediate noble who was baptized as an orphan. In the middle class aristocrat, it
becomes the lowest base. This difference is large. Now that I have finished the
baptismal ceremony, I can not call Laurentz as my older brother. I can understand that
I am confused about my position.

"A nobleman who received a baptismal ceremony from an orphanage under the
guardianship of Aubu is the first time. Although some disadvantage can not be helped,
Melchior is careful in the children's room so that it does not suffer much disadvantage
Please give me"
"Yes, Rosemain sister"

The blue apprentices who are staying in the old Veronika 's children' s room seems
not to have such inconvenience. "The temple where my side is there is calm but it is
okay," one of the apprentices of the blue shrine maiden was saying. It seems that the
master-slave relationship has deepened through a long trip called Harvest Festival. It
seems a bit lonely away. I feel lonely when I leave the francs that I know about, so I
understand that feeling.

"It is only necessary for those who hold a grudge against the former Veronica school
and those who hurt the children are not attached as a sidewalk of the children's room,
though .... It is a foster mother who appointed ... Charlotte Do you know the personality
of the side job attached to the room where you are staying? "
"I'm OK, my sister, I will go to the House of Lords, so I've attached my side, I do not
need to worry."

It seems that Charlotte gave her a side job instead of a foster mother who had to be
with her newly born child. It is reassuring.

"Oh, yes, Charlotte, things ordered by the smith craftsmen arrived"

"Have you finished already? I am happy, your sister"

A pendant top like a coin crest coin was completed. Of course, it is a thing to give to
Charlotte, it is not as simple as a coin, as we thought about designing. It is quite
luxurious because you are engraved with the symbol of God who wants to obtain
1521 | 2523
charity and charity of Charlotte by watermark carving around the emblem. The
delicate and fine decoration was to be good at Johann, so it was a pretty nice finish.

There are holes in the symbols of the gods so that small manastones will enter,
Charlotte is supposed to put manastones by themselves. To use as an amulet for
getting protection of the gods rather than for defense, it seems that magical powers
are easier to use and prayers are easier to use their own magic stones.

"Rosemain sister, what are you talking about?"

"Because I was asked to give Charlotte that I wanted something to know the sister's
connection even if I was away, I made a pendant top with my emblem embellished by
an exclusive blacksmith."
"I am also my siblings, is not there anything for me?"

Melchior looked at me with his sadly cloudy expression. I can not help being seen with
such a face.

"Because I'm glad that Charlotte's thought that I want a seal that seems to be a sister,
I made it because I am glad, it is not something to press from me that you want me to
think that I am an older sister? If you go, it is another person, and if you resolve
adoption with Aubu it is still more. "

If you think that you are told by the normal face that you are not a stranger if you are
away, you can not be given any sister's testimonies from here, anyway, if you asked
for it.

"I admire Rosemain's older sister and I feel lonely when I get away.I wish for my
sister's brother's testimony"
"If Melheol thinks like that, I will let you make it. If you order it now, Johan will make
it in the winter."

It can not be said that the snow is still deep Now it is expected that orders will arrive
to Johann. Since I can not go outside in the winter, I have heard that there is time, and
now Johan will be distracted by those who gave work.
When I got acceptance, Melchior smiled a little. While explaining the design of
Charlotte, I designed two pendant tops for Melchior and designed it, next to Vilfried I
began drawing something.

"I like this, Rosemain"

1522 | 2523
"... .... Will Vilfried's brother want a connection with me?"

Regardless of Charlotte and Melchior who had been honored, Vilfriit was totally
disliked by her engagement and told me to say quite enough. I do not know the
meaning that I want a connection with me now. When I showed frustrated face,
Wilfried became a little bad face.

"It would be fine if it had brother-sister relationship, I have realized it with my heart
for a while."

The atmosphere that Willfried was tingling was clearly disappearing. Perhaps it
passed by the pointed knife's adolescence by saying everything to say?
To tell the truth, I do not know why his attitude will change. As we did not have
anything like a fiancée, I have not changed my consciousness either before
engagement, during engagement, even after my decision to dissolve my engagement
has been decided. Yet, Wilfried has changed attitude around his attitude.

"Since the elimination of engagement is decided, the correspondence of Wilfried's big

brother has changed a lot, but is the fianceee and brother and sister so different?"
"Is not it totally different ... ... Oh, maybe I do not yet understand the other one? Well,
I think that will grow as long as I grow up, because I did not know the difference at
the beginning of my engagement"
"Do you understand now?"
"Ay, my brother and sister and my fiancee are completely different things, so I and the
other I should have had the same result sooner or later, I can not bear with it very

After sweeping my eyes from my head to the bottom, Vilfried said with a smile full of
superiority "said Rosemain grows as soon as possible". And Villefried offers the
design I want. Something really I realized the face I felt, I felt like I grew ahead and I
regretted a little while, I received a design picture.

...... Oh, but the place I am sticking to this meaningless parenthesis has not grown at

On the next day, ask the Gilberta Shokai to make an order to Johan immediately.
After that, I spent my days talking at the dinner until the departure to the House of
Lords, watching the state of the children's room, preparing for the aristocracy,
discussing dedicated ceremony procedures with Hartmut.
1523 | 2523
On the departure date of the fourth grade, I and Wilfriit departed to the House of

"Please do not mind here, Rosemain, I will prepare my room with Gretier."

It was the Liselaire who came to the House of Lords as a pre-adult side instead of
Richarda. This year, still senior aristocrat Brunhild is on my side, so that you can trust
the royalty and upper territory interactions, that Otiliier must remain in Ehrenfest to
hold down Clarissa making an answering machine, If you go to the center with me, it
is the reason why you need to have a face connection.

"Please confirm that you are also preparing the rooms of the last coming Hartmut and
Cornelius for the Reiserator, Votive ceremony."
"Certainly yes"

When the Rizera and Gretier go for picking up luggage, Brünhild will guide you to the
multipurpose hall. I will talk to Brünhildde who is holding up to the side while
drinking tea that Brune Hilde brewed for a while in a while.

"How about Brünhild, Grechell?"

"Clarissa's magician's assistant magic team was fantastic thanks to the cooperation of
the aides of the lord's clan.The luggage was brought steadily from the woodworking
studio everywhere in autumn In the end the doors and windows came to the
building.The fellows stroked my chest, looking at the scenes where many horse
carriages are coming and going and spreading the way in the commercial district.This
winter I think that each shop is decorating the interior. "

Craftsmen came one after another to arrange the building, and accordingly the goods
for winter preparation of the craftsmen are steadily brought in from the
surroundings. It seems that the population has increased suddenly and Greschel is
showing a great crowd.

"How is Bertilde entering the freshman, how do I have a contact?"

"I am delighted to have Bertilde serving Elvira-san because I am looking forward to
becoming a Rosemain's sideboat, so please eat it."

1524 | 2523
It seems to be the answer of my older sister, Brunhilde, that he wants me to serve as
my side job apprentice just this winter. I approved it soon.

"Will Brünhnde train Bertilde? Will you bring along the aides of Melchior together? I
will keep my aides to students of Melchior, but I can not put it in my room At least, I
would like you to give me the opportunity to see things you do not understand, such
as the foundation and preparation of tea ceremonies with the upper ranks, if you do
not actually see it. "

It is Brühnhild that has experience of communicating with the top territory. I would
like you to develop a successor as much as possible before graduation.

"Certainly, it is for the future Ehrenfest, I would like to do my best as much as I can"

Bruhn Hilde taught me that I got the cloth of Ahrensbach through my foster mother,
and praised my judgment for the first wife.

"Even if the aging of Lisegang system got excited when I was about to change
generations it was serious and it was a promise with Arub to set up Florentia ..
Rosemain saved me Florentia, "

Foster mothers and Brunhild are in the same faction. Although female factions are
gathered together, it seems that we can not divide factions at this time.

"I will not be that useful for socializing, but I will do my best to help you."
"Sorry ... Sorry, but it's my side job to help you, Rosemain."

He laughs and smiles and Brünhild stands up. Next was Muriela. I have asked my
mother a name and I am busy for the printing industry.

"Rosemain, thank you again at the House of Lords"

"Thank you, Muriela, how about someone in the printing industry?"
"Rosemain says Mr. Rosemae is using the transition team of the magical power that
moves with less magical power, whether it can not send from castle to castle from
every place alone, civil servants are troubling my head, many times to confirm the test
print So we have a challenge where the deterioration is intense and we can save a bit
more magical power. "

1525 | 2523
It seems that my mother suggested and worked hard to deliver a new book to me as
soon as possible.


"I think that it would be nice if Muriela would like to research together, either by
telling the current issue to Raimund of the Hill Sur Laboratory and getting advice for
improvement.I am busy making a magician in the library this year is"

While I was deeply impressed I recommended Muriela to study with Raimund.

On the next day Charlotte came and on the next day Theodor joined as an aides and
let me talk about Gutenbergs who stayed in Kilnberga.

When a second grader arrives and puffs out, it is collection of materials for use in the
lecture. Some of the upper grades have knight apprentices who went to collect
materials already, but they have not done apprenticeships and side apprentices yet.
Everyone go together so that there is less danger.

Ride a cowgirl and jump out of the dormitory. The escort knight apprentice riding in
the front passenger seat is Yudith. When I went outside, I could see the glow line in
the sky. It is a magic team that was visible at the lord's meeting. I am wondering what
magic team is, and I will raise the altitude of the beast to see the whole image of the
magic team.

"Rosemain, how far are you going up?"

I was relieved when asked by Yudit with a strange face. There are confused escort
knight apprentices around him who are chasing after the beast.

"I really want to rise, but what we care about, let's go home."

When I got off to the harvesting place, I stuck a part of Shielda 's shield.

"I will just put a shield so that there is no danger, so please do not regenerate the
gathered place so that you can get the protection of the gods by the divine. Adults who

1526 | 2523
came to the House of Lords at the Lord's Conference I can do it because everyone can
do it. "

Students in other territories are themselves, so if Ehrenfest does not do the same, then
there may be fewer protections available only to students of Ehrenfest. Besides, I will
disappear next year. It is necessary to confirm how much recovery can be done. As far
as Erienfest is leading as far as the shrine is concerned, we want everyone to keep up.

"It's a good idea to collect much restoration medicine ingredients, because there is
also a votive ceremony, it will be necessary from an average year."

Philline gathered a lot of materials for restorative medicine and participated in the
ceremony of recovery of the collection place with a spirited face. I teach the blessing,
students pray to Fleet Lane while repeating in circles. The collection site recovers in
the same way as at the time of the lord conference. Lower class aristocrats and
children of lower grade separated their hands off the ground halfway, but the
collection area recovered without fail.

"Because I'm a bit worried, I will go to the sky with a beast to high and I will check
with you and my brothers Vilfried and Charlotte will go back to the dormitory first."
"What is your sister's confirmation?"
"... It is a secret since it is a royalty project"
"Okay. Please be careful."

It is meaningless to say because it is a magic team that can not be seen by other people.
I got on the Lesser Bus and went up to the sky. Beyond the part with the magical line,
it runs high and runs high.

"Rosemain, how far are you going !?"

"It is up to the height where you can overlook the House of Lords, a bit more, Yudit"

I went up telling the destination to Yudit who was bidden up to such a high level, and
I looked down at the bottom. The noble line of the gods ran as a magic team so as to
cover the site of the aristocracy who was covered with snow and stained with white.
Only the sea of clouds can be seen at the end of the magic team. It seemed like the
lords were made according to the magic team.

...... Sorcery magic team.

1527 | 2523
The magic teams covering the aristocrats were the same as those who had emerged
on the beginning of the temple's scripture and the stage of dedication dance, to select
the king. It seems that the appearance has not changed at all from the time of the lord
conference. It seems that it may be natural because I was not in the aristocrat who
went through the shrine and created the magic team but it does not seem to disappear.

...... Because it is a magic team who dedicated magical powers at the shrine and prayed
for it, it seems that there is no doubt that it relates to the king's selection ... .... I wonder
if there is a change if I become a royal family after becoming an adore by the king?

There is no detail in the scriptures, and there is no change in the description when the
magic team came out. Since the sacred books were held every time the priests do it,
there is no doubt that it will be known if there is any change. Books in the
underground archive are not written in too much detail. Perhaps it may be in a part
that has not been read yet, but there are those who struggled to become a king, "they
had a hard time too, they also had a hard time, you also had a hard time" Absent.

...... Because it is magical power to move the magic team, does it move when sprinkling
blessings from above? Or are you trying to drop a large manastone full of magical
power? Well, but it's hard to spread the magical power throughout the aristocracy as
expected, and it's dangerous to drop the manastone. Well ....

I thought how to activate this magic team, but I do not remember a very good idea.

... ... Since I came out with prayers, have prayers invoked? Why do not you visit the
shrine again? Or was there a place to pray somewhere other than the shrine? I'm
praying pretty well anywhere ... ....

After this magic team came out, we held a votive ceremony at the auditorium in the
auditorium, but nothing particularly happened.

"Did you understand something, Mr. Rosemain?"

"There are things that I saw, but I do not know well thinking about it, so I will return
to the dormitory."

My idea is poverty is not what it began now. I can not afford to bring escort knights
forever to not knowing whether answers will come out or not.

"Hey, Yudit. What place is praying at the aristocrat?"

1528 | 2523
"We prayed at the collection place earlier, but is not the place to pray usually in the
back of the auditorium? Is praying where there is an altar?"

I prayed pretty much anywhere I could not imagine soon, but it is the prayer room
that ordinary people pray for. When I think carefully, I prayed in the auditorium at
the time of the lord's meeting, not between the innermost part of the altar. When
praying towards the altar between the back, something may happen.

... ... Well, is the altar the next dedication ceremony?

Perhaps the magic team may move. I was glad that I was not prepared for anything
and I noticed it before strange things happened. It seems better to contact the royal
family before the dedication ceremony.

"Yudit, that's fine! I'm sure everyone will appreciate Yudit."


I smiled nicollely in Yudit who flashed his eyed-colored eyes like I do not know why,
I returned to the dormitory.

The next day is the migration day for freshmen. Burtin Hilde 's sister Bertilde came in
to the multipurpose hall with a senior student. Today 's new students are welcomed
and welcomed by senior students as customers.
Bertilde was guided by a seat near me, and my older sister, Brunhild, brewed tea and
smiled happily. Sarasara's straight hair, which is similar to sisters, shakes. Brunhild's
hair is deep red, but Bertilde's hair is rose pink. I think that the two eyed crown eyes
are similar to each other.

"Welcome, Bertilde. Please learn well from Brünhild as my side-by-side

"Yes, Rosemain sama"

I will bring an apprentice of Melchior's aides around me and talk about future plans. I
have to have the lecture finish as soon as possible if I think to follow the library.

"First grader should be able to finish the lecture first, so please do not hesitate to learn,
please leave good grades for the main Melchior"
1529 | 2523

Nicolaus came and all freshmen arrived. Every senior student is in the multipurpose
hall. I will talk about this year's collaborative research and categorize apprenticeships
of civilianities regardless of whether they are aide of candidate lords.

"Last year it was almost a place where Dreve Hanc was stealing research results.
Please consider researching the possession of secrecy and last resort, having the
unique part of Ehrenfest"

Damiel, Angelica, Leonore, Hartmut and Elder Cornelius arrive while talking about
such a story. It is an adult member who participates in a blue dress in a dedication

"This year there are votive ceremonies divided into three levels of lower,
intermediate, advanced, and candidate of lords, so I think that the five people who
appear in all the priests are serious, but please take care of us."
"We must finish by the dedication ceremony of Ehrenfest, leave it to the schedule with
the central temple and Klassenburg, let's not hurt Rosemain's lecture."

Hartmut takes over with a smile. I think that I am reliable at such times. It was perfect
if we had not grinned by touching the manastone with her coat of arms.

"Ah, you guys, it's Hill Sur of the dorms supervisor."

As usual, Hill Sur arrives and tells the schedule of this year. The schedule of promotion
ceremonies and social gatherings is as usual. After finishing the explanation, Hill Sur
came straight to me.

"Rosemain, did the materials for making the magician of the library gather? It was a
worry because there were many rare materials"
"It's all right, there was a workshop where every material was handed over from
"Well, it is truly Feldinand, I'm relieved that my research will also proceed."

……Huh? What I was worried about was for myself! Is it? After all Hirschle and Mr.
Ferdinand are definitely similar schoolmasters!

The living of the aristocrat begins while exhilarating Hirschle as he gives up.
1530 | 2523
While everyone was preparing to desperately prepare, I spent a handful of free time
to advance classes in a long while. I will read new books printed in various areas of
Ehrenfest at multipurpose hall. There is an illustration in the Ditters story, and there
are several new books such as the history book of Dunkel Ferger and the love story of
the aristocrat as usual.

Since it was decided to become a foster parents of the king, there was no time to
immerse in books even if we could read the necessary materials for handover. When
was the last time you forgot your time and read the book? I remember the feeling of
satisfaction as if I drunk water at a place I was thirsty and there was no choice, I will
breathe out satisfactorily.

...... Oh, I'm happy. After all it does not feel like I live without a book.

1531 | 2523
The promotion ceremony begins with the three bells. While feeling the atmosphere
inside the dormitory that is clattering in preparation, I have my hair tied to Rieselter
and Bertilde. Brunhild and Gretier are absent because they are going to distribute hair
ornaments to freshman girls.

"Bertilde is good at tying your hair,"

"I like to tie my hair, Elvira also praised me,"

Bertilde prepares her hair while talking about what kind of work he was doing when
serving his mother and what kind of story he was talking with his mother. Such
Bertilde 's rose pink hair was decorated with hair ornaments awarded to female girls
and hair ornaments by parents for entrance congratulation.

From the fact that the Rizera who was watching the appearance of Bertilde for a while
saw preparations for hair ornaments on the way and started checking the luggage,
you can see that it passed as a side apprentice as an apprentice.

"Mr. Rosemain, are the aides to accompany the social gathering at Matthias,
Rodderich, Brunhild?"
"Yeah, Riserator"
"It is information from civil officials who went to collect information yesterday, but
this year there seems to be a freshman who is a candidate for lords in Krussenburg.
Shall I let you know your name again in case you greet?"

The Liselaer who seems to realize what I was immersed in reading and did not hear
makes me laugh like a mischief.

"The princess of the third wife of Aub Klassenburg is Mr. Jean-Siugne, I guess that we
will face face many times by votive ceremony."

...... Mr. Jean Gianche, Mr. Jean-Siène ... ....

I repeated several times in my mind and I remembered my name.

1532 | 2523
"Good morning, Rosemain"
"Good morning, Damuel"

After preparing and going to the multipurpose hall there was Darmel. There are also
Hartmut and Cornelius elder brothers, but they are not so strange as they have been
together at the lords. However, it is strange that it is unfamiliar to have Dharmell in
the multipurpose hall. I think that I'm not just wearing the blue priest's costume.

"Léonore and Angelica will be with you today, are not you?"

Damiels are wearing costumes of the blue priest today because we have meetings with
the people of the central temple while we are going to a promotion ceremony and
social gatherings. Even though I do not know who comes from Klasseburg, there was
contact from Egranthine on today's designation.

"I will leave the venue ceremony to Haltmut, please be careful not to see Hartmut's
overrunning everyone else."
"Certainly yes"

Also there is likely to be a confrontation between Immanuel and Hartmut, so I ask you
to be careful with Cornelius's brother and Damuel who are going with me.

"Do you have friends who can meet Rosemain for the first time in a while? Enjoy the
social gathering"
"Yes, Cornelius older brother"

Sent out to Cornelius elder brother, I entered the entrance hall. In the entrance hall is
a student who is clad in the cloak of Ehrenfest. First grade students who are nervous
are cute. As Brühnhild and Charlotte arranged for us, all the hair of Ehrenfest's
students is shiny.

"Well, let's see that new students do not lose cloaks and brooches, then be careful not
to forget the number of the door of Ehrenfest, you can not return to the dormitory."

We left the door at the Wilfriit's turn and headed to the auditorium.

1533 | 2523
Although there is some variation in the rank order, it is not much different. We just
line up at number 8.

An ordinary promotion ceremony begins and an explanation about lecture is given.

As stipulated by the Lord 's Conference, it is reported that the acquisition of Stap was
third grader, and that the curriculum of the old will be changed to the contents of the
lecture greatly adopted.

"I was looking forward to the acquisition of Stap, but ...."

Bertilde slightly sharped his lips unsatisfactorily. The first grade students in the
neighborhood seem to be dissatisfied. Although it is announced that the curriculum
will be changed, there will be those who are dissatisfied unless the reason is stated.

"Stap is a proof of aristocrat, so I understand the feeling I want earlier, but it is better
to get as early as possible"
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, I found that you can get a lot of gods' protection from dedication and
prayer.When there is a lot of magical power fluctuation, you may not be able to handle
your magical power with a strap that you acquired in a year. The change is to prevent
it.If you have a freshman in another territory who is dissatisfied at the lecture time,
please tell me so. "

Bertilde seemed to be convinced and answered "I understand", and Nicolaus nodded
as if he had heard a story nearby.

When the promotion ceremony is over, it will move according to class because of
social gathering. Our candidate lords are each moving to the small hall with three

"From the 8th place Ehrenfest, Wilfriet-sama, Rosemain-sama, Charlotte-san came."

Prompted by the voice of a civilian who stands in front of the door, we enter the small
hall. Hildebrand sits in the same way as last year.

"This year's goddess Drejung Goa's thread also got together, so that the thing to see is
1534 | 2523
It is every year that Ehrenfest's turn comes around and Wilfried gives a representative
greeting. I face Hildebrand in a state sandwiched between Villefriet and Charlotte.

"We are expecting the present dedication ceremony this year, I have not officially
enrolled in yet, but if it is a votive ceremony of an intermediate aristocrat who
dropped one class, it will be less burdened, from Tsento I am pleased that it is my first
time to participate in the Shinto priest 's priesthood. "

Hildebrandt said so pleasantly with Nico Nico.

...... To compress the magical power to put it in the underground library, to study old
words, Prince Hildebrand is really a lucky shop. I can not believe I have not enrolled
in the House of Peers yet.

It seems that this time I will participate in the dedication ceremony as a royal family.
If you actively participate in the divine now from now you will get a lot of protection
from the gods. I think that Hildebrand is the most likely candidate to become a Tento
in the current royal family.

"It is very important for the royalty who supervises Jurgen Schmidt to actively
participate in the divine, so I think that the positive and effortful place of Prince
Hildebrandt is wonderful, that the dedication ceremony will be a hard experience for
Prince Hildebrandt I hope. "

If you encounter Hildebrandt and descend from the stage, you will greet the upper
rank. The first is Klassenburg. At the Klassenburg table girls who did not change much
with me got greeted me with a smile with smiling smile. It is a lovely girl with violet
hair and blue eyes. I felt that the atmosphere I felt was relieved was very women in
Our lord of lordship of Ehrenfest will kneel and will greet you for the first time.

"Please excuse me for praying for blessings for a rare encounter that was severely
screened by Mr. Jean-Siène, the god of life, Avilibe."
"I will forgive you."

Following the blessings that jumped out of the ring, Gianciène gave an elegant smile
that looked like Egrantine or Primève.

1535 | 2523
"As you can see, we heard from Ohbu that we are dedicating as a collaborative
research with Ehrenfest." As you can see, we know that it is often confusing for
research that is unfamiliar in first grade. Mr. Rosemain, please take care of me.
"Thank you very much, Mr. Gancienne"

After finishing greetings with Klostenburg, it is Dunkel Ferger. Since the L'Estilaut
graduated, this year Hannero stands alone. Her eyes met and Hannorore smiled a
friendly smile. I also smile and return a smile.

Wilfried called out "Rosemain" in a loud voice and got off my escorting hand and
pushed my back gently. It seems that I am giving a greeting place to me, because I am
the best partner with Hannaore.

"The goddess of time goddess Drefan Goa this year also gathered and it came true that
you could see it, it's been a while, Hannaore's sama"

Unlike other students I met with Hannaore at the Lord's Conference, but it's been a
long time since that.

"There are many books that Dunkel Ferger will be pleased this year, There are also
stories of the Ditters with the paintings of the restty trout, and the history book of
Dunkel Ferger is also available.The three volumes of Fellesnestine story There is also,
but have you read it already? "

The man of the escort knight of Hanenerol showed great interest in the new book by
Ehrenfest, but it seems that he did not touch Hinnorore's chord.

"Well, I was impressed very much at the end of the Fel Nestinine story, I do not have
a new book of the love story of the aristocrat this year, I am looking forward to it with
only lovely love story ..."
"Of course we have it, let's lend and borrow this year again"
"Well, I'm looking forward to it"

After laughing together and finishing greeting, we will move to Dreuwachu next.
There are several candidate lords here, and there are more small lord candidates than
last year, but Ortwinne stands as the representative. Wilfried gives a greeting and is
invited to do joint research again this year.

1536 | 2523
"Unfortunately, this year there is a schedule of joint research with Klassenburg and
Frébel Turk, and for individuals large-scale research collaborating between
territories is difficult."
"Is it necessary for them to draw interests and cooperation .... It seems necessary to
consult with Professor Gundorf"

Ort Vien saw me while saying that. It seems that I am trying to pull me from Gundorf
into collaborative research just like last year.

...... Mr. Gundorf will not say anything, I will not.

My research at the House of Lords is to create the magic tools of the library as much
as possible and I would like to help Muriela and Raimund who improve the transition
team seeking a leap in the printing industry. But this year I am busy preparing to move
to the center. Perhaps it will be necessary to confirm the residence and it will also be
necessary to choose an aideside in the center. It is clear that more talks with the royal
family will increase.

At the same time, I am busy at the lords and even at Ehrenfest, due to the packed
schedule of votive ceremonies. In Ehrenfest, you have to go back to the dedication
ceremony with the blue apprentices, you will also need time to visit the aristocrat who
comes back from the center, and you must ask various people for the rest.
Considering what to do at Ehrenfest, I want to take as long as possible the return
period, so to be honest it is doubtful whether it will take time to research the magician
of the library. I think that it might be that you might leave the material in Hill Sur if
you do not do it well.

...... Hua. I understand that there may not be much time to do whatever I want.

While thinking about what to do in the winter head, leave from Dreuwannele. After
that Gillessenmeier and Hau Fresze left a greeting to Charlotte. From
Gutresessmeier's Rootsinte he introduced his brother and sister.

My younger brother is a sophomore, she seems to have adopted adoption in fall. As

far as I know, it is not unusual for Giessenmeier's lords to be adopted by boys and
boys in order to gain a son-in-law within the same territory, as girls are the only
candidates. I think it is due to marry the younger siblings. However, it is unusual to
adopt adoption in the special season when it is divided into special courses.

1537 | 2523
Hawfredze also says the sixth grade woman on behalf of greetings, but there are
younger siblings. It seems that Wilfried has a little interaction with his brother. My
sister seems to be a freshman.

"... ... somewhat this year there are many new students who are candidates for lords,
the number of people is suddenly increasing"
"Hartmut says that it seems that adoption increases as the way of getting god
protection and its effect become known?"

It seems that he did not listen to the name of Gianciène, but he seems to have heard
reports a lot. It seems that the age before diving into a special course, the adoption of
Abu 's with the senior aristocracy of the magical problem is increased.

"Hartmut said that we would send information to Charlotte and me so as not to

interfere with the important reading time of the past, but I was reporting in the side
right? It is not strange that I have not heard anything at all ? "
"It is not rare or funny that you can not hear surrounding sounds while reading,
because yesterday was really a long time reading, it is true that I forgotten and
immersed myself,"

...... Even so, so as not to disturb the important reading time after a long absence ... ....
What, it's Hartmut, it's not cool. It was just a crowd.

It is very pleasing to pamper you by securing reading time, but it is hard to not receive
the report. From now, let me ask you to make it easy to make the report a string and
read it.

While thinking about such a thing, Villefried had finished greetings to Ahrensbach.
This year that Dietlinde graduated and Retetzia had not yet enrolled, it seems that
Martina, aideside of Dietrinde, appears as a representative.

"How old are your uncle and Dietlinde?"

"Well, thanks to Ferdinand, Ahrensbach has been very helpful and it has become
possible to help you supply magical power as a foundation has been dyed."

……Huh! Is it? Even though there are no rituals of star knotting yet, I am doing supplies
not only with office and divine but also with magical power! Is it?

When I was surprised and looked at Martina, Martina had a smiley smile.
1538 | 2523
"Because Dietlinde got to take a domineering royalty to give a hidden room before the
end of the star knot, instead of before the star knot was over, Ferdinand said that he
was going to undertake magical power supply. It's really gentle. "

The hidden room required a hidden room against the insane knowledge of
Ahrensbach who will not return to Ehrenfest although he can not marry. I think that
it is strange to demand further supply of magical power to the hidden room.

... ... Are you really taking over from Ferdinand? Does Ferdinand something like
plotting at a prayer ceremony? Or are lobbying activities of Ahrensbach not to be
condemned from the surroundings?

I watch while Martina watches Villefried like Aurelia. Both of them seem to be possible
and I do not know the truth.

While I was thinking I came back to the seat of Ehrenfest. From here we will wait for
the lower territory to come greet.
When Melindin came to greet me, Mreno Royier of the upper grade than me smiled
purple hair with Pasari. Alertness becomes stronger in sympathy, a mixed smile of
contempt and ridicule.

"Rosemain will be adopted as a temple of the central temple by dissolving adoption

and it will be dropped by a high ranking nobleman from the candidate lords to enter
the central temple, although it expands the importance of the divine to Jurgen Schmidt
It is too hard for you to become like.

...... It is rumored that it will be the temple of the central temple, it seems to flow well
in other territory.

The nobility of Ehrenfest seemed to have judged that the secret calls from the royal
family overlapped, but did the aristocracy of another territory watch the figure called
in the same way? Or maybe the area where you asked royalty to be aroused by
Georgeene of Ahrensbach "The saint of Ehrenfest should be the temple of the central
temple!" Even though it seems to rise with couscous smiley voice, there seems to be a
number of territories that I think it is nice to hear the saint from Ehrenfest.

"I have never gotten a story from Rzest to put Rosemain in the central shrine."

1539 | 2523
Mullen Roye flashed Orange's eyes "Wow?" At Wilfried once said so. Attention is
gathered here as a surrounding texture.

"There is no such thing - at the lord conference, Aub Ehrenfest is invited by the king"
"It is true that there was a story about whether the royal family says to the temple of
the central temple, but nothing has yet been decided."

I affirmed Mlenloyer's claim once and smiled with Nicoli. In the brain of Murenloyer I
seem to be confirmed to be a senior aristocracy, but whatever it is, now I am a
candidate for a lord and Ehrenfest is the higher rank. I do not have obligation to
silently listen to what I like to tell you as you like.

"In my weakness, it is impossible for me to visit other territory to go to other

territories, so starting with the royal family, I will visit the central shrine to remember
myths for the lords of my lords. Aub Ehrenfest replied, depending on Judt's decision,
we may be able to meet Mr. Murenloyer who wears a blue maiden apprentice costume
from next year at the central temple. "

When I became the chief of the Central Temple Muren Royce switched its complexion
when replying that the lords of all the territories, including the royal family, are ready.
I have a face that I have never thought of putting in the temple.

"As long as there is no answer from the royal family and the local Aub, there is no
central shrine of Rosemain."

By answering clearly to Immelding, there was no one to talk about entering the central
shrine afterwards.

Wilfried and Charlotte were talking about collaborative research with senior Fleeveld
Turk. Because this collaborative research will be the center of the two, I will take a
step and listen to the story. Apparently the nobles went to the temple, trying hard to
get a little protection or increase the harvest volume.

Speaking of which, the aristocrat of Ehrenfest does not come to the temple except for
negotiations with downtown.

I spent the time of a social gathering with such impressions. Ladder candidates in the
lower grade increased, and it was a lively social gathering party.

1540 | 2523
When we returned to the dormitory, Hartmuts were back in the multipurpose hall. I
will quickly listen to reports on votive ceremonies. Of course, Villefried and Charlotte,
who perform votive ceremonies in intermediate and lower classes, are also with us.

"Negotiation, cheers for good work. How did you decide?"

"Because it is a joint research between Klasseburg and Ehrenfest, it is not a lecture, so
we can not leave a lecture time, so we decided to give a votive ceremony using soil

As a student side, I would like to pray for experiencing myths as soon as possible to
increase the protection, but as the teacher side, it is considered to be a joint research
with time after the applicant finished lecture, so lectures I can not leave the time.
Therefore, it seems that it was decided to invite volunteers on Saturday and perform
dedication ceremonies.

"Since collaborative research is not a lecture, there is no obligation to participate in

all students and it is troublesome to make one special case.If you think at the earliest
possible time except lecture time, only use the soil day There will not be it. "

I thought that Klostenburg would make more efforts, but it seems it was not the case.
It seems that the central shrine did not have to do so many times so he said that he
wanted me to do it at once, but he seems to have been dismissed because the lower
aristocrat and the lord candidate have too much difference in magical power.

"Egrantine has suffered many times but Immanuel was eventually refusing to reply,
as examples of blue priests and shrine maidens who lost consciousness at the lord's
ceremony ceremony were issued."

Hartmut laughed pleasantly with Hu.

"Then, according to Egrantine, Prince Hildebrand tries to drop the class for safety and
participate in the dedication ceremony of an intermediate nobleman, and we propose
to participate in the lower class dedication ceremony for the lower grades It seems"

It stroked my chest as Charlotte was relieved in the words of Hartmut.

1541 | 2523
"It is good to reduce danger, it is really hard to supply magical power unless you get
used to it."
"It may be better for a lower grade nobility in a lower grade to stop participating,
because it is difficult to grasp the rest of your magical power when you are supplying

Wilfried also nodded in the words of Charlotte.

"So what sort of days did we declare the dedication ceremony?"

"Considering that Rosemain returns to Ehrenfest, we decided that it would be better
to perform a votive ceremony for lords and senior students on the first day of the
week, the second week is an intermediate noble, the third week is lower I will become
a nobleman. "

When I was nodding, Cornelius elder brother glared Hartmut as a gyori.

"When considering the condition of Rosemain, I suggested that it is better to start the
donation ceremony from lower aristocrats and make the third week higher."

Since the lecture is packed in the first week by all means ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___
___ 0 ___ ___ 0 He said he did.

"It was serious that Cornellius wanting Rosemain-san's physical condition as a top
priority and the opinion was conflicting in Hartmut that Rosemain wished to return
to Ehrenfest as soon as possible but it was too late in the third week."

When Damuel sighs out, Léonore also shakes his head with a tired face.

"Egrantine arbitrarily meddled and the votive ceremony of lords candidates and
senior nobles became the first week because things to do in order of desires are
"Did you confront in front of the royal family?"

Charlotte and Wilfried have their eyes rounded. I was also surprised.

...... What the heck are you doing, both of us! Is it?

"Both of them are the main thought, Egrandine was bitterly smiled, but I did not feel
1542 | 2523
As Damuel and Leonore taught us with a little far eyes, I wanted to have a head with
"I'm making such a discussion in front of the royal family!" I feel I understand the
feelings of the guardian with my head in mind.

"I must apologize to Egrandine this time,"

1543 | 2523
As the lecture started from the day after the social gathering party, as soon as I
returned from the social gathering, everyone started desperately studying.

"Since the fact that the content of the lecture will be changed drastically this year,
students of Dorevankl are deemed to be tough and I will do my best to maintain the
"At Ehrenfest I've been studying the contents of the lecture for a long time, so I do not
have much fear."

Charlotte and Wilfried who finished talking about votive ceremonies will participate
in studying while inspiring the students. Among the adult couple who came for the
divine, Damuel, Brother Cornelius, Leonore, Hartmut are teachers and they are seeing
the studies of the first-grade students who did not have enough time to study.
Angelica is my escort. It is not by no means useful. Thanks to Angelica, escort knight
apprentices can concentrate on study, so it is useful outside of study. It is the same as
when you are working in the temple.

'Let's return to your room as you send Riesela, Angelica.

I brought Angelica and Rieselaer back to my room so that they would not get in the
way of everyone studying, I skipped Ordnants. To Sorangju to reserve registration for
a freshman, Egrantine skips the notice that something is about to happen with apology
and dedication about Hartmut and Brother Cornelius.

An answer from Sorangu came back that "Please come and register for lunch after two
days." And from Egrantine, reply came "What will happen to the dedication ceremony,
I want to talk a detailed story after the lecture of the Lord Candidate Course".

...... There is no way I can tell what will happen, but what should I reply?

Next morning, we will review until the break even after breakfast, and the students
head for the first day lecture.

1544 | 2523
My grade is a classroom in the morning and a practical skill in the afternoon. All
morning classroom passed without problems. Many of the territories are puzzled
about changing the curriculum, but it seems that there were many people studying
well in the upper ranks.

In the afternoon practical skill of preparation, preparation of a somewhat effective

recovery medicine was an issue. I also use time saving magic, I quickly finish my
preparation. Compared to the preparation of the magazine made at the request of
Ferdinand, it was too easy and it took a while before the lecture ended.
When I was quickly looking around the classroom with a relaxed mood after finishing
the preparation, I can see that everyone is getting used to little by little. Especially
civilian apprentices often get used to it because of the opportunity of formulation.

"If you look around, you will soon see who is the civilian apprentice.
"Is Rosemain who was finished preparing while using advanced technology earlier
than anyone is not a candidate for a lord?"

Hannale, who carefully cuts herbs, saw me with a bitter smile.

"Oh, Mr. Hannaore, I am also a civilian, so it's no wonder if the compounding is

"Ordinary Lord Candidate Do not Make Your Recovery Drugs Or Do not Make Magical
Tools, Rosemain"

As usual her hands to cut herbs are dangerous Wilfried grasped Messer and said so. If
you look at where Hannorore's hands are similar or close to you, you can see that the
lords are not well formulated.

"Ort Vienna is relatively familiar with it, is not it better for Vilfried brother to better
polish formulation a little more ahead of Gevinen? If you are not good at finely cutting,
at least the size If you do not cut it all out, you will not be able to equally spell magical
power. "

In the case of Ferdinand it should have been disqualified under the preparation of the
material. As I pointed out, Wilfried was staring at Messer while groaning as "Muu ......"

1545 | 2523
The next day the school is clear without difficulty. It seems that my aides may have
taught me, but first grade seems to have passed with a relatively high score.
Today 's lunch is the day we register freshmen at the library, so when I finish lunch in
a hurry, I accompanied my first student and my student' s aides and headed to the
library. As expected, votive ceremonies are completely unrelated to the library
registration, so adult aides are an answering machine in the dormitory.

"Is Rosemain love libraries, and there are white and black Schmir? I asked to my

It seems that Schwarz is cute and heard from Brunhild or Rieselter Bertilde walks
with a frenzied baton.

"It's lovely but a lot of magic of defense is set aside so that it will not be taken out
arbitrarily, so please be careful not to touch Schwarz inadvertently."

When I pay attention to the freshman, I put in the invitation cards sent from Sorange
and opened the door and headed to the library. Sorangi and Schwartz welcomed them
in the corridor in front of the door that enters the reading room as usual.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Sorangju"

"Good for everything, Rosemain Mr."

As I greeted with Soranju, Black Forest surrounds me. It is cute as ever.

"Dear, you came"

"Hime-sama, long time no see"
"Schwarz and Weiss have been a long time since ... ... Is Mr. Oltansia the office?"

When I started walking towards the office with Sorange, when I asked, Sorangju
became a very troubled face.

"Ortansia seems to be not feeling well and he is lying on him."

"The room of Mr. Ortansia is in the library, is not it, is it ... is that ...?"

Although there is a room where the librarian sleeps, it is a library, but I do not know
well that it is a listening system. When I tilted his head, Sorangee shook his head

1546 | 2523
"In the middle of the summer, Ortansia was called from my husband and returned to
my home at the center, I was fine at that time, but from the husband of the Ortansia
before the beginning of the House of Lords Because I lie down from the end of autumn,
I can not work the librarian this winter ... "

The House of Lords is deep in the snow and can not be said to be a good environment
for the body. I do not want to be able to recover because I am concerned about work,
so I want you to take a good rest in Ortansia.

"From the end of autumn, it is quite long, is not it? It would be fine if you are doing
well and you are going to do your job for waiting wait"
"Well, I am really worried, but since the time of the beginning of the House of Peers, I
can not go to see a good deed, so let's believe it is recovering soon."

Also, Sorenje who smiled with lonesome librarian will complete registration of new
students. In the meantime I left the office once and entered the reading room.

"Schwartz, are there new books in there?"


I turn around watching the bookshelf with the guide of Schwarz. The number of new
items has increased in the reference book. While viewing the reading room I could see
the door of a closed archive and remembered when Ortansia was saying something to
Dietlinde at the lord's meeting.

"After all, what was the flower of shratarium? It is not clear that there was a moment
to reply to the letter saying that Ferdinand would also investigate."

Ferdinand may be busy and not at all. When thinking about such a thing, Philene came
to call. Apparently it seems that the registration of the new student is over.

"Well, I will come again."

"Well, I think there is a big shrine this year, I think it is hard, but I support you, I will
be busy, but if you can afford, please stop by the library again"

When trying to leave the library while being pleased with the encouragement of
Soranju, Blackberts detained me.

1547 | 2523
"Dear Mr. Hime, I want you to eat"
"Ortansia, not there"
"Oh, I did not supply magical power at all after the beginning of the House of Lords,
Mr. Rosemain, I'm sorry to trouble you, but would you kindly supply it?"

It seems that there is no longer the magical power of the magic stone which Ortansia
left to Sorange. I stare at Soranju while stroking the mana stone of the forehead and
supply magical power.

"If Mr. Sorangju, Mr. Oltantia does not come, I think that it would be better for you to
ask the library members to supply magical power through the royal family.I have a
long time to return to Ehrenfest this year."
"Well, let's contact Prince Hildebrand Prince is like a husband in Ortansia who taught
us a sword, so you may know the situation of Ortansia ..."

Refreshing that the atmosphere of Solange was a little brighter, I left the library.

The practical skill of this afternoon is music. Like the last year I play the problem songs
and free songs.
While I was in the temple, Rosina kept the practice time of Fespiel as much as I could,
so I was able to play the problem piece without problems. But Pauline does not say
"pass", he looks at me with a slightly displeasing face.

"... Mr. Pauline, what is it?"

"Blessing like last year is not enough, Rosemain sama"
"Huh? I have not heard that blessing is necessary, but ... ...."

Unlike last year's lecture, since the staff was strengthened at the shrine at the time of
the lord's conference, the blessing never came out. I can not say such circumstances,
but I have not heard that blessing is necessary for music exams.

"If you seriously pray and play with blessings? We are trying to communicate the
significance of a shrine in collaboration with Klostenburg and Fröhberg Tak now and
it will be a problem if Rosemain's prayers are missing."

I was told to play with a blessing, I felt something that I could not understand, I held
Fespiel. While playing magical power on the ring, play Fespiel and sing while praying
1548 | 2523
to the gods. Because it is a song dedicated to the goddess of water, the light of the
blessing of green blossoms.

"It was a wonderful performance, and Fleet Lane could be a pleasure as well."

Pauline gave us a satisfied smile, but I was very concerned about the future.

……that? Is this probably the same thing to be said in dedication mai?

After completing the music practice, I return to my dorm room. The students' aides
are studying at the multipurpose hall, so here are the Liselaire, Léonore and Angelica.
I consulted with my aides about what he was told to bless in the practical skills of
music, and that he may be asked for the same in dedication dance.

"If teachers are asked, is it not okay to bless it? Is it easier than to endure it has to be
"I think that there is no problem if Rosemain has no burden, but is there something to
worry about?"

In the words of Rieselator and Leonore, I will look down a bit.

"I do not understand that I can only ask for things that can not be asked by anyone
else in the lecture."

Although I do not have a separate burden, I can not accept convincingly that I can add
blessing only to me because I passed the lecture. Even though it is noticed even more,
it may be more specialized.

"Rather, can not you think that you are going to make Rosemine something special?"
"I thought that it would make it easier for Rosemain to convince the surroundings that
Rosemain will become a foster parent by making her know that it is special, in a visible
form, unlike other students."

I quickly convinced the word of Leonore, I shook his head swiftly. The royal family
said they would prepare them secretly. I do not think it would make information flow
to teachers at the House of Lords. Because there are many teachers with deep ties to
the born territory, anything will be gone if it is a secret.

1549 | 2523
"I think that why the royal family is behind the scenes as they explain why and the
purpose whatever, and if information is obscured halfway, people in other territories
will enter the central shrine I also understand why I acted as if I were convinced. "

According to Leonore, it seems that Egrantine wanted me to do a ceremonial three

times at a dedicated ceremony, so that it seemed like my goal was to make me appear

"Because Rosemain enters the royal family by anomalous means, people who
specialized may work advantageously to escape from jealousy and distractions"

I was convinced that it was explained that there seems to be a difference between the
muddy that it seems to be thought that she is "not that much different from ourselves,"
but from the surroundings, "Why is that girl?" .

"It's fine if it moves in a good direction, I do a little reading until supper,"

"Please wait, Rosemain, please read this before reading"

The Rizera came up with a chestnut.

"While we were waiting for Rosemain's lecture to finish it, we kept it from Raimund,
it's a luggage from Ferdinand and Reti Zia, we have a letter."

The wooden box and your letter have already been revised to see if there are any
suspicious items. When opening the lid, a small glass jar contained items like red and
green and yellow manastones and a small tube with a string and a letter in a small
glass jar.

"According to your letter, it seems to be a sharing of sweets and toys that Rethi Zia
received from Ranzenae. Although it was written only once, it was written that it is a
very beautiful one Everything in Ehrenfest It seems they want you to have fun. "

It seems that the sweets and cuisine I sent are very happy, and it seems that Ferdinand
decided to divide by saying, "I like jewels because I like rare items."

"Ferdinand had some information on Ahrensbach, so if you are confident of passing

the exam for tomorrow, you may write an answer in a hidden room until dinner time
I will leave the students to study by Hartmut. "
"Thank you very much, Rieserator"
1550 | 2523
"My sisters ask me for an escort in front of the door and Leonore as a teacher in the
first grade with help from Cornelius."

As a leader, Rieselter allocates work to the two people and begins to clean up the
feshpears I used in lectures and study tools.

I entered a hidden room with a wooden box and read a letter. If you look through it
quickly, letter Zia's letter contains what the Risellerator said. Things like a magic stone
are colorful candies, and a small cylinder looks like a cracker. It seems that when you
draw a string, beautiful things that are sparkling will pop out. Ferdinand wanted to
know the mechanism, it seems that one was taken up.

... ... that mad scientist, I can not stand it!

Because Rety Zia wrote "I had a few tasks in exchange for toys", I feel a little relieved
as if I did not fall asleep. I guess Retzia is getting used to Ferdinand as well.

"Well, what is written in Ferdinand's letter?"

That the foundation was dyed by the beginning of the House of Peers. For that reason,
Ferdinand has become magical power supply to the foundation by enlisting magical
power. Retizia also began practicing supply of manastones. At the end of autumn
Ranzenerav was back and it was able to close the boundary gate. It is written that I
would like to buy the recipe of the dish that I sent in opposition to the territory.

"... ... It seems that nothing is written about the question of Gedrulhig, was not it a big

Especially when you touch it there is no glowing character. I felt relief and subtle
anxiety that there was no reminder.

...... Well, I feel like I can be questioned directly when I meet in a territory fight.

"Well, at that time you should ask a question, do not you know how much Ferdinand
is using Gedoururhi, do you know how much Gedurulich hears, what do you think
Ferdinand want to do? I do not think the explanation is totally enough "

Yeah yeah, convinced one person, I wrote a reply. On the surface, in addition to the
thanks to Retizia, "My recipe is expensive, I am looking forward to negotiations." And
1551 | 2523
on the back side I wrote that with "glowing ink" what are you planning to undertake
supplies of magical power?

School sessions are going well the next day. The practical skill was to prepare a
medicine to make magical power easier in preparation. While hiding the procedure of
preparation on a cloth stretched white in front of the classroom, Hirsch surprises with
a smile while asking, "Do you know what drug you use?"

"We will use it to make it easier to synchronize in order to back up the testimony of
offenders who got permission from AUB."

I am a medicine that I have been drunk when I peep into memory. I know about the
use of medicine that I used. If I answered with confidence, Hill Sur became a very
subtle face.

"... ... Also a special example came out"

"Is it special? ... ... Has anything else been used?"

When I was inclining my head, somehow surrounding students were looking at me as

"What?" With a touching face. "What are you talking about?" "Why do not you know?"
Eye gaze telling the eloquence hurts. Hill suru explained me while puzzling a sigh.

"This medicine is generally used for married men and women to dye each other,
Rosemain-sama, you should teach medicines with special circumstances that will not
be used without Albu's permission in a common lecture There will not be it. "

……Ah. However, I have never heard from Ferdinand how to use it! Is it?

It seems that it is a medicine that can be taught how to make it because it is a future
necessity. I was taught by Ferdinand and I knew how to make it was me. But I did not
know how to use it in general.

...... Please tell me the general people, Ferdinand-sama's stupid!

While insulting Ferdinand in my mind, I will prepare quickly. Because it is a medicine

to be used even by lower aristocrats, the formulation itself is easy.

1552 | 2523
"The formulation is perfect, but really strange places are missing, Rosemain says,"
"Please do not tell my teacher ... ... Why do you need such a medicine to dye each
other?" When would you use it?

When asking Hill Sur to submit the medicine that finished the preparation, Hill sur
was unusual and became a troubled face and "Ferdinand really is ... ..." was
suppressed. As nobody is going to finish formulation yet, Hirschle will go out with my
question with a face that seems unlikely.

"In the first place aristocrats are born inheriting the attributes of the magical powers
that parents possess, do you know that?"
"Yes, we also have attributes for the birth of a birthday?" You can confirm your
suitability with baptismal medals by saying that the attribute you are born with is
fitness.When magic and formulation of a suitable attribute is It will be easier ... .... is
not it? "

I remembered what I learned and answered, Hirschle nodded as being satisfied with
"I am right."

"Even if you run magical power, you will not be mixed as it is. It will repel magical
powers other than myself.If you are a close relative of blood, there is little repulsion,
do you know that?"

Ferdinand said that it was painful to get the magical power from Ferdinand when
Trombee was killed and that he used the repulsion to block the wound. Besides, the
sea goddess's temple that can handle Hannaore is a thing copied by magical power
from parents, but I was screaming when I tried to copy it.

I nodded with satisfaction that "Yes, I have been experienced." After Hill Sur stopped
for a moment and blinked several times, I muttered as "experience ......?"? Did he say
something strange?

"Let's stop questioning deeply, that is to make it easier to dye with medicine so as to
accept the magical power of others who can not accept as it is.The drink containing
this medicine is generally I will drink it. "

And in order to get ready for the mind that you are going to accept this magical power
from now on, when you engage in engagement you give gifts of magical powers of
each magical power, put themselves on your skin and get familiar with your skin.
1553 | 2523
Unlike amulets, it seems that magical stones presented at the time of engagement leak
magical powers at first.

"Have you known for the first time ...?"

……that? Am I being dyed by Mr. Ferdinand?

Hill sur was a special way of use, but I should have used that medicine for Ferdinand
when I can see memory. Likewise though I do not take over the attributes of the
magical power of my parents, I do not have aptitude for Dirk, why is not it appropriate
for me?

...... I have not become a body that I can not go married without a joke! Is it? Think

"Ah, U.S. Hirschle, I will ask about anything that you can not use, but are you going to
use that medicine only once? Once it's stained with the magical power of your
opponent, is that intact?"

As I asked while doing Orooro, Hill Sur became a disgusted face.

"What are you talking about? It's a little dyed with medicine, the magical power will
gradually return to your own color in time, when the magical power is newly created
inside of you, the original magical power Because it is made. "

Even couple's lovey days are dyed together and are very close to magical powers, but
gradually the influence of their opponents is going to fade away. During pregnancy it
seems better to have magical power flow as frequently as possible in order to bring
the child closer to the father's magical power. There seems to be some reason why my
wife is better not to hurt other wives during pregnancy.

"Well, there is no problem if time comes, I was relieved. By the way, how do you make
magical power flow after taking medicine?"

As I asked questions without any hesitation, Hill Sur became a terribly bitter face.
After pushing down temple, I exhale a deep sigh.

1554 | 2523
"...... Rosemain, the questions around me like Elvira and Florentia after returning to
Ehrenfest. It is overlooked because the appearance is very young, but it is already a
year when you have to know truly."

...... Ah, sexual relations? By the way, I told you before going to the shrine. I thought
whether there were interactions such as aristocratic rituals, that is, that kind of thing.

I was able to convince at once, but it seems that it was not a question to be questioned
right in front of the classroom. I saw everyone in the classroom feeling awkwardly
with a delicate face that can not say anything. Even if the preparation is over, there
seems to be some children who could not go out before for submission, which shows
that they are in trouble.

I'm sorry. Hereafter care.

1555 | 2523
When I retreated from Hirschur and returned to my table, it was a very subtle

"What is it like experiencing magical rebound, Rosemain? Who else are you
"Oh, I experienced it, Hannaore."
"Hanna Rolle-sama!"

The reaction is unexpected and the surroundings become scattered and the line of
sight concentrates on Hannaore. As Hikunorore who got his eyes got witty, I saw me
terribly scared.

"Rosemain, I, I do not remember at all, but ..."

"Last year, I was talking about how to inherit the divine instrument by two people
during the study of rituals with Dunkel Ferger, at that time I had magical power shed
Mr. Hannaore's sacred tool? Because it repelled with Magical power of Mr. Hannaore
... .... "

When I explained the time when I felt the repulsion of magical power, Hannero
showed a consenting face, "Oh, that time?"

"There was little magical power flushed from Rosemain's side and it has no influence
at all by being surprised.As Mr. Hirschle's teacher said that the influence of the
magical power of others will disappear soon, please rest assured"

When Hannorore smiled with Nicolle, she breathed out as if it was relieved that the
surroundings were "what ... ...".

"Rosemain, the other way of saying is too confusing, as if it was dyed this medicine
and was dyed by me Is not it received around us?"

I understand that Wilfried's words "Is it so? Will you look like it was dyed by Wilfried
brother from the surroundings", I will desperately rotate my head. If such a
misunderstanding flows when the engagement is resolved, Vilfried and I are in

1556 | 2523
...... But why are not you worried about Wilfried's older brother! Is it? When my father
adopted his memory, he drank Virfriit's older brother! Is it?

I was relieved. Yes, there are many people at Ehrenfest who have been swallowed
with this medicine. I and Wilfried are not the only ones.

"... ... I think that it is really bad that Mr. Wilfriit's brother is about to be misunderstood
around him, but there are many people using this medicine around me. Is not it
natural to worry about what will happen to the magical power of the future? "
"How many are you?"
"Well, I will avoid proper nouns, but from last winter to spring some of the older
Veronica children are used? Even to prove innocence, I think if there is any impact on
the future Is not it? "

Wilfried thought that "There are certainly several people" in the words I started.

"Afterwards, I thought it was hard for the knights who had to keep up with the
criminals, though it was a job."

I think that it is the people of the advanced knight who did a disgusting look. In
magical tools that look into memories, I just pour in magical power of myself to the
opponent, but it is still not fun.

"Rosemain, such worrying is useless, the effect of this medicine will not last very long,
it will be about a month, at most, until the influence disappears completely"
"That's right, everyone's magical power is okay."

.... About a month. I wonder. I was worried and lost.

I felt like I was dyed by Ferdinand, but apparently it seems not to be a problem in
particular. Matthias who would have been dyed by the knights of interrogation
seemed to have no problem and more than anything else.

The next day when I finished the formulation that I had done a little a bit, there is
sitting in the morning and from the afternoon I will be a lecturer of candidate lords.
There is a stepping stool in front of my desk this year, next door is Hannaore.
1557 | 2523
"Thank you, Mr. Hannallole"
"If you are next to Rosemain's, I will be saved because I can advise you a lot."

With laughing laughter, Egrantine came into the small hall as a classroom as a teacher.


Elegantine 's elegant movement as if it dances, blond hair gathered up luxuriously,

orange' s eyes that does not endure a calm smile is also remembered. But something
is wrong. I felt it was much more beautiful than before. It is difficult to express with
language whether it is increasing glamor from the inner side or becoming natural
body with shoulder power out, but it is somewhat beautiful. There is a strangely eye-
catching atmosphere.

"A long time ago, everyone, now the model will be carried"

The supporters leave the model on the table. It was also set before me. It is a model of
the territory that contains magic tools imitating foundation magic in a box filled with
pure white sand.

A model was distributed to everyone, after the supplementary persons left the room,
Egrantine ordered to dye this model. A student who took a long time to dye the garden
court in the lecture last year, makes a slightly disgusting voice saying "Do you dye
from the beginning again?"

"Well, yes, it is not possible to maintain the magical power of the garden court for a
year indeed, so it will be redone from scratch every year"

There is no magical cost to rebuild from scratch than to maintain it. Although I was
convinced, it seems to be hard for the lords to be redone as many times as possible
for students whose magical powers are just barely necessary. Egrantine gazes at a
model-looking student with a melancholy appearance.

"But even if you are hesitant to dye magic equipment of this size you can not be Aubu,
the real foundation is not as small as this, it is more difficult to dye and maintain as an
aub thing"

1558 | 2523
Egrantine smiled with Nicoli and said so, pointing to the model of the garden garden.
Lord candidate aims for the lord. It is not a mistake to say that this model should be
easily dyed if it is a candidate for a lord.

However, in the present situation of magical power shortage now, in order to supply
even more magical power to the foundation magic in the losing group district and the
sub-district, it is better to drop to the senior aristocrat as good as the lord candidate
There are those left. I think that it is a serious task for candidate lords to maintain
suppliers to magic of the foundation, not to the next Aub.

"Well, please do not start"

I got a staple with the command of Egranthine, pouring magical power while touching
the magic of the foundation of the garden court. Magic tools dyed, magical power
flows, white sand turns into black soil, chalky and green begin to grow.

"Rosemain is as fast as ever." If this model can be dyed with his own magical power,
this year, let 's make a magic stone between supply during registration and another
to supply the magic of the foundation to others. "

A magic stone to register during supply can only be made with Aub. And it is decided
that there are seven people in between supply. There is only a place marked with the
highest God and five pillars of Ogami to supply magical power, so you can not enter
more than that.

Of course, you can make as many registries as you want. Because Durevanhel has
many adult lords, adolescents do not frequently supply magical powers, but
sometimes I heard from Adolfine at a tea ceremony that I only register.

...... I hope many lordlist candidates are present.

"What's the matter, Rosemain-sama? It's been a difficult face ... ...."
"No, I was thinking about those who can supply the magic of the foundation, I envied
a lot of people like Dorevankel because Eleenfest is only three, except for minors ..."

In my words Hannaore says "It is hard work" and made a little expression cloudy.

1559 | 2523
"Dunkel Ferger is also healthy for grandparents and grandmothers, and there are
uncle people as well.When adults including the second and third wives of father are
included, they can easily exceed seven people even by adults"

Her elder brother was also grown up, and Hannaore murmured. Next year, it seems
that the child of the second wife enters the aristocrat, and there seems to be several
minor candidates under the juvenile.

"It is enviable that there are abundant talent so much, really"

"But even if Ehrenfest in the Central Territory is tough with that number of people,
Ahrensbach would be seriously hard, is not it?"

I was relieved when Hannaore says so. Only adults Dietlinde and Georgine are adults
who can supply magical power to foundation magic in Ahrensbach. And there are only
minority lords candidates before retirement before entering the House of Lords.

... ... It is terrible to use Ferdinand! I still think so, but I wonder if I really want to
borrow someone's hand.

When I wanted to growl, the magical power went perfectly in the garden court. It is a
sensual thing, but the magical power which has been flowing all the time is pushed
back for a moment so you can understand it.

"Mr. Egrantine, I made it."

"Let's make a supply interval, are you ready for manastones?"
"Yes, since I have already saturated magical powers, I will make it gold powder from
now on. Is this the magazine for drawing the design?"

I am preparing for Ferdinand, so I know what to do. I will issue a tool that I am told to
prepare for a lecture and check the procedure.

"Yes, it's okay, please draw with Stilo while watching this magic team"

I change the magic stone I bring with golden powder and glare at the magic team that
is necessary to make a supply during supply. The magic team filled with symbols of
all the gods is very complicated and painful to draw.

...... Can you copy me?

1560 | 2523
I try to specify start and end points with tappington and fingers. Magical power does
not come out at all. Apparently it seems useless. It's a big Copipe magic, but it's quite
limited. It is too bad. I gave up and started drawing magic teams on the manus with

...... Well, I wanted to have a relief.

By the time I finished painting the magic line, Hannoret finished dyed the garden court
and saw the appearance of encouraging me to make gold powder. I hold magical
powers by grasping the magic stone tightly.

"Did you finish drawing Rosemain?"

"It is not anymore, it took quite a while and I got tired."
"I think that it is drawn very fast and beautifully, but ...."

While Hannaore says that, I look into the magic team that I drew. I also looked down
at my magic team. I think that it is not very beautiful. Looking a little away in this way,
some symbols are distorted.

"Is it so? It is late for Ferdinand, I was often scolded that the symbols are not even and
there is not enough beauty.I think this is also probably a subtle thing, I think."

When using complicated and difficult magic, it seems that the efficiency drops even if
the arrangement of the symbols of the magic team slightly shifts. Because it is drawn
with Stilo, it was let me redraw it over and over until Ferdinand was convinced.

"It's tougher than my mother,"

I told you like Hannorore was a little surprised. Apparently the first wife of Dunkel
Ferger also seems to be tough. I laughed smallly in spite of myself.

"Hannalee, very tight guidance from Feldinand, but if you have received it over and
over, there is a passing line that you will gradually understand.When you find it even
better, you can increase speed by aiming at somehow you can pass It is also possible
to make it possible for Mr. Hannallole to find a passing line. "

1561 | 2523
It is important to note that if you do overdo you can raise the pass line, but I
recommend, but after Hannorore became a face with Pokan, I gently breathed out.

"... Rosemain says that there is surprising room for tough guidance, right?"

……Huh? That's not true? I always wanted to read the next book, it was always full.

Now I can not afford to satisfy even reading time, I wonder if there seems to be room
from the surroundings.

"Mr. Rosemain, please prepare between supplies if you are ready"


I will make a magician for supply in the same way as Entwickeln and connect it to the
foundation magic. And we made seven magic stones for supply. I have experienced
making it in preparation beforehand, so I should not have failed in particular either.

...... Is this something like that?

When I show it to Egranthine, Egrantine gazed at the eyes, "It is wonderful." It seems
to be unexpected speed and possible. Thanks to Ferdinand, I think that it is because
you can prepare to prepare and look at it so that you can bear the trouble like a votive

"After this, I will learn how to make registered medals of the citizen, register and
dispose, so I will not have time anymore, so let's do next."

While listening to Egrantine 's explanation, I got a little depressed feeling. The
disposal of registered medals is that. It is an execution executed by Ferdinand at
Hasse. It is something you must know in order to execute an escaped criminal like
Gibe Gerlach, but it is not a pleasant one.

...... Hesse's execution scenery revives and it makes me feel bad!

What you do in the lecture is to register the magical power of the magic stone that you
regarded as a citizen to medals, and just dispose of manastones with medals. Perhaps
I had not seen Hesse's execution scenery, I think I was able to finish the lecture
without thinking anything.

1562 | 2523
However, the appearance of the manastone collapsing reminds me of the execution
scene of that day. I feel sick and feel sick for a while.

……All right. I am not afraid because it is a manastone. Not scary.

The bell rings to inform the end of the lecture. Everyone quickly cleared up and left
the classroom, Egrantine smiled and smiled and called me.

"Do you remember Mr. Rosemain? There is a little story."

"Certainly, Egrantine sensei"

Worriedly waving hands to Wilfriit and Hannaore who will leave the classroom
looking back several times, I remain in the classroom as told by Egrantine. Everyone
leaves the room, and when the supplementary person finishes cleaning up the tea
ceremony's garden, only Egrantine and I remain in the classroom.

"What is the story, Egrandine?"

"Did you say something might happen at the dedication ceremony? What is going to
happen? Would you please tell me as much as possible?"

Contents exchanged in Aldanc each. As I thought first, I answered, "I can not predict
what will happen."

"You can not predict, do you see something happening?"

"Yes, to pray for becoming a Tent, you need to pray, pray to the gods to set up a pillar
of light and pray at the shrine ..."

Egrandine nodded in my words. It is written on the white stone board of the

underground library that we have to devote pray while turning around the Shrine of
the House of Lords.

"So, I thought that something would happen if we dedicated a ceremony ceremony

between the very end and everyone praying, as it is a worship room for praying in the
far end, what is totally anything I do not think it will happen, but I can not predict
what will happen. "
"Even if I did a votive ceremony last year, did not anything change?"

1563 | 2523
Egrantine skewed his head mysteriously. A pillar of red light stood up, but it was a
natural phenomenon in the lords. I hope that it will end without anything with such a
scale change.

"We did not pray to the altar last year, only to spell the magical power in the Holy
Grail, not to force magical power on the altar."

Besides, I did not visit the shrine, and not a huge magic team emerged in the sky. In
various ways last year and this year various conditions are different.

"It may be strange if you devote prayer towards the altar as if a strange phenomenon
had occurred when using a magical instrument in the case of a star knotting ritual.I
think that it is necessary even just preparation of the mind I informed you. "

Egrantine laughed couscous, when I told from Anastasiusus that he was told that he
was told that "Because there is nothing to do with anything involved, nothing can
happen than to happen unexpectedly."

"I understand.Please also report to Tsento and prepare your mind.Then the candidate
of the lord of Klassenburg has newly entered.As Mr. Giancourne has not done magical
compression yet, it is dedicated to intermediate nobility We are planning to attend
the ceremony, Intermediate aristocrat is responsible for Wilfried, is not it? "
"Yes, because it is my responsibility to do a votive ceremony three times, I suggested
that we have to organize that way."

When I smiled with Nicolle, Egrantine smiled with Nicolle.

"Both Rosemain's aides also cherished that he cherishes the Lord so much that they
both speak out so that they will not be burdened by Rosemain."

Eglantine looks at me like to see amusing things. And, in fact, before inviting the
dedication ceremony to invite me and invite me to tea ceremony or say they want to
protect the gentianu. I think that asylum and collaborative research are different
things, is my recognition different?

...... If you are asked to tell me about the dedication ceremony, you can accept it if you
ask, why does Ehrenfest the eighth place protect Klassenburg, No. 1? Is not it the

1564 | 2523
"I will be ashamed from next year when I will become the royal family above Janciane
but I think that this year it is still difficult."
"Well, Rosemain-sama. Even if you do not think so hard, invite them to a tea ceremony
or accept invitations and get along well enough."
"If it is good enough ... ...."

It will manage somehow if it is enough to bring a tea party together. It is hard to put
up time.

...... Can you research the magician at the library? I want it most, but that's it. Well ....

"I am pleased to accept you pleasantly, Mr. Rosemain, let's do a good collaboration"

I told you so, I turned my head. It is troubled even if it is said that good collaborative
research is done. Although it is a collaborative research with Klassenburg, I will not
do research with Egrandine, and I feel that I'm rather just cooperating with
Klasseburg's collaborative research.

"What kind of collaborative research does Krässenburg do jointly, even if it is said to

be a good collaboration?"
"I have not heard anything and I do not have anything to do with vanquish as
Ehrenfest, as I was asked to cooperate with the royal family and the upper rank, so I
just do a divine job, Jean-Cierne in Krussenburg What on earth are you studying? "

Egrantine is surprised and gazes at her mouth while staring in a strange mood. I have
not even decided on a research theme and I do not know what to reply to even if it is
told that I should do a good research even though I have not made any arrangements
other than preparation for votive ceremonies.

"I was told that last year the collaborative research was a student's area, so I did not
need Albu's permission in particular, but in collaboration with Klassenburg, the
beginning was from Ave and the boost of Egranthine It is decided and meetings and
discussions are held without students. "

Egrandin looked at me as if I was relieved. But really, students are not involved at all.
I can not think of the face of Klassenburg students at all except Gianciène who greeted
me at the social gathering.

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"How do you study something that does not listen to this opinion, the date and time
and order are decided, and even the research theme has not been decided yet?"

In order to increase the protection of the students, in order to widely inform the
priesthood, it is OK to cooperate in the donation ceremony because there are reasons
for the royal family to gain a lot of magical powers, but even if it is said to be a joint
research it does not come to a pin.

"I think that it is good to do a votive ceremony because I have a lot of benefits, I think
that I would like to do my best in Klasseburg, and this year I will follow the request of
the upper ranking territory, but if I become the adopted lady of the king, For Ehrenfest
there is nothing particularly gained from collaborating with Klassenburg.Honestly, it
is extremely annoying to crush holidays and to perform a votive ceremony in the first
half of a lecture that has no margin at all. "

As Egranthine has intervened, I also intervene to stop collaborative research. It is not

what Ehrenfest does until it involves students who are struggling to get excellent
results by placing a burden on Wilfried and Charlotte.

"Is the contribution to the royal family not the benefit of Ehrenfest?"

Eglantine said that Klasseburg could make a contribution to the royal family by
offering a dedication ceremony. It is certainly necessary for Ehrenfest to contribute to
the royal family as winning group territory.
But it is not something we have to do with Klassenburg, and it is supposed to be
counted as Ehrenfest's contribution to my royalty. I do not need any more burden.

"Rosemain, if you do not have the cooperation of Ehrenfest, you can not votive, there
is no one who can do the divine, if you are so annoying, tell me sooner ..."

I shook my head, looking straight at Egrantine who told me that I was troubled,
putting my hand on my cheek.

"I was told that it was already decided as earlier in the beginning of winter and I could
not tell because I could not ask for an opinion.When Egrantine intervened, it is the
order of the royal family, so I went to Ehrenfest I can not refuse. "

1566 | 2523
It is no cooperative study of just students for Ehrenfest at the time the royal family
Egranthine intervenes. Collaborative research determined by discussions between
AUB, etc. is not common. And I do not want to continue such unusual research.

"If Klostenburg is planning to offer donkeys next year as well, I think that you should
study this year's dedication ceremony well and allow Klassenburg students to do
divisions.Oh, How about a research theme? "

Wilfried and Charlotte can also be made, and I heard that Melchior and blue
apprentices also did a good ceremony at the Harvest Festival. There will be a period
of preparation for a year, so it will be okay if there is only motivation. As I talked about
the efforts of the blue apprentices I tried from spring to autumn, Egrantine became a
face that I do not know what to say.

"If you make a serious effort seriously six months, it is possible to do a priestess so
please tell Aru Klassenburg, Egrandine."

1567 | 2523
The next day I talked with Egrantine, when I passed the lecture and went back to the
dormitory, Brünhilde came over. Apparently there seems to have been an offer to talk
about collaborative research from Klassenburg to the dedication ceremony. But today
is already the real day, the day before the dedication ceremony. I can not afford to talk
to him until the dedication ceremony at all.

"How can I do? By the dedication ceremony, even if it is said to be tomorrow morning
only time can be taken, while the priests of Central Temple are preparing, they face
face to face, a little story I think it is possible to do it, but is not it rude? "

I asked Wilfriit and Charlotte about their requests from Klassenburg. Both of them
have a difficult face.

"Because the votive ceremony itself is still twice, it will not necessarily have to match
our face before the first ceremony, but because the representatives of the divine are
at Ehrenfest, that's what we are looking for is that I think it is a discussion with the
people. "

There are many good things to discuss before rituals, such as what kind of explanation
will be given to the students gathering for the dedication ceremony, where to range
from Klassenburg to where.

"Your aides would have been called during the time of the social gathering? Is the
discussion over at that time?"
"We are talking about preparing rituals, but it is a situation that students are not in
face-to-face relationships at all and they can not be said to be a collaborative research,
so it is a fact that we want to hold a face-to-face meeting beforehand.I am at a social
gathering I do not understand the face of that student other than Mr. Jean - Siugne,
who greeted me. "

Wilfried and Charlotte do not seem to know the face of Klostenburg students.

"It is the ritual of Mr. Wilfriit's brother to join Klassenburg's Giessianne, but is it okay
without meeting again?"

1568 | 2523
"Mumu: I certainly want to keep face-to-face before I perform a votive ceremony ... ...
If it is, ... next week? It is very difficult to take time."

Wilfried is the one who will spend the longest time touching Klostenburg at this
dedication ceremony. Wilfriit and Charlotte ordered ceremonies because of my
physical condition, but I can not go out to the scene to the scene.

"My older sister, brother, Even if I have time only in the morning of tomorrow, is not
it better to have a meeting place? Although Erienfest made a request from
Klostenburg, Ehrenfest set up time There is a possibility that it is said that it was said
that it was said not to be able to show the attitude that Ehrenfest considered
consideration even in a sudden time zone of tomorrow morning. "

Let's leave it to Krasnenburg's decision whether to decline sudden invitation,

Charlotte suggests. For social reasons it seems better to have time to visit

"Well, I guess it would be nice if we declined again if it was declined too quickly, then
we should set up a forum for discussion next week. It will accompany me when
Klostenburg accepts, it is me who must face each other, Are you busy preparing? It's
hard to say that Klostenburg's opponent will be able to do it. "

Charlotte also said to Wilfried's word, "Because Mr. Jean-Siène is a woman, it would
be better for me to join together." It is difficult to do dedication ceremony many times
because it is magical, so it's only for a face-to-face meeting, but it seems to come to the
auditorium. It is saved.

"Then, in the morning of tomorrow, after breakfast is over, we will meet at the
auditorium for the time to ring the three bells, can we say that the detailed story is
also at a tea ceremony? Brunhilde, please reply."
"Certainly, I will go ......"

When Burunhilde speaks, you can see not only Bertilde and Gray Tier, but Mel Heol's
side apprentices follow. I understand that I am under education.

Charlotte unexpectedly raised his face when I was discussing about meeting with

1569 | 2523
"Well, the wooden bill arrived from Ehrenfest a short time before my sister is back, so
that Melchior's hands and civil servants will come to the dedication tomorrow one by
"It seems that Melchior gave hope as he wanted him to experience once before the
dedication ceremony at the temple, and his father permitted it.Would you wear blue
costumes to be intertwined with your sister's escort knights It seems to come. "

Although it is impossible to direct Melchior 's escort and aides in the castle to the
House of Lords, it seems that they will have two young men who are likely to be able
to expect re-acquisition of protection.

"There are orders from Mel heol also at the students' aides, so that I experienced the
dedication ceremony of the aristocracy firmly and finished the lecture of the lords by
the dedication ceremony of Ehrenfest and come back with Rosemain sister, That was
it. "

Melchior's aides who heard the message from Charlotte replied, "I was trying hard
and I finished lecturing because I was told from before." It is as reliable as possible.

The day of votive ceremony. When I finish breakfast, I have my body cleaned and have
my costume dressed for the rite of the temple. Although it should not be a costume to
wear many times at the aristocratic clinic, the Rizerator was accustomed to dressing.
It is easy to see that Bertilde is trying to remember the story of the Riserator seriously.

"Rosemain, Melchior's aides from Ehrenfest have arrived"

"If everyone's done, let's go to the auditorium."

I say a voice to the people who wore a blue costume. Prior to the Hartmut of the priest,
my escorted knights, adults' escorts, Melchior's aides, and Wilfried and Charlotte are
wearing blue costumes. There are quite a lot of people. As we have talks with
Krussenburg, we have aides with Virfriit and Charlotte, but they are not wearing blue

I headed to the auditorium together with everyone in blue costumes. I asked Merciol's
aides, just arrived from Ehrenfest, about Melchior and children's room. Apparently
Melchior seems to be running well.
1570 | 2523
I will also tell you that Melchior's aides in the House of Lords are acting with my aides
and are being taught in various ways.

"Once you have passed the lecture and have free time, the knights apprentices will tell
you how Cornelius elder brothers and Leonore tells you how to identify poisons and
how to treat them, and practice them.In Hokkaido apprentices Hartmut and Damuel
are the temples About work and paper work, a side apprentice is supposed to bring
Burun Hilde, who has finished lectures, to various places until I return to the
dedication ceremony of Ehrenfest "

After that there is no longer a time when the adult group will enter the House of Lords,
so the deadline has been decided, but a rather dense education is supposed to be done.

When I entered the auditorium, I saw a group of black cloaks and blue priests working
busily. That blue color will be those of the Central Temple.
It seems that Hildebrandt has also taken over the role of opening the door which lasts
in the back, and this time with the Central Order. As they noticed us entering the
auditorium, Hildebrandt smiled nicely.

"Rosemain, it is early, is not it?"

"Oh, it is not so early for Prince Hildebrandt, you came here for the purpose of opening
the door though today is not participating in this priesthood?"

Giving a greeting while saying royalty is too hard. A group of Klassenburg came there.
Giessierne first greeted me with Hildebrand and turned to me.

"Rosemain, thank you for consideration of a sudden offer"

"Although Mr. Jean-Siugne, the order will change, I will introduce from those in a
hurry.They are wearing blue costumes, but those who are helping the temple task at
the aide of the lords candidate Tachibana, you will also see the intermediary or lower-
level dedication ceremony that will be held after this. "

I immediately introduced Hartmuts. Although the escort knight is kept on my side, the
aides of Hartmut and Melchior, the heads of the priests, have to prepare rituals with
the blue priests of the central temple.

1571 | 2523
"We will prepare the ritual from now and make final arrangements with those in the
central temple, will you accompany those in Klasseburg as well?"

When Gianciène looks back at the woman next door, several people walk towards the
altar about Hartmut. After sending it off, I will introduce Vilfriit and Charlotte to

"They will do a venue ceremony for intermediate and lower classes, I had you come
for a meeting today, I will discuss the detailed story slowly at a later date.Classenburg
will decide what kind of research to do, Is it there? "
"There is an old book that seems to be a thing related to a shrine in Krussenburg.I
want to learn how to do a divine thing through this donation ceremony and study
about the reproduction of an old priest, but how about you?"

It seems to have thought that if it is possible to revive the priest that is transmitted to
the self in the same way as Dunkel Ferger in a correct form it would be useful for the
territory and it would be a ceremony easy for the nobles to do.

"It seems to be a very good place for eyes, I would like to see the description of the
shrine written in that book"

The antenna of my head moves with a picture with the word old book written by
Gianciène. When I thought that I wanted to read, I thought that I wanted to read,
Giancianne smiled happily with a smile.

"Because it is too old to be difficult to bring out, I'm going to try to reproduce it based
on what I copied. I will bring the copied things to the discussion place, but I'd like you
to see Rosemain san."

...... Mr. Jean-Siugne, are you a good girl? You are a really good girl, are not you?

"Even the festival has revived the old ceremony correctly even at Ehrenfest The effect
of that ceremony was a wonderful thing.What the part that reproduces the old priest
is made a common study and what kind of ritual can be reproduced It seems that the
shape of collaborative research will be in place if the research is made on its own part.

1572 | 2523
If you use the spring call ritual in Halden Zell 's prayer ceremony as research material
of Ehrenfest, it seems that it will be able to shape the form of research without much
time. Wilfried and Charlotte also nodded in my words.

"In that study, an example of Haldzell will be good, I think I will be of assistance since
I have talked to Giebes, my sister"
"Truly Charlotte is trustworthy, is not it?"

By the time we talked a bit about the outline of the meeting and the research, the ritual
seems to be ready. The blue priests of the central temple came out from the back. At
the head is Hartmut, walking straight to me.

"Rosemain, preparation is over"

"Thank you, Hartmut. Did you explain to everyone?"

In addition to Melchior's aides, Klassenburg students were also preparing tours. I

think that the explanatory role Hartmut was serious. When I struggled, Hartmut
laughed with Nicolle, "What do the blue priests in the central temple say that they can
see the ritual?" Then he turned his eyes toward Immanuel.

It seems that this holiday ceremony brings the Holy Grail of the Sacred Heart from the
Central Temple. Therefore, Imanuel says he wants to attend the ceremony. I preached
the importance of the sacred tools and shook their heads to Immanuel, who insisted
that they should attend and prepare for the shrine, and that they have the right to
participate in the divine more.

"Since the blue priests of the central temple have collapsed at the dedication
ceremony of the lord congress, please refrain from today's votive ceremonies
gathered by the lords and higher aristocrats, who refused to participate in the shrine
to eliminate any danger at all Even a royalty or an escort knight is not to be put in the
worship room.If you have to see it with your own eyes, please bring the holy grail of
the central temple to the dedication ceremony of the lower aristocrat "

If it is a minor aristocratic dedication ceremony, I can not stop myself and I do not
think I will lose consciousness. You should be able to stop the ceremony on your own.
Immanuel reluctantly touched my words with the holy grail of the central temple and
passed away.

1573 | 2523
I accompany Wilfriit, Charlotte, Giancianne and enter the deepest part and confirm
the offerings of the altar, the statues of the gods, the imperial implements, and the red
carpet are properly laid. Klassenburg students desperately stopped it.
Make sure that you are ready without problems, tell Hildebrand that you are ready,
and contact the royalty. The preparation is over.

"Please ask the participants of today for the flow of the dedication ceremony, Mr. Jean-
Siugne. For today it would be better to return to the dorm before other participants

I will lose the opportunity to go back if I wander badly. Thanking my words, I started
with Gianciène and Wilfried and Charlotte also went back to the dormitory.

"I will impose a burden on Ehrenfest and Klassenburg, but I'm begging for you."
"It is an honor to serve Tsento, it is the same people last year as they participate in the
donation ceremony."

Just like last year, I will put the royal family in front and use the shields of the wind to
screen out candidate lords and senior aristocrats in the back. Due to knowing that
there is a shield of the wind this year, it seems that those who have something
worrisome have decided not to participate from the beginning. Participants wanted
to participate in the interior without a dropout.

I was thankfully asked about recovery of the collection place from some areas and
asked how to pray efficiently because I would like to do my best to re-acquire
protection at the time of graduation. Even just being able to confirm the existence of
the territory that is positive for the shrine is a little nice.

"It is most efficient to pray for someone else rather than pray for myself, how about
praying for the important person and each other?"
"Rosemain says that there is a fiancée who gives such a nice hair ornament easily, but
it may be a bit difficult for me who is not yet engaged."

Saying that with a depressed face, I apologize in my mind that "I am sorry!"

1574 | 2523
"Well, I am not a fiancée, family, relatives, friends, I will not pray for each other, but I
do not have to be a person to devote prayer, because the lord family is for the territory
He is praying for him. "
"Are you a friend, thank you"

The aides of Melchior will guide the female student who seems to have recovered to
the designated position.
Last year we lined up in the form of a donut like mainly the Holy Grail, but this year
the royal family stands in front of the altar, in the front row, the lords of candidates
and the senior nobles. Although it is only the applicant, unlike last year, not only civil
servants but also knights and servants have so many people.

When everyone comes in, the door is closed and rituals are started. Hartmut talks
about the mouth and makes everyone kneel, let the sound of the bells you shake.

"The temple, entrance"

In keeping with the voice of Hartmut, I started walking in the state surrounded by my
escort knights.

... ... In Ehrenfest the dedication ceremony is not in the worship room but in the room
in the aristocratic area, so it may be the first time to present a votive ceremony
towards the altar where there is a statue of God.

I walked straight between everyone's line and went out to the royal family and
kneeled in the front row. Escort Knights hand me a magical stone that has magical
power so that the front row is not burdened.
I looked around and interviewed Hartmut and got one nod. Hartmut puts a bell and
kneels side by side next to me. I also kneeled and took a hand on the red carpet.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

I heard stories from people who participated in last year's dedication ceremony and
adults who participated in the donation ceremony of the lord conference. The word
of prayer was rephrased and the divine started smoothly. The magical power of the
red carpet flows steadily and becomes a wave of light, and it runs up the altar. Because

1575 | 2523
it is a dedication ceremony with magical abundant noble groups, the flow of light is
faster than the shrine done at Ehrenfest, even the altar seemed to shine glitteringly.
The magical power flows steadily towards the altar, and the magical stones of the
imperial shrine held by the statue of white god begin to shine with their noble colors.
It is the first phenomenon not seen in the dedication ceremony of Ehrenfest.

"Give benefit to all the living beings, respect themselves to the gods, reward the
benefits of their precious gods"

Immediately afterwards, the pillars of each noble light rose from every sacred tool.
Seven lights once stood up straight, then twisted and twisted together, they fly as one

...... Wow, it's flashy when there are lots of divine equipment.

"Rosemain, it is almost time to come."

Damuel kneeling next to Hartmut is struggling to say so and separates manastones

and hands from the floor.

"The ceremony is over, everyone, please take your hand off the floor"

...... I did not expect that all the sacred glows would shine, but I was glad it finished
without anything just by shining.

I stroked my heart that I had successfully completed the dedication ceremony.

Perhaps the royalty who was fighting as if what happens is probably the same feeling.
I found out that I felt sick.

After giving time to take a rest for a while to drink recovery medicine, I will kick out
the students from the back. After that, the accumulated magical power will be
transferred to the manastone by the royal family, carried to the escort knight, and the
people of the central temple will clean up afterwards.

"Tsento, could you please divide the magic power into the library a little bit? Because
Mr. Oltantia does not come this year, probably the magical power is probably
1576 | 2523
"Father, it will be a problem if the magical power of the library runs out, so divide it
into Rosemain"

Sigiswald 's assistance also suggested that TSENT was willing to share magical

"How do you bring magical power to the library?"

"It's okay to carry with my holy grail, so .... Ale De Grahl"

Deform the Staple to create My Holy Grail and have Magical Power pour on it. It seems
that the surroundings agree with Anastasiusus which mutters "It is not measurable in
common sense as usual", but as I am not only able to make a shrine in Stap, I would
like to file an objection to that way of saying.

... ... Because I am troublesome I will not make an appeal altogether.

Last year, as much as magic powered on the manastor of the library was poured into
the Holy Grail, I decided to go to the library with my aides. Ask Leonore to leave
Ordonants to the library and have Cornelius and Damuel have the Holy Grail. I was
ready for departure and I looked around the royal family. It must have been said that
last year he needs a royalty report.

"If it is a royalty report, I will go this year."

When the line of sight got in touch with me, Sigiswald raised his name and came. For
me, who can be a supervisor, walk away with my aides by replying "I would like to ask
you a favor".
As I left the auditorium, I found that the students outside the auditorium pulled a step
back to our figure. Because all the aides are wearing blue costumes, is it like a matrix
of the temple completely? Or is it because Sigiswald is at the top?

While attracting attention from the surroundings, we leave the central building. The
moment I went outside, I noticed that the magic teams covering the skies of the
aristocrat were emitting strong light. I instinctively stop my feet and look up at the

...... Wow, it seems that triggering something to pray in front of the altar which is still
in the back is something.

1577 | 2523
Magical power is sufficiently distributed, and it seems that it seems to be amusing
whenever it starts. Another thing will start if there is a chance.

...... But what should I do after this? One more prayer?

I want hints on what to do after this, but can not we go to the underground library,
although there is no Altansia who was one of key managers.

"Rosemain, what's wrong? It's a difficult face."

As soon as I entered the bridge passage, Sigismwald cried as if I had worried about
me who stopped his feet. It seems Sigiswald can not see the magic team in the sky. I
shake my head and walk to the library.

"I am not worried that Mr. Ortansia will not come to this year's House of Lords, Is it
Professor Otansias who managed the key of the library? Is there no alternative senior

When I asked, while smiling the word that it might not be able to go to the
underground archive, Sigiswald smiled a bitter smile.

"It was Altansia who persuaded Rao Burut persistently and took office, and it was just
before the aristocrat began that we were informed that we could not go to the House
of Peers, so we can not find a substitute civilian at once. ...... However, there is a voice
from Klassenburg that Gianciène is a library committee member, so I would like you
to register at the end of the lecture. "

Sigiswald suggests that if you increase the number of library members and arrange
the key managers, it will not be OK. I am also worried about supplying magical power
to Schwarz and Sorangju will be alone, so I do not mind increasing the number of
library members.

"But is it okay with no advanced librarians?"

"I can not answer to it unless I try it."

I arrived at the library while I was talking with Sigiswald. Sorangi and Sigismwald who
were picked up greet each other, and Schwarz and Vice jump around me as usual.
1578 | 2523
"Dear, you came"
"Hime-sama, are you honest?"
"Well, that is a very enthralling teaser, but today I came to supply magical powers."

While Sorangju smiled smiling smiley "We really appreciate Rosemain's worry," will
guide you to last year's magic tool.

"Dr. Sorangju, there was a magic stone from Dr. Ortansia, let me fill up magical powers
first.If Schwarz's magical power runs out before the library committee finishes the
lecture, it is serious if the library committee ends the lecture."
"Well, that is saved, because my magical power is to the utmost as it is responsible for
the daily work of the library."

I will tell you that the time spent at Ehrenfest will be longer this year, I will immerse
the empty magic stone received from Soranju in the Holy Grail and fill the magical
power. And I had the remaining magical power pour on the same big devil as last year.
The rainbow color got a bit darker, so it will be fine for a while.

... OK with this. Today's work ended.

Next to where Sigiswald looks interestingly at the library's magician, I erased the holy
grail that ended, and I exhaled after I finished a work. The next moment, Black Forest
and Weiss pulled my hand.

"Dear Mr. Hime, there is also a mackerel"

"Mr. Jiji, I read"
"Oh, I do not have Professor Otanzia, so it seems better to supply magical power there
too, Mr. Sorangju, what shall I do? May I supply it?"

As a senior aristocrat ortansia took office, I was left behind without putting out my
hands, but if not, it would be better to supply magical power to that too. It is serious
if the library's function suddenly stops while you do not notice.

"If you have room for Rosemain, thank you, because I can not supply it to all magical
tools very well in middle class nobles ..."

1579 | 2523
It seems that it was really hard to get there without Altansia. I am sorry I was asked
by Soranju, I headed to the reading room on the second floor. Since I drank a recovery
medicine after the dedication ceremony, there is no problem magically.

"Prince Sigiswald, I will supply magical power to the magical tool of the second floor,
I will continue"
"Rosemain really is a library is important, honestly, I did not think that we are
supplying lots of magical power to the library"

With a smile on the words of Sigismwald, I go up the stairs with Schwarzs and the
aides. The supply of magical power to "じ じ sama" should have touched the
Guratrishite manastone which the statue of Mestionola in the back of the second floor
reading room is holding.

I touched the Guratrishite manastone with a hand. Squirrel and magical power are
sucking. When magical power was shedding without knowing how much it needed,
suddenly the magic team came up to the mind clearly.

I saw the magic crowning shining on the scenery in front of me, my eyes flickered
before my eyes closed my eyes. You can see the magic team clearly in the darkened

... the same as the feeling when it comes to making sacred materials?

As soon as I thought, I felt that Hood and body floated in the air. In a panic, open your
eyes as to whether it is likely to collapse and collapse.


For some reason I was standing alone in a dark space.

1580 | 2523
"Where is this place?"

There is no one to look around the dark space. Where are the aides that were
supposed to have been around? Rather, it might be more accurate if one of us moved

"Supplying magical power to the statue of Mestionola, since the magic team floated
and it was peeped out ... is it like feeling when it was moved to the shrine of the gods?"

I recall my situation and set my own forecast. But the gods were lined up in that
shrine. It was a kind design that teaches us prayers. Now I do not know what is going
on, what is going on and what is going on.

...... If you are trapped in the library, you will not be bothered by the dark.

I slowly extended my hand to explore the surroundings. There are no walls within
reach. It seems not to be stuffed in box-like objects. Then crawl and try to find your
feet. There was hardness like a floor.


Magical line started to grow from the fingertip touching the floor. As the magical line
grows and spreads, the scenery begins to appear slowly from his feet. As if to wash
away the darkness with magic, it seems like landscapes are hidden beneath, making
landscapes with your own magical powers.
I was surprised to draw a hand, but the phenomenon that the sight is spreading in the
dark will not stop. From the point where I am, the scenery appears as the flowing
water spreads.

The floor with the carpet spreading like a high acoustic effect spreads like drawing a
big arc and fell downward from a certain point. In the large columnar building, the
spiral staircase extends downwards and downwards like there are stairs along the
circumference wall.

1581 | 2523
And from the place where lateral spread struck the wall, this time the landscape began
to appear in the vertical direction. The book shelves filled with books was what
seemed to spread out from the position close to the floor. This bookcase that
continues to the ceiling continues to spread all the way next time. Under the dark was
a huge library with a large spiral staircase and a bookshelf that kept on walls all the

"Fuwa!! What is here!? God has given you paradise!"

I was overwhelmed by the shelves full of walls and I looked around. I saw the library
with such books in Jurgen Schmidt for the first time. It is overwhelmingly more than
the librarian of the aristocracy who was impressed much more than the library of
Ehrenfest. It seems to be a foreign library that I have seen in photographs etc. as if it
was the Lleo period.

"Ooooooo! Books, Books! From over there to here, everything from the top to the
bottom! Hey!"

Supplying magical power to the statue of the wisdom goddess Mestionora, I came to
such a wonderful place. Respect and gratitude for Mestionola can not be expressed in
words. But when I can not express it by words, I think that it is better to express it by

"Pray to the wisdom goddess Meztionora!"

While embracing the blessings I left to emotion, I jumped on the bookshelf of the
closest wall from me with a full smile. I reached out to stroke my back cover of
bookshelf's book to enjoy the feel. My head felt pure white with a sticky straight feel.
It looks like a picture drawn on the wall, so I can not pick up a book. I strike the wall
with a beech but the book does not come out.

"What's this!! Branding pleasure! It's a terrible fraud! Return my prayers ... ...."

What does it mean to please so much and put it in the edge of despair shortly
afterwards? I want to say a complaint to the wisdom goddess Mestionora.

"Thou who seeks the knowledge here?"

"I want to read! From the bottom of my heart!"

1582 | 2523
I answered as if it screams with watery eyes, and I just noticed.

...... Whose voice! Is it?

It seems that there was someone. It seems that my instinctive actions and my actions
from anywhere have been witnessed battle with Aub 's behavior not suitable for
adoption. This is bad. Very bad. Although it felt the same mood as the shrine of the
gods, it was a runaway that is unlikely as a candidate for a lord. I feel comfortable with
the feeling of cold sweat flowing.


There was a golden schmir there. It is about the same size as Schwartz, but how to
speak is quite fluent.

"Come, if you come, those who seek knowledge."

A golden schmir is going down the stairs with Pyonpyon. Because it jumps off at a
stretch of five stations at a time, the speed of going down the stairs is quite fast. I do
not know how far it is going down, but what I am is the top of a large columnar library.
I gave up quickly that it was impossible for me to walk on my own, and carefully I
looked around and entered the cowardly. There will not be to be angry because there
is nobody other than golden schmir.

"Where is here?" She said that you are the Mr. Schwarzs, you are waiting or calling ...
.... "

I went down the stairs and asked the golden schmir. The golden schmir will answer
while descending the stairs with the hospital without seeing it.

"This place reflects the desires of visitors, confirms and sends out visitors the
intention and qualification to seek knowledge, I confirmed their intention."

……Huh? In other words, is my hope a library full of walls? Oh, by the way, you thought
you wanted to be trapped in the library rather than the dark.

It seems that Mestionora has nothing to do with it. Blessed arbitrarily without
permission, arbitrarily disappointed, I am sorry, apologize in my mind.

1583 | 2523
"Oh, that's you, are you?"
"This place reflects the desires of visitors, confirms and sends out visitors the
intention and qualification to seek knowledge, I confirmed their intention."
"Well, I've heard of it already."

Golden schmir speaks fluently, but maybe few patterns can talk. Even if you ask
anything, only the same words will come back.

The library that seemed to continue infinitely downward seemed to be visionary. I

arrived at the bottom of the stairs down from the third floor to the third floor. There
was a door with seven magic stones in the front facing down the stairs.

"Touch that door, open it if qualified"

Kim Sumir told me so, I had heard something on the door earlier in the underground
library I hesitated a lot.

"Oh, I, I have no royalty registration, but ..."

"Touch that door, if you qualify you should open the door."

Golden Schmir repeats the same words. He will not listen to this opinion. Since there
was no choice, I went down wild with beasts and touched the door. You can withdraw
your hand immediately by touching it carefully so that it will be fine even if you are
played back. There was nothing to be played, and a magic stone shone in red.

... It seems to be okay.

Next time touch the door with the whole palm. When all the magic stones glow, the
door opens automatically inward. However, it seems that a rainbow-colored oil film
is hanging on it, so it can not be seen. Where is it connected? When standing standing
in front of a wide open door, a golden schmir lined up next door.

"Those who are recognized by the gods, seeking knowledge, go and go, things that you
seek are ahead of us"
"Yes! I'm reading a lot of books!"

I restarted the crouched beast and I thrust into the invisible door.

1584 | 2523
When I rushed with a one passenger bus, I went out to a place like a cave where the
rock was exposed. The white road lights faintly to show me the way forward. Running
with a beast with a dart, a white spiral staircase appeared at the end.

"I have something to remember ... ... Is not it the beginning of the garden?"

It was the white spiral staircase that came to gain God's will at the first grade, and as
we climbed that stair there was a beginning garden. This time I rose the spiral
staircase with a cowgirl, but as I expected it was the beginning garden.
It is a white square with a white floor in a circular shape as it is memorized, just in the
middle there is a big tree like white sculpture of the same material in the middle. At
the time of lecture to obtain Stap, there was God's will, but at the time of lecture to
gain protection there was nothing.

It seems that the appearance does not change even when it comes several times. A
large white tree trunk extends to the ceiling, with white branches spreading on the
ceiling. There seemed to be a big hole, and the light like thin sunlight from the white
leaves grown on the white sculpture tree was thin and some muscles were falling.

... ... I have come again but I wonder what I'm going to do here? There are no books

As golden schmir told me to read a book, there is no book here. I get off the beast and
walk around the tree around.

"You finally came ... ...."


I heard a voice from somewhere, but no one here. I remembered the golden schmir
who had been seen to be out of fight and I look back on my actions quickly. It should
not be an instinctive move yet here.

...... Milady You have not taken disqualified behavior, do you? Yup. It's okay it's okay.

Lord Candidate While looking around while carefully not to forget the likelihood of
being a candidate, the big tree in the middle gently stepped through and began to take
shape slowly.

1585 | 2523
"Wow !?"

I fall behind on a phenomenon that is too strange. To be honest, I do not know the
reason. I am supposed to have come here to read books, but there is no book, and
strange things are happening. In the face of an unintelligent reality, I have become
wanting to go home already.

... .... Where is the exit?

Although trying to escape from here, when it came unexpectedly it seemed that the
hole leading to the stairs which should have passed through was occupied, it became
a completely round square. In other words, the escape place is gone.

...... I do not understand something, but I know that serious things are happening. It is
immeasurable in my common sense!

I would like to ask someone if this phenomenon is common in Jurgen Schmidt. While
confused with Orooru in the inside, the big tree was in the shape of an upright man.

It was a person who kept the impression of a big tree. In my age judgment by my eyes
which is not so reluctant, I am in the late thirties. She is a slender and big man, but it
is white. White hair longer than the waist, those dressed in white clothing, the skin is
white. Is it because there are wrinkles between the brows like Ferdinand that seems
to be nervous?

With his eyes closed, he opened his mouth.

"What was it that you were doing? The magical power of the foundation was poor, and
the magical power of wrapping Jurgen Schmidt as a whole was also thinning."
"Well, sorry, is not it?"

Be angry at the encounter, apologize for a while without understanding. Obviously it

is not a normal human being. I do not know what will happen if I get angry. You had
better get out there.
But I do not know why he is suddenly angry. Because it was said that it was late at the
beginning, was he the one who was waiting for me or calling me?

"Oh, maybe you are a lieutenant?"

"Mr. じ じ? ... .... Ah, quite a nostalgic name."
1586 | 2523
Is this person yours? I stare at a white guy at ease. According to Schwarzs, it is old and
great, so you may have to be careful in dealing with it.

"Mr. Shi, I have a question, is it OK?"

"I have a question, too, is not the vessel shrinking for a long time, have you received a
strange curse?"
"What? Curse?"

I wanted to ask who you are, but I could not ask you because the man caught me out.

... ... Have you received a curse?

"Even if you come here with that vessel, you will not be able to take it very much, it
will take time and effort."
"What are you talking about?"

There are plenty of things I want to hear, how about vessels and what they take.
However, the man does not reply to my question, he stood straight and turned his face

"Can I ask you? Earnhacs"

The moment the man said, blue light came down on top of me.

……Hmm? Was not Earwax the god of breeding?

When I was thinking about drinking that I was calling it much more carefully, I noticed
that my body started changing soon. The sound like a bone gathers is felt as if the
muscles are being stretched, and a severe pain runs throughout the body. I was
breathlessly breathless of the unexpected situation.

"Oh, it hurts! It hurts, it hurts!

"Give up and be patient"

"Give up" is too bad while asking Arnovacs for growth without any explanation in
advance. I want to complain, but the blue light that comes down to me will not stop
and my whole body will not stop my intense pain.
1587 | 2523
In the severe pain, what I thought was bad at first was a band of waist. A band of waist
and a string of pumpkin pants to keep socks tied are digging into the stomach. It hurts
and I feel painful to breathe. While I was crying with pain I ran out of the band of the
leather that lowered the devil 's demon stone and recovery drugs, unraveled the band
of the temple' s clothing, and took off the ritual costume. Then take up the skirt of the
costume you were wearing under and take off the bands of the waist and the strings
of the pants.

When his breath became easier, his head was making a loud noise. Due to the firmly
stiffening with hairdressing fees, every part of the scalp is attracted. I instinctively
thought that I had to drop the hair dressing fee.


While being wrapped in water, I pulled out a hair ornament. When the hairdressing
fee falls, my hair falls easily as the string tends, so my hair will melt without

In the midst of a brief moment I was relieved in a severe pain. My shoes were tight
and my fingertips began to bend in my shoes. Even though I desperately took off my
shoes, my socks are tight. My toes are too tight, but my thighs are going to stop blood
as it is.


When I made a knife with Steap, I tore up my socks from my thighs to my feet in a
stroke. It is a vandalism which can not be done unless it is a staple cutter that will not
scratch yourself.
I put a knife on the back cord of the costume I wore as it was. The back loosens along
with the sound of a stubborn nature and the back is opened.

Since my arms are getting tighter, I take off my upper body costume and I am
underwear. My breasts are growing even more than the Reino period, so underwear
has become more severe as we can see the valley, but you can still wear it by cutting
with a mesa aside. The bottom is a pumpkin pants with plenty of room, so I'm turned
into a bread roll but it's okay if I do not remove it.

1588 | 2523
... ... Wow, the minimum dignity was guarded. safe. It was almost time for me to
become PIP.

Because there is a memory of the Life era, though I can still think that it is safe, if it is
the aristocratic standard of Jürgen Schmidt it is completely out. What a terrible act
against girls.

...... I thought that I wanted to grow big, but I did not want this growth!

The blue light was gone before it disappeared. I stare at the sky that blue light that
was unexpected has come in. The body's pain was gone, whether it had grown
completely. The whole body is tired and it is very tense, but even if the pain suddenly
disappears it is good.

I want a recovery medicine.

After drinking restorative medicine with gentleness, I reached for the ceremonial
costume of the temple. The ceremonial costume of the temple is raised to grow even
if it grows. If you cut the thread down, you should be able to wear even a growing
body. It was a raise to save money, so I did not expect this way of use, but I would like
to applaud me to those days.

I cut the thread of the part raised with the mesa, and wear it with a rusty. Unlike the
reiserators, I can not tie it beautifully, but I tied the belt. It seems that he managed to
avoid underwear.

Huh, and raised my breath while exhausting tired breath, the white man standing
without trembling. I stared at the cause of this time I asked Earnacus to grow me.

"Mr. Atsushi, you saw a harvest not with my harlot!"

"I can not see him, only magical powers are visible to me."

Huh? I thought. But, for sure he has never opened his eyes.

"It seems that vessels have grown, it seems that they are growing more than in those
days, and more than anything else, this time they've been through regular roads,
which is a little bit more courtesy from that time"

1589 | 2523
...... Regular way? At that time Are you doing something wrong? Huh? Did I grow up by

It may be that he does not know whether he is making a mistake while keeping his
eyes closed.

"Ah, excuse me ...."

"Come on, give up the staple soon and pray for us"
"Well, please wait, people are ... ..."
"I can not wait any longer, do it fast."

I got a stern voice, I answered "yes" reflexively and put out Stap. As much as praying,
I've done it many times. There is no choice but to go with him until he feels like hearing
this story.

The moment when I gave up persuasion and gave up Stap, the noble color began to
jump out one after another from Stap.


The noble color which jumped out of the staple floats as seven lights on the
circumference of about one meter in diameter centering on me. The height is just
around the chest. The spherical floating noble light increases the density and deepens
the color and changes its shape into a rectangle. Eventually I was floating in the air as
a rock of each noble manast that I got around the gods shrine at the time of the lord

Before myself, it was a blue stone board that I first got. The word engraved on my
head when I took it came out with nature.


The blue stone becomes a thin light pillar, and the blue light moves to the left on the
circumference as if to chant the next word, and a yellow stone plate comes in front of

"Tiedi Hinda"

1590 | 2523
The yellow stone plate became a thin light pillar. Next we will change it into a green
stone, red stone, white stone, black stone and gold stone and one after another to the
pillar of light. When I was surrounded by the pillar of light, the white man gazed
slowly upward. I also face upwards in the same way. There was a perfect hole and I
saw the blue sky.

"Call the highest God and the five gods of the Ogami and pray from the bottom of my
heart, I want to borrow the wisdom of Mestionora."

I will pray on the spot and pray as I told him white.

"I am the one who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods and is
superior to the sky as a high tea ceremony, the supreme god is the couple of darkness
and light The god of the darkness The goddess of the darkness Shikantantharato the
goddess of the light Fair Spready wide Hiroshi Hiroku earth Goddess of five pillars
Ogami water goddess Fleet Rene fire goddess Leiden Shaft style goddess Schuleria
earth goddess Geduliche God of life Let's hear our prayers and give the wisdom of
Mestionora "

The light of the seven colors surrounding me went up with Hyun. Immediately after
that light gets falling. As soon as I tried unexpectedly trying to resist the torrent of the
knowledge flowing in with the light, the voice of reproof sounded.

"Do not strike. Accept everything, as much as possible, receive as much as possible,
receive the wisdom of Mestionora without spilling out"

1591 | 2523
I told Mr. Tsuji to accept, so I will try my best to accept as much knowledge as possible
by drawing out the power of the body as much as possible. In my mind I remember
the anger of "I am the book I want, it is not the knowledge that is poured into this
head!", But if not, I can make it.

...... I will print all this knowledge someday! Any knowledge is coming!

Moodly accepting the situation and accepting the knowledge that comes down with
light from the sky. The knowledge about the priest listed in the scriptures and the
speech of the gods listed in the book borrowed from Dunkel Ferger are mixed and
flow in at the same time.

……Wait a minute. Classification! Please classify it! Do not mix the mischievous tale of
Ribesuk Hillfest with the love story of Fleet Lane and the prayers of a shrine! Then, I
now understand. She is Air Vermeen. The figure has not changed since the founding.
Serious young making.

There are also important knowledge, but there are many miscellaneous information
that flows in from the bottom. To be honest, it seems that it is not a well-organized
knowledge because it is messy.

...... Ahh! I can understand the need for a manuscript or just want to write out only
essential knowledge for work as Tent as a stone board or scripture. It is absolutely
useless without such miscellaneous knowledge and search function!

Important knowledge such as the cornerstone of each territory made by Tent, the role
of the original temple, knowledge of the scriptures of the temple, supply of magical
power to Jürgen Schmidt by Tzent going around the border gate will flow in.

……Huh? wait. Please do not flow. It is important, really. How Georgyne takes the
cornerstone of Ehrenfest ... ....

"Do not think, accept it all.

1592 | 2523
As soon as I thought about the flowing knowledge, I was reprimanded by Air
Vermoon. Although it should have been extremely urgent and important, I tried to
think about it, it seems that I can not accept the knowledge that flows in the brain. It
is not permitted to examine the knowledge that comes in, but it seems that you have
to just accept it with your head empty.

...... It is surprisingly difficult to accept without thinking. I really want to think about

Once I slowly organize my brain, I feel like I can not really be useful in spite of pouring
in so much knowledge only. If the thing that shaped the knowledge thus given is
Guritisuheito, is it necessary to have a function that can search for knowledge
necessary for himself at that time?


What followed the knowledge of myths and temple relationships was the history of
successive Tento. As soon as that, the flowing knowledge began to pierce. The history
of Jürgen Schmidt flows somehow with Bokoboko and a hole open.

As an example, a patient lying in illness cut one's prince to inherit his own Gurtris
Height and cut off at the place where I asked for work to open the border gate, the
next was another prince The place where it is stunned that "Guritisheit has
disappeared" comes in. It is also difficult to judge whether these two knowledge are
related or not, or whether the times are the same.

It is frustrating and frustrating because it seems that the radio condition is bad and
I'm showing an intermittent movie or many things connecting a movie without a

What's more troubling is that this piercing does not occur only in the flow of history.
There are also things that the way of ceremonies that later generations have created
to enrich the territory and some of the magic teams are painted black. There are lack
of rituals and magic teams that I have seen on the stone of the underground archive.

... ... Wow! I will see it all without seeing it, so please show me clearly if you show it! It
is so worrisome!

1593 | 2523
But my desperate wish did not come true.
The falling light disappears and the torrent of knowledge that was forcibly pouring
into the head is over. As in reading a lot of books at a stretch, the inside of my head
was saturated with new knowledge. Knowledge sickness or somewhat head is fluffy.

"I took it quite often. Let's rest for a while."

"Well then, I will rest in peace with your words."

I lied on the spot. Rather, it would be better if the head of the head was too hot to sit
around with a shaky feel. Close your eyes for a while. Even though I am lying down,
my head seems to be shaking. My head is so messy that I can not make up my mind
anyhow. Nevertheless, from the perspective of the entire knowledge that should be
given, it certainly appeared that 30 to 40 percent of the knowledge was lacking.

...... That I could not catch it?

I intended to take it all but I guess that it did not come with strength. I slowly exhaled
while discouraging.

"Why is there much information about Zento and Aub in knowledge of Mestionola,
there is little information on lower aristocrats and commoners, do you know Air

When I told the question that caught me out, the answer came back from Air Vermoon.

"Because those who got Stap join Mesothiona's wisdom when a person with more
than a certain magical power becomes a manastone"

Apparently the wisdom of Mestionola seems to be updated when Zent or Aub died,
gathering that person's memory. Although there are many pieces of information of
reasons and reasons, the information since political change is extremely small, and
there is no information of commoners.

I got up quickly while holding down my head which I felt and picked up the hair
ornament scattered on the floor. Like a commoner era, lightly combine hair with a
chew. It is difficult to solidify firmly with hairdressing, but it will be better than not
doing anything.

1594 | 2523
"...... Mr. Air Velhman, I came here to read a book, yet I can not read a book, I am too
sorry that it was knowledge that is full of holes that I got in."

I complain about being disappointed, I prepare for my free time. I pulled the band of
leather that lowered manastone and recovery medicine, and packed the socks that
tore themselves into a leather bag. I can not leave this stuff here.
After removing the piece of clothing, I removed the costume of the temple once and
made a simple armor with magic stones on my underwear. Brigitte remembered that
it did not need a bra.

...... Oh, it feels good.

I wear clothes that exposes my back wide from above. If you cut a notch around the
arm of your arm from the side, you can manage it somehow. It looks like a high waist
dress, but it is essential for a skirt swelling and a race that looks a little from the sleeve
of the temple's costume.

After that, I changed the costume of the temple and carefully connected the belt. You
will feel a little decorating.
Finally, deform the magic stone and make shoes. This does not expose your bare feet.
Although I have practiced only making things like armor shoes, I am better than
walking with bare feet, and the ceremonial costumes are safe as they hide shoes.

"It is my first time to say that it is disappointing to get the wisdom of Mestionola, but
if it matches with the previous memories almost all of them would have been
obtained? Together with previous knowledge "

The magic stone that I took to make shoes rolled down from Korori and his hands.
Well the blood begins to draw.

……I forgot! Mistake problem!

"I am the first time I met you, Mr. Air Vermouth, so there is no previous knowledge."
"... ... not for the first time, that one can not be forgotten as expected"

Even if it is said that you can not forget it, I am the first time. It is said that it is a natural
face, so I told you so, I repeat that I am again wrong.

"What was the one who came here before?"

1595 | 2523
"It is a polite idiot"
"I do not understand well with that alone, you said you did not come on a regular road,
how did you come in?"

I asked in a naive talking mood to arrange dress. While listening while making shoes
with magic stones, Air Vermoon talks about rude intruders.

It seems to have been ten years ago. The political change was also about the second
half, it seems that there were people who were going around all the shrines, creating
huge magic teams, and that they could reach Air Vermeen.

That huge magic team is a thing necessary for us to take the shape of a person and
communicate with the gods, who usually takes the figure of a big tree. It is an essential
magic team to get the book of Mestionola. If that magic team does not move, we can
not meet Air Vermeon. It was because the magic team did not start because I was
unable to meet Air Vermoon when getting Stap or during ceremonial ceremony.

The man who got magical team by magical power to the statue of Mestionola at the
library, who met the golden schmir, was said to have been repelled by saying,
"Although there is qualification, the magic team is not moving". However, he said that
he did a shrine in the far end, not filling the magical power with the magic team, but
he hit the enormous magical power from the sky into the magic team.

"And it came from this sky"

Air Vermeen looked up at the upright unchanged posture. I also look up at the top of
it. It seems that I was mistaken for a foolish fool who came down from the place to
communicate with the gods.

"I will not do such a thing, it's completely misunderstood."

...... I thought about how to move the gigantic magic team and thought about dropping
a giant devil, but I have not done it. I judged that it was dangerous as expected.

"There are certainly people who resemble magical powers"

The baby immediately after birth is almost the same magical power as the mother,
and it seems that the couple who are deeply in love are quite similar. However, if
growing up, the difference will come out even in parents and children. Mothers tend
1596 | 2523
to be less affected by their husbands, often returning to their original color, because
the magical power of a child is the standard when birth is born. The difference also in
brothers seems that the magical power of a child is greatly influenced by the magical
power of a mother who is pregnant or giving birth.
That's why hotly loved couples do not necessarily have the same shade forever. The
influence of each other 's magical power does not last so long.

"Even if magical powers are similar, it is impossible for the Supreme God who is
granted the same name to be the same, which is a different person ... ..."

Magical powers are similar, and the names of the supreme gods that are obtained are
never the same. That is why it seems that he could not recognize him as a different

"Why did you get Stap? Magical powers are similar so far and you should not get the
same person up to the name of Supreme God."
"Well ... probably because the curriculum of the House of Lords was changed, it was
my first grade that I got Stap, and it was when I had not yet got the name of Supreme

Because I did not get the name of Highest God, it should have been recognized as a
different person whose magical power resembles. In other words, if I was a
curriculum to acquire Stapp after obtaining the name of the supreme god, there was
a possibility that I could not have obtained Stap, as I was supposed to be the same
person as someone else.

...... Wow, I was stupid.

"Is he the child with the mark of Averieve?"

"... What on earth is that?"
"It should be in the knowledge that I gave you earlier, try to embody the book of

I was groaned small, being told that you should go out with Guritisuheito by yourself.
You have to acquire the knowledge you need from that miscellaneous knowledge. I
would like a Guritisu heit with a search function.

1597 | 2523
I will put out Steap and close my eyes lightly. And I imagined the book of Mestionola
that the image of Mestio Nola of the library had in my head. The magic team floats on
my mind at the same time as the book of Mestionola I want.
I already know the spell. It was because many Zento were advocating in the poured

"Gurtris Hight"

Stap makes the shape of the book of Mestionola. It is considerably smaller than the
Gurritosheit which the statue of Mestionola had. It is a tablet type that focuses on
searching, with a book size that can be held with one hand I grew.

"The square of the magical power is quite small, can you read the book of
"If it is bigger than this, it is hard to read.Well, you were a child with a mark of
Aveuribe, were not you?"

Put a search word at your fingertips and try searching. A child with a sign of Averiebe
seems to point to a part of eating. It seems to be a person who has a magical power
born among the commoners who escaped from the hands of Avilibe many times
without dying even though it died and that has lumps of magical power which the
dead man should live despite being alive .

...... I lost the lumps with Jureve pickles, but it certainly was.

It seems that eating is thin with all attributes, slightly affecting the attributes of the
born land. The attribute of the land seems to be influenced by the symbol of the god
engraved on the border gate. In Ehrenfest the wind attributes, clasinburg earth,
Dunkel Ferger is fire, Ahrensbach is dark, Hawfrezze is water, It seems that
Gillessenmeier is light, the center has a strong attribute of life.

By the way, according to the book of Mestionola, Jurgen Schmidt is centered on the
symbol of the God of life and seems to be formed by a magic line shaped like a seal of
the power of the God of life.

...... Mr. Air Vermeen, how much do you dislike Aveyriebe?

Aside from such impressions, since eating is not influenced by parent's magical
power, it is all thin attribute. I have to pray for the gods, gain protection and make
1598 | 2523
magical colors on my own. And if you get married with almost no attributes, you will
be affected by your companion. It is not influenced by each other because there is
almost no color of theirs, it is only affected by the other party. However, the other
party does not completely dye it. Over time, the influence of opponent's magical
power gradually fades.

However, the child with the mark of Aveuribe who is living but has a mass of magical
power that the dead man should have is different. It is like having a magic stone in the
body, so it will almost completely be dyed when it is fully dyed. It seems that it will be
in a state of not getting thin easily even if trying to thin it. It seems that it will have a
slightly thinner magical power than the dyed opponent.

...... That is, I am dyed! Is it? I'm completely dyed like Ferdinand! Huh? What I mean is
Ferdinand, a rudely ordinary unknown fool before! Is it? What were you doing! Is it?

The new knowledge is too much and the inside of the head is tough, but it seems that
eyes will turn around the facts newly discovered.

"Do you have something to remember?"

In the words of Air Vermoon I nodded and took it.

"It looks like a child with a sign of Aveilibe, sometimes it was dyed with magical power,
but it's still different from sex, you can understand at a glance,"
"There is no gender in magical power"

...... How! Is it?

"But, like a voice or a tone ... ...."

"Can you discriminate between sexes of other living creatures by voice or squealing?
I am only reading the consciousness of one's side from the emitted sounds."

It was told by Air Vermean that it was like distinguishing between males and females
by the voice of the dogs and cats and how to sing, I was disappointed but convinced.
That is certainly difficult.
And if it is not in a form to read consciousness, it seems that it seems to be like talking
with a translator in between, as long as the language of the past and the present are
not the same, it is said that it is impossible to transmit and receive intention and
knowledge I noticed that. I could not feel a fine difference between male and female
1599 | 2523
words and I learned from the appearance of Air Vermoon that he was listening with
Feldinandish-like tone.

"Well, Dear Mr. Air Vermoon. So, if a child with an Aveilibe sign is dyed before an adult,
is there any influence or caveat?"

It is troubled if there are many difficulties encountered with serious eyes due to
human error like this time.

"There is not such a peculiar situation, so it can not be said anything, basically it will
not change much from what was dyed by a parent."

...... Although it is not supposed to depend on anything.

"The fundamental magical power of that merely is that marriage will naturally change
if you get married and the influence of another, so is it that Quinta is the one who dyed

I shook my head to the words of Air Vermain. A person named Quinta does not know.

"It is Ferdinand-san who dyed me"

"I do not know well, come here and touch me, see the memory of one of us"

I told Ayr Vermeen, I got up and tried to walk. At that moment, I fell down in a hurry.
Sense of body is strange. This is going to be a serious thing if you do not go home after
practicing here for a moment.

"What are you doing?"

"Suddenly it got bigger, I do not feel it."
"Okay, do it fast."

...... No, hey! Who enlarged without hearing the circumstances of this?

While staggered I stood before Ayr Vermeen. The height of the line of sight is quite
different from the time when I first came here. Touch the hands a bit while touching
where to touch.

"Well, have they been dyed with the magical power of Quinta?"
"Is Quinta about Ferdinand?"
1600 | 2523
"It is the same as their own original name is Mine"

As I was told somewhat, I was told that Air Vermeen really was able to see his memory,
and said, "... it is convenient," said Air Vermehn to leave.

"What is convenient?"
"We are not trying to find ourselves knowledge, reaching here with an awesome
means and sharing the book of Mestionola with those who opposed Mestionola's
acceptance of wisdom."

Air Vermeen said Ferdinand had a hole in the hole.

"The one with the same magical power as that and the one who came from the
legitimate way is suitable for having the book of Mestionora."

While saying so, Air Vermoon started slowly returning to a large white tree. Instead,
as soon as you say that you can return home there is a doorway to a part of the opening

"……What do you mean?"

"Those who desire all wisdom, kill that fool and get all knowledge from that magic
stone, so that one can be a tent with perfect knowledge"
"Please wait a second! Such a thing, I do not want it ..."

I told Air Vermouth who is steadily returning to a big tree, but Aerveln returned to a
white big tree and stopped saying anything.

Standing alone with only one person in the beginning garden where light is inserted
from above, I stare at the white big trees.

"I am refusing"

I do not mind if Air Vermeen is listening. I will say and escape.

"I want knowledge to save Mr. Ferdinand, I can not feel worth the knowledge gained
by killing Ferdinand, I think from the bottom of my heart that I want to read all the
books in this world, I do not want only knowledge. "

...... If only Guritisuheito, there are other ways to get it.

1601 | 2523
I practiced walking a little, I confirmed well that there were no forgotten items, and
left behind the beginning garden.

1602 | 2523
Regarding the presence and role of Rosemain in the library When Siginwald was
talking to Soranju, a slightly noisy voice was heard on the second floor. In spite of a
surprised leak, unintentionally Sigiswald points his attention to the stairs leading to
the reading room on the second floor. Soon the voice ceased to be heard and became

After a while two of those who wore the blue priest 's costume came down the stairs.
Two of them kneel before Sigiswald, Hartmut of Ehrenfest's priest's official opens up
to apologize.

"Prince Sigiswald, Sorry to say that I'd like to read from now on Rosemount, today is
a day of sun. It is a day off for the rest and already the ceremony has ended.I cleansed
up the central temple and Klassenburg I will do all the confirmation of the priest who
is the chief of the priest.If you can not afford to listen to the wish of the Lord who can
not afford to read slowly for a while,

I came to the library with the royal family of myself to supply magical powers and
thought that Rosemain suddenly read books though I had not said anything until then,
I could not think of Sigiswald. Rosemain, who is immersed in books regardless of
profaneness when starting reading, but Sigiswald knows that there is reason to do so
until beginning to read.
Although I was aware that something was wrong, Sigrange suspected that I could not
talk to myself surrounded by the aides, Sigiswald gave permission to Haltmut's offer.

"I will allow Rosemain's reading, instead, let the priest director accompany me to the
end so as to confirm during the innermost period"
"Certainly, Damuel, I will ask you later"

The blue priest called Damuel nods quietly and it returns to the reading room on the
second floor.
Sigizwald, who was sent off by Sorange and accompanied her, left Hilton Mutt with
the library. Give Hartmut a magician to prevent eavesdropping and start walking to
the central building.

1603 | 2523
"So what happened to Rosemain?"
"I disappeared suddenly during the supply of magical power"

Swallowing the fact that the word saying is coming out to the throat, Sigiswald smiles
with Nicolle.

"What does it mean that you disappeared?"

"According to the magician of the library that was in place, it seems that he went to
the place, and when asking about the manga, the answer that it is old and great is
returned, do you know anything of the royal family?"

While talking with a smile gently smiling, I felt a shaky feeling from Hartmutt whether
it was a slight excitement or impatience. Sigismwald decides that it does not mean to
tell a lie. You can not do anything if you lie to a royal family like that.

"When are you going to return Rosemain, did not you say something about the
magician in the library about that?"

Other than Rosemain, Sigiswald would not have bothered. However, it will be
extremely troubling for the sudden despair of Rosemain's plan to become a kid 's
adopted child and get a Gurtris Height in the spring.

"...... I do not know when to return, maybe I may be back in the moment, and it may be
three days later I do not want to exaggerate things now.Rosemain is a veteran I got
tired and felt sick and I will do so for a while at Ehrenfest. "
"I tell you only tonight to my father, but I will keep it in my heart and father's chest till
the next day of the earth"

If it will not last more than a week, it is necessary to establish a meeting place as a
royal family. Rosemain scheduled to enter royalty is the only important position.
Haltmut who got the grace of a week relaxed a little and laughed "I'm sorry."

When Sigiswalds returned, in the far end it was tidied up by the people of the central
shrine. Hartmut is watching as a nobleman representative, and Sigiswald closes the
far end as a royalty.

That night, Sigiswald told only his father, Tora Okhvar, that Rosemain's disappearance
and Ehrenfest would deal with it externally as a bad condition. There are too few

1604 | 2523
judgment materials, it is a situation where there is no way to strike a hand.
Traquequar who became a difficult face slowly breathed out.

'I surely it would be better if you might return soon, it would be better to avoid making
exaggerating noise at this time. Let's go as requested by Ehrenfest '

The next Saturday day, even if it became a dedication ceremony held by intermediate
aristocrats, if Rosemain did not come back, we decided to discuss her disappearance
with the royal family and the day was over.

Rosemain did not show up even after a week. To Hildebrandt who came to greet
himself in order to participate in the first shrine, saying to the people of Ehrenfest to
ask about the condition of Rosemain, and talking to Anastigius and Egranthine after
dinner Tell them something. It is difficult in the time to participate in the discussion
after having dinner with Egrantine who gave birth to a girl at the end of autumn.

Last autumn, Najelache was still the first wife of Sigismwald to give birth to a boy,
Egrantine 's pregnancy was discovered during the semi - annual lord conference.
Elegantine prayed at the shrine, it seems that he told that he is pregnant with a girl
from God. It told me to stop praying because magical power and a burden on my body
were told, and it seems that he gave me blessing the dedicated magical power.

I was careful not to leak outside, but the royal family was in a panic. Adolf Fine, who
just married Neruelchee who had finished the minimum lactation period, will bear the
portion that Eglantine dedicated the magical power, and Egrantine will be exempt
from the shrine and devote magical power to the birth became.

Now, Egrantine is teaching at the House of Lords with a painful body after birth to
show what is unchanged last year. Although Naeracher is reducing the burden by
taking charge of half of the grade, I know that it is quite hard.

Nevertheless, Narielach, who had to have Adolfine as his first lady with a newly born
son, was urged to return to the office by Egranthine's pregnancy. The burden of
Egranthine is decreasing even now at the House of Lords.
As a real intention of Sigiswald, I think that it is natural that Egrantine who wanted a
child does somewhat impossible. Whatever you say Anastasis, you can not yield it.

1605 | 2523
In truth, I wanted waiting for pregnancy until a baby was born in Sigismwald and
Adolfine. At least, neither Tento nor the next TSENT has gotten the Gurtris Height, but
now Sigismwald wanted to wait for pregnancy until Rosemain entered the royal
family and got a Gurtris Height and the number of people who can supply Magical
Power increased. ing.

...... Although it is certainly glad that royalty increases, my father is too sweet.

Unless it was when the dedication ceremony was held at the House of Lords and the
Lord's Council and it was a year full of magical powers, when it was not discovered
that Rosemain is likely to be able to obtain Gurtris Height, Sigiswald will delight the
Egranthine's pregnancy I could not have done that.

Sigiswald thinks girls are really good at girls who gave birth to Egrantine. As Aub
Klassenburg uses his hands to strengthen her voice even a little, if he was a boy, he
should have tried Anastasegeus the next king at all costs.

Sigiswald knows exactly how royalty without Gurtris Height is weak. Still, since we
must act like a royal family with unfamiliar swings, if Egrantine hampered
Klassenburg 's intervention and wished the stability of Jürgen Schmidt, I wanted
consideration to give up children for a while.

...... I know most of it is due to Anastasisus, but my emotions stand out ripple as long
as it can be stopped by Egrantine.

Have dinner while listening to the votive ceremony at Hildebrandt. As in the case of
Rosemain, the pillar of light of magical power did not stand, but it seems that the
shrine was shining in precious colors. It seems that the appearance is quite different
from the dedication ceremony in which the pillars of the light of seven colors are
standing all at once from the sacred tools which the statues of the gods are struck by
the flow of too much magical power. Hildebrandt who was able to participate in the
first shrine while relaxing somewhat dissatisfied, seems to be glad.

After dinner, Anastasisus and Egranthine joined. Excluding the aides, talk about the
disappearance of Rosemain using only the royal family and using magical tools to
prevent eavesdropping. It disappeared suddenly on the second floor of the library,
told that the magician of the library said "I went to the place".
1606 | 2523
"Huh? Was it a lie that Rosemain is lying?"

In hildebrand that rounds his eyes, he asks "Elephant's hope that she does not want
to ruin things" and asks for the state of Ehrenfest.

"...... It was normal, I got a word of gratitude that Rosemain is still lying and thanks to
the words of the royal visitation"

Sigismwald decided that Ehrenfest would still face disappearance of Rosemain.

"How is the state of the Egrantine, the lords of the aristocracy? Is something leaked
about Rosemain's disappearance?"
"No, I do not think there is anyone who doubts that they are in bed for a long time ...
... Is it about Mr. Fraulem, it is strange that there are so long in the bed?"

Who was Frauerelm, Sigismwald explored his memory and remembered the existence
of a teacher who had made Rosemain an enemy. I'd like Aelen Bach to give me a decent

... Well, in that case Ehrenfest is the same.

I remembered the central aristocracy that Hilsur who only looked at research was
crossing the head of Sigiswald and returned to Ehrenfest for information gathering. I
think it would be nice if gathering decent information this year. Indeed Ehrenfest has
little information and it is a territory where you do not know well what common
thoughts are not engaged and what you are thinking.

"There is no noticeable change due to the absence of Mr. Rosemain like appearance of
the nobunin.The specific people are concerned and they seem to send sympathy
personally but it is originally weak body and the lecture of the lords It will be returned
to Ehrenfest after completing the fastest way, because Rosemain is not usually in a
lecture. "

Rosemain does nothing but pay attention if he is present in the lecture, but he is the
rare best player who is not in the lords. It is unusual for people to face each other as
they finish their lectures fastest and return for the dedication ceremony.

1607 | 2523
"There seems to be a lot of territories offering socialization to Ehrenfest in search of
contact with Rosemain, but it seems that Virfriit-sama and Charlotte are responding
as usual"

It seems that it is as usual every year. There seems to be no change seen especially in
students of Ehrenfest. Although the lord candidate suddenly disappears and one week
is trying to figure out, it is felt quite a long time.

"We must think about when Rosemain does not return"

Traquequar said that with a sad face. In the past year royalty acted on the premise
that Rosemain got Gurtris Height. If you can finally get a Guritisuheito you can make
some unreasonable but if you do not enter it you have to change the correspondence.

Because Traquequar and Sigismwald have no protection from the Ogami, we have to
go round a small shrine and pray. However, it is difficult to carry out dedication that
the old candidate candidate uses all during the school's enrollment period in parallel
with the work.

Besides, the small shrine is an individual made by a person who is short of attributes
to make it easy for a prayer to devote prayer to a particular god, not a thing made by
Tzent. As a result, there was only a damaged shrine or a statue of God, or it was not
made, there were some shrines that were hard to be found and things did not progress
My father managed to get all the attributes because there were some gods who got
caught by reacquisition, but Sigismwald still retains the protection of two siblings

...... Besides, we still have to go over the big shrine to reach Gurtris Height.

It is a distracting story. I can understand the greatness of Rosemain reaching there by

It was quiet while keeping the pillar of light of the seven colors in a dedicated

"When Egrandine, Rosemain does not come back and thinks things by chance, after
finishing the period that we have to do milk to Ako, we will be asked to visit the shrine
on the other side"
"My father, then the burden on Egrantine is too big, Klostenburg ... ...."
1608 | 2523
A protest against Anastasius, Sigiswald lightly raised his hand and controlled.

"Now that the route to Gurritosheit is visible, getting Gurttrisheit is top priority for
royalty.When spring comes and rosemain does not return even if snow melts, at first
It is most efficient to ask Egrantine who has all the attributes from it. "
"But, Egrantine is right after childbirth."

Tora Okuvar slowly swings his head to Anastasiusu, who is going down.

"When Rosemain was scheduled to enter royal family, I will command Egranthine
when I do not return, even though I should have completed a minimum lactation
period at that time.Naeracher is for Eglantine's birth This time it is the turn of the
Egranthine, this time I will have the shrine visit as a royal obligation. "

Egrantine nodded with a smile, "Certainly, Tsento," muttered little.

"But I'd like you to come back to Rosemain ASAP as soon as possible and it makes me
very regretful that the best of the year will be from other students."

Rosemain's best grade, which was the best for the third consecutive year, will not be
able to be maintained unless it returns soon. Recalling the appearance of Rosemain
who was laughing proudly at the award ceremony for the first time she attended for
the first time, Sigiswald felt a bad feeling.

"Let's talk to Ehrenfest if we do not return to the veneration ceremony of a lower

aristocrat.If you ask how Ehrenfest responds, we need to talk about what to do with
Rosemain's lecture.This territory is measured by our common sense I will not. "

If you move according to the nobility's common sense, you are annoyed. I do not know
what to do with standards. Rosemain will become a royal family from now on, but for
royalists Ehrenfest and Rosemain are unknown beings, and it is difficult to respond
with instructions alone because it is her to get Gurtris Height. I have to find out how
to deal with it fumbling.

... ... Do I become a husband?

It looks well, has plenty of magical power and should be a nobleman of Jürgen
Schmidt, but Rosemain is a very uninformative existence. Because it is brought up in
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the temple, it is not the difference that can be done with. The root of the way of
thinking is not completely different from the aristocracy, but also with those of the
central temple. Sigismwald who faced individuals has realized it.

Although it is the top priority because getting a Gurtris Height is the highest priority
and it is forbidden to contact with Rosemain, but it says, "Because it is confusing by
the nobility, it is against the power to have Rosemain" Sigiswald understands the
words of Anastasius.

Rosemain did not come back even after the lower aristocratic dedication ceremony
ended. A tea ceremony will be held hosted by the royal family, inviting the aristocrats
who wore a blue costume and presented at the dedication ceremony, in the presence
of struggling with Ehrenfest who made a huge contribution at the dedication
ceremony. Because only those who are wearing blue costumes, Rosemain 's aides and
Ehrenfest' s Lord Candidate are invited, but Klostenburg students are excluded.

Today is not a blue costume but wears a dress in a nobleman's costume, and a number
of Rosemain's aides came in front of Vilfriet and Charlotte. Hartmut, Cornelius,
Léonore, Angelica, and then there are four students. Although I was nervous about the
invitation of the royal family, the people of Ehrenfest were not so concerned, they
seemed to be in trouble.

After finishing greetings, finishing poisoning, start talking about Rosemain using
range-designated wiretapping prevention magic tool.

"I am quite a long absentee, are not you worried? Ehrenfest is serious too."

It was Wilfried that answered the question of Sigismwald.

"I am worried indeed, but Röhmain has been in place for more than half a year so that
even if Rosemain does not exist Ehrenfest has been in place for a period of more than
half a year, so it's not that hard."

In a noblerlike roundabout language, Wilfried said that it is the same in one point that
Rosemain will not be pulled out to the center, nor will it go down the hill. Immediately
after thinking of Sigiswald, it might be a sense of responsibility to royalty, I think that
the meaning may change in Ehrenfest.
1610 | 2523
...... It is really difficult to talk with Ehrenfest.

"I am in trouble with long absence, but I do not worry so much because I know
Rosemain is fine."

Surrounding people smile a bitter smile on the words of Hartmut. It is not surprising
to Sigiswald the atmosphere that accepts the word of Hartmut as a matter of course.
The royal family is even starting to see the possibility of rosemain rising to a much
higher level.

"Why can you say that Rosemain is fine?"

"I can feel Rosemain-sama's magical power, even if Rosemain sometimes headed far
higher, I will offer it."

Hartmut says so. Speaking of which, Sigismwald reminds us that someone who gave
a name to the royalty was taken along by an underage. I wonder if Hartmut is an aides
to whom he gave his name.

Normally it does not appear on the table that it is dedicating name etc, but Hartmut
tells us that it is under the influence of Rosemain's magical power with a natural face,
and showed the emblem which we are proudly lowered to the neck to Sigiswald . It is
the same as the one attached to the end of Ehrenfest's book, the crest of Rosemain.

"Rosemain's magical power is getting stronger day by day, I do not know where you
are coming, but Rosemain grows amazingly every day, so we are confident that we
are fine, we You can send your daily life in this way. "

...... Hartmut who finds joy in being able to feel the magical power of Rosemain comes
along the center, is not it? Erienfest's weirdness rate is likely to rise again.

It seems that we will leave the state that Rosemain is lying as Ehrenfest after this.
Because I am concerned about the state of the body, it seems to explain to the
surroundings as if I returned to Ehrenfest.

"As I was caught up in a strange situation, when Rosemain returns, you instruct the
teacher to be able to take the exam of the lecture as soon as possible, or give
consideration to staying at the House of Lords besides winter I'm happy"

1611 | 2523
Sigiswald nodded in the word of Wilfried. Even if Rosemain enters the royal family, it
is a necessary measure even if not asked.

"Wilfried, let me hear one thing, I will resolve my engagement with Rosemain, but
what do you think about that?"
"I think that it is unavoidable and the position of a fiance of Rosemain was not suitable
for me.I think Prince Sigiswald would be able to get a little more balanced."

Vilfried said in the face that there is no particular preference for dissolution of
engagement. In inner court there will be places to think about, but Sigismwald thinks
that it is self-discipline which is like aristocracy.

"This is my solitary thought, I think it would be better to start making amulets early,
since there are many amulets to protect Rosemain's body, it is hard to make it until

By the way, Sigiswald had heard reports that Ruffen and Immelding students were
counterattacked by Rosemain 's amulet. You ought to make a talisman if you think
that you will be the owner of Gurtris Height. Sigiswald thanked Villefried by
recommending tea.

In the end, Rosemain did not come back to the fight against the territory nor to the
graduation ceremony. Both of them did not appear, and Ortwinne was called to the
best of the grades, so truly other territories began to make noise. But, Ehrenfest is
lurking, it is one point. It was decided that Fraulem, who makes a noise as if it can not
be believed for such a long time or indeed it headed far higher, was picked out from
the opposition against the territory and returned to Ahrensbach. It is a decision that
all teachers of the House of Peers agreed.

The next day after the graduation ceremony, Sigiswald unexpectedly went to the
library. Rosemain was worried about the magic of the library that I care about, I
suddenly became obsessed. If no one is devoting magical power during the winter,
magical powers run out from spring to autumn only with the manastone who satisfied
magical powers at the dedication ceremony.

"Thank you for worrying, Prince Sigiswald"

1612 | 2523
During the period of the lords from Sorange in the office, listen to the words that
Hildebrandt and Hannellore tried their best as library members, and the report that
Vilfriit and Charlotte visited and brought a magical stone full of magical power I
stroked my chest.

Since it seems that there is no problem as it is, Sigiswald left the office and tried to get
back to his residence. He stops his feet in front of the door of the reading room. By the
way, I remembered that Rosemain did not visit the site where it disappeared.

I did not go to the reading room on the second floor on the same day that Rosemain
disappeared so as not to exaggerate things. If the number of students using the library
increases, it will be impossible to go to the royal family Sigismwald.
But, now that the next day after graduation ceremony, there should be no one.
Sigiswald enters the reading room and goes up the stairs on the left.

... ... The cloak of Ehrenfest?

There was a guest in the reading room where I thought that no one was there. Three
people wearing the cloak of Ehrenfest are seen to be in the back of the reading room
on the second floor. Perhaps there is a magician that Rosemain had supplied magical
power around.

"Prince Sigismwald?"

It was Ferdinand that looked back. Rosemain ignored the customs and was the other
person I was worried about. Because he is here, he must know that Rosemain is not
lying but missing.

"Rosemain is worried, it's too long."

"Really ... ... By the way, why are Prince Sigiswald here?"
"I think that it is the same as you, because Rosemain came to see the magician that
last supplied magical power, because I can not carry my feet while there are a lot of

However, Sigiswald thought that Ferdinand was right just fine. I have heard that it is
a magical tool on the second floor, but I have not heard of which one is a magic tool or
When Sigiswald asked Ferdinand "Do you know the magician on the second floor?"
Ferdinand taught me the position of the magic tool one after another. There were
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more than ten sizes in large and small, and Sigiswald did not know which magic tool
Rosemain last supplied magical powers.

Sigiswald thanks Ferdinand and returns his heel. I heard a tired voice of Ferdinand
when I walked a bit.

"Rosemain really mess up the schedule ... ...."

Feldinand's voice was not that big, but it was quite clearly reaching the ear of
Sigiswald, either because there was no sign of a person at all. Looking backwards,
Ferdinand was staring at Mestionora holding a big book.

And all the students return to their respective territory, the dormitory is closed with
the knight of the contact person. Only at Ehrenfest there was a request that Rosemain
stayed with her expert cook, so that Rosemain could come back at once, her servants
Rieselator and Gray Tier, then Escort Knight.

I gave it permission and it was a few days later. When Sigiswald finished dinner
Ordonants came flying. It was from Tora Ocquar.

"Sigiswald, Hildenbrand came from Aldernant, it seems that a message came in from
Ehrenfest, it seems that we want you to open the gap in the back, Hildebrand tells us
that we are going, but I will accompany you."

Recalling that Mildalena was having trouble with Hildebrandt quite astonished by
Rosemain as it was the same book committee, Sigiswald stood up. Skip
acknowledgment to Tora Ocquar in Ordonants and tell Hildebrand to join in front of
the auditorium. As Sigismwald was present at Ehrenfest, he told me to go before the
lecture hall.

"My name is Rozemain like of the largest personal attendant Rizereta. Will be like this
time would bother the hands of the royal family of people, Sorry. But, ... because here
in that so Rozemain recommendation has been returned."

hands on some of the personal attendant and escort knight two people lump the two
people who had the cloth has apologized to Jigisuvaruto and Hildebrandt. Outside it
is already dim. Although it lighter tonight because the moon is up, not the time, such
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as calling the royal family. But, normally be three days and then apply to the royal
family is not possible to leave the Rozemain between the deepest also four days, and
Rizereta is apologize apologetically.

"Above all is to come back. I immediately let's go to pick"

"Jigisuvaruto brother on, or you may be open already?"
"Hildebrand, a little Calm down,"

nods while applying a so voice to the excitement can be seen Hildebrand. Auditorium
of the key is opened, straight walk in the dark auditorium. Most open the key touch
the magic stone of the door in the back, and diving exit the complex shades, such as
oil film is stretched, it is between the innermost.

"...... Rozemain?"

I involuntarily gasped. In the pale moonlight coming through narrow windows

arranged at regular intervals, figure Rashiki Rozemain with a shiny plate was visible.
The figure floating in the pale light is terribly fantastic, I did not think the flesh-and-
blood human beings.

Hair of the same hue as the now of the night sky is part are combined round, shaking
the familiar rainbow seducer stone decoration. The pupil of the gold back is also the
same, certainly in part at the same temple length of costume and when the
disappearance, but part is he the same, not the same when looking at the whole.
Rozemain that were not visible only to age of about House of Lords entrance had
become the figure of the year accordingly.

Changing the face is a little slim and contour that was tinged with childlike roundness,
there were features of loveliness is changed to beauty that was Reiro. Not children of
rounded to smoothly extended fingertips, there was a suppleness. Its body is but are
tinged with softness feminine, in an atmosphere of unfinished, there was a peculiar
fleeting beauty with only girl that was in front of adults.

...... Gods blessing.

It did not really come up with the words of others. But was a child that was originally
well-appointed features, it is unexpected is to become as beautiful as this to grow.

1615 | 2523
If that is gasped in appearance of Rozemain that you were not expecting it at all, aides
of Rozemain who was behind of their own is going to run up to the quick pace

"So you brought me, Rizereta. We would thank you,"
"It's your safe and above all. Really we worry"

and, Rizereta got it hides the appearance of Rozemain To comfortably in a cloak with
a hood. I wanted watching more, the mind think Jigisuvaruto is bottle up immediately.

"Rozemain, the figure is ...?"

Hildebrand that seems to have received the same as a shock and I was asked a little
Uwazu' voice. If the growth Rozemain was the height of as much as he at once head
one minute or more, the impact will also receive.

"I air Vel mean like at the beginning of the garden who have hope Watakushi of growth
in God aan Valle d'box of development"
, "the beginning of the garden ...?"

Earlier than the open mouth trying to Hildebrand further questions Rozemain turn off
the glowing plate, I was standing in front of me. Head that was in around the chest is
come to around the chin. Although it is slightly lower if you that it is an adult woman,
also seem to be a possibility to extend a little more considering that it is reasonable

"Jigisuvaruto prince"

not high that childishness that also remember so call voice, it has become something
soft women. The pupil of the money coming straight staring at is the same. But, due to
the growth in the back of Rozemain, it seemed to Jigisuvaruto as approaching badly

"What is it?"
Although's the "very rude, you sure you want detailed story in the time of the lords
conference? Watakushi, returned to ASAP Ehrenfest, are there that you have to talk
with Aubu. Since the return to the to the lord conference , if not please forgive me "

1616 | 2523
without even trying to hide the impatience Rozemain says so. That the gold of the
pupil of the Rozemain not reflected their own appearance Jigisuvaruto I could not not

1617 | 2523
"Cornelius older brother, Matthias, please contact Ehrenfest, I will take a rest in the
dormitory tonight and I will return tomorrow, if I do not have a problem with my
physical condition, I am hungry and I am very tired."
"Because there was something like a change in figure shape, I can see that there were
various things during the winter, so we had a good rest tonight, Rosemain"

Brother Cornelius says so, stretching out his hand to stroke his head like before. When
I saw that I was confused by the appearance changed, when I paid for the hood of my
cloak, I grasped Cornelius's elder brother's hand and put it on my head.

"It was really tough, Brother Cornelius"

Now, when you stroke and look up to Cornelius elder brother, it strokes your head,
saying "Rosemain is not usable unless you grow the contents as soon as possible" with
a complicated face. Meanwhile, Gray Tier went to the kitchen and asked for Hugo to
prepare my meal.

"Haltmut seems to be loud tomorrow"

It waved his hands, as Cornelius brother so told me to go back to his room as soon as
possible. I take a one - seater cud beast and get in, I return to my room. I have not
gotten accustomed to the suddenly gazing eyes and body. The stairs are dangerous
with ritual costumes that draw skirt.

I took off my hooded cloak in my room. I returned to the top floor of the altar which
is in the back, I told the top serving Liselaer that the royal family can not return unless
the royal family opens the door and asked me to bring a hooded cloak It is. He told me
three times, "The size is an adult size!", He prepared for adults properly.

...... I am perfect, are not you? But, I think the cloak for adults is a bit long.

She grabs me with a puzzled eyes like a surprised gray tiger who brought a meal. It
seems that my eyelids have changed because my blue eyed eyes that I could see until
now are hard to see.

1618 | 2523
"... Because Rosemain-sama's eyes are about the same, it seems a bit confusing until I
get used to it."

I realized that my body grew in the words of Graytia. Height is the same as or slightly
smaller than Gray tier. It is almost the same as the eyes of the gray teen that I have
looked up to so far.

...... It's still a bit smaller than the Riesera.

"Even so what had happened? Hartmut said that Rosemain is growing like everyday,
but I did not think that he was growing so rapidly. It is really beautiful is"
"It was grown to the Evangelicals of Growth, which was very painful with sudden

When you take off the costume for the ceremonial temple of the temple, the outfitted
costume is full of light. Rizerzator and Graytier got angry with the gods who stared
their eyes on the underlying costume and made rapid growth.

"What sort of things will be done in places where there is no side work, if you do not
change clothes, to make socks grow so that you will not be able to wear socks, and the
God of Education is not the goddess!"
"I think it is a pleasure to have grown very beautifully, but it is unforgivable to me that
Rosemain, who hoped for growth so much, is not pleased with growth, but with puzzle
and dissatisfaction "

In the words of two people I tell you that I also felt anger without fight.

"But when I realized that glare tear and eyes got the same, I finally became happy. It
was only one person to compare and there was not any comparison target and I could
not see it with a mirror so that the real feeling of growth It was almost none. "

He was desperate to take up pain and clothes, he had no time to grasp his growth very
much. If you look in the mirror, you are growing up as a beautiful girl that admires
himself as "I grew up to be a beautiful woman so far". If you are seriously not careful
about words, it is going to be a shameful girl more than angelica.

"Even so, Rosemain-sama? It seems that Ehrenfest was given priority over the royal
family, but ...."

1619 | 2523
While leaving my costume in mind, Rieselter asked me anxiously. However, I do not
care much. I pushed through the gap which is puzzled by the change in appearance,
but I got the approval from the two of Sigiswald and Hildebrand. There would be no

"Since the royalty issued permission, is not it not necessary to worry? I am concerned
about Ehrenfest from the royal family, and the costumes also become frustrating like
this, as much as the size of the body If there is a difference, there will be no clothes to
wear from tomorrow? Even without the crisis of Ehrenfest, I can not talk with the
royalty very much. "

Even if I meet the royal family in a few days I am forced to customize clothes that are
not embarrassing. As soon as I return to Ehrenfest, I think that I only have to spend
wearing the temple's costume until I can make costumes.
In my words Liseraita and Gretia once came into the costume room, looking away.
From there, it comes out with a large costume.

"As Hurtmuth strongly insisted that Rosemain grew strongly, although some of
Brunhild's costumes are worn, it is left behind and I will instruct the Gilberta trading
company to stop tailoring costumes. did"

From that time when it disappeared in the library, Hartmut says "Rosemain was
invited to Mestionola," and said, "Every day, Rosemain's magical power grows up
every day," he said in a live performance. In the dormitory of Ehrenfest, it seems that
everyone was bothered about how to shut down Hartmut rather than my worry.

……What that? I am scared not a bit.

"Everyone was half-trusted, but I will say with an attitude that Hartmut is too sure,
and since I say that those who are dedicating other names are never wrong, I was
preparing for a while That's it. "

Because the costume of Brunhild is made to imitate my costume, the back is a type
that connects with a string and it is easy to adjust the size. Being a winter costume
customized since becoming the second wife of Aubu, in order to be trendy and quality
it is better to meet me than the costumes of others. Because Brunhild was adult, there
was no need for anyone to put it in the lords. Although there are several reasons, it
seems that it was best to keep the costume of Brunhild.
1620 | 2523
"When I return to the castle, I will make the measurements in a hurry and customize
it, but can not we surpass it if it is here?"
"I was surprised.

After being told by the Rizerator, I changed to an adult size underwear, wore a simple
armor of magic stone, I tried sleeves through Brunhild's costume. The chest is a little
tight, the length is long. But you can adjust it with a string on the back and you can
wear it if you raise the hem a little. Underwear seems to have prepared some time
with the leisure time using my spare time. Since I was in the growth period, it seems
that I thought that it would not be useless to make several clothes.

"Since you can not make shoes in order to fit your feet, you only have to make them
with manastones for a while"
"There is not much problem with magical, so it does not matter."

I take dinner and take a bath. Meanwhile, I heard the story of the House of Lords from
Rieselator and Gray Tier. The dedication ceremony was that both the intermediate
and lower classes ended safely. I ended the aristocrat as I lie down. Hannale was so
worried that he lent me a book to see him. It is that Damuel and Hartmut read a
manuscript that Klausenburg brought to you. He gave me a magazine to Ferdinand in
opposing territory. At the graduation ceremony escort, Matthias can not decide the
opponent and talks about what he seriously worried about what to do in the former
Veronica school children.

"Matthias eventually asked Otiele to escort, it is difficult for Matthias without parents
to find other parties in the aristocracy, and if you are not speaking ahead of time in
Muriela or Greater costumes I can not do it either. "

No way I was thinking that Matthias would ask you to escort him. My face was good
and I thought that one or two girls could easily be caught because they are excellent.
I did not think that I had to do various things as a substitute.

"I, it was mainly shortage ... ... How can I apologize to Matthias?"
"No, Rosemain sama, Matthias was not the son of former Giebel Gerlach, thinking of
going to the center and Rosemain and I did not feel like choosing an escort partner
from the beginning. If I wanted to pick up someone from inside and adjust my face,
Matthias had to move from earlier. "

1621 | 2523
Even ordinary students can not go to escort unless they find their opponent by
themselves and introduce them to their parents or in other territory to meet their
opponent's parents in opposition to the territory. Gray tears declared that Matthias'
setup was bad, which I was not able to introduce to me as a substitute who received
the name beforehand.

"Looking at Matthias, it seems that I have been impatient if Laurenz graduating from
next year will not be prepared soon.Raisey Mr. Let's have a day off talking and will be
busy again from tomorrow?"

The Risaizer told me to go up to the couch. I quietly obey the words of Rieseleter. It
certainly is very tiring and should be busy from tomorrow.

On the next morning after breakfast is finished, Fugo will come back for supporters
and the reissers will prepare to return to Ehrenfest. Since the escort knight came to
the dormitory by turns, there are few baggage, but there are lots of baggage for
Rieserator and Gretier who stayed in the dorm for the time being and waited for my

"I am sorry, both of us"

"Roshemain, because we have no meaning even if we stay in a castle where there is
no lord"

You can collect enough information in the castle with Otier. Civil servants have work
in temples and castles, and knights have to participate in training. It is that there were
two people remaining in the dormitory, Liseraita and Gratia.

After preparing my baggage, I will move between Rieselaer, Gray Tier, Brother
Cornelius, Matthias and the transition team.

"The Rizera and I will return with the Rosemain to the transition team, and Gratia and
Matthias will return after checking the luggage and chef's move etc. Since the Norbert
will come to confirm later in the dormitory, worry You do not have to do it. "

The two knights who are turning there withered with a sight of me. There is an
unconscious rejection in the startle's face, as when you saw a creepy thing you can not
measure with your own common sense. Even though the aides showed
1622 | 2523
embarrassment to rapid growth, I realized my insane feeling I did not notice because
I did not show a disgust, I slowly dropped behind one step.

"You still do not get used to your body? The blessing of Earnacus seems to be a little

Matthias smiled nicely and pushed me gently back. I felt that I do not have to worry, I
look back on Matthias and smile a bit.

"Matthias, I will ask you back, please come back as soon as possible with Greater"
"Certainly yes"

My brother Cornelius, Riesela and my three riders get on the transition team. I was
sent off to Matthias and Gray Tier, and I returned to Ehrenfest.

I was surprised by the knights resident even when I met again, and I left the room in
an uncomfortable mood.

"I was worried, Rosemain! Woo!? I heard from Hartmut, but it really got bigger,
Rosemain! You are becoming the most beautiful at Jurgen Schmidt!"
"Exaggerating, my grandfather"
"My grandfather is too close! Please move one step further."

My grandfather greeted me first. Beyond that, there were adoptive fathers and foster
mothers, Villefried, Charlotte, Melchior, and associates. I can see that everyone saw
me and made it a poke.

... ... Huh, my eyes hurt.

"I am sorry for giving you my worry ... ... I have a very important story, but can you
spare me time?" What kind of form of Georgyne did Ehrenfest I understand whether
he is about to take the cornerstone of his life. "

At that moment, the face of the adoptive father who was surprised to see me tightens.

"Because I am talking about the foundation, I am not planning to talk to people other
than Arub. If only two people are ready to talk, please call me."
1623 | 2523
"Come quickly, you must know more than anything else ... ... Bonifaceius, ask my office
to escort Rosemain"

After saying that, the adoptive father turned his body and took his aides ahead and
started walking towards the office. I saw the old man waiting with his hand on his
waist and lapping a small laugh while holding his hand on his elbow. There used to be
my line of sight before the wrist, but now there was a line of sight at the height of the

Beginning with Villefried, my brothers surround me and my grandfather.

"It was noisy that Hartmut grew like everyday, but it is really growing, I was
"Well, you have become beautiful, you saw yourself in the mirror, I was surprised."
"Well, it certainly became beautiful, but did not the contents grow up? The difference
from the appearance is terrible"
"It is quite unusual for Wilfried to be with him,"
"Wow, I grew very much"

Compare the height of Vilfriit and tall by eye measurement while hitting a light mouth.
To a bit frustratingly it is shorter than Villefriet. Wilfried is also growing, I feel like she
is growing taller.

"My older sister, do not worry ... ... Well, I am a bit taller than I. I feel very strange."

...... Oh, I'm serious, really serious. It looks like Charlotte's older sister properly!

I thanked Air Vermoon and Earnacques the most so far. it's amazing. I feel like
regaining my sister's dignity. When shivering tremblingly, Melchior looked up at me
with the same impressed eyes.

"I heard that I was invited to the world of the gods from the Hartmut in the temple
and Rosemain sister by the wisdom goddess Mestionola and growing with the
blessing of the gods, but it was true "

In retrospecting what he is blowing in Melchior, Hartmut laughed nicely with a

natural face.

1624 | 2523
"I have not spoken a word, such as a lie, because Rosemain was taken away by me to
wisdom goddess Meztionola in my eyes and I felt like I was growing every day."
"Hartmut was lying a lie?"

I gaze at Melchior and worry about what I should answer. The words of Hartmut's are
in general trouble.

"I can not say that everything is different, and it is true for the majority, because I was
grown up in the Evangelicals of God of Training."
"There is also a god blessing on Rosemain's older sister again"

...... Ahhhh! It is slightly different, but explanation is difficult. More than anything,
Hultmut who has a triumphant face is somewhat angry!

By comparing with the surroundings, I feel the growth of my body, I realize that the
legend of the saint is being accelerated by Hartmut, and I will start walking to my
adopting office. However, I still can not walk very well for a long time. My legs
crowded and clung to my grandfat arm.

"Sorry, my grandfather, I am not familiar with this body yet ..."

"Well then, let's do this"

Prior to saying that I will ride a beast, my grandfather hugged me casually. Brother
Cornelius is also an early work that has no time to stop.

"Oh, my grandfather, I grow heavily, so it's heavy, please drop me down."

"No, it's easier for me to have this weight."

Previously it was too light and I did not know how to deal with it, but when growing
up, it seems that there is no problem because I had my own wife. In the surroundings
of the old man who talks about the old story with his good-looking face, the escort
knight's sides caught me for a moment and made it oolo.

"What do you want, Rosemain, do you want to withdraw your power from your
"Something is a noise, Angelica. There is a sense of stability very much, so it is fine as
it is"

1625 | 2523
I decided to pull out my body and bring it to my grandfather. At least, my grandfather's
eyes have no aversion to rapid growth. I understand purely pleased with growth.

"Even if you are brought in this way when you are young normally, you will not be
able to do it if you grow up, but my grandfather seems to be in the wrong. I will keep
it for now."

1626 | 2523
In the end I kept lifting like a young child like a grandfather, and arrived at my
employer 's office. In front of the door my father and deputy head of the Order are
standing, and my eyes are blinking at my figure lifted up by my grandfather.

...... Well, did not you think that it was this size to embrace and emerge?

My father glanced at Cornelius elder brother, so I think I was anxious about me.
However, when I looked forward to a satisfying grandfather for a moment loosing the
expression and smiling, my father immediately opened the door again with facial

"Rosemain, Aub Ehrenfest is waiting."

"Yes ... .... My grandfather, thank you so far"

I will take off like a grandfather and walk carefully to the adoptive father waiting alone
in the office. It was because the door looked back at the closed sound, soon afterwards
my legs tangled and fumbled gently.

"Ha ha! What are you doing while I am nervous and it's an important story, who is
"Wow, I'm not used to the body that has grown yet. Is it okay for me to move inside
the castle with a beast?"

The adoptive father seems to have spranged in spite of laughing and approaches and
will lend me a hand. I got up by being assisted by my adopted father, and this time I
advanced my legs more carefully.

"Even this morning my legs tangled while I was changing clothes, my knees crammed
trying to walk with my grandfather was hard work."
"Is that the cow and beast, is that ... ... Will you use it even if it looks like it now?"
"My Lesser-kun is cute, is not it similar to Grun, is not it similar?"

I'm relieved when my adoptive faces are disgusted. My Lesser bus is cute and very
convenient. I do not mean to turn it into another cow.

1627 | 2523
"Not only the cowgirl, but the behavior does not match externals at all. If only it looks,
the other side is really a saint."
"It was also told by my brother Wilfried and I am aware of it because I saw a mirror,
but if I fix it, it is not something that will change easily so much, so it can not be helped,
right? "

Even the adoptive father did not change much inside? And smiling with meaning, the
adoptive father gave a bitter smile "...... Well, I can not say strongly" I nodded.

Sitting on a chair properly and face each other, I slowly exhale. My adoptive father
also tightened facial expressions.

"So, what about my sister ... what does it mean to know how to take the foundation?"

It is the worst situation that Aob is robbed of the foundation. Not only is it robbed of
the land, it is also deprived of life. Of course. Since the front Aub knows the position
of the foundation, it is killed immediately when robbing the foundation by the new
awb wary of being taken back.

It is highly likely that his wife and child will be deprived of his life as well. There is a
case to leave as many as one child and to marry a child of New Aub to make it easier
to follow the indigenous aristocracy. However, in the case of Georgine the principal is
from Ehrenfest, so there are few reasons why you should leave your adopted child.
You will send a life like a dead man that will not go out publicly to confine it in the
white tower and take away magical power.

"There is no confirmation, but I think that it is no mistake to remember the burglary

of the scripture."
"Is it a scripture of the scripture? Is not there any information on a way out or a new
magic tool?"

My adopted father looks at me with a mysterious face. Regardless of whether there

are any other loopholes or not, I think that considering the role of the temple and the
scripture that flowed in when you got the book of Mestionola, it is not far off.

"From the conclusion, the cornerstone of each territory is right under the worship
room of the temple."
1628 | 2523
"... ... is!?"

My adoptive movements stopped for a few seconds. Then, shake his head as he
trembles, and once again said "What?" It seems she is upset.

"Of course it is a room surrounded by white walls and it is a spatially separated space
so it's not a place for anyone in the temple to enter"
"That would be the case .... That it is not a castle but a temple ... ..."
"There is a door towards the foundation in the room of Aubu by the magic tool that is
the key that is necessary for the thing transferred from Aub to the next Aub to be
transferred to the corner, everyone thinks it is in the castle I think that it is not
surprising that it was a blind spot for those who were vandaling in the castle, seeking
foundations in history so far. "

My adoptive father became a terribly bitter face in my words.

In the event that Aubu died without taking over the magical tool that would become
the key to the foundation, the next AUB starts from searching for the magician needed
to head to the foundation. In most cases, Aubu is wearing it or in a hidden room in
Aub, but because he does not understand anything, he has a hard time.

"But even if the key to Aub's room and foundation passed from Aubu was lost, there
was a key to be given to Aub next time in order to be able to fulfill its role as an
important aleb. And to find another key ... .... "

It is supposed that there was no need to desperately search for the foundation place
while pouring magical power on the foundation from the supply.

"Rosemain, I do not know the preliminary key that I will hand over to the next AUB
and I have not been handed in. My father gave it to my older sister ..."

I shook my head to the left and denied it to my fainting adopted father.

"Does your adopted father remember founding myth?"

"Well, somewhat ... ...."

What on earth are you seeing, as the adoptive father was puzzled by sudden topic
transformation? However, I have not planned to change the topic abruptly.

1629 | 2523
"Well, you know that the first king was the temple, it was natural for the first king to
set up a foundation in the temple praying for God."

The foundation is made with the temple not only in their own prayers, but also on all
the prayers praying in the temple, and to make it easy to convey prayers to the gods.
In addition, the Temple creates the temples and scriptures placed in the temple when
setting up the foundation. Because this is written in the work of Zento, I think that it
is unknown if you do not have Gurtris Height.

"For the time being, the next Aub of each area served as the templeor, I think that you
can understand if you are now adoptive father, but to do the divine, increase the
protection and increase the magical power It was an important role for me. "
"I see"

When the era comes down, another lord candidate who can enter and leave both the
castle and the temple will bundle aristocrats in the territory to gain the floor while the
upcoming Awb is doing a shrine as a temple in the temple I will go. Even if the next
Aub, who was the temple of the temple, became an aw, it came to be treated as a
decoration that dedicates magical power and performs a divine act. A priest candidate
who refused to enter the temple began to appear, as the divine and politics gradually
separated. Then, the system that the original king made gradually forgot the initial

"History is good, after all what?"

"In other words, the key to the scripture always inherited by the temple, the next Awb,
is the key to opening the door for the foundation from the temple."

So, in the past you did not have much trouble when Aub first died.

"I think that Georgine might be information flowed from there because of intimate
letter exchange with the former temple because it is only that person who was the
owner of Georgyne and who owned the scriptures."

An ordinary aristocrat does not approach the temple. So, the knowledge of the temple
is just a lesson from the lecture of the House of Lords. It does not go in and out,
basically it is a place to be disdained, so I will not know deeply.
Although I do not know if Georgine himself has approached the temple, it seems that
the former temple occasionally went to the castle and the aristocratic street, and it
seems that he had been pretentious with Georgine, even from his letter Understand.
1630 | 2523
"But as long as I knew such information, my older sister would have tried to take the
corner more quickly, before I got married to Ahrensbach, when I visited Ehrenfest
before I became Auben ...... "
"I think it depends on when Georgine knew the cornerstone, if it got information since
I became the temple, it would be hard to get the key to the scripture ..."
"... Oh, I see ... I got permission and my older sister has taken home my uncle's letter
as a memento, although most of the letters sent from my sister were out, my uncle
failed to go out There were also several letters, and that one of the letters at that time
was that information. "

My father adopted his head with a heavily tired face. It seems that I handed over the
contents of the letter after confirming that it only has things that have no problem
even if I hand it over. Although he seemed to have thought that he could not do magical
fine work on the former temple who was not a nobleman, even if you do not use
magical tools separately, it is possible to tell the opponent if you use cryptography.

"Now, is the key of the scripture the one who is the temple the one has?"
"It is kept in the temple, but it is most important that there is a means to get the
foundation without coming to the castle or listening to the foundation's place from
the adoptive father.As a name devoted to Georgine Even though I think that there was
a theft of the scripture by the lady Daarudorufu who was doing, I think Georgine is
aiming at the entrance of the temple side "

My adopting deeply exhaled my breath to my guess.

"It looks like no mistake, the foundation of the castle is wary and we have taken
measures against hidden passages, etc. with Bonifatius, but I never thought of being
able to take the foundation from the temple."

It is also a matter of time to be deprived of the corpse if it is attacked by the temple.

Basically, managed by blue priests with little magical power, it will be easy for
Georgine to deprive the key.

"There are escort knights when me and Melchior are in the temple, but if we are
absent the temple will be very tenuous, during the winter social circle except the
dedication ceremony, then the spring praying ceremony and autumn Harvest festival,
we leave the temple with the keys of the scripture in the temple. "

1631 | 2523
Gokuri and his adoptive foster throat. In this way the temple is too vulnerable. There
is an escort to protect lodgers who are staying, but the one that protects the
foundation is one key.

"Parents should carefully consider how to transfer the foundation of the foundation
or the key of the scripture, how to hide the foundation in the temple, and let's decide
how much information to disclose and defend. If you start to strengthen the defense
of the temple suddenly, you will be wondering about the surroundings, but you will
not be able to take no measures at all, how Abe 's job to defend the foundation' s
defense plan is"

At least, if the spring celebration ceremony is over, I will not be the curtain that I will
leave Ehrenfest. I would like you to think about whether or not you can give over to
Melchior who does not declare the next Awb as the key of the scripture that can be
involved in the foundation.

"As for the defense of the foundation, let's take the temple into consideration.The time
of the elder sister puts into practice is the most doubtful time of the spring praying
ceremony ..."
"Why? It may be autumn rather than spring, it may be winter, it may be next year,
maybe the year after next?"

While saying it is doubtful, I will sharpen my lips in the words of my adoptive father,
as I assert. If you are convinced of that kind of thing, you may end up scooping up your
feet. However, like the acquaintance, the adoptive father gleamed the dark green eyes.

"The whole territory knows that the other person is lying long, there were teachers
who were dismayed with a big fuss about whether they had come up to a far higher
level, and the return of one side still has knowledge of others I think that it is judging
that the defense of the temple is becoming thin.What above, I think that Ferdinand
will make a game before getting a room in the main building.While it is possible to
keep that far away, It is up to the lord's conference to conclude. "

By the way, it was written in Ferdinand's letter that it became difficult to obtain

"Thank you for your valuable information, Rosemain. It's the first time I can go to my
sister's top position."

1632 | 2523
"If a prayer ceremony is being targeted, I do not think it is surprising that even if I
come close to it, it is easy to cross the boundary with that silver cloth."

Once the adoptive father closes his eyes.

"The messenger of Ranzenae was wearing a silver cloth, I do not know if it is the same
thing or if the color is only silver, but if you can purchase a large amount of cloth from
Ranzenaev, It may be good to think that preparation for war is in place. "

Silver cloth does not come out to the knowledge of Mestionora. I did not have any
knowledge about Trukk. Whether it is too recently produced, foreign knowledge does
not come in. Or is it held by Ferdinand?

"By the way, Rosemain. Where did the other person know about such knowledge?"

My adoptive father asks me who stood up after talking. I return with a question as
"Where do you think ... ... where?" And smile with Nikoli.
My adoptive father, who had been watching me for a while, faced a blank face.

"... No way, did you really get it?"

I did not say anything. I will not bother asking. Still it is fully understood.

"It's about seventy percent and it's pretty missing, so it's quite useless."

As I say so, I walk carefully towards the exit. I turned around looking at it on the verge
of leaving the office.

"I will return to the temple at once, I would like to confirm the key.The scripture has
been swapped, so there is a possibility that something other than poison has been set
on the key.I ' You can judge whether the scripture as a book is genuine by odor,
appearance or weight, but I am not confident about the key at all. "

As I stroked and said so, my adoptive holding moaned with my head.

"Please check well. If there is a strange gimmick in the key to protect afterlife, your
eyes will not hit you."
"Haa, I will excuse you."

1633 | 2523
"I will return to the temple in a hurry so I'd like the change of the Gilberto Shokai so
that you can come to the temple because there is also a request of the adoptive father

As I returned to my room and said so, the Rizera showed a bad color.

"If it is possible for Rosemain to return to the castle tomorrow, could you please
measure with the castle? Florentia, Charlotte, Elvira-sama's exclusive needle called
also call for a costume request That's it. "

It seems that the side workers have made adjustments in various places, saying that
it is impossible for us to put on costly the costume which was handed down from the
aides Brunhildde forever. In addition, the worst situation is that if you do not prepare
by the Lord Conference, there is no costume to move to the center. We can not waste
the arrangements of the Rizerator and Otieres.

"Okay. Let's return to tomorrow."

"Please do not let me accompany me tomorrow's measurements and costumes, I'd
like to serve Rosemain's way."

Bertilde saddenedly saw me when he was not helpful at the aristocrat. I gave birth to
a little bit according to Bertilde who lamented that she could not do what she wanted
though she became serious.

"As far as I heard from Rieselator or Gratia, did not you defeat Melchior's aides and
helped Charlotte's tea ceremony? It was excellent and very popular among the
Ehrenfest epidemics I heard that I was doing my best to spread out. "
"But I can serve Rosemain until my sister ties a star with Aubu ... ...."

If Brunhild is officially becoming the second wife, it is decided that Bertilde will be an
apprentice behind Brunhild. Before that, Bertilde's desire to do something that seems
to be even a little is very cute.

1634 | 2523
"Let's leave one of the costumes ordered tomorrow to Bertilde, please order one
summer costume, even if you look at yourself, the atmosphere has changed a lot.
Please think carefully. "
"Thank you very much"

I will ask Burtilde to smile happily so that Brunhild may be called tomorrow.

"I'm busy preparing for marriage, but I would like to present a hair ornament to
Brunhild's marriage and retirement celebration, Bertilde, which is a sudden thing,
would you tell Bruhn Hilde from now?"
"Of course, Mr. Rosemain, my sister is sure to be pleased."

Once Bertilde lost his seat for communication to Brünhild, I immediately began
returning to the temple.

"Since the adoptive father says something that we only have to check in the temple,
we will return to tomorrow, please leave the exclusive musical instruments' rosina in
the castle.The exclusive chef Fugo As I detained in the dormitory for a long time, I will
take him back to the temple and I will bring an alternative person tomorrow. "

Greater moves to contact the temple and exclusive. While looking at it on the side, I
turned my eyes to my civil servants.

"Please accompany Hartmut and Phyllines to the temple.Rhodderhi and Clarissa ask
the manuscript of the book Hannerolle lent me to lend to you.An escort knight, but
Darmel, Angelica, Matthias, Laurentz are with me To the temple, otherwise it is
waiting in the castle, I think that there is probably a call from your adoptive father and
the old man. "

There is a possibility that it will be invoked by the Order by reworking the defense
plan. I want to leave Leonore with senior knight Elder Brother Cornelius, but Angelica
is meaningless to leave.

While I was giving instructions, the two people, Lisera and Otily, began packing
quickly. Because the size of the body has changed greatly this time, clothes in the
temple are also troubled to sleep, so changing clothes is necessary.

"I am sorry, Rosemain, I am waiting for your return soon."

1635 | 2523
When arriving at the temple, it was a surprising face of the shrine 's servants who saw
it as he went down the cud beast. I am breathing at the same time, staring at me. It is
not the eye of a refusal to see a heretic here, it is also different from the aides of the
aristocrat who understands the circumstances and understands that there is a
circumstance. If anything it's close to Melchior who trusted Hartmut's words frankly.

...... Ah, I feel absolutely brainwashed.

"I'm back"
"... .... Welcome back, Rosemain, I was asking from Mr. Hartmut, but I was grown really
beautifully and beautifully thanks to the blessings of the gods."

I was stared at Monica's glittering eyes and can not deny it. As Hartmut talked about
my safe and magical growth as extinctly as everyday, I do not see any rejection
reaction and I know that everyone is accepted. It seems from the surroundings that it
seems to be thought from the surroundings that it was uncomfortable to keep in touch
with the content he was talking about, but thanks to Hartmut, I was able to return to
normal life.

"I was surprised to see the young figure forever, but I am very pleased with
Rosemain's growth."
"Rosemain is the most beautiful in my knowing."

Fran and Gil are the two who served me from the beginning. A smile gently smiles and
makes me happy and a smile smiles unexpectedly for Gil who grabs a fist with a
slightly stung face and praises me.

"Everyone is pleased, I am also happy"

Have Gil and Fritz carry luggage from the castle and return to the temple room and
contact franc and zeam about the schedule of tomorrow and the experts' actions.

"Winter adult ceremony is coming soon, can you arrange costumes for rituals, or do
you ask the Merciol to do a shrine?"
"As I customized it so that I can wear it even if I grow up, there is no problem for
ceremonial costumes, until the end of the casual dressing is over, it is a drawback that
I can not do anything else except wearing ceremonial costumes. We will make
1636 | 2523
measurements and orders for costumes so we will keep in mind that you can redeem
them for Gilberta Shokai "

As we measure at the castle, we will correct the temple's casual clothes accordingly.

"There is a schedule at the castle tomorrow, is not it, what kind of task did you return
to the temple today?"
"It's to investigate the key of the scripture, because a little new facts have been
discovered, it is necessary to investigate again."

When I return to the temple room, I drink tea that Nikola put in and wait for Fran to
give the keys of the scripture. In the meantime I ordered Damiel and Angelica.

"Damuel, angelica. I am afraid, will you tell the soldiers to turn around all the gates of
the downtown and cling to the town with a silver cloth and notice that they are well
careful? I do not want to make any noise and I want him to contact the Knights soon,
as the opponent has a high possibility of a high aristocracy, I do not need to catch it
on the spot. "

Damuel and Angelica quickly turned their backs and left the room and Matthias who
responded to the silver cloth saw me while murmuring "Mr. Rosemain, that ... ...." The
silver cloth was discovered in the summer house of Giebel Gerlach. Then, it would be
easy to guess who the silver cloth shows.

"There is a possibility that a suspicious person with magical power will be secretly
invading.If you have finished the party to spend the spring the day before I return, if
snow is melted soon, we need vigilance against the carriage Become"

Matthias will kneel forward when I go forward with the staster and cross my hands
in front of my chest.

"Mr. Rosemain, please let me go to Gerrachu, when I headed for the investigation with
Ms. Bonifatius, I found a cabin that hides some magical tools in the territory, as
Bonifatius traps as it opens Please let me go for confirmation. "
"Let's ask the grandfather, even if I go, I will be with the knights."

1637 | 2523
Like the old man, "Matthias says he wants to go to Gerrach to check the trap," he told
Ordonants. I think that my grandfather will be busy reworking the defensive plan of
Ehrenfest with my father and father, but someone from the Order will show off.
As soon as I thought, a reply came from my old man.

"I also thought that confirmation was necessary, I will go because I do not want to
destroy traps I set in. Matthias, prepare recovery medicine well enough, I will return
in a day."

Apparently apparently drinking recovery medicine with gabbabs, it is going to be

carried out with a full speed cow. I brought several kinds of restorative medicines
from the hidden room and handed it to Matthias who has a sad face.

"Mattias, use this, I will guarantee the effect, I think it difficult to follow the full speed
of my grandfather, is it okay?"
"...... This confirmation is what I want, I do not want to destroy Ehrenfest anymore, I
will protect with all my strength."

Matthias receives a recovery medicine while thanking him. As for Laurentz alone, the
escort knight has decreased too much. When thinking of calling Yudit to the temple,
Laurentz laughed, "Do not worry, Mr. Rosemain".

"I contacted Yudit and it seems that he will come to the temple and Bonifatius because
we can not make Rosemain's defense more thin."

...... Wow. My aides, Maji excellence.

"This is the key to the scripture, Rosemain Mr."

Waiting for the escort knights coming and going in and out, the Francs handed down
the keys of the scriptures. I pick up the key and get up from the chair.

"Sorry, Franc. I will take you in a little hidden room, you do not need an escort inside,
please wait outside."

1638 | 2523
Leaving Yudit and Laurentz two guards of the temple room, I enter the hidden room
by myself. When I put Kotri and a key in the table in the hidden room, I put out Stap
and chanted "Gurritris Height".
Search the key of the scripture while holding down the book of the tablet type
Mestionola with your fingers.

"let's see?"

The keys of the scripture are made to be paired with the foundation. There is a small
magic stone on the magic stone for magical registration, and the color there is the
same as the color of the territory, so it seems that you can tell what key is the key in
seeing the key.

Oh, thinking and staring at the key while thinking, the manastone representing the
color of the territory must be Yamabuki color close to the yellow ocher color of
Ehrenfest, but it is a light wisteria color.

"This is not the key to Ehrenfest! The key to Ahrensbach !?" Why ?! I am holding a
scripture many times with this!

As we walked through the key items in a hurry, it turned out that the scripture and
the key were not paired with each other, but paired with the foundation's magic.
Although you can open a scripture if the magical power registered in the scripture and
the key are the same, the door connected to the foundation seems to be open only if it
is the key of that territory.

"Well then where is the key to Ehrenfest?"

I misunderstood it, but in a corner of my head the answer came out long ago. Because
change of keys also occurred in the case of the theft of the scriptures, it probably went
to the hands of Georgine. At that time, I should have dyed the key that was stained
with the magical power of others with my magical power. Since the scripture was
opened, I recognized that it was a real key, but I did not think that it was the key of
another territory.

"But, if we notice this, we will take the cornerstone of Ahrensbach in the reverse, why
is that high risk?

1639 | 2523
If this is the plan of Georginé, I do not know what they are thinking about. I do not
need the foundation of Ahrensbach. Or is it a trap to get something here? I do not

However, being replaced with the key of Ahrensbach, it was only transmitted that
Georginen obsessed the cornerstone of Ehrenfest about no problem even if we
abandoned the daughter and the people there. It does not seem that there is a feeling
that it is important to take it seriously. Somewhat like, it seems like you want to pick
up from your adoptive father and destroy it with your own hands.

...... If Georgyne's wish to break Ehrenfest?

The moment I thought so, the blood felt at a stretch. If Georginne wants to destroy
Ehrenfest rather than becoming Aub Ehrenfest, Georgine becomes the most enemy
for me. If you do not have a chance to talk, you will not be able to pass on a beggar.
There is no hesitation in extinguishing the lives, neither will you touch teeth like
commoners. Rather, if you show the attitude to protect it, it seems to focus on that.

"If you get the foundation without thinking of anything at all, it's not that difficult ...."

The foundation magic is the foundation of the territory. As we did in the lecturer of
the Lord Candidate, filling the magical power through the foundation will enrich the
land. Conversely, when all the magical power is gone, the city will collapse and the
land will return to the white desert. Therefore, it usually takes time to replace your
magical power with the front Aub little by little, or to repaint a large amount of
magical power completely exceeding the front Aub and replace it at once.

But if it takes away and destroys it will take less time and there is no need for massive
magical power to change dye. You only have to prepare a large amount of empty magic
stones and bring them in and breathe the foundation's magical power or use massive
magical power by using large magic. Not only the city of Ehrenfest but also the rural
areas and the forest, including the forest once, return to the white desert once, the
population almost disappears, but it is very easy to dye the foundation magic with
your own magical power.

It is a violent act because it knows that it is a Tento that does not have a Gurtris Height
which can not even punish those who have the foundation, no matter how unpleasant
it is.

1640 | 2523
...... I need a Tento. A glut with a Gurritris height.

If I have the book of Mestionola I would be able to easily stop Georgine if I could get
the foundation of Jurgen Schmidt. As Aub and Lord Candidate with the foundation can
differ in what can be done, it is different for the next TSENT candidate who has only
the foundation and the Gurtris Height.

More than anything, the book of my Mestionola is perforated, perhaps, unlike the
Gurttrisheit manuscript for Tento in the back of the underground archive, the kind of
magic team necessary for doing great magic is wormering It is. It is necessary to
complete the book of Mestionola or obtain a copy of Gurtris Hite.

...... How can I protect Ehrenfest? Surrounding the city with the shield of Schulea?

It might be a waste of magical power when you do not know when Georgine will come.
And it is meaningless if the silver cloth passes through the magical shield. It is best to
capture Georgine without getting close to the foundation. At least, if you want to
obtain the foundation, you must come by himself.

Even though I was thinking by myself I could not think of any stupid idea. You better
notify your adoptive father before thinking about it. I grasped the keys of the
scriptures and left the hidden room.

"I will return to the castle as I understood the serious problem.I will keep this key for
safety.If Fran, Damuel and Angelica are back, I will keep them waiting at the back gate
of the temple and the front entrance Please tell me that you call Melchior to the temple
at Hartmut in the priest's room's office. "

1641 | 2523
For the time being, in Olddonz you contacted "Please give me time to talk as new facts
are discovered" and returned to the castle where the adoptive father got time to take
after dinner tomorrow. I am busy reworking the defense plan today, and my old man
jumped out on the way and it seems tough time to spare time.

... ... You're in a hurry!

Normally, given the wait for about three days after taking an appointment, the reply
of tomorrow's supper after dinner is fast enough. However, when I want to talk about
a confidential story that can not be said in Ordonants as it is now, I feel like being kept
waiting very much the next day.

"Because Rosemain was returned earlier than expected, we are very happy because
we have time to talk to Rosemain about the costume I will order tomorrow."

Otily and Rieselaer issued a wood bid while saying so. Although it is decided to move
to the center at the end of spring, all the costumes prepared because of the rapid
growth have been rebuilt. If you do not mobilize the exclusive needle of the person
concerned, you can not prepare for spring clothes and summer costumes, but you can
not make it from the place to start designing consultation as a handsome by taking
time. It seems like you want to decide on what kind of costumes you ordered.

"It's not just costumes, Rosemain, I do not have anything for shoes, socks and
underwear. If I have heard of Rosemain's hope beforehand and have not decided a
certain degree of design in advance, it will not be over in a day."

Graytier and Bertilde are also called, and mobilized to Clarissa and Leonore,
discussions about costumes are done. Because the face and atmosphere have changed,
it does not fit in the cute atmosphere costumes you ordered before, you have to
completely change the design.

"It would be difficult to redo the cloth in time, do you use cloths other than

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"No, I will use the Renaissance dyed cloth as much as possible. I can not treat it
exclusively if I do not use her cloth at all, I do not want to have a narrow feeling of my
shoulders when I accompany you, Let's think well. "

As I started to grow, the kind and atmosphere of the flowers used for the cloths that
my mother dyed was a little mature. It should not be totally usable.

"How about thinking about the costume of Brünnhild? I think that it is earlier than I
think from the beginning, which is originally incorporating my prevalent epidemic."

I pinched the skirt of my costume and said that. Since the color of hair and skin are
different, I need to select cloth properly, but I think that the design should be similar.

"I am sorry, so I'd like to add something new, it is not that good that Rosemain uses
the costume of the aides as it is."

Beyond fading from the top, I think that I'm saying "Well ... ..." rather than diverting
Brunehilde's things at least. However, it is about the temple and Georgine that comes
to mind, even if you try to think about costumes.

I understand that preparation of the costume is also imminent, but if you think that
"Georginé may be there soon while doing this," it seems that it seems to be a long way
to do anything. When I swallowed a bit of frustration feeling coming up on my chest,
I remembered suddenly in relation to Ahrensbach. There must have been a piece of
cloth sent from Ferdinand.

"... How about using cloth sent from Ahrensbach? Because it is a thin cloth, I think that
it is easy to use for summer costumes.To like to pile like a petal from above the skirt
part, this sleeve If you overlap in this way, I think that the underlying dyeing can be
seen through and the atmosphere will change. "
"It is wonderful, I'd like to wear such costumes."

While Bertilde gleamed his eyes, he picked up a design like a petal. While everyone
looked at it gently, "I decide Rosemain-sama's costume now, I am careful."

When we finished deciding rough design to make it easy to order, it was already
dinner time. In order not to bad manners in front of people, have dinner carried to
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your room and finish eating slowly. What to say, in order to eat elegantly like a
nobleman, attention to fine movements is necessary, it is difficult with unfamiliar
body. When dishes are cut with the same condition as before, even though dishes and
cutlery make a loud noise, even if you think to eat with a spoon, the position of the
spoon and mouth are different from the sensation, and adjustment is necessary.

"Even so, it seems like I got used a lot better than yesterday."
"It still takes time, but ..."

After taking a meal, I take a bath and go to bed. I should be able to talk with my
adopted father tomorrow and my grandfather and Matthias will come back. I thought
that there might be reports that I could relieve a little, but I entered the futon.

"Rosemain, a bit of face color is bad. Are you OK?"

"Lieser ... ... It seems there was no blessing of Shratarum last night."

I'm short of sleeping because I can not make contact to my adoptive father and I have
a dream that will be tough. While being wrapped in frustration, I head for the small
hall where we measure. I collect dedicated hands of all the stakeholders, such as my
foster mother, Charlotte, mother, and Brunhild, and orders the spring and summer
costumes all at once. In the morning it was a costume, and in the afternoon it was
decided as shoes and accessories, but there were still many people.

"Rosemain sama came"

The face of astonishment is deeply related experts, especially those who have not
changed facial expressions are experts of other people and almost new to each other.
Very easy to understand.
I found a figure of Turi in the surprised face of the scissors. It seems that it is now
allowed to go up to the castle as a result of adulthood. Considering that Turi goes to
the center as my exclusive, you will be entering and leaving the royal palace, so you
have to be able to enter and leave the castle of Aub. It may be natural if you consider
my exclusive position, but it is a very successful career.

...... Turi, Turi, look, look! I grew bigger!

1644 | 2523
Looking at the appearance of Turi, happiness began to exceed the feeling of
frustration. I was trying to stretch out so as to make it look a little bigger, I noticed
that it was tough if I took extraordinary things. I will advance my feet to look as
elegant as possible, carefully, to suit the present appearance. And I sat on a chair.

"Please let Otiliye and Bertilde know the design you decided yesterday to foster
mothers and mothers, please be attached to my measurements by the riser and gray
"Certainly yes"

The design is decided at the same time as the measurement. When Oteller explained
about today's flow, the hands of the Gilberta trading company also started to move in
design and measurements. Turi has a measuring tape and comes to me. Apparently
the turley seems to be a measuring team.

"Is the Tule measured?"

"Because my hair decorations fit the costume design"

While talking about it, Turi and the other needle wander around my body and write

"When you measure it in this way, you can understand Rosemain-sama's growth well,
I heard that you are growing with the blessings of the gods from those who came from
the temple, but it really seems there was power of the gods"
"Yeah, I grew up like this thanks to the Evangelical God, but all costumes are being
rebuilt, but Turli's hair ornament can be used like this even if it grows up."

I touch a head hair ornament a bit. Turi smiled with a happy face "I devised it so that
you can use it for a long time."

...... Muu, I can not reach the height of Turi. I am a little short, are not you?

Everyone in the surroundings does not know, but we are sisters. Somehow compare
my growth with Turi. I thought from a long time that I will win the turtle someday,
but it is difficult for me to step down in height by the blessing of Eornwacks.

"There was a word to stop making costumes at the beginning of winter, I was
struggling about what happened to Mr. Rosemain, but I was relieved that the bad thing
did not happen "
1645 | 2523
... ... serious things may happen in the future.

Nothing has happened yet. Because Georginje is attacking also that Georginne is
holding the key to the scripture of Ehrenfest, the time of the raid is not the time of the
prayer ceremony, because all of this is the prediction, the evidence is one There is
nothing. It is of a level that can not be argued if it is told that it is a paranoid paranoia.

"Even if something happens, I will protect you."

Even if something happened, Turi stopped moving perfectly. Small business smile for
aristocrats is strong as you have imagined something. I smiled with Nicolle to relieve

Once the measurements are over, it is a design decision. I have to finally decide from
the designs that everyone was talking about.

"Which design do you prefer for my sister? Because this design is nice, I would like to
tailor the autumn costumes with this kind of feeling, is it okay?"
"If you want to match some of them with Rosemain, how about arranging costumes to
wear at the lords of winter?"

Although it was carried out while holding silly little talking and breaks, it was a dress
because it was a day's work with a costume in the morning and shoes and accessories
in the afternoon.

... ... yet I have not finished talking with my adoptive father.

"So what is the new fact, did there be any trick in the key?"

After dinner, I went to the employee 's office. It is a story related to the foundation of
Ehrenfest, so I can not talk about where there are other people. We have already been
paying customers.

"The keys have been swapped, the key I currently keep as the temple of the temple is
that of Ahrensbach."
"What did you say!?"
1646 | 2523
The adoptive father looks at the key I took out. I pointed to a small devil stone while
showing the key to my adopted father who had a difficult face.

"The small stones in this part seem to represent the color of the territory, is this the
color of Ahrensbach?"

And I will state that I do not know the reason why I put the key of Ahrensbach and I
thought that Georginen might be aiming to destroy Ehrenfest instead of Arub. At the
same time, I also said that dreaming was bad and I got lack of sleep as bitches.

"If the key of Ahrensbach is here, you can sin everything - Ehrenfest is aiming at
Ahrensbach, Ferdinand is trying to confuse Ahrensbach despite receiving the royalty
Or invading Ehrenfest to regain the key of Ahrensbach ... "

It also becomes a reason to come in and it also becomes a reason to accuse Ehrenfest.
It seems that I and Mr. Ferdinand, who was brought up in the temple, were named,
and if they were told that they stealed when they went to the funeral, they could apply
mud to the adoptive father.
I shouted to the adoptive father who said it indiscriminately, "Are not you serious?"

"So, do not you think about it a lot ... .... However, if you do not know when your
opponent will attack it, your body will not hold you if you are careful about it from
now on. As long as you do not mind, you can make a magical tool that is going to be a
trap, of course, in the case of one, preparation for the king's adoption is the priority ...

As I was being told that I was ready to go to the center, I smiled and made a mistake.
I just finished ordering costumes with the exclusive use of everyone. It can not be said
that it is very ready.

"...... Dear Father, can you become an adopted lady of the king earlier? If I can become
a king's adoption and become a Tento, I can hurry a little more hands."

Now I want a manuscript of the king who is sleeping deep inside the underground
library. I think that it would be good if there is a Guritisuheit which is made by
screening only the information necessary for work by Tsento, which is out of
miscellaneous memory.

1647 | 2523
"Movement to the center is up to that preparation and intention ... ... However, it is my
important job to protect the foundation of Ehrenfest, which is not what we should
really lend Power to Tzent I will not be asking for cooperation, let alone the heavy
responsibility "
"But, like your adoptive father ..."

As I say, I will use whatever you can use, my adoptive proprietor shook his head
slowly with a dark green eye glaring.

"Rosemain, I do not say that the way of thinking of using whatever you can use is
wrong, but the power of Zent is to protect the whole Jurgen Schmidt. It is a bad thing
for TSENT to lend power to Ehrenfest I guess there is no difference between being a
Tento to protect the cornerstone of Ehrenfest. "

If you become a Tent, you must protect everything from Arendsbach, Klassenburg,
Small and middle territory that is saying bad things of the adoptive father and
despising the temple. In some cases it is sometimes necessary to take advantage of
Jürgen Schmidt even if Ehrenfest is truncated.

"Rosemain, if you protect yourself deeply, even if you do not care about it elsewhere,
you can really become indifferent to that? If you look only at Ehrenfest, the TSENT
who does not intend to defend the whole Jurgen Schmidt will be spared out from other
territories Either there is the possibility of becoming the harm that should be
eliminated "

I have avoided faction factions and socializing among aristocrats among Ehrenfest, so
I avoided it. Common sense did not engage well, confusing the surroundings. This time
it will happen throughout Jurgen Schmidt, father - in - law said.

"The reason why I became adopted by my family was to protect my family, at that time
there were no other options to avoid executions, which is different now, even if that
person does not become a Tent There are other ways if only to crush the sister. It is
not the one to protect the foundation of Ehrenfest, it is the one which Aubu I have to
do and I must still do it. Do you desire the power as Tento? "

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"It's an order from the castle, like to do Rosemain's measurements and costumes, it's
good, so that the worry of inventory will not go away"

It was at the end of the winter where snow remained still, as Colinna took over Otto.
The order from Rosemain, who had received a lot to go to other territory, was
canceled as soon as it was in winter. The use of the temple says "Rosemain is growing
every day", but it seems that he did not meet him, and he could not understand well
even if he said "blessing of Earnacus".
It seems that it is growing, but because there was no substitute order, the Gilberta
business was in great trouble. Materials used for decorating fabrics dyed for
Rosemain-sama are also the finest items, not very much to other customers.

But I was not mindful that something hard happened to her child than to worry about
the store. Believing that it was absolutely fine, I was waiting while making hair

...... Mine was fine and it was good.

"Turi, this time you are going to the castle, you must get used to the castle of yourself
before going to other territory as Rosemain's exclusive"

I was happy just to understand the safety, but I was allowed to go up to the castle for
the first time. I am happy and I feel like I'm losing myself like this.

...... Mine, I did it. Because I came to be able to go to the castle with my own power!

Although I went to the castle with tension and excitement, it was not only Gilberto
Shokai that was called to the castle. Hundreds of stitches were collected from several
workshops and at the end of the spring measurements and orders were made to tailor
Rosemain 's costume to exit Ehrenfest.

1649 | 2523
Originally it is supposed to receive all of Rilsmay 's exclusive Gilberta trading
company, but all costumes are reworked as Rosemain grows like a fool. Too many
numbers too.

"I can not afford to lag behind the rest of my workshop as Rosemain's exclusive? Let's
all do their best."

On my way home from the castle, Koalinna said to me in a carriage, I gently nod and
hold my fist. As Rosemain's exclusive, I am supposed to follow another territory. I
would like you to work firmly here and recognize not only hair ornaments but also
arms as needles for everyone going along.

"Tuli, Lutz is coming, there seems to be an important story about Rosemain, I will
report to Otto-sama and Colinna, so Turi should ask from Rutz"

When I returned to the store, Leon told me to tell me to talk at the reception room.
Only two people in the drawing room, I face Rutz.

"I asked my husband to listen to Rosemain's appearance."


During the winter there was no contact at all and the same thing happened to the
Plantin Shokai. Mr. Beno who was preparing to move was probably not mind. I think
that Mr. Beno is worried about Mine is enviable, I think that first love is quite a trail.

"Did you seem to be healthy?"

"It looked like I was a bit tired, but it seems to be fine."
"Why did you discover that it was not possible to contact you for the whole winter?"
"I do not know, but I understand the reason why the order was canceled, it has grown
tremendously, so I guess I can not wear it unless I have to rebuild it."

Lutz looked at me with a poplin face. After a silence for a few seconds, I draw a
retracted smile.

"... Who are you talking about?"

"I went to Rosemain's sizing, but there was only Rosemain."

1650 | 2523
"That's what I was asking from the temple people, I heard that Rosemain's growing
up is not it?"

Even though I slept for two years I did not change. Somehow I felt like being in a young
figure that they knew no matter how long they had passed. But that's not it. It is now
growing to hesitate even now to call in Maine and Mind.

"It turned out to be a great beauty for the year"

"...... A beautiful age suitable for the year? No, no, no."

Lutz swayed with a scattering hand and denied. I can understand incredible feelings.
I also understand the feelings I do not want you to change before I know it.

"True, because when you see a person who does not know what it is, it is becoming a
beautiful person who seems to be a believer even if it is said to be a saint or a
goddess.It is likely to be a model of the statue of the goddess made in a studio of art
system. If you see Rosemain sama, I will fall in love again, surely '

When he smiled and smiled and saw Lutz, Lutz became a very subtle face.

"Telling you to fall in love ......"

"Because, it is really beautiful, it's my truth ..."

I do not speak with my sister and I swallow the words. As I comforted myself, I smiled
a bit, Rutz said, 'I praise everything for everything.' I am reminded myself of
Rosemain's appearance just looked at today, saying "I do not praise you too much".

The slender and growing body was drawing a feminine curve on a delicate basis. The
whiteness of the skin not hitting the sun, the beautiful color of the color like the night
sky, the golden eyes like the moon are the same as the main one in memory, but the
atmosphere seemed different like I thought it was the same.

"Height was about my eyes and my beautiful hair grew to my waist.The eyes of gold
did not change, but it was somewhat sexy because of the lack of childhood. I had a
strange taste for the gesture, but it seemed like it came out on the front, I made it
dorky to the gesture to pay the hair that fell on my shoulder. "

I will tell Lutz how Rosemain was growing up. I have measured Rosemain-sama so I
know quite a few figures, but it's no secret. I think it is because I do not move my body
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much, but I will not tell you that it will be smooth as your skin is smooth as you touch
it no matter where you touch it.

...... It is not just me, I know that Rutz also drags her first love.

"What do you like, how do you feel?"

"... Well, somewhat,"
"If you are Kamil's baptismal ceremony, you might see Rosemain-sama's appearance.
I will go with my family's total but will Lutz go with me?"

Looking at Lutz as if I mock, Lutz murmursly frown and "goes".

"...... Why is Turi so glad?"

"It is always the first time that Lutz has met beforehand, so I can meet and talk before
Lutz first"

Even when Rosemain returned from the castle, when I woke up from a sleep for two
years, the Plantin shop was the first to be called. It is not me that I can meet Rosemain
first, Mr. Beno and Lutz. Because it was frustrating, this time I'm pretty nice to meet
Rutz before.

"Is that such a thing ... ... Well, did not you feel anything dangerous is going to happen?"

At the moment when I told you, Rosemain, who had not floated during the
measurements, floats on my mind. The voice saying that it would protect even if
something happened revived. But that is a story between measurements. Otto-sama
and Colinna do not know either.

"... Why does Rutz know such a thing?"

When I saw Lutz, Lutz muttered to 'I am due to the matter that I came here', and I
mastered my arm.

"Yesterday, Uncle Günter and Damuel came to the commercial guild, so it seems that
they said that they should pay attention to those who clothed silver cloth and those of
other territories."

It is said that there was a notice from your aristocracy that you should be aware that
the opportunity to contact the most other people is a merchant, and then to notify the
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gate or the temple immediately as soon as you get any information. It seems that the
guards are aware of the rugged atmosphere and are notified by the commercial guild
and the Printemps business to inform them of the notification.

"Did Tøli say something to Rosemain?"

"I was saying that something would protect even if something happened, because my
face at the time was dangerous, it was just like I was saying when I was not going to
pick you up at the temple.

I was attacked, trembled, frightened, it was a look that reminded me of the time when
everything ended and I lost my sister while waiting at the Gilberta business. Although
I wanted to protect you, I was a sister, I was protected by my sister, I lost my sister.

... ... Do you have something again?

"I guess I can not do anything at all ..."

Lutz seemed to feel disappointed and said that as he grasped his fist. At that time, Lutz
was not a family and family, so he was not involved in being with Mine the most.

...... Lutz really like Mine.

I am pleased with Lutz 's unchanged attitude, and once in the position of a fiancée it
is only a little funny.

But ... you can not keep being protected, do you? I want to protect Mine's important

I stare at Lutz which Mine cherishes. My engagement reason was that I did not want
to see Lutz which takes care of people other than Mine that I am engaged to Lutz.
I reached out and touched Luc 's cheeks. Looks at me as Lutz was perplexed as a bitter.
There was light in the eyes like jade that wanted something. I think that Lutz should
proceed as desired.

"If you do not like Lutz to face such a face, if you did not like the end of the previous
time, you only have to stop at the places where Lutz does not know, this time you can
gather information as a merchant If you go to inform the temple and the gate, Lutz
who has many familiar faces is advantageous, is not it? "
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Lutz gently spotted his eyes as if told unexpected things. Because the father and
Damuel went to the commercial guild, it is certain that the nobility and the soldiers
admit the information collecting power of the merchants. There are things that Lutz
can do. In my words Lutz laughed smilingly with a face motivated and said, "I will try
Turli as I say."

"Yeah Yeah, after all it's better for Lutz to think about Rosemain-sama's face and be

When I was watching the back of Lutz as returning to the store, Lutz looked back when
I opened the door. And I will stare with a face that will not make me interesting.

"Indeed, Turi can only see Rosemain's sama, both of us do not like each other, there is
no gap where I can get in."

What do you mean? Lutz disappeared beyond the door earlier than hearing back.

...... The gap that Lutz enters has not given up Mine yet? Or ... ...?

I feel like I'm going to be strange if I think about the future, I hold my cheek holding
my head and shake my head saying "no, no," just like Luts before. The cheeks were
already as hot as they already had.

1654 | 2523
It is the time axis centering on the fight against the territory of the 4th grade at the
nobleman clinic

It was in the afternoon 10 days after the beginning of the House of Lords that Reimu's
letter on collaboration with Ehrenfest arrived at Ferdinand's hand. Letters from the
House of Lords will be delivered to the main office's office. Ferdinand started taking
a letter already sealed and receiving censorship and looking through.

"Raimund seems to want to study further improvement of the transition team along
with apprentice civil servant Muriela which is an aide of Rosemain.There to overcome
it, in order to be able to deliver the books printed in various places of Ehrenfest to the
castle as soon as possible, Raimund is to create a transition team that can be used
easily by lower aristocrats ... "

Ferdinand says the essence of Raimund's letter aloud so that surrounding civilians
can understand that there is nothing serious. Given the application of the Ehrenfest
side, it is clear that Rosemain is the research that I have said.

...... To deliver the book as quickly as possible? Rosemain still uses the surroundings
for himself as usual.

I remembered the sister's appearance of repeating the runaway too wanting a book,
and I closed my eyes lightly. The daughter of a soldier who was a poor moved the
merchants of the store, reformed the temple, moved aristocrats in Ehrenfest,
rampaging at the aristocrats.
It seems a bit interesting that I have bigger and bigger influences for me who knows
Rosemain's past. Now it will not be trusted by anyone who said that Rosemain was
originally a commoner.

"Do you already have the transition team that Raimund had made? Can you save more
magical power?"
"Will not Arenzbach be honored this year if it is realized?"

1655 | 2523
I saw that Ferdinand who received consultation from Raimund and consulted started
writing a reply while lightly hitting temple and made a voice that civil servants in the
office had admired.

According to Ferdinand's advice, last year 's Raimund was honored with Rosemain. It
would be natural for expectations to be gathered if the same award is given this year.
Ahrensbach is a large territory, but the students' grades are not that good. Separately
it is not bad, but it does not compare with the current Ehrenfest. Those with good
grades enough to be awarded are enough with one hand even if all the grade school

"... ... I will give some advice to Raimund and I do not know whether or not to be
honored, but a transition team that saves magical power will be realized."
"Oh ...... That you can advise by just reading the letter is that at the time the former
transition team was formed, did the improvement point appear to Ferdinand?"

While appropriately nodding to civil servants, Mr. Ferdinand will write a reply and
hand it over to one of the civil servants while commanding to send to the lords. The
civilian official confirmed the contents of the reply, sealed it, and left the room.

"... Because it is a study of the princess, is not it?"

"What are you talking about, Justoks?"

Ferdinand, who was rewriting the letter from Raimundt while relaxing with the room
chaise, shook his face to Justoks' s loud voice mixed with the seven bells that began
preparing for bedtime. The fact that we got our own room away from the West and
the number of friends around me increased the time we could talk a bit more
anxiously. Of course I use magical tools to prevent eavesdropping, but the eyes of
surveillance have definitely relaxed from last year.

"In the case of Raimundt's individual research, I just thought that I did not give such
advice. From spring to autumn, I would like to conclude with specific advice simply
by evaluating research results and assigning assignments Was not it? "
"...... It is an advice made to have the recipe put in Ehrenfest sent to Rosemain and then
to inform recipes cheaply in opposition to the territory.

1656 | 2523
Ferdinand says the sounds like hun and nose but with reason like natural, but it is like
admitting more than half of the words of Justkus at the time of kneading the strange

... ... As ever, Rosemain is a sweet one.

Rosemain was originally a commoner and was originally a existence which should not
have a connection with Ferdinand of the lord's family if originally. I do not know by
how many coincidences were overlapped and it became the current situation, I do not
even know that the power of the gods is working for this mysterious surveillance.

Basically, Mr. Ferdinand is distrustful of humans, the dislike for women is even worse,
and people who are worried than necessary are more vigilant than those who are
giving names. Despite being a matter of course to take care of personal belongings, it
is necessary to take care. According to Justochs, it seems that the atmosphere was
truly stuck before he gave his name.

It is Rosemain that trusts that such Ferdinand is not given a name. Although it was
credibility obtained by overlapping several reasons, such as being unable to hide
emotions with commoners, being convinced of the personality and way of thinking of
Rosemain by looking into memory in synchronism, it seemed a bit jealous In fact there

But the feeling that I feel jealous now is gone. Rosemain and I are in different
positions. I am a nobleman and a son. Rosemain was originally a commoner, but in the
sense of a lord of a lord, it is equal to Ferdinand and in the temple it is even a position
higher than the chief priest Ferdinand in the title of the temple.

Rosemain negotiated with Arub to reduce Ferdinand - san 's job, and worried about
health and said little saying. I can not negotiate with Aub because of my identity
difference. Even if Ferdinand says "better", I can not do it for myself, for example,
continuing to say a few words. It is obliged to obey if it is commanded "Do not say any

However, even if Ferdinand frown, Rosemain, which is not bound by orders, it is okay
to say "stop". Even after I moved to Ahrensbach, I did not know what to put in terms
of exchanging conditions, but I asked the royal family to give a hidden room to Mr.
Ferdinand and I hope that relationship between Reti Zia and Ferdinand will be better

1657 | 2523
I arrange variously. In the common sense of aristocracy you are hesitant or thinking
of impossible behavior as natural as possible. It is something I can not do.

And, Ferdinand says something about someone to do something, but if someone else
does something, he creates a debt and seems to be holding a weakness and has a
restless personality ing. Therefore, it seems that it seems to be a feeling that Rosemain
has to return if something is done, and there are many cases that it is such an
interesting situation that two people are playing a gift battle. I think that Ferdinand is
pampering a special outside Rosemain as it is one who had few repayments
corresponding to his actions.

...... It will be surprising if you see Heidemary.

"Mr. Ferdinand, is the princess looking well? I'm doing my best now in order to win
the best this year."

In the words of Justoks Ferdinand says lightly shouting the letter that he was holding,
saying, "No, Rosemain seems to be lying" while laughing with Hu. It seems that the
state of Rosemain was written in the letter from Raimund. Then Ferdinand says a
slightly disgusted tone as he writes the wrinkles between the eyebrows as much as
30% deeper than usual.

"You must have taken care of yourself because you became somewhat upset with that
idiot, using Jureve, when will you be careful about it ...?

……HM. "Can not be helped by worrying".

While reading complainant Ferdinand says, I will keep my attention in mind to

Rosemain in the House of Lords.

...... Rosemain, I do not worry too much about Ferdinand.

Another ten days passed and a letter from Raimund arrived again. Although it is a
progress report of the research, there is no communication that Rosemain has
recovered there, and it seems that it does not appear at all to the Hill Sur laboratory.
The research seems to be progressing with Muriela.

1658 | 2523
Mr. Ferdinand had taken up facial expressions in front of civil servants in the office,
but when I returned to my room I occasionally turned my line of sight into a hidden
room with a studio and began to tap the edge of the desk with my finger tips .

"If you know the symptoms of the princess, you are thinking to make medicine,"

It is Justoks that I murmured as Bosoli while watching the appearance of Ferdinand. I

nod on a bit and show consent. Perhaps it is frustrating at the studio to think of scarce
material, I think.

"What does Haltmut do at all?"

Among civil servants with rosemain, Hartmut was the only one who was taught
Ferdinand how to make and how to make a medicine. Nevertheless, what does it mean
that Rosemain will lie forever and Ferdinand will be hurt your heart.
When I was outraged, Justoks gave a small laugh.

"Ekhart may be worried about Princess Eckhart, but it is incorrect to hit eight in
Hartmut, because the princess is at the aristocrat, an adult male, Hartmut, is in the
vicinity of the princess Can not you serve? "

...... That is true.

Hartmut asked Ferdinand how to locate that Rosemain is a commoner by himself, and
then how to deal with it. He is entrusted by Ferdinand to take care of Rosemain. The
twinkling irritation that I thought was impolite ceased. However, for Ferdinand's
peaceful everydays, I think that it is better to recover the health of Rosemain as soon
as possible.

...... It will be possible to deliver medicine, Hartmut.

After all, there was no information on the recovery of Rosemain, the date of the fight
against the territory came.
The last person is not in a situation where research is going to be overstepped so you
can ask about the condition of Rosemain. With research that seems to be the only
award winner in Ahrensbach, Raimund's research has attracted attention.

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...... It seems a bit irritating.

I judged from Ferdinand-s eyebrows and wrinkles and the number of times it got up
from the chair. Today is a great opportunity to get information on Rosemain. Because
Mr. Ferdinand must act with that woman, mental fatigue will be many. Still, the
opportunity to obtain information of other territory by yourself is precious.

While cladding the cloak of Ehrenfest, Mr. Ferdinand waits for the arrival of a fiancée
at the multipurpose hall of Ahrensbach dorm. Depending on how it is used, a woman
with a bad taste celebrated with flashy decorations made with the touch of being able
to use everyday like usual use came.

The appearance very similar to Veronica may be a beauty, but I recall the death of
Heidemary, irresponsible irritation and hatred come up and it is driven by the impulse
that throws away all circumstances and cuts everything Sometimes.
Once I said to myself, "I am a separate person even if their faces are similar," but now
it seems to be only "I am the same in the sense that even a different person is harmful
to Ferdinand."

...... As soon as the man of Ranznerav comes back, a funny woman with a shameless
and a head that changes by attitude and comes back to Korori is Ferdinand's fiance ....

"So, Feldinand san, let us see you, thank you in an embarrassing manner as my fiancé"

...... What a stupid and foolish bastard says! Is it?

As soon as the body gains power, Justus can hold down his shoulders. If you did not
have Justoks, this woman should have already risen far above. I endured the impulse
that I wanted to slash from behind, I walked behind the back of Ferdinand.

...... This lost person dismissed the knight captain in the defense of the boundary gate
because he prioritized Ferdinand's words rather than himself.

A playa who plenty of flowers in his head said, "Is not there only Ran Zenerav enters
in from the boundary gate? There is no reason to watch out, but than words of
Ferdinand than my words I can not afford to listen to an escort knight, "he dismissed
and ordered his former Bergke Stock to listen to his orders. I do not know how far my
heart is affected by love, but I can be amazed. It is shallow and indiscriminate more
than Veronica.
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By the way, the former ex-knight captain who was dismissed was invited to Mr.
Ferdinand as an aide. By giving the position of the escort knight of the lord family, the
former knight general is very grateful to Mr. Ferdinand. He took out an answering
machine at Ahrensbach today because "Dietlinde hurts his satisfaction when a person
who was dismissed is on his side". It is also recently to make a glare at the nobility of
the former Berkestock, which has been taken up as the center of Ahrensbach.

I will go to a greeting in the morning. There were two tables for entertainment at
Ehrenfest, the Ave and Mrs. on one side, Mr. Wilfriit and Mr. Charlotte sitting on the
other table, were chased by the customers who come a lot. There is no figure of
Rosemain in the entertainment hall of Erienfest which seems to be busy.

... ... Are you still lying down?

I looked up with Justice in spite of myself. There must be some reason. Ferdinand, who
seems to have thought of the same thing, gives a greeting to the Ausb and his wife and
talks to the public. And from the recipe of cooking he put an investigation into the
condition of Rosemain.

"I wanted to talk about the recipe of the dish that Rosemain had sent, but Rosemain ...
"I'm sorry, I'm lying down. Let's write a letter when I recover."

Ferdinand gave a little frown to Ave's words. I looked at the father who stood behind
Aub, but he was only slightly shaken by his neck. It seems not to be a talk here.

...... You should not be lying long like this? What happened to Rosemain?

Even though I think so, we can not draw anything other than the answer "I'm lying"
on this occasion. In the game against the territory we must act as a fiancée and the
aide of the next Auburn Ahrensbach.

"Let's wait for Rosemain's letter, we have to ask a greeting to other districts, I will
excuse you, Aub Ehrenfest"

Even though we have not gathered information yet, we have to move according to her
movement if the next Au berves seat early.

1661 | 2523
Eventually, I got the same information that other people got. Ehrenfest's students are
busily responding to visitors and there is no chance to talk to the father who is
attached as an escort for Aub. Richarda is no longer an aide of Rosemain, so he is not

Last year she was able to stay at the Ehrenfest dormitory as a foolish woman said she
wanted me to pick you up in the dorm for an adult ceremony escort, but this year I
have not had that opportunity.

... It is hard to get information so far just by not having Rosemain.

Last year, Rosemain called out to his aides and welcomed me, so Justoks and I and
Justoch got information from Rosemain 's aides while eating the downgraded cactus.
The circumstances that Cornelius and Hartmut were coming as graduating fiancés
were also great. However, this year there is no other person who can obtain
information about Rosemain. There is not much friendship with the side apprentice
of Rosemain's few who comes to the temple.

"Zergius, I will ask you later, then Eckhardt. Do not make a selfish move"

Justkus remembers me so, and he will get confused in the crowd. Justkus is a little
familiar because Ruthemain has entered the dormitory as a side of the tragogt as a
side of Rosemain and has been instructing the students to fight against the territory
as a result of Goodyroon.

...... Information collection seems to be left to Justice.

Justkus, who came back at lunch time, reported a fatigued face to Ferdinand, "It seems
that information is quite severely hidden." It seems that those of Ehrenfest did not
reply to anything other than "Rosemain is lying".

Justice can not distinguish JuSTOKU from whether circumstances which can not be
revealed at all, whether the dormitory monitor of Ahrensbach is happy saying with
confidence in the midst of it, "it got up to far higher" or nothing is told It seems to be.

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As we know the frailty of Rosemain, it is sorry for the joke that the word is going up
to far higher. Even if Mr. Ferdinand's mouth has decreased at a stroke after saying "it
is impossible", I can understand it.

"However, the Rizerator told me that there is something that the princess has been
told to give to Ferdinand, I heard that he will bring it later."
"... ... Are you in a state where you can issue instructions?"

Ferdinand who blushed a little relief into his voice pulled out the power of the body.

I was relieved at the time for the news of Justozuka, but as soon as I saw the package
delivered by the Risaizer, the feelings of relief disappeared.

...... only the magazines and demons ordered by Ferdinand?

It is no wonder that Ferdinand who confirmed the delivered package strengthened

his expression. The things that Rosemain prepares for us were packed in magical tools
where various things stopped occasionally at all times. Not only Ewenfest's cuisine,
but also a lot of really heartfelt things such as recovery medicine, material for
Ferdinand's preparation, sweets for rewards to retiziya, letters from our family, and
so on. The simplicity of the delivered package is not the one prepared at the direction
of Rosemain.

...... What on earth was Rosemain's body? What will happen to Mr. Ferdinand if this
state continues?

When Justoks is unlikely to have appetite, it is a dish of Ehrenfest where Rosemain

delivered. Mr. Ferdinand who can not easily go to the material collection so easily is
making the recovery medicine with the material delivered from Rosemain.
It is the insertion from Rosemain that supports Ferdinand 's hard life in Ahrensbach.
Since it was delivered so far, it was not supposed that it will be interrupted.

I can see that Justoks turned pale. It is not easy for Ferdinand to eat, and I do not know
what to say to retityia who is looking forward to letters and sweets from Rosemain.

"Even though Ferdinand's request, it would have been serious to prepare such a
magazine, Rosemain prepared for the thing as ordered.Ruzemain's reply does not
arrive I was worried about reti zia who heard that it is because it is, but I feel a bit
relieved. "
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Happily in Zergius who said so gently, we make three people together and make a

"It is not so unusual for Rosemain to go to bed, as I thought it seemed to have

recovered, I often gave him a fever again while watching the appearance."
"That would have been a serious problem for Ferdinand, who had been making
Rosemain's medicine ... .... Ah, the competition in the afternoon will begin soon.

In the entrance hall, the dormitory manager of Ahrensbach said, "It is not an enemy
such as Rosenmans like Ehrenfest.Allensbach wins from this year," and bravely
inspired apprenticeship of the knights. Emotion disappears from Ferdinand's eyes.

...... What is that? Is it a challenge against us! Is it?

The voice that echoes with the kinkin and the word "Rosenmainless Ehrenfest" can
not be unpleasant. How does Ferdinand like you heard that? And in front of us clinging
to the cloak of Ehrenfest, is not it too insane? At the moment when it got fainted
slightly, weight heavily took on the shoulder.

"I understand the feeling, but calm down"

"... ... I am calm, Yusukkusu"
"It would be nice if it really seems ... ..."

...... Ahrensbach is unlikely to win. Is not that degree visible to this dormitory?

There was a territory that seems to be doing the blessings that Dunkel Ferger showed
last year at a discontinuity of the subordinate territory that took place in the morning.
Since it was doing joint research, it will be done also in Ehrenfest. It seems that it is
severe in Ahrensbach where there are few who seriously work on blessing.

Sure enough, Ahrensbach had become the weakest in the large territory, and it began
to be steadily pulled into the middle territory that seemed to have gained blessings. If
you do not work hard on it, you will fall grades as you see it. The face of the students
who can show the difference between themselves is frustrated, but the dormitory
supervisor only screams "I'm sorry!" It does not provide valuable advice. The voice
that resonates with the kinkin is noisy at all, noisy.
1664 | 2523
After the afternoon's first Arends Bach's dozzter, we have to respond to the guests of
the lower ranks who will come to greet. Most of those who are interested in Raimund
's research, except those who give simple greetings to come to Ahrensbach. Many
people want to talk to Mr. Ferdinand as Raimund's master.

Come ... Now, you want to talk about research. Come good, come on.

Despite the achievements of Ferdinand and Raimund, it is generous whether

Arenzbach is noticed, because he is too smart to understand and can not understand,
why do you want to leave Ferdinand to accommodate all guests? At this time it is
stupid and troublesome French francs are greatly appreciated as fiancees do not come

"Dear Linde, Mr. Ferdinand, thank you"

"Oh, Mr. Hill Sur, sensei."

Mr. Hill Sur relieved Niccoli when he got a greeting easily. That eyes glittering with
desire for research, reminds me of the era of the nobles who Mr. Ferdinand was

...... Now, what research is going on this time?

I think so even though I followed Ferdinand. Ferdinand will feel the same way.
However, now Ferdinand is not in a good position even if he leaves himself. Mr. Hill
Sur also seems to know that.

"I'm thinking of Mr. Dietlinde, I am going to do a formula to reproduce a very old and
important magical instrument.I want to help Ferdinand to help me prepare until the
day after graduation ceremony to return to Ahrensbach Would you please give me
permission? "

There will not be anything other than Professor Hill Sur, such as a teacher who has
graduated more than a decade ago and says to the candidate lords moving to other

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territories "to help formulation." Speaking of insane knowledge is insane, but it would
be better for Ferdinand to take a break.

...... I can not believe that such things are allowed.

As expected, the bad guys who do not feel like using the flexibility other than
themselves, "Does it not be too insane?
However, the other party is Mr. Hill Sur. He is a master of Ferdinand and has a
reputation as a skill to utilize his disciples for his research, and he is a man who has
already touched down common sense. Even if it is told that it is insane, it does not go
through either, and it is not supposed to give up just about being refused once.

"If this compounding is successful, we can apply it to Raimund next year's research,
so Arends Bach will be noted next year."

Mr. Hill surfer narrowly the purple eyes while stating that Arendsbach is also
advantageous. It is a pleasant expression when you hurt your opponent's weaknesses.

"Did you forget it? Dietlinde was a promise to hear my request, is not it? If there is
something like Aub next time breaking promises, I may forget your promise to too
much surprise. not"
"... OK, I understand. Please help me Feldinand, Mr. Hirschle and leave a solid result
for Ahrensbach."

I feel frustrated with overly arrogant words, but Ferdinand raised the end of his lip a
little satisfyingly because she got permission to go out and prepare.

...... It is truly Mr. Hill Sur. I am satisfied.

"Dear Linde, I will talk more about research with Professor Hill Sur."
"I have to deal with customers here, please do not talk with a teacher."

We are driven away as soon as we can go, and we will walk towards those who are
exhibiting research with Hirschle. Whether the time is regrettable, Mr. Hirschle
started talking about Ferdinand to speak as quickly as I walked. Although there are
materials delivered from Ehrenfest, it seems that you can not formulate to Dr. Hill Sur.

"What a magician really is, it's impossible to compose without sufficient attributes"

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Mr. Ferdinand says to Hirschle who complains disappointingly, "It was supposed to
be able to prepare Rosemain" and smiled small.

"Well, Hirschle teacher, it is not bothersome to help with formulation, but is not there
profit of Ahrensbach, is there any benefit for me?"
"If you mean money, there is no such thing. Rather, you know that you want this to be
financed, please do not worry about cute disciples. If you need profits Rosemain, It
would be okay to pick it up from the factory, because it was Rosemain-sama who
brought in the material and that you use the finished product as well. "

Otherwise, Mr. Ferdinand will not make arrangements so far, Mr. Hirsch leans
shoulder while comparing the treatment of Raimund and Rosemain.

"...... But even though it is said to be of assistance, how about with Anhaltung's

Hirschle looks at Ferdinand with a smile with a certainty that he will never refuse. Mr.
Ferdinand showed a swinging thought to think for only a few seconds and he nodded
with a face that would be unavoidable.

"I will visit the laboratory after the third bells ring"

Anhaltung is a goddess who gives advice when in trouble or lost. In myths we often
advise to find something hidden behind the concealed God Fairberken. Apparently it
seems that Eolenfest is willing to give information on Rosemain hiding desperately in
exchange for cooperation for formulation.

...... Professor Hill Sur is as good at giving bait to Ferdinand as ever.

While wearing reasons and reasons, I always think that my skill to move Ferdinand
and help her is amazing. To know what Ferdinand wants is that it means that Dr.
Hirschle pay attention to Mr. Ferdinand. It is nice for me that someone understands
Ferdinand like hard to understand.

"The next one seems to be the number of Ehrenfest"

1667 | 2523
Eleenfest's knights apprentices began circling the stadium with a beast while turning
the mantle. We go ahead and look into the stadium to watch. A stunning formation
was made just like last year. In the place where Ehrenfest is watching, you can see that
the awes and lords are lined up in the front row, looking down on the bottom.

"... .... Is that Angelica?"

I felt that the appearance of Angelica was seen at the watching place of Ehrenfest. If
you try to strengthen your eyesight, you will definitely see her figure. In my
misunderstanding Justoks desperately stares at "Oh, you can see angelica?" Justkus
seems to be invisible because he can not strengthen himself.

"Why are Angelica who graduated already compete against the territory?"
"It is a story I heard from the Rizerator, but it is said that he was called to confirm
whether or not the tumougot is growing properly as an opponent of Angelica"

I know that Angelica gave the marriage partner the condition "a man stronger than
himself", but it will be impossible in a traogot. I recall the strength of angelica who
was training with me during my fiancée and the strength of the tragogot I saw in the

...... Although the traumigot seems to be growing somewhat, Angelica is seeking

strength as crazy as possible. Desperation is quite different.

Despite being born in a family that produces excellent side jobs, Angelica had no
suitability for handling. She seems to have been surprised even at the House of Lords
and was recognized by a family other than her family for the first time by being raised
by Rosemain. That is why it was said that it will become stronger for Rosemain.

Angelica kept silent exercises quietly and did not neglect the effort to become even
stronger even a little. Even though there is a difference between the escort knight and
the side workers, I felt that the blood of my family who is honestly improving myself
for my own sake is definitely flowing to Angelica.

"Is it possible for Toraugot to be recognized by Angelica with this disaster?"

"No, Angelica will not be able to do with traogot though what you think"

Ferdinand nodded in my words.

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"The mental attitude is completely different between the two of them, there are not
enough attitudes and preparedness for those who serve in the traumigot ... as I am ..."

Saying that, Ferdinand saw a glimpse of me.

"I think that the way of living of Angelica is similar to Eckhart."

"As you said, I have memorized empathy with Angelica"

When talking about resolving the engagement, "Angelica is told that I can not go
together because I do not know how to live away from Rosemain and how to live."
That is the word I sympathized most.

I feel sympathy for putting my Lord at the top, that I do not have any feeling that I still
love Hyde Marie, that I do not dream of marriage separately, Angelica is for me It was
a bad opponent.

"...... Right, there is no other woman echoed to empathy, so I was a little lucky to cancel
her engagement."
"No. Both Angelica and I think it is difficult to walk together as both are putting the
Lord above myself, unless they both serve the same Lord ... unless the Lord of each
other walks together"

In my answer, Mr. Ferdinand became a serious face, "I am sure it is difficult," while
glancing at a glance to a woman who laid a flower on his head and laughed.

...... Even if you finish a star knot, you can not imagine a place where Ferdinand's life
deteriorates enough to walk with that thick-minded and foolish fool.

Before such a thing, I want you to be an adult to Reti Zia. If you do, it will be easy to
handle secret harassment secretly.

Thinking was disturbed by an annoying voice called "Surely!" As he thought of several

disposal processing processes that became unnecessary after the relay awb.
Ehrenfest destroyed the demon beating much faster than Ahrensbach, but whether it
is not accepted or not, the dormitory who made his face red makes a shoutingly
screaming "I can not believe it!" It is noisy so I made stuffing in my mouth and
wrapped it around with cloth and thought that I wanted to throw away somewhere.

1669 | 2523
Ditters are over while we talk about nothing. If so, the game against the territory is
almost over. It is the awards ceremony that begins after this.
The Knight apprentices of Ehrenfest ruled out the excellent result of the third place
with the Ditters competing for speed and seems to have done well the collaborative
research with Fröbel Tak, Klassenburg, Ahrensbach. Collaborative research between
Fröbel Tak and Ahrensbach was awarded.

And personal recognition is done. The name will be called from the final grade.
Ehrenfest's students have been called by many people like last year, but students in
Ahrensbach have decreased drastically.

Bon-dark that bloomed at the head describes how I was leading Ahrensbach with a
face that I understood as "I do not think there is a candidate for lord" The presence or
absence of participation in a shrine is not a big factor. Even though students in other
territory are struggling to enrich their own territory, if you do not do anything from
the feeling of evasion to a shrine, Arends Bach's grades should fall relatively fast.

...... It is in the present days that I can stay as a student. Please finish the star knot.
Ferdinand, who was the position of Aus' spouse, will tighten up the whole of

Now I am just a guest's status so I can not take action other than Reti Zia's education,
but if it is possible to put out hands after finishing the star tie, I will cooperate with
the age of Rety Zia, knights, civil servants, side workers It is supposed to educate the

We will also reduce the burden of reti zia sama by creating educational objects besides
reti zia who are going to be drowning in tasks to be accumulated one after another.
Why do not you grow up talented people who can support her becoming an awful at
the same time as an adult? It is ridiculous that Yukusokuzu worked with Yukusuku.

"Fourth graders, best, Dorvonchel lords Orthoviane"

It was Dr. Dorevanker's Lord Candidate who went up to the stage as the best of the
fourth grader, the best of the candidate lords.

"Does Rosemain's name not be among the talented people?"

"How much can you lie down?"
1670 | 2523
"I heard that he served as the templeor in the votive ceremony of lords and upper

The noise of the auditorium is too big. Of course. While complaining about the mouth,
it is funny that Rosemain, who had been doing the task of Ferdinand like a brain, never
be called his name. It seems that there were many people who think in the same way.

"Even if you're lying, it's too long, is not Ehrenfest hiding something?"

In order to call the person to be honored, the dormitory supervisor who holds the
magician of the loud voice begins to blame the Ehrenfest with good sound at the
kinkin and the ear sound. The students lined up become a bitter face in the state where
the award ceremony was interrupted, and there are also many who are lying about
the loud voice through the magic tool. But, whether you are aware of it or not, the
dormitory supervisor can make it even better.

"Now, what are you hiding? Please be honest"

"Rosemain is just lying down."

Wilfried, who came before being called as a superior, argued, but it is useless for a
dormitority who does not have hearing at all. Teachers are trying to stop in the
surroundings, but they seem to have no effect at all.

"It is too long that you are lying down all the time during the period of the House of
Peers. Actually you have already been raised to a height far, are not you hiding?"
"Surely, Wilfried-sama is not upset, is that so?"

Echoes with magical tools to the extent that the nostrils are rough as excited.
Ferdinand stared at the noise woman with the eyes that did not feel emotion.

...... Do not bother me, this drunken idiot!

At the next moment, a roaring martial instrument called "Fraulem!" Was picked up by
the magical instrument of the loud voice, and it revived throughout the stadium. A
surprised voice rises from a lady who is in a watching place suddenly in a loud voice

1671 | 2523
As I imagined, it was rolled around by the band of light of Stapp, and as soon as I
opened my mouth trying to protest, an indiscriminate fool who was bitten by a gag
was brought to the teachers of Ruffen and Knight course I will go.

When the cause of noise was eliminated, the awarding ceremony was continued as if
nothing had happened at once. Excellent people until the first grade are called by Dr.
Primève, and go out before.

"... Ehrenfest is going as usual, even though Rosemain is not going on."

Mr. Ferdinand slowly saw the area around Ehrenfest while ringing his hun and nose
to be uninteresting.
The people of Ehrenfest may just be patronizing the surface like a nobleman.
However, it seemed like Arubs of many territory visited Ehrenfest in the game against
the territory, and also wilfried and Charlotte seemed to be socializing as they were
accustomed. Even though Rosemain is absent there are many outstanding people.

"I am educated to move even if I am absent, I think that is the achievement of

"...... Eckhardt, that person is surprisingly an older brother"

Ferdinand 's words unexpectedly said, I will affirm for a while with a bitter smile.

...... I guess Ferdinand-san like a foolish parents idiot.

I tried to counter that in my mind, but when I reunited Rosemain seemed to be hurting
uselessly from Ferdinand, I stopped talking.

...... Rosemain, like thanking me and giving my cheek to Ferdinand.

The adult ceremony and the graduation ceremony that took place the day after the
game against the territory were shocking. Aru Ehrenfest, who had been like Florentia
for just that, was escorting Brunhild. It seems he made a decision to make Gibe
Greschel's daughter the second wife. It seems that it was impossible to push through
forever with Ferdinand's aid without Aub Ehrenfest. I think that it is inevitable to
think about the situation, but the figure escorted by a woman other than Florentia is
not exactly the same.
1672 | 2523
"Did not you use that one ... ...."

Unlike me who just felt the change of time and situation, Ferdinand, who had a bitter
face, muttered so it seemed small. From when I saw Ehren Fest and Ferdinand who is
thinking about Rosemain occasionally saw the expression.

I could not get a piece of information, no replenishment of dishes, I could not buy a
recipe for a dish that was supposed to be done with Rosemain, and without
replenishment of sweets I was looking forward to Letezia, nor reply to the letter, The
opposing battle and the graduation ceremony are over.

In addition, the dormitories who can not bear time and place were dismissed. It seems
that we decided unanimously at the teachers' conference that it is not necessary in
the center, so as to go back to Ahrensbach, and to issue an alternative dormitory
supervisor. While being tied up, the former superintendent was transferred to
Ahrensbach. As far as I could tell, the woman who is the worst in Jürgen Schmidt was
saying that the dormitory supervisor can not bring down the quality of Ahrensbach.

...... It is OK because both the dormitory and the aristocratic quarters became quiet, is
not it the first to receive punishment if it is a crime to lower the quality?

I will attend the Hill Sur Laboratory from the next day until I return to Ahrensbach.
Mr. Ferdinand prepared lunches for Dr. Raimund and Dr. Hirschle and ordered to
carry it to Raimund.

"Raimund, let me finish cleaning up meals and blending tools so that I can begin
formulation as soon as I am done"

Raimund is listening to Ferdinand's instructions with a nervous look. Raimund is

supposed to be close to Ferdinand's age, but he is spending other than winter at Hill
Sur Laboratory to extend his talent. Therefore, although there are many letters
exchanged, there are not many opportunities for the two to talk face to face.

Mr. Ferdinand seems to have felt that it was a fun time when the aristocracy era of his
own studies was not so easy to obtain, and Raimundto gives an environment that can

1673 | 2523
immerse in research. If Rosemain knows, it is an environment to scold off as "Please
revise its irregular life!", But Raimund is alive like the Ferdinand like that time.

"How is Ferdinand going?"

"After I give some instructions here, I will head to the laboratory after getting the
materials at the library. Please tell Dr. Hill Sur."
"Certainly yes"

Raimund who is excited when seeing Ferdinand-san's formula went out with a little
quick feet. Mr. Ferdinand, who had brought her a bowl of clothing to JuSTOX, instructs
Zergius to start preparing for returning to change.

"I would like Zergius to start preparing for return here ... and then I want you to be
careful about the situation of Dietlinde, which is more appropriate than Justoc, which
one can ask for?"
"Please choose for me"

Leaving the caretaker to Zergius, three of us left the Ahrensbach dormitory and went
to the library.

"Mr. Ferdinand, what kind of materials are you looking for?"

"It's old, valuable, it's only in that library, it's necessary for what we will make now ...
but I do not feel much better."

Ferdinand who looks like the sky got the answer that did not answer. I do not
understand well, Justus and me walk according to Ferdinand like. The situation where
only Ferdinand know it is not unusual. Unless you decide to inform us, Ferdinand will
not talk about your thoughts. There is no choice but to interpret this from words.

I crossed the corridor and opened the door and entered the reading room, but neither
the librarian nor the magician of the library were visible. I wonder if there was any
tidying up or visiting customers. Mr. Ferdinand looked around the reading room for a
while and go up the stairs on the left while murmuring "I will ask Mr. Sorangju to talk
back to you" on the way back. Because I am sticking to that library that much, I may
know Rosemain's information.

"To come here again ... ..."

1674 | 2523
Feldinand heads to the back of the reading room on the second floor with a footstep
without hesitation although saying so so much. I used to come to the library when I
was a lord, but I did not think that I will come here even after graduation. I
remembered what he was looking for next, what he was looking for, Ferdinand's
hands looked at, and Ferdinand told me that he was desperately desperate for a

... Why is there no one here now?

There is no change in the state of the library and the face in this place. But even then,
there is no Hyde marry alone in the course of time.

"Eckhardt, if it's bitter, I will not mind being away"

"I am an escort knight, Mr. Ferdinand, I will be scolded by Hydeemary when I leave
my side"
"The assistant at the library is my work as civil servant, you escort me!

Justkus imitating Himemary's habit smiled nostalgically.

"Let's finish the matter soon, Mr. Ferdinand, I will be scolded by Hyderly, please do
not move the lord candidate by myself"

Ferdinand stood in front of the statue between the bookshelves while saying
"nostalgic". And I do not know what is the purpose, but I touch on the statue of the
goddess and I start to investigate something. I remembered that I was doing the same
thing when I was in the House of Peers. Perhaps it has not been investigated yet.

"Is it impossible? ... Now, what should I do, if possible, I would like to refrain from
using that means again"

I do not know what is impossible, but Ferdinand seemed unlikely to do anything and
after raising his bangs, he turned around and looked back. The sound of opening the
door of the reading room sounded.

"Who on a day like this?"

"It is not a student who has forgotten to return or seems to have been returned
properly after Aldanants with Freddino's threatening complaint arrived in each

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When Justoks distorts his mouth like it teases, Ferdinand says "Do not say
unnecessary things" and it becomes a disgusting face.

"It's too bothersome to battle with students. Will you wait here until leaving?"

As I said so, the footsteps come up the stairs. It is rare for several people to go upstairs
to the second floor at the same time. I set aside to turn around weapons and turn small
feet to tell you that I was ready. Mr. Ferdinand looked back.

"Prince Sigiswald?"

I instantly unlock the attitude and refrain from behind Ferdinand who looked back. I
wonder what the royalty is coming to the library for such a purpose on such a day.
While watching carefully so as not to show the ruggedness, look at the state of Prince

"I am worried about Rosemain, it's too long."

I agree with Rosemain's concern, but I do not know what Prince Sigismwald worries
about. Personal friendship should have been deep with Prince Anastigius.

"Really ... ... By the way, why is Prince Sigiswald here?"

"I think that it is the same as you, because Rosemain came to see the magician that
last supplied magical power, because I can not carry my legs while there are a lot of

...... Magical tool that Rosemain finally supplied magical power? What is it?

It was such a word that it smells that he is not lying down. I did not understand it with
my head, but it seems that there was something Ferdinand had. It turned a faint smile.

...... What did you do, Rosemain! Is it?

Ferdinand who was questioned about the magician on the second floor points to these
magic tools. I am surprised that the library has unexpected magical tools, I will hear
Ferdinand's explanation with Prince Sigismwald.

"It was saved to tell me, so I will ..."

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Prince Sigiswald returned his heel when he thanked Ferdinand. Ferdinand's funny
smile is gone, wrinkles are gathered between the eyebrows instead. Faced with
fatigue, amnesia and surprise, he stared at the statue of "the foolish man" with a face
that became miserable.

"Rosemain really mess up the schedule ... ...."

Ferdinand exits the library with Prince Sigismwald in a time lapse while showing
anger whether the plan needs to be reconsidered.

"Why do not you talk to Sorangju?"

"No longer needed"

Ferdinand, who ought to have been worried about that much, said that he did not need
Rosemain's information.

...... What did you really do, Rosemain! Is it?

It was not Mr. Ferdinand, but Mr. Hirschle who gave us information about what
Rosemain did. It seems that Rosemain has been missing since the first dedication

"Missing, is it?"
"Well, it is information we purchased in the confused Ehrenfest dormitory so there is
no mistake, it seems that they disappeared suddenly"
"Suddenly in front of the aides?"

Unlike Yusutokusu and I was accidentally raised the voice of surprise, has continued
to formulated without showing exactly upset so say even with Ferdinand like knew

"Do Rozemain like that come in either, I do not know exactly when to return is the.
However, that aide was the name dedicated to Rozemain like is safe, as the person will
come in your safe from feel the magic of Rozemain like it's "

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from the Hill sur teacher Ferdinand like that has continued to formulated in silence
while paying no attention to the words of the read emotions of anger. Angry quiet.
Perhaps Rozemain is must have a thing extra to beat told her of Ferdinand like.

...... Quickly return, Rozemain. Do not annoy any more Ferdinand like!

Created a two days over magic tool of the library Rozemain has wanted to make is,
Ferdinand like is going to write the notes on improvements and preparation while the
confirmation of performance while glare a magic tool in the face of bad temper itself.

...... Heavy air. Someone white somehow!

If I screaming so in my mind, "is very, Ferdinand sama!" Jumped is the Zerugiusu.

Whether've been exceptionally hurry, hold out the magic tool of the anti-wiretapping
while repeating the wheezing and rough breathing. It seems the business that can not
also be informed in Orudonantsu.
Yusutokusu is brewed tea as trimmed breathing of Zerugiusu, we took in hand the
magic tool of the anti-wiretapping that has been proffered.

"What happened, Zerugiusu?"

Already Ferdinand like that does not feel at all like anger against Rozemain urged the
Zerugiusu. Zerugiusu begin to report while established a breath.

"Seems to have arrived orchid Zener ve of the ship. Dietlinde like to open the border
gate is now in your way hurriedly to Ahrens Bach"

...... is! Is it?That brain Tallinn you have a what the heck! Is it?

"Originally, or visit the run Zener ve is not has been decided and after the lord
conference. Why, do you come to such a time!?"
"Oikaese may to be, I why open the border gate! ? anyone did not stop!? "

Yusutokusu and to my threatening attitude Zerugiusu lost their shoulder as" ...... also
is said to me. " For Aubu inauguration has been determined finished dyed the
foundation, nobles are no longer諫言for fear of punishment. It is an emotionally
useless to say anything to the ill-advised stupid woman to act, there will be a dismissal
is or not be helped because he or punished part if carelessly opinion.

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"There is no point in saying anything here. Hurriedly Back'll"

When Ferdinand like say so, returns a magic tool of the anti-wiretapping to Zerugiusu.
Hill sur-teacher pass the recipe for the preparation of magic tool and fixes a number
was also entered.

"Hill-sur-teacher, no longer have to go back a hurry. This is Ehrenfest to thank you"

at a made freshly magic tool to Hill sur laboratory, Ferdinand-like returns heel. We
also continue to Ferdinand like.

...... From the next by O'cause only a problem to the next. Not only of that Senryo a fool.
Rozemain, but also其方!

Yet the end of the winter, not be said with spring, it had already came into the harbor
of Ahrens Bach run Zener ve of the ship when we came back. It was the beginning of
spring different from the previous years.

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I stared at my hand. I want to protect the important people. I want the power to do
that. That is what I have always thought. Ferdinand's collision avoidance is the driving
force that I wanted Gurtris Height. However, if you are asked if you want to be a Tento
or want it, the answer will come soon.

"I do not want to raise Jurgen Schmidt by separately becoming a Tent to merely
increase the means to protect my important existence.When I can make a person who
can do it, from the bottom of my heart I want to throw a round I do not think I would
like to go to an environment where I do not have much time to read or to get new
books in hand. "

When I answered with a little bit of words and attitudes, my adoptive father leaned
against the chair while sounding Hun and his nose to break his attitude.

"I know that much, so I say, because you have told me that the other side has passed
the deadline, you can leave it until coming to me, even if it is in January or February, I
do not want to do it, It is not something advanced from myself, such as to Tento "

In order to become a Tent, it is necessary to announce at the Lord 's Council that he is
holding a Gurtris' Height, acknowledged by the temple of the central temple and the
cornerstone of Jurgen Schmidt. My current state is a candidate for the next TSent who
only has a book of half-timed Mestionola who does not have plenty of knowledge to
do work of Zento.

"If you have an opponent with the ability to be pressed, do not hide the face that you
took disgusted glutris height, and you should throw away troubles, etc. If you do not
do that, one after another It will be pushed to extra things. "
"Parenting like?"

I glared at what I was going to say suddenly, but my adoptive father turned over the
arm with his arms folded.

"Even in the pre-talks, I felt that the talk was not even settled even in the royal family,
and as soon as I got the Gurtris Height, the royalty and the higher rank will receive the
other as a true source There will be no such things as making them convenient,

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because they have no hesitation in moving the persons in the subordinate territory at
their own discretion "
"It's all you want to say"
"There are no opportunities for such real intention, for anything, I forgot that the
words of the aristocrat do not understand."

Not only attitudes, even expressions were not covered, and adoptive father saw me.

"Let's clearly say, I really do not like the situation that the former civilian, who
received a baptismal ceremony as a senior aristocrat, and who had become my
adopted one should carry Jurgen Schmidt, who is blessed in the temple It is okay if
you swallow and be praised by the orphans, getting a new book, getting a new book,
and talking about what to do to develop the town of Ehrenfest with familiar merchants

That is the greatest freedom that I am allowed in Ehrenfest, absolutely not possible in
other territories.

"Rosemain is necessary to protect Jurgen Schmidt, maybe so, is not it the role of the
royal family to protect Jurgen Schmidt, reign without leaving Gurtrisheit and king
Ferdinand to Ahrensbach Or we are exaggerating that we should take over that one,
so we should not put Jurgen Schmidt back on the other side, but the royalty would be
better to carry it back. "

Because he reduced the aristocrat because of inner conflict purge and sibling
quarreling, it seems that Erienfest noble aristocrats are less troubled with magical
power It seems that they told the implications of what they are doing with their own
businesses Owning father adopts royalty Abuse.

...... Certainly, I do not want the royal family who lost Gurtris Height by vandaling
Jurgen Schmidt in brotherhood fights.

The elimination of Veronica and the former temple was what I had to do even if my
adoptive father had to truncate my foundation, and also needed a purge to put out the
remaining pus.
In the current Ehrenfest the aristocracy decreased too much and the magical power
was reduced, and the nobles were also in a state of confusion, but I do not think that I
should have purged. Besides, it is because of Ferdinand, who was supposed to support

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Arub mostly, in a state of confusion so far. Without the royalty that would be served
one after another, more confusion would have been small.

"As I am, Rosemain. If he gets a Gurtris Height, I think he should hurt himself to the
face of the royal family!"

On my head in words of adoptive father "I will give this, so it would be better for the
royal family to be a royal family!" And Baclitz on the face of Anastasiusus with Gurtris
Height! A scene hitting you came up. I laughed in spite of myself and kept my mouth
hurriedly, but it seems that my adoptive father was looking at it steadily. My adoptive
father laughed, "I feel a little sick."

"I do not know how to hit a person to a person ... ... It is awesome as a mood! I would
like to throw Ehrenfest on the face of Prince Anastigius who told me to do with

After having laughed each other for a while, I stare at the adoptive father.

"... ... So is there a way to manage Georgyne without having a Gurtris Height?"
"If you just crush without thinking about the back, you can do it as soon as you can do
it over a year ago."

My adoptive father said that with a terrible disgusting face. Why did not you do if you
could, if you could. When I wondered, my adoptive father saw me with a serious face,
saying "It is easy".

"You can kill without choosing the means, and command Ferdinand, Ferdinand went
for that, if you want, order it."
"Something like that ..."
"I do not want to let such a thing to do that, can you order that? Do you know that it is
irrelevant to have nothing to do with Ehrenfest, while letting Ferdinand make hands
dirty? I already went to Ahrensbach Is it something that a person did, or is there
something wrong in Ahrensbach, could he be responsible for one Ferdinand? "

I shook my head as I was trembling. A funny smile appears to me as a father-in-law

who is said to be sweet by Aubu. However, I even think that I'm glad that I was not a
father-in-law who could command such a thing without any problems.

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"It is difficult to make a decision even if it is told that it is necessary even if you think
it is necessary, and that person who can not make that decision is not suitable for AuB
or Tsento."
"Is there no other way to capture Georginae other than to command Ferdinand?"

When I became uneasy and asked, my adoptive father worked with saying
"Ferdinand's idea is the most certain ... ...".

"There are a couple of ways, but if we think about the future, we will not be able to
launch attacks from here in situations where nothing has been done yet, we will have
to defend ourselves so that it will be beneficial to Ehrenfest , And it will be difficult if
you think about reducing the number of victims ... ... who would not want the temple
to be a fighting place and the gray priests and orphans to be sacrificed? "
"Is not it commonplace? The temple is like a second house for me, there is also a
rosemein workshop. It is a subject to be completely protected.I will make a training
to evacuate before Georgeene comes."

My adoptive father nodded as I knew my reply.

"Then, it will take a little effort and magical power .... However, it is still difficult to use
a carriage because snow still remains, and Ahrensbach has just finished the feast for
spring, as much as danger is approaching No, it is not about today tomorrow, rather
than worrying about anxiety, it would be more constructive to think how you would
be intercepted. "

It is far from Ahrensbach to the temple of Ehrenfest. Snow is an obstacle if it enters

secretly with a small number of people and it is impossible to hide if it comes with a
large number of people using the nomenclature to regain the key of Ahrensbach,
adoptive father said.

"For a while it was decided to put two knights at the gate of Shimomachi"
"I thought that they entered secretly through the downtown and asked soldiers to
watch out for silver cloths, they will send a rescue signal to the Order if you see them."
"Is that already?

Parents like this slowly stroked their jaws.

"By the way, Rosemain. Where is the entrance to the foundation in the temple?
Although it preserves the foundation, it is not possible to increase the knights to the
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temple clearly and inform the place of foundation, for the time being Melchior or its I
plan to put an escort knight in the temple by making one of the people resident in the
temple, but I want to place magical tools to protect with a small number of people "
"The door to the foundation is in the shrine library, there is a bookshelf with a door
that can not be opened without the key of the temple, but the statue of Mestionora is
engraved, apparently that scripture The part seems to move, it seems there is a
keyhole. "

Because there was a box filled with letters from Georgine on the bookshelf with that
key, it may be that he may have noticed that the temple mayor notices other people's
eyes not to touch them I thought.

"I have not tried it indeed, but it should not be wrong."

"Is there a place that absolutely passes from the entrance of the temple to that point?
I'd like to set up a transition team."

The transition team for transitioning people can only be installed in Aub. It seems to
want to eliminate georgine by setting it on the way.
I think of the interior of the temple. Three gates of the temple. The back gate on the
downtown side, the front gate through which the horse-drawn carriage passes, and
the aristocratic gate linked to the aristocratic street. There are several entrances in
the building of the temple, such as the prayer room, the back door of the orphanage's
basement, the front entrance, the entrance to the aristocratic gate, the back door
where exclusive chefs come in and out.

...... Depending on which entrance you use, the path to the library is completely

"It is the entrance to the temple library.The temple library is supposed not to put in
those who are not registered in the temple.Initially, as I cried out without getting
blocked by a transparent wall, I can not put it in. "
"Because we can cross the boundary of the territory, I think that it will be possible to
go through by using a silver cloth"

In the city of Ehrenfest as well, noble aristocrats in other territories are trying not to
enter. But anyone who wears a silver cloth should enter. You can anticipate the
magical power and come to the temple without having to give away the silver cloth.

"But will not they start a transition team if they are wearing a silver cloth?"
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"That is the case, but in order to spread to a place with magical foundations of the
foundation, you must absolutely take silver cloth, so if it is best to install in front of
entrance of the foundation ... ... Even though I was wary of clothing, I was transferred
to the moment when I took the cloth to open the key and enter inside.

My adoptive father liked that. It has become a face of evil spirits who are pleased to
make pitfalls.
Certainly it will be a problem if there is a silver cloth to handle foundation magic. It
should be taken from myself at the end of the last. When I think of Georginé that can
be transferred where I thought it worked, I can laugh a little. It was in front of the
bookshelf to set up a transition team.

"But, if you set up a transition team in the library, others will not be able to use it"
"No, I'm planning to limit people who do not register in Ehrenfest to those who do not
register.The only person who enters and exits the shrine library is Ehrenfest, so even
if it is installed in the library, ordinary users There is no effect at all. "

It is possible to distinguish whether Aub is a person registered in the territory or not.

In other words, if an orphanage's baptismal child does not get baptized, it will be
transferred. They will not get out of the orphanage and enter the aristocratic area, so
there is no particular problem.

"Let's say we ask Florentia to create a transition team, who is not good at

Normally, the adoptive father seems to have asked foster mothers, Charlotte, Brunhild
to embroider the magic team, but it does not have to be troublesome because it takes
so much time.

"You do not have to be noticed that it is a transition team, so please leave the magic
team set up in front of the entrance to me.

You can use ink which disappears if you set it up overnight. I can not do it unless Arub
finally starts up, but I can do it only if I write it. It should be much earlier than

"What came up, Rosemain? It's a bad face"

"There are things that must be forgotten in the world, adoptive father"

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The adoptive father gave permission while doing a fearful face as "In the end, one
person was not the main point?"

"So where are you going to move with the transition team?"
"There is only one such as a criminal's transition destination, it is a white tower, I
prepare a room for my sister next to my mother in which I can leave when I can not
open the door From the past. "

"I do not want to be noticed by my older sister, I'd like to guide the state of the temple
to the transition team without changing it very much, it is about my older sister, like
a knight team rushing to make a big fuss in the temple I will try to carry things secretly
without doing it. "

The adoptive father said that he would make the disturbing flutter gleefully in another
place, move the Order, and secretly infiltrate the temple when everyone's eyes are
facing the uproar. Georgine seems to take such measures even though thinking of
secret behaviors so far.

I intrude into the temple with the intention of going well and thinking of Georginé that
is transferred to the white tower and smiling grin.

"If you can evacuate those in the temple, I think it's not bad, I do not want victims to
appear in the temple."
"My top priority is to capture my older sister and that group.I think that there is no
choice but to sacrifice several people in downtown and in the temple, but if I do not
like it, think about how to induce that one does not sacrifice "

It is no wonder that one who took us to the library would be killed because of the
mouth seal. Therefore, it must be a person who is not killed.

...... I got a guide to the library, not a person. In the meantime, if you get attacked, you
can counterattack ... ... Schwarz!

"I will make Schwarzuta as guides to the temple library!"

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"What's with Schwartz and why did you suddenly led to such a conclusion?"

I told my adoptive faces with a mysterious face, and I explained the flow of my
thought. However, like the adoptive father did not know the meaning again, he
adopted his head.

"I understand that I want to use the magician of the library that he knows for the guide
of the library, but I understand that the magician of the library needs magical tools
that require many attributes and magical powers to keep it running Whether it was
not, it will go to the center at the end of spring, but who supplies magical powers after
that? I think that my sister's assault is rich when it is a prayer ceremony, but that
There is a possibility that it will be later. Because there is no confirmation just by my
intuition "

Unlike Schwarzs at the House of Lords, by dividing the use, it is possible to reduce the
amount of magical power required for operation, but there should have been few
people with the attribute of darkness. Besides, I do not think that Ehrenfest can afford
to be magical after I left. Although it is to protect the temple, it will be hard to keep

"Also, do you think that careful sister skills will follow the guide of such dubious
magical tools?
"It's not suspicious, because Schwarz is cute."
"It's pretty, not cute, it's said that if there is such a magical tool in the temple, it is
doubtful that if you make such a thing, it would be better if you let the gate guards
have more talismans Is not it? "

I touched a pon and a hand, being told that it would have a lot of amulets that could
fight back when the gray priests were attacked.

"It is better for you to make the Black Foots specializing in battle for the gatekeepers.
"No, I do not understand anything!"
"Because most of the gray priests do not have magical powers, it is difficult to have
more than one effective amulet, so if you are going to protect the gates of the temple

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by the knights, specialize in defense that does not use magical power as much as
possible Who made the Schwarzs who did it ... "

When Schwarzs enters the attack mode, there is a memory that the buttons are
supplied with magic power. If you put a magical stone with magical powers in the gate
guards and let it activate only in emergency, you can usually move it with quite little
magical power. Let's examine the book of Mestionola later. There may be some hints.

"Please do not leave the protection of the temple here. For the moment, it would be
better for you to think about the time when the adoptive father entered the magic of
the foundation and set a trap there too. Even making a simple gate at the entrance in
Vickern, putting things in and dropping it at the moment when Georginn passed
passed, or putting round stones over the place you entered, not "marbles" Turn down
... .... "
"I will think about it, but it is better to approach sister as closely as possible to the
foundation magic"

As I said, my adoptive father began thinking somewhere if it came in from other than
the boundary gate. If you think that there is land intelligence, Gerrach is probably the
most promising candidate.

"How was the matter of old man and Matthias?"

"There seemed to have not been any intrusion as it seems to have penetrated, it is
thought that thawing has not been done yet, that there were no suspicious footprints,
that Bonifatius's intuition did not catch anything, and therefore he did not enter

If you wear the silver cloth and hide the magical power completely, you can get
through without knowing the boundary of the territory without being noticed by Aub,
but you will need to wrap your whole body and you will not be able to use Staples or
Cavalry. It is hard to imagine moving on foot, so you should use something.

"I do not know what kind of means the other party uses, but is not it better for you to
mobilize the aides of the lords of the lords and make restorative drugs and magical
tools more and more fun? The magical tool for battle is a treasure thief You are
familiar with the generation who was doing the ditters well. "

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How much preparation can you do before the battle? I think that it is better to utilize
the generations of Riyadha and the old man who has already retired as much as
possible because it divides victory / defeat greatly.

"I think that magic tools used in the marriage ditters with Dunkel Ferger that I went
when I was in the third grade are also useful, so the students who were making
magical tools wielded by Hartmut at that time knew how to make it So how do you
mobilize and make it? "

I will explain the atrocious magical tools I used in my married ditters. Although it is a
magic tool, attacks themselves are never magical powers, such as the smashing of light
and the falling of insects. There must be several things that have benefits even with
the parties wearing a silver cloth.

"... .... I see ... Treasure steal Ditter?"

"Yeah ... Because treasure stealing Ditters is a competition that started with a
simulated battle that protects the foundation, I think that it is good to prepare by
preparing strategies while listening to stories from the generations of his
grandfathers or reading Ferdinand's materials. The point to be aware of is a silver
cloth that does not pass magical powers, but ... "

However, if the silver cloth is also a nobleman opponent who attacks magical powers,
it may be the first killing, but it is meaningless to those who do not use Stap's weapons.

"I think that it is better to think about using commoners in the sense that it strikes the
other's suddenly.If a soldier who gets used to using ordinary weapons to the other
party trying to get out of the gate with silver cloth wrapped Or if you find a person
who has covered silver cloth before entering the gate, you can put it in a situation that
you can not avoid being unclean with dirt ... "
"Oh, quite awful, ordinary aristocratic women never think of putting dirty"

My adoptive father said that with a slightly downward looking face, but this
evaluation is now.

"Oh, I had a lot of such evaluations on Ditter with Dunkel Ferger, and what matters is
that whatever means you win will be yourself like a nobleman or serenity in any role
If it did not stand, it was also in Ferdinand's material "

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The generations and our generation that were trained in Ferdinand are the feeling
that they are acquiring with the Ditter with Dunkel Ferger. In order to fill up the
difference in fighting power, you can not win unless you think about various things by
putting the other party's back.

"Mr. Parenting Father, may I send you a letter to Ferdinand, maybe you may be able
to give me advice?"
"... There is a possibility that you can be noticed by your sister? I think that it would
be better for people not to inform my older sister about cooking and letters, not from
anywhere, from Ehrenfest You better send it. "

I think that it is not so surprising if only you became energized, but if you want to
move mainly after adoptive father, that is fine.

"If you send it, that's okay, so I will make it with my aunt at my workshop, so please
let your aid families and students speak from your adoptive father"

After I finished talking with my adoptive father, I left my father 's office. I have to make
various magical tools as soon as possible. When I returned to my room, I thought that
if I had not called up those who left me in the temple, there was a Haltmut why.

"Hartmut, why are you here?"

"I leave the temple to Melchior and his aides. How was the story with Aubu? Is there
something I can help with?

Even if I do not put it in words, "Please order me now," the eyes speak eloquently.
Although I stepped down one step behind the scenes, Hartmut and Clarissa have to
help create magical tools.

"In preparation for the fight against Georginine, we decided to make a variety of
magical tools and recovery drugs, I would like to collect civil servants for preparation
and go to the library ..."
"If it's a simple thing you can make a knight or a sidewalk, so if you are preparing for
a battle, how about using all of your aides close together for blending?"

Everyone is experiencing formulation in a common lecture at the House of Peers.

According to Hartmut, he could make knights by themselves as long as the recovery
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medicine taught at the aristocrats. Certainly there is no need to make it only with civil
servants. Recovery drugs need a few.

"I am an escort knight, Rosemain-sama's escort ......"

"Please do not worry, I do not expect formulation in Angelica - I might ask you to
collect in the aristocratic forest ... ...."

As if relieved, Angelica held down the breast and smiled "It is truly Rosemain, is not

"Angelica, I'm not pleased at all if praised there."

"I am glad that Rosemain understands you."

Although I do not mesh with each other somewhat, it also seems very angelica and
makes me laugh.

"How about undergraduate and undergraduate at the temple's workshop to make

recovery drugs and easy magical tools to distribute to knights in battlefield, and to
prepare advanced preparations at the library above advanced level? It is better to
separate the places even if you consider the quality of the materials in each workshop
and placing Damuel at the temple familiar with Filine or the temple work is necessary
even in consideration of cooperation with Melchior "

I heard that I have been missing for a long time, because I do not know when the
royalty is required to move from the center to the center, it seems that I have been
removed from the members going to the prayer ceremony. Instead, Philene is
supposed to head with Darmel with my aides.
And, as soon as I returned, Hartmut had finished handover to some extent so that he
could take action with me, and said that Merthol is also in the winter adult ceremony.

"Haltmut is too excellent to be surprised"

I do not say even if I think that it is a bit scary or disgusting. Excellent is a good thing.

"Praise Rosemain, I am glad"

"There is not only Hartmut, Rosemain, I'm also doing my best.The material that has
been sent from the House of Lords during winter has already been sorted and carried
into the studio of the library, and magic tools that support wide area magic We had

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made improvements to Mr. Ferdinand and made a high-quality demon paper so that
we could respond even if asked to add to Ferdinand. "

It is Clarissa who asserts himself as losing to Hartmut, but its achievement was
wonderful given the future fight. Since I can copy the magic team with Copipe, I want
many magical papers.

"That is amazing, Clarissa. Although there are plenty of uses for magical papers, it will
take a lot of magical power and time to make it, this time I was thinking of giving up,
so I will protect the temple You can throw your best for making Schwarzs for you. "
"If you are a magician in a library, there is a magical tool that you keep from Professor
Hill Sur."

As Rieseleater said that, he turned his eyes to the baggage he was taking home from
the House of Peers. I brought the material to the House of Lords to study myself, but
it has become missing. It was said that Hill Sur came to the dormitory to prompt the
material because he was saying he was lying.

"When Rosemain's way of traveling was unknown, the dormitory of Ehrenfest was the
most confusing, I offered the material instead of having Mr. Hirsch reveal his mouth,
but due to the relationship of attributes and magical powers It seems that the
preparation has ended in the middle, is it called completion of Ferdinand who came
to the territory fight against the territory, I am already wearing clothes. "

I heard that he dressed as he wore the costume that he had made to dress for Black
Football last year.

"It seems that there is only a function to really search materials, but it makes it easy
to create unless you make it specialized for one work and you do not talk, so it is not
necessary to have much magical power for operation"
"It seems to be very helpful, please bring it with me to the library,"

We decided to formulate it by everyone. Once I return to the temple, I will open the
workshop of the temple room. Then, we decided to let Rowdelhi manage the materials
and so on, and to have the preparation done in order.

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"I would like to ask the intermediaries of the knights and soldiers who will protect the
gates of the downtown at Damuel, and if those who are coming in with a silver cloth
are wearing soldiers who are accustomed to weapons other than Stap It may be
possible to respond. "
"Certainly yes"

I think that it is impossible unless it is Damuel who is loved by soldiers in downtown.

Angelica is also selling only face, but I can not expect adjustment ability.

"Although the knight and the civil servant seem to formulate it by hand, how are you
going with the side?"
"It seems that the Rizerator will make restorative medicine in the castle and make
new costumes for Schwarzs, so please try making magical tools and restorative
medicines that Yudit can also use."

After giving instructions, I will move to the library. When I quietly seemed to question
Lazarfam with a smile, I took out a Schmyl type magic tool made by Hill Sur and
Ferdinand at the workshop. It's a pale green Sumil. Try touching them while reading
the Hill Sur's research results on what you can do.

"It's really specialized in searching,"

In the meantime, in order to make a magician that moves by oneself, the attribute of
life is necessary, and in order to make Schwarzs, I found that it is impossible to
compose without a person with all attributes. It is all attributes because I dedicated
my name to me, so I think I can make it for Hartmut and Clarissa. I do not know what
the amount of magical power is, but maybe.

"Since it is confusing with Schwarzs, let's give it a name first, since I think it is a magic
tool to search for materials, I think that Ken Saku or Opac is good ..."

When I began thinking about the name, Brother Cornelius who carved the material
for reconstitution medicine preparation was a little troubled face and raised my hand
while saying "I am very sorry, Rosemain sama".

"Since the reiserator named Adlet in the lords, she was pretty dressed in costumes, so
how about the name of the magic tool in the adlet?"
"Well, because we have become familiar to us, is not Adlet better?"

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There was also a boost from Léonore, and my naming was implicitly dismissed. Ken
Saku and Opac are easier to understand, but it can not be helped if there is familiarity
among everyone. Let's call it an adlet.

"Next, what I want to make is not a magic tool specialized for searching like an adlet,
but a magic tool specialized in excluding intruders and dangerous people.I want
strong Schwarzs who can protect the temple It is. "

When I say hope while mentioning that my adopted father pointed out about magical
problems, I begin to express my opinion as Hartmut and Clarissa fight. Although I got
a good opinion, I became wanting to confirm the book of Mestionora a little.

"Hartmut, Clarissa. I am reading materials in a hidden room,"

"Eh? No need to bother to enter the hidden room ... ...."
"There are some materials that can not be read outside, please Angelica, please escort.
If you finish giving your opinion, Hartmuts are making magical papers."

No matter how much it is to your aides, I do not plan to write Mestionola's book where
there are people's eyes. I entered a concealed room with the results of the research
which Hill sur was put together. And putting it on the table and giving a staple, he says
"Gurtris Height".

"If you search by library and witchcraft, something ... Wow, there are plenty!"

Because I do not know the official name of Schwarzs well, I searched with the library
and magic tool, apparently the library seems to be a building full of magical tools.
From the items related to magical tools lined up side by side, it is clear how well the
library of the House of Lords is important.

"By looking like this, Ferdinand-sama's hobby preference will be fairly understood in
terms of hole perfection ..."

It seems that there was a hole in the part related to the underground archive and the
part related to the statue of Mestionola but it was not interested in the magic tool
which notifies the exit time. Considering the part which is poked with holes,
Ferdinand is different from me, I think that I could not have accepted all the
knowledge for a while by emptying my head.

...... If there was a thing that interested me, I guessed it one after all.
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It seems that it seems to be in the form of resisting the knowledge of Mestionola that
flows as a result. I imagine Ferdinand who could not stop thinking even if he scolded
many times as Ervel Mean, and laughter came up.

"Because Feldinand is awkward in a strange place,"

While I smiled a little, I turned my eyes to the leather bag of magician that "very well"
entered. I thought about listening to it for the first time, take a leather bag. I picked up
the magic tool and put the leather bag on the table, there was a noise called cotton.

"By the way, was it double bottom, what is in here?"

I tried touching the leather bag many times. It is not that big. It feels like a rosy demon
stone. I was wondering what I hid in such a place.

"... ... Because it is what you gave me, you can try opening it?"

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Because it is double bottom, you can not see the contents simply by opening the bag
and peeking in from above. I can not take out the hidden objects unless you cut the
bottom part, so I will pull out the staple and cast "Messarh" and flow the magical
power to the knife a lot.

This leather bag is made of leather that does not pass magical powers. It is made of
the skin of a demonic animal with the property of playing magical power other than
myself. It is the same as silver cloth in that it does not pass magical power, but it is cut
off if it is a weapon made of Stap using strong magical power than a monster. Silver
cloth does not pass even strong magical power, but it cuts if it is any metal cutlery.
There is a big difference.

"Will there be scratches on the inside if around here?"

I will run the blade of the knife as far as possible towards the end. Because it pours a
lot of magical power, even if it gently strokes it, a slit suddenly entered.


When you cancel the deformation of Stapp and extinguish it, I try to put a hand into
the break as soon as I am excited. What on earth are Ferdinand hiding in this? The
fingers touch the touch feeling. When I took it out, it was an elliptical mass of about
five centimeters wrapped in white paper. Then I saw a small folded paper.
When I put a white lump on the table, I try spreading out the piece of paper first. There
was a character of Ferdinand. The letter has collapsed for quite a while whether it was
written in a hurry.

"What is inside of this paper is the stone of the name of Quinta, either one I will take,
so please never touch it and leave it in your hidden room where the hand of others
will not reach you I want you .... It is not halfway treatment like this, you must receive
it properly Mr. Quinta is not poor. "

Why will you deposit with me without receiving your name by yourself? At the
moment I thought ... ... I remembed who Quinta was.
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"Ah-oh? Quinta was not the name of Mr. Ferdinand! Well, this is ... this is Ferdinand's
goddess stone? Wait a moment. Why is it like someone else's Writing ...... "

Why are not you keeping it in the room where you store your own luggage in this
pavilion? Why do not you manage this important thing yourself? Is it hidden in the
bottom of the leather bag where the magician of recording was contained? Why did
you make a stone of a sacrificed name if there is no other person to devote. Only
doubts come to mind one after another.

"Did you mean to give someone a name but was returned? Well, Ferdinand does not
seem to be thinking of giving a name to someone, but if you are making a stone
devoted to that name, that line is rich ... ... "

I do not really understand the circumstances, but it seems to be a fact that it was
necessary to make a stone of sacrifice and that it is in front of me.
When I was given this leather bag, it was before Ferdinand got the hidden room with
Ahrensbach. I guess there was no secret place to think safe. I wonder if it was
dangerous to have it on my own. Did not any other person leave it? Why am I more?

"Maybe Ferdinand is trusted by Mr. Ferdinand, is not it hard to imagine, because I can
not expect you to hear from Ferdinand's real name from Mr. Air Vermeen, so I do not
know which way Perhaps it seemed that he would have thought about touching a
stone of a person's name. Why is that so?

When I saw the lumps enveloped in the paper, I felt ashamed. How dangerous is
Ahrensbach to feel that you can not put your own stones at hand?

"Even if you can deposit it like this ... ..."

It is an unreliable mass that rolls with the colon when I stab your fingers. There is a
magic stone that can hold Ferdinand's slaughter deprivation here.

"I know that Ferdinand's name is Quinta, and you can easily take it if you want to rob
the name? ... Well, since you can not prepare to carry Ferdinand's life on your back,
leave it as it is but"

I can not accept anyone's name without being prepared for anything. Besides, there is
a memo that you can leave it without touching it. All I have to do is keep it as a
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custodian until Ferdinand comes. I did not see it, and I put the mass wrapped in paper
in the leather bag.

I can not easily pick up anyone's stones, I guess, maybe they are taking the actions of
Ferdinand as expected. I feel like being treated like Ferdinand's good. I thought it was
a bit frustrating but I was not hungry if I thought that I had earned credit as a person
who could deposit such an important thing.

...... There is no choice, so I will keep it. So please come early.

After that, it is time to make evacuation drills by calling everyone in the orphanage,
making a magic tool that can be used for combat specialized schmir or battle, the day
passes while registering the book information in the adlet .
Ultimately I made three battle-specialized schmirs that fight against both magical
powers and physical attacks. It is to protect the gates of the three temples and to make
the gods recognize with the manastones that the gatekeepers have.

According to Hartmut, who helped create the schmir, it was that "there are quite a few
people who can make it because valuable high-quality materials and creator magic
tools require all attributes for creation." Hartmut and Clarissa, which are all attributes
attributed to me, but after acquiring the protection, Hartmut who got the protection
of God was able to make the last minute but Clarissa had too few attributes to make it
It is.

Because I did not let you speak and specialize the function, I succeeded in conserving
the magical power considerably, so the creation works with less magical power than
usual. I thought that it was perfect, but it seems to be my standard that less is "I
understand that it is useful, but do not move it as much as possible except in an
emergency." Always stayed in the gate with the gatekeeper, it was decided to operate
when someone came to the temple gate or when the rescue signal to the Order was
raised at the gate of the town.

While I was preparing it at the workshop, the winter ceremony ceremony ended and
the spring baptismal ceremony came close. Kamir is supposed to come to the temple

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in this baptismal ceremony. It is Kamir's baptismal expression that I could not even
see for a long time. Naturally, I was surprised.

"I will perform ceremonies for spring baptismal expression"

"It is better for Rosemain sister not to attend public as much as possible? I will do my
best, I can do an adult ceremony in winter ... ...."

Melchior certainly accomplished wonderfully with the winter adult ceremony using
the magical stone with magical powers. I think itself is very amazing. Feeling growth,
I am very proud as my sister. But, I do not mean to give up the spring baptism. It is me
who bless you with Kamil's baptismal ceremony.

"... It is the last ceremony that I can do in Ehrenfest ... Hey, Melchior, please do, please
do it for me"
"The last ceremony on Rosemain sister,"
"Well, yes, I would like to give the last blessings to the Ehrenfest's commoners before

Push Ehrenfest's saintliness to the front and persuade Melchior and Hartmut
frantically. I also asked my adoptive father, I won the right to do the last ceremony as
the temple general in the spring baptismal ceremony.

"I think that it is very lonely to think that Rosemain is the last to wear ceremonial

Monica and Nicola said so while dressing the ceremonial costume. I grew up wearing
ceremonial costumes in the shrine until I finished repairing everyday use, so there is
no hesitation in the hands of the two people to dress. Considering that it took us a
while to put on a grown body for a while for a while, I think that I got used to it.

"Did you finish dressing the figure for Philene's ceremony?"

"Vilma responded to that, because Philene is an apprentice of the blue shrine maiden,
I think that it is about time to go to the worship room"

I have to go to the prayer ceremony and I will hand over the ceremonial costume for
my blue blue shrine maiden apprentice to Phyline, which I must act as an apprentice
for the blue shrine maiden from now on. It seems that I fixed the length and adjusted
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the length neatly. Although the crest of the Rosemain studio is attached, it is said that
it is good as it is, so it leaves it as it is.

"Rosemain's preparation is ready"

"Well, let's go ahead."

Leading to the worship room led by Franc. As I grew, the speed of walking got faster.
However, apparently it seems to be a habit, the franc should look back a little and
check the speed. It is around my head when the gaze at that time was small. Laughing
a little lonelyly, Franc who raised his eyes as if it was different, "I do not need to adjust
the walk any longer".
Because I grew up and I will be away from Ehrenfest in the near future. The back of
my nose makes me sore with the words of Fran Francia where the two meanings

"... It's hard to get away"

"Today is Rosemain's last ceremony, please please check the change brought by Mr.
Rosemain with your own eyes"
"What brought of me?"

Franc stands in front of the door of the chapel and looks back slowly.

"The gray people who were pushed into the orphanage as unnecessary gained jobs,
got meals, became those who support the industry of Ehrenfest, and the citizens who
had visited the temple somehow genuine blessings As there are reasons for each, the
nobles began to enter the temple as a matter of course, as Mel Helio became the next
temple of the temple, the lord The family has guaranteed to protect the temple and
now the lords are moving to protect the temple and the downtown. "

After Mr. Ferdinand who was driven to Veronica and driven to the temple and I after
the rising of the commoner left, there is a big meaning that Melchior, the father's real
son, defends the temple and becomes the temple of the temple.

"The temple, entrance!"

Franc opened the door according to the voice heard from the worship room. It is sent
out with a gentle smile, and I step into the worship room with a scripture.

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I found small children staring at me with a pointing face. I guess it is probably because
I thought that "I heard a little Temple of the Temple heard it is not small!" Just thinking
about such a thing is a little fun.

Although I slowly advance my legs, I think that the head of children who are lined up
are far below the line of sight and are small and cute. I realized that I really became
big because of what I thought normally.

"Rosemain Mr."

Naturally Hartmut gave out his hand. Since it is already big, you can go up the stairs
even if you have a scripture, but the place you handed out will be gone. I handed the
scripture to Hartmut and was escorted and went up to the platform.


There is no need for a step platform in front of the altar, but it is being prepared. When
Hartmut put a scripture on the altar, she pushed the springboard to the back with a
bitter smile.

When I stood in front of the altar and looked around the worship room, I felt it even if
I disliked the words of Fran. As I entered the House of Lords, the blue apprentices I
put in the dormitory if I wanted to choose the living in the temple because of the
increase in protection and comfort. Melchior, aide of Melchior, Phyllene were
arranged in blue costumes.

At the time of my baptismal ceremony, the gray priests who were monitoring the
children with a slightly harsh face proudly line up. The children who got baptismal
ceremony also had a fragile atmosphere with no fragments, looking straight forward
with a slightly tense face.
While feeling the change in the shrine, I will look for Kamir and run my eyes.

... Kamir, where is it?

As rich kids come to the front, Kamir must be in the back. I searched while raising
vision a little, it was relatively easy to find.

... It's Kamil. That's Kamir!

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I have blue hair that closely resembles my father and I feel brisk activity, but my face
looks like an old tuli. I recognized it soon, because I was lined with my neighbors. It is
conspicuous because only one person has a bad posture due to education to become
an apprentice of the Printan Shokai and hair that is glossy with Lincian is done.

...... Mother is not embroidery, I use a dyed cloth.

Even though it is a baptismal clothes to embellish with white embroidery, my mother

surrounds the edges with cloth dyed by himself. I was trying to dye the new Ehrenfest
and I was able to see the connection with me. I think that I've never met face with
Kamir and thought so quickly that Kamir could be understood.

...... But, surely it is different from my mother's intention, it will be popular to border
with a dyed cloth after next year.

For mothers who are not good at embroidery, it will be greatly appreciated to make
borders with dyed cloth. If I were you, I think that I will absolutely imitate with a
reason, "This is a new trend since I was exclusive of the lady's daughter, so it's not

While feeling the beginning of such a trend, the divine began. Tell the story of the
scriptures, teach you how to pray, and give blessings.

"The goddess of water Fluit Reney listen to my prayers Give blessings to your birth to
the birth of new children and devote themselves to you for giving their thoughts
prayers and thanks and giving us sacred protection."

The light of the green blessing has overflowed a little more, but it can not be helped.
Even this is many times better than what we did at the end of the last in Turi's
ceremony ceremony. Your patience is not good for your health.

...... Because I am the last blessing given to the commoners of Ehrenfest, I will make
excuses for Mel Heoles.

When the blessing is over, the doors are opened for the children to leave by the gray
priests. There were families at the widely opened door. There are Tauri with my
father and mother, why Rutz is with me.

1702 | 2523
I saw my growing figure with my father and mother and Mr. Rutz and I found my eyes
rounded. There is no surprise in the face of Turi that I meet once near. Somewhat, it
looks like the good-looking face that said "You said what I told you?"
My father and mother smiled happily after seeing me and making my eyes round. I do
not think that rapid growth is creepy, it is the face of my parents who are pleased with
my growth. My back chest warmed up.

"Everyone does not have to come this far before!"

Kamir walked with fast pace while shyly saying. Lutz smiled and said, "Is not it nice,"
while gently striking the head of Kamir, raising his line of sight, shake my hand lightly.
Be patient with wanting to look back on the hand, and I will just keep deepening my

... ... It's far.

Even if I understand my position not to enter the family circle celebrating Camill's
baptismal ceremony, it is very distant and sad.

...... Even such a touch of distance is the last one.

If you go to the center, even such trivial interactions are not easy. As the children all
leave the room, I looked at the door that was tightly closed and gently sigh.

"Rosemain, hand your hand"

Hartmut who knows about my family dating without saying anything to the end. I put
my hand over the hand that I was presented and got off the platform, I left the chapel.

"Rosemain, Ordonants came from the castle."

The escort knights who had refrained outside the worship room are lined up with a
strict face. Brother Cornelius moved forward one step ahead and opened his mouth.

"It is said that we will discuss the defense of Ehrenfest with the lords of the lords,
beginning with the schedule of the prayer ceremony, and Rosemain and Melchior will
bring escort knights, civil servants and side workers one by one,"

1703 | 2523
In the last ceremony, I do not seem to be able to afford to suffer a sentiment by
touching with my family. I exchange my eyes with Melchior and I nod one. Now I can
not leave the temple with ease. It is necessary to confirm who is left behind, whether
the defense of the temple is satisfactory. It can not endanger the downtown and the

"It is Three people, Cornelius, Hartmut, and Rieserator who will take me to the
conference, so that they can respond when there is something, Damiel, Angelica,
Matthias, Laurentz four escort knights and Phileane of the orphanage director I will
have you wait in the shrine and call Leonore and Yudit as escorts to go to the castle. "

1704 | 2523
Me and Melchior, leaving the escort knight to protect the temple from their aides,
ordered to defend one by one in turn to the gate of the temple, to keep close contact
with the knights in the gates of the downtown, Monica and Nicolas And to Vilma to
arrange Philene and the Orphanage Office room, prepare for the ceremonial
ceremony, and asked to have an answering machine.

"When something happens to you here, I will contact Darmel from all of you and fiddle
Ordonants to the gate of the downtown.The contact to the orphanage will send
Ordernants to Philline. Please let me evacuate to you. "
"Certainly yes"

Léonore and Yudit who came to pick me up, then I took the Cornelius elder brother
accompanying the meeting and Hartmut back to the castle. Three people, Otilie,
Rieserator, Gray Tier, welcomed us.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

"I am back now .... Clarissa and Rodelich are the libraries?"
"Yes, I was pretty surprised to make magical paper for Rosemain's sake.The Rhodelich
was educated by Clarissa, it seems that the skill of compounding has risen
considerably.The Rodderich worked hard on the magical compression, the magical
power increased Sometimes it is, but experience is important. "

Otirier tells us with giggle and laughing. Because it is a civil servant who initially gave
a name, he seems to be clenched by Clarissa to the extent that he can help the Lord
before going to the center, Rajderhi.

"I often go to the library with Clarissa, but I was also prepared for a lot."

It seems that Yudit taught various ways of making magic tools for himself to throw.
Thankfully, Clarissa's way of educating like Dunkel Ferger seems to be quite severe.

"It is important to raise the formulation arm so that Rhodderichi is not minded at the
center in the center, and that Yudit will be able to make your own weapons yourself."

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Clarissa's behavior is honestly saved because I am full of myself.

"The conference seems to be in the afternoon, Mr. Rosemain, are you always following
the accompanying aides?"
"This time I will accompany the Risaizer, because it is the Liselaire who will come to
the center"

Otellier smiled and nodded when it told that it was accompanied by a riser, not an
advanced side otie.

"I think that's good, so we and graticia prepare to move to the center.The baggage we
have here has been sorted out and ready to be packed as soon as there is contact from
royalty How about the shrines or the luggage at the library? If you have anything to
take in the center, please bring those baggage together, please bring it to the castle
soon. "

As Ferdinand did, it is time for me to shut the hiding room of the temple and bring out
the baggage. Even though he is busy preparations for the move are going steadily.

"The hidden room of the temple was quite limited in material as it was formulated by
Rodrigi during this time, so we moved the remaining materials and tools to the
library's library, and most of the things in the temple I will hand it over to Philiane,
but only the things to bring out are the big ones ... .... "

The luggage I will move from the temple is only large items such as mattresses, futons
and book boxes. And it is a thing to use in the temple until it is barely visible. It is
difficult to move, but there are not many baggage to bring.

"How likely are the parcels taken out of the library?"

"I wrote a letter of the question to Mr. Ferdinand how much we can bring books and
materials to the center, so I received a letter from the adoptive father along with the
dish, so now I am waiting for the reply. How are you going, how likely are you to come
by the Lord's Conference? "

Otily gave a nod and it nodded. It seems that the costume which urges everyone's
experts at once to make it all at once is when it comes to the opinion that they would
like to preliminarily sew.

1706 | 2523
"I do not know what kind of story is going to happen at the afternoon meeting, so let's
decide the date for temporary sewing after the meeting"
"Certainly yes"

"Oh, have you left an escort knight in the temple?"

"Of course it is, Melchior?"

I will direct my eyes to Melchior in response to my adopted father. Melchior smiled

and smiled nicely.

"We have four escort knights on Rosemain sister, three escort knights in the temple,
Nikolaus also said they would protect the gate with my escort knight as an
apprenticehip for the knights."

In the words of Melchior, my father behind the adoptive father showed a relieved look
a little. Nicolaus seemed to have taken action as an escort knight apprentice and
behavior of Melchior familiar in the temple as a result of seeking an ambassador at
the aristocrat who I was absent.

I am a little disgusting as my sister, but I have decided to move to the center and my
brother Cornelius is wary of Nicolaus, so I think that Melchior will help as he protects
Nicolaus as it is.

"Then, I would like to talk about Ehrenfest's defense plan"

The adoptive father has a high possibility that Georginne knows how to acquire the
foundation magic, that the period of the prayer ceremony is doubtful, that he has
already completed various meetings with the knights I will talk.

"I have heard stories from an escort knight aides who participates in a meeting with
my father, the knight team, but how much can I trust that?"

In the words of Wilfried, the adoptive father glanced at me and shook his head.

"I do not know the source of information, I believe that the credibility is high, but there
is no confirmation.Still, it is certain that Ahrensbach, exactly, Georginen is aiming at
Ehrenfest, from Mattias' testimonies It is also clear. "
1707 | 2523
A purge took place in the winter of the year when he said that he got the method of
getting the foundation of Ehrenfest, and those who gave a name to Georgine were
executed at once. It seems that the significance of crushing hands and feet and
information sources at Ehrenfest was great. "

And this winter said that I was lying on for a long time and said at Georgetown that he
returned to Ehrenfest, there was the possibility that Georginé was wary of it.
Certainly, if information sources are crushed, it will take time to learn about
Ehrenfest's internal situation.

"I believe that the highest chance of attack is Ferdinand's star tie, the room the
Ferdinand given by Aruzbach was given by the royalty is the west apart, it is very good
to get Georgine's information It is highly likely that it will be difficult for marriage and
Ferdinand to become a full-fledged lord of the family. "

Everyone tightened facial expressions to his adopted words.

"Although it is the arrangement of the defense when it is being attacked, I am going to

keep it during the foundation to protect the foundation, part of Karsted and the Order
will protect the entire city of Ehrenfest Five years, part of Boniface and the Order was
to rush to cheer for Kibe 's knights when enemies appeared outside Ehrenfest' s city.

We are alerted to Giebes who are already in contact with the boundary line, and we
are paying attention to gather wisdom from commoners when we see something
strange or suspicious people.

"When things happen, they will also lead an escort knight to them, etc. to lead the
defense of the town, led each escort knight, Florentia and Charlotte to castle, Wilfried
to aristocracy, Melchior to Mainly in the temple and the downtown "
"Will not we fight not only the Hinohara but also ours guard escort knights?"

I was thinking about backward support, but when I saw Charlotte muttering
insecurely that he did not expect to enter the battlefield, my adoptive father got a
tough look.

"Naturally, Charlotte, who is a candidate for a lord, and if he wishes to aim for Aub,
then is not he in a position to take the initiative to fight?"
1708 | 2523
It is the job of Aub that protects the foundation that can not be given to anyone else.
It will be good to say that it is the most important as it loses the qualification of Aub
at the time of giving the foundation to the other.

"Aub who can not protect his foundation by myself is not an aub, what is an escort
knight for what? Move it to protect the foundation"

Charlotte nods and nods. By the way, because I was involved in collecting materials
from Jureve and Ditter with Dunkel Ferger, in a sense, I'm used to battle. It may be
tough for Charlotte who is not accustomed to fighting at all and does not receive
knight training.

...... I guess this is the reason why men are better for Aub.

Wilfriit and Charlotte who have been trained with knights from a young age saw
different attitudes towards fighting. Wilfried also participates in training with the
knights and he is talking about the defense of the city with his escort knights. It seems
that we already know how to cooperate with the Order in protecting the aristocracy.

"Oh, my adoptive father, I have no responsibility, but ..."

"It will not be over at the end of spring, I can not decide my responsibility for
Rosemain, I want you to fill in the hole."
"Is it a hole?"
"To be honest, I do not know when summoned orders come from the royal family, I
have stopped putting the prayer ceremony in the schedule, too much time to spend
making magical tools and preparing to move to the center Complaints that they are
not satisfied are also rising from their aides.Please give priority to those preparing for
movement rather than preparations for battle. "

The defense of Ehrenfest is also important, but it is also important to prepare for royal
entry, said the adoptive father.

"I will talk to Otirie this morning and it will be over by the lord's conference ... ...
Thanks for your thoughtfulness, but if an assault occurs before moving me to the
center, which one I am It is troubled that it is not decided whether to move like it.

1709 | 2523
It is impossible for me to prepare for relaxing when there is a raid from Georgine. Go
to the royal family to ask for help, go to the battlefield and need action guidelines.

"It is surprising that one is brave enough, was that such a girl?"
"Father, it does not start now, Rosemain is doubtful that he likes Ditter after Dunkel
"Wilfried brother!"
"I know that there was a reason for each, but even though the period of staying at the
lords is shorter than any student and I am not taking a knight course, I do a dittered
treasure every year with Dunkel Ferger There are no other lords such as a lord of a
lord who is doing "

...... Oh no! Sure it is! I can not dispute!

"Well, nice, if you are willing to fight with the aides, if there is a raid during the prayer
ceremony, I would like you to fill in those who are going to the direct jurisdiction"

Vilfriit, Charlotte, Melchior will go out in order because the territory under the direct
control will take Holy Grail. While preparing to move in the castle and library, during
the meantime I was asked to fill in the absentee.

"Okay, how is the situation of creating magical tools for battle?"

"As Rosemain told me, not only the aide of the aides but also the knights and the
students mobilize to make recovery drugs and magical tools."

It seems that we had not had any difficulty in making magical tools because we were
able to collect abundant materials at the time of the Lord's Conference and the House
of Peers.

"We contacted Gibe in various places to prepare for the battle, but it seems that retired
old people are doing a good job unexpectedly"

By asking what kind of trap was effective for the generation in which the young
knights are experiencing treasure stealer and what kind of magic tool was used at
what timing, There seems to be a region where cooperative attitude was born unless
the buried area and the Reisegang system and the former Veronica school are staring
at each other.

1710 | 2523
"When there are common enemies outside, it is easy for the inside to gather, so it's a
great opportunity to put together Ehrenfest"

The cornerstone of self-territory is a thing to protect from generations and regions.

There will be no aristocrats who have dedicated himself to Georginé after the purge
has ended, the circumference of the former Veronika school is avoided, and the
nobility who swears loyalty to Aub, including the name devotion, has increased, will
also work advantageously .

"By the way, did you hear that Rosemain is making something big magical tool, could
you do it?"

I'm proud of my voilefried question.

"Yeah ... Three body schmills have been completed as a magic tool to protect the
temple gate, it is already in the gate, we are not running now to save magical power"

I wanted to make it three squads, red, blue and yellow, but as a result of becoming a
pastel color with the taste of the Rieselator preparing fur, it turned into pink, light
blue, cream color. It is dressed in ribbons and racing costumes and it is very cute. It is
unnaturally cute to keep it at the gate where gray priests and knights are present, and
it is very strong on the defense side when launched. It was quite surreal finished.

"The guards of me and the Mercantile guards and the gray priests who stand at the
gatekeepers have magic tools for launching.They loaded some of the magic teams of
counterattacks carved in Ferdinand's guard, so that the aspect of defense Then it is
very strong. "

Ferdinand's voice called "Rosemain!" Echoed directly to my head, as I began to explain

how Sumeru is strong.

"What? Do you like Ferdinand?"

I hold my ears and look around the area. At the moment I thought it was the sky, I felt
I was surrounded by rainbow-colored light.


1711 | 2523
Suddenly the scenery in front of my eyes changed. Wilfried and Charlotte were
supposed to be in front, but as if I had come to a different place, different sceneries
are spreading.

"... ... During supply, right?"

It is familiar to see a series of complicated characters and patterns that shine with
demonic stones and magical powers that make mysterious movements like celestial
glows in the center of a pure white room.

"Ferdinand!! Ferdinand!"

I looked back unintentionally to the remaining voice of youngsters. A girl with blond
hair changes his face and runs up to Ferdinand. I am growing more than I am in
memory, but I definitely are retizia. In front of Retetzia who changed his complexion,
I held down my chest and saw Ferdinand who caught me with a knee on the floor.

... ... Mr. Ferdinand!

1712 | 2523
I rush in unexpectedly. As I came in front of Ferdinand, my sight has changed, but my
hands will not appear in sight, neither Ferdinand nor retizia can touch it, even if I am
trying to extend my hand. It feels like I'm showing a movie. No matter how much I call,
my voice does not seem to be heard by them, and my presence does not seem to be
visible so there is no reaction at all.

Ferdinand took something out of his waist medicine and threw it into his mouth and
removed a small metallic basket containing a sacrificial stone. The hands are
trembling, sweat floats firmly on the forehead.

"Tell this to Yusukusu ... ... go on ... ... as soon as possible"

When Retetzia received a basket with a pale blue face, he ran quickly. I guess it
probably went out of supply. I came out of the scope that I see.
As soon as the appearance of Retizia disappeared, Ferdinand threw himself out on the
spot. I am not going to get up while falling down, whether I am sitting or not.

... ... Mr. Ferdinand!

I want to give healing and I will take medicine, but now I can not do anything. I do not
notice what I am seeing. Ferdinand distorted his face with distress.

"Huh ... ...."

Ferdinand holds the chest and grips clothes while leaking groan. If you look closely,
its breasts were lightly shining in rainbow colors and wrapped around the whole body
of Ferdinand.

...... My amulet! Is it?

It's not under the clothes and it is not visible. However, it is not reasonable to
understand that magical power that is lightly shining like wrapping Ferdinand is his
own thing, I can understand it.
The whole body is wrapped in a faint light of rainbow color, as if the amulet is
connecting Ferdinand's life.

1713 | 2523
...... Anyone can help Ferdinand as soon as possible!

I can only watch. I can not touch out. It can not help it itching.

"Fu ... ... ha ha ..."

With Ferdinand grasping the chest, repeat shallow and short breathing. In the
meantime, the shoe sounded. At that moment, as Feldinand was repelled as it is
played, it rises while holding down the chest in a reflexive manner. I managed to bring
it to a sitting position somehow, but my breathing was rough and it seems I do not
have the energy to pay even the hair stuck to my forehead with sweat.

As I look back at the situation of Ferdinand, Dietlinde wears a cloth cloak dragging the
hem long and comfortably walks with the sound of cotton tortoise and shoes echoing.
There is obviously something strange Ferdinand, but it is like walking that I do not
see it in my eyes. At least I do not seem to be worried.


There was a tremendous bad feeling for Dietlinde who neither surprised nor
panicked. It was filled with a feeling of premonition, strange conviction, or thought
that Dietlinde had harmed Ferdinand.

... ... Do not come over here. Do not approach Ferdinand!

Even if I meant to stand in front of Dietlinde in order to protect Ferdinand, it made no

sense at all. Dietlinde goes through me smoothly without hitting it. I was only made
to realize that I am not in this place.

"It is strange that Leonzio said that he is a poison to become a magic stone in an instant
death, yet I'm still alive .... I can not bring it out to you now."

Dietlinde looked at the sitting position Ferdinand, and frowned his eyebrows. In the
eyes of the deep green floating there is a light that disdains Ferdinand.

……what did you say?

1714 | 2523
"Have you really received a poison of Retizia? Is it because you seem to be weak, did
you avoid avoiding a direct blow? Or did you have told you an antidote beforehand?
Was it poisoning to Ferdinand? In Retetzia, I was going to discover Ferdinand who
became a magic stone, what shall I do not go as planned? "

Dietlinde tells herself gracefully by putting his hand on his cheeks while saying "It was
a problem that I had troubled until I let Lettiaia do it."

"I promised Leonzio that he would return Ran Zenerav's manastone to Ranzenae ...."

The manastone of Ranznerav. The skin got agitated by Dietlinde's line of sight and
words. It is the declaration that Ferdinand is not recognized as a person. And I knew
that the person named Leonzio was from Ranzenae.

"Hey, Mr. Ferdinand, are you a bastard who was supposed to be a magical stone before
the baptismal ceremony and it was supposed to be returned to Ranzenae? Is it said
that Adaljisa's fruit? As a magical stone from the mother Is it just a person who can
not recognize the value? "

Dietlinde clearly overlooked Ferdinand with a victorious face. Ferdinand is

desperately trying to conceal the breathing that seems to be tormented, although he
seems to be trying to strike a calm as she strives, but he certainly feels as if he is being
trampled on the sole with the unexpected past.

"Is not it embarrassing that such a person is my next fellow who is a Tento, so I want
Ferdinand to disappear before the starring ceremony, saying that my mother does not
care, I helped guide Zia .... "

I do not know the reason. Ahrensbach had no candidate for a lord, and Ferdinand
should have struggled while becoming medicated in order to support Ahrensbach by
the royalty. And yet, what are you going to do with Ahrensbach by losing Ferdinand?

"That one ...... can not be the next TSENT"

Dietlinde put it on a smiley Ferdinand word.

"I do not know about Ferdinand, but I already know the location of Gurttrisheit, you
know, Leonzio, you know, I will get a Gurtris Height with Leonzio and become a Tento

1715 | 2523
And I will welcome Leonzio as a royalty, no matter how much I love you can not live
with you. "

Diet Linde smiles with hopeful smile. The lifted red lips strangely appeared in my eyes
to me.

"He is the awesome dyed ave ... ... to Tento"

"Fuh, it is not me, my older sister dyed the foundation, so now Arub-Ahrensbach is my
older sister"

Dietlinde laughed with giggle with his hand on his mouth to laugh at Ferdinand, "I will
not be able to dye the cornerstone of Arends Bach next year's present."

"If I become a Tent, it is also possible to return my brother-in-law as a candidate for a

lord by excluding the crown of the present Tent and it is also possible to return my
uncle to a lord of origin, There is also Benedicta, Ahrensbach is safe. "

Dietlinde talks about Ferdinand in the future map, as well as the name of Reti Zia is
not included. There must be danger in the body of Retizia. I do not know how I induced
it, but it is decided to be treated as a criminal who poisoned Ferdinand.

"My mother is also preparing for departure, I do not really understand the feelings I
want to get in the countryside like Ehrenfest, but ... It is easy for people without you
to do it. I'm waiting for you. "

Georginne waiting for the report that Ferdinand was dead has come up with raging
wrath. Use the poison of Ranzenerav, induce retizia, poison Ferdinand, let Dietrinde
confirm the life and death. The way that my hands are not soiled at all is probably
excellent as a nobleman, but it is a way to remember only anger.

"If you tell your mother that Retethiia has failed to make you a magic stone, you will
probably be scolded terribly - even if you leave it like this you will not die."

As he says so, Dietlinde tries to take his bag and takes out something bag. At the
moment the line of sight got out, I gripped the teeth and groaning while Fawdinand
threw some of the magic stone of the magical tool attached to his waist and grasped

1716 | 2523
An explosion sounded, while Ferdinand himself was shocked, Dietlinde screamed.
However, all attacks by magical power were repelled by silver cloth. There seems to
be some impact, but Dietlinde has no injurative injury. The magic tool which brought
about the reversal at the time of the disaster with Hisuzzse did not seem to have much
effect in front of the silver cloth.

"...... Will it work?"

"Well it is fierce!"

Take out one candy from the bag that was outraged by Dietlinde on her waist and
include it in her mouth. It looked like sweets of Lanzenerav yielding from Retizia.
While licking it, throw the powder of another bag to Ferdinand.


Ferdinand, who can not move his body freely, twisted himself to avoid a direct hit, but
he could not stop the powder that fell to the floor from flying up. Ferdinand's posture
collapses. I could not sit in front of Dietlinde and I fell on the spot. Even from the hand
that had grasped the chest, the power comes out, and the force comes out as smoothly
as possible. Only the golden eyes still stare at Dietlinde, but the lips hardly move.

"Instant death poison seems to have been ineffective, but this medicine works, is not
it strange?"

As I said so, Dietlinde took out the criminal gangsters that blocked Stap. Touch the
wrist of Ferdinand who caught it to try it. The fingertips of Dietlinde were flicked by
the rainbow-colored light with a loud flashing sound.


Dietlinde opened his eyes and looked at his hand, glancing at Kiwi Ferdinand, putting
a grudge while preventing magical power with silver cloaks. A stone ring like a magic
stone is put on both wrists and is connected with a chain.

"Even if the freedom of the body returns with this, everyone will not have danger."

Hun and Dietlinde said that, pulled a little Ferdinand's hands and placed it on the
supply magic team.
1717 | 2523
"It is impossible for me to bring Ferdinand as a helpless woman like me, so please
continue to devote magical power to the foundation until this depletion is left as it is
now.The older sister who became Arub surely will be delighted."

Dietlinde went to the center of the magic team and bent down, pouring magical power
into the magic team. Supply magic team starts. Magical power will continue to flow to
the magic team until you reject your hand.

"How long will it take for magical power to run out? I hope I can get a Gurtris Height
so far ...."

Diet Linde went out with a fine-looking face as I finished my big work.

Even if Dietlinde is gone, the magic team will not stop. Sucks Ferdinand's magical
power and keeps moving. I found it flowing from the charm of the amulet that I gave
to Ferdinand. The rainbow-colored light that gradually wrapped Ferdinand gradually
becomes thin.

Emotions have gone through the pale eyes of Ferdinand's thin gold who had been
staring at Dietlinde for a long time. I have no anger or hatred, and my eyes are fell
down like I gave up everything.
At the same time my vision returned to the place of meeting of the original lord group.

"... Please do not give it up!"

"Rosemain, what's wrong? If you think that it shone in rainbow color, it was not
working at all"

It seems that it was because of everyone around me that they were watching closely.
But I do not care about such a thing. It is more important to go to help Ferdinand.

"Father, Mr. Ferdinand! Feldinand was poisoned with Ahrensbach, Georgine

manipulated, poisoned, Died Linde fell down when it was scattered ... ...."

While moving my mouth as I thought, the body stood up to seat for help. I tried to walk
towards the door, but surrounded by everyone, I can not move because my adopted
father got caught in the arm.
1718 | 2523
"Please let me go, adopt yourself!"
"Calm down! I do not understand it at all in that explanation ... What happened to
Ferdinand was poisoned? How can I be helped, is there a case?"

I was pressed by my shoulder to sit back in the chair, and I was forced to sit back in
the middle. Then I will ask you one after another and explain the scene I saw. Not just
the adoptive father. My foster mothers, brothers and sisters and my grandfather also
asked me questions. You will understand that you need a collaborator as expected. I
explained earlier with a desire to go to help.

"That means that Georgine will come soon, you must hurry up countermeasures."
"My grandfather! I am not Georgine, but Ferdinand-sama ... ...."
"It is impossible to help the dying Ferdinand that is poisoned by supply of other
territory.Ruzemain. Rolesmein.The priority lord of Ehrenfest should protect the
cornerstone of Ehrenfest, not to make a mistake "

My grandfather looked down at me with a stern blue eye and said so.

1719 | 2523
"There was a message from the knight at the border gate, like Reti Zia, it seems that
Ranzenave wants the gates to open"
"Well, have not it become spring yet?"

When I heard the story of Ross Vita who returned from the main building, I was taken
amused. It is determined that Ranzener is coming after the Lord 's Conference held
every spring from mid - to late. It is now the end of the winter that Dietlinde and
Ferdinand are going to the House of Lords because of the opposition to the territory
and graduation ceremony, so arrival of Ranzener is different by season one. Anything
will be too early.

"It seems like you'd like to ask the royal family to change the decisions of the last year
before the lord's conference, since Dietlinde is at the aristocrat, it is impossible to
open the boundary gate. It seems that Strar will respond like I wish. "

Strar is the former knight leader who was dismissed by Dietlinde and became an
escort knight with Ferdinand like.
Fair Sere who was listening to Ross Vita's story with me smiled as "I am all right."
Faessel is the daughter of Strale, and I am an apprentice behind my side.

"Although I was dismissed as the head of the knight, my father still looks good in the
Knights and I think that it's okay to leave, so Reti Zia."

I nodded in a fairy word of Fair Sere. Strale is my grandfather, and the predecessor,
Aub who was a foster father, was the most trusted knight in his later years, and he is
very dependable. It will surely respond well to the messenger of Ranzenae.

While Ferdinand are headed towards the House of Lords, the main building is
managed by Georgine and Bradys. Because of such circumstances, I have been told
not to leave the north until Ferdinand comes back. There is no other choice but to
respond to the messenger of Ranznerav by Strals.

Those who worked with Frédinand, including STRALL, started working to repel
Ranzenav, but the nobles of the Dietrinde school said, "If Aub is absent, you can not

1720 | 2523
imitate selfish imitation "It seems that he contacted the House of Lords to inquire
about the correspondence to Ranzenerav.

"Dietrinde has returned from the aristocrat in advance of the schedule and it seems
he opened the boundary gate a while ago, Princess"

As I was in trouble Ross Vita, who came back from the main building, said so.

"Did not Ferdinand get back together?"

"... It seems that it was an event while visiting our laboratory for Raimund's research"
"Well .... Then, there was nobody who could stop Dietlinde, is not it?"

In my words Ross Vita nods with a face that seems unavailable.

"No matter how much Ferdinand is a fiancee, he is still in the other territory and no
matter how good you can put together the aristocrats Ferdinand is not Arub. The one
who can open and close the border gate is a person who has dyed the foundation
Opening and closing can be anything with Diet Linde's will ... .... Rather, I think if the
mother Georgeene would like to stop Dietlinde more properly "

According to Los Vita story, Georgyne seems not to take away Dietlinde much just by
saying "You are Aubu."

"Because Georgine was long-lived in the third lady, I did not give up to Aub's work
even after I became the first lady, even though I was cautioned about the outsider as
Aub, the territory It is a policy not to give a mouth to management policy "

Georgine says that Arub 's important decision in the territory is Aub' s job and that it
is Aru 's wife' s role to assist him in making sure his / her routine going without delay,
as long as Dietlinde has decided as AUB It seems that we are in the position to proceed
with that.

...... It is troubling that there is only Ferdinand-like person who can whom you can

Since there are many inconvenient situations as the lord of lords of Ehrenfest, it is
imperative that you do the ceremony of star knot as soon as possible to make
Ferdinand's position in Ahrensbach a sure thing .

1721 | 2523
Sure enough, Dietlinde did not try to overturn her decision. The Knights will not be
able to refuse by any means whom Aub invited by opening the boundary gate.
Ferdinand and Strauss opposed, but in the end, the palace of Ranzenae opened as soon
as spring came and silver ship was lined up in the harbor.

There seems to be a lot of tribute to give to the royal family from Ranzenerav, and
Akari stations are talking about the fact that luggage is being transported to the palace
using several carriages. Of course, Dietrinde also had many gifts, and Leonzio, who
gave a public greeting, gave a sweet smile.

"Because this seems to be like Reti Zia, I liked the gift I got last year ...."

Leonzio also gave me a souvenir. It is a sweet candy with a silver cylinder packed with
the same glitter and petals as last year. As the sweets received by Rosemain was gone,
I was delighted with Leonzio 's sweets.

"Hey, Mr. Leonzio, this time I must have Tsent know the thought of Ranzenerav"
"Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness by Dietlinde"

Dietlinde who is dependent on Leonzio who is passionate about his thoughts is

enthusiastic to succeed in visiting the royal family and Ranzenae.
Ferdinand seems to be busy that you have to make various adjustments so that you
can be swayed by such Dietlinde. It was about the prayer ceremony that is particularly
problematic. This year Ferdinand also planned to go around the estate with us, but as
the messengers of Ranzenae invited to Mr. Dietlinde to roam around the castle, to
abandon the castle You can not. It was Georginee who made a suggestion under such

"Ferdinand, if you do not think so hard, let's put a small Holy Grail at the beginning of
spring and let the gigs have a small sacred cup and let us go back to their land? Is it
good for you to make a nobility a priest? If you leave the work carrying Caribe to Giebe
and let the blue priest head to the area under direct control, will not we be able to
secure enough harvest this year? "

While other nobles supported Georgyne-sama's plan, it seems that only Ferdinand
was opposed.

1722 | 2523
"The administration of the small Holy Grail is under the jurisdiction of the temple and
it is the work of the blue priest who carries the small Holy Grail.The Small Holy Grail
is carried by the priest who pledged to serve God and it is linked with the fertility of
the land, It is not a thing. "
"Oh, did not the lord's family do the ceremony ceremony last year, Ferdinand is quite
hard-headed, it is better for those who left them to Giebe than to bring the priests to
carry them It will reach, Gibe has more magical power than the priest, and .... "

With Dietrinde 's order that agreed with Georgin' s proposal, the Small Holy Grail was
brought back to Giebe, and as soon as spring had come, the Gieves were taken out of
the castle as if they were driven away.

"...... Ferdinand says he was opposed to leaving the small Holy Grail to Giebe for quite
a while, but there are any serious reasons?"
"The Small Holy Grail is also one of the divine tools used for the shrine, although it
seems that few people know how to use it, it can also be exploited."

Ferdinand seems not to be able to say so strongly because it is better not to answer
even if asked how to use it is an exploit.

Ferdinand also objected not only to the treatment of the Small Holy Grail, but also to
preparing places for visits by royalties and messengers of Ranzenae. However, again,
Dietrinde went through his own will. If it is told that "Your job is my assistance, it is
not a decision of Arendsbach's direction of travel", "Ferdinand, the lord of the other
territory, It seems that interference beyond that is difficult.

First of all, it was decided that Abe-Ahrensbach, Dietlinde, met with Zent, explain the
circumstances of Ranzenae at that time, asking for a direct talk. Dietlinde insisted that
Leonzio would accompany him at the time of meeting with him, but then it was
decided that Ferdinand would have accepted the visit request because it was not

Ferdinand became busy in order to assist Dietlinde, who tried to do something

thoughtfully with the messengers of Ranznerav, and my educational time was
reduced drastically. Instead, the number of tasks will increase and it will be sad.

Besides, Rosemain-sama's sweets are gone, and it is a bit painful to get into the room
alone and to work on the task. Once I was invited to the house of Ranznerav, but since

1723 | 2523
then Ferdinand told me not to be too involved with Ranzenerav, so the opportunity to
get out of the room has become really few .

"It seems that Georgine is preparing for departure to confirm that the praying
ceremony of the former Berkestock's Giebes is done properly"

I heard such a story from Los Vita, I felt a little disgusting.

...... I was looking forward to actually going out with a prayer ceremony.

It is one day that a person of Ranznerav acts with Dietlinde in various places in the
castle, becoming familiar with it.
Ross Vita's whereabouts suddenly disappeared. After supper, when talking about the
correction of a new task to Ferdinand 's sidework, Zergius, I do not return easily after
going to the main building.

"Maybe Ferdinand is busy, maybe we can not have the time to talk about it"
"Maybe the story is playing with Zergius,"

I was annoyed by my aides and I slept that night while I was worried that there was
no Ross Vita.

There is no image of Ross Vita even though you wake up in the morning. First of all I
asked my aides to search for it, but I do not see the appearance of Ross Vita anywhere.
After talking to Zergius, the workers were witnessing the workers talking about my
next meal in the kitchen. After that no one seems to be watching Los Vita. I am asking
Fair Sare, which I am anxious about in the same way as I feel uneasy like breathing
becomes painful.

"Another day is about to pass, please ask Ferdinand to visit the main building in order
to find Farezere, Ross Vita"
"Certainly yes"

I made an appointment to Mr. Ferdinand, but the day of the appointment I had was
too far. I want to find Ross Vita soon. It is an aideside who came to Ahrensbach
together from Dreve Hanc as my leader's side, so I am very anxious that I do not know
where I am going.
1724 | 2523
"Can you speak with Zergius even though Ferdinand is busy?"
"Since it is natural that you ask your son about where her mother is going, perhaps
Ferdinand would be willing to consider it."

Consulting with Fair Zeere, I also ask the Zergius who is the son of Ross Vita. Because
Zergius was sent during the day, I realized that Ferdinand was concerned about us
very much while he was busy.

"Zergius, I do not know where Ross Vita is going, I'd like you to look for Ross Vita,
because I, Ferdinand says not to go too much to the main building"

I explained the missing of Ross Vita to Zergius and decided to ask Ferdinand to help
me find Ross Vita.

"I understand ... I will talk to Ferdinand about whether I can spare a bit of time ....
Where is it really, where should I not do anything ..."

That night, Ordonants that "I hear a detailed story between magical power supplies in
the afternoon of tomorrow" arrived at Fair Zele from Zergius. I was relieved that Mr.
Ferdinand will listen to the story for the moment. Nevertheless it is very uneasy that
I do not have the most reliable Ross Vita. I do not show up for two days. There is a
possibility of falling somewhere or getting caught up in something.

...... Ross Vita, I'm okay ... ....

Ross Vita jumped up dreaming of asking for help, and in the morning I could not sleep
well. The side which came to see the situation worriedly is not Ross Vita. The cold
sweat does not stop.

Take a breakfast with a slightly blurred head, not feeling tired, and face the morning
challenge. However, I will not enter anymore. I was lucky when I managed to finish
the task I was waiting for while waiting for the fourth bell to ring.

When I finished lunch with fear that "Please please eat a little more calmly", I can not
stay even if I already stayed. I wait with the feeling that the students finish the lunch
that was replaced by turns.
1725 | 2523
"Let's hurry, Fair Sere"
"Reti Zia, even if you hurry like that, Ferdinand will not come in between supplies
unless you come in."

When supplying magical power, it is decided that it is only the senior nobility who is
related to Arub among the aides, to put it in the office of Aob that has the entrance.
Therefore, today's accompanying are only senior nobles.

"Oh, Retetzia, will you be supplying now?"

On the way to the office of Aubu, I encountered Leonzio and Dietrinde together. It
seems that he enjoys tea at the hall on the second floor of the main building. Maybe I
ate lunch here. This hall leading to a big balcony is a place where you can see the state
of the city and the sea. It may be arguing that it is not a bad relationship by teaing in a
place where there is attention as opposed to inviting to your room.

We are not being greeted by Ditolinde and can not pass by. I greeted two people and
presented Leonzio the impression of a souvenir sweets.

"I feel glad that I can help you to heal your heart like a little even though it seems to
be making a face that I thought, is there anything to worry about? If you eat sweet
things, your trouble will disappear "

Leonzio said that with a sweet smile, I offered the sweets I had eaten with Dietlinde.
It is a transparent sweet like a manast with the same thing as a souvenir. I've had it
many times so far and it will be horrible to refuse here although the two of you are
having it.
Ashamed that I was concerned about Ross Vita, I thanked him for sweets thanking
him. Fairseel, a side-by-side apprentice, puts her mouth first as a poison for just in
case, and I put it in one mouth on the spot. I have the same taste as candy gifts for
souvenirs. However, until the end it contained a bit of bitterness in the center as it
contained it in its mouth.

"Would you like to ask the troublesome cloudy that pretty face? It might be sunny by
just consulting someone."

It is not a troublesome thing like a cleverness just by consultation. Besides, there is no

way to worry about the deep green eyes of Dietlinde who is still watching me. Even
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though I usually break into a conversation and come in immediately, it seems creepy
to just watch it silently.

"I will be with you as I consult Ferdinand, I appreciate your concern."

I thanked Leonzio and thanked Mr. Dietrin to make a mistake. When I talk with Mr.
Leonzio very much, I want to withdraw earlier as Dietrinde's hit becomes worse later.

"Thank you, Mr. Retetzia, how about trying this with Ferdinand, this is what
Ferdinand said when he said that it would listen to your request?"

So Leonzio presented a barrel of silver. I blink my eyes unintentionally. I mentioned

earlier that Ferdinand says we have reduced the task, but I was surprised to learn a
little bit of the conversation that I got when I was invited to the Ranzenerav palace.

"Sorry, I'm happy."

I am delighted with the heart of Leonzio, who care for myself, and I received a silver
cylinder presented by Leonzio. I got it by Fair Sere and left the place.

...... If I ask you to use this today too, Ferdinand may be looking for Ross Vita together.

I found hope, I flew to the office of Aub with a feeling that light was slightly inserted
into my heart that was dull.

1727 | 2523
In front of the door are Ferdinand 's aides Eckhart and Justochs are lined up. Because
they are senior aristocrats of Ehrenfest and are not senior aristocrats who are
affiliated with Arub-Ahrensbach, even though Mr. Ferdinand's most trusted aide is
supplying magical power, I can not enter the office. Meanwhile, the two of us are
always waiting to finish in front of the door. Although Ferdinand does not enter the
office of Aub, it seems that they do not order two people to wait in their own room.

...... Feldinand says that we may give some time to rest for two people, though.

When I entered the office while thinking such a thing, there was the appearance of
Ferdinand's aides attached by Ahrensbach like Zergius and Straal. Inside of this room
is only familiar Ferdinand's aide and his aides. Neither Dietlinde nor Dietlinde 's aides.
Even though I thought from looking around a bit, I think that I'm really not good at

"Strall, is Mr. Ferdinand anymore?"

"Yes, I came in a while ago, I heard that it is a heavy load of magical powers to Rety
Zia's young body, but I pray for a good fight."

I nodded to Stral, and I gave Fair Sare the hand "Please give me the toy I got last time."
Fair Zeere is hesitant and looks around.

"What is it, Retetzia, is it necessary for supply?"

It is Zergius who said so with a blunt tone. I took a silver tube from the hand of Fair
Seret and showed me Zergius, I smiled as much as possible.

"It's a negotiation material for Ferdinand to find Ross Vita ... ... is Ross Vita still alive?"
"...... I'm somewhere in this main building ... Although I can not locate a place by
passing through a number of rooms with locks even if I fly Ordonants, I still have no
survival ..."

Even if there is no reply from Ross Vita, Aldonants will still fly away. Then, there is
nothing but to find a Ross Vita somewhere. However, I am not allowed to leave the

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north and I can not bring out the key without permission. For Dietlinde, there is only
Georgyne-sama or Ferdinand like you can borrow the key.

"There is no choice but to ask Ferdinand, now that Georgine is absent. I do business
with this, because I have not succeeded only to Ferdinand when I made this a
negotiation factor."
"I heard from Ferdinand that this toy was quite an interesting mechanism"

Zelgius intersects both arms to kneel, "I am glad that you broke the bones for my
mother", but I shook my head and indicated it to stand up to Zergius by hand.

"There is no need to thank us, so what I need Ross Vita"

I was sent off to the aides, I grasped the silver barrel and entered between the magical
power supply. There is Mr. Ferdinand during the supply of magical power, and I am
preparing the magic stone that I handle. Looking back as I noticed my footsteps, I
offered a magic stone "Reti Zia-sama, let's get started."

"There is a request before magical power supply, Mr. Ferdinand, I'd like you to help
me find Ross Vita in exchange for this"

I asked Ferdinand to give me a silver cylinder. However, Ferdinand looked down at it

for a while and shook his head quietly.

"It is finished, I do not need it anymore ... and it would be better for you to give up on
Ross Vita."


I was also surprised that it was said that I do not need a silver cylinder, but I could not
understand what I was told to give up Ross Vita. Ross Vita is familiar to me and I know
that he is as important as Rosemain for Mr. Ferdinand. It was not thought that we
were told to give up so easily.

"Mr. Ferdinand .... What did you say, I seem to have heard nothing well"

I opened my eyes and looked at Ferdinand. I wanted you to be something wrong. But
Mr. Ferdinand repeated with a serious look. I do not need a silver barrel and give up
on Ross Vita.
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"...... Such ... ... I can not do that ... Please, Ferdinand-sama, please look for Ross Vita
together.Ordonants will still arrive.Ross Vita is somewhere in the main building.If this
way To give up, I ... ... Ros Vita is the mother of Zergius, please ... ... "

For Ferdinand, Ross Vita is also an aideside family.

"I received reports from Zergius that Ordonants jumped into where the locked rooms
of keys are gathered and I did not know the exact location.Budget I do not have the
authority to open a key, It is highly probable that trying to rescue Ross Vita itself will
be some sort of trap, as the person who can open the key chooses to harm Ross Vita.

Ferdinand said coldly expressionlessly as to give up on Ross Vita in order not to

spread the damage to the surroundings anymore. I want to save Ross Vita. I do not
want to give up on Ross Vita. Such a feeling of mind is truncated from a straight line,
and the front becomes a pitch dark.

...... Ross Vita!

Closing my eyes tightly clenching my teeth, the taste of sweet candy that Leonzio got
was still in my mouth. Together with that taste the words saying "Why do not you
consult Ferdinand with this, please?" Will be revived.

... ... If you consult with this ... ....?

Leonzio's voice began to echo in my head over and over again and again. I feel
comfortable as the core of my head shakes.

...... Ferdinand will ask you if you use this ... ....? Oh, it was. If you do not use it you would
not listen to your request.

With a blank comfort, I grabbed a silver tube and looked up at Ferdinand. Ferdinand,
who looked down at me quietly with a cool looking beauty, presents a magic stone to

"If Letezia settled down, let's start supplying magical power.It's not necessary, so I'll
leave it over there."

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While I said that, I handed down a magic stone and tried to take a silver cylinder
instead. You can not. When this is taken, Ferdinand will not hear your request and you
will not be able to help Ross Vita. I rushed strings in a hurry.

"Please, Ferdinand, please help us to help Ross Vita!"

It was neither a familiar petal nor glittery that jumped out of the silver tube. Things
like white powder will fly up.

...... What will this be?

As I watched the white powder scattering like drinking in the air, Ferdinand who
wrapped his face and covered his mouth with a mantle thrust me completely, "Do not


Suddenly something in the costume shot a sudden strong light at the moment
Feldinand-sama's chest, at the moment when I flew behind and flew behind, too
suddenly rough behavior.



As I forget the pain and I looked at the rainbow colored light, Ferdinand distressed his
face in a distressing manner, calling Rosemain 's name while holding down the light
emitting chest was almost simultaneous. I do not know why Rosemain's name came
out here. However, if Ferdinand calls Rosemain-sama's name, the light of the chest
increases in quantity and rises like a rainbow-colored pillar.

……What is this?

When Ferdinand wrapped in rainbow colored light, that light began to spread
throughout the supply. I was stunned by the light, too. Then the head got clearer as
the sight suddenly felt sunny.

"Mr. Ferdinand!"

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Ferdinand groaned and thrust away, a pillar of rainbow-colored light rose, and the
head got clearer when asking him to help Ross Vita. I do not know what is going on. I
just realized that Ferdinand seemed to suffer terribly.


Ferdinand, who caught kneeling while coughing, took Mr. Ferdinand to take
something out of his waist medicine and throw something in his mouth and removed
a small metal basket. A hand holding a basket is trembling with wiggling, and sweat is
floating on the forehead. I do not know what to do, even if I know that it is an obvious
abnormal situation, I look around those looking for help.

"Tell this to Yusukusu ... ...."

In between the coughing, the choppy words came out. Seeing here Thin golden eyes
will show that there is not room at all.


Perhaps you know something if Ferdinand tells the most trusted aides. I received a
basket when I was hurried in a breathing breath, I returned the heel and ran.

...... What is going on? Why is Ferdinand suffering? What is that rainbow colored light?
Please tell me!

What I can not understand is happening. While feeling that the heart was making a
loud noise as I did not know the reason, I jumped out of the supply.

"Dear Ret? Sia !?"

"Is the magical power supply ended?"

Even though it was still early to finish supplying magical power, Akira raised a
surprise voice to my figure who came out alone. Even the time to respond to them is
frustrating and I order the escort knights to protect the doors of the office to open the

"Please open the door and hurry."

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Knee trembling and becoming entangled Move the foot as soon as possible and open
the door, Justkus and Eckhart waiting outside went back to this place. I compare the
faces of two people and present a basket kept from Ferdinand toward familiar

"Ferdinand ... go ... and ... ...."

The two who changed their complexion quickly looked at the basket, and Justoks took
away it and took a basket from my palm. Justkus' lips looking to bite into the basket
will move to the form "Mr. Ferdinand." At the next moment, Eckhart, with its blue eyes
open, moved my eyes from the basket.

"Well, what did you do to Ferdinand?"

"Hit ..."

Although it looks like a normal face, it seems to me that Eckhart recognizes me as an

enemy also from the blue eyes that are shining strangely and the voice that is quiet
but lower than usual. I can not speak with a sense of oppression and fear that are likely
to be killed in just a moment. Yurari swaying the body, Eckhart raised his arm.

"What are you going to do for Ekhardt, Reti Zia !?"

"We have to ask questions about what we did to Ferdinand among a supply that does
not include anyone else besides the lord's family." Is the criminal only a reti Zia-sama?
"What does Retetzia says, I do not understand the meaning! What is that person
saying !?"

The eaves guards will turn weapons to Eckhart, as he embarks on me who is afraid of
being pressured by Eckhart. As soon as Eckhart got a staple to compete, Justoks
grabbed the head of Eckhart and yelled at him.

"Feldinand's order is top priority over circumstances, Ekhardt! What did Ferdinand
say !?"
"... Go and ..."
"Well, let's go"

Yusutokusu, a pale face with blood clutter, stared at the auctioneer's office and
returned the heel. Eckhart, who clenched his teeth, will erase the stapes and follow
Yusukkus. They seem to know what to do with "go alone", but have you not received
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instructions from Ferdinand from the same aide, Strall and Zergius "Where the hell
are you going to go?" What kind of words was there? "

"Zergius, Straar, please catch that two people, asking Reti Zia how he suddenly
worked roughly and asking what kind of words he had from Ferdinand ..."

Sturl and Zergius, who nodded in the words of my escort knight, will follow Justus.

"What is it like retzia, how is Ferdinand san?"

In the words of Fair Sere, I opened my mouth slightly. But I do not know what to say.
Eckhardt's words "What did you do to Ferdinand like anyone else but a lord of lords
other than the lord's family" and "There are only culprits Retethiia" in the mind.

... .... I am the culprit?

I desperately organize my head. I used a silver barrel to ask Ross Vita to help me. But
I do not have anything. The reason why Ferdinand suddenly suffered is not
necessarily a silver cylinder.

"... Ferdinand has not come out yet from the supply, I will also go back to supply to see
the situation."

When I entered the office of Aubu, several footsteps came closer.

"Be terrible a stir!"

"Dear Linde, why are you here?"
"Because now Mr. Ferdinand and Reti Zia are supplying magical power ... ...."

My escort knights stand in front of the door to prevent Dietlinde from approaching
and show them by hand to protect me. Surrounded by the aides, I compared the door
of the office with the supply. There is no escape.

"Lie, you know, Ferdinand's aides came somewhere in a panic, and is not Retetzia

Dietlinde said that, and entered the office of Aub with his aides, Leonzio and those of
Ranzenae who solidified with silver costumes. Leonzio - sama 's hand with a
refreshing smile next to Dietlinde has that silver cylinder.
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"Dear Retianzia, did you ask Ferdinand?"

At the moment when I saw the silver cylinder that Leonzio is plays with in the hand
so as to make her laugh and smile, I instantly understood what I was set. I did not have
an effect, but that is why Ferdinand suffered.

"Leonzio, what do you mean ... ..."

"Dear Linde, as you hear, it seems that Reti Zia harmed Ferdinand, could you please
ask me to collect magic stones?"

What kind of ominous things do you say? As I unexpectedly opened my eyes, Leonzio
escorted Dietlinde during supply.

"It is awkward to ask Deathlinde to collect manastones, but thank you for your
continuation ... for our future ..."
"Well, Leonzio is worried. I am fine, because there are things left by Leonzio and next
generation ... .... You, capture Reti Zia. For the next Aubu determined by the royalty It
is a crime that harmed the fiancé "

As Laughing with couscous, Dietlinde enters into the register stone during magical
supply. In Ferdinand you are suffering due to the silver cylinder I used. I had to save
Ferdinand, and I tried to chase Dietlinde.

"It's an order from Mr. Dietlinde, catch Rety Zia!"

"Do not say selfish thing! What does she really say?"

Escort Knights make weapons for each, and those of Ranzenae also gather silver
weapons and glare each other. Leonzio smiled and opened her mouth.

"Retethia, who was dissatisfied with Ferdinand's severeness, an educator prescribed

by the royal family, killed Ferdinand using a supply that can be only two people"
"I am different, I'm dissatisfied with Ferdinand ... ...."
"I have heard many times over Rethi Zia's dissatisfaction and anxiety at Ranzenerav's
hall and tea ceremony, so no matter how much I ask you will not reduce the task."

While smiling with Nicoli, Leightzio 's words agreed with Mr. Dietlinde' s aides. Fair
Sere, who embraces me to protect me, is becoming pale blue so that I can not
understand what is going on.
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"Do not be afraid, how does Retethiia harm Ferdinand san?"
"Reti Zia murdered Ferdinand ... ... and so"

With a smiling face smiling, Leonzio drew a string of silver tubes in the office of Aub.
White powder flutters in the room just like the previous silver tube. Goto, gotton! And
a lot of manastones fell on the floor and made a sound.


In just a moment, the remaining in Aub 's office was Dietlinde' s aides and Ranzenae,
then I and Fair - Seire were the only ones. It is totally different from Ferdinand who
was suffering, the head is pure white with too much sight. I know that the mana stone
rolling here is his aides, but it does not move as if the head refuses to understand. As
if I had forgotten how to breathe, my breath got stuck, Keen and a high tone are ringing
behind my ear.

"Leonzio-sama like me being a lie to lie ... ... Ferdinand did not become a demon stone,
it seems that it will take time to become a magic stone yet"

Dietrinde came out from the supply and gently breathed when I put my hand on my
cheek. Leonzio blinked his eyes wonderingly, "I am wondering," but he said that he
asked in detail, but Dietlinde gently lightly caught Leonzio's words.

Dietlinde looks down over me in a usual smile like their eyes do not have eyes in the
room in which a number of magic stones of my aides are rolling. Why is that red lips
shaped like a smile?

"Fa, Ferdinand is ... ...."

Ticks and teeth will ring and it will not be words. Dietlinde looked pleasant and said,
"I passed away, you said, did you take out his hand?" I lost my strength from my knee.
I could not stay standing very much and went to the place. I murdered the poison to
Mr. Ferdinand without knowing that.

"Retizia, you are discovered and punished by the harm of Ferdinand, you killed the
next fellow's fiancée determined by the royal title." Of course you do not?

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With a play tone and expression, I will tell you what I did to Ferdinand and what kind
of scenario it was. I heard that Mr. Georgine planned and moved according to the
scenario executed by Dietlinde.

"It is a natural sin to be executed, but I will save only my life with my mercy that will
be the next TSENT.Please spend my entire life with Ran Zhener.Okay, okay, Retizia, I
will not miss you. I will take you along with a close associate with Akari nearby. If I do
not show my face again before me, I will not take away my life ... ... Well, take me along.

When Dietrinde waved her hand, the people of Ranzenae, who followed Leonzio,
began to catch fairly and me.

"Retreat Zia, please escape!"

"Fair Sare!"

Fair Zeere puts the staple out and resists. However, the attack by Fair Sere was not
quite effective for those of Ranzenae. Despite being stabbed with Stap's sword, I will
extend my hand without changing one's complexion.

For just two of us, there were more than ten people of Ranzenae, eight Escort Knights
of Dietlinde. There is no way it can escape. We were caught soon and we were tied up.

"There is no way to get in the way, and it seems that we can finally pick up the Gurtris
Height, which is what we are planning to do .... I have to contact my mother ..."

With a rhythm like Dietlinde singing happily saying that, I will leave the office of Aub.
Others will also come out afterwards. I was taken out of room with me and Fair Sare

"Retezia, Fair Sare!?"

Sturl and Zergius, who should have chased Justozus, came back. There are no figures
of Justozus.

"What are you doing for the two of you, Dietrinde !?"

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Strar and Zergius immediately left Stap. Their stance is exactly the same as those of
my aides who had been made into a magic stone a while ago. I understood that the
same thing was repeated, the back muscles.

"You can not, father! Stap's attack does not work!"

"These guys use poisons that turn people into manastles in a moment! Run away!
Protect everyone!"

Shut up, they were beaten by those of Ranzenae, but it seems they could tell. STRAL
and ZERGIUS instantaneously returned the heel.

"It would have been easier if you could clean up the rest in this place .... It would be
better if you do not use an extra mouth from now on, Retethiia, otherwise it will only
make you sad Wow "

Dietrinde will walk through the main building while looking at the pitiful, stupid eyes.
He went to the area where I had never entered much, and Dietrinde opened the key
of a door. I hear something like a melancholy sound.

...... Are there a number of doors with locked keys?

Looking around, there were doors with keys that are not usually used much. An
unpleasant feeling spreads out in my heart, I look back to the door without thinking.
At that time, the voices he heard from the room where Dietlinde and Leonzio entered
stopped. Because the neighborhood suddenly became a shin, the sound which the
docekondon and his heart violently reverberated remarkably and the tip of the limbs
became colder.

"Does Retziare asked Ferdinand that he wanted to find Ross Vita? It is really a follower

Dietrinde who came out of the room lifted the red lips and said so. At the feet of my
pale, Leonzio makes a noise with a ghost and rolls a magic stone with a complicated

"If Ross Vita did not do this, it would be noisy ...... I can not take him to Ranzenaev, I
was desperately looking for it to hurt Ferdinand, I would like to go with you,
Ranzenave and Los Vita also I welcome you, Reti Zia. "
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While I felt as though the throat had gathered and I felt the inside of my head burn
bright red, I could no longer clean up the nobility.

"No, thank you !! Ross Vita !!"

My consciousness ceased there.

1739 | 2523
"Let's give up ...?"

In my grandfather's words I grasp the fist while I remember the feeling that blood will

"Yes, it is Ehrenfest that one should protect, should not it have promised so when
Ferdinand headed to Ahrensbach?"

I promised indeed. With other Ferdinand. Also in Ehrenfest there are families of
downtown, Gutenbergs and everyone in the temple. Everything I should protect. But
he promised to keep Ferdinand as well. There is no way I can give up.

"How do you intend to enter between supplies of other territories? Do you know how
long it will take to arrive at Ahrensbach? Wherefore will Ferdinand's magical power
come? We should not make it in time so we should devise countermeasures against
the Georgine counterpart who knows to come in and take it. "

While listening to my grandfather's "give up" reason, I gently put my finger on the key
of Ahrensbach which I had aside. If you use the same means as Georgine you can get
the cornerstone of Ahrensbach. It is by no means impossible.

"In other words, if you can make it in, will you go to help?"

I gazed at the old man and asked. I can see that magical power goes around the whole
body. I will ask again, keeping at the edge of sight that everyone in the vicinity
breathes and "panic magic stone ..." is panicked.

"If you make it in time, you do not have to give up, do you?"

I pull my jaw like my grandfather frown and baited. While thinking that magical power
leaked, it might be lightly intimidating, I will press the answer.

"If you have a magical power of Ferdinand, do you like your grandfather and your
adoptive father? If you want to save Ferdinand, Ahrensbach, the center and the king,

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even Even Vermeer I do not mind letting you pass it to the enemy, I will not give up,
there is absolutely nothing to do. "

Gokuri and his grandfather sprant.

"My grandfather, I became an adopted daughter of Aub in order to protect my

precious things, I could not protect without power and status.To become a female
admirer of the king, to save Ferdinand from a sit-down But, if Ferdinand's life is gone,
there will be no relationship with the seated crew, meaning that I will no longer be
the adopted child of the king. "

While I have got things important to me, I still give up that Jurgen Schmidt will be
destroyed, but if you can protect the Jurgen Schmidt instruments you have no
meaning if you remove an important one.
For me the family of the downtown and Ferdinand are more important than Jurgen

"Rosemain, your side, sane? For Ferdinand one person ... ....?"
"Is not it natural that there are individual differences in priority, for me it is more
important to Jurgen Schmidt than Ehrenfest and Ehrenfest 's own inhabitants living

It was Wilfried, not my grandfather, not his father, nor his father, who responded to
my words.

"Will it be okay if I am prepared so far and if there is something to rescue?"

"Originally the defense of Ehrenfest was thought to be able to do without it, on the
premise that Rosemain goes to the center, so if Ellenfest and the other aides move, I
think that it is more dangerous to put a person who is likely to run Magical Power to
runaway in Ehrenfest, "he said.

Bonifatius opened his eyes wide open to Wilfriit who said so while noting that my eyes
are changing.

"Even if you decide to go to the center, Rosemain is still a candidate for the lord of
Ehrenfest, Ehrenfest will attack Ahrensbach!"

1741 | 2523
"What is that? It is obvious that the cornerstone of this will be attacked, so if you can
attack from here, it is not necessary for both Aub to have to protect the foundation
when it is attacked It should be the same. You should do before you get done. "

The adoptive father caressed the jaw slowly so that the word of Wilfried was

"Does Rosemain have the prospect of helping Ferdinand?"

"I think that I can not do anything besides me, but there is a way, if my adoptive
cooperation is there, I can help more easily"

Can you cooperate? And if you tilt your neck, your adoptive father lifted the edge of
his lip.

"I also want you to save me if I can save Ferdinand, but it is true that we are still
candidates for the lords of Ehrenfest and I can blame for the deprivation of the
territory. We need a splendid construction. "

The dark green eyes say that you can go if there is a denomination convincing the

"Is not it good to save your uncle, because it is a person of Ehrenfest, who has not yet
completed a star tie, who should become a spouse of Arub over relaying with the royal
"... ... Wilfried, it is still weak to oppose the center and other territories"

My adoptive father saw me as he said so.

... ... please screw out, the reason.

Then, I can shake the major to go to save Ferdinand. I desperately turned my head.
You come up with a cause name that will attack Ahrensbach.

"Ahrensbach is trying to capture those of Ranzenae and is trying to aim for the next
Tento, not to bring the royal family to the location of Gurtris Height, but to get

If only Dietlinde got Gurtris Height, it should not have been such a problem. It is in the
same position as me that brings a royal family a Gurtris Height. In order to minimize
1742 | 2523
the confusion within Jurgen Schmidt it may have been to marry Sigismwald with
Ferdinand and resolve his engagement.
However, Ahrensbach is making a fatal mistake right now. I got a hand with a foreign
country called Ranzenerav to get the Gurtris Height.

"Arensbach trying to steal the seat of Tzent through Ranzenerav is the same as
Eisenreich, who once fought in hand after being inspired by the Bose Gates. Ehrenfest,
which was formed by dividing Eisenreich, We know best about the weight of the crime
aiming at Tzent, is not it natural that I will destroy Ahrensbach with that Ehrenfest
and I will be appointed to the king? Right then, is not it such a blame? "

My adoptive father laughed at the reason why I started.

"Koo .... It's not as bad as the construction, but the difference in fighting power is too
great in Ahrensbach and Ehrenfest, there is not enough strength in Ehrenfest to take
it in Ahrensbach. We will step into enemy territory with only the aideside. "

Ahrensbach, which holds half of the former Berkeke Stock, has many people. There is
overwhelming difference in fighting power. Earnenfest of the middle territory with
few people even just can not be more precise than just defending the defense in

"That's enough, because it's impossible to move when it's too large."
"No, I can not let you go to Ahrensbach without enough fighting force, the one whom
the king's decision to become an admirer is the most obvious one to protect"

My adoptive father said that with a difficult face.

There is no choice but to bring things that are not in Ehrenfest from the rest. And there
is only one place to think of as fighting strength.

"Please do not contact the father-in-law, Aub Dunkel Ferger, and invite Dunkel
Ferguer to Ditter, to avert Ahrensbach to attract foreign attitudes and to save
"What is Dunkel Ferger? Do you involve other territories?"

Since there is no point unless it can be maintained by themselves, there is no wish for
assistance in other territories in fighting the foundation. But in this fight we do not

1743 | 2523
want to get Ahrensbach. I just want to help Ferdinand. Also, I'd be happy if I could
reduce the fighting strength from Ahrensbach into Ehrenfest.

"If you do not use whatever you can use, you can not win against Ahrensbach in the
large territory, is not it the strongest hand in Ditter, when are you not using it now,
when are you going to Ditter If you appeal to passion and add to the support of the
royal fellows who were given to Mr. Ferdinand as well as the matter of Clarissa, not
only Aubu but also the first lady will surely underwrite it pleasantly. "
"... Well, come, the bargaining party is just that"

I was taken to the office of Aub. The adoptive father gives a voice to the civilian and
prepares the magician for communication to be used for talking in the emergency
between Aub. Magician was like a waterscope. I know how to use it because I learn it
on the course of a lord candidate student, but basically only AUBU is able to use it.

When the adoptive father connects with Dunkel Ferger, the civil servant called for

"Good evening, Aub Dunkel Ferger"

"Aub Ehrenfest and Rosemain sama! I heard that he was lying ... ... this is also ..."

It seems that this figure is also visible as the figure of Aub Dunkel Ferger appears in
the water. I cleared my throat as Aub Dunkel Ferger, who was staring at me with the
rapidly growing appearance, was relieved.

"Kohon, I would like to hear about urgent matters"

I will tell you that Ahrensbach is trying to attack the center by committing a crime of
attracting foreign diseases. You must put out a splendid former in advance. The
adoptive father tells about the attraction of foreign attractiveness which is a strict

"Ehrenfest where Eisenheich was, knows the weight of that crime, so we would like
to help everyone in the highlands to protect the royal family"

1744 | 2523
Georginé, who is planning to take the secret behind the foundation, does not think
that lobbying has been acting against the central and other territory. Such a
foundation should become important in future diplomacy.

"In the Central Order Group there was also a Trok fuss twice, I feel a little distrusted,
so I thought that it would be better for him to request cooperation from the Order of
the Highland that supports the royalty now."

After this, I will call attention to the royal family, but I am worried whether the Central
Order Group is all right or not. Dunkel Ferger, who is experiencing an invasion to
Ditter and a funeral of Ahrensbach 's funeral, he nodded.

"And then, apart from the knights that make you head towards the center, you are a
volunteer, but I would like the Knights to head to Ahrensbach."

In my words, Aub Dunkel Ferger blinked "for what?"

"Because we wanted to invite Dunkel Ferger to everyone in Ditter, are not you
interested in genuine Ditters, knight of Dunkel Ferger?"

When I smile with Nicolle, Aubu Dunkel Ferger muttered as "authentic Ditter ...... No
way tray ... ...." I am thankful that the intuition is good and the story is early. I laugh
with smile.

"Yeah ... From now on, a magnificent butterfly is going to start between Ehrenfest and
Ahrensbach, but the difference in fighting power is big, at Ehrenfest, I definitely
wanted to invite you to Dunkel Ferger Speaking of Ditters, it is Dunkel Ferger. "

While laughing softly, I stare at Aab Dunkel Ferger in the water. I see Aub Dunkel
Ferger stunned.

"Ehrenfest keeps the cornerstone of Ehrenfest and I am going to take the cornerstone
of Ahrensbach, but I want him to help me, as far as I can tell, Dunkel Ferger will It is
the best thing "

I found out that Aub was shaking in my words. I will repeat the words so that I want
to do more of the ditters while deepening the smile.

1745 | 2523
"No matter how much Dunkel Ferger is this time, there is no experience for Dittor who
has laid the foundation yet, do not you want to experience it once?"
"Well ..."
"It's genuine Ditta set in Ahrensbach and Ehrenfest, I think that it will be a hot fight
with a lot of blood that can not be tasted in just the competition ... Hey, Aub Dunkel
Ferguer. Is there anything wrong with the knight who wants to attack the foundation
of Subach? "

Aub Dunkel Ferger, who is swaying in the temptation of real Ditch, shook her head.

"To challenge the conflict of other territory, I can not get approval from outside the
"To be sure, in order to participate in Ditter, we need not only passion but also

As I laugh and point out the necessity of the construction, Aub Dunkel Ferger comes
to me.

"Is something there?"

"If you talk about the circumstances, you will definitely be intimidating, so if you can,
I would like to cooperate with only passion for Ditter, but there is no choice but I will
tell you the circumstances."

I am sitting at my eyes a bit to make me look as sad as possible.

"Despite the details, Ferdinand was poisoned by Aitenbach's supply and poisoned by
Mr. Dietlinde and I really wanted to go to help Ferdinand."
"What did you say!?"

In order to save Ferdinand it is necessary to hold down the foundation of Ahrensbach.

"It is Dunkel Verger, who brought him all together to rescue Ferdinand from the
temple of Ehrenfest, and we would like to unite to rescue Ferdinand who is poisoned
by Ahrensbach, right? "
"To compensate for what we have done, nobody can oppose this, let's join the Ditter
who takes away the foundation of Ahrensbach!"

...... Face, I'm laughing. Aub Dunkel Ferger. Please reflect a little more.

1746 | 2523
"So, what does Rosemain like to us in Ditter?"

Aub Dunkel Ferger who declared participation with a smile asked without hiding the
exciting expression. You can borrow volunteer knights. A meeting is necessary.

"I will be holding the cornerstone of Ahrensbach fastest, during that time, I would like
to attract the Knights of Ahrensbach over the castle to the volunteers of Dunkel Ferger
and get disturbed."
"Wow, do not you steal the foundation for us, you become a decoy?"

Given the magical power of Ferdinand, I can not spend too much time to dye
foundations. Considering that it takes more time to register because it is necessary to
register it as it becomes necessary to enter it during the supply, or because it is not a
family, put in the supply when there is no time like this time You had better think that
it is only those who dyed the foundation. So, this time I will dye the foundation at once.

"I ask for a decoy for Dunkel Ferger, it requires a considerable arm to get around as
hard as possible, and if you attract the Knights of Ahrensbach, the foundation without
reducing my escort I can go ... ... Of course, as a proof of the victory in Ditter, if you
need a foundation for Dunkel Ferger, you can reform the foundation.I need a
foundation just to help Ferdinand. I am doing it. "

After helping Ferdinand, there is nothing wrong with giving up to the person who
wants the foundation. If you have confidence to dyed the foundation while drinking
magical recovery medicine one by one and want to rule over Arends Bach after this,
we would like to ask you a question.

"No, I do not need the troublesome Ahrensbach, which is confirmed to be stared in

the center by hands with Ranzenaev and it will not be a reward for punishment"

Ah, after all?

It seems that it is not so unless Dunkel Ferger wants to prove victory as the victory
condition of Ditter is to keep the foundation under control.

1747 | 2523
"We will do our utmost to make Rosemain steal the foundation without fail as we said
to cooperate with Ditter.
"I am sorry"

If it was for Ditter, it seems that it was the correct answer in seeking assistance from
Dan Kel Ferger, a full-bowling throw.

"So when are the bells of Ditter ring?"

"Please think that it is already ringing when the other hurt Ferdinand, Aru Dunkel

I look up at the excitement of Aub Dunkel Ferger, and I laugh with Hu. The victory
condition for me is Ferdinand's rescue and Ehrenfest's defense. As Ferdinand's
magical power runs out, it will be defeated, so the game has already begun.

"As soon as Dunkel Ferger is ready, I will start attacking.What is the fastest way in
Dunkelfluger to recruit volunteers and prepare for departure?"

During the month of January at Ehrenfest I was making magical tools and restorative
medicines in total for defense and the escort knights were training on the assumption
that they would come in from Ahrensbach. The knight 's preparation is prepared so
that it can be issued at any time upon request.

That my aides are no exception. As soon as I decide who goes with me and who I am
going to and give instructions to each one, I will be ready. It is the state that I take time
to prepare most. To be honest, departure time depends on Dunkel Verger.

"Fufumu .... What is the fastest thing regardless of day or night?"

While asking why Aub Dunkelfelger strokes his chin, he asks questions. The line of
sight seems to be pointing at me, so it does not face it. I concentrate on my own
thoughts and understand that I think a lot in my mind.

"Of course, of course, there is no worry that the night will involve the commoners, so
if possible we would like to go lazy in the shadows of the night"

Even if I steal the foundation in the temple, I do not want to send victims as much as
possible. I am not going to take away my life, so I will roll around in the band of Stap

1748 | 2523
's light so that it will not get in the way, but if I can direct Staples to aristocracy it will
only be fear. The less victims the better.

"Lost in the shadows of the night ... so that damage will be minimal?"
"It is not clear unless you actually arrive at the site and see Ranzenerav and the knight
team there, but as possible to avoid casualties to civilians as much as possible over
the aristocratic city I want to finish the battle ... .... It is as possible and absolutely not
it is absolute .. The absolute thing for me is Ferdinand's rescue "

Aub Dunkel Ferger gazes me for a while and rubs his chin several times with hands.

"How long is it supposed to take time for a disaster? Is the material to be prepared
different accordingly?"
"It's enough if you only have one bell if you hold down the foundation, but I can not
read how long it will take to save Ferdinand from there."

If you can contact and cooperate with Justoks and Eckhardt brothers in Ahrensbach,
it will be easier to infiltrate the castle. But there are very few things I do not know if
they were able to join retiesia, or what direction Ferdinand's "go" was instructed to
go. In the worst case, they may also be caught.

...... If you know exactly where there is a magical supply in the castle of Ahrensbach ...
.... Oh, if Aurelia!

The moment I thought of someone familiar with the castle of Ahrensbach, Aurelia
came from Ahrensbach as his wife Lamprecht's wife. Because it was the niece of the
lord, I think that it is somewhat familiar to the inside of the castle. You can not have a
mother with a young child to participate in the battle, but you should be able to do
just as much as asking for the position between magical supplies.

"Aub Dunkel Ferger, please prepare for the battle in Ahrensbach on the assumption
of two bells.If you have something to bring with you about magical tools and recovery
medicine, we will also give you this time in Ditters We will compensate later for the
amount used. "
"Rosemain, negotiate neatly, do not be afraid to care"

As Earnenfest's defense preparation cost money, I was reprimanded from my

adoptive father, but I shook his head.

1749 | 2523
"It would be good if you think that you spent money to save time to negotiate.While it
is mostly my heading to Ahrensbach.I will compensate to Dunkel Ferger with my
personal asset, Even if you do not worry about your adoptive father, there is also
inherited money from Ferdinand, so if you use it to save Ferdinand, will not anyone

...... Separately I can use individual money, but then Ferdinand is about to return five
times again, right?

"We are going to pay, but let's talk about money at a later date More than that, let's
talk about the attention in this time, Arends Bach, who is in communication with
Ranzener, The possibility of having a cloth is very high. "

I will describe the points of caution in fighting Ahrensbach and Ranzener. It is also
highly likely that as usual weapons are not staple, it will not become usual

"Be sure to carry weapons other than Steap, to keep poison from the fact that
Dietlinde used Powder's poison for Mr. Ferdinand, also to cover the mouth with a
cloth, to recover drugs, antidote Let me carry a lot, such as Yurie etc "
"If it's okay to prepare for Hu, that degree will be able to finish the screening of the
knight by the time the date changes."

...... Early! Or, maybe most of the preparation time is a knight's selection?

"It is probably possible to prepare for heading to the center as well, but only when
there is a request from the royal family that we move, there is no request, and if we
move on our own, Let's receive it. "
"You're right."

The adoptive father showed consent to the words of Aub Dunkel Ferger. No matter
how much action you thought of for royalty, it is not good to go to the center with
many knights without command or request. It is no wonder that whether or not you
actually go out depends on the royal family.

"I will tell you that we can ask Dunkel Ferger for assistance from the royal family, but
those who have the cooperation of Ranzenae different from ourselves are opponents,
even the Central Order is confused Although I am planning to ask cooperation from

1750 | 2523
Ehrenfest to the upper territory, it is saved if you also say from Aub Dunkel Ferger ...
... Ehrenfest is still connected with the upper ranks It's thin. "

Let your father's request shine the back of the eye so that Aub Dunkel Ferger is

"It's OK to call out, but if you work from here, it will not come true that Ehrenfest
monopolizes hands?"
"Since Ehrenfest is in a position to ask for cooperation, I believe that Dunkel Ferger is
willing to monopolize the central handwriting."

Aub Dunkel Ferger moves his chin as he says to continue. My adoptive father
continued talking with pulling a little chin.

"Can you read on Dunkel Ferger how it will save Saving Ferdinand? If Ferdinand is
poisoned because it holds some kind of information, you'd be joking and try to kill
Ahlen SUBach may be attacking as a whole.You can oblige the aristocrat of
Ahrensbach if Rosemain can get the foundation, but how the nobility of the old
BERKECK STOC moves will be different Well, probably Rosemain saved Ferdinand,
Ehrenfest will be enough to prepare for trends in subsequent Ahrensbach. "

While proposing assistance to the upper territory, Aubu Dunkel Ferger also frowned
in the adoptive saying that Ehrenfest could not participate while murmuring "Old
Berkektock ......".

"I have to manage it, but the place I can not handle it like my own territory is
troublesome again"

Even though I think from the fact that it is realized, Aub Dunkel Ferger felt a bitter
smile when he felt that management of the old Berkeke Stock would be tough with
Dunkel Ferger as well. Then I will look into me with a strong light in the red eyes much
like the restylau.

"Even if you comprehend history, it is easy if you get the foundation, but after that it's
not easy, so real ditters are not quite true."

In order to govern the territory that he gains, New Aub needs to bring people, goods
and money from the original territory. That is why Aub Dunkel Ferger points out that
1751 | 2523
the scramble of foundations straddling the territory does not happen as long as there
is not much, and that it is a reckless extreme, such as getting a larger territory than

"After I get the foundation of Ahrensbach, I am very much looking forward to what
they will do, because we only enjoy the real deceit, but the treatment of the foundation
we got Saving Ferdinand ... I will not finish by that alone ... If I do not do it well, I will
collapse with Ehrenfest. "

He smiled like Aru bumped out how to handle Ahrensbach which he got involved with
Dunkel Ferger. You can see that the advice of being inside is now included if it stops.
But, I do not have anything to do with it, such as I am going to stop. With a willingness
to withdraw, I stared at Aab and laughed nicely.

"Aware, Aru Dunkel Ferger, please look forward to the rest."

Before the Lord 's Conference it is decided to become the adopted daughter of the king
and to have Gurtris' height. You can retrace the boundaries of the territory or you can
set up a new foundation. I am not going to bring Ehrenfest and Ahrensbach together.

"The eyes of the one who decided the resolution are very favorable, I miss being not
accepted by Dunkel Ferger ... ... Well, Rosemain, where will the prepared volunteers
"When the date changes, I will pick you up at the border gate of Dunkelfluger. Please
wait while opening the boundary gate."
"... ... Border gate !? That is, that is ... ..."

I strike my eyes, open my mouth and open my mouth and lose my words I will return
a smile only without a clear reply.

"Is that so ... ... Ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's it!

Aub Dunkel Ferger laughs grinningly with a hand as if "it is getting interesting funny."

"When I arrive, I will only take those who have arrived at the site. I've said it over and
over again, but the winning condition of Ditter this time is Ferdinand's rescue, faster
than the goddess Steijleeze of the gale I take the cornerstone of Ahrensbach. "
"Rapid! Faster than Steiffleze!"

1752 | 2523
As Aub Dunkel Ferger grips his fist with his right hand, he strikes the left chest twice
while pushing the sense of euphoria before his departure.
Immediately after, the communication of the watercraft seemed to be cut, and the
appearance of Aub became invisible.

"...... On the other hand, it is good to fuck."

"We do not do a doctor with Dunkel Ferger every year for Date, because that
motivation is the key to this victory"

While looking at the messed-up watercolor, the adoptive father smiled a smile. I feel
like I am being slightly drawn, but I was able to motivate Dunkel Ferger. There is no
further result.

"If I do not prepare for departure with the aides, it is ... ... Oh, you must contact the
royal family and the upper rank before that."

Although I think that it is troublesome to do as much as I want to go as soon as

possible, the preliminary foundation is important. Since the royalty has disturbing
information, it must also be told that you are alert and inform you that you are
informed that you can help the upper ranks, including Dunkel Ferger, help.

"There is a twisted out front of the other, and there is a boost of Dunkel Ferger, so the
contact of Arib is done by me, who prepares for the departure of the middle of the
night, as if someday, it is attacked by a sleep Do not let it go. "

I was pointed out when I was fighting Gaultce while being attacked by a sleeping
gathering for the material of Jureve, and I am stuck in the word "Ugo ... ...." Certainly,
if the departure comes to midnight, you may need a nap and sleepiness aid drug.
When the adoptive father urged me "Please leave here and leave early", Aldonants
jumped in.

"During the transition, there was an emergency contact with Aub from the lords, and
both the names of Justoks and Eckhart came in the dormitory of the lords, and they
are seeking an interview with Aub. How do you deal with it? "

1753 | 2523
I kept face to face with my adopted father while Aldonants repeated three times. I can
not believe that the two who are supposed to be in the midst of Justoks and Eckhardt
brothers appeared in the dormitory of the lords.

...... I do not think that permission to use the transition team will come out from
Auburn Arensbach.

why? For a moment, I thought that Ferdinand was doing something else. It would have
been meant that "go" for the two people was to the adoptive father. It seems that it
was supposed to be able to contact Ehrenfest immediately when something
happened. And the fact that they were able to move to the House of Peers, that is, Reti
Zia, who seems to have jumped out of supply, said that they were able to convey the
words of Ferdinand to them.

"I really wish that the story of the other person was not true, it seems like a fact that
can not be moved anyhow, otherwise it would be unbelievable that the two would
leave the side of Ferdinand."

After engraving wrinkles on the nose's muscle and making a disgusting face, the
adoptive father takes out the staple and taps the yellow manastone lightly and makes
Aldonants appear again.

"I will go to the House of Lords as soon as I hear the talk from both of them and finish
contacting the royal family to accept with Ehrenfest, what will the other do?"

If it is not Aub, you can not make brooches to enter and leave the dormitory, and once
you can not decide whether to accept those who have left the territory. It will not be
bad if the adoptive father does not go.

But ... Am I?

I want to go to the House of Peers. The mind is in a hurry. I want as much information
as possible, and I want to confirm the safety of the two people with this eye.

"I will devote myself to preparing for the battle for two people.Please notify me to
come to my library when my adoptive father gets into the situation.The two people
who are encouraged to rescue Ferdinand, is not"

1754 | 2523
When asking the adoptive father to give the recovery medicine that is lowered to the
waist to two, I returned the heel to give instructions to my aides.

1755 | 2523
I leave the office of Aub, and join the three of Cornelius elder brothers, Hartmut and
Lisa. I still feel a little uncomfortable walking gracefully and quickly like a lady, so I
got on a coward and got on board.

"Hartmut, please collect the knights from now on in my room"

"Is it a discussion to invade Ahrensbach? We are calling on to say that we are already
gathering.When I told you to hurry anything, it would be time for those who left in the
temple to gather at once. Rodrig and Philiane are left with keeping the status quo. "

I was surprised to hear that with a cool face and I inadvertently saw Hartmut twice.

"... ... it was fine."

"Rosemain sir, thank you for your help"

As Hartmut said, escort knights gathered and were waiting when returning to their
room. I look around everyone with a convoy. It seems that the knights who were
supposed to be protected by the temple were so hurried or not yet breathed.

"Oh, Rosemain, I heard from Hartmut that it is for urgent ... ...."
"It is really urgent and abrupt, but tonight we will go to steal the foundations of

The circumstances have changed considerably in the morning and afternoon. This is
something I could not even predict and I think that there is no choice. To the aides
who did not know the status quo at all because they did not attend the meeting, the
current situation of Ferdinand, the possibility of invasion to Ehrenfest, heading to
Ahrensbach, the help of Dunkel Ferger, the joining of Justus I briefly explained about.

Even if you do not want to be in an emergency situation, it will be transmitted. I can

see that everyone's face is getting tense. I began to give instructions to such people. I
really do not have time until departure.

"First of all, it's a side-by-side arrangement ...... Lisa and Gretier move to the library,
and Otirier and Bertilde remain in the castle Otiries are the first to see my costumes

1756 | 2523
and shoes for cow animals, this room Please prepare manastones and witchcraft etc.
at the end of the day and then plan to take dinner and a nap at the library after this,
please arrange to move the exclusive chef. "
"Rosemain, how many people will have dinner in the library? Are you supposed to
need arrangements for food?"

As I looked around Otellie's circles around the aides, Rieselaire caught it.

"Please do not move the part of the castle as much as possible. If you are missing, I
will contact Elvira from I. Ekhart will return, so you can cooperate."

The sharing of work is decided quickly between Otilie and Rieselator.

"After our departure, the two who remain in the castle do not forget to gather
information in preparation for the invasion of Georgyne, please cooperate with foster
mothers, Charlotte, Brunhild."
"Certainly yes"

Otiliier began to move while smiling, "It is really steep," but Bertilde who is not
accustomed to my discontent for the first time follows the Otirier while making his
eyes black and white.

"Well, Rosemain, would you like me to move to the library and prepare to accept with
"Yeah ... I guess Rieserator is a good guess, since my brother Eckhart and Justozus will
have dinner and a nap, thank you."
"Certainly I do not have time, so I will excuse you in advance, but be sure to bring an
escort knight when moving to the library"

The Rizerator leaves with gray tear, when I pay attention to me saying "I will order
orders to the aides one after another and eventually move around alone".

"Hartmut and Clarissa distributed magic tools and restorative drugs that we have
made at the library to everyone, after that ..."
"We are ready for your departure, so do not worry. If distribution is over, we will take
a nap in turns with Hartmut."

1757 | 2523
Clarissa stuck out and said so. Regardless of Clarissa, a civilian who is from the Dunkel
Ferger-born warrior, I am surprised that Hartmut is in the members of the departure
as usual, staring at Hartmut.

"It is difficult for Rosemain to do the management of magical tools and medicines
loaded in large amounts on cowgirls, even if it distributes to Dunkel Ferger. It also
accompany me so that Rosemain can concentrate on rescue Please give me"
"...... Haltmort's offer is saved, but I am glad that it is not where the civilian goes."

Hartmut laughed a little hard when I tilted his head with an arms fold whether there
was no experience of Ditter.

"Oh, I'm a candidate lord and I can not imagine Rosemain's word as a civilian,"
"Ugo ... .... This time I place importance on speed, so I will release it late!"

To say so to reply that can not be rebuffed, Hartmut made a smile of surplus.

"I ride with Rosemain-sama's beast and manage magical tools, so there is no
"Please leave it to me, it's time to fully demonstrate my power that passed from
Dunkel Verger to Ehrenfest in a stroke."

...... Ooh! Unpleasant achievements!

If possible, say that you want to increase even one of the antidote, so decide to let
Hartmut and Clarissa do as you like and send it to the library.
I looked around the escort knights who would take me to Ahrensbach.

"Minor in Laurentz has the option of choosing, please choose whether to come with
me or to stay"
"Because I am dedicating Rosemain, I do not say you are going to leave it now"

When Laurentz said so, with a bitter smile, Yudit cited "I do not like home-keeping"
as if I had burned my opposition.

"Because of Yudit, in an emergency situation, your father's permission is necessary,

you can not take permission to bring it to a battlefield with other territories"
"Sorry! Uooh ... ... I will get permission from Aldanants!"

1758 | 2523
I will command the knighters who are in the place to rotate as Yudit raging in tears
runs out.

"Knights going to Ahrensbach will take turns to the dormitory and take dinner and a
nap and get ready. The only knight left in Ehrenfest is Damuel."

Everyone gazes lightly at the eyes, watches Damuel, then gathers for discussion.
I lightly pulled the remaining cloak of Damuel and handed over the magician to
prevent eavesdropping.

"I will order things that only Damuel can do"

"Rosemain Mr."
"Please protect my family that is more important than anything in Ehrenfest,
Georginjes who were connected with the former temple may know the place of my
family and the house, and the best for me Perhaps you suspect that a big attack is
against your family. "

If you carefully purchase information such as the history of entering the temple, the
rescue of Charlotte, the connection with the downtown, the promotion of experts, the
spread of trends, my precious things are clear. For those of us who are planning to
sneak into the temple of Ehrenfest and get the foundation, the most disturbing thing
is I am still the temple of the temple outside. Taking a hostage is quite effective
considering eliminating me efficiently and making it impossible to resist.

"I can only ask Darmel who knows about that time, please."
"Certainly ... ... I have promised with Ferdinand as well"
"With Ferdinand?"

As I heard it, Damiel turned his eyes towards Ahrensbach as he saw afar.

"Before I leave for Ahrensbach, I was told that only a person who knows Rosemain,
who was an apprentice when the blue shrine maiden, was to be the only one,"

Even my father and father knew that I was a commoner, but the blue priestess
apprentice era has not touched on a daily basis just by slightly looking up. Even if it is
reported, it does not mean that I know how I was in contact with my family.

1759 | 2523
"So, it was ordered that you want Rosemain's heart to be protected, Hartmut who
raked up information watched for not doing anything extraordinary ... well, Ferdinand
really has been unreasonable "

Damuel smiles a bit and looks down at me for a while. I thought that his face was
getting close. The position of the line of sight is completely different now and now.

...... In the beginning I had my head around the stomach of Damuel and I did not match
my line of sight at all as long as I did not kneel.

Damiel kneeled before me who thought about such a thing. Far from matching the line
of sight now, only brown head can be seen.

"If you are staying here for safety, it's best if you are an escort knight, but you should
say it to me .... I do not mind, Rosemain-sama, even to defend my heart also hope hope
Be sure to go and save the Ferdinand and be sure to have the protection of many gods.
"Thank you, Damuel. You are the best knight for me"

Damiel is leaving, returning the wiretap preventing magic tool. Cornelius looked at
me in a bad way.

"Where did Dharmel go?"

"To protect my precious things, Damuel is an escort knight. Is it the order to take a
nap as a matter of fact?"

I confirmed the rotation of the knights and headed to the library together.

"Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand ... ...."

I heard the story from the aides that had arrived earlier. As soon as Lazarfam finishes
greeting the greeting, he will come to me quickly. It will be uneasy if you hear that the
Lord who is offering a name is a moribund in a distant land.

"I understand the uneasy feeling, Rutherfam, but we got rid of the permission of the
lord families and also added cooperation to Dunkel Ferger.They Justoks and Ekhardt

1760 | 2523
brother also passed through the aristocrat when the six bells rang It is supposed to
come back with. "

I will go to the workshop where Hartmuts will be, and as I progress I will ask Lazarfam
about progress.

"Did you finish preparing the guests for Justus and Eckhardt to take a nap? The
number of people who eat dinner here has increased greatly, but did the ingredients
have enough, did the chefs arrive?"

When I tell you what to do one after another, Rutherfam returns a clear answer to it.
It seems that preparations are going smoothly.

"I'd like to finish preparing by the arrival of two people, I have to listen to the situation
of Ahrensbach while having dinner and I can afford to prepare if I need something to
add "
"Certainly yes"
"Then, if possible, please do not hesitate to contact the two parents' households, as
there are no clothes for the two."

While I am busy with my aides, I will only get in the way if I hang around. I do what I
can do for myself in my room. First I flew Aldonants to Irkner's Brigitte. It is highly
likely that Ahrensbach will invade just as opportunity now that he has driven
Ferdinand, that Georginne is highly likely to take secret behavior, also communicates
silver cloth information, widely from the commoners Ask them to gather information
and tell them to cooperate with the surrounding Giebes.

"The knight team led by his grandfather is always ready to go out and please contact
me if you feel something wrong."
"Although Florentia also contacted us to be wary of each Giebe, thank you for further
information and valuable information thanks to surrounding Gibe as well as to the
commonal people to be alert."

I found out that detailed information was not received by Giebes, so I asked the foston
mother "I will send out more detailed information and have the guards of Kibe knights
protected for Giebel Gerlach and Gibe Garudoon Please do so, "he told Ordonants.

1761 | 2523
When I finish skipping Ordnants, I use the book of Mestionola in a hidden room and
search the map of Ahrensbach. I wanted to know the location of the border gate and
the temple. As a result of the search, there was a map and a sketch of the time when it
was used for the entrance hall of the city, so I understood the details about the temple.

...... I felt sorry but I'm glad I got it. It is seriously useful! Thank God!

Copy the map of the city and the sketch of the temple to the magazine made by Clarissa
and soak in the satisfaction. Although I do not know the current location and
destination well when I look around the map and turn it around, some knights will
surely use it.
I thought that I wanted to check the supply of magical power in a sketch of a castle as
it is, but a sketch map does not come out. Since we will not review it unless there is a
good deal, the opportunity to see a sketch of the whole castle is about the time we do
Entwickeln. I wonder if it is in the book of Méthionora that Ferdinand has.

"Auuuu, I do not understand the essence!"

There is no point in something that can not be found even if he is mourn. Justkus and
Eckhardt brother should know because it should be okay. I will rework and decide to
copy the magic team that seems to be easy to use.
After calling out a few copies, the magician of the call glowed, so when I left the hidden
room, I was pretending that Yudit was told to remain in Ehrenfest.

"Just going to Ahrensbach is not the job of an escort knight, it is the job of an escort
knight to protect my precious person who can not move from Ehrenfest"
"That's right, but ...."
"Damiel promised to protect my precious person so as to protect my heart, Yudit also
keeps the temple and the downtown with Dahuel Gutenberg will continue to expand
the printing industry from now on It is indispensable, I will never put Georgine sama,
please keep the temple with that strong feelings, and then protect Ehrenfest "

If you use a magical tool such as an insect bomb that puts a good eyesight in a shrine
in the shrine and can not prevent with a silver cloth, Georgine, a genuinely raised
nobility, will be frightened.

"I understand, I will take the defense of the temple."

1762 | 2523
When I was making preparations without thinking, the six bells rang and after a while
Justoks and Elder Ehrt brothers came.

"Justoks, Ehrhart brother!"

"... .... Him, Hime?"

Seeing me, he stood as if Justoks had lost his words. Brother Eckhart muttered to
confirm "Rosemain?", Immediately confirmed the current preparations.

"We are now ready for everything our brother Eckhart said, we have also cooperated
with Dunkel Ferger and we are leaving for rescuing Ferdinand tonight."
"It's a wonderful skill - it's my sister who received education from Ferdinand,"

I found the light of honest praise and hope in the eyes of my brother Eckhart, I became
very happy. It is synonymous with my friend Elkhart's praise that I am very helpful to

"Eckhart, why can you talk normally with the princess who has changed so much?"
"No matter how the appearance changes, if the part called Sister who takes care of
Ferdinand is not changed, is not it a problem separately?"

Brother Eckhart walks with a warm feeling to Lazarfam while saying so with a face
that seems nothing to be done. Unlike Eckhart's brother who does not show upset at
all, Justkus want to get information, but he began to move his body in small ways with
the feeling that he can not hear anything in the emergency right now. My eyes are
shining with curiosity.

"What happened to the princess's body? I have never heard of such things as growing
in such a short time and changing beautifully in appearance."

Justice comes closer to me. While Haltmut said "I often heard it" to stop it, I slipped
into between Justoks and me. It is a bit scary to have orange eyes shining fun again.

"There must be no one but such a miracle besides Rosemain loved by the gods.This is
a miracle of God by Evangelism of Growth How is Rosemain growing, how is that
wonderful miracle and impression Please let me explain. "
"Because it is until you get tired of Justocs"

1763 | 2523
Even Justkus will soon get tired of the language of Hartmut who loops praise words
that are difficult to understand due to excessive modification of God relations and
many times similar. In fact, my aides are receiving "I have heard it".

...... Because everyone passed away Haltmut became musked and words of
compliment was increased uselessly as "This expression is the first time".

"Let's exchange information while taking dinner There is no time, Ekhardt older
brother, how are you doing reti zia?"

As I headed to the dining hall and asked, the older brother Eckhart raised his
eyebrows surprisingly, looking down at me, saying "Well I do not know" with a keen
sense. I have an unexpected head to the answer that is too brief.

"Well? Rethi Zia brought Ferdinand-sama's message to two people? Protection or

something ......"
"What are you talking about, Rosemain? She has her escort knight. When she gave her
a name-dedicated stone and the order to which Ferdinand-sama's life was ordered is
falling down, why should I care about her Why not?

...... It may be so.

1764 | 2523
"... ... It may be so ... but ..."

When worrying about Reti Zia and looking up at Eckhart's older brother with plenty
of complaints, Brother Eckhart shook the magician glaringly in front of me and shook
the magician for wiretapping prevention in front of me.
When I picked up the wiretapping prevention magic tool, my brother Eckhart became
a normal face that seemed nothing. However, in the back of his eyes I can see an
uncontrollable anger.

"Ferdinand's order is top priority, so do not let it go, so you may have truncated it
unless you told yourself."

Too bad words I took a breath and looked up at Ekhart brother. There is an ordinary
face there. I can not feel fine that I was just about to truncate Reti Zia.

"Even though they entered between supplies with just two people, messages from
Ferdinand to let them know the crisis of their own lives have arrived, they do not
know what kind of situation they are, but they are in danger of life There was only a
culprit Reti Zia - At least when I was given a stone offered by Rethi Zia, Dietlinde was
not in the supply. "

I blinked my eyes several times. During the magical supply of Ehrenfest, it is behind
the tapestry in the office of the auction office, so basically there are adoptive fathers
unless they are not absent at the lord.

"Two people? Is not Arub's office during the supply of Ahrensbach?"

"No, I am in the office of Aubu, but the office of Aubu and the office of Dietlinde are
separate. It is about making it in the vicinity of my room. It is not that I go to a distant
office, I heard you said you should come. "

It is because Aub 's room and office are separate from each other so as not to let
trustworthy aristocrats enter the living area of the lord' s clan, but Dietlinde does not
seem particularly concerned.
1765 | 2523
"Ferdinand is very careful not to enter dangerous persons when training Reti Zia-
sama's magical power supply.Two afternoon in the afternoon we also entered during
magical power supply, He was alarmed outside the office. "

Even at Ehrenfest, it is only the aide of the senior aristocrat who is close to Aub and
blood to enter the office of Aub during supply of magical power, with an escort knight
attached to the inside and outside of the door, it becomes a very rich atmosphere.
Likewise, while supplying magical power in Ahrensbach, elder brothers Eckhart and
Justkus from other territories will not be in the office and will be on standby outside
the door.

"Then, Retethiia who changed his complexion opened the door with trembling and
came out from inside."

Reti Zia said that "Ferdinand says ... ... you can go, ... ..." while saying that it brought out
a metal basket containing a sacrificial stone to Justoce. Ferdinand returns its name
only when it feels the crisis of life. It seems that you realized that you are in crisis of
life by being told not to involve your vassals and to be surely carried out to carry

"As soon as I restrained her on the spot and asked for details, it was hindered by her
escort knight who came out from the room, and Justoks took hold of her neck."

While watching Supporters of Deitlinde outside the door during supply of magical
power, suddenly they brought Ferdinand's goddess stone and ordered "go". The
shaking of Eckhardt's brother would have been serious and I also understood that he
thought that he had to secure retie Zia. But I can also agree that Retiesia's escort
knights and Justkus will move quickly to stop Ekhart's older brother.

...... Elder brother Eckhardt when Ferdinand is hanging, I'm scared.

"Even if we shook off the escort knight who was in the place if it was originally
supposed to restrain her, I should have washed the circumstances that Ferdinand had
gotten into a situation that I had to give a stone to give him a name, but circumstances
Yusutoku was shouted at by Ferdinand's order to be the top priority than listening, if
you complain about her being unable to secure information and say to Justozuku. "

1766 | 2523
I thought that I could not complain to Justozuku. It is very bad to keep Retiesia
together with Eckhart's brother in such a state. I think that it was incredible for
Justokus to separate them from each other.

...... Because it is a big problem if you hand out retziya and its escort knight in the state
that Seldinand's safety is not confirmed! Erethart's older brother will be caught
earlier than Reti Zia.

"Why are you guarding the Rety Zia like what I think I do not care? Because I heard
that Rosemain is struggling to rescue Ferdinand, so what is it for Aub Although I did
not say it, I misunderstand the culprit, Dietlinde's head is light and stupid, but there
is no justification for disposing yet "

Looking for a word a little bit with frustration. If you do not think about how to say it
well, for Elder brothers Retetzia will be less than Dietlinde.

"...... It seems to me that Reti Zia says from Mr. Ferdinand about to leave a message,
but after a while Lee Dietlinde came in and said, Georgyne is planning Mr. Dietlinde
performed and moved Rety Zia, "

Eckhardt 's eyes became steep.

"As Erethart's older brother seems to have poisoned Reti Zia, Mr. Ferdinand was
dealing with something to take medicine immediately.Who is in a serious crisis now,
Dietlinde further added a poison like numbness and moved in a state of immobilizing
it, and he put on a hold and started a magic team of supply. "

I am worried about poison, but when I told that it is exhaustion of magical power that
I am worried a bit more, my brother Eckhart chewed the back teeth as strongly as I
heard by Gili.

"It seems that there was no education at all in Reti Zia, that manipulation by such a
woman seems to have been enough, and should not be relaxed even with advice from
the other."

Eckhart's brother who told me to spit it picks up the magician to prevent

eavesdropping from my hand. And I seemed to strike me.

"... Rosemain, are you on time?"

1767 | 2523
"So Ekhart's older brother was returned?"

When I asked, Mr. Eckhart broke his face as his face became serious.

"No, I returned because I got the information and evidence Feldinand gathered to Aub,
and to follow after confirming Ferdinand's death?"
"Because I will never make it on time, please do not think foolishly! Ferdinand and
Eckhart broke up too early!"

Justkus stopped listening to the story of Hartmut which was just too decorative and
did not contain much information, and arrived at the dinner table.

"Is it true that magical depletion is more dangerous than Retetia's poison, is this your
"I think there is of course the influence of poison, but the poison that should be instant
death does not work, Ferdinand says something, if it had effect on medicine, the most
dangerous thing is magical depletion."

Justkus thinks to examine my words.

"What is it supposed to be instant death? Do you know what kind of symptoms it is?"
"I'm Ditolinde, who was supposed to be a manastone in an instant death, because he
did not work, I seemed to decide to deprive the body freedom with numbness drugs
and exhaust the magical power."
"... Please lend me a studio after eating. I will make an antidote."

The speed at which Justoc can eat became faster. Goods are good, but hand movement
is fast.

"I do not mind, please do not check if there are any medicines that Haltmut is making,
because I made various kinds."
"I am surprised how to prepare, it is today's afternoon, is not it? That the princess got
information ..."

I put a cutlery as if Justoks had weakened, and saw me.

1768 | 2523
"It was this afternoon that I got information on Feldinand about it, but it was a lot of
preparations for January for Ehrenfest's defense, so what I went today is permission
from Aub We stripped off and attached Dunkel Ferger's cooperation and asked the
aides to prepare for departure. "
"When you prepare Ferdinand-san's death and bring in information and evidence,
join with the princess as we head for rescue tonight, so .... I was really surprised and
thankful, I am glad that the princess came , I think from the bottom of my heart that
the information of the princess that I had was missing. "

Justkus leaves his body on the back of his chair and exhales to withdraw his power
from the whole body.

"It was supposed to come back to Ahrensbach after being informed that the ship
arrived from Ranzenerav in the missing case.If it was supposed to be supposed to
come after the lord's conference, Even if you say, I can repay how much ... "
"Wait a moment, what is going on at the border gate that Ranznerav is coming?"
"Naturally it is open, no matter how much Ferdinand's attention, I will not close it
because I can only open and close the boundary gate by myself."

It is not actually Dietlinde, but her older sister dyed the foundation, but such a thing
does not matter. The important thing is that the boundary gate is already open. Since
I thought that the boundary gate at the border gate of Ahrensbach was closed, I asked
Aub Dunkel Ferger to set up a transition team from the border gate of the border to
the border gate with Ahrensbach I thought about doing it. If the border gate of
Ahrensbach is open, it may be possible to significantly shorten the time.

"Which is closer to the aristocracy at the border gate and the border gate of Justkus,
Dunkelfelger and Ahrensbach?"
"Is it a border gate?"
"It's convenient, I'm likely to arrive earlier than planned."

When I laughingly laugh, Yustoks raised his body and embarks on his own curious
eye, "How do you make it in time?"

"From that kind of thing, do you know something about Georgine's trend? According
to Dietlinde, it was that we were waiting for Ordonants after preparing for departure,
but how long has it been from Ahrensbach's castle to Ehrenfest? Does it take? "
"About seven days in a horse-drawn car, about two days in the case of a cowgirl ....
There is a possibility that you are already waiting for Ordonants while traveling near
1769 | 2523
the boundary. A horse-drawn carriage loaded ten days ago from Georgyne's departed
shrine I am leaving. "
"Odonant to your adoptive father ... ...."

When I tried to get up, Yusukusu caught it by hand.

"Aubu asked the same question in the dormitory, you already know."
"Oh, yes, but how did they go to the House of Lords? If Alva's permission does not
exist, will not you put in during the transition?"

Justice smiled a bitter smile when I tilted his head whether Ahrensbach was different.

"...... Ferdinand contracted in exchange for doing a magical power supply from the
front of the star knot to the foundation.In addition to winter, putting Raimundto at
the aristocratic house.Ferdinand who is the teacher to see the situation Mr. and let us
go to the House of Lords "

It seems that the surroundings were boosted by the strong recognition that Rheimdo
directed by Ferdinand had been awarded for the second consecutive year. At the same
time, it seems that it was a contract to make Raimund an escape route at the time of
emergency in order to keep it away from the strange faction fight in the castle.

"If you ask for help, you can not easily accept those who went to other territories, so
if there is something before the exposure of Ferdinand at the Lord Conference, the
bonds and dangers of Runznerv and Ahrensbach You negotiate to negotiate with
Ehrenfest in exchange for magical tools that recorded remarks etc. "

...... To your own minister to return the stone of the name offered or to bring the
trading materials to perfectly respond! Is it? How about yourself? Is it?

When anguish is kept up with Ferdinand's bad habits of putting off all about himself,
Justkus gets angry with plenty of eyes "... but it is awkward, is not it a face I have not
troubled at all? I saw.

"What's wrong?"
"Instructions at the time of emergency are not given only to us, there is a message
from Princess Ferdinand to the princess"

1770 | 2523
Something's pretty obnoxious. Still, you will not be able to not hear it. I urged Jusutkus
while setting his mouth in a letter.

"Leave Justochs, Eckhart and Razzfam in your hands Do not move from Ehrenfest and
wait quietly and you will be all yours with my death so you can rescue Ehrenfest
together with Jurgen Schmidt as promised, It is said that we did not understand the
meaning, but does the princess know? "

...... Will all be mine?

It came with a pin that it points to the book of Mestionola. How does Ferdinand know
if I knew that I got the book of Mestionora? But I can only think that I know that
sharing one book, it will be complete by the death of Ferdinand.

...... Please wait without moving from Ehrenfest, that is, do not you come to help? Phew.

An indescribable anger goes around the whole body. I should have intimidated
Ferdinand himself. I will not allow it unless I become happy. Far from Ahrensbach,
even going to the enemy with the king and the center will go to help.

"I understand the meaning but I firmly refuse, I do not have a hobby waiting for Mr.
Ferdinand's death, no matter how much I get angry, I will help Ferdinand, I will not
choose any means."
"That is my sister"

Brother Eckhart laughed happily happily. Justkus likewise smiled happily and took
out the magician to prevent eavesdropping. Just wondering what it is, when you pick
it up, Yustoks looks at me with meaningful eyes.

"Does the princess know that? A stone of a sacrifice naming or killing a vassal death
together with the death of the Lord, but sometimes alive in a trouble due to the
magical power of the Lord and can also be used to make it alive you know"

I noticed that Ferdinand's stone of a god of devotion was taken away and I was told to
alive, I pulled my face. The head got pure white, the upsets exceeded the anger.

"... ... Did you know Yustokus?"

"Because I was the one who prepared that leather bag"
"Well, not .... Please wait a moment, because, that, that is, I am ... ...."
1771 | 2523
It takes a life by taking the name of Ferdinand without permission. I definitely will not
forgive Ferdinand. Before that, I do not want to get something I do not get
acknowledged. When I shook, I shook my head, and Justoks smiled with Nicoli with a
terrific smile.

"Princess, you do not choose a means, do you?"

"That's right, but ...."
"If you are going to save Ferdinand, you declared to Aubu that you do not mind if you
could turn Ahrensbach, even in the middle or even Tzent, to the enemy, are not you?"
"Well, it is not different, but it is not different ... but ..."
"... .... Even if you turn everything to the enemy, do not you think that there is nothing
more than to prepare to take away the foundation of another territory and save

And that's another matter. The kind of determination and preparation is different.
Ferdinand never meant to give a name to me, I never thought of carrying Ferdinand's

"If the biggest danger is magical depletion you will be able to earn time, and while
Ferdinand's wrapped in magical powers other than yourself, Ferdinand will be a little

Haltmut says something unpleasantly about the ecstasy enveloped in the magical
power of the Lord. Regardless of ecstasy, if it is possible to give magical powers from
the outside in the form of being wrapped in the magical power of the Lord, Ferdinand
may certainly be easier. My heart shakes as much as possible.

"But even if it were not me either ..."

"It is the princess that Ferdinand has finally chosen to deposit in. Is it possible for you
to hand it over to others?"

I shook my head as if I could not "respond to Yuzukusu's gaze like a blasphemy.

"Now that we do not choose the means in the event of an emergency, as soon as we
can rescue, we can return the name while explaining the circumstances. It will not be
quiet that there is always Ferdinand's name at hand?"

1772 | 2523
It is now only to save the Ferdinand crisis, and repeated many times, I will stare at
Justoks for the moment.

"... That stone, I was not in the box, please tell me how to make it"

After the meal I made a box wrapping a stone dedicated in the workshop at the
workshop, after entering my room to take a nap, I took the name of Ferdinand in a
hidden room. My magical power envelops the box and becomes like a white cocoon.
I grabbed a stone of a sacrificed name that became like a white cocoon and ordered it
while pouring magical powers.

"Please do not give up, Mr. Ferdinand, I will definitely go to help, so I can use whatever
means, please live."

1773 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, please get up. Let's get ready."

If I was taking a nap, I was awakened by the Risera. Even just a little asleep it is pretty
clear. I asked the two of Risera and Gretia to change to a cavalry clothes, and
remembered without leaving Ferdinand's name given stone into a leather bag and left
the room. Already there are escort knights who wore armor's armor downstairs.

"Riserator, Gray Tier, Razzfam, I will ask the library to absence, how to use the
defensive magical tool ......"
"Do not worry about this, do not worry about just rescuing Ferdinand, Aub is waiting."

The Reiseler smiles and blocks my words and urges you to contact your adoptive
father. I blew Oldnanz to my adopted father.

"Mr. Father, Rosemain, I will leave from now. Are you ready?"
"I am doing it, it's the first training ground, so come early"

The coward began to fly to the first training ground of the Order of the Knights in the
castle, starting with Cornelius elder brother and Leonore. I am not sure if it is said that
it is the first training ground. Just follow along. My Lesser bus is full of magical tools
and restorative medicines and Hartmut and Justks are on board for management.

"I do not think we need to ride Yusutukusu ...."

"We have to review the kind and procedure of medication to be administered to
Ferdinand, if it is down, it will be Hartmut."

Since Hartmut could not accept such a thing, it ended up being able to put both of us
together. Hartmut is excited about what I will do in this rescue play, and Justkus is
touching the Lesser Bus with "I still have an interesting beast."

...... Do you act with these two people forever this time?


1774 | 2523
"Hey, leave out the place, the beast will come down!"

Although it was midnight, there were a lot of knights in the first training ground than
usual. Night shift knights are being increased and it seems that they are waiting to be
called at any time. You can see that everyone's face is severe and it is a tense
atmosphere that understands that you are preparing for Georgine.


On the huge transition team established at the first training ground, the adoptive
father and his aides were waiting. It is a transition team to transfer people who can
only be set up in Aub. With this it moves to Kirunberga in a stroke.

"Thank you for coming, my adoptive father"

"A preliminary exercise to see if you can move a large number of people towards the
attack of Ahrensbach, do not mind. If you know how to use it well, there is a great
advantage here as well"

While I and the adoptive father are talking, all but my cuddled beasts loaded with lots
of luggage are cleaned up and everyone gets on the transition team. In the short time,
my father tapped the shoulder of Eckhart brothers and Cornelius elder brothers

"Eckhart, Cornelius. As an escort knight, protect Ferdinand and Rosemain and return
"Please choose for me"

When everyone got on the transition team, the adoptive father raised his hand. The
escort knights who were lining behind the adoptive father started roughly, kneeling
and put hands on the transition team. The magical power of several people was
poured in and the darkness and light swirled in the transition team. The cloaks and
the cloak of Ehrenfest color fly in the wind. Meanwhile, the adoptive founder staple.

"Nen Rüssel Kilnberga"

Squeezed view and distorted vision just like when you move to the House of Peers. As
I felt uncomfortable, I heard a voice saying "Welcome to Arub-Ehrenfest" when I close
my eyes and feeling a little floating feeling. When you open your eyes, Giebe ·
Kilnberga welcomes you with a few knights.
1775 | 2523
...... It really arrived.

This is part of the summer house of Giebe Kilnberga. There is a transition team
established by Aub in Gibe 's pavilion so that the knights can rush at the time of an
accident in the territory. She seems to have forgotten its existence from Aub as there
was no such thing as having to dispatch a knight group of a large number across
generations. It was suggested that I wanted to use this move for me who knew about
its existence in the book of Mestionola, and he revived my adopted father for use.

"This is useful, it seems to be usable even if an accident happens in the South"

"Aubu, we need time to recover with recovery drugs before fighting with a transition
"How about using civil servants or sideways to start magic teams?"

Towards those who started verification of the transition team as they arrived, they
said, "Parents, please postpone the discussion and open the boundary gate".

"Yes, verification is postponement, I will go."

Even from this position I can see the boundary gate which emerges white in response
to the moonlight. I kept down the devotion that I wanted to jump out the first and
waited for everyone to give a beast. Prior to the adoptive father and his aides, we drive
the beasts afterwards.

When I arrived at the boundary gate, my adoptive father took out the staple and struck
the gate lightly while chanting "Ehunetoa". A purely white boundary gate starts to
slowly open. At the same time, a faint rainbow-colored border gate with a sparkle like
a mother-of-pearl shell of shellfish used for spiralwork begins to appear. Is not it not
only the moonlight but the magical power that seems to be slightly shining?

"... Rosemain, can you really use it?"

"No problem"

My adoptive father looks up at the border gate and mutters. Even if you do not hold
down the foundation of the country, you can use the border gate if you have a Gurtris
Height. The second prince of the prestigious Tento also came to open and close the
border just by keeping the Gurttrisheit, and Torucyn Height who built Ranzenav also
opened the border gate without permission and left it.
1776 | 2523
...... Because my mestioner's book is missing in the book of mestionola, opening and
closing of the gate is impossible, only the already established transition team can be

That is enough for this time. I descended from the beast, approached the border gate,
and left Stap.

"Gurtris Hight"

A book of Mestionola appears in my hand. I knew that the people behind breathtaken,
but ignoring it, I pushed the book of Mestionora to the gate.

... ... Wow!

You can see that magical power is sucked by tremendous efforts. It probably was
because I did not supply magical powers until now. As I pumped magical powers, the
gate that lightly shone in the rainbow color started to shine strongly. At the same time,
although it is not so big, sounds like something will start to shift with Zuzuzu. You can
see that the triangular roof started to move like sliding to the side.

"Wow ... .... The eyes of gold who gained the protection of the goddess of light on the
hair of the night sky who received the love of the god of darkness, its beautiful face
blessed by various gods, the whole Is not it the wisdom goddess Mestionora who is
giving light again to the border gate of the attribute? "

Shut up, please. Because the people of Kirunberga will donate!

"Such things ... ..."

"This is ... ...!"
"No way, Rosemain ... ..."

The excitement of Clarissa and Hartmut is praised, the surprised voice of the adoptive
father and the Knights of the Kilnberga is mixed. Kilnberg's border gate has not moved
for about two hundred years. I will be surprised just by giving magical power and
increasing light.

1777 | 2523
However, surrounding surprises do not matter. I have to go early. I stare at the
movement of the roof. There should be a transition team that can move from the
border gate to the border gate during that time.

"You can go up the stairs of the gate but you can go up with a beast because the time
is too bad, those who go to Ahrensbach please get on my beast"

Since the other cod beasts who opened this gate are played, instruct the aides who
accompany Ahrensbach to pick up the beast and take a lesser bus. While everyone got
in, I turned towards adoptive adoption.

"Well then, I will definitely bring Ferdinand away."

"Wait, Rosemain ... I keep this from Prince Sigiswald ..."

The adoptive prince offered a necklace of a magician that seemed to be a charm with
golden royal arms embossed on a six-attribute magic stone. Although not so strong,
the defense magic team is engraved.

"From Prince Sigiswald When did you meet?"

"After listening to the stories of Yusukususu"

According to the adoptive father, when I sent urgent communication to Tzent, it seems
that he wanted to hear a direct talk. As Rosemain is involved, it seems that Prince
Anastigius has told you to grasp as much as possible beforehand because you do not
know what will happen.

"Three days later the meeting was ... three days later, as Tento said, but after three
days it will be a posterior report as it's over, let's send Prince Sigismwald to the tea
ceremony room in Ehrenfest That's it. "

Besides being busy, today it happens that the knights have not been closed, so it was
said that Tsento could not come out. Talking to Prince Sigiswald, it seems that the
adoptive father kept an amulet from Prince Sigismwald instead.

"It seems that it is surely attached as it is a proof that this is the royalty's forgiveness.

It is very different if there is a royalty forgiveness. Thankfully I will turn my back to

the adoptive father to receive the pride of Prince Sigismwald and reject her hair as
easy to put on a necklace. Unlike that time, we have Ferdinand's amulets on our side
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as we do every day, so it's a familiar behavior. It will not be said that "You have never
got a decorative item for a man".

...... I grew up. They are adorable, gifts.

"It sounds like a black amulet that the adopted father gave, will this time the prince of
Sigiswald's guardian will protect me?"
"You should protect everyone you want to protect ... ... Go."

I heard a clicking sound of a click and a clasp, and I was pushed lightly by my adoptive
father. I nodded with Kokuri and got on the beast, rushed up over the border gate and
fell into the interior where the roof was sliding and visible.

The place where I got off is the rainbow-like, slick floor. There are big transition teams
there. It is probably because Tsento came bringing aides every year. In the old era of
the book of Mestionola, there was a description that Tzent took the aides together and
spectacularly ran around the border gate city with a beast. As the times fell, it seems
that the number of people with them has decreased, and they have begun to conserve
magical power.

I descend from the coward and stand on the transition team. I could see the adoptive
father and father on the roof of the border gate of Kirunberga and the sky above it. I
shake hands with a smile, I will give you a staple.

"Gurtris Hight"

The surface of my MesTIónola's book is shining so that it is easy to read even in the
dark spaces of the night. Very convenient and easy to read. I search for ways to move
the fingers lightly and search for ways to move the transition team and select tons of
magic teams that appear on the screen.

"Kaslussel Dunkel Ferger"

Magic team jumped out of the screen. The magic crown which emits light of all
attributes floats in the air and rotates while emitting light on the transition team. As
the light stimulated, the transition depicted below started to move. While surprisingly
surprised by the sense that the magical power is sucked from both above and below,
I will send magical power.

1779 | 2523
Visibility became whitish with torrent of light. Close your eyes to the unique floating
feeling when you transfer. Lastly, I heard the voice of my adoptive father saying "I
have requested Ferdinand, Rosemain!"

"Ooooooo !!"

In a feeling of fluctuation fluctuating swayingly, a big shouted echoed. It turns out that
it arrived at Dunkel Ferger. I think the sensible temperature rose by 5 degrees. To be
honest, it is hot.
When I opened my eyes, I was inside the border gate. The transition team glows and
the border gate itself is lighted but the roof is not open so you can not see the knights
of Dunkel Ferger.

"Even if the roof is not open, the voice echoes so far, it seems that my physical strength
will be reduced because I am too excited before arriving at Ahrensbach ...."
"It does not exist in such a weak knight, Dunkel Ferger. Please be relieved."

Clarissa will undertake with a smile, but it makes me uneasy in other ways. I wonder
if I really lead such excited knights.

"Besides, there is movement in the border gate where there is no visit by more than
ten years, it is natural for everyone to get excited."

... Ah, is that so? It is ten years for Dunkel Ferger.

I am strangely convinced of the words of Clarissa. In Ehrenfest, a phenomenon that

can only be seen in history books is a phenomenon that Dunkel Ferger has seen with
his own eyes. It does not seem to be surprising that no voice comes out.

I descended from the coward by himself and pushed the book of Mestionola off the
wall. You must open the roof of the border gate while pouring magical powers. As the
roof opens little by little, the screech gets bigger.

I saw that it was completely open, I got into a coward and rushed up to the sky to
move to the boundary gate of Dunkelfelger.

1780 | 2523
A lot of knights were gathered at the roof of Dunkel Ferger 's boundary gate more than
I anticipated. On the roof of the right gate is arranged ten rows of ten knights, all of
whom are ready for war, wearing armor. Before that we can see the figures for two
people, but are they like commanders?
On the roof of the left side gate is not many wearing armor and the appearance of
people who might like to watch are crowded a couple of times. The roof of the left
boundary is full.

I head to the roof of the right gate. I saw that the Arub and the Lestilouut were in front
of volunteer knights according to their aides.

"Aub Dunkel Ferger, and then, all the volunteers of volunteers, I am sincerely thankful
for responding to sudden requests and for their cooperation."

When I get off the coward, those other than Aub Dunkel Ferger who talked with
watercolor communication breath and stare at me. Especially my eyes full of
astonishment of Restillaou hurts.

"I heard a story from Aub, do you really like Rosemain?"

"Yes, there is no mistake"

I listen to Hannaore 's voice and look back at it reflexively. I thought that it was
because he was an under-age who was not lined up with Arubus and Restesuto, but
he seems to be in this place.

……Wait a minute.

Besides Aub, there are only knights who have been armoring the whole body and are
in this place. I also take a breath on the appearance of Hannaore, who gazes lightly
and gazes at me.

"Mr. Hannallole, that way is not it ... ..."

Hannaore, who has been calling me, is consolidating the whole body with the armor
of the magic stone. It is clear that you are in the members of your departure.

"I played a terrible misfortune with a married ditter done in the 3 rd grade at the
House of Lords, and in Dunkel Verger we have to snow with the win of Ditter and as
much as possible, Rosemain's I will do my best to serve you, so let's join us. "
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As Hannorore smiled embarrassedly and said so. Odori The atmosphere and the
dialogue which it flew around were not in agreement at all.

...... Ditter's shame snowing with Ditter's victory, what! Is it?

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I wonder if it is really good to direct an underage female lord candidate like Hanenerol
to Ahrensbach. While pulling my cheeks, I pointed my eyes to the lining Ave and her.
Even the first lady has a face like normal, it is not an atmosphere that can be stopped
now. As Hannaore himself said, it may be recommended in Dunkelfluger, but it can
not be Ehrenfest.

I was relieved when I thought that the difference in the custom of the territory was
too big. I attack the other territory and I am headed to a minor women's lord
candidate. It can not be called "not possible" for Dunkel Ferger. I come back to myself.

...... Ooooooooo! Perhaps I am the most unlikely existence! Is it?

"Rosemain, is it okay?"

After being asked by Leonore, I correct my attitude.

"If Rosemain's greetings to Aubu, I would like to have a meeting with the knights of
Dunkel Ferger in the meantime and it will be too late after arriving at Arenzbach's
border gate"

Even though I think from the reaction of Dunkel Ferger, the border gate seems to shine
once it has metastasized. Since I want to run as far as possible to the temple avoiding
battle as much as possible, I can not afford to meet in a long time since I arrived at the
border gate of Ahrensbach. It would be better for me to arrange meetings such as
infor- mation of information and signs.

"I will leave Rosemain's escort to Angelica and civilian. Let's all go."

With the map that I gave handed, Leonore heads to the knight of Dunkel Ferger.
Perhaps it is normal to leave the escort to civilian officials, but the civilian who is here
is Justoks counted from Ferdinand as fighting force and Cilissa and Hartmut as civilian
officials from Takeshi from Dunkel Ferger. I think that rational judgment of Leonore
is not wrong.

1783 | 2523
...... Dunkel Ferger's real commander is Mr. Haischitze?

The knight standing side by side with Hannaore is like Hysiczse. I'm wearing a familiar
blue cloak and looking into the map with a serious look while muttering, "where did
you get such a detailed map?"

"Mr. Rosemain, I will participate in the meeting as a commander."

As Hannaore smiled with Nicolle and moved to the knights, I turned to the Restyraut
with Aru and his wife. Then, thank you for your request for cooperation to the higher
rank, tell them that you can contact the royal family.

"I believe that my words will be true if you can see the emblem of this royal family, I
believe you believe that Prince Sigiswald received it from us"

I pulled out the necklace I got from Sigiswald as I can see to the Arubs.

"Although it was a half-doubt just with the story of Aubu, it seems that there is no
doubt if it is given a crest of that quality only."

While watching Aub Dunkel Ferger, the first wife slowly breathed out and then smiled
with a smile and looked at me.

"Let Dunkel Verger obey the intentions of Zento"

"Thank you very much"
"Then, in accordance with the request of Ehrenfest, I am authentic ......"

Although Abu Dankel Ferger suddenly started out, the first wife blocked his words by
looking at Aub Dunkel Ferger with a terrible smile.

"At Dunkel Ferger, if there is a request from Tzent, Aub is to lead the knight, because
relations with the Central Order and the interaction with the royalty can not be left to
Restistau yet."

A dry smile appears in the appearance of Aub Dunkel Ferger who can easily imagine
what he was scolded by the first lady, saying that he is going to participate in a real

"I am surprised that Hannorore is heading for Ahrensbach, not Lestylart,"

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"As Rosemain says, I am the next Ave, and if Aub goes to the center, I must protect the
foundation, this is my role that can not be left up to Hannore."

I praised Lestilout while glancing at Aru Dunkel Ferger who seemed to want to
participate in a real Ditter.

"I feel that you are very good, Mr. Lesty Lout, but when I do such a way of speaking to
Mr. Lesty Lout, I do not feel calm ..."
"However, Rosemain who has a Gurtris Hite does not have a cheap attitude like

Even though it is a public place it is too expensive. I think that it does not fit even the
line of sight by diverting as the eyes match.

"Please do not talk as usual. It seems like you have taken a long distance and I feel
somewhat lonely."
"...... Hun, if it's the way it can not be helped"

I will relax a little bit for my usual precious figure. As he watches me at the crowd,
Lestilout asked in a loud voice, "Is there any chance of winning this time?"

"It's not about worrying about it, it's about Hannaore, because it's a great opportunity
to snow shame to Hannellore, this time it's led by Hannore also imitates himself as
thoughtlessly throwing a game Foreign wish ... ... that ... "

It seems that it is very embarrassing to throw a game while participating in Ditter in

Dunkel Ferger, and the red eyes of Restistau have a color that worries about

"It's not difficult if you just take the cornerstone, the most difficult thing this time is
to rescue Ferdinand."
"Let's surely rescue Ferdinand, Rosemain, I will do my best"
"Mr. Haisuzzse ... ...."

As the meeting was over, Hysitz, who came here, hit his chest with a stiff face.

"Last time I made a mistake as I planned to save Ferdinand, this time Rosemain leads
us and I will serve you without mistake."

1785 | 2523
The face of Hyscitz who shakes the neck has a strong color of regret. I understand that
I regretted having pushed for giving Ferdinand to Ahrensbach. What I thought was
good was backfired. It would have been a truly incomprehensible thought.

"We rescued Ferdinand and I will return this cloak, because I will regain it when I got
the victory of the truth from Ferdinand in Ditter"

Grab the cloak that he is clinging and Hezitzse looks up at night sky with a serious
For Hizuzze it is obvious that I am immersed in a very serious mood with a serious
determination, but when I imagine Ferdinand where the cloak is brought back, I feel
a lot of temperature difference with Hysuzzse.

...... Mr. Ferdinand, I guess you are absolutely annoying. Actually, it will not help being

As soon as it is rescued, a warm smile comes to mind, considering Ferdinand being

pushed for cloak and applied for a doctor. However, any unwanted face is much better
than the face that gave up everything.

...... Ferdinand is disgusted with a nuisance face that you can understand at a glance!
Do not involve me!

"I am pleased for Mr. Haisuzzse's wishes, let's absolve rescue"

"Yes, faster than Steiffleze!"

Haisuzze who made a crisp reply looks back on Hannaore.

"Hannalee, ceremony!"
"Yes, Rosemain, I will leave the center to you."
"Well, I can not, can not you !?"

I suddenly stared my eyes as I was given a role. But Hannorore smiles and flashes
towards his fixed position.

"There is no necessity to dance, it is the same as when it was the first time, and there
are those who are suitable for more than Rosemain" in order to raise morale at the
center "
"Ooooooooo! Hannaore's way you are!"
1786 | 2523
"We can receive Rosemain's blessing with this body!"
"The saint of Ehrenfest who correctly resurrected the old ritual of Dunkel Ferger!"

Indeed it is me who is the instigator of this time. I also raised their enthusiasm with
the border gate further. I'd like to say, "Let's go earlier than the ceremony," but in
Dunkel Ferger it is natural to do ceremonies before the ditters, the one who got
blessed is advantageous in battle. I can not stop being scared and using wasted time
or lowering morale.

...... I know I can not run away, but this nori, is not it strange?

I got a role from Hannaore, and stood at the center of the roof of the boundary gate,
without being able to resist the shout of cheers and the expectations of the
surrounding guests.

... Wow, that's a blessing too much attention.

While watching the knight of Dunkel Ferger and my aides, it is a rough circle, I take a
deep breath and set up Stap with "We are in force to fight!"


My staple turns into a spear of Leiden shaft. Knights changed the staple into a spear
as it signaled. It seems that it is not a mistake to have several people holding the spear
of the Leyden shaft in the knight of Dunkel Ferger.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

Spears were struck at the same time by Don and Earth. Voice rises from the visitor
"Oh Oh !!", the air vibrates. Tiredness and excitement are rising, but hearts will speed
up the heartbeat without permission.

"Gain strength to get my victory in my hands, get strong strength of Angry Fie who
will not lose to anyone.Please get the speed to get my victory in my hands. It is quicker
than anyone Speed "

I merely say a speech, but the surrounding knights start to move the spear quickly
while singing. I thought that I swiveled around with sweeping movements, hitting the
handle on the ground, changing the spear and a metallic sound beat the rhythm. Each
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time the voice rises from the surroundings, the sensible temperature rises at the same
time. I felt a sense of unity with the surroundings and a hot feeling that made the
whole body hot, I raised a spear.


Voice is available to visitors. When a spear was raised high, colorful blessings rushed
down like ripping the night sky, a big shouting echoed from the visitors.
Aub Dunkel Ferger will move forward, bring back his hands and hands.

"Go, thank the best of Dunkel Ferger! Let us take away, the foundation of Ahrensbach!
It is faster than Steiffleze!"
"Rapid! Faster than Steiffleze!"

Hannale and his escort knight, then, with my aides, I jump into the border gate with a
beast. I decided to have the remaining knights run up the stairs. Dunkel Ferger's
knights will not have any problems as they are likely to have too much strength.

"Mr. Rosemain, drink the magical recovery medicine until everyone gathers, please
reduce the lesser bus as much as possible and move it to the part where there is no
transition team. Let's distribute it to Dunkel Ferger. "

Blinking at Leonore's instructions, Matthias points to the transition team.

"This transition team is not big enough to accommodate a hundred knights dressed in
armor.If it is magically burdensome, we need to transfer it in two parts."

As it is better to have more people with disturbance, Matthias said that it would be
better not to reduce the number of knights you would like to accompany, but to split
it twice.

"It is the person who goes out of the stairs the first time to move. It waits in the stairs
after the transfer.People who move for the second time can put on a Rosemain-like
beast as much as possible"

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It seems that the knight who transited the second time jumps out of the lesser bus in
the sky above the boundary gate of Ahrensbach and rides on his beast. It seems that
it will secure even a little even the security of the knights coming out from the stairs
of the border gate, with the line of sight of the knights of the boundary gate fixed.

"... ... Ferdinand says that the knight should be placed and the head of the knight who
accepted it was dismissed. I think now there is no knight at the boundary gate"

Ekhardt brothers said so, it would not be impossible to have a watcher at the border
gate. The ship of Ranznerav was able to come in and go, and there was also an accident
in the castle. The placement of the knight may have changed. It is an obvious enemy
at any time. I decided to take a proposal by Leonore and Matthias.

"It is not a bad thing to be wary, the fact that you have to be careful is that the border
gate of Ahrensbach is on the ocean, whoever goes out of the stairs will not fall into the
sea unless you are careful "

...... That is hard work.

While doing so, the knights who rushed up the stairs began to line up on the transition
team. When the transition team was full, I explain the future behavior to the knights
and made the transition for the first time. And transfer the rest of the knights as much
as possible on the lesser bus. Because magical power was filled in the border gate, the
magical power required for the transition was much less.

Unlike when I moved to Dunkelverger, moving to the border gate of Ahrensbach does
not sound anything. I remembered the tension that seemed to be waiting and
conveyed my attention to everyone, I opened the roof of the border gate and quickly
jumped out with a lesser bus.
The knights of Dunkel Ferger jumped out of the lesser bus in the sky above the
boundary gate and ride on the beast one after another. A knight who jumps out of the
border gate riding a cowgirl sets a weapon and looks around while watching.

"... Why is not there anyone? There are so many people crossing the boundary gate, so
it can not be noticed by Aub."

1789 | 2523
In the dark ocean, it will be noticeable in the distant eye border gate shining in the
rainbow color. The boundary gate that emerges white, receiving the light. There is
nobody to be sad that being nervous and being nervous. There is no indication that
the Order will come over. In the dark, only the sound of the waves hitting the gate
sounds empty.

"Are you preparing to get confused in the dark?"

"On the contrary it makes me uneasy."
"I should have said that there is nobody, because the objective is not battle, it's just
not good, on this occasion I will move on at a stroke. Mr. Hannero, please disturb us
around the castle as I expected."

Brother Eckhart issued an instruction, Hannerolé and Hisuzze signed a warning to

Dunkel Ferger 's knights who spread alert to the sky.

"Clarissa should act with Mr. Hannero, because distraction will be more useful for
your magical skill of wide area magic"
"Certainly, you have martial arts!"

I confirmed that Clarissa intersects Hannaore 's group, and I grasp the handle of the
Lesser Bus.

"Please give me a guide, Mr. Eckhart, I do not know the map, I do!"

Run through the ocean of the same color as the night sky. We are going to the temple,
separated by halfway with Dunkel Ferger which fly towards the castle above the hill.
Unlike Ehrenfest, the temple of Ahrensbach is in the middle of a noble city.

As I was running over the sea, I saw the harbor.

In the familiar shape of the ship, there are several large silver objects in unusual

"There is something strange.What is that, Justx?"

"It's a ship of Ranznerav, Princess"
"It sounds like a long and slender" submarine "

After some reply I replied, my neck cooled cold with the color silver.

"Maybe that magical power does not work on that ship?"

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"When I came out of the border gate I was black, I changed the color to silver on the
sea, there is a possibility."

The voice of Justoku became a stiff one.

"...... It is not only cloth but silver cloth that does not pass magical power.Please send
your attention directly to Hannallore like Ordonants Justoku, Hartmut. How can I pay
attention to Ehrenfest and the center?"
"At this point, there is no way to cross the border other than blowing a letter, but as
expected it does not have such paper or ink, it will be after arriving at the castle."
"I have it as a taste for Rosemain's civil servant, so let's write it soon."

When Hartmut publishes a letter set "Anytime anywhere letter set", it fly to Ehrenfest
and towards the center. It seems that the preparation for me for the temple where
Aldonants can not use and the letter flying by thinking for the downtown was
sometimes useful.

"Princess, that is the temple of Ahrensbach"

When Justoks said that, a flashy explosion sounded in the sky above the castle. It
seems that the disturbance of Dunkel Fergus started.

"Let's hurry, Princess"

1791 | 2523
Leaving the eclipse to Dunkel Ferger, we jumped over the gate of the temple to the
garden of the temple. The interior of the gate is quiet and quiet. It is late night when
everything goes to bed, so there seems to be no appearance of a gatekeeper, so even
though a number of ridiculous animals have descended, no one can raise anyone's

"... ... something strange, is not it?"

As long as there was a gatekee, I had to capture it or force the order of the temple or
the chief priest, so I felt a little relieved as I had thought that I did not want to do much
bad things to the gray priests It was. However, it is too quiet.

"Do not put a gatekeeper in the temple of Ahrensbach?"

"There is no information on the inside of the temple as expected, since the priests
brought the Holy Grail at the time of the prayer ceremony, we are not entering the
temple ..."

Justkus shakes his head as "I'm sorry I can not meet expectations." With Aleinsbach 's
aides tied together all the time, there would not have been enough time to visit the
temple on business trip to Justoks who was collecting as much information as possible
and searching for information.

"The information of this temple can only be asked to those in this temple. It will bring
the escort knights who gave their name to me and will finish the work in the temple,
so Justoks and Hartmut are ..."
"Please wait, Mr. Rosemain, this is not a temple of Ehrenfest, you can not put
Rosemain in the temple of another territory without checking the inside."

Hartmut at the back seat pulled me to a piece of wooden box in my baggage and smiled
and smiled and said so.

"Hartmut, what are you going to say? I have no time, and I have to go ..."
"For Rosemain to enter the temple of another territory it is necessary to purify, I will
do it because I will be the president of the priest, please wait a while in the
cavalry.Since it's easy to keep out, I gave my name to Rosemain I would like Mathias

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and Laurentz to help me, I will leave Cornelius, Leonore, Angelica, who is not
dedicated as Rosemain's escort.

Hartmut held a wooden box with a smiling face with no words to say so. I do not say
to anyone other than your adoptive father where the foundation is in the temple.
However, Hartmut seems to be guessing. I am surprised at smiles that seems to know
everything and try to check the words with turbidity.

"... ... Hartmut knows where I am going to go to in the temple?

"I decided to take the cornerstone of Ahrensbach for Ferdinand and came to this
temple. Where to go in this shrine is naturally obvious as we think about when
Rosemain disappeared Besides, I also cared for the defense of Ehrenfest. "

It seems that he seems to be almost obvious though he has not said anything clear
from me. As usual Hartmut's observation eyes are amazing.

"Rosemain, are my expectations wrong?"

Time to ask questions is also regrettable. If Hartmut knows the destination and you
do not check inside, you only have to leave it if you do not let him enter. I take out
several pieces of magazines that I folded from my leather bag and hand it to Hartmut.

"...... Here is the entrance permit, please get the sign of the temple or the chief priest
and look for the goddess of the bookshelf. It may be a mechanism to prevent intruders
like we thought. Please turn on. "
"Certainly ... ... If you can, I would like JuSTOX's viewpoints and knowledge to predict
and release tricks and traps, if Ferdinand's aides do not mention extra things?"

Justok smiled at Hartmut who said so with a smiling face with a smile.

"We will cooperate as much as we can to help Mr. Ferdinand, Princess"

"What shall your brother Eckhart do?"
"Let me escort the princess, I can not reduce the principal's escort knight any more in
the current situation, Ferdinand will be scolded."

Hartmut and Justoks holding a wooden box descended from the cow, and instead
Leonore came on. Angelica, Elder Brother Cornelius, Elder brother Eckhardt seems to
protect the surroundings of the beast.

1793 | 2523
"I have heard from Hartmut that there is no confirmation and should not enter the
temple of another territory, I know that Hartmut is right, but it is painful to wait and
come here."
"Because it is the purification of a temple without a noble family, it will not take a long
time to do so, but I care more about the movement of Dunkel Ferger and it seems that
the sound of the magician has completely stopped."

Usually it seems that signals of vigilance and battle fight between the Knights of
Ahrensbach and the bells of the emergency group rings. However, it seems that there
is no sound particularly except by Dunkel Ferger's magic tool. I told Léonore and I
looked at the state of the sky as if I was leaning through the window.

Ordonants came flying there. I embark on my arm while leaning out of the window.
When Pasapathas and his wings were moved down to the arms, Aldonants opened the

"Rosemain, Clarissa, even though Dunkel Ferger used magical equipment in the sky
above the castle for disturbance, the knight team does not come out. The possibility
that somewhat unexpected things are happening Would you like to do it? Would you
like to control the castle as it is and look for a magical supply that Ferdinand is in? "

I will face the face with LEONOR in the content that is told in such low voice as
watching the surroundings.

"Dietrinde said he would like to get a Gurtris Height before Ferdinand-sama's magical
depletion, did he take the Order and went to the center?"
"I do not think it's going to take all the knights indeed ... ... Rosemain, let's have Dunkel
Ferger explore the castle's appearance in consideration of the possibility of
ambush.While it is during the magical supply We have to go to. "

As the words of Leonore, I blew and bleed words to the Aldonans "I want you to
explore the state of the castle with full vigilance."

"White birds! Magical power is hiding behind this!"

"Destroy the gate!"
"Reject! Manastone is mine!"

1794 | 2523
Several people echoed from the other side of the gate. I will face the face with Leonore.
Immediately after that, a sound like a beating with a blunt instrument started to hit
the small entrance that only the gatekee passed through.

"It looks like it is not a nobleman,"

"Yes, such a loud and rough telling is not a knight, and if you are a nobler you simply
jump over with a beast, not to bother you."

As Leonore said, it makes no sense to make a loud noise purposely to break the gate.
Unlike Ehrenfest, it is completely a temple in the aristocratic city, so it is not even a
noble family who needs magical power recognition.

"Rosemain, I will see the state,"

Angelica will jump out quickly. At the same time, Cornelius elder brother and
Eckhardt brother looked over the sky, turning their backs to the lesser bus and taking
alert attitude. Angelica will return soon and start reporting.

"Three people trying to destroy the gate, they are wearing silver clothes."
"If it is a silver clothing it will be a man of Ranzenaver, not a knight of at least
Ahrensbach, but I do not know why Runznervel is stumble here"

Angelica continues to report, neglecting his thoughtful Eckhardt brother.

"I have a silver shield and a silver sword, I would like to fight also to try the enemy's
weapons work or whether they can capture in Stap. ? "
"Let's try it out in a small group, Lord of the Lord"

I was shocked that Ferdinand's voice echoed from the waist of Angelica. I know that
it is the voice of Stin Luke, but I feel badly fond of it.

"It is important to know the enemy's fighting power, it will allow you to attack, but
your enemies are more likely to have various poisons, so be sure to pay attention"
"Cornelius will defend Rosemain with Leonore, I will go, Angelica. When you open the
gate, take distance immediately and I will jump over the gate and put enemies inside"

As soon as I gave permission to attack, it was Mr. Eckhardt who jumped out. I quickly
make a beast and cross the gate. Angelica responded to his brother Eckhart's orders
and jumped to the gate of the gate, immediately removed it.
1795 | 2523

Because of the opening of the gate at a stroke, the men who were wielding the
weapons to break the gates collapsed and rolled down. I saw my dressed silver color
reflecting the light of the moon.

"I can not shut it in as soon as possible"

Brother Eckhart who jumped out of the cowards probably strengthened the body and
kicked men out from behind entirely. I tried to capture a man with Angelica flying the
most far and turning his eyes, but still seems to be unable to capture with magical

"Hahaha ...... How much weapons are not effective when you surprised how much in
the dark."

A man who was coughing with Geojoho because he got ridiculous kicking stood up
ridiculing Angelica who was unable to capture by Stap and set up a silver sword.
Angelica quickly pulls out the sword he had brought in and pierces the man who failed
to capture without hesitation and quickly pulled out.

"Looks like it works?"

Opening the eyes and mouth wide, so that the man who was mocking Angelica can not
believe it, look at the man who was cut in a moment. The man who was disconnected
put his hand on his wound with a face like I do not know what happened. Red blood
that seeped out with jiwari begins to flow with increasing momentum. You can see
white cobblestones even when the red color flows in the dark.

...... Blood, blood ... .... Blood is full.

I am afraid of the red spreading in sight and feel uncomfortable. Even though I know
that escort knights will not work unless I can not cut enemies without any hesitation,
I am not good at the trouble done in front of my eyes and the back of my throat draws.

"Angelica, use body strengthening rather than weapons, we have weird weapons and
armor, so I want to collect it"
1796 | 2523
It seems that the man who was the nearest to him from Eckhardt's brother is no longer
in a state of strength. There is no reaction although it is held by the neck and dragged.
Brother Eckhart said "Cornelius, disarmament," and threw away the man he was
holding in a forceful manner.


Brother Cornelius grasped the trapping rope and crawled out, but I screamed without
thinking that people were thrown away like objects. I am the only one who is upset.
An escort knight is a woman 's natural face. I also realized the difference from the
knight who is being trained from the state that there is no fragments of shaking at all.


While bleeding, a man throws a silver weapon like a knife to Angelica. When angelica
pushes it off with the back of the hand, angelica 's amulet that seems to respond to the
physical attack reflected the attack. The man who threw the knife could not avoid it
and fell down on the spot.

"What ?, what is, now ... .... I have never heard of such a thing"

Were you unaware that the attacks were reflected, the man who remained alone
looked around and looked around for their side, but only one remains.

"I will collect weapons by strengthening my body"

Angelica decided a clean skill of turning kick when jumping to a man with a speed at
which an afterimage remained while smiling with Hu.

"When I heard a silver weapon and a report on the silver cloth I thought it would be
prolonged more easily, but I felt relieved easily because the opponent was a small
number and the surprise attack was decided, but the weapons prepared here I was
able to confirm that amulets worked very well.I am relieved to know that weapons
can be used because I can not master the body strengthening as well as Angelica. "
"Well, that's right."

1797 | 2523
If you try not to put the man who is falling down with falling into the sight as much as
possible, you can see that Ekhardt brother pulled to this place as he slipped the last
man who was made into angelica.

"... .... Um, Leonore. Did Eckhardt be a knight who fought how to fight such body
"It is the person who is closest to Bonifatius fighting, I am watching it several times in
training, so I am not surprised, but is Rosemine himself the first time?"

Léonore said that with nothing to say.

"It is my first time to see how to fight other than Stap's sword.I was surprised that
Eckhardt's brother and Angelica were too used to melee fighting."

...... The achievements of my grandfather's education are amazing.

While breaking the men, disarming with Mr. Eckhardt brother, Cornelius elder
brother, Angelica three people, Eckhart brother warns Angelica.

"The magical power does not work on this silver cloth.If it can not be dropped by
Vashen, if it gets dirty with blood, is not it hard to use afterwards? If a large number
of people can not afford the opponent, after a while in such a small number of people
Choose the attack method considering that. "
"Yes, I feel like I understood."

...... I definitely do not understand! Do not ask Angelica for difficult things to think
about later!

Mattias and Laurentz came back as they were stripping silver products from prisoners
of war. It is said that Hartmut told me to bring me. I hold down the key of the temple
I'm lowering from my neck from above on my clothes, confirm the existence and leave
the Lesser bus.

"Rosemain, I will accompany you as an escort"

"I am sorry, Leonore. I can not bring someone who has not received a name any
"No, there are too few escort knight Rosemain, at least please bring another one"
1798 | 2523
Elder brother Eckhardt stopped the disarmament hand and stood up in the words of
Cornelius's elder brother.

"If Justoks is permitted, I will go, they are going to protect Rosemain's cuddling, verify
the treatment of the captives and silver weapons and armor, and what I found out
about silver weapons and armor is Share it with Dunkel Ferger "

Brother Eckhart gives directions to Cornelius elder brothers, Leonore and Angelica,
and urges me to start walking. There was a figure of a gray priest who had been
wrapped round and round in a light band of Stape just after entering the temple and
biting a gag.

"Hartmut and Justkus are waiting at their destination, and they are looking into the
library carefully."
"I also confirmed that the head of the temple was secured and I can come and go."

Listen to the reports of Matthias and Laurentz while walking. It seems that
preparation is already in place. The moonlight that plugs in through the window is
illuminating the hallway. Because Ahrensbach is considerably warmer than
Ehrenfest, the windows are big and the corridors are bright. While I was on a Lesser
bus I did not think anything, but as I got off, I could not help it if the cavalry clothes
were hot.

"Princess, here. I got permits like this"

The head of the temple of Ahrensbach, who was struck by Justkus with Stap, saw me
while pulling his throat. I understand that they are begging me for help.

"Thank you, Temple of Temple of Ahrensbach, if you are quietly doing it will definitely
release if the matter is done, please be patient for a while"

I received a license from JuSTOKUKU and entered the library. The floor is beautiful,
but it smells dusty. Compared with the library of the temple of Ehrenfest, there are
many books. It seems that I was inadvertently attracted.

1799 | 2523
"Rosemain, there's nothing to be a trap here, especially if the words of the temple of
Ahrensbach are correct, nobles who visit the temple have never visited a library no
matter how many."
"There are many aristocrats who visit the temple, and the nobility of Ehrenfest will
soon be separated from other territory by the number of protections as it is"

The first thing I discovered was Ehrenfest, when I dropped my shoulders, Hartmut
was in troubled face, "There are big differences in the purpose of aristocrat visiting
the temple."

... ... Is it a purpose of flower arrangement?

I will not ask deeper any further and I will not say Hartmut. It will guide me in front
of a bookshelf smiling with Nikoli.

"Mr. Rosemain, there is Mestionora on this bookshelf, is not there a mistake in

searching for the goddess?"
"Thank you, I will, Hartmut"

When I stand in front of Mestionola's bookshelf, I pulled out the key of the scripture
from the clothes. Touch your finger on the scripture that is a magical instrument of
Mestionola carved on the bookshelf. A click sounds and a scripture opens, and a
keyhole appeared there.

I put the key of the scripture in the keyhole. The magical line runs and the bookshelf
begins to move to the left and right. A space like a rainbow-colored oil film started to
appear behind it. It is the same as when heading for magical supply.

"Rosemain, reserve medicine and reserve medicines such as recovery drugs and sky
magic stones are here. I am here, so please call out if you need it"

I nodded in Hartmut who said so while tapping the wooden box lightly, I went inside.

1800 | 2523
There was a magic team where I passed through the rainbow-colored curtain. While
swallowing "Uh!?", Put your feet in a hurry and where there is no magic team.

"... ... Ah, it was dangerous"

To the adoptive father, I was told that "If you have to trap in," Hartmut has examined
in the library, there is nothing, there is no aristocrat who entered the temple library
completely It seems I was careless.

"Is this possibly Georgine's trap?"

I think that it was either Dietlinde or her sister who knew the location of the
foundation, but it is not Georgin 'that I propose. While wary, I throw one of the magic
stones my magical powers caught. Immediately after the sound was heard, the magic
team shone and the pillar of the blue flame rose strongly.


I take a deep breath on the momentum and burning heat of the skin and I stick to the
wall sticky. Even a piece of hair seems to be burned together when you touch that
flame. A blue flame that seems to swallow everything looks like the obsession of
Georgine and it becomes stifling. Grasping the chest tightly, I was just staring at the
mana stone my magical power caught being swallowed by a blue flame.

When the blue flame gets smaller and disappears, the magic team also disappears, the
floor and the room become picturesque white objects. Still he was scared of
something to be still left, I scolded the shivering feet and carefully walked towards the
edge and moved to the foundation.

Seven manastones shining precious in Ogami are floating in the size of softball in a
room surrounded by four sides by a white wall without a window. From the noble
manastone turning like a celestial globe with a movement that is similar to that
between magical supplies, things like sparkling powder were falling little by little.

1801 | 2523
These seven magic stones are connected to the magic supply, and the powder of light
which looks like shimmer in various shades is the magical power supplied between
the magical supply. In other words, the powder of light coming down now is the
magical power of Ferdinand which is still draining.

You can see that a part of the white floor is cut off and falls to a part where a part of
the large sphere can be seen if the line of sight turns towards the point where powder
of magical power light falls down. Even the visible part is larger than I spread both
hands. This is the cornerstone of the territory. As it glows pale green, now Arub-
Ahrensbach who dyed this corner found that the attribute of water is strong.

"The real thing is so big"

I look into the foundation. In a large spherical foundation, a light that shines pale green
is swaying, but it seems to be less than half. Ferdinand is running magical power for
more than half a day, but there is little magical power to fill the foundation.

... ... Maybe it was possible to suppress the amount of spillage of magical power to the

Unlike rituals done in large numbers, it is confined by one person, so that no magical
power flows out due to the flow of magical powers of others. Since Dietlinde operated
the magic team, I thought that it was Dietlinde who decided the amount of runoff, but
Ferdinand would have resisted as much as possible in that state.

...... If you intend to kill you aiming for magical depletion, I will let it flow more

However, even though the amount of runoff is less than expected, it is no different
that Ferdinand is shedding magical power this time as well. While staring at the light
of the light falling down quietly, I placed an empty manastone on the foundation. It
absorbs magical power to make the foundation easier to dye even a little. If you reduce
too much magical power in the foundation, you will need to be careful as white
buildings and boundaries will be greatly affected, but decreasing is easier to dye.

"... is this about?"

1802 | 2523
I had less magical powers to satisfy the foundation than my expectation, so I could
cope with the manastone on hand. I put a man - made stone dyed in light green into
the bag, I put a staple out with recovery medicine.
As with the lecturer of the lord's candidate student, touch the foundation with Stap
and cast magical power and dye it. While drawing out the magical power that was
compressed and tidy up in the back of your body, push the magical power as quickly
as possible.

... ... Please go!

Pouring magical power steadily while drinking recovery medicine you had in hand. It
is not easy to dye this great manastone. Usually it takes time to avoid strain on the
body and slowly dyes from the magical power of the previous Aru to his magical
power. But this time I can not say how the burden is.
You can see that magical power decreases from the restoring end, but it does not stop
flowing magical power. I can see that the thin green foundation gradually turns into a
light yellow which is my magical power.

...... Stain fast!

I dyed the foundation while drinking medicine to restore magical power only.

The green shade disappears and it stains in my color. Once completely dyed, the
foundation once shone with a dazzling light in my color.

"... ... It was over"

Because I used a huge amount of magical power after a long absence, I feel light
dizziness. Once leaning against the foundation and arranging breathing, I got up and
got out of between the foundations.

Hartmut who was waiting at the temple library seemed to be worriedly worried
"Rosemain, is it okay?" As he seemed unable to do what he could do with his breathing.

"Although a person who makes a little break is good for Rosemain-sama's body,
Hannaore is waiting for you to finish dyeing the foundation."

1803 | 2523
"I will be fine. Let's hurry to the castle ... ... But please lend me a little while until the
cowardly beast."
"I will lend you as much without saying a little"

When I leave the library with the help of Hartmut, call out to Justochks and have the
lord of the temple of Ahrensbach free.

"Has there been any change in the situation?"

When I got into a lesser bus and asked, while dyed the foundation, Justoks who was
exchanging information with the outside taught the situation on the side of Dankel
Ferger. It seems that we are catching Ranzenaeve in the castle more rapidly, and now
it seems that he is exploring those of Ranzenae lying around the aristocratic city.

"There seems to be instructions of Dietlinde, Alstede, Georgeene in the backdrop of

"what do you mean?"
"According to Dunkel Ferger who entered the castle, the damage is very biased,"

Although the main building is intact, the separation of the nominated candidate from
the north and the departure of the west where there is a room of Ferdinand are
thoroughly attacked, there are no empty figures, classes of magic tools are looted and
rooted. There seems to be a house in a family of aristocracy who is being victimized
and a house passed through.

"It seems that those who are closely related to Ferdinand and Reti Zia are targeted.If
it is hidden in a hidden room that can only be opened by others except himself, it is a
bit relieved but ..."
"The house with a sign at the entrance of the site seems to have not been attacked. It
seems that shedding information from here has been successful, and it seems there
are no damaging damage to Dunkel Ferger. Rather, the real thing Although I came to
do the butterfly of the sky, I am dissatisfied that the opponent who can not fly the sky
is too short. "

...... Too much Dunkel Verger's feeling relieved, or weakness ... ....

1804 | 2523
"Some of the people of Ranzenae who were in the castle and the aristocracy escaped
to the house of Ranzenaev and some have been reported that they are trying to escape
to the ship"

Some of the people of Ranzenae are moving by a carriage rented out from the
Ahrensbach side, but because they are coming by boat, they do not have individual
horses. Moreover, it seems that the moving speed is slow as it can not ride a coward.

"It seems a bit confusing to find if hidden"

"... ... Are you and your retirees safe?"
"The man of Ranzener finds the place of aristocracy hidden behind the movements of
Ordonants and the light of Roth, I have not yet sent Aldonants yet, considering the
possibility of exposing the other party by my Ordnants."

In the words of Justochs I see a little eye. It would be fine if Retetzia was okay, but
when you think about the time from when she gets out of supply to when Dietlinde
comes in, the possibility of being cold is high.

...... I do not want to be able to fly Ordonants.

"If Dunkel Ferger kicked out the runner of the castle from the castle, please contact
him from the aides attached to Ferdinand"
"Certainly yes"

Justkus will skip over the news of Ran Zenerav's elimination and Ordonants asking
for safety.

"I am now at Justoks.I am heading to the office of Aubu.The people of Ranzenave were
driven out of the castle by Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger.I have heard that the
separation between the north and the west is destroyed ,Are you alright?"

There were three unexploded Ordnants.

When I arrive at the castle, I take down Jusutkus and Hartmut, move the inside of the
castle with the lesser bus as the size of a single passenger. We are meeting in front of
the office of Hannerolle and Aub. By the guide of Justokus who frequently uses the

1805 | 2523
stairs and doors on which the underworker moves, we arrived at the shortest distance
to the office of Aub.
On the corridor in front of the office, there are many noble people of Ahrensbach who
seemed to come out by Justoks' Ordnants and you can see the Hannaore is

"Thank you Mr. Hannallole, thank you for your cooperation, thanks to Dunkel Ferger
I was able to take the foundation, afterwards only Ferdinand's rescue"
"... Rosemain-sama"

I turned around looking back at the hair like Hannorore's relaxing pale pink neither
purple nor pale.

"As I have said many times, Dunkel Verger just joined the real deutter in accordance
with the request of Ehrenfest, please ask Ehrenfest for details"

...... Mr. Hannale, perhaps it is futile to the aristocrat of Ahrensbach.

Smile a little with the appearance of Hannaore who seems to be in a slightly panicked
state, tell her that the partner of the nobility of Ahrensbach is postponing.

"Let 's have a discussion after Ferdinand' s rescue is over.Hannore - sama, please keep
me in the way until you rescue Ferdinand, if you do not save Ferdinand , I will not
decide the victory here. "
"Certainly, certainly victory"

I ask Ausubus to open the office of Aubu. As I was going inside, one of the aristocratic
nobles of Ahrensbach came chasing my cock as he did.

"Rosemain, is it true that you took the cornerstone of Ahrensbach !?"

"Well, since there was no other way to rescue Ferdinand, so now I've dyed the
foundation, I am Arub-Ahrensbach, and this rescue has also obtained permission from
the royal family."

I smile with Nicolle while showing a necklace given by Prince Sigismwald. Although I
meant a silent claim that I did not disturb you, the man who saw the royal family's
crest gave a voice of delight "Oh! Royal permission ... ...."

1806 | 2523
"Then, please go to close the boundary gate right now! There is still no ship of
Ranznerav, I can catch them without escape now and save the captured girls thing

Is it a senior aristocrat who was originally an aide of candidate lords. The man came
into the office of Aub without hesitation. As it is, say the importance of closing the
boundary gate. I know the importance of closing the boundary gate. However, if you
compare the importance of Ferdinand and the boundary gate, is not it decided that
the army should go up to Ferdinand? Finally after finishing dyeing the foundation and
arriving at the office of Aub, even the round trip time from the castle to the boundary
gate is regrettable.

"You and the knights of Ahrensbach will attack on the ship of Ranznerav, I do not
mind. I will allow you. Ask Dunkel Ferger about the points of caution against the
runzener, Please go to help us. "
"You are not Arub!" Did you seek to exclude Ranzener from the royal family, did you
come here? "

Appealing in a screaming voice, appealing that her daughter was taken to Ranzenaev,
quickly turns around the boundary gate and leads the knight team to save the girls.

"I was not asked by the royal family, but I got permission to save Ferdinand, if you say
you can not wait even while saving Ferdinand, in order to save yourself you have dyed
the foundation Please do. "

I saw that all the people who wore the cloak of Ehrenfest to the office of Aub, and only
one of them glares at the man wearing the cloak of Ahrensbach.

"You are not entitled to enter the current office of Aubu ... ... Angelica"

Angelica moved right away to drive the man out of the office. I confirmed that the door
was closed and only the members who came together from Ehrenfest came and I
descended from the coward.

"Do you know where Yustokus has an entrance?"

"I asked Stral last, which is said to be behind."

1807 | 2523
Yusutukus dismissed the box which was put on the wall exactly and showed the back.
As I bend my body a bit, I touch the mana stone of a small door in there and touch my
hands and pour the magical power. The small door grew bigger and became big
enough to pass people.

"... ... There is no registered magic stone"

"Because the registered manastone is a thing Rosemain-sama is making ... ...."
"That's not the meaning, Ferdinand's registration manastone has been removed"

Even if they can move, they can not come out between supplies. An angry spirit came
up in a strange place where Dietlinde cherished.

"You can not get Ferdinand like this at this rate"

I was planning to pull out Ferdinand from the supply by strengthening my body and
asked him to administer the medicine, but with this we can not give Ferdinand. You
have to prepare a registered magic stone and have Ferdinand register magical power.
If it is unconscious, you will not be able to pour the magical power into the magic

"As soon as this is done, there is nothing other than letting the principal medicine in
the hospital.This is ordered in order.In case you are unconscious, please pour the
medicine into your mouth using this"

Justice begins to explain the order of dosing as soon as possible. When I heard the
point of notice of medication I opened the door and gave me a hand to receive Justoks'
medicine box.

"Please wait, Rosemain sama"

"What is it, Hartmut? I, you also remembered the dosing order explained to
"Can you withdraw the staple with one hand put in and clean the inside of the supply
with Vashen?"
"I do not know because I have not done anything like that, but ..."

I suddenly puzzled without knowing what Hartmut was saying, but I thrust in only
one hand and put out Step.

"It seems likely, but why are you doing this?"

1808 | 2523
When I asked while thinking that I do not want to use magical power anymore
because I used a lot today, Hartmut said, "It can not be said that the poison remaining
during supply has no effect on Rosemain."

"Rosemain has a track record of sleeping for two years with doses much less than the
lethal dose of others, and absolutely must avoid being the same."

It caused a strange reaction due to the mass of magical power in the body, but I have
never been tolerated by poison that has been proved to be pickled in Yuree for two

"Indeed, Ferdinand is resistant to various poisons due to his birth, so it is probably

because of the immediate death poison in this time it was not completely effective,
and it was because of the affordance to drink antidote. I can not expect the same thing.
"If certainly there are poisons, I'm afraid I will collapse before you save Ferdinand."

It is not a matter of putting up my heart but no one in this place denied it.

"It is serious if Rosemain falls down at the moment of entering with the intention of
going to help.To put in here is just Rosemain who dyed the foundation, no one else
can enter, please wash first."
"Were you going to Vashen in this state and Mr. Ferdinand in inside would be OK?"

I ask Justice and Eckhardt brother.

"If you are poisoned with poison, Ferdinand will be poisoned so you can not touch it
unless you clean it. Please give me Vashen for Ferdinand."

With the unexpectedly rough and rough Jusukkus's instructions pulling my face, I
thrust her arm and rushed Ferdinand during the supply at Wassen.

"Well, thank you for Mr. Ferdinand."

I will enter the supply with the detoxification set Yusutukusu prepared.
I saw Ferdinand collapsing in the same condition as Dietlinde went out.

1809 | 2523

It seems that we are weakening as the magic team in operation continues to suffer
from magical power, and you can see Ferdinand in a lying state. I must withdraw from
the top of the magic team and finish magical supply. I rushed and placed the medicine
box, strengthen the body and turn over the body of Ferdinand from lie down on his
back, put your hands in the side part and slide and pull to move to the side of the wall
without the magic crown.

"It may have been saved by growing .... There is a limit even if you strengthen the body
how much it is a child's physique"

Thanking to God Earwax of train and asking "I wish to be a bit larger", I confirmed
breathing. As breathing seems to be taking place for the moment, take a recovery
posture that you can lay aside in the sideways and take the medicine box.

"Well, if you are unconscious, you first want to have a Jureve ..."

As explained by Justkus, I will pour Yureva using instruments like a mouthpiece to let
people with unconsciousness drink. As you can see from the fact that I was immersed
for two years and unraveling the mass of magical power, if you are eating a poison
that instantly kills a man of manaste, the most effective one is Jureve.
I have been given medicine when I am not conscious many times, but it is my first time
to make others. Pour Yurrie into the mouth with tension.

... ... It should be easy to dissolve as soon as lumps are formed. Go for it, Yuri.

Thinking about such a thing, I repeat healing of Fleet Lane and Lucerne Sumer. I hope
that it will be useful for alleviating or recovering a poison state a little.

"Next is an antidote,"

I thrust a cloth that contained an antidote into my mouth just like I was made
Ferdinand. If the paralysis of the tongue is alleviated as much as possible, it seems
that breathing becomes easy and medicine becomes easy to drink.

1810 | 2523
……Ah. Just a bit of mouth moved?

I was observing it, I saw a subtle movement. Pull out the cloth once, add antidote once
again, thrust into the mouth and see the state. I felt that my mouth was slightly moving
and breathing became shallow a little.

When pulling out the cloth again, this time, it pours in a mouth like a hint of refreshing
medicine with a thing like a syringe little by little. When I got up, the mouth filled with
a bad taste, but with this you can recover both magical power and physical strength a
lot. Immediately after this thought, Ferdinand began to violently throb.

..., why! Is it? Something failed! Is it?

I have experienced many times before, as I got up when I got up, it was a bad taste in
the mouth, but I never felt sorry when I was drunk when I was not conscious. It seems
that my way of thinking was bad.

"I'm sorry, sorry! It should be this!"

I suddenly grasped my arms while rubbing my back like looking into Ferdinand's
coughing bitterness.


The arm is pulled at a speed that I can not afford to think that consciousness has
returned, and the position is reversed with the cage. While blinking without knowing
what happened, I was pushed down by Ferdinand which was supposed to have never
been conscious, grasped both wrists, was weighting and was caught. Chains of
handcuffs connecting Ferdinand's wrists come into the neck.


Ferdinand found that Ferdinand did not recognize me as Rosemain from the gaze
narrowly looking at the voices with plenty of vigilance issued between the breaths
that seemed to be difficult and those who can not understand. While feeling stuffy in
the chain, I desperately call out to shout that "Rosemain is!"

1811 | 2523
... ... Suddenly it got bigger, but I understand! In addition, stop stopping putting a little
effort in hand! Because it hurts a chain and it hurts!

"... Rosé, Main?"

Silent for a while, Ferdinand who was looking down at me at the moment echoed the
sound of the chain with Jalary and raised one hand a little.

"...... There is nothing, Rosemain is about this size."

"What is it like being impossible?" What was the size of such a stuffed animal, since
once I met you ... once ...? "

With an objection and eating a lot of force, it resulted in himself thrusting into the
chain stretched out. It seems that momentum is too good, it is painful to the point of
dying. When coughing with Gehogojo, Ferdinand slowly lifted his body and retreated
from me above so that he could fall down sideways. The agile movements in the past
seemed to be completely brutal, with the body lying down quietly and looking at me
with a cranky eyes.

"... Is not that really a fool?"

"Wow ... .... I am thinking that for a moment now and I have a consciousness, so please
do not tell me with such a tense tone"

It is very unlikely that this first conversation will be recovered. A little more, I think
that there are words suitable for reunion after a long absence, such as the words of
emotional appreciation and praise for me who worked hard.

"Not just for a moment ... ... Well ... you certainly do not mistake Rosemain, as you are
narrowed my neck in chains, you know only about you that you are so drunk and
reacting foolishly "

I got up quietly as I said, 'I am glad to understand.' If I am conscious of this much, I will
be able to drink medicine by myself, heading to the drug box.

"What kind of medicine do you need? Wait a moment ... ... Well! Because I had a grip,
my chain was not caught, were you strangled?"

When I turned around looking back at the drug box, Ferdinand became a really
disgusting face.
1812 | 2523
"... Are you seriously not aware of it?"
"No, I knew that Ferdinand was wary of you, I thought I might not know because I
grew up, but though I had given at least Eureva or an antidote, but when I was given
an enemy recognition I did not think "

When I chewed up my cheeks saying "Everything is terrible", I was repulsed to be

troubled by saying "It is terrible you."

"There are idiots who have ordered to live without choosing the means to whom they
decided to take away the name of a person without intentionally telling anyone of who
they are, in order to eliminate the enemy even further in the moribund state It seems
that the body has moved in the middle. "
"Well? It is wrong to eliminate enemies by the actions of dying men who are ordered
to choose the means to live because it was on the way to taking medicine, it is right
behavior to drink until the end I think"

When I said that, Ferdinand wandered a little bit of his eyes and said, "I thought he
was poisoned."

...... Oh, I understand. Understand. It is a murderous taste that a serious Masu recovery
medicine is serious even if it is serious poison.

However, if you misunderstood it as a poison by being swallowed by an intense masu

recovery drug, is not it me who made me wrong?

"That is, is not it completely Ferdinand-sama's own job!"

"If it says that, I did not order or stop orders, so it was only your own income that I
was strangled and killed being killed ... .... Such an answer Whatever it is, hand it over
quickly. "
"You misunderstood?"
"There is nothing to do with a devil, now I am just talking about what you should do"

... ... as soon as consciousness comes back this is it! It is!

"The body still does not move freely. It is an antidote first.When you are done making
medicine, manage this gesture next time. It is inconvenient and inconvenient to not
use Stap."

1813 | 2523
Ferdinand gives instructions one after another with lots of power lying side by side.
Now I am taking the name of Ferdinand and I am supposed to be the Lord, I will
prepare my medicine while being told with lips being sharpened, and let me drink
little by little watching the state.

"Although Mr. Ferdinand can not move at all, the mouth is just as usual, is not it?"
"It is because only the mouth moves because you caused an antidote to be included ...
... Then, if you plan to complain to me, do something a little on its loose face. You are
a face you do not know whether you are being pleased or not "

I held down the face pointed out by Ferdinand, but I certainly found out that it was a
very frowning face. I try hard to tighten it with a bang, but it does not seem to be fixed
at all.

"Since I think Ferdinand is good to recover until I can hit a hateful mouth, it seems
impossible to manage my face."

Left to emotion and smile a little, Ferdinand blinked several times, then closed his
eyes and set his mouth in a letter.

"... ... exactly, you are"

"Oh, have you accidentally cried?"
"Do not be embarrassed"

When I poked Tzun and cheek, it came to a point where Ferdinand's arm came up
halfway and was lowered without going up to the end. Ferdinand who breathlessly
breathlessly glares at me.

"Remember me when you can move"

"Yes, if you can move, you can pet our brains quite well and you can stroke your head
very well, whatever you want, you can twist your cheeks"

While looking into Ferdinand, I will arrange what I am hoping and what I'm likely to

"... ... So, please be able to move soon"

Tears fell short of my head. I think that there is also a tension loose. I think that there
is also a sense of security that we could exchange with Ferdinand without any other
1814 | 2523
love. But the biggest thing is the feeling of being alive. I can not stop the tears which
are overflowing on my own.

"……Do not cry"

That's what Ferdinand's arms rose again, stopped halfway and dropped again.
Ferdinand, a frown, grabbed his fists angrily.

"Generally, you did not have to come to save me, I should have told you to tell Justus,
so why are you here, how did you come here?"

The word stopped tears perfectly. I think this is a great effect if I told you to stop me
from crying, but in the case of Ferdinand it is definitely praying.

"I did not think that Ferdinand's memory was so bad, I should have threatened that
much, but ...."
"Threatened, but the circumstances have changed a lot ... ... What are you angry

...... I do not understand it seriously, this person.

"I will get angry! If I did not make happiness to Mr. Ferdinand, what did you say to go
to help no matter what you turn to the enemy! Is it Ferdinand you called me?"
"I do not remember calling it"

By grasping the face of Ferdinand behind the gaze by diverting his gaze, I gaze at the
eyes of gold that seems to have escaped.

"I remember being called, because I saw Ferdinand-sama situation, when Lutz saw
my crisis situation in the same way, I frantically faced Lutz in the face of a dying fear.
So this time Ferdinand invited me, because I was lacking time due to lack of
preparation, unless I was able to make it in time. "
"Okay, I understand, leave it a bit, it's too close."

When talking about what Feldinand called, I will head-pierce with Gon, using a
distance that is too close to Ferdinand that says "faces are close" and so on. Ferdinand
who was groggy in the pain glared at me for a moment.

"... It is not you who created a good situation if you do not come ..."
1815 | 2523
"Were not you answering this question, did not listen carefully and went a runaway
and got the book of Mestionola and ordered Air Vermil to erase me?"

Staring at Ferdinand, I also look back at Ferdinand.

"I was ordered, but what is that? I declined to Mr. Air Verme himself decisively."
"Wait, it seems that Jurgen Schmidt will collapse unless we are sacrificed and
completing the Book of Mestionola, but what are you planning to do?"
"Eh? Even if such a thing is told, if Jerugen Schmidt saved Jerugen Schmidt if it did not
help, would not it make sense?

When I began to head down what he was saying, Ferdinand saw me with a startle face.

"What are you talking about, are you?" Then it sounds like you choose me from Jurgen
Schmidt, the choice of words ... "
"Major, central, royalty, gods .... What did you say to go to help no matter what you
turn to the enemy?"
"... the last gods are the first ears."

Ferdinand who said that with a stunning face was lost on the spot. Lying down and
changing posture would be proof that it became easy. I smiled nicely while observing
the recovery condition.

"Oh, was it a first ears? It was rude, but since that's the case, let's think of a way to
complete the book of Mestionora by a method that both will succeed safely."

1816 | 2523
"But I was told that Juergen Schmidt collapsed because the magical power was too
thin, but did you say that Ferdinand would complete the book of Mestionora?"
"Because you have so much, you told me the meaning of death quickly to complete the
book of Mestionora?"

...... Air Vermeer Mme!

"Let's leave Ferdinand-sama's thing, Mr. Ayr Vermeen and start by verifying whether
we really have to complete the book of Mestionola? If you supply magical power to
the border gate, a little more I think I can earn time. "
"Also optimistic and drunk ... ... is not you who crushed my plan?"

Ferdinand who had been squatting turned his face towards here and stared at me like
a grudge.
It seems that Ferdinand tries to complement his knowledge by going to Air Vermoon
to make a Gurtris Height as a magical tool to hand over to the royal family. But I did
not enter Ferdinand that was recognized by the same person because I was in, and
when I visited again in the spring, I filled the hole of knowledge because I brought the
rest of the book of Mestionora I heard he did not.

"If you are thinking about such important things, you ought to have told me that I was
going to adopt Tsento and get a Gurtris Height in an underground library.I did not
know Ferdinand's plan Even if you complain like that, I will be in trouble. "
"I do not want to tell you that I do not report anything important.When I planned for
the first time it was when each of the territories tried to make you the temple of the
central temple.When at least the king's adoication There is no report that it will
become "at all."

I get up at the secretly wrinkled face between the eyebrows secretly, and the words
of Ferdinand who sank down leaning against the wall are packed in words for a
moment. I did not tell Ferdinand, but I also do not tell you what is important to
Ferdinand. I sit beside Ferdinand and try to excuse me.

1817 | 2523
"...... I was told that it was useless from the adoptive royalty and the royal family.If
there were things that I wanted to talk to Ferdinand, there were many mountains and
there are many bitches that can not be said unless it is a hidden room "
"Your complaints do not matter, please remove this gesture"

... .... It does not matter! listen!

Although it got swept away, I can understand that it is more important to remove
handicaps from my bitches and to talk about the current situation of Gurtris Hite and
Ahrensbach. I tried touching a handcuff that stuck out in front of me. There is no
keyhole in the slack doll.

"I will remove it as soon as possible, but how do you remove this? I do not have a key,
do you know Ferdinand about the location of the key?"

When looking for a keyhole and asking while watching the rest of the gesture,
Ferdinand turned into an awkward face and said, "Do you see the keyhole?"

"I am looking for it because I can not see it."

"What is your scripture for you? If you do not know, investigate it, use the magic team
of the unlocking, not the key.There are also some of me in each era, so compare and
compare magic You can fill up the missing part of the team and develop it. "
"... ... I feel that it is being requested for a tremendously difficult thing,"

I thought that it would not be found by other people, I never used the book of
Mestionola so much I did not come up with it. I wonder if Ferdinand is probably used
on a daily basis. While thinking about such a thing, I will call "Gurtris Height" and write
a message of Mestionola and search for how to remove a grudge.

"What, what shape is that you are also insane ... ... You are a cow beast, a scripture and
everything of you has a different shape."

Ferdinand who saw the book of my Mestionola shaped like a tablet shook his head
slowly and slowly saying with a vigorous tone.

"Although the shape may be insane, my Méthionora's book is high-performance, even

in the dark it can be read with the" screen "shining and if you put the words you want
to examine here, it's easy to find out Is not that great? "

1818 | 2523
I am proud of how excellent my book of Mestionola is. Fuding up with Fuh Dinand, it
seems to be a mysterious face.

"Since the book of Mestionola is for checking the knowledge that he wants, the
knowledge that he / she wants will come out as it opens, as the letters themselves
shine, it is possible to read even in the dark. If so, are your scriptures rather
"... ... that, that kind of"

When I was stunned by unexpected words, Ferdinand tilted a little and looked into
my Mestionola's book and said, "This magic team, draw with Stilo." I can not
distinguish it, but the Ferdinand seems to have a magical team of the old age, there
seems to be a thing of a new era to me.

"Copy and Petan!"

Because it was troublesome to draw with Styro, copy it to the magazine paper you
used with Copy Magic, and activate it with magical powers. A grudge sounded and a
grudge fell to the floor.

... OK with this.

"Rosemain, what did you do?"

To Ferdinand, a stunned face, I stretched out "Ufufen" this time.

"Copy magic that I made, there are various restrictions, is this useful?"
"Absolutely insignificant, but there is one thing in the word convenient, teach the
principle and pronunciation"
"... Now that it is an emergency, please postpone it"

I do not think I have time to study Copipe magic here. When I pointed out, Ferdinand
started holding hands and opening several times on the frown face. I will talk about
Ehrenfest to Ferdinand during rehab. Because Justkus and Eckhart were sent to
Ehrenfest, Ferdinand thought that he would like to know about Ehrenfest from the
current situation of Ahrensbach.

"Ok, is Ehrenfest's defense ready already on?"

1819 | 2523
"Yes, the nobility of the territory was doing all-out efforts and I also made a magic tool
specialized in battle with Schwarz 's different colors of Schmir to solidify the defense
of the temple"
"You still can not understand. Have you had to make a combat specialized magical tool
"The Rizerator made it Schmir, so is not it good, because it's cute?"

While I was talking about Ehrenfest, the range in which the fingertips of Ferdinand,
which had not moved much, moved little by little. It seems that the arm raising and
lowering has become becoming useless, but irritation that my body does not move as
I expected appears clearly in the wrinkles between the eyebrows.

"What is it? If there is anything else you want to know, please do not ask anything, or
do you need some more medicine?"
"No, give me a cheek, did you say that you can twist it?"

If you think what to say suddenly with a serious face, it seems that you want to pinch
my cheeks. I think that I have not done anything particularly likely to be scolded, but
what did I say suddenly? Is it something we must do to this emergency? I do not know
exactly what Ferdinand is thinking at all.

"Well, I said, ... ... Hands, have not moved completely yet?"
"It's not complete, but it has started to move, it will not hurt so much now."
"I said I intended to be able to move completely, but ... it can not be helped."

Although I try to counter it, it is appreciated that it does not hurt even if twisted. I will
sit back in front of Ferdinand, between the feet and "give me a cheek".

A dull fingertip still touched my right cheek. My fingers are moving, I feel like they are
being rubbed slightly, but I have not gotten at all. I do not know well, is it satisfied
with this? When I was inclining my head, Ferdinand's hand began to move
downwards from my cheek.

"Feldinand, I do not think it's cheek, but ...."

Ferdinand's left hand hits the jaw line from the cheekbones. Just movement of the
thumb made it move more like a pinch than before. When I was strangely impressed

1820 | 2523
with whether I changed the position of my hand or wanted to pinch my cheek so much,
green light began to overflow from the ring.

"Healing of Rungsmere at Rosemain ... ...."

The sense of incompatibility found at the neck originally disappeared. Apparently it

seems to have erased the trace of the chain that stuck to my head. I'm happy, but I'm
not glad.

"Mr. Ferdinand, what are you doing when you have to restore your body and magical
powers !? Ferdinand's recovery is top priority! Because it was not so painful, I will
postpone it like my healing ...... "
"It was just right to see if my magical power moves properly ... ... Ah, Stap does not go
out without problems"

Ferdinand pulled out his eyes from me, and when I released his hand from his cheek,
he began to put out the staple and change it.

... ... I have not heard of it again! Fun!

It seems difficult to get up and walk around, but Ferdinand is recovering smoothly. I
thought that it was more restful, but I can fully understand what I do not feel like
listening to what I say.

"It seems that Ferdinand has recovered and I will go out and report it to everyone and
I will search for magic stones for registration."

I got a voice when I got up and I took my knees and looked into the face of Ferdinand
"What is this time?"

"... ... Please tell me about your gedruulichi"

"Well, uh, that ... ... Is it now wrong if it's not for now? Everyone is waiting outside ...

Suddenly the question I was pursuing in a corner of my head, I will become lame and
hurt. Ferdinand's line of sight was fixed at one point.

1821 | 2523
"I thought you were the same Ehrenfest as I was, but you seem to be courting from
the royal family and accepting it, I want to know your current Gedourculhi"

I did not know exactly what Ferdinand was saying, but the necklace that I received by
Prince Sigismwald is in front of my eyes. It was at the same time that I got a necklace,
and as if Ferdinand remembered something, he said "Oh" at the same time.

"Well, was the marriage with the prince your dream, when was it when you wrote a
stupid story, when you wrote that story, I did not expect that that would come true ..."
There is objection! It is not my dream to marry Prince Sigismwald, it is rather a
nightmare to marry a man with a wife who does not have a book of such a book. There
can be no Tamagawa-ko that the standard of living drops. "

Tamagoshi is not permitted to go away from the library, to go to places where there
is no new book, or to go to an environment where it seems not to be involved in the
printing industry until adulthood.

"About the ideal husband of my life is my father, who would help me rush towards
what I wanted to do and who would take care of me regardless of my identity or
anything, regardless of anything. Prince Sigismwald is not a comparable thing, this is
a proof that the royalty has issued a permission to rescue Ferdinand this time and has
nothing to do with the proposal.Please look closely.If not all attributes, letters are also
engraved Is not it rare? "

Then I emphasize how Prince Sigismwald is out of my ideals and talk about my future

"I'd like to spend the day reading through the library and eating delicious meals with
families and good people, reading books that I like, looking for books I have never
read in the libraries in my house I want to live a warm room. It becomes a librarian
working in the library, I search for books that the user wants, repair old materials,
revive it, study magical tools, Try to collect books from various places by building
libraries and the library "network" .... I want to do such things ... Do not give me a book,
I have to wait for printing until adulthood with the prince Marriage is a dream ......
misunderstanding is too bad. "

I squatted on the spot with hu and deep breath taking the power out of my body
together. Ferdinand who heard my emphasis on his emphasis smiles a bitter smile.
1822 | 2523
"Okay, I guess it was a terrible misunderstanding, to be obvious from your argument."
"It is a misunderstanding in terms of ideals and dreams, but regarding reality it is not
a misunderstanding, so do not worry."
"……What do you mean?"

To Ferdinand, I smiled so that the air would not get heavy as much as possible, "I
would be married to the next TSENT, which is far from ideal, becoming an adolescent
of the king before the lord conference." Where I was hiding, it is decided to be a late
liaison meeting.

"... ... will you marry Prince Sigismwald?"

I was surprised very much, Ferdinand asked with a face that looked like missing facial
expressions. I wonder if she recalled himself who was forced to marry by the royalty.

"Well, it is not me that I want Prince Sigismwald, but it is Guratrisuheito and my

magical power, but I am married to a prince.I am able to smile, the prince has fallen
out of common sense of aristocracy I do not want you to go out as much as possible
because I do not want you to make funny things, I guess you do not want to break the
power relationship between the current territory. "
"You ... ... did you think that you treated as such?"

Ferdinand has become a tough face, but I nodded tying his lips tight once. It was good.
It is important for me that Ferdinand's collision avoidance.

"I, my family in the downtown and Gutenberg, the servants of the temple, Mr.
Ferdinand ... ... If Juergen Schmidt is dangerous and my own precious Gedululhi is
dangerous, I will postpone and save Gedule Leech again with all my strength, but if all
is okay Jurgen It can not be said that Schmidt will not do anything, unless Jurgen
Schmidt is there, my precious people can not live quietly. "

Therefore, it is good. As the collapse of Jürgen Schmidt is approaching, it is absolutely

necessary for me to complete the book of Mestionola or to have the royal family
Gurtris Height in the underground archive, it's no use.

"Before becoming a royal family, I will protect my precious people with all the power
I can possess, I will not let Ferdinand join you, and I will do everything possible to get
back to Ehrenfest, Ferdinand-san Geduleulhi Please use it at ease. "
1823 | 2523
"... ... Are you going to keep all those who are important as well as myself in Ehrenfest
and can you protect me?"

Ferdinand said so with a terrible bitter face. I wonder if I'm laying back my past for
Ahrensbach. I laugh with Nicola to relieve Ferdinand.

"Do not worry, Mr. Ferdinand, I am fine, my family in the downtown is an exclusive
frame, Lutz and Mr. Benno's Planetan Shokai will come to the center so that the
printing industry can start at the same time as my adults The temple was to be
managed by Melchior as the templeor and I got permission to take minor groups even
if they are juveniles.

So I remembered that I had to return Ferdinand's goddess stone. Take out a sacred
stone like a white cocoon in a leather bag and hold it on the right hand of Ferdinand.

"I will return, I was sorry to save Ferdinand's life, but I was sorry I took away my name
without permission.If I was able to create my own hidden room, it is safer to keep it
there Shou? "

Ferdinand who received the sacrificial stone trembly shook his right hand to hold the
fist and fell down.

"... ... you are me ......"

"What is it?"
"No, it's impossible to say that you can easily return me to Ehrenfest. A man who will
do the rest is necessary, because I can not leave Ahrensbach, so you are the king's
adopted daughter There is no need to become "

I will tell Ferdinand the future plan that I had not planned to teach to Ferdinand's
voice lacking the power that despair is drifting.

"Well, this is a secret, but if I become the adopted lady of the king and I get the Gurtris
Height of the underground library, I will redraw the lines of the territory so I will be
fine.I till then I and I I will do something with my aides ...... "

Ferdinand trembled the fist and saw me with eyes that looked slightly shaky. I do not
quite know what is causing it, but Ferdinand is tremendously angry. It is not unusual
for me to see the fluctuation of feelings understood at a glance by the eyes of
1824 | 2523
……Huh? Where did I switch on the Devil! Is it?

1825 | 2523
"The royal family was so foolish and shameless ......"

Ferdinand rises while rocking the body while distorting the fluoride and lips into a
form of a scary smile. Feldinand's eyes were directed to me at the point where I
wanted to shout "Royal people, run away now!"

"You too, Rosemain"

"Oh, I am very sorry!"

I do not know why he is angry, but I apologize to everyone for the intimidating
Ferdinand's eyes that makes me feel like I must apologize. Of course, the apology
without such a thing is perfectly perceived, and will further rage anger.

"Rosemain, apparently I do not think I should thank you."

"Oh, oh ......"

In addition to the severe eyes that are shaken by strong emotions, how much is there
a human being who can be told that it is appreciated as it is spoken in a low voice with
a terrible feeling that feels luscious air?

...... I do not think appreciation is to do with such a face!

"I was made aware of various things with your words"

It is not enough to escape here. I desperately looked for a way to escape while being
silently looked down on. Fortunately it is emergency now. If you are recovering
enough to stand up, you must report the status quo to the awaiting aides waiting

"Ah! Ahrensbach is in a very difficult situation now, Ranzenave is rampant, is not it,
since it seems there are girls being scared ... I'm ..."
"Hmmm ... It is the first decision to destroy Ahrensbach for the first time, if it is
rampant, it's just right."

1826 | 2523
Although the royalty and me ought to be angry, the words coming out of Ferdinand's
mouth are "destroy Ahrensbach". It is actually a demon king, but I do not know the

"Please wait, Mr. Ferdinand, why will you destroy Ahrensbach, Ranzenave? ..."
"With Ahrensbach, I am hard to move, so it will not be a problem if I crash them
"There are problems and there is not it! It is no good!"

I spread my hands and stood up in front of Ferdinand and gazed up. As soon as
Feldinand's intimidation increased, I wanted to cry on my actions, what I was
supposed to have wanted to escape from the demon king.

"Why are you protecting Ahrensbach and Ranzener?"

"It's not like that, if you attack Ahrensbach, Ferdinand may be dead contrary to
contract magic that you do not hostile against me, so it's definitely not good."

Ferdinand's expression does not change very much, but anger slightly faded from the
eyes and returned to usual thin golden eyes, instead the color of vigilance became

"... What did you do?"

"I dyed the foundation to get here quickly, and now in my magical sense I am Arub-
"Quickly ... ...?"
"It was the fastest way I came up with,"

Ferdinand opened his eyes and stopped. I feel I saw Ferdinand who failed to be treated
for a while. In other words, I have done so insane thing.

"What on earth are you doing? Is not it the way to catch Aub the fastest way and use
a threat to torture it but to deprive the manastone for registration and contract it?
Where is the fool who dyes the foundation to help? "
"I'm here"

As Ferdinand lost his power, he crouched down on the spot. I sighed deeply enough
to think that I could not breathe any longer and Ferdinand looked up at me crouching.

"You are truly an idiot."

1827 | 2523
"Even though I could not think of such a horrible means that a person would die, I
could not do it even though I came up with it, and I do not know the face or name of
Dietlinde's sister, Well, if you were absent, will not your time pass by myself? "

I think that efficiency is not so much better looking for Dietlinde's older sister in
Ahrensbach than dyeing the foundation.

"So that's why I leave the rest of Ahrensbach to me, and Ferdinand will be OK to return
to Ehrenfest. I will take responsibility for what I did."

Ferdinand stood up to my argument and pinched my cheeks at once. Unlike the

previous one, the grip strength is coming back a bit and there is a corresponding pain.

"Iririte Fu"
"I do not seem to know yet, but you are mistaken for words to say"

Ferdinand's smile is getting a bit scared. I tear lightly on the hand of Ferdinand who
is pinching his cheeks as a tearful eyes.

"Please tell me what to say, I will do so."

"I asked for assistance, Dietlinde attempted to attract foreign affairs, my sister was
involved in it, my mother invaded Ehrenfest, Retetzia attempted murder.In order for
you to clean up Ahrensbach So, what makes us most familiar with the situation of
Ahrensbach is me. "

Consciousness flew away for a moment to the current situation of Ahrensbach who
came out of Ferdinand's mouth. It's a terrible condition. The nobles and the
commoners involved without knowing the circumstances will not be something that
has accumulated.

"It is very encouraging for me if Ferdinand helps, but Ferdinand would like to return
to Ehrenfest, does not it seem like there are good memories? I will bind it to
Ahrensbach no more Please ... ...

I was worried about Ferdinand, but my ears were pulled strongly this time.

"Does that happen when you say, as you taught Do not you remember the words you
said yourself or did you hear the words I taught?"
"Please help me! Thank you! Only Feldinand is reliable!"
1828 | 2523
"Well, I'm scared so much that you are leaving me open."

... ... It's not more scary than letting the devil kill you! I will not say to suddenly destroy

While holding my ears, I glared at the very least as a rebellion, and I was glared back.

"So what are you going to do? If you become Aubu you can not become a Tent, because
you can not dye the two corners at the same time, do you know that?"

At the same time I can not dye the foundation. So, in the past, TSENT was chosen from
the temple which is not yet AUB, and when AUBU was to become a Tent, it had become
a Tent after letting the cornerstone of the territory succeed in the next generation.

"So, I have other people dye the cornerstone of Ahrensbach and I will dye the
cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt, I will adopt the king's admiration and I will hand over
the Gurtris Height in the underground library and give it to the royal family "

If only Jurgen Schmidt is to survive, it is the fastest time for someone to change the
foundation of Ahrensbach and dye the foundations of the country. However, between
the royal family and the territory fence Considering that, it is visible that it becomes
very troublesome after a while.

"I think that the influence on the surroundings is the least influenced when you
acquire the magic tool of the Gurtris Height in the back of the underground archive,
and the influence to the surroundings is the least.The royal family was inheriting in
that way, did not it?"

It is hard to incorporate the book of Mestionola. There is also a loss. For this reason,
the Tento manual manual Guritisuheit which made it possible to do anything if only
this was made was made. It is put in the back of the underground library so that it is
not a thing that anyone can use.
The candidate for the next term increases magical power, turns around the shrine,
completes the magic team, obtains the book of Mestionola, and copies the content of
Gurtris Hite at the back of the underground library to his own scripture for the
missing part It was.

1829 | 2523
When the times went down, I ceased to go to Air Vermeon. Pouring magical power on
the statue of the library's goddess and carving the magic team of Gurtris Hite on his
head can get the shape of Gurritosheit. Every time the age comes down, new
knowledge increases, so candidates who have noticed that they do not bother to go to
the place of air village but get the necessary knowledge at the back of the underground
library It was.

Among them, even if you do not go through the shrine, you will notice that you can get
the knowledge from the underground archive by putting magical powers on the statue
of the goddess of the library if you have all the attributes, and the form of
Guritisuheito. Efforts to obtain the Book of Mestionola gradually become shy away.
But this is a story of the time when gods got protection from the shrine because it is
doing a lot of shrines.

At a certain time, there was a Tento that prevented people other than those who
registered as a family to hand over the seat of Zent to his blood group, not to enter the
back archive. The candidate of Zento in various places aimed at the next generation of
Tent and caused a terrible dispute every time the substitution took place, so that a
dead man comes out and a sacred place becomes rough, so we thought that we should
limit the number of candidates.

She placed white and black Sumir in the library which resembled Kim's Sumir who
was responsible for guiding it under the aircraft, monitored the actions of candidate
candidates, registered in the back of the underground library as a family Do not put
in people except those who have it. Those who protested were successively purged
according to the authority of TSENT. In order to prevent those who attack, TSENTO
moved the place of residence from a sacred place with Air Vermoon to another place,
so that it can only come and go with a sacred place and a door carved a transition

Even if someone who got the book of Mestionola from the contents of an underground
archive occasionally appears, it is only the royal family that Tsento hands down to get
the Gurtris Height. Nevertheless, as the royalty of all the attributes did the divine,
there was hardly a drop in the quality of TSENT, so there was not a problem in
particular for a while.

However, if you can not get the Gurtris Height and you can not pursue it well, you will
not be able to do a priest by stepping into the sacred place of the temple, the Awb of

1830 | 2523
the neighborhood and the next Awb To go. It was difficult for royalty alone to do large-
scale shrines, and the priests gradually became small scale gradually.

When the royal family inherited Tsento became commonplace, a situation where the
candidate for Tento became very few occurred. It fought among the brothers for the
position of Tento, and it came in for a while. The only thing that remained was a child
with a weak nature, so that we could make a shrine even weakly, we decided to make
a central temple near our residence and do a priestess there.

Fortunately the weak Tsento left a healthy child. However, the next generation of Tent
has come after dozens of years since it began doing divine in the central shrine rather
than in the sacred place. Tzent who did not know how to do a shrine in the sacred
place kept doing divine in the central shrine as weak parents did.

Shrines are no longer done in the sacred place, only education for children in various
places aiming to obtain Stap is done, and it will be called the House of Lords to produce

Even if only those who registered royalty are eligible, even if the royal residence
moved out of the sacred place, it was still the back of the underground library that got
the Gurtris Height. The thing that changed was that a queen dated a child.

The Queen darted only one among some children. Even if it's a bit bad, I wanted to put
the most cute girl into the place of Zent, even if one attribute is missing. A child whose
attribute is insufficient and who can not make efforts to increase its attributes by
prayer can not become a Tent no matter how much the Queen drowss. The
surrounding people were high in height.

Queen was the owner of personality who thinks about something as a person in that
way of pointing mother's love or affection towards a child is wrong, but queen was
quite excellent in terms of making witchcraft. He made a magician of Gurtris Hite only
to make him the tent. You can use Guritisuheito even if one attribute is missing.

And the drowned child became Tzent. I was forced to admit that I got a Gurritris

"When the owner dies, this Gurtris Height returns to the back of the underground
library, so Gurtris Height should be at Gurtris Hite."

1831 | 2523
Engraved on the mother 's words, the dented Tento inherited the sorrowful daughter
of Guratrishite through the staff' s magical power through his death before his death.
My son had all the attributes, so I did not need to be a magic tool separately. My
daughter just wanted to leave my child with what my mother gave me. Therefore, I
did not tell my mother's words.

My son thought that the magic tool of Gurritris Height inherited from the parent to
the child in the staple through magical power. Therefore, without having to go to the
back archive, let her child also take over the magician's glutrice height. Because I
became a Tento like that.

However, since there is a physical thing as a magic tool, it is no wonder that someone
thinks that if you take it you think that you can become your next tent. The second
prince, who inherited the magician of Gurttrisheit from his father 's father, was killed.
And at the same time as the death of the owner the magician of Gurtris Hite
disappeared. In the back of the underground archive, I returned to the archive where
I could not enter without royalty registration.

"If you refer to the history of succession to the throne, you think that you can take
over by Stap with the magic tool of Gurtris Height in the back of the underground
archive.I have time to match the magical power with me because it is not related to
the royal family. It will take, but is not it that the royal family becomes the Tent would
have less impact on the surroundings? "

When I got Gurritris Height, I become a royal family and a couple, and it is possible to
hand over Guritsutorasheit if I adjust magical powers. It should be able to succeed as
if Dunkel Ferger inherited the wand of the goddess of the sea through magical power
with Stap.

"...... Did you decide to marry Prince Sigismwald to think of such a thing, after having
inherited it by Stap, the current royal family can not read the contents? Is there any

Ferdinand sniffed like a fool. Ferdinand seems to be angry with the royal family who
did not study ancient words although he advised himself. I understand the feeling. I
have no idea when it will come to be able to be used at the place where Guritisuheito
gave way.

1832 | 2523
"It is perfect to be able to study books as public officials, but it is busy not to be able
to do it.Sento sometimes smells of medicine like Ferdinand sister.I have also taken
over this year for the past year I was busy and I could not read books.The royalty is
probably everyday.I think that I can not read books for a couple of years.
"What are you talking about like other things? If you became an adopted child of the
king and you marry Prince Sigismwald, will it be your daily life?"

I will close my mouth once the reality is confronted with a cold voice. I do not want to
see reality.

"...... Once you reach the adult, you start working in the printing industry and I will
make time to touch the book even if you have anything else Do you have any other
good means? For example, every season Ferdinand says we are in a good mood and
I'm in Ehrenfest Or to order books to be delivered, or to limit the books for me to
books by royal order ... "

As I stated what I came up, Ferdinand looked over with a smart face with my arms

"I think that there is no time to read books, and I do not think it makes sense to
increase the number of books, but you should not become a royalty by such a silly
thing using a royal command. You should explore ways to avoid becoming a kid 's
adopted daughter, tidy up Ahrensbach and think about how to get back to Ehrenfest
quickly. "

The words of Ferdinand, which was told like a matter, stuck in my heart. I was
thinking about returning Ferdinand to Ehrenfest, but I did not think that I would
return. I do not think I should return to Ehrenfest who is moving on the premise that
I will go.

"What, is that face still hiding something?"

"It's not like that ... that ... I can not return to Ehrenfest anymore ... Oh, it's different
from my returning home temporarily, but it's hard for me to stay in Ehrenfest
"I do not understand the meaning"

Stuck to Ferdinand, I will explain the current situation of Ehrenfest. A story about the
adoption with the king comes out, it is supposed to cancel Engagement with Villefriit.
Even if the talk with the royal family runs out, it is impossible to redo. That Vilfried
1833 | 2523
did not want to become an aw, that Charlotte began aiming at Aab. That Melchior
became the temple, so there is no place in the temple anymore.

"I have taken over and prepared for one year on the premise that I will cease.When I
return, everyone will think that I will welcome inwardly and I will welcome you
pleasantly, but I think that Ave · I can not go to Ehrenfest because I can not become
Ehrenfest.Gutenberg are also taking over and preparing for departure ... .... "

That I came to Ahrensbach, who led his aides to save Ferdinand, was not included in
the number of defenses of the territory as being disappearing. Regardless of anything,
I am no longer in the head number in the future Ehrenfest.

"... ... Is it such a thing?"

"So, just by Ferdinand, Ehrenfest ... ...."
"Shut up"

I should not have said anything wrong, but I also hung my cheeks.

"Let's think about your whereabouts, for now I will clean up from the problems in
front of you, sweeping out the runzener and closing the border gate, let's go."

Ferdinand starts walking with a movement that seems to have been unable to move
due to poison.

"Please wait, Ferdinand can not come out unless you search for a magic stone for
registration or make it."
"You probably dismissed the box to open this door, it's in it, if you dyed the foundation
you should open it, take it at once."

1834 | 2523
"How about Ferdinand !?"

At the moment I came out to take a manastone for registration, I asked Eckhardt
brother with a momentum to get rid of. I asked Angelica's shoulder that I had jumped
out to protect me from Ekhart's brother, lightly tapping him back, I let him drink an
antidote, I was recovering smoothly, I was sweeping out of Ranzener and closing the
boundary gate I tell you that I am going.

"Is the influence of poison problematic, such as going into the battlefield?"
"... As Ekhart brother knows, Feldinand is a person who has been secretly hiding, so I
do not think he is completely recovering, but I do not seem to be asleep like an
ordinary sick person. We have to make it finish as soon as possible. "
"I understand I will contact Dunkel Ferger"

When Eldhard brother nodded, he quickly returned his heel and left the office. Justkus
is preparing something like a wooden box. I also take out the magic stone for
registration from the box and head again for supply. Just before I stepped in I looked
back at my aides and issued instructions.

"In order to close the boundary gate, I have to go, so please prepare the escort knight
to come out at any time"

After having Ferdinand dye the manastone for registration and return to the office, I
put in a manastone for registration in the dent of the door. Ferdinand immediately
comes out and looks around the room. It was Mr. Eckhart and Justoks who ran to

"Mr. Ferdinand, thank you and something new"

"You worried"

Ferdinand shows a slight smile to the two who show a relief expression. But, it was
only a momentary, and I immediately tightened facial expression.

1835 | 2523
"I heard that Ranzeman is rampant rather than Rosemain, I heard that someone was
touched, but are you grasping the detailed situation? Report the situation of the Order
Group, Eckhardt"
"Ha! It is reported that a number of knights have been unilaterally destroyed by silver
spraying weapons and armor that prevents magical power, poisons that become
magic stones in a moment.A stolar said, It seems that he was issuing instructions to
evacuate the aristocrats in the castle and to hide in the room not open without magical
power registration "

I patted the chest a little while stroking a little like a lot of aristocrats who escaped the
difficulties by hiding in a hidden room that can not be opened and closed unless his
magical power is available. Make the size of the door the original small size and ask
the escort knights to fix the position of the writing box. Effhart's brother continued to
report during that time.

"Reti Zia seems to have fallen in the hands of Ranzenae, Ditlinde's instructions have
witnessed Reta Zia and the daughter of Strale who will be brought out to those of
Ranzenae. It was Rethi Zia-sama who warned me that he had a poison to become, and
he told me that he escaped and ordered everyone to save us. "

Thanks to that, it seems that we could have prevented that all the nobility of the Retzia
faction of Ahrensbach was killed. Since it was not possible to contact all the
residences, it seems that we still can not figure out how many nobility survives in the
houses of the arrogant aristocrats.

"Have you secured the status of Dietlinde, Georgine, Alsteide or what is the grasp of
"I heard that Dietlinde, with Leonzio, went back to the house of Ranzenae, and those
who headed to plead for Ranzenae's petition would not return, As I stepped into the
Zenerve's house, the report says that the palace was a cheek but I do not know how it
is now, so I do not know where I am now. "
"... ... That's right, I understand"

When Ferdinand frowns and nods with Eckhart's older brother, Justkus will start
reporting about Alsted.

1836 | 2523
"Alstede-sama and her husband, Brigeus, got information from family members that
they went to the house of Ranzenae at the invitation of Dietrinde, I have not returned
home yet, I am able to act with Dietlinde It can be said that sex is very high. "
"Well, I forgave the invasion of the Misumisu etc and could not prevent me from dying
the foundation on Rosemain, I thought I should dispose of the registered medals by
disposing, but I do not think they will be in the territory What about Georgine? "

Ferdinand calls Hartmut while listening to Justochs report and prepares my medicine.
I was told to have a recovery medicine with a kindness, I drank a recovery medicine.

"It seems that we have been absent for several days in order for Georgine to do the
prayer formula of the former Berkestock, so we still know where we are staying in
Gibbe No Ordonants comes back from any Gibe. "
"... It is unrest. There is a high possibility that Gieves are cooperating with the invasion
of Ehrenfest"

All the people at Ehrenfest are in this place. The tension runs in the room by being
given the risk of Ehrenfest from the mouth of Ferdinand. I felt like wanting to jump
out of the room and return to Ehrenfest soon.

"You must go to Ehrenfest to capture Georgine, but close the boundary door first and
give priority to those who hit Ran Zener as if you can not do anything more than this,
this is only for you I can not, it's work of Arubensbach, Rosemain "

When that was over, Ferdinand said to the aristocrats suggested by Georgine to go to
Ehrenfest to inform Aub's turn.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I will not be able to go to the battlefield as it is, preparing for the
change of the sea is here."

I saw that Justkus had finished preparing cloaks, some manastones and medicines on
a wooden box. As I was surprised by the goodness of preparation, Justkus smiled like
looking at me and looking down at me.

"Arub-Ahrensbach, I know that it's very rude, but Ferdinand's room is ruined, this is
the time of the emergency.Abu's office will be used for Ferdinand's calling, Would you
please give me permission? "
"Permit us, we will leave it."

1837 | 2523
Bringing my aides, I left the office of Aub. But there is no one outside the door. Where
did Hannaret go?

...... Ekhart Older brother should have been calling out, Dunkel Ferger does not exist ...

I wondered if there was something, the knights of the injured Dunkel Ferger came in

"Dear Rosemain, was Mr. Ferdinand ok?"

Hannaore who smiled and smiled nicely has no particular injuries, but many of the
back knights are quite injured.

"Hannero, how did the injuries of the knights of Dunkel Ferger go?"
"The soldier of Ranznerav has nothing to do, but I am not good at capturing that ship."

It was good while kicking soldiers of Ranznerav wandering around the aristocracy
and attacking the building of Ranzenerav, but it seems that the weapon came out of
the ship after chasing the person who ran away to the ship . It seems that a weapon
that a large amount of things like a thin silver needle jumped out was used as if not to
approach a ship.

"I sent as many as 10 knights to the ship, pretending to be a soldier and a captured
daughter returning to the ship, but because Ordonants did not reach ..."

Because Hannero was waiting in front of this office, the next is reported from Haisuzze
who was fighting locally.

"I will not pass magical powers at all and I will pierce both cavalries and armor.I jump
on the hull and jump on the hull and I tried using weapons but there was not much
effect.The non magic we brought Since the weapon of the tool is for interpersonal use,
it is a degree of slightly scratching the hull to a big thing like a ship. It once lifted the
knights to knit the countermeasure once. "
"I am thankful that you jumped over to the hull and checked the strength of the ship
while the first-looking weapon penetrating the cowgirl and armor was used. Let's
consult Ferdinand as well. Please come to this place, I will heal you. "

1838 | 2523
I will put out the cane of Fleet Lane and heal it together with the knights of Dunkel

"Some of the knights of Ahrensbach are keeping a guard at the boundary gate, if there
is movement on the ship, we will get in touch, then the aristocrats of Arendsbach who
makes a noise to make you meet new Aub We gathered in the room.The knights of
Dunkel Ferger irritated by the many people who did not hear a lot, scoffing them and
doing something a bit rough. Please excuse me. "

The nobles who made noises to get into the office of Aub said to be "disturbing
people", they seem to be caught from one end and confined in one room. Because the
knight of Dunkel Ferger is watching, it is not attacked by a soldier of Ranznerav and it
seems that there is no change in life.

"It is okay because I asked you to protect this door is okay ... I am sorry ... Thank you,
Hannaore. The time for two minutes of the bell is about to go on, but the people of
Dunkel Ferger are What will you do? I will close the boundary gate and Ferdinand will
do a sweeping game of Ranzenae from now on ... "

Although I heard an opinion to Hannaore, Hezitze came out long ago and said, "I will
accompany you to the sweeping course," of course.

"There will be no opportunity to miss the opportunity to fight with Ferdinand after
finally chewing enemies came out."
"Mr. Hannaore ... ...."

When I asked Hannorere to ask if it was really good, Hannorore smiled with a little
troubled face.

"The first one is that the enemies are too weak and neither magical tools nor recovery
drugs are used very much.When there is almost no place to fight against real deutter
but take along with discontented knights, it is serious afterwards I will be saved if you
let me stay like this. "

...... I want to let go away after diverging. I understand.

When I was convinced by looking around the knights of Dunkel Ferger who seemed
to have a lot of blood, as soon as the wounds recovered, Hyssitz began to think about
how to capture a silver ship.
1839 | 2523
"How about dropping a big rock? If you try throwing with body strengthening,
perhaps a hole may open."
"There is a high possibility that the lady who is inside will be caught"

As I was watching the knights who began to talk like that, Hannero raised a voice
saying "Oh?"

"Mr. Rosemain, is not it better to remove the royal family emblem? It is hard to say
very much, but it seems that the chain of the part that touches your skin seems to be
slightly damaged."

I touch the necklace of the royal family's emblem's necklace. As Hannaore says, it is
not gritty touch of metal, but a bit rough. I felt a rusty feeling, and when I saw the
touched fingertips, golden powder was on.
I tilt my neck and remove the necklace. As Hannaore said, it was understood at a
glance that only the portion hitting the skin around the clasp was damaged.

"I got it today, but ... have you handed in a defective item?"

When tilting his neck, Hannorore smiled bitterly, "Rosemain's magical power is just
too big."

"You used the magical power too much with it worn.The chain part used for the
courageous magic tool is made with the creator's magical power, so if you overload it
with the magical power that exceeds the creator it's like that It will be"
"That's what I'm thinking too much,"

After turning on the necklace, we supplied magical power to two border gates,
changed the magical power of foundation by using the transition team several times.
Perhaps you used too much magical power in a short time. That was quickly
convincing. But there are things that I can not understand.

"Oh, Mr. Hannallole. Is this necklace a magician of courtship? I learned coursing magic
tools by lecture, but I will make it according to the attributes of the opponent and put
words of oath, do not you think that this is different But .... "
"Rosemain, something you created in the lecture is a magician's magic stone, a
marriage manastill presents the best thing you can do, but courtship magical tools are
1840 | 2523
a step before that, so dropping a rating a bit It is normal.The coat of arms and name
are inscribed so that you can understand who you courted, it is characterized by
magical power bleeding slightly. "

I am surprised and overlook the necklace I thought was a permit. Hannorre said that
magical power is oozing out, but I can not see its magical power. How should I look at
it? It might be better to ask Ferdinand later. I thought about such a thing, Kusu and
Hannaore laughed.

"I also thought it a couple of times during the lecture, but Rosemain had excellent
grades and knew everything, but I do not know much about the gender subtleties and
interactions between them."
"I admit that I am missing my studies, but Ferdinand did not tell me unlike other

What I do not understand well even if I read the mother's love story is to shelle and
try to blame it for Ferdinand, it is said that Leonore standing behind as an escort is
not "teaching the teacher", as he is troubled by Hannorore. Was told.

... Well, that's right.

"Rosemain, wrapping around here and putting it in a leather bag is better, because
you will be in trouble if you lose the royalty's license."

I received the cloth presented by Hartmut with a smile and wrapped my license and
put it in a leather bag on my waist. It is unexpected that an important permission is
so fragile.

But ... Is it a courtesy magic tool? What do you think, Prince Sigismwald gave this

If it is a royalty, marriage will be decided, and if you are not king, you will not have to
get married. There will be no meaning to pass things other than magical monsters to

"Wait, wait, Rosemain .... What is this?"

1841 | 2523
Ferdinand who came out of the office of Aub from becoming a full-body armor of the
magic stone looked at the corridor crowded by Dunkel Ferger's blue mantle, forcing
the face to pull for a moment. The knights of Dunkel Ferger saw the appearance of
Ferdinand, roughly arranging and arranging on the corridor and kneeling.

"Why is there a lot of Dunkel Fergus in the castle of Ahrensbach, Rosemain?"

Ferdinand weak to the unexpected surprise attack glared at me with Giorgory.

……Unpalatable. Explaining Dunkel Ferger, I completely forgotten.

I laughed and laughed and smiled and smiled and showed Dunkel Ferger's volunteers.

"We are volunteers who came from Dunkel Ferger to save Ferdinand with me and to
join the real deutter that robs the foundation."
"Thank you for your success, Ferdinand!"

A high hesitz stands up behind me and comes closer with a full smile. I removed Bach
and my cloak and presented it to Ferdinand who had a disgusting face.

"I will return this cloak, I would like to win Ferdinand fairly squarely with a doctor to
get this back into hand."
"I need you, take home with me"

...... Oh, after all the temperature difference is to be terrible!

Even if it is treated as hard as possible, Hezitz continues talking to Ferdinand without

failing at all. Truly a man of Dunkel Ferger. To this extent it is not strange.

"The things I thought as good was backfired at the last time, I was going to save
Ferdinand, I would like to be of assistance this time ..."
"I do not have time to ask questions with the other person, I have to go to close the
boundary gate and do a scouting battle to avoid missing Runzener."

Although he shook hands and was wiped out as "disturbing", Hysitz became a rather
smart smile.

"Because we are here because of Rosemain's request, as soon as we have cleaned up

everything, we are going to work slowly about Ditter ..."
1842 | 2523
"If you have cleaned up everything, please wait another ten years."
"We will cooperate so that we can get back to you sooner, so we have a doctor ..."

...... Wow, I have not given up for Ferdinand's response at all.

Regardless of how deeply it is handled by Ferdinand from the time of the nobleman
era, it seems that there is nothing to this extent for Hysuzze who has been persistently
applying for Ditter. Truly a man of Dunkel Ferger. Insistent.

"Is not this just the knights of Dunkel Ferger here, what is the knight of Ahrensbach?"

I explained the situation Leonore told me from Hannellore, and when I tell you the
flow of the fight with Dunkel Ferger, Ferdinand once pinched my cheeks as "how far
you used insane measures". I think that this is definitely a hit.

"In the range of common sense I could not save Ferdinand, thanks to the knights of
Dunkel Ferger, this was able to help Ferdinand, with no injuries and a foundation.
Please thank you before you drive away. "

In my words Ferdinand looks at Hezitze as he thinks for a while.

"Ok, Hysitz, as soon as you desire, after closing the boundary gate, let's catch every
single runzenve and go to Ehrenfest"
"Why are you going to Ehrenfest! What on earth are you?"

Hannalee rounds his eyes and compares Ferdinand with me. Coming to Ahrensbach
has been discussing from the beginning, but I have not done anything to go to
Ehrenfest. It would be natural for the commander Hannorore to be confused.

"Rosemain took the cornerstone of Ahrensbach, but it is not just a deprivation of the
treasure.If it is not possible to defend the treasure, it will be defeated when the knight
is strong and took away the treasure of the extra thing. Does Dunkel Ferger who has
lost the treasure to me know so well? "

I wonder if there are many knights of the same generation as Ferdinand. The knights
who look like they were hurt are going on.

"... ... In other words, real deutter is not finished until it is corroborated that Eolenfest's
cornerstone has been secured, do not get caught up until you get a perfect
1843 | 2523
victory.Lanzenerborn does not think strange weapons, poison, etc. I will use the
means, put under my command, Hi Sizzice, beat down Ran Zhener until it is perfect. "
"Ha! From this, Dunkel Ferger enters under the command of Ferdinand and continues
real ditters!"

The knights of Dunkel Ferger rose quickly. Although it is hot, it is reliable.

"Justus, deliver the nobles in the hidden room by my return and collect all the
"Certainly yes"
"Hartmut, Clarissa. We free the aristocracy of Ahrensbach, which is gathered in one
room, and compare Dietlinde and Rosemain, while advertising with the rosemain's
saint-femininity how good new Aub is If Rosemain does not rule over as Aub, I will
pound the way that Ahrensbach will collapse.If you see Rosemain you can brainwash
as much as you want to kneel Rosemain quickly as Aruben Bach as nobles Whether or
not to accept it depends on their success. "
"Please leave it!"

Their voices resonate. Somehow my stomach became sore.

"Well, Ferdinand, is it okay to leave it to Hartmuts? I am very worried, but ...."

"In terms of advertising your achievement, there will be no more talented people,
whether magical powers are recovering than that ...? Ah, you think that you will be
forced a little while from now."

Ferdinand peeked into my face a bit anxiously. I smile nicely and shake my head aside
for relief.

"I'm all right, I have taken your medicine ... .... And is it a critical moment?"

Ferdinand who was poisoned and died tried to beat the enemy before it recovered
completely. I know what I have to hurry.

"Okay, let's go, you are going to go to Aubu Ahrensbach, you must overcome this
confusion and have everything in hand."

A ferocious smile Ferdinand issued a coward. Ordonants came flying there. White
birds who descended to his brother Eckhardt speak in a man's voice.
1844 | 2523
"Eckhardt, Straal, the ship of Ranzenerav began to move, which seems to be beyond
the border gate in the moment when the attack of Dunkel Ferger stopped, Ferdinand
still like you ?! urgent instructions!"

Ordonant cried three times returned to manastone. Take the magic stone from
Elkhart's older brother, Ferdinand produces Ordonants at Stap.

"Ferdinand, go with the new Aub to close the boundary gate, never attack, never show
up to your opponent and wait a while."

1845 | 2523
We jumped out of the castle with a beast. It is quite warm compared to Ehrenfest, it is
already the beginning of the early summer, although it is the time of the prayer
When we came to Ahrensbach, it was sunk in the darkness, but the sky drawing a
gradation from light purple to pale yellow with night whitening emerged the figure of
the cityscape of Ahrensbach. There are walls and gates that surround the aristocracy,
but it seems there are no walls or gates in the city of the commoner.
Three vessels that have just departed from the harbor above the ocean darker than
the sky and still have not gained much speed are moving toward the boundary gate.
Another ship was visible in the port. It seems that preparation for departure has not
ended yet.

The knight of Dunkel Ferger who was guarding the house of Ranznerav and the knight
of Ahrensbach on the border gate keep the guard as it is, Ferdinand flies the
Ordonants. Besides, I am flying Aldonants one after another.

The knights who left in the castle seemed to be in contact, and the knights of
Ahrensbach who were struggling to rescue activities from aristocratic streets
everywhere gathered little by little. The collecting knights look at my red bus and
become a face that is surprised uniformly. There was a person who issued Stap with
"Grün!" And was stopped by surrounding knights, "It is not a monster! It is a new
Aub's beast".

...... It is not grunge.

"Haisuzze, Eckhardt. Make an action group in ten persons, please appoint the group
leader, then the command will be done in groups, commanders and their aides over
the group will descend once to the gate of the outer wall, otherwise the sky I'm
waiting. "

Haishezze and Eckhardt brother follow the command issued while driving the
cowgirl, while moving in the air, the division of the knights of each territory and the
group leader are decided.

1846 | 2523
"Rosemain, that's the gate of the outer wall. Please distribute magical tools for each
group as soon as you get there"
"Please, please help Matthias, Laurentz, Leonore, Cornelius elder brother, Angelica is
my escort"

The group leaders and commanders are lowering altitude on the roof of the gate wall
of the outer wall surrounding the aristocracy. Once the beast is extinguished except
for the ridiculous cowgirl carrying the luggage.
My Escort Knights will distribute to the group leaders as instructed by Ferdinand,
such as flash guns in the first group and sixth group, auxiliary magic tools of wide
magic in the second group and seventh group.

"Hannero could have taken your own knights and rest at the castle ... ...."

Ferdinand told me to go back to the castle while watching Sumir 's riding type beast,
but Hannorore shook his head with a smiling smile.

"I have come to snow shame of Ditter and I will not be allowed to escape again here I
am wondering if you can put Volzenir you got in this aristocratic city on the ship of
Ranzenae "

While Hannorore showed his cud beast by hand, I said so. Three Vorjeirs are placed
in the luggage storage room of the cowgirl and you can see that they are lying side by
side. Vorheñeir looks like a dog, I heard someone told me that it is a pet-type devil,
which is relatively popular among nobles like Schmir.

... ... Do you put your pet on board?

I do not know exactly what Hannorre is going to do with Volhönir, but Ferdinand
seems to have figured it soon.

"...... I see, it is a good means for soldiers of Ranznerav."

I guess I heard that it is a woman of Dunkel Ferger as well, but is this a compliment?
Hannale is smiling like a shivering, so surely it will be a compliment. Let's say it is a

1847 | 2523
"Let's leave the ship that has not been able to leave port to Hannoree, please
accompany the first group and the second group for the rescue of the hostages and
the escort"
"I am sorry"

Ferdinand points to the sea. You can see a silver ship that started to speed up little by

"Magical power does not pass through that silver ship, but you know it, but if magical
power passes through it, it will not be able to spread, so when you get close to the gate
that ship turns black, I will aim for that moment."

It seems to me that it makes me think that I can return home for that purpose. He
seems to have to be careful not to catch up with the beast because it is quite fast.
Ferdinand says that he will have to keep away from himself, and will have to pursue
towards the boundary gate with an easy-to-attack attitude and distance.

"When it turns black, Rosemain protects Aub towards the ship to protect the hostage,
to protect the hostage, if it is guarded, it makes a total attack with the intent to crush
the ship, black absorbs magical power, Never mind.
"Crush the ship ... ... What do you do with the hostage !?"
"It is protected by the guardian of Aubu, it should be collected after it is thrown into
the sea."

...... I have seen only the result as usual!

However, if you go back to Ranzenerav you will be defeated. Rather than fighting in
an unknown place, it is advantageous to fight in the place Ferdinand knows.

"The means of leaving such magical power is that there are a lot of knights of Dunkel
Ferger and you could not pick up if it was not Aru, thank you."

Instructions on how many groups attacked which ship were issued one by one, and I
was instructed to put recovery medicine here.

"Even if you have a healing medicine, you can not give it to everyone when the battle
happens, let's manage the recovery drugs and magical tools with the apprentice. Give
your escort knight one."

1848 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, let me manage, because I can strengthen my eyesight, I can bring the
necessary remedies to the apprentices and I will also be an apprentice."

Laurentz gave in to me. Apprentice of Ahrensbach It seems that he will supply magical
tools and recovery medicine here with the knight.

"Rosemain, you put away the cavalry and ride on my cud beast"

It certainly carried all the baggage but why do I have to board the Ferndinand
cuddling? I do not know the meaning.

"Because your crowned beast seems to be a stupid grunge to those of Ahrensbach, has
not it been attacked by a knight who does not know about it? Attacking Aub is a
rebellion. Do you want to increase it? "

It was pointed out that the knight of Arendsbach with few contact points has not
accepted my cud beast at all. No matter how much Lesser bus is cute it seems no good.

"Besides, it is hard to close the boundary gate in a ride-on type, and I also have
difficulty in giving instructions." For anything, in a ride-on type, you can not see the
appearance of you, a new arub, from others, and it will not be visible. "

Apparently Ferdinand seems to make me aware that I am a new awb thoroughly at

this opportunity. Somehow I remembered the time when I was made to bless a lot
when my lord became a adopted daughter. Because Hartmut and Clarissa are working
in the castle, it will be worse than that time.

"I understand Ferdinand's opinion, but it is not good for Ferdinand to board the house,
but Rosemain is my cud beast ......"
"Rosemain should be riding on a female knight.There are people who recognize that
Mr. Ferdinand is a Rosemain-san like a guard.In order for Rosemain's honor to ride it
with a woman knight as well Please give me"

Léonore and Cornelius stood up in front of Ferdinand so as to protect me.

"Depending on the magic you want to use for Rosemain, there is a problem with
Leonore that is not a candidate for a lord. Is there another lady's candidate who can
ride on Rosemain?"
1849 | 2523
"If you are a lady's lord's candidate, Ms. Hannero will come."

As frustrating Cornelius brother looked around and showed Mr. Hannallre by hand.
Hannale was looking awfully intriguing.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that my cud beast is also a ride-on type and it is supposed to
rush into the ship as a commander, so with Rosemain and ..."

Is it ...? What is it like to make a lord of a large territory of another territory?

"Cornelius, I'm sorry to Mr. Hannallole, Hannalee-sama, I am very sorry, I apologize."

"No. The concerns of the escort knights are good ... .... But I can understand Ferdinand's
concern as well. It will not be able to make the cause that Aub attacks a knight of its
own.Rosemain He did not grasp Ahrensbach yet just by dyeing the foundation. "

Hannero showed an understanding to both. Either way, my lesser bus seems not to be
good on this occasion.

"Rosemain, I advise as my brother now, no matter how much anything is riding with
Ferdinand ..."
"Shut up, Cornelius"

Brother Eckhart glared at Girori and Cornelius elder brother and silenced.

"Rosemain, who became Arub-Ahrensbach to save Ferdinand, is now worried about

what kind of foreign newspaper? The ship is beginning to move, there is no time ... I
will order you as my brother ... By the way, Ferdinand Follow the instructions,
Rosemain! "
"Hello, thanks, Ferdinand-sama"

It's too bad, but I can not imagine opposing the spirit of Brother Eckhart. I rushed to
Ferdinand and handed him out.

"Do not let go of time"

Ferdinand pulls the hand and puts it on the beast. However, unlike a Lesser bus, the
Ferdinand lion is hard and it is not stable. Because Ferdinand is also wearing armor,
it is a hard feeling to hit the back and if you do not feel guilty it will beat Gangon and
1850 | 2523
"This ridiculous beast has a bad ride and it seems to be falling, but ... ...."
"I should not say I am you, you ought to have made ordinary cowgirls .... Even so, I
grow too much, it is hard to see the front."

……Huh? Wait a minute. Am I a prisoner? Is not Ferdinand like us?

With not quite convinced, the coward rushes up to the air and increases the speed and
aims at the harbor. There are two silver ship moving from port to border gate. There
is one ship that seems to be stuck somehow in the port a little. And, there is one ship
that is ready to leave port that has not been able to leave the port.

"Mr. Ferdinand, a ship stopped at sea may be the thing the knights of Dunkel Ferger
got on, there is a possibility that the inside is under pressure."

Pointing to a ship stuck on the sea, Hiroshitze screams. I can not believe that the knight
of Dunkel Ferger will lose to the soldiers of Ranzenae if it can infiltrate. Certainly there
is a high possibility that a ship is stuck due to a brawl in inside.

"It is strange that the ship will not leave port no matter how long it is?"

I saw that the ship at the harbor was shaking unnaturally, I strengthened my eyes and
gazed at my eyes. Not only the silver soldiers of Ranzenae but also the appearance of
ordinary peaceful people wearing boro clothes was seen. Fishermen who seem to be
burning on the sun are likely to seem to be strong fighters, wielding around wooden
boxes and nets with the shape of anger and striking themselves on their strengths. A
small explosion occurred each time. Perhaps, what is being hit is the Spreish of a fish
to explode.
It seems that the soldiers of Ranzenerav wearing silver-colored clothes are fighting
with swords and shields to the fishermen who rampage. People and soldiers are in
trouble and are in trouble.

"It seems that Ferdinand, a ship at that port, and fishermen are in a battle, now a silver
figure has been grabbed from the ship"
"Whether you are taking a stool by the commoner, Volouhaeil is hard to use ... ...
Strategy change! Like Hannallole, there are many commoners in the vicinity of that
ship.After confirming that Rosemain protects Aub, Please infiltrate me! "
1851 | 2523

Ferdinand gives directions to me, stopping Hannaore who was about to descend
towards the harbor.

"Rosemain, healing of Ahrensbach hurt by Ranzenae's attacks Luce Sumer's healing,

afterwards cast Aub's guard down the area of this harbor"

I pulled out Staff and put out the staff of Fleet Lane, healed Luo Sumer. Green light
overflows from the staff of Fleet Lane, and it falls into the brawl zone around the ship.

Voice came up from those who were fighting what, what they were, and face looked
up at the same time looking for a source of green light. I can immediately hear the staff
back to the staple while hearing that the injured fishermen are raising a surprise voice
as "a miracle."

...... Guardian of Aub.

Once I breathe in heavily, I will pour more magical power. It is guardian magic to
protect his own people who can only be used by Aub. There is time limit, but during
that time you can protect magic, physics from any kind of attack. The first time I saw
it was when I did not know that it was Abe's guardian.


When I shook Bun and Stap, a big yellow bird jumped out. I fly around the harbor
while spreading the light powder and disappear after disintegrating shape. With this,
only the people of the local area can be protected from any attacks.

"Guardian of Aub ... ...."

"Is Rosemain really Ahrensbach's Aub?"

The knights of Ahrensbach stare at the powder of the light that has fallen on them. It
is only the person who is registered as a citizen that can protect with the guardian of
Aub. The knights of Ahrensbach are wrapped in light yellow light, but the knights of
Dunkel Ferger and my aides, Ferdinandes and children before baptism have no effect
at all.

1852 | 2523
"Sixth group, flashing bullet! The seventh group is wide-area magic, with Vashen as a
whole! Push down the soldiers of Ranzenae!"

In addition to the healing of Luo Sumerle, as the guardian of Aub is falling down, a
number of flash bullets exploded above the people looking up. Vaschen pours
ruthlessly on those who hold their eyes and soldiers of Ranzenaev are swept away by
the water current and thrown to the sea. Ships connected to the harbor shook and hit
each other, Rope Several ships are pushed out of the port. The citizens who are
protected from all are looking up at the top and the top.

"The third group, the fourth group, the fifth group, the strategy change! Let the
commoner go home and get the capture of Runzenav while the guardian of Aub is
there! Regarding the rescue of the hostage and the collection of the magic stone,
Hannaore's instructions Follow! "

A group of Fuji-colored cloaks who received instructions from Ferdinand descends

toward the place where there are many fishermen even in the harbor.

"The first group, the second group! I will go!"

According to Hannaore 's voice, the escort knights, which surrounded Hannorore,
centering on Sumir' s riding type cuddling, fluttered the blue cloak and descended
toward the silver ship. Everyone raised up and left the spot, and there was a space
where the beast came down.

Hannaore puts out Volzhaeir from his cud beast. As soon as the medium sized dog size
Vorjeir became like a big dog and big dog, it jumped over to surrounding commoners.

"It's useless,"

Just before Vorheñeel jumped to the commoner, Hannellore made a lead in the band
of Stap's light and pulled himself up quickly. That alone will make Völghnir neat and
quiet. Saying something to the commoner who is spreading his eyes on fear,
Hannorore issued an order to the knights, where he rushed into the ship with the
knights from where he was putting in and out of the baggage.

1853 | 2523
I will ask on the coward that began to run over the sea again towards the boundary

"... Ferdinand, what kind of monster is Volzair?"

"Wolfhenir is a demon that absolutely obeys to those who are stronger than myself,
but on the other hand it has a magical power that is lower than myself and it has a
characteristic of being able to keep eating without disturbing moving objects.When
the side moves furniture, It is said that you are getting stuck with furniture if you do
not put it outside. "
"...... Volzenir, it really is no mistake"

When I said that, the ship that was stuck at sea exploded from the inside, and a part
of the ship was blew away gaudy. The arm of Ferdinand who is not grasping the reins'
reins turns around my belly and is drawn.

"Watch out!"

1854 | 2523
A big hole opened in a part of the ship and a whitish smoke burst out. Although I would
like to go see the state, something like a silver needle that penetrates even a cuddling
beast or an armor may come out as it approaches poorly. When Ferdinand confirms
the distance between the silver ship going ahead and the border gate, it stops the
cuddling once at a height and distance that the silver needle reported by the knights
of Dunkel Ferger can not reach.

"Rosemain, asking for a report by seeing the situation with enhanced vision"

I looked back a little Ferdinand and replied "yes". Here it is meaningless when asking
"Why are not you strengthening your vision by yourself?" It is decided that you can
not do it when you do not need it. It is my role that I was brought in to accurately
report what is going on. I strengthened my eyesight and looked to see the other side
of the smoke.

"A man who seemed to be wearing a silver costume from a large vacant hole came
"Run Zenerve? Dunkel Ferger?"

A man who came out looking around went up to the top of the helicopter. When
staring at and seeing what to do, the man takes off the silver costume and strikes the
magical power with Stap.

"There is no mistake in Stap! Dunkel Ferger's knight"

At the same time as my report, Hisuzzice's bright voice echoes.

"It is a sign of the completion of control inside the ship, Ferdinand!"

The request for relief when something happened was ROHT, and it seems that there
was a convention of signaling the completion of the march if only magical power was
launched. It seems that the one that caused the explosion was the knights of Dunkel
Ferger that had infiltrated inside.
Oddonants flew as the voice came up from the knights of the surrounding Dunkel
Fergus who did well.

1855 | 2523
"Inside ship control completed! I will begin rescuing the hostages.The hostages are
taken up by cavalry demonic stones and it will take a while to rescue"

Ferdinand who heard the words of Aldonant who came flying caught the reins
strongly saying "Yoshi". The lion is a bitter and moves the wings bigger once.

"Sixth group, heading for rescue of hostages and collection of deprived manastones,
the seventh and eighth groups will attack the preceding ship, and the ninth and tenth
team will attack the ship following them"

A cud beast is faster than a ship. I will catch up with the ship if you speed up and keep
tracking. I rush on the sea while adjusting the distance so that I will pursue to the
boundary gate so as not to catch up perfectly. The sky became bright and the color of
the sea also increased brightness.

"Rosemain, if the color of the ship begins to change, I would like the advance ship to
protect Ave, but magical power is OK?"
"If it is two more times ... somehow ... it seems a little more than that."

I declared it honestly. It is legal to vomit a lie here and estimate your magical power
sweetly. It is because it is heavily involved in the success or failure of subsequent

"When moving the border gate, then, when we dyed the foundation, I drank the
recovery medicine in rapid succession. I think that if I drink more than this I think that
I will probably become unwilling and will not be able to activate.I drink next before
going to bed Right? "
"If only you can grasp the amount of medicine yourself .... but, if twice, whatever,"

Ferdinand's thoughtful echoes are somewhat uneasy spreading in my heart.

"Do you have any concerns?"

"That ship turns from silver that plays magical power to black that absorbs magical
power. It is not certain that it was just because I heard it from a knight on the
boundary gate that saw a ship returning to Ranzenerav at the end of autumn, but the
magical power of the border gate It seems that it seems that it is in a state that it can
transfer to the whole by sinking it by sucking In other words, it is thought that it has
1856 | 2523
power of magical power absorption of black magic stone instead of just black ... ... the
port of the previous time I thought that magical power would be needed rather than
the guardian who went on. "

Even if you know that Ferdinand, which has never become an auction, is a magician
who uses a lot of magical power, I do not know how much burden it is on me. Because
the power varies depending on how much magical power can be put in Stapp,
consumption magical power also has individual difference greatly.

"Besides, as long as that is not so stupid, it is impossible for two ships to change color
at the same time, until the next ship confirms that the preceding ship can pass through
the border gate and the border gate As soon as magical powers came to pass, you
should not imitate changing colors, even though you saw a state of intensive attack. "

If you can not change the color you can not go through the border gate, you will be
attacked all at once as soon as you change. Ferdinand said it would be a glance with a
ship that could not even return to the harbor.

"How can I rescue hostages without taking too much time while you are also mindful
of your magical power ...?"

If you do not think about hostage rescue, you can drop even huge rocks as Dunkel
Ferger 's knights have said. But I can not do it, and considering the circumstances of
Ehrenfest and the physical condition of Ferdinand, I can not spend too much time.

"Rosemain, do not harm the hostage as much as possible, do not use magical power
as much as possible, Is there any effective way to destroy the ship in your knowledge?
Not only Mestionola's books but also knowledge of the other world Please think about
including it if it can be in a state where magical power can communicate, there is no
problem. "

Ferdinand whispers in a small voice so that no one else can hear it. I can understand
very much if people ask me, but my ears are very ticklish so please stop it. Should
wiretapping prevention magic tools be used at such times?

"Is there something?"

"... Although it was a world without magical powers indeed, science was developed
instead, there is no preparation in advance and I do not know if there is anything I can
do if I do not think about it well."
1857 | 2523
"Think about it, I will call out when Abe's guardian is needed."

...... What is a silver ship made of? That silver color does not look like a cloth to me. It
looks like a metal, is not it? Does that mean silver paint?

I can not imagine only to peel off the paint or make the metal brittle making shock
easy to pass.

... ... Does the paint melt completely when heat is added? But how do you add fever?
Besides, there is a possibility that the hostage inside will be steamed? Well ....

While I think about it, Ferdinand will fly Ordonants to knights at the boundary gate.

"When the guardian of Aub is hit, you must attack the ship with full power, you can
not escape to runzener, never be cautious, rescue of the hostages has been wrecked
the ship"

"Ask Rosemain, the guardian of Aubu. The seventh group, the eighth group, the
boundary gate prepares for attack!"

The color of the ship that moved near the border gate began to change. The color
changes from silver to black one after another with the feeling that the pattapa and
the tile are turned upside down. It seems that aiming at this changing moment seems
to be able to protect Aub 's most without consuming magical powers. I will
immediately put out the staple and pour the magical power.


I shook Bun and Stap, and struck the guardian of Aub towards the ship. Unlike the
previous one the scope is narrow. Large yellow birds do not fly around, but jump
straight into the ship.


In accordance with Ferdinand's instructions the knights of Ahrensbach jumped out of

the roof of the gate of the border gate riding a coward. Also in their hands, there is a
Stap sword that emits light with a complex color in the hands of the knights of Dunkel
1858 | 2523
Ferger who started to push into the ship. It is dazzling with magical powers poured
for the purpose of crushing runzener.

Ferdinand shook the staple and struck magical power towards the ship. It's as small a
light as Roth. With it as a signal, the knights raise the big voice all at once, swing the
sword and release magical powers. As the magical powers of everyone twist, it
became rainbow-colored light, and it rushed into the ship changed to black.
The moment when light of dazzling magical powers than the sun reached the ship, the
ship exploded with a roar that would make the ear numb. The sea swayed greatly, and
the ship is completely swallowed once, and a white water column rises. Several ship
fragments jumped out of the water column and scattered.

"Confirm that the hostages are safe! It will take rescue work!"
"Please rescue Aub's guard while you are in. Hurry up!"

Those who wear the light of the guardian of Aub are scattered on the sea. The hostage
girls who do not know what happened, the knights of Dunkel Ferger piled up in the
band of light of Stap and began to carry them onto the boundary gate. The knight of
Ahrensbach takes the staple into a network of lights and raises objects floating on the
sea at once. Daughter who is smiling at eyes, magic tool floating in the sea, etc. are all


A scream sounded from inside the net. Suddenly it can be seen that the daughter who
was delivered by the net along with the fish floating up to the magnitude of the shock
applied to the sea is disturbed. I am a little poor but I want you to be patient so I have
to rescue in a hurry.

Despite being caught in an explosion, the soldiers of Ranzenerav seems to have

relatively survivors who did not receive the magical attack because they were
wearing silver clothes. There are lots of figures that are staggering on the sea surface.
I could see the soldier of Ranzenerav left behind on the sea with his arms raised to
cling to the net of Stap.

"How about Ferdinand, a soldier of Ranzenae? Evidence and testimony captured ..."
"If we need testimony, there are already two soldiers, no one around us is needed"

While saying that, Ferdinand will turn the beast to the ship that was following.
1859 | 2523
It seems that the ship in the row after seeing the state of the preceding ship was going
to be swallowed by the impact of the explosion and the large wave that accompanied
it. I saw that he was being maddened by the sea which is still undulating. However, as
expected by Ferdinand, its color remains silver and magical attack does not work.


A part of the silvery upper deck which was suspended like a submarine opened,
something came up from the bottom. I still have a silver color. It seemed like a lot of
small holes were empty in the square box.

"What, what is that?"

"A silver needle of an example is a weapon that comes out!"

It was Haisuzzse who answered the question of Ferdinand. Even if you attack that part
from a distance with magical power, it seems that it will not work as well. It seems
that magic tools prepared several were also ineffective on ships. Although measures
on cloth were kneaded, although it might be unavoidable because it did not think that
there was a silver ship, honestly it is regrettable.

"You're shooting!"
"Get a little longer!"

The knights who saw the situation raised vigilance to the silver ship that started
attacking to the skies over and over. It is an attack that a beast and an armor penetrate.
Do not approach closer.

"It may be because I saw the attacks that the previous ship had received."

It is obvious that you can not go back to Ranzenae without being able to pass through
the border gate unless you change color before you can see a fellow ship being
crushed in front of you. It is visible to be caught when you return to the harbor.
Ferdinand said, even if soldiers are in a state of panic, it is not amusing.

I am concerned about the hostage inside. I want to give it as soon as possible. To do

that you have to strip that silver color. As the tiles turned over, things like tiles were
turned over, you had to have something like squeezing things like a knife at the
border, turning over the colors with force, brushing down the paint.

1860 | 2523
"At least it would be nice if we could close that attack mouth ...."
"The magical attack seems to be ineffective, but is there some way?"
"Even though I was wearing a silver costume, if I did not go through the white building
or penetrate the floor, I thought I could not do it just by covering that part with
Entwickeln, but what about it? ? "

When you think about what you can do as Aub, you can make white stone? I thought,
but Ferdinand shook his head, saying, "You are a truly unexpected idea ... ..." in a shaky

"Is that useless?"

"It's impossible, it's impossible, you say that you want to lid, who's measuring the size
of that part? How do you plan to draw a design drawing? A magical paper to do
Entwickeln There is neither ink nor gold powder, does not it have extra magical
powers for you? "

...... It is true that it is normal indeed.

"I think that if it can measure even the size it will manage somehow.The magpie has
made a lot of Clarissa made and the ink will be managed by Styro? Fortunately, there
are a few gold powders!"

I take out the emblem of the royal family whose chain part is slightly golden. I wonder
if it will manage somehow by taking gold powder from here. It is not a big building
that I want to make, it's a lid to prevent attacks.

"Is it enough for this golden powder, Mr. Ferdinand?"

"Even if things to make are small, it is not enough to do it, but it is not enough to do it.
I think that it would be sufficient to make gold powder from here on from the chain,
but it is disgusting to make gold powder from the royal family. I will give another
manastone if it is made into gold powder, so please make it there. "

Although unfaithfulness would be unfaithful, Ferdinand's magic stone does not

become gold powder. He has only high demonic power manastones. If you want to
make gold powder from now on, you will need a lot of magical power.

"Because this chain is almost saturated with magical power, you do not need much
magical power to turn it into gold dust, can you forgive me by compensating

1861 | 2523
something when I return it? The royal family will become a golden strand from human
life I would not say that is more important ... "
"It is a nobleman of a territory that has rebelled against the royal family and it is
unknown whether the royalty will give priority to human lives or not as long as you
can not figure out what answer is returned from the royal family and should not create
extra gaps Besides, you go to that sky alone and do Entwickeln, if you think from the
standpoint of protecting you, no one escort knight will agree. "

I am silent, being told that you should be aware of the instability of your position. If
Entwickeln is not good, other means must be considered.

"... What about freezing? Is not no needle jumping out if it blocks with ice?"
"I think it is good as a plan, but what are you planning to do?"
"Wow .... You only need to use the sword of Avei Liebe, but it's a useless thing not to
be able to use it unless it's winter."

It is already spring. Here, Ahrensbach has a climate like the early summer of
Ehrenfest, not thinking about winter anyway. Because I have not finished the prayer
ceremony, it can not be said that Fuuit Lane's protection is still thin, but it does not
apply to the condition of using the sword of AVILIVE.

"... ... I'm not sure what to worry about, but is it not enough to change this place to
"If you rewrite the spring magic team in Halden Zell, could you call winter?"
"Well? Do not say it with the normal face! It is impossible, so I can not do it normally."

There are rare people who can trick such big magic teams to rewrite themselves as
convenient, and I do not think to rewrite them. At least I was told that there was no
sense as to the improvement of the magic team and I could not think of rewriting it as
a magic team calling winter.

"However, even if the area is limited to the part of the ship, magical power is necessary
considerably, if you do not have magical power, you need a magical stone with magical
power, but do you have it?"
"If you have magical powers from which the magical power pulled out of the
foundation came, you have it."
"Why do you have it?"

1862 | 2523
He also said that he forgot to place it on a heavy, but if you do not say it you do not

"Did you say that there is also a magazine?"

"Yes, it's patchy."

I take out several pieces of magical paper which are folded down from the leather bag
and are getting smaller. Ferdinand somewhat muttered, "I am afraid of your insane"
with a very exhausted voice.

"So, is there anyone other than you and me who can use the sword of AVILIVE as this
place could be done in winter?"

Considering closing the boundary gate and the border gate seems better not to use
me and Ferdinand's magical power. I looked around the escort knights around me. It
is not in and out of the shrine to Date.

"Because I was competing as to who could make the martyrs soonest, my escort
knights are now ready to use, so that Damuel can also make shapes."

Is not it amazing? With your heart breaking, Ferdinand looked round the escort
knights and sighed.

"There are too much insane around you"

...... Ferdinand who is calling me winter is not the beginning of insane?

1863 | 2523
After a couple of questions, Ferdinand quickly gathered the knights of the ninth and
tenth groups and said that they would freeze the ship to stop that attack.

"How do you freeze a ship !? How can we do the snow shoots of snow and ice in a
warm climate filled with the power of Fleet Lane !?"
"We will do rituals calling for winter only on this ship"

……Understand. I understand, that feeling. What are you saying? Do you think?
Absolutely absolutely Ferdinand, do not you?

Hezitze and the knights who are on the face of being unable to understand will not
give eyes and Ferdinand will instruct my escort knights to swing the sword of
AVILIVE. Brother Cornelius, Matthias, Leonore, Angelica looked at their eyes
twinkling their eyes.

"It is impossible for all escort knights to do, Feldinand-sama, you can use magical
powers upwards, you can not reduce Rosemain's escort knight too much."
"Besides, after using the sword of Avei Liebe, it seems that the beast will disappear if
there is no one to collect, it will be turned upside down in the sea."

My escort knights do the same thing that they do not know the meaning of the insane
strategy, but Broder Cornelius and Leonore will immediately respond.
"I do not know how much I can freeze with the magical power of one. It is better for
as many as possible to swing the sword of AVILIVE and for those with a lot of magical
power to be as good as possible but it is also necessary for Rosemain's escort knight"

Martias who heard the words of Ferdinand turned his eyes toward the land.

"Laurentz can also use the sword of Aveyriebe, how do you leave the management of
magical tools to another person and put Laurentz in this fighting force?"

Ferdinand turns his eyes toward the land like "Muhi" and Matthias to the reaction
resounding. However, the gaze is not the gate of the outer wall. I was directed further
to the back castle.

1864 | 2523
"...... Rosemain, if escort knights dedicated themselves in the temple and got
Avenilebe's sword, can you use Hartmut?"
"Of course I can use it because I was fighting with Cornelius elder brother as to which
one will be able to use it soon ... ... No way, Feldinand says"

Do you also use Hartmut? Is it? "If you raise me, Ferdinand gently rang off Hun and
his nose.

"It's a civil servant who can use the sword of Avilibe? Is not it convenient because it
does not reduce the number of escort knights, if you call it will Haltmuth come here

Ferdinand told me to give Ordonants' Manastone and call Hartmut. I ask Hartmut as I
told from Ferdinand.

"Hartmut, I will do a large-scale ceremony to use the sword of AVILIVE from now on,
cooperation of Hartmut who was the priest chief is necessary.Please wear armor's
armor and come as soon as possible"

Feldinand took my left hand when I was blowing into the Ordonants I stopped at my
left hand.

"Clarissa will manage magical tools and restorative medicines on the gate of the outer
wall, so you can get along with the nobles to the gate so that the nobility of Ahrensbach
will show what the original shrine is like."
"Certainly, Rosemain-sama, as soon as possible"
"Let's go, everyone, burn the eyes of Rosemain-sama, which is to be seen as a real

The two people who returned are lively. Because I did not allow you to enter and leave
the temple, Clarissa can not make jewels. There was no choice but I thought Clarissa
himself would be frustrated, so I think that it was good that Clarissa was given a role
as well.

...... If you are not part of the brainwashing of the nobles!

1865 | 2523
Behind me with Hartmut and Clarissa 's high tension for the first time in a while I was
asking Ferdinand to fly Orrdonz to Laurenz in the recovery force and to swing
Avenuebe' s sword.

"Laurenz, Rosemain's escort knight will now swing the sword of Avilibe, pick up the
one who loses magical power, pick up four apprenticeship knights to give recovery
medicine, and bring them, for the management of magical tools I'm heading Clariiss
over there. "
"... Would you mind splitting the recovery medicine and collector as soon as possible
to merge the sword of Avilibe and join after taking over with Clarissa?"

To reply to Laurenz that contained all the doubts, I have no choice but to support
"Laurentz, do your best!"

"Consider who Cornelius, who will leave as Rosemain's escort knight, two people to

While my escort knights started talking, Hysitz seems not to be convinced yet. My
escort knights have started to move quickly, but the knights of Dunkel Ferger are
collecting as Pocahn.

"Why are the people of Ehrenfest able to respond so calmly?" Ferdinand said you
would call winter to freeze the ship!

Hizuzze asked was Angelica, who took a short distance and watched the story of
escort knights. As suddenly questioned Angelica blinked his eyes like astonished, put
a hand on his cheeks and a fleeting smile.

"When you are required to do something difficult, it is important how you manage
your assigned role rather than understanding.Which you'd wanted was either
swinging the sword of Avilibe or an escort Winter It is not my job to call. "
"Well ... Would you like to learn calmness ...?"

...... I do not think about difficult things from the beginning and meaning only what I
can do, but it sounds like Angelica is saying something very clever.

1866 | 2523
Feldinand says to the knight who is collecting rescue and magician from the wrecked
preceding ship, "Ferdinand, like us to play a role!" Ferdinand fell to the sea How long
will it take to rescue a person? "

"Mr. Ferdinand, Sturl, the rescuing of the brought mother's daughter is completed,
now we are collecting magic stones and magical tools ... ... I want to collect more
manastones of those who passed away I think. "
"Okay, it's supposed to call winter for freezing this ship, so it seems that the
temperature of the ocean will drop sharply with the aftermath." Be careful.
"... What is ...?"

The one returned from STRALL was an answer of an interrogative form whose ending
was raised, but it seems that Ferdinand decided to take it as consent, so I will not send
further explanation. Sturl got a little poor.

"Who is Ferdinand, Stral?"

"Former knight leader of Ahrensbach who was dismissed by Dietlinde, who is
currently my escort knight"

Ferdinand also skips Ordnantz to the ship that Dunkel Ferger's knights have
infiltrated and brought inside and "I want to know the ship's internal information,
come alone." I will briefly tell you the situation of Ordonant who returned with a reply
of okay to the troops of Hannerolle this time. Aldonants is busy.

It seems that Hannare also almost completed ship control. It is said that the hostess
of the hostage was taken out of the ship and hearing of the damage situation started.

"Rosemain, put hands on the beast with his hands stretched straight, and beat the
body a little before so that you can lean forward."
"What's suddenly?"

While holding a question mark in his head, I took a forward tilting posture with his
arms straightened and hands on the beast as I was told. Ferdinand said, "Keep that
posture for a while," and placed something like a plate on my back. Is it a thing that
transformed manastone. A little heavy.

"This attitude is tremendously tough, but what will Ferdinand san like to do?"
"I am patient enough to finish drawing magic teams"

1867 | 2523
...... Ooh! I am on my desk instead! Is it?

Feldinand started painting the magic team with Stillo on the magazine that I handed,
with my back as a desk.

"Mr. Ferdinand, my arms have begun to shake"

"Anything is too soon, please be a little more."

In order to distract ourselves from the trembling arm, I will freeze the ship all the
time, so ask if I can apply a shock immediately after freezing.

"Metal-like objects made by aristocrats have different shock resistance depending on

the content of magical powers, but ordinary metals dealt with by civilians have
properties that become brittle when placed in cryogenic environments such as below
freezing point If the ship of Ranznerav is a metal that does not contain magical power,
I think that it is more effective to give a big shock immediately after waving the sword
of Avilibe and freezing it by calling in the winter , How about? "
"Wow? It is easy to shock if you let it attack Dunkel Ferger, but what kind of attack do
you think is the best?"

Ferdinand inquires without stopping the hand drawing the magic team.

"Well, if the temperature falls sharply, the metal will shrink, as long as we can pierce
a small gap with a sword or a spear, I thought that I could peel off the black and silver
objects covering that surface, but "

If you can peel off some, it will not be difficult to peel off the surroundings in the same

"If you close the attacking mouth, you get down on the upper deck and manage with
power technique, because there are plenty of established knights in force skills, but it
is good to give a shock as it makes you frozen anyhow. It is important to peel off that
silver color and protect Ave. If you can open even a hole that allows a single person to
pass through, the hostage rescue will be anything to do with the introduction of
magical tools and Dunkel Ferger's knights Will"

There are a lot of magical tools that can be used, such as things that only sounds,
explosive flash bullets, and Hartmut tailor made tear drops. If you can protect the Aub,
magical suppression will be easier.
1868 | 2523
Ferdinand who finished drawing the magic team heard the information of the knight
who had controlled the ship and the Hannellort troops and it was confirmed that there
is a room to prevent the magical attack of the hostage.

"High Spitz, if the ship froze, let a few people take a spear at a place where there is no
hostage, let's pick up the selection."
"Please choose for me!"

Hartmut, Laurentz, collection troops joined. It seems that as a result of firing

Ordonants to various places to give instructions, to gather information, it attracted
attention of the nobility of Ahrensbach. You can see many aristocratic beasts around
the outer wall, and the commoners can also see the window widely opened and
watching here.

In the sky above the ship where the attack did not reach, I looked around my escort
knights along with apprentice knights. It is four elder brothers Cornelius, Matthias,
Laurentz and Hartmut who wield the sword of Aveyriebe.

"Rosemain, beginning"

Ferdinand said so, it was when the sun began to rise. The sun came out from the space
between the sea and the sky, and the sky brightened at a stretch. A dazzling light path
is created in the sea, and the sea surface gives off light while stirring.

I traced the magic team drawn on magical paper with a magical stone handed over to
Ferdinand, and started magical powers. You can see that the magical powers of magic
stone are sucked into the magic team one after another, three and four. I was worried
whether the magic stone I had had enough, and the magic team started when I placed
the fifth manastone.

The magazine floats and fluffs, the red flame is raised and the magic team fly over the
sky. The magic team floating in the sky stained red, this time a red pillar stood up
towards the ship. It is a pillar of light that the whole ship can enter.
The next moment when surprised voice came up from surrounding Knights "Oh ......",
that red magic team turned white. The white light which dyed all the magic team so
as to cover the red started painting red pillars from the sky toward the ship.
1869 | 2523
"Winter has arrived. Please do it."

Ferdinand entered the pillar of light with a beast. It is clear that the temperature is
different and it is cold.
Aides who are wearing whole body armor did not feel the temperature difference so
much, or put out a sword of Aveuribe with an innocent face.

A white blade already glows and wears cold air in the state that it was issued. When
putting magical power in it, the cold air which was fluctuating gradually becomes
thicker and it changes to ice and snow.

"The God of twelve beings who serve the side of the god of eviliebe, the god of life that
controls regeneration and death"

Four people cast and the wind mixed with ice and snow began to blow.
Unintentionally rubbing his arm, Ferdinand removes the cloak and rolls me round and
round. The wind mixed with ice and snow that was hitting Tsujisama was prevented,
and the breath of relief was relieved.

"Thank you very much"

"No, it is my responsibility to forget your cold weather, you should have prepared cold
weather absolutely if you had sideways ... Should I have brought Yusutokusu ..."

While listening to Ferdinand's reflection, I overlook the glowing cloak. I am sorry but
I wonder if this is good. I think that the cloak that the magic team glowed out from the
time when I wore from a distance was absolutely conspicuous.

... ... As the sun has started to change, is it okay? Can not you see it from afar? How is

It's cold so I will not let go, but I can see that I've gotten a lot of attention and I am a
little worried about my surrounding eyes.

"Praise to Hims praises the passionate thought best feeling Inflexibility Give us the
protection of the enemies, give us power. "

1870 | 2523
While I am thinking, the chant ends. Four people swung the sword down towards the
ship. Lord of winter lord made of snow and ice takes shape, runs down to jump over
to the ship. It is too numerous and can not be counted so much, but seems to be about

The moment when the men flew away, the knights apprentices hurriedly support the
four people who got out of power. He jumped out of the pillar of white light as it was
to give a recovery medicine.
I will strengthen my eyesight and gaze at the way the fellows get stuck to the ship.
Snow crystal is stuck around the attack mouth which was flying a silver needle and
silver color changes to white. Whether the four magical powers were overwhelming,
the whole ship was wrapped in snow and ice, it took not much time to freeze to the
sea only in the pillar of light.

"Do you still have children?"

"A few, are not you?"

Ferdinand called Dunkel Ferger 's knight when reporting and seeing the gradually
decreasing number.

"High spice, go!"

"let's go!"

When four knights of Dunkel Ferger jumped into the pillar of light and took out Steff,
he changed the voice "Lanze!" In a voice. A spear of Leiden Shaft which emits blue light
in the hands of all four people is held.

"... Dunkel Ferger is a spear of Leiden Shaft?"

"Were Aubu brought out from the temple in the game against the territory when I was
in the third grade? After that, it seems that he went to the temple for a priestess before
Ditters ... ... Ferdinand was a priest of the House of Lords Because I was in Ahrensbach
who does not participate in it, the information is quite late. "
"I feel that I feel bad now,"

The blue cloak holding the sparkling blue sparkle with the momentum of falling
towards the ship is running down.

1871 | 2523
"Hey Ah!"

Four spears were thrown in consideration of the absence of a hostage as well as the
voice of Haisuzze who had a spirit. Even though magical power does not pass through,
the heat of the Leiden shaft is transmitted. The ice that covered the surface of the ship
was blown off, and at the same time a part of the tile that covered the surface of the
ship was scattered.

One of the four thrown spears seems to have gotten into the gap created by the metal
being cooled and shrunk. A line of blue magical power running like a mesh runs, the
tiles come off and fall.

"Rosemain, guardian of Aub!"

Ferdinand told me not to miss this gap, I shake with magical power in Stap.


A yellow bird that guards Arends Bach's people in that bird fly with a ship at eye.
Feldinand was issuing the next instruction earlier than yellow birds jumped out of my

"Beat the bow and make an entrance, Ekhart!"

"The ninth group, the tenth group, preparing for rushing!"

Brother Eckhart changed Stap to a big sword to chase the guardian of Aub, heading to
the ship with magical power. The ship from which silver color that does not pass
through magical power is peeled is no longer an enemy. It was knocked down by a
rainbow-colored sword, and the knights of Dunkel Ferger jumped in from the hole
that was made.

I draw a magic line with Stilo as Ferdinand told me. Ferdinand threw three
manastones into it. The pillars of white light will disappear and winter will tell the
end. It is very surreal that sunshine like early summer and a frozen ship float in the
1872 | 2523
"Mr. Ferdinand, Reti Zia seems to have been rescued"

Looking at the blond girl who came out of the ship, I look back over Ferdinand. I have
grown a little, but I found out as soon as my face has not changed so much. Ferdinand
gently breathes while wearing the cloak that I returned.

"Rosemain, what do you want to do with retizia?"

"Whether it is to be a family of rebels, to judge by attempted murder to me, to give a
temperament ... to find a place to be dropped ... so that whether it is caught as a sinner
in this place, it is rescued to put under surveillance Whether you treat it as a victim, it
will change drastically. "

In Ferdinand's words I compare Reti Zia and Ferdinand who were brought on the ship.

"I would like to give it if I can give a temper, since I committed a sacrificed stone, does
not Ferdinand know that there was murderous intent by Reti Zia?"
"... You can always ask for sin, let's treat you as a victim for the foreseeable future."

1873 | 2523
On behalf of a silver ship wrapped in ice, there are four people wearing retizia and her
close - looking woman. Ferdinand's cuddling descent went down there.

"Reti Zia, thank you in advance, are you injured?"

I asked Ferdinand to get off the coward and I tried to approach Retiesia. Angelica and
Leonore who got up as my escort have handed out a little and stop moving my
movement as much as to say that I will not come any closer.

"... Rosemain, is not it?"

Retizia looked at me with blinking eyes. Apparently it seems that he did not
understand because of his growth.

"I heard from Dunkel Ferger who rescued me, Rosemain took the cornerstone of
Ahrensbach to save Ferdinand, I'm doing a sweeping out of Ranzenae ... ... how Should
I say it? To tell the original, I am ... .... "

Feldinand calls out to interrupt the words of Retizia. Retizia looked at Ferdinand and
looked like she saw incredible things. There seemed to be a deep relief in that
astonishment, and it is understood that the tension is coming out of the body of retizia.

"It was safe, Mr. Ferdinand, I heard that Ferdinand died from me, Dietrinde ... ...."
"Thanks to Rethi Zia for delivering to Justozus"

Ferdinand smiles with retardation of Reti Zia's words. There is a terrible smile on its
face, so even if you see it sideways, you can tell that it is saying "silence". I wonder if
she also got through to Retizia. Retethiia holding my mouth gets silent.

"Rosemain, who got the foundation and became Au-Ahrensbach, said he would like to
save it after knowing everything."

I looked at my face as Retetzia was surprised. Aides are also having a similar face. I
would not have thought that I came to save Ferdinand to save the perpetrators Reti

1874 | 2523
Zia and I did not think that anyone who took the foundation by force could save his
former lord.

"But, Mr. Ferdinand, I am ... ...."

"Let's not lose something we did not do, do not say anything unnecessary until we
have a place to listen to you, can you listen to my words next time?"

Retizia looked up at Ferdinand with a pale face, clenched his breasts tightly and
nodded naked.

"... Certainly, I sincerely thank Rosemain and Mr. Ferdinand's warmth."

"We will close the gate so that no ship of Ranzenae will come in. Rethi Zia will be
brought on board by Dunkel Ferger's knights and return to the castle in the beginning
and Dan Kel Ferger Please prepare the salon and prepare the guests for the guests so
that the knights of the people can rest. "

I was surprised at Ferdinand who began to instruct Rethi Zia, who was just rescued, I
stopped in spite of myself.

"Mr. Ferdinand, rest tiare that was captured so far needs to rest as soon as possible,
such instructions ......"
"From me who was poisoned by Dietlinde or from you who came from Ehrenfest and
dyed the foundation and then removed Ranzenerav, the retiziya who was still in the
ship has both physical strength and magical power It will be left. "
"It may be so, but please also consider spiritual aspects"

I complained to Ferdinand who is just thinking about efficiency, while Fundinand

sounding Hun and his nose, Ferdinand began to explain while looking down at Reti

In the present situation where aristocrats are confused, from the mouth of the
aristocratic nobility of Arendsbach, from the mouth of retityia, the things that were
saved by Dunkel Ferger and me who became a new awb and the dangers of Ranzenae
passed away It seems that there is a big meaning to be mentioned.

...... It is certainly easier to hear than listening to people from Dunkel Verger and

1875 | 2523
Besides, it is easy to gather surrounding sympathy votes and help save Retetzia
himself if young retiziers do their best in a sense that it is mentally difficult for anyone
to look at. At the same time, it will make it easier for you to embrace hope that if you
can save the Retie Zia of the Lord, they will be saved. As young retizia worked hard,
they said that if they did not move, they could inspire adult nobles who suffered

"Besides, unless you are comfortable enough to have no noisy idea, is not there any
punishment in this emergency and it is not mentally spicy to spend as usual?"

In Ferdinand 's words Retethias stepped forward before me and kneeled.

"Like Rosemain, Ferdinand, I want to do whatever I can do for myself .... I can not stay
still very much."
"Okay, let's leave it to Reti Zia, please prepare a place where everyone can rest"
"Certainly, Ross Vita ......"

When Rethi Zia stood up, she looked around as if she looked up at her aides, and
stroked her face "Oh ...". A girl who appears to be an apprentice who has not yet raised
his hair gently touches the shoulder of the retetician.

"I will call on the servants, Reti Zia,"

"Fair Sare ......"

From the painful expressions and their interactions, it was learned what happened to
the retossiare side called Ross Vita.

"Please ask Leonore, Knight of Dunkel Ferger to ask you to send the Retityia carefully
to the castle"

Leonore will soon speak to the knight of Dunkel Ferger. Meanwhile, a girl called Fair
Sere called on Ferdinand.

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, would you like to ask me only one question?"
"I do not care"
"... ... Has your father protected the nobles of Ahrensbach?"

1876 | 2523
The hands that are clenched in front are trembling small. Her father trying to protect
towns and aristocrats and the father who defends the city of Ehrenfest overlapped,
and I looked up to Ferdinand without thinking.

"Although it is a lightly spoken listening range, Straal could be said to have minimized
the damage, and now we are rescuing others in the vicinity of the border gate."

As she feels relieved, "I am afraid", "I am afraid," Faecelle once kneeled, and was called
by the knight of Dunkel Ferger who issued the beast and headed with that retizia.
I was off the reti zia, but Ferdinand headed for the knights of Dunkelfelger who carries
manastones and witchcraft from the ship.

"Take off the silver costumes that Ranzenerav soldiers wear to the knights of High
Hitzer and Dunkel Ferger and it is highly likely that they will be used in the battle of
Ehrenfest and future battle in the center"
"Eckhart, that person is also here, do not forget to collect manastones"

While saying so, Ferdinand handed out Mr. Eckhart's magical tool to prevent
eavesdropping. I do not know what he said. But he seems to have ordered something.
Brother Eckhart nodded with a hard expression.

When giving a general instruction to the knights of Dunkel Ferger and interacting with
the knights who are working at the border gate in exchange with Ordonants,
Ferdinand called a beast and called me.

"Rosemain, close from the border gate"

"But, to close the border gate ... ...."
"You guys who came to Ahrensbach using the border gate, you have heard from
Justochs during changing clothes"

...... Do not tell others about Feldinand's book of Mestionola. It is okay.

In order to avoid showing Ferdinand closing the border gate it certainly needs my
presence. I headed to the border gate by Fedinand's coward beast. The ship that was
attacked with the spear of Leiden Shaft only leaves some ice but the broken ice chunks

1877 | 2523
float in the surrounding sea. Whether the temperature of the sea is high, it seems to
melt relatively quickly.

"The soldiers of Ranznerav are heading for the border gate"

"Let me like it, those who do not have enough magical power to move on their own in
the place where they have reached the transition team, can not transfer those who do
not have a manastone of permission can be transferred in silver costumes, or beyond
the border Either you thrust into the white earth. "

When I arrived it was midnight when I arrived and I turned my back against the
border gate and thrust into the city so I did not watch it at all but as the sunrise went
up and the sunrise rose and I headed to the border gate with a beast and the scenery
was good I got to see it. Beyond the mysterious border gate shining in rainbow colors,
the same white desert continues as the view across the border gate of Ehrenfest. The
ocean stopped as if it had been cut off at the border gate's transition team, and a white
world continues beyond that. I feel like a deceiving picture being shown.

"Rosemain, have you left it above the border gate?"

"... ... There was no room to shut it"

The roof part of the border gate remains wide open so that a lesser bus can pass
through. But when I arrived I was nervous and I was wary of what attacks from the
Knights of Ahrensbach, so I never imagined the option of closing in a long time after
jumping out.

"Well, it's okay, I have less work to open. Rosemain, put your right hand on top, put
the scriptures out so that you can see from the surroundings.

When I answered, Ferdinand's right hand came in front of my belly. Looking from the
surroundings, it looks like it's holding me like a safety bar.

"Gurtris Height!"

According to my voice, Ferdinand said "Gurttrisheit" with a slightly murmuring voice.

Ferdinand's Mestionola's book appears in front of my stomach, invisible to other

...... Feldinand-san's Mestionola's writing is pretty big. Can I read as well?

1878 | 2523
While the gaze of my surroundings gathers in the book of Mestionola my work, the
beasts carrying me and Ferdinand jump into the border gate. Only those who have a
scripture can enter the border gate from above. The inaudible voice of Léonore
resonated without being able to follow along.

"Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand! Please return once!"

When Ferdinand entered the border gate, once erased the book of Mestionola and the
beasts as soon as it was done.

"Rosemain, close the roof of the border gate, do not shut the border gate at this rate"

I told you while looking up Leonore and Angelica who are flying around in the sky,
and I close my roof by pulling my Mestionola's book to the border gate.

"I want to hear it as a good opportunity so what would you like to do after this?"
"I want to go to Ehrenfest after taking a break but ...."
"After that"

I was questioned while looking at the closing roof, and I was stuck in the answer.

"Tonight I dyed the foundation of Ahrensbach and excluded the threat of Ranzenerav.
By showing the scriptures to everyone and closing the border gate, it will be that there
is no longer a ship of Ranzenae and it will be a tent I made it known that I was a
qualified person for the choice, so options were born. "

Ferdinand slowly puts his fingers one by one and shows options.
One, I will hand over the foundation of Ahrensbach to other people, marry to the royal
family as planned and swallow unpleasantness and live.
Two, after giving up the foundation of Ahrensbach to other people, after becoming a
royal farmer, I reign as Judge Schmidt as a tent.
Three, I will give Gurtris Height to the royal family and stay here as Aru Ahrensbach.
Four, give Gruissisheit to the royal family, hand over the foundation of Ahrensbach to
others and return to Ehrenfest.

1879 | 2523
"There are four broadly, tell me which you want to choose before closing the border
gate, so how it moves will change accordingly."

While saying so, Ferdinand who confirmed that the roof was completely closed closed
a poisonous smile while looking down at me.

"Did you say that you will not forgive unless you are happy with me going to
"Then, there is no choice of the future to marry like a nightmare where the standard
of living drops despite the choice of other options.

If I was stabbed with Gongon and a big nail in my previous words and my eyes were
smiling a smile I was forced to answer there would be only one reply.

"Ferdinand is like you"

"Well, how about the second one? In order to complete the book of Mestionola you
need to kill me or register the royal family and get a Gurtris Height in the underground
library ... ... But if you are emotional and for your precious, you make it easy to cut
down the country You do not have the qualities to become a Tent. I wonder how you
make it a Tent. If you choose the way, I will strive for it with all my strength and choose
with my own preparedness to exchange it. "
"I can not choose such a scary choice!"
"Sumo are there"

Now that I helped Ferdinand, it is important that Jurgen Schmidt is safe, but there is
no hope of becoming a Tento. However, it is absolutely necessary for Jürgen Schmidt
to have a writing of Mestionola or a Gurtris Height.

"Wow .... Does not Ferdinand have the option of becoming a tent, is not it merely me
that I have a book of Mestionora?"
"Can I kill you?"

I glanced at Giron and I shook my head in a panic. My determination to be Ferdinand,

my life is dangerous. It would be possible for Ferdinand to kill me without showing it
to be hostile at all.

"Well, I think that I can adopt the royal family and give Gurtris Height to Ferdinand ..."
"Maybe it is possible, but do you want me from Tsento?"
1880 | 2523
While gazing at me gazing, I think that Ferdinand is going to be a tent. Although it does
not suit, it should have said that Ferdinand did not want to.

"No, Ferdinand will retire quickly and I want you to live the rest of my life peacefully
at Ehrenfest"
"Not to treat old people"

When I proposed a happy life of studies, I was caught quite seriously. Seriously.
While holding down my cheeks with teary eyes, I looked up at Ferdinand.

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, I said that I can not go back to Ehrenfest, because I can not
become Aub Ehrenfest, are not there alternatives one from the beginning?"

Ferdinand issued the book of Mestionola while saying "Well ...".

"You do not mind choosing another option, but the rest is not a bad choice? Arensbach
was the land I thought you could destroy originally, just right for your playground"

……playground! Is it?

1881 | 2523
"What does a playground mean?"
"It means that you do not mind playing as you like? It's a territory you are already
committing to guilt for foreign attraction You can make a mistake in choosing as an
aw, and make it look like it gave mercy It is also possible. "
"Please wait a moment ... It would be serious if you crushed! In fact lords and nobility

I remembered Hasse where I thought it would not be easy to say. By the way,
Ferdinand has been such a person since long ago. It was said that you do not mind if
you destroy it in town units such as the commoner who attacked the lord.

...... Feldinand, I was seriously going to destroy Ahrensbach.

It seems that it was not a joke just a little talking about for a cute reason like a
blindfolded guilty who is poisoned by Dietlinde. Perhaps this is the same as Hasse's
time, and if I do not work I wonder if Ahrensbach would be crushed by Mr. Ferdinand.

Husse's nightmare again! Is it? With Ferdinand saying, "I thought you were wanting"
and it seemed to be troublesome.

"There is the ocean, there is fish, I guess I was envious to eat fish anytime? And I'm
getting angry with the recent overly arrogant runner Vevee, some to reduce trade
with them Regarding condiments, there are some civilian experts who are
experimenting with logs in hand, and there is a high possibility that various spices will
be available if they can be cultivated with the aid of them. "

……What that! Is it? Ahrensbach, it's delicious!

I hold down the mouth so that the salad does not hang on my own, I will draw fish
paradise in the brain. Ahrensbach who was a massive nightmare became a very
delicious territory.

"Besides, it's your own land that you got dyed with the foundation. It is possible to do
Entwickeln. When was it possible to build the library city that I had suggested in the
lesson of the lecture Are not you? "

1882 | 2523
"Huh? It's a library city! Can I really make it !?"

When preparing, you can see it with disgusted eyes from Ferdinand and in the lecture
of the House of Lords you can actually build a library city seen with raw warm eyes
that will cheer for children's dreams from Egrantine? Conversely when you are
allowed from Ferdinand it becomes uneasy.

"Since that plan is designed assuming that it will be built in Ehrenfest, it will be
inconvenient in various places if it is built as it is, so designing it with consideration
of current Arendsbach special products and major industries Although it is necessary
to improve, it is possible to realize the concept of a library city "

When Dokin and his breasts rang with fish and spices, a GO sign appeared in the
construction of a library city. Where it is said that it is necessary to change, the strange
reality increased. I understand that I was grabbed by my heart. Ahrensbach seems to
be a very attractive territory.

"When was the temple school to raise the literacy rate of commoners as you said, you
can do it freely as you said, you do not need to get permission from others, and with
regard to the scope of the territory management I can not get out of Tsento, and if it
is in the current chaos, sudden modifications will not push me to some extent. "

...... The temple school? That was a dream, too. Increasing the literacy rate and
expanding the base of the writer ... ....

I was surprised and impressed with Ferdinand's memories that I remember all the
plans I mentioned in the past, and I heard a voice in one corner of the head saying "Is
not it OK with Aub Ahrensbach?" On the other hand, "Be a little calm, I will pay
attention not to mention that Ferdinand is so sweet."

……that's right. Ferdinand is not that sweet!

Ferdinand will further repeat the words to me who tells himself that he is desperate
and calm.

"If your precious people are already preparing to move, you only need to take it to
your land as it is. Make a library that can be used for temples schools and commoners
to expand the printing industry If you can lower the barriers between aristocracy and
commoners in the process, you will be more likely to meet them ... ... and the contract
1883 | 2523
you had with the families of the downtown was limited to Ehrenfest. The effect of the
contract is gone. "
"Mr. Ferdinand, that is ... ..."

I wonder if I can meet my family again. I take a step backward with Ferdinand wary. I
am not sure if I am told that it is a joke here or it is impossible to explode feelings.

"Of course it would be wise not to call publicly with my family if I consider the peaceful
life of the families of the downtown, but when I make a city with Entwickeln, I will
transfer to one of the rooms to give to your family It is possible to establish secrets if
you set up and allow you to come and go with your hidden room "
"...... Can I set up a transition team for such a private reason?"

I do not think that Ferdinand will forgive the power of Aru as a private thing, I will be
vigilant by all means.

"It's not impossible to be praised because Aub has a history of setting up a transition
team to meet lovers, you will be asked for moderation to protect your family ..."
"Moderation! ... ... that is to say I do not see you voluntarily, right?"
"Why is it such a twisted interpretation?"

It is a place I'd like to ask this place, why I would rather face such a strange face,
although I was deceived by the interpretation that has been overwhelming until now.

"It seems to be able to spend time in the family without draining it once or twice in
the season."
"...... If I am in a position to manage your schedule, I can spare that amount of time,
even in Haltmut it will be possible once every half year."

I came to feel like jumping to Arub Allsbach. I have too many things I want.

"...... What is the aim of Ferdinand that I will offer favorable things one by one so I will
not be deceived easily so I pretend to make my wish come true, are you planning
"I do not say bad things about people."
"It's a rule of thumb"

1884 | 2523
I took a fighting pose and stared at Ferdinand and I was seen with such eyes as to see
such a terribly sorry child.

"You do not mean that you are not planning at all."

"You see, what are you plotting? If you do a secret thing, it will be hard to do later."

It is Ferdinand that said the report is important. As soon as you flush it, Ferdinand put
his hands on your chin as you think a little.

"...... That's right, I think that I want a laboratory next to your library. It is connected
with a roof and it is desirable that you have the material you want and you can get
there immediately"
"Oh, is it the research institute of the demonic tree you said before?"
"I'd like to research not only demons but also demons and demons, but it is roughly
correct.When I make Ahrensbach your playground, I do not mind to make places
where I can play Wow? "

It seems that it was aimed at the gossip of the laboratory. Ferdinand is as foolish as
ever. I am irritated and frustrated at the same time.

"Although I dismissed when I proposed the restful studies for my research in the past,
what I really want is research life!"
"What we can do with Ehrenfest and what we can do with Ahrensbach are not so
different. As part of our research facility, I am a laboratory that can cultivate demons
at remote places, a laboratory that can keep magical animals and a sea I think that I
want a laboratory in the vicinity nearby. "

...... In other words, do you want a laboratory next to the library, a zoo, a botanical
garden and an aquarium in a remote place?

However, the word playground has gotten quite satisfactory. Ferdinand makes me
Auburnerbach, and he seems to intend to study his research.

"There are many research facilities outside of expectations."

"So, at Ehrenfest there was no permission from Jilvester, so here I would like you to
prepare gold meal for my research facility and design it myself, you only need

1885 | 2523
... ... It is too Ferdinand-sama to secure my own profit firmly! Let me undertake the
work of AUB, and I feel like leaving the rest of my life!

"It's no use alone, Ferdinand will help you with my work, so I will not allow one alone
to have fun."
"Is that enough? Is that a condition that is too easy compared to what I have ever

When I say with laughter, I feel I have to add more, I think desperately for the added

"Well, sorry about that, just manage that schedule to arrange for me to meet my family
once in the season, advance my research to make medicine easy to drink, or
summarize my research results into a book I have to pay it. "
"Hmm, everything takes time and trouble, but there is no particular problem.If the
cost of binding is good with territory, let me also submit the research results of the
citizens using the research facility"
"i like it!"

Feldinand smiled small when the book seemed to increase regularly.

"Then, is there no objection on your ability to become AUB Ahrensbach? Is it okay to

advance in that direction?"
"does not matter"

Oh no! I was delighted that Ferdinand opened "Gurritris Height" saying "Very well".
Feldinand's book of Mestionola looked the same as the scripture of the temple in the
temple, as you can see from what he calls the scriptures. But what I can do is quite
different. It seems that there is really no need for searching, and the magic team came
up as soon as it opened. However, the embossed magic team is missing, it seems that
it will not move as it is.

"Rosemain, a magic team to close the border gate, but this part is a bit missing,
although expectations come from the surrounding connections, I'd like to confirm if
the correct answer can be confirmed"

I was told that there was not enough magical power to change it little by little and be
able to do it over and over, I rushed out my Mestionora's book in a hurry.

1886 | 2523
"Closing gate of the border gate ... ... Magic team ......"

As a result of searching, it is the fragments that appeared in my Méthionora's book.

There is only one part that can not be understood at all by this alone. Ferdinand will
write in my scripture in Stilo while watching my scriptures.

"Ferdinand, can not you copy this?"

"Oh, that insane ... ... I am interested but I will do it at a later date, I can not afford much

When Ferdinand completes the magic team by saying so, he says "indigrants". As the
magic team shone and the feet began to vibrate, I found that the border gate began to

"... ... I was not robbed magical power than I thought."

"Maybe it was the first reason I used it, and in my initial transition I brought magical
power to a large extent, but the second time was not that much."

Ferdinand put out his hand while murmuring that "supply of magical power to the
border gate seems to be urgent." Go down the stairway of the gate pillar, ride the beast
and confirm that the gate is closed properly this time.
The boundary gate and the border gate were open so the sight that the white desert
was visible across the transition team and the sea was hidden because the rainbow-
colored door was closed.

"Are you okay?"

Leonore and Angelica's cowards come over quickly. I waved to them.

"A soldier of Ranznerav can not come in and it's okay."

"Rosemain, close the boundary gate, you can prevent unnecessary people from
entering even a little"

As Ferdinand told me, I got Steap and closed the boundary gate. The rescued girls
seemed to have been brought to the castle with the cooperation of the knights of
Dunkelfelger. It is not already on the gate.

1887 | 2523
Ferdinand's cuddling crest came upon the gate of the boundary gate. Knights who had
been collecting manastones etc kneeled before me all at once.

"I did not think that only things could be recovered, did it well, put three of the guards,
rest afterwards, head toward recovery of the knights acting with Georgyne"

Ferdinand labor the knights who tried hard to recover the things scattered in the sea,
and tell the future plan.

"Mr. Ferdinand, if I just want to return to the castle, I will bring Rosemain sitting
"Oh, the circumstances that we have to give instructions have ended, so it would be
better for you to take a day off so now no further clean-up is necessary."

Ferdinand said so saying and pushed my back lightly towards Leonore.

"Rosemain, you rest at rest crown prepared guests with beasts, which is the safest."
"How about Ferdinand?"
"Rest in the hidden room.Leonore, Rosemain is considerably exhausted with too much
magical power, tell Hartmut to let the stock solution drink the previous volume"

Léonore nods as "I got it", but I turned pale at once.

"Wait a minute ... ...."

"Since the body is growing, you can not get the same effect in the same amount, if you
do an answering machine with your aides in Ahrensbach, if you want to head to
Ehrenfest, do not drink it."

I will ride with Leonore and head towards the castle. Outsidely still Lyonore notes that
Wilfried's fiancee is still too close to Ferdinand.

"Rosemain and Mr. Ferdinand do not look like a guardian or a protected guy, and
today's appearance seemed like a couple of lovers."
".... That's right, I think it's the same as before."
"Since Rosemain's appearance was early childhood before .... Ferdinand would know
the surrounding eyes, why did you do that?"

1888 | 2523
Leonore is indignant thought of my external hearing and honor, but it was necessary
to hide the instructions on the battlefield and hide his own scriptures.

"For reasonably doing the sweeping out of Ranzener, even if there is no surrounding
eyes, I think that Ferdinand will make the same choice regardless of my external
hearing and honor."
"Why do you think that Rosemain's honor is acceptable regardless of who you are a

It seems that Léonore is quite serious and angry. To be honest, I do not know exactly
what Ferdinand is thinking, so the only thing I can do is to ask the principal for the

...... But I was in trouble.

I thought while feeling angry Leonore behind. Although I promised to make a

laboratory to Ferdinand if I become Aubu Ahrensbach with the same Nori as before,
is not this a serious matter if I see it again from other people?

...... Ferdinand seems to be thinking about research and it seems that the surroundings
do not seem to be visible so it would be better for you to ask your adoptive father to
make a research laboratory at Ehrenfest?

"Rosemain, welcome back! I was really moved, I have sent a letter to Dunkel Verger
and Ehrenfest!"
"Because I thought that I had to contact Ave, I was saved, Clarissa"
"From Dunkel Verger there is still a permission to go to Ehrenfest, from Ehrenfest,
well done"

While being enthusiastic by Clarissa, I entered the castle of Ahrensbach. I am moved

by Clarissa 's first job, but I am afraid that strangers behind her are shouting at the
same tension as "Rosemain - sama!"

"Oh, Rosemain, I prepared a customer here."

"Thank you, Thank you very much for the great retziere, I'd like you to take a rest soon
for Reti Zia."

1889 | 2523
When I was working on the retiziers who made places where everyone rested,
Retetzia became a little troubled.

"I am afraid, but since the people of Dunkel Ferger started the feast, I still have not
done until the workers rest."
"The partner of Danquel Ferger will be responsible to Reti Zia, where is Hanna Rolle?
"Mr. Hannellore has come to return Volzhenir to the original owner"

...... So are the knights of Dunkel Ferger free-living?

I had him guide me to Reti Zia and decided to go to the hall where there are knights of
Dunkel Ferger who is feasting the name of today's refereeing party. Even when closing
the door, I can see that it makes a big noise. How ridenshaft spears were cool, how
sweet Avilibe's sword is made to use for the ditters is rising.
Open the door and smile with the knights.

"Rosemain, today's ceremony is wonderful, indeed ..."

"I came to say thank you that it was a wonderful activity today, but I was surprised,
Ferdinand said that it was until the defense of the cornerstone? In the middle of the
ditch Dunkel Ferger drinks alcohol Do you drink? "

The air of Pikiri and Dunkel Ferger freezed. There are some knights moving casually
so that I can not see the barrel of alcohol.

"Although we have not finished the butter yet, I wish to relax and make a drink and I
wonder if Ferdinand will take those who have tomorrow but can not even get a rest."
"I will clean up and go to bed soon, when will the departure?"
"... ... It is up to me to recover"

As Dunkel Ferger became quiet, I will leave the salon. I'm not accustomed to Donkel
Ferger's tongue. I found out that the retie Zia and his aides pulled out the power of his
shoulders as if they were relieved.

"Rosemain, thank you"

"Because I am a guest who brought me, I do not give a thank you, Mr. Retetzia, I am
very sorry but I ask you to make food that can be eaten even if it is cold to the chef's
chefs If you do not leave it to be able to eat from those who came up, this is the number
of people, it will be hard to prepare. "

1890 | 2523
I will give some instructions from the recipe Retetzia sent before, and I will enter the
guest room. Then, he dirtied down in Väschen, doubled the massive recovery drugs
brought by Hartmut, rested in the cud beast as it was told by Ferdinand.

1891 | 2523
……where is this?

It is not dark, there is no light. When I also got up, I felt a different feeling from my
usual futon. I recall my situation in a situation that is completely wrapped in
something with a soft touch.

……Really. This is Ahrensbach, inside the Lesser bus.

Because of the guardian's escort for the same guests, the aides of the guys also come
in and go to sleep with the window closed so as not to expose the sleeping face or the
bed linen. It seems that the recovery medicine that I drank before bedtime seemed to
work well and I can see that both physical condition and magical power are
Because I fell asleep just because I did Vaschen, I remain cavalry clothes. I prepared
the hair a little with hands and opened the window of the Lesser bus a little. You can
see the back of the angelica in the immediate vicinity.

"Angelica, good morning, I'd like you to call out the side for dressing up ... ...."
"Certainly yes"

Angelica quickly blows Ordonants to Leonore and drives out the men's aides from the
room. Instead, Leonore, who accompanied a single servant apprentice, came in.

"Good morning, Rosemain, how are you feeling?"

"It seems to be completely recovered, it is very refreshing."

When I answered, Léonore, who looked worried, stroked his chest and a smile of relief

"Two days have passed since Rosemain's day off, I worried because I will not wake up
at all."
"Is it two whole days?"

Apparently I seemed to use magical power and physical strength so much that I slept
like dead. A close friend seems to be staggering to me who does not wake up at all, but

1892 | 2523
Ferdinand who specified the dosage seems to have said "It should take two or three
days to get up."

"... How do you like that Ferdinand? It is impossible for me to take a break at this
opportunity, is not it?"

The situation of Ehrenfest should have changed significantly in two days. Ferdinand
is quietly waiting for my recovery and can not be in Ahrensbach. Such prediction
seemed to be correct, Leonore nodded as Kokuri.

"Ferdinand has departed for Ehrenfest led by some of the knights of Ahrensbach and
"Did you leave me?"

If you want to go to Ehrenfest, you can take medicine and say that it is too bad process
to leave as saying.

...... Drinking a lot, it was really tough!

"To be precise, I could no longer keep the knights of Dunkel Ferger in the castle, so
Mr. Ferdinand led me to go out."

If it says to say that it is a genuine Dutter, it will act as commanded by the commander,
but if you are in a castle without a special role it will try a party and say a reflection
meeting, after saying hand-cropping in front of the actual I try to do a doctor with the
knights of Ahrensbach who are busy with the process. It is said that Ferdinand went
to the boundary gate to drive such knights of Dunkel Ferger from the castle.

"Please wait a moment. So did Ferdinand recover?"

"Because I came out of the hidden room all day, I think I was able to recover."

I say that Leonore said so that it comes out of the coward for dress up. I left the Lesser
Bath and sat in front of the mirror.

"I will help you with dressing today, please call me Fair Sere"
"You are a side apprentice rescued along with Reti Zia, did not you rest a little Reta
Zia or Fair Sere?"

When asking a familiar girl, Fair Zele smiled happily.

1893 | 2523
"Yes, Reti Zia is doing fine ...... Rosemain, thank you for rescuing Rethi Zia."

While preparing to wash your face, Fair Sare said a lot of thanks to Reti Zia. Starting
with sweets to save from the severity of Ferdinand's challenge, I rescued it from the
ship of Ranzenae, or salvation as a person who was attacked by Ranzenav, not the
candidate of the lords of the territory that caused the rebellion It seems that Retizia
has been saved so much as it decided. Now it seems that in order to accept me as a
new arub, I am summarizing the brainwashed victims of aristocrats, Hartmut and
Clarissa who suffered damage by Ranzener.

...... I guess there was an order from Mr. Ferdinand, I'm doing my best.

"Rosemain says Ferdinand would not wake up for about three days, but I was still
worried ... ... Rethymian was worried very much that Rosemain did not wake up."

If I take a meal after this I will ask if you are with retizia or Hannaore, I will look back
at Leonore. I could not judge whether it would be easy to accept, so I asked Leonore
who called for Fair Sere. Léonore nodded small.

"Let's prepare meals."

After flying away Ordonants, Fair Saret cleared up the facial cleansing tools and
started to trim hair. Combed my hair and start to summarize. I compliment my hair
while complicating.

"Rosemain-san's aides are acclaimed by Rosemain-sama's aides that it is like a night

sky that received the blessing of the god of darkness like the wisdom goddess Mes
Tionola, the glittering glitter of a star, but that's exactly right."

... ... Stop that two of them. I know that it is impossible because I was happily obedient
to Feldinand's order, but stop somebody.

"The two of us are still preaching to the nobles of Ahrensbach how wonderful
Rosemain is, and the situation in which Ahrensbach is placed, together with the
history of Aizenreich. Is there such a thing, the aristocrats of Ahrensbach are fighting
hard? "

1894 | 2523
A serious purge was done even in political change. If it is rebellion by attracting
foreign affairs, it is not known how much purging will be done. It seems that Hartmut
and Clarissa are stirring up the fear of the nobility of Ahrensbach.

...... I'm a little exaggerating, but I am not wrong. I am not wrong.

"It is exactly the goddess of salvation that Mr. Rosemain, who is the incarnation of
Mestionola who got blessed from the gods in the long absence period and retained the
wisdom books and was responsible for bringing the royal family a Gurtris Height,"


"Rosemain, who is the incarnation of the goddess, will guide this land to give the royal
family Gurtris Height and purify Arensbach who was fascinated by the chaotic

...... Ooooooooo! It is supposed to be something I do not understand! Who is the

tragicians? Is it? There is only one person. Ferdinand style!

Even if I want to complain, Ferdinand is no longer in the castle. I want to hold a head,
but it can not be done when Fair Saree is in place.
As I was groaning and watching the mirror, I noticed that FairSeere working on me
seemed to disturb the cloak. Fair Zeere is wearing a wisteria cloak on top of the clothes
you are going to settle. The cloak is drawn with diagonal lines with yellow and blue
dyes and marked with a large x. Is there any meaning?

"In Farezere, Ahrensbach it is also an obligation to wear cloaks when the side work
works, but it looks like it will not move ..."
"Although it is not usually attached, it is special now, only those who are not hostile
to Rosemain-sama and Ehrenfest's people and those judged by Ferdinand are allowed
to wear a cloak with this sign Those who are not being caught will not be released
until they can be judged. "

Feldinand seems to have confirmed the hostility of the aristocrats of Ahrensbach by

putting it in the shield of Scholzer together with the lesser bus while I was pulling in
the Lesser bus and sleeping.

...... Did not anyone with a hostility towards Grun?

1895 | 2523
After arranging the dressing up, the Akari collapsed into snow. Due to not being
awoken for a long time, the escort knights seemed to be very worried. Mr. Cornelius
was looking into his face "Are you sure it's okay?", Matthias and Laurentz were
obviously frustrating.

"I am fine now, I am more concerned about Ehrenfest than that ... ...."
"I think it would be better to take a break for Rosemain a little more, but the same is
what worries about Ehrenfest, I will not stop if I go."

My brother Cornelius nodded with a smile. I will have to tell my adoptive father about
this situation by checking what is happening in Ehrenfest.

"If Rosemain inevitably wants to go to Ehrenfest, he said that he would skip over
Aldonants and use the transition team after confirming Ferdinand's current location."

Although it was left in Ferdinand, it seems that it is allowed to follow after using a
transition team that can not be installed unless it is AUB. I feel relieved at the words
of Laurentz.

"When the knights and Ferdinandes of Dunkel Ferger arrived at Zaiten with the
border gate soon, the Ordonants flew away earlier.I hear stories to the knights at the
border gate and take a break for lunch, I went to Ehrenfest It seems to enter. "
"Then, let's chase after using a transition team, or let's move on to the boundary gate."
"Please stop it because it is too dangerous!"

When Matthias got scolded, I sent Aldonants to inform me that I was awakened to
Ferdinand and that he was planning to open a transition team to the border gate.
"Since I will contact you when I arrive at the boundary gate, a reply came, please wait
without making a selfish transition".

"... Rosemain will be Auburnerbach like this? That kind of rumor is flowing, Ferdinand
said that Rosemain acknowledged."
"I would like to become an abu, if possible, to create a library city."
"Is not it guiding the library city? Ahrensbach correctly?"

I loosely shook my head to Cornelius's brother who looked like she did not know the

1896 | 2523
"I would like to make a library city, but it depends on what happens with the royal
family ... ... as there are fewer things that I have ever wanted"

As the apprentice of the blue shrine maiden entered the temple naturally, the desire
to make books and books while coming back and forth between the downtown and
the temple disappeared. Until the year of entering the House of Lords, the schedule to
spend with family is also collapsed by Earl Bindabald.

Two years that had been supposed to receive education as a female admirer of the
lord was extinguished by Yuri Eve and left in the surrounding growth and this time it
was made to grow rapidly from the gods and seen with strange eyes from the
surroundings There.

I wanted you not to go, but Ferdinand went to Ahrensbach and thought that he wanted
to be safe but fell into poison. I thought that I wanted to stay in Ehrenfest, but I got out
of it.

"If I could become Aub Ahrensbach, I might be able to manage the territory as if I had
talked with Ferdinand, but in the current situation that the king is told to become an
adopted daughter I do not think that I can become Aub Ahrensbach. "
"Do you think that even if you give the royal family Gurtris Height, will you be released
quickly? It is a dream of a dream that I will become Aub Ahrensbach."
"... Right. Rosemain is surprisingly realistic."

Cornelius elder brother struck my head lightly with a look that seemed so

When I had talked with my aides, I was guided to the dining room. It's breakfast for
me, but for others it will be lunch. In the dining room are Retethia and Hannaore, then
there are two aides.

"How are you, How about Rosemain?"

"It's all right now, Mr. Hannallole"
"I prepared a good meal for my body"
"Thank you very much, Mr. Retethia."

1897 | 2523
Everyone of Retiazia and his aides are wearing the cloak with yellow and blue x.
Although I did not think anything particularly when I was watching Fair Sere, I knew
that when Ehren Fest and Dunkel Ferger were a testimony that someone wearing the
same cloaks it was a bad idea.

"Rosemain, this sign is also attached to the knight's cloak led by Ferdinand, and
instructions are issued not to attack or catch by mistake.To use it to distinguish
enemies and ally Please do it. "

Reti Zia said so and smiled. While drinking a soup with a lot of spices and a strong
taste I heard stories while I was sleeping from Reti Zia and Hannaore.

"The library of Ranzenaev has been explored by the knights of Dunkelfelger.There is

a door that can not be opened unless it is Abba, according to the word of Reti Zia.
According to Ferdinand, Lanzener It seems that he is familiar with the Imperial Palace
which accepts Princess Ve's. "

As long as I do not give permission, it seems that I can not come back from there, and
it seems that the house of Ranznerav has already been closed.

"The transition team moving to the dormitory at the House of Peers, and the new Aub
brooch is needed to open the door to and from the dormitory to the central building,
so Dietrinde seems to be unable to come back from the transition team."
"Thank you very much, Mr. Hannallole"
"No. It is natural to work with Dunkel Ferger's knights as much as you eat or drink,
rather I'm worried if you are burdened by Ferdinand who had little time off."

If Ferdinand's physical condition is bad, it seems that it was exciting that they will
move as limbs instead, but it seems that there was no opinion that Ferdinand will be
absent to the last.

...... Dunkel Ferger!

"The ceremonies of Ahrensbach match the registered medals with the numbers of the
magic stones raised by the knights and are doing the work of checking who is the
manastone ... ... Ferdinand's damage is minimal I told you that it is suppressed, but
there are still a couple of victims. "

Retitzia gets a sad look on his eyes. I do not know what to say and comfort.
1898 | 2523
"If Ferdinand said that it was minimal, it was minimal, did Reti Zia inform you of the
danger through Sturl? Did Stolar guard the nobles according to that order? I think that
Reti Zia, who ordered the nobles to help them when they are about to fall into the
hands of Ranzener, is wonderful. "
"Rosemain, but I am ... ...."

In Reti Zia who saw me with a crying face, I set my forefinger in front of my mouth. I
promised to Ferdinand. I spend as if nothing had happened.

"I will tell you a detailed story by Ms. Ferdinand, after I finish lunch, I will go to
Ehrenfest, after that."

Retetzia holds his mouth and nods, but Hannero flashes with a curious look.

"Rosemain says if you go to Ehrenfest, what do you do with the cornerstone here?
Rosemain, who became a new aub, must protect the foundations of Ahrensbach."

It is Aub's role and Hannellore says it can not leave the treasure during the ditters. I
laughed cuz.

"Mr. Hannallole, if you want to deprive the foundation, you do not mind taking it if you
have someone who wants to obtain the territory of the rebellion without permission
of the royal family,"

I have a royal permit, but I do not think that those who do not want to have the
cornerstone of Ahrensbach. If you really want it, I think that you can get it. I guess
Ferdinand will bear all responsibility.

"Besides, it is normal for abandonment of the medals of the previous generation to be

carried out when Aubu is deprived of the foundation normally, but my medal is still
in Ehrenfest."

To say that you can not discard a medal can not be executed. For me it hurts but it
does not itch.

"Lastly, I already know the location of the foundation.If you really want the
foundation, I should deprive it again, I do not feel too much to lose in magical game"
"... ... That is right."
1899 | 2523
Hannaore laughed cuffs and said that they also headed for Ehrenfest together.

"Is Mr. Hanenero, is not told to be out here so that there is no danger?"
"No, I am being ordered from Ferdinand to protect Rosemain, this treasure, during
this dish."

After lunch, we told you to leave and asked me to go to a place where I could draw a
transition team of the size to move together. Then, I draw a magic team and install it.

It seems that elections have ended by Ferdinand when I say that I will go to Ehrenfest,
and people are gathering while I draw a magic camp. My aides and Hannalee troops,
and then there are five knights of Ahrensbach.

"I am pleased from my heart that I got a duty to protect Rosemain, the incarnation of
Mestionola, thank the mercy towards the battlefield to save our compatriots. Pray to
God! Rosemain Thank you! "

Suddenly grateful thanks to God, I would like someone to compliment me who

stepped on by pulling one step behind. I would like you to comfort me who has
become crying unexpectedly in the appearance of Hartmut who is nodding
satisfactorily. Who will imagine that the surroundings will change so much the other
day they were asleep.

"Ah, that, I ... ...."

"Rosemain's preparation is ready, we will move to Xiaen from now."

Whether my sway is not watching or whether this is as planned, Laurentz just fires
with Nicoli and fires Ordanants to Ferdinand. A quick reply came back.

"Please move to Vindénbaard, not Zaiten, we are currently on the road with
information that many knights from Vindénbart have snowed into Ehrenfest.We have
just entered Vindbaat, it is about a summer pavilion I would like to join before
entering Ehrenfest, hurry. "

1900 | 2523
Everyone tightened facial expression to reply from Ferdinand. I look around everyone
in the transition team.

"Everyone, please put your hands on the transition team and devote magical power"

Everyone kneels and puts hands on the transition team. I also kneel and run magical
power on the magic team. Dark and light swirled in the transition team. Take out Stap
and touch the magic team.

"Nenrüssel Vindebart"

1901 | 2523

I was closing my eyes so as not to get intoxicated, I was greeted with a cry as my ears
keen. It seemed to me that I felt somewhat nostalgic because of my hearing, because I
could hardly stay in the lords. When I open my eyes I have Frauerelm and I see three
other women rushed to here.

...... I have a nostalgic face, but I am not pleased at all.

"What do you think if a magic team suddenly appeared in the garden, are you !?"
"Mr. Fraulem, ... ...."
"It is not a teacher anymore, Mr. Rosemain ... .... That Fraulem has let me quit the
aristocracy by seeing behaviors that are not teacher 's eyes."

Hannaore taught me secretly. By the way, it seems like I heard a story saying that he
had quit the aristocrat. It is natural that you are in Ahrensbach if Fraulem is returning
home. I've heard that it has something to do with Vindebarto, but I never thought of
seeing him at such a time.

"People of Ehrenfest appear to such a place, they are insane!"

"Well, you're insane as your elder sister! So this is Ehrenfest!"

Frauerelm and three ladies point at us and shout at me saying "Oh well! Even though
I think it is similar in tone and body shape, everything here might be a relatives of

Hannerol said, "Although there are people of Dunkel Ferger, are not you going to see
it?" While stating in a slightly lonesome tone, he stapled out and tied up Fraulem with
a band of light.

... ... Hew! Is it?

Because it was a movement that flowed naturally too much, I did not quite know what
happened. At the same time, the people of Hannellort troops are moving, and the

1902 | 2523
capture of the four people standing in front of us in a moment has been completed. It
might not be easy to wear silver costumes, but it can only be taken disgusting.

Hannale was not Fraulem, who was caught in the band of light, but looked up at the
knights of Ahrensbach and gently breathed out.

"The knights of Ahrensbach are slow in reaction, perhaps it's hard to do if you are a
nobleman in the same territory ... but then we can not protect Rosemain."

I think that Hannaore, who is saying "I'm useless" with a smiling smile with a relaxed
and soft tone, is really a woman of Dunkel Ferger.

"Who are those with whom you can not follow Rosemain like this?"

While saying so, Hannorore aims his eyes at the Summer Palace of Bindebart. After
the Knights of Ahrensbach had looked at Hannellore as if they were relieved, they
came running out with a coward.

... ... It is training too much, Mr. Hannallore.

If this is the standard of Dunkel Ferger, I absolutely can not live with Dunkel Ferger.
It's cool, but I can not imagine being able to copy it.

"Rosemain sama!? You are supposed to be dead ... Why are you here !?" What a blotch!

Fraulem, who was tied up with a band of light and rolled, glanced up at me and said
so. Hartmut is coming out in front. My mouth is in the shape of a smile, but I looked
down on Fraulem with a cold eyes that it was not laughing at all.

"What is the meaning of Rausemain's death that is supposed to be dead, who just
ceased to be a teacher from being a teacher? It seems to have been made to quit due
to such kind of disappointing, but still understandable It looks like it is not. "

It was probably a very big stain for Fleurreum that he had left the House of Lords. I
turn my face red with anger and glare at Hartmut. Hu and Hartmut made a smile of

"If it is a delayed-effect poison that was painted in the scriptures, it was discovered
and detoxified before Rosemain-sama touched it."
1903 | 2523
Hurtmuth deepened the smile at Fraulem which opened his eyes wide like an
incredible one.

"Only those who have planned poisoning know Rosemain's delayed-action poison has
to investigate its involvement in detail"
"I'm just receiving a report, I do not know anything else."

Hartmut looked back to Elder Cornelius while pointing to Furrellum facing Tsun.

"Cornelius, I do not have enough time to interrogate carefully, so please never die until
I divide my mouth as to whom I received a report"

Cornelius brother who became a hard expression pushed Stap into Frauerelm.

"Ho ho ho ... ... Is it a rosemain's aide? It is an idiotic thing"

A woman lying next to Frauerelm looked up at Cornelius's older brother and Hartmut
with a merciful eyes. It is a woman very similar to Fraulem, just a bit different hair

"It is poor that you are being served in a state of being deceived without knowing the
true appearance of Rosemain.This woman is a nobleman who is a nobleman who
cheated my husband and cheated the blue priestess apprentice of the commoner He
is a commoner! It is a commoner! "

I suppressed the chest without thinking as Bikri. A woman who laughs at a high rate
while looking at me as if he triumphantly seems to be the wife of Gamagaer who came
to the temple. Hartmut is suddenly coming out to cover such me.

"Oh, in the old days there was a foolish knight who was deceived by that lie and
harmed Rosemain and executed, even in Ehrenfest, but was still fooled by such a lie?
It's a surprise. "
"Hartmut ... ...."

Hartmut who should know that I am a commoner smiled and smiled and took my

1904 | 2523
"Rosemain-sama, if those days when he was raised to be hidden in the temple, those
who seriously think that Rosemain is now a commoner are wondering whether their
heads are considerably worried, are crazy about their hearts I guess it was probably
because I wanted to turn my eyes off since my husband committed a serious sin. "
"Sorry it made me rude!"
"I said only the truth!"

He did not give eyes to the shouting Fleurrells, and as Hartmut said "I'm all right" to
make it feel safe, I laughed smile and looked around.

"Let me assume that Rosemain was a commoner, as you said, the former priest of the
aristocrat was the former commoner won for three years in a row.If Hannellaire
receiving a lecture with Rosemain, What do you think? "

Hannorre of the same year compare me with Frauerel and slowly shook his head.

"Playing Fespiel and blessing, once you grab a magic stone, Rosemain who makes gold
powder is a commoner, no matter how you think, there will be impossible."
"As Hannorore says, there is no reason for commoners to get a doctor."

The knights of Dunkel Ferger who are convinced without permission arbitrarily for
reasons began to regret that if the commoner could also do a ditta, the population of
the ditch would increase. I do not know exactly what to do with what thought circuit,
but in Dunkel Ferger it seems to be no problem if we can even do it with a commoner
or a nobleman.

"You must not be deceived! My husband was deceived by Ehrenfest and I had a lot of

To the place where the wife 's wife is crying, the knights of Ahrensbach who went to
explore the summer palace tied up about ten women and children and came back.

"Rosemain, the aristocrat who was in the pavilion are all members of this, we have
put down the workmanship of the hall inside and put it inside ... ... Have you anything?"

When the knights of Ahrensbach saw us facing Fraulems, as if alertedly asked,

Léonore went forward with a laugh.

1905 | 2523
"The woman asserts that Rosemain is a former commoner, even if that is the case,
Ahrensbach would have been deprived of the former purely for the former civilians
in just one night, but it is really embarrassing and miserable Do not you think that is
it? "
"What a lie! Ehrenfest is really a lie. Deception It is a gathering! "

I am not told that I took the cornerstone of Ahrensbach. Even if not informed, does
not it wonder a little by dealing with the transition team who can move people?
Fraulems continue to shout. The Dunkel Ferger 's knights says to the Fleurreums,
"Shut up silently, ugly", to the people who are unable to tell you anything.
Léonore smiled with couscous to make it even more provocative.

"No one of the aristocrats was awarded Gurtris Height, which is not even a royalty,
from the gods, Rosemain says that it is clear to everyone's eyes that the head of you
who insists that Rosemain is a commoner is wrong I think, but ... is it possible for the
nobility of Ahrensbach? "
"It can not be Ahrensbach, as a nobleman of Ahrensbach, I do not want you to be
lumped together with such a madman"

The knights of Ahrensbach overlook Fraulelm with the eyes that he intends to disdain.

"In this eyes Rosemain closed the border gate and saw the figure closing the boundary
gate of Ahrensbach so please stop that shameful lief soon for Ahrensbach."
"It is not surprising that even if you are forced to quit the aristocrat and you are
closing in such a countryside, you are unable to get information and you are recruiting
grudges against depression, but no one's approval will be obtained."

The wife of Gamagaer who was treated as a madman from a nobleman in the same
territory trembled with me tremendously as a wild man.

"Tell the truth to everyone, Rosemain!"

"Even if you tell me the truth ... ... You know the spicy feeling with relatives being
caught or quit the lords, but let's see the reality a little The transition team that carries
people is not Arub I can not install or start it, now I am Arub-Ahrensbach. "
"There is no such insane thing, the daughter is a commoner! My husband has been put
down by Ehrenfest! Do not be deceived by everyone!"

1906 | 2523
When I said the truth, the boy's girlfriend lifted his eyes. Immediately afterwards
Cornelius elder brother stamped his wife 's head.

"I will not allow insulting my sister any more"

"Cornelius older brother"
"It does not matter if you do not worry, Rosemain. Because they try not to die."

...... I am not worried about that!

When I shouted in my heart, a voice came down from the sky.

"What are you doing, Cornelius?"

"Brother Eckhart!"

Ferdinand, who brought up Dunkel Ferger 's knights in front of Elder Hart' s elder
brother comes down.

"Slow, Feldinand-sama"
"I caught him because I found a person returning from Ehrenfest, how are you
"I felt asleep so much that I could go and I am perfect, did not Ferdinand have the time
to rest?"

I glance at the knights of Dunkel Ferger and call back. Ferdinand said "I did not have
it at all" and took my hand and muttered, "I can not see in this state," once I took my
Then remove the part of the back of the hand and touch the wrist, forehead, neck.
Immediately after Fraulem opened his eyes wide.

"What's up with you! What are you doing in public like this !?"
"Although it's just a health examination, it's too noisy to measure the pulse, let's shut
up, Ekhardt"

Brother Eckhart bite a gag as "shut up." I tilted my head while comparing the way that
Ferdinand confirms as usual and the surrounding gaze.

"... Ferdinand, is this a shame?"

1907 | 2523
"If a simple medical checkup seems to be visible, it is the head of that person that is
disgraced, you do not have to worry - it seems not to be a problem in particular now
... ... By the way, you are going to go to Ehrenfest in earnest I will see lots of things I do
not want to see "

I am frightened for a moment to confirm Ferdinand. I do not like to go to the field of

battle, but I can not stop not going.

"I will go"

"Is that so ... What kind of things are you stuck there?"
"The nobles who had received the role of welcoming the Giebes who invaded
Ehrenfest.The exploration of the hall has already been completed."

In a report from the knight of Ahrensbach who was exploring the hall, Ferdinand
looked down on the wife of Gamagaer who was trampled by Cornelius on an
expressionless expression.

"Cornelius, the head is necessary for reading memories, so kicking and stepping to
silence afterwards makes me hungry, it will be a waste of healing magical powers"
"And then these are Giebs who used black weapons with Ehrenfest and has robbed
the magical power of the land"

Ferdinand said so while showing the men who are hanging from the beasts by the
knights of Dunkel Ferger who tied up with light bands.

"Is it a black weapon?"

"To take away the magical power of the land of Ehrenfest ... ...."

Ferdinand keeps a hand crooked so that my aides will show a remarkable response.

"It seems that Georgine's phrase had not been filled with our magical powers but
apparently it was to take away the magical power of Ehrenfest. Now the old noble
family of Berkestock is divided into two, leaving it to a number It seems they are
robbing the magical power of the land. "

Feldinand and the knights of Dunkel Ferger who came back from Ehrenfest to those
returning to Ahrensbach seemed to have caught them and interrogated them. It seems
quite easy to interrogate because there were many people who were not knights.
1908 | 2523
"What was attacked ahead is Griver and Irkner in the southwest, as a result of
Ehrenfest's fighting strength there, Gerlach in the southeast seems to be forced to
struggle now."

Ferdinand who got that information decided not to be the boundary gate of Zaiten but
to join with Vindebart and go to Gerrach.

"If you did not come, you should have arrived at Gerrach soon."

I was told that it would be worse for someone to go around the border gate without
permission, and I got angry at Matthias to say I was going to go to the boundary gate,
and I was silent.

"The raid on the side of Gerrach is like Georginne's confidant led by a prosthetic hand
on the left, apparently a person with an intuition."
"Father, ... ... Oh, no, Glaozam is an enemy, is not it?"

Matthias which paraphrased the father by name and caught her lips and turned a
stern look towards Gelrach.

"Matias ... ...."

"I will not hesitate, Rosemain, please rest assured"
"It can not be relieved even if said with such a bad face."

Bashi and Laurentz hit Matthias's back. Was it a fairly strong force? Matthias stomped
the tatto and glanced at Laurentz.

"There is no need to settle only by yourself, let's go."
"It is as Raurenz said, Matthias, it will be painful to face with your father, leave it to
others ... ...."

When I said that, Matthias shook his head a bit thinking.

"Thanks to Rosemain's warm heartedness, there are a lot of nobles who have been
sinned by the actions of Glaozams in Ehrenfest Some people have lost their parents, I
can not escape here."

1909 | 2523
Ferdinand nodded to the word of Matthias "Is it so?"

"Then, send the criminals together to the castle of Ahrensbach and head for Ehrenfest
as soon as possible"

The men who Dunkel Ferger's knights restrained with a normal rope are casually
stacked on top of the transition team. Knights of Ahrensbach also ride women and
children who were in the Summer Palace of Vindebart as well. Ferdinand instructed
the knights left in the castle to put them into prison and looked back on me.


I nod and move the transition team.

"Nenrüssel Ahrensbach"

After criminals are brought together in the castle, they move from Vindybart to
Gerrach by cowardly beasts. Normally, when crossing the boundary, the adoptive
father who sensed our intrusion may misunderstand that the attack from Ahrensbach
has increased. It seems necessary to send Oldonans of the content that came as a
reinforcement of Ehrenfest later.

The summer palace of Vindénbart was full of magical power and it was a scenery like
a spring, so I did not think anything but if I looked from the sky, I could see the land
of Vindebart with little green. Magical power is not enough at all.

"Ferdinand, here, you need magical power"

"After all the ceremonial ceremonies are over"
"I understand it, but ... ...."

It is not a nobleman in this way, it may be that a lot of people starved to death in

"Better be worried about Gelrach in the midst of being deprived than Bindebaart,
which had not enough magical power for a while."

1910 | 2523
As Ferdinand said, the land of Gerlach is rich in green, but as soon as I crossed the
boundary I saw the land that was reddish in circles exposed. It seems like it was after
Trombe was rampant. You can see at a glance that the magical power to fill the land
is biased.

"... ... that over there is a battlefield."

On the point pointed to, the cloak of cloaked cloaks and the cloak of Ehrenfest are set.
I guess the knights are fighting each other. I saw the magical light fluttering.

"And that and that would be Giebes"

There are several groups of mantle cloaks in different places from those who are
flashy fighting. The number of reddish lands increased in front of my eyes.

1911 | 2523
"Sturl said that the figure of the former Bergiscott Knights could not be found. It is
definitely the knights of the former Berke keystock that we are on that battlefield."

The place the Ferdinand called the battlefield is the farthest place from us just beyond
the boundaries of the territory. I strengthened my eyesight. In the former Bergiscott
Knights who gathered the Knights of Gerrache and the cloak of Ahrensbach, the
former Berkestock seems to have more numbers, and it seems that the Knights of
Giebes that cling to the cloak of Ehrenfest are rather disadvantageous Looks like.

"The former Bergiscott ghebees who are instigated by Georginene are depriving the
magical power of the land of Ehrenfest.When considered from that purpose, there is
no mistake in the battlefield of the sunset, but for the Knights of the Giblach's Gibe It
seems to be the main battleground to protect the summer pavilion behind them. "
"The adoptive father contacted various parts of Ehrenfest and made preparations for
the fight. It should have a lot of magical tools etc. in the summer pavilion of Gibe.Let's
join as soon as possible before being dropped by the enemy "

Ferdinand nodded in my words with Matthias. It shows agreement not to call a

battlefield of the sun but to call it the main battlefield and to keep the summer

"... But, let's crush the former Berkeke Stock's Gibe platoon in the middle of joining,
this is also merged and it is troublesome if the number increases too much."

Ferdinand said that he wanted to make use of the advantage of the number, looking
down the part where red tea soil is increasing. Four parts of the red soil which can be
seen at this time are scattered in various places. Ferdinand points to the closest
reddish circle on the way to the main battlefield where the knights are fighting. It
seems that they want to cut off their opponent's strength even a little before joining.

"Rosemain and Mr. Hannaore, then, the two aides will keep watch over the distance
of not being attacked.Check the change in the game situation, the number of platoon
robbing the magical power etc. Rosemain, Aub Ehren I will contact you to arrive at the
Fest. Although it will be accepted afterwards, please obtain permission from Auren
Ahrensbach to use military force at Ehrenfest "

1912 | 2523

"Haisuzze, I will catch the platoon there for the moment, the time of missing magical
power, I want to keep magical powers alive as much as possible"

Around 150 people attacked by a mixed unit of Ahrensbach and Dunkelfelger against
about thirty platoons around Giebe. As long as there is nothing wrong, I will win.
Dunkel Ferger 's blue cloak put out Stap at the beginning with Ferdinand.

"Ferdinand, I have a favor to ask!"

Matthias gave a loud voice. Ferdinand looks back.

"Please let me go to confirm the hut that set the trap with Mr. Bonifatius.The glazaam
has to capture as soon as possible, but he is a former Giebe, a civilian, not a knight,
whether it is in the main battlefield ...... I feel rather lurking in the forest. "
"...... Confirmation of trap ... .... Allow, but only take covert actions and only confirm, it
is not permissible to invite them to battle without permission.Please notify me when
you find them."
"Hah! I'm sorry."

Ferdinand who gave permission to Matthias increased ten Knights of Dunkel Ferger
for me and Hannerol 's defense and ran down to the platoon with the knights of
Dunkel Ferger and a coward.

"Matias ... ...."

Talk to Matthias who has a painful expression. Matthias closed the blue eyes that
showed the emotional fluctuation for a moment.

"Gerlach is the home town where I was born and raised.I did not think that I would
make such a terrible way of being destroyed, and I think that it is the glaosam that I
am guiding this way ..."

Their birthplace is overrun by the nobility of the former Berkeke Stock asking for
magical power, and it turns into land of red tea which has been exhausted one after
another. It is my father who was the Giebe of this land once to command it. In

1913 | 2523
Matthias' s heart the thoughtless words are swirling. Angry and regret are also
transmitted from the trembling fist because of being strongly clenched.

"Glaozam must catch as soon as possible.Rosemain, I am sorry, but please lend me

Laurentz, I can not inform the other knight of the location of the management hut in
the forest"
"... ... If there is something please raise the fun soon"
"I promise"

Matthias and Laurentz are going down to the forest with two people. When watching
the two, Léonore said "Rosemain, let us go over the sky a bit more".

"Well, I have to send Aldonants to my adopted child ... ...."

Following the instructions of Leonore, I moved to the sky. And, as Ferdinand told me,
I will fly Ordonants.

"Mr. Father, Mr. Rosenmain, arrived at Ehrenfest with Feldinand and Dunkel Ferger's
knights.The present place is Gerlach. Assisting the Knights of Gerrach's Kibe, Knights
of Ahrensbach as Aub Ahrensbach I want to stop and catch it. Please give me
permission. "
"Rosemain-sama! It seems there were still other platoons, part of the forest
disappeared over there"

At about the same time as Aldonants fluttered, Angelica's voice rose. Not only me but
Hannero leans out from a schmir-shaped cowgirl and stares there.

"There are still a few platoons hidden in the woods, so it is up to us to see that platoon,

While nodding in the words of Hannaore, I strengthen my eyesight and look around
the land of Gerrach. I do not know how many enemies are hiding.

"But it's funny, whether you take magical power with a black weapon, you can only
take one person to take away, is it possible to accept the magical power of this vast
land as a human being?"

I also nodded to Hannaore 's doubt. Even though I take it for my own land, I think that
it exceeds the amount of magical power that can be robbed about thirty people.
1914 | 2523
"Besides, take away only take away, what will you do after that? If Georginne gets the
cornerstone of Ehrenfest from now on, if you think about governing it would be a bad
hand to take away the magical power of the land"

Aub must fill the land with magical powers. If you take this much more loudly, you
will have to fill it all yourself after you become Aub later. Hannorore receiving a
lecture to fill the land with magical powers as a lord candidate came nodding while
certainly overlooking the land spreading under the eyes.

"What are you going to do with Ehrenfest, getting foundation?"

"Just thinking about destroying Ehrenfest ... ...."

When Léonore said so, a number of Aldonants flew off at the same time from where
Ferdinand headed. Small white birds fly to the main battlefield and other red-brown
circles. Everyone closed their mouths and gazed at where the Ordonants flew.

"Rosemain, seven birds of Ordonants, I could confirm it! It seems that there are six
main battlefields and platoons, no mistake"

In other words, there will be another platoon.

"Did you confirm the location?"

"It could be seen as if two flew into the main battlefield, it might be a glazumum who
conducts with the Order and may already have joined together."
"Rosemain, there is a person who behaves like a scout of several people from the
platoon and the main battlefield, which seems to have noticed the existence of this

While the voices came up from the surrounding knights one after another, the
adoptive father came flying from the adoptive father "allow us to use force."

"Feldinand-sama, the number of flying Ordonants was seven, two of them went to the
main battlefield, and then permission came from Aub Ehrenfest"

I fly an Ordonant to Ferdinand. A few seconds after the white birds flew at high speed,
the explosion sound of Doon occurred and the trees were knocked down.

"... ... as soon as permission came out, it became flashy"

1915 | 2523
"It seems that you can see the knights of Dunkel Ferger who began to attack with joy

Hannorore seemed to be a little sorry, "The knights of Dunkel Ferger are likely to
destroy the land of Ehrenfest".

...... There is no choice but I will want to say a bit more softly.

Ferdinand who crushed the platoon to the overwhelming number of favorable flying
birds to join with them. Leaving a few guards in the sky, I and Hannerore descend
downward to join.


About half of the knights of Dunkel Ferger came out of the forest as it was awesome.
It is amazingly attacking the next platoon.

"Rosemain, let us join Ferdinand's place"

Hannorre said at a glance glancing at Dunkel Ferger 's knights. As Hannorore told me,
I will join where Yamabuki, Wisteria, and Blue cloaks are gathered. I could see
Ferdinand surrounded thirty people arrested around.

"Black weapons and small sacred cups were used"

Ferdinand shook the small Holy Grail toward me. Apparently it seems that Gibe had

"The former Berkestock 's Giebes are planning to become a new Ehrenfest' s Giebe
when Georgine got the cornerstone."

The nobles of the captured and rolled platoon glanced up at us. Brother Cornelius and
Angelica will move the place to protect me from that gaze.

"As you know, the Small Holy Grail is a magical tool to accumulate the magical power
to fill the land. If you use the black weapon to accumulate the magical power of the

1916 | 2523
land of Ehrenfest in the small Holy Grail, Georgine takes the cornerstone Sometimes
it will be a little easier. "

It is the same as reducing the magical power of the foundation that robs the magical
power filled in the land. You can fill the land again by using the magical power filled
in the Small Holy Grail. When Georgine got the cornerstone, it seems that the magical
power of the small Holy Grail was planned to be returned to the land of Ehrenfest. And
they seemed to have planned to move people in their land, becoming Giebe and
nobility of the filled land.

"Even if you do not use Ajubu no matter how much you devote magical power, you
will not be able to fill the land, you will not make any sense whether you pour magical
power or pouring, you will understand the frustration and dissatisfaction of my
frustration from the people who should be protecting you Is it ?? "

Appealed to me that Giebe of the former Berkeke Stock captured became a new Aab.

"No matter how much New Aleb stood in Ahrensbach, Bergke Stock is not saved, it is
another territory separated by a boundary, whether it is clad in a cloak of the same
color as Ahrensbach."

The magical power of the land decreases and their people start to starve. Even if
appealing to Aub that more magical power is needed, it is natural for Abo to fill the
land more than the extra land that the royal family has told. The old Berkestock will
be postponed by all means. Even if I hope that "at least, if Aubu meets ...", the royal
family who does not have Gurttrisheight can not reopen the foundation and can not
send a new Abe.

"Who will be condemned when we abandoned the land called Berkeke Stock, which
is abandoned from royalty and no new arub stands, if my land is Aub, my people will
not be hungry, Georgyne He gave us hope! "

I knew that they were Gibe who wanted to protect their own people somehow in the
way of the old Birkest Stock's Guevers, and I fell down first.

"You understood that there are reasons for you, but it is true that you have taken over
the mantle of Ahrensbach and took away the magical power of another territory and
is attacking the other territory.The new Aub Ahlen I can not forgive such things as you

1917 | 2523
are a sbatter, you are a sinner who committed a serious sin, please bring it to the
Summer Palace in Vindebarto "

In my words the knights of Ahrensbach move "Ha!" And move on.

"Take away the small Holy Grail from all the Giebes that are coming to Ehrenfest,
never let me go to the rest, the magical energy filled in it is the thing of Ehrenfest"

I will exhilarate the admiration to Georginée that incorporates into the strategy until
the small Holy Grail that was dealt to the Giebes without being satisfied.

"Absurdly, Rosemain. Here the magical power is robbed on a large scale and the Order
of Ehrenfest is dispatched to Ircunner and here. Georgine is probably a place close to
the city of Ehrenfest, already in the city It is considered to be "

I look back to Ferdinand's words. The face of everyone in the downtown and the
temple floated on my head. I wish to fly to the city of Ehrenfest right now I guessed
my thoughts. Ferdinand shook his head and stopped.

"Let's end here first, it is the work of Abu Ahrensbach to capture the nobility of the
former Berkestock, then you have to take permission to enter the city to Aub
Ehrenfest ... ... Arub Ahrens Although it became Bach, you can put in, but I and the
knights of Dunkel Ferger can not enter without permission from Aubu. "

I was told that no matter how much I wanted to help, I saw the situation that
Ferdinand was treated as a person of another territory. Although I am not married
yet, even if I want to return, I can not even enter home without permission. Under
such circumstances it would not seem very easy to find Ehrenfest.

... ... I absolutely have to give Ferdinand.

When making a new determination, Ordonants came flying from the knight who was
watching in the sky.

"Mr. Ferdinand, the platoon who received the Ordonants began to move to join with
the Order, and if we join all the platoons, the Kivis Gibe may be crushed at once."

1918 | 2523
It seems that the red cloaked land does not spread but the wisteria cloak heads
towards the main battlefield. Another Ordnants flew there. This Ordonant is not
Ferdinand but fly to me.

"Mr. Rosemain, Mathias, I have found a hut where a trap is broken, and it is no doubt
that glaosam is in this land."
"Did Bonifatius's trap be broken, it seems to be more powerful than I expected"

Ferdinand murmured a little. It is a trap that the grandfather and Matthias have
stretched. I thought that it was not so easily broken, but it seems that Glaozam has
broken it. I felt as if my stomach was pulled down tightly.

"Matias will join here, Rosemain"


I skip reply to come back to Matthias and Laurentz. Aldonants flew so as to change

"Mr. Ferdinand, Dunkel Ferger crushed another platoon."

"Well, take the command of the transport of the sinners, take the command of the
transport of the sinner, collect Rosemain, the small sacred cup, then break through
the center of the former Bergscott Knights and join the knight of the Kibe on the main

Absolutely not putting out heads and hands from the Lesser bus, it was told that they
followed me without looking away regardless of who was attacked in the

"I will do my best"

1919 | 2523
"It would have been best if we could pinch as it is, but the Knife Gibe will not have it.
If you break through the center, first ask the knights of Ehrenfest to heal you."

When they informed the Order of the reinforcement of the reinforcement of the Kibe
knight team, it seems that they already received contact from the lords of their lords.
It seems that there is a need to join as soon as possible due to the current situation
that reinforce ourselves, somehow until reinforcements arrive.

"I am at the forefront. Rosemain and Mr. Hannaore not to drop the speed never, so as
not to stop until the surrounding knight is strange until it breaks through the enemy

Ferdinand takes his escort knight and runs through the head. While moving to the
main battlefield with a cowgirl, knights of Dunkel Ferger started gathering around me
and Hannaore. Formations for the breakthrough in the center seem to be taken and
my escort knight is near, but there is a blue cliant knight no matter where I turn. From
Ferdinand and my brother Ekhardt's cloak no longer visible from my position.

"Cornelius, Leonore, did Matthias and Laurentz return?"

There are only Dunkel Ferger 's blue cloaks around, and the number of Ewenfest
cloaks of their escort knights is small. Only the figure of a knight who got on a cowgirl
could be seen, and since everyone is wearing a helmet, it is difficult to distinguish who
they are.

"……not yet"
"I do not know where the management hut that I went to check, but probably it is
supposed to join the last tail."

In spite of Leonore's words I look back on my mind. It was only the knights of the blue

"If you break through enemy teams, Rosemain and Hannaore are the closest to the
pavilion of the summer, please follow the knights."

1920 | 2523
"Escort knight should do everything to defend your own lord!"

While nodding at the instruction to be flew away from us, we will move the speed of
movement. Even if you look at anything, it is only the knights who held the shields,
the visibility was blocked by the floping cloak, and I do not know where you are going
now. I was going without understanding.

Only the tense atmosphere of the surrounding knights has been transmitted so
painfully that the enemies who are waiting are not visible because of the war situation
and waiting, the hand holding the handles began trembling. It desperately suppresses
the possibility that power is likely to be applied to the foot on which the accelerator
is stepping on.


The surroundings became dazzled unexpectedly. Reflectively look around.

Apparently it seems that it entered the ranges of remote attack by magical power,
attack seems to be being played by the shield raised by the knights.
I do not know the distance to the enemy and I can only see the figure of the knights as
usual. My heart got stuck up just by dazzling them.

... .... This place is scary.

Although it prevents most, arrows come to come down through the knights. There is
no magic power difference to enter the lesser bus, but scary things are scary. While I
cried, I grasped the steering wheel, but I was still afraid to be afraid.

The front looked like a light of a complicated color like rainbow color so that the
knights which are going ahead can only see the shape of a shadow. Attacks to release
the accumulated magical powers at once were done. I do not know whether he was
attacking or receiving. I closed my eyes tightly in spite of myself.

"Rosemain, go around!"

Brother Cornelius' s anger opens his eyes as a coward, in a hurry and adjusts to the
surroundings. Apparently it was not attacked, but it seems that this is an attack. It
seems that things that occasionally block light are flying around, but the shock waves
are completely prevented by the shields of the knights.

1921 | 2523

The speed of the knights surrounding him rises little by little with a bullshit that
releases the high feverish feelings and emotions. I desperately adjusted the speed and
adjusted the movements so as not to be late.

"Push in! Do not be afraid! Continue to Ferdinand!"

Immediately after hearing such a voice, the surroundings changed suddenly. Loud
voice that inspires themselves has been touched by someone's mouth all the time and
sounds that weapons and weapons collide against can be heard from nearby. The
metallic sound of the armor rises much more than before and it sticks to the ear.

A red splash dropped in my field of view, which was only blue cloak, and just as I
pulled my throat, someone's arm flew to the front with a van. It began to sound loud
and the entire beast swayed and shocked and it disappeared backwards. I thought it
was a mistake, but the trace of blood remaining in the window tells me that the
current scene is reality. I kept stepping on the accelerator without touching the teeth
roots as if I felt like a human.


Having received a big attack, the knight who was in the front drops from the beast and
fly towards the lesser bus.

...... Brake!

"Do not stop! Do not stop! The back will be a catastrophe!"

The Cornerius brother's reprimand flew sooner than I braked. Prior to returning the
foot that took the brake on to the accelerator, the knight is flying by orbit changing by
the angelica-like knight who came out from the side. I can not make a voice as I am
bound by fear.

An escort knight, fueled by surrounding attacks, collapsed and struck a lesser bus. The
figure disappears as if it were blown off, and the voice of scolding flew away as he
turned around.

"Please look forward, Rosemain-sama!"

1922 | 2523
I endured the urge to clench my teeth and look back. Continue as it is. Besides blood
splashes, some manastones hit katsuns, katsuns and beasts. Passing scary things, I
was desperate to not leave it.

"I'm missing! Flip it and attack it! Scatter me!"

The raised voice had hopeful brightness. The knights of Dunkel Ferger will change the
direction of cock and beast.

"Mr. Rosemain and Mr. Hannaore are straight as they proceed to the last tail!"

Immediately after being told to go to a place not attacked, I remembered Ferdinand's

instructions. It should have been commanded that he should heal if you cross the
enemy line.

"Mr. Hannero will not go ahead and I have been told to heal everyone."

When I took the escort knight and went up to the sky, I took out the hand from the
window and reversed while advancing "Strait Corben!" And set up the staff of Fleet
Lane. It seems that magical power is enough if we do not give prayer properly if we
try to heal together at Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger's knights.

"Healing goddess Rung Sumerle who is the goddess of water goddess Fleet Lane"

Although the attack flew away from the former Berkeke Stock side to disturb healing,
the knights of Dunkel Ferger who began to support the front line are preventing us.
Escort Knights are holding a shield. I devoted my prayers a little fast.

"Listen to my prayers and give holy power Give me the power to heal those who keep
Ehrenfest in my hands Have you sacrificed the holy ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 0

Dangling and green light overflows from the wand's manastone. The voice of joy came
up from the Knights Gibe who seemed to have been injured many times. I felt that
morale went up, I realized that it was useful even a bit, I will be relieved of the power
of my body.

1923 | 2523
"Mr. Rosemain, leave it to the knight afterwards, please come back"

I nodded with the words of Leonore. Once you heal, my role is over. If you do not take
recovery medicine and restore magical power, you will be troubled when you receive
instructions from Ferdinand. As I headed backward where there is Hannaore, when I
landed on the spot, I drank medicine that only magical powers recovered in the beast.

"Because the knights of the old Berkestock ride a cowgirl, they are not wearing silver
costumes and they do not have silver weapons, it is a fight between familiar ordinary
Jurgen Schmidt knights. Dunkel Ferger is not easily defeated so easily. "

Hannale was smiling with Nicolle and said so. Where you think that you are reliable
Two knights that cling to the cloak of Ehrenfest come closer. Matthias is riding a
slender cat-shaped beast with feathers like a leopard, it is the same shape, but
Laurentz is riding a bigger and tigerish beast.

"Matias, Laurentz, it was okay and it was okay"

"Rosemain Mr."

Escort Knights could join together and I stroked my chest. Matthias and Laurentz
seemed to be almost at the end as expected by Leonore when the center broke

"I thought that I could send Aldonantos to Glaoutham to confirm the location but
Ordonants did not fly away."
"... ... is he saying that he is already dead?"

I saw a lot of Ordonants that did not fly in Ahrensbach. He did not fly to the deceased.

"...... Although there is a possibility that it was involved in an attack somewhere and it
died, I do not think that a person who breaks a trap that Bonifatius got set drops his
life so easily.The secret behavior that Ordonants do not reach reaches Whether it can
be taken ... .... "

Léonore gets a tough look while looking at the gerlach summer pavilion on Laurenz
with a rugged face.

1924 | 2523
"If you are wearing a silver costume that does not pass the magical power, it seems
that Aldonants does not arrive, the knight of Ahrensbach was talking, it was here that
you found a silver cloth first?

The former Bergiscott Knights do not have silver costumes or weapons, but Glaozam
will have naturally. It is no wonder that Ordonants does not arrive.

"... ... for Georgynes they are thrown pieces, are not they?"

It is not a magical silver-colored costume or weapon, neither important information

is shared. If they informed us that the foundation can be obtained from the temple,
their lives will be easier, but they are not teaching but use the small Holy Grail to take
away the magical power of the land and use them as their limbs. Once she got the
cornerstone of Ehrenfest and allowed her to colonize, I can purge the nobility of
Ehrenfest now without heart, and I think that I am willing to lose my faithful vassal,
but I do not mind.

"Mr. Rosemain, the head of the Order of the Order of Gerlach, would like to thank you.
Please do not leave the beast as it is"

Angelica brought a man with a cloak of Ehrenfest's cloak. I got a helmet, so I could see
a face. It probably was healed by Luo Sumer's healing. Although the injury seems to
be repaired, the traces of blood remain there everywhere and have a dirty face with
no blood.
In a way to break the situation that he thought as if he had fallen apart, he knelt down
where he took a short distance from the lesser bus.

"Thanks to Rosemain-san's healing, this has become quite advantageous, I would like
to say thank you for a word during the recovery ..."
"Please do not have to come back to me in such a condition that I can not come before
me, so please stay quietly"

Rung Sumer's healing will block the wound and govern the inflammation, flowing
blood will not come back. I bet he was fighting on the front line without fear of blood
flowing to support the battle line.

"Because a bit of dirt is so terrible, I thought it was rude to get closer to Rosemain's
sama, so I took a distance."

1925 | 2523
I have not heard of the courtesy of taking distance because it is dirty, but the fact that
the headmaster can not move will be a weak point for the stain and the Order. I
decided to accept his argument.

"Because the number of people increased at a stroke by the confluence, and since the
injured man was able to return to the battlefield due to Rosemain-san's healing, I was
able to avoid the worst situation I felt as if I could be deprived of the summer pavilion
as it is. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. "

Thanks to the knights of Dunkel Ferger that supports the front line, the Kivi Givee
seems to be able to see the person who drops backwards to recover and who can
return to the summer pavilion to recover drugs for recovery .

"I could not believe it when I got Ordonants, because the reinforcements of Dunkel
Ferger's mixed army are heading for us around the afternoon of today, because the
magic tools I have prepared are exhausted and better than the Order Team Many
enemies were coming in. In order to resist, we left Gibe in the hall and all the knights
had to go out. "

He is said to have been in all-out warfare while waiting for reinforcements who do not
know whether they really come. Before the appearance of their reinforcements can
be seen, reinforcements come to the enemy and the number of people is increasing.
When he felt hopeless, he said that the attacks of Ferdinand, Elder Erothard, and
Hyscitz attacked enemies and joined together making a way. There was some
indescribable relief on that face.

"I will excuse myself during the conversation, headmaster"

The knight who was trying to enter the summer pavilion is coming back. The captain
stood up in hopes of leaving me and turned his eyes to the knight.

"What's wrong?"
"I can not enter the hall"

The sharp voice of the knight resounded, and as soon as I saw the summer pavilion as
if I looked back to Bach, something flew away from the pavilion.

1926 | 2523
People do not throw something, but at a speed like the use of things like thrusters,
they fly through a parade to the front of the battlefield a little distance away from the
hall. Three sounds of Hyun burst, with time lag, making pan and sound.


Whitish powdered objects flowed by the wind, and people in the vicinity suddenly
disappeared. Those who disappeared, those who fell from a cowgirl, those who
suddenly became slow, various. My escort knights who were in the distance and had
a distance seemed to have had little influence, but the place that received the direct
hit is terrible. It seemed that the knights of the former Berkeke Stock were more
victim than Dunkel Ferger.


While I could not understand what happened, a lot of water fell throughout the area.
I too get caught in a lesser bus and are washed.

"Poison washed away, instantly drink Jureve!"

Ferdinand's fury sounded. I immediately realized what was poisoned by the

instructions that I could drink Yuree. It must be poison that Ferdinand received
during the supply of Ahrensbach.

...... Why is such a thing from the pavilion of Gibe?

I turned around the house. I will raise my eyes to the basement, the first floor, the
second floor. There was a shadow on the balcony on the second floor of the pavilion
which had never felt the sign of a person.

"The effect is not weakening, but the damage was less than expected, and again the
powder diffuses outside and the effect diminishes ... ...."

I heard a voice with no emotions as experimentally done and the spirit became
frightening. I know this voice. It is the voice of the man who was the source of whom
I was to be immersed in Jureve.

"It's not a gibe! Who!"

1927 | 2523
The president jumps over the cow beast with his weapon in hand and runs up. As soon
as bread and sound were heard, the appearance of the headmaster and the cowgirl
disappeared steadily. A magic stone falls down near me as I am staring upstairs. My
escort knights raised a painful voice, instantly played Vasshen and began to take

"Is not it a ghibe? A fool is I'm Giebel Gerlach who dyed the magician that is the
cornerstone of this house now."

It looked like a silhouette with a gothic gothic feeling like only the left hand wearing
small armor. Vasari and mantle warp. I saw a silver color behind the color of the dirty

"Glazzam ... ...."

After Matthias who was drinking Yureva gave a low groaning voice, I kneel before my

"When Gibe raise the defense function of the hall to the highest, only Gurve has issued
permission, family members who are permanent, family members who are superior
administrators can only enter the lord, if the knight does not enter, change the setting
of the defense function Let me go to my son, my son. "
"Matthias, please wait ... that is ..."
"You must be me."

Matthias aims the blue eyes from me at the hall. After crossing the arms in front of the
chest, it rose roughly and came running.

1928 | 2523
"Do not wait ...... Ya!"

It was nearly simultaneous that I told Mattias the voice of restraint and the light net
fell down from above. Matthias turns over to my scream.


As soon as Matthias opened his eyes and started running to this place, a cold voice
came ashore that the back muscles.

"Is not it familiar and illegitimate monster, that you are in such a place ...?"

It is not my first time that my lesser bus is captured by Glaozam in the light net. The
scene of that time that it was supposed to be immersed in Jureve, will be revived, being
caught without being mortalized and poisoned. But I know what I should do now.
Believe that the escort knight will help and do not leave the beast. I put great effort
into the hand holding the steering wheel so that no matter what happens, it will not
jump out.


Immediately after Brother Cornelius' s angry voice filled ears, the power to pull the
Lesser bus broke away. While the angelica holding Stutge Luk goes through sight, the
net of light is torn down to pieces. Faster than I returned Matthias, I was free.

"I remember seeing the net of that light ... .... On the other hand, Glaozamu"

Brother Cornelius who got on the cowgirl looks up glauzaam with a severe expression.

"I heard only the name from the master, so as an enemy in the battlefield Watching I
am glad to be able to meet you. "

Angelica holding Stein Luke jumps over the cowgirl and smiles smiling with a blue
eyes shining challenging. The smiley and neat impression had no fragments and made
me feel terrible.
1929 | 2523
Asked me with a face like Matthias who was running up over by the power of the two.

"Rosemain sama, what the heck ...."

"The criminal of the attack incident at the beginning of winter social circle where I
became the primary cause of using Yureeve was glauzam."
"Wow!? That is Giebe · Joy Saucak as the culprit ... ...."

Matthias opens and closes the mouth with the foul. Publicly, the incident has ended,
but in fact it is different. Matthias will inform you of his father's sin who did not know,
but hiding it will not do anything.

"It was the Charlotte kidnapping and raids that the son of Joysotak was going to
release me a light net to scoop me and to let him drink poison .... But it is strange.I am
a blue maiden apprentice It seems to be different from the voice I heard when I first
visited the pavilion of Giebel-Gerlach when I was at the "
"... .... There were three Shadow Warriors in Glaozamu .... Is that so, was it glauzam that
caused Rosemain to be harmed?"

Matthias' eyes that said so with a bitterness tone swayed fluently and suddenly
fluttered. Grab the staple's sword and look up at the balcony on the second floor.
There, Brother Cornelius and Angelica had magical powers and swung out the sword.

"Die here, glazum!"

Two magical powers attacked at the same time with stunning cooperation intertwine
and thrust into the glazeum. He raised the buck and the left arm so that Glaoutham
shields his head. The next moment of anticipating the defeat of Glauzaam who is not
a knight, the light of magical attack fades away as it is sucked into the glozam 's gloves.

... ... I absorbed magical power! Is it?

Glaozam slowly lowered his hands and grasps the edge of the lips and lips. I was
amazed at the fact that the attack did not work at all. I shook the right hand while
criticizing Cornelius elder brother and Angelica. A strong bluish magical mass pops
out, attacking a wide range including not only Brother Cornelius and Angelica, but also
Knights who are recovering drinking Yurie.

"Statue of the Wind Goddess Schoel ... ...."

1930 | 2523
At the same time several shields appeared in front of the balcony and flipped the
magical attack of Glaosam. A white lion came from behind and faced the glazzam
standing on the second floor.


Breathe in exasperation as knights who were in the midst of restoration relax and
begin to shield themselves.

"People who are recovering leave this place!"

Ferdinand yells with deploying several shields. The knights started moving with their
own shields. Others support and support difficult people with magical powers

"... ... Why are you alive?"

Glaozam crossed the crocus and saw the appearance of Ferdinand maintaining
multiple shields, shaking his head as if he could not believe it.

"No way ...... Was it failed despite carefully preparing the preparation for that solely?
It was not only failed, did he go to false report to Georginene? It is incompetent like
Georgyne's daughter It is hard to forgive. "

Apparently Dietlinde seems to have reported that Ferdinand has died. After that I
started secret behavior, so it would have been making silver dress worn and
Ordonants out of reach. It seems I did not know that I saved Ferdinand.

"... but it's over, there's no change what I should do."

Georgine earned time to take the cornerstone of Ehrenfest, robbed the land's magical
power so that Georginne was easy to take the cornerstone, sharpened his strength to
make Georginen more likely to dominate Ehrenfest, even a single aristocrat who was
a disturbing person Reduce. Glaozam smiled that it is what he should do. The insancer
lurking in there seems to be breathing hard. I am afraid of the gray eyes that I know
will not accept any persuasion.

"Mr. Ferdinand, you get in the way of Georgine, you have to erase it here."
1931 | 2523
"Can I disappear to the civilian side? Poison will not work anymore"

Eckhart's elder brother holds weapons like defending Ferdinand.

"There are ways of civil service fighting in civil servants"

Glaozam told him, "I do not need this anymore avoiding Aldonants", I took off cloaks
and grabbed something. Immediately afterwards, blue flames sway and swirl around
the glaze.

"What on earth!?"

At the moment everyone on the spot was stolen by the blue flame, attacks were
launched from several places at once to Glaozam with a high voice "Ya!"! It is a
Hannellore troop. Magical powers are launched, and multiple arrows attack the
glauzam enclosed in a blue flame. It was a quick attack by Hannaore 's who did not
miss even a little gap, but it was prevented by the glozam' s left hand again.

The blue flame gets more momentum as a result of attack by Hannaore. However,
glauzaam who stands at the center just smiles pleasantly, it is not likely to suffer even
if it seems quite hot. If you swayed your right hand while being wrapped in flames, a
blue flame attacked Hannellore like a living thing.


Hannalee shot a shield quickly. Ferdinand's shield also moved at the same time, and
it was able to prevent the attack of glauzaam. However, Hannorore's expression is
pale. Grinzam smiles ridicule while watching Hannaore, who holds a shield and opens
his eyes.

"Oh, if there is enough magical power it will be able to move enough, I thank you,
daughter of Dunkel Ferger"

Ferdinand will fly Aldonants one after another while staring at the blue flame of
Glaozam. To Hiroshitze of the front, to Stral, who went back to Pond to prisoner to
Vindebart, and then, Ordonants also flew to me.

1932 | 2523
"Rosemain, it is only you and Matias to put in the house, I will attract it for a while
here.If you use a hidden passage etc., rush to the inside of the hall and go around
behind. Prosthesis absorbs magical power, use black weapons for attacks, even if
Mathias dies you will never leave the beast. "

I got a ceremonial command with a crowd and I will face the face with Matthias. I did
not think that he could order the infiltration from Ferdinand. That would be that it is
getting fuzzy.

"Let's hurry, Matthias. Do you understand the way to that room?"

"Yes, it is the office of Giebe"
"Rosemain, please wait, it's too dangerous."

Leonore who was listening to Ferdinand's Ordnants stops me. But I can not take escort
knights and I can not trust anyone else.

"The appointment of Leonore, Giebe is the jurisdiction of Aubu, because it is the

obligation of the Lord's family to capture those who have robbed them without
permission, I will go."

Léonore who opened his mouth and opposed, closed his mouth with a mortel and got
a good fist.

"Even though it is an escort knight, I feel mercilessly for myself who can only rely on
a lordic clan ... ... ... somehow martial arts."
"Please attract the glazzam to the balcony until we arrive"
"you have to"

I entered the pavilion of Giebe, I run behind Matthias with a beast. Because it is a hall
where I was born and raised. Matthias runs without hesitation. I saw a person falling
down everywhere. I wonder if he is a jackpot who has met Glaoutham.
Matthias turns the staple into a sword while running, and changes it to a black weapon
in a manner taught further by the knights. I also prayed for the blessing of the
darkness when I put out Steap and changed it to a water gun.

1933 | 2523
"God of darkness as the highest god, who controls the expanse of the high temple,
making the world, Father of all things, listen to my prayers, give holy power and take
away the power from the devil I will devote yourself to our weapons The devil from
devil from all the magic rings and paying the devil gives us a blessing Give the
temporary comfort to the life in this place "

As I got a black water gun, Matthias opened her mouth.

"Rosemain says, please do not attack as much as possible and make a top priority to
close the door with a cowardly beast"
"Glaozam is probably not grasping everything about what kind of weapons Rosemain
uses and what kinds of treasures it treats. For the time of emergency, please hide the
backhand as much as possible "

Because Glaosam knocks down with this hand, Matthias looked up the stairs with eyes
with a strong determination. I narrow my eyes as I noticed something.

"... There is a trap on the stairs, so it is released so a little ......"

"Is not it good to jump with a cow beast without having to use the stairs separately.Is
the time is regrettable, please ride, Matthias"

When I spread the Lesser Bus for two passengers, I opened the front passenger seat
and tapped her seat lightly with pom-pong. Matthias compare the stairs and the
Lesser bus several times and got on while laughing with a small laugh.

"... Did you do it, Matias?"

"No. There is nothing, as Glouzam has been placing a number of traps on the stairs
that always go through, as well as the intruder's perception of the intruder and the
time earning, I think that he would not have thought that he could jump over all this
way ...... "

The staircase of this house is not big enough to use a coward that spreads wings. It's
a lesser bus so I made it. Mattias seemed oddly told that it would not be possible to
imagine such a workaround unless there was a person riding indoor riding type cow

"My Lord is always unexpected.I was surprised when I broke the walls of the faction
at the dormitory of the lords and when I went to the children before baptism to avoid
1934 | 2523
the joining of the purge. I think that it was good not to be Georgine, who ordered
trampling, but to chiefly choose Rosemain, who is trying to pick up the reach of the
hand as much as possible. "

With Matthias on board, he jumps up without using the stairs and descends in front
of the target room on the second floor. Matthias who got off from the lesser bus
tightens facial expression.

"to go"

When Matias put his hand on the door of Giebe's office, he took a deep breath and
opened a big door and jumped into it. When I jumped in, I closed the door roughly
with Lesser 's tail and immediately enlarged like a bus and completely blocked the

"Did you have someone to enter here?"

Glaozam seems to have noticed with the sound we entered. It looks as if he is wearing
a blue flame armor. Glaozam shook the right hand once wrapped in a blue flame and
attacked outside, it came into the room.
There is a man in the room. It would be a person who was Giebel Gerrach. I felt that
loose and red blood was still spreading.

"Healing ... ...."

"I will not be saved anymore. Manilation has begun."

Matthias turns his back and says so, he stares gloriously. The black sword is in its
hand, and it is set slowly. Glaozam wearing a blue flame armor comes walking with
the artificial glow shining black.

"I do not think that it is miserable, even though it's a beggar like putting a knee on
such a commoner's lady, Matthias?"

When I looked at the Lesser Bath that closes the door, Glauzam rang nose
unpleasantly. Matthias refuses to reply fairly without shaking fragments.

"I think that those who kneel to the invaders of other territory, hurt the candidate of
the lords of their territory, and who are beyond their hometown and ally are more
1935 | 2523
Has it ever happened that my son had not been defeated? Glaozam moved the temple

"Georgine is a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest, not an invader of another territory
Correct me, Mathias"
"It was a family of Ahrensbach's lord, even now Rosemain holds the foundation of
Ahrensbach, it is not even an owner's family anymore"

Glaozam looked at me and gave a frosty smile.

"No matter who is Aub Ahrensbach, I have nothing to do with me, as Georgine will be
Ahrenfest's Aub."
"I will not let her be Arub that brings only destruction and destruction!"

While holding a black sword and gazing at Matthias to be excited, Glaozam slowly
raised his right hand wrapped in a blue flame.

"I have already been registered as a nobleman of Ahrensbach, in other words, my side
is not my son"

Matthias tied her lips tightly for a moment.

"I will die soon, I will not disturb you Georgyne!"

Glaozam shakes his right hand and attacks with a blue flame. Mattias cut through it
with a black sword. Immediately after, the glazam moves quickly and kicks Mathias.

"Huh ... ..."

It was like a knight who strengthened the body. Rapid movements like angelica are
not very civil movement. Matthias rejoins the sword and goes down one step behind
the way.

"...... Hun ... Even if you say big things, the knight trains yourself, civil servants make
sophisticated magical tools.Which is the magical tool I made and the other's body ...
which is strong? "

1936 | 2523
Glaozam confidently said so, crossed the blue arm and the black prosthetic hand in
front of his chest.

1937 | 2523
The desk for the reception was crushed and turned into coking, and the chair was
thrown and turned to two. This room, which is the Giebe's office, has already been
messed up. In the window on the balcony side you can see the appearance of Laurentz
trying to chase Glaozam, but it is blocked by a transparent wall.

In a situation where help could not come in, Matthias was face to face with Glaozam.
If you can be beaten with a black prosthesis you will be deprived of magical power, if
you can be beaten with the right hand of a blue flame it will burn. Mattias must be
careful of the blue flames that fly, Matthias is desperately battling with a black sword
to seal the right hand of Glaozam, but was attacked unilaterally.

"Hu, this magical tool was built with the assumption of a fight with Bonifatius, I think
that a knight of some degree will enemy."

When the territory of Ehrenfest was destroyed, it was the head of the knight to protect
the aristocracy and the castle, and it seems that Georginne and Glaozam thought that
it is interesting to take a hit with an affordable knight.

"It is hard to disdain Bonifatius' s thinking, behavioral power, attack power, because
it was disturbed to get that commoner in the winter of the month ..."

Unlike fathers and fathers, unlikely to crush plans with unexpected movements, it is
important that you hold down your grandfather in the land away from the aristocracy,
in order for Georgine to gain the foundation, It seems that it was.

... ... Was it a magic tool for the old man?

I do not know what kind of magic tools I am using, but the glazzam I am today is
insanely strong. I will admit it. However, it is troubled if you think that you can easily
win. The knight trained the body by oneself, the civilian mistake made a sophisticated
magical tool and said that it will face the battle Although Glaozam's word is no
mistake, in my eyes of Glaozam there is not my presence as a fighting power.

...... Then here is the question. How did I come to fight so far?

1938 | 2523
We glanced at a glance at a water gun that gave the blessing of the god of the dark
secretly holding it as a backward hand. I almost never knock down an enemy by
myself. Water gun also has a low degree of accuracy and Matthias will definitely get
involved if you put magical powers so that you can attack extensively up to the point
where you can hit it absolutely. Basically it is my battle to leave the attack to the
surrounding people.

...... Anyone can use it if you think to use it, but at this time there are techniques that I
only use.

I will put magical power on the ring. If enemies use magical tools instead of choosing
means, this is also a big blessing act. I am a woman who has put her own weight
somewhere long ago. I do not feel like refraining here.

"May Goddess Stazheries of the wind and goddess Durtzessen of patience belong to
Matthias with the goddess of the wind Goddess"

Fluffy and yellow light falls on Matthias. Matthias avoided the quick kicking of
Glaosam completely. You should be able to move more easily if you get used to

"Hun, how can it happen in a place where the speed has increased a bit?"

I am frightened by the words of Glaozam. Blessing too much makes it difficult to

control. It has been experienced at the House of Lords that it will become a curse that
can not be moved unless it is a little. Besides, it is not just speed that I will be blessed.
You should give a lot of blessings little by little.

...... Seriously, I will show you.

"As God of the Flame Leiden Shaft of the Flame God Angelief of the Battle and God of
the Hunting Sharagetziel may be in Matthias"

Fluffy and blue light falls on Matthias. This should increase the strength and accuracy
of the attack. While watching a little, Matthias's movement to wield the black sword
has improved dramatically. It is understood from the appearance that glaosam avoids
Matiasu's attack. However, because Mr. Matthias' movement is in vigor compared
with usual because of being hurt by the attack which I received up to now. I need
1939 | 2523
"As Goddess of Water Fluet Rene says Matthias may be blessed with the healing
goddess Rung Sumer, the thunder goddess Fair Drenna and the lucky goddess

Fluffy and green light falls on Matthias. The injury will be healed by Rung Sumer and
Fair Drenna's momentum should be added to push even Evilieve. In addition, take the
opportunity firmly and take it. As I hoped, Matias' movement has gone momentum.
Accept the black prosthesis stretched to rob the magical power with a sword, and
Matthias laughs smartly. Glaozam who kept the dominance all the time pulled his

"What, this is? Do not be afraid ..."

"Rosemain is not playful, etc. Rosemain gives the knights the protection of the gods so
that the civilian uses supplementary warfare with magical tools.This has done divine
activities in the temple for many years and is loved by the gods This is how my battle
fights. "
"It sounds awfully bad, Matthias"

Although attack by glauzaam is also entered, Matthias's attack gradually began to

enter. I wonder if it was somehow brought in nearly equally by the overlapping of
blessings. I feel that Matias' face is laughing a little.

"The god of darkness is like Matias as the protection of the protection of the goddess
Unhya Lush Nide, a purification god of faithful goddess of faithfulness and goddess of
light, which is the god of demons."

When Matthias cut off evil bonds and misfortunes with his own hands and prayed that
we could go through the path I wanted, black and golden lights danced in the room.
The husband and wife god who is the supreme god is grateful because we can easily
pray together.

...... If the God of life's life fails to be badly done, another God's protection may
disappear, so why is this OK for now?

Although I was satisfied with my work, Glaozam, who had suddenly gotten stronger
from suddenly stronger opponents, became stronger as opponent, while distorting
his face to anger while attacking Matthias. Swing down the black artificial hand and

1940 | 2523
thrust away Matthias. There was a dull sound called Dan, and Matthias breathlessly
breathed and suffered.

"It is unexpected not to strengthen a simple knight like Matthias to be able to fight
with me now.I was planning to squeeze the magical power enough to become a female
admirer of the lord, but I have to change it ... .... I surely kill you. "

Glaozam shook his right hand a lot and shaved a wide range of blue flames. As
Matthias jumps out in front of a flame, it cuts with a black sword and absorbs magical
power. A flame that did not splash came to the Lesser Bus.
A pure blue flame glows vigorously against the window in front of you, and the
magical power for maintaining the Lesser bus is sucked out through the steering
wheel. I was breathtaking. I think that I've never taken magical power this much
because I was riding a cowardly beast.

...... Seriously strong!

Through Glaoutham I feel like I knew the preciousness of the grandfather.

Matthias set up the sword between me and Glaozam.

"You call me the commoner, my lord can be anything but Rosemain"

With a black sword, while cutting into the right hand of Glaozam, Matthias laughs to

"Have you ever been blessed by Georginene?"

"Shut up"

Playing the sword by shaking the black prosthesis, shaking the right hand to avoid the
attack of Glaozam who strikes the blue flame, Matias says further.

"Is not it not only to devote magical powers exploited by myself and others from Mr.
Georgine, but what have you had Georgyne-sama's magical power used for myself?
Life, pride, save your hometown, have you guarded? "
"Shut up!"

Glaozam who flew Matthias to leave it to anger, saw me, because there was not
anything to think about. The gray eyes are glittering with anger. I was surrounded by
a blue flame, but I found that glazaam 's face was red.
1941 | 2523
"Please come out from there, I'm a commoner! Let's burn it! I will let you know my
"I will not let such a thing."

Matthias' sword hits me, Gachin! And a sound striking a hard stone echoes. The blue
flame that glazzam is clinging faded, and the blue manastone was visible under the
flame. It is like feeling that magical power is taken away too much and you can not get
fire. Not only that, it seems that the movement of glaosam has become dull.

Matthias's attacks began to hit a portion of the blue flame in a row. At the same time,
the magical power is absorbed by the black sword, and the blue flame fades steadily.
Blue manastones and bare skin under the flame began to be exposed.

"So far ......"

When Glaussam mutters, the flame disappears so that it is sucked into a manast.

"... ...!?"

By the disappearance of the flame, I realized that more than half of the body was a
manastone, not wearing armor's armor. It looks like a man who is no longer a human
being, in such an eerie figure as to cover the body on a manastone like a manastone is
sunk into the body. Matthias changed his complexion as expected.

"What a stupid face .... You can understand this magic tool, even if you do not think
how much magical power is needed if you want to move it enough."
"Why is it so far ...?"
"There is nothing to tell the other"

Glaozam who took off his line of sight for a moment so as to avoid Matthias' s line of
sight, grabbed Matthias with the movement which pours all the magical power
remaining in his speed into the speed at the next moment, threw himself out with a
balcony eye-catching. Matias is thrown out with a flashy sound where the window
glass breaks. I saw Laurentz went to help.

Without trying to see what the result of his action was, Glaozam rushed to the corpse
of Giebe who had fallen on the floor, penetrated the heart around with a black
prosthetic hand. Move the prosthetic hand so as to scoop there, and let's get on the
1942 | 2523
flame again. The appearance and shape of Giebe was wrapped in a blue flame and

"People's little girl ..."

Gray and eccentrically shadowy gray eyes turned toward me. I thought it was scary.
The act of robbing the magic stone and the magical power from the dead and its
obsession and fanaticism are bad feelings.

"Here we have to kill the one"

A black prosthesis attacks as if trying to rip each lesser bus. There is no one knight to
protect. There is nobody who can get involved even if I fail to handle weapons. I
instantly pulled out the water gun that I was holding from the window and pull the
trigger truly. The magical power that jumped out of the muzzle turns into an arrow, it
splits and pierces the glazaam that was approaching at hand.


Glaozam who received the most arrows on his face restrained his face. While falling,
the black artificial hands scrape the face of Lesser kissing as it crackles. It seemed that
it was possible to take the magical power from the coward beast as well, and the blue
flame wearing Glaozam was energized and burned.

"...... Ha ha, ha ha ha! This is good, please pass that magical power!"

Glaozam jumps like a spring-loaded doll and raises a black prosthetic hand toward
Lesser. My body irritated unexpectedly on the face of Glaozam where my arc turned
into a manastor. The cud beast that I thought was absolutely safe was shaved, and the
back muscle trembling to become the partner's food. I grasped the steering wheel and
devoured the Lesser kid with enthusiasm.

"Dont come!"
"Take away all magical powers!"

Whatever amount of shavings I can be in the safety zone, I full power to threaten
Grausam by making Lesser king gigantic. While being pushed to the window by Lesser

1943 | 2523
kun who got huge and stood up on the hind legs, Glaozam pushed black artificial hands
on Lesser 's belly.

"... ... to golden ... ...!"

It was nearly simultaneous that Frodinand's order called "Do!" Began to echo a
shaking voice of Glaozam.

"Hey Ah!"

My escort knights come all at once. The escort knights push each black weapon against
Glaozam. I am stuck in some Lesser kun, but I do not say anything to it. Glaozam,
whose black prosthetic hands for robbing magical powers had gone dust, fell apart
like a broken manastone.

"... ... Well, why did this happen while I was rewriting the foundation of Giebe so that
others could enter?"

In the cool voice of Ferdinand, at the moment when it got excited, Schulzur and Lesser
kicked down. Lesser kun who was huge to intimidate Glaozam made a big hole in the
gibe's pavilion.
I got to see it from the office of Gieve I desperately make excuses while comparing the
blue sky which began to lean towards the beginning and Ferdinand which is
indescribed and asked for explanation.

"Glazum 's black artificial hands scraped away Lesser Kurarari girls, here ... Here,
there are big scratches on the face part? So the glazzam flame gets bigger and bigger
... ...., As much as possible to be absolutely safe ... it is, that, is not it ... "

It is a white wall that I see in my eyes to appeal that I did not intend to do such a thing.
Although it is natural, Ghibe 's summer pavilion is a white building that Aub builds at
Entwickeln. The townspeople of Hasse attacked the small temple and was charged
with treason. Is not this obviously bad?

"Well, Feldinand, I have destroyed the white building, but will I be treasoned?"
"Is not it a declaration of declaration from Ahrensbach rather?"

1944 | 2523
I was botheredly saying that you are Arub-Ahrensbach and the blood has drawn.

"Because you did not plan to do so! Please do not apologize to Mr. Ferdinand and your
adopted father .Would you please forgive me if I hand out gold dust and pay the repair
"Well, I do not know."
"Please do not help this kind of time!"

Ferdinand gave out his hand after laughing quietly as if it was interesting.

"You have to go scolded for a while, according to Aldonants, it seems that it ended up

1945 | 2523
I was inspired by Ferdinand, I went out from the beast and looked around. In the end,
who escaped Glaozam, escort knights who are under discussion leave me alone and I
look up to Ferdinand.

"Ferdinand, is it true that the city of Ehrenfest ended?"

"There is no point in spite of lying to such a thing, Aldonants arrived more recently
from Aubu, and it seems that the movements of Glaosam and Georgine have been
interlocking with each other"

Given took the magical power of the land in timing, and it seems that Georginé arrived
in the city of Ehrenfest just after Glaozam occupied Gibe's pavilion.

"It seems that when we sent Ordonants from here, it seemed like it was time to head
to the foundation. It seems that we were a little relieved as we realized we arrived
"How is the damage of downtown and the temple?"

The most important thing for me is there. If the adoptive father got settled, does
Georginn arrive to the foundation? I wonder whether the information that it was
caught from the surroundings was included in the foundation. I have no idea where I

"... ... There is not any information yet to that extent"

It seems that it was only report that it was settled with Georgine. To Ferdinand's
words, I wanted to return to the city of Ehrenfest as soon as possible. I can not help
noticing what the downtown and the temple are like. If I leave here right away, will I
be able to arrive at Ehrenfest in the evening?

"Let's go back to Ehrenfest as soon as possible"

"... Wait .... If you go back, you still have to settle this closure properly, so there is no
reason to be able to leave everything like this."

1946 | 2523
Beware of Ferdinand, I am stuck in words. If we are to say honestly, we were able to
kick off the threat of the old Berkestock for the moment, so let's leave everything to
the local people who are left behind to want to return later.

"What should I do and what will I be able to return to Ehrenfest when will I?"
"Gelach himself is left to the remaining knights and aristocrats and there is no
problem with finding out instructions of Aubu, but you have to give the direction to
Ahrensbach side as Aub, and above all than anything I need a settlement with Dunkel
Ferger. "
"What is settlement?"

I understand that I can not let him down on Dunkel Ferger who cooperated greatly,
but if I take him to the city of Ehrenfest in the presence of giving labor from Aub
Ehrenfest, I will soon I wonder if I can start.

"First of all we need a declaration of victory of Ditter. It invited Dunkel Ferger's

Knights to a real deceter If you do not give the final declaration, the ditters will not
end.When you return to Ehrenfest this knight of Dunkel Ferger We will have to take
them to Ehrenfest who has just finished fighting. "

I did not know why Ferndinand banned Dunkel Ferger 's accompanying knights with
a bitter face, and I put my hands on my cheeks and tilted my head.

"Is there something wrong with you? Because you cooperated a lot, it is important to
say thank you and to work from your adoptive father? If you put it in front, let's
accompany you and you can move quickly Is there"
"If you do that, Ehrenfest's food hall and brewery will be empty."

Ferdinand shook his head to sigh. I did not realize that because I was asleep, but until
the time I got up I said that departure was postponed, the knights of Dunkel Ferger
was spreading a party named Reflective Association endlessly. It seems that food and
alcohol in Ahrensbach 's castle became tough in less than a day.

It seems that it will be a big deal for Ehrenfest to take all of the knights of Dunkel
Ferger to Ehrenfest who has been forced to prepare for the war for about a month and
finally beaten the enemies of many years and exhausted. Akimaras who seemed to
have heard our conversation also became delicate with "Well, I think the concern of
Ferdinand is correct".

1947 | 2523
"But can not we return without anything?"
"If you are talking about Aub Dunkel Ferger and compensation etc. later, you do not
have to work right away. Return to Vindebart once and send them back to the border
gate with Dunkel Ferger using the transition team Compensation for witchcraft etc.
need not have banquet fee here yet "
"As a matter of fact, that's why ..."

I pulled my cheek a bit on Ferdinand that I should go back when I finish. I can not
imitate the knights of Dunkel Ferger who came along with the expedition to the
Evangelist, the expedition of Ferdinand, the sweep of Ranzenae, and the Elienfest, if
you finish using it.

When I was appealing to Ferdinand, Straal caught the knights of the old Berkestock
and sent them to Vindébalt came to the report. I go down a little and give way to Stral.

"Feldinand, the former Bergiscott Knights have almost caught, now the knights of
Dunkelfelger are pursuing the guys who fled into the forest"

The former Bergiscott Knight and the Gieves who were outside also cooperated with
the Dunkel Ferger 's knights, seems to be capturing most of those who are alive and
recovering scattered manastones.

"Okay, continue on."


As Steal responded and retired one step, I approached Ferdinand and pulled the
sleeve lightly.

"Mr. Ferdinand, this is what we are doing, and again we need labor to Dunkel Ferger"
"We do not have an extraordinary amount of sake, and we are not doing anything such
as preparing a feast to accept that number of people, because you're going to return
them in a short-term decisive battle, Were not you going to screw out from where? "

It was true that two bells to rescue Ferdinand, and Aub Dunkel Ferger were talking. I
have not calculated that this group's meal is necessary for many days and even if I
start preparing the feast from now, I must start from scratching the chefs.

"Because Dittor is over, declare the victory and drive back quickly, that is the best."
"Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand,"
1948 | 2523
"What's wrong, Cornelius?"

When turning to the voice of Cornelius' s brother, Brother Cornelius indicated Stral
which is kneeling when I got a little lower as "There seems to be some opinion". It
seems that he was waiting for interruption of our conversation, but it seems that
Brother Cornelius called out without looking at any signs that seemed unbearable at

"Sturl, what is it?"

"I forgot to report in detail. In the summer pavilion of Vindebart, food and alcohol to
accept the old Berkestock's ghibe and knights, preparations are made for the party.If
it is done with Dunkel Ferger How about using it for labor of? "

By the way it seems like I heard that Fraulemes were preparing for acceptance.
Feldinand nodded as "hmm" and tapped himself lightly with Tonton.

"If you do so, you can not afford to take Dunkel Ferger's group to Ehrenfest, you can
labor the Dunkel Ferger's knights according to your request, If Aub Ehrenfest only
gives thanks, It would be sufficient to bring only representative Hannaore and his
aides, and Haisuzze, who was the commander, with you? "
"I agree"

I hope the nobility of Ehrenfest knows exactly what the knight of Dunkel Ferger
worked hard to protect Ehrenfest. But you can understand that it is not necessary for
everyone to go to it.

"If we can place the knights of Dunkel Ferger on Vindebaert, we can move Abel to the
transition team, and we can head to Ehrenfest fastest, but there will not be so much
food for Bindebart. I need to come back to Ahrensbach tomorrow. "
"The time to be in Ehrenfest is short, is not it?"
"Ah, not just Dunkel Ferger's knights but Dietlinde and Leonzio, who should have
headed to the center, can not be left unattended, reporting to Ehrenfest, rubbing
information and laboring collaborators It's important, but it's not over yet. "

If there is something, the royal family should be contacting Dunkel Ferger, and the top
rank is being called out. The thing in the center is not as concerned as Ehrenfest, but
no matter how low the priority it will not be able to do nothing at all. I nodded.

1949 | 2523
"Even if the time is small, I think that you can be relieved if you can see the downtown
of Ehrenfest and the state of the temple with your own eyes ... ... You may not want to
"Do not be afraid. I will peel off."
"Is something wrong with me !?"

Feldinand tipped his head when I could imagine himself being torn off easily and
stared at Ferdinand, "Is that so?"

"Was not it such a thing?"

"...... When thinking carefully, it was such a thing, I feel nostalgic and tears are coming
"Let's keep lingering behind, you should send Orrudnants to Aub, so ask them to
prepare the guests of Mr. Hannaore and prepare for the shortening of time, so that
they can use the transition team. I am a member of Ahrensbach I will give instructions
to you. "

Even though Ferdinand's aide is going, it is unlikely that Ehrenfest's people are
emotionally accepted to bring the knight of Ahrensbach right now. Therefore, it seems
that the knights and Aides of Ahrensbach are ordered to entertain Dunkel Ferger.

...... Dunkel Ferger 's Knights' entertainment? Something, I feel a great punishment
game feeling.

I used Ordonants to get to the adoptive father, that the battle of Gerrach was over, I
will bring Ferdinand and Hannalee and bring them back to the town so that they can
get into the town and prepare for the guests, for the purpose of shortening the
transition team I ask you what I want you to use.

"There was contact with Aldonants from Aub Ehrenfest, the cornerstone of Ehrenfest
was protected from the intruder's hands"

Standing on the balcony of Gibe 's pavilion, which seems to be a half - broken, no - one
- eighth of a broke, I overlooked the knights that are gathering down. Mattias fights
the pavilion of Giebe and speaks using the expanding magic tool found out.

1950 | 2523
"I got the cornerstone of Ahrensbach and the victory was finalized because I could
confirm the defense of the foundation of Ehrenfest.I now I will declare the victory and
the end of real Ditters here!

The knights of Dunkel Ferger launched Stap's weapons to the victory declaration I
issued and rang high weapons Victory I raised a voice.

"The inferior Ehrenfest was able to overcome Ahrensbach and the former Berkestock
only if there are participating fighting volunteers of Dunkel Ferger.I want that brave
and bold figure and strength to be the best in Jürgen Schmidt I am thinking. "
"Although we are modest to work with you, we are preparing the feast at the
Vindénbart palace.Please move on after finishing this place's cleanup.The guide will
be done by the knights of Ahrensbach "

In front of the knights of Dunkel Ferger who got into a state of excitement that can not
be handled by the victory declaration, Hannero leaves the staff of the goddess Fair
Furemere of the sea. And he calmed them with a shrine done after Ditter 's victory.

...... It is essential for this ritual, Dunkel Ferger.

Knights who were submerged in excitement started to move. I called out to Hannale,
who was relieved of the breath of relief.

"Like Hannallole, Aub Ehrenfest wants to invite you to the castle for the sake of your
thank you, after talking about Aub and the battle this time, I really have to go back to
Ahrensbach as soon as possible It will be a sudden invitation .... "

I will move by the transition team to shorten the time, and I will stay at the Vindébarte
except the aides and high Spitzse. If that is okay then I invite you to castle and invite
you to work, Hannellore thinks a little and calls High Spitz. I also explained to Hezitze
in the same way.

"Of course you can send everyone up to the boundary gate of Dunkel Verger and
Ahrensbach if it is better to go back to the territory at once, but what you do like doing
something soon after the end of the ditters is I thought about it ... .... "
"How is it, Hysiczse? I would like to accept your invitation if possible ... but ..."

1951 | 2523
Haisuzze said, "I can not enter Ehrenfest without this occasion, let's go, let's go."

"Mr. Rosemain, thank you for your invitation. Please do not mind letting us know"

I like the flexibility of Dunkel Ferger who sees trivial opportunities without saying
that the invitation is suddenly too much or nothing. I would like you to practice royalty
who said "Three days later" when you make an emergency contact.

"Sturl, I asked for you"

"Ha ha! After returning to Vindebarto, I will contact Lether Zia, will you come back
tomorrow afternoon?"
"Oh, I send the knights of Vindebart's Dunkel Ferger to the boundary gate and then
return to the castle."

Ferdinand tells Stral to give instructions to Retizia, and to the knights of Dunkel Ferger
to help with collecting manastones and transporting prisoners of war. Dunkel Ferger
's knights began to work miserably just saying "There is no need to work if you want
an impersonation without sake." How much do you like alcohol?

"Finished, Rosemain sama"

"Thank you for your patience, Hartmut. I really appreciate it, so you can relax a little
of the German nobles and the people."

Hartmut was entrusted with the management of the small sacred grass collected from
Giebes. I was asking to return the magical power filled in the small holy grail to the
land. Hartmut who was the chief priest, is familiar with the treatment of the smallest
holy grail among the nobles in this place.

"The empty small Holy Grail must be returned to the former Berkekt Stock ... ... Are
those commoners over there?
"That's not what Rosemain says, but the next Abe-Bergscott's thinking"

Hartmut says that by telling the royal the way to find the key of the temple and dyeing
the foundation, appoint a new arub at the lord's conference. It is criticized that it is
impossible because Arub is managed without it.

"After this, I came back to the castle and a celebration, it came about a serious battle
with civilian bodies, please also enjoy Hartmut."
1952 | 2523
"I would like to tell everyone at Ehrenfest how Rosemain defeated Glaostam."
"... is not that it is perhaps to reveal everyone that Lesser killed the pavilion to

When I asked fearfully, Hartmut nodded with a good smile.

"Rosemain, who continued to resist, despite the shining windows of the museum
shining with the light of blessings and the escort knight was dismissed, and then broke
through the roof and threw out the glazeum, the figure of that beast It was awesome,
I definitely have to tell everyone. "
"Please stop it!"

I hope to pass the gold dust to the adoptive father and let me fix it secretly, I do not
want to spread such a big deal.

"We are prohibiting participation in the party at Hartmut!"

"My Lord will not do such unreasonable things ... and there are as many witnesses as
there are without me"

Hartmut says so and turns his eyes toward escort knights. Among my escort knights,
Brother Cornelius, who is the most concerned about brothers and sisters, smiled

"I thought that something was wrong with Glaozam when I thought that he got
permission from Mr. Ferdinand and finally got into the pavilion, I thought it was
something else, as I pierced the Nojikan so much, I think that nobody thinks. "
"Cornelius Brother!"
"Rosemain won by doing things that Glaosam did not think very much, you would not
have thought that traps could be avoided all beautifully with cow animals."

Ferdinand called me with a shaky voice as the escort knights desperately stopped
talking about this fighting beside themselves.

"Rosemain, the transition team glows, come quickly!"

Hannorore already ready in front of the transition team will laugh with giggle.

1953 | 2523
"Rosemain was really a big success from Ranzenae's scuffle to Gerrach's battle. I was
really impressed."
"Is not Mr. Hanenero such a big success?"
"... It would be great if Rosemain-sama saw that like that."

...... I only saw that.

From the shining gangsters the adoptive father and three escort knights appeared.
Look at us lined up around the transition team, let the huge face and the face collapse.

"Rosemain, you did a really good job, like Hannellore, thank you for anything thanks
to the knights of Dunkel Ferger.Welcome back.Well back, Ferdinand ... ... the formal
greeting will be late.I will be heading for the castle. Rosemain, Ferdinand.

I and Ferdinand kneel and pour the magical power into the transition team. My
adoptive father issued Stap.

"Nenrüssel Ehrenfest"

Black and golden light danced, the field of vision swayed suddenly.

1954 | 2523
"welcome back"
"Welcome, Mr. Hannallole, I am grateful for the cooperation of Dunkel Ferger"

The sight that was visible when the shaking field of vision returned was the training
ground of the knight in the castle the same as when we started. Charlotte and
Florentia are greeted side by side, but they are brought with only the minimum aide.
I think that Melchior is in the shrine, but I can not see Wilfried and his father. My heart
is crying at the sight of a different welcome.

"I can not see the figure of my adopting father, Virfriit brother, Mel heol, your father
... ...."
"It was a little earlier than the end of the battle of Gerlach, but this is also where the
battle ended earlier, so Karsted, the head of the knight, is in the knight's stuff, Wilfried
is also helping there. I have not returned from the temple yet, everyone did not get
hurt seriously, I still have not finished cleaning up.

We have rolled back the processing to the knights of Ahrensbach and the nobles of
Gerrach, but at Ehrenfest there is no place to throw. The father-in-law who is Aubu is
the chief executive, and the lord family seems to be pursued afterwards. The father,
who is the head of the knight, can not help not putting a face on the feast, so it seems
to be strange.

"How was the downtown and the temple? Did there be any major damage?"
"We have not reported so much damage so far ... ... Do not make such an uneasy
face.The soldiers of the gate and the knight stuffed in the temple seems to be active.
You should hear from the aides of the people. "

I wanted to say a speech with Dunkel Ferger so I asked him to do more than this and
I went back quietly. Next to the adoptive father, foster mothers and Charlotte also
proceeded to exchange long greetings with Hannorore and the names of the gods, and
give thanks for cooperation.

"... ... Without the cooperation of the knights of Dunkel Ferger, it would have been
difficult to keep the foundation, the reinforcement of Gerlach was very encouraging."

1955 | 2523
The adoptive father says that Hannellore used Volzheneel in the sweep of Runzener
in Ahrensbach and how he coped with poison which Ferdinand received helped
Ehrenfest's defense. It seems that the group of Georgine released Volzair to the gate.
Since each knight kept the knight stationed, it did not reach much importance, but it
seems that there are also injured soldiers.

... It was good that the letters of Clarissa and Hartmut were useful.

"If you miss this now it will be hard to reward the cooperation of the knights of Dunkel
Ferger, thank you for being a sudden invitation but I am very thankful for it. After the
six bells, I will do a party to celebrate the victory in the hall.I am modest, but I'd be
pleased if you enjoy the party this evening and you appreciate Ehrenfest's
appreciation. "

After adopting greetings and thanking Hannaore and Hisuzzse, the adoptive father
looks back on foster mothers and Charlotte.

"Florentia, Charlotte, people from Dunkel Ferger to the guests ... are ready for
purification, please spend your time until the six bells"
"Excuse me, I wanted to clean it before the party."

I laugh as small as Hannaorette shoots. After returning a smile to Hannaore, the

adoptive father turned his eyes towards Ferdinand.

"Ferdinand, we also prepared guests"

"... .... Guest room? Oh, I see."

Ferdinand seemed to glimpse me after a momentary mysterious face. Even if it says

"Welcome back", Ferdinand has given back home to me. I remembered that my house
does not exist. I'd like to give Ferdinand back to Ehrenfest, but I have robbed the place.
This should not be done.

"Feldinand, please use the library"

"No, that is ... ...."
"Please do not hesitate to use the room of the castle because I will use the room of the
castle.When Ferdinand says it will settle in a place familiar? If you need medicine
please use the workshop and materials as you like I do not mind, if possible please
show us your safe appearance to Razapham. "

1956 | 2523
When I suggested to use Ferdinand the room of the library, Hannero looked strange.

"Does Rosemain's library have Ferdinand-san's rooms?"

"Well, my library was originally a Ferdinand-san's palace and I inherited and went to
the library when I decided to go to Ahrensbach."

I have a lot of books, and I boast of my library to Hannellore. The majority is

Feldinand's book, but it will not.

"Mr. Hannallole, I have no wives or children naturally to go to Ahrensbach with a royal

title.When I thought about who inherited the library that I got from my father, it is
appropriate to hand over to the wife Rosemain It was only ... .... To be honest, I did not
think that I left a room yet. "

I diverted her face to tune with a slightly disgusting sounding voice.

"Did not tell Ferdinand to leave the room so that he can come back at any time without
"I do not think that such a mouthfulness will be preserved forever. I was thinking of
you, were you thought that erosion would be done with a book at once?"
"There is not enough book to erode yet, I am trying my best to print, but ...."

I would like a book that will overflow from that library. Feldinand gave a brief breath
when I thought about the fulfillment of the library.

"If my room is still there, my room will be more calm, but why are you really good if I
use it?"
"Of course, I will have a room in the castle as well, I will contact Lazarfam to arrange
for him to meet me in Ordonants, then I will see the situation of the downtown and
the temple"

When I looked downtown and the temple and prepared to prepare by returning to the
castle ...... I was thinking about setting up after this, he told Ferdinand "Please wait".

"What do you do with neglecting the guests you brought by yourself? It seems that
there was not much damage to the downtown and the temple, so stay today to listen
to the story from the aides and see the tomorrow in the morning. There is not much
time before the six bells. "

1957 | 2523
I do not have much time thinking about taking a bath, changing clothes, listening to
the reports of the Aides. I will fly Ordonant to Razarfam and ask Ferdinand, Brother
Ekhart and Justoks to accept them. A reply came immediately from Razapham. It
seems that we are already ready to hear that Ferdinand is safe through the Rijsaiter
and that we will come back for the party.

"Excellent, Rutherfam is"

"I educated, it will be natural."

As I was goodly laughed at the nose with Hun, I also rival against "Because the
Rizerator is also excellent".

"... ... U, Aub Ehrenfest. Are the two of us always like this?"

Hannale and Hisuzzse looked like they were taken astray. I misunderstood the
adoptive father who wandered a little gaze to find the answer as to what to answer "...
generally, as usual."

"Welcome back, Mr. Rosemain. It's safe and what's more,"

Three people, Otilie, Rieserator, Gray Tier, welcomed us. It seems that the Reiselator
and Gray Tier received my return mail from Charlotte, returned from the library and
prepared for it. It is not only people who are invited to sudden invitations. The side
workers who have to prepare for acceptance are also serious.

"Brunhild is struggling to prepare for the guests of Dunkel Ferger, Bertilde is being
helped by that, from now on I will also head there."

When Otilie looked face to face with everyone who came back and finished greeting,
he got out of the room early with the son Hartmut and his fiancé Clarissa squashed a
bit. It seems that he wanted to confirm the appearance of everyone 's safe, that he was
sticking here.

"Since Rosemain is coming in from now, how about returning to the dormitory with
the escort knight alternating? If you participate in the party, will you have to change
your clothes?"

1958 | 2523
Escort Knights nodded in the words of the Rizerator and began to decide the turn. I
confirmed it with my side, I headed to the bathroom with Gretia. Gray tear began to
politely solve the hair that had been removed and the hair tied.

"Since I also put in contact with the temple, I think that Yudit is returning when
Rosemain finishes the bathing."
"..., hey, gray tier. What kind of feeling was this fight? Has anyone injured?"
"We were in the library, and thanks to magical tools to protect the library that
Rosemain put away, we did not particularly feel the signs of battle."

As Ordonants flew from downtown and the temple, I knew that the battle began and
ended, but it seems that the library did not suffer any damage.

"There was no sign of battle, but Damuel brought Rutemain-sama like amulet like
Gutenberg and his family to the library in the morning, suddenly a lot of common
people came and I was surprised."

Damiel seemed to feel the visit earlier than Georgine arrived and seems to have moved
Gutenberg to the safest library with my defensive magical tool.

"... Damiel protected everyone as promised."

"Yes, it was impressive that a family of hairdresser craftsmen want to give their charm
to his father in Damuel, as fathers are protected by Rosemain's talismans and Damuel,
I had to start making hair ornaments and costumes if I had to do what I could do. "

By the time Graytier unwinds his hair and begins to take off his cavalry clothes, Riesela

"Oh, are you talking about today? There were several staffs of the Gilberto trading
company among those who evacuated to the library, but as they are the top priority
and important things to evacuate, Rosemain's costumes and hair I was bringing
decorations to the library.I have to do a tack but I wonder what will happen to
Rosemain's convenience? I have to contact you. "

I saw the appearance of Turli and Colinna desperately working. If you do not do
something you feel uneasy, you seem to have moved your hands, and of course there
may be realistic problems that the delivery date is approaching. But it was
unexpectedly a peaceful sight that my Gutenberg was evacuating to the aristocracy
library and working.
1959 | 2523
"People of the Plantin Shokai were keen on the interior of the hall and tours of the
library and seemed to be looking for a place to serve as a reference for the meal
service and the book.The books of the new Ehrenfest were made by themselves and
sold I understand it well, but I said that I never saw a traditional book carefully. "

Upon finishing the bath, Yudit and Philene were returning. Both of you look good. My
clothes have not been over, so it seems that Rodderich is waiting outside the room
with a male escort knight.

"The library seemed to have been ok, but did the temple become a place of battle?"

After Phryne nods with a hard expression on my question, "Oh, but everyone in the
orphanage is safe, because Ordonants flew away from Damuel at the time the third
bell rang and evacuated as trained" Continue the words. It is said that the orphans
were evacuated in the temple at the same time that Aldanants flew to the library and
evacuated Gutenberg. We also induced orphans and nodded that Yudit seemed to be
in contact with Melchior's aides.

"I changed the gate of the temple from a gracious priest to a knight and made a guard
with the magician's Sumiru, and after a while I heard that an enemy appeared from
the Damiel to the west gate."

...... Wow, Damuel is a big success somehow.

Damiel was on the defense of the downtown, so it should have been closest to the
information of the enemy attack, but even if you listen to the name in the library or
the temple still, I can not help feeling the struggle of Damuel.

"I was looking down on the downtown while riding a coward, I could see the
appearance that the commoners who went outside despite being told by the West gate
to make a noise and told me to evacuate I realized that the battle really began. "

It seems that the knights who were placed at the gates of the downtown moved to the
west gate, and if they could do Yudit they wanted to go for a boost. However, it was
the defense of the temple that Yudit was entrusted. He seems to have gazed at the
West gate where a fuss is occurring.
1960 | 2523
"As I kept watching the downtown, I noticed a strange movement wagon."

It was in the time of the third bell that Darmel flew alertness of Aldonants, and it was
said that the West gate was noisy before the fourth bell rang. By the time the
commotion began in the West gate, the traffic was reduced and the farmer who
brought the vegetables with carts got out of the gate and returned to his or her farm
village and headed to the evacuation center in the south It seems to be.

"By the time the four bells were near, the shops that closed the doors were all in the
northern part of the city, there was a wagon that headed to the north side of the city
at such time."

It seems that it was a wagon car that was moving like sewing the alleys that stayed in
the eye of Yudit who was worried about the Ximen and was looking at the appearance

"I thought that it stopped at the shadow of the alley and stopped unexpectedly, I could
see some of the people who approached the north gate little by little Although the
silver costumes were not wearing but the West gate could be moving positively I
thought there was also, and I sent Ordonants to the knights who protect the
aristocracy. "

Yudit seemed to be good at saying that. It is said that Yudit 's intuition was correct,
and as soon as a few people shouted, they began battle with cow animals.

"But, that was also a sunset, the back gate of the temple was broken open while
Ordonants fighting over the fight started over there"

It seems that enemies have gotten in by a number of magical tools and flash guns of
poisons which are blown up by a person to blow up and brought into a manastone.

"Since Rosemain headed to Ahrensbach, he was informed of how to deal with Haltmut
and Clarissa's letters that arrived for about two days, so he instantly told him to do
Vashen, or knew the knight Our lives were safe. "

However, as she has to drink Yureeve, she seems to have relied on Sumiru in battle. It
seems that Yudit who wandered over the gate of the temple also got poison. It seems
that the knights immediately activated Sumil as an emergency situation.
1961 | 2523
"The Sumirs were really strong, one of the enemies who entered by five people was
wearing a silver cloth just like the whole body so that Sumir could not recognize it,
but he entered the temple, The other four were all knocked down to the light blue
schmir who came running from the big gate for pink Sumir and horse-drawn carriage.

It seems that the combat specialized Sumiru 's attack was just a lightning - fast fire
early work.

"The fast movement of the Schmirs who slaughter the enemies one after another with
the sickle shining golden shields is the game fast, so until the magical power runs out,
it is certain that you have to finish early, but really the enemy I got hooked up a lot
and I got soiled with a lot of blood getting dirty, so I went to Vasshen. "
"Oh, thank you, Yudit"

Yudit is saying with a smile that looks good, but it is scary to imagine the Sumirs who
are returning stained red with blood.

"I wrote a silver costume and I only contacted Mel Heoles that there was a person who
headed to the temple for only one person.When I only heard the report, one of them
was Georginee and it took several traps and eventually It seems that it was
transferred to the white tower on that. "

It seems that Yudit is not looking at the site in the library. He told me that Melchior
and his aides should listen to the detailed story.

"Of course, among those who were knocked down by the schmirs was Glaozam,
Mattias's father."
"What? Glazum?"
"I will leave it to Rosemain to decide whether to report to Matthias"

...... We were Glarosam and we were beaten by Gerrach, were not they?

I tilt my head I suddenly remembered. Matthias surely had said "There are three

... .... Shadow Warrior? Which is real?

1962 | 2523
While listening to the stories of Yudit and Filine, the hair is drawn by the Rizerator
and Gretia, and the change of clothes is over.

... ... Are you really over?

When we heard that the scholars had defeated Glaozam where they should have been
beaten down, strange anxiety spreads in my heart. My face in the mirror is a little pale
face. I just wanted to go check the downtown and the shrine immediately after getting

"Mr. Rosemain, may I put male aides, Damiel and Rohdrich?"

Laurentz is standing outside the door, Angelica is protecting the inside of the door.
Other escort knights seem to be returning to their rooms for changing clothes. While
telling the state of the aides, Riesela asked me.

"Yeah, I'd like to hear the story of Damuel"

"Because it was a big success"

While laughing with laughter, the Rizera left the room and went to call them.
Rodderich and Damuel come in. Rodrig had seemed to have taken notes, and was
carrying paper and a pen with letters written halfway. I wonder whether he was
listening to Damuel's story.

"Welcome back, Rosemain sama"

"I returned, I heard that they protected Damuel and Gutenberg, and they heard that
everyone was saved by Dardiel's Ordnants. Thank you."

Damuel wanders a little sight with a face that you do not know how to respond, it is
just an honor. As usual my evaluation is not likely to be low. I smiled a bit like Damuel
and urged Damiel to report.

"I heard that Darmel, Ximen received a raid, please tell me the damage situation"

1963 | 2523
"Someday, some of the soldiers at the West gate have been hurt, but there are no
serious injuries, I think that it was great that we could prepare in advance by Aldonant
of Brigitte."
"Is Brillitte's Ordant?"

I was relieved that there were no serious injuries, but an unexpected name came out.
When I caught my eyes, he nodded, saying, "Praise words and rewards regarding
advance notice will be asked to Brigitte".

"It seems that Brigitte was not me but it seems to have actually sent to Rosemain, but
because Rosemain, Angelica and Cornelius were both away from Ehrenfest, they
seemed to have sent Ordonants to me because they did not flap."

Damuel seems to have received Aldonants' the first time in the opening, 'Why is it that
it can hardly be sent at this difficult time !?' The contents of the Ordonants of Brigitte
said that "Irkner's lumber quarters carrying trees to Reisegang on a ship saw someone
who seemed to be a nobleman who tried to board a ship at Reesegang." They seemed
to be an association of atmosphere that apparently does not look like a pedestrian
with a worthy attitude or wording.

"I only looked at the aristocracy and seemed to have nothing to do with anyone, so I
did not say anything and I was watching from faraway, but that group apparently
floated up.When the lumber quarters returned to Irkunar, It is said that Kibe 's knights
were alerted to the invasion from other territory and were collecting information of
strange groups so it was reported. "

When a knight first touched the contact, Irukner was already invaded by the knights
of the former Berkestock, and it is said that Giebe was requesting reinforcement to
Aub. It seems that the report was delayed as the reinforcements came and knockers
jumped out. Although Brigitte tried to send Ordonants to me immediately after
hearing the story from the knight in the battlefield, it seems that he could not easily
send it.

...... Sorry, Brigitte.

Damiel contacted the Order with information from Brigitte and immediately asked
Raisegang. "When will the ship that came out of Reisegang arrive at the pier at the
west of Ehrenfest?" Reply from Raisegang said "It seems to be before and after the

1964 | 2523
fourth bell, although depending on the weather," Dharmel sent Aldonants to various
places to call for vigilance and evacuated Gutenberg.

"The information of the lumber merchant was the hit, people from the ship that
arrived at the harbor a little while before the fourth bell rings, those who wore a
voluhengeir wearing a silver cloak came out."

Although I was requesting to increase the knight when I got the information that I
might use a ship, there were more volleyhenes than expected. As a result, Darmel
asked other knights to cheer for them, or they skipped the battle start Ordnants.

"Other knights in the West gate notified the soldiers of the gate of the dangers of
Volchnir and left the role of throwing waste to remove their cloaks."

A dirty attack by a soldier bursts when she was trying to enter the gate in a silver
cloak. They suddenly thrown dirty things to the commoners, they raged, they released
Volzhenir, they seemed to have issued Stap. In the next moment, the knights hidden
behind the scenes jumped all at once to prevent them from being alert or escape, and
Darmel talks about the battle when they beat them from those who have Stap.

"That reminds me, Günter, the head of the West gate, was made to be glad."

My father 's name came and my neighborhood of the stomach got cramped. Asking
why "What happened?" I wonder if he did something terrible injury. Because it was
shiny, there was a danger, but could I avoid it somehow?

"The number of knights against Volholier was insufficient and one of them attacked
the soldier, hit that volheun like this, with metal gloves ... ...."

Damuel swinging with his arms holding up, demonstrating how his father struck
Volzhenir like this.

"... Well, did the soldiers of the commoner punish Volzhaeir?"

"What are you going to do with your men's subordinate, shouting with this dog cola!"

Damuel says like his father's battle, but Vorheñeir is a monster that attacks by
changing its size according to the amount of magical power. It has recklessly.

1965 | 2523
"Damuel, there really is no serious injury in the Ximen!" There is no serious injury,
but there is no death to be said! "

When I became a deep blue with the worst expectations, Dermael shook his head as
he smiled with a smart face.

"There is no dead, Rosemain's amulet was invoked the moment Günter beat the beat
and Wolfhenir caught up with Günther's arm."
"The volchemille was blown up, so Günter who knew the power of the amulets did
nothing as much as the number of amulets that I kept from my family and wore them."

Damuel felt that I felt like to scold him saying "I will not be able to keep promise with
Rosemain if I do not do it any more", I felt like wanting to dig a hole in place and fill it
up .

...... That, that father 's daughter made a great inconvenience.

"It seems that there was a noise in the temple so it seems that the West gate was a
sunset, but I think that we could prevent the suspicious person from entering the city
Günter finally got two Volzenils and then former Giebel · Gerlach I kicked Glaozam
and stabbed a stop with a talisman.When I was unlucky, my achievement is
real.Would you please advise Aub to think about rewards to the soldiers of Ximen? "

Damuel said, because he is more certain than asking through the Order. I do not mind
asking for reward. I think that it is necessary for soldiers, but I think that it is
necessary for Damuel.

...... But is it glazum? Did your father beat this time?

When I frown at my eyebrows, Yudit cried out, "Please wait a moment!"

"It is the schmirs of the temple that stuck the glauzam at the shrine, I confirmed with
this eyes, was not Damiel misunderstood?"

Yudit who had talked about the battle of the temple until that time scoffed at Damuel
with a frustrated face as if he had taken his own care.

"No, it should have been the face of glazzam."

1966 | 2523
Damuel seemed not to feel good if it was told that he was mistaken for enemies, and
he disputed Yudit. I strike the bread with my bread and break in between them.

"Let's stop, both of us. According to Matthias, there are shadows in Glaozam. Before
returning to the castle, it was glauzam that I and Matthias defeated in the fight of

A close friend who was in the place other than Angelica rounds his eyes and sees me.
By the way, just by listening to everyone's story, I did not talk about my own story.

"Oh, Rosemain, it is not easy to prepare shadow masters, the color of magical power
varies from individual to individual ... ...."
"... ... Because there are a lot of sacrifices required, we can not have no way at all if we
assume that we do not mind being outrageous."

Glaozam was supposed to have a subordinate contract with a soldier of many eating
elephants. It is not too difficult to dye eating that does not have the attribute of magical
power taken over from parents. And, although the probability of death is very high, it
is not impossible to create those with the mark of Averieve.

"There seems to be no doubt that there are second and third glauzaams, even if there
are those who have defeated Glaozam besides us, I will not be surprised already.
Rather, there are second and third Georgine sama I am worried about whether it is "

A couple gathered to change their complexion. If Georginne who was knocked down
in the temple is a fake, there is a possibility that it will come out from now.

"Mr. Odonant to your adoptive father.Would you really like to defeat Georgine, let's
make sure you are the right person?"

I breathe my fears into Ordonants and fly. Immediately from the adoptive father, the
reply "Georgine himself is no doubt" returned.

"To be exact, it was fake that the temple took me to the white tower at the transition
team and it was real that it stabbed a stop among the foundations ... ... I also regained
the treasure that was being robbed. Even if the remnants try to do something, they
will not be deprived of the foundation. "
1967 | 2523
Even the Knights also seem to be able to grasp the information about the suppression
of several glauzaams and Georgine. It seems that there is nothing to be robbed of the
foundation during the party. I stroked my heart with an answer from my adoptive
father. If Aub faces between the foundations and regains the key of the scripture, it is
a bit relief.

Old donuts who repeated the same word three times will return to the yellow
manastone and fall to hand. Even though I was familiar with the usual sight, my neck
appeared to be a fool for some reason, a pain ran around my stomach, my hand
trembled and missed manastones.

"Dear Rosemain, have you been treated?"

The Liselaerr who picked up the manastone I took off strangely sees me. While staring
at my fingertip, I smile, "I do not have anything", I get up.

"Is not it probably the six bells ringing soon?"

"Not yet, Rosemain, now the small hall will be busy in preparation, the six bells will
ring, and we will be heading slowly after contact with Aldonants"
"Is that so ...?"

When I thought of the state of a small hall that seemed to be busy, there was a small
ringing sound of a bell. Gretier opens the door and invites the aides that have come
back after finishing dressing into the room.

"Thank you for waiting, Rosemain Mr."

"Everyone has returned and if the small hall is busy, there may be something we can
do to help you, Lieserator"

When I tried to go to the small hall together with the aides who returned from
dressing up, the Rizerator shook his head.

"Mr. Rosemain is resting a little more slowly ... ... I've heard that I was asleep at
Ahrensbach, are you tired?"
"I am certainly tired, but I can not keep something."

The Rizera looked around my aides and looked a little troubled.

1968 | 2523
"Rosemain is a key player in this battle, so many customers would like to talk to
Rosemain. I would rather take a break even now rather than prepare for the small hall
or think about how to deal with customers I think that it is important to prepare
Rosemain-san's own preparation. "

...... How to handle your customers talking to you,?

I did not think about it at all. I thought that the fathers adopting the stop of Georgine
and the Melchior who protected the temple, the knights who fought at the west gate
were the center. When I looked back on whether I should consult with my aides,
Clarissa stroked with a smile.

"If Rosemain's success was a thing, I can talk as much as I can, especially the
appearance of the rituals at the sea of Ahrensbach is where I'm most proud of what I
had seen from a position where everything can be overlooked."

As usual it is worth noting that "Please stop" or "Do not say anything unnecessary",
but I felt that it would be better for you to leave it to Clarissa than deal with yourself.

"Do you like Rosemain?"

"...... Nothing ... Tonight our customer's partner will leave it to Clarissa and Hartmut.I
have too many things to say, I still can not organize my head ...... I can not put it into
words well."

Now I feel something strange like a white cloth covered in memory, like something
with white mist on my head. I want to leave it if there are people who want to talk.

"Then leave it to me, I will tell you that there is no need to ask Rosemain."

Very conveniently Hartmut gave me a smile with a smile. When I nod, Brother
Cornelius changes his complexion and looks into my face. He said that the eyes of rash
black including impatience "is insane?"

"Rosemain, is it really good? You will regret soon"

"Oh, Cornelius elder brother can tell your own battlefield and you can devote your

When I laughed quickly, Brother Cornelius shook his head as "it does not mean that".

1969 | 2523
"When Hartmut and Clarissa speak to all you like, and if the person of Dunkel Ferger
agrees or tells further details, mothers will surely be delighted, this time they know
that they become prey Is it? "
"Well, my brother Cornelius, I've been fighting all the time, I will not be in love story,
are you getting tired of my love story and wanting to write in the knight story too?"

If so, this time the banquet is probably good for interview as several Knights of Dunkel
Ferger are coming as Escort Knight like Hannaore. You should be able to hear various
stories from many knights. When I say so, Elder Cornellius was able to admit to
murmur, saying, "Mothers will not get tired of the love story."

Is it ...? It seems that passion to write love stories every year is upgrading.

Unlike Cornelius elder brother who had become a tired face from the party before the
feast, when he agreed with Cornelius elder brother in the heart, Rhodderich shined
the dark brown eyes and got the paper in hand I show it to you.

"I would like to listen to the story of this fight a lot and I would like to make use of it
for the sequel of the new knight story and the ditters stories, your bravery is greatly

While everyone was laughing at the enthusiasm of Rodderich hanging at the party,
only Hartmut put his hand on his chin as he thought of something.

"If so, how about leaving a role to ask yourself about your budding next to Rosemain
like Rhodderich? I think there is enough effect to divert customers' interest."
"It is Hartmut's letting Rhodderich next to Rosemain's sama ... ... Is not it sort of a fever,

When Philiane told Hartmut so badly that Deruel nodded big, the six bells rang.

1970 | 2523
"I was ordered by Karstedd who was contacted by Ordonants of Yudit, I headed to
control the North Gate."

When the feast of the celebration began, each buddhism began to be told. Wilfried
who exiled with the knights to suppress the gang of the North gate is doing great. At
first I was not planning to release Wilfriit, a juvenile candidate student, but I was
afraid that the knight was moving to the West gate and was thin, there was a
possibility that I could not catch the enemy unless it was a person with high magical
power It seems that a dispatch order has come down that there is.

"It was tough to have been told to capture as much as possible"

Rhodderhi desperately written down the situation of the battle Wilfried talks about
in my halfway step while shining the dark green eyes, with good gestures and hand

"Although I had a hard time, I succeeded in capturing big things, I caught Glaozam,
how have you been surprised?"

... ... I came out again, Glaozam.

Glaozam came out to the name of the defeated enemy too much, and it became unclear
how many people it was about. Is this the last one? I wonder if it is still there. Just
thinking for something makes my feelings worse.

"I bind Glaozam with Stap ... ...."

"Wilfried-sama, I have a question, did not the striking forces near the North Gate do
not have silver cloaks in the staple?"

Ruuderich asked Wilfried a little "Mum?" As a question.

"Although it was turned on, the back side was a cloth that was not silver, and if it is
turning, magical attacks were also ordinarily passed through."

1971 | 2523
About half of the attacks were prevented by grabbing the silver cloak and holding it
with a flat paddle, but it seems that I could not make the whole body a silver costume
over riding a beast. It took time, but in the end Wilfried seemed to succeed in
capturing Glaozam.

"When I took him to the Order, I was surprised to hear that it was the third person
that appeared in Ehrenfest in my captured Glaosam, Rosemain, who also fought
against Glauzam? Was it? "
"Please listen to the situation of the battle from that Hartmut and tell us the details
that I do not remember well"
"... ... Muu, Hartmut?"

Vil Fried saw Hartmut a little disagreeable. Hartmut talks happily about Batrach's
fight, Clarissa about the battle of Ahrensbach. It is as fine as I am surprised, so much
that God's description is so tedious that I'm exaggerating that I can sigh without

"If you do not like Hartmut, how are you going to talk to Mr. Hannorre? In Arensbach
you fight with three soldiers of Volzen against the soldiers of Ranznerav, and in the
fight of Gerrach, It was a fight that I felt that I attacked it or I felt that she was a
candidate for a lord of Dunkel Ferger. "

While turning his eyes to Hannellore talking with his mother, I recommend Wilfriit to
talk with Hannaore. At first my mother started as a mother expressing thanks as a
nobility of Ehrenfest, but as a gift of thankfulness I have not read as yet a new work
by Ehrenfest book "Gods Love Story" The direction of the wind changed somewhat by
presenting it. Hanna Rolle was deeply moved to moisten the red eyes and began to
talk about how much love stories the mothers liked and the mother became a posture
of interview.

"Do not you think it would be better for you to leave Mr. Hannaore soon with your
"Is not it good as it is excitingly exciting? Well, that one might be a bit uncomfortable
... ...."
"It's not a bit, as if Mr. Hannero says it, is not I treated like a goddess of the story?"

When trying to stop a mother who said that she wanted me to tell you what kind of
things I did to keep my daughter's success as a story as a mother, Hannero said "What
does the story that I told you will be a story?" I began to speak with a slightly excited
1972 | 2523
feeling. From the place where we appeared at the border gate of Dunkelfelger, it
ended steadily. In addition to the same exaggeration as Clarissa plus a story with a
love filter.

...... Ferdinand is seriously bad.

Since we are not completely wrong if we look at each action, we can not complain
from the front to the guests, we can only swallow it. I and Ferdinand are in great
trouble now.

"I wish I had gone to Ahrensbach since the beginning,"

"Wilfried brother, what are you saying, would you rather say that you had better not
help Ferdinand?"
"Well, it is wrong to be rumored that it is rumored that it is rumored that even though
we himself declared that they would like to help even if we turn royalty and gods to
enemies, it is admitted to be unreasonable on my uncle Is not it good? "

...... So, I'm telling you I have not done any fancy!

Even if you refute it, you can see it with lively warm eyes from the surroundings, and
you will say the same thing. "It is a cooperation of False Elte who made the visit of
Eugenez by the guidance of Air Vaclaren a close friend, you are being perplexed by
getting the Ruffle who was growing up."
Even if God 's names are too lined up to say Velvetra, I can not understand everything,
but my mind begins to grasp only by the combination of comfort and teasing from the
tone and expression.

...... Even though I have not had my first love, I do not even know what a love comes

"It seems that my uncle is not in trouble so much?"

Vielfried looked at Ferdinand who is talking with a smiling smile. Everywhere you
look from anything is a smile that makes the worst mood glittery. Speaking of
remembering the time of meeting Georgine or engagement with Dietlinde, you will
know that disgust.

"When you see Ferdinand-sama's smile that is ruthless with a strange rumor, Brother
Wilfried can often say such things, I am afraid and I will not bring it closer."
1973 | 2523
"... Is that sullen, so it would be better for you to get away from it sooner"

Wilfried is leaving saying that it is difficult on my uncle. I want to escape somewhere.

"Rosemain sister"

Melchior came as it was waiting for Wilfried to leave.

Until just a short time ago Melchior and his escort knights were talking about how
Georginn was trapped by everyone with a fun smile. It was very funny that Georginé
covered the whole body with a silver costume and covered the entire body in the
temple, followed by the knights, and it was very interesting and I laughed in spite of

The imitation Georginn jumped into the library with a silver costume, it seems that he
took a foot when his feet were covered with magic stones like marbles and fell to a
bitter and gaudy. Since the Merciol's escort knights knew that the library had lots of
traps, they seemed to see how far they were going to catch traps with a bow at the
doorway without getting inside.

The fake Georgine, who seemed to have not understood what happened and fell for a
few seconds but did not move, began to move on the magic stone as if it was relieved.
However, I could not get up easily, I jumped out while I was standing with my magic
stone many times.

However, like the birds, quite powerful sticky substances are painted on the way out.
Silvery gloves and shoes stuck together, and I tried to peel off somehow. As the gloves
are pulled apart, arrows are shot with eye-catching there.

Fake Georgine tried to twist his body, avoid the arrows, desperately took off his shoes
and won the freedom. However, the place where the escape from the birdsome zone
is a place where the invisible transition team is laid. She seemed to have disappeared
leaving only silver costumes after touching the transition team with bare hands. She
seems to be visible at the moment of metastasis, but she seems to be in a white tower

"Mel heals were quite popular, everyone was very funny."

"I think that the trap made by Rosemain sister and Hartmut was fun."
"... ... But, was Georgine really caught? I wonder if there are many shadows in the
glazzam? It is uneasy if I think that Georgyne is also there."
1974 | 2523
When I hesitated with a small voice, Melchior nods "I am all right."

"The real thing appeared between the foundations, I heard that the captured
prisoners went dead one after another, as my father stabbed the stop, so I think that
it is genuine and no doubt"
"Is that so"

When stroking my heart with what seems to be real, Melchior lurked a bit.

"My mother seems to have captured Georgine, but the real thing seems to have fell
down the father"
"Did the foster mother catch Georgine?"
"Yes, I heard that it was caught at the exit of the hidden passageway of the castle"

It seems that the adoptive father created rediscovered hidden passages because the
passage hidden in Georgine in the case of Charlotte kidnapping incident and Jureve 's
incident. And he seems to have kept the hidden passage so far as to leave to the same
place regardless of which one is used. It seems that fake Georginne caught by me got
caught by a foster mother who was watching the exit.

...... I did not think that the foster mother was fighting.

"It seems that Leberecht, the aideside, was preparing various traps and magical tools"
"He is the father of Hartmut, I guess that's exactly like that,"

When the foster mother ordered the escort knights to take to the white tower after
putting on the captured Georgine, the foster mother took escort came to the white
tower, it seems that Georginne that has spread from the temple came down from the

"My father who is between the foundations does not understand the outside.The
father who got in touch of getting Georgyne-sama from the mother said to go out once
between the foundations and to confirm to the white tower, My mother said that he
quickly flew Aldonants to return to the foundation. "

It seems that just after sending Aldonants towards Ferdinand of Gerlach that it ended
for being captured Georgine, it seems that there was a fake.

1975 | 2523
"Is there real Georgine like you also entered from the temple?"

When I tilt his head, Melchior murmured with a shoulder saying, "Yes I was careless
and overlooked."

"Since I was told not to leave the battlefield, I was receiving reports about Georgine's
stolen traps in the room, at that time escort knights came to report to me , Those who
went to see the state of the gate where the trouble occurred, no one was monitoring
the library, I was forced into the gap and got into the library genuine. "
"...... I wonder if anyone can enter it without being noticed? Although the gate is
recovering, there have been several knights?"

There are three gates in the temple, but the schmirs are watching, and we have not
heard of the fact that Sumir moved from the aristocratic gate. The entrance and the
gate for the horse-drawn carriage are just around the corner so I came only to cheer.
If the carriage for the carriage could be opened, it would have been visible to the
Yudites and I could have coped immediately. Also, the temple is quite large. I think it
is quite difficult to reach the library without anyone being able to find it.

"My older sister did not even notice ... ... There was another unusual entrance to the
temple in another place."
"A waterway to draw water was drawn by Entwickeln, and you pulled it so that you
can easily make paper even at the shop of the temple?"

The passage connected to the river pulled. Because there is a problem with
purification of water, there are unused passages.

"The real thing seems to be using that passage, because there were silver clothes,
there was a place where footprints remained without Vasheng's appearing near the
boys' building of an orphanage and those in the downtown got food I brought it, I
entered the aristocratic area from the basement of the west side where people with
undergrowth entered and entered, and it seems that I waited until the library room
was scarce in the room of the blue priest who seemed to be waiting room. It seems
that the blue priest and his side guided it. "

It seems that Georginne, whose adoptive father stabbed a stop, was wearing a gray
shrine maiden 's clothes. Even if we walked through the corridor of the temple where
we relocated Georginé, we could not have bothered by anyone.
1976 | 2523
"They are ... ...."
"Rosemain Mr."

With a little relief that we knew the real way of traveling, a smiling face of Hizuzzet
came over. A large amount of dishes are on the dish that the high - hezzet sideage has.

"Haisuzze, how about the taste of the dish?"

When I asked, Hezitze looked at the dishes in a bad mood.

"There are lots of delicious items, which I said a couple of times during the Lord's
Conference, but it seems to be exceptionally delicious when I taste with victory as I do
today. Even so, it's rarely on Rosemain's dishes You seem to ... .... "
"I'm getting separated by the desired side by side, it may seem less from the knight, it
is delicious.Valger's cream hang can only eat the current season. Please do not miss it.

Although it is served to a guest, the host side can not afford to eat deliciously. Because
I do not have an appetite, I smell a dish that feels like there is no taste.

"Does this sake taste you liked also to Dankel Ferger?"

"Well, of course, it is much stronger than Vizze I usually drink, but I think it's a
wonderful taste."

Hehyzice is in a good mood with a cup containing sake. It seems that Dunkel Ferger is
glad that there is a unique alcohol of Ehrenfest, not Vizza that is often drunk.

...... I think that it is not alcohol drunk with a big cup so much.

If hundreds of Dunkel Ferger 's knights drank out with this momentum, the brewery
of Ehrenfest will surely be a pinch.

"Well, Mr. Hythiczee, may I ask a question?"

Ask Rohdrich with its exciting look. Hehyzice, who seems to be getting bigger with
drinking alcohol, nodded on Takato, "Please ask me anything."

1977 | 2523
"It is true that the knights of Dunkerfelger did not have any dead in this fight? Because
it was a fierce battle that was done continuously, it is unbelievable ... ... The strength
of the knights of Dunkel Ferger Please tell me the secret of your life. "

After the fight of Gerrach, when the declaration of victory was put out, the knights of
Dunkel Ferger were lined in ten rows of ten. Commanders Hannale and Hisuzzse were
on the balcony with me. There is no dropout.

"It was thanks to Rosemain and Ferdinand that the knights of Dunkerfelger were not
damaged this time"

Hehyzice said a slight serious face and said so.

"In order to cover the mouth in order to prevent poisoning, and before that, I was
instructed to carry Yureve surely. There are more than ten people who have become
seriously serious with the masses of magical powers formed by the poison released
by Glaosamu On the contrary, the enemies who were not informed of the
characteristics of the poison and the Knights of the Giblach 's Giebe seemed to have
been damaged, there were several people who became magic stones in a moment. "

At that moment, the mystery shining brightly revived the scene. Goose bumps stand,
and foods you eat from the stomach are backward flowing. I held down my mouth and
desperately swallowed. I can not vomit here.


I heard Ferdinand's voice from somewhere. When trying to turn around, the small hall
door opens with a burn.

"Rosemain, whether it is okay! I came to help!"

The old man who jumped in came running like an armor raging hard. I was surprised
too much, sudden nausea disappeared. While everyone is stunned, grandfather stares
from top to bottom to confirm my safety.

"I am fine, thanks to my grandfather, I am fine."

It is not a lie because it saved me from nausea. Yes, after having nodded, my
grandfather headed to his adoptive father and shouted.
1978 | 2523
"What is it to start a feast before I return?" To return Ferdinand, it's hard to move for
the sake of moving me for the sake of moving the transition team! I have had a hard
time getting back from Irknan! "
"...... Rosemain and Ferdinand, if there is a magical power of two, it is easy to transfer,
but you can not waste the magical power so much, is not it just as I said that even if I
am on my own, even if I am on my own?"

It seems that his adoptive father said that he could not move the transition team for
his grandfather. If it was the purpose of rubbing information with Dunkel Ferger, it is
unlikely that my grandfather will be postponed, but it is not something to argue with

"Please ask Rosemain, Bonifaceius to listen to Ilkner, and also tell him to change her

Before I knew it, Ferdinand, standing behind me, told me so, I approached the

"My grandfather, now you are coming from Dunkel Ferger, please let me hear the
battle of the old man after the change of the dress.I am concerned about how Irukner
became "

Brigitte sent valuable information in Aldonanz during the battle. I want to know what
Irukner is doing now. When I ask you, my grandfather nods with a smile.

"Ok, I understand, let me hear. Wait a minute."

A new bravery was added to me who watches over my grandfather who goes out of a
small hospital well.

1979 | 2523
In the small hall, the seating order is not decided so that you can talk as you like, and
you are supposed to use tables and chairs that are installed around the room as you
like. It was a sudden feast, and I did not know how many people are treated as guests
from Dunkel Ferger, because I could not decide the seating order because the number
of participants was not finalized.

The old man comes to where I was sitting and my grandfather's side goes to pick up
the dishes. In order to hear reports from my grandfather, my father got a seat and
finally got his face on the feast. My father stood behind his adopted father. Another
one, Ferdinand who looked like a normal person sitting in the vacant seat.

"Is Irukner far away?"

My grandfather's bravery began with such words. As I said, Ircnor at the southwest
end of Ehrenfest is far away. Doing a march in a cowgirl makes a day's work. It must
match the speed of the lower knight and it is because the head is toppling over if it
does not fight even if it arrives at the battlefield with too much magical power to put
out speed.

"However, if it takes time for traveling, it is highly likely that Irkner will be crushed,
Ahrensbach is a large territory, if combined with the nobility of the former
Berkestock, the strength will not be comparable"

Although the population of Irkutner is gradually increasing, there are still few
aristocrats and commoners, and there are many mountains and forests. There are
many land to protect, but there are few guards. If attacked from the large territory, it
will be imminently imposed.

"Therefore, we moved to Irkner's summer pavilion at a transition team that is only

available to Aubu."

It is a precious thing, so the old man said that if it is not used it will be a loss. For the
transition team to transfer the human beings, it requires quite a magical power to use,
and it can not move unless it is an awb. It is not a thing to use very easily. I was able
to send a knight at Irkner this time because Ehrenfest was not yet in the raid, because

1980 | 2523
there was some margin such as recovery drug for recovery of magical power and
recovery time.

"When I arrived at Irkuna, I realized it was a raid to bring in the knights as soon as I
started fighting."
"Because the number of knights is less than expected, it was not a move aimed at
dropping Ghibe's palace."

A number of knights that are difficult to deal with by the number of knights in Irkuna
will be sent and it will be seen that it is unnecessary to crush the Irkner until a
reinforcement army arrives from Ehrenfest while avoiding the flaky attack It seems
that there was an attack. Besides, the magical power of the land is being targeted, and
enemies are working extensively. It is not a strong enemy for my grandfather but
seems to have been a rather troublesome partner.

"However, as I was going to call the Order, it would have been three days to stick, and
the enemies who appeared at the transition team were quite surprised."

My grandfather smiles deliciously with Hu. Even if Aub receives a request from Giebe,
it is not normally possible to start at once. Prepare and move ... ... it will take a couple
of days. However, due to the fact that it was ready for the attack and the use of the
transition team, reinforcements arrived in Irkuna quickly.

"To say briefly, we also impossibly impossible to move the transition team"

My adoptive father complained so, but my grandfather continues talking with a

strange face.

"I got information that Gerrach was also attacked on the way to fighting.I thought that
I should go for a relief because there are so many enemies as told that it is the most
favorable one, I had to finish the battle of Irunner as soon as possible in order to go to
Gerrach without heart. "

As quickly as possible I will clean up the enemy of Irukner and go to Gerrach, Old man
scolds the knights, running under the guidance of Brigitte, Ilkner's land riding with
the beast, throwing enemies by tearing and throwing away It seems that he began his
big success.

1981 | 2523
"Why did you think that my father would have to go to Gerrach?"

When asked by his father who looked like the head of the knight, his grandfather also
took a serious look from his grandfather 's face talking to his granddaughter.

"The gellach had a dangerous smell, I thought that I had to go ahead as soon as
"Is it a dangerous smell?"
"Well, I've heard there is a strong enemy who seems to be fighting quite a bit."
"Sign ... ..."

What do you mean, my grandfather feels very wild. Instinctively moving or saying the
olfaction is sharp. Glaozam is the most thoroughly planning measures.

"My grandfather, was not Brigitte injured? Because it was my escort knight, I am
worried about the situation.Brigitte is very useful for Ehrenfest that the enemy comes
with a ship in this battle He sent me some information ... "

When Dharmell talks about Ordonants he received, the grandfather looks like a
complicated face and muttered, "Brigitte is an aide of Rosemain even if Irkuna is in

"Although it is good information to send to the Order, thought complains that there is
no recipient, thought circuits trying to send through the aides of Rosemain are those
of the aides who want to make their hands mainly."
"... ... It is very pleasing to think so so far away, is not it?"

When I am pleased, my grandfather nods that "Rosemain has a good vassal."

"How old was your grandfather, my grandfather?"

"Mum ... ... The arm as a knight was slightly dulled, because a woman knight would be
far from training by marriage and birth, I guess it's a little regrettable, I think."

I wanted to hear about the recent situation but not the ability as a knight, but I think
it is a very obvious answer.

"Although a bit of arms are dull, if you are a knight to protect Irukner's land, you have
done enough work.Rosemain's workshops and forests needed for making paper

1982 | 2523
struggle to protect anything I think I was protecting the land and the people firmly as
a sister of Giebe. "

Then, my grandfather seized Captain Gibe of old Berkestock who had entered Ilkuna
with Brigitte and robbed the magical power of the land.

"I was surprised when Rodemein and Ferdinand led the knight of Dunkel Ferger on
the way when the Ordonants that flew to Gerlach flew, I was surprised, Rosemain had
a brave scarlet, but in such a short time I did not expect to rescue Ferdinand and come
back ... ... You did it well, Rosemain "
"Thank you very much, my grandfather"

In the heart was getting warmer and warmer thanks to the grandpa who admitted to
us to go to rescue wasting useless or giving up and admiring it.

"Rosemain, I think that he also kept a variety of things well, and if I thought that I
wanted to hold them until I arrived at Gerrach, there was a report saying that Gelrach
was found out just before leaving Irkner, I thought that it was broken, I struck it
several times without thinking. "

...... When my grandfather does such a thing, Ordonants will be broken in reverse!

"The knights of Dunkelfelger worked very hard in the fight of Gerrach"

I will show you "Hannorore" who is talking happily with the ladies novels, "I am your

"But was Rosemain who headed the knight of Dunkel Ferger?"

"No, if Ferdinand departed, it is Ferdinand who led me to Gerrach by fueling the knight
of Dunkel Ferger if I did not finish the real knitting just by robbing Arensbach's corner.
I was asleep at the castle of Ahrensbach. "

Although he received poison, he led the knights of Dunkel Ferger almost without any
breaks. When saying "Mr. Ferdinand is amazing", I saw Freddinoand for my
grandfather, I rang Hung and a nose.

"When Gerracht came to me, I declined to ask Aub to move the transition team to
return to Ehrenfest, inviting guests of Dunkel Ferger to celebrate and transfer the

1983 | 2523
members to Rosemain and Ferdinand to return home As you use it, come back home
on your own, "
"The priority is the guest of Dunkel Ferger, and if the reason to use the transition team
is called by Rosemain, can you give permission?

The battle is over and the recovery medicine has decreased a lot. Knights are
exhausting because of widespread positive movement. Civil servants and side
workers are busy preparing feasts. In the meantime, he seems to have been unable to
use the transition team for his grandfather.

...... I did not call it separately.

He insisted on being insulted by me, insisting that other knights were left behind and
he came back at full speed. From the appeal of such instinct, it appeared that it came
to the word "came to help" at the same time as it appeared.
I understand well the reason why Glaozam is doing his best to countermeasures
whether it is reliable, instinctive or too scary. I am scared of hostile.

"So how was the situation like this?"

My grandfather looked towards my adoptive father. Just listening to everyone's battle

today, I will not speak much about myself Today I will open my mouth to a father-in-

"The information from Darmel's Ordonants, exactly the Brigitte delivered to the
Order, was the beginning, was that the time of the Three Bells ...?"

Information entered that there is a high possibility that the enemies will arrive at the
West gate, the knights started to move. Ordonants are blown to various places, each
keeps up with the determined arrangement. I do not know when the enemy will
appear, when the fight will start. Because it can not be deprived of the cornerstone, it
seems that the adoptive father was told to enter between the corner soon.

"I was on standby between the cornerstones, I have to hold it, but honestly there is
nothing to do, because Aldonants go in and out of the hole for Aldonant on the wall"

It seems there is a circular warp hole dedicated to Aldonans in the office and the
foundation so that it can communicate with Abe between the foundation. It seems that

1984 | 2523
there was nothing we could do for the adoptive father except that the white Aldanans
gave a face-to-face report from there.

"I decided to add a trap that I thought was a rosemain as a precaution during the

The adoptive father who was insanely busy said that while firing the Ximen, he
brought the chronicle and the Ordonants side by side, prepare the tools of the trap,
carried them by themselves and increased the trap.

"Is it possible for Aub to work on his own?"

"Because there is only me, it can not be helped"

It seems that he made a trap that began with crushing time, putting birds on the stairs,
and setting up a net or a gang as I suggested. By the way, here we are supposed to
have made a trap with trees of trees because metal crown is not usually used here.

...... It is not a story when it hits the trees, is not it? What if Georgine - sama's deadly
wound is a wooden tree?

I think there is a reason why my explanation was bad, but I did not think that I would
use wooden rags instead of metal.

"While Ordonantz was in the process of adding traps, Irunner started to head towards
victory with the success of Bonifatius, but more enemies appeared in Gerrach and the
request for rescue flew."

I commanded the neighbor Giebe to step the Kivis team little by little and asked if I
could move to my grandfather but I could not get a good reply. The surrounding
Giebes say that they may be attacked next, but they can not let the Order be headed to
Gerrach. It would be so if you stand for Gibe. It is Ghebe disqualified that you can not
defend your own land towards the relief of the rest.
Knights protecting aristocratic areas can not do much to show that enemy attacks are
approaching. Even more, Aubu who handles the transition team is in between the
foundations. Unlike Irukuna, I can not send knights soon.

"When the state of war has gotten worse from Giebe · Gerrach quickly and arrived at
Aldonnants, it was not possible to be in the cornerstone.When a little knockout was

1985 | 2523
attempted to be sent by the transition team, a message was received from Ferdinand
that Ordonant of the civilian There was. "

I took the cornerstone of Ahrensbach, and I wanted Dunkel Ferger's volunteers near
the border gate of Ehrenfest and Ahrensbach in order to accommodate the nobles and
knights who are doing selfish things by the instructions of Georgine He told me that
he was bringing along.

"I was seriously surprised at that, I never felt the dispensing of the gods"
"The adoptive father is loved by the Grücke Retort"

The adoptive father ordered the civilian, "Please contact Ferdinand soon to get to
Gerrach." Ferdinand, who is in the territory of Ahrensbach, and I will not receive
Ordonants. It is necessary to have letters sent to the boundary gate.
And to Gerrach, "Rosemain and Ferdinand will lead the knight of Dunkel Ferger as a
reinforcement as a reinforcement, so endure it until that time" and it seems that
Ordonants was skipped.

"During the exchange of such Ordonants also the enemy attacked the west gate, the
battle began near the north gate, the temple became a battlefield, and the Ordonants
from Florentia that someone will come with hidden passages also came ... ... Even
though everyone is fighting, I'm just waiting between foundations. "

While waiting waiting for desperately wanting to jump out, it seems that the news
that came from foster mother caught Georgine came.

"Before I just did anything, I got a battle in the battle."

There is nothing better to end even if it is not a bit interesting. In order to head to the
white tower, the adoptive father got out of the foundation and sent information that
he caught Georgine to various places.

However, on his way to the white tower, "Another person, Georgyne appeared, it
seems to have been transferred since it came down from the ceiling, maybe there are
other things, real genuine Georgine sama is confirmed Please do not leave from the
corner until it reaches the end ", it seems that Ordonants of vocalists including
impatience of foster mother flew away.

1986 | 2523
"When I told Florentia, I returned in a hurry, I thought that the unpleasant way of
putting in traps in many ways is really like Georginje, returning to the room of Aubu
in the castle, enter between the foundations Then suddenly it suffered a massive
amount of water attacks. "
"At the moment when I crossed the curtain of that transition, a lot of water is swirling
in the foundations, I jumped in and it is gooey" ...

There was a real Georgine between the cornerstone, and already a fight was set on. It
seems that the adoptive father thought that blood was drawn by the adoptive father
when it was going to develop to be able to deprive the foundation without foster
mother Ordnants.

"The whirling water disappeared in a couple of seconds, the body floating in the water
fell, and immediately afterwards my own trash came down."
"The trap I got was lifted up with water and the scones and rashes came down, I
avoided it with a double hair, but that was a pretty dangerous trap."

If you do Vuchen like filling the room, you are not alone in floating. I experienced it in
the early days when I remembered Vashen. The thing in the room floats. In addition,
things that the operator recognizes as dirty are washed cleanly.

"The birds that painted on the stairs were washed cleanly and all the traps that
crawled with water were floating in the water and moved from the place where they
were installed.While the wooden turf bounced at his feet while making a sound with
Khung Koon, I saw only the hands sticking out from the other entrance.

A staple is held in the hand which floats just ahead from the wrist. It seems that the
adoptive father once again felt the frightening to Georginen who can do a certain
attack while not seeing it.

"It seems scary to think that if the wrist seems to float in the air, it is natural."

The adoptive father immediately set up the staple. Georginen comes in there walking
slowly. I am wearing a gray shrine maiden's clothes, but he seems to have been like a

"Georgine looked at me and was watching eyes not to believe it."

1987 | 2523
"Is not it obvious that Aub is between the foundations, because sunset is taking place
here and there, have there any surprises?"

In the words of Ferdinand, the adoptive father became a little bitter face.

"It is only natural that Aub is between the foundations, so it seems that Georginé has
released an instant death poison."

It is an instant-death poison that flows outside the wind to the effect of thinning, but
it should demonstrate a terrible power in a narrow place like the foundation. Open
the key and throw poisonous witchcraft, then wash the room as you put it. Then, it
seems that he thought that he could do whatever he likes, without disturbing others,
slowly dying the foundation, robbing the magical power and collapsing the

"If I had been called by Florentia and had not left the foundation, I was already dead."
"Your adoptive father has truly Gurukurretitto protection,"
"Rather, Georginé would have had no protection of the gods"

How was the feeling of Georginé if the other party was just lucky to have avoided
many traps and planned so far.

"So how did you catch Georgine?"

"Because he was holding a staple, is not he determined to attack soon?"

As there was a distance, the adoptive father changed the staple to a bow, attached an
arrow of magical power, and released it one after another.

"After Georgine's amulets were able to play one, it was prevented by Gettielt, I was
throwing things like metallic needles when I was shooting a distance and shooting a
distance, I could play a charm, In order to get in between the foundations, you could
not attach a silver cloth, since the magical attack attacked it was not so difficult to
capture itself. "

In women's Georginne who focuses on socializing with the adopted father of a man
who is trained somehow, there will be a big difference in basic physical fitness,
strength, accustomed to battle, and so on. Of course, the adoptive father is
overwhelmingly advantageous over age. Because magical power and magical power
1988 | 2523
efficiency are rising by magical compression and reacquisition of protection, there is
no factor to lose in the case of direct confrontation.

"... ... but people can hate someone over there"

The adoptive father does not say what he was told. But I can understand it by looking
at the face that was pretty heartwarming.

"I heard that noble families who still made a name and those who subordinate
contracts continued their hopes and destroy Ehrenfest"
"...... The aristocrat who gave the name is dangerous"
"Oh, I do not know if anyone is leaking out at that purge. I do not know what a
nobleman who ordered a name ordered me to do, whether I will rampage in the
fighting spot I will scatter that poison somewhere You must stop before the damage
expands ... ... I stabbed the stop with this hand "

He adopts so and looks at his hand. I put my elder sister who separated blood with
myself. With eyes that make you feel that weight, your adoptive father takes out Kotri
and manastones.

My throat rang.

1989 | 2523
I wanted to leave from the manastone soon, I stood up unexpectedly. Since I did not
signal anything to the side, naturally I will not pull the chair. Everyone who was
present attentive to me, with a rattling sound.

"Ah, that, I, ... I remembered that there was something we had to talk to foster mothers
and Charlotte in a hurry, so we had to ask them to gather the needles for the
temporary sewing of costumes. Hey, Riserator "
"It is certainly a matter of a hurry, but it is not something you ask in the seat of such a

As the Reiselator so gently pushes my shoulder and instructs me to sit back. But I can
not stay here. I can not separate my line of sight from the magic stone while dazzling,
with goose bumps standing in both arms, the whole body is appealing as soon as I left
this place.

"But, I will return to Ahrensbach in the afternoon tomorrow, so I have to do a tentative

sewing in the morning because of the rapid growth, I am in trouble with the costumes
to meet with royalty What is it? "
"Rosemain, I can not do something like collecting the needle in the morning of the day,
making a mission in the morning of the day, and it is not in a state that I can still put
in merchants inside the castle.Allensbach back I think that it would be better to do
sewing from '

Ferdinand called my name so as to obstruct the words of the Rizerator. By turning

towards Ferdinand, the manastone disappears from sight, and the power of the
shoulder comes off momentarily. Feldinand making smile like making hidden things
bad mood so far was now the usual top of the buddha.

"What is it, Ferdinand?"

"There is a little talk"

At the moment when it was shown by hand to the place where there were not so many
people, my grandfather gently raised his hands like "wait".

1990 | 2523
"Ferdinand, is it necessary after seeing the situation of the present feast?"
"As Bonifaceus says, at least, please do after the feast, now it is a very complicated

Leonore also agreed with the words of his grandfather. I do not really understand "a
very complicated situation". Leonore and Rieselter will tell you when you put your
hands on your cheek and tilt your head.
When I headed to Kilnberga, there were many aides and knights who accompanied
me to move the transition team. Therefore, it seems that the upper part knew that I
possessed Gurtris Height and that magician of courtship from the royal family was
handed over by the hands of Aub.

...... If there are three days, information will turn around to the aristocracy.

It is said that Aub will have declared his intention to obey the royal request at the time
of passing the royal magical tool through the hand of Aub. It seems that the nobility
has already accepted the elimination of engagement with Villefried as final.

I have been married to the royal family and accepted by AUBU and become an
informal royal fiancée and suffering in love with a farewell loyalty, until a lord
conference with official announcement He seems to be the maiden's position. It seems
that women in aristocracy are watching warmly, "Loveless love is also beautiful."

... ... ... Uh .... It is not so poor that you are being pityed with broken heart even though
you have not even love first love?

"It is fortunate that the rescue play of Ahrensbach is excited as a storytellerous story,
but no more scandals are necessary."

It is best for me to marry a royalty to divorce that it was a loveless love with me as a
one-sided idea against Ferdinand from me. In order to do so, Léonore told implicitly
that he wanted not to participate from Ferdinand side. Ferdinand attended everyone
who was present and their aides, and then, after watching the small halls who are
casually watching this, they slowly exhaled braiding their arms.

"I think that the health condition of Rosemain is a much more urgent and important
matter than the surrounding gaze, but if one that protects Rosemain, etc. judges that
it is more important to protect from rumors and external hearings I will obey the
opinion there. "
1991 | 2523

With the help of Ferdinand, there is air of relief for the grandfather and those who are
present. On the contrary, I became uneasy, and I stared at Ferdinand in spite of myself.

"...... It's been a year and a half since I left, there will already be a doctor dedicated to
Rosemain and I will not violate the territory of other people with me.Not say whether
there is no expert medical doctor? "

At that moment, adoptive father and father deviated gazingly. After Ferdinand glaring
at themselves slowly, he stood up slowly while muttering, saying, "If you think you
need help, please call me."

"No, it is mine to help Rosemain!"

Ferdinand who overlooked the opposing grandfather for a moment to make him feel
troubled, returned the cigarette and heel. The strange feeling of frustration increases
on the back going away. At least I do not have a new doctor, and I have a conscious

"Leonore, I ... ...."

"Rosemain, at least, until the banquet is over .... There are too many eyes now.I do not
seem to have much awareness, but grown Rosemain is attracting even attention just
by myself"

Léonore added in a loud voice, urging me to sit back.

"Cornelius went to get information, and Ferdinand is also heading to Hartmut, so

please be patient as it moves here."

I still shook my head to the opinion as an escort knight to protect the Lord. I do not
want to go here. Because I want to talk with foster mothers and Charlotte, mothers, I
leave the seat with a reason.
While seeing various instructions from Ferdinand, feeling the way the aides come out
and getting busy, the feast we made through a smile has ended. I wanted to talk after
the party was over but Ferdinand was said to have returned to the library quite a
while ago and I returned to my room.

1992 | 2523
I had a dream. It is a dream of the fight of Gerrach who just experienced today.
The surroundings are only the knights of the blue cloak with the shields, the visibility
is blocked by the cloaking cloak, and I do not know which part is going on now. I do
not know and I advance. The surprise suddenly becomes dazzling, the angry sounding,
the arrows fluttering.

My heart repeatedly pulsates violently and my ears are ringing. The breathing is
painful, and in the fear that wants to escape immediately, the body is fixed with the
handle grasping. I can not move as if I had become a manast.

Various things came to fly after the rainbow colored strong light was seen. The sound
that the weapon intersects the large sound, the red droplets fly one after another in
the field of vision. Someone's arm hit me. The knight who broke the position hits Don
and is played. Katun, katun and manastone hit the sound. All shocks are transmitted
through the hand holding the steering wheel.

My body got cold. Tooth roots do not match. My breath was burning, my tears ran
away without permission.

I can not afford to feel scared, repeatedly repeating as many times as to say that the
part that was in a state where it was misty and foggy is a clear dream, not to fade away.

A man who told us that he thanked me for coming to help, and then thanked him, the
next moment it fell into a magic stone and fell down. It was Gibe who was told that he
had begun to manifest themselves, who had fallen into the jumped room.

The stomach was getting colder. If I bit my back teeth, I feel bitter biting in the mouth
as if biting with sand. A cold sweat was blowing out.

While laughing at them, Glaozam will absorb everyone's attack with a prosthetic hand
like a black manastone. Harsh laughter was high and repeated many times. When the
arm with the blue flame is swayed, the flame burns in a wide range.
When the blue flame flared off, about half of the body had turned into a magic stone.
An eerie glaozam like a man wearing a man on a magical stone as if a manastone is
squatting in the body rush up with a black prosthetic hand.
Even if it attacks with a water gun which a black arrow pops out to try to fight back, it
comes closer while making his face a magicite. The face that became a magical stone

1993 | 2523
was overflowing with murderous intentions, and the crazy gray eyes glistened with
glittering eyes.
Everywhere you look, Manastone, Manastone, Manastone ... .... A magic stone attacks
me. I shouted desperately.

"Do not come!"

When I noticed it was on my bed. It seems that he jumped up, and his upper body is
rising. The sleepwear sucked sweat, it was moist and heavy, sticking to her skin with
her hair. Although the middle of spring is approaching, the night is still cold. The neck
and the back which touched the air became cold at once. The heart is still hurting the
early bell and you can see that the breathing is rough.

In the pitch dark bed, when the sight in the dream circles round the head. I saw the
illusion that glittering and glowing demon stones fall down one after another. I hold
my chest with the other hand, with my other hand I'm about to vomit with one hand,
I desperately prepare my breathing. I was noticed even if I did not like my symptoms.

"... .... PTSD ... ...."

PTSD is the intense shock experience and strong mental stress that can not happen in
everyday life, the heart will suffer damage and interfere with our lives. I felt that the
memory was hazy when I tried to remember the fight and I could not remember so
clearly that my self defense worked.

"Contact Feldinand ... ...."

I tried to get in contact with Feldinand, which I thought most about as a partner I could
consult, and I stopped hands. To fly Ordonants you have to pick up a magic tool that
looks like a yellow manastone.

As I saw in my previous dreams, various manastones float up one after another in my

mind. My breath became painful as I was strangled. I knew it was an Ordonant, but I
could not reach out and I grasped my hand with my fists.

……What should I do? You can not call for help as it is.

1994 | 2523
My whole body is trembling and I can not help it. I crossed the arms so that I can
embrace my body and grab my upper arm tightly.
At that time, there were footsteps behind the tent. I will set up Stap instantly as long
as I can not fight against the enemy as a bit.

"Rosemain, is it okay if you go inside?"

"Yudit, how to call such a voice ... ...."

It was the voice of Yudit and Graytier that heard from behind the tent. Today 's
sleepless reminds me that they were these two people, quickly erase the staple and
wipe off the neck sweat at his cuff.

"There were instructions from Ferdinand and Hartmut. As some of the knights are
being trained, some mentally unstable may come out, so it is good for Rosemain and
Mr. Hannaore's sitting tonight As I was careful, I was a bit scared because I was the
first fight against a person, so please let me have a little with you. "

While saying that, Yudit came inside the tent. Gretier came in with me, but as soon as
I saw the situation that I was getting stuck in a night sweat, when I got ready for
changing clothes, I went out of the tent.

"Originally, it is the adult knight who goes to such a battlefield, because the number
of people with the enemy was too big this time, apprentices were driven too ..."

Yudit began to talk like a soliloquy in the dark. I listen to the voice of Yudit as relieved
as I thought that many questions would be made from Yudit.

"Tonight there is a high possibility that apprentices become mentally unstable, so they
are gathered in the dormitory.The upper boss is listening to the story and the doctor
seems to face each other. It seems that there are times when it is sometimes given, so
I asked Florentia for the time when Rosemain became unstable, and I was given
permission to enter the greenhouse. "

Yudit smiled and smiled smilingly with a smiley saying, "If you look at beautiful
flowers you will feel calm." Perhaps the flowers given to the knights are not
greenhouse flowers. Is not it the meaning of flower devotion?

"If you drink tea with a gentle aroma while watching a beautiful flower, I think that
you will relax a bit."
1995 | 2523
"... Is it okay to go out like this at midnight?"

Escort Knights who accompanied Ahrensbach should be back to their parents' house
so that they can be relaxed even a little. I think that it is too few numbers of escort
knights even though it is thought that it attaches Damuel guarding the outside of the
door to the escort.

"There are a lot of knights in today's castle, so it is okay if you contact the Order, so
we have already made arrangements through the story."

... ... Ah, the knights also could not correct misunderstanding of Yudith.

No one could say the truth to Yudit who purely worries about me and arranges
greenhouses. I will stop correcting it, I think that I am going to depend on Yudit's great

"Thank you, I will, Yudit ... ... I'm looking forward to the greenhouse at night."
"We are contacting every place,"

Yudit went out of the tenting with a laughing happy pleasure. Instead, Gretier comes
in with an expression that looks worried.

"Yudit seems to be tight, but is Rosemain something good, is not it better to be slow
at the couch?"
"...... Actually, I woke up watching an unpleasant dream, I think Shuratraumu's
blessing is hard to reach and I feel like I want to get away from a little sleep tonight,
so I think appreciation of Yudit's offer ... ... and Is it better for me to go to the
greenhouse at night rather than seeking help from Ferdinand like this late at night?

Otherwise, there is no way it has been settled so far. In the past Ferdinand was called,
it should have been done with all round to Ferdinand. When asked as I flew, Gretier
lowered his eyebrows sadly, "I am sorry we are unable to respond to your request."

"You do not have to worry because it is a nobility society"

Graytier lights the light in the tent, brings in a small bowl of hot water and brings
costumes to go out. After preparing everything, I take off my sleepwear and wipe my
sweat with a hard towel.

1996 | 2523
"... ... It's not only good things to grow up."

Greater said that.

"The eyes of the surroundings will change, more people will not be able to do what
they have been able to do until now and I will be unforgivable because I was
premature, so even though they are allowed to children of the same age There have
been times when it was not permitted many times and it seemed quite unreasonable.

I am going to have not changed in particular, but the surrounding reactions change
completely. It seems that Gray Tier has done such an experience. So it seems to me
that I can understand a little bit of my embarrassment when being told to review the
relationship and distance feeling with Ferdinand as a result of rapid growth, or being
given random guesswork from around us.

"Rosemain, Mr. Hannero says that he can not sleep well.I came out to the balcony and
informed me that there was an offer to the side of the police box to suck the outside
air.How do you invite me to the greenhouse? Because the knights talk with each other
who have experiences like this, it might be good to make time to spend together with
Rosemain and Hannaore, tonight. "

In the knight dormitory among the knights gathered to clear up the fear and the
melancholy, you can not enter the lord candidate who is the position to order them. If
the same position as I am, Yudit will emphasize that there is only Hanna Torre.
Although Hannerolse seemed accustomed to the fight at Dunkel Ferger's lord
candidate student, perhaps I would have participated in a ditters like a practice match
like me but it seems like people actually die Perhaps the fight was the first time. There
is a possibility that you are having a night with similar feelings and bad things.

"... Please invite me through Yudit, a sleepless sideboarding. Please be careful not to
push it never"
"Certainly yes"

Talking with Yudit and Gray Tia is a bit relieved, but the bad feelings have
disappeared. It is a manastone of various colors that floats if you close your eyes. I
want to avoid a nightmare, I decide to escape to a greenhouse at night. I thought it
would be better if I could sleep as much as I could not see a dream, and there was a
reply that I wanted to go out for a walk of evening from Hannaore.
1997 | 2523
Aldonants will return to the yellow manastone. A yellow magic stone that failed to
receive fell on her feet, and goose bumps stood in his whole body.

1998 | 2523
To prepare for tea, Gretia headed to the greenhouse ahead of the other. Considering
the change time of Hannaore, it is told to go slowly. The greenhouse is in the direction
of the room where tea ceremony is held and it seems that he is doing great success in
the snowy field of snowy winter.

"Let's get down soon, Rosemain, can you use a beast?"

I left the room as an escort from Damuel and Yudit. The hand stops trying to put out a
cud bean as usual.

"Rosemain, how are you doing?"

I saw it strangely from Yudit and I tell you that the manastones are scared as I see the
situation of the battle and those who died in front of me. Yudit rounded his eyes and
Damuel became a bitter face.

"I was concerned about dropping Ordonant manastones, but if you are in such a
situation please let us know in the side-by side, Liselaer, who is tossed without
noticing anything, is poor."
"Damuel, is not it yet to tell Rosemain-sama, since it was rested overnight, after
getting tired ..."
"But if you care about the Lord who is suffering from a special disorder caused by a
battle and to labor the Lord who fought after fighting in a distant land, nothing
changes in attitude.If you wish to let the Lord know, Do not you think you have to
inform the Lord also here? "

Damiel and Yudit are arguing with each other. It seems that it was content to report
to me later, but it seems better to listen to it from the reaction of Damuel.

"Damuel, please tell me"

If you are scared of demonic stones and can not produce a cow, you can only walk to
the greenhouse by walking. It is probably going to be a slow arrival. While walking
toward the greenhouse, I decided to listen to the story from Dahuel.

1999 | 2523
"Rosemain, like being inspired by Mr. Ferdinand, I invited Bonifatius to sit battle and
invited him to the seat, so is there awareness that Rosemain was the organizer at that

……There was no.

It was because I was going to calm the grandpa's runaway, so the surroundings were
saved, but if I should report to Aveh the priority should be given. My grandfather and
my side servants decided to go through the report in an orderly manner by bringing
Aub 's father - in - law together as a bad idea.

"Bonifatius talked in a good mood and Aub who had a lot of mouth started talking
about his own battle, which seemed to be going smoothly for the moment, but
Rosemain was Aub's I shook the talk suddenly, standing at the seat, and deciding the
schedule for temporary sewing, "he said.

I tried to leave my seat in a hurry because I was driven by fear of manastone, but I
could not understand it in the surroundings. There was no sign of a signal and no
attendance was left to the attendant, we stopped sounding the story by stopping the
chair and rattling the chair and seemed to have started to complain about the
temporary sewing schedule It is said that.

...... Oh no, it's rude manner.

"I noticed that there might be factors other than fatigue in Ferdinand's words but it
was too late.However at least, if there is notice beforehand that you see a malaise
when you look at manastes, Ferdinand He would not have ordered Bonifatius to listen
to the story of the fight, and the Risaizer would have had another response, although
Rosemain experienced many degrees of diversity at the House of Lords and Dunkelfel
Because I invited Gar to set up the battle this time, I did not specifically take into
account the bad condition caused by battle. "

If I could have fainted, it could be taken as it was, but as I went to the foster mothers
and Charlotte for reasons of costume sewing, I was overworked with a funny smile,
but I survived the feast .

"Because Rosemain-san's skill is good, this sudden middle season seems to be

reflected in a very rudely innocent look at Awb and Bonifatius' s aides."

2000 | 2523
After I had meddered, the Rijeeter who was turning to follow the grandfather and his
aides left in the seat said, "Rosemain says it feels frustrating, so that you have to appeal
to Aub at such a feast He seemed to have been told that the setup of the side is bad
and the costume is not settled. "

...... Risaizer said that such a thing ......

"Since Ferdinand is worried about physical condition, it seems that Aru and Karstedd
suppressed Bonifatius like they have suitable reasons for Rosemain, but be careful
about something beforehand Please consult a word when there is an accident. "

I was thinking only about escaping from the fear of manastones, and my
consciousness had not turned around to the situation like the adoptive father and the
old man after mediation. I did not realize how difficult the leftover side struggled. It is
mainly disqualification.

"I must apologize to the Rizerator,"

"Well, Rosemain, please do not praise it if you can." While I make arrangements for
greenhouses, Rieseleter can not do it in the library if it can not be sewn in the castle,
negotiate with the Ferdinand, contact the Gilberto Shokai It seems he was taking it. "

Yudit taught me as saying, "This was supposed to be reported after morning ...". It
seems that the Risera is busy trying to fulfill my hope.

"Since it was pointed out that Rosemain goes to the hall where Ferdinand is staying, I
was thinking whether Hannero and Mr. Haisuzze also invited us to give a thank you
for a hair ornament."

Given the current situation that you will be marrying to the royal family, if you do not
care about the foreign newspaper, it will be serious later.

"But Rosemain, like me, we are not immature, but Hartmut is also bad, it seems that
there seems to be something in Rosemain's appearance, but nothing is announced
Something I did not do, Ferdinand and I have decided something, and we are
outrageous. "

When Yudit dissatisfiedly sharpened his lips, the greenhouse came into sight.

2001 | 2523
The greenhouse was a very fantastic space. Large windows are lined up to allow as
much light as possible. Surprisingly the bright moonlight got down quietly, the white
building itself seemed to shimmely shine. Magic tools like a lamp lighted with small
lights are decorated there and there. Multicolored flowers were blooming in the light.

"It's beautiful, is not it?"

"Here, Rosemain sama"

Greater who was preparing earlier took me to the table. It seems to be a greenhouse
often used for women's gatherings in winter social circles, and the space for putting
tables and chairs has been quite widely taken.

"It seems that Hannero also was able to leave the room, as guests are in the main
building, they will arrive soon."

As Graytier explained about the prepared tea, when I was discussing about
arrangements after Hannaore arrived, Hannaore arrived.

"Good evening, Mr. Hannaore"

"Thank you for inviting me, Rosemain, I'm pretty happy because I did not get to sleep
well ... ... this greenhouse is a very nice place."

Looking around the greenhouse illuminated by faint light, Hannerol gazes at eyes. It
seemed to be a little stinging. As I met with Gretier, I invited Hannellore and decided
to take a walk in the greenhouse a little. Meanwhile, Gretia seems to prepare by asking
the sideboarding what Hannorore likes from the prepared tea.

While looking at the flowers with katsun, cotton and slow gait, I took a deep breath
and breathed the smell of flowers. The escort knights follow a little distance away.

"This greenhouse ... In fact, it is the first time for me to enter, it seems to be used
frequently in the winter social circle, but since I spend the winter in the kids room and
the lords, I will never enter and leave. Outside of the snow that will go on forever, the
flowers that are blooming in colorfully will be beautiful. "
"I feel comfortable just by imagining it is disappointing that I can not see it."

2002 | 2523
When I saw the flowers raised for viewing, Hannero said "There are many flowers
that I do not see in Dunkel Ferger." Dunkel Ferger seems to be quite different from
Ehrenfest in its climate.

"Did you enjoy the party?"

"Yes, I was surprised that he was a Rosemain-san's mother who is writing a love story
of the lords, I got a new book and I was able to spend a lot of fun, so I had a great time."

Hannaore tells us happily about what we talked with her mother. I will laugh with
myself in spite of the smile.

"The content that I told you will be a book this time is a love story modeled on
Rosemain and Ferdinand"
"I think that it is not necessary - if I do not ask you to write to my mother ... ...."

When I shake my hand, Hannaore dropped a little shoulder and said, "... I am happy
just in the story, Elvira said," I murmured.

"The rough emotions that caught the reality that never happens are all sublimating
the story, it is a strong mother."

Oh, that, I feel like I said. When Ferdinand-san went to Ahrensbach was decided.

We were walking slowly through the greenhouse while talking about such things as
we were told that tea entered from grates and Hannaore 's sidewalkers.

"Since it is still cold at night, please come here and I will be warmed."

Greentier drank the tea that brewed. To make you sleep well, a little honey was
included to make it easier to drink with Herb tea that was thought to be. If you drink
with chestnut, you can see that a hot drink falls from the mouth toward the stomach.
It seems my body was cold rather than I thought.

"Mr. Hannallole, here ... ...."

I gave Hannelore a magician to prevent eavesdropping. I do not want the aides to ask
too much about the future story of the future. I confirmed that Hannorore had grasped
the magician in his hands, and I opened my mouth.

2003 | 2523
"I am really sorry this time"
"Do you like Rosemain?"

When I apologized, Hannero flushed with a mysterious eye.

"I said that I had two bells to Aub Dunkel Ferger, yet it has not been three days already,
and at the initial schedule I intended to rescue Ferdinand. I was not planning to
participate in Dunkel Ferger's volunteers for sweeping Zenerve and fierce battles like
today and I am really sorry that I will bother not to sleep Hannaore's way to sleep
"Oh, but Rosemain-sama, it is Ferdinand-san who fucked the knights, and it was not
real to say that it is real discontinuities, so the knights were dissatisfied, so it was I
who decided to remain for the reason It is not necessary for Mr. Rosemain to blame
Himself. "

As I look at me as Hannaore has calmly scolded, he says so.

"Thanks for cooperating with good faith and winning Though we can appreciate
Dunkel Ferger's cooperation in public places, we should not apologize, so at least I
wanted to apologize in a private place It is. "

Hannale was able to defend the foundation of Ehrenfest with the knight of Dunkel
Ferger. So if you are having a sleepless night, I will have to apologize.

"Thanks to the Dunkel Ferger's knights there was a victory for Gerrach's battle, there
seems to have been no fatalities, but who is seriously? I am caught up in ... .... "
"Rosemain, says many times, it is the result of our choice by Dunkel Ferger, please
stop that kind of regret There is no prepared knight without any preparedness, rather
I am the only one I wanted to apologize to people like Rosemain and Ehrenfest. "

Hannaore got a crying face and said so, I slowly breathed out. I do not think of things
like being apologized to Hannaore, and blink their eyes just like the Hannorore just

"Well, I guess you pull a lot of your legs at the Gerrach battle? The intention of doing
a surprise attack has strengthened your opponent ... As a result, there are a number
of knights of Ehrenfest who passed away.I ' Although I had him participate to snow
shame of Ditter, I did not serve you. It is really heartbreaking ... I am sorry for the
deceased knights ...... "
2004 | 2523
Although I did not know because I infiltrated the building of Giebe with Matthias,
Glaozam which converted the magical power attacked by Hannellore into his attack
power ramped up and there seem to be several deceased knights. It seems that I can
not sleep when I think of it. I can understand that feeling.

"The knights of Dunkel Ferger were lucky, right after having joined with the knight of
Ehrenfest in the middle, there was a massive healing of Rosemain-sama, who was
injured, but you need to drink a recovery medicine There was nothing to remove the
cloth of the mouth because it was gone. "

The priority should be recovered by the Knights of the Giebe who is already torn. The
recovery of the Knights of Dunkel Ferger was postponed, the Knights of the Giebe
went back to start recovering in order to recover magical power just by healing of
Lungsmere. That is why there were a couple of deaths due to instant death and
poisoning to the Knights Gibe who was drinking recovery drugs.

"Originally, it is the knight of Ehrenfest that should be protected by Rosemain, who is

a candidate for lordsmen of Ehrenfest, and yet all the knights of Dunkelferger were
unharmed and those who suffered from Ehrenfest I am sorry very much .... "

In the words of Hannaore, I shook my head. It is best that no one dies, but of course,
such a thing can not be done. Then, I think it was good to have less damage to the
knight of Dunkel Ferger that did not need to fight originally.

"If there were no Dunkel Ferger's knights, victory would have been a challenge for
both the fight against Runznerav and the fight for Gerrach. Hannerore is the only one
who does not blame yourself. Either I and Ehrenfest are very helpful Thank you. I
sincerely thank you. "

While looking at Hanne Rolle quietly shedding tears like a prayer with a finger on the
table, I put his hand on the hand of Hannaore.

"Mr. Hannaore, let's mourn the dead together, please dedicate our prayers to those
going up to the far higher reach of the highest God with dawn"

As Hannorore was surprised, I looked up with my face up.

2005 | 2523
"Pray together ......? I grew up being told that the knight's death need not be sorrowful,
defend the land, defend the Lord, defend their families and friends, fight to preserve
beliefs It is the role of the family to sorrow the death of the scattered people, that it is
not the role of the candidate for the lord, that the survivor who is left prides the death
of the knight, tells the braveness and splendor to praise, It is the role of the lords of
the lords to do it ... .... But, are not we familiar with families, can I give a prayer? "
"I do not know what to do with Dunkel Ferger, but here is Ehrenfest, I think that it
would be enough if we mourn the dead."

I asked escort knights and headed to the balcony on the second floor of the main
building. Take a staple in the cold air before the dawn that is a little whitening, teach
Hanenerol a deceased sermon.

"The superior god is the couple of dark and light couples, who supervise the expensive
sky high."

Besides Hannaore, the aides who were accompanying also started praying with Stapp
in the same way.

"Listen to our prayers Give us your blessings to the people who go to far higher to give
themselves to yourself to sacrifice songs to the guests who are unfriendly"

Light and darkness come out of my staple and go up toward the sky. Blessed light flew
away from Stapp of Hannero and from Stap of Aidesides.

"Dear Rosemain, did my prayer reach the land of Gerrach?"

"I think it arrived"
"... I feel I've been blessed when I prayed for them."

Hannaore smiles with a refreshing face like a clear misty mind. One bell rings at Kolon,
Kolon and Ehrenfest.

2006 | 2523
"Mr. Hannallole, time goddess Drefan Goa's thread spinning seems to have taken place
very smoothly.To go back to Ahrensbach this afternoon and will return to Dunkel
Ferger as it is. Please take a good rest in your room till the time of '
"...... I think that I was invited to order hair decorations today?"

Hannale was facing me and turned into a mysterious face. I smile nicely and shake my
head. Hannorore seemed to feel a little relieved by praying together and mourning
with a mourmort of the dead. The body is out of strength and looks a bit sleepy.

"You can do it at any time as long as you receive an order for hair
ornaments.Hannore's san's condition is more important, so let's give priority to those
who take a rest slowly."
"Because your thoughtfulness is very happy, now you go down to the room according
to Rosemain's words, but I am very much looking forward to ordering hair ornaments
for Rosemain's exclusive"

When Hannaore laughs with a mischievous smile, he greets and goes down to the
guests in the main building, saying, "Three bells will be joined by Drefan Goa's thread."

I went to see Hannaore and his aides, and when I decided to return to my room,
Damuel unexpectedly left the staple and became a cautionary position. Yudit also kept
Stap in the same way. I also try to strengthen my eyesight. I saw a cud beast coming
closer. Some cavalry chasing after from behind. A coward like a white lion that comes
close at high speed must be Ferdinand.

"Oh, Mr. Ferdinand. Good morning. It's quite early, is not it?"

When I shook hands and heard a voice, Ferdinand on the beast came down to the
balcony and looked around at me and my aides with a face like a crush bitter.

"If you think that it was also a raid that aimed for the daybreak of fatigue to those who
are night shifts, is it you who released magical power like stupidity at such time?"
"I was mourning the dead together with Mr. Hannallole, Irukner and Gerrach, and
those who have disappeared at this Ehrenfest will head to Higo God and far higher

2007 | 2523
with this dawn ... ... that Ferdinand is absent I did not mean to raise my whereabouts.
"I'm sorry."

Although it is probably Ferdinand that the rest is the most necessary, it probably came
out alarmed that it might be attacking our prayers. Even if the escort knights are in
contact with the Order, we are not contacting "to pray for relief from now" to
Ferdinand, who is in a library outside the castle as expected.

"No, there is no particular problem as drugs are just about to be broken .... you need it
too, you can sleep like a dead without seeing a dream, it will be useful when there is
no time."
"I do not see a dream a little bit attracted, but I do not hesitate to think that it will not
happen again for about two days."

It is the same for me who wants to see the state of the temple and the downtown
where we need to be in good shape in a short time. However, the memory left behind
in Ahrensbach is clear, now Ferdinand's medicine is a little wary.

"It is a thing that can happen in a short time .... Although it is supposed that the third
bell will face the face of the Gilberto trading company in the library, are you planning
to meet the scissors with such a lack of sleeping face?"

I was told that my face was lacking sleep, and I kept my face down. Ehrenfest also had
a battle and I heard that my father was unfaithful at the West gate. Tulli who heard
the story is worried and I can not worry about turi and family up to me.
It is slightly unwilling to do the same thing as medicated picket Ferdinand, but I
decided to sleep with a sleeping pill that Ferdinand seems to be useful.

"Rosemain, there is no abnormality in physical condition ... .... Oh, was not it a question
I should have done?"
"Mr. Ferdinand, I thought about consulting later, but Rosemain seems to be associated
with a state of fighting from the magic stone, so it is hard to put a cowardress out."

When Damuel replied instead of me who sprang up for a moment because the words
did not come up to thinking about what, it became a difficult face that Ferdinand was
"terrible than expected".

"If you are afraid of magic stones, you do not know how much trouble you have in
your daily life ... ... Because the trap of the magical tool set by Melchior's aides has not
2008 | 2523
been removed yet in the current shrine, If you really want to enter the temple, the
afternoon when the purification of the temple is over is better. "

I looked up at Ferdinand who murmured if I could delay the movement for a while
and I tilted my head.

"... ... Has Ferdinand seen the state of the temple already?"
"No, I just received a report"

Justkus seems to have seen Phyllene and Hartmut talking to him from Melchior and
his aides. It seems that Justoix did not listen but watched it.

"It is OK after the withdrawal and purification of the trap has ended, I want to check
the state of the temple with my own eyes"
"Tell them to withdraw their traps to Melchior's aides, Damuel"

After talking to Ferdinand, I fell asleep a little and then took a medicine and went to
bed. It was really a bell that I could sleep without looking at my dream, after that a
nightmare came and I had no choice but to jump. I knew the meaning of the word
meaning that I could get up in a short time even when I did not want to. I could sleep
well even with a bell, so I got better with my physical condition, but my feeling of
getting up is the worst.

"Rosemain, how are you doing?"

I switched to a gray tiger who did not sleep and he seemed to be preparing a room
Otieri came into the tentri after noticing me that he jumped up.

"It is terrible waking ...... When it comes in handy when you do not have time,
Ferdinand said, but life like this drug is useful ......"

Ferdinand may need attention once. Immediately after thinking about it, I remember
that everyone told me that the outskirts are not so good that they do not get too close.

...... Oh no, noble being troublesome.

2009 | 2523
Those who had been sleeping a little more ... ... started preparing for breakfast in the
otiele and asked them to change clothes while listening to how Bertilde was living
during the fight. I heard about Charlotte and Brunhild, who had been devoted to
backward support, and it seems that preparation was room preparation for the party
and Dunkel Ferger.

...... At the time of the expedition of the Order by the order of Aubu, I knew for the first
time that the transition team would send meals from the castle.

While taking breakfast, I received a report about the movements of my aides from

"Although Haltmut brought back after the party, Ferdinand says that it should prepare
to the extent that you can spend a few days with Ahrensbach without problems for a
few days.Rosemain is sure to have Arends Bach It seems that you have to go to. "

Even though I finally got back, Otirier smiled worriedly that she was going to a
dangerous place ...... Aides accompanying Ahrensbach seem to have appointed a side
riser and gray tier in addition to those who headed to Ahrensbach together.

"Since the aides seems to be preparing for departure in turns, nobody seems to be
busy in the morning, and I will prepare for Rosemain's departure by afternoon with
"Please read this book until you get ready for the carriage heading for the
library.Rezeller and Gratia were preparing books that Mr. Rosemain has not yet seen.
Elvira is married to Mr. Rosemain You mentioned that we will make as many books
as possible before. "

Bertilde said so and it was a new work by Ehrenfest who was busy preparing for battle
and had no time to read. There are two books printed during the winter that I was out.
I thanked Bertilde and began to read it soon. To avoid bothering things, scary things
it is best to read books.

"Ah, you came, those of Gilberta trading have already arrived"

Three bells rang and I moved to the library with a horse-drawn carriage with
Hannaore and Hisuzzse. If you are not a good relationship or a cheap one that you do
2010 | 2523
not want to know so much about visiting, you are going to use a carriage when you
visit the nobleman's pavilion. Since the people of Dunkel Ferger are together this time,
we do not use cow animals.

"High Spitze, let's go"

"Ha ha, Hannaore, please enjoy your shopping"

After sending us as an escort to the library, Haisuzze is to go to the training ground of

Ferdinand and the knight. Not only Haisuzzse and Ferdinand. My escort knights are
also prohibited from entering the library by men. When a unmarried woman makes a
tack, he seems to have a bad newspaper in the same building.
Men of Dunkel Ferger, including Ferdinand and his aides, Haisuzzet and others, got on
board the carriage on which we came and returned to the castle.

"I was with Razapham, would you train a knight?"

"I think only to prepare tea for the guests, etc. I will not do battle training."

As Léonore smiled crisply and answered, I encouraged him to enter the library.

"Rosemain, Hannalee, I'm waiting for you"

It seems that the Risera and Gretier moved ahead and were preparing for the
needlework of the Gilberta trading company for the sewing. The drawing room 's
reception room is full of cloth. Many stitches in the room were kneeling side by side.
There are also figures of Turi in it. I heard the story that she was evacuating to the
library, but again I could relieve if I could confirm the safe appearance like this.

"Here comes Hannellore, a candidate for the lord of Dunkel Ferger, my precious
friends.This fight is not funny if Earnenfest is defeated without Dunkel Ferger's
cooperation I wanted to give you the best hair decorations at least for thanking you
and I invited you to this place. Please give Tuli, Hannalee-sama's hair ornament. "
"Certainly, Rosemain-sama"

I introduce that a person with a blue cloak is a nobleman of Dunkel Ferger and ask
Turi to make Hannaore 's hair ornament. Tulei who looked at me also looked at me
and made me look down like a relief.

"Turi had previously received an order for hair ornaments from Dunkel Verger? It was
a request of her older brother."
2011 | 2523
"I remember that request well, it was a wonderful design."

It seems that Tulei's memory remained vividly because I received an order with a rare
flower sketch. Turi starts asking Hannorore what kind of hair ornament it likes.

"Is your hair decorated with winter precious colors as good as you can at the
aristocrat? Is your hair decorated by your brother a fiance, too, and the decorations
that Rosemain usually wears are also beautiful I have trouble. "
"If Rosemain and Hannaore are friends, we can arrange the hair ornaments of
ourselves in a similar atmosphere, because they use threads of colors that match each
other, they will not be exactly the same .... "
"Well, it is wonderful! I was longing for that."

After Hannaore shot his red eyes shining hands, I saw me as if I was afraid to raise my
voice as "A".

"Well, does not Rosemain like to disagree with me either?"

"I am glad that Turi knows best about my decorations.Hanner will be consulted with
Turi and decide it."

I entrusted the order of hair ornaments to Turi, and I confronted the strangled hands.
Clothes are removed by gray tier and riser, and it becomes underwear.

"We must have everything done before the Lord's Council, but Rosemain says she is
not getting tired yet"
"I know it, let's finish it quickly"

Starting with Kolinna, Yoshiko put on costume in succession and adjust it, remove it,
and put on the next.

"I am asked to temporarily sew costumes also from the exclusive hands of the lords
of my lord who I could not come today."

It seems that it was impossible to put a schedule of temporary sewing on the evening
of the previous night, so it is only the people of Gilberto trading company that come
to this place, but the things that are made in other workshops are also included in the
costume brought in It seems certain.

"From this costume I will make other costumes,"

2012 | 2523
It is because of the rapid growth that I have to hurry to make costumes so far, but I
should have made it much more unless I plan to head to Ahrensbach. I'm sorry for the
hurry, but I do not want to have any outfits, so I really want trouble, so please do your

"... ... the time to be in Ehrenfest has become short, which is causing trouble for
"Because I get an express charge, I do not care about this"

Corinna peeps at the face of a merchant who is slightly like Beno. In a nostalgic
atmosphere, I relaxed my mouth without thinking.

"Since it is a costume to wear when meeting with the royal family, please make a sense
of luxury and dignity carefully"
"Certainly, I can make the best ones."

The elegant elegance of Corinna who always felt relieved kept her eye on the target
and strengthened the light. The color is different from the red-brown color and the
gray eyes close to silver, but when it comes to such a challenging look, it is clear that
Corinna is Beno's sister.

While thinking that he would like to see Beno and Rutz, he realized that Hannaore was
watching here. Turli is looking for the color that matches best while comparing the
sample of yarn that he had brought with Hannaore.

"Hannale, have you finished your hair ornament order?"

"Yes ... ... a lot of costumes are ordered at once at the same time, and it's a costume that
does not look too much"
"I tried overlaying a thin cloth of Ahrensbach that Ferdinand gave us for a dyed cloth
which I started to make at Ehrenfest because there is not much veiled culture in

I show a little cloth of the skirt lifted up. Hannaore looked at me strangely with his
hands on his cheeks.

"Oh, Rosemain, sir, I'd like to ask you a question because I have something to worry
about, but if you think it is impolite and rude, I do not have to answer ..."
"What is it?"
2013 | 2523
"Rosemain is a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest, Aub Ahrensbach, next term
candidate .... I think that you can choose any position, but which position will you

I blushed at the word of Hannaore. Because it was a question I did not think about, the
answer does not come out right away.

"...... Hanna More, is not it a position I can choose?"

Even though I have dyed the foundation, I can not say that I am an underage who is
not approved by TSENT. Even though I have the book of Mestionola, there are too few
parts that I can actually use and I can not name the next TSENT. Thinking with the
elimination method, now I am only a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest.

"I was longing for Rosemain, who dismissed the request of his brother who is a lone
candidate of Dunkel Ferger even though he is a freshman of a young person in anyone
else's house, I was told firmly about the opinion and I felt very dazzling that I felt his
own wishes. "

From Hannorre trying to get around so as not to be scolded at all by looking at the
complexion of the surroundings, it seems that I of the aristocrat reflected that way.
Turli 's hand stopped in the words of Hannaore. Because Hannaore is a candidate for
lords of lords, it is probable that the Yomiko who are commoners are not in the subject
of concern. As I am a guardian of the Gilberto Shokai, I can not help being concerned
about the reaction of Turi and Corinna.

...... Mr. Hannero, it is bad now for a moment.

Such a voice of my heart does not seem to be communicable, Hannaore continues


"Rosemain who invited Dunkel Ferger to real deterter and appeared at the border
gate was just full of the shining of the next generation.After dyed the foundation can
also throw away You can save the nobility of Ahrensbach Rosemain fighting Zenerve
looked like Aubu Rosemain accepting a reluctant marriage that Aub had settled with
Ferdinand as a banquet feast Rosemain was a candidate for a lord of Ehrenfest, I have
seen so far It seemed like Rosemain seems to be the least among them, it is strange. "

2014 | 2523
Hannaore is quietly approaching while watching me. I felt like a cold sweat and I felt
like a flower I saw the turi. It seems that there is a mixed face with anxious face and
"What do you mean"?

"Rosemain, now it will make it in time."

"What, is not it?"
"We do not have the lord's conference where official announcement will be held. I will
cooperate with all my strength, so let's aim at Ave or Tsento."

I can not understand Hannaore 's words. I wonder what it will be in time. I can not
believe that Hannerol knows my library city plan.
My aides do not stop Hannaore, but rather seem to be waiting for what I will answer.
Everyone is watching my reaction.

"Mr. Hannallole, what will I be in time for if I become Au ber or Tsento?"

Cooperation of Dunkel Ferger is very powerful and scary. I already know that I should
not ride easily. What are you thinking about Hannaore and trying to make me Ave or
Tsento? That is more important than anything.

"Is not it decided to fulfill the love with Ferdinand who is the thought from young age

At the moment Ferdinand's name came out, Tuli's eyes got round. It was a surprising
face that "Do you like the priest chief !?"? I did not stop the tentative hand, but the
eyes of Kolinna became "warmly, that kind of age" It's a warmth thing. I could not beat
it. It is quite different from misunderstanding by aristocrats who are not familiar.

Wait a moment. Here, in fact, I am all alone!

"Mr. Hannallole, please wait, please take a deep breath and calm down .... I, Ferdinand-
sama ... ..."
"Rosemain, you do not have to hide up to me, you taught me that there are people who
think other than my fiancé, Rosemain's approach closely, walking and supporting,
since childhood before the baptismal ceremony Those who told me ... "

Come to think of it, I had such a complaint. I remembered yeah. However, Ms.
Hannaore, interagency is bad!

2015 | 2523
"Wilfried says that there are only Ferdinand that applies to that condition, maybe
someone else comes?"

... ... It's tough! Although it should have thought of francs and lutzs, only Feldinand was
the one who thought with aristocratic standards! You ought to be misunderstood! Oh

While holding a head, Hannorore warms as he thinks about how to correct it.

"I am sorry for the story that I read this morning, it is sad, it is painful .... I agree to an
unwilling marriage to bring the Gurtris Height to the royal family now, agree with the
magical I can not bear to marry Rosemain married to a royal family who is not
balanced, but I can not bear it.Official presentation is still not to let my parents
complain, my marriage partner is myself Let's win with Rosez Mine's love, if I will
fulfill Rosemain's love, I will cooperate with all my strength. "

Is not it? The way to say is cute, like Mr. Hannaore, seriously Dankel Ferger!

2016 | 2523
It does not matter if you are told that you will fulfill love. First of all, I am not in love.
And I want to return Ferdinand to Ehrenfest as soon as possible to go to Ahrensbach
by royalty.

...... If you tell me about it, I do not like being totally misunderstood by Turi!

"Well, Mr. Hannaore, like my surrounding nobles, my words do not seem to be trusted
so much, but I'm not really thinking about Ferdinand,"

In my words Hannaore tilted his eyes slowly with blinking eyes.

"I heard that Rosemain was declared to save Ferdinand even if she passed the royal
family and the gods to the enemy, but ...."

... .... Gye! Tulei's eyes are violent! wait! I do not mistake, but as I hear it, it will be

Turi holds her mouth so as not to raise his voice, trembling with wiggling. Unpalatable.
If I do not solve only this misunderstanding, I will be afraid even if I think about what
kind of information goes and goes among the families of the downtown. The eyes of
Kolinna who is continuing tentacles in an attitude such as not being heard like our
story are also shining with curiosity. There is no doubt that Beno also will go through.

"I certainly do not mean to deny my words, Mr. Ferdinand is very important to my
family as well as my family, but my emotions for family and romantic feelings are
different, is not it?"

I have the same awareness that Ferdinand is particularly important compared to

other people. It is about the same as the families of the downtown and the servants of
the temple, Rutz and Gutenberg. However, I do not think that it is love affair.

... ... There is nothing that God danced and danced ......

2017 | 2523
"If Mr. Hannaore is also as important as a family member and a family member in a
situation where it is poisoned in another territory and falls down, no matter how I go
to the enemy like me, will not you go to help? Please think that it is the same. "
"...... Well, when my family falls into a situation where I can not do anything by myself,
there is no point in doing anything what I do. It is imagination that I turn around by
something action ...... I can not do it very much. "

Hannorore muttered with a little distant eyes that it seems likely to escape from the
crisis on its own while it is orchestrated, or to hold down the surroundings that burn
up to the enemy detention beyond necessity.

... ... It is useless. It is difficult to sympathize because I do not understand Dunkel

Ferger's standards and common sense that I can not help with Hannaore's way of
acting shown in this fight.

"The circumstances of Dunkel Ferger are different, but I do not intend to choose a
means if I want to protect my family, so I have lived so far so that the important
existence as a family as a crisis If it comes, I will run around, but it is not in love. "

A convincing color appeared on the face of Turi. However, I can not tell whether it is
for explanation that the conviction is not in love, or for a family runaway.

"So, what is Ferdinand like for Rosemain, is not it impossible to think as a marriage

I will consider Ferdinand as a marriage partner in the words of Hannaore. Even

without love emotions, Wilfriit and Prince Sigismwald are going to be candidates for
marriage. You can also think of Ferdinand as a candidate without love feelings in the
same way.

……Hmm? Is not Feldinand something serious?

"There is no romantic emotion, but if you think of it as a politician marriage,

Ferdinand may be the most ideal opponent. I have a lot of books and I got a library
and I have a keen idea He was a pleasant relationship with his family, and he was
always in a position like his doctor, so he was also in charge of his physical condition
and medicine, he was competent and reliable, he saw him when he was anxious or
uncomfortable Because I can be relieved just by talking to you ... .... "
"Oh, Rosemain, is not that ... ... that you are convicting Ferdinand?"
2018 | 2523
Hannale watched me with a terrible mysterious look. My aides are also looking like
Hanenerol. Considering from the nobility, perhaps family love becomes a fancy?

"Ferdinand is relieved for being on the side, I feel relieved to be scolded, but I will be
scolded, but it will not be sweet like a couple or it will not make me chest high, so it is
"Well, that's right ......"

Hannaore is not convinced yet. I feel as though I am misunderstanding. It seems to

have quite a stubborn love affair filter.

"Besides, I am the ideal gentleman who helped me rush towards what I wanted to do,
like my father, carefully protecting me from everything regardless of identity
difference. The most important thing is a promise with your father, the thing that you
want to protect more than anything is Ehrenfest, so if it is for that reason Ferdinand
who accepts the royalty silently and goes to Ahrensbach is different from my ideal. It
is expensive. "

When my father was ideal, declaring that the ideal was high, Tuli got astonished and
looked at something disappointing. In addition, my eyes seemed to feel like "Mine is
still a child." But, for the moment my father is the most ideal so it can not be helped. A
lie is not vomiting.

"Of course, regardless of the ideal godfather, it's important for Ferdinand, I cherish
the promises I have with my family so that I will return Ferdinand from Ahrensbach
to Ehrenfest as soon as possible I want to give it to you. "

When I talked about my wish, Hannellore said, "How do you feel about Ferdinand, do
not you?" Said in an unfriendly tone.

"Even Ahrensbach was on board the cavalry and I cherished Rosemain very much,
very much."

It seems that Ferdinand seems to be also reminiscing about me in the eyes of

Hannaore. He is a surprised love filter owner.

... ... Does Ferdinand inspire me? There is not it. There is no, not.

2019 | 2523
"I think Feldinand is nothing like romantic feelings.The ride in Ahrensbach was only
necessary to take command while supporting the newly awaited me who was a special
place called a battlefield. I think that I just took a kind action. "

To be precise, when closing the border gate, only my existence was necessary to
conceal that Ferdinand himself is the owner of the book of Mestionola. Even though
there were parental behaviors in the action at that time, I did not feel this romantic
feeling either.

...... It was handled when drawing magic team!

"More than anything, from Ferdinand I have already refused consultation because I
do not want to get along with those who cause troubles one by one like me"

Only Hannorore raised a voice, but the aides saw me with a face that looked surprised.
Turi is also making his eyes round. It is not surprising so much. Marriage with
Ferdinand has plenty of benefits for me, but for Ferdinand it is not particularly useful
and only adds to a lot of troubles.

"Before the engagement story with Mr. Villefried brother got up, there was a story
inside from Arub. For me Ferdinand who is disgusted whenever marriage talk rises, I
already have been declined I do not feel like putting an unwilling engagement such as
engagement, I hope Ferdinand would like to get along with what he wants, if possible.

I do not need any extra backing of marriage relations by Dunkel Ferger, said
Hannorore shrugged down as he stabbed the nail.

"Well, I am sorry, I'm sorry, I told you that I am shallow, I do not know any
circumstances ... I did not think there was already a consultation by Ave in
engagement already."

For the time being, it seems that I knew that my love with Ferdinand was not
established. It seems like I broke my dream, but it is bad, but I have to solve my
misunderstanding early. At the same time, Hannorore, who returned to me, must
consciously point out "before you say" Who is Rosemain-sama's thoughts? "

...... It is hard to say that it came out of the mouth to talk with you!
2020 | 2523
"That's right, Mr. Hanenero ... If there is no fulfillment of love, will not you cooperate
with my wish?"
"What do you mean?"

Hannoret saw me with a blank face.

"I thought that there was no choice other than marrying to the royal family as I was
ordered by Ewenfest as a candidate for lords, but in Hannero, Aub and Tento exist as
options, do not you?"
"It's not surprising that Rosemain-sama will decide what to do with the winning
foundation by real ditters, as long as it is not deprived of the same foundation, there
is no way someone else can manage it."

Hannorre said that the king basically approves and can not pick it up. If seriously the
king does not intend to certify as Aubu, he seems to be able to nominate someone to
lead the Central Order and deprive the corner or move the corner as a tent to forcibly
pick it up.
Hunnerre thinks that the king who is not seemed to be surprised because the central
knights are against the direction that Ranznerav and Dietrinde headed but can not
take the foundation from me, without having a Gurtrisheight It seems to be.

"The thing that I can not convince the most is that Rosemain brings glutris heights to
the royal family by marriage. It is not important to bring Gurtris Height to Jurgen
Schmidt, not royalty, Rosemain to Tento I think that you should choose a king suitable
for yourself, at least if the courtship magical tool seems to be golden powder easily, it
is not suitable for the king to support Zent. "

She seems to be a candidate for her husband for her husband when women become a
tent so that female AUB does not have a lord candidate as her husband during
pregnancy birth. It seems that the partner who is unable to achieve equilibrium of
magical power as much as courting magical tool gold dusting is out of the point.

"I think that at least children can not be hoped, Rosemain would not want such a
"I agree"

I do not understand it at all, I can not imagine, but I think that I want children either.
I would like to raise my child to return the love from the mother of the Reigno period,
2021 | 2523
the mother of the Mine era, the mother who is the mother of the nobility, three loving

"If you do not want to marry a royalty, what kind of future do you want Rosemain?"

Leo Nore asked him with a serious face in the aides heard a stare.

"It is not realistic to trade with the royalty to save Ferdinand, accept the royal
courtship magical tool given from Aub, and become Aub Ahrensbach, Rosemain was
chosen to be a way to marry to the royal family We did the most suitable action
according to it, but if Rosemain's way forward changes, we will not be able to take the
same action as we have ever before, the aide can not move arbitrarily if the Lord is
lost Tell me, Rosemain sama "

Lisaire nods in the words of Leonore.

"Mr. Rosemain, I will cooperate even if I choose either AuBu or Tsento, even if love
does not matter."

I got smile with Nicoli as a boost to Hannaore.

"The one I want to be the best is the librarian! Because I am taking a civil service
course for that purpose"

I emphasize my desires to everyone who is making Pocahn as unexpected. Apart from

whether it will come true or not, I will express my wish. That is what I am asking for

"Become a librarian working in a library, search for books that users want, repair old
materials, revive them, research magic tools, connect libraries of other territories
with libraries, I try to scrape from ... ... I'd like to do that kind of thing, Mr. Sorangju
living in the library of the lords is my future ideal. "
"Are you Mr. Soranju ... ...."

Because it was an answer other than an option, Leonore mutters like holding down a
confused head.

2022 | 2523
"I really think it's best to spend all day reading books in the library, eating delicious
meals with families and good people, reading books you like, have never read in the
libraries in the library I want to live a life like going around looking for books to do
the minimal obligations that accompany my position, create a library that can read
books as everyone likes, manage books and increase books I want to raise the literacy
rate, increase the number of people who can write books, so that neither commoners
nor nobles can enjoy reading. "

As Turi says, "No matter how much anything is changed," he squirts his eyes. But that's
right. My wish has not changed since that time. If it does not choose, the country is
destroyed, if it can be ordered it is a position that must be obeyed, and a lot of
confusing and troublesome obligations are accumulated and can not move, but there
is one hope of removing all.

"I would like to build libraries as much as I can, and I would like to live in the library
as a librarian for that library"

It is an unbelievable face that the aristocracy is completely unexpected, "Are you

seriously targeting library cities", but everyone who wanted to listen to my wish is.

"... Is it about Aub in the construction of a library?"

While watching Léonore trying to get answers within the scope of my understanding
from a confused head, I put my hands on my cheeks.

"Either Arub or Tento is OK, because there are only minor differences between my
plan to become a library city and a library state ..."
"It's not trivial at all"
"If you consider the pleasures of reading for the people as well, it will be AuBe, and
the easy installation of the library" network "is the Tento.When it becomes a zent that
exercises power all over the country, all libraries and the border gate You may be able
to easily come and go by laying the same transition team. "

It is the easiest way to set up a library network, but the transition team that crosses
the territory can not be installed unless it is a Tento. It is said that the Da also serves
as a small, and if it is anything, it may be better to become a Tent to be a library
national plan.

2023 | 2523
"... ... In thinking so, it seems I do not think that marrying Prince Sigismwald is a bad
way, it may be good to whisper as much as you like by acquiring the position of the
royal family. And I said that I wanted to make it to the third wife, so the third wife is
the one most responsible for office and socialization, the library plan seems to be the
most advanced. "

I became somewhat stronger somewhat when I realized what I could do if I tried to

do anything. It is me who has a book of Mestionola. Whether you are married to
anyone can you implement the library plan? Like I was talking to Ferdinand, I was
relieved to mention a plan to make Jürgen Schmidt a library state, reminiscent of my

"That reminds me, when I mentioned my wishes to Mr. Ferdinand, if Arendsbach is

not amusing to be crushed by committing a crime of rebellion, I could make it as my
desired library city, but it became a Tento It was told that it is not good to affect the
whole Jurgen Schmidt, but do you think that Tzent is better for broadening the library
plan as broadly as possible, Leonore? "

It is worthwhile for Tsento to serve as an aide rather than to become the Lord the
Lord? And I ask Leonore who has the most aristocratic sense among my aides.
Leonore looked around everyone around, and smiled nicely.

"I think that Ferdinand's words are correct"

"What does that mean Aub is better than Leonore?

I do not know the meaning. When I was leaning my head, I interchanged with Léonore,
and Hannorore nodded naked once and gently grasped my hand.

"Mr. Rosemain, I, Rosemain is now confident that it is best to be married to

"Well, Mr. Hannaore, I would like to say that Feldinand, the very important thing,
would not want it ..."

……that? You convinced me earlier, are not you? Why is the opinion suddenly

Moreover, the eyes of Hannaore is different from the previous one and it is not a thing
which it was made as sparkling as felt by the fever of love, but it is seriously itself.

2024 | 2523
"Before engagement with Virfriit-sama, it is also possible that your feelings have
changed, and even if you do not have a love affair, is it important for Rosemain-sama?
Rodeman's thing makes Rosemain happy I hope you give it to me. "
"From my point of view, even if there is no love affair, Ferdinand cherishes Rosemain,
I have a winning score."

……Huh? What's up to Leonore? What is winning?

"For Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand is not loveless, and not an ideal gentleman, is ideal as a
marriage partner, is not it?"

I was cockled and asked for a serious face Leonore. I told myself. That is no doubt.
Hannaore smiled with Nicolle.

"Let's do it together, think about how Ferdinand would be willing to marry a

politician, if it is you, think that it would be as good as a couple if it is like a family."

……So I? Not it! I think that it is quite different from a family as well as a couple!

2025 | 2523
To return to the castle for lunch, Rutherfam came back on a carriage. Of course, since
notifications have already been sent to the Rizerator in Aldonants, the people of Turi
and Kolinna and Gilberta trading company have finished tentative sewing and are
ready for departure.
Me and Hannaore entered the carriage with each escort knight.

"How do you want Ferdinand to acknowledge a marriage of politics?" Ferdinand who

I know is most familiar to him from Haisuzzet, so it does not look like a strange idea,
as Rosemain says again Would not it be the best to have Ferdinand get the challenge?

I am thinking of Hannorre with a serious face, but I have no intention of marriage of

Dunkel Felger style like Clarissa. I think that Ferdinand absolutely dislikes marriage
with me, I can not believe that I can laugh at my nose and get a task. Besides, I think
that it would be better to create a research institute at Ehrenfest, Ferdinand's
Gedourculhi, rather than the political marriage which the person himself dislikes.

... ... I have to consult with Ferdinand before filling the strange outer moat!

If Hannaore is moving, it is decided during this lunch where Aru and his wife are
present. Before that we have to speak to Ferdinand and we need to shed information
so as to resist marriage of politicians and devise measures.
Feldinand may be brought back to an unwilling political marriage again with the
momentum of Dunkel Ferger as it is. I stopped the runaway of Dunkel Ferger and
thought that I should have stuck the nail, but Hannaore has already forgotten.

...... I alone will be Ferdinand's side!

"Please contact Leonore, Ferdinand and I'd like to talk before lunch."

I ask Leonore who is riding as a escort knight on a carriage. Originally it is a matter to

ask for a side job, but since it is not a situation that the Rizera does not ride, it can not
be helped.

"I will send Ordonants, but I think that everything is too quick."

2026 | 2523
"If you say that it has become a serious thing, I'm sure you will take your time."


Ferdinand prepared a room to talk to near the cafeteria where the luncheon was held.
There seems to be not only Ferdinand and his aides, but also my men's aides. Clarissa,
who was mobilized to hear opinions on Hannellore and Dunkel Ferger's hospitality,
is also with him.

"What is the serious thing, what did you do Rosemain?"

"I am not doing anything in particular, but it is hard work, Ferdinand is a political
marriage ..."
"Calm down, I am too excited, my complexion ... ...."

I grasped the right hand of Ferdinand stretched to measure my body tightly.

"You may be forced to marry me as it is, Ferdinand, please get away now!"
"... ... I do not understand anything at all. Explain clearly the context after using the
wiretapping prevention magical tool. It is not what I talk about in spite of any thought"

Ferdinand who frown a face shakes lightly the left hand. Immediately Hartmut used a
magic tool to prevent eavesdropping of range and made a place to talk. Instruct the
Yusuokoku who finishes preparing the tea to leave the range of the magical tool to the
aides. Although the surroundings are surrounded by Akari near, there was a space
where we could talk with only two people in a blink of an eye.

While capturing the appearance of the aides talking at the aides by the aides, I will
talk to Ferdinand about the tentative sewing. It begins with being misunderstood as
being convinced of Ferdinand and it is all until it talks about marriage of politics.

"As soon as I said that I wanted you to tell me the true hope, as soon as I mentioned
the real hope of removing all the obscurity and obligations from everything, Mr.
Hannallole and the aides got married to Ferdinand and Mr. Ferdinand I should have
said that it should suddenly be in my palm, I do not know the reason, do not you think
so? "

2027 | 2523
"It is only a matter of being recognized that a person who can control you is necessary
because it will be tough for you to have power and leave it unattended. Is not there
nothing that you do not understand?"

Ferdinand, who just listened to the story but turned into a very tired face, stared at
me, saying, 'You are the only one not understood'.

"Sometimes I was disgusted with the library plan, but everyone totally disagreed
because your opinion was dangerous because the border gate is outside the boundary
gate, the transition to the lords Think about the reason that the team is in the
dormitory of each territory, the reason why Albu's permission is necessary and a lot
of students move every year, so that it can not be transferred unless it is small. "
"It is not the worst if you think about the defense of the territory, such as making
Tento create a library as it is, and also establishing a transition team to further move
back and forth, even if you do not have malice or hostility, There is no guarantee that
those who will use it will not misuse it, so it is not surprising that candidates of lords
of long history Dunkel Verger will be alert.

It seems totally different if I thought whether I felt tired that love fulfillment, how
politician marriage is saying, "I will not do it again ... ...." I rushed to excuse my way of
being scolded unexpectedly.

"I do not think that I can easily realize even if I talked about ideas that I thought would
be nice, thinking about it, from the topic that they are convinced of Ferdinand,
everyone distracted I wanted it. "

"What is said that you are the easiest to marry Prince Sigiswald? What are you saying?
Even if you are speaking without thinking as usual, you can do it if you want to realize
it seriously It was notified to Hannorore that things are not limited to the members of
the transition team, and it is no wonder that the surrounding thinks that it will not
bear to be realized one by one that is casually and casually crowded.
"Auu ... ..."

It seems that it was seriously problematic because I did not think about difficult

"The one who wants to hold a head is this one, although I have made up a lord
candidate who seems perfectly seemingly seemingly seemingly sacredness will be
2028 | 2523
removed, I never thought that it would be released for all such ridiculous reasons Did
not you understand the outside statements and the outside, but as you were being
told at that feast, did not you understand?
"Wow, it was so troublesome that I was told foreigners and foreigners from us so
much, and I felt stupid that it might have gone out in peace with a rebellion."
"It's too stupid"

After Ferdinand said in a bitter tone, he began to beat the temple with his temple.

"In any case other than my exterior, Ferdinand will be separated from yourself again
if you do not manage it before Mr. Hannallore runs away.I ask you to adopt a father to
make a laboratory in Ehrenfest We will negotiate so that we can have it, so we will
take measures together so that Ferdinand can return to Ehrenfest ...!

Ferdinand came across my cheeks to block my words.

"It was quite good information, I appreciate it."

"It is not an action of a person who is grateful"

Feldinand faced a little gaze towards the door when holding down his tight cheek and
staring at Ferdinand. I will face it as well. Angelica, who was guarding the outside,
glanced out.

"It looks like time for lunch, Rosemain"

"Mr. Ferdinand, I would like Ferdinand, who has been patient with me, to put his
priorities first, so please do not lose even if Dunkel Ferger and his adoptive father say
what. Please win the way that I want. "

If you survive this lunch, Dunkel Ferger returns to the territory. Felinando stood up
and extended out my hand when I caught hold of a fist very much.

"Do not be afraid, I am a no-match principle that I can not win"

Ferdinand is laughing with a face that seems to have plenty of bad things. This is
absolutely fine. I became happy.

2029 | 2523
I was very wary of Hannaore 's behavior, but the lunch itself went very gently.
Hannorore was delighted that Hanenerol was "very tasty," and elderly people from
Denkel Ferger were also satisfied.

The topic during eating was mainly the story of the knights of Ehrenfest being
massaged by the knights of Dunkelfelger at training grounds and the main story was
"Warrior of Dunkel Ferger was very strong" Wilfried I was talking with excitement.

... ... Wilfried brother also participated?

After that, we talked about the plan after meals. While I saw the state of the temple,
Hannellore decided to tea with foster mothers, villefriet, Charlotte.

"I wanted to see the Temple of Ehrenfest, which is different from the other territory,
but I can not help it without time."

Hannaore says so disappointingly, but just thinking about returning to Dunkel Ferger
just going back and coming with a cowgirl would be a mistake. I do not have time to
head by a coach.

"I wanted to do if I could invite Mr. Hannaore ... ...."

Mel Heeol said from Ferdinand that he was dismissed as "the time going to the West
gate surely disappears" and Mel Heol seems to have struggled to withdraw the trap in
the temple this morning "Since I was in the battle field yesterday, it is a little difficult
to welcome customers It is impossible to say impossible if you apologize to me for
being sad.

"Is not it Rosemain and Melchior, but also my uncle heading to the temple?"
"I am going to do it, I have to return Rosemain to the castle according to the time and
there are those who were my sideways in the temple of Ehrenfest, are there any
problems in going to see the situation?"
"Because there was a voice to train until departure time ... ...."

Is not it possible for Dunkel Ferger 's knights to get rid of? Fieldinand glanced at the
word of Wilfriit that he gave a glance to the adoptive father.

"It seems that we did not have much time with Aub who wanted to thank Dunkel
Ferger, so at the end I would like to take time with Aubu ... How about you, Aub?"
2030 | 2523
"My concern is truly appreciated"

Ferdinand gave a little smile to the father who had taken care of the knights of Dunkel
Ferger for a while and the meal ended and the tea after the meal was brought.

"Aub Ehrenfest, do you know what is going on in the middle, do not you have any
information here, but are you getting something at Ehrenfest?"

Departure at midnight, battle until dawn, I was sleeping for two days with medicine,
departing for Ehrenfest without direct witchcraft being used in the center. I blocked
them so that Dietlinde could not come back to Ahrensbach, but there is no information
at all what the center is like.
Were you also concerned about Hannaore, turned your eyes towards your adoptive

"When I informed that I would take Dunkel Ferger's knights and head for Ehrenfest,
my father was still at Dunkel Ferger."
"I also do not understand the situation in the center well, it was two days ago? I got in
touch through the knights of the aristocrats when a letter was received from Hartmut
and Clarissa."

The adoptive father said that I rescued Ferdinand and informed me that there was a
fight with Ranzener. Especially it is not an emergency situation, so it seems that he
did not use a direct contact tool.

"What is the royal family against it?"

"Even though Aaronsbach and Ranzenave have not arrived yet even though they tell
the Central Order to protect them, when they come, when are they really coming to
the center, when are they going to Dunkelfel The question came whether it was
appropriate to put in contact with Gar. "

It was said yesterday morning that I was busy defending the foundation of my own
reason that such a dull question arrived. The adoptive father seems to postpone the
answer that the priority is low. I understand that feeling.

"If I do not know such a thing now, if central is not a crisis, I thought that the answer
was sufficient after they returned, etc. For some royalty Is there anything that you can
answer? "
"If you are targeting Gurtris Height, it is up to the lords where the Dietrinde headed."
2031 | 2523
When Ferdinand says so in the normal face, adoptive father changes his / her
complexion a little and "gets in touch with the royal family" immediately. Ferdinand
said "It's okay, Aubu" by lightly raising his hand and restraining its movement.

"If you think about the safety of the royal family, it is best to stay in the central shrine,
as long as Guritrishite does not cross over there, the state as it is considered to be the
most human-friendly damage "

Ferdinand stands up and signals to Justochs while saying it is not necessary to say
extra things.

"Please contact the teacher urgently to contact Hirschle and gather information on the
current situation of the aristocrats.Allensbach closes the dormitory and the dormitory
supervisor has been dismissed and the new dorm president will be appointed at the
lord's conference It is absent because it was absent, if possible, please also contact
Dunkel Ferguer and tell the current situation of the royal family and ask Mr. Ruffen to
explore the state of the lords. "

If there is no accident in the center, it is the lords that the Dietrinde is moving about.
Perhaps he prays at the shrine to get a Gurtris Height. If so, it is also convincing that
there is no movement in the center.

"... Rosemain, Mel heol. I do not have time, I will go to the temple"

Me and Melchior are up and aides are moving.

"Mr. Ferdinand, do not you have time, should you go to the lords immediately?"
"There will not be any movement as soon as there is no contact from the dormitory
supervisor towards the royal family. Before going over there, various preparations
are necessary and in order to see the state of the temple and the downtown I came
back all the way to the royal family.

In the words of Ferdinand I think of my face in the House of Lords. I look back on just
before leaving the dining room.

"Oh, my adoptive father, please check Sorangju's teacher in the library of the House of
Lords, and I am worried."

2032 | 2523
It seems to the father adopted that the library of the House of Lords is an important
place because the entrance to the foundation from the temple was in the temple
library. "Let's immediately contact Hirschur and Dunkel Ferger".

As I left the canteen and everyone was making a cud beast on the balcony, I solidified
without being able to touch the magic stone to put out his cud beast.

"Well, Feldinand, I ... ...."

"Please have me ride in Angelica"
"... .... Yes, please, Angelica"

I will ride on Angelica's cock and go to the temple.

...... I, I wonder neither Aub nor Tsento?

It is not possible to prepare medicines if they look scary. I can not send Aldonants. I
can not ride a beast. It is fatal as a nobleman.

...... It is not something to cure right away, you can not get in frustrated ... ....

Still, it is almost time for Aub to return to Ahrensbach where it is needed. My fingertips
are getting cold with a rash.

2033 | 2523
"I'm back"
"Welcome back, Rosemain-sama, I am glad that I can see it again, Ferdinand-sama"
"They are the best for sorrow"

Feldinando relaxed a little bit of expression, being welcomed by the side of the franc
and the Zams temple. For Ferdinand you can see that the temple is nostalgic and a
place where you can feel calm.

"I came to see the situation of the temple and the orphanage, to confirm the safety of
everyone. Please let me hear the story in the room"
"Rosemain sister already reported to Abe, is it necessary to report about the attack of
the temple? Father seems to have watched Georgeene's memory.This morning, on the
way to cancel the trap It was called by me and received a report. "

Although I am coming to ask for reports, I can not say that I do not want to hear it.
Melchior will change to the priest 's clothes and say that he will visit the temple room,
heading to his room. Because I can not enter the temple room while I change clothes,
Ferdinand seems to visit the prestigious office room after a long absence with the
guide of Hartmut. Former side guests will be pleased with the visit of Ferdinand.

"I heard that there was nothing in the temple room, I heard that there seemed to be
someone who had guided Georgeene ... ...."
"We are okay"
"That is good, I am glad to see the state of the temple and everyone in the orphanage
and I will head for the downtown when I hear the report, so many customers, Monica
and Nicola do their best to prepare tea."

Monica and Nicola laughed giggly, looking at each other carefully when it told that
clothes were suitable to some extent.

"Ferdinand's visit was told by the Franc and the Zam, so there is not much turn for
"When you finish changing Rosemain's clothes, I will go to notify everyone."

2034 | 2523
When Monica left the temple room and Nikola headed to the kitchen, Franc and Zeam
came in pushing a wagon ready for tea with a slightly tense face. Both of them seem
to try not to put it on the face much, but they are a little cute as they know that they
have no heart or a fidget.

...... I truly like the former side workers about Ferdinand.

By Monica 's news, everyone gathers in the temple room. I advised Melchior and
Ferdinand to seat in front of me. Fur immediately begins to make tea. When I suggest
drinking a bite, Ferdinand and Melchior reached for the tea.

"... ... It's a nostalgic taste"

I turned my eyes to Melchior so as not to disturb Ferdinand 's taste of the long - lasting
franc tea. In the luncheon, the seats were away, so we could not see it well, but you
can see from the front that you have a tired face.

"Mel Heol, Franc's tea is delicious, will not you get a bit tired?"
"Yes, on Rosemain's older sister. It's tasty .... Well, I keep from my father to pass
rewards to soldiers who fought bravely at the Ximen, may I accompany you to the
West gate? Because its older sister knew better about soldiers, it was said to my father
that it would be better for them to go together. "

The preparation of the reward is too early for anything. It was yesterday that there
was a raid. This may possibly mean that my adoptive father prepared the place so that
I can see the downtown even when I do not have time so that I can face it with my

"Of course, let's go together, because Melchior will also have more opportunities to
face with soldiers in the small temple of Hasse, so it would be better for you to have
some familiarity."

Although I have mentioned before, it would be better to have more times. I turned my
face to Damuel and Matthias.

"Damuel, Matias. Please collect the information by going around the gates of the
downtown and gather the soldiers who fought at the west gate, we will give you a
reward from Aubu."
2035 | 2523
It is only one day since the attack, so there is a high possibility that the meritorious
person is absent from coming home. If we do not promptly notify and gather, the
soldier who worked hard will fail to receive the reward. If it is Damuel who fought
together at the West gate, you will also remember the faces of the soldiers.

"Please look at the state of the children of apprenticeship of blue priests including
Laurentz and Bertram ... Can you ask Angelica to see the appearance of a blue priestess

Angelica is not quite qualified, but Yudit, Rodrig, and Filine are struggling to protect
the temple. I would like to hear about Melchior together.

"Please let me know about Mel Heol, what about the raids of the temple, you can omit
the part you heard in the party, who made the guidance, that the old Veronica children
were involved ...."
"No, it's a blue priest, Kraphech, but in fact he seems not to have guided it."

I inclined my head to the name of a blue priest who was unfamiliar. Because Krappech
is not so competent in terms of office work, he did not match his face at the priest 's
office, and he had fewer minds compared to Kampfell and Fritac, so he never met face
with a dedication ceremony.

"Since Klappech was certainly from an intermediate aristocrat closer to Lisègang, he

should have been treated lightly by the former temple, and no connection with
Georgin could be seen at all."

Ask Ferdinand to explain the situation in detail to Melchior while tapping the temple
lightly. I saw Ferdinand as Melchior got it.

……I see. Have Melheol inherited from Hartmut? I do not know anything about the
bishop leader Ferdinand.

"You may rely on an explanable aide, Melchior. The load will prevail for young people,"

It is a pity that I leave Melchior to report to Ferdinand. I proposed to take turns with
my aides. Melviso once looked back and opened herself by myself whether she
thoughtfully looked at her lightly nodding aides.
2036 | 2523
"According to my father who looked into memory, Georgine says he had come to
Ehrenfest, using another ship that arrives earlier than the nobles who initially hit the
West gate."

And, instead of going through the gate, we used waterways to infiltrate downtown,
we joined once with the people who hit the north gate and we had meetings and it
seems that we headed to the temple again by using the waterway. It seems that it was
a surprisingly aggressive person. I do not think I can do anything.

"Why was the waterway made with Entwickeln known to Georgeene in other
territory, is not it?"
"As with Contract Magic, if you do Entwicklunn, the design will disappear, but later
you will be copying, as later Abe is in trouble, there are many people involved in the
design drawing, those who disappeared with purge I heard that it was also ... .... There
was no purge yet at that time, so it was not clear who was a nobleman who gave a
name to Georgeene. "

Ferdinand muttered that he did not think that Georginne who used that noble family
would use a waterway. I do not care about it, I can understand that I was seriously
stealing the foundation.

"There must have been little nobility that supports the one that is still in Ehrenfest,
yet you can move on to take actions like this just by making these measures.To make
that head and action power more different than revenge It is too bad if you can use it
"Well, if Erienfest and Ahrensbach had been struggling for the library plan, it may have
already been a library city"

When I sympathized with Ferdinand that what a disappointing direction was an

excellent person, I was seen with Ferdinand as unwillingly unwilling.

"... .... I see ... There seems to be a pity even if I use my head and action power for
another thing, I changed my mind."
"What do you mean?"
"That's the meaning"

...... Funuu!

2037 | 2523
When I was thinking what I would like to say back, Melchior compares me with
Ferdinand and as I was in trouble, I heard a small voice.

"... Well, may I continue talking?"

"Please continue."
"I do not care"

When Georginn arrived at the temple, the raid of the west gate had not yet begun and
there were no orphans, but the west entrance to the underwater entrance from the
basement is not closed, and those who go in and out It seems to be.

"As you can see from the absence of children in orphanages, orders for evacuation had
already been issued, but those with side effects and underworkers only got out of the
second floor we used, Until there was an attack on the first floor and the basement, I
heard that they did the same work as usual "

You need to eat even if she is evacuated. It seems that it was impossible to completely
stop preparing meals because knights have increased due to patrolling. It is exclusive
cuisine and side work that we must prepare in order to be able to publish "meal" from
the Lord.

"Georgine, who found a figure that people come in and going out of the west entrance,
arrived at the entrance to the workers who did not get lost, and took away clothes
from the gray shrine maiden who just came out."

Ferdinand, who saw the glimpse of me, touched her lightly, saying, "I do not have to
tell you how I robbed it." It is probably that I was killed that he stopped saying "Do
not say" while looking at my reaction. While holding the fist tightly on the knee, I hear
a continuation.

"Is the gray shrine maiden deprived of clothes a side of Klappech?"

"... No, she was a side job of Campfell"

Georginne wearing a gray shrine maiden costume from above the silver costumes
enters the basement from the west entrance with a strange look and rises from the
nearest staircase to the first floor, confirms the position of the colonnade, one It seems
that they entered one room.

2038 | 2523
"Krappech was forced into the room just because of the residents of the room closest
to the library"

There is a kitchen on the basement of the aristocratic area of the temple, rooms on the
first floor side by side. And they enter and exit the stairs leading to their own room.
Georgine said that he entered the room of Krappech from the stairs used by the staffs,
killed the inhabitants of the room, waiting for a riot in the temple.

"It seems that Georginjee had heard the noise that the raid came at the gate of the
temple and the riot was occurring in the library. It seems that my escort knights
touched what kind of trap it was taking , Mr. Father said Georgyne was picking up a
voice that delighted you, that's what he said to me. "

When footsteps and voices disappear, the transparent walls that only the officials of
the temple can only enter through with silver costumes and know what trap is being
built Georgine can easily avoid the trap and easily pick up the library .

There are gloves and shoes taken off in line with the bird and the silver costume is
falling. It seems that it seems that there is a transition team even if it can not be seen,
Georginne pulled something like a string, took off the silver costume without
removing the gray shrine maiden's clothes, he said he had made a foothold.

From that point onwards, it is connected with the report of the adoptive father,
Ferdinand said "Reporting, it was a hard work" and labor Mel heol. Melheol quietly
talked down and shook his head.

"No, because of me, the hands of Klappeph and its side, Kanfel's death have died.If you
leave a watch on the library at the time of the report, if evacuation is thoroughly
carried out even more injured people, I wish I had noticed the canal ... ... I made a
terrible failure. "

Even if you are mending it, you can see it if you look closely. Melchior also has color
of fatigue and insomnia. I guess I had a sleepless night like me and Hannaore.

"There might have been a part where correspondence is sweet, but it is not Morgan
Heiol's fault that they died, it is Georgine Mr. killing the fundamental place wrongly,
being sick to mind I will not do it. "
"But, on my sister ... ...."

2039 | 2523
"Does Melchior mourn the dead and pray for mourning? I and Mr. Hannero went at
dawn.I prayed towards all those who passed away at Ehrenfest, so we prayed to the
Clappels as well It should have arrived, but ... "

As I said so, I got up. And kneve towards the altar in your room.

"Let's pray for Krappech and the side-folks who died together, Melchior"

Melchior, who stood up to the point of view, took a manastone from his aides and
kneeled next to me while holding it with both hands. Philine, Yudit and Rodelich were
also lining behind the aides of Melchior. The side of the Temple of Francs also lined
behind the Filines. Those who saw the fight in the temple.

...... It might have been better to move to the worship room if this is the only adult

The altar in my room is small, so it's a bit narrow. However, it is best to pray with the
honest feeling now. I put out Stept. People who have Stap put out in the same way.

"Supreme God controls the expanse of the sky, the highest God listens to our prayers
of the dark and light couple God, we are giving you blessings for those who have gone
to the high, give yourselves a blessing Offer sin of the mourning to the best of sorrow
To the unlucky customers "

If you pray to all those who died in the temple, gold and black light swirled through
the ceiling. Magic power is also felt from magic stones and rings held by Melchior.

"... Rosemain sister, it seems like I got easier for the amount of magical power I

Melchior exaggerated the body as I was relieved.

"If you do not mind, let's go to the orphanage, Melchior, to look directly at those who
have lost, but please also look at those who protected themselves"

I stand up and ask Monica to hope for an orphanage. Laurentz and Angelica jumped
into the temple room as Monica opened the door.

"What's going on ??" Suddenly the light of blessing flies in the temple !? "
2040 | 2523
"Is it a raid?"

When Angelica which should have been going to the third floor where there is a girls
room is returning at the same time, it knows its speed. Angelica looking as if watching
inside the temple chief room looked over wearing this morning Ferdinand, I laughed
a small smile.

"I mourned for those who died in the shrine and prayed, it is not a raid, angelica"

Ferdinand turned out a little disgusting face at the edge of sight.

"Will you go to an orphanage? If you do not do it, you will not have time to head to the
West gate."

Walking through the corridor and moving to the orphanage, Vilma was the leader, a
gray shrine maiden who was in the dining room and young children less apprenticed
kneeling and greeted me.

"Rosemain, Mel Heoles, welcome."

"Everyone seems to be okay, is not it?"
"Yes, as Philline and Rodelich notified us, we evacuated from early, as the gatekeeper
quickly replaced Merciol's and Rosemain's escort knights, the orphanage people I did
not even know the state of the battle. "

Because I had evacuated one bell, it seems that it was a bit cramped and lunch was
late, just because my stomach was empty, nobody seemed to be scared. Vilma reports
so with a gentle smile.

"Yes, that was good."

"Mr. Rosemain, Mel Heol-sama, thanks to the people of the aides and the side workers,
thank you so much, thanks to everyone for continuing the cleanup in the aristocratic
area, allowing us to continue our daily life and work at the workshop"

Melchior and his aides closest to Vilma's rewards made their face a little bit
frustrating. The Filines are also smiling proudly.

2041 | 2523
"Philene, Rodderich, and Yudit frequently protected the temple, thanks to your hard
work that all of the francs were safe and that everyone at the orphanage was safe,
thank you."

"Rosemain sister, I was glad that I understood that not everything was bad, I thought
it was good to protect everyone in the orphanage"
"Shall I go to the West gate and let's sold the soldiers who protected the city together"

I will command my aides to forcefully nod Melchior to bring a reward. It seems I got a
little cheerful and more than anything.

"Have you been doing all this prayer since last night?"
"... only ... it is not, only twice"

As Ferdinand was amazed, I breathed a deep breath.

"What? It is not a very sighing sigh, but ...."

"Good later, it seems that Melchior could be prepared, I will go downtown."

She took her hand tightly, and when he noticed it was being brought on board by
Ferdinand's beast. No one said anything, the white lion began to run to the West gate
quickly, so I turned around a bit without going crazy and making noise.

"...... Uh, Mr. Ferdinand, are you good at outing?"

"Did you say that you were troublesome and thrown away?"
"I said, but ..."

...... I threw it off, but how about everyone?

I arrived at the West gate while I was heading head to head in a mysterious mood.
Damiel and Matthias on the roof of the gate, then soldiers are waiting. I saw the figure
of my father in the kneeling soldiers.

2042 | 2523
"I'm waiting, Rosemain, Mel Heoles. Here are the merit in the battle of Ximen"

Damuel and Matthias will welcome you. I looked around at the soldiers while having
Ferdinand get down from the beast. Everyone is kneeling and faces down, but some
are hurt. I heard from Damuel that there were no seriously injured, but from the
appearance of the bandage wrapped it might not be said that it was a slight injury.

"Rosemain sister has someone who is injured"

Melchior, who had joined the aides, also descended from the coward and whispered
in a loud voice side by side with me. People and doctors belonging to the Order will
give heals to the knights, but the commoners' soldiers probably did not have anything.

"All right, Melchior. Because I give healing"

"Does my older sister still have enough magical power to heal more than one soldier?"

Melchior who blessed prayer together in the temple blinked his eyes. Mel heol who
has not enrolled in the House of Lords and does not compress the magical power,
probably used the magical power considerably in the mourning to the dead. I smile
with Nicoli and caress the Melchior's head below my line of sight.

"The more gods gather, the more magical power we need, the less Melchior will be the
temple of the future, pray for the territory and the people, so that we can obtain
protection from many gods You should strive for it. "
"... ... I will do my best to be like Rosemain's older sister"
"Melchior can be a much better temple than I. It is very good."

While laughing with a crap I took my hand off Melchior's head and looked around the

"I heard about your success from my aides Damuel, you fought bravely well to protect
this city.When the enemy's leader Volzenir is entering the town, it is said to the
commoners There was a lot of damage done. "

2043 | 2523
When I cried out, the soldiers who kneeled and turned their faces up raised their faces.
Look at my figure and open my eyes with my mouth as cranky. A year ago when I came
to pick up Clarissa in the West gate I came in the costume of the same temple as before.
Therefore, unlike the commoners seen in the distant view of the shrine, the change in
appearance would have been well understood. My father looked at me and narrowed
his eyes as if it were a dazzling one. It looks happy, looks proud, it's a lonely complex
With pretending not to see the astonishment of the soldiers, I kept saying.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that this city was protected thanks to you, but there
seems to be some people who have been injured because of that, from now on I would
like to give healing from me so that I can protect this city as a soldier ... ... Street Kolben

Close your eyes and change Stap to Fuuto Rane's cane, and I pray.

"The goddess of water The healing goddess of whom Fremort Rene is a healing
goddess Rung Sumerle Give my prayers and give holy power Fight to defend
Gedulurhi, give me the power to heal the injured in my hand Sacred examination
supremacy I will give you protection that thrills the ripples of '

Even if you close your eyes you can see that the blessing of green blossom has
overflowed. Not only soldiers, but also from the aides, "a healing like this!" Surprised
voice came up.

"Rosemain, it is enough. Do it there"

Stopping at the voice of Ferdinand, which included a bit of impatience, I stop popping
magical powers. After speaking "Ryken" and erasing the staple, I slowly opened my
eyes. Soldiers who had been kneeling with painful looks solved the bandages and saw
the part they were injured, raising surprise and joyful voice of "healing!"

One of the soldiers came forward as I was stroking my chest when there was no one
who had a painful injury. Hit the left breast twice with the right hand fist.

"Thank you for giving consideration to the soldiers of the common people, thank you
as a boss who binds them."
"... Is not the grand champion a Günter?"

2044 | 2523
Although I have seen it, I was thanked as a daughter from a soldier who does not know
the name, I blinked my eyes and compare the person who took me as a boss and my

"Günter resigned to move together as Rosemain's exclusive family, already handover

took place."

Certainly it will be troubling suddenly that the boss is gone. A year has passed since I
asked them to prepare for the move. It is natural to take over hands between soldiers
as it is being handed over at the temple.

"To be honest, it is a huge loss for Günther to leave this city, but it seems to have been
proved to be an encouraging escort to protect Rosemain-sama exclusively from this

I understand well that I quit my job and worry about my father heading to another
land with my family. I smile and nod.

"I am very encouraged that Günter will come with me ... ... We keep a reward from a
father who is a lord as a merchant who protected this west gate and fought to defend
the people, Mel Helio "

I call Mel heol and introduce the new templeor to the soldiers. I think that there are
several people who also looked at each other in the small temple of Hasse, but it is
better to keep the face connected with as many people as possible.

"After me, my younger brother Melchior will become the temple of the temple"
"As with Rosemain's older sister, I'd like to be the temple of the temple depended on
the people, I would like to thank you."

Melchior sent a signal to his aides and started distributing prizes when he said so to
the soldiers. I ask what kind of fight was the soldiers who received the reward. Some
soldiers who looked at Hasse several times, seemed to be as careful as possible in the
tone, but they taught us the success of Damuel with a slightly pleasant attitude.

"From around the time of the Three Bells calling for warnings by calling around the
gates and calling attention to those who work in the area where the ship arrives, it
seems that the damage was enormous unless Darmel came "

2045 | 2523
"Damiel gave me the opportunity to arrange as many knights as possible at the west
gate.The figure of defeating the big dogs one by one is becoming the admiration of a
soldier apprentice who was watching evacuation while evacuating In this battle, as
the knight used the same weapon as us, it seems that I will be able to get into practice
of apprentices as well. "

It seems that the degree of excitement was much better for the apprentices who were
watching from the place which fell a bit lower than the soldiers who were at the scene
of the battle. It seems that the warm look of respect from the children is being poured
into the Damuels who arrange their strengths one by one in Ordnant one after another
and stand in front of the soldiers and fight to protect the soldiers. When I glance at
Damuel, I am embarrassed or stuck with a face that I can not bear.

...... Damuel, I hope this time is dignified.

I got a reward and the soldiers who saw the father who came to this place start talking
about how dads were unhappy with the amulets that I handed over.

"Although the soldier 's greatest meritorious person is Günter, when he tried to
defend his men and topple his dog - shaped demons, he felt cold, which I thought was
"It's about Günter to fight until we use up amulets for family members."

When recklessly there was a father laughing that the father who told the soldiers with
their mouth aligned did not regret at all.

"Rosemain, thank you for having a strong amulet, thank you very much and I am very
sorry to have used the amulet that you gave me up to but I could not afford to choose
the means to protect important things for me "
"Then there is no choice, a person is more important than a charm"

...... After all I think it hurts me that it is my father's daughter.

Damiel or Ferdinand who knows our relationship will think extra so because we can
not help thinking so. Both of them have an indescribable face.

"...... Rosemain, Mel Hillor-sama, it will be an unskilled question, but is there a

possibility that a similar battle will occur soon? How much preparation is needed
2046 | 2523
Soldiers also tighten their facial expression as a question from a new chief who had a
tough look. Ferdinand advanced one step ahead and raised a voice saying, "Do not
worry." The air switched at the moment when Ferdinand came out. The soldiers who
were talking with me roughly aligned and stretched out their backs straight.

"It can be known that the battle is over as a result of the rewards from Aub Ehrenfest,
and that this enemy, Ahrensbach, will never attack."

Feldinand said that, grabbing my hand and lightly pulling it. While supporting a little
I feel lonely, Ferdinand puts forward so as to show my presence to the soldiers.

"In this battle, Rosemain, a candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest, took the cornerstone
of Ahrensbach and became Ausubel Arensbach in fact.According to the approval of
Zent, the neighboring territory that was dangerous The lordship is Rosemain, and it
is impossible for Arensbach of the future to attack Ehrenfest. "

The soldiers raise the joy and excitement voice "It is wonderful", but Melchior and his
aides do not raise their voices, but their eyes are wide open, I compare Ferdinand with
me . My head turned white.

"Mr. Ferdinand,"
"We must head to rule Ahrensbach, soldiers of Ehrenfest, leave this city's defense to
others, etc. We will keep the peace of this city so that we can go off without disturbing
I want you to"

To the words of Ferdinand, accustomed to inspiring the knights, soldiers hit their
breasts with their right fists and respond.

"Günter, you will be going to move with the exclusives to the restless Ahrensbach yet,
always protect Rosemain's exclusives"

While saying that, Ferdinand removed the talismans that were in his arms and gave it
to his father. My father looks at the amulet handed over to me and Ferdinand and
becomes a complicated expression, he assures us that he is "sure".

"... ... Look around the state of the downtown and return to the temple"
2047 | 2523
Ferdinand said so and put me on a beast as I came to the West gate. I thought if I go
straight back to the temple, I started around the downtown. It seems to go back to the
temple from the West gate, South Gate, South Gate to East Gate, East Gate to North
Gate over the sky.

There are those who find us turn around with a beast and look through the window.
Passengers are looking up and pointing at the sky. I complained about the remarks at
the Ximen while looking down at the scenery that got nostalgic as I approached the
South Gate.

"What did you think of Ferdinand and said such a statement?"

"I have not vomited a lie, you ought to have wanted."
"I do not say anything at all and I think that it would be nice if I could create a library
city, but I do not know if it really will be approved, to say publicly in a place where a
lord family gives a reward from Aub Is not it? "

Hope, expectation and reality are different. I know that it is about me, Ferdinand can
not understand.

"It is about what everyone says if it does not turn towards me. It is absolutely not
necessary for a royal family to bring Mestionola's writing or Gurtris Height, if Jurgen
Schmidt collapses when I become Arub Please do not let me expect too much from the
moment that you can not finish placing various problems. "

It is hard for people who are raised and dropped, rather than being in low altitude
flying. When I looked back and stared at Ferdinand, Ferdinand began to turn the
beasts towards the East Gate while murmuring, "since when I got pessimistic to that

"It is not pessimistic, it is realistic."

"If so, look at the reality more firmly, do you really have the marriage of you and the
royal family and the need for you to be a royal family to set up the Tutto that got the
Gurtris Height?"
"... If there is no Gurritrisheit, there is no Zent, so there is nothing I can do."

Registration of the royal family must be essential in order to get the Guritisuheito.
Feldinand bitter smile when I sharpen his lips.

2048 | 2523
"What would you do if you do not have what you wanted, were not you supposed to
have always done so?"
"... ... If not, can I make it?"

I do not think Ferdinand will tell me something I am amazed with my mouth, I answer
with a question mark on my head.

"That's the case, bring out the necessary materials from this workshop and make it
with Ahrensbach ... ... it will not take much time."

While Mr. Ferdinand muttered, it passed through the eastern gate. Although it is the
day after the battle took place, the city seems to be returning lively.

"Ferdinand, is it no good even if you look back on history?"

The reason why the decline of the royalty and the Gurtris Height have been lost is
because it began to inherit the magician's Guritisuheito. If you give something like
that, I will repeat the same thing again.

"I will make things that will disappear as far as my generation, I believe that should
you surpass the brief, you should basically return to the method of choosing Tents
from among those who can get on your own."

When Ferdinand said to make it troublesome to build a zent to eliminate royalty, he

came back to the temple via the north gate.

"Trust me a little more"

"I trust you"

When I said that, Ferdinand shook his head and pushed his back towards the francs
who were lining up to pick up "Please change soon."

"How was your downtown, Rose-mae-sama? Did various things be destroyed, or

many casualties coming out?"

Monica and Nicola who are not out from the temple seem to have no idea how the
downtown is. "There will be reports from Gill on the evening of today, but ... ..." he
2049 | 2523
said, undressing the temple's clothes. Even on the day after the battle, when I told the
state of the downtown I had hardly felt it, they smiled as if they were relieved.

"Is Rosemain doing the temple of the temple even in Ahrensbach?"


A bomb remark came from an unexpected place, I made my eyes round. I do not know
why such a word comes from Nikola's mouth. Monica is teaching me, blinking my eyes.

"While you were going to the West gate, there was a story from Mr. Hartmut. After
Rosemain's end, Rosemain became the lord of Ahrensbach, so he wants to take the
side work to that temple Fran and Zam were invited. "

Monica and Nicola are said to be served here until Philene adults and then told to
move together if desired.

"I was told that the temple's costume is also included in my luggage, can I just do that?"
"Oh, yeah. I am fine."

I turned my eyes to Angelica and Yudit in the room as an escort knight.

"Did they know?"

"... .... When Rosemain and Mr. Ferdinand are talking about before lunch, we have
heard some talks from Hartmut. It is now that Justkus and Rieserx are expanding
stories with Dunkel Ferger in the castle."

There must be no doubt that Ferdinand is involved in that this large-scale foundation
began all at once in both places. As well as Ferdinand, you can see Hirutomuto's
seriousness. Apparently it seems that I had not seen the reality most.

...... It is dangerous when Ferdinand and Hartmut got together. At the time when
Hartmut did not arrive at the West gate, I noticed that something was on the verge, I!

"Fran and Zam ... ...?"

"I think that you are serving tea to Ferdinand in front of the front entrance, as you are
told to take Rosemain sama after changing clothes ... ...."

After finishing changing clothes I entered the temple room with Monica and Nicola.
You can see Ferdinand and Hartmut who are waiting for my change in front entrance
2050 | 2523
to the front entrance. There was also the appearance of Melchior and its aides, and it
was already convinced whether there was some explanation.
There are francs and zams, and it looks a little uneasy looking at me.

"Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand and Mr. Hartmut, I heard that Rosemain will be Arub-
Ahrensbach, in that case I can not move to arrange the temple of Ahrensbach in the
same way ...... "

Zeam says so with a gentle tone. Franc opened his mouth with a somewhat skeptical
expressive expression.

"... Will I be able to go together if I also hope, Rosemain and Ferdinand?"

"Oh, Fran, I have not decided it completely yet, so approval from Tento is necessary."

I talk to the fran lightly looking at the surroundings already talking like decisions. But,
when I saw Franc dropping a little on my shoulders, "I thought, I inadvertently took
Fran Fran's hand.

"Well, I have not confirmed, but if you decide, will you come along with Fran? Do you
want me to be in the fur in the temple where I am?"
"I am looking forward to Rosemain's invitation while giving his successor."

The face of Fran and Zam said so, very closely resembling the expression of Lazarfam
waiting for the invitation from Ferdinand who went to Ahrensbach. I feel like I must
absolutely pick you up at anything, I stare at Ferdinand who is beckoning by putting
a beast.

"Mr. Ferdinand,"

While riding with me and riding with a cowgirl, Ferdinand ran hoops and nose.

"Having you hoping for yourself and being bad with a bad faith, did not you feel a little
wanted to decide your preparedness?"
"...... I can not handle manastones, do you think that I can really become an aubu?"
"How come it will matter if you get hungry"

So, hope, says Ferdinand. As I am told that I should not get lost, I stare at the sky
spreading in front of me.

2051 | 2523
In the castle I came, there were smiling faces Hanna Role and adopting fathers who
had complicated faces.

"Mr. Ochoi, I will be Arub-Ahrensbach."

"I already know"

2052 | 2523
Right now I decided to become an aw. And I first made a determination to my adoptive
father who will have the most influence when I become an awesome. I wonder why
he / she should know "I already know" that I should have talked about using my
father's father to understand my thoughts. I can not understand.

"You already know ... ... Does my adopted father go to Ahrensbach? To Ehrenfest ..."
"Well, Rosemain, I have permission from Aub Ehrenfest"


I instantly saw with the smile of Hannaore and Hisuzzse and the adoptive fathers who
are a little far away. Along with the pressure of the highlands the lord families have
already convinced. In Ehrenfest who has been making a low profile attitude towards
the upper ranks, he must have never overcome Dunkel Ferger's persuasion.

"It is reasonable to say that you will not be allowed to become an auction while giving
permission to deprive the foundation of Ahrensbach, and candidates who got Gurtris
Hite do not have Gurtris Height more than the current royal family I admire that it is
the top ... .... "

Is not that theory that only Dunkel Ferger alone leads to? It makes me worried a little
whether it is really okay. But he told me that Hannero will be a back shield. At least it
is unified in Dunkel Ferger opinion.

"If Jurgen Schmidt brings Gurtris Height, even if the destination is the middle or
Ahrensbach, there is no difference from leaving Ehrenfest, as the movements of
luggage and talent are almost the same I heard that it is "
"Yes, we will move a few gray priests and gray shrine maidens in order to do the
maintenance of the temple, but unlike blue there is no magical change in particular,
we will also do backward education."

With Hartmut's lively look, "Even if there are some changes, it is only a matter of
moving loads and personnel that have already been prepared," and the adoptive
father waved his head with a tired face and "I already know "I murmured.

2053 | 2523
"I am glad that you understand in Aub Ehrenfest"

When I look at Hannorore of my smiling face and my aides, I feel like I must apologize
to my adopted father from the bottom of my heart.

"I'm sorry about my adoptive father, I am tired, I do not think this will happen when I
head to the temple ..."
"No, I do not need to apologize, I decided to negotiate with the royal family so that
Ferdinand will not become a disadvantage of Ehrenfest, and if they two go together
and head for Ahrensbach, Now that I rejected Georgine, it is about royalty and the
others that brings my heartfelt to me.There are plenty of things I want to say to the
present situation that the circumstances change from one to the next, Finish, it's all
right after the settlement arrives. "

While waving and waving hands, the adoptive father saw with Feldinand lined up next
to me with a caught eye.

"Is not that one that I wanted from me, not sticking to Ehrenfest and making my
happiness in Ahrensbach the top priority, I just decided to live as I wanted it?"

Ferdinand is saying with a sudden face and then laughs with saying "on elder brother".
The adoptive father who pulls her cheeks all the way glanced at Ferdinand with a look
like "mixed with anger and pleasure", "the other party just like this ...".
The two people interact with each other as if they are talking about as if they are
paying attention and they feel as thoughtful as if they are not to show them to

"Let's like it is good"

"Mr. Father, Mr. Ferdinand's Gedourreeh ... ...."
"I already know it, have you decided to build three or four laboratories?"

Although Ferdinand is saying pleasantly and fond of being funny, the adoptive father
misunderstands. Actually I wanted a laboratory at Ehrenfest but it was rejected, so I
tried to obtain a laboratory in Ahrensbach.

"As a father, Mr. Ferdinand's Gedourculhi is Ehrenfest, so if you made a laboratory

here and made it possible to return at any time ..."
"There is no room to make a laboratory at Ehrenfest, if you promise to Ferdinand,
build it responsibly, this is where the rebuilding of the gerlach summer pavilion that
2054 | 2523
the one completely destroyed is ahead. She said that Ferdinand had rebuffed the
foundation of Gibe's pavilion and could rebuild from scratch. "

I was caught sorely, I held my head.

"Oh, oh oh! I am very sorry! I will make gold powder later and deliver it."
"You are not going to pay for it now"

Looking up to Ferdinand who hid the word saying that he would not touch
manastones while paying attention to Dunkel Ferger's line of sight. Even if there is
magical power, I can not do anything if I'm scared of manastones. I fell in love with
the feeling that I was not useful how I am now.

"I am planning to give assistance and accommodation in the form of compensation

from Ahrensbach to Ehrenfest, because there is no relationship between you and
Ehrenfest, you will not have to compensate in a hurry."

There is no need to hurry, Ferdinand lightly hit my shoulder.

"Besides, you seem to be sticking to returning me to Ehrenfest, but if you do not have
me, Jilvester is doing as an au, if I am allowed to go back home, I will be fine."
"I will not be as narrow as I can not go back to Tama's village. I will manage that

Between Father and Ferdinand, Ferdinand has decided not to live in Ahrensbach

"Mr. Ferdinand, is it really okay to spend with Ahrensbach? Are you patient with self-
"I'm persistent, it's the result of my selection"
"Ferdinand is unusual and it is a result that made my happiness the top priority. It is
not that I do not make an extraordinary outing.Is three or four laboratories being
bewitzing? It is enough price.Ferdinand I wish I could like you. "

I grasped my fist a lot in the words of my adoptive father. It is not self-sacrifice, but as
long as Ferdinand pursues his happiness, you can choose Ahrensbach.

2055 | 2523
"I understand. I will prepare an environment where Ferdinand can be immersed in
research as Aub Ahrensbach. I will definitely make Feldinand happy, so do not worry,
I will take care of your adoptive father"

When I declared resolve, my father adopted hastily and my father drew a breath and
repeatedly cleared my father as an escort knight to mislead as to laugh. Ferdinand
grasped on my shoulder while looking at this face with Hannorore 's saying that he
was "sorry".

"Rosemain, I understand your motivation, please stop silent now"

"Ferdinand, little ears are red ..."
"Stop your mouth"

When I was silenced, Richarda came to call for the transition team to be ready and to
contact the border gate. There are also figures of Othelier and Gray Tier in the side
staff who entered. I also saw the appearances of Leonore who were preparing for

"We started sending everyone's baggage to civil servants, please move to the
boundary gate for receipt"
"all right"

When his adoptive nod nods in Richarda, he went out to the balcony "I'm heading for
the transition team" and issued a beast. It seems to move to the transition team in the
knight's training ground. Whether the meeting is already over, everyone in Dunkel
Ferger is moving without confusion. Perhaps I am the most unknown.

"I think Ferdinand, I do not think enough explanation, do not you just know I do not
know what to do?"
"Do it on a cowgirl, come quickly"

Ride on a coward and jump out of the balcony. Ferdinand taught me briefly in a small
voice not heard by other people. It seems that he thought of a way of sending my
luggage without using a lesser bus so that I would not spread too much that I could
not touch manastones.

"Using a transition team that sends tax duties, we decided to temporarily send your
package to the boundary gate and transfer it from the boundary gate to the castle of
2056 | 2523
Ahrensbach, where Aldonants has already been sent to the border gate. You should
be able to contact Ahrensbach. "
"Why are not you going to use it when you are married or a married couple? It's very

When I took doubt when I carried a large amount of Ferdinand's luggage on a lesser
bus, I was taught the difference between me and Ferdinand.

"Because Arub does not allow you to send luggage directly to the castle, because you
do not know what is sent from other territories because of security, but now you are
the auve you are your castle You are your castle There is nothing to watch out ....
Afterwards it will require magical power to move the transition team, so you can not
give permission so easily.This magical power has you. "

It takes time to use a carriage, but the cost seems to be low. This time I will send only
necessary items soon so it seems that the transition team is better. I need clothes to
wear tomorrow, but sending my baggage with a carriage will not make it.

"This time I will only stay temporarily. I will prepare a scripture at that workshop and
prepare the people of Ahrensbach to be able to participate in the lord conference.The
lord who worships as a full-fledged movement or as an auv is the lord It will be after
it was approved at the meeting "

It is said that it is top priority to make Gurtris Height and negotiate with royalty.

There was a big transition team in the training ground of the knight, and we
transferred to the boundary gate between Ehrenfest and Ahrensbach. I am afraid of
magic stone, but I stroked my chest in touching the magic team and flowing magical
power is not afraid of anything else.

At the border gate there are Arensbach and Knights of Ehrenfest and we have moved
our luggage from the transfer team of Ehrenfest to the transfer team of Ahrensbach.
Rizerator and Gretier are the center, and we are checking the tag.

"Rosemain, after this I will be using the transition team many times and if you need a
recovery medicine please use it now."

2057 | 2523
Send luggage to the castle of Ahrensbach, send Justoks, Rieserator's side and
Hartmut's civil servants to the castle. I took Ferdinand and the escort knight back to
the boundary gate and moved to Hannellore Dunkel Ferger and Vindebart, who kept
me waiting. And it seems that we will send Dunkel Ferger 's volunteers from
Vindénbart to Dunkelfelger and Arendsbach boundary gate.

"I do not know how many roundtrips it will take to send a hundred knights."
"We mentioned that we can move with a cowgirl, but ...."

As Hannorre said so as caring, Ferdinand shook his head. There is Dunkel Ferger in
the direction southwest of the city of Ahrensbach. Although it took a day to move to
Vindebart, it seems that it can not take more days.

"Rosemain, lay a transition team over there and prepare to be able to send everyone"

As Ferdinand told me, I prepare the transition team. By the time I was able to prepare,
it seemed that I could get in touch with Zergius in the castle of Ahrensbach and Strar
in the palace of Bindebart.

"Nenrüssel Ahrensbach"

I confirmed that Justochs, Rieserator, Gray Tier, Hartmut, Clarissa, Rhodelich were on
board and transferred with Magical Power on Ferdinand and the transition team.
They will clean up the luggage at the castle and arrange the room. As soon as I dropped
everyone and left to Reti Zia who had come to pick me up, I returned to the boundary

"Aub Ehrenfest, I will contact you if the date and time to discuss with the royal family
is decided"
"I think that it is in vain to say, but do not make too much tea"

... ... that promise might be a bit difficult.

I devote a little to my adoptive words. I think that it is unreasonable for the public to
negotiate with the royal family by making Guritisuheito. Maybe.

"Who are you planning?"

"As soon as Aub Ehrenfest calculates the damage in this battle, it will be an important
agenda at the lord's conference"
2058 | 2523
Ferdinand does not answer to his father's question but smiles with a smile, hurries
Hannaore and moves the transition team. It seems that Ferdinand also has awareness
of doing something unreasonable. Ignoring the voice of the adoptive father "Please
explain", Ferdinand makes me urgent as "quickly".

"Nenrüssel Vindebart"

When you arrived at Vindebart with you escaping from the pursuit of your adoptive
father, there were a group of Dunkel Ferger 's knights, including the stall.

"Arub-Ahrensbach, Mr. Ferdinand. Welcome back, I was waiting."

I feel very realistic in the greetings of Straal. Talking about the story, it seems that the
kind of alcohol and food prepared in the Vindebart's summer house was devastated
by the knights of Dunkelfelger and was drunk. And it seems that today it was divided
into several groups from the morning and it was a ditting competition. Knights of
Arendsbach, who were dating, looked like they could not hide fatigue, but the knights
of Dunkel Ferger are fine. There seems to be a big difference in basic physical strength.

"I will move to Dunkel Ferger's boundary gate from now"


Up to 30 people can ride the transition team. I started sending Dunkel Ferger 's
knights with my escort knight to the boundary gate by the transition team. Meanwhile,
Ferdinand is said to hear from Knights stories about the current situation of
Vindebarto and about the old Berkestock. It seems that the building of Vindebarto will
be blocked once, after the lord conference, we will appoint Giebe again.

"Thank you for waiting, Mr. Hannaore"

"Something to send by metastasis, it is almost like not waiting"

Hannaore calls on the remaining knights to get on to the transition team. When I was
doing three round trips again, my feeling became worse due to metastatic sickness.
I'd like to take a break for a while, but it's one more round trip. I pressed my head and
slowly breathed out.

2059 | 2523
"Do you have metastatic sickness?"
"Yes, I think so."
"Let's go together at the end, leave five watchmen in the building of Vindénbart and
return to the castle."

When giving directions to Stral, Ferdinand took over with the Ekhardt brother to the
transition team. It helps shed magical power and arrives at the boundary gate of
Dunkel Ferger. The knights arriving earlier were queuing up cleanly.

"Thank you very much for the knights of Mr. Hannerola and Dunkel Ferger, what kind
of thank you should do?"
"You will have hair ornaments, and any more ..."

Hannorore, who declined to refuse carefully, gave a small voice as "A".

"I am a minor yet, but I would like to invite you to a special lord conference, I would
like to see this vision of Rosemain bringing Gurtris Height to TSENT as incarnation of

... ....? What is the incarnation of Mestionola? Is not it somehow exaggerated?

The saint legend is changing further. I can not help feeling the sign of Hartmut as to
what content Hannorore talks happily with a smiley smile saying something ominous.

"Oh, Hannaore's sama ..."

"We will talk to Dunkel Ferger at the Lord's Council on compensation for this time, let
us arrange for Aub Dunkel Ferger from here as well so that we can be present with
Mr. Hannero "
"Sorry, Mr. Ferdinand, I'm looking forward to it, Rosemain sama"

……what? What are you looking forward to?

When I caught my eyes, Hannellore turned to Dunkel Ferger's knights.

"Salute the incarnation of Mestionola that brings Gurtris Height to Jurgen Schmidt!"

In keeping with the high voice of Hannaore, the knights of Dunkel Ferger
simultaneously hit the right fist twice to the left chest.
2060 | 2523
"Let's meet again at the Lord's Conference"

Wait a moment.

Soon after I stopped, the cod beast flew away neatly. While I was dumbfounded, the
figure of Dunkel Ferger's knights became invisible.

"Well, Ferdinand-sama, what's that, you become Au-Ahrensbach?" The incarnation of

Mestionora is irrelevant, is not it? Why is Hannorore-sama like you decided? "
"If it is not higher than the royal family, Hartmut has insisted that the probability that
you are exposed to danger will increase, you should go back to the castle and ask."

As Ferdinand said so, reach out to me.

"If the metastatic sickness is terrible, you can go back with a cowgirl, and if you get
out of here, the city of Ahrensbach is not too far."
"Now I feel drunk with more terrible things than metastatic sickness, I will
immediately return to the castle and ask Hartmut."

"Welcome back, Rosemain, Ferdinand-sama"

When the transition team returned to the castle, Reti Zia welcomed me.

"A letter has arrived from Dietlinde, it looks like I am unhappy that I could not return
even if I tried to go back to Ahrensbach."

In a letter presented by Lettiaia a bit pale, "What does it mean that a new aleb stood
deprived of the foundation
???????????????????????? I remember when I became a tentacle, remember! ".

I have to go get captured as the main cause of the disturbance this time, but somehow
the power comes out. I can not understand how far I'm thinking about what I am
thinking about.

2061 | 2523
"Does Ferdinand know Dr. Gerva Gio described here? I have bothered several times
in the house of Ranzenae, but I think that such a person did not come Who on earth
are you bringing in? "

Retizia turned to anxious face looking up at Ferdinand and said so. I also look to
Ferdinand. Ferdinand opened his mouth with a beautiful foolish smile that covers all
negative emotions.

"...... I've heard of only the name, it's supposed to be a man raised as the king of

2062 | 2523
"In addition to Leonzio it would be better to hurry if there is a royal family of
Ranzenae, heading to the workshop, Rosemain"
"Well? Will you listen to everyone's report from now on ...?"
"We are determined to postpone, tell everyone to report to us like Justoks and

Time to prepare dinner, I decided to go to the workshop given to Ferdinand. The room
of Ferdinand given to the west apart is ruined by runzener and it is a mess. There are
scratches on and off, and destroyed things are scattered. Looking around the room, I
frown my face.

"It's terrible, is not it?"

"It's because I just left the remaining baggage out to the room."
"The baggage that Ferdinand was safe so that he can rest in a separate room has
already been moved by Zergius and the baggage that he brought in from Ehrenfest
also is arranged in that room.To use the studio so quickly I did not think. "

While carrying the wooden box containing the material brought out from the studio
of the library among the luggage that arrived by the transition from Ehrenfest,
Yusutukusu shrugs as he seems unavoidable. Brother Cornelius walking behind me
raises a voice.

"Please wait, Mr. Ferdinand! Rosemain and the two of us are going to be hidden in a
hidden room? I can not approve of any two people at anything, please let me seat a
civilian who helps escort knight or formula"
"It would be nice if you like the people you want to enter, there is no time and you are
in a hurry. Do not get in the way."

Ferdinand receives a wagon from Justoks, and it enters the hidden room quickly.
Brother Eckhart stopped his feet in front of the hidden room and stood up to escort
himself on the spot, jamming as much as to say "put in a brief". I nodded as a cock
while I entered the hidden room.

2063 | 2523
...... I think that the secret room of Ferdinand was restricted by the amount of magical

It was the hidden room of the temple. I do not believe that there are similar
restrictions in the hidden rooms of Ahrensbach who often watch out. After entering
the hidden room, I waited for Cornelius elder brother escort knights to come in. After
all, no one comes in.

"... .... Mr. Ferdinand, Cornelius elder brother seems to have been played?"
"Sumo are there"

While saying so, the magical tool to get in touch from outside the hidden room
gleamed shiny, and the voice of Brother Cornelius echoed.

"Mr. Ferdinand, please unlock immediately soon!"

"Refuse, please let the guys raise the magical power to put them here, Ekhard, if you
make too much noise tie it up, do not call until dinner"

Ferdinand turned towards the magician who conveyed the outside voice and ended
the conversation and turned to me.

"Rosemain, come here, I want to see you in the absence of a noisy person, it is more
important than nothing to grasp your current situation"

Ferdinand touched my forehead and wrist as usual saying quite bad things, and
started health checkup as usual. While confirming variously, Ferdinand mutters
unhappily saying "It is not good to cover things a long time."

"Oh, is not it where you can be praised as being very noblemen?"

If it is wrong to clean up and complain about it being out of the mind, if you sharpen
your lips, you gently cheeked on Ferdinand and was stared as "superior".

"I do not feel like being praised at all, but ..."

"The magical power is unstable beyond my expectation, is not this torrent of magical
power during prayer caused by this instability? It is not necessary to have such a scale
as to jump out of town for the deceased of the dead and healing of soldiers "
"I just gave mourning to the dead including enemies and ally, and healing to the
soldiers was just closing their eyes and I did not understand the proper amount"
2064 | 2523
In my words Ferdinand saw me with a disgusting face, "Do you need to mourn

"... Even if Jurgen Schmidt does not have that kind of common sense, I wanted to do
"Is it your custom? ..."

As expected, it is Ferdinand. The story is quick.

"Although it is not said that a saint-seeming act is bad, be careful of the amount of
magical power.The healing to the commoner without magical power will have a bad
influence on the contrary, if it is excessive, it will have a bad influence. To
"... ... was it such a terrible amount?"
"It was an amount that would spread throughout the city"

Maybe he wanted to heal everyone who fought at Ehrenfest, but it certainly might
have been excessive if I looked around from there.

"You can safely withdraw the bulging magical power with a magic stone, so it is safer
to release it with prayer ..."

It seems that the danger to the surroundings increases when the magical power
becomes unstable due to the body growing with the disappearance of the magical
mass by Jureve. Ferdinand looks me over with a difficult face with wrinkles carved
between the eyebrows.

"Insomnia, loss of appetite, fear of manastones ... ... Is there any other subjective
"There is no particular subjective symptoms any more, I think if it is possible to
manage someone scared of manastones ... ...."

With Ferdinand keeping a severe face, what kind of mana stone is scary, what kind of
situation will you feel the most fearfully, Stap is fair, but there are other magic tools
that can be used, etc.

"The rough stone that is not processed at all is the most scary. It is Ordonants
afterwards.When you see it becoming a magic stone from the form of a living thing,
the state of the battle at that time heads at a stretch ... ...."
2065 | 2523
"Hmmm ... Because you can not see the staple as a magic stone, is it normal, even when
I used the staff of Fleet Lane, I kept my eyes closed, even if I changed the stape, I hated
having manastones attached ? "
"... It was somewhat disgusting in the process of envisioning with the head, so I tried
not to see it."
"But you seem to be able to use magical tools if you do not go into sight.

I passed the fruit of a tree, I will tilt my head. Is not the fruit that rolls on the palm of
a hand is Charlauup?

"The material itself is OK, try putting magical power in it, I want to check if it can touch
if the original material is known."

Your hand begins to tremble what told you to make manastones yourself. I urged
Ferdinand to take my hand and sit in a chaise longue. When I grasp the fruit of
Charlup, I sit down on a chair with a hard seating surface after a long absence. I felt
that the fruit in my hand insists on a strange presence.

"Well, Feldinand, I ... ...."

Ferdinand sits beside me and taps his shoulder to encourage while saying, "If you
think it is impossible, you will throw away the fruit of Charlauup and you can close
your eyes." Due to the growth I have a face much closer than before. Ferdinand's thin
golden eyes were watching me anxiously.

"It's kind of gentle, are not you angry that you should do it sooner in the past?"

If I judge that it is necessary even if I lose my physical condition or continue my

insomnia, I can not think of Ferdinand that I had let it do as a demon. When I got
honest impressions, I was stared at by saying, "Do you prefer a strict one?" There is
no ruin.

"While I knew that you were vulnerable to the loss of blood and life even though it
was just a matter of priority, we chose to break through the center and to save the
Order of Gerrach, the result is this, which is the result of fear in manastones As a
nobleman with a fatal weakness to be carried ... ... It would be fine if you recovered a
bit about how much I responded, but is not it so easy? "

2066 | 2523
Ferdinand caresses my head as hesitates. The clumsy hands got out of the shoulder a
little bit.

"Because you made a determination to act together, and you can apply magic of
healing extensively, you could cross the center and join together, so the Order of
Gerlach was saved, so do not forget it."

As Magical Power was put in, the fruit of Charlaup started to change to yellow
Manastone. The body will definitely become hard.

"The true nature of the magic tree, Rosemain.This is the fruit of Charlauup, not a scary

Feldinand told me so, but what I see in my eyes is a manastone. I could change the
material to manastone, but I am afraid of the situation holding a magic stone and I
shed it like a magical force as it is. The fruit of Charlaup made gold dust quickly.

"Because it seems that gold powder can be made, it seems to be able to hand over to
the adoptive father for repairing the gellach hall"
"I do not need to make such a poor smile in a hidden room.I was awful making me
scared but I could confirm that I wanted to confirm for the moment You took some
medicine until I finished preparing you, Be careful. "

Ferdinand who stood up weighed a medicine on the cabinet and handed it over to me,
he took out something, sorted out and arranged and prepared for preparation. It
seems that there was no doubt that he had told Cornelius elder brother without time,
and that hand had no hesitation.
Taking out a bunch of paper While watching Ferdinand, I smell the smell of medicine
handed. There was another smell different from the recovery medicine that I usually

"What medicine is this?"

"It's a handy medicine when you have to eat even if you do not want to eat. After this,
you can not keep your hands on Arendsbach's meal?

It seems tough to eat the food of Ahrensbach where spices are abundantly used with
the current condition. I remembered "good cooking for the body" that was given after
I had been asleep for two days, and decided to take medicine obediently.
2067 | 2523
"Where is Dietlinde now, do not put it in the dormitory, or you can not return to the
house of Ranznerav?"
"...... In the house of Ranzenerav there is a princess going to the imperial court and a
transition team used by the king's kid.If you used the transition team at the house of
Ranzenae you are staying in the Admiralza's residence Is not that Rikyu in a lordship,
it's perfect for getting a Gurritosheight. "

It seems that Tento of the time Adal Gisa was accepted was unwilling to prepare a
house on the central land with their residence.

"Why does Ferdinand know such a thing?"

"It has flowed in itself, only if there is no description of them in your scripture, there
is no need to know"

Apparently it seems to have flowed in when I got the book of Mestionola. I will check
my own Mestionola's book. It was not an exaggeration to say that the description of
Adal Gisa relation was totally true.

"I want to write your knowledge here."

Ferdinand moved a low table in front of a chaise longue and placed a large amount of
paper with a dozadoth. A lot of things are written in the manuscript I sent. Given the
fact that we will make books from now on, a little heart is emerging.

"Gurtris Hight"

Ferdinand sat next to me and gave me the book of Mestionola, and opened it with a
buck. A big book was opened, so I looked into it as if I were standing next to it. A letter
came floating. But these are perforated.

"Rosemain, look for a description of this part from your Mestionora's book"

He pointed to Ferdinand about the perforated part and was told to look for
"description about the border gate". I will search for my Mestionola's book.
Meanwhile, Ferdinand reached out to the table, looked over several sheets of paper
and picked up a piece with a perforated description.

"This is it, is not it?"

2068 | 2523
I confirmed that there was no mistake while comparing the description that appeared
in my Mestionola's book with the book of Ferdinand's opened Mestionola. As
Ferdinand looks at my book of Mestionola, he copies it so that it fills up the hole in the
description on the manuscript on his hand. The hand to copy is quick, but it would be
hard to write all this.

"How about copying it on this magazine with Feldinand like you, Copipe? Is not it hard
to copy everything?"
"... ... I can save time but I can do it?"
"Hey, see me please"

I will place my fingertips on my Mestionola's book and designate the start and end

"Copy catepetan!"
"Rosemain, the character size does not match"
"Oh, that?"

I have never copied anything already written to fill in the blanks so far. I could not
petan with just the right size to capture letters.

"Well, it is irregular, but can you read?"

"Not beautiful"
"... It is ... right? Neither do I thought so"

As the size of characters suddenly changes, it looks beautiful, and I think that it is
difficult to read honestly.

"Although it is not very beautiful, since this part is only letters, it can be read somehow
even if the size of the letters is different, but if the size does not match, the magic team
will not be completed without completing it, then it will be a problem.Please use your
new magic Nu "
"Wait a moment, I will try to enlarge or shrink, I will try it."
"Did not you say that you do not have time?

Ferdinand set aside for the Copipe easily.

"It should be quite useful, please do not truncate it so easily"

2069 | 2523
"I have not truncated it separately, it would be good if I research it later, I am saying
that I do not have time now."
"I developed it for shortening time!"

Is not it sad if it is useless here? I insisted on how useful it was, and Ferdinand turned
to me a book of my Mestionola so that it would be troublesome.

"If so, try challenging whether you can copy the contents of your scriptures to my
scriptures. It is troublesome for you to show it one by one, so it will be great if you can
do it, but you can not Let's give up this time. "
"Okay. Let's do it, copy copies!"

I copied in the scripture of Ferdinand. I try to pattan so that the previous space fills
up. Suddenly the magical power was sucked in with the letters.

"It was able to be done, Ferdinand-sama! The size of the character is perfect, it is the
feeling that knowledge is completely filled"

Is not it useful for this? When I looked at Ferdinand with expectation, Ferdinand had
a steady look with some arms around.

"Convenience is convenient, but ... ...."

"Is there anything wrong?"

After Ferdinand thought for a while, he got up slowly and brought two tubes like a
test tube.

"I think that it is extremely convenient and it is shortened in time and it is reasonable
... ... Would you mind doing this with this one?"
"What, is this?"
"I have ever drunk, I will know by drinking"

I try to drink without understanding well. The first thing I drank was sweet and easier
to drink than the recovery medicine, but it was a taste I had never drunk before. To
be honest, I'm not sure. But I understood the second one. It is a medicine that I had
you drink as a first aid when magical power was exhausted.

"I did not quite understand the first one, but I knew when the second medicine was
taken, but I am magical enough now, but ..."
2070 | 2523
"Well, I do not understand." Well, that's good, fill in everything you show from now. "

Ferdinand shook his head lightly and spirited up, and once he breathed out a long
time, he turned the page as if he had corrected his mind. I look at it, search and copy
and paste the content. Its iteration.

"... Ferdinand, I feel somewhat sick but it's okay?"

While watching Copipe as shown, I look at the situation of Ferdinand sitting next to
me. Something is holding a head, rubbing his upper arm, Ferdinand is strange.

"You should not mind about me"

"What is wrong with what you look at ... What a strange thing ... .... Oh! Because you
got that poison you are not taking a rest in the shrine, who prefered rest before the
scripture ..."
"There is a possibility that Cornelius is that condition, there is a possibility not to put
it in a hidden room next, if it finishes copying only the part necessary for business, the
rest can be made only by myself, now give priority to this."

As time went by for dinner, I kept copying as I was instructed. Copy cetepetan, copy
cete petan.

"If there is only this for a while, after that I will do something by myself, because there
is a process to handle demonic stones"

By the time Copipe was over, Ferdinand seemed to be tight.

2071 | 2523
"You go out first"
"Mr. Ferdinand who seems to be not feeling well go out first, it would be better to have
time to rest even a little even until dinner"
"It is nothing, Please get out of me good."

Ferdinand waved his hands lightly while saying so badly. Even though it seems to be
bad, I feel irritated by Ferdinand that I repeat from the beginning stubbornly that it is
"nothing". But Ferdinand does not want to show others to others, it is not what it

"If it is not a problem, let's copy the contents from Ferdinand to my Mestionola's book
this time"
"What are you saying, you refuse?"

I was breathlessly being told with such eyes as to see such a foolish person.

"What you are talking about is a line here, is not it terrible that Feldinand-san's
Mestionola's book has been copied and the content has increased, but my replies are
not increased?"

I also want to read it, I think that it is cunning to have a book by Mestionola who
increased only the part I read. Ferdinand frowned at me for disagreeing.

"Your new magic seems to take time to remember, because you are doing strange
pronunciation and principles, I will reject it."
"Ferdinand is OK, have you remembered water guns soon?"

My grandfather was struggling, but only Ferdinand should have remembered quite
easily. I think that it is absolutely fine, but Ferdinand is in the position of refusal.

"If Ferdinand can not remember Copy Cete Petan, I will copy from Ferdinand, so
please lend me the Book of Mestionora"
"Can you do it yourself?"
"I do not know until I try it, but ... ...."

2072 | 2523
I touched the open scriptures of Ferdinand, set the starting point and moved the finger
to the end point to designate the range. As soon as the breathtaking Ferdinand pauses
my hand for a moment, I close and erase the book of Mestionola instantly.

"Oh, it seemed possible, why do you erase it?"

"It's too early for you, at least, please do after adults"
"Well? There are two years after adults, are not they far away ... in the ... ..."

I talked to Ferdinand who suddenly changed his attitude while saying things that
seemed to be tried earlier. But Ferdinand glanced at me and shook his head.

"Here is the circumstance here, which is absolutely useless now."

"What circumstances is it that I can convince?"

Without trying to explain the circumstances it is a lump of "no good". When I looked
into the face of Ferdinand and asked for an explanation, I was paid a "little distance".

"At most, I would say that I do not have time right now, rather than increasing the
content of your scriptures, it is better to build a scripture as a magical tool, before I
take out manic stones for formulation It is better for you to leave. "
"... Mr. Ferdinand, are you a threat to Gerbergio?"

The word "there is no time" comes out from the mouth of Ferdinand and as soon as it
is not possible to make a glutris height as a magic tool, it has come to show off
impatience that from the mouth of retizia, I feel like Geo's name comes out.

"If you were raised to become King of Ranzenae, is Gerbergio your Ferdinand's older

At that moment, all facial expressions disappeared from Ferdinand. I can not see any
angry facial expressions, no emotional feelings. Just a thin golden eye was aimed for a
few seconds to explore my situation. Then slowly open your mouth to look at your
hands and pick words.

"I do not even remember face-to-face with myself to Gerbergio, but I know."

It is knowledge of Mestionola's book. Ferdinand is staring at his hands like seeing the
book of Mestionola already erased.

2073 | 2523
"At that time, among the sons born of the Adal Gisaans who were three, the one who
was chosen as the king of Ranzenae because of the highest magical power of all
attributes is Jelva Geo."
"Well, that is, is the magical power higher than Ferdinand?"

I wonder if that existence exists. When I was tilting my head, Ferdinand slowly

"In the measurement before the baptismal expression, it seems that one head is
sticking out one more than the other ... ... By the way, I was born after he was sent out
as the king of Ranzenae. In order to make it a magic stone from the beginning, the
mother I seemed to have brought up me, not the opponent who raises magical powers,
seems to have searched for a person who can fill in the bias of my attribute.I am the
most magical power in Adal Gisa's fruit but the attribute value is average It seems that
he was the most suitable child for the magic stone in the attribute "

In the past Ferdinand talked sharply with a face peeping at the abyss of despair, the
spine trembled. I do not want to see any expression on the profile that I want to cry. I
would not have wanted such knowledge. Perhaps it was during the House of Peers
that Ferdinand got the book of Mestionola. Children of the same age as myself are too
cruel to know.

My waist floated, my hands grew unexpectedly. He stretched out like knees on the
seat of a chaise longue, and I hugged Ferdinand.

"Because Ferdinand was not born to be a magic stone, I was born to become a
candidate for the lord of Ehrenfest, so there was God's guidance."
"Rosemain, please let go"

I was hit back on the back with an impatient voice, but I refuse to say "I'm useless,"
and embrace more forcefully.

"It's not a manastone but you must not live but you do not know absolutely, you
probably do not know, the former awb picked up as thought that Feldinand was
necessary, father and mother adopted Fedinand now It is necessary, I will not let go
until I say that I understand. "
"I understand, please release it, as long as you know anything, you are moving too
emotionally, as though your consciousness seems to be thin, already growing to the
age of age, so be a little feminine discipline"
2074 | 2523
Even so, once a little refreshment has been brought up, I have stopped asking
Ferdinand "I want you to taste", but my discouragement seems to have been
insufficient. Although I meant to comfort, I was scolded for some reason.

"Anyway, you should leave here already, I will make a continuation of magical
tools.You can communicate the current symptoms that can not handle demonic stones
to your aides and try to live as much as possible without putting manastones into sight
Talk about it, it may be a story about the formulation of a magic stone brooch towards
the lord's conference, as it is not to inform the other nobles, so please discuss the place
except the nobility of Ahrensbach. "

Go out quickly, and was driven away by Ferdinand. After finishing use it is a payment
box. I think it is a bit terrible treatment, but it is usual.

...... It seems like Ferdinand seems to be getting better.


As soon as I left the hidden room, Cornelius brother came over. I am checking whether
there is any abnormality in me.

"What were you doing so hard to the extent that it was?"

"Cornelius older brother, Ferdinand will not do anything else even if you do not worry
too much.I was worried about physical condition and made a medical examination."
"Even if I do not do anything, it is useless, such as entering a hidden room with only
two people even though they are not couples."

Explain how brother Cornelius is frustrating in success. It seems useless to be

unavoidable if it seems there was a premarital sex. But I do not think that Ferdinand
will disclose that he has the book of Mestionola and has extended the book of
Mestionola for two people. Very few people can enter. Besides, at the stage of
diagnosis, I got a story about my previous life, and although he was heavy, he talked a
bit about Adal Gisa. If there were other people, you would never have taught me.

"For Ferdinand, it was necessary to exclude the aides."

"Rosemain, you take care of yourself more ..."
2075 | 2523
"I can not teach what you were doing inside, what Ferdinand is preparing right now,
but as soon as I finish using it I will be taken out of a hidden room.The brother
Cornelius is worried There is nothing to do. "

Rather, I have done. I was scolded that there was no discretion, so now I regret a bit.

"Besides that, we have to talk about the results of the medical examination you made
to Mr. Ferdinand and important things about the future, please collect all the aides."

Brother Cornelius compares me with the door of the hidden room and then runs away.
When I was looking at his back, I was asked to Eckhart's brother, "Does not Ferdinand
come out?"

"I was told to go out because I finished use, but it seems to continue the formulation
inside, but my condition seemed not to be good, maybe I'm going to formulate my own
medicine as well not"
"Ok, I understand."

After speaking to Ferdinand's current situation to my brother Eckhardt, I will speak

to my aides who are in the place and start walking towards the guests where the
leisators are preparing. As soon as that, Cornelius brother came back in a panic

"Hultmort got Ordonants, the civil servant seems to call Abo, it seems that urgent
news came in from Ehrenfest"
"Please tell Elder's older brother, Ferdinand, I will go ahead."

Walking is late Before I arrive at the office, Ferdinand should be able to join. As fast as
I can, I will move to the office of Aub. As expected, Ferdinand joined before arriving at
the office.

When I arrived at the office of Aubu, the civil service taught me that the emergency
communication magician used between Aub is shining. Ferdinand stood ahead ahead
and beckoned me as "this is it". It is similar in shape and size to a magical tool like a
watercolor that I know, but as if the lid is closed it can not see the part like a mirror.

2076 | 2523
"Rosemain, close your eyes for a while, to guide you so that you can enchant the
magical power there"

Closing my eyes as Ferdinand told me, I was held in my hand and allowed me to touch
something. It is said that you can open your eyes by putting magical powers. Before
my eyes there was a water glass that I knew and I could see the adoptive father.

"Late, Rosemain. Where have you gone from the office?

It started from complaints of adoptive father who seemed to have kept waiting quite
long, but it was an urgent requirement.

"A reply came from Hill Sur in the House of Lords, and there seemed to be some
unfamiliar people in the vicinity of the civil building."

It seems that Hill Sur was the frontier of the research, and was planning to postpone
the order of his adoptive father. However, he seems to have discovered that those who
are unfamiliar in the vicinity of the civil building are caught up by Raimund, who has
become unable to return to the dormitory of Ahrensbach and has come to stay at the
civil building. It is strange that an unfamiliar person who is not wearing the cloak of
any territory goes in and out of the House of Lords. Perhaps it was that Aub Ehrenfest
said that it was true, Hirschur hurriedly started flying Ordonants to and from here.

"Your adoptive father, you do not have much credit, are you?"
"Hill sur lees only studies is not what it began today."
"It was nice to have left Raimund"

Ferdinand has nodded several times, but did he properly report to Raimund who
could not return to the dormitory suddenly? I feel that I have not done anything.

"Hill sur was contacting the royalty and the Central Order in the teachers in the House
of Lords, and he seemed to have sent the Central Order immediately, so that the black
cloak was inside the premises' premises It seems that it came to be seen.
"Is that so ... ... good."

It is now safe if the royalty who had consolidated the defense in the center issued the
Central Order for the House of Lords. The volunteers of Dunkel Ferger restrained
soldiers of Ranzenerav in a blink of an eye. Information from the adoptive father is
2077 | 2523
also shed on silver cloth and instant death poison. It will be suppressed without taking
too much time. When I breathed a relieved breath of relief, my adoptive faces became
severe and shook my head.

"... Because it is not so good you used a magical tool for emergency contact, Rosemain"
"Library librarian at the House of Lords ...... There seems to be no reply from Sorangju
who was specially cautious, I do not know if it was a situation where I could not
answer by chance, something happened, Hill sur also go to see It is said that there was
an aldonants of the warning that it should not go out from Rufen which is the
dormitory manager of Dunkel Ferger 's. "

My eyes came down dark.

"The possibility that something is going on at the aristocrat is high, I thought to let
you know, Eleenfest can only come out with information, too short and people and
goods can not move"
"Thank you for telling me, Parenting Father. Because we do not have information from
the House of Lords at our dormitory supervisor's office"

I thanked my adopted father and finished communication with a magical tool like a
watercraft, I turned around Ferdinand.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I will go to the librarian of the House of Lords"

"I can not approve of you, you are an answering machine at Ahrensbach, you can not
take me now"

Although I could not ride on a cowgirl, I was told to do what I meant, and I got stuck
in words. However, I can not help being concerned about Sorange, Schwarz, Vice.

"At least, if Mr. Sorangu is able to battle the fight against Schwarz and Vice, it seems
to be safe, but ..."

To bring Schwarzz and Vice into battle mode, you must pour the magic power on the
manastone that is like a button.

"It seems to be strong, Schwarzs said that even in the battle of the temple, the schmirs
were a big success."

2078 | 2523
After studying the Schwarzs, looking up at Ferdinand who made the basic design of
Schmills and saying so, Ferdinand roared Hun and a nose.

"The princess of ancient times is a magic tool with the function to slaughter candidate
students, there is no way to win the neighborhood's impeccable phenomenon"
"The Schwarzs are strong, Mr. Sorangju is safe, are not you?"

I wanted you to affirm even if I was in a breath, but Feldinand hit me once and hit the
reality on me.

"In order to bring the magician of the library to the battle state, the command and
magical power of the Lord would have been necessary, I can not affirm whether I can
make it as a cooperator, but no matter how much I care about you What can I do when
I went in the current state? "

When Ferdinand said so coldly and shook his head, emergency magician began to
shine again.

"...... Dunkel Ferger? Communicate, Rosemain, Close your eyes"

Ferdinand takes my hand and touches manastones. The surface changed to a water
glass, and the appearance of Aub Dunkel Ferger was displayed.

"Arub-Ahrensbach, what's more than a breath, I received a report from Hannaore, it

was a wonderful battle, that the volunteers who lent out to Ahrensbach had returned
without lacking anyone To be honest I am surprised. "

In a polite attitude that Aub Dunkel Ferger has never heard before, I was only amazed
at how honest I was surprised.

"There is no other thing that made emergency contacts in this way, do you know the
situation of the current lords?"
"We do not have a dormitorial office in Ahrensbach but we received a message from
Abu Ehrenfest afternoon about what we saw in the vicinity of the civil building of
strangers, probably Ranzenavie, royalty and the Central Order I've heard that I have
contacted Sorangju, a library librarian, and I hope to get in touch with Professor
Soranju soon ...... Because the Central Order is headed, soon Is it suppressed? "

When I said that, Aub Dunkel Ferger had a tough look.

2079 | 2523
"No, according to the news by Duquel Ferger's dormitory manager Ruffen, it was that
the Central Order with black cloak appeared to the House of Lords, but it appeared to
be following strangers."
"Even though there were Dietlinde among strangers, it seems that they did not show
you how to catch it."

As the royalty forgives it or the Central Order is betrayed, it is in a situation where it

is not well understood, so Ruffen shed information to Aub Dunkel Ferger and asked
for instructions.

"We could not get in touch with Tzent from Dunkel Ferger"
"Well, that is ... ...."
"We will request to Rosemain, a legitimate next-generation candidate who got Gurtris
Height.Please protect the House of Lords, do not put anyone in the House of Lords,
that is the essence of Jurgen Schmidt."

In the words of Aub Dunkel Ferger I caught a breath and a breath.

"That's to Tento ... ...."

"Dunkel Ferger will be the next generation candidate Rosemain's hand and foot,
please keep the aristocracy and give you a command.Dancer Ferger will surely protect
the sword of Tsento."

2080 | 2523
"It is a request that is impossible immediately

Before I opened my mouth, Ferdinand who looked into the water mirror from behind
me replied.

"Even though we got Gurtris Height, Rosemain, who got the cornerstone, is already
Aub Ahrensbach, so we can not issue such a command."
"Does not Ferdinand know the importance of the House of Lords !? The lords are
devastated by the nobility house! There is no time to say a long way"

If Dietlinde is going to the House of Peers in search of Tento's position, the Library of
the House of Peers which contains Gurtris Height is the most dangerous. Now, there
are only Sorangi and Schwarzs there. If you remember the appearance of the soldiers
of Ranzenae who were rampant in aristocracy of Ahrensbach, you can easily imagine
how the library will be destroyed by those of Ranzenae and Dietrinde.

"Mr. Ferdinand, a library at the House of Lords is Mr. Soranju ... ... and Professor
Hirschle is also at the House of Lords"

Hill suru informed of the existence of suspicious individuals in various places in

Ordonants, seeking relief from the royal family and the central knights. If the Central
Order is rolling over, is not Hirschle in a very dangerous standing position? Raimund
who is acting with Hill Sur.

"... ... somehow, whatever happens, Mr. Hirschle seems safe, but the standing position
is dangerous, is not it better to go to help if Dunkel Ferger cooperates?"

When I looked back and said so, Ferdinand said coldly, "You are the most dangerously
standing position is you, you idiot." Then, looking at Aru Dunkel Ferger in the
watercolor with a tough look, say it in a quiet tone.

"I think that it is a matter of being a roaring of the aristocrats, I also understand the
importance of the House of Peers, but it is still not easy to issue such a great command.
After royalty was rescued by Rosemain's command, or if Dietlinde had already

2081 | 2523
obtained the foundation of Gurtris Height and the country, Rosemain could be accused
of act of overwintering or possibly being cracked as a rebel There is "

It is not necessarily the case that the royal family rescued by issuing an order simply
ends with gratitude. Fortunately, there is a possibility that it will be amazed to take
me into the royal family who is holding the Gurtris Height, and instead of making an
effort to escape the crime of a rebel, Is very high, Ferdinand mutters. If you remember
the royal way you have done so far, you can only nod Ferdinand's words.

"When Rosemain is put in a disadvantageous position by issuing a command, what

position does Dunkel Ferger who self-designates the sword of Zento stand?"

Ferdinand said to Auber · Dunkel Ferger, that there is a high possibility of standing on
the side of the Zent.

"Mr. Ferdinand, is not everything rude, is not it rude? I do not do such a tragedy while
requesting that you issue a truth."
"So, you are said to be sweet"

Ferdinand turns to Aub Dunkel Ferger while laughing with Hun and me nose.

"Aubu of Dunkel Ferger with a long and long history has sometimes made a cruel
judgment for himself. It is natural that he can not say sweet as Abe to defend his
territory, but all It can not be overlooked to me, such as situations where it is possible
to put responsibility on Rosemain. "
"No matter what kind of emergency, without an order there will be no knight team
from Dunkel Verger to the center. Ran Zhenerwe and Dietrinde rampage to like, and
the outrage stops to grab the Gurtris Height Are you planning to try it? There is only
Rosemain as a candidate for the next generation with Gurritris Height! "

Aub Dunkel Ferger said "I will never imitate such an outrage". Although he said that
he will protect the House of Peers, he said that he is the sword of Zento, but he does
not say that he will protect me. In the conversation, I distinguish it from "I am of
Auburn and Brenn" and "I am a candidate for the next term."

"Now it is only one who can save Jurgen Schmidt!"

"I am not alone"

2082 | 2523
I looked back in spite of myself. Certainly I am not the only one who has the book of
Mestionola. As I copied from myself, there is a person who is suitable for Tento who
can now do the work of TSENT.

...... But, Mr. Ferdinand ... ....

You should not think that you want to be a Tento at all. I hoped for research in
Ahrensbach. I thought whether to crush it with the spirit of self-sacrifice again, and I
grasped Ferdinand's chest.

"Please wait, Ferdinand, that ... ...."

"You will be the next Tent, Aub Dunkel Ferger"
"... What is ...?"

Ferdinand's words make the head blank. Looking up at Pokan and Ferdinand,
Ferdinand distorted the foot and mouth.

"Did you say that you heard the report from Mr. Hannaoree? Rosemain is an
incarnation of Mestionola who brings Gurtris Hight and Prayer to God again to Jürgen
Schmidt who lost Gurtris Height.The person who thinks that the incarnation of the
goddess is this It is the role of giving Gurtris Height to him, and he will not be himself
a Tento. "

Ferdinand tries to say such a thing and makes a thin golden eyes challenging.

"Aub Dunkel Ferger, if you show your power to the incarnation of the goddess, you
agree with getting Gurtris Height from Rosemain. Now that the Central Order is in the
enemy's side, saving the royal family In case you can not do it, you will be given the
Gurtris Height and will be the next Tento.Request of Rhodesmain's declaration, please
take responsibility for all responsibility with Dankel Ferger and ask for it. "

Aub Dunkel Ferger opens his eyes and gazes at Ferdinand. Ferdinand keeps the eyes
only challenging and keeps a somewhat sociable smile.

"I am Aub Dunkel Ferger"

"Rosemain is Aub Ahrensbach, if Dunkel Ferger is responsible for Rosemain and
wants to get a cause and get ridiculous, even if you are later appointed to Tzent, Jurgen

2083 | 2523
Schmidt Is it so serious that he wishes to hold the crisis ... ... I would like to show
Dunkel Ferger's intentions that I requested to issue a decree. "

Ferdinando laughs that it is natural to prepare a means to protect Rosemain and

Ahrensbach so that Dunkel Ferger wants the premise for defending its own territory.

"According to time and in some cases you can be the next tent, it is better to talk to
the first lady well, it is not a good thing to decide by yourself, and I feel comfortable
with Dunkel Ferger's independent run There will be no territory, have you notified
the news? "

Although it is in the form of questions, Ferdinand obviously says "Keep themselves up

to themselves."

"Rosemain is just getting back from Ehrenfest and needs rest and it is not a condition
that can be put into a fighting place very much, and because it made top priority to
return the knight of Dunkel Ferger, it is the main of Ahrensbach The knights have not
yet returned from Vindebarto, and we can not issue a decree even if requested. "

While talking about the existence of knights who have not returned from the
expedition of Ehrenfest, Ferdinand quietly took my hand.

"I will visit the Three Bells of Tomorrow for the decision of Dunkel Ferger"

Ferdinand asks me in a loud voice whether communication may be cut off. I nodded
with Kokuri and seemed not to recover from the confusion, I got a smile on the awk
and Dan Kel Ferger "smile" and closed my eyes and had my communication cut off.

"For one time we were able to earn time, but it seems necessary to complete it by

Ferdinand breathed out as confirming that the communication was completely

broken, and stared at me as "not easily taking the request from another territory"

"You decided to be Au-Ahrensbach, the term candidate for the next term is the most
wary word and should not be heard."
"But I'm worried about the library at the House of Lords, I can not get in touch with
Professor Soranju ... ...."
2084 | 2523
Even if you ask the requests from Dunkel Ferger, you can not help being like the
appearance of the House of Lords. If physical strength and magical power are perfect,
I want to go even soon. If Dunkel Ferger helps, the winning percentage is higher if it
gets on it.

"It is not told that Ordonants will not fly, there will not be any problems yet Dunkel
Ferger will always move without worrying, it is not a territory where you can pretend
not to watch, although there are means available to you. I do not know if it will happen,
but I did not say no at the deadline of tomorrow.I think you can only take a rest this
evening.What you need now is a rest, so as to worry about yourself more than others.

He used the transition team several times to move the knight of Dunkel Ferger.
Ferdinand said that not only medicine but also a full-scale rest are necessary.

"... ... It is awkward because it looks like I have a nightmare again as I sleep."

Even though the body is calling for rest, I am afraid of rest. In my misunderstanding,
Ferdinand says, "Do you need drugs to sleep?"

"I do not want medicine to wake up in that nightmare, waking up is the worst ... ...."
"However, although it got tough, I will be about to fall, I need a recovery medicine for
dinner.In order not to overconstiminate your physical strength that is originally

I was handed a recovery medicine with kindness and I had no choice but to accept it.

There was also a report from retizia at dinner. I will talk about the situation from
Deathlinde until the letter comes and how to deal with it. There was a person who
tried to open the door of Ranznerav from the other side, and the knights who were in
the transition in the dormitory of the lords had inquiries at Aldonants. It seems that a
letter has arrived from her who boiled the business if I put it on hold because I needed
an opinion on how to answer.

"Since you do not mind being left alone, be careful not to put out extra information."
"Certainly yes"
2085 | 2523
The complexion of Retethiia nodding was bad and it seemed that it was not slowly
resting. It looked just like a Mercy in the morning, not just a busy face. It is not a look
of a child how it looks.

"Oh, this fish is ... ...."

"Thanks to the fishermen who were saved by Rosemain, thank you, Ferdinand told
me how to eat your favorite meal like Rosemain and let me cook."

I do not know what kind of fish is in the spice-rich dish, but there is salt grill of white
fish. It's really simple, just grilled salt. It seems that retiziy worried about putting out
such a dish, but it seems that she took out with a dream.

"I was told that it is an unusual way of eating even at Ehrenfest, but I love fish taste
well and I love it.I was Rethi Zia asking the cook recipe for a less familiar recipe, is not
it? Ferdinand I am glad that you memorized the taste of my taste. "

I thanked Reti Zia and smiled with Ferdinand.

"I just thought that this would be fine for you who were not familiar with
Ahrensbach's food yet."

According to Ferdinand 's words, the food of Ahrensbach where spices are abundantly
used for my physical condition now is a little irritating. The others are little by little,
but only the grilled salt is complete without even having appetite.
I was satisfied with the grilled salt, but the movement of the reticcian cutlery was also
slow. I talked with me with a smile, but I could not say that the meal is on its way.

'Please Retzian, please bring an escort knight to this place'

I beckoned Retiesia after finishing my meal. Retizia is blinking with an eye blinking
and becomes a face with a little wary look at what an escort knight with retizia will

"While Reti Zia was caught up in serious things, I kept trying very hard and I think
that we often protected Ahrensbach during my absence. With a feeling of gratitude to
Rethi Zia, Please pray that a good sleep will come along with the blessing of
Shuratraum. "

2086 | 2523
In my words Retethia changes his complexion and shakes his head.

"There is no need to use Rosemain's power for me, just feelings alone is sufficient."
"Okay, then, just feelings ......"

I pray to Retethia, who is trying to decline, by giving out Stept.

"God of dreams Shurar toraum, I feel comfortable sleep and happy dreams for Reticia

When the light of the blessing of white blessed into Retityia, the eyes of the retizia
turned to sleepy. After a few seconds it will collapse soonly. Her escort knight hugged
it for a moment.

"To the extent that this blessing has this effect, it seems that the days when I could not
sleep had continued even though I wanted to sleep. Please slowly let Rety Zia rest."
"Sorry, Rosemain-sama"

The escort knight embarks Reti Zia and leaves. I saw that the retie zia 's sidewalkers
were chasing with quick pace.

"Rosemain, come on."

Ferdinand said so and offered to me. I put my hands thinking that it would escort like
something obvious. Perhaps I went to Dietlinde on a daily basis for a year and a half
in Ahrensbach. When thinking about such a thing, the other hand of Ferdinand closed
my sight.

"Do you like Ferdinand?"

"A god of dreams Shurar toraum, a comfortable sleep and a happy dream in

Ferdinand 's hands filled with white light fills up in sight. I felt my body suddenly
gained weight as I felt the inside of my head turning white. When you think that your
feet are memorable, you will be embraced and lifted up just like Reti Zia.

"Sleep, not going against the blessings of Shuratraum, I will never see a nightmare

2087 | 2523
It seems that I could sleep well thanks to the blessing of Shra Traum. I woke up with
a terribly refreshing mood.

"Would you wake up, Rosemain-sama? Your complexion has improved a lot, I'm

Strike my chest like the Reiserator relieved. Since I eat breakfast in each room, I
decided to listen to stories from the aides while taking breakfast. Fish is out. It seems
that he seemed to like it very much.
Last night, after I was forced to sleep by Ferdinand, to the aides, I heard from
Ferdinand about my condition and how to cope.

"I also heard that there was an accident in the lords and that Aubu Dunkel Ferger
asked for it."
"The escort knights are ordered to prepare for the departure, and if we accept the
request from Dunkel Ferger, we have no choice but to accompany Rosemain."
"Because the border gate of Kilnberga has been closed all the time, we are not very
familiar, but since Tento is moving from the center every year to open and close the
border gate, move to the border gate in the center It seems good to do. "

The route heading from the center of Ranznerav to the center is like going into the
middle of the enemy line, and it is impossible to use it urgently as it is necessary to
create a brooch to go through the dormitory of the lords. It seems that he will head to
the House of Peers using the border gate. In that case, I can not transit unless I
accompany it.

"After breakfast he seems to be resting until the third bell. I keep one book by
"Oh well! I wonder if I can read books like this, is it really good because Ferdinand
says good?"

I gazed at the book that the Risera had placed on the office desk. I have not read books
for a long time.

"It seems to be a little rest even until there is contact from Dunkel Ferger"

2088 | 2523
And the third bell rang.
Citizens informed me of emergency contacts from Dunkel Ferger, and I stand in front
of the water glasses with Ferdinand. Beyond the waterquarter there was also the first
wife along with Aub and Dankel Ferger.

"Aub Dunkel Ferger's response?"

"To protect the aristocracy, defend Jurgen Schmidt and save the royalty is the highest
priority.The Dunkel Ferger is a sword of Tsent, I can not overlook it despite the means,
I will request Rosemain-like command "

I was amazed at Dunkel Ferger who stood the attitude of defending Jurgen Schmidt in
whatever circumstances it was. The first lady also chooses No to Aub 's choice, quietly
watching here.

"I understand. Please give relief to Dan Kel Ferger to protect the House of Lords and
eventually Jurgen Schmidt."
"What Dunkel Ferger wants is an incarnation of Mestiónola, and we have to inform
those who are in the House of Lords to know that there is a reason here."

I told you to come to the aristocratic house while showing off Gurritosheight, I nodded
with a cock.

"We do not have to do a thing, we will head from the border gate to the aristocrat, and
you will know at a glance that there is a Gurtris Height here."

2089 | 2523
"Mr. Ferdinand, I would like to rub each other's information before heading to the
House of Lords, is it OK?"

The first wife smiled with Nicolle as it held down the awb that seemed to pop out.
Ferdinand also replied, "Of course." Thinking of seeing a sociable smile between them,
feeling that somehow it feels like a good combination.

"Since Ahrensbach closes the dormitory with the change of Aub, the information of
the center and the House of Lords can only be obtained via Ehrenfest, and the source
of Ehrenfest's research is top priority Hirshur is a teacher. "

It is a well-known fact that everyone knows that Hill Sur is a research idiot and is a
dormitority not like a dorm official. It is a word to understand immediately how we
are unhappy with the information of the House of Peers and Central. The first wife
told me about the circumstances in the center that came in from Ruffen as it looked
like everything was seen.

"From the day Rosemain-san was a real Ditter invitation, was Aub Ehrenfest talking
to the royal family?"
"Yes, I saw Prince Sigismwald talking about my heading to Ahrensbach and I got a

I have not gotten anything now because the chains started gold dusting, but I got the
things I got.

"After that, Tzent, who listened to the situation from Prince Sigismwald, protected the
House of Lords and commanded the Central Order to watch the entrance to the
dormitory of Ahrensbach, and the dormitories in the House of Lords will wait in their
respective dormitories It seems there was a notice so as to "

...... Such a thing, Mr. Hill Sur from Dr. has not heard?

Hill saw should have pulled in the civil building without returning to the dormitory
by arbitrarily judging that it should not go out.

2090 | 2523
"We were not keeping in touch with Ruffen at that time, because the knights heading
to Ahrensbach and the knights waiting for the request from the center were busy

It seems that it was very difficult for the first lady to hold down the men of Dunkel
Ferger who was burning up with excitement in real ditters and meetings at the border
It was time for volunteers heading to Ahrensbach to leave without a contact from the
royal family and headed to the border gate, but it seems that there was no request
from the royal family even after returning.

"There was a message from Hannallre while he was doing a jacket.The letter of the
letter saying that Rosemain got the cornerstone of Ahrensbach and that he wants
permission to lead Dunkel Ferger's volunteer to protect the foundation of Ehrenfest I
tried to put a direct contact from Dunkel Verger to Tsento to tell you that the battle of
Ahrensbach was over, but I could not connect. "

Abe Dunkel Ferger said that it is commonplace not to be in the office if Tento is in
charge of the battle, and it seems that the first wife also did not have much doubt that
at that time communication was impossible. Since Aeb touches an Evil Stone, the
water poles for emergency contact function, so even if you contact Tsento in the same
way, you can not have a conversation unless you can return immediately. If he heard
from the civilian that there was a reaction to the magical tool of emergency contact, it
seems that he thought that there would be a message.

However, even if the whole day has passed, contact from Tsento will not come. As
there is no contact from Tsento, Aub Dunkel Ferger who boiled business seems to
have contacted Ruffen.

"There was no information on Rufen who was ordered to stay in the dormitory, there
was only a reply that she was waiting in the dormitory by the command from the

Ruffen is somehow, but if there is opportunity to fight it seems that I was going to stay
in the dormitory as I was ordered properly though ignoring the command saying "I
will fight with the Central Order Group" . I also want you to learn from Hill Sur.

"If Ruffen leaves from the door of the dormitory, the knight who is watching the door
of Ahrensbach was scolded and answering that it is protecting the evacuated royalty
2091 | 2523
if you fly Ordonants to the knight of the central knights team you know Apparently it
seems that Tsento thought that there is no need to contact Dunkel Ferger without an
enemy figure.I 'm seeing Ruzenav's scouting battle in Rufen I told him that he wanted
me to tell him to contact Duncel Ferger from Tsento. "

Apparently Ruffen told the knights who are outside the door and the knight of the
acquaintance that the sweeping battle of Runzener was over in Ordonants was told
by the royal family to contact Ehrenfest and " It seems that it was right after a reply
came to mean "I do not know."

"It was a mistake that I thought about the detailed talk with Tsento, the central
knight's knight was just a few knights left for warning, the everyday returned to the
lords and the center "

In the evening of that day when I caught the alarm, information entered from Hill Sur
to various places "The outsider is entering the House of Lords" was entered. It seems
that an order came as soon as possible from Rao Buruto, the chief of the knight of the
Central Order, to return to the dormitory.

"It is said that Ruffen sent Ordonants to Rao Burut while heading by a cowgirl to the
civil engineering building where there was a suspicious person, as he was disgusted
by the dormitory being besieged, he talked directly to the chief of the knights and
participated in vigilance and battle I heard that I thought about letting me do it. "

...... I thought it was reasonably intelligent, but Professor Ruffen was a man of Dunkel
Ferger after all.

The Ordonant who flew towards the knight's head descended to the immediate
vicinity in the grove near the civil building building. Ruffen who was looking at the
destination of Aldonants seemed to find that the knights wore black cloaks with the

"Everyone has a black cloak, but there are more than ten people who can judge that
they are not knights because they are not wearing armor, so they found a very
conspicuous blond hair and gaudy hair ornaments in them."

...... Does flashy hair decorate blonde, Dietrinde?

2092 | 2523
Even in such a situation I will admire the reality evacuation feeling without thinking
that "Dietrinde is really Maji girls powerful", passing over amnesia to the nerve to
which flashy hair ornaments are attached. Is it due to mind that people in Ranznerav
also feel troubled by their treatment?
I thought Ferdinand would come up with a thought behind me behind me who had
imagined Dietlinde dancing in shrubs in the grove.

"Is there a dozen people who are not knights?"

"Yes, because the inside of the grove, the exact number seems to be unknown, it is said
that the chief of the knight seemed to be instructing them to hide behind the trees
with strangers Ruffen soon left the spot and returned to the dorm from the central
building It seems that Aldonants returned from Rao Bluet on the way that it is the role
of the Central Order to search for and capture the outsiders. "

Because no one can tell who is thinking and what kind of information will flow, Ruffen
skips Ordnant to the teachers of the House of Lords so that he will never go out, leave
the judgment to Dunkel Ferger It seems to be.

"Abe is only thinking of protecting the House of Lords, which is important, and it is
now possible to go to the battle to protect the House of Lords by Rosemain's orders,
but this time the location of the enemy is clear If we do not know if some of the Central
Order, including Rao Boot, is funny or the whole is funny or if you decide to protect
the outs by the direction of Tzent, Dunkel Ferger will attack I do not know what to do.

Unlike genuine Ditters who protect the foundation, the first wife said that enemies
and places to attack are not clear. I asked if we knew that we issued a GO signature to
Dunkel Ferger.

"There seems to be a place where you can come and go from the Ranzenae hall in
addition to Arendsbach's dormitory, but do you know where Ferdinand arrives?"

Ferdinand to the words of the first wife opened his mouth with a preamble saying,
"Since I became aware of Aleansbach since I came to assist Ave, please keep it

"There is a transition team that leads to the Imperial Palace where Ranzenae's
Princess enters in the house of Ranzenerav Rosemain takes the foundation and the
front broom broke down due to the change of Aub and the dormitory can not be used
2093 | 2523
Therefore, it seems that Dietrinde is in the imperial palace where the princess of
Ranzenae go in. Although it seems that Rikyu was shut down after the princesses were
executed in political change, Aru Dunkel Ferger Do you know something about Rikyu?

Ferdinand talked to Aub Dunkel Ferger while scoffing that he is not detailed about his
age. Aub Dunkel Ferger nods slightly uncomfortably after a glance at the first wife.

"I know that there is a door at the back of the central building"

The doors connected to each dormitory are aligned with the rank in the central
building of the House of Lords. In the back there is a door leading to the royal
residence. Then further back, usually seems there is a door hidden behind which
nobody approaches in the end, the sign of God of Faun Bleken is hidden behind it. It is
said that it is the door leading to the apartment of Adal Gisa.

"According to the material that was in Ahrensbach, it is said that Rikyu itself is near
the shrine of Fairberken,"
"The shrine of Fairbernke ...?"

The first lady makes a little eyebrow. As expected it probably is not grasping the
position of the shrine of all the gods of the aristocrat. I found out that it is an
underground library.

"First Lady, I know if it's an approximate place, since I saw a rough map with the
location of the shrine drawn when I translated the books of the underground archives
with the help of the royal family."

God of concealment Fairberken is an obligation of darkness. Because the arrangement

of the dormitory of the aristocrat is also like a miniature of the map of Jurgen Schmidt,
there is a shrine of the dark quarters near the dormitory of Ahrensbach where the
border gate of the darkness exists in the actual land.

"If there is nothing like prayers and magic teams for goddess Anhaltung of advisory
who is a honor of light, it may not be able to find Rikyu from outside."
"I see"
"However, as Albud's permission is needed to move the transition team, it seems that
permission from a neighboring royal family who had been managing the Imperial
Palace is needed to enter the Imperial Palace. Who opened the gap between the
2094 | 2523
imperial shrine that was supposed to be closed and the members of the transition and
who accepted those of Dietlinde and Ranzenae, I can not figure out here. "
"I think Rao Bluet is doubtful from the testimony of Professor Ruffen, but ..."

Everyone nodded in my words with a difficult face.

"I think that it is most doubtful but only the eyewitness testimony of Ruffen, it was
only when there was witnessed by Hirschle, there was no existence of the Central
Order in the vicinity, no one else was watching, trying to capture If you can pass
through white that you were where you are, you can not escape from it. "
"Besides, it is a story that can not be thought that the senior aristocracy is managing
the Imperial Palace, even though it is the head of the knight.When did you say that you
got the key of Rikyu, when you are a person of Dietlinde and Ranzenav Why are you
shouldering them? There are too few judgment materials. "

When I was nodding in the words of Ferdinand and the first lady, Aub Dunkel Ferger
was a van! He struck a hand with a loud noise. I do not think as much as I do but I pay
attention to Aubu-Dankel Ferguer.

"It was only a harvest that we did not have to move around the aristocrat desperately
looking for an outsider, and we hit the restoration hidden behind Fairbernquin

I am talking that it is difficult because there is no evidence, the word "surprise me"
came out. Ferdinand frowns upon Aub Dunkel Ferger who does not read the air at all,
and the first wife is pressing the forehead. As I blink my eyes, I look at Aub Dunkel

"There is no mistake that the outsider is entering. It is important to collapse the places
where it seems to be home, so we will surprise the midnight where everyone seems
to have it all together."

Ferdinand tied arm while looking at Aub Dunkel Ferger who smiled grinningly.

"I will agree to crush them as soon as possible, to surprise them at midnight everyone
seems to have all but, it is necessary to align footsteps with other territories What is
the foundation of that? Is it? "
"Thank you so much, I can not talk about just having come through"

2095 | 2523
It seems that when Aub Dunkel Ferger invited himself to "fight together to protect the
aristocrats", he said "It will take three days to leave." Listen to the current situation of
the royalty, pick up the knights by collecting it, prepare for recovery drugs and
magical tools, depending on the scale of the battle, those who are working downwards
can also move to the dorm to have meals and sleep I have to arrange the place.
In their reply Aub Dunkel Ferger was amazed and yelled, "Are you so drunk when a
huge demonic beast comes out?", Said, "If the monsters get rid of the monsters in the
territory and defend the aristocrats Do not do it together "It is said to be returned.

...... I think that Dunkel Ferger who can fight anytime has changed.

I am reliable, but I think that it is impossible to think that the remaining part can move
like Dunkel Ferger. At least Ehrenfest took a month to prepare for the arrival of

"Dietlinde who is self-name of the next TSENT is working, it will be Gurttrisheit, but
anything other than Dietlinde, those of Ranzenae who is the descendant of Tolkhan
Hait is a threat. Considering the sent princess, I can not respect their magical power.
"... Oh, why do you know the amount of the princess's magical power?"

The first wife smiled with Nicoli. Ferdinand opens his mouth as if to seek an assistance
while looking at Arub-Dunkel Ferger, who was packed with words, with his eyes.

"I think the concern of Aub Dunkel Ferger is correct.The principal was sent from
Ranzenerav to survive the town made by Tolkhanheit and he was fellowship with the
royal family of Jürgen Schmidt, Especially those who have a lot of magical power get
back to Runzener after getting Stap.If you know the history, you can imagine that
Princess's magical power is high. "
"Yes, as Ferdinand says,"

Ferdinand saw a little far while watching Aub Dunkel Ferger nod on a white face.

"According to Dietlinde's letter, there are some who were brought up to become the
king of Ranzenae with Stapus among those who headed from the Ranzenaev to the
House of Lords."
"There should be a lot of magical power than the current royal family, and you should
have Stap.The person born in that shrine will be registered as a child of an adjacency
2096 | 2523
royal family to get Stap ... ... that registration We still have no idea whether we still
have it, but depending on the location of the registered medals he may get a
Gurritosheight at any time. "

Ferdinand did not say anything about having to pray around the shrine to get the
Gurtris Height. That is why there is no grace at all and it seems that further crisis is
coming up.

"No matter if other territory does not participate, the surprise will go on tonight, even
though Rao Burrd will lead the Central Order, we will crush the people of Ranzenae
and pass Gurtris Height to the outsiders "
"Tonight, when the date changes"
"We aim for the Rikyu from a dormitory with a cowgirl and it is faster than the goddess
of the gusts of Steiffleleze!"

"The communication is running out, is not it?"

After Aub Dunkel Ferger told me to say, I cut off communication. While looking at the
watercolor which no longer shoots, he said, "I heard that the word faster than Steiffe
Leeze seems to have liked," Ferdinand said "It is a word that Dunkel Ferger would like
to like" While cleaning up magical tools.

"The allegation that I just wanted to jump out by listening to the stories of knights
who experienced genuine Ditters can not be eliminated but it is a project I would like
to clear up the matter of Ranzenae earlier.The royal family members of the House of
Lords As a result of ordering defense, if Rao Burut is dark, he can not leave him. "

While they were going to Ehrenfest, they wanted to be knocked down by the Central
Order to see if those of Ranzenavy had come together, or that those of Ranzenavy were
rampant and the royalty was settled Ferdinand murmured with a bitter face, that it
was troublesome that both remained.

"Mr. Ferdinand, now I heard a murmuring muttering rather than being a bit of a
"Oh, I guess I was pretty sure that irritability had leaked out, so please take care."
"Where to be careful is not it?!? Please do not say such things quietly as you expected!
It's scary!"
2097 | 2523
I agree with the heart that the royalty is troublesome, but I do not want to be overrun
by Ranzenerav and Dietrinde. It will not result in bad aftertaste, it will do with it if you
do not concern me.
Ferdinand said, "You are as sweet as ever" and looked around the office.

"Did Eckhardt and Strals return?"

"I heard that I was able to run all night, so I had a report that I should arrive soon."
"Tell the returning knights to rest up to the seven bells and let the knights and civilians
in the aristocracy fly Ordonants to prepare for the war against the change of date"

After ordering Ekhart's older brother, Ferdinand calls Justoks.

"How is civil servants making recovery drugs and magical tools?"

"Hartmut and Clarissa are the center and give instructions and are made one after
"Okay, let's continue."

Those two people are making magical tools for Rosemain, but Justoks smiles bitterly.
Ferdinand saw me while telling my escort knights to take a break and take turns and
to prepare.

"Rosemain, about the fight of the night, you are an answering machine"
"Well, but I, you have to move the transition team?"
"Oh, yeah, let the knights move from the border gate to the transition team in the
lords, and then return to the border gate."

I told Ferdinand that I did not have to put pressure on battle, but I was relieved to say
that there was no need to stand in the place of fighting again, but I felt a bad
It was me who appealed about attracting foreign attorneys, it was me who took away
the cornerstone of Ahrensbach and became aubu, and it was me who declared to
"adopt Arub-Ahrensbach" towards the adoptive father and everyone . It can not be
good to let the scene of capturing the people of Ranznerav with Dunkel Ferger and
now fly to the Ferdinandes who are not those of Ahrensbach and run away.

"Mr. Ferdinand, do not you want to be an awesome woman? Is it the job of Abu
Ahrensbach to capture Ranzenerav and Dietrinde?"
2098 | 2523
"You do not want to go?"
"Of course I do not want to go, but it does not matter whether I want to go or not, it is
important whether I must go as Aub Ahrensbach. I do not really need to go. Is it? "

When I looked up at Ferdinand statically, Ferdinand turned to a terrible disgusting


"I think that you should go as an ale, but I can not agree with you in your situation. I
will come instead, so please wait quietly."
"I refuse, I will do it myself as much as my own work, although I may be able to help
you, I will not do throwing all to Ferdinand."

Do not be with your adoptive father, and glare at Ferdinand.

"Besides, if you leave for battle from midnight, I think some people have to take the
most rest"

Justkus and Eckhardt brother nodded greatly in my words. Ferdinand looks over me
with a guarded face.

"Rosemain, what on earth are you thinking?"

"If you just prepare, you can do it by others, Hartmut and Clarissa are also used to it,
and the knights know what they need to prepare individually? Thanks to Ferdinand, I
am well I feel asleep, so I think that returning is necessary. "

I approached Ferdinand and left Steppe. I saw that Eckhardt brothers could quickly
support Ferdinand and devoted prayers.

"God of Dreams Shura Traumen Feldinand says a comfortable sleep and a happy
"This idiot ... ...."

Ferdinand tapping a hatred mouth seemed to need sleep so much and fell asleep faster
than retizia.

2099 | 2523
Since I am departing from midnight again, I plan to take a nap from the evening. For
that purpose, we must do our best to prepare now. I called Hartmut and decided to
find out how to make the most efficient and prepare the necessary magic team in
order to find the abodey which is hidden by fairbernken.

"It seems that it is making it difficult to see the door and the imperial palace itself by
carving the sign of the concealed god Fairberken, I think that we can find out where
hidden by using the goddess Anhaltung's advice "

When I explain the content of communication with Aub Dunkel Ferger, Hartmut
declines with his arms folding like searching for memory.

"There is not much magic team like the ones you are looking for during lectures at the
House of Peers, but I think that would be a special magic team rather, but do you know
"Rosemain, it is necessary to reveal with Anhaltung, but if we can use the mark of
Fairbernen to take covert action without being noticed by the enemy, is not it a very
effective means?"

As Hartmut and Leonore give their views, I will issue a letter from Mestionola and
search for items in Fairbernquen or Anhaltung. People in this office already do not
have to hide because they all know that they have a book of Mestionola.

"Hartmut, this magic team seems to be able to use it as a looking thing"

After selecting the magic team that can fill in with their own knowledge, draw it on
paper and present it to Hartmut.

"The magic team is okay, is not it?"

"Well, there is nothing to draw magic team anyway."
"... ... then, if you improve Ordo Schnee's magic team used in Ordonants a bit, you may
be able to communicate with your voice, it seems necessary to go to the battlefield."

He says he wants Hultmuth to investigate the magic team about Ordosnary other than
what he learns in the lecture. Certainly it will be very different if you have a

2100 | 2523
communication means and you do not have it. I admire Hartmut's point of view, I
search Mestionola's book.

...... There are a lot of old magic teams from Ferdinand, are not they?

I was searching while wondering if there was something good just to look up at
Hartmut, right? I tilted my head.

"Haltmut is not even a face of lack of sleep, is not it as good as Ferdinand, is not she
"Oh, is Rosemain blessing me a shratarium bless?"

Compare the Hartmut and Clarissa who raised their eyebrows as if they can slash.
Clarissa looked like "please ask" and I saw a finger put together in front of my chest.

"I understand Hurtmut's hard work, I will not miss giving blessings."
"Then, let's take turns blessed when Ferdinand says."

Hartmut shook his head, as I could not reduce my aides from my surroundings any
more. I looked around my surroundings. Escort Knights certainly take turns taking
turns for the fight of the night, and Justochs and Eckhardt's brother are resting to
assist Ferdinand who starts to move with full force when he gets up.

"Please rest assured that I will take a rest with Mr. Rosemain"
"Please say that it matches Rosemain's nap time, Hartmut"

Léonore smiles a little and looks at Hartmut.

While watching such interaction, I drew magic cupboards on the magical paper made
by Hartmut and Clarissa, and I'm spending time checking the number of aristocrats
who seemed to have moved from the house of Ranzenae to Retizia It was.

"I'm quite up early, Mr. Ferdinand."

I thought he was asleep more fast, but Ferdinand got up earlier than the five bells rang.
The time I woke up was earlier than I expected, but my complexion has improved a

2101 | 2523
"Rosemain, if you plan to bless your opponent's schedule so that you get permission
from the other party beforehand"
"Well, Ferdinand, please accept my permission from now on,"

They blessed each other without permission. When I stared at Ferdinand, he nodded
me with a disgusting face saying "I will deal with it."

"What kind of dream did Mr. Ferdinand have? I, I dreamed a lot of books at a nice
"... ... there was nothing like that"
"It's strange, did not my prayers be enough?"

Because Feldinand fell asleep in the blink of an eye quickly, the magical power used
for blessing was not so much, but it was more Was it better to pour magical powers at

"Do you not have to turn on extra care." Have you got anything more than that? What
is the preparation like? "

Ferdinand is not me, I start talking to ask Hartmut for explanation.

"It is a good idea to conduct secret action with a sign of Fairbernen, rather I would like
to give it to the knight of Dunkel Ferger"
"We are very conspicuous at the time of moving from the border gate using the
transition team, it seems that the gate also glowed when I picked it up at Dunkel
Ferger ...."

Ferdinand told us that it is highly probable that the secret behavior is going to be
reality, Feldinand tapping the temple with tappington and fingertips to think a little,
he said, "It would be better to have it."

"Mr. Ferdinand, from Retetzia, I was asked to talk about an instant death poison
before the battle, it seems that it is not possible to talk broadly on the standpoint of
retizia, and my escort knights are two Because I say that I can not do it, I answered
that Mr. Ferdinand was up, but is your time enough? "

There is a high possibility that those of Ranzenae will use it in future fight. I think that
it would be better if you tell me if I have something to know. However, I want to
respect the opinions of the victim, Ferdinand, to some extent what to do with Retizia.
2102 | 2523
"... OK ... let's hear the information from Ranznerav very hard to enter"
"Well, I will prepare for tea, because Mr. Ferdinand did not have lunch, so would I
have to prepare for a snack?"
"As Rosemain has been worried since lunchtime, you can prepare for snacks soon,
whichever is better, a dish you brought in from Ehrenfest or a light snack of

When the Liselaer smiled and asked, Yustoks replied "I would like to have the dish
brought in from Ehrenfest".

Lieserator and Zergius will be the center and prepare tea in the next room of the office
room. I asked Gratia and contacted Reti Zia. Tell them that you made time to discuss
the tea a little earlier and have them come to the room to make tea.
When Ferdinand who got a report of my action from Rethi Zia and Hartmut gathered,
the tea was prepared perfectly and the magician of the scope specified wiretapping
prevention was activated.

"So, what on earth are you?"

"The people of Ranzenae have silver bars with dangerous poisons."
"I know, I do not need details as Rosemain looks at the battle of Ehrenfest", what kind
of poison it is. "

In a brief reply by Ferdinand Retetzia moves his eyes to find a word a little.

"They have medicines to keep them poisoned, so you can use dangerous poisons even
if they do not cover your mouth with a cloth. Please take care. "
"Yes, I have a very similar shape and taste to the sweets I got for a souvenir, but there
was a bit of bitterness in the center when I included it in the mouth until the end. On
the way there I was called by Dietlinde and Leonzio, and I got it. "

It seems to be a story when Ros Vita, the leader of Retethia, disappears suddenly and
disappears and two days promised to take time to consult Ferdinand among supplies.

"It is very powerful in a tight room, after Leonzio gathered somewhere after
Ferdinand's aides gathered in Aub's office, at that time I was eating as a meal before
me Everyone except Fairzele ... .... "

2103 | 2523
Retiziy tightly tied the trembling lips and fell. When supplying magical power with
Ehrenfest, only the senior nobles who are related to Aubu can wait in the office of Aub,
even among the aides. That senior aristocrats were knocked down at that poem all at
once. A scene where my aides are turned into manastones all together comes to mind,
and I hold my mouth unintentionally.

"... .... Retethia, I understood that there are things that can be used for threats and
detoxification and neutralization of poison.
"Certainly ... .... Indeed, really please take care. The run Zenner only sees us as a mass
of magical powers."

Reti Zia exited while shaking the blue eyes shaking off.

"... Are you OK, Rosemain?"

"I do not feel bad, but it's okay, it is I who decided to listen to Reti Zia's story, and
because Reticia Zia-sama is witnessing a very terrible scene than I am"

There can not be no trauma. For retizia, we need great protection.

"But reti zia is also a sinner who poisoned me, I think it would be nice to have relief,
but I do not know how to deal with retizia, so that people who share the same feelings
will not increase anymore , You must catch the people of Ranznerav. "

I strongly thought that I can not leave the people of Ranznerav unleashed. I stand up
with Ferdinand's hands and nod.

"Is it about time for you to have a nap? Is it necessary to bless Shratarium today?"
"I slept well last night and I think that it will not work for me today, rather a blessing
to Hartmut ... ...."
"I went to Halmut's room and I will bless you, so please go to bed quickly."

Ferdinand breathed a light breath, as it is hard to carry the big figure of the figure.
Apparently it seems that he did not like being carried to his brother Eckhart. It is
certainly better for me to ask Ferdinand because I can not enter male's room.

Ferdinand also made a blessing of Shuratraumu, saying it was a while, but today I was
able to return to my room normally without becoming sleepy suddenly. However,
since dreaming was good, I would like you to do it everyday.

2104 | 2523
"The battle has continued since the other day, the knights would have had no time to
rest slowly, it should not be said to be a perfect physical condition."

Ferdinand opens his mouth while looking around the knights gathered at the training
ground. There are 80 knights of Ahrensbach heading for the House of Lords. It is this
time that we added the escort knight of me and Ferdinand and some civil servants to

This is the only surplus fighting force that can move this time because we have to leave
the strength to protect Ahrensbach. However, compared with Ehrenfest, there are
quite a few people, and there is also the strength of Dunkel Ferger. It is not too difficult
if you just drop Adorjisa's residence.

"But there is no time to take a rest more than this, you can not leave those who
vandalized Ahrensbach as it is - in order to restore peace to this newly awaited place,
You must show a place where there is no intention of treason, you must capture the
shameless that took in those of Ranzenae and stick out in front of Tzent. "

Don and Eckhardt brother struck a spear on the ground to reply. The knights like
Gasha to respond to it! And ring the shoe heel. The air the knights wrapped up got
hotter. It seems that you can see the enthusiasm in front of the battle.

"It is now only humiliation, snowing as a knight who could not protect those who had
to defend themselves with the sudden attacks of their lost lives."
"Do not forgive fools who, while being the founders of the lords, have exposed their
own territory with their hands with foreign countries!"
"Capture every one who has destroyed the city of Ahrensbach!"

Ferdinand called "Rosemain" as my name in the feverish air. I walked slowly and came
a step ahead of Ferdinand. I have decided what to do. Send blessings to the knights
who are going to fight from now.

"Blessing for everyone who goes to the battle"

2105 | 2523
I hold the staple and I will cast it.

"May the goddess of water Fleet Renee have the protection of the lightning goddess
Fair Drenna and the lucky goddess Greifeshan"

Green light falls towards the knights. The knights of Ahrensbach have never been
blessed, as they were surprised with their eyes watching carefully, looking upwards,
staring at the green light that pours down on them.

"May the God of the Flame Leyden Shaft of the Flame and the God Angelie of the
Mercenary and God of the Hunting Shuragetziel have protection"

Next the blue light falls. Ferdinand tapped my back lightly, "There are so many people.
But, I shook my head a bit and refused to stop it. I want to give as many blessings as
possible. I want you to be in a state that is easy to fight even a little. I want to raise
everyone's survival rate even a little. When I move to the border gate with my
cowardly beast, I can drink even a refreshing drug.

"May the goddess of the wind StSeeria be a blessing of the goddess Stefe Riezes of the
gale and the goddess Durtzessen of patience."

The boundary gate and border gate shimmer slightly shining up in the world of black
color which can not be distinguished from the night sky or the sea. Inside the darkness
I was brought in the Ferndinand cud beast and I was drinking recovery medicine
while eating preaching. It is dangerous to drink a refreshing agent in the air because
it is a dangerous situation, so I was told to enter the gentleness, so this time it is a

"Do not be unreasonable, this idiot. Do you know that you have a heavy burden on
your body, such as blessing that much on that number of people, and do you know
that magical power is necessary to spread?"
"I understand, but magical power can be recovered and will not come back if I lose my
life at the battlefield.If everyone's survival rate increases by overlaying blessings, I
will impossibly a little ...... "

I do not want to see where people die as much as possible. In my words Ferdinand
sighed while saying "You are really bothersome."
2106 | 2523
Open the border gate and open the border gate. Since I can not use the Lesser bus this
time, everyone else will get up from the stairs. I looked at the figure coming from the
door on the sea, closed the boundary gate after confirming that all members entered.

Get off at the border gate and call out to the knights who look around inside like rarely
"go side by side" and get them to line up with the transition team and transfer.

"Kaslussel Airstaid"

The place of the transference was a similar place during the transition in the
dormitory of the House of Lords. It is quite large, but it is like a room surrounded by
walls on all sides. I commanded the knights so that they would not come out
arbitrarily, I returned to the border gate of my escort knight once with my escort
knight and brought the rest of the knights together.

"Have you marked Fairbernquin?"

It is an amulet for concealment which celestials made suddenly at the proposal of

Leonore. I draw a magic camp on magical paper and have it for a charm.

"Quietly, I will get out of the building as soon as possible"

It is in trouble to use instantaneous dead poison where it is dense. The mouth is

covered with cloth, and although each has a Yuleve, the knights who continue fighting,
especially from Ehrenfest, do not have so many Yuriets.

I opened the door with Gurtris Height. Eckhart's elder brother and Angelica go out
and check the surroundings so as not to make a sound. His eldest brother Eckhardt's
hands came. There seems to be no watchmen in watch around.
Angelica, who went further, shakes hands sideways. Apparently there seems to be a
shadow. The direction where Angelica is located may be around where doors going to
the dormitory are lined up, so the knights of the Central Order may be there.

This is the central building of the House of Lords. If you leave the room with the
transition team, you will know that there is a classroom that you are using at the time

2107 | 2523
of lecture at the Lord Candidate Course. I feel that this is the sanctuary of Jurgen
Schmidt because there is a transition team that can move to all border gates.

It is the passengers of the candidate who are proceeding forward, and the aides of
candidates who have walked near here. No one echoes and goes through a white
building that only quietly reflects the moonlight. When thinking that it is a night
school building, there is a thrill that somehow something strange like skeletal
specimens of the science room will jump out of some classroom. My arms and legs
were trembling with tension. In a tense silence that wants to cry for meaningless
things, the knights gently opens the window and jumps out and disappears one after
another into the trees.

"Do not you have to come back?"

Ferdinand asked in a loud voice.

"to go"

When Ferdinand issued a cowgirl and took off with me, everyone else who was
preparing in the grove also began crawling through the night sky with aiming at the
dormitory of Ahrensbach.

"Aub Dunkel Ferger, Rosemain, I left the central building"

I brought voice to the manuscript inscribed with the magic team of Ordo Schnee who
made Hartmut immediately and burned the destination with Styro. Paper airplane
and dunkel feller's dormitory in the direction there.

A paper plane flew away in the night sky. After a while I found out that the distant

2108 | 2523
Dunkel Ferger should be heading for Arends Bach 's dorm for the time being. It is most
suitable as a place to join from the central building and Dunkel Ferger's dorm because
we are left to find the hidden residence hidden in the concealed god Fairberken.

"Is it OK if Ferdinand goes to the Rikyu? If that makes you feel uncomfortable, could
you only issue instructions from outside?"

Even within the range I heard it should not be a place that has good memories for
Ferdinand. I do not want to do something like walking into the Rikyu. You do not have
to go all the way to a bad place. When I said that, Ferdinand made a big sigh.

"Even if you do not want to hate fighting and do not want to fight, you do not need to
worry about running away to me, in front of you who is here as Arub, I'd rather shatter
that shrine."
"Please wait a moment ... Whether it was good to shuffle the shrine or Arensbach or
to have Ranzenerav and the royalty settled ...... Ferdinand somewhat recently thought
is a noise."

I can not take it by merely taking a break. I think that the thinking circuit is headed
for danger as a result of exhaustion. As I worried about it, Ferdinand gave a bitter

"Just because I did not bother, the original thought is a struggle, not a recent thing, do
not dwell"
"Is not it wrong to deal there?"
"Well, it would be fine if you care about it without permission"

... ... Do not tell me so much troublesome! It's about myself!

For the foreseeable future, I realized that Ferdinand did not challenge the Adulgisa's
residence, but wanted to destroy it. The expression and tone of the time I talked about
Gervasio was terrible, so I was pretty worried, but the person seems to feel like going.

"Well, does Ferdinand know the location of the Imperial Palace? Although it is on the
map at the lower right of the dormitory of Ahrensbach, it does not understand where

2109 | 2523
you are where even from the sky above the darkness.Allences I do not even know the
direction of Bach's dormitory "

If you pass through the center of the nobleman house where central buildings and
special buildings are gathered, there is a column densely gathered in the dorms of
each area and dormitories in each area, and a vast forest continues It's just that. I do
not even know if I am really heading to the dormitory of Ahrensbach. The knights who
are running at the head are admired that this direction and direction are well
understood in the black forest only there is this night sky.

"... ... were you proudly saying to Abu · Dunkel Ferguer that you can not understand
the map so much that you can not even grasp the location of the dormitory in
Ahrensbach and know the approximate location?"
"Because it's an approximate place, I do not say a lie - it's not that I do not know by
merely not linking the map with the actual land.To go to the south-east as it is
diagonally lower right of the map."
"That's why I do not say that I know someone who can not go south-east, I will give
instructions in the hands of Gurtris Height How will you do in such a situation?"

It was said from Ferdinand that the map was not understood, but such a thing is not
a big problem. Because some people understand even if I do not understand.

"I do not need to know the south east because I know that it is good to leave it to
Ferdinand, so Ferdinand would have studied the location of the shrine in the
twentieth wonder study of the aristocrat There was a document in the laboratory of
Dr. Hill Sur, as it seems that he actually studied the shrine, do you know the
approximate position? "

Ferdinand turned to a horribly disgusting face saying "Turn the front", as I look back
and say that there is absolutely no relation with the presence of Gurritosheit.

In the distance I could see the dormitory of Ahrensbach. Knights of Dunkel Ferger are
in the sky. The beast is shining faintly, the trees of the forest surrounding the
dormitory shake, the birds fly off the attack of those with magical differences, and
even though the small animal system demon is running away and making noise, its
presence is It is overwhelming.

2110 | 2523
"Covert action is impossible for Dunkel Ferger"
"We will not be with us who have the sign of Fairberken, because Dunkel Ferger has
its own presence loud ... ... No, there is a very strong presence ..."

I realized my real intention. When holding a mouth and laughing and becoming a devil,
Oldonants flew. I descend to my arm and open my mouth.

"Mr. Rosemain, Dunkel Ferger, I have already arrived above the dormitory of
Ahrensbach, where are you in Arenzbach?"

Before Aldonants finished talking three times, Ferdinand's hand grabbed Ordonants
while saying, "Turn your line of sight somewhere." While I was facing away, Ferdinand
seemed to be Ordonant from Manastone, breathing an answer.

"It seems that it can not be seen from there because it has a sign of Fairbern, but it is
visible from here.

You can see white Ordnants conveying the words of Ferdinand flying through the
night sky. The group of Dunkel Fergus who was waiting at the sky began to turn
around the dormitory looking for us.

... ... something like a bee.

Dunkel Ferger began to show a movement like a bee hunting for food and notifying
his friends as if a bee was waiting normally.

"It seems that Hehyzice is not the only thing that can not stay still. It is the
characteristic of the territory? If only Dunkel Ferger is making noise, there is not any
secret behavior."

Ferdinand removes the sign of the worn-out fairbern keeper and hands it to me, and
goes out in the front row of the knights of Ahrensbach, saying in an amazing tone.

"Everyone, remove the mark of the fairbernken!"

The sign of Fairbernen is removed at the same time by the order of Ferdinand. The
sign of Fairbernen was to avoid battle with the Central Order in the central building
with the transition team. From now on it would be better to unplug themselves to
prevent them from fighting each other.
2111 | 2523
The knights of Dunkel Ferger who was waiting while turning over the dormitory of
Ahrensbach raised excitement to us who appeared suddenly.

"O, you have been here! I did not notice it at all!"

"Ferdinand, where is the Rikyu? Let's head right away."
"Why is Hyscitz here? It seems that there are quite a few people ... ...."

If you think that it is a familiar voice, it seems Haisuzzse.

The beginning of Dunkel Ferger is like Aub Dunkel Ferger. He tried to make a greeting
on the coward beast, but he was told that he would guide him to the Imperial Palace
promptly, "I do not need a greeting like everyday in such a battle field".

"Go to Aub, Dunkel Ferguer, the Imperial Palace and reveal the concealment by
fairbernke with the magic team of advising goddess Anhaltung.Rushed after checking
the presence of the barrier, please capture as much as possible"

Ferdinand said there would be a difference in the burden on Arendsbach's later

residents if the lords who committed the crime of attracting foreign affairs were not
alive and alive. The point is that we need a responsible person.

"Especially, Three of Dietlinde, Alsteed, Leonzio are masterminds, please ask not to
easily kill them."

In addition, because the other party has means such as neutralization and
detoxification, there is a high possibility of using immediate death poison without
hesitation, the number of aristocratic people of Arends Bach, including Dietlinde, the
number of people of Ranzenav And so on.

"About ten people in Dietlinde and its aides, Alsteads should only have a side
effect.The people of Lanzenerborg have twelve people who greeted them officially,
among them twelve people, There are eight people who have it, but this place does
not include the person who is the king of Ranzenae named Gerbergio. "

If there is a royal family, his aides are together. To be honest, I do not understand how
many people of Ranznerav are there. Considering the number of ships of Ranznerav,
it seems that there are more people than expected.

"The enemies are the lords of the lords and their aides, there is also the possibility of
escape depending on the amount of magical power of the knight."
2112 | 2523
Ferdinand notes that there is a possibility that it can escape depending on the
difference in the amount of magical powers even if it is tied with a band of light.

"Strong enemy, much better"

Aub Dunkel Ferger said so satisfiably, but I do not want you to have a strong enemy. I
want to finish the capture quickly.

"This is around here, Rosemain. Anhaltung of the advice goddess ... ...."
"I understand, please leave it to me"

I took out the magazine on which the magic team that I made with Hartmut and
Clarissa was drawn. Grasp the staple and pour the magical power into the magic team
drawn on the paper.

"Goddess of advice as a goddess of the goddess of light, Anhaltung, show me things

hidden behind the concealed God fairberken"

A magic team of light that lightens the darkness rises to the sky and lights up one
point. In the black forest the appearance of the elegant Rikyu that was not seen before
emerged white. Unlike Ehrenfest's dormitory, it is made up of two buildings and
connected by a passageway.

Although there seems to be rough due to the absence of caretakers, there are front
gardens, fountains, ponds, etc. in this department and there are many remnants of the
flower beds. It's designed to spend a long time other than the winter buried in the
snow. Although I stayed at the time of the snow-crowned lord conference, there were
no such things in the vicinity of the dormitory of Ehrenfest.

"It's Rikyu!"
"There is an outsider over there!"

At the same time as the voice of admiration "O O" comes up from the surroundings,
AUB / Dunkel Ferger's instructions say "Please confirm the existence of the barrier!"
Then the knight who was on board the riding type beast threw a glowing blue light
from the beast.
2113 | 2523

It falls with gravity, it looks like a blue-crowned beast, as if a blue-lighting child is on

board. Whatever it is, if you are blinking your eyes, it turns round and it starts to move
like you have your will.

"It's like an idiot, is not that a piece of Gewinnen?"

"By the way, I've seen a blue figurine in the tea ceremony room at Dunkel Ferger, is
not it? It is like Gevinenen, who starts a doctor's match in twenty wonders of the
"It was not as if it was actually done by Dunkel Ferger, it was not that long ago that
that wonderful story was made"

I blinked at the words of Ferdinand.

"Hannero did not seem to know, did it?"

"If it is a year that has not come to the House of Peers, you will not know if the
surroundings are caressed."

Givinnen 's piece with the size of the child who finished the baptismal ceremony glows
magical and glows blue and fly aiming for the Imperial Palace. Ballin, gashagashan! He
rushed hard sounds and thrust into the window of Rikyu.

"There is no barrier! Charge! I am going from above, Hythiczee comes from below!"

Aub Dunkel Ferguer starts to thrust into the Imperial Palace at the top. I am planning
to attack from a nearby place, I got off on the balcony on the third floor of the building
in front, destroyed the sweep window and jumped in. About half of the knights of
Dunkel Ferger jumps to the third floor and the other half jumps in while destroying
the window of the balcony on the second floor.

"... How is it that the person in the position to give instructions leads the most?"

Although the position of AUBU is usually an image that seems to be standing

upstandingly in the back, AUB - DUNKELFERGER is charged with the first rider.

2114 | 2523
Ferdinand says, "Why do not you keep a guard outside, are you going to push them all
this way?"

"Sturl, take a knight of one team and explore the trend of the Central Order and you
will be worried that there is no movement in spite of this fuss."
"Not all deprivation can be robbed by Dunkel Ferger, we will attack the other building,
enter from the balcony on the second floor, and the two teams to the seventh team
focus intensively on the third floor where there is a female room Let's collect
prisoners to the front yard! "
"The eight teams are the watchers of the prisoners of war, which can only be
confirmed by Leon Zeewe's Leonzio."

I was wondering why I did not enter the balcony on the third floor like Dunkel Ferger,
who was listening to Ferdinand's instructions. Immediately afterwards, I noticed that
there was no balcony on the third floor in the building where Ferdinand pointed. A
wonderful but sturdy grid imitating plants and animals in all the windows is crowded.
I compare this with the other building.

"There is no balcony on the third floor over there, why is there a difference in the
"Because the people who live in are different, do you think that the neighboring
royalty and those who do not register as Jurgen Schmidt live in the same building?"

There is a couple of a neighboring royal family who manages the Imperial Palace, who
is registered as the child becomes a king of Ranzenae, and then he is a girl nurtured
as the princess of Jurgen Schmidt. It seems that even the buildings that live with the
princesses of Ranznerav and the children who become magic stones that they bred
are even different. There is a lattice which is said to say that neither intrusion nor
escape is permitted, and it can be seen how the inhabitants there were treated.

"... ... I understood the feeling that Ferdinand wanted to shred this shrine."
"It is extremely disappointing that you can not use your cock that broke the gellach's
summer palace"

I told Ferdinand in spite of being told that it could easily be destroyed.

2115 | 2523
"Do not tell my Lesser-kun as a tool for destruction! Just accidentally overlapping
happened, so I did not mean to destroy the gerlach's palace!"

When Ku and Ferdinand laughed, the prisoner wrapped in a gruel with a band of light
was thrown out of the window. Ferdinand will drop the beast into the front yard of
the abducted house while saying "It's almost Mattias at that time." After that, my aides
and Feldinand 's aides came down.

"Rosemain is here. I will issue instructions inside"

"Mr. Ferdinand, I too ..."
"It's an obstacle to walk and run, but you are in the way to monitor the prisoners of
war here, you restrain themselves, as you are relaxed, you are the most magical here."

I can not put out a cowgirl but I am certainly only a gentleman. Still, Ferdinand gives
instructions to my escort knights while giving me the role I can do.

"Please instruct Clarissa to bring prisoners of war to Dunkel Ferger here"

"Escort Knights defend Rosemain and do not hurt a wound."

Ferdinand enters the building with his brother Eckhart and Justks.
After Clarissa flew the Ordonants, the knights of Dunkelfelger brought prisoners of
war. Three young men and women are wrapped in a band of lights. It seems that
nobody assumed that he would get attacked asleep, most of whom are in sleepwear.
Even if you noticed a vigil at the light by the magic team and the sound of Gewinnen's
piece, you probably could not afford to change.

"Are there many Ranzenavi in the building where Dunkel Ferger's knights entered?"

Knights of Ahrensbach overlooked the prisoners who brought them and said so. It
seems that they all came along with Leonzio, who was officially greeted by
Ahrensbach. I will not open my mouth just watching this story silently.

"I can bring another one,"

When he told me that way he turned his eyes, the prisoner who was brought to this
place torn the band of light and ran away from the knight of Dunkel Ferger. It seems
that there was more magical power than the knight who caught him.
2116 | 2523

Knights of Ahrensbach who was appointed to monitor the prisoners raised their
voices, and half of the ten members of the eight team rushed on the beast to catch

"Do not disturb me, I will be the king of Ranzenae!"

Leonzio cried out so he is riding a beast and his staple is held in his hand.

……why? This person, who is the king of Ranzenerav, is not it?

It was raised to become King of Ranzenerav, who got Stap and headed to Ranzenae is
a man called Gerbergio, it was not the name Leonzio and it is considerably older than

... ... Stap, how did you get it?

When I was caught my eyebrows, three of the prisoners who were rolling quietly
broke the light band and stood up swiftly. There are staples in the hands of three


2117 | 2523
I got Stepp in the sharp voice of Cornelius elder brother.
Three of the prisoners of warrior rushed out so that they could fly towards here, while
staggering down the staff all at once to devise magical powers. It is much more
powerful than what I received before, but it is a magical attack that I have received
from Earl of Vindebaard at the time of the apprenticehip of the blue shrine maiden in
the temple.
There are many escort knights in the surroundings and it seems that it was the easiest
way to deal with the attacks that were directed towards me. I felt no fear at all.


Léonore and Laurenz who responded to Cornelius' s voice responded instantly to the
shield, Angelica, Matthias and Elder Cornelius swept down each sword. Only the
magical bullets which the prisoners sent out are cut off, they change their trajectory
and fly.

... Well, it will be so.

I managed to defeat the attack of Countess Vindebart of the senior aristocrat who had
overwhelming magical power difference, even I, who knew not even the lower knight
Damuel and even how to fight the blue priestess apprentice era somehow. That is an
attack that is absolutely superior enough that you can be sure that you will not be able
to prevent the opponent even if you give out a shield, unless it is a downgrade or a
surprise attack is not effective. You can easily prevent my escort knights from
launching magical chunks or shields in the same way.


Prisoners who distorted their faces repulsively tried to shake the Stap again, but at
that time Angelica was quickly moving to strengthen the body and he was jumping
into the bosom of the enemy with Stin Luke.

"Angelica, be careful not to die here!"

2118 | 2523
While skipping attention so that Léonore shouts, spread the cloak so as to close my
sight. Immediately after, angelica said with a slightly impatient voice "Heal in a hurry!"
It seems that attention was a bit late.

"Substitution, angelica!"

There is an attribute of water, Cornelius elder brother and angelica which can use
healing somewhat can be replaced. Healing was given by Cornelius elder brother, Leo
's cloak was dropped. It seems he healed to an extent that he did not die, one of the
prisoners of war was bound not by the band of light, but by ordinary strings and
suppressed by Cornelius elder brother.

"Hartmut, hold the shackles to seal the staple!"

Take out the handbuild prepared by Hartmut in the voice of Cornelius' s brother and
rush down. That enemy should not be able to use Stap.

If we look at the movements of the two remaining captives, we see that the magical
power to strike is great, and the fight against meat is also quite strong. However, the
attacks that are drawn out of Stap only cast magical powers, and they are not being
trained compared to escort knights. I am attacked by the sleeping area and it is due to
sleepwear, I am disarmed by Dunkel Ferger or I do not have instantaneous dead
poison unless I also have silver weapons. Angelica and Matthias, the other two were
quickly caught up.

"Clarissa and Aldonants to Dunkel Ferger, I want you to let me know that the enemy
has Stap, I already know ... ...."

When I heard the instructions of Leonore, I turned my eyes to the building where the
knights of Dunkelfelger jumped. I saw windows shining everywhere by the magical
launch. There are also windows blown away. I heard the exhilarating voice of Aub
Dunkel Felger, "I do not think that my attack can be prevented by that extent!"

While doing so, POWs are brought by Dunkel Ferger 's knights. Regarding prisoners
of whom Leonore is bound with a band of light, "The enemy has a lot of magical power
and staple, please give us a corresponding response," and ordered the knights of
Dunkel Ferger.

2119 | 2523
Knights who were said to be different from soldiers with no magical power who had
vandalized Ahrensbach folded and tied up limbs to prevent escape. Leopard stares
ghetto's prisoner with severe eyes while holding a shield of Gettiel.

"...... It pretends to be caught pretending and checking the situation, as soon as the
number of people here decreases, they start to move all at once, so they do not seem
to be not trained at all, but how can such a magical power If you have magical powers
to unlock the knights they can do more various things ... "

Listening to Leonore 's strange to say so, I will look towards the man who was
screaming "Become Land Zenerav! Was it the name Leonzio? He also fought while
disturbing a slightly longer hair in sleepwear. Although it is trying to escape rather
than being fighting, it seems that it is being chased by the knights.
Leonzio is also trying to escape with a beast while striking out the magical power
many times by shaking the stap whether it can not attack other than striking magical
power from Stap. Because the magical power is high, the movement of the beast is
quick, but it seems that it is not easy to escape from the surrounding net of the seven
knights, and it has been found distantly also. It will get caught soon.

"Is not it not familiar yet? I think that it is shallow as we acquire Stap."

You can use a cod beast as usual, and can cast a magical power. However, we can not
convert Stap to weapons and fight, we can not raise Roth. It is the same as me before
entering the House of Lords. I could make a cavalry with a magic stone and I could do
magical power and pray with a ring, but I could not do anything beyond that.

"You just got it?"

"Yeah ... I do not even go up with the funtions I first learn at the House of Peers, if they
are really connected with the Central Order they should have helped me most."

I nodded in my words as Léonore convinced. Then Laurentz, who was wary of the
surroundings with the shield holding up with Leonore, touched the doubt.

"Why should that man come to Jürgen Schmidt, and to the House of Lords, even if you
want to be king of Ranzenae? The people of Ranzenaev are the proof of aristocracy by
Jurgen Schmidt I do not know the reason for wanting Stap which is "
"Is it necessary to become a king of Ranzenerav? If so, I think that it is inconvenient
for the number of people to get Stap and get the qualifications of the king ..."

2120 | 2523
Regarding Ranzenerav and the Admiralza's residence in the history of the aristocrat,
it is not a thing to learn in the history of the aristocracy, and we came here to seek the
people of Ranzenav, the former lord who committed the crime of attracting foreign
affairs and the cooperator It is to catch it. It is strange that there is no choice for
Leonore who does not know detailed circumstances.

"It seems to me that the more detailed circumstances seem to be the one that the
persons told the story, you seem to have been caught."

I point to Leonzio, which I caught by the knights of Dunkel Ferger and Ahrensbach,
and van on the third floor of the building where Ferdinand rushed in! It was
simultaneous that the explosion sounded.
The body trembled and I looked at my eyes. In a moment the air became tense and
everyone looked back like me. The windows are broken and fall apart and glass falls.
I hit the white cobblestone surrounding the building and made a hard sound and

"What is this all about, Ferdinand !?"

The high voice of Dietlinde echoes like scraping off the sound of the glass. Hoping for
Dietlinde to be caught by another knight, it seems that Ferdinand has arrived at
Dietlinde's room.

"No matter how much it is shameless to enter the bedroom wildly at such a late night
even if you are seeking my love to crawl up from the edge of death ..."

The hysterical angel Dietrinde's voice broke off steadily. After that I can not hear
anything. I do not want to tell you that I can not speak any more.

"That Ferdinand-sama's saying ... ... It's OK if Eckhart's older brother is not runaway

Brother Cornelius worriedly wondered whether the mastermind might runaway in

violation of the command to capture without killing. That is what the other party tried
to kill oneself. I might have runaway ahead if I was in that place.

"Cornelius, Mr. Ferdinand will stop Ekhardt's brother and can heal it, and Dietlinde is
never dead."

2121 | 2523
It is Ferdinand that the mastermind should be in trouble if you do not live. It can not
be killed. In a sense I trust in a way that Ferdinand is intelligent and rational in such

Those who were bound one after the other by Arensbach 's knights came to be carried
away. Dietlinde who was brought in a band of light by Justoks and was brought while
dragging as she dragged himself is fainting.
It is tied up in a sleepwear appearance, and luxurious blond hair is dirty overall as a
result of being dragged. It is impossible for an adult woman to haircut in front of such
a public, so if Dietlinde woke up it is likely to make a big noise.

"Yusukus, you are not dead?"

"I am sorry, but I am living by thinking about after this. It is somewhat beating my
head because I dragged it, but it will not be more brains Because there is no problem,
it will not be a problem. "

Although she smiles with Nicolle, contempt and hatred are clearly present in the
brown eyes of Justok overlooking Dietlinde. It is not hidden at all.
Yusutokus is not the only one showing anger. The knights of Ahrensbach also have a
face that can not bear anger before Dietlinde. Of course. Many nobles were sacrificed
by the action of Dietlinde, because Ahrensbach was the territory of rebellion.

"Is there a nobleman of Ahrensbach in this neighborhood?"

It comes out steadily from after Dietrinde. I can not tell the nobles of Ahrensbach from
those of Ranznerav I asked the knight of Ahrensbach.

"Yes, like Rosemain, Aides of Dietlinde"

Dietlinde's aides have ten as he had reported. It may still be brought from now, but no
one has a face like he does not know why he is also being tied like this and rolled. I do
not say anything because I'm gagged. There are also some people who are disgustedly
staring at the knights of Ahrensbach who captured themselves.

Among Dietlinde's aides, only Martina knew immediately as I saw, but because of my
rapid growth in Martina, my appearance in memory and my present appearance were

2122 | 2523
not immediately linked It looks like it was. After looking like a strange face, she
opened her eyes wide.

...... Even so, it seems that Ranznerav and Ahrensbach used the building completely

It is only aristocrat of Ahrensbach that will be brought out of the building where
Ferdinand entered. A woman in an atmosphere somewhat nervous, who had a hair of
a color similar to Georgine or his adopted father, is rolled next to Dietlinde. Then a
man with red hair who did not destroy a look that looked great even if she was tied
soon was brought. I stare at us with purple eyes.

"Rosemain, this is Alstede and Bradgeus"

... ... Ah, these two people ... ....

Diestlinde's older sister Alstede and her husband, Bradgeus, the first child of
Georgine. Bradgis is surely a son of the second wife who was executed after the
political change, it should have been a part of the next candidate Aub.

"This is completion of control.How is the direction of Dunkel Ferger?"

Saying that, Ferdinand came out. Laurentz immediately sends Ordonants to check the
situation. It seems that all the enemies that are noticeable are caught, and it is now
being confirmed whether or not there is a hidden passage and a hidden door.

"... ... Have you captured all enemies that you are aware of?"

Ferdinand lightly watches over the POWs. I had a bad feeling for the gesture that there
was no one to look for.

"Mr. Ferdinand, what have you done?"

"... There is no figure of gerbergeo"
"There are only young Ranzeneravs here, most of whom have officially witnessed as
messengers, and there is no gerbergio."

2123 | 2523
By the way, when I was born Ferdinand, I felt like I was saying we had no more. Then,
perhaps it is not forty in the age. Looking around thinking, there is no one of that age.
Gel Vagio himself, probably their aides.

Ferdinand took the gast of Alstede and asked "Where is Gerbergio?" Alstede, who is
watching for fear, did not answer the question of Ferdinand, but shouted with a
trembling voice as if panicking.

"Why is Ferdinand alive!? The knight of Ahrensbach turns my sword to me! What the
heck is Dunkel Ferger's knights like this ...?"

Brother Eckhart brother trampled on Alsteide. Suddenly trampled and coughing

Alstede "Mr. Ferdinand does not ask such a thing, please answer quickly" to press the
answer. Alstede, who pulls her face, cried out, "I do not know!"

"The building was different in Land Zener and Ahrensbach, I do not know how
Jervagio is having a night!"

A screaming voice is heard from Alsteide. I do not really know from the figure
desperately waving his head to the side. It is not certain how far information is given.

"Alstedet, the man who is raptured with a face like a victim, but here is why I would
like to ask why: why did you dye the foundation, not Dietlinde, which was the next
Awb? Why he did not stop domineering of Diate Linde despite having dyed the
foundation and why he did not stop the domineering of Diet Linde? Despite exposing
the whole territory to the danger as attracting foreign affairs, why did you draw in the
person of Ranzenae and the aristocrat Have you come to? "

When Ferdinand asked while looking coldly, Alstede turned pale.

"Wow, I mother's order ..."

"I registered the nobility of the people of Ranzenae, opened the door at the house of
Ranzenae, used the transition team, opened the interior of the aristocratic house and
stupidly gave them a stap. I will not say that he does not know how much sin it is. "
"...... Well, there is no mistake in what your mother said, and it is not my own dedicated
exclusive duty, because it is the royal family that opened the backmost space when
giving Stanpus to those of Ranzenae "

2124 | 2523
The surrounding knights also raised amazing voices. It was said that the royalty was
cooperating with the people of Ranzenae when they caught the former lord who
committed the crime of attracting foreign affairs. It will be a natural reaction.

"In the case of me who was not approved as AUBU, I could not open the last door, so
the chief of the knights of the central knights asked the royal family for their

As the surroundings began to began to blur, Alsteide says to insist that he does not
have anything.

"Is not it not only the head of the knights of the Central Order, but the royalty is
cooperating ...?"
"Well, yeah, yes, this is the familiar thing of the royal family. It is not me that we are
attacking the aristocrat and thus you may be charged with treason of rebellion. Well,
you know it! "

I looked down at Ferdinand while Braggis gagged desperately beside Alsteet who
desperately wanted to tremble with trembling and sniffed like a fun and foolish thing.
She looks like she thinks the same thing as Alstede at least.

Ferdinand made deep wrinkles between the eyebrows. Trembling runs to the knights
of Ahrensbach. I was also preparing measures for instant death poisoning, I was
optimistic that it was overwhelmingly advantageous even in number, and it became a
disgusting atmosphere where I thought that suppression is also a matter of time.
There, Ordonants fly from Aub Dunkel Ferger.

"There seems to be a fight between Central Knights in the royal palace, Dunkel Ferger
asked for relief, we headed there."

2125 | 2523
While Aldonants repeats the word of Aub Dunkel Ferger three times, the beasts start
to jump one after another from that building. Fast movements and leadership are
great, but this is completely neglected. Ferdinand who pulls her cheek all the time left
the Ordonants still talking and formed a new Ordnants in a hurry.

"Please report on the situation before you head to the Royal Palace of Aub Dunkel
Ferger, please leave a knight of one team for reporting and contact if you are in a

Ferdinand flew over Aldonants while complaining, and only a part of the cavalry
group that came running out of the abode stopped in the air and went back to the
Imperial House again so that it would come back.

"Justoks and the two teams, the three teams can interrogate the people of Ahrensbach,
Hartmut and the four teams, those of the five teams can interrogate those of Ranzenae
Moved from Ahrensbach to the House of Lords I want as much information as possible
about the actions and the gerbergio that I am not currently in. Please keep in mind
that there is not time and do it quickly. "

When lightly waving, the knights began to move the prisoners. Turning his back,
Ferdinand turns his eyes to the remaining knights.

"The six teams will take the Alsteide and move to that building, the seventh group, the
eighth group will continue the search left by Dunkel Ferger, and Rosemain and the
escort knight accompany them here"

When instructing the division on interrogation and exploration, Ferdinand began to

head to the knights of Dunkel Ferger with me riding on the beast. Alstede, who is
carried only by one person while being suspended by one of the six knight's knees is
screaming. I am scared of hanging. I sympathized with Alstede for a moment and
asked Ferdinand.

"Mr. Ferdinand, why do you bring only Alstede? I am afraid to be poor but ..."

2126 | 2523
"Because I am accustomed to obeying the strong, I think that it is the most intelligible
information among prisoners of war, even though I think from being unaware of being
aub, I have the same degree of information as Dietlinde, It was because I judged it to
be most suitable for hearing. "

Dietlinde does not get decent information, and Bradgis seems to escape from
dreadfulness, but it seems easy to handle as Alsteide is accustomed to obeying others.

...... What, it is scary.

"If fool who is hanging there did not open the boundary gate and think that the ship
of Ranzenae could not come in, she is all the culprit, pulling in the people of Ranzenae,
a few aristocrats It died deeply and Retethiia suffered a deep wound to the heart.No
punishment such as hanging Suspended, Alstede obeyed the unreasonable demands
of Dietlinde and Georgine without knowing how dangerous it is stupid It would be
easy to follow my wish to spit out all the information I know. "

Alstede, who was thrown out on the balcony, was in a condition of fear and the roots
of the teeth did not match. It seems that Ferdinand decided to listen to Dunkel Ferger's
report until Alstede began to speak. Haisuzze and the other nine knights come to this

"What is Dunkel Ferger thinking about everyone flying at once?"

"The primary purpose of Dunkel Ferger is to rescue the royalty and defend the
aristocracy, because it is a request for relief from Zent, so it can not be helped."

Haisuzze is saying with a crisp face, but suddenly it is troubling to completely take off
his hand. Ferdinand asked about how far from Hye Hizzeti the exploration lives and
entered the Imperial Palace and ordered the knights of Arendsbach who brought in to
explore around the basement.

"By the way, there were lots of tools I could not understand in their room, I'm
gathering here."

In the room guided by Hye Hizzy there were lots of tools that I had not seen. Because
it should have instantly-deadly poison etc. I carefully look around while I look around.

2127 | 2523
"Let's assume that these tools will be brought to the civil building later, and it is
possible for the people of Ranznerav to take the items brought to the lords to the
Aaronsburg and monopolize the items from other territory It will be more sexual. "

Immediately after I thought that the mud scientist was unusual to let go of strange
tools, I felt as if I heard a devilish misunderstanding "How many areas can be fished
with the research of these tools ...". I wanted to do something I did not hear, but it
certainly sounded like I wanted to use it for political transactions.

It seems that it was fairly neatly arranged and walks in the shrine. After the political
change, if it was closed when there were many people executed, it should have been
closed long ago about ten years ago. Even so, cloth products and furniture are quite
beautiful. It is strange that Tsanto should have decided not to accept Ranzenerav's
princess, but he has been arranged so far.

"This shrine seems to have been arranged just like a new inhabitant, but who
prepared it?"
"There are many things that you are interested in. There are many things that you are
concerned with. There is not enough information on Albu and Dunkel Ferger's
Ordnants, what happened in the royal palace, Hehythse?"

Ferdinand asks the high hesitz, instructing the knights who come to report one after
another. Hehyzice seemed to be a knight and began reporting with a good attitude.

"It is said that a member of the Central Order from Dunkel Ferger who is stuffing into
the royal palace got in touch with Ruffen. There seemed to be several knights who had
suddenly turned at the change of royal guards, It seems that we are in a state of tie-
battle where we can not distinguish between enemies and ally. "

It seems that Zento is evacuating to a magically disconnected place like a hidden room
and the Central Order is fighting outside the room where the royalty is being

"Well, it means that you requested relief from a clear blue cloaked dunkel Ferger, but
it is supposed that the royal palace is supposed to contain only those who gained
permission to prevent assassinations, Seriously will you accept the Knight of Dunkel
Ferger? "

2128 | 2523
In order to accept a knight of another territory it will lower the alert level of the whole
royal palace.

"Well, if the instigator is trying to bring in someone, I think it will be a perfect situation
"Dunkel Ferger was making a noise as much as it was not able to notice the faction of
the Central Knight, who was with the people of Ranzenae, not to be noticed.The
Dunkel Ferger, which disturbs us as they move at the aristocratic center, Did not you
think that it is best to put together the knights of the same place? If you use the
immediate death poison a few times by pulling into the royal palace, you will be able
to reduce a considerable number "

Even though you are planning measures, you can only cover the mouth with a cloth
and treat it with Jureve. It is known how much the individual has brought, such as the
amount of the Yereve. It will be a hard hit if it is used many times. For such Dunkel
Ferger, the enemy side has medicine for neutralization and detoxification.

"Attention to Aub Dunkel Ferger ... ...."

"Of course I urge attention from me, but Aub will not stop."

When I saw Hyscitz, Hysiczse thought for a while and shook his head.

"There are Sumo, even if you pay attention, everyone plunges in. It will be quite easy
for those who trap, and it is not necessarily quietly catching a trap."

...... Oh, I understand. Even though Aub Dunkel Felger got trapped right in front of him
and hit the trap, he was destroying the trap with power technique and fighting with
nothing face.

"Let's join if we finish this search completely, royalty will be reassuring if there is
Ferdinand who can come up with various means"

Hehyzice said that with a refreshing smile with a bit of hot weather, but Ferdinand
said that if the royal family were toppling down, there would be no trouble. I do not
think the royal family seems to be encouraged. It seems that Ferdinand is going to
make a big leap in confusion, and I am rather uneasy.

2129 | 2523
"The request for relief is directed towards Dunkel Ferger, so unless you ask for
Ahrensbach, you can not imitate selfishly, so Aub Dunkel Ferger wants Rosemain to
issue an order I wonder if it has come to pass. "

If I could go for help without permission, Aub Dunkel Ferger would have been stuck
in at the time I could see the disturbing air. It is important to have the request that
there was a request.

"Besides, Ahrensbach is a territory that is being charged with attracting foreign

attitudes, it would be a problem for royalty who accept that we are really ally where
we headed"
"Although Rosemain and Ferdinand are coming, we can not accept it."

Although Haisuzzet asserted, I do not think the royal family will easily accept the
knights of Ahrensbach. I think that it is a problem if we accept it. Even I can
understand that it is stupid enough to be beaten at Ferdinand at "Feldinand!" "More
doubtful, this foolish person!"

"I think that it is better to find an unseen gel vagio than to join Dunkel Ferger without
a request for relief."

I think that capturing the runaway Dietlinde and Ranzenaev is within the work of
Auben Arensbach, but the knight of the Central Order is not that I have to hand out. It
is unlikely that royalty will help us when the knights of Ehrenfest started fighting with
each other, so at times like these we can not think of each other. Ehrenfest is said to
be managed somehow at Ehrenfest, and the central central should do something
about the Central Order.

"I believe in the strength of Dunkel Ferger, I am more concerned about Mr. Sorangju
who can not be contacted than the royal family, whose relented knights of Dunkel
Ferger are on their way to help. I want to go to see the state of the library when it gets
a bit brighter. "
"When I finish processing this, I will head to the library, and I must listen to Alstede

When Ferdinand gently waved his hand, the Alstede, which had been rolled in the
corner of the room, was dragged by the knights.

2130 | 2523
"Rosemain, write it down as civil servant, will you have a handy tool to write as much
as you want?"

Paper is a waste, so Ferdinand said he could write on Gurtris Height to Stilo. Somehow
I feel that Feldinand is using the book of Mestionola much more conveniently.

Originally Alstede, who was silent to be ordered by Georginn, was informed of the
death, starting with the foundation dyed contrary to the royal title, the crime was
counted one by one and the little girl before baptism As a result of the heart being
broken one after another, Alstede began speaking quietly.

"It is Mr. Rao Brut of the Order of the Knights of the Central Order, who has the keys
of this Rikyu, the first time in the autumn of last year was the visit between Ranzenae's
House and the Imperial Palace"

At the time of the funeral of Aubu Ahrensbach of the previous era, Rao Burt seemed
to have told us that we could come and go with the transition team, and Alsteide who
dyed the foundation to go to the house of the transition team to go to the house of
Ranzenae, Dietlinde It seems that Georgine had several times told you.

"Is not it strange that Rao Burut has the key of Rikyu? I think the key to Rikyu is the
one the royal family controls ... ...."
"The key of the front door will be managed by the royal family, but I do not know who
owns the key of the back door that the side holds.Your library also has the key for
Rhazomaam to get in and out Will it? "

It seems that everything began to move as a result of Georgine 's plan as Rethi Zia
poisoned Ferdinand and Dietrinde confirmed death. Georgin headed to Ehrenfest,
Dietrinde got Gurtris Height, and the royal family of Ranzenae moved to the abode to
get Stap.

"In advance I was registered as a noblemen of Ahrensbach as a royal family of

Ranzenae who was asked by Mother and Dietlinde to wish to obtain Stap."

It seems that Rao Burut welcomed me as I moved to the Imperial Palace. He also told
me that he was going to spend a few days until Dietlinde got a Gurtris Height, and
those of Ranznerav properly take in Stap.
2131 | 2523
Dietlinde insisted that it is not good on the outside of the fact that men and women
before marriage are in the same building, he wanted a room away from Leonzio, but
as he was always with him, he seems to have not had any outdoor activities .

"After I checked the room, I tried to head to the innermost to take the stapes, and I
was responsible for opening the door as Aub."

But he said he could not do it. When Rao Burut preceded and looked at the outside of
the door, it seems that Prince Sigiswald took his aides and was walking in the corridor.
If he is going around the shrine, it seems that there was a high possibility of finding
those of Ranzenae, that day it was closed.

...... Is that a story when Prince Sigismwald went to the tea ceremony room at
Ehrenfest in a discussion with the adoptive father?

That night, Rao Burut was called from the royal family as "an emergency".
It was the next day that Alstede in the imperial garden was informed of details. It is
said that Ferdinand's aides moved to the House of Lords to inform Abu Ehrenfest that
they wanted to help Ferdinand and that the people of Dietlinde and Ranzenave were
acting disturbingly.

There seems to be a raid from Ahrensbach, it seems that the central knights were
waiting in large numbers near the door of the central building and the dormitory of
Ahrensbach. But, no time is left behind, time just passes.

"We were making restorative medicine until the knight's vigilance diminished, so it is
necessary even if involved in something .... The people of Ranzenae are practicing how
to make the armor of the knights "

It seems that the manipulation of manastones seems familiar, and it seems that it was
not so hard for those of Ranznerav to make armor. He also said that he was doing
other things you can do with magic stones and checking tools to fight.

... ... It seems that it was almost useless at the midnight surprise attack.

The royal family also can not keep going forever with the full alert system hidden in
evacuation place like a hidden room. The number of watchmen who gradually watch

2132 | 2523
went down, and only the faction of Lao Bluet came to be alert of the lords and it finally
became able to move.

"I tried to open the door in the back to get Stap but I could not open it because it was
not approved by Tent."

...... At that time I changed my foundation and it seems that I have lost the qualification
of Aubu?

I thought the same thing, as Hun and Ferdinand stupidly sniffed, I urged you.

"But it was not that much troubling, for Rao Burt-sama was striking ahead of me for
the time when I could not open it, the temple of the temple and the blue priest was
supposed to come from the central temple"

It seems that there was an annual request from the central shrine to open the back of
the room so that it is necessary for the prayer ceremony so that it was told beforehand
that the people of Ranzenae will tailor their visits. Prince Anastigius and Prince
Hildebrand came bringing Immanuel and blue priests of the central temple on that

"Is not it the temple of the temple? It is not the chief priest?"
"I heard that he recently took office as Temple Major, Bradgeus accompanied, but I
was in Rikyu, so I do not know the details"

I wanted to return to Alstede because I myself was useless, but he told me that it was
necessary for Aub to give Stanpe to those of Ranzenae and to successfully go out with
the Ranzenave in the future.

On the day the people of the Central Temple arrive, those of Ranzenae make armor
with magic stones as they practiced, while swinging the black cloth brought in by Rao
Burt to the innermost while swinging the central knights He seems to have
accompanied him.

"Prince Anastigius who had been watching the priests lining the small sacred cups
and jewels for a while saw that they brought some of the knights together as they
confirmed the other places of the aristocrats "

2133 | 2523
It seems that there was also a role for Prince Anastigius to check the lords whether
the Tento returns to his usual life without problems. The library seems to have been
in the range of patrolling.

"I heard that the door to get Stap was opened by Prince Hildebrand after Prince
Anastigius had gone out."

2134 | 2523
You can go to the garden that begins directly from the altar in the ceremony to gain
protection, but if Prince Hildebrandt was doing it, the surrounding people would have
had another reaction, so Prince Hildebrand opened The door will be on the side of the
altar. It is no doubt that I actually entered to get Stap at the House of Lords.

"It is said that Tsento admitted that if Prince Hildebrandt wanted it could get a stap."
"There can not be such a thing"

I shook my head sideways without thinking of Alstede's words and denied it. If you
increase magical power with magical compression and you can gain a lot of gods'
protection with praying, you will be troubled with magical power later, so you better
stop getting Stap at a young age. I should have told it to the royal family and have the
students get back from first grade to third grade.

"I told the royal family the evils that earned Stap when I was young, although Prince
Hildebrandt will be in trouble later, Tsento will not give permission."

Prince Hildebrandt who repeatedly made efforts such as magical compression and
study of ancient words, so that he can help with royalty like entering the underground
library. From now on, the magical power will increase more and more according to
the growth. I do not think that my father, Tsento, will give permission, knowing that.

"Calm down, Rosemain. Whether or not Tsento really gave permission is not
understood from Alstede's story, Alstede himself is not hesitant but a hearsay, as I
know that Rao Burt is like a prince like that It was only to let the door open by
suggesting it. "
"Is not it such a terrible treachery?"

In the words of Ferdinand I will let Rao Burt get anger. Rao Buruto is the chief of the
knight. If you think in Ehrenfest, you are in the same position as your father, Karstedd.
It is the same as saying that the father of the Knight 's father "finally got the permission
of Aubu" in front of things that Melchior wanted even before the adopted father

2135 | 2523
Even my escort knights also asked how many people would doubt if my father told me
that "As a result of my talking, Albu's permission came out and there is no problem".
"I can not trust Karstead 's words very much, I'd like to confirm directly to Aubu." I
think that there are hardly any aides to say. The knight captain who is also an escort
knight that much is trusted.

"I certainly think that it is a terrible betrayal, but it seems that the prince originally
wanted Stap, because it was suggested that it would be meaningless to suggest how
much I did not want."

I do not know what I wanted for the reason, but Ferdinand said bluntly that Prince
Hildebrandt wanted to get Stap only because it was attached.

"Although it is an idiot's job to get Stap at an early age, if the Prince Hildebrandt
wanted it, his hope just came true. To those of Ranznerav It's okay for you to worry,
including having given it.

Ferdinand said "Do not try carrying everything, you idiots" and when you stop talking
about Prince Hildebrandt, he hung and sniffs overlooking Alsteide.

"It is obviously not just cheating royalty, it is hard to say that there is cooperation of
royalty in such a state, not a proper lie."

Alstede shook his blue hair close to purple, shook her head, then shook her mouth and
turned downwards.

"The royalty in cooperation with us is not Prince Hildebrand, it is Mr. Gervasio."

"Well, royalty is not a royal family of Jurgen Schmidt, even a royal family, it is a royal
family of Ranzenae ..."
"... .... Mr. Gervasio is already a royal family of Jurgen Schmidt"

The atmosphere of the place changed instantly in Alstedé's unexpected words. "What
do you mean?" Voice rises from escort knights, and tension runs. The expression of
Ferdinand became steep. Wrinkles deeply carved between the eyebrows. Then I
began to knock Temple with temple at my fingertips.

"A person who has already passed ... ... to a runner Vehicle should be transferred the
registration location of the medal, that is, it means that it returned, the jurisdiction is
...... Ah, is that the original aim?"
2136 | 2523
While fielding himself with a small voice, Ferdinand breathlessly breathtaking after
having a refreshing face like a puzzle piece came in.

"Please do not end convinced without permission, Ferdinand-sama"

There are few descriptions related to Adal Gisa on my Mestionola's books so it is

completely uncertain what Ferdinand is convincing. I want you to explain me.
Feldinand opened his mouth to be unavoidable when asking for an explanation by
tapping his arm lightly.

"The most important thing for Rao Burt was that the people of Ranzenae were not to
get Stap but to drive Prince Hildebrandt and his aides away from the place. You
confirmed or moved? "

The last word was directed to Alsteide. Alstede "almost understandable" Ferdinand's
voice tells "Why do you understand?" It is a face that stiffly fears.

"Oh yeah? Is that so ...?"

"There is not enough explanation, Feldinand!"
"If medals are completely disposed of, you will not be able to handle the staple, do you
know that?"

Although it will be in the range of the upper grade, it is the content to be learned in
the lecture of candidate lords. I knew it because I was devastated everything until
graduation. When I nodded, Ferdinand began to explain with a tone of a lecture. I
somewhat stretch my spine and grab the styro with my pupils.

"If you discard medals without permission, you can not use Stap, so medals of those
who went to Ranzenaeve will be preserved even after they leave Jurgen Schmidt.
From the place registered as a neighboring royalty It is transferred to the place where
medals of those who went abroad are kept. "

I see Ferdinand while Alstede trembles. According to the plan of Georginne, I got
instant deadly poison at a place that I could not enter except the lord of my family,
which was supplied during the supply, and I saw that everyone was alive, though I
thought they were dead, still not talking It is passed through. It would be extremely
scary for Alsteide.

2137 | 2523
"Why does Ferdinand know about such things? I did not learn such content even at
the lords."
"It's just that I am not studying, I've read it with old materials"

...... Old information is written by Mestionora.

I do not know how to put away the book of Mestio Nola with a word of study
unfamiliar, but I guess I just have to convince Feldinand who was the most successful.
By the way, even if I have it I can not investigate because there is no information.

"We will return the story, medals of Jelvajio must have been kept in the central temple,
as a person who crossed from the neighboring royal family to Ranzenave"
"It is a strange feeling to be kept in the central shrine, because at Ehrenfest we manage
aristocratic medals in the castle, so I thought whether they are managed in the royal
"Here is the Rikyu where they are born and raised, where the location is the House of
Lords, the jurisdiction is different from the royal palace"

Ferdinand did not say any more, but those who were born in the Adorudisa's Rikyu
can be felt a little different from ordinary parachute royalty registration.

"Anyhow, Rao Burut would have joined Immanuel to return Gerbergio to a parachute
royal family."

If you have a medal you can verify your identity with the magical power that was
registered. You can see how many attributes you have.

"If you know that you are a gerberigio who was originally registered as a juxtaposition
royalty by Jurgen Schmidt, that you are all attributes, and know how to acquire Gurtris
Height, Immanuel, a scripture fundamentalist, It seems to be a welcome addition,
because it is such a foolish thing to accrode Dietlinde as a candidate for the next
generation just by slightly shining the magic team of screening. "

Due to the movement of the medals, Gerbergio was not Ranzenae but a juxtaposition
of Jurgen Schmidt closest to Gurtris Height.

"These are my guesses, but they should not be far apart."

Asked by Ferdinand, Alstede nodded as she trembled smallly.

2138 | 2523
"It is said that Imanuel promised to return the medal to the original parsimonious
royal family after confirming the medal of Mr. Gervasio Gel Vagio got a Gurtris Height
and formally became a Tento Later, as promised to give some reward to the central
shrine, it seems to be a promise between Rao Bluet and Immanuel, we are not notified
in detail. "

I am breathlessly surprised at the fact that Ferdinand's guess is hit. At the same time,
I was also surprised at the harsh conditions of Rao Buruto. It's like a georgine.

"The central temple is also under the control of Rao Burut .... It seems that it was a
long-term plan with a deep roots unexpectedly.I did not think that Imanuel and Rao
Burut had cooperative relationships.Our scriptures In the place to verify, it seemed
very unfriendly "
"There must have been some consensus of interest afterwards"

Ferdinand said that he was a foolish man who declared Dietlinde who glowed the
magic team selected Immanuel as a candidate for the next Tent, but when I saw the
mystery made by Stap in my mind, I felt uncomfortable eyes It is figure. I feel more
afraid when I think that I came up with Rao Buruto.

"... Rosemain, do you have something in Immanuel?"

"I have met several times with rituals done at the aristocracy, but Imanuel seems to
be strongly interested in making stuff and reviving the old ceremony.I like that
person's eyes I am afraid, I feel uncomfortable, I hate it. "

I do not like the gray eyes that shine with fanatics with a different direction at all from
Hartmut. It was a period when there was no Ferdinand when rituals were held at the
House of Peers, so it seems that Feldinand has little impression of Immanuel, but the
memory of my memory is strange.

"Is it a matter of gritty height that the troublesome scripture fundamentalists who
have strong obsession with imperialism and rituals are troublesome and that it is
important that even those of Ranzenae do not hesitate to make a Tento?"

As Ferdinand thought something, he slowly breathed his eyes down.

"So what happened then?"

2139 | 2523
Even when Prince Hildebrandt got back with Stap, Prince Anastigius had not returned
yet. Rao Burt advised Prince Hildebrand to go back to his residence so that he could
not touch Stap.
Prince Hildebrandt's aides sent Ordonants to Prince Anastigius and returned home
with those in the central shrine who finished their duties. After confirming it, the
people of Ranznerav also hurried back to the Rikyu and started taking in Stap.

"After Prince Anastigius watched the House of Lords, the House of Lords returned to
normal state, since the people of Ranzenae got the Stap, after finishing the role I
quickly returned to Ahrensbach I wanted to do it. "

However, the door leading to the building of Ranznerav is not opened, and it can not
be put in the dormitory of Ahrensbach. Appealing that it was funny to Lao Burt, he
told me that Aarans Bach's foundation was robbed and that Aubu was replaced.

"Dietlinde got angry and was sending a letter to Ahrensbach and I am surprised to
have to get a Gurritris Height to return her to Aleb's Babe again ..."
"You got to fly around the shrine filled with flowers on your head."

Just listening to the name of Dietrinde reminds me of Ferdinand's dying and collapsing
and I can not say anything, because I can not say anything, I devote myself to thinking
about something and smile with Nicoli. The tone may have become somewhat
thunderous, but I'd like to compliment myself that is over.
Alsteed who heard my words turned out to be in trouble.

"Well, yeah, we came to visit the shrine with Gelvaggio and Dietlinde for the recovery
medicine we made.With little thought, there are self-centered places, but we I was
doing my best for the sake of Diet Linde, the root is not a bad child "

It may be normal as a line of sister defending his sister, and I do not know what kind
of exchanges between Alsteide and Dietrinde as a sister. But that word touched my
downside. I feel anger that blood will boil. Even though my body gets hot, my head is
getting cold a while ago. I put magical power on a smile, and stare straight at Alsteide.

"Alstede says quite a funny thing, who is not dead by instant death poisoning, who is
getting numbed by Ferdinand who has not died, wearing a medicine, starting a magic
team and aiming for exhaustion of magical power I guess the roots are not bad .... It is
truly a daughter of Georgeene, I think that it is Dieth Linde's sister. "
"..., ... that ..."
2140 | 2523
Alstede had a big eyes wide, I pressed down my chest and began to make my mouth
puffy. While watching the expressions of that anguish, I slowly intensify the power by
magical power.

"Rosemain, keep it! Magical power is leaking!"

Ferdinand grabbed my arm and pulled in earlier than the escort knights around me

"Please do not worry, Mr. Ferdinand, I'm also growing up, so I can choose the subjects
that are intimidating."
"I understand your anger, but you should not kill Alsteide, which is necessary in the

Ferdinand closes my sight with the other hand so that it does not intimidate any more.
I found that Alstede was coughing. I hear my escort knights raising a voice saying

"Because I keep magical power of Rosemain low, take Alstede over there and do not
put it before Rosemain!"

Martias and Laurentz 's voice came. I can not see the appearance of Alstede, I will have
magical power and anger without a go.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I am disappointed, I am angry and I can not forgive you."

"If you do not want to hit a magic stone directly against your skin because you
understand, self restrain your magical power"

Although I have said so with a tonal that seems to be unknown at all, I know that I was
taking into consideration that I am avoiding manastones until such a time, anger is
scattering. There is no point in getting angry with Ferdinand.
It seems to me that my magical power is being pressed down, and the force came out
of the hand of Ferdinand who had grasped my arm.

"You have not grown spiritually from long ago"

"Because of God's blessing, I grew physically quickly, so if you prayed, you may have
a rapid growth in the spirit."
2141 | 2523
"I pray the most at Jurgen Schmidt and I can not expect it at all with its growth rate"

The sight was still blocked, but by the time it became possible to make such
arguments, I had quiet down.
Ferdinand dismissed his hand and began checking the magical power whether there
is no problem even if it is released as it is. Escort Knights want to say something, but
I'm raising or lowering my hands with a face that I'm swallowing, but I do not think
that magical powers will not get rampant because there is no appearance of Alstede

"There is nothing wrong with the sex of Dietlinde, what is important now is not the
information that gervergeo was going around the shrine, what were you listening to,

Ferdinand's eyes that he said so while checking the physical condition seems to be a
little impatient. I finally noticed that I was told that the parts to keep in my ears are

...... It was hardly time to go around the shrine, did he?

I need a lot of magical power, but if there is even a recovery drug and I can recover
magical power, no matter how long it is in the shrine, the outside time should have
not passed at all. Even though the required magical power was less thanks to the
dedication of magical powers by the ceremonial rituals that I had at the lords, I could
go around the shrine in one day.

... ... Maybe, have you finished turning around the shrine with gerberge?

It was supposed that Hill Sur saw the appearance of suspicious figures near the civil
building. There is a shrine near that. What I was doing this afternoon is certain. I
noticed the possibility that Jeruugao turned around the shrine and my head got cold.

"It is still good if you are going around the shrine in the dark but if the central knights
have revealed betrayal because they came to the stage where you can finish
everything and get the Gurtris Height? Where do you think I'm gERVERGIO right now?

In Ferdinand's words I felt hurtful. When the person who wishes to obtain Gurritris
Height finishes going around the shrine, the place to go next is one place.
2142 | 2523
"Dr. Hill sur was not saying that we could not contact with Mr. Sorangju?"

2143 | 2523
Just by imagining that Sorange is collapsing like Ferdinand that was moribund
between supplies, breath becomes rough and the whole body trembles.

"Well, I have to go to the library in a hurry ..."

When I looked back at my escort knights, the escort knights who listened to
Ferdinand's words together nodded. Suddenly things are not obstinate, and the form
of the aides that will deal with it soon is very encouraging. That's why I stepped
towards Brother Cornelius.

"Wait, there are a number of things we have to decide who will leave here and who
will take you and who will lead you."

I took hold of the arm with Ferdinand and was detained, and I turned back looking at

"It is not the case that you are saying such a long way, Mr. Ferdinand. I, I went to the
library right now, Ms. Sorangju ... ...."
"I also know that there is no time to say a long thing, but I must think about sharing
information and what to do with captured POWs before they get caught in a shadow.
There is no possibility that gerversians will come back while we are heading to the
library. "

Perhaps they are going around the shrine, they may be in the library, and they may be
thinking to remove the royalty by participating in the royal palace at the royal palace.
Ferdinand says everything Gel Vagio is doing and doing is all imagination.

If information on target and movement from that captive is obtained, it may be

possible to respond in advance. If too few people left in the guard here, there is the
possibility that this will be done and prisoners will be released. If we seized the tools
we seized and armed, this will be overwhelmingly disadvantageous. Ferdinand said
so, and raises various possibilities.

"It was easy to win this time because it surprised us with overwhelming numbers of
people including Dunkel Ferger at the midnight when I was sleeping in defenselessly

2144 | 2523
overconfidenting the protection of God Fairberken in concealment. I do not know
what will happen if I confront, please consider what I can not depend on going to the
royal palace for Dunkel Ferger now. "

It seems that I can not move captives and tools to a safe place because I have not been
able to create the broach which I needed to enter the dormitory as Aub Ahrensbach.

"To enter the entrance as well as to open the door to the underground archive, a
librarian Sorangju is necessary, so that it is not possible to contact and it was not
killed, just a little. Please wait until then. "
"But what do you do if you wait and become too late!? There are many things that can
not be repelled with just a little time difference.I think that I want to deal with
Sorangju's danger as soon as possible as a matter of course Do not you just let me go
even with me? "

I desperately appeal to Ferdinand who will not release it while grasping his arms. It
is impossible to be waiting for all the commanders to finish with a calm face.
Ferdinand turns his eyes looking sympathetic to my escort knights, "Does that
momentum rush to Ahrensbach?"

"If you can not wait for anything, let the knight who is not dedicated to you face you,
let's make you waiter, only you are never to approach the library until you can confirm
the presence or absence of the enemy."

I am strongly convinced that I have to go, but why should not I approach alone? As I
take it, Ferdinand quietly looks at me and "pushes too much, please calm down" to
pull on my cheek.

"There is only one reason why you should not come close, because you feel the
approach of you, the magician of the library is the main.While I do not know well what
is given to a name-dedicated person who is affected by your magical power, but avoid
it I think that it was safe for you to go. "

By saying that Schwarzs are ready to pick up and pick up, if the enemy is in the library,
it is highly likely that you will be awaiting your opponent, ambush, or take Sorangju
as a hostage Wait, I twinkled my eyes.

2145 | 2523
"If you take Sorangju sensei as a hostage, this will not be able to move.You may wish
to save Sorangju sensei. It is ahead to explore the inside by sending the knights. It is
more than a senior aristocrat to put it in the library, and only the royal family and the
lord of the lords are put into the back. When you have to come, you will certainly come
and wait a little. "

When being admonished properly, I had no choice but to accept it.

"Mr. Rosemain, Matthias and Laurentz are dedicating themselves, so Angelica and me
will take some knights and I will see the state of the library"
"Please, Cornelius"

When Matthias and Laurentz who had taken out Alstede came back, Brother Cornelius
went out with Angelica so that they could replace them. It is because they took
Angelica instead of Leonore because they considered the existence of quickness and
Stin Luke.

Ferdinand was moving about by giving instructions one after another while I was
watching them. Register magical power to the door where you can register magical
power, order the high Schizuts to put the tools of Runznerve.

"There are a lot of tools that something is unknown at a glance. It will not bear to sue
instant death poison many times and the first looking tools and weapons are
dangerous.Seal all silver weapons and armor."
"When you looked at this provision, it was the right answer by overwhelmingly falling
asleep, as long as the people of Ranznerav were active, they were counterattacked
with tools and never to Dunkel Ferguer There will be no damage damaged. "

As Haisuzzet hid a mountain of tools hide into the room and said so. Even though the
silver weapons and armor are carried a lot, the enemy's seriousness is transmitted.

"Mr. Ferdinand, what can I do for something? It is painful to keep still, but ..."
"Will you look over the difference between the royalty and the neighboring royalty? I
want to grasp what I can do for gerverge who returned to a neighboring royal family
and what I can not do.One thing I do not know is yours It will be on Gurtris Height. "

I was given a challenge for a while, I will give out the Gurritris Height and look for the
royal family members. It was found that it was possible to enter and exit the library
even though it was not registered by the librarian at the time of registering with the
2146 | 2523
neighboring royal family, but because it is not a royal family, I can not go to the back
of the underground library just like me.

"Then, it is unlikely that Jelva Geo is already getting Gurtris Height."

Ferdinand who extinguished a little shoulder's power jumps to Justoks and Hartmut
to ask the situation of listening Ordinants will be divided into those who are heading
to the captive watch and the library.

Orderants came flying from Cornelius elder brother. A white bird tells the state of the
library, not to me, but to Ferdinand.

"Because of this time, the library is locked completely and no one is going to
enter.When I turned around the building thinking that there was a trace of infiltration,
there was no trace of infiltration, but the office I could see the lights fairly in the
window of my house. "

It is almost time for a bell to ring. Even people who get up early are hard to think that
they are still in the office if they are in their own time at the time when the side stays
have not yet occurred.

"Although it is also possible to break through windows, it is considered that danger is

greater without reinforcement considering that we can not grasp the number of
"If you do not have a trace of infiltration you should not infiltrate you, you will be
excluded from the magician of the library without interrogation Waiting for the
arrival of the master of the magician of the library, Rosemain "

Ferdinand who has studied how Schwarzs are made is beginning to blow into the
Ordonants about the way of those who infiltrated by illegal means. Feldinand who
finished flying Ordonants extended out his hand when I closed my ears with the desire
to cry, I do not want to hear it.

"Go, Rosemain"

2147 | 2523
About sixty cavalry beasts run in the dark. Hartmut and Justoks were left on the
watchman's side, but the other aides are heading to the library together.

"Haltmut was disappointing, because the library is a place full of miracles of


I will cite about the blessings I have done since Clarissa said so. I was excited and
blessed by the first library and I was desperately stopping Clarissa, expressing the
state of God when I was the Lord of the Black Foot. I do not want Knights of
Ahrensbach to know the old business that I want to keep forget. I would like to be a
respected librarian for everyone, as I am making Ahrensbach a library city.

"Dear, you came"

"Hime-sama, long time no see"

As Ferdinand said, I managed to open the doors of the library without difficulty.
Schwarzs will welcome you if you put in.

"Schwartz, Weiss. Where is Mr. Sorangju?"

When I asked, the Black Footsteps began to move towards the office for freezing.

"Sorange, Shitsu Shitsu"

"Soranju, you can not move"

Feldinandt stopped me at the moment that I tried to rush out in spite of myself.

"You are after me, Hysitz!"


Haisuzze, with a good knight of healing, went into the office with caution. One knight
said, "There are no traps, but Sorangju sensei is collapsing." At that moment,
Ferdinand started walking at such a speed that I could not believe he had stopped me.
My legs are long on the top, so I can not go out for a moment.

2148 | 2523
Feldinand says to me that he sighs and says "Please come later" and walks with the
stairsther, as he strokes the things that have lost the balance and stroked the things
that he did not fall down unconditionally I enter the office. It is terrible to go alone on
your own.

"Please wait, Mr. Ferdinand,"

When I was walking and chasing after me as fast as I could, Leonore lightly raised my
hand and stopped me.

"Let's walk slowly and elegantly, Rosemain"

"Although you can understand if you look at the care of so far, Ferdinand is probably
thinking that you will check the state of Professor Sorangju before Rosemain arrives,
and will give you healing if necessary. Let's receive it gratefully. "

Léonore gently narrows down the indigo eyes and says so, as I show a model to me, I
start walking with a slow and elegant gait. When I compare the entrance of Leonore
and the office, Ferdinand heard Luo Sumer's healing voice and I saw a green light.

"... It was as Léonore said"

"Sorangju, are you OK?"

When I heard a call to Sorangju who is slowly raising his body so as to be awakened
by the knights, Sorangju looked at me and tilted his head a little.

"Rosemain, Mr. Sorangju"

"Well, Rosemain-sama? It has grown quite a lot, I did not understand at first glance.

The face that smiles with smiley color is dark in fatigue. I'd like to give you a break as
soon as possible, but I have to confirm what happened.

"Sorangju, what happened there?"

2149 | 2523
"...... Rao Bruto took us to the direction of Mr. Gervasio, you probably do not know, but
we were trying to get a Gurtris Height by the sidebroken royal family, We have not
changed yet. "
"Does Mr. Sorangju know Jeruvao? He was educated in Rikyu and he should have
never been to the lords."

Ferdinand's harsh eyes and words blurted his eyes as though Sorainju was narrowing
his eyes to miss the old days.

"I did not think that Ferdinand was familiar because it was a long time since I went to
a long time.I was frequently in and out when I was assigned to the library of the lords
... ... The Lord's Conference I came to the library from the end of spring to the end of
autumn when the higher librarians ceased to finish. "
"The old tale is fine, so where is it now gerbergio?"

Slowly looking around the words of Ferdinand and the tense atmosphere of the
knights, Sorangju shook his head.

"I am sorry, but I do not know, but I do not know .... It was in the evening yesterday,
because the Black Forests said that Ortansia came, I headed for pick up."

But it was not Ortansia, but Gerbergio and Rao Berto, then those of the Central Order.

"It seems that Ortansia rose to a much higher level without nursing care, said Rao
Burut, who took a step to withdraw the library's library."

Rao Burut held an Ortansian manast and went to open the room of the ortansia in the
back of the library. Meanwhile, Sorangju had a chance for a long time and he said he
was talking about old days with Gerbergio who could return to his home country.

"Rao Bruit, who went to the room in Ortansia, returned soon and said that if I do not
want to be the same figure as Ortansia, I will give the key to the underground library,
I was threatened. He gave the key to dye senior librarians and the key to open the
door to the underground archive. "

Gerbergio said that he did not want to do terrible things to the familiar of the past, he
said that he could put on his handbag so that he could not use the staple so he could
not get in touch with the outside, he was tied and rolled. They seemed to let the
Orthodox people dye the keys and headed to the underground library with Gervasio.
2150 | 2523
"When Gerbergio took hold of Gurtris Height, you said you will come undone my
binding, but Rao Bluet locked out the library without coming to the office. That
footstep From probably it probably could not get it. "

Sorangju looked sadly at the strings and dressings that bound himself, "I used to be
familiar with it a long time ago, it was quite a terrible treatment."

"Well, what happened to Gervasio?"

If you could not get a Gurtris Height in an underground archive, where is it now? I just
touched a few doubts. But the answer came back.

"Gerbergio, with Hime"

"Gerbergio, I went to the place"

Ferdinand, who made the face stronger, makes a loud noise and returns his heel and
leaves the office with a large fortune. Aides and half knights follow Ferdinand.

"Rosemain, Mr. Jelva Gio ... ...."

Your familiarity has attacked Jurgen Schmidt as a foreign force. It seems that I am
trying to get Gurtris Height and become a Tento. Rao Burt betrayed King Traquequar.
You may be able to blame the librarian librarian who handed the key to you.
I do not know how far I can tell the truth to Soranju asking anxiously.

"Dr. Sorangju will not be absent. I am tired, do not let anyone threaten the library, I
will protect them by Schwarz."

I ask Léonore to bring Sorange to her room. Leonore who sent it to support Soranju
came back with frown.

"What's wrong, Leonore?"

"The room of Mr. Sorangju was sealed with magic tools, so that the sideways could
not come out ...... I could not get out of the room, the Lord did not come back, and the
side seemed to have had a rather scary time."

...... Rao Burut Mew!

2151 | 2523
"I will keep the Black Footballs in combat state"

I closed my eyes and asked Leonore to have my hands guided by the manastones of
Schwarz. Replenish magical power to Schwarz and Vice and also put the magical
power on the button of the costume and put it in battle mode. I will never put a Rao
Burr back.

"Schwarz, Weiss. Please protect Mr. Sorangju, a librarian librarian, be sure not to
register as a collaborator and be sure to pick up the keys and get them out when those
with the keys of the library come in."
"Sorange, protect it"
"Key, repeat"

I asked to Schwarzs, I went to the reading room and looked up at the second floor
where there was Ferdinand. Ferdinand is coming down quickly. It seems that
concerns were hit by the expressions and the speed of the feet. It seems that Gerbergio
is already in the opening garden.

"Rosemain, you go back to the Rikkai with the knights"

I shook my head as I looked up at Ferdinand, descending the stairs while giving


"I do not want it. Let's go together."

"It's dangerous, wait in the Rikyu"

Ferdinand goes out of the reading room by passing past me. It overlapped with
Ferdinand whose back flew to Ahrensbach for a moment. My throat hangs, my hands
extend unintentionally.

"Please wait! If you leave me, I will reveal Ferdinand's secret to everyone!"
"What are you talking about in this emergency, are you !?"

Ferdinand who pulls her face looks back.

"There is no way I can wait, why should I have a lot of magical power?"
"Magical power? What are you saying?"
2152 | 2523
"Well, is not it what Ferdinand did in the past, is it the fastest thrust by hitting the
great magical power?"

You may be scolded for being unfriendly because you are bad manners from Air
Vermoon, but I think that is the best to go to the fastest starting garden. Push the magic
power on the magic team in the air and start it and thrust it.

"What kind of extreme things are you thinking ...?"

"Well! I do not want to say only to Ferdinand who has done already."

As Ferdinand, who was holding his head, breathed out as he gave up, he approached
me with a big leg and carried me over the shoulder. Start walking as it is with big legs.
The escort knights who were taken astray were following in a panic.

"As I said, I managed to start a magic team somehow, I did not mean to thrust into the
spot, do not make it with you as I know the result."
"From the side of the visit I think that it is together?"

I think that it is irrelevant to Air Vermoon such as the speculation of those who came
in from a place not a regular route. Those who are scolded by accident or deliberately
should be scolded.

"... ... That is right."

Ferdinand leaves the library with a good laugh. I put out a cowgirl and put me on.

"I'll be the fastest, Rosemain"


2153 | 2523
"Mr. Ferdinand, where are you !?"

As there was no explanation in particular or it could not be explained in detail,

Ferdinand just ran out toward the sky as it was. Following the monarch Ferdinand 's
cavalry, escort knights and high hesitz are chasing in a panic. Ferdinand looked back
and stopped them.

"Wait below the white building because it is dangerous! If you go with anything, go
faster than I am! If you are in a halfway position you will die."

Yes yes yes, Ferdinand sweeps escort knights and runs to the sky with high speed. I
can not afford to look back on whether there are those who are following me. I was
desperately grasping the reins so as not to fall.

On the way to the sky, one bell began to ring. Colorones, colorons and libraries, the
central building, the civil building, the knight wing, the side building, the sound of
clear bells from each dormitory resounds at the nobleman's house yet.

"You can use the Spear of Leiden Shaft"

Ferdinand who ran up to the sky so that he could see the whole area of the aristocratic
house said so while taking out his staple. While saying that plenty of magical power is
said, Ferdinand is transforming into a one handed sword and pouring magical powers.

"Is it a spear of Leiden shaft?"

"Yes, if I give a signal, close your eyes and let it change to a spear and drop it. No matter
how thrown is bad, you can do it even if you do not have a flight distance You can also
do a magic cup that covers the aristocrat as well That's why there should not be
anything wrong. "

It is too bad grass, but it is not wrong. How much you spend magical power on Leiden
shaft spears, my skill is a level of difficulty to hit the enemy.

...... I know, but! I would like Ferdinand to remember that the truth hurts people more
deeply at times.

2154 | 2523
"Ferdinand, what are you going to do !?"
"Rosemain, please stop it!"

I heard such a voice the moment Ferdinand set up a sword that completely stored
magical power. It seems that the escort knights who were desperately trying to follow
up finally caught up. Most of it was my escort knight, and I saw a bit of blue cloaks.
While Ferdinand looked down on them, he murmured, "Unlike Eckhardt, there is no
distinction," but I guess Ferdinand's words do not think there is anyone who can
compare with an absolute submission escort knight?

"I should have said that I am dangerous, why are you below me, do you want to die,
go up to the sky quickly"

Ferdinand who is waiting for escort knights who changed their complexion to go
upwards one after the other is complaining about frustratingly "Although there is no
time ...", it turns out that they are considerably clumsy It was.

"Mr. Ferdinand, at least, please wait for the attack until they go to a safe position, it
will stop you in full force to put an attack on my escort knights"
"I will not do such a tricky thing"

As Haisuzzet, who came running up, asked, "What are you doing?", Ferdinand did not
answer and swung the sword.

"There is no obligation to reply to you ... ... Rosemain, you do it"


I closed my eyes and took out Step as I told the Ferdinand and chanted "Lanze". I feel
the shape of a spear in my hand. As I was being told to put as much magical power as
possible, I steadily sent magical powers. Even if my eyes are closed I can understand.
Sounds like a spat and a magical spark are flying.

"Enough is enough."
"Mr. Ferdinand! Dear Mr. Rosemain, wait ..."

You can hear impatient and restrained voices from the surroundings, but if you do not
go to the beginning garden by activating the magic team in this way, gerbergio will get
the book of Mestionola. You can not make Jungen Schmidt 's stranger the man of
2155 | 2523
Ranzenav who tried to kill aristocrats and take away manastones with Ahrensbach
and trying to kill the young ladies noblemen.

... ... Absolutely stop it!

Put your hand as it is and drop the spear of Leiden shaft. As soon as the gun and the
cowgirl moved, I lost the balance I was surprised and opened my eyes. Spear of the
Leiden shaft falls like a blue meteor towards the dark nobleman shrine.
That was what I saw in my sight because Ferdinand is manipulating a cowardly chase
after a spear that falls by gravity. Ferdinand pulled out the sword while running down
with a momentum of falling.

A chunk of magical glitter shining in rainbow colors was released from the sword, and
I brought into contact with the magic team at such a speed as to overtake the spear
that I dropped. There is a loud sound like magical power and magical power collide
with each other and playing, the magic team that covers the aristocratic society
emerges with dazzling light. I saw the pillar of light connecting the sky and the
aristocratic center at the center of the magic team.

...... Wind noble color! Mestionola! Is it?

Light came down when I was given Mes Tionola's book in the opening garden. Have a
strange conviction that it is that light.

...... I have to go as soon as possible!

I guess Ferdinand feels the same impatience as me. The force gets on the arm turned
to the stomach. Jump into the magic team to jump into the beginning garden under
the light pillars. At that moment, a powerful wind blew out of the magic team, we were
thrown out as it was, with the momentum came in.


I unexpectedly raised my voice against the unexpected counterattack. It's just painted
by the wind, so there is no pain, but I was able to play some amulets that I wore as if
the impact was too strong. Ferdinand manipulated the cuddling while tongue, and
prepared the position a little away from the magic team.

2156 | 2523
"It is the same effect as the shield of Schoeria, who seems to have no hostility to those
over there"

While staring at the magic line still shining and the pillar of light, Ferdinand chewed
the back teeth like gillishly. Ferdinand said that he did not have any inside while he
was bothering us.

"That is, it is impossible from the top"

You can not have familiarity with Gerbergio who has overrun Ahrensbach, even with
Air Vermean who said that you could kill Ferdinand. It will only be played no matter
how many times you challenge.

"Oh, I have to think about another way .... Once I go back to the Imperial Palace, try
silver challenge and try again, or open the entrance leading from the very end"
"I think that it is necessary to cover the whole body with a silver cloth completely if I
try to pass through the shield of Scholer, it is dangerous that you can not use Stap soon
as you enter inside."

It was said that Air Vermeen was discriminating opponents with magical powers.
Then, the gervergeo should be in a condition that can distinguish magical powers. If
this is silver-armed, the opponent's magical attack does not work, but I do not think
that it is not so good that it will not be able to use the Stap, since I do not know what
kind of armed we are doing.

"... .... Gerberge is now in the process of getting the book of Mestionola right?"
"It will definitely be so"

I glare at the pillar of light. Although I used a lot of magical power to surely activate a
huge magic team, I could not rush and I was played. Is there anything I can do to say
that while Gerbergio is getting the book of Mestionola?

...... You do not have to enter ... at least, if you can get in from outside ... ....

"Mr. Ferdinand, we were played in the magic team, but have you put it in the pillar of
"... What are you going to do?"

2157 | 2523
In front of Ferdinand which I stand, when I release 'Leuken' and release the Leyden
shaft's spear which fell somewhere, 'Finnsun Han' creates a mantle, a dark jig tool.

"Rosemain, you should have told you to make it the last resort?"
"Ferdinand has an unpleasant face, but I think now that I can catch up with the last
means even better."

Gerbergio is already in the opening garden and is currently giving the book of
Mestionola, and means to start the magic team and enter at the fastest speed did not
pass. Even in the extent that Ferdinand thinks it is possible to rechallenge with a silver
costume or try the challenge of the central knights and ask the royal family who is
hiding somewhere and only in the beginning of the garden to open the interior space
You can not reach it.

"I thought that if I shield that light, I thought that I could get in the way of the fastest
Gel Vagio, so I think that it is the last resort at this time. It go to take a silver cloth and
change clothes, Do not you think that it is much faster than asking royalty to open the
backstage? "

In my argument Ferdinand tapped the temple lightly as "It is funny again ...".

"I think that it is not bad, but are you thinking about other things too?
"Since I used a lot of magical power to activate the magic team, I thought that I want
you to return it if you do not put it in. Is that noble light a mass of magical power?"
"I thought that it's not only that,"
"Ug ... ..."

...... Why are you going to die? Is it?

It is supposed to have been touched by the noble family specification. Funny. While I
was touching my face, I made my lips sharp.

"There is plenty of spirit of knowledge that if you absorb that light, knowledge will
flow into me, I can not wait until adults"

Ferdinand who heard my most intriguing feldinand who refused Copy in Ferdinand
spirited a sigh of relief and turned the beast to the pillar of light.

2158 | 2523
"Air valumane said that you were in a state of sharing one thing originally with me in
the unexpected situation? Otherwise, Air Vermoon killed each other and completed If
it does not matter, then you do not think you can get the knowledge given to others ...
.... "
"No, it is useless, if you can," Lucky "I will try it."
"What is it with lucky? The wording is disturbed, you are overwhelming in this

...... I do not want to say to Ferdinand that I adhere to the nobility in this situation.

While arguing in my mind, I heard that the word of saying "I will be careful after that".
I will spread the cloak of darkness greatly big in the pillar of light so that the light
falling from far away will not reach the opening garden. At the same time, absorption,
which is a characteristic of the dark appliances of darkness, was carried out, and
magical power came in at a stroke. The magical power we used a lot in the past is
recovering in no time. It is not necessary to scoop up with a remedy for a massive
mazu, it is much faster than full recovery and it is completely recovering.

...... But, as Ferdinand said, no knowledge seems to come in. I am confused.

"Have you recovered already?"

Seeing me who lifted the cloak of darkness, Ferdinand made a surprised voice. Dark
cloaks absorb magical powers only to the maximum of their magical capacity. It is
finished at the time of complete recovery. But, considering the amount of magical
power used for the Spear of Leiden Shaft, it is amazing magical recovery. I looked back
and looked up at Ferdinand.

"I did not get the most wanted knowledge, but regarding recovery of magical power
it was more amazing than Mr. Ferdinand's intense masu recovery drug. It is a god
indeed, plenty of magical powers, feasts"

Reporting to Ferdinand, I was pinched cheeked. Apparently Ferdinand seems to have

a counterattack against God, to be conceived from cool air and a disgusting face. I think
the ideal is too high.

2159 | 2523
"Ah ... ... but it's really amazing, this time it's Ferdinand-san's turn, I have to get in the
way of the gerbergeo, and did you use Ferdinand as well? Magical power to God Why
do not you have yourself recovered? Such experiences are rarely possible. "

It was Ferdinand that taught me how to use the cloak of darkness. I can not believe
that he can not use it. When I suggested, Ferdinand looked like a complicated face.

"There is not anything else you can experience, it is up to you to think of absorbing
the magical powers of the gods, etc. If you have something on a daily basis you are
dedicating prayers, you do not know whether they are religious or punishable "

After complaining to me, "I can not let you love Jelva Geo", saying Jangdaeu and
putting out the cloak of darkness and spreading it like me.

"Wow .... This is pretty good"

I was complaining, but I can see that the magical power is being filled quickly.
Ferdinand lifted the edge of the lips satisfactorily.


Before Feldinand advocated "Ruiken", the pillar of light faded away as if the power
had fallen. As the pillar of recovery of magical power disappears, the magic team that
was shining also disappears.

"That was over, was not it?"

"I have not fully recovered yet ... ... Have you absorbed too much?"
"Well, it's my fault, maybe it was just about to end in a little bit, I'm in trouble even if
I complain dissatisfaction."

When I stared at Ferdinand, I pointed the coward over the sky saying "If so, I must
think about the next."

"As you say, if it was almost finished with a little more then gerbergio will have a
nearly completed scripture. Where is the exit? When you reach the garden starting
from the library where you are Did you go out? "

I shook my head to Ferdinand who said that I should return to the library.

2160 | 2523
"I could not return to the library, I went out in the back, but was not Ferdinand?"
"Because I did not want to be blown off to strange places, I got out of where I entered."

In other words, we rushed out of the sky ridiculously, ignored the exit that opened us
all the time, and flew off again with a beast toward the sky. If I can not get in touch
with the royal family, I can not get out of the back, so I think I did not make a mistake.

...... But I do not want to be disliked by Mr. Air Vermoon to do that kind of thing?

The escort knights who were looking at our movements worriedly came running
down as soon as they finished doing things.

"What did you plan to do? What is the pillar of that light?"
"There is no obligation to explain, and we do not need to know it. Do not let me say it
many times .High hee heeze.What is the situation of the royal family? You have to go
in the hurry when you are in a hurry. Please ask Aub Dunkel Ferger to capture the
royalty and send it, so that you can go alone in the very end so that you can open the
back, while Aub Dunkel Ferguer is necessary to hold down the Central Order, but the
royal family Will not it be much useful even if I am at? "

Indeed Ferdinand 's worthy high hesitz also attracted his attention.

"Capture the royalty, I can not feel fragments of respect ... ...."
"As a key to opening up the very back to the royal family who is being rebelled from
the central knights that should protect ourselves without being able to comply with
measures beforehand that they are invaded now, Is it worth more than the role? "

If there are no islands to attach, there is no room for a refutation. But there are times
when it is not necessary to state the truth.

"It is true that royalty is not useful enough, but you got a letter to help Ferdinand, let's
fix it a bit, Ferdinand."
"Please correct Rosemain sama"

I will be scolded with a smile with Nicoli in Léonore.

"Indeed such an Ordonants can not be sent"

2161 | 2523
"If so, so I will send it, so I do not mind. Rosemain, close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and found that Ferdinand's hands moved.

"Prince Anastigius, Ferdinand"

... ... Prince Anastigius?

Why is the opponent who sends Ordnants here Prince Anastigius? I tilt my neck, but
Ferdinand keeps strangling voice to Ordonants.

"In order to prevent deprivation of the foundation of Jurgen Schmidt by the invader
from Ranzenav, it is necessary to have a royal family that opens the backmost part, as
obvious as a result of the royal family's postponement done by the royal family,
foundation At the moment of deprivation, the current royalty will be subject to
disposal, please come immediately to the innermost place "

I found Ferdinand waving Bun and Stap.

"Let's go with this, I will head to the central building"

"Mr. Ferdinand, why are you Prince Anastigius, in this case should you send it to King

The question of Haisuzze was speaking for the doubts of everyone here. Ferdinand
has a smiling smile of a frightening evil.

"Is not it because the weak point is clear and it is decided to be the man that is the
easiest and fastest to move, do you think Prince Anastigius is silent trying to be
executed as Egranthine is executed?"

……I do not think so.

Prince Anastigiusus 'daughter' s daughter is stained. It is not a person who can

overlook the crisis approaching Egrantine.

"But Ferdinand, do not bother to call the royal family, can not I open the far end? I
have not received approval, but it is Arub for the time being."
"Is not it an official awb, that insurance for when you could not have been needed?"

2162 | 2523
It took more time to call it after it was found to be no good, Ferdinand said with a
stupid face and turned the beast into the central building.

...... We treated royalty insurance, this person!

2163 | 2523
"There was a figure of the Central Order in the vicinity of the central building's
transition doors.We first secure the fighting force that can move right now.Highsitz
contacts Dunkel Ferguer and Cornelius contacts Ekhardto and the center building A
grove in the neighborhood ... I would like you to ask us to head to the place we
gathered for the first time. "

Ferdinand tells the surrounding knights to fly over the Ordonants as they head
towards the trees near the central building. I myself flew Aldonants to Stral and Tzent,
also told me to keep my eyes closed.

For Sutral who was ordered to search the movement of the Central Order by one
group, it was administratively simple and ordered to join, but the Ordonants sent to
Tzent are aristocratic and have very roundabout words It was what I used. No matter
how far around, the content said "If you think that there is a grace as a tent and you
do not want to be deprived of the foundation by the people of other countries, please
head the central knights and Dunkel Ferger who can trust the place quickly and put
them away" So it is not very modest.

"Oh, Feldinand-sama, what if you do not have Prince Tento or Anastigius Us?"
"... ... It takes time to take a long time, but it is only a matter of using another means.I
want to know how the royalty sees the current crisis and how to act"

Feldinand's saying so is cranky. I do not understand why they are cranky. When Aub
is aimed at the corner of his own territory, he keeps it between the cornerstones to
protect the foundation from the enemy. It is natural behavior because it is only Aub
that can protect it. Similarly, it is a major premise that Tsento must also keep the
foundation of the country.

"...... Ferdinand does not mean that Tento is protecting the cornerstone, I think that I
do not like somewhere hiding, but the TSENT who does not have Gurtris Hight
probably notices the location of the foundation Is not there not? "

If you do not know the location of the foundation, you can not stay between the
foundations. I tried defending a little Zento. But, it did not make any sense at all. I just
laughed at Ferdinand saying "What is that?"

2164 | 2523
"If you do not know the location of the foundation, you should lodge the knight team
and take over the enemy before being deprived, at least let me show you what attitude
you are trying to take off, you are a minor woman Although he leads the knight team
standing in a weak battlefield, what is it supposed to do with Tento hiding? "
"It is an overvaluation, because I feel secure that Ferdinand and the escort knights will
support me and absolutely protect them as they are betrayed by the head of the knight
It would be difficult for Tran Oc Var. "

I could not go to Ahrensbach if I was betrayed by Cornelius elder brothers and

Hartmut just before going to help Ferdinand. If the Rizera and Gretier did not follow
Ahrensbach, I think I probably could not have gone to Ahrensbach.

"It is not as unusual as betrayal of the aides, etc. It is a daily occurrence that things
that enemy's breath comes close to on your side are happening on a daily basis, as
soon as you are aware of the tendency of the aides, you discover betrayal at an early
stage, Do not try trusting the aides, always watch out or defend themselves, is not it
natural? "
"I do not have such everydays, but ... ....?"

It is different from the everyday life I know. I have not spent the daily routine that
killed that much.

"Is it natural that you are closer to you, the Ausbet and the wife, I, Karstedd, Elvira,
Richarda were examinations because there are many secrets, the vision is narrow, the
circumference is too narrow, the danger of getting closer to you from the beginning It
is also excluded that there are no clear enemies like Veronica for me. "

... ... The way we say is terrible as usual ....

The contact with the downtown was restricted, the opponent was decided by the
guardian, the work was so full that I had to go back and forth between the temple and
the castle My environment I thought was cramped and tough is actually to keep away
from danger I knew that it was prepared carefully. I felt disappointed with myself that
the scales fell off the eyes from the eyes, I did not know.

"...... I was protected by overprotection than I had thought myself."

"It is only the fact that you made wages, printing business, increased crop yields by
priests, raised the results of children, and went out to Wilfriit and Charlotte salvation.
2165 | 2523
It is probably because Traquarvard's worth was not acknowledged, but I do not care
about such surrounding evaluation. It is important for Jurgen Schmidt's people that it
is the future action. "

Ferdinand said while descending into the grove near the central building.

"I will not recognize those who run away here, as I am not a person who stands up, in
that case it is a foolish fool who tried to surrender Jurgen Schmidt's throne to
Ranzenae, regardless of the presence or absence of Gurritosheito There is more to
judge it as disqualified "

... ... Tsento, do your best!

"It seems that Dunkel Ferger is capturing the Central Order Group steadily, and it was
about leaving it to Rosemain like Gurtris Height with respect to protecting the
"Refuse that it is the role of the royalty to protect the foundation, not the work of
Auburn Ahrensbach"

It seems like it will be hard to put together what is being toppled, and Aub Dunkel
Ferguer seems to be struggling. Especially it seems that it is difficult to distinguish
between an enemy and an ally. It seems that it seems to be caught at random as it can
not kill everyone.

...... It is Dunkel Ferger as it is randomly chosen.

I think that Dunkel Verger and the Central Order are in trouble because of the turmoil
in the building where Tsento is located. I do not have a plan yet, so it seems to be hard
to come back here. Ferdinand was having a bitter face when hearing it.

"Thank you for waiting, Mr. Ferdinand"

Eckhardt brothers who were waiting in front of the library and joined Strals join. A
report will be made immediately. According to Eckhardt brother, it seems that two
watchers are placed where the library is visible, and if someone comes to the library,
it seems to be in contact. It seems that Stral, who was told to explore the movement
of the Central Order, was exploring the state of the Order in the central building.
2166 | 2523
"The knights of the Central Order, who had kept the neighborhood where there is a
door leading to each dormitory, entered the auditorium by Ordonants who flew from
the south.The number of people we confirmed is 8. But the doors of the auditorium
Because it opened from the inside, it is expected that there are more people in there.

The door leading to the back is in the auditorium. That means there are people waiting

"After the Central Order joined the auditorium, the Knights led by Aub Dunkel Ferger
went through the door leading to the royal residence, so we should judge that we can
be aware of this movement."

Sturl said so. As soon as it gets thinned, there is a fear that the captives will be taken
back, so it seems that we should not reduce the number of people from Rikkyu who
has Ranzenerav. Ferdinand agrees with it.

"Those who got a Stap at Ranzenae were not used to handling Stap, and there were
many people with a greater amount of magical power than half of the knights who
came here, so that they could use magical tools and weapons that they made It is a
threat when used, never let it go. "

Strar begins to fly Ordonants to give directions towards the Imperial Palace. At that
time, in the dark we could see Ordonants that flew towards the central building.

"Eckhardt, please attach this and search for those who are watching here.This move
already seems known to some extent, but it is troublesome to be notified when the
rushing in and the surprise attack. It is not a beast, but it is close to body strengthening
"Mr. Ferdinand, is this a part of Angelica? Those who can strengthen the body to
shorten the time, it seems better to hit by some people"

Ekharuto brother who received the magic tool says so and another magician gets it
and runs through the trees with Angelica.

"Quick ... ..."

2167 | 2523
"If you are two of them you will quickly come back to detect the spies and you should
remember what you should do"

Ordonants flew from the central building to where Ferdinand steadily prepared to
step one after another.


Old donuts who gave me that, my cheering is empty, in a little round aristocratic
words "If someone gets Gurtris Height, I think that he is the true client, I hope for the
birth of a new Tento" Repeat three times. The eyes of Ferdinand who was grasping
something magical tool from halfway is half-eyeed. The color of the eyes was shaking
if you looked closely well.

"Wow, that's why I am not going to fight to protect the foundation because it's a fake
product that does not have a Gurtris Height, so I do not care even with gervergeo ....
That's the answer, what do you think, Hysitz? "
"Ha ha! ... Well ... I heard that as well, if someone got a Gurtitosheight, I will give him
the Tento, what kind of person is that But ... .... "
"There seems to be no mistake in my interpretation ..."

……scared. Scary, Mr. Ferdinand. My eyes are dangerous. Because I can see something
hazy around my body somewhat.

There is little magical power leaking from Ferdinand. Because it was in the dark, it
seemed that Ferdinand was shining. I can see that the surrounding knights took spit
and spit. It is a very light thing, but it is receiving unconscious power. Air is increasing
pressure and a bit stuffy.

"Mr. Ferdinand, let's calm down, is it a subtle magical leak, it is in a state of

intimidation slightly, I understand the feeling of Ferdinand, but those who have a
Gurtris height are wrong words saying" I do not think so because I can not do most
jobs. "

Ferdinand glanced at me glaringly. Changes in eyes are contained, but you can see that
irresistible anger swirls in it.

"If you can get a Guritisuhaitu it is a person who tried to confer Tento even for
Dietlinde, and Tora Okhar is prepared for how he and his family are treated
2168 | 2523
afterwards Because I am trying to give up Tsento on top of it, is not the line going
through for the first time? "
"How stupid are you? How far are you complaining?"

Ferdinand's anger of fury came toward me. What should I do. It seems to have failed.
I should have made anger with Tzent without saying anything unnecessary. I am

"If you can finish with your own sacrifice, the whole Jürgen Schmidt will be under the
control of Ranzenave as a result of a false Zento fake that does not even have Gurtris
Height. There is no relation at all, clearly that it is a reply of disqualification as Jürgen
Schmidt's Tent "

Ferdinand said that while looking around the surrounding knights.

"We should have reported the work they tried to give instantly deadly poison to those
who do not follow them, and to send manastones and young women aristocrats to
Ranzenae. What happens if Gelvagio takes the cornerstone? , Even if I hear the work
in Ahrensbach, I will not say that I still do not understand that although the same thing
is more likely to be done not only in Ahrensbach but across Jurgen Schmidt, Okvaru is
disqualified from Tsento, is not it? "

What I am in this place is the knights of Ahrensbach who actually looked at the works
of Ranzenerav with their eyes, and my escort knights and Dunkel Ferger's knights
who stole my efforts to keep the trouble. I nodded in the words of Ferdinand.

"Here is the incarnation of Mestionola, who gives Gurtris Height, appointment of

Tzent, where a new Tento is born in the place where she excluded Geruva Georg.
Nevertheless, they are all over Jurgen Schmidt Do you want to repeat the tragedy of
Ahrensbach? "
"Do you think that gervergeo is suitable for Jürgen Schmidt's Tento?"
"Honoring the judgment of Traquar Var and wanting to bring danger and confusion
to Jürgen Schmidt?"
"Then, Ignore the response of Mr. Tora Okhar, regardless of the presence or absence
of Gurritisheit Gel Vagio will be eliminated"
2169 | 2523
Echhardt brother returned to the auditorium at the same time as he detained the
knight of the Central Order Team watching here. Although we made a scout, there
were no emblems around where the doors connected to each dormitory are lined up
as reported by Straal.

When I thought that, footsteps came closer from a little over there. Anastigius which
is guarded by the escort knights who are alerted with weapons are arriving. Unlike
me who was surprised earlier than expected, Ferdinand sent a signal to the knight
saying "Do not make a noise."

Anastaseuz compares us with the auditorium and frowns at us.

"What are you doing in front of the lecture hall while skipping Ordanants that you are
coming in front of the immediate front?"
"If you do not exclude the enemies in this, you can not reach the innermost area,
please wait until the attack ends"
"Ferdinand, who knows what and how far ... ..., who is it?"

Anastasiusus tilts his head, looking straight at me who stood next to Ferdinand.

"It's been a while, Prince Anastigius, Rosemain."

"B, ......"

Did you remember what you were saying to shut up, Anastaseuz quickly blocked your
mouth. After shaking my head several times, I was able to go down with a crowd.

"Although he said that his older brother and Hildebrand grew unbelievably, that he is
growing so much ...."
"Rosemain's growth has nothing to do with the current fight, please do it later"

As Ferdinand said so, raised his weapon, raised his hand. We can not see from us, but
the Strals should have started. A few seconds later, there were a number of explosions
in the auditorium, the knights began to make a noise in surprise attacks.

"Stop it, what are you doing !?"

"The riot is throwing the magical tool created by Hartmut from the highest window"
2170 | 2523
"The attack on the House of Lords is an agreement with the attack on Tzent! Do they
want to be charged with treason !?"

Ferdinand was a cool face to Anastasezu 's fierceness, saying "There is no problem",
and I got a recording magician.

"An answer was prepared to lend to the Gentiles that a person who got the Gurtris
Height as a result of skipping the content of the Ordinants to fight to defend the
foundation of Jurgen Schmidt as the foundation of Jurgen Schmidt is a real Tento This
is proof. "

Odonant 's words sent by Tent last from the magic tool flow. Anastigius lost his / her
complexion to the meaning that he wanted a new Tent.

"Prince Anastigius, now Jurgen Schmidt has no peace of mind to protect the
foundation, it can not be treason or sorcery"

As Ferdinand's attitude is so bad, I quickly stood between Ferdinand and Anastigius.

"Ferdinand does not like his lazy incompetence which does not fulfill his
responsibility, so I am very angry at the reply of Tsento, but I think that he is exactly
the thing of Tora Okhuaru "

Anastigius looked at me with eyes to see something stinky. I know I'm wary of what
I'm saying. I smiled nicely.

"After you and your family are no longer royalties, you are trying to hand over the
Tento in preparation for how it will be treated."

I will convolve further towards Anastasiusus staring out my eyes and seeing me.

"Prince Anastigius says that we will be charged with treason to act acting to protect
the foundation, which means that we will accept the words of Zento? In Ahrensbach
they will He gave instantly dead poison to those who did not, and tried to send
manastones and young women aristocrats to Ranzenerav, but that is done throughout
Jurgen Schmidt. "

Depending on the result of Tsent's preparedness, Egrantine may also face serious
problems, do not you? When smiling, Anastigius pulled the face.
2171 | 2523
"Rosemain, that person is ... ...."
"Rosemain, put a shield before hitting a vain"

Freddinand looked around the knights who hold the weapons and quickly lowered
the hands that he mentioned once, saying that the conversation with Anastasius was
a waste of speech. The doors are opened and the knights rush in. Ignoring Anastasisus
which I said something, instantly put up a shield of Schulea and enter with my escort
knights to secure safety.

"Oh, if Prince Anastigius accepts the word of Tsento, it would be better for you to
return to your own residence so that you will not be charged with treason ... ... Or, to
protect Egrandines, According to Ferdinand, I am the incarnation of Mestionora who
can appoint a new Tento "

2172 | 2523
"If you have a Gurtris Height that is given to others, that is not the true Tento!"

Anastaseuis raises a voice and raises a voice that his escort knights are embarrassed.
I felt like wanting to ask how royal information transmission is going to a rough

"Different. Now Watakushi is you've dyed the cornerstone of Ahrens Bach,'s the Aubu-
Ahrens Bach. Can not be a Tsuento because it does not dyed the foundation of Jurgen
Schmitt. Watakushi is ......"

I tried to ask if I had no idea what I did with Ahrensbach, but Anastasis shielded my
words with the glaring eyes of a grim glow.

"Then, yield its guru tris height in right now father, whether appointed to the true
Tsuento. That way, there is no will to mouth the javelin words to mourn their own
helpless languishing in that way. Father is a little But as long as it is suitable for the
position of Tsento, I used heavy healing medicine during my daily work and prayed
as much as possible in a shrine "

...... I also felt that Tsento smelled like a refreshing drug like Ferdinand and desperately
trying to support the country. But will you pass Gurtris Height to a person who has
already broken heart? Why can not we overturn it?

I think that it is better not to give extra Gurtris' height if the heart is suffering to the
extent that Traquaru accepts death including around herself. Ferdinand's
Guritisuheito is only for one generation. I can not promise to give Ferdinand's
Gurritris Height to Trax Ocquar who just wanted Ferdinand to disqualify himself and
then decide himself to die with something beat.

"I do not know what kind of life Tauracquar lived.I heard earlier Oldonansu ... ...."
"Although it is a cold telling that tossed a long while, does the other think about
nothing about the friend of Egranthine?"

As I looked at the anastasis while observing my eyes, I told you, "I am not wondering,
but it is strange," he said. When I was forced to visit a shrine, I realized that it was

2173 | 2523
impossible to build an ordinary friend relationship with Egrantine "I think." It is
strange that this should be their ordinary friendship.

"I learned from Prince Anastigius and Egrantine that it is royalty's way to make
choices by taking hostages important to the negotiating partner as a hostage, but was
somewhere wrong?"

...... I think that it is not wrong because it was a royal family to chase away the adoptive
father to become Aub Ehrenfest or to marry Dietrinde or to choose.

As usual thought that the common sense of aristocracy was difficult, Anastasezu
became a stunned face. Once you have a bitter looking face down.

"... Well .... But, given the top priority to Jurgen Schmidt, should anyone immediately
give a Gurtris Height and should not trust the true Tento?"
"So what is the royal family who was supposed to think that Jurgen Schmidt takes top
priority from the circumstances of individuals, what are you doing with being
attacked from abroad? Try to eliminate enemies at the top as the present situation It
would be a problem if you asked me not to be the real Tsento. "

In order to maintain Jurgen Schmidt I was asking to prioritize Ahrensbach more than
Ehrenfest or asking me to get a Gurtris Height as a kid's adoacca, so in emergency, I
would like to show such movements It is.

"I understand, if my father can not move, I will move instead."

Anastagisus with weapons looked around his escort knights. Because it is a royalty, it
is saved to be at the forefront and it is not wrong as a royal act. But, if Trancu Var can
not move, is not it the role of Sigiswald to move instead?

...... Well, as long as anyone moves, it will do as long as it resolves.

"Prince Anastigius, please make sure your mouth is covered with cloth, the opponent
is likely to have instantaneous death poison of Ranzenae"

After Anastasiusus participated in the war, I looked at the door of the auditorium
where Aldonants enters and leaves. A door opened and a few knights popped out. I
2174 | 2523
am injured while wearing the cloak of Ahrensbach. I guess those who left the
battlefield once for recovery. I healed immediately.

"I'm very excited, Mr. Rosemain"

"How is your inside?"
"There are many Central Authorities in the auditorium than expected"

The knights who jumped out of the auditorium will tell you the situation inside while
taking refreshing medicine in the shield.
The surprise that threw magician from high windows seems to have been quite
effective. However, there are many people wearing silver cloaks, and now it seems
that attacks by magical powers are often prevented.

"We have weapons other than Stap for just in case, but Prince Anastigius did not seem
to have it, but the Anastigius escort knights picked up weapons from the defeated
opponent and fought There are also some people who seem to be lost to the enemy
side as a result of the royal family participating in the war. "

They are said to "defeat the enemies of the king" and are attacking the Ferdinand, but
they seem to have no weapons to Anastadisus. Therefore, it seems that this has
become quite advantageous.

"Is there any possibility that Toluk is being used?"

"...... We just can not tell from seeing it."
"But Prince Anastigius was very angry with the knight who betrayed Tsento, and I'm
asking questions while fighting."

It seems that he is asking why Rao Brute, the head of the knight betrayed Tsento, since

"Feldinand is calling for support as it is necessary to supplement magical tools and

restorative medicine, I think we will arrive soon"

The recovered knights will jump out of the shield of Schulea. Even if I thrust into the
battle, I am afraid that I am not afraid. So you are being held up as a restoration in
front of the door. It is said that I put inside into when the inside battle is over and
when it is necessary to wash and heal using a large magical power using instantly
dead poison etc. I understand, but I can not help being concerned about the situation
2175 | 2523
"I am amusing to wait here ... but ...."

As I can easily call water that can fill the auditorium, when I murmuring while
comparing the magic paper on which the magic of subsidies for wide-area magic was
drawn and the door of the auditorium, Angelica also said "I understand your feelings
well" I looked at the door with a burned look and nodded.

"Rosemain, I brought magical tools and recovery drugs"

"Hartmut, Clarissa, until Yusukkusu .... Is it okay to leave the residence?"
"It is an order from Mr. Ferdinand, since managing witchcraft is a civilian's job"

When Clarissa kept herself proud of herself, Hartmut also smiled with Nicolle. When
checking inside the box which three people brought so that they can hand over to the
knight who used recovery medicine, a tremendous explosion sound is heard from
inside the auditorium and the heart jumps.

What ...?

Hartmut's slightly upscale magical tools are dangerous in a mixed war state, so they
should only be used during surprise attacks. Then, is it not the enemy side who did
something? It was at the same time that I stopped at the door holding down the breast
and looking back at the door, and Justoks jumped to the door while shouting, "Princess
calls when a massive healing is needed". I nodded to Justoks and ordered my aides.

"Prepare for rushing. If you have Hartmuts, I will use magazines."

While feeling the impatience and anxiety that the heartbeat will be faster, take out the
magical paper on which the magic team was drawn from the leather bag attached to
the waist. It is inefficient to close your eyes and heal so that no manastones get into
your eyes. I take out the magic squad of Lucerne Sumer and Fleet Lane from the
magical paper which is edged with green and hold the staple.

Meanwhile Hartmut and Clarissa began to battle magical power in the stap with the
magazine on which the magic of the magic of the wide area was drawn respectively.
The magic team drawn on the magazine is an excellent thing that does not require
manastones or chanting if preparations are in advance, but it costs a high production
cost of magazines and uses magical power considerably to start up.

2176 | 2523
Léonore and Matthias stood up in front of me with a shield. Angelica and Elder
Cornelius have a weapon and take on a caution, waiting for Laurentz to be opened any
time in front of the door.
It took only a few seconds to get ready. However, that few seconds was felt very long.

"Princess! Please heal!"

"I will go, Clarissa!"

Angelica and Cornelius elder brother jump into the door where Laurentz opens for
security. Almost at the same time, Clariissa thrusts into the auditorium with an agile
movement that can not be regarded as a civilian, and starts a supplementary magic

While being protected by Leonore, Matthias and Laurentz's shield, I ran to the
auditorium just like Clarissa. I ran agilely in the brain, but in reality it may have been
as fast as I could. Please do not mention about that area.

The inside of the auditorium is darker than the corridor with many windows. Because
of that, it seemed that the auxiliary magic team that Clarissa started up glowing gold.


I pour the magical power into the magic team of Fleet Lane which was drawn on the
magazine in Stap, and strikes the magic team which Clarissa started with staple. The
sparkling magic team that I struck with magical power struck the golden auxiliary
magic team. At the next moment, the magic crown which emits green light emerges as
if it split into multiple, and the whole auditorium is dyed with a clean green light.


I also poured magical power into the magic team of Lungschmere, and then he invited
Hartmut to activate the auxiliary magic team.

"Please, Mr. Rosemain"

Haltmut, which was ready, immediately activated the auxiliary magic team. I aimed
for an auxiliary magic team that appeared near the ceiling, and I began the magic team

2177 | 2523
of Lucerne Sumer. Multiple magic teams of Rungsmere who hit the golden auxiliary
magic team appear and release the healing light.

"what is this……?"

Knights raised a voice of embarrassment and looked up at several magic teams and
raised their voices. I do not know what was the explosion sound, but I can understand
well that it was a terrible condition because there are many people to stand up. By
looking around the auditorium, I noticed that the condition inside was not normal.

"... ... Eh? The auditorium ... ...?"

The auditorium is deformed as if it was a graduation ceremony, a stage used in

dedication dance has appeared, and the altar which is in the back is visible in the front.
I do not know what to change for this reason.

I looked around the lecture hall illuminated by the green light, and I looked for faces
knowing Ferdinand, Elder Eckhart, Haisuzze, Anastigius and others. A magical tool
seems to have been used from the side close to the altar in the auditorium towards
the entrance, and those who are receiving healing light are falling down almost
concentrically. There is a place where Anastasisus and its escort knights are collapsed
together, and Eckhart brother sits down to lean on the right wall. I saw Ferdinand get
up instantly, whether Ehardt brother was caught.

"Fell ..."

The moment when I tried to call, Ferdinand turned out his eyes wide open. At the
same time as the shouting voice of the loud voice "The one is dead!" Rainbow-colored
light flies to me with eyes.


Several shields appeared in front of me and the escort knights with the voice of
Angelica, Elder Cornellius, and Ferdinand that felt from a little far. It seems that it was
a fairly powerful attack, and two shields made by Ferdinand are erased.

"Rao Blue ... ...."

2178 | 2523
A man near the altar was watching here. It seems that magical power is pouring again
into the sword you are holding, you can see that it starts to shine in rainbow color. A
glowing sword seems to emerge in the dark. There was a clear murderous intent in
the eyes of Lao Bluet which bothers magical powers like a frightening spine.

"Although I thought that the most disturbing person could be cleared up, it is that
healing is such .... That person is in the way ... Please disappear."

The word that comes out in a tone of voice is what I wanted to exclude. Quiet but
seized by murderous intent not to escape, my feet tremble with fear and not move. I
swallowed a brim in spite of myself.

"It is Mr. Gervasio who gets the Gurtris Height, Nobody else needs Gurtris Height other
than that person, so that we do not need the enemy of Gel Vagio, etc."

The moment Rao Burut said so and set up the sword, the altar glowed. To be precise,
the statue of God and the sacred tool placed on the altar glows, and the statue of God
begins to move making a noise. As I was dancing in a dedication dance, I slowly rotated
and began to separate on the left and right on the platform.


The knights who stood up receiving the healing light are paying attention to the altar
while raising a surprise voice, but I know that movement. It also moved when I got
rituals to gain protection and when I got the book of Mestionola from Air Vermoon it
was as if the statue of God gave me a way to go through the middle when I got on the
altar It was a state after it moved to. Then, after this, the opening of the entrance will
open wide on the wall of the mosaic pattern.

...... Gel vagio comes out.

I guessed the same thing. When Ferdinand became a steep face, as I remembered, a
hole in the doorway opened. The knights are looking at the altar silently.

"It is the true Tento selected for the gods! Mr. Jelva Gio will be back!"

2179 | 2523
Some of the enthusiastic cheers came up to the voice of Rao Burut, and a part became
desperate look. It has that impact. It is said that gods move to welcome and appear
from the top of the altar.

... ... If it is told that he was chosen by God, it is a convincing sight.

I opened my mouth, letting me drop the appearance that is divinely visible.

"The one that appeared now is the entrance leading to the opening garden, I got the
wisdom of Mestionola, came out from there, the beginning garden going to get Stap or
get protection But, it is not that rare for the altar to move. "
"Not only me, Egrandine also got it in the beginning garden when I get a stap ... ...."

When it says that it is normal if it has all the attributes, the reaction of surrounding
knights who were enthusiastic began to be shaken. Although enthusiasm decreased,
it seems that he bought Rao Burut 's anger who seems to gather Gerbergio to be
selected as a god.

"I will dispose of you before returning to Mr. Gervasio!"

Rao Burut trembling with anger sprung the sword.

2180 | 2523

At the moment the weapon was pointed to Rao Burt, several shields appeared again
before me. Ferdinand deployed multiple shields without leaving from the side of
Eckhart and Justocus who are taking recovery medicine. In the same way wary of the
previous attacks, Akita including Hartmut and Clarissa also put out shields.
Immediately after confirming that the shield increased before me, I cried Rao Burut
in a position to hold the weapon and steal magical power steadily and steadily protect
the altar.

"Exclude the true Tento's enemies! Capture the Elephant's saint! Be Jürgen Schmidt
to be the saint of the central temple!"

The central Order which was around him roughly broke into three parts and started
to move. A part of the left is anastakusus who are falling apart because they are out of
the healing range that I went to and to Hyssiktz who are giving them recovery drugs
and protecting them I started running.
Part of the middle keeps weapons while watching the movement of Rao Burut. A part
of the right instantly kept the bow of Stap and began shooting.


It is against me and Ferdinand, not myself, that the arrow was pointed. Multiple
arrows are shot one after another. The moment when he felt breathful when he
realized that Ferdinand's shield had already been put out before me, Eucchut stood
up with Justoks, then the knights of Arends Bach around them rushed to take a shield
I pulled out and prevented arrows.

"Rosemain like shield!"

Leonore raises a sharp voice. It was not a case when Ferdinand was relieved that they
were somehow able to protect themselves. It is visible at the edge of sight that Rao
Burut swinging down the sword. It flies flying with yourself as if the rainbow colored
magical masses are getting bigger and bigger.
2181 | 2523

I could not afford to shield Shurria by advocating prayer words. The rainbow-colored
big light bumps while destroying several shields. Ferdinand's shield disappeared as if
it could play and somehow endured, but Brother Cornelius and Laurentz, who had put
a shield in the front row, raised a voice that seems to be "gigging".

"Angelica, Matthias! Replace the front and back! Rosemain says immediately a shield
of the wind!"

Leonore gives directions at a quick pace. Even at the time of a doctor with Dunkel
Ferger, getting a shield of Schugheri while preventing the attack of the first with
Gettirte. It is important to make a safe place even a bit. I pray.

"The goddess of the wind controlling defense Shurria serve the side ... ...."

Escort Knights change front and back, Brother Cornelius and Matthias reach out for
recovery drugs. However, the knights who kept their weapons around Rao Burut
earlier than that, began to strike a piece of rainbow-colored light one after another.
Lumps of large and small rainbow-colored magical powers irritately attack one after
another. They put up a shield before reaching for recovery drugs.

Some things are not so much, there are some that have a lot of magical powers. Now
that Ferdinand's shield has been destroyed, its wavy attacks are pretty tough. I keep
praying while feeling being caught by Mr. Geettil's shield.

"... ... with the hand of the wind not approaching those with harm"

A rigid sound that echoed in the vicinity of Kin was made, and hemispherical shield of
Shuria was completed. A yellow noble gleaming pillar stands out, and attention is paid
as the Central Order 's people were surprised. There may be many knights who are
not familiar with shrines too much.

For now, magical attacks should manage somehow. The escort knights exposed to
continuous attack of rainbow-colored light pull out the power of the body a bit.

"Do not forget your vigilance, immediately take recovery medicine, the other party is
the Central Order"
2182 | 2523
Léonore issued an instruction while looking at Lao Buruto in front of the altar with
indigo eyes. Even though the number of aristocrats has decreased due to political
change and the quality has fallen, the Central Order Group is made up of excellent
knights drawn from each of the territories.
My young escort knights who are strong at the young age of Ehrenfest can not win
against experienced old man and father yet. The central knights who are experienced
can be said to be pretty strong.

"I'd like you to join me, but it seems that there is not much room for Ferdinand men."

Ferdinando are not only arrows, magic tools are thrown one after another and are
prevented from joining with here. I saw the magician bursting over the head and
struggling with the magical tool which the silver needle which does not pass the
magical power pops out. Perhaps it is a thing from Ranznerav.

"Mr. Rosemain, maintenance of the shield is top priority, but can we pray if Prince
Anastigius can recover, if possible? As they can move, the strength will change

It was said that Anastasiusus had knights that could not be attacked, and his escort
knight was the Central Order. I also understood that it was a fairly important strength.
If anastasis can move, the high order hesitates trying to recover themselves will be
able to move while doing the opponent of the Central Order.

...... If I can do that I can understand the best ... ....

While feeling the rainbow-colored light hit the shield of Schizuria one after another, I
nodded with Leonore.

"...... I will try ... ... but please hold each one with a shield.The attack of the Central Order
is strong magical power and there is technology to concentrate the attack on one
point, or has it received so far There is a strong feel and shock which is different from
attacks that are different. "

When confirmed that escort knights set up a shield, I put out a wand of Fleet Lane with
my eyes closed. From the magic team of magical paper that is not included in the range
except for the previously designated subject, the flexibility is more flexible. Although
I need a margin to chant the chant for a long time.
2183 | 2523
"Healing goddess Rung Sumerle who is the goddess of water goddess Fleet Lane"

It turns out that magical power flows on the wand of Fleet Lane. Not only Anastasiusus
but also Ferdinand would need healing.

"Listen to my prayers and grant holy power and give me the power to heal my side ...
"Angelica, Matthias!"

Echoing in the sight of Cornelius elder brother's sharp voice in the middle of prayer
was closed. At the same time, "Let's Mine, please concentrate" cried Léonore. I do not
know what is going on, my throat gets hung up, my voice is about to be cut off. I keep
praying while my body trembles and I feel the beating of the heart becomes intense.

"Sacrifice to Himself gives us sanctification by sacrificing examination of the supreme

ripple and cleansing"

As soon as you cast, you can erase the staff and open your eyes. Brother Cornelius was
blown away by a knight in front of the shield of Schweria.

"What, is it !?"
"The Central Order seemed to be shrinking the distance while attacking it, as
Rosemain's singing started, at the same time it tried to invade the shield of Scholer
with a silver cloak, Matthias, Angelica and Cornelius corresponded doing"

Leonore answers. There was no sense of invading the enemy at all with the shield of
Schweria, but the central knights entered a silver weapon and the part wrapped in the
cloak came in. If you do not kick out before entering it completely, there is the danger
that my escort knight will be fired out as it was invaded by Restistau and when Yudit
was fired out.

"Please do not forsake! I will not forgive rude to Mr. Rosemain Mr. Mestionora!"

While Clarissa said so, while leaping lightly leaping, she threw magical tools to the
knights in front of the shield. Immediately after the van and the magician explode at a
short distance, the red powder scatters and the knights hold down their faces and
chewed around. Is it a magic tool full of negatives.

2184 | 2523
"Clarissa, next and continue this with this!"
"Please leave it to me!"

He hands the magical tools that Hartmut throws one after another to Clarissa who
smiles satisfactorily while watching the appearance of knighting knights. I saw the
altar. I give directions to the knights, but Lao Burt does not move from before so as to
protect the altar from which Geruvagio comes out.

... ... If Yudit is thrown, I will reach it.

While watching the distance with Rao Burut, I am chewed by regret. It is a pity that
Yudit was unable to bring it under under age.

"It seems that Haltmut's magic tool is more effective for silver weapons. Matthias and
Angelica are down one end and I and Laurentz are in front."

Léonore and Laurentz came out and Angelica and Matthias came down behind. They
start drinking recovery drugs received from Hartmut near me.

"To be honest, there is a blessing of the gods from Rosemain, so I did not expect that
the experience will be difficult so far, it seems there are as many people as Bonifatius."

Matthias replaced with Laurentz glares at the Central Order with disappointment
while drinking recovery drugs. I waved my head slowly while looking at the profile of
Matthias, who was deeply hopelessly feeling that there was such a difference even
when receiving the blessing of the gods.

"Mattias, not only we are able to obtain multiple blessings from the gods, it is not
Ehrenfest and Dunkel Ferger who announced how the knights got blessed on their
own, perhaps already the Central Order But it may be taken in. "

He took in the dance performance that Dunkel Ferger showed off and was practicing
to use it when the Knights of Ehrenfest destroyed the winter lord. Since the royal
family and their aides also participate in opposition to the territory, there is no
mystery even if the central Order uses the dedication dance announced as research

Shall I use the goddess of the sea?

2185 | 2523
Once you return the blessings of everyone to the gods, then give another blessing to
your ally again, then it will be a little more advantageous. You do not have to give the
Central Order the dance of dedication again, so it seems worth trying.

"Rosemain, I'm going to add up!"

At the moment when I took Stapp, the Hizuzzes raised their voices. Apparently it
seems that Anastasius has recovered and returned to the front. This will give a little
room. It was a moment that I was relieved of the encouraging voice.

"Before joining you, destroy it! That place is the weakest!"

Rao Burut ordered us to concentrate the attack and began to disturb the confluence
by striking the rainbow-colored light towards the Hyssitz.

... ... as long as we can reduce the offensive power of Rao Bruat ...

I wish that the Hizuzzes join safely, draw Staple, paint the mark of the goddess of the
sea, close my eyes and change the cane by casting "Strait Corben".

"The goddess of the sea Fair Furemare"

Wielding the wand while casting a celebration. In the bustle of the battle he heard
somewhere, Zazzan and the sound of the shabby began to hear.

"What to do! Stop it!"

"My body suddenly became heavy!"
"Please let us know in advance at least!"

Everyone was fighting with blessings. Suddenly, as blessings are taken away, it seems
that there are several people who have gone wrong. I can hear an impatient voice, but
I continue the ceremony as it is.

"We will devote magical power together with a thankful prayer to the gods who
blessed us."

Put a story of fair Fureméea towards the sky by casting a celebration. There was a
sound that Don and the pillar of light stood.

2186 | 2523
... OK with this. Afterwards, if you put a blessing on your side ... ....

I solved the deformation of the cane and opened my eyes. Breathe deeply into the
state of the auditorium where he was deprived of the fever of fighting and the
blessings from the gods and was quiet.

At that moment, I felt strange pressure.

It is difficult to express by words, but I feel something is there. As I began to look
around the area, I asked that Leonore said "Did you do something, Rosemain?"

"... ... somewhat strange feeling ... from around that sort of indication of strange
pressure ..."

While I said that, I pointed to the top of the altar. A man who seems to have slowly
advanced his feet to a position that will be greeted by the supreme god will stop.
Jervagio will be the only one to come out of here. I could not see well at the distance,
I strengthened my eyesight.

...... Mr. Ferdinand, the old silver hair! Is it? Which way is Air Vermouth like you?

Gerbergio was a man who could only express "old Ferdinand" in the mid-fifties who
gathered silver long hair with one's back on the back. It does not bother to look like it
to be able to see blood related relationships without confirmation. I think that it is
Ferdinand's older older brother or father.

Gerbergio looked down from the top of the altar and opened her mouth.

"What is this, Rao Blue?"

At such a moment as if I had been waiting for the battle of the auditorium to be
fulfilled, a violent voice fell into the auditorium that was quiet and quiet. It may have
been just after the ritual of the goddess of the sea is over. It may be because of the
voice of those who were accustomed to ordering. Those who were in the auditorium
paid attention to the voice of the voice all at once.

"... .... Oh, Dear Gerbergio Please please show us the testimony of true Zento to
Guritisuheito from the gods!"

Rao Burt hands his hand toward the altar while saying that in a playful voice.
2187 | 2523
Gerbergio put out his hand and called "Gurtris Height". A scripture of the same form
as the mystery of Mestionola appears in his hand. Wherever it came from anywhere
in the god image of the supreme god, a man holding the Gurritosheit was anything
from anywhere.

"It is the true Tento, chosen by the gods, Jurgen Schmidt has been saved!"

The voices of Rao Bruet sounded like a reverberation, and some enthusiastic voice
rose from the central knights. Anastigiusus and its escort knights are pale. However,
the most common rumble in the auditorium was the voices of those who compare
Feldinand with Gervasio.

"... Rosemain, is he Gervasio?"

"I came out from there, so I think so."
"Are you in a relationship with Ferdinand, are not you?"
"Because they are very similar, there may be a relatively close connection ... ... But
Ferdinand is a lord of Ehrenfest, Leonore"

I am not supposed to know about Adorjisa's Rikyu and Ferdinand's birth. I smiled with
Nicolle and made it mislead.

2188 | 2523
"And whatever kind of face the person who came out there is, there is nothing that I
will do in the future."

While answering Leonore, I gaze at Gerbergio on the altar. If Jeruvagio became a Tent
as it was, I thought that I was probably acquainted with Ferdinand who was planning
to kill at the stage of planning, as well as me who took the cornerstone of Ahrensbach
leading to Ranzenerav The position of Ehrenfest who has defeated Georginnes should
be terrible.

... ... It would be better to think that there is no room for discussion.

I can not imagine that the person of Ranzenae who has eliminated the obstacles to
himself with instant death poisoning will be kind and sweet. The cornerstone of
Ahrensbach will come with Jelva Geo's hands to withdraw full power. You can scare
the soldiers of Ranznerav, destroy the ship and leave me who saved Arendsbach
At least when I was, when I fell down the necessary ships to defeat the fellows who
came with me, destroyed the ship necessary for returning to my hometown, and the
situation was that all the fellows were caught by the imperial Palace which is the base,
Because there are circumstances, I can not help saying how much it can not be helped
to kill and capture those in my hometown.

"The figure of the enemy is certainly not related, but how do you capture that man?
As the Rao Bluet is in front of the altar, the attacks that reach the top by defeating the
Central Order of Rao Bruto or It will be necessary, if the number of people gets a little
more or if you can communicate with those who are away ... "

Leonore looks at the movements of the central knights while turning their lines of
sight towards them. At that time, a cot and something hit me at my hand. Lowering
my gaze, I saw a small paper plane about five centimeters sticking to my hand. If you
look at the unnatural sight, the paper airplane is made of magazines and you can tell
that it is a contact for me.

2189 | 2523
I spread the paper plane while looking at the surroundings. There, "Attract attention
with the overlap of Gurritris Height and blessings, surrounding disturbance is Fair
Drenna, this is ready", scribbled in Ferdinand's letter.

...... That means that while I am attracting attention I am planning to do something, do

not you?

I moved the letters a bit to make my escort knights visible. Léonore caught a glimpse
of where Ferdinand is located and Haltmut and Clarissa reached for a leather bag
containing magazines.

"Gurtris Height!"

I issued a letter of Mestionola by raising my right hand as instructed by Ferdinand.

"If it is Guritisuheito?"
"Look closely! Not real! The real Gurtris Height is not that big! The thing that Gel Vagio
has is authentic!"
"What to say?" Rosemain's Gurtris Height is genuine! Because the border gate was
opened and closed! "

I am not concerned with the knights of the Central Order and the Dunkel Ferger who
insist that my scripture is genuine, and I will put on the blessings I robbed a while ago.

The god of divine angryf, the god of hunting Shuragetsuiru, the Goddess of Statue
Reese, the goddess of patience Durtzessen, the lady goddess Greifeshan ... .... When
praying with the names of the gods raised one by one, noble pillars will stand every
time and the light of blessing will fall on my side.

"Rosemain who receives numerous blessings from the gods is the incarnation of
Mestionola who gives Gurtris Height to the next TSENT.The selection of Tento from
Jurgen Schmidt and giving Gurtris Height is Rosemain's mission. There is no need to
take the trouble of invading Ranzenae to Tzent. "

...... Hartmuts!

I could not stop praying on the way and succeeded in gathering the attention in the
auditorium because I could not hold the mouth of Hartmut who was excited about my
ability. He also gathers Rao Burut's murderous full of eyes.
2190 | 2523
"Is not it not only to be kept in the central temple but also to surely stop the
"As Rosemain's aides say, there is no need to choose invaders as tents! Only the one
who is the head of the knight of Zent and does not defend the country, betrayes his
father, and has drawn external illness is never permitted!"

Anastasiusus, who seems to have recovered completely, and his aides are also
overworked with blessings. I started moving towards the altar where Rao Bruit is
located while relatively easy to kick out the nearby Central Order.

"Well, here prayers reach the gods ... ..."

Such a voice came down from above the altar. While overlooking the inside of the
auditorium where the pillars of light shakes, as I admired it, Jervaggio raised my
scripture to imitate me and began to cast a celebration with a loud resonating voice.

"The god of fire" God Angelff of the army where the Leiden shaft belongs

The scriptures raised with the prayer of Gerbergio begin to gather blue light.
I did not think that Jelva Geo could easily cast a celebration like this easily. When I
became a shrine maiden apprentice, I had a hard time to memorize the lyrics. I was
disgusted by the fact that I had to memorize many long names of gods like idiots or
some stupidity and I thought that they would like to nicknames the gods.

"Listen to my prayers and give us sacred power and force us to defeat all enemies"

Don and a pillar of blue light stood. The voice of jubilation honoring Gerbergio is
raised, and the movement of Prince Anastigius who was dominant is stopped.

"Hmm, I can also confer the blessings of the gods,"

Gerbergio looks up at the pale brilliant giggle and laughs and starts blessing in the
same way as I say, "The goddess of the wind is the goddess Stielelease, where the
goddess Schaler is a member." With this thing, I robbed the blessing of the enemy,
which makes me meaningless.

...... The gaze towards this one with a blessing pile turned over to Gerbergio again.
What is Ferdinand like! Is it?
2191 | 2523
I wonder what did not do something while attracting attention to me. I will direct my
eyes towards those who have Ferdinand in mind. I could see Eckhardt brother fighting
the Central Order with the blessing of Gervasio, but I can not see the appearance of

"Listen to my prayers ... Not!"

Suddenly words of prayer were cut off. It seems that he was attacked by magical
power from somewhere, and some amulets that Jelva Geo seemed worn bounced off.

"Where is!?"

While protecting the altar, Rao Bruet, who was closely watching the movements of
Prince Anastigius, raises the startling voice and turns around and puts out weapons
to capture the destiny of the amulet.


Ferdinand's voice came up and a shield emerged at a place near the top of the altar.
Counterattack by Gelvagio's amulet is instantly prevented and Ferdinand appears. I
do not know where and how it got up, but I understood only the fact that I effectively
used the amulet of the concealed God Fairberken, and said that "to attract everyone's
attention" to maximize its power.

"On the other hand, there was not a time!"

Rao Burut cried out, but Ferdinand does not move his eyes from the gerbergeo as if
not heard. Just like the knights hold a shield in one hand and another weapon on the
other hand, we have a shield and a black water gun, and we will steadily attack.

"Mr. Gervasio!"

Looking at Rao Burut who ran toward the altar, Clarissa "will not disturb!" And
activate the support of wide-area magic. When interfering, since Fair Drenna has
already been instructed, I instantly shake the staple with the magazine spread out by

"Thunder of Fair Drenna!"

2192 | 2523
From the magic teams spreading near the ceiling, lightning pours down to the central
knight near the altar. Almost at the same time, it seems that the magic team seems to
have been charged by Ferdinand, and thunder also began to fall down to the Central
Knights who are fighting with Eckhart's brothers and the knights of Ahrensbach.

A lot of screams came up and while the counterfeit of the amulet they seemed to have
worn flew towards the magic team, the voice of Lao Burring sounded "Mantle! Prevent
with a silver cloak!" Rao Burut himself tried to rush up the altar while holding the
cloak over his head, while holding a silvery cloth to prevent magical powers and
squeezing it to a certain extent.


Rao Burut was played by something. I thought that someone's attack had arrived,
apparently it is not so. Rao Burut reached out his hand and said, "... what, what is this?
There is a wall invisible to the eyes," raised a voice that is frustrating.

Rao Burut seems to be furious with the way it is played only if it is not qualified to rise
above, but I was a little relieved. As long as you fight at the top of the altar, no extra
relief enters. I can not imagine that Ferdinand will lose fighting one-on-one with
Gerbergio who is not a knight.

"Is that Quinta? ..."

Feldinand did not move one eyebrow to the words of Gervasio, and Ferdinand hit a
water gun aimed at his face. It is an attack that you can see at a glance the feeling that
"do not use extra mouth". Gerbergio will immediately move her arm in front of her
face to prevent direct hits. An amulet could be played and a counterattack flew to
Ferdinand's shield.

It is strange that a water gun that I see as if it looks like a toy completely seems like a
handgun if Ferdinand has it. A line of narrow magical power successively flew
towards Gerbergio, and every time Gelvergio's amulets are played. Even if a
counterattack came, it quickly became clear that he was peeling off Gelvagio's amulet
quickly with an attack of strength with no problem.

"Ryuken ... .... Gettiel"

2193 | 2523
While being destroyed by Ferdinand's attack, Gerbergio erased the scriptures he had
raised and put out a shield instead.

"... as reported by Leonzio and Rao Burut, they are surprisingly similar."

Ferdinand throws magical tools silently in the words of Gervasio. Beyond the shield
he had set up, he exploded behind Gerbergio. With the escort knights there is no limit
to the extent that you can defend themselves with ordinary square shields
However, it seems that Gerbergio had a charm other than magical attacks, and
counterattacks flew towards Ferdinand. Was Ferdinand forecasting, by shields
without difficulty preventing counterattacks.

"Quinta, is not there anything that you think of yourself? Why have not you been angry
about why you should be forced to live this way? Before you were born, Do not you
think anything about being forced to live? "

I think that there is no reason why I think nothing at all. However, against Feldinando
quietly asking questioner, Ferdinand threw the magician again without saying
anything at all, silently without expression. It is prevented by the shield of Gervasio.

"It was sorted out by magical powers from the time of being born as a man in that
return shrine, you must desperately escape from the way of life that turns into a
manastone, and even if it is registered as an adjoining royalty, it will be sent to the
land of another country with the adult. It is only to maintain a white building, making
a child with a lot of magical power ... ... It is a perfect opportunity to finally come and
for if I become Jürgen Schmidt's Tent, I can end such a way of life There will never be
a child unhappy again, and Jürgen Schmidt will not be exhausted by the royal family
who does not even have Gurtris Height and magical power will not be depleted. "

For Ranznerav and Jurgen Schmidt, Ferdinand smiled at the gelovers who preached
that it would be beneficial for themselves to become a tent.

"I do not know what you are misunderstanding, but I am not a quinta, a lord of
Ehrenfest, Ferdinand."
"Although it may be that you are too young to be away from the imperial city, you may
not remember, but your mother would be a magic stone instead of the one who
escaped from the abode, and you should live as a princess to fill the hole of your
mother My daughter was ... .... "
2194 | 2523
"As I said earlier, I am Ferdinand, not Quinta."

Ferdinand smiles with huff and blocks the word of Gerbergio. It was a sociable smile
that I could see when I was very sullen, and I understood that anger and fierce
emotions of inner spirit were being hidden.

"Of course Ranzenave has circumstances of Ranzenaev, but what does the one who
lives using the manastone and utilizing it for run Zenavue say, Land Zener An invader
from Velezy Now that I got the incarnation of Mestionola who can give Gurtris Height
to a new Tent, the existence of one in Jürgen Schmidt is unnecessary because it only
leads to confusion. "

Ferdinand's words are hard and unforgivable, contrary to a smiling smile.

"There is only one thing that I think of Ranzenav, one quickly destroyed while harbing
Tolucan Height, so that no unfortunate child will be born again."
"... It seems, already ... It seems that our escape from the Rikyu does not seem to
understand our pain, Quinta, who is born as a manastone, can be a devil's manure"

Gerbergio threw away the shield and turned the silver cylinder to Ferdinand. It must
be a silver cylinder that Retetzia was saying. The moment I saw the tube, my hands
moved before I thought.


I stapled the staple and was punching out the magazine he was preparing for when he
used immediate death poison.

2195 | 2523
...... Rinse all the dangerous goods brought in from the runner!

Even if the inside of the silver cylinder is not instant death poison, it should not be a
problem if it all wash away. As I thought so, I chanted "Vashen" to the magic team of
wide-area magic and beat magical powers, so naturally a lot of water began to fall off
like a waterfall all at once from near the ceiling.

"What is this water !?"

In the voice of astonishment of the Central Order, the voices of my escort knights,
"Wow!? Swirling !? Why !?" were mixed. The supplementary magic team that was
created assuming the amount of water to wash away the auditorium, so the water
called by magical powers is obviously filled with the auditorium. That was my plan as
far as it was. I thought that it would be good if you waited for the nose with the nose
until the auditorium was filled with water until it disappeared.

But it was probably because I imagined a washing machine in the place to rinse out
all those who were in the auditorium involved everything regardless of their enemies
and friends and the water began swirling at high speed. By the time the voice cries of
Anastasiusus swept in the water and disappears, "What does it mean, rose ...... It's
raining!", I can not be standing and the body floated up and down, left and right There
was no sense of being washed away by the flow of water.

...... Hisaaaaaaaa! failed! Someone help!

I would like to compliment myself who pinched his nose completely before he
drowned. I, the surgeon, also the escort knights, Lao Buruto and Anastigius are
running round like a laundry in a swirl. It is completely unexpected.

...... Eyes turn around! Breath! Breath! Uh っ っ!

I was crying out with a voice that was not voice, I was surprisedly thrown into the air
with a poi. The water that surrounded me was gone, and air entered from the opening
that was open. The breathing became easy and the field of view suddenly became

2196 | 2523
clear. Although I just jumped out of the water, there was not anywhere I was already
wet and I saw my hair shaking further.

……Huh? ceiling?

It was the ceiling reflected in the sight with my own hair. There is a ceiling as close as
possible if you extend your hand. As soon as I realized that I was raised to a much
higher position by the water current, my body caught by gravity. The questioning
answer is useless and the distance to the ceiling starts to open, and the blood is
drawing at a stretch.

... ... It's falling!

"Wow, remember!"

Even though it is caught by gravity and falling down, I feel that the movement around
me is slowly making it. I desperately stretch my arm to catch something, but nothing
touches my hand.

Meanwhile, from the lower person, I heard someone's pain of "gourd" suffering,
"Funny Pictures" Rosemain! And the impatient voice of Ferdinand, the two amulets
on my wrist reacted. Before thinking that someone was attacked, the light of
counterattacks flew away from the amulet, and the shurry and the band of light
winded around him. Is this also an attack? When I thought that it was pulled
powerfully with Gun, the angle of falling falling with the force different from gravity
was also changed.


While screaming, I heard he was jumping into the arm of Ferdinand on the altar. I was
told to be scolded, "What is this idiot, what the hell are you doing" before being asked
for safety? There is no mistake.

"Well, uh, since a silver-filled cylinder was pointed to Mr. Ferdinand, I was involved
in the unexpected water current, even if I did Vasshen, I was dropped out and thrown
away, but it is difficult to answer that I can ask again Right? "
"It would be enough if you could answer that much, but did you think that I would eat
the same hand twice?"

2197 | 2523
Ferdinand gently warped his face while showing her jelly guy with his face holding
down his mouth with chin. It is not that we do not trust separately. I just went to
Washington by worry. I do not want you to face such a bad face. The heart is busy with
the sense of relief saved and the sense of tension towards preaching.

"Well, why was it blown here only why? Everyone is still around ..."

To avoid anger and preaching, there is the figure of those who are turning around with
a group at the auditorium which has turned into a huge washing machine on the side
where I looked away. Apparently my Vashen was not reaching the altar. There is a
transparent wall where Rao Burut was blocked, and the water is rampant just beyond

...... Vaschen of my whole body, there was no meaning.

Vashen had no meaning, Ferdinand was easily out of danger by himself. I am involved
in my technique and fall on the altar, Ferdinand's sermon. I am going to a beach.

"Because you are a qualified person who can go up here, I would not have been played
on that wall while I was turning, I would rather be interested in those who have not
disappeared Vaschen yet What should you drop You thought it was dirty? "

I erased the band of light and let me down, while deforming Stap into a water gun
again Ferdinand caught a glimpse of Waschen's whirlpool which had not disappeared
in a few seconds.

"It is a dangerous good brought in from a runneravy, it is dangerous if the inside of a

silver cylinder is not instant death poison ..."
"I see, it may take some time to wash away Tork if it is in dangerous goods."

While Ferdinand thought about the current situation while shooting a water gun
towards Gerbergio with recovery medicine, the swirling water in the auditorium went
away in a blink of an eye. Like the knight, the knights floated in the water and floating
will begin to fall while echoing the sound with Gashadosha.

"Knights are wearing armor, they will not die where they fell"
"There are also civil servants at my aides!"
"Do not step on yourself, this time you will fall off the altar"
2198 | 2523
I was calmly pointed out by Ferdinand and when I checked my feet, I hurriedly looked
for Hartmut and Clarissa. Those who know that I am using Washen of wide area magic
in Ditters seems to be able to act relatively calmly, and I can see Leonore with Elder
Cornellius who is issuing a beast once. Angelica had jumped off quickly with the
winged feather spreading in the air as a foothold.

"On top of the altar matches Rosemain, the incarnation of Mestionora very well"
"How awesome! Great God ... ...."

Ah, it seems the Hartmuts are healthy without any problems.

Haltmuts are fussing around while pointing to the altar where we are, whether they
did not go up to such a high position. I do not want to hear details, so it seems better
to hear it.

...... It's safe and what's more, quiet a bit more.

When I caught my eyes while searching for the cloak of Ehrenfest's color, I heard that
Anastasius yelled at me saying "What will you do beforehand?" Since I heard it from
a strange direction, if you can see through the line of sight, you can see the anastistius-
like personality being launched in the audience seating. Apparently it seemed that it
was safe to get involved in Vächen.

...... Where is Lao Blue?

The appearance of Rao Burut, who had been working to protect the altar, is no longer
in the same place. When I looked around inside the auditorium while strengthening
my eyes while thinking that there were many black cloaks and it was hard to
understand, the door of the auditorium was violently opened largely violently.

...... Now what! Is it?

When I looked carefully at the door, a lot of blue mantle came in like snow falling.
There is no way to make a mistake in seeing. It is a knight of Dunkel Ferger.

"Let's join Rosemain and Ferdinand!"


2199 | 2523
It is Aub Dunkel Ferger that is at the forefront as it is natural, and there is also a figure
like a woman knight who is wearing black and blue cloaks on top of it. Because we are
wearing a helmet, the face is hard to understand, but it is obvious from the shape of
the chest of the armor that it is a woman.

"Although it is the head of the knight who defends Tsento, we will not forgive only Rao
Brut, poisoned by Traques Oval, because now my husband can not move, my wife I
will defend him."

She instantly identified the location of Rao Blue that I could not tell and directed her
weapons. Although the black cloak of the central affiliation is also clothed, the figure
lining up with Aub Dunkel Ferger holding the mouth and weapons is reminiscent of
Hannaore in the battlefield.

"... ... Maybe that is Magdalena?"

"Have Mr. Tora Okhvar as her husband and there is another wife who can set weapons
as natural as it is next to Aub Dunkel Ferger?"

...... Even if you become Tsent's wife, things will not change ... .... Dunkel Ferger is
seriously Dunkel Ferger.

"Aub Dunkel Ferger, including Rao Burt, will leave the trappers captured at the
Central Order!"

Ferdinand issued instructions from the top of the altar while continuing attacking the
gerbergio who defended the defender by getting a shield of Gettelt. The strength
increased suddenly at the entry of Dunkel Ferger. It would be better to leave the
knights of Dunkel Ferger and Ahrensbach under the battle.

"Underwritten! .... However, the formation is incompetent and can not distinguish
between enemies and ally! For the moment, the central knight's black cloak should be
caught from one end! It is late to listen to opinions and to distinguish by face ! "

I felt very uneasy right after I felt strong about cooperation with Dunkel Ferger. As
usual it is rough and bold. However, according to the instruction of Aub Dunkel Ferger,
Dunkel Ferger's blue cloak is involved in Waschen and begins to move agilely in the
auditorium where enemy friends are scattered.

2200 | 2523
"... Ferdinand, Prince Anastigius are also likely to be caught by Dunkel Ferger's
knights, but are there any problems?"
"It is top priority to capture that faction of Rao Burut, as Magdalena is acting with
Dunkel Ferger, you do not have to worry about Prince Anastigius"

...... Really good?

Ferdinand spewed a disgusting sigh, whether the voice of my heart was heard.

Should not it be better for you to capture Jervasio as soon as possible than Prince
Anastigius, so that you can think about planning a library city plan? "
"I agree!"

The library city plan is more important than Prince Anastigius, who was originally
called insurance, as Ferdinand says. As I became Au-Ahrensbach, I am participating in
the fight to capture those of Ranzenav as my obligation, but I want to proceed with
the library city plan by peeping out such a fight if I say the real intention.

...... I like designing a book by Gutenberg's printing and designing a library city that
encompasses Ferdinand's laboratory and my library like ancient Alexandria who had
a herb garden in the huge library.

Ahrensbach with its ocean is perfect. But for that, I must grab and defeat Gerbergio
who led those of Ranzenae and end this fight soon.

"Because the amount of magical power is balanced, it is highly likely that binding by
magical power will not work for gerbergeo, as long as I accumulate magical power, I
will give you defenses."
"Yes! The Statue of the Wind Goddess who will govern defense"

As soon as I closed my eyes lightly and started talking about my verbs, Gerbergio said,
"Oh, ...... Mine?" At the moment when I was surprised at what was called "Mine",
"repulsion comes flying from Ferdinand who continues to attack the check against
Gerbergio" It's just a disturbance.

"The twelve goddesses in charge of serving the side"

"Mine, why do they cooperate with each other without killing them with Quinta?"

2201 | 2523
Gerbergio kept Geettil and said it disgustingly while preventing Ferdinand's attack. I
wonder what something is being told from Air Vermoon. There is no other person to
say such a noisy thing as "killing each other".

...... I refused it on the spot to Mr. Air Vermoon, did not he heard it? Have not you

While continuing the celebration I think of the inconvenience and try not to hear the
call of "ginevao" "mine" as much as possible.
I do not know how long ago there is Air Vermoon in the beginning garden, but it does
not matter if my ears are far away. Although it is a former God, I bet he will not be able
to win the sunset. Perhaps Jurgen Schmidt 's magical power is gone, so it may be a
problem with those parts of Air Vermoon.

"... ... with the hand of the wind not approaching those with harm"

A shield of Schugheria was completed with a hard sound echoing with Kin. As soon as
that, Ferdinand started to accumulate magical powers by changing weapons from
sword to water sword we used as a check for the rest of the time. Even without a
meeting in particular, there was a sense of security that could be tolerated in any way
that role sharing could be done as common.

"Quinta is not an obligation that one must protect, so we should rather kill Quinta and
have to get everything, Is not it commanded, Mine?"
"Now die without saying any more extra things"

Ferdinand swung down the sword quietly saying so. A rainbow colored magical mass
jumps out of the sword and a god image is blown off the altar with Gerbertio holding
a shield at Gettielt.


A god image floated and floated in the sky ...... exactly the sacred treasures worn by
the statue shone all at once. A pillar of light stands from the sacred tool and crosses.
Too much dazzling light I close my eyes tightly and strongly.

2202 | 2523
The moment the eyes closed tightly, the balance sense got strange. The body is tilted,
caught by a strange floating feeling. Immediately afterwards, he was pulled nearly and
was scolded at the earliest mouth of a loud voice saying "Do not be blurry, idiot." It is
the voice of Ferdinand. For the time being, I decided to cling to the arms I was

That's OK! I fell asleep the moment I thought. It looked like I fell down from the bed
sensuously, it seems that it was not very high. But I felt the whole body because I was
completely out of shape because of the floating feeling. With Ferdinand's armor.


When I opened my eyes, I saw only the Ferdinand armor. Apparently I seem to have
fallen on top of Ferdinand.

"I said ..."

"Do not say anything draconious, and retreat soon!"

That's what he said in a rugged voice, and the situation is turned up vigorously. Oh?
While I was thinking up and down, Ferdinand moved quickly and got up. I have a
staple instantly.

...... Even though I drew himself from me, I am unreasonable!

It is attracted, dropped, rolled, and the head hangs. When I got up while remembering
bad feelings like brain shaked, we were somehow in the beginning garden. In the
middle of a pure white garden with cobblestones, not the big white tree, but the air
vermeon is showing up. To understand from the depth of wrinkles between the
eyebrows and the magical power like a rush to stand up, it does not look like a good

...... Mr. Air Velhmeen, how horribly disgusting? I wonder what happened?

2203 | 2523
When I was tilting his head while watching Air Vermoon, a surprised voice came up
at the end of sight at the end of the sight "Mr. Air Vermouth?" It seems that there was
Gerbergio. It seems that it fell as hard as we did, and you can see that it is getting up.

I looked around the beginning of the garden. Feldinand, who is holding Stap and is in
a position of battle, Gerbergio kneeled towards Air Vermoon, Eriverme looks cranny
with my three people trying to hold down my head and hold down my bad feelings.

"What on earth do the qualified people do when they have to fill Jurgen Schmidt's
foundation with magical power as soon as possible?"

Apparently Air Vermoon called us to complain to us and it seems to have materialized.

It probably will not be possible to talk with a white tree.

"Quinta, although I jumped in an insane way, gave Mesionola's wisdom to him, but he
showed signs of dyeing at all, instead of returning to complement wisdom It was a
different person if I thought that I finally returned, who also commanded to kill one
of them and complete the book of Mestionora, but I will refuse all the way but finally
I saw someone with a stain of relief and relief If you do, the wisdom of light is cut off,
is not it disturbing to head to the foundation why do you get in the way, you do not
know that the collapse of Quinta? Jürgen Schmidt is approaching !? "

Most of the anger of Air Vermeen seems to be suitable for Ferdinand. I am also
directed towards a wavelike thing of anger, but I think that as far as alternating with
Ferdinand, I can not distinguish by magical power as usual.

Ferdinand, whose anger was directed from the former God, transformed the "Gurtris
Height" and Stap with a flat face, and began to investigate something.

"Although Airbermeen says the collapse is imminent, since Rosemain pours magical
power on the border gate, it has about 20 years to collapse.There is Air Vermeen who
has been watching Jurgen Schmidt here It may be a short time to blink, but for us,
there is time for children to born and adult than now. "
"Is that so? There is surprisingly enough, is there such a thing in the Book of Ferdinand

Please do not show me, when I get up quickly and drop by, bangs in front of you! And
with the vigorous closure of the Book of Mestionola.

2204 | 2523
"You may not show me, Ferdinand's stinginess!"
"I will check one, but are you seeing the current situation?"

I compare Air Vermeen who is keeping anger while standing and Gerbergio who is
kneeling and cringing. Indeed I understood that it was not a situation to read books
in a long way.

"I can see it, but I do not want to miss the opportunity to read at any time!"
"Okay ... I understand well, it's in your way."

He was struck with his forehead and was shown with a chin so that it fell down.

"As a result of Gerbergio, we have already lost dozens of people, we can not have
Ranzenae who will collapse Jurgen Schmidt from inside as a Tzent."
"I do not know the reason of such a person, Jürgen Schmidt is a place to conceive those
who have been chased by AVILIVE, the land of my penance, I must absolutely avoid
the collapse of JURUGEN Schmidt, I already waited too long The birth of a new Tent is
not disturbed, the one that will dye the foundation will go badly. "

Slowly air vermeen raises her arm. My fingertip was pointed at here.
The breathless Ferdinand stood in front of me and cried out as "Gettiel!" As if a mass
of magical power like Feldinand's full power attack flew.


Ferdinand 's shield was able to play with hard sounds, and three amulets attached to
his arms were able to be played at once. It is a magical power amount that is very
different from those who have been hostile to the past. The blood felt at a stretch.

"Go, Tertza, it will fill the cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt"

Gerbergio received instructions from Air Vermoon quietly stands up. "Terza" must be
a childish name like "Quinta".

"Lücken water gun"

Ferdinand stood up and immediately shot gerbergeo with his back turned. Gerbergio
who was losing amulet in battle on the altar is shot through thick thigh, and falls down
by raising groaning voice like pushing killed.
2205 | 2523
"You should have told me not to get in the way, Quinta"
"I do not know the reasons of those who said that they do not know the reason of
others, I will set up a new client, dismantle the royal family, restore prayers, and in
the next generation I will choose the tent from those who can obtain scriptures on my
own I do not want to disturb you unnecessarily. "

Air Vermeon, who turned towards Gerbergio, moves her finger. I popped out in front
of Ferdinand and cast "Finsunghan Han" with all the magical power and spread the
cloak of darkness so that I can protect Ferdinand and myself.

Sucks off the magical attack of Air Vermoon, and a strange and massive magical power
flows in one's breath at once. Even the massive magical power used for Vashen who
was like a huge washing machine in the auditorium will recover in the blink of an eye.

……Dangerous! Overflow! Is it?

I began to compress magical in a hurry, but the amount of magical power that came
in was too large to be compressed in time. He suffered without thinking "huh!" To the
suffering which is filled with heat and trapped by the swirl of the heat that bulges out.
I feel nostalgic as being eaten by the heat of eating, but I did not want to experience it

……hot. painful. who…….

"Do not try to accumulate! Release, Rosemain!"

... ... Help me, God!

Magical power jumped out from both hands raised high, and I set up a pillar of light
in the opening garden. I do not know whether it was a prayer. However, as if it reacted
to my magical power, light came down from a hole that was round in the ceiling part.

A woman with an appearance similar to myself was smiling in the field of view where
only light is present. Hair in a color like the night sky, golden eyes like the moon, a
fairly well-ordered face resembles herself seen in the mirror after growing.

2206 | 2523
"Things that Arnovacs was pleased with, but what they truly resemble, if familiar with
magical powers would be better, so please lend me some time for a while"

The voice is clear and soft. I can not catch what the words themselves are totally
different or what they are saying, but I feel like hearing simultaneous interpretation
with the feeling that it directly responds to the words in my head directly to the words
that lead to me.

"I borrow a body ... ...?"

"Oh, it was you who asked for help? I will stop Air Vermoon, that person is dangerous
as it is"

While she said "troubling", I put my hands on my cheek and tilted my head. I do not
know where anyone is, but if you stop Air Vermoon, I have never been better. Truly
original God. Magical power is wrong. I can not compete very well.

"... but ... to lend a body ..."

I am scared of everything. Does it really come back, I do not know what to do, there
are too many anxiety factors.

"I can not stay forever and I will have you wait in a comfortable place"

The moment I moved my arm a little, I became a library here.

Floor to ceiling books, books, books. Even if you face it, it is a bookshelf, even if you
face this, she is a bookshelf. It is not a fancy bookshelf, it is all books are contained
properly. I am overwhelmed by the number of books that I have never seen in
libraries in the lords and of the libraries of the Libra era, and I look around the
circumstances by losing their words. There are also desks suitable for seating comfort
and writing which are necessary for reading books, and it seems that you can read as
much as you want.

"Wow ... ...."

It's like a library that I imagined in the place I met golden schmir to get the book of
Mestionola. As soon as I thought that library remembered that it was a vision to judge
thoughts of those who came in.

"... ... Is not this a library like a picture on the wall too?"
2207 | 2523
"No, this is a library full of my wisdom, you can read any books, please wait here while
I borrow yourself's body"

She said so and waved her hand, golden schmir brought a book. I can sit here and read
it, waiting with a book in front of me near the chair.

"I will lend you any number of bad things! Please pray to the wisdom goddess

I devoted himself with a prayer and ran to the golden schmir.

A chair like a one-seater sofa is more comfortable to sit than my chair with a mattress
with a mild seating comfort. The texture of the cloth is soft and slightly warm.
Make sure I sat down and golden schmir hands over the book. Perhaps Jurgen Schmidt
decided that Sumir would work in the library.

While thinking such a thing, I will open a book. It seems that there is a story about God
in a book written in words of quite old times.

... ... There was a story similar to the scriptures and the book I borrowed from Dunkel

I will keep track of the characters while having fun. The first story was the story of the
sea goddess Fair Furemare.
I got a marriage from the two goddesses, but Fair Furet Maea did not accept either
proposal. But, neither is it because it was an obsession of the god of fire, it will get too
hot and will not retract.
As a result of being involved with the surrounding gods, as a result of Fair Furet
Meair's broken heart, it was decided to marry the winner of the two. First of all, we
have to decide the winner, the two men gods involved various gods and started
When I've broken hearted, I gave the condition that I let you leave as long as I can with
whatever I like, so Fair Furemare is informed of the unexpected big fight from other
goddesses .
Fairfurmere, rushed to the battlefield in a hurry, wielded the power of God and calmed
the heat of everyone. Since then, it was a story that Fair Furemare was called when
the fight of fire started to fight.

...... Is this a story based on the ritual of Dunkel Ferger?

2208 | 2523
It is very difficult for Fair Furemare to be called not only by Dunkel Ferguer but also
by Gods. While sympathizing with Fair Furemare, which is called every time a struggle
happens, I read the next story. Next was Yugellaise 's painful love story.

"I am done, please give me the next book."

I am happy to finish reading the third book and ask Kim Sumir for the next book. It
was a story of Riebeskhillfe who stole Drefan Goa's eyes and steals a fateful thread
and mischiefs and Derefan Goa who is angry with repenting to be misled too much.
Ribeski Hill 's hair is mixed into the fate' s thread, and Ribesuk Hill is not aware of it
and ties the edge of a man with a man.

"What kind of story is next?", Ufufen, hehe ... "

When I was waiting for the golden schmir to come back with a floating feeling, I heard
Ferdinand's voice saying "Rosemain" directly to the brain. In a low voice whose mood
is crawling through the ground, a floating feeling disappeared in a moment.

"Let's see, what is it !?"

While looking around my surroundings while holding down my ears, I can not see
anything of Ferdinand anywhere. Just a nice space surrounded by a bookshelf is

"Have you finished listening? ... Once you return, Rosemain or else your important
things will disappear in turn"

Voices with plenty of anger are serious. If you do not return right now, it will be hard
to win eight of the anger of the devil.

"Please return the body! Ferdinand is angry!"

"...... I have always been calling."

2209 | 2523
The library disappeared from my sight right after I heard her voice caught like tired,
tired feelings. Instead, it was the face of Ferdinand that reflected. It is nearly unlucky.
A close-looking look like a crimson is in the close distance.

I was surprised at the expression that was totally different from the voice of Maji
angry which I heard earlier, as soon as I opened my mouth with a blink of an eye, my
eye was blinking, the color of concern reflected in Ferdinand's thin golden eyes I
scratched, it became mixed with anger and anger. At the same time, something that
was held in my hand disappears.

"... Rosemain?"
"Please answer properly"

As I say, it is not bad for me to have a stupid utterance. I was caught cheeked by
Ferdinand and I just could not reply properly.

"Honey will be sprinkled Honey is in the air now"

"I do not quite understand what you are saying"

...... Mr. Ferdinand today, Maji is unreasonable!

"There is not much learning ability, too, Rosemain"


I will listen to the sermons you left to anger, so please let me release your cheeks. I
lightly strike my cheek hands. Ferdinand once released a hand after releasing his
strength. However, the distance of the face does not leave at all. I would like to take
even a little distance from anger 's sermon, but it seems not to be tolerated.

"You attacked the temple library and took a look at the temple of the former temple,
and became involved with the royal family by making the magical power runaway in
the library of the lords and was caught up in the trouble.You lost consciousness to the
library There is a troublesome thing every time I get it. "

The troubles that occurred in my surroundings were many that did not concern the
library. Do not blame the library. But I knew from experience that it would be many
times to preach on my opposition. I nodded for the time being and I decided to hear
2210 | 2523
"Despite this, what are you thinking about rushing to the library of Mestionola at your
expense, this idiot"
"There was a library of Mestionola, it was amazing, it was a paradise for books, books
and books too, there are so many things I can die .... if that is a research relationship I
think there are a lot of books, Ferdinand says that once you visit it you will find

When I invited to the library of Mestionola in hopes of resolving my anger, Ferdinand

pulled my cheek for a moment with chilling.

"Huh, it's a fresh invitation to go to a far higher height, was not it a long-awaited near-
death experience?"

...... far far higher! Is it?

2211 | 2523
While staring at Ferdinand, who suddenly flew away, Ferdinand tortured himself to
say "I have not come back yet."

"What does it mean that you are not returning, Ferdinand?"

"Rosemain, name the one important to you. Who did you think when you were
threatened with me? Can you remember what the goddess who got your body did
before you lend your body? Do you know what to do from now? "
"Er ... um ..."

I will not be given while arguing what to say suddenly, but my head is confused by
being questioned quickly. While I was confused, I tried to remember somehow, but I
can not recollect as if the memory is damp slightly. The only thing that comes to my
mind right now is the contents of the book I read at the library that I used to be.

"I do not know ... but ... I clearly remember the content of the book I had been reading
so far ... In a story about the gods, I ..."
"You do not have to remember it, rather, forget it quickly"

Ferdinand disgustedly disgusted and stopped my remarks.

"Well, it's terrible to forget the content of the book I read carefully"
"It seems that the goddess has intervened a little mentally so that you can lend your
body to you, it seems that it is affected quite deeply, not a bit ..."

I was just in the mood for lending my body but I did not think that I was receiving
mental interference. When I think what is happening to me, I am a bit scared. I asked,
"... what kind of interference did you receive ...?" While drinking the restorative
medicine of the magical power that was presented.

"Well? Because I could not answer, I do not understand. You seem to lend it easily to
a book or library if you do not have any extra interference, but do not do such a thing
again ... .... You are too influenced by other magical powers. "

2212 | 2523
Ferdinand did not put it out in the voice, he said, "Because I eat for eating" only by the
shape of the mouth. I can see the expressions of anguishing anguish there. As I reach
out, I took a wrinkle between Ferdinand's eyebrows.

"I am worried, but it's okay, Mr. Ferdinand, I am ambitious that I would like to make
such a library by the time I die, so I will never go far to the height much so easily"
"... ... Worried too much?"

Even though I have a disgusting face, a little anger and anger disappears from a thin
golden pupil. It is still a person whose emotions are difficult to read. Somewhat
relieved that he was in a good mood, a slightly distant voice from Ferdinand was
shouting as a strange voice of another person.

"Is it almost enough?"

"Eh? Where is someone?"

In the sight there was only Ferdinand at close range, so I did not think there was
anyone else. When I see my eyes blink, Ferdinand will stand up from me.

"This is the beginning garden, there are Air Vermouth and Gerbergio"
"Oh, oh! Oh! I remembered! Was not it in the middle of the battle! Mr. Ferdinand, what
are you relaxing !?"

I stand up in a hurry and overtake Ferdinand behind me. At the moment I tried to fight
against Air Vermoon, I felt Ferdinand from behind.

"Calm down, the battle is over, the fight of life in this place was forbidden by

If you look closely well, both Air Vermoon and Jelva Geo are facing here, and the
atmosphere of the fight is completely gone.

"... ... It is amazing that the goddess is so easy to fight, it's in God ......"
"Do not pray, idiots! Do you want to see the same eyes again?"

I was caught up by the raised hand and I quickly blinked, Everything smiled wryly.

2213 | 2523
"Mine, the other one is easy to accept other magical powers by eating and it is highly
likely that if you pray in this place where you communicate with the gods, the gods
will enter and advent you, as they are nostalgic for me I do not mind letting you
descend as much as anything, but the burden on one of them is very big, so it would
be better for you to be careful. "

I feel that the tone of Air Verme is quite calm. Maybe the effect of goddess therapy? It
is the owner of such a wonderful library, it quickly converges the battle and soothes
Air Vermeun.

...... Goddess, how serious! Thanks to Mestio Nola!

"So, what kind of story did you talk to the goddess?"

"As a result of sharing information on each hope and the current situation, we decided
to compete in Tzent in a peaceful way"

In Ferdinand's words, Jervaggio frowns as "Ferdinand is too simple anything". It is as

Gerbergio says. I have no idea.

"When you think about what the auditorium is like, there will not be time to talk long,
etc. Is it enough to convey only the results?"

I know there is no time, and Ferdinand's emphasis on efficiency is not what I began
with now, but I would like you to explain a bit more.

"Please tell me at least what each hope is and what kind of information you shared,
and I do not feel like fighting alone."
"What did you say to me that you were missing from memory until then?"

Even though I was stared at such a thing, I think that there is no choice because I
remembered it. Only one person in the brain is still fighting. From the time we looked
face to face each other enemies, saying "Become a Manastone" or "Dead" and while
attacking each other Gerbergio and Ferdinand are talking normally, although the
atmosphere is stiff, " Do not kill Quinta "or" Do not disturb Geruvagio "Ever Vermeen,
which had been popping out, is unable to accept the brain just listening to the story.

"It's uncomfortable not to settle down because the surroundings are changing too
much while reading a book for a moment."

2214 | 2523
"I heard a story about God's point of view, where Jürgen Schmidt accepts those who
were persecuted by Avilibe, if a man of Ranzenae comes into Jurgen Schmidt for help,
accepting is obviously not a matter of the gods' point of view That's about it. "

According to the explanation of Ferdinand, Jurgen Schmidt is made to accept the

magical power suffering in the outside world, and it is the role of Air Vermoon to
accept the outside person. So, if you want to live in Jürgen Schmidt, those who have
magical power of Ranzenae will accept it. I hear that refusal is not even thought.

"Do not you think anything about the gods that dozens of aristocrats in Ahrensbach
were killed by those of Ranzenav?"

As I stared at Avenue, Evelynn slowly nodded with nothing faces.

"There are hundreds and thousands of people killing each other internally from the
old days, saying that my words are meaningless, such as words and languages of
people.If you said that you should not take away your life, hundreds have killed each
other within a few minutes So it is not enough to add dozens of people to dozens of
people joining in, so considering that dozens of people come from outside, is not it a
problem at all? "

From the viewpoint of Air Vermoon, it is just a while ago that hundreds of aristocrats
are dead with political change due to royalties and inner troubles, and it is said that
the range of error is where the dozens of Ahrensbach died several dozen. It seems that
it is not a big problem as it was supplemented from the outside.

"For us it is not a matter of numbers, but ...."

"People increase arbitrarily and kill themselves, it is such an existence, it is useless to
think about the reasons of those who change over a short period of time."

Certainly Jurgen Schmidt can not be said to be comprehensible even among people in
Ehrenfest, and there is also a big difference between human beings and common
sense. It seems better not to think that God's common sense interacts with human
common sense.

"More than anything, those who tell me about the human race have not visited here
for a long time"

2215 | 2523
In the past, many candidate tents were visiting the beginning garden to get the book
of Mestionola. When Magical Power was full, Mr. Air Vermoon also had the freedom
to take the shape of a person, there was time to communicate with people and talk.

However, from a certain time, it seems that Eva Mean has become unable to obtain
manifestable magical power. It is probably because few people got the book of
Mestionola, the central shrine moved from the sacred place and the priestess ceased
to perform. Besides, it has stopped praying after it came to inherit the magic tool
Gurtris Height. Even those who enter the beginning garden must have decreased. It
can easily be imagined from the history I knew.

"There is no problem with talking with each other, but now, there is no TSENT who
supplies magical power to the foundation, magical power of the border gate also
fades, Jurgen Schmidt itself is in danger of collapse.Scale of dozens of deaths such as
death of dozens I hope that Tento will be born as soon as possible, I do not particularly
want it any more. "

As anyone can dyed the foundation quickly to survive Jurgen Schmidt, it is the hope
of Air Vermean that the current Tento seems not to be recognized as Tento.

"That's why we decided to dye the foundation immediately to stop the collapse of
Jurgen Schmidt"
"Yes, whom will they compete for Tzent?"
"Is there any other candidate for Zento in addition to the three who are here?"

If you do, you should bring him here, says in a voice full of expectations by Air
Vermeen. The candidates here are just having difficulties, so it seems that the new
candidates are welcome.

"If you are self-descriptive, Dietlinde is here, and those who enter the royal family
here ... ...."
"In the sense of Mr. Air Vermember, the one who got the book of Mestionola is a
candidate for Zento, which seems to be meaningless in Gurtris Height"

... .... Ah, the criteria of candidate for Tento was long ago. Then no one of the royal
family can be a candidate.

2216 | 2523
"Everything that Air Vermean wants is to fill Jurgen Schmidt with magical power so
that each of the three candidates fills the border gate that is not yet full of magical
power and the speed of returning to this beginning garden I decided to compete. "
"It is said that they will guide the winner to the foundation place"

Both Ferdinand and Gerbergio are confidently facing. I feel very strange. I wonder if
Ferdinand did not want to buy it.

"Can Ferdinand be a Tento?"

"If I meet the cornerstone, Mr. Air Vermy does not talk to the person's reasons, even
if I am going to exclude the royal family now, even if I punish those of Ranzenae who
came in, I told you that you should do it on your own according to your needs. "

In the future of Ferdinand's plan, it seems that the part that is about to reform to
acquire the book of Mestionola by himself seems to be evaluating. It is too time
consuming and an uncertainty is a neck, but if Ferdinand dyes the foundation, it is free
to appoint a new Tento, hand over the Gurtris Height made as a magic tool, or restore
prayer etc. That's it.

"I ove to overer, Quinta, did not you say that Mestionola should not put all the lives in
paint, so as to consider it?"

Air vermouth supplements with a gentle tone. I do not mind punishing, but it seems
that easy execution is prohibited. Just for a joint reason or any other reason, I did not
think that I could hear the word "Do not let go of my life" in Judgen Schmidt of course
to execute innumerable people until more innocent people are executed.

"If you record so much important words, ... ...."

"If you do not actually see the descendant of the goddess when you recorded it is your
voice, do you have to bother to record?"
"……I agree"

Surely it is the same as I have been thought of as my wish to spread mercy. It will be
meaningless to record. It's a shame.

"Why do you want to be a Tento?"

"If I become a Tent, it is also possible to demolish that Rikyu, so there is no need to
send my daughters to this place to give birth to a child like me, to have a magical
person live respectful as a nobleman It will be possible "
2217 | 2523
In addition to that, saving the Central Authority people who will be caught by those of
Dunkel Ferger who have fallen into snow, appointing a new Aab to the territory where
Abu is absent Gerbergio said that he could live the Zenerve.

"Why are you going to live in Jurgen Schmidt, are you a staple and a magic stone
needed for those of Ranznerav?"
"I can not say that"

According to Gerbergio, in Ranzenav we have developed various things to hold down

magical power, the royal family is losing power, it seems to be treated like a tool to
generate energy called magical power.

"The Royal family of Ranzenae to the two who want to reign as a powerful person who
exercises a mighty power and get out of Runznavwe and want to permanently as a
noblem of Jrgen Schmidt after obtaining the Stapp and returning to Ranzenave

It is Leonzio that leads the person who wants to return to Ranzenerav, and it is
Gelvagio who leads the person searching for the place of relief as a nobleman of Jürgen
Schmidt. Although there is a difference in opinion, it seems that Jurgen Schmidt who
was absent from Tzent was a prey for both.

"It is Leonsio who murdered the aristocracy of Ahrensbach, but I heard that Dietlinde
gave permission if it is my own political enemy within Ahrensbach I'm told that Jurgen
Schmidt is quite scared I thought there was a politician who would do it in peer. "

It was a silly daughter if you actually met, but Gerbergio sighed.

"In order to confirm the place of relief in Jurgen Schmidt, we need a position to reward
those of the Central Order who accepted me to cancel the punishment of those of
Ranzenae. It will be Tsento. "
"I understood that there are reasons for participation in each, but since I am Aub, I
can not dye the foundation of TSENT?"

I do not mean to participate in Tsen Trace.

"If so, you should participate as an aw, and it is originally the work of Aub to supply
magical power to the border gate"
2218 | 2523
"...... Mr. Air Vermain, is not it the earliest story that Aub of each region had a book of
Mestionola Well, if you need to fill the magical power at the border gate cooperate I
do not care but .... "

Participation by myself was obliged by Air Vermeen whose standards were stopped
in the days closer to myths.

"It is not impossible to become a Tent, just let another person dyed the foundation of
Aub, because the magical power of one who is eating is easy to dye and change, the
next person will not be having much trouble"

While saying that, Air Vermeon is facing properly towards me.

"Mr. Air Velhman, are you not confused with the magical powers of Ferdinand now?"
"Because the current one is full of the power of Mestionora"

...... Apparently, it seems that I was dyed.

I tried looking down at my arm but I do not know what it is because I can not see the
magical power on my own.

"Although it is ruined by words, from the side it is felt that the remains of the goddess
greatly strong, I want you to keep silent for a while"

Gerbergio will turn his eyes towards you. Even though I am looking at you, I see eyes
who are not me.

"Time is regret, I will start, the gods will decide where the others are heading"

Pitti air vermeen puts his fingers and delivers magical powers thinly. Light of three
colors of red, gold and green came down. Red on my head, green on the head of
Ferdinand, golden light falls over the head of Jervaggio. The border gate where I am
going is Klassenburg, Ferdinand is Hau Fresze and Gervergio is Giessenmeier.

"Well, go ahead and set up a transition team with your own hands and head for the
border gate."
"Gurtris Height!"

2219 | 2523
Three people got the book of Mestionola all at once to build a transition team. While
looking at the two men who started to draw the transition team in the air immediately,
I have to start with the search of the transition team. Searching for the transition team
heading for the border gate of the soil while feeling a little disgusting.
It may seem like I was delayed by a step. But, I have a great deal. I took out the
magazine from the leather bag and I smiled a bit.

"Copy catepetan!"

The transition team was completed in an instant. Apart from Ferdinand who
continues to move hands while saying "It's a waste of demon paper" with a bitter face,
"What is it?" Is surprising voice.
While smiling and laughing, I erased the book of Mestionola and held Stap to the
transition team.

"Kaslussel Klassenburg"

2220 | 2523
I arrived at the border gate using the transition team who copied. Since the inner side
of the border gate does not change so much, we can only judge by the symbol of Ogami
drawn on the magic team. Because there is a goddess of the soil Gedourculhi, it seems
like the border gate of Klassenburg.

"You can only put magical powers here, do not you? ... ... Gurritosheit!"

When I write the book of Mestionola, I move to the wall and press it against the border
with the border gate. We did the same thing at the border gate of Ehrenfest, Dunkel
Ferger, Ahrensbach, so it is easy to supply magical power.

...... easy victory, victory. Good morning.

Through Mestionola's book, when I felt my magical power flowing towards the border
gate, the transition team shone unexpectedly. While supplying magical power, I look
back in spite of myself.

……Huh? what?

This migration team can only be used by those who have Gurtris Height in the back of
the archives of Mestionola or the underground library of the library. As there are no
royalty in the underground library, there are only either Ferdinand or Geruvao that
will transition.

... ... You certainly will interfere ... ...?

At the moment I thought, I was able to identify visitors.

"Ferdinand, is not it !?"

"I understood well."

It appeared from the transition team, as I expected, was Ferdinand.

2221 | 2523
"I made a mistake and came here ... What a pretty failing Ferdinand would not do As
a result of my experience I decided that I am going to interfere with the competition
decided by goddess and Air Vermoon It is a prospect to me! "

If I decided it was briskly, Ferdinand had a natural face and it was affirmed that "the
story is early if I understand it." I guess it is as I expected. I could not believe it, but I
wanted you to deny if possible.

"What are you plotting, how do you intend to disturb me?"

"What will I do if I interfere with you? It is Gervasio that I stop."

The game competing for speed of dyeing the border gate is a very easy-to-understand
game in the sense that it measures the amount of magical power of those who become
Tsento. I think that the start of painting the transition team by myself can also
measure how much Mesthionora's wisdom is acquired, how much it is used to treat

"I did it with Copipe, but there was not much difference in the speed of drawing the
transition team, I do not know how much I am recovering the magical power that I
consume in the battle, but a high effective recovery I think that Ferdinand, who has
medicine, is considerably advantageous, so deciding the tent to dye the foundation, so
how about playing fair and square? "

Ferdinand says that I think that it is unnecessary such as strange disturbance and
dramatic progression, Ferdinand raised the end of the lip with a sarcastic smile.

"What is squirrel? What is your greatest contributor to the gagging jamming What are
you talking about now?"
"... .... Did you do something? I do not remember it."
"Is memory still not connected, or are they just not aware of it?"

Ferdinand tapped the temple lightly and explained it, but what caused the victory
against Air Vermain to show the way to the foundation was me.

"I did not think that consciousness was so thin, but did you interrupt the moment at
which Jervisa gains wisdom, did you disturb you? Méthionora's book that Gervergio
got because of you disturbing is fairly incomplete Besides, as you already have
absorbed, knowledge will not increase even if you visit the opening garden again "

2222 | 2523
I spread the mantle of the god of darkness, spreading the cloak of the dark god to the
anguish which I tried to directly enter the garden of the beginning by attacking the
magic team, absorbing magical power, I remembered my action and recovered my
hand and hit my hands.

"Is that so ... ... it seems I did not have consciousness?"

"There are Samanden. In the scriptures of Jelva Geo, it seems that the route towards
the foundation is listed only in the intermittent way.Within Air Vermeus, we have
difficulty with only incomplete Mestionola's books It seems to be a candidate for
Zento. "

From the viewpoint of Air Verme, it is suddenly interrupted while Mestionola gave
intelligence, and it became impossible to obtain further knowledge. Gerbergio, a hole
to separate one scripture by two people There are only Ferdinand and I have only
candidate candidates.

... ... It is hopeless as a candidate to support collapse of Jurgen Schmidt.

"Ferdinand has already copied and complemented the necessary amount, did not you
mention it?"
"Oh, my scripture is also full of holes, because there are many holes in the actual work,
I do not lie."
"I do not care about lies, exaggeration, etc. I'd like to ask why I supposed to hide things
supplemented with Copipe."
"... ... I decided that it was better for later, but you do not have to know the reason"

Although I did not tell you the reason why I did not quit about Copipe, because
Ferdinand told her that she had a flat face, "My knowledge is also perforated", Air
Vermain decided to show the way to the foundation to this winner He said he did.

"I have not received such explanation"

"Because I was going to say something unnecessary, I explained it to you in a
"It's terrible!"

I glared at Ferdinand with a strange eyes. It is secretive, I'm used to being acted
hidden, but I do not think punishment will hit even if I say complaints.

2223 | 2523
"So, what are you going to do for me? Because you can not help obstructing Jervagio

When asking with caution, Ferdinand said with a tone of terror that "I can not ask you
for such a thing, the success rate is too low." Even if it is a fact, it is a little disappointing
if I mention a low success rate there.

"When you return to the central building after completing the supply, make sure to
contact Hartmut or Cornelius before you exit from the transition, please contact
Ehrenfest and prepare the room so that you can take a rest I am going to have it. "
"Are you resting?"
"You need a rest soon? You do not have time to make a brooch and you can not use
the dormitory of Ahrensbach, but you still should be in the dormitory of Ehrenfest"

I moved my eyes to the brooch holding my cloak. If I tried to return it before moving
to Ahrensbach, it was said to be "Please hold me till officially approved as Aub."

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, did you take my side to Ahrensbach?"

"Rifjda, Otiliier, Brunhilde, and your side have not been left in Ehrenfest"
"Richarda has returned to his adopting father, and I think that Brynhild is also busy
preparing for marriage. It moves as my side's ...."

When I told that I could not cause trouble, Ferdinand said "I am not a nuisance, but an
assistance to Ehrenfest".

"It is important to show that Ehrenfest is sponsored, so if you devote magical power
to the border gate, the border gate glows gaudyly, it will be difficult to understand as
the sun is rising, but put the knight at the boundary gate As long as it is not Arensbach,
the knight can not be noticed unusual.Ab with the border gate shows the emergency
situation visibly, probably it will come in a hurry to the center.Abu · There is no
appearance of Ehrenfest, it is not good to think in the future "

Even in the previous political change there was a clear difference between the
winning group and the losing group. Whether you can obtain the right to speak about
Jurgen Schmidt in the future will be a big difference.

"It is hard to accept other than Dunkel Ferger, even if saying that we provided
information in advance, unless you have to provide backward support in a form that
can be seen from other territory, and it is hard to embrace Ehrenfest this time. As was
2224 | 2523
the case, unlike Dunkel Ferger it is impossible to fight on the front line, but it can be
done with backward support. "

The night has already come. Ferdinand said, it is not a time to move if you think it will

"To show the fact that Ehrenfest also supported this fight both inside and outside, do
not have to hold back, so please rest yourself firmly, because after that it is tough."
"Mr. Ferdinand, what are you going to do for me !?"
"I think that it will be saved if Mr. Houflezze's border gate also supplies magical
powers, but I will not say that it is impossible"

Ferdinand started fine attention as it answered the question answer.

"Rosemain, if I move from here, keep the transition team once so that no one else will
enter during the supply of magical power There is no escort knight at present You do
not care much how much Do not hesitate to listen carefully to what Hartmut's aides
say, so be sure to take a rest.

While watching the Ferdinand who admonishes that gervergeo will still arrive, even
though it interferes so much that magical power supply is not easy, I realize how I do
not have caution against danger.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

When I asked, Ferdinand who applied one hand to his chin gently pushed my shoulder
lightly with the other hand so that I could think a little. Suddenly pushed my shoulder
and staggered I pulled and embraced.

"... Are not you surprised, what on earth is it?"

"Practice is essential if you can get around with this degree"
"Practice, what on earth are you?"

Ferdinand operates the transition team while muttering, saying "Are you on time?"
With a difficult face.

"Please wait a moment, Ferdinand sama! I do not have enough explanation!"

"Kaslussel Airstaid"

2225 | 2523
I did not listen to my words at all, and Ferdinand moved to the central wing of the
House of Peers, not the assigned border gate of Howlszet.

... ... I wish I could take a break at Ehrenfest ...... What will I do after all?

Surely ridiculous things are waiting. That is certain. Experience, no doubt.

While complaining about Ferdinand who does not consider this situation, as I told
Ferdinand, I temporarily sealed the transition team and started supplying magical
powers again.

After completing the supply of magical power to Klostenburg's border gate, it moves
to Haaflze's border gate and supplies magical power. It is not for Ferdinand. It is
because Jurgen Schmidt is troubled if magical power is not filled. I supply magical
power while telling myself to it.

...... Uh, it seems like it was a bit unreasonable.

My head started to hurt because of the overuse of recovery medicine and magical
power. It feels like I'm penetrated by pain from the neck to the forehead.

"I'm looking through the necessity of breaks ... something is frustrating ... .... I guess
you're feeding me this magic power ... I'm more disappointed with that one"

While speaking to himself with lumps, I activate the transition team that I sealed for
precaution. Light and darkness will fill your field of vision. I felt sick in the swaying
field of vision, I sit down badly behind the scene and closed my eyes tightly.

"Kaslussel Airstaid"

After a while I opened my eyes and it was during the transition surrounded by pure
white walls. My headache is metastatic sickness and the mood is the worst.

"Ugo, bad feeling ..."

However, as it is, I can not sleep in the process of metastasis. I threw out my letter to
inform my older brother Cornerius "I'm back" now. Then I got a reply saying "I am in
2226 | 2523
front of the door, I want you to return to the dormitory with a cowgirl, so hold your
mouth and come out quietly."

... holding the mouth?

While rising slowly with my neck tilted, I held the door softly holding down my mouth
so that no voice will come out. At the moment when I thought that the cloaks of the
knights of Ahrensbach could see the face of Angelica and Elder brother Cornelius, she
was clenched to Angelica and clenched and was lifted.

...... What! Is it?

I can not grasp anything at all because I covered the cloth entirely from the head. But
what I am asked for now is not to say loud. I kept my mouth firmly and I felt the
movements of a cud beast.

"Sorry, Rosemain-sama, I could not take Rosemaie full of power from the power of the
goddess to the dormitory without being noticed by other people."

The cloth was removed since I entered the Ehrenfest dormitory. It is not a door
connected to the central building but a front door of a person who uses it when going
to the collection place. Look around the escort knights who are lined with stunning

"This is Ferdinand's instructions, what is Ferdinand doing now? ... Cornellus, Leonore,
Matthias, Laurentz?"

I did not call Angelica's name because I judged that Ferdinand did not give much
explanation and I did not forget it.

"Ah, no ... I wonder what I should say ... ... Haltmut was shedding tears and praying to
God, but I did not believe that much."
"What, Brother Cornelius?"
"...... It is the power of the goddess, hidden with the silver cloth seized from Ran Zener,
and secretly taking me to the dormitory secretly Ferdinand is strictly enforced."

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Ferdinand did not understand such attitude at all, so it was not understood at all, but
according to Cornelius elder brother, it seems that now I feel the power of the goddess
as it is dazzling and difficult to see directly.

"Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand, you are ordered to let you take a rest, may I put the cloth
over again so that the surroundings will not get confused and let me bring the room
to Angelica?"

Léonore seemed badly sorry, but somewhat diverted his line of sight and said so. I do
not have consciousness of this, but I heard that I am in a serious condition. I do not
feel like confusing the surroundings, I feel like I do not feel well so I want to take a
break as soon as possible.

"does not matter"

I put on cloth again and entered my dorm room in the state where it was carried to
Angelica. Where a silver cloth was removed, I saw a woman approaching my women's
aides. As soon as Clarissa saw me, he crossed my hands in front of my chest and
kneeled while shedding tears.

"Rosemain, what a divine thing! Is not it exactly the incarnation of the goddess, I felt
the moment when Rosemain-sama's magical power reappears at once, but I do not
think that I am wearing the power of the goddess as much as this The hair that
received the blessing of the god of darkness grew more glossy, the eyes that received
the blessing of the goddess of light were full of the power of the goddess, and its
appearance ... .... "
"Clarissa, prepare your medicine so that the princess will let you rest, saying what you
do not do anything is good, so as to throw out the duties like that, let the princess's
aide Do you think you can call on me? "

Richard scolds Clarissa and instructs Otili and Bertilde to prepare the couch and is
instructive. When Clarissa began hurriedly preparing the medicine, Richarda
breathed a single breath.

"My complexion is too bad, Princess. If the water bath was a burden, after dinner, I
will lightly dirty with Vashen?"
"It is not only a bathing but also a meal, but ... ...."
"There was a word from Mr. Ferdinand to take lightly your meal before you take your
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In the face of a civilian who can work, Clarissa will explain the medicine that he will
drink from now. It seems like a slightly stronger medicine to recover in a short time.
Although I could escape from the bath, I do not seem to get away from meals. I saw
that Brunhild was bringing me and I gave up and sat on a chair.

"From the knights in the dormitory we received orders from Gilvester as soon as the
backwards support story arrived, so that the principals and chefs will be given the
highest priority to the environment where the princess can rest. I moved the most,
others seem to be in the midst of moving. "

Richarda easily serves meals while explaining the situation of Ehrenfest. It has been a
while since I received Richarda's servant. After listening to the current situation of
Ehrenfest, I turned my eyes toward Léonore, who is escorting as an escort knight
behind the chair.

"Please tell me what condition was Leonore, after I moved from the altar."
"There are seven prismatic pillars standing from the imaginary possession of the
statue and the figures of the three people who came on the altar disappeared all at
once.With the astonishment of our surprises, the knights of Dunkel Verger I quietly
captured the people in the center. "

Regardless of who we are, it seems that those who caused the rebellion had to catch
it. Rao Burut confronted Magdalena and Aub Dunkel Ferger, he seems to have fought
and lost.

"We, along with Dunkel Ferger's knights, caught the central knights, and suddenly
Hartmut started tears that Rosemain-sama's magical power was repainted by the

……What that? No matter how you imagine, you are a strange person.

"Although the aides who did other name offerers know that magical power has
changed, they said they do not know whether they are goddesses or not, but Hartmut
is angry as to why they do not understand, how brilliantly it is from there I began to
honor Rosemain, because it was too much out of place, so after the central knight
finished, for a while ... ... until Ferdinand came into the auditorium I tied Hartmut "

...... Wow, I'm not merciless as I do Leonore.

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"However, one Feldinand man came back to the auditorium, and it was said that
Mestionola came down to Rosemain and a new Tent was to be elected.Hartmut
apparently lies It seems you did not vomit, now Ferdinand is preparing for the
goddess as requested. "

Even if you say absurd things in the same way, it seems to be trusted if it is Ferdinand's
words. Haltmut became poor just for a moment.

"What does Leonore, Ferdinand-sama do specifically?"

I have not heard of anything I've ever asked the goddess. When asking terribly,
Léonore taught me that Ferdinand was instructing various people a threatening mix
order as soon as I came back to the auditorium.

"First we had ordered Ehrenfest to make resting places and meals.We were also
ordered and we were ordered that we should not take away our life from the goddess,
We placed the knights in each place to capture whenever Virgio returned. "

He also told me that he had instructions to take alternate breaks and meals. Although
the knights of Ahrensbach finished with the rituals, the knights of Dunkelfelger seems
to be returning to the dormitory in turn. It is said that sending meals to knights at
battle is an important role of backward support.

"Rosemain and our dinner comes out of Ehrenfest and the ingredients that were
prepared in the Imperial Palace by Ferdinand's orders have been brought to the
dormitory of Ehrenfest.The lunch will be served by the knights of Ahrensbach It is
said that minutes will be prepared. "

It is said that Ferdinand said that it was a product of Ahrensbach because it was
brought in from the house of Ranznerav. I think it is true. It seems that Ehrenfest had
a chef loaned out.

"Later, that's right .... It is the corner that Cornelius heard, but it seems that you asked
Prince Hildebrandt who is a library member to return the key to the library"

It seems that Magdalena was reluctant as to where he had to do right now, although
he did not know where the traitor of the Central Order was lurking. The partner who

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orders is Ferdinand. I can understand the feelings of my mother worried about her
Ferdinand seems to have told that Prince Hildebrandt got a staple in favor of Rao
Burut, and that the people of Ranzenave are also getting a staple by opening the way
for that. I heard that my son got pale with knowing what he went and said, "Now that
a new Tent is elected, is it necessary to keep punishing somewhat light?"

...... Now, it is Prince Hildebrandt who seems to be free with the library members who
can come to the House of Lords and I can not call Hannaore from Dunkel Ferger for
that much alone. However, even if we use parents 'and child' s feelings, it is scary to
completely block the escape path.

I finished a light meal while listening to the story of Leonore that never took food, I
drank the medicine that Clarissa is preparing. Brunhildde lowered the dishes and the
hair decorations are removed by Bertilde. When Richard went to Vasshen to me,
Otiliier instantly changed clothes and asked me to enter the couch.

"Leonore, are you off for Ferdinand now?"

"No, Ferdinand was heading to the central temple with Prince Anastigius, and
Hartmut is accompanying there to find Imanuel, the temple."

...... Central shrine? Oh, the key to the scripture! Is it?

The key of the scripture of the central temple leads to the foundation of Jürgen
Schmidt, as the key to the scripture to be given to the temple of the territory is the
insurance for the next Aub. Apparently Ferdinand seems to have destroyed all the
means for Gerbergio to become a Tent.

...... Ferdinand, what are you doing not supplying magical power to the border gate? Is

It seems that Ferdinand is doing a treasure robbery but only one person is treating it,
although it is supposed to be fighting with a ditters competing for the speed of
supplying magical power to the border gate.

"When you wake up, Ferdinand said you would practice dedication, so it seems to be
discussing with the royal family, so please take a good night's sleep now."

2231 | 2523
... ... dedicated to dedication! Is it? Discussion with the royal family! Is it? I have not
heard that! Is it?

My medicine came into effect and I could not even refute it and fell asleep.

2232 | 2523
"Did you get tired, Princess? It is about time when the bell of the fifth ring is ringing,
although it seems that you do not mind being on a little more break ..."

Think a little about Richarda's words. I felt like I still want to sleep, but I felt quite
refreshing like a mood. It would be better to get up rather than to fall asleep twice.

"I get up ... ... Is Mr. Ferdinand back?"

"Lunch was taken here, we had a variety of meetings with Aubu, and we sent
Ordonants to the people, now we should have taken a rest with the knights of
Ahrensbach and Rikku It was as if the princess did not need to care about Ahrensbach.

As I have dyed the foundation as Aub, I still can not make a brooch to use the
dormitory at the House of Peers, so the knights of Ahrensbach can not enter and leave
the dormitory. It was nice to have a shrine connecting with the house of Ranzenerav,
but I do not think there is good memories but I wonder if Ferdinand really can rest. I
am worried about that.

"Let's prepare tea ahead of time, since the princess has not taken lunch, we will
prepare a snack,"
"Would you please prepare a room on the first floor for tea preparation? I would like
to hear from everyone."
"I will visit Ave and get permission."

As Richarda said so, I made a blink of an eye several times. If I did backwards support,
I thought that a foster foster who is good at watching was controlling.

"Is your father-in-law also here?"

"When you expose the current princess to the public, it will be a fuss, so we will invite
the royal family to the tea ceremony room for the lunch of the day after tomorrow and
we will talk with you, during the lunch we have instructions from Mr. Ferdinand ,
Arubs are busy preparing. "

After speaking a little about the current situation, Richarda called to the other side of
the tent.

2233 | 2523
"Contact Otiliier, the men's aides. Brunhild, Bertilde. I asked for a change of the
princess' s clarisser, Please let me know the wake-up of the princess at the aide of
Ferdinand Clarissa."

I learned from the noise that the aides approached the other side of the tent.
The sisters of Brunhild and Bertilde will help you change clothes. As I looked down on
the costume I had never seen before, Bruhn Hilde smiled like he was in trouble.

"We are urgently hurrying to finish the costume under tentative sewing at
Ehrenfest.This is not costumes of the Gilberto business but an exclusive exclusive of
Florentia .. We use fabrics for finished goods at the time of preliminary sewing It
seems that we were able to accelerate completion as we were using it, and tomorrow
it will be one clothes shop for Gilberta trading company. "

It will arrange your hair style. I felt as if my hands were trembling a little, I stare at
Burunn Hilde through the mirror. Brun hilde, who felt his line of sight, turned his eyes
slightly and put his hands on his cheeks to find words.

"...... I think that this is the power of the goddess, but in order to look directly at
Rosemain sama, I need a strong intention. It makes my hands shake unexpectedly
because my feeling of being more afraid becomes stronger as approaching. As you
leave, you can see Rosemain-sama himself wearing light slightly. "
"Older sister ...... Oh, no, as Ruben Hilde says, Rosemain is very divinely.I have a chance
to serve soon, so I am really happy."

..., hey, Bertilde looks at me as if she winks with eyes shining, but it is divine and afraid
with the power of the goddess ... ... is not it human anymore?

Hartmut's exaggerated praise is only good enough to listen, but what you can look at
with eyes that you can admire to the usual aides are far from being completely out of
content and feeling uncomfortable.

"If you see Rosemain sama like this, Vilma will surely leave it in the picture and
everyone in the orphanage will give prayer."
Philene, who was a little far away, smiles with couscous while watching me with a
dazzling face.

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"Usually it will not feel that the amount of magical power leaves greatly, but it seems
to everyone that the power of the goddess can be felt by anyone.Allen festoers who
came together from Ehrenfest care about the room of Rosemain's room After having
put a silver cloth from the top of the futon under instructions of Ferdinand, I did not
care much about it ... "

There was no awareness at all, but the surroundings seems to be quite hard. I wonder
if this goddess' s powerful thing can be erased. Everyday life seems to be extremely

"During Rosemain's holidays, other escort knights were taking a break, so I was
escorting with Damuel, it seems that it was such a great fight that never experienced
again. Laurentz said that he was going to get drowned in. I could not imagine it at all
and I wanted to experience it together. "

It seems that Yudit and Darmel were also arriving in the dormitory while I was
sleeping. Yudit is quite amazing that he wanted to participate in the battle in the
auditorium which had become like a huge washing machine.

"In the battle in the auditorium I thought that I wanted to cast Yudit, I regret that Yudit
was a minor,"

If Yudit got to Rao Blue when I thought, when I told the story I thought, Yudith laughed

After doing such a conversation and changing clothes, I also wear a silver cloth like a
veil to block the power of the troublesome goddess, and move to a room to drink tea.
It is Angelica who is good at strengthening the body to hold me aside and to walk.

...... This silvery cloth has a strong light shielding, the only visible feet are dark and

If I could, I wanted to move with a Lesser if I could, but, "If I get out of Albu by
permission to use a beast, how can I wear a cloth and move it before I can not see it?",
A cool Tsukkomi from Leonore I gave up after receiving it.

...... I'm not a small child but I'm lifted and carried!

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While trembling with embarrassment as one person in the cloth "Ooooooooooo!", It
is brought into the room to make a report meeting named tea.

"You seem to have slept well?"

The voice of Ferdinand, I took the cloth. As Eckhardt brothers and Justocs were
astonished a little, they kept an eye out and said, "Well, this is for sure ... ...." There are
figures of Damuel among the aides of those who are lined up in the room.

"I appreciate being able to sleep well, but did Mr. Ferdinand rest?"
"I spent a bit of medicine, but I have taken a good rest."

I caught somewhat using medicine, I lightly felt Ferdinand.

"Maybe, is that a drug that jumps at that nightmare?"

"If the place is bad and the dream is bad anyway, it would be better for you to take
medicine and rest well."

...... That means that you do not have much time to rest?

While my lips are punctuated more and more, the side work prepares for tea. If you
see the snacks in front of me and Ferdinand, Ferdinand does not seem to have lunch.

"I heard that the knights of Ahrensbach take turns resting using the Rikkai, what
happened to those captured?"
"We still caught in the Imperial Palace, the Central Knights will not be used at all, we
decided to discuss with the royal talks about the charges as well, and we have to talk
about what to do with the opinions of the goddess as to not take away our lives as
much as possible Narumi "

...... That means I want to throw a circle as much as possible.

"As Arubs are busy preparing for the royal invitations, Charlotte wields support for
the knights of Ahrensbach, so we need to thank you again later."

In the battle with Georgine the other day, Charlotte replied to fighting mother who
fought in battle seems to have been active as responsible person for backward
support. He seems to have wielded his arm this time. reliable.

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"She is the best for her first lady, I felt that she was excellant in supporting someone."
"Oh, it is unusual for Ferdinand to praise like that, let's tell Charlotte with your
"Oh, do it as much as possible, it will be the promotion of Ehrenfest"

Where the story of Charlotte came to an end, magician of prevention of eavesdropping

of ranges was activated. I watch Ferdinand while drinking the tea that Brunhild has

"Mr. Ferdinand, are you glad I felt asleep in a long way? Do I have to go to the
beginning garden?"
"Whether there is a problem, the partner waiting has a feeling of time sense that does
not matter even if the period of ten years is open. I went to report that I got a new
client or elected a new Tento You will be pleased. "

Certainly, Air Vermean has a time sense that the political change more than 10 years
ago and the riot of this time are almost connected, so it seems that there is not much
difference when we let you wait two days a day.

"But what happened to Gerbergio, did you capture the back place?"
"No, I will have you retrieve it."
"... .... collection, is it?"

It is somewhat disgusting sounding.

"What did you do to Gervasio?"

"First of all, as my own transition team is completed, I will punch through the hands
of Jelva Geo, letting me concentrate and eliminating the drawing magic team and
earning time."
"In front of Mr. Air Vermoon?"

I thought whether the eyeball would jump out that I was making too much rough time
at the place where I was told that life is important. When I showed up at the border
gate where I was, I did not think she had already done sabotage.

"I was told not to take away my life and because it was an attack for time earnings, did
I give you some medicine that will scratch my hands once?"

...... I do not think it's such a good deal! Is it?

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"First of all, you said you already have it? That is, you still have it, have you heard that
you went to the Central Temple, but ... ...."

What the Ferdinand was doing at the House of Lords is understandable by tying the
story of the Aides, but I do not know the central shrine at all.

"We have recovered the scriptures and their keys, then the kings of Ranzenaev and
the medals of Gerbergio, I shut it down because Immanuel is noisy, but my life is safe,
I try not to die."

……Wait a minute. Something was a very noisy sound, now.

In spite of myself I pressed one of the amulets I wore from above my clothes. I wonder
if they used the magic team engraved here.

"The collected scriptures and keys are the aides to whom you gave your name, and
managed by Hartmut, who was the head of the priest, is it right for you?

When I glanced glance at Hartmut, Hartmut lined up on the wall was looking at this
with a crisp face. It is a serious face that I wonder if it was a sky eyed at the auditorium
I heard before going to bed.

"Well, where is the medal ...?"

"Is not the medal a territorial candidate's category, I have destroyed the medals of
gerbergio, but I am under the control of King Z. Ranzenae, I will discuss this with the
royal family"
"Well, please do not wait ... I heard it was destroyed last time ..."

Which mouth was saying "Life is not deprived" just now? When I looked at Ferdinand,
Ferdinand said with a sudden face, "I do not lie."

"Because I abandoned when I was at the border gate of Gresessen Meier, I would not
take away my life, I just lost the staple because I had to bother pursuing my time and
watching the transition team "

Gerberigio who was suddenly deprived of Stap, obviously can not get the book of
Mestionola. You can not supply magical power to the border gate, you can not use the
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transition team and you can not get out of the border gate. I finally got the meaning of
the word "recovery".

...... I definitely do not want to go to Ferdinand's enemies. too scary.

Ferdinand said, "Although it is more effective to capture the primary offense before
talking with the royalty, it is better to be weak like not having the ability to fight back,"
while graciously drinking tea Looking at the figure, I agree.

"...... But, Mr. Ferdinand, did you need to use the bad hands to the partner, did not you
look like a very bad guy, even if you do not worry too much. It seems that it was the
other person who got permission of Dietlinde who attacked the aristocrats of
Ahrensbach, and if we talked with each other it was understandable ... "

If the first way of contact is different, it may have been able to understand Gerbergio.
In my opinion Ferdinand became a worried face as "Would you have erased the
memory on crisis management?"

"What they wanted was to rescue the people of Runzner and reward those of the
Central Order who were in violation of the current Tent, and now we are going to tell
the nobles and those of Ranzenae in Jurgen Schmidt I did not say anything about us
that attacked, even though I aimed for Jürgen Schmidt's Tent, was not it the king of
Ranzenae from the root of my thought? "

Ferdinand said that he did not know what he was thinking in the stomach. It seems
natural that if you are a nobility, as long as you get along only with the surface without
doing something to raise a goddess when the goddess advents. I thought that
Ferdinand and Gerbergio had made a lot of friends, but it seems that it was not so.

"I am a man who was aiming for Jürgen Schmidt's tent to stay surviving in that
residence and getting educated to become the king of Ranzenae, hoping to head to
Ranzenaeve that he is a very true sexual owner I can not imagine you are an imaginary
incarnation, I do not mind being unable to understand, but I will not forgive my heart
very easily. "This fool"
"I am sorry"

Because I said extra things, I got to sacrifice. We must reflect on it.

"What happens to the treatment of those of Ranzenae other than Gervasio?"

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"It's up to the discussion the day after tomorrow"

When I am in a hurry, the day after tomorrow is felt very far. In a tense mood, I asked

"Although it seems that there are plenty of days to discuss with the royal family, is not
it in a hurry?"
"What was to be hurried was the elimination of gerbergio, which is qualified to be the
trappings and the tent of those of Ranzenae.When it finishes, noticing how the border
gate glows and the Awabs in the group and You should wait for the royal family and
others to make a fuss about the selection of new Tento. "

Ferdinand said that it was not necessary for people who responded like "Three days
later" to stay in exhaustion, although they contacted urgent from Ehrenfest and
Dunkel Ferger. Since Anastasiusus and Magdalena were cooperating here, it seems
that it was late afternoon after having to listen to the opinions for a while and
preparing a place with haste.

"Besides, I heard that your costume will not be finished unless it is the day after
"Costumes are important, right? It seems to be hard to see now ... ...."

To complain that Ferdinand's attitude was too strange to say that he could not
recognize it at all, he was stared at "I changed my attitude while the contents

……Really. Does Ferdinand-sama change attitude if it is in front of the goddess? I

thought that it was a straight road on a rude person. New discovery. Well, I found out
that I have not changed my attitude towards me.

"How do I spend talking with royalty?"

"You should have told you to practice dedication Mai?"
"... for what .... If you walk, it gets used to you, but if you dance, the story is different, I
can not believe that you can dance fortune dancers right now."

If you appeal to the doctor that you do not want to do it, it was argued that "I will

2240 | 2523
"In order to bring back a new Tento and return to the beginning garden, donkei dance
is better than re-acquisition of protection. It can not imitate other people so easily. It
is too much to say that it is incarnation of the goddess It's not that it looks like you can
not fall as if you are someone else like a giant? "
"I heard you do the dedication for the first time to return to the beginning garden!"

I have not heard of doing dedication for such a big role.

"Is that so? That's what it's like to take a new client to the beginning of the garden and
then to inform the outfield with a lot of barks what it would be like if the real Tento
"Ferdinand did not make it flowing, did that kind of flow!"

Fun! When I saw the cause, Ferdinand became a glitter smile when I was very cranky.

"Is there something wrong?"

"... ... not ... I will encourage practicing dedication for dedication"

... ... It's not good! Watching!

2241 | 2523
I was told that I would not go out solely, I could only memorize the contents written
about practicing dedication and requesting royalty. There are not many opportunities
to get out of the room. It is about time to eat, to encourage and to eat when the knights
of Ahrensbach came to eat.

Front of Ferdinand is coming to the dormitory at the time of meal, in front of building
that reports on Rikyu. Therefore, as in the case when you were in a castle, the lord's
family did not eat in the dining room, but had taken a meal in a separate room, and it
was time to exchange information.

When I first went to the cafeteria, foster mothers and Charlotte, who saw me near at
the same time, showed a somewhat frustrating face, but after saying that only the
adoptive father was "crazy", "how to shine You are looking at the face of curiosity
round out. " I was admired by a foster mother, but I was quite relieved to see that it
did not change even if I had the power of the goddess.

"With your permission and magic stone, I operated the transition team of Rikyu in the
beginning, since I sent a messenger, sooner or later the bells who have your baggage
will come to you about as much as a bell."

By the way, I already got permission to use Rikyu. It seems that it was a reclosing
shrine that was supposed to be given to me originally, so it seems that the royal family
told me that I do not mind using it as I want. Ferdinand taught me with a smile like a
cheap climb, but I think that it was okay for those of Ahrensbach not to enter the
dormitory to be like doing a homeless.

"Thank you, Mr. Ferdinand, like my baggage, as many of the aides who accompany to
Ahrensbach had sent the package to Ahrensbach, so there was something in trouble
Besides, because it is unavoidable that only Ahrensbach can not come and go ... ...
What's wrong, Oka?

Tying your head down was not just about adoptive father. It is somewhat strange that
the complexion around you is strange. The adoptive father and the foster mother were
suspicious of behavior and interchanged their faces with their fathers, and Charlotte
also said that something was said. My father is a bitter face and I do not know what

2242 | 2523
signal it is, but I watched it to his adoptive father. The adoptive occasion seems to be
uncomfortable and the adoptive throat cleanses one's mouth.

"Oh, Goghon.Rosemain. I told that Ferdinand did activate the transition team of Rikyu
... ...."
"Yeah ... Because it was necessary to rescue, Ferdinand-sama's magical power has
already been registered during the supply Because I did not think that there was a
change in my magical power due to the descent of the goddess, Ferdinand's
registration It was saved because there was. "

Ferdinand now is stealing a lot in my place as the only lord of Ahrensbach. Life, I do
not know what will happen.

"Ferdinand, that ... ... that, that's what it means - you did not even say a greeting to the
supreme god, did not you wait for autumn to make winter come earlier?"
"What are you saying, who is it? Calm down a bit."
"The one is too calm, I can not understand!"

...... It is this place I do not know the reason.

As I am a pocane, a foster mother breaks in with a smiley face with a smile.

"Mr. Zilvester, please have a detailed story with your gentlemen, now you are on a

The gilberta shoes' costume was delivered on the morning of the day when
discussions with the royal family were held. It is a costume using a thin cloth of
Ahrensbach received from Ferdinand on the dyeing fabric of Ehrenfest. Also included
hair ornaments according to costumes. It is as ordered by me.

"It seems that light can be seen slightly through a thin cloth, it is very beautiful, Tuli's
hair decorations are still wonderful as usual."
"Oh, really beautiful."

...... Who is Turi? My hair ornament craftsman?

2243 | 2523
While smiling and nodding at Brunhild, who helped me change clothes, I was very
confused. I completely forgot the name of my hair ornament craftsman and I could not
have thought of the face of a person named Turi though it should have ordered my
face together.

……why? ...... The cost of lending your body to the goddess?

I do not understand how much I thought, the dressing is over. What else is he
forgotten? Is it no problem if I forget it? The spine muscles. I got a pain like the
stomach around me. I do not know what I'm forgetting, how I can remember. I am
losing my memory in an unnatural form without awareness. That was a terrible fear.

... ... calm down. All right. There should be some way.

Even after I awoke, my memory was confused and I completely forgot about Air
Vermean, but I immediately remembered. It is a hopeful prediction, but the memory
that has disappeared by the goddess is not completely lost.

"Princess, Mr. Ferdinand is attending, I hear he wants to make a meeting in advance"

I was informed of the arrival of the goddess-related consultant, I immediately tried to

leave the room. The moment it moves, angelica is covered with a silver cloth and it is

"Angelica, please contact Rosemain somewhat more carefully.The movement is

getting a bit cluttered.Rosemain is not a luggage.We realize that you are receiving the
honor to convey the incarnation of the goddess, be conscientious Please handle with
care. "
"Okay, I will be careful later."

I hear Clarissa complaining about Angelica about my treatment. I certainly thought

that Angelica was getting used to it a bit and I thought that the treatment seemed to
be working but now I am more concerned about the loss of memory than the manner
of carrying Angelica. Even if it is a little rough, I want you to carry it soon.

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When entering the tea ceremony room, Ferdinand had already operated the magic
tool to prevent eavesdropping, and was waiting. When sitting in a chair in face to face,
the side workers prepare for tea and leave the range.

"Rosemain, did you remember what you were handing?"

"I remembered, but it was harder than that.I still lack memory, I can not remember
the name and face of a craftworker who made this hair accessory ......"

While touching the hair ornaments on my hair, I appealed to Ferdinand about the loss
of memory. However, Ferdinand nodded without showing the appearance of
movement in particular.

"Sumo there, probably the names and faces of dyeing craftsmen who dyed the cloth of
the costume are not connected"?
"Dyeing craftsman ... ... It is not connected ... Do you know something about Ferdinand?
What is the basis for saying that memory is not gone but are not connected, what is
the goddess asking something Please tell me. "

I stood up in spite of himself, and I was told to sit back. As I am grasping the shoulder
and trembling while shaking it, I'm in a hurry as I'm in a hurry, but I can not see my
voice and I can see it all from the aides I am seeing.

"... ... It was said that Mestionola who wanted to push you in the library interfered is a
memory that is getting deeper into my mind than obsession with reading. It is not that
I have disappeared but I am in a state of disconnection Although I could not get a
specific answer any more, for you there are not so many priorities over the goddess
library. It is predictable if it is a person, but it is predictable about things that are
carried in unconscious It may be difficult. "

I do not quite understand myself, but memories that are more rooted in my mind than
reading are supposed to be more important than anything to me. It is troubling that it
will disappear.

"How do you get back to memory? Does Ferdinand know?"

"It is hard now that there is no kind of medicine or time, it's hard now, at least since
the election of new Tent has finished, most of you are important people in commoners
and are in Ehrenfest, you will encounter in the House of Lords and will not pass by.
We will cooperate later, so please wait a little more. "
"Later, is it? It is absolute, is not it?"
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When I pondered, Ferdinand nodded and handed over to me. If Ferdinand knows the
way, I can relieve a little.

"Can we give priority to meetings? There is no time."


"Aub Ehrenfest, I would like to thank you for providing a forum for discussion, thanks
to Dunkel Verger for experiencing real Ditters in the previous fight, I am extremely

As soon as the fourth bell rang, the wife of Aub Dunkel Ferger and his aides came.
Since the invitee is Alem and his wife of Ehrenfest, they are welcoming customers.
Today's me and Ferdinand are invited guests.

Aub Dunkel Fergers who came into the tea ceremony room walked straight ahead in
front of me looking at me who was seated first and looking big eyes. Fridged at
Freddinand when I looked at the glance at Ferdinand. It is a signal that you should
wait as it is.
The couple of Dunkel Ferger 's Ave celebrated before me.

"Wisdom goddess Meztionora, blessed for Dunkel Ferger"

Ferdinand told us beforehand that my surrounding people have not changed their
counterparts so far, so except for Hartmut and Clarissa, I was never kneeled like this.
However, this seems to be the ordinary correspondence of the nobleman who was in
front of the power of the goddess.

I was kneeling against the power of the goddess, not me, he told me that if I get in tune
it will be a big deal when my strength disappears. I do not know what it's like to get
in tune, but until now I have been in contact with you in the lower position, but Aub
Dunkel Ferger is kneeling in front of me. I feel like I was unbearable when I was
kneeled for the first time by Beno.

"Aub Dunkel Ferger, I'm sorry but I'm just getting the power of the goddess - blessing
as a goddess can not be done because the inside is still rosemain."
"Oh, that's disappointing."
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Although it became a slightly crushed response, it seems that the impact of the power
of the goddess still seems to be, and the Aunt and Wife of Dunkel Ferger does not
destroy the attitude that I am superior.

"I was not thinking at all because I could fight with the incarnation of a real goddess,
and the knights of our territory had regretted when we wanted to see how we were
able to do if it were possible "

The conversation starts as the side starts to make tea. It is a topic of what kind of
activity the Aub Dunkel Ferger and the knights played in the fight this time. It seems
that there are still a lot of uncanny knights in the Dunkel Ferger's dormitory where
the excitement of large-scale ditters is getting cold.
The Knights of Arensbach who are watching and interrogating the people of Ranzenae
are not feeling of a celebration but they seem to be tiring, but it is a big difference.

"According to the correspondence of the royal family, I heard that AUB - Dunkel
Ferguer is appointed to TSENT ... ... What kind of correspondence will the royal family
correspond to this time?"

The first wife looks at the door while saying so worriedly. I can not worry about the
royal family. In the same way, when I saw the door, it seemed there was a news of
visitors, and the doors were opened by side workers.

"Aub Ehrenfest, thank you for providing this place"

You can hear the greetings of Tora Okuvar a bit fainted, and the royal family comes in
roughly. Hildebrandt and Magdalena who are holding down their hands in the muff of
the fur which is in the shape of a cylinder even though it is spring though it is a tiger
okvar and the first lady, Sigiswald and Adolfine, Anastasiusus and Egluthine, who are
busy. The third Mrs. Magdalena is the reason why they participated in the battle in the
auditorium and that they were Hildebrand's mothers.

...... Whose face looks bad. I think probably heard from prince Anastasegeus and
Magdalena ... ....

The royal family queued in front of me with the Traqued Var.

"The goddess of wisdom, Mestionola, that we are blessed to you"

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"I want to reward you for your sincerity and effort.The prince Sigiswald got a license
and ...."

I look to Hartmut. Halt mouth arrived at once with a leather bag. Sigiswald alternately
looks at the adoptive father and me and becomes a troubled face that seems to have
hurt a little.

"No, that is ... ...."

"I am truly sorry - although I got a license, I was damaged by the intense fighting
sequence, so I thought that we had to give back as soon as possible."

I take permission from a leather bag I received from Hartmut. It really has to be
returned as soon as possible. Yesterday night, when I was checking things to give back,
I was hit by the power of the goddess, which was in a state of dripping, and the chains
were completely golded.

"Rosemain, grab it with bare hands ... ...."


Ferdinand's attention was a bit late. Although the magic stone part was supposed to
have kept its shape, because I pinched it, it became flaky and gold powder. I knew that
the kneeling royal family breathed his breath as if he saw an incredible one. It is a little
careless. Please forgive me.

"Or, repeatedly, I am sorry ... I am sorry, but since I made gold powder with the power
of the goddess, as rare materials are high in rarity value, the amount of magical power
is also high, and all attributes I think that is high. "

While diverting a little bit of sight, I hand out the leather bag containing gold powder
to Sigiswald. Although Sigiswald who received the leather bag was set for several
seconds, it got a nice smile with a gentle smile.

"It seems that this permit has served us and is the best."

French and Ferdinand smiled and touched my hair ornament where it seemed that
Sigiswald managed to recover.

"Gold powder by the power of the goddess, as long as Prince Sigiswald envies"

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...... I'm sorry for the material in such a place! Is it? Mad scientist. The eyes of the royal
family on the way of greeting are swimming!

Please read the air, and angrily in my heart, I will smile a goddessly smile.

"Oh, if you also need Ferdinand, I will make it golden, but please do prepare the
material and the magic stone by yourself"
"I appreciate the generous heart of MesTIónola's incarnation"

Ferdinand speaks a teasing word with a poisonous smile like the demon king. It seems
that you are in a good mood for quite a bit of new research material.

...... It is a nice thing that Mr. Ferdinand's mood is good. Even for the royal family ... ....

"Let's have lunch before discussion"

I urged you to come to my seat. Everyone gets a seat and the side work starts a waiting
job. I am asking for the minimum number of people I will accompany, but it seems a
bit more confusing than I did at the tea ceremony that invited the lords of the entire
Hildebrand's muff is removed. Under the muff who felt it was out of season, there was
a grudge to seal the staple. The gaze of people other than royalty concentrates there.

"Stap is a thing that should not have been obtained if it is originally.If you obtained
illegal things, you must prohibit its use"

He fell asleep with a face that Hildebrandt frantically cried for crying in the strict
Magdalena words. I understand that he was told pretty about the crimes he had
already committed. Even though it was suggested, sin is a sin. I felt bitter when I
remembered Wilfried's unknowingly entering the white tower.

...... I wonder if I can do something like that time.

While staring at Hildebrandt, I noticed that Egranthine was staring at me still. As usual
it is a beautiful person. But I do not know what it is asking for a smile so I only smile

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"Today is the menu where we finished the ingredients of Ahrensbach with Ehrenfest's
cooking method"

Lunch started from introduction of menu by adoptive father. The topic during eating
was about the interrogation of the Central Order and the current situation of the lords.

"The interrogation of the Orchestra instigated by Rao Buruto is quite advanced, it

seems that not only the Central Order, but also those of Ranzenae were interlingling
in the auditorium, according to the civil servants who witnessed the interrogation,
Those who were in the auditorium pretty quite told that the influence of Truk had
been diminished, but although there is a somewhat ambiguous part, it is quite easy to
distinguish offenders and stakeholders because they can read the memory. "

Ferdinand glanced at me in the words of Sigiswald.

"Because you washed away all things brought in from the runner"
"The power of the goddess of water is amazing, is not it?"

I never thought that I could even rinse the turkey. Anastigius, which was caught up
and launched to the bleacher, had an unpleasant face, but as expected it is a goddess
with the power to invite Spring by sweeping the Avilibe.

It seems that almost everyone in central aristocracy receives Vasheng because there
may be other people who are using Toluk. Truck unused users disappear in a matter
of seconds, but those who used it will not disappear until the effect diminishes.

"I thought I could drown by my aides before I was executed as the responsible person
this time,"

It was a tranquivale to say so with a somewhat distant eyes. It seems that influence
was the most serious as it seems that it was used for a long time in Rao Burut who
was doing a hiatus to make Geruvagio the next generation.

"It is the present situation of the lords, but in addition to the request from Dunkel
Ferger for relief, it seems that Aru Klassenburg hurriedly rushed as the border gate
"The same is true for Gillessenmeier and Haufredze, which is not the time of the lord's
conference, but all the aubs are gathering at the lords."

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Egrantine and Adolfine said so. Since the upper rank where there was a request for
rescue from Dunkel Ferger has only information saying "those of Ranzenaev are
getting in the center from Ahrensbach", desperately at the aristocrat who has already
finished fighting It seems that they are trying to gather information. However, since
neither the royal family nor Dunkel Ferger has decided anything in the future, he
seems to be in a state of silence now.

After talking about the current status report that makes meal tasty, after lunch,
dessert and tea after meal are brought. After preparing for that, Akaans were lowered
once. Discussion from now on is to be done without an aide.

After being asked by Ordonants to call down, if needed, after having them drop down
to the aides, I looked around and took a deep breath at once slowly.

"Well, I would like to start talking about the selection of a new Tento, as you all know,
the wisdom goddess Meztionola came down the other day, and both Mestionola and
Air Vermeon were quick to Jurgen Schmidt I would like a new Tento. "
"Well, please give my father a Gurtris Height ..."
"Mr. Sigiswald"

Speaking like Sigiswald to shield the Trax Oval, he was stopped saying to Adolfine
sitting next to him, "Blocking the words of the superior." He was brought up as a
royalty and probably did not know the top other than his father.
Sigiswald corrected his attitude as if he tried it and urged me to say "I am sorry".

"People who desire the gods are those who can dye the cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt,
because the place that the royal family supplies now is not the cornerstone of Jürgen
Schmidt, Jurgen Schmidt will collapse itself as soon as the magical power runs out
That's right"

The royal family opened their eyes all at once. It was a shock. Because it was told that
the foundation on which desperate magical power was poured was another thing.

"It's not a completely different thing, during the supply in the central royal palace it is
connected during the prayer of the central temple, and during the supply of magical
tools between the prayer of the central temple in the House of Lords The magical
power is sent to the foundation from the supply.The magical power to send the
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magical power is needed for the magical tool to send the magical power, so it reaches
the foundation, but in order to maintain Jurgen Schmidt It is not enough for the
amount necessary for it. "

There is too much magical loss before reaching the cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt in
the House of Lords. The sense of labor will not change.

"Then, Gurrishisaito even more quickly ... ...."

"Well, we need to elect a new Tent, and we will have a request from the gods for the
new Tent, so please be aware of it first."
"Is it a request from the gods?"

While looking at Anasutasuji 's eyes round, I nodded with a cock. As a request from
the gods, everyone corrected their attitude once. It is bad for everyone who is certain
but it is not a request of the gods but a request of Ferdinand who interpreted the
words of the gods as good.

"To satisfy the foundation as soon as possible, to accept the people of Ranzenav as a
person of Jürgen Schmidt, that the punishment that deprives of life is not permitted
with respect to the current riot, the next generation of Tento will be aware of wisdom
from Mestionora by oneself It is roughly over to do it to those who got it. "

In my words Traquarvar opened my eyes.

"It is understandable to satisfy the foundation as soon as possible, but to accept the
people of Ranzenav as Jurgen Schmidt ... ..."

I will annoy you with words that others will not be aware. Ferdinand swung his head

"There is no need to treat as a nobility separately, it is not necessarily passed to the

aristocrat as well as Prince Hildebrandt, it is Stap, who has been illegally acquired.Is
not that it should be sealed, Just connect to the prison by squeezing the magical power,
or just as a priest of the central temple or shrine maiden and have Jergen Schmidt
devote its magical power. "

Those who are trying to invade Jurgen Schmidt will be squeezed magical power for
Jurgen Schmidt, hoping to mysteriously explode the magical power for Ranznerav. I
think that being trapped is poor, but it is the result of our actions and I think that there
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is a life better than the aristocrats of Ahrensbach who was suddenly killed after being
trampled. I did not feel like opposing the opinion of Ferdinand.

...... Juergen Schmidt's aristocracy, because everyone is doing magical power for
Jurgen Schmidt.

"In other words, is it not to execute execution only by depriving magical power?
Although I think that it is impossible to reduce the magical power any more, I think
that the aftermath will remain ......"
"Yes, I think it is dangerous"

Among the royal family and the upper ranks, it is likely to be taught that mass
execution is useless. Sigiswald clouded his face anxiously, Egrantine also agreed. I can
not understand what you are saying.

"Well, but the royal family did not find Gurtris Height because of lost a lot of lives and
knowledge on the grounds of breaking down afterwards, Jurgen Schmidt fell into
magical power shortage later? Were not we produced by themselves? "

When I smile, it is an interesting joke, the royal family changed their looks all at once.
Perhaps it was not a joke, but was it seriously planning to carry out mass execution

"Well, since the upper rank of the royal family and the winning group executed a
senior librarian from the former Berkeke Stock, a break in knowledge occurred, we
could not get Gurritris Height again, both magical power supply and redrawing the
boundary line It became impossible to be satisfied? The dissatisfaction of the nobility
expanded, the magical power drastically decreased, it was the royalty that led Jurgen
Schmidt to the collapse crisis, but there are already conscious awareness as expected,
right? It is not that we are not reflecting on anything? "

As I blinked out, the royal family turned away a little and I realized that my adoptive
father was Orooro. I wonder if Aub can show off where he shakes feelings so much. It
is something I want you to be afraid with a little more dignity.

"As for me, although I have some misplaced part, I am also seeing that I have made
efforts to support Jurgen Schmidt without Gurtris Height, so from royalty to change
generations as gently as possible I thought that it would be best to elect a Tento, but
... as Ferdinand said, you have become a little uneasy. "
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I got a problem, I put my hands on my cheeks and tilted my head.

"The current way of Jurgen Schmidt is very distorted, I promised Air Vermouth to
return to the oldest possible method from the selection of the next generation of

I did not promise separately, but only Ferdinand declared, but since Air Vermeon
wanted more candidates to receive Mestionola's books, it would not be wrong quite
roughly. Maybe.

"Is it an old method?"

Apart from Ferdinand who wrote the scenario, he looks like he can not understand
right away. Looking around such people, I will tell you the request for a new TSENT.

"Yes, we will abolish Zent's heredity, and the next generation will not depend on the
pedigree, and the one who will be able to obtain the Book of Mestionola by itself will
be the Tento."

Jigisuvaruto that has been decided and the next Tsuento changed the complexion to
lose his position. His wife is a Adol Fine has become the expression of resignation.

"And, return the central temple in the House of Lords is a sacred place of the old, and
the Tsuento and temple length of the central temple. The Tsuento I focused on the
revival of the ancient ritual, you will meet Jurgen Schmidt magic I. Although the only
temporarily Watakushi the to temple length of the central temple, the because is there
is a story that, apart from the problem will not "

if Hohoeme with Nikoli, in the royal family have lost complexion are also many people,
adoptive father like a foster mother like had a smile like that without our institutions
to a distant eye.

"From it, along with the temple length inauguration of Tsuento, to close the center of
the Royal Palace and the palace, Tsuento family will be happy to move the residence
in the House of Lords. In order to royalty, which originally started the monopoly of
the throne to escape for fear of assassination I thing is a waste of magic and personnel
continue to live in made the center of the Royal Palace and the palace. moved to the
House of Lords, rather than the center under the direct control of land, you should be
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living in the tax collected from all of the territory. tax revenue in to to life it is the same
as Aubu, because you only need to earn on their own if there are not enough "

...... Oh, it had added up to be superfluous. Failure, failure. But, I think I can I think of
that make nobles of the top on this occasion as well on their own.

"In this way the new Tsuento are you supposed to be where I am living the life of the
order to break the framework of the royal family up to now, but Do you have someone
candidates from among the royal family?"

Royal family to each other I have looked at each other. Although the get used to
Tsuento got a guru Tris height, life and until now he changed completely. Would not
is such a person as raised the bid immediately.

If the "come, the people in this time of the royal family of the blunder in order to ask
the Tsuento moves in the direction to hide as much as possible, and the royal family
other than his wife and children Tsuento would like to nominate the Aubu of waste
territory as Aubu you. If you do not Irasshara is, fueled the antipathy giving away
during the Jurgen Schmidt by printing a royal blunder since the coup as convinced to
Aubu our other territory, on the contrary, the success of this Aubu-Danke Rufe Ruger
in the story, I will become a spectacularly of trumpeted to relay Tsuento "

in the royal family who is facing the eye, are surprised about lightly speak, was
Serranidae the Beshitto thigh. Ferdinand is looking at me with a displeased plenty of
sparkling smile.

"Do a little explanation is not than not enough, Rozemain?"

A little Even I I want to do seems goddess. The distribute printed material to everyone,
I think that seems incarnation of the very female Tio Nora.

"This is basic in Basic use printed materials in public opinion operation. And, will also
be the promotion of Ehrenfest. Nante using the print run the world, it will seem very
incarnation of the goddess female Tio Nora of wisdom? Dankeruferu to write the
success story of the guard, Ditta is already Submitted to the author of the story. "
" what!? we do become the leading role of Ditta story!? "

2255 | 2523
buyout if Ne, the Aubu-Danke Rufe Ruger excitedly first wife to sit next to the tapping
and "do I have bought up things for the well-known?". First wife and Ferdinand of
expression was amazed seemed to have somehow very similar.

"Really Do not be ridiculous Once you've have the power to you,"

Ferdinand is after glared lightly me to bitterness pull the face, I looked around the
royal family.

If the "new Tsuento stand from outside the royal family, as everyone has been worried
about, the former royal family in which they have failed to prevent the Gaikan attract
will be later in the root of evil. As consent can not nobles will raise bearers again, the
country is in civil war state There is a possibility. this prevent the risk for, you will be
asked to enter to the tower of all white. because it is a promise to the gods, do not do
to the execution any sinner. Please be assured "

life a look at the royal family who turned pale said in exactly the devil can not be
relieved smile that of the implications that should be taken away, even, I was hastily

Because is to avoid a "civil war, life other than the person who there is a clear sin will
be compensated as the former royal family by. Watakushi, talking to Ferdinand-like,
we have significantly improved the treatment. In addition to the day two meals , I will
put what books one book! "

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Unfortunately the result of my negotiation seems not to be much appreciated. A small
voice that was amazed as "book one ......" was also raised from other than the royal
family. It is believed to be clearly useless.

...... Because I do not usually read books, the royal family did not study the ancient
words! Fun!

"Oh, Rosemain, I have a question, is it okay?"

Egrantine looks at me and Ferdinand while holding hands on his cheeks.

"When I talked with two people before, I remember that when I made a major
verification of donation dance and the candidate candidate came out one after the
other from candidate lords of every place, I got an opinion that it would be a
disturbance ... ... but the two of you said that you would choose the next generation of
zent from other than royal family. How do you think about becoming a disturbing
cancer? You may tell me I wonder?

It is an Egrantine-like question that I want to avoid chaos from all over. This was
among the expected question items, so I will return the answer as I had with the
meeting with Ferdinand.

"If someone of the royal family can become a Tent, I still think that it is the best, since
there is no need for an unnecessary disturbing seed etc. It has been almost a year since
I knew the means to reach Gurtris Height Was the royal family able to get Gurtris
Height? "

When I stopped at the language there, I was stared gently at Ferdinand.

...... But, "What was the most boring attribute of Eglantine, was not it?" What is most
disgusting is hard to say. It is not wrong though.

"No, that is ... ... but it was decided that Rosemain's adoption would result in a royal
family Gurtris Height ..."

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"Mr. Egrantine, it is not royalty to get Gurtris Height, I thought that the royal family
should have a Gurtris Height, but I believe that the royal family will be the tent to this
day I have not thought that the qualities, efforts and holdings for it are absolutely
missing. "

My runaway tried to stop Ferdinand, as his adopted father saw it with distant eyes
opened. But Ferdinand smiles with a smile.

I thought that the answers that I prepared were to be fairly militant, but Ferdinand
was more provocative. I do not think that Ferdinand, who had tightly restrained the
royalty courtesy on the surface, treats the royalty incompetent so much, so I blink her

"Mr. Egrantine, at that time, I talked about a clue to the Gurtris Height, so that the royal
family would get the Gurtris Height without causing a disturbance, and never told Mr.
Tora Okhar I accepted the engagement of the royalty to show that there was no .... "

Ferdinand cuts down the word there and deepens her smile.

"The royal family who got a clue did not get a Gurtris Height by myself but instead of
trying to make it to Rosemain. Rosemain promised to protect Ehrenfest instead of me
heading to Ahrensbach would become a father of the king I was told that I got a Gurtris
Height and told me that I am forced to make the worst marriage like a nightmare.Do
you understand my feelings at that time, Did you like Tra Okvaar? Remove Ehrenfest
Even so, I'd like to imagine a little what I thought of the royal family being scratched
by Ehrenfest.

Instead of Egrantine, who asked questions, Ferdinand was looking straight at

Traquedard. Traquequar is tying down with her lips tied.

"How rude everything is rude, Mr. Ferdinand"

"Magdalena, the third wife, I do not know the one who does not socialize so much, I
forced that to him."

Magdalena confessed to Tora Ocquar's closure "I feel sorry, I am sorry."

"Dear Traquerard, could you tell us what you fought against Ferdinand? I believe that
you have the right to know as his brother, Aub Ehrenfest"
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Regarding Ferdinand's consecration, the adoptive father, who was driven out of the
mosquito net, looks at the tora oquarre. Traquequar gazed at Ferdinand and shook
his head slowly.

"Because the condition from him who forced impossible never to tell the truth, I am
not going to be rebellious from myself, let's imitate the anger of Ferdinand and
goddess's incarnation any more."

Ferdinand nodded one by one as if he was a little relieved in the judgment of Traqueq.

"Although Egrantine, the answer to the question, despite knowing how to obtain
Gurtris Height, unless a country is collapsing again by placing a royal family that has
not been held yet as a generic tent, I think that it would be better for the country filled
with magical powers to survive, if at all. "
"Is that so……"
"... .... However, if you want to pretend that royalty reigns as Jürgen Schmidt as in the
past as before, there is no way that there is absolutely no way.The most of
Mentianola's books from the children of the appointed Zento It is only necessary to
discharge those who can obtain it from time to time. "

Eglantine tilts her head like a sort of thing as Ferdinand's words that toss him down
with his efforts.

"Although the royal family intends to disclose how to acquire the history of Jürgen
Schmidt and the way that everyone gets the book of Mestionola, by all means, from
now on trying to be able to produce successive generations I would like to have it. "
"The history that distorted the way Jurgen Schmidt is ... ...?"

I was urged by Ferdinand and talked about how the way to qualify for Tent was
changed little by little by successive peers. The material in the central palace library
seems to have been quite different from the history we have learned since there are
only royalty after the move to the center.
Sigiswald who shook his head like shaking off the shock looks at me.

"The incarnation of the goddess, I understand that the gods want a new Tent to break
the old framework of the royal family, so that I will become a new tent and adopt the
old ways as closely as possible to follow I would like to do it. "

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Ferdinand lightly raised his eyebrows in the declaration of Sigiswald. Anastage is
seeing Sigismwald uneasy.

"My older brother, that is ... ...."

"I think that it is best for me to take office in Tento for the time being well-known as
the next TSENT, and Anastaseu will agree."

In a gentle smile of Sigiswald directed to Anastasiusus who raised a voice to protest,

Anastigius gently lowered his eyes with a face that lost sight of the word to put on.
Having received it as acknowledgment, Sigiswald deepens his smile and turns his eyes
on me.

"We will adopt the old ways, but the crime of attracting foreigners in this time is in
Ahrensbach, I can not convince that the royalty will carry all our sins"

Anastaseuzzi tried to control it, but Sigiswald continued.

"Although I got into danger, Jürgen Schmidt was protected by Dunkel Ferger and
Ehrenfest, are not we all of Ahrensbach who need to punish before the royal family?"

The gaze of Sigiswald smiling gently was directed to Ferdinand. There is a speculation
that if Ferdinand was holding down Dietlinde and able to prevent invasion of those of
Ranzenae, it would not have been such a thing. I was accustomed to telling others and
well understood that I am not thinking of a line of hair, such as being overturned in
my own word which is a royal family. I guess that way of raising that kind of situation
in such a position.

...... I do not seem to understand it at all, but is it a royalty that ran for Zent, so I suppose
this attitude to me that is supposed to be the incarnation of the goddess?

I do not really understand royal thinking and standards. Whether it is better to blame
Sigismwald in this place. As I glanced to Ferdinand at a glance, Ferdinand was smiling
glittering face.

"Certainly, sinners of Ahrensbach are ready to hand over at any time, let 's hand them
over to the center as soon as Prince Sigiswald desires."

... ... Wow, is not it full of battle? Prince Sigiswald, it is a torment.

2260 | 2523
If you want to punish earlier do it quickly. I felt that I could hear a sub voice saying
that it was not in the center that I was not ready for acceptance. I am afraid of
confronting Ferdinand in this state, I do not want to be anything other than books.
However, it seems that Sigiswald was quite a courageous young man.
Even if you do not understand that Ferdinand of the glitter smile is not understood, it
seems that the subsidiary voice was accurately heard, and Sigiswald was packed in
words for a moment and smiled smilingly.

"We are talking about you who was in Ahrensbach as a fiancée to support the
upcoming Aub, as well as the story of the offender.Do you realize your sin?"

I caught on to that word. From Sigismwald who is not fulfilling the obligation of the
royal family, it is impossible to hear the word to Ferdinand who was working on the
unfamiliar land by cutting off the mind and body according to the obligation of the

"I can not understand Prince Sigismwald's words well, but do you want Ferdinand to
say you are negligent about duty?"

Instead of Ferdinand, instead of opening my mouth Sigismwald has opened his eyes,
Anastigius has a head with "older brother". If you want to keep it down, I think I ought
to suppress it faster.

"Because of obligation by the royal father, Mr. Ferdinand did not stand in the
battlefield without being able to afford to cure because he received poison, led the
knight of Ahrensbach and volunteer of Dunkel Ferger Despite having fought, are you
still saying that your duties are insufficient? "

"Well, as Rosemain says, Ferdinand swept the soldiers of Ranzenae in Ahrensbach,

chased the nobility of Arendsbach who invaded Ehrenfest, got a book of Mestionola in
the center I took the people of Ranzenaeu.When considering the position of not being
a husband but a fiancee, it is guaranteed that Dunkel Ferger who fought together
fulfilled obligations seriously beyond the territory "

Aub Dunkel Ferger acknowledged that it was a forced army who had little room to
take a rest or anything else. Sigiswald smiled "Is it so?", But his eyes did not appear to
be convincing at all.

2261 | 2523
"Prince Sigiswald, I would like to call on you, but what did the royalty who was
informed of the crisis from Dunkel Verger and Ehrenfest while Ferdinand was
carrying out the duty by the royalty? "

It is not only me and Ferdinand that have obligation to carry out. It is said that the
royalty can not convince you that he is guilty, but what did the royalty doing? When I
glared, I breathed as Sigiswald was pressured.

"I did not notice the betrayal of the knight's head and the spread of Tolk in the center,
but by committing foolishness to take the stapes to the people of Ranzenae on the
speculation of the knight's captain, abandoning the protection of the foundation, the
knights Please tell me what I was doing other than going out and going to the
treachery of me.I do not see the Prince Sigismwald in the battle in the auditorium, but
what have you been doing?
"I instruct the central nobles as a royal family in their residence ... ...."

I smile and rest with Sigiswald, which spits her words in a breathless way. As Jurgen
Schmidt is not protected at all, as he is pulling in his shrine.

"Is not it an order necessary for the execution of the obligation of the royal family to
protect the country and the foundation, not the one of their own? It is not a lordship
with the cornerstone of Jurgen Schmidt, but at the time of protecting the center where
they live I think that you are already aware that you are disqualified as a royalty, but
are you aware of that? "
"Rosemain, stop it soon, other royalty has lost his complexion to the condemnation
from the incarnation of the goddess"

Ferdinand pulls my sleeve lightly. Looking around, it is certainly only those with bad

"It seems like that, but at the time of the execution after the political change it is not
only the complexity of the royal unconquerable co-ordination and the rebellious
denunciation, there are many who lost their lives, but only the guarantee of life is the
royalty themselves Is not there anything about losing his / her complexion as a result
of their blunder? "

As I tilt my head and neck, Ferdinand stood up and grabbed my arm. Their complexion
was bad, and the impatience seemed to be visible to everyone's eyes.

2262 | 2523
……that? Ferdinand is strange?

"Rosemain, is there a consciousness that the color of eyes has changed? Is the power
of the goddess that leaks out unconsciously increased so that it is in a light
intimidating state, do you know?"

I felt angry at Sigiswald, but I did not have any consciousness under a light
intimidation situation. It was a tranquoaquar that caught my eyes twice and slowly
raised my hand. If you look at the way you are preparing your breath, you will see that
I am underwriting my unconscious.

"Please forgive my remark, Rosemain Mr."

In his appearance seeking permission to speak politely, Sigismwald becomes a face

like the thunder of Fairdrenna. Everyone's attention gathered at Tora Ocquar.

"I will forgive you."

"I am sorry for a foolish son who can not accept the position to be condemned, but
Rosemain does not need to shake the words of foolishness.Ferdinand will not become
a Dietlinde join until the end of the star tie Please be assured of it. "

I stroke my chest into the words of Traqueqhar. Somehow it was fading from memory,
but there was such a promise. Whoever says anything has no effect on Ferdinand. At
the moment when I relieved breathlessly, everyone around me breathed out to feel

Ferdinand looked into my face with a serious look and muttered, "The color of eyes
seems to have returned." The color of my eyes seems to have returned, but the
impatience on the face of Ferdinand has not been completely dispelled.

"Rosemain, the power of the goddess seems to be more difficult to control than my
magical power. It seems that the power of the goddess is swelling up as you respond
emotion.When the power of the goddess increases as you are, you There is a
possibility that you will be gone, you ask, please suppress emotions as much as
possible. "

The spirit frightened me from the word that you disappeared at once. Does that mean
there is a possibility that important memories will disappear in addition to memories

2263 | 2523
that have already been lost? Is it more frightening thing to happen? That Ferdinand
may point out that way, maybe I am already gone.

...... What is that, scary!

It was only a moment that fear expanded in me.


2264 | 2523
Almost at the same time as Ferdinand raises an impatient voice, those at the edge of
their field of vision hold down the chest and distorted their faces, and they begin to
hear a groaning voice from here and there. The sight of the eye is the same as when
you are intimidating. But now, I do not feel anger enough to make my head pure white.
The feeling of being scary has just expanded.

"Different ...... I'm not going to do this ..."

In the sight of the current situation that the emotion of the fear swollen within me is
afflicting others, the fear of the power of the goddess in myself is increasing.

"Suppress emotions, Rosemain"

Ferdinand grabs my shoulder so as not to show the situation of everyone, to protect

everyone from the power of the goddess. Ferdinand was also looking over me with a
serious eye while drawing eyebrows and hanging over the sweat. That Ferdinand can
not even cover the facial expression.

"Mr. Ferdinand, please move away, the closer the impact ... ...."

For me, Ferdinand is a very important person, so I do not want to hurt with my power.
I hope that Ferdinand will leave while knocking on the shoulder's hands.

The next moment, Ferdinand cried. Memory is stimulated by the strange noise of
Kochu, memory that faces the same way in the temple after the civilian era ceremonial
ceremony comes to a choppy interruption.

At that time, desperately trying to protect someone, I faced the temple of the time and
the chief priest. I am not protecting anyone right now. I'm just hurting. If you can do
it, I want to stop it even soon, and I do not know how to handle it though it is the power
that is supposed to be inside of me.

"Use that power correctly, protect the city"

"I will not use it like being angry at ... ... I will promise."

2265 | 2523
A promise promptly interacted with someone echoes in my mind. It should have been
an important promise. I became wanting to cry in the regret that I broke it. I do not
know how I can be held down though reason is giving warning that it should not
become more emotional.

"Mr. Ferdinand, please move away from me, I made an appointment with someone, I
will use my power to protect you."

Looking at the complexion of Ferdinand, you can see that the power of the leaked
goddess is increasing further. From the end of the mouth of Ferdinand who coughed
a couple of times, the same red blood dripped as memory.


I shook off the hand of Ferdinand stretched out to hug me, and I ran away from the
spot. The sound that the rattle and the chair collapses resounds owing to a strong rise.

... ... How far will it be okay if I leave? ... ....

I looked around the room looking for an escape place. The door that connects with the
central building is on the opposite side across the table, and everyone feels more
painful before reaching that. The door to return to the dormitory is behind of you, but
if you go back to the dormitory it will only increase the number of people hurt.

After seeing his hand whose Ferdinand was shaken off, he quickly wiped off his mouth
and turned his eyes to his adoptive father.

"Arub-Ehrenfest, Hartmut's entry permission!"

"Enter, Hartmut"

While adoptive father holds the chest with one hand, it fly Aldonants with one hand.
Six people of Hartmut, Clarissa, Matthias, Laurentz, Gray Tier, Rodderich came in as
soon as Aldonants was saying "Putting in, Hartmut" on Hartmut 's arms and the door
connected to the dormitory opened.

"Excuse me"
"Hartmut, if you also approached me ... ...."
"Rosemain, we are always wearing Rosemain-sama's power, so we can sense that our
power has increased and their divinity, but there is no big impact."
2266 | 2523
Please rest assured that Hartmut 's men will laugh as they surround me and make
walls with everyone at the meeting. As long as the walls are formed, the power of the
goddess is also obstructed, or you can not hear the groaning voice that can endure the
pain. Just a bit of fright is relieved and the mind gets lighter.

...... Hartmuts are not really painful.

Hirutomuto and Laurentz smile so that they reassure me. Matthias and Roderich are
looks very seriously "they must not fulfill their duties", but it is not a face that is
tolerated by painting or pain, but rather natural.

"Ferdinand said to me that it might be necessary, because the charm of the incarnation
of the goddess is sometimes painful for the bottom-down person"

I also wanted to do the work of the side who takes care of Rosemain, once again, it
spreads the silver cloth that Clarissa that I seemed to be singing could have singing
even though it was singing songs. Clarissa 's bright smile makes her chest lighter. I am
relieved that there is a person who is OK even if I approached it. The feeling of
loneliness and fear are getting diminished.

"Rosemain, like the royalty and the people of Aubu, it is painful to just touch the eyes
of the people, it is unsightly for us, that the reisletters have shaped them like a cloak.I
am sorry that we can not see the costumes But ... .... "

Grayia covered me with a silver cloth whose shape was changed to hooded cloak and
wiped off my eyes while carefully arranging it so as not to create undesirable wrinkles.
Graytier who works quietly with little mother tongue usually finds out that she is
picking words right now trying hard to calm my mood, and my heart gets smart.

"Thank you, I am two people"

"Oh, Rosemain-sama, not to thank you - it is hard for a person not to be distracted by
beautiful Rosemain-sama's appeal to be unfamiliarly conscientious because it does
not become a meeting because that's what Rosemain says There is a love from all the
gods of Mestionera ... .... "
"How about Ferdinand, how about you? I can see your face with this exposure, I think
I was suppressed to a level that was not too strong while feeling the power of the

2267 | 2523
Gray tears forward so as to block Clarissa's praise, and speaks to Ferdinand. When
Ferdinand saw me with a silver cloak, he nodded, "No problem, I was saved."

"Mr. Rosemain, do you think that he is a reward for a savvy minister, will you show
healing with the incarnation of the goddess?"

In the wink where Hartmut showed a sense of ceremony, she wanted to see my
healing wearing the goddess's incarnation. Hartmut's expression, which seems to be
playful at first sight, but Orange's eyes have been searching for my reaction. The
deliberate look and tone will be carefully considered as a reason for easy refusal if I
want to refuse.

"Hartmut, thank you"

"I am sorry"

I call "Strait Corben" and I get the staff of Fleet Lane.

"Luge Sumerle, the father of water goddess Fleet Lane"

Just by calling Luang Sumer, healing comes down from the green manastone at the tip
of the cane into the room. The complexion of the people who were at the table became
clearly better and I was releasing the breath of relief. Healing seems to have been
effective properly.

"What a beautiful ...... wonderful of Mestionola allowed to use the men from all the
gods ..."
"We want to go down and I want to keep discussing."

When Mr. Mr. Mr. Matthias and Laurentz immediately accompany Hartmut when the
adoptive father orders my aides to take down Hartmut who is excited while waving
with a light hand. Hartmut, sandwiched between themselves, has no side of the side
that can be done before.

The adoptive father puts the servants instead of the Hartmuts and makes tea brewed
and changed. As a result of the movement of the side staff, the sense of tension from
the room was wiped away and changed to a somewhat gentle one.

"Can Rosemain get to your seat?"

2268 | 2523
Clarissa caught a voice as Gray tears up the fallen chair, and I nodded as Kokuri,
escorted to Clarissa and headed for my seat.


My eyes met with Ferdinand standing in front of the seat. I shake hands where I tried
to help, so I do not know how to speak, it is a little awkward.

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, is there anything hurting, that, I, ... ?."

"There is no problem as there was healing of Lucerne Sumer.I have not settled
emotion inadvertently though you settled down too hard"

Ferdinand took my hand from Clarissa and instructs me to go down to Clarissa and
Gray Tier, let me sit on the chair. I really stared at the face of Ferdinand whether there
really was a problem. Although the power of the goddess is painful, I wonder if it is

"Even if you do not worry like that, there is nothing to hurt others by the power of the
"If I had such a thing, I wanted to be dressed from the beginning"

When I gripped the silver cloth touching my hand tightly, Ferdinand looked at the
adoptive faces glaringly with a face that would be useless.

"Silver cloths are reminiscent of those of Ranzenaev, so it's not a good impression that
they are wearing from the beginning with the royal family and Dunkel Ferger, but as
soon as I know the power of the goddess There is no place like this who says to remove
it. "

...... It may be, but I do not think it is necessary for me to have a painful eye in order to

"Oh, that's right. Rosemain, put out your hands, it would be better for you to bring
here also for the time when the power of the goddess goes away again in the future"
"Is there anything else besides the silver cloth?"

I wonder if there is something amulet. As I told Ferdinand to put both hands together,
I gently placed a magician and a white box on the hand to prevent eavesdropping.
What is it, a feeling that the magical power is sucked out before trying to open the lid,
2269 | 2523
the white box changes its shape into a white cocoon shape. Since it is a thing I've seen
over and over, I understand it even if I do not like it if this changes. It is a sacrificial

"Fa, Ferdinand, what is this?"

"Is not it awkward for me not to approach you in an emergency?"
"It may be so, but if you call them like this time ..."
"Stop your mouth"

Uchi caught my cheek and I make Ferdinand sharpen his lips. I think that it is wrong
to use a name dedication for such a thing.

"There is no such thing as a cheating scandal, and it is impossible.What is more, what

is the very important pledge, do you know if it is Ferdinand dedicated to Eckhardt

My aides gave each other an important thought with their name. Ferdinand that
loyalty and life are given from Mr. Eckhart's brothers can not be understood. Although
Ferdinand does not want me primarily, it is a sad feeling that their oath is lightly
dedicated to offering a name as a simple means.

"It is OK until the power of the goddess disappears ... ... I do not want any more."
"So, as such a means ... ...."
"Until the power of the goddess disappears, if you do not like it much, you can order
me and return it."
"I do not want to have a master-slave relationship with those who think that they are
just like family members."

Phyllene who thought that I could become friends, Damuel who knows the commoner
era also draws a line as a masterpiece, and it can not be a pleasant relationship. I do
not want to have a master-slave relationship with Ferdinand.

"It was you who used idols for the first time to save my life, give it up this time,
anyway, it's not a long period of time."

Ferdinand who stubbornly told me to take only the magic tool to prevent
eavesdropping from my hand and sit in the other's seat. Although it was an emergency
situation, there is no room for a refutation if it is told that it was used as a means ahead
of time. I grasped Ferdinand's sacrificial stone and gently breathed out.
2270 | 2523
"Well may I resume discussion?"

Ferdinand speaks after everyone has drunk tea and seen the side workers leave. Since
there is a Sigiswald who ran for Zento for the moment, we decided to discuss whether
to make Sigiswald the Tento or not.

"Do you make Sigiswald the Tento ... ... that ... ...."

Traquequar and his first wife look terribly worried with me and Ferdinand.

"If there are no candidates for other candidates, that will be the case, because anyone
within the royal family will become a zent and change it to Jurgen Schmidt as required
by the gods as an option, so if there is a candidate, I will leave it. "
"I will be the best admitted to the nobility of Jürgen Schmidt as the next Tent, I will
become a Tent and I will save everyone. Please be relieved, Father"

Siggywalt said so with the usual gentle smile. I can hardly understand the feeling that
I can say with a face that looks so proud to be a tent to eliminate royalty.

"Then, Prince Sigiswald will swear by contract magic to the goddess of light and the
goddess of the goddess Gebortornone in order to invariably perform the demands
from the gods."
"Contract magic ... ...?"
"Yes, as soon as the power of the goddess disappears, it is a problem to ignore the
requests of the gods or to postpone it so much, as a matter of course, we will contract
with the gods for the new Tento"

This is not a contract with me. It is an oath to the gods who used magic. Because it is
a magician who contracts directly with the gods, it is harder than a contract between
humans and there are few loopholes and it becomes tough things. It seems that a strict
hammer falls from the gods if they violate it. Whether it was meant to escape from the
demand of the gods and the demands of the gods, whether the contract magic is scary,
the complexion of Sigiswald became worse.

"Wow, it is reasonable to contract with the gods for the demands of the gods certainly"

2271 | 2523
"Well ... Before we get the Gurtris Height, is not it better to swear how to lead Jurgen
Schmidt in front of all Aub, and also to the other territories of Aub the gods You will
know exactly what the request is. "

As Dunkel Ferger 's Aub and his wives agreed, it was decided to do contract magic.
The Finger of Sigiswald which was put on the table is tightly grasped.
If you agree with the oath to the gods, it is decided to decide when and how to inherit
ceremonies later. Then decide how to treat other royalty and the land that is the waste

... ... I still have plenty to decide.

I remembered the flow of discussion in my mind, Ferdinand stood up with a point.

"Prince Sigiswald, I think that I could have felt in the situation in the previous
situation, but it will be hard if the TSENT who gives Gurtris' height from the
incarnation of the goddess lined up together on the altar and can not head to the
opening garden. If so, please give your name to Rosemain and you can prevent the
influence of the power of the goddess. "

Sigiswald blinked at Ferdinand's words. Certainly it will be tough if a person who

becomes a new tent will be hit by the power of the goddess in the inheritance
ceremony and fell down.

...... But I do not want to devote a name to such a means. It is a result of a street scolded
by my grandfather.

"Why do I give a name? To those who will be new tents, then to become Aublia Bach,
then the Lord of Zent will be Aubu ...."

Sigismwald frown as if everything was wrong. It is a means of protecting our lives,

but, as Sigiswald suggests, I think it's a funny request given the status of Tsent and
When thinking about such a thing, Tora Okuvar gently raise hands that became a face
like biting bitterness.

"What is it, Tora Okhuar?"

"Mr. Rosemain, you look soiled in your presence, I will excuse you very much"

2272 | 2523
At the same time as I refused, Traquarva stood up and tied up Sigismwald with a band
of light of Stap.

"There is no qualification for becoming a Tento for those who can not exert
themselves by giving a name to the incarnation of the goddess who gives us Gurtris
Height, giving us the option of surrendering execution by us, Sigiswald. I am sorry, the
one who showed refusal to offer me a name can not be a TSENT.Please understand it
in a bad way.When my way of life, which had to be a royal family without Gurtris
Height, is deeply in the education of one Despite the influence, the figure of trying to
cling to the lost position is too stupid and ugly. "

Traquequar distorted his face as if to cry. The first wife quietly turns her eyes down.
Ferdinand looked to Traqueqhar, overlooking the tied up Sigismwald.

"Is it okay for Prince Sigismwald not to make Zento at Tora Okevar's decision?"
"I can not imagine that the current Sigiswald will be the tentacs demanded by the
"But, if someone does not become a tent, all the royalty will enter the white tower."

In Ferdinand's words, Traquaru will show off for a while. Sigiswald tied up by himself,
after seeing his own wife and children, slowly kneeling on the spot.

"Now it is realized that those who got the Gurtris Height by oneself are the right for
Jürgen Schmidt's Tento ... .... Ferdinand who climbed up to the altar and disappeared
with the incarnation of the goddess Do you have any? "

2273 | 2523
"Father, what are you talking about?"

Sizzle and the place is awesome, and Feldinand attracts attention. Royals compare
Ferdinand with Tora Okhvar who is kneeling, and Dr. Aru and Mrs. Dunkel Ferger are
closely watching Ferdinand.

"Dear Traocquar, is not that the word interpretation that even if all the royal family
would enter the white tower?"

Rather than answering Traquar 's questions, it was Anastasiusus who stood up on the
face of Ferdinand who quietly questioned the face with blood.

"Father, please stop! You are Tsento, not kneeling to anyone other than the
incarnation of the goddess"
"Tzent who reigns Jurgen Schmidt must be a person with a Gurtris height,
"That Gurtris Height is given by Rosemain who was the incarnation of Mestionola,
Father, I asked my father to obtain Gurtris Height and to become a true Tento. I think
that my father, who has been thinking the country's way more than anyone, is most
suitable for Tenzento. "

For Anastasiusus trying to stand, Traquarvard shakes his head. While looking at the
serious exchange, I looked up at Ferdinand standing next to while exhilarating breath.

...... Oh, it's as perfect as Mr. Ferdinand says.

Because the expected reactions and questions come up, I feel like I'm watching
something with a plot with a plot. It is bad for Tora Okhur and Anastasius who are
seriously discussing each other, but Ferdinand does not feel like facing seriously with
Tora Ocquar.

"Though it is rude to me, I assume you are very rude, but your assumption is that there
is a big mistake in the preconditions. It gets up to the altar is all those who got the
protection of Ogami, He is not a man. "

2274 | 2523
Egrantine showed his agreement to Ferdinand's words "That's right." It seems that no
one thought that Egranthine would open his mouth, and everyone's eyes face it.

"When I went to the altar to do the ceremony to gain the protection of the gods at the
aristocratic practice, I went up to the altar, I was able to get to the place like the white
plaza where I got the staple, but in other places Especially there was nothing, but I am
not getting a Gurtris Height. "
"It is important to be all attributes that are getting protection from all the Ogami."

Because Egranthine told the line that I was supposed to say, I will only supplement a
little bit.
Traquequar pointed out to the royal family Egrantine is big eyes. I think it was more
effective than I said. It is not evidence that getting up to the altar possesses the book
of Mestionora.

"But still, he is ... ...."

"Well, considering the clues to Gurtris Height that we showed to us, we think that
Ferdinand has already arrived or has reached very close place."

Egrantine looks at Ferdinand while saying so. Traquequar also saw Ferdinand. Both
of them are faces to question whether "I am getting a Guritisuheito" or not. However,
there was a difference in the expression between Egrantine who was gazing at like
looking for Ferdinand and Trax Okvar looking like a shivering.

"Traco Ovar is really the father of Prince Sigiswald, is very similar."

Ferdinand overlooking the kneeling tora Ocquar was a very cold face. There will be
no one who feels that it is a compliment that "It is stupid and unsightly" that it is
similar to Sigiswald tied up by a real father. People who were in the spot changed their
complexions at once. Magdalena compares Sigismwald and Tora Ocquar and lightly
glares at Ferdinand with a red eyes.

"What do you say that Tora Okhar is similar to Prince Sigismwald?"

"Hmmm ... I can not help thinking that Prince Sigismwald's sex root that Prince
Sigiswald who forces himself as his royalty as he wears his position as a royal cousin
is forced to give his own thought to him, but he is Magdalena's It seems that the eyes
are cursed by the chaotic goddess. "

2275 | 2523
Frodinand cut down the words of Magdalena saying that his eyes were cloudy,
Ferdinand looked down at Tora Ocquar with his thin golden eyes with contempt and
got his arms folded.

"Because Tora Ocquar is totally forgotten, I will repeat, I am not thinking about taking
away or treasoning and I do not want to get in the position of Tzent, at that time I will
do it inside and outside I have obeyed you who ordered to go to Ahrensbach to show
that I will pray that a year and a half of staying at Ahrensbach at the risk of being at a
loss was not a waste. "

In the words of Ferdinand, the adoptive father tightened his fist on the table firmly.
Perhaps now, the adoptive father is angry enough to get rid of the Traocquar.

"At that time I judged that it was the best."

It was not Ferdinand that opened the mouth to Traquaqr 's words, but he was a father
- in - law.

"At that time it is best to go to Ahrensbach with a royalty, this time only with the
assumption that Ferdinand is getting Gurtris Height, without even confirming it will
become a Tent to renew the royal remnants of the past If it is best to do ... ... Why is
not there anything too early for Shuratraum to visit? "

As for sleeping, it means saying after sleeping, but I think that the adoptive father who
can directly tell it to Tora Ocquar with a smile is really Ferdinand's older brother.

...... Even so, did not Tra Okvar sort of forget about his remarks conveniently?

For the father who does not want to use Ferdinand any more for the sake of
Tranquival, for the Jurgen Schmidt, the tora Okvaar wants to get the best way. In a
sparkling atmosphere, a soft voice broke into it.

"So, does not Ferdinand get Gurtris Height, does not it mean that he is not going to be
in Tsento, you do not receive Traquerque's offer?"

Egrantine tilts his head with his hand on his cheek. It looks like a smile you made as
usual as usual, but its bright orange eyes are serious.

2276 | 2523
"Whether the royal family responds to the demands of the gods instead of entering
the white tower, or whether Aub Dunkel Ferger is given the Gurtris Height and reigns
as a Tento ... ... The choices shown from the incarnation of Mestionora are two There
was not an option from the beginning to become me as a tent, no matter how much
Tora Okvaro wished, there was no option to increase options. "
"Thank you for answering, I understand Ferdinand's idea."

Royalty is only given a choice, Ferdinand truncates the Traquarques question itself.
Egrantine nodded as convinced but Tora Ocquar seemed unable to convince him. "We
should appreciate who has obtained Gurtris Height by oneself," he said. But that word
was completely ignored from Ferdinand.

"Oh, Trax Ok Var-sama"

I kneeling and appealed to Ferdinand and looked at the Traquaru and called out.

"I do not think that you are wrong with the person who got the Gurtris Height by
oneself, I do not think that you are wrong, I will spread the way to acquire the book of
Mestionola and I will choose that way from the next generation, but I I want the royal
family to accept Tento once. "

I look around Adolfie, Egrantine, Magdalena. It is hard to imagine that they had
committed enough sins to spend in the white tower throughout their life as a result of
having married to the royal family for a few years or having few opportunities to go
to social occasions as the third wife.

"There are also meanings of avoidance of royalty and circumvention of consolation,

but I think that those who have a preparatory period are more likely to be accepted
than suddenly a person other than a royal family becomes Tent, as the greater the
change, the more the opposition from the surroundings Because it is big ... .... "
"If there is Gurtris Height, there will be no noble who speaks of such dissatisfaction"

It is only because I think that it is a toraquaquar that has been told that it is a king of
imitation. I slowly shook my head.

"Traquarvar seems to be overly sacred to Gurtris Height, Even if there is a Gurtris

Height, even if the client who got the book of Mestionola stands, people complain
about it There is no limit to the dissatisfaction of people.I think that it is good if there

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is little conflict and less conflict as much as possible, but it will not be completely
disappeared, it is proved by history. "

I feel a strong line of sight while talking, I slowly move my line of sight. My eyes met
with Egrantine who was staring at me.

"Mr. Egrandine? Was this something wrong?"

When I called, Egrantine once slowed his line of sight, slowly raised his face and
looked straight at Tla Ocquar. There is a strong light in the bright orange eyes.

"For Jurgen Schmidt Gurtris Height is indispensable.If Rosemain gets Gurtris Height,
in order to bring it to the royal family without disturbance it is necessary to adopt
adoption with the king and the next generation of synagogues Sigiswald I thought that
marriage with the prince is absolutely necessary. "

For Egrantine it seems that it was useless for marriage with Anastasiusus who retired
from the next Tent as a result of marrying herself and Hildebrandt where it is clear
that conflict will occur again.

"But in this disturbance, Rosemain showed us the option of giving the royal family a
Gurtris Height as an incarnation of the goddess, so that neither marriage nor adoption
with Prince Sigismwald is necessary. Even if I wanted a height, it would not cause any
inconvenience to anyone, but does Tora Okvar not want a Gurtris Height? "

I looked at the Egrantine and looked at the tora oquarre as Anastasisus expected. My
wife is also watching Tranca Oval. However, Tora Ocquar shook his head.

"People who got Gurtris Height by themselves are suitable for the new Tento, I can
not change that idea, the person to be a new Tento is not mine."
"Okay, I understand Tora Okharu's idea."

Egrantine urged Tora Ocquar to sit on the chair and saw me. There is a strong
determination in orange eyes.

"Rosemain, I will acquire Gurtris Height from the incarnation of the goddess and will
be the Tent. I will give my name to Rosemain and I will swear the gods, please give me
a Gurtris Height"
"Egrantine, that person ... ...."
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Anastigius looks at Egranthine with a stunning face. Egrantine smiled with Nicolle, "I
do not like the country being disturbed."

"Prince Sigiswald, best known to every nobleman, was the best for getting Gurtris
Height from the incarnation of the goddess, and if Prince Sigismwald could get Gurtris'
height, it took the longest time You could change it gently. "

From the incarnation of the goddess, Sigiswald gets a Gurtris Height and strives to
give way to the next generation who practiced the old acquisition method, and the
other royalists serve the country as the abduction district Aab. It seems that the best
for Egrantine was it. However, it was judged unsuitable.

"It is a bit uneasy that the reign does not last long compared to Prince Sigiswald, but
if Tora Okharu wants Gurtris Height, I thought it would be a pleasure to have a hard
time replying."

He struggled without Gurtris Height. Eglantine says that if Traquerhar got Gurtris
Height to serve the country as a correct creation and change the way the country
responds to the demands of the gods. However, Tora Ocquar did not want.

"Because Anastase Usus and Prince Hildebrand are not getting the protection of all
the Ogami, they can not go up to the altar with the incarnation of the goddess, it is not
eligible as this time's Tento from the beginning"

Anastigiusus and Hildebrand distorted his face in a bad way. It is fatal that it surely
can not go up to the altar.

"Prince Sigiswald has helped to make sure that Anastasegeus never stand out so that
you can get protection."

Egrantine looked at Ferdinand while smiling as comforting Anastasisus.

"And, regardless of the presence or absence of Gurtris Height, if Ferdinand wanted a

Tent, I did not want it, it is not as reckless as to contend with those who have received
the goddess's incarnate affection, I do not like it. "

……Huh? Love affair I also have some people misunderstanding.

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I suddenly watched Ferdinand at a glance, worried whether to reply to Egrandine who
smiles like ghastly with couscous. She is frown with wrinkles between the eyebrows.
Although it looks like the usual face of the Buddha, this is a seriously disliked face. It
seems better to argue here.

"Mr. Egrantine, my feelings towards Ferdinand is nothing but family affair, it is not a
love affair between men and women, and even if Ferdinand can tolerate even family
love and marriage to a family, it will receive that kind of love affair I do not want to
misunderstand because I am reluctant.

As soon as it was, everyone who was on the spot became a face that had become
Pocahn. Everyone's eyes speak eloquently that they do not know what they are saying.


It is the atmosphere that only one person does not understand what everyone knows.
I reach for myself unexpectedly and grasped the sleeve of Ferdinand.

"What I'm saying is not wrong, Mr. Ferdinand! Let's face each other together"

Pulling the sleeve a couple of times, Ferdinand turned to a terribly disgusting face. It
would have been Ferdinand that taught me that it would be misunderstood that
silence would be affirmative unless you refuted the troublesome and disgusting thing.

"Ho, is not Rosemain's part wrong, Ferdinand?"

"Why do you piggy, Aub Ehrenfest?"
"As the older brother, do you think that it is a matter to know as Rosemain's adopted
"I do not think at all"

Ferdinand glares at a smiling face with a sparkling smile whose eyes are not laughing
at all at adoptive adoptive father. I think that it is deftly as usual to glare at a smile.

"Sorry, I seem to have made a mistake in choosing a word, just because I wanted to
say that I did not want to have it if Ferdinand wanted a tento ..."
"As you mentioned by Egranthine, you were derailed too much, Rosemain"

Ferdinand instructed me to continue with Egranthine and waved my hands lightly to

sit on me. It certainly did not bother to reply in a place of important discussion that
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will influence Jurgen Schmidt. Perhaps it was hoped that Ferdinand focusing on
efficiency would have misunderstood as before. failed.

"I am sorry I interrupted the story, please continue."

"If anyone does not want Zent, I will be, as Aub Ehrenfest said, we should not impose
a royalty's cleansing on non-royal people, and I also have children Mother, I hope that
there is a place to spend time with my daughter, if possible, not entering the white
tower where you can separate rooms individually. "

……What? Daughter! Is it? Unnoticature! Is it?

I have a big eyes wide open. I do not know when I got pregnant before giving birth,
but even though I married, I think the daughter of Egrantine is pretty young.

...... Egrandine, have you become a mother?

Then, I think that it is better that you can live together in Tsento or Abe, rather than
having parents get into the white tower and parent and child fall apart.

"If you are a daughter of Egrantine who is all attributes, the quality of the next
generation will be high, so if you are prepared for Prince Anastigius to support
Egrandine, even if you give Gurttrisheit Is not there not? "

As Anastasisus warns against my words, "What kind of preparation is prepared?"

Even without having to worry so much, it is the same as becoming a successor to
female Aub.

"It is essential for Prince Anastigius to be able to substitute during Egrandine's

pregnancy and childbirth, as Prince Anastigius gets protection from all the Ogami by
prayer, so that Egrantine's substitution will serve It will be impossible for me to see
my second child until it gets done, as soon as I take a lot of recovery medicines and go
around the shrine. "

I encouraged him that "Please do your best not only for the Egrantines who decided
to support the country," Anastasezu pulls her cheek all the way. But I will do anything
for an important bride and cute girl. Anastigiusus is such a person. I mean trusting
Anastasis in the sense that Egrantine's hope is absolutely fulfilled.

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"If Egrantine is to become a new tent, the royal sin will move in a direction to hide as
much as possible, and Prince Hildebrand can not hide just getting Stap and can not
stay as it is?"

I looked like Magdalena was surprised at my words.

"Is it impossible to remodel the gesture apparently like a bracelet of a magician and
keep it till the age where a classmate gets a Stap ...?"
"You should let him approach, but you are still too sweet for young people"

Stared at Ferdinand, I gazed a little bit. But it is not poor that another royal family is
concealed from sin and is determined to live as a noble family despite being severe
but it becomes more severe punishment from the royal family to the Lord Brandt only
by Hildebrandt.

"However, with respect to Prince Hildebrandt there is little room for consideration of
the situation. It was isolated from the information because of childhood, and it was
not thought by surrounding adults at all that it should be wary of Rao Burut, Because
adults live with their sins concealed, I do not think it is fair for one young person to
possess a big visible sin "

Ferdinand saw Mildarena, the mother of Hildebrandt, saying, "I will not be able to
escape from invisible punishment in the eyes of others.

"Magdalena-sama, if you believe in the word that permission is given from TSENT and
did not stop to the surrounding aides, it seems that there is no use for a young child
to be suggested, but the nature of Stap If you taught just the reason why the age of
acquisition went up, you could jump on the proposal of Rao Burt and prevent folly like
letting runzenavs take Stap. Although it is a child of the third wife, it is a royal family
Even so, was not he a little educated? "

Hildebrand became pure blue, and Magdalene said "I was short of education as
Ferdinand said". I blinked my eyes several times and tilted my head.

……that? I think that I talked about Prince Hildebrandt and curriculum change in an
underground library?

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But when I say something unnecessary, it seems Ferdinand is saying more stiff things
to Hildebrandt like "I was such an obstinate though it was explained," or "I do not
need to spoil it", so unnecessary things are that my chest I decide to annoy Ferdinand.

"Feldinand-sama, if Egrantine is going to be a tent, Traquarvar will be Arub. Prince

Hildebrand will no longer be a royal family and you will see Dunkel Verger as an
education for the lord's family If you do, you can surely become an excellent lordic
candidate like Hannorore. "

Candidate candidates of Dunkel Ferger are both excellent in Lestilut and Hanna Rolle.
If it is Magdalena from Dunkel Ferger, it would be as easy to raise Hildebrand as an
excellent lord candidate.

"Oh, Rosemain, are you ... can you support me for becoming the next generation of

Hildebrand asked anxiously. From a realistic point of view, it is almost impossible for
Hildebrandt to get the book of Mestionola, but I can do it to the extent of cheering. I
was stared at Ferdinand at the moment when I tried to open my mouth "I will support
you" of course.

"Is not it true that you are an incarnation of the goddess, are you going to pay in such
public places? There should be reality that even young children have to know."

Even though I had not said anything yet, I was preached from Ferdinand.

"I understand what you say, but you do not need to imitate your child's dreams in such
a public place.
"Is not it cruel to know impossible later?"
"What do you mean impossible !?"

Ferdinand tells the cruel reality to Hildebrand who opens his eyes.

"Stap obtained by Prince Hildebrandt will be of the same quality as the old
generation.The importance of prayer will be announced from now and will be
obtained at 3 years with a classmate who made efforts to increase magical
compression and attributes before obtaining Stap It is quite bad thing compared to
Steap in case you get it. "

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Ferdinand told Hildebrand that it would be impossible to control the magical power
beyond the capacity of Stap if too much prayers and magical compression were put
on too much.

"Since Rosemain was originally full attributes, I put it in a big shrine, but Prince
Hildebrandt lacks attributes and can not enter a big shrine, keeping in mind that
capacity can not be increased, If you do not mind, you will have a fatal flaw as a
nobleman.The hardship is not visible to others, Prince Hildebrandt is the punishment
to bear the rest of the life from now on. "

Hildebrandt seemed to cry in the words of Ferdinand.

"In other words, can not I become a future tent?"

"It would be nice to study ancient letters and read the data of an underground archive
this time, at that time the age of adults was the acquisition age of Stap, but I prayed
before obtaining Stap and got protection from all the Ogami Without it I could not
become a Tent, it is impossible for Prince Hildebrandt who already has Stap. "

Ferdinand was stabbed, and Hildebrand became a face full of hopeless feeling, and he
was able to appreciate.

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"Let's talk about the future as new tents are decided, Prince Sigismwald should also
be at the table.When Prince Sigismwald who is to take over to Arub to restore the
border and talk about the new territory, You will not be troubled as it is? "
"Do you say that Prince Sigiswald who took such an attitude against the incarnation
of the goddess is to be placed in a new Aub of the waste territory? Is it really OK,

Send a gaze like Traquaru confirms with me and Ferdinand sitting next to me. I smiled
nicely and nodded.

"Prince Sigismwald is a royal family, although it possesses the power of the goddess,
it is not like being punished if you consider it as a response to my family's family, and
Prince Sigiswald is now punished There is also a possibility that the crowd will reach
even the two wives. "

...... It is a bit of a pity that the wife is having trouble with Prince Sigismwald 's
relationship any more.

If Sigiswald was accused of such a place, the future of Adolfine who falls as Aus' wife
from the next wife of Aztec will become darker. I would like to expect two wives to
work hard for education for Sigiswald.

"Prince Sigiswald who does not know the obligation to the superior, is not the
overbear of the abandoned terrain a little bit overloaded?"

Adolfine said that he looked very anxious and said so.

"I promised to give Gurttrisheit in the direction to hide royal guilt as much as possible
in this disturbance and Prince Sigiswald was ineligible for getting Gurtisuwait, but
there is no sin is"
"I agree……"

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Adolfine raises his face a little and looks at me. Is it due to mind that the eyes of amber
seem to explore something? I felt something quietly thinking about Adolfine, like
when Egrantine ran for Tento, I moved my eyes to Prince Sigismwald.

"If the problem is caused after Prince Sigiswald comes to the forefront in the future,
the corresponding punishment and disposal should come from the new Tento.If you
think suddenly it is difficult to switch consciousness, as soon as Abe's behavior Let's
hope for you to learn. "
"Rosemain is really benevolent"

Such a voice rises from the royal family, and Traquarvar solves the binding of
Sigiswald with saying "Please thank Rosemain's mercy". It seems that Sigiswald
realized that his position was out of the next TSENT or royal family in the present
situation where the talk progresses steadily without completely bringing out his
existence to everyone's consciousness. I sitting back with a word of thanks to me

...... It is not compassionate, though.

I murmured softly in my chest. I decided to disassemble Sigiswald because the plan of

Ferdinand goes crazy when there are nobody who will become the Aub of the waste
territory which the center is holding. When reworking the plan to fill that hole, my
library city plan goes further. I would like to finish my conversation with this royal
family and grant Gurtris Height as soon as possible and regain my memory and I want
to advance library city planning.

"Let's also decide about the exhibition. Now, since the nobles are gathering for
information from each of the territory, Egrandines will make urgent stone stones as
soon as soon as a stone of name dedication is made, I will give you a height and I will
perform a ceremony of approval. "

Now that the aws are gathered from the territories, you should be able to do the
approval ceremony.

"Even if you do not rush so soon, you tell Arub only that you decide to give
Gurttrisheight from the incarnation of Mestionora, and the ceremony itself is right at
the time of the lord's conference? I think that I will not make it.

In the words of Egrantine Ferdinand shook his head with a severe face.
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"I can not leave the power of the goddess of Rosemain till the time of the Lord
Conference.Rosemain who is deeply influenced by the power of the goddess is
currently unable to act as Abu Aleansbach, It is impossible to create the broach which
is necessary to participate in the lord conference, preparation of the ceremony will be
enough if the stage and altar to prepare the dedication are prepared and there will be
enough central civil servants and central temples I will lead Prince Stagis. "

Egrantine will be the temple of the central temple, so now Ferdinand tells us that her
husband Anastigius should assist him. Anasutasuusu frown as "I will also go to the
central temple ... ...."

"We have heard the proposal that Rosemain will be the temple at last year's Lord's
Conference, so if you can not be an Egrandine or Prince Anastigius, you can not do it"

In the words of Ferdinand the eyes of Egrantine and Anastigius headed to Sigiswald.
That alone knows who was the inventor or the royal family who was trying to push it.

"After Egrantine became a Tent, I will disassemble the central temple and transfer it
to the aristocratic house.Please arrange it as a temple that you can enter.The
Egranthine who became the Tent became the temple of the central temple and the
nobility The state of managing the temple at the hospital will be a model for other
territories. "

Feldinand flushes beautifully, "Repair yourself with the sense of evasion against the
temple of the royal family even if you hide it. Since I and Ferdinand changed
themselves with their own hands when the former temple president ceased to exist,
it is impossible for me to be a power person named Zento.

"It's okay, Prince Anastigius. Even if you do not worry too much, Aub will desperately
want to reform the temple, even if you despise to enter and leave the temple it is only
within the first."

I am planning to inform the role of the foundation and the role of the scripture at the
Lord 's Conference so I think that it will not be such a long time that Egrandin will be
deprived of being in and out of the central temple.

"After all, when you go to the central temple, please inform the priests about the
demolition and movement of the temple.A blue priest and blue priestess who
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gathered from each territory after the political change, We return to the territory if
there is hope of the god.The gray priest who underwear the ministry does not
necessarily need so many blue priests or the blue shrine maiden in the shrine of the
aristocracy where prayers increase from now on. "

Since every territory should be deficiently missing, I think that there are few Arubs
refusing to take over the blue priestess and the blue priestess. It will also lead to
central cost reductions.

"Although it is easy to say that you can transfer the residence of TSENT to the House
of Peers, there are not places where you can live in the House of Lords"

When Anastasiusus did an unpleasant face, Ferdinand smiled as "it is".

"The Rijima that was supposed to be the adopted king of the king is scheduled to enter
Rikuin is not in the center, but in the aristocratic house, is not it good to live there for
a while? Furniture and interior are suitable for the royal princess We have things of
quality. "
"Ferdinand, that person ... ...."

Deepen the smile so that Ferdinand will not say something. Anastigius clapped his
back teeth and blinked his eyes as if he did not understand Egranthine. I smiled nicely
while looking at the men of the royal family who were pale.

"We are confining sinners now, but it will not be a problem if you move them to the
central prison, like Trax Oval and Prince Sigismwald who prepared for me.Magical
force that supports Jurgen Schmidt I think that it would be sufficient if you could
afford temporary residence until you can afford to arrange your house with
Entwickeln.Egranitine needs to dyed the foundation as soon as possible. "

At the time of the Lord Conference, unless it is a Tent, it is impossible to redraw the
boundary line or dispose of the sinner. There are too many things that can not be done
if Zento does not dye the corner, even if you get Gurritris Height.

"The mastermind of this mastermind, Gerbergio is trapped in the Gateresmeier

border gate, and we have to go collect."
"Is not Rosemain who can move to the border gate caught?"

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While speaking to me with a polite tone, Anastasius stared at Ferdinand. It is a look
that you can see well that you want to say that you do not want to do more work here.

"I am forbidden to go out accidentally now ... ... as it is, I do not know what will happen
if there is no silver cloth here ..."
"In addition to the fact that Rosemain can not go out, there is no credit for Egrantine
in this riot, is not it better to capture the mastermind, Stelp of Gervasio is already
sealed, I think that it is somewhat weakened because it has been left for about three
days.If there is a possibility that it may be about a week more than one week
depending on the quality of recovery medicine, when catching it, we recommend to
bring ten knights together "

It is possible that even if you were killing instant deadly poison when you were
fighting on the altar, you might have a tool of a strange runneravie. Ferdinand notes
that it may be attacked at the moment of transition.

"If you do not need the remembrance of the mastermind to punish it, it is one way to
leave it alone, so you can not bring down your hand directly because it was forbidden
by Air Vermoon, but wait for nature to die It is possible. "

I can not see the memory, but Ferdinand said bluntly that it is one way to starve to
death. It seems that Jelva Geo has something to think.

"But if you are going to explore the memory of Gerbergio, there are a lot of things
about Gurtris Height, so I think that it is desirable that Egrandines who became a
Tento rather than leave it to the knight, should explore it."

Ferdinand says there must be a lot of things to know as Jürgen Schmidt's Tent.

"Wait, Ferdinand. Everything is too heavy for Egrantines about the people of
"The position of Tsento will not be light, it is the role of the companion to shoulder it
together, not to suggest to escape from the weight of Tento, Prince Anastigius"

Do not run away, two people who were stared at by Ferdinand took a breath of breath.
Traquequar looks sorry looking down.

"So, about the treatment of sinners other than Gerbergio ...."

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When I cut out, Ferdinand stood up and gave one registered medal wrapped in cloth
to Egranthine.

"We have collected this from the Central Temple, the medal of the current Ran Zener
Vehicle, please destroy it to Egrantine who will be the new Tent"
"Oh, are not you negotiating with Ranzenerav?"

Egrantine tilts his neck while receiving a registered medal. Asking Ranzener, he said
that it would be better for Aub to better notify Ranzenerav's being non-existent.

"The people of Ranzenaer seem to think that the aristocracy of Jurgen Schmidt is not
the same human being but the means to obtain magical powers, there are also
testimony that development of magical power stopping instruments and
instantaneous dead poisoning etc. is proceeding as well. Far from getting
compensation, decide to dispatch with consideration that the mission is very likely to
be captured as it is or to be killed to gain manastone. I think that it is best for me to
close down the border gate and leave it behind, as I have been in contact with those
of Ranznerav. "

The face of the royal family attracted to Ferdinand's words. Throughout Turke they
tried to make central aristocrats unlucky, but immediate death poisons and other
tools were not used. It seems I did not know the dangers of Ranzenerav.

"As a result of considering various dangers, I am not planning to send messengers

from Ahrensbach to Runznerve and I do not feel like opening or closing the border
gate. If I open the border gate, I will be in another place Of course, if Egrantine wishes,
we do not object to arranging the mission in the center and sending it to Ranzenae, of
course, at that time we will ship their boats that are collecting in Ahrensbach I will
rent it for a fee. "

It is because it is more likely that you will not come back if you are not free. Besides,
there is enough money to have Ahrensbach as a library city.

"In other words, are you thinking about letting the prisoners of Ranznerav back
home? If you think from the security and expenses perspective, I think that it will be
a problem if there are too many people ..."

In the words of Sigiswald I slowly shook his head. I do not mind letting me go, but that
is contrary to the reasons of the gods.
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"We do not allow refusing to accept those who have asked for help," says Mr. Air
Vermoon ... ... After accepting it, he seems to be treated according to the principle of
human beings, but he came up to Jurgen Schmidt and stapled We should never expel
those of Ranzenae who struggled to get on with our own discretion. "

When we talked about the difference between the reasons of the gods and the theory
of the gods, such as the beginning of Jürgen Schmidt and the Atonement of
Eleventhman, everyone slowly exhaled breath.

"We believe that it is appropriate to let the royal family visit the disposal of the sinners
of Ahrensbach and those of Ranzenae that we caught at the House of Lords, and that
their sins can be judged by Ahrensbach It is exceeding. "

Ferdinand said that and looked around the royal family slowly. In order to conceal the
sins of the royal family invaded by those of Ranzenae, we must exaggerate the part of
the royal fighting together and know that they captured all the sinners.

Talking about punishment etc. is not a pleasant thing, but it has to be decided. I extend
my spine and open my mouth.

"Even though we executed a lot of executions as long as it is a political change, if the

people who had actually entered into the aristocracy were not executed after
attracting foreign affairs, dissatisfaction of the nobles of the losing group gigantic
quite large In the present situation that execution is forbidden by the gods it is
necessary to impose a heavy punishment that can convince Abe of other
territory.When they are never treated as aristocrats again and again In order to show,
I would like to destroy medals outside the territory, but do you have objections? "

Feldinando told that Ferdinando was able to eliminate the qualification as a nobleman
without having to take away his lives by having those who runs Zenabe who got Stap
as a nobleman of Ahrensbach and destroying the medals in Ahrensbach I will state.
There was no particular objection from anyone.

"I am going to have magical powers poured in Jurgen Schmidt in various parts of
society.Track owval and Dunkel Ferger talk about what kind of sinners will be headed
to which land centering on new site Egrantine, please finally judge. "

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Ferdinand seems to be thinking about what kind of punishment the royal family
punishes, by attaching Dunkel Ferger to the surveillance, strengthening the speech
power of Dunkel Ferger of the future and preventing the Korsenburg's buckling.

"I received it certainly"

Traquequar accepted it graciously.

As I was able to throw out the troublesome task of punishing sinners into the center,
the work that I have to do as Aub is that of just medal disposal and punishment of
soldiers of Ranznerv who were actually rampaging in Ahrensbach Became. The breath
of relief leaks that most of the heavy work has decreased.

"We must also talk about the borderline of the territory after Egrantine became a Tent
and the land where Tora Okhar and Prince Sigiswald will become new Aubu."

When I said that, Ferdinand started Stapus and began drawing a map with magical

"The original Tent has to reign only in the central part where there is a lords in the
center, even in the center.The royal family can live in the central shrine in the long
history in order to reduce the magical burden of Zent as much as possible We cut off
the area around which it was expanded so that the former Berkestock and the former
Sharpha territory and the central part managed by Ahrensbach are gathered in one
territory to Traquequar, I am going to rule Prince Sigismwald to Trostweg and a part
of the center "

As I point at the map drawn by Ferdinand and talk about changing the boundary line,
Ferdinand will retract new boundaries according to the explanation. Former Sharufa
on the north side of the old Berkeke Stock was compiled.

"The territory given to the winning group by the previous political change also has to
redraw the boundary line so that each Aub can be reigned as his own land.A half of
the former Berkeke Stock is governed by Dunkel Ferger You can also redefine the
boundary line, and if you need more land you can spread it or you can let go of it if it
is an unnecessary land? "

Asking the opinion of Donkel Ferger, who is a contributing member of this time, Arub
and his wife decided to redraw the boundary line and to rule over it. Eglantine

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declared that it would be going to rule over the former zeusgers as it was, Klausenburg
and decided to put it together with Klassenburg.

"I think that I have to give rewards for this achievement as a new Tento.What do you
want from Dunkel Ferger? If you want land, do not write it on this map It must not be.

As Egrantine asked while showing a map, the first lady, not Aubu, opened his mouth
a little thinking.

"We do not need any more land in Dunkelfluger, I would like to have a voice of more
than Klassenburg, after Egrantine was standing at Tsento, during the reign of
Egrantine, I hope to put the ranking under Dunkel Ferger. "

Despite not having made any achievement in this case, if Egrantine stands on Tento,
Klausenburg's voice will strengthen. I hoped to suppress it, the first wife of Dunkel
Ferger wanted.

"It is my new Ahrensbach, Dunkel Ferger, Ehrenfest, who is led by Rosemain, who
gives me a Gurtris Height and pushes it up to Zent.It is natural that I give preferential
treatment over Klassenburg. · I grew up being taught that I should not forget the
worry of those who will complement him from Klasseburg. "

Egrantine smiled and smiled and acknowledged and asked Ehrenfest for hope.

"I heard that Ehrenfest does not want to raise ranking or spread land, but do you have
anything you want as a reward?"
"Although we will not adopt Rosemain as a goddess incarnation as Gurtris Height, it
will be adopted by Trax Okvar who will become an auction from now on, but Ehrenfest
's interest, which was supposed to be given when that approval and Rosemain
adopted adoption I would like to have all of you. "

It is hoped that the adoptive father would like us to leave magical tools given to
children and arrangements upon marriage.

"You can not be afraid, such as adoption with the incarnation of the goddess"

I declared that Traquarv did not intend to adopt with me, and Egrantine nodded as
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"Is Rosemain something you want?"
"I would like you to cooperate in the library city plan definitely, specifically if you
spread the printing industry at Jurgen Schmidt, please order us to apply the deposit
system in all the territories"
"... ... Is that all right?"

Egrantine looked anxiously to Ferdinand. Why do you ask Ferdinand for availability
despite asking for hope? I can not understand.

"The hope of Rosemain is good, as we did not say that we wanted to build a library in
each area and set up a transition team of people to move people so that we could freely
move back and forth, It seems to be "

I'd like you to finally be free to come and go, but I know what is difficult at the present
stage. I have memories of various anger and I am planning to say a little about what I
can request as an incarnation of the goddess and bad things.

"I would like you to rename Ahrensbach, select the color of the new territory, and
approve Rouzemain's Aub at the Lord's Conference"
"I understand the wishes of both of you, I will not be able to make two Ehrenfests so
please think about what kind of name I'm going to give"

In the case of robbing the foundation, it is almost always to attach the name of the
lord's house to the new territory, but in my case of adoptive adoption, Ehrenfest will
be two. I heard that I could think of a new name.

...... What kind of name is good?

I think that names suitable for library cities are good. Adolfine gently raised his hand
when I was thrilled inside.

"It seems that the story of the reward has gone far, but may I speak?"
"Yes, of course."

Adolfine looked at Tora Ocquar and Sigiswald in the eyes of Amber and smiled at me.

"We are aware of things to discuss in the royal family, but I'm daught to Prince
Sigismwald to connect the next TSENT and DREVANCHEL, because Prince Sigismwald
2294 | 2523
will lose the position of the next term, The possibility of violating the violation has
come up. "
"Is it a breach of contract?"
"Yes, if Prince Sigiswald becomes Aubu, Dreveinhel and my interest disappears,
contrary to the marriage contract, which is not the only responsibility of Prince
Sigiswald, it will not be punished by the goddess of light I want you to lend a little
wisdom to the goddess of wisdom. "

I could not understand what Adolfine wanted me so quickly, I inclined my head.

Ferdinand who sees what I do not understand interprets while knocking on temple.

"If you plan Prince Sigiswald as an auburn, do you mean you want to guarantee the
profits that Drevänchel was supposed to have earned by Adolfine's being married, or
would you admit divorce?"
"Well, I'd like you to acknowledge Rosemain, who made a star tie of us."

Adolfine laughed nicely. I thought that it was an eye similar to Gundorf when
promoting collaborative research.

2295 | 2523
"Rosemain has no obligation to guarantee the interests of Prince Sigismwald and
Adlefine's marriage to Dreveinhel, so please talk about it in the royal family."

When Ferdinand refused, Adolfine smiled "I know".

"However, Rosemain is also involved in the premise of discussion.But after the

political change in the past, Klassenburg and Dunkel Ferger got each neighbor as a
reward, there was no land available in the adjacent place Drevenhel was going to
increase influence by sending more advanced senior nobles to the center. "

Klassenburg and Dunkel Ferger who managed the lands separated by the boundary
line were also serious, but Dorevanker who offered a senior nobility of a large number
in order to fill the hole of the central nobility also became tough in the internal
circumstances It seems to have been.

"Now, Klassenburg and Dunkel Ferger have redrawn the boundary line and decided
to take the land we managed as a thing of ourselves, then cut the central land and
move the central temple to the aristocratic center What is the treatment of the central
aristocracy after doing? "

Ferdinand became a little difficult face for Adolfine asking as to whether the profits
gained by Drevänchel as a winner would be guaranteed just like Klassenburg and

"Central aristocracy other than royal aides will go back to their respective territory
once, according to Zent's move to the aristocrat and royal ave in the afternoon, the
nobility of the royalty will once go back to their respective territory.Although the
nobility is sent to the center from each area afterwards Egrantine and Prince
Anastigius will be entrusted to decide whether to adopt it as a central aristocrat, and
from now onwards, the central aristocrat will use the dormitories of each district as a
house "

Adolfine, who heard the explanation of Ferdinand, seemed to have predicted its
development and said, "Because we are returning the blue priests, we thought that
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the central aristocracy would return to each of the territories once again," slowly

"I do not object to choosing the new Tento putting them around them as well as having
the central aristocrats live in the dormitories of each province in order to reduce the
burden, but in that case Krussenburg and Dunkel Unlike Ferguer, Drevescher loses
not only the profit that was supposed to be brought about by my marriage, but also
the profits that he should have obtained during political change. "

Adolfie nods several times to talk to Dorevanker based on those information. Looking
at the situation, I opened my mouth without thinking.

"... ... I understand the situation of Mr. Adolfine, Egrandine, Trax Oval, Prince Sigiswald
Please please consider the interests of Dreveinhel"
"Rosemain, it is not your responsibility to speak"

I was stared gently at Ferdinand that I would be equal to orders if I am now, but I have
no regrets.

"I know that it is impossible, but I sympathize with Adolfie's impatience and
desperation, please forgive me."

The situation of the current adolfie is like the fact that all the profits that were
supposed to be given to Ehrenfest would have been overruled even though I adopted
it with Tora Ocquar. If I were you, I was absolutely angry that it was "such a breach of
contract," and supposedly it was supposed to be a daughter of Tsento downgraded to
the adopted daughter of Aub in the disposal territory and then, instead of bringing
profits to Ehrenfest, cooperation with Ehrenfest If you are in a situation where you
have to ask for a burden, you will think of adoptive divorce.

...... In the case of marriage unlike adoption, circumstances will change because
women's honor is also greatly related ....

"Adolfine is a political marriage, understand the situation, but how about deciding
divorce now right now? I think that it is not about deciding as soon as it is heavily
involved in the speculation of the territory and your future Although ... .... "

The marriage of Sigiswald and Adolfine was supposed to be the result of thinking
about the power relationship of the territory in Durevanhel and the royal family,
2297 | 2523
Jurgen Schmidt. I think that I can not afford to divorce by drinking only the opinion of

"Of course I am not going to decide right now on this occasion, I will discuss with my
parents and royal family Drevänchel, and I am planning to conclude with the lord of
the Tora Okhvar and Prince Sigismwald taking office as Aub. However, my star knot
was done as an old ceremony, so I thought that an old ceremony is necessary for
divorce. "

Adolfinne wants to ask if a couple tied by ancient rituals that have never seen anyone
so far can divorce with the same divorce method as before, although there is no
problem if they can divorce normally. Although it is supposed to be a newlywed
couple in the first year of marriage, divorce is a precondition if asked anyway.

...... Well, I wonder if this is something ......

Will it be until then that the premise will collapse if the political marriage is upset?
Since I became a couple carefully, I will want to help one another a little more and do
what I want. But that is not what I'm talking about other people who do not know
what kind of contract they got married.

"Please wait a moment ... I will investigate ... .... Gurritris Height"

I decided to issue a letter from Mestionola and examine the divorce. While searching
you can see that Sigiswald is talking to Adolfine who cut out the divorce. Apparently
Sigiswald does not want to divorce.

"Adolfine, I did not think that you are so obsessed with the position as a royal family,
have you been a couple for nearly a year?"

Adolf Fine blushed at Sigiswald 's words including resonance when it was lacking in
emotion, wondering at a moment.

"Because it is a marriage of politics, is not it premised that you get a position as a

royalty, is there anything we were a couple in the first place?"
"Is not it a couple who got the blessing of the supreme god, and what will happen in
the future if you are just a newly grown lady divorced? You will not be remarried, you
will be in Drevechel "

2298 | 2523
Adoresufine became a very troubled look when he told Sigiswald. Perhaps, I think that
the story is out of order. But the circumstances and circumstances of the couple are
not like talking in such a public place.
Adolfine, who talked about something and opened her mouth, smiles like giving up
the explanation for Sigiswald. But I did not try to change my intention to divorce.

"Prince Sigiswald, who is a goddess of time when he saw Drefan Goa's thread, there is
no one who can not pick it up, even Ribeskill Hilpe can not resist that temptation."

It is not like I will say if Adolf Fine is willing to divorce and decides by talking with
both parties. I raised my face from Mestionola's book and saw Adolfine and

"It seems that we can divorce if we looked at the same way as divorce procedures so
far ...... However, it seems that Prince Sigiswald and Adolfine are less likely to get the
blessing of the supreme god in the future "

It seems that you can get only about half as much as you would normally pray.

"Sorry, Rosemain, saved, I appreciate your taking the time to do for me."

Adolfine smiled like I was relieved. Even if you tell that the supreme god blessing will
decrease, there is no change in the amber eyes of Adolfine. The determination seems
hard. Adolfine knew that there was no difference in the divorce method, instantly
attached promises to Egrantine and Tora Ocquar to talk with Dorevankel. It is

Ferdinand opens his mouth when seeing Adolfie finished with questions and

"Well, if you have three days, you can do stone dedicated stuff so that you can do it by
showing the inheritance ceremony of Gurtris Hite and a new Tento four days after
seeing the margin? Like other ceremonies, I'll start with a bell. "
"Four days after?"

Egrantine raised a surprised voice, but I agree with Ferdinand's words. It is a schedule
with considerable margin. I think it 's kind of gentle for Ferdinand.

2299 | 2523
"It is not so hard for the royal family Egrantine to make stone of stone dedication if
there is even a material, since the teaching of congratulations and methods to heal the
collection place is also taught at the former lord conference, material collection is also
very difficult I do not have it, and it's enough for two days. "
"Two days is enough if only to make a stone of sacrifice, but then it is not enough for
preparation of rituals, so it is necessary for Egrantine to practice dedication dance ..."
"Oh, if it is certainly compared with Egrandines, it is not enough for lessons on the
third or fourth day, I am,"

I finally be able to dance without falling down, but there are places I still have shaky
places. It is quite painful to compare with Egrantine. I tried to persuade you that it
might be a little more practice time, but it was rejected.

"Do something even if you do not have enough practice time. If you do not return to
Ahrensbach to finish it as soon as possible, you will not be in time for the prayer
ceremony, this year's harvest will be devastating"
"Okay ... ... Oh, Mr. Ferdinand, what should I do with the costumes?"

When I ask Ferdinand, Ferdinand lightly raises his eyebrows. I felt like I heard a voice
saying "anything". But I have few clothes that I can wear now unless I listen properly.

"Elegantine adults have no problem because there are fine clothes worn by adult
ceremonies and star knots.Because you will give Gurtris Height to a new client, you
only need to put out the ceremonial costume of the temple Is not it? "

If it is ritual clothes of the temple, you are used to it and are safe because you do not
have to get excited as to whether you can make it in time. You will have to ask the
Rizerator to get it from Ahrensbach.

"On the day of the ceremony, Egrandines ask for dedication with magic stone shoes,
since light pillars will not stand without magical power being transmitted"
"Are I also magic stone shoes?"
"Because you are completely drifting the power of the goddess, the results will not
change with shoes, please like it."

……Huh? It is such a terrible dripping condition, I am.

There is no consciousness at all, but the condition that the pillar is likely to stand even
if you do not do anything to shoes is unusual.
2300 | 2523
"Then, I plan to place Hartmut as the priest's head as an assistant to the ceremony,
Should I borrow it as an educator in Prince Anastigius until that day?"
"Wait, are you to make Faldinand! Hartmut an educator in Prince Anastigius?"

The adoptive voice surprised the adoptive voice to the word that the senior aristocrat
of the Ehrenfest registered as a royal education clerk. Ferdinand turns his eyes
towards Anastasiusus after glancing at his adoptive father.

"Hartmut is the person most familiar with the priest among the talent who can borrow
from here"
"Is Ferdinand the most familiar to the priest, is not he the one?"

Rather than asking senior aristocrats for teaching, Did you think that it would be
easier for those asking for teaching from lords of candidates to do it, Anastigius would
nominate Ferdinand. However, without putting a break, Ferdinand refused the offer.

"I am certain that I am detailed, but I can not afford to give instructions to the nobles
of Ahrensbach in place of Rosemain.I do not like Hartmut, or I do not have an
education office Even if Prince Anastigius says that you are confident that you can be
prepared for the succession ceremony of Eglantine determined after four days, we
will not rent it Please prepare with those in the central temple "

I am heading the blue priests of the Central Temple where Immanuel is "not letting
him die" and how far can anastasis can do. Whatever you think, Haltmut's cooperation
will be necessary.

...... Mr. Ferdinand who sells favor to the royal family while completely withdrawing
from retreat, Maji demon.

However, we can not afford to be defeated by Ferdinand's demon king. What is being
exchanged here is a loan of my aides. It should not be done over my head, the Lord of

"Prince Anastigius, I will be charged for four days as I detain my aides, so please have
a business expense with a royal family"

Father adopting his eyes on what to say, I can not give up here. If I could win the
demon king, it would be a business.
2301 | 2523
"Also, I promised to invite Mr. Hannallre to a place to give Gurtrisheit to the new
Tento, Aob Dunkel Ferguer, Mr. Hannallole, please call on the ceremony place"
"I will definitely take you there."

When I was satisfied with what Aunt and his wife of Dunkel Ferger were happy to
know, after Tora Ocquar had thought for a while, he raised his hands slowly and asked
for permission to speak.

"Rosemain, there is one proposal"

"What is it, Tora Okhuar?"
"How are you inviting candidates for lords in the area you are studying at the House
of Lords? The importance of a shrine, the mystique of Guritisuiteo, those who are
closest to the candidate for the next Tent will be important from prayers as early as
possible I think that it is a good opportunity to know sex. "

From now on I will pray to the gods and increase my attributes. Traqueqhal said that
showing the way to Tento ahead would be a step in the reform of the temple.
I agree with Tora Okhvar that my adoptive father thought "I agree".

"However, I would like to invite people who have finished the baptismal ceremony, if
I can, I would like to show the priests Rosemain does for Melchior who took charge of
the temple in the province "

I laughed a small smile at the words of my adoptive father. I will have to work hard to
be a model for Melchior.

"Since there are preparations such as broaches necessary for heading to the House of
Lords, it is up to each Aub to decide whether or not to join the children before the
entrance to the aristocratic house, but it is very good to touch the divine from a young
age Is not it that I agree? "
"What if you have problems getting involved with young people?

I glanced at Ferdinand, but I gently shrugged my shoulders.

"In the temple of Ehrenfest, the apprentices of blue priests who had just finished the
baptismal ceremony visited the shrine, but nothing special happened except that they
became serious about the priesthood. Would the candidate Lady Candidate should
cause a problem, and if raised, is not it good parental responsibility? "
2302 | 2523
If it does happen, you will know in advance of everyone that education is not well
received. Only children who are not ashamed of putting them outside will not bring
Aub. As a result the problem can not happen.

"This ritual of inheritance is an unexpected shrine unlike the star knot that we do at
the Lord's Council for the year, so it will not be an annual event, so this time we can
participate if the child who finished the baptismal ceremony only this time can
participate Let's"

As I stretch out my heart, Ferdinand tells us, "I say things that are great, but I just want
to show good things to my siblings," whispers the temple.

...... Mr. Ferdinand. I figured out a lot.

Candidate candidates who finished the baptismal ceremony also accepted permission
to participate, we confirmed the flow of the ceremony all the way and the discussion

2303 | 2523
After finishing talks with the royal family, both Arubus and Ferdinand started to
instruct their aides in the multipurpose hall. My aides gather around me.

"Please prepare Hurtmuth for the succession ceremony of Gurtris Height and ask for
the role of the priest of the day on that day.After hurrying to the temple of Ehrenfest
and preparing ceremonial clothes etc. of the priest chief, Please give me guidance. "
"Certainly, let's prepare for a new shrine that Rosemain does, certainly finish it

Hartmut tells you that you will be instructed by Anastasiusus for four days and orders
the escort knights who are dressed as blue priests and shrine maidens and escorted
in the aristocratic ceremony.

"Who is the new client that Rosemain gives Gurtris Height?"

"It is better for Egranthine, in fact it is better for Egrantine who is assumed to be the
temple of the central temple to be taught, but preparation of a stone of a sacrificed
name is the top priority, so Prince Anastigius prepares for a priest became"

As I explained the flow easily, Ferdinand, who was near me, came to hand out the
memorandum to Hartmut.

"If it is a ceremonial procedure, then if you go back and forth between Ehrenfest and
the central temple and act with Prince Anastigius, leave the key in Rosemain"
"Certainly yes"

Hartmut puts the keys of the scripture that seemed to have been dropping on my neck
to my neck. Then I went back to work as soon as I got some questions while watching
memo writing. Escort Knights who have to return to Ehrenfest once are with us.

"Rieserator, Gray Tier, we ask you to prepare ritual clothes and hair accessories of my
temple brought to Ahrensbach, since shoes are magic stones, there is no problem."
"Certainly yes"

2304 | 2523
Since there are Richarda and Brunhild in the dormitory, the side to taking care of me
is no problem. They started moving towards the Imperial Palace immediately. Justkus,
who seems to have received some instructions in the same way, saw going out of the
multipurpose hall as if chasing the repertoire.

"Please ask Philene, Rosemain Kobo to bring this manuscript back to the temple and
print it, Alban's permission has come out, please also tell your mother."

I commission the manuscript prepared by the royal family planned to distribute when
the new patient is set up to Phyline.

"The number of printed copies is 25 copies, looking at the margin, it will be a hurried
job as it will be distributed at the Lord's Conference, asking them to divide their work
into Hassa's small temple by arranging with their mothers and Muriela please"
"Certainly yes"

When Philene embraced the manuscript and went out, Rodderich looked at me

"Rosemain, what about the story of Dunkel Ferger I write?"

"As Aub Dunkel Ferger no longer becomes a Tent, the deadline disappears, but as Aru
seems to be looking forward to thinking about buying it, please continue writing."

Rodderich, who screamed dead on the 5th that he wanted me to write in five days,
stroked his fingernails. I thought it was bad to say unreasonableness, but there was
nothing I could do because I could write only to Rodelig.

"I will settle down and write a continuation"

"Perhaps it was better for those who wrote with impatient feeling that there was

Yudit who was asking about Ditter was laughing with couscous, looking at the
impatience of Rodrig. Now that the adult escort knight is preparing to return to
Ehrenfest, Yudit stands behind me as my escort knight.

Were you waiting to finish the instructions of a hurry, Ferdinand came and sat on the
chair next to me.

2305 | 2523
"Rosemain, what are you planning to do with retizia? Following the practice of
Ahrensbach you will fall to the higher aristocracy as soon as you take over to Aub, as
she will stay at an orphanage But ... .... "

Ferdinand said that we need to consider whether we will attend the succession
ceremony by handling it ahead.

"Is it impossible for me to take adoptive divorce and return to the parents of
Dreveschel? It is better to grow up at my parents than to be in Ahrensbach ..."
"The adoptive parents of retizia are rising to a far higher place.It is a little difficult to
cancel the contract.When it may be that you do not have idea, but the lord candidate
that comes back with a problem in other territory I do not know whether Derewankl
will welcome life. "
"... ... Is it your real daughter?"

I wonder if there is something that will not be picked up. In my words Ferdinand
sighed "I do not understand" as well.

"Retethia is receiving a baptismal ceremony as a candidate for a lord of Ahrensbach,

even if parents wish to pick up, not only the will of parents but also the judgment of
Aub Drevannell will be greatly involved. I do not think that it will be done, and if it is
taken over asking for a connection with you there is also the possibility of becoming
a bud of troublesome things. "

Ferdinand sees me while explaining the troublesome aristocracy fence. It seemed that
his eyes were somehow concerned about retizia, I tilted his head.

"Do you think that it is better for Ferdinand to leave Reti Zia as a candidate for a lord?
If Ferdinand does not want to be close enough, it will be treated accordingly .... About
the matter of Rety Zia I will make Ferdinand's opinion top priority. "

I will make the opinion of the victim Ferdinand the top priority. Retityia is cute, but
the priority falls below Ferdinand in me.

"I would like to confirm one, are you certain that you plan to raise the children who
lost their sides in the trance of Ranzenerav, also at the orphanage in the temple?
Including the daughter of Alste ... ...."
"Yes, because the child has no sin"

2306 | 2523
Just as I did in Ehrenfest, irrespective of the victim 's child or the offender' s child, the
orphans are raised in an orphanage and I will become Aub. I will become their back
shield. Ferdinand nodded slowly when I told that I planned to move the francs from
Ehrenfest and do the same as I did before.

"Then, let me leave the matter of retizia ... I do not want to make a challenge from the
bottom of my heart without doing such an uneasy face.If I did something You should
command me to forbid you. "

Ferdinand stood up saying so and made a health check. Ferdinand who put his hand
on the neck got his eyebrows.

"A little fever came out, is not it magical power too much?"
"It may be so, I got a little emotional a while ago ...."
"Is that a little?"

Ferdinand gives instructions to Brühnhild while ironically lifting the end of the lip,
and prepares another silver cloth. So I began to envelop me.

"Mr. Ferdinand, what on earth do you do?"

"You have to stay in the room for about four days from now, it would be better for you
to withdraw magical powers to a certain extent, I would like to confirm whether the
power of the goddess will decrease if you use magical powers."

When wrapped with a silver cloth from the head, visibility gets dark. It was amazing
at the feeling of being picked up by someone It was simultaneous that I screamed a
little screaming and the voice commanded by Ferdinand echoed "Come with the
escort knight who gave the name to Rosemain."

"Mr. Ferdinand, the escort knight who is dedicated to the name is only a gentleman,
please do not join me!"

Clarissa 's candidacy and Yudit are coming to hear a voice saying "Clarissa is not a

"... ... If it is a person who has offered a name it can be a civilian or escort knight"
"Wow ~, it's an escort knight, I just wanted to leave so much so I wanted to devote my

2307 | 2523
I heard the cry of Yudit, but I do not want you to get up early. It is decided that
Ferdinand nominates a person who is named after it is time to show things that should
not be abandoned and to go to places other people should not know. It will not be
good for mental health to increase the secret of extraterrestrial degree.

I was moved to somewhere with the field of view remaining dark. I think that it is a
library because the voice of Schwarzs said "Hime-sama, came" "Hime-sama,
Honomu?" Ferdinand who asked for solo payment to Sorange was going up the stairs.

"Rosemain, I arrived, can I stand it?"

"It's okay"

My body tilted, my feet got on the floor. When I stand by myself, a silver cloth is taken.
Clarissa and Ferdinand have completely paid the silver cloth. The location was in the
library as expected, I was in front of the statue of Mestiónola. There is only one place
to head from the image of Mestio Nola of the library.

"Ferdinand, do not ... ..."

Turning to escort knights and ordering the right, Ferdinand nodded while handing me
a wiretap preventing magic tool.

"I intended to dye, but it seems that I am recognized as AUB Ahrensbach as there is a
big change in your magical power.It has no choice but to have you satisfy to some
extent Because the foundation of the country is large capacity, is it good just to pull
out your magical power? "

It seems that it is possible to put out my extra magical power as well as two birds with
one stone, while keeping the cornerstone of the country to the extent that Air
Vermean does not complain.

"That's why we picked up the key to the scripture from Hartmut?"

"It was one of the reasons why I did not feel like heading to Prince Anastigius while I
was wearing a key.It is informed that you are a goddess's incarnation in the
inheritance ceremony, that he is higher than the royal family If you do not do it, after
that it is dangerous. "

2308 | 2523
As I say so, Ferdinand urges me to use key to pour the magical power into the
foundation. Ferdinand opened the back cover of the scripture of the statue of
Mestionola and exposed the keyhole.

"It is good to the extent that the feeling does not get worse, so if you pour too much
power of the goddess too much, Egrandines may have trouble"

When I inserted the key, the stairs where the statue of the goddess moved without
sounds and faced down appeared. I am going down the stairs despite being sent to
Ferdinand. Below the staircase there is a wall like a rainbow-colored oil film, beyond
which I went to where there was a similar thing to the foundation of Ahrensbach.

"Truly the foundation of the country, it is big ... .... But there is really only a little left,
so Air Vermeam is going to be impatient"

After admiring the large foundation which is many times the foundation of the
territory while watching it, I will pour the magical power steadily and steadily. You
have to be careful not to pour out magical powers as you will be in trouble here.

He used a healing agent to dye the foundation of Ahrensbach. I did not satisfy even a
quarter of the magical power I shed to a certain extent refreshing. Still seemed to be
able to escape from exhaustion, the movement of the seven precious manastones
turning on the foundation got a little faster.

"It's like this,"

I stopped supplying magical powers while feeling that the amount of magical power
in myself was less than half.

"Sorry I made you wait"

When going out and closing the key and returning the statue of the statue to its
original position, it will be rolled over with a silver cloth and taken back to the
dormitory. Although I can spare four days from now, I will keep reading at the library.

With less magical power and refreshed, I spent four days taking rest, pouring magical
power into the foundations of the country, practicing dedication mai.

2309 | 2523
...... Donmai also received an evaluation from Ferdinand like "Well, that's not good,"
and it should manage somehow!

Inheritance ceremony of Gurritosheit On the day, everyone is saying "shabby" while

looking at me wearing the costume of the temple. However, because I do not know the
power of the goddess by myself, it is just as usual for me.

"Even so, today a lot of manastones are attached, I have never seen this either ...."
"It seems that Ferdinand has made a new amulet that will not hinder Mai"

It is like a glove loosely knitting a thin chain with big eyes, the length is from the back
of the hand to the arm of the back. A rainbow-colored stone processed like a bead was
shining everywhere, and the charm of the magic of the talisman was engraved in each

"You said you took a break, what did Ferdinand doing without taking a break? It would
not be something like three or four days ..."

Is not this a matter that you have to forcibly take a rest with the blessing of Shratarum
after the ceremony is over? When I make my lips sharp, Clarissa laughs with couscous,
"Ferdinand is doing everything."

"I'd like to keep the goddess from coming down again with a rosemain-like dedication
dance.I want to see Rosemain who admired the goddess by all means ...... Rosemain's
memory is deprived when the goddess advents. I will endure it because I asked "

...... I did not think I thought that the goddess will come down again with dedication

While thinking about the memory I lost, I gently stroke a thin chain that envelops my
arms. With this, will not it be necessary to lose memory even if the goddess descends

"Rosemain, I'm ready so let's move to the waiting room"

It is surrounded by Angelica who was wrapped in a cloth of BASARI and silver so as

not to be found by others, and made the appearance of a blue shrine maiden.
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"Hartmut was doing well, it seems that he raise the stage of the ceremony by
mobilizing the princes of Anastasiusus, the central aristocracy, the people of the
central temple,"

Clarissa said so.

There was Hartmut in the waiting room, Egrantine and Anastasis were coming soon.
After breathing after seeing me, they kneel and greet in order to clarify the difference
of status. Egrantines were clothed at the time of the graduation ceremony.

"... .... When I entered with a graduation ceremony I wish you a blessing from Mr.
Rosemain? It's a costume at that time so that Rosemain's blessing can be gathered
again today, and by gathering the nobility of the birthday gods To be blessed, and "

While looking at the costume to remember nostalgia, Hartmut came close to me.

"Let's make a name dedication before the inheritance ceremony"

"Certainly yes"

While Hartmut and Anastasis watched, Egrantine took out a small white box and
dedicated it to me. I look down on the stone of Eglantine while overlooking the blond
hair of Egrantine below the line of sight with a strange feeling. In the white box there
was a magic stone with a complex hue of all attributes, and the name of the Egrantine
was engraved on that manast with golden letters.

...... I do not care much though.

It is scary to embrace others' lives. That consciousness has not changed. The old man
's words concerned about how to leave the original name offering floats in my mind.

However, in order not to be hit by the power of the goddess, to devote herself to
Egrantine, who stands in a position to know various things, her name dedication has
become essential. Besides, I can not forgive any more royalty from the royal family to
Ferdinand. Absolutely Egrantine can not be sure that he will not do such a thing. She
is the one who will do anything to protect Jurgen Schmidt's peace.

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...... I do not particularly want to give orders, but I will take my name for something

Anastigius looks at me with Egrantine with an indescribable expression. I want to stop

sacrificing, but I can understand the feeling that I can not stop. Perhaps, while making
a sacrificed stone, he must have said a lot to Egrandine.

...... Prince Anastigius does not want Egrandine to wear my magical power, do you?

If the power of the goddess disappears after the ceremony, I will probably return to
the magical power of Ferdinand. Is not Anastasisus unpleasantly unlikely? I have no
other choice but to swallow it.

"May I start, Rosemain?"


After meeting her with eyes, Egrantine slowly breathed slowly and drooled his neck.

"I, Egrantine pledge here as a new creator of Jurgen Schmidt as a fellowship father of
Rosemain-sama, who is the incarnation of Mestionola, hereby dedicate his life to his
life as a proof that I always name Rosemain Please allow me to be with you, please
give me a Gurtris Height and show me a signpost to lead Jurgen Schmidt in good
direction '

Egrantine slowly raise the stone of the devoted gem with a handsome hand. I plucked
the stone offered by hand with boxes.


Egrantine adapted to the repulsion of magical power restrained the chest and gave a
small groan.


Hartmut holds the hand of Anastigiusus who reacted immediately and tried to reach
out to Egrantine.

"Prince Anastigius, do not disturb, it will not end unless you are enveloped by the
power of Rosemain-sama ... ... It seems that it is so painful that it will be far apart if
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magical powers are far from experience, so Rosemain It seems that the suffering is the
fewest among those who dedicated their names. "

I cast magical powers at a stretch and finish my name dedication. Egrantine

breathlessly breathed.

"Are you OK, Egrandine?"

"Well, it's okay now, thank you for your concern, Rosemain-sama"

Eglantine lifted his face with a smile like a flutter and a flower open. I put Egranthine's
sacrificed stone in my waist basket, I sit in a chair and recommend a chair to

Three bells rang within the confirmation of the flow of today's ritual.
Actually I started planning to write ceremonies starting from the name of Egranthine,
but it is a bit of a change.
Although I tried to write it, the mystery of the ceremony has also gone without pieces
as long as I do not change my point of view.
A hero's point of view, I am afraid.
Since there is no choice, I adjusted it by putting in the preparation period.
I closed while talking about the aides and the retizia who issued various instructions.

Next is the inheritance ceremony in a gossip of Hanenerol viewpoint.

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"I heard that young children were allowed to participate in order to reform the sense
of evasion to the temple and the shrine, but there are not as many people as I

I looked around the auditorium from the banquet where the lords of the lords sit.
Today, a glutrice height will be awarded to the new TSENT. I was invited directly from
Mr. Rosemain who was the incarnation of the goddess. It seems that you asked me in
a discussion with the royal family. I was giving up that it would be impossible because
I am bad. It will be the guidance of the goddess Drejan Goa of time.

... ... It seems that the badness between me is gradually improving. Let's dedicate a
prayer to Dreddy Goa.

While grabbing the amulet made by the handed Cordura and praying, the elder
brother overlooked the daughter of the second wife sitting side by side in the seat of
the lord of Dunkel Ferger's clan, snapped Hun and nose It was.

"The appearance of a child is small and it is natural as it is.If it is not originally like
letting a child attend the lord's conference.The child right after the baptismal
ceremony which did not enter even a lord's house is taken to a place where the royal
family gathers Arub will come and sooner or later, even Dunkel Ferger will talk about
how often they will bring them. "

Even in Dunkel Ferger, the daughter of the second wife decided to participate
smoothly, but my son decided not to participate so that other people would not be

By the way, my elder brother insisted that "Because I am the next Aub, I must
accompany the next Tento to inherit the Gurtris Height to have an exchange", asking
my uncle to abandon this place I am coming to.
Since my parents told me that Egranthine and Rosemain's dedication dance existed, I
began to argue with changing the color of my eyes, so the real purpose is obvious to
everyone. My mother let me promise not to bring the writing instrument to the
auditorium, and this morning I was checking my belongings many times.
2314 | 2523
...... The next adult Awb is in such a state. There will be few children to bring to this

"However, we are steadily bringing Ewenfest, who is the proponent, are not quite
prominent, such as wearing the temple's clothes at this place"

I saw the appearance of Mr. Melchior, a young lord who is sitting in the ceremonial
clothes of the temple. I have an acquaintance because I was invited to the celebration
of Ehrenfest.

"It is said that he took office as the temple as Rosemain's successor."

"When you are going to push out the importance of a shrine or temple from now on,
is it the temple of the temple? That means that he will be the next erafest of Ahrenfest,
who is robbed of his fiancée, Although Wilfried is laughing in a sweet way though it is

Your brother will poison while watching the place where Ehrenfest lords will sit.

"You say you took away your fiancée, but it seems that Rosemain was adopted by the
royal family in the winter social circle within Ehrenfest and the story of being married
to the next TSENT was disseminated and the engagement was canceled ... ... "
'It is said that it is bad, did not it be the result that I said at the time of my daughter-
in-law? '

About that point it is as your older brother says. No matter how much we were
engaged to Wilfried-sama, we could not defend Rosemain at Ehrenfest, and now it is
said that the reason why the royalty put a warrior on her daughter-in-law to Daito
was to get Rosemain sama I think that it can not be helped.

"There is no mistake in your brother's say, but Rosemain is not the one that fits the
first wife of Dunkel Ferger Rosemain is not someone's reins, but he himself needs a
reins It is regrettable that my brother can not lead Rosemain way well. "
"Is that Ferdinand?"
"Yeah. I felt it strongly at Ehrenfest, so I was very relieved that Mr. Ferdinand became
Rosemain's fiancee."

I was surprised to hear from my parents the other day, but even if we do not do
anything, Rosemain and Ferdinand are already engaged. Because it's okay to get
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married in politics, I felt that I had to marry Ferdinand and Rosemain somehow, I felt
like I got a shoulder watermelon.

Anything, Ferdinand says from Tora Okvaar, "To join and support the upcoming Arub-
Ahrensbach with no work experience, then to educate to adopt Reti Zia as a star knot
and make it the next awesome It is said that he was given a royal title.

However, because Dietlinde did not dye foundation by himself against the royalty, she
was an older sister and made Alstede, a senior aristocrat, dyed, so the next Aub
became a married woman. Ferdinand is not an opponent you can join. If the approval
is done after the lord's meeting as it is, the royalty given to Ferdinand would have
been automatically canceled.

But Rosemain dyed the cornerstone of Ahrensbach before Alsted was officially taken
over as Aub. Mr. Rosemain is an unmarried woman, Aub, who has no work experience.
Once again the royal effect will come into force.

"It was natural that Wilfried-sama and Rosemain's engagement were almost canceled,
and because the king approved it, it is natural that the royalty will take precedence.
By the way, Ferdinand is reasonable like a fiancée Rosemain So I was led by the
knights of Ahrensbach. "
"But if you run the King of Trakaquar faithfully, Rosemain will take an adopted
daughter at the same time as a star knot and you will have to adopt her adoption as
the next auction, although one of the royalty will be accepted Ambulance is
impermissible such as not accepting one side "

As he said that, my brother pointing to a group wearing a wisteria colored cloak

containing blue and yellow x marks. It is only reti zia sitting on the seat of the lord of
Ahrensbach. It seems that the fact that Reti Zia who is not enrolled in the House of
Lords is here is still treated as a family lord.

"Is Ferdinand like going through the royal principle with Retiesia?"
"Well, what are you going to do .... If you do not exclude the old royalty, the adopted
daughter will become a seed of a new territory, but if you exclude the old royalty
Ferdinand can not be a fiance, now as it follows the royalty I think it is the most safe
to put on a pretense ... .... "

There are a lot of people who want to fit in Rosemain-sama's husband who has a great
influence on the new Tent as incarnation of the goddess, and worry that the influence
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of Ehrenfest will be very strong in the new administration by Rosemain and
Ferdinand's star ties Older brothers will arrange anxiety matters as there are many

"I am worried about worrying, but Ferdinand is not thinking about what extent the
elder brother thinks. That person truly makes every assumption and takes
countermeasures. I see it soon. I shuddered "

I tried to state what happened when I participated in real ditters held at Ahrensbach
and Ehrenfest, and my older brother stopped saying "I heard it many times from

"It is what Hannellore says, Restistau, probably Ferdinand's plan, Egranthine is

supposed to do a name dedication to Rosemain to get a Gurtris Height Easy to get a
new royalty from Egrandine Well, Rosemain will not be in trouble. "

My brother frowned at her mother's word in a disagreeable way.

"Did you use Gurtris Height as a shield and compelled a new tent for a name devotion
... ... a man called Demon King at Dunkel Ferger is unscrupulous and obscene as ever."

While doing such a talk, the sound of color, color and clear bell sounds. It is the third
bell to inform the start of the ceremony. When the door glows big, the bleachers gently
To the auditorium where the altar and the stage were arranged just like the adult
ceremonies and graduation ceremonies of the aristocrat, today the musical
instruments with the instruments entered the shrine. While graduation ceremony,
graduates dedicate music and songs, but today it seems that the musicians perform.
If you look closely at eyes, you can see Rosemain's exclusive musical instructor
accompanying him at the tea party.

Next was the group of blue priests who entered. It is a familiar face that leads those
who wear similar blue costumes at the top.

"The beginning is Hartmut."

"Oh, it is a fiancée of Clarissa, it is a strange feeling that it is a familiar face in the ritual
of the aristocrat despite the priest of Ehrenfest.
2317 | 2523
Is it because there were a lot of contacts more often than those of the Central Temple?
In my opinion, when you do a priest in the House of Lords you can only imagine that
Hartmut is taking over. Hartmut who wore a blue priest's clothes stood before the
altar. The blue priests will stop at the stipulated place. Hartmut slowly looked around
the auditorium and got a magician that amplifies voice volume.

"It is elected as the incarnation of Mestionola and candidate for Tent, Entrance of

Egrantine escorted to Prince Anastigius with that voice comes in with an elegant
smile. The blessing comes from everywhere at the entrance moment.

"It is the same blessing from God as at the time of graduation ceremony!"

It may be because the costumes of both of them were the same as when the graduation
ceremony was held. The appearance of the light of blessing shining brightly by
Egrantine looked exactly the same as the graduation ceremony. The word "The
blessing from God" of the temple of the time revives to the ear. It was a scene that
seems to be smooth from the time that the gods chose Egrandine as a candidate for a
new Tento.

Elegantine who gently blonde blonde will take a light of blessing and advance legs
elegantly towards the altar. Because I get the role of a new Tento, the atmosphere that
is softer than before has decreased so that I can see a dignified profile. It seems that
the weight of Tento is transmitted from the strict expression of Prince Anastigius. My
brother's fingertip is moving on the table. It is probably the beauty that I want to leave
in painting.

"Rosemain 's entrance is the incarnation of Mestionora"

When Egrantine stopped his feet in front of the stage of dedication dance, Hartmut
showed the door saying so. I desperately see my eyes wide. I was really looking
forward to seeing Rosemain got the power of the goddess who was asking from my
father and mother.

Rosemain came in at Ferdinand's escort. Egrantine was in the light of blessing, but
Rosemain says it is lit faintly by himself. I felt that the power of the goddess was
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released gently even if I was away. It is enough power to be felt even in the bleachery.
Unlike the magical power that a person has, there are waves that can not avoid being

...... Well Ferdinand is like Rosemain's escort.

Even if the figure is Rosemain, if you are too close to your side, I will not be able to
keep kneeling. I heard that my parents were like that. Again Feldinand is not normal.

If you look closely well, it is not just the power of the goddess that Rosemain says light.
All the decorations of magical stones wearing are glowing.

Every time the hue of the shade of the night sky roars sharply according to the walk,
several rainbow-colored stones resonate with a sharp collaboration and narrow
sounds, creating a sparkle like a star. I do not know how many decorations are inside
the white costume, but there are lights of various shades in the long sleeves, and the
shape of the arms is slightly transparent. Even Jewelry alone understood which one
of Egrantine and Rosemain is higher at a glance.

The hair of the night sky who got the blessing of the god of the darkness, the golden
eyes like the moon who received the blessing of the goddess of light are the same color
as the female tionola that remains in the tradition. Rosemae who was grown to the
age appropriate for the year by the power of the Evangelicals of Evangelism has no
sense of incongruity even if it is called truly the incarnation of the goddess.

...... It has only been about ten days since I parted from Rosemain after the fight.

I did not think that there was a change so far in about ten days. It is a friend of the
same sex, a lot of time to be in contact with me, I have searched for a growing figure
up close, so I miss my mind unexpectedly. People who are not familiar will only be

I caught a glimpse of your older brother. My older brother has a big eyes wide open,
slightly opened his lips and is completely set. It seems that the impact was so great
that the fingertips will not move as you draw. I have to engrave firmly in my brain, so
I do not blink but I like Rosemain.

"Recently the wisdom goddess Meztionola went down to Rosemain and there is no
one who can not feel the power of the goddess"
2319 | 2523
Egrantine who received the magician that amplifies the volume from Hartmut talked
to the nobles in the auditorium. The words of the gods are conveyed and a little about
the fight with the people of Ranzenae.

"The detailed story will be held at the Lord's Conference, and today we will give
Gurtris Height again to our lost Gurtris Height"

Mr. Ferdinand who received the magician from Egrantine will go up to the stage of
dedication dance while escorting Rosemain-sama. Rosemain went up to the stage, and
the magic team came up clearly on the stage of dedication dance. It is exactly the same
thing as the magic team that Dietlinde emerged slightly.

"This is an old magic team that has been forgotten now, but this is a magic team to
select candidates for Zent and those who can not open the way to the gods with their
own power by votive dance are candidates for Zent We will be disqualified as a
future.We would like to look closely to children who may receive wisdom from
Mestionola and would like you to feel the importance of a shrine and praying to the
gods. "

That's right, Ferdinand will release Rosemain's hand and go down the stage of
dedication dance. And I joined the musicians and got fespiel.

"Will Ferdinand be playing?"

"You are in that place, you will definitely be playing."

Pin, boron, and Mr. Ferdinand who confirmed some sounds, the musicians will set the
sound. After adjusting the sound, I re-set fespiel.
It was probably Rosemain Mr. Lama that was left on the stage that the sound
adjustment was done. Mr. Rosemain kneeled on a circular stage and told the lyrics.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

Feldinand's singing voice, which plays the musical instrument which amplifies the
sound and resonates with music, starts to sound in the auditorium. At the same time
Rosemain who was quietly depressed raises her face and stands up with a light soft
movement that does not let her feel weight. Fluff and body began to move, and the
supple arms were stretched towards the high sky which is high. It seems that

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something is drawn from the back of the hand to the wrist, a small rainbow-colored
stone shines and draws a locus.

"Pray to God"

It was the beginning of the goddess' dance, which no one had seen.
Only the music played by the musicians and Ferdinand's singing voice echo in the
auditorium quietly and quietly. Everyone's eyes are just heading straight towards

... ... The pillar of light ... ....

When Rosemain began to fly, the magic team on the stage began to glow, and the noble
colored pillar began to slowly expand from the symbols of each Ogami. Columns of
light of seven colors will gradually increase in height so as to match the movement of
the skirt and the hem that wraps around like adjusting to the movement of the arm
that rises and rises.

"The statue of the altar is moving"

I watched the god image of the altar well in the misunderstanding of my father. As
your father says, the statues of the gods will move freely and will open the way to the

... Is this the way to the gods?

It is a well-known fact that doing a shrine at the House of Lords is a well-known fact,
but it is the first time that I saw the altar's god image move.

"It did not happen at the shrine of the old lords."

"It seems that a road has been opened even in the ceremony to obtain protection,
probably it is necessary to fill with the magical power of one candidate of Tsento"

While speaking with your father in a loud voice, the pillars of light did not stretch. Did
the setting be filled with the power of the goddess? Instead of stretching upward, light
light falls slowly downward this time. That light became a sparkling wave, and it
began to rush up on the altar where red cloth was laid like the time of votive
ceremony. It seems that a red cloth waves undulatingly in the movement of light, and
this time the shrine of the altar's god image will shine light one after another.
2321 | 2523
After all the sacred tools glowed, Rosemain kneeled and stopped moving. I was staring
at the dedication dancer in a dream about it took a while to notice that it was the end
of dedication dance.

"Thank God"

As soon as Rosemain 's voice echoed, all the sacred treasures gave a strong light all at
once, and the appearance of Rosemain - sama, who was at the stage of dedication
dance, disappeared.

"Rosemain's appearance has disappeared!"

"What is it !?"

As the amazing voice rises from the bleacher's mouths, the statues of the gods will
move again, keeping the road closed. The pillars of light standing on the stage
disappeared, and the magic team also disappeared. Everything has gone back to show
that everything is over. Apart from the disappearance of Rosemain's appearance, it
seems that nothing changes at all before and after the dedication dance.
Mr. Ferdinand who placed Fespiel stood up and stared at the altar.

"Rosemain seems to have been invited by the gods and went to the opening garden,
Mr. Egrantine, please come and see the gods waiting there."

What kind of work does it have to dance after Rosemain? I will look at the profile of
Eglantine like a pale face on the stage of dance performance.

"Elegantine is serious though it is a duty as a candidate for Zento to dance compared

to Rosemain."

My elder brother rang Hung and a nose in a misunderstanding miserably.

"It's not something else, Hannaore. On the other hand, at the graduation ceremony, is
not it dancing alongside Rosemain?"

...... I, it seems that the bad one is not fixed at all.

2322 | 2523
Egrandine went up to the stage. Unlike Rosemain 's magic team has not come up.
However, kneeling and holding hands, the magic team began to emerge slowly after I
chanted that "I am a person who creates the world and prays and appreciahes to the

From the surroundings "Wow ......" I understood that the breath of admiration leaked
out. You can understand that you can do the same way even if you do not have
Rosemain singing the power of the goddess, and you should have relieved the
candidate you chose for goddess's incarnation.

...... Rosemain sama was like having a breathtaking atmosphere.

Music for dedication dance began to sound. I noticed that the volume and singing
voice were quite different from the previous one, and I turned my eyes towards the
musicians. One seat is empty, and Fespiel is left in place.

……Oh? It seems that Ferdinand does not come ... ....?

When Rosemain is dancing, I heard a wonderful voice, but now I can not see musical
instruments in the vicinity of the stage as well. I tried to talk to my older brother,
thoughtfully, but my older brother is already looking at Mr. Egrantine 's dance. You
will not hear even if you call out.

I decided to concentrate on Mr. Egrantine 's dance, not Ferdinand - like trend. There
is no mystery like Rosemain, but it is a wonderful dance. Elegantine like you are still
on top if you see pure technology alone.

The magic team starts to float clearly with the dance of Egranthine, and the pillars of
light are also growing little by little. However, the god image of the altar began to move
when Mai came to an end, so whether Egrandine really qualified as a candidate for
Zento will cool down.

Even after the dedication dance, thanking the gods, Egrantine 's figure was on the
2323 | 2523
"There seems to be no invitation of the gods ... ... is not it a failure?"
"No, but the gods of the altar seem to invite, but ..."

At the end unlike Mr. Rosemain who was invited by the gods, anxious voice rises from
surrounding nobility. In the meantime, Hartmut who stood before the altar showed
the top of the altar.

"The way to the gods is opened, Egrantine, there is a god waiting for you"

As Rosemain-sama invited by the gods did not disappear, but as the altar's way is
open, Egranthine seems to be able to head to the gods. It is not me alone that stroked
my heart with the words of Hartmut.

Egrantine rises slowly with his face rising and heads to the altar with a soft movement
that is more emotional than usual. It was Prince Anastigius who took the hand of
Egrandine who came down from the stage. Two people slowly head to the altar.

Egrantine 's profile, which showed her strength to the gods as a candidate for the
candidate by himself, was very beautiful.
Prince Anastigius tried to escort Egranthine to the top of the altar, but it was the one
who was able to rise to the altar as if transparent walls were present.

"It seems that you can not go up to the altar unless you have done ceremonies,"
"Yeah, it's only those who have the potential to become candidates for Zento ...

My father muttering words that caused inclusion a little. I do not know what it means,
but it seems that Egrandine has a quality as a candidate for TSEND.

Passing between the opposing Supreme Gods, Egrantine entered the entrance at the
top of the altar. When Egrandine's appearance disappears, the statue of God returns
to its original position.

"Oh ... ...."

This ritual of inheritance is also the first for adults. When Egrantine 's appearance
disappeared, the admiration voice began to rise from there and there.

2324 | 2523
"It was a wonderful dedication dance, it is surprising that the meaning of dedication
performed in the graduation ceremony held by the aristocratic society was such a
meaning.When I came to do dedication ceremonies at the aristocrat, what are you
thinking ...... I thought, but there were words from the gods "
"I have been doing this old succession ceremony like this, today I want to thank you
for seeing the incarnation of the goddess with this eyes and I was able to feel the
power of the goddess"
Even if we hear only the word of incarnation of the goddess, I can not believe soon,
but when I actually see it, I can not think of anything other than that. "

Basically it goes up to people's mouth is Rosemain-sama, and it seems that there are
many words meaning to Egranthine 's meaning "it was selected as an incarnation of
the goddess".

"The incarnation of the goddess and new Tento, the goal is to inform which case is
higher, but at least it can not be helped if the order of votive dance was reversed"

I agree with your brother's words. Egrantine 's dedication dance was very good, the
magic team emerged, the pillar of light stood, the statue moved. Looking at these for
the first time, you would have been deeply moved by the birth of a new Tent. As
Rosemain made a mysterious ceremony earlier, I feel that it is inevitable.

"According to Ferdinand, it seems that what Rosemain says does not go very well as
"We were present at the meeting but we were in line with Ferdinand concerns"

I smiled a smile on my mother. Maybe this ceremony is a way to go unexpectedly? I

was worried that I remembered that Ferdinand's appearance was unexpectedly
disappeared. I look around, but I can not find Ferdinand-sama. The number of
Rosemain 's aides sitting in the bleacher with Ahrensbach' s people is also decreasing.

As Rosemain 's faithful minister Hartmut prays prayers to the god on the altar, as if
he was surprised at the crazy progress of the ceremony, he seems to be worried about
Rosemain and Ferdinand I can not see.

Even if you look at the altar, the god image that returned to its original position does
not move with Picry. Will the two of you who returned to the gods really come back?

2325 | 2523
In the auditorium which is pleased with the birth of a new Tento, I became very

"Quietly! Rosemain, a new Tento and the incarnation of the goddess will be back!"

Hartmut made a loud voice in the auditorium. As I blinked, I saw that the statue
started moving again. The way to come back from the gods will be opened. The
entrance was visible at the top of the altar.

Shin and calm down, everyone concentrates his eyes on the top of the altar. Mr.
Egrantine was able to come back, and immediately after that I could see Rosemain
As I gradually disappeared from the stage of the dedication ceremony, I was doubtful
of Ferdinand's words for a moment whether I really moved to the same place as
Egranthine, but I was wrong that I was moving to the gods It does not seem.

Egrantine will draw hands like Rosemain's escort and come down the altar. I felt that
the power of the goddess felt from Rosemain seemed to be even stronger.

"Koo .... Why am I not having writing instruments right now?"

"Is not because it starts to draw in the sacred ritual?"

It seems that the desire of the elder brother 's desire to draw is considerably popular.
In this way, you may be exposing a little embarrassing aspect as a lord of the lord at
public places.

"Is not it blasphemy against the incarnation of the goddess, such as not leaving the
state of today's rituals? Return to the room right now ... ...."
"It does not matter if it returns quietly, but the ritual of inheritance has not ended yet,

My older brother stood up and smiled with her nico.

"Is not it a blasphemy to miss the most wonderful scene in today's ceremony? Of
course I will let out as soon as I do not act as a family of Dunkel Ferger's lord ...."

2326 | 2523
My mother's eyes are terrible, to keep silent if you want to see it to the end. Your older
brother lifted slightly, sat down and restored, and once breathed deeply.

"There is no choice but to engrave everything in my mind.

I wanted to take a distance to my older brother who stares at Egrandine and Rosemain
squirtingly with eyes open, because it is little by little.

...... Mother, your brother think that it would be better to let out!

They are going down the altar in a relaxed elegant movement. Elegantine smiles and
takes Rosemain sama's hand though it is the power of the goddess that seems to be
stronger than before.

"You can not walk down to the power of the goddess, you can walk by pulling your
hands, you are the one who will be selected as the next TSENT,"
"... ... I have a substantial preparedness to be the next Tento"

Two people came down to the position which is in line with Hartmut and other blue
priests in front of the altar.
Hartmut stands next to Rosemain, and brings the magician that amplifies voice
volume closer to Rosemain's mouth.

"Blessed from the gods, a new Tento, swear to the goddess of light who governs the
contract and its affiliation ... .... Berohi Krone"

A crown which is a sacred tool of the goddess of light appeared in Rosemain - sama 's
hand. Egrantine knees before Rosemain's sama. It is shown that Rosemain who is the
incarnation of the goddess is higher than the new Tent.

When Rosemain gently crowned the head of Egrantine and knocked down one step
behind, Hartmut gave Egrandine a magician that amplifies the voice volume. When
Egrantine takes a magical tool, he takes an oath to the gods.

"Reflecting on the way of Jürgen Schmidt and Tsento distorted little by little in the
long history, reviving the old rituals as the temple of the central temple and leading
Jurgen Schmidt as promised to Rosemain, the incarnation of the goddess I will swear
to the twelve goddesses who will serve the goddess of light and the side now on this
occasion, that I will go. "
2327 | 2523
With the words of Egranthine 's oath, the crown of light glittered all the time.
Egranthine will be bound with a contract with gods who can not escape. I understood
at a glance that a contract with the goddesses of light was established.

When Rosemain extinguishes the sacred tool, Hartmut takes a magic tool from the
hand of Egrantine and moves closer to Rosemain's mouth.

"If you want Egranthine to have it, should not it be given to Rosemain?"

My elder brother gave a little frown to the movement on the altar which looked a bit
frustrating. It seems that I do not like that Hartmut has been in sight for a long time
despite wanting to barely see the state of the divinely couple.

"Hartmut is trying not to touch the magical tool like Rosemain.The power of the
goddess seems to be difficult to control like magical power of myself, so if you
inadvertently touch it, the manastone part gold powder Kana

In spite of your father 's words, we opened my mouth unintentionally with Pokan. I
did not think Rosemain was like that.

"Do not overlook, the next will be awarded by Gurtris Height"

My father told me to move his fingers slightly and pay attention to the altar. I and my
older brother also hurry and turn their eyes to the two of the altars. Mr. Rosemain,
who adjusted the position slightly so that the voice enters the magical tool that
Hartmut has, opened his mouth.

"In the beginning garden, Egrantine was recognized as a new creation from the gods,
and we will award Egrantine, who has also made an oath to the goddess of light, a
Gurtris Height from this."

When Rosemain's words ended, Hartmut quickly fell down. Rosemain raises his right
hand quickly and changes his staple into a pen. The hands moved gracefully, the magic
team started drawing in the air with magical powers.

"What magic team are you? I have not seen it ...."

"It's a magic team of all attributes? There are not many people who can use it easily."

2328 | 2523
In the lecture hall which began to irritated, he began to hear Rosemain-sama's prayer
saying "I will control the expanse of the sky high." I do not use magical tools, so I can
only hear it slightly. Is not it necessary to let a celebration be heard, Hartmut is not
looking to be proud of the magic team drawn by Rosemain, but will not move with
magical tools.

"The supreme god is the couple god of darkness and light"

The magic crown dazzles with a celebration and glows in gold, and the black like
darkness begins to surround the edge of that light. I paid attention to the magic team
who began to take on light as if the surroundings were relieved. Nature and ruffles
will disappear, and everyone will listen to Rosemain 's blessing.

"Goddess of the five pillar Ogami water goddess widely honored Hirohiro water
Goddess of the fire God of the fire Leiden shaft goddess of the stellaria Goddess of the
earth Gedulic hive God of the life Avilibe"

Every time Rosemain says the name of God, magical power flows from Stap and
symbols representing the gods begin to shine with their noble colors.

"Listen to my prayers and give us the blessings of yourselves and sacrifice to yourself
My power Pray and thank you for praying and giving me sacred gods Cleansing the
dirt I can not let the power of the water do not break to anyone Disaster I will never
give up the strength of the soil that accepts all the power of the wind without leaving
the power of life to the new Tento. "

Everyone will be poured into Egrantine who blesses all attributes blessed. I took a
breath on the spectacle that was too shabby.

When the light of blessing ceased, Rosemain looked back a little Hartmut. Hartmut has
a magician that amplifies the voice volume and moves closer to Rosemain 's mouth.

"Mr. Egrantine, I will give you a proof of Tento"

Was the blessing earlier a light to award Gurtris Height? Egrantine does not seem to
have anything.

However, Egrantine who stood up with a smile not feeling anything uneasy tried to
hold down the chest and say "Gurtris Height!"
2329 | 2523
At the next moment, there was a thick book that seems to be a glutisshite at the hand
of Egrantine. I will raise it a little and change the position of the body a bit to make it
visible to everyone in the bleachers' seat.

"It's a real Gurtris Height!"
"I gave it from the incarnation of Mestionora!"

A peer who got a true Gurtris Height, a nobleman during Jurgen Schmidt awaited, was
born. My friend brought a new Tent to Jurgen Schmidt.

Rosemain - sama 's smile, which smiled quietly and smiled a little lower, apparently
looked more beautiful than Egrantine' s smile showing a glutrice height a while ago.

"Well, everyone"

The audible voice of Hartmut sounded in the auditorium.

"Rosemain, who is the incarnation of the goddess who brought Gurtrisheit to Jurgen
Schmidt, and the new birth of Tsento, who supervises the expanse of the high sky,
superior god, who supervises the widely hypocritical earth, the goddess of the five
pillars Ogami water Fleet Renee Fire God Leiden Shaft Style Goddess Schaler Goddess
of Soil Gedulichee Pray and thank you for the god of life Evilive. "

Mr. Melchior, who is dressed in the temple's costume in the middle of the word of
Hartmut, got up to the point, starting with that, Arends Bach nobles and some of the
nobles of Ehrenfest begin to stand up one after another.

"What, is not it?"

"I do not quite understand"

We do not understand well with them, but they look like it is natural to stand up.

"Pray to God!"

Rosemain sama, Hartmut, other blue priests on the altar, the aristocrats who were
standing up at the bleachers gave prayers to God in a movement consistent with the

2330 | 2523
bag. Not only from the altar Rosemain, but also from the bleacher the light fluffy and
blessings begin to drift.

...... I know if only Ehrenfest, but the aristocrats of Ahrensbach got together and
prayed! Is it?

I was surprised at too much movement.

"Rosemain, Egrantine will be sent out, please raise the staple and send it!"

In the words of Hartmut, we raised the Stap and made it shine. Prince Anastigius and
Mr. Ferdinand are raised to the altar, and escorted Egrandine and Rosemain
respectively and leave the auditorium.

Inside a lot of lights were raised, the incarnation of the goddess and a new Tento
walked gracefully and exited. After exiting, the door is shut by the blue priests who
were in front of the door. The ceremony of historical inheritance that the recognition
of the future temple and the shrine change drastically has ended.

"It seems like it was natural now that Rosemain was raising a voice to review the

When I tried to stand up by feeling the end of the ceremony, the voice of Hartmut
sounded "I 'd like to sit for a while."

"As a result of a new Tent, there are various projects at the Lord's Council, let's speak
from Traquerque."

After Traquéquard blinked several times in the words of Hartmut, he stands up slowly
and walks to the altar. Is it because it got deprived of the title of Tsento? It looks like
it looks pale.

However, Tora Okevar stood on the altar and received a magician that amplifies the
voice volume from Hartmut and began talking to the Aubans about the rebellion of
Randzenav and Ahrensbach.

"There was a variety of things behind the birth of a new Tent as Jürgen Schmidt
awaited ..."

2331 | 2523
After talking about the official opinion about Ranzenerav's rebellion, the topic will
change about the lord conference. It is probably because of lack of information. Every
Aubu's face is seriously heard and hears the words of Mr. Tora Okhvar.

... ... Hiding the royalty's work for quite a while, do not you?

I was listening to talks from my father and mother, but I fought with soldiers of
Runzener in Ahrensbach, I do not feel like Rosemain's activities are hidden too much

...... It seems that Rosemain's wish is ... ....

Disposition to the aristocracy of Arendsbach who was involved in Ranzenerav and

rebellion, the fact that the borderline of the territory will be redrawn by the lodging
meeting by the new TSENT, and there are various variations in the rank order
accordingly I will be told.

"Indeed, when will you be able to return to the room?"

"... .... Since your older brother is the next AUB, it is better for you to listen to the story
of Tora Okhvar more seriously."

Also, Traquarvar and Prince Sigismwald will become Aub, Arensbach, who was
fascinated by the chaotic goddess Kao Cipher, was informed that the goddess's
incarnation will be given a color and name as a new territory to cleanse Finally, I
finally got permission to leave the auditorium. As soon as that, the older brother took
out his aides and left the auditorium.

My mother will see her elder brother with her unlikely face and urge her to leave.
Even if I return to the dormitory, my older brother already seems to have been in my
room and I can not see her figure. I had tea brewed by the multipurpose hall and I
talked about my ritual today with my parents. The aim is to teach those who were
keeping anxieties about the majesty of the inheritance ceremony and the shininess of

"Even so, I have to tell you what I was talking about during the Lord's Conference and
I have to earn time ... what happened?"
"Well then? I did not need to know that I did not become a Tent"
2332 | 2523
The conversation of parents of the voice whose voice is soaked up by the excitement
of everyone deliberately reached my ears.

2333 | 2523
"It is also important to pretend that the new Tent has blessings from the gods, right?
Do you think that mystery will increase somewhat if you give a blessing when two
people enter and reproduce the time of the two graduation ceremonies? However, ......
"Is it necessary to give preferential treatment to that?"

Ferdinand says that it is enough to just give the magician Gurtris Height, but unless
the new Egrantine to become a Tent will be accepted smoothly, it may be difficult for
me to devote himself to library city planning.

"Is your top priority a library city?"

"is there anything else?"
"... ... I do not think that's not all, but if you do not feel like entering into the royal family
anymore, it's nothing but a blessing."

Actually, Ferdinand's approval comes out with such a flow, but there is no need to
explain everything to Egrandines. I tell you only that I give blessings at the entrance
and send out two people to the auditorium. At the same time that the door was closed,
the magical power was poured into the ring.

Egrantine and Prince Anastigius are tremendously hard, but do your best at the zento
business! I will only support you!

It is a blessing like a greeting like a mood by merely making it feel like overpowering.
With this, it nodded, Ferdinand kept the temple and inscribed the wrinkle clearly
between the eyebrows.

"……it's awful"
"What is it?"
"Do not you have consciousness? The power of the goddess surrounding you is

I try to see my hand, I do not understand it at all. Even if I do not understand myself,
Ferdinand is a very troubled face. Probably not quite right.

2334 | 2523
"How do you do, Ferdinand?"
"There is nothing I can do, already two of them entered and the ceremony began.
There is only to proceed as it is"
"... ... Is it okay to advance? Manastone, I started to shine, but ..."

I have no consciousness that the power of the goddess has increased, but I could
understand even if I hated being a serious thing if I saw that a magic stone about arms
ornaments started to be light little by little.

"It is anticipated that unexpected things will happen on the way, but it is said that
unexpected things will happen before entering the auditorium ... as usual you will be
betraying my expectations."

As Feldinand tries to tongue, he begins to check his magical tools. I saw a glimpse of
hiding various things in various places.

"Instead of going to the place of ceremonies, it's equipment to go to the battlefield"

"I do not know if this can still be accommodated to the unexpected situation you will
"I have used restorative medicine in the place of myths, but there is no need for a
magical tool for attacks."

When I sharpen my lips, Ferdinand rang Hung and a nose.

"Be careful for any embarrassment, let it be like a goddess's incompatibility a little
more than that.

As Ferdinand was lined up with regard to the importance of giving the goddess's
incarnation of a goddess, the auditorium's door opened. From the other side, the voice
of Hartmut is heard.

"Rosemain's entrance entrance with the incarnation of Mestio Nola"

...... Incarnate of the goddess? I hope it looks like it.

It seems Ferdinand has thought of various things, so I think that it seems like it seems
like a big failure, but I feel tense. I put my hand on the hand of Ferdinand I was
2335 | 2523
...... Oh, it's shining really.

It seems that the power of the goddess was increasing while listening to your
compliments. Unnoticed the number of magic stones and amulets covering their arms
are showing off tremendously. Because the stimulus is strong in the eyes a little,
remove the line of sight with the feeling to raise the jaw slightly so that the manastone
does not enter the field of vision. I felt that Ferdinand's sociable smile was accused of
"giving me extra blessings," and I felt a little gaze from the profile of Ferdinand.

... ... Well, I gave you a blessing, but it is not my fault that I am in such a state. Because
the goddess is bad.

According to Ferdinand, this powerful situation will also fit if you consume a great
deal of magical power in votive dance because it seems that the power of the goddess
has diminished by supplying it to the cornerstone.

... ... It's a bit more patience. Go for it, I.

Listen to Hartmut and Egranthine, I will rise above Ferdinand and the stage. I was able
to see that the state of drift of the power of the goddess was quite terrible, watching
the magic team emerged at the feet just by it.

...... Ooooooooo! what is this?

Ferdinand makes a nasty face as a result of tempered tone. It is a dripping level of the
level that I am surprised.

...... But, "When I start dedication for the future, there are magic teams that appear on
the stage, but ..." I did not need to explain, Mr. Ferdinand.

While thinking about such things, listen to Ferdinand's explanation about the divine
and magic team. In the original schedule I was supposed to talk about the shrine, but
Ferdinand explained that "for the mystery will be diminished" forbidden to open the
mouth. I think that he made the right choice, but he is a bit terrible.

After explanation is over, it is dedication. I heard the sounds that are tuning with Pin
and Bon. I kneeled on the stage.

2336 | 2523
Actually Ferdinand is supposed to also dedicate music and songs. It seems to dedicate
music to the gods as we are going to raise the altar together with the amulet of the
concealed god Fairbern. Even though I've been doing somewhat rude things to date,
I'm seriously curious at odd places. When I pointed out, he said, "Regardless of Air
Valmain who is losing power as a god, I can not let go of the other gods that are
protecting you."

Ah, the sound matching, has it ended?

I could not hear the sound of the instrument, so I was ready. I suddenly breathed in
slowly once.

"I am a person who creates the world and prays and gives thanks to the gods"

That Egrantine will do the same offering dance afterwards. You must be caught up so
that you can see it as good as possible for everyone in the batting seats as if you do
not think that "the incarnation of the goddess is not quite ...".

...... Do not pour gangan magical power not to lose just by the height of the pillar of

I do not think it will be able to win with the technique of Mai, so I would like to make
it gorgeous even just the goddess's incarnate effect. In addition to the power of the
goddess flowing downwards I will also flow my magical power. The pillars of light
steadily grew steadily.

... ... Yeah yeah good.

The god image of the altar moved when turning around and I saw the way opened.
After opening the way I wait at the altar and Egranthine is supposed to see the dance.
In this order, even if the pillars of light are missing in the dedication of Egrantine it is
not understood by the noblemen of the bleachery.

It was because I confidently concentrated on the dedication dance because I

confirmed that the road opened and then it was probably because the manastone I
wore was shining. I knelt back to the stage after finishing the dedication dance without
noticing that the magical power which overflowed from the stage became a wave of
light and went up to the altar, and the thing that the shrine glitter did not notice.

2337 | 2523
"Thank God"

As soon as I said, suddenly my surroundings were covered in dazzling lights. I closing

my eyes tightly in spite of myself. Immediately after being wrapped in a floating feel
like the body got lighter, he heard a voice saying "I returned well, the second place is


I terribly opened my eyes and slowly lifted my face. After the dedication of Egrantine,
it was supposed to come up to the altar with three people and Ferdinand using
Egrantine and Fairberken 's amulet, but why only I was already in the opening garden
and face against Airvalum ing.

……Wait a minute. Schedule, it's too crazy.

Slowly the blood felt. Hurry up and look around. There is no doorway to the beginning
of the garden, and there is no place where someone can come in. The road which I
opened with dedication dance is closed why for some reason.

……Huh? Mr. Egrantine, all right! Is it? Open the road alone! Is it? Mr. Ferdinand, what
do you do at such times! Is it?

As expected, Ferdinand should not have assumed that only me will be moved to the
opening garden.

"Do you hear, Mine?"

"...... I was too surprised that I was suddenly moved here, so what was it?
"The struggle of TSENT said that it was second place."

……Huh? Second place?

"Dear Mr. Air Velmeen, is it that Gel Vagio returned to here !?"

I was saying that medals were destroyed and locked in the border gate, was that some
mistake? When I opened my eyes, Airvalum slowly shook his head.

"No, it would have been better if Terza returned, but I was disappointed, I do not know
where I am now."
2338 | 2523
Perhaps it is because the medals are abandoned and it is impossible for us to grab the
magical powers of Gerbergio on Air Vermeon. Or have they really moved somewhere?

"Does that mean that Gerbergio did not come back, Mr. Ferdinand returned in first
"Well, that coward who was interfering with Terza came back faster than that one"

……Huh? Unknown I have not heard.

While I was being held in the dormitory of Ehrenfest, Ferdinand would have gone over
there. I do not know which route I came here with, but I can not say that I have had as
much time.

"If you think that it is good to see it, you declared the victory and put it aside without
asking the way to the foundation, so Quinta is not thinking of here as a shed or

On the other end of the line that Airvalum witnessed, it is wrapped in a silver cloth,
and a square object bound by a string and a magic stone is placed. I knew something
that was wrapped in a silver cloth so that it would not be affected by other magical
powers and that others could not touch it without permission.

...... It's a magic tool of Gurtris Hite that I will give to Egrantine.

I wanted you to show it before, but it is a thing sealed by being told that once my
magical power is registered it will be rebuilt from scratch. It brought to the beginning
garden beforehand, it seems that he also declared victory.

...... Well, it seems Ferdinand seems to be Ferdinand-sama.

"It was later than Quinta that the other person came back, but that side reached the
corner ahead of that rude man. Although it is too little to dye the foundation, it is
certain that magical power is on the rise Take care of that coward. "

...... Well, it is Ferdinand-san that gave instructions to let the foundation run through
magical powers.

2339 | 2523
I dare not put it out in the mouth because it is a praised atmosphere, but apart from
Ferdinand I was not out. I was just squirting magical powers as I told Ferdinand who
wanted to investigate whether there was a change in the power of the goddess by
decreasing my surplus magical power and increasing or decreasing the magical

"And most of the border gate has been dyed with its magical power.While
acknowledging these accomplishments, I will make that a new tent, not Quinta."

A little understanding can not catch up. It is troubled even if appointed as TSENT. I am
now in the ceremony to make Eglantine inherit the magic of Gurtris Height as the
incarnation of Mestionora. There is no plans for me to become a tent. Besides,
Ferdinand is angry with me if I go crazy on my schedule.

"Fill the foundation with magical powers earlier than Quinta, Mine"
"Even if you say such a thing, the first place is Ferdinand, is not it that I will become a

When I complain about what is the competition for what, Air Vermeen says with an
unfamiliar face, "But has not it devoured magical power to the foundation?"

"That is true, that is Ferdinand ... ..."

"More than anything, I do not like that rude man, I think that it is better for people
other than Quinta to do it."

It is impossible to persuade when told with emotions like likes and dislikes. There is
no mystery even if Ferdinand, which has come to various things, is disliked.

"I certainly understand your feelings when Ferdinand says a lot of rudeness, but you
said you did not want to be as Ferdinand wanted if Mr. Ferdinand won?"

It should have been such a competition promise. I do not like likes and dislikes, I want
you to see the results. Besides, Ferdinand himself will not be a Tento. I think that it
also follows the wish of Airvalum.

"Is not Quinta free to make when Quinta fills the foundation, are not we satisfying the
foundation yet, now it is only now, before Quinta takes the foundation, it can dye it "

2340 | 2523
...... No, even if such a thing is told like a decision ... ....

If you dyed the foundation stubbornly, it will be hard for Egrantine to redraw, and I
want to keep my magical power for Arends Bach's praying ceremony and Entwickeln.
I can not help being told that it is natural for me to become a Tent. I have no plan to
become a tent. Everyone is already moving to make Egranthine a Tent.
I desperately wanted for words to persuade Airvalum. However, I can not find the
words to convince the existence moving with God 's theory.

"I do not mind with that magical power.It seems that Mestionola, who is able to wield
power inexhaustively, will cooperate, I will borrow a body for a while until I finish
dyeing the foundation with the power of Mestionora"

Light came down from the top with the words of Airvalum. Immediately afterwards,
a number of the magical stones wrapping my arms make sounds like a pair.
The talisman made by Ferdinand was activated before I gave permission. I noticed
that my body was deprived of my opinion and so on and the goosefles stood in the
forcing of the gods.

...... I lose my memory again! Is it?

"No! I will not lend!"

I declared to cry and resisted the existence of trying to enter my body. Tightly grasp
the arms of yourself crossing them, and power the magical power to the magic stone.

There are things that I can not give over to me either. I can not lose my memory any
more, I promised Ferdinand if I did not lend it without idea. I do not want the
surrounding situation changed while I am not conscious of myself. Ferdinand did not
tell me everything what happened while I lent her body to Mestionola.

...... I do not want to worry about Ferdinand and hurt!

The light which had been falling down where I strongly thought that I would lend it
absolutely disappeared. At the same time, air valumen begins to release intimidating

"Mine, are you going to rely on us?"

2341 | 2523
"I have no intention of doing anything but my precious memory has been deprived
because I lent my body to the goddess last time.My memorable memories have not
come back yet.I want to know more importantly to myself I do not want to lose things.

If we are to dye the cornerstone of the country, it will be hard to fill the land of
Entrance Egrandines and Ahrensbach, but it does not matter if you dyed it once.
However, refusing to lend a body to the goddess is prohibited.

"If you do not have to lose your memory, let's suppose that other gods will also
"What? ... what about other gods?"
"Bless me, let's give the power to fill the foundation"

Airvalum slowly moves his hand. Many colors of light came down at once. In myself
filled with the power of Mestionola, the power of a completely different attribute
comes in one after another. It is quite different from the blessings I have received so
far. I screamed with discomfort and pain that the forces of power from multiple gods
repel each other.

2342 | 2523
"Then dye the cornerstone of yourself .... What happened, Maine?"

I scream and screaming for me that sitting like a collapse on the spot, EVERMAN really

"No, it hurts ...... impossible!"

I was poured by power from various gods, I could not sit down, lay down on the spot,
and I endured the pain by shrinking my body as much as possible. Although it was
completely familiar with the power of Mestionola alone, it was able to drip without
awareness, but the powers injected from several gods repel each other. Even though
I insist on existence and rage to enlarge the area within me, I can not move with my
own will, unlike the heat of eating.

"...... Hmm ... Apparently it seems a bit unexpected to the gods that it is in a panic a lot,
Mestiónola descends to prepare the power of the gods, but can you remove the
ornament of that arm?"
"Wow ... .... ...."

I shake my head to Air Velhmeen who mutters so while looking at the top. You can not
even imitate dexterity that you can not even stand properly like now just looking up
the sleeves to the shoulder, looking for fasteners and removing with one hand.

Eva Mean crouch in on the spot and reach for me but it does not reach. Apparently Air
Vermeen does not seem to be able to move from that place even if it is in the form of
a person.

... ... humanoid is not useful at all! Stupid idiot!

"Well, I was in trouble ..."

In a voice that he does not really know whether he is really in trouble or not,
Evaelmeen stood up saying so. I was looking around slowly, reflected in my sight that
was distorted by tears of pain.

2343 | 2523
"... .... Someone is trying to open the way to here, a little magical, but if you can take it
off, would you rather invite me?"

There is no doubt that Egrandine is about to open the road. I desperately nodded. Now
that the power of the gods in the body is repelling and expanding rapidly and swelling
steadily, it is seriously bad if you do not have someone to help you.

Entry and exit is opened in the opening garden which was white color when a little
sweeps her arm. I felt that the rainbow-colored curtain of the doorway had fluttered
for a moment. Immediately afterwards, there are many small explosions around Air

Ah, that's Ferdinand.

There is no other person who sneaks into the opening garden about the body of the
concealed god Fair Bergken, and leaves the attack on Air Verme as it is. However, the
attack seemed to have had little effect, and Air Vermeen only frown looking awful.

"The dedicated magical power was not the one of Quinta, but on the other hand, you
used a cowardly hand, well, good, please remove the decoration of the arm of Mine"
"For what?"
"It is to bring Mestionora down."
"turn down"

……wait. Do not refuse me!

I seemed to remove Faldinand's appearance as I removed the amulet of the

concealment. Ferdinand who is measuring the distance between me and Air
Vermember with some magical tools in hand is completely in battle. But if you refuse
it here, I can not bear with the power of the gods. I extend my trembling trembling
hand to Ferdinand. But Ferdinand does not turn to us, staring against Ayr Vermeun.

... ... Please help me, Ferdinand.

"To be sure, I will push Mine as dead as it is, so that I will obtain the foundation by
completing the book of Mestionola. It certainly does not pollute my hands, it is
efficient, it is a way that is quite odd ... ... It is very regrettable, there will be no other
way than to admit that the other will be Tsento.Main, unfortunately it seems that there
was not enough time to support the other and make it the Tent "
2344 | 2523
Velvemeen swung his head awfully unfortunately at a completely given tone.

"Quinta is also poorly suffering Mine, if you have a mercy heart even a little, do not
wait until you die and hurry up quickly, and go go for the foundation quickly."

Ferdinand is a terrible confused face and I compare Air Vermember with Me.
Ferdinand kneeled on my side while wary of the movement of Air Vermoon whether
he noticed my eyes that appealed to be saved.

"... If you go down to Mestio Nola, will Rosemain save?"

"Only God can move the power of the gods, neither man nor me"

I found Giirito Ferdinand biting his back teeth.

"Do not you have any objections to bringing Mestionora down, Rosemain?"
"... ... ... Takeshi ... ... It hurts!"

Somehow I nodded, Ferdinand tidied up the magical tool I had in my hand and started
taking out alternatives. Open the mouth of my mouth that had been clinging to me
"Keep it in your mouth", put something in solid form and put something in your
And when I turned up and stood up I shot something for Air Vermeon. The sound of
bread echoes beyond the expanding mantle.

"The efficacy is weakening a little, so long as Rosemain is saved, it has been set for a
while so that no more extra things can be done"
"Ah ... ..."

Air Vermane began to make pain of distress. I guess the first attack did not work, what
on earth did you do this time? Immediately after thinking, Ferdinand set out a silver
cylinder. Apparently it seems he gave instantly-deadly poison to Air Vermoon.

... ... Is something in my mouth an antidote? It's pretty bitter, though.

Ferdinand immediately rolled my sleeve and began to remove the ornament of the
arm when making Air Vermeun immovable.

"It hurts ... .... Ugo ugh ..."

2345 | 2523
"It may be painful, but do not get rampant"

I can not help being told such a difficult thing. It is painful just to change a little bit.
Please ignore my groaning voice as usual and end it quickly.

"... .... Uh, Mr. Ferdinand, Rosemain. What on earth are you doing in the middle of the

Egrandin 's voice was terribly confused. By the way, Egranthine opened the door. I
had completely forgotten, but if true it was supposed to be Egrantine, not Ferdinand.

"I am removing a part of the amulet in order to admire Mestionola to Rosemain. Please
come and help here as soon as you are not absent.When you have anything on
Rosemain you will head to far higher I understand, do you understand? "

Egrantine will come to me for the impatient voice of Ferdinand. I looked at me in a

painful mood, and changed my complexion in a moment.

"What happened to Mr. Ferdinand, Rosemain?"

"I do not know, the only thing that is sure is that Rosemain will die unless you descend

When Ferdinand said so frustratingly, the amulet in one of the arms went off.

"Please hold Ferdinand like Rosemain and hold it down, I can not see the clasp."

As Egranthine says so, Ferdinand hugs with the momentum to firmly solidify so that I
will not rampage. Meanwhile, Egrantine rolls the other sleeve. As they shared and
cooperated, the other amulet quickly went off.
Immediately after the amulet came out, the voice of Mestionola echoed in my mind.

"Please withdraw for a while, I can not put you in the library this time"

Then my consciousness was dismissed and I was left behind in an empty white space.

...... It was banned from entering the goddess library! Is it? Ooooooooooo!

2346 | 2523
When the pleasure of death after death has been overwhelmed, Mestionola's voice, "I
am done, return, please return" sounded.

"Well, what happened? What did you do to my body?"

I rush to ask Mestionora. Last time, Ferdinand did not teach everything. It is likely to
be the same this time, so I want the correct information from the goddess.

"When I got on your body last time I felt completely dyed in my power, so the power
of several gods repelled each other, so long as the time has passed and the influence
is diminishing It seems that you did not suffer as much, but as you did not have much
time this time, you suffer unnecessarily. "

Mestionola says, "That is one of the causes of pain." In other words, there are other
reasons. I urged you, "What is the second one?"

"Did my adventure be prevented by the magician of Quinta? So, the gods asked for
cooperation by Mr. Air Vermoon have poured in the power of blessing with the
momentum that can not be defeated. It is the second one. "

..., a little, Gods ... ....

The amulet made by Ferdinand prevents the coming of God. It is not something to
prevent the blessing of the gods. Therefore, it seems that the power of other gods is
not prevented and it is accepted as it is. The power of the gods that was supposed to
be prevented is that it was a blessing too much for the human body.

"Although the gods were not cheerful, it seems that it was a return to the intent to
Quinta against Air Vermouth."

As a result, if I suffer, it is terribly brutish.

"I think that I did something not done to you who was involved ... ... But it seems better
to have the story so far.Please return before Quinta, which is short of patience,

It is almost like being a beast, though Ferdinand is efficient and it has no choice but to
be patient, basically it is a patient patient.

2347 | 2523
"I do not think that patience is not enough, but ...."
"Is that so? Quinta seems to have a strong influence of Aveilibe, and his patience seems
to disappear when his Gedourculhi is related.If you can do, please do not let
yourselves come close to Air Vermeer already"

Mestionola seriously contemplates Air Vermeen. As a benefactor of life I have read a

story about how Mestionola interacts with Air Vermoon variously, but is that myth
true story? For Mestionola Air Vermember may be an important entity. I could
understand that as soon as he jumped into the opening garden, he did not want to
approach Ferdinand who attacks.

...... It might be really beast be like a bullet if only Ferdinand was the beginning garden.

"I understand, I will take Ferdinand as soon as possible and leave the beginning
"Yeah, and please dye the cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt, which Air Vermeam wished
for, and the gods lent the power."

Although it became a serious situation, the gods seem to wish for the survival of
Jurgen Schmidt. It is necessary to use power to reduce even a little even influence, this
time it helped, and we have received various blessings so far. There is no denying that
we can fulfill the wishes of the gods.

"I am indebted to you, Goddess. Pray to God!"

When consciousness came back, Ferdinand's face was near again. I have an anxious
face as I did last time.

"Rosemain, how is your body healthy? It seems that Mes Tionola has arrived, but there
is no change in the power of the gods you are clad in. Is it really okay to take your
precious thing Have not you lost? "

I could discriminate quickly when I got the power of several gods, but Ferdinand
seems to be full of distrust as there is no change even if Mestionola comes down.
I try to move my hand a little. There is not much pain.

"I feel a sense of incompatibility in my body, but my pain is getting less."

2348 | 2523
"As long as it is acceptable, as long as I got an explanation, it seems that they divide
and strengthen the power of other gods.The power of the gods will also increase as
time goes by so that magical power recovers, so it was bestowed as soon as possible
It seems we have to use power. "
"Is it okay to just use?"

I have made a promise to dye the foundation, and there is also a prayer formula of
Ahrensbach after this. It is not too difficult if you only use the power of the gods.

"If you restore magical power, it seems that the power of the gods will also recover,
although it fades a bit ... ... I heard that suffering will continue until the influence is
completely gone."
"Please wait a moment, how long is it until the influence disappears? I do not want to
keep suffering for a long time. Is there any way?"
"... ... not not that"

Ferdinand slightly dislikes his eyes and says so, and makes me stand up.

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand ... In such a way of saying Rosemain is also anxious, I have to tell
you as I mentioned by the goddess ... ...."

Egrantine shook his eyes and took note of Ferdinand. I agree with the opinion of
Egrantine. Secret is not good. Especially if it is related to me. Just as I looked up to
Ferdinand, Ferdinand taught me with a disgusting face.

"It is difficult to negate the power of the gods with the magical power of a person in
the state where the power of the gods is about to overflow like it is now, but it seems
to be possible just after using magical powers until just before exhaustion"
"In other words, after using magical power to exhaust it is only Ferdinand-san's dyed
it? Because there are many places to use magical power from now on, it seems to be

If you are relieved that it was a surprisingly easy way, you smile a smile that
Eggrantine lowered your eyebrows as if you were a little troubled.

"Rosemain will not be able to substitute for life though it will expedite the arrival of
winter without waiting for autumn. There is no choice but it can not be helped ... ...."

2349 | 2523
"Oh? Will it speed up the arrival of winter, do you call winter on Ahrensbach? If you
use the sword of Ayuribe indeed it will use magical powers to the limit, it is a bit of a
waste of magical power, is not it?"
"No, Rosemain. Not so"

Ferdinand gently squirrels while sitting lightly and turns a stern gaze to the
Egranthine as saying "Do not say anything unnecessary".

"I will explain to Rosemain later I wonder if Egrandine finished registering Gurtris
"Oh I'm done."

While saying that, Egrantine shows a bracelet with a large manastone. That seems to
be Gurtris Hight. He seems to be able to be worn as a decorative item usually to make
the staple appear to be deformed. Ferdinand is also adorable Mother's adorable level.

"It's a one-generation Gurtris Height, I can not use it other than Egrandines."
"I understand. Thank you very much for giving me the royal family Gurtris Height."

Egrantine kneeled before me and Ferdinand.

"Everyone else, if Mine returns to us, go away."

Looking back at who the voice came, Air Vermeen shook his arms while making a bad
face. When I make an entrance and exit, I will slowly return to the big white tree. If
you wish for the survival of Jürgen Schmidt and asking for help from the gods, Air
Vermeen attacked by Ferdinand is a very poor presence in a sense.

"Because I promised Mr. Air Vermember, I, the goddess, I will dye the foundation.
Please be relieved."

I saw that Air Verme nodded slightly.

"Rosemain, what you dye the cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt ..."

Ferdinand tried to stop, but I shake my head loosely.

"It is the power of the gods that I gave for that, and it seems that we have given the
impotent power to human beings, so we need to use more and more. In fact, the
2350 | 2523
goddess prepared us even now that we are talking The power of the gods is swelling
up little by little. "

The time to stay without feeling pain is never long. I can not afford to look like a groan
in pain in the place where aristocrats gather as I treated as an incarnation of the

"I have no more time than I expected, ready to dye the foundation, I will finish the
ceremony as soon as possible"

While saying that, Ferdinand began picking up the branches falling around the white
big tree.

"What is it?"
"Since it came out after cutting off the hair of Air Vermoon, it will be a branch of this
"Well, what does it mean to cut off my hair !? Because I do that, Ferdinand is wary of
the goddess!"

What is it doing to cut off the hair of Air Vermember? If I had done such a thing before
the goddess, I think that there is no choice but to be treated as a beast.

"I do not mind being going to leave if you do not need it, but it is a material that is
falling as much as you want, do not you want to do research on magazines?"
"I think that it is better to make effective use of falling objects"

Ferdinand smiled as she grinned. I feel the power of the gods has swelled up in my

...... I will not let Ferdinand away from the beginning of the future! Please do not miss
this time only, God!

Ferdinand who held the fairbern keeper went ahead and I was not completely
disappointed and suffering. I was handed to Egrantine and I got down the altay more

"There are so many things and it makes me feel like I was still in ceremonies."
2351 | 2523
"Wow, really, in the short time various things have happened too much, I admire
Ferdinand who is trying to respond to everything."

Egrantine tells in a loud voice while slowly descending the altar.

That it turned pale blue that I disappeared suddenly. As previously told by Ferdinand,
the magic stone was pushed onto the stage by first pressing the manastone who bred
his magical power against the stage. After going up the altar and reaching the opening
garden, I was surprised that I was groaned in pain. When the amulet was removed,
the goddess advented and began fighting with Ferdinand. It was that Aervalmen was
standing in the place where there was a white big tree, that Ferdinand attacked
without hesitation against such a precious existence.

"Is the goddess and Ferdinand fighting?"

"Wow ... For goddess of wisdom to acts against Air Vermeer, Mr. Ferdinand was mad
about Mr. Rosemain's treatment ... ... The wisdom goddess is Mr. Air Vermouth and
Ferdinand is Rosemain very important It seemed like you were doing it. "
"If myths are truthful, it is a benefactor of life, so I thought that it might be like
Ferdinand to me."

As I say, it is more important than reading books in the library, Egrantine saw me with
eyes like seeing a troubled child.

"I understand your feelings that Ferdinand will hesitate to make winter come earlier"

Suddenly a story about "the arrival of winter" comes out from the mouth of Egrantine,
I will tilt my head. The flow of conversation is strange. For the time being I understood
that the meaning is different from the "arrival of winter" which I had been thinking
until now.

...... I have to ask Mr. Ferdinand later.

"Egrantine, I do not want to say anything else that I heard and heard in the opening
garden, I do not want to order much, but I have no choice but to order this."
"I knew it, it was not something I could say quite a bit, so let's finish the ceremony as
soon as possible, Rosemain."

The power of the gods is slowly expanding. Egrandin grasped my hand once it started
trembling a little because of that, smiling social smile like a royal family. I nodded and
smiled to look like a goddess's incarnation.
2352 | 2523
When I got off the altar, I muttered with expressions that Hartmut was "enthusiastic
and divine ... ...." I guess Ferdinand explained the circumstances.

"Then, a contract with the goddess of light ... ... Dear Rosemain, is the position of the
magic tool right around here?"

I nodded to see how Hartmut prepared in my surroundings, and I gave the temple of
the goddess of light. Gently put on the head of Egranthine kneeling it. It is surprisingly
difficult to cover it beautifully so that it does not lean so that Egrantine will not fall
even if it stands up. As I was aware, it seems that there is no suitability for the side of
me to be troubled by one crown.

Together with the words of Egranthine 's oath, the crown of light shines all the time.
At that moment some of the blessings of the gods in me reacted. It seems that the
power of the gods also included the power of the ancestors of light.

...... What will happen if you bless all the attributes?

After this, I am supposed to give Egrantine the blessing of all attributes. Egrantine is
supposed to pretend to have gottlisheight with that blessing. I can not get rid of any
meetings with Hartmut or Eglantine, and I can not imagine how to give other great
divine Gurtris Height.

I meet eyes with Hartmut who is adjusting the position of the magician that amplifies
the voice volume. Blinking his eye as Hartmut noticed something, it turned out a slight
upset. Hartmut's gaze wanders like looking for Ferdinand with fairbernqueen amulet.

……No good! I can not stop an important ceremony in such a place.

I control Hartmut trying to move and open my mouth and declare the award of Gurtris
Height. I put out Stept and chanted "Styro" and gave a flashy blessing of all the
attributes as was decided.

"Control the expanse of the sky high ... ...."

2353 | 2523
The symbol of Ogami shines along with the words of prayer. Every time I realized that
the power of the gods in my body wanders and swells. While the blessings of all the
attributes fall on Egranthine, my body gets warm as if I had a fever.

"Mr. Egrantine, I will give you a proof of Tento"

I gave way to Egrantine and went back to the back. Hartmut is somewhat behind me,
asking in a loud voice "Are you OK?" I do not know where I am before I answer, but I
heard the voice of Ferdinand.

"Preparation for the foundation has been prepared to a certain extent ... but it has
become a face with fever"
"The power of the gods responds to blessings and it will swell up"
"As the goddess told you, you need to head to the foundation, you have to keep
everyone in the auditorium, so that others will not know the foundation of the
foundation, I will leave time for you, Hartmut"

Haltmut raises a voice saying "What?" To the unexpected swing from sudden
Ferdinand. However, the voice was canceled by the cheers for Eglintine, who holds
Gurritris Height.

"After this, leave the story that was planned to go from Azent to Aub to Traquerel, but
still speak and prolong the part on the Lord's Conference if time is not enough."
"... ... I got it to you"

The cheers are stopped little by little while pretty rough meetings are being done
briefly. Apparently it seems that the existence of Gurritosheit was trusted. I breathed
a relief that I was able to fulfill the role of "incarnation of the goddess" that I was
imposed on.

...... After that, I just leave without losing consciousness.

"Well, everyone"

Closing remarks are made with a voice that changes the schedule of rituals and Huluth
Mut who was rounded out for time earning feeling a little tense.

"Pray to God!"

2354 | 2523
Because it is a greeting, devoting prayers here is unavoidable. But the light of blessing
leaked from the ring and the ring, I felt like having a head to the fact that the heat went

...... Ooooooooo ... .... My stupid background.

"Rosemain, Egrantine will be sent out, please raise the staple and send it!"

Hartmut's voice, which informs concerned people that the progress of the ritual has
changed, and encourages the protagonists to exit, is echoed. Ferdinand who removed
Falbernken's amulet and Anastigius desperately swallowing surprises came before
the altar for escort.

"Is not this really a fool in this emergency?"

"... Ferdinand, please do not say something obvious this time in this emergency"

While complaining with a loud voice while socializing a smile, I will leave as quickly
as possible. I could not stop trembling my hand grasping Ferdinand's arms as I got a
bit of a sense of gait, no matter how fast we were going.

"You can finish it all while Hurtmuth is making money on time"

The moment the doors of the auditorium were completely closed, Ferdinand, whom I
tore away a smiling smile for socializing, glared at me precisely the power of the gods
surrounding me.

"Is everything okay, Rosemain?"

"It's not okay, so whether it is said that you are badly behaved, or whether you preach
about the incarnate behavior of the goddess, I would like to sit down like this."

I'm feeling bad and I'm about to throw up. Though I want to spit out, it is the power of
the gods pouring one after another.

"Mr. Rosemain, please here"

Outside of the auditorium somehow Gratia and Clarissa have a silver cloth and they
are ready to cover me. The moment the cloth was covered, everyone in the vicinity
2355 | 2523
suddenly pulled out of the body, I was convinced that the influence of the power cast
into this body was very strong.

"Gratier, Clarissa ... Why are you here ...?"

"In the middle of the ceremony from Ferdinand, the appointed group was ordered to
prepare a silver cloth and wait here."

When Clarissa said that while preparing the hem of a cloaked silver cloth, Graya who
covered the food with me covered with hood became a disgusted face.

"Have not you returned to the auditorium once Clarissa said that he would like to see
a Rosemain-like ritual?"
"Because I came back here faster than Rosemain and waiting, please forgive me."

They are exchanging light but their expressions care about me. Ferdinand will give
instructions one after another while the two are preparing for me.

"Three of the escort knights accompanying are Eckhart, Matthias, Laurentz, those who
do not get close to Rosemain now are unnecessary as an escort knight, and as we deal
with national confidentiality from now on, we need to tie their companions Rosemain,
I will prohibit accompanying other than those who gave a name to Egrandine. "

If you would like to accompany you, give a name, Ferdinand who shut silence the
aeglitine 's aides turned directly to Anastasiusus.

"Of course, the same is true for Prince Anastigius"

"What did you say!?"
"The future from now is not Zento, it is not a place where you can not direct you who
can not bind yourself even without giving a name."

Anastigius, who was told to wait with my aides as a blue priest, pulls her cheeks on
the cheeks. Regardless of the reaction, Ferdinand holds me holding a silver cloak and
holds it. Even if I no longer need to stand on my own, it got much easier.

"If so, Ferdinand ... that one ......"


2356 | 2523
When Egrantine taps lightly and pulls attention on the arm of Anastigius trying to eat,
it grinds and moves away from the side of Anastasiusus and sticks a half step behind

"Where do we go and what do you not understand about Rosemain - sama 's physical
condition now? There is really no time, so please consider the case where Rosemain
says something like that. "

Anastigiusus who saw me and Ferdinand seems to be disappointed, "It would be

better if we should earn time"? Ferdinand shook his head.

"As soon as this is done, Egrantine is supposed to go to capture the criminals of the
border gate as the role of the new Tent, so please prince Prince Anastigius and the
escort knights.

Anastagiusus who got the role and Akishonba turns the mantle and starts to move.
There was only one who gave a name on the spot. Egrantine looking around looks up
at Ferdinand.

"Let's hurry, like Ferdinand, it seems that the power of the gods is steadily increasing."
"... ... Can you tell me not to tell others what happened during that time, Rosemain?"
"Please do not let other people know about what happened during the trip"

When I ordered my companions to useless useless, Ferdinand began walking with a

huge stretch. With the tremor shaking, the heat in the body begins to rampage. I
wanted to alleviate the shaking even slightly, and I grasped Ferdinando's clothes just
in front of me. Ferdinand further accelerated his feet.

Ferdinand speaks to Sorangju who is coming to pick up when going to the library at
the speed that Egrantine is going to be put at ease.

"Soranju, as I told you in Ordonant earlier, please wait in the office for a while, ask not
to let anyone else enter the library"
"Well ... I know the behavior behind the arrival of spring, please leave it to me."

Soranju will step down one step and kneel down a bit to make it easy for us to pass.

2357 | 2523
"...... Egrantine, celebrate the birth of a new Tento, I sincerely wish for your continued
support from now."
"Thank you for your cooperation, Professor Sorangju"

If you learn that the library is deeply involved in the birth of TSENT, there is no way
it can be handled in a bad way. Egrantine will also walk away next time promising to
talk with Sorange.

"Rhodderich contacts Hartmut for permission to exit, Justkus and Eckhart alert the
person who approaches the library, and the other escort knights turn their backs and
take care of this place"

I instructed escort knights who accompanied up to the second floor one after another,
and gray tear and clarissa told me to remove a silver cloth from me and lower it from
my neck and give out the key I was wearing.

"Rosemain, I will excuse you,"

Although Gratir has declined us, I can only do it nods. The hood is removed in a state
of being held by Ferdinand, and the key is pulled out from the neck in sliding fashion.
Gratia, who grabbed the key while helping Clarissa, took the key quickly with a
handsome hand.

"Hand out the key to Egranthine, turn their backs on them,"

When they turn their backs, Ferdinand taught Egrandine how to use the key. If
Egrantine opens the back cover part of Guritisuhaito of the statue of Mestionola and
inserts the key, the statue moves and the staircase leading to the foundation appears.

"Well ..."

Ferdinand holds me and goes down, letting Egrantine go round. When you get through
the rainbow-colored curtain, there is the cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt.

As I was dropped by Ferdinand, I began touching the foundation and began supplying
magical power quickly. The power of the gods as well as the magical power being
sucked out flows into the foundation. I felt that my breathing became easier, my pain
was relieved, and I felt that my fever was pulling.
2358 | 2523
...... Ah, I will revive.

"The key of the scripture of the central temple is the cornerstone of Jürgen Schmidt
and the key to the scriptures of each region is the key to reaching the cornerstone of
the province The proof that the distant past of Trent and Awb was the temple That is
why royalties and lord families must strive for the temple of the temple from now on.

Ferdinand will explain the key and the foundation to Egranthine, saying, please refer
to Gurtris Height for details.

"The foundation here will be dyed with the magical power of Rosemain once as
wanted by Air Velhme and the goddess of wisdom so the gods who probably strongly
wanted to avoid the exhaustion of the foundation and the collapse of Jürgen Schmidt
will also feel better "

Looking back on the history so far, Ferdinand says that it is tolerant of the dyeing once
the foundation is satisfied.

"I do not know how hard it is to change the power of the gods, but as a result of the
ignorance of the royal family, I have no choice but to do my best with Egrandine and
Prince Anastigius."

Because there is no time to talk only this place, Ferdinand talks one way about future
plans, Egranthine desperately listens to it.

"We can not appoint Trax Ovar and Prince Sigiswald to Abu as long as we do not
redraw the border and create a new territory until the lord's council.Egrantine's
urgent affair. If we can recover the sacred treasure of the territory, there will be no
burden of creating newly built tools. "

...... It is good for the power of the gods to come out more and more ... ....

When I dyed the foundation of Ahrensbach, I needed a healing medicine on the way.
Yet, this time we have to fill the cornerstone of the country much more than the
cornerstone of the territory, there is no sign of exhaustion of magical power.

2359 | 2523
"Mr. Ferdinand is serious, no matter how much we supply it, I do not feel that magical
power is decreasing. Even though I know that it will flow, the magical power inside
myself does not decrease so much. If you truly meet the foundation, magical power Is
it exhausted? What if I had not exhausted it? "

Explaining that it seems to have made the feeling when the magical energy
consumption changed when there was a change in magical power consumption more
extreme after the ceremony to obtain protection of the gods, Ferdinand said, "It is
necessary to use magical powers more than supply magical power to this foundation
Is it there? "

"The power returned to the voice, how is your physical condition?"

"Since I got the power of the gods, my fever went down, so it's still okay, it would be
better if the magical power does not decrease"
"If so, I will also do a rework of the border. In addition to having to consult with the
new Aub, the creation of the new territory is a place to show that Egrantine is a Tento,
You can not get out of hand, but you have already talked about redrawing the border,
it will not matter. "

Egrantine nodded in the word of Ferdinand who thinks my physical condition as a top

"I am saved if I ask you to redraw the border, but I am somewhat sorry for the
redrawing of the border but there is a little correction. As a result of talks with Auber
· Drevenhel and Adolfine, Prince Sigismwald A part of the land that was supposed to
be a territory will be given to Dreveinchel. "

Despite being a political marriage, it is said that Sigiswald and Adolfine formally
decided to divorce because the terms of the contract can not be met. It seems that
Sigiswald has decided to transfer a part of the central land which was supposed to be
his own territory as a penalty to Dorevanhel.

"Where is it?"
"It is a part of this area adjacent to Drevenanger from the north side of Lindental"

Ferdinand rewrites the map according to Egrantine's instructions. Because there is a

size of small territory, Dorevanker got bigger and the planned place of Sigiswald's
territory was much less.

2360 | 2523
"Prince Sigiswald will be Aub of the middle territory"
"Although the ranking is preferential treatment because it is the territory of Aubu
from the royal family, the first year is preferential treatment of rank, but since Haaru
Frazze, where her native place is from, is also far away, so much assistance would not
be expected, I think that will be tough from next year "

I shrugged my shoulders on the words of Egranthine.

"Even though Dunkel Ferger's support can be obtained via Magdalena, I think that it
is not as strict as Trax Ovale who controls a part of the former Berkestock that carries
many aristocrats that cause revolts.Since Prince Sigismwald gains There are only the
lands managed by the center, so it will not be too hard. "

It is unlikely that all the magical powers collected from everyone in the dedication
ceremony of the aristocrat were used in the land that the central and central centers
had managed, so it is not rough. If you seriously avert, you will not have that much

"It is said that Adolfine returned to Dorevanker is going to be a gibe in this

neighborhood.I was inspired by Rosemain's library city and said that he wanted to
make it a research city"

It is difficult for Adolfine, who once married to the royal family, to look for remarriage
parties outside the territory. Therefore, I will return to Dorevanker and become a
gibe. Durevanhel has many lord families, and aristocrats who went to the center are
also returned to the territory once, so remarriage seems not to be difficult in the
territory. It seems like I made my own way and I am more than anything.

"Rosemain, if you meet the foundation, redraw the boundary line, it is the same as Aub
reforms the boundary of Giebe, as to how to draw a line, please refer to my map ... ....
Ah, Mr. Egrantine, we are very sorry, please rate the score of Rosemain. "
'Are you grading?'

Egrantine rounded out at the request of Ferdinand.

"Is not Egrantine a teacher of the Candidate Candidate Course? I heard that Rosemain
has not finished his lecture at the House of Peers due to the missing in winter.When
returning the boundary line from now on and returning to Ahrensbach Please score
graduate candidate course by discard medals. "
2361 | 2523
At the same time, the dedicated dance is asking Egrantine to talk with the teacher of
the dedicated dance so that they will be scored in today's ceremony. I think that
everything is overpowering anything. For Eglantine who is surprised by sudden
unreasonableness, I firmly oppose it.

"I'm too overworked, Ferdinand. I think that the unexpected test is terrible, and for
Egrantine a little too much preparation is needed for my grandfather."

Ferdinand smiled at my nose and stared at Gironori.

"If you remember what I taught you ought to be able to pass without any problems,
you certainly did not say that you forgot what you taught in that busy moment?"
"Oh, I remember!"

Perhaps, add on in the heart.

"If so, do you have a problem, who do you think you are having trouble about taking
the time to retest the lords?"

I think a little while being overlooked coldly by Ferdinand. If it takes time to retest,
who is in trouble?

"Ferdinand is the most difficult thing, is it me and Ferdinand's aides at the next point?"
"That's right, so I decide the schedule for your re-examination and I will negotiate
with the teachers during the lord's conference and you only have to pass all the exams
in one shot ... .... Now, please redraw the boundary line. "

I told the Ferdinand to take out Steap.

In the re-examination of the change of the boundary line made using the foundation
of Jürgen Schmidt as a teaching material, the incarnation of the goddess who received
the blessings of many gods passed without success.

2362 | 2523
In addition to dyeing the foundation, not merely teaching materials, but magical
powers remain even though we went to rework the boundary lines with actual Jurgen
Schmidt. Before leaving the library, I was supplying magical power to the magic tool
at random, but still about a quarter of it still remains. No matter how you think, it is
an abnormal situation. If it remains so far, I do not know how to use magical power.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I am pleased about my success, but my magical power has not run
out, what should I do?"

After sending out Egrantine and Anastasius to the collection of Gerbergio, I moved
from the door behind the central building to the Imperial Palace, and I was riding on
the Ferdinand cuddle to move to the collection place of Ahrensbach It is. There is too
much difference between the magical power registered in the magic stone for the
coward and the power of the current gods, so Lesser - kun can not be used. It is too
bad that you can use magical powers little by little with cow animals.

"When you consider the amount of activity and your physical condition of today, you
want to use recovery medicine before going to bed, it is unlikely that you can use it
unless you exhaust magical powers. If you can not use up magical powers as soon as
possible, your strength will be exhausted one after another. There is nothing more
than trying it out. If you only supply magical power without casting a celebration, it is
not a problem, or you need to verify that joining the divine itself is dangerous. "

If you do not have to say even a celebration it will be a problem if you do not have a
problem. To do that, we came to the place of collection of Ahrensbach. The nobles who
were in the imperial Palace also accompany them for material collection.

"It's a terrible situation,"

Because I have not been managed at all and I am left untouched, I will round my eyes
to the collection place of Ahrensbach that seems to be only poor material. It is
different from the collection place of Ehrenfest too. It would be difficult for the
students to collect materials used in lectures.

"I think that most of the other areas are supposed to be able to heal the land ... ...."

2363 | 2523
"It is probably only the high-ranking territory, even though knowing how to heal the
losing group's small and medium-sized territory, it is thought that it is difficult to
execute because magical power is insufficient.In the case of Ahrensbach, the enemies
of Dietlinde's royal family and you It is the result of negligence. "

Ringing Hun and his nose, Ferdinand ordered the knights and civilians of Ahrensbach
other than the aides to wait in the sky, and got off to the collection place.

It is a gathering place that is rough enough to rarely give out demons. It will use quite
a magical power to restore here. When I healed the collection place of Ehrenfest for
the first time, remembering the use of recovery medicine, I expect expectation of
magical power decrease.

"Rosemain, you do it"


I asked Gray Tier and Clarissa to remove the silver cloth, I kneeled to the ground and
put both hands. Magical power flows into the magic team embedded in the collection
place, and the magic team emerges while shining green.

"What is the change in the power of the gods?"

"There is nothing in particular, but the land will not be healed just as magic teams
emerge in this way.
"I will cast a spelling letter, let it run magical power as it is"

Ferdinand said so and began to devote prayers to Fleet Lane. The magic team is
started, slowly rising up, releasing green light. The magical power is filled in the land
as the magical power flows in rapidly, the vegetation grows and the blue leaves grow,
the bud starts to fail and the flowers begin to fail.
It is a familiar sight at Ehrenfest, but for aristocrats of Ahrensbach who have never
healed before, it seems like a miracle scene.

"Ooooooooo! Great! The incarnation power of the goddess!"

"I can not believe that collection sites will be rich so much in just a moment"

While listening to the voices of aristocrats who are excited about the power of
incarnation of the goddess far away, I felt that the power of the gods inside of me
gradually expanded.

2364 | 2523
"How about you, Rosemain?"
"... There is a little reaction, but the response is smaller than when using the god of the
goddess of light.This is more rough and needed a lot of magical power, so it is
increasing than before healing There is nothing to say. "
"If so, you can probably pour your magical power into Arensbach, where there are
many stormy lands."

Feldinand relaxed a little expression. Perhaps, it is only a little unknown to others. I

think I was relieved to find that there was no way to exhaust my magical power.

"When filling the land of Ahrensbach, how about putting out the holy grail at Stap and
then driving the magical power instead of doing a prayer ceremony with a
"It's worth a try, but how about when you used the gods of the goddess of light in the
previous ceremony?"

I remember the time when I used the goddess of the goddess of light with Ferdinand's
point out. The power of the gods increased at the moment when Egrantine swore and
the shrine glowed. It seems not to be very good.

"It seems better not to expect much with that expression"

"How about running magical powers on the temple in the temple? I think that if it is a
sacred tool made by the old Tent, it would not break easily so easily.When you run the
magical power on the Holy Grail of Gedululich and cry over the skies of Ahrensbach
Running with a beast and going down Dapadapa ... .... "

As Ferdinand examines my thought, I put my hand on my chin and drop my eyes.

"Hmm ... Although the picture that comes to mind is not good, it is likely that the
prayer formula will end easily if it can be done, it may be effective to use magical
powers in compounding just because you have just got new material"
"Manastones and witchcraft have a high possibility of gold dusting though,"

I remembered that Jiggsvaert 's license was turned into gold powder just by trying to
return and I am a little shoulder. Evil stones are still scared of touching magical tools.
If you touch it badly you will break it.

2365 | 2523
"It is absolutely unquestionable that manastones become gold dust as they are used
for your library city planning.Making gold flour is supposed to be done with the
materials collected here.The entranchellen needs to do as soon as possible There is. "

It is said that you must arrange the town that was devastated by those of Ranznerav
as soon as possible and to destroy the building of Ranzenae that will be connected
with the Imperial Palace which Egrandines are supposed to use from now.

"If Entwickeln was not a priest using the name of the supreme god, I will build a library
city right now, I ... .... I can not use it for myself when I want to use it, unless I run out
of exhaustion It's a crisis of life "

When I complain with sharp lips, Ferdinand lightly strikes my head as if it soothes.

"No complaints when you complain, because there is no solution, there is no choice
but to try one by one"
"... ... Well, this time it's encouraging as Mr. Ferdinand is with us."

When I laugh at a glance, Ferdinand carved wrinkles between the eyebrows and
turned his eyes on.

"Please do not make noise so please collect them immediately!"

Reprimand fly from Ferdinand towards the nobles who are troubling that it is God 's
miracle in the sky.

"The material we collect from now will be used for gold dust to do Entwickeln at
Arends Bach, which was devastated by those of Ranzenae, keeping in mind that it will
be their residence, as much as possible To gather objects with high attribute values "

Toward the nobles who began collecting their facial expressions, they opened the
mouth in the same way as when Hartmut's clothes, accompanied by pressing the
cleansing of the ceremonies against the central aristocrat, were on the altar.

"I borrowed the power of Mr. Rosemain this time, but as soon as the collection of
materials for Entwickeln is over, the nobles who attend the students and lords meet
with their magical powers Did you know that the resurrection of the shrine was
reviewed at the aristocrat and the nobility already begins praying for the nobility to
gain the protection of the gods? "
2366 | 2523
Ahrensbach has never participated in a shrine held at the House of Peers, but if
Hartmut smiles, Clarissa wearing the blue cloak of Dunkel Ferger "There are already
many things done in Dunkelfluger "I nodded many times.

...... Dunkel Ferger doing rather than a divine is not it a ditta?

I have to do a doctor for the research of the rituals before and after, and the number
of times of the doctor has increased more than before, so I feel like people have heard
from Hanna Rollet that the number of dozers has also increased due to increased
protection. I do not remember when it was.

"If you do not allow aristocrats to do shrines earlier in Ahrensbach, it will result in
you being unable to get the most protection, even though Rosemain comes in. The
sinner Dietlinde has refused so far So please do not forget that Ahrensbach is lagging
behind other territories regarding priestesses and prayers. "
"Although the goddess's incarnation was to be brought to Aub in order to purify the
land fascinated by the goddess of chaos, the goddess may also be devoted to the
goddess in the future that is not so far as the nobility of the territory would like to
suffer the divine Things "

The nobles changed their complexions and began collecting the words of Hartmut and
Clarissa who had brainwashed the nobles of Ahrensbach.

"Sturl, I will ask for the leadership, the aides of Ehrenfest will return to the dormitory
once the re-inventors are ready."

When I returned to the dormitory of Ehrenfest, my adoptive father came over. Even
though those in the bleacher knew that the power of the gods increased, even after
the ceremony was over, they seemed to have been worried that we exited earlier will
not come back unnoticed.

"The room is ready so that we can tell you, as the news came in. It seems that
Ferdinand was sneaking around during the ceremony, is Rosemain okay?"
"I will explain about it"

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Ferdinand urged guidance, smelling that the center of the story is me. Besides
adoptive father, foster mother, Ferdinand, and me, they are taken out of the room and
operate range designation magic tools.

"... ... Although we omit all the complicated circumstances, Rosemain again admired
Mestionola, and also gained power from other gods, all to satisfy the foundation of
Jürgen Schmidt."
"Have you satisfied?"
"Oh, but still the power of the gods is still in the body of Rosemain: It seems that there
is a need for human beings to exhaust magical powers quickly once by force and
overwrite it with human magical power"

Ferdinand makes the words turbid without saying that it is truly a failure of the gods
left to momentum. It was the adoptive father who was aware of the differences in
Ferdinand's speech so easily noticed.

"... ... In other words, do you want to say that the orders of the gods will make winter
come earlier?"
"Because you are persistent, Jill Vestar, because Rosemain is a special kind of person,
it is not difficult to change colors without premature winter arrival and it is not
difficult to dye beautifully, so I will not do such a thing basically do it with medicine
Just use a magic tool that looks at memory as before, but the main theme is not that. "

Ferdinand looked bad and stared at his adoptive father. While looking at the two
people who felt stingy, I tilted my head.

"What does it mean to hasten the arrival of winter? I hear it recently, I do not
understand well ... well, I know that it is different from using a magic team calling

At that moment the air froze. Both adoptive foster and foster mother are smiling as
they are. It is the air after dropping the bomb. I found out that I did it.

"I am sorry, was not it something I should not listen to, but I do not have anything to
do with it, do not you tell me who should ask a question?"
"... It may be best to ask around Richarda, but this question will be tough oneself later

2368 | 2523
If Father adopted a glimpse of Ferdinand, Ferdinand was sighing to make him look

"I will explain to Rosemain from me.In truth it will be difficult in the gentleman to
know the meaning of the word to hasten the arrival of winter without waiting for
autumn's arrival, I do not know the meaning crowded in autumn There is no doubt. "

I will ask the foster mother about the meaning of autumn used in God expression and
answer it.

"It is fruit and harvest, is not it? It is defensive and protecting from the Sacelia's sacred
tools, it refers to the artist itself, because there are many arts-related relatives,
sometimes we show time, speed, information ... Other than Is it? "

Recalling a lot of expressions in love stories, I will say.

"Although it is Yugeraiz which often means loss of love or parting in a recent love
story, in the knowledge of the scripture that I know, there are many people who come
out at the time of the nest rather than a broken love Many lords of adults When a
candidate came out of the castle, when a woman's lord of professor left the territory
by marriage, long ago I was praying for Yugeraise. "

Because there is such knowledge, it is confusing extra in the love story, but if you
think, Ferdinand keeps the temple "Why do you know so much about it?"

"This time it's OK to interpret that, Rosemain. In autumn there is a meaning of

maturity and adult besides harvesting.What seasons are there in winter, please think
here based on the behavior of Ogami. Interpretation of the scripture as it is all right. "

The foster mother smiled and smiled and said so.

"Well, if you interpret it as a scripture, that is, without waiting for an adult ... ...

At the moment when I was connected, I was hit by an amazing shame. The
surroundings should be awkward. At the same time, I recall my own words. "I only
need you to dye Ferdinand after using magical powers," he said to Egrandine.
Whatever you think, is not it an inviting word that is too transparent?

2369 | 2523
... .... Gay Ah! Someone, return the time! please!

I wanted to cry knowing the meaning that Eglantine had a complex complex face. I am
ashamed and I can not stand. I would like to fill it if it is buried by digging a hole in
this place. I tried to slap the floor with a crocodile so as to slide down from the chair,
but the floor covered with thick carpet was unlikely to dig.

"What do you do when you finally get a sense of meaning?"

"It's the worst, because I'm a father-in-law, I will dye the magical power without
waiting for autumn ... ... ...."

While squatting down, looking up at the adoptive father and letting his mouth feel
without knowing what to say, Ferdinand, who looked down like a foster father, said,
"Do not act like that, so please calm down" Say with a face you realized.

I was taught that "Please dyed in your color" is a fairly direct invitation, but why did
not you tie up with stuff when a story saying to change dyeing magical power comes
out? It is because my experience of dyeing it with Ferdinand was using drugs and
magical tools.

"I think it's all due to Mr. Ferdinand!"

"It will be due to your special birthday, it is not my fault. In addition, it is because of
you that the obviousness is bad."
"What is the special history of Rosemain?"

Florentia blinks and looks around us. Ferdinand and Jilvester crossed each other and
shook their heads.

"I can not tell you in detail, but Rosemain is quite different from ordinary nobility, so
it seems that it was under the influence of my magical power before Jill Vestor became
a adopted daughter.When I dyed it now , I guess only those who were dedicating
themselves have returned to their previous magical powers. "

In the case of magical power, the color of magical power is not what you can
understand from the outside. It can be perceived by those who gave a name to wear
the magical power of the Lord.

2370 | 2523
"Because we are notified of the power of the gods as if the power of the gods
disappeared by giving Gurtris Hite to Mr. Egranthine, we do not have to worry about
"Even if you say that you do not have to worry about it, then you can not solve the
misunderstanding of Egrandine who gave her name after wearing the power of the
goddess! The adoptive fellows also misunderstood the same way? Even though I just
use medicine ... ... even if I say that it dyes magical power ... Never ... doing something
that would require a star knot ... ... Wow, that is a misunderstanding .... "

Ferdinand will be careful with an extremely calm face if he is holding his head with
teary eyes, although he does not do shameful separately.

"Do not shake your emotions too much, Rosemain, not only magical but also the power
of the gods will become unstable"
"I can not keep calm, because I, ... ...."

It never happened that I was the center of such a topic. Relationship is clear and a
woman who is told from his / her fiancé "It is a pain to be with a fellow as a fiance". I
do not think that such a story will come out. I am about to die with shame.

"Although misunderstandings can be solved, embarrassing things will be

embarrassing, but Ferdinand will not understand such a woman's heart, so that
rosemain can also be heeded by bad luck."
"I am already realizing it"

Ferdinand had a bad face when I stared at his adopted father.

"... Then, stop the unknown position sooner now you can not use recovery medicine
until you exhaust magical power, you have to be careful not to waste your physical
strength as much as possible"

I was instructed to get back and I got up slowly and sit back in my seat.

"It's essential, but I have to deplete the magical power of Rosemain, but this is quite a

When Ferdinand tells that the power of the gods does not decrease easily and magical
powers recover, if the power of the gods is repulsed and Ferdinand tells them to die,
fathers and foster mothers have opened up their eyes.
2371 | 2523
"Since it is necessary to perform Entwickeln as soon as possible in Ahrensbach, we
plan to make gold powder using the state of Rosemain.An gold powder necessary for
the rebuilding of Gibe's palace which Rosemain was destroyed by the fight of Gerrache
was also created I will return it and carry the necessary gold powder content to the
room of Rosemain today. "

Feldinand says, as magical powers do not decrease much only with materials that can
be collected at the place of collection of Ahrensbach, cooperate also with Ehrenfest.

"Oh, when you do Entwickeln you will also make a residence for Gutenbergs who will
emigrate. Please show me a copy of the design drawing at the entrance hall in

Ferdinand said that the Printemps and Gilberto businesses had designed their shops.
It seems that the workshop where there was no plan to relocate is to refer to the thing
of Ahrensbach.

"Would you like me to issue a migration order to Gutenberg? In the meantime I want
you to immigrate to some people and move as exclusive to Rosemain, some people
going to move to the center It should not be a problem as it should have done it. "

Ferdinand emphasized that it was not an unreasonable swing to the commoners. If I

do not move together when I move, it will be difficult to move exclusively on new land,
so there is no problem.

"...... It is OK to issue a resettlement order, but do not you have to see any of the
merchants in the downtown where you are going to move with yourself?"

As I said so, my adoptive father saw me. Many faces of Beno and Gutenberg come to
mind. I feel nostalgic and want to see if I have the opportunity to meet. But now I have
no memory of downtown. I look to Ferdinand.

"I am losing some memories because of the advent of the goddess ... ... Do you have
hair ornament craftsmen at the meeting?"
"Perhaps it is probably better for you to stop now, as a result of matching your face,
you can predict that you will definitely get disarranged even if you are connected with
memory, in case you are rampaged by the power of the gods It is dangerous not only

2372 | 2523
for me but also for the surroundings At least, I think that we must prepare a place to
eliminate the power of the gods and exclude the aides to meet. "

Ferdinand's concern can not really be felt and I will skew his head. It is impossible for
me to predict what kind of meeting will be with those who are not in memory. Tilt my
head Ferdinand who saw me fell a little.

"Gil Vestar will make gold dust tonight in this dormitory but if it does not reduce the
magical power tomorrow it will return to Ahrensbach.It can now reduce the power of
the gods as soon as I could reduce the magical power If you can not do it, you will not
be able to endure the recovered magical power and the power of the increasing gods
with it, and Rosemain will be heading far higher ... with all those who gave their name
... .... "

Gilvestor closed his eyes tightly suggested that a new Tento headed for far higher

"Is not it as good as Jürgen Schmidt's fate, is it as good as losing yourself to memory,
and ... how much burden does it have on Rosemain?"
"Okay, my adoptive father, I do not have much inconvenience because I can not
recognize that there is no memory unless I am well conscious."

If I said trying to comfort our adoptive father, Ferdinand loosely shook his head.

"There will be no reason not to be anxious without inconvenience, I will exhaust

magicism quickly, I can not regain memories as it is now."

Ferdinand told me to pick me up and aim for the entrance of the room and walk.

"We will cooperate as much as we can, Rosemain will ask, Ferdinand"

If the adoptive father skips over Aldonants and informs the end of the discussion, the
door will open and the aides will come in.

"Ferdinand, I can only walk back to my room so please walk down."

I understand the meaning that I wanted to be dyed with magical powers, such as
hastening the arrival of winter without waiting for the fall to come, I want you to
cuddle in this way.
2373 | 2523
"If you let me walk, your strength will run out before the magical power If the magical
power does not decrease during the night, you will end up on a journey to fill
Ahrensbach in a state that you can not use recovery medicine Do not you understand
the seriousness of a thing? Be quiet now. "

...... I'm telling you you want me to keep away from you! Mr. Ferdinand's stupid!

2374 | 2523
"Because we leave the room, they are going down once and it is in the way"

Ferdinand left me in the room holding me while holding away the aides of his adopting
fathers trying to enter. Outside the room there were me and Felidian 's aides, and I
stared my attention as I embraced it.

"Mr. Ferdinand! Did you have something wrong with Rosemain?"

It was Hartmut who came running to the top, but it seemed to be a rushing impression
of more impressive and upsetting feeling, as there was no sound like blaming or
teasing such a shame as I imagined. My Cornelius elder brother has a face that he
asked a question, but it is by no means a face to blame the current situation.

……that? Perhaps, I am strangely aware of this situation, are you only me?

"Keep in mind that minimizing the exhaustion of Rosemain's physical strength, be

careful not to walk around alone, in some cases there is a possibility that recovery
drugs will not be available in the future"
"Is not medicine usable at all? Is there medicine that will greatly restore physical

I saw Ferdinand with the eyes that Akinagats would eat into Hartmut 's question.

"That is a strong effect of restoring physical strength, but it does not mean that
magical power does not recover at all.While now the power of the gods has largely
swollen even if magical power recovers a little bit, and for Rosemain it is a burden on
the body I guess I do not want to use it as much as I can. "

Ferdinand deliberately delivers me to Angelica, saying "I do not have time to research
recovery drugs that do not restore magical power at all".

"Rosemain seems to be in trouble, is not it?"

2375 | 2523
I was comforted by Angelica in a subtle tone whether I do not know what I
understood, I deflected a little. It seems that there is quite a gap between 'hard'
everyone thinks and 'hard' I think.

... ... How about going out of shameful things to Egranthine! Is it? It looks like it's not
the time to think about it.

Not only Ferdinand, but the surrounding aides, seems to mind separately, no matter
who I am holding. Too embarrassed I feel ashamed because everyone has an ordinary
If you think carefully, I have not been far from love for a long time since the Lifetime
era. There is no way suddenly a love affair suddenly happens now, and it would be
funny to be upset by not doing it.

...... I wish I could be in love with a book, and if the contents do not change, youkai
books ski can not do decent romance, and there is no romance from ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 ___
___ 0 There. Yes.

Let me tell myself, I take a deep breath slowly. Failure to Egranthine was painful, but
it seems that the surroundings are not blaming contact with Ferdinand so much that
I care.

……that? But, just a while ago I was told that the sense of distance was important, why?
Because it is an emergency? No, but even in those days it was an emergency, did not

Something strange and I raised my face to ask a question, Ferdinand looked round
about the aides and opened his mouth.

"I hope to be able to use magical powers until midnight exhaustion tonight by making
gold dust today, but I can not optimistic thinking about the consumption rate so
far.When I sleep overnight my energy recovered somewhat Although it is necessary
to investigate to what extent Rosemain's magical power recovers, it will not be not
recovered at all, so we need to be ready to leave for a trip to fill Ahrensbach with
magical powers tomorrow "

There was not an aide to refute the schedule that is too sudden, rather it turned out
to be a face that included impatience "I do not have much time there."

2376 | 2523
"Aides who are accompanied to accompanying to Ahrensbach will now arrange the
luggage in the dormitory and return to Ahrensbach to prepare for departure from the
prayer ceremony. Because Arendsbach territory was bad, In order to arrange
ingredients, special consideration is necessary.In the case of emergency, I will prepare
kind of medicine to be used by Rosemain so that you can use medicine to greatly
restore your physical strength.Hartmut, Go to the temple and borrow some imperial
things.If you say that the aristocracy gives a prayer ceremony, complaints are not told.

Fu Dinando said that all the sacred tools can be filled with the power of the gods
because it is in no sense. Because the prayer ceremony will use the magical power of
the Holy Grail, it seems that only the Holy Grail can have the magical saucers of the
remaining blue priests.

"Richarda, later the knights are supposed to bring the material for gold dust, let me
keep the side of Ehrenfest or the civilian at the front door, and the clothing for
Ahrensbach here Although we underwrite, we can think that Ordonants can fly
directly to Rosemain by doing today's rituals, I would like you to refuse all requests
for visits with other Arubs and royal family members "

Since there are no urgent matters more than to exhaust the power of the gods, it seems
enough to talk at the lord's meeting place. In Ferdinand's words, Richarda
acknowledges "I got it."

"Rosemain, I will prepare a magic stone for a cow beast with as big as possible from
rainbow-colored stone, so I can dye it with your magical power and enlarge it with all
the stones and enlarge it with the magical power you can use now Make it. "

When I made a cow animal by attaching several precious rainbow-colored stones, I

can not use it if I change the magical power. Ferdinand may be used for something in
preparation, but I can not imagine the use of magic stone for a cow beast stained with
the magical power of someone else who is not even golden powder at once.

"... ... As it will be impossible to use it soon, I think that it is inconvenient to use a lot of
rainbow-colored stones?"
"It might be a misunderstanding, but if you do not have a place to rest for you or a
unfamiliar aide in a trip that you can expect to last for days, you will not be troubled,
as you go in and out of the Gibe's pavilion, If it is a knight, the side work would not

2377 | 2523
have spent in a winter building in a rural village, or have camped in. There should be
places where it is safe and comfortable to rest a little. "

I struck a hand with Pon. If you decide to borrow the ghibbe hut, it will certainly start
with a long greeting and you will have to eat together, so time will be useless. In the
first place I was told to avoid the use of recovery medicine as much as possible from
Ferdinand, I have no physical strength to socialize with a strange aristocrat of a
strange land every day.
Besides, if you are an ordinary aristocratic woman who is not a knight, I think that
there are no campers. Lesser buses should be useful for the aides.

... ... Finally Ferdinand could understand how great Lesser was!

"After making a mana stone of a cow beast, after consuming the materials to be
brought into the room one after another, consume magical powers even a little.When
you sleep overnight, how much magical power recovered, tomorrow morning Please
be aware of the amount of magical power as you ask, so always be sure to conscious
of the amount of magical power, then never do something extra physical strength or
shake your feelings greatly, make gently powdered materials delivered quietly "

Ferdinand pushed over with a hard face many times, that the crisis of my life was a
crisis for all those who gave names to me. Gokuri and a breathtaking sound come out
from the surroundings. The weight of life is pressing heavily.

"The aristocrats in Rikyu will return to Ahrensbach in due course, so that they will
move to the Imperial Palace as soon as they are ready .Richarda, ask Rosemain"
"Certainly yes"

Just put out instructions, Ferdinand will take Juestus and Eckhart's older brother with
quick pace. I did not see the situation, Hartmut started returning the stairs by
returning my heel.

"Let's hurry up for us too"

While many aides close to Ahrensbach come back one after another, while Charlotte
and his aides gathered around in a brisk manner as busily going around, Charlotte and

2378 | 2523
his aides brought in the materials the knights gathered at the collection hall of

"Because the influence of the power of the gods is a burden to the body, I got a brief
explanation from my mother that I had to remove that influence as soon as possible.
If this material is present, my burden will be a little Will it be, now Karstead led the
knight to the collection place for my sister? "

Charlotte kept his eye on the movements of the aides closely standing while busily
carrying the bag containing the material to his aides. Looking around the room where
there are many aides who have priority over preparing for departure rather than
welcoming visitors, I turn my eyes to Richarda. I thought that it was civil servants and
side work to bring in the material, so I was not prepared to welcome Charlotte at all.

"Richarda ..."
"Because it is like this, I mentioned that we would like to withhold Charlotte's entry,
but I was forced to say something to the princess by all means"

In Richard 's words, I will change my eyes to Charlotte. Charlotte lowered his
eyebrows as he was troubled.

"Although I took an impossibility to Richarda, preparations for departure had already

begun before I talked.I am a little relieved.When my explanation is received from my
mother, my sister as soon as possible I thought that it would be better for him to leave
the House of Lords, so I decided to make a suggestion. "

Despite saying that Charlotte was relieved, he looked at me with his indigo blue eyes
shaking. It seems to me that Charlotte is aware of what I have not noticed.

"Hey, Charlotte. What do you mean by" as soon as possible? "

"Does your sister show in words or actions? If you do a shrine, the aristocratic house
where the pillar of light stands is Jurgen Schmidt and it is the place closest to the gods
.... That the influence of the gods Higher chances are high, and if you suppress the
influence of the gods it would be less burdensome for your sister's body to get away
earlier "

In the explanation of Charlotte I shook my eyes. It is true that it is said. I knew but I
did not understand. I would rather leave the House of Lords as soon as possible.

2379 | 2523
"It is safe if my uncle is getting ready, since my sister takes care of his life to take care
of the lives of others very much."
"... There is no such thing because I will build a library city and be surrounded by

I hesitated a little from answering because I thought that "I would not be afraid to die
if I could go to the library of the goddess." As I was banned from entering the room, I
think now I can not die until the approval comes from Mestio Nola.

"I'd like to go out to my sister's library city, so please be sure to put out the power of
the gods and I will be rude with this."

Charlotte will leave soon as it will get in the way of the aides. I wanted to talk a little
more, but now I can not afford to slowly entertain. it's no use.

I thrust my hand into the bag that I brought in and I began to gold dust one after
another. It is a touch feeling that I rub my hands into the next bag when I rub it around
and the solid material runs out. Even if the power of the gods does not exist, it did not
have any difficulty to make gold powder, so now with the power of the gods no matter
how much we make gold powder I do not feel like using magical powers. I think that
making gold powder is not very effective.

...... I will do my best thinking of Ehrenfest and my library city, but magical power is

Material is delivered from Ahrensbach while making Eolenfest's material golden. I

will make it gold powder.
At dinner, Ferdinand delivered a rainbow-colored stone full of leather bags. When I
dyed it with magical powers after dinner, I made a magic stone for a cuddling be
creeping in mind as "full-time stick." It is because of the power of the gods. Rainbow
color Lesser kun created rather than the usual familiar pale yellow color.

...... Oh, Lesser has evolved in a direction that I do not want very much. Rainbow color
is too subtle.

However, I feel that magical power has decreased a little by dealing with a large
amount of rainbow-colored stone. I became happy for a moment and I was making
gold meal tightly until bedtime.

2380 | 2523
The next day, when I finished breakfast, I was put on the ceremonial clothes of the
temple and brought into the multipurpose hall. I will wait for Ferdinand to arrive
while making gold powder up to the end.

"Rosemain, how much magical power has recovered overnight?"

"...... That's right, the part that made the beast with Rainbow Colors and the part that I
used to make gold meal are completely recovered."

Although I advanced one step to magical depletion by creating a cow, I feel as if I went
down and woke up two steps. When I sharpen my lips, Ferdinand, who was watching
the amount of gold powder that was finished, restrained the temple.

"Do you recover so much only by sleeping for a night? What is the pain and impact of
the power of the gods?"
"It will be serious as much as the magical power recovers, but the magical power itself
is about a quarter, so now it's still okay."

There is no such pain that you can not stand or you can not do anything other than
groaning. Just a little bit fever and the head sticking out, it just feels like the body is a
bit heavy. In my remarks Ferdinand made his facial expression steep.

"Even if you do not take recovery medicine, does that magical power recover so much
... ... you really do not have time?"

While saying that, Ferdinand turns his attention to my escort knight. Only escort
knights in this dorm are Dahuel and Yudit. We are already preparing with Ahrens
Bach other than two people.

"We will take Rosemain and they will work hard so that stakeholders of Rosemain can
quickly move from Ehrenfest to the new territory after the lord's conference"

Ferdinand walks out holding hands with a natural face. There were not only the
knights of Ahrensbach but also the aristocrats of other territories where they left the
dormitory. Look at my figure and kneel so that the aristocrats block the way.

2381 | 2523
"Incarnate of the goddess. Please please bless us not only with Ahrensbach but also in
our territory"

Even even a false blessing hesitated, I did not know how to reply, and I grasped
Ferdinand's clothes. Ferdinand shook his head with a tough look.

"It is an appeal that we want you to rescue the losers of political change before
Arendsbach, which is the cause of this uproar, and you can ignore it, because the royal
family is doing something wrong, You must be there.

Ferdinand will tell the knights of Ahrensbach saying so to the aristocrats in other
territories. The knights pushed away the aristocrats in other territories and started
making way.

"I will not block the road, Rosemain can not pass."

Ferdinand walks in the corridor in which the transition doors of the central building
line lays fast. Beyond the door leading to the Royal Palace of the royal family, the
knight opens the innermost door where the sign of Fairbern is unraveled, and now I
moved to the Imperial Palace.

When you arrive at the Imperial Palace, you will move from the building with the grid
to the next building in the window. The building with the lattice is the building which
is thought to be the principal of Adal Gisa and the child before the baptismal
expression, the building which is beautifully arranged on the other is the building
where those who were registered as a neighboring royal family lived.

Ferdinand moves without trying to stop his feet, because there is a transition team
connecting with the house of Ranznerav because it is a building of an imperial royal
family. As the garang Knights progress gradually in the shrine without any sign of

"We will go first"

Only three people can ride the transition team. I, Ferdinand, Elder brother Eckhardt,
three people transferred, and my aides were waiting at the end. Ferdinand gives me
the oppression to Angelica and passes and immediately turns herself back to the
Imperial Palace.

2382 | 2523
"Ferdinand seems to make a final check and completely shut it up at the Imperial
Palace and it will be in trouble if it is invaded from here from the Imperial Palace by
some mistake"

Léonore taught me so. I have heard that "Arends Bach people should not be allowed
to come in and go out" as new clients are going to use from now on, but they are to
close with the pretext of preventing the invasion of other people It seems to be.

"Preparing for departure, Rosemain-sama, since we are ordered to return to the castle
first, let's face with a cowgirl, if you better spend your magical power even a little,
Rosemain uses a cowgirl Can you do? "

You made it fresh? When asked by Hartmut, I nodded with Kokuri. Let me down
Angelica and show off the rainbow color Lesser kun.

"Modeling does not change, but the color has become a rainbow color, and a little
cuteness has gone away."

When I get on the rainbow colorless lesson I made into a single-seat size in a mood
like a festoon, everyone comforted me, "I will not do such a thing".

... ... ... ... .... Everyone is kind.

"Although it is not lovely, it is very divine, I think that it is a vehicle suitable for the
incarnation of the goddess"
"Yeah ... I saw these all-rounded beastroid for the first time! It's wonderful."

I thought that he would be comforting, but apparently everyone seems to think so. For
me, I think that the former Lesser is cute, but everyone who was donating when it
looks like a grun now is delighted with the glow of all the attributes.

……sorry. It seems I can not understand this feeling after all.

I was returned to the castle with a beast while being admired that it is a goddess's
inherited color. It seems only me that I think Rainbow Colored Lesser Kun is subtle,
and not only for the Aides but also for the castles are eyeing the glow of all attributes.

2383 | 2523
"I think that it is a very beautiful beast, Rosemain sama"
"I feel the power from all the gods from the new Awb's beard, how precious ... ...."

... ... The shapes are the same! Beautiful!

"Rosemain, remove the cavalry and do not sit here, please give magical power to the
magical priest in advance, then ask them to try out if you can use this Holy Grail I am.

I can not convince him anything and I will put more magical power into the sacred
tool that Hartmut brought from the temple. The sacred tool that many blue priests
satisfy magical power over a long period of time was filled with magical power quite
quickly. Although it decreased a little, it is still far from exhaustion.

"Is not the magical power full of magical powers so easy?"

"What a wealth of magical power"

Then grabbing the Holy Grail and tilting it, a rainbow-colored liquid came. Praying to
the goddess of water If you do not cast a celebration it seems that your magical color
will flow as it is. In the prayer ceremony, I saw green liquid flowing, so it makes me
feel strange.

"There seems to be no problem for the amount of direct flow of Rosemain's magical
"When it is a prayer ceremony, is it a noble color of Fleet Lane, can we fill the land
with this?"
"Let's try it"

Hartmut grabbed the Holy Grail and scattered it into the garden of the castle
randomly. I have been told not to move without permission, so while sitting in the
chair, the nobles overlook the state of the garden and raise the admiration voice.

"Please do not look. The flowers opened."

"Is not it a bit greenery?"

The rainbow-colored liquid that has been spilled from the Holy Grail gives surprising
voice to surrounding nobles as "Truly the goddess's incarnation". Such praise seemed
to be a little discordant. I want to erase this power soon. Just stuffed with the power

2384 | 2523
of the gods, I am nothing wonderful either. How many people do you understand how
to return to the original once the power of the gods disappears?

...... Even if the power of the gods disappears, will these people recognize me as Aub of
this territory?

Such anxious person has spread to the chest at first. It is becoming a bit scary to let go
of the power of the gods somehow. I even felt that it would be better to leave the
power of the gods as it is.

"Rosemain sanctify and fill all of Ahrensbach with this power,"

Looking around the aristocrats who were expressing their expressions of joy,
Hartmut laughed coldly with Hood.

"Does not you misunderstand something? Rosemain san cleanses and fills Arensbach
that you can sin for you, it is suitable for building a library city for Rosemain sama I
only arrange it because there is nothing. "
"As it is now, it is not suitable for a house like Rosemain, you either become a sinner
by insisting that you are a nobleman of Ahrensbach, or worship Rosemain and become
a subject, either way You should be aware that things are not left, you may not have a
little education. "

Clarissa naturally nodded in Haltmut's claim with a natural face, but I honestly
honestly believe that such a fanatic person seems to be just such a fanatic person.
People want books like books, but they are more normal and better.

"Hartmut, Clarissa ..."

"Rosemain, actually the document has arrived from a new Tent, I would like you to
tell me if there is hope for the name, color, emblem of the new territory to announce
at the lodging meeting place Ferdinand is a prayer ceremony After saying that it is
good, why do not you decide the name of the new territory soon to make everyone
aware that it is going to be a residents of a library city from now on? "

Is there a hope name that is suitable for a library city? I am thinking a bit.
The name of the new territory.
A name suitable for a library city full of books.

2385 | 2523
Just thinking about it, I'm thrilled with something. No matter what the nobles of
Ahrensbach say, I feel like having a library city for myself here as well. I prayed for
praying to the Buddhist goddess Blue Anfa.

...... Do not pray. Patience, patience.

But, thinking about the name and thought of emblems makes me feel like I got a step
closer to the library city. In the midst of the urban plan submitted at the House of
Lords is under development.

...... Which is the ancient city Alexandria where there was a library with herbage
garden and which one is Venice, which became a trading city where books gather to
become the number one bookstore in the world after printing develops? Or take the
name of the world's library? Oh, I suffer.

When I am having pleasure, Ferdinand came back with a beast.

"I made you wait, I will start right away."

"Does Ferdinand think either Alexandria or Venezia is appropriate for the name of the
new territory?"
"Is this necessary immediately in this emergency?"
I could not depart at the prayer ceremony if I had a conversation with Charlotte after
a long absence.
Rainbow color Lesser-kun, born!
Rosemain is unsatisfactory, but its surroundings are unexpectedly high with just that
Ferdinand that reverts Rosemain, who was excited about the library city plan that
came to mind, to the reality.

Next time is to the prayer ceremony.

2386 | 2523
When I asked for it in an unusual feeling I was seen with tremendously cold eyes in
Ferdinand. I thought it would be better to consult about anything at all, but it certainly
is not necessary right now.

"I thought that it would be a positive mood when thinking about fun when in an
emergency, but it was not a topic that would bother me Mr. Ferdinand. Let's ask God
to make a decision by my own judgment "

...... Dutch · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. ___ ___ ___ 0

When Alexandria on the right was moving fingers assuming in the brain and the left
is Venetia, Ferdinand gripped hands.

"Wait, do not pray to the gods now, what on earth are you thinking? It is not bad to be
positive, but your naming needs attention.I have an unfamiliar sound Should not it be
judged after listening to the origins and thoughts listed in their names as options? "

My associates nodded several times in Ferdinand's words.

"Well, as the name of the territory is so important, it would be better for you to
carefully examine the opinion of everyone."
"Because the name of the territory is not just Rosemain, it will be used by Aruba for

When I gave name candidates for "Kensaku" and "Opac" as a magic tool of a library, it
was rejected and the atmosphere is the same as when I was "adlet" unnoticed.

……Hmm? Perhaps, you will be dismissed sooner?

If it's the name of a library's magic tool, you can give it a name you want, if you make
it again, but you can name the library city only once. I do not feel like giving up this
naming right.

"Alexandria is ... ..."

2387 | 2523
"I would have said that it is an emergency, because you can spare time to talk at night,
do it in the evening, I was just thinking about talking about your library city plan,
without entrance You can not do Cologne, it will be time to decide the name of the new
territory, rather than as much as possible, draw a transition team as much as possible
to heal from the wasteland. "

I was swept away with Ferdinand and my waving hands, but I do not mind if I can talk
at night. I call "Gurtris Height" and I write a book of Mestionola, and in Copipe we put
out a transition team.

Oh, and as the voice of admiration came up, Ferdinand, who came close to us, asked
me a throat.

"Is it okay to use a magical instrument?"

"... ... Although it was a bit of a stupidity, I think that it is probably okay if you use
magical powers to make it transition."
"This idiot"

I am preparing the transition team and pouring magical power, but it is Ferdinand
that is recognized as an awesome at the foundation of Ahrensbach to operate the
transition team. Ferdinand, with a slightly larger manastone, picked out Stap and
chanted "Nenrüssel Vindébaert".

In addition to me and Ferdinand's aides, exclusive chefs and ingredients are also
moved, so the magical power has decreased more than I expected. Even so, it is
insignificant in terms of the amount of magical power left.

"I do not have a sign of people and I am doing it as a garan."

When I came here before, there was a figure of "knight!" Big chorus and dancers of
Dunkel Ferger who was excited with banquet and deter, but now I can see only the
land that is rough and green is small.

"I shut them down completely and I moved those who worked down to the
neighboring town, so until this time you appointed a new Giebe as it is"

2388 | 2523
At the Lord 's Conference it is impossible to appoint a new Giebe until I become Aubu
officially, so the Vindebart' s House is closed. To be precise, although it is impossible
to appoint, it seems that you are contempting the new Tent, so it is better to not do it.

"If you do not appoint it earlier, the commoners who live in this land will also have

If there are no nobles who do praying ceremonies and harvest festivals and collect
taxes, commoners can not pay taxes. Even if there is no aristocrat who will put
together, it will become commoner to receive punishment if you do not pay taxes.

"We will keep some candidates by the lord conference so that we can appoint as soon
as possible so please put your cavalry and make your sideways and cooks move"

I will give rainbow color Lesser kun and make it bigger while imagining interior
decoration like a camper. It is not just a place where I can sleep, so that everyone can

"How is it, everyone can sleep safely"

When showing a Lesser kun who is as big as a two-story bus, Ferdinand plays more
demands while hitting the temple with Ton. There is a demand for being able to divide
the floor between men and women, a place where people with rest work are resting,
being too small, being too narrow, the ceiling is too low, and more than the size
required for the camper is demanded, and finally two floors It became a substitute
like a house.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I can not see Lesser as a car anymore ..."

When I wanted to ask Ferdinand what the hereditary thing is, Ferdinand nods
satisfiedly several times "as usual your animal is a mass of insane, but this is OK."

...... I do not want to say that only to Ferdinand is insane! Fun!

"I do not mind using this well, so prepare meals and bedding, Rosemain and I will heal
the land with an escort knight"

2389 | 2523
Put a magic stone to keep the beasts from disappearing, leave behind the hands and
chefs, I have the Holy Grail held and riding on the Ferdinand's beast. It is said that he
will heal northeast in the morning, heading south in the afternoon, centering on the
Vindebart's summer pavilion.

"Let's go to the rural areas at once"

When I say to Ferdinand on a white lion running up to the sky, Ferdinand will pass
the sky above the farming village while shaking his head.

"No, I plan to spell magical powers to a place away from the villa first."
"Why? Because it is a prayer formula, is not it good to go to rural areas?"

It is best to head for rural areas in order to increase the yield. It is land where magical
power is thin as much, so I think that we must prioritize rural areas.

"There is a high probability that Magic Beasts will rush into the farm village when
pouring magical powers only in rural areas with the magical power of the territory
withered so much.When Magic power is shed in the vicinity where many devils
inhabit first, If you do not distribute magical power, farmers will be attacked. "

It is necessary to heal the mountains and the forest so that the magical power of the
territory is scarce and the hunger of magical power is the same as the monsters and
the monsters do not attack rural areas where magical power is rich.

"Then, we have to move early to the mountains and the forest, and the magical powers
have begun to fade away from the Holy Grail."

I saw the rainbow-colored liquid beginning to overflow from the Holy Grail that I had,
and Ferdinand's cuddling beat quickly.

When the rainbow-colored liquid flowing down from the Holy Grail rushes down, it
turns out that the color of the land turns black and suddenly the green part increases,
and the scenery turns bright as if regaining its original color I understand.
With my original magical power, I can not heal the land itself as long as I do not pray.
It is about as much as demon monsters and demon trees for magical power giant.

...... The power of the gods is really amazing.

2390 | 2523
But it was not that long time that I was admiring and looking down at the bottom. My
arm pulled quickly.

"Mr. Ferdinand, it is serious, my arm holding the Holy Grail is getting tired, but ..."
"Please endure four bells for a while."
"I will endure as much as I can but I am likely to drop the Holy Grail"

The holy grail of the magic is quite large. It is like a wineglass with a height of about
80 cm. If you dyed it with your own magical power, it is not heavy as it feels little
weight, but having it all the time is hard.
I also helped hold the Holy Grail at Ferdinand and I tried hard until the fourth bell
rang, but honestly, I would like to say "I can not do it! The magical power is decreasing
little by little, and the land is healed, but the method of spraying needs to be

When I returned to the Lesser bus for lunch, I could see the Hartmut who returned
earlier speaks to the sidewalkers who were holding an answering machine.

"It was a very mysterious and beautiful sight that was convincing enough to be
admired even if said the coming of the goddess is satisfied.When the incarnation of
the goddess shining with the power of the gods pouring the sparkle of all attributes
from the Holy Grail in its gentle hands, Gedululhi is healed and moist, with young
leaves growing one after another with the arrival of Blue Anfa, the leaves add to the
blueness by the guidance of Arnovacs ... "

"Hartmut, is that what we have to call now for emergencies? If you do not need to do
it now, please let us know after Rosemain's holiday"
"It is a very worrisome story because it is an active part of the Lord, but I will excuse
myself because I must prioritize Rosemain's serving."

Although the Rizerator and Graytier are shedding the praise of Hartmut in a familiar
condition, Zergius accompanying as Ferdinand's side keeps his eyes black and white
and strikes himself.

"Mr. Ferdinand, do not you have to help Zergius?"

"Justks headed, there is no problem"

2391 | 2523
When Justoks who headed to Zerggius took the dishes etc which were supposed to
serve Ferdinand from the hand of Zergius, it walks to here.

"...... That sacrificed it without saying that he helped."

"The top priority for the sideways is care of the Lord, no problem."

... ... Good luck, Zergius.

Send my support in my heart, I will turn my eyes to the dish where the riser will line
up. While looking at the dishes with fluffy and warm steaming, the Rizera leaned a bit
and looked into my face.

"Rosemain, have you become tired of your face for some reason?"
"It is quite hard to hold the Holy Grail, and from the afternoon it may be better to just
hold around the stomach with strings or something and just put your hands together."
"Stomach with your stomach ...?"

As I imagine a little, after the Rieselter turned his eyes upwards, I saw Ferdinand with
a subtle look. I appeal to Ferdinand who is thinking about something.

"Even if it is said that it does not seem to be the incarnation of the goddess, it is
impossible to have it graciously own by himself."
"I understand it in the morning, but how is the degree of decrease in magical power?
Is it worth doing beautiful actions that cling to your belly?"

I am the only one who thinks beauty is nothing to do in such an emergency that the
naming of the library city will be postponed.

"How to reduce the magical power is a good feeling.When I sprinkle magic powered
one day with this condition, even though I think of sleeping overnight and recovering
... I think that it will be depleted around five days."
"Your physical strength feeling tired in the morning does not seem to be considered
at all?"
"Is not it Ferdinand's task to take my physical strength into account?"

I am in trouble even if I glare at frustration. Feldinand, our doctor, judged that this
method was the most efficient, so I just followed it.

"... ... that means that we need a more efficient way"

2392 | 2523
Ferdinand had taken lunch while thinking, but eventually from the afternoon it was
decided to scatter magical powers in the same way by clipping the Holy Grail on the

"I'm tired……"
"You can tell by looking, you are bad with weakness and weakness in cannibitz."

I met Cannabitz all over Vindebald and the south, and it was pretty limpy when I had

"The sea that was not in Vindebarto was spreading cannabitz"

"Did not you see the sea many times since the sea came to Ahrensbach?"
"I saw the ocean as a landscape from the castle several times, but the ocean of Kanna
Vitz's dark and muddy color shines blue clearly by the power of the gods, so that as
the fish finally glows glittering and shining Is not it a completely different scene? "

He shook hands from the ship while shouting cheers to the sea where the fishermen
in the fisherman changed rapidly. I was very tired because I turned back to them and
put a little more magical power on the service. There is no room for a refusal if it is
told that such extra physical strength was used, but I think that there is no choice but
to be a little excited a moment when fish paradise is completed.

I arrive at Rainbow Colored Lesser Kun and have dinner. You can see that the
accompanying aides gave fish to Hugo and Ella. As souvenirs are essential, they
bought from fishermen. I want to put it slowly in the way, putting it in a magician that
stops the time used for preserving ingredients.

"Please go to Rosemain for this, Ferdinand is here."

Only me and Ferdinand, who are lord families, take dinner before, and the aides will
take down. I ate as soon as I could and I tried hard to allow the aides to eat.
After dinner we await relaxing at the end of the meal while our drinking tea.

2393 | 2523
The escort knight had Ekhardt brother Erichart and Laurentz who had finished the
meal before, and the side goes down to make a meal when tea is brewed.
I sit on the sofa in the Lesser Bath and drink tea. I waited for Ferdinand sitting next to
tea and spoke to him.

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, let me tell you about the plan of the library city"
"... Did not you say that you were tired earlier? You should avoid talking about exciting
topics anymore."
"I was revived because there was a grilled salt of fish that Ella made in a hurry and
added, so I told you to talk about it at night, I was looking forward to it."

Ferdinand touched my forehead and wrist and examined it, and then sat down again
in a bad way and gave out a magician to prevent eavesdropping.

"Were the candidates Alexandria and Venice? It is a relatively decent sound for your
nomenclature, but what is the origin, the dream world is related?"
"Is not it a rather disrespectful tale of decent reverberation?"
"What did you say that even your name could not be a good candidate?"

I was laughed at by Hun and I deflected my face when I hurried. Became a nobleman,
remember when Ferdinand told the Ferdinand that "When it comes to renaming from
Maine, it becomes stronger and it comes up with a name candidate with an image of
new appearance and" There is a degree to regret too much ". But, I can not remember
much about it, its details and details.

"Ah, it was origin, Alexandria was the name of an ancient city with a herb garden in
the huge library, it was a library city gathering books from all over the world Venice
was the world's top book store in the world after printing by Gutenberg started It is
the name of a trading city where there were plenty of them.I like to venice, there are
lots of books and I want to make the city a lot of books gathered by trade. "

After Ferdinand who was listening to my explanation thought for a while, he opened
his mouth to say so.

"It would be better to stop Venice, which resembles the sound of Ranzenae, even if he
took it from the world of the gods, he is likely to make a cheap reminder"
"I understood that the reverberation reminiscent of runznerve is not good, so is it OK
if Alexandria?"
2394 | 2523
"Alexandria, I think that it is nice to know the connection with Ehrenfest ...."

Ferdinand told me that it would be better to name the lords of Ehrenfest's lords as
found to have foundation, and only a moment I came up with "Ehren Doria". Somehow
feel like the name of food and hurry to counter it.

...... You can not combine it!

"I think that Alexandria is good, I think that it is perfect for book making by printing
by Gutenberg and library city with Ferdinand's laboratory and my library.Alexandria
herbal medicinal park has a large sample, There were research materials, the library
was big and travelers ... "

As I was desperately saying, Ferdinand turned into a slightly disgusted face.

"Well, you are not going to hand it over to me, as you asked me for an opinion? Well,
it is the territory you got, no matter if it is not a very inconvenient name"
"Thank you. Let's make a plan for Alexandria as it is"

When I was pleased, Ferdinand turned into a slightly more complex face.

"Even so, you seem to have a long standing obsession with that world ..."
"Well, probably it is probably because memories are not connected, you can not
remember things of the common age just by plunging into the moment when you were
placing one foot on a merchant or when you were in the temple. If I tried to remember
old things, memories would fly in the Rei period when reading was important more
than anything, so it seems that the impression will surely get over there. "

I am not satisfied with my memories of the time of Maine. Since I do not feel a sense
of incongruity almost during the Rosemain era, if I believe in Ferdinand's words, I
would have gained a lot more important things than reading during the Mine era.
Ferdinand said that memory of hairdressers and dyeing craftsmen would have
disappeared, but what kind of girls existed to me?

"... ... There is no inconvenience in daily life, though,"

"No, it is probably because of the removal of the underlying beings, I felt the difference
between you and me that I knew many times, inconvenience could happen."

2395 | 2523
What is different about it? I could not ask a question. I do not want to hear any words
that would deny himself from the mouth of Ferdinand. I smile with Nikoli and change
the topic.

"If you think you have to erase the power of the gods to regain memory, you will not
be able to do it now even if you think now, what would you do with the color of the
territory? Well, if it was you, it seems that Alexandria has a shade close to black,
although it is good. "

Perfect black still has a strong impression of the royal family, so it may be better to
avoid black, considering the surrounding nobility's reactions. When I said that,
Ferdinand moved his mouth while observing the situation of me.

"If you match this color to the border gate according to the old days, it would be better
for you to tell them to change to white cloaks as the center moves to the House of
Lords, because the Tento was originally wearing white."
"If we publish our original origin, we will also be wearing white."

The candidate who gave the book of Mestionola was wearing white so as not to be
attacked by Avilibe as it was mistaken for Mestionola. The color of the old Tento and
Aub was white. That is the beginning of the temple length clothes.

"You are the only one who puts out the white if it matches perfectly original
origin.Egrantine got it is not the book of Mestionora and I am not supposed to possess
"It is enough to make the center white."

It is disgusting that I am just white in Jurgen Schmidt. I want to spend all time burying
and reading books.

"Is not the color of Alexandria a good color for your hair? It is the color of the hair that
Mestionola gave from the god of darkness It would be suitable for the color of the new
territory where the incarnation of the goddess rules. It does not reflect the color of ...
.... "

Sorry to say that Ferdinand reached out for touching my hair. Somehow, somehow,
the fingers stretched like normal? I thought.

...... Ferdinand-sama was a person touching hair like this?

2396 | 2523
"What's wrong, Rosemain?"
"No, there is nothing, as the color of the territory is the color that all the aristocrats in
the territory wears, there are also people who do not suit people who match the color
of their hair, do you agree or not fit my hair? But I think it's fine. "

To be honest, I do not care what color any color of the territory. While keeping the
fingertip of Ferdinand touching his hair at the edge of sight, I insisted that the emblem
As soon as that, Ferdinand's fingers broke away.

"It's a rejection, it's a coat of arms that the future Auction Alexandria will use for
generations. Do not decide on Grun as your preference. Because I have stopped
inheriting the name, it shows that there is a relationship with Ehrenfest and the lion's
It would be better to inherit the emblem or to shimmer from the magic of the library
that will be more active at your library than Grün. "

I thought it was a very emblem of my territory, but it was rejected immediately and
an alternative was issued. I can understand that Attorney can not accept Lesser

"Did not you say that Sumil is too weak to make it a coat of arms?"
"Sumil in the neighborhood is weak, but the magician in the library is strong, be sure
to put the manastone of the forehead into the design and distinguish it from just

I did not think that a man who had said that Sumil could not be used as a coat of arms
would be a candidate for her coat of arms.

"Do you dislike Lesser Kon so far !?"

"You are not the only person who has to have the rarity of the Grunn 's crest, so if you
are stubborn, you should ask your surrounding opinion, there can not be supporters
or anything else"

I put a magician to prevent eavesdropping and looked back over to Elderhart and
Laurentz standing as an escort. You can see the repertoires who just finished eating
came to see.

2397 | 2523
"Which do you think is appropriate for my design of a crest of the New Territory
Alexandria and my wizard and magician in the library?"

Everyone who looked at their face said "I will be a magician of the library" with a voice.

"I think that the coat of arms of Sumiru is very pretty."

"Ferdinand said that strength is important for the design of the coat of arms"

When I said that to the Rizerator, Gray Tier smiled with Nicolle as heard the story.

"According to Yudit, a magical tool with a sickle is very strong, how about adding a
sickle to the design of Sumir?"

...... I do not like that!

"I will have a book if I have a sickle!"

"True Rosemain-sama, it's a good idea, if you design a magical tool of a library with
books, I think it will be an emblem that symbolizes Rosemain's library city"

Laurentz struck a hand with Pon with a refreshing smile.

"Book as a magic tool in a library .... Suitable for the incarnation of the goddess, will
the book be written by Mestionora?"
"Is not it too much troublesome after a while?"
"Since the emblem of Rosemain's Studio is made up of books, inks and plants, it may
be good to get involved there."
"That's not bad"

that? that? While thinking, the coat of arms is steadily decided between Akari guys
and Ferdinand. My words of "...... Lesser-kun is that bad?" Was completely heard.

2398 | 2523
I did not think it would be such a desperate feeling that magical power is recovering
when I get up asleep. Even though I reduced it a lot, it is increasing again. It feels like
resembling the feeling of hopelessness of the Tempered river which is destroyed by
demons whether it is loaded or stacked. Considering that increasing magical power
increases pain, it may be worse than hardship of hell.

... I feel sick. My head gets stuck.

I wonder why I was outside all day yesterday, excited about the sea and fish while
driving magical power down. My body is heavy from morning. However, if you sleep
here, your magical power will recover again. For the time being, it seems to only get
up and think about the use of magical power.

Ferdinand was having breakfast when heading to the dining room secretly for taking
breakfast. Even though it is making it more widely, since me and Ferdinand's rooms
also have beds and clothes changing spaces, meals are inevitably done in the dining

I arrived at the table and started sipping snacks of vegetables and fruit juice that I was
presented. Recovery medicine can not be used now, in order to recover your physical
strength meal is important so you have to eat. Even though I knew it, my diet did not
Ferdinand who finished the meal got up and stands next to me. Fortunately I stopped

"Sickness is transmitted at a glance, but what is your physical condition like?"

"... ... It is trembling with the sinfulness of the fish"
"Please report it correctly that it is too hot and outdoors and cold."

Accepting that Ferdinand will touch the forehead and neck while being scolded by this
idiot. When there is fever, the feeling of handsome hands is very comfortable.

"I did not expect that the plans to pour the magical power into the territory efficiently
while identifying the balance of magical power and physical strength would be dismal
as soon as possible ... What should I do today?"

2399 | 2523
"I am sorry, but if it is around morning ..."
"Are you planning to go out in this state? Or do you use recovery medicine?"

I was stared at a tremendous eye, and I instantly shook my head. Even though I am in
a desperate mood with just the amount of restoration just sleeping, if I recover
magical powers by drinking recovery medicine in the present state, that is the way to
magical depletion is too far and my eyes are also uncertain You will want to cry.

"... I did not want to go out but I wanted to say that we could move Lesser kun."
"What are you going to do with moving? Your current magical powers will not
decrease as you move a cud beast? In order to use magical powers you must move."

I desperately move my head. I need a way to use magical power even if I do not move.
What should I do when I can not do it myself? The answer is simple. You can ask
someone to do it for you.

"Is there a sacred tool that I have the power of the gods? If you even mention a
celebration it is possible for anyone to use the sacred tools, so how about using
everyone else to use it?"
"Do you want jewels?"

Ferdinand raised one eyebrow and looked down at me. I nodded slowly.

"Although it is bad for everyone, he heals the surrounding land with a staff of Fleet
Lane, defeats the monster with a spear of Leiden Shaft, defends Lesser's surroundings
with the shield of Schuheria, uses the cup of Gedourculhi without a gibe I will have a
ceremonial ceremony at Vindebart.If the power of the magical skill becomes empty, I
will also pour the power of the gods.Who do I feel like in the place where healing and
demonic hunting can be done together? "

That way, I think that I can manage to use the power of the gods even if I fall asleep. I
do not want to sleep without doing anything, even if I want to restore my physical

"Well, that's right ... Ferdinand can draw a healing magic team at the collection site,
right? That's what I meant to draw magical power from there and draw it, if you sleep
in the morning In the afternoon I think that it is possible to do magic powered magic
team only ...... "

2400 | 2523
"Although I do not think it is a bit of overconfident in my physical strength, I think that
less consumption of physical fitness will be fewer than riding a cud beast and staying
outside the day ... ... but that means that it will come up with various ways That's quite
a bad situation. "
"What do you mean?"

Ferdinand has become a difficult face, reaching for the medicine keeping on the waist.
I picked up an elongated tube like a test tube and dropped a drop in a spoon lined up
for breakfast.

"It is your habit, but it is troublesome to straighten or hide it, so you do not have to be
conscious, so let's do this ... ...."

He did not tell me it was my habit, Ferdinand presented the spoon. I see a slightly red
liquid on the metal spoon. I took a spoon in my hand and tried licking the medicine
that was dropped by a single drop. I feel a bitter excitement at the tip of my tongue
with strong bitterness. A bit of bitterness and irritation are strong with just a single
drop. Even if it is served as a medicine, I can not drink it very much.

"What is bitterly bitter but what is it a medicine to recover magical power? If your
tongue is numb, please do not say that before. I could not prepare my heart

As I looked up to Ferdinand, he had carved deep wrinkles between the eyebrows as if

Ferdinand were bitterly drunk.

"There is almost no effect if this is the case." Where is Hartmut, other than the Holy
Grail, the jewels are returned to the temple? "
"No, since the martyrs are indispensable to Rosemain-sama priests, I bring them as
my luggage and keep it with the Holy Grail."

Hartmut chests with good prospects. Truly Hartmut, I was impressed and I saw
Cornelius elder brother shrugging my shoulders sharply.

"I feel like I've heard that I brought it without any help because it would be left if I
went to return the temple to the temple?"
"Oh my, will you trust the jewelry that Rosemain saved us with others?"

2401 | 2523
When Hartmut is turning a smiling face with pressure to Cornelius elder brother,
Ferdinand warns, "Do not shut as silent circumstances are not affected."

"Is it efficient to flow magical power into a sacred tool?"

"At least the probability of breakage is low, and when I pour into all the sacred tools
there was a feeling of being reduced a little. Ideally to use the magical power of all the
sacred tools several times, I just sleep. We can rest assured that the magical power
will not increase more than the state called "

In my words Ferdinand nods "Is it so?", And lightly taps the temple several times. I do
not know what you are thinking, but it's a habit of thinking about various things at

"Good, let's suppose that after breakfast you will move according to your suggestion,
as soon as the breakfast is over, you will use the magician to heal the land, monster
hunt, praying ceremony and let me go once. I will return to the castle at the transition
team and finish some events.After the afternoon we can move healing and demonic
hunting together on the western side of Xaen or Vulcatek, so we will move the cavalry
so we will move the transition team After you have been absent until noon. "

Ferdinand only said that he returned his heel. When Justoks puts a dish in the hand of
Zergius, he keeps track of Ferdinand's back. As soon as I tried to stand up together,
the Rizerator gently restrained my shoulders.

"Rosemain's meal is not over yet."

After finishing the breakfast while being watched by the riser, I send magical power
to the transition team that Ferdinand uses to return to the castle and send it out.
Ferdinand returned with her brother Eckhart, Justoks and a few escort knights.
Selgius of the side which is necessary for tidying up and preparing for lunch, knights
around Lesser kun and knights accompanying my aides are left.

I gave instructions to my aides first. An escort knight to protect my room is Angelica,

waiting outside the door. To protect Lesser kun, it is Leonore to deploy Schuheria's
shield outside. Other escort knights are divided into monster hunting and escorts of
Hartmut which goes to the Vindénbart's praying ceremony. Clarissa said that he
would like to accompany Hartmut 's prayer ceremony because it is a great
opportunity to be involved in the shrine.

2402 | 2523
"Although I dislike the award of Gurtris Height to the new Tento, my view on the
divine change has changed and I will change more rapidly from now on, so I think that
it is natural for me that Rosemain-san's vassal will participate in the shrine."

Clarissa asserts that there is no problem because the entrance into and from the
temple was forbidden by shields, but the priests at the aristocrat were also in
Dunkelferger. Indeed after the Lords Conference revealing the relationship between
the key and foundation of the scriptures, the lords of lords will enter and leave the
temple even in other territories. Participating in a shrine done outside will have no
particular problem.

...... I'm already completely surprised to remember a celebration ... ....

It tends to be misleading by a bit of flying behavior, but Clarissa is also excellent. I can
not wipe a regrettable feeling because it is excellent, but it matches Hartmut.

"Is Cornelius and Matthias a monster hunt with the knights of Ahrensbach ...?"

Angelica looks at Cornelius elder brother looking envious. Angelica who likes to move
the body seems to be more attractive to hunting demonic animals than an answering
machine. However, this time it is not just monster hunting. The purpose is to empty
the magical power by using the magical tool instead of demonic hunting.

"If Angelica can quickly remember a celebration, I do not mind letting go."

Although the spear of the Leiden shaft is also unnecessary if the principal who put all
the magical powers from the state of the sky from the state of the sky is used, even if
the magical power of another person is also mixed, a celebration is necessary. If you
use a magical stone completely stained with Stapp or magical powers of yours, you
can simplify the celebration, but when others use the temple of the temple dedicating
Magical Power, a formal celebration It becomes necessary.

"A blessing ...... It is not suitable for me"

Rather Angelica chose the escort of the room rather than memorizing the lyrics. It is
as expected. Rather, one who is told "I will do my best" remarkably surprised.

While my escort knights confirmed the celebrations to use the sacred tools and
practiced several times by practicing and practicing several times, they asked Stral to
2403 | 2523
ask the knights to divide themselves, demonic beasting, a prayer ceremony Let me
guard against Lesser.

"Well, I'm leaving. Please stop Rosemain san."

I started with the magician managed by Hartmut.

The four bells rang while frowning in the futon. The hotness became a little better, but
the power of the gods is swelling due to magical recovery, and it feels bad.

... It seems I do not like to sleep.

When I got up in a dull mood, the Rieselator looked into me anxiously and taught me
that everyone has come back for lunch.

"It seems that all the magical power of the magical jig has been emptied ... ... Shall I
bring it before?"
"Can I ask you?"

Lieserator and Clarissa take care of myths from Hartmut and brought me with magical
power. I felt a sense of discomfort after returning to sleep before I relieved breath of

"The color of your face has improved a bit. Do you want me to have lunch as Gray Tier
is preparing? I am going to eat on the couch, but in order to shorten the time I'd like
you to have lunch in your room. "
"Mr. Ferdinand has returned, is not it?"

You immediately know who was given instructions on efficiency emphasis. If we eat
at the cafeteria, the aides will have to wait in order, but if we eat in the room most
aides will have lunch without touching our eyes. Because it is not elegance, it is a tricky
technique that I usually do not use.

As the riser rises, instead, Gray Tier with meals on the tray comes in. Ready to be eaten
on the couch, Gray Tier served us.

2404 | 2523
"I heard from Justoks who prepares Ferdinand's lunch, but I was very busy in the
morning, to notify Zeitzen and Vircatak Giebe, to contact Ehrenfest, to interact with
the new Tento It seems. "

Greater sheds the information heard from Justoks. It seems that Ferdinand who
seemed to be energetically moving in the castle came back with a lot of work tools.

"According to a report from Giebe of Vulcatek, it seems that the monster is moving
from the direction of the old Berkeke Stock to the Alexandria side.This has begun to
be filled with the power of the gods, so it is traveling seeking magical powers It was
that it was not "

It is me who is full of the power of the gods and targeted by demonic starving demons,
so it is necessary for me to have strict warning. I was told that as soon as possible I
headed towards Zaiten and Vulcatek, so as not to destroy the healing land.

"Although it is too much attention, it seems to be an opportunity to use the Leyden

shaft's spear over and over ... ... After using the Spear of Leiden Shaft that has stored
the power of the gods, the land is difficult if there is no cane of Fleet Lane It will be
such a thing, surely we can reduce Rosemain's magical power to a large extent. "

...... Yes, I really wish I could.

"I have notified to Giebe and I will move from here to the vicinity of Zaiten and

Zaiten is on the south side of Gri Belle and Garudon with boundary gates with
Ehrenfest, Vulcatek is a land adjacent to the west of Zaiten, adjacent to the southwest
of Gleiber and the south side of Irkner.

The vicinity of Vulcatek from the west of Xezen is linked to the mountainous region
with the mountain of Loenberg where I got the eggs of Leeds Falke when I gather the
material of Jureve. Briefly, it is a mountainous area with volcanoes. Because there are
many mountains and many trees, if you do paper industry in Alexandria, this area is

...... What Irukuna adjoins is that there are many similar magazines, are not they?
2405 | 2523
"As expected there is no communication, you can shake out magical powers and you
can not do devil hunting"

The power of the gods is too strong, as you can see from the appearance that the sea
changes completely. The impact on the land where magical power is poor so far is too
strong, so it seems that interaction with Giebe is indispensable.

...... It's just a pain that's nothing to just heal the land.

After receiving an explanation from Ferdinand, I will drive Lesser kun and lead about
Ferdinand and his escort knight leaders. The situation like a two-story house is flying
seems to be very surreal when looking from the outside, farmers are staring at their
eyes and pointing here and making noise. I heard from Léonore who came back from
the outside patrolling. It is Angelica that is out now.

"Majuu, Leonore!"

Angelica says so and taps the outside of the passenger seat with Kokon. If you open
the doorway with the umbrella, Leonore jumps out with a shield of Schulzeria while
casting a lyric by saying, "The twelve goddesses who serve the side of the wind
goddess Schaleria, who guards the defense ... ...." Angelica goes inside instead I came

"There are a lot of strong monsters, someone said that they might have been
cannibalizing since there is no magical power of the land."

I stop nodding in the air while nodding as a crisp report of Angelica. It is told not to
move arbitrarily until the end of the battle.
As reported at the time of lunch, Lesser Kun who is moving while gleaming with the
power of the gods in a place with little magical power seems to be a great prey, already
already being attacked by a strong demonic beast several times. I usually have a giggy
noisy if a strong demon comes out, but today I can greet a monster with the mood of
"Yoshi, came!"

"You can also use Leiden shaft's spear and Fleet Lane's wand again."

In order to close the approach of the enemy Leonore expands the shield of Schulea to
defend Lesser Kun, Cornelius elder brother and Matthias replace and attack with
2406 | 2523
Leiden shaft spear. After defeating the monsters, the traces that are scooped like
craters are healed with the staff of Fleet Lane. The sacred tool that I made magical
powers is a big success.

...... It's the first time I can use wonderful places where magical powers are gone
completely once I use it. Leiden shaft, thank you!

"Rosemain, please refill magical powers"

When the magical power put in the sacred tool disappears, escort knights come back
inside Lesser with a magical instrument. Once attacked by a devil, it stops on the spot
until the healing of the land is over, so the speed of movement is slow, but as the
magical power decreases, the pain due to the power of the gods decreases, so it
relieves. I am glad that the magical power is decreasing more than expected.

...... With tonight I can feel calm and sleep tonight.

Moving while hunting monsters, I got Lesser kun near the border between Zaiten and
Vulcatek. As soon as that, from Ferdinand, "Leonore, immediately expand the shield
of Schuheria" instructs to fly.

"The goddess of the twelve who is serving to the side of the goddess of Stazheria who
controls the defense ... ...."

Once Leonore strengthens the surrounding protection with the shield of Shurria, it is
a rest. Dinner time is nearing. I move from the driver's seat to the big house behind.
Looking from the outside, Lesser now is like a giant turtle with the face of Red panda.
A big house looks like a shell.

...... After all I am not cute. I feel comfortable.

When I headed to the space like the living room next to the dining room on the first
floor, I saw that Ferdinand was giving instructions in the future.

"Rosemain, how are you feeling?"

2407 | 2523
"Because disenchantment dedicated many times to the sacred materials, discomfort
fairly faded and I felt asleep in the morning, so I am quite well with physical condition
... ... but my stomach was empty somewhat."
"Oh? It was a little refreshing, I was worried because the amount was small in the
morning and the afternoon, but let's prepare for dinner a lot."

While laughing with couscous, the riser turns herself to tell the chef. When I sit on the
sofa shown in Gray Tier, Ferdinand is getting closer and going through a health

"... ... better than morning, but I can never say that I am in good condition"

Although I thought that I improved considerably, I realized that it was not told by
Ferdinand that the heat was not coming down completely because the grinding hand
was comfortable. But, Ferdinand is not bad enough to make a hard face.

"I think that my physical condition is good and I do not care because my appetite has
come up."
"Just because you have a little appetite, avoid binge eating drinking"

Lightly tap the temple as Ferdinand thinks a bit into my argument. I wonder if she
thinks she is not like a lady or decides a physical condition with appetite. Ferdinand
was an expressionless expression like a doctor and went cautiously and went out of
the living room.

"I will not do ... rude ..."

I did not eat drinking and eating. could not. I was supposed to be hungry, but my body
did not accept it and I could finish supper while I could only eat a small amount.
While Akari got a meal, he tried to head to the living room to drink the after-meal tea,
but was stopped by Ferdinand.

"It is better that you are not feeling well, you had better take a day off rather than
drinking tea after meals because you want to spell the magical power in the Holy Grail

2408 | 2523
Like last night I wanted to talk about library city planning, but I was urged to return
to my room even though the design drawing Ferdinand returned from the castle was

... ... I do not want to sleep. As I wake up, the magical power is on the increase.

While holding down the empty stomach, I lay down on the bed.

2409 | 2523
I woke up in the middle of the night. My back is steady with a cold sweat, it is a terribly
disgusting awakening. I should have dreamed of something, but I can not remember.
Unconnected Memory seems to be connected and frown with frustration that does
not connect, Léonore seems to have tolerated a policeman opened the tentered
window and looked over her face.

"Rosemain, your face color is not good, do you want to have a magical instrument?
When you wake up, you hear from the Risellerator that discomfort decreases when
you exercise magical power to a magical instrument, all the magical power of the
magical instrument I am using it. "

According to Leonore, the escort knights purposely emptied the magical power of the
sacred tool after dinner. I am pleased with that thoughtfulness, so I will have you bring
me buddies.

...... My stomach is vacant, waking up is the worst, the body is sick ... ....

Sitting at the edge of the bed with a heavy head in it, Magic power is poured into the
sacred tool Leonore brought. Gray tied loosely and entered in a busy state with just
the bundle of hair. I think that it was woken up by Leonore. Unless it is a gray tier who
gave a name, since I can not touch me who removed a silver cloth, the burden of
Grateat is inevitable.
Greater noticed my terrible night sweats and began preparing for change soon.

"Vaschen is enough without preparing a bath, gray tear, please use magic stones in
the neighborhood"

There are a lot of magical stones that I had magical power. While giving usage
permission to GRATIER, I will pour the magical power into the magical tool that
Leonore gives.
I felt refreshed at Graetia 's Vächen, and when he changed to another sleepwear,
Leonore handed out Shuriel' s shield. This is the last tool. I will also devote magical
power to it. I felt something unexpectedly, I kept my hands on the shield of Schulea, I
looked around.

2410 | 2523
"Did you do something, Rosemain?"
"Downward ...... In the direction, there is something somewhere around the cafeteria
or the living room, similar to when Jelva Georg came out from the back of the altar,
feel like something is near ... No, it is not gerbergeo right? That reminds me, after all,
I have not received a report about what he did after ...... "

While I am trying to explore the direction in which I am a sign, Léonore nods as if

some point of intervention went on. After looking a little like I looked up, I smiled and
smiled a little.

"Because it's inside Rosemain-sama's cowgirl, I do not think that someone who does
not have permission can invade it, I guess Ferdinand said to work in the living room.
Even if you supply magical power to a sacred tool, your complexion is still not
excellent, so it may be better for you to look a bit. "

While Léonore said that, she looks back at Graytier.

"Gray tea, I'm sorry, but I'd like to change Rosemain-sama's change.If you wish to have
a loose tightening room to lie down as it is, after returning to Rosemain san, I will take
a rest and you will fall asleep It will be fine. "
"I am sorry"

I was put on clothes in the room, it was not perfect but I got my hair together. I wore
a silver cloak and left the room with Leonore, Angelica came up to me as "late" and
hugged me suddenly.

"Mr. Rosemain, please wait until I arrive at the room, it is ordered that I should not
walk as much as possible"

Careful attention to Angelica with a smiling face, I entrusted to Angelica quietly with
a small laugh.

The light is leaking from the living room of the first floor. When approaching, Brother
Eckhart broke out.

"Ferdinand says," Please enter. "

"Did you find that I was coming?"
2411 | 2523
"He who is releasing the power of the gods will not be able to understand by moving."

...... Is the power of the gods like a cat's bell?

When entering the living room, the space usually drinking tea after meals was
completely like the office room. In my room there is only a space to put a luggage like
a bed and change clothes, so it seems that Ferdinand is doing the work he brought
from the castle in the living room.

"What's wrong, can not you sleep?"

"I do not remember anymore, but it seems that I woke up watching a disgusting
dream.When I was putting magical powers on my tool, I would like to see something

I answered that it seemed there was something like Gerbergio came out from the back
of the altar, although the figure was not visible.

"I thought it was something, but it seems that Feldinand was the one I felt this time,"
"Wow ... ...."

I pointed to the vacant part of the sofa so that Ferdinand would sit next to him. Let me
down to where Angelica was directed. Because it is a strange sign that I had not felt
before from Ferdinand, I feel a little calm.

"Dear Ferdinand, what happened to Gerbergio?"

"It seems that Egrantines caught him and looked into memory, among which there
would be an announcement on formal punishment"

I breathed a relief of relief into the report that he was caught.

"Since I thought about what to do if I escaped, I am relieved if I was caught safely."

"Egrantine and Prince Anastigius have said that they lost half of the escort knights
headed towards each other, so I think they can not be said safely ..."
"What? What is a half?"

I blinked my eyes, but Ferdinand starts taking out several papers out of the stacked
materials with an uninteresting face.

2412 | 2523
"The new Tento and her husband are the problems to overcome.You do not need to
think about extra things, I'd rather talk about the design of Alexandria that I have to
do earlier than that."

At the moment he noticed that the arranged paper was a new Alexandria's design, he
flew away from Gerbergio.

"I wanted to take in the ideal city you were talking about as much as possible, but the
library is too far in the center."
"What do you focus on unless you focus on libraries, even if you say such things?"

What should I do if there is no library at the center of the cityscape that I build? When
I complained, Ferdinand became a bad face.

"It seems that there is no problem in the center of the aristocracy at the castle, the
library and the research facility.It is a library that you frequently go in and go and aim
at securing your own room.Creating it in a place away from the castle is a danger of
carelessness It seems that you are going to connect your own room of the castle and
the library of the library with the transition team, but if the escort knight can not get
on the transition team, it is too far for the escort knight I think how I am. "

It seems that it is impossible to allow unspecified number of people to enter and exit
because of security concerns. However, unlike Ehrenfest where there is a difference
in position between the north and south, in Alexandria, as the position towards the
center of the city becomes higher, the distance between each household and the
library is made as close as possible, It seems that making a library separately makes
it easier for children to enter the apprenticeship or baptismal ceremony, or to devise

"But I want a library that anyone can use ... ... Wow, it is my territory, it is important
that anyone can read a book in Alexandria."
"Although it is not wrong as the future direction of the city, it must be said that it is
too early to think about the literacy rate of the common people, the aristocratic
opposition will also be great."

I feel that I am out of ideal city development. Ferdinand waved to my appeal, "Listen
to others' story till the end."

2413 | 2523
"Alexandria is a new territory of the incarnation of the goddess, so I think that the
temple should be centered when considering the whole city including commoners"

Since it is time to rebuild from scratch, it seems to be good if we take in the good part
of the temple of Ehrenfest. It seems to put a shrine between the downtown and the
aristocratic street which established the chapel, the orphanage, the places of life of
the blue priests, the worship room which carries out ceremonies dedicating prayers
to the gods.

"And when we go to the ruler opponent who was talking about when we were talking
about when we were talking about, it is obvious that incoming and outgoing peoples
will gradually take shape, at first it will be in the form of only users in the temple
school room, but we can also enter commoners There is no need to rush too much,
how important is acceptance of the first step? "

It is the same as the Library of the House of Peers, Ferdinand said that it will be a
membership library for some time, in order to prevent the theft of books, a deposit
system is necessary. But even if we looked back at the history of the library in the Rei
period, there was the same thing. I feel a bit more itchy because I want to advance the
era, but I also know that it will be difficult if the printing industry is thriving and the
price of the book does not go down.

"I think that the opening of the ruler opponents' temple classroom and the temple
library is very good."

If a rich child creates a connection with a nobleman and opens the temple classroom
as a place where you can acquire the behavior and behaviors, children in the rich are
obviously to go to the temple school. We are going to enter merchants who are trying
to keep up and craftsmen looking for patrons of aristocrats. Their movements are
obvious when you look at Gutenberg.

"And then, the point of view of parcel arrangement that you mentioned is really
interesting, but as you organize it, the function of the town is too biased towards the
library and the printing industry, we need to arrange it a bit closer to the reality.The
damage of Ranzener How about making a building that is central to the common
people such as the harbor, the aristocracy, the temple, the commercial guild and the
association, while listening to the opinion of the commoner and arranging the lots? "

2414 | 2523
Ferdinand smiles as if it is just right if it is a place to train civil servants who have
ordered only so far.

"If you do a large enthusiast Vikelun in the whole town, it will be a burden of the
commoner, so I think that it is good to form a place to talk with the commoner and to
rearrange them sequentially The form of the building is the one of Ahrensbach The
climate is very different from Ehrenfest and the style that suits the land is the best. "
"As for the Planetan Shokai and the Gilberto Shokai, were you planning to adopt the
arrangements that were being submitted at the entrance to Grecher's entrance
"Please send us this style of arrangements and leave it to their judgment"

Although it is better to tailor the climate, easy-to-use reclamation is totally different

for individuals. I think that they should choose what they value.

"Because we can not move without a house or shop, we intend to make Gutenberg's
shops and workshops at Entwickeln in the center of downtown where commercial
guilds are lining up."
"There is no problem because we are carefully careful about this, but have the part
where the craftsmen's family live can be secured?"
"... Oh, of course it was."

After Ferdinand fainted a little, he quickly began picking up the spreading paper.

"I wanted to watch a bit more, but it was terrible, Mr. Ferdinand, please spread it
"Because you are so excited that it is going to be seriously tough, I will be here so far
... ... One bell will ring soon ... It seems better to sleep once. It will be a little better. Do
you think you can sleep? "

Inquired of Ferdinand, I shook my head.

"... When I fall asleep, because magical power increases, I do not want to sleep so
much, I will sleep when I really want to sleep"
"How about feeling hungry? Although it seems that you did not eat dinner much for
appealing hunger, is not it still feeling hungry yet? Is it rather worse?"

Inquired of Ferdinand, I nodded with Kokuri. Even after dinner feeling of hunger
continues, and now I am more hungry.
2415 | 2523
"... Ferdinand says, you have something in mind?"

Ferdinand said "I am not without it at all" and then looks around. After showing a look
like looking for something, I vassified my hand.

"Do you like Ferdinand?"

Ferdinand dropped a slightly red medicine on her fingertip slightly and pressed a
fingertip with a medicine against my lips. As soon as I saw a fingertip being wiped
away with a handkerchief, Ferdinand asked me "Are you bitter?"

I imitate the bitter and exciting taste and try licking my lips a bit. Compared to the
expected taste, there is little bitterness. Though my tongue is still stingy.

"No ... ... that is not that much"

"If so, then, if you feel good, the feeling of hunger that you feel is attributed to the fact
that the magical power is too low, because the magical power has decreased too much,
the body is complaining of the crisis. It can be said that it is approaching exhaustion
of magical power. "

Usually you use recovery medicine when magical power decreases. It seems that it
does not seem to feel that the situation that magical power continues to decrease for
a long period and that it should have recovered by sleeping and recovering with
magical powers soon will not prolong.

"I felt hunger during the supply of Ahrensbach, it seems to be felt when I gradually get
scraped away little by little instead of using magical powers at a stroke .... but I take
time from here It will be very painful and I want to reduce it as quickly as possible
after this. "
"Do you feel painful any more?"

I thought that I do not like it anymore, I tried to leave Ferdinand a bit.

"I want to take it to a state of exhaustion at a stretch, because if the power of the gods
decreases, I have confirmed that there will be less pain for dyking"
"……Is that so"

2416 | 2523
Ferdinand is motivated by something, though I think that this pain still continues, I
will definitely be in the back.

"Have you told me to draw a couple of healing magic teams? Can you do anything at
the same time with the copies of that magic team?"

Ferdinand said there is no need to cast the names of the gods in Copipe. I inclined my
head for a while.

"There is no need for the names of the gods, and if you merely copy the healing magic
team, unlike Washen, we can not moderate power and I think that the possibility of
failure like a tsunami in natural disasters is low. But there is not such a big devil.The
Copy can only be copied where there is magical power. "
"If you can shoot in a place full of magical power, is not it a little scarce, can you regard
the land containing magical power as a magazine?"

As Ferdinand says, the ground certainly contains magical powers. Even at the
collection hall of the House of Lords, magic teams are buried in the ground, so it will
not be impossible.

"I have never experimented outside, but I do not think there's anything I can not do
but I do not know how much I can expand the magic team even if I can copy it on the
ground There is no time for research on enlargement and reduction I can not do it. "

It is no other Ferdinand to say that there is no time and the experiment of enlargement
and shrinking should be postponed. I remembered that, Ferdinand also got some

"Okay ... .... I thought that it might be possible to cover the entire Alexandria with a
healing magic team with a huge magic team like a magician who covered the entire
aristocracy, but your insane copy-paste But it seems impossible. "
"Please do not be aware of the insensitivity of your idea before saying my copypes as
insane.That was the ancient, when the gods were familiar than the present at a time
Eriverme and the gods got together Is not it massive magic built up in cooperation? "

I do not want to be insulted by Ferdinand trying to do it in Alexandria. Ancient Tsento

is a magic team who has attached the cooperation of the gods through Air Vermaen,
and combines several magic teams based on Air Vermean magic stone to establish the
House of Lords.
2417 | 2523
"I can do that kind of thing in this era ..."

I stopped words there. Something has flickered in my head right now.

"There might be,"

"Wait! It is rejected to go to install the cooperation of Air Vermeam and the gods. Let's
think about another way.When you spread the manastone of this cow beast as large
as you can, copy the healing magic team there , Is not it surely better to widen the
range as much as possible with Clarisa's magic of magic of wide area magic? "

Despite saying it myself, Ferdinand immediately dismissed. After thinking about it, I
will search and search "Gurtris Height" and the book of Mestionola.

"... No, there is no need to go ask asking for cooperation from Mr. Air Velhme and the
gods, if Frédériand is a piece of Mr. Air Vermain, the power of the gods is also here."

When I showed my hand as a crochet, Ferdinand lifted one eyebrow.

"Do not you think that it is okay to use the power of the gods for yourself as it is
because you are feeling so hard, and restoration of ancient large magic, Ferdinand
would be interested ? "

When he smiled and smiled, Ferdinand said "I do not have time to research it in a long
time", but he has a bad face. However, it seems that there is very interest in it as it
says something else to take out new paper while talking about it.

"I think that it's not too difficult if you spread only the healing magic team instead of
laying up magic clubs with multiple effects with multiple attributes like the magic
team of the lords, Please also look at Ferdinand. "

I showed Ferdinand the book of my Mestionola written about ancient large magic.
Ferdinand will not be able to publish his own Méthionora in this place where there
are aides.
Ferdinand looks in with a slight head and gazes at the magic team.

"If you decide the scope by this, if you set a starting point on the foundation and set
up a magic team with all the boundary gate as the ending point, it seems likely to cover
the entire Alexandria. Instead of a magic stone is me ...... "
2418 | 2523
"Homeostasis or durability will be impaired, but I think that efficacy is no problem if
it is made into a manastre with the power of the gods"
"No, if you only need one more time, you should follow the way that you used it as it
is rather than pointing another power. As there is no time or material to repeat the
experiment, as much as possible to the original magic team It would be better if you
reproduce it in a faithful form, you can not fail. "

As Ferdinand said that, he began writing something terribly on his paper. I think the
word is close to the memorandum as the word is lining up with the dirt. Ferdinand
moves his mouth without stopping the writing hand.

"Rosemain, after breakfast finishes, return the castle to pick up the beast and return
to the castle.I want you to do a magic copypake on the fragments of Air Vermeem as
the base point in the hidden room of the castle.Other time is the preservation of
physical strength. Tell the civil servant of ordinance to inform all Giebe, then Hartmut
return the temple to the temple, let Clarissa and Roderich know about the aristocratic
nobles of the aristocracy "

"Leonore, Eckhart. Escort Knight will make a guard to each border gate, so that we
will make a selection and apportioning the work, then ask the aides to get back to the
castle after breakfast and prepare for the residence"

Ferdinand's voice which instructs one after another got fleeting for a moment. Feeling
the spread of heat, I close the book of Mestionola in a hurry. It seems that it has been
used for a long time.
Ferdinand peeked into my face anxiously and touched his face and wrist and frown.

"I am going to go to the boundary gate to set up the magic team but I will do it, but if
you are a god who has the power of the gods and you can shorten the time in Copipe
it will take a long time to prepare the magic team It will not be night to be able to
launch the magic team in any hurry ... ... can you stand a day more? "
"It's much easier to chew as compared to when we did not know how long to go on."

When laughing with slurp, Ferdinand inscribes deep wrinkles between the eyebrows
as "Stop the strange stiffness." However, I think that it will manage something if it
takes about one more day.

2419 | 2523
"At first, please rest in the room in preparation for the move and preparation after
breakfast. I would like to take a short rest."

Ferdinand quickly started picking up materials. Brother Eckhardt begins to help with
it. I was sleeping after dinner and I was not conscious because there was not much
sleepiness, but Ferdinand is almost up all night. I wonder if I plan to move around
again after breakfast.

...... I said "Even if it's in a hurry evening," I do not wish to take a break, but I am

After breakfast, I went back to the castle. Each moves according to instructions. I was
in the hidden room of Ferdinand. Have the Ferdinand cut a white branch of Air
Vermeen a little with a knife of Ranzenae and flatten it and engrave healing magic
team there with Copipe.

"Since the magic team can not fit into the branches unless it shrinks pretty well, you
must start with the study of shrinking at first."
"You are not an idiot, I do not have such time. I should just draw up the small magic
team that gives up and gives up."

I tried to experiment on shrinking and enlarging on the paper, Ferdinand was stared
with cold eyes. Such Ferdinand is making something while inputting a lot of magic
stones and gold powder and valuable materials one after another. When I thought that
it was an atmosphere that I could not say very much, "Please paint it because I am not
good at drawing it in detail", a piece of magazine paper flew.

"Try trying to copy this magic team"

I will copy the magic team that Ferdinand drew. Magic teams to heal and magic teams
to make branches the base of the magic team, prepared as they were told. Since the
magical power does not decrease almost in the present state, the copying of the magic
team ends soon.

"I am done, Mr. Ferdinand,"

"Then prepare manastones with the power of the gods"

2420 | 2523
I gathered all the magic stones of all attributes together and rolled it up into a column,
stabbing the branches of Air Vermeun. Originally I put a manastone on this, I tried to
pierce as a result of seeking a stable shape because it is a branch. There is a sense of
stability unexpectedly. This magic stone will become a saucer for receiving the power
of the gods.

The smaller one is the object which shows the end point of the boundary gate, and the
magic stone which was the rainbow color Lesser was already crushed once and
shaped like a big tray and the branches of Air Vermember are piercing.
It is completed after inscribing the magic team at the bottom.

"I tried, I stabbed a branch on a manastone of the power of the gods and fixed it, how
about you?"
"It's a casual feeling that you can not imagine trying to reproduce ancient large-scale
magic, and your insane way of doing things, I can not think of it very much."
"I'm afraid to take care of your compliments"

I decided to be praised. That is the most important in mental health.

"If you are ready, take a little rest, I do not know if I have awareness or not, but my
complexion is not good, I'd rather let you go back to your room and I want you to rest
on the bed, but now my aides Will not it be enough? "

I am giving a little break to my aides by working in a hidden room of Ferdinand and

doing work. If they are in a hidden room together, only the minimal escort knight that
defends the front of the door, others can take a break.

"I think that Ferdinand is the necessity for a break."

"If you think that you have to prepare for your magical power to run out, you will not
be able to rest now.When preparations proceed without any problem, one bell is
supposed to rest before activating the magic team There is no problem because it's
there. "

...... I think there is no problem.

"How does Ferdinand get there for me?"

When I was watching Ferdinand for a long time, I quietly asked a question.

2421 | 2523
"... Why does that mean?"
"Even because Ferdinand, unlike Hartmuts, is not primarily sick of me, and I did not
choose the Lord to escape the execution like Mattias, is not it? Ferdinand will never
tell me to return his name to me as soon as it is told that I can return it, I do not know
what Ferdinand can do for only this. "

Ferdinand thinks "a meaning ... ...." a little.

"It's not a problem if you ask the meaning, is not it natural that I am just like your
family, is there more reason than that?"
"Well, but I do not think that it will go there even with a real family.The father who is
the head of the knight seems to do anything for Ferdinand-sama, because of the
adopted father, but Ekhardt's brother is going to do anything Brother and Cornelius
elder brothers and mothers are also made to be kind, but there are many people who
can not do as aristocracy? "

A family of aristocrats is like that. It is not a problem to not be touched by the power
of the gods, so I will not give a name or sell a fight to the gods. I think that Ferdinand
is a guardian, so far from my family as well as my family. As I tilted my head, Ferdinand
was a bitter bitter face.

"Rosemain, your family is ... ..."

"What is it?"
"... No, now is fine"

Ferdinand who says something swallowed his words and shook his head. That profile
looks badly damaged.

"That, Ferdinand like?"

"I'm here two, during the three days, had a look at the recovery amount with you the
magic consumption, depleted definitely If you invoke the magic that covers the entire
Alexandria. That too much sleep there is no need to fear. Please rest in his room, "

Ferdinand contacted the escort knight of his room in a magic tool, you get call angelica.
And, he was ordered to take me to the room. Why I do not know what seem to hurt
Ferdinand. But became want to reach out to Ferdinand to go back to the hidden room,
leave what does not reach out a hand not know what did not go is, I closed my eyes.

2422 | 2523
Is not the way a disagreeable be tormented by it happens when pain. While the fed up
to the power of God people have ballooned out of the body, I had to change into gray
tier. It is supposed to do large-scale healing magic as soon as taking the dinner.

What I have now, but before the foundation of Ahrens Bach. Aubu has been doing
through the small room to put in the key with the Aubu from the room to use it. It is
lift up to Ferdinand.

"Originally entered in the I'm I? Should not be other than Aubu"

Well "..., but so, to unexpected afford to to one of you now that obvious that the magic
is depleted, this from Dietlinde It took up the key is my. if you add, now the foundation
has been certified with the magical power to Aubu me "
" not a Watakushi, how not think that Ferdinand like himself become Aubu Alexandria
? and .... research facility, I can make to you like all-you-can? "

already say so while kneeling in front of the white branches are installed, laughing in
the nose while preparing the Ferdinand is sitting to my right next to chemicals It was.

"Without made on their own, will for you to us to make? I do not need to become
If you look only "really but it is there is no greed I Ferdinand like? Greedy is, who I am
abuses Tsu Satan it is by "dumping
" or so? pretty well recently while we are'll "I think I have become deeply

but have to say with a smile, such as cookies and the devil, I do not think so so.

Paid to the "Ferdinand-like all of this to be printed to build a library city his library,
one is I make for Watakushi of this and print copy any territory of the library
collection. Cheek ambition I cheek It would not be? "
" such that the harbor ambitions would be about you. "

but I ...... all library domination think the dream of humanity.

I therefore do not intend to give up their own ambitions, I'm going to request
earnestly to Egurantinu want by manuscripts of the books to be moved from the Royal
Palace Library of the House of Lords to the library to get started.

2423 | 2523
"In order to get the ambition, the gods of the unexpected must be wiped out for your
power. Getting Started"

I touch the tray-like magic stone of the glowing colors of the rainbow. As you pour the
magical power, continue to accumulate water in the basin-like magic stone, it came to
the Mizukagami. The water stops at the full brink, now a branch of the air Vel Mean
was a white begins dyed in rainbow colors.

Light of all of the attributes is going up to the top straight from the branches of air Vel
Mean. From me you are in between the foundation is not visible outside of the state. I
thought so, but the light of all the attributes penetrate the building, the moment you
go outside, how the outside began to float to Mizukagami.

"Ferdinand like, this ......"

"Pour as it is magic. Not is still magic to complete."

Water reflected in a mirror sight from the place where many of the nobles are waving
flashing Shutapu, through the lights there are many noble city, go to the commoner
our downtown, it began to copy the darkness of the sea. Dark and is seen to be shaking
the water surface illuminated in rainbow colors of light entered. Schuettler has been
attached to the security at the border temple of the border gate Lumpur, the figure of
other knights were reflected. Looking up in a look of surprise.

"Will of looking at the situation going magic is drawn in the night sky. Goofy facial
expression but"
"If you are in the Watakushi its place, I think more goofy face"
"Nan there or else"

...... there I wanted you to deny.

Water reflected in the mirror scene became a branch of the air Vel Mean at the border
gate from the knights of surprise face. Then also headed to the sky.
Magic is going to be more and more To sucked in magic. I felt that has been drawn a
little heat.

"Would Where is this time?"

"It will be a boundary gate of the Danke naphthoylmethyl Ruger. Land is close"
2424 | 2523
Danke of naphthoylmethyl looking up at the sky in the Ruger of the border gate was a
knight of and any person Eckhart brother-like. Knights of Danke naphthoylmethyl
Ruger of blue cloak that are packed in a border gate is clamoring look up at the sky in
the eyes of excitement for some reason together. Knights of Danke naphthoylmethyl
Ruger is understood that Eckhart brother like not to touch the branches of air Vel
Mean is defended desperately.

...... here to protect the most difficult be.

Also go toward to the next border gate while laughing and Fufu'.
Magical power will be absorbed To steadily, feel hungry state has become starved to.
A little head began to and dizzy.

The was in the next boundary Gate Raurentsu us, was only a few knights. Which is the
boundary gate of the old Berke Stockhausen. Ferdinand seems to have closed in when
you go to put the branches of air Vel Mean, after the lord conference, Toraokuvaru's
right is to be opened by the force of both of Aubu from then appointed as Aubu.

Instead of heat came down, we arrived at the border gate of the Froebel Turks and
when I thought that it would be the body has become cold without heat can make in
your own body.

'm Matthias and the knights are here. Froebel Tak knights also had, but did not
become the festival turmoil such as Danke naphthoylmethyl Ruger, I was just looking
up at the sky in such as that nothing but overwhelmed facial expression.

Froebel Tak boundary Gate and Ehrenfest of the border gate is pretty close. Quickly it
became reflected the sight of the border gate of Ehrenfest. Should of Cornelius brother
like is to have the border gate of Ehrenfest.

"...... Ojii like?"

Why your grandfather is had to the border gate, the state in which brandishing
Cornelius brother like appeared.

Was contacted to "Jiruvesuta in the daytime, because he was not able to go to see the
inheritance type of the House of Lords, is to border gate seems to have jumped

2425 | 2523
insisted absolutely go. In time and although I did not think, toward the Cornelius
Kawase Do was the correct answer. in other person Mai can partner "

to voice such as amazed of Ferdinand I laugh small. And a little dizziness, breathing
more must slow breathing and consciousness has become shallow.

"It's a little bit more, Rozemain"

is heard a little far away immediately Ferdinand voice supposed to be next. Through
the dark sea water reflected in a mirror landscape must fit withstand up to come back
to the castle. But I answered that several times, "okay", does not enter force on the
voice, the force from the hand that had grabbed the magic stone that is a tray-like
come missing.

"Rozemain, hands away Do not because the unexpected may be leaning against the I
unplug the power of the body"

holding Ferdinand who was sitting next to is from the top of my hand, hug the force
has been missing body. It usually was around the hot hand of Ferdinand feel cold.

"Healing and bring about a change given the Kin serving twelve goddess Holy force
Kikitodoke the prayer of us to serve the goddess flue tray Ne good side of the water
Tamae ......"

Ferdinand began chanting the chant in the twisters. Magic seems to have successfully
completed. Even to hear Ferdinand chant, your power of gods does not move. Magic
is probably almost depleted. To not move the body becomes cold, is in my will spread
the peace of mind that "finally ended".

...... Ferdinand like, after the thank you.

While listening to the chant I closed slowly eyes.

2426 | 2523
The thing that I felt most in the consciousness drifting in the darkness was that the
mouth was sweet. As I thought that Gray Tier had to prepare a gargle, I heard a voice
calling me from where. Repeatedly and repeatedly, the voice calling repeatedly has
familiarity with the ears.

"... Mr. Ferdinand, is not it?"

"Slow, answer quicker"

I answered the call and suddenly complained. Am I the only one who thinks it is

"As I answered it at the time I noticed it, it is impossible to answer earlier than this ...
.... I can not see the figure, where is the Ferdinand?"

While looking around, I can not see the appearance of Ferdinand in the view of the
whole black. It can not be helped it seems uneasy.

"It's just connecting consciousness with the magician who sees memory, so please
calm down."
"I was planning to connect my memories when I finished dyeing magical powers.What
was my consciousness connected to, was it already stained with Ferdinand-sama's
magical power?"
"I tried sending magical power to you, but I have little resistance, I can not say it is
perfect, but it seems almost to be stained with my magical power"

That's good. It will not be swayed by the power of that gods, and that it has returned
to the original magical power. I finally realized that the mouth was sweet because of
the medicine that was drunk to dye magical power.

"Rosemain, I will remember the memories of those important to you as far as I can
remember, but it is the only opportunity given to me.What was your family and what
kind of existence was you for? , How much you cherish, how much it differs from you
and you at that time ... ... Please remember. "

2427 | 2523
Ferdinand's voice of command tone contained pleasures. Even though the voice is as
usual as usual, I can not say anything and I feel like I am anxious to regain memory.

"Well, when you talked to me before, I told you that Mr. Ferdinand who saw my
memory remembered my feelings, but is this me saying that I will be in line with
Ferdinand's emotions?"
"It is very unwilling, but that is the case."

An awful refusal feeling and hesitation and giving up are being conveyed. If you can
do it you know that Ferdinand is thinking. Ferdinand, who does not usually show
much emotion, has been looking forward to what kind of thought, and what kind of
memory it will show us, while being unscrupulous.

The dark sight suddenly became a temple. It seems that it has moved to a temple. You
can see it is walking in the corridor of the temple walking towards the temple room,
but the sight of the temple seen from Ferdinand's sight, which is too tall, looks a little
different from the view of the temple as seen by your own eyes. I would like to look
around the circumference, but because Ferdinand's field of vision is fixed, I can not
see where I want to see.

"Ferdinand, I'd like to see plenty of fish."

"It is impossible because memory is pushed as it is"

A gray priest unfamiliar stands in front of the temple room, Arnaud is asking for an
agent. When passed through the room, the temple of the former shrine maiden who
was made a big stomach was moving in sight. In a look that looks amazing, the flashy
eyes that were flashing were glaring.

"Although I do not dislike the former temple, it is somewhat nostalgic when I see it ...
... Oh, I came!"

Apprentice by Gilberta Shokai Feldinand's vision reflects that I came into the room
with unfamiliar women in clothes. From this point of view, my head in the commoner
era is in the position of Ferdinand's waist, it is hidden behind the sleeve and

2428 | 2523
"It was a bit small! It was messed up! It was like this if you saw from Ferdinand ...
Wow, did not you think that you were going to step on inadvertently?"
"The impression that you saw yourself is that you are going to step on .... More than
that, you are the ones who are with you, not yourself in the past, they are your parents,
the names are Günther and Efa. Günter is the gatekeeper of Ehrenfest and Efa is your
expert dyeing craftsman. "

Oh, I thought. I finally realized that there is no memory of the family that there is little
memory of the downtown. Even though I have memories of contracts and business
relations with Beno and Marc, there is little memory that I have lived in downtown.

... are they my parents?

A man and a woman who exposed vigilance confronted me before the temple of the
temple, saying "Please give me a mine" so as to protect me.

"I will refuse.Main can not live anyway in the same environment as an orphan"
"Yes, Mine is very frail, even if she does not eat her, she is a child who collapsed twice
in a baptismal ceremony and has not caught on for many days since then. I can not
live in the temple."

I could easily imagine the subsequent developments in male and female responses, I
felt blood draw. What on earth is he thinking of the commoner to resist the former

...... It is not amusing to be executed! Is it?

As soon as it gets a breath, as expected, the former temple, who was agitated
rebelliously by the commoner, rushed up to the priest, if he raises his hands, he will
make a death sentence under the name of God "and gray priests are invited into the
room, young I commanded you to catch me. I was wondering whether men and
women also gave up and expected me, but my expectation was overturned.

"From the time I decided to protect Mine, I was ready for that much."

Suddenly exposed to the violence of kicking which gray priests hit in sight, I seemed
to be pulling a step one by one. As soon as the voice of Ferdinand echoes.

2429 | 2523
"A man who will not show any hesitation to any threats whether you are a temple or
a nobleman of another territory and your guards are your father ... ... when you see
your family Do you know the surprise of him? "

Ferdinand's voice is intertwined with nostalgia and envy. In Ferdinand who was good
at hiding his emotions I felt an eye out for the rare emotional development.

"I am surprised at the present shape now, it is not dangerous enough to surprise you"
"Whatever you say to anyone, do not give up on my life, you seem to be your father
who beat up to Dunkel Verger and beat up Ahrensbach?"

Kughty Ferdinand will laugh. Even though he is wielding violence that is supposed to
be scary, the Ferdinand's eyes made the scene a terrible glare. A mixed emotion with
amazement and admiration is directed to the appearance of a male and female who
defends his child and confronts the superiors.

...... Have you ever loved a child and have a parent to protect it?

At the same time that the feelings of such Ferdinand were caught, another men and
women glanced at the sight. A gentle woman who told her with a slightly
embarrassing face that her more elderly man is more like a father-in-law, "a goddess
of time," guiding herself, and softly pale-colored hair "I wonder if it is the trial of
Glück's Retate," gently sigh. Because my own eyes are looking up at the two, is it
memory of Ferdinand 's young age?

Hmm? At the next moment I thought that it was going back to the sight of the temple.
To flush it, I saw it clearly. That is probably Ferdinand's past memory.

"... ... Is the previous Aub Ehrenfest?"

"Now concentrate on the sight in front of you, in order to regain your memory"

Obviously avoiding answers to the questions, Ferdinand returns consciousness to the

present sight.

"You are the same as Günter, it was not a child who can not imbue the
unreasonableness of leaving for the family"
"I think that I've been swallowing a lot of reasons, though ...."

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As soon as I argued, young I began to intimidate the former templeor. The pupil
discolors as if an oil film hangs on it and starts to look like a pale yellow mist from the
whole body. I stood anguish at the whole body, caught the men and women of my

"Do not be silly, do not touch the father and mother."

...... Father and mother.

It calls its way in the head. You should know the call. My heart aches for the sound
that I feel terribly nostalgic, but my memory does not connect.
There are parents who take care of themselves without hesitation even if they oppose
the former temple chief, they are staring at the young ones who are shining their eyes
on the rainbow color, shielding them, but I feel that their emotions I can not
understand. Rather, I wonder why you are hostile to the past so far. I think that one
who is away from my family should be able to protect my family as a result.

Ferdinand is amazed at staring at the appearance of Mine who desperately wants to

protect his family with a small body and admiring and watching the level of sin that
he can not afford. It is much easier for me to sympathize with Ferdinand now.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I can not remember, I should be aware, I do not know ... I do not know
how to call my mother and father ..."

I feel itching and it makes me want to cry because I regret it. I know that they are
people who must remember. I want to remember it if I can. But I can not connect.

"... ... then, would you like to see another person?"

As soon as Ferdinand said that, the landscape changes from the temple room to the
priest's room. Although the chief priest 's room is familiar, inside the room was not an
arrangement of familiar furniture. The table is set in the middle, the chair is placed in
the square. There was a boy with unfamiliar blond in the front, there were Ralph's
parents and Beno and Maruk on the left and right.

"What is this gathering?"

"Are all those who are here in memory?"
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"I do not understand only the boy in front of me, I know others."

Ferdinand muttered whether Beno and Maruku understood. Beno and Mark know.
There is a memory that sells goods downtown.

"His name is Lutz and the men and women sitting on his right are his parents."
"It is important for me to say that Ruth only knows that it is parents of Ralph."
"... .... Ah ... I made paper instead of you, worked at Beno's shop, got in and out of the
shrine at the temple, brought the orphans to the forest and spread the printing in
Ehrenfest as Gutenberg. It's your limbs, it's very important to you, family as well. "
"Is it as a family?"

Ferdinand said "Please see." In front of me there is a figure that a poor Deed explains
the meaning of his words while trying hard to find a word.

"I wanted to reconcile him who ran away from home, denied my dreams, was caught
in action, ran away from home, I want to reconcile him with my family if I can get it, if
I can not reconcile, I will take it once in an orphanage and I want Beno to adopt it That
was your hope. "
"Why is Ferdinand involved?"

It is strange that Ferdinand is thrusting his neck into the family problem of the

"Because you are an orphanage instructor, if you do adopt adoption by Beno, I needed
to help, it is part of my duties."

The mouth of Ferdinand taught such a construction so, but another emotion also
comes in. It seems that there was also a motive that he wanted to know about the
family of the commoners other than Mine's family.

During the discussion, Ferdinand was still watching Dade and Carla. I feel bad about
my son from blunt and crude behavior. It seems that Ferdinand immediately knew
that it was not visible to Lutz.

Most of the emotions directed to Lutz were "amazing and jealous," I am anxious about
my parents and I am loved, what is he disgruntled? " Ferdinand takes care of the place
while considering to reach Rutz so that the feelings of the parent side will not distort
as much as possible.
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As the discussion progressed, the face of Lutz changed from a stiff expression to a
missing expression, and the topic was related to Lutz's adoption. Den declines Beno's
offer as clear.

"You will be fine as a manager and a merchant as a manager as well, even if you take
care of Lutz, you have enough power and generosity to attend it, but goodwill to your

Ferdinand's heart felt a little wave in the words of Dade against Beno. Watch out for
Beno, asserted that he can not be a parent, and interest in parent-child relationships
of commoners.

"Explain what Beno can not be a parent, do you even say that it is also a bad
"Even if the reputation of the work is good, the kind that raises the profit of the store
at the top of the reason why it is adopted is good to the parent, it is not to think in
terms of profits to become a parent, is not it?"

Beno was not the only one who was relieved by the words of Deed. Ferdinand was
lightly breathing. The voice that revived in the head is the voice of the man "for the
territory" and "guidance of the goddess of time".

I do not know who it is. However, unexpectedly the word of Deed stabs deeply, and
thinking from the fact that feeling resembling that of resignation spreads in
Ferdinand, is not Abe Ehrenfest of the predecessor?
Nobody sees Ferdinand who breathes slowly and arranges slightly disturbed
breathing. What everyone is paying attention to is the tears of Lutz who received the
affection of their parents indefinitely with Dade and Beno.

"Well, I will return, my stupid son"

Even if Gon and Genkoto are dropped, Ruts looks happy and it is enviously enormous.
Ferdinand is staring at the eyes of envy of the citizen's child who is holding hands to
himself from the time when he was born what he never gets.
Ferdinand who was looking at the work of the side workers who returned the position
of the furniture in a tired mood remembered that there is a commoner's child next to
him. If you look down, there is Mine holding the witchcraft to prevent eavesdropping
yet as ordered first.
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"I am glad that the family did not break, I reconciled with my family and put Ruth back
home, was that the best ending for you?"

Grasping the wiretapping prevention magician and saying to Mine, Mine started
tearing down large tears while saying "Good". It is not elegant to cry and laugh as you
pass emotions. Even if you keep in mind that Ferdinand stops crying, Mine keeps
crying with a smile as it is a nice tear.

"Lutz, it was nice ..."

I look down on Mine who was dreaming of Lutz as if I were myself. It has been
reported that Ferdinandz is seriously curious about Mine who can be deeply
entrusted with other members of red by sharing it so far and not having a family that
divided blood.

... ... How do you ...?

"Did you remember Rosemain! Lutz?"


I suddenly be questioned loudly to scrape my thoughts, I will make my eyes round. I

was scattered at a stroke about what Ferdinand was thinking and what I was thinking.

"Well, what were you talking about?"

"I am asking if I could remember Lutz"
"No, I can not remember, but I understood well that I was a very important person at
that time."

What I understand more is that Ferdinand has a very emotional presence on family
and parents. The feeling of Ferdinand that is in sync with Ruth 's behavior which I am
not in memory now is much more concerned to me. Ferdinand's mouth "Family
asymmetry" is a word that has a much heavier meaning than I thought.

"Regardless of Lutz 's memory at all, I can not keep up with Mine' s heart in my
"Is not it remembered whether you see a figure or listen to your voice?"
"Well, the memories of my parents just a bit at a time, but Lutz did not have that much
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Ferdinand's emotions were amazed, puzzled and irritated and frustrated. In addition
to the frustration and frustration of "Lutz is important," in addition to being amazed
and irritated, it is transmitted desperately which one is easy to connect if it is from

"Have you remembered the dream world? If so, is it easy to connect?"

Because there is memory of the Lifega era, I do not think we need to connect it
separately. But for Ferdinand it may be something of a mindset. I wanted to know the
feelings of Ferdinand, and I decided to show that memory.

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Ah, it's our living room. Nostalgic.

It became the living room of the Reyno period where the scenery of the temple can
not return even if I wanted to go home.

"I want to go to a place where there are lots of books like an archive or a private room
because it's no problem."
"Unfortunately, there is no guidance there so it is not in my memory"
"Ah ah, why did not you bring it last time? The library or bookstore you went last time
is OK. Let's go here if there is a book."
"I do not want it."

Ferdinand thought that I was lascivious to be surrounded by the book of the Reyno
period, but Ferdinand thought that "I just read books, so time seems to be useless, so
I did not know." Too bad.
Ferdinand who completely invoked my words that invited me to go to a place in a
book headed to a shelf with artisan art and pointed to lace knitting.

"Last time, I received an explanation from you, is this the lace knitting that made your
hair ornament?"
"That's right, but I have only seen it once, but I remember it."

Ferdinand firmly remembered what I explained and explained in what way, although
I do not remember. The structure of the head may be different. As I was impressed,
Ferdinand's emotions got a little rough. I feel like I feel a little nervous about what.

"What's wrong, Mr. Ferdinand?"

"Rosemain, do you remember where and why made the first hair ornaments you
bought for Beno?"

I feel the sign of Ferdinand waiting for my reply and I will search for memories. I
remember that paper making came down and sold hair decorations to Beno as a new
product. It is supposed to have earned quite a lot of money at that time saying that the
guild's length wants a new hair ornament for Frida's baptismal ceremony.

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……that? But why did you first make it?

"I do not know"

"It seems to be for Turi"
"You are a hair ornament craftsman, are not you?"
"There are not many times I met my face with Turi, but I have been in the delivery of
a hair accessory"

The sight was changed suddenly. Hair ornaments made for Egrantine will be delivered
in the orphanage headquarters room, and conversation will show that Ferdinand will
be present.

"I remember receiving orders for Egrantine-sama's hair ornament"

"Okay so why do you remember seeing this face frustrated so far?"
"I think that such reasons do not remember irrespective of whether memory is
connected or not"

Rosemain in memory is staring at here with plenty of frustration with caution.

Ferdinand, who must look into things to royalty while he is busy, is also frustrated
with "What's on that face despite having troubled us?" Ferdinand is unexpectedly
childish, as he is twisting his cheeks and pulling down drinking before becoming half

...... Half of them were eight!

"She is Turi"

A girl who braided green hair at the back brought along with the members of the
Gilberta Shokai. Ferdinand observes Rosemain, who looks at Turi and becomes a
slightly stiff face.
In the heart of Ferdinand it is full of anxiety and vigilance as to how much Rosemain
is shocked in the first meeting after waking up from Yulee, how much the relationship
with family has been changed for two years blank. The hand was attached to the
leather bag so that the magic stone can be taken out soon so that magical power does
not run away with the wave of shock and emotion.

To the extent that such a worry of Ferdinand is left, Turi unraveled Rosemain 's
strength by merely smiling with a gaze. Nicolle and smile Blue eyes have a love of
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understanding at a glance. Eyes to see important, important partners. It was in
common with the eyes of an unforgettable father and mother.

...... I know this eyes.

"I would like to pay Rosemain like this"

It seems that Turi was making spring hair ornaments while immersed in Jureve. As
Rosemain smiled happily like the time it was before the book, change the direction of
the body to make it easy for T ile to attach the hair accessory.

Once Turei turned his eyes to Ferdinand, he gently removes the hair decorations he is
attaching with a polite gesture. Apply new hair ornaments while streaming to the back
while arranging the hair that was slightly disturbed and hanging on the shoulder with
your fingertips. The way you touch that hand is gentle.

"Does it suit you?"

"It's a hair ornament I made for Rosemain, very well suited."

Rosemain laughs at talking with Turi. It can be read from the expression of two people
that it is an important time for a slight touch.

... ... I want to see more.

It was difficult to distinguish whether I was thinking or Feldinand. Rosemain

desperately stretches out for a touch of touch even if it is separated but the slender
connection of the family trying to take his hand will not be dazzling to Ferdinand. At
the same time, despite the absence of other methods, I am biting a bitter thought on
my own actions separated from the family of the commoner and the attacks that made
two years of whitespace.

"Does Ferdinand know what the first hair accessory was made for?"
"As I heard from Beno, it seems you made it for my sister Turi, made with the whole
family to celebrate the baptismal ceremony ..."

Did Ferdinand recall the conversation with Beno? It became the scenery of the priest
's room from the orphanage director' s office. There are Beno and Marc in front of me,
and the delivery of the hair accessory that I attached with the baptismal ceremony as
a nobleman is done.
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"How about here?" As ordered, it finished it gorgeously using the finest yarn.The hair
ornament is the thing that the child who sells it to my shop made for the celebration
of my sister's baptismal ceremony is beginning Therefore, I think that it is very
suitable for Rosemain 's baptismal celebration. "
"...... Tuli and his mother who has been making shrine maiden apprenticeship for a
long time knitted the yarn and his father carefully scraped this tree and I hope that
Rosemain will be delighted."

Beno's smile is at the time of conviction of victory. When Beno's smile went out, I
returned to the sight of the living room.

"How can you remember? How did you make your hair decorations? It is about you
who is not interested in other than books.It's good but it may be that I got bored so
quickly as with embroidery. As I am wary of when something begins, it may be that
you were watching over what your parents and older sister will also start, or that
family, because everyone cooperates from the start with enthusiasm Maybe it was. "

In Ferdinand's words, something came to my mind. My voice as if she wanted a thread

sounded and her hand, which started knitting with a carefully scraped crochet,
appears. There are people in the surroundings, you can see that I am not alone.

"...... There were .... but I do not know who the fingertips that touched the florets were,
who was the one who praised me for being amazing?"

As I found a small clue, expectations sprout about the feelings of Ferdinand.

"It will be your family, you may have made a basket or bag like this,"

My mother in the Rei period got bored on the way, so it was me who completed it until
the end. There are people who made bags made in the commoner era together next.
In order to get hold of the people floating in my mind, I desperately search for

"Although I was saying that I made lintian, candle, soap, glue, ink, you can not make it
with just one person, you should have someone who cooked you, I will take care of
you as soon as you fall asleep and fall asleep Well, there were those who supported

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you with weaknesses, how did you make it, who supported it, who was worried and
made a few sayings? "

A number of shadows pass through my head to the words of Ferdinand. "Hey, Main!"
"Keep me quiet" "Mine, what are you doing?" "Hey, let's go" and a number of people
speak at the same time. My head hurts.

"I am so angry and worried ... I can not satisfy my weakness and weakness with
weakness ... ... so there were lots of people around me."

While doing such a story, hot things get caught in the eyes and the sight is distorted. I
can see that an important memory is there.

"But I do not remember having cherished my family, the book is the most important,
the only thing more important than the book is Ferdinand ...."
"The only thing that is more important than the book is that there is only me who can
be connected after the connection to memory is cut off by Mestionola, your love for
your family will be deep enough."

Ferdinand's emotions are mixed with just a little jubilation, giving up and grief, and
appeals are added for early remembrance. My heart caught me badly due to the
frustration of Ferdinand.

"Your feelings of thinking about parents and families was a feeling that I had not
known until myself thought of a totally different feeling from my emotions towards
my father and Jilvestre, I think that it was very hilarious, your feelings are strong and
deep. "

Meals with Reino's mother came out with Ferdinand's words. It is Feldinand's
memorable menu. Freshly cooked rice, tofu and miso soup of seaweed, Teriyaki
Teriyaki, Nikujaga, Mayogi Hijiki, pickles are lining up.

"I myself did not eat, I felt tasty and nostalgic"

"Is it going to be a nostalgic taste for Mr. Ferdinand's mother's food?"
"No, I will feel it just because I'm in sync with you." It is your cooking that I felt
nostalgic and delicious ... ... I learned from Ahrensbach "

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I wonder if it is praise that it is wonderful even if it can be relieved if poison is not
contained. The criteria for Ferdinand's meal, which I thought quite glutinous and
thought it was delicious, was surprisingly low.

"What kind of life is it whether criteria are poisoned or not ...?"

As soon as I said that, the meal in front of me was no longer Japanese. There is a meat
dish such as roast beef, and a woman like Diet Linde who took the age is looking at
her hand with a gruesome smile. Ferdinand's pain which felt desperately for wanting
to exhale was stiff and spread all over the body in a moment.

"This idiot"

As soon as Ferdinand's voice caught her, her appearance disappeared into the
appearance of Reiko's mother, and the cuisine before me came back to Japanese food.

"As you choose words to speak, you will see extra things.You only think about
regaining your memory, you do not have such a memory when you have to regain
family memories"

Feelings of Ferdinand are irritated by frustration and hatred. I wonder if that was the
everyday meal scenery of Ferdinand.

"Although the woman of the past was kind of Veronica, it was worth it even if I
glimpsed it. I understand well how families love him and I know that my family is
Ferdinand Eyes are completely different from people. "
"... .... Oh, yes you have been truly grown up and loved."

A mother's eyes sitting in front of you and having a meal together can see deep love. I
thought that I was happy. It was brought up with love poured as much as I can
understand at a glance. Joy and happiness are going down in my heart.

Because it is memories of when I was in sync, it was also transmitted that Ferdinand
of the time was feeling embarrassed at the affection directed straight from mother.
What I felt was affection for my family for repentance, reflection and nostalgia. Among
my own intricately intertwined feelings, the strongest emotion is my feelings for my
family. The affection for both the family of Liino that has already lost, the family you
are spending with, and both are swirling.

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...... Everyone, I love you.

"Mr. Ferdinand, my family's memory is not connected well, I feel like only my feelings
have returned.The family is very important, I love you, I love you, I love you ... ... I love
you But I do not know ...... "

I also saw the face. I also listened to the voice. I know the name. It is right there. I think
that it is really only a little to the memory that I spent with the important people. Even
so, I can not grasp the memory that is behind a thin membrane.

"Hey, Mr. Ferdinand, have you been returning love to everyone properly? Have not
you left not having it? How did you love it?"

In my Ferdinand the thought spreading closer to distress spread and the sight before
me changed.

...... It is the priest's room. I have a father and a foster, but when is it a memory?

Arnaud is informed of guests and tells regular words to welcome guests. It was the
guy who was guided by the francion and entered the priest 's room, the father who
joined hands with Turi, the mother who put the baby in a sling.


Tury unravels his father's hands and runs over to Maine who wore clothes of a blue
shrine maiden apprentice with a shining smile. After hugging to hike, start to check if
Mine is injured away from the bat.

"My father had a terrible injury, he came to pick me up with a scary face and I was
really scared that Mine had something to go to the temple together until my mum and
Kamir. I am glad that it was safe. "

Tulei is innocent of Mine 's safety and I'm getting pleased with the feeling that' love
'inside of me is engaged with love from Turi.
But Ferdinand, who looks at them, is full of sorrow. We have to separate that family
from now. I am pleased that there is a way to save the lives of the people who opposed
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the nobles, but every time I hear reports from Fran and Damuel I feel smile and envy,
I will manage to protect someone until ten years old when Mine enters the House of
Lords You must stand on your own.

Mine's parents seem to understand the situation, kneeling while distressing his face
spicyly. Turi who told me to kneel in the same way looks around and kneels in a panic.
It seemed that Mine was not kneeling, so I could see it from Ferdinand's point of view
that made her face strong.

Sin and the inside of the room gets quiet. I can hesitate to adopt the actions of my
adopting father, but the adoptive father allowed me to sit down and answer to my
family kneeling with a lordy face. Then I tell him that Mine becomes a nobleman and
becomes an adopted lady.

"Because of me ... Because I went to pick you up, you were attacked, do not you?"
"No, Turi ... Because the culprit who was attacking was in the temple, even if Turi did
not pick me up, I was attacked, I'm sorry I got involved, sorry, Turi, were you scared?

Mine is trying hard to explain that it was dangerous to attack the aristocrat as it was
dangerous and to become a nobleman to prevent that sin from spreading to family
and side work .

……Wrong. It is because my education did not reach it.

It was possible to prevent in advance if Arnaud correctly conveyed the message of

Fran and the visit of the former temple. Ferdinand grips Gili and his back teeth while
watching Mine stretch out his hand and stretch his head as he pulls down and tears
off the tears of his head.

... ... There was no such schedule.

While frustrated by regret and humiliation, Mine's family members promise and
embrace one by one. Ferdinand was caught in the emotions of a deep family and was
about to be crushed by feelings of regret and guilt in the appearance of a family being
pulled apart.

"I will make a promise, I will absolutely make Mine's clothes"

"I love you, Turi, my boastful sister"
"Do not push yourself too hard. I'm fine ... ... I love you, My Mine"
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"I am also a mother, I love you"
"I think that we can not remember Kamil, but because only Kyomil makes picture
books, I read it properly."
"My father always protected me, if I get married someday, a man who will protect me
like a father is good"
"Mine, at that time, say you want to be my dad's wife"
"Yeah ... .... I, I want to be my dad's wife."

It seems to me that there is nothing that I can return to having a promise from my
family, with my heart hurting my love and my hopes to meet even a little.

"I just got a love affair"

I want to cry but I can not cry because I am in Feldinand's memory. I want to quickly
remember everything. I can not keep losing my memory with such important people.

"I change my name, I can not call my father about my father anymore ... ... Because it's
my father's daughter so I will protect everyone in the city."

Mine 's ring said so. You can see that the emotions are high and the magical power is
overflowing. Ferdinand immediately stood up and stood up. There must not be
something that hurt your family with the power of Mine. However, Mine began
praying that emotion full of overflowing that "Because I thought of my family, it is full
of magical power, I should use it for my family".

"Supreme God governs the expanse of the sky, the highest god is governor of the dark
and light couple god widely Hirohiro earth, the goddess of the five pillars Ogin water
The god of fire Firends Leiden shaft shaft goddess Schaler the goddess of soil Geduluri
god of life A Veryleave listen to my prayers and give us blessings. "

If Mine slowly raised his hands while praying to God, thin glowing yellow light flashed
from the ring simultaneously with the name of God. There is no magic couple to assist
and not to paint the symbols of the gods, but the light of blessings dances only with
pure thoughts and prayers.

...... too much burden on the body!

Mine prays while Ferdinand is lost whether or not to stop. Pray to the gods in one
word with your own words.
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"Sacrifice to you for my heart praying and gratitude to those who love my strength to
withstand suffering power to withdraw malice by continuing to advance the goal with
the power to heal the pain by giving sacred protection."

The spectacle in which blessing light dances in the room due to the love spoken only
by affection for the family was too beautiful, Ferdinand was losing words. I also just
look at the light of blessing falling from Ferdinand's sight.

"Rosemain, what's wrong?"

The moment when the light of blessing has fallen, suddenly a number of memories
began to connect. It connects one after another from where I awoke by being caught
in fever. When I spent my days with my family, when I was accused by Lutz and
accepted, when I was happy with the paper, when I got excited about completing a
printing press, some of Beno, Mark and Ferdinand's memories seemed to be missing.

It is understood for the first time by being connected. What was missing was not just
memories of the precious person. Even in a bad way, it seems that the memories of
my emotions were shaking off. The appearance of the young children who were
engaged in the basement of the orphanage revive the mind. When I thought that I was
wrapped around a thrombus that was threatened by throwing a knife by Torrome,
when I was wondering if he would die, when Lesser killed in a band of light caught me
a strange medicine, when I was drunk at Egrantine and Anastigius When I was told to
visit the shrine, I thought that I could get helped by grabbing the shrine and I could
get help but when the door blocked me, Ferdinand was poisoned and fell down, the
moment of being killed The memories of the man who became a manastone are
connected one after another.

"... Rosemain, Rosemain!"

I heard the call of Ferdinand. I will get angry if I do not answer quickly. It is because
he is already angry because it is hesitant to try to reply.

... ... yet my head is spinning, so wait a moment.

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I fearfully opened my eyes to see the surroundings. Ferdinand's face is close by. At the
moment the eyes met, the face carving the wrinkles clearly between the eyebrows
loose relief. Hold me as it is, a whisper like "It's good ... ..." like echoing in my ears.

……Huh? Who? Principal? What happened? Perhaps, was Ferdinand broken?

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My head is hanging around because of memories connected at the same time, because
I was in sync with Ferdinand, I would miss my family in downtown terrible. I do not
know exactly what is going on with Ferdinand, but it is very unusual for me to talk, so
I piggyback and turn my hands on my back. As soon as that, Ferdinand got away from
the buck as a bit.

"What are you going to do?"

Do not say such a disgusting face. Mostly, I think it is this line of speech. I wonder if
anyone who caressed me as I woke up was asked. For a moment I thought so, but
when I say something unnecessary, it will only start a good argument and my head
will not move and I will not win at all.

"I think that it is cumbersome to settle down only by Mr. Ferdinand, so I request an
extension of Kyu until I settle down."
"... What about the extension?"
"Because my memory was connected all at once in sync, it's a headache and an
emotionally messed up."

As a result of stopping asking and expressing my wishes, I got an extension of Kyu

from Ferdinand who had a terrible disgusting face. Here I finally got around to look
around and found that I was still between the foundations and that I was hugged by
Ferdinand sitting with one knee up. It is reasonable and the body is not cold.

"Good little ... ...."

I twisted his body slightly for easy tenderness, and turned his hands on the back of
Ferdinand. Although familiar smell and warmth of people are pleasant, Ferdinand's
heartbeat is very fast, heartless or breathing is shallow.

"... ... It's settling inside like this,"

"I am quiet at all"

I sensed the signs of being squeezed together with a sigh of mixed sigh, I hurriedly
stuck my hand to the back and put on my hands.

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"It is not enough for Mr. Ferdinand to stay calm, because I do not have enough
mushrooms, surely it is OK to fill in a lot."
"It does not mean that"

Ferdinand, with a tired voice saying to make it look awful, puts her strength on one of
my arms around my back and started tinkering at my other hand with my other hand.
It is not obedient as usual though it is missing tiger.

"Well, what did you mean by Ferdinand?"

"... ... that ... ... Suddenly disconnected from you and you never woke up even if you call
for it, you are wrong"

I was told so in a really disgusting voice. It seems that Ferdinand was not bothered by
whether he was going up the stairs that is far higher than this time this time.

"... .... I was in such a dangerous situation?"

"I have not been able to understand how seriously I can talk about that far that I was
walking in life and death for the last few days."

It was dead at the time the magical power reached the normal state due to the
influence of the power of the gods. I have to reduce magical power, but I can not use
recovery medicine. I always had the danger of which one of physical strength or
magical power will run out first. Besides that, as soon as exhaustion, I had to dyed my
magical powers and recover magical powers as quickly as possible, the possibility of
dying with magical exhaustion was high this time. You can die anytime and anywhere
this past few days.

"I know that because I was afraid to sleep and recover magical power, but I thought
that Ferdinand would do something, so I was not so pessimistic ..."

I was thinking relatively optimistically that even if magical power was depleted, it
would manage somehow, but it seems that Ferdinand, who was left behind, was in

"Even though your mind powered up exhausted as soon as I got the medicine to drink,
my medicine made liquefied medicine, and even though I used a magical tool to look
into my memory and pushed magical power and called for consciousness, You did not
respond so easily, and in addition, I could not get back to memory remarkably, and
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finally I thought that clues had come to finding, as soon as the blessing of all the
attributes pour down, the synchronization was suddenly expired. "

Ferdinand also returned consciousness as to what was going on, but it seems that I
fought earlier seems to have been unresponsive without consciousness returning.
From the memories of the blessing of all the attributes, it seems that he felt hopelessly
feeling that there was some reaction in the power of the gods which remain a little in

When I heard such a talk on Ferdinand side, "It is hard to say that Ferdinand was
broken as I got hugged as soon as I noticed that memories began to connect together
with all-time prayers."

"Memory returned by virtue of Ferdinand, so it's okay not to worry anymore"

Ferdinand's heartbeat is unsettling at all, even while tapping tenton and his back
lightly. My fingers, which were moving as if playing with my hair, stopped, and more
force was hidden in the arms I hugged. It has become so painful since I feel
comfortable. I worry that something is strange and I look up to Ferdinand.

"Dear Ferdinand, have you come?

"Rosemain, you are ..."

The faint voice ceased and I can not hear the rest. When I heard "what?", Ferdinand,
who had been swallowing the color of hesitation for a while, unleashed a little and
released his body.

"Do you want to return to the commoner?"


I do not know what suddenly Ferdinand has said, I blink and blinding my head.

"Now that the magical powers of the gods have run out, you may be able to pretend
you to return to the commoner as if you went up to a height far."

Dokiri made it. Synchronized, I wanted to jump with a tremendously attractive

proposal to me now that the memories of the common era have revived. But I also
know that it is impossible for me to return to commoners.

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"...... Um, Ferdinand-sama, maybe it is a declaration of a life expectancy, it's only a short
time to die, so I feel like having a family only during that time ..."
"I understand it because of what I was in tune with, but the most important thing for
you is Lutz, I thought that if you could return you to the commoner you could get along
with those who care. "

...... Mr. Ferdinand, are you serious?

My throat is stinging and my heart beats faster. I got shallow until my breath.

"What are you going to do specifically to return to the commoner? I am already dead
as Mine!" The foundation of Alexandria and the library city plan ... "
"You will be Auburn Alexandria once at the Lord's Conference and I will be an official
fiancée and arrange the format so that I can become AUB ALEXANDRIA externally and
then you can pull it out for a while, It seems that it will be relatively easy to return to
commoners if it decides to die.If I am supposed to do the foundation and the library
city plan as well "

Basically they know the circumstances if they return as Alexandria 's commoners as
Gutenberg moves. Ferdinand said that it would not be too difficult not to distract her
mouth, and would cooperate.

"Even though it is impossible at Ehrenfest, if I become Aub and Alexandria it may be

possible to protect you and your family."

With the expectation that it may be possible to get back to the family, floating in my
mind is the figure of Ferdinand who keeps fighting alone as an ale to protect my
family. I do not see any weakness to anyone, but I have an immediate idea what this
person will do with all my responsibility alone.
chest pain. I hold down my chest. I do not know what my chest hurts for.

"Ferdinand does not need to carry a guilt feeling or sense of responsibility against me,
because I am giving it back enough"
".... Your happiness is not with that family, since I just came up with it in sync, I have
to think a lot about details, but it's worth a thought."

Ferdinand can not tell the fact that it can not be realized at all. Even though thinking
from hesitation, it is difficult, but it is not impossible to realize at all.

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In the mind I wish to return to the family's family, saying "I do not mind returning
because Ferdinand says I can return," I cried, "I'm planning to give Ferdinand the
whole thing! I do not want such irresponsible things! I'm living as a nobleman until
now and I will collide with each other in my heart.

"Ferdinand is like you said, I wanted to stay with my family even a little bit, and I think
that I can still stay with you even now ... ... But I want the Ferdinand to be as happy as
much I will not sacrifice Ferdinand to bring me back to the commoner. "

As I glanced at Ferdinand, Ferdinand turned his face and loosely shook his head.

"If all the memories are connected, your manastone phobia may be back, even if you
can not handle the magic stone it is even hard to live as a nobleman.Abu is even more,
probably the magical power is almost The same I will be preparing as an ave. You can
do it is an awesome decoration, you will not change even if you are with or without
you "

The majority of Ferdinand's words are correct, but some are not right. Aleandsbach
was permitted to be reborn as a new territory from the rebellion territory because
the incarnation of the goddess became obsessive and cleansed. If I were not Arub, how
would you deal with what Alexandria seems to be from the nobles of other territory?
Ferdinand can not be sure of it.

"No matter how valuable ornaments Aubu you are, you need a title for the incarnation
of the goddess, do you think that you are going to put a burden on you to bring me
back to the commoner, are you so stupid and irresponsible that I do not notice it? "
"... ... I do not think it's foolish and irresponsible, but you ought to be with your family,
now is only now?"

That does not mean to sacrifice Ferdinand though. Ferdinand is an ambitious man
who is unbearable because he wants the status and power of Tzent and Aub, and he
is a man who wants to embrace her mistress without hesitation in getting to the third
wife, not only the first lady, to stabilize Alexandria Well, I did not worry about it and I
went back to the family.

"There is no reason why Ferdinand is too worried about returning! I am not good at
relying on others, I embrace work all by myself and everyday in medicine is definitely
death from overworking quickly."

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"But, if you decide here now and return to the commoner, you will get married to me
without the buds that you will meet with Lutz"

In Ferdinand, which he frowns like a face, I have momentumed away. Why is it that
the story of wanting to return to the family is talking with Lutz why?

……that? Is not something wrong?

"Well, Mr. Ferdinand, how long have you been married? There is no way I can get
married when I came back to the commoners, because there are magical powers
among the aristocrats, Maybe it will be unhealthy from the viewpoint of commoners
and completely out of the wife's candidate at the time the child can not hope. "

In aristocrats and commoners, what you seek from your wife is quite different. I think
I would like to return to my family but never thought of marrying Lutz separately.
Lutz is an important person who caught me here, but I think that other girls are
suitable as marriage partners. I am sorry for my opponent.

By the way, I'm not good at socializing and embroidery, I guess that probably also
does not meet the criteria of a bride as a nobleman. If it is not a marriage or a
politician, there is not a strange person like me to call on me.

"Anyway, what is it that you will marry Ferdinand, do not you just have to get

Aub 's marriage is decided by himself and received approval of Tento. Ferdinand need
not marry me with such a disgusting face.

"...... That's right, if you do not want to get married,"

Ferdinand fell downward and breathes slowly. Then I put three fingers.

"Rosemain, now you have three options: the first is to return to the commoner and
marry the one you desire, the second to advance things according to the plan and
marry me.The third is I command Egranthine to resolve the royalty, destroy my
engagement with me and engage with another man that is suitable for Aub and
Alexandria ... ... which choice do you choose? "

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I rounded my eyes to the suddenly confronted choice.

"Sorry, Mr. Ferdinand, I'm very sorry, I do not understand the meaning well, I guess
Ferdinand's way of saying is that I and Ferdinand are already engaged, Wonder how
long have I been engaged? "
"It's when you got the cornerstone of Ahrensbach?"

With Pokan I will explain to Ferdinand the content of the royalty that was given to
Traquequar. When I got the cornerstone of Ahrensbach, when I became a single
female Aubu who was not young and young in office I seem to have to sing Ferdinand
as a fiancee of the royalty.

"Such a thing, no one word ... ...."

"It is not a matter of saying that it is not a matter of bothering to bother during the
battle, and it was better for you not to carelessly shake your emotions with the power
of the goddess when the series of fighting ends."
"Ah ... ... so the attitude of the aides changed, too."

Although I was complaining about getting close, it was strange that my aides did not
say anything suddenly, but that mystery was solved. Ferdinand gently breathed a sigh
while watching me hitting a hand.

"In Ehrenfest you said that I was moving like that because you told me that I am ideal
as a marriage marriage, your irresolute behavior is all the cause"

I did not know that it was such a thing.

"It was a difficult thing for me to be troubled by the overdoors.The Ferdinand has a
strong sense of responsibility, but you do not have to look after me so far.So, I want to
resolve the royal title ......"
"Rosemain, do not get me wrong, it's what I hoped and planned"

I do not know what Ferdinand has said, and I stare at Ferdinand. What was the plan?

"I have always watched the interactions between you and my family who are trying
to get hands that you have extended, as long as you are away from peers as peers. I
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told you that I am no better than a family member And, as I said, even if I left to
Ahrensbach, I reached out my hand without breaking the connection, it was you that
made me look at my family, even if I disagree. How long have I been craving for your
family-like connection? "

I nodded with Kokuri. Memory that Ferdinand showed me admiration and envy for
my family. Then I was filled with regrets and hardships that we had to separate our

"If you stayed at Ehrenfest, you might not have felt that if you kept the narrow
connection between you and your family, you would have been satisfied with that, but
when you leave Ehrenfest, your connection with you I will not be disappointed with
the surrounding voice ... I did not want to lose the connection with you ... ... So to get
you it was most efficient and feasible to use the engagement of royalty "

Talent The hand of Ferdinand caresses my cheek. The spirit and back trembled.

"Because I dropped Trancheeal who drove the royalty from the position of TSENTO,
my plan already can not be disturbed by the person who has given the royal title, as
long as there is no order from you in the new Tent, We are threatening to not do
things. "
"Threatening ...... Ferdinand Mr."

Feldinand's fingertip, who was stroking his cheeks, restrained my lips as if to seal my
words. There is not much power in it. Just a touch of it. Still, the objection was
completely prevented, and he / she will hesitate to breathe somehow.

"I tried my best so that you would not dispute the surroundings as your companion
who became the incarnation of the goddess because you did not want to give your real
family position to other men."

Gourd and throat rang. I was afraid to feel the heat in the eyes of Ferdinand. Even
though my fever is directed like that, I can not return the same thing. I feel uneasy and
I want to run away from here right now. But my hands on my back will not forgive me.

"Only you, who receives the name of the new Tento, can destroy my plan, Rosemain.
Will you show us a happy time with your family by returning to the commoner? Will
you accept me for your engagement and make me your family, Or do you order the
new Tent to exclude the royal family ... ... you can choose "
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I can not take my eyes off the thin golden eyes of Ferdinand who is quietly answering
my reaction and I feel breathing. Even if you are told to do so by being told in such a
way. Over this period, I can not understand love emotions. I understand that
Ferdinand is seeking me. But I can not return the same emotions.

"... ... What are you doing, Rosemain?"

After the silence for a while, Ferdinand who urged the answer fell first.
Gently breathe out and raise the line of sight. Next time my line of sight was met, I was
giving up on the thin golden eyes. The hand that was on the back was lowered, and
the hand touching the lip got away. I'm used to that my hope does not come true. I
swung out my neck side-witty with the movement of the hand speaking it eloquently
above all and the eyes that seemed to give up everything.

……No good.

I can not understand romantic feelings, but I just could not tolerate leaving as it is. I
rarely want to talk about my hopes. I do not want to see Ferdinand giving up, and I
reach for Ferdinand. I hugged from myself.

"Rosemain, what ... ...."

"Though it extends to this period, I do not understand the feelings of romance
between men and women!"
"...... I think that it is not saying while hugging a man, but I know."

Ferdinand's voice mixed with shakiness, a little body's power came out.

"My hope is that you will not be expecting a sense of gender among you by becoming
your family, as long as you are as good as a family, that's fine."
"... ... Is it really the same as before?"
"I do not care"

Even the position of a family as he gains is lost, and the other man gains feelings as a
real family. Ferdinand murmurs that it is just unpleasant and unbearable. The hand
of Ferdinand touched the hairdress of the rainbow-colored stone inserted in my hair.
It is said that we are not separately seeking romance emotions, and my strength also
comes out of my body.

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"Wow, I'm likely to return fear of manastone, so I will try as much as I can, but I will
be a bag as an auvee or as a companion."
"If you choose to return to the commoner, you will not even see the awesome
decorations, you will not be able to come back to the commoner if you miss this
"I want to return to the family but I can not think that I can live a commoner's life,
because I could not draw water, it will be a considerable luggage ... ... As Ferdinand as
a family If it prepares a place to act, from time to time, that is fine. "

Ferdinand's arm was turned back again. Hold me tightly as it is.

"... can you choose me, Rosemain?"

"I will return that word in its entirety, please do not regret Ferdinand."

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I was relieved while I entrusted myself to cozy warmth. When the power of the gods
disappeared, there was something that had to be done early in the absence of people.

"Mr. Feldinand, like a stone of a sacrifice, I will return, because the power of the gods
has disappeared, is not it already necessary?"

Ferdinand has given me a name because I am in trouble that I can not touch me
wearing the power of the gods. That must be returned. Take out the name stone stone
keeping from Ferdinand.

I offered a stone of a sacrificed name that looked like a white cocoon, but Ferdinand
did not take it and diverted his eyes a little.

"... ... Do I need my name?"

Feeling somewhat depressed atmosphere, I am in danger with the inner heart. It

seems that it was bad that you did not need it.

"I do not need it, I should not have Ferdinand's name."

"Why is it so?"
"Do not you dislike master-slave relationships entering family relationships, your
family must be equal"

If anything comes to be a couple, I do not think I need more name deduction.

Ferdinand merely compares me with a stone offered and I will not receive it.

"Are you dissatisfied?"

"... ... There is a way to be equal even if I do not return my name separately?"

As Ferdinand told me, I inclined my head. I wonder what happened. Well, I thought
and remembered the words of Leonore. When I was talking about whether to accept

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the gift of the Veronica children, I was saying, "I will give a name to my beloved one, I
am dedicated, I long for swearing my eternal thoughts."

"Is it that if you give a name to Mr. Ferdinand? It certainly can be equal and it may be
romantic, is not it realistic? Leonore said so, I think the same way. "
"Is not it realistic?"
"Yes, you are in trouble for those who are left behind?"
"Who is the story about who is left behind?"

As Ferdinand does not know well, he writes a wrinkle between the eyebrows and
urges ahead.

"Who are left ... .... Um, that, we are married either .... It is, is not that there is no
possibility that a child is born?"

Unpalatable. What is it? It is embarrassing to think about "marriage" or "can children"

and to talk with Ferdinand. Is it due to suddenly becoming familiar with the things I
thought that I had nothing to do with me at all?

...... Uh, normal heart. peace of mind.

"Since I am Aubu, it will be necessary for successors to adopt such as adoption even if
I can not have a child who has divided blood ... Well, that kind of feeling, yes, those
children who keep the library city Is it possible that Rety Zia will come in? If we engage
in engagement with the royalty, we will also adopt the royalty, are not you? "

In my words Ferdinand ran hoops and noses.

"Because it is a royalty, in order to keep Reti Zia as a candidate for a lord it is necessary
to dismantle the custom of Ahrensbach, but we plan to adopt it after the rite of a star
tie with you. In the meaning of a nobleman child who became an orphan in the Ran
Zener veteran it is the same as Reti Zia, so I will make the basic life in the temple until
I finish my adoption ... "

I stroked my heart strongly in the words of Ferdinand. I decided to leave it to the judge
of the victim Ferdinand, but I am relieved just by agreeing to hide the sin of Retizia. It
was okay not to give a hard punishment to the child who knows that it was used.

"... So, what kind of relationship are there with our children and our dedication?"
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"So, we, that we are couple, will be heading far higher to the other side because one of
them was dedicating a name when they headed far higher, the remaining children are
very much I think it will be a pain, but it is hard to just lose one parent. "

I lost my father in the traffic accident during the Lifegan period. If you consider your
mother dedicated her name and died together, you are very scared. Many people in
this world also struggle to lose their parents like Beno, Gibe · Irukuna, and adopted

"What happens if the adoptive father also had trouble getting to know Aru earlier, it
would be hard for an adult, what would happen if the child was a minor? Alexandria
could take over like an old man like There are no family lords of adults.It is only us at
the moment, Three people even if you put Rety Zia sama.If you do not exclude the
danger that the Aru couple will die together without being able to hand over to Do not
you think that will not? "

Ferdinand seems to be surprising, or overlooking me with the face of being pointed

out when we are not thinking about it.

"I understand ... I understand what you want to say, honestly, you are not interested
at all, such as the future of your library not involved in the library, so I was a little
surprised because you did not think that you would make remarks that made the
future look like that "

Ferdinand urges me to stand up, saying terrible things. In spite of that, I will not try to
pick up a stone of my name. I stood up lightly staring at Ferdinand saying "Please
stand up soon."

"Mr. Ferdinand, a stone of a sacrifice ... ...."

When Ferdinand stood up lightly waving, he looked down at the medicine putting in
the surroundings and various instruments, muttering, "Tidying up is tomorrow."

"Mr. Ferdinand,"
"Come here, how are you feeling? Is magical power calming down?"

Take a physical examination by touching my forehead and neck. If you look at how
you start thinking about what medicine to take before sleeping, you do not dislike that
you do not feel like having the stone of a sacrificed name at all.
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"... ... Because it will be returned about two years later, please have it until then, you
do not need to let go of the Shield of Shurria"

As I said so, Ferdinand started to walk holding me like a matter of course.

"Eh? Shield of Shurria? Can you make it from a stone of a sacred name?"

A question mark grows in my head. I tilted my head, but Ferdinand left behind the
foundation without saying anything more.

"Mr. Rosemain, Mr. Ferdinand, I was worried because it was not easy to return."
"Rosemain's consciousness did not quite return after the magical power was
exhausted. Now I am not worried anymore."

It seems that Awes' aides were gathered in their room, and they came running up in a
hurry. Hartmut and Clarissa tell us how wonderful the reproduction of ancient magic
was. It seems that the appearance of magic shining glows one after another in the
night sky was exactly the great magic for the incarnation of the goddess.

"Have not the knights who went to the boundary gate yet?"
"It is supposed that the STRALs will return soon."
"Is that so ... ... Angelica, Rosemain go to the room"

When Ferdinand handed me to Angelica, he began to give instructions to his side.

"GRATIER, RIZERATOR, let me drink a restorative medicine containing BRENEUS and

give it top priority to take a rest slowly.Please do not take a bath and do it at
WASCHEN today, after seeing your physical condition and after tomorrow Preparing
to rest as soon as I return, Hartmut and Clarissa gather civilian officials, so that Justus
should be prepared to use the preparation room after tomorrow. "

Ferdinand giving instructions one after another has a color of fatigue. I reached out
my hand in spite of myself.

"Ferdinand, shurataruma ... ...."

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"Because Rosemain will ask, why can not you stop praying to the gods today?"
"... OK, I will do it tomorrow."

I will be carried to the room while being lifted up by Angelica.

"The power of the gods that feel aweather seems to have disappeared completely,
even if you do not have a silver cloth, I will bring it closer."
"Rosemain who shone a little glitter was very divinely, but this one is calm."

I was able to realize that the power of the gods has disappeared at last as I told by the

When I got up in the morning I felt refreshed. I slept well, and there is no pain even if
magical power recovers. It is the best. There is no trembling in the hand of Raisetrar
who connects the hair. I feel like I returned to humans.

"Rosemain, after seeing breakfast, Ferdinand says he wants to check his physical
"Okay, gray tier. Can I have time for reading today?"
"How do you think it depends on Rosemain-san's physical condition, but there are
plenty of plans ... ...."

As Graytier said that, he turned his eyes towards Clarissa. Apparently Clarissa seems
to be grasping the schedule. Clarissa, who largely nodded, will open the writing board.

"It is going to be really busy until the Lord's Council, you first have to go to Entwickeln,
then bring a new Tent to punish the sinner and end the engagement ceremony.The
aristocracy doctor The city has become tough and civil servants are being devoted to
the creation of a design map for Entwickeln. "
"Wait, is your engagement ceremony ??" Please wait a moment, why is that ...?

Last night, I accepted my engagement between foundations, but I have not heard of
the engagement ceremony. When I looked round about what it was yesterday's today,
Clarissa also tilted his head with the blue eyes rounded.

"If you do not do Entwickeln as soon as possible, you will be troubled by the
whereabouts of Ruthemain-sama exclusive Gutenberg residents and the orphans
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born in the battle, and will welcome the new patient to the rampart cityscape of
Ranzenerav You will be disgusted. "

I understood the reason for hurting Entwickeln. It would be better to hurry if there
are troubled people in today's house. If the Louvre officially approves AUB, and at the
same time trying to bring the francs together with Gutenberg, it is necessary to put
doors and windows on the building made at Entwickeln.

"But are you busy preparing for the Lord's Conference also Egrantine? Is it necessary
to invite now?"
"In addition to the disposal and delivery of sinners, the new Tento's visit seems to
have meaning to confirm that the building of Ranzenae, which was connected to the
Imperial Palace where you will live indeed, was surely erased. The most important
thing is Although it seems to approve Rosemain and Ferdinand's engagement, "
"The approval of engagement by Tent is to do at the time of the Lord's Conference? Is
it necessary to bring it forward in this busy period?"

When I thought that preparation of the mind was necessary to do the engagement
ceremony, when I sharpen my lips, my aides opened my eyes and saw me.

"Is not Rosemain troubling you not to engage in an engagement ceremony? I

understand that underage minster Rosemain goes to the lordsman by one person is a
bit overloaded"

"Doing an engagement ceremony before the Lord's Council, Ferdinand of Ehrenfest

citizen can not accompany the Lord Council unless it is Rosemain's formal fiancé?"

"There are no other lord families, Rosemain has not spent in Alexandria for a month
as well, because I have not heard of the information on the situation of Ahrensbach
earlier and I have never met face with all the nobles, so Ferdinand Does your
cooperation are indispensable? "

I was breathlessly told by the reperterers, clarissa, and gray tears. I have not thought
about such a thing at all, but it is indeed me who is in trouble if I do not make an
engagement ceremony. It is embarrassing to exchange magic stones in front of a lot of
aristocrats or to confess the magnificent love like the names of the gods come out one
by one, or I do not want time to prepare a little bit of mind It was not a hesitancy case.

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"The story is early if you understand the schedule and its circumstances"

After the health examination, I and Feldinand, Justoks, Hartmut and Clarissa were the
people who entered the preparation room. Only a civil servant who had been named
himself was permitted to enter the banquet room because he was not accustomed to
preparing Ferdinand, because he even interfered with his preparations. The escort
knight is waiting outside the banquet room.

"You must blend the brothers of aristocrats accompanying the manastones exchanged
for engagement ceremonies and the lord's council, but how about your manastone

I saw some manastones in the materials lined up on the work table. The bull begins to
draw from the head, and the body trembles with small wigs. I picked up a magic stone
with trembling fingertips, laughed and laughed.

"Well, hey, are you OK, is it because of the bad memories getting stuck like angstots
and being connected all at once? Because the individual shocks feel a little relieved ..."
"There is no convincing power even if it is told while quivering with the tears of the
waist, but it seems that it will not lose mind, it certainly is better than before, if I do
nothing, I will make it instead I thought about it ... .... "

……Huh? Does Ferdinand make herself an engagement manastone for herself?

I shook my head, thinking that way. I remember the appearance of Ferdinand who
was biting joy "I will not receive" when giving a talisman. I do not want to have
Ferdinand make an engagement manasteal indeed. I want to do as much as I can.

"I will make it.I have not seen so many things to be done at a later time if I do not do
what I should do.When I run away here the woman will be gone."
"The tone is brave, but the creation of the engagement manastone is not done at the
preparedness like a knight who goes to such a fight"

While Ferdinand looked worried, I offered a fist before me saying "Please put out my
hand." I handed out my hand while feeling a caring feeling that he would not put the
manastone into view as much as possible.

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"It is a magic stone taken from the scale of the Legish, I have chosen a thing that is
suitable for the incarnation of the goddess, and if I know that it was originally scaly, is
not it less likely to frighten?"
"I am sorry"

With almost no mana stone in sight, I put effort into trembling hands and power
magical powers. Dye this magic stone with your own magical powers. The spirit
trembles slightly in a cold feel. Still, it's still in my hands because I can not see it.

"Do it too much and start it."

"I know, I will not lose to manastones."

When I nodded while I was staring at my hand, Ferdinand sighed a single sigh, and
lightly struck my head a few times.

"You are too strong and it is better for you to consider the words to engrave on a magic
stone before you run off magical power ... .... Oh, let's avoid the words of the example
that I asked you."
"I can not put it!"

After knowing the meaning it is impossible to tell a direct invitation to a girl. While
blushing on my failures back then, I stare at Ferdinand.

"Hmm, I'm looking forward to what kind of words you will engrave"

Ferdinand said that and ordered Justocz, Hartmut and Clarissa to start making brocs
of manastone that would be needed to move to the dorm. Those who accompany the
Lord 's Conference, those who arrange dorms before the Lord' s Conference, etc. are

"I am sorry I have pushed you to work of Aubu."

"I became a fiance for that, so please concentrate on what you can not do without you"

I feel sorry for Ferdinand who takes on work and the feeling of finishing the
engagement manastone perfectly.

...... It's such a wonderful word as Ferdinand's surprised you!

2464 | 2523
When I finish dyeing a manastone, take the parchment in my hand. I have to decide
the letters to engrave on the magic stone. At the time of the lecture, Hirschle was told
to engrave "a word that seems to me and to others," but what kind of words would
Ferdinand rejoice for?

...... "I will build your laboratory", I have promised even if I do not have to bother
purposely, and I feel like "Let's become a family" again.

"Ugo ..."

Even if I think about it, quite good words do not come up. I'm already feeling good
with orthodox words like "I want to be your goddess of light".

"Rosemain, are you still suffering?"

"How did Clarissa engrave on a magic stone to give to Hartmut?"
"Let's both worship the goddess of ours"

...... I did not listen.

When I was caught in a crowd, Clarissa smiled a little, "I will not refer to others'
words." There is no refutation. It certainly was not helpful at all.

"Is not it something you want Rosemain to do like Ferdinand?"

Clarissa said so, I write the word I came up with Styro on parchment. Was it possible
to see a figure written on parchment? Ferdinand comes closer.

"Did you do it?"

"Please do not look at me, it is a secret until the day"

I hid and stared at the parchment, and Ferdinand bitterly smiled and turned away
from the compounding pot I used. While watching this, Justkus wants to punch on the
smiling face with grin.

"May I help you, Rosezuma?"

"What you do in a second grade lecture. I will make it alone."

2465 | 2523
I declined Haltmut and Clarissa 's assistance, I put magic stones in the mixing pot and
devoured the magical power. Even I and Feldinand are all attributes, so it is not
necessary to adjust the attributes in particular, so it's quick.
Characters emerge in gold in Rainbow Colors.

"Please let your cloaks embroider"

2466 | 2523
Seven manastones shining in noble colors of Ogami are floating among the
foundations surrounded on all sides by white walls without windows. Each precious
manastone emitted light, and things like sparkling light powder began to fade away. I
signaled that the magical power of Ferdinand, which began to flow between supplies,
reached the corner, and I pulled a leather bag filled with gold powder to hand.

"Well, shall we start?"

As this time Entwickeln was talking about the other day, it is supposed to renew the
castle and aristocracy, then part of the downtown where the temple and the
commoners are.

Despite having to bring out the luggage in bulk, the nobles seemed to have been in
trouble because only five days' grace had been given by Entwickeln. Although my
room has nothing to do with luggage, there is no problem but the area around the
office is busy organizing luggage.

Decorative items and furniture are carried away from less used places, carpets and
tapestries are peeled off. It seems that there is no custom of using carpets in the
summer of the land here, and it seems that the side workers had been saying that "If
you think that it is a slightly quick change ...".

When I go around, it becomes an obstacle to large-scale tidying up, so I was ordered

to review from Ferdinand so that Entwickeln could do it without problems, I was
made to practice to be able to touch the magic stone with the face that I took up , I was
practicing to deal with fespiel for adults according to the body that grew larger. I think
it was terrible that I did not take time for reading.

But if you complain about Ferdinand, even if you prepare the Rosemain decimals
classification method to civil servants before you bring the books to the newly created
library after Entwickeln and prepare the library based on my preferences and
thoughts I was told that I do not mind, so I was quietly doing things other than reading.
I was always wondering what to do with the library, so I did not get into practicing
Fespiel and I got scolded by Rosina, but it can not be helped.

2467 | 2523
...... The building itself is modeled on the reading room of the British Museum. Well,

A new library built in the grounds of the castle is a huge circular library. Antonio
Panizzi planned in 1852 and was designed based on the reading room of the British
Museum completed in 1857. Actually, there is also my room in the library. When I
retire from Aubu, I live in the library like Soranju. I am very looking forward to old

It seems that the laboratory connected by the passageway is designed with

Ferdinand's preference, but I do not know the details. It seems that Ferdinand was
talking with civil servants, so you probably preferred it. I just make it as a design

I confirmed that the design was in the reach of the hand, pushed one hand into the
leather bag and grabbed the gold powder. If you extend your arms straight on the
foundation and open your hands, the gold powder will soak out with smoothness.
While watching that, I grabbed the staple in the other hand. I change Stap with "Styro",
first draw the supreme god symbol in the air.

"I am a person who creates the world, dedicates prayers and thanks to the gods, and
wishes to change in the world that was created"

The gold powder that came in my hand arises without permission, gathered at the pen
tip of Styro, and coloring the magic team that I draw to gold. The magical team with
lights has increased in complexity according to the movements of my hands and it has
grown steadily. The magic team that turns around is completed on the foundation and
glows dazzling.

"The power to absorb everything under the name of my dark god Shiczantrahat"

As I stapled down the staple, the magic team slowly descended towards the
foundation. The magic team touched the foundation. The foundation shines. I grasped
the design drawing.

"The power to create newly under the name of the goddess of my light Fair Spready"

2468 | 2523
When I opened my hand, the design plan flew towards the magic team and burned
gold in the center so that it was enthusiastically blown by the wind bassabasa and the

"Sacrifice to you is a devotion of life Give prayer and gratitude to give great couple
protection and a new place for relaxation to this place"

In order not to lose the magic crown, I will add magical powers and add gold powder
so that it will not disappear. Until the magic gleaming glittering and disappearing
completely, it was Entwickeln as Aub that pours magical powers.

After Entwickeln, there is a visit by New Tent and an engagement ceremony. Books
put in the library are postponed to the fact that they are piled up in the archive while
being packed and waiting for the moment that I am lined up on bookshelves by now.
Although I was able to create a new library, I am busy with Aubu 's work and the
preparation of an engagement ceremony for Egrandine' s visit.

...... Oh, my library! Huh, I'm going to be lazy.

Ferdinand has decided most of the things, such as checking the time schedule when
the Egrantine came and deploying the knights, but I have to grasp the whole flow
through all my eyes.

Since the Egrantines come from the border gate, we go to the boundary gate and
transfer it to the castle. After that, entertainment of Tsento by taking lunch together,
we will talk about engagement relations. Perform practical tests of the aristocrats who
discard medals of sinners who are caught in the center after approval of engagement
is over. While comparing the design drawings of Ahrensbach and the city of
Alexandria, while confirming that the building of Ranzenae is completely collapsed,
head towards the boundary gate with a beast.

... ... I'm pretty busy.

"I grasp the schedule at the time of visit to Zento, have you decided the costume of
Rosemain's engagement ceremony? Is there a luggage etc that I have to contact
Ehrenfest and have them sent me?"

2469 | 2523
Asked by Léonore, I turned my eyes to the Risa - Leiters. There is no time to customize
the costume newly until the engagement ceremony, so we have to use our costume.

"I think that costumes made of Ahrensbach's cloth overlaid on the dyed cloth of
Ehrenfest, who wore a discussion with the royal family, are the most suitable, but
what do the re-inventors think?"

"I think that Rosemain's heart wishes for a connection between Ehrenfest and
Alexandria.In addition, because this costume is made considering meeting with the
royal family, even if you are dressed in an engagement ceremony There is nothing to
be done. "
"Well, the fabrics of the highest quality are used, there are also matching hair
ornaments, so if you decide so, you have to tell Justoks the costume and match
Feldinand's costumes Right? "

As Gray tears relaxed, I said that and left the room.

... ... That engagement ceremony in that costume.

Unlike the royal talks, I'm very happy to have the hair decorations Tuli made or the
cloths my mother dyed and the cloths made of cloth given to Ferdinand, A smile comes

"The engagement with Ferdinand is decided, Rosemain seems to be happy and what
is more than anything."

In the words of Clarissa, saying "Eh, somewhat different", he stabs his mouth. You can
not say it here.

"Is it right that you can withstand Rosemain-san 's Evil String at the engagement

When asking Clarissa's question and asking for the accompanying to the Rizerator,
Roderich came into conversation with "That, Rosemain sama."

"It seems that preparation of manastones has ended, but Ferdinand says to make sure
that you have decided the terms of the proposal in the engagement ceremony
beforehand ... ...."

2470 | 2523
He seems to have ordered the writer Rhodderich to correct it. I took off his line of
sight from the side who talked about the hairstyle and decorative items of the day and
saw Rodelich.

"To be troubled, in fact it is not decided yet, I will be procuring from Ferdinand as my
son-in-law, is not it a bit of a precedent for words from a woman? Would you like to
refer it to, or to extract such words from the love story of the scriptures and Ehrenfest
.... I am suffering so much, in any case I have to do reading in order to decide "

...... Because the words of the marriage in the engagement ceremony are also
important for the territory. I can not wait!

I can not stop loosening my mouth while taking a pose with a serious trouble. When I
was holding my fist in my heart, Rodderich smiled "Please be relieved."

"Ferdinand is ordered by Mr. Ferdinand to hear about rough direction from

Rosemain's way of thinking what kind of words to proscribe, because Rosemain's
schedule is packed so that reading It seems I can not have time. "

...... Funuu! Ferdinand-sama!

I was hit by a hand in the previous round. I regret too. I went through the wooden
cards that were being stacked one by one without reading time.

On the day the Egrantines came, I and Ferdinand had their escort knights and were
waiting at the boundary gate. The border gate glows, and the strikers of TSENT who
came on the beast from the door of the gate pole come out one after another.
Ultimately Anastigiusus and Egranthine came out, and Egrantine closed the border
gate once with Gurtris Height.

When the new TSENT descends to the roof of the boundary gate where we are,
everyone except Egrantine and me kneels at once. Even I tried to kneer, Egrantine
gently stopped with a hand raised.

"The goddess of time goddess Drefan Goa's fellows came and it came true that you
could see it, Rosemain."

2471 | 2523
"I'm sorry to have missed you at the busiest time before the Lord's Conference, truly
excuse me, Egrandine."

Egrantine's face was slightly changed. A gentle smile seems to have not changed much,
but the fluffy atmosphere of the princess disappeared.

...... It seems to be really hard for the atmosphere to change so much in a short time.

"Tento Egranthine, today's schedule is as already reported, let's go to the castle at the
transition team"

Ferdinand's voice interrupted thinking. I touch the transition team that I had copied
on the roof of the boundary gate. The central knights who raised a surprised voice
that the magic team came up raised up to the transition team and moved to the castle.

After finishing lunch with plenty of Alexandria-like fish, I went into the office of Aub.
Electric wiretap preventing magician of range specification. Egrantine, Anastigiusus,
Ferdinand, and I are only four people.

"It was a very wonderful meal, I've had a meal of Ahrensbach several times, but I was
surprised because the flavor is quite different."
"It's bad for those of Ahrensbach, but if the spices are too strong I can not eat it.I am
adding seasonings to Ehrenfest's cooking method little by little and I am searching for
a new taste "

It seems that not only Egrantine, Anastasisusu was satisfied, atmosphere is calm.
When I was slightly touched that she thought that it was so tasty, "Egrandine's
appetite has been falling for the last few days, but today it seems that food has
progressed" to look at Egranthine.

...... As usual I've seen only Egrandine.

Although there are places where you can be amazed a bit, you can see that Anastajusus
is worried about the strange egrantine.

"The work of Tsento is serious, is not it?"

2472 | 2523
"... .... Yeah ... I saw a lot of things I could not see until now, in a short time in a short
period of time, I noticed that there are many things I have to apologize to Ferdinand
and Rosemain. you know"

My heart hurts to the word of Egrantine smiling with Hu. Even though I apologize to
you at the moment, I felt that I could not change the past and feelings I wanted to trust
at the same time. Ferdinand smiles with Nicolle like seeing such my heart.

"It is impossible to change the past to the supreme god, but is it not possible to change
the future to a better one by protecting the gods, please also sign the approval on this
document for that purpose?"

Ferdinand calls for engagement and accompanying to the lord conference while
saying the meaning like yakuza, saying something that is easy to understand since the
past does not change with an apology.
Egrantine looking through the documents presented by Ferdinand put his hands on
his cheeks and tilted his head and neck.

"Since Rosemain and Mr. Ferdinand's engagement are due to the royalty, my approval
is not necessary unless it is to be scrapped, but ..."
"It is a document proving that it is a royalty, I would like to approve once to make it
easy for the people of Zent to change, to facilitate dissemination to the aristocrats of
other territories"

In the words of Ferdinand, Egrantine will sign on Stilo as to the document while
expressing it as not being convinced.

"I do not mind signing the document, but I thought that today's invitation is a
consultation to speed up the starring ritual ... ...."

I did not know what suddenly Egranthine had said, and I opened my eyes wide.

"Is not it a matter of counseling that we would like to advance the star knotting
ceremony earlier, because we have advanced the arrival of winter to eliminate the
power of the gods who lived in Rosemain?"

... .... Gee! It is misunderstood!

2473 | 2523
"No winter has arrived! It is different, Egrandine!"
"Rosemain, calm down"
"I can not calm down for being such a misunderstanding.

In addition to being totally misunderstood, is not it too embarrassing to think that you
want to hasten the star-knot ritual? Even if it is said that calm down, how do you calm
down? I do not know what to do at such times.

"Egrantine, I have not accelerated the arrival of winter, I dyed Rosemain using several
kinds of medicines, you know, but in winter the arrival of winter does not dye that
short time"
"It certainly was a surprisingly short time,"

... ... Hey, stop it! Talk about the coming of winter, really stop!

It seems that I was not the only one holding a head. Stop Egranthine with Anastasezu
in a panic.

"If it was a misunderstanding, the starring knotting ceremony would be good after
Rosemain's adult.This story is over, I will not talk about any more topics such as
dyeing quickly!"

Egrantine stopped by her husband smiled "I see."

"They seem to accept engagement by the royalty, but there is no such thing as the Tora
Okvaar's royal deed, how are you going to do retizia's case?"

It was another royalty to be a teaching staff of Retizia, brought up to the next Aub, and
to be the next Arub-Ahrensbach.

"Since Alexandria does not have to take over the custom of Ahrensbach, we will treat
Rethymia as a candidate for a lord after Rosemain takes office as an auctioneer, and I
am going to treat Roti Zuia as a lord ceremony teacher, I am planning to receive
education suitable for me and I do not mind being willing to adopt after the starring
rite. "

In order to live as a noblemist a back shield is needed. Ferdinand seems to think that
if Retietia fulfills his duty as a candidate for a lord, it adopts it, and if he has the
capability appropriate for the next AUB, he / she will be willing to put it in the heir.
2474 | 2523
"However, the order to make Retie Zia to Auburn Ahrensbach is impossible to perform
with my own power, because Ahrensbach disappears."

Ferdinand smiles with Nicolle, looking at Egrantine, at least that there was not
anything in the royalty that he received that made Retetzia the next Auburn
I thought that it was a smile when I took care of a trouble, so I decided to watch over
the course. The less troubles Ferdinand is having is better.

"We named Tora Okevar's new territory Alemesbach and after the marriage with Mr.
Hildebrand, would you make Rety Zia an Auburn? After granting Reti Zia the name of
Arendsbach and giving it a name and giving it, Hildebrandt Is there a way to make a
fellowship ... ... There are several ways to execute the royalty? "

Ferdinand's mentions are all proposals that are burdensome to the royal family as
well. Anastigius turned a little disgusting face.

"Ferdinand, the way to abolish as an infeasible royalty is missing"

Ferdinand who received an indication scoffs with a poisonous smile, and looks at
Anastasiusus and Egranthine.

"Although it is easy to dismantle it as an impossible royal title, abolition of an easy

royalty leads to the fact that the royalty of the future will lose weight.The royal family,
including Traquar Var, We would like you to carry the weight of the royalty that the
warrior has given you. "

... ... It was not a laugh at the time I threw a trouble. It was a smile on retaliation, this.

From two people who turned pale, I diverted my line of sight. The royal family did
various things against Ferdinand, so I do not think anything about receiving reward a
little. As long as there is no disadvantage to retizia, it is something you want me to do
the royalty thought of my own business.

"Come to think of it, have the senators been inspected?"

"Wow .... As it was explained from Ehrenfest and Ferdinand, it seems that Toluk was
prevalent, it seems that Toruke was prevalent, although there are many people who

2475 | 2523
do not know the essential point even if I search for memory, but it ended in one street

It seems that it was hard to read the memory of the noblemen of Ahrensbach,
including Dietlinde. Dietlinde, who was going to be the next Tent, said that he was
"unfaithful" and heard that Egrantine got Gurtris Height, it seems that he resented "I
steal my stuff!" The person in charge who read the memory seemed to have been
seriously mentally difficult.

"This is the magical power of Arends Bach's aristocrat who finished the
interview.Rosemain, please discard their medals. After the medals are destroyed they
will be delivered to each territory as a magical power supplier is"

An agnosticus put out a paper whose name was written in the word of Egranthine.
The names of the offenders who finished the interrogation are lining up.

"It is no different from the practice of the aristocracy.

"... ... I can not relax the medals in a relaxed way"

While staring at the box containing the medals that Ferdinand had prepared, I put out
Stap. Wait until someone other than me leaves the area of magical tool to prevent
eavesdropping and hold down the paper I placed with Anastasius.


The name written on the paper glows, medals are flying one by one from the box. With
that in mind, I slowly closed my eyes and slowly exhaled my breath.

"Gurtris Height"

Make the book of Mestionola and copy it to the magic team and the magic team will
be completed soon. Egrantine, who is doubled as an examiner behind the range of
magical tool to prevent eavesdropping, was watching here.
Egrantine who became a Tento looked directly at what he / she did not want to see,
and was responsible for Tento's heavy responsibility. I can not escape from the
punishment of a sinner when I became Aub.

2476 | 2523
"The god of darkness as the highest god who controls the expanse of the high temple,
making the world, the father of all things, all the people who break the rule of the
goddess of light under the name of my dark god Sick Zantrahat Punishment "

I throw medals one after another to the magic team where black mist started to
appear. A medal got stuck on the black magic team and started to burn.

"Close the stairs that continue to the far away height that you sit on"

Confirmed that the medals were destroyed, and Egrantine declared that "the skill
passed", Anastageuus was watching Ferdinand, "Are you serious enough to test this?",
But that is I would like you to tell me more.

"Here is the design of the city, let's see the newly-developed city of Alexandria while
sending you to the boundary gate."

Ferdinand takes out the design drawing of the aristocratic aristocracy of Ahrensbach
and Alexandria and begins to explain to Egrantine and Anastasius how the place of
Ranzenerav's place is and how it changed. The two must confirm that the building of
Ranznerav completely disappears and there is no place to connect with the Imperial

I boarded a coward and ran over the new city. You can see at a glance that the place
where Ranzenerav's place was a part of the aristocracy. I'm starting my life with a
newly made castle, this is the first time I see Alexandria 's town that has finished
Entwickeln from the sky like this. Around the aristocracy centered on castles,
libraries, and laboratories, and around the sky around the center of the temple and
the commoners' gathering, we head for the boundary gate.

"It was truly finished Entwickeln in this short time, although it was hard to say it was

Once I landed at the boundary gate, I heard a strange voice that Anastasez went
around looking around the city. Egrandine smiled and nods, "Do you know
Rosemain's excellence well?"
2477 | 2523
"I am not Myself but Ferdinand who did all the adjustments is excellent, I just executed
it as I was told."
"Oh, then did Ferdinand designed the library's central library city?"
"Yes, because Ferdinand will always make my wish possible."

When Mr. Ferdinand is amazing, Egrantine looks up at Ferdinand and smiles with
couscous. Ferdinand disgusted with disgust, but no doubt.

"We would like to visit Alexandria where the two of you are making again"
"At that time it is possible that the entrance hall of enthusiasts finished and the temple
classroom has begun.The library may be full of books depending on the deposit
system, It may be that not only Ferdinand-like laboratories are connected, but also
expert laboratories for magic trees, demonic fish, demon animals. "

I crushed the house of Ranzenaev and hastened to enter the aristocratic area that was
damaged by the brawl, but I still have a lot of things I want to do.

"None of this can be done as a dream, you run it all, are not you, Ferdinand?"
"... ... which one's the story"

Anesthesius hit the shoulder of Egrantine with a fairly expressive expression by


"Let's go, Egrantine ... I do not want to stay long."

"Well, alright, is not it funny?"

Although saying so, Egrantine will issue a Gurtris Height to open the border gate.

"...... Rosemain, I am looking forward to the guidance of the goddess Dr. van Gogh of
the time."

2478 | 2523
Because it is an engagement ceremony, it is decorated thinly and hair is tied. Turi's
hair ornaments and rainbow-colored stone hair ornaments were inserted, and a sharp
sound and a faint sound were heard at the ear.
Costumes dressed with several people are dyed young leaves like spring and thin
cloths like blue skies are piled on the pale green skirt part. I picked up a little cloth
and lifted it, then I showed movements like fluffy and feathers.

When the costume is in place, gently grip the veil and pin it. It is not necessary to take
over the custom of Ahrensbach, but to show the intention of respecting that culture.
The pale blue veil than the costume is the color of the birth season, the appearance
that the rimmed race on the transparent cloth reminiscent of Maria Vale.

...... Something like a little bride? Oh no, because it's an engagement ceremony, it may
be such a feeling. But I can not do it. If you are conscious of such things, you will be

"It's beautiful, Rosemain-sama"

"Mr. Ferdinand will be surprised, too

Clarissa came into the room as women of the side candidates picked up cosmetic tools
and prepared costumes and shoes at the instructions of the riser and Gretier.

"The nobles are gathering in the castle one by one, Rosemain, everyone has arrived, it
seems that some people are looking around the new castle"
"Because it was decided suddenly, I told the Ghibets whether they could come or not
... but ..."

I am nervous also that there are too many people, but I think, but Clarissa claims that
his nose is also rough, that there is no one who misses the opportunity to see the
incarnation of the goddess who healed all the territory.

"Hey, Clarissa ... did my fathers arrive?"

"Yes, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ave, Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Mr. Bonifaceius came"

2479 | 2523
It is the engagement ceremony at the time when the lord conference was ahead of it.
No matter how much my parents are, I am not in a position to be able to leave the
territory for days because of my engagement ceremony. However, now there are a lot
of magic stones filled with the power of the gods, so you can participate by using the
transition team by using it.

"Oh yeah, Damuel has also been interfacing with the escort knight of Boniface, sorry I
heard that underage is an answering machine.I heard that Filipine and Yudit were
seen with a tremendous grudge."

Fillies may need souvenirs. I ask Clarissa to have souvenirs taken care of.

"If you are ready, let's show off to the guests from Ehrenfest, if you miss the time now
it will be difficult to exchange your words, I'm sure the Aubs and Karstedds will also
be looking forward to seeing Rosemain You will come. "

I was inspired by Leonore, and I nodded with a cock. When the engagement ceremony
is over, everyone is supposed to leave soon. There was a disturbance with
Ahrensbach, I adopted an adopted woman who took the cornerstone of Ahrensbach
and became the incarnation of the goddess and elected a new tent. You do not have to
think that preparation for the Lord Conference is hard.
Alexandria just newly created can not afford to circle the Ehrenfest. To be honest,
there is no room to entertain the guests in the position of Abu for many days.

"Well, Rosemain. Congratulations congratulations. How beautiful are you?"

When my mother celebrates with a gorgeous voice, everyone compliments today's


"Yeah, as I really say Elvira, it seems that she looked very beautiful like a woman
without looking a little,"
"You will be able to look quite extensively just by making make-up. Unless you open
your mouth,"

I thank the foster mother, but I lightly glare at the adoptive father. I do not want to be
told by a person who looks like a fine arub if I keep silent.

2480 | 2523
"Do not let your adoptive father open your mouth, it's messed up with the attention
of Aubu."
"Oh, Jill Vestar, the beauty of Rosemain is not only due to makeup, it is the goddess of
the goddess of light who got the god of darkness .... So, Rosemain .What kind of
circumstances do you pass your heart to Ferdinand? Have you made it? "

...... Mother, you are doing great. My eyes are sparkling.

"Ooooooooooo, Rosemain! Why! Why is Ferdinand !?"

"My father, his opponent is too bad!"

In cooperation with your father, my grandfather's escort knights are desperately

trying to stop, but my grandfather has not stopped at all.

"Today's father is not the clothes of a knight,"

"Because I participate in an engagement ceremony in the position of my father, my
father was loud ... I planned to have an answering machine ... ... If I can have a day off,
I can go on to Mr. Bonifatius as well , Wilfried says, "

I could not participate in the coronation ceremony of Tsento, and it seems that my
wife 's accompanying was decided by Wilfriit' s offer, thoughtlessly thoughtless of the
old man who was depressed. I am the only one who thinks "extra thing" if you are
watching the old man shouting for barking all the time.

"On the other hand, did not you say that you did not believe! Was that a lie, Rosemain
"... ... I do not say a lie, because I do not mind Ferdinand,"

Everyone breathed all at once and turned around with a tremendous face. I feel like
hearing silent screams saying "What are you saying?" I feel like I'm being blamed for
everything from everyone, I rush and add words.

"Oh, I do not quite understand the idea, but Ferdinand said that I do not expect the
gender of the men and women.I want to become a real family because I do not care so
long as I do not care. I am getting engaged to become a family member. "

Everyone is staring at this place. Is there still a missing word? When I felt a step back
in spite of feeling silent pressure, my grandfather struck my blue eyes sharply.

2481 | 2523
"In other words, is this engagement fulfilling Ferdinand's hope? An engagement that
does not make Rosemain happy ... ...."
"It is not the same, my grandfather, it is to make my wish come true, there is no one
who rubs my ideals against reality other than Ferdinand and I can relieve just by
having Ferdinand san Unlike me when Wilfried brother and Prince Sigismwald raised
an engagement story I do not think that I do not like this engagement at all, so please
be relieved. "

My grandfather and my father adopted my head and breathed a deep sigh. Did
something fail? Would not it be okay if you do not engage in engagement or marriage?
Somehow I felt like crying from my adoptive father to feel like being told that this
engagement is stopped.

"Build a Ferdinand-like laboratory, provide the necessary magical powers for

research, send healthy lives considering delicious food ... ... I will make Feldinand as
happy as I can. I promise ... ... Do not oppose your engagement. "

While the silence is falling down, foster mothers say "Jill Vestar, I do not have anything
to make an engagement ceremony anxious before," and lightly hit his adopting arms.

"I do not want to oppose it, I just looked back at myself ... ... Ask my brother."

After that, we received a celebration of marriage from our mothers and received
blessings from our aides. Unlike Matthias who bless usually, Damuel who came from
Ehrenfest along with his grandfather has a delicate face.

"I think that it is very pleasing, but it is a strange feeling that Ferdinand and Rosemain
are engaged, it is a strange feeling, because I know Rosemain from before baptismal
expression, I may feel it even more "
"Is Dermhel and Phyllin similar, is not it?"

What is going on with friends who know from the time of baptismal ceremonies?
When I tilt his head, Dermael nodded several times while saying "That's right."

... ... What happened?

"Congratulations on your engagement.If you want an engagement with Ferdinand like

Rosemain, I will bless you as an older brother, but it's not easy to get rid of it,
sometimes it is necessary for Ferdinand to take a resolute attitude "
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Brother Cornelius said to me with serious eyes. As you can see, I am concerned about
the arrival of winter.

"Although Ferdinand does not do such a thing, everyone is worried too much.I seem
to be worried about myself, but does Léonore respond to Cornelius elder brother with
a resolute attitude? "
"... There is no relationship between Leonore and me?"

... .... Well, you gonna divert your line of sight there? Wow.

Many aristocrats are gathering in the hall. Since Ahrensbach was a large territory, it
is natural that there are many aristocrats far more than Ehrenfest. I can understand it
well by going up to the stage.

Ferdinand came in with the aides. It's a costume tailored in the style of Ahrensbach.
There are differences in the cuffs, but the outerwear in an atmosphere similar to the
Georgian national costume is very good for Ferdinand's tall. Dyed cloth of Ehrenfest
was used for the cloth to be clad over the dark green outerwear.

As there are me and associates on the right side of the altar, Ferdinand was brought
up with the aides to the left. Ferdinand is an engagement ceremony in public places,
so it has a splendidly sociable smile. It is Hartmut who is standing in the middle just
for us.

"Rothemain and Ferdinand's engagement were decided by the royal powers this time"

It widely expands the document which the Egrantine got signed and carries an
engagement ceremony. As for the progress of the ceremony, I was trusting that there
was only myself, so leave it to me, but is it only me that the runaway becomes a little

Originally, it was approved by Tsento at the Lord's Conference and an engagement

ceremony was held at the time of the ceremonial ritual, but it is necessary to officially
engage engagement for the Lord's Conference, why rush the engagement ceremony
Will be explained. From there I started talking about the reproduction of the ancient

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magic the other day and the massive healing by the incarnation of the goddess. Halt
mouth did not run particularly wildly, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 0

When I stood up, the Rizera came up with a box of magic stone. When I take out a
manastone from the box and pick up it, I proceed forward of Ferdinand so that it looks
as graceful as possible.

"My god of darkness, this marriage has been decided by the guidance of the couple
god at the top of Tenjo"

I declare to everyone that it is an engagement by royalty. It is a word that it can not be

easily overturned so easily.

"Spring comes along with the thunder of Fair Drenna, Blue Anfa dances and dances,
as the young leaves are increasing in blue, there is guidance from Leiden Shaft."

As a guardian, I should have expressed my gratitude to Ferdinand who touched me as

a teacher for education, and should have ordered Rodderich with the content that I
want you to lead the future, but why is Blue Anfa dancing and why And finally the
sleeves of the god of darkness and the mantle are turning bad. While trying to
decipher while memorizing, I can not imagine how I think it is in line with my

But they said that the aides were suitable for the engagement ceremony, and everyone
in the hall was impressed and was sighing and sighing, so you only have to go through
memorizing. I am not able to express myself to God by improvisation, such as genius.

"I hope to lighten your world brightly, I will devote this manastone to the god of my

I offered a manastric engraved with "Please let your mantle embroider." As if you
were a nobleman, I tried carving as "Let's be a family," would you be pleased? Only
the family can embroider on the cloak. Ferdinand is pleased that Veronica picks up
the cloak that the father got from his father when entering the temple or newly wears
the cloak received from Jilvester "until officially received with Ahrensbach", so
prepare a proper cloak I wanted to give it up.

Ferdinand saw my Manastone and found that she was lightly breathed. A sociable
smile collapses, grabbing an engagement manastone with a smile like a bite that can
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cheer happiness for a moment. I immediately returned to a sociable smile, but I
understood at a glance that he was extremely pleased.

When he laughs and smiles, Ferdinand sets his mouth to "I will decide on the design."
Perhaps it is pointed out that the ears are red here. Should I say "Please do it with a
simple design"?

"Mr. Ferdinand,"

Justice called out in a loud voice. Ferdinand caught a glimpse of the back and carefully
entered my manastone into the box, instead he got his manastone in his hand.

"It is the incarnation of the wisdom goddess that brought Gurtris Height to Jurgen
Schmidt, my goddess of light, the darkness that swallowed everything spread, and
there was no end."

God 's name comes out one after another in Ferdinand' s words. If you write it with a
letter, I will slowly decode it, but I can not understand it if it is said to be fairly
speechless. But she seems to be saying a word of love that is pretty destructive, as her
mother glittering her eyes and seeing a woman holding her mouth and trembling.

...... In the meantime, I understood that it was like the goddess of light that illuminates
the darkness, the goddess of water that brings change, the goddess of the wind
protecting against all malice, and the goddess of the soil that accepts everything. Yup.
I am too exaggerated and I do not know how far I can trust.

"I will dedicate this magic stone to the goddess of my light"

Ferdinand said that and offered a magic stone. I took a manastone in my hand. There
are golden glowing characters in all manasts of all attributes.

"I will protect you with the territory of Alexandria"

Dokun and my heart beat fast as I remembered the words and promises my father had
told me. Ferdinand does not say what you can not do from the beginning. I do not even
say that I do not feel like doing it. That is why I think that it is cunning to make such a
promise in such a place. Even though I had confidence and security of being with you
forever, the heartbeat became faster, my hands with trembling trembled, the back of

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my throat became sore. I can understand that my eyes are getting wet with my face

"Mr. Ferdinand ... ... that, I ... ...."

I do not know what to say, but I feel like I have to tell my feelings. However, it does
not become a word. In the back of my throat, although a word is coming soon, it does
not come out.

As Ferdinand stood up and opened my sleeve and hid me from everyone's line of sight,
I quickly wiped the tears of the outer corner of the eye.

"I am not crying like this, I will not be comforting."

"...... I only think that I targeted this word."

When exchanging in a loud voice, a cheering voice and a screaming voice came up
among the nobles. Tears stopped in an instant as unexpectedly.

"What's the matter?"

When I looked around, Ferdinand became a bitter face.

"... ... I failed"

"Why did you fail?"
"Do not listen"

……why! Is it?

When Ferdinand left me from a sigh-breath, Hartmut was in trouble. Justkus was
desperately laughing, the riser was blushing a little and his gaze wandered with

A mother can see that only one person is waving with a smile of joy and lighting the
staple. The adoptive father has a lively warm smile, his grandfather is not a staple but
a fist, and his escort knights, including his father and older brother Cornelius, are
desperately trying to hold down.

"Hartmut, that's the job, proceed."

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In Ferdinand's words, Hartmut who had prepared the breath once opened her mouth.

"Blessing for the two of you formally engaged!"

The aristocrats issued Stapes and made them shine all at once.

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"Attendees to the Lord's Congress have been finalized as the engagement ceremony
ends.Abu will give a brooch award to those who head to the lords."

Actually it is a brooch made by Ferdinand that Hartmuts prepared and prepared, but
it is me who hands it. First of all I will be awarded to my side and the Ferdinand aides.

"Without everyone's help, I and Ferdinand would not have been here."

Ferdinand would have been unable to spend in Ahrensbach for a year and a half,
unless Justoks and Ekhart brothers were present. If there were no aides by
Ahrensbach, it would have been impossible to summarize the territory in this short

I could not help Ferdinand unless my aides move without hesitation. As soon as you
can not appoint a nobleman in this area, you labor the aides who are doing their best
in the shortage of manpower.

"I still have a busy day for a while, but thank you."

When the award to the aides is over, the numbers of the side-workers selected by
Stolar's crown teams, Ferdinand's categories of ceremonies, Zergius and Fairzele, who
headed to the Lord's Council. It is central to those who judged that Ferdinand could
be trusted during the stay in Ahrensbach. My aides in Alexandria are also told to
choose among them.

"The side workers will have to get in and out of the dormitories beforehand and you
will have to pick up the elections of those who work in the middle of the ruins.Alb, the
name of the territory, I am expecting the capability as a civil servant in the large
territory.The strength and tenacity of the knights are those I have acted together in
the fight.I am in the period of the lord conference my best regards. "

It seems that when the brochure is handed over, the real feeling that the lord's
meeting came close. Every face is serious.

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While I was giving a brooch to the nobles, Mr. Hartmut gave an explanation about the
treatment of orphans born by the run-up of Ranzenae. Basically it is the same as the
orphans born at the purge of Ehrenfest.
Being Aubu I will be a guardian of orphans. Children who have already finished
baptismal ceremonies are to stay as blue apprentices in the temple. Children before
baptism should enter an orphanage. Children who have magical powers and have
their magical tools are able to receive baptismal ceremonies as aristocrats. A child
who does not have a magician is given by motivation and ability, and it can be taken
from an orphanage to a nobleman.

"Lettieria also lives in the temple together with other orphans as a person who loses
his side by rungs of Ranzenaev. Though the royal plan is to adopt after the star tie,
that me, that star It will be two years later, no matter how early a ritual will be
concluded. "

Sizzle and aristocrats raise their voices. I hear the voice "Do you want to leave Reti Zia
like a lord of your lord?" And the voice saying "Letters of lords to the temple ... ..." are

"It is also necessary for young people to enter and leave the temple and pray to the
gods is also necessary to increase the protection.The ability to live as a nobility in the
future by living in the temple and praying on a daily basis It will be big. "

It is publicized in research announcements at the game against the territory and at

the dedication ceremony held at the House of Peers. However, some of the aristocrats
of Ahrensbach who are not participating in the votive ceremony due to Dietlinde's
intention do not know that the view of the temple or the divine is changing.

"I recommend children in Alexandria to enter and leave the temple and participate in
the shrine so that they will give as much protection as possible from the gods.At the
same time, in order to receive equal education regardless of their status, the temple
classroom My goal is to make Alexandria's literacy rate 100% including commoners!

What? I feel like I heard the voice saying that the nobles and nobles are doing pocahn.
Ferdinand was slightly disgusted and cleared his cough. She seems to have skipped a
bit. I also took a cough with the Kohon and reassessed, I decided to explain the current
situation of Alexandria.

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"As you all know, Ahrensbach stood superior to other territories due to trade with
Runzenav, but due to the uproar this time the border gate will be closed, but the new
Tento Because I got a Gurtris Height, other border gates will be opening in the near
future. "

The advantage that the border gate is open is lost. Conversely, there is a high
possibility that it will become the only territory where the border gate will not open.
There must be no one who does not know what it is to the aristocrat of Ahrensbach
who has laughed at Ehrenfest who was in that position.

"From the above, you will understand that it is necessary for a new industry to
cultivate Alexandria as a large territory to be respected from other territories."

In my words the nobles showed a convincing face. If you look at the glimpse of
Ferdinand, it nods small so that you can continue as it is. I turned my eyes forward.

"In the Institute newly built in the castle's premises at Entwickeln, all the studies for
cultivating the runzener's spices and sugar carried out by volunteers' citizens were
gathered together.Sugar Studies to find an alternative sweetness will also be
conducted and it is hoped that research will proceed from now.When the sugar can
be cultivated, the superiority of Alexandria will rise, but these studies soon result It is
not what I understand. "

It takes a considerable amount of time before stable supply becomes possible.

Meanwhile, what should Alexandria do?

"Until now I have woken up a new industry with Ehrenfest and thought of doing them
even now I got permission to move my exclusives from Auben Ehrenfest.Alexandria
for the paper industry, But I am going to do it and I will make a new meal. "

The nobles are awesome and the line of sight is directed to the adoptive fathers. What
the nobles are thinking is nothing like things to flow into other territories. The
adoptive father nods with a face that is not moving at all.

"We are not depriving the industry from Ehrenfest, we will cooperate in order to
prosper together.In order to lower the price it is necessary to circulate in the market
a lot, so considering the procurement of raw materials, It's impossible to monopolize
alone. "

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There are no trees in the mountain. It is possible to grow with healing magic, but as
many as a noble are needed for each logging.

"The same is true for the printing industry, although there are already several printing
studio in Ehrenfest, we do not print all the same books at all, each printing studio
prints another book. Eleenfest 's printing industry will not be crushed when
Alexandria' s printing studio has increased. "

This neighborhood is also to let the aides of the awes couple arriving from Ehrenfest
listen. It is not true that it seems to the nobility of Ehrenfest that Alexandria deprived
all industries.

"It is important to increase the number of printing studio and make a lot of new books,
and if you can do printing business in multiple areas, my library will be further
enhanced by the deposit system"
"Rosemain, the true intention is leaking"

... ... Fail, failure. I got a little leaked.

I was stared lightly at Ferdinand, but as I am laughed and devilish, I will continue.

"And, about the meal service, but because Elienfest and Alexandria have different
climates, we can not make exactly the same dish, so it is important that the cuisine
tailored to the land is important.In Alexandria centering on the happiness of the sea I
will consider a new recipe that I've done. "

While insisting that it will not collide completely with Ehrenfest, I look around the

"It is the commoners who support these new industries.In Alexandria it is going to
cultivate the industry while working with the commoners.Education for the
commoners is essential for the development of the province."

In response to the importance of the rise in literacy rate, we announced a rough plan
of the temple school. The tuition fee is cheap, but a nobleman came out showing
difficulties in learning with the commoners. Some people question the orphanage's
children being able to receive the same education for free. I am the back shield, it is
the same as what I burden, but there are also people who can not be convinced.

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"...... I do not think you understand yet at this moment, but it is very important to
interact with people who are in a different position from ours.Of course we intend to
deny that each household will receive education there is no"

I am not going to deprive the teachers' work but I can educate them in the shrine
classroom up to the middle school level of the lords, and I can only educate about
middle class nobles. It is insufficient for the education of the lord and senior nobility.

"In lower aristocrats I can not meet a good teacher and I can not extend my children's
abilities.I have witnessed it in the winter's children's room in Ehrenfest, because I put
my emphasis on the education of the common people Naturally I also want to
emphasize the education of aristocrats, I would like you to revise the recognition of
the temple as prayers are added to important education for nobility. "

If you have a pride of aristocracy that you can not lose to the commoner, you may find
yourself getting into study, sometimes it will be useful in the future if you have an
exchange with the common people since the early years in the temple school. It is
important for children to go to the temple and just pray.

"And then they are children of orphanages, but they are never free.I am a shield
behind orphans but I will not be responsible for all of the expenses because they will
be returned if they start working."

Orphans have to live by subsidies given to blue priests who dedicate magical powers
and blue priestess, cash in kind through participation in prayer ceremonies and
harvest festivals, and money earned by themselves. It is not an easy life.

"As with Ehrenfest to support them even a little, I am planning to gather stories from
various places in Alexandria, and the orphans also manuscript books in the library
and copy them together in the temple classroom I write down what I heard from the
students studying, and they are going to earn money by themselves by writing stories.

It is rumored to be merciful, but it is not separately benevolent, just because everyone

is so convinced.

"Not only from orphans, those who copied the old literature left in the Gibe's palace,
those that summarized stories left oral, including the commoners, copies of books of

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the aristocrats, written by themselves Literature summarizing stories and research
results ... Let's buy it for a reasonable price from everyone. "

...... I'd like to bring more and more!

In my words the nobles became stunned again, but I am at a loss for surprises. This
area is a road that I already went through at Ehrenfest. I would like the nobles of
Alexandria to arrive quickly.

"Mr. Ferdinand, are you sure?"

The Reiselta looked at the reactions of the aristocrats and turned their eyes towards
Ferdinand to seek help. Ferdinand glanced at me.

"Mr. Ferdinand, Liselaire. The beginning is the beginning, I need everyone to know the
goal and direction of my awesome and I need to get used to my way."

Hartmut is smiling as "Rosemain says exactly, is not it?", But he had a bad face on
Ferdinand. But I do not feel like stopping.

"Does not Mr. Ferdinand have said before, if you declare what kind of territory you
should first declare that you want to crush and develop Ahrensbach, surely the nobles
We will give up as soon as possible. "

I have a big ambition to put the books in Jurgen Schmidt in my library. To do so we

can not stop using the title of incarnation of the goddess. I promised to Egrantine to
let me capture the collection that was stored in the Royal Palace Library. I do not plan
on choosing the means.

"I, as an incarnation of wisdom goddess Mestionola, will prosper Alexandria as a

library and I will do my best as an Ave and librarian to make my library the most book-
rich and most happy place in Jurgen Schmidt. Let's build Alexandria as a wonderful
library city together. "

When I declared vocally, Hartmut advanced.

"Well, everyone.Wish for the development of Alexandria, the supreme god who
controls the expanse of the sky Highly superior god who supervises Hiroshi Hirohiro
Goddess of the five pillars Ogami water goddess of the fire Friday Rene Fire God of
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Leidy Shaft style goddess Schaleria Goddess of soil Gedulurihi of life Let us pray and
thanks to God AVivary and Rosemain who is the incarnation of the goddess of wisdom.
"Pray to God!"

More than half of the aristocrats devoted themselves praying according to Hartmut. I
also prayed together. Love to the library is blessed and spreads to the hall.

The history of the territory of Alexandria came as the Gieves who had no opportunity
to contact with Hartmut have become amazed.

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"You are overdoing, you idiots, most of the guys are left behind"
"It would be nice to get used to praying early, as I was surprised by the
accomplishments of Hartmut 's education, as there are unexpectedly many aristocrats
who can pray properly as a ..."
"It is a privilege to stay with compliments"

After the engagement ceremony, I came to visit the newly constructed laboratory and
library. There are spice trees lined up in a big greenhouse and it feels like a botanical
garden. In a lot of trees I have not seen, I received reports from civil servants about
the results I have studied so far. Again it seems that sugar cultivation is still tough.

"Because it will die if there is not a greenhouse, large-scale cultivation may be difficult,
but by receiving magical power, we can see little change every generation change"
"It is interesting that there is a visible change in the substitution, Should I also devote
magical power?"

I'm good at magical powers. I offered cooperation to the civilian officials, but I was
stopped by Ferdinand.

"Your magical powers that have shed the goddess is somewhat special - I want to try
to limit the subjects that give magical powers also for control experiments because
we need some preparation, so we will do it at a later date."

We started talking with civilians such as which Ferdinand pours my magical power
on which variety, where I put magical powers on, and whether others will not be

Meanwhile I was guided by Justoks and entered the room of Ferdinand in the
laboratory. Although there are few magical tools yet, it is similar to the atmosphere of
the hidden room as it can be mixed with chemicals.

...... Because of the side jobs, the documents are cleanly found.

"Even so, I am going to enter the library for the first time today, why is Ferdinand like
his laboratory's room is enriched so much?"

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Elegantine 's visit, engagement ceremony, preparing for the lord' s meeting definitely
had more busy days than I am, I am surprised by the fullness of the laboratory. When
asking Yusutokus "You are sleeping properly," Justoks gave a bitter smile.

"Sleeping time is increasing and the amount of medicine is decreasing as compared

with before sleeping with poison.It will eat lunch and dinner as we always eat with
Rosemain san, it is a good trend."

Justozk said, it will settle a little more if the lord conference ends. If I nod, I will laugh
a little with Yustoks "Small yet to get used to how to call?"

"Since Justocus was the only one who called the princess the same way as Richarda ...
"If you call a princess who has formally engaged in engagement, that mother will be

There is no effect at all with a glare at Yusutokus which is obviously funny.

"Come to think of it, how does Mr. Eckhart sister talk with Angelica, your mother said
to conclusion by the lord's conference?"

Actually, the engagement story between Angelica and Ehard brothers again emerged.
I wonder if both of us will settle in Alexandria, and since they are engaged they should
both be restored. The old man agreed with all his might for this.

"Since Eckhart's brother and Angelica have a part that matches such as the attitude of
work, but please also check the feelings of Angelica once."

When I say so, Brother Eckhart nods "That's right" and turns to Angelica.

"What do I still do not forgive the aristocracy of Ahrensbach who fell in Ferdinand, it's
just right to prevent having a bell tied"
"It was just right that I had trouble thinking about what the horn would stand if I told
you what I said from the weak knighters the other day."

……Huh? Wait a minute. The discussion ended in no time! Is it?

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After listening to the story of the matter, the mother decided to engage again due to
the disgusting feeling that her mother was disappointed. "The sister-like thing" and
the Rizerator smiled, but may I decide for that reason?

"Oh, it is the same as Rosemain, I have not fancied either, but I want to refuse people
with weak knights, so I will not refuse the talk with Mr. Eckhart."
"... ... It is true if you ask me so."

It is irresponsible that somehow it will be with Angelica. I wanted to be Ferdinand and

family at first, and I have not decided to get married so far.

I pull my lips sharply, I will leave the room of Ferdinand.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I will head to the library,"

Entwickeln is finished and the day is still shallow, and most of the other than the
greenhouse is not pleasant even if I look at the laboratory in the vacancy. It is enough
to remember only the position of Ferdinand's room.

...... The library is empty more.

Ferdinand caught up as I was walking in the crossroads of the laboratory. Justkus

opens the key and enters the library.


There is not yet one book on the bookshelf, but I am moved by the fact that there is a
library like the British Museum reading room that I saw in photographs and thought
of in the brain. Branding and blessings jumped out, but here is no one who cares about
me who is excited about the library.

"This library is amazing, the ceiling is hemispherical and the windows are lined up a
lot, I'm increasing the lighting performance as much as possible, but at the same time,
as long as the sun does not hit the book There is a wall around the bookshelf. "

Although there are magical tools to put lights on, it is the current situation of
Alexandria now that it is rejected as a waste of magical power to use on a daily basis
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in the library. Therefore, the design of the library made the best use of the use of

"Under the ceiling, as there is a reading desk in the radial direction, the light almost
evenly hits any desk.It is that there is a big difference in daylighting performance
depending on the time of day and the position like the character of the library in the
library of the lords There is a magician in the center like the library of the lords in that
center, and it is supposed to show the closing time with light. "

While speaking about the wonder of this library, I pointed at the center of a radial
reading station.

"I will make that place waiting for an opportunity for Opac or Kensaku ...."
"Wait, my unfamiliar words came out, but what are you talking about?"

I am tied up, being blamed by Ferdinand.

"It's the name of the magic tool of the library dedicated to searching, it's this size, and
since the walls and bookshelves are assimilated and there are many places that people
can not take with people's hands, do you need more magic tools?"

Cornelius elder brother shrugged as "have not given up that name yet?" I think it is a
very easy-to-understand name, but Ferdinand also dismissed that "the sound is
unfamiliar and the sound is not beautiful." Especially Kensaku seems to be bad.

"There are not so many books in the castle of Ahrensbach, I think that magician is
enough for a while"
"I intend to make it separately for security for expelling the dishonor such as
searching, taking out books without permission, and going crazy in the library"

How much do I need? As I thought, Clarissa said to me with a sense of scary fear.

"Let's moderate the offensive power rather than the magical tool that I made for the
defense of Ehrenfest, Rosemain."
"... I do not mind, but I will ask Clarissa, Hartmut or Raimund to improve."
"Please leave it to me"

It deals not only with Clarissa but also Raimund. It seems to improve according to this
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"But Rosemain, there are no books to store at this large library, so why was it even

As Raimund looked around the vast library, he said so. Although Entwickeln needs a
lot of magical power, it seems to be useless to seem to be useless.

"Iron Quill says that there is nothing that lasts longer than a book with a structure that
human beings made, even if it seems to be affordable, either book will not fit in. I am
looking forward to that day from now "

By the time the book is overflowing from this library, the literacy rate of the
commoners should also be rising. You can make a library for commoners this time
and you can add a new library to the end of the aristocracy. If you are a nobleman, you
can easily move with a cow, and if you set up a transition team that will transfer things,
renting books from the annex will not be serious.

Crossing the reading room while talking about such a thing, move from the corridor
to the laboratory to the entrance of the library. From there I went to the librarian's
room. Haltmut stopped his feet in front of the door which stood up the stairs.

"This will be Rosemain's room"

It is guided to a room that has nothing yet. Put furniture here so that you can live in
the library.

"Desks and chairs to read books, and a chaise longue to lie" is essential.
"You should give priority to preparing a bed from a desk and a chair to read books for
when you are too excited at the library, or when you work tired and collapse."

As Ferdinand pointed out, the aides gathered together and nodded. Something like
Feldinand and Akimono are still overprotective.

"I think that it's okay if you have a chaise longue but ...."

Confirm that there are various facilities to be able to live and ask the Rizerzator how
to where to improve.

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"Since the basic life is a castle, if you have a desk and a chair for reading for a while
for a while, I think that others are not necessary in particular"
"To be able to use it anytime, be sure to arrange it properly at the beginning, you will
be troubled that kind of thing and you will be in a panic without being ready when
you need it"

As Ferdinand told me, the servants begin talking to arrange my room.

"Rosemain, I will make a hidden room"

"... .... I think the room alone is enough?"
"It is necessary for you to put something important to you in this library"

Hurried by Ferdinand, I make a hidden room. Pushing the red manastone against the
wall Pierce your hands over the hands of Ferdinand and power magical power and
register the magical powers for two people.

"Please wait for two people to enter the hidden room!"

When Cornelius elder brother told me so in a hurry, Ferdinand pulled out his hand
and I was in a hiding room.

"I will be scolded by Cornelius elder brother, me again"

"I will scare you silently this time and rest assured"
"Please wait a moment, I can not feel at ease at all because I do not have to threaten!"

When I frantically stopped, Ferdinand began to ring Hun and his nose, putting a book
of Mestionola and setting up a transition team. Only one use of the transition team for
people to move, which is installed in a hidden room, can not be remembered.

"Feldinand, this transition team ... ... maybe ... ..."

"...... I am trying to connect to your room in the commoner's town, it's like a door to
your family"

Overlooking the completed transition team. When kneeling and touching, magical
power passed and the magic team shone. It is a transition team that limits the
destination like a castle and a dormitory of a lord.

"Is there a family home before this?"

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"Ah, I have to get them to move from Ehrenfest and there are also schedule of
schedule, so I do not think it can be anytime, but it is the way for you to return."

Ferdinand makes a room hidden in the library room, so that if it is not Mr.
Mestionora's book, you can set up a transition team that can not be used unless I lose
my life and live in the castle no longer lives in the castle It seems to be.

My back chest gets warm. I think it was good for this person to stay with me. I stood
up and clung to Ferdinand.

"... ... Let's go together, Ferdinand is with me when I go to see my family,"

"No, I am ... because it will get in the way of spending my family's time."

I stare at Ferdinand trying to get away a bit more liberally and I will embrace the arms
I hugged. I do not want to leave Ferdinand that is often backwards in my family

"I do not disturb you"

"Rosemain, get away"
"I do not want to let go until I say I will go with you."
"If you are a nobleman I will not have trouble with your family, only to send you a
damn, and if you are with me, will you not depend too hard on your family?"

I diverted my line of sight and said so in a sigh, and I was stuck in words. It may be
true. But I was engaged to Ferdinand.

"The nobleman family attended the engagement ceremony, but the family of the
downtown can not take the engagement ceremony and I do not know that I was
engaged, I would like to introduce it to my family properly, Ferdinand I mean a person
I am married ... ... Is it unpleasant to be introduced to my family? "

When I looked up at ease, my eyes met with Ferdinand who lowered my eyes.
Following a brief trip, Ferdinand says he gave up resistance as "... not being
disgusting". It seemed that the mouth was a bit lost.

2501 | 2523
The day of fire at the end of summer.
Today was my adult ceremony. It was sent to the temple of Ahrensbach who was much
more than Ehrenfest, not to the parents but to the husband and the Turi.

...... I was told that I can move after the ceremony is over.

When Gutenberg moved at the same time at the end of spring, "When I spent the adult
ceremony with my family, I asked my husband to move only one Rutz later." Someone
who seems to be someone who is deeply emotionful to my family, but I can not do
such a thing.

My mother said, "I am still relieved because Tuori and Günter are together, but I
wanted to see it until the star tie with Turi," but my father was sighing, but my father
said, "Are you going to leave work when you want to be a single? "Encouraged me
with difficult words to say.

"Kuu ~ Is not the temple here too big? You could not see the inside at all, how was it,

Uncle Günter rocked with grasping his shoulder as I left the temple. The man who is
supposed to celebrate my adults with serious eyes looking at me is a temple
completely passing me and the answer I want is the information of the temple. It is as

"Hey, father, I was an adult ceremony of Lutz, so I have to celebrate a word in advance"
"As Turri says, Günter: We promised Rutz to celebrate instead of Deed and Carla,
congratulations for adults, Lutz"

Tauri and her aunt scolded the shoulder of the old man who was scolded and teaching
the state of the temple to an old man who never leaves Mine about his head.

"It was an incredible blessing as it was rumored, the blue light spreading around the
broad temple and spreading ..."

2502 | 2523
"Since we had Lutz today, did not you surmise it?"

When Turry smiled with giggle and lined up next to me, I took my new left arm and
started walking as "Let's go home." As Kamil walks on the right side, he seems to be
good at the face that is being told, "It is a story that the blessing will sure grow big in
the guru of Gutenberg".

"During this time I heard it when I went to the smithing workshop, but Zak's star knot
was amazing, too"

The apprenticeship of the Printemps business Kamil wearing clothes has light brown
eyes on hair of a color similar to Mine, but he does not look very much like Mine
because his face is similar to his uncle. Husband and Mr. Marc started walking behind
Kamir. I came all the way because I am a dove.

"Well, thanks to Rosemain's plan to make plans for the new town while listening to
the opinion of the commoner, we will also work on behalf of the new town, as well as
kicking out the barbarians who were rampaging around the city. It's easy to do, thank
you too, thank you, Kamir "
"Yes, my husband"

Trade with Ranzenerav disappeared, so old merchants are desperate to get on new
industries. We were invited to Alexandria for the new industry, we were greeted in
the town without the friction we had anticipated. Within a single season the Planetan
Shokai has become a negotiation window with noblemen. It seems that merchants in
this town do not understand selfishness because it is too different from the old

...... It is not just a merchant, but the citizens of aristocrats do not seem to be selfish

Rosemain rarely appears in the place of discussion with a merchant. As expected, I

think that the lordsmen can not come to the city of the people and the citizens.
However, since Mr. Hartmut is sure to attend at any meeting, I am very easy to know
about me.

"Even so, even though I just came here, Rosemain is popular among the commoners,
husband, fishermen seem to have been fighting well at the harbor which fish they have
captured is given to the lords, but , I have not heard of that at Ehrenfest ... .... "
2503 | 2523
I remembered Kamir 's words and told me the state of the city and nodded. Whatever
you go to, Gutenberg will be welcomed pleasantly as a result of the heartfelt welcomed
the new lord who the mother used to do magic. "Tully is such a thing in the harbor,"
Turi laughed with couscous.

"I am a new lord-sama's magic, a lot of magic teams lined up in the darkened night sky
often listen to the story that the light fell at once, the next day the sea water is clear
and fish I jumped, the soil fertile, the trees sprouting, the leaves were lively and I heard
it, it was a shame that I could not see it though it was exclusive to Rosemain. "
"That story, how many times do I not know the reason?"

If you walk with everyone as you laugh, you will arrive at Plantin Shokai and Gilberta
Shokai soon. In the immediate vicinity of the temple, the shops are next to each other.
Gutenberg's smithing workshop, woodworking studio, printing studio, etc. are
gathered in the craftsmen's section that is close to the center. It is obvious from
Ruusemain 's preferential treatment also because Gutenberg relation is summarized
in the center.

...... According to the rumors of the city, it seems that the aristocrat bothers to come to
check whether the door and the window are attached without any problem.

People in the town said that it was impossible for the aristocrat to come to the trouble,
but as many as the aristocrat who enters or leaves the orphanage and the workshop
thinks it is not very incongruous.

"Please come to Uchi after you change your clothes, so prepare a celebration lunch."

When my aunt says so, my husband and Mr. Mark will smile nicely. After an adult
ceremony it is normal to celebrate with family. My parents are in Ehrenfest, so it is
supposed to be celebrated by my fiancé Turi's family and guardian Husband and Mr.

"I am going to use it in the future, I will be in trouble if the clothes my aunt Carla made

While Turi leaves my arm, he caresses the clothes a little. It is a fine clothes that my
mother embroidered with Turi saying "what you can do at the end." I think I should
take care.
2504 | 2523
I went back to the second floor of the Printemps business together with my husband
and Marc. Turi is a daughter, so I live on the second floor of the Gilberto business, and
my uncle and aunt and Kamir live on the third floor. Gutenberg and Rosemain's
exclusive families are mostly neighbors.

Change quickly and head to Günter 's house, eat the feast and slowly drink the after -
meal tea. Aunt and Turi were cleaning up after eating together. While watching that
figure, I crumble my hair.

...... If true, he is supposed to be an adult ceremony.

It was supposed to have been blessed together by an adult ceremony if he was true if
he was giving a blessing in the temple's costume and a blessing. Because I got a
baptismal ceremony together.
However, Rosemain made another ceremonial ceremony a year later and became a
foster of the lords. Certainly aristocrats are in the lodging house at the lords at the end
of winter, so they will be adults later about a year and a half.

"The next shrine is at the marriage of Lutz and Turi, is not it okay for me to get ready
for marriage?"
"Stop it, Kamil! I do not want to hear such words!"
"It would be better for him to marry properly next year, so my father should stay
silent, Rosemain is planning to expand the printing industry in Alexandria, too, if he
is swayed in the territory as before, he will get married next year Is not it doubtful
whether you can do it, you should prepare quickly and get married quickly, absolutely

Hamana and Marc laughed at Kamil's way of saying.

"Although what Kamir says is correct, we were invited to spread the printing industry,
Lutz will also go to Gutenberg and elsewhere, but if you plan the schedule earlier,
consider it properly It is because Rosemain thought properly when that kind of story
came out to Zacks. "

When I was talking about that, Gacha and something sounded echoing. It sounds like
opening the door. We waited unintentionally at the face. The uncle stood up, headed
2505 | 2523
quickly in front of the door, and instructed by hand so as to lower to the others while
lowering the center of gravity.

"Did you not hear it from a different direction from the entrance?"
"... ... Are all of them here?"

While watching carefully as everyone did not make a sound, he began to hear the
sounds of sharp and shoes. The footsteps for the two people, small sounds that bounce
and sounds that dare to sound a shoe sound come closer.

"Today it's supposed to be an adult ceremony so it should be absolutely ... .... Oh, it's a
bit unless I do quietly. Please suppress footsteps.

You are the most annoying! I heard a sweet voice that I wanted to thrust into without
thinking. But, I can not stay here. I did not know the reason why I looked around in
I heard that my husband and Mr. Maru were far from me and mistled "I have not
received any contact". Both my uncle, my aunt, and Turi open their mouths slightly,
and they blink their eyes. It is a face that I am sure of who is there. Only Kamir is a
puzzled face like nobody's reaction is understood.
The door knob moved, the door opened vigorously with Burn.

"All right now, everything is Mine!"

A beautiful girl whose name is Empress of the goddess who receives the love of the
gods. The colors of the night sky are colored hair decorations made by Turi and hair
decorations with a number of stones shining mysterious colors. According to Mr.
Hartmut, perfect beauty created by the gods. What is in it is the eyes of gold like the
moon that reflects emotion well. Behavior that spoils all the peculiarity that receives
numerous praise. Wherever you looked it was Mine.

"Welcome back ... .... You, contract magic is!? It's a mine, can we say!"

When I yelled instead of the family of Mine who opened and closed his mouth without
knowing how contract magic would respond, Mine smiled as if he were "UF".

"That contract magic is exclusive to Ehrenfest, so it's okay when you are in Alexandria.
Since I became the lord, there is absolutely no way to sign such a contract any more."
"Really? ..."
2506 | 2523
The impact of the suddenly informed contract magic range is large and no voice is
heard. But, Mine tilted his neck to the reaction of such a guy.

"Even so, although I came home suddenly I was not surprised surprised. I was
imagining someone like you ?! Wow!
"Your voice, I heard you all"
"Really ?!"

While looking around and saying so, Mine unhappily inflates her cheek and looks

"Look, I was noticed by Ferdinand, I thought I'd try surprised."

"It is obviously your voice that everyone noticed"

... ... Hoe! Is it?

I was surprised to hear the voice of Ferdinand. Both my uncle, my aunt and Turi open
my eyes.

"What is it, Ferdinand!" Why is it here? "

I will beckon towards the uncle 's voice hiding behind the door. Mr. Ferdinand who
was expressionless revealed. When grasping Ferdinand's sleeve, Mine blushes his
cheek and starts looking for words while wandering his line of sight.

"Oh, um. That ... .... Me, in fact ..."

What, I immediately understood what Mine wanted to say with its sweet air alone. As
Mine was scolded by his uncle with his head holding a sigh, Aunt and Turi shoulder
their faces as if released from the tension that Mr. Ferdinand came.

"In other words, you know that Ferdinand has been decided?

Husband and Mr. Maru said that while laughing. Kamir has one eye still black and
white, "Oh, what's this, what is this?"

"Well! Why do you know Beno do not you publicly publicize it for the people?"
"Because I asked Turi and reported it."
2507 | 2523
"Why does Turi know?"

I turned my eyes to Turi. Turi who became a shaky face from the surprised face that
Mine came back took a breath and sigh and shook her head to look at Mine.

"Mine did not say when I received an order for Hannalee's hair ornament, such as
Ferdinand's fancy, Ferdinand like a political marriage, family as well as a couple ... ...."

I was surprised when I heard that story and I felt a deep emotion. I wonder if I could
have such a opponent in Mine that seems to be seen only in books.

"Wait, wait, Turi! Words and words are right, but places are different and it is not what
I said!"
"It's okay if it matches roughly. It's not like Mine is concerned about such a little
"It's not a big difference with a bit of a difference!"

While Mine compares Ferdinand and Turri, "I'm different, it is wrong! Because I have
not said that!" He is desperately waving his head. Ferdinand's expression does not
change at all, so I do not know what he is thinking, but Mine's reaction was too funny.
What is it, Mine has a look that I admire without thinking whether the face of such a
girl who falls in love can be formed.

...... Do not do, Mr. Ferdinand.

"Oh ... I say it's a big difference, have you decided to marry Ferdinand, are not you?"
"That's true ... but the content I was talking about at all was totally different!"
"Well, well, as long as you get married, it's the same, and there is no particular

Toule said that with nothing but a face, but Mine seems to have had a great deal of
trouble. I glare at the turi while holding down the cheek which turned red.

"Well, there is a problem, then, as if I do not like Ferdinand-sama, I do not believe that,
I will not believe anyone!"

Huh? What are you saying, this guy?

2508 | 2523
I think that the voices of everyone's heart were common. From anywhere you can see
it only seems to like Ferdinand's thing. My husband and Mr. Maru are also warming
eyes. I guess Tuori also knows. You can see that astonishment is half watching Mine
with half teased face. My aunt holds the mouth and is desperately struggling to laugh.
Uncle ... .... "I do not want to hear" as I hold my ears and move to my aunt to escape
while falling into tears.

...... Wow, the rest seems to be troublesome.

I remembered the situation of my uncle after the engagement with Turi was settled,
while I was watching the twilight between Turi and Mine, I got a little bit of trouble.

"Well, yes, so does Mine hate Ferdinand's thing?"

"I hate it,"
"Well then, do you like it?"
"Oh, I like it, but I do not like that meaning ..."

... Then, what do you mean?

Although I want Tsukkomi, if it is poorly done, I will strange quibble and seem to get
down to a strange landing point. Because Turi is a clearly fun face, I will leave it to
Tury to make fun of Maine.

"Yeah yeah, it's OK, I know."

"Tully, you do not understand!"

Mine glared at Turi to make his hands flutter. If you see the golden eyes becoming
teary eyes it seems better to kill yourself soon.

"Oh ... I know ... Mine does not dislike Ferdinand, does not he like to get married, do

Mine turned red to his neck. Ferdinand who is quietly looking down at Mine without
any reaction and keeps turning away while talking apart while telling him to excuse
and saying "Oh ...... ah ... but I do not ... ... it is different" I came running quickly.

It is late to run and slow to run, but it is impossible for Mine to move immediately.
Kamir, who was staring at a place relatively close to the door and looking at the
2509 | 2523
sister's interaction surprisingly. Mine holds Kamir tightly and tears while caught
crying to the head in a dangerous way.

"... Wow ~, Kamil ~. Turi says a meaning」

"What? Wait ... ... wait, wait."

Kamir hugged tightly by Mine now blushed and began to tears and began to clatter
her hands. For Kamil it is hugged and stroked by the unknown sister's breast, it is
obvious that it is completely confused.

"What, this, what, what is this? Who is it? What does that mean ?! Wow! Lutz, help
"Yeah, yeah, I do not know who it is, is not it, Mine sister, Kamil. Huh, it really got big.I
wanted to tell this all along, so I was relieved that the place I cried when I cuddled was

... ... Can I rest assured you?

Mine with a big face of faced teacher's face is not moving, no matter how much Kamil
is confused, aunts and Turi are also looking pleasantly. However, it is truly poor that
there is no explanation indeed "Rosemain sama" hugged.

"Mine, Kamir is so confused that we should release it soon."

"I do not want it, I want to enjoy Kyu for seven years"

Though Kuri Ri and Mine are cheeked, Kamir desperately stretches out to me. Because
there is a consciousness of aristocrat in the head, it can not even shake off to power.

"Kamir has not heard any circumstances, so if you can enjoy the seven years, I will
have qualified one after another."

Pointing to a lazy man, Mine is shivering his lips, "Remember it later" and left Kamir.
I will run toward my uncle. While arranging the hair that was stroked enough to get a
shiver, Kamil stared at me with an eye that might be a grudge as Kamir said "What is
this Lutz?

"Husband and Marc likes to know the circumstances, but I do not know just ...."
"Because there was a danger of dying if contract contravening was contrary, the uncle
judged that it is better not to teach to Kamir"
2510 | 2523
"Mine was targeted by a nobleman in another territory and became a female born
with contract magic that it never involved as a family in order to prevent a family from
being executed in a joined seat.The range of contract magic As Alexandria is out of
scope because he was there, he can also contact him as a family, he is certainly your
older sister. "

Kamir kept tears in a brief explanation of me and my husband and shouted "I do not
know!" Husband and Marc nodded together and indicated consent.

"Well, I understand the confusion of Kamil, so it's roughly like that for Mine as to
anything about it."
"Well, even if you are closely watching it, I do not know why even if I listen to it in the

Kamir pawns in the deep nodding of the two who have never showed the face that he
is most dependent on the store and he does not know the reason.

"... From that point on, Kamil should prepare the mind, so the next Kyu attack will
come soon, for you for his seven years, for you you will have a lifetime affection for
Dawn and you Will you told me to remember it? "
"For the whole lifetime!? Something terrible scary sound!"

I saw Kyamitsu who was shy, I laughed. You can crush the seven-year affection of
Mine. Mine's affection for Kamir who knew only the glimpse of the temple should be

"Father, I'm home!"

"...... Mine, Welcome back. I often came back ... ... You came back really well"

Large grain of tears will fall from the eyes of my uncle on the way back to Mine who
had given up hopefully that I could never hug this again.

"Thanks to Ferdinand, I've helped a lot ... .... Please make a transition team to come
here ..."
"Ah, I see I see……"

2511 | 2523
My aunt wiped the corner of the apex at the edge of the apron looking at the situation
of the two. As I noticed something, I saw that I moved my line of sight, I also got dizzy
and turned my eyes. Mr. Ferdinand was watching Mine and his uncle. Peacefully
quietly without expression.

At first glance I do not know what Ferdinand is thinking. However, due to the word
"thanks to Mr. Ferdinand" and the way she just watches the embrace of Uncle and
Mine, Mine understands that this is the scene this man wanted.

"Wow ~ ... What, Mother?"

While crying, Mine saw the lady. My aunt is also a tearful eyes, but he deliberately
delivers a shaky voice.

"What's wrong, what do you do to keep your future husband on the corridor forever,
at least, let's go into the inside or introduce it properly"
"Oh, that's right."

Mine gets off and flutters, taking the arm of Ferdinand. At that moment, wrinkles were
carved on Ferdinand-sama's eyebrows.

"No, I do not mind here."

"Is useless"

...... Hey, Mine. Actually, have you married with you, have not been hated by

It is not that I look so many times, but wrinkles are clearer between Ferdinand's
eyebrows who usually have a small difficult face. I was worried that I was okay.
However, Mine pulled Ferdinand without asking, and looked around the family with
a crying eyes.

"My fiancee Ferdinand, like a father, a man who will protect me with the territory ... ...
Although I showed off between aristocrats, I wanted to introduce to everyone
properly in this way"
"Come, calm down, not too much emotional"

2512 | 2523
Ferdinand who was watching the appearance of Mine whose tears have fallen from
the crying eyes again gave the manastone quickly, he started to wipe the eyes of Mine
with a handkerchief. I wonder what it feels like to look so terribly familiar. I do not
think that it is what you, Ferdinand, is like a nobleman, it makes me stunned.

... ... Why is that? I feel like the atmosphere is rather sweet on the top of the buddha.

"Because I really did not think that I could do this with everyone, I am happy ..."
"Because I understand, suppress a little emotion ... .... healing of Rungsmere"

When Mr. Ferdinand covered the eyes of Mine and blessed, the eyes that cried and
turned red cured. It seems that I will still cry after this, so it is good to cure before I go
home? I think.

"Hey, let's be an adult ceremony, Mine has come back on the day of an adult ceremony,
It is OK just to celebrate the hair and celebrate everyone. Let's do the adult ceremony
of Mine. I, the hair-tying tool I'll come and pick it up. "

As Tully jumps out, he shakes gently with his cup in his cup.

"Turi is motivated, Mine, do you have time?"

"Er ... .... Mr. Ferdinand?"

Mine who saw the girl's invitation to drink saw Ferdinand. Mr. Ferdinand who thought
for a while said "I must return by the six bells, but it will not be a problem until then."
The fifth bell is not ringing yet. There seems to be quite a lot of time.

"Yoshi, Marcu, take the liquor from Uchiha, the treasure he brought from Ehrenfest"
"Certainly, my husband. I will be taking great care of Alexandria that I was planning
to open at night, Kamir, would you help me?"
"Yes, Mr. Marc"

Following Mr. Mark as Kamir escapes from this place.

"Because I'm sitting, Mine, because I connect my hair. Oh, but I only have a portion
that is hanging around here, because the area around my hair decorated with

2513 | 2523
Turli who seems to have brought a variety of tools from the store puts don and a
wooden box on the table, urges Mine to sit on the stool. Mine laughed smackly with a
bang with a pom-pong chair next to his own stool.

"Please sit here for Mr. Ferdinand"

After showing a little hesitation, Ferdinand sits down. When my aunt suggested tea to
Ferdinand, saying "I am ready for drinking," Mine stretched out from the side and
drank a bite.
Even though Mine took tea for customers, Aunt's eyes rounded up and gave a voice to
blame him as "Mine", but Mine did not turn his eyes to that, but wiped the mouth part
with your fingers, Ferdinand Then put the cup. Then I recommend tea gently with a
gracious gesture.

"Yes, please, Mr. Ferdinand."

"... ... I do not need it here"
"Is that so?"

I know because Mine was talking about the nobleman's customs when he was an
apprentice in the shrine maiden. That is toxic. I thought again that it was quite
different from when I was a commoner, to Mine who thinks that as a matter of course.

"Well, please, Turi"

Mine who finished the poisoning of tea swept the hair that was hanging on his
shoulder and swallowed so that Tuli hurriedly touched the hair of Mine. Night color
hair slipped from Nari Turi's hand.

"Wow, Mine's hair is beautiful and it's quite comfortable to touch."

"You do, right? Because the students are doing their best."
"Let's say thanks to Lincian in our place"

When Turi inflated his cheeks, Mine struck a hand with Pon.

"Oh, there is a studio of Lincian in this place too, how about the quality compared with
the studio of Ehrenfest? I was curious and wanted to listen directly, but it is not a
position to go out casually as expected I from"

2514 | 2523
Their conversation while tying their hair is about the work of the Gilberta business.
Husband starts to talk about business relations by hiring himself.

"I have been told more and more Susumero the printing industry, but how much of
the plan is standing? I increase how much printing workshop in this town?"
"Two other than Rozemain workshop is urgently want. I think you know of a plan to
begin the temple classroom from after the fall of baptisms in children for the
orphanage towards the House of Lords? "

Fran we have been moved, also trimmed as in the case of Ehrenfest in the temple It is.
Education for millionaire children along with the education of the children of the
orphanage were also heard the word that you want to start at the same time.

"I'm going to go the Kamil is from within. For now, without knowing the Dealing with
the aristocracy, of the benefits and children that Darua of large store can ties with Do
not. Aristocracy seems not very keen clumsiness in the receive the disposal'm feeling
you are put in balance, "

even with a small education expenses, has been a determination that the larger
danger. Since the Printemps Chamber of Commerce and Giruberuta Chamber of
Commerce is supposed to put the newly placed was Darua apprentice in Alexandria,
is what to do other merchants are going to be from looking at it.

"Oh, I want to actually see the scene after all. It is frustrating. Emulating adoptive
father like if you can with you I is the prowl incognito"
"Do not think that extra, fool!"

The voice of the husband and I are met . Want to suffer from the head to change, such
is the Main.
Jill like coming incognito in downtown forest, Yusutokusu likes to work in a studio
like, How have been swayed by good to consult or come Hartmut like the
corresponding do to spread the splendor of the saint in downtown's me .

"Indeed, you are ......"

carved wrinkles Ferdinand recommendation has said so between the eyebrows.

Relieved that there are people of position who will skip scold the same way, I look at
the Ferdinand-like in the mood to cede the role scolding.

2515 | 2523
"Are you aware of the now just be here incognito?"
"Oh, it was so"

whether ...... now was incognito. Really.In other words, it means Tatte Ferdinand like
is I allowed?

Mine had become out of fully conscious since the did have was happy back home, but
Ferdinand like did not think that it is people that allow incognito. Come to good well
thought out, difficult to understand because not come out to face expressionless, but
this person does not release the even eye once from Main. Looking at the mine, which
is Yuiwa the hair to Turi even now.

...... or not it pretty dangerous situation Maybe I this?

Ahead, if increasingly Mine is out here, you might get sometimes go out with a
permission of the Ferdinand-like. I postponed the husband and face, was worried in
the future prediction.

"I was made a long-awaited new library, still I'm lonely in my library Sukkasuka. Of
really Printemps Chamber of Commerce want to make a full book. Good luck, Lutz"

he rapidly made do to fill the bookshelf and , and shrugs her husband is a
"Unfortunately, it is impossible," the golden eyes to mine that are shining in sparkling.

"Because you issued Lutz is on a business trip about two years from one year, I Tatero
the plan in consideration of the neighborhood. Do not because Lutz and Turi of
marriage is ahead"

of the past had been hidden for blessing prevention to, has been lightly exposed to the
husband. Mine is to look at me with round eyes, and take a look back at the Turi.

"Mine, not move the head!"

"I mean, I'm Turi and Lutz said you'd get married!? I, I do not listen!?"
"I was not sure to allow time from trouble when you are the flashy blessing "

I also nodded to voice such as amazed of Turi. Civilian who is in trouble is Nante Buwa'
and reported in the place of the meeting that a lot.

"Well, it's a really thing!? Oh my God, if you try!? Ino ...... in very happy! God"
2516 | 2523
"Go stop, fool! Not be coming again After the blessing of the light leaks from here!"
" its, it is troubled! Oh, Oh, but, bless you want to, "
" let the day. just good to education to Retitsuia us. and, I also do. because the wedding
of Mr. of the family "

by Ferdinand like If, Alexandria's right plans to the the prayers continue to educate
the nobles so as to perform on a daily basis to the gods. Therefore, the choice of Mine
seems there is a but would oversized does not matter. Likely to exposure to the
blessing of the amount of days is ridiculous wedding.

...... But, or so. It means Main and Ferdinand like to get married, whether I marry Turi
will be Ferdinand like and relatives. ……Are you serious.

I knew about the engagement of Rozemain like and Ferdinand like, but It was not
supposed to come back as Main, it seems to have refused to think of the brain as well
when I heard a little while ago. It says we're going to be the Ferdinand-like and
relatives relationship of your noble like also to see what from where. It will be to me.

While thinking such a thing, Marc and Mr. Kamil and was ejected to help uncle who
had a drink and fish go ready for celebration to shop and here nothing back and forth.
While Aunt see how Yu hair Turi is Mine occasional, I was making the fish sake.

"Dekita! What do not think that it is? Good feeling?"

Mine of the hair goes up Yui. I thought even when the Turi, but it's anything strange
that become visible at once adult woman only raised the hair. Turi look at the Main
and from behind from the side, "Yeah, good feeling. I cute, Mine" was praised happily

"Oh, indeed Mine! 'S beauty as much as my daughter! The world's cute. Eva. At once
Do became an adult. Dad Nante was able to see this kind of appearance is gonna
"Dad, it is exaggerated."
"No, really. but Eva thought even when raised for the first time hair, girl'm going to be
suddenly clean by just a little. today's Main is superb'll'm beautiful"

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laugh so that Mine was a little shy But, uncle lowered the corner of the eye is extol
including its smile. Mine laughed and Hehe' is toward the line of sight to Ferdinand

"What about, Ferdinand like? I am, do you - like an adult?"

"Not bad"

moment when Ferdinand recommendation has nodded expressionless, eyes of Uncle

flashed and Girari. Leaned on the table, glares Ferdinand like in an insecure look.

"Hey, Wait a minute. Bad'll'm the world what? Uchi daughter that there is no"

it is ...... a little wait is Uncle! What are you saying! Is it?

I pale drew in a moment. What to say against your nobility like. Indeed too is a rude
attitude. I was towards the line of sight to gingerly Ferdinand like. Ferdinand like has
remained expressionless. If you suppress the uncle before something happens, me
and my husband like rises.

"Gunther, calm down."

"It's as say my husband. Opponent'll?'m Ferdinand-like"
with "That's what? This guy does not take care of'll? Main man going took the Main is,
the other party would be noble but, would God do allowed me! "

completely is Uncle sitting eyes struck and Don the table. Startled to the moment that
gasped, Mine starts to laugh and giggle.

"I feel. Hey I truly my father, Ferdinand like?"

"Oh, Yeah. Really you are very similar to Gunther,"

Ferdinand like that stroked slipped Main cheeks turned around to uncle. Since the
facial expression does not change, I do not know even what not or angry.

"Gunther, Eva"

person of me who are looking around to the call is to wince. But, uncle to you leave
the belligerent attitude, aunt is a normal face.

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"I Chigae a position in. Nobles and commoners that was saved to the Main grew up in
response to the deep affection of such其方, still tied to the contract magic, reverence
is to其方like to take care of narrow lead even remember. of the family of the way
taught to me but Mine, accurate grow Main is in, it is like've kept其方"

there is no facial expression on the face of Ferdinand like. And yet, the voice that spoke
to quiet there is information, such as shake a person of mind you are listening. Rather
than being respected because it is Mine of the family, there is the thought is there for
the uncle and aunt.

Each other I think is "其方, etc., as had each other to protect, I also protect her. Already
swear her in to take care of more than anything the Mine also.其方like vowed to
protect each territory is. So, Mine ...... in the family and is其方, etc. I recognized want
"to become a Main of the family

does not mean I want to be in the family as noble, Ferdinand like say I want to be in
the Main family.
Mine is staring intently uncle and aunt. If you look at the pupil of the gold is in Junn
happy, it would be no way that it can be said that such "not recognized".

"I that was not the wrong decision entrusted the Main Ferdinand like. Properly it 's
was good someone to take care of Mine, Gunther"

Aunt is happily say so of wooden goblet the uncle and Ferdinand-like They placed the
birds in between. Uncle while increments of the wrinkles on the nose, we pour the
wine into the cup from the passed the bottle to the aunt.

Ferdinand like it placed a bottle of wine and Don saw the Mine so ask how to. Mine is
quickly eyes. Usually something pouring Once you put a bottle of wine, but that is
serving to personal attendant may not know is the norm of two people. Or, I wonder
are perplexed because there is no only one cup.

"I'm pour Ferdinand like nor drinks in the cup. Commoner is do it to when you
exchange the engagement"
I was in when the engagement to "I also Turi determined. Manner of nobility I do not
know, Ferdinand like it is how good that can "teach or if if tailored to the commoner

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" survive "

Ferdinand-like pick up a bottle to say so, we poured into the cup. Liquor is poured
make a Tokutoku and the sound is a sign of promise.
Uncle took to hand the cup. Drinking large mouthful with a jerk, hold out the cup to
Ferdinand like.

"Ask the Mine,"


drink up the cup that recommendation has received Ferdinand. Engagement of Main
and Ferdinand like is satisfied.

Then until just before the sixth bell rings at the celebration of the adult celebration
and engagement of Mine, was making noise at all.
I 'em and much kiss If you got engaged, with or upset is Hayashi erected in Main to
her husband, "goddess of Ferdinand like the water So you were Mine" and in Marc's
is saying "all of the goddess for me but Mine? "and or trouble in the reaction is reply
with a straight face, asking for everyone to help Kamil is hugged again Main, or talking
about Main while Ferdinand recommendation has been away is Nedara to Uncle, or
we're talking about Turi and Main and Aunt new costumes, or been asked inquisitive
to Mine for the start of a romance of me and Turi .... Fun time has gone by very quickly.

"The Welcome. Of course together also Ferdinand-like"

"Now prepare you the sake Shiroyo"

hilariously drunken uncle said so while stirs Gashigashi the head of Ferdinand like.
Ferdinand-like returns, "Let's Koyo have the sake of the treasured" remains, but is to
uncle. Ferdinand-like facial expression seemed not change, but seems to be a very soft
look According to the Mine.

"Because contact it has been found difficult because not speak to aides to come here,
gonna come always wear this from now, Mine. Here is it because of Ferdinand like

is Turi is millionaire's daughter the commoner of clothes, such as wear was passing
on some Main. Although the much easy to move to much less the other was fluttering
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when compared to the costume part, when come in the office clothes of the nobility,
he trouble when seen in other people.

I'd work hard to come to play about once a "Thank you, Turi. Season. ... Kamil, I have
to practice so can call me Main Onechan until the next time you come. Because I'm
looking forward "

lonely voice is said so in the Main in, Kamil had been Nigemawa' from Main to the last
issued a awkwardness likely to face from behind of me. Kamil's had Nigemawa' is not
a separately Main thing not is nasty. I just did not know how to say in response to a
cute sister with a beautiful woman who can suddenly.

"I'm referred to by name in the same way as ...... Turi because not a year that called for
him left to Onechan, Mine"

Mine is shed hand on the wall, laughing happily. The moment, which was not the door
until now has appeared. Opening a door that had been hidden by magic.

"The Do, Mine"

"Yeah. See you, everyone!"

Author: Your reading, everyone else for a long time, thank you.


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